The Straits Times, 20 March 1973

Total Pages: 30
1 30 The Straits Times
  • 23 1 TOTAL DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 235,000 The Straits Times The National Newspaper Estd. 1845 TUESDAY, MARCH 20, 1973 20 CENTS M.C. (P) 28/73
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  • Article, Illustration
    64 1 GRENADE TERROR Bid on Yugoslav PM's life feared A EURO PEAN ■'"•woman and a Cambodian soldier help two screaming children from the scene of a terrorist attack on a meeting of striking school teachers and students in Phnom Penh. Ten armed men stormed into the meeting hall on Saturday and
    UPI  -  64 words
  • 331 1 CANBERRA, Monday A FULL SCALE security alert was under way here tonight after the Australian AttorneyGeneral declared his concern at the possibility of an assassination attempt on Yugoslav Prime Minister Dzemal Bijedic, who arrives here tomorrow. Federal police said Ihcy ;irc most concerned at reports of
    Reuter; AP  -  331 words
  • 169 1 59 DIE IN PLANE BLAST SAIfiON. Monday \\l\ VIETNAM is investigating whether a bomb was planted alxxirri its air liner which crashed near the highlands town of Ban Mi Thuot today, killing all frf passengers and crew. Saigon airport sources said. Police officials reached by telephone in Ban Me Thuot
    Reuter  -  169 words
  • 42 1 WOUNDED KNEE. Mon. Militant American Indians are drawing up a "final ultimatum" to the U.S. Government after rejecting latest government peace proposals that they lay down their rifles and end their 21 -day old occupation of this tiny settlement. Rruter.
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 38 1 PARLIAMENT yesterday passed the Supply Bill, totalling $1,547,038,440 and Supplement ary Supply Bill, totalling $»8".0O0. after a six-day deha'e on the budget allocation for the coming financial year. iSee Parliament Report: Pages 6 and 7).
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  • 788 1 SI NG A P O R E and Yugoslavia yesterday reaffirmed in a Joint communique their commit ment to strengthen their friendship and to promote co-operation bilaterally and on an International ylane. The communique, Issued before the departure of the Yugoslav Prime Minister Mr. Dzemal
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  • 96 1 50 feared dead in mine disaster NEW DELHI, Mon. About 50 miners are feared dead in a series of underground explosions at a colliery in the north Indian state of Biha/, the Press Trust of India reported today. Rescue workers had recovered 34 bodies, and 42 miners were being treated
    Reuter  -  96 words
  • 266 1 Floating US rises strongly ONDON. Mon. The floating American dollar rose strongly as foreign exchanges opened after a two-week shutdown, and the Bank of Japan sold an es t i mated USSSO million to keep the rate from rising too fast. But by noon in Europe, the value of the
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  • 61 1 LAKE CITY. (Florida i. Mon. A 30-year-cld man charged with the slaying of a woman has conf e- i her murders In several States over a period of 15 years, police said last night Jullam Eugene Kennedy admitted the killings after hr led police two
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 37 1 LONDON. Mon Britain has protested to Iceland about yeslerdty's Incident in which live were fired across the bow of the British tug Statesman by the Icelandic gunboat Odlnn. a Foreign Office spokesman said today. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 70 1 HINOM I'KNH. Mon. Squad* of special Mcurit> pollcr converged on the ln>mr> of dif>idrnt .imhodian professors. polili< lans and ru-Hspaprr editors today and made "many arrests as the ,nvt of President l.on Sol's strincrnt nrw wurit> meaMirrs mnt into effect. \< curding to government sources, at
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 62 1 A I A almost as satisfying I JS* as making one. in Take the comfort you know at home all the way to Europe. X>uYe in good hands when you 90 ppuda ■I rvionesan arways Wmtw IndoowU. Or* *< Ro«L >».****» 9 M *****4 (S \*m» Gvudi Swviot OMler Hot*
      62 words
    • 58 1 Better bus services planned PAGE 13 WORLD NEWS 2. 3, 4 TRAPEZi: stars collide in mid-air 5 PARLIAMENT REPORT 6. 7 SEAMEN inquiry team may visit ships 8 ROBINSONS Are inquiry 19 CALL to exempt authors' royalties from tax 13 KAMPO.M. riddle solved 26 SPORTS 27. 28. 29 LETTERS AND
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    • 50 1 PHILIPS RHS2I 9 Philips Hi-Fi stereo Amplifier a resounding success. 1 20 watts total peak power STEREO 4 circuitry for ambiophonic reproduction Facility for STEREO reproduction in two different rooms Two output power meters for indication Frequency response 15-40,000 Hz. Fully tropicalized Hi-Fi specification conforming to DIN 45.500 standards PHILIPS
      50 words
    • 10 1 y^^ GEIMAMTS FIRST IN FASHION Jb nbermain Rtfitttrtd Trade Mark
      10 words

  • WJtorWJ^^
    • 507 2 PHNOM PENH, Monday THE Government has issued new orders today prohibiting the departure of all foreigners, including tourists, following the state of emergency declared yesterday. Later, U.S. Embassy officials at a special meeting expressed 'grave concern' over the virtual Imprisonment of Americans in the
      UPI  -  507 words
    • 24 2 OTTAWA. Mon. Canadian External Affairs Minister Mitchell Sharp returned today from a personal inspection of Canadian ceasefire observer operations in Vietnam. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  24 words
    • 96 2 BANGKOK, Mon. The 3.000 Muser hill tribesmen, who fled from Burma into Thai terrffbry in the north about two months ago, have refused to hand over their weapons despite repeated warnings from local military authorities. Informed sources said today stern government action, including raids.
      Reuter  -  96 words
    • 32 2 MANILA. Mon. President Marcos has extended to Apr'l 15 the amnesty deadline for Musi m rebels in the Southern Philippines as well as other subversives all over the country.
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    • 217 2 THE Government is likely to prc«s ahead with plans to curtail drastically the powers and activities of the Australian Security atiu Intelligence Organisation (ASIO), the "Australian" newspaper said here today. The expected shake-up in ASIO the country's cnief intelligence organisation follows federal police
      Reuter  -  217 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 148 2 superb machinery kept young with Mobil ___^~JBKI^ \^&V W /,1 This is the V°' v 0 P 1800. A power package. I /<■ WO2S/g^foJ!££So*' l 1986 c.c. engine. Capable of a maximum y ~i\ isSss*^*^ output of 118 bhp SA Eat 6,000 rpm. *A<<**. -v mtßm :m> Commands 105 m.p.h.
      148 words

  • 154 3 Marcos warns tax dodgers: Declare your wealth MANILA, Mon. President Marcos said today he will order the arrest of all notorious tax evaders. Including friends or relatives, who fall to declare their "hidden wealth by April 2. Speaking before Filipino public accountants at Malacanang Palace. Mr. Marcos reminded all Filipinos
    UPI  -  154 words
  • 287 3 SYDNEY, Mon. Prices are shooting up so fast here that Australian women are being forced to cut down on meat on their menus. The price oi lamb a traditional favourite in this country where sheep outnumber the 13 million people by
    AP  -  287 words
  • 586 3 NEW YORK, Monday AUSTRALIAN Prime Minister Gough Whitlam, in in interview published today, in an American magazine, said he foresees an Australian future without subservience to the United States, and disparities in South-east Asian economy that must be solved in a generation. Time,
    AP  -  586 words
  • 59 3 NEW DELHI. Mon. Field Marshall Sam Manekshaw will pay a four-day visit to Britain next month as the guest of General Sir Michael Carver, commander-ln-chiel of the Brl-tii-h Army. Field Marshall Manekshaw. who commanded India's forces in their successful December 1971 war against Pakistan, was a colleague
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 35 3 MANILA. Mm. The first big group of Bovlet tourist to visit the Philippines 600 of them arrived by ship today for two days 01 sightseeing, shopping and sampling of Philippine cultural presentations. UPI
    UPI  -  35 words
  • 81 3 PEKING. Mon. A sixman delegation of editors and officials from China's state run Press and Information services left Peking today for a tour of Britain. West Germany and Italy. The delegation Is led by Mr Pan Fel. described as a responsible member of the
    Agencies  -  81 words
  • 40 3 PARIB, Mon. Pour people were killed when their light plane lost speed and crashed to the ground near Qulmper yesterday as the pilot made a lowlevel pass over a farm to wave to a girl friend. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • 27 3 PARIS. Mon. United States and North Vietnamese officials met here today for the second time to discuss postwar American reconstruction aid (or North Vietnam. Reuler.
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • 78 3 2 in 'bomb plot' held PARIS, Mon.— Police announced today the arrest of a man and a woman allegedly Involved in a plot by the Black September terrorist group to bomb the Israeli and Jordanian embassies in Paris. Their names and nationalities were not Immediately disclosed. They were picked up
    AP  -  78 words
  • 64 3 DUBLIN. Mon. Journalists at the Dally Irish Press and Its sister paper the Dublin Evening Press, returned to work today after a live-day strike that halted production. The two papers will appear tomorrow together with the rival Irish Independent and Dublin Evening "Herald which were shut
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 21 3 VIENTIANE. Mon. Thai Deputy Foreign Minister Gen. Chartchal Chunhawan will arrive here tomorrow for a two-day official visit. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  21 words
    • 221 3 NEW DELHI. Mon. Prime Minister Indira Oandhi has refused to accept the resignation of her Civil Aviation and Tourism Minister Dr. Karam Singh who quit last Thursday after the crash of an Indian Airlines plane. CAIRO: Efjpt is havint urcent talks with other Arab countries on the reported I'nited
      Agencies  -  221 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 108 3 Amany splendoured meal at the Adelphi Grill Tel: *****. 12 noon to 3 p.m., 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. (Closed on Sundays) We have the answer to a gourmet's prayer at our newly-renovated Grill. Unsurpassed French cuisine, beautifully prepared and efficiently served. For busy people, a luxurious buf'et lunch at
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    • 885 3 "In five years rime will I be a success?" British Institute of Careers can show^Jß^^ you 264 ways to be successful. Now Is the time to start thinking about where you'll be in live years' time. Ik Now Is the time to get the specialised I Is knowledge, the qualifications
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous

  • 3 4
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  • Ford grant to poor nations continues
    • 73 4 BELFAST, Mon.— Troops have begun another round-up of Protestant and Roman Catholic extremists, «rmy sources said today. The round-up Is In preparation for the publication of the British White Paper shortly which will announce Britain's plans for its troubled Northern Ireland province. The army is Intensifying
      73 words
    • 275 4 Pull out troops demand to Vietcong PARIS. Monday CAIGON today opened full-scale negotiations with the Vietcong on the political future of South Vietnam with a demand that North Vietnam pull all its forces out of the south. Dr. Nguyen Lyy Vien, leader of Saigon's delegation to the talks, said in
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    • 31 4 MADRAS. Mon Tea output In India last year rose by 19 6 million kilogrammes to 451 9 million kilogrammes, according to the United Planters Association of South India. Reuter
      Reuter  -  31 words
    • 33 4 CAIRO, Mon. Cairo newspapers claimed today that the authorities had uncovered a $42 million money smuggling plot to sabotage Egypt's economy. The reports said that 23 foreigners were being held.
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    • 143 4 CLARK AIR BASE. Mon. Twenty-six former American prisoners, Including the longest-held in the Vietnam war. Major Lloyd Thomson, left here for home today. They were the last Croup of the 140 U.S. prisoners freed in Hanoi and two American pilots released by
      Reuter  -  143 words
    • 250 4 LONDON, Mon. China, racing for nuclear military power, has set up an antl missile early warning system against any pre-emptive Soviet strike. Western defence experts said today. There is also good reason to believe China will later this year test her first Inter Continental
      UPI  -  250 words
    • 27 4 KABUL. Men. A prepara-tory-meeting for next August's full non-aligned conference will be htld here from May 13 to 15. the Foreign Office announced today. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  27 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 734 4 Stop Press r'^SiJ""""""""'"! First PIIZG for FobrUSrV Here's what you do: Here arc 7 pictures of our Hazeline Snow girl. aii/ i#avi imm n»r ■■■■<*<*■&■ i Irene Ryder. The photographer has concentrated on her hats. CIX KATIJAH BTE HUSSIN 31 Pas p n > an Roaa Singapore M Which is
      734 words

  • 197 5 Don't flex muscles when queried warning by police OOLICE yesterday ad--1 vised the public not to be violent or attack any police officer while they are being questioned or checked. Otherwise, the policemen In plainclotnes or uniform may open fire If his life Is threatened. The warning came after a
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  • 67 5 A 56-YEAR-OLD man took opium as a "cure" for tuberculosis, a magistrate's court heard yesterday. Ooh Yee Song, unemployed, was fined $200 or 40 days' Jail for having ten packets of opium at Wayang Street on Feb. 21. He pleaded guilty. Goh said
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  • 35 5 A 17- YEAR-OLD student. Abu Balcar bin Alias, yesterday denied having 50 kartoos of ganja in his trousers pocket at Hindoo Road on March 8. Trial was set for April 13
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  • 30 5 KUAH Kin Joo. 42, was found hanged from a tree near his house at 13th mile Sembawang Read at 12.05 p.m. yesterday. Police do not suspect foul play.
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  • 155 5 Money on ETV well spent: Minister THE Minister of State (Education), Mr. thai Chong Vii, told Parliament yesterday that expenditure on educational television bad Lfeen worthwhile. Replying to Mr. Teong Eng Siong (Sembawang) that ETV programmes were too short and should be extended, he said that a great deal of
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  • 276 5 Trapeze stars collide in mid-air KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. TWO trapeze artistes collided in "mid-air" during a performance here last night They received heii d injOries. A crowd of 3,000 people watched in horror as the two men plunged 40 ft. onto the net. The artistes, Mr. P. Manor, 42, and
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  • 251 5  -  LEE SU SAN By SHE may be the "baby" of the group, but what 17-year-old Linda Joesoef lacks in years, she more than makes up for in talent. As youngest member of the Bukit Barisan Assemble from Indonesia, she is
    251 words
  • 97 5 $11 mil contract for Penang link IPOH, Mon.— A Malay-sian-Japanese Joint venture has been awarded an $11 million contract to build the terminals for a second ferry link between Penang and the mainland. The contract (or the terminals •t Weld Quay on the Penang side, and Bagan Luar on the
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  • 31 5 TAM Peck Chye, 27. was fined $40 by a magistrate's court yesterday when he pleaded guilty to shouting at the top of his voice at Maxwell Road on Sunday.
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  • 212 5 —Children arrested in playground says MP pHILDREN of some v. parents who helped to sell tickets for a fun fair and a cinema show in aid of a school in Kampong Kembangan constituency were arrested by police when they went to play in the school's playground after school hours. The
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 46 5 Chef Richard Strauss is composing beautiful things in our kitchen Our new Swiss chef, The new compositions Richard Strauss, has A and variations he has brought the Maestro's w -a* added to our menu touch to our famous are symphonies of Continental Restaurant. s *^< culinary perfection.
      46 words
    • 211 5 &>•»>' m I ¥^<*M E SI KALZANA is BH bP^ d Calcium with Vitamin D- increases ""4^ zM^^Bi your resistance to disease ?*^~>i r, r^fi^W and improves your blood ::>?.* and skin condition. Lll?^- z}**lz*B*m Take KalzanaD for better health everyday! THE BEGINNING AND THE END OF 1973 This is
      211 words

    • 309 6 Objectivity in promotion says Dr Lee TMIK Minister for Edu--1 cation. Dr. Lee Chiaw Meng, assured Parliament yesterday that every effort had been made to ensure uniformity and objectivity in assessing the merits of teachers applying for promotion under the restructured Education Service. He explained that the procedure for shortlisting
      309 words
    • 2177 6  - Shortlisting of candidates not done by computer, House is told Textbook errors: Teachers have to do their own research Chia Poteik. P.M. Raman, Tan Wee Lian PARLIAMENT REPORT BY: and Detailed notes were also prepared and Issued to all reporting officers explaining the various qualities expected of a candidate and
      2,177 words
    • 109 6 rpHE Housing; and Deve--1 lopment Board has sold 46,055 flats under Its home ownership scheme, Minister for Law and National Development, Mr. E.W. Barker, said In Parliament yesterday. Mr. Barker, who was replying to a question by MR. TEONG ENG BIONG (Sembawanf), said there were
      109 words
    • 517 6 Parity of treatment for staff of both varsities: THERE is no disc r i in i n a t o ry treatment between the staff of the University of Singapore and Xanyang University. Education Minister Dr. Lee Chiaw Meng said this in Parliament in reply to charges that the academic
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    • 21 6 THE Minister for Law an< National Development. Mr. EW Barker, introduced the Lam Titles (Amendment) Bill v Parliament yesterday.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 43 6 1 |PHIUPS| IPHILIPSI I I Welcome to jj 1 the delegates to I gThe South East Asian! Telecommunications f Conference 1 ISE ATECON '73| I Philips Telecoms Engineering S I Division South East Asia's I g largest supplier of PABX telephone equipment g
      43 words

  • 621 7 Road crossing duty teachers may get allowance fHK Ministry of Education will consider giving an allowance to teachers who act as school crossing patrol men. Mr. Chai Chong Vii, Minister of State for Education, gave the assurance in a lively exchange during the debate on allocations for the Education Ministry.
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  • 353 7 would consider Increasing the salary for the Job. It was not right to ask students to help as it was 'iangerous, he added. Mr. Chal said the men would need some training. It was quite simple. If hawkers were prepared to take
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  • 116 7 Plans for new quarters for Nantah staff DR. Lee Chlaw Meng told the House that plans were being drawn ud for new quarters for Nanyang University staff. Work on the project was expected to begin during the current financial year. The Minister was replying to Mr. Ho Kan Leong (Jurong),
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  • 77 7 THE number of fatal accidents Involving motorcyclists and scootertsts has shown a downward trend since the Introduction of compulsory crash helmets for riders. Parliament was told yesterday. Minister of State (Communications) Dr. Ang Kok Peng, said there were 73 fatal accidents last year, 77 In 1971.
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  • 33 7 JURONO Town wUI get a primary school this year In addition to a Kcondary school now under construction In the town. Dr. Lee Chlaw Meng, told Mr. Ho Kali Leong (Jurong)
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  • 153 7 rpHE Ministry of Defence approved 511 applications for exemption and deferment from national service between March 1, 1972, and Feb. 28 this year. Mr. Phua Bab Lee, Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Defence, said this In Parlament yesterday In answer to a question by
    153 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 268 7 ENTER NOW! THE WATERBURY'S COMPOUND Ss^ ujl |yO^^.s^KS"fll II f m V>W vL. US Will r*vwCS 111 1H» S I ft TBv^ t^ \WI I ™^SS^ 1 1 1 1 mm LILjL \~fl \k I 1\ Je£ SCHOLARSHIP COMPETITION 2O First Prizes of $1,000 each. 3O Second Prizes of $500
      268 words

  • 185 8 Marginal fall in US S rate as marts open rO REIGN exchange 1 markets here and in Malaysia reopened yesterday with a marginal fall in the exchange rates for U.S. dollars as against the last quoted pre-sus-penslon rates on March 1. Foreign exchange dealings I in US dollars were resumed
    185 words
  • 61 8 LEE Slong Pek. 58. unemployed, was Jailed for six months yesterday for having four-and-a-half pounds of raw opium in a flat at Beach Road on March IS. He was also Jailed for three months for having 41 packets of prepared opium In the flat when
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  • 26 8 THE Singapore Armed Forces will conduct an exercise Involving movement of troops and vehicles in the north-western sector of Singapore from today to Friday.
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  • 384 8 TIIK (Jomniission of Inquiry into the dispute between maritime employers and seamen is likely to visit ships in port to study working conditions of seamen. This was disclosed by the chairman Mr. Tan Boon Chiang, when the commission held a preliminary hearing in the
    384 words
  • 53 8 A CORONER yesterday recorded a misadventure verdict on the death of Iron bender Poon Chee Seng. 45. who (ell to his death from the eight floor at the Orchard Towers worksite at Claymore Drive on Feb. 23. Poon. who had been working for three days, died
    53 words
  • 27 8 DEFENCE Minister Dr. Oo'i Keng Swee returned here yesterday after a four-day official visit to the Philippines where he received the 1972 Ramon Magsaysay award.
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  • 135 8 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon Islamic nations must find solutions to disputes between Arab countries. National and Rural Development Minister Encik Ohafar Baba said today. He said: "Islamic nations, not Involved in the dispute, should hold serious discussion to find solutions. "If this Is not done
    135 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 197 8 i" "l"ll" O "tO!«GHt"6.3O 9.15pm -No Free List J SHAME IS UNKNOWN TO LOVERS! A !a I I ONE BRIEF SUBlinOi I .\K.\T tllAXtiK »< «he CAPITOL I A i 1 HL B > N^P^ Theknock JHJ I aj atthedoor HM^^^ meant tfw^^a^^^^H^^^NJ m pF<t seven cahan.~Tl S I DUSTIN
      197 words
    • 225 8 End Constipation Wwries Whan temton* in th* family hat conatipation. there'a always th* quasiion of what to giva him or har that's affective as wall safe. Yaara of research and testing have resulted in a remedy that I* both affactlv* and safe for adult* •nd children al'ke. Th* product of
      225 words
    • 105 8 iay^]iTolrfiTToi^^i^a^.^H^^^i^W a^ iyjffnWcJlCT!9iWaß!^^ I The Straits Times The Sunday Times are available daily in Djakarta from: SITTA AGENCY Djl. Ir. H. Djuanda 34 Pay. Djakarta Tel: ***** I FIRMAWIRASAKTI Djl. Maluku 7 Djakarta Tai: ***** f TH£ LATEST NEWS, AIRFREIGHTED TO YOU DAJIY. <m>. $18*6$ AIR CONDITIONER WM^JpER MONTH I
      105 words
    • 287 8 i HOTEL feD) NEW HONGKONG Sst^Z/ SNGAPORE 101 VICTORIA STREET, SINGAPORE 7 TEL *****. CMLE ADO: "MOTELNEWHK SINGAPORE TELEX NEWHK RS ***** Heading for a Singapore Holiday? Then you don't have to look beyond HOTEL NEW HONGKONG M For both Class and Economy iIH They call it the Family Hotel
      287 words
    • 634 8 ■ORGANISATION (9L^NEaE^NE3£^Q3 LAST SHOWS Hem, 14S t 4.00 pm ONLY btnOuL CliltUKti>< >i.uu to ANT SEAT at ALL jHOWS m "M£INTJt A SAD HEART ilhtti in COLOR aj I Tcnight 6.10 tn. A 9. 1S pm. NO FRIE LIST Jennifer Hilary, Hctcr Egan fj "One (ricf Summer" Color. ■j py^nrmiarT^m
      634 words

  • 210 9 When you— can't park from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. WITH reference to the queries on traffic signs raised by 'Puzzled 1 (ST.. March 6). we would like to make the following clarifications Single yellow line indicates no parking on that side of the road along which the line is
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  • 411 9 Promotion heartache: Why not hold an exam to select teachers? jyjASIK KWEE*S article on "Promotion heartaches for the teachers" (ST., March 1(>) has really opened the eyes of the public to frustrations in Ihe teaching profession. Whereas promotion posts in the other services have increased with expansion, in the teaching
    411 words
  • 73 9 I REFER to the letter by DWD (S.T. March 13). Two 45- minute programmes were compiled from our TV recording of the performance by the Berlin Chamber Orchestra. The first programme was telecast last Dec. 25. with a repeat on March 9. The second
    73 words
  • 112 9 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR not be the only criterion of selection. Confidential reports over the years and dally performance In work could be taken Into account after candidates have been shortlisted on exam results Today 3.000 hard-work-ing teachers who were not even called for Interviews by the selection board have
    112 words
  • 537 9  - Tact of CNB director changed -my son- BEN DAVIDSON By "|'M giving you $1.50. Now go and get yourself a decent haircut," the Director of the Central Narcotics Bureau, Mr. John Hanam, said to my young delinquent (now reformed) son the other day. My son used to take drugs. I
    537 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 6 9 1 K J Nt^j^-U^jP^jJeserv^jons $>"^||p^^Trxr i?ii
      6 words
    • 273 9 Air-nown TTPPANYAKIS7IAK Htet S(*»k (8w) 512.00 SHoin StMk (K)oi) $12.00 (with kx*> ric*. ul«t i*Mn I fruiu) TTMPURA Course "A' $12 00 Co«vm*B"- 59.00 (with soup. ric«. ptcklcs fruiu) i 2/14. CAIRNHILL ROAD H SJNGAPORE^^EL^74S64BJ ft Our speciality in I Air Flown Beef I /■.o j^ccJc- r- bV. bbV^- in
      273 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 213 9 Straits Times Crossword H IF L^T L^T LV IT I ACROSS 6 Lacing spring at the back I uupporu atudy In Glasgow mMm Wfty (c) o Wat In flrst and took the 13 W* 1 competition la likely iJ? n <> matter what the outcome lid On (0). K> 10
      213 words

  • 440 10 MOM really was to consider the application for running of a new service cable to the new switchboard. On further crossexamination, Mr. Major agreed that last June the PUB was concerned with GEC's application which was limited to the new switchboard at the
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  • 130 10 A HOUSEWIFE suffering from insomnia hanged herself in a house which she complained was too dark for her likine. a coroner heard yesterday. Zauiyah bte. Abdul Rahman, 28. had asked her husband Husin bin Hi sim. a carpenter, to move out of their
    130 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 427 10 No speakers, no amps, no cords. Just Stereocast, the scenery and you. f •Jr r ~>*V^^BVa*]^^ r A "V ''"^C^^-fcißjW^^ v iW^ fcA -W^^^^* ~*4r r' -jfm 1\ v_ w m^ J*^±j£^' \<* Jig Remember what a fuss listening to stereo used to be? A big investment, bulky speakers, «s^»^^^^^
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
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  • 177 11 A SELF-PROPELLED line marking machine was used for the first time iff the Public Works Department to repaint the road lines at Nicoll Highway on Sunday. The German-made automatic machine can mark one and-a-lialf miles of road line an hour
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  • 62 11 A 45-YEAR-OLD pedestrian was killed In an accident Involving a bus and a taxi In Oeylang Road on Saturday. According to police. Nu Show Chyuan. of Joo Chlat was hit by a bus when It swerved to avoid a taxi. He died In hospital. Eye-witnesses
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  • 26 11 THE BAP bomb disposal unit detonated a World War shell at Sentosa on Sunday afternoon The explosive wa« found by some picnickers on Saturday.
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  • 173 11 Bomb on plane scare: Man held at -Subang— KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. Subang airport police have detained a man, suspected of creating a bomb scare on board a Singapore bound aircraft last night. The man, with a British passport, flew in from Paris last night in an Air Ceylon flight. It
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  • 28 11 THAU Chok Nam. 32. was fined $500 yesterday for selling 10 copies of obscene magazines at the backlane off Desker Road on Sunday at 11.15 pm.
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  • 147 11 NZ DEFENCE CHIEF VISITS ANZUK HQ, MEETS TROOPS THE New Zealand Defence Minister, Mr. Arthur Faulkner, yesterday visited Anzuk headquarters at Sembawang and met New Zealand troops stationed here. Mr. Faulkner met the Anzuk Force commander, Rear-Adm. David Wells, and other senior officers. He was briefed on Anzuk activities. Later,
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  • 303 11 Heroin addicts in school? No evidence: CNB chief THE Director of the Central Narcotics Bureau, Mr. John Hanam, last night denied the existence of heroin addicts in a school here. He said his bureau had no evidence to support the statement made In a recent Singapore Medical Association newsletter and
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  • 44 11 THE Calmhlll community centre chess club will hold Its fifth open chess championships 1973 at the centre from April 8 The championships, divided Into gold, silver, bronze and ruby (ladles) sections, will be held on Saturdays and Sundays until April 29.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 398 11 CROWN PACIFIC ITD. the international packers specialising in containerised packing to all parts of the world. fc jfl •FJI tme staff and equpment -no sub-contractng Wcxkhvdc nctwtxk of agents When You Move -call us for a free quotation. Tel: *****3 Singapore. Cable CROWNPAC Telex RS ***** M IK IV* in
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous

  • The Straits Times TUESDAY, MARCH 20, 1973
    • 568 12 A WORLD so long used to the Bretton Woods fixed exchange rate system might take time getting accustomed to the new monetary order of flexible parities. A period of confusion seems to lie ahead as the world's trading nations set about conducting their businesses with each other
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    • 364 12  - 'Soviet steps up its spying in Europe' F. COLEMAN By ONDON: About 72 J per cent of the Soviet diplomats accredited to West European capitals are spies, a prestigious British study group reported recently. Russian intelligence operations in Western Europe were increasing, the report added, despite the current atmosphere of
      AP  -  364 words
    • 1251 12  -  r-By TREND TOWARDS POLITICAL DECENTRALISATION K. P. KARUNAKARAN ONE of the most publicised problems India is facing now is regionalism. It is often averted that it is a threat to Indian nnity. But the fact of the matter is this: with increasing democratisation,
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    • 780 12  -  MAX WILDE: GENEVA DRUG abuse all over the world has assumed "epidemic proportions" during the last 12 months according to reports submitted to the International Narcotics Control Board by national and regional authorities. The report for 1972 prepared by its secretariat for consideration by the board
      OFNS  -  780 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 37 12 k AKO iWIK microphone D 1000 AKG ordioid microphone 24-cjrit gold ffl| I^l»W plating. ißa^^^Bka^ Frequency Rang*: Mm BaT^^^^^Sl^^^. "B«i»" »»»itch position Jj^ *W "Medium"- twitch potmen I tofl "Sharp" twitch position I MI il 100to*****Hi. WMB|jebsen*J».ss«nl
      37 words
    • 226 12 Refresh your eyes with VITA ROHTO One drop of Vita Rohfo in the morn- '^r^^^P*''' 4 ing, and another in the evening keep your eyes yoong.viv- k^J J^^mm id and charming. KJi i*C vm ROHTO EYE DROPS SOLE AGENTS: LINDETEVESJACOBERQ LTD. Overstuffed yet undernourished? ......take ONE-A-DAY .^^k. PLURAVIT fc% Multivitamin
      226 words

  • 166 13 Plan to improve public transport service from July T«HE Ministry for Comx munlcations will Introduce new measures to improve the public motor transport service from July. Minister for Communications Mr. Yong Nyuk Lin, who announced this last night, said his ministry had re assessed the situation. Speaking at the annual
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  • 29 13 THE jackpot of $150,000 was won In Sunday's Toto draw No. 21 73 The participant bought his coupon at the Fairer Road Post Office booth.
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  • 130 13 BROAD smiles broke the language barrier when Yugoslav Prime Minister, Mr. Diemal Bijedic toured Jurong shipyard yesterday. Mr. Bijedic had no difficulty realising that shipyard workers judging from their faces were pleased with his visit. His tour of the shipyard created a
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  • 132 13 Mattar: We'll consider having annual Youth Day rE Ministry of Educa tion will consider designating a Youth Day annually to coincide with the schools youth festival. Enclk Ahmad Mattar. Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Education, said this in response to a suggestion by Mr. Ho Kah Leong (Jurong). Mr.
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  • 81 13 THE Supreme Court has dismissed an appeal against the High Court decision last July holding that Mohamed Aiyub. a merchant, had failed to establish his moneylending claim of 12.790 against the estate of a man who died here seven years ago. The Judges Mr. Justice Chua. Mr.
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  • 25 13 Watch your tap! WATER consumption on Sunday was 110.} million railons (501.0W coble metres), 2.2 million a lions (10,000 cubic metres) less than on Saturday-
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  • 332 13 Call to exempt authors' royalties from tax THK Singapore x Book Publishers' Associa tion has suggested thai the Government con sider exempting local and foreign authors' royalties from income tax. This suggestion was made yesterday by the association secretary, Mr. Raymond Yuen, in a memorandum to the Government. More libraries
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 213 13 FOR ACCOUNTANCY. COSTING. COMPANY SECRETARYSHIP. LAW. BANKING. MARKETING. EXPORT. HOTEL 6 CATERING. ALSO G.C.I. (0 i A LEVELS) and LONDON UNIVERSITY DEGREES 370,000 EXAM SUCCESSES which cannot be approached by any other tutorial I institution, clearly reflects the effectiveness of Home Study Courses specially prepared to secure Professional Qualifications that
      213 words
    • 153 13 if you buy the gimmicky car! Could anything start off sweeter than a gimmicky car? All those fancy accessories! You love to show it off to your friends, but stick around for a year or so and suddenly things aren't working out the way you planned. For example, the radio
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 670 13 S.N PM Programme summary 7.49 Juara Kugiran S.IS The Adventures of Rainbo* 1.39 Peristiwa Country: The Hermit I.N News MS wfth i Hi Social Welfare lotter > results 600 News iM reStlin from Great Brit3in s!il Survival: Jezebel 1112 En B lish Orama: Act of Se P ara 6.35 Circus:
      670 words
    • 171 13 3.N PM Where the Heart Is 7.41 News and Parliamentary Re--3.21 For the Family (Malay) port in Chinese 3.51 A Diary of Events in Smga- I.N Sports Desk (Chinese) pore This Week (Malay) 1.31 International Zone: Medicine 3.55 Peyton Place (Chinese sub- Man titles, repeat) I.N News. Parliamentary Report 4.41
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  • 469 14 mQ^^Mm^^wmmm^mynm^m'imm^ m^^ lUX Mentri Besar of 1 Selangor, Datuk Haji Harun bin Haji Idris will officially open the Mitsubishi Showroom of Cycle Carriage (M) Sdn. Bhd. in Kuala Lumpur today. Present at the ceremony will be about 500 distinguished guests including top Government and
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  • 341 14 JWE Colt Galant A chalked up a tremendous achievement by capturing the first and third prizes in the gruelling 2,000-mile 7th Southern Cross International K illy in Australia. The five-day event, renowned throughout the world for its punishing course, started
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  • 141 14 -THE Mitsubishi Motoi s Corporation has in automotive history dating back to 1917, when the Mitsubishi Heavy Industries man ufactured the first Japanese passenger car. The need for specialisation led to the creation of the Mitsubishi Motors Corporation lr. 1970 for the production of
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  • 73 14 Station wagons for the Govt THE supply Of vehicles under Government contracts is becoming a significant part of Mitsubishi Division's business. Last year, the Division wen a contract to supply a tctal of 133 Colt Galant 14L station weapons to the Malaysian Government. Among the users were the Jabatan Talikom.
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  • 250 14 Expansion to provide more jobs MESSAGE FROM MR. CHUA BOON MANAGING DIRECTOR OF THE CYCLE dCARRIAGE GROUP. jT gives me great pleasure to send this message on the auspicious occasion marking the official opening of the Mitsubishi Showroom of Cycle Carriage (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. Since Its establishment In 1963. the
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  • 163 14 Looking forward to greater trade growth MESSAGE FROM MITSUBISHI MOTORS CORPORATION WE extend our heartiest congratulations to Cycle Carriage (M) Sdn. Bhd. on the official opening of their Mitsubishi Showroom in Kuala Lumpur. We have been associated with the Cycle ti Carriage organisation since 1958 and we are proud to
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  • 229 14 •THE popularity of the Colt Galant has resulted in tremendous pressure on the delivery schedule of the Distribution Department at the Mitsubishi Division. In its chief function of co-ordinating the supply of Colt Galants from the assembly plant to the dealers, fulfilling outstanding orders has
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  • 317 15 Colt's first bumiputra dealerTab Timber jN support of the Malaysian Govurnment's expressed aim of creating a bigger stake in business for bumiputras, the Cycle Carriage Group recently appointed Tab Timber Traders (Motor Division) as a Colt Galant dealer for the Mitsubishi Division. As well as being the Group's first bumiputra
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  • 183 15 rpHE Parts and Ac- cessories Department of the Mitsubishi Division performs a three-fold function of supplying spares to the Mitsubishi workshop, catering to direct over-the-counter sales and ensuring that de- mands from dealers and stockists receive immediate attention. On its distribution list are
    183 words
  • 101 15 T"HE Colt Galant's pol-lution-nghting Saturn engine gives you a clean ride plus an economical run for your money as a result of the Mitsubishi Clean Air System. The MCA system, developed through intense research, has brought about drastic redaction in exhaust emission coupled
    101 words
  • 196 15 A IKAM of highly trained service staff workins efficiently at the .Mitsubishi Car Care and Maintenance Centre has contributed immensely to promoting Rood customer relations. "We make it compulsory for our staff to receive training under the several sihimrs provided by the company, both locally and
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
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    • 176 15 We extend our HEARTIEST CONGRATULATIONS to CYCLE CARRIAGE (M) SDN. BHD. on the official opening of their new MITSUBISHI SHOWROOM Kuala Lumpur We have been associated with the Cycle and Carriage organisation since 1958 and we are proud to have forged a close and mutually beneficial relationship during this period.
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  • 256 16 THE Colt Galant was an instant success when it was first launched in Malaysia by the Mitsubishi Division in 1970. Since then, this new breed of cars produced by the Mitsubishi Motors Corporation in Japan has made phenomenal inroads into the Malaysian car market. Much of the appeal
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  • 408 16 Men who're behind division's expansion QUIDING the expansion of the Mitsubishi Division in Malaysia is a group of local executives headed by Encik Jaffar bin Mohamed Ali, the Manager. He joined the Division in November 1970 and was previously sales executive of an intertional airline. He has attended several management
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  • 74 16 Water test for a Colt Galant Tilt Colt Galant x marketed by the Mitsubishi Division is assembled under arrangement at the Kilant Pembena Kereta-Ke-reta (KPKK) in Tampoi, Johore. Locally assembled are the 14L and 16L sedans and the 141 station wagons Components are shipped in CXD (completely knocked down) form
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  • 265 16 Network of efficiency ensures excellent —service— EXCELLENT service and maintenance facilities for all Colt Galant customers are ensured by the network of efficient service centres set up by the Central Service Department. Head of this department is Mr. Lee Joo Heng, the Central Service Manager who works closely with all
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 66 16 CONGRATULATIONS BEST WISHES TO CYCLE CARRIAGE (MALAYSIA) SDN. BHD. On the occasion of the Official Opening of their MITSUBISHI SHOWROOM 366/370, Jin. Tuanku Abdul Rahman, Kuala Lumpur FROM THE OVERSEAS ASSURANCE CORPORATION LTD. Ist Floor, 0.C.8.C. Building, No. 2, Jalan Rodger, Kuala Lumpur. Tel: *****-4 tana CREDIT CORPORATION (MALAYSIA) BERHAD
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    • 94 16 Congratulations Best Wishes to Cycle Carriage (M) Sdn. Bhd., on the occasion of the official opening of THE MITSUBISHI SHOWROOM at Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, Kuala Lumpur by Y.B. Dato Haji Harun bin Haji Idris, S.P.M.S., S.M.S. Mentri Besar of Selangor KELANG PEMBENA KERETA2 SDN BHD 64, Jalan Langkasuka, P.O.
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 136 17 CONGRATULATIONS FROM ONE MITSUBISHI I DEALER TO ANOTHER I the official opening of the new j Cycle Carriage (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. I MITSUBISHI SHOWROOM WEST MALAYSIA Swee Lee Auto Sdn. Bhd., Fong Seng (1970) Co. Sdn. Bhd., Kuala Lumpur. Pang Bros. Motors Sdn. Bhd., Kong Teck, Johore Bahru. Miri. See
      136 words

  • 634 18  -  ONG KIAT BENG By f A L E S of how some parents pu t their young children to bed will send ninny into laughter. They read like a book of antics, but there are also some which are plain pathetic. The
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  • 222 18 KEEPING a table lighter handy for cigarette -smoking guests is certainly one way of cutting down burns on the carpets or scorch marks on table tops made by matches. Most manufacturers In the past rarely made table lighters to match a decor. More conscious
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  • Article, Illustration
    191 18 utes ago, he had been to the toilet. Yet, she's also trying to encourage him to be Independent and wants him to go to the toilet when he needs to. What does she do? Well talking to many parents. It Is the beginning of the end of those
    191 words
  • 136 18 ELEGANCE WITH A TOUCH OF ROMANCE JEAN Allen, one of Britain's leading ready-to-wear designers, launched her '73 mid-season collection in London recently. Her range, with its emphasis on feminity and interesting styling, reflects the current trend towards an elegant, uncluttered look. One of the big hits was this evening dress,
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  • 106 18 rpHE Police Com--1 mission in Los Angeles has an "unisex" plan under which policemen and policewomen must meet equal height and weight requirements for street patrol. The plan, backed by Chief Edward M. Davis, was approved unanimously at the commission's meeting recently. It means that policewomen must
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 21 18 'b» *tt Ms aJ* "^^m^S^M scoffs COD LIVER OIL CAPSULES FOR THE ENERGY TO LIVE WELL! Agents: THE BORNEO COMPANY <^K>
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    • 197 18 Women need Brand's every month There are times in a woman's life when she feels tired and depressed. There are days when she feels drained of energy. That's when she needs the natural poodness of Brand's Essence of Chicken. Many vomen rely on Brand's Essence of Chicken every month. They
      197 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 1201 19 COrITIIKBiIPSOWCtTIK/ lOlT^^^^^^^rllai^^^ HONG lONG EXfKSS SHH a«. *h52 «.»MAMAM I.JJ «-n u-n ;t»n ijs CI«IIIIIOtSIIPSmiCfFWII|»7C»in«tNT m& ™W% 1 1 s :i UIIHI MAI!) „SJ 2"" ""tT "A»r CiitltAN lAT |S »ar 4 Aar l, Aa, mro iipmss X V "*> «ar ■INliall !IT "far It Apr n Apr n Mar
      1,201 words
    • 1205 19 Baf Mi I M A lit iMl^r^^^^^Si ili^^Sa^^^^^-^^^^^^B Ha^B jt»jta^al «BLUE SEA UNE States to Straits in g® days I PMIfIIMTIT imlSt SJITICE BIHCT rtOM lUT MAST I SJL Hoanta lait/m.i. N. Tart Ptantj Span P. bun( Dukaru PMtHTMn rat it Fat 14 rat a An 4 Mar n Apr
      1,205 words
    • 1156 19 BU ttmUKt SOYICt rar Ma*a« 1a... awyjg. Hm| MBf 1 1 press n mw is tn lIIHEN IIPtISS I Ipr a An 'Mar IMPI alpi KAMAIINU MAM 14 An 4 Mai S May I Ma, I Hi, lIIAM MAM II An I Maf I Maf II Mt| 11 Ha,
      1,156 words
    • 1027 19 f INTEROCEAN-E.A.C. Singapore "YAMI ?gVZZ^ MAR 23/23 LCL m, ?1 m, ■V Benelux W Germany ADD (Saarland Rotterdam Mrri Nordrhein/ 24 Westfaien Rhemland Pfalz) f> France Switzerland IV W Germany (Except arear Hamburg APR »P«c above) Ofi Austria Denmark I (Jutland Funen) IV Sweden Gothenburg APR rk (Zealand) Finland BEN
      1,027 words
    • 697 19 S*»t«fNM* f1J444; P. K*t.iMj »341; K.L. *****; P. Mat J530 THE BANK LUTE LTD. LMIS FM E I t IFIICI AHMUA U M 1.,. L H. w A •i.tit... ti i, m. w i s. mi* Vm& tt s/"sX ii.7»w rtMi iui a smti AntCA. rM until i. muiiia. mm*
      697 words

  • 88 20  - Third 'Big Ben' launched ANTHONY RAM AS AMY B> REN Line Containers' third vessel, the 73,596-ton City of Edinburgh, has been launched in Hamburg. The City of Edinburgh is the sister ship of the Btnalder and the Benavon which were launched recently. All three vessels will be registered at Leith,
    88 words
  • 144 20  - AUSTRALIA'S FIRST TO VIETNAM AFTER 10 YEARS KINGSLEY WOOD By SYDNEY: Australia's first direct shipping services to South Vietnam for more than 10 years will be started next month by the AustralianWest Pacific Line. Since the early 60s, when the Vietnam war hotted up, Australian exporters have had to rely
    144 words
  • 251 20 THI POUT 0* llMC»«m AUTMO 1 KITT AMHOUMCIO TM FOLLOW ran march io OUT aataaawkl Mani 5. Rax a Masai aaja 10/11. Dluaia in. Ra)ah Brooke Wrst. Vaaco Da Oama M akiuiko Hani Hliom Mara MB. la Maru IT/M. Ckakdlaa Sl 'l2 NKklwa M«ni 17 30. BalaahlkKa
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 957 20 Y| KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. KAWASAKI UHMI WSEH MISHA ITI. ItfAN. I. OK. STUITS SETOCE. ■MIRMB tTAlaort itlP.uiaaj j.msn aita at 11 Japan -Paralan Cialf Sarrttja ullltJl HIM 'S'im\ Colttt/»ncH/Data.,*Hl«ll UIU« Him f at M «at.a*triia»lt»r Japan Au.tral a Llna 110 F aaatlt 111 S'oart MiiißM hibu m a
      957 words
    • 1035 20 NORO-TRANSPORT (H.K.) LINE Ltaaaj ttr: STiaiT. 111 laaaral. iHuiat iaa misiim tianaart P. utaj Ptattf ai stvttfNM aaar (Ti) ti Mar a 1 asa ainuiaa 1 a mr a Mar v uirat itaua or v 11 Mr M aar at aiatiir or. n it Mar "ar laaatti lar: 1 Maaatfi.
      1,035 words
    • 1054 20 \£m mt U.K. IDROPt SIRVICI LOADING K>« LONDON, HAVRI. R'DAM. HIURG. RRIA4O4 T t)i| i P Ulaaj Ptaaaf imaMi aiPTaai ttfu vTS ami iar n/waW a>ntt lt^Hw^y. atPTaai tatTtmr a aar/i Bar >va iar mm' n/i. imaaM/i. MPaaaa S3 •>•»•■, Aatatrt. ARRIVALS PROM NORTH-WEST EUROPfAN PORTS AND LONDON PtaM P.
      1,054 words
    • 743 20 SH'^'TinkS^SiTr^NTERNATi^ AOm SHIPPING CORPORATION BERHAD Nk. SOC JmK Kmmmn+. Ka*>i* UtMapM*. -H The Natkxvil Shapping Una ol Malaysia Laa*Jaaaa»^iaaa«aaaaaaßaa»aMaa«a-attaattt.atata.-..a-EOTEg SOtVICE TI lINMN, LIVEIPtItytIRTINENT PUTS If. Mai Support P. lliliat Pw| laaaiaj Mr: aaau Will M Part U Ham 11, 4 itaM 17/4 taaa 17/4 Braata 1 V Htart ML IMatrf
      743 words
    • 225 20 United States Lines EXPRESS COMTAINERSHIP SERVICE la Fran SIHUPME CALIFORNIA HONOLULU -IS EAST COAST EAST CARAIA Spore Spore N'kong Oakland L Beach Newark N'lolk Bait. (Dtscri.) (Uta) (SF) (LA.) (NY.) AMERICAN HIM Vt, 1 7 Apr I Apr 14 tar 21 Apr 71 Apr May II May 11 Ma> ALSO
      225 words

    • 88 21 Ristt N.B.T. S 8.70 .10 UleneaJy 030 .10 Falls Bi Srmb $13 50 ISO Matw $1100 —100 I OH »2250 —1.00 I, Waugh $28.00 —1.00 M Credit $11 90 .90 F. Ctaem. 2 60 .76 Haw Far 9 35 .75 C. Fro*. 5.25 .70 Ben S 5.50
      88 words
    • 23 21 Hmw Par 108.000 Slme »»rby 88.000 Talpini Textile 83.000 1> Bs 47.000 Total Turnover: 1.34 M Total ValtM: 87 M
      23 words
    • 45 21 Mar. 1« Mar. It uMrUU *MM **iM Haute: 317 »1 Praptrtka: «M «t t Tin.: USlt t I mbbm »tt m.7* 0.C.8.C. ««M D«. It. itM r: 1»» DM. 11. ItM «t« t Dec. It. IMS 1M t Jan. 1. It 7» m
      45 words
    • 1540 21 'pHE last trannctcd ialr at the x tkM of burtrnaa In the Singapore and Kuala Lumpur trading roomi of the Stock Exchar ite yaatcrday compared with the pmrtoua day's p.- together with the 1972 7J ri%h and low. Adjusted for all new Usuaa): CLOSING TONE: All sections closed
      1,540 words
    • 339 21 Sellers out in strength all the way PICES continued to decline in quiet trading on the Stock Exchange of Malaysia and Singapore yesterday. Sellers dominated the scene all the way and buyer* appeared very hesitant. All sectors of the market were affected with the more volatile stocks taking a harder
      339 words
  • 1881 21 BID and offer priors officially listed and builneaa In and reported to the Singapore and Kuala Lumpur trading rooms of the Stork Exchange yesterday with the number of shares traded uliown In bracket* In lota n[ 1.000 unit* unless otherwise BJSJ6JM INDUSTRIALS ACMA (4 62Si (4) 4.70. (1)
    1,881 words
  • 61 21 rE Association of Banks In Malaysia-Singapore. In consulatlon with the Monetary Authority of Singapore and Bank Negira Malavsla. announced the r'sumptlon by Member-Banks of foreign exchange dealnBS Best 'agreed merchant rates fixed for USS only are as follows: SELLING BUYING T.T O.D. T.T. O.D. $***** $2.5100 $2 4980
    61 words
  • 151 21 ASIAN currency dtpotit ratw I v at ckMC on Monday. March IS IS Dtkn Offer Bid 7 dan i-' 1 mth 1-111 1-lH 2 mth* M< Ml 1 mth* 8-14 8-1 mth* Mil 1)11 g mtru 8-1 Ml 13 mttu r-1 4 8-1 I ■v. fn Daa.
    151 words
  • 146 21 Dunlop Estates suffers further setback ITNLIKE Its counter*J part In the Industrial field, Dunlop (M) Industries which recently apnounced a 15.3 per cent Increase In pre-tax profits, Dunlop Estates has suffered a further set back. Pre-tax profits dropped 38.9 per cent to $6.75 million for 1972 from $11.06 million the
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  • News in brief
    • 246 21 SUBJECT to the approval of the Capital Issues Committee In Malaysia, Rlvervlew Rubber Estates plans to acquire the property known as Buloh AJcar Estate. This estate Is located In the Parit district of Central Perak. consisting of a single block of 1.300 developed acres of which 12.07 per cent
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    • 61 21 FOR 1972. Bedford Plantations' pre-tax profits rose $4,040 from $113,425 the year before to $117,465 Tax takes $51,313 against $54,126 last time, leaving net profits of $66,152 compared with $59,299 previously. Directors propose a same again dividend of 10 per cent to shareholders on the reelster at the close
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  • 387 21 CHINA EMPORIUM, a member of the Wneelock Marden Oroup, has declared a HK$2 30 Interim dividend (same) for the year ending March 1973, payable on March H. The co npany said It had paid 8 $5.00 Interim cash bonus last August and this interim dividend was In
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  • Company news + commnet
    • 459 21 MIGHT not be lost for Singapore Traction shareholders. Hopes of reviving the company which went out of business as a bus operator in December 1971 have become a distinct possibility. So says their chairman, Mr. Yap Fheng Geek, in ah annual statement for
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    • 382 21 AI-CAX Malaysia's future prospects are Rood. Chairman J. Boetschi said this in his annual statement to shareholders for the your 1972. However, he warned that if competitive operations are established, it will lead to a division of the home market which will seriously affect not only
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    • 112 21 IN AN interim statement. Kluang Rubber's chairman Dato 8 Q. Wong tells shareholders that pre-tax profits rose by 9.6 per cent from $92,727 last time to $101--600 for the six months ended December 1972. Income from the rubber estate advanced 53 per cent to $89,300 from $58,399 In
      112 words
    • 21 21 MARCH 1». RI'BBER: 142J4J cents (up 2.75 cents). TIN: $628 (up $3). Official offering: 257 tons lap M too).
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    • 177 21 Straits tin rises rpHE Straits tin price in Penang yesterday climbed by $3 on Saturday's close to $628 per plcul on an official offering up 56 tons to 287 tons. LONDON: Tin fell sharply during the weekend by around £27 as the market reacted to President Nixon's statement on US
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    • 98 21 MINIII PKOOUCS ■XCMAHOt. liaorom MOON CLttIMC CHtAul OH: bulk |«T| Mllrn «rum >4»i niton. Cwi: HIM (laaMi ux/Caat. WO B. Hnir Uuatak AST* •>iit« f.a.b. 100 V NL* (tlO arlWra. San- >•« •M, f.ak M« NLW 1210 Mtltn Sarawak fpcelai black rob. aa« NLW SIM Mil»ra. Sarawak ASTA black
      98 words
    • 48 21 UM UN IMb am* n.n mm as v i* ■wiw iii.n^ a.M a nn, I'm imi run (1) U»e» H.M I »vm— (t) Vm%. Üb«. (1) Cuort mm M aW-««IIM W«M la Ul ttuum m —mm (1) Lani f lir« >nc«« IB Kaawan asllui Mr taM.
      48 words
    • 602 21 rvPENING quotations v ln the rubber market yesterday were a cent off Friday's best and some early selling took April down to 140.00 cents per kilo at which point the market checked and thereafter rallied to reach 142.50 cents per kilo. Demand for RSS Three and SMR
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    • 84 21 pvAILV SMR prices Issued by the Malaysian Rubber Exchange and Rubber Asaoclatton cl Stniapor* at roon >est*rdai nut fcv IMR I jmh 10 llnrral Month) Btym R*Uer» C«iU prr kf. (1-ton Pkllctl ***** *****8 (1-ton PiUrti UftJO *****N i 1-ton Pallet) 143 00 149 0014 1 1-ton Ptllct)
      84 words
    • 154 21 JAKARTA: Indonesia's rubber exports last year dropped by 7.2 per cent compared with 1970, according to an appendix to President Suharto's report on his five-year administration. Last year's rubber exports totalled 767,200 tons while in 1970 they were 826,700. The export earnings last year dropped by 33.8
      Reuter  -  154 words
    • 116 21 U-KST Malaysian rubber production in January amounted to 138,964 lon- tons compared with 122,--255 tons in December while Imports in January were 4,112 tons (4,144 tons in December). Exports during January rose to 147,875 tons from 125.363 tons in December, local consumption was 1,962
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    • 162 21 IIONGKONO, Mon. Following Friday's i strong close, the mar- ket opened on a buoyant note with a large number of eager buyers up on the board Immcdlately after the open- ing bell. This bullish condition was however short-lived and heavy i profit-taking set In at mid-session resulting in share
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    • 366 21 JIIELBOURNE, Mon. iTI Trading on the Melbourne Stock Exchange was quiet today. Mining apd oil shares were easier although Industrials were penerally steady. Market leader B.H.P. slipped to close at As 9 42 Colonial Sugar was higher at $5.10. and the Bank of N.S.W. slipped to $10.60. On the
      366 words
    • 255 21 On 'r, fr-a mfiBf<i« mar ha>l tfl HotiKhonK >fti»rdi» tfcr U tf*il»r tlwiMa woim at lljio "•mil quom al Ma Among the banks, The C.B.A. gained to $3 90. The C.BC. gained to $3.20 and The National also gained to $3 68 T.<l«y» ciornns- middle price in Australian
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 562 22 3GGEGGGJ3GGGEGGGGE 3 /«V FABER MERLIN g «28T GROUP 1 ASSISTANT i 1 GENERAL MANAGER 3 Faber Union Limited, a part of Faber Merlin rf Group wishes to appoint a top quality personnel as t4 an Assistant General Manager for its rapidly ex- 7, panding Properties Division. The Group engages in
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    • 493 22 PEOPLE'S ASSOCIATION Applications are invited from suitably qualified Singapore Citizens for the appointments scheduled below: I. EXECUTIVE OFFICER (for Males Only) Qualification Experience: Af least full Higher School Certificate. Knowledge of additional languages and dialects an advantage. Ability to read layout plant, conduct surveys, assess and put up observations on
      493 words
    • 443 22 A LOCAL SHIPPING COMPANY REQUIRES EXPERIENCED MASTER, CHIEF/SECOND ENGINEER CHIEF/ SECOND OFFICER MOT. CERTIFICATE OR EQUIVALENT Please write to Box A ***** S.T. Singapore. NOTICE OF REMOVAL LAM SOON CANNERY (PTE.) LTD. With effect from 19th March, 1973, our new Office will be at the following address:Room Nos: 804-807, Thong
      443 words
    • 300 22 PAWNBROKERS Kl'l.ES. 1958 Rule 6 (a) Application for a Pawnbrokers Licence NOTICE Is hereby given that Lee Lee Chtng of No. 360 Siglap Road. Singapore, is applying to the Pawnbrokers Licensing Board. Singapore, for a Licence in respect of the business known as "MIN HIN PAWNSHOP PTE LIMITED at No
      300 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 709 23 UNIVERSITI KEBANGSAAN MALAYSIA KAKII.TI PERUBITAN IWVATAN AKADEMIK DAN SEKIM LATIHAN TENAGA PENGAJAR Permohonan adalah dipelawa daripada warganegara yang mempunyai Ijaxah Perubatan untuk jawatan Pensyarah, Penolong Pensyarah/Sekim Latihan Tenaga Pengajar untuk Fakulti Perubatan UniverMti Ini di dalam bidang-b'Uang berikut: Bahacian Pra Klinikal (I) Pathology dii Microbiology uin Physiology iv i Biochemistry
      709 words
    • 746 23 We are looking for suitably qualified persons to fill the following positions in Malaysia. A. SALES MANAGER (AGENCY DIVISION) The successful Candidate must be a Malaysian Citizen with minimum 5 years' Sales Executive experience and should preferably have knowledge of Automotive, Fleet and Industrial Products. He must be able to
      746 words
    • 685 23 TEXTBOOK I WRITERS I Do you know who writes the best textbooks? If you are an educationist, a university graduate, a school principal or a specialist teacher, you must have wondered about it. There is no simple answer. There's the question of technique. For instance, most authors do not realize
      685 words
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 747 24 Hi: classified advertisements c Te»ephone service LATEST SCIENTIFIC TREATMENTS. For natural facelifting. brown patches, acne, all skin conditions, regular facial?, postnatal and spotreducing consult Louise Klerk, medically trained and qualified Beauty Specialist and Physiotherapist with 24 years tropical experience. Hotel Kingapura. telephone *****3 iS'porei. LEARNING ENGLISH Suddenly there Is a
      747 words
    • 627 24 !WE HAVE VACANCIES for Kemile Shipping Clerks In our company with Senior Cambridge qualifications Age 17 26 Typing 30-35 wp m Must be good In Maths. Able to do correspondence independently. Interested applicants are requested to call personally at Metro Pte Lid 72-74 High Street Spore at 9 30 for
      627 words
    • 702 24 IMPORT EXPORT FIRM requires Female Junior Clerk with Initiative and knowledge of typing Salary SHO Apply with full particulars to Box A ***** ST B'pore. WANTED STENOGRAPHER, good command of English essentlil. 1 year experience minimum. Telephone *****3 for appointment. WANTED IMMEDIATELY FEMALE CLERK. Apply personally at Shell MacPberson Road
      702 words
    • 674 24 61) T-EEBSEIHSsI A JURONC INDUSTRIAL ORGANISATION has vacancies for Laboratory Assistants Grade Three (Male). Requirements: General Certiflcati. of Education or above w'.th passes In Science subjects. Please apply in own handwriting with full particulars and photo (non-returnable) to Box A ***** S.T. Singapore ELECTRICAL REFRIGERATION MECHANICS Refrigeration mechanics arc required
      674 words
    • 602 24 SERVICEMAN with plumbing experience required. Possess driving licence and able to speak and write English. Apply In writing to Unity Industries Services. 37SA, Upper Aljunled Road, B'pore 13. PHILIPS SPORE PTE LTD. Lereng 1, Tea Payeh Singapere 12. We require urgently FEMALE PRODUCTION OPERATORS Applicants should be: Age: Between 16
      602 words
    • 872 24 WANTED IMMEDIATELY Eng'lsh spesking live-out amah for American bachelor. Ironing washing and cleaning. No cooking. Dlat. 11. Near Macßitchle Circus. References required. Contact Miss Phillips Tel: ***** ext. 242 B'pore. EUROPEAN FAMILY with 1 chl'd requires Indian/Malay Experience Cook and General Amah. Must speak English. References required. Call B'pore *****3
      872 words
    • 746 24 UNSKILLED MALE AND FEMALE workers urgently required by soap and oil factory. Apply personally No 12, Jalan Beaut, near Corporation Circus. Jurong. Tel: *****1 Spore WANTED CLEANING TELEPHONE Girls. Salary $100 $130. With Commission. Apply personally Room 2-O. 169 New Bridge Road (Tan Chwee Boon Bldg 2nd. Floor, Spore 1.
      746 words
    • 763 24 DETACHED. SEMIDETACHEO BUNCALOWS and executive apartments in dlst 9. 10. 11. 21. Binjai Park $4,500. Oel Tiong Ham Park $I.sOO. Second Avenue $4,500. Orchid Village $1,500— $3,000. Clrmentl Park $1,600. M.rryn Road $2,000. Stevens Road $2,500. Mount Sinai $2,400, Cavenagh House Apartment with swimming pool $1,600. Ooldhlll Towers $1,400. Kum
      763 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 676 25 (Cont. from Page 24) BUKIT TIMAH 2-Storey Srml detached Rental $1,000- Dlatrlct Terrace suitable for Office. Ring ***** (Spore). AVAILABLE BUNGALOWS HOUSES FLATS any district Rental $500 $2,000 Dtvanu'a Agencies ****** After p m. *****8 out 11 TOP LEVEL *x*cutlve detached with 21.000 sq.ft garden S Mdroora* with guest wing.
      676 words
    • 479 25 WANTIO OUTI 3, 21, 13 furnished flata/Dou***. Rental up to $*00/- Offer* to STSoM/*****8 B'por*. URGENTLY WANTID 1/2 room* HUB Oat In Taaglla Halt or Queenstown Tel: B'pore S43OHS during office hour* Miss Chla. URGENTLY WANTED unfurnished Douse Preferably dlst. 13 I*. Rent $2<X>- $3OO Ring B'pore *****3 Arftlme EXPATRIATE
      479 words
    • 915 25 henry PARK First Phase 2-storey terrace. 4 bedroom*. parquet/t*rraaao throughout Balling $1*4.000. Ares 2.100 sq.ft Loan available contact Carl Housing Agency B'pore *****/***** Principals only. HONC LEONG GARDENS Doublestorey corner terrace 3 bedrooms servant* room. terraxxo parquet/ mosaic. aluminium sliding door*. split-level Ace Housing ***** 2303* Ol»f° rt 11 SEMI
      915 words
    • 724 25 WANTID TO RENT Ooe/flve acres land with/without bouse (brtck/attap accepted) Any rural district or house facing sea 4*5927 B'pore. SUIINIUWIN REQUIRE double•torey, alncle-atorey. terraee/icmlrietached 'bungalow* (any district) Reasonable offer* considered Tel *****2/*****3 8 pore BUVIR INTERESTED TO PURCHASE either apartments or houses la the region of $200,000 5300.000. Immediate cash
      724 words
    • 740 25 TO LIT I STOREY concrete factcry premises at Macpberaon Induatnal area. Total area 5.000 sq.ft. Rental: TO eta. p s.f. Write to Box A ***** B.T. Spore. NAM MO TRAVIL SIRViCI Limited Tour West Malaysia Seven Day* SJIIO alrcondltloned Bus 8*135 Departure: Every Saturday. Sunday, Monday. Cameron Hl(blandj Pour Day*
      740 words
    • 851 25 810 HOLIDAY •mall Budtet Inclusive Jetaway XI Day* LONDON EUROPEAN TOURS (1,790 ONLY SEAT TBAVIL LTD., 391, S MS) ram* Meuss. 3*3413/*****3 410, Shaw Csntrs. 3777M/*****S "MODERN BUDGET TOUR" QENTINO CASINO Every Saturday 11 00 p.m. 2 Days 3 nlcnts (39 90 12 00 Noon 2 Days by Deluxe Air-con.
      851 words
    • 1014 25 MANOARIN MOKKIEN CANTO NESS Book* (Including taperecording) at SlOOO 4. Baia Street (Odeon left-hand side) ENGLISH MATHEMATICS ADDI TIONAL MATHS Phyalcs Cbemlatry Blo'ogy tuition Primary and secondary level. Phon* *****8 8 pore lINCAPORE POLYTECHNIC GRADUATE tutor*, technical subjects and mathematics Sec 1- 4 Gregory *****8 9- p.m. 808 DRIVING SCHOOL
      1,014 words
    • 619 25 I*o2 SIMCA IBM. Oood running coidltloa. $800. 28S-A. Blk. 14. Princes* Am* Close B'pore. 4 00—6.00 p.m. I*7o AUSTIN 11*0* consols box taperecorder, good condition. 3 owners. $5,400 ono Contact 492*7* Spore MOB (OFT-TOP metallic blu* top overhauled and cluteb renewed recently $6,000 Phone *****3 Spore. I*7l FORO FALCON SOS
      619 words

  • 223 26 COME 100 farmers of Kampung Soo Hock in Thomson Road have finally solved their year-old problem. They had lost chickens and ducks dally and had suspected thieves or organised gangs to be responsible. After months of patient watch, they found out that the thieves were two
    223 words
  • 68 26 rIE trial of schoolteacher Mohammed Yusoff bin Satnadi, 35, accused of outraging the modesty of four young schoolgirls, entered its second hearing yesterday in the Sixth Magistrates Court in camera. Mohammed Yusoff, a father of three, faces five charges of molesting the girls in
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  • 104 26 A BRITISH professor of accountancy, Prof. T.E Gambling, Is now on a 10--day visit to Nanyang University. Prof. Gambling, who flew In on Sunday, is chairman of the University of Birmingham's Department of Accountancy. His visit is sponsored by the InterUniversity Council
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  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 689 26 classified %J advertisements (Cont. from Page 25) ATTENTION LADIES. Sauna baths, sclent IBc slimming. spotreduclng. postnatal treatments with very Salon. 23 Nges Ann Building No etreneous exercises. Telephone *****2 (Srpore). SALON 26 FOR Massage, Steambath. Saunabath. Gents Hair Stylist, Business hours:— 10.00 a.m. 9.00 p m Call 26, Kum Heng
      689 words
    • 303 26 ■RVICINQ ALL KINDS T.V.. TapeRecorders, Amplifiers. T '<-t rental, reasonable charges a.'y nluht service. Phone B'DOre ***** tnytime. TROPICAL TV OAV/MICMT repair. Tel: SIMI2 Spire. All brand.. Fair charges. Repair guaranteed. HIWLV ESTABLISHED IMPORT ;x PORT Brm with wl4« business scope and bright protpects ahead Invites gerulne/partner with Caplt.l Writ*
      303 words
    • 289 26 SPBCIAL OFFER for Chrysler. Westlnghouae. York. Phllco and Carrier secondhand alrconditioners Price: »250 sftOO. Contact Tony Tel *****6 8 pore SPECIAL OFFER I I I OLVMPIA INTERNATIONAL LECTRONIC CALCULATOR AC lattery SMS.OO Olympla Peckst Calwlattr SMt.M Italian Adding •.•■OO Eisctrsms Calsulatsr AC/DC SMS 00 Eisctrsnle Adding Msshlnt 5351.00 Cirmin
      289 words
    • 133 26 YAMAHA ELECTONE ORCAN 6)6 in first dm condition. First reasonable cffir. Phone 8 per* *****N to view. SPECIAL OFFER Vinyl asbestes floor tilts 35 cts. p.a.f. from Victor Mendei Construction Tel: Spore *****. LARGE QUANTITY used single bedspreads for sale. Contact Mr. Edward Lira Tel. *****1 Spore FOR SALE AND
      133 words
    • 443 26 THE BANKRI'FTCY ACT (CHAPTER 18, 197* EDITION) NOTICE OF RECEIVING AND ADJUDICATION ORDERS TAKE NOTICE that Receiving and Adjudication Orders were made ag&lnst the following persons and or firms RECEIVING ORDERS made on thr 9th March, 1973. Bankruptcy No. 509. 72 Brighton Electric Company (a firm) of no. 368. TanJong
      443 words
    • 178 26 IS BBSBBBlalalaßßßßßßßlalsßlalaßßlsßlala El 131 I OUB has a new jj\ L j*- 1 scheme to help you! ci L= A personal loan could help you beautify your home, buy new p] 13 furniture. Cash, now, could buy a new car, an air-conditioner, or LSI |C] pay for a holiday. We
      178 words

  • 897 27 Is this the end of a great Hartono reign? By a Special Correspondent first set with Aik Mong serving. Alk Mong flipped down a shot from net cord, a perfectly good shot. But he was faulted and I never saw Hartono more relieved; he had been given the runround until
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  • 180 27 ITU ALA LUMPUR, Mon. This year's Malaysia Grand Prix has been advanced and will now be held at Batu Tin on Anr. 14-15. Originally the meet was to have been held on April ZB-29 but the dates clashed with the Japanese G.P. The Singapore G.P. wIU
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  • Article, Illustration
    2 27 HKRTONO
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  • 90 27 LONDON, Mon Leeds United and Arsenal could be heading for a repeat of last year's FA Cup final which Leeds won by edging the Gunners 1-0 at Wimbley In today's draw for the semifinals, to be played on Apr. 17, Lfeds are paired with Wolverhampton Wanderers at
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  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 834 27 I MVKRSITI SAINS MALAYSIA K \V( \N(i |M IJAZAH TINGGI lonan-permohonan adalah dipelawa daripada stswarah-sis-mempunyai Ijazah Kepujian yang balk dart Universiti U atau untversiti-unlversitt yang lain yang diiktirafkan untuk mengikuti Rancangan Ijazah Tinggi Bagi Sidang Akademik 1973/1974 bidanff-bidanK Denaaiian vana berikut adalah untuk kernringkat Ijazah Sarjlna Pe n ««J l
      834 words
    • 699 27 r— FOR SALE COMPANY WITH TIMBER RIGHTS Possessing approximately 30,000 acres logging land in North Malaya. Currently operated by contractors. Mostly red meranti. Licence to build sawmill/woodworking mill obtainable. Truck licences available. Trained supervisory personnel available. Terms: Cash Offers to Box A ***** S.T. Spore. THE TRADE UNIONS ICI A
      699 words
    • 159 27 10 reasons why National transistorised t v is your best choice. Strong beautiful walnut Fully Transistorised Solid State cabinet with sliding doors v s Instant picture. Instant sound 1® 2 way— 3 speakers I I Magic Line gives needle sharp Uses less power. f\ focusing saves on electricity bit 'Sliding
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  • 8 28  -  GODFREY ROBERT
    8 words
  • 392 28 It 's time sports got more sponsors THE sponsorship by Fraser and Neave of 14 young badminton players for a twoweek stint with the Indonesian Thomas Cup team at Jakarta, and the Rotary Club's decision to sponsor two swimmers to Australia, should produce fruitful results. This promotional move by the
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  • 477 28  -  By TEOH ENG TATT pOOTBALL Association of Singapore will appeal to the organising committee of the Football Association of Malaysia for a replay of last Sunday's abandoned Malaysia Cup match against Negri Sembilan at Seremban. FAS is appealing on the ground that the team's
    477 words
  • 118 28 FIVE out of 60 1 candidates have passed the written examination (theory) for Class Three soccer referees. They will have to pass their Oral (board) examination tomorrow anil also a practical examination before they will be Issued with a certificate. The candidates are Sim Kirn
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  • 32 28 JOHOR BARU. Mon— Johor registered their first win in the Malaysia Cup soccer tournament this year when they defeated Malacca 3-0 at Larkin Stadium yesterday. They led 2-0 at halftime.
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  • 41 28 PENANO. Mon.— North Korea s April 25 beat a second Malaysian Selection 3-1 at City Stadium here last night. Pak Seung Jin (2) and An Se UK scored for the tourist, and Mohamed Bakar and Ibrahim Zakaria for Selection.
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  • 33 28 MOSCOW, Mon. Weightlifter Yuri Oolubtsov (Soviet Union) added one kilogram (2.2 pounds) to the World featherweight Jerk record with a lift of 1585 kilograms (349jlbs> at an international meet at Tashkent.
    33 words
  • 52 28 TAIPEH. Mon— More than 90 players have registered for the USSIB.OOO Taiwan Open golf championship from Apr 5 to Apr. 8 but Lv Llang-Huan. Taiwan's top golfer, is not among them, the golf association announced today. Lv will be in the United St"t»s for tne US
    52 words
    • 184 28 MARSH IS ASIAN CIRCUIT LEADER GRAHAM MARSH ol Australia leads the current Asian Golf Circuit with 71 points. Marsh, 28, last rear's Circuit winner, was in second place with 52 points aiier the Philippines, Singapore and Hong Kone Open championships. He collected 19 more points as run-ner-up in the Malaysian
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    • 26 28 THE national trainees trounc ed the visiting New Zealand combined services team 11-1 in a friendly water-polo match at Amber Road over the weekend.
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  • 30 28 THE PAS League Dlv One match between Singapore Pools and Junior AA scheduled for Jalan Besar stadium yesterday was postponed. The appointed referee and linesmen failed uturn up.
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  • 413 28  -  PETER SIOVV By ROBBIE Ellis overcame several fancied bowlers. Including former World No. 2 Henry Tan, to become the surprise winner In the Singapore Tenpln Bowling Congress National Masters at Katong on Sunday. Robbie rolled a total of 4026 pins in the 20-
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  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 199 28 Hitachi airconditioners f|||H|A W^MH Because for years and years you #fl^tfvf 111 do not spend on its maintenence IpMW W \JwH and you can use this money y^ to go out on the town, get some new IMA JlM^^W clotnes celebrate your birthday or buy lla VV some new books
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  • Page 28 Miscellaneous

  • 499 29  - Raconmyth shows potential HIS could be a great season for newcomers. Over the weekend Raconmyth and Tyche won first time out at Ipoh and a few showed promise of developing into useful performers. Raconmyth Is a fouryea r old Australian gelding by the now defunct Raconteur, a great racehorse and
    499 words
    • 925 29 JOCKEY George Podmore was lined $300 for careless riding on Sata'amp in Race 8 at Ipch on Saturday. Tr.e Stipendiary Stewards report: I Ml 'itllAY Race 1: Tul*ky (C. Leong) was slow 111 jumping away. Dia D&tang (Na»arn missed the start by a
      925 words
    • 76 29 NEW YORK. Mon A "Super 10 million heavyweight boxing championship of the century" between champion George Foreman and termer champion Muhammad All Is now being negotiated. Bob Arum, one of All's lawyers said here yesterday. The New York lawyer said the championship could be held
      Bernama; AFP  -  76 words
    • 20 29 BALIBBURY. Mon. Olympic champions West Oermany beat Rhodesia 5-0 In an international hockey match here yesterday. Reuier. i
      Reuter  -  20 words
    • 981 29 11TLIGHTS for the Ipoh i ii. thi- weekend: SATURDAY CLASS 4 DIV 3 6F \-idil l.nvoy 9.00 9.00 Ovation II 9. 00 Lardlnal Uluik B. IS Lesong 8.12 Panglima Larut II 8.12 Macau Traders 8.12 n II i II Burma Teak 8.11 Last Kalimantan 811 bunny Heart II
      981 words
  • 81 29 JACKSONVILLE. Mon Jim Colbert survived a shaky patch to win the US$l3O.OC> Greater Jacksonville Open golf championship by one stroke from four other players. The 32-year-old Colbert finished with a one-over-par 73 for a nine-under total of 279 and collected for his w.n. He edged
    81 words
  • 287 29 Durity hits century off Aussies |>OINTE-A-PIEREE (Trl- dad), Mon. A fine innings of 100 by opener Oscar Durity and half centuries by Charlie Davis and Inshan All took Trinidad to within 32 runs of the Australians first Innings score on the second day of their four- day match here yes
    Reuter  -  287 words
    • 277 29 BRUSSELS, Mon. Malaysia failed in their bid to host the World Cup hockey tournament in 1975. The International Hockey Federation decided to give the tournament to India. Malaysia, together with Pakistan and Hong Kong will be considered for the 1977 World Cup. The
      277 words
    • 213 29 LONDON, Mon— Peter Gethm of Britain completed a shock motor-racing double when he won the Race of ChampK'^s at Brands Hatch yesterday. Gethin drove a Formula 5000 Chevron to victory in a European championship qualifier on Saturday, then upset all the odds wiien he used the
      Reuter  -  213 words
    • 47 29 KINGSTOWN. Mon. Clydr Walcott s West Indies Cricket XI Drew their friendly two-day match against a St. Vincent Invitation team here yesterday. Scores: West indie* XI 241-5 dec and 134-6 dec St. Vincent 155 (D. Holoid 4-34 > and 90-3 I Shlllingford 40 n.o.i. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  47 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 208 29 I '^M^ "f£ fV'r'"^! it^^ _Tia»<a»»^*^ ■^■^■B^a^a^a^L^L^lK^t Y^^^Lb^bV -^2r^ _^b^^ .^b^blb^b^bW )K!aß^H Right from the start it will pay you to use Australian Building Materials You can build from the ground up. Insulation, wall facings, veneers. Building is one of Australia's largest with high-quality Australian build- boards, floor and wall
      208 words

  • 59 30 NICOSIA. Men. The house of the Cyprus Interior and Defence Minister, Mr. Oeorghlos loannldes. was damaged In a bomb explosion during the night. The Minister was not In. Four other bomb explosions severely damaged the town s post office, the house of a police sergeant, a
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 282 30 Continuing role in S-E Asia pledge by NZ WELLINGTON, Monday MALAYSIAN Deputy Prime Minister Tun (Dr.) Ismail was today given assurances of New Zealand's continuing interest in South-east Asia and keenness to boost trade between the two countries. The New Zealand Prime Minister, Mr. Norman Kirk, also gave Tun Ismail
    Reuter  -  282 words
  • 66 30 LIMA, Mon. Six bus passengers were crushed to death and two others were swept Into a swift- flowing river when they ventured too cloi-e to a spot where workmen were dynamiting on a road in the Andes foothills. The passengers left the bus and. Ignoring warnings, moved
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • 48 30 LONDON. Mon A pair of pistols ence owned by Simon Bolivar, the Latin American "liberator," were sold toaay for £22.000 ($137,500). The elaborate, rllver-mounted pistols, encrusted with gold, were presented to Bolivar In 1825 by the Marquis de Lafayette, the general of the American revolution.
    48 words
  • 28 30 KINGSTON (Jamaica). Mon. Police are Investigating the disappearance of approximately US$5O,OOO ($125,000) from the vault of th* main branch of the Bank of Nova Scotia. AP.
    AP  -  28 words
  • 399 30 HONGKONG. Mon. —The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Michael Ramsey, said here today the churches were having a difficult time in Sabah. The Archbishop, who visited the territory last week as part of his current Asian tour, was speaking at a press conference. "The churches
    Reuter; AP  -  399 words
  • 317 30 L«NDON. Mon. Equity cloy.l firmer on balance in very quiet trading today, dralrrs said At 3 p.m. thr Financial Tlntn lnde> rWTrtfrn. •«•>« L Z* dr S' mO!tl fallowed the general trend. A lew toauem. however. ea*ed. Bank leaden firmed along with Insurances while oih were narrowly ml«ed.
    317 words
  • 51 30 LONDON. Mon. Spot 24 ,5 Settlement: April 25 95. May 26.05. Aprlljune 26.00. June 26.00. July) Sept 26 ID on/Dec 26 10. Jan March of April/June 26.10. July/Sept •S i? 1 Oct'De* 26 15. Jan March 26.25. April June 26 SO General ell April 25 70 May 25.60. Market:
    51 words
  • 35 30 LONpON. Mon Spot buyer. fiTIS 14 >- Milan £1715 (+tl4). For- «W25 (+£l6). teller. fL27« «+*>*> Settlement: 11 7 15 on Turnover a.m. 110 ton., p.m. 20 ton». Ton*: Steady but quiet 66'j unrh aoT 1
    35 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 155 30 Make no mistake about it. Series 8000 jjMj^mL The new Paymaster Ribbon Writer Series 8000 Jr will not only write your fastest speed, but does this thousands of time 43/vVi without re-inking. It fea- OGfICS IOUU tures the exclusive long- T p lastmg nbbon An out- 100Q JJ S^mSerll^fffcß. Gear
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  • Page 30 Miscellaneous