The Straits Times, 17 January 1973

Total Pages: 30
1 30 The Straits Times
  • 24 1 TJTAL DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 235,000 The Straits times The National Newspaper Kstd 1845 r WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17. 1973 20 CENTS M.C. (P) 28/^3
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  • 1147 1 US waits for Red response As Gen Haig explains to President Thieu... KEY BISCAYNE (Florida) Tuesday PRESIDENT Nixon today awaited a Hanoi response to bring peace closer to Indo-china after halting all US offensive operations on North Vietnam. White House spokesman Ronald Ziegler said Mr. Nixon's decision to suspend American
    UPI  -  1,147 words
  • 120 1 Threat to blow up British -airports ONDON, Tues. Police Lj are investita'.-K a threat to blow up airports in Britain unless an Arab in custody is released within the next four days, airport sources have said. Police confirmed today they bad received a threat concerning Palestinian Mohammed Abdul Fuheid, 24.
    Reuter  -  120 words
  • 36 1 DJIBOUTI. Tues. President Pompidou of France received an unexpectedly rapturous welcome today from tribesmen as he drove In an open car through this capital of the last remaining comer of Prance's African empire. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 188 1 Tokyo imposes curbs on stock -mart qpOKYO, Tues. The -I Finance Ministry today took steps to soak up about 400,000 million yen ($4,000 million) of "surplus liquidity" from the stock market to curb its overheat. The ministry ruled that the securities firms must deposit five to ten per cent of
    Reuter  -  188 words
  • 48 1 OTTAWA. Turn Prime Minuter Trudeau's Liberal Oovernment survived it» second vote of confidence la*t night In tht House of Commons With the help of tht New Demccrau. the Liberal* defeated by 139-114 an opposition motion condemning the government 1 Handling of unemployment and Inflation. AP.
    AP  -  48 words
  • 17 1 TOKYO, Tues. Yugoslavia has established an embassy In the North Korean capital of Pyongyang. UPI.
    UPI  -  17 words
  • 167 1  - Badminton: China takes up Indon challenge LESLIE FONG By f ONDON, Tues. Chinas JL national badminton team is prepared to play against Indonesia's Thomas Cup players In a friendly match at a convenient place and time, the leader of the Chinese badminton team currently visiting England told the Straits Times
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  • 61 1 LONDON, Tues. North Sea oil and gas should brill? Britain £100 million (about $65 million) a year by 1980, accordIng to a government report out today. The revenue from rents and royalties will be even greater if oil prices rise as they are expected to, says
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 118 1 HONG KONG, Tues. About 100 armed policemen surrounded a Thai International flight when it arrived here tonight from Bangkok after receiving a tipoff that Arab guerillas might try to hijack it to kidnap a top-ranking Israeli diplomat on board. But the plane
    Reuter  -  118 words
  • 263 1  - Bodies in river linked with gang rape report K.S SIOHU 8y POLICE today linked the recovery of two bodies in Changi River on Sunday to a report of nine rape at Changi Beach on Saturday night. According to police spokesman Mr. Lawrence Loh, a 36-year-old bar waitress reported that she
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  • 352 1 Soviets land second buggy on moon MOSCOW, Tues. The second Soviet automatic moon Buggy, Lunokhod 2, soft-landed on the moon's surface early this morning and immediately began sending back TV pictures to earth, Tass news agency reported. The Lunokhod, welghng 840 kilogrammes (1,840 lb.i, was landed by the moon craft
    Reuter  -  352 words
  • 30 1 LONDON, Tues. Princess Aline will go to West Germany In June to visit the British army regiment of which she is Colo-nel-ln-Chlef, Buckingham Palace announced today. UPI
    UPI  -  30 words
  • 19 1 TOKYO, Tue* A light single-engine plane crashed Into the sea off Tokyo killing all people aboard. UPI.
    UPI  -  19 words
    • 81 1 CEASEFIRE ON SATURDAY SAIGON. Toes. A eesieflre will be decl&rrd by the lotted State* and South Vietnam on Saturday, the ere of President Nixon'i inauf unttkm, U pave the way toward ilgoJnf of a peace acrwtnent to end the Indo-Chlna war. Sooth Vietnamese tourers ■aid today. President NUon wma aud
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 239 1 62 South Bridge RJ..S pore 1. Tel: *****. WORLD NEWS Pages 2. 3. 4 SPORES growth rate one of the best in the world 5 PEGGY Shaw sues bus firm 6 HALF-YEAR Interest plan by CPF 7 COURT told of rape plot 8 UNANIMOUS vote for a split of Council
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    • 354 2 French call for increase in monetary gold price LONDON, Tues. rANCE has called for a steep increase in the official price of monetary gold as part of a controversial proposal for reform of the world currency system, according to European monetary sources today. The French Government submitted a six-page paper
      Reuter  -  354 words
    • 55 2 NEW DELHI. Tues. New army and air chiefs took over their commands In India today. General Oopal Ourunath Bewoor succeeded Field Marshal Sam Manelcshaw as Army Chief of Staff, while Air Chief Marshal O P. Mehra took over from Air Chief Marshal Pratap Chandra Lai as
      Reuter  -  55 words
    • 19 2 TAIPEH. Tues. Taiwan last year exported electronic products worth U*****.6 million the Central News Agency reported Reuter.
      Reuter  -  19 words
    • 168 2 Six Asians who may not have made it across the -Channel- ONDON, Tues. A Li croup of Asians trying to smuggle themselves into Britain from France may have drowned in the English Channel. Police sources said today that the five or six Asians were last seen paddlinc a dinfhy toward
      AP  -  168 words
    • 42 2 UNTIED NAIIU..S. i Nine members of the militant Jewish Defence League staged a short-lived demonstration near the Security Council Chamber today, manacling themselves to posts after charging that Secre-tary-Oeneral Kurt Waldhelm had refused to accept their petition about Soviet Jews.
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    • 113 2 LONDON, Tues— The trial of two men charged with trying to smuggle from Hong Kong the largest haul of Chinese heroin ever intercepted by British Customs, began here yesterday. Ma Fat Li, 36, and his uncle. San .Shun Li. 53, have pleaded not guilty
      Reuter  -  113 words
    • 86 2 JAKARTA. Tues.— lndonesia yesterday commemorated a sea battle with the Dutch Navy which led to the stepping up of the campaign to wrest West Irian from Holland. Navy Chief of Staff Admiral R Sudomo sailed on a frigate around the Oulf of Jakarta and threw petals
      Reuter  -  86 words
    • 528 2 LONDON, Tues. Prime Minister Heath has told Chinese Foreign Trade Minister Pai Hsiaag-kuo he hoped relations between their two countries would develop even further. Mr. Heath told Mr. Pai at a 50-minute meeting yesterday that he was pleased with the
      Reuter  -  528 words
    • 218 2 -Balinese dancers turn on an American audience WASHINGTON. Tues. Indonesian dancers from Ball, accompanied by the gamelan gongs and drums of Sebatu, won critical acclaim after a single performance at the Kennedy Centre on Saturday night. A capacity bouse, which Included diplomats, high Government officials and members of Congress, applauded
      AP  -  218 words
    • 41 2 CAIRO. Tucj. Rescue launches from Alexandria braved 20ft seas to save the 160 passengers of the Egyptian liner, the Syria, after she sent an SOS. All the passengers were brought safely ashore by Fort Authority vessels.. AP.
      AP  -  41 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 187 2 K p I I|l "ffl KONG HEE FRTTCHOV S V''i\^3V- >'i%-. Slip -on boy'i lhoej with m<xeo«in stitched vomp, in brown •s:s*'• JmCpS^t^K^ i- A A At 4 :.jv'. Vf. a A pretty girl's T bar shoe with attractive perforations. In i J cSSS 8 SSXSS&»SS» R?s^_<- r T <!*N^C<s^
      187 words

    • 206 3 Seato chief for top level talks in London LONDON, Tues. Mr. Sunthorn Hongladarom. secretary-general of Seato holds talks today with Prime Minister Heath and top Ministers on defence, economic and political questions concerning the seven-nation alliance. Mr. Sunthorn's discussions will be in the light of current developments in Vietnam and
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    • 253 3 C-mart talks: Soviet response awaited HELSINKI, Tues. D E L EG AT lONS from 34 nations have started studying details of the Common Market proposals for an agenda and terms of reference for a European security conference while awaiting the decisive Soviet response. Conference sources said today the Soviet Union
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    • 103 3 Russian scientist gets down to work LONDON, Tues. LeadIng Soviet geneticist Dr. Zhores Medvedev, a political dissenter, today started work at Britain's National Institute for Medical Research. An Institute spokesman said the Russian scientist planned to spend a year there doing research on the ageing process his speciality. Dr. Medvedev
      Reuter  -  103 words
    • 469 3 Weak and hungry Francis crosses border to freedom HONG KONG. Tues. Australian Journalist Francis James, 52, crossed the border Into Hong Kong today after three years in detention and Immediately collapsed. He was pale and weak, had three days' growth of beard on his chin and told officials he had
      Reuter  -  469 words
    • 61 3 Pot too can cause cancer— report LONDON, Tue». A report published here says marijuana smoking may be just as likely to cause cancer as tobacco. The Swiss Institute for Exrlmental Cancer Research exposed some 1,300 specimens of lung tissue culture* to both tobacco and marijuana smoke for 46 days and
      AP  -  61 words
    • 58 3 HONO KONO, Tuee. The Government Is studying another ambitious project of building a road tunnel running through Hong Kong island from Its northern to the southern aide. The tunnel would provide dual two-lane carriageways to be connected at the northern end to the cross harbour tunnel
      Reuter  -  58 words
    • 170 3 LONDON. Tues. Doctors at a top London maternity hospital are to use an ultra-sophisticated analysis machine to help prevent the birth of seriously abnormal children. The machine, a Swedishdesigned L.K.B 9000-S gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer, can detect signs of insanity, mongollsm and other
      Reuter  -  170 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 21 3 "^^r^^ HHHh Kllllr I <tok. ititekdfrß Id £UU CREAM |J SmMM if W\ iL NET (ilJ4y^> HOOK? QF KW /Nil* P^
      21 words
    • 330 3 JohnnieWfolker TheWforkfs Largest- Selling Scotch Whisky 8 DAYS PERTH HOUDAY $860 including your return airfare, hotel accommodation, tours and transfers! It's fantastic! For only $860 we can fly you to Perth and back, give you 7 nights' accommodation in a centrally located hotel, sightseeing tours... and the holiday of a
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    • 171 4 Hijacker gets new trial as judge sparks off row WEW YORK, Tues. 11 A Judge has ordered a new trial for a hijacker after a courtroom storm over a Juror's refusal to vote him guilty. Garrett Trapnell, who was shot and wounded after hijacking a Trans- World Airlines Boeing 707
      Reuter  -  171 words
    • 75 4 'PURE 9 OIL FIND IN NIGERIA TKJKYO, Tues. Japan's -I Nigeria Oil Company announced today it had struck oil with almost zero sulphur content off the N:gerlan coast. The company said the oil gushed at the rate of 3,500 barrels a day at a depth of 7,000 feet in an
      Reuter  -  75 words
    • 170 4 Thailand to build two new naval bases to check Red -power- BANGKOK. Tues. Thailand will strengthen its navy and build two new naval stations to deal with changing political and military conditions in Indo-china. informed sources said today. The sources. Quoting naval authorities, said the plans include recruitment of two
      Reuter  -  170 words
    • 357 4 Move to deny Marcos voting results MANILA, Tuesday THK Philippine Supreme Court Ikis nsked the Government to answer a motion filed with it seeking to restrain the Commission on Elections and other official agencies from reporting referendum results to President Marcos. The motion asked the court yesterday to issue an
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    • 110 4 Repentant Red leader goes on trial RANGOON. Tues. An outlawed communist party leader went on trial here for treason two years after his capture. A three-man criminal court trying Thakin Soe. 66. head of the Trotskyite Red Flag Party, heard evidence yesterday from his former chief of staff Myint Aung.
      Reuter  -  110 words
    • 97 4 HEART DRUG USED TO CURE ALCOHOLICS SYDNEY, Tues. Australian doctors were experimenting with the heart disease drug propranolol In the treatment and cure of alcoholism and narcotics addiction. It was learned here today. Dr. C.W. Salemann, the medical director of Sydney's Langton Clinic, a referral centre for drug ad- dicts
      Reuter  -  97 words
    • BRIEFS
      • 48 4 COSENZA, Tues. An explosion caused by a faulty gas explosion ripped through a farmhouse near the village of San Giacomo D'Acrl In Italy today, killing all 13 people Inside. The victims were farmhand Luigi Abruzzese. 48, his wife, their nine children aged four to 20, and two guests.
        48 words
      • 56 4 LONDON: Britain's annual outbreak of influenza left 882 people dead in I! and Wales last week. The toll was the worst for a seven-day span since figures on the latest outbreak were first recorded at the end of November, and amounted for almost half the total of 1.780 influenza
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      • 52 4 MANILA: President Ferdinand Marcos has fixed the minimum wage of maids working in Manila at 60 pesos ($25) a month. In rural areas the minimum wage will only be half that. In the Philippines, maids usually live in and are supplied with free food and clothing by the family they
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      • 63 4 ST. ANDREWS: A women's liberation croup decided to turn the tables on men in this Scottish town by harrassing them with wolf whistles and odes. They cot quick results. "One mid-dle-aged gentleman tried to attack one of us," Diane Lee. a social worker, said. But all was not lost. "We
        63 words
      • 68 4 NEW YORK: "If I had to write my own epl taph It would be "Here lies Elizabeth Taylor Burton. Thank you for every moment, good and bad. I've enjoyed It all." Actress Elizabeth Tayior says this in the latest edition of the Ladies Home Journal. She adds: "I was not
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      • 41 4 LtRIDA: Thirty year old Raniona Goma cave birth to a son in a taxi on thr way to the hospital in this Spanish town. The last time she cave birth was also in a taxi on thr way to the hospital.
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      • 44 4 MOSCOW: The law has finally caught up with Aziz Ibraglmov. a 78 year old sorcerer with five wives. A newspaper from his home Republic of Tadzhiklstan, said a local court had recently jailed him for four years on charges of bigamy and fraud. Agencies.
        Agencies  -  44 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 119 4 As much as one ct^icee sweetlet^ay! A flH£^^X^AM^lt UIW *M* IMMlii ii> *.o, V. tS^ <^ics£ a day keeps those blemishes and colds at bay. One tasty cMicee, as good as ten oranges, is equivalent to a strong dose of 500 mgs Vitamin C. The Vitamin C so necessary for
      119 words
    • 326 4 ZWly* COURAGE vfca CONFIDENCE jUk LEADERSHIP fITA DWXCMMCOe 10 ways the Dale Carnegie Course helps men and women: Acquire poise and confidence Speak effectively Sell yourself and your ideas Be at your best with any group Remember names Think and speak on your feel Control fear and worry Be a
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 45 4 HE GAMBOLS By Barry Appleby (Hu/«j /^i think we ca*j~^\ v s i TAKE THE PLASTER y of? tocavJ—^ /BUT YOU'LL UAVE^X /"vfc>U MU«T^ l__- TO TAKE THIM<S« 1 I V. BE-JOKIUG J <V V eA«v eoe eo»e J 7 V^ ti/wc yeT _j- Z
      45 words

  • 103 5 PEKEMAS 'ROUND TABLE' TALKS PLAN KUALA LUMPUR, Tues.Pekemas is calling for a round-table conference of opposition parties with a view to seeking Opposition unity in the light of present political developments, Its executive secretary, Encik K. George, said today. It has invited the DAP, SNAP, Party Sosialis Rakyat, the Unite.
    Bernama  -  103 words
  • 393 5  -  TAN WEE LIAN By gl NGAPORE'S rate of development in the last five years is among the best in the world, Professor Hollis Chenery, World Bank vice president (Development Policy) said yesterday. "The rate of development has been remarkable, and I don't
    393 words
  • 70 5 MR. E.J. Byrne, director of Wentworth Traders, Australia, will visit Singapore this month to discuss expansion In the export potential of locally assembled scooters to Australia. He will visit the Vespa assembly plant In Jurong and meet representatives of the company's local distribution, the
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  • 59 5 MR. Donald Vaughan, International Executive Service Corps adviser to the National Safety First Council of Singapore will speak on "Road Safety" at the Rotary Club of Singapore luncheon at Mandarin Hotel today at 12 45 p.m Mr. Vaughan will also speak at the luncheon of the
    59 words
  • 56 5 A farewell tea party will be held for the outgoing Indian High Commissioner to Singapore. Mr. Prem Bhatla. and hli *'fe at the Hyatt Hotel on Frl<l«y «t 4 pjn. The party U organised by various associations. Including the Arya Bamaj. Shree Lakshminaryan Temple, Slndhl Merchants
    56 words
  • 146 5 10 cent rides for all as bus men stage -protest- MANY commuters of the United Bus Company bad unexpected "discount rides" on Monday between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. because of an industrial dispute in tbe company. It is understood that when ticket inspectors were not present on the buses,
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  • 267 5 Solving the problems of primary education EDUCATION ex- perts from eight countries will discuss prim a ry education for children in Southeast Asia at an Innotech regional seminar here from Feb. 19 to 23. Experts from Khmer, Indonesia, Malaysia Laos, Philippines, Singapore Thailand and South Vietnam, have been invited to
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 69 5 protect your from infection t^f__2Jfc^ Bathing the eyes ji i regularly with Optrex Eye Lotion y,*-^ is the best and /^~sv most effective protection against Wi */v/ eye infection. X.^L M X Sore, irritated and inflamed __^tf__Bß_H °y es are soothed '^^^|^f~~T f^B and relieved jl&» Optrex I i-~ leye
      69 words
    • 246 5 W -^"S OBEROI I i~j Y_T_(_ef_i_l I Xr _f^ I HOTEL W PROUDLY PRESENTS W TONYMIJARES I m the wandering minstrel m IMBm^^^^mmb HK^h_ Gj Tony Mijares. the i^^___ fIP Wandering Minstrel, will I |^Lj 4E A sing your requests at I^^^^^. 1 The Bar every evening. fl^ B Also
      246 words

  • 293 6  -  WONG LAI WAH By THE older generation must be able to talk Intelligently with young people if there is to be mutual trust between them. And their answers must not be in the form of indoctrination or propaganda overtones. This
    293 words
  • 482 6  - Peggy Shaw sues bus firm for damages T.F. HWANG INJURED IN CAR CRASH By pi AN Sri Peggy Shaw, wife of Tan Sri Hunmc Slkiw. is suing a Perak" bus company for damages for injuries suffered in a road accident here on a Hari Raya Puasa afternoon three years ago.
    482 words
  • 211 6 HK team lauds PA civic centres scheme rpHE visiting Hong A Kc^g Government team yesterday praised the People's Association's role in promotinp social integration through community centres. This came after the 19--member team from Hong Kong's Secretariat for Home Affairs was briefed by Mr. Son Teow Seng, PA deputy director,
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  • 890 6 A POLICE detective, whose 13-year-old son died after being 'brutally" assaulted by him in a bid to extract information about stolen va:ua'jies, was yesterday Jailed for two years on a charge of manslaughter by the High Court. Det-Cpl. Chua Soi Hong, 39, admitted beating up
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 94 6 L^Ek^bbh BB^H Ja^B^B^Bß^r^ b^EJbmbl IBB^BB^BB^bW -^r a^B^Bb B^B^B^^B^Bh V -^M 3^ £bV «fl BB^^B^Ba B^r i^^^^lr Jb^Bl^BM^^^^^^ ..±<t"kfo** aV^Bl^Bl^BW'^ '^Hb^ IbbhbbhbhbVbhHbhblbbVbbmHbhbbl bßb^Bbßblbbibbmbßb^^^ -^bT «^bbVb^bb^bb^b^bi^HmbiHbb^Hbibb^Hbbbbhbbb Great Brandy s CourVMSief for the man who knows brandy. 1% And knows what he wants. BY*Like Napoleon of France, the greatest man of his age,
      94 words
    • 125 6 scaday covers you for up to $25,000! J AFIA Hi-Indemnity Accident J Insurance gives maximum I insurance at the lowest preI mium, anywhere in the world. I I Fill in this coupon TODAY I I to find out how the Hi-lndem- I I mtv Accident Insurance can I give $25,000
      125 words

  • 278 7  - Half- year interest plan by the CPF P.M. RAMAN By T»HE Central Provident Fund A Board is considering a proposal to credit interest on members' contributions every six months instead of once a year. This will cost the board an extra $3.5 to $4 million a year —an amount which
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  • 148 7 Arrest warrant for 'elusive' director A MAGISTRATE yesterday issued a fresh warrant for the arrest of a company director, who failed to appear in court in connection with 12 summonses under the Central Provident Fund Act. The CPF Board prosecutor, Mr. Lye Yuen Went, told the court that Carl B.
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  • 204 7 Found in a hut— $5,000 stolen stereo equipment rjuEENSTOWN police have recovered an assortment ol stereophonic equipment worth $5,000 which are believed to have been stolen from homes in Queenstown. The goods were seized from a hut in Bukit Kaslta, Kampong Bahru, by police on Sunday at 12.15 a.m. Followlng
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  • 410 7  -  BENJAMIN DAVIDSON By A 37-YEAR-OLD gun- man, who demanded $100,000 from a businessman but was given $40,000 instead, was sentenced yesterday to seven years' jail and six strokes of the cane by the High Court. Mr. Justice Kulasekaram told Neo Poon that medical
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 292 7 fonq/ /en/at ionol new r Dolby stereo cci/zette deck \^v r to-msd"""^ _|jfn T* llJlfl\ UIITIIFeBRITIOnDF€RRIT€< model T v I I M P m^^^^B^ /^T nena*_^y Dolby concept t l^^^^k^\ Jvl^^^^Bkk complete. fcv \i^3^^fl If you waited for Sony's Dolby cassette tape ft^^s*\ deck, here's your reward: The new Sony
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  • 492 8 TOLD A POLICE patrol caught one of three youths accused of a rape conspiracy "with his pants down" at the time 01 the alleged offence, the High Court heard yesterday. DPP Mr. Loh Lin Kok, said this In his summary of the
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  • 140 8 SEAMAN WHO THOUGHT HE ALWAYS HAD BAD LUCK A 55-year-old unmarried t*retlred seaman, who believed that he wu always having bad luck, committed suicide by Jumping down from a block of flats, a Coroner's Court was told yesterday. tfadam Ah Foon, a housewife, was testifying at the inquiry into the
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  • 211 8 r Bus firms blame rising costs for full fare move |>ISING costs is the reason why bus companies have wlthdrawn concession passes for private school students. Mr. Tan Hul Nam, secretary ol the Co-ordinating Committee of Bus Operaton, said this yesterday following a Straits Times report that private school students
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  • 200 8 K. LUMPUR, Tuw. HHHE High Court today X awarded a PWD labourer $12,000 in damages for the loss of his two daughters and a son who were electrocuted by high tension wire In September 1972. Justice Tan Brl 8 M. Vong entered
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 277 8 ICOMPLETE AUDIO! COVERAGE I JkSlh ki 111 I Sanyo DXT 5340 4 channel decoder/amplifier platters and shuts off automatically after the H gives you all —a or 4-channel 8-track final record. H cartridge player, a stereo cassette recorder, a Through the expertly crafted 4-piece speaker H 4-speed automatic record changer
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 98 8 SESAME STREET By CUff Roberts Atimy Omp By F. F. Humlin I SS^S^^-^I -^st^ m J£ B*xs'8 xs n \wm.ys«ouNol I ybs, and that ljeaves > •-*>/ rru.HAVETO E.VI Ahwtmr ByAltapp I rB^^iTAC^WXMM* l/^iILGOTAS^-xl -ASA^C* JAM IS N I ??-AH DON'T 7> I MUCH RIGHT WOT J HAS,NOT < GOKJNA
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  • 197 9 Ordeal of woman trapped in sawmill blaze Itfl ADAM Gurdip Kaur, ITI 38, yesterday recalled the moments of terror when she was trapped in a sawmill fire on Monday night. "Fire raged all around me. All I could do was to pray, and my prayers were answered. I saw a
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  • 43 9 A WOMAN pedestrian. Pong Ah See. 65, was killed on the spot when she was knocked down by a lorry at the Junction of Rochore Canal Road and Queens Street yesterday. Police said the lorry did not stop after the accident.
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  • 91 9 Hon to speak at conference dinner FINANCE Minister Mr. Hon Sui Sen will speak at a dinner In conjunction with the opening of a conference on business and Investment opportunities, at the Mandarin Hotel at 8 tonight. The conference, organised by the Stanford Research Institute of California In association with
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  • 20 9 THE 115-member Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra, will fly In from Bangkok today to perform at the National Theatre
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  • 298 9 K. Lumpur, Tues MEMBERS of the Council of Churches of Malaysia and Singapore today voted unanimously for a split of the 25-year-old councii. After a two-hour debate at the council's annual meeting here at the Evangelical Lutheran Church In Brickfields,
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  • 131 9 KEH Kirn Seng, 37, of Malaysia, described in court as a "notorious drug pusher," was Jailed for a year yesterday for having 30 kartoos of Indian hemp in Sims Avenue on Monday. He pleaded guilty. "He Is a notorious pusher In the area and
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  • 298 9 Horror crash car bought recently MALACCA, Tues. The driver of the Hillman car, in which all nine people died in yesterday accident at the 41 Irk mile Johor Baru-Ayer Itam road, had bought the vehicle a few months ago to do business. This was told today by Encik Abdul Rani
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  • 59 9 Gift of braille machine to the blind THE Australian Women's Auxiliary (AWA) yesterday presented a $350 braille machine to the Singapore Association for the Blind. The presentation was made by the AWA president. Mrs. E. J. Apperley to Mr. David Sebastian, principal of the School for the Blind. Last year,
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  • 47 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. The Malayan Railway will run frequent Thalpusam specials between Kuala Lumpur and Batu Caves on Thursday and Prlday for the benefit of worshippers and devotees. Tickets can be purchased at platform No. 4 at the Kuala Lumpur railway station.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 10 9 |jf*Y THOMSON ROAD y^ Johnnie\\folker The W»U's Largest-Selling Scotdi Whisky
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    • 489 9 d^**^ a i rack CARTRIDGE Players MX-1600^ MX 1 GOO Positive and Negative Ground ~^^fl^| HfeHHHBiDI Switch 'Output 20W (2 x 10WI •Channel <*i^^^s^3Ss?S^^^^^M|iH. Switch Repeat Switch LC Cir. vii Fast MmMM ™""^^||llr Forward Slide Controls for Tore. Volume. ***** ™*HB-» 111 Balance Map Lamp •SPECIAL 1 Burglar Aljrm. I
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 44 9 Bugs Bunny By Ralph Heimdahl I WAWT A ReFUNP OrfTHIS I SCHNOOGLE I ELECTRIC RAZOR ANt? NO 7 DEPT STORE AMUMBMTs;^ COMPLAINTS sr<v (tK-srep pown rj I p^p^pjpj^^y mm** 2»£m- g.-±\ f OKAY, FUPPSvA IT'S ABOUT THIS MOtTBH| WHAT'S Y£* J WATER BOTTLe..^^^— I
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  • 247 10  -  MASIE KWEE By COME 2,000 teachers and principals who applied lor promotion have been called up for interviews by the Public Service Commission. The Interviews, which will begin on Monday will be carried out in stages. Those who have been called up are
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  • 47 10 PUBLISHER Donald Moore was fined $300 yesterday for paying late contributions to the CPF Board for his two domestic servants from May to August last year. He pleaded guilty He said that payments were not made because he was under extreme pressure of work.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 101 10 mL'ii^ 1101 -TONIGHT at 9.30pm fl Afof y° u see him r v^VO now you don't B MISTER ltK\-SKV-HO\V: OPENS TODAY THE WIDOW TAKES REVENGE Starring Ll Ll HUA and YEN CHUM MANDARIN PICTURE in SCOPE COLOR WITH SUFERIMFOSED ENGLISH CHINESE SUBTITLES H^bVVb&^l I v<L^iVit^tv«^vivnxJivit^r\i>x?iVftXij Congratulations to I I OMRON
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    • 316 10 cJilj <^ i^ m 4 m at the harbour grill SINGAPORE HILTON 6th- 20th. Jan ,1973 A free glass of Asbach Uralt, the Great Brandy from the Rhine, will be served with your meal. A specially selected German menu has been chosen to coincide with the Asbach fortnite. the peal
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    • 210 10 IDEALCOCKTAIL LOUNGE FOR YOUR CONVERSATION Enter into tha ara of Victorian luxury and comfort. Sink into tha toft I earner cushions and ratt your waary bone* Enjoy warm privacy and cory atmosphere and all its fineries. Coma to us and leave tha ra»t of tha world bahind. ■^aL^Cl^^' ifiaßnflaS aTaMaS
      210 words
      356 words
    • 646 10 I |j ORGANISATION I uH 'I k i I Hrltttb LAST DAY! ?2 SHOWS: 7.00 9.30pr0 I "UTRAYER" Mondann > Chen <wan Thye Poi Pkjo i S Color Scope English Sub*. 'i Opers Tomorrow! Color »f i 5 Rod Taylor in "POWDfRKEG". J I^IIaOEIIIBEXnDBI "I LAST DAY! S Sh.wi: <
      646 words

    • 168 11 Alarmed by high cost of living... AS A wage earner, I am rather alarmed at the of the cost of living since November, 1972, as the following few examples will substantiate Tinned provisions, milk, vegetables prices have Increased by approximately 20 per cent. Sugar price would have similarly increased had
      168 words
    • 90 11 I REFER to the news item headlined: "Housewife Power: Women beat butchers." (ST.. Jan. 12). Our local housewives should demonstrate their power by refusing to patronise shops which sell goods at unreasonably high prices. They could also refuse to buy fish, prawns and other sea food
      90 words
    • 155 11 STRAIN ON PUPILS ATTENDING SATURDAY CLASSES I WRITE regarding the Saturday school sessions. It is a great shame that young children are compelled to attend schools on Saturday afternoons (1.05 to 6.30 p.m.) when every adult in most government departments has stopped work at 1 p.m. Hard ship rs unnecessarily
      155 words
    • 299 11 Teach family ties concept in schools pROFESSOR Wu Teh Yao. head of the University of Singapore's Department of Political Science, was reported (S.T. Jan. 15) to have stressed the need to preserve the traditional, moral and ethical concept of the family because that was a permanent foundation. The family ties
      299 words
    • 159 11 I MUST thank Mr. Yap Cheng Tong. PRO of the Port Authority, for taking nearly one month to reply to my letter (S.T.. Dec. 15). I brought up the question of annual leave because Division 111 officers, whether In the civil service or In statutory boards, are entitled to 21
      159 words
    • 96 11 ABOUT a year ago signboards were put up at Ponggol Point announcing that three holiday and recreational resorts were to be built over the sea near here. But up till now nothing seems to have been done. Many of us living In this are used to earning some money Dy
      96 words
    • 67 11 I REFER to the report "Pay Freeze Extended By 60 Days" (S.T.. Jan. 13). You Bar that the Confederation of British Industry represents more than 200 manufacturers whereas the Confederation In fact represents more than 14.000 firms and trade organisations not necessarily restricted to manufacturers. I would be grateful If
      67 words
    • 118 11 I WOULD like to express my gratitude to the employees of the Associated Bus Services for the rrompt return of my wallet which I dropped in one of their buses at Shenton Way. It was less than four hoars from the time I dropped it to the trme
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 206 11 No Kidding WHEN YOU BUY THIS POCKET-SIZE PETRI Color 35E YOU'LL GET THIS POCKET-SIZE JS|2li^\ ROXY RADIO £flEI|H\ (This offer is only valid in Singapore w mV^kM^S^fsW from today to 2nd February 1973 \&^^j£^^ during the festive season). yot^^^ BW^B^bVZbVjT PETRI I^lb^^JJl ■sVs^BWS^B^BWJB^I B^b9Zb^B^BwZb^B/JB^^ I Color 3 5 E_ S^k§HSV[B^^|
      206 words
    • 68 11 fT/888-*^' m "3tch them m I no cdv6r\\^Mma^ m W XNewly I Arrived I goods for I CHINESE I EW YEAF y I I /HH^ /Textiles I i &*^MB^m and I Sundries I I Many Counters with Fantastic I Deduction up to 50 /o for I ChineseNgwYear I GROUND FLOOR
      68 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 226 11 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS 8 Politician meets comedian ISS r?! o'*0 omethlnß to 13 aSSSto^lrttetoi lndu<le 5 SSU arrangement bet- f™? cUlme<l to te wron notice of danger (6). r^ tMat ■"»-«> xiDt ix 11 Resort to drink? (10). Vkhii-t writer \i Dr.ii»</.i. n i. i u ..j I, 17
      226 words

  • BThe Straits ®imrs WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17, 1973
    • 336 12 PEACE has been elusive in Europe for many generations. The hopes of East and West hammering out a formula for collective security are not exactly Increased by the differences of approach which have arisen at the negotiations now taking place in Helsinki. Some initial difficulties were ironed
      336 words
    • 206 12 PRESIDENT NIXON's decision to call an- other halt to the bombing of North Vietnam is partly an indication of his belief that if Hanoi is slugged when it is difficult and placated when it shows a willingness to compromise, the prospects for a ceasefire will improve. This
      206 words
  • 549 12  -  BRUCE RUSSELL: By LONDON \IASS production iTI has brought the automobile within the reach of many commuters, but environmental controls may again make it a luxury item by the end of this decade. This is the opinion of Mr. Donald A. Randall, counsel to the Sub-com-mittee on Anti-trust
    Reuter  -  549 words
  • 916 12 HNG HUNG YONG: KUALA LUMPUR THERE Is a danger that far too much is being read into the PAS-Alliance coalition government than is justified by the coalition terms. This was the cautionary note in an interview with Datuk Hajl Mohamed Asri Muda, the
    916 words
  • Article, Illustration
    818 12  -  YAP BOH TIONG By THOSE WHO DARE VENTURE IT might have been ...The school vacations and annual holidays are over, and how many of you feel browned off that the holidays were dull? If you are, you have only yourself to blame. Because there is plenty of excitement about,
    818 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 74 12 FAMOUS CHALLENGER 45 OUTFIT. Bow Drum. U" x 20" with pearl "T &pMI inlaid metol Loops; Snare Drum, g=<cSswT \jr- t»-tn s "j v wlth in rnol control, I Tom Tom 8 12 Floor Tom 1 j/ Tom. 14" x 14" Bent-leg I I«. ■rj^m S'ond; Hi-Hot Pedal with
      74 words
    • 138 12 y m Essaveri r V a must for all piles sufferers. Rqqsivpii I easy, clean and discreetcan be taken at home, at work, while travelling etc, Pain, feeling ol heaviness In of hatmerrholdal complaint*. lh» anus and itching arc in- Emvtn inert as* t ten* of noying symptoms. Stools
      138 words

  • 1165 13  - Forecast of high growth rate for Spore to 1977 GECRGIE LEE By SINGAPORE'S economy is expected to maintain a very high real growth rate over the next five years. Bank of America's economists forecast this in their projection of the Republic's economy until 1977 released recently. The bank expects Singapore
    1,165 words
  • 235 13  -  CAOESUS HHH »y Dizzy rumours WITH the stock market in its present dlsxy mood. It is no surprise to hear of all sorts of stories being floated around for somebody's benefit, no doubt. But the funny thing Is how they get themselves twisted round travelling from one end
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  • 551 13 OVERSEAS Union Bank (OUB), Japan Lease International and Bank of Tokyo yesterday signed an agreement In Singapore establishing a leasing company called Singapore Leasing International. Incorporated with an authorised capital of $2 million and a paid -up capital of
    CHRISTOPHER LOH  -  551 words
  • 167 13 Eastern to get control of Taiping Con AGREEMENT has been A reached in principle by Eastern Produce (Holdings), Sime Darby Holdings and its associates, Kempas (Malaya i and Tatplng Consolidated, which will result In Eastern acquiring a majority stake In a reconstructed Taiping. An announcement yesterday says the reconstruction of
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  • 391 13 By SOH TIANG KENG A SINGAPORE American financial venture. United Chase Merchant Bankers was launched yesterdayUnited Chase, a $7.5 million partnership between United Overseas Bank and Chase Manhattan Bank, will offer a full range of merchant banking servicesAmonc them are the syndication of loans on
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 86 13 How to breathe easily (and sleep easily!) when you get a cold: HR^^' Btwir* of Imitation*. HI HP^ tool< lhli muk Get Contac 500 The hundreds of tiny time-pills in one Contac 500 capsule give you real relief from the worst symptoms of a cold for up to 12 hours.
      86 words
    • 206 13 r~~ m FREE! The 2-minute Search. J IlllWtoilKfTMl X<^ TAKE 2 MINUTES hV^CCCC MANUFACTURERS !T**^ J^ji TO WRITE TO US |TX-A^>^_, WILL WRITE TO J^^ABOUT THE |a-A-^-A-A^-^ YOU DIRECT FROM -O^J~CPL PRODUCTS YOU Ka_A-A^>^a_ THE STATE OF -<_>> S^sA NEED FOR YOUR I _a^-A^-A_ NEW YORK, U.S.A. yOp~^L/| BUSINESS. juuo
      206 words

  • 467 14 ]y|AXILA: Top government officials are unanimous in saying that business is goin^ to be better this year mainly as a result of reforms under the Martial Law Administration as well as reforms proposed in the draft Constitution. The optimistic note was sounded by Executive
    467 words
  • 321 14 Stock exchange procedures in US criticised WASHINGTON: The US Senate Securities Sub-Committee has released staff studies critical of self-regulation procedures of major stock exchanges. The chairman, Senator Harrison Williams, Jr., a New Jersey Democrat, said these were among the most important studies ever made of the exchanges' self-regulation system. One
    AP  -  321 words
  • 214 14 Malaysian International Merchant Bankers iMIMBi has appointed MR. GOH CHIN TONG as a corporate finance officer. Mr. Goh graduated from the Graduate School of Business Administration, University of Minnesota, In th» United States with a Master of Business Administration degree. He also holds a B A (Cum
    214 words
  • 262 14 "\TEW YORK. Mon— The stock market rose rharply in the morning, but (ell back In the afternoon amid heavy profit-taking. Turnover was heavy. The initial flurry stemmed largely from a better overall tone to the weekend news concerning prospects for a settlement of the Vietnam war, and to
    262 words
  • 102 14 FINANCIAL TIMES TINS Monday 124 68 ld ay 125 34 RI'BBERS Monday 480 36 d ?y 476 61 ween ago 448 82 OILS Monday 328 39 ld «y 324 93 Week ago 32 8 27 INDUSTRIALS Monday 505 5 rld »y 5074 Week ago 5052 DOW JONES AVERAGE Monday
    102 words
  • 188 14 'THE Association of Banks in Malaysia-Singapore announced these best agreed merchant rates us at Jan. 16 l«c»l dollais to one unit Selling of Foreign Currency TT or OD U. S Dollar tShO Sterling Pound 6 626* Australian Dolbtr 3 6041 Canadian Dollar 2 8224 New Zealand Dollar 3
    188 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 377 14 Our engineers design and construct steel in oil shapes I I for all applitations-your applications thats Hume Pressure vessels. Toriconical cones and Torispherical dished ends. Lighting towers. Steel fabrications. Steel anything. If it's steel our engineers can manufacture it. Designed to your applications in the shortest possible time. It's no
      377 words

    • 1563 15 THE last transacted sale at 1 the close of business In the Singapore and Kuala Lumpur trading rooms of the Stock Exchange yesterday compared with the previous day's price aether with the 1972/73 high and low. ('Adjusted for all r«- issues): CLOSING TONE: Commodities steady while the rest
      1,563 words
    • 2200 15 DID and offer prices officially listed and business In and reported to the Singapore and Kuala Lumpur trading rooms of the Stock Exchange yesterday with the number of shares traded shown In brackets In lota of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified. INDUSTRIALS Acma (5.108) (1) 5.30. (1) 6.15.
      2,200 words
    • 349 15 Y)RICEs finished generally I mixed on the Stock Exchange of Malaysia and Singapore yesterday following widespread proflttaktac on the popular boards. A decisively firm morning opening took most stocks to new peaks bat the good trend lasted barely an boar. The extent of the selling
      349 words
      • 368 15 THE rubber market opened 1 slightly lower and encountered some long liquidation and consignment hedge selling which caused the loss of further ground. Turnover was light until around mid-session when interest either aide dwindled to a virtual standstill. The morning session closed inactive. Trading in the afternoon was
        368 words
      • 39 15 In London on Monday the pilm oil prices of Malayan 5 per cent CIF UK/N European ports In the bulk sterling per long ton Feb. March was quoted at UK £90 sellers or Cont. 1211 sellers (unchanged).
        39 words
      • 85 15 riAILY BMR prices Issued by the Malaysian Rubber Exchance and Rubber Association of Singapore at noon yesterdaj Jan. Feb. (Current Month) (Forward Month) Bayers Sellers Bayers Sellers Cents per kg. Cents per kg. BMR SCV (1-ton Pallet) 126.50 128.00N 126.50 128.00N BMR 5L (1-ton Pallet) 126 50 128O0N
        85 words
      • 140 15 fl/RLBOURNE. Tues. Lead- ing mining shares lost support on the Melbourne Stock Evhange today after recent strong gains. The biggest nickel producer WMC fell to close at A*3 56 and Great Boulder Mines eased to 51. 75. Peko Walbend also closed lower at $10.50, Broken Hill South dipped to
        140 words
      • 372 15 XJONO KONO. Tues After x two consecutive miserable trading days, the market brightened up with keen support from the buyers. In the afternoon It was further strengthened as more buyers Hocked in. resulting in share prices soaring to the top level of the day and the index regaining
        372 words
      • 40 15 On tb* fra* »rian|« mirktt In Hon« Konf ytitcrday th« U.t. dallir wu quoted at S 6750 for T.T. and &MI2S for t«h. ttarllng wai quot«d at 13 17 and mm t»l *f t*M at 449 «0
        40 words
      • 168 15 A BIAN currency deposit rates for Tuesday. Jan. IS UolUn Offer Bid 7 days 8 1/1 6 1 mth 6 1/8 6 2 mths 6 1/8 8 3 mth* 8 3/16 8 1/18 8 mtht 6 1/8 6 1/4 9 mths 8 1/2 8 38 12 mths
        168 words
      • 45 15 toxy Lempas tenting 1. Lumber iokam lew S dan ■K.I OB ineui loustrad 1. Brew Milk Lramat 9.80 7.60 $11.10 2.74 4.00 4.10 9.50 $21.50 2.40 8.90 $12.00 2 95 4.60 .80 .«0 .80 .58 .50 .50 .50 .50 .44 .40 .40 .30 .30
        45 words
      • 33 15 ►unlop Est. 5.00 —.50 1. Bank $13.60 —.50 L Traders $13.90 —.50 \E. L'ton 4 80 —.40 !sso Ord 6.90 —.40 "Konc Sec. 7.50 .40 C $11.20 —.40 Central Prop 5.60 .30
        33 words
      • 21 15 stocks iula Pcrak f. Rice law Par Hilton 366.001 301.001 193.001 139.001 'otal Turnover: ota I Value: 3.21V $1486\
        21 words
      • 41 15 Jan. i« Jan. 11 IndustrlaU: 532.29 516.3; Hoteb: 388.16 386.91 Properties: 610.61 602.2: Tint: 148.11 ltt.ft rubbers: 309.31 314.1: O.C.B.C. ***** 5*2.2! Dn 30, 1966 100 Dec. SI. 1968 IN t Dec. 29. 1962 100 t Jan. 1. 1970. 100
        41 words
      • 21 15 JAN. 16. RUBBER: 125.50 cents (unch.) TIN: $6 28.7 5 (down $1.50). Official offerlnr: 463 tons (up 177 tons).
        21 words
      • 98 15 /"'MINIS! PRODUCE EXCMANCE SINCARPORE NOON CLOSING PRICES PIM PICUL YESTERDAY. Cacwiut Oil: bulk $411 sellers, drum S42| sellers. C»»r«: Mixed loose UK/Cont. »2«t B. Pepper: Muntok ABTA white f.o.b. 100<t NL.W $210 sellers. Sarawak white f.o.b. 96<? NL.W (200 sellers. Sarawak special black f.o.b. M<t NI.W ***** sellers. Sarawak
        98 words
      • 37 15 London copper prices on Monday (Previous In brackets). Wlrebar Spot buyer £476 00 (MHO. 00). teller £476.50 (£401.50): Three months buyer £486.30 (£491.50) seller £487.00 (£492.00). Market tan*: Steady at lower r»vsl. Sales. 6.45J tons.
        37 words
      • 132 15 THE Straits tin price In Penang yesterday dropped $150 to $628.15 per picul on Saturday's close on an official offering up 177 tons to 463 tons. LONDON: A basically steady tin market m Monday was noted in dealings of 250 metric tons. Afternoon tin continued to display
        132 words
      • 53 15 il) Export prlrci in non-Mrrlinit areas In US dollars per ounce. (2) Local dealers prices in Singapore dollars per tael. London Burnt HonKkong Zurich Parii ....'.'Z'.'.'.'. Singapore 1 Spore (3) M*nday Saturday Ull Utf «S.IO 69.13 Cloned 85.50 •5 72 «5.71 M.BOB 64.908 85.208 65.208 68.110 85.15 ClOKd
        53 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 276 15 Malayan Finance can help you own your own home You know that it's worthwhile buying a house because it's a form of investment. But you put it off because you don't have enough cashonhand. With a housing loan from Malayan Finance, you can become the proud owner of your own
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 569 16 The International Planned Parenthood Federation wish to appoint a Regional Secretary circa US $12,000 p.a. for the Indian Ocean Region in Colombo A challenging opportunity to work internationally with a non -governmental voluntary organisation in the field of family planning. The Indian Ocean Region is a geographical division of the
      569 words
    • 824 16 I INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING DIVISION kJRH a. civil engineer I b. mechanical i BfiJ C. FOREMAN OF As a result of (he continuing expansion of the Industrial Engineering Division we now require the following experienced personnel: A. CIVIL ENGINEER QUALIFICATION: Degree or Diploma in Civil Engineering eligible for admission as graduate
      824 words
    • 580 16 idtX HITACHI SEMICONDUCTOR W (MALAYSIA) SDN. BHD. Newly established Semiconductor Company "HITACHI SEMICONDUCTOR (MALAYSIA) SDN. BHD." located In BAYAN LEPAS, PENANG commencing business shortly INVITES applications from suitable qualified and experienced Malaysian for the following appointment! 1. ENGINEERING MANAGER Successful applicant* should be Age: 28 —35 years A recognised University
      580 words
    • 562 16 MANAGER, PARTS SERVICE SALES DEPT. As a result of further rapid growth, an opportunity now exists for a Parts and Service Sales Executive based in Petaling Jaya. The position calls for a mature, energetic man responsible for the development and expansion of our Parts and Service Sales activities in West
      562 words

  • 464 17 $30 million Spore- Japan company to build lifts By CHIA POTEIK agreement for a $30 million joint venture between Singapore and Japanese interests was signed yesterday, paving the way to placing the Republic among the world manufacturers of lifts and escalators. The new Singapore Fuji Elevator Corporation Is formed by
    464 words
  • 101 17 4 NOTHER spot of green V will brighten up Robinson Road when landscaping of the vacant plot next to the CID building is completed. The land, formerly the site of quarters for East Indian sailors has been left vacant for some time. Last month,
    101 words
  • 185 17 14 youths arrested in crackdown on street -robbers- DOLICE arrested 14 youths, Including three Indonesian illegal entrants, in a crackdown on street robbers and housebreakers in the last three days. They were picked ud by men from Joo Chiat Police station in a series of raids conducted at Marine Parade
    185 words
  • 36 17 THE Chinese Women's Association donation draw will be held at the Singapore Council of Social Service, Penang Lane, on March 23. The dr-w is In aid of seven local char, table organisations.
    36 words
  • 39 17 THE MP for Boon Teck. Mr. Phey Yew Kok, will attend the "7th cultural show for the people," organised by the People's Association, at Boon Teck community centre In Lorong 6. Toa Payoh today at 8 p.m
    39 words
  • 215 17 TWO seconds that's all clairvoyant Maurice Woodruff (a~ove) says he needs to tell you everything you have always wanted to know about your future. And he claims that It takes only two minutes of deep thought for
    215 words
  • 291 17 Security at Subang tightened to prevent 'incidents' IfUALA LUMPUR, IV Tues. Security Is being tightened to keep the Kuala Lumpur international airport free from "unhealthy" Incidents which might mar its good image, an airport official said today. He said that with the advent of the supersonic age the airport was
    291 words
  • 32 17 WATER consumption on Monday was 107.8 million gallons (490,000 cubic metres), a rise of 4 9 million gallons (22,000 cubic metres) over Sunday's 102.9 million gallons (468,000 cubic metres).
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 74 17 FAVRE-LEUBA HAS A BETTER WAY OF REMEMBERING At last the knot, as an aid to human memory, it rendered obsolete. The acoustic signal of the memo raider can now remind you, insistently, of your appointments. Automatic, with date, it has a second crown for winding and setting the alarm mechanism.
      74 words
    • 203 17 A INTRODUCES THE BIG GT PL" 6 X.L G.s new GT Super Q I Spark Plugs are big in every way. They've got a big projecting nose that thrusts deep into the combustion chamber to give you better combustion and better performance. They've got bigger electrooas, more insulation, and a
      203 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 1103 17 On your TV and Radio 3M Ml Opening and Housewives' Musical Society (Chinese- 1N M p ro g ramme Summary 1 31 Peristim Repeat) S.M NBC Special ill News Mandarin film, Pt. 1-Eng- 7 u News |nd Newree) in chi iit Weather ForeC3st lish subtitles) nese |jg News 1.11
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 924 18 New Electronics Plant <^> opens today Export-oriented joint venture to amalgamate technological expertise of leading electronics group with Singaporean industrial skill. The full range of Omron electronic desk-top calculators now being manufactured in Singapore includes the following models:- Top: 800KD; Centre left to right: 1214; 800 8000. Bottom: Model 802
      924 words
    • 122 18 A personal electronic calculator on everyone's desk After the development of the world's smallest 12-digit 1 -memory desk-top calculator in 1969, OMRON turned its technological efforts toward developing a personal unit that would fit within the budget limitations of practically everyone. The result was the sensational 8-digit OMRON 800 series
      122 words
    • 127 18 OMRON R D INC., California, and OMRON's Central R D Laboratory. The LSIs used in this calculator are an independent development of OMRON's unique QC system. The OMRON 800 is one of the models now being manufactured in Singapore. Other advances in the field of office equipment include Data Processing
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 318 19 Vast experigngg supports Omron production in Singapore Worldwide ramifications of the OMRON group provide research -oriented backing to local affiliate. Ihc setting up of Omron Singapore (Pte) Ltd., is in line with the government's policy of encouraging skill-intensive industries. For Omron Singapore will 1 have behind it the vast technological
      318 words
    • 217 19 systems and 21 per cent by business machines and home appliances. Exports totalled $61 million. The company at present has 3 plants and 16 factories in Japan while another 11 factories are affiliated to it. Its overseas subsidiaries are Omron R and D Inc., California (research and investigation), Omron Systems,
      217 words
    • 137 19 _r_l if__ M ™^^*~~T__B__i tr i f— ™tl r^^^w v 4s' 39««#«iv tumult ,v\\\ aa *«r predict and take over the market of 1975 the year that will give birth to an entirely new kind of market forced on the world by a vastly informed Information Age". It is now
      137 words
    • 143 19 Rapid expansion of research and development programmes meets endless demands oT creative societv. Man should leave what the machine can do to the machine and use his own time in the area of creative activity. This, in short, epitomises the thinking of Omron's president. Dr. Kazuma Tateisi. And as a
      143 words
    • 110 19 man, has most directly benefitConsequently, Omron has been expanding rapidly its research and development programme to promote the cybernation revolution and therefore "create a new relationship between man and the machine" in order to meet the increasing demands of creative society. Its innovations and developments have boosted it to world
      110 words
    • 348 19 MESSAGE FROM M. D. OMRON SINGAPORE .^aBBBk W MR. TOSHIKAZU KIMURA Allow me to express my greetings oo the occasion of the opening of OMRON SINGAPORF (PTE.) LTD. This new corporation has been formed through a joint venture between OMRON TATEISI ELECTRONICS CO. and the MARUBENI CORPORATION. We are particularly
      348 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 233 20 WE ARE PROUD TO BE ASSOCIATED WITH OMRON SINGAPORE (PTE) LTD. W\ OHBAYASHI GUMI.LTD. VT\ TRIUMPH &ADLERVERTRIEBS JL 1 General Contractors, Architects Civil Engineers I GINA.BH W^^^^m 12th. Floor, SI A Bldg. 111 A dmiton of Utton Industrie, Inc. 77, Robinson Road. Singapore. hmJL—M 88, Nuernberg, Fuerther Str. 212 West
      233 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 1506 21 CONTAIHtSIIP SfjmCE Tl M. CtNTINtUT HONUONG tXPKtiS "^-fl R A K saa mm i& ix :S n ,s sk ■V..J21 "mm amm amm UVIIPMIUT 14 Frt II Mm II Mar BMW II Mm •"•tu uau 4 a y M mm n Mar Mar 1 Apr CONTAIHaSNIP SEWICt FMM M/CMTIMENT: riaa
      1,506 words
    • 1068 21 BLUE SEA UNE To U.S.A., East CoMt Gulf Port* Pinani Smiwort p (riant Laa«at tan *v PIIUMII Frt I Ua 11 Ua n M.aa.l. Stn«ali PMTIIILAM Frt a Frt 1. JKUOonllt. «iha,t|lon pttMiTaits mm is Mv II Mar a tM Ciaritttaa PtIAM l> II lar II »m n SMM II
      1,068 words
    • 978 21 I at l^! p »y ?j /y $^i j»j |iiri»i s.aaaort la lant* HC CWTAINfI SIIYICI tUaaLaai Frarn. Smipot Far Haaaari IHm rtaa S'taaaiae iiiuiMi im ant mm a frt ii fw lAMAIMA MAN 11 M I Itar I MM 1 MM II Mm ttMfW ii Frt aiur it a*,
      978 words
    • 981 21 INTEROCEAN-ELA.C. FULLY CONTAINEKIZED SKVICI TO EUKOPE taaafnan) lot TITIIU Mia rua, A'tat. A'oara, it Mm. WTUItMI Frt I IMU. H-tarf, lan. I'hma ma*a MB Aartat. Ctaaa. Oiri. m<mo. UIUIII Hat I ItacuaaarOtM. Mtlhati. Ml FULLY CONTAINEKIZED SEKVICE FKOM EUKOPE la s part inn m nr«M\ Man C'tans Ctari. ttslaat stala
      981 words
    • 770 21 iaanaan *****4; P. Kiloa, 6341; K.L. *****; P.non, *****. THE BANK LINE LTD. LMK FM E. 1 S. AFIICA latlM (MMnt.M. laaaiw. Majaaja. tain. I Marajait. Sin >1..i P. Mlaaf Span 7/11 Frt PMMAM ,p..n. 1. Mar«m l SMt» A/iKt) p Ulan 14/ II Frt Sport 1/11 Frt rMM EAST
      770 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 1101 22 l^^l "IULU^IAIII 111 ll I I II *l ill* I 111 KAWASAKI KIMKAI USED UISMA LTI. JAPAN. N. HWS. STMITS SOMCE. Si.n laaaa llMajHai ETAl'aara ETA P. Mlaa] YAallO MAIU 14 JJJJ" aaiciu MAta »4 a*" "m 1 Japan-Para ian Cull ItntN SAkISaiMA MAIt »11 "(STil Oloa»<nuracli./INacat/Oalai/l)«ai/ •cloamamT aMa lar.ra.a/«aaait/Oaria/«ttrria»atNi.
      1,101 words
    • 1017 22 Crtisi Tttttts M.I. "MTA SINtAPORA SttllM Stataari FMt >„ s Ptaan. OiiAirta. FrwaMla. lan. taifkai. Onurii. P. Mauaa, FraßatM, M L I!, PtaaTotaatrtt. Fraaaalli. tali. StftiYj-NKVCMtM SaTTict: Ml. "lOTA PAWAK "11 'iTmi* amUf aV'Saa' HaVrkaa* m laailiiii Mr Ptaaaji par "tan Iliaajin", Maa caatatt Mmm mm IM.IIIII PMaa cataci atniM
      1,017 words
    • 1057 22 J.K. lUHOW SIKVICI LOADING FOR LONDON. MAVRf DAM H'BURG. IREMIN Siriipo'l P. Kl'l-I Ptiuat Annti tPTual AIUAMAIiaI 11 15 lit 11/ll fit 11/ a fa» Bilbao 19 X laaMa 24.1. Hnrt. I'M, Htarf, iffruai HKM 7/11 Mr 11/11 Mar 11/11 Mar t ib» 11 4 loadoa 11/4 Mall. HK'i. rim.
      1,057 words
    • 728 22 tgt MALAYSIAN INTERNATIONAL Ott SHIPPING CORPORATION BERHAD Na. lOC Jkx t Itaala L»«r>* Tro Ntiooai SNpp.o. L.oa o« Mtfyaji HWtg SOWICt TI LIITOOII, LHaPHi/CIHTINEIIT PUTS U.- S.x|ltorl P.fMMJ Pma| fit Mr: iiki simia It Part UHarra ut I'M 152 Aatawra 11/? Htar| 22/2 linraoal a/2. HMUMii a/a Ma a/a Maaia/lFa
      728 words
    • 767 22 Mersey-Liverpool merger to streamline cargo handling operations By ANTHONY RAMASAMY MERSEY Docks and Harbour, controller of the port of Liverpool, has taken another step towards unified control of ;ill cargo handling operations. This follows a merger between Port of Liverpool Stevedoring and Mersey Docks and Harlxjur on Jan. 6. A
      767 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 549 23 ATTRACTIVE REMUNERATION FOR QUALIFIED SECURITY PERSONNEL are invited frcm suitably qualified Singapore Citizens who ore: (a) ex police/militorv/nattonol service personnel with obility to read ond write English ond hove completed at leost Secondary 2 education (any medium); (b) between 20 and 50 years of oge with good physique ond eyesight
      549 words
    • 453 23 CHIEF ACCOUNTANT An established Textile Manufacturer is seeking an Experienced Qualified Accountant to head its Accounts Department. He will be based in Singapore THE NEEDS Professional Accounting Qualification 1.C.M.A., A.C.C.A. A.S.A. or even Bachelor of Accounting At leost two years previous experience in a Manufacturing Company. A leader with initiative
      453 words
    • 290 23 THE COMPANIES ACT (ACT 4* OF IM7) IN THE SUPREME COUBT OF THE BEPUBUC OF SINGAPORE Name of Company: Leyte Trade.* (Pta) limited Address of Registered Office: No. M-A. Robinson Road. Singapore Court: Supreme Court, Singapore, 6. Number of Matter: Companies Wlndlng-Up No. 12 of 1972 Date of First Meeting
      290 words
      524 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 4746 24 ID classified advertisements a f^ r^r^c l r it GENERAL ADVERTISEMENTS /Singpore only: SO cent, i wocd. Minimum fT.SO foe 13 wotiM. REQUIRED FINAL! CLIRK. Mult have knowledge of majr> r dialects Secondary education. Apply with photo (non-returnable) to P.O. Box 993 Spore WANTIO FINAL! EnglUh. Cnlneee general clerk. Knowledge
      4,746 words
    • 815 24 LUXURIOUSLY FURNISHED, detached bungalows, air-conditioned 77 Hu* Guan Avenue, 27 Trevose Crescent. 9 Sundridxe Park Road, Flata 32 Jalan Kechil. P/Dlatricta 21. 11. IS. (Spore) *****7. FURNISHED I 4-BIDROOMID BUNGALOW near American Brltlih School with attached bathroom Spacious lifting dining hall. Separate aervant'i amenities Phone *****4 Spore. EXECUTIVE APARTMENT, Calrnhlll
      815 words
    • 715 24 RECENTLY ESTABLISHED MS* CHANT BANK require* several executive bungalows or apartments In top residential ureas Expect to pay rental of $2,000 upwards Interested owners please call Miss Tan at B'pore .*****9 or *****8. JAPANESE MANACINC DIRECTOR with wife requlrea rouie apartment for thrre years permanent residence Renal »1 MO 12.500
      715 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 4101 25 classified advertisements AN^O________ONAL/S_in,spofe only: >l s m^Qfd M.mmum >20 fof 20 wotds. bbcvks) MALAYAN CORRBSPONDBNCB COL LBOB (founded 1959) offers you homestudy courses for O.C.E. Advanced/Ordinary Levels, Bookkeeping etc. The College baa helped over ***** students to get higher awards. Ask for free prospectus. P.O. Box 148. Johore Bahru. BASIC
      4,101 words
      809 words
    • 761 25 cellent locality for sale. Present Directors retiring. Write In confidence with phone number to Box A ***** S.T. Spore. OP OUALITV SHUTTLECOCKS' Agent leeki established distributors In Singapore Please submit reference, annual sales volume, etc. to Box A.*****. ST. Spore for consideration. IDONESIAN ORGANIZERS INVITED to stage Miss Indonesia 1973
      761 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 2317 26 mJ advertisements \32^iJ GENERAL ADVERTIStMENTS Sin«»port only: 30 centi s word. Minimum $7.50 fot IS words. O> Te»Sh£i^i££t* nU ANNOUNCEMENT/PERSONAL Singapore O"»y wotd Minimum >20 fof 20 woidt. UNOERTAKI CONTRACTS (or fnrral renovation. m«-t»l fencing, moaaic/ terrauo tillnu. carpentry, maaoory. painting ttc. Ring *****3 (8.30 a.m. 5 00 p.m. Dally)
      2,317 words
    • 695 26 KENYATAAN TAWARAN Tawaran-tawaran adalah dlpelawa daripada KontrekterKontrekter yang berpengalaman bagi kerja- kerja dlbawah:BP. NO. 3/73 4/73 A) Meratakan Jalan pertanlan dan memblna pembe-tung-pembetung dl Rancangan-rancangan Trolak Utara peringkat ID. dan Sungai Klah. Resab. keduadua dldaerah Batang Padang, Perak. BP. NO. 5/73 B) Membekal dan menghantar 'Reinforced concrete spun pipes' ke
      695 words
    • 1035 26 BUSINESS PARTNERSHIP A large well established and profitable Engineering (Pte. Ltd.) Company with Branches over 25 years in Malaysia, looking for a working partner or Company to share on 50/50 basis. Write to Box A 4702, Straits Times Kuala Lumpur. Applications treated in strictest confidence. NOTICE Mr. WALTER ARMSTRONG Is
      1,035 words
    • 763 26 RNAKMEN LEMBAGA BANDARAN I N.M.B. BAB 137) NOTIS DI BAWAH SEKSYENSrKSYKN 137 1M CENGAN INI DIBERiTAKU bahawa adalah dlcadang dl tgwah .seksyen 144 Enakmen Leint.'.ii Bandaran (N.M.B. Bab 137. memlnda Plan Bandar Ipoh TeW( Diluluskan No. B 3 yang disiark.ii sebagai Pembentahu No. 3846 di dalam Warta Krrajaan NegeilNegerl Melayu
      763 words

    • 695 27 jyjADRAS, Tues. Off-spinner Erapalli Prasanna bowled India within sight of victory in the Third cricket Test against England here today. With one day left for play the home team need 54 runs to win with eight wickets in hand. Prasanna bagged four wickets
      695 words
    • 281 27 Lucky draw for Derby: At home to Spurs LONDON, Tues Derby County, English soccer league champions and European Cup quarter finalists, will be at home to Tottenham Hotspur, the UEFA Cup holders. In the outstanding match in the Fourth round of the English F.A. Cup on Feb. 3. Derby, who
      281 words
    • 225 27 ITINGSTON. Tues. World "■heavyweight boxing champion Joe Frazler and challenger George Foreman taunted each other yesterday as they were being medically examined for their title flght. Frailer stripped off his shirt and Invited Foreman to come and fight him "right here and now." "I've
      225 words
    • 227 28 TjJORMER National soccer ■T coach Choo Seng Quee and English professional coach Michael Walker, I hear, will have a summit meeting this week to see whether they can help each other. Top priority, I was told, will be to work out a strong team for the Seap
      227 words
    • 107 28 Joe Dorai's soccar corner Walker to help train our goalkeepers. Narayanan, 48, I hear, will have five to work on when centralised training begins on Jan. 23 at Police Academy. Players from National. Reserves and Youth teams, numbering 70. will take part. A YOUNGSTER, Harry Tan, of 57, Alria Street,
      107 words
    • 780 28 Apprentice Koh is suspended four race days iPPREN TICE C. C. Koh has been suspended four race days by the Stewards for careless riding on Sitting Mountain in Race 6 on Jan. 7, causing Boy Friend and Gold Tax to fall. The Stipendiary Steward's report released yesterday stated: The adjourned
      780 words
    • 484 28 RACING TEXAS 11, a staying six-year-old New Zealand gelding by Gigantic, whose best effort in seven starts last season was a sixth, appears to have come right. He goes over 8f on Saturday and, with a handy 7.7, he may be worth a
      484 words
    • 343 28 OUKIT TIMAH trainer Garnet Bougoure has six newcomers for the first meeting of the season at Bukit Timah. They are Toa Payoh (late Fort Plymouth), Brighton Rock (late Yilderim), The King (late Leap Year) Bahama Lass, Prince Sinclair and Not Guilty (late Riviera Girl).
      343 words
    • 62 28 BUENOS AIRES. Tues— The Grana Prix of Argentina, the flrtt 1973 race with points for the World's driving championship, will be run on Jan. 28, the organising committee announced today. The drivers for the Grand Prix, headed by World champion Emerson Flttlpaldl of Brazil, will
      62 words
    • 17 28 SINGAPORE Amateur Athletic Association will be organising a friendly cross-country race at Selarang on Jan. 27.
      17 words
    • 124 28 Champion Johnson expected back today JIM JOHNSON, last year s champion jockey, is due back on 'Wednesday. JJ bad a busy "busman's holiday" in Australia, riding in South Austral'a. Victoria and West Australia. FORMER ace Australian jockey Arthur Ward, who won the jockey premiership in 1959, is here on holiday
      124 words
    • 122 28 Fastest but it's not a world mark T AOOS. Tues. Benjamin JlDcho of Kenya yesterday ran the fastest 3.000 m steeplechase in athletics history, but will have to be content with a share of the world record. Jlpcho clocked 8:20 69 when winning the event at the AllAfrica Oames. The
      122 words
    • 48 28 BRISBANE. Tues. Australian Olympic freestyle gold medallist Brad Cooper set a new Australian 200 m backstroke record at the Queensland swimming championships here yesterday with a time of 2:09.6. The new time broke his own National record set in Brisbane 11 months ago by one second.
      48 words
    • 40 28 RANGOON. Tues. Burma will participate in the Asian Youth soccer tournament beginning April 13 in Tehran Oovernment reports said today Burma is also scheduled to take part in the Seventh Seap Games in Singapore later this year. <UPI).
      UPI  -  40 words
    • 76 28 LONDON, Tues. Doctor Rofer Bannister, chairman of the British Sports Council, yesterday urged English Football League clubs to recognise the potential of synthetic all-weather pitches. Opening the Greater London Council's new synthetic soccer pitch at Hack- ney here. Dr. Bannister said that allweather surfaces had important
      76 words
    • 403 28  - Schools owe their success to 'livewire' Miss Tan TEOH ENG TATT By IT DENTS my manly pride, and I am certain thousands of others, too especially those against Women's Lib to know that a woman can do a better Job than the man as a sports organiser. However, I welcome
      403 words
    • 209 29  - Schools plan walkathon to raise $250,000 ERNEST FRIDA By SINGAPORE Secondary Schools •3 Sports Council plan to raise $250,000 through a walkathon on Jan. 28. About 12,500 students from 125 secondary schools are expected to take part in the big walk. Each school will enter 100 students. t-cSC adviser Joe
      209 words
    • 214 29 Aussies will play All Citizens —team— 1 SINGAPORE Rugby Union last night decided to go ahead with their original plan to field an All-Citi-zens side against the touring St. George's Rugby Club side of Australia at the padang on Friday. SRU president Lt Col. Niaz Mohd. Shah said that following
      214 words
    • 260 29 BASKETBALL Ass ociation of Singapore secretary Lee Yee Nan yesterday expressed concern over the high rate of absenteeism among Seap Games trainees, reports PETER SIOW. Mr. Lee however, was quick to point out that at tendance among women trainees was satisfactory. Mr. Lee said: "About 30 men
      260 words
    • 304 29 EAGLE Engineering, I am told, have recruited a few promising tabletennis players. These youngsters, who have been left out of the centralised squad, now have the chance to improve their play through the help of their employers. Eagle, a shipyard company with offices at Kallanf, have also
      304 words
    • 849 29 China's stars keen to play Hartono 'Essence of our play is speed' By LESLIE FONG I ONDON, Tues. China's two top badminton players are keen to play against 23-year-old Rudy Hartono of Indonesia, the five times AH England champion who is generally considered to be the best in the world.
      849 words
    • 219 29  -  JOE DORAI By NEWLY promoted Jebsen and Jessen placed themselves in a strong positior to win the SBHFL Division One title when they held Singapore Pools to a 1-1 draw at Jalan Besar stadium yesterday. i Pools, the 1970 national league ciiamplons, are favourites
      219 words
    • 83 29 jyj I'NICH, Toes.— Herr Willi Daume, vice-president of the lOC, warned Montreal here today against holding a referendum over the staffing of the 1976 Olympic Games. Said Herr Dannie: "The ■itaaUoo I* a little dUmreroos If Montreal decides to hold a referendum like Den\rr did over the
      Reuter  -  83 words
    • 151 29 LEE STEERS KUO CHUAN TO VICTORY KUO Chuan staged a strong finish to overcome a hard-fighting Nee Soon 66-59 in the InterConstituency basketball tournament at Buklt Ho Swee last night. This win carried Kuo Chuan into the third round, finishing runners-up to fancied Telok Ayer In Oroup O. Nee Soon
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  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 561 27 MALAYSIA PACIFIC INSURANCE CO. SDN. BHD. Due to expansion of our business, we have vacancies for the following positions: (A) Kuala Lumpur Head Office 1. Chief Underwriter This is a senior appointment. Candidates must have at least 5 years' experience as underwriter in a general insurance company and must be
      561 words
    • 719 27 BDIETHELM A CO LTD. Marketing Division have an immediate vacancy for a Rubber/ Plastic Technologist for a position of SALES TECHNICIAN to promote an established range of plastics, pigments and additives for the paints-, Inks-, plastics-, and rubber Industries. The successful candidate will preferably have 1— 2 years' sales experience,
      719 words
    • 663 27 #JTC TENDER NOTICE 1 Tenders are invited from experienced contractors for the regular grass cutting and cleaning of two blocks of flatted factories and one canteen at Redhill Industrial Estate Showround 19 January 1973. Meet at Supervisor's Office. Ground Floor. Block 1 Redhtll Industrial Estate at 900 c.m. Closing Date
      663 words

  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 73 28 fr Samuel Butler j^B -iis^H \V Agents: THE BORNEO COMPANY <^^> J J H j* *%9• *»*%%,^U^J^Aft EXECUTIVES DO ITIJg There is soniething smart about buying a Toto Coupon. You7tt» buyer, may get a land fall Join the executives and buy a Toto Coupon. TOMORROW'S DRAW NO. 5/73 (18-1-73) ht
      73 words

  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 8 29 Johnnie W&lker The Wforkfs Largest- Selling Scotch Whisky
      8 words
    • 83 29 bY ■^BIBIBIBHBY^BIL^BHB^BttIBBk t"St **^J K ■^■^■m b^bM j^b^b^HbV K. i IHL^^CbV vHI I Am 9bk law Wr ■^^■b^ _^BWam^"^Bl Hbk^ b IH bW *mM f 5 UNITED OVERSEAS BANK Jill j SK M m t5 CHUNG KHIAW BANK Mil j UNITEO OVf RSiAS BANK LIMITED i.ncoukmutio m MOOOMI HEAO OFFICE
      83 words
  • Page 29 Miscellaneous
    • 156 29 It I i.HV SRI' league Div 1: SAFSA v BTU (Oillman); Police v Woodlands < Woodlands) Admin Coy v A Coy (Dieppe). Div. Ounnders v V Coy (Tengah>; FAR v Admin. Coy i Changi). Tour match: St. George RC ot Sydney v Spore Cricket Club (padang 5.15 p.m.). BASKETBALL Inter-Con-i
      156 words

  • 62 30 NECKTIES FASCINATE EX-MAO ARMY MAN (""III" Chun Cheng, former member of the Chinese (PLA) army looks over some colourful neckties in a department store in Taipei. Chu, 19, of Shantung, never saw neckties before since they are not used in China. Chu fled from China to Taiwan on Nov. 15
    UPI  -  62 words
  • 124 30 'EDITOR OF SINAR HARAPAN SUSPENDED' REPORT JAKARTA, Tues. The chief editor of the Protestant newspaper Slnar Harapan has been suspended for an indefinite period prohibiting him from Journalistic activities, informed sources said today. Mr. Katoppo, 34, however, told United Press International he was on leave and did not know for
    UPI  -  124 words
  • 35 30 NEW YORK. Tues. The majority ol Americans favour the death penalty for murderers despite the Supreme Court's recent ruling which in effect struck down capital punishment, the Gallup Poll Indicated today. UPI.
    UPI  -  35 words
  • 185 30 CANBERRA, Tues PRIME Minister Gough Whitlam today criticised Australia's legal links with Britain. Mr. Whitlam told bis weekly Press conference that it was "anomalous" the Queen should approve the credentials of ambassadors to Australia and Australian diplomatic appointments abroad. He also said
    185 words
  • 19 30 PORT LOUIS. Tues. Chinese Prime Minister Chou Enlal will pay three-day visit to Mauritius next year. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  19 words
  • 266 30 Full house at EEC 'Parliament' as Britain takes her seat STRASBOURG. Tues. British, Irish and Danish politicians took part In their first meetIng of the Common Market's European Parliament here today. The assembly now groups parliamentarians representing more than 230 million people In the nine nations of the enlarged Common
    Reuter  -  266 words
  • 58 30 LONDON. Tuea. The Director of Britain's Observatory has confirmed that the country's largest optical telescope will have to be moved overseas because of the British weather. The M-inch Instrument officially opened five years ago by Queen Elisabeth can only be used for some studies for one
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • 253 30 Clean up the vice or no Holy Year joy, warns —Pope- VATICAN CITY, Tues. Pope Paul VI has hinted he may call off Holy Year celebrations in 1975 unless Rome cleans up its slums and, at least, its public immorality. The warning came during an audience for Mayor Cleiio Darlda
    UPI  -  253 words
  • 78 30 HONO KONO, Tues. Police fired (hots at an angry crowd today In Kow loon's Walled City a 11-acre vice-ridden enclave In the heart of Hong Kong after seising 31 pounds of opium In a drug raid. A police spokesman said a man was seriously Injured.
    78 words
  • 176 30 HONOLULU. Tues. American and Japanese business leaders have agreed that the Imbalance of trade between the two countries must be reversed. Executive committees of the US. -Japan Economic Council and the Advisory Council on Japan U.B. economic relations ended a meeting yesterday In which
    AP  -  176 words
  • 381 30 T ONDON. Tims. Equities closed lower on the stock exchange today, but off the bottom. In quiet trading ahead ol the Government s phase two treeu plans. At 3 p m. the Financial Time* Index wai oil 2.5 at 305. 2. Bargains totalled 12.631 (15.089). Leaden war* easier
    381 words
  • 54 30 LONDON. Turn. Spot 21 SO Settlement: Fab 21. SO. March 22.00. April 22 20. April June 22.53. July' Sept 22.33. Ort Dec 22 70. JaiWMardl 22.73. April June 22. 50. Julv'Sept 22. 53. Oct/Dec 22-90. Jan'Marcti ?2.95. Aorll June 25 00 General elf Feb 21.00. March 21.10 nom. Market:
    54 words
  • 29 30 LONDON. Tm. Spot bam* £161S (unctl). sellers (1619 CD. Forward buy.™ (1640 < (1). sallm (1631 (1). Battleownt: (1621 (-t-(l). Tarnomr a.m. 500 too*, p.m. 400 ton*. Tom: Qatatar.
    29 words
  • 328 30 T ONDON, Tues. The Cabinet met today to approve a pay and prices policy which could form the battleground for Britain's next General Election. The new programme, expected to limit wane increases to £1 mbou' $6 50) weekly plus percentage boosts
    328 words
  • 83 30 Late CLASSIFIEDS 20 words $20.00 (minimum) Deaths MRS. PAUL LASTICA VARCHEIE. 86. paaaed away peacefully IS 1 73 leaving behind children Aloyilui. Sebastian Dennis. Jane. Marlam. 2 lions in. law 1 dauKhter-ln-law. and Krandchlldren to mourn ber loaa Cortege leaves 24T8. Block TO. Commonwealth Drive IT/1/T3 3.30 p.m for Church
    83 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 29 30 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtm Hk Itemizer Repeat Multiplier for Multi-tales H -Capacity: *****9 'Automatic change indicator lito^^t^ Discount JaaaaaaßmWataWsWsWa^aaWaa^PJ aVaml fcjiVt-'fcS V 1 YX*^[^^a^^^^^B^^l^aWPs^W!Paafl|| Johnnie Walker The World's Largest- Selling Scotch Whisky
      29 words
  • Page 30 Miscellaneous