The Straits Times, 28 December 1972

Total Pages: 30
1 30 The Straits Times
  • 24 1 TOTAL DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 235,000 The Straits Times The National Newspaper Estd. 1845 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1972 20 CENTS M.C. (P) No. 5009
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  • 228 1  - $650,000 swindle report K.S. SIDHU Travel agency funds and man missing By A FRENCH shipping company in Singapore has reported to the police that one of its employees is missing after allegedly admitting that he cheated the firm of some $650,000. Police sixjkesnian. Mr. Lawrence Ix)h said yesterday that investigations
    228 words
  • 40 1 ADEN. Wed.— North and South Yemen have reached final agreement on the withdrawal of troops and reopening of the border between them within the next four days, a Joint statement Issued here last night said. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • 29 1 BRASILIA. Wed— A 25-year-old woman drowned her four-year-old son on Christmas Day rather than turn him over to his father's custody, police said today— UPI.
    UPI  -  29 words
  • 44 1 RABAT. Wed —The Moroccan supreme court ha* rejected appeals by 11 air force officers and men against death sentences Imposed last month for attemptIng to shoot down an aircraft carrying King Hassan, an official source said here today.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • 24 1 BERLIN. Wed.— Belgium became today the first member of the North Atlantic Alliance to grant full diplomatic recognition to communist East Oermanjr.—AP.
    AP  -  24 words
  • 268 1 Security men kill five terrorists in Sarawak KUCHING, Wednesday C^IVE communist ter- rorists have been killed by security forces in Sarawak. One was shot dead In the Third Division on Dec. 21 and the others In the Kuching district on Christmas Day. Two of the dead terrorists were women. One
    Bernama  -  268 words
  • 27 1 KAMPALA. Wed— Ugandan President Idl Amln has signed a decree empowering the Government to ban any newspaper for a "specified or Indefinite period." AI».
    27 words
  • 174 1 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. A million dollars was made in a minute and 1* seconds at last Sunday's Penang races. This is the biggest betting coup in the history of Malaysian betting. The successful punter is millionaire Mr. Urn Chool Seng who won the biggest
    174 words
  • 471 1  - Laughs all the way as Bob takes stage on carrier off Singapore LEE SU SAN By [IE STRUTTED on stage swinging his golf club and had his audience rolling with laughter from the word go. It was the Master of Mirth Bob Hope in the flesh giving his first show
    Mak Kian Seng  -  471 words
  • 94 1 HONO KONG. Wed. The Hang Seng index soared to a new all-time high on the Hong Kong stock market today, with share prices rising across a broad front in heavy trading. The Hang Seng escalated 42.50 points to a record 819 92 It had
    AP  -  94 words
  • 53 1 JAKARTA. Wed.— The Trade Department reported today It had withdrawn the licences of 31 companies on grounds they helped manipulate food prices last month at the height of a rice crisis caused by a drought A department spokesman said the companies were importers of rice, flour
    AP  -  53 words
  • 40 1 LATEST HANOI 'NO' TO TALKS PARIS, Wed. The North Vietnamese delegation to the Paris peacr talks said today it would not send representatives to a meeting with American experts until the bombing of North Vietnam stops. AP. (See Back Page)
    AP  -  40 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 56 1 CROWN SAFES The safer hoarding place for Homes... for Offices 1 Three die in crashes -PAGE 15 WORLD NEWS Pages 2, S, 4 SUGAR shortage: Malaysian Government acts 5 ARMED robbers escape with $5,706 from home 6 ANTI-WAR demonstration 15 SECOND language transfer shock 27 Sports 28. 29 Letters 14
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    • 100 1 infa-care use in baby's daily bath protects baby's skin from infection, rashes, blemishes and all skin complaints. Infa-care is a natural cleansing agent. It has been formulated to retain the natural skin balances as it cleans. It's antiseptic, and yet so gentle that it retains and protects the natural bloom
      100 words
    • 8 1 It* V. j j cnroiii© im+j^JmM cassettes BJ|jebs«n*Jessf>l
      8 words

    • 201 2 Ex-Indian Head of State cremated with military honours TtfADRAS, Wed. I 1 1 Chakra varthi Rajagopalachari, the first Indian Head of State, who died on Christmas Day at the age of 94, was cremated with full State honours today. Thousands of people lining the two-mile route to the cremation site
      UPI  -  201 words
    • 110 2 Congress members attack their leaders— CALCt TTA. Wed. India's ruling Congress Party held its first plenary session in three years yesterday with speakers criticising the leadership for the country's slpw march towards its social goals. Prime Minister Indira Gandhi sat quietly on the dias for five-and-a-half hours as speaker after
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    • 101 2 More Japan children take to petty crime TOKYO, Wed. Juvenile delinquency among children under 14 years old k rising and becoming serious, the National Police Agency reported yesterday. The number of primary and Junior high school students taken In protective custody up to November totalled 32.492. Their crimes ranged from
      101 words
    • 45 2 SEOUL. Wed. A love-tick man killed himself and a 19--year-old girl by setting off an explosive device. Police said today. The 25-year-old man apparently failed to win the heart of the girl in a one-sided love affair. Police said. UPI.
      UPI  -  45 words
    • 547 2 Former allies and foes join in tribute to Truman WASHINGTON, Wed. President Nixon arrived at Independence, Missouri, today to lead the nation in mourning for former President Harry Truman who died yesterday aged 88 The American people as well as governments and people in
      Agencies; UPI  -  547 words
    • 329 2 EX-LEADER TO GET A SIMPLE FUNERAL INDEPEND ENCE, 1 (Missouri), Wed. Mr. Harry Truman's funeral will be a simple one, fitting for a man who always claimed he was Just a plain talking Missourian whom fate decided to make President of the U.S. Mr. Truman's body Is lying in state
      UPI  -  329 words
    • 52 2 JERUSALEM. Wed. Agricultural production on the Israeli-occupied West bank of the Jordan has more than doubled since IMS. Israeli Agriculture Ministry officials said here yesterday. Mot of the Increase could be attributed to Improved production and cultivation methods, the Introduction of pesticides, and Increasing mechanlr.-tlon, the officials
      Reuter  -  52 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 247 2 SbbbbJhl BaaTA""BB bbbb^^^4 jt^jJL For every QUART BOTTLE of j! Bt Baron Otard Fine Champagne VSOP J| H you purchase, this it yours FREE! A miniature Otard Chateau anda miniature PMbb^bib4b^. Baron Otard bottle filled with Otard's superior BaflaH B^ Fine Champagne VSOP cognac. This golden Fine Champagne cognac is
      247 words
    • 72 2 PLURAVIT KEEPS YOU ALL HAY BVij^^ Nyal Pluravit Capsules a^l contain a balanced fl A combination of high potency vitamin ami minerals, essential for I N^bbSbw*^*.^bbbl cow > e e regular I^l^L^H maintenance of Daily dD^al Vitamin Quota, I IT^sbbbbbbb^v especially during 1^ LiV^^' pregnancy, lactation ifj -*1 V and
      72 words
  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

    • 305 3 Park starts anew stronger than ever CEOUL. Wed. President Park Chung-hee was sworn in to a new six-year term today with vast extra powers to brace his divided nation for tougher internal rule and broader dialogue with the communist North. He promised in bis inaugural address at a simple 35-minute
      305 words
    • 558 3 Transport problem holds up re'ief supplies at airport MANAGUA, Wed. pOOD and water shortages, the fear of epidemics and looting posed the biggast problems for officials in this earth-quake-ruined city of 401.000 today. More than 80 per cent of Managua, capital of Nicaragua, was
      Reuter; AP; UPI  -  558 words
    • 87 3 I ONDON. Wed. Rolling Stone Mirk Jag£rr and his wife have left for quakr-shatterrd Managua 10 search of Bianra's mother. The couple left for Jamaica yesterday and flew on from there to the Nicaraguan capital. Bianca's mother, Mrs. Doris Marias, owns a shop in
      AP  -  87 words
    • 320 3 1972 A YEAR TO REMEMBER FQR PEACE, SAY THE RUSSIANS MOSCOW. Wed. lft The Soviet Union, in an optimistic review of international relations in 1972, said today the world "has made a step toward building a better future for entire mankind." Tass commentary by Anatoli Kraslkov said progress was made
      AP  -  320 words
    • 63 3 New bank for Indons TOKYO. Wed. The Sumitomo Bank will act up an International Investment bank In Indonesia, together with three foreign banks. A spokesman for Sumitomo, major Japanese commercial bank. Mid yesterday the foreign bank* joining the projected bank In Jakarta are Epor Impor Indonesia. Morgan Ouaranty Trust Co.
      UPI  -  63 words
    • 150 3 TI'CSON. Wed A low cost home can be built by Ming beer cans. This is the view of Prof Alvin Miller of the Arirona University who said he had designed a boose for four people using beer cans. He Mid the bouse would cost
      UPI  -  150 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 198 3 "My daufhlt r studied your court* in her May nelWayt, and on raturnine, to Khool. noticed AN IMMEDIATE IMPROVEMENT In Mr work. Her end-of-year retultt. Snt wii FIRST In her clan of 33. At the betlnnini of tne year »ne wanted to five up FRENCH thil ft now one ol
      198 words
    • 247 3 Fast moving, quick thinking Electronic Calculator &&2£r Computer Concept Control Equipped with 12 digits. 1 memory and automatic constant. Quick and accurate. A must for a busy, bustling office! A»k for frt« dsmonitrstion M P .9 without obligation todayl iaaaaaaaaaaaaaV 9 uiranteed for 1 vtar BN^ i *I l^aW^lll mJm
      247 words

    • 381 4 Hussein's marriage has split the country- Guerillas 'BROTHER STRIPPED OF POWER' BEIRUT, Wednesday KING Hussein's sudden re-marriage after divorcing Britishborn Princess Muna has caused a serious split in the Royal family and in the Jordanian Army, according; to the Palestinian Commando movement. The Palestinian news agency. Wafa. said it had
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    • 74 4 HONO KONO, Wed. More exit permits for people to leave China have been Issued by Chinese authorities In the last half year as a result of a relaxation on travel restrictions. an English-language newspaper said today. The South China Morning Port reported about 2,800 Chinese holding Chinese
      UPI  -  74 words
    • 32 4 Tell-tale mourners NAPLES. Wed. A plot to smuggle a coffin full of contraband cigarettes Into Naples went wrong today when Customs men recognised some of the '•mourners" In a "funeral" procession Reuter.
      Reuter  -  32 words
    • 447 4 Dayan plan for new city splits Cabinet JEL AVIV, Wed. A proposal by Defence Minister Moshe Dayan to build a new city of up to 250,000 people on the sand dunes of north-eastern Sinai has aroused a controversy here and has split the Cabinet. Acting as the Minister responsible for
      NYT  -  447 words
    • 209 4 Russia steams past the US into the fifth place NEW YORK, Wednesday. COVIET commercial seapower has finally overtaken that of the U.S. The Russian merchant fleet Is now the fifth largest In the world, and, according to the 1972 statistical tables of Lloyd's Register of Snipping, now aggregates 16,734.000 gross
      NYT  -  209 words
    • 70 4 LOS ANOELES. Wed. Robert Adrian Scott, a film writerproducer who once served a year in prison for refusing to testify before the House UnAmerican Activities Committee. is dead at 61. Scott recently underwent surgery tor cancer and died yesterday at his suburban Sherman Oakes home.
      AP  -  70 words
    • 68 4 TOKYO. Wed Japan's Overseas Petroleum Corporation /nnounced It had taken over 45 per cent of the two-thirds stake held by the British Petroleum Corporation in oil resources off the Truclal stale of Abu Dhabi. The Japanese corporation Is to pay British Petroleum US$7BO million ($2,184 million)
      68 words
    • 27 4 HONO KONG. Wed North Korea has released more than 40 South Korean fishermen who lost their way home recently while fishing in stormy seas. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  27 words
    • 62 4 TOKYO. Wed. China has agreed to buy nearly one million ton* of steel from Japan for shipment In the first half of next year. Nippon Steel Corpora t on said. ThL. brought the total import arrangements so far concluded by a Chinese steel-buying mission a nee
      Reuter  -  62 words
    • 61 4 BANGKOK. Wed The wife of comedian Red Poxx reported about US$4,OOO (111.300) in cash stolen from her hotel room here on Christmas day. police said today. Mrs Betty Jane Poxx. who is accompanying her husband on the Bob Hope Christmas tour to entertain Ol's overseas. said that she
      UPI  -  61 words
    • 283 4 CANTIAOO, Wed. A priest and a psychiatrist have defended cannibalism to save life. Chilean police sources have said that survivors of a Uruguayan Airliner which crashed high in the Andes 10 weeks ago ate the bodies of five passengers who died In
      Reuter  -  283 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 65 4 *^Z^ Jk WM Great Brand} COUrVOiSICr for the man who knows brandy. mßk w\ And knows what he wants. Q^ Like Napoleon of France, the greatest man of his age, the connoisseur chooses Courvoisier J*^m\ fi[j the greatest cognac of this age because it's extra smooth, extra mellow. J—\ t^mm
      65 words
    • 31 4 look TSM'Bie. I Yes No secret Kiwi is the name i Be smart Be confident Be successful l Polish, Piotect and Preserve your shoes with worldfamous Kiwi Sotd around the world
      31 words

  • 421 5 CONTROLLER INVOKES POWERS TO BEAT THE HOARDERS KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. fHK GOVERNMENT today invoked the Control of Supplies Act 1961, to beat th<; artificial shortage of sugar in the country. Under the Act, the Controller of Supplies is empowered to demand in writing: All stocks
    421 words
  • 155 5 Sumitomo to invest $200,000 in S'pore bank rpOKYO, Wed.— Sumitomo 1 Bank will acquire a 10 per cent stake in the DBS Dawa Securities Ltd.. a merchant bank in Singapore, to expand its banking 1 and securities activities in South-east Asia, a Sumitomo spokesman said today. The Japanese bank is
    Reuter  -  155 words
  • 41 5 THE Adult Education Board will conduct a 12-week course on Introduction to Design for Commercial Printing at the Cultural Centre from Jan. 14. The course. In English, will be held on Sundays from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.
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  • 390 5 A NEW YORK banker will arrive on Jan. 8 to IX help the Monetary Authority of Singapore establish a permanent training centre for all levels of bank staff in Singapore. He is Mr. Marvin Josephson from the Manufacturers Hanover Trust
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  • 64 5 Nomination day for by-election on Jan 6 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed.— Nomination day for the Kuala Lumpur parliamentary by-election Is fixed for Jan. 6, the election commission announced today. The commission said in a statement that ti contested, polling day will be on Jan. 30. The seat fell vacant when Tunku
    64 words
  • 38 5 THAI International Airlines has appointed Mr Chatrachal Bunya-Ananta as the new marketing director from next year. Mr. Chatrachai. 39. who will assume his new post from Jan. 1. Joined the airline last year.
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  • 118 5 SOME 12 newly-elected directors of the Singapore Jaycees will begin their term of office on Jan. 14 by collecting old clothes and shoes for use In emergency relief. Known as Operation Stockpile, the project is aimed at helping both foreign and local people
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  • 84 5 Old Bartleyans' Association officials MR. Tan Siak Hoe has been elected president of the Old Bartleyans' Association. Other officials are: Mr. Leong Heln Hale, vice-president; Mr. Sim Kwang Hock, secretary: Mr. Tai. Chee Telk, treasurer; Mr. Chua Chye Seng, social representative; Mr. O.P. Ral, chess convenor; and Mr. Choo Tay
    84 words
  • 79 5 Fined $500 for having MX pills CHOY Yoe Mun, 30, a welder, was fined $500 or three months' Jail on Monday for having five MX pills at the Peninsula Hotel Shopping Complex In Coleman Street at 2.15 p.m on Sunday. In another *****, the gourt called for a probation report
    79 words
  • 220 5 Jehovah Witness who refused to enlist jailed A JEHOVAH Witness, who refused to enlist for national service because he said his faith forbade him to engage in military activities, was jailed for nine months by a magistrate's court yesterday. j Low Lee Teck, 23, a sales- man In a. publishing
    220 words
  • 27 5 ALL 197 rt&idents of Ah Hood Road, who were made homeless by a fire on Christmas night have been allocated HDB flats.
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  • 294 5 A CASE market fE survey has found that prices of essential foodstuffs are "slightly" above market rates. But the increases are not as high as 20 per cent as reported in the Straits Times last week, CASE said. Mr. Ivan C. Baptist. CASE'S executive
    294 words
  • 95 5 Hospital site query THE MP for Kampong Kembangan. Enclk Mohamed Ariff bin SuraiJl. will ask the Minister for Law and National Development, Mr. E. W. Barker at the next sitting of Parliament whether the St. Mark's Hospital site in Joo Chlat Road can be reserved as a site for a
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 74 5 V/f now open! VJts h nwfertb *i The Palace of Colours V> Oberoi Imperials eagerly anticipated j(f?\ magnificent new Indian restaurant V^mW^/y uf/f^^^^& mP*\ n surroundings of beauty, Jr \^U^m fc T silken-clad hand maidens serve. wL i& .specialities from North India, Mm \v?'. M^k South. And fro-n the Tandoor
      74 words
    • 95 5 Kfi^ X^mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmh*. \^Ut^m ,^^^jg^m\ f*immV^^^^ mMm J S UgaP r* N^f^ I^l Salt I ~^H uHk m\^^^ 18+*—*"**^^^ mmmmr Attractive/ airtight, useful and.., FREEBiI with every 14 oz. tin of Ovaltine KnS^i J| you buy You'll get one of these attractive storage boxes Free I with every 14 oz. tin
      95 words

  • 268 6 K. LUMPUR, Wed qnHJKEE armed robA bers escaped with $5,700 in cash and Jewellery from the home of a businessman la Loronr Ceylon here last night. They sneaked into the house through the rear door, at about 8.25 p.m. One
    268 words
  • 366 6 K. LUMPUR, Wed THE speedy development of Bahasa Malaysia is important to ensure that all university examinations in the country can be conducted in the language from 1983, the Minister of Education, Datuk Hussein Onn, said He said the most effective way of
    366 words
  • 106 6 THE newly- formed Japan and Singapore Economic Development Committee will meet next month to forge closer ties between the two countries. Matters of mutual interestsuch as investment, trade and other related fields— will be discussed. According to the commercial secretary of the Japanese Embassy here.
    106 words
  • 44 6 Colour photo course THE Adult Education Board will conduct a 12-week theoretical count on photolithographic colour correction at the Cultural Centre from Jan. IS. The court* in English will be held every Monday from 7.30 pit. to 9.30 p m. The fee Is $25.
    44 words
  • 121 6 BATU PAHAT. Wed. Customs and police officers destroyed 1,500 ganja plants in a rubber estate near here this mornThe plants, grown on a two- acre plot of land flanked by rubber trees, were worth about $15,000. A senior customs officer, Enclk Abdul Aziz Bachlk.
    121 words
  • 184 6 16 from HK, Taiwan will sing for charity SIXTEEN singers and actresses from Hong Kong and Taiwan will be among 00 artistes who will sing for charity at the Macpherson exposition which oper at the Oay World Amusement Park on Saturday. The 44-day exposition will be declared open by the
    184 words
  • 86 6 PETAUNO JAVA. Wed. The first blow In the flght against pollution In Malaysia has been struck on behalf of residents in Section 51 by the Petallng Jaya Town Board. In response to repeated complaints from people In the area, the Town Board has refused the
    86 words
  • 191 6 Smash-up between car and lorry kills -three IJATU PAHAT. Wed. JD Three people were killed and three Injured In a head-on crash between a Mazda car and a lorry at the 17th mile, Yong PengMuar road at about 8 a.m. today. The dead are the driver of the car. Rosll
    191 words
  • 216 6 Punter said he would kill illegal 4-D woman, court told A HOUSEWIFE, who formerly collected illegal four-digit lottery bets alleged that a mechanic threatened to kill her If she did not pay him his prize money of $49,000. a district court heard yesterday. Llm Ah Hong. 33. was testifying at
    216 words
  • 149 6 rE Bishop of the Diocese of Singapore and Malaysia, Rt. Rev. Chlu Ban It, yesterday urged welfare workers to spread out their activities throughout the year instead of concentrating on the festive season. Speaking on "The meanIng of Christmas" at a lunch meeting
    149 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 361 6 J^v^vv^l^^^^^^^^^vw l afr^v^^VaV»^"•v.^v.^vw•.•.^VaV, JURONG DRIVE-IN CINEMA: OPENS TODAY: (TH: »531»4) 2 Sha»»: 7.00 t t.JOPM. MM A4»rh fl-Cfc»la>a« $1 .J i ig"=:|Uo 71N6 CHANG Tl Ml Tllffi Advonec Calk «ookin fl a* ttf Cafhor a»aw Itaa; 10.00 I i i It t.M pyaj, daily. Aftar *00 p.m. alien* aooklna. car
      361 words
    • 33 6 Ocean Theatre (Air conditioned) Txar Oaly: 2 10, 7.1 S, *.J0 Tony Curtit Chorles Bronton Michele Mercier in ~YOU CANT WIN 'IM AU." ColorScopa with Chinata Subtitla» Tomorrow "«ad Kaaa O* T.iaal" (Mond.)
      33 words
    • 274 6 2nd Month! 6th Week! 1 37 th DAY! j Jt* S MADCAP SHOWS-NO FREE LIST f ADITAI I liaa. 1.45.4.N, 1.31 t!.3opa VMNIwI *n*«n« "WlMT'f Ut> Dtie'?" omWWnarßro J lacfmeoior* WWH^I^ Wl|f KMS. „»«,c~~—« .<*•»• •■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a ITtHlltlllWl THE »KiGEST ACTION-ADVENTURE nDC-t SAFARI EVER FILMED! tu tmi TO-MORROW It ljk |n|
      274 words
    • 703 6 JftWaVaVaVSVaVaVaV/a-a"/ ilcnnrrTr]: ORGANISATION j: OPINS TODAY* < 2 SHOWS: 7.00 9.30pm Moo Ying in "LADY WHIRLWIND" (RE-EDITED VERSiON) a" i Mandarin Color Scop* I English Chinese Subtitles a* I Matatti* Od<M-K| Ruby r* S. City: Sot. Sun. M'nit* a* Sun. Mon. Morning Show a" Jyrona Dn*a-ln Cin<ma a O*eon: Sot
      703 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 194 7 I WeVe cooked up I I something special I I for you this I I Festive Season I I LUNA I COFFEE HOUSE Dine by candlelight New Year's Eve Dinner New Year's Day Lunch/Dinner (Adults-$7.00; Children-$5. 00) Bouillabaisse (fish, lobster, shrimDS, etc.) French Garlic Bread Buche de Noel jj Coffee
      194 words
    • 15 7 m H It IT T+ml MM t] Our speciality in I Air Flown Beef I
      15 words
    • 258 7 TODAY'S LUNCH \P**^ at the RAJAH ROOM >^J I AMERICAN BUFFETWy^ Inclusive: A glass of V\ "Sangria" and a cup of coffee N^~ i |jf at meal's end Wsk $6 person $4 /child NEW YEAR'S EVE At the RAJAH ROOM .you can have a gala continental dinner. There's dancing, too.
      258 words
    • 174 7 a a Brinf elong your friends ant] I family to enjoy our Korean j J» cuisine during this festive i I* seo'on Delicious Bulgoki, i Chiegoy Soup, Kirn Chee, i Chinese 4 Western Food will a make your joyi complete. i The Choice Is Yours New Arirang Korean l\ Restaurant
      174 words
    • 8 7 iijJS/ Ilk I v i I'w^t'^^-ti^C'^' oP d»°
      8 words

  • 118 8 160 new varsity courses for public T*HE University of Singa--1 pore's Department of Extramural Studies has planned 180 new courses for the coming year. Eighty have been finalised and will be held between January and June next year. The courses, to be conducted in English or Chinese, cover a wide
    118 words
  • 50 8 IHt, Uw|.ui> gcinral manager. of the Jurong Shipyard Mr. Low Ouan Onn, will open the yard's Co-operative Stores Society's air -conditioned restaurant In Jalan Bamuiun on Saturday at 12 IS p.m. He will alao present educational grants to the children of needy members of the society.
    50 words
  • 224 8  -  VICTOR NG By fHE peaceful life of Mr. George Da Silva of Kampung Tengah, Ponggol, has been shattered by unwelcome company. .'or the past "eight months he has been harassed by a group of youngstei-s. rhey have abused him, stolen his
    224 words
  • 34 8 THE management and staff of the Japan Oasollne Company Ltd. main developer of the Singapore Petroleum refinery at Puiau Ayer Merlimau —has raised 1422.10 (or the St. Andrew's Mission Orthopaedic Hospital.
    34 words
  • 88 8 THIEVES broke into the NAAFI seif-service shop In Seletar during the Christmas holiday and escaped with watches and other goods worth about $5,000. The theft was discovered by the owner of the shop. Mr. Urn Meng Eng on Tuesday mornIng. Mr. Urn told police
    88 words
  • 24 8 KOTA BARU. Wed. The Prime Minister, Tun Abdul Razak. «nd the PAS president will make a joint announcement on coalition details tomorrow.
    24 words
  • 203 8 PENANG Wad SEA turtles which usually swim ashore to lay- their eggs on the beaches at Telok: Bahang, IS miles from the city, at this time of the year are facing extinction. "Many of them died when caught In the nets of
    203 words
  • 427 8  - The need for clear aims for two tongue teaching success MASIE KWEE By I^ANGUAGE teaching in schools here can be upgraded if bilingual goals are clarified and teaching techniques reviewed. This Is the view of the Singapore Teachers' Union which feels that one problem that stands in the way of
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  • 14 8 THE jackpot prize for today's Toto Draw No 103 72 is SIM.OOC
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 170 8 a small wono€r. B |Bo| El electronic calculator A pocktt-*iz*d calculator, vartatil* and efficient th« RANG Mini 80 pottanet all the qualities you would want in a calculator Over 8,000 calculations from -VV awt of dry batteries, full-function 8 digits, V •Oft^a; r 3r mo «uppra«sion, floating J\ Q) I
      170 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 72 8 SESAME STREET My CBff Rot»rt* Ati*o Pop *fr V-T. Hmwniin I 1/ iT^^^l^^BWlWfl J .JEgj, JJKVx^bH b^b^T I L^a^B^BVußaw^^BaS H&IU^INiJm^U j afla^aU it vL. ~i_ LVI \bmrr By At Cmpp //jL^ (fSs&L <&&&' Hffr BEAUTIFUL] *-09& AN'S-SOrS DOJTHfi*/E ACARE IN (TjJ^S &^<& *\*&i *v "^/vft^W OUR SWEET C THE WORLD,
      72 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 1374 9 VPQ^HH aSvs&Stl^'Av %k!Al[^[^[^[P^S2lA A New Era in Hi-Fi OKL IFi Ijfcfc Good news is in store for music fans The Tat Chuen His success story is not one of meteoric rise. He is a self made W n V Hu f ""■l rn Z!" Llvu k l° re ior rru
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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    • 92 10 ONC RADIO SERVICES CONGRATULATE TAT CHUEN COMPANY on the official opening of their New Showroom at Shaw Centre. nKlrttosh from the Loudspeaker Scientists at Mclntosh I Kjly^l aVlfitl A NEW TECHNOLOGY •^pjjjMBJBJBIB^ A NEW LOOK I A NEW PROMISE THE SOUND OF REALITY ONG RADIO SERVICES (■^■j Nn HiHA(,H|)A()SI A
      92 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 371 11 I This little cassette deck I YAMAHA Stereo Amplifiers I I is all equipped for big time I «g>T Cassette Deck can be very deceptive. So ''M^^'lfflilr W X L" X' X I X I sr^r^r^ST 1 ap I to V° ur erea c acoustic talents! You'd be surprised at
      371 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 788 12 ■.^jjUjj^^j|^j^- BH__^_l_^tf_B_^_k JHMfIHHMMHi 9 -~^m————ggg*^g*^^j*^^l&jamm*jo _l MB| I L_^l I I _V _^_^_c! HE? I I _JH _^B^_l _^_j_^_ef l_^^_l ■^^S^>> I#.v.:!lS^4iL,1 #.v. !lS^4iL, a_^__ a^ il_^_i '_^___^^_i_^B_^_^_^_ka_l _ifl[ |kSS;:? :':v:-x':-': S mJI L _fA J ■■-fH -H-^-i-W-l $MB&358l Be? tmm HHli 'SbsS fißß_^B-B_r'*****>v''*'*'*'**'**AU_"*^^HM _^_i _^_b ■•'SSSff^^^SSSoSsl^f TfrTrfr Imft, J
      788 words
    • 80 12 Congratulation to TAT CHUEN CO. on the official opening of their New Showroom at Shaw Centre from: Goodmans Loudspeakers Ltd. Downlcy Road, Havant, Hampshire PO9 2NI. Stile Agent: Societa Commissionaria, 63, Robinson Road, 4th Floor, Singapore, 1. Tel: *****. Congratulations to TAT CHUEN COMPANY on rhe official opening of their
      80 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 309 13 Kanematsu-Gosho Ltd. I) g Sole Agent of 5 I Maeden Head Phone 5 g and Audio Cord 5 I Congratulate 3 TAT CHUEN CO. j C on the official opening D I of their j S New Showroom at 3) gj Shaw Centre R S^ I M/ MD-BO3A MO-BO6VS \Lj4
      309 words
    • 442 13 ia^iHii^SHl^Hi i^^ VI U^SmmV^mmWW Mmm M^. AMI BP*£ f<y till Wfl*v!Tn> mC^ it T^i^r r aU ilßrlllßrafl Not all of them are suitable for the records you can get From the great number of 4-channel stereo systems Unlike other systems which require special phono cartridges which are available today, the
      442 words

  • 534 14 The Straits Times THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28. 1972 PROBLEM VIRTUES TpHE Japanese probably bit off rather more than they expected to chew when they Invited Mr. Wee Mon-cheng to lunch on Boxing Day. It way almost akin to hitting below the belt, the home-truths that Singapore banker-industrialist Mr. Wee delivered at
    534 words
  • 530 14  -  BILL CAMPBELL By THERE is a sketch of a car on fire while the owner frantically tries to douse the flames w i t h buckets of water. "Don't wash your car like fighting a fire," says the caption. There are few more
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  • 527 14  -  CLAUS BIENFAIT By HANOVER, W. GERMANY but i n c x p crienced young doctors who operate without proper diagnosis have resulted in twice as many appendectomies as is necessary being performed in West (iennany, according to a Hanover medical professor. Dr. Manfred Pflanz, Professor for Social Medicine
    Reuter  -  527 words
    • 407 14 -Presentation makes all the ifference between lively and dull shows 'TWERE have been several complaints in the Press regarding the low standard of our musical variety shows over Television Singapore. Amateur talents and professional entertainers are In abundance In Singapore. It Is only a question of presentation that makes the
      407 words
    • 187 14 Remembering religious significance of Christmas I AGREE with the actinf Prime Minister Dr. Goh Kent Swee's Christmas name* that Christmas is a pa ran winter solstice festival that has been Christianised. The Bible records the birth of Jesus but gives no indication of the actual date of the event and
      187 words
    • 90 14 TOLIAS Road off »i miles Hi Tampines Road. Is horrible when It rains. The track Is already bad enough; to make It worse there are countless numbers of lorries using It every day to transport sand from the quarries to building sites. When it rains, the whole stretch of the
      90 words
    • 42 14 rpHROUOH your columns. A I want to express my most grateful thanks to an anonymous "Nurse Tan" of Outram Hospital for having so honestly returned by registered post my lost Singapore laminated Identity card and cash. EU CHENG 111 1 Singapore 19.
      42 words
    • 78 14 REFERRING to an article "People on the Dole" (8.T., Dec. 20). Ptor your Information I am a Singapore citizen, 60 years old, hralthy, had an university education, speak three languages and for the last two years have been unable to And a job on account of my age. Do I
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 68 14 [HkMmKH| Styles cut to the letett trend by our molt experienced craftsman tinea 1934. Suit* completely hand t«iiond •> stitched right to tha buttonhoias ensuring batt workmanship. Wa ara alto Importart e> axportars of flnast Gants taxtllas tharaby wa hava tha latast wldatt ranga of matarlals for salactlon. And for
      68 words
    • 241 14 STAMFORD CENTRE ADMISSIONS 1973 Fulltime and Part tima courses leading to Recognised Professional Qualifications COMMEN.CING 8-1-73 a^^^^"™ a^™ ACCOUNTANCY SECRETARIAL T b .^r MvM STUPES indapandant Collagt LCC/Stamford Centre in Malaysia foe ACA D.ploma in Privata full-time students Secreterysh.p one year course Racognisad fulltima Exacutiva Secretary coursetfor ACA. *'P «vvO
      241 words

  • 209 15  - Crashes kill three in one day N.G. KUTTY By ROYAL Malayshin Navy officer of K.I). Malaya, in Woodlands, was among three people killed in road accidents in the last 24 hours. The officer, Mr. Choong Chan Sim, was driving his car along Mandai Road at 12.05 a.m. yesterday when it
    209 words
  • 141 15 NEW metric speed limit signs will be placed along important roads from Friday by the Public Works Department. They will be installed during the next three weeks alone; Bukit Timah Road. 1° p p c r Bukit Timah Road. Nicoll Highway. Holland Road. Ayer
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  • 153 15 LEE GIVEN PORTRAIT PAINTED BY SYDNEY WOMAN MR. LEE Kuan Yew has been presented with a po. .rait painted by a Sydney woman. The painting, by Miss Mercele Bernier, was accepted on Tuesday by an official of the Prime Minister's Office on behalf of Mr. Lee, who Is now on
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  • 90 15 PM to visit the Greek temple of Posidon ATHENS. Wed. Mr. Lee Kuan Yew now In Greece on a private sightseeing visit, today was scheduled to visit the temple of Posldon at Cape Sounion. at the tip of the Attica peninsula. Yesterday the Singapore Prime Minister visited the Acropolis of
    UPI  -  90 words
  • 39 15 Music theory course THE YMCA at Orchard Road will hold a 12-sesslon course on Music Theory and Appreciation on Saturdays from Jan. IS from 2.J0 p.m to 3.45 p.m. The fees are $55 for members and $60 for non-members.
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  • 33 15 THK International Polk Dance Club of the Chinese YMCA will hold a New Years Eve party at 1U Homer Cheng Auditorium In Palmer Road on Sundsy at I p.m
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  • 35 15 A POLK dance night will be held by the Singapore Phoenix Dance Troupe at the parade ground of the National Youth Leadership Training Institute In South Buona Vista Road today at p m
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  • 27 15 PKNANO. Wed— Rer. Father Andrew Lav will be the new parish priest of the Cathedral of the Assumption. Bishop Oregory Yong cf Penang announced today.
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  • 31 15 Watch your tap! Water consumption on Tuesday was 1118 million gallons (508.000 cubic metres), a rise of 5.2 million gallons (23.000 cubic metres) from Monday's 106.6 million gallons (485.000 cubic metres).
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  • 49 15 TAXI-DRIVER E n c k Mohamet! Yunos bin All. 49. has found a briefcase and an umbrella In his yellow-top taxi on Dec. 24 at 12 50 a.m. The owner can 'collect the articles from him at the Bukit Timah taxi service stand or by telephoning *****0.
    49 words
  • 240 15 HOUSING Board tenants who wish to live In aircon comfort will now have to pay $150. The $150 non-returnable fee was imposed by the board in October on flat owners who wish to install air-conditioners. An HDB spokesman said
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  • 382 15  -  P. M. RAMAN By ABOUT 150 people held a tO-minute demonstration in front of the United States Embassy in Hill Street yesterday afternoon to protest against the resumption of American bombing of North Vietnam. Among the demonstrators were university dons, professional people,
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 172 15 THE MIND EXPANDER JANUARY 1 ISSUE ~__fl __K B_iV\ Jr^^B^A^_____i____L__SA __^^r^l___u rSfc-t. &__H__4_!f9__P^ I** -i-fl tSPl_____P-— i I?" 2_F^______l ___Hr CHINA'S ACROBATIC DIPLOMATS tour pocic ill colour). AMIN BOOTS THE BRITISH BRITAIN SLEEPWALKS INTO EUROPE ;end to Newsweek International I c/o SANVIC ENTERPRISE, SUITE 138 STAMFORD HOUSE, SINGAPORE 6. TEL:
      172 words
    • 47 15 K Cream of Turkey Soup 3fe> <*>no4hqy > H Roast Whole Fillet Lemington Buttered New Potatoes with Mint Cauliflower Polonaise Broccoli Spears «> ■~sJ|(X.<r.^|^~ |P Mince Puff and Custard Sauce Coffee or Tea \M $8.00 (CMdren under 10 $6 00) Ij*W*K1 j*W*K *^k Orchard/Somerset Road*. Singapore 9 Tel *****6
      47 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 465 15 On your TV and Radio 3.N P.M. Opening and Where 155 Forum in Chinese: BilinguaThe Heart Is lism Our Future in For the Family Chinese) 1M Ne in Chinese 1.41 Health in the Home: Fevers H Ouf Music MlkefS| featoring in Children ffininese) Bibi ltt (Chinese) JJS Housewives Matinee (1|
      465 words
    • 200 15 2.4S P.M. Opening md Programme 1.12 Deir Mother Love Albert Summary All The World's A Stage 2.47 Toto Results (jj catur 3.13 Bachelor Father Birthday ?J| C|ejn 3.33 Felony Squad 7.57 Programme Summary 3.M Rollin' on the River IN Giwal 4.21 Tales from Dickens 1.23 Echo 4.49 Funky Phantom I.N
      200 words

    • 38 16 with velvet ribbons, sequins, braids and hanks of unspun wool, as well at fragile silks, organza* and crepes. Colours arc rich, and inciude pink, emerald, orange, scarlet and purple. And of court* the favourite bbek.
      38 words
    • 930 16  -  CHRISTINA CHEANG By PIT a mirror to the news of 1972 and you'll see reflected triumphs for the fairer sex. They have emerged from their shells to play a more important role in the dally affairs of Singapore. At least, this is what a
      930 words
    • 230 16 Many women made news overseas too In 1972. There were the usual marriages, the usual divorces among the famous. But Queen Elizabeth of Britain and Prince Philip marked their 25th wedding anniversary with church services and parties for friends and family. Denmark came under the reign of
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 55 16 .^b^t .-—^s^fll fl^fl^Lw e^L^bv. M B^flr^^^^^^fl^fll W B^L^H^H^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^l^B^B^H^B^L^H B^H H^B ■H a^BT^J^Bl^^T^T^r^B B^B^B^B »raTaTsr^l f^ 1 m m 1 W A *Jk^^p^B bPJHp^b^^ If you're using a shampoo, and you're worried about its safety, choose Loxene. Loxene's rich, medicated lather keeps your hair beautifully healthy, shining and smooth. 48&% #BbH
      55 words
    • 306 16 "HongKongherelcomer You've saved a long turn for your bit vacation and, evtn at excursion niaa, that's no eaiy job. Now you don't want to mis* even a day of excitement Especially not because of your monthly period. Internally worn Tampax tampons art ideal for travefling. So small they tuck away
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  • 405 17  - Hold it girls, Cadet Verena insists on check-up NANCY BYRAMJI By SEVEN- year old Cadet Girls' Brigade member Verena Tay insisted on a check-up as she unzipped her belongings for the scrutiny of a Cisco guard at the airport. No special favours asked. The youngest uniformed member of the 30-mem-ber
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  • 157 17 55-cent hike in petrol —price— KOTA KINABALU, Wed. The price of petrol In Sabah has gone up by 55 cents a gallon from today. Spokesmen of the two petroleum companies here attributed the rise to the increase in import doty. A gallon of super grade petrol now costs $2.24 and
    Bernama  -  157 words
  • 189 17 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. The tailoring charges for men's clothing in Seiangor will go up by 30 per cent from Monday. This was announced today by the chairman of the Selangor Tailor's Guild. Mr. Tang Khee Heng. at a press conference. Mr. Tang said the
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  • 164 17 DURINO the week ending Dec. 23 nine employers were fined a total of $8,960 under Central Provident Fund Act for falling to pay CPF contributions by the date due in respect of their employees. They were Weng Chan Engineering Co. Pte. Ltd. (fined $5.000)
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  • 349 17 Govt urged to encourage industries along new road to the Camerons IPOH, Wed. rriHE CONSTRUCTION of a JL short-cut from Oopeng near here to the Cameron Highlands will open up vast areas for further development purposes. Drawing attention to this at the state assembly today, Mr. S. R Chandra n
    349 words
  • 250 17 A CORONER-s court yesterday heard how a three-year-old boy sustained brain injury when he was hit b.v a golf ball. The boy, Sanslt bin Abdul Samat. died of brain contusion on Nov 20 two days after the incident at the Island
    250 words
  • 49 17 THE Adult Education Board w"l register .students (or its language classes (or next year at 30 centres (rom Jan. 8 from 7 pm to 9 p.m. dally except Saturdays and Sundays. The languages ottered are Malay. Chinese. Tamil and English (rom elementary to Standard Three levels.
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 146 17 LAST TWO DRAWS SPECIAL DRAWS 7th.DEC.-315t.DEC.1972. (DRAWNO.9^72-104/72) JT* 1,234 attractive gift P^^^h^^ £*M Ist PRIZE &ry*rBOGT.-»o..o«T. 2ndPHZESmcaflOO OS I 3rd PRIZE 22 tew- IW^HB»eWd Appliances m J| 4th PRIZE Dnbfc ltetwnAir Ticket! to HongKonq sta $1.***** ~«oc-.c~- f*\J\ 10 sth. PRIZE tmm FToLb«in).M»o.i-T.o-«. \J \W 6m PRIZE SetnwrVtjbtaWii B Track
      146 words
    • 102 17 ShoipV solicMotc 4~chonncl /tCfCO /11/tCffl W//\ Suvvv 'h/L^l \Wt ■■b^b^b^b^b^bj Sharp introduces the 4-channel matrix system in the latest f«ii9I^HKF compact solid state FM/AM record player. I A booksnelf model ideally suited for bedroom or a compact living ■H^HIVHB room, it comes with two 16 cm speakers. 2 speed auto
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  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
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      • 96 18 Goodwood 8 8.00 +1.00 1 Hotel g 300 V .81 C Prop. 8 4.13 M OfBC $31 50 50 E Gaan 3.34 44 Setron 4.64 .44 F. Inion 8 4 JO 4-40 Haw Par 9.15 .40 Bg. Way 8 310 +J6 C See. 410 M S Dredge 8 7*)
        96 words
      • 23 18 Most active stacks Island Hotel 435.000 Ctty Dev. 185.000 Haw Par 188.000 San Holdings 188.000 Total Tarnever: 3 51M Total Vahee: ***** M
        23 words
      • 26 18 Mtk: ««J» M*-n Fi«Hitkm: «I.»l Il».M VST UM nMm: M«J* MM •Dh N. IM: IN f Dm. 11. IMS M» t Dw M. IMt 1M
        26 words
    • 1519 18 rpHX lut tnneectad nit »t the cioae of puilneai In U» MMBpora and Kuala Lumpur tradlnf room* at the Slock Ksehanf* reateroay compared with iht prrrlou* day* price, kwcthrr with the I»7J hl«h and low <• Adjusted lor all new lesuea)' CLOSING TONE: Hotels and propartlea very steady
      1,519 words
    • 346 18 Second liners steal the limelight SENTIMENT remained generally strong oa the Stock Exchange of Malaysia and Singapore yesterday. Main —MWt was noted amumt second and third to* lam, several ef which made Impressive gates. Cases In point were Mi NtaL 81m Urn. Copper Industries. Tone Men* and Teo Hiap Sen*.
      346 words
    • 1926 18 BID and offer price* officially listed and buatnea In and reported to the Singapore and Kuala Lumpur iradlnc room* of the Stock Exchange yeuerdajr with the number of unarae traded thown In bracket! in loti of 1.000 uiilU vuileaa otherwise •peclfled INDIDTIMU Aeaaa I 4 108 4.248) (1)
      1,926 words
    • 360 18 STRAITS TRADING In the six months ended June 1972 achieved a pretax profit of $9,988,000 No comparative figure la given for the tame period last year when full year profits were 819.540.000. The directors In their Interim statement say estimated profits are based on unaudited account* prepared
      360 words
    • 268 18 MR. Daniel Yustln has been appointed chief executive of Gammon South East Asia with effect from Dec. 22, It was announced yesterday. He succeeds Mr. Ken Marston, who was appointed a* a director and chief evcutlve In May. 1971 and a* chairman from July 1,
      268 words
    • 460 18 (JfJiULAL MOTORS re port* a "high level of consumer enthusiasm" U furling 1973 passenger car sales An "Excellent tales rate on 1173 model vehicles, particularly during the holiday season, provides an excellent springboard for continued record sales In 1973." OM said In a statement. OM made the
      460 words
    • Company news +comment
      • 757 18 HOTEL Malaysia shares are to be requoted on the Stock Exchange of Malaysia and Singapore from the commencement of trading this morning following a plea from the company that continued suspension was likely to damage negotiations currently underway for the purchase of hotels
        757 words
      • 172 18 rr»HE Inter Alpha Group of banks has established a joint representative office In Singapore. This move 1* Intended to help member banks of Inter-Alpha to Increase their business Interest* In the rapidly developing area of South -East Asia, according to Mr. Ouy Hannotln. the resident representative of
        172 words
      • 96 18 TUiE Straits tin price in Penang yesterday rose further, advancing another $1121 to $626,121 per picul on an official offering down 72 tons to 234 tons. LONDON: The tin market here was closed on Tuesday for the Boxing Day holiday. NEW YORK: Physical Straits tin was firmer
        96 words
      • 23 18 dec. n ElBBEB: 117 M cents (a* 6Jf cent). TIN: $«M.lZt (ap $1 II,) Official offering: £34 tan* (down 71 tons).
        23 words
      • 88 18 f-MlHtlt •HSDUCI SXCHAMOS •aien Pie neuL Ttsriejoav M?r=^"" Met**?' Ult/o M '■II Muata* ASTA van* f.a.o iooi nlw (MM ertten. Saravak »o.b. M« KI.W mil MlMra. Sarawak •earlal baua fab M« lO.W IISM erlhn. faraU. Jrl Mat* f.a.a. IOO» ttwm |iv atiwn Lamina Mack ASTA f.e.e lott HIM
        88 words
      • 246 18 fHE rubber market yesterday steadied shortly after a fractionally lower opening. Overseas covering Interest was prominent but as this became satisfied profit-taking erased about half of the gain. Turnover was fair but physicals were very quiet. The morning session closed quiet. The afternoon session was quiet and
        246 words
      • 80 18 tvAJLY BMR price* lamed by the Malayilan Rubber Excharute and Rubber Aawclation of Singapore lt nun yastanlay ICY v. I 10 M 50 (Carnal Maathl (M p*r kf il-ton Pallet) 111.00 UtOON (1-ton PlllM) ll«0O IUOON il-too PaJlrti 11TM III.MN 1-ton Paltat) ***** IUOON (1-ton PmDtt) 113 50
        80 words
    • 207 18 HONG KONQ. Wed. After the holiday t. buyers marched Into the scene with great confidence resulting In heavy trading and a large number of. (hare* putting on spectacular gain*. Market closed very strong with share prices at the top levels of the day pushing the Hang Seng Index
      207 words
    • 35 18 Oa (a* frae eiefcanaa aMWtet la ■eac Koai raiirtt, Urn US Wlu m aaataa at 5 "J6 far V.T. .ixl 9 »7» for aaak. Samißg waa aaota4 II UK ul 444 ITS
      35 words
    • 74 18 rrnz Malarataa MWlelii el nauM haa nisi Ifeeae rale* ter eaaralaMat; Hiai dalln far the perteel (reaa Dec. M v Jaa. 1. Rakkrr lIH aawei a aV. Ceara tSMJt a teat Pass) OS MtlJt a lea Paea Keneri ttltJt a u« The lalei ef eatiaa pajaMe are: aawher
      74 words
    • 462 18 ■TtfEW YORK. Tues. The Vi stock market finished with small gain* In trading. Interest generally was restrained by concern about Vietnam and normal yearend portfolio swltrUng and tax selling The spreading Increase In the bank prime Interest rate to six per cent was viewed as a dampening Influence.
      462 words
    • 24 18 THE New York and American Stock Exchanges will be closed today, the national day of mourning for the late President Harry Truman
      24 words
    • 86 18 FINANCIAL TIMES TIN* Tuesday Ooeed Monday Ooeed Week aco 10* *7 RI-BBOtS 1 ueaday Ckjaed Monday Ckaad Week ago 433 4* Tuesday Ctoeed Monday Cloaad W<ek >«t> 115*1 INDISTBIALB Tunday Ooeed Monday OoaK Wee* aso 111.1 DOW JONBB AVBatAOg nnorsTSiALa Tueada; 1t0t.70 MomUy Cloeed Week aau 10M 11 LONDON
      86 words
    • 385 18 MELBOURNE. Wed— The market sagged In tow turnover on the Melbourne Stock Exchange today a* traders moved very cautiously following Australia's devaluation of lv dollar over the Christmas Holiday period. In total, falls outnumbered rises by more than two to one and the same proportion was evident In the
      385 words
    • 130 18 A for W«rtiwl«j,_D»«- tt: (Mm- BM T d»n i 1 1 mlta i t Mill 1/1 I mtha 1/4 II nlhi J 1/4 mtta I/If 5 14 11 mUu 14 T 14 •Wrn Mi (I lIBIIH il 1 mth 7 1/4 4 1/* mttm 5 4 4
      130 words
    • 168 18 TH* Aaociation at Bank* In MtlayMa-atncapon announcad Unn 1 but agrad merchant rataa as at Dm. IT. Lacal Mkn v <m» «att HUUO KITING fardfß Cwnwy TT ar OO TT OO I DA Dollar MM 3 1110 1 7M0 Burling Pwmd lON eMM U741 Australian DoOar j (Hi
      168 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 1505 19 COMTAINEiSHIP SERVICE TO WCIHTINtIiT """""T^^^ 1^ H ur l A'wrp s n nP<"t O'ltatii Brtm. Havre U K. CARDIGAN lAY 1 JM 24 Jm 25 Jm 24 Jm 21 lai 10KYO BAY 8 JM 11 FM 12 FM 14 Ftl II Frt 10WL00N OA< 11 JM 2 Fal 1 FM
      1,505 words
    • 2066 19 m^aimLmOk \^mmml^LJLjmJtL£kJLJ^mßLmtJLmSLlmLmaa^ SinMin ti Eirtpt: BIC COHTAIHFJ SEBVIK y K fAatnirAN RAY Singapore For Hamburg Bhaven R'daa S'hanpton IAKUIbAN DAI 'j ii. 24 jm Mm 20 jm 20 jm. KOWLOON BAT 11 JM 2 FM IM 4 FM 7 FM HONSIONC EXPRESS 20 JM 10 FM 11 FM 12 Fel
      2,066 words
    • 916 19 Sii^opore *****4, P\ KeUiif 6341, K.L. *****; Ptnor<| ***** THE BANK LINE LTD. Ltiß FOI E. I S. jVIIU SPEYBANI (Mauritius, Rtunion, Beira. L. Marques. and South Africa) P KeMinf 111 Jai |*MM 4 1 Jai FROM EUT SOUTH AFRICA. FOR BAHGROK. MANILA, HONCKONC I JAPAN AVONBAM P Kelang Spore
      916 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 1067 20 ICVWASAKi JXISEN ItAISHA LTD. KAWASAKI KINKAI KISEH KAISHA LTD. JAPAN, H KONG, STRAITS SERVICt. Sails Japan Hongkong tTASpor. EIA P.JUIHUJ NACISA MARU 5 jit SHINUN MARU V. 21 Japan Frr*l«n Cult Servlea •SAKISH.MA MARU V.I, TS ffS^f I Ij^. \jfBM6SBf Calh'g AIU DHABI liiKt Japan Wist Australia Una ETO mantle
      1,067 words
    • 924 20 Crtiii Vtmlt: M.». "<OTA S.WCAfWA" Sailing Singaport FOI: Vtf. 5 (srtiect CMtraaUM) Penang. DjaUrU, FrtaMtlt, Dili. vn 0 IJM Bangkok, Ojakarta, P. HtdlMd. Frtaantll, Bali. Vt}; 7 I Frt Penang, Djakarta. FrtaMtlt, till. I StrtiU/N.R./CattM Stmct *V. "KOTA PANUNG" "WL ivTl- Wl H^g. vnuapoa. EMu.nes fir Passage ptr M.V. Kita
      924 words
    • 1109 20 NEPTUNE ORIENT LINES LTD. ICB BUILDING 2 SMENTON WAY SINGAPOF« 1 TEL 8«3«33-7 U.K. EUROPE SERVICt LOADING FOR LONDON, HAVRE, R'DAM, H BURG, BREMEN Singaport P. Kelang Penang Arrittti HEPTUHE AMBER ll Ptrt 21/ 2 Jm Bilbao 79/1. London 22. Ha«n, Rdam, H'burg NEPTUNE AMETHYST 4 I Jai 1,11 Jai
      1,109 words
    • 1016 20 Ml MALAYSIAN INTERNATIONAL Om SHIPPING CORPORATION BERHAD JH Na JO€. Jk\ Ameant KuaU Lu.npur The National SNpping Lineot Malaysia PfttSS SERVICE 10 IONOOM LIVttPOOI COWTIWENT PORTS Tg Mam Singapore P. Kelang Penang Ltalug ftr: lUNCA TANJONC 11/1 JM ll Ptrt Le Havre ?B'l H'burg 1 1 Bremen 3 2 R'dam
      1,016 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 643 21 FOLLOWING BIRTM.NO AH- PORT M««ik "J U to Ph«,wyw.. Medlclnt Uoyd *nm Y?« M^^ y Ma Drraa> D»»«««rt. Triumph Orient. SBteWsagar K^« f sa. »J tk B kke B/l D*«rt«. H.l«» Olow<lor«. A! Murp™. m. B/i 2"?"i i u«. UJiiul joatph LykM, N»ua. n^ S*!' o 8 B/3 Bonn L«<»«
      643 words
      617 words
    • 633 21 FORD REALTY PRIVATE LIMITED (Incorporated In The Republic of Singapore) LOBB OF SHARE CERTIFICATES The following share certificates have been reported lost or mislaid: rrtifiraU N». Owner No. of Share* of f**h fully paid 1 Andrew Chang See Hung 1 5 —do— 4.999 1 Mdm. Yeo Sock Woon 1 6
      633 words
    • 576 21 OOC APPLICATION FOR FOOD, DRINKS AND SPORTS SHOPS Ot THE NATIONAL STADIUM TSe National Stadium Corporation Invites application* from tnose interested to ooerote FOOD, DRINKS and SPORTS SHOPS in the National Stadium. The preferred typo* of food though not necessarily restricted to are curry puffs, cream puffs, cokes, sandwiches, hotdog*.
      576 words
    • 113 21 THE BANKRUPTCY ACT KHAPTr.I 18. 1971 EDITION) Pt'BUC EXAMINATION In Bankruptcy No. 457 19 Curl Francis De Souza of No. 210. East Coast Road. NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that the Supreme Court has Ordered that the Public Examination of the abovenamed bankrupt be held on Wednesday, the 17th day of
      113 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 601 22 A well-established local bank with international branchnetwork invites applications for the following posts: (1) FOREIGN EXCHANGE MANAGER Candidates should have professional experience in the local and foreign money markets, preferably from a bank dealer's stand-point, and a sound knowledge of Asian Currency Unit operations. Preference will be given to graduates
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    • 542 22 GENERAL ELECTRIC (U.S.A.) CONSUMER ELECTRONICS PTE. LTD. invites applications for the Senior Executive position of QUALITY CONTROL MANAGER Candidates must be graduates in Electrical, Electronics or Mechanical Engineering with at least 5 years experience in senior technical and managerial positions preferably engaged in mass production of electronic projects (Radar, T.V.,
      542 words
    • 763 22 EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO FACTORY MANAGER We are looking for a young but mature Industrial engineer who has a certain amount of experience In the sheetmetal Industry or related fields to fill In the position. A Degree or Diploma from a recognised Institution of Higher Learning would be desirable but not
      763 words
    • 416 22 NATIONAL IRON it STEEL MILLS LIMITED (Incorporated in the Rr public of Singapore) NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that Certificate* No. PIT- 1552 and PB-0815 covering $1,333 Ordinary Stcck of $1.00 each In the name of Miss Chang Lee Sian, have been reported tost. AND NOTICE IS ALJ3O HEREBY OIVEN that
      416 words
    • 212 22 ANNOUNCEMENT Due to circumstances beyond our control, we will cease business ot Ist floor, John Little's Building, Roffles Ploc», as from 24th December 1972 ond will re open soon ot better premises with better facilities. Announcement os to our future plons will be modi ot on ecrly .late. We toke
      212 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 704 23 SARAWAK ELECTRICITY SUPPLY CORPORATION VACANCIES Application* are Invited for the following vacancies. i A) 4 Electrical Engineers B) 1 Mechanical Engineer (C) 1 Civil Engineer. qualifications: Applicant* should he Malayilan citizens and should preferably be Chartered Engineers or possess a qualification recognised by the Institution of Engineers Malaysia, for graduate
      704 words
    • 608 23 TAMC« Invites Applications fro* Malaysia! Citizens for the lost of ELECTRICAL ENGINEER THE MAN: He should have extensive experience In design work associated with locally manufactured I standard and custom built low tension i distribution swltchgear, and motor and gene- i rator control panels. He will preferably have held responsibility
      608 words
    • 688 23 EXAMINATION FOB MEMBERSHIP OF THE ROYAL COLLEGES OF PHYSICIANS OF THE UNITED KINGDOM The Common Part I MRCP examination of the Rcyal Colleges of Physicians of Edinburgh, Olasgow and London will be held in Kuala Lumpur on Friday. 80th March 1973 at 530 p.m. at the Faculty of Medicine, University
      688 words
    • 717 23 LEMBAGA LETRIK NEGARA TANAH MLLAYU (NATIONAL ELECTRICITY BOARD OP THE STATES OF MALAYA) SUPPLY OP H.V. L.V. PAPER INSULATED POWER CABLES TENDES NO. IM4S Tenders are Invited for the supply and delivery C.I.P. Port Klang. sutes of Malaya of Aluminium H.V. and L.V. paper Insulated power cables. Tenders are Invited
      717 words
    • 711 23 TOWN BOARDS ENACTMENT (NO. lit) NOTICE UNDER SECTION 137 Notice 1* hereby given that the following amendments will be made to an Approved Plan No. J***** which Is permanently exhibited for public inspection at the office of Town Council. Johor Bahru. on any working day during office hours Layout from
      711 words

  • 103 24 TNI MANNEOUIN STUDIO, famous for Its fashion models, offers fashion/ itroominic couree for housewives. Commencing 4 1 73 morning. Tel. B'pore *****3/*****7. LOUISE KLERK S SALONS In Hotel Sinnapura for your lateat hairstyles. expert perming and gorgeous tinting. Very moderate prices Appointments telephone *****3 (Spore) WEDDINGS MEAN you'll be
    103 words
  • 85 24 de SOUZA, CARLVLI I. WESTER HOUT, dearly beloved husband of Helen, father of Joy. Timothy and David. father-in-law of Kingaley Oorloff and Patricia, and grandfather of Jeremy and Karen, passed away peacefully on 27-12-72. Cortege leaves 24. Jalan Bangket. Mayfalr Park. Singapore 21 on 28/12/72 at 9.30 a.m. for
    85 words
  • 102 24 MRS. C. RAJARETNAM and family thank the doctors and staff at Pontian and Johore Babru Hospital. relatives and friends for their kind assistance, presence and messages of condolences. Tbe family la especially grateful to the Vicar of Bt Christopher's Church Johore Bahru for bis presence at the hospital and
    102 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 482 24 H classified advertisements Ciasarfied f&MrUsamerts §F GENERAL ADVKRTISKMENTS/Siniapore only: SO cents word. Minimum »7.50 for 1$ words. Twegrxxie service r^^^^^^^^^^^ m^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ THI REV. AND MRS. To and family In U.B.A. wish all their friends and relative* In Singapore Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year. OOATS IN SINGAPORE WATIRS New
      482 words
    • 666 24 RETIRED MALI NURBI to ear* for old gentleman Uve-ln. Healthy. good natured and Chine** spoken (preferably Mandarin). Oood remuneration for right person and permanent Job Please submit resume, recent photograph and telephone number to 57, Crescent Road, o*pon 15. PHILIPS S'PORI PTI LTD., require* 1. ASSISTANT PURCHASINO OFFICIR Applicants should
      666 words
    • 726 24 SALISMAN REQUIFIEO IMMEDIATE LV by cable manufacturer. Applicants must be Singapore citlsen. as* 20 to 25 with School Certificate. Some sales and i.los administration experience Is necrieury. Submit full particular! to Box A ***** B.T. B'porc. OAROINO SCHOOI SINOAPORI Required ImmedlaUly. House- Nts trees N atren. Registered nun* to take
      726 words
    • 718 24 WANTED FEMALE SECRETARY able travel abroad preferably with knowledge of Spanish language Write Box A ***** ST. Vpore with tull particulars and photograph (non-return-able) EXPERIENCED CASHIERS WAI tresses, pantry maid* and coffee boy* wanted urgently. Contact personally 2nd floor. Oolden Mile Shopping Centra. No. 5381 Oolden Mile Coffee House Tel
      718 words
    • 726 24 INDOOR SALESGIRLS WANTID. Inexperienced applicants will be considered. Apply personally to Prince 8 Clifford PMr opposite Shell House. Collyer Quay S'por* 1. WANTED HAROWORKINO PLUM OIR, experience not necessary Prefeienee to persons who own motorcycle. Oood pay. Box A ***** S.T. 8 pore. RECEPTIONIST STE HOC RAPHER required for Agency
      726 words
    • 734 24 SALESGIRLS REQUIRED by boutique. experience unnecessary. Knowledge of sewing essential Contact B'pore *****4 after 1 p.m. AMAH WANTID for It year old. Ring ***** from 12 p.m. to 8 p.m. or call at 49A, Blk 77, Lorong Limau, Spore 12 after 28-12-72. SALESMEN urgently required by Manufacturing Industry in Jurong
      734 words
    • 815 24 DIST. 10 EXECUTIVE APARTMINT split-level lounge dining 3 bedrooms, servant's room, unfurnished 32.500. Dist 11 bungalow 3 bedrooms, servant's amenities. 4 alreonditloners. matured Harden, furnished, unfurnished, *****-*****. Dial. 13 Eastern Msnslon fiat unfurnished S3BO Dou-ble-storey terrace furnished 8800 Diet. 19 semi-detached furnished 3900. *****4 Spore. Coupe International FULLY FURNISHED HOUSES
      815 words
    • 929 24 NEWLY COMPLITED 3 OIOROOMIO APARTMENT with panoramic view Kum Hin« Couft. Tomlinson Road. Available Immediately. B'pore *****7 DIST. 9. furnished room airconditloner bathroom attached 3260 Include cleaning, laundry bachelor only. Tel: *****1. LISTS YOUR PROPERTIES with us for Instant tenants Contact OM Holism.- Management. 2OBVO 20V12 2H343 B'pore. OIST. 23
      929 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 2796 25 classified advertisements IS ANNOUNCbMLNT/PfRSONAL/ Sir,,,po, t only: %Mort Minimum >20 for 20 words. Cta^fiSo^SST > SINGLE STOREY DETACHED BUNGALOW in Namly Drive, 8,000 sq.ft. (220.000 Double-storey semi-detach-ed bungalow on 4,600 sq.ft. In Hillv w Estate to be completed In early 1»73 1153.000 Tel: *****8 B'pore. CLOVER PARK JALAN PEMIMPIN Off
      2,796 words
    • 647 25 LEARN AT MOMB aad paas examinations. BCB Ltd. offsr Home Btudy Courses Shorthand. Typewriting. Book-keeping, Correspondence, Secre tarial Duties, etc. Details from P.O. Box UO4. BUSINBSS ADMINISTRATION Part-time (evening) classes will help you qualify la Business Administration, IBA Stamford Centre Diploma— or the Internationally recognised Chartered Institute of Be era
      647 words
    • 200 25 POR RADIO, TV or any other services needed, consult the Yellow Pages In the telephone book. TROPICAL TV OAY/NIOHT repair. Tel- *****2 Spore. All brands Fair charges Repair guaranteed USIO KELVINATOR' RIPRIOIRATOR AND AIRCONDITIONER OR OTHIR BRANDS POR HIRI AT SB/- PBR MONTH UPWAROS H.P. OR CASN ALSO WELCOME. PHONE:
      200 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 1497 26 classified advertisements^^ GENERAL ADVERTISEMENTS Singapore only 50 centt i word. Minimum >7.50 for 13 words. ANNOUNCEMENT/PERSONAL Ssnypoc* oaty: II 6 word UMmun 120 fot 20 wotdt. VIStVONI KNOWS BY MOW that we ar* specialists In Pnllee. Aetna. Kniidaire. Oeneral Electric. Hitachi. Sanyo window unit, and packase airconditioners. Call over to
      1,497 words
    • 969 26 1083 JACUAR MX 1.4. Fair condition at J2»50. Contact Frankle *****/7 Spore I*7l CORTINA OXL. Wanager a car. Vary low mileage. Immaculate. With new car warranty. $10,950/-. Universal Car*. 45 Orchard Road. Tal: 56 2311. CAPBLLA WTO mileage 17.000 done condition excellent pries: $6,700 Road tax r*-newed expiring 31 12
      969 words
    • 484 26 TOM FALCON o*> 0000 Oood condition $800. Lot 87 Moo Owan Terrace Carpark. 18-B Yong Btek 9t 1006 AUSTIN 1100 new paintwork eassetts taps many extras Excellent condition $3,150/- Tel: *****8. ■NO ton VOLVO TMS S owner*. Aircoa. complete overhauled. Immaculate condition. Tel: *****8. TOM CORTINA DELUXE 4 door good
      484 words
    • 364 26 lALON Dl LA ORANOE welcome. ladies and gentlemen for general body message saunabath etc Taaclln Shopping Centre Sad Floor Room 224. King Singapore 3T2536 for appointments weekdays 10 a.m. to T p m ATTENTION LADIES. Sauna baths, scientific slimming. spotreduclng. poatnatal treatment! wtlh very latest machine* at Louisa Klerk's Salon.
      364 words
    • 234 26 MAKI NIW FRIENDS INSTANTLY!! Friend* from all states In Malaysia Singapore. Free brochure*. 0.P.0. M 7 8 pore. RELIABLE HOUSE REPAIRS, colourwash, painting roof-leaks, fencing, etc. Te It phone *****. Ho* Brag Construction. FOR A RfALLV ENJOYABLE outing anytime, Oo with A High Society Lady Escort 348-C. Orchard Road. Spore
      234 words
    • 176 26 MADE TO MIASURI suits, trousers. shirts, military uniforms. Indies costumes skirts, slacks in latest fabrics by expert tailors. Visit Nath Tailor. 4 Tanglln Road. B'uors Tel: *****7. SINOLE/DOUBLS ROOMO with bathroom sitting-room Kitchen uter •Hi aad linens Also with servant District 11. Telephone *****3 SLoVnB COURT HOTEL, 17. Balmortl Road.
      176 words

  • 257 27 Malaysia curb on foreign take-over of firms- KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. The Government may soon Introduce legislation to curb foreign takeovers of local companies. A committee was set up some months ago to prepare a report on such take-overs and headed by the Governor of Bank Negara. Tan Sri Ismail bin
    257 words
  • 88 27 POLICE PROBE BABY MURDER HOMICIDE officers of the ClD's Special Investigation Section are investigating the murder of a three-day-old baby girl whose body was found at the dumping grounds at Tampines on Christmas Day. A police spokesman said yesterday: "We have classified the case as murder fur purposes of investigation.
    88 words
  • 28 27 POLICE last night detained a man shortly after J. Sltumal Balani. 41. was fatally stabbed in the back near his home at 14 ms Sembawang Road.
    28 words
  • 168 27 Woman died of brain damage a week after fall A MOTHER-TO-BE died of brain haemorrhage a week after she had a fall, a coroner's court heard yesterday. The assistant pathologist at Outram Hospital. Dr. Wee Kent? Pah. who carried out an autopsy on Sarwan Bee blnte Ahmad. 35. said that
    168 words
  • 54 27 THE Muslim Missionary Society. Singapore, will hold a dinner for the Consul-General of Saudi Arabia. Datuk Syed Ibrahim bin Omar Alsagofl. at its premises In Lorong 12. Oeylang Road on Friday at 8 p m The Minister of State In the Prime Minister's Office. Hajl Ya'acob Mohammad
    54 words
  • 270 27  - Kidnap scare sparks off big alert K.G. KUTTY By POLICE went on a 90--minute kidnap alert yesterday when the son of a provision shop-owner dialled 999 to say that his father had been abducted by four men in the morning. Road blocks were put up all over the area. But
    270 words
  • 76 27 Redeem old notes before Sunday DEMONETISED currency notes Issued by the Board of Commissioners of Currency, Malaya and the Straits Sett ements Currency Commissioners bearIng dates prior to July 1, 1941, should be redeemed before Sunday. The public are advised to redeem any such notes In their possession at any
    76 words
  • 341 27 Transfer shock to teach second language PRIMARY school teachers and principals were surprised yesterday by an Education Ministry move to transfer teachers to teach the second language in other schools although they have no training as second language teachers. 300 teachers It is believed that more than 300 teachers from
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  • 325 27 Building up Aussie-S'pore trade ties through the classroom fWO Australian university lecturers are gathering material here to promote trade and strengthen business ties between Australia and South-east Asia through the class room. "But not by using textbooks." Mr. Max Sutherland and Mr. Ross Came* ron. ot the University of New
    325 words
  • 24 27 THE Buklt Panjang commuplty centre Chinese Orchestra will give a two-hour performance at the Macßltchle Reservoir ***** on Sunday at S p.m
    24 words
  • 63 27 THE Premier of the Australian State of Victoria. Mr. R Hamer. flew In here lost night for a three-day private visit. He to on his way to Israel to take part in the Inauguration of a new settlement reclaimed from arid land in the Negev The
    63 words
  • 107 27 ADB loan to PUB for power projects TtfANILA, Wed. iTI The Asian Development Bank signed a $19.6 million loan to Singapore's Public Utilities Board for the expansion of the Republic's second power transmission and distribution system, the ADB announced today. The loan will finance a portion of the loreign exchange
    AP  -  107 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 122 27 Cheah Yoon congratulate Tat Chuen Co. on the official opening of their New Showroom at Shaw Centre Cheah Yoon (qualified Interior Decorator) No: 4*. Loronj 33. G«yl«ng. S.ngopore. 14. T.I: *****9 Congra tulations to Tat Chuen Co. on the official opening of their New Showroom at Shaw Centre Mr. Vincent
      122 words
    • 112 27 HV^w_ ~^HbJw^^b^Bi^^b^bb^bhb^b\ IINDON BANK! I ACCUSED I lOF HELPIN6I I CHINESE I I A revelation that 70 to 80 C^« I per cent of credits extended y\ AY I I by the Central Bank of < A^ I Indonesia went mainly to B nr nation I Chinese businessmen has caused
      112 words
  • Page 27 Miscellaneous
    • 257 27 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS 3 Month could be about right 8 Twc singles, about £1? An measure channtl li fi). old song! iJ. 5) Ev r TangUr? (7). 5 Catch backward Mctlon (4). 9 Oppose changes, sister (6). c xj^n one laundry's rebuilt in 10 Ball gets measure— ln temper
      257 words

    • 402 28 fOOTBALL Association of Singapore's League Division One title will be decided at Jalan Besar stadium tomorrow night (kickoff 7.30) between defending champions Guthrie Waugh and Armed Forces. Last night they won their matches at Jalan Besar Outhrle Waugh edged Hamilton by 2-1 while Forces
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    • 121 28 CHAN TOLD: WE HAVE IT TOO TWENTY men and women swimming coaches from Japan yesterday told Mi. Chan Chee Seng. Singapore Amateur Swimming Association president, that Japan and Singapore had the same problem of having parents who do not want their children to .«pend too much time on swimming. Team
      121 words
    • 220 28 TVtELBOURNE. Wed. AusI*A1 A tralian tennis prestige suffered another setback today when sixth-.'eeded John Alexander was knocked out of the Australian Open Championships by Frenchman Patrice Dominguez. Alexander's second round defeat followed the elimination yesterday cf Ken Rosewall, Mai Anderson and Colin Dibley. Alexander had
      220 words
    • 160 28 2-month ban on National player T WE WEE BENG. a National player, has been suspended two months beginning yesterday by the FAS Disciplinary Committee for deliberately punching an opponent In the match between Singapore Selection and West Australia at Jalan Besar on Dee. 6. The committee's chairman, Lt. CoL Niai
      160 words
    • 143 28 AHORE, Wed. Thailand Bade a clean sweep ot lasi night's five matehe* to complete a> 8-1 victory over Pakistan In their Asian Zone record round Thomas Cast badminton match here. It was a on<-sided affair with Hassan Shaheed beinf Ihe only Pakistani to force
      143 words
    • 278 28  -  LESLIE FONG By LONDON, Wed. Squash fans in Singapore and Malaysia will soon be able to watch the game through an all-glass back wall in addition to the present elevated aides. Two beiangor sport* clubs have etch placed an order for the glus wail,
      278 words
    • 392 28 Daliah's task: Get women to watch Fiesta r»IK Daliah Othman, secretary of the Football Fiesta Organising Committee, and daughter of the Minister for Social Affairs, Encik Othman Wok, will head a special committee to "recruit" women as spectators in the Fiesta, reports JOE DORAI. CMc Daliah said: "Soccer is an
      392 words
    • 55 28 1972 World's No. 1 JOURNALISTS of many countries, who took part In the annual poll conducted by World Sports, the British sports magazine, and 8.8.C.. have selected Olga Korbut, a Byelorussian Gymnast, three times Olympic champion at Munich, as their Sportswoman of 1972. Here Olga Korbut is seen admiring the
      55 words
    • 61 28 ROSE Badminton Party will meet Stia BP. of Klang In their annual matches (or the Rothman and RcSjin.v>n trophies at Singapore Badminton Stadium on Saturday. Youth players of the two teams will meet at 3.30 p.m. in three singles and two doubles, followed by the
      61 words
    • 236 28  - Civilians face big test today G. ROBERT By SINGAPORE Civilians, now preparing for the Malaya Cup rugby final against Selanrror at Kuala Lumpur on Jan. 13, get their first test today when they take on ANZUK Base Transport Unit In a practice match at the Police Academy. SRU President Lt
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    • 212 29 LONDON, Wed. There was no change at the top of the English Div. 1 soccer table with the leading four clubs all winning their matches yesterday. Leaders Liverpool took another step towards landing the title with a 3-0 victory over Sheffield United. Liverpool, whose goals
      212 words
    • 932 29 FIRST DIVISION Arsenal 2 Norwich 0 Coventry 0 West Brom 0 C. Palace 3 Southton 0 Derby 3 Man. United 1 Everton 1 Birmingham 1 Ipswich 3 Chelsea 0 Leeds 1 Newscastle 0 Man. City 1 Stoke 1 Sheß United 0 Liverpool 3 West Ham 1 Tottenham
      932 words
    • 996 29 THE 1973 racing season starts with the January meeting of the Perak Turf Club In Ipoh on Jan. 6. 7, 13 and 14. A total of 232 entries 88 In Class 3. 39 in Class 4 and 105 In Class 6 have been entered for the meet
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    • 68 29 AWAY, AWAY IN HIS NEW RCLLS GEORGE Best, M a n Chester Un 1 1 c d's wayward genius, looking a picture of despair as he drives away from it all in his new white RollsRoyce after his club directors had decided to put him on the transfer list. But
      Expresspic  -  68 words
    • 191 29 All Black Morris (19 points) thumps Services IONDON, Wed. —A strong J performance by lullback Trevor Morris yesterday gave the New Zealand All Blacks a comfortable 31-10 victory over a Combined Services XV at Twickenham. Morris stacked up 19 points for the New Zealanders with four penalties, two conversions and
      Reuter  -  191 words
    • 27 29 KUWAIT, Wed Kuwait beat a touring Chinese soccer team 1-0 In a friendly match watched by a crowd of 10.000 on Christmas Day.
      27 words
    • 282 29 Pakistan beaten by a whopping innings ADELAIDE, Wed. Australian offspinner Ashley Mallet captured the wicket of Injured Pakistan batsman Talat All with the sixth ball of his first over today to end the First Test at the Oval. Pakistan, who were 214-9 overnight, did not add to their score and
      282 words
    • 317 29  - ROYAL MARK LOOKS FIT FOR SECOND GOLD CUP EPSOM JEEP By DOYAL MARK will go all out to win the Penang Gold Cup for the second year running on Sunday. Only three horses have won the Penang Gold Cup twice Colonel Whatnot, Knights Eye (1937-38) and Three Rings (54-56). Lucky
      317 words
    • 195 29 Jumbo Jet in good shape LOS ANGELES. Wed. Jumbo Jet, in training for a race at Santa Anita about a month from now. is running well and showing no effects of his fall at Laurel Park on Nov. n, his trainer said yesterday. "I had him X-rayed and it doesn't
      Reuter  -  195 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 79 28 This giant washing machine can wash and dry the uniforms of two complete soccer teams in one load. Including the referee's. Our model SW-480D can wash twelve pounds There's a choice between gentle "magic turn*' of dirty clothes and at the same time dry washing action and brutal "one way"
      79 words
    • 76 28 "E**L9in Mm half the ifmejgm M.A.C. Possesses caceptional »nd rapid (mN^ nertinq properties. Immediate application w. Hastens curt. Keep uin the house ready t Jj. tor use. /«t_ A soothing. r^ healing, antiseptic uk ftt^M ointment for XX\\\\**vm W BURNS, SCALDS, LEG ULCERS, fljSS MHBM WOUNDS, CUTS, 1 1,1 J
      76 words
  • Page 28 Miscellaneous
    • 47 28 bU'GBY Spore Civilian* v Base Transport Union (People's Association) SOCCER FAS Dlt 1 Pools v Vigilantes (Jalan Besar stadium. 530 p.m. i. Hampshire New Year Trophy: PSA v Peru Indians. Rajafl v 28 Anzuk United Vegetable v Kaki Buklt Prlendly: PARC v Slthl Chain saw (Buklt Chermin).
      47 words

  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 329 29 Indian Engineering makes its mark Establishes India as the Bth largest industrialized country Of to ike MidJU Ltii—iku city typt tat Quddenly in a few dramatic venture offers in Asia, Africa, France, Japan, the USSR., A suggestion years, India has caused a Latin America. Advisory ser- and others, if you
      329 words

  • 258 30 TEL AVIV, Wed. ISRAELI air force Jets swooped across the ceasefire line into Syria today, bombing and rocketing an Arab guerilla base, two regular Syrian army positions and an artillery battery In a reprisal for guerilla attacks, the military command
    AP; UPI  -  258 words
  • 105 30 Security alert at London airport LONDON, Wed. Security agents at London's Huge Heathrow airport were on "double red alert" today for possible trouble from Arab terrorists after an Arab ws arrested here on Christmas Eve with a suit case packed with explosives. Authorities warned all airlines to be ready for
    105 words
  • 29 30 ROME. Wed. Italian banks reopened today after three months of labour agitation which left much of the nation acutely short of cash over the Christmas holidays. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • 27 30 AUBURN (Indiana). Wed Auto auctioneer Dean V. Kru&e will offer Adolph Hitler's parade car to the highest bidder on Jan. 6 at Scottadale. Arizona. AP.
    AP  -  27 words
  • 69 30 BUENO6 AIRES. Wed. A 42 -year-old executive for Standard Electric Argentina waa kidnapped today while on his way to his office. It was reported that about 12 people operating in four pickup trucks seized Vicente Russo momenta after he left his home In suburban San Isldro.
    69 words
  • 42 30 UNITED NATIOKS, Wed.— Of the live nuclear powers only the Soviet Union has agreed ao far to rerve on a committee cnarged with the task of preparing an eventual world disarmament conference, the United Nations revealed today. UPI.
    UPI  -  42 words
  • 20 30 CASLf MICIIVIO from India Kua Juju. brother of Varcbest. R.8.1i Eatat*. pvaaa away on 2Sih Deccmbar after an accident
    20 words
  • 44 30 WASHINGTON. Wed. The President's Council of Economic Advisers predicted today that 1973 will bring 'rapid expansion and a reduced rate of Inflation" to the U.S. economy. The council hinted at possible substantial changes In the U.S. wage-price control system. AP.
    AP  -  44 words
  • 35 30 INDIO (California). Wed Barbara Marx has filed for dissolution of her marriage to Zeppo Marx. the one-time straight man of the Marx brothers comedy team. The co.^. t were n.airied in 1959.
    35 words
  • 333 30 LONDON. w«l. The Mock market ckMed lower today, rrflrctinc ttir prmpect of dearer mow» following last Friday* one point tncreane In tbr Bank nf England's minimum leading rate to 9 per ceat. Turnover wa> (mail under aeaaonal i Influence and at 3 p.m. the Financial Times Index waa
    333 words
  • 53 30 LONDON. W«l (pot 20.80 aXttom»m Frb ?0 SO. M.rch 2105. April 21.23. April Junr 21.40. JalWSe* 21.70 Oct/Dec 21. as. J.n M.rtH 21 S5. April/ Ju»« 22. 05. JulyScpt 12.13. Oct Dec 22 23. J.n'M.rrh 22.33. April/June 22.50. G«Hral e.l.f. Ju IS. as. F*b 11. to. Marc* 20 00
    53 words
  • 27 30 LONDON. W«d. Spot buvrrt ***** (+46). trlim (15*7 £6i Forward (Hirer. £1610 <+M>. wltao (I*ll <+C7>. aminnvnl: (ISM <+!•> Turnover: a.m. SIS torn. p.m. ISO. Tom: Quiet.
    27 words
  • 235 30  - 50 held, oil drums seized in antismuggle drive P.M. RAMAN By fUSTOMS officers detained 50 people and 15 fishing boats in an antismuggling operation yesterday. About 450 45- gallon drums of lubricating oil found in the boats were seized. Duty on the oil was estimated at over $20,000. According to
    235 words
  • 43 30 OTTAWA. Wed. Former Canadian Prime Minister Lester Pearson is gravely ill, suffering from recurring Illness that led to the loss of an eye In 1910 when he underwent surgery for removal of a tumor, a family spokesman said last night. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 28 30 PORT LOUIS. Wed— Sir Leonard Williams. Oovernor General of Mauritius, died today in the naval hospital. HMS Mauritius, a week after suffering a heart attack. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  28 words
  • 36 30 NEW DELHI. Wed— At least one man was killed when police fired into a mob of separatist agitators at Anatapur In the south Indian state of Andhra Pradesh today, according to ofclal reports. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 161 30 r£ situation In floodaffected states Is almost back to normal except for Trengganu. where 421 people In the Kemaman district had to be evacuated. Road links between Kelantan and the rest of Malaysia were re-estab-lished with the opening of the Jerteh Bridge. 38 miles
    161 words
  • 105 30 JAKARTA. Wed. The Indonesian Government is urgently reviewing Its decision to ban foreign airlines flying to the popular tourist island of Ball, the Communications Ministry said today. The Ministry's chief spokesman. Mr. Ismono said the ban was being reconsidered and it would
    105 words
  • 157 30 Indon move to build efficiency and curb birth rate- JAKARTA, Wed. The Indonesian Cabinet today approved a series of measures designed to increase government efficiency, curb corruption and encourage birth control. The cabinet decided to doable civil servant salaries from April next year. Government officials, who used to receive allowances
    Reuter  -  157 words
  • 59 30 FORT SUMNER (Ntw ■Mexico), Wed. A truck loaded with cattle bounced off a guard rail on a narrow bridge near here and slammed into a chartered bus carrying a church youth group bound (or a holiday ski cutlng and religious retreat Authorities said 19 people
    AP  -  59 words
  • 353 30 SAIGON, Wed fHE United States was reported today to l>e pressing its diplomatic approaches to Hanoi to return to the bargaining table in Paris to negotiate a peace settlement. Informed sources in Washington said the White House had dropped diplomatic hints to the
    353 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
  • Page 30 Miscellaneous