The Straits Times, 11 December 1972

Total Pages: 40
1 40 The Straits Times
  • 24 1 TOTAL DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 235,000 The Straits Times The National Newspaper Kstd 1845 MONDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1972 20 CENTS M.C. (P) No. 3776
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  • 245 1 PARIS, Sun. The crucial KisslngerLe Due Tho talks on Indochina's future now hUige on three major issues, according to sources here. They are: The North Vietnamese troops pullout from the South, the fate of Vletcong political prisoners held by Saigon, and the political set-up
    Reuter  -  245 words
  • 36 1 PASADENA (California), Sun The Jet Propulsion Laboratory wilt manage the launch of two Mariner spacecraft In 1977 for stucles of Jupiter and Saturn, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration said yesterday. AP.
    AP  -  36 words
  • 40 1 BANGKOK. Sun. Thailand's military government has approved a draft agreement of a controversial proposal for an American company to build a US$l5O million (about *450 m > International airport ard manage It for 30 years, government sources said today.
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  • 275 1 Liberal Democrats assured of another term HIS CONFIDENT FORECAST: 280-290 SEATS TOKYO, Sunday JAPAN'S ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) rolled steadily towards another majority in Parliament in early returns from Japan's general election today. At midnight 10.30 p.m. Singapore time) LDP candidates had clinched 183 of
    UPI  -  275 words
  • 57 1 'TWO Soviet hydrojra- phle Teasels arrived here yesterday afternoon for drydoeklnf The «-n»fc— h and Baikal, which h»v« fct«n carrying <at scientific research In the Indian Ocean, will be at Keppel Shipyard dryfoeks for a A Soviet Embassy spokesman said the ships were her* to
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  • 192 1 MANILA, Sun. Thiee men held on suspicion of plotting to kill President Marcos and his family have warned there will be more assassination attempts like the one on his wife, Mrs. Imelda Marcos, three days ago, the Government said. Government spokesman
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  • 212 1 Israeli spy ring who worked for the -Syrians- T»EL AVIV, Sun. A spy and sabotage network said to have operated from a Haifa bookshop and made up of Arabs and a handful of "Maoist" Jews contacted Syrian Intelligence with reports in Invisible ink and received orders over Syria's radio, Israeli
    Reuter  -  212 words
  • 32 1 ADDIS ABABA. -Sun Emperor Halle Selassie conferred decorations yesterday on tbe nine-member airliner crew and four security guards who stopped a mid-air hijack bid over Ethiopia on Friday. AP.
    AP  -  32 words
  • 325 1 Prime Minister and Defence Minister Dr. Goh Keng Swee last night warned that the time had come to stop the practice among "brainless young" Singaporeans of mindlessly aping certain Western fashions. If unchecked, this trend would eventually turn Singapore into a
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  • 61 1 TOKYO. Bun. The Japanese Cabinet will be asked to formally approve opening ot an embassy In China at Its meeting on Dec. 15. Foreign Minister Masayoshi Ohira said today. Ohlra told newsmen after a meeting with Prime Minister Kakuel Tanaka that he hoped preparations to establish an
    UPI  -  61 words
  • 32 1 OELA (Sicily). Sun. About 1.000 of the 6.000 cars in this southern Sicilian town had their tyres slashed on Friday night. Police said they did not know the motive. Reuter
    Reuter  -  32 words
    • 34 1 EVANS READY FOR LOME ORBIT HOUSTON, Sam. Astron>Bt RoMld Etmu letUmi•4 ptMl Ml the site the Ap»U» 17 ipaeecrait U>d»>. pr«f*rtaf far his baay toys abaft* ateae In moon arMl— UPI (See rtff Mi.
      UPI  -  34 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 9 1 Getyour new Mobil road map of West Malaysia Singapore
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    • 136 1 The hunt for Bormann Page* 18-19 STRIKE threat at tbe Stork Exchange Page 7 SOLE survivor Desmond takes the news calmly 8 DIVORCE by mutual consent call by women 16 LAWS to control pugilism clubs coming 17 CROSSWORD 11 TV/RADIO 15 LETTERS 21 YOUR Straits Times today Is 40 pages
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    • 441 2 'Soviet hand in Ulster civil strife' British point to seized rockets as evidence BELFAST, Sun. British authorities said they are now convinced that the Soviet Union is directly and deliberately involved in the Northern Ireland conflict. They based this conclusion on the discovery of Russian-made rockets in the armoury of
      Reuter  -  441 words
    • 292 2 PLEDGE OF MORE ARMS SUPPLY FOR HANOI MOSCOW, Sunday. fHE Soviet Union has agreed to continue military and economic aid to North Vietnam in 1973, Tass News Agency reported. The official Soviet news agency gave no figures for the Soviet commitment, but said the aid would be given without payment.
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    • 134 2 Laporte kidnap charge man acquitted MONTREAL, Sun. Ex-mechnlc Jacques Rose was acquited yesterday of kidnapping Quebec Labour Minister Pierre Laporte. who was later found strangled in the boot of a car. But Rose. 25. still faces trial on a charge of murdering Mr. Laporte. The 11 -man Jury took 17
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    • 36 2 UPPBALA. Bun. Two underground nuclear tests within a tune span of only 11 seconds in the Soviet nuclear testing area In Siberia were recorded here early today by the Selsmologic Institution of Uppsala. AP.
      AP  -  36 words
    • 69 2 I ONDON. San. The fall irontai nudity can stay, but the language should be cleaned up, London's film censors said yesterday in giving a tentative approval for screening here the movie Oh Calcutta. The Greater London Council's viewing committee approved by a seven to six vote the
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    • 53 2 ROMS. Sun. Indian Prune Minuter Indira Gandhi appean on a series of bronse and silver medals Issued by the PAO today. PAO said Mrs. Oandhl had been chosen to appear on the medals as a tribute to the way In which Indian Agriculture had advanced under
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    • 155 2 NEW DELHI, Sun. Sir Edmund Hillary, the first man ever to set foot on Everest ft), plans to oflmb the h i t h erto unoonquered Gaurl ft ha n h mountain, Informed sources ■aid yesterday. Although It is only 23,440 ft hlfh,
      AP  -  155 words
    • 99 2 A spring wedding for El Cordobes MADRID, Sun. Millionaire bullfighter Manuel Benltei B Cordobe* will marry the French mother of his two children early next spring. B Cordobes. 36. wbo gained the title of BeaUe of the Bullring for his unorthodox and daring style m a mat*dor, will wed Ifartlne
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 279 2 HOLIDAY BARGAINS: WE WROTE THE BOOK SBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSBsW m^Utt\£WM PteV^Mr* AgfHMTTtfTF b^bj vxiu lay r^csv^ii >«_• r %m vvuvo B^P\ »*^^3 SBM^SSvHBSV^B^BfI BsW >~v' t T^R^ttSSKMdgfi^v rnVfISSBBx m■' ■^MsfeafflTlL '"BgsLsfM ■^ssssssssssssssssssssssssf rfl '^Hsfl^B WmirZJ-Li ?srar/^ FlV**^- jlabsuL. g^ rr^]si > mj».N|.M|ffsmn /•%HklftJ| ssY'< mti fiBK OS^H BSTSW^ ~^Sf^9 9 ISS MBJi
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    • 8 2 Johnnie Walker The Wforkfs Largest- Selling Scotch Whisky
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    • 184 3 Barnard vows never to return to his hometown rAPE TOWN, Sun v Heart surgeon Christlaan Barnard haa vowed never to return to his hometown again. He told newsmen he had made himself the promise some time ago but made it public only after his hometown newspaper, the Beaufort West Courier,
      AP  -  184 words
    • 349 3 Sex change report to be probed LONDON, Sun. The News of the World has claimed that the organisers of the Miss World competition were to probe reports that this year's Miss Hong Kong was once a boy. The Sunday newspaper said a man they
      Reuter  -  349 words
    • 78 3 Hunt for 90--fugitives in Sri Lanka COLOMBO. Sun. Security forces have launched a massive hunt (or 90 detainees who escaped from a camp on Friday night. Thty said two men were shot dead in a clash during the breakout from Wlrawlla Camp, 140 mill's south of here. Stiong contingents of
      Reuter  -  78 words
    • 30 3 CAMP DAVID, Sun—President N.xons elder daughter, Tr.cia and her husband. Mr. Edward Cox, will pay private visits to Britain. Italy, Greece and the Soviet Union this month Renter.
      Reuter  -  30 words
    • 219 3 WASHINGTON, Sun. Mr. Robert Strauss, a 54-year-old Texas lawyer Identified with the old-guard leadership of the Decocratlc Party, was elected party chairman yes'erday after a power struggle with liberals who had backed the presidential canMr. StrauM succeeds Mrs. Jean We*twood, who n»d been
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    • 120 3 WASHINGTON, Bun. TT Three days of festivities to mark Mr Richard Nixon's second presidential Inauguration In January will cost three to four million dollars according to the organisers. More than 35.000 people will dance at a string of gala balls across
      Reuter; UPI  -  120 words
    • 89 3 war leader ("\LSO, Sun. Jane V/ Fonda has announced her forthcoming wedding to former U.B. student leader Thomas Hayden. a member of the Chicago Seven anti-Vietnam war group. Mr. Hayden, 28, whose conviction for crossing State lines to Incite riots at the 1008 Democratic party convention
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 108 3 taw 1 a^Q L^Bb^blb^^b\ ~<^^b^bk W^r o jPk^^ juj B .^^^^^B LW Jblb^b^B B^B^hw fl wnd me H^^___ k m^Rk^dttwlj ol your Ctno>»U |B^^_ s>^^ y3i^^Jjlr LI2IF calculator BJ <fc P*—t s«nd voof MtMman B| L^flfTTlL~4 II W^ 1 I !^H I I B^fc^W L^^^^ IOHtIM BHm 1 1 1
      108 words
    • 169 3 Juvelon DOUBLE STRENGTH VITAVMN E gives you new ENERGY AND STAMiNA to match Juvelon is a sure, safe way to revitalize your system and gain extra stamina. MM*.* JR If Jt > 1 Obtainable from all Pharmacm and Druj Stores. €> SINGAPORE TEL: *****1 SfiJl MALAYSIA TEL: *****2. RELIABLE uU
      169 words

    • 144 4 RAWALPINDI, Sun— No survivors have been reported after a Pakistani International Airlines plane with 33 people aboard crashed on Friday in the foothills of the Himalayas. A PIA spokesman said army helicopters had circled the wreckage In thick forest at
      Reuter  -  144 words
    • 20 4 BELGRADE. Sun —At least 200.000 people are suffering from Influenza In Serbia, health experts here estimated today. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  20 words
    • 131 4 pORT WORTH, (Texas), Sun. A husband who didn't like the idea of his wife being housed in a co-educational Federal prison has filed a USsl. sm damage suit claiming the institute broke up his marriage. The suit was filed as a civil rights complaint
      AP  -  131 words
    • 286 4 Pilot's 31--day ordeal in the frozen North YELLOWKNIFE, Sunday. FORMER Luftwaffe pilot lay in hospital here today recovering from frostbite after a 31-day ordeal in the frozen Canadian North when his plane crashed on a mercy flight with a British nurse and two Eskimo patients. The nurse, 27-year-old Judith Hill,
      Reuter  -  286 words
    • 98 4 WOMAN HELD OVER FIRE WHICH KILLED 73 JAKARTA. Sun— A woman has been arrested in connection with a big fire which killed 73 people three months ago at Tanjung Prlok port, local Press reports said here. Indonesian Foreign Minister Adam Malik said yesterday an Investigation was being carried out. The
      Reuter  -  98 words
    • 232 4 CAIRO, Sunday EGYPT'S People's Ccuncll (Parliament) has said that the liberation of the territories occupied by Israel "will not be achieved except through war." The Council in a report yesterday to the Government's policy statement delivered by Prime Minister Aziz
      Reuter  -  232 words
    • 93 4 Preparing for that space handclasp NASA technicians review the features of a full-scale mock up of the docking module for the U-S.-Sovlet joint space mission scheduled for mid-1975. The mission will be the culmination of years of combined effort and quiet co-operation between the world's two space powers It wUI
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    • 108 4 The 10-footlong. foot-diameter docking module will link Apollo and Soyuz spacecraft and serve as an airlock for crewmen during inflight transfers between the craft which have different atmospheres. Another major objec tive of the ASTP programme will be the design and inflight testing of a universal docking mechanism,
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    • 39 4 BARCELONA. Sun— Thieves who stole a parked car here got more, than they bargained for the owner's nine-year-old son was asleep on the back seat. They abandoned the car. leaving the contents. Including the boy. untouched —Reuter.
      Reuter  -  39 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 295 4 Each one will hold almost any s 0 *v purpose canister. (You can ICj T little thing from the kitchen you r choose from four colours red, ij^Ur- U Klfl B^^*3t*^ I can think of. Sugar. Salt. Spices. HK^^^^^^. blue, green and purple.) IkS 3UuIZ Nuts. Cookies. Whatever you a
      295 words

    • 527 5 Hush-hush US ligency loses ts doors NOT EVEN ENVOY KNEW ITS EXACT FUNCTIONS »ANGKOK, Sun. A con troversial Pentagon agency that has been accused of intelligence and pollcymaking roles here for 10 years will quietly close its doors at the end of this month. The Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA)
      UPI  -  527 words
    • 197 5 Lockheed in the red unless Tristar sales up WASHINGTON, Sun. Lockheed Aircraft Corporation, the biggest U.S. defence contractor, is in financial trouble unless it sells more Tristar airliners, Government auditors said yesterday. The General Accounting Office (GAO) appointed to monitor a US$25O million dollar loan guarantee programme for the aerospace
      Reuter  -  197 words
    • 84 5 Youth held for killing mother and sister BANGKOK. Sun. Police have arrested an 18-year-oid youth here fur. snooting and killing his 44-year-old mother and 22-year-old slater, police sources said today. The sourcei said police last night found She bodies or the women stuffed Inside the luggage booth of a motor
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 26 5 Yes No secret. Kiwi is the name! Be smartf Be confident! Be successful Polish, Protect and Preserve your shoes with worldfamous Kiwi. Sold around tr» world
      26 words
    • 505 5 i RESHLY baked hams *m 'il fmtf^t //j ffiflE- nntAPH-1. youk, sue am baked, 3, Virginia, homey cured. Un BUTTER festival ?w c^ n U 75 g mmm MILK festiyal Aw. d v^m.4B f PORK (IOHt or ROLLED) urn 454, XM^^jgj^^^^ iMm TSjSO MINUTE STEAK Economy 454 1.90 g SWEET
      505 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 272 6 •i /f Jf Jfbv Hk. (fe^ 1 1 V^iWu ZSkB^T V 1 Jf^^^B^B 4 i 'Mi '^T^Tv^^Bui^l^ 4 *lX BIHBBP* 'Jl' \i*£ Ife^T*^^ i^^^.^j^\| 2^ t^fl^^^^Bßßff^* k B^^^^BBa^^E^*^^iMß^^^^^^^^^^3^l^lCy*^tf^^B£^B^^flH^H^Hßl^^HH xllfH I Bfl Bli i&m J|B '<* ij^TTfiMi ii»^aß^B^WlOT'' :j _?^M»%Ti^BrMHHIv»^ I ni New Corona MX lla style all Us own. The
      272 words

  • 205 7 Harun to Admo: Don't compete for popularity DATANG BERJUN- TAI. Sun. The AUiance Direct Membership Organisation wa,* today warned against competing for popularity and membership with the three Alliance components. Selangor Mentrl Besar. Datuk Harun Idrls. urged Admo to provide instead "healthy competition" for Umno, MIC, and MCA In their
    205 words
  • 132 7 WOMAN WHO WENT TO MacRITCHIE MISSING MYSTERY surrounds the whereabouts of Madam Say Jee llan (above), 57. who is believed to have had gone to the Macßltchie forest reserve. A mother of six. Madam Say, of Jaian Mash or off Thomson Road, had earlier visited her eldest daufhter, Foo Kwec
    132 words
  • 24 7 ONO Tai Beng. 16, of Indowas Jailed (or two weeks on oc*»rd»y for unlawfully enering wuiZ-snore between Dec. 8 and Dec. Z.
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  • 184 7 SINGAPORE saw- millers have nearly doubled their imports of timber logs from Indonesia to overcome the shortage since the Malaysian Government's export ban on 10 species of logs on Nov. 13. The president of the Singapore Sawmlllers' Association. Mr. Fons Pin Chee. said
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  • 279 7  - Strike threat at the Stock Exchange MAUREEN CHUA Ballot to be taken if deadlock continues By EMPLOYEES of the Stock Exchange of Malaysia and Singapore here are threatening to take a strike ballot if their pay dispute with the management continues in deadlock. This was disclosed yesterday by Mr. Joseph
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  • 37 7 IN yesterday s Toto draw No. 98/72. the winning numbers were 12. 14. 18. 38. and 28. The additional number was 46. In the circles draw, the numbers drawn were 39. 23. and I.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 191 7 K^^V 4^bß^^^^l^^bi^b^bßlb^b^b^b^bK Switzerland offers you a present called 'Switzerland in the bag/ THIS PRESENT INCLUDES many gifts, W* A typical meal such as skating, ski rental, swimming, a W Free admission to museums city sightseeing tour, a souvenir, an excur- HT Beer and wine sion, cultural and culinary adventures, and
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
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  • 183 8 Ex-school head jailed for breach of trust ALOR STAR, Sun. Former headmaster of Sekolah Menengah Kuala Nexrang, Foo Boon Chin, 44, with over 30 years service and drawing a salary of $730, was today jailed for one year for misappropriating gove m m c n t funds amounting to $10,778.
    183 words
  • 174 8 Air-con bus for HDB visitors f^OBEIGN and local visitr on to the Housing and Development Board will soon travel In an airconditioned bos on conducted toon of the housing estates and construction projects. The YIP bos, a IC-seater Mercedea-Beni will be equipped with accessories including a public address system with
    174 words
  • 75 8 Bank workers' co-op officials MR. M. Qopal has been elected chairman of the Singapore Bank Employees' Co-operative Thrift and Loan Boclety Ltd. Other officials are: Mr. Chua Boon Bng (secretary) and Mr. Lac Kirn Kum (treasurer). Committee members are Messrs Chew Tang Chuan Clifford Concelcao, Ismail bin A. Rahlm. Lee
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  • 43 8 PROFESSOR Saab CtMOg 81an« h*» bean appointed liaatar of the Academy of Hadlctna. Stagapora. Other officiate an Dr Chaw Chin Hlii (aaalatant Maater). Dr. trio Cban Tranc atone (acrlba). Mr. Choo Jim Cm (buraar) and Mr v x PUlay (badal).
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  • 398 8  - Desmond the sole survivor takes it calmly— Christina Chesng TOO NUMB WITH SHOCK EVEN TO CRY CCHOOLBOY Desmond Lee, 11, the sole survivor in a Sunday car accident which killed his entire family of four, may have to undergo eye and plastic surgery. His grandfather, sales manager Mr." Robert Lee,
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  • 83 8 $15,000 theft from ship alleged NO Choon Hwa, 31, was charged on Saturday with stealing brass valves and spare parts worth $15,000 from an engine storeroom on board m. v. Antonls P. Lemos, anchored at the Western Anchorage, on Friday. He waa alleged to have stolen from the master of
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  • 46 8 KUALA BRAND. Sun. A tiger Is reported to be on the prowl In the Kampung Oetang fringe alienation land scheme In Ulu Trengganu. terrifying the people In the are*. It has so far claimed five victims three buffaloes and two cows. Bert.ama.
    Bernama  -  46 words
  • 110 8 TPHE Singapore Telephone Board will introduce a new standard application form for telephone service as from today. The new form has been designed to allow for collection of data necessary for systematic planning and research. New applicants will be required to complete the forms in
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  • 314 8 POLICE have warned the public to be on the lookout for an elderly woman who goes arounc 1 sailing fake Jade. Last Thursday she swindled housewife Madam Tan Llan Klau, 37. of Moulmeln Road, of 1290. modern world, and Chinese. Indian or Malay, according to
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 317 8 THE ULTIMATE TRANSCRIPTION UNIT FOR THE HI-FI CONNOISSEUR I M SPECIAL CHRISTMAS \k Ml CHINESE NEW YEAR OFFER I FREE* 1 Lenco Clean "L" (while stocks last) Jm given with every set of -s. JM y^ Lenco LB5 or L 75 U Fromauthorii«dd«slsrt 1 inSinjjspOftonly. v§p%£? ciaijic^mmmnmmmn m. in. NICOSIA
      317 words
    • 17 8 Cqughitifl? relieve it i»/lth AMTPROI VMWLI\\/Lyoß' H like the tattej Johnnie Walker The\\forid f sLargest-Selling Scotdi Whisky
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  • 73 9 MR. Richard Magnus hu been elected president of the Singapore Kel Shin Kan Karate Association Other officials are Mr. O«orge Poey (vice-president), Mr. Mike Phang Pin Sang (secretary), Mr. Paul Wee <a*st. secretary). Mr. Lew Slew Yong (treasurer), Mr. Willie Poey (asst. treasurer), Mr. All Ahmad
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  • 31 9 PENANO, Sun. The new State Anthem will be played (or the first time on Dec. 23 when Penang celebrate* the official birthday of the Governor, Tun Syed Sheh Barakbah.
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  • 99 9 PENANG, Sun. The DAP today urged the Minister of Finance Tun Tan Slew Sin to reconsider his taxes on fiuits and exempt oratures and other imported fruits consumed by children from 100 per cent levy. "We would urge the minister to Impose his
    99 words
  • 420 9 No fear of Wog culture 4 if we have the will' gINGAPOREANS will never end up "Wogs" if the youngsters are provided with alternatives to the bad aspects of Western culture. "Ihis is the view of Mr. Maurice Baker, head of the department of English Language and Literature at the
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 136 9 km kw^m*Ajk r^kwK n ■■■^rf& It is^i^P^^ LONGINES This Christmas Surprise rum With a gift that he I treasure for life A timepiece that brings bock reminiscences of the good times Watch that approving look on his face Nbu knew, you've mode the right choice For Longines is more than
      136 words
    • 188 9 wMJimmm* km\FM mmlM \\W+ Jr w <iM sbp 9 BslH snl^sW S^^^fcis^Si Hk S^ r Christmas is just around the corner... Time to get a Citibank Home Appliance Loan Your wife deserves a little And with the cash we and on Corporation Drive something this Christmas. lend you, you get
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 336 10 IBM's new Copier llnow copies more originals more quickly 0 MBWHMLH Pms these other important features cuts down through-put Reliability time. Originals are auto- j '**^^IBHBjj^J^^^^ r °U system and matically positioned, T "^^^ijßßlf^i^fcfc- special heating element I^^^ copied and automa- mean virtual jam-free r Ji#^^ tically ejected. This >.
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  • 315 11 Sunken U-boat claimed to have $40 m in —gold KUALA LUMFCR. Ban. The sunken German submarine U-559 off Penang Island contains ft treasure trove of nearly $40 million. In addition, the sliced submarine contains ft safe full of top secret German Naal documents, sources revealed here today The $4* million
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  • 44 11 Murder theory in skull find THE human skull found In a Woodlands blukar area last Thurada) U believed to be that of a girl, about 13 years old. A bloodstained white singlet and a green samfoo were found near the scene. Police suspect murder.
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  • 550 11 Pollution and factors that make it worse ENVIRONMENT 'RELATIVELY CLEAN' WATER pollution— the most serious of all pollution problems in Singapore is made worse because half the total amount of water used is discharged into rivers without proper treatment. A University of Singapore economics lecturer, Mr. Gerald Tan, said: "In
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  • 198 11 BLOOD DONATIONS: MINISTER HITS AT FAMILIES KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday lIEALTH Minister Tan Sri Lee Siok Yew hit out 11 at families of patients requiring blood transfusions for their Door sense of duty. black market supblood Is created by s who shirk their Ibllities to their dets," he said today ■ess
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  • 81 11 Scouts' gifts to home inmates for Xmas A GROUP of 16 cadet scouts aged nine to 11 years will present Christmas gifts to inmates of the Salvation Army Home in Buklt Tlmah, on Wednesday at 6 p m. The gifts are nandlcrnfts made by the boys of the 1901 Scout
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  • 26 11 A TOTAL of 75 out of 85 candidates passed the Teachers' Training College profession ii examinations and re-examina-tions held at the TTC In October.
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  • 47 11 THE Minuter for Law and National Development. Mr. K.W. Barker, will introduce a Nature Reserves (Amendment) Bill at the next sitting of Parliament. TIM Minuter for the Environment, Mr. Llm Kirn San. will Introduce a Sale of Pood BUI at the same sitting.
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  • 21 11 THE general scientific meeting of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons will be held here In May next year
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 226 11 wf TWO GUARANTEED METHODS EXCLUSIVE TO JOANNE DREW THE E.A.T. METHOD The E.A.T. or Enzyme Accelerated Therapy is a revolutionary discovery to which the Joanne Drew Figure Salons have exclusive rights. You get immediate and measurable results in jgst one hour. All E.A.T. treatments are carried out under medical supervision
      226 words
    • 299 11 iVC ga^^^t^sl ■hsV^bk -A I I Grvwn -w»y FREE 1001 Household Carpet I Cleaner in handy pack for any purchase I 1 abov $60/- whila stocks last. I V7V CARPETS mLLM FURNISHINGS 17 TAMOLtH "wOAP. SW»OAJ>OIit 10. TEL: M 2 4J4 _j I CASH S49S I! ~J Htfer PhHps compact
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 255 11 Straits Times Crossworc ACBOM 1 Middle Cambrian people with 1 -Hell do nothing which unaffected backing might ihnwai hts carssr," Takes reat. lie* in the cor■ald Barrte way. so never weary* I for sr^c"*** martnee 11 Quiet aoMters nonatrter a hard 111 a, hols worker of more Importance A scholar
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  • 285 12 SINGAPORE, can expect increased two-way trade with Australia, West Australia's Deputy Premier, Mr. H.E. Graham, said on arrival here yesterday. Mr. Graham, (1. leader •f a IC-man trade mission to Singapore, said Australia's trade with Britain and Europe was on the decline while that
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  • 140 12 KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday THE Malayan Timber Export Board is being rex organised to exclude Singapore and admit Sarawak and Sabah as members. According to the federal statement of expenditure for next year, reorganisation Is necessary In the Interests of the national timber Industry. The board
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  • 45 12 Two guitar courses THE Chinese YMCA will bold two courses on gulUr-playing at beginners and Intermediate level* next week. The eight irwlon courses with Mr Harry Martines aa instructor will start on Dec. 30 at 7.30 p.m. (for beginners) and B.SO pjn. for Intermediate studenu.
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  • 31 12 MOTORCYCLIST Chan Yong Urn. ao. died Instantly when the machine be was riding crashed Into a lamp-post at a divider at the 14 mile. Buklt Tlmah Road, early yesterday.
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  • 24 12 THE Housing and Development Board U to build an 18--ttorey block of 400 one-room flats at Peuin Road. Tenders have been called.
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  • 23 12 THE Chinese YMCA will hold a dinner at Hilton Hotel Banroom at S p.m. on Dec. IB to celebrate Us Mth anniversary
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 241 12 IF YOU'VE SEEN IT ONLY ONCE t YOU lAVEHT LAU6HED AT ALL! gym I l*^t>/sSsslßßSSsi LbSSBsW (l^^^s«| flßSkc I BslssV^^E^JLbsl sssaV/^P^ ■sSv^LsSssi I 20th MADCAP DAY! ssfl bsTs^l Bb tmv ■wi-aintiim H ttsssw (Bsfesssl J9^r^Lssssl ss^Lsssl $ocp«».ovic4t /VJfaM NT^ KosHJeTlon j #\JM A. W ri^j/T' AssVßst IVVSk. as> A Mbynsst
      241 words
    • 130 12 W LOtiJO Q wMI ChUk.n^B Sl3». NASI BIRYANI wHh Chtcke*, Chkhea Lrvef Carry, Dakhaf, Archer, CttHt/1— NASI with Carry U4ea«, Ckkkaa L*m«k, talaeV. Mutten Swat), CeMec/Tee sxto. TUnOAY Nesl Tarfcl, Nea) Umek, M«m Storm Pf>|| r*loih Goftnsi WIDNISOAY Nasi Pflee) Mac Slew Seteh Area*. CHINISI-A-LA-CARTI lervaei Day 4 N(«ht I
      130 words
    • 135 12 'STARLITE CRUISES' on board the authentic Chinese sailing Junk the •FAIRWIND* 16th, 24th 30th December 1972 Embark 6.00 p.m. and returning 9.30 p.m. at Clifford Pier ie $30/- per person includes special Malaysian Buffet Light Refreshment Phone ***** for more details or Call at No. 7, Clifford Pier (1) MAKE
      135 words
    • 327 12 14th COLOSSAL DAY! it ODEON: 5 Shows it 11 am, 130, 4,7&9.30p8. s ORCHARD: s sk™, it i i». ue, 4.00, m k*.\*ms y*K*f** M-OSTICKm ON SAL! MOW! (Ceak ImU»H Oa*») i Ucs. Mm I. AH»«< Te •••ehaae A liwlai.ia .f 4 Tlefce* ©a* I JirNg ORIVE.II CiNM: 2 Sbtwt
      327 words
    • 524 12 oro. tATioa 14tH COLOMAL DAT! j STKICTtY NO FRIt LIST OOfONi B SMOWS DAILY i Jwaaa: 1 Skews: 7.00 1 1 jo ORCHARD: S SHOWS DAILY 11 a-. 1.30, 4.7.50 t t.j|" < botden Morvest Prevn,, BBOCt Lit Jr^ 1 < THI WAY Of THI DRAGOw I MiOO Kef-Hsiu Chuck
      524 words

  • 168 13 T*HE inventor of the 1 world's first rotatable radio aerial designed to improve broadcasting and defence services is in Singapore conducting tests on it. Australian physicist. Prof. James F. Ward, from the James Cook University In Queensland, is here to
    168 words
  • 109 13 FORMER PSA FOREMAN AND FAMILY BANNED rr\HE Government has L banned a former PSA foreman and his family from the Republic under the Immigration Act. 14 Teh Sum. alias William Lee Teh Sum, 37. his wife Wong Mul Kwan and child Vivien Enee LI. all from Hone Kong have been
    109 words
  • 430 13 THE Government is now placing greater emphasis on joint research and development activities between local and multi-national enterprises. The deputy director of the Economic Development Board, Mr. Wan Shoung Van, said this yesterday at a seminar on multi-national corporations held at the University of
    430 words
  • 190 13 ASEAN countries should Integrate their Industrial policies and set up a common market so as to promote large-scale Industrialisation In the region. Dr. V. Kanapathy, economic adviser to the United Malayan Banking Corporation, Malaysia, suggested this yesterday at the oneday seminar on multinational corporations. He
    190 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 204 13 |[T][3q][3q]|3q][Sq][Sc][§g][sl IS [31 ra Ine bi j| Businessman s |j a Special qj 13 r ,k. 1. El Id Kirtheexecutive-in-a-hurry raj or the businessman who tnj ißj prefers to onder without fuss, LEI IS the Mandarin Court now offers a EH specially selected lunch-time menu fqi of careful ly prepared
      204 words
    • 73 13 Eat tocur tieartN ccntentateur Oriental/Western Jft^^CJ/y 12-50-2-sOpLTrV^V]' £M SCperperscn FtrJ&i s4ctiiMrßffii2 fnrrvk and under wf VSW hdudescoffee«ea.m*or v-* ~-j fy Vy special beverage Have a feast of a time? JyV J Take up our challenge to ear /ty Jh, all you can of our scrumptious C A /j. •DEE...LEE..SHUS- Oriental
      73 words
    • 3 13 aBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBB*aBBBBaaaBBiaaaaaaaa>a I ifTHJtliSi!
      3 words
    • 263 13 IlLf opening tomorrow! tsJPf The Palace off Colours ,T^ Oberoi Imperials eagerty anticipated -v W(fe\ I^%. Jl magnificent new Indian restaurant \^J/lQ WL j*Z specialities from North India, /aT«**Tk. spicy pungent delicacies from the 9 S\\ HOTEL I_\Q 0 fy I.Jaiaw »um>U. B>f. ».Tal:lTim 4^^^^kV A |E)E]raEjraE|raE]raE]|gg]r^gr^graj aaaBBBBBBBBBBBC^BBMBa^Qsafift^^- Vn\ afl
      263 words

  • The Straits Times MONDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1972
    • 567 14 THE way Dr. Ooh Keng Swee puts it, few Singaporeans would want to be a wog— acronym for "Westernised Oriental Gentleman," the contemptuous label British civil servants in colonial India attached to English-educated Indians, who disowned their native identity and values. In Britain wog is also a
      567 words
  • 498 14  -  ROLAND HUNTFORD: STOCKHOLM By rpHE Swedish Social Democratic Government is now engaged In a purge of left-wing influence in the State-owned radio and TV. It might at first sight seem odd that a socialist administration, especially one so avowedly radical as that in Sweden,
    OFNS  -  498 words
  • Article, Illustration
    27 14 A hijacked BO AC VC-10 aircraft blown up by Arab guarillat at an airstrip in Jordan on Sept. 12, 1970. UP I picture by Sam Maimanun.
    Sam Maimanun; UP  -  27 words
  • 1196 14  - UN bid to stop acts of violence COLIN LEGUM By CAN anything at all be done to curb international terrorism, or must we accept that it will simply continue to grow and, if so, where can we expect it to end? Or is this the wrong kind of question to
    1,196 words
  • 139 14 IN AN atmosphere of tighter security than their building has ever known. United Nations delegates have begun a unique and highly controversy! debate— on the topic of terrorism. The aim is to produce an international convention which will rstabli> h measures to prevent, or
    139 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements

  • 250 15 rpHE generation gap wasn't 1 very evident in the line-up of beauties at the Tanglin Shopping Centre yesterday. Old cars dating back to the early 30s rubbed shoulders with the not-so-old MGs of the 50s. Fourteen cars turned no
    250 words
  • 80 15 Fire victims' fund now $972 THE Straits Times has received donations totalling $372.80 for the Robinson's Fire Victim Fund which now stands at $972.80. Donations came from: Officers and Men of Kranjl Camp 11. Singapore. $206.80; Chartered Bank. Tanglln. Singapore. $101: Woodlands Engineering Works Singapore. $60; Mr. Nashatar Singh. Singapore.
    80 words
  • 31 15 THE Singapore Association for the Blind will host a regional seminar on the Education of the Visually Handicapped in Asean countries from March 4 to March 10 next year.
    31 words
  • 374 15 A SECOND WARNING ON AIR RIGHTS Australia out to revise existing agreements CYDXEY, Sun. Singapore and the United States were again warned today the new Australian Labour Government was determined to renegotiate airline landing rights here. Labour spokesman on transport Mr. Charles Jones expected to become Minister for Shipping, Trade
    374 words
  • 54 15 IPOH. Bun. Perak Umno will give cash grant* to Its various sections to help them carry out their activities This wag decided at a meetIng here yesterday presided over by the chairman. Tan Brl Hajl Mohamet] Ohozall blr. Hajl Jawl, who U also the Mlnliter
    54 words
  • 38 15 THE trial of Peter Poo Hee Lim 33. a clerk, charged with causing hurt to executive officer Kok Kum Wah at Hindhede Road on June 7. will resume on Jan. 6 at the Sixth Magistrate's Court.
    38 words
  • 21 15 THE Salvation Army Children's sports day will be held at the Tanglln sports field on Wednesday at 2 p.m
    21 words
  • 135 15 Copied Teachers' Books seized in raids pOLJCE seized some 1, Teachers' Record Bo firms in lightning raids The raids followed complaints from the Edu cation Ministry which re celved reports that the Imitation books were being sold openly at bookstalls for $1.50 or $1.80 a copy. The original books are
    135 words
  • 95 15 Channels 3 and 10 break down KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. The Ounong Pulai television transmitter In Johore has stopped working since 10 p.m. yesterday due to the breakdown of Its two generators, a TV Malaysia spokesman here said today. Because of this, there is no reception on Channel 1C and Channel
    Bernama  -  95 words
  • 43 15 THC Melbourne Church of England Grammar School Symphony Orchestra and String Orchestra will hold a concert at the Conference Hall on Dec. 22 at 5.45 p.m. Th* concert is organised by the Singapore Musical Society and toe Young Musician* Society.
    43 words
  • 33 15 THE choir of the Singapore Musical Society, conducted by Mrs. Lilian Choo, will present a carol concert by candlelight in the Armenian Church. Hill Street, on Dec. 11 at I p.m.
    33 words
  • 24 15 THC Singapore Institute of Management will hold Its annual dinner and priae presentation at the Bh*ngrl-La Hotel on Saturday at 7.30 p.m.
    24 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 154 15 pow* y^ gm |^Er^A/it;h every HOOVER \/f-)l iw during the festive season. y ww- (December 1972 to January 1973) *S4O/= cash with tvary HOOVERMATIC WASHING MACHINE *Sl5/= cash with avtry POLISHER SCRUBBER <15/»= ca»h with wry CYLINDER VACUUM-CLEANER *S2O/= cath with evtry CONQUEST VACUUM-CLEANER \V S2O/" cath with ANY UPRIGHT
      154 words
    • 106 15 FAVRE-LEUBA HAS A BETTER WAY OF REMEMBERING At last the knot, as an aid to human memory, i» rendered obsolete. The acoustic signal of the memo raider can now remind you, insistently, of your appointments. Automatic, with date, it has a second crown for winding and setting the ••ilarm mechanism.
      106 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 178 15 On your TV and Radio 5.N PN Programme summary I.N Pembangunan Negara 5.15 Bintang Kechil 1.3S Peristiwa 5.35 Fury M N S.M Weather report I.N News 5 Soc al Wel(are dr w 1.11 Survival IN Ironside 1.41 Julia II.N Mystery Movie 7.M Muzika 11.45 Late news 7JS Anna Sukan 11.SS
      178 words
    • 634 15 I.N PN Opening, followed by 7.0S Concert Time featuring LoretWhere the Hurt Is ti Goldbery and Vivien Goh 3.21 Children's Comer (Tamil. ((repeat) c c 7.41 News and newsreel in Chi--3.M A Diary of Events in Singa- n s pore This Week (Tamil) M 3.55 Health in the Home: Nutri-
      634 words
    • 31 15 WATER consumption. which had been dropping since Wednesday, took an upward turn on Saturday to 113.7 million gallons (516,891 cubic metres). 3.2 million gallons (14,547 cubic metres) more than on Friday.
      31 words

  • 154 16 OUT of the Arabian Nights into "An Afternoon Affair" steps "harem girl" See Foon. Robed in yards and yards of flame-coloured floral chiffon. See Foon practically floated down the aisle at the Hotel Malaysia yesterday. She was one of the nine local models
    154 words
  • 30 16 STAMP enthiuiaau are urged to join the Buklt Merah North community centre tUmp-coUcct-ing group. Application forms are available from the centre at block 67, fUdblll Road
    30 words
  • 362 16 'Divorce by dual consent' call by women DE-INTRODUCE divorce by mutual consent in Singapore and set up a marriage counselling centre where professional help is given free to save marriages about to go on the rocks. This call came from the Singapore Women's Association at its one-day seminar on the
    362 words
  • 105 16 Spate of thefts follows mass escape OTHERS has been a spate A of petty thefts following the escape of 33 Inmates from the Reformative Training Centre In Ulu Bedok last month. Police believe most of the thefts were committed by these fugitives. Sources said police records showed a slight Increase
    105 words
  • 43 16 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. Australia's defence and technical aid to Malaysia will continue despite the change of Australian Government, the outgoing Australian High Commissioner. Mr. JR. Rowland, said today. Mr. Rowland also predicted that there would be more Australian Investments.
    43 words
  • 248 16 IfUALA LUMPUR, Sun. —Communist terrorist activities along the Malaysian Indonesian border are expected to end soon with intensified co-operation between the two countries, Indonesia's Minister of State for Defence and Security Affairs, Gen. M. Panggabean, said today. He also said that the border situation
    248 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 286 16 the Scotch that's BIG on flavour J^Wl ill BLACK&WHITE SMCIAI IIINO OF BUCHANANS CH OICE OLD SCOTCH WHlStf Uto »LENOeO AND BOTTLED IH OtUHi. r DISTILLERS Agents THE BORNEO COMPANY <^^^) Now, from Kodak a new, low price for 3R KODAOOLOR prints d^^^l Bh^l^P^^^^^ s^F sv Yes. KODACOLOR prints made
      286 words
    • 74 16 FORD ESCORT from UNIVERSAL CARS Escort Fordor -^*^^a^n UNIVERSAL CARS 59, Orchard Road. Tel: *****1 Jafan Lembah Thomson, (off Upper Thomson Rd. 5} m.s Tel: *****2 Open to 8 p.m. Monday Friday and to 6 p.m. Saturday Sunday I WHEN WMJ NEED I aWEUNERS? I afSaHa^ I PLEASE PHONE SINGAPORE
      74 words

  • 221 17 HONG KONG actress Mao Ving sweeps her counterpart. Chin Han Cha off his feet in a turn turtle throw at the Gay World stadium, on Saturday night. This spectacular flick win followed by two chops and kicks in Korean style which stunned strong-man Han
    VOW YUN WOH  -  221 words
  • 275 17  - Laws to ensure pugilism develops on right lines:Jek S.M. MUTHU By 'J'HE Government plans to introduce regulations to control the activities of all pugilistic clubs in Singapore, the Minister for Culture, Mr. Jek Yeun Thong, has disclosed. "This is to ensure that martial arta activities will develop on the right
    275 words
  • 82 17 8,000 ROY BOOKS AWAIT CAB OWNERS NEW registration books of car owners who renewed motor vehicle licences on or before Nov. 30 are now ready for collection at the Registry of Vehicles. Car owners are urged to call for them at ROY counter 12. About 8,000 new registration books have
    82 words
  • 54 17 Courses on Japanese and designing THE Chinese YMCA will conduct two courses at Its premises in Palmer Road beginning Dec. 16. A in anarrlnn conversational Japanese course will be conducted by Mrs. Shinoiakl. wife of a businessman The other course. on card and poster designing, will be conducted by Mr.
    54 words
  • 45 17 PROFESSOR A. Rajaratnam has been elected chairman of the working tub-committee of the Consumers Association of Singapore (CASK). Other nmubeit of the subcommittee arc Prof. Tom Elliot, Mr Lea Kip Un, Mr. Ivmn Baptist. Mr. V. Jaymkody. and Dr Lee Ngak Slang
    45 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 301 17 I lfou get *Q presents I "^^J """*"^3!^ b^l \J^ I :z^M ABOH I II OFFER GOOD |i^fef JM m^l WHILE STOCK LASTS ZM m Y^M b^T 9^ SK-1290 ik.^M I when you buy yourself J I A^ri DC-550N SANYO MULTI a^-— ML |\f AMPLIFIER STEREO SYSTEM |»^rmlv 7 Separata
      301 words
    • 292 17 HsQI'AD '4S -IB SKILLS 26 J V^ fc ■P I FIRST WITH I I THE YEAR'S I I BIG NEWS I As 1972 draws to a close, it is I timely to look back at year's bi« news stories. What were tr:e V>S most memorable news breaks of /Jl W
      292 words

  • 3 18 The Bormann File
    3 words
  • Article, Illustration
    3141 18 AMAZING LIFE OF HITLER'S DEPUTY ON THE RUN... Face to IcICG AND, SAID THE SPECIAL AGENT: I regret I didn't arrest him at once He never touches anything with his bare hands THE SECRET EVIDENCE... From agent Verri to the Chief of Alien Control ON Thorsday, Oct. 5, this
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
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  • 67 19 T ADISLAS FARAGO, Bor- manns relentless pursuer, was one of America's top Intelligence experts during the Second World War. He also directed a campaign against Iron Curtain countries at the height of the cold war. The 66-year-old Hungarlanborn author knows as much about Naxi Germany as any
    67 words
  • 47 19 TOMORROW I will describe the startling milestones on this rocky road, based again on authoritative information culled from authentic documents how Bormann reached the safe shores of the Argentine with the help of the Peron regime who bamboozled the Vatican into aiding his flight.
    47 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 73 19 SBBBH B^ JV mSI a^^^ W^B BY^B, •H Bp „v tr\6 Vj^Bbl HP .^bS \u\\n BBT .^esl w^^ ueS i \aaer *> cc bo\d M. T9 o\ T»9 eT or U^ ee M K C<** i^Mlt W^sssß 11 HP^Tb^bbb^^S Ml*^bbk aP 4r D sbH^bbbb! I I fli j^fciV*^*Ws> ♦*-Jb^*^v^b^bbbbl %i'
      73 words

  • 74 20 Course of 14 lectures on sociology DR. D.Y. YUAN, associate professor of sociology at the University of Singapore, will give, a 14--lecture course on Introduction of Sociology, at the university's chemistry lecture theatre, from Jan. 2 at 7 30 pm The course alms to highlight contemporary Institutions In relation to
    74 words
  • 35 20 THE Chue Club, Singapore, will hold its second Christmas cheer party for disabled children at the Chase Manhattan Bank. Robinson Road on Pec. 17 from 2. 50 pm. to 8 30 p m
    35 words
  • 151 20 Pollution laws 'must not curb industries' IPOH, Sunday rE proposed Environmental Quality Act for Malaysia should not be used to strangle industrial development by introducing rigid standards of pollution control. This was pointed out by Mr. A. 8. Machado. president of the Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers. Perak Branch, last nlxht
    151 words
  • 149 20 POLICE CLASSIFY FATAL STABBING AS MURDER pOLICE have classified as murder the death of tailor Tonfc Fong Meng, 50, who was stabbed In a shop In Kirn Seng Road on Wednesday. Tong died hi Outram Hospital on Saturday. Police said Tong was stabbed by a 20-year-old youth while he wa»
    149 words
  • 32 20 THE Parliamentary Secretary (Culture). Enclk Bha'arl Tadln will present prises to winners of the Puffin writing competition at the National Library lecture hall on Dec. 21 at 10.30 a.m.
    32 words
  • 167 20 ABET of three postage ■tamps on shipping will be on sale from Dec. 17. The stamps at 15 cents, 75 cents and a dollar each will be sold between 9 a.m. and 1.30 p.m. at the General Post Office and between 9 am and
    167 words
  • 233 20 A "CHOPPER" battled with a chimney for more than 30 minutes at Times Printers in Thomson Road yesterday to save residents in the area from "cloudy days." The Bell Jet Ranger chartered helicopter helped install the new 500 lb. 30ft. high chimney on
    233 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 136 20 Buy any one of these Philips ijjjl TV now and get 2 years' I i I C FREE service PLUS a tiTmgggßmßMJß/KM portable Philips cassette "l^^H^S Player'^fiPmnsr^^^^B^^K Every Philips TV comes with 1 2 months' free ,-tpHi|H f i^^^^^^H service. NOW you can enjoy this prompt and J&SrH| l^^^^^^H efficient
      136 words
    • 395 20 UNPRECEDENTED PRICE REDUCTIONS! GENTS: Made-to-meoiure suit (from Mottria of your choice) including Double Knit ond Englr.h Terylcne wool Full suit $95/- $19.50. Men's Germon imparted twin ming trunks and bermudas at $5.90 a pair. Men's high class Australian JULILS MARLOW shoes at $35.00 per pair. Men's Terlenka suiting in
      395 words

    • 1077 21 Of social rehabilitation and the first offender... I REFER to the editorial (ST., Dec. 2) which makes reference to a letter by Dr. Joseph Tham (S.T., Nov. 90). While it may be frustrating to the young offenders between 16 and 21 years of age to be
      1,077 words
    • 138 21 IREFEB to Mr. Cheah Boon Khenr's review of Dr. Goh Poh Suit's novel, "If We Dream Too Long." (8.T., Not. 4). In bis own right as m critic, Mr. Chech said scatbln fly what he thought of the book, bat isn't a half-baked loaf
      138 words
    • 86 21 What it a flat owner buys a house? I REFER to the reply by the Public Relations Officer, Housing and Development Board (S.T., Dec. 5) regarding lnellgiblllty of land or house owners In the purchase of HDB flats. While enforcement of this rule Is understandable, it Is not clear whe-
      86 words
    • 291 21 When no one is really catered —for rpHE current RTB Talen--1 time 72 series Is the dullest yet. This is not just my opinion but that of many of my friends, some of whom have given up watching it after the first two quarter-finals. The fault lies in its multilingual
      291 words
    • 278 21 Missing the crux of "save water' efforts r[IS campaign to save water has missed the crux of the whole matter. The campaign should not emphasise making use of the same water twice over. Rather, it should remind a person not to have the tap remain open just to run the
      278 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 113 21 Govt Replies: Page 24 >:■ I i J J Every single car assembler in Singapore uses specify ICI paint. We've just added bright ICI paints. That's because ICI paints are. new colours to our range. Call into your brighter, come in a vast range of colours ICI paints dealer or
      113 words

  • 48 22 MRS. TAN BENO CHIN nee Ng Mul Oeok aged 52 passed away peacefully on 9-12-72 leaving behind her beloved husband, daughters Kirn Wab. Kirn Kes, Kirn Llan two adopted sons. Cortege will leans 78-C. Jalan Batu. Block 85 on 13-12-72 at 2.00 p.m. for bright hill crematorium.
    48 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 664 22 (D classified advertisements "TSoShono mtvco W^ GENERAL ADVERTIStMENTS/Sin^poftorJy: 50 centi i word. Minimum >730f0f 15 wrtdt. l THAT'S FUNNY I And so It la. But what amuses Singaporeans and more Important why? NBW NATION today »—»n»— these questions la a special look at laughing matters Maks sure of your good
      664 words
    • 858 22 APPLICANTS replying Mi Box numbers I for Vacancies are requested not I* enclose original copies of testimonies! or references with their applications. No responsibility can be accepted for their less. Applicants are alec advised to writs to Sex number,, correctly and cheek them before posting. PARTS OBPARTMBNT of Heavy Equipment
      858 words
    • 705 22 FULLY QUALIFIED nfan trained teachers required for Jobore Bahru Kindergarten Rsply P. O. Bos 71* Jonors Bahru WANTBD An experienced OUTWARD SALES REPRESENTATIVE by well-known skipping Organization. Oood salary and bright prospects Applicants must have at least 1 yean shipping sales experience. Please apply to ■ex Ainu S.T. S'per*. BXPBRIBNCBD
      705 words
    • 847 22 DIST. 10 4-bedroomed 1-atorey semidetached servant's renal 1 alroondi tloner furnished $880. Dlst. 1* Tai Ksng oarden 3-bedroomed 1-storey terrace servant'! room uafuralsn $480. Dlst. 21 Eag Kong Crescent 3-bedroomed 2-storey semi-detached servant's room ales gardes, furnished $700. DUt. 21 3-bedroomed smglsstorey semi-detached servant's room furnished $450. Chestnut Crescent Ibed
      847 words
    • 839 22 MODERN FURNISHBO FLAT, OlUtead Road. District 11. 1 Bidriamil. Servant room. Mosaic Parquet flooring. Cootaet B'pore 3*1493 DIST. 11 LUXURIOUSLY FURNISHED 3 bedroomed apartments, panoramic ▼lew, quiet and centrally located. Ring Mr. Low 63*369 Spore JAPANB*B WANTS bis living partner at Orchard. Bath attached furniture alroon. meals considered Tel. *****0,
      839 words
    • 774 22 1-STORBY SPLIT-LEVEL TBRRAOB HOUSE Lucky BUI Phaas 1 1.790 sq ft. completion In February 1971 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms. Pbooe OM Housing Management *****/***** Spore. PBACH OARDBN (IS) 2-itorey splitlevel semidetached bungalow. Completion In mld-1971. 4 bedrooms. 3 bathrooms 4,088 sq.ft. Phone OM Housing Management *****/***** B'pore. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR
      774 words
    • 723 22 UNION BUILOING, Enggor/Tras Street, 4th Floor. BSO sq.ft.. alrcondltloned. fully furnished. Including built-in cupboard. Apply Tsl. *****. TWO OFFICE ROOMS, with alr-cond each are* 200 A ISO sq.ft. respectively. Interested plsass call Tel. No. •47*40. MODERN AIRCONDITIONBD OFFICBS in central prestlgeous locality. Available for Immediate occupation. Enquiries pleass phone ******
      723 words
    • 688 22 TV FOR RENTAL 23" at $20/-. 19" at $15/- IS" at $10/-. Contact Be* Chew 4*1484 B'pore. OATSUN 1100 SBLF-ORIVB, Monthly $379/-; Weekly $112/-: Dally $20 Proper Insurance. Ring *****. Everflne Co. USBD KBLVINATOR' REFRIGERATOR ANO AIRCONOITIONBR OR OTHBR BRANDS FOR HIRE AT M PER MONTH UPWARDS H.P. OR CASH
      688 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 4234 23 classified advertisements (D onjy; n. %M j Minimum ,20 fo, 20 word*. C *£lier££!B^^ OXLBY TRAVEL SERVICE LIMITED. BANGKOK CHIIEMQMAI 15-day Atrcond Coach $340/Denarture: 8/1. 3/2. MALAYA 7-day. JlOO/Alrcond. Coach $138/PULAU LANOKAWI PENANO T-esays IIIS/SOUTH THAILAND 7-Jays $115/ Departure: 16/12. 17/12. 25/12. SS/U PANOKOR ISLAND r-RASER'S HILL 8-day* 84/CAMERON NIOHLANOS
      4,234 words

    • 171 24 pLEASE refer to the letters by Mr. Patrick Buxton and the vice-chairman, Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Singapore (S.T., Nov. 22 and 27), headlined "Slave market for pets in Rochore Road" and "Primary Production Department should act on animal cruelty" respectively.
      171 words
    • 44 24 I REFER to the letter by "Fed Up" (ST., Nov. 11). Traffic Police have taken action against seven vehicles for causing traffic obstruction along Belllios Road and Belilios Lane. We are still watching the situation. LAWRENCE S.H. LOH. Public Relations Officer, Singapore Police Force.
      44 words
    • 64 24 I REFER to the letter by Mr. Vincent Tan (S.T., Nov. 24) regarding sewer laying along Ylo Chu Kang Road. The sewer laying was carried out by the Sewerage Department of this Ministry. The Isolated sections of road subsided because they were not properly backfilled. The affected sections have since
      64 words
    • 68 24 1 REFER to the letter by "Innocent" concerning a ticket issued in connection with an offence of littering at the Changi Beach (8.T., Nov. 29). It will be appreciated if your correspondent could contact the Health Officer, Katong District c/o Katone District Office, East Coast Road, Singapore, 15 to ei.aDle
      68 words
    • 232 24 Face-to-face parking an offence REFER to the letter 1 by SP Loke (S.T., Nov. 3). We would like to Inform your correspondent and other motorists that It Is an offence to park cars facing each other. Under the Road Traffic Rules, 1950. it Is an offence to park a vehicle
      232 words
    • 115 24 I REFER to the letters from "8.V." (8.T.. Nor. 23) and "Ricky Tan" (B.T. Not. 27) concerning the misdelivery) of mall Into wrong letter boxes In HDB estates. Postmen are under constant Instruction to ensure that letters are delivered properly and correctly to all addresses, including
      115 words
    • 72 24 I REFER to the letter headlined "Dangerous stretch" (8.T.. Not. 20). Traffic Police in conJunction with the Roads Branch, PWD, are conducting a speed survey at Lorong Chuan to determine the speed limit permissible. It Is also proposed to Install caution signs at strategic point* along the road. Meanwhile action
      72 words
    • 75 24 11/ITH reference to the letter by AnU-Rade-ness (S.T., Hot. 29) your correspondent is advised that the disciplinary regulations fovernlnz poUteness applies to all civil servants. This any complaint of rudeness on the part of a civil Miruit seumM ke sent to the Permanent Secretary
      75 words
    • 232 24 No more betting shops on golf courses T ONDON, Sun. No more betting shops on Bri- tish golf courses. Administrators of the game have decided It's Just not the thing to do. The Royal and Ancient Club which makes the rules, and the British Professional Golfers' Association (PGA) which runs
      232 words
    • 56 24 KOALA LUMPUR. Bun. Negri SotnbU&n Indians beat their Singapore counter-parts »-i to win Urn Dr. J. Samuel ■letncrUl trophy In tbeir annual soccer match at the Station Padang, Seremban. yev terday. Negrl scored through oat-sMe-teft Roland Perreau. Insideright S. Oaneeon and oentrelarward Karumegan Oentr».forwar4 Christie Fernanda
      56 words
    • 22 24 TOKYO. Sun. Chartchal. CWonol of Thailand, the World Boxing Associations seoondranksd Hyweight. arrived her* today to prepare for a title
      22 words
    • 696 24 flEW YORK, Sun. Munching on bacon and sausages, Joe Frazier was having a noontime breakfast in the Playboy Club-hotel at Great George, the antithesis of Sparta where all good heavyweight champions are supposed to train. In the nearby lobby of this Pleasure Palace, bunnies
      696 words
    • 73 24 NEW YORK, Son. Boxing promoter Bill Miller disclosed last night that former world heavyweight boxing champion Muhammad All and European title-holder Joe Bagner of Britain will meet in a bout In Las Vegas on Feb. 14. Representatives of both boxers would be in Las Vegas on
      73 words
    • 116 25 Speedway ace Biggs dies in crash MELBOURNE. Sun. Australian speedway champion Jackie Biggs died in a crash during a race at the provincial Bendlgo track about 100 miles, north of here last night. Bugs, at 50. had made speedway motorcycling his life— and looked on his way to another win
      Reuter  -  116 words
    • 118 25 Ah Ngo helps Forces —win LEE Ah Ngo played a major role in Armed Forces' 3-2 win over Standard in the final of the senior inter-dub badminton tournament at the SBA hall over the weekend. Ah Ngo gave them a flying start when he breeied through to a quick 15-7,
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    • 182 25 T^EW DELHI, Sun. An attractive 102 by Surya- veer Singh helped India's Central Zone declare their ftrst innings at 255-3 in reply to MCC's first innings total of 261-9 declared at Indore here today. At close of play on the second day of their threeday cricket
      182 words
    • 99 25 VTAIROBI, Bun. Klpchoge ly Keino, Kenya's gremt middle and long distance runner, will decide by the end of the month whether to turn professional with the International Track Association in the United States next year. The Kenyan, Olympic 3.000 metres steeplechase champion, said he had been
      Reuter  -  99 words
    • 35 25 Veteran Wilfred Ponniah •cored a double in the re-cently-concluded Ceylon Sport* Club billiard competition. In the three-ball encounter he defeated former hockey international Be Chong Beng while hit four-ball victim was Rahman Tuaeof.
      35 words
    • 60 25 YPOH, Sun.— Singapore Re- creation Club Hunters outplayed Japanese Overseas Corporation Volunteers to Win by 14 run* against four In the final of the Permk Open •oftball competition here toiay. In the semi-final*. Hunter* defeated lUvtns U B»»g*pore. Japanese OCV beat Selanior fewtew. Penang All Stars
      60 words
    • 417 25  -  Joe Dorai DYNAMO 6 SINGAPORE 0 By Fullback S. Ka- jagopal can tind a place in a (op class Russian team if he is willing to work hard. Your players are individually sktlfull but ft lack teamwork. O. KACHALIN Thrill fans with speed and skill J)YNAMO Tibilissi, one
      417 words
    • 254 25 Korea and PI score easy victories \M ANILA, Sun.— South iTI Korea defeated Singapore 87-54 on the opening day of the second Asian Youth basketball championships at the Rizal Memorial Indoor hall here today. The Koreans, who are favoured to give, the defending champions the Philippines the strongest fight in
      Reuter  -  254 words
    • 342 26 All Blacks fight for 9-3 victory LONDON, Sun. •THE New Zealand Rugby Union team, recovering from a midweek loss and the sending home of giant forward Keith Murdoch, battled to a 9-3 victory against North East Counties at Bradford yesterday. With their morale at a low ebb after this week's
      342 words
    • 133 26 Sudirman: Indons ready to take on Chinese JAKARTA. Sun. Indonesi an Badminton Association chairman Sudirman said yesterday Indonesian players would be ready to face their Chinese opponents any time and anywhere If approved by the Government. Mr Sudlrman was commenting on a remark by Encik Ahmad Sabkl Jahldin. who led
      Reuter  -  133 words
    • 31 26 LONDON. Sun. English FA. Cup second round replays are: Tomorrow Colchester v Bournemouth, Peterborough v Bishops Stortford; Tuesday Bllston v Bamet: Hayes v Reading; Wednesday Chesterfield v Grlmsby. Reuter
      Reuter  -  31 words
    • 138 26 I ONDON. Sun. George Best, the British soccer star disciplined and now put up for transfer by Manchester United, has been offered £500 a week as a disc Jockey. The offer came from British television personality Jimmy Savlle, who said he was prepared to pay
      Reuter  -  138 words
    • 435 26 LONDON, Sun. It was a black day on the English soccer front yesterday with Manchester City's England striker Francis Lee and Liverpool's Scottish international Peter Cormack both being sent off in First Division matches. And to add to the gloom floodlight (allures Interrupted the relegation
      435 words
    • 338 26 FIRST DIVISION Birmingham 1 Leicester 1 Chelsea 3 Norwich 1 Derby 2 Coventry 0 Bverton 0 Wolves I Ipswich 3 C. Palace 1 Leeds 1 West Ham 0 Man Utd 0 Stoke 3 Newcastle 0 South pton 0 Sheff Utd 1 Man City 1 Tottenham 1 Arsenal West Brom
      338 words
    • 967 26 DoncaMer 21 7 4 10 22 27 IS Northampton 20 3 6 9 21 21 16 Petrrboro 21 S 6 10 32 40 16 Darllnfton 21 3 7 11 21 S3 IS CokkMUr 20 4 5 11 S3 37 IS SCOTTISH DIV. 1 < -In. 14 12 1 1
      967 words
    • 205 26 TTFA chief: We can settle our problems JAKARTA, Sun. The new president of the Table Tennis Federation of Asia, MaJ.-Gen. Jonosewojo of Indonesia, said yesterday he was hopeful that the TTFA would be able to exist against its rival. the Peking-based Asian Table Tennis Union. Having recognition from the. International
      Reuter  -  205 words
    • 93 26 NEW YORK. Sun. Veteran American tennis star Pancho Oonaales staged a magnificent fightback here last night to beat South Africa's Frew McMillan 6-2. 4-6, 7-6 and enter the final of the U5575,000 Clean Air Classic. In the all-Aroerlcan final tonight for the UStIO.OOO first prize, Ooncales, 44, will
      93 words
    • 81 26 ROME, Sun.— ltaly's Tecno racing team will enter a ear powered by a three-litre Hcyllnder "Pederianl" engine In next year's Formula One races. Luciano Pedenanl. who set up Tecno wltd his brother Olanfranco In 1971, said they had not yet chosen a driver but were In
      81 words
    • 2282 27 BIG SWEEP POOL $8,830 Ist No. *****8 (52.185) 2nd No. *****9 ($1,092) 3rd No. *****0 (554«). Starters ($49 each): Nos. *****8. *****0. *****7. *****5. *****3, *****7. *****0, *****4. *****3, *****2, *****6. Consolation prices (S4B each): Nos. *****1. *****3. *****2. *****3, *****9, *****2. *****1, *****3, *****8, *****7.
      2,282 words
    • 364 27 Patty is top woman jockey in US YEW YORK. Sun— Patty Barton used to earn US$l an hour as a bartender, now she gets up to US$5OO for a day's work as the top women jockey In the United States. "I can remember In 1970 standing at an airport with
      Agencies  -  364 words
    • 384 27 CUBANG National Golf Club scored a thumping 31i-3i win over Singapore Island CC In their four-ball-best-ball golf match at Subang yesterday. After an overnight 16-1 > lead, Subang won 15. drew one and lost two of the remaining 18 matches. With this victory. Subang level the
      384 words
    • 103 27 NORTHERN NSW WIN IN CLOSE FINISH SYDNEY. Sun. Northern New South Wales scored a thrilling victory over the touring Pakistani cricketers at Newcastle today with the winning run coming off the last ball of the three-day match. Set 239 runs to win in 186 minutes after Pakistan had been dlmLssed
      103 words
    • 64 27 NOUMEA (New Caledonia i. Sun. New Zealand's middleweight boxing champion. Kahu Mahanga. was defeated on points last night by former French champion Max Cohen in a 10-round bout here On the same card. Australian light-heavyweight Johnny Gorkoum was outclassed by African champion Ba Soumkhalo. who won
      64 words
    • 119 27 XXTXLINGTON. Sun. Australian' tralian Billy Dunk; scored his second victory of the New Zealand golf circuit when he won the NZtlO.OOO Caltex tournament by three strokes on the Paraparaumu course near heii today. Dunk carded a six-under-pai 65 for his final round to hniMi with a 72-hole
      Reuter  -  119 words
    • 41 27 DENVER. Sun. Undefeated heavyweight Ron Lyle used a combination of hard left Jab upper cuts and hooks and a powerful right crow to kaorV out Larrv Mlddleton in UK third round last night to •eoti h.s 19th straight win.
      41 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 414 24 classified M .>ALADv»r» H E N n mFadvernsements impnueaiy 30c—tit— t*. 'st'tT MMW- »I.JO fot 19 »ot*l T._T ANNOUNTVMrNT/PIRSONAL W&l ZTI. W,M«fc (Cont from Page 23) Pt)R THAT MWBLLBRV Tn* Epitome of Elegaaee and tin* craftsmanahlp that will always be admired. Call at Tin Sing OoMamltha Ptc. Ltd.. 215-217, South
      414 words
    • 283 24 HAVINO SBRVAHT'S MOCLBMT Why not let Motherly CrwcM'* experleiteed nurses look after your children. For further detain ring •S2SO4 or call at 277. Holland Road. FOR DBLIOATB ALUMINIUM Hiding door, mosaic, terrauo. renovation, extension ate. Reasonable prlc*. Phone Uang Construction B3IMO S'por*. VUMIN IS IN FULL SWINO AGAIN. 1. VALUATION
      283 words
    • 55 24 .Kh bEk lEi E-i! w r I You may have a calendar or a I -^.^fifijfijSS %M& pocket diary free with every iS^ J ORIENTAL EASTERN YUYIPTELID HMmUMPTf.ITB, MWrWUwSrn.ITO. '"'"■^^TES''" 1 (Ospa. ■■■><>»■») HXM.fteMlci Piece. a; HuhSinei Tsl JJMM ISLias*) T -JSZmT' T--«SR»S-- MalksMiM "/aZt'RiST SINGAPORE tINCAPORI SINGAWHE lO^SSi^Ll T
      55 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 75 25 oiLomcbbid SAW CHAIN revdutionary new, cutting chain thatisautariatically self-lubricatjng for JTIII chain saws. Also available for other models of chain saws BTIMLOTO STIHIISUIPHITI M. Bum TVntfi Hoad. Sk-tgapor«9L TW *****9 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiniiimii OSUNLI6IT INTERIOR DECORATION SPECIAL OFFER I^*^^ yy furnish J lIIY Z^ V "»l vaMir 5 r^smssstM m> S( (H.O.i.
      75 words
    • 147 25 M- 'i'Q lz£^C O I/I If} Sunquick is highly concentrated. XI IiUVCS A *Vll" Mix it with water and it gives you J* ryui. m-a. 4"K/v£« over t w n ty glosses of rich, OI OrJllllimCS refreshing juice already sweetened with pure cane sugar. \f\ IT|3 KG *3 Sunquick gives
      147 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 271 26 ?r 1 1 yS I _^s^sW""^"''^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Wmillßiß^s^B»^^^^^^s^B Vf^sViHsV afl v^l wQj^M M I V V .^-^^li^^^^'^^^^^^^J^s^s^s^s^s^s^s^s^s^s^s^sl B^B^kßnf! IsVV a^at I aw I sw A. W Smart good looks from the new matt grill with have spared no expense in research for better gleaming chrome surround, deeply cushioned seats, performance with more
      271 words
    • 6 26 JohimieWklker TheW)rid's Largest- Selling Scotdi Whisky
      6 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 137 27 f SIEMENS Siemens switchboards now manufactured by Guthrie Waugh wit** i^mP^**+^i "iwWr Br i aHaM .al^a^fW >*&g&. M' [flaaaaW W aaaP^^aaaaaaaaaJ '1/ 1 aflaaaaaaaaaaaV i The Guthrie Waugh Organisation is pleased to into these switchboards by the use of announce the commencement of production of reliability-proven Siemens circuitry "»nd genuine
      137 words

  • 463 28 AH set for Apollo's lunar landing SPACE CENTRE (HOUSTON), Sun APOLLO 17 moved into the moon's sphere of gravitational influence today and is expected to make its critical lunar orbit to night If all goes well, the last of the planned Apollo missions will make its landing in the TaurusLitrow
    Reuter; UPI  -  463 words
  • 35 28 SYDNEY. Sun. A 60-year-old man answered an advertisement for a labourer's job at 7.30 in the morning. Pour hours later he was killed, buried in a trench under tons of earth. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 228 28 Five ways to save lives in air —crashes— rOKYO, Sun. A Japanese expert said today fatalities in air crashes might be reduced, perhaps halved, if aircraft seats were improved. Dr. Isao Kuroda of the Defence Agency said that only five per cent of crash victims in the past died from
    Reuter  -  228 words
  • 59 28 BANGKOK. Sun An estimated 7.000 communist guerillas have infiltrated Into both northern and southern Thailand over the past week. official sources tald today. They had already begun Indoctrination and arms training classes and writ expected to step up their activities and recruiting drive with the arrival of
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 61 28 HOLLYWOOD. Sun— Louella Parsons. the first and most famout of the Hollywood gossip coloumaUts. died yesterday in a rest home In nearby Santa Monica She was 01. She covered the Hollywood beat for 40 years and was the foremost teller of tales about the private
    61 words
  • 425 28 DRESSED in sparkling white, these Scandinavian children with lighted candles and golden stars around their heads ushered in an early Christmas for Singapore at the Shangri-La Hotel yesterday evening. They were depicting the festival of Sancta Lucia the Queen of Light who lived 1,500 years ago in
    Reuter; UPI  -  425 words
  • 15 28 THE weather outlook for Singapore today from 6 a.m. to noon: No rain.
    15 words
  • 445 28 K. LUMPUR, Sun SOURCES revealed here today that Malaysia took "unprecedented steps" in their negotiations with the British to obtain landing rights for MAS in Brunei. A major concession granted by the Malaysians was that an eventual Brunei airline had landing rights
    445 words
  • 145 28 STOCKHOLM, Son. Two underground nuclear testa within a time ■pan of only 11 second* In the Soviet nuclear testing area in Siberia were recorded here early today by the Selsmologic Institution of Uppsala, Sweden. The first blast In the SemipaUUnsk area was registered at
    AP  -  145 words
  • 37 28 MAOAM tUNDSRATNAMAL, wife of lair lUatnmr Ttwvar puaatf away on 10. IS 71 »t C7B Block T7 LotMW Umau off Kirn Km Road Cbrttgt Itava at 430 p m for Hindu Cr«. m.tonum BKU4arl 1112 72
    37 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 74 28 Lw «l B L. i 'I afjg^l^Kav' j^^^^^^^^^| II fOodquesFkuf^ II fl I X* HOiIMGANT *W /fl I t S C K Tang Robinson &Co Metrotex Metro* Metro Supreme m\ M i Airport Perfume Cosmetic Centre Joong Hin Thorn Kee &Co A.S.Abdul i m mM\ Gafoor Bros. A.Maideen Co Chin
      74 words
    • 1 28 HovorduSESSum
      1 words
    • 68 28 HANDSOMEJOUGH w A WATCH FOR ALL OCCASIONS Handsome, tough, reliable -ruggedly built for the man AaT on the go! CAMY Swiss watches are futunstically designed precision timepieces created to keep pace X^^^^^^^^^^^^^M with the march of times A CAMY watch to fit any Ikj1 kj M^M wrist for any occasion
      68 words

  • Business Times
    • 571 29  -  AUSTIN MORAIS By ¥)ESPITE the stringent requirements of local contend stipulated by donor countries under the Generalised System of Preferences Singapore's domestic exports under this scheme have been steadily rising, both in bulk and value. This is clearly shown in :i Ministry of Finance
      571 words
    • 306 29  - Eurasbank acquires German bank SOH TIANG KENG By THE European Asian Bank, the multinational European bank which recently opened its first overseas branch in Singapore, has taken over all the Asian branches of Germany's DeutschAslatische Bank. Under the new arrangement, the European Asian Bank will now run former Deutsch-Asla-tlsche branches
      306 words
    • 981 29 Now Diethelm goes down-market with D-Line, the non-snob label WITH the impend- Ing launch of DLine, one of the most Interesting examples of market segmentation in Singapore yet is about to come to ligat. What is D-Llne? "The complete home furnishing plan" chimes back Its advertising copy. In essence, It
      981 words
    • 232 29  -  CROESUS I^BB By Blind spot 117ITHOUT public comtt panics there would be no stock exchanges. It is like the chicken and the egf. Aside from the question of who came first originally what we must keep In mind is who comes first now. To my mind it is
      232 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 23 29 mil k. V I;* «ltfc f jm J I I j* tS M col. I'LL. a I <JB I fflk m It vim
      23 words
    • 106 29 l l^ Safe Deposit Boxesa further facility at Chase Jurong At Chase we are always introducing more services and facilities. That is why we have installed Safe Deposit Boxes at our Jurong Bank. Because we know companies and executives in Jurong need them. Now, in addition to full commercial and
      106 words

  • 369 30 Property HILLTOP Realty Group, a newly formed real estate developer. Is currently engaged In a number of housing projects in various parts of the Republic. The group's whollyowned subsidiaries, Hilltop Realty and Hilltop Enterprises, have finalised plans to expand their activities In
    369 words
  • 614 30  -  SOH TIANG KENG By rpHE "Economic 1 Czar" in the new Nixon team Is Mr. George Shultz, a tough, foreceful administrator and negotiator. In addition to retaining him as US Treasury Secretary. President Nixon has appointed Mr. Shultz Assistant to the President and
    614 words
  • 563 30 From KINGSLEY WOOD SYDNEY: Qantas Airways has signed a new pooling arrangement with Japan Air Lines which will significantly prune its 38-year-old links with BOAC. When the agreement came into effect after Dec. 1, Qantas withdrew all its flights to London over Hong Kong. It had already
    563 words
    • 284 30 Dear Sir, We refer to the letter from "Puzzled Investor" on page 30 of Business Times, Dec. 4, headed "Why designate City Dcv?" We wish to reply to the queries In the order raised, that Is— 1. The criteria which determine designation of a
      284 words
  • 140 30 PEOPLE IN BUSINESS Mr. Johnson Pang Yok, 28, has been promoted to deputy manager of Public Bank. He has had 10 years' international and local experience in the administrative and operational banking □eld. and holds the associate membership of the Institute of Bankers the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators,
    140 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 353 30 SEIKO TIME RECORDER FOUR-STAR OFFICE ASSISTANT. Accurate Compact Lightweight Durable m. aaH i f* ;B^H F^ s aV^Bj B^BJ ■V bo t *^^^^^^^a** mm FEATURES: "it High p*rlormanca combinad Lw CD-1C with a«c*nant accuracy and durability. la^r JO "it Compact d«aign (lika a tabla clock) raqulraa only a minimum apaca.
      353 words
    • 357 30 The "personal touch" from Rarker... Parker pens and sets personalized with your monogram free. An exclusive Piiker feature initials are j |rS| applied when you buy there's no waiting or expense for costly engraving. An elegant addition to the world's finest writing instruments (and a great gift idea!) 1 Monogramming
      357 words

    • 270 31 LONDON: The market was easier on balance In quiet trading last week. The Financial Times Index was 5.1 points down acalnst the previous week's close of 909.4. Worries about dearer money kept buyers away. Guest Keen and Tube Investment were notably easier with falls of 12p and
      270 words
    • 51 31 POR the week ended Sat«rday, x Dee. t, the range of call rates received from Short Deposit* (M) Berhad was as follow*: BANK FUNDS: 1% per cent U 1% per cent. GENERAL FUNDS: S per cent U SH per cent Hsu— snls of faads totalled fIM
      51 words
    • 35 31 la London on Friday tha palm oil prlcca of Malayan 6% c.Lf. UK/N European porU In bulk, •tarllns par long ton Jan. /May wu quoted at UKiM aellcra or Cost. (US Milan unchanged
      35 words
    • 51 31 FrMay TkMrwtay UN UM IMIM 0.10 M.lO Balnit M.4S 63. Hocn*o»g M.W (3.28 Zurica «t.M>B «2DOB U.2M O.SM Parla U.9S <S.T4 Slncapor* (1> Uaeh. M.M port (2) 121.00 223.00 (1) export prtc* la noa-iurllix mtma la U.g. dollar* pw ounce. (1) Local dctltrt pdew in Blnsapor* <tollan ptr
      51 words
    • 133 31 (BASE YEAR: JANUARY 4, I*7l IN) M7S Wevk'a Action High lam itt (tit Chaae 176.51 170.16 Automotive 343.10 376.81 -3341 557 84 176.33 Banks, Insurance, finance and trustees 514.19 557.84 +43.56 205.53 117.47 Chemicals, rubber products, refining and smelting 304.46 305.53 I.OS 371 88 176.63 Conglomerate
      133 words
    • 292 31 PONDITIONB were generally quirt In the Singapore produce market last week and the business transacted for all leadIng commodities wai negligible aa oversea* Interest remained vary low during the week An otherwise dull coffee market livened up somewhat on the sudden Interest shown by Italy and Prance But
      292 words
    • Article, Illustration
      243 31 TH E team was very tempted to take more profits on Friday, but v the chartists claim any downturn will be mild and is some way off we are placing bets on them for a change. Judging share prices by PE ratios at the moment Is a waste of
      243 words
    • 310 31 rwu "bay, boy and buy" most of the way on the Stock Exchange of Malaysia and Singapore last week. But for the easier trend noted in the first two days when the market appeared to be holding Itself back because of the Malaysian Parliamentary meeting, the general tendency
      310 words
    • 33 31 Londno coppar piicaa on Friday (prwioua la bracket* >. Wlrabar Spot buytr 1430.00 (£428.50) aallara £430.50 (£430.00); Tara* -t~"*" btqran £441 50 (1441.00) acllcrs 1442.00 (£*****). Mara* tana: Staady. Mia* 5.025 too*.
      33 words
    • 178 31 ASIAN currency average de- posits rates for the week ended Friday. Dec. 8. 1972. Hlrh Low 7 days 6\ 5 j/ia 1 rath 6 5/16 6 1/16 2 mths 6 3/16 6 1/16 3 mths 6 3/16 6 1/16 6 mths 6H 6 1/16 9 mths 6 7/16
      178 words
    • 1276 31 AS a service to readers the Business Times publishta weekly a detailed analysis of selected shares traded >tt the Exchange of Malaysia and Singapore. The year's highs and lows are followed by the weeks movement* In price and turnover with calculated dividend yields and gross price earning
      1,276 words
    • 675 31 rIE foUowinf to a list ef revised quotations for the week up to Friday Dee. for counter* not Included in the above analysis. Pries movements baaed on a comparison of last sales on Dec. 1 and Dec. t known In bracket*. INDUSTRIALS 1172 H. I. B 2.63
      675 words
    • 153 31 The following company meetings are due: Copper ladsatrsts Ltd.: Dec. 12. 2.30 pjn.. Tat Lee Building, 2nd Floor. 63 Market Street, Singapore 1. Saagei Bagaa Bather Ce. (Malaya) Bhd.: Dec. 14. 10 a.m.. Registered Office. No. 70. Jalan Ampang, Kuala Lumpur. Aaatral 'T^iaiiri Tin Bhd.: Dec. 14, neon.
      153 words
    • 246 31 •^EW YORK. Fri.—The market followed an Irregular pattern as encouraging news on employment was matched by profit-taking In Issues that had become overbrought during the markets recent seven-week move to record highs. The KYBE common stock index rose 0.13 to 65.01. but the DJ Industrial fell 0.07 to
      246 words
    • 96 31 FINANCIAL TIMES TINS Friday 102.41 Thursday 100 4' Week ago 104 J: BUBBEftS Friday »79 J»i Thursday 177.7; Week ago 3*5.4: OILS Friday sio JU Thursday 312 0' Week ago 313.84 INDUBTBIALS Friday (04.8 Thursday 604.8 Week ago 509.4 DOW JONES AVERAGE INDCBTRIALB Friday 1033.11 Thunday 10JJJ* Week ago
      96 words
    • 32 31 4. 5 6. 7. 8 9. (per klki) 104.00 cU. loa.oo eta. 112 50 Cta. 111.00 eta. 110.60 eta. (per pical) I*oB 00 $•09.00 Wl2 12-, $***** •631.00 ♦822 00
      32 words
    • 115 31 TVJE foßowlnr ttet of the stocks fives the tea moet dealt fen last week. The list gtves the tarnever la tk lease < of anlU, elaetnc price* on Friday and high and low for I*7l and l»7t. Cess asi ahs Turnover Prices High Lew San Hotdlno MS
      115 words
    • 46 31 BcrjanUl Tin Crete Carriafe flMtr A Neare Khoof Gmi Iwiwi Asiatic Fartt Permk 8. Jaborc Bb Payment 1% parable the year JUL II M%f Jan. U% Jma. ti 7%f Jan. 17 lt% Jan. M 5%t Jul S M% Mar. U M% Intorla ■nit— M%
      46 words
    • 49 31 UMritb: Pr^rtto: Ttoi: t rakkwa: I MTSS SMJS *M.l» SMjM IM.4X UIJU 111JJ 24«. a 4M.M ««J1 4MJI «ltJ» 1J4.41 IU.N ISM* IMJ* tM.Tt 141-M J44JW Dm. N. INI IN 1 Dm. SI. lKf 1M f Dm. M. IHI IN StiJt SM.TI 4MJT X»7.« SUJI
      49 words
  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 81 31 SIMONS 'UwP/ snilcflßHB 'mbbbV' nsasnvia? 9 ItBBBBB^^-T<i SsL IS Kot ftjiaF rm 41 -swuwa m& INSIST ON BLUE STRAND' WIRE ROPES The specialists in all types of rope applications. British Ropes make the right rope for every job in steel wire, natural and man-made fibre rope. Complete services available with
      81 words

  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 744 32 We are a leading supplier of construction equipment and at* in the process of expanding our Singapore sales At service operation. The following vacancies exist. SALES MANAGER To supervise sales and service for the territory of Blneapore A South Johore. Previous sales experience essential but we will provide product training.
      744 words
    • 539 32 {Qhdb| TEMPORARY INTERVIEWERS Housing and Development Board, Singapore, Invites applications from Singapore CitUens with School Certificate or equivalent for appointment as temporary interviewers to carry out survey fleldwork. Candidates SB waiting for examination results may also apply. Working knowledge of one other official language and able to converse In at
      539 words
    • 829 32 pSAFI The Singapore Armed Force* Invite applicants from suitable male ana female candidate* to enlist a* AIR STOREMAN TECHNICAL CLASS D Prr Hminmrr Beejaireasents a. Minimum education level Secondary n b. Proficient In the use of Sfrigllsh Language Salary lUnk Rank Pay SeaJe Private $90 M 140 x 10 17
      829 words
    • 407 32 (A) ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANTS (MALE) QoaitflaUiona A good Honours degree from a recognised University preferablr In Builnesj Administration or Economic* Age: Bdow 30 years (B) WORK STUDY OFFICER QmHffcaH— M A Experience A degree from a recognised Unlrer Uty with at least 3 years' experience in work stvdy or Industrial englneerlnt
      407 words

  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 1400 33 cawiJAHtEtsNif sjuvic i ti s^cwijon 1 M'burg A'wirp Sinnport O'mirk Bra*. Navrt U.K. LIVEIPSOL BAY 11 Bm II M 17 M II M 21 Jm KITANO MAN II BM IM IM II M 11 M NAMBURS EIPRESS BM 14 M It M II M II M CAItItAN lAY |JM MM
      1,400 words
    • 2006 33 LmW jmw m Lk m m rJ I A jmmV mbT jPSs^bsmwßT <•■■■« jmylmT M I M jM^H^H^^^L^^j^H H BLUE SEA UNEj ToU.BJk.,EattCo4MtAQullPort« i f^ fenani Smgapon p. Keian* LMdiag far: i PRIAM BM 17 SM II Bm 21 Mum, Satannah PEIUNBEI Mll Mlt M2l Wilmington. CharltstM and I PMTEIIUUS
      2,006 words
    • 886 33 «'»IMoro *****4, S>. K.Wr*, «341. X.L *****; 25J01 THE BANK LINE LTD. LMK FN E S MICA BELINOA (Mauritius. Rtwiion, Btin/L. Marauts Md Soutn Airica) p. Ktitng S'pori 1 11/14 Bm RrVEBBAM (Btirt/L. Marauts Md South Africa) P. Kilang s port 11/11 In FRBM IW I IStJTN AFRICA. FSB SAIMMf,
      886 words

  • Page 34 Advertisements
    • 1118 34 KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. j KAWASAKI KINKAI KISEM KAISHA LTD lAPAN, H. KONG, STRAITS SEIVICt. MBIBBB Hongkong ETAS'ion CTAP.Mlaial SNIIEKAWA MARU V. IS >' "JJ SNINUN MARU 24 UNC IBB*C Japan -Persian Cull SewvldM) Smtapore FIR: ■JAMAICA MARU VII IS Bm Coiombo/Karachi/Muscat/Dutai/Doha/ Callug ABU ONABI direct. Bahrain/Kuwiit/B*tra»/KhorrMi»hanr. Japan West Australia
      1,118 words
    • 864 34 PILH#LI»ATS^t R Ctstst ftu*ta MY. "«ITA SIWAWRtt" in I "l ttc Penang, Djakarta, Frenantle, Bali. Vtf I I Jm Bangkok, Djakarta, P. Htdland, Frtnantli, Mi. *ey 1 I Ftl Penang, Djakarta, Frewantle, Bali. StJ»ftl/1.»./CMtBO StrtiCt: M.V. "IfTA PaNJANC" b/'ib" Dk U/u'toc 14/1S Btc He«cue«. Htlwm Eieeirnu Itr Pasugt per M.V.
      864 words
    • 1065 34 V^NEPTUNEORIENTUNESUD CB BUILDwMG 2 SMENTON WAY SINGAPORE 1 TEL *****3 7 U.K. IUBtOM SIKVICE LOADING FOR LONDON, HAVRE, R'DAM, H'BURG. BREMEN Singapore P. Kelang Ptnang Armee: lEPTUNE AMIER 24,21 Bee a/a Bk 1/ 2 Jm Bilbao 27/1, London 2/2, Havre, R'dam, H'burg, Aarkii. lEPTUNE AMETNTST 4 I Jai I/It Jm
      1,065 words
    • 945 34 mm [""TSalaysian international m u w SHIPPING CORPORATION BERHAD Ma JO£. Jh>- *">f»anej. Kuala Lu.npur The National SNpping Line of Malaysia anas %ar ionhn. livimool continent poits T|. Mini Singapore P. Kelang Penang LMdiif ftr BUNCA TEUTAI BM. tS-M 11/17 Bee 11/11 Bet Bilbao IS 1 London 19 R'dam 27/1
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  • Page 35 Advertisements
    • 597 35 CONIINENTAL PORTS. SiMtport P. KIMg PMOM loMaMtlM a > OITfAnnUYA KEVDLUTSIYA It Pt/11 N« ttlits mIM JMNtt. eMtortM. Atttttrttti I Naokwg MYTIKNI 14/1 J to, |/11 Dm Im»mm. Art** HjMMttMMTMI A RU_ua WLNECNIIMtIM nm too 11/11 Mt 11/14 tot Antwerp. HotttnJta, Aastardaea Haaatart IS tM UTI, VII- «VIJM Mt. tm^
      597 words
      597 words
    • 542 35 m_! w Mm\ Jjjai^^^W^ Wk MMi T f^^^7 SOVEREIGN MARINE LINES INC. \v£ ATLANTIC /GULF SERVICE LM<K ftr: PAJCASOUU, •tDITDU nt CAMIEN N.1.5.A.41S Singapore P. Klang Ptnang Norfolk ■ARISTOVIKLIS 17/11 Dec 21/24 tat OalitS 4 Ft* PACIFIC LOGISTICS SDN. BHD. I. LMtMT ***** Ptrt Klatt Ttli MM Pmm| Ttli ttMt
      542 words
    • 669 35 FOR LEASE THEATRE RESTAURANT NITECLUB at TOP FLOOR "ORCHARD BUILDING" Ideally locoted in the Tourist and business centre at the junction of OVchard/Grang« Roods. Rentoble area of 11,000 sq.ft. modern facilities including spacious corpork, central air-conditioning, fait passenger/ service lifts provided. For further details please enquire: LEE TUNG CO (PTE)
      669 words

  • Page 36 Advertisements
    • 184 36 l v h<mlpwa<imj With a completely new range of quality merchandise. Airfreighted by the plane loads. The very latest in lf^ everything. A service that's traditionally Robinson's. V V J$K k T >^s. "^7 For your shopping convenience, y^C— IV V we have included diagrams of our location. Our store
      184 words

  • Page 37 Advertisements
    • 379 37 MM^M^IIIUT _^MtJ_ _J»1 VJ W U l* I U )N'S OPEN AT SPECIALISTS' CENTRE 3RD FLOOR The magic of Toyland never fails to 3RD F LOOR excite every child, at any time. Lots SOMOTEX evening dresses from and lots of toys and games for hours France. Tunics, slacks and pantsuits.
      379 words

  • Page 38 Advertisements
    • 1227 38 P^rT^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^t^ y An international publishing company established locally «mc« 1957 and with a considerablt and expanding turnover in Malaysia wishes to make the following appointments: MANAGER The Manager of its K.L. office is responsible to the General Manager of the company's East Asian Branch for overall administration. The successful applicant
      1,227 words
    • 712 38 TAPDCO SDN. BHD. PERSONAL ASSISTANT- CUM -TYPIST (FEMALES ONLY) Age: Between 19-26 years Qualifications: Minimum of Senior Cambridge and preferably with some experience knowledge of shorthand will be an advantage. This person will be trained to become the Company's Secretary. Only Malaysian citizens with the above qualifications need apply. An
      712 words
    • 739 38 LEMBAOA PELABUHAN KELANO JAWATAN KOSONO PENGATUR RANCANOAN (PROGRAMMER) BAHAGIAN II Permohonan adalah dlpelawa darlpada Warga Negara Malaysia untuk memenuhl jawatan Pengatur Rancangan (Programmer) Bahaglan II dl Lembaga Pelabuhan Kelang. Taafia Gajl: $420 x 20 460/504 20 812 serta EUun Sara Hldup mengikut kadar vkaranj? Umur: Tidak lebih darlpada 26 tahun.
      739 words

  • Page 39 Advertisements
    • 567 39 International European Trading Organisation requires an experienced SALES EXECUTIVE to actively promote and sell a well-known orand of STEEL WISE ROPES for heavy-duty marine applications to chipping and oUdrllllng Industry. Preference will be ,-lven to experienced wire rope speclallsU. however, active candidates with initiative and proven record of selling other
      567 words
      710 words
    • 1187 39 FOR RENT: Ideal Space in Pregtigeouß Building Excdltflt 6,000 9bj. ft. grand floor *paca hi day urn 1 1 ■oM mast OT Mmwnaiißj oTncn ann witt ample prWkj fsdhiH. Mad for Bank. InaWMCaVriaMM COMfMRV Of RsftWrtflt. Apply to In AfifM SX NOTICE Mr. Hans Orossmann has resigned from Oulf Catering
      1,187 words
    • 1232 39 TENDER NOTICE JEMAAH PEM ABAKAN KAN flishlual laßßaltatlaai at FISH MARKETING COMPLEX. KUALA TRENGGANU IS'w^wft J C SS.. S2ri t< rt 1 the *bor. wort, Tenders under sealed cover shall be addressed to the Chairman. Plah Marketing Board. 3rd Floor. Bangkok Bank Building. 10S Jalan Bandar, Kuala Lumpur on or
      1,232 words

  • 526 40 General who was too often in the right MASON-MAC by Etoan Butler (Macmillan i 3.951. MEASURED by hie own ambition No«l Mason-Macfarlane was a failure. He was a born flthting soldier who became a Lieutenant-Gen-eral without ever holding a major command In the field. Formidable in appearance, outspoken in his
    526 words
  • 766 40  - Philantrophy in the United States THOMAS LASK By IN this study of the large foundations Waldemar A. Nielsen has exposed for scrutiny the history, workings and rationale of institutions we have heard a lot of and know little about. It makes good intellectual fare. It is not often that scholarship
    NYT  -  766 words
  • 81 40 WE ARE NOT THE FIRST by Andrew Thomas (Sphere 35P). Was there a time before this, when the ancients knew many of the blessings— and curses of modern technology? For instance, space travel was described by prehistoric Chinese. Few books have a more eerie fascination than this. rE EDWARDIANS
    81 words
  • Page 40 Advertisements
    • 147 40 siiV s^^ i%»— e^^^^**Tf Ih I nBHSS j m lr"i' i\\ 7 1 ,rolT3 v." *^^sss2^^B H ■^^fcsW SSl*'*'' I^bb^^^bV" Hi W»?s™^ ___J^l| fji' V-'* ■W^^^^iSßßß^-^' W **m "^V I^BBBBBB^^ r .^OW^ I IsbbVl BBssitk^^^ia S .M -.^^Mbbb^^ i^i^H I _j— JoB^|i^B^^^ y^kß^Bß^Bßßsl J §SBBBBBBBBBBBBBsttI^B^BBBBBBBBVBBBBBBV^BBBBBBBBBIII^^^^H^^^^^^^B^BBBB*BB^BB^I fI»V .^^^BBBBbI EbJ>^ V|^&y t
      147 words
    • 17 40 PILOT (Aristocrat THE PLOT PEN CO., LTD. Cp todktte at ail leadng pen dealers and departmental stores.
      17 words