The Straits Times, 10 December 1972

Total Pages: 37
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 18 1 The Sunday Times Largest sales in Si. Asia No. 1909 SUNDAY. DECEMBER 10, 1972 25 CENTS SINGAPORE EDITION
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  • 37 1 CAMP DAVID. Sat. President Nixon's elder daughter Trlcia and her husband. Mr. Edward Cox, will pay private vlsiu to Britain. Italy. Greece and the Bovlet Union this month, the White House announced today. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 591 1 PLANE HITS HOUSES AND EXPLODES CHICAGO, Saturday AT least 45 people died when their United Airlines jetliner plunged into a row of houses while coming in to land in fog at Chicago's Midway airport but miraculously no one in the demolished buildings was apparently killed.
    Reuter  -  591 words
  • 382 1 National Front will become a reality soon, says Razak ITU ALA LUMPUR, Sat. A National Front, com p r 1 sing political parties in the country working together towards strong and united Malaysia, will soon become a reality, Tun Abdul Razak said today. Tun Razak, who Is chairman of the
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  • 173 1 rVO weeks ago London's Daily Express had a world scoop on Martin Bormann, Hitler's deputy and one of the most powerful and feared men In Nazi Germany. The Express disclosed that Bormann Is very much alive a prosperous businessman in Latin
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  • 106 1 TOKYO, Sat. The Foreign Ministry is considering standarised terms for Japan's yen loans to developing countries, Kyodo news service said today. With the adoption of tbe standarised terms and removal of "strings" from economic assistance, Kyodo said, the ministry would like to improve tbe
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  • 748 1 XL: Why the air talks with Britain failed I^UALA LUMPUR, Sat. 1Y The Malaysian Government said here today that they were not prepared to negotiate with the British over an air services agreement with "the gun pointing at us." "We don't negotiate like this." said Datuk Haji Abu Hassan bin
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  • 60 1 RAWALPINDI. Sat— Rescue workers today spotted the wreckage of a Pakistan International Airlines Pokker plane that crashed yesterday while on a (light (rum digit to Rawalpindi with 33 people aboard. The (ate of the passengers was not Immediately known. A PI A spokesman said the plane crashed near
    AP  -  60 words
  • 80 1 Latest MASSIVE NEW RED AID TO HANOI MOSCOW. Sat. The Soviet Government announced today new mijor tenements to strengthen North Vietnam i military arsenal and develop the Vietnameie economy. Inder the pacts, lifned today In the Soviet eaplUl Kuala ••111 %hlp to the DRY (Democratic Republic of North Vietnam) large
    AP  -  80 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 99 1 ■MM f BBBKV mnunmsi -*M JEWEUfW *****^ mf WOBLD NEWS Pages 2. 3 TURF CLUB cracks down on course bookies 5 MARKET review 6 DID murdered nurse take a lift and from whom? 8 PLEDGE by new Indon envoy 9 CALL to create major centres of employment away from city
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    • 52 1 Vc» Th s attractive bell-shaped miniature. With every quart 40^^% bottle of BELLS Scotcn r^iu 1 1 Whisky you buy during \m H this festive season ad m Whilst stocks last. t _^l. J H&i \r\. SBBBF y^Bßßßst' ft s^bßbbQbbbbbbbbbbbV *CL^bbbVbb% 9 V^ V^ V W *sfl I I scotch
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    • 16 1 GEMS XV ui«i«. JEWELLERY U.S. de SILVA SONS, Jewellers 82. 24, RAFFLES PLACE, SINGAPORE-1. TEL: *****
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • NEWS
      • 206 2 Strike by 10,000 will paralyse EEC activities BRUSSELS. Sat. The 10.000 staff of the European Economic Community <EEC) institution early today decided on a nine-day strike beginning on Monday over wage increase demands. It will paralyse activities of all the community's institutions. Including the European Parliament which Is yet to
        AP  -  206 words
      • 150 2 GLASGOW, Sat PRINCESS Anne yesterday sat at the controls of a submerged nuclear submarine as a navy frigate and a hellcopter searched for her vessel on a mock "destruct" mission. She was taking part In a battle exercise off the Scottish coast which was part
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      • 217 2 Short of breath? It can be a heart attack NEW YORK, Sat. Many Americans suffer a form of heart disease called "silent angina" without being aware of it until It Is too late, a cardiologist warned yesterday. The insidious disease can be as serious as normal "angina pectorls with its
        UPI  -  217 words
      • 53 2 TEMXJCO (Chile), Sat— Tour workers died and six were severely Injured In a gas explosion and fire at a vegetable oil factory her*. The blast last night started a blare which firemen In this town 350 miles (600 kilometres) south of Santiago only managed to put
        Reuter  -  53 words
      • 31 2 HUHU rs. NU, Bab in* Royal Obser atory here warned today th»t a typhoon moving scrota th' ""-uch China Sea was expected to hit the Vietnamese coast tomorrow. Reuter
        Reuter  -  31 words
      • 31 2 BONN. Sat All motor vehicles In West Oermany have to be equipped with standard flrst-sld equipment from January 1 1873 under a Transport Ministry order Issued here. Reuter.
        Reuter  -  31 words
      • 157 2 Painting fetches record price of $1 .29 m LONDON, Sat A world record auction price of £IW,S#S (851,2M,7M) tv paid yesterday at Christie's for a large painting by the 17th Century Dutch artist Hendriek Terbrurhhen. The previous highest price paid for a Terbmghhen, a follower of Caravaggio. was £IS,*M (SS973#t)
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      • 406 2 Thieu to revamp govt to widen his power SAIGON, Saturday PRESIDENT Thieu is planning to reorganise his administration and label it the "National Solidarity Government" in efforts to broaden his political base, official government sources said today. It Is the latest in a number of moves Mr. Thieu is reportedly
        Reuter; AP  -  406 words
      • 58 2 LOS LLANOS DE ARIDANE (Canary Islands), Sat. Construction workes have wiped a beach fiom the map of this westerly Island In the Canaries by removing tons of sand and fine gravel for buildings. The tea has filled In the gaping hole once covered by the characteristic
        Reuter  -  58 words
      • 189 2 UN asks Israel not to annex territory NEW YORK, Sat The U.Uted Nations Genera] Assembly approved yesterday a resolution which invited Israel to "declare publicly its adherence to the principle of nonannexation of territories through the use of force." rhe assembly also declared that changes carried out by Israet in
        Reuter  -  189 words
      • 48 2 BEIRUT. Sat. Pour Persian Oulf oil producing nations and major Western operators were reported today to have scheduled a new rcund of talks In Riyadh. Saudi Arabia, next week to try to Iron out the last hitch In their tentative participation agreement. AP.
        AP  -  48 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 77 2 *W 'Atv9s(H HHsWI "^^^SSScBBmL j»^I I£w- A** t, wSili^s&MsßsflsW l sUshlls^H^^ci .PA HsW_ L^BlA —^B^Bl^B^bl t ♦■v**~^ I W^Blllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllhl I m^K^^ Q^lMsMiriMF»fsSMs^»s»slstsi^sM»Bl<r Moveis Laf er Furniture! Here, now, for the real luxury of contemporary living Ultra-luxurious South-American furniture in genuine leather and solid rosewood frames. cLLa«^iicLr J aJ n\ Complete
      77 words
    • 54 2 mjMmw o\\\J\ r Children's wear, toys and lots of fabulous items at V 10% discount or more. 1 For Today only. Hurry! II TUmhmmmßmmt*g.per/wmerwm. \l Importer* »«tpcr*n. I M\\ «%*ihsji »ns>s&. II orrwirnuro orncuNs SS, OSXHAKD ROAD, (9). ■«•<»: K», (M. Snot) SUPREME HOI'SE, nNANCM>AD,SO4CArOU9 TIL: J1044. r<M A tr
      54 words

    • 420 3 WASHINGTON, Saturday JJ.S. State Department security officers, in the last year or so, have found a tiny eavesdropping radio transmitter secretly placed in the heel of a shoe worn by a senior T.S. diplomat in a communist East European country. At
      AP  -  420 words
    • 127 3 France told to stop N-tests in Pacific NEW YORK. Sat.— France was urged in tiie IN General Assembly yesterday to halt nuclear testing in the South Pacific. The assembly's Trusteeship Committee said such tests endanger the Ufe and environment of the people in the area. The request came in a
      AP  -  127 words
    • 415 3 BELFAST, Sat. Bri- tlsh troops captured another Soviet made rocket launcher in Northern Ireland today as the army worked on measures to counteract the Irish Republican Army's new weapon. Military headquarters said soldiers, apparently acting on an informant's tip-off, found the RPO-7 type
      AP  -  415 words
    • 64 3 PARIS. Sat. Street* in many areas of Paris were Uttered with overflowing dustbin* yesterday following the stood day of a dustmen's strike. Municipal authorities distributed plastic bags to shops and homes and said they had no intention at this stage of callIng in the army to
      Reuter  -  64 words
    • 32 3 MELBOURNE. Sat A strike by 1.200 Australian airline pilots ended tonight when mast meetings of pilots employed by Australia's domestic airlines decided on an Immediate return to work. Reuter
      Reuter  -  32 words
    • 274 3 Junta admits Marcos murder and coup plot MANILA, Sat. Rightist conspirators have confessed that they planned to seixe power after assassinating President Marcos or after his fall to a communist rebellion, the Philippine Government announced today. Information Secretary Francisco Tatad said at least three members of a "revolutionary Junta" had
      UPI  -  274 words
    • 31 3 KANSAS CTTY. Sat. Former President Harry Truman. Aghting for his Ufe In hospital here, continue In critical condition this morning with no Imedlate new medical reports on his condition. Reuter
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 852 3 Now, a revolutionary new invention from America uses scientifically-tested "Isometric" exercises to transform your figure into the feminine, full silhouette you've always dreamed of "BEAUTY MATE" J Figure Developer ¥k Slenderizer k Try it in your own home for 10 days FREE This beautiful mode* us«d lUI IV UWJQ th«
      852 words
    • 306 3 a^aaaHi^aaaa^Ha^H JL^T 0 1 CHICKEN LESS LOCAL Whole 454 g 1.75 RUMP STEAK NZ Qualiry/Economy 454 g 2.60 PORK SANSA6ES S&K Fresh Pork 454 g 1.48 MEAT PIES S&K Freshly Baked wS 45 PRAWN MEAT Frozen 454~^ UO PARTY SANSA6ES PLUMROSE 454 g 1.33 BAKED BEANS C&B UK 454 g
      306 words

  • 309 4 Sunday People ITS only modest Uttle bungalow —bat It has a view which will rarely make Singapore's houseproud millionaires green with envy. Green acres of rolling parkland and towering trees framing an expanse of lake that shimmers like glass when it
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  • 606 4 The team who proved civil servants CAN be good managers By GEORGIE LEE IF the results of the 1 1972 National Management Game in Singapore can be regarded as a yardstick of managerial capabilities, then Mr. J.Y.M. Plllays observation made at a recent seminar that it is difficult for a
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 114 4 NOW! 17 FLIGHTS A WEEK TO HONGKONG! TI|A Now, SIA gives you i B a choice of 17 flights a DICICjCSt Im ssssk I week to Hong Kong JfmgJmjg* A I tne biggest choice <- CiIOICC t We leave daily at fl A k 8.45 am and 9am. BBBBBsfI BSm
      114 words

    • 176 5 Opening a bigger NZ market for garment makers SINGAPORE garment manufacturers may find a greater market In New Zealand with the opening of the first direct cargo shipping service between the two countries next month. Two ships of the Shipping Corporation of India (8CI) will ply from Calcutta to New
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    • 291 5  -  LIM SUAN KOCH GUILTY MEMBERS WILL HAVE TO QUIT By gINGAPORE Turf Club members found guilty of illegal bookmaking activities at the Bukit Timah course on race days will lose their membership. Their membership will not be renewed when It expires at the
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    • 185 5 Award to Family Planning Board for best campaign rpHE Family Planning and Population Board Is the lint winner of the Max Lewis Challenge Trophy for Its highly successful family planning scheme Judged the beat pubUc service advertising campaign. The competition was held in conjunction with the recent Sth Asian Advertising
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    • 147 5 JAIL FOR SOLD CHAIN SNATCH FROM HOUSEWIFE ANWAR bin Mohammed Ayub. 20. unemployed, was Jailed for nine months yesterlay for snatching a gold chain with a Jade pendant from a housewife. He pleaded guilty. Inspector Desmond DOiivelro, prosecuting, told the court that on Aug. 33. at about 3.30 P m
      147 words
    • 62 5 PENANQ. 8«t. Korean ambaaaador Dr. Sung Yong Kirn today presented 53 volumes of Korean books to University Sains Malaysia here to promote Interest in the stud* of Korean affairs "This U an Initial step of a long-term project to provide well-chosen books for your scholars here,"
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 449 5 rtaJs^Vta^ K. *t /^-^"^V I M wat "J f\ lil *w^^ er^^p^^F^siajsjaiw^^i r\ g«B*aw ju flsa^^**™^ CcS^b^st Bring your dream house down to earth Some things seem beyond most of us. Things like modern household gadgets, a car or even a home. That's probably because prices are so high and
      449 words
    • 398 5 Nobody kn€ w I was A II > l<£j "*♦»<> YOU »•»»>» >1 <''"> "Ht't Oiir I r]\M^V' ltd up r» f^m| *kflL A Bullworker. wA' s "UL I Vat* i I Now Joe 'i Ihe r 'D*ncr wtft \c*otfw ol *ttfM f'»j'i )n#. Jot \notltcr BullworVcr success sior> Irom
      398 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 899 5 ON YOUR TV AND RADIO U.M AM Opening, and Exercise repeat) with Gloria (31 News in brief 11.2$ Huckleberry Hound 1.35 Bugs Bunny and Friends 11.45 Pesta Pop (Malay, repeat) IN Pets Allowed 1 1 .39 Star soccer: West Bromwicß 7.41 News and newsreel in Chinese Albion vs Manchester United
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  • 868 6 ALTHOUGH the-re was no particular noise from the hotels lately besides that from Sea View Hotel (and there it was promised that more bad results might be on the cards), it was undeniably the hotel section which was making
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  • 126 6 mHE Rotary International X president, Mr. Roy Hlckman. flew In from Jakarta yesterday on a fourhour official vlsl His mission: 'To pay tribute to the Rotarlans of Singapore for all they have done for their community." Mr. Hlckman. 70. chairman of the board
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  • 238 6 DEMAND FOR INTRACO SHARES 70 TIMES UP WHERE has been A massive response from the investing public for Intraco shares. Yesterday DBS-Dalwa Securities Interna- Uonal (underwriter and issuing house) announced the offer for sale of two million shares had been oversubscribed 70.S times. The record number of applications represented 1168.1
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  • 39 6 A PUN fair jointly organised by the Port of Singapore Authority, Maritime Command. Field Engineers, 3 SIB and 8 SlR— will be held at the grounds of Port Authority Recreation Club, Bukit Chennln. on Dec. 23.
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  • 71 6 An electronic organ course at Chinese Y A YAMAHA electronic organ course will be conducted at the Chinese YMCA's international centre in Palmer Road from Jan. 4. Except for Sundays, the course wii; be held dally from 5 30 to 7.50 p.m. Classes on Saturdays will be from 2 to
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  • 214 6 Maidservant who stole: Another two charges A HOUSEWIFE who was jailed for a day and fined $300 three weeks ago for stealing from her employer on the first day of work was charged again yesterday with theft. Loo Suan Neo. 22. had pleaded guilty to stealing $15. a leather purse
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  • 25 6 A COCKTAIL party was held at the Peninsula shopping centre basement yesterday afternoon to celebrate the opening of the Korean departmental store there.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 195 6 fantabulous selection of toys, toys, toys, for a very merry x'mas L 4 Ist II llft^lL^i^^ Mr* SPECIAL 15 DISCOUKT from the people wrio give you betttf toys »I.S£LEGIf COMfLIX SELEGIE ROAO SINGAPORE 7 TEL ***** QQ HOCK SWEE LEONG CO. 132, Orchard Rood. Singopor*, 9. Tel. *****1 3744«3 TOYS
      195 words
    • 100 6 If Free Parking at I I Supreme House 1 Shopping Centre I on Sundays, Public Holidays I and after 5 p.m. on -weekdays. 9 You'll find Supreme House has 9 everything for everyone including easy parking. Five storeys of air-conditioned shopping arcades, w restaurants, coffee house, I discotheque and one
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 163 7 YVj^BINSONS*]// ROBI^s ON'S We are pleased to announce that we are open for business on the Ground and Third Floors of Specialists' Centre, Orchard Road, as from December 11, 1972. Although our stores will not, at the moment, carry the usual Robinson's selection, plane loads of merchandise have already arrived
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  • 372 8  -  K.S. SIDHU By MYSTERY over the death of assistant nurse Jumah .Katu binte Hamid deepened yesterday as police continued their intensive search for more clues into what they believe is murder. The police, who are still waiting a report from the
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  • 34 8 WATER consumption on Friday slowed down farther after Thursday's small reduction from Wednesday. Friday showed a drop of 8.8 million gallons (40.005 cubic metres) to 110.5 million gallons .502,344 cubic metres).
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  • 37 8 THE sixth combined scientific meeting of the Chapter of Surgeons. Academy of Medicine. Singapore, and the Slngapoie Surgical Society win be held at the Pathology lecture theatre. Outram Road Hospital, on Saturday at 2.30 p.m.
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  • 224 8 1,300 jobless when Aussies leave Butterworth base BUTTERWORTH, Sat. About 1,300 Malaysians will lose their Jobs when Australia pulls out her forces under the new Labour Government's policy. They Include amahs, cooks, baby-sitters and gardeners employed by Australian Service families. A feeling of Insecurity has swept over workers In the
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  • 145 8 PENANG, Bat.«— Thai International will increase Its flight services to Penang from four to seven In July next year. "Tourists from Europe and the South-east Asian region are coming In bigger numbers for relaxation and shopping in Penang," the airline's marketing services
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  • 351 8 'THE Minister for Science and Technology, Dr A Ton Chin Chye, last night warned managements of the danger of playing too many computer simulated games. He said: "The computer la a powerful tool but we would be wrong to create the
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  • 116 8 $30 fine for abusive words pOLDSMITH DEB. Ra \M Japaksha 62, was fined $30 yesterday after he was found guilty of using abusive words at managing director, K.M. Oil Mohamed, bis boss. on July 14 last year. He was alleged to have called Oil Mohamed a "bloody rascal" at the
    116 words
  • 48 8 'Bought ganja for Europeans' A MALAYSIAN steel worker. !Lf Ann. 17. fintd •»o]w.u r d»y for having nine "rtoo. of gan|a la. hj» ah lrt E2Sf** Somerset Road on Friday He pleaded guilty 011 the court Uut the ganja not for rua own consumption. Som» snrsrS M him
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  • 36 8 THE Minister of Defence. Or. Ooh Keng Swee will attend a dinner at Bar.da Hill today at 7.30 to mark the successful conch'ston of a fund-ral;lng project by the Kreta Ayer Peoples Theatre
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 394 8 ■Pjß ■■^^L^iHHaTidWkflHHß^^^l 1 1 ■■WA Is ■■■^aVL^BaBMUHKJ^iPafIIiHHfI w fß^^ai H^a—fl H^TVHbbJ^I ay L^LtbPV kJ M *HTr£L^ Opens Daily 9.30 am to 9.30 pm Free Parking attar 6 pm and on Sundays FP3=l__i— c'jjb^bV*^ J i^PM"TT<r— Tl i \\fk. si MjV. ,11 t llJjlHY^l^^i. v^^^^-^l^k HB^ >^v »i i JUDP^Pt^fl3»J B
      394 words
    • 35 8 f w M M Hie M feel* Now you can find a card that expresses exactly how you feel in the language of today. Soft photographs and illustrations set the mood for your message. HHLISH.SK!
      35 words

  • 464 9 Indonesian envoy predicts a new era of co-operation new Indonesian Ambassador to Singapore, Lt.(ien Roekmito Hendrayangrat, has predicted a new era of goodwill and cooperation between the two countries. He said Indonesia was prepared to offer training facilities for officers of the Singapore Armed Forces and co-operate with the Republic
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  • 344 9 Three years' jail for stealing revolver from policeman A DISTRICT court heard yesterday how a man stole a loaded revolver fronr a const&ble. In the dock as Oopala Krlshnan. 22. a laughterer at an abattoir who was Jailed for thrt-j years on each of the two charges of unlawful possession
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  • 157 9 OS ANGELES, Sat. A tanker from Singapore forced to anchor outside Los Angeles harbour because it was leaking naphtha was allowed to dock yesterday after the crew transferred some of the potentially dangerous cargo to other holds, the U.S. Coast Guard said. Officials
    AP  -  157 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 541 9 I used to boast I was as good as the next man. How dumb can you get! Cure I was good. Only when promotion came round, tha boss picked somebody who was Defter I learnt my lesson Got In touch with 8.1 C. Qualified faster than I believed possible Now
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    • 246 10 WELCOME— the Advertisers Association Bulletin's call to curb exuberance that borders on dishonestly in advertisements. Timely Its warning to admen of a "collision course with the consumers' movement" If "questionable advertisements" are allowed to proliferate. In convers ati o n, most people are in the habit
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    • 151 10 AUSTRALIA'S miliA ister-designate for the shipping, transport and aviation portfolios, Mr. Charles Jones is reported to have spoken on the air services agreement with Singapore. That cannot tven be described as his maiden ministerial statement, as he has not been sworn in as a member of the new
      Agencies  -  151 words
  • 2047 10  - THE MAN WHO TRIED TO ROB HIS OWN BANK ONE Saturday afternoon In December 1969, the manager of the Taman Jurong branch of the Hongkong and Shanghai Lanking Corporation 3at at his desk, mopping the perspiration from his face and keeping a furtive eye on the wall clock. There were
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  • 733 10  -  CHRISTINE BROWN By YfATA HARI, the ITI Dutch -born spy of World War 1, certainly has a lot to answer for. Now, more than 50 years after her death In front of a firing squad, her name still serves as a kind of
    FWF  -  733 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
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    • 156 10 n goodlsa without money? Rll it up through the SINGAPORE SWEEP DRAWING DATE: 4TH JANUARY '73 VENUE: HONG LIM GREEN-6.30 P.M. THEY DON'T GIVE FREE FILMS, BUT... are the only guys in town who offer: COLOUR ILACK 1 WHITt 20% off on all 2 0% off on oil unexpos«d roll
      156 words

  • Ieisure
    • 1400 11 LIFE IN A SUBMARINE... THE hissing of the igniting match and its intense white light shattered the solitude and washed away the red glow from the maze of dials in the command centre of the submarine "S a m Rayburn." It seemed so
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 278 11 QUAUFYim FOR PROMOTION THROUGH Ififil SPECIALIZED TRAINING IN MANAGEMENT AND TECHNICAL SUBJECTS Learn at home to improve your position and to earn what you are really worth. ICS home-study courses have helped thousands of ambitious men to achieve promotion and better pay. Moderate fees all books supplied. Take the first
      278 words
    • 299 11 IJBfl Th«M wonderful prltavcouM ba youri ■Mlfl lft: SIA douDto raturn tlckat to Europe Lady's Vulcaint sM-trtrou«n watcti. Vulcaln« Man's iaaHBH] tnrouati watch. Ona tat Parfumas of tha Orlant Par■J^H 'vim or Colognas. BBBfl 2nd: Sabar Air doubla raturn tlckat to London. Vulcalna Lady's saa-tnrouan watch. Philip's baauty H^^HJ tat.
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  • Ieisure ...2
    • 896 12 ()NK of the babies of the v Fiat range is the 127, voted as "Car of the Year." This is the smallest new Fiat to be seen on the Singapore and Malaysian scene and comes at the right time, when cars are costing more to
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 248 12 NGK SPARK PLUGS V make driving fanL^pp Copper core for a iSM long and tough /^SjIF Tw fyf\ r BOON SIEW SDN. BHD. Sole agents for Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei TT3K International JLm%tS? Training Centre THE MOST COMPREHENSIVE SECRETARIAL LANBUA6E TRAINING IN SOUTH-EAST ASIA The I.T.C. Private Secretary's Certificate has
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    • 288 12 HASS£LBLAIX (leader in large format photography) Is out of this world. Hasselblad has been to the moon and brought back breathtaking pictures of world interest. And scientific sharpness. Each 6 x 6 cm negative can withstand many times enlargement. With the Hasselblad 500 c/m, you can change over to black
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 831 12 1h ■Sgfl |$S::|f tatlons and complications banking family with as ISS-Sl HM which accompany living many problems as dollars. ■9^l b^bbß ln sucn an c n vl ronment. JefT has ust been told the H| m^BK where neigh bourllness secret of his birth— that nas vanished, and ls re- he
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  • Ieisure ....3
    • 614 13 Business as usual for last of the movie moguls By FREDERICK WINSHIP TACK WARNER, who produced his first motion picture in 1913, is back in the Hollywood ha r ness again with two new films Just released and several more in Incubation. The last of the pioneer film moguls who
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    • 681 13 SOME people are of the opinion that they are born tense. Others want to be completely cured of nervousness. These people harbour the long-held belief that nervousness is something abnormal, that a person who is normal is never tense
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 382 13 Its always a refreshing change. Retreat to the icy cool mountains of India. Unspoilt beauty. All yours to do Northern India. Here you'll find as you wish. Relax in. Go golfing enchanting hill resorts nestling in the Hunting. Trekking. Fishing. To the south bosom of the mighty Himalayas. 2,000 of
      382 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 129 13 Sunday Times Crossword ACROSS: Thlck-aklnned DOWN: 1- Unlvenal medicln* animal S Routing bar (4); (7); 3. Cut down <4); J. Clothed 9. Spherical (5); 12. Spruce- (4): (4); Non-conforming 13. Succulent root (4); 1< xo knight (3); Atom (4): Mlnerml aprtng (3); 17. Ann«t- i^UnqulabM (8); 10. l»>»ci Sn i?Vh^
      129 words

  • 2 14
    2 words
  • 1134 14  -  A peep into life behind the bright lights of the gambler's paradise PAUL FRIEOLANDER try, whose emphasis Is on fun and festivity for the visitor. This time I was determined to make that effort and spent a full morning driving around the city with
    NYT  -  1,134 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 166 14 hjm m ml I r 'Vgf H^H oJ£] W J NEW YORK Go all the wray with Qantas Everyday out of Australia to the States. If you are going to the U.SA'via ffV Australia, go with Qantas the airline that MIB^ knows the Pacific best. Qantas Pies 7478 Wk or
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    • 37 14 Racing for uncertainty. Prudential for security. fe PRUDENTIAL To: Th» Pructont»al Assurance Ca Ltd, P.0.80x 492, Singapore. Please sand me, without obtagaton. particulars of your Famity Security plans. I Namt_ I Address j Datt of Birth I
      37 words

  • 724 15 Woman spy image suffers some damage LONDON, Saturday MATA lIARI, the Dutch-born spy of World War I, certainly has a lot to answer for. Now, more than 50 years after her death in iront of a firing squad, her name still serves as a kind of synonym of the beautiful
    FWF  -  724 words
  • 870 15 'Polygamy is allowed only under certain conditions' "DEVOTED MUSLIM** writes: "Please help me find out the general exceptions to enable Muslim men to take a second wife (third or fourth) based on the teachings of the Quran and hadith and under the Administration of Muslim Law Act?" Says the Registrar
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  • 115 15 To "EMPLOYEE CHEATED" of Singapore, who enquires about his entitlement to bonus after leaving his job. The Ministry of Labour says: "Bonus Is a nonstatutory entitlement and the quantum and mode of payment Is a matter to be negotiated between the employees (or through
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  • 770 15 Fishing in your pool of thoughts rpHERE's fishing and there's fishin' Now, friends, the absence of the final 'g' augurs the difference between the professional and the amateur fisherman. The professional (as in ashing) Is In it for the profit; the amateur (as in flshln' i is in it for
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 325 15 ky]«J FREE SERVICE OFFER ■k f i fcj NIVICO NIVICO TELEVISION SETS^'VICO Certain types of NIVICO Television sets sold in Malaysia between 1964 and 1969 may under certain circumstances (wrong installation or connection, wear and tear, etc.) result in malfunctioning of the set. In order to safeguard owners against possible
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  • Page 15 Miscellaneous

  • 512 16 C&E Tours face future challenge with confidence the fastest growing travel agency in Asia Malaysian Cultural and Entertainment Tours (Pte) Ltd. (popularly known as C E Tours) today starts a new chapter in its episode of achievements. Unlike the past decade of its history, the future, though bright,
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  • 1 16
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  • 198 16 The tourist trade is not a bed of roses. The arrangement of tcurs has been a kind of direct service that involves human relations. It calls for positive enthusiasm and full responsibility. We have been endeavouring to nurture such qualities in our day-to-day approach with our
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  • 367 16 Another of its record shattering achievements was organising of the Republic's grandest mass wedding in conjunction with Singapore International Airlines at the latter' s inauguration in October this year. The organisation was a complete success and the newly wedded couples left Singapore light-hearted by SIA to spend
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 54 16 Congratulations Best Wishes to MALAYSIAN C&E TOURS on their 10th ANNIVERSARY from:— We are proud to have manufactured assembled the bodies of their fleet of Coaches. CHUA HENG MOTOR WORKS 1 70 C, Stagmont Ring, off 1 1 m.s., Woodlands Road, Singapore, 23. Tel: *****7 Manufacturers assemblers of bus and
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  • 370 17 C ft E to promote more group tours During the past ten years C A E Tours has successfully organised and arranged numerous overseas tours to Hong Kong, Bangkok, Taiwan, Korea, Japan, Europe and Australia. The company has also contributed towards promoting cultural relationship
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 232 17 Congratulations Best Wishes to MALAYSIAN C E TOURS on the occasion of their 10th Anniversary from \HIGH LIVING BEGINS AT /MIRAMAR Chinese RMtaurant Authentic Hong Kong liipjuirw C.H'toneje CMHini 1 Ruby Grill-Room Superb npvn menu western food dnnks. Co*U« Houm: Tea. coftes. sott drinks, quick lunch. Indonesian "v 'ice, snacks
      232 words
    • 207 17 II T*&l7 \i LrrJEs Ml 10th ANNIVERSARY Warmest Congratulations to MALAYSIAN C E TOURS on their 10th Anniversary for people going places Pi "'^m-- Js^mflafl I i/ I I Slim, sturdy, sophisticated Samsonite You'll see Samsonite in the Airports of the world, with the International jet set. People who travel
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  • 306 18 MB. Ronald Scott, deputy managing director of the Straits Times Group. was the guest of honour at a farewell dinner given by senior staff of the Group at the Hilton last night. Mr. Scott retires at the end of
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  • 462 18 THE Education Minister, Dr. Lee Chiaw Meng, said yesterday that the most effective way to eradicate contradictions arising from language, culture, religion and race here was through a bilingual education policy. In the past, he said, these contradictions had been responsible for
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  • 33 18 THE National Productivity Board will conduct a supervisory deveopment programme for supervisors and those in middle management at the board premises in Jurong from Jan. 8 to April 17 next year.
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  • 23 18 NATIONAL Iron and BUel Mills Ltd will hold a dinner at Island Ballroom, Shangri-La Hotel, on Dec 17 at I pjn.
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 178 18 beauty with brains behind it the new MORRIS MARINA And why this man likes it "I chose the Marina because it's a good solid car, reliable and economical. It's got all the special safety features that are essential for today's driving, plus the extra surge of safety-power for safe overtaking
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    • 90 18 a^Bfl B^r aYflgf a^H Bl < .aflLVi i 7 "3 B M Mr Ij j w -^B MW> fli I i c > v*<*» P,' O C, J JLhhhß 5' 4.1 i V M Mi: 1 1 C v.V£ SEVEN-UP. NOW IN THE FAMILy SIZE BOTTLE TAKE SOME HOME TODAY
      90 words

  • 904 19  -  MASIE KWEC By War on pollution is every citizen's duty, says Wee IJEW major centres of employment and services must be created in Singapore to act as "counter magnets" to the city, burdened with traffic and a host of
    904 words
  • 50 19 thieves broke Into a flat In Lower Delta Road on Thursday and escaped with Jewellery worth $2,487 Police said the owner. Kwok Kian Chew. 34. left hi* flat at 8 15 a.m. on Thursday and returned home at 3 pjn. to find the front door ajar.
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  • 49 19 LKC Chwee Chonc. 46. a motor launca operator, tv fined $60 yesterday (or carryIng 24 passengers In nla launch In the *ea off Clifford Pier on Dec. 8 at 8 10 p m. when It tv licensed to carry only 13. He pleaded guilty.
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  • 16 19 AIR New Zealand held a press lunch at the Singapore Hilton Harbour OrUl yesterday.
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  • Article, Illustration
    68 19 rpHE First Lady, Mrs. X Sheares, was Lady Santa to about 500 underprivileged children at the Hans Anderson Club's Christmas party held at Baffles Hotel yesterday. Santa himself (Mr. O'Nell from the Ansuk Forces) was also there with bagsfull of goodies and presents to give away. SUNDAY
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  • 158 19 The MP's role in a one party House SINGAPORE Is a unique country In the world to have a one-party Parliament elected through the democratic process, the Minister of State (Education), Mr. Chai Chong TIL said last night He said this unique political feature made it all the more demanding
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  • 290 19 SCOUTS CAN FORM WORK CAMPS TO HELP SPRUCE UP STORE: MINISTER MINISTER of State (Education), Mr. Chai Chong Y4i, yesterday urged scouts here to foster a disciplined team spirit to acquire the dignity and pleasure of serving others. He said these were the two basic requirements any Singaporean should possess.
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 290 19 SINGAPORE'S OWN SPORTING MAGAZINE HI 'Sports December is on sale H mow, only 40 cents for the top I fl^v of the world of sports writers I r^f views and news, local and I international. It sparkles with I fc*i^ lively articles and pictures Wfr packed with action: t DR
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 195 20 B^H Impossible? Not with SHARP'S exclusive ft^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^r^ Verification System that automatically verifies calculations l^^^^^B^HVT'' *W^flmw^^^K^Ai± within seconds! More than mistakeproof performance, it's loaded l^^flP I^^ MfM VS with lots of extras and pluses that minus all the problems i^BIIHI S^Wi aid head9che cumbersome calculations. il^K^^^ta^ m'^mM Yet jt looks sim
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  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 1152 20 IF IT'S your birthday to- Tou will make rood made connections and THIS V/RfTff CAD VAfT m m <M day you can be con- friends and you'll also launched projects that JL4 JUMm JT \J*% A W M fldent that this cominf make money this year. should now be bringing
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    • 542 21  -  ARTHUR RICHARDS J?L YOU don't have to know the language to enjoy this French comedy "LES FOUS DU STANDE" (The Crazy Boys of the Games). Reason: Visually it is laughter from the start. A brilliant movie "Crazy Boy*"— which Is clever
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 577 21 ■TilMiltlMil 5 SHOWS TODAY "?£I,WJII--FILMED IN DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE'S RIPU9LIC Of KOREA NO FRII LIST aPaaVaaV m J fu/'i'Al/lr/iM A STO«Y OF FRATMNAL LOVI SIT WITH BtAUTIFUL SCINIRIO in nrilß al-||||iiriKaAamUX**a AND SONCJ! Released By Cham Gay TllotfOa l HMl>Jli.hlrk'«m.l DALEKS INVASION ~^v"dayT~ EARTH 2 1 50 AD IJO, J.lO, 7.10,
      577 words
    • 64 21 •aytaaf Qaeeaetiaa NOW IHOWINC I Oalair: M*. 3 7.00H.J0».n Batata City: 1.45, 4, 7.00 ft JO a.Stornog SUb Kak Yb»| ft dtaa Ka^ (in Contooase) tHOYIiEMn Oerlano oa*ialiwa T. -Dor Miwiluß 9aav g.le.a CM* Hem. Galamy lira. Ckaji Siao. Km YM I Y« IW la Tkatr Maat bcMtat Baaar >■
      64 words
    • 93 21 M ■OPEN ON W sundays 1 P to6p Ul-B. Orck. Aljrf> Smc+or* 9 (oppotit* MANCARIN HOTEL) Wfcaa yaa .«k W Mnk TMak r «t* j»» a. POP SCENE "vkara tba grttvy thtaga an" J«Ot arrlvaa! Phote«fap*ii< pottan ftwn U.S.A. Waal for X'mo fIMHI Unbaa Fetbiom, R.corat, oH. ■ASIMINT 10 ft
      93 words
    • 291 21 13th COLOSSAL DAT! ODEON:sShows«tlltm,l.30 > 4,749.30|«. i! ORCHARD: SShowiat 11 id. 1.30. 4. 7&9.15pk I $1.00, SI 00 ft SI 00 TICKETS ON SALI NOW! (Caaa 9nWgi O«rrl Jurong DRIVE-IN Cinema: 2 Shows it 7.00 t 9.30 pa(Na AaVaaaa lnU«|i TMata AvaNaata At Tfea Can) STRICTLY NO FREE LIST. rnA~££7!£E3!r.~~,
      291 words
    • 1 21 I
      1 words
    • 585 21 pimnrTTi ORGANISATION J NOW SHOWINC— Na hjM Uat B Man. I.JO. 440, «.M ft I SCHOOL CNILMIN $1.00 TO ANY MAT at ALL SHOWS! V A NEW Full-kngfh Ccrtoon "JOVRNIV BACK TO OX" Tachnicotor (Wo/ncr Brot) a| J Ittk MADCAP DAYI llaai, 1.4J, 4.00, a.*9 ft •JO NO FRII LIST
      585 words

  • 118 22 THE FAMILY OF the late Mr*. RV. Alagacone thank friends and relative! (or their messages of condolence. rest hi. attendance and kind ■instance during their recent bereavement. TNI FAMILY OF the late Mr. Rahna bin Bujang thanks all friends and relatives for their condolences, donations and kind attendance at
    118 words
    • 114 22 T ONDON. Sat. Influenza among players has caused the postponement of three soccer matches In England today Huddersfleld Town, the English Second Division club, have 10 of their staff down with flu. necessitating the postponement of their away League match against leaders Burnley. Another Second Division
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    • 23 22 OTTAWA. Sat. Canada led 4-0 against Peru after the first day of their Thomas Cup American Zone badminton match here yesterday
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    • 319 22 Australians want an annual series with Singapore pOOTBALL Federation of Western Australia, wjiose team was beaten 4-0 by Singapore on Wednesday, is keen to maintain friendly "rivalry" with FAS and has suggested an annual series from next year. This proposal was made by the manager of the West Australian team,
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    • 169 22 Singapore meet Korea in first tie MANILA, Sat. South Korea play Singapore while Taiwan take on Malaysia in two of four matches tomorrow, opening day of the seven-nation Second Asian Youth Basketball Championship at Manila's Rizal Memorial Collesium Defending cha m p i ons Philippines are pitted against India. In
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    • 59 22 NEWCABTLE. Sat Pakistan were 19 without loss In their second Innings at the end of the second day's play in the threeday cricket match against northern New South Wales here today. Northern New South Wales declared 549-7 (Mick Hill 55 InUkhab 3-61) In their
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    • 48 22 JAKARTA. Sat Bouth Korea today won the men's team event in the Eleventh Asian Table Tennis Championships hero after beating Indonesia 6-2. Indonesia were second followed by South Vietnam. Table Tennis Pederation of Asia elected Major General Jonosewojo of Indonesia as the new president.
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    • 60 22 INDORE. Sat. M.C.C. declared their first Innings at 261 for nine shortly before the close on me open ng day of their three-day cricket match against India's Central Zone here today. At close Central rone were none for the loos of one wicket. Highlight today was
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    • 147 22 IPOH, Bat. Singapore Hunters. Selangor Pewters, Japanese O.C.V. and last year's runners-up. The Ravens of Singapore, easily qualified for the semlflnals on the second day of the three-day Perak Open softball carnival now being played at Municipal padang here. Singapore Hunters head Pool
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 517 22 KsMkJkJIM i'V'tC •^advertisements V2Z-3H-/ CHAN— LIM:- Ernest, eldest s/o Mr./ Mr*. Chan Heaa Yew to Susan, only d o Mr. Mr*. Urn Blew Ek on 2 IJ-7:' in Melbourne, Auetralu. gUEK— LAU Choon How, Freddie a/0 Mr. and Mrs Quek Slaw Chul to Lily only d/o Mr. and Mrs.
      517 words
    • 530 22 SCHOOL LEAVERS for Account. A Management Trainees. Minimum Grade 2 Particulars, photograph, to 0.P.0 Box «73 Spore EXPIRIINCIO FEMALE CHINESE COOK general amah, must be neat. English speaking. One Child, dist. 14. Spore *****7. SPLIT-LBVIL DETACHED bungalow dist 10 quiet residential area 5 bedrooms. separate llvtng/dlnlng room, servant's quarter, large
      530 words
    • 734 22 JOIN lIHCAPORI (COMMIRCIAL SCHOOL for Shorthand. (Theo y Speed), Bookkeeping, Typewriting i Manual/Electric Typewriters used). Audio-Typing. Principle* of Accounts noon and Evening sessions. Normal, Rapid, Ouaranteed Courses available Please enquire and enrol early. ISA, Mackentl* Road (Opposite Rex Cinema) or 7SBO Upper Berangoon Road (above Malayan Banklnc Berhad) Spore. *****,3*144*
      734 words
    • 948 22 DATSUN IJOO self-drive. monthly UTS/- weekly |112/-: dally $20/Proper insurance Ring *****. KverBne Co. FURHITURS POM NIKS at Sl* Oe* See*. SI Itochor* Caaal Road. Tel MOT/aiMl. S pore. nnrrifTHti-sfininn FIRST CLAJS TICMNICAL TV Service. Repairing Amplifier*. Record Player*, all kind* household electiical •ppllancee. moderate charge. Day/ night service. Tel:
      948 words
    • 432 22 IMS MINI COOPER B IB SOOd running condition. Tel: 80*324 8 pore Mr. Tan. AUSTIN ISB* 5 new radial tyre*, new battery $1,900 on o Tel: *****2 Spore 19SS AUSTIN A3* station-wagon good condition $000 T*l *****0 Ooh. S^Bxfsxfa^a^M I*o* ONWARDS VAMXMALL VIVA. Ford Escort. Morris 1100, Datiun 12Ou 1
      432 words
    • 223 22 FAIRLAOV SOCIAL ESCORT offers fair ladle* to entertain you. 17-B Tlverton Laae. off Killlney Road. Spore 9. Tel: *****4. POM LADY ESCORTS aad professional lady barber* call "Mertgotd. Dublin Road. 37*040. *****7. 3741T1 (rpore). FOR THAT JEWELLERY— the epitome of elegance aad Bae craftsmanship that will always be admired. Call
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  • Page 22 Miscellaneous
    • 58 22 SOCCER Port Authority v Combined Schools: Moscow Tibiiissi v Spore. (both matches at Jin. Besar at 0 p.m and 7.30 respectively). Hampshire New Year Cup: PSA v Hampshire Youths; Kaki Buklt v Anzuk iFarrer Park 5 pm Ponggol Challenge Trophy (Oillman Barracks 345 pm i. BADMINTON PAP InterBranch: Oeylang East
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    • 54 23 Brandt Junior budding star ELEVEN year old Mathlas Brandt, holding the ball, Is simply a boy like millions of others all over the world, although he's the son of West German Chancellor Willy Brandt. Mathias attends a Bonn grammar school and is an esthuslastlc footballer playing for the SSV Plittersdorf
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    • 2309 23  -  EPSOM JEEP By Adil (Moran up) beats the well-backed Silver Belt for bis fourth win this year y ETERAN local jockey Subian Dalwee rode four winners at Kuala Lumpur yesterday. His winners were Malaysia II ($27), Precious Stone ($B6), Goman wyn ($24) and Klta Suka
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    • 44 23 Pool $8,826 let No. *****0 ($2,184) 2nd No. *****5 ($1,092) 3rd No. *****6 ($546) Starters ($54 each) Nos. *****2, *****0 *****1. *****1. *****6, *****2, *****0. *****7, *****3, *****2. Consolation ($4B each) Nos. *****2. *****6. *****6. *****3, *****3, *****6, *****5, *****0. *****5. *****0.
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    • 337 23 CUBANG National Oolf Club took a commanding lead In their annual four-ball-betit-ball match against Singapore Island CC at the Subang course yesterday. The home team are ahead with l«-l points, winning 15 matches and drawing two. The remaining 18 matches will be played today,
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    • Obituary, Illustration
      28 23 In ever loving memory of Mr. K. 8. Blmp»m who pawed away on 10-13-71 Always remembered in the prmyers and thought* of hu wife and children
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    • 184 23 LONDON, Sat British Prime Minister Edward Heath paid tribute to the British bloodstock Industry at York last nlfbt Proposinc the toast of the Jockey Club at the annaal Gimerack dinner, Mr. Heath said: "I do not think that there is any better evidence of
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    • 166 24  - On draw Ritz Special has a bright chance By EPSOM JEEP RITZ SPECIAL, who is well drawn in a large field, has a bright chance in Race 6 at Koala Lumpur today. This four-year-old showed promise at Bukit Timah in October when he finished fourth in a strong field over
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    • Article, Illustration
      1301 24 TREBLE ACE: Last, away he came home with strong run to »ln Div 5 8f race with 7.11 in virlding going at Ipoh on Nov. 12: remains In bottom division with 9-lb more; can follow up. PHALZ: Useful on wet track; last start second with 8.3 to
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    • 962 24 GOING FORECAST: Good VTTtWH 2.0 CLASS 6. DIV. 5 6F -H^M ($5,000 $3,500 to winner) 1 MTU AGRIUION ca O> Ahmad 9 0 (dd 11) 9 Hma 1» 2 009*0 ft VIM LUCK (Ho Man FattP R Brrakalra 5 t.9 (dd +5) ■■>!■■ 4 1 ***** TMIILI AC!
      962 words
    • 654 24 )MJ|f 4.35 CLASS 3. DIV. 1 6F fta^LjU ($8,500 $5,950 to winner) 6,716 MOONS. VALIBV Jj^.^ (+S) t 1. I ***** OIVBLOPSR a (Imaartal) Lag •^T tjatßtt 7 ***** ORCHARO CSNTRB a (Lack,) m M_i**\ 'J S ***** MONSY MAKSR II a (UC No) MaMor 4 t ,^J. P-
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    • 527 24 Is the standard of racing on the decline? -EPSOM JEEP ponders happenings during the season and asks— |S the standard of racing in Malaysia and Singapore on the decline? This question pops up when one ponders these happ enlngs In the current season: Two horses imported originally for amateur racing
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    • 304 25 KUALA LUMPUR, Sat.— Selangor entered the Malaya Cup rugger final with an impressive 19-8 victory over Commonwealth Forces North at the padang here today. Selangor will meet South zone champions Singapore in the final at Mindef Staciium, Kuala Lumpur, on Jan. 13. Selangor, who
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    • 337 25 nHE visiting American athletic coach Mai Whitfleld has proposed a pilot I scheme that will take expert athletic coaching to the people, reports ERNEST FRIDA. Whitfleld has suggested that the Island be divided Into (our zones to share the wealth of coaching experWhltfleld, who has
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    • 93 25 JAKARTA, Sat Badminton association chairman Sudirman said today Indonesian badminton playen were ready to face their Chinese opponents any time and anywhere if approved by the government. Mr. Sudirman was commenting on a remark by the leader of Malaysian bad- minton team which visited China recently
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    • 170 25 Benefit match for Sobers DRIDOrrOWN. Sat. The Barbados Cricket Asaocla-' tton and a local brewery yesterday announced plans to stage a benefit tournament and launch a fund (or former West Indies captain Gary Sobers next year. Details of the fund will be announced later, they aald. Ouyana, Jamaica and Trinidad
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    • 101 25 BOURNEMOUTH, Sat. Bournemouth, the English Third Division soccer club, are hoping to sign George Best. Manchester united s c ntroversial Northern Ireland in ernnttonal striker. A Bourn? mi it nub spokesman said that .n nager Jchn Bond had been 1' touch with the Manchester Jnited manager, Prank
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    • 499 25  - Spore crush Negri to enter final 6. ROBERT By gINGAPORE Civilians, as expected, handed Negri Sembilan a 36-3 beating on the padang yesterday to qualify for the final of this year's Malaya Cup rugby championship. Civilians scored four goals and three tries against a penalty by Negri, but their performance
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    • 354 25 S'pore aim to upset the Russians SINGAPORE, after their convincing 4-0 win over Western Australia on Wednesday, are hopeful of holding the Russian league side, Dynamo Tlbilissi, to a close margin when they meet tonight at Jalan Besar stadium at 7.30, reports JOE DORAI. The Russians, who scored two big
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    • 67 25 PAYA LEBAR. strongly supported by several Police players, won their match 45-37 against Ulu Pandan In the Inter-Con-stituency basketball championships at M.icPherson yesterday. Other results: Delta bt Chua Chu Kang 43-32: Mountbatten bt Anson 34-30; Tanjong Pagar bt Havelock 50-23; Farrer Park bt Karnpong Kembangan
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    • 46 25 HAMPSHIRE scored their second win in the New Year Cup tournament when they beat Bhi>ngrlla Hotel 5-1 at Farrer Park yesterday. In other matches PBA beat Hampshire Youths 2-0; SRC and IBBC drew 2-2. and Ming Court and Queenstown Idols drew 3-2.
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    • 363 25 Arsenal narrow the gap on Liverpool LONDON, Sat. Arsenal boosted their championship challenge by beating Tottenham Hotspur 2-1 as League leaders Liverpool were held to a 1-1 draw by struggling West Bromwich Albion in their English First Division soccer matches today Arsenal now have 29 points from 22 matches, two
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 252 23 <^3> GETZ BROS. CO. INC. Invite applications from Malaysian citizens for the posts of: SALES ENGINEER Engineering degree from recognized technical institution required. Age: 25-30 with minimum 2 years' commercial experience. Responsible to promote sales of machinery and technical equipment. BUILDING MATERIAL SALES EXECUTIVE Minimum school certificate required. Age 22
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 192 24 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The Chairman Board of Directors of KOREAN DEPARTMENTAL STORE PTE. LTD. SINGAPORE wish to express their thanks to Mr. Younghun Hahm The Consulate General of the Republic of Korea, Singapore. Mr. Ahn Kwang Ho The President of Korea Trade Center. all friends, business associates and well-wishers for their congratulatory
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  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 89 25 INTERLUDE™* H NATIONAL RADIO CASSETTES Stere^^^^^^l^ajJJ^pH|^^^^^^^ ]j^ ~~^H I i Be it Bossa Nova, Kweia, Cha Cha, 01 Walt/, the latest hits or that long forgotteri^^^JHßJ I melody, any one of these NATIONAL Radio I Cassettes can match your mood. If you're not in I the mood for cassette tape,
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  • Page 25 Miscellaneous

    • 658 1  - can oven, washing machine NANCY BYRAMJI By I rllJ" OTHERS probably l^fX remember the days when they 1 had to improvise 2 their own playthings and Toyland was c more sharply demars cated from real life than it is today. The little girl today 7 can play house in the
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    • 1030 1 Gifts that bring lots of JOY to loved ones... COME Yuldidc and our thought* automatically switch to gifts: Those beautifullypacked boxes and packages lying under the Christmas tree, blinking stirprises and joy. Nothing is more welcome on Christmas morning than to unwrap those parcels io find out what our dear
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    • 1030 2 STOCKS RANGE FROM 1 DOUBLE KNIT TO THE NEW LOOK AS CHRISTMAS approaches, departmental stores, shops and supermarkets In Malaysia report increasing sales as shopping crowds throng their premises. And boutiques and other shops stock a varied range of fabrics and ready-made clothes to
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    • 330 2 Stress can affect your driving IF YOU'RE thinking of leaving the Christmas family shopping till the last moment this year don't! For the final rush to fill the Christmas stocking could prove fatal particularly If you're planning to take your husband and collect your presents by car. Driving through busy,
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    • 758 3 MAKE-UP has become so versatile that you can create hundreds of different effects, a number of which give the impression they are made Just for you. There is no single make-up that will look right for every occasion. There are a number of make-up
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    • 309 3 PARTY TIME CAN BE HECTIC TOO HRISTMAS may I. be a time of VIX good cheer, parties, and general merry making, but for working girls it can be a pretty hectic time too! Thftirirl who wants to go to a party immediately after work can easily waste an exhausting hour-and-a-half
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    • 423 4 NEW FABRICS TO BRIGHTEN YOUR HOME By Staff Writer FROM cotton drapes to acrylic, colourful furnishing fabrics lend a gay atmosphere to the home and its surroundings this season. And stores offer many bargains. "A wide selection of furnishing materials has Just arrived from England and Japan." said Mr. Peter
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    • 923 5 page boy and many variations Are the rage Demure and elaborate hair styles 6 in 9 FIRST on the list of priorities that a woman treats herself to for the festive season ahead is usually her hair. And not surprisingly too, for this is one part of her appearance that
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    • 1050 6 WITH a little Imagination, some free time, and a keen eye for colour, a home can be easily decorated to look festive during Christmas. The garland of holly leaves with Its red cherrls is a traditional "must" for most people. Hung over the
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    • 380 6 JOY TO THE WORLD hymn of Joy and praise. It is frequently sung as a processional hymn at various Christmas services. Its English author. Charles Wesley, brother of the famous theologian. John Wesley. U said to have composed over MM hymns and spiritual songs. Felix Mendelssohn is credited with the
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    • 1014 7 Sparkling gifts that will always be loved and remembered WHY not let the cool fire from a real gem of a "sparkler" melt that cold heart this Christmas? It's hard to go wrong when you let the glow of a yuletlde candle reflect on her cheeks through a sapphire cluster
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    • 513 8 THE accent is on a bright Christmas for the fashion conscious young man, or the young-at-heart. Designs and colours available this season are geared to make the "peacock male" spread his "fan" at Yuletlde parties this year. Colours are bright and designs are bold.
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    • 440 8 Jeans popular as casual wear for the younger set CASUAL wear for the family during the holidays runs the whole gamut from slacks and teeshirts for men to jeans and singlets for ladles and vests for children. Jeans are the epitome of casual dressing for men and women. A young
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    • 606 9 THERE'S nothing like a cheese and wine party for a change from the usual round of lunches and dinners during the festive season. And It's certain to be a delightful change for your guests for there is plenty of time to mix around
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    • 572 9 f»AN you imagine 9,000 different drinks served daily in London, New York, Capetown, Sydney, Rome, Stockholm?. These are not vintage wines or even internationally famoas brands of spirits. They are cocktails a cocktail being defined as a mixture of two or more ingredients once
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    • 630 10 VOTHING can surpass a Christmas party in the home for its cosiness, informality and charm. Compared to the dinner or lunch in a restaurant, it's by far more personal, and definitely more entertaininjf. Of coarse, having friends to the house means more work, but it
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    • 1291 11 Beautiful hands depend on what you eat TEN «ir ls, most of them in Iheir 2()s, were recently short listed by an international firm for a job as a receptionist The list was finally whittled down tQ two— an attractive girl with a proven record of efficiency, and a not-so-pretty
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    • 960 11 frantically trr to head off the gaffe with an unquenchable flow of chatter, (c) say firmly "That's enough not In mixed company." (7) You express yourself forcibly and unflatterintiy on the subiect of a particular profession let's say the law under the impression that
      960 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 191 1 EMPORIUM PTE. LTD. wm j- MpM«M^^a -s'^f^^^^f^T^^^^r^^^^^^^^^^K 30-1, Raffles Place, %m #\W^ I W& IVI Hr'" l ff7Ti l P lll ''T?Es£Hi Tel: *****4 (5 L ■nes) I kllll >* B^^¥l>!#¥*fff!ffiWß 0p.n:f1.46..m 6 p.m EMPORIUM PTE. LTD. -|p r JW MOlilllllliillliiifflg^^^^^B SINGAPORE 67, H,gh Street, V hf f B^ffjPßWfffMßWlP?l^ Tel:
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 250 2 HOLIDAY BARGAINS: WE WROTE THE BOOK Cathay Pacific Airways If Discovery Tours of the Oiienl M ■^■V .A. >X*. mm M mmmSSatmmmmmmmYr^^r'. .'g^^B m r*k%i Vi*>*wm vflU It **y i<r^R*| |fc ,r MM W M Sm\mm\ W W^mmm)aLsmm3mml'mmr^m '4l WfU~ P r^jLmW msiOmi \\V^MmmmjSSmmmmJm\ mmW^ A VEfl '*m*Wm6s4s£''^ 9HL fc
      250 words
    • 21 2 .*r*X"X"X\"v«;.X\ ■'■"■l*X*X*i C 3 sV-** 4 ;-jX*X"X* x m VT 1 tp A^k^ x*xWM The Ideal Gift S:SS.^\JLj All Other Occasions
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    • 227 3 Groove in the newest thing. Big bold buttons. Get the hang. Smooth fl H Sta-prest fabric. Levi's style. Fit for ■< W any happening. Available only at authorised j^L Ltvi't dealers. y^A H.^l mk Sole Distributors IT I^K'" i^^^nl P.O. Box 1059, W jH P.O. Box 103, fM 1L I
      227 words
    • 310 3 We have awide selection of I beautiful carpets, wallpapers I lightings to make your I home Sweet Home^ a^B^B^a^H V^ bb^bbl aß&ml* r trmmm i MM^HaMHHBjMHHyh So whatever kind you h.ive in mmd you can be tag sure of the right choice at Ihe right price iV^^R I onsu our
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    • 39 4 Kr- A XjL It JLdJL JL mBaWWW^PfJohnnie Walker J Hal wKr A -the world's largest selling Scotch Whisky 1 Bf 0*\vvtP vdvfcfc **vjttfc^ \^^^f^^2 Hi^^ ■ML B\ l <4§M *^mjEL BhSMBBF £«M£Mtfi I I bbj l\v% mr iKirvQtf m
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    • 12 5 CHANEL 6&n ncwv&ztt /uzwctm' N°l9 Chanel announces its new perfume N° 19
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    • 305 5 Sansui offers a Big Money Saving special offer. Buy Sansui I sound equipment now and you'll save lots of money, just I look at the following offers and you'll realise how much IFvVi Bsyyj money you can save. See your nearest Sansui dealers today. MH-111 Ml __^Mm^oCXf\ \i up 111
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    • 319 6 MMk ■■■■> t 6\\us\o\as aitts <"■(/ t^DC** c'^'A t~ r '6.^f-'r< aS?L fKDK)) better way *Sfrv I i k-trriz: aomanhattan. WfV \\to do it. .|K < Spt«i M^HBi3™3! msssssm x^J^. .ELECTRIC i I—==^ These shirts m r JJfc,\ Mwith \feJ«v i te r r Dar^r^...thereisadiffe re o C einsrwts! jo
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    • 333 7 VtfwCU VoUe, to gjtv>fe J^~--V si I i the/teomond/ove! ink\ J| r #|l|| Experienced housewives knew that cooking with a v^ .i >r M €llll#il II Prestige Pressure Cooker saves. l-^/h^C L f W^^^^M rules the under world t~ c? mnmm A N > I S 1 \v J ri
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    • 207 8 W Give a tf?ougl?tfiil Girt ti?is C|?ristn?as I CITY PHARMACY fl City Pharmacy oflars you a wide rang* of cosmetics, parfumas, Christmas gift sets for him or her, vanity stts, shaving kits, ate. All of fl^J which suggast car* and thoughtfulnass. Here, at City Pharmacy, you may take your time
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 166 9 mamiya/sekor 500 TL Now start taking the kind of pictures you'll be really proud of. Nothing is left to chance with the Mamiya/Sekor 500 TL. This camera is equipped with all the outstanding features that help to eliminate the variables so you can concentrate on the artistic aspects of your
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    • 682 10 CROSS* is a superior writing instrument. If that sounds arrogant, there's a reason for it. To sum it up, we're Wives manner. A practical and that time of the year when specialists. The only things What nicer way to handsome way to tell hirr you're looking for a we make
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    • 75 10 J^k SKIN (AUK; fW ;noN T\, y Best selected of all I each and every item just to fit individual 1 I skin I Pias top Japanese beauty consultant I wHlbem attendence atE§ KIMBERLEY DEPT. CO. 183 A.OUTRAM PARK SHOPPING CENTRE BLOCK 19 FIRST FLOOR TELEPHONE *****9 EXCLUSIVE SUIT-LENGTHS V/m
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    • 475 11 ♦^-j^ mk Ikf^/^^ B^ X Jb^^b^^ L^bW. ftfc ""^^jHUfelß^a^^al 3-BAND RADIO p^P^^^ BK||ir n< -51 4m^W B^bV '•W*- 1 BUT CASSETTE RECORDER S! !^j^ /^BbV aj A sKll Sf AM/SW/FM radio. jfls^r Jf» f~ ~t J _^||^^sbi^_'»i^B flsi Sl#reoc a*t imput jack. B^B^Bkk. Shi ■—^^^^£j *^F^K H HRL^bI j^l Auto
      475 words

  • 650 12 TO JOIX or not to join. That's the question that must face many newlyweds in this day of bank accounts. Does promising to share your life with a man give you equal rights over his bank account? Should two young people
    650 words
  • 145 12 JEANS are fun. They can look great too if worn with the right mood as May (above) shows. This pair comes fresh from the shops of the French clothing manufacturer Newman, with some exclth.f new features. Highlight one Is the tartan fold-up cuff which
    145 words
  • 222 12 LOOKING for something different to add interest to a corner of your living room? Try somethin g Danish. For the Danes are people well knoten for their ability to design decorative pieces that are functional and attractive. If it a conversation piece you
    Mohamed Tusof  -  222 words
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    • 480 12 3X NATURAL PROTEIN (fresh whole eggs) Restores sheen to Mmk dull lifeless hair Akl I M Vmlh Prevents frayed ends. W^aftSS in 4. 8. 16 ftozs ~j£^ fl OZ. (1 PO HOVV VAIvA CAN HELP MKK'AkA AIPVARA fW»A»A M A vailable at all leading Chemists and Cosmetic Stores. Sola Agent:
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    • 624 12 ADVERTISEMENT Mother and Daughter can share the secret of complexion beauty £j^ y** M^p TODAY many attractive dudng glands slow down and With the dally care of OU are removed. Delph Cleans--1 Mums ore mistaken for a result dry naky P atch e s of Ulan moist oil blend many
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