The Straits Times, 5 December 1972

Total Pages: 32
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 26 1 CSIVSD I T^TOTAL DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 235,000 The Straits Times The National Newspaper Estd. 1845 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1972 20 CENTS M.C. (P) No. 3776
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  • Article, Illustration
    1175 1  -  T.F. HWANG and BEN DAVIDSON All found guilty in Gold Bars Triple Murder trial By Two to be detained at President's pleasure Handed back to police bullion that has gone up 50 pc in value SEVEN men were sentenced to death yesterday by the High Court in
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  • 34 1 OUATEM/LA CITY. Mon Honduran President Ramon Ernealo Crus wu toppled today by a military coup an<l army commander-in-chlef Oen. Oswaldo Lopes Aleelano iv appointed to replace him. radio report* said here. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 26 1 FORMER world heavyweight boxing champion Muhammad All has cancelled hl» planned exhibition tour of Asia and Australia later thlj month. (See Fate SI).
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  • 26 1 JAKARTA. Mon. A blindfolded super-m»rksm*n mtiafti nil target and shot dead hU partner before horrified spectator* at an acrobatic ahow south of JakarU. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • 69 1 Robinson's fire: Govt orders inquiry TVHE Government has ordered an Inquiry Into the Robinson's department store fire which claimed nine lives on Nov. 21. A High Court Judge will be appointed to head a commission of Inquiry. He will be assisted by two assessors. The commission will hold Its meetings
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  • 39 1 TOKYO. Mi A long. powerful earthquake shook Japanese Islands In the Pacific. Tokyo and its vicinity this evening, disrupting telephone lines, damaging roads and generating tidal waves. There were no reports of Injuries or casualties. AP.
    AP  -  39 words
  • 91 1 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. The Government Is to spend UMZ million next year an increase of $4«i million over the provision for this year As was expected, aecurlty and social services account for nearly half the total expenditure Education takes th* bit test slice $SU.S
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  • 482 1 Smiles of peace raise hopes PARIS. Monday THK long search for a Vietnam peace settlement drew to a close today as President Nixon's special envoy. Dr. Henry Kissinger, and Hanoi emissary Le Due Tho began what were believed to be final and conclusive negotiations. The chief negotiators met for two-and-a-half
    Reuter; AP; UPI  -  482 words
  • 29 1 MADRAS. Mon Visitors to the Tamil Nadu legislative assembly will have to take off their shoes in future after sandals were thrown during an argument on Saturday.
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    • 35 1 SALJBBIBV. Man. Prime Minister lan Smith announced today that he heped ta see a stew move toward a settlement early nest year between hla government and the British Government. AP.
      AP  -  35 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 209 1 A "Quick IhhW in Quick Tttm with AUTO POUSH anal CLEANBt Four die in pich'iip collision Pag* 15 UVENING ap a doll lesson Sesame Street style Pare 7 FLOODS cause traffic Jams 8 MEETING to discuss the future of Anzuk 9 RAZAK: China ties only with Asean's "yes" li SPECIAL
      209 words
    • 88 1 BARGflin POWER!! A Re/ounding as> W fa» m fa»-ss> f>ri a of rer ii wiii /\^y\ Heavy Duty yf Speaker GA 206 S«mi-*utom«tic turntable gk tmm^mmH FM pra-setect pane* RH 786:40 Watt tuner/amplifier An unbeatable, powerful sound system that offers first rate music reproduction from records and FM stereo, plus
      88 words
    • 15 1 For Clear Comfortable Consult- C.S. CHONG O.D. EYERBRIGHT OPTICAL CO. 19. CHULIA STREET, SINGAPORE 1
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    • Article, Illustration
      171 2 WASHINGTON, Mon. —Mr. Richard Helms is to step down as director of America's Central Intelligence Agency, a post be has held since INC, Informed sources said yesterday. The sources said it was believed that Mr. Helms, 59, was considering an offer by President Nixon of a new
      Reuter  -  171 words
    • 106 2 Australia steps up airport security measures QYDNEY, Mon. Tight O security meaJuris designed to combat hijacking, smuggling and Illegal entry of immigrants were introduced at Sydney's International airport yesterday. The Department of Civil Aviation, In conjunction with Customs and Immigration officials, Introduced the measures to ensure a firm control over
      Reuter  -  106 words
    • 320 2 The race is on for Mac's top party post SYDNEY, Monday. yHE race for leadership of the defeated Liberal Party is on although Mr. William McMahon has yet to indicate if he would quit the post or fight to retain it. In a television discussion on the party's coming internal
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    • 215 2 TrudeauHeath summit on EEC entry ONDON, Mon. Ca- nadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau today opened talks to convince Britain that Canada is a nation with individual needs and personality, rather than Just part of a North American ensemble. This was one of several points Mr. Trudeau was understood to be
      Reuter  -  215 words
    • 68 2 Swiss 'Yes' to C-Mart trade ties BERNE. Mon. The Swiss electorate voted solidly In support of their country's agreed trade relations with the European Common Market In a weekend referendum marked by an unusually high turnout. The Anal official result announced last night was 1.345.057 voted In favour and 509.350
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    • 107 2 DEIRUT. Mon. A number of Egyptian armed forces officers will be tried before secret military courts for their part In the unsuccessful coup attempt against President Sadat. Arab diplomatic sources said yesterday. The sources said the court's verdicts would not be made public.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 105 2 NOW! 17 FLIGHTS A WEEK TO HONGKONG! YLa Now, SIA gives you a choice of 17 flights a DIGQCSt A week to Hon s on T^ the biggest choice ChOICe We leave daily at "l^^^k fl A 8.45 am and 9am. JM A We also have flights leaving at 11am
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

    • 140 3 I ONDON, Mon. Char- He Chaplin, now 83, Is preparing to make another film. It wiU be called The Freak. He plans to direct it as well as play a small part. The leading roles. will go to two of his daughters. Josephine
      Reuter  -  140 words
    • 69 3 Food poisoning claims 11 victims LIMA, Mon. Eleven members of a peasant family have died in a double poisoning tragedy in a remote Andes mountain village, according to reports reaching here. Pour people, including three children, died after eating cakes contaminated by an insecticide. Three days later their relatives, unaware
      Reuter  -  69 words
    • 146 3 Losing their sleep over classes CEOUL, Mon. Most 13 middle and high school students here are losing sleep because their morning classes begin too i early, according to a recent survey. Some 87 per cent of students questioned in the survey, conducted by a high school here, replied that they
      Reuter  -  146 words
    • 423 3 LEADING GUERILLA FIGURES GO INTO HIDING DUBLIN. Monday! THE Irish Government, armed with new legal powers against guerilla activists, today seemed poised to launch a massive swoop on Irish Republican Army (IRA) suspects. Leading figures in the outlawed movement appeared to have already
      Reuter  -  423 words
    • 247 3 All clear on the labour front for Apollo fAPE KENNEDY, v Mon.— The Boeing Co. and 60 aerospace workers reached agreement on a contract last night and stopped a possible strike that could have delayed Wednesday's planned launch of Apollo 17 to the Moon. The decision was announced by Bernard
      AP  -  247 words
    • 57 3 ("•APE KENNEDY, Mun. For lunar module pilot "Jack" Schmitt Harrison it certainly is a nail-biting task —as he studies a photograph of the moon's surface. Schmitt, a geologist, will be the first scientist to make a moon landing. The Apollo 17 lunar mission Is
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    • 45 3 BUENOS AIRES. Won. Police and troops clashed with groups of youthful supporters of former Argentine President Juan Peron In suburban San Mlguei today. The national news agency. Telam. said H policemen were injured, one seriously, by missiles thrown by the demonstrators. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  45 words
    • 172 3 I ONDON. Mon. An opinion poll today described right wing Conservative parliamentarian Enoch Powell as the politician who best understands Britain's problems. Hie survey, conducted for a business group by a national opinion organisation and published in the Sunday Express, gave Mr. Powell a 29-per-cent
      Reuter  -  172 words
    • 196 3 DOME. Mon. Tomasso Buscetta, 43, alleged bos. of the "Brailllan Connection," arrived in handcuffs yesterday after being expelled from Braill Buscetta flew in with two Brazilian policemen and waa Immediately driven to the Queen of Heaven JalL He was expected to ho
      Reuter  -  196 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 72 3 Seagram^ V.O.Canadian., Itfc not like any whisky you've fSt ever tried. r|R It isn't Scotch. It's something different. $**yjpj V.O Canadian. Just a litte smoother. $Hf I And a touch lighter. a^M I than the whisky you've come to know and love? ,_H HI You'll never know unless you try
      72 words
    • 276 3 WEISEN-U DOUBLE ACTION RELIEF for STOMACH ULCERS and OTHK COMPLAINTS. I kmm m llijsgl WEISEN-U s main rappjpf 1 ingredient has undergone successful trials by many ■^^11^* leading Japanese Hospitals. SINGAPORE AND KUALA LUMPUR IUtO UJftH m£DKAICO.(I)PTt.ITD. CROP GROWS BETTER H THREE STAR BRAND ,n m PEAK STAR IMNDSr LOOKING
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    • 204 4 Marcos lifts curfew in the 'safe' districts MANILA, Mon. PreiTl sldent Marcos has ordered the lifting of a martial law curfew in some areas to permit a freer debate on the new Constitution prior to a Jan 15 plebiscite. A presidential spokesman said today the curfew will be lifted upon
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    • 69 4 MEW YORK, Mob. To prevent baldness men should avoid dally drinking, smoking excessively and emotional upheaval, according to a book published here today. Too much coffee and salt can also encourage baldness, columnist Maryloo McKenna wrote In her book, "Revitalise Yourself." Hanging one's head over
      Reuter  -  69 words
    • 150 4 TWO HELD OVER CINEMA BLAZE CBOUL, Mon. Police 3 today said a short circuit caused a fire which killed 52 people In Seoul's blgest theatre on Saturday night and then arested two technicians they alleged were responsible for the fault. The fire gutted the municipal-owned Citizen's Hall and left 53
      Reuter  -  150 words
    • 354 4 'A strange feeling' saves crash jet couple THEY CHANGED PLANS TO RETURN HOME AT THE LAST MINUTE JJONN, Mon. The Artmeiers were due to join 148 others on the ill-fated Spanish charter aircraft that crashed yesterday. But a "strange feeling" made Mrs Artmeier force her husband to change plans. They
      Reuter; UPI  -  354 words
    • 47 4 ROMI, Won. Another party was formed yesterday, making it the 50th In Italian politics The Proletarian Unity (PDUP). was set up by members of the now-defunct Social Proletariat Party (PBIUPI. which feU apart after losing ail Its 34 seats In the Chamber. AP.
      AP  -  47 words
    • 187 4 Tribes get ultimatum from Bhutto RAWALPINDI, Mon. Marauding tribesmen In Baluchistan province were given an ultimatum yesterday to hand over booty and hostages and withdraw from villages they have occupied by today. An official spokesman would not say what would happen If the tribesmen defied the ultimatum. But observers here
      Reuter  -  187 words
    • 45 4 NEW YORK. Mon. Rex Harrison, who has been absent from the Broadway stage since 1969, began rehearsals today at the Plymouth Theatre for a new production of Pirandello's Emperor Henry IV mieen Herlle will co-star with Harrison In the play. AP
      AP  -  45 words
    • 27 4 BURUT. lion. King Hussein of Jordan wUi visit the U.S. at the and of this month or at the beginning of the new year.
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    • 92 4 LONDON, Men ft popular BrltWi newspaper wm >r»f— ssotislry admonished today lor pubHshfaf drawings P«porttn, to sfaew A«*»Uan temnss star s Goolatoof in tha twsto. The Press Comnctl, Britaia's JiMiiiHHli watchdog body, ruled that publication of the drawings by the Sun newspaper h*4 been
      Reuter  -  92 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 230 4 YOUR l^mamA CHILDREN'S COUGHS.. GIVE IMMEDIATELY NYAL baby cough syrup ■"*]ta^ Pleasant tasting Nyal Baby jrm» Cough Syrup is specially BAB^^l^^^k formulated to give Gn^S^^G immediate relief of coughs I colds to children, safely I I effectively. For good family I tH*gS£s* I health, keep one bottle in "J£Z~\ iftSS
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    • 395 4 ui^mTm^TTm^^ r'u i i ,Vi including 5 days first class accommodation and all meals on board airconditioned ship to Hong Kong, 5 nights hotel accommodation with breakfasts at Hong Kong, economy airfare from Hong Kong, tours and transfers! Dep. Singapore: 26th January 1973 Arr. Singapore: sth February 1973 This is
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  • 185 5 110 miles off then Sally swerved KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. Typhoon Sally was a close shave probably the closest-ever experienced by Malaysia, Director-General of Meteorological Services, Mr. Ho Thong Yuen, said today. "From my experience," Mr. Ho said, "Malaysia has never been hit by a typhoon and many people were disappointed
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  • 54 5 THE Lions Club (Eaat) will hold a flinner at Shangri-La Hotel on Thursday at 8 p.m. in conjunction with the presentation of cheque* to the Samaritan* of Singapore and the Society (or Aid to the ParalysMr. Oeorge O. Thomson, a Nanyang University lecturer. will speak on the
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  • 82 5 AMf for Kamponr Kern Haji Mohamed Suradi, is to raise the question of serious boa accidents at the next sitting of Parliament He will ask the Communications Minister what measures the Government intend taking to cut down accidents. He wIU also ask the Minister
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  • 144 5 Girl kidnap case: Three being sent to Malaysia TWO Singapore men and a Malaysian woman are to be sent to Malaysia In connection with the alleged kidnap of a 13--year-old Malacca girl. They are Pey Ah Bah. 26. of West Coast Road and Eng Slak Yong. 30. of Lorong Asrama.
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  • 26 5 MR. Wan Pook Hoy has been appointed by the MinUter (or Finance to be Commiaaioner of Stamps as from Nov. 27 to Dec. 25
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 211 5 ESOTERICA tnaziDf f real ids Ti Clear Up Kleiiskes* -r ttaaaara outward ataielat aad Mac* r.aad», cavtarf ay w.oth.r and aaalact. rataaaa* fait. CSOTERICA ckm MB Htata tUrn caadWaaj wfcara affcar craant havt railad WKyf Bacaaaa ISOTERICA la aat a aavar.aa. aat a mtn lurfoc. trtafiaal. bat ataaVcafaa*. Ifi m.dcotien
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    • 192 5 PRE-CHRISTMfIS OFFER Savings on Wxld Famous Brands QTBHanttor'OpoHesJourrJan •Pierre Carrin up 40% oh Ladies' handbags. Invorted ihoas «k sandals, bras, party hose. J\ fj (J^OWUES JOURDM4 j 4k Get into this great shape... zhx onlys796ir Ford Capri. you'll discover how relaxing the and Jow centre of gravity. A beautiful fastback
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  • 171 6 'Stop land falling into foreign hands' warning JOHOBE BARI Mon. The Government should see that foreigners do not get control of land holdIngs In the country, chairman of the United Malay Chamber of Commerce, Tunku Raialeigh Hannah, said last night. He warned that If the land was controlled by foreigners
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  • 48 6 Dressmaking course THE Adult Education Board will organise two courses In dressmaking and in flower arrangement on Dec. 9 and Dec. 10 respectively at Its Mountbatten Centre In Dakota Crescent. Application forms are available liom centre or from the board > offices at Calrnhill Road and the Cultural Centre.
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  • 99 6 RAJA ON TOUR OF INDIA AND SRI LANKA rVJREION Minister. Mr. S. F Rajaratnam left last night on a 10-day tour of India and Sri Lanka. He will be in India until Dec. 11. While in Sri Lanka from Dec. 11 to 14 Mr. Rajaratnam will call on Sri Lanka
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  • 31 6 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. Schoolboy Loh Seng Yeng. 12. died In the district hospital here shortly after he was bitten by a cobra near his home in Kampong Basung.
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  • 178 6 K. LUMPUR, Mon. BOTH sides to the third round of the air talks between Malaysia and Britain expressed satisfaction at the end of their 90--mlnute discussions this evening. The talks will continue tomorrow at the conference room of the Communications Ministry
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  • 361 6 Blind man's report against lawyer Court told accident claim not paid K. LUMPUR. Mon. A BLIND MAN, Suleiman bin Jemain, complained to Mr. K.C. Vohrah, a former Federal Court senior assistant registrar, that his solicitor did not pay an insurance claim due him, the Sessions Court was told today. "Suleiman
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 385 6 PEACE CENTRE SINGAPORE'S FIRST SELF-CONTAINED SHOPPING/ OFFICE/ ENTERTAINMENT/ APARTMENT COMPLEX NOW OPEN For Lease/Sales Strategically bounded by Selegie and Sophia Roads, adjacent to the proposed Raffles International Centre. Ultra modern multi -level shopping arcades. Office space from 200 sq. ft. upwards. r"fc Spacious floor space ideal for Supermarket/Departmental mm j
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 90 6 SESAME STREET By gift Robert* 7nseg7fWyouHA^VEPYßkgEAßir\ 1 lU&?3k i guess tmatS so^ocAKme^Ry itl/ey Ooj" l»y I^.F. Hantlin ITS MO USE.«RLS/ COZ f OM,FINE.' WM*iT LET'S TRY FIGHT- I ["~T HKY.UM**! \NO WAV BL'STER' WERE T" "N S^ELTiifl^KPU^, V MOW?/ ING FIRE WITH Sfj HOW ABOUT ALL THROUGH COOKING 9 ELSE
      90 words

  • 280 7  -  JULIET DAVID By CESAME Street come alive? Well, there were Bobo the clown and his four famiful friends waiting eagerly for a trip down Sesame .Street in fine Singapore style. And with the "come hither" look In Bobo's eyes, who could resist?
    TAN WEE HIM; Tan Wee Him  -  280 words
  • 179 7 Just one bidder: 18-storey block goes for $1. 85m KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. For a suspense -filled moment today the fate of the 18-storey Fook Chuen mansions stood precariously In the balance. Wealthy towkays and business tycoons, who turned up for the auction of the buildings at the High Court, eyed
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  • 90 7 Group '0' blood stocks below average STOCKS of blood group "O" are below average level, according to the Singapore Blood Transfusion Service yesterday. Stocks for blood groups "A" "B" »r« however, above average Total number of blood donations last week was 1.003 units. while the number of transfusions given was
    90 words
  • 147 7 Two clerks appeal for return of passports r'O clerks are appealing for the return of documents which they lost recently. MS. VOW BIN LIANG, M. lost a leather cover containing hl.< Singapore International pawport No. *****50 71; birth certificate, some receipt* and two photograph* of his daughter, at a public
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  • 34 7 MINISTER for the Enrtronment and chairman of the Public UtlllUes Board, Mr. Urn Kirn San, will open the Water 1« Precious exhibition at the Victoria Memorial Hall on Saturday at 10 a.m.
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  • 20 7 TUB Government hM regl»-M-ed the new OokUn MUe Bhop(xnf Centre Merchant*' AjmcUUon In Beach Road under the Sivletles Act.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 63 7 MEET 'cats i TOUR SPORTS EQUIPMENT SALESMAN SPORTS EQUIPMENT -a new classified advertisements heading, created specially for you. Here's your chance to make some money out of your sports equipment golf sets etc. Now available at 50* per word and special discounts for series insertions For further details, call C.A.T.S.
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    • 252 7 CHANEL cmnowce IM°l9 Chanel announces its new perfume N° 19 The moreTay lor Wood row you use, the less it costs. Th* new pharmaceutical plant for Seecham Pharmaceuticals (Pte.) Ltd. in Singapore. The new semi-synthetic penicillin plant for the Beecham Group in Singapore is a prime example of the big
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  • 479 8  -  VICTOR NO and CHRISTINA CHEANG HUNDREDS WADE TO WORK ■y Radio warnings cut down the pile-ups HUNDREDS of workers were forced to wade through flood waters to their places of work when an BJ-hour storm flooded several low-lying areas in Singapore yesterday morning. The
    Kok Ah Chong  -  479 words
  • 32 8 THIRTY SIX people were fined between $30 and $5$ yesterday for littering bus stops, theatre lobbies, parks and public roads with paper and cigarette butts during the last fortnight.
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  • 18 8 BEREMBAN. Mon. Thirty Chinese yesterday became Muslim converts at a mass ceremony at the state mosque here
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 281 8 II II gm W gw 111 Ugm Get awa y- From 50 m 8 8 se M^J y \f|'|l| %rUM MJIMmJw conds. Standing start quarter-mile .^j W m in 17.7 seconds. Top speed 103 wm/\ £M^\m AAff m P n I"he Carina 1600 gets you I I |t" 111-" I
      281 words

  • 193 9  - Singer Freddie talks of his other love SHEN SWEE YONG I DOLYNEBIAN pop singer Freddie Tlfa flew In yesterday and talked to the press of his other love theology. For this big man he weighs 220 lb. is a son of a preacher. The Tahltian, who has a booming singing
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  • 130 9 SPECIAL TOTO XMAS DRAWS SINOAPORE Pools (Pte) Ltd. will hold eight special Christmas draws from Thursday to Dec. 31 (Draw No. 07/72 to Draw No. 104/72). The first four prizes, (baaed on six diglU). are a Chrysler 160OT; a Stmci 1100OL8; 23 Items of National Household Appliances an<! a double
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  • 34 9 ROAD sweeper Wong Chee Kit. 34. was Jailed for six months by a mag'strate's court yesterday, (or using criminal force to outrage thi 1 modesty of his lover s IS-vear-old daughter
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  • 499 9 TSE Tenants Compensation Board was yesterday urged to take into consideration, when making awards, that prosperity from the current building boom in Singapore should not be enjoyed by landlords alone at the expense of tenants and sub-tenants. The request was made
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  • 381 9  - Top-level meeting on the future of Anzuk P. M. RAMAN NO TROOP CUTS TILL END OF 1973 By SINGAPORE will be the venue for a series of top-level conferences in January-March next year to determine the future shape of the five power defence arrangement. For the next six to eight
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  • 34 9 TOT total membership of the Pioneer Industries Employee*' Union (PIEU) now stands at 15.100 It has branch** In 106 companies, most of which are situated In the Jurong Industrial Batate.
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  • 153 9 ABOUT 150 people have booked overseas telephone calls for the Christmas and New Year season. The Telecommunications Authority of Singapore spokesman who said this yesterday, added: "The response has been quite good since bookings opened on Friday. "But we expect a flood of bookings
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 123 9 BBB&> B^bl '^B^BV B¥bY '*R5 j^bTJ BmL BTBB^BB¥B¥^^B¥fl B¥bT Research ■fIUB« B HPL ipo Incorporatattha 17' baaa dri««r of acoustic tuapaneton dasifn. plus spacial 1H" mid-ranoa hamiapharical doma and X" hiah-f raquancy hamiapharical doma. Tha lattar two apaakars hava taparata level controls. Parformanca it of tha hifhast laval attainabla by
      123 words
    • 210 9 Switzerland offers you a present called 'Switzerland in the bag.' THIS PRESENT INCLUDES many gifts, A typical meal such as skating, ski rental, swimming, a M^" Free admission to museums city sightseeing tour, a souvenir, an excur- B3T Beer and wine sion, cultural and culinary adventures, and gj^ You can
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    • 448 10 Razak: China ties only if Asean says yes Kl'AI-A IXMPUR, Mon. Tun Abdul Razak reiterated today that Malaysia would set up diplomatic ties with China only after all other Asean countries have agreed on it. He said: "Although we plan to set up diplomatic relations with Peking, we must first
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    • 337 10 No five-power defence pact after neutralisation THK new labour Governments of New Zealand and Australia have In discuss their proposal to withdraw from the live-power defence arrangements with the other partners before they can opt out. Tun Abdul Razak said i this when replying to a supplementary question by Dr.
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    • 76 10 'Start stamp clubs in schools' call PARLIAMENTARY Secre- .<! tary (Communications). Mr. LJm Ouan Hoo, has urged all schools and community centres to set up stamp collecting groups to promote the hobby. Speaking at stamp exhibition at the Bukit Merah (North) community centre on Sunday, he said stamp collecting could
      76 words
    • 64 10 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon Members cf the cItU defence oorpt. may now be mobilised to carry out relief and rehabilitation work* during flood* or fires. A proposed amendment to the Civil Defence Ordinance wtll enable the Yang Dt-Pertu*n Agung to make an order to call out
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    • 218 10 Sardon: MAS teething troubles are over MAS operations are now very satisfactory and Its services comparable to those of other International airlines. Communications Minister Tan Sri Sardon said. It would serve no useful purpose, he added, to discuss the Ills which beset the airline during the early days of operation.
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    • 161 10 Banks in Malaysia must pay annual licence feet KUALA LIMPI R. Mon Banks operating In thr country are to pay annual licence fees to Bank Negara. This new provision is contained in the Banking Act, 1972. The bill seeks to replace the Banking Ordinance, 1958 now in force to make
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    • 288 11 COMMITTEE has been set up to work on a new concept of national service and a report is expected early next year. Tan Razak said this new concept of national service will not only meet the country's need for defence but will also
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    • 189 11 Aussie fund for major defence projects ■pHE money from the Australian Defence Aid Fund will be used to carry oat a number of major defence projects, the Deputy Defence Minister, Tengku Ahmad Rithauddeen, has disclosed. He told to Mr. Chan Fu King (DAP) that between July 1971 and June 1974.
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    • 78 11 42 scouts to tour Malaysia, Thailand FORTY-TWO youths of the Toa Payoh contingent of the Singapore Scouts' Association will leave here on Thursday for a fortnight's tour of West Malaysia and Thailand. Mr. Eric Cheong. MP for Toa Payoh waa at the presentation of colours ceremony at the Kuo Chuan
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    • 124 11 Parents bring in two escapees rO more escapees from Ulu Bedok Reformative Training Centre have surrendered, bringing the total number recaptured to 16. Ooh Kirn Seng, 18, and Ooh Kirn Lian, 17, were handed to the RTC on Sunday night by their parents. They are not related. The two were
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    • 101 11 SIA overseas staff at marketing conference COME 100 Singapore AlrkJ lines' overseas staff will take part In SlA's two-day marketing conference which opens at the Hyatt Hotel tomorrow. They Include area, station and sales managers and heads of staff from centres In Asia, Australia, Europe and America. The conference will
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    • 32 11 KOALA LUMPUR, lion. Tun Abdul Baaak has aant a congratulatory nataaaga to Mr. Oough Whltlam. Prime MlnlsUrelect of Australia, on the ■ueeaaa of his Labour Party In th« recant elections
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    • 150 11 PENANO, Mon. Chief Minister Dr. LJm Chong Eu was today accused of "deliberately" scheduling the meeting of the state assembly to coincide with Parliament sittings. "He wants to prevent assemblymen who are also MPs from discharging their duties and responsibilities
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 253 10 Introducing ASPERCREME the revolutionary answer to arthritic and muscular pain. sssssssssfll I 1 ASPERCfIEME I Easy to apply M Irfl Non 9 reas y liSfc -Pleasant smelling uj •Cooling •Will not stain iHkv •No burning rs^r sensation V I^7 Can be applied X^. __v^S^^ to grazed skin. Aspercreme contains a
      253 words
    • 105 10 FOR ACCOUNTANCY. COSTING. COMPANY SECRETARYSHIP. LAW. BANKING. MARKETING. EXPORT. HOTEL CATERING. ALSO G.C.E. (0 6 A LEVELS) and LONDON UNIVERSITY DEGREES 370,000 EXAN SUCCESSES which cannot be approached by any other tutorial institution, clearly reflects the effectiveness of Home Study Courses specially prepared to secure Professional Qualifications that Command Success.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 643 11 iSBS afal I sMSaRfiS? STILL TO REDUCE HUNDREDS OF* I THOUSANDS WORTH OF GOODS MUST DE CLEARED NOW I GENTS If M jjlf I MisMhiwm suit <**•" M.t.ri.l rf raw cna>«) M Psnala tost o.a tnaßsk Taiytam waal «•*> Tr^iaaf lit )0 Man's Carman impart.a iwl-mlnf I trunks and asriMsiaa
      643 words
    • 213 11 RssVaV *.4 hwwadsam describe tfebecwtyrfTmßngcnrpets. 'liiißng carpets are riiimi'iii.| beaiitijul in any lanQtag. TAIPtHC SINGAPORE CARPET *=p MANUFACTURER PTE. LTD. JllUad Showrroom BaNsUatslssl 12S, Tanglin Road. Singapore 10. Tel: *****1/2. §f AS SPEEWL i JflMl w Jc3 WEa*&* fr sVJkm lPsWHsw wim issvsm Fifej;QFFER A f«[ a **Wa4J^| A '^fc
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 242 11 Straits Times Crossword BaH sbDLI bHV bbH ***** ACROSS S. Relatively affecUonaU 4. It la denmtely not concrete 0. Relax— the w teh baa turned to take away upl (5) I. Hea been inside and la tome- Ir#^ r# m mmtm rf__ what itad to .ook back T St*^ K?pi"
      242 words

  • 252 12 Special needs of the working mothers mothers should be accorded special conditions to minimise the tension and conflicts involved in their dual roles. This call came from NTUC central committee member, Mr V. Jayakody, at the Asian regional seminar on labour Inspection In relation to the employment of women and
    252 words
  • 93 12 HOUSEWIFE FINED FOR ABUSING CONSTABLE HOUSEWIFE Urn Bong Chee, 37. wai fined $225 yesterday for abasing and poshing a police constable In Clemencean Avenue on Nov. 1. She pleaded guilty. The court heard that while PC Scow Hong Ccc and two others were on mobile patrol at the Junction of
    93 words
  • 83 12 MR. Francis C. Filial has been elected president of the Singapore Indian Association lor the year 1973/73. The other official* are: Mr. S. Natarajan (vice-president. > Mr. VJt Balakrtshna (gen. secretary): Mr. R. Swarnaro (treasurer); Mr. BaldhlraJ Singh (chairman, board of Kames) Mr. Harbhajan Singh Loomba (sec.
    AP  -  83 words
  • 37 12 ALOR STAR. Mon.— Singapore and Thailand have been Invited to attend the sixth annual Olrl Guide* seminar to be held here this month. The theme will be: -Voluntary service for the ptogiew of doty"
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 254 12 Direct from Hong Kong and Taiwan. It's that fabulous comedy, song and dance duo, Pete McKay and Romayne. Beginning December 4 you can hear Pete's dynamic voice singing in English and Mandarin. You'll laugh at their jokes and be amazed by Pete's great impersonations. It's great entertainment! At the Tiara.
      254 words
    • 32 12 Authentic Japanese cuisine prepared by Japanese Chefs f from Japan and served by Japanese Hostesses j TWKOKCI For Table Reservations I Tel ***** C "7 r r ~~>pj ff jft_ jffT* I
      32 words
    • 181 12 r CATHAY n CHANGE!^ > He it 16, but bit gin it a man-killing one! •^BSbslL£js?^» 20tk Ccatwy-Ffx PreaaU j! "DUST, j; SWEAT and I GUNPOWDER" Jj A RKMARDS t HELMbCK rHOPUCTKIW •J LUKE ASKEW BO HOPKie ■i JOMNMrUAM CfJOPFKVLCWB ■1 WMnCSUTHDUJN RAYMQteOCUTM 'b PVOT CUMR AWTHOKV JAMU > COUMBVCCLUur
      181 words
    • 245 12 JSPECIAL PRERELEASE PREVIEW!! I ORCHARD: Saturday 9th at 11.00 am. > Mm: il, Ht $1 (SOOK EABLY TO AVOIB DISAPPOrHTMINT) I 1 School Concession: $1 .00 TO ANY SEAT! s^SiX^ scnjmdrdilyumpHous! J?^ e^*^T ca»»ifa»eaor V. *V>. WmMJtSLV^ B^ Si FREE VAN HOUTEN CHOCOUTE SAMPLES To Every Ticket Holder By kind
      245 words
    • 657 12 WWSVWVWVWW^A%VdVA«. OBG. lATIQN j: ?lii« COLOSSAL WIKK 1 < STRrCTLV NO FRIE LIST >>OION: S SHOWS DAILY ll.pj. I.M. 4, 7.00 4 e.Jo.m Jwy 2 Shews: T.00tf.10,,. O»XNARO: S SHOWS DAILY I lla.. I.M. 4, 7.00 L MtM ijolden Horvni Prtt«nt» P.UCI Ul in -TMt WAY Of THI DRASON M.ot
      657 words

  • 211 13 Rain cuts death rate of fish at reservoir rpHU NDERSTORMS and 1 heavy rains have brought a sharp drop in the death rate of tilapia fish at Seletar Reservoir over the past two days, a PUB biologist. Mr. Yang Swee Lin. said yesterday. The tilapia (or Java flsln have been
    211 words
  • 391 13  - Towards a better life for the workers LEE SU SAN Upgrading standard of labour inspection By pLANS are afoot to upgrade the Labour Inspectorate of the Labour Ministry to tope with the growing sophistication and more advanced technology of local industries. This was disclosed yesterday by the head of the
    391 words
  • 38 13 EIGHT shopkeepers were fined a total of 52.450 for giving short wrixht to their customers last month, said a spokesman of the Weight and Measures Unit of the TraUr Division in the Ministry of Finance yesterday
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  • 120 13 ANOTHER 6,000 FLATS FOR QUEENSTOWN SOME b.m units of flats are expected to be completed next year at Queenstown's seventh residential district. The 90 -acre neighbourhood, considered by Housing and Development Board applicants as one of the most popular, will have four point-block five-room flats. About 3.350 three-room improved flats
    120 words
  • 78 13 Scholarships for 200 union children THE Singapore Industrial Labour Organisation (SILO) and the Pioneer Industries Employees' Union (PIEU) will award 200 scholarships for their members' children In primary and secondary schools for 1973. The scholarships, worth $50 each, are open to all children of union members with at least nine
    78 words
  • 66 13 THE Music Department of the University of Singapore will hold a concert at the Victoria Theatr» on Dec. 19 at 8 p.m. The concert will feature the university's Chamber Orchestra, Choir and Madrigal Singers comprising students. staff, graduates and a few guest artistes. Tickets at S3 and
    66 words
  • 33 13 SINOAPORE Tourist Promotion Board chairman Tan Sri Runme Shaw will open the Copper Kettle Coffee House. Oil's Grill, the Danish Bakery and Delicatessen at Shaw Centre on Thursday at 5.33 p.m.
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  • 261 13 Muslim Council's concern over drugs and hippism REFERENCE to drug ad diction and hippism was made in the 1971 report of the Majlis Ugarr a Islam Singapura, which has Just, been published In the Government Gazette. The problems Drought about by drug addiction and hippism were uppermost in the mind
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 135 13 GAIA PREMIERE TONITE 'And TOMORROW HUE I SoloißOßKing Bkow from 1( m m USA THEATRE RESTAURANT4NITECLU&SINCAPORE S 'HOME OF THE STARS' I Sthi6thDec.72.TWo KITES ONLY I book your table now M m TEL: *****3 '^M IjiiiUMinfMniTiTiTimi IM I National Theatre TICKETS *2 3.5. 8 and 12 SthDEC Bpm S Johnnie
      135 words
    • 238 13 ALUMINIUM AWNINGS VENETIAN BLINDS Consult specialist with 16 years experience MOONLIGHT COMPANY 309 Tanjong Kotong Rood, S'oore 15. Tel: *****8 *****1. Aluminium SUNtRIAKERS. AWNINGS and BLINDS to beautify your home, for piotection from sun and rain Teh *****9 *****1. MRoa^ tC^gUCCeSS-*--..was not that ea»j^ /SS* l *^k. •sr-"~*3«^ < t
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
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  • The Straits Times
    • 335 14 T\ESPITE some early spats at Helsinki, there are Indications that the preparatory meeting for a European security conference may not turn out to be an abortive exercise as the gloomy prophets predicted. Disputes over procedure have been amicably resolved, and even an incipient blow up between the Soviet
      335 words
    • 229 14 |T IS sad but true that as a nation grows more affluent the care of its aged becomes more of a problem than before. Industrialisation and urbanisation break up old familial relationships and life styles. The women in the family also go out to work and
      229 words
  • 401 14 rpOBONTO Education X authorities here have started a lone-term campaign to eliminate racial prejudice from school textbooks after an official survey that reported nearly a th'rd of prescribed texts contain racial or ethnic slurs Of 1.320 textbooks authorised for use in the Canadian province of Ontario,
    Reuter  -  401 words
  • 1685 14  - Coping with the ever increasing demand for water BILL CAMPBELL TAPPING RAIN THAT FALLS ABUNDANTLY By SECOND OF A THREE-PART SERIES IF Singapore could lap up to 25 or 35 per cent of the rain that falls in abundance over the island each year there would be no water problem,
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
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    • 103 14 nothing cuts like f^e hovercraft grass mowC MOW BO YOU CUT Jp mm* stop atoms? js> ft I—l MM* tt^J^ c* '/I MM. t*M»M, J- /jy I 9*l— wM cat how oo rou raw <2V how oo you cut ■itwiim vwm mtk aw <$\\ r**m» IfMSSt W«» mMI V At/f.^s'
      103 words

  • 160 15 Jail and rotan for assaulting a car washer PORMER contract 1 labourer Balaiah Elangkovan was Jailed for 18 months and ordered to be given two strokes of the rotan yesterday for assaulting a car washer. Balaiah, 21,. admitted causing hurt to Vasagan s/o Valthylingam Raj a gopal, 14. with another
    160 words
  • 33 15 MR. Ferenc Turi, has been appointed the new Hungarian Ambassador to Singapore. Mr. Turi. 51. who succeed* Dr. Peter Kos Is concurrently Ambassador tc India based In New Delhi.
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  • 46 15 IN the Sunday Tunes Thailand feature, the caption under the King's picture should have read: "His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand." The Thai Ambassador in Sincapore is Mr. Nibhon Wilalrat. The Sunday Times apologises to the King and his ambassador for the
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  • 103 15 A GREEK captain's wife had a shock when she saw a man wandering Inside her cabin, a district court heard yesterday. Sophia Coronlotls raised an alarm on seeing labourer Abdul Majld bin Abdullah. 21. Inside the cabin of the vessel, Anglta
    103 words
  • 64 15 JOHORE BARU, Mon Penglran M v d a Mohamed Bolklah. brother of the Sultan of Brunei, has been awarded the Serl Paduka Mahkou J oho re In the birthday honours list of the Sultan of Johcre A statement from the Mentrl Be&ar's Office today said the Raja
    64 words
  • 41 15 KUALA LUMFUR. Mon. Police have rescued 33 girls from hotels and underground brothel*. The ages of the girls range from 14 to 31 years. Most of them have been sent to the rehabilitation centre In Jalan Cheras.
    41 words
  • 44 15 THE Commissioner of St. John's Ambulance Brigade, Dr. B.R. Sa>ampan>than. and the district vice-president. Mr. Llm DJlt Sun. will five away prlae* to winner* of the lint Intercadet division table tennis tournament at 8t John Headquarters. Beach Road, on Sunday.
    44 words
  • 18 15 SINOAPORK Indian ChamL*r of Commerce will receive applications (or Us aecondaijr school trholarthlps up to Jan. 30.
    18 words
  • 306 15  - Three women and man killed by a pick-up RITA LOONG By 'J'HREE women and a man were killed after a pick-up went off the road and collided into a group of four pedestrians in Bukit Timah on Sunday night. The dead were three pedestrians and the driver of the Datsun
    306 words
  • 90 15 SALVAGE RIGHTS TO A FORTUNE IN MERCURY KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. A West German firm has acquired rights to salvage a fortune In mercury from the wreck of a sunken submarine off Penang Island. The mercury valued at about $2 million is believed to be still intact in the hold of
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  • 207 15 AMERICAN sinter SoloA mon King ("She Wears My Sing") was feeling on too of the world yesterday. For his Just-completed fiveweek tour of New Zealand was a hoc e success. "There were standinr ovations long before I had even finished and
    207 words
  • 226 15 SINGAPORE'S total trade in motor vehicles reached a record 490.2 million last year an increase of $101.0 million over the previous: year. This Is about 25.6 per cent rise of the 1970 figure of $397.6 million. Imports for 1971 totaled 1358.3 million
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  • 36 15 DR Toh Chin Chye. Minuter of Science and Technology and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Singapore, will be guest-of-honour at the University's Business Administration Society's annual dinner and dance at Hotel Equatorial on Saturday.
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  • 30 15 Watch your tap! WATER consumption on Sunday fell by 9.5 million gallons (43,188 cubic metres) from Saturday's 115.8 million gallons (526.438 cubsic metres) to 106.3 million gallons (483.250 cubic metres).
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 53 15 rv JNH^I Rw^flKHSMflivtHvSPMMP^WlHMflß^ MAOE IN GERMANY) a MIRACORD77OH l ~X A sophisticated ■■^■■fj^b fully automatic Xi IWr^9*s^ll La tumtabie with Bk ■MLblrm many exclusive M B features SotoAgsrtfc M. PRACER (PTE) LTD. MNGAFOCC I J» CECIL ST.. SINCAPORE 1 TEL ***** 70J 71 KUALA LUMTUK: 1M ALAN TUANKU AWMA. RAHMAN.
      53 words
    • 154 15 Tm Mci Ling hFJI ...and I enjoy B^Kifcß training at m% Secretarius!" JHKI "My friend Jackie recommended I v^^ <M Secretarius. She has just finished Hp^-^x l^/t her course there and found a good (Ik job as secretary in a big firm. R«R^"-»^** Jackie says she couldn't have done it
      154 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 786 15 On your TV and Radio 3.N PM Opening and Where The 1 35 Hogan's Heroei It's o>n»- S.M W^wnm^ndProgfamme i 7J3 The Partridge Family Heart Is mitt Summary 1.11 De Westerlies 1.21 For The Family (M) 7JS T J Spkt of Life (Mandarin $J4 Mv fo J-J JJJw* 3SO A
      786 words

    • 180 16 READING Peter Hodges' article "Farewell to Steam" In the Straits Times Annual makes me wonder if any attempt is being made to acquire one of these steam locomotives for preservation and exhibition at our Science Centre. It would be a
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    • 97 16 MY friends and I went to the National Museum last week to see an exhibition of Old Singapore. We were disappointed at the display which seemed to show that Singapore's history only began with the British colonialists. Our disappointment became greater when we found the exhibits on the ground floor
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    • 37 16 THE bus stop at the 12th mile Chua Chu Kang Read was recently demolished alter an accident. Till now it is still a heap of debris. Could the authorities erect a new bus stop? COMMUTER Singapore 24.
      37 words
    • 64 16 WE thank "Ambitious CiUiens" (ST.. Nov. 21). for tbeir interest in enrolling for a part-time coarse at the Singapore Technical Institute. At present, however, a part time day release course in refrigeration and air-conditioninc is not available. We shall consider starting such a course
      64 words
    • 487 16 SORRY LOT OF THE TECHNICAL TEACHER I AGREE with "Hopeful" (S.T. Dec. 1) that there Is a shortage of teachers for the subject electricity and electronics. However the excuse that the teacher does not have the confidence to teach the subject because he has only a pass in science at
      487 words
    • 48 16 I REFER to the letter headlined "Silence on request to metal Jalan Hock Chye" In (S.T.. Nov. 21). Since Jalan Hock Chye is often used by motorists, the appeal by the residents Is justifiable, and I feel that the PWD should heed the request. COMMON SENSE. Singapore IS.
      48 words
    • 49 16 I REFER to the letter by Robert Yew (B.T. Nov. 29). The writer Is assured that no student has been penalised for the slightly shorter width of material provided for 2nd Year Vocational Preparatory Class needlework practical examination CttAN CHING YONG, for Director, Adah Education Board.
      49 words
    • 164 16 ONLY THE PUBLIC CAN GET THAT LAW INTO ACTION REFER to the letter by "Animal Lover" (S.T., Nov. 28). There is a law against cruelty to animals, embodied in the Animals and Birds Act (1970) of Singapore. In brief, the law provides that anyone causing harm or pain to any
      164 words
    • 64 16 MY BROTHER and his class mates who were attending York Yenj High School wrre asked to pay $3 for the school magazine. Each pupil however received two copies. Since they paid $3 for the magazines, each copy must have cost $1.50. Why should the school authority make them pay for
      64 words
    • 182 16 WHY AIR MAIL TO WEST AUSTRALIA ARRIVES LATE REFER to the letter from "H orr 1 c Brown" (S.T., Nov. 17) published under the heading "Arriving 10 days later." Airmail for West Australia normally take up to two days to reach their destinations depending on the day and time of
      182 words
      • 710 16 Reformative training just the saying "Yes, Sir' Of discipline and the juvenile delinquent I REFER to the letter headlined "A mere 'yes' will not satisfy officer" by Dr. Joseph Tham, (S.T., Nov. 30). The basic principle in reformative training of juvenile delinquents is to stimulate within the Inmate the desire
        710 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 343 16 ECP4 .^L^^^iH ta^A .^^^f^^tl^^L. We al| rely on De Witt's. Indigestion? £d£i£S?l Stop it fast with fpSanl De Witt's Antacid Powder. ti^v^ A spoonful of De Witt's in water F Sffiß brings immediate relief. E»:.^.^j.^j De Witt's Antacid Wafers. ino^^qJV Always carry some of these £Ej^»~ S handy tablets with
      343 words
    • 7 16 JohimieWklker The World's Largest- Selling Scotch Whisky
      7 words

      • 32 17 Hi-m Vr»rnr» I Hiuih IC-MPH (rmpu iovran Irnta t 700 .90 t 8.&0 .40 9.90 40 t 3 80 .38 S 483 t 2 35 t fi I 2 70 JO
        32 words
      • 23 17 San Holdings 280.000 (iula Perak 121.000 City Dev. 119.000 Pan Electric 91.000 Total Turnover 2.84 M TotAl Value: V 87M
        23 words
      • 51 17 I HlUro $1020 —1.90 loxy t 850 60 louitrad f 6.45 .35 ietron S 460 JO LL-Krponf I 6.70 .30 .ulnnrw. 7.60 .01 Hit I 3 12 M 1 Tobacco f 6D0 J5 I. t G. t 7.00 .25 It N 8.50 .JO 1 F mill* I 3 80
        51 words
      • 38 17 Dae. 1 Dae. Maririah: Wilt Mii HM»ta tJJ.n J154J Proper Hm 4#4 .M 4## M Tim. 1J44» 114 41 rabWn: !MH * Dm. M. IMt b 1M 1 I>« 11. IMt 1M t Dw. It. IMt IN
        38 words
    • 1499 17 TKE latt transacted sail at the cloa* of bustnasa In Iht Singapore and Kuala Lumpur i riding rooms of the Stock Exi,snre yesterday compared with Hie previous day's price, toucher with the 1971 72 high and low i-AdJusUC for all new Usuasi:— mOUSTHIAL* „7i n ■-••< CLOSING TONE:
      1,499 words
    • 340 17 rt Stock Exchange ruled generally easier yesterday as operators leak a breather ie reappraise the situation. With the general feeling that recent trends had taken prices too high already, and the belief that the market is currently overbought, this paoae Is regarded as a healthy consolidation.
      340 words
    • 2167 17 DID snd offer prices officially 0 listed and business In and reported to the Singapore and Kuala Lumpur trading rwsaas <j! the Stork Exchange yesterday itfi the number of share* traded shown i:« bracket! In lots f 1.000 units unless otherwise •purified DIM STKIALB Acma 14 108) V
      2,167 words
    • 395 17 BRITISH Pr. THOLE I'M Net Income before transitional relief for third quarter 1972 was £14 3 million (£357) Group net Income £35 4m '£121 9m i before transitional relief for nine months ended September The company ta I d throughout the third quarter there wat a continuation
      395 words
    • Company news + comment
      • 665 17 Rights Issue of one-for-two made In August 1968. Itt cail 50 cents paid, tad call 50 cents paid January 1969. Private placement of 2 5 million 81 par shares at 25 cents premium. Issue of 17.499.993 shares of $1 par each at a 10-cent
        665 words
      • 275 17 Cycle Carriage turns in record results DRE-TAX profits Of 1 Cycle Carriage for the financial year ended September 1972 shot up 25.5 per cent to a record $1.73 million compared with $14.13 million last time. For shareholders there Is not only a 3 point Increase In dividend, but a welcome
        275 words
      • 317 17 Megan the way to profits \f EO A Chemicals appears well set to come out of the red. A maintenance of Its performance In the half year ended October should see the Klang based company wiping out all Its accumulated loss. Sales in the half year rose by a very
        317 words
    • 749 17 MALAYAN TOBACCO In the financial year ended September 1972 saw tradIng profits of the group fall to $22 88 million from $23 48 million In the previous year. The net profit of Malayan Tobacco, after providing for taxation and including dividends from Its subsidiary was $12 03 million
      749 words
    • 440 17 MALAYAN CEMENT: Preliminary results for the year ended November 1972 show a net pre-tax profit of $4.4 million before consolidation compared with $23 million tor the previous financial year. Chairman S.P. Wllley sayt results for the group as a whole have been further Improved by
      440 words
    • 170 17 TM Association of Banks In Ualavsla-Slngapore announced these 1 beat agreed merchant ratea as at Dae 4 L—ml waUan to sstt smtt SELLING Bl VIM. eT Fatwsjsi Cwrreswr TT ac OD TT OO 18 8 Stirling Pound Australian Dollar Canadian Dollar New Zealand Dollar Laaal Mkn I* IM
      170 words
    • 142 17 ASIA* enntncjr <Jepc*lt Ma (or Monday. Dae. 4: IS IMkr. (Mar Ma 7 <fem t i It ill* > atti i/i i/ie 1 artka l/l 1/M a arts* lit m* BUM 1/1 1/4 mih. 7/1* 1/1* 11 mltu I/I !/t «w m dm lariaatt* artMi) 1 mm
      142 words
      • 144 17 Straits tin remains static HPHE Straits tin price In Penang yesterday was unchanged at $608 per plcul on an official offering up 18 tons to 241 tons. LONDON: Tin reversed Its downturn to close last week £5 up for Cash and £4 -tor Three Months. Besides a certain amount of
        144 words
      • 23 17 DEC. R I'RBI ft: 10RM renU( up 75 cmli UN Sfi«S.N (wnchanged). Official offering I 241 tons (op II I tons).
        23 words
      • 91 17 i;"Hi%\% %"ur o ,!;,,I c ioiT c t zrx J2L ij?t»* i r vm c 1 **«<•': Munlok AST A WMM Ukk. IOC.; NLW SIVTI Mllm MM f...i,. gaa NLW »M7| Mtlvra. aar««ak IHclll Mam r.b at* NL w nw wrni. •"•"> ASTA black lit, IM'. NLW ***** tSWM*.
        91 words
      • 57 17 laturtfa, FtMar uss uss i-oaoo n—4 si jo n»ir\ii at. so at v ■Mas Kea* m.» *j n *»"r» Ctee»« *t.o»B at tea Pan* Claw* *t.T» a sec* il) tin Salt t rson Oi m7O m. to 111 Csaon pnr* la »o«-it«rlia* are*» la U.S. estsra ser euao.
        57 words
      • 102 17 OUTPUT of tin concentratet for the month of October 1972 by the following mines are: lokam 3221 \mtral Anil 1.458 Kyer Hit am 3.928 Berjuntal 5.747 Ctienderlang 401 3op?ng Consol. 3.881 Hongkong Tin IS Idrls Hydraulic 403 Kamuntlng 2.269 Kampong Lanjut 1.302 Kent 802 Kllllnthaii 1.455 Kramat
        102 words
      • 334 17 rvPENINO quotations In \J the rubber market yesterday were marked down fractionally on London advices but the market steadied In very quiet conditions aided by tome December Russian covering Inquiry The afternoon session wat a little more active with fair Interest developing for 1973 positions The market closed
        334 words
      • 100 17 TyAILY SMR prtoaa lanwd by the MaUytian Rubber Exch»n;t tJ and Rubber AnoctaUon of Singapore at noon yeitcrd*> Dee. Iw. K*mat Manthl i Forward M«uhl Btym Hellers lltijrm SeHeia CeM> per kf Teala (>er kf SMR 5CV H-looPaUeti IMOO *****N 101 00 10»0CN SMR 5L 1-ton Pallet) 107M
        100 words
      • 482 17 \f ELBOURNE. Mon Share 1T1 prlce* cloaad on a mixad note alter very quiet trading on the Melbourne Stock Exchange toda) Industrial rises outnumbrred (alii 72 to 44 in the lint trailing sssston swot the election of a Federal Labour OoTernnwot on Saturday Home builders improved and moat retailed
        482 words
      • 225 17 UONO KONO. Man. The market started the week on a staadjr note and ramained tlrm throughout the whole morning However. In the afternoon, pro-(lt-laklnf appeared resulting in price* fenaralljT retreating to the lowast level of the da; But Kill a auO number of share* were able to rvrord
        225 words
      • 40 17 Oa Ik* frM •I****** MUM ti Ho** Kaas ynlrr*) tfct U M> »v «»M si >Mtß tar T.T. «M t Hits tar MM. Ilimm «v IWHI «l II 14 aaa) m M il S*M »v wel* M
        40 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 675 18 l-NIVERSITI SAINS MALAYSIA JawaUn PraUdblran dan Aas Permohonan-permohonan adaUh dlpelawa darlpada warganegara MaUysU untuk JawaUn- Jawatan berlkut: I. PENOANALIBA SISTEM KANAN Kelayakan' Bagi JawaUn Kanan Penganallsa Sistem ml calun-calun mestllah mempunyai IJacah UnlversiU berserU dengan latihan dalam bldang sains komputer serta Juga mempunyal sekurang-kurangnya pengalaman selama lima Uhun dldalam bldang
      675 words
    • 757 18 -Continuedran atas arahan Pustakawan. Tlngkatan Oe,jl: Bagi jawatan 10 dan 11 1140 x S 166/Bekat*n Peperlksaan /M0 x IB MO/SekaUn Peperlksaan/ MO x 18 4JO/Bekatan Kecekapan/446 x 16 533 sebulan 12 USTAZ Kelarakan: Lulus sekurang-kurang darjah enam Bekolah aielajru serta sekuranf-kurangnya darjah tujuh darlpada Sekolah Ugama/ Arai> serta pengalaman mengajar
      757 words
    • 498 18 We require aa from 1.1.1973 for our new branch In Kota Bahru the following personnel:— 1) Sales Representative for Chemical and Pharmaceutical products with at least 3-5 years' experience In thla field, driving licence la necessary. 2) Sales Representative for Hardware and Technical products with a few years' experience. The
      498 words
    • 549 18 HEWLETT IM PACKARD SINGAPORE k M PTE.LTD. A SUBSIDIARY OF A MAJOJI AMERICAN ELECTRONICS COMPANY HAS IMMEDIATE CAREER OPENINGS FOR THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS:PROOUCTION MANAGEMENT RESPONSIBILITIES The production of electronic dßvta« In conformance to engineering specifications. QUALIFICATIONS Tertiary education, bacrwten degree in electrical or electronics or productton engineering, or a degree
      549 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 1336 19 CONTAIN EMI im H'burg A'wtrp Sinppori D'mark Brtta. Havri U.K. ■•(MEN EXPMSS IBM a Bk Mm MM II OK uVtIPMI UT 11 Bm It Jm 17 M II M IT M mo maru II Bm t Jm IM it Im 11 M «.«48U«6 EXPRESS a BM 14 M IS M
      1,336 words
    • 2006 19 LmW m m Mf mr^m^m^mmm^^Mm) J m mm m Mmmm Mmmm taV^Hkm IMw jB^B^MMk. w BL mmmw m w <^m J^mmW BLUESEAUNEI State«toStJTNtein2®dayB NltllMNTLr EXPRESS SERVICE IMfT NM ÜBT MNT OJJL Houston Balt/Fhil. N. York Parang S'aort P. Ktlani Djakarta MCNEnMM Oct IS Ott Oct 11 CM. 13 Bk 7
      2,006 words
    • 928 19 SIMM oro *****4, P. KaJtM, «341. X.L *****; PtMNf *****. THF BANK LDfE LTD. LOAK m I. S. AFIIU OUMOJJA (Mauritius. Reunion, Btin/L. Miroutl M* South Africa) P. Kilang la Pt/I Bk S'aort 7/11 BM RtVtaSAM (Bun/ L. MaraMi and South Africa) P. Kelang S'porf 11/11 Bm FMH EAST A
      928 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 1087 20 eSbshh I BMMMM»JMMII I M^^^ M^^^^^^^^^T ga KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA L/n>r KAWASAKI KINKAI USCM KAlSttt LTI. JAPAN, H. KONfi, STIAITS SERVICE. Sails Japan Hongkong ETAS-port ETAP.KaI*n SHINSd MARU Nt. 17 V.M 'J" SNIIEKAWAMARUV.iI »Ste 11 BM SNINUN MARU V. 21 11 SM II BM J«pam Persian Cull «arvi«« •JAMAICA MAIU
      1,087 words
    • 805 20 PlLH#Lllkti7l^^ ER cnto vsssajii mi. tm umtrmSailing SiMtatrt FBti faf. I ti Bm Ptajdg, O,iUrti, Fremantle, Bali. Ml I SJm BMCktt, Djakarta, P. Mediant 1 Freeuntle, Ball. *m. 1 INB Pmmb, Djakarta. Frtaattte, •nil. StJSfWIX/Csrtsi tonka i.». "lOTA PANMNfi" ".'/'mm, iJTih 'iviTtM Hm^ WtaatMt. UajtrtM tar pmmm par M.». "Mta
      805 words
    • 1000 20 &NEPTUNEORIENTUNESIID. Y^ CB BOILOING 2 SM€NTON WO.V SaNOA»OWt! 1 TEL 0tO«»3-7 U.K. IUKOfI MKVICI LOADING FOR LONDON, MAVRI, R'DAM. H'IURG, RRIMIN SiMMirt P. Ktlanf Pimm Arrrnit lEPTVNE AMBER 24/S BM 21/11 BM 1/ i JM. lilteo 27/1, LtMM 2/2. Htvrt, U'4Mt, H'ktfff, Aartae. lEPTUNE AMETNYST 4/ I JM 1/11 Jm
      1,000 words
    • 1004 20 fife SHIPPING CORPORATION BERHAD Na.9OC.jM. Awaaris. Kuatt Lwraayr I Th« National Shipping Une of Malaysia ama SEtncE to lonmn, liyiifooi/continent ports Tf. Mtfli Smgapori P. Kilang Pining LatdMg fan SBNSA TEIATAI 2/7 BM 1/11 BM 12/11 BM 17/11 Dm Bilbao 14,1 Lorxl-i 18 1 R'da* 23 1 A'werp 21/1 H'barg
      1,004 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 671 21 rll *0*T OP »IMQAF»«I AUTNO- Bvtr Olory, Ctutil Mrt Okktl RITV ANNOUNCED TMI FOLLOW ud Ttvoll L I HO •INTHINO ARRAMQIMINTS OUT I B/l Ajbtwnk and B/4 K*OFOM OIO. ihlunc Vlvtory OUT TrOBOb 10 Witt Ta*art V 2S PO^IT KLANfl mc Sit. l». Pmk tl W*. nkut V "V "4?"
      671 words
      596 words
    • 509 21 j48&2- MCGREGOR SERVICE STATION We have pleasure in advising that MacCregor has now become the sole distributor for Rivenaes Motor Cleaning System and is marketing this system worldwide. The supply of the Rivenaes Motor Cleaning Liquid in Singapore will be handled by MacCregor Service Station, Singapore. R. Jumabkoy *r Sons
      509 words
    • 1367 21 INVITATION TO TENDER Re: M.V. "NAN TAI" In pursuance of the order for sale of the above-captloned vessel aadt by th« Supreme Court or Hong Kong on the 20th day of September 1978 tenders are Invited for the purchase of the said vessel (a general description of which U set
      1,367 words

  • 99 22 DONALDSON, MILDRED ETTA beloved Wife of Stanley Oeorgs Donaldson (Don) of 80. Blnjal Park. B'pore 21 passed away peacefully Ist December. 1972 at Harley Street Clinic. London after a long Illness borne with courage and fortitude. Funeral Thursday. 7th December, noon arrangements by Messrs. J.H Ksnyoo. 43 Edgeware Road,
    99 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 506 22 CATS. \3733tlJ GRAND INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION (Floor Mslntsaanee Division) apecalls* In building maintenance. Carpet anarapoolng. polishing of marble, terra-no floor*, etc Tel: *****. Spore. TRACKING FORGERS Is an expert and scientific lob. Th* battle against counterfeiters, forged and false documents. swindles and fraud* Is told In NIW NATION today. Don't mis*
      506 words
    • 4651 22 classified advertisements GENERAL ADVERTISEMENTS /Sinxspore only: SO cents 6 wotd. Minimum 17.50 fot 15 words. 'EMALB TYPIST, CLIRK required by construction firm. PteaM reply giving particulars and non-returnable photograph to Box A ***** I.T. B'pore. WANTED EXPERIENCED MECHANICS and apprentice tor refrigeration service. Preferable with driving licence but not OSSSBtISI.
      4,651 words
    • 749 22 BUKIT TIMAH IM: Excellent facilities warehouse/storing yard. Beml Industrial land approx, 9 acres with 99 years lease. Ooing at very reasonable price with vacant possession. Immediate commencement, lntereeteil parties, plans* writ* to Box A ***** I.T. 8 pore. IP TNIS COLUMN HILPO you to decide what you should get for
      749 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 4069 23 classified advertisements ANNOUNCLMLNT/fERSONAL/ Stmspore only >1 s %»ffroid Minimum HO fof 20 wordt. (Cont. from Page 22) fULLY FURMIIHIO and alrcondltlon,4 executive rooms, boardroom with use of complete office equipment* »nd secretarial services available on a dally, weekly or monthly basis Tel *****1 Business A Office Bervicea. COLOIN MILI SHOPPINO
      4,069 words
    • 592 23 MULTI COLOUR X'mas Flwhll(h> Sett, loaal for X'mas Gifts and Horn* Decoration. Price S3. SO up per set alao Home Fountains and Vasts la many (resigns. Contact Katonf nowtjrshop. Telepbone Main ■hop *****1, *****2, People's Park Branch OTTOS CHRISTMAS •PPIRItI MM lltttrenle Cslewlater 03*0 00 Olytaata Ilsst Ctleulater o*oo.oo SwrUerlanel
      592 words
    • 261 23 CATS. J Tataphona mt*c« CNRISTMAS PRUINTI? IMTNICA- TSLY NANDCADVIO teak coffee tablet, chairs, mirror frame*. OM brass beds, jewellery chests Antlek Baiaar. US Orchard Road Opeo Sunday*. IDAHO NIW KIMWOOO KHTO7O, Akal XSOOOB aa4 Coral BXIMO. HKhest offer above $I.o*o/- secures Rlns 8 pore 4V53&3 Mary after 10.10 SICONOMANU AIRCOHDITIONtm
      261 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 952 24 classified mm* mJadverttsemart Is^ssmi -nfi A l Mauawai $7.50 10. I) word* ANNOLW I Ml NT/mtSONAL \jT&tlJ (Cont. from Page 23) CHIP MONO VIHICLII (8) Pte Ltd.. 49 Scotts Road. Singapore 9. T*l: *****3 *****1 offer 11*71 F. Cortina GT 1600. F. Cortina D/L 1300. F. Escort Super. 1970 F.
      952 words
    • 704 24 It 7» COLT OALANT OTO. ToyoU Ochca both with alrcondltloiMr and sports rims. Tel. *****1 Sport I«ee VOLpUWACIM WOO. Good condition asllMK M.OOO/- Ml «««"2 Spore teee fiat ccc czetiimt condition 12,100/- ono PhofM 5*377 B'por*. srivatl eUYIH rsqulrn I»7J Toyolk Corona l«00 or Maids Capslla with alreond. No dealers.
      704 words
    • 351 24 IU KEMPAS (MALAYA) BERNAD Notice to Shareholders Sal* of Eitotet NOTICE is hereby given that in accordance with the authority vested in the Directors at Extraordinary General Meetings of Tong Hing Plantations Berhod held on 3rd May, 1 972, and Ist December, 1972, agreements have been entered into for the
      351 words
    • 622 24 requires a qualified PHARMACIST to supervise Its Penang/Butterworth depot. working a 5-day week. Candidates will be Interviewed In Penang Please apply In confidence, giving FULL particulars of age, professional qualifications and working experience to: The Personnel Officer, Johnson ft Johnson Sdn. Bhd., P.O. Box 17, Petallnf Jay a. REQUmBS A
      622 words
    • 1232 24 fefda KENYATAAN TAWARAN BP. NO: 2t»/7t TENDER FOR THE SUPPLY. CONSTRUCTION AND COMPLETION OF OFFICE-CL'M-WEIGHBRIDGE BUILDING WORKSHOP-CUM-STORE. TOILET BLOCK FUEL SI OK I AND SLUDGE TRAP Tenders are Invited from FELDA'S t JENGKA. RegUtend Building Contractors tiw the above works at Jengka IV Palm Oil Mill district of Temerlch. Pahang
      1,232 words

    • 232 25 Ali's Asian tour called off fORMKR world heavyweight boxing champion Muhammad AH has cancelled his scheduled exhibition fights in Singapore and Malaysia later this month on doctor's advice. According to a Reuter report from Sydney, promoter Ed Sliver has stated that Muhammad All has called oil his tour of Asia
      232 words
    • 209 25 Clark sets fantastic pace in race round Britain LONDON, Mon. Ford "works" driver Roger Clark was setting a fan tastlc pace as competitors in the race round Britain automobile rally drove through the midlands today on their way to an overnight stop at York. By the time the cars had
      UPI  -  209 words
    • 54 25 FORT OF SPAIN. Mon Trinidad and Tobago drew 1-1 with Surinam In their Central American zone Group Six qualifying match for the 1974 World goccer Cup. Trinidad, who beat Surinam 2-1 In the first leg on Tuesday and scored victories over Antigua last mon h. won the
      54 words
    • 189 25  -  E. FRIDA By SINGAPORE Amateur Athletic Association coaches who have completed a five-weeks coaching clinic with the American track and field coach Mai Whltfleld, will sit for their practical and theory examinations at Sports House today. The 50 coaches were to have sat for
      189 words
    • 226 25 Queensland fail against spin attack ORISBANE, Mon. Queensland collapsed after lunch against a deadly Pakistan spin attack for the tourists to coast to a 163-run victory on the final day of their four-day cricket match here today. Queensland lost their last three wickets without adding to their score to be
      226 words
    • 152 25 SYDNEY. Mon— W ••tern Australia's fast bowling Twt star Dennis Lillee claimed two wickets In as many overs as New South Wales began chasing a> 325-iun victory target In their Sheffield Shield match here today. Lillee had New South Wales struggling at nine runs for only
      Reuter  -  152 words
    • 29 25 CAIRO. Hon.— Somalia beat Uginda 1-0 here today in their Group 6 qualifying match for the All-Africa soccer championship to be played In Lagos next January.— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  29 words
    • 252 25 Water-polo tour will help youth, says Chan By A. JOHNSON VI R. Chan Chee Seng. iT senior parliamentary secretary to the Ministry of Social Affairs, has expressed the hope that with scientific training Singapore will be able to produce an outstanding team of water-polo players in this region. In his
      252 words
    • 230 26 Schools name tour team MR. Karim Bagoo, manager -of the 35 member Schools' hockey team on a tour of India, was confident that the contingent will benefit tremendously from the three-week tour. He said yesterday: "Though we will be In India for only a short period, I am sure the
      230 words
    • 202 26 By Peter Scow THE Singapore Table Tennis Association is appealing to all 65 constituencies to help popularise the game by taking part in the inaugural Inter Constituency championships next year. STTA expect a good response as unlike other sports most Constituencies have a table-tennis
      202 words
    • 36 26 LONDON, Mon. Keith Murdoch, New Zealand's huge prop forward, has been sent home by the tooting team's management following an hotel incident after the All-Black* 19-16 Rugby Union victory over Wales on Saturday.
      36 words
    • 258 26  -  JOE DORAI By DYNAAIO Tibilissi, the third best soccer team in the Soviet Union, arrived on Sunday night with a promise of a "surprise packet" in their opening match against Singapore Selection on Friday at Jalan Besar stadium. At a Press conference yesterday assistant manager H.
      258 words
    • 229 26 Our methods differ from European teams: Chipashvili "This may be because of their new British coach or a greater interest in soccer here. And we are anxiously looking forward to nee the change. "Our team may appear strong on paper but 1 think Singapore and my team are of equal
      229 words
    • 60 26 HONOLULU. Mon. Esteban Dejecua of Puerto Rico was named "Boxer of the Month (or November yesterday by the World Boxing Association Dejesus, who •cored a stunning upset over lightweight champion Roberto Ouran In non-title match, also was moved up to No 2 spot In the ratings.
      60 words
    • 223 26 SI N GA P O BE Rugby Union yesterday decided not to levy any charges for the South sone Malaya Cap rugby match between Singapore Civilians and Necri Sembilan on the psvdanx this Saturday, reports GODFRET ROBERT. SRI' president Mas Mohammed Shah said:
      223 words
    • 364 26 Sportsletters Last minute bid to save diving commendable ris gratifying to know that at this eleventh hour before SEAP Games 1973 everyone is pitching in to help upgrade the standard of sports in Singapore. Or. Chan Ah Kow and Mr. Woon Sul Kut deserve full credit for getting Dick Smith
      364 words
    • 88 26 MALACCA. Mon. Malacca outplayed Singapore to win 4-0 In the boys inter-prlmary schools hockey match at the Malacca club ground today. Skipper Wong Slew Pong who spearheaded Malacca's attack, capped a fine performance with a hattrlck. The other goal was scored) by Soh Kw.\n Cheng Malacca led
      88 words
    • 252 26  - Surandi nets winner for Persija Youths GODFREY ROBERT By SURANDI produced the winning nod as Persija Youths of Indonesia edged Singapore Schools 1-0 In their first tour soccer match at Jalan Besar stadium yesterday. But the Jakarta youth champions were not at all impressive. They laboured against a raw Schools
      252 words
    • 190 27 What the word amateur means: USAAU i/ANSAS CITY. Mon. The board of governors of the U.S. Amateur Athletic Union passed a resolution yesterday denning an amateur as an athlete who becomes a professional only If he receives money for actual competition In a sport. The board called on the U.S.
      UPI  -  190 words
    • 119 27 DARES-SALAAM. Mon. Veteran Olympic gold medallist Kip I|;lno underlined Kenya's supremacy at the East and Central African athletics championships when he won the 800 m. Kclno. whose Olympic victories have been at 1,500 m and the 3.000 m steeplechase, had no trouble switching to the two-lap event,
      119 words
    • 28 27 ADDIS ABABA. Mon—Ethiopia and Tanzania yesterday played a 0-0 draw In their return World Cup soccer qualifying match here and will meet In a playoff. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  28 words
    • Article, Illustration
      829 27 VyEIGHTS for the Kuala Lumpur races this weekend: SATURDAY CL 3 DIV 3— F Prench Court 9.00 Hot Metal 8.10 Solcitoml 8.10 West Wind 8.08 Sugar Daddy 8.07 Hot Cargo 807 Wlsnu II 8.06 Champa Elysees 6.06 No Sweat 8.06 Kita Suka II 8.06 BkipoU 8 05 Astonish
      829 words
    • 417 27  -  EPSOM JEEP By QENEROUS BID established himself as a strong contender for the lOf Penang Gold Cup when he carried 9.0 to a stylish win in the Class 1 Div. 2 3f race at Bukit Timah on Sunday. A six-year-old English gelding by Darling Boy, Generous
      417 words
    • 696 27 APPRENTICE jockey Davld Kwong has been suspended by the MRA Stewards from riding In races lor a month as from Dec. 2 for careless riding of Kowloon Merchant In Race 3 at Buklt Tlmah last Saturday. The Stipendiary Steward's report follows: SATURDAY RACE 1: Jockey L. Johnson
      696 words
    • 55 27 ZIKUCH. Mon— Roy Schuyten of Holland set an amateur World Indoor cycling record for 4.000 m by clocking 4:63.52 here. His feat came 18 minutes after Swiss Olympic silver medal winner Kurmann had teen t mcd at 4:69.40. beating Bchuyiens previous World best time of 6:00.00. set
      Reuter  -  55 words
    • 41 27 JAKARTA. Mon. Thai shooters won lo gold medals and four slivers at the close of the South-Bast Asian shooting championships here today Indonesia collected six golds, 10 silvers and two bronsss. Malaysia were third with 3-3-1. UPI.
      UPI  -  41 words
    • 173 27 Disney win gives Nicklaus record earnings MIAMI, Mon. Jack Nicklaus became the first golfer in history to win more than ISS3OO,WO In a year when he took the Walt Disney World Open championship by nine strokes at Orlando yesterday. Nicklaus. who equalled the course record with an elght-under-par 64 In
      173 words
    • 393 27 Soccer chaos in France as players go on strike PARIS, Mon. PARIS, Mon. Confusion reigned on soccer pitches throughout France yesterday as the country's 400 professional players staged an unprecedented strike. Half of the First Division matches were cancelled but in Division Two, where many teams are amateur, matches went
      Reuter  -  393 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 629 25 HOTEL AND CATERING TRAINING SCHOOL TECHNICAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT MINIBTST OF EDUCATION, SING/. POKE Applications are invited from Singapore CrOatna for the following courses: A) Coarse Hotel Front Office AslmlnlotraUon Middle Technical Supervisory I*vel Period of Training 9 weeks (Block Release) 180 hours 9.00 a.m. 1.00 p.m. Mondays to Fridays Entry
      629 words
    • 724 25 CTCUB CARRIAGE LIMITED ANNOUNCEMENT OP RESULTS. FINAL DIVIDEND AND BONUS ISSUE The Directors of Cycle ft Carriage Limited have decided to ro- commend final dividend of 16% on the issued ordinary capital o.' the Company payable on 9th January 1973. Together with the nterlm dividend of 7% the distribution for
      724 words
    • 144 25 BKKJUNTAI TIN DKUMiING BERHAD (Incorporated in Malaysia) NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVSN that an Interim dividend, tha fifty-eighth, of fifty cents (60 cts) par share, less income tax at the rate of forty par cent, has been declared due and payable to shareholders on the register on the 30th December. 1871.
      144 words
    • 54 25 \JB™^ This attractive bell-shaped miniature. With every quart Wm*~^' s m Wh s < y y OO during 4 1 this festive season m m Whilst tocks last. Knißa irQ vfcotch iflJ K Ad s> sQMA ad wmJsljZl I DEI l€ 1^ IDLLLuI Jj^""2 I SCOTCH tWWWHV I Bk^ -^3
      54 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 90 26 jßli I I MISSION TO I I THE MOON: I I APOLLO 17 I I SPECIAL I Apollo 17 is about to- blast off for the moon. Today >a t>^^^P b^bl New Nation brings all f_ the latest news on the l*^^ o^. H ni(M)n-landing mission plus \^V ~*^HwRV a
      90 words
    • 105 26 PRICE: $10.00 AND UPWARDS. v| ESr Other gift items are also avail- BbV able. Lucky Dipt for children. T _I9LP^" J^H A *TF m||ahß VsW^B^B^^^E BBBS^L tm fe *tß <*^ «m ,^^Bflßh i m a.^X^%j m. tJb Vfßa^A^B^^KsilTA^Bißß Sk tV Jfc ILstti Mm LVs^bKb^b^LW MH^fl XT bWK T-M «iyr «-riH^
      105 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 277 27 Out now! StraitsTintes Annual *73 with page after vage of lavishly illustrated pictures Jand exotic colours! A i\ The many r«f mhing f scan of children's art k A royal visit to remember .^^g^g^ll /^K^SS^^^Sr^^S^Zt Quaen Elizabeth's eventful 20 day .^g^g^gl g^t^gfe loioorn in Malaysia and S>ng*oort fl HMj i^^^^
      277 words

  • 308 28  - Mr. Lee to resume talks with British officials LESLIE FONG By London, Monday MR. LEE Kuan Yew will resume talks with British ministers on Singapore's trade relations with the enlarged European Economic Co mm unity and with defence chiefs on security matters from tomorrow. He returns to London tonight after
    308 words
  • 41 28 KNEE-DEEP AT FARRER PARK FARRER Park football ground under knee high flood waters during the BJ-hour storm yesterday. The ground floors of several houses fringing the playground, a traditionally flood prone area, were also flooded. Another picture and report in Page
    41 words
  • 51 28 MANILA. Mon. Another IS political detainee* were released today, bringing to 30 the number of martial law prisoners freed since Friday. The group released today Included six newsmen, three Constitutional Convention delegates, three municipal mayors, two government prosecutors and a radical student leader. AP. (See Page
    AP  -  51 words
  • 23 28 MADRID. Mon. The Spanish Head of State. Gen. Francisco Franco, celebrated hb SOth birthday quietly today with hla family. AP.
    AP  -  23 words
  • 436 28 CANBERRA Mon. DV THE New Tear, Australia's new Labour Government hopes to have an emembassy In Peking. reliable sources said yesterday. The Labour Government is expected to send a mission to China almost immediately to begin negotiations for normal relations between the two
    Reuter  -  436 words
  • 127 28 Many of 100,000 aliens hit by Thai job clamp BANGKOK, Monday MANY of the 100,000 aliens now working In Thailand will be affected by the proposed laws to control alien occupation, the deputy director of national security of the National Executive Council, Mr. Thawll Sunthornsaratool, said yesterday. I An Aliens
    Bernama  -  127 words
  • 71 28 TS. AVIV. Mon. Oommuni atlons technicians today ended »npor»rtly a five-day strike .m bltnked television set* and disrupted telephone services, mt walked off their Jobs before moat Israelis knew tne wildcat strike had ended The workers came to an agreement with the labour union to
    AP  -  71 words
  • 48 28 LONDON. Moo. A row has developed In Britain over the Injection of a Cham teal solution and water Into poultry which. producers claim. Improve* the tasto of chicken* Critics accuse the producers of boosting prices by adding to the weight of ready-to-cook poultry. R«ut«r.
    48 words
  • 86 28 De aths torn. CMMO Kiew MV pan* away ••awfully oa «.11.T». lwvta« tehloa kttovaa buabaaa Ha Ton* Thura. ««<U*tm SMk a<k Ttmi. Saab Kwi r*B*. Ma May W*m. aoa eaaa Moat a*m. MM-tB-law Ua OMai nut. DavM Ua aaa graaaantldw to BKMra bar laa*. Ctrtaga taa«aa l. Bh ku innt
    86 words
  • 104 28 LONDON, Mon. Turnover boomed on the Stock Exchange in November and climbed by £1.000 million to bit £4.150 million in the month, market statistics showed today. This was the best performance since June. Most of the upsurge came from a bi» trading boost in
    104 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 42 28 rsprsr? E ip ||ci This compact Rollei I ElsBisFßEE :^^^^^^^m9|^HH^H|t With every Rollei camera 'Je^Sy^ ■y-"-^^^Bffi»BßKii or P ro J ec tor you buy. ■^j^'fp&k^ i ff^^!l^§^^W Only while stocks last! Rollei dealers. SINGAPORE I IIV EfJ 13m PRICE r:^'^'''•^^^wfmuU mm.HM mrnvmn
      42 words
    • 1 28 [jOword»s2OoWntnimum^
      1 words
    • 29 28 Model 25 "lttmiz«r C J 'Repeat Multiplier for Multl-«l« ■> "OpacHy: 9999.99 'Automatic change indicator 'Discount ■■■■■■HHHHuiH the world's finest manufacturer of photographic materials and equipment -<fe>». A<PA FILM bm
      29 words
  • Page 28 Miscellaneous

  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 103 1 B i^& B^^ .^.••'f»Ri.-v"^ b^bV. .^b^Bh b^b^b^b^ > Attractqß^ airtight/ llCAflll b^bVbV fIHSELp b^b^bSP^ B^hi b^hi b^hi j^bUBI B^B^Bj^ B^B^bl^B^bV *-^b1 B^B^B^Bhßh^^ HVJBBBBBBBBBB^^^m 14oz.tin of C tine I^^IJI B^B^B^B^B^Bm P y t iBEFy j t*?* BBBR"? t > ,iTr^°*' ***** M Bfll v HRP^'Zlis^dßl You'll get one of these attractive
      103 words

  • Unknown
      • 81 2 WOMEN'S outerwear proved the most profitable section of Britain's clothing industry in 1970-71 and displaced children's wear from top position, figures from the National Economic Development Office, (NEDO) London, showed recently. Average profitability of the women's outerwear croup was 13.3 per cent and that for children's wear
        81 words
      • 664 2 TILES to decorate or beautify the home is now the talking point. While floors have had their share of attention, the spotlight is on wall tiles. Decorative ceramic tiles are finding their way Into more and more homes In Singapore. Into the kitchen and bathrooms mainly. But
        664 words
      • 600 2 EVERY country that celebrates Christmas has Its own special cookies and traditions to go with them. An old Danish custom calls (or all visitors to taste a household's Christmas cookies so they won't carry the holiday spirit away when they leave. Greeks offer dried fruit, roasted
        600 words
      • 80 2 DON'T PUSH DRINKS QONT push drinks on guests ot holiday or any party time. After serving the first drink, let the guests determine when they want a refill. Another bad habit of some hosts spending the evening "freshening up" drinks already in guests' hands. And the very worst habit of
        80 words
      • 374 3 "ASIAN women **-have not yet acquired the love for pastries," said Mr. Helmut Telle, Chef Pattisier of the Mandarin Hotel. That leaves a lot of Mr Telle's hard labours unrewarded. He is sorry to see that Asian women tend to steer off delicious patries for
        374 words
      • 146 3 Money is all important for working wife THE primary reason women work, a University of Michigan study showed recently, is the same as it was 1 5 years ago money. Not challenge or "fulfillment" or to escape boredom at home. Just money. Money was the principal reason for working cited
        146 words
      • 923 3 least 500 babies due to be born today, with every chance of living long and healthy lives, would probably have lived less than 24 hours had they been born five years ago. They are the "high risk" babies premature, underweight or born with major
        923 words
      • 325 3 EILEEN Seah believes that It Is always the personal touch that counts. The touch that sparks off a channel of communication between two individuals and creates an Interest. To her, this is very important because she has been in sales work for
        325 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 648 2 ADVERTISEMENT Mother and Daughter can share the secret of complexion beauty Ii^^mI I v tb^^^^bm j_ J^F ."V 3f< b^bV mk**^ jd^^Halil^, v TODAY, many attractive dudng glands slow down and With the dally care of CHI are removed. Delph Cleans1 Mums ore mistaken for a r sult dry flaky
        648 words
      • 262 2 f ftW YOU SHOULD KNOW! o :j>^^jj*»^. :|WB^:v«^V;::.;.;. >:x^:^|H|B N r S»L Drugs Facts on their Use and Abuse ■I HB^^l il. An invaluable book for every teenager today, 'f jSE giving the hows, whys and wherefores ot this growing menace. The reasoned approach to topics i^BA /w¥ A llke
        262 words
    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 78 3 V It t! liniflßßk I Si SB b^^^^^^^^^^^H ~s\ Law ■WB OUTRIE (PTE) LTD /^^L^U_JUJ__^| SSutSS SMGATOK X I IPOH KMK IWUCCA I^l Bl rxckAjiuji Bto^Rl^r* M^j&^l bcx^V Lotion 3jT .'i***^M LbV^R body Frictlor !i Law 4>V bath ►Aj i a 'v. fl '-gUM Concentrate Ht)L'^/^9 V Soap and *W>/f^k
        78 words
      • 100 3 f M M afl ..w^fli Jb^BBT IB^BB^^ '^wS^ m flV^^ft 1 JbbV^bb^b^bb^bT f .aflßl bb^b^bW w^m Mm fIH aali W sis '"■■■r^ .fIU o^ n.^nn NAIL BEAUTY BY J— L» LJ LANCOME p^nn Exquisite beauty for your Is^bbW mmm^J nails beauty that lasts in brilliant new shades to give delicate
        100 words
    • 2069 4  - Private file on the new James Bond ROBERT HIRST ROGER MOORE, the new James Bond. is a superstar of the 'seventies. He exudes welhbred wealth. But he has also washed dishes to earn some cash... By TIIKKK is no plaque outside No. 3 Aldebert Terrace, just off the Cbphan Road,
      2,069 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 109 4 SSSSbbb 'aaaf f JSr a# RfccNiT ™^m I as Wr I aw r*** The Seiko Quartz Watch Accurate to within O.iftsecond a day. AwaAeat the following HLlClMoni IJMMNmI M/> KIM)* Loo* Hwnf MM* DboShMCmn »n«llii Bb%»* G 27 Ormnd Flaw Baa* (Growth Floor) Co4#twon StrVM ■Vq.^ M/i Kok HMf Co
        109 words
      • 5 4 To be continued on Friday
        5 words