The Straits Times, 25 May 1972

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 24 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 225.000 1?» National Newspapei* The Straits Times Estd IMS THURSDAY. MAT 25, 1f72 M CENTS M.C. (P) No. 377.
    24 words
  • 876 1 Marines in D-Day style strike HUE. Wednesday SOUTH Vietnam stepped up the pace of its counter-offensive today, with a daring three-pronged thrust into com-munist-held Quang Tri province. North Vietnamese troops were reported to Ik. 1 retrc;«tintf in their hundreds after putting up ficnc resistance ;tg:iinst
    Reuter; NYT; UPI  -  876 words
  • 138 1 Thieu imposes new taxes to aid troops SAIGON. Wed. A martial law decree today imposed a wide range of new taxes which will raise monrv for frontline troops and war victim* The decree was madr by Prime Minister Tranthien Khiem. whose office also issued communiques rxpUining how the funds I
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  • 41 1 TOKYO. Wed Prime Minister Euaku Sato said today the People's Republic of China Is the sole legitimate government of China, but that Japan is not yet ready to abrogate Its World War Two peace treaty with Taiwan t{PI.
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  • 30 1 JAKARTA. Wed Foreign Minister Adam Malik denied today report In an army-con-trolled newspaper that the Soviet Embassy here was trying to revive the banned Indonesian Communist Party Heuter.
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 29 1 TOKYO. Wed White House security adviser Dr. Henry Kissinger will visit Japan during the first 10 days of June, the financial newspaper Ninon Keixai said today UPI.
    UPI  -  29 words
  • 646 1 Toast— heres to the future... Big-two accord on two more pacts MOSCOW, Wed PRESIDENT Nixon and General Secretary Leonid I. Brezhnev of the Soviet Communist Party today added treaties on Joint space flight and scientific co- operation to their growing portfolio of Moscow summit successes. The two leaders scheduled a
    UPI  -  646 words
  • 127 1 24 die in pier blaze JAKARTA, Wed. A fire swept over a small pier In Jakarta's Tanjong Prlok harbour early today, burning to death at least 24 people and leaving 38 others with serious burns. More than 15 small boats, mostly made of wood, and two ferry-boats owned by the
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  • 40 1 BALTIMORE. Maryland I Wed. Arthur Bremer. 31. pleaded innocent today In a U.S. district court to federal charges in the May 15 shooting ot Alabama Oovernor George Wallace and three other people at a political rally. AP.
    AP  -  40 words
  • 72 1 SYDNEY, Wed— The Indian Deputy High Commissioner to Australia. Mr. J Barua, struck a photographer and wrested a camera from another in a wild melee today at Mascot airport, where he was seeing off his 24-year-old son. Customs officers said Jawahar Barua tried to smuggle hashish worth
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  • 59 1 SAUSBIKV, We*. A Honth African B«etag TtT air liner hijacked to HaltollMj by two «rmrd wn rarlier today took eft from her* thU alUr noon paraurd by a an**rT» jet bomber ef the Bketfcetan Air Ferec and apparrntly bradinc for MadatW" Th< hijackers ar. boHUac tke
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 152 1 WHAT All TUtfOCALS? fHWUHUMB I U— _>■ *m. f— f* J**** TmHTtmTZL** turn le If m Bim 4.J.J aa »«vfc* svsr *4 TsWtaii ••> aaSa n.i tyu teal "wmtm w unci its* DAH SIN OPTICAL HOUSE Mirny* nr Timing optician JIS. Mw* ftntf** iMi. tlnnm 7. TchfiMM: *****. MINES BEING
      152 words
    • 52 1 Heed Murder Trial PAGE 4 MAKE love to lose weight? It's a myth 5 FORD unveils its Asian car WORLD NEWS 2. 3 WAGES: Bosses, unions seek further clarifications 8 LAWYER on speeding charge 11 GIRL tells of bid to rescue hostage 13 CROSSWORD 4 LETTERS TV. RADIO 13 SPORTS
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    • 38 1 I your Japan discovery schedule mon, tue, da "V wed,fri,sat 9.40 a.m. 11. 30 a.m. via via Bangkok Hong Kong Hong Kong fly Hong Kong's discovery airline CATHAY PACIFIC Rarnayana Btdq 46-47 Robinson Rd., Singapore, 1. ML *****
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    • 255 2 RHODE ISLAND PRIMARY TO McGOVERN A YORK. Wed Anti-war c%mp&igner Sen McGovern won the Rhode Island Demopresidential primary election yes.ty and looked set for victory in Oregon, giving him added momentum to take the crucial California primary on June 6 Sen McOovern had an etuty wlr. in Rhode Island without
      Reuter  -  255 words
    • 45 2 MIAH'O CITY Wed A businessman payed Russian roulette with a loaded revolver in front of inn girls and lust He loaded me bullet into the revolver, pointed it at his head and killed himself. the fifth time be pressed the trigger Reuter
      Reuter  -  45 words
    • 164 2 Scientists trigger off blasts on moon HOUSTON. Wed. Scientists detonated three small explosions on the moon yesterday and produced unexpected results Shock wa\e» caused showed tha. the topaoll at thy D'scartes highlands visited by Apollo 16 last month 1* at least twice as dee.j as anyone had predlc -d certainly
      Reuter  -  164 words
    • 455 2 WAR SUPPLIES NOT AFFECTED' PARIS. Wed OANOI'S top peace n negotiator. Dr. Le Due Tho said yesterday the North Vietnamese, guided by military experts, are clearing up U.S. mines dropped into their harbours as fast as they are put In. He said the mining had
      UPI  -  455 words
    • 147 2 WASHINGTON, Wednesday, fHE Senate Foreign Relations Committee today approved legislation calling for total U.S. withdrawal from Vietnam by August 31. The anti-war measure. Introduced by Senate Democratic leader Mike Mansfield, sets a date for American withdrawal, subject to the release of U.B. PoWs and establishment
      Reuter  -  147 words
    • 27 2 TOKYO, Wed White Houae security adviser Henry Kissinger will visit Japan during the first 10 days In June, the financial newspaper Ninon Ketul Mid toda
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    • 281 2 No sound of music for Pal in Moscow's subway \|OS(OU Wed 11 \eteran rider of York city >uJ>hu»- ni Patricia Nixon rode Mo> tow's famous Koh-. sill way yesterday and brought her own crowds with her There was pushin: shoving and elbowinc a« American pressmen tried frantically to keep ■p
      UPI  -  281 words
    • 130 2 U.S. FACING LARGEST TRADE DEFICIT IN HISTORY WASHINGTON. Wed The US. Government last night forecast Its largest trade deficit in history this year, despite last December's devaluation of the dollar to make American goods more competitive In world markets. In a speech prepared tor delivery oefore the Dallas World Trade
      Reuter  -  130 words
    • 100 2 Introducing Britain's sex commandos I ONDON, Wed "Sex commandos" of young, long-haired vol un leers will soon Invade the nmht haunts of Britain's freelove generation to teach them olrth control. The bold exprimei.t Is sponsored by the Family Pla n n Ing Association, which said ye s t erday young
      AP  -  100 words
    • 39 2 HONO KONO Wed A fire which destroyed a float me EHE™? here October killing 34 people waj caused by molten metal globules falling r£ m k", elecUlc e:dln "strode holaer. a Commission of Inquiry said today
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    • 56 2 PORT MORESBY \\,-ti A New Guinea n was killed »nd three others injured when i wartime shell exploded ere trying to saw tt open Police said today four rmn at Rcrovana village In I Bougainville, found thf sh long grass and weie trj cut it In
      Reuter  -  56 words
    • 39 2 BOOOTA Wed lle\ei people have died In '■"Vrt*"'*caused by torrential ram which have badly damaged road and bridges an fioodi I lying town* in central nor' l. em an eastern Colombia, ofti cials said here today Reutrr
      Reuter  -  39 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 353 2 I a^MkP^Sa^al It's the only one mMl I b^l ■V**^^s I the world that can W| I BB*^^.^ ■^■tfflflfl I literally tell you what^H I j^pV^^^^M time it ii You can get I I a time-check anytime. \WE^^^*^^^^^^ f~^ IB By simply pressing the W f^ \At H disc on
      353 words
    • 78 2 Curb Rheumatism While you Sleep If you f««l nld. tir»<!, and b«rauM of Barkarht. Khrumati»rr I'aini, Sort. Stiff. 8woll«n J<nnt>. < CYSTKX from your chen.iM and ie 4 how faat you laspr v CYSTKX i»o help, mm an •Who lose *le«p and energy became of (.•tting Up Nights or Burning,
      78 words
  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

    • 146 3 LHJl'Oft dealer J«*s>h Zrarl (right). *ff a kiac-isae* s»»tk i>f aae the or Id t rarest wiars far which he M>4 record prtw I7SWJM at an AMction ib New York on T»e»dm» Mr. Zeael uM he •msM cave the ierohoaai of (hilriu Mm torn
      Reuter; AP  -  146 words
    • 487 3 SALISBURY. Wed pRIME Minister Mr r Smith today moves into a dangerous phase of his rule with nopes of a settlement shattered by the Pearce Commission report. The Commission of Inquiry under Lord Pearce, a British judge, reported yesterday that a majority Klesians
      Reuter  -  487 words
    • 40 3 JAKARTA. W«1 Cholera killed 384 people In Indonesia this year the Health Ministry announced today. It said 55 of the deaths occuned In West Irian province and almost 3.500 people are suffering from cholera In Indonesia AP
      AP  -  40 words
    • 44 3 TOKYO. Wed Mrs. Lois Wheeler Bnow. widow of the late American journalist Edgai Sti attended a banquet given by Chinese Premier Chou EiiLai and Chiang Chlng. wife of Chairman Mao Tse-Tung. in Felting yesterday. the New China New* Agency said AP
      AP  -  44 words
    • 189 3 Url.rVM: Hed The outlawed Irish Rrpublican Army has answered a Catholic call for a tru> r by launching a new wave of violence in Northern Ireland The underground army faces mounting pressure from Catholics to stop its offensive and give peace a chance
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    • 163 3 Man stabs to death father's alleged killer PARIS. Wed. A man accused of murder was stabbed to death today by the son of the man he was alleged to have killed during a police reconstruction of the crime in a village south-east of P«n> As police carried out the reconstruction
      Reuter  -  163 words
    • 61 3 VENICE. Wed— Police last night recovered 19 paintings stolen six days ago from Padua Cathedral In one of Italy's bigpest art thefts. The paintings a series of wooden panels were seized v hen police swooped on a croup of men In Mestre. a big industrial town outside
      Reuter  -  61 words
    • 49 3 BANGKOK Wed Police shot aead a man as he tried to collect ransom money for two elephant* he kidnapped In Thailand s northern province of Phrae. P.aslt Chamdai. 29. demanded 13.200 for the return of the two elephants he stole last January, police said. Reuter. I
      Reuter  -  49 words
    • 38 3 HONO KONO. Wed. Hong K-ng has deported 10 Chinese Nationalist agwu to Taiwan. the English-language South China Morning Post said today A Hong Kong Oovernment spokesman, hewever. aecllned to confirm or deny the report AP
      AP  -  38 words
    • 139 3 NEW YORK. Wed. The Cunard and Italia Shipping Lines are to ban visitors and bon voyage parties aboard their vessels, atter the mid-Atlan-tic bomb scare aboard the Queen Elizabeth II last week and similar threats to the liner Leonardo Da Vinci yesterday The
      Reuter  -  139 words
    • 357 3 Hijacker shot dead in ransom drama QUITO (Ecuador), Wednesday. yWO Ecuadorian Air Force men shot dead a hijacker after he allowed them to board an airliner to show him how to work a parachute handed over as part of a ransom. The men a parachute technician and another airman pumped
      Reuter  -  357 words
    • 24 3 LONDON. Wed The council if the InUr-governmental Maritime Consultative Oiganlsation IIMCOI voted yesterday to aamlt Peking to the 75-na-tlon body— AP
      AP  -  24 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 85 3 YAMAHA MUSIC Cm? During the past few days installation of the Jj new telephone system was carried out result- ]2 ing in inconvenience caused to many people We wish to take this opportunity to apologise J S to all those who were unduly affected. ]2 The installation of the new
      85 words
    • 200 3 tour money is safe in Australia Registered Mortgages on land and buildings havt been one of the safest investments over the years, preferred by careful investors throughout the world for the past century. Australian Housing Mortgages are particularly attractive because of the stability of the Australian Government and the sound
      200 words

  • 1264 4  - Court told of love in a cell LESLIE FONG 4 Reed promised to marry me if I agreed to intimacy with him^ By Lan to Joan: You just don't know what love is London, Wednesday Staff Sergeant hm Reed, who is accused of murdering his wife, Dorothy Helen in Singa|K>re
    1,264 words
  • 184 4 SINGAPORE. Wed A bungalow In Kheng Road, off Coast Road, was an nlst's target today the second time m year Two louvres were smashed at three in the moi while Mr Wong Mong. 37. and his were asleep, then a
    184 words
  • 39 4 SINGAPORE Wed Tlw workshop seminar on Disripnnr and the Modern Child ganised by the Comni, Women's Or«anu>t»tmn.-. Singapore Council of Service and not by the m reported in the Strait* TUnei on Monday The error i> ted
    39 words
  • 39 4 KUCHINO Wed— About 150 members of the Sarawak National Perty .SNAP, have defected and applied to join the State Alliance The members are from a 30--door longhou>f at Tinting Lalang In the Secund Dimmou Bernama
    Bernama  -  39 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 463 4 PLUS OTHER I FULL FIDELITY STEREO I SYSTEMS I Medel IC SK-M4 Dncrele and Mains 4-cn<nncl stereo ft tytlem witfi felector for AM, FM, cartridge, t*P« «i< B mt4 s«t«MO Thi» mi is composed to provide the B eptimwm effect for ewvirowmenul tomX. T*Ul»o Walt 4 ipeakcr »>»tem ohm load.
      463 words
    • 72 4 Relieve Constipation quickly safely with Pinkettes You can't be at your best (or work or play if Constipation it making you feat irritable and •luggish Dont ignore it. Prolonged Constipation can causa painful Haemorrhoids or poison the system So relieve Constipation quickly and safely with Pinkettes So if you re
      72 words
    • 124 4 I ml i hi m mmmm^^^^tß^ I L Cl J \m\ rmmt I j^£ftJMMlKv jtfHHHH^ I WILL YOUR I I I/C No. WIN I I 100 LIKE I I THEY DID I I All may did cill you luivi- to do is check New Nations "Moneybox' each day. In it
      124 words
  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 293 4 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS (l, 4, l, 1. P.T. ?In th*t case one voca- Character* open for all to tec Uon U the Indian CItU (IS). (T S) 10 Marine constltuenu (4. I). is. Not ail that nne. but made 11 Mans altemaUrt la to think the RA* active (4.
      293 words

  • 56 5 SINGAPORE Wed Two men were fined a total of MJO today for having ganja Choo Meng Kunf. M. a printU)( prca* worker, ni fined $300 for havtnf »i kartooc of sanja at Jalan Bukit Mrrah while Buaofte Mancan Ebrahlm 56. wu fined U0 for rut vine half-a-kartoo
    56 words
  • 279 5  - Papa's girl is also his company manager NANCY BYRAMJI SINGAPORE, Wed Not only Is Plera Bolognini papa's ffirl. she Is also papa's company manager "Aemally. p«pa wm to have been here In Sing a por» with the Italian trade mission but he deeMed that I was buslI ness-minded enough to
    279 words
  • 182 5 Lift China goods ban, traders urge Govt KIALA LUMPUR. Wed. Chinese traders here today urged the Government to lift its ban on the import of Chinese seasonal goods from Hong Kong and Singapore. They felt the ban should not be imposed until Malaysia could import these goods direct from China.
    182 words
  • 120 5 SINGAPORE. Wed For •3 the past two weeks, two elusive teenagers stole cassette players from cars parked about 75 yards from Joo Chiat Police Station. Even after police got on to their operations, they still managed to give them the slip after the thefts
    120 words
  • 325 5  -  NELLIE HAR: By Singapore. Wed. ftO.MKOS don't even have a slim chance! Love, by all moans. Hut forget that myth that it will help you to lose weight. This Is the view of Singapore doctors, who dismissed as "utter nonsense" an American
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  • 43 5 SINGAPORE Wed A military exercise will be held in the Nee Soon Garrison area from 7 pm. on June 5 to 1 am. on June 6. Blanks, flares and pyrotechnics will be used. The public are advised not to be alarmed
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  • 83 5 EXECUTIVE WITH BLUE FILM FINED PENANG. Wed. A 34--year-old motor sales executive. Teoh Choo Beng. was today fined a total of $700 on two charges of possessing and screening a blue film. Seven other men accused of abetting him were fined $50 to $70 each. "I have viewed the film
    83 words
  • 73 5 Soldier dies in crash SINGAPORE, Wed A national serviceman died Instantly when the armoured vehicle he was travelling in skidded and overturned In Tamplnes Road today. Police said Llm Cheng Hua. 19. of the 42nd. Sin gapore Armoured Brigade at Selarang Barracks, wiu plnnrd under the vehicle. The driver of
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  • 54 5 SINGAPORE. Wed Miss International 1971 frcm Australia. Miss Jennifer Ogle will fly In tomorrow as part of her world trip for winning the beauty contest. She will be accompanied by her chaperone, Mia Eleanor Colman They will be official guests of the Singapore Tourist Promotion Board
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  • 177 5 Malaysian urges closer co-operation at Law of Sea conference KUALA LUMPUR, Wed Malaysia today called for "closer co-operation" among the non-aligned countries at the Law of the Sea conference at Oeneva next year. The Secretary General to the Foreign Ministry and chairman of the second preparatory committee to the Non-aligned
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  • 38 5 BANDAR SERI BLGAWAN, Wed Brunei's Mfntri Besar. Pengiran Setia Netara Dato Hajl Vusof, today began a 579-day leave before retirement. Prnciran Haji Yusof became Mentri Brsar in IM7. An announcement on his successor is expected soon.
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  • 143 5 FRAUD CASE MAN GETS ONE MORE WEEK TO PAY $64,000 BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN. Wed. A court today gave more time to a young businessman to produce $64,000 he cheated from the government. He Is Peter Chan who a week ago was charged with cheating the government by making alterations and
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  • 25 5 SINGAPORE. Wed- Abdullah bin Said wa« fined $45 for throwing a cigarette butt at Elizabeth Walk on May 10 He pleaded guilty.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 44 5 **re? YOU can now own a complete stereo system under our new EASY PAYMENT SCHEME....up to 24 months equal instalments with our usual cash discount PfV^ -r fftf brothers electronics C L uX\ I HO Mart..! str**. MulM-Storty Car Psik I *&i*** v J
      44 words
    • 553 5 improve your figure in a^ Eight Weeks Crt FULL. FIRM AND FEMININE FIGURE 1 /T IN EIGHT WEEKS iTifc^ 1 Spend just a few minutes of your time T daily and soon you will be full, firm and feminine. The Feminique Method of figure development is so simple and easy,
      553 words

  • 198 6 Social worker on that myth about the disabled SINGAPORE, Wed. A social worker said today that many Singaporeans still regard the misfortunes of the handicapped as punishment for some unknown sins or as part of their fate." "This mistaken moral attitude needs to be corrected, said Miss Dalip Kaur Pannu.
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  • 84 6 1,000 Buddhists for joint Vesak Day celebrations SINOAPORE. Wed Some 1.000 Buddhist devotees are expected to attend a Joint vesak celebration at the Victoria Theatre on Saturday. The Parliamentary Secretary (Social Affairs). Mr. Chan Chee Seng, and the Thai Ambassador here. Mr. Nlb h o n Wllairat. will address the
    84 words
  • 293 6 SINGAPORE, Wednesday AMERICAN oil interests will take a $<>0,00<) million gamble in the Far Eastern region in the next lo years. This was the tentative budget earmarked for the exploration, marketing, refining and transportation of oil In the Indonesia-Singapore-Malaysia and other
    293 words
  • 85 6 Productivity course in Chinese SINGAPORE, Wed— The National Productivity Board will hold a course on "Production Planning and Control" In Chinese from June 5 to Aug 4 The programme consists of ln-centre training from June S to July 7 every Monday. Wednesday and Friday from 7.30 pm to 930 pm
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  • 61 6 SINOAPORE. Wed. The Singapore Manual and Mercantile Workers' Union today won secret ballot to represent more thao SO employee* of Herring Caleb Brett Pte. Ltd.. a firm of marine consultant* in Victoria RMt Out of S3 workers who cast their vote*. St voted for the union while
    61 words
  • 126 6 TWO WEEKS STAY FOR TOURISTS IN SARAWAK KI'CHING. Wed— Foreign tourists can now stay in Sarawak for two weeks instead of the usual one week, the Immigration Director. Inctae Sal la hudin Awang, said today. Malaysians from West Malaysia and Satah would be given a onemonth visit pass. Inrhe Sallahudin
    126 words
  • 181 6 *< SINGAPORE, Wed L— rE Singapore AntiTuberculosis Assoclai has called for legislation for compulsory X-rays, to be selectively applied over a period of time. Its medical director Dr NC. Sen-Gupta, In his annual report published today. said this was because current poor attendance.s
    181 words
  • 394 6 Now Ford unveils its Asian 'baby' ON SHOW AT TRANSPO 72 SINGAPORE Wed p()HI) Motor Coinpa ny today unveiled a prototype* ol its low cost, iiuilti -purpose ye hie I c designed esjxrially for use in Singapore and other South east Asian countries. The Ford Fiera was introduced at a
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 325 6 Put a studio in your home! Now only $795 Tht Home Stud.o Ho*, for $795 cash, you can e«i th« Philip* G A 1 04 Starao Rtcord Player th« AH M 6 AM FV Storoo Trantworld Radio Rccaivor a«d Ciinn« Record** (combined *ith a powerful 2ilo\rV ampiititf) piwa two
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 132 6 SE&4ME STMBET By Cliff Roberts AVaAW^/^/^V Br POR YOUR KIND Aiivy O^P By I.T. Ham tin HE Vmo S9QOUS MB AS TXK TYPE 7WE _vvy>' TtMC ID GO/ I vtoH V LOOK AT THAT' WtLL Via V Pi CA<P I WHBPI njsl Or\t>' IWO AKJU I LJ"^(" O I _t-^\
      132 words

    • 49 7 Tun Abdul Razak gave an assurance that the handicapped In the country would be given •extra opportunities" to get Johs He said the Government was taking »rtton to find new «n--ploy— rtt for the blind and the aajMttes provided they were tunable for the jobs
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    • 205 7 Dearer yen made firm pull out of $20 m project I\AISHOWA Paper Manufactu ring Company withdrew from a $20 million Joint venture timber project in Dungun with Tremrganu BUte Development Corporation because of difficulties caused by the revaluation of Japanese yen and the devaluation of the US dollar Acting Trade
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    • 256 7 Taiwan sugar twice as sweet as ours: MP A SPOONFUL of Taiwan sugar was sufficient for a cup of tea In the case of local sugar, two spoonsful was necessary This was stated by Hajl Ahmad bin Arshad Alliance i, who claimed that the quality of sugar produced by local
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    • 25 7 Parliament passed two bills without any deutte they were the Courts i Amemiment > Bill and the Courts of Judicature i Amendment i Bill
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    • 147 7 YOUTHS NOT TAUGHT TO HANDLE ARMS AT THIS CENTRE Xl ALA LI Mrt'B. Wed Military training for youths at Duum Tua Is restricted to exercises in discipline, said the Culture. Youth and Sports Minister. Dato Hamtah bin Abu Samah "They are not taught the use of firearms." he told Mr
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    • 332 7 MPs warn against monopoly in crash helmet industry WHILE appealing for the T? cost of crash helmets to be kept as low as possible. MPs warned against a monopoly developing In the helmet Industry The appeal and warning came from both sides of th«- House shortly before Bill was passed
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    • 92 7 SIXTEEN firms nine of them owned by bumiputras art supplying the nerds of the armed forces. Among these is Pernas Trading Sdn Bhd which is supplying biscuits, f hee and salt. The deputy Defence Minister. Tengku Ahmad Rithauddeen. said: "All tenders for the supply of
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    • 251 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Wednesday A TOTAL of Uti |K'ople were arrested over the post three years for drug addiction. Works and Power Minister, Dato Haji Abdul (ihani (iilong, told Parliament in his rapacity as acting Health Minister. He was replying to Hajl Ahmad
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    • 52 7 Tun Tan Slew Sin told Mr. Andrew Mara Ariak Walter Unjah i Snap) that the Government could not arbitrarily Increase the rate of royalties payable by petroleum companies In Sarawak Last year the government, he said, succeeded In Increasing payments by the Shell Company now operating
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    • 155 7 5 FILIPINO SAILORS DROWNED: MP SEEKS AN INQUIRY AN opposition member was criticised for demanding an Independent commission of inquiry into the recent drowning of five Filipino sailors at Port Klang. Primary Industries Minister, Haji Abdul Taib bin Mahmud, said Mr. V. David (Pekemas) did not seem to have any
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    • 204 7 Why some private firms still recruit expats EXPATRIATES were being Lt recruited to work in the private sector only because Malaysians cannot be found to fill vacancies, said the deputy Home Affairs Minister, Haji Mohamed Ya'acob He was replying to a question by Dr Tan Chee Khoon Pekemas who asked
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    • 58 7 New Act will curb the pawnbrokers UNFAIR practices by pawnbrokers would be eliminated once the new Pawnbrokers Act comes Into effect, said the Tech nology. Research and Local Government Minister, Dato Ong Kee Hul. He listed two of these practices as charging ex orbitant rates and taking high percentage of
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 20 7 The nose is the first line of defense for the lungs clears your nose MiINHICH MACK »«CM* t*"SS£NWEST GEftMANr 111
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    • 141 7 ■aT f *s*W 11 I I eQuelques Fleurs^ J I ■B \M J afl L C.X.Tang Robinton&Co Metrotex Metro Metro Supreme i Airport Perfume A Cosmetic Centre Joong Hin Thow Kee &Co m M A.S. Abdul Gafoor Brot. *A. Marieen Co Chin Ho II Long ft Co Shankar's Pte. Ltd.
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  • 524 8  -  P. M. RAMAN: THE NATIONAL WAGES COUNCIL GUIDELINES By S.ngapore, Wed Are executive personnel covered by the proposals? yiyHII.I. yesterday's joint statement by einpl. and the N'Tl < has i Icnul the path for negotiations un Wages Council guidelines l<»r Mm |»ri\;itt- sector, there
    524 words
  • 378 8 SINOAPORE Wed. A coroner said today that the 'tomfoolery" of a worker killed a supervisor in the fire which broke out at the Crown Cork Jurong factory last month. Mr David Oerald was referring to the injured worker. Mohan Singh. 19. after recording his evidence at
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  • 211 8 Spaceman on down to earth mission SINGAPORE. Wed. Retired American astronaut Col. Frank Borman flew in tonight for a very down-to-earth reason. His mission: To discuss "peace projects" and talk to airline officials in the region, including MSA, about pilot and mechanic training facilities offered by his own Eastern Airlines,
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  • 250 8 Court orders re-trial of crash lorry driver SINGAPORE Wed Th, Hlght Court today ordered a re -trial ol case of lorry driveKoot Chin who waa flneri $2,000 by a district court in January on a charge of causing the death of a 55-year-old woman b> negligent driving Mr Justice D'Cotta
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 379 8 SANYO STEREOCAST ,^j^a The most important new idea in radios since the invention of the transistor. l^i^llnSniill Now, for the first time, you can hear the superb Sanyo Stereocast system a product of Sanyo EflWff ifO I! high fidelity sound of FM stereo outside your research. From portable to digital
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    • 363 9 Plea for equal treatment for commerce students 1 REFER u> Mast* Kwee report headed Commercial Studies Full marks for Oo*f .8T May 12 As commercial student I would like to make these points I am surprised that there are more than 3 000 student* and yet only 240 places In
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    • 139 9 PARKING PROBLEM AT THE TURF CLUB IHAVt been an ordinary member of the Singapore Turf Club since the war and have found that on the whole thr rommitw ha* been run nine the club in a most efficient manner. But there is one drawback which I would like to brine
      139 words
    • 324 9 WAS mi v pleased with the floor plan of the new live room |K)int block flats wlk-m tin HDH ma<k i its fust annooncement in June last Like many others. I rushed to apply on the mornlnß registration began I am now disappointed
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    • 35 9 WHY is the Censor Bocrd so strict? Violence In the streets cannot be blamed on films alone. If it Is then karate ana all forms of self-defence should also be banned. DAVID WING, Singapore If.
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    • 138 9 GOVERNMENT REPLIES I REFER to the letter by Mr Mohamed Sulalman, iST April 27 1 The Indian Programme Sectlon of Radio Singapore opens its transmission at five o clock In the morning not wth a programme of classical sonfsj Carnatic Songs i but witn a
      138 words
    • 50 9 We are unable to in- crease the present output which remains at about 15 per cent of the weekly total. even though it is reaUsed, that it Is Carnatic i music which has been the basis for the composition of modern songs' mm HENG TOW Public Relations Officer! UXS m^^^^^^.
      50 words
    • 118 9 REFER to the letter 1 headed Delay in work- men s compensation" (ST. The time taken in finaliMng workmen's compensation claims varies from case to case, depending on the nature of the accident and the extent of the inBefore an assessment can be made, it is necessary to ensure that
      118 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 299 9 U^^^-l ftftgjMM*! race and ra *'y P roven engine Safety IwWI \li3rKl in the 1100 c.c. or larger 1300 Ford Escort is a winner in PHX** Winning cc version You et absolute safety features too! Collapsible V p^.gr trom Fords hlgh y succ steering column. Dual line brakes E™T|CCSX rOlir
      299 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 50 9 Bugs Bunny By Ralph Heimdahl II THINIC A» FBAJsik:, V^ Of*»M TAUC »THE^ nwiLwpfc l8E«T WAV TO RESOLVE HOWIWB THRBE^ PLBAftC U«K HSJJfcA m ONC POINT I'D PROPt* NA*\g&, Ml**). Dice to majcb y wATeecftess, a\d/i, BERDBE WK <^ .DONTaECER.TOyi, P«CU«» SOU« A \MfcR. AS v OLX> < vL kOIFRCULTI6«
      50 words

  • 642 10 OWNERS' 'TRESPASS' CLAIM FAILS SINGAPORE wad T«HE High Court to- day dismissed the tenancy suit of South Union Co. (Pte) Ltd. against Seng Hln (Pte) Ltd for alleged trespass on the grounds that South Union knew "only too well" that Seng Hln were
    642 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 540 10 lllmi 7NKMM iUa *MiUCM*at|ll Htt Ok Bit 3 Sa^er lag Bnen Froai Ckm Japu ltd Taailaad Is Ok Kf SfecUcibv rYo*Ktioi 5 KING BOXER O .a?, ->-"-<iwii-Siiiav <y> ■UNO/mm run win eniusn ani cninisi siititus CATHAY: SATURDAY at MIDNIGHT! Plus' Special Morning Show Sunday at 9 a.m. Twiggy Is as
      540 words
    • 143 10 JICONO il<i WIIKf •aMa* Ctty 1.41. 4, 1 4 t JO. m ftaUiy I.l*, I.M. 1 J« Bflk A Colohoi Mondonn Production which dapicfi ttia lit* ot Chu Yuan Chong First Emparor ot Ming Dynasty. Sup«rimpoi*d Eng. A Chin. Subtitle* Te>iv»#rf*w Mlaiftiatltt Shaw 17 4 ]t J 71 *•>••
      143 words
    • 330 10 anglolch"ese primary school ftata Isaacs A 6RAND FILM PtEMIERE m B AB under the distinguished patronage of -Ef likKc MOHD. CHAZALI ISMAIL aaiar^ member of parliament tor auunied IN AlO OF SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT FUND J i V II Ol -THURSDAY Ist JUNE at 9.15PM B TICKETS $5 AND $25 AVAILABLE
      330 words
    • 755 10 jtUCJUIISJITION 1 CBKaW^aad OPtm i m liax. IM. IN »M 4 til tO LIEH 4 "TMI KlMfi •OMII t Bl (A SMAW HODui. a Monaorir m Snawaxooa, ca> jt B F^^*3T j j WJaT"* yr^ OPINS 1OO»» N, L 111- 14S 4M ft N V Peter O Too la "M.i»i
      755 words

  • 205 11 .make* are tarn of O the ajMccrckt things likr Ofghl ■c was ar*«ght into Mmk «ea4 eight s*h*Ml kids who decided first «>f all thai pnltons are fan. e»p*ciall. the mmi which can take iM o( s»e<Mlnc around and Mt bite hack. under the artful
    205 words
  • 828 11 Lawyer fights speeding charge on principle' SINGAPORE. Wad LAWYER, charged with speeding, told a magistrate today, he could have easily paid a $.">() composition offered to him, but claimed that because he was innocent, Jie chose to tight the case in court as a matter of principle. Mr. Lee Kirn
    828 words
  • 276 11 'Sheer thuggery' says judge in dismissing youth's appeal SINGAPORE. Wed— Mr. Justice D'Cotta today dismissed an appeal against sentence by a youth Jailed for 18 months for robbery and described his offence as "sheer gangsterism and thuggery." Yuen Chen Poh had pleaded guilty In a district court to a charge
    276 words
  • 330 11 Tortoise primary cause of crash, court told OINOAPORE. Wed A motorist blamed a tortoise on the road as the primary cause of his collision with a scooterlst at Changl Road two years ago. the Court of Appeal heard. Lawyer Mr R Ramason said that Chief Justice Mr Wee Chong Jin
    330 words
  • 36 11 SINGAPORE. Wed The British High Commissioner in Singapore. Sir Sam Fulle. will speak on Britain in Europe at the Rotary Club of SingaporeWest luncheon meeting at Shangri-La Hotel tomorrow at 12 45 p m
    36 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 233 11 Musk Sounds gayer, wine and food taste mellower in Hotel New Hongkong. WATCH: Panoramic view of the seafront and heart of city. EAT: Fresh seafood traditional Cantonese delicacies. ENJOY: Entertainment numbers by Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore Malaysian artistes, and dance to the best of its in-group band. i -t_t_V J*«W
      233 words
    • 113 11 RESTAURANT COFFEE HOUSE W Lunch Of Oin« with i'lllllß i>H I ■ITTf r*tl(f *^i*w W7 Lor.t**a. ttmti l«y«' I (CMcfcaa), Kaafc r»i»ai»« I TUESDAY Nat. Twfci. MM StoM. «v«» ■ajaji WEDNfSOAY Naal »,l« Maa Saaat. Satak A*ar«. ataak l^~ THURSDAY jj J ._j CmAm asidlsi Ar«» FRIDAY tiatiay, «a«l Jala,
      113 words
    • 66 11 FREE «ft! 1 fW nut MSMCM aIUSSS MtlU mmmmmm*m.mmiim. Bx^^ *^*"aiBHI tisV I •1, M.char.or. *»»t, Smtiton 11 T.I SS2S2* ft MITII i hkmtana W trua moum WESTEUONR lEKTATIM ON IT and we mean steak H Km succulent, juicy. H fv mouth-watering fl| |S tender meat Paj prepared for you.
      66 words
    • 244 11 If bY %a I I A< -Hrn ffkfl bWbWsHuVsW >B? til XL vfv bVbbVbkVh* I KS f m bb^HlbbSC* aWaK _J^H BBf s-*•* v^L. i J IBS bhbhbS* tTj r*L'< Lwtrmm aVmH^ ,**«'Tlr| HG|j "ml* x&i&S&Xlm I IfmHStv v* '*3 «j27^aMS9p>3ff)Bol bW i *^t^f asV^9 aßV^Msaray'a&.d faff V^B9^3HflF^ 'r^rrw f%
      244 words

  • 0 12
    0 words
  • The Straits Times
    • 280 12 Seatac is a new name In the directory of progress the South-east Asian Agency for Regional Transport and Communications Development offspring of the Ministerial conference on these subjects. Eight nations are members, the Asean five and Vietnam. Laos and Cambodia. Headquarters will be in Kuala Lumpur and "positive
      280 words
    • 179 12 The decision by the Singapore Board of Film Censors to lmDOse stricter censorship of brutality and violence was spurred by the fear that murder and mayhem on cinema screens may lead to a new wave of crime. This concern reflects the widespread assumption ot a link between
      179 words
  • 453 12 NEW DELHI, Wad MOVIE MAKING in ITE Bombay, where most of the Indian-language films are made, ground to a temporary halt recently as hundreds of Internal Revenue Service agents, swocped on the top movie stars, producers and other artists In three days of surprise raids,
    NYT  -  453 words
  • Article, Illustration
    885 12  -  GEORGE SHERMAN by WASHINGTON. Wad TO the outside world the Soviet leoder ploying host to President Nixon this week is more on abstraction than o distinct personality. In 1968 Leonid Brezhnev, chief of the Soviet Communist Party, crashed onto the international scene after the Sovietled Warsaw Pact invasion of
    885 words
  • 676 12 Fascism fears in Italy recede DOME, Wed. The progress of the extreme Right the neo-Fasclsts with an admixture of monarchists In Italy's recent general election, did not come as a surprise. Indeed, the result was received with some relief that the gains of the Runt, which doubled its seats In
    OFNS  -  676 words
  • 504 12 Now it's pupil power CLASSROOM REBELRAISE A STORM LONDON. Wednesday A NLW social phenome non is making its pre sence felt on the British scene— "pupil power lhe title is a headline cliche dreamed up by newspapermen. But behind the emotive words lies a problem which for years has been
    Reuter  -  504 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 58 12 <ut tfta traM t>y ov i»«l •■»*M«nc*4 crattt- »t«c« *•<•• mmu'»i» hand ta»to»»« stitch** '•«»«i fcwtttwMHi wm""! t>**t «(Kfcman«*t». <*• arc aHa MMparta't A a«p«K«a»» o* hnajl Ga«t» t tha'*b> Have tHa latest a »'da»t ran«e maia'tatt tar taiacnon. 4*o fa* ou> C«il»iwn wiham. tn* t i >yr a>a*«M tarvica.
      58 words
    • 28 12 W^7 IB x l *5I^ASIA MOTORS Singapore. Kuala Lumpur. Patalmg Jaya. Panang. Malacca. Kuantan, Alor Star. Sagamat. Tamooi. Batu Pahat. Kota Kinabalu. Kuching. Oaalart throughout Malaysia and Brunti
      28 words

  • 594 13 Girl tells of bid to rescue a hostage LERK SLIPPED AWAY AND PHONED THE POLICE i YEAR-OLD dork. I an Lee Kheng, totold the First Magiss ourt how she tried m lie her brother in < i I hostage for ;i ran i $100,000 b\ a lone ii in their
    594 words
  • 110 13 All Primary One places taken up in most schools SINGAPORE, Wed. —Full *3 enrolment was reported at most of the 23 Chinese schools when registration of primary one pupils for the next semester ended today. The three-day registration was for pupils born between Jan. 2 and June 30. 1966 Most
    110 words
  • 30 13 SINOAPORE. Wed The Asian Women s Welfare Association will hold a cooking demonstration for members and friends on Friday at 4 p.m at Bindhu House in Mountbatten Road
    30 words
  • 180 13 Police arrest 37 Mah Piu Poh boys SINOAPORE. Wed Police have taken action against the "Mah Piu Poh" boys who sell newspapers with the 4-D lottery results at ruad junctions. 8o far 37 vendors have been arrested Thirteen have appeared In court. The rest were released after police warned them
    180 words
  • Article, Illustration
    325 13  -  WONG LAI WAH: New service for the distressed expected to start operations in Toa Payoh soon Singapore. Wod lIELP, a new service patterned along Samaritans of Singapore (SOS) principles, will soon begin operations in Toa Pavoh. This was stated today by Rev. (Dr.) G.J Teilmann, director of the Churches
    325 words
  • 40 13 SINGAPORE W*d A clerk and a jobless num. who shared the $*****0 tackpoi prize in the Toto draw on liny 12, today called at the Singapore Pools office to claim their winnings. Neither wished to be identified
    40 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 151 13 a*• Mhr ham wnir Mat ftoatt an cua*an of m xtmlt Only i~o <aa« art* wanaartwi te y*u' Q~* it wi— i wan Imtft O»i t< a» lota r—t »'Wa«t pui> vMr f«m»r YOu r lawn wtioot **■».>• ar ama Tront aras Wim aa»m« norm <tntm butfiai. dent Mat of
      151 words
    • 169 13 USA w BUTGRANDMA,WHATAPREnY FRIDGE YOU HAVE: SAIDTHE WOLF/ITS A GENERAL ELECTRICXOME A BIT CLOSER SO YOU CAN jll 1 1 DC I ICKt Tr^ •Superb American craftsman- Powerful compressor ice and chilled water. ship and finish that will units specially designed by 'Plus the superb quality last for years and
      169 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 754 13 On your TV and Radio M^i^i^MBMMMMk™M«*Mi^B^MMM« J(J fM Openitf 04 Where The f 55 Fury Killer Stallion 245 P.M. Programme Summary 751 Programme Summary Heart Is 7.29 Science Report 247 Toto Results IB Gha/al 3.M For The Family (C) 7.41 News (C) 313 Ganda Wang Anda 1.24 My Friends Around
      754 words

    • 632 14  -  ONG KIAT BENG by^ yKS, I'm guilty. Guilty of overindulging in my child. Guilty of being a working mother who doesn't spend enough time with him. Guilty of catering to his whim and fancy once Wx) often. I know that all this is
      632 words
    • 464 14 An average adjuster? Saw Kian's the first woman to get the job ITS not true that boys always have the best jobs. Well, not always. Sometimes, a firl can And herself in a Arm where she's been chosen In preference to her male counterparts and be a trail blaser too.
      464 words
    • 163 14 IF you should become dizzy or panicky while on a ladder don't climb down hurriedly. Instead, drape your arms over a convenient rung and rest your head against the ladder until the feeling passes TURN handles of pots In when cooking, especially if there are small children on
      163 words
    • 225 14 WE' HAD the printed fabrics making the scene for too long. They have been coming in loud colours and wild prints. There has been more of an emphasis on the impact of prints rather than on the style of the outfits. And. now. we
      225 words
    • 85 14 Beauty In The Twenties In the early twenties the complexion is at its loveliest and you should take care to treat It wisely and) well by smoothing a film of moist tropical oil over the face and neck before applying make-up so that your skin, particularly the delicate tissue surrounding
      85 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 209 14 SKINNY? test eat* pel cc •ease* m$ Mafcet el mm ett* Mm W*T| Oft N «Ma mmt dar— n». wfe* wmnmt %mm> WATF-ON «c pm oa pawn** utd rnctw* o# trm, Witt., Eok«« ft** fee* W aYI-ON MtaplM WCIfltM BBMN* fllema VienMnWem. HUeWfemnV. ffVlfM Maf •tftlaW tMMAciftJ AtjO vSKft C
      209 words
    • 29 14 w: JflnC^^ Paris *3\£ MBKfeja^amr Parfums .^fl IjE^E ?^V Tender 4^^L profound I i caressing A and sweet, rl air of jm IVIOiJTRW «»TK)LTQ. wowtw* Singapore Kujla Lumpur renang
      29 words

    • 1116 15 B iu> LltTID AT TNI Ck*M «it« i« tni imc<M«r MM «r TM 1T0CK IICMAHCI '•HI ■•VIMIMT* IM 'I TIITIDOAV Will mUUITKItll STI RLtNC KUSSIMI B*koh 22P 1) U. Hop* 44P K.L. Krpoai 45p < *«i UNIT TRUST (Asia UMI Trutl) 'Man>i»r> Pntt Ur Msy M> Mai Invest
      1,116 words
      • 90 15 Kawan $3 80 law Par $5 05 l«l. Pen $3 44 "bin T«k $159 nehcap* $660 1 t.nt«>r»rtM $1 76 .entinc $3 22 i Darby $6 85 Bank $2 87 i Hilton N > $440 L Amal $2 40 I Mdim $2 10 I cone Se« $4 10 N
        90 words
      • 24 15 Haw Par J85.000 B Pr«P 204.000 8. Darky 94.000 MerUn M 74 000 Total Turaoyer Ml M. Delayed Percentage: 15 4»
        24 words
      • 39 15 May May 14 Industrials M M tn.M Hotel, M 25 MM Proawrttrs 114.41 tlitt Tln» 113*4 113 34 t S rab+m US IS 1«7 tj Dm. M INI im Dm. 11. IMS IM t Dot. tt. IMS IM
        39 words
    • 279 15 Investment buying pattern becomes clearer in market SH\R»s generally tapped licht support with marfinal fains on the Stock Lxchange of Malaysia and Singapore yesterday. A change In the pattern of trading was discernible. Delayed dealing was at IU lowest ebb and the usual premium that attended forward deals was considerably
      279 words
    • 1315 15 MM m and reported to the Singapore and Kuala Umpur tiadtng rooms of the Btoc< Exchange yaaterday with the number of rhares traded shown lr brackets in lot* of IJM unless otherwise speclflea IMil "TRIALS I*s» ill 128 Hi 127 (1) 12* <Jmim»l« i3i 2 10 Ursa 2
      1,315 words
    • 183 15 CHMrinlton of Banks In Malaysia-Singapore announced these •d merchant rates aa at 34 g •i fen** UMuit t**im tmmtm I Pound -n Dollar !•>■ llM 1 Zealand Dollar DoJar to im arid Carrwry *-*n Francs Kyau ■'*h Kroner Mark! Prancs i Commercial > rrancs 'Financial) I Dollai ;peei
      183 words
      • 213 15 THE Straits tin price in Penanß yesterday took another fdll of $1.50 to $630 per picul on an official offering down six tons to 264 tons. The local price was partly Influenced by the overnight easier tendency in the London metal market where the price dipped another
        213 words
      • 82 15 THE MaUvsian Minister of Finance has fixed thrar rate> for calrulatliu C'ostotm duties for thr period from May 25 to 31: Rubber 41 S crnts a Ik Copra -.3irw a ton Palm Oil SU3.M a ton 1 aim Krrnrl $135 25 a ton The i ale* of du'ii*
        82 words
      • 22 15 MAY 24 RIBBER: 92 50 crnts (up 0.50 cents). TIN: SS3* (down «15«. Official offerinc: 261 tons (down six tonal.
        22 words
      • 108 15 pMINIII PRODUCE IXCNANCI. U lINCAPORE MOON CLOSING •RlCis PIN PICUL VfITCRDAV CMSnut Oil: >>ulk MS 1 sellers drum S3* sellers tantai Mixed iloocei IK Cont *21 B Psposr: Muntok ABTA «hit r tot, IOU", NLW (175 ae'lerv Sarawak unite foil «A' NLW »l«i Hllrri. Sarawak aprcial buck fob. NLW
        108 words
      • 56 15 Sport i2i 203. «n 202.40 (1) Export prui- in non-rierlinn areas in I.S. dollars per ounce (2l Loral dealers price in Singapore dollars per tsrl London B«irut H l^| Zurich Pan* port 111 v 57.45 47X1 57.77 07.3«8 M ...,s M.30 HIH U.l.t ST 3S 57 70 57
        56 words
      • 36 15 London ropper prlrei on Turaday (previous in brackets!. Wirrhar Hpot bu>rr U2l 00 ***** SOI teller £4215" 1(*****): Thr.-. month- buyer f4i:v oo I(4Sa.WI seller U-'VVi H4»oo>. Mirktt tstn Steady tilei: 2. 100 tons.
        36 words
      • 34 15 In London on Turoday palm oil prlr*s of Malayan i prr rrnt CIF IK .N European port* in t'Ulk; waa <]uotrd at T Ke.s mMm lunrhaniiedi. Au«. /Sept. at l/Kt9o paid (unchanged).
        34 words
    • 339 15 i"|PENING quotations In the rubber market yesterday were marked up fractionally following Improved London advices. The market later ruled quiet with a steady undertone and fluctuated narrowly Singapore's stocks for March were published at 49,843 tons (down 14,207 tons). China accepted well for sheets Two. Three and Four
      339 words
    • 92 15 DAILY SMR prices issued by the Malaysian Rubber Exchange and Rubber Association of Singapore at noon yesterday IMR SCV IMB 5L IMR 5 IMR 10 3£2 1-ton pallet i < 1-ton pallet) (1-ton pallet) (1-ton pallet) (1-ton pallet) 1-ton pallet i urrrni Month i Buyer* Sellers Cento per
      92 words
    • 55 15 'T'HEBE rate* were quoted on 1 the Asian dollar market yesterday The rates are for deposits of USS2S.OOO and above 2 mths 3 mths 6 mths 9 mths 2 mths 4*. to 4 5 4. to 4 7 B. s'« to 5 3 5^ to S J/4«* 5
      55 words
    • 426 15 pONSOLJDATED Tin Smelters fell on hard times last year, but its local baby Sharlkat Eastern Smelting of Malaysia enjoyed a satisfactory year. The parent company's only major success was in fighting off a takeover bid from Ralli International, but there were many critics of this action
      426 words
    • 205 15 M I N T K B Rubber i > during I*7l suffered a drop tn profit* with the pre-tax figure slipping to $300,616 from 0359 644 In 1970 Chairman V K Ba r ra clough. in his annual statement. olamr< t»v •..■cline on the de pirssspu ruDDrr price mm
      205 words
      • 271 15 TVTLLBOURNE. Wed Rlm» nanowly i utniunbered falls In a bt.fically -teady market at the Melhourne stock Exchange today. There were several significant move* in the mining vector, while alterations among Industrials were usually mli'or. Pacific topper jumped to Asl 90 on the agreement with Kennecott Pacific Pty Ltd Poseidon
        271 words
      • 317 15 Viw YORK Tues— A warnA^ ing by Ford Motor that worker^ could (nee 'long layoffs" unless the compan) t. pollution control testing problem .s rolved drove automatic stocks sharply lower on the New York Stuck Exchange today On balance, 'he market generally gave way to profit-taking, which actually
        317 words
      • 230 15 UONO KONG. Wed Open- Ing on a steady note, the market maintained this tone until the close. The popular counters remained unchanged or only varied fractionally either way. HK'S Banks, were the exception the Local register, surged up to HKI2BO but the London remained unchanged at $268 In
        230 words
      • 111 15 FINANCIAL lIMIv TINS Monday MM Week ago MM RIBRtRs Tuesday 294 64 Monday 2»2 4J Week «(to 292 13 OILS Tuesday *S 32 Monday 306 86 Week age 300 M INDIKTRIALM Tuesday 533 9 Mond ty 536 5 Week a«o 537 8 IM>W JONLS AVERACt INDI KTRIALB Tuesd.< 962
        111 words
      • 32 15 Hontr Konc vesterdnv the U t osllar »i« quoted at 557 for TT i.nd cash Itarlmf «as quoted at 14 MJ mid •n« l.rl sf «sM at T>< H
        32 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 622 16 Our client, an American manufacturing company with wide intcrnaUotud conneettom fMM to recruit Singapore cltiatou far their Singapore operation* CHIEF ACCOUNTANT (MCS. 88) Thta kt a challenging career opportunity for an iipilllßJUl Mcountant who U seeking wider management resporulblUtte* It U the first senior management position to be offered to
      622 words
    • 612 16 MARKETING EXECUTIVE APPLICATIONS are invited from Singapore Citizens to fill the above appointment This is a challenging and rewarding position, handling a market leader internationally known with a high sales turnover, offering a career for a sound administrator with leadership qualities of »n extrovert nature The right man will lead
      612 words
    • 623 16 STOCK EXCHANGE OF MALAYSIA SINGAPORE requires LISTING OFFICE MANAGER The Ckjmmlttee of the Stock Exchange Invites applications from Singapore Malaysian Citizens for the post of Listing Office Manager for the Singapore section of the Exchange with its administrative office in Singapore The successful candidate should have recognised professional qualification preferably
      623 words
    • 695 16 f large Timber FroducU Complex in West Malays a tnvl'.es applications for tv>e fo lowing posts 1. ASSISTANT PLANT ENGINEER ia> Qualification Malaysian cuisen aged 33--40 years a Degree In Mechanical Engineering or equivalent ib> Duties Supervises and co-ordinate* all activities through BeeMon Supervisors of Mechanical and Electrical Maintenance
      695 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 839 17 ■•14. At RTHII I I ttTMMNTti H """■■■■■MMBaMMMMMMBai 2-fc A W* tMTT Satul i mmm ~4 Si? ss Ss j i mt m Sla RMr^MaTTta? 111 1 «aH I Rja» :aa'ia<aTat pmts ••MMJ P >t *m 1 niMini k» at njPVRbM* *"*M*~ hp»« Mm M7l tanaatl, "iiajn mm i t
      839 words
    • 1903 17 MumimsinjukyimrtuiiiMKm i y n 1 1 j j rwi— iut cwro mwki wur nm iast cmct lit N Ortiaot tart Plhl N Tar* Pimm t'Rtri P M't«f Oiakarta K,nptt« 1 <WT >»M UM MM MMI MPart MMI MMM Mill LiMMIMM Aar II May 1 May 4 Mm! Mm! JaM JaM
      1,903 words
    • 863 17 MARITIMt NILMNt lINI A P 1 1 I PWT RIUM Mil IMU LUMPUR mil PiUM nm Camtn cpt m tt rwaM atttr parti :a MM Mr Itmmmj f j, r CLEJ4 LIME LTD. M» &R 5 1 KiNTSNItf laMjM MMMM JMt It IM> M|ll aMM UINALMMI NM*,r, k m|| 4
      863 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 1083 18 —"^Ta N KAISHA LTD UfUSAfti |«UI RIS£H lAISJIA ITI. JftfM I. MX. STiAITS S£WCE a*M Mm* Wawt^int ITA S pore LIA PK. **4 MMMM> MM* 11 J2* ril- Mill taM japan Pariian Cull Service |Mari Far M law 2 taa; Cc Wl ajfka DaMii. RwMit K**rr,D»Ml». Japan Waat Australia Urn)
      1,083 words
    • 1005 18 i I i -<-«&'-- fO» MtW ZtALAND I^" —> p,i,»«. p K.imc S «|*ae.« l«***B rIiUMCA 21 21 May IB 11 May Aack CMallATl 27 72 taM 21 21 JMt 24 21 taM A O'l.n. STRAITS/MADRAS SIBVICI P Kfianf Ptn«* IHB HfRRMU- It 2 taM ItaM 4 taM ttaMMtt.Mia. MM'ts
      1,005 words
    • 964 18 ORIENT UNCS ITD. .»«..T>>»m'i i>\atc o» »—»oi 1 IC« fcJRXWMG. 2 SHtMTON Vw»y SRMGA»O*»I 1 TtL 98VJ03J7 UK lUROPI StRVICt LOADING FOR LONDON. M BURG R DAM HAVRI awavajt P RJM| Ptaaa] RWM. NEPTVNE AMAMARINC IMMJoa 21 N*»>t 24 t. two. Ntarg. Briai« NtfTMM 2IRCRM 4 ItaM 111 taw 12
      964 words
    • 816 18 MS flft SHIPPING CORPORATION BERHAD > H M» MX JktAai*nf Kmliu^i J| I T1 T "hTiiinil "Intiii ng I nil nf MBaiifßii EKWtSS ITS WMEU MELDI BVBtCb II Hta7 ttWMRtI B4MCA RAY A II 22 taw 7< 77 taw 21 1 tail 7 1 tanj oT»"o ft tmtm J* 1
      816 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 600 19 i utt a» iiaiAPtu >ui«i out Twf '••tvatio tni Men* aaaaMMja —a***. n*~mp. p.i^mm a. iMitMMi a t Kf SZ,'mJ^^^' mM> > P.M., M WtM. «Am ruTS^T An.W».i.t» OtJlll. H.«~T«, M MlTaalir Hl!*'" 1 I I>?Z> CMfMtm V,.h». I i- or Ca*M IlvHIMa Manriu •> t»/:::,7 c ear NiTiMTiaa »»M,Mn»IM,
      600 words
    • 681 19 STRAITS TRANSPORTATION PTE. LTD. States Morin* imthrh— mn US ATLANTIC ANO GULF/ SINGAPORE EXPRESS SERVICC *m n »t»» p»,i atit Orttam bomjimm matii s.«jaa»ri LMNMW SUTIWM 11 Ma. U W FLOTTA LAURO MRIvING lIRECT FROM CEMOA ITMT IMMM m IEEItfK raSAN. HAHIU SnajaM* p Kiani Pt«an| CERVI J.M 7 1
      681 words
    • 743 19 STATE LINES m j%99~ TEL. Nofc M4MS, NI9M L T*kx,R3 ***** tiaaaiat n'Mt Naaaj ttltlTS $M»» KUTOII rill SItVICI I »lttll IMM II IMM jimits MCLaavani STaac* hwici a, "HUH tUM" ISIMi T«M» SMiNSd lUM la Part Ftr NiHiWj a Eaanntt Ctatact *.i. P«rt» WIUIAM a SOSHIB IT! tikinm 2HJ)
      743 words
    • 1328 19 THE MOGUL LINE LTD. BOMBAY m.v. "AKBAR" alongside PSA fodown* 10 II ALL HEAVY AND EXCESS BAOOAGE not want-'d during the voyagi? must b? d. iiv< n d to The Poit of Singapore Authority s warehou < on Thurvlay. tsth May. IWI, between the times of 700 am to 1100
      1,328 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 845 20 GIWUAt ADVUTrMMIMTS ANNOUNCIMINT/fttSONAL J TZ^TZTTZ: mn C.*.T.s. TEL: *****1 M—i m «e«os a mm* ■CT4II t Malay.. s ass* SIMS eis'd MsMea |fM fcr sw* MIW HtIHILS M>> JsV 49 tjßssl mm mm»tf 0 T% msii a «...<• |ii.(ihm and Mala r ..s I'M I s»e#d sfsaesnss $n.?» >ar a«rd>
      845 words
    • 715 20 iO, m TNI '««OUI 11/UIII D fti. Caiimiraul a» d JNwiw mmlmuw rw d*tai» nwg aw mi cmim Men* «MT4» lIMIIIIICIO WAITMIMSS re ww* at Aksha Mm H«». lac* 1 Nmi DBM asm Hoard k*ds>i*Mi aswvielss) O#vb watm* bsi mat** IMHMI Apply airnaally b, twos* I pax aa* p »'«C»M«I
      715 words
    • 831 20 met BOy WANTED 1 or 1 years '»»f »ith e»n iMUnycte o saasrter lor which paid la addition to Mlary Apei rVri.aail OS*eer. Metal lutoirx Ptr Ltd »1C Hlndß.dt Rm< o« 7 4 m.s Bukit Timah lUM part Nawly biiMuM Cliit T<m4 Cc raaanni MALI riIMU Mill •fpicim Walt
      831 words
    • 898 20 Arm Please apply Ba» A4IJT IT par* (iviac particulars Situations Wf < industrial OIS»UTtS may b* ■WM by Scientific Pir Management. Well qualified Person aei Hmiiw available for imrr.ediati MmUMM Paat aax 10T5 P J ATTRACTIVE. INTILLICIMT lURA •lAN LAOV seeking top grade secretarial Daemon. Apply Boi A 4131 T
      898 words
    • 1006 20 PRANKS L IST ATI, OUT *S oil storey aVtacaed auasulsii la roe gar<Vn unfurnished furnished MOO $T3O Contact *****6 *****8 B pom "g V. •TORIY 4 BSOROOMSD detained aungalaw. servant s roam carport* furnished $1300. uafur■laaed $1300 B pore 1001 U TUAN UNO Up^ owty eemi det*s*ed auaujaiow 4 Z
      1,006 words
    • 1051 20 P A «BOa»am«>4la>ti4>w wanisxl I REOUIREO BUNGALOWS SEMI DETACHED terrace flats in dist 9 10. 11. 21 Rental $300 53. 0n0 Please eoataet Cosmos Mousing Agency SSIM Spore DON'T LSAVI your accommodation I vaoaat Par saselsat aad excellent service nag Paris iB pore) *****1 now Our clients from all over
      1,051 words
    • 966 20 FAaERMILLS TUMCI HOUSE hM o»»n MM lIH sq ft near,n« ■■■Hill— IOIMI o n.4t Fin, Mr Khor TMII NMN m 6 m •***** p m TMOMtOH PARK well mlmimH '"»"""»> HimfctuM )M roomed teat In gui« loralitv PIMM p«O»e N4 4.S Hewlv nWViM I a«e»ty terra** 1 >■«.»■,. servant •tore
      966 words
    • 575 20 am IMii IViMaa Wedtvr. day A Frkaay IM.a or Tuesday Thursday 640 > m I 740 r m Modern IMs>< metre Ia I- R Ratten Road, near tore 1 OSBM BOOKKEIPINf BECINNEMS CLASS*.! sterling n. >. we*4l Marr noon r>efi,n. T.u-M M HtimasK hand Tm~t,!,i»« MkBI sniib and sKmtn.
      575 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 582 21 i IJI Xl uI3 k I i^i ..nt from Pa ge j Travel atitl tamva .a raaviL Slavic! Limited Mtiava Brvea Hays Mil* -saed Sm MISS Daaar- itawday Mawaay Dark** ntaa aassaaasa Everyday c Murk ►d. Fear Day. BIT* EvSV edaeadny. Darlßß Irani Mall Bays -J 14 •72 14 4
      582 words
    • 820 21 Clkwii ABSOCIATIS Ceam Tour days I naaiMa CastsiM Mara leads WSJ luails SM pat 2* 872 dart I BtgMe Ooataai Mlfhlaat *M pm MS'72 $7SM IS dayt Btagatk Chieaamai BM* *O 4 72 12 II 72 days Maadyai Somgkhla III*M departa 72 Aireaadltkaa•d caacbe* Caateet BNlgapsri 27M12 or I7MII txt
      820 words
    • 986 21 POM TNI BBST Wallpaper carpets furniture aad lattno' aitigalas tall 44 IS** far free BMaasaretaeata Orinukir WaJSaaaar Ceaue M B Ja* OB«at Place Store PNILC*. ILICTH9UI A. a COHDI TIONIRS, freeatr. wtaaaaaf-aaMßtat ssifcif. wtterbeater. rafnaaratart (AC/DC no. iiov kiiatlai. gat) saasassaakert. M**7 2TT7I apart »IMt»«»lTte>M|t4« MM PANT Vartaat brands ream
      986 words
    • 880 21 KT2 CORTINA tajSMIL An ton dl tioaed Mileage S.*M KadM Fully warranted. $11. SB* Universal Can. 45 Oreaard Raad. Tel 3*2311 *880 CORTINA OT. 1 owner, excellent nateaaalcml taaaitkta. low mileage 84 800 a a Ring Lam. TTSI* Sport e»T* DATSUN MM oae owner. 82.880 aalaat. Immaculate taadlttea 84*80 one
      880 words
    • 620 21 FIAT rtda I*B*. EstalsssK eaaduisa Interested pleaat Italian Mr Lee ITBWI AUSTIN MINI «BM IMS 1 awaers Oaed eaadstMa OatMact Alaa 3*Wl7 B'aare Vahlelas wsm*d L WAHTIO IMMIBIATILV VSTI BM WAUM rut 12M or Vorve MtS Call Lault Teas rTTIW after 10 00 a m or S4BTI (evealaaa) WAHTSO MIBCIOIS
      620 words
    • 499 21 HOtsi CFFICI RINOVATION Pe. tat sag ataaait tirntat tiles traaaataaaary, Baar carpet tag clean lag waaatg Reasonable charasa Phtnt Easter* Baa M 133 B* lK* i evening! VIM ON SUNDAYS aad aaNdaya hath aur ten-teat reaaaia aaea Fv Lady Ekearts'Lady Barken (all MeriaaM' ******. 37«117 *****2 IB pare) lOeptutt taamU
      499 words
    • 844 21 IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE or Valuable **9 years Leaaenold property Total area approximately HIM square feet romprtslnc Land Building known THE JUBILEE THEATRE 340 NORTH BKIDGE ROAD SINOAPORE Mtuatrd in a heavily populated Chrieae district ri«hi in lit* heart of the City sa be sold with VAC ANT POWERCinema Hall together
      844 words

    • 362 22  -  EPSOM JEEP I 8> Diamond spear did 3f In 42 1 5 Showgirl V (T. Tan) sprinted stylishly over it in 41. Lent Burden <Wacli> went easily over 3f in 42 4 5 La Grumbler went two rounds running the last 3f In
      362 words
    • 83 22 NEW YORK. Wed Major league baseball results yesteraav Nat'onal leaf le Chical > 2 New York 1. Pittsburgh 6 St. Louis 2. Los Angeles 8 San Francisco 5. Atlanta 2 Cincinnati 1. Houston J San Diego 0 1 1st Houston 2 San Diego 1 1 2nd'. Montreal
      Reuter  -  83 words
    • 1314 22 A TOTAL of 42 races have been scheduled for 'he four-day meeting at Kuala Lumpur on June 3. 4. 10 and 11. There will be ten races each on the first and third days and 11 each on the second and last days. A total of
      1,314 words
    • 231 22 England slump to shock defeat by Irish LONDON. Wed. England's sagging soccer prestige sank to new depths when they crashed to a shock 1-0 defeat against Northern Ireland in the British international championship at Wembley last night. It was Ireland's flrst victory over England in 15 years and they did
      231 words
    • 105 22 EL PASO Wed Sweden s Kjill Is*akaon and American Bob Seagren both beared 18ft 4' 4 in (5.59 metres la*t night to set a nev world pole vault record 1 lie new mark bettered teakHal record at 18tt 2in *et lan month *v'akren» previous best
      105 words
    • 123 22 English soccer crowds go up I ONDON. Wed. Engu lish Football league attendances for 1971-72 season more than half million up on the previous year, it was announced today A total of 28.700 7M spectator watched the matches, in increase of 506.583 Gatf i.yure* in the First and Thrc D:\isions
      Reuter  -  123 words
    • 124 22 JUNE 3: Class 3 Dlvs S and if. Claa* 4 D v 1 M; Dlvs 4. 5 and M. Class 1D I I- M; Dlrs 1, 4 and 5 flf. JUNE 4: Class 3 Dlvs 1. 2, 3 and 4 flf. Class 4 Divs 1. 2 and 3
      124 words
    • 391 22 |\MAHA. Wed. World heavyweight champion Joe Frazier, who defends his title here tomcrrow night against unknown Ron Stander, took a verbal swipe today at Cassius Clay, the fighter who refuses to acknowledge Frazier's right to possession of boxing's most glittering crown C lay says he wants
      Reuter  -  391 words
    • 893 23  -  JACK FINGLETON By I iMK)N, Wed. It has become por with touring nn> on their ar- here to say that ike> two to tango. !u> means that one <an't play atw i ncket if the other one won't join in Well after
      893 words
    • 168 23 JAPAN TURF'S MR BIG' HERE ON VISIT Till biggest name in Japanese horae-racing circles here tt a visit. Mr in Japanese millionaire Mr Jans* Rashly ama •>«ner of M racehorses, a ranch of aboat 140 horses *hi«h produce about 3* yearlings annually, two horses each in Ireland tnce. and three
      168 words
    • 40 23 VON SALAYSAY 110 I a one under par nett 67 hi- Changi OoU Club thly medal (stroke) at t. Monday •Tamovifc (lt) won the medal with nett *>. and reng Khook (24) the C with nett M
      40 words
    • 134 23 s M>ORES flyweight -•;>ln Syed Abdul r will use the Malay- Op?n Boxing cham- "onships on June 2 4 at .mDur as a tunehe Munich Olympic be his first fight > suld medal upset .rma's Vanlal Daw la I ScaD Games
      134 words
    • 374 23 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. Selangor. Negri Sembilan and Armed Forces today Joined Johore in the semi-finals of the Razak Cup hockey tournament being played here. Defending champions Selangor beat Malacca in the morning and Penang in the afternoon by 2-0 margins to be unbeaten
      374 words
    • 337 23 Three-point plan to uplift tennis SINGAPORE Lawn Tennis Association, with the aid from National Sports Promotion Board, have a three-point plan to pull tennis out of the doldrums and to Ret ready a strong team for next year's Se a d Games, reports EARNEST FRIDA. The project will be aimed
      337 words
    • 34 23 DAMAKO Wed. Morocco assured themselves of a place in the Olympic football final* in West Germany later this year when they defeated Mali 4-1 in an African Group 1 Qualifying match here
      34 words
    • 212 23 AUSSIES IN SOUND POSITION THANKS TO COLLEY "DRISTOL. Wed Medium- pacer Dave Colley bowled the Australian cricketers into a strong position against Gloucestershire on opening day of the three-day match here today. Colley had taken five wickets when rain forced an early tea with Gloucestershire 121 for eight. With Bob
      212 words
    • 87 23 JAKARTA. Wed. Two Singapore players. Lee Ah Ngo and Wee Kin. were eliminated in the first round of Pint Jakarta Open badminton championship* here tonight. Lee lost 15-10. 15-4 to AmrU Nurman of Indonesia, and Wee Kin fell by 17- Ift. 15-11 to another Indonesian. Pram PoUot Other
      87 words
    • 315 23 ¥X>UR SWIMMERS r Elaine Sng. Esther Tan. Jovina Tseng and Khoo Teng Chuan will get their last chance to qualify for the Munich Olympic Games at SSC tomorrow, reports ALBERT JOHNSON. Singapore Amateur Swimming Association secretary Woon Sui Kut said: "Those swimmers who failed to make
      315 words
    • 22 23 The annual general meeting of the Slngepore Rugby Union will be held at the Singapore Cricket Club on June 6.
      22 words
    • 278 23  - FARRER PARK TIPPED TO WIN LKY CUP JOE DORAI By FARRER PARK, the cradle of Singapore soccer. Is strongly favoured to be first holder of the Lee Kuan Yew Cup for inter-consti-tuency soccer championship. This young team, which has an Impressive record in the preliminary rounds, deserves to win. It
      278 words
    • 99 23 UNFANCIED Blaters held a young Ceylon Sports Club B side to a scoreless draw in their SHA League Div 3 match at Bales-tier Road yesterday With a little bit of luck. CSC would have walked out winners They had six short corner chances but could not
      99 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 1124 22 DUNLOP MALAYSIAN INDUSTRIES BERHAD umt rroc k c rßTiric ate Tlw «B«srMC«tsstw« CtrtncaU boa keon reporwd lost or gMMPI Ht oS. 5T* bJ» "kimZL alsas Hasfta* ksa Stock ANN RaJI Mohd Taassn and BM Mn Zau>ah MnU Daud NOTICE U HERCBY OIVEK that unksss a claim or rtlinilirm to rnpirt
      1,124 words
    • 439 22 THE GEORGE TOWN l>l»riv«\Kl BERHAD i Incorporated la Malaysia NOTICE Or ANSI AL GENERAL MIITIM. NOTICE 18 HEREBY OIVEN that ihe SiXly-jjeventh Annual Ci-nerai Meeting kl M*lbtri of lne town Dispensary MThad wal be held at the Registered Office Chartered Bank Chambers. Beach Street. Penang n Friday 16th June
      439 words
    • 559 22 IN THE HIGH COIRT IN IHIUM AT Xl ALA LI'MPIR COMPANIES BINDING IT no. 9 or it 7: In the matur of Saujana lac Sdn Bhd And in the matter ol the Companies %DVfcRTIBE*ENT OF PETITION NOllCa. is he.eby guen that a petition Ur the wmain«-up of the aocvenamed ccaipany
      559 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
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  • Page 23 Miscellaneous

  • 157 24 Two more cholera cases reported in S'pore SINGAPORE. Wed Two more cholera cases were confirmed today, bringing the total number of cams to 27 since the outbreak early this month One was a 34-year-old rarptnter of Lorong 4 Toa Payoh He was admitted to Middleton Hospital yester<tay The other was
    157 words
  • 100 24 WTNILIMCAM form»r i»raonal •••Miaul Tun laaaail. tat« «up*r VMMT 1 Irltwcr Turf ClU* 1 4 rk.Mr.a a kratlkm K. Mlllitm ana- K hvnak Caiiac* "•m 97 L Jalan feral to Lofc- Te» rramatawmm 4 („rr 25 S ••>. aLBIKT TMMAI rCRNANOtZ p«»ms4 away pwrefMlhr 5 p.m. 24th Oartaa* taaviec
    100 words
  • 40 24 PARIS. Wed French Defence Minuter Michel Debre ■aid today that a aecend bank of surface-to-surface ballistic mIMUe« ha» reached operational status at a base In southern Prance The strategic mlsalies can be armed with atomic warheads AP.
    AP  -  40 words
  • 55 24 •THANKS, but I'll wa i t." Mr Br./hnrv seems to sa» to IS Secretary of State William Roger* who playfully offers his own glass of champagne to the Russian leaders. Mr. Brethnev was awaiting a fresh glass after having accidentally knocked over a tray of
    55 words
  • 190 24 Japan's pledge to eight South-east Asian nations TOKYO, Wednesday JAPAN yesterday told eight South-east Asian nations it would take more imports from the region and step up its investment there. The assurance came during the first planning meeting of the South east Asian Promotion Centre for Trade. Investment and Tourism
    Reuter  -  190 words
  • 48 24 COLOMBO Wed DemonMiation* were reported today in the Tamit-apeaking northern district of Jaflnu and the eaat coast port of Trlncomalee. with state-owned rail coaches and buses stoned. In protest against the Tamil language not being granted official status under the new constitution of Sri Lanka. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 27 24 BASINOSTOKE (England). Wed. Mr D.N Pritt. a Marxist lawyer and politician who once defended Jomo Kenyatta. died at his home here yesterday aged 84 UPI
    UPI  -  27 words
  • 22 24 PARIS. Wed. A 30-man Chinese mission arrived here today to discuss the purchase of three Concorde supersonic passenger aircraft Reuter.
    Reuter  -  22 words
  • 499 24 lONUON. Wed. E'lHllKt drifted lower today on lack ol iotaraM •Ml at 3 m thr Fin.m. >al TinHtmtm wait down 0 7 at 533 2 l:nih»ver. l%* f < ham and Rank we-re dinonq traders to .leflin. but 1.0.. and P an.! O wr.e hurhar Waliw Mann nrmed
    499 words
  • 130 24 Tariffs, import regulations limit Spore exports to NZ WELLINGTON. Wed Preferential tariffs and import licensing regulation^ limited Slnnaporf s export > to New Zealand, the leader of a 15-man Sin». trade mission. Inche wan Dzaftr :>aid here today. Inche Ridzwan. Director of Trade In the Finance Ministry, said Singapore* goods
    Reuter  -  130 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
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    • 228 24 THE WORLD'S FINEST ORCHESTRA EQUIPMENT P. A. SYSTEMS FROM WEST GERMANY BLiLJl Tli[l iu u-7 v ex i n /i i L SYMBOL OF BETTER SOUND %T f ~^RP» DO SOO TS€ 100 I^CT Oyrumic movin*Tu>i« Mt lor g^ co.i difact.onji >f^ m t'jnjm ss.on and BaaV^sV^Bf 4 taV^lr*aaV*aaa>^B''wl micopxona
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  • Page 24 Miscellaneous