The Straits Times, 17 May 1972

Total Pages: 30
1 30 The Straits Times
  • 22 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 225.000 The Straits Times Ik National Estd IMS WEDNESDAY, MAY 17, 1t72 CENTS M.C. (P) So. 3778
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  • 783 1 The split second the gunman fired BULLET LODGED IN SPINE SILVER SPRING (Maryland). Tues. ALABAMA Governor Ceorge Wallace, critically wounded by a would be assassin yesterday, lay paralysed at the Holy Cross Hospital here today, a bullet embedded in his spine. Thnv others who wire hit by the
    AP; UPI  -  783 words
  • 28 1 BANGKOK. Tue»— U.B. Wx President Spiro T Agnew arrived here today (or talk* with top Thai leaden and a side trip to Saigon tomorrow. UPI
    UPI  -  28 words
  • 278 1 MILWAUKEE (Wisconsin). Tuesday 4 SMALL notebook found toda> In the cluttered apartment of Arthur Bremer, arrested in the assassination attempt on Gov. Wallace, Included a handwritten passage that said "happiness is hearing George Wallace singing the national anthem or having him arrested for a
    UPI  -  278 words
  • 148 1 Another 10 cases of cholera in S'pore OINGAPORE. Tues. Ai other 10 cases of cholera have been detected during the past 48 hours Eight cases were confirmed yesterday and an other t»o this morning This brings to 15 the total number of cholera cases in Singapore Including the death of
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  • 61 1 SINGAPORE. Turs men were warded in Outram Hospital with serious stab wounds after a gang clash in Circuit Road tonight Police late tonight identified the injured in the I p m < U>h In front of Block 91 Circun Road a* Chin Kee Onn 32
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  • 27 1 LONDON Tues Pnmr Minister Edward Heath will make his first flight in the Concorde jet airliner on Friday hi* office announced today
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  • 25 1 WASHINGTON Tue* Secretary of Defence Melvui K Laird left today for Europe to explain President Nixon Indochina policies to America* Nato allies AP
    AP  -  25 words
  • 32 1 CONNALLY RESIGNS WASHINGTON, Tues.— Mr. John K Connally Jr. resigned today from President Nixon's Cabinet, and Mr. George P. SbulU was named to replace him as Treasury Secretary IPI.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 99 1 f SEIKO Be on time all the time. Wear the Seiko Bell-Matic... Th« Seiko Bell Mat.c hrn a built tn m^*^P^ m^ alarm that rings to rtmind you of appointments It is automatic, water- B^^L\ proof and shock resistant, too. Plus «fc_^^ Jmi^^^M it has a day/date calendar with j£!
      99 words
    • 60 1 More pictures in Pages 6 and 7 The new way to gracious living PAGE 18 WORLD NEWS 2. 3. 4 GOLD BILLION Ml RDKRS INQIIRY ENDS 5 RETIRN to Malaysia call by Razak 11 EXFATS: All out by 1875 In Malaysia 17 YOUTH killed after row over sister 27 CROSSWORD
      60 words
    • 62 1 <S^YASHICA 4OK Y ash icd Super 40K. Slim trim a mighty little fistful of I Super 8. With 4X power 200 m, automatic thru -the lens light metering, battery powered, electric motor film drive, remote control, movie light slot and filter key. All this at a price you can afford
      62 words
    • 8 1 CHUNCHONG ii UnJKt KJ Sport 1. l\l 7j-
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  • 346 2 Our trip to Moscow still on says Pat DPESIDENT Nlxons r trip to Moscow next week "Is on despite the critical war situation in Vietnam. accordlnK to Mrs Pat Nixon Mrs N-xon said this to a group attending the vopemrir of the redecorated Blue Room In the White House yesterday
    Reuter; NYT  -  346 words
  • 160 2 QANIIAGO. lurs A k- Cuban move to condemn American blockad* of North letnam today threatened to wreck the Third IN Conference on Trade and Development. Angered by the Cuban resolution, which it calls "a controversial political issue ou'side I'nctad <> competence." the I I delegation
    Reuter  -  160 words
  • World News
    • 243 2 Heath crushes Labour move on N. Vietnam blockade LONDON, Tuesday. I"HE British Government yesterday beat back by a 23-vote majority a fierce Labour Opposition protest move in the House of Commons over the U.S. blockade of North Vietnamese ports. The Uiree-hour emergency debate, sponsored by Labour, was called to discuss
      Reuter  -  243 words
    • 33 2 AUCKLAND. I men's luerationist Dr Gennuine Oreir lost her Supieme Court appeal yesterday against a convic.ion and a USS4O fine tor using obscene language at a I public lecture UPI
      UPI  -  33 words
    • 33 2 HAMBURG Tues. Three co.i.sial mclor ship*, worth $114 million and 3.000 tons of relief supplies were presented to ihe Bangladesh Government by West Germany's Protestant relief organisation laot night AP
      AP  -  33 words
    • 71 2 CARSON CITY Tues A Las Vegas hairdresser who advertises hi* beauty shop with nude photos of himself has angered State officials But apparently there Is nothing they can do about it. Deputy Btate Attorney Oeneral Michael Melner said yesterday that the phctos ol hairdresser Carl Stornello
      UPI  -  71 words
    • 45 2 MADRID. Tues— A 21-year-old Spanish fisherman won a record US$7B2 273 in the Spanish soccer pools yesterday Jose Maria Fernandez Abe- jon. married and with two children, correctly forecast all 14 soccer matches last Sunday un a 10 pesetas (15 cent* ticket
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    • 166 2 Tempers flare as railmen disrupt services again ONDON. Tu** Thousand don buMi Krily brandishbrellas and tt threats M rail I down during homeward nuh-b last evening City workn Into main Ui i to catch behevlrnj tl) K order fi Relatlon> forced work-to -n. men to go back I mal w
      Reuter; UPI  -  166 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 142 2 1 1 m *-S^ *^9 s^Ss^si \dH^s^s^s^s^s^s^s^s^s^sl B^BT Swinging nartie!) begin with JF—^^ 1^ a| Bacardi rum IV Light, smooth Bacardi mixes f I with anything. Great with Coke.tonic y^ I n.\C \l\l)l I or orange juice 'yMarvellous with ginger ale I or lemonade r Famous throughout the world. (V*\(
      142 words
    • 282 2 MmJSLLjLt^IJJLLxL^k A PRODUCT OF HUNTER DOL JD \U is beautiful, weather- ~~^^^o*^^^ proof corrosion and SSS^^?l^^^T^ maintenance free /Tl— —lL^^L Fits anywhere, comes I in a wide range of pW finish need we #PWRO^X. say more! y;? for free measurements and |||||Baw quotation without any ■^HBbkX^^lttllllMllllf ■■•feu». obligation HUNTER DOUGLAS
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  • World News 2
    • 190 3 PARIS, Tuesday JHE French Government is facing a crisis of confidence with the resignation of a tary of State and a parliamentary deputy after a series of scandals. The resignations have closely followed Prime Minister Jacques Chaban-Delmas* embroilment in a row over his income
      Reuter  -  190 words
    • 126 3 I ONOON. Turs Pr>mr Charles had a narrow earap* from death during his much publicised parachute jump into thr m a off Britain's south coast, it was rrvralrd today. In a hook on thr fascination flying has for royalty. Pnn«r (harlrs said that as ht
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    • 283 3 Belgian Rip Van Winkle in Mao-land tells all ORUSSELS, Tues. 13 Belgian banker Frank van Roosbroeck, a virtual prisoner in China since 1951, said yesterday he was kept In solitary confinement for the last four years of his detention. Mr Van Roosbroeck expelled by the Chinese on April 27. said
      Reuter  -  283 words
    • 141 3 Why Joan feels so insecure with the Kennedys I^EVV YORK. Tues. The wife of Senator Edward Kennedy is undergoing treatment by a psychiatrist to make her feel secure and not inferior to the other Kennedy women, a magazine article said today The articles. In the Time issue of Ocod House-
      Reuter  -  141 words
    • 106 3 TAIPEH, Tues. Taiwan's ruling Kuomintann Party announced today a reorganisation to strengthen the control of President Chiang Kaishek's son over the party apparatus. Under the plan, close associates of the younger Chiang's will head the party divisions of finance, discipline, youth activities and organisational
      UPI  -  106 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 122 3 ooo® I High Quality Swiss Typewriters Mm mW S-48 Automatic or decimal tabulator, I three position ribbon with dual ribbon and practical lightning margins. SM 35 Automatic f m ~-sji tabulator, visible wT automatic margins and T-*. in tTTrrfT^ "made to measure' touch f^WiwWi'jj BE-53 Electric -y automatic tabulator and
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    • 276 3 Odeon Seaside Park comprises I^^ of luxury Town Houses ideally X^ \^W Xi^Lm\mm% located close to the sea, r3kW^k<^3*O^~ opposite Katong Odeon V^jjm jSp Theatre and adjacent to *T^ v < Marine Parade, c.,^ a*, <*~~4 J^ 1 Split-level quality house Ultra-modern design Prompt handing over of houses Freehold land
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 49 3 $25m slash by US WASHINGTON. Tues Thr House of Representatives appropriations committee voted yesterday to "lash I SS-'.I million from Is contributions to the I nited Nations and eight related organisations by clamping a ceiling r.n the dues the IS. will pay Rruter THE GAMBOLS By Barry Appleby it-***
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  • World News 3
    • 478 4 (^SLO, Tues The Soviet Union is c o m m 1 s stoning an 8,000-ton Polaris-type nuclear submarine every month and now has about 90 of them. Dr. Joseph Luns. Nato secretary g c n c r al, said today. Each :ub
      Reuter  -  478 words
    • 238 4 Nixon aid pledge to Pakistan WASHINGTON. Tuesday. PRESIDENT Nixon said yesterday the U.S. will helD rebuild Pakistan's economy and also help India and Bangladesh work towards a new era of ceace and good neighbourliness. But he told Pakistan's new Ambassador Sultan Mohammad Khan, who presented his credentials at the White
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    • 129 4 URUGUAY EXTENDS WAR ON GUERILLAS MONTEVIDEO, Tues. Uruguay's Parliament has voted by 88 to 56 to xtend the month-old •state of Internal war 1 against the let t w 1 1. g Tupamaros urban guerillas for a further 45 days Yesterday's vote authorising the extension came after an often bitter
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    • 34 4 CALCUTTA. Tues Vast areas of India s Wes' Bengal State are facing severe drought and officials tear the situation could become "alarming" If the monsoon does not break within a week Reuter.
      Reuter  -  34 words
    • 88 4 UONG KONG. Tues.— 11 The Canton Trade Fair closed yesterday with £1.000 people visiting the fair and after bigger transactions than any of the previous fairs were brought about the New China new s agency reported today. A reception was held In Canton yesterday
      UPI  -  88 words
    • 157 4 Support for Brandt splits Bonn Opposition OONN. TMI German Opp. tion leader Dr Barzel is risking prestige by supjn ing Chancellor \v Brandt's g o o d v. treaties with Soviet Union Poland at the expenof a split in h; party Dr Barzel parlurtary leader of tt tlan Demtxiatu due
      Reuter  -  157 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 107 4 What's in it for you? WtLf Mobil anti- wear up to 42% less ■^^BjXengine wear. s^j^^wy.ess wear on i )Bi '^^^^^^^EeSb^i ip KEEPS YOUR CAR YOUNG World-famous greaseless hair groom. B^r *H| I Your hair is mostly protein. 1 Through washing, normal wear and tear, it can lose this protein.
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    • 288 4 nnn h emingway ■■■■■b^bvhb* r^TW ROBERTSON U i Q 1 INSTITUTE 5 reasons why HRI students learn faster, advance faster. Everyone who studies with HRI is trained at home through a unique programmed learning system. The efficiency of this system has made H.R.I, leaders in business education for 75 years.
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  • 138 5 Inspector opens fire during raid on house SINGAPORE Two. A police uupector fired two thou from hi* tervicr revolver when hli atetrt w»* rauiht In a shut door of a houar in N«v Brtia* Hi *d tnru«rt •econda earlier the in9*c«or from Central Suuon had rushed Into the kutpected fambllng
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  • 28 5 BIMOAPORt TUM The Hw—pnci ■rfcial Bus Owners Msiirii em v appiillm for •■■sis. H small E SSmbsj ing eiijim for the Ctownc Hw» Ft*t CluUri hoaftttai
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  • 568 5 A HIGH COURT TRIAL FOR ALL ACCUSED Gold Bullion triple slayings inquiry ends SINGAPORE. Tuwsday A LI. nine men charged with the Gold Bullion triple slayings last l)ecember were Iml.i\ committed to stand trial in the High Court. The prosecution led by the Senior State counsel. Mr S Rajendran. tendered
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  • 46 5 KUALA LUMPUR Tue» Police today raided a hut off Julan SunKel Best and recovered a pistol Molen from the home of tawye Edgar Joseph Jnr. in Beremb»n five months ago They also sclaed 185 rounds of S3 ammunition A man was arrested
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  • 25 5 SINGAPORE. Tues Two fire engine* put out a (ire at Ban Hin Sawmill in Lorong Kebasl. off llj mile. Woodlands Road, late tonight
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  • 182 5 SINGAPORE. Tues Four days after Low Eng Chiang, 18, was recruited as a national serviceman, he plunged to his death from the second floor of his barracks, a coroner heard today Ong Soon Kiat. Low's room-mate at Gillman Barracks, Alexandra, testified that he
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  • 58 5 Xl ALA LIMPL'R. Taes.-The FAS Member of Parliament for Parit, Inche Hashim Cera, was expelled from the party today for "not abiding by party instructions." The decision to expel him was made by the Party's central executive committee at a meeting today, a statement said. His expulsion
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  • 142 5 Christians send 'stop Viet bombing' petition SINGAPORE. Tm A petition calling for the immediate cessation of the bombing of North and South Vietnam hy the United States Air Force was presented to the American Em ha as v here today. It was signed by *ome £M local Christians. The petition
    142 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 114 5 ill ll f&.Kf I T^tarj \jßto^ Ld&sr ■^■-■^y^^^^^ Sf^^w/\ W^r 'y^»*«>v^~-' N^^Lj^'iJ*^ V v:-: :^mT 1 1 *yf^ M I TV <*s Ajaaa \w*T W -:j^b^H BMaawTvlK-. w^^JL. J >^^^^^flsaß&« mc/rcu/rir "SK Power for a world Jiti of water pleasure N ***>^ 1 ItSam^aJaßsW Wf JF P bl^b^bl^bl^B 1 bSBbMI
      114 words
    • 381 5 B&P envelopes pass the kettle test LW a Laaaaaaak^ la— staaaaaaWT" LaaaaaaaaW. A laro* security company tastad B P "Quick Sail" anvtlopas. TSay triad staaming Quick Seal smwlopes with an old kettle And failed They proved that B ft P 'Quick Seal" envelope* «c tampar proof. If security precautions are
      381 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous

  • 284 6 In the dust of parking lot a wife weeps over her stricken husband world photonews special 'J'MKRK was blood on her saffron dress and tears streaked her cheeks. She knelt on the dirt gray asphalt of the parking lot, her long black hair cascading over the shoulders of her fallen
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 371 6 Sorry, we may have to turn you down -if your shop is not aiming to excel Let us explain... Right servicing to ensure success. 1 J Specialists' Centre has not been built to be just Experienced centre management. '<~TCr%9WMPVfHjJ(Mj|JP^ another shopping centre. Centralised advertising and sales Jjißli H^{\immii*lin¥^f JMJ if
      371 words

  • 77 7 Loner who pulled the trigger WOULD PHOTOSEWS SPECIAL TWKNTY-OXK-yfiii «»l«i Arthur Brenier. the man who tried to kill tlovernor Wallace vcr> moch of a loner a man who kept to himself and didn't talk much. Here, after Ix-ing beaten up l>> WalLiu's sup|K>rteis, \\v pe?rs through the window of
    UPI  -  77 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 193 7 YOUR WAY TO SUCCESS through home study courses The School of Accountancy A BusineM /7"*""~" Studies, »ith 60 yeart successful experience, -»ffers you Coune* for the Tr YOtlM» cxarainatiom of: 7 Amoc. Cart Accti. (CCA.) 1 •^QtaSL 1..1 to* A MgmM AccU (I.C.M A Amoc. krtaL AecU (A.I .A f-^^P^N.
      193 words
    • 185 7 Maflal P^ RlvWl M. ■^B^^Bfl ItJßm> Bam^B^Bm^BS Lp/ lyffl- H? t~~~ ~^^l I 4 I BTVII BBJBJBJBJBJJBHHfBJBHBHffi ajff 1 3I B^ rotary Ugreat new concep MAZDA ROTARY ENGINE LICENCED BY NSUIWANKEL Two New Engine* -12A/130HP.TWin Rotary enghne(xGPoMeft)eadcarnlo4HP 1600 Two CompletelY New Continental Body Styles. Steek.excrtmg. dynamic. Great New "Young At
      185 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 221 7 Straits Times Crossword HP"" ~iM Mm Mm Mm ■B^^^^B^^^f' ACBOBB AlcohoUc aolutlona for an--1 Caat a epeU conunf on the dent aaotUca about a ataf* hundred 5, 10 15. rr bowi 19 «r* awry too tanaf) CSome **'iiwilKl caQ from umpire time, anyway) 1. 4. 1. a). IS Constantinople manufacture*
      221 words

  • 235 8 Van driver 'forced' to take a second wife jailed SINOAPORK. Tues A father of six children who had an affair with another woman was forced into a second marriage as it was the "only way out," a district court heard today. Van driver Mamsa bin Yusof, 31, jaUed for three
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  • 98 8 FIVE YEARS FOR HIS ELEVENTH CONVICTION SINGAPORE. Twm. —A labourer with convictions since 1951 was today Jailed for five yean for stealing a transistor radio and $13 Oovlndasamy SuppUh. 38. pleaded guilty to stealing the radio and money from the house of Valthillnfam Thaver in Cantonment Road at 2.35 p.m.
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  • 60 8 A REPORT In yesterday's Straits Times said that $4 5 million computer terminal will be met up In the new Development Bank of Singapore building In Shenton Way. It bas since been clarified that the protect *s a computer centre and not a terminal. It U a Joint
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  • 96 8 SEVERAL bus conductors and taxi drivers have returned to the ROY articles left by passengers last month. Items Include a set of Lava wonderlamps, a pair of "Franco" spectacles, a I SINGAPORE. Tv««. 1 1 plastic bag containing two umbrellas and a transistor radio, two packets of
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  • 450 8 Secretary sues woman motorist for loss of earnings J^jß. Justice ChiM today heard how a con lidentiul secretary, who rose from copy-typist 19 years earlier, was deprived <>l her post after an accident over two years Mr. HE Cashin, for Madam Lee Nya Chik said his client was on medical
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 145 8 SESAME STREET Cttff Rmttn II II Ifj /r.CAHTSToPTo.m: TXLKf..PUFr!..W£'R£ uxx, we... and i V-~~ thats probasim' r hate v. OSCAR! J THOU6HT THEY WERE/ GADFRY.' TVKYHE >^_ WHY THCY WERE JID SAY ...BUT t HAVE THE > JA "J TOWERS/ ENOUGH TSCARE TH* )3k PUT HERE ,QOH J 1T...
      145 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 455 9 Ampang Road Kuala Lumpur The city's largest shopping and office centre B^K» B^LMMP^-^^rirftllla^PW^^ HI n JI I I l^^^a, I 7T»f^^ A/vV^w/V iqcX^B^\^b^Blß^m^^^'^^^Bl a^^^^ ij i i BBfc^^^^^ji^^^^^WßßMM^^^^ i j L^^B<<aaM^WW^r^^^^^^B^BH Il^Bffiet^jfcgiiem^^ 1 J ill i btwhotmi^v^b^^^^^^bW^E b^b^bb b^H^* -^^^^^^^b a»T. Jam The city's most exciting development on Ampang GARDEN
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  • 268 10 Election observers from UN only at Govt request SINGAPORE. Tues The United Nations will consider the question of sending observers to oversee Singapore's next general elections, only If the Government takes the Initiative This has been made clear by Mr. C V Naraslmhan, Chef de Cabinet of the United Nations.
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  • 256 10 Ship arrested on $1.9 m admiralty suit released SINGAPORE. Tues The Supreme Court today granted a consent order for the release of the m.v. Bauvereal which had been under arrest In Singapore on a court order here since last Dec. 28. The arrest arose from an admiralty suit being taken
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  • 43 10 SINGAPORE. Tuet. National serviceman Mlshawi bin Fae was Jailed for three months today for absenting himself from 44 Vigilante Corns training sessions at the Srrangoon Garden Secondary School centre between July 7 last year and May 11. He pleaded nUlty.
    43 words
  • 247 10 Warning to pregnant women with big families SINGAPORE, Tuesday A DOCTOR today advised pregnant women with many children to seek medical care. Dr. Ong En* Wah, a senior registrar of Kandang Kerbau Hospital, said: "A number of women with many children are tied down by their domestic problems so that
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  • 106 10 WOMAN AND HER TWO BROTHERS CLEARED SINGAPORE, Tues.— A woman and her two brothers were today cleared of a charge of "causing grievous hurt" to her estranged husband without their defence being called. Lee Song Hong and her brothers, Hock Siong and Boon Siong, were alleged to have assaulted her
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  • 159 10 UUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Five local banks have been appointed to discuss with Bank Negara details of the prooosed $20 million Credit Guarantee Corporation. They were nominated by the Association of Banks In Malaysia and Singapore, which met here yesterday They are Malayan Bank
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 275 10 The irttcz/w,. Focus an Malaysian Food in May thr Month fui Makan Besar" Wmc*-—mmm*m* M j ||IqS MMD MMJimA TOUWT ■HfOWMWION J^^ •i Wmt ma mmr»m<tn¥ lu«a« m* Ommbi a i twnmm tmmm-m mm,,, t WM *»w<« L*w*« Mat*. "T*. fl^ 1.1 tau« Mw» taw mm «M« Mw Pm<. m^J
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    • 42 10 RESTAURANT LADY SUPERVISOR Prominent City Restaurant wishes to appoint a Lady Supervisor. Good salary and fringe benefits offered to suitable applicant. Reply in writing to The Manager, Box A 6941 S.T. Singapore. Loudspeaker Systems 118-OLINITI STMEY CM FUtf IIMiC. •wintt-1 m *****
      42 words
    • 40 10 Opeot Teovy: 1 JO. J.JO. 7 4 V.ltaai CHIN) HAN 4 LILY LI ■TMI CHAMPION Ot CMAMPIOMJ (Mondor in/Color Scop*, Taaay 1.1 S, KM 4 tJO Richord Burton 4 John Colkos "RAID ON MOMMA." Technicolor Tomorrow- "A C*y Ca*e« Drafea'-
      40 words
    • 77 10 f^WTfmmmw9^x m T*w^TV% LAST DAY! «eMea City 1 4J, 4, T 4 t.S«e«. fialaay: I. IS, J.JO. 7 4 t.JO p.m. "TMI MYSTKIOUS KfVENGI" Mandarin Color Scope With English 4 Chinese Subtitles Opens Tomorrow at Both Theatre* "A Story of lea PcWea" Mandarin Color Scope Ocean Theatre /.rUtt; Air .Conditioned)
      77 words
    • 305 10 bastards~allT orws toiiomow sW MtßrsiM: sttiii st9vwt wWr\ CULLED i^^^lJlflSTflßD J: L \lL^UJ^^' scope a color HKY-SKY-ROY Y: OPENS TODAY J 1 y^wJ h^hv. b^j^^blbPv '■lr^\ <^Bb^B^ THEWATER MARGIN j with a cast of ALL SHAWS TOP STARS II A SHAW PRODUCTION in SHAWSCOPE ft COLOR MANDARIN WITN SUPf RIMPOSID
      305 words
    • 592 10 tAIT 0A» lion. 1 41. IN M t B Lity Ho. ru* rh>o t ~"m CAIIKO m (A SHAW PBOO^CTON MandOf.n m SrtoMcope. icioi MIIT CNANU Rakart yvj l -A TOWN CAILIO lUUID LAST >AT W ltM. 1 IS. 4SO hmm Rim Dort» Sicrt w.. v^ -rm «mmm «an« m
      592 words

  • 155 11 DAP BLAST AT GOVT OVER LAND PLEDGE \MH Fmn Tew Teng I DAP I ivl today attacked the inm—mt for 1U utter Uaatocerty and failure to Ihw up to its promise to give land to the land)— Mr Pan recalled that one of the fust promises of Information and Special
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  • 372 11 'Return to serve country' call by Razak MALAYSIAN PARLIAMENT ROUND UP Xl ALA LUMPUR, Tuesday Jl\ Abdul Haz;ik today called on skilled Malaysian* working in Singapore to "return and serve their country." He said they would do this if they were loyal citi- zens. Tun Razak told Parliament: "I feel
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  • 179 11 GOVT TOLD REVIEW POLICY ON INCENTIVES MR. V. Veerapen (Pekemas) asked the Government to think again about giving pioneer status and tax incentives to encourage the growth of local capital. He said: "It was naive to expect the private sector to do so because Its main objective was eascntially capitalistic
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  • 85 11 Call for more arms to fight the Reds in Sarawak INCHE Latip Hajl Drls (Alliance) spoke of the communist threat in Sarawak and urged the government to issue more arms to the people in sensitive areas. He called for extension of irrigation schemes so that more land could be used
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  • 47 11 People from China cannot visit their relatives here because they are not issued visa* to visit Malaysia, the Home Affairs Minister Tun (Dr Ismail, told Mr Su Liang Yu (PPP). Malaysians who had relatives in China were allowed to visit them.
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  • 176 11 `Kra canal won't harm Asean neutrality rIE construction of pipelines and a canal across the Kra isthmus will not affect Asean and its concept of neutrality. Tun Abdul Raxak said. The Kra isthmus project, he added, had been discussed long before the Straits of Malacca issue was raised. It was
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  • 257 11 ABOUT 300 categories of goods among them essential foodstuffs and basic necessities have been exempted from the sales tax. In the case of cottage industries, the law already exempts those, with a turnover not exceeding $20,000 a yeai. This was disclosed
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  • 227 11 MP calls for inquiry into workings of PWD AN opposition MP called on the Government to set up a committee to inquire into the workings of the Public Works Depart ment with a view to reorganising it. Mr V. Veerappen <Pc kemast said the committee should consist of independent people
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 198 11 afl IbbV^ It^bK^l bb^\ flUB^ S^B^B^^B^BM tm B A »JL— Ji^B t^r BBW *V BL^^bl BB^BB^BB^BB^BB^BT B^BB^B BBB^BbVJy^' >* uSS^HPn •fcxj^aa i <^7 X^BB^Br* alB Rv aw a^' V^MBJaalißa^H jT W New Cuscaden Room Apart of your private life We don't believe you have to forfeit privacy, just because you're
      198 words
    • 124 11 GET YOUR FOR ALL AGES Toys, Games, Stationery, Pentel Products, Records Greeting Cards a/ the largest Bookstore. [com MPH LTD 71/77. Stamford RoM, S>n««por* T.I. 3*3*3). J6M2S >7t, JM. Tuanku Abdul RMwnan. XL T«: 11W1. 23**4. H Xl Wf W** aadfl Harriet Hubbard Ayor'a I f International B|j& H Beauty
      124 words

  • The Straits Times WEDNESDAY. MAY 17. 1972
    • 331 12 The need to strengthen control of the manufacture. Importation and sale of medicinal products, dramatised by Singapore's "death Dills is to be met by comprehensive revision of regulations which are incomplete and which also have not been effectively enforced The legislation the Singapore Government Is drafting will
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    • 192 12 The fact that Governor George Wallace stands for much of what is reDUgnant to many people in American life and politics cannot lessen the sense of outrage at his being shot down while campaigning in a Presidential primary Public shock and sympathy for Wallace and his family may
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  • 416 12 You don't need to know the language: Study the symbol fIENEVA. Tues The yi search for a universal symool for woman, that can be immediately understood by people of any nation, is Ju*t one of 21/.100 problems for an expert committee which Is trying to evolve an international language of
    Reuter  -  416 words
  • 421 12 IHI punter who has 1 consulted every guide from the form -book to his Zodiac sign and concluded that Gumboils hiII romp home in the 3.M would be annoyed if the steed carrying his each-way bet turned out to be that no hope nag
    421 words
  • 762 12  -  TOM WICKER THE WALLACE ASSASSINATION BID— by NEVER mind what George Wallace stands for. The attempt to assassinate him was a foul and terrible act, incomprehensible in its motivation unless as may be the assassin was deranged. Never mind the political consequences of
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  • 692 12 This burst of bullets is bound to upset all campaign calculations WASHING TON. 11 Tues.— The bullets that felled George Wallace on the eve of his greatest achievements in national politics will also upset both the conduct and the calculations of the 1972 Presidential campaign. If he could recover In
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 24 12 b^t 48-fe-Bi SEIKO Service 7] is here Uflpr_l_ IHONO SIA CO (8) PTE LTD ISHfiflmN v mbvomd foe mtvrom. %m. jjta l^ «mJ.L_ 1/
      24 words
    • 92 12 VM^^^mPvlß ll t mrsjt v ■TmsT'l I^B^^a^tiriJ b^blbW^ Jb^b^^b* NYAI FLUORIDE TOOTHPASTE for brighter, stronger teeth Daily brushing with refreshing Nyal m A Fluoride Toothpaste will effectively gff in- M remove all stains and bad breath Nyal 3 m fb Fluoride Toothpaste will also prevent M gum from bleeding and
      92 words

  • Business Times
    • 815 13  - Two oil giants hit by rising costs BLAIR JOHNSON COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL SECTION OF THE STRAITS TIMES By pitol IT margins A Shell Refining (Malaya) in 1971 CMM under heavy pressure. The drop \\;is not ;is marked ;is tluit suffered by rival Ksso whose profits slumped from $14.2(> million to
      815 words
    • 242 13 Haw Par completes plans for Kwan Loong MAW Par Brothers International has completed plans to re-organise the pharmaceutical interests of Us subsidiary, Kwan Loonff (Hong Kong) A licensing agreement has been kignrd by Kwan Loong with Ha» Par Tiger Bain International Kwaa LoMig is guaranteed a minimum annual income of
      242 words
    • 361 13  -  CROESUS By The BIG ONE COME surfing experts say every ninth wave will be a big one. It might be true for surfing, but certainly isn't in the case of new issues if this year's experience is anything to go by. For the big one in the way
      361 words
    • 507 13 BETTER THAN EXPECTED GOOD NEWS FOR INCHCAPE SHAREHOLDERS fOMPARINO Inchcape's 1971 results with those of 1970 would be misleading. Suffice to say the results were better than expected following the mid-year merger of Borneo. Motor Investments and Wheelock Marden. Forecasting results for 1972 is even more difficult for the benefits
      507 words
    • 227 13  - General Ceramics comes on stream HENRY CHANG B, fENERAL Ceramics has begun commercial production of wall tiles for the Malaysian market at its new $5 million factory at Petallng Jaya. The factory, conceived in 1969. is expected to considerably reduce the imports of finished wall tiles and boost the utilisation
      227 words
    • 507 13  -  AUSTIN MCRAIS By SINGAPORE will get a terminal for storing liquid prod ■etl in I.') months at Tanjong lYnjutu, thus satislying long felt need for liquid die iiiiral handling facilities. The terminal, which will cost about $20 million, is
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 84 13 "Jumbo to Zurich and Frankfurt by v^BOACj^ For some people there is only one airline. Fly away in a big way to Zurich every Sunday and Frankfurt every Wednesday. By BOAC 747. Leave Singapore in the early evening and arrive the following morning. Now, with BOAC's new excursion fare, Zurich
      84 words
    • 275 13 INSIDE NulU Onn— ptaw to term trmm (fMrti lut ?»pwn»i i^i^r^^^^ mr^mm ish^ mm^ m www^^^m bi^jPßm fWM, re**** m i an r M i« ACampmmy aewt; Share Market rrpart. ■■■■jim« Bdeea vi imlw—i tNt. Overeats aurfcru N« tert Mrltoarar. Hast K«n r*«« 1* the Financing moves into fifth position
      275 words

  • 249 14 Discount Trust offer fully taken up i DUBLIC response to i the special discount I offer for units In both the Singapore Security Fund and the Malaysia Security Fund has been very satisfactory," according to Mr. Lim Yew Chan. Mr. Lam. Chief Executive of South East Asia Development Corporation, said
    249 words
  • 452 14  - Manila Govt plansto borrow from Central Bank LEON GONZAGA By MANILA: The Government is ul ready thinking of ne \v liorrowings from the Centnil Bunk, und yet it was less than a month ago that its finances were bolstered by hundreds of millions of pesos in income tax payments. Under
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  • 117 14 PEOPLE IN BUSINESS Mr. Chew Beng Kirn has been appointed business and marketing manager of Malaysian Inter national Shipping Corporation (MISC). During the past two years he was responsible for the company's contalnerlsatlon programme and in his new role, his main task will be MISC s cargo buildup both locally
    117 words
  • 158 14 COURSE ON EXPORT PROMOTION T<H£ Italian Institute lor Foreign Tiade. In cooperation with the International Trade Cei.tre iITC) of Geneva, and the UNCTAD OATT has decided to organise a specialised course on expori promotion for businessmen and government employee* o( Asian countries, according to the Italian Trade Office in Singapore
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  • Article, Illustration
    1 14
    1 words
  • 755 14 SUPER tanker, whose length is greater than the height of the Eiffel Tower or even the Tokyo Tower, was at Jurong Shipyard in Singapore last week for repairs. The 326,585 deadweight ton Universe Japan (see picture), which was at Jurong Shipyard's Tanjong Kling mooring
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 363 14 "personal touch" from Rarker... Pjrker pens and sets personalized with your monogram free An em lusive Parker feature initials are applied when you buy there s no I waiting or expense tor costly engraving I An elegant addition to the world s finest If »nting instruments (and a great gift
      363 words
    • 141 14 If you're looking for products to import, we've got a service that can help you. ucts, equipment, or materials tj^^ft^a^^ JBa^^S^^sy. When we receive your letter, we will inform the manufacturers Requests in English can be w a nfTrZ Pr fu dUC in^JJ transmitted to our suppliers more want (There
      141 words

    • 159 15 Partt Pvrak MM S l>arby $665 $2 60 Veneer Prod. $2 33 Sim Urn $1 30 red (able. SI 77 Talan Minn S2 50 l«; tlect $2 SO KfßHi S3 SO Ounlop Ind $460 Allied (h«c $284 S« Baiatn $130 (.a«BM »tA $153 B'Hrf Land $1 77
      159 words
    • 948 15 8' o trim rants trn iv LIS.TID AT TNI CLOU •tISS IM TNI tIMCAPOIIf .MB! TMI ST*CH lICMAMCI raid a»a*t mints in >IM TtsTtMDav Will mttUIKKII CLOSING TONE: All sections closed very steady TI'RNOVEB: Official total turnover as supplied by the Stock Exchange yesterday including odd lots totalled
      948 words
    • 268 15 Operators preferto wait and see |>RIC'I.S moved narrowly I in lif hi trading on the Stock Exchange of Malaysia and Singaporyesterday. Operators remained generally cautious and reflected a lower volume of time-bargain dealing Blue chips held steady. At the close the Straits Times Industrial Ordinary share index was uo more
      268 words
    • 65 15 T"HESE rates were quoted on the Asian dollar market yesterday. The tates are for deposits of US$25 000 and above 2 mth.', 3 mths 6 mths 9 mths 2 mths 4 12 to 4 11 16' 4 11 16 to 4 15 16 5 3 16 to 5
      65 words
    • 1510 15 111 WINS in and reported to the Singapore and Kuala Lumpur trading rooms I Stock rtharaar yesterday with !h* run.ber of 'hares traded shown In brarkeu in lots of 18W unless otherwise specified IMH I Xl \l > VII '130 .2) 131 <2) 133. ill 134 111 135
      1,510 words
    • 197 15 THE Association of Banks tn Malaysia-Singapore announced these best agreed merchant rates as at May 16 > al dollar* to oae anil '< I ..rrijn urrrn. > Sterling Pound \usttalian Dollar an Dollar 'aland Dollar Dollar I *ral MUn U 1M unit* -e> Kjrau Rupees > u.iah Kroner
      197 words
  • 581 15 SAN Holdings In reply to a letter from the Exchange has supplied comparative profit figures for the six months ended September 1970 No figure is given for the six months ended September 1971, but the directors in their Interim statement, which led to the Exchange inquiry, had said
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    • 197 15 THE Straits tin price in Penang yesterday again eased fractionally by 50 cents to $635.50 per picul for the fourth successive trading day on an official offering down 69 tons to 246 tons. The overnight London metal price was steady with forward buyers quoted £3 lower at
      197 words
    • 69 15 Menday Saturday U I U. 1.1 London 53 10 52 90 Beirut 53 45 53 35 PonKkonK 53 S2 53.00 Zurich 53 MB 52 MB 53. 50 S 53 10 Paris 52 24 52 2)1 R pcre ID unch 54 aY pore (2> l-x 40 II) Export prices
      69 words
    • 22 15 MAY. 1C RIBBIR 9125 cents (down 050 cent). TIN: $635.50 (down 50 cents). Official offering 246 tons (down 69 tons).
      22 words
    • 106 15 pHINISt PRODUCE CXCHANCI. SINCAPORt NOON CLOSING PRICES PER PICUL YEITEROAV Cocenut Oil: bulk J37 sellers. drum £39 jrllerCt»ra: Mixed .loo*.' f K Cont Mil B Pe»»er Muntok ASTA white rob IOO'-, nlw sisji nastm. sinok white fob NI.W JI7JJ sellers Sarawak upeclal black Io b. NLW ;iin sellers
      106 words
    • 40 15 London copper prices on Monday (previous in brackets) Wirebar Spot buyer 1429 50 (142*00) seller 14 30 cm U42sso> Three month* buyer 1 437 00 U43S 00) seller (437 50 I (435.50) Market t*n«: Steady Sales: 1.050 tons
      40 words
    • 42 15 In London on Monday the palm oil price* of Malayan .■> per cent OK IK N >>jropean ports in thr bulk sterling per lone ton Jul> Dec wa» quoted at I'KI-« sellrrs luncr.anted): Aus Sept at LKIM paid i unchanged i
      42 words
    • 374 15 THE rubber market yesterday 1 had a sagging tendency for the first part of the morning but the receipt of good export figures for March at 166.688 tons encouraged some light buying Conditions were very thin and turnover was small The mcinlrg session closed quiet Trading lacked much
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    • 95 15 t-vAILY SMR prices Issued by the Malaysian Rubber Exchange and Rubber Association of Singapore at noon yesterdiy: SCV 5L S 10 20 50 (Current Month i I Buyer* Scllerf (I— ton Pallet) 102 60S 104 00N (I— ton Pallet) 91.00 91 50S (I— ton Pallet) 89 00 MOON
      95 words
  • 160 15 Portfolio switch by Sime Darby SIM! DARBi Holdings his decided la ratn>n.ili»r its interest* in.l thaae af laaaciate roa»p.«n> Krmpas i M in thr ihr«r rubber roaap.inirs managrd by Slate *».irb* which arc propo* ing to merge through thr formation of I nrw rompan.v I onsolid ili il Plantations In
    160 words
    • 323 15 \f ELBOURNE. Tues Share prices were generally steady in very quiet trading on the Melbourne Stock Exchange today. Following the normal open- ing burst, activity came almost to a standstill. Overall rises narrowly uut- numbered falls Mk.m interest centred on the mdu.s- trial sector, although l'osridon improved to AS
      323 words
    • 208 15 YORK. Tues— Stocks finished slightly higher. b\+ a relatively lipht turnover of around 13 4 million shares indicated that a good many institutional and public investors remained on the v.delines to watch for developments on Vietnam. Som; of the action also appeared to reflect mnrern that there ha*
      208 words
    • 153 15 UONO KONO. Tues The market saw another active day with interest continuing to be centred on the second line counters and also in a number of textile shares hina Knfiueert f< r the second day running, came up to close at HKSI7 80 Hong Kong Development was taken
      153 words
    • 83 15 (As at Mm Fund of Ami fteriint: Kund of Ami |U s Dollar iAn at Ma. Real E<tair Kund o' Aunt AST 15 iKrom May I to 31 i Property Bond of Awl All 0« ,-or Han American II r.|Mco Inc Itiilip Morn* »3 Royal Dutch M Santa
      83 words
    • 203 15 lIMMUI TI.MtS ll\* Monday 88 41 Friday 89 13 Week ago 90 BVMHM i> 393.14 Friday 2!*> oi, Week ago 305 70 oll> Monday 296 59 Friday ***** Week age 280 75 IM)( MKl\l Monday 539 8 530 6 Week a«o DOW JONES I KAt.l INDISTKIAI Monday 942 20
      203 words
    • 37 15 On the free tichann market I Moni Konic yentrrdiiv tlw US stellar loied I '••>•>-■:> for II and I for tat*. Sterling: »iv quoted at II M and •m tae« iei« was quoted at 3*1.30
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 555 16 SIMAFOtEKTtOUUM I COMPANY Fit. LTD. I urvitn appfecatioat for the position of I QUALIFICATIONS k EXfERJENCE I The Hun we arc iookiag for Aouid B ■arc a khm4 academic background 9 He wll need to havt ice— fully M MidwstnaJ 4 commercial saies acti- B vtties of petroleum products s
      555 words
    • 700 16 BEECHAM PHARMACEUTICALS (PTE.) LTD. PROCESS SHIFT SUPERVISORS AND SENIOR OPERATORS We have an unique opportunity for young men who have experience m supervising a production operation particularly involving chemical processes The men selected will be trained to supervise a shift of operators carrying out »cylation of the penicillin nucleus to
      700 words
    • 745 16 UNITED ASBESTOS CEMENT UNITED ASBESTOS CEMENT BERHAO. IPOH We are a manufacturing company baaed in Ipoh. An opportunity exists in our Accounting Department for a Qaalined and Experienced Accountant to undertake accounting and costing duties concerned with the company's operations. The successful candidate is expected to be able to assume
      745 words
    • 580 16 MALAYAN ROSIER FUNI lOARI POCT-GRADIATE RESEARCH TRAINING IN GREAT MIT %l> The fol)o«ui« TMMtrm mat n I»TJ m the Nat«ral *u*>r Training A«ard Scheme fur which ipaintaMHM ar* tnvtMtf ana suitably qualified Malaysians The amards art for a i Rahtar r.tksAfM The successful cantata!* will under* practical training in various
      580 words

  • 257 17 SAPORE, Tv« The Slnß&poreAustralla Shipping Company here today led that there was :on among the board the Eastern Oueen and the ship had a ta*e of life JacA spokesman for the company was commenting news agency report haefc amad that nearly 3)00
    257 words
  • 24 17 PHINO Tues— Police headmascen and teach- are to meet fmiuently IT the problems of fcanja I and long hair among rhildren Bemama
    24 words
  • 27 17 >(X)RE Tue* Ming Chiang 23. tu fined US toeay for behavinf in a dLiianner by fi«htin«r out- I Md» a ter at Guillemard Hoad
    27 words
  • 348 17 EXPATS: IT'S STILL ALL OUT BY 1975 IN MALAYSIA Ismail outlines Govt's policy 'pi 1 M question of replacing cxpa-tiKitt-s is l>cinK "seriousk dt\»lt with" .md I!f7."> is still the Lnri able for the Miikivsuinisation of ;ill |K>sts excipt k« A |<»|>N. Deputy Prime Minister. Tun (Dr Ismail, told the
    348 words
  • 37 17 SINGAPORE. Tues The drilling rig Fuji Is now undergoing repairs at the West Jurong Anchorage During the month-long work. It will hew the signals prescribed by the International Regulations for Preventing Collision at Sea
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  • 209 17 rt question of a Malaysian master brrwer bring unable to And employment with local brrwrrirs was raised in thr Drwan Ra ayat. The man in question: Mr Nt \fea| S»ff with qualifications from Australia and New Zealand. Thr House was told by Raja
    209 words
  • 104 17 PORT CLASH: POLICE ARREST 18 SUSPECTS OORT KLANG. Tues. I Police arrested 18 men today in connection with the attack on 15 Filipino seamen as two more bodies of the three missing sailors were recovered from the sea. Yesterday two bodies were recovered. rhe five were among 15 seamen who
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  • 96 17 Man who lied to sit for exam fined $200 SINGAPORE, Tues. A jobless man, who made a false declaration to sit for a marine examination, was jailed for a day and fined $200 by a district court today. Poo Soo Ting. 25. admitted making the false statement before a Commissioner
    96 words
  • 40 17 Sales, marketing course SINOAPORE. Tuff The Adult Education Board will be organising a 20-week course in sales snd marketing from May 20 Further details are available at the board's offices at Cairnhill Road or the Cultural Centre at Canning R<~e
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  • 37 17 SINGAPORE Tues Four Indonesians were today jailed two weeks each lor entering Singapore illegally last week. They were Lim Ah Hock. 17 Amat bin All. 21. Zullikar 37. and Kong Yu San 35 I
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  • 322 17 than SAM pre-univusity students took time oil from school today to take part in what \v;is described as "a step to wards developing dialogue ln'tween the young and old." The students, from 43 secondary schools, were attending a five-day seminar on
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  • 239 17 Restitution pledge by $64,300 fraud case man BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN. Tues. A young businessman, who admitted cheating the Brunei Government of $64,300. promised to make full Uttttlon when he got money from his father in Kuching Peter Chan Lav Siong 24. who supplied packed rations to the Royal Brunei Malay
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 245 17 in SECURITY FUND if you want to have an interest in a portfolio of blue chip shares UFE OF FUND: Singapore Security Fund has an indeterminate life. REINVESTMENT OF DIVIDENDS: Reinvestment ht available should you wish to have your net dividends ploughed back into Singapore Security Fund. FIRST DIVIDEND CHEQUE:
      245 words
    • 159 17 p.m NATURALLY ASPIRATED Model 360 r-mmmmmmo~i Mdx 108 H H continuous 96 hp |23Eti!iil TURBOCHARGED ENGINE \> t* Max 150 HP CONTINUOUS 13b H P TURBOCHARGEU IN j> >■ -^v- rt hi V^C^^^i T IW^ T^T^MM Perform., PETTER POWERED G&M nmm DIESELITE MK3 ENGINE Single Cyhnder 'M*m Qf\ Air Cooled,
      159 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 938 17 On your TV and Radio S.N PJ. Proiramme Summary I.N Dunn Wan.ta 3 M PM. Opening and House»i»es 7.M English for Everyone Don't $.M Pok Amai imai J Penstewa matinee Romance of Mr. Ong let Him Escape iCnmese) S Hariem Globetrotters Jf, S^ entr Report KbTtlesT' 7 New lnd Ne
      938 words

  • 994 18  - The condominium concept a new approach to gracious living CHIA POTEIK. Plan to get developers to preserve natural beauty of a site By Singapore. Tue«. Rl sun \is i ne w housing tsi.iirs can look )>i\\ ml so i better living n\ iioniiK*nt with ( facilities pro \kW'<l for recreation
    994 words
  • 74 18 PENANG. Toes. A raiding Customs party seised eight gunny -sacks of canja. wcrhin; about 2531 b. in an estate in Nibong Tebal today. The canja. valued at Sl2.s##. was found covered with attap in thr rafters of a chicken coop. Thrrr men who ran at the
    74 words
  • 69 18 Art exhibition at National Library SINGAPORE. Tues. Singapore artist Thomas Yeo will hold an exhibition at the National Library from Thursday The show, consisting of 50 of his latest acrylic paintings and aluminium relief, will be opened by the executive director of Neptune Orient Lines Mr Eric Khoo. at 530
    69 words
  • 27 18 SINOAPORE. Tues Three Indonesian Aims will hold a Joint fashion .■hew "Indonesian Batik Night" at Hyatt Hotels Crystal Ballroom on Saturday at 1 30 p.m.
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  • 250 18 Hotch-potch Ho pulls off first in essay contest SINGAPORE Tues He calls himself a hotchpotch, but ti thing mixed up about 16--year-old schoolboy Ho Kwoncjan ie High School Secondary Four student is in tact a very down-to-earth boy all set to face the harsh realities of the world The vuungest
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  • 24 18 SINOAPORE Tues Mcc ha me Lye Whye K'f 26 w«u fined $500 today for bring in a morphine den in Victoria Street
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 106 18 Thi/ Grundig /pund furniture give/ concert hall mu/k right in your living room. f^^^^^^^^^B^^^S^^ you feel HHB^^^ mighty proud to o«in Wr^J^Zj^^^^^^^^^^Zj J&tL Handsomel V designed as a modern '^■•^22^^*2^^^^ "«j£^^oo&^^^~^^ living room furniture as well. lJl^^^Jo&tN(^^^^^^ (b) 6 multi octaves speakers with output *f x^^KtK^/00^^^^^ power of 5 watt
      106 words

  • 150 19 The black crosses are all over the place TRIAD with surprise letter by "Shade Lover (ST. May 15) about the condemntree* in Tasek Ura Estate I \m a undent of Norfolk •»> aeroa* the >Norroad from Tasek tara and have seen •htw ■urstertama Mack M on virtually every in my
    150 words
  • 55 19 N'LAK the tl-aUles I I homxMi Road there v a stretch of roa<2 which fl**«U easily after a ktower As a resah vehicle* cannot get through, thas causing a had traffic Jam The situation can be prevented by proper drainage Will the PHD please look into
    55 words
  • 486 19 17 schools and yet we do not get priority 41-TKU reading the article lu-.ullinnl "Commercial studies: Full murks for (ioviimm lit .ST., May 12). I was Meed surprised to learn thu( there are 10 government and seven aided schools which ofTer commercial subjects at (iCE level. The number of OCE
    486 words
  • 197 19 WITH reference to the letter by "SST (ST., May 11), the minimum downpayment for the purchase of a Board flat is 20 per cent of the selling price. This amount varies according to the type of flat and is payable at the time
    197 words
  • 125 19 PEASE refer to the letter by "Father" <B.T. May 8). It is regretted that "Father' did not mention in his letter his son's particulars such as name and NRIC No; thus we are un able to trace the case. However, if he could provide his sons partlcu lars
    125 words
  • 172 19 I AM very pleased to note that Mrs. Daisy Tan. «esident of the Singapore omen's Netball Assocla tlon is so very concerned with the promotion of netball In Singapore. Her efforts would be more commendable however If she directed her energies to more purposeful promotion
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  • 257 19 Mistaking genuine grouses for defiance I WISH U comment on the article headlined "Sack the rebels and save Spore athletics" (Sunday Mail. May 14) about nbm differences between coach Patrick Zehnder and some top sprinters. The article tended to £ye the Impression that ,c Mar I meeting at the Fairer
    257 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 188 19 Europe for j& bargain hunters. From m Leisure Tours. fr? 25 DAYS ROMANTIC EUROPE §3 i* AM inclusive tour price: 552.300 fjjt BJB Departure dotes: Bth July, 22nd July &S| Belgium Holland. Germany, Austria. Itolv. Switierlond BSS (if 35 DAYS GRAND EUROPEAN TOUR |Sj VH Depcrturc date 1 2rh August
      188 words
    • 287 19 I SALINGER'S I I NOVEL CASE I I HISTORY OF I I ALL OF US I I Tomorrow's special Broadsheet m§ I pages look at Jerome David y\ al^bV Salinger's novel "Catcher In the //J^ *^m I Rye." Described as a major \m m»^i-^^^^ WJ* I influence on the generation
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  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 43 19 That HP TV: See us IRLFER to the letter by "Horrified Purchaser" (ST.. May 2). headlined "The TV that cost twice as much on HP." I would suggest that the writer call at the Ministry of Law. City Hall to see the under
      43 words
    • 26 19 signed in connection with the issues raised by him or telephone ***** extension 361 for an appointment in connection therewith. T. CHELUAH. for Permanent Secretary (Law)
      26 words

  • 185 20 25 who made it easy for the thieves SINGAPORE. Tuet A total of 32 homes were broken into last week Of these. 26 were left unattended, police publicity chief Supt Khong Heng Ngee said today In his weekly review of hoosefereakings and burglaries Bupt Khong. said in II cases, entry
    185 words
  • 29 20 SIMOAPORr Tura. —Or Won» Un Ken. the MtaiUUr tor Home Attain, and MP fur Alexandra, will open the constituency» <amp Are night on Saturday at 8 p m
    29 words
  • 53 20 PINAS(. T«es. —It was only a hide-and-seek came with a friend, but traced* struck 19-year-old schoolboy A H. Ahmad Shah la»t nicht when he ran out of hi* home and knocked into a push-cart parked outside. A table on the cart fell on him He died soon after
    53 words
  • 308 20 Call-up men may be wrong: Ministry Govt replies to query on balloting deferment RATIONAL servicemen who feel their HSC results are good enough to obtain them ;i place in tertiary institutions of learning iikiv Ik- HIM The sensitive question of how "good their results are, is after all, a matter
    308 words
  • 329 20  -  LIM SUAN KOOI: By THREE high-fly-ing American girls with a keen eye for brainy beauties with friendly smiles are in Singapore for an unusual task. They are interviewing some 400 Singapore girls of their own age girls eager to
    329 words
  • 189 20 Three with daggers snatch $8,000 payroll SINGAPORE Tuea. Three men armed with daggers robbed two clerks of a $8,000 payroll at the main gate of Eastern Agenci c s in Alexandra Road yesterday gang also punched one of the clerks several time* before escaping with a metal tray con
    189 words
  • 42 20 SINGAPORE Tue* —A pU.MK satchel containing torn* school textbook* belonging to Marina Wong Ho*- Kwan »as found by a schoolboy In a bu» at Queen Streeo last Friday night The o«ntr ran collect It from the Straits Times newidesk
    42 words
  • 34 20 SSINOAPORE Ti*s A iecretary Mr B K Koh. has found a buiuh of M In Dunrarn Road yesterday Ihe owner may claim It firm him a* 30. Jalan Ilmu. off University Road
    34 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 399 20 SANYO STEREOCAST The most important new idea in radios since the invention of the transistor. I^HlStil Pllll Now, for the first time, you can hear the superb Sanyo Stereocast system a product of Sanyo Kl^iw^l Ea^s^Sl llfc'l I #|jp high fidelity sound of FM stereo outside your research. From portable
      399 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 1261 21 "»tt ka- I'M! i TS Slat* IMI P Ktling Pl.ll Wii'MMl t iiiqiii. >rn)tat rimj— mpi taki mm 10 PTRMkM ifaaet L H'MH ttaaaja RM »Ma» MM 10 10 rJiiSiT" i air* wg tti mil mm ?4 mm it Ma, is/» jmi i RfMMI Lm»»mi, >—»-., OjtHMt Map n Ma,
      1,261 words
    • 2116 21 md kJ I m mV i I I i 1 1 II \f am bmT M.M ilat I I 1 aVfl iTAfaTAVa JaM jj m ml m W M^ W MEM 1 11 3-M^T7^wTi^B-B FiirwiaTTiT nmsj snmci iitiCT fmm cut cmst ua R OrtMM •art Pk.l a Tarn Ptaang P
      2,116 words
    • 966 21 InPaWRnPJaPJMnioaWBaMMMB^^ MARITIME B« I LOIM I I HI AP 111 TIL H1444 PO»T HUMMJ BMI MALA IHMPM mil PEMMS lUO< Camtn catiM tt proceed ij otter parti Si leal Mir ftttkajia CMJM. CLEM UNE LTD. SHajMar* P Keiana PtntM Ran Laa OLENITM la>M. MM a a Ma, -H JaM 7
      966 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 1123 22 MMOMDMMMMMTTaMOMTJMMB K^ KAWA SAKJ MSEN kAISHA LTD UHaSJUI KMAI ILSEI UISN* ITI. Hrn. t MXL STMITS Stlttt Japan Nangmang ETA S pore HA PK* ang laajka Mora I May tl May J* •>', iSLZi, MR. 14 MM It MM Japan Cull ■aWTiPJt) fr>OMßare NT: a.,, j Mara May 1
      1,123 words
    • 1049 22 '•aw**-*-. M* MfW ItALAWD Penaiuj P Kataag S>ajjaaara llltag far NIIPWA It May Kit Mat 11/1 MM Dam. Lytt. Maaier. Aack. CNAKMTA- IT/17 JaM II II JaM 11,12 JaM Aac>. Wellington. 1 flu STRAITS/MADRAS MRVICi ••ajjapare P Kalang Penan, Laaliag far aiuK 2t 2Jom IJom «JaM losajMtiiaaai. Madras aaiuia 21
      1,049 words
    • 933 22 WMH^NEORItMTUKSLTI *l iwo»xiuii:»m<imh(»ih<>i»i, C» ttuaJJaNG 2 SMt NTON VMOY SoNGAI'OPaI 1 TEL 9VM33-7 U.K.- lUKOf>f SttVKi LOADING FOR LONDON, M «URG R DAM. HAVRE Singapore P Klang PMMA] A- NEPTUNE AMJAMAtINf I Bjm 21 21 May II 21 May inwi 21 t. Hanre 24 I Mai. Maurg. kVaataa. NEPTtiNE lIRCtN
      933 words
    • 774 22 ■fB MALAYSIAN INTI M SHIPPING CORPORATION BERMAD Tg Ma" S <-gwf P-MMJ MMj I I MPJCA MILATI ta Part 21 22 Mat ,-t 24 1 BIPMA IMII ra Part It a May IWNCA MELIR I IMM 1. 12 taM II 14 taM ItJMA RAYA 11 22 taM 24 27 JaM
      774 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 750 23 '"••Nil AVTMt aaaetl.ill TMO IM14« HIT tK.C „c ii"«.«C 4ll«itiaiiT| liMtJi •>«*« Taaa a*«a Tm Hmmi inn BMatm MMan tM BMaraa atjt ar Maaraa t 4 Mraal Mali M it it Imail Aar Mmi TniM f.r.» tl Wat* HaiUir P«4 Mra«Mkf«Hi SMIIHH r*>n4MM at at. Hiilaai Mam M M faaalM*
      750 words
      698 words
    • 819 23 3° verei G n ttnf<: MARINE LINES C IXPtISS SIRVrCE TO GRIAT LAKES mUMA VOTi tl.« FH TSBBtTTS NAMUTBN UaTTAMU lITMM Snotaort P. KIWB N*M| hlmf Iwatk Hr-wMHNsr- ii/HMM ii/ts a/n a/a mv KM A VOY! IS-S FBI MONTREAL TBtONTI HAMILTON ASNTABaLA MTMIT a. BiaPtMA IflS MM 18/17 Mm IS/10
      819 words
    • 734 23 /«wjp^^\ COMPANIA ARGENTINA DE 6 JJhV? navecacion intercontinental \j^"^/ S.A.CLF. Isaalai far I BaJMCS CiPITfJ-N NIIM MCNts INKS SiHiapori P Koiatif PaßaMj PaTACOWIA AKENTIM 11/21 Bay 22 24 Bar n Bay EVERETT STEAMSHIP CORPORATION S/A 11 CaNMjr tatf p. attMC Acwts Naa snmjbim socsnip ct im m SiaTaißc'atu Ttl I*4ll
      734 words

  • 43 24 LO«N)I IUSII SALON* m Matei Banaaßara Mr paar astaat haMwunas. eapMt iirrnm* antf •srgiaaii liana* Very m«8 I run ppesntasaßas T 11l STII7I .rpoev BAMANHM BaAMTV IN P BBRaa Bw..i far .wmrng treatawi batfy aatf faetal aataaao* Par Bat B*3* ar 87*18*
    43 words
  • 15 24 MR* S rbmalincam aatf family thoa* rosatreea aatf frtoatfa tar Staar hkatf aeatataaa* attaatfanaa
    15 words
  • 23 24 MB Ta Batty aatf Lawroaee a f-'ilT--- Fiona aa 1*8.71. eayter ta Keaaeta Thank, to lyaaaoahajkrt aatf ataaT af OMaikgln Mm Hal
    23 words
  • 136 24 SMI M aANBIAM. retired haapMal ■aaamaat paaaetf away at 4 p m toevukf aehtatf wife Mathamanal. three aamahsara. taar saaa aad one gtaal faoht.r OarBmatfl (Naval Basel. far nTmlii Creenaaartum at p m tatfay Oa April 17 I*7l at 4I*J 17t h AVfMM. ▼•eßaSajWaWr****. ar Canada Dr LEC sMB
    136 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 527 24 MMC C.A.T.S. TEL: *****1 gxaalmam *T M *jr If aavaa '0" Dt'»lLs. k* f M -or-' s-^. ..r... in.*-.— HEAR OR G. O MBit, rvangeii.t af lateraatieatl repute at the Mhort Btreet Methetflet Char ah. 14 Short Street Bta*.piri 11-Btk May 71. at 730 sightly Special Maptao; aatf musical attraction*
      527 words
    • 674 24 APPLICANTS ropiyia* la Baa aam amMffJ flfJa* VaanfJaatMl ajf "■MgMBVtMaI not ta lasini ortgtoeJ aapeaa af aaeXMOtNias No ri.pea.mially eaa be aoseotetf far thetr Mas Apaelaaata an akw aOvias* la write ta Baa number aarrectly aatf ahaak them before paatm*. A CONSTRUCTION FIRM require 1. MALI EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT OJaaM* cation
      674 words
    • 761 24 IXFANDINO CIVIL STRUCTURAL PI aaa. apply ia wntia* t* Baa ABM* fc'-T. ST per* BWLV ISTABLISHID COMPANY require 2 latfv clerk tvpteu I ex p.neaail i liaaaa. S lotfy *aMa promoten aatf 1 driver RMHJ Bpan 4*332* far aa mtervlew MUmtmeat VNIMFL4YID BB OIIIATISFIIO w.m *im— it aon-aalartetf aaatt Than
      761 words
    • 756 24 88T YOUR COMMBRCIAL TRAIN ING Pram Raja's College tobe cur* of sure*** lab. Details from Raja a Pane** LCADtNO OfTEtWATIONAL gmnffaf* requires WAITRIBIII for Its distinguished Restaurant. Coaktail Lounges Ban aad OoSTee nau. i Gaxmttfatea must have a alaa.aat penjaallty and be able to speak English Bueatly PraYtaaa 4— aatfam
      756 words
    • 1021 24 BARKBR MAS HIT tt eaahmtvaH AaaaaaxNMßMksn 1 airoaatfitieaoe with wall to wall lapkiar*. Bhang is* room aatf ..liaay spilt leve kitra.a laaalij eepareta aaivaat i emaaamtfaaM MM EsnVjassßaaVßaml CM v*e llllaVUll A Ca Pte Tel 8 pare o*ool. 8 pore FURNISHIO ACCOMMODATIONS Wattea Tanaai 1-atarey letachei 11.800 Ba.v.r Park 2
      1,021 words
    • 1165 24 1 DIAT 11 j MMttmi FIkAT Or*Mti I tfJBBs aaaaaatlaa. aararaiaai'l ISM I pm TM OOOM* 8 pore UNFURNIBMBO 1 BIOROOMII i APARTMBNT. Wattea Eetate Avail I able immedietely. Tel S pore *a*33l eat 88 OSxaa haan FURNISHED 1 BIOROOMID PLAT .jaeiaua garden auwt locality I OreeafieM Dnve pore 13
      1,165 words
    • 1111 24 TOM LI NOON ROAB BUT 0 brand new 19Ub BbVovbW toßtMafmaaMal Afat C^Sa#4*>* tkax July B*B. BIS/ aaa Tel IaSSM Bpon tSTBRIV *N*PM*UtaS with BaU over at Hi, ma mala aeeaaawaa* Baal, diet 17. Ideal far Bwasxaaa. aruet sell Prtee 170.00* each Baaga pan Piap.rty Marketing Barvtaee Ml*** Bpan ■I
      1,111 words
    • 726 24 8 1 Hill ITRBIT, Illiuill 1 ITS* *q rt caaiart tel Mtrs* 44A3J7 BALB RBNT new off«e spare a*o aa, ft aff Aaaaa Raatf TUT* •**>*, a pee. S4) FT i s*B S* PT m preetuje locality Immediate areupatiaa R.a. Ooebi ***** Span »»Aei WANTIB URBINT 3m sq ft at
      726 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 464 25 mt hrom Pag;,? 24 1 CLASS TtiITNM far wagia ■t n an ThituSay ■7pm an waNa t>a>w laa -ha <*a c« neat ea. ew* ttml "atwaei Bttany Law MS. *fwat Raad •SOBS aTanre «wnaf •stMßatra Yamaha Mtjetr ''TSS,_SOSM igaae/ Street TM StSSI 8 pare aaa**) TV. BOMBS! Mara M Stntstse
      464 words
    • 1060 25 I I MA VINO CHILDREN* OIRTMOAV PARTY? Wt, ant Mr* vaar Chil Ot*a* MtSas Bwnas*. Merry OaRtwnd Ta*an A Chasm And AM aasBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBst V^atTVm Swaaamnt arafSaaat fIPC? Jaftawli Baa** P«e LAS 33 Newtaa Raa* S pas* Tel SC4M SIIOJT CARRIER AIR CONDITIONEHI ■anial Bate aad) Pttatpt Bsrvssa OaN Eaat-Air IS)
      1,060 words
    • 867 25 Cltall AMOCIATIS Oknea TWtr 1 day Kata Tmaaa Tatsr |>M II 5 77 7 days West Malaysia SISS M 72 13 *72 3 aays 3 aajsMa Canwraa ajpum $45 M aeaaru SSS pm 2» s IS dayt Batsikak Chitsgmai SSMM 4 4 72. 12 11 72 any* Maadyal Sangkhla $11*
      867 words
    • 1062 25 Baby carriage* Imparted from USA aad UK— large tilisltaas A IaMT) baasaaW aaaWaaattaTAWkaM faaVaamaaaaMma. aaMaaffat chain and ptaypaaa Visit Kan < Pte I Ltd at Sea) r i mi Manse Baa* meat Peaaag Raad. Ttl 34*01 <S pare). MUST *SLL Owner Waving aM Nrvte* BUrta 4- track radiewram iraasr* psayer
      1,062 words
    • 1119 25 t*7l RENAULT R*S with airraadi twttar 1 awaar 11.SSS mitaa. Camtart Black TS. «*T-K CsmmiawtaHh Drrvt S part Pasai SSISIS aftar 1 pm. SirriMßlß **r* mini am t Oaa* ■aSiilta Raad ua till Stpttmhsr inturaaat tm Wsvsmasr Pnae S4 BBS Ca-itact Mr BaraM S part SUMS i taTtae hours LATI
      1,119 words
    • 836 25 JBWMSSSS IT BCAKTI far yam aaUtt. swxraatiriaa- aM strut aasiaasaui tualmsats mitsi vary mTmaT AmmaatMattßaaamm I aamffSM ft IWsSmart a»lfm»mmm«T«jmaaaaa|Bmj maafiaa S,mrßßßiri tMat Tmniu ITUai mTBXaSS. •samtima t SALaXI nA. caifMuli Catarn. Maaaaa* aaaaaaata aarttrr CsmtatM* sjaatttmaa s'asißß "T naiaati laa; sninSaait Rtac lISSTfI 3777*1 I7SSM. OSMTLSMBM rat Swaaiaa maasas*
      836 words
    • 480 25 UIBT aTMStPMtai MMXI tmrsasjßtlatßa far aatsraatt naßt CMaatM Ortnt Sa Ouasaj]* K««*> Na savftkasj ma lisa. Wsin stay (■>•»•) STRAUS) HSTSL ■lamlia Mraal mvtntawa. Antsai aaa Aluaaa. Prtvats bath Bin«l* U» aoub> S2S Bar Rratauranl Mtmrlv St>r I vias S par* Tsl SSSM. NSTSL M A I'paar Wtm» PU>.« .»pur.i
      480 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 783 26 PERSONNEL MANAGER We need i man with a minimum of ."> yens c\|>erience in personnel management to head our Personnel Section. He should be well versed in local labour legislation and employment practices. He must also have a high degree of initiative and willing to express his own ideas. The
      783 words
    • 698 26 HEERBRUGC If you want |HTsonal growth .nul advancement in Wild (Singapore), enter our 2-year Precision Knginecring Apprenticeship Pro gram. We requite young and dynamic Sin|>«>rean fresh technical school and voca tional graduates with good results and wellbalanced character and activities need only apply. WILD (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD. P.O. Box 85,
      698 words
    • 587 26 CALLING LOCAL AGENTS Si SUPPLIERS A big departmental store dealing with worldwide commodities wishes to contact local manufacturers and local agents. Interested firms are requested to reply to Box A 6912 ST. Spore OFFICIAL NOTICE rsorosAL to change a Blur's NAME We. Sim Teos Ook Sc Co of No 40-D.
      587 words
    • 340 26 t4W| I CITY DEVELOPMENT LIMITED a3^^ m (Incorporated in the Republic of E*^fl Singapore t^pP NOTICE OF MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Ninth Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held at the SIR Room. Kings Hotel. Havelock Road, Singapore 3 on Wednesday. 31st May 1972 at
      340 words

  • 316 27 Only 20 Malaysian nurses in Britain apply to return KUALA LUMPUR. Tues The response from Malaysian nurses in Britain to a Health Ministry recruitment drive has 'not been encouraging Of the 390 nurses whom principal matron. Miss Chong Ah Foo talked to during her month's stay in Britain, only 20
    316 words
  • 57 27 NPC course on organisation, methods SINGAPORE. Tues— The National Productivity Board will hold a course on organisation and methods, from June 12. The practical course, designed for top and middle- management personnel entails a continuous review of office procedure and forms. The fee for the course. limited to 30 participants,
    57 words
  • 104 27 MALAYSIA TO LAUNCH HER FIRST MISSILE BOAT KIALA 1.1 Mr I R. Tues Malaysia will launch the first veaael from a squadron of missile boats bou c h t from France at the end of this month. The fast strike craft will be launched by Puan Sri Hamidon Yeop, wife
    104 words
  • 167 27 Children with hearing problems may not be dull: Specialist SINGAPORE. Tues. A ear specialist tonight urged teachers and parents not to dismiss children with hearing problems as dull, slow, Inattentive or even retarded. Dr. Albert Ooh. from the United States, said: "Many young children have been branded "dunces" by their
    167 words
  • 68 27 SINGAPORE. Tues— The Singapore Natural Health Society has launched a fund-raising campaign for Its proposed nature cure clinic and health resort. The society, which hopes to raise at least $250,000. Intends to tet up t reconditioning centre for the treatment of stroke and arthritis and
    68 words
  • 306 27 C 'wealth meeting to discuss report on population problems pOMMONWEALTH parliav> mentarians are to receive shortly an authoritative brief on population problems for consideration at the 18th Commonwealth Conference in Malawi in October. Discussion on the population problems will be initiated by India. Mr. Lan Orey. editor of publications. Commonwealth
    306 words
  • 376 27  -  GIRLFRIENDS SEE STABBING A SHIPYARD employee was stab 1)0(1 to death in Orchard Road early this morning while his younger sister and two girlfriends stood by helplessly. Twenty year old Royston Tan Je c Kirn, a part time polytechnic student of Circuit Road,
    376 words
  • 187 27 Jail for phoney PC who took visitor for ride SINGAPORE. Tue*. A Malaysian businessman was robbed of his car by two men posing as police officers, a district court heard. One of them. Lee Choon Tak. 24. who rubbed Mr Tang Yew 81n in Thomson Road on July 19. la*t
    187 words
  • 59 27 SINGAPORE Tue* The City Mobile Immunisation Team will visit different parts the island from July to Derember to give smallpux. diphtheria tetanus-* cough and poliomyelitis immunisations to children between three month* and seven years Parents, whose children havr n<>l bren immunised, should bring along their children together
    59 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 884 27 FELDA LEMIAGA KEMAJUAN TANAM PERSEKUTUAN KEIYATAAN TAWAKAN >ru asr»a<a kontrettet J ysi* barynolaßMn adsJah -irit*. m n M !■>■■■ JftkMU Nrtsaisß tei, f>iw>itian» «-RKT trotek Utsn Pr I. akVkk afetaaf Ptdsnc Mnt atno n m,n h Miartins JaJanl PtrUrtMr fen Piiaatrifi O-RKT atafcit BlmLMc Mm. eNLTtaiLVatti Aw, dtMTfth Dunyufi. xi"i*jß*"*i
      884 words
    • 188 27 Most excavators have some features... ONLY^HAS THEM ALL. Check this: Boom and dipper sdjustsble Complete operstor comlort- luxurious. »or resch snd lift capacity to suit job. sound proofed weir ventilated cab. Excellent all round visibility. ——^*y^ i^^^^^^^^^^^^"^^"^ jffr d'smeter, I Jm I 'jfiSk^s&^/Cf Inherent weld stresses \S \-j*^&l£^ (.i^^^^^p TrflP
      188 words

    • 392 28  -  ERNEST FRIDA By THREE *h<>ol hotkey players have, through sheer deter initiation and per severance, won places their first in the iKitioiuiJ hockey team for the Tun K.i/.ik tournament which begins ;it Knala Lumpur on Saturday. They are centreforward Nantha Kumar, outside left Abdullah
      392 words
    • 84 28 FORMER international rugby player Rudy Richards yesterday won the Seletar Golf Club "A" division monthly medal with nett 66 at Seletar Course. He also won the second nine ballsweep with nett 31 and the first nine was shared between former hockey international Bastian D'Cruz and Joe Goh
      84 words
    • 280 28 LONDON. Tues. Australian captain lan Chappell hit the first century of the tour to steer his team towards safety against English county cricket champions Surrey at the Oval here today. Chappc*: scored 101. including one six and 14 fours in 165 minutes before being caught at
      Reuter  -  280 words
    • 117 28 Still United edged Port Authority 4-3 in a replayed FAS league div three quarter-final soccer match at Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday However. Still were given some anxious moments by the well drilled Port side, who were trailing 3-1 at trie 48th minute but came fighting back
      117 words
    • 48 28 BANGKOK Tues —Defending champions Iran, with a penalty goal In the .second half, edged Cambodia 2-1 to reach the final of the Allan Cup soccer tournament here tonight Ira.i now meet the winners of the second semi-final tomorrow night between South Korea, and Thailand. Reuter
      Reuter  -  48 words
    • 38 28 Hotel Singapura >etterdav won two rates at beer when they trounced Imperial Hotel 5 in a friendly rhallrn r aaeeer match at Jalan Beaar Stadium. singapura trored Ihrouch Kadir Sulaiman 111. Mahat \mbu Saad and AUa»
      38 words
    • 105 28 TEAMS AGAINST SYDNEY SCHOOLBOYS SINGAPORE Cricket Association Colts who will meet the visiting King s School from Sydney at I A tomorrow are: Altafl Hussein (capti. Sadiq Re&hty. Martin Edwards Goh Swee Heng. Nirmal Singh Reggie da Silva Jr., Damian de Silva. James Patterson Lawrence Young. Davey Khoo. Nasir Abba*
      105 words
    • 20 28 Singapore Recreation Club drew 1-1 with St Joseph's Institution in a friendly soccer match at the padang yesterday
      20 words
    • 211 28  -  PETER SIOW By pCLICE booked a date with I Pore -u:;iority Aat Jalan Besar Stadium lor SattlNtejri Government services h League Junior knockout final when they came from behind tc edge Singapore Telephone Board 2-1 at Tanclin ye.strrday Judging Hum yesterdays performance Police will
      211 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 218 28 One Rheem-Hume water-heater provides hot water to every tap in I your home instantly. v C That's the Rheem promise. Hot water all over your house. At a price you can afford. Instantly. Safely. Rheem hot water heaters (10 gallon to 60 gallon capacity) give you economical "full flow" hot
      218 words
    • 24 28 v v .J;.v.>'. L ''■yy'-' '^K^^w^^Hbi B^bir^^Jßaßaßl b^b^bb -trp* V^^^^^l* jfltttfc JBi Hft mL a iiu a< W'' Jbl bK w^. uHßriTHnii > Tt- BIW
      24 words
  • Page 28 Miscellaneous
    • 42 28 CRICKET Inter School tournament Beatty v Victoria. SJI v Swiss Cottage (both matches at Balestier Road i SOCCER Div 2 Hampshire v Race Course. Ocean v Darul Atiah (both matches at Parrer Park) HOCKEY SHA Div 1 PSA v Police Bukit Chermm
      42 words

  • 445 29  - Splendid trial by Game Prince EPSOM JEEP By 1 1 \M PKINCE showed good form in a workout at Penang yesterday. Hidden by apprentice Patrick Ngiow, the Arctic Explorer five-year-old strode out fluently over it in 37 4/5 seconds. The going was fast Winner of two races in seven starts
    445 words
  • 381 29 Trainer Teh has smart newcomer in Tycoon THERE has been a lot 1 of "movement 1 of horses. Teh Choon Beng has taken over Highland Myth. Mai laig and Yuan Dynasty from David Tan Lye Hup Quest Of Gold, Midas Kid. and Elite Special have gone over to David Tan
    381 words
  • 159 29 THE Malaysian Totalisator Board is offering a Sl.OOO prize to the top racing tipster accredited to West Malaysian dailies. The winner will be decided in a contest among racing correspondents and tipsters, the board's chairman. Dato Yeoh Cheang Lee, said in Ipoh yesterday Beginning
    159 words
  • 163 29 U.S. racing could learn from Malaysia: Fosner AMERICAN horse racing could learn something from Malaysias system of betting, according to an American racing personality. Harvey Fosner The chairman of the Malaysian Totalisator Board, Dato Yeo Cheang Lee. yesterday quoted Mr. Fosner as having told a meeting of the American National
    163 words
    • 543 29 Mas Patricia McMillan, an official of the Malayan Amateur Racing A*soi. in a letter to Ttmesport. asks: "What has happened to the spirit of amaraclng?" Looking back over the years before some of the present riders were even an amateur race meeting was a great
      543 words
  • 110 29 BOMBAY. Tues —The England Cricket team will play ii.c Tests and six other ma'.chfs on a 10-week Indian tour beginning around December The announcement was made here by M V Chandgadkar yecretary of the Indlen Cricket Control Board, after a meeting yesterday betueen board officials 1
    Reuter  -  110 words
  • 325 29 Now it's Greig out of MCC line-up ONDON. Tues Tony Orelg. England's South African-born Test all-rounder, was yesterday withdrawn from the MCC team to meet the Australians in the match beginning at Lord's on Saturday Sussex said thrv mrded Greig for their Benson and Hedges Cup match with Essex and
    325 words
  • 78 29 Orantes wins Belgian title I> UfcSELS. Tue> Mm if Or antes won the BHjrtan Open singles tear is title yesterday, beating Andres Oimeno in all-Spanish nnal Orante.> clinched > with a 3-3 win in the i set He was leading t-4. 6-1. 2-6 on whei. rain stepped play after
    78 words
  • 60 29 BUCHAREST Tuta «**trt weightlifter DUo saridat yesterday set a new world record for the clean and jßffc tn the featherweight division after hoisting 156-kllos 343 It < in the European championships Eanidae Is already the world record holder for the three hits in this division and
    60 words
  • 45 29 JAKARTA Tues— The Bulgarian national ooccer t*«m yesterday beat the Jakarta side Prrsldja 9-2 In Pladju South Sumatra. Artara reported The Bulgarians will meet the Indonesian National team In Jakarta tomorrow ana on Frioay night will meet the visiting Glasgow Rangers
    45 words
  • 54 29 NEW YORK Tues Major League baseball results yeateraay National League New Yirk 5 Montreal 3 Philadelphia 4 Chicago 0 Pittsburgh 4 Bt Louis 1 Houston Atlanta 2 Los 2 San Diego 1 tmerinn League Kansas City 5 Texas 4. Chicago 4 Minnesota S. Baltimore 1 Detroit 2.
    54 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 97 29 ■litj MMmB K^^^^^^^ H\lu\V flat jjf a^r St^bl ffc.a-^^' Ti L V^LV B^BV^^^^^^^B^BUB^JP^k^ 111 W «^Bk B^BV -^^^^^^^M^BV 1 R^C wLmm am b»F Mill i vSm j. |h^ BRbMNV9JMp9VVI BJPm™^P^Bw. mOf VmV t H,. JP^ aC^^BSSk^Bi b^b^b^b^b^b^b^M^^b^b^bv^^bS^b^b^b^^b^P^b^b^b^bMb^^P^bl 1 Kj^r_. I ■kßV^ta^HT w ?i iS&- )hh«B '^aW-. bw^B*^^^bt»^^^^9^^TiT^s#iT^^^^^^P^^^^«^b^^*^l i^B I^a^^^BwJ Available
      97 words

  • 53 30 A row of ships lines the docks (ijottom. right) of Haiphong harbour, which has recently been lx>mbed ;;nd mined by IS aircraft. This high-detail aerial view of the sprawling harbour was taken by an American reconnaissance flight, after the recent "blockade" was imposed, and released by
    53 words
  • 455 30 JJOHTH Vietnam and the Viet con^ today called on the United States and South Vietnam to return to the peace talks on Thursday. The talks have been suspended since May 4. The U.S. said last week it was ready to return
    455 words
  • 211 30 LONDON. Ta« tYaM-UaJaa nude roc a •MajMb' aaXar market u« at tk* emm m» fmamdi TSmm mdrn was off 1 t at Silt eftar aa alltlaM aaak a* 540 6 at Urn oataat KaAn laa«ii»a< Mafcar lllpil by a record aaM artca wtaT aatM Mwm 20a aad SOa
    211 words
  • 60 30 LONDON. Taae. laot 14 so •atttaawM: Jmm 14 to asm kmn' July 14 60 Ay, 14.40 MB \Z£. J»hr»Wt 14 Dom Mil., OcTi Dae 14 95. Jan I March is ss Aprtl Jl». 15« S. July Sep. 15 SO. OcT/ Dm. 16 05. Jm Marrk 16 20. April j>M
    60 words
  • 31 30 LONDON. TM. Spot bayara ***** t «l>. Milan ***** («S7 rwnam* kmwi ***** (rack), —limn ti«" <i«»>_ tiiTT «2) Tmow a.m. Ha tow: p.m. •5 taw. TM*: Steady tat CMat
    31 words
  • 88 30 CEYLON LIFTS CENSORSHIP pOLOMBO, Tues. The v- Ceylon Government, yesterday lifted the press censorship damped down during last year's abortive April 4 insurrection. In recent weeks, force levels of the armed services have been cut by sending volunteer troops and police on compulsory leave without pay. Special security arrangements including
    AP  -  88 words
  • 105 30 Straits didn't figure in talks JAKARTA. Tues. President Suharto and the Japanese Prime Minister. Mr. Elsaku Sato, did not touch on the Straits of Malacca in their talks In Tokyo recently Japan understands the position of the three countries Indonesia. Malaysia and Singapore concerning the straits. This was disclosed by
    105 words
  • 43 30 TOKYO. Tues. A 52-year-old. Japanese believed to be an ultra-rightist, has hoisted Japan's Rising Sun flag on one of the disputed Senkaku Islands claimed by Japan. Taiwan and China. Maritime Safety Agency oWctaU in Okinawa said today. AP.
    AP  -  43 words
  • 24 30 LONDON. Tues. China v due to appoint her first ambassador to Britain in the near future. British officials announced here yesterday. Reuter
    Reuter  -  24 words
  • 17 30 WEATHER outlook for Singapore from 6 am to noon Isolated showers In the late morning
    17 words
  • 165 30 Airport alert after bomb scare on plane SINGAPORE Tues The emergency unit at Paya Lebar airport went into full alert this morn ing following a bomb scare on board a CPA Convair flying in from Hong KonK with 51 pas sengers and nine crew members Earlier, the airlines h«*ad office
    165 words
  • 37 30 WASHINGTON Ti. Secretary m\ Stair William P Rogers met yesterday w.tji Soviet Foreign Trade Minister Nikolai Patolichev m what the Russians described as a friendly discussion covering the whole ririßr of US-Soviet economic relution.s AP
    AP  -  37 words
  • 143 30 Chou:I will visit Japan if... rpOKYO T 1 1 1 Chinas*- Premier Chou En-iui has said ht would visit if invited. Mitt tftoni bi and Japan h restored, according to a J from Pek;: The Ky. correspond' i saying th in a meeting slon from the minor Ja panese opposlt:
    Reuter  -  143 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 83 30 AND THE PAIN IS GONE One Saridon is all you need when you have a nagging pain. And because you only take one, it costs less to make you feel better. And it's so convenient and safe. Next time pain bothers you take one Saridon and it's gone. $cLridon F.
      83 words
    • 337 30 I SPECIAL tsy INTRODUCTORY *gw UHtK M^^ ClllKtiM If 55 *«Cfttt "^H^fek. v stMit *rra ill fttrts It L tkt fir Ml > S1 r^Nh ikWiij mtic stjuis lepictitf irtd, fcwse, B_a fe^kv peactck. WMtitil kirls flMjgjkk itc is iiiijtfiirt it Vmmiltr^rf*** Njtk tKi clllectlM W^^^^tLW < stwpi ii 10
      337 words