The Straits Times, 14 May 1972

Total Pages: 25
1 26 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Sunday Times sSi. Asa No 1883 SUNDAY. MAY 14. 1972 25 CENTS SINGAPORE EDITION
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  • 121 1  - Derby day for two 'amateur' horses EPSON JEEP gg«f» a wy-of-ttfca-t*or. I*:r> BwBI 12f at Kirn Tlmah toM) Ifej 5 Tr'umph' at an ftU m Seß m LimVai i r^c- &oe »a«« 2ft HI npftgear -r h E pnfeoatonal racing Tomorrow's ilnsjapnn Pstwy may well produce a Jmbo Jet will
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  • 13 1 TOKYO Bat nre raced \m tsBBBBBBBBBWaSI WSWSVM ifVWMBm J
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  • 735 1 South hits back SAIGON. Saturday SOUTH Vietnamese marines today launched helicopter borne assaults behind North Vietnamese lines within six miles of the captured northern provincial capital of Quang Tri, a Saigon Command spokesman nouncedThe spokesman said in tlu' first ;issyult ;it 10.:t0 a.m. 1
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  • 59 1 SUHOKOK. eat. Ttssllemi wm won Jean atsgisnri m makmg hear length m important a* a vtM In aacuruif entry into UK country (JenrraJ Praphas Clwimolßi tsa d.puty chairman M 1 h-i--laiul* ruling military junta. told new* conference rostsrday that the Oorernment had decided that oMn
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  • 471 1 MSA makes pre-tax profit of $55 million Ol •^HjAr^Jflt 53 1 U r O3y ILAYMA Singa- pore Airlines made an estimated pre-tax profit of 555 million for the financial year ending March I itn This is an increaae of $13 ssellSMi over the ptsHeM year's prosit. ISMMtsf thi» today an
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  • 34 1 TANANARIVE. Sat. President Phillbert T«lranana today declared a state of isssrosmj In Madagascar following a dash between security forces and students in which 13 people were reported killed
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  • 141 1 QUNOD, BIPUT. Sat. Security forces shot dead a uniformed and armed communist terrorist on the jungle fringe near here yesterday afternoon after a tip-off This is the first kill since Operation Setia. corering the Bun g c i Siput Chemor Tanjong Rambutan area.
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  • 173 1 SINf.APORI. Sal i* year-old man has died from cholera the first fatal ease since the outbreak was reported in Singapore this week. The victim, of Tai din Road, off Balestier Road, was admitted to Thornurn Road Hospital last Tsteaday night in a serion> condition He died
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  • 1982 1  - Appeal ex-MSA man rejected T. F. HWANG CHIEF JUSTICE UPHOLDS THE TRIAL JUDGES GROUNDS FOR CONVICTING FERNANDEZ By CINGAPORE, S;.t. l-'onw MSA s t (iiLii\ (uiil.l tuuuU/. .'».'<, lodav lost his u|>peal against ion vid ion bj < Inwrr court <»n ;i Ikii^c <>t i uptl\ irccpting $.">.<MHI from insurl"l
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  • 67 1 Latest BLOCKADE EASED? SAIGON. Sat. The U.S. Nary has dismantled its so-called block ade" force off North Vietnam's roast leas than three dav» after it was put in place, military sources here saM tonight The sources said the move could be a sign that President Nixon in eaataf back on
    UPI  -  67 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 9 1 gCffaW^T tastes like F J W^ IwaBBBBBBBBMM L, Ssaw
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    • 44 1 ItWMGN MHS Page S RIDNAP of Indon trader: Fifth man charged f SIN(,APORK women arged to orgaaJae mere associations C SPORT 23. 24. 25. 26 NO GOODWILL award for lawyer told to MOvf offirr 7 Radio I S (r«»!mord 11 I nmic* 11, 19
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    • 167 1 STAMFORD CENTRE ADMISSIONS Fii-time (Day) and Part-tine (Evening) courses commence 15th May 1972 1. SECRETARIAL STUDIES LCC/Stamford Centre Diploma in Private Secretaryship one year course Executive Secretaryship two year course Chartered Secretaryship three year course leading to membership of the Chartered Institute of Secretaries and Administrators 2. ACCOUNTANCY Recognised full-time
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    • 19 1 iW MIC 4 lUUTIFML GEMS »f tat ORIENT U.S. de SUVA SONS. J*wetUr» 12-«. COCCTCR QU*r SINGAPOnC-t TCL: •4057
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 40 2 •■OUL. Sat Pord Motor r.. and H.vuixtai Motor Co. a Korean auto aoMMbiy firm m ill tilasltili a )omt venture firm KliMlil at US$l» mUIK« by early next moth la produce motewew tn Korea. Hjmidal satd tuday AP
      AP  -  40 words
    • 186 2 Prisoners in Britain form trade union LONDON Sat Britain* Bjotetl have tormed thoir own trade union and one of Its main aims is tho almost total abolition of imprisonment The union. The Preservation of the RighU of Pn-oners PROP" has been organised by 4:tyoar old Dick Pooley who has spent
      Reuter  -  186 words
    • 54 2 TAIPEI tet A tourut ou> kMUtod with utht'ielng school i hildren plungod into a Rjami n«ar here fim morning kilUnc ai >»»' ti^ht of the children and il< dnvcr. police reported Police Mid 44 other children, all ranging from 12 to 15 In aft
      UPI  -  54 words
    • 75 2 BXM.KOK Sat Five communist gurrtllas BM killed in a fierce junbattlr after they ambushed a patrol of government militiamen in southern Thailand. pobce ree» said today Three of the detach men! «f It militiamen were also killed in the clash yesterday in Chawm| district
      Reuter  -  75 words
    • 80 2 CANBERRA Sat An electrician aboard the Soviet liner Shota ell has lumped >hip and sought political asylum in Avatra cording to Immigration Department offit The man identified as Ivan Khakov. deserted from the liner before >he left Bydney for a cruise of the South
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    • 55 2 KNOXVILLE Tennes>ee>. Sat Fourteen people died today when a Greyhound oils and a lorry collided head-on on a narrow Tennessee highway the Tennessee state patrol said A brakesman for the statr pairnl .^id the bus, which hnd lelt Knoxville way to Roanoke Virginia and New
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    • 63 2 rll Xi.tut iMfM, hot »y an niarin the .lapunexr M timr Self lletrn. r m.iilli I i I m Ihe Sea <>i I "ft thr Mml vhim.i Ihr ruhfr liipi til the IVlee ton a «i> >>«t--lumi "f Ihr Inn .It were the hi I war^hip^
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 151 2 Hf ONLY TRAVEL AGENCY I AIXE iV COMMA NECOS TWAVEL SCKVXE ■MBAfOm. 024 Suaveme MouoJ. >ef«M| Pteaai. fn'Hapint.Tel:a— l J«R>U*) A/> m» So 3. Ground Fleer, teaorai Ho*at Kuata L umpur. Tel: 3M17« *E«tAI«G No 73. toei« Swort. ■wwe To! 2t2Cl A llfwf 1 B#V r IP Jr m w
      151 words
    • 155 2 Red Shield offers the ideal Medical Protection Scheme. The success of Singapore's industrialisation programme demands* vary high standard of performance and efficiency from her labour force. That's why more and more companies realise the value of a sound Medical Scheme. Just consider these few salient points: jlf Red Shield simplifies
      155 words

    • Article, Illustration
      251 3  -  AZIAH ABDULLAH By AN HONOURS DEGREE— AND TWINS AND A EABT GIRL, TOO \LA LUMPUR. 1 bathe Mohamad Kassa bin Haji U«dul Aziz, his thret niversitv of Malahas been fruitful in in one wav They not only earned him a Bachelor of Arts dewith honours in Malay Studios,
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    • 196 3 Soon Lav Hor will no longer 'roar' at St. Xavier iMNANO Sat Bt. Xavi--1 rr's Institution will miss th "tigers roar" when upervisor Rev Bro. Mich i>l Blai.s affectlonI ately l icknamed Lav Hor. retires at the end of this month. The M-year-old discipline ■uater U> going home to Can
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    • 17 3 NEW YORK W-jta Brthor Hunt Moore. 1». I ST «o reeeKe the b-ww I keuur.
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    • 96 3 Awards for Red Cross workers IPOH. Sat Tall u| social worker Mr Y.iu Kirn Mun is the •pillar" behind many Red fund-raising and pubilicity projects in Perak And for this he h<« received a Red C'ro?ficate of Ment for nis •valuable services and firm determination in promoting the principles the
      96 words
    • 64 3 LO« ANOBLCB. Sat Terry Melcher »ued hi* mother, actress Dons Day yesterday to and out how saaah she has M* BlHi Ml The probate proceedinf seeks the account of afiss Day's earninas because a contract cave her late husband. Martin leelcher. 25 per cent of
      AP  -  64 words
    • 39 3 First Hippie Howard NEW YORK Sat Billionaire Howard Huche* who freeueaUy ■ported a beard as a vmith th^n BBJI h. *t-up trnm.v shoos in his later years, believes he is the first A ■uric— hippw •aid Niorasruan PrtaHaat Aaac-
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    • 134 3 I omion Sat Ann Suirnnm. thr a I tractive blonde who opear I Britain* lirsi se\ supermarket, in i.oun- »<l her ferthrom me ni<trruigr today and cave wmr advice on how to keep husbands happ\ "A woman." she said, should think of her self a*
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    • 368 3  - Evergreen Mr. Lint NANCY BYRAMJI By SINGAPORE. Saturday fOR M stars, car accessories dealer. Mr Lim Phee Kah has kept those miniature versions of nature's giants blooming in his house. Dealing in car acces■Offtaa. I felt I needed aome inspiring green In the house •,e end of a day and
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    • 123 3 Mimi aims to be a lawyer IPOH. Sat In making 1 decisions in family affairs she is fair, reasonable and analytical in approach. And armed with these qualities. Mimi Kamanah binte Abdul Majid. 19. above) will certainly find success in her endeavour to become a lawyer First batch Mimi is
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 204 3 El used to boast I was as good as the next man, JlMrkl How dumb can you get! tu— I was a— 4. Owt> wtiaii piawiion mm mmvs fcowaicMdaonwaatfyiftnoaraatoMcr i i»i-nt my taiw Go* .nlawc» I C OuaMwetMar tf.»r •vi aaty ■> t^aaa aa*ar «ian *m naat mm> >e« two*
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    • 263 3 CMIIIC ML LAM SOON t> ft> RACK lACM DANISH S.ced 454 g |> If* EVAPftATCI Mil CARNATION V.tam.n< A D 144 ■>* M tPIM CANADA 1? o 2.M, RtmW JOY hj h 3.SJ WWMaf P>£ QalaWntstsJi .act 25/ CVHTIItITAL CAHta S K FreaWy Rakeei •«trQ 25 —Wm fltKw n [td
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  • 19 4 'Judge had ample evidence to warrant Fernandez conviction' Fwn»n4mi
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 227 4 Think what you can do with $400,000 ~-«G HM THI gfST THINGS IN LIM A>l »tll IVtgVTMING COST MONET* 6000 THINGS COST MORI KM ONLT SI M. TOU CAN WIN S4M 004 •UY TOUI SINGArORI SWIIf TICKET NOW instant wealth through THE SINGAPORE SWEEP S- AW 6tHJUNE72 T at outram
      227 words
    • 186 4 P^His-n-Hers^O VDGET EVittTj rear savings *H ?m". LAST OPPORTUNITY LEISURE MIiRTS TERRIFIC VALUES LAIKS FASMtOHS ml* ila MnW Poio bnort Stotvt •WO OUf>. IhWP, cl Magtt rr«a WiM aacft**e Jacket n tMu po^ki In colours ol reo. oiue. grata, go* and Inm. i Ntftt Pnca 545 N EJBJ Ml
      186 words

  • 74 5 Kidnap of Indon trader Fifth man is charged I fifth man was ruirMjMal in a aaMMjtsV :raUs rour' Mb] M aajaMMCtaon wttl) the kate of i w-yttf. Tpm Baft fa; a— gdj rr.?^ Uaa la aMaajad to have ladwiiiil Mr T)ior with ntent af hold him for ran **o psea
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  • 16 5 Skin diving course l ll win l in H WMI hs*s •ate-eMassa °y 'J'sißans-ii awSMsawit <• p*
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  • 31 5 anaiaavoaui toi Tke aM> tawa> afaaaafßM BwWa BWBwBSwa \£i ftaah "aT aVUKH atav WOT Mr %swl Kafe w«l tear Ms esastiraassy waasftww atartaic froan •act Pah Mead at am
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  • 181 5 Indian dancer on stage but Smita is Mexican laiarnnr %»t SMI 1 K Deri's got the Indian si*mp ail right froMi the bright red piitu on her forehead down la) her sandalled feet. With her sari •osrts* imsbii, B»ge fii—i eyes heavily line* fer the stage, she easily passes mm
    181 words
  • 49 5 aMBOIICII Bat The ainfauTf arhool Bus Owner* Mas easMaasa far Mat Chunf Hvt P rar HoafMUl MMfcai fund I AH iLtaoei bums will operate in five ptwea en June 11. U •nd Jut J and Ticket* are at •4 for aeMU and St.M for
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  • 171 5 SINGAPORE. Sat Moonlight thug.- have struck again They robbed a couple and stabbed the girl at Katong Park last night before escaping with SIM and a watch The t;trl. whose name was given >nly at Miss Lam. was taken to Outram Hospital by her
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  • 166 5 K LUMPUM. Sat UNIVERSITY of Malaya s naneellor Justice Tan Sri Human yesterday called on the Government to review seriously its policy concerning scholarships and staff recruitment the oast most scholarships and government posts have been given to people from the West
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  • 308 5 NUPW to set up $20 mil textile mill near Seremban KUALA LUMPUR Sat The National Union of Plantation Workers will set up a S2O million textile mill in Benawang near Berem?ian thia year the first of a series of such protects to be undertaken. The mill. joint renture with an
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 98 5 WON-CATHIXIC Friends. LLARN at HOME aßwßaamj at 4-ia>aw> CATHOLIC CHURCH a*MA ■V MAM. MO COST MO OMICATIOM nn ta sad assM t« IK M Nasasas Read ■aagipin la Name HEAT! gll r JO r RECORD UIBRARYi MS nbm smk rii-na»i. FIGHT BACKACHE And Rheumatism MaSMw am* atkt t« r«M a*
      98 words
    • 522 5 H awaw) awawawawV fawßaa B B B |Mk: y :<l m* jl Don't let the rain turn your home into a clothesline circus After all the money spent on the house, why let the ram spoil it 7 Get a HOOVER TUMBLE DRYER that can completely dry the whole family's
      522 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 209 5 On your TV and Radio UN Os«ms| mi %t Jack La m worn (rtssst) MS fl hnrmn Simwi m ITII "i ti fun I Isimt ika. in oa»tl bsom Tm witssaM 24) 1010 rewlt Z Grtwd *J% lm«, la|Ks l#.r IN for tht Faaiiy (EsghaV- 11/ ;j| ProtraMW Summary C.^
      209 words

  • 161 6 Razak meets 13 no confidence in CM' Assemblymen Mia a Abdu: Razax and four v n»n who yesterday sent a ktter to \t :alib bin Kanm UtttßC him they no longer supported him The 15-minute meeting took place at the YIP bungaiow Sen Pringg' shortly after Tun Mm had armed
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  • 37 6 ■MtfOU. Hat Dr liltAin BWeWIeWT AaMCMtv^ pft>- Caroaaw #tpanmeia of ohatttrle* ana g>Tia#coio k «i.i wt an the nil.. glanain* in oaatctiu and rm»uDk>c> >» Kandong Korbau Ho»--pttal tenure theatre on Monaajr HIM
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  • 32 6 Tenders for dry dock MNOAPOHK Ba' Scmte- ar.g *hip\iir(l iPrtVSMi Lie lias «lle<i tor tenders tor the i-omtruciKMi s4 111 M 0 million dnoo ♦OfIOOO-um rmpactti Die rk>stng Oai* v hSM H
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  • 55 6 HNOAPORE flat L«bour«r Rthmih Oln Moh»m«J Sallrti. 26 «>s today charged with raping 13-vear-fW ftrl or. »ixf:i '■*>' I P»nin»ular Shooping Coleman Ptreet on May 7 at 11.30 pir. So p>» rl H» wa* ordered 10 be rrniandrd at the **w>to«n Remand <* ur.tU May
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  • 244 6 OHNCJAfORE M II"- l\irliamcnl;H;\ Secrelan < uHun In rlic Sh niin. I«ml.iv tailed tt||ytfMili( IhtmsHxes i\u\ form more women s avtficiation* Surh organisations had a distinct role to c »oman waa rapidly becoming a pillar of the Republics national lit* shfan s&iQ. He
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  • 348 6 Educate your daughters too, parents told SINGAPORE Sal The MggeM mistake p* rent* un tummit in In think th^i education for their daughter is not *s important as it is f*r their «ons Ihi- was -tilled today by (he Nwh W.i ml Khan, wife of Im-hr Ft* him Inhak Minister
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  • 230 6 SINGAPORh (K)MMONWEAI.TH statesmen gathered here are discussing the impart on the Commonwealth of Britain's entry into the European Common Market. In the l'ieht of continuing debates at Westminster and the many explanations and assurances given by the British Government. The question now is
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 362 6 International mLm\^ Training Centre PTME MOST COMPREHENSIVE SECRETARIAL 4 UN6UA6E TRAININfi IN SOUTHEAST ASIA I I T C. Private Secretary s Certificate has long been recogntsed as Singapore s leading qualification for Private Secretaries iTC provides a one year full-time course of profess onat trammg leading to the ITC examination
      362 words
    • 151 6 I au*,aua lajrc couasc eou— mm iti- t I -IU •««■>« I LOOM UHB II CV«M tiC.O HOW I CAN I IBIMN StMRM UtHWUiiJ iLLUI« I wo wont to train you. lr» yot^ own etoeno. ttop by »t»o. *f «ood piymf rao.o t. iJTm^J^^T rm^-f. OOOWon or bu.n.ti of you*
      151 words

  • 662 7 CINGAPORE. Sat. The Tenant* Compensation Board ruled today that a lawyer who was asked to move to other premise* was not entitled to compensation foe loss of goodwill. The lawyer. Mr. John Tan Chor Yong. had told the hoard that
    662 words
  • 229 7 Alert detective breaks up gang fight in Kallang Estate SINGAPORE, Sat. Detective Sergeant Tan Theam Slew's alertness last night broke up a gang fight at Dakota Crescent. In Kallang Estate in which a youth was killed. He also arrested a 19--year-old youth who Is now being interrogated Slain in the
    229 words
  • 227 7 SINGAPORE. 8»t. Mr Low Ouan Onn. UP for River Valley, today djnpartbed Singapore schools aj -training ground* for nurturing useful cltlxeni and the leaders of tomorrow At the Raffles Institution annual sports meet, he said: "The role of education today Is to
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 307 7 CNOCOi»T[ ##< h 51. 55 iMda MatJl Mh* MUST •••ft AaUmbAa oiniftUta lIUUU lop GtoK* UiUA U«d«d sW p*x Ib 57.21 MaWMi, *tA. 7. ox i 2291 Hr) pay CaW MM rftftwAAt A «Amt oka. HiiioUKt. H ox p* par pat MM ■MUM UrUUAa bnOiati. tfkj V ox taocui J6
      307 words
    • 437 7 fUNGUAPHONE] I THE fUUY GUARANTEED LANGUAGE COU«St mnsnsnsH^^^^^mnl [3vJr"j mGV^HI /t I ~*^ml Pms FOLK Spedsi rieJiss sffswi ONLY sy LINGtAPH< M II An mrtmmd Carraajaw<anaa Couna itam Lewaaw to taask orritwn Imsi«bi ion raojyaat aaayi. arrttt M "repast Taats toiianaal in Lonaton by oapart tutart. Piu» a raa*at tMtton
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    • 339 8  - SO HE'S BEING FRANK AND WELL MADE-UP LEE SU SAN By lit S darn cood- looking, thru- s nn doubt about 11 II His pictures iust don I do him justice. His streaked bluish e r»> hair with a jaunty furl, bl* trey eye* under well-trimmed brows < I've left
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    • Article, Illustration
      279 8  - Stylish splash VOW YUN WOH Picture, by In one-piece swimsuit that's as sexy as the tiniest two-piece THE covered up look Is In. No, not solid cover up but enough to add a tinge of mystery to ft beautiful body On the swimming scene, the comeoaek of th» one-piece swlmsult
      279 words
    • 1014 8  - Your eyes tell all the secrets DOROTHY FARMER By EVER thought of shopping at the market for beauty aids 0 And especially for beauty buy* to add a sparkle to your eyes It dors not matter what colour >ize. or shape your 'yw are If they are clear and sparkling
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 324 8 How to join \i( a the «o>v£Cf y oU th club (open to grto of stages) Start f '~~m» IX o« >•■-•> Mi am*v*«e m *>n taWtew* w<*iaa<ri*ar can yewr *«n tn met smsj mn] a«M«av« h^aaSß^ai ni^anaai nai nnaaw *•> i^ant aann^naaan Laanaaam _H |)V MMNavt fMSke aoc fleil
      324 words
    • 267 8 What should you expect I from a tampon? smnimr pnrncnes wess wtwmut H you d like Mm?'')*" 1 mm m » N rf Federal LKH« n rv ST P O Bos 2U. bmgapwe Advertisement The Sweetest Deceit in The Life of a Woman It happen* when the— ns I longer
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 203 9 "...this symbol will be a new sign in the sky. Foreword by the Minister of Communications. Our national airline, MAS, will soon take to the air and this symbol will be a new sign in the sky. MAS is our own airline and it belongs to us, the people of
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    • 181 10 Bridal Veil slip-up fte r > |H MM H si* r Va^BkaaaaVsaam salaam BgWttt, A r T^Mmimm au|P, Dcrhguim, WcftUsM ti» piant The Porks and Trees YoU that they wont it to tastadr over hare garden asik sr saw. H the i lll s ii m not piantod withaa 14
      181 words
    • 147 10 Ml Royal Address in Parl.4un.-nt duly emSsvsSs chance is tktc omorgonos til a more maturr apprenation of thr implications •> \\ri r d <Ir'*t in v n\ thf aWMWTS OI •OCt s^l^ ator, however, is no guarantee that there will always b* a similarity of views
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  • 1187 10  -  TAN WANG JOO by WHAT surprises doctors and p h a r macists here about the current killer pills controversy is that it did not erupt earlier. It has been known for some time that there has been little control over the preparation
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  • 384 10 a LITTLE- KNOWN A deep disorder U disrupting the lives of many people vho often do not know they have it Though most people suffer from insomnia from time to time, the less publicised disorder of narcolepsy, in which victims sleep
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  • 775 10  - Executives get that union urge to merge CHEW LEE CHING By Singapore THERE is to be a union to bargain (or th« top men through the recently formed Singapore Union of Managerial. Executive and Confidential SUfT (SUMECS). It* formation marks yet another milestone In the history of trade unionu« in
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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    • 178 10 YANTO ACADEMY PETALING JAVA (Tel: *****6/*****8/*****) NEW SESSIONS STARTING IN JINE '72 1. PRIVATE SECRETARY'S FKTIIH ATE This is a one year full-time course for girls who passed M.C.E. or Higher fninations: starting on sth June 72. 2. JIMOR SECRETARY'S comn ate For girls who are below M.C.E. level, this
      178 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 48 10 ...tofrf mete gentle**?* ...theproceea Pf #Wol I'*r <Md i&4 foki J*€ *wY/kf crooks, tnfinq me>r cn*ies LyiTyj mefdoaamm*! to s#r*»mi.7. +H*esfmentis- O Uj m ~wcd bttt€¥' tvt... ...or em* ft me hme the .iiqk*srs*s*do«nmrn«s &~O i ...93k too ttm*f questions! ■oiww»»— «ii^i^»^— o— sV'n aoniasi sol soi Mo*oaunnaM
      48 words

  • Leisure
    • 2051 11 Elsa the lioness' cubs in their own exciting adventures in the African bush sped aioi Utt wards the Masai a«e. the driver oblivious to a: that might croaa trail Darkness was falling and the hpa day wa* r^' di'Hw rr**rr* H oi. light* as It became too dark road ahead,
      2,051 words
    • Article, Illustration
      93 11 THIS Carl Foreman production is a sequel' to "Born Free." It is adapted from Joy Adamson's second and third books about Elsa. the lioness who was made famous by the book and film "Born Free." The beginning of "Living Free" is an overlap of the ending of its
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 49 11 shenton house shopping -office complex golden opportunity for your investment aWwHflfcsESrl3cs"a»T^aW«ar^LijijaLsl at Ala m a For further information please call at our site Sole Office or fill in this form. KIAN SENG REALTY LTD SSSr 1 Name Add r**& Please send me 1 copy each of catalogue and price
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  • Leisure...2
    • 712 12 IABT w««fc 1 w«fit rc»u«h the »«c--tton on Major PmulU it Statement of Paai a But there to yet another section in this form and tf\ fr^e^^AineT f (ft? II 1 M fc' > eat M**** of ■■'•ion A rood example of this m
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    • 479 12 MALAYSIA rpODAYS lutihlight v I BBC production of the "Six Wives ot Henry Vlll Wife No. 4. Anne of Cleven. takpcentral role. 1 10 35 pm. Nl). Just before that at 9 15 pm. on tune network, private eye Mannix discovers Death in a Minor Key' a story
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    • 1070 12  - Queen's gown that is going_ for cheap SUFI CASS By BBC's sale of its show costumes GOING, folnt, gone. The auctioneer's hammer fell at the bid of ii'ZQ (about $150) and a happy English housewife he ime proud p— lenof of a beautiful red and gold brocade period dress That
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 85 12 afl i9^B am __dß^B^Ba^/// 7/ 'am goW//////n//n//IH I mWVV X S g^Kt-^^ar $Maw BB^/Z^B^B^B^B^B^m^BT a^a^k b^^ ~^v b^b/ ia^B^B^B^B^B^B^Bsßar m^^ b^bT%v Lw r^fv iLJ' il 3^' w%fl Hz A l^tf, tin 1, f^jt L V 1/ also in this issue: Cartoun censorship today Wang Yu's off-screen court battle Bruce Lee's
      85 words

  • Leisure...3
    • 578 13  - TRICKS OF THE HORROR TRADE LAN BROWN Sc«r« tKt djylifhfi out of them jnd you art tun to hjv« success on your hands By < P"J B y -foof international film di«- 1: JLJIJL". ln f N York Spread out. on thf VM^paMiMd table, are lurid potters deplctlna MR like
      578 words
    • 620 13 Kicking the tobacco habit takes time ('A Ml OR. M he wants to be known, kirked the tobarro li.ihn in five weeks. I he\ seemed like miin» h v the J»-vrar-old draper laughed "Such a long nightmare lah!" He had •<•«■ faithful to his pip- for 12 years neyer touching
      620 words
    • 812 13 Ooh la la— and a car are all he will need in France... rr master •slipped into New York last week. hts eyeballs rolling as usual, his miiust.u'hr glistening. his leer holding the stage and with that stoopy half walk half run which endeared
      812 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 240 13 Ronson makes lighters foreveryone Ronson's excellence of quality, mechanical perfection and skilled craftsmanship combine to give the ultimate in handsome, precision lighters. Ronson is unequalled in range, variety and value. D^m^mßUl^^^Ha^mfl DDDDDmssT mill ■hut mW 4 Electronic Pocket Lighter Ronson Varaf lame ConMfl Handsome in design, precise >n action,
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 269 13 Sunday Times Crossword mnl I I ACKOSS 1 Perform ones DOWN: 1 Set upon <•• 1 pan He; Maares ••> 11. Baoy's bed «Ji 3 Old- fashkmea ftaMll value eotn .Ji. Uate- Sl 4 Moltmt 4( t woarlae z?jrTw£ zz& i^w^v^ i y=A <e» II Come* wiu> mnh Woedy plant
      269 words

  • Leisure....4
    • 403 14 THEY RISK THEIR NECKS FOR AN EGG THE MAD SPRINGTIME SCRAMBLE IN ICELAND IN IHr. >a»rm. 1 rwrdiiig to lenn> i taxing MaMs faiM lic,hil\ tunas •.I I. IV. I rt h we c r rug mrjns M»s»rig rather wifTer etit K iv the time when men turn to thoughts
      403 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 68 14 I ~d*^^M^^aaal V p \w i s^^> sv aa^k m I s^aw l_ V^s^aaal I I^^* ■Pfc»Jh^_ *4^ >W LJ^Ha#rW^^ *^^> Hhk «w BwVJbbwbwß bwbßbbbbbbbbVJbbVJHbbbbVJbbVJbbbb^ I ABBBBMi H>r«Htt>*u» TimlS DISTRISUTORS SON BMD I MiUii.i A S«m»>»ft MAIL ORDER DIVISION. f-»«« T.«, TIMES HOUSf RIV|R VALLEY ROAD, SINGAPORE 9. |bCJb| ANIMAL
      68 words

  • People and Problems,
    • 673 15 Boss can't flout law over fringe benefits •\L OEKIED tWVflf- TABT" Of Stofapore wrltea: "I have worked in an Insurance firm for om and-a-balf years, and some girls hare worked for two years or "We are not given any aaiary _or_ Oaniral J*j»» pi. 5 SB •■<■ ptoyar asfcs us
      673 words
    • 60 15 Will rhili* Lee c 4 the RAF la Slagapert aad fenacrly of Ml. Jalan Paka Ltaaa, Bagaa AJasa, Battrrworth please (•■tart Mrs Evelyn Kaay »f feeast and fuMiai taaJat IwVlrain. »^^o*i« J Ttans. Kmala Laaa•wf We kave aa arjmt we— age fee ?•>• (TNI m 1 1
      60 words
    • 617 15 It may make you sore but a true lover really snores TAKE a deep oreatn. 1 friends, and let us analyse the tremulous signs ot the true lover Ifcqrfcaap^ arthrtua, mats— aa* elnua trou-aa<--oa A >ga- 7 four true lover aHOaTtl! Oft. lackaday Why ha» tha aptflt ot romance to
      617 words
    • 98 15 Washington sat Women will be accepted as TMI. a*atrta. n tuture. the Bureaus. new chief announced yeatetway only 10 days after the death ot Mr J Edgar Hoover. Mr l Patrick Gray. S.V the aulet. unassuming lawyer named acting chief of the
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 222 15 WE'VE GOT FLIGHTS FOR EARLY RISERS, FLIGHTS FOR LATE STARTERS FLIGHTS IH BETWEEN! Just name where you plan to B°. an^ when. Then see your MSA Travel Agent. Chances are, we've got the j flight schedule you want. You'll enjoy superior Boeing ,737 or 707 Superjet comfort on the way.
      222 words

  • norway
    • 514 16 Capital city is also centre for trade and shipping Osu> li Mm) i »^iui .itv .n of 4T7.f00. ruiiii about 10U. Ouk) is thr •rat of the King. Government and Parliament as well as the Supreme This rlty U also the Industrial. other main cities are rrnndlWUn nr*r. Stavancer uid
      514 words
    • 887 16  -  Staff Writer By Message from envoy NORWAY has a steady trade with Singapore an«l Malaysia. \%ith its exports numbering over 85 items ranging from fishing hooks to heav> machinery ami. in return, buying a variety of products and merchandise from the two countries.
      887 words
    • 482 16 Rapid growth of fleet since the last war OAII.ORS from Norway are familiar with Singapore ana Malaysian coastlines as they are with ports around the world On most days of the week. It does not take much effort to spot a Norwegian vessel in our waters. They are there, merchant
      482 words
    • 424 17 THERE are some ten Noiwegian companies, includlnK Joint venture Industries, operating in Singapore. This is in addition to their fairly extensive interests in shipping Norwegian sources say that a few more companies are about 10 be established and a couple of others are in
      424 words
    • 45 17 Parades mark joy day A grand parade and other celebrations In Oslo to mark Norway's National Day which falls on May 17. The present Constitution of Norway was drafted by the National Assembly at Fldnoll and proclaimed on May 17. 1114. Later amendments were made
      45 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 200 16 NEW YORK? (why not spend botlwiigfitsinbßd?! PVnVaHaVnlnYflßßßaal \M w Mottfl.ght» from Singapore to New York, Spend the ntght in Copenhagen in a (thtoueh-foing as well tranafer comfortable bed. Leave for New York at cannactias, via the Pacific or Europe 3.36 the following afternoon Arrive at 5 30 have one thing
      200 words
      160 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 165 17 ußll V jjilaJtaul ■t^lkiiiiiuu^ t s^^ a^p-mW ß^fc_ UHHuI HHHHBT UH UHHUW UHuT I HHuV UHul i^jB^HHHHul 9 1 Bh afl rm^P' K| n^[^BE--.nK HHHHHHHHHHHHHHTaHHHHHHHHUU^ ■^■^■SUUUUUsV^^P^^^^^^T* n "^*>^oT*JSuuWwusuuuuuuunnuuufc. 7*ll HHUHBHuTuy-'^. r Modern Norway OMhapß»«o>>U<-wN«rw«y.'TWiw»Msu<asyii*uhiusiWnwstißnMisu»iiiwiiiii ami a cßuanpt V mip»« hi i ■€——■»<■ v^_ aauunuußui fl >«^HnHß^hak4i aapunjul* 1 ■HnVauuHuT uhhhhhhhhhhW^hhh^
      165 words
    • 158 17 SCANASTRA Scandinavia Asia Trading Pte. Ltd. wish to extend th*ir congratulations for the Norwofian Constitution Day SCANASTRA hj a Singapore-Norwegian iomt venture enterprise becked b> interests m shipping industry finance and trading Ktivetv promoting and participating m business between the two countries. We art always ready to discuss proiects ot
      158 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 493 19 Sharp has it. A very personal one with jyany features, tuns saiiwsn So smatl. it can be aearatad in tha pah* aNiewncy Th m achm« it auton«oticaHv claarad whan tha machine _B a* your Kane;. fawusa-im consmn mulliplisainn and aiuiuan mrnal on. Thorvtora. tha calculation can ba war tad SW
      493 words
  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 375 19 IF It's yoar birthday today port unit? If you can pos- to commit yourself farther M a\ j I J you will And that albly do m. than yea had meant to do I you have two pr*Mcaw. Vou have to weigh one If >oure waiting for am One it
      375 words
    • 670 19 THIS WEEK FOR YOU CAPftlCOftN I*, IURIS Ad: out midweek than at thw Jan It) You should be May 20' News breaks beginning < doing well now and early In the week that you 11 eet excf.irr- mm will impel you to writ* about your proaperu by important letters or
      670 words

    • 1126 20 By NELLIE HAR AX EMARKABLr. number ot talents in the r» rordinK industry have risen from the bottom of the social ladder. I n Roll Kin* Pi sail i was a truck dnvei trosn Memphis. Tennessee Teat linn, a boy front an oaornri mining village
      1,126 words
    • 530 20 TALENT, NOT GIMMICKS. MAKES THE POP STAR TALENT is what makes the pop star despite what srrownup* say "You'll never get anywhere if you nisi rely on instruments and gimmick* to carry you on," says Terry Thaddeus. a Kuala 1 Lumpur musician Terry formerly of the Teenage Hunters which grew
      530 words
    • 810 20 Personal expression the essence of rock music H(;Ur\rK massive the sale of a r*cm r— sjri I*. Its mains personal. This recognition is fund* mental to thr appreciation of modern pop must* itid the rwwft of rock appeal. Pep music in the rack era has become a uni«i.» vehicle fur
      810 words
    • 934 21  -  PEGGY YEA By DOP bands In M&lav 1 Ma talk a sadly about '.e^pinc th* customer s satisfied with the kind of mimic they play and speak ranratrdiy about HW music they prefer Pmr th» »«<trnc^ t yt m '».*> "n<>«'' I
      934 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 197 21 I FORE RUMNERSI I IN TODAY'S I I MUSIC SCENE I I PBOUOLY PRESENTS TUf CURRENT lEST SELLING ALIUM' _M_l_B _^tfNI _^_^_w. I v_kv^r^_l V*_r_K_B L I Vx _ufl Iw I WOvt TY "t-g*SE 3IN 1 PACKAGE EP' I ____._^^L__^__^B Wild 3 Great Stars I TM S#prswt Tfct Twptaiiwis Midml
      197 words
    • 328 21 CAN UJER COMPACT CASSETTE RECORDER with 3 BAND RADIO J-_-_^^fiw^_i p|| BEj model icim« ImODLL ICI2M with I apt /i« volution Indicator, Level Meter. Automatic Level Control* Automatic Frequency Control. Recording Monitor Switch, AC Automatic Plug- in Switch. With luilt'in Microphone And EXTRA MICROPHONE Soi« afantt for Sinf«por« MdaytM Biunai
      328 words

  • 267 22  - A SPARKLING DEBUT BY TWIGGY ARTHUR RICHARDS "THK BOY FKIKM)" in which Twi^icy makes her film debut adds exceptional lustre to the lineup of new motion pictures. The colourful extravaganza begins with a HIM which spoofs the *****, lampoons the era of speakeasies, hip flasks, rouged knees and feigned wide-eyed
    267 words
  • 34 22 The ChkMa* YMCA will hold an rajtit ■■Raleii rounr on Ma Kir for Fun for r*«iiinris on June from 10 a m to IS noon The taatruetor Is thr Orrat Wong
    34 words
  • 309 22 iU Sceneshifters are I presenting Walt* Without End at the Victoria Theatre from May 28 This is a musical comedy based on the life of Frederic Chopin it he well known Polish composer i and the story revolves round the gay and carefree period of his life in
    309 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 337 22 "\u Tm hinese "'KivTun x \uh>l -a**- A CRAND FUM PREMIERE ML j »-'{C PATRONAGE 0* y Mfc MOMO GMAZALI ISMAIL Film mi Isvatvf ti mmttm tar Um*m IN AID OF SCHOOL DCVCLOPUENT FUND I i lI'IIOI-IMURSDAV Ut JUNE .t 9 ISPM ADaJUHOW PUTIS »5 00 *I 0 00 S2S
      337 words
    • 113 22 P -Mry buOK .Con V" -,1 BVv hy pry. V' J f Tr, 0W pork SHuuun V£ai BOTBoMapmrujKaW B^Bk *iat)nptf a iwf patllHa aßrl VA mim >■«« C^LaM > aoovwooo C •m« moth r^4al Bar r" LAST DAY! COtMN CITT 14k. 4. 7 I «M»»> fcAIA*T I IJ. im 7
      113 words
    • 315 22 AStr?* ffth* Kilrttrurr Koad. >w»fap.irf 8 •^Rf; [nitg cltjDl ih NMM s th GRAND JAMNMCBSAW D Ajßajo Group m proud to announce a 35 PBCOUHT DRINKS (Rf at the FJ Amigo V >it«dubon)y froan m*I 31, 1972. InlroHu* inp H^ Indon -"Uiaater-K^* K \A "'•prian. ImTF JbM^A 4 incredible feats!
      315 words
    • 565 22 J OROANIBATIOW > LAST DAYBI «T I 7a* M*a> SCREAMING TAIGI fl C*Mh RtaMakaMaW I J S A* Tka Cmm C«mmni S •i teaai Ma »r t o«. "i aaa>t AH*. m. J» I aaaaMtaa can a* aaaaatatf 5 at Mm Ji»m aVi«a-la CNWMt aa.-a«*K. S Aaa» AMI. U ClMMraa
      565 words

  • 4 23 >■■*•■ »r H.r»
    4 words
  • 713 23  - Off-form openers and Lillee worry Aussies JACK FINGLETON by [ONDOIN Sat. The failurt of Denis l.ille* to prod in v form and picking the opening partnership are the two Win women faring lan happell. Keith Stackpole and John Inverarity in th« selection of the Australian team against Kngland in the
    713 words
  • 41 23 DON Sat Wrexhum won the Wrtah Cup aoaear final veatarday when they drew 1-1 with CardifT in their aecond lag match to win on 3-2 aggregate In the English Third Divletan. v «ir and Rochdale drew 1-1
    41 words
  • 485 23 Don Allen hits elegant 116 off MCA XI KUALA LUMPUR. Sat An elegant 116 by Queensland State cricketer Don Allen helped Emus from New South Wales to gain a 91 -run Arst innings lead orer MCA Presidents XI at the Kuala Lumpur padang today Thanks to a spirited opening partnership,
    485 words
  • 70 23 TALIB HARON won the Krppel Club's "A medal stroke 'XMnpetttlon mth a nett M at Bukit Chermln yesterday The "B medal went to K Taahlaaa with a 64 Ball sweeps "A first nine Oamar Latlff and W Mollov <IJ>. aecond nine: >. JohiiMon. Tallb Maron and
    70 words
  • 437 23 SYDNEY. Sat— Result* of Australian soccer matches played today: N-W NORTH l»l\ OS-I New LaaaXon 1 Maitland 1. „i 2 L Macquarte 1 DIV ihii BellMrd 1 KoUra 4. Merew ether 0 May field 1 SnW DM IH\ <>\» Hako&h 1 Marconi 1 Prague 2 Yugal 1 DIV.
    437 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 395 23 Mf saw (h Man •Mb Caaa caw Ma r»«. ta, r—m M ■> it, M tMr« *a» ISmb nm.ii Mat aaai tmk Tat am tSmlmX e»»«* M(«Bj Mn Baas aaaa Im* >■■ »«a aaaa a L<a> flaai aaa •<• H kn tm am aM ana Maa* Maw*" ai mt mm
      395 words
    • 597 23 1 taMWH RMU IIW I BWMII T»l MINI BBT* MttlH w a ulin a» awwi eaa* eaa MMaaa T« H«T« ■MR ■••VMS* UMMt at* »i aBBBBMB Par Beaeiea" B^^lßjeießt »M«M MM4 »r CfcaM Maß^feßßal fta) Bo** UMi pot* G MMM MMIIIU (!•»•< NH^Mt II II ■■mm mil'— mmm m mm
      597 words
    • 677 23 via* a c MtaMLAMM Taa» t aa.. I >«M. MM Hltl ao a Wart* Airtiai y» r^n^m ciiiiik nay •mm Mtiyr n«N t«hi riHUcattni »u«»T» T«t-TmM»-au n— inn fan liplii V n ■>« TIM tm* m naar. nan t« mm i »rr»2 <MW HMtui ACIMCT f«r rtaflti TaMpfcaa* HIM par*.
      677 words
    • 233 23 •••■ibsth* #t MAIIOM DI KCLLITAM Haatk ta or far \m«,,. o«*u gum Hm.i 24 Mount rntatotk IbiWfUunl batk aM WHtftt k«*mim Tr«*. •mm* k. OaakMH mrnirn Tt CIMTLIMIM Far .«.^,.k MM. t*tm j«m toiaa At y M > mwtlw »»M« WMUUTtM, riinim Ail tM,i«Mn BMtf re*, r r» *r _.y—
      233 words
    • 424 23 Cw. l > AUTioirn BBaa^Bßaa^^ if SlftlfWt requires a MANAGER (ADMINISTRATION) who will serve as Secretary to the Authority and *hrn will be responsible roc th« supervision and efficient runninf of the Secretariat and Corporjte P\»nr department DUTIU The duties will include (al preparation of papers for Boara meetings anal
      424 words

  • 1325 24  -  EPSOM JEEP By |)Kl'( V Xa* Stables Bi« Ross. ridden hv Doug Dragon, unn first time out at Rukit Timah \estcnl.i\ ■l IIOS.S BSJg Vdl suprwrt^d and paid only $18 for a win. Australian jockey Laurie Johnson sigi.alled li turn mil
    1,325 words
  • 287 24 I■■ I M Ma ti« »i" r iMa Xi i Iw.h rmn»<tm »AO. Cwh ICIIUIW -T. nn iiii ni Mrtr ••r^ hoiH.I part N» »^i nb- K»ii •<■■• WrnrW. <MB Mtrntk. limn >piiimpl anJ Flfc»»*i««» WiwW n. »ciiip>r ihMw «f«««<. .M>nl Mi. .<Mn» «M e«rt»
    287 words
  • 136 24 UONO KONO. Sat former Australian rhawptaw Jockey Oeccae Moore ha* been granted permlaaton tn train hi Hone Moore. who applied for a licence about 10 days a*o. aaid today he «aa vary pieaaed that It had h**o granted II be good for the family, they
    136 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 517 24 m*^_ I a«a\aVw mb( BJ^bLa*Mß»bK_m RBSta«4jkA^ ak tata^MßVaT^SfaaT t^k IVbdh Imßmi BjpBBBBBBBBjBB) vVvBBVy V) SBsBBBBBBSBj •■»*Wvt«bjbj i gj mmmmbmmbmmm: bbbj srWa" *■***> ELECTRICAL CHARGEMAN TMI JOB The \db w»» cewsr at sasesls et me ess-a* VBssT MAM BbVm># Pm» A Ua-^ga*jg_«SM| CMbVBmL flbßuU gß_B_bj TPfBJ BJ|s»B« BBBjBBX BpTaBBHB^V^'BBn VjIIIMmb-j*. sp
      517 words
    • 404 24 1.1 Ims, < OSVrOSiATION AMD 1 1 ami mask dc riNAftUI KINUArOSXC BBAMCBI as it hat ssi saswm that efs»»twaiy oat lilsssss assMSSfaaa ar» BMMjMiftaia aiiT swjSsajss Sv ar asi pan.--MF SAM KOItSOOfUAS MR UM CKUt MEW) MR JIMMT IB MOOS) KFAT MX J»i— l WSB TIAIi (.'HWB DIETHELMxcoxTa L
      404 words

  • 198 25  - Ming Derby to prove himself a champ EPSOM JEEP B, \|IM. UKRBY. h inner of his last thrrf races by a total of UJ Irnrths his a Hrst-rjtr < han< r of win nine thr 121 Sinfaporr IXrrhy (Rarr ft) at Rukit Timah todo will tx* hi* first test in
    198 words
  • Article, Illustration
    1479 25 Ri MM Winsm in Ow I k| a ■Q£ a k ac*w4 cvflMabaVk wm in Or* J m mm ink 111 au weak, ckwet imiTl < Hi< Ik Pan Maiaai tn DH 1 If race la.-' fir.ishing mimntk la BaW ran i•« goe4 racw at B- ROOi
    1,479 words
  • 1167 25 COINC FORECAST: Coo* 1 1 .30 CLASS 6. DIV 2— *F 1 M S5 500 S3 850 to winner PRf < ill ««C URiT H(C L Jakala. IS »BM I*NIIM>N JJJ" 4 >U\' ltrr ,ON,tO >' —f <■ < MtmllGH IOURT a lalail'i-* 14 lAU < HIMII
    1,167 words
  • 179 25 r>im ii i r < II I R« M I*OIN If K Mar* I M Baa!' < berk MII%I.OM«M I H 4 MM-I IxawWr MMPJM Itiataabml MMai < MM ai r«-\ ana »IN I I < K MW Hrll Witt tlftl < IMMA tarn Taalor laM«r *M Ml «IV»
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  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 8 25 WKai avc\ I doing in page? See f^aice
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    • 355 25 I t TRAINING L COORDINATOR pore c»1 rnarva^enient trjin.rifc jrxi (i*velopo "sources U.r .lit "og I*v»io(«'fnt and m -'ent axid non rn«»r>*»|{ement personnel (.*)>.. Ik ! >r>CMiUi POUCSS S decree fogetr>er w of modern erfu Those with ir>l*te< mana^entent will be given preteA «ittr*Ktiv» lalaV*/ J'«J ben* gram accompany thi«.
      355 words

  • 435 26 £4 Hi mil (.IK I. A»ha Mane >naU hed the jflor> from Munich Olympic (Sanies competitor*. Veo Kian Chy* and Nor Azahar Hamid. yesterday with a scintillating performance in netting tw« National record* at the lAAA XII comers meet at Farrer Park, report- KRNF.ST
    435 words
  • 111 26 KOH iwn WAN won the Best Performance Trophy at the St Josephs Institution athletic meet, with a ll.Saoc run for 100 m at Parrer Park athletk centre The record breakers were: A divuuiin> Koh Swoe Wan 'loom llSsocs) and Wane C how 800 (Seam 33Saec*> B
    111 words
  • 458 26 JAN I.Ec. s-v.' Raffles In>tic meet Ha'uur when he rewrote three sprint records on his way to the Claxs individual title at their new Radium Tester Jan tnpir itprint cdori was. IOOm 11 4: MOm 23 t and 4<K)iii S5 5 Thr
    458 words
  • 199 26 II r r J Bateaald M iav in Use MD rhiaipton-vhip -it Bukit id>n;i<-a. three-ower-par me-under-par 35 for the |anfß< at| ift Msa Is m *no IsmjmmJ I '-ik 'arh 'r^' PLtr'^'TuV B aanftpafpsi 1 B StPßnl 'jf: at fi\f MM t»u itintt i at the
    199 words
  • 93 26 LONDON Sa. pell hit a drluni 42 lv rescue the AuM:.., •gjBBHI Kpaai xx" of their three-day matrh at Hi* Thank* ie Chhpi>« I! baiwiu to reach HI .vi utacii at ita utter sowing In 6ai%er bciiig out lor kt>s ifaa Torn scores n. Benson
    93 words
  • 40 26 BANGKOK lr<>m behind and edueo mil flgnUng Thai team 3-2 in a second half goal-oconng spree which mdfd ciiup A round Robin ootMH football tournameii' This rwult jluninated Iraq with Iran and Thailand koiiik ■to 'he semi
    40 words
  • 329 26 DBSCLTS of events at SAAA all*come» meet Man 100 m Bace 1 1 Mohammed Il>a s 2 Ong Yeuk Phee 3 L. Shoahertfaon 113; Race 3: 1 Mohaa.mad Yaaaan 2 Anthony Loy 3 Mflhammec khtik US; 3atm: 1 Yoo Kian Chye 3 A. Kanatm 3 Loh Chan Pe*
    329 words
  • 31 26 HI- It 1.1 N I Hrvl «.ri mmv hrW l.ntUnd a wore bmi dra« i.. tor for* •can Hnl .-loaTfoli Rooaio. also oaMlified h> heat inj Vogoahvta 3-0.
    31 words
  • 231 26 DIMINUTIVE relay produced towering three-goal performance to htlp idderl Fan er Park beat Tanglin 4-1 In a tituenry soccer match at Jalan •!|-1 I Tin- win in tli- Thry maiche> i iiKlin liniihea 11 umme with It Vk.. mance oy No*l N the
    231 words
  • 281 26 CHOR YAU FACES PARTNER IN FINAL rpOP SEED Nr Cnor Ya« I il double* the Siniapore 10-23 ronp bad m i i up* at the MA hall toi Des, giant-kil-ling performancr in the quart» [finals Vh C I iie outwitted second seed RahMusa 15-11' doesn't have a i chance against
    281 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 211 26 naVoav It i the only ontmfl afpar^ BamnwwVswS^H the world that can U^^B H lilsrslly tsN you what"* gflgMmi "5-JI time it n You can oet 1 a time-chwck anytime By »imply pretwoe the f AY 4teac on top of «w dock V f^ V% «Jaf you activate a voice)
      211 words
  • Page 26 Miscellaneous
    • 69 26 '■oi i sire open istafeat MM ii. 1 1 umsnimmtj m. Hmf l.ii I T<i:'.>ng Pagnr •OUknani Oeyiang West > Bra* lush i Parrer Park BHkit Ho B»ee v Qnnnatowii Queeiuttown. Paya Letour v Soranannn Gardens <fte»etar>. Timpinen v Kampong Kembagosn iSelorangi. friendly Pootaat 'Oillm*n cround 4 pm i KM
      69 words
    • 5 26 SPORTING SAM by Reg Wootton
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