The Straits Times, 3 May 1972

Total Pages: 32
1 32 The Straits Times
  • 24 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 225.000 The Straits Times National Newspaper fcsld IMS WEDNESDAY. MAY 3. 1t72 M I NTS M.C. <P> No. 377.
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  • 811 1 At Kontum it's touch and go SAIGON. Tuesday NORTH Vietnamese tanks rolled out of Qujng Tri and moved south along tht road to Hut today, according to fitld reports reach ing Hit Saigon high command. While tht* communists advanced on the old imperial capital their
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  • 233 1 FBI chief Edgar Hoover found dead WASHINGTON. Tues. FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover died during the night He was 77. Mr Hoover had headed the Federal Bureau of Investigation since 1924. His death was announced by the Justice Depart ment. "It Is with profound personal grief that I announce that
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  • 63 1 Americans back bombings WASHINGTON. I "r> Ihr American ueoule solidly sappart President Nixoufs 4mUm to iiwi bombing North Vietnam, according to nukiu iminiiM aaataJl aakl^ci tonight Sixty -nine aer cent of nun\ acrrr with Mr. Nixon thai air and naval attacks mi Military target* In North Virtnam should continue until
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  • 275 1 SINGAPORE. Tuesday pOLONEL Kirpa Ram ViJ, 37, Director of QeneraJ Staff In the Defence Ministry, has been promoted to the rank of Brigadier the highest rank in the Singapore Armed Forces. Hi* promotion and those of 14 other senior SAF officers were
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  • 40 1 TEHXRAM. Tut* 8U pMpftt wot* injured, two trtomly. vtMn bonb iiiliitm today at the TvtMraa ottM of a wccklr awcaMm. TTii* Week which hu recently been crliiciaad by r«Ulimja groupa lot IU paMlialliai of nudaa and an Matura
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  • 37 1 WILMINOTON .Delaware i Tims A mamma of natural history homtng the large* on] collection in the world. IM.OM seta of earn will open in nearby OreonvUle. Delaware, on May 1J it was announced today UPI
    UPI  -  37 words
  • 104 1 PENANG. Taes. A Bomb Disposal Unit oAeer was injured today when he stepped mi a hooky trap while trying to retrieve, a nmmuulit flag ob iklßkm. *n charge of the homb ■Hil ssjaad which went to the scene at Chee Sent Gardens, six
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  • 21 1 SANTIAOO Turn P™*»°*MhM> AUsndt rj^J*v mwpmi thai woak uatlunslMsng the International Telephone and Telegraph corporatioo aaeeU in Chile AP
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  • 231 1 SINGAPOBE. Tues.— The Minister for Foreign Affairs. Mr S Rajaratnam said tonight that Singapore might have to recruit thousands of foreign workess to help All vacancies created by her growing affluence He also dismissed as "totally unfounded" any fears Singaporeans might fears off a bleak employment
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  • 582 1  - Normal pork supply from today SHEN SWEE YONG: By Singapore. Tues gINGAPORK housewives will get their nornuil supply of |m>i k from tomorrow There will l>e no more overweight hogs in the market ;it lt-;ist until the jm>i k met chants and the livestock I.hiiuts set tit OTHER row last
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  • 50 1 JAKARTA. Tues Indonesia wants a scheduled May 11 Aaeaii ■■■ting on neutralisation puetguMl The meeting of omctale from Aaean countries ia due to he held in Kuala Lumpur for an amassment of reaction to the declaration on neutralisation adopted by Aaean s Foreign Ministers last November
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  • 48 1 BINOAPORE Tues A Uxl driver. Neo Phang Slam II collapsed and died while plying his taxi at the junction of Home and Hamilton Roads today Police said Neo. of Jalan Angkup off Kranjl Road, wti about tc pick up a paiatrtmr •hen h. collapsed
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  • 33 1 TASS OFFICE BOMBED WASHINGTON. Tues A smoke bom* wa» tossed Into the Washingtea office of the Soviet news agency Tarn today, police said. There gmm no Injuries or damage AP
    AP  -  33 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 54 1 1 SMal_blNQ~ GOfftoUIPMBNT USA <> mi ammm mmi ua»»»i ti^—^4 wrnrn THE J4OUSEJ9PTANC (ONLY GOODS WITH THB TAG) aamm mm. Mk Vhshk Don't miss this Golden Opportunity SHOP NOW at the HOUSE OF TANG (Open every Wednesday till 9 30 p m RS C. K.TAMC (S) PTE LTD. c >«•
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    • 264 1 WORLD NEW! K. S. 4 DON'T puff In public call to medical staff I WOMAN sues over gems GIRL leaps to safety in fire FRASER TRIAL 10. 11 GOLD BARS murder Inquiry starts today It WAGES: Ministry to play key role It LETTERS AND CROSSWORD 13 TV. RADIO 19 BUSINESS
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    • 7 1 CHUNCHONG jfafa%? t: South aVfcivr KJ S'pon
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    • 391 2 LOMOOM. Tims. MHA now has more troops stationed near the Chineae border than ln Europe with more than a quarter of the Soviet Army facing China, according to a strategic surrey published here today The survey by the Loo-don-baacd InternatkHMl IswtWwki for Strategic f r^r
      Reuter  -  391 words
    • 51 2 LOHBCtI. T»rm Tkc world* biggest aaaaeaUe cat to <m 4 (.ifi a 421k tab*-; hat terrorised d*ft and mtt* aJhke for 12 rear* Owned by Mm Asmm CUrk i la If 7« went Int. tk* Gateeaa Book of Records at tke keavtrat cat la tke world
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    • 264 2 US-SOVIET NUCLEAR ARMS PACT LIKELY UASHINU TON. WJ Tues The United SUtes and the SoTlet Union are on the verge of an historic pact to curb the nuclear arms race, according to the White House And It seem* likely to be signed when President Nixon visits Moscow later this month
      Reuter  -  264 words
    • 164 2 8 missing Britons safe -after two days on Mao's island ||ONG KONG. Tms Ei(ht Brito., ■■■■ay a* a crass* off Hong Ko«f retarded here today after spesril«« two algkta at a Ckiaes* held island, the Brittoh Military reported A Military spokesman said tkey retarded to the Royal Navy base Taaaar
      Reuter  -  164 words
    • 205 2 BONN. Tuesday f HANCELLOR Brandt and Opposition leader Mr Barzel agreed yesterday that rattAcaUon of the controversial treaties with the P Union and Poland be postponed, a O< spokesman said Thf ipomwiH mid Mr Brandt proposed the po»t ponement at a mi
      UPI  -  205 words
    • 97 2 US Senate restores radio funds WASHINOTON TUM Th« VM B*nau yortarday nwili Ms foratgß rtiaUotM osaaaSMat •nd gave the maon AdatfaMraOon Urn money it might to ope-iu Totetof Aawrtea <VOA> 1 rfc w broadeaata to aaany paru of Urn world. Tbt Senate after lntoMtvt lobbying by the Admtnutratton voted S7-1S
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 213 2 ■CaVI aWfc ggnawJiaaat^aaTlaßßainßdEnaanßßdl^BaTS^aVh^dh^^hkrfka^aT^Bk *^.__m^ anw i i saft^na g&^Bk JkBT f m|JS **L^ B B^3r Bbl J j W^ I H It's an extraordinary What it types is elegant. How it types is extraordinary, combination of 3 exclusive fiprltrUrPS- <* 1 {J 1 II No retyping nwessary Finished copy comes
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

    • 89 3 Scotland Yards top man quits ONDON TMS CosbYard eiitr '«»m <>t <!«• tcctlvea. The Flying Squad rssagmd from the potto* force last night 'T'tn duty ir March, tol- Sntaatka-spaiM !B day in Cyprus with a London strip club owner who has a criminal reCoamaman4er Drury plain HI that the visit
      Reuter  -  89 words
    • 81 3 SNAP FUR THE FAMILY ALBUM v safer CWa i»i with tisitiag II as* tfcwtr wtvoa. la ta* Croat raw ar* (fTMB) left i kin. Mike Massf ir Id. Deputy Forciga MaaMar hou Pei yuan Majority laaier lea. MaasficM. Mr (kM. Minority Ise4er Sea. H«gh Soatt, Deput j r• r e
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    • 376 3 LONDON Tim* \EW trouble has hit n Britlah port* in moves that Intensify the danger of a major dock crisis. Two thousand dockers quit work at Southampton yesterday in a oneday protest strike broadly linked with streamlined cargo-handling techniques that have brought the
      Reuter  -  376 words
    • 141 3 APOLLO 16 SURPRISE PACKAGE FOR SCIENTISTS HOUSTON, Tuet. Space scientist* huddled over a few duaty. drab grey rocks from the moon today and decided they had never seen anything quite like them. It wu the start of the ritual unpacking, cleaning, weighing measuring and analysing operation that follows every moon
      Reuter  -  141 words
    • 260 3 The Red Guards turn on their charm— for visitors DEKINO. Tues. Militant you n c Red Guards. who three years ago rampaged through the streets, surprised foreigners yesterday by sitting down with them and chatting about President Nixon's recent visit They said the visit in February had opened the door
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 162 3 Albert Alfa Romeo still King of Saloons. It takes a reliable, power-packed, and superb roadholding car to win in any tight circuit race as the one held in Penang Circuit Race recently. Champion Albert Poon in the Alfa Romeo did it once again beating off keen foreign sponsored works cars.
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    • 217 3 High Quality Swiss Typewriters mm in T___^^^af "■VSJBL___^p^__^^^^^^^^^^^ B^^^^^ 1 S-48 Automatic or decimal tabulator, three position ribbon with dual ribbon and practical lightning margins. SM 35 Automatic m m m automatic margins and p^T!'" ,"t "made to measure touch iJff^^^QM BE 53 Electric l*a»*awßa»»**»*a« automatic tabulator and *U#- margin
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    • 435 4 Drawing up new rules for warfare (JENEVA. Tues. The International Committee of the Red Cross has drafted new rules to remove savagery and indiscriminate killing from modern warfare Text* of the proposed addition* to the four ba*lc Oeneva war convention* of 1940 to before government and private legal experts from
      UP  -  435 words
    • 126 4 ISyASaTtNOTON. Twe« TT The Deleave 0e partmeat ha* denim that it is trssjalaa s»» f a»f»l }9f?WaMMhjf heasa N«rth Vtetsum that sprays alaaUe in stead af metal peßfrta. Dr Philip H.'r British dectet whe rt reatl* retaraed U Un dea fresa North ViHaasn
      Reuter  -  126 words
    • 210 4 BANGKOK, Tv« pROMULOATION of an I interim constitution for Thailand win have to be postpones until July because the ruling National Executive Council is still engaged In reorganisation of Ministries, sources said today. The sources said the legal committee of the council needed
      Reuter  -  210 words
    • 263 4 Seato out of date, says Aussie leader CANBERRA, Tuesday I"HE South-east Asian Treaty organisation has outlived its usefulness and would ultimately have to be dismantled, deputy leader of the Opposition Labour Party Mr Lance Barnard said yesterday. The treaty had never been invoked for defence, because even Its members acknowledged
      UPI  -  263 words
    • 188 4 Minister's decision on entry laws under fire UKLBOI RNL. Taes. —Former Opposition leader Mr. Arthur Calwell today called for a stop to "the flood of Anflo-lndiftns. An«k>- Burmese. Dutch Barghers and Mauritians pouring into Australia." Mr. Calwell, Immigraiton Minister In the Labour Government from 1945 to 1949, warned that immigration
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    • 30 4 MANILA. Tun I councillor waa kUted and thrw other people wsra ssftsu*)' vounded In a shooting Inciorr on Sunday in La Urion pro vinot. north of Manila Af>
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    • 242 4 NEW YORK TIMES WINS A WARD FOR PENTAGON STORY YEW YORK Tuaa. k^ The New York Tlm^ won a Pulltier Prize in Journalism for it* publication last year of u.r Pentagon Papers, a secret Defence Departmer.' study detailing US In volvement In the Vietnam war. Another of the coveted awards
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 298 4 OFFICES FOR RENT IN THI CATHAY BUILDING MOUNT SO'MIA »INOA»OBI ri—ttsjhiua. fuMy aor-co«alNaMa*B offlo* •pac* MOW available) far rwa* an the Cathay lalHlng. OfM of tKe moat centrally k>c«t*« aMllsilms hi Singapore Rent p«r month per sq.ft. FROM 52.00 r~~ -r-T T~ r fTT^^LljXn PJgU a SSB9B_B| B^3 .1... I
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  • 236 5 Set an example, says govt circular SINGAPORE. Tv— day G<>\ »-H\ MENT medical staff Ittn called to I example by m rig f i oin mix >k ing in public .ii id with p;i' ■fell ..ii .luU should be confined to offices,
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  • 62 5 ALOR STAR. Tuas. The Worth Malayan dlvteton of the MTOC Is to aak the Central Oovomnwnt to recogniae May 1 aa Malaysian Workers Day and to declare It a public holiday This was one of five resolution, adopted at a May Day rally yastorday attended by 300
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  • 81 5 HAWKERS COLLECT $20,000 FOR HOSPITAL SINOAPORI Tvieain Si it [njr*? rift v*^ cot •srtftje Ton Pmyoh Free During the last two hjMhM rharity tales and iinstlan their day ••ralSMja to the fund nil FTN vflftHC, WaVCaV m wmm the BOnfMaJ today sain Mas* of the hawters mm to the AiMMnft
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  • 235 5 YWCA moves its headquarters to Outram Road SINGAPORE. Tims. T»HE YWCA today moved iU headquarters from i Raffles Quay, where It has been for the last SO yean, to its other centre In Outram Road This fo.wwed the government i takeover of the laad In Raffles Quay "for to the
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  • 35 5 SINOAPORC Tuea Kong Char Tack. M today admitted robbing atlas Tan Bee Cheng of a noM necklace at Upper Croat Street an April It Sentence was postponed to May It pending protnt-Kin rrp..r'
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  • 241 5 Police: No formal contact yet with FBI agents SINGAPORE, Tuesday T«HE Singapore police are now awaiting formal contact by Federal Bureau of Investigation agents for their plan* to step up security activities in this region. A police source Mid this today when asked to comment on the FBl's recent establishment
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  • 81 5 SUKiATOftE. Tnes—Detailiu from Kaad*ng Kerhaa vtatlon teat mi hi arrested three saoa aboat le leave hi a ear with thaar loot of stolen Jewellery anal other artietea. The deleetlves reeorered from the (lore swSßpartsnent tkr cir several (old rhatna mad rtags aid aeeae JaeV rings
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  • 55 5 Concert in aid of college fund BINOAPORE, Tu««— The Singapore Chamber Ensemble will hold a choral concert at the Conference Hail next Tuesday Proceed, will go to the «t Andrew i Junior CoUeae avJathw tm* and ttM enaa^bla. PrtJk dent aheatw. who la U» patron o» the eooeert. and tin
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  • 198 5 Up, up and away for 30 brides and grooms KUALA LUMPUR. Tues Thirty couples wUI take off for their honeymoon immediately after taking their marriage vows simultaneously at the Subanc airport hern on July 23 This first-ever mass wedding In Malaysia will take leas than 30 minutes before the couples
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  • 45 5 PENANO Tues A woman pillion rider died In a freak accident yesterday when the rear wheel of the motorcycle flaw off and threw her on the road Loh Slew Oeok. 31. suffered severe head Injuries and died In hospital soon after admission
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 237 5 a^^^ Bnp^^rfp^^ oaV^ BBr^^*P* 0 ■^w> v v^iSnwa*^^^ fap»^^ yCr^ g»"^»*P SCHOOL BIG 3 CARTRIDGE SET Cartridge pen, pencil and ballpoint, 6 ink cartridges. yL^^^^^^^ extra nib unit, pencil and In 12 exciting colour! V jb__ cooveriHXi lanws MAL 50.35» pp fc IhkwMAL1 hkw MAL t6 b 0) Ideal for
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 108 5 .1-, wk**<- H \II*W mmp m* V.T. MmmMm I 25* I s?Q** ywmsjm \vouwtum 1 nmnuoa loohv //^r»s» \«*ixDfc mmt' »ax m avurn«Mang* At we can Ua>MM oocxa irivrV atcm '^irifirT I isna i i, jaaßß- fl^ LlV^ I WWtff^^^^^ ZjSawHn^^*' am ssjn hi saaV kw fit tan. l al*
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  • 263 7 ♦WHY WE MUST GET TOGETHER' SINGAPORE. Tuesday THK Indonesian Ambassador to Singapore, Mr. Soenarso, today called for the establishment of a high-level Asean "ugenc bring together and organise prospt'i ti\e Asean investors. This high level group consisting of prominent business leaders, bankers, etc.
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  • 81 7 GROUP 2 ARCHITECTS ARE THE WINNERS GBOIT I Architect* M tk. riB liilmirl- t^_Aß^eA-»_ ata^sAarwi Jha^ssst •ettttoa in 4 m(Um ftrat •art af Urn tw«-«Ufc iialiU as siaiad lima»rt la Urn Straits Times »f MrtOK The ether wlnaers were BEP Akitek derond) *w»ri. Architects Tesm S (thirl sward i and
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  • 50 7 sinoapore Tuat. swehsta CoaUßunity centre will organiac few w couraca at it* prcniacs Thar w* tntgrmwuau and ■aaShi aa Oaaaaai assatai sad caha-SBakint beauty culture and laafc■mi-do (or beclnner* Purther attalla are available from the centre between I pm and 10 p« dally or at tele-
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  • 163 7 Pharmacists call for registration of drugs SINGAPORE, Tuesday rE Pharmaceutical Society of Singapore today suggested that drugs should first be registered with the authorities before they are put on sale "In this way, the safety and interest of the public will be protected," said Mr Koh Bok Seng, the society's
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  • 48 7 UMOAFORI Tims. Two wv« Mch fined SIM ymtartar lor hftrtng fan*. ASJSMI Sahttn btn Abdal R*hMa. n. h*d half s harts* of ta»«najst PMtr Pujuf Ro»d KafIMMSSy OOTUMMBSUr. 1" had one tosrtoo at Cbaaai boaeh near the Chan* Sm CTvb ymtstwsy Ttey phMMtod guilty
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  • 86 7 CHINA MAY BUY MORE TIMBER KUALA LUMPUR. Tues China has promised to look Into the posslbl Uty of buvlna more Malaysian timber, the gen eral manager of Pernas. Inche Mohamed Shahar Abdul Hamld. said tonight He was speaclng to news men on his return here from Canton where he lad
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  • 336 7 'A way must be found to pool resources' facturlng operations In the regions and as an International servicing and warehousing centre for the quick supply of spare parts and technical and other services. Including consultancy and engineering services Their operations Include setting up merchant banks in Singapore. Malaysia and Hong
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  • 126 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues.— Malay stan Oovernment U consider ing what to do with 15 refugees from the Khmer Republic now stranded In Ktlantan For a week now villagers In the border town of Rantau Pan Jang have been looking after the two men. four women and
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  • 158 7 Senu: No question of a tussle for top Umno —posts KUALA LUMPUR. Tuea The question of a tussle between the younger and older mem bars of the Umno for the party leadership at iv general assembly next month does not arise Bealdes new faces, many old members had also been
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 240 7 NOW ON I^l^ Mai Pan SAU PaY 3 BSfi Lsat Ps«s I IM USS Csiiwsf Uami Rm lIS S 7JI Tst**TSarts Ul Pstt MSa Urn Usttsr ftsts IBS •fca UttH Barts IBS WW 4 mm urn }mn Tm I Ul )21 J Vm 1 PirtHin J 3Jt 12JI .1 Lsssf
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    • 266 7 CONGRATULATIONS to WILD SINGAPORE (PTE) LTD on the official opening of their Factory. from JOO LEE TRANSPORTATION •1, Jervois Road, Singapore 10. Tel: *****0. *****2. *****0. We are proud to supply them our transport service. COSGHATI l-Alln\s WILD SINGAPORE (PTE.) LTD. on their official ipening from Jtt^L *CMEMEA SINGAPORE (PTE)
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  • 127 8 $lm loss in godown blaze KUALA LUMPUS. Taea.— nrrnaea today e*«rageoaaly fomght a amMday go4h»wn fire unaware that M drums of highly Inflammable carbide were stored te the centre of the hsrtsstlit Half an -hoax later at the height of the blase, when three engines were hattlinc workers suddenly realised
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  • 94 8 Slight drop in reserve blood stocks BINOAPORE. Tues Total reserve stocks at the Blood Bank are average, although they have fallen from 821 units last week to 713 units this morning The number of Hood donations received during the past week waa M 4 an average of M donations a
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  • 480 8 Mother of eight sues couple J^ MOTHER of eight who hoped to make a $1,100 profit from "an affluent couple" in Katong in a jewel transaction found nenell poorer in the end by $18,600, the High Court was told today. Madam Qiiek
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  • 203 8 Our police band may tour Asean countries IPOH, Tuesday T»HE Singapore Police Force band hopes to make a goodwill tour of Asean countries In the near future. This was disclosed by the force's public relations officer Mr Lawrence Loh. who Is accompanying the 144-member band which performed In the Stadium
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  • 38 8 PMlPleader defects KANOAR. T«». A Perils PM IP "strong-man Ustas Hanafi Saad has josnad Umno Ustas Hanafi was a member of the aUte PMIP information and cosjsmcßDicassosas ossssmtfcM aj head of the party's youth section In Kakl Buklt
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  • 66 8 SINOAPORX. TIMS Mr XX Chlng. managing director of Kwong Soon Engineering, ha* been re-elected president of the Singapore Association of Shipbuilder, and Repairers for the third wmeaeive year Other officials are Mr RE Butler iStmtawang Shipyard i and Mr Victor Choy Yew Mun (Wang Chan Engineering i
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  • 113 8 Govt officials to take part in educational seminar SINGAPORE. Tues.—Ofltl- clals from the Ministry of Education including teacher trainers, principals, and teachers will be Invited to participate In a seminar on educational materials to be organised by the Singapore Book Publishers Association this year. The seminar Is among several activities
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  • 89 8 SINGAPORE Tues A 26-year-old man was charged In a magistrate's court yesterday with cheat Ing a shop assistant by using a dud cheque Boh Chap Hec alleted to have cheated Mr NA Raj. by nhli bias into believing that a Aata Commercial Banking Corporation
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  • 188 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Tun Tun (Dr > If mail ■aid here tonight that the decision to impose tales tax was made by the Cabinet and approved overwhelm ingly by Parliament The Deputy Prime Minister was commenting on the call by deputy president of Sabah National
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  • 46 8 KUALA LUMPUR Tv»« All except three of Youth* 104 dlnaiona I country have T^MHy*^* Mmfor i Mentrl Bmm. D« Harun idru. (or ■mUhw Mm OflM a* their national leader Tht other thnt <U»t»joiu Kelantan have ■tiri'Tt"- 1 Perna* chairman Tengfcu lUMlatgil H»mz*h
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  • 41 8 SINOAPORI TUB* building materials dupUy y*~*t ths Australia/ UQBBBMBHOQCT ft ■■I^WBBBBBBf TV%# riisvnimw bbbbbbTbbbl MbMM^ AIH IUBfNA/ i IBBW*BI v*• by 3S Australian MtottgW; wUI open until Saturday Is rtotrletofl to ifMtttM cf Urn buUdtnc and allied and proiMMOM
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 145 8 CONGRATULATIONS to MITSUI TOATSU CHEMICALS INC on the occasion of the official opening of their BULK CARGO TERMINAL IN JURONG WHARF We are proud to mention that the piled foundation for the above project was done by us. OUR SERVICES HAVE BEEN EXTENDED TO MALAYSIA SUM CHEONG PILING PTE. LTD.
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 53 8 bugs Bunny By Ralph Heimdahl a asut i gajnvga s\^A^ B asV*avmSJ bum s*»«u>^Bam_s ■*•>•■■•*/ 'V^V^r I MiLrßsi MOOSL, PRjDPwTr... AAAPSJ V rv"% v/A. I I ■>■ a aaa a. sain i <-**j v*^ I I 8»LA...8W-A...B»SXIu)T LBS ••VT If-*. u/At rr m I \*<iAJu>*4TmmD po«l three iVm. -> Am
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  • 155 9 Pan-Am to recruit more local girls as air hostesses Pan-Amer: ways will recruit more local rlrU ai air stevardMtM for iv world-wide Jumbo and Boeing-707 service* n,>t Known but H ii r>i > M iff md t mr 'hrn! i^^^m r&f t Ajn aAa tajajajaaadi a lacJsMftaaj 4ftw for starh#
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  • 24 9 KUALA LUbCPUH T«M Fwmm iM TttoccaßaaunlcataMia Mbbbbm tor HUM aaaaaat aiMthafii CM Ainrajrt far ■■■n ran ita mnt ■raaUaaa at Wkaaa Daaaaaaafa
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  • 83 9 LABOURER STABBED FIVE TIMES BY THUGS SIMGAPOBE. Ta*a—La•aawar SHvaananr Ba*draaa. 1». waa aateaittaal ta Outram Hiaaltil la a erMaeai eaaMftttaaa after be was stabbed flve tiase* SeHasaaay was travefl--I*l Ii l taxi whra two ttn farced It ta a halt la frwa* PSA bate S at Keaawl .Uaal The acewvaau
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  • 30 9 SIHOAPORI Tuaa The Bl v»t:.i, Arm> in S.r.«ap.*f BaU .nebrat* iv JTth annivmary with a five-day pmaraaiaw froan May 25 CaajaaT_Ca»aaaM«3a»B, tMPat Army baaaiaaartan in CtaaMav ccau Avenue
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  • 117 9 Call for MCA committee meeting on expulsions IPOH Tues— MCA national president Tun Tan ■law Sin has been urged to convene a meeting of the party's central working committee Immediately to reconsider the expulsion of two top Perak leaders The call was made at a meeting of the Ipoh MCA
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  • 42 9 SINGAPORE Tvm. Tbt ChaaLlrt Horn* wUI noad a cbaaapafnt ball at %fw StjaaartLa Houloo Jutw 3 at p.a In «ia aj BtaMßMaaai fund Tipt pfQfTatflaßEMl Will IBM>IBJBV UM CHBBBflßflßtf WIH S9 pNBfBBBS> Muatc wllf OMB* froan th* Itoyml
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  • 42 9 SINOAPORI Tuaa labourer Nf D« Huat S3. today danlad ataaJtaf a feacrclt worth $M. btkanamc to 6n« Hay Taat. in RedhU! Lane on Saat. 4 laat year Trial was ftecd lor June 7 BaU of SMO was altowtd
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  • 351 9  - Girl, 18, leaps to safety in fire drama K.S. SIDHU Trapped in a twostorey temple By Singapore. Tuesday J^S IH-yt-ar-old girl fought her way lo safety when she was trap|ied in a fire at Jalan oft Airport Road, early tod Mlm Chow Chua Eng leapt 12 feet to the ground
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  • 45 9 amOAfOBI, Tiiai lafcurii MorjH Mn Abu AM wdaj SawaMl iiatKnt thiwa caaaa oV brandy from a Outhrtt Wau»h Co aaart Ist Sixth Avmmh. BwkJt Timah on Jan 14 Th* raw was flaad for heartn* on Jun« 1] BaU of Saa« was allowod
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  • 50 9 BIHOAPORE Tiiea Hawker Yeo Ah Bah 33. today danlad Wing criminal fore* on a hawker Hblaon officer. Mr Lav Sac How by puiUnc hu shirt In Lorong 7 Toa Pajoh on Jan 1] Th* case win com* up for heartaa; on Jun* Bail of SfrM
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  • 126 9 INDIAN BUDDHIST LEADER HERE FOR VISIT WINOAPORE. Tues Mr Rajabho], unHiißt of the Indian Buddhist Society arrived here for a four-day visit this morning on board the Indian cruise ship Akbar He *111 take part in prayer meetings and have talks with local Buddhist leaders Mr Rajabho] was met at
    126 words
  • 42 9 SINOAPORE TUC» A labourer was jailed for a day today and fined taoo for stealing 14 umbrellas from an *mpotium at People* Park Complex yeaterday Kaamen Mn Sangk'it. 31 admitted stealing th* uibriHai. worth from Taanlng Co
    42 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 108 9 Ccgighing? relieve it with _f »|f tattMtt, Congratulations Best Wishes to MITSUI TOATSU CHEMICALS INC., (MTC) MITSUI CO., LTD., (MBK) a* ta» tfhcMl a9*MMf a* Mm MTC Mi C«*»a Tifiia.l .a Jwm, POH TIONC CHOON COMPANY 60 Souttt Br>dge Rood. S>ng3pore T ei 98M66 SECOND SINGAPORE INTERNATIONAL BOOK FAIR LAST
      108 words
    • 331 9 BOP_ suggest savings Postaa* coats Time and labour costs Significant itams in company axpanditura BAPwiN ahaw you how thrst can b. cut down by using ttia right rypa o4 anwiopa for aach particular raqmcamaiH liajaasliniii on how to sand aaatad anytopas at unssatad ratat. How to spaad up alactronic tortinsj
      331 words

  • 5659 10  -  CNIA POTEIK and BEN DAVIDSON By Sines pore. Tue)aday Measor: Only Wee I know is Robert Wee who's not in Singapore I k I pointed out to Mr. Shen that I had written circular No. 47' Waterhouse: Is it right
    5,659 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 152 10 I :Ii: J it Hot water cists you less from Rheem Hume hot water heaters. lower initial costs lower installation costs lower operating costs O-<^v Lower costs all round That's the Rheem Plan installation costs are low Only one heater, with just pipes to outlets where you want them. And
      152 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 152 11 if it's sound advice you need... This is it Take any one of these Pioneer AM/FM solid state stereo receivers. And be assured of natural sound. The 'Linear Dial Scale' of each model ensures easy and accurate station selections Pioneer stereo receivers are versatile too. For instance, SX-828 handles up
      152 words

  • 185 12 Don't cling to old beliefs, Ya'acob tells Muslins SMGAPOftE. Twi TW Mtateter Slate in the Prisae Ministers (Mate*. Majl Yitrak Ma M«hamed hat art eel Masataaa beliefs ban u> pragraaa •Ub the time* Til ait wu nothing In the teaehlag* erf Islam that presented Its fiMawaia frejaa actoemlaelgfcmg the P*wg«")aßßve
    185 words
  • 81 12 SIM course on investment management SINGAPORE Tues The Singapore Institute of Management will start a nine-lecture evening course on Investment management and security analysis on May 15 The course will be conducted by Mr DTK Sinclair. dim tor of FtMtr and Co and will be heM at the Chlmae YMCA
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  • 129 12 SINOAPORE. Tver The Speaker, Dr Yeah Ohlm Seng. MP for Joo Chiat. will open the five -day annual meeting of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association s general council executive committee on May 11 This will be the first time that Singapore is hotting
    129 words
  • 387 12 Preliminary inquiry starts today SINGAPORE. Twm. IJEARING of the Triple Gold U;u Murders preliminary inquiry begins in the Fourth District Court ;it 2.15 p.m. tomorrow. Nine men. including a university graduate, are tentatively charged with murdering a company director and his two employees off
    387 words
  • 77 12 KUALA LUMPUR, Tuas. rw ai Alliance MP for Lipu Dato Hall Abdul Raxafc. bin Huaaein ha* been appointed a aenator to fill the vacancy cauaed by the reaajnatton of Minister with Special Pttncttona and Information Tan Brt Moh*med Ohazah Shafie In March Dato Hajl Abdul Raxak. 47
    77 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 223 12 >*gTIWTtX«NETI!fITEX» |METROTEX| TWO BA MAIN PACKED WEEKS! 2 53 Su*k Inn Mm HIM tilM -3 u«h mm PaMb %nm ma J CatM ft|t«n HIM $I M JT a>__ La*at h*m MM 111 7 0% JJJI MM amp All MfrwtPaptfs SIM S4JI J U7JI fliH |M ton mmi mmm IJI IJI
      223 words
    • 65 12 fTrYTTaBBBBBBr^Hr^I^rTTI 14th BIG DAY! 604.8 CM CITY Ml, 4, 7 4 «.*aaai •ALAXT 1 11. IN. 7 4 t.Mjin. TW Baat taa*B «af«a« tKm *om ftaa*ate WMMMf 0 NB#e)MM#tom>>fl Awa»* Cilimin 1 4 CMaaaa WMMm FiQg /aß^^Taß sniii svsiui 111 01 IWK mum i m m» Ocean Theatre rrSSU a^.
      65 words
    • 58 12 Ii! r ALL YOU CAN EAT »K)per person YARA BOUTIQUE pl^" SF^ Supreme House presents j i Bl GALORF J 3rd May 72 la/»inj*\na 4M S OPENS TOD AY r X.C* -ANAV.SK)N f,o™ solu*iU PICTURES' c%%t&£!3.. "WATERLOO" i'lMhl'li'l'l «p- NOW SHOW I Mi! ho ran t«T) at amil featum f
      58 words
      326 words
    • 460 12 |mAN ATIOW a MO» 1 1.«. i sa. «m m 4 *1 1 -I WATia HAS B| Muwaar— m lha«Maa» MIIT (Nia>(| V Cnaai i "n* 4 »a» »MOOT OMf MOW I I ffwam i 41 4aa *>• *jo PtjAi Ma)TV rot mi BB^aQ^^D Sona^ara aj OuN'« biium »«T II
      460 words

    • 71 13 0M a aawrkllag akarning last week I took a launch from Jurong out to aea and returned vU Pasir Panjang Ovtag the 24 hours t to 1190 am a substantial Beerinent of the west shrouded in an opaque mist, like
      71 words
    • 259 13 LETTERS to the Editor will not be comtder ed for publicotion unless tr»«y hove tKe ers' names ond odd r esses Include a pseu donym if you do not want your n o m c pool.sKed 1 1 tram lo me Hut
      259 words
    • 66 13 MT family and I have been regularly visiting the Changt swimming pool at weekends However. I have the problem of obtaining a ptlice permit for each visit at the Changl police post I feel that the authorities can do away with this as It does not serve any purpose whatsoever
      66 words
    • 69 13 rpHERB U only one lava 1 tory In the Br ght Hill Drive health and medical clinics for outpatients in District 20 and It is mostly used by female patients At times the same lavatory U also used by males As this causes lnconvenltnce the provision of a separate toilet
      69 words
    • 209 13 Get time off to attend those lectures I REFER to the letter hy "Yovag P c r s a" (ST. A<artl 1»>. reajaeat Ing that career talks organised hv the Ts«ng People's Service of the National Library he held on Saturday afternoons for the eoaveaJeaea of working yonnf adults We
      209 words
    • 116 13 Only the boys get a chance at games I AM a Primary Six 1 pupil in a mixed school and I am sorry to say that most of the games In our school are reserved for the boys only! I think this is very unfair as girls deserve to be
      116 words
    • 200 13 I REFER to the letter by Ut Muhamed Sulalman regarding the Tamil transmission in Radio Singapore (ST, April n» Mr Sulalman, no doubt. is entitled to his own views about any programme But casting certain aspersions on the classic carnatic music (Kamadaga laai) is something very Improper The richness of
      200 words
    • 114 13 rQC motor workshops along Rangoon Road Is causing a lot of noise nuisance. Many complaints by letters were made but no action has been taken. Will the authorities do something for the sake of the residents? AFFECTED RESIDENT, Wtßgapara g. iX>ULD the proper aulho- i V/ rlty conflnn whether the
      114 words
    • 170 13 NEW TRAFFIC SCHEME AROUND Rl WITHIN EIGHT MONTHS 60VT REPLIES WITH reference to the request of "A Raffle slan <ST March 23> tor a bus stop to be erected along Irwell Bank Road. I would like to Inform the writer t*iat construction work for the Introduction of a new traffic
      170 words
    • 230 13 rE letter headlined "Such a fuss over a simple matter" <ST March 3D would apply as well to your correspondent "A friend", as she did not check her facts before complaining about the runaround regarding an application for training as student nurses The Instructions on the application forms are selfexplanatory.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 72 13 A A TJ i 9 BW CHILDREN'S COUGHS.. GIVE IMMEDIATELY NVAL baby cough syrup fj^ !•£>#■ M****nt tasting Nyal Baby jtm* Cough Syrup is specially ga^jaJT^JJ formulated to give Qa^S**>W immediate relief of coughs BMaWMgaM A colds to children, safely -♦•■4 1 asrajSast effectively For good family I l: J
      72 words
    • 133 13 CONGRATULATIONS and BEST WISHES to MITSUI TOATSU CHEMICALS INC. on the occasion of the official opening of their BulkaCargo Terminal in Jurong Wharf from SUM FONC CONSTRUCTION I WOODCRAFT C 0. f 173, Clemenceou Avenue, Smaopore t. Office Tel *****5 Factory Tel: »4363S We are proud ro hove been entrusted
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 246 13 Straits Times Crossword bbl Bgg^~~"Bßß^~nßgaF~~Bigß^~~B^gf~ng^ ACROtt 1 aangof Not much' is psopts Id goaiaitns <•) II Opsot walveraaty port (S. 4) A Pnaeb doctor tanaa oat. l« WeUl g«rt of neat aarlT Sort la charge of II <•>. oft (I) 10 CJIreW Wow Tort at lv II <4) U Seeing
      246 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 441 14 Among the prerogatives of a Malaysian employer undiminlshed by the Industrial Relations Act. v the right to recruit a new employe* or to promote the workman of his choice This U a common law right, clearly spelt out in the Act. but a matter still of occasional dispute
      441 words
    • 181 14 The hope? of third world countries that the UN Conference on Trade and Development will approve a strongly worded resolution for the regulation of international shipping liner conference systems has been shaken by American. Japanese and Swedish opposition. They have torpedoed a proposal to allow government intervention
      181 words
  • 305 14 TCMCfUM. Timdai THUE S a carpet craws M. in Iram. It m caaasd ey the rtatsur standard of living of the Persian*. The beat wool far making Perataa taraets si tahea from the nock and eaaaly these that have pastured ea tweet gram aad Man tod herbs
    305 words
  • 863 14 Pompidou suffers a stunning setback to his prestige REFEREMU'M VOTE PARIS Tuaaday PRESIDENT POMPIDOU must now set about restoring his battered prestige, after the stunning setback in his attempt to reinforce his authority at home and assert French leadership in Europe. Not even the most pessimistic forecasts had let the
    863 words
  • 347 14 QUANG TRI AND IN AMERICA SAIGON. Taee Ohm Trt dty. which has hoc* yaaaiaae to the North Viet bam for-em. Is the capital of a bar real Breviare where the Vietnamese say pigs eat rocks and chlrkens eat sand It olands M miles oelow the Dtalll tarlsed Zone ea the
    Reuter  -  347 words
  • 1058 14  - A mood bitter anxiety MAX FRANKEL by WASHINGTON, Tues THE impression is growing here that North Vietnam's capacities for sustained challenge in South Vietnam have been underestimated and perhaps misjudged as badly as they were during the engagements in Cambodia and Laos in 1970 and 1971 Government officials are extremely
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 7 14 Welt( M fVUiteS|| i ""aW /al aa^^^l
      7 words
    • 153 14 Wy fart includes 3 meali daily^Vß_tvßjA|jLLl W 'effective 6th Mov 1972' v a_^ H^Qa^^afata^^^ J aaaa Watatk, M.S. lASTI R»I OUt i»> Royal Orebid'l 14 XX> TONS CAPACITY -7tOrASSfNCf"S Departs Arrives Daperts Arrives Singapo<« Frtmantl* Framantl* Singapore 06 Moy 12 Moy UMav 19 May 21 May 27 May 27 May
      153 words

  • Business Times
    • 272 15 A colonial hangover in Post Office Savings Act eavtahtr iiiuMi t— rd ifcVff aY •^LUr al»»**^aaw"BJ IBs IB™* m»_ afmaaVa^ fcaa nmavamat a^MH 11WBB* a"a.Vmnnffa> a»a»iB»B a aaagwwr tfm lac «M Cilialil aajrm states: '-Wltn ant nayawal Is s»a«e m act aw* »v ta« IWatasicr General s* •mm nnaaai«naaam •v^AiamaT
      272 words
    • 649 15  - April market dominated by properties BLAIR JOHNSON By I I OII.I) well prove to Ik- :i bumper month for stock market o|K' i ii.iis April dullish following the run up to an .ill tmu mi the Industrial index with the market consolidating, but with «>nl\ one ;m<l ;i half
      649 words
    • 299 15 ISLAND Peninsular has replied to the Exchange that the acquisition by Haw Par of 6 million of the company's shares was not a new issue, but the sale by existing shareholders of their own shareholdings outside the control of the directors. The company also
      299 words
    • 228 15  -  CMOCBU3 ■y Public relations rIE public image of the Stock Exchange of Malaysia and Singapore took a thump yesterday. Speculators and investors who spend their days watching the trading hoards hi Singapore suddenly found the visitors gallery cut to toss than a th«rd of Its stae. I spoke
      228 words
    • 588 15  -  AUSTIN MORAIS By CO NST RUCTION activities In Southeast Asia can be expected to get a big boost with, the recent formation of ThiessPetrosea International Holdings. This link up. between Thless Holdings and Petro-Sea International Holdings, brings together an Australian construction giant
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 89 15 "All the 747 needed was BOAC n V^ servicef^y For some people there is only one airline. Now BOAC 747 jets to London twice a week. Every Wednesday and Sunday from Singapore With excellent connecting flights from Kuala Lumpur What's more BOAC's new excursion fare gives you London return for
      89 words
    • 161 15 IWSIDE •kalL >«• irw 4wnwi Mlosios rifwi. Poapa* banaam. Pag* la. i alaatfM P B*M avVJatft aanaVVJOT r*BJnW C •mmantßvMaV* t laaaaAWV aWaaWnl aNanal baMwSMBB atnaanT Ov^aTAaanft aMaafaaVßal N ■wt MtlWinf Bong n«*g Pa«t 17 First Oversea Credit Limited finances industry A pionaw on tha industrial front That't F ir*t
      161 words

    • 627 16 I Penang Port Commission is imple- computerised integraM rU 1 ii. oontiol and billinu online to its commercial and publu relations officer, Mr. Yeap (.'hong NM I T7T W He said that this would result In an Immediate separation of cargo at the time of
      627 words
  • 655 16  - Developing nations severely hit by world currency reshuffle SOH TIANG KCNG By u\ UJGNMENT <>t major world curren cies Last I) vc c m I) c i has dealt i Mow to ilt eloping counIt has meant greater hardship for their deve lop—tnt efforts The repercussions on their industrialisation programmes
    655 words
  • 640 16 SYDNEY: Broken Hill South is to close Its famous lead tine sliver South Mine at Broken Hill after 81 years Directors have anonunced that the remaining ores do not have the potential for returning the mine to a profitable operation and It has therefore been decided to
    640 words
  • 260 16 PEOPLE IN BUSINESS Mr. Ho Thian Hu, a leading entomologist In Malaysia, has been appointed research and development manager by Dow Chemical Pacific In Kuala Lumpur He Is an authority In crop protection and several of his research papers have been published Dow Chemical Pacific provides the product research and
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 276 16 *m M Y% pfMtwff MMWitl rakktr matting %Mki *wttr car mi ff bcyck tyrts and tvbts V M 00mm f¥MJUIHMI CI>fMV4KI*ll LTD. ax^aßw* Koata (.umaw >•■*«• |SS IM— I I Wi H)>l> W4t S«a»« 1 T* 911 M* Offering a complete banking service to businessmen with business interest in Indonesia...
      276 words
    • 195 16 Hm»S^m^L L^ m^J _L if you knew you were protected by Red Shield. There is little doubt that a happy and contented staff will give their best to their company and would be reluctant to join another even when offered a slightly higher salary. Knowing how important it is for
      195 words

      • 28 17 < ir r r ••<•• t*« I C'prta* mn4 C «■*> 2U $1 3ft 14 UN -11 M40 10 SOW* 0* til Ot MM Ot toss ot r S2S2 Ot
        28 words
      • 25 17 i. O*4it I IfBb <) Bank I Land II Bankin. MM llM Lamkrr > Mrrhn r 10 SIM SIM 1171 MM Ji ,it m 07 -05
        25 words
      • 10 17 Most active sucks li» 335 000 <•! 4 1 Tiraww 4.MM
        10 words
      • 28 17 Ma? I m UH.IiH- tMJI Mk r~»«Mtr* Xt4JJ ttSJ Tiim. IIS4« Ml. I rukWm 1WM D« M. IMC IM Dr« SI. IMS IM t Dm t». 1M2
        28 words
    • 747 17 o>.o aa>» raitos a»»i > LIOTOa AT ml > •ti a# toiwiM tut .(.•■•at tat «w«i* iua > me aaoat or Tata -.»<.! WITH •■•CIHI 'it hi.a aaataat MMaaj ■ass* m- n 6sat4 i saa Limi !t 1— Po p. LZT T? '-r «aa i X H II
      747 words
    • 253 17 ADHt.SIVt. TArE mmir Us aefcon ■■•>• lrr*t«lar traoMasf 4*Ma4iMaWMi Ike M«<* Eic-ati.• Malaysia and Sitifa»*rr yrstrrda* rue u«t««i •ear t-e W s4*ek. 9—** actively at e4>a»f»rta»l» ■reatltiHt. ransing fr«« t7 rents lo 42 cents at the peak ln«orporatcl in Malaywa. the company recently issaed
      253 words
    • 67 17 'PHEBE rates were quoted on the Asian dollar market yesterday The rates are for deposits of TJBS2S.OOO and above 1 rath 4 3 S to 4 T 16'; 2 mths 4 7 6 to 4 15 16', 3 mths 4 15 14 to 6 mths S 12 to
      67 words
    • 1459 17 fNJBJBJ »,.d -ep..n*<l to the flkaaaMM and Kuala t.dv.t r-m* ..f^tne sflftar at mmm m«M Am tn HataMs »n lot* of IN* .asms othorwv* aamtfnH IMil -IHI4LH %traa ill 21* lit IN \Me4 (M( 111 2M <ll IN 44 .12i IM i:*i J97 Si 2*l Itl 2N 'l*i
      1,459 words
    • 329 17 I N I T L D MALAYAN Flour Mills in the first half of its current financial year to end July achieved a profit before depreciation of $1,042,580 against $9*0.848 in the previous corresponding period Sates improved by 16 per cent in the six months ended February 1972 from
      329 words
    • 436 17 pORMAL documents r relating to the MPH acquisition of Jack Chla Industries (Singapore) and its subsl d 1 a r ies were posted to sharehjlders over the weekend The board, now headed by Jack Chla. points out that the MPH group has been making losses for the last
      436 words
      • 181 17 THK Struits tin price in Penang yesterda> dipped lower by another $2 to $().'W per picul on Monday's close on an official offering down 77 tons to 204 tons. The overnight London metal price was easier with forward buyers quoted £4 lower at £1.4410 per metric ton.
        181 words
      • 41 17 la London aa Monday Mm palm oil price* of Malayan S per or- riF UK N European port* la the bulk Marline per on« ton July Doc wa* quoted at 1/KrtO sellers <uaehanaas> Aua aept at I'KIW paid iiaaaaasedi.
        41 words
      • 22 17 MAY 2. BIBBER: 92.44) cents (uo IN rent i TIN: !«31.N (down $Z.H). Official offering: 2«1 tons (down 77 teas).
        22 words
      • 109 17 /MINIS! PBOOUCI (ICMAMCt V- lIMCAPOHI MOON CLOiINC raicst pi« picol viitimdav wtsonut Oil bulk tM seller*, drum S4l sellers. Ceora Miaed (loose. UK Coot 122 B •epos,: Muntok ASTA whit* fob. IOOt NLW 11% sellers Saraoak white fob **<; NLW $170 sellers Sarawak apocial black fob. I.W |11S
        109 words
      • 36 17 Londeo napsr prtea* aa Monday Itwvlaao m bracket*) Wirehar Spot buyer (424 SO .MMOO. seller. .425 00 1(420 Ml: Tkra* month, buyer 1432.00 i(42!.SO> seller (432.50 K4M.00) Market tan*: Steady. tales: 2 400 tons
        36 words
      • 322 17 LONDON followed through fully on last Friday's late local rise and opening quotations In the rubber market yesterday were a cent higher There was little change thereafter with turnover fair and allied to speculative and hedge operations Physicals were neglected and the far forwards were very quiet. The
        322 words
      • 89 17 DAILY SMR price* iamied by the Malaysian Rubber Exchange »nd Rubber Ajaociation of Singapore at noon yesterday iCarrcat NmIIi {Tmrwr* Umtkl SMR 5CV (1-ton pallet) MOO** M.OOM MOO** MOON SMR 5L 1-ton pallet i 00 00 01 00M 00 00 01 00N SMR 5 (1-ton pallet) 00 00
        89 words
    • 164 17 *4rRLIN HoteU (Malaysia achieved a healthy profit increase tn the First half of It7l Pretax profits were fT7f.S43 against 5453.P00 in the first half of 1970 mi a •rota revenue of S4 49 ■stlttott against S3 SS mil ttotv (.IOSK.I TOWN Dispen tary U to pay a final dividend
      164 words
    • 218 17 Tin AMomuon of ■ub In MiHiaU wiMapmi iiibiimiiiI Uhm 1 mw acrwd ■irclmtt ratM as at May I L«ral Min to mm MM HI HMO Far*** (mtwi o|> I I on I Sterling Pound 7 MM 7 M24 7 MM Australian Dollar I MM 3 340© 3 3M4
      218 words
    • 2 17
      2 words
    • 275 17 NEW YORK. Mon tßTM—rt. I shaken by events tn Vietnam and worried about the impact of price roll-backs on corporate profits, drove stocks sharply lower But a light turnover appeared to indicate that a number of investors i including Institutions) r-sve retreated to the j sideline? until «om«
      275 words
    • 100 17 T1KS Monday M 11 FridHV MU Week age M41 Rl HBI K» Monday INN Friday M) 70 Week ago MS M on* Monday 2«1 24 Friday 275 47 Week ago 245 4J IMM Monday 540 3 Fndav 531 4 Week ape S3* 1 DOW IOKE8 INOISTR1ALS Monda »42 2S
      100 words
    • 346 17 MELBOURNE. Tues— Industrial otorks attracted the most sttentJon on the Melbrume Stock Exchange today but tracing generally wax quiet Mining and oil shares tended to cese Nationwide finance. subject of reported British Interest, re^ponderl with a jump to A 63 3* from yaattrday s close of 92 OS Takeover
      346 words
    • 52 17 Mwtdoy Saturday lUI WI Lsi tan r. SJ Beirut Closed MIS ■■asiuat 51.10 tl M Bunch <>oaed MR Pan* o«*d m!m Spore ili Ctooad 51.15 t Spar* (2i ClOMd 17TM 11) Caaort prlrea in aoa-aterll areai la I.l. dollar* par lan. (2) Local aoalcr* price, .a aiaaapo dollars
      52 words
    • 248 17 UONO KONO. Tues Tht 11 market featured another day of brisk trading over most counters Toward; '.he afternoon close slight profit-taking was seen In a number of counters but the blue chips held firm anc' the market cioaed on a tteady note Total turnover value amounted to 855
      248 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 681 18 ssaWß >bbmb afcaawMs im i« lOmtaa bbmbmbb bm Maraaa \^bwJbwJ) ""awsajf "Jbv^bbbbvbbbwsbi bTbwbbbbl Sbbbl^bbbhbb wWbw y**"l •L* aVHsMpBaMJ^SBI •STbVJMHbbmI paYVVaMaMt tSsMI bbMbTb\P*> XewtsMg Funsßiraa aaias laaowa aajl i pußnt OMO «0 ISM tv Paaakaraa Diaua tiapgi gaji 'saaofc. 11*^1 i W 131* 1304 1 ft*— IIOU BBBBW bVvHbBBBBBbMbmBM KfIBBBBBM t^BSMataßßl
      681 words
    • 644 18 btri COST ACCOUNTANT Ne»i> formed manufacturing company in the CnKineertng field with the Behn Meyer group requires a Cost Accountant Ottaliito a tlo n Degree Diploma in Accountancy (ICWA) or professional qualification* preferred. Experience A minimum of 2 years in related fields Salary Commensurate with experience and qualifications We require
      644 words
    • 909 18 DEWAN BANDABAiA ft! ALA LI MPI R Prrmohonana adalah dlpelava ri a riposte Warganegara Malaysia untok memohon jawatan yang berlkut dlDtwin Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur PENOLONG JTsWRatA Sechara Konterek FKL »1 M> GAJI: Tanpa pengalaman SfISS COLA I Blaun Perumahan. 1 tahun |754 COLA Elaun Perumahan. M» atau SSM stau SSOO
      909 words
    • 657 18 THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASM RANGE COMPANY LIMITED Applications are invited for the post of ACTTA RIAL ASSISTANT In oar pfrtßal oaVe In Kuala Lumpur Applicant* should be Malaysian Cltisens and rosjtotirid students of the Institute ol Actuaries London who have passed one or more sections of the examinations Applications
      657 words
    • 397 18 H»MF\TtHI4N PCLAJABAN KINYATAAM TAWAB\N Tawaran ada-lah di-prla«a v tok menjalankan sualu "rystawti > tuat perakuan atas slat, mci sksun >ang sesual bagl keganaa Buhaglan Akaun dar. X- Krmentertar. Pelsjaran ttr-rtut hendak-lar I <a-belum IShb Mn ■erns-n>a pemburor I i mmcemukakan perakuan awreka I 1 bersasM Bsngaii ssbutharga als'3 I ißesin
      397 words

  • 141 19 nation air defence system a 'success' pftWANO. Tuea Qrt-aMtltm Intacrat |9 aWMB ejii^m^^^^Bw^a^P^ all has proved functional mit-nitr Air -Manhal RT tmmma Itid today farimw w7mmm« m v^^loom^nt tr»# *ysmmma he esumMe af ■i Imag tar Urn air 4emweMaals af the area.' AIT mmwmTmmmml OHBmmV Bff n** r on imma
    141 words
  • 228 19  -  CHCW LCC CHING FItRV flaasenco dances separated them 17 years ago bat also re-anited them IS years later. For shortly after La Sallnera. 17. was bora, her parents separated be caase her father's total dedication to dancing •rooked no Interference His wife Is
    228 words
  • 71 19 SINOAPORX Tuoi Dr Ntrijtn Singh of Lall Dispoav ssry in amraaaooa Rood, mi fined lisa by a magistrate today for filling to furnish ths Inland m»oaas Department with a I tat—ant of his assets and I liabilities for im Dr Singh who had s similar previous
    71 words
  • 51 19 half Skin-diving course antOAPOKE. Tuss The Chassis TMCA (Cssspsag Dspt.) wM Bsawwct s sta-sMstan skaaSQvasg course for bagsssksrs at the Qaosaaaswr twumasng pool every Widsissday from May 10 Cisosm will be held betwosn 7 pja and t pja Thoae mtorostcd can contact Mr Willie Ong of the YMCA st tel:
    51 words
  • 34 19 ■Will 111 Tass. «hlav saaslor Ms Tat Mine wos fined ttOf today for causing oil to be SMChojgoi from his vessel. Amos, st the Bastem Roods yesterday He piss <osl guilty
    34 words
  • 638 19  -  w >PM. r\a H 4 H Ms a «r a J EMPLOYERS AND UNIONS LOOKING FOR HELP By Singapore Tuesday THK M in ist i labour is foracing itself to \A.r role in implementing the Nation;! I Wages Coun til's recommendations for
    638 words
  • 66 19 SINGAPORE Tues The Chinese Chambr' merce scholarship committee has decided to tinue to offer 60 scholarships to tertiary students Schclar-h^s lor Nanyanc University and Univertlly of Singapore student* air S3 000 MCh. while thoae l< i the NfM Ann Technics toft ai.d Singapore Polytechnic •tudenU
    66 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 171 19 Put a studio in your home! Now only $795 The Philips Horn* Studio Now for $795 cash you can gat the Pti.lips GA 104 Stereo Record Player the ■■H Me AM FM Stereo Trantworld Radio Receiver and Cassette Recorder (combined with a powerful 2*lOW amptiftoi) plus two bg speakers >
      171 words
    • 56 19 Congratulations Best Wishes MITSUI TOATSU CHEMICAL'S INC. on the occasion of the official opening of their BULK CARGO TERMINAL IN JURONG WHARF from YONG GUAN CO. No. 3-N. Imbi Road, Kuala Lumpur. No. 30, Main Street, Semenyih, Selangor. Importer of Standard Malaysian Rubber Chemicals (SMR), muriate of potash, urea, organic
      56 words
  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 628 19 On your TV and Radio 188 P.M. Opemni 721 I fyost Matiitet Tke Family There s No Ox is tke Car CastsseM Fika Pt. 1 (C) ?n r subt ties) 7o) News and Newveel (C) 349 A Diary of Events m Smga B.BS The FBI Dynasty of Hate pore This
      628 words
    • 196 19 S.M PJI. Prsraami Summary I IM Dunn Wsssa) SM Pok Amal2 1.17 Penstma S U Harlem Globetrotters I.M News S M Welter Forecast 1.17 Towards Tkt Tear 2000 IN Neat IM Tie b il >■ 117 National toajnpaic Special 1111 tVackai't Worki 711 Yoga for Hearth 11.22 News 11! Sertanka
      196 words

  • 211 20 Message from Mr Takeshi Hiravama. Chairman of the Board of Directors, Mitsui Toatsu Chemicals, Incorporated v l AM very happy to announce that the Mitsui Toatsu Singapore Depot Is formally put Into operation today, and it Is a great honour to welcome the many
    211 words
  • MITSUI TOATSU chemicals, inc.
    • 895 20  - $6mil depot for chemical firm N.G. KUTTY OFFICIAL OPENING TODAY: By ANEW $6 million dollar bulk cargo warehouse for storing and distributing chemicals for Mitsui Toatsu Chemicals. Incorporated. Will be officially opened today by the Chairman of the Juronjc Town Corporation. Mr Woon Wan Mane, at Jurong Several local YIP»
      895 words
    • 112 20 The programme for today's opening ceremony of Mit>ul Toatsu hrmi eals. Incorporated'! bulk cargo warehouse at Jurong begins with the arrival of guests between 2.30 and Z. 45 p.m After a short introduction, Mr. T. Hirayama. chairman of the Mitsui Toatsu Chemicals. Inc., Japan, will give a welcoming
      112 words
    • 354 21 Mitsui Co handles almost every trade Firm has world-wide network of offices MITSUI Si Co.. Ltd is a 300-year-old International tradIng oinpany with a network of 119 offices and affiliates in 72 countries Its 12.000-man worldwide stall of trade specialists handle en annual volume exceeding L *****0 million Mitsui undertake*
      354 words
    • 276 21 Plans being made for second stage of project From Pag* 20 af helping ether eaaatrtea ftaath-eaat Aata to IgN thrm«el«r« 1 1 wsrely he tatphtahud ■Mre Mtraaglr thaa hi rerayawd at present la addition to Jaat a nataral advantage, ah* fc^o 4itta?tßt BGCttAat aVaT«at tal 1 1BMI faaw* krr ■*aVataftaaft9aJ
      276 words
    • 667 22 ifITSUI Toatsu Chemicals, Incorporated was born as a result of the merger of two leading chemical companies Toyo Koatsu and Mitsui Chemical in October 1968 This unique marriage na» brought about a significant Impact In bringing together the full Hedged capabilities
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 184 20 Congratulations to MITSUI TOATSU CHEMICALS, INC., SINGAPORE on the occasion of the official opening of their BULK CARGO TERMINAL JURONG WHARF M MM mmJ Vm iX jjjjjj f^ a -9. LmL^bul Jb. MITSUI CO.. LTD. >^^T Mm* Othm: 1-*, MM* tahrtiial Hinsis. Mhmm-lU, Tmv*. J«m yf H«i ■>■■«■: PW, ICS
      184 words
    • 90 20 Congratulations to MITSUI TOATSU CHEMICALS, INC., SINGAPORE on the official opening of their BULK CARGO TERMINAL IN JURONG WHARF 1 H at- I ■mwunj s*«* s«m _t A v """""""■^"■"■■^■■awimwmnT uWpflrPwww™ ■^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^MBMBmi JF (g »j lanunH msmnununuV^^mnut^mnuuV^' mnuununuinuununnuai i ■snai mj^v. -_^BHBmwT~9 >^ a^ ><^nßnuVMi ©Mitsui Toatsu Chemicals Inc., Tokyo
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 200 21 >SGRATULATIONS and BEST WISHES to MITSUI TOATSU CHEMICALS INC on the occasion of the official opening of their IUU CARGO TERMINAL.! JIRONG WHARF from SOUTHERN CROSS CHEMICALS t(PTE) LTD. W, IC B Bu**nt Shenton Way. ttHapori 1 Ttf *****5 Mitsui Bank Ltd., V J v Singapore 4 Congratulate L f
      200 words
    • 119 21 CONGRATULATIONS and BEST WISHES to MITSUI TOATSU CHEMICALS INC. and MITSUI CO., LTD. on the occasion of the official opening of their BULK CARGO TERMINAL IN JURONG WHARF from TAN TONG MENG CO., PTE. LTD. 372-374, Thomson Road, Singapore 1 1 Tel: *****. *****, *****2 General Contractors for Trimming, Warehouse
      119 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 175 22 Sime Darby (Civil Engineering Division) Congratulates Mitsui Toatsu Chemical Inc. on the occasion of the official opening of their Bulk Cargo Terminal in Jurong Wharf. Wb an proud to havt baan to trusted with tht construction and completion of 125.000 ft of Jk SAND PILES for the Proper H CONGRATULA
      175 words
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 174 23 CONG R A T ULA TIONS and CONGRATULATIONS BEST WISHES and to BEST WISHES MITSUI TOATSU CHEMICALS INC. on the occasion of the official opening MITSUI TOATSU CHEMICALS INC. of their on the occasion of the official opening BULK CARGO TERMINAL in JURONG WHARF of their from BULK CARGO TERMINAL
      174 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 932 24 /im&jri) group F^^ a chance of g| s^ if a lifetime for App«»c«tiorn arc lov.taxl from youog qu*M -txJ A I Afl P" il ACCOUNTANTS Mi vALCvmCII to Ml v-^ancy m rh. F^ D.v«on <**»** cotjpon J W« m* «d«k»n| s pwTton *T™ aT.™^-""™""™™™™"""""*™""™ BfwJ bwtvw«*> 23 snd 30 yawt
      932 words
    • 850 24 CAREER OPPORTUNITIES WITH A DIFFERENCE Th» Corporation is young and djnamn anal mm af the faatast-growu* Corparatlona m mia mapaMlc The Corporauon was the first ta raaponee te the Authrdty jm paying up •mm* •^■^■JmmT^Pmi m^pV^gm) mml HmmW mV m^mmHßwV HI amamrr iXVyOeTsHmw. wJ«w mWmm^ a^rnT rnVMHrnVS MM VJMmmK §V*Hmmmmv
      850 words
    • 173 24 Take Miff, that CARCJO SHIPPING CO, il.'l-A. Tt'lok Aver Street has with effecl CCsMtxl to Ik- cargo agents of <»m vessel M.V. "TAE (.Yl NT," Hence they have no authorit) l<> transact any business on 0111 behalf. Further, Hff wish to advise slupptrs that \\\u> had pit viously placed their
      173 words
    • 486 24 BBBmamaßßVßa| Lmmmmmm no rOPJTANY. UMITCD (WCOmPOKATCD IN NOTICE IS "WITT OIVEM af Tim Straits Trading Caaapnnr. Ummt wtU e> hela at the 6amfmmmV fm% Cm* hmlli mmmmml mmmmmmW immm W *.m 1881 l U ammH. SBBalS^gaPOT% Ml TwmMmmmmV Mmtl Mmmf l#*3 at 11 aaan lor the par pum Bator.-* Sr*»t
      486 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 961 25 "^"^^^^TbTtM* BtMl PMm PMMf MB* a)*WVi Mf I I itaii «Bf Maj M Mat LTtMMM ,»ta> MHJ* MHM Mtfit MfM MM HI ..MPM mn ataj. L*Majaa "Mj I Mf M Mf aWfl M I MMJ t***M kMM MM BBfM MfM Mf IT/M MfM I MM MBB MM I MM 4
      961 words
    • 783 25 mP JPtrfWlTfß Emra Jima i«rt wj us. ctiiT vi trMM Mft ■MM PMBMJ P MM| I Mf* HMrM aMjM i.*ti MMI MM MM MM M* It MM M MMM *»«-*TMIarMMIMIMBMMI M MMMfMMMM M MfM M MMTMM CrrMM M M UM» MTMM MMTIM Ttl PMMJ Mil PMM Ml M*M L*MM I7W
      783 words
    • 866 25 l ~^S9mmmmlm^ anta tnwa n umi imwm t CMTmonai rnn BEMWYYIS S". SmMMt* P l*Ma| PMMf MMMr» »M» II Ml 1/ I MtiiajPftnVfl MtMai MM M S««a*«'< P Pmm*| MM Mf 11/11 M| 11.14 'Mail MM 4 MBfABMCI I-M»t«. (ma. Nail MfVtM* Mf ttVM Mf "m7m MMLMftM Ntarf. LMM*, HtrMfk
      866 words
    • 962 25 MHWTHH MHMM lI■I A P 1 1 I Itl HIM Ctmtjrt CftMß M aiMHI «w *r»tr Mrtt M MM Ml *r »»Mip caajt GLEN LINE LTD. ftM i (MmJmli taM M CLENBEC -».i ii—ii p *»mhj p*«mi !yy Mtß 4/ I MS t I Ml I I MMi I MM
      962 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 882 26 l KAWASAKI RJSCN KAJSHA LTD mmm..- Tm mm Tm m m m^ m l4Mi tm- MMMMaMrMBMIMHM^MM*. Ja^BAM I Vml AmMml %^k&B MJM I T ■SI Ml MM MPVMj i. a, _a mm i r t •Mr Tijii .tiMTT AtrlM Worn AaMaa ■m<-Isi F MMM MMi" -vmm mm i m n»M
      882 words
    • 792 26 FQ> NIW ItALAHP F*«m| F MiM| lam UMMJ M ajiMM I Imm 1/ IMM 1/11 MM •>• U«. Maw. cmmti nmmm nmm» mmm* K mwimm. JTIAIT^/MAD»AS SWVtCI IMJMMI P MMHJ PMM| IMMJ Mr MMU- M PV-S Mf MMI 11 Mf NipilWua MMrM MU- mtm* IM 4M MMMt,M. mmm Ma—M4 it»»»
      792 words
    • 873 26 ifc. NEPTUNE ORIENT LINES LTD. •"•■"MWMTMk* (rMCOajMMMTIO M TMC acrHMLat Of »HMAt*e«C A rCt ■UltfrrMG. 2 SMEWTQM way. Si^GAPXXIt 1 TEL 963M37 1 UK— lUtO* SCTVrCI LOADING FOB LONDON LIVfRPOOt M BU«G B Dam MAVBI •MMI F Rltaj PWM« MIMM ilfiu MMJ mb SI IHIUMI I*. Mar* I*. n IM
      873 words
    • 700 26 '^MALT.TsUrr^NTcTmrfi^Ar"'" _M§ SHINING CORPORATION BtRMAO M*> lot JM> Mmm imm I Th> Natroni Sruppmg Lma 01 Malp.nij CMfSS SOVNt Tt HtStt, IWQmmj. CMJTIMCST PWT^ MM4 WU I IMM 'I II MM MMMJ, IV4MMf/l. Ntwi a 1. im mk MHM Mill 1711 MM II II MM IC 17 MM IM( 14
      700 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 604 27 aaa^HHHHßHHHHH^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^_ 222T* j rTcJ2« _i Bt— 1 Marak: an F«Mbi JmZmTH £±'w!Z£r m MT «U»M4J —■(■Wai IS ato fajrahf^ _k _l toaMfe P9ot Kmmm >■•*«___ Ml iSwa* M lr«*i tkt jA*»» •JJJJJ i-mm, I tatiai mm N«a««aMi iaaiar Ntataa. a« lfl f«HHHr aWi^Hßßaj tor AtlV^ |«IC J" atatt 91 I—
      604 words
    • 638 27 STRAITS TRANSPORTATION PTL LTD. Stoto /torrhs I*™**** I mmm us. AtruMfnc amd omj/%mak*m*om lumm u**ct mm I B IM* PM aaH BrMBM MltlMM BMMMB I MMl I MWM Ml l«l W FLOTTA LAURO aaaMaa mbbh ran aaaau na»i Smnjmmi P P*MMJ I MOmUA MM IS Mm 14 I I mmmmSmmSmm^m
      638 words
    • 667 27 rfr f- i STIAiTS/JAMM EXPRESS SEIVIGE l_Maaal PH B^HAMMM a^_l |^M|| J_"_ SMcaaort WM I* tl Bn t WSCMMaM p. mm ft**, J Mb -Mi «a, i "5 E? 1 M Mb »M Mb» MMI MM VI Mar I Maf I ■JJ SL r t/n aap 11/H Mai M n
      667 words
    • 664 27 I^^^ imjiimbp catwn tm TMI Ktniiii ii*« lmbmb Mr am vwa* paauaaAMM mlimmi iMa^Maa mxmmm* I "»WMM. IMWM A CI WPTIirB IM MMI BaM PATUMB SNMM A M m'^STmT* -H. NaMa UM "MM p mi am f *'*»l t'PJWin I«MT FM MMM) MN H7l) IT/ti Mai n/HWrn Ha) -i «m
      664 words

  • 66 28 It'll FtOOT BSPMBMa Brest Mta an as* am Bat at esaaakßjas* ii ii*i ta tastar* t •amxaaasatar n Bairaa. OJaMBBBjBjM asX"_uwMa»JsToxt TiajM aaa Oistn Frway la. tain tal May IMpJk. Ttatata fl Taaa C**f at awTY o*MJ# MM kswt aaa tasta! anxesapt Far **v i M P M tooav
    66 words
  • 89 28 acay I i I*7l atavms kihul bu b**aaM aaa Lna twa «.aa» or. Baa Caxbtim. PMN) aM Mm. Uvx Obm. one awaghter mw twa taw syuM akilOtii M M Watahm RaM 4 a i*ti 9 M pai gujsa tUSS all. agM M wita af mta faxky sa 1 ».T1
    89 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 532 28 BjaVMtlM ADVttTfMAaINTT, ANNQONCIMIMT PMSQMAI Ljnm ...o PIIsHIC CITS. TEL: *****1 «bim *>m BJatani mb, M *aata a BXTall t Maiaaaea anta tl M *MMj Mm. iiam fM) tar II as* it I ■111. wwaia SM tar M amrst T-j 1,, ajoaaaata t■*llu a mi fxwaasart aM Mt'arxa Si M woe*
      532 words
    • 551 28 •••t|§ ffsfp «)Va%4> ••••^WffJßflwtTex, P llllllllll^ aaty .m*Mtama». dm. sxxasaaaasa Baat ta vary basO- .< TB Tasujtm Rsnd S ssee M. APPLMVaMTI_ iil ll tag ta Bm sas>_ easts an ata *0»Mil ta weast ta AH SgPANOtMdi OOStPANY *eouiroe Nin IMS Ottaera tat part tax. Bbsm Psxarasßßtatrsea txnvaal hawara, rsTmw
      551 words
    • 697 28 M S AHO IVItHAk PIOOOMMIL saasa a tta Far Bast Bsamxa Baa AMM ST Span CMAMBSBMAta BBBMIBBA by WWM waa sxaxetaN** BBSS apply sevMaj phsts»rasb laaa nlßitakln ta FO Baa 14 a pan POMALSI aMBMOLBOS Btagli s. aarrtaS wosxea ami aaa 1* yaan of aa* Mauaaa Fttaxary Bta (CBaxtai. Ntki
      697 words
    • 740 28 aiauiaia iahi aapaßtsaT ativbs tar taat silltas prtamrt. Apaay larmiWy at Ml A taaat ta Lav Arcaaaa i 0 *ara It AMAMI OROSMTLV WAMTBO by IsMiiiaa famMHa* Oaky willing t* Mwt ta will ta i*aai«ir»d. Rmg ITS MM •pan AN BSTAOLItNBO SMIPPINO COM Clerk Ptaaaa aaata ta Baa ASM* I
      740 words
    • 974 28 •HMAIIBI MOttMS A P A B T Mtnrt aoajtaa*. 4mm I* n fl Caxaaga hVsus* Mr.lati wo* ta waj rasfjatM. panarantie »%rw ti ana- 1 pawl Si tat wattoa Baatt. unrwrntshod SI MS. OJnrMak Awsaas fwevmxass Bl MS Ba*TMa Park SI SM tl MB OreSM Pta* aaw tans. |1 MS
      974 words
    • 945 28 a ana aaw mi MtaosMO NOUMO a Ftaaar Mtta Iran Hoot ma Igmi Tiaa* TIMS S para war waa it**a a immmmi plat Mr MlMiail TM Spora TMII OOUOLS ITMIt OITAOMIO BUMS Mmtaa airy mm IMnft FaNy toraabss wttk aaraaa. SBUII BIST V* MOLLANO BOAO I kM MTS tITi pora
      945 words
    • 1097 28 I a\O*J M#*JO*MO BPFsat ill Miiitaaa IM tar 9Ht M* ill -i hi <9) Caenig* Cwun atk floor •IM.MB/- fwiaeata* i4> Diianahin Oaart SM taar MS MB (Si Cbira b.l RoM Srd tat MINI roe MOM* fur* ami* |T> Naaaar Raad Bm SMOM iti Far Eaat Manilla nth taar SM
      1,097 words
    • 624 28 WANTIO TO B*JY MfeaONTLT 1 tai SkMnct Tei MOMS Span ©dMjeyWM BBMawXt VIOBSM OOOOwa in city 1 earyja tar Hera p. r horsed aa tenet* 1 haate Ring Baaw a para MOM tar I partimmr* gv—^^ i—^— •UP4MMB MOtfM 1 nan spaa* a«a« I abet tar Bkanmal iiarem.en a tapramt
      624 words

  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 274 29 aT^^B^^^^^^^^^^^aaT^^^^^^^^^^'^^^^^''^^ from Pige 2M) aCV «ra*aS Mki 2*"-* 1 LaaewaMjw* -wz Pra* e^Bß*aaw>wkaw at S-M ■waeaa) BBeßiakS f"««* Sre «i i sin Saw* Bpar* I T.i SMI i w Pi—r. Tva*|aj Bj*wj(Ba Mom Ml till! I M 4M pa> 4M- m rm T" aaaa SM-SM pa*. SM Il* »M pat
      274 words
    • 767 29 "JL**?* l aaj,rrka, *wbb) aiarMjaa BW? B**Bj*a*r *ar Raja Caaiaa. Baa*M* Pw^ai •SMM) Raj* 2i to C*aaap "nf »yus MLATiwM* m Z mm mmm CAM a IPR .UK, '-I-, bjbJT aa aVjaawe Uu Mac ten Skft. l»*waa*ar Baa* Twa* MnaMn t it 'mm *aa *m Aaaaj aaw IwrMTMAMA n«aißM M*Bbb**Bbbbbw*l
      767 words
    • 869 29 Tpß wajl Bflka SBfwbTl •AM Ml TBAVIL »BIVieB UeHw Taar Ma ape Bwrea Dap* Mil* aMwaalMaaal B*a MIM Daaar MM* B»eri Baaw*)» Maaamy_C/WakBay* I *MjkM I*** IS I I Bat MM M '1 tIM aai Baaakaa Cwiiaaait r*eani*a Day* MS-r* i- -i I B/71 By atr Itm Day* MSM I*
      869 words
    • 972 29 itiMTi lull aa* WaMaaarr* awaMaka Ta* kn r— a M B*wt» Reaß B par* Tel BIBM2 I MUM Pay bb»*> Liiir aaasaAL slictbic b*< paat Mara* Pwae* a Aaaa IM/SM *eN* AC M c**ka. twa-Bear rraei fr** nfriaaraier* aveJaM* Okl aver Bkia Bihajiiitaa Oiaim 11 14 laMraataaal Bmißaa Tel STMM/STXIM
      972 words
    • 957 29 •BTi TBVBTA MRILLB IMB Ma- 1— ill aia* IMB i T «f*M Caraß. IMB Bkajea Beta I owaar Very la* bßmn M Aa^BMWm tm -^^^^r* mm, bib. a aor* mi HOT •m BBMI wJBk. p Baa*rt S-aM** tar V—irwaeia IMB iM4ISB IMB Tkak Baal Ok M _?J rpar. smtm. mmi
      957 words
    • 767 29 aiMTLIMIH Par B ila ~1S"r ewrTMa a taiaw Ne* ieaa Baka SALwW M PIR MAMAII Meaa aaß Baaaakatk. Oewt Bair Btykat Call M Kaa Boae Caart, Twaßaaa* Rwaß Tot BSST44 S par* lALIN CATALrNA AH waßHW— Rrver Valley Baaß laaaawie IWW* Baal) ajaaaaare STSISB. PLIMIMII MABSAII STVBNI lOapwait* Mulira Not*i
      767 words
    • 922 29 NOTICE MISS JOHORK I M ERSE BEAI TV CONTEST \%lt Applications are invited from unmarried Malaysian ladies between the ages of 18 and 28 on 1 6.72 to participate in the Miss Johore/Universe Contest to be held on Friday, 26th May 1972 at the Bah Hai Hotel, Johore Bahru beginning
      922 words

    • 391 30 Koreans storm to victory with 4-goal blitz Korean Trust Bank 5 FA President XI 2 FROM a quiet, subdued posture to explosive action that, in a nutshell, sums up the changing moods of the Korean Trust Bank who wound up their tour with a 5-2 triumph over the President's XI
      391 words
    • 387 30 American School power way into S-finals A MIRK IM School made a majestic entry inU the •emtfinals of the »rhoob national rmgfey A' mvtoien tear ■■meat when they gave a rewamg Stapler ef attacking rwgfcy to tame Raffles lnetltauen 11-7 at Kallang >e*terdat The Americans scered three tries and a
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    • Article, Illustration
      0 30
      0 words
    • 209 30 SINGAPORE Cricket Club shocked Police 'A 1 with a 1-0 win in the FAS league dlv. 2 match at the padang yesterday. This win carried BCC to the top of the table in Group 2D with three wins from as many matches. On paper. SCC should
      209 words
    • 114 30 r|a7KNDINO champions Bele- tar Oolf Club thrashed Changi 5-1 In the Singapore Oolf Association league tournament at Seletar Course on SunReeulU (Seletar first): Ben wmts and Chen Yew Ping b: M Newport and XC Koh 3 and 1. Loong Pan Yap and Lim Choo Beng bt Haron
      114 words
    • 209 30 AINSLEY UNABLE TO ACCEPT APPOINTMENT AS SOCCER COACH frmm JOC DORAI LONDON, Tuesday JOSH AINSLEY, Ihc Britwfa F.A. com 1.. who is due to leave London next Monday to take up the anointment as Singnpore S national soccer coach for two vcars. has dedined on medical grounds Alnsley, a former
      209 words
    • 146 30 Forces bag three goals in five minutes T<HREE snap goals in five minutes Rave Singapore Armed Forces a well-dcs« 4-0 victory over Khalsa in their SHA div J match at Dover Road yesterday This was Forces firm the league in three out Ings. They lost to league leaders Indian Associatu
      146 words
    • 110 30 XL Ong »nh M points clinched the BICO uwill BtokKford a division eomaotstma a< Uland Course ymSSff m>m N Cla>ton wm runner-up with 34 point* on count back. The flm rinc bail iwcep «ai •hared b> B Aboett P TUMley •no B. CbAnbert with It potnu e*ch secoid
      110 words
    • 459 31  -  EPSOM JEEP By J I MBO JET and Sung ci H ang 11, the Big Two" in the Nincapore Derby, will but h run over 6f at Bukit Timah Mjnday to sharpen up for the 12f classic on May 14.
      459 words
    • 230 31 \rw YORK. Tues Two wn—n Jockeys struck a *jor blow for Women s esterday when vhey •on one-third of the races 4 j^durt race track s-! ■>. !.rimr Holly»>t and perups the best of the women jockeys guided her jnu from behind to •ctorte* in
      230 words
    • 777 31 Classic winner Infiltrator to make debut at Bt Timah Kingston up Bong San See run 3f in Jrf on a tight rein Bullfighter and Dawn Lyric ran 3f in 3t 2 5 Per ka*a II showed good form in a Jf sprint In U Hna-La-La was kept on the bit
      777 words
    • 253 31 Chi Chi beats Casper in the playoff rwALLAS. Tues. Chi \J Chi Rodriguei yesterday gained his first sneceaa in nearly foar years when he beat Billy Casper in a playoff lor the 15*125.»09 Byron Kelson golf tournament. Rodr (uei had t. last roand of par-78 to matrh Casper's 273 total.
      Reuter  -  253 words
    • 76 31 INDIANAPOLIS I Indiana I. Tues Jim afalloy of the US yesterday became the flrst driver to top 160 mph In the Indianapolis 500 practice runs, but his showing was only a sign of things to come Feier Revson s one and fourlap qualifying standards of i<»344
      76 words
    • 27 31 MkZBOURNI Tuos Johnny Oorkhom last night won the Australian llfht heavyweight boxing championship, defeating ttUeholder Orcg MeNamara In a 10-round bant. Ooikhosa won on potnu
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    • 407 31 Aussies win, thanks to Massie's 6-31 LONDON. Tues Seam bowler Bob Massle led the Australians to a sixwicket victory over Worcestershire yesterday Ifassie took 6-31. helping to wreck Worcestershire's second innings after the Australians had declared their first Innings closed with arrears of 30. Worcestershire were all out for 99.
      Reuter  -  407 words
    • 28 31 NKW YORK Tues Resulu of yesterday, maior league bssrtsT NaU—al taaI* New York 1 Pan Fraiidsoo 4. Houston ft Pittsburgh a. Philadelphia 2 Los Angeles 1
      28 words
    • 52 31 WEST BERLIN. Tnea. Gladys Chat «f n tered her awn national high ftunn rec ord hy three centimetre* In an international athletic meet la studying at Cologne Mmdly. cleared 1» metre. sft 2» In), a height matched by iTa Nolte and I Mac B.sch. .f West
      Reuter  -  52 words
    • 404 31 Victory to Clay on points ■VANCOUVER. Tuen. Casslus Clay won a unanimous points victory over Oeorge Chuvalo here last night— but failed to And the knockout punch he said he would use Showing his old mercurial form as he aanced around thf ring throughout the 12-round bout. Clay stunned Chuvalo
      Reuter; UPI  -  404 words
    • 399 31 Leeds need just one more point ONDON, Tues Derby took over the leader--1 ship o: the English Olv 1 League last night when they beat Liverpool 1-0 But they may yet have to surrender the title to either Liverpool or Leeds, who beat Chelsea 2-0 at home last night Derby
      Reuter  -  399 words
    • 151 31 •OMB. Tuea. Jan Kodes of Czechoslovakia yesterday avenged his defeat by Ille Nastase in the final of ihe Nice tournament when he beat the Rumanian No 2 seed in the semi-finals of the Italian tennis championships 6-4. l-«. S. 6-3 Thr thrilling two-hour match between
      151 words
    • 63 31 TOKYO. Tues Mai Ander- son led Australia to a 4-1 victory over Japan in the Davis Cup Asian Zone Section A final here tcday. In the final two singles Anderson. 37. beat Jun Kuki 6-2 6-3 2 and Colin DlMey beat Ttshiro Sakai 4-6 6-3 4-4. 7-5. M
      63 words
    • 75 31 LONDON. Turn John Newoombe. the reigning chamI plon. and Rod La ver former I rhamp'.-n v. ill not play il Wtirbl«ion HNS year. H was confirmed yesterday Herman David, chairman of i the Wimbledon Club. said "Htgrctfully. we cannot have Layer and New combe this year
      Reuter; Junk Juani  -  75 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 174 30 rtmßSmiTeJU T4WAAAM TABLBT MACSUWS LABBV PBiHTIMO ffiain AirmgiATir p o *mmPmLJm** "O*" u*t nocK Mta KB UaiXTl^DuarnOwl «mO LABORATORY ORADC OgjrmVAL PUBJ*OBV marts stauss IWDnCATOBm lffT3 1 mema wan V^namaaa Reemß Ahn Khwm Uwat Ma mni Owat dnn IM aotons IShh AM 1*73 KM A «AC' SHth Am im Rjrr
      174 words
    • 108 30 LCMBAOA PCM* LSHAM BAM «> ToiAal ■BjrtaTAAM TAWABAN Temdmw* mVSmI ma ammwwßS km? mmml IVmVBBBBJV WmW BJBJ t^BaWATVWmJ WJ wBBV Mta. 11l Jwmn Pwdu Ruaia Lumrur m> u> lisa neon IBm May irri for the werk of green bod gjwftmn; ef rmmarntento at Ran- T^nmmmmT P^mTmmß, mßmfl nwmmm^mfmOmlttons eu at
      108 words
    • 128 30 IJBBwmmA PTIABOmAW i RELAM. RENYATAAM TEMDCB TlnrnfaWel wSmm>*mmwl •"PBmfiW* wmWi Kiiadnirl yam) I mum's*, mht mjihinfcn hajma m-dnear mwt <a iu> >ir>sm prenhng narvey of the aea-bedi dt-bahngtan batoann m m m |^t A^j| AB Vfteafl f *t gM I warn ria^M^ m^^m*^ \m* fear of the north Apminnri Chan
      128 words
    • 328 30 flaAa^kYw&a BW^BOSO aoda I T ISOTTCa* IS ■BmmVT OiiuM that the m» lITT AKWVAL O^mffmSmmmLt mmmwmTTl r^O Of tIM Oommany will ht hem m the mmmmflmi mmmmmmt mmml f«m* at mmßßßrmi eWBBBBBBJ wHU frnwl ■*> Hii If] it UN is lor the I nwKT'ane enmrnmr the theOenmmvftarthe year and the
      328 words
  • Page 30 Miscellaneous
    • 63 30 SOCCER PAfl 3 SUble Boys v Hampshire Seletar v Bakat Baru Jollilads v Darul Afiah tall matches at Parrer Park 5 11 pni Rt'OBY National Schools B Div semi-finals Bt Andrews v American Sch St. Josephs v Raffles (both matches at Kallang pjn i HOCKEY BHA Dlv 3 Prisons
      63 words

  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 47 31 The Chairman and Board of Directors of PUBLIC BANK BERHAD I thank H.R.H. SULTAN OF PAHANG j for officiating at the opening ceremony of their Kuantan Branch and all friends and business associates for their kind attendance, bouquets and good wishes. PUBLIC BANK BERHAD KUALA LUMPUR MALAYSIA.
      47 words

  • 176 32 aimcll. TM- TtaMftM «a* '••COTaWI JMjMaVdjßy'V MarVMWV- f'»# iniil|>l f» w.n atraM Md «f ■><!■■ M Mm *>rk« wot* umln (MM «Ml M ISO* Mm FT t»*n m S 4 at 337 S l>nli» Ulln» mm) PtM am rtmtkmm ■H«i prtey af »V»rf« tlrtwwr IMTI7S M», MMk •avut*.
    176 words
  • 23 32 a. RIMCAIAMV MAIOiI W puM< •••f iMtifllf at Mi wumi »-TJ Oin« Ih<h 17 J, Block I*l M*t LU| atrart 4 p.m.
    23 words
  • 264 32  - Biggest mash, samsu haul by Customs EDWARD LIU By n< \roKK. Tstt. t us toms officers today seised some 8.000 litres el mash and sumsu at Bright Hill ofl I'pper I hnmsoii Road Duty on the haul is estimated .it The haul was the biggest this year tor the Special
    264 words
  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 70 32 mftY *n SPECIAI DRAW* 4th-28th MAY '72 [From Draw Mo. 35-421 E^^HBaaaawi \a>waaSiaMra S> Imbbbm Oka lI II S J amwaaai rw» h^mj //him 9 BMMn Bar SVmmi ///Mill t wMKOONT>« LAST BBBBF faVHaWM ÜB-Mtß *> k I I ass. Ml < ~Tr SmsasUai aaaaf^aV lamil taaamaaami Saaaaai SaY m
      70 words
    • 3 32 words $29.00 (minimum)
      3 words
    • 155 32 BBWSHJff^'a^aaaal aaaaaaaa^^||^|^^^^^am-_ 'Shared tuin room PERTH WESTERN AUSTRALIA under instructions from Atkins Carlyle Limited who are re-locating at Osborne Park CENTRAL CITY PROPERTY 894 HAY STREET THROUGH TO MURRAY STREET, PERTH will be offered for sale by PUBLIC AUCTION on WEDNESDAY, 24th MAY, 1972, AT 11 A.M. mm BANQUET ROOM,
      155 words