The Straits Times, 2 May 1972

Total Pages: 36
1 10 The Straits Times
  • 22 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 225.000 National The Straits Times EataV IMS TUESDAY. MAY t. ltT* M CENTS M.C. (P) No. S77S
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  • Article, Illustration
    408 1  - Govt 's big yes P.M. RAMAN: Accepted in FULL-the pay council proposals By Singapore. Monday IV HE Government todjy accepted in hill the recommendations by the National Wages Council on bonuses and wage guidelines for workers in the privatt sector. Workers' representatives tmttrtd the (iovernment ifccwioM when Mr Ong Pang
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  • 375 1 No Mao but Peking goes gay PEKINO, Monday pHAIRMAN Mao upset the predictions of polly tlcal observers who had expected him to make a public appearance today, but In otijer respects China's May Day celebrations were the most festive of those reported from world capitals. The "struts le against US
    Agencies  -  375 words
  • 270 1  - killer drugs claim two more lives? K.B. SIOHU BUY, 6IRL DIE OVER WEEKEND 5 SINGAPORE. Mon. Two more people an 18-month old baby boy and a girl of 18 have died, allegedly from taking Chinese medicine, over the weekend. MOHAMED BAFI. an IS month old boy. died at home yesterday
    270 words
  • 38 1 HOT A BAHHI Mon OtM <t» to a BceaMi total of SSSSJSS nwy k» trow** asjafat the** hsss naipmilMi far the Paatr Mm crash troasny ea tsßsatawwt fJBi na ■■■_■>■ i. >ne»aany II ehaawn. were kill-
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  • 37 1 LiOttPOH Man fuiuni Labour OaMaet Mtaaasr Lord floor of the House of maw b> punch a critic on the noes, today awrrtoa Mrs. Sarah Karat. He is 17 The May Day bride a n upi
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  • 26 1 LONDON Man The BBC to 10 4VO eswMtttf Vttsa OQBtfOW* have hisfiail sT Brttaaß bad fallen to 1 Owaiij a World War II AF
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  • 94 1 I^ICHING. Mem. A tcrrerM was killed yestavoay la Bswa la the sasrisl secartty area ef Sarawak's Third Dtvtatea. This hrsaght the num her ef tiierteU killed te three ekaee secarlty for ees saeaated fellow -up operations ea a gtwaa ef M to M fan wlsts
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  • 57 1 rtACCA. Mon Up to ISO U people were killed and more than 500 Injured when a tornado hit 15 villages 30 miles from here on Saturday, official sources said today The tornado destroyed and damaged several thousand houses, other property and paddy fields The region already
    UPI  -  57 words
  • 35 1 BANOKOK Mon Three policesssii wore sertoualy wounded yesterday when they stepped on a landmine near a conununiat esaap in **~*thri near the MaJaratan border which Oovernment forces had captured the previous day Reuter
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 575 1 QUANG TRI FALLS SAIGON. Monday GOVERNMENT forces today abandoned Quang Tri city, in the face of a massive armoured attack by North Vietnamese forces. The city, capital of Quanr, Tri province. Is located 18 miles south of the Demilitarised Zone (DMZ). and Is the first provincial capital to fall in
    Reuter; AP  -  575 words
  • 200 1 Hunt for missing pleasure junk called off IJONG KONO. Mon 11 British authorities tonight called off the search for three naval petty officers, their wives and children aboard a pleasure Junk which has been missing since yesterday morning. A military spokesman declined to speculate on the fate of the eight
    Reuter  -  200 words
  • 62 1 GUNMEN BOMB FIBRE PLANT BUMS! Mor -(on men ss—fcsa 1 a *yntbetk fthre plant in nearby Carrirkferfu I*4*7, teaeteJag off a aerie* ef exassespas and a raging lire is the The army said a factory worker died and 1* others were injured. several seriously, la the exatosi»as
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 103 1 1 Fmr Jßkgr 4 ComfortmkU Commit C.S. CHONG O.D H«MKMT OPTKAL CO. cmucia stpjckt sisjaa#o»at i I JOCKEY MORAN SUSPENDED Pag* M oa prowl seea S FRIENDS OF LABOUR AWARDS 7 waste slave train* 1* mC BASIS pay ptspssahi IS 0 LI 1 1 LBS AMD CBOftSWORD H RADIO IS
      103 words
    • 152 1 rflV® >*i^ s s~4 pf* Console Model 524C905 H Only Philips I l| offers you so |l so little! Before you buy s T V set check the many benefits Philips offers you. Investigate the Philips 905 T V console, and you will find no other set gives you so
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    • 43 2 Gia dies of an overdose of drugs EJOU.TWQQ*. Mml tmU mtfhi Mi smt Btaftyl> iMllftt MM ate Twn J«a«**." —A TW gum **w Prttotiti Iki apmt M raan la Italy kwter* kassaiNitl cMtsM a* IM* l«iy *tUr ftmmtkmc >"***J 'WBI ASI AfSJWSMSII S4M
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    • 176 2 NEW YORK. Moo Seren nun* and a student who disrupted a high mass communion service with an anti-war protest were taken into custody yesterday morning: In St Patrtckg Cathedral, police said today The nuns, aftar r«reivaltar. lay f»w> in tht 1-« Sister lyd'.r. PUcards
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    • 243 2 Burundi under curfew after coup bid KAMPALA, Monday. 1*HE Burundi Government imposed an allnight curfew on the tiny central East Afrinn nation becausc of a coup attempt in which its former 25-year-old King died, a Burundi radio broadcast said. The radio broadcast monitored here said the attempt to overthrow President
      AP; UPI  -  243 words
    • 215 2 THE GOONS THRILL ROYALTY AT SHOW FOR BBC LONDON. M*a TW GtMH. rel-brated Itn Uaa "IHiU. were res«r rerted Ui( alghl to HTMaH of la«|kUr fr*M royalty bat la the itimi taetr mm* fervent to> »i Urn Prinrr hartf« a> ud to MMM the tany <ko» tn thr tiny Cam
      AP  -  215 words
    • 56 2 TOKYO. Mon Pbllct Mid US people died in traffic •cndenu on the f\rst t»o days of Oolden Week holiday which began on Saturday The week van nMMd becauae of four holiday* which falls within the peror Hlrohito't birthday un Saturday. May Day. Constitution Day on Wednesday
      AP  -  56 words
    • 110 2 DONN. Mon Chancel- lor Willy Br«ndf» Co»--llMon Government and the Christian Democratic opposition are determined to find a formula next week to end the country's political crisis. After a lone holiday weekend Mr Brandt and opposition leader Dr Rainer Barzel will resume
      Reuter  -  110 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 206 2 wrvE GOT FLIGHTS FOR EARLY RISERS, FLIGHTS FOR LATE STARTERS FLIGHTS IN-BETWEEN Just name whert- you plan to go, jmJ whin Then sec your MSA Travel Agent. Ch i ue'\c pM thr flight s<.hfJulf sou want You'll enjo\ superior ftoemg 737 or TC7 StjpaTpSl OOCssfarl OS tho ua\ AnJ the
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 29 2 THE GAMBOLS By Barry Apptehy /dstvr. pets, nm ukmku /ZTTTZ* I mama*** has us/two ue 9omAKSyMt&*) \x>o*mvnuntM xhtMhtr^/ K^^ttAunfm. ***>»**&■ 1 1 I /T UABOvf~\ m I UtaW MMESC V^wTAgT^/j
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    • 38 3 Tmt C» !■><■< *nk uhjin fy <>■■■■ THal»r TK> »f >_ k.^ (kj f^.-« Trl bat totar4*T IW rfnßM VMM lOTI IBVSVa M fIiWUMI I— —a ft*>MMt4 UM fMWMMI caattel UkTM •*«>% I PI raJliHr
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    • 747 3 Nixon to Hanoi: Call off your attacks or I'll hit hard HOUSTON. Monday PRESIDENT Nixon last night warned North Vietnam that it faced grave risks from American bombing uniess it called off its ground offensive in South Vietnam "We are prepared to as* oar air ana naval strength against military
      Reuter  -  747 words
    • 101 3 Nixon to decide soon on arms curb pact asIMMMf a% MCMMM oa aa agreemeat with nloa to car* ■rereiary of Mate 'mt! WHsmsa Bagsrs saM today Ki»tfc«»rf to «m ■ats> tJaVamS'fl atsm^mlß^mW •mVaVsl Iks heflaatac oa May tt. Mr Rogers saM. liffirtnett Wr have not reached all the elrawata of
      Reuter  -  101 words
    • 267 3 CIA BACKED UPRISING IN CEYLON: MINISTER pOLOMBO, Mon Finance Minister Dr N M Perera «ug■Mted yesterday that the US Central Intelligence Agency may have been Involved In the left-wing insurgency here last year It is difficult to believe that the American lmperlattste who have been so closely connected with an
      Reuter  -  267 words
    • 176 3 Britons prefer Europe to C'Wealth lONDON. Mon Most J British people feel their country's economic future lies with Western Europe rather than with the Commonwealth but they still do not trust some Individual European nations, according to an opinion poll published yesterday A survey conducted for the Sunday Times newspaper
      Reuter  -  176 words
    • 29 3 •TDHrr. Mob TtMatrteml trade unicfM have decided to bj| |^B ft KMa^s^A*AA^sl^r > kta*k silnnh" •ate to >mm <— iiimiM of Sydney Theatn MoyaJ. wka* ctaMljajbe IM tte im
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    • 22 3 CAIRO Moo Egypt hit Mkad China to a*nd expert* her* to help la currant pufettc health f»ip«tp aaaMwt fllaa— Reuter
      Reuter  -  22 words
    • 87 3 LONDON. Mob. A revwfcsUonary method of "lager print ing" dia■Mßda a* that the stones can he identlfled If a thief tries to sell them »r •totals* then by re-ao-IWhinc was ana— need here today The system iavdves Pfrtagi aaalag mtcr—ca- »»<■ marking* traces of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 505 3 NEW INTERGRATED CIRCUIT TACHOMETER HELPS YOU DRIVE WITH GREATER SKILL f JmJ s Hsmß^^alßmEmV^Bm 1 O^OBO tp m ttm WaV^r Jml Lma«?W«BT c CXC- WsaVsaVß^.^^^mamaJ maVmrnaW aW m a M fi mammat smVjmHsT O* "is^C™ ma^saV V^^HF J __w— —^s_^ f ■bVswswWJCt AWJ '^•••■■""T c **v i* MMaM ,mmm> ■•)»!<■
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    • 230 4 It's out with the green for Mao's police DEK-INO, Man. HW police rorce will chance to a new all-blue uniform from today In a move away from the drab green army-style outfit worn by most of the military and civilian forces. An article In the FiopHl Dally, the official party
      Reuter  -  230 words
    • 102 4 DEAF MUTE MAID EXPOSES KILLERS MANILA. Mm A deaf BMte woman has Identified a fast (un known as Djanfo" and a former village official as the awn who harled two fragmentation grenades into a crowd at a fiesta In turbulent I loco* S*r province last Tues**y Magdalena Passion. 45--year old
      102 words
    • 309 4 NEW YORK, Monday SENATORS George McGovern and Hubert Humphrey clash in Ohio tomorrow in their first confrontation in the Democratic pre- sidential primaries Both candidates are riding the crest of primary victories Sen. McOovern won In Massachusetts and Sen Humphrey In Pennsylvania. Since
      Agencies  -  309 words
    • 104 4 Bhutto gives top party post to cousin KARACHI. Mon President Bhutto yesterday appointed his cousin Mr Mumtaz All Bhutto as leader of the ruling Pakistan Froples Party In the Bind Provincial Assembly The appointment means that Mr MusatM Bhutto bicoin Paoafct* Mrty miMhin fc» the ttnd AftMSiMy iMaaßlaTMuaty autlurtMd PrcMdent
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    • 52 4 CAIRO. Mod TWO stutauwnkilM will oUmt* lHj"*Tf4lyi(Mft«fd*y dutiac claah- asfjoßf evftciaMS of the front' Übc cHy of Sues. At-Ahnun re- Fl«e bouaas wart burnt and special f^M^ dasußad The clashes took place in the o**sklrto of Cairo The m «spapi did not give a reason for
      52 words
    • 30 4 MOSCOW. Mas. Arebaeok*su hare bai|t dtatuiaisf the 1b the renou Taimyr unsawi lar Of Northweet Stberta. bow the site cf a major copper eoav ples Tkea reportrod Rcwtat
      30 words
    • 136 4 Raquel gets a beating in 'too realistic' film fight UOLLYWOOD. Mon 11 Raquel Welch, who has proved accident-prone while making her latest 111 m "The Kansas City bomber" was nursing a cut Up and swollen face today after being hit too realistically In a fight scene by another actress. A
      Reuter  -  136 words
    • 311 4 HEATH TOLD: DRIVE OUT THE IRA GUERILLAS OR ELSE... BELFAST, M*a sUtreaalßt hHiHiiU •a mod y— Uraay that they woaM take "appropriate aottsa" If the BriArmy gwsrlllas from their A aotogsUoa fram Norti"la*rn Ir Ism flat ft mmmmmtmVmm\ Pial— laat Vaagaard Bm^TVmmvMl* •♦al m letter to rrsma Miakster Edward Heath's
      Reuter  -  311 words
    • 40 4 MEXICO CITY mm A Chinese table tennis teas* which opened the era of pinepang daptanacy" with the OaMed SUM arrived here yesterday ID! JlOUp Of Sv pSSpM aVpCtfsMf~ players All wore grey Mao style suit*. Router
      Reuter  -  40 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 303 4 [§***** HEAVYa, W DUTY m&* "^"automotive I^?^ AIR DRILL V VCARACITY NBva a) 9m meat naii-M f caem*r _w^ ak a_. ■■«SB»*ain«ln# w snsl%aVßß mn% •ataWMßk ansMnaßMßk* imi lasrsii jnnsnßnT m\Bnlsf m twWVmnWtfsAmVmVf ■B** l vptj fVm^BJO* ynrwvp vfvr »*pi m wm&^^^m^^^^ Vw_ ti rifinr aanamrn sm* frvmil MamWnm mmmmmmV
      303 words
    • 348 4 f 9 A mmK**l mmmf sTMrnfaJsmna^^^ mWs^VmmmmmW A^^^aP 4^^*^^B^^f^ LmmnT .w^.mm¥^^ Available -^K2J/£< am nn»e« m i Tit IPS v FAST MOVING i DANGER DOTTED MYSTERIOUS DEATHS BY THE TOP SELLING THRILLER WRITER JAMES HADLEY CHASE (WORLD SALES IN EXCESS OF 20,000,000 copies) READ JAMES HADLEY CHASE BOOKS NOW AND
      348 words

  • 127 5 1 1 4.1 I have year aatu.vl graph pteaar Mr Priaae Mftawaaer pipea a latate veto* from the Neat instant. 18- year old Jennifer Pang, in her Sunday best standi before Mr Lee Kuan Yew shyly caaiehhaf her autograph baa* A taaiUng Mr Lee
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  • 206 5 Lim: Activities which exercise the mind lagging behind SINOAPOftC. MM. ALTHOUGH physical activities have established themselves In community centres, those which discipline and exercise the mind have been lagging behind This was tUtcd by the Minister for Education and MP for CalrnhUl. Mr Urn Kirn San. when he opened a
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  • 162 5 No to shoes, so pickets will stay put KUALA LUMPUR Mon.— Fraaer and Heave s have rejected a claim by the National Union of Commercial Worker* that eight pairs of shoes be supplied to the company i office boys The union had asked for shoes to be given with uniforms
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  • 182 5 Two girls who earned $937 in five days pttNANO. Mon Former lorry driver Tan Chelk Menu was today Jailed for one year for living on the Immoral earnings of two That women who made a total of $937 In five days and gave him half the sum. Tan. 29 from
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  • 33 5 MALA 1.1 vi PI R. Mon The Castoma and Excise Depart men t has increased its rewards for information on aaaaggllag activities from U to M per cent of the
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  • 103 5 HOMELESS SOON? MP TO CHECK RUMOURS SINGAPORE. Mon Port Authority workers and their families occupying flats In Scotti Oreen axe worried over a rumour that they would be homeless soon. They brought the rumour to the attention of the MP for Telok Blangah. Mr N Oovlndasamy when he paid them
    103 words
  • 60 5 KMANO. Mon A kUrlnc Potto* patrol boat found body Aoatiag in the m noar PuUu JoMjak and Kampong Java Strait* yesterday afternoon The body, bellevo* to bo that of a Malay aaod aslaian M and M yoan. waa clad in a grey ■hart and bit*
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 50 5 READY FOR OCCUPATION WOW bbbbbbvp m 9 BBBBW TA B99aaJ*jß*^^^^__^^___^^__ate fuMy «wf condrtrOnedl MAXWELL HOUS» situated at Maxwell Road. m apposite of National Development Building EL SALI FLAMENCO M DANCE COMPANY TONIGHT TOMORROW MALAYSIA Sum* CLUS »o» «S3>» «^i r af X**- «t I *HANGat-lA ISIANO SAiISOOM MAY 4M> Is*
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    • 324 5 haaatoasj ATTRACTIVE^ REDUCTIONS 1 1 1 Charles Jourdan has the latest collection of elaoant Franch shoes and handbags for your selection Ladies (and Gentlemen too!) This plan reveals how to take a stroll "In France" in Singapore I Ch«rl«« JoufO«n I rtuaawaaft > I I L__l Supar Mar Hal I
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous

  • 89 6 88 fancy guppies for shows in Canada, Denmark M-lntrd from I*o rr.trtct for two International shows to be hcftd later this ■Math OWJBV Csm> U) CHMiI tOftatunla» d MSI I f"r'™*» i M.» i t* sa^aMtaavtmaamftftMa* In frw tamst Pi^BTVßWJi^**"^** Stam mmma B^BaWafMPftmißßl maa tfcmtsml At B% B^bVsH Cm J
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  • 97 6 THfc driver of this badly smashed ear »t« critically injured after it collided head on with a taxi vlong the 13th mile Semhawang Eoad on Sunday night Mr Leslie John Page. 21. of the ANZIR Forces. was taken to ANZIK Hospital In Changi and ■laced
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  • 194 6 National Theatre Trust retrenches four officers SINGAPORE. Mon. Four senior officers of the National Theatre Trust have been retrenched. Confirming this today. Mr Ng Yew Kang. 31. deputy director of the People's Association and newly appointed director >>f the Trust said: There is. however, no necessity for alarm by the
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  • 113 6 Thai police arrest two Malaysian escapees A LOR STAR. Mon Two prisoners who escaped from the police station on Pulau Langkawl two weeks ago. have been arrested by Thai police. According to a police source here, the men were captured on Pulau Adang. a Thai island near Satun on the
    113 words
  • 25 6 SINOAPORK Mon About SM < pltiw will take to tht raa4 on ■alatoai to Help v* YWCA In lv annual famtnMßf am *»y
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  • 23 6 BINOAPORE. Mon An exhibition of paintings by Indian artiat. Jamini Roy. is now on at the Alpha Uallery until May 10
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  • 111 6 SINGAPORE Mon The Government last year took over 1.271 units of properties formerly belong 1 Ing to the British services The 1971 annual report of the Housing and Development Board said that they were situated at Kam pong O Carroll Scott. Savoy Lines.
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  • 43 6 SINGAPORE Mon Mr Fong Tiew Went has been elected chairman of the Royal Town Planning Institute Singapore Branch > Other officials are Mr AO 8 Danaraj c vice-chairman i Mr Quah Kay Seng <aecretaiyi and Mr lim Chew Kuan i treasurer)
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  • 254 6  - Anti-drug officers will soon go on the prowl NANCY BYRAMJI By Singapore. Mon vMNGAPORr s first <3 batch of trained anti -drug officers will soon be on the prowl to smoke out the pushers and the fixed from ever> corner of the island Officers from the PSA. Marine police. Castoms
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 236 6 LAST FEW DAYS d^Cl I BJL _mf_ l^s^^am maam. sj a^gtm _aj mass— mamw^B^B^B^aamaK WDrr Empomums Hnuft m SPECIAL iw 99 sVaAaUsmT <$&& vi ivi private cm mn emporium ■UTI LIMITED OIH nilA PTE LTD. 1 Grant* Road Ground F toor G-v Amuasmont Park ft Ist Floor. Smfspore Singapore 14
      236 words
    • 72 6 HHsV^^«iHHHsislHslH cJkt^JtJtpJL YOUR CHANCE TO WIN A YEAR'S SUPPLY OF t^v PUFFIN BOOKS (JZ± what you to y#j^^^ Write a story in 750 words 500 words for category B Tj^^X^ w a >oem at teast 8 l nes lw~ic^^ on any sub i ec CLOSING DATE 31st MAY 1972 Entry
      72 words

  • 315 7 Two get 'Friends of Labour' medals NTUC honours its co-op chairmen *-s <^ A P R t Ml Till VII |int;i> lioiiouuil Uno pioinmtnl SiiiUMOßans with Tin mis of labour" nu.i.K ,t K M.,n D.v i.llx at tin SinppOT 11 ox ll. ill 111 Slu-nton NN They were Mr Michael
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  • 32 7 BINOAFOME. Men Aw mi led \m d«v »nd fined ajaj <■■-. s& i apai S C 7 MbM Bumf, in Jurong at pat oa Saturday H* pleaded fiaWy
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  • 155 7 Opposition parties urge workers to unite SINOAPORE. Mon Two Opposition parties, the United National Front and the Workers Party today called for unity and independence of the labour movement In separate May Day mesMaV*IV VETaUVELI'. secre-tary-general of the UNF. said that workers In many countries were denied their rUhts and
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  • 76 7 HDB accepts $6.9 m tender for flats BWOAPORI Mon Chip ■Mt CciMtrucUon Co» tenter of SS_S^a_aeS l^ka «^mM4 bjr the He ulna Bearc lor Mm construction of ftau and shops ■jb Tsjafc MsnaU New Town. ftt ebSaaanv wtll erect and omm*M tow Mocks of 13--etoray one-reset laaprovod fJau (IjMC WlIU).
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  • 50 7 e-fpftpfffls; Man. P»rli«iBMBM) Sba an Tfrff will oe*r> an «t Mmaminii bjr two local wtMi at the Otocrot Ismbtlil ■esai oa Ti'wlinefMij at 7Jt p m Xht psaßtSsnv by Caring iky KAOt »nd Wan Soon Km. wtll bt ob dtaatey uu the end of the month
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  • 37 7 SINOAPORX Mm «*a* to CMMMt Mr K. SWHtftb. IbM wMsaM In OvtnaaH- pkal iMUrdir Hto wtlt K Ananmal. M. tu s— sttia to Ih* hoiprul on I>h> thj» ymr mjuuumat u> o« O*ylTi£
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  • 137 7 NOT A MILITARY PACT, SAYS MALIK JAKARTA, Mon. Indonesian Foreign Minister Mr Adam Malik has said that the Asean meeting In Manila next year would discuss bilateral military aajiratiofi. but not within the framework of the organisation. He was commenting on a recent statement by the Philippines I nder Secre
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  • 186 7 'Confide in workers' call to Malaysian Govt KUALA LI'MPL'K. Mon MTUC president. Mr Yeoh Teck Chye today made a May Day call on Urn Malaysian Government to take workers Inaujooaaa oi na uwruaapment plans Speaking at the opening of a trade union exhibition organised by the youth section of the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 192 7 JAMES B LANSING VI THE ART OF SOUND |j^J JBL craftsman he* bMrt involved in tht art of sound for morv tfian s prwratton Tr»«r unending quest for thf uKJfnst! in sssmtiral and artittK partaction has produced •teat two ouMsndinfl ftoor systems exquitHtry seated to today smaller Iwmt spaces FOR
      192 words
    • 129 7 HOT WATER HEATERS I D Private homes I Restaurants I D Baber Shops etc I where CONSTANT I Available from ■I L_ U^H 9 10 10 0" l( ons capacity See the SAXON display, at the Australian Building Materials Display from 2nd (Tues.) to sth (Fri.) May 3.00 p.m. to
      129 words

  • 163 8 600 trisha lien volunteer for charity ride SINGAPORE Mon More than tOO trisha rioers here have volunteered to take part in a chanty ride In aid of the unmoatd Chung Hwa pnw Hospital In Toa P*yoh The Parliamentary Secretary i Social Affairs). Mr Chan Chee Seng today praised their noble
    163 words
  • 45 8 BINOAPORE Mon Leonf Ah Choy. I*. was today charted with having a dagger with a four-and-a-half Inch blade at a food Mall near Out ram Paik last Friday night He was remanded at the Central police station un'.ll n<-xi week, pending further investigation*
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  • 63 8 RECRUITS WANTED FOR GIRL PIPERS SINGAPOftE, Mon— The People's Association wants recruits for parttime membership in the Singapore Girl Pipers Band Applicants should be at least sft Sin. between 16 and 24. and know either Chinese or English An ability to read masic will be an advantage Married women will
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  • 184 8 MALAYSIAS Deputy Prime Minister. Tun Dr i Ismail today declared open an International work -study on pollution and called on participants to help find new uses for Industrial wastes. He was hopeful that many of today's wastes might be tomorrow's
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  • 332 8 Milton Tan ousted after 11 years as chairman SINaAPOMC. Mm THK new chairman of the Automobilf Assonation of Singapore, Mi Donald V H<xk Chwee, todas announced plans t<» improve and expMM the Mociation and its sei vires. I lie plans include: Rt .RC.AMSATION
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  • 24 8 BIMOAPORE Mon MU* Chan Cho< Chu« a pharmactet haa bc«n appointed at an lnapartor of daacMWH drug* and polaons from April 11
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 320 8 a^bbbbbV. k aY j^BbbbV LbbV i Lm W La .^nßk ■L* ■L^Lbt laßß^ M aT M aW P«r W Bi^^ Bbm 9 2 &sw Name the Mirindp 9j^r "Love Birds" Ist PRIZE 10,000.00 CASH V 5 Prizes worth 1,***** <oft OOLSxrs radnamatai at Msvo K4i*iu>s» 4 Me<ro Supreme) w «soo
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 81 8 MMMAMM MTMMMT aY Cttff M.+.rt. By \Kmrr I V^" <a< i?o^BBik?^ Meanwhile- And thit.o.ns. .s your ohCMAiR" o, > COKSrLLHAVETDSTAV HO^^F ct^'rtSZJ^ I 1 1 COMRADE. THE CRIME OF U- DROID C€n tufO J\\ DiSRESPECTRJL I TWE CENTURY HASN'T > SISTERS- F~ >\ TO s sir O t 4 I
      81 words

    • 408 9 Swimming's a risk with those boats around It is high time the uuthoiitics concerned do IxHit Ihml hirers at (.'hangi bead) rsprciall) on Sundays when the sea is I'-cl with swimnii Despite the overwhelming crowd there are boat hirers who row UMnsefi■Unately along tht shore This rowing poses a grave
      408 words
    • 79 9 Price hikes and that take it or leave it attitude IRCrta to taw report ISM BBMMBMB Of IB* IfMI 1. wJ^^ww^RwW the rtsMkg costs In as* lalif IST. April <■• tractors Society. feM that the ■■ppMcei of eaa4 Sifhcsl BwtfVßßflßwVfciT dtgSwV gs%gWw*Ywf Ift M ftgatt IfMtan aatd prnapi Aeveggfsßga* tea.
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    • 33 9 |>RI -I One stuetewAa I In the arts stream Id Beatty StheeJ (eventag rUoae*) *M ta take »*et tkere Is no Cheaeae esaca. n the Ewaeattasi Re«rd pleas* *o •ecßethiNC* WIIXIAM LEE.
      33 words
    • 275 9 I BOUGHT a television 1 set from a certain dealer las. September under a 24-instalment hire purchase scheme and to date have paid 19 instalments of $47 each in addition to $101 as 10 per cent deposit ($47x19 $893 $101 »$994)
      275 words
    • 102 9 I WONDER whether the traffic police are aware of the big jam every morning at the Old Thosaaon Road/ junction. This la due to two factors rm, frosn the 8«m--bawang MIUs Circus some vehicles dlv«rt into the Old Thomson Road. On reaching the OM Thomson/ Upper Thomson Road Junction, the
      102 words
    • 53 9 WILL the relevant government department explain the reason for the noisome and acrid smoke fumes that were poisoning the air of Singapore on the evening of April 19? Could this nuisance have come with the north-east monsoon from Tampines incinerator and rubbish tip? Can't we do better than this' TABIR
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    • 192 9 AIRCRAFT LANDING AND TAKE-OFF DIRECTION DEPENDS ON WIND OLEABE refer to the letter I by "AnU-Nolse Pollution" (ST.. April l>. Kallang Estate lies on the approach and take-off paths used by aircraft flying to or arriving from the south Several steps have been taken to minimise the noise nuisance caused
      192 words
    • 81 9 THE letter headlined 1 "Classes in a Hotel" refers <8T. April II) Thin Ministry has not given approval to anyone to conduct classes In hotel premises. Your correspondent and her friends are therefore advised not to enrol themselves In resoonse to the circular sent
      81 words
    • 259 9 rE letter written by "Time Is Precious" refers »BT. April 14). The writer Is advised to call on the Admissions Section of the Ministry of Education with relevant documents so that his application for admission to Pre-U I can be looked Into. I REGRET that It Is not possible to
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 247 9 Straits Times Crossword RwP~RwsF RwHRwHT~ Bsßlf*~nßwsf^~Tßwsf^~Tßws! ACROai Pigtail Unc-up? <»» 7 Trad g*u a girl d> n I enter erica, and contrive Pw U» Preach fever ea to to saafte a srilfanry eaaaa MKiclate (•> satßattca (11). Orcat deem tor a nou aeawt 13 Jota ka a Uttlt shW shat
      247 words

  • 353 10 Rhio base for 4 slave merchants' By BERNARD OORAY and GERALD PEREIRA Singapore. Monday J^S Indonesian syndi c a t c of merchants" b auctioning teenage girU and wo men in hideout in Singa po i« v reliable source said tod;i\ The Indonesia-Sin-gapore slave
    353 words
  • 423 10 iNGAPORE Men T*HE Amalgamated Union of Public Employees has protested against the Ministry of Health's move In providing accommodation for housemen In nurses quarters at Outram Hospital at the expense of the nurses Its secreti-ry-generaJ. Mr O Kandasumy described such a move as "a
    423 words
  • 110 10 Two women, boy hurt in gas explosion BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN. Mon Two women and a boy were Injured by a gas explosion In the kitchen of their neighbour'* flat In Jalan Padang here last night Madam Yap Chong Kee. 60. lost consciousness, while Malam Kim Tee and the boy suffered
    110 words
  • 36 10 SINGAPORE Mon A Job- )rOUlh Tln A" K* 1 w today charged with attempUnf to rob Maa Paul while armed with a knife at Jalan Beat In Juronc on Nor 34. INC. He waa
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  • 23 10 tnOAPOKE. Mon The rir* Maturate. Mr Tan Taow reow, tuu been appointed R«fUtrmr. Subordinate Courts, by the Chief Juattce as from today
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  • 204 10 SINGAPORE. Mon Baroque concertos were a feature of the concert by the Jean Francois Palllard Orchestra at the ShangriLa Hotel tonight Even after the Qewandhaus and the Academj. it wm a striking erent In our eoncert life The orchestra 1* beautifully balanced and whatever
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  • 121 10 TWO DEATH FALLS IN 24 HOURS SINGAPORE. Mm Two people mm a 15 year old girl and tfcc other a middie-age4 man fell to their deaths In two places within M hoars of each other The girl. Urn Slew Nftam. 15. feU from a Mack of flats in Toa Pays*
    121 words
  • 63 10 SINOAPORE. Mon -A choral orchestral concert leaturlnt aoprano Lola Youn« and the Singapore Chamber EnaFinble. will be held at the Singapore Conference Hall on May and 10 at I 90 p m Ticket* for the concert. In aid of the 8t Andrews junior college building fund, are available
    63 words
  • 153 10 Boy, 11 missing for four months SINGAPORE, Mon. An 11 -year -old boy, Roslan bin Norman, (left) has been missing from home for nearly four months. Roslan left hit horn* In Lorong Engku Araan Ocylang. on Jan. I to •end laundry to a nearby •hop but failed to return Today.
    153 words
  • 67 10 PORT KLANO. Mon —A fleeing cane of five robber* openad Are at tnelr pursuers hitting the managing director of a transport firm here, before escaping with an payroll today air Low Kirn Chuan a. of the Low Pee Lorry Tißitspsrt Co was admitted to
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  • 23 10 SINOAPORE. Mon The Sceneshifters mill present a musical play. Waltt without Ind at Victoria Theatre, from May 24 to May 28
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 423 10 .7 A i'l VoV- NOW SHOWING m SMOMr» Him I 4s. 4 00. *JO 4 9 JO— WO "W LIST J Fint filß directed by ft ttamiig cuhteajtwooo v. I .^BT J* *^^^^^r I B^ «A \j w^\ flß^ni .Kb^* "PLAY MISTY FOR ME" a...Mlmiuitkmtoicrror... A m I.IINI-NEXT CHANGE!! j
      423 words
    • 174 10 [ong DRIVE-IN Qmm: J,S L 4 NOW SHOWING *»w» NiffcHy: 700 A 30FM \K4m AaylH $2 CKildr.o $1)! JiIMY Ml ALAN TAJ* KWOMfi WINS Ml VM m fi IHI Fllrilll HHI /> li; T: UiIHITrWBI \~4 V .^B^BB^BB^V COLQff ■*Aw^v^r^ t A^v^^^aV^r^v^A^vwv^rVw^rvvw^»^w^^w. ■s^HMßJflßiflfliflflßßflflflfanß* .aflß^^^^^^^aaV ».a»^ J Vb^H /^w> V <^b^b^bbl
      174 words
    • 495 10 suhd O»OAIII8ATI «:j 1 fltewa: 7M ft «Mb* > m PCEPH. TK MtICL l| Mi tk lYPientT Muntfarm C(Xw Vrt >«w«V Hb Atar Tm !«*•*< 4 Owim V^ I A» nil C«A iMkaat I A* TIM CM*.* CmmZ. Imm» iaaa.. •»«JrA#»» a n>yw et Mm f Mf |a| B)i 1.4
      495 words

  • 134 11 FMKft fly tag huh a light hmHUy r\r t <*■** la Ka*aporr tot b«4 N«w all r*« hare I 4* U filch a Mmmm "^mII r 4 rarp> riMtirnac in the air Is I* Ub* a 4riv« Tfc* IMin. wiarfe •f HMbiaf prinlrd
    134 words
  • 124 11 No servicing of vehicles on Tuesday in S. Johore JOHORE BAHRU. Mon. Motorists in 8outh Johorr will not be able to have their vehicles sern Tuesdays from tomorrow. In a statement today the South Johore Petrol Dealers Association said that lor irore than 25 years petrol stations here had not
    124 words
  • 66 11 SINOAPORJt Man The Mtatrtcr far rinane* ha. apponted nine wiwUri of the rrrf Tra4c Zone »<T<wry eomnittre to «rrve until March 31 next ye»r They are the Minuter of Stale Finance) a* chairman. Director of the Divwion. Co»ptroHw of Cmiomu and Excu*. OttMt Director (Operatiotui
    66 words
  • 67 11 Yard gets new orders worth $28 mil SINGAPORE, Mon Jurong Shipbuilders Pte Ltd has received orders to build two more Freedom class freighters worth about $28 million. The ship* are for the Wl tarla Shipping Co Pie Ltd in Singapore «nd will fly fir Singapore merchant na%> flag mhen launched
    67 words
  • 185 11 SINGAPORE. Mon Group Two Architects have won top priie in the competition to design the PUBs new $40 million headquarters Second prize-winr^r is BEP Akitek and third Architect* Team Three Alfred Wong Partnership received an honorarium The competition is the first
    185 words
  • 28 11 PtNANG Mon Police today seised another communist fla« froai a hillock in Ayer Haav Yesterday, pohrr rrmovrd two *rd fla«* in Tektk Bahan< Hill>
    28 words
  • 420 11 Mystery phone pest sends 'victim' coffins K LUMPUR Mon TIM- plioiu rjing. "Your liuskind has been hurt in ;i raM ;itt idrnl," viid the taller. "IU- is U-iiin token to hospital. You'd Utter Ko Ihcte ;it oiht The woman had a cultured voice, with a trace of an Australian accent.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 190 11 POWERSTOP TAKES THE EFFoRT^fcJte^_ BRAKINGf*^ J*^ •arvo unit eaaas the braking jCW, MMm^j strain in heavy traffic driving T| WJSJ^^Km Fitted into the hydraulic syt jJIeH l^p^ tern, it utilises engine mtaka manifold vacuum to assist m operating the braking systam Padal pressure is lightened. You save energy tot stay
      190 words
    • 388 11 aL J^ ICpr obefoi V 1 Jatan RumtM t WHH Tai ]71M« V Lmmmrimmm O*»r»4 PUBLIC HOOMS 9* f Imtmmnml •ffmrm a«• tMOUISITi TMSTi f tmm»m* U^j g Taare f C—*——"* «W tmmfmr* I|X jlj; p ••IUIXITIJi; r Hmtmm mmm g+m* ;;j• |j J r*• c»tf~ s*^» s^^^^^" list c
      388 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 326 12 In announcing the Singapore Oovemment t MMgtfMsee <>f the Wages Council's recommendations the Minuter of Labour has drawn attention to two facts in particular which must not be overlooked The guidelines which propose wage Increases totalling eight per cent i including a two per cent automatic
      326 words
    • 230 12 President Nixon's new warning to Hanoi, and fresh assurances by Moscow and Peking of support for the North Vietnamese, come what may. raise tension to alarming proportions. Mr Nixon was blunt and uncompromising The North Vietnamese, he said, are taking "a very great risk if they continue
      230 words
  • 1629 12 THE NATIONAL CAKE... and the importance of increasing its size m These changes will In w crease Use workers' share of the nattamal cake Since the worfcert share will rtae. It Is la their Interest to Increase the SIZE of the cake The* can do a*. Ihro y g h
    1,629 words
  • 410 12 WASHINGTON. Monday pOLUMNIST Jack Anderv sen charged at a congressional hearing today that FBI Director J the "bedtime reading" of former PrseHtut Lyndon Anderson said the FBI h> vtattcattons of private eltlaens were examples of the kind
    UPI  -  410 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 7 12 EA great automatic turrrtabte in ev*^ respect
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    • 251 12 Crypton Triangle spot-gun welders do all jobs 1 quickly, efficiently and economically. Strong. J portable, easy-to-operate. the versatile spot- J welder is designed to give long service. An f assortment of arms are available, providing f i a throat-reach up to 20 inches, allowing f" I you to get into
      251 words

  • 292 13 Anti-union bosses told: 'We will make an example of you' rm HTUC Is airier If Usey tmmUmmt with their actfrHtaa •kfoThatat IBB^afeaalaV A **^ata*aa«ataa**> •a\# > WMs\£ WeM PVM fry (fee NTIC prveMeett re. fa. a* Mar D-, raJt, am^h Mr fWy a*M it was aa* thai tfcaa rear's rally
    292 words
  • 554 13 Standing ovation at May Day rally SINGAPORE. Monday I»HK NTIC today welcomed the re- commendations of Ihf National Wages (Council which it s.iid pro> ided a rational framework within which collective iKirgaining between employers and tiiipluv could Ix ionducte<l. This was one of 11* resolutions
    554 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 170 13 b^E^ J Lm 2~ eT TOWER for a lifetime of water m W±. cooling efficiency m dj#" H3HHSb f*.m <%V mm For modern office buildings and MdJustnai corrip4exee. Clean water uaed eaaafei_xai aa a cooaaiK tor anginas, machinery, gene- J^ rators. and air conditioners is cooled and mf re-used for
      170 words
    • 289 13 Six and four In yrttrrday > Iradar It tv S2OO a month stated that the Wage Council's Tr* Uth menth payment ratowmiaatlom m mid clvt for workers who have not had the worker earning more than konuaat In the past win be two •Sat a month six ptt cent werks'
      289 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 950 13 On your TV and Radio SJI Qptwg I* Opening and Where the j Drama) I. STZU, J" l| R^M m 1M cTmSc M*rs Featuring U1 Ultra Q 1 M D>n of Eacirtl S«|apore LL Choo f) 1H News TMslLim We* the Tnt Ml IN In 111 WruttinCtiMiii IN Its Hapix!.*|
      950 words

    • 569 14 Australia shows off new building skills Till Australian HinUiing< I ills I) Ispl .1 ullii n will Ik I trlil ill llu- Australian Trade (.Oil) i •Kirn in Singapore liom tomorrow tn S.ituiil.i\ reflects the t \U nl ol tin- Austra lian Iniilding industi\ develo|Miient in It I tilt
      569 words
    • 354 14 Giant fans for luxury hotel in Singapore AN Australian company which has beea manu (art urine fw only IS ■Maths la having oatsund ing immii in Soath-east Asia with its range of ventilating fans. The company has shipped to Singapore the two biggest ventilating fans in Febniary The fans, weighing
      354 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 171 14 some new building Ideas I _1^T "^-Li-JPi >^H umV mn»J mtfnssssfl L AUSTRALIAN BUILDING MATERIALS DISPLAY (TRADE ONLY) Builßwis is one of Australia's bioaaat and busiest industrios Com* atone to tiw Australian Buttdmg Matoriais Display and see for youraoM Australia t top manufacturers arc showing thoir latest products and ids
      171 words
    • 240 14 I nlamanunp n j 1 yiuiiiuuuiiv JM mf o |RaM m^^Mm ,iB m^HaV Ob^^^wß L. Sr J tl gf aVa FOR THE FINISH THAT amm-Msn I COUNTS. START WITH PVnEBODRD 4J Iff Tnow etouv irjeet Oon't just beione in mterna a Nona) maeja/inet. They can eaviy come into your Hie
      240 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 201 15 i From Skytre to Ba9er lent ■'»■<'» imi r«iw iroMi t L iim x ri y «a»aa>aß»»— 00 mm mi »immi<in txiiwQM* W•• Mm nmm Gi i mil LOCAI MA«ft**CTua«« MAtAVM J^K rv~-» C JLaw *""'Wi a»u*»»i son msmad />^\\ LA^rIS^TUBOr 'ObieiMMuuaMi M Of V AiluiiiiiiL& LOCJkL MMuracnow ■■aaA»oa« alw»l«*M«M
      201 words
    • 475 15 R^^Jefir^^^- P^rW m &1. H^b3flß%efaf WSk ljm\^ ■•»w-2rV *Jm HrA m I j aaWl t ««fl H^, F^^^B^^l Wf Bk^RfeaaM^^^ea^Blfl Tj£&*^^*W B^ I w 'TRT^ r ftii^Rtfi \n fa^Sau L^kl Snr S 1 y^Sa^RK^^l R^R^L^R^l^R^Rr R^R^R^k^BßtadL^^^^ fl^R^^^^^^ a/^_ b^^^Sl^ Krommenie introduces a floor covering ideal for extensive use in humid,
      475 words

    • 803 16 |I s (In vimr old slot the mother in-law tronblr klit I have been I •JIB* k I IHIIIK I HI I fil.ll I■* 1 N I lll\ 111 1 (iitiflhlrrs of view and the many problems kind of a aaollier-in-iaw will
      803 words
    • 327 16 MRS Myrna Wong has a penchant for things that carry the Made In Singapore label Not only that, but she also makes sure that she contributes to building their image here and overseas. Doing ner "bit for her country" means employing
      327 words
    • 88 16 ANTIQUES are not bought by collectors only these days. They're snore and more often picked an by non-collec-tors with an eye (or sosnetaJng rare and beautiful This Dutch antique table lamp from Indonesia has very intricate metal work and the shade is of white claan It
      88 words
    • 198 16 rpEENAOERS who are always on the search for cosmeX tics tailored lor them should find the new Coty range more than pleasing They are specially made for teenagers and come in the latest fashion colours. What's more, three of the four new lines come In pretty
      198 words
    • 87 16 Km* neckties from letting wrinkled when travelling by packing them between the pages of a magazine. A PEELEB with a JUatlnc Made to a food mwm. With It rom can Pare vegetables and frvtta esasc to the twin s* the ■artags are thin r remove a cracked or
      87 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 143 16 ESOTERICA lai/llf I rrja 1, In Tl HfirlpHwnsf* !-T- *~mmm l"^"""* ——»-■>. m* •aTtLi n t^^.T 4 «M I taaniaii i^ Ma lii|n aaaa "•*«>• »KHi i imim ■•"/iß#gJsJsjaßsß faytjV > Ullall (a. ««v »tf Saafwaa at 1 mini r aa> m> «al mm* H —mt a HiaMi l^i'i't— Urn
      143 words
    • 211 16 If you'd like 4 sample |u<t send in stamps to The Nurse. < federal Dispensary ST Ifl ltd. PO Box 211 Singapore. SKIN TROUBLES GO FASTwith D.D.D. Clear healthy skin for all the family D.D.D. quickly clean up ugly spots, rashes, eczema, itching and all other skin bienushe*. Antiseptic toothing
      211 words

      • 47 17 Mm 9» m> I Cratftt M14 I "S U.rkT |7 15 O Boat »M Ibr4 (W SSM < M Utt pr»^ |17« ESm ii »r|MrtAl 117 JO UMI UN B S IM M IMm S3 7S M IS IS 10 10 1* 10 10 M 07 07
        47 words
      • 9 17 tut arksWrf M.I $151 MM Jl I Of,
        9 words
      • 15 17 Um 1M000 < < S3 OOO T«t«| Twmiw l MM DfUfH rrrrrntatr 14 3
        15 words
      • 28 17 •mm mm i MJS t!7« P*N»Hit«: tttN tn 41 tim ujit him raMm IHH D~ M IMS IN ftac tl. IMS IN t n. ims in
        28 words
    • 645 17 a>a a»»i. mkii »»r. •'•a at im a* MKMM Mi IM r^VvSr..'^s:r,: -aA» atat J5 ul 16 iaaaaaitWl \i *J*wa ■aaali: S up 3 tewn. ON PaJaM Up, 0O4? down arTVfWrtAaH: 7 UD. I «»owt> one anrtniMMi. Ttaa: 3 up 1 down. •okUh, *-re also enSS9n P^T has
      645 words
    • 138 17 iARDINE. MATHESON Is to pay a final divided of HK 80 Mali bringing toUl dividend* for 1971 to HK SIM a share, an effective increase of 2*3 per cent over the previous year Group pre-tax profit for 1971 was HKI72 1 million (I S 6 4 million >
      138 words
    • 736 17 D BJMJBJ ft; »,,o rrpirirrt n ■PJBJ |i E BBBJBBJ *j v MU at IN* MMM jOwmh* IMM sTBI\I Ura« 2 21* 1 2lt Mr I 2*o ■1. 2*3 Hi JN Hi IN I IN 141 2ND U> 3N D t* D II IN ••I '5i 1 47
      736 words
    • 134 17 THX n— rfrihm of lMk« m MiUytH-Hniipm mmmms4 uni *T JSnLr a Aaa> Sbxi^c* 1 bi vino T—tgm («Mtr TT ar O» TT on II llfcM |Mi 7 MM 7 J»» 7 MOO DoU«r IMM IMM 1 )3M iMtor >**•* >n7t *•>» fin latej CMtar > 75 I34N
      134 words
    • 292 17 pONDITIONS ruled mov derately active on the Sm*k taitongs of Malayan mmi *aagapan yeataV>fa%a\ V (olldkaV laaaj* a\ bbbbbM ft ftlt #^#AIAf TM f^Mral tone was Irn, with ■rapfs nawvaag wiimn Trading was eonflnod to the Kuala Lumpur floor as it waa a hottday In
      292 words
    • 219 17 CHINA ENGINEERS announced in Hong Kong during the weekend that the 5 4 million new shares '37 5 per cent of the company I which Slme Darby, the Singapore based international group will acquire subject to shareholders' approval, will be issued In consideration for HKS2025 million in cash and HKS23
      219 words
      • 16 17 MAY 1 ftl/BBEB: lox>d TIN: M4«.M (down SIM) Official offering: 341 tons lap tons).
        16 words
      • 41 17 T«HE Straits tin price in Penang yesterday dropped by $1 to $640 per picul on an offering up eight tons to 341 ton The tone of the market was fairly steady with support only from the United States
        41 words
      • 55 17 Saturday Friaay •U» SUt MM «M* "•'"■l MM 4S.«> ""Oh"'* MM M.41 ajrtch m aim M.4SB *t.TM M.OM MM MM para m 51 00 H.IM I I par* (li ITT.It ITS SO ill Eapart prMt ta noti atr' araaa la U.S. aallara par laari <2' Leeal dealer, prtraa
        55 words
      • 369 17 Vf BLaOUHMI. lion fuses ATI and falls were rnagnhr equal In Bwderately active trading on the Melbourne Block KaaClaftlaßß* itMaSV W. Mit Intarasl nat" BB«BaM/ aaliXvl IIIIT IfTSI centred on ukeover aWaiHMM. although there wen tome worthwhile rats aßMaf haaag minln« stocks Oils were generally ste*dy rreaea read ladaatries
        369 words
      • 274 17 IJONO KONO Man Brtak 11 trading was atn today in the majority of counter* with rather mixed rrtulta Soaat of the smaller counters aatidri belnc ntaviiy traded put on good gain* but the majority of the blue chip stock* only vartod fractionally either way VaMaaaatSaT aaaSaVM Ml aaW
        274 words
      • 32 17 Oa the fraa nu>«n« market H Hea* Kaa« yaataraay the H I. SMaar »aa ajaataa at J.»7 far TT, and 1.1M71 far aaak.. ■'■rtH'O *«a aaataa at MM ana
        32 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 572 17 THE DEVELOPMENT BANK OF SINGAPORE LIMITED Applications art invited from suitably qualified persons for awnior appotntaatnU in the following divisions: (A) FINANCE DIVISION (B) LEGAL DIVISION (C) MANAGEMENT SERVICES DIVISION (D) PROPERTIES DIVISION QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE POOT (A) Graduates in Accountancy or BuotneM Administration or holders of Professional Secretarial Accountancy
      572 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 521 18 J 01 I dafl aW *^aa Paaarasaaaa 9Babar 9j*aaal rortasaaa* IV9I aßfe^^aasni* KLn,f Kaaaassasaas. B9B)| gaasaMa asnaaai P»>^ai Pamjaraa Vaaan aaanl sbb Hat Itn naaan isa* shw Itn a*. aaßaai Wl aaßaaaVa t^atosMSßaTkatgal gsaVaMata* ClMaVaVlBBBBBaVafnVi snaatM aaaaVaaMns SMTT*! hVttattanTafal aVaWaßaT* MBaWsTSga) Mi gT M a*9aTaVTM>aVaf4 Off flaTnWaTafW ■XaTTJgaTJaVaVaW fM gaaBWaV^PBB^BI
      521 words
    • 897 18 BWaß CWTOB MASOB KA MABTAB PCBOVMJaUI OAT A. BOTA KINABAi.I SABAB. 1911 TVsfAfl feßWaal BaWSMatV^K VaMaTam aVMarggamrJU BfaWTgWawal "VnO* BaVTamlK V'gargaTJmV" tab Paajmaaa Oaaa, anak daiam Jaaaart. ivri Bmy a»aa»^ Baraa^_Paigmaaa__ tasaa Oaraß Sabaaaa SPM MCE SC Baaa^al anl^^a^samraaßa aVaaaaißaK B*aaararaat aßß\ak f*Bkamaal aaaßdaß>danT^aa« %Wt ■■Ssayi sV9Ma^Hawawsa an WarJ grwsTjj^aW
      897 words
    • 1264 18 IN TBB BIOM (Ol BT IM TBNBBB MOTICV MALAY A AT JOBOBt aAMBI LCMBAGA PCBI MABAM nvii tvrr m. i or in mhiwc tbist Batwaaa MALATtU TBO 881 BTOAII PlamUff Oa BenaM at IB* A IT4TI OOVUMKNT OT 1 YAf f rHOMQ \f(jftatl *i| MPtll %N It tt UOrmi WOAKftHOf
      1,264 words
    • 543 18 MALAYSIA PACHIC INSUIANCI >»ahv-s) CO^ SON BHO. We mvW aaalicaUons Ham Maamtalaa iWaias 1» Oaf foUowlag «3i Maran DaaartsMM 4> Cksaaa OsaariaMmt |l g^gMpSaaaVfttgaal a3*SaVaf*ftggm4aVp% S an laaTM^eaaaihiaSaa tor 1 1 > < >> and <»» maa^bave at aaat ttf IsVaV Isj) gfVS^assrV JjOCaiCaaTaj. flHßos^B9j*arJßwJMgl, rSMaTwftav aaaaßß aVMaaaV^ ties. CandMhUa
      543 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 1123 19 m^^ mmm L a |a^ B aBaBHBBBBHI I I «««J M M^MM»— f_tM» irjll MM p Haaa§ Paaaaf i Maf> a Pan 1 aaj 4 *> Swajaa aaf I mm a Mai •A imm MMt. t lajn Mr 'I M Mj rS/il laj a>aaa aaj n a) I -w- t
      1,123 words
    • 1945 19 MaT^a^T'aT^ai W^^^T^^^^^^^^^^m^^^^^ aa^^^^^aTaT^a^^^^^ tmm vana n immj Lffnrttx i tmvmvnu. mn DtWff TV 15 lawnt wm I tJMI I R**H PtMHf Maat-f MM) It Ml 4 I BENMMOR >£ZZ. S-■--i«.» P RaMM Paaaai mmm MM 1 Mf 11 M Mf nm Mjaaanj MM f MMfMHMH Iraaw*. awirtk. Hatl MfT|"l4* Mf
      1,945 words
    • 947 19 BA4NTMM MHtWI SIRIIPtIE It MMI ■Mt MUM MM MALA LMPVR mil PfMMt MJMI feMR MMaa I ajajajt aMjr parti MM Ma ar ftMtaaji MM. GLEN LINE LTD. vLLNVIIiLt fen*'*** Mm i S<wat»'t P Iciaaj mbbm-i Mm I MPt IMf Mf 1 I CLENBEC iX, Sa t "Mi 1 p 11
      947 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 944 20 aVAWASAKI KJSCN tJUSHA LTD I B a MMM I '^1 I i MYai 1T M MMTHMM m mmVmmV •ImmMmlw tWAMWWJRM•MM MattM Mar MMf MM* MMMata MPt f.., Mr. 1 ItM ta-Ma MataVaMk MM»a»— M f-_Mai at_~ aj ,-at.t *JaMMI MMMMMmMV MMMJ MMMM^FV M^^n «MMt«MHa ■M MaajM ITattar* «tBM MM I
      944 words
    • 845 20 MMTMt -MMM^-MMti POR MtW lIALAHD PtaajMj P aatMt »»pn i LtMM] M i MMi I IMM 1 IMM a/11 MM Laft. M»4». (MMW IT 17 MM NVTIMM MB MM MM. MjMMJM. STRAITS/MADRAS SIRVrCI MUM' MPI/IMf MMf 11 Mf MMMMMM. M*M ami M IMM IMM IMM MmMlnhm. MtVM MtMN MM tat,
      845 words
    • 917 20 NEPTUNE ORIENT LINES LTD. B^M*^^mW iw< o<*t>Ot>ATtO M TM« atfyMltC 0* «4MaA4«eMI) BUILDING. 2 SHCNTOft WAV, tmGHFOm. I TEL f*3a>33T LOADING FOR LONDON LIVIRPOOI M tH>«fi. I Dam HAVII RMMMta P U4MJ Ptajaj kn*m Ml IMM MM! 1 I Mi ta Part liili'Mll \M. Mar* l«. ■MB »a»a Mrltat MPTMM
      917 words
    • 927 20 AfJI MALAYSIAN INTERNATIONAL JRftRB SHIPPING CORPORATION BERHAD Ma XX Jt» A«w*M> P>aaM UMMMa J| I Tra» pimmbwml tNMiwg Lptmj <* MMmimim a^ajjalA aaAit MMmM MMMM i a mi > i i m._ PMMMJM Mjfilaalll f* II m| MMf f» MMjf M*7»»M |H M 1 IS- 1 1 MMM Mil* I
      927 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 564 21 *> w w pmm MMMIM Mn itMM rr^ >>**'« m aaMaMia *^MT MM MMM MMMMM. MiM ■••♦f Voaa rc^ ■H-MHHHHH-Mi MMMM *~t »MM| aiITMITIM MMIM MKKIM aaM IMM IMrM. Ml amajaj iiisbm mxm* *>*~\ i "M-MM MnißMf ST4HM 1 Mai MlM»a. SaMMM HtWH UMMa BMMM. UMiM tin* U NMM. NMW
      564 words
    • 625 21 STRAITS TRANSPORTATION PTE. LTD. U ft atnjyfTlC «VMD <^" ipTm w*w^*m. muirj w^ M^p^MMf mm ak^/ am-M^Mw-^^pMjx K^T^VmiPmbb eWVVjB Ma »M» M MM ariMM Ml 1111 l MMMi IMSMM W FLOTTA LAURO S.«MS*rt MM rXM4M ajajau mm ii ■■j V I BMMMf'i I IAtfMWVVMMM a MMMMMMMMMMI ■EMU! MNTftV SIRVKI T|
      625 words
    • 611 21 1 STATE LINES li^JREr KOmNWN ROAD. f TIL. Nm. M4W, MISM TtitisM ***** .l.'Wl lh »*aMJMi P llMf NW| 1 wvMaM aaMf \iM l aS- W>l MWltt «M »MM rraAintiMuatt TnwaM hwici •^"•mmF" I-Jf iT«Ain iacaiN« »n» rwiWfTiT"~ Ma mm itmits cainisaM uumttj uwki r r 'MMJ II Mf W
      611 words
    • 554 21 ©ELECTRONICS TECHNICIAN BRUNEI SHELL PETROLEUM COMPANY LIMITED have a vacancy m the,, Engirwermg Equipment Services Department ♦or an Electronics Technician Candidate* should have the to! lowing qualifications a) City and Guilds Final Cert cate in Electronics or its equivalent bl Five years practical expenen cc m the maintenance raj pairs
      554 words

  • 5 22 TIT t* iwn apw*
    5 words
  • 22 22 Bo* MM* I 1 1 1 .««*> tar *M«r kwad -.l» 9* m'» aMftam N« Laa BMf m waH i jt M
    22 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 459 22 »mm At AOVMT'tJlaem AMNOUHCIMIMT/rfftSOWAL «i mmm a **»*i PmME CATS. TEL: *****1 sin won vi ftCTBMI I M«ay..a en.y 11 N a ..'< b-mpii*m»-- r«fl ■EIHILI ■mm.- s» mm -n. »m Biiiiiii ort mmmm BMa Mnawi and Mo.ytia S1 M a owed aj. in.- S" tar n trana *Mat« W
      459 words
    • 707 22 l*|Taa* ILft*Btl A aaew. Ml ill M lMa| nil n najaMM I ■raanti* a oaBTINO CLERK a Na my itn Thn* yean aaaarmaa* a MrtM aamry .1 M eaamtewaunte «at Mac Mm SSM per awl .itk AMW in evy ta Baa ANN IT S pasM Vvtm. tNay-l P^eTt aVMAAFV STALLIB*
      707 words
    • 827 22 wantio SALIMIMLI ahet ta ftrrva a^mVmWmf mM^m^mTaTmaV Ct X *eJbßi ItOtttf pee* LOCALLY MABBIIB ICIT <M> 17 pean a Par Baat ama i "orfc AvajtaM* Jake Baa AMM it pan MALAYSIAN. 41. militant a aaatar trade and Qninam Daaartaaaßt A M I R.T B A M M I M
      827 words
    • 736 22 ft M ft SMAMftI atamttMVaM S kC^PM^mVM .ami His Mil 'l Sill i SMI/- NM II- UA SUrvey Aye NM ftA MM AIM Lamt BM INIM. •■LIT GAROIN •■amwMmTiVMArTf; fMfwtMenWMl Aft 1 M fc*#f><Mft, BUT M) rIIOIMMI UNO LI STIBIV letaMal buaajalaw available mil-May anfur»mb*d faralehad SI ON/ SI. NO
      736 words
    • 894 22 mat 4 pM OM aa i Maryaal DMwj I*7 II '/'bathe 4TM Mft NB ymmm MR SMMS aaa Bl H ■aaaaa Asiaty SMSTS MM' IM aaar Mi 4 MaTaaa. Mji en May taewbaaa ▼ahpt ft aaaaaK IF* YM*U CILMMN NILPS yaa M ftMMt what yaa iktuil ret tar paar liilirta
      894 words
    • 929 22 SICRITABIAL IBUBBB ftiBLI MaVeT* ftlbfftVlta afrtMMlaVmJkal TVf* •■Wit mm»k»mpm% OitlMpM Ann SMrMAafaMa DvtMs, ottai FIMHW. mmmtm atviiy **f* IUJ»» nSD Cmmmwi H—4 ftSTSM) IOHIH TAAIMItM) -•*?*•< bf M mt «eßMrvia*a waWßrnMsaS iMaVAaVfeflW PltAMl ttM STAMP*** MCRITARV BiiPiM.tal ekiNai Danaa Wra/Tl Blimli I Caatn Oar aext Pull "mm (DAT) aal I**rl
      929 words
    • 835 22 ••■III AIIBIIATBI OaaM Taa* 1 day M Mm* Taar SIS Daaarte Mya Waat Malayaia USB i •ti ii •ti is man CtamMMßt SBM 4I -1 II II 71 I lay* limn la SMO araana M I Tl AiraaaOitaaed ITSMI Mt 4M BTIMSaTISSai MtA*T«a FLIIMTI Cl-'-t TrkJ ta Lt nII
      835 words
    • 827 22 n iatibmal T V eaeaMaat eaaax twaM aVaTrilltM Si M SBtWM 1 fttflkVr* •aumi MM Vkrw U Paya LaMr Cnaaaot Span BfcJSABtM IC*W |*BTM ■SeT^awVAl mV* ItfthaMl Ctt ktWjfcS taWMftefJ SMS •>*• ea*y B lln Hat Tyaa wn««* SIM b>». my *> Mml If*} fVMW affea^mfMaMMmt. •JJer braaa* avmmbm at
      827 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 291 23 I M 4.. 14.1 |s*M ■gsJMJBRMjBBBBBBa I ■^-^^^^BBssssssssssaaaaaas^B^aasws^Baas^a^a^a^a* tsa >««'>ti tm vori assiniji p—m*> aaniit wwaii airtn ZT" VJSSs esa«aA4> SSXsav »a»aTsw« "".y!*..? a^XksTeiwSTeUesmej. -staa e-assaari^iia-a. M —s.^sa-a»aaaaaaaa» TIV v ■"■»■> Skal >vi aMrae* «Sj»im« CaM a* Tm Saaa Oasaaawska n.T ■•BMt BWt M*SBf> I «waSXs»s> T sir >if I^2
      291 words
    • 155 23 •rt asiisjm t«t»i'i .i tr *mJ *m 4 aSßsaSase MeaiM Ba> .wnami Waisliiia rimiaa. 0e»>a«iaa_ Mimii Tuia« aaS IMsj •ess s pan •««*»aa, mut SMIMm *—m*^T«wS>S aa»a« tm v~, «TV l%™ 1 Wasf, es> stay <B'p—>a| B>Cf>ABH O#BJf|T >•• T(i. |T Bga BJBMM i SL*^ •SSttC.? 1? f^^~ announcement rmm
      155 words
    • 43 23 II HF'^T"l'?J*^^eß 11 rArroBT site »r*< c KEQI IRCD To iwat tectery apace See aa ft or a»re ler eswtte»»s«s swsTwStry mmm aswamry Mum Baitni Prefer Oetari Oardaas er LarUa area Asm i,n,, M),, v, partisii a acres ef ■^•^■^rt*" PffVBCtpBUB) MbBJT iu"«w-«
      43 words
    • 575 23 niF^vFl FNninlP Experienced Sales Engineers are LJILOLL UiainL to increase our Sales QAI TQ PKIPIrUrrDC Team of diesel engine specialists OMLLO UIUinLLAO in Singapore. Kuala Lumpur and IpoH Offices A degree in mechanical engineering is desirable but previous experience in diesel engineering and engineering sales experience is essential Salary
      575 words
    • 707 23 ST«Tt or BRt Mi •JBsMMHB I*" t«r r\ mi< woui wiurntM BstlNU AapHeattons at* hUM froes sswtaMy »iMns< caneieaMs to n.i Ihe f .k m.i.t itri ir» In the Public r»ik [«rpa-'i»i.l Ri ,r»: M AR(HITt«T<« <)l ALirU ATIONI «\D \rtmi i degree er dipsosaa sn ardsMerture el a ncagnlswe
      707 words

    • 258 24  - Nipah new sprint star EPSOM JEEP By yPAH II looks a potential champion sprinter and could become a strong challenger for two big sprint races this season, the 6f King's Cup at Kuala Lumpur and the Gold Vase at Ipoh Nipah, a flve-year-old Mew Zealand gelding by Shlfnal, owned by
      258 words
    • 922 24 Jockey Moran suspended for two months STIPE'S REPORT JOCKCY Peter Moran has man suspended for two months for not allowing Blah-Blah to run on its merits In Race 0 at Ipoh on Sunday according to the Stlptnoiary Steward's report issued yesterday Following U the full text of the Stipes' report
      922 words
    • 788 24 XyEXOHTS for tne Buklt Tunah races this weekend SATURDAY < L 1 DIV S SF Unfcrgettable 000 Dendrobium II 000 Oo!d Sheen 813 Olympic name II 812 U Oeneral 8.10 ■tad Poker 810 Orenadler II 8.08 Royal Monkey SOO Tudor Pirate 8.08 Second Phase 8.00 Joey 8.00
      788 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 555 24 F^l SAF RESERVISTS %&4 ASSOCIATION Aet*<e*«na are *—>*•* *m oppaMaww aw a. EXECUTIVE SECRETARY a. PROGRAMME SECRETARY 'O mmmmmmmmmmm) mm* mm* dmmw mm mm mn i nn -J "-^J gggf^ mt? Vflßmw rtjjPWW^p f«W fW^gf o>a»w» c*«rp» at Nw tiirsjll-s o» tkaN. Inatsjoa «wnct«r« tiiipstia »> "i w i C—
      555 words
    • 317 24 #PanAm AIRLINE STEWARDESSES Fry with the World's Most Experienced Airline* PAN AMERICAN WORLD AIRWAYS needs firls to be based m New York. Mum,. San Francisco. Seattle or Houston to fly to the United Kingdom. Europe. Africa. Asia and the Far East Must be single, oge 20 thru 26, height 5
      317 words

    • 172 25 mbined on»tituen rie» Had praiaes heaped on lam on Saturday for a «pkndid 1-3 draw «rain*t the World Yesterday It was the turn of a Oosnbinad South team to receive the thare of the rheers for a righting J-2 defeat ajrainst the tourists at Jaian Btaar
      172 words
    • 68 25 MADHID Mon Bmersnii atttMaha of Branl drivine i Jean Player team Lotus roarMi la nrtory in tha Saaasm Oraad Prm at the Jarams sh> ujt bare tnday Bssajams Jnckst leas In a n 1.4 1 I.IIM tru i>l i v Mtd Clay Bacaaaoni of Swiujt •ad
      68 words
    • 33 25 TOKYO Mon Mate Mrf h%h wind* tttftjr maN M■Hl i-. i of ihr final m^m t»'»»«r Aunualw >nc Jt|Mi In Uwtr Oavto Cvp Th»y M Uk» rtn«te» but IrtpH^ tfct iiwMu
      33 words
    • 257 25  - Shivering time for S'pore team JOE DORAI By L°ga»wre'« *^iw«ea» players had their first »hi vertng experience at playing in a fcnelisn ■awfjaaw as Saturday and it waa ajaite a day Aa taev ran aaT the ficM at lail whMk at tarrcy agateat Dalwtch and Hamlet to whom they loat
      257 words
    • 41 25 PARIS. Mon —English champion Mil' Real (OeoS Lewis. scored a 10-hmcth victory In tha 401.000 franc IUI.MOi Prts Oanay at liwgihaam bar* yaatarday Second hi a Said of 13 was Amadou, with Cl Toro third in the l0»f race
      41 words
    • 26 25 JAKARTA Mon Jakarta football team. JaymkarU. will leave for Kuala Lumpur on Fndav to play frlandly matches at Kuala Lumpur Barcmhan Ipoh and Pimae
      26 words
    • 260 25 LB AH NOO who will be ripcta»iitin« sinsapot* "> aast monthi Jakarta Open, v top awd for the »rat lh>aw-«S Asy-Owajp f rom hhtaf to May 7, re- > rti PCETY SENEVIRAT OhS'tiVd. ami atjajha i,« rh II the draw nma tr*c to
      260 words
    • 509 25 TEENAGER WINS OPEN DA Y GOLF |\AVID LU. 16. a Chinese High School student yesterday returned the best card for the If holes Stableford competition (40 points) at the first SICC Open-day golf competition yesterday. David Lu. a 16-handlcap per. carded a grow 84 to finish overall winner of the
      509 words
    • 137 25 I TNBEATEN 8 1 ng a pore I tJ Marble yesterday loomI ed as itrong contenders for FAS League Div 3 chami plonship when they trounced Mount Emily 11-0 at 1 Farrcr Park Marble are now clear I leaders and were put there by strikers Sharlman
      137 words
    • 59 25 ADBNAU Oermany Mon Italy s Olafomo Agostini yesterday atammad his powerful MV Aueusta first across the finish Mm hi urn SM cc event of tha Orand Prix of OsrmMjj motorcycle races at an average speed of SS 3 b p h Second waa Alberto Pasanl. also of Italy
      59 words
    • 22 25 SINOAPORE Uland County Club beat Seanaawang Ootf Club H to Si in BOA laaguc match at laland count on Saturday
      22 words
    • 133 25 Ajax are champs again THE HAOUK, Mon— Ajax m. of Amsterdam yesterday won the National soccer championship of the Netherlands by beating Telstar of Ijmuiden 2-1 in an away match. Ajax are trying for a treble which eluded them last year Then they won the European Cup of Champions and
      133 words
    • 86 25 LEXINGTON. Kewtwrky. Mea.— The rteal Bibei. the Itallaa-ared and ewswd cbaa•to*. died berc ao. Praaay. The cause af death el the M-year-•M staßteu was stall not known. Trainer Owa Gentry aaM BJbet had aa attack teat week and suffered terribly the tost 11 or It boars.
      86 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 312 25 A nw mmnmnw b^^k a. A f BY am^^^«sa«» BafaßfaaV tts*^ I MUHAMMAD I I ALI FIGHT I I REPORT IN I I NEW NATION I fS^ Muhammad All flghLs J^^^ 1M George Chuvalo in V^^B Jg Vancouver. British Columbia fti^aW MR this morning, Singapore us^^~~—^m«T jfe time, and New
      312 words
  • Page 25 Miscellaneous
    • 89 25 I Ml Ml 8HA bNfW B» ft» SAPSA v Khala* lOmr HaSDpn. D»» Two KC r f r-. pitas rig r irr.t, i«h Army iNHf Kot* 8C (BmImUw Mi h» s.h«. l» '"h«wplor*up A' ACS > MT RI v American <KaMlWB arml-'lnaU SAS v RI SJI v DOT Kallai-i i
      89 words

  • 22 26 PHMOM mm. ekm First fosaWa toaay of votmg In the ■eemmm»Va* VlvTllO9jVS esmW oVD 01*eT* sserahaJ baa Mala awiTpnl
    22 words
  • 30 26 BAN DIBOO Cailfornla Mort About l sec woaaen ware forced to undergo strip for »ugs at Urn ÜbV them, set ware found to he carrying contraband UPI
    UPI  -  30 words
  • 41 26 NEW DELHI ICon. A ftee today burned a Mock of the Utter Pradesh State 1 sgwaittve On until and aaatroyad old and vaJuaMt records **"tt*^ back to the leth century, the Press Tnat of India reported UPI
    UPI  -  41 words
  • 17 26 THX waather outlook for Smgopsm from am to noon today Scattered shuears m aar|y momliig.
    17 words
  • 378 26 eMNttA a *O a eX, Mow JURONG industrialist* today Immediately resJ ponded to an appeal to employ handicapped people Minutes after the call iu made by the MP for tht area. Mr Ho Kah LMog. flvt industrialist* offered Job* The "help-the-handlcap-ped appeal was made
    378 words
  • Article, Illustration
    82 26 NEW YORK'S famed St Patrick's Cathedral served as a sombre backdrop to this anti-war demonstration by several nuns, who carried slogan protesting against the "failure" of the Roman Catholic Church to speak out against the war In Indo- China. Eight of them were arrested, when they entered the
    UPI  -  82 words
  • 98 26 FIVE WOUNDED AS MAY DAY BOMBS GO OFF IN MANILA MANILA. Mam. Horn* made eeoses wevaded Ive people and caused ■ear panic here today as thousands of workers and students dispersed from Labour Day rallies The rallies went en peacefully until one group ef militant demonstrators marched away from the
    Reuter  -  98 words
  • 388 26 J^ONDON Mod Tfcr Mark laitlM HMJ TW r>— rW TlrK*. »wy ol M>Mi SSe T «ar h ?*aa»rS *c a I etooCfeeamV arrt lammtaVw IMaprnPT toteWwtVal CeMsTweMemP gsPkat IJfJmmVVmT gtewo eWvJePel. *»a«ar» laaaa r— r t»_»4» i laaj MM W«l > wM sal a> iiwiiK tn MaaMjallat Ci»iMitiili»
    388 words
  • 71 26 •aS. MTBAIY MIITMINATNA aiLLAV Maa T«. MUtH »w«» m«c«Mlly mj 1-S-rt. M«»ia« kahMMl IMIHI. 1 bmh. 4 aaucktm SS mUekiMnt tW SS «ra»l in*4ckuerMi Mi wm bar MM. Oartaat kint rtMB B-t R»eMri Haaat *t S MB. as S-S-T* M> Chwca Of Ow U4i Of L«aKai mmi taaae* t*
    71 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 236 26 WrtMUrS LARGEST Q f *fflg,OgQ ipWWWCTURER WTsf^^L?f% FUEL IHJECTIOri *W~ J jb~-jCI m m equipment J Ir^g^rJlA The CA V ranfe includes *|^Mm 1 -33Wf i Infection B> ump» Fuel ~~fw^ Feed •umpv Fuel intection No//in and Hotden, Fuel O«l Fitter* Couphnes and Hydraulc/Mecnenical/ *neumetic Governor* Advanced manufacturing techrwquei and
      236 words
    • 93 26 H Hop down town Kjj m for the best H I Va#**l f If CS\ l^^ ExowlMnt value in top quality high-fashion merchandise LadiM' show handbags from Franca. Spain Italy. WM DrggpM, intimate wear, Ballito mM hosiery, sandals, cosmetics, textiles, r*l childran's STARTRITE shoes etc etc. ■M Hurry! For Big
      93 words

  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 667 1 \GE FROM Y.A.B. MENTRI BESAR. MESSAGE FROM H.R.H. The Sultan of Pahang, Sir Abu MESSAGE FROM THE HONOURABLE PAHANG. Tan Sri Dato" Haji Yahya bin Bakar Ri-Ayatuddin Al-Mu'Adzam Shah Ibni Al-Marhum Al- MINISTER OF FINANCE. TUN TAN SIEW Haji Mohd Seh. SIMP.PSM SPDK, SIN PJK.JP Muta^im Billah Al-Sultan Abdullah. DX.
      667 words

    • 14 2 PUBLIC BANK BERHAD Supplement New chapter in the success story of Malaysian financial institution
      14 words
    • 516 2 ■HMfii rmoM dato i h no**, no* m n AGON. IHRMTUt O» r\ HI l( B\NK BLR MM> m HE opening o( our Kuan tan other milcston* in thf dfrriopment and proCof Public Bank Kuala Lumpur in 1966 w* have been expanding north and aouth
      516 words
    • 877 2 TODAY, I'ublir Rank Berhad hail* the opening of yet another branch thitt time in Kuantan. An important occasion C raced by no less a persona ze than the Sultan of Pahang himnelf. Another landmark in the success I the bank! The branch in
      877 words
    • 291 2 Cautious approach to expansion MESSAGE FROM TAN SRI NIK AHMED KAM1L CHAIRMAN OF PUBLIC BANK BERHAD Rives me &reat pleasure to write this sao 1 1 message on the occasion of the opening of our Kuantan Branch, Public Banks sixth branch in Malaysia. Almost a year ago we opened our
      291 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 288 2 THAN SWFF HO SONS COMPANY ib 2 c Beifieid street. I Congratulations and best wishes I Ipok. Perak. j DIIRIir RAKIIf REDUAD ro/t Qiuin i\dwu \m r Tei ***** I to PUBLIC BANK BERHAD I />s/s/r 0v -5 1 on the occasion of the official opening -^•1 SDNBHD I at
        288 words
    • 1218 3 UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF THE DIRECTORS Public Bank reports steady growth and progress PI lil.K Bank ill v »ils N Kill Ihml\ ttllM ll <l< Ii I mint s Mv lutm i llu kink unl Iht i lisan his Ie Im >.il(| (it (I Despite Us late appearance on the
      1,218 words
    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 101 3 CONGRATULATIONS to PUBLIC BANK BERHAD on the occasion of the official opening of their Kuantan Branch today. From THE NEW ZEALAND INSURANCE GROUP •O Box 41 1 rOBatIK) rOßoxdZ r<> Box 223 ■asafSSl Km«U I ympitr rrnanc Johorr Bahm PO R«, 3M hi in i M n a*« 24(1 MCfcini
        101 words
      • 103 3 congratulations 'to PUBLIC BANK BERHAD ON THE OCCASION OF THE OPENING OF THEIR KUANTAN BRANCH Msbb) pHpv HPV S vW> HI w BsßassT* ssbbVl mm an fist \S— rr«.v. »c» <— I ■ssbbbbbbMMMbl i m. be* »c» <■-«■»'« I BHWWTjWTvi ai* M Zntim r\ i i i iicmm Mm><«m. iiiimi
        103 words
    • 617 4 N'K BRANCH OFFERS EFFICIENT SERVICES TO CUSTOMERS FROM the very gtffri"'*^ Public B*r.k Brhad realised that the *reat r—ponsHHlltles of lamtlm sad manaccascnt of public motis— demand exupliwl skill from m staff It recognised the Dir—tty of securing proftrcsatv-e and reilabt* fcanlrrri and to
      617 words
    • 377 4 TO strive for progress and advancement a financial institution must be aware that it needs a good management In times of keen competition it is only the very efficient and progressive that would survive and prosper A good management, working with
      377 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 139 4 I L— wojects the BQARD QF D RECTORS .^sall Bav^^ afßl Ba^sssav *****8 J sT* Ims^V^ k*ii!l Vkl MOSBERT BERHAD r***^g& Sr^Hy*^| SOUTH JOHORE OMNIBUS BHD. I a irtlil J MALAYSIAN WOODWOOL Bam V**%— BaV^Bßraßa^Ba^Ba^BßmA i r"^^^^^^^i *^*-r^ M I I V^^ft^7 I THEIR HEARTIEST CONGRATULATIONS ■Baw. v i' -^sssl
        139 words
    • 368 5 Bank plans multi-storeyed head office building in K. Lumpur J^ I'.nv,,,, pen,. 1 1 undertakes Misled lli« iM-nl for staff and a bjjgMW) Offir* v |i. l^tnL 1 UM 1 1 K 1 1 i niilwrk* on a ■mill i t I illlUlll in tilt Thl» project offers that f
      368 words
    • 493 5 B\\kl\<- is ..n mi and ll 1 ii: mean leading I lil' m iixl *****0 l I is no I' >I>U in What really makes a good banker 0 It is indeed an interesting question and if one really cares to ask the older
      493 words
    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 68 5 Congratulations to PUBLIC BANK BERHAD on their Kuantan Branch opening from POH AIK AUTO BERHAD HEAP OFFICE 482 1 484 1 Jalan Ipoh Kuala Lumpur. Tel: *****. ***** ***** YEW ROAD 16. Yew Rouf. iPudui. Kuala Lumpur. Tel: ***** ***** KUANTAN A 1122. Jalait Telok Sisek. Kuantan. Panang. Tel: *****
        68 words
      • 35 5 We extend our best wishes to PUBLIC BANK BERHAD on the occasion of the opening of their Kuantan Branch today LONDON PACIFIC INSURANCE CO. SON. BHD. lnl£iynUn^yrn Kuala Lumpur. Penang. Ipoh rfiiv^ oeremban. Kota Kinabalu
        35 words
    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 80 6 PUBLIC BANK BERHAD— CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL NET PROFIT 70»-| ill 100- N ***** l 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 YEAR TEAR PROFITS INCREASE IN PROFIT AS TO 1966 1866 77.202 1967 $228,229 $149,027 1968 $306,014 $226,832 1969 $510,007 $430,805 1970 $500,533 $421,331 1971 $668,983 $589,781 Congra tv la tions and
        80 words
      • 83 6 PUBLIC BANK BERHAD— CONSOLIDATED GROUP ASSETS tttJ 30-1 P I oJHH 111 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 TEAR ASSETS INCREASE IN GROUP ASSETS AS TO 1966 1986 36.699.588 1967 70.077.650 33.378.062 1968 $106,574,041 69.874.453 1969 $*****3.970 $101,884,382 1970 $145,348,944 $108,649,356 1971 $142,852,323 $106,152,735 Congratulations and best wishes to PUBLIC
        83 words
    • 642 7 Sound knowledge of effective management important B INKERS luw Imimiuss «lt.ilings with .ill kunK In k tit effective m. \lKitlul I »!«> Of lifl|» small tij ins aii.w .llnl |>lON|K| ;ui<l in n kmks mm un |>i i. Ik ,1 Ml.Mi.._ to I 111- 1 1 But today, the services
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    • Page 7 Advertisements
      • 56 7 Heartiest Congratulations to PUBLIC BANK BERHAD on the occasion of the official opening of their Kuantan Branch today KUALA LUMPUR INDUSTRIES BERHAD, 3, Jalan Bandar, Kuala Lumpur. Heartiest Congratulations to PUBLIC BANK BERHAD on the occasion of the official opening of their Kuantan Branch today SETAPAK GARDEN ESTATE SENDIRIAN BERHAD,
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    • 694 8 Role of banks to meet changing needs under Second Malaysia Plan PLAY a more effective role in national d c v c lopment!" This is the trumpet call today from the (lovernment to Malaysia* commercial banks. Tun Rasak has often repeated] this call In his many speeches. The appeal Is
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    • 454 8 PUBLIC Finance Hli h a (1, a nvliolln owned subsidiary, \\;is in <>i |«»i ittd shortly after Public Hank Berhad started o|r> rations. This finance company was aimed at handling the type of financing which would not normally be undertaken
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    • Page 8 Advertisements
      • 152 8 Congratulations and Best Wishes PUBLIC BANK BERHAD PEOPLES INSURANCE CO. OF MALAYA LTD., 66/68 CECIL STREET SINGAPORE 1 Congratulations and best wishes to PUBLIC BANK BERHAO on the occasion of the opening of their Kuantan Branch today INVESTMENT CREDIT CORPORATION No 1 Jatan Tuanku Abd Rahman. Kuala Lumpur Congratulations and
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      • 69 8 Heartiest Congratulations to PUBLIC BANK BERHAO on the occasion of the official opening of their Kuantan Branch today KUALA LUMPUR FINANCE BERHAD, 3, Jalan Bandar, Kuala Lumpur. Best wishes to PUBLIC BANK BERHAO Ethe occasion the opening of their Kuantan Branch today THE FIRST GENERAL INSURANCE OF (M) SDN. BHD.
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    • 478 9 Research and appraisal unit grows in size and scope SECURITY of the borrower Is not the ONLY thing that banks look fjr before they give a loan nowadays Emphasis Is placed not so much on the amount of security the borrower can offer but rather on the viability of the
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    • 297 9 Industrial loans and credit financing need careful check linnomit appraisal The function of this section U mainly to process applications for loans or for credit faculties from the bank or its subsidiaries Industrial loans anc credit financing need to be further investigated and analysed before a more accurate picture can
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    • Page 9 Advertisements
      • 83 9 Heartiest Congratulations PUBLIC BANK BERHAD on the occasion of the official opening of your Kuantan Branch today. MALAYSIA BORNEO FINANCE BERHAD, 164. Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman. Kuala Lumpur. Heartiest Congratulations to PUBLIC BANK BERHAD on the occasion of the official opening off their Kuantan Branch today TABLAB MINES SON. BHD.
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      • 54 9 Congratulations to Public Bank Berhad Best wishes on the opening of your Kuantan branch on 2nd May 1972. /Mis Blink Kf RJnSndln IMfIYSIfI BE RtiflD ll^T 1* Head Office: 140 Jalan Ipoh, Kuala Lump-ir. Tel: *****7 *****9. Vvo"psv/ Branches at: Kangar, Alor Star, Sungai Patani, Bagan Serai, Muar, Vs*<r Kota
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    • 253 10 Bank uses latest machines to ensure efficiency SOME of the latest types of machines and office equipment have been installed at the Public Bank Berhad Head Office and its branches The bank has paid special attention to choosmg the latest equipment With the use of these machines and appliances the
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    • Page 10 Advertisements
      • 65 10 MECHANISED BUSINESS METHODS SDN. BHD extend their heartiest congratulations to PUBLIC BANK BERHAD on the occasion of the official opening of their Kuantan Branch today Congratulations a nd Best Wishes to PUBLIC BANK BERHAD from FAR EASTERN BANK LTD., 137/139, CECIL STREET SINGAPORE 1 P Congratulations Mi Best Wishes to
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      • 56 10 I Congratulations I I Best Wishes I I to PUBLIC BANK I I BERHAD I I on the official I I opening of their I I Kuantan Branch I We are proud to have been the main contractor for the premises. HU^I QUEK CO SDN BERHAD fk^?*i 55 Wa Street
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