The Straits Times, 17 February 1972

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
  • 24 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 200,000 The Straits Times The National Newspaper Estd. 1845 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1972. 20 CENTS M.C. (P) No. 3776
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  • 675 1 EEC vote will decide future of Govt LONDON, Wednesday POLITICAL pressures on Prime Minister Edward Heath mounted today as Britain's power crisis intensified and he staked the future of his 20 month-old government on a crucial Common Market vote in Parliament. Informed sources said that
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  • 292 1 The war resumes after 24-hour pause SAIGON. Wed. American B-52 bombers resumed strikes against North Vietnamese and Virtcon* staging posts in South Vietnam following the end of the 24-hour Tet ceasefire. One bombing- mission, which could have involved one plane or more took place yesterday after the ceasefire period terminated
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  • 204 1 It's on! That joint Govt for Penang PENANG, Wednesday pHIEF Minister Dr. Lim Chong Eu today officially announced the formation of a Gerakan Alliance coalition with immediate effect. He gave two reasons for this coalition: IT IS in the interests of national unity, stability and security; and IT WILL better
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  • 84 1 Sadat hint of new weapons CAIRO, Wed— President Sadat gave a broad hint today that the Sovie* Union would supply advanced weapons enabling Egyp to make deep penetration raids against Israeli cities. The Egyptian leader told a special session of the national congress of the Arab Socialist Union, Egypt's only
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  • 39 1 MANILA. Wed. Moves have been started to lift the ban on travel by Filipinos to communist and socialist countries with which the Qovemment plans to open trade relations, the Philippine Foreign Office said today
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  • 150 1 MADRID. Wed MERCHANT seaman Manuel OrbaJJeda who fell overboard into the Straits of Malacca returned home yesterday Just in time for his own funeral. The 32-year-old sailor fell off the Panamanian vessel San Salvador as it passed through the Straits
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  • 104 1 SINGAPORE, Wed. —Michael Christopher Murugasan, 26, was today charged with threatening to damage aircraft and hangars of Malaysia-Singa-pore Airlines at the Paya Lebar international airport. The charge alleged that Murugasan made this threat to extort money from Mrs. Maggie Kboo. an airline staff member at
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  • 326 1 S'pore 'yes' to Bangla Desh SINGAPORE. Wed Tne Singapore Government today announced the recognition of the Republic of Bangla Desh as an independent and sovereign State. The 19-word Government statement Rave no lurthtT details. In JAKARTA the Indonesian Foreign Minister. Mr. Adam Malik, said that he had invited reoresentatlves of
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  • 50 1 MANILA. Wed An BMB.slded wooden frame bus carryinK 52 passengers side-swiped a truck and then rammed into !><>umalong a highway soutn of Manila early this morning. Fourteen people including Ihr bus driver were killed and 39 people were injured, three oi them critically. AP.
    AP  -  50 words
  • 38 1 WARSAW. Wed. Bris -On Ryszard Matejewski. former Deputy Minister of Interior sentenced to 12 years' imprisonment by a Warsaw district court yesterday for smuggling and. blackmarket currency dealings. the Polish news agency. Pap said today. UPI.
    UPI  -  38 words
  • 40 1 HONG KONG. Wed Two I'liitrcl States planes werr shot down and an unspecified number of American pilots capturrd or killed today during IS. air raids over North Vietnam. Radio Hanoi reported. Reutrr. (See this pair)
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 100 1 Have you thought oj wearing invisible CONTACT LENSES Tli ■odero answer tt specticlci DAH SIN OPTICAL HOUSE 323. North BridV *—A. $J^. par# .7. (Next Door OOEON), Tel: ***** o*~*,.«_ CNEN YIN FOOK, axcx, Ortiri«d Contact Urn Pract.tio**, Dip. Opt Univ. of W. Australia. When you have a lot in
      100 words
    • 32 1 THOREN9 the acknowledged leader in turntable DTT TT~ "1 td-150 Jebsen&Jessen| holiday bargains: we wrote the book 1972 Cathay Pacific Arways Discovery Tons of the Orient See your Cathay Pacific travel agent
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    • 312 2 Typist and Prince— a love story to warm coal-less Britons... LONDON'. V.ed BRITISH newspapers reacted with enthusiasm today to the announcement yesterday that Prince Richard of Gloucester will marry Danish typist Biri>itte Van Deurs. All papers carried pictures of the happy couple, who will marry this summer, and most also
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    • 103 2 One for the police, says Charles the gunman URUSSELS. Wed— Charles Strauven emptied his glass and turned to hi? drinking companions in a bar early toda/. "Let's have another drink before the police arrive." he said, i His puzzled lellow-drlnkers received their answer a few minutes later when two patrolmen
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    • 25 2 LAGOS. Wed. The Oovrrnment announced today that no ft.rthtr oil concessions will be granted to any private In- terests. foreUtn or local. UPI.
      UPI  -  25 words
    • 335 2 Nixon to consider request for China aid WASHINGTON, Wed PRESIDENT NIXON may seriously consider any request from China for economic aid, French author Mr. Andre Malraux, 70, said yesterday after meeting Mr. Nixon. Mr. Malraux, a former Cabinet Minister and acquaintance of Chinese leaders, visited Washington at the request of
      Reuter  -  335 words
    • 265 2 WASHINGTON, Wednesday. PRESIDENT NIXON isolated himself in his mountain retreat outside Washington today with a massive pile of secret briefing papers before leaving tomorrow for China. He flew to Camp David unexpectedly yesterday to be able to quietly study the heap of documents that
      Reuter  -  265 words
    • 89 2 Prisoner shot in escape attempt KARACHI. Wed. One prisoner was shot dead and another wounded when police fired on convicts trjmg to break out of jail near Hydei rabad today According to the olstrict magistrate 170 prisoners broke through a Rate and headed towards the armoury. Tear gas was used
      Reuter  -  89 words
    • 148 2 Talks on Greek bases for US to go on WASHINGTON. Wed. Tbe US is to continue discussions with Greece for navy home ports rights in Piraeus despite a Soviet warning against establishing U.S. bases close to its borders, diplomatic sources said today The State Department played down the Soviet protest,
      Reuter  -  148 words
    • 57 2 I ONDON. Wed. Bookshoos which sell obscene literature to dirty-minded old men are not breaking the law because these customers are so depraved they cannot be corrupted lurther, according to an Appeal Court ruling. This majority decision by three High Court judges was hailed yesterday as a
      Reuter  -  57 words
    • 248 2 Pledge by Mrs Irving to give up to court NEW YORK. Wednesday MRS. EDITH IRVING, wife of writer Clifford Irving, surrenders to a court here today to face extradition charges brought by the Swiss Government. Mrs Irving had promi.sed thrcugh )iir lawyer Mr. Maurice Nessen to show up voluntarily in
      Reuter  -  248 words
    • 225 2 Ecuador armed forces oust President Velasco QUITO. Wednesday ECUADOR'S President Jose Maria co Ibarra was overthrown in a coup d'etat by the armed forces and bat left the country in an air force plane for exile. Sources said Dr. Vela.soi Ibarra would be succeeded a.- president by Briga-dier-General OuiUermo Rodriguez
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    • 593 3 What the coal strike has cost Britain £75 MIL LOSS SO FAR AND A MILLION OUT OF JOBS LONDON, Wednesday fHE miners' 38--day strike and the preceding overtime ban has cost the National Coal Board more than £75 million and 19 million tons of lost coal production since November. And
      Reuter  -  593 words
    • 288 3 PARIS. Wednesday PREMIER Mr. Jacques Chaban-Delmas, looking grim and drawn, went on nationwide TV last night to counter persistent charges that he had evaded taxes for lour years and nad hidden his wealth. It was the first time within memory that so high
      NYT  -  288 words
    • 76 3 ROME. Wed. The bodie* of more than 20.000 Italian soldiers who died In the World War II and during the 1611 conquest C Libya will be mcved to Italy, the Defence Ministry said yesterday. They are now buried in a special military cemetery with- in the
      Reuter  -  76 words
    • 50 3 NEW DELHI. Wed. Police fired on a group of prisoners during a Jail riot In Pakistan's Sind province yesterday killing one and wounding another. Radio Pakistan said police opened fire when the prisoners tried to seize the jail after smai shlng an entrance gate.— UPl.
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    • 107 3 WASHINGTON, Wed.— Attorney -General Mr. John Mitchell resigned today to Join President Nixon's campaign for reelection this year. Mr. Nixon said he would nominate Deputy Attor-ney-General Richard as the new j Attorney-General. Mr. Mitchell, who managed the Nixon election campaign in 196 ft
      Reuter  -  107 words
    • IN BRIEF
      • 91 3 |Lf ANI L A, Wed. President Marcos said yesterday that the establishment of Seato had increased the choices open to member countries in this region for moulding a better life In a speech delivered by Philippine Secretary of National Defence Mr. Juan Ponce
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      • 78 3 NEW DELHI A former commander-ln-chlef of the Pakistan Air Force will face trial for failure to appear before a commission investigating Pakistan's military defeat In the December war with India. Radio Pakistan said today that the commission, headed by Chief Justice Hamadoor Rahman, ordered prosecution of retired Air Marshal Asghar
        UPI  -  78 words
      • 57 3 JAKARTA: Indonesia has ottered Jakarta or any place In the country as the venue for peace talks between Pakistan and Bangladesh, according to Foreign Minister Mr. Adam Malik Mr. Malik made the announcement last night on his return fiom a 10--day overseas tour during which he accompanied President Suharto to
        Reuter  -  57 words
      • 38 3 PARIS: France and Israel yesterday tormalK signed an agreement under which France will repay some US$75 million in capital and Interest tor 50 Mirage Jet fighters it sold to Israel but withheld delivery because of the six-day war.
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      • 34 3 MANILA: A father and his five-year-old son died and four other members of his family were taken seriously ill after they ate a cake mistakenly baked with arsenic powder, it was reported today. AP.
        AP  -  34 words
      • 22 3 SYDNEY: Three members of the United Nations mission which will observe the forthcoming general elections In Pa-pua-New Guinea arrived here today. Reuter.
        Reuter  -  22 words
      • 28 3 WELLINGTON: New Zealand will provide an Air Force Hercules aircraft to take a five member Red Cross emergency relief team and Its equipment to Bangladesh next week. Reuter.
        Reuter  -  28 words
    • 165 3 US $500,000 bail demand for Soviet agent IWEVV YORK Wed The Government today asked for hail to be set at US$ JOO.OOO for a Russian employee at the UN accused of espionage. The Russian, Valerly Markelov, 32, was arrested yesterday In a Long Island restaurant after he was alleged to
      Reuter  -  165 words
    • 62 3 Snow and his picture of Mao /GENEVA. Wed. yt American author Edgar P. Snow died of cancer Testerdav at his home in the village of Eysins overlooking Lake Geneva. He was 66. Mr. snow, shown here pointing to the picture he painted of Mao Im tune i" 1936, was an
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    • 255 3 Shortage of food Yokoi's greatest ordeal "TOKYO. Wed. Sgt. 1 Shoichi Yokoi. 56, of the Japanese Imperial Army who survived in the jungles of Guam for 28 years, said yesterday the toughest part if his ordeal in the last 10 years was the shortage of food. Yokoi lield his second
      UPI  -  255 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 131 3 Itch Germs Killed In 7 Minutes Tour «kln hu nearly W minion tiny wkaa and pores whe. Mrma ffldeTSd cauaeTerrlble Itchlm. Cracklv. SosuM. PeeUns. BinlaiTiuSe. RlßKWorm. PaoriMla. Blmckbtada. PtmplM, Foot Itch and otbirlbl«£lih«aVOr«l«*nr treatmeata «tre only temporary raltef t»oVu» tb*y do not kill tteitna canMTThe n.w di»co»*rT. Nlxetfarau kIU« th«
      131 words
    • 145 3 ATTE NTION 1^ FOR BETTER VAIUEn EXTRA COST! Get the action Get the DATSUN IOOA now In the 100 A |HBHHHMHHMMHHH Competently engineered Front-Wheel- Drive RIYIN RIVALUAI lUN JpOffUU powered by 59 horses. n tne road VZ^?JZZZ~* AFTER YEN REVALUATION: 6400 Superb road holding total cornering control (on the road
      145 words

  • 258 4 ITL'ALA LUMPUR, Wed. 1 Tun Abdul Razak will not seek Burma's endorsement for the declaration making Southeast Asia a region of peace, freedom and neutrality. He will explain what It slgnllies when he meets Oen. Ne Win during his threeday visit to
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  • 292 4 Outlook bright so Douglas plans permanent set-up SINGAPORE, Wed. McDonnel Douglas Aircraft Corporation of Long Beach, California, hopes to maintain a permanent presence In Singapore In view of the great Interest Asian countries have shown in wlde-bodled aircraft. This was stated today by the corporation's senior sales representative (international commercial
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  • 48 4 SINGAPORE. Wed. The Singapore Bran and Rice Merchants' Association and the Singapore Stockreed Manufacturers' Association today held a cocktail party in their Lorong Telok premises to celebrate Chinese New Year. The MP for the area (Hong Limi. Mr. K.C. Lee. attended the party.
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  • 34 4 SINOAPORE Wed. The YMCA Sceneshlters will present the musical comedy Waltz Without End at the Vlctortal Theatre from May 34 to 28 Those Interested In Joining the production should call tel: *****4.
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  • 252 4 Shipping row: Now doubters too are falling in line SINGAPORE, Wed. Leaders of the Singapore National Shippers Council are very pleased with the response of the local shipping community to ship as much cargo as possible by nonconference lines. Mr. K.C. Tan, a council leader, said about 1.800 tons of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 12 4 KOW6 HEE F *T^CHOY ATTRACTION S heat -wave j Ift hip-wave f|
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    • 127 4 Brok NaU? Don't fila H away fix it. Whan you braak ona nail, all is not lost wi mend it and cara tor it through i tha "grow-out". ViIXN LOVCLy LADY 3rd Floor. Flair Houaa 67. Tsnghn Ad. 5*00,10. Tat«37f*» Tape Recorders with Compatible, Flexible, Professional Features, 118-120.MULT1 STIMEYUR PIRK
      127 words
    • 15 4 GALAXY GOLDEN CIH OflNj TOMORROW A Mandarin Film Starrlna Tina Ti Thorn Pang Mun m^m\mfm\Mtm%
      15 words
    • 431 4 JURONG DRIVE-IN CINEMA (Til: *****4) < NOW SHOWING (NoFreeLiit 2 Shows Nigbiiy; 7.00 9 30pa> ODBON: Spieitl Mormg Shnr TODAY 9» (Normal Prices) 4*^ CIIN NSIANf AIUN INIIID Ml C%WNVINCIBLE^ bS^|S«| i mMmWTw^mJm W^r W Vv mnaa ntmi tm rnmtma mun tama arrmn I; lAd>«ix« Cask Sookingt at Hrn C.tfc.r
      431 words
    • 743 4 ■VWWr%rWA^«"«««'-'-«A«A».y.- AU THEATRES NO FREE LIST > MOW SHOWIHC! < 2Show*Nightly:74 9 30pm > Tke INVINCIBLE IRON PALM i_■ Chin Hsionq Lin Pol Ying J Mandor n Color scope !Ji English Chinese Subtitle* S Arfvanaa Cadi ••oklna« I At The Cothoy Cinema In* 10 OOom to a.OOaaj daily After 6
      743 words

  • 137 5 IPOH. Wed.— The Central Government has set aside $150,000 to extend the terminal building of the airport here, for long a subject of complaint because of Inadequate facilities, and to fence the aerodrome The terminal rated the busiest after Kuala Lumpur and Penang will
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  • 48 5 SINGAPORE. Wed. Jamal bin Taib. 29. denied in the First Magistrate's Court today that he had stolen two cases ol stout from shopkeeper Lint Ah Lek. 33. at Tanglin Halt Road on Monday. Trial was fixed for May 4. Bail of $1,000 was allowed.
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  • 266 5 Ward rounds with medical students should be part of pharmacy syllabus SINGAPORE, Wednesday FUTURE improvement in pharmaceutical education in Singapore should include discussions on drug therapy between pharmacy and medical students during ward rounds. This is the view of Dr. Alfred Wan, lecturer in the University of Singapore's School of
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  • 67 5 200 KATIS OF GANJA SEIZED IN RAID PENANG, Wed. PoUce led by probationary Inspector Zainuddin yesterday raided a house in Brown Gardens, seized about 200 katis of canja and detained a 23-year-old man. On the crime front, Penang got off to a good start in the Year of the Rat.
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  • 49 5 SINOAPORE. Wed. Heng Seak Kheang was today charged with robbing Soon Ann Seng of $25 and a watch with two accomplices, who were armed with knives, at Monk's Hill Road on Monday. The case will be mentioned again in the First Magistrate's Court on Feb. 23.
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  • 24 5 SINOAPORE. Wed. The Chancery of the Italian Embassy at 1. Ooodwood Hill, has been moved to Supreme House, rooms 810-8:2. Penang Road.
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  • 201 5 IN FOR A VISIT, THE WORLD'S FIRST COPTER CARRIER SINGAPORE. Wed. Escorted by a light frigate, Victor Schoelcher, the world's first helicoptercarrier, Jeanne d'Arc, sailed into Sembawang Shipyard this morning on a three-day official visit. The French carrier also a training ship for naval sublieutenants, is manned by a crew
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  • 173 5 SINGAPORE. Wed— Top Swiss woman trade unionist Miss Ilda Simona is upset over the refusal by the Metal Box Co. of Malaysia to allow her to visit and study working conditions at the factory. "It Is unreasonable of the company to do this,"
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 240 5 f lEilEfffl T FREE COCKTAIL FOR THE LADY I from 17.2.72 to 24. 2.72 lON BAR presents Patrick Foo who bleoda I beautiful, aoothlng music while he plays the piano aad electronic organ simultaneously 3 from 6p. m to midnight. Relax aad enjoy your favourite drink or one of our
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 353 6 The regular return airfare to Bangkok ss4o We give you the return airfare to Bangkok, five nights'accommodation, tours, and all meals for $589 Bangkok one of the Orient's 3 days Chiengmai extension 7 days Tokyo: $1,462 from Dmost intriguing and exciting (from Bangkok): $285. The girls Singapore; $1,449 from K.L.;
      353 words

  • 211 7 SINGAPORE, Wednesday •pHK (iovernment has been uiged to use Ihe specialist skills of private pra c t i tioners in state hospitals. The Singapore Medical Association committee, which makes this recommendation In the latest SMA newsletter, states that private practitioners could help Government
    211 words
  • 57 7 SINGAPORE Wed. The Public Works Department will switch on the new traffic lights control at the junction of Jurong Road. Jalan Bahar and Jalan Boon Lay at 11 a.m. tomorrow. There has also been minor physical junction Improvement to channel the traffic and U-turns at the junction
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  • 25 7 SINGAPORE. Wed. President Sheares will open the fourth National Medical Convention on March 17 at 5.30 p.m. at the Medical Centre. College Road
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  • 28 7 SINGAPORE. Wed A sum of $11,964 will be spent on laying eight-inch diameter steel pipes for oil intake at the main wharf at godown 37/38. Port Authority.
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  • 272 7 Bumper harvest omen by Tom Thumbs KOTA BHARI Wed. It looks like the Martians have chosen to land at this small border town of Rantau Panjang, 27 miles from here only to discover that earth is a land of giants. Two children have comr up with a talr of siKhtinK
    272 words
  • 207 7 Klang and K L all set to welcome Queen KUALA LUMPl'l' Wed. Bright arches, buntings and flaps are going up In the federal capital and the royal town of Klanc to welcome Queen Elizabeth next week. The British monarch, the Duke of Edinburgh and Princess Anne will tall Into Port
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  • 36 7 SINGAFOHE. Wed. Sun.. 250 workers of BiMltW Hotrl who staged 11 walkout on Monday stayed out lor the third day today. The hotel i.s maintaining a skeleton MTTtca fur r.s uuest.s
    36 words
  • 99 7 fHIS was how Pa- goda Street— one of the Chinatown spots which Queen Elixabeth will visit during her tour of the city looked on Tuesday. Broken boards, wicker baskets, paper boxes, torn gunnysacks the lot all heaped into a rubbish mound. Several Chinatown streets suffered the
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  • 174 7 GERMANY AND SINGAPORE TO SIGN TAX PACT SINGAPORE. Wed—Singapore and West Germany are expected to sign an agreement on avoidance of double taxation next month. But negotiations for another pact to promote and protect West German investments here have still to be concluded and a formal agreement is not expected
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  • 42 7 SINGAPORE. Wed. The recent talk on the metric system at the National Library was given by Mr. Chlm How Yee. an official of the Metrication Board. and not by Mr Chan Kai Yau of the Ministry of Education.
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  • 226 7 US house moving firm sets up shop SINGAPORE, Wed. A giant American house and property moving company has set up a regional office In Singapore to help business executives in South-east Asia move house when they are transferred from one station to another. The head of Global International of Anaheim,
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  • 18 7 SINGAPORE Wed. Mr. David Gerald Jeyasegaram has been appointed a coroner with effect from Feb. 1.
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  • 84 7 SINGAPORE, Wed.— The blaze on board the Brazilian vessel Fro t a Tokyo, lying at anchor in Jurong port, has been brought under control. The fire broke out on Monaay in one of the ship's holds and at one time threatened the whole
    84 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 171 7 s^aT ■^^■^1* HswsT y^^ w #^Hl^a^^*' aJHI <«w s^Bf MBta... w* H^^^^^ a w jtp mJHSS^^^ MddBEI SW3CV KKi^^^Hß^Wi, >. ere is a s P ar ki ng new book from BfflK&to 7\A Australia's best selling Cookery writer. I£^ «m^l&' »ZjL a k°° k that makes P arties eas y
      171 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 190 7 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS 8 Spare the French one (4). 10. The pick of the literary xi g^ 19. quality (5) 17 n Hand on foot? (i, 7). 12 lee 20 18. Terse decUlon against 13 Sm 20' adoption 10 cannot change I*. I resolved to settle for a 2.
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  • 354 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed SOME Umno youth leaders feel that the use of the Jawl script In Malaysia would be a retrogressive step In this technological age. But Prof. Syed Naguib Alatas, Dean of the faculty of Arts at the
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  • 113 8 SPECIAL NPC COURSE FOR MANAGERS SINGAPORE, Wed. The National Productivity Centre will start a 42-week course on Industrial engineering from Feb. 28 for management personnel. The course is for senior cr middle managers who are involved in planning, scheduling and controlling work and production and whose decision will have far-reaching
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  • 25 8 SINGAPORE, Wed. The YMCA In Orchard Road will be conducting courses In advanced and elementary photograph; beginning on Feb. 21 and 25 respectively.
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  • 203 8 Long hair 'a symbol that mocks discipline SINGAPORE. Tues. A leading Buddhist monk Just back from a world tour, applauded the Oovemmen I's campaign against shoulder-length locks and hippies. The Venerable Ananda Mangala Thera said "Long hair has become a symbol of a waywardness that mocks the existing laws of
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  • 33 8 SINGAPORE. Wed. The Bengali Association of Singapore will stage a Tagore play to raise funds for the Refugee Relief Action a charity drive to help Bangla Desh refugees still In India.
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  • 54 8 BINOAPORE. Wed— The Minister for Health. Mr. Chua Slan Chin, will attend the Kandang Keibau Recreation Club's flrsl Easter ball on April 1. Mr. Chua will also be one of trie Judge* of the club's K.K. '72 Queen contest to be held ■t the hospital
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  • 235 8 DOLLS-THAT WAS FIRST LESSON FOR BOY FIRST TIME IN SCHOOL AT 16! SINGAPORE. Wed. Yap Kirn Seng is 16-plus but he never bad a chance to step Into school until three weeks 4fO. On Jan. 22 to be exact. And unlike many other schoolboys, about the first thing- he learnt
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 151 8 Z*4Bwmk you ccatn t beat wßfJ£j. Ovaltine. That's natural. jj »B Ovaltine is the twenty-four *i* I f tS^'* hour energy food that keeps you going -'MmBB '*I*V*^ -T''!^ right through your day. Because each It 4'*^^glass of Ovaltine you make contains i!>k. ffw^H f |l§&*^' ■tog^^^A the natural goodness
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous

  • 164 9 CINOAPORE, Wed. The Singapore Government Medical and Dental Officers Association will submit a memorandum on salary revision to the Health Ministry before the end of the month. The association is now in the process of drawing up new salary lists for medical personnel
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  • 278 9 Enter Spot the permanent secretary for security SINGAPORE. Wed. It is no ordinary dog's life for Spot, the mongrel belonging to Australian High Commissioner Mr. N.F. Parkinson and bis wife. He is the "permanent security guard" at the sprawling Dalvey Road bungalow where the Parkinson family have been staying since
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  • 320 9 The 'other woman' in a chess wizard's life SINGAPORE, Wed. It has become a way of life for international chess grandmaster Miguel Najdorf, 62, to have his "mistress" with him wherever he goes even pn a world trip to celebrate his silver wedding anniversary. Shrugging her shoulders his charming wife.
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  • 272 9 Submarine pipes supply water to Pulau Bukom refinery SINGAPORE, Wed. Two submarine pipelines have beRun supplying water to Shell's Pulau Bukom refinery complex from Singapore. Until this was done recently at a cost of some $8 million, the island's water supply depended on the Port Authority's water boats. Each pipeline
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  • 54 9 SINGAPORE Wed. The Asian Development Bank will soon get a big dollar boost from Singapore. A notice which wtll come up at the next sitting of Parliament requests the House to grant the Finance Ministry authority to increase Singapore's authorised capital stock of the Asian
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 224 9 Offer your friends a special treat, let them be your guests at the elegant restaurant of HOTEL SinGapura INTERCONTINENTAL The ser?TOfl BRfl55€RI6 Warm decor, intimate atmosphere. Specialities from various parts of the world. Prices reasonable. Open for lunch and dinner. The service is superbly Inter-Continental. Book your copy of the
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  • The Straits Times
    • 463 10 The British Prime Minister's warning to his rebels that defeat in today's vital Common Market vote will mean the Government's resignation may bring all but a handful to heel. At worst Mr. Heath will scrape through with bare double figures. There is a Tory majority of twenty-five,
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    • 290 10 A bunch of young thugs sullied the spirit of Chinese New Year in Singapore with a brutal assault on two unarmed policemen, not as yet on duty, although they were in uniform. Their attempt to persuade the firecracker youths into keeping the law betokened a very proper sense
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    • 235 10 West Malaysian fishermen on the East Coast have a lean time when the monsoon sets in. It is the homeward journey with holds heavy with the catch that is difficult and dangerous in bad weather conditions. The plan to develop island bases for fishermen could minimise this hazard.
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  • 360 10  - Will Chiang accept a fifth term? SHULLEN SHAW By rIPEH. Nationalist Chinas presidential election is only five weeks away but whether Chiang Kai-shek would accept another term remains anybody's guess. If he chooses the 84--year-old national leader's re-election to a fifth sixyear term is a foregone conclusion. Officials of the
    UPI  -  360 words
  • 1022 10  - Man's fight to save himself JOHN HILLABY THE POLLUTION THREAT By LONDON The unquiet spring of 1972 will be thrashed by gales of protests about the state cf the environment: the pollution of the air, the land, the rivers, even the oceanic depths of the world. The signs, literal and
    FWF  -  1,022 words
  • 608 10  -  LARRY HEINZERLING Jy ACCRA, (Ghana) Over half the peo{>le of black Africa ive under soldier rule, the result of more than 30 coups or abrupt government switches since Europe relinquished her dark continent colonies. The ll military governments spend substantially more than half
    AP  -  608 words
  • 698 10  - Britain faces threat of a total black-out HARRY MHI.ER By London uritain will be without electricity by the pnd of next week unless there is a change in the argument with the co I miners. The Government's emergency restrictions on m* use of power are so aliembraclng that only tht
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 72 10 HLS&S9H Styles cut to the latest trend by our most experienced craftsmen since 1934. Suits completely hand tailored stitched right to me buttonholes ensuring best workmanship. W« are also importers m\ exporters of finest Gents textiles thereby we have the latest widest range of materials (or selection. And for our
      72 words
    • 131 10 Mf PELANDOK AIRWAYS SDN. BHD. provides 70 Seaters Turbo-jet Viscount for Charter between Cast-West Malaysia. please contact 2048, Jalan Ampang, Kuala Lumpur. Tel: *****9 NOW! ANYONE CAN LEARN TO DANCS HAYS FUM ROMANCB THRJLLS K POPULAR! fcaertta f-M M«* Jim eteyiae ymimtm hfu eW 4mm mm Hka »w r, mmm
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  • 347 11 SINGAPORE, Wednesday DOCTORS are still battling to save the lives of two policemen admitted to Thomson Hospital after assault by a crowd illegally firing crackers in Upper Sciangoon Road on the eve of Chinese New Yearconstable Ooh Beng Hee. 26, who sustained
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  • 152 11 BANDAR SEBI BEGAH AN. Wed. A pair of dragons today began a week long battle for SI million, the precise sum needed to keep going a local Chinese school which lost its government grant some time ago. Since then the Chang Bwa School Brunei's
    152 words
  • 141 11 Ice is so nice— a frolic in 'snow' for the penguins SINGAPORE, Wed.— Jnrong Bird Park's Peruvian penguins certainly have no grouses about their new borne it's the only one there that Is "air-con-ditioned." Not because they are being favoured but because the birds need a cooler living environ- ment.
    141 words
  • 245 11 SINGAPORE, Wed. Singaporeans in a couple of years may be able to watch television programmes of their choice through the use of cassettes. A Japanese electronics firm, which has taken a lead in this field, drove home this aspect of
    245 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 188 11 ~^r^t ~^k M.JA^F9 YDD\K INSIAMATIC camera this Chinese Newlfear? jtf^Fi t*""""** 9mHHHV^^9IHHHHHHHIBE' aWfifl *^aM S^^^^ i£P 9m j^^^9^B B&^^X<^9mS JBW^^TwW 2* 9 J^LV. ■■■^■f^al^Ml^r p _^^9» 9F NLlb^b^bH b^9^^^^^ 9^9W^ .mS^T ,^^^^tS^ 9^9^bP^*Sw Lots of kids like you. j>g They've bought them with their Ang Pow money. They're Qj/\f snapping
      188 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 966 11 ON YOUR TVAND RADIO 3.99 P.M. Opening followed by 9.55 Fury Trial by Jury 3.29 ?e h rsemba h han H rfelLring 7JI Chme UU i"^ "M. Shariff" (Repeat) 7 -<i "c« (C) 3.35 Its Happening m Singapore 7.59 Ou Music Makers (C) C'P"') 9.95 RoUe 66 3.55 Housewives' Mat.
      966 words

    • 1004 12  -  BARRr COLE b» HER INTERESTS ARE WIDE AND VARIED THIS year sees the 25th wedding anniversary of Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. They were in arr i c d in Westminster Abbey, London on Nov. 20, 1047." Twenty of the years
      1,004 words
    • 191 12 AMETHYST: BIRTHSTOHE FOR FEBRUARY THE birthstone for February is the amethyst 1 which belongs to the family of quartz. According to mythology, the ametnyst inspires a love of fairness, a sense of duty and devotion to high ideals. It was, therefore chosen many hundreds of years ago to be one
      191 words
    • 328 12  -  ONG KIAT BENG By I ACE Its antiquity hos never been in doubt. The French wove it, so did the Greek, the Dutch, the Russian in fact, every woman in Europe centuries ago treasured it a* a fabric of grace and beauty. The
      328 words
    • 101 12 PANTS move to a looser, wider look. Some call them bacs, says Miss Mildred SulUvan, director of the New York Couture Business Council. Many are pleated in front with Fred Astaire flare and cuffed. The pants come patterned or printed with a solid jacket, piped like
      101 words
    • 252 12 PR persons on a fatcontrolled, low cholesterol diet, what you don't know can hurt you. Perhaps no other diet in current use creates as much confusion, frustration and outright fear as this one, which is prescribed by many doctors for patients with or susceptible to
      252 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 49 12 I BJ M^B^^Ba^M^^ bwjK CIS CI ANDRtX— -the only toilet tissue good A *fa I enough for your family Andrex hBs AND W I strength you wouldn't expect from V^ something so soft. And mothers know that's important. There are many imitations, but onty one Andrex Soft, strong Andrex.
      49 words
    • 101 12 Aovff i isr men t Keep Your Complexion Youthful The easy way to help Keep your complexion young and pretty Is to saturate the skin with a nourishing tropical moist oil f hat assists in preventing wrinkle-drynes.s and other ageing signs. The modern woman smooths this oil of Ulan over
      101 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 1424 13 IPOOL AND OTHER U K /Cl ITS. D»e Spore Sails P. S'hm Ptnang (LPINOR I ive'rooi. Glasgow Gda. 1] FH II FH 11/21 CLTTONEUS L'pool, Havre, Adam, Hturg Frt H/I1 AIRASTUS Lenoes, Glasgow Mar S Mar I Mar 7/ I !Ml?!Lu feifast Dublin Mar I Mar II Mar 11/11 Mar
      1,424 words
    • 1872 13 B*yTT"si jr^r^7^^^^^^k^n^u^M§rT7is^^igm^^^ HUBS SOWCE TO IOWON, UYOfOOI t COHTIHEHTM. PUTS. BENMACDHUI mm Singapore p. s'hjm Ptnmi Bnm** Mar IT j Sail* U Pert Frt II Fat 11/11 London Mac II BENVRACKIE tm ft J For Hamburg MJr S Singapore p. sham Pliun| London Mar B frt ***** C- W»OEHIDI L'pool,
      1,872 words
    • 1127 13 'OimiCHTIT EXPICSS SERVICE DIRECT FROM EAST COAST US* N. Orltanj Balt/Pti.i. N. York Ptnang p Slum Sport Oitkirta k "giton BURMA h II l« II U n M M IK MENESTNEUS In M Urn )i Ftl 2 Mir 11 Mir I Mir 14 MANBALAY Ml Fit I Ft* 11 Mir
      1,127 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 930 14 KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. KAWASAKI KINKAI KISEN KAISHA LTD. JAPAN, H. KONG. STRAITS SERVICE. S«ls law" Hongkong ETA Spore tTA P. Klang Stigekm Mm" M tm umtf* MT viy M f* Japan Persian CulS Service "KaaiUwa Mira" llTm* Coiombo/Karachi/Muwat/Dubai/Abua-habi/ v Doha/Bahrain .'Kinwt/Knorr Basra* Mint mt Japan West Australia Una [TO
      930 words
    • 818 14 FOR NEW ZEALAND Ptn«f S" 1 SiMtoort \.t»*m: *m> CARPENTARIA Sa.lH UPt'Tttty Sailrt Syd, Ijtt. WtM. Avck. STRAITS/MADRAS SERVICE S.nnpore P. P»na»f laataf tar: IIIULI In Pt II Ftl 21 Fit 11 Ft* Nafipattium. Madras KAJULiI W Mir nm Niiaptttcum. Maoris. Ptnjng P. nm Smppurt lnM| Mr: MUDOEA «/M ftl
      818 words
    • 767 14 ORIENT LINES LTD. INCORPORATtO IN THt REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE rt ICB BUILDING. 2 SHENTOM WAY. SINGAPORE 1. TEL: *****3 7. U.K. lUROH StRVICt LOADING FOR LONDON, H BURG. R'DAM. HAVRE S.ngapcra P. Klang Penang irrrrai: NEPTUNE AMETHYST 3/ 7 Air 1/11 Apr 12/13 Aar London 115. Hnre IS 5. R'Dam
      767 words
    • 672 14 fan ALA YSIANINTERNATIONAL SHIPPING CORPORATION BERHAD I I The National LineoT Malaysia FAR EAST /EUROPE SERVICE TgMan, S.nppor, P.l«- 10W.NC F.K SUNS* MEIOP k Mir Awerp. H'ourg. B'melUNSARAYA 7/1 Ij 114 »»r t cms Bilbao Om.ti iuNt*Ti»mr 14-jj mr i an, o,ts London Le Havre. EUROPE /FAR EAST SERVICE
      672 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 618 15 Singapore P. K'tng Penang liaftai tor BUNU CNEMPAKA Ftl IJ/M Mb Fat 21 Ne* Orleans, Pascagoula Loading rubber only. BRITISH MONaJCH Ftl 21/22 FH 23/24 Savannah, Charleston. Norfolk, Cimden. «EAIFIEiO M* 5 Mat I/I New Of lean* Gatvestoa. Tampa. To: LONGVIEW. VANCOUVER (WASHINGTON). LONG BEACH Singapore f Wang iPEM f*2t/Hal
      618 words
    • 748 15 OYAMA LINE M.B. "HEINRICH JEBSEN" Voy. S Oat ARR'D tVI/7! A general survey of all cargoes discharged damaged by tne above veaael will be held at P.S.A. Oodowns 40/41 from 9 a.m on 19th February. 1972 by our company's surveyors. Ma Inteco Maritime Services Co. (Pte) Ltd. No other survey
      748 words
    • 89 15 TLNDEK NOTICE AISTRALIAN NEW ZEALAND AND UNITED KINGDOM FORCES Tenders ut lnrtted for the provislon of the following services: a. Supply of Lamps Pluoreecent approximately 7000 »na Lamp* Electric approximately 44.000. b Repairs to tent canvas for the period 1 Mar 73 to 38 Feb 73. Tender Form* and Specification*
      89 words
    • 783 15 S.S. "RAJULA" sailing for Madras on 19th February 1972 The above vessel will sail for Port Swettenham, Penang, Nagapattlnam and Madras from Port of Singapore Authority Area on 19th February 1972 at 5.00 p.m. Embarkation will commence at 8.00 am for Bunked/ Unberthed passengers and at 10.00 a.m. for Cabin
      783 words
    • 383 15 ©JTC Requires TECHNICIAN (Quantity Surveying) Consolidated Salary Scale and Qualification* $190 x AlO 210/325 x A2O 465/485 xA2O 665 Cambridge School Certificate or equivalent with technical subiects $190,-; Higher School Certificate or equivalent with technicol sublets $325 0 Technician Diploma from the Singapore Polytechnic $465./-; Preference will be given to
      383 words

    • 1907 16  -  James McDonald FREIGHT RATES SLUMP By FINANCIAL TIMES- IOXDON: For the l>:ist few months freight ratal in both the oil tanker and dry-cargo tramp sectors of the shipping market have been running at levels which show only the barest profit for the most clii rient
      1,907 words
    • 483 16 Faber Union trio's latest letters to Exchange- YTST another letter has winged Its way In the Faber Union i Stock Exchange battle of wits. This time it is from Faber Union. Singapore enclosing letters from the now parent, faber Union (Hongkong and associate company Faber Union Sdn. Bhd. The latter
      483 words
    • 175 16 GENERAL LUMBER (Holdings) has advised the Exchange accounts for the year ended September 1971 will be forwarded to shareholders shortly. The directors state there have been no exceptional or extraordinary factors affecting the earnings capacity of tht company since its halfyearly report which showed a loss of $184,506. But
      175 words
      • 109 16 I^ONDON: K libber was barely maintained on Tuesday. The Chinese New Year holiday in the" East coupled with the IK power dispute and its side effects were again cited as depressing influences. Buyers of landed became even more cautious in the afternoon and the close was described
        109 words
      • 108 16 LONDON TIN UNCHANGED f ONDON: With the Ppnang tin market closed and outside demand continuing routine, dealings were quiet and values unchanged on Tuesday. Meanwhile it is believed that the Buffer Stock Manager is still taking up metal against maturing commitments and this could explain the prevailing narrower contango. Afternoon
        108 words
      • 40 16 Lwidwi HM<r pr,ci t .n Tuttdjy (previoua lo braeketa). Wlreoar Spot buyer 1423 00 (£427 00) teller <423.30 (M 27 50V; Three Months buyer C 430 00 (£433 50) aelltr £430 M i£434 00). l«ark« tana: Birtly rtaady.
        40 words
      • 34 16 In London on Turiday palm oil prlewi of Malayan S. per r»nt CIF IK N European port. In bulk: Mcrllng prr lone ton March/May wai quoted M LKI72 paid ntllrra luncnancnl I
        34 words
      • 402 16 "MELBOURNE. Wed —Mining. iTA oil ana Industrial share prices were mixed in moderately active trading on the Melbourne Stock Exchange today. Mim dropped 11 cents to $2.96 in the wake of its warning of possible lower profits for the current year, but Poseidon gained 25 cents at $12.25 and
        402 words
      • 392 16 WEW YORK. Tues— Selected glamour stocks bounced back tmartly and helped end a two-day losing streak. Turnover was fairly heavy. The report said such fears are generally unsupported by both existing and prospective economic conditions The Dow Jones Industrial average closed with a gain of 3.61 at 914
        392 words
      • 37 16 (As at F.h 131 Fun! of Aunt. >•• As3!'T K'.nd of Aust. (IS IH>llari A»3 s« (As at Km. IM Real Kstatr Fund of Auat (From X.-D 1 to 2V>> Property llond of Aum \sl n<
        37 words
      • 438 16 ONDON, Tues. Stock maikets closed quiet iy firmer on on small Interest and lark of sellers. Institutional buyers were sidelined as workers weie laid oft following widespread power cuts At 3 p.m. the FT. Index had gained three points at 484.9. I'nllrver was notably firm while HI added
        438 words
      • 59 16 Tuesday Monday *US JUS London 47 »3 47 ».■> MM HJI 4s It Hongkong C'kwed M Zurich 47.90 It 47 mi II 45. 10 8 ParU 47 US ti.vj 8por« (I) C'luwd IS Sporr <2> Cloxfd 174 ml CD Kxport pnr» in; am In I' 8. dollars
        59 words
      • 87 16 Jessel Sec. rejects Sime Darby terms for Shaw JESSEL Securities of London which, with its associates holds 80,000 shares in R.G Shaw said in London this week it considers the terms of the proposed merger with Sime Darby Holdshare£° eS Ot the value of th Jessel said it proposes to
        Reuter  -  87 words

  • 100 17 CHONC YEW BENC 25 yrs Beloved son of Mt. Mrs. Cnong Than ratt passed away while on duty on 15 2 72. Cortege leave* Singapore Casket Co. Lavender Street on 17 272 at 200 pm for Pek San Teng Cemetery. Thomson Road. 'ME FUNERAL Of Peter Yung Kum Wiiik
    100 words
  • 52 17 YOU HAD A SMILE for everyone, a t.t'ipinK 'land for Ihonv In need You 1, ...1 m MM of Kuld. You left the Mveetett memories this life could ever fold In memory of our beloved Pappa Itastlan Lean who departed on 17 2 71. Inserii't] by loving wife
    52 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 585 17 CIHIKAL ADVIKTtSIMiWTS AWMOOrI€IM«FIT/rnSOMAL »>«i.Mr. m > PHOIC C.A.T.S. TEL: *****1 mmmm ~*t-. mm. Msltyils mmH M «tre. mrTlll MaUrtlt He* Mtalmim tf.M /or li «mtc> FOR DETAILS. mnlmtm $:o /or N worst*. mmmm m.i»,,i.: n ttm ••'< tutseeeM st.M Minimum fIUS tor 1% teorai. Minimum Mi/- /«f M s»or*J». WOODWORTH
      585 words
    • 324 17 APPLICANTS replying to Boa numbers for Vacancies are requested not to enclose original copies of testimonials or references with their applications No responsibility can be accepted for their loss. Applicants are alao advised to writ* to Box number correctly and check them before posting. SINGAPORE TELEPHONE BOARD Applications are Invited
      324 words
    • 373 17 ACCOUNTS ASSISTAMT required immediately by American supply and service company Oood experience of bookkeeping essential. Quallßcatloor desirable. State preaent salary and availability. Pleaac apply to Box AMftt B.T. Singapore AMIRICASf COMPANY require* PLANT MANAOin (Singapore Citlien Only) commencing July 19T2 Successful candidate will be required to tpend approximately six months
      373 words
    • 724 17 •TART LIFE AGENCY BUSINESS »l home 'office No Investment experience neoessary. Salea training given Tel: ***** ext. 284 lor appointment. Well established Shipping Company require* AN ACCOUMTI AIIIITANI Quali«c»li»m Nuyui Unl»er*lty Accountancy Degree or Intermediate Btac« of a recognised Accountini Coura* Pleaa* submit your application with full personal particular*, qualifications,
      724 words
    • 861 17 STEVENS ROAO FURNISHED lUH CALOW tiioo Undcn Drive 4bedroomed 2- storey $1300/-: IM kaansion sircondmoned flat (KM/-: Napier Road Oat $575/-. B'pors M OOOLANOt PABK-fully furnished 3-bedroomed itmi -detached bungalows Rental (320/- MOO/- Ideal for Tengah Base personnel Almi Estate Mani cement tel 6»124". OI»T» 10 ti. Detached ■em-detached fuml»had
      861 words
    • 937 17 IXCILLINT OFFICI LOCATION In Singapore IS. Newly r*novi!i-d building Mc« available MO sq ft VOOO wilt Fully alr-ecßdmoned BucmMl at park. Inquiries (S porn 4601 H PRESTICI LOCALITY dm 6 modern a ircondi turned o»cn. Furnished, unfurnished. Immediate occupano Principal! only Phone ***** Spore OFFICE SPACE for nil approximately 1.400
      937 words
    • 703 17 rO LONDON. OITINO. MIX YORK weekly eights and turopa tours 1W72. Contact CIT A. Sport M7140/»1253« INTERNATIONAL CHARTER FLIGHTS CENTRE OFFER DC 8 BOEINO 707 SINOAPOiIE TO LONDON (404. BRI'MtU 1520 NKW YORK 5704/-, TORONTO $754 LOJ ANOELES— 5»24 VANCOI/VKR— t»J4/-. PARIS »4»5 ROML *70«/-. FRANKFURT *3*D UXEMBOL'RO 5316,'-. 70,
      703 words
    • 479 17 lALOM r« The MM Baton for Mas••■it. mum saunahsth. Orntt Hair Siyilat —2« Tom. niton Road. T*l S port «J3744 lALON CATALINA I Air conditioned p wr. comet (Mntlsmen. 3lv\ Rivtr Valley Koad (opposite Kllllney Road). Singapore 3731»s JEAN'S tALOH for Turkish bath/ >nl!«h muun, facial, manleurv, hairtlnting. 2»-B.
      479 words

    • 498 18  - Piggott to ride Jumbo Jet in the Cup EPSOM JEEP By ENGLISH champion jockey Lester Piggott will ride Jumbo Jet in the $35,000 Queen Elizabeth II Cup over llf at Bukit Timah on Sunday. Piggott, who flew in from Hong Kong on. Monday night, was the star attraction on the
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    • 572 18 Rush Again shows top form OUSH AGAIN, promoted to Class 1 after his all the way win in the Pata Trophy at Kuala Lumpur last month, showed good form at Bukit Timah yesterday when he sprinted 3f In 35 3/5. Yanrtse Kiang 11. a wellperformed English horse, has made good
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    • 171 18 CLAY WANTS RETURN BOUT CLAUSE CHANGED NEW YORK, Wed Cassius Clay, as modest as ever, came to Pittsburgh yesterday to drum up interest for an exhibition match on Friday night and said he was ready to meet Joe Frazier again at any time. "I guarantee you will see the fastest,
      171 words
    • 427 18 f ONDON, Wed. A high -level police investigation into doping and security ha* split Britain's ari s t o cratic horse racing world right down the middle. Disclosures from a top secret" report have turned the multi-million pound industry upide down.
      AP  -  427 words
    • 270 18 English ace plans to extend his stay in S'pore I ESTER Piggott will be the star attraction at Bukit Tlmah this weekend. The English ace plans to extend his stay In Singapore and ride on all four days of the meeting which begins on Saturday. Every Pignut! mount will no
      270 words
    • 268 18 CAPPORO, Wed. Fresh from a struggle against commercialism in Olympic skiing here, 84--year-old Avery Brundage is turning his attention to basketball and athletics. Controvers al president of the 1.0.C., American millionaire Mr. Brundage is dedicated to keeping the I Olympics pure, clean and I honest," an
      268 words
    • 136 18 Legra retains title with fluent display I ONDON. Wed. Cuban- bori. Jjsc Legra of Spain produced a display of Jluent skill ;o retain his European featherweight boxing title with a clear 15-round points victory over Britains Evan Armstrcnif here last night. Armstrong, who lost in similar fashion w hen he
      Reuter  -  136 words
    • 116 18 TORONTO. Wed Britain's Graham StUweil upset sixth •steeled Arthur A-he of the United States by winning 6-4 6-4 In their first round match at the USs£ World Championship Tennis tournament here yesterday Ashe lost his service in the *ff*£ ame *>t the match and the Bruon
      116 words
    • 103 18 UONO KONO. Wed The visiting Brazilian aoccer team Czuzeiro hammered the Hcng Kong Football Association League 3-0 in a Chinese New Year's day match. The Brazilians controlled I nearly 80 per cent cf the play but League goalkeeper chow Chee Keong had a great day flopping
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    • 410 19  -  ERNEST FRIDA By p.C. SUPPIAH, the prince of long distance events, and schoolgirl star Mirnigar Begum have been nominated the Athletes of 1971 by Singapore AAA. Suppiah, 21, had a remarkable year in 1971. He became the first long distance athlete to
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    • 38 19 INNSBRUCK. Austria. Wed. Austrian ski star Karl Schranz. barred from the recent Winter Olympic Oames in SapIxto Japan, because of his alleged involvement in commercial advertising announced today he planned to retire from topclass international competition.
      38 words
    • 407 19  - New event— 'chance' for locals in GP JOE DORAI MOTOR RACING... I by SINGAPORE'S budding racing drivers will be given (he chance to reach top class through a new event the SingaporeMalaysia Formula "B" class at this year's Singapore Grand Prix at Thomson Circuit from March 30 to April 2.
      407 words
    • 203 19 HONGKONG FOOTBALL TOURISTS AGAIN BEAT SCC HONG KONG Football Club asserted their superiority over Singapore Cricket Club again yesterday when they won their second string match 2-1 at the padang, reports JOE DORAI. On Saturday, the Hong Kong side, a Division Two league team, had edged SCC 1-0 to be
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    • 112 19 New team to contest GP races T^UALA LUMPUR. Wed Another new motor-racing team will make its appearance in this year's Singapore and Malaysian Grand Prix. It is Scuderia Malindo Scuderia. Italian for team, and Malindo. meaning Malaysia and Indonesia. The three-member team comprises Indonesian champion Hengkie Iriawan. Percy Chan and
      112 words
    • 378 19 Move to keep glamour in MAAU Open I^UALA LUMPUR, Wed. The Malaysian Open athletic championships, scheduled for Aug. 2 5 at Merdeka Stadium, may be postponed to save it as the glamour event it has always been. The Malaysian AAI" Council, meeting at Wismu Putra on Mar. 4. will consider
      378 words
    • 135 19 THE touring Nay Bharat 1 hockey team from Hong Kong were held to a scoreless draw by Khalsa Association in their second tour match at Farrer Park yesterday, reports GODFREY ROBERT. There was not a single constructive move throughout the TO minutes The forwards of
      135 words
    • 54 19 PERTH Wed. West Australian cricket captain John Inveraiity hit a brilliant 161 In 198 minutes to steer his team to a draw against New South Wales In their Sheffield Shield match here. Scores: New South Wales 524--7 dec (D. Walters 163 n.0.) W. Aust 364 and
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    • 238 19 SASA: No need to get foreign coaches By ALBERT JOHNSON SINGAPORE Amateur Swimming Association, unlike other sports bodies, is not seeking overseas coaches because it has the expertise locally. However, the association will invite foreign coaches for lecture visits to broaden the knowledge of its own team of coaches. SASA
      238 words
    • 271 19 'THE Singapore softball X squad has entered the last and most crucial phase of Its build-up for next month's World championships with the selection of the final 15 representatives reports PERCY SFNEVIRATNE. The 15 who will leave for Manila on March 2 are: Charles Williams
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 635 18 CONDOLENCES The Directors and Staff M/S. BAN LEE (PTE) LTD extend their deepest sympathy to the family of the late MR. LOH CHIN. As a mark of respect our Company will be closed on 17th, 18th and 19th February, 1972. MINISTRY OF HEALTH SINGAPORE TENDER NOTICE Tenders are Invited by
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    • 581 18 TfcNDER NOTICE Separate Tenders are invited for any or all of the following projects 1 -Welding of Steel Sheet Piles to form Box Piles and Forming Shoes for Steel Piles at TanJong Berlayer. Showround: Monday 2 1st February. 1972 at 10.00 a.m. Meeting Place: Legal 4c Contracts Department, Head Office
      581 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 47 19 I KONG HEE FATT CHOY TO ALL OUR PATRONS FRIENDS One Free Singapore Big Sweep ticket for every drink up to 1 0.00 at BUNCA RAY A BAR M?**% HOTEL nJBW) NEW HONGKONG \kt_ZZ/ SINGAPORE »1 VICTOHU STWtT. SINGAPOftf 7 TIL JMH CA6U ADO "MOTILNf WHK" SINGAPOftt
      47 words
    • 764 19 ftQftA SINGAPORE ARMED FORCES OPPORTUNITIES FOR A PERMANENT CAREER We will train you in the following trades:A. Driver of Saloon Cars Landrovers Trucks. Recovery Vehicle? and Heavy Vehicles. B Vehicle Mechanics C. Vehicle Electrician* 2 TERMS OF SERVICF Either permanent regular service until retirement m service for a specified period
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  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 49 19 HOCKEY Tour match: Nay Bharat v SCC Invitation XI (padang): SOCCER SOSFL Dlv 3: Special Constabulary v K.K. Hospital (Parrer Park); Car Parks v Pharmaceutical (Oeylang); Dlv. 2 Wood bridge v PWD; Police v Health; TTSH v Marines; PUB v Prisons (Parrer Park); Port Authority v STB (Buklt Chermin).
      49 words

  • 106 20 SINGAPORE, Wed rhas been hectic work dec irat in t Singapore for the visit of Queen Elisabeth and her family on Friday morning. But Singapore has begun to sparkle. More so at night when brilliant Illumination plus gay Chinese lanterns are switched on
    106 words
  • 352 20  - Freight row: FEFC to discuss trade sharing' HARRY MILLER: From LONDON. Wed WHETHER the strong stand taken by the Malaysian and Singapore national shipping lines backed up, it is assumed, by the respective Governments on a greater share of sea trade in the East and West has made an impact
    352 words
  • 52 20 BRISBANE. Wed. The captain and crew of the Dutchregistered ship Zeehaan &eized the vessel today and demanded A 114.000 (about S»49.0OO) outstanding wages and holiday pay. The 845-ton vessel Is now berthed In the Brisbane River with its hatches closed and loading gear secured by the
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 41 20 WASHINGTON. Wed The United States is expected to continue discussions with Greece for navy home port rights In Piraeus despite a Soviet warning against establishing U.S. bases so close to its borders. diplomatic sources said today Reuter.
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 38 20 JAKARTA. Wed. A Joint venture group, made up of VS.. Indonesian and Australian companies, today announced the discovery of oil in East Borneo in their first Joint exploration with the Indonesian state-owned oil firm Pertamlna Reuter.
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 526 20 Missiles in China now cover most Asian cities WASHINGTON. Wednesday W A S HINGTON, 11 Wed. The IS Defence Secretary. Mr. Melvin Laird told Congress yesterday that the Chinese mis sile threat covers most cities and other area targets in South and East Asia as well as a substantial part
    526 words
  • 39 20 SAN FRANCISCO. Wed. Striking West Coasi deckers. who have tied up 24 ports (or a total of 129 days, were advised tonight by their union leaders to accept a proposed agreement and return to work. Reuter
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 187 20 BATTERY CHARGER, TESTER ft ACCESSORIES The latest rouge of APOLLON battery ckaroen are specialty monufocturrd for »he charging of starter beiilaites. Charger This hondtome ruggedly t>uii» 3ti 'jfagj^^^^^TZ/^ flM| chorgw Is fitted with volt- IF^^l I ""••tr ond ommtter, ond to XmsSfmr' a AftiAsflH tKe batt rv v »oo« con
      187 words
    • 38 20 SEETHE BIGGEST CAR VALUE IN TOWN.... Priced from 5,600/--(Excluding registration, road tax and insurance) AT THE BIGGEST SHOWROOM W«J\|A|k| STRETCHES RIGHT I IHrWN FROM ORCHARD RO. Wff sf^ TO PENANG RD. OPEN TO 8 P.M. MONDAYS TO FRIDAYS
      38 words
  • Page 20 Miscellaneous