The Straits Times, 28 December 1970

Total Pages: 26
1 26 The Straits Times
  • 27 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 200,000 The Straits Times Ik Notional Newspaper I std. 1845 MONDAY, DECEMBER 28 1970 15 CEXTS K.D.N. 4517 M.C. (P) No 1507
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  • 262 1  - Lee: We can ward off dangers P. M. RAMAN 'Ability to meetsudden drop in the economy' By Singapore, Sun. SINGAPORE has developed the capacity to ward off a sudden drop in its economic growth in 1972, or a high rise in unemployment as a result of the precipitate drop in
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  • 45 1 NEW DELHI. Sun. Prime MinlMer Indira Gandhi's Cabinet decided foment to dissolve Parliament and hold general elections In early 1971 a year ahead of schedule to seek a fresh mandate for the Government's socialist policies, authoritative sources raid. AP. (See Pate 3>
    AP  -  45 words
  • 202 1 Track star Chi Cheng weds her coach rIPEH, Sun. Chi Cheng, the poor Formosa girl who became one of the world"s top woman track stars, married her American coach. Mr. Vincent Reel, in a simple Christian ceremony here today Some 400 people Including top Nationalist Chinese government officials looked on
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  • 252 1 SINGAPORE. Sunday POLICE have seized six I guns following the Kinta Road gunfight in a car on Christmas Day. Some of the guns are believed to have been "hired" for recent major robberies. Within three hours of the gunfight in which three
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  • 577 1 Big bank grab: $600,000 recovered By PHILIP KHOO and VICTOR NG: Singapore, Sunday POLICE have recovered about $600,000 of the $946,000 snatched b y three gunmen outside the Chartered Bank on Oct. 30 Singapore's biggestever robbery. About $70,000 was found in a Toa Pavoh flat yesterday, and over $500,000 in
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  • 376 1 Primary school admission age may be lowered SINGAPORE. Sun. THKRK is a fairly good chance of lowering the school admission age by six months in the next three or four years, and eventually by one year. This prospect of changing the six-plus admission rule which has been in force for
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  • 84 1 Tengku's post endorsed by conference KARACHI. Sun. Malaysia* former Prime Minister Tengku Abdul Rahman was yesterday formally appointed the first Becretary-Genenl of the Secretariat of Islamu nations. The appointment wai> endorsed by 23 foreign nriiisiers of Islamic rations wrr. began their second conference here. President Yahya Khan of Pakistan opened
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  • 44 1 SINGAPORE. Mon. A New Zealandei. J. Simoi was admitted to the Outran Hospital early this momtng with serious Injuries sustained In a fall. He Is believed to have mien from his room at the Slngapura Intercontinental Hotel In Orchard Road.
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  • 3 a.m ROUNDUP
    • 25 1 LOURENCO MARQLKS. Sun. Portuguese troop* have seited the last African Kuerilla stronchold in Moiambique. the Fortuituese news anenry AN1 said today— I PI.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 73 1 ii7«p Discriminating people choose a PAGOL SWISS WATCH S ft[jMSf IL i a Ul S «Kt. v«"o* cow Rim ■I Z&U^i Aulom«K ..Ih 0., 0... l\vV* ff Jm S.nqw., P«"«"9 S 125 00 ■fcj^. jfa 8^ <>C jJSM Wwi Mil«y»M $132 00 -j"|fla "2000" 25 j«.ti« /<^MA Aulomanc Calindf f
      73 words
    • 46 1 Olivetti system 77, an Introduction to a complete, simple, fast, accurate, reliable economical accounting system The monthly salary of one clerk can buy you this completeaccounting system.* '(Under the Olivetti easy payment plan) CXnrtttl IM«Iivh»I Sdn llrtml T«(. ***** OlwUti (Sin»^>O'»l Pit IktmTKI Tfl 3751 U
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    • 10 1 Ci k 1 3J H >ri 1 1 1 *^H
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    • 199 2 Release war criminal Hess call to Britain ONDON, Sun.— The Sunday Express today called for the release of Nazi war criminal Rudolf Hess and urged that British troops free him when next they guard his cell If Russia and the United States do not agree to his release. The paper
      Reuter  -  199 words
    • 153 2 Russia, India sign new five-year trade pact XTEW DELHI. Sun. The Soviet Union will supply ships, tankers and copper to India for the first time under a five-year trade agreement between the two countries signed here yesterday. Manufactured goods. Including cigarettes, surgical gloves, lenses, carpets, cosmetics and paints, will make
      Reuter  -  153 words
    • 62 2 MAO TSE-TUNG, 77. poses with American author Edgar Snow on Dec. l. in a photo released by the Hsinjua Agency. The man in the centra is unidentified. The agpncy describes Snow, who wrote "Red Star over China" and several other works on Chinese communists, as a
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    • 365 2 WASHINGTON, Sunday. pRESTDENT Nixon wants the Russians to move 1 the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (Salt) towards firm agreements on scaling down the nuclear arms race, White House officials said yesterday. The talks are on* of the President's priorities (or 19T1
      Reuter  -  365 words
    • 42 2 SOMERS Connect u-ult. Bun. Arthur Culomhe. 4fl. confessed slayer of six people in series of hold-ups died of apparent natui'Hl cauws at the Bt»if Prison Commissioner Ellis C. M*cdougall Mid Culombe died on Tuesday in till cell OFL
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    • 212 2 Closer SinoBritish ties in offing? HONG KONG, Sunday. £JHINA'S release of British banker Mr. David Johnston, 56, raises hopes for an improvement in Sino-British relations, observers here believe. Mr. Johnston, accused by the Chinese authorities of spyinc and jailed for over two years, crossed the border on Friday for a
      Reuter  -  212 words
    • 30 2 HONG KONG. Sun Chairman Mao has outlined a new policy for next year which includes the normalisation of relations with Britain, the Sunday Star, quoting its China sources, said.— UPl.
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    • 115 2 Reshuffle of envoys gets go-ahead MANII.A Sin Pr«Md»nt Marcos ynsteraay approvrd a Foreign Office ie(ommenr). ti<m to reshuftie Philippine amba*adcrt abroad. particularly u-nse who have .s'aypri :n thrir pres> nt pilots lor four >eai> H ■on Thus*- wln'iii the ITesirient oidrr-rl tni'islrrred t" OtIMC |wm -vere MntoijtsHrior to Mexico Mr.
      UPI  -  115 words
    • 157 2 Detectives hunt for clues to girl's killers I ONDON, Sun. Detectives combed snow covered army firing ranges in Pirhrirht today for clues to the killer of a IS year old schoolgirl a case dunned (he Rerl Hiding Hood Murder. Just likr the girl in the children's tale Janet Ste\rns
      AP  -  157 words
    • 39 2 WASHINGTON. Sun Pr»Md«nt Nixon has no plans to vim! Asia early next year, a White House spokesman said tiKtay in reply to reports tha' Mr. Nixon would visit Australia as part of an Asian tour. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  39 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 143 2 JHE EMM MACHINE v^e^r^FI trlf* Cl*k¥ \#oi i 2tliAm%#c nwtmiciirl *iai h«*aU I I %IB^^ w%l| y\^vl (|f yV|j w^ L# f I f |^(vL| B m p j%fj g J k T _«j Zv«4. rat- x^BSk 1^ l The Capri is one of those cars. ..the kind you and
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    • 105 2 when the heats on don't sweat it out. .cool it with 0 HITACHI Hitachi the big, big cooling capacity car air conditioner Whatever the size of your vehicle, Hitachi car air conditioner spreads lots of cool, cool air at a constant automatically controlled temperature to keep you comfortably cool wherever
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    • 288 3 Bucher swop deal hits a snag PIO DE JANEIRO dun. The Brazilian Government told kidnappers of Swiss Ambassador Mr. Giooul Bucher it was ready to free 70 political prisoners as ransom but only on i m conditions. nove came last night 111 a loughly worded communique winch observers I inuld
      Reuter  -  288 words
    • 153 3 Turkish PM'S car attacked by students ISTANBUL. Sunday. I1IOTING students threw several firebombs at I the car of Turkish Premier Mr. Suleyman Demirel here last night. He was not injured. Police said Uie lirebombs exploded a few yards Ironi the cur u the Premier ww driving past the Istanbul Technical
      AP  -  153 words
    • 236 3 NIXON TO ANNOUNCE CHANGE IN ECONOMIC POLICY V/ftflfrOTOW, Sun President \i\on will UMM .soon another 'lange in the organivi li<n of the White Hun-. ti give major status to the field of foreign econ mic policy. I In- change was re-inn-iiiirii by the adviW| council on executive organisation, headed by
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    • 59 3 TOKYO. MB. A 22-ycar-rtnese ruflbui *ai mat* rd v:r.t'id:v on .su"-piciMi of kllllnn an AltllCM :rrvicfmaii in Tokyo ■-■iburban io<-.n at Pum n.iir iho U. 3. TfeebflUkWl PoMet ■iM Ako Mhtsnmoto 'in PFC. Orviv EatnMn. 22. on the head with a btr l^o".lc r\, t. ;-,i.'-
      UPI  -  59 words
    • 94 3 ()REM <Utah>. Sun. Robert Weaver credits a cat he didn't particularly care ior with saving the lives of his family of six in a Christmas morning flro. The cat. however died. Weaver said the cat Jumped on his bed and continued to pester
      AP  -  94 words
    • 89 3 'Free Angela' demo APTCB visit ins Angela Davis in the Maria County jail. her si.ter I .un. Jordan (left) and her brother Riginald Davis lead the demonstrators in a "Free Angela Davis" chant from a pick-up truck in the parking lot where more than 250 supporters gathered. Kegiii -i I*l
      AP  -  89 words
    • 118 3 TOKYO. Sun A South Korean Army deserter left by air yesterday foi Moscow en route to North Korea. seeking political asylum to live with hi* parents Chun.; Hoon-Sang 27. formerly of the South Korean Army seen ofT by several of hit Japanr-c
      AP  -  118 words
    • 393 3 Indira may gamble on an early election NEW DELHI. Sunday. THE stage now seems set for Prime Minister Mrs. Indira Gandhi to hold general elections in February or March next year about 12 months ahead of schedule. Although no final decision has yet been taken. Congress Party leaders have studied
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    • 97 3 Japan's pledge to US on air bases 'POKVO. Sun— The Inited Stales will be "freely allowed to use two of its present air bases in Japan after they revert to Japanese control next year," the director-gen-eral of Japan's Self -defence Agency said yesterday .Mr. V. Nakasone told Parliament that the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 38 3 I j fH B— HB^l m I AQSKst 1 m 3^r :m BUM tMsffl H "^"B ncalir: Nanking Watch Dealers, h.Tlh Br.dg* Rc-oH, I 6 EURNI MITIC SERVICE CENTRE -81H EIOOR DENMARK HOUSE. SINGAPORE 1. if/ i >ii
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    • 501 3 BIIUVYORKER turns kids into powerful he-men" J^ At 18, 1 had a typical kifthmU: V^N tall, 10] a<iJ <k,m-. I4i!b<- I m 'tarred plau'iz •'•"Jv.i:':t\pandtrs Mr 'his, hu; 'he >c<u! f < rcere </i<'^W ;A upp>\< ■■•■■'.y. I'-.-'i the Hullj£4 J t.orkei .Wv progress tvas amazinc rigJiTJ I hft;an pairing
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous

    • 262 4 Russia spells out its rules for writers Mos( o\\ Sun The Kremlin >i'sterda\ spilled out what it expecu of poHs and writers in restrictive terms, t.tkin^ another swipe at "that renegade" Alexander Solzhenitsyn in thr 111 IH'CSV The in a,i o r morning newspapers all ran discourses on the function
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    • 219 4 HANOI IS WARNED: SUPPLY LINES WILL BE HIT IyASHINGTON. Sun.— U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman Adm. Thomas H. Moorer. tiafl declared that if Hanoi attempts a major new offensive this spring in Cambodia or in South Vietnam, the South Vietnamese would hit back by cutting their supply lines. Adm.
      NYT  -  219 words
    • 225 4 C AIGON. Sun. Admiral Bernard A. Clarey. commander of the U.S. Pa -ific Fleet, said today the navy will turn over ail its combat and logistics crait to the South Vietnamese navy but will continue to main- tain advisory personnel
      UPI  -  225 words
    • 82 4 Ted swings it and packs 'em in at Christmas sing-in PRIME MINISTER Heath presenting h i s Christmas S p c t .ic 'til. l l conducting, singinc carols and 1-rarking jokes. lie has been doing the same show for 27 years, but still packs them in at the Grand
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    • 58 4 SEOUL. Sun. President Chmin-Hee Park yaillllla] MWd National At-sembiwn m Paik Nam-Ok. 56. to repine acting chairman Vun ChiTouna <>t th«? rating DMaocntk Republican Party Paik s appointment came in a of tlie parly leadership which followed a Cabinet icahuffai a week imo in which National
      AP  -  58 words
    • 259 4 Egyptian build-up as the ceasefire deadline is nearing CAIRO. Sunday. £GYPTIAN Armed Forces were acquiring more training, arms and efficiency each day of the limited Suez Canal ceasefire, which expires on Feb. 5. Vice-President Aly Sabry said. Mr. Sabry. who returned here from Moscow last night, conferred during his six-day
      Reuter  -  259 words
    • 189 4 Nervous comeback, but Liz still a winner JO N DON. Sun Sporting some grey hairs but still stunningly beautiful. l.h/abetli Javlnr is making her lirst film in nearly two years. And the veteran .18-year-old artress admitted: "I was scared about coming hack on the set." Shr said: "On the second
      AP  -  189 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 237 4 m n New Chinese Character No. Actually it's an IC magnified to 30 times its size. IC stands for Integrated Circuit. An Integrated circuit is a very small circuit block formed by combining or connecting individual groups of vacuum tubes, transistors and diodes (operating as resistors condensers etc.). The vital
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
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  • 338 5  -  COLIN GIBSON: New York. Sun. DETAILS of a plan to attract up to !0.000 foreign tourists a year to Sinicapore for luxury liner cruises around the Indonesian islands have been revealed here. The 14-day trips will he operated year-round by the Holland America Line and
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  • 87 5 CINGAPORF. Sun A new reservoir, with a storage capacity of j.onn million gallons to br built at Upper Chang] Road, la one of the principal water project, ol the Public Utilities Board, The Asian Development Bank lias granted a $24.9 million loan for
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  • 115 5 Raja will open new Outram centre CINGAPORE. Sun. The Minister <»f Foreign Affairs. Mr. Rajaralnam. will open the new Singapore Profrssional Centre at the Outram Park Complex on Jan. 18. This Is one of the important, events in the Commonwealth Heads of State Conference week starting on Jan. 14. Aniunn
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  • 206 5 Frst meeting of team to help small industry CINGAPORE. Sun. The follow-up committee of volunteers set up to help implement Nanyang University's economic workshop guidelines for the growth of small industries, will hold its first meeting tomorrow. The meeting will be held at the board room of Singapore Polytechnic. Tho
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  • 126 5 Xl ALA I.IMPIR. Sun Mara is pl.inninc to suooly huildinr materials to buminutra contractors. Dato !Musi.iil.i bin ll. in Jabhar. deputy to the chairman of Mara, said yesterday. Hr m speaking at the oprninc of the annual meeting; of the Selanror Malay Contractors' Association here.
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  • 197 5 SINGAPORE. Sun THE last guest of Cathay Hotel will check out on 1 Wednesday. The departure will mark the end of the hotel's 18 years as one of South -east Asia's tourist landmarks. But Wednesday will also mark the beginning ot
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  • 33 5 SINGAPORE. Sun The Science and Technolosy Minister. Dr Toll Chin Chye. will open a one-day seminar on "Social sciences r.nd modernisation in Singapore" at the University of Singapore on Jan 9
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  • 104 5 Million dollar deal to build barge SINGAPORE. Sun A locpl .•■hipyard. Far East -Leur.e -ton .Shipbuilding Ltd. has Mi:ned a million dcilar contract with a South-east Asian group ol timipanies for the construction ut a deck carno baiae. The bailie which will require c\er 1.000 tons of steel to build
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  • 77 5 SINGAPORE sun Singapore Armed Forces personnel will conduct military exercises at the Man-Hint area on Tuesday from I p.m. to 5.30 p.m. on Thursday and on Jan. H at 7 a.m. to Jan. 8 at 1 1 .50 pm. Exercises will also b* conducted at Pulau Tekcng
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  • 54 5 SINGAPORE, bun. Hie MP lor Paya Lebai Mi. Tay Boon Too. will a^k ilic Government at the next meeting cf Fmliamcnt un Wednesday, liow many pupils .sat tor ilie primary i.chool leavim: examination m eacn ot Uw lour fcnfUBMI streams in 1168-70. and what i* the percentage ol
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 243 5 f "rAIMTIIL OPEMS" WEDNESDAY OUR SUPER NEW YEAR ATTRACTION! tun i "aP"*^ ifVj ihr deadliest man (f^ii *live takes on a >r*J' whole army with a»»»i ■w^^L^^^?V *S two guns and a I H'^VUCI iistiul of dynamite l f iR^BF *^b U CLINT EASTWOOD CUIIII T*IT mm Z 1 XJyJ
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    • 8 5 The A^ I JSJMtIALO MILL 10. fPOM t.
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    • 437 5 AfUUL >LL SHOWS HO FfEELISf ■ilßl^SlflfiatliMl NOW SHOWING! Horn. 1.30. 4, 6.30 4. 9 30pm MGMi "Houh Ot Oark Shadows' NOW SHOWING! Daily 3 Snewv 2.3 C, 5 45 I 9.00 TORA' Stortt 2 50 60S t 9.20 at iam Adm I S4 UU UNLY f OI TORA! TORA! TORA!"
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 311 6 The Chartered Bank The Chartered Bank was incorporated in 1853 t3 finance trading operations in the East, and the first branch in this area, outside Singapore, was established in Penang in 1875. Further impetus to the Bank's development occurred shortly after the turn of the century when the rubber industry
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    • 56 6 CONGRA TULA TIONS to DUNLOP ESTATES BERHAD as one of the founders of the Rubber Plantation Industry of Malaysia, on their Sixtieth Anniversary DUNLOP RUBBER PURCHASING DUNLOP MALAYAN RUBBER COMPANY PRIVATE LIMITED SUPPLY COMPANY SDN. BHD. 2nd Floor, Malayan Bank Chambers, 28, Kamponq Jawa Road, 2, Battery Road, Klang, Singapore
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    • 5 6 D DUNLOP ESTATES BERHAD Supplement
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    • 1362 6 COMPANY IN STRONG POSITION TO FACE THE FUTURE DUNLOP Estates Berhad is proud to have been associated with Malaysia over the past 60 years. Through two World Wars, the Great Depression of the early thirties, and the Emergency period, through lean jears and
      1,362 words
    • 641 7 WITH THE COURAGE OF PIONEERS— WHEN the Dunlop Company started Its own plantations sixty years ago. it embarked on a tremendous task. Large areas of jungk' were cleared, millions of seedling rubber trees were planted, and nurtured to flourish in a land fai
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    • Page 26 Advertisements
      • 67 26 Will h'l'HL^'i'jß jm9^ J £*ta* TM The Hungarian Gypsies will spirit you away with romantic music. This time, let Marie Claire Frenchwoman extraordinaire purr her way to your heart while Fothy Janos his group serenade you as you dine and wine. And who knows what could happen in the flickering
        67 words
      • 102 26 Lav CLASSIFIEDS 20 words S2O 00 minimum) You can be t confident of a f bright f uture^B w l_ i p^^ yk IW rt» Ik'^v Join the SAF now as Trainee Technicians. Opportunities are available for young men to pursue worthwhile and rewarding careers at Technicians. II you possess
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    • Page 26 Miscellaneous
      • 65 26 Weather outlook The weather outlook for SIN(iAPORL today iinm 6 am iO noon: Occasional Flight showers. The outlook from 6 a.m. today to 6 a m. tomorrow within a 20-mile radius of the following towns: Kuala Lumpur, thunderstorms In atternoon; Prnang, Intermittent rain in morning, thunderstorm in afternoon; Ipoh, moderate
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 144 7 Heartiest Congratulations f to fDUXLOP ESTATE§ BHD.f on the occasion of their i Diamond Jubilee I from «.l I Ll>E LTD. I I I I Agents I Guthrie Boustead Shipping Agencies I Sendirian Berhad t HIAP AIK CONSTRUCTION Co. MALACCA EXTEND THEIR HEARTIEST CONGRATULATIONS TO DUNLOP ESTATES BHD. MALACCA ON
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 253 8 Congratulations to Dunlop Estates Berhad on their Diamond Jubilee i^Sj^QUALITY AIR Q^^^|COMPRESSORS H _j Sigurd Stenhoj have been jjjJL* H leading the way in producing ji» tough, reliable single and *^§H t w ostage Air Compressors for ~V nearly 40 years. Most I requirements are met by range I available.
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    • 17 8 With the Compliments of Van Leer Containers (M) Sdn. Bhd. Petaling Jaya P.O. Box 18 Tel: *****4
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    • 154 8 BARLOW BULKING SENDIRIAN BERHAD Extend their Congratulations and Best Wishes to OUNLOP ESTATES BERHAD on the occasion of their Diamond Jubilee Congratulations Best Wishes to DUNLOP ESTATES BERHAD on their Diamond Jubilee From:bm BEHN mEYER SUPPLIES TO THE PLANTING INDUSTRY: Nitrophoska Compound Bayer Household Pesticides I Rubber Processing Chemicals Straight
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  • 106 9 TOP HIDING PLACE FOR A GUN A DETECTIVE (top) stands on the ledge of a window to < limb through the ceiling of a house in Jalan Loyang Brsar where an automatic pistol is hidden. In a shed outside $500,000 from the Chartered Bank robbery was recovered early yesterday.
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  • 85 9 SINGAPORE, Sun. The jackpot for todays final Christmas Special Toto draw No. 103/70 is $190,000 because there were DO top prize winners in the previous draw. The numbers drawn today were 16, 9. 36 24 and 29. The iuiii:tictial number was 1. In the
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  • 32 9 SINGAPORE. Sun It was a day of preparation today at Raffles Place and the Golden shoe" district for traffic plan changes to put into eflect tomorrow the Raffles Mall scheme.
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  • 296 9 PA employees cannot talk to Press SINGAPORE, Sun. Employees of the People's Association may not talk to the Press or make public statements criticising the association or take an active part in party politics. This prohibition is laid down in the People"s Association (Conduct and Discipline) Regulations, which will come
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  • 296 9 SINGAPORE. Sun. J^(iKK Ann Techlii cal College which 00l a million loan from the Asian Development Bank yesterday for iissll million expansion |)l;in. is expected f<> raise its annual output of technicians l>\ eight limes in five years.
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  • 271 9 Timber pirates in Brunei make $1 mil haul BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, Sun. Timber pirates armed with chainsaws and bulldozers have floated down-river $1 million worth of timber for sale in Japan and Hong Kong. Reports said bulldozer driving raiders from Sarawak were ploughing over Brunei's isolated border areas and stealing
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  • 64 9 SINGAPORE. Sun The NTUC's Workers Co-operative Commonwealth for Transport Ltd (COMFORT i has decided to hold a ballot for Its 1,000 new taxis at the National Theatre on Jan. 5 at 10.30 am. instead of at the Victoria Memorial Hall on Dec 29 Reasons given are
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 37 9 60 1 J -IS i c !W 1 A -M Plastic cushion holds falser teeth SsT^* tight EASES SORE GUMS Not a paste! Not a powder! Easy and clean to apply r •V' 1 n»p. QIMJVjr cushions
      37 words
    • 469 9 The malay peninsula in 1552 H The Chersonese peninsula, as it was then H known, formed part of the map of the world drawn by Greek cartographer, Ptolomey in fj? 150 AD, used for 1000 years after as a stands>:•: ard reference by map-makers in Europe. This Wk map dates
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous

  • The Straits Times
    • 389 10 The office of President oi the Republic of Singapore is unusual. The President is elected, but not by popular vote. He is Head of State, but has no political power. He symbolises the- integrity and the values of the Republic, yet is more than a symbol. Professor
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    • 310 10 An early parliamentary election in India almost a year ahead of schedule is now on the cards. The working committee of Mrs. Indira Gandhi's ruling Congress party is in lavour of it, and the chances are that Mrs. Gandhi will go along with the committee's view
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    • 315 10 "Cicero", the almost legendary spy \vh<> passed Allied information of th«: highest value to Nazi Ger many during the second world war. has died— pen niless iind with nope of a pension abandoned. Cicero, a Levantine, was personal valet to the British Ambassador in Ankara. He was
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  • Article, Illustration
    652 10 PETER SHARROCK REPORTS FROM PHNOM PENH TRYING HARD TO BE NORMAL WHILE GUNFIRE RUMBLES THE normality of this charming riverside city after nine months of war still astonishes visitors but rocketing prices, the nightly rumble of nearby mortar attacks and terrorist bombs have had their effect
    Reuter  -  652 words
  • Letters
    • 94 10 RECENTLY I went '•'for an interview for the post of temporary teacher with the hope that after teaching in a private school for ten years I would stand a better chance. But I was told by the interviewer that teaching experience in private schools
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    • 182 10 NEED FOR TRAFFIC LIGHTS IT his been suggested 1 frequently that traffic lights should be Installed at the junction of Jalan Rlong with Jalan BangMr, but nothing appears to have been done about the matter and the need Is increasing week by week For motorists wishing to turn out of
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    • 83 10 VOU published a letter of mine under the headIng "Back-log" (8.T. Oct. 23). wherein I bemoaned the attitude of the births and deaths department in Ipoh in tackling a back-log of 10.000 applications for birth certificates There was no response to my suggestion that temporary star! should
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    • 64 10 pVERY evening In Seremban about 5.30 a herd of cattle parades along Rahang Square, Green Lane and even the Lake Gardens. As they pass, they leave their mess behind. The cattle also enter private gardens and eat the flowers. They also knock down dustbins and block
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    • 67 10 IAM a regular book buyer and I find, that most books are contrary to your opinion, cheap. The libraries can never be a threat to the book industry because libraries are useful places for finding references only. They do not have the latest editions of many works and
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    • 170 10 CINCE the article '"Teacher Exodus" appearing in the Asia Magazine. d 1 s trlbuted with the Sunday Times, there has been no otllcial repudiation by the Mim.-try of Education There was one statement !n the article which was most foreboding. I quote "And some commercial firms
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  • 443 10  -  DON SHANNON BY TOKYO pOMMUNIST Chinese fears of a reviving Japanese militarism are genuine, a Japanese Socialist Party official believes. Torao Takasawa, a member of the party's central committee and head of its education and propaganda bureau, said in an interview on
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 15 10 JUDGE Wlstu ft&V«°"""«<" Vv|ag/ for YOUR MONEY ■ft I I~J TMi »*N« fO» »tt-»IO »M»»M»U.
      15 words
    • 116 10 damor L, PARIS i*?** #1 V donor perfumes V;;;y COSMETICS Wt m £Z? No. 1 pertime t LC POW H Win. t RW N(. 2 talc powder |*-> I f m Nr 3 stick Lm/L r*#«+,*l deitoail |H Rosewood Furniture INTERIOR DECORATION MMiificturtd by! SINGAPORE HANDICRAFTS CEN T RE SHOWROOM
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  • Business Times
    • 196 11  -  ILSA SHARP By HONG KONG'S biggest boom Industry, wigmaking, has (jonc Into a sudden decline— and Singapore is partly to blame When 40.000 wig workers were laid off in recent weeks, about 30 per cent of the total wigmaking workforce. Mr George M. H.
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    • 508 11  - Time for care in buying BLAIR JOHNSON By THE trading boards x of the Stock Exchange of Malaysia and Singapore may look like the signs outside a bargain store, but intending investors must take care in the coming year. Market sentiment is not going to pick up quickly after the
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    • 261 11 ONE of the most Important amendments to the Securities Industry Bill effects Unit Trust managers and trustees. The Bill as planned had drawn them Into the net classifying them as persons who dealt in securities and would have made their services to unitholders more
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    • 417 11  - Singapore engineer to help develop new Aussie town CHUA SENG CHWEE By A MULTI-MILLION dollar contract for design co-ordination and engineering In a massive Australian real estate development scheme has been awarded to K.T Philcox and Associates, a firm of consulting engineers with offices in Singapore, Bangkok and Hongkong. Announcing
      417 words
    • 226 11  -  CROESUS By Accommodating accounts RECENTLY criticism was levelled at the standards of local accounting by the Deputy Controller of »he Development B*nk of Singapore. Mr (hew Kens Seng charged he had come arm"-"- many ra**>. of MbMmi violating accounting principles, committing breaches of the Companies Art and exercising
      226 words
    • 974 11  - Asia is heading for a livestock boom ALAN CHALKLEY A MASSIVELY GROWING DEMAND FOR MEAT By DY 1985, Asia as a re**gion is likely to be over three million tons short of meat and 26 million tons short of milk. This part of the "protein gap" in the region's diet
      974 words
    • 120 11 The following list of stocks were the ten most dealt in last week. The list gives the turnover in thousands of units, closing price on Thursday and high and low for the year. NAME TTRNOVER PRICE HIGH LOW MPKKIAI. HOTEL PACIFIC CHEMICALS iENTOSA PLYWOOD
      120 words
    • 399 12 SERENK HOTTSE, the last of four centres, previously used by AmerlR R personnel visit ln« Singapore, will .1 homely atmosphere. The centre, standing en (luny and Karrer near the junction mile Bukll Tlmah R iad, was last used in January by American ra on leave Imm South Vletn im.
      399 words
    • 131 12 ]Y|K. WILLIAM H. >m fllis. vice pnaMant and general managei ol ingri-La Hotel in Singapore will attend the 25th annual Western International Hotels managen meeting to be held at the Bayshore Inn In v a neon ve r Brit i a h Columbia, from Jan. 3
      131 words
    • 2342 12 By CHRISTIAN TYLER (Financial Times. London). HOW PRICES COMPARE (SU.S.) ONCE analn this year the international cost ot living has moved steadily higher but at an accelerating rate WhereI as a year ago most countries involved In our world survey of living
      2,342 words
      • Article, Illustration
        122 12 MISS !v> Slow ha« b#»n appointed Publlr Helations Director of Singapore Hyatt Hotel, in charge of liaising with all department heads on promotional matters. A graduate of the University of Singapore. Miss 8iow worked as a reporter before joining a local advertising firm as an account executive and public
        122 words
      • 51 12 MR Aiwr* Alkjft hai been appointed a direci'.r ol .1 Malayan Tru I mark House, Singapore, at the company'! annual general meeting last Monday. Mr. Alkaff has been Honorary Bi M He is h licensed valuer and estate md a Fellow of the Rnglii h A sociatton of
        51 words
      • 41 12 VjR. David Nag*- haa ■'i appointed Marger of Vriivo Malaysia Ho wis formerly Demler Development Mnn->tr(T of Volvo Western rs Mr Nngei will supenrtaa the marketing of Volvo 'I trucks, tparg d servicing iitirratlons In Milßvsia Singapore, and Hong Kong.
        41 words
      • 211 13 1 1 11 only three and a hall Hay's trading the I vchinge of Malayiml Singapore was (iiiiet last week. Powever, 'he ■adtrtyhtg •(.in strum; with 62 Industrial counters training and only 14 losing -m with 13 remaining unrljarißed. i|s<i improved with 7 mo.lnc up. 3 down and
        211 words
      • 179 13 Till London rubber market lost further .rotiml during the week i- liquidation and switchnut of nearby termini) position continued First half 1971 contracts lost mi to id D«t Ib. Forwards were relathrctj belter supported on short covering and nritehlag and conse--1411 ellt I y differentials led tn widen.
        179 words
      • 88 13 I 'HE Singapore Rubber Brokers Association released the following information in respert to business transacted i SMR. (or the week ending December 24. RMR 5 CV January 1 1-ton Pallet) 2 cents premium January d-ton Pallet) 2 cents premium smr January 1 1-ton Pallet i W cent discount
        88 words
      • 92 13 trading rted during the past •itencd weelc in .luce market. -.iw iictiviiy at a i ni buyers i ill} withdrawn. In ihe week some ing Intemi from •mdc for steadier it, the coffee i>;T-t;ike »a.< estll.iii tons. ,;.s<i reIlllj on consunierthe various on I nominal liirtrely unpper wetar
        92 words
      • 125 13 Chinftc ProfH'ce ■■•han(i«, umiclpori, norni prut pat i«-uI nn Thuriday Coconut Oil: Bulk foV «Iltr». .Imn J«l) Hllm, Copti 11.on.) ioom Jan./ K.I. IK (oni IM B. Pipptr: Miniliik ASTA whltt f., I, H»i'. NLVV SIXII «rll.T>. S»r»- NI.W *110 ■rllaci tarawaa *i»-ii.ii hiark i.o.h. ■•i.w lift I
        125 words
      • 119 13 MR Tan I'uau Yimiu ot Buan i cc Braf s\a s Cl iirman of new rnxiuce Ex■li.uif' In Singapore for Mr lun tm Mr Tan S.^rk •i Hoe Thong ffll Hi n >r;iry Tri-a- ir M< Horn* "I Buan i Mr Tan if i Tnng, Committee members: Messrs
        119 words
      • 59 13 tBtfaatrtabi Hatotai rtlM: S ruhbrri: l»er. -'I l>r. n<i30 |3li.4S i>i 34 si n KH 13 l''O M 9li 8K 90 RR Jljut ***** t><- 25 I n?r |n io«« ino Drr 31 1»«8 100 t Dae. .38. 1862 100 l>rr. ;:< ins ,s7 100 88 113.14
        59 words
      • 444 13 «i, HT nt prlce of P" 8torlt 142 1M9 70 high 12.13; low si .30. E«mint» yWd 14.3 per c?nt. Price etrnlngR r«tio 7.0. gARNINGS shot up 10 points to 20.4 per cent at Chemical Company of Malaysia (CCM in the financial year ended September
        444 words
      • 234 13 OVERSEAS MARKET REPORTS LONDON: The market moved narrowly last week In very quiet trading ahead of the Christmas holiday. Company news was sparse and failed to prompt any features in the market, while the steady condition* on Will Street provided little Incentive Government bonds were firmer reflecting year-end window dressing,
        234 words
      • 28 13 it.itn UnUns < attlrfield IK) p nlli. II' 22' Oatr TnUlfnr p.«>ahlr the vrar .Ian 18 F»b 23 27«i'» CurrMit Total fnr prrvinu* year nvt% t Interim
        28 words
      • 936 14 AS a service to readers, tl.e Business Times published weekly a I detailed analysis of some eighty selected shares traded on the Exchange of Malaysia and Singapore. The year's highs and lows are followed by the week's move- I menu ln price and turnover with calculated dividend
        936 words
      • 1048 14 THE following Is a list of revised quotations for counters not included In the above analysts for the week up to Thursday Dec. 24 with price movement* based on a comparislon of last salw on Dec. 18 and Drr. 21 shown in brackets. INDUSTRIALS B. S. L,
        1,048 words
      • 32 14 RI'BBKR TIN (per Ibl (per picul) Dee. 21. 50.. ct«. ff".?. 22. M cts. S«11 XT' i 23. 49. els. MtS-IZH 24. 49\ els. IttSJS 25. Closed Insrd 26- (lose*
        32 words
      • 202 14 The following company meet* ings are due: Sea View Hotel 1.W.: Dec. 28, 9.30 a.m.. Hotel premises at Amber Close. Katcng. Singapore 15. Wearne Brothers. Ltd.: Dec 29. 12 noon. 45 Orchard Road £i:.i'apore 9. Bukit Mrrt..jam Ruhrxr t*. lid.: i>< :<o. 11.00 in no 52. Jalan Ampai-.c, Kuala
        202 words
      • 16 14 T"r MHK s TOTU 1)1 'AT i' liffS 1I?4 Percent) It 5b «^S3S!: avera^^^i-i-^3.000:
        16 words
      • 15 14 IE sr ft SS o n £2 £5 "■p»~ v,v:::::::::::. 5.1!, 2i
        15 words
      • 251 14 XTKW YORK. Thurß— Stocks wound up their pre-hol!da\ week with a net ?ain and finished the Christmas Eve ?«-s«lon siaunchly in plus terrifnrv Though the days advances was solJd. the session was rclaHvelv dull as toward the close trading contracted to a trickle except for a few laree
        251 words
      • 84 14 rhursday fil 80 Wednesday (180 Week apo 64.08 Rl BBKRS rhursdav li,2 47 Wednesday 1R2.15 Week ago: 161 22 OILS rhtirrdav 288 34 WertrfsdKT 2K8 89 Week nco- 290 75 IMM STRIW.S riiinvr 1 33S8 WorV.rtday 13|.| R>»k am 3.11 6 mm iokfm *\fr\i.i ivni «rni/%i.s IT K'8 38
        84 words
      • 161 14 LONDON Thiir* The mar- J** 1! "'hanged In Rirnost 'die trading. Some scattered par'i way movements were seen cmnne leading Immb, bir conditions were Mack ahead of the Christmns Holiday. CILTEORCO Exchrqu,, 5 r; MJ F«> n« 3-. w .J Tre-,,,,rv MS T:) Trjwur, V 4 KM,, 12 9
        161 words
    • 3 14 sHaFaaSsSs
      3 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 35 11 USG Demountable Partitions TEXTONE-NONCOMBUSTIBLE HANDSOME, ECONOMICAL ANALLS THATARE MOXABLE AND REUSABLE. M Enquiries lot McALISTER CO. LTD. „5.«R0«).S. W 3 Tf *****1 Branch**: Ku«ULump,,-. M f».«ng KwMM Kuch.nß- Bw *eu KiiUtwu. Bangkok and Hong tens..
      35 words
    • 239 11 (WSIDE Tb« rUini ewt of IMng ronnil (hr world: Property column; Proplr In bu«inr*«. Pucr It. (.CM. poitrd to pay up: Orrr«ra< markrt rrports; market fttngaporr producr; I undon wrekto rahfcrr report. Pip 11. Ntw York market, Umdun miirkrl Weeklj share •naJyafa Mid other cl»»ln« prim. Pip 14. '^E^^T^rnm^^^PP^^H
      239 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 79 12 RDE i us $210 postage /j IJ ti ji I THE STrTiTSTIMES DIRECTORY OF I I MALAYSIA AND SINGAPORE IWJLoI I enclose htrewith a po»tal,money order or chequ* for f/Vml^ being my payment for The Buku Merah, 1970. Postal: Delivery ViF\ J to Malaysia and Singapore $2.10 extra. Overseas delivery
      79 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 229 13 MANAGER TIMBER DEPARTMENT -SINGAPORE The successful applicant must possess a fluent command of English and local languages. The applicant must have several years of experience in the timber trade. We require an honest hardworking person who will be paid in accordance to his qualifications. As the applicant will deal with
      229 words
    • 620 13 Cement Marketing Co. <M) Sdn. Bhd. will now consider applications tor A BUILDING MATERIAL SALESMAN The successful apoiicom *ill be required to promote the soles of o number of established trend* of building materials ond to take responsibility fcr the development of his soles territory He will be reouir«d to
      620 words
    • 788 13 SENIOR AGRICULTURALIST Tropicol Agriculture THE COMMONWEALTH DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION IS conceined «ith the promotion, ope'n'ion onrl rronoge'rent of o wide variety of commercial enterprises, includino some) mo|Or agricultural s«»Ot» prOi'Ct'. n> the developing oreat ot the world, ond wi'Kf i^ strpngt^»» its tejm pf (agricultural specialists to cope with future development
      788 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 545 14 Chemical Company of Malaysia Berhad (Incorporated in Malaysia) NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Ninth Annual General Meeting of Chemical Company of Malaysia Berhad will be held in the Board Room of Malaysian Industrial Development Finance Berhad, 4th Floor, Bangunan MIDF, 117 Jalan Ampang, Kuala
      545 words
    • 715 14 WARNING NOTICE '(.mkx Mr. Gohel Jitubha Anandsinh and Madam Vasantba Ratansing w/o Gohel Jitubha Anandsinh trading as Ratansing tt Company at 71-B, Market Street. Singapore, are the registered proprietors of the above identified trade mark registered under No. ***** in Part A of the Register in Class 30 for pepper
      715 words

  • 152 15 SIM.APORt:. Sun. It's bulls-eye for pretty Grace I urn. 21, who knows nothing about bows and arrows. But she won the "Miss Archery Queen 1970" at the Victoria Memorial Hall last night. It was however a target hit with a difference not a bow-and-arrow aim
    152 words
  • 162 15 NO DELIVERY OF MAIL, PARCELS ON NEW YEAR'S DAY SINGAPORE. Sun. The Postmaster-General has announced that there will be no delivery of correspondence or parcels on New Year's Day. Hours vi business at tiie General Post Office on that day will be from 9 a.m. to 12 noon. All other
    162 words
  • 51 15 SINGAPOHi. Sun. Mr. Tan Hoay Gie has l,een elected president ol the bn gapcre Boys' Brigade. Other officials are: Major Khoo Buan Hln and Mr. Folc Tai Loy i vice-presidents i, Mr. Lee I iat Cheng (secretary). Mr. Tan Boon Yeow lasst. secretary; and Mr. L.F. Strange
    51 words
  • 40 15 KUnLit LUMPUR, sun.—Participants from 31 countries today registered for the first convention of the international Federation of Free Teachers' Unions »t the Federal Hotel i.ere Education Minister Inche Hussein Onn will ..pen the four-day convention tomorrow.
    40 words
  • 28 15 SINGAPORE. Sun The Mnuttei for Fnreißn Affairs and Labour. Mr. S Rajair.tnam. will Ptfiid the Central Provident Fund Board kihiuhl staff dinner at Oasis restaurant tomorrow.
    28 words
  • 11 15 SINGAPORE 3un There were 69 accident*, live aarioua. yaatcrday
    11 words
  • 411 15 $14m EXPANSION FOR STEEL MILL SINGAPORE, Sun. National Iron and Steel Mills will double its output within a year with ;i $14 million expansion plan to serve the industrial needs of Singapore. This expansion, announced tonight by Mr. Gk)h Seong Pek, its managing director at the
    411 words
  • 450 15 Registrar gets list of 'eligible' lawyers SINGAPORE, Sun. The year by year difficulties of Supreme Court authorities in getting members of the Bar to defend accused persons on capital charges at public expense will be over when the new Legal Year begins next month. The situation is expected to improve
    450 words
  • 393 15 The future of 3,000 Base workers facing retrenchment CINGAPORE, Sun. 3 What is the future of some 3.000 whitecollar workers at the British bases who are due to be retrenched by the middle of next yea i Are they thinking ot re-employment in more or less similar situations in the
    393 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 113 15 2 superb sets front Cartridge pen, ballpoint, _^-88^5p5355^^5iP5t 3 desk ballpoints ipP"" 1 (red, green, blue). 2 acrylic \*SS^"'^(!a4H t'P painting sticks. 3 ink 1 I 1 I Vi VJomilVlMV ballpoint erasers and a 1 1 1 I w, Hntll V. six inoh ruler-all in 1111 )X w» 11 M
      113 words
    • 112 15 HOTEL %>nO>fe 1 sinGopura f INTERCONTINENTAL.."! 585 ORCHAM) ROAD TEL *****2 RLSTAURAMT fJoin us for dinner to celebrate a Happy New Yearns Eve— Fabulous Menu, Dancing and flots of novelties. m m $i All included $30 per person Wktriitr it's sporti in til* tun or «ro»li under artificial light*. «y«»
      112 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 783 15 TV and Radio 3.M P.M. Opening and General 7.N For the Family (Chinese— Hospital Repeat) 3.21 Indian Classical Dance 74, News and NewsrEe in Chinese 3.5. Sri Even, in Sm.apore ST^JE.."? Ssh Ml R XX" Sincere (Tamil-Repeat) angusnj 4.11 Days of Our Lives >M Spotlighl— Music Variety 4.55 Close U*s
      783 words

    • 960 16  - Barbarism in closeup and analysis of the Soviets EDWARD CRANKSHAW By BABI YAR by A. Anatoli, trans lated by David Floyd (Cape 48s) WILL THE SOVIET UNION SURVIVE UNTIL 1984? by Andrei Amalrik (Allen Lane 30s) ITNTIL Yevttislii'iiko published his poem (liter tiikcii ;«s a theme by Shostakovich) in 1961,
      960 words
    • 280 16  - History journal gets a new name JAN KAROL By IfHE Journal of the Hlstorical Society tof the University of Malaya i has changed its name. Its ninth, issue, which appears under the title Jernal Sejarah. has four articles and a book review in Bahasa Malaysia, reflecting the increased in- struction
      280 words
    • 383 16  - Time when Britain delights every visitor Irston R. Barnes 8y SPRINGTIME IN BRITAIN by Edwin Hay Teale (Dndd Mead 1557.50) TN more than a score of books Teale has written of nature in the familiar American scene He began more than 30 years ago. Springtime in Britain Is Teale's first
      383 words
    • 469 16  - A sympathetic study of the guerilla struggle in Guinea COLIN LEGUM By THE LEBERATION OF GUINEA: Aspects of an African Revolution by Basil Davidson (Penguin 6s). AFRICA'S guerilla movements and leaders are comparatively unknown for some reason they have Tailed to capture the romantic imagination of Western radicals to anything
      469 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 105 16 LM^|kl>' I Advertisers with products or services to sell to the well-to-do ot Singapore I will certainly welcome NEW NATION, the new quality afternoon I S newspaper NEW NATION Readers are the high-income earning people the people who respond to advertising messages I Make sure your advertising plans include this
      105 words
    • 110 16 ANNOUNCEMENT from De Witt'S i A new shape pill But no change in formula A new golden bottle cap p^ For better protection <fl A A modern new pack aMaaM >nlM<w>M>>M^ \i^l For our famous Oe Witt's Pills. Wt have Imkmm.m., madt a ttw changes to modernize our I packing.
      110 words

  • Letters to the Editor
    • 148 17 Can we have concealed wiring in a flat? IHAD the opportunity recently of attending a eminar on industrial safety at the Hotel Equatorial. At the l.i>< session of the tar, members of the audience were invited to questions on industrial safety. Someone a.sked why the IMB would not approve
      148 words
    • 108 17 1 FULLY endorse the view xpressed in Ong Peng Slang's letter 'ST.. Dec. 17) 'ing that T.N.K. refrains from committing indecent acts in public parks that will breed Peeping 'i'niu.s and thugs. These undesirable elements appear to have mdd by leaps and bounds In recent years and it Is no
      108 words
    • 218 17 Why not our best bowler? fIMESPORT has picked Patricia Chan and Kunalan as Sportswoman and Sportsman of the Year (ST., Dec. 25). Why don't we admit that both of them are has-beens? The Sportsman or the Year award should go instead to our bowler, Henry Tan, who is the second
      218 words
    • 62 17 I WOULD like to bring up the case of a Flame of the Forest tree in a house in Bremeau Drive in Serangoon Gardens Estate. It is a deciduous tree and is a nuisance to the families behind it. Sometimes the kaves fall into our food
      62 words
    • 114 17 I REFER to the letter from "C.T.E." (ST.. Dec. 15) requesting for the provision of a posting box in Cantonment Road I wish to inform the writer that there are four posting boxes located within a convenient distance In tho vicinity of Cantonment Road These are at
      114 words
    • 141 17 I REFER to the letter by "Puzzled (ST.. Dec. 7. The general consensus of opinion Is that drama is the type of programme most appreciated by our audience between 8 and 9 on a Sunday evening It is for this reason that we have scheduled dramas of varying types at
      141 words
    • 81 17 I REFER to the letter by T.K. Sim (ST.. Dec. 17 1 complaining about the three-legged table-tennis table at Nelson Road community centre. The matter has been looked Into and the investigation revealed that there is no such table in the centre. T.K. Sim may be mistaken for there is
      81 words
    • 135 17 I REFER to the letter writtin by "The Angered" i <ST. Dec 14) I» is not an examination I regulation for a .school canI dldate to wear his school I uniform to write his School Certificate or Higher School Certificate examination papers, and no invigilator has been instructed by this
      135 words
    • 100 17 I REFER to the letter by A. K. Scan <S.T.. Dec. 17) regarding the flre-engine that was delayed by a oneway street and a traffic jam. Ihe police received a aa9 call about the fire at Bejeral Lane at 4.49 p.m. and immediately Informed Fire Control. Despite the fact that
      100 words
    • 103 17 r'O of your readers have complained (S.T. Dec. 17 and 21) of vandals causing damage to their motorcars. Under the law, a person found causing mischief to a motorcar is liable on conviction to imprisonment for a term which may extend to two years or to a fine, or to
      103 words
    • 117 17 Picking up rubbish at lunch hour AS there are 24 hours in a day, I cannot understand why the Ministry of Health should specially send its van to collect refuse from Hock Lam Street during lunch hour (1 p.m. to 2 p.m.). How can one enjoy the food at the
      117 words
    • 122 17 WHAT is all this twaddle about parents having to Dlan the birth of their children in November and December so that they (the children) could he admitted to Primary One on January 1 without having to wait? It is surprising that the Government. which should cater to the needs of
      122 words
    • 91 17 I HAVE a beautiful new Honda 175 motorcycle to which I have fitted a side-car with the intention of carrying my two kids (aged seven and eight) and their mother .is pillions. That calls for four i r.ish helmets. There isn't any problem about storage of four helmets when we
      91 words
    • 98 17 I REFER to the recent letters on the safety of lifts in HI)B flats. May I offer a suggestion" Why not convert all lifts doors (both inner and outer) and walls of every floor into "see through" ones by using either plastics, glMh
      98 words
    • 172 17 A gate will make life easier for all the kids PARENTS of children i studying in schools in Thomson Road would be grateful if the authorities could look Into their plight. To get to these schools the Thomson Secondary, Thomson Primary and Lee Kuo Chuan school the child will have
      172 words
    • 38 17 \f V friends and I subscribe I*l to the Prospect magazine and have always re- ceived it on time. But we have yet to receive this months issue. Could the ministry concerned please comment? STILL WAITING. Singapore 15.
      38 words
    • 248 17 Why can't the HDB let out for-sale flats that are vacant? A LARGE part of Geylang Serai is affected by the Governments urban renewal scheme. Being one of those affected. I was ordered to vacate my present house as soon as possible. I complied and decided to move into the
      248 words
    • 137 17 I REFER to the letter by "Darrell" (8.T., Dec. 15). It is most unlair that because on a few occasions his mail have been mislaid or delayed he puts the entire blame on the Postal Services Department. The letter from England which took about 54 days to reach him could
      137 words
    • 236 17 AM not a YIP (that 1 makes me a NIP "not jortant person" t. So when the Japanese floating fair came to Singapore recently I could not go on the first and second days which were reserved for VIPs. The third day however was "open to the public" according to
      236 words
    • 105 17 rO letters have appeared in your paper against the continuation of the Sunday evening church broadcast Thf criteria in deciding whether this programme should continue is whether there Is a ra^io audience I have received a letter from Klang this month and the writer who was not aware of these
      105 words
    • 103 17 GIRLS AND ADVERTS CAN ALSO DISTRACT THE MOTORIST I REFER to your report iST.. Dec. 23 > headlined: "Warning on thos« extras In cars." I agree that there should not be decorative disc* other than the road tax disc On the other hand, the police say teddy bears are distracting,
      103 words
    • 292 17 Dec. 20 I was watchw ing the Chinese variety show on TV. This is one of the most popular programmes produced by RTS. On this occasion how?ve r, the whole show was spoilt by a bad "magician." When the "magician" appeared. I expected to see some surprises. Instead I was
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 190 17 mm if j I you re I J over I this concerns youf IT TELLS YOU HOW TO LOOK STILL 30 WHEN YOU'RE 40 FORMULA 3 Geriatric Capsules are not just any Geriatric Capsules. FORMULA 3 Geriatric Capsules are formulated with the OVER 30's in mind. As YOU grow older
      190 words
    • 53 17 Scotch by IjHj Tradition RID HACKLE Scotch WWnky Awarded Gold Medal in 1970 y^M B^ ot the Bth World Selection of s2^ *3Kw«bbbW\ Winai, Alcoholi A Liquon \m BE, Rotterdam, Holland. W It it I »?11l l CLAYMORE LEE OftGANISATION I No. I}*, Imerold Hill Rood .Ground Floor, }in«*M«t 0
      53 words

  • 127 18 SINOAPORE. Sun. A detective and an offduty police constable caught three thieves in two incidents yesterday. At about 9.30 a.m.. detective Chan Kirn Chong of Queenstown police station stopped two men along Queensway. He found eight rolls of copper wire on them.
    127 words
  • 247 18 SINGAPORE. Sun. YOUTH who escaped from a lockup yesterday, ■nd an escaped prisoner were captured l>\ police in two operations since last night. Officers and detectives from Central and Joo Chiat Police Stations raided the home of Chhan Kam Seng, 22, in Mountbatten Road last
    247 words
  • 55 18 SINGAPORE. Sun Mr G. Kandasamy. secretary-general of the Amalgamated Union of Public Employees, will attend a special general meeting of the nursing branch of the union at Vickers pavilion in Kampong Bahru Road at 7 p.m. tomorrow. The meeting will discuss the nurses' grouse? relating
    55 words
  • 183 18  - Rahita, nine, dabbling in bank accounting Bailyne Sung By SINGAPORE. Sun. Rahita Elias. nine, tries her hand at the ledger machine and learns something about the management of money while a paternally smiling Dato Lee Chee Shan looks on. Dato Lee. managing director of the Chung Khiaw Bank, encouraged Rahita
    183 words
  • 121 18 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. —The Democratic Action Party today urged the Government to grant the renewal of work permits to those people who have applied for citizenship under naturalisation. even though they did so after July 1 last year. At present, this category of
    121 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 101 18 HBmlß^^^^^l JBfSii^i Bifcßfc BY* «v .j^v B^^^^^^^^B^b a> I r 9P bbj i ?f.> Sv wJ Ib^SPßm ■•?tefl^" A IBV^BVHBbI BHBIBBB^^^V^BKSLnS L^BHB^BH ■B^ Bflßl ■■■Dl |R^^ m BBrfBM By I) SIUYVESAWT rm^P So much more to enjoy Today v there's more reason than ever to join the y^ exciting international
      101 words
  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 261 18 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS from Israel? (B>. 1 Politician fosters tntlmate re- 6 Scholarly accnuntan' geta latlonship <8. 2, Si. half, approximately ,g, Beauty covered In rouge was 7 The Spanish city* expedient: revolting! <B>. settle for boilers 18. 7>. f Give satisfaction a polite 12 Examiner gets crustier IB
      261 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 1159 19 TO LIVERPOOL »ND 01MH II K /CONIINENIAL PORIS: .UI^EOON jMtIMUHM UeS l°" 'V.M Hr n" mkhaon ...e.pooi itc m jm 2 lirv i tcl HEIENUS nvtrpoci. Gias|o« Im 1 Ja* t In 1/ im ii IijTOUCUS L pool. Belfast. Oußlia. C'go« Im I Jaa tl Jm 12 11 mii PIIIM
      1,159 words
    • 1086 19 m* > i MJ 1 1 1 'J 'J LV?9ri h 1 1) MlM dixect to HAMBURG IN 30 DAYS. run "«nin» jiniltvlt LIAOINt IBR. JAPAN 1 1 Ptrt 21 Die 21 31 lit 11/ 2 Mambw|/Bie«ien VUnlVum, A arrp. Oslo. Sburg, Ma mi C'Mgen. SINCINU Ma 14/11 JM U/N
      1,086 words
    • 1061 19 £XfttSS r fJVICt 10 LOHDOW, LUtHfOOI I COHIIrUNUt POO IV BENCLEUCH B 1 Siniapcti Pi S>>m Pinani Mamuuig FM I Sailll laPtOic 31 BENVANNOCH Far londen lia 31 Singapore Pt. S i-.jin Ptnanf Irtmrn Fe* JM 1/ I Mirfßurg FM I fMnBo" p. s lENVRACUI l-«ool. Rlara, Hull, M bri
      1,061 words
    • 1227 19 FOITNIGHTLV EXPRESS SERVICE DIRECT FROM UST COAST USA ion Piaanp r. »'i«. n it KmgitM I LONDONER Slilll Clk 11 memnon Sum Jm I lii J Hi j Mar 11 SUDtN Sailtf IM 12 la* 14 Me 2S MINfSTNEUS Si.ii Ore 21 Im M Im 11 (11 I Api I
      1,227 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 974 20 Vt—^" "^KAWASAKI RISEN KAISHA LTD. Wast Australia Singapore Japan Servica latllirt Na|O>i I'riina Kooe •Sac«ti Mart" 24 lai M lai > Frt I Frt 12 Frt East Coast U.S.A. Straits Scrviea Urn N York Bait. Clunestot Orleans Houston G^v-ton n"f»tor» * Mart" II Nn 21 Hit S Btt I Btt
      974 words
    • 1021 20 FROM NEW ZEALAND Sa.. IjM port Nl Due Spon P. s'haa PtMr<| lattiaj lari IANKURAt latiaifa 1 Fit 25 27 Fit 21 2 Mar 1 Mm Calculi*. t Han Siattv 1/11 Fet. SlttlTS MABRAS SERVICti Smiacort P S^am Penani UMitß Itei RAIlitA 1 1 Part 11 Bet 1 111 Naiatatl.rjir.
      1,021 words
    • 797 20 KB BULONq 2 SHEXTQN vm. aNGAPOWE 1. TB->9«3633-7. U.K. EUROPE SERVICt LOADING FOR LONDON, H BURG. R'DAM. HAVRE. Smiitort f. S'kta Pestat Arrmti NEPTUNE ABUAMARINE 1/11 111 12 lia 11 JM L'don 12. Hamturf 12/2, Havre. 14/2, Rfljm 19/2. NEPTUNE TOPAZ 21 In/2 Fit Oaitl I Frt I r.Oon 2/3.
      797 words
    • 728 20 MALAYSIAN INTERNATIONAL M SHIPPING CORPORATION BERHAD No3OEJIn Amptncj Kimli Lumpu-. a^| H The National Shipping Line of Malaysia FAR EAST/EUROPE SERVICE S*intaro'i P S ham Penani ArriflS: ST. CBNSTANTINE 18/ if IM 11/11 JM 11/1 B JM I.Havre 207, Hambu'C H/J, londori 25-2. R «am 30.2. Antmtrp 13. lUNCA MELOR
      728 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 765 21 •TOO" Kl/*y»B9SH!PWNG4TRAOIHGCO.(PTE)Iia W/SBCICIISTSIUT SINGAfOHI I. I.i BtßtMß] HMD *7m REGULAR FAST SERVICES TO FROM INDONESIA MFIMEHS ETa [TO FOB timcON PEsdl la Ptrt 21 Dtc iMiemtung r..i»CB«BJt Is Ptfl 21 Ott »ta|kjl t. <n SuiMn •»lOs n Oic 31 Dtc o,^rl. Pinaun, S»NO» J1 Oic 2 Jia Prntuna. rusNS SU»S»
      765 words
    • 780 21 ACKNOWIEOCCMCNTS, 4NNIVEBSABICS, sNNOUNCtMCNTS. BIITHS. CIUB ACTIVITIES. CONOOIENCCS. BEtTHS. ENOCEMENTS, (UNERaLS. UIIIINCS. IN MEMOKIsM. MaftIUCES. MISSINC. PEBSONtI. P PC. REBUIIMS I BIUNIONS. Kile. Mniiis S2S/- (w 2B wt/ts, tics iMititail wirt JIM IllOfur Cliuit.ti- Air.fiinait itj Miaiaaa 11 51 Ur \i wirlf. tad iHitiiail alii M ctats. Straits Tiati Bii Stmct
      780 words
    • 532 21 CreatlnßS KATIE ANO JOTABOT extend stasonai ■rtaliasjsj to all trcinds and neighbaata. Regret no cards. Chanty will hirnflt. Situations vacant WANTED young energetic personnel a* aaltt rrprrM-ntatives lo promote sales oi I > scientific books I) offc. Tiactilaaa II omcc eijuipment respeclivvly. Mininum i|uahticattons al Hi' mon |i School Cernficata
      532 words
    • 824 21 A CLERK imale or fema'ei re<|llirea by a Commercial Firm with BUtat> tive salsrv Appluants must have Koud know .edge of Commercial tarrenponili ire. typing, account and a lltt'e Ct'imsc is preferahle. All appllratata* ttrttltal iChmem- md Kmlish) i.roM.i lull particulars should be addressed io Boa A 4464 8 1.
      824 words
    • 1906 21 PLACE YOUR ADS. f^—sT) THROUGH OUR C.A.T.S. mjj#»' PHONE SPORE ***** 1 i^^^T] Monde, to Frioay 8 o.m. 6 p.ta. I (QJIaTtSy Saturday t a.m. 2 P-"»- i COOK AMAH lot European house Pis- o m.t la, Musi iw eapenenced .oon itfenauat -*ential. Phon. 1 8 pore) COOK HOUSEBOY anrt
      1,906 words
    • 799 21 FURNUHKO BUNGALOW at V m•. ipprr rhanm Ko«d »35<> pm. MMWI ilci-incity and w-attr uro.n.; Rln( MO7M/ SINCLESTOREY lIMI DITACNCD 3 t>r<lr<.ninrd himmrnn (ully fumuhml. Ball! a I Hill* Batata, lit Krh K. il SIV l'.(i\ A44t*« BT. B'porr IMMEDIATE OCCUPATION r.ou-<-«. >;:.•! Thomson. H j.l C.i". J X.Th
      799 words

  • Obituary, Illustration
    25 22 In rvri Imins nirmm. of "Mr. M. Nar.isintam departed on tfith Dec. 1969. Dearly mitaed. forever remembered by loving wife, children and relatlvef.
    25 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    30 22 To on, drairM l)ild who |ie--.7 li hi Vnu left an rmptiß-* that ran never be filled. ln*e(l*4 b» laved one* at homr. I nil s(; rOMQ NGHEk
    30 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 708 22 Houses and land tor sal* MODCRN UCSICNCD MM***) BMMB> cd hunfta.o* No. 131 lanab Meran herhil i» Hedt.kvilie. Ucdok Land Sll'i.oiiu/ special Discount for Cash > u^c^a»« Rinc M3n:t« iS> Xxi w)7 LARCE INDUSTRIAL BUILDING siiltaM* also for warehousing, in yieen-'n.'n. Land area arprox. St acs. To n* sold vtith
      708 words
    • 435 22 hapiu rvpcwßlliNU iv SNjasaa Ma* .iatly/tbrif.'« weakly; Sburtbaao. Uookkrcpia*. taigbox AocountiPK. Secretarial Practlc*. <o, Middle Kuad. /Branch laH-C/Xtt-O. D*i«gl< Road. dnoppiog Complex. S.LC. tl por* -Jli-1 GITT SCHOOL OP COMMERCE a-A Woterlo* StrMt. Smgaaoro. DEPT. OF ARTS COMMERCB OAV TIM! COURSES Academic Coursss: I. (Singapore Camnrldß*-O.C.K. -O' Lev*, examination courses:
      435 words
    • 887 22 JtIN THE FAMOUS SUCCESS qualified for success: I muaiy oeginner'n classes: Commerc al Se< re i rtartal lAaaBsMMl Morning. Vdeinoi... riMIBE Success ColSMa. Pb».i Ltliar lieyldnn lumtion B'poie 41* :1742 RAJA > bOLLk.CC la yvul KlKht Xl«. c to learn Commercial' Accademte Buh lecta. New Scasion aianinrf .Inouary Kor Deii.i«
      887 words
    • 843 22 Business Opportunities owNiH leavinu mi'ii>« t«c mm pruntahir uuimatfi loi IM prut ui One. Cuiop'rlr trainltm 'Utferiioerv Mjit .rusut. svotnaa tamny IJOX A44Uj 0 I port. WANTED «V AGENCY. rartlMT* and M iii'ii-pfDtaliM'ii Please apply »ith pliotukmpti iinjn-rcluioauti to Box ASM b T. Malacca. jForJiir. FORKLIFTs with experienced drivtrf for
      843 words
    • 1057 22 Pe»i control *t AS6UKS. ruti UH UUK UUU1< »WU COUKTKOUB UbrtVICCk A I MUUkhAI't CUAKUU. BMH rUMlUA (PTC UH'ltb 37&4OS 372*4* itunmcuiuu vvuilt aula «D« Oanerai r"»m Control) For FOR QUICK JALI, lork. stock and tmrri-i. Quantity I'f-A army surplus food*, torklift spar* parts. Heavy truck parts radio pans «»ter
      1,057 words
    • 1032 22 PONTIAC (STANDARO) KM Ponliac I laatasaaiK > IM3 Plymouth iataa> daidi '•'»>) Uodae Polara lautoma- lie) IW>3. V'le.t Mohile Jnua'i Station 'JbJ Thomson Road/nn« MMMB. 1*«0 F CAPRI C T.L. f 'Cortina G.T. Moirm ItKHI 19H4 U'Kndett X/ 64X11 H'lmp uiik) r/AasjM IMI Am-tin Ma, r<\ Uaai cm Ob. i«
      1,032 words
    • 687 22 Cents Hairdreising RECENTLY RENOVArEO IAIR-CONI •II RirU nairdressar* Open on Hair.liesMnK ■aaaaa SO, cum street ■TI2MI lore Tailoring SO MANY PEOPLE mIM suits. Ob -uin. But »b*rt cao (hey got ibe -turit material. rixßt cut. runt pnc< and Uie nnht aervic*'/ Vasbl sa>s Ulad >uu a»H«4it Our long li-t ol
      687 words
    • 585 22 ITRANU MOTEL Heneoolas>_J*JlSf* luvw. (entre .|.iiet clean rtamm ■alas A r.tinijitioncd looma AiHx bath Bal Rtstaurant Honwl* %•*»•<• vi. iarsor< SLUANt ,O. rtuaa. MD*arxir» 10. MU 6«26«/'. l-uMurioimiv iurDi*tMKi. «ir-«oo<mioo-•d u«i s*u/- $25/ do*mr»as. MICH CLASS >ervK.- .ipartnienta dall»/ monthly. ..on.-miral HiDsapur* B*»M.»rlineut .11-A IMilead Roa#l«l. Jure .'.HIM IMSM
      585 words

  • 307 23 SINOAPORL, Sun. Daring action and real mama in tnis production iur inn in tne aci. uui m tin' periormiTh who uftlM thr snow among tnem. a n Mi-nle pnnce.v. I lormer drug-taKinjj pop-singer, and a .ttudem ueinonsirator. ihe pnoMM M l»-ytar-iiiu aaugnur
    307 words
  • 133 23 LEE, TOH RE-ELECTED OFFICIALS OF THE PAP SINGAPORE. Sun— The Prime Minister. Mr. L<t Kuan Ypw. ha> been re-elected .secretary general of the People's Action Party together with party chairman. Dr. Toh Chin Chye. the Minister for Science and Technology and vicechairman. Dr. Goh Keng Swee. the Defence Minister. Former
    133 words
  • 413 23 LEE TELLS MARTIAL ARTS FEDERATION: SINGAPORE, Sun. Pugilistic and gymnastic clubs are io be introduced in secondary schoolsAn indication of this policy was given by the Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, when he opened the new premises of the Singapore National Pugilistic Federation in Tanjong
    413 words
  • 423 23 From Pag* On* brackets of technology. Then the average take-home pay will go up. because the value added in the manufacturing process is increased. Turning to higher expectations of the people he said 10 years ago they were happy to get a
    423 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 334 23 LINDETEVES JACOBERG are pleased to announce that they are the exclusive distributors in Singapore and Malaysia for the full range of veneer and plywood machinery locally manufactured »>y ASIA ENGINEERING WORKS 20 409, Jalan Ipoh, Ipoh. THE CHAIRMAN DIRECTORS of CHUNG KHIAW BANK, LIMITED wish to thank DATIN LEE CHEE
      334 words
    • 435 23 LEMBAGA KLMAJL.4* r.VNAH PF.RSEKITIAIt KKNYATAN TAH AKAN I lenaerJ an»-l»h dl-peUwa danpada KonlrektrrS yang berpengala--1 man untok kena2 dl-bawah tnf BK.NO. 107/70 <A> Fabrication memtena dan menylapkan l yunit 1,500 too tank mlnyak kelapa sawlt dlkllang Mlnyak Kelapa Sawlt Jrrangau. daerah Dungun. Trenggmnu. BK.NO. 108,70 ißi Membelcal membena dan menylapkan
      435 words
    • 72 23 In London, San Francisco, Sofia, Hong Kong... as it is here, when it's time to relax .it's time for a Tiger. Get the big, bold taste of Tiger Lager Beer and you'll know why Tiger is a triple gold medal winner. .why it's enjoyed in over 50countries throughout the world.
      72 words

    • 2248 24 RACING with Epsom Jeep Pool $9,391 lxt ***** $3,099 2nd 5S77I I 774 3rd ***** 387 SUrtrr>. (1129 each): Nm. ***** ***** ***** 548»§ n isolation prim ($28 cmeh): Not. ***** ***** ***** ***** r.46»0 ***** 552*7 ***** ***** ***** WHIPS 15 RIVALS BY
      2,248 words
    • 569 24 Useful points for Leeds as Arsenal draw LONDON. Sun. FFPS, favourites for the League and FA Cup, stand three points clear at the top of the English Div. 1 soccer league after thrashing Newcastle 3-0 yesterday. It was not a happy debut for Newcastle goalkeeper Martin Burghleigh, who had no
      Reuter  -  569 words
    • 273 24 UMMI 0 aoutn pton u Erlark|)ool 1 Burr.ley 1 Gentry 1 West Brom 1 Deiby 4 Man Utd. 4 Leeds 3 Newcastle 0 Liverpool 0 Stokt- 0 Man. City 1 Hudriersfld 1 Wolves 2 Everton 0 Postponed: Crystal Palace v Chelsea Ip^ich To^n v Tottenham: West Ham v
      273 words
    • 1067 24 >eds 24 16 7 1 41 15 39 f\r.seni! 23 15 6 2 U IT 36 Chelsea 2L> 10 3 31 25 29 rnttenham 22 10 3 4 33 17 28 Man City 22 10 7 5 32 19 27 Wolves 23 11 5 7 41 ;<9 27
      1,067 words
    • 42 24 SYDNEY Sun Kn«l..ii(i kept aiivr thrir >pred»ay Test hupe^ when they beat Australia 06-!>2 in ihi- Fourth Tpm at tht Sydney showground la^t nighl England's win was spearheaded hy Capt Nigel Bnucnck who was top scorer with 14 point*.
      42 words
    • 349 25  - AAS is now in control of motor racing in Singapore ALBERT JOHNSON By AUTOMOBILE Association of Singapore has taken over control of motor racing in the Republic. This follows the affiliation of AAS to the Federation Internationale de V Automobile (FIA) the governing body for world motor sport. The AAS
      349 words
    • 302 25 LAUNCESTON (Tasmania) Sun. Geoff Boycott, MOC'a prolific run getter, topped 1.000 runs in Australia as he scored 74 against a Combined Eleven here today. Rain restricted play on the opening day of the three-day match to 195 minutes and during this time MCC amassed 184 for
      302 words
    • 301 25 Cobras beat Blacks for Blues trophy I DEFENDING champions Cobras ol Selangor retamed the All Blues Cup when they beat Singapore Blacks by 16 points (2 goals, a try and a penalty) to 3 (a try) in the final of the interAsian team rugby competition at the Penang Sports Club
      301 words
    • 198 25 Queensland face big Shield defeat ADELAIDE. Sun Qumis- land, forced to follow on 260 runs behind South Australia* 411. fared defeat with 35-4 in the second Innings at the close of the stci nd dry'? play in the Sheffield Shield match at Tin Oval here today. The QureiiNlandcr'- never recovered
      198 words
    • 52 25 Mm Indians' Football Club has elected S. Hetanasamy its president. Other officials: A. Narayanan i Vice-president i. O. RamakrLshiuin I ban. sit >, P.T. Murthl is|MHts Me.) K. K.ila (hon treasurei p. K. Sidaliudln ihon. sti|M>iiutfiuleni i. N. Chandra and S. Chidambaram t commit tee menibeisi and A.
      52 words
    • 88 25 I.KNNV NOMS 1 14) and OS Yeo 1 24 > with a net 61 won the SICC's Presidents Prize yesterday at I land course Runner. --up were Worm Weng Hoiik 111 and C.H. Loke < 23 1 with net i;:j on count back from K.C.
      88 words
    • 20 25 THE Pit-sklent.- Cup soccer final between Singapore Armed Koiccs and Police hns been postponed to this .Saturday.
      20 words
    • 359 25 pERTH. Sun Ann Jones and Virginia Wade slammed New Zealand 3-0 here today to put Britain into the semi-finals of the Federation Cup women's tennLs tournament Miss Wade beat a limping Robyn 6-1. 6-4 while Mrs. Jones dropped only one name in trouni-iiiß tcenpser
      359 words
    • 284 25 WEE JIM HOCK. 24. of Provincial Insurance Compan y. scored an upset win n the Insurance Institute of Singapore's six-name bowling championship at Jackie's Bowl yesterday. Wee rolled 1.088 pintails to take the tit If Irom Dahalan bin Ibrahim Prudent ial> who had 1049. The favourite. William
      TAN WEE HIN  -  284 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 116 24 SEVERAL COUNTRIES HAVE ALREADY IMPORTED IN THOUSANDS TVS-OUIKwHEtIS FOR COMMERCIAL VEHICLES fWHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR Sturdy reliable wheels for any load. any road, TVS-DUNLOP Wheels have the following special built-in features: pressed in disc with wide base nm. Already popular with TATA Heavy-duty Lockrings with (BENZ), ASHOK-LEYLAND, Et longer
      116 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 82 25 Congra tula tions to DUNLOP ESTATES BERHAD on the occasion of their Diamond Jubilee Celebration from:UNITED ENGINEERS (MALAYSIA) SDN. BHD. SUNGEI BESI ROAD, KUALA LUMPUR. We are proud to have been responsible for the complete design, construction and commissioning of GOMALI PALM OIL FACTORY on a Turnkey Basis for DUNLOP
      82 words
    • 48 25 "WHO OWES HOW MUCH? BOOKS ALL DESTROYED" What would happen if YOUR business went up in flames H Mm Protect your vital business records with CHUBB fire resisting files and cabinets. Phone SIME DARBY now. Before it's too late. "T? 1 i a chubb *m PROTECTS YOUR RECORDS
      48 words
  • Page 25 Miscellaneous
    • 27 25 SO( < F.r FAS Junior Cup Knockout quart«rflnaU: Vlgllant« Corps v Tamil Brother* Association Outhrle Waugh v Dam! Adah i Jin. Besar 5 15 and 7 p.m. i
      27 words

  • 513 26 SINGAPORE, Sunday 'Till-; ruling People's Action Parly lias drawn up a£ seven-point programme for the .seventies aimed at improving the economic and social devt lo p m ent of Singapore and the (realities of the people. A resolution to this effect
    513 words
  • 466 26 Flood alert in Kelantan after day's heavy rain I£OTA BHARU. Sun. I **The flood alert warning was issued in Kelantan this afternoon following 24 hours of heavy rain. At 10 p.m. the water level at Bradley Steps <the i state's flood assessment point at Kuala Krai) was 75ft. another five
    466 words
  • 59 26 Hiding place for $500,000 loot THE speedboat shed in Loyang where uver 5500.000 of the Chartered Bank robbery loot was recovered by police early yesterday. Kolice had to break the brick tank inside the shed before lindinu the box of mono. Inset shows the box and the plastic in which
    59 words
  • 282 26 Reds lecture 11 police at Thai village post i BANGKOK. Sun. ULEVEN policemen and part-time militia, eight of them wounded, escaped with only a communist harangue when guerillas overran their village defence post in southern Thailand, police sources said. The guerillas, who overpowered the post In Nakhon Si Thammarat province
    Reuter  -  282 words
  • 42 26 TOKYO. Sun Direct telephone dialling acroea the Pacific Ocean will start la January. Koku.sai Dent-hm Denwa. Japan's international cable and telephone corporation, .■aid telephones in New York City will be able to dial numbers in Japan from late January.
    42 words
  • 33 26 ROME. Sun Marina Caputo. 17. fell 10ft. uhree metres' through the floor ol her tx"<room Into the apartment below while comblns h»r lmir \X\\morning. but suffered only miner times and shock Rtuter
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 230 26 HOUSTON, Sunday SCIENTISTS here claim to have created memory in a test tube for the first time, a break-through in the science of life which could rival in importance the discovery of the secrets of heredity. Dr. George I ug;i
    230 words
  • 263 26 Malaysia makes new move to fight freight hike KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. Malaysia has initiated another move to fight rising freight charges this time at the Ministerial Council Meeting of E c a f c at Kabul, Afghanistan. The Assistant Minister in the Prime Minister's Department, Inche Abdul Taib bin Mahmud.
    263 words
  • 39 26 JOHORE BAHRU. Pun Customs intercepted an Indonesian rooytal vessel in the Straits of Malacca last night and seized :iii estimated 5 50.000 worth of liquor, clcarettes and textile*. The 11 crew were detained for qucstlonlnc.
    39 words
  • 24 26 MR. CHARLES TAN «l MM DfeHi Paya Lrtuir Road. |>a»*rd auay oa OOrtCSC \r t iiftlK 4 :in p m. nn i>-l:'-7ll Bi<l.<>lari.
    24 words