The Straits Times, 25 July 1970

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 28 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 200,000 The Straits Times ThR Niitiiiiiiif HllVV.Sl)il|)K|- Estd. 1R45 SATI RDAY. JILY r>. 1970 15 CENTS K D.V ».»17 M.C. (P) No. 1507
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  • 435 1  -  DIC K WILSON, Stock Exchange halts dealings B 3 Financial Editor SINGAPORE, Friday THE Stock Exchange suspended trading in Eupoc Pulp and Paper Industries shares this afternoon, and a tiny cloud was placed over one of Singapore's new industries. According l<> ;i letter |josted on I lie-
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  • 173 1 NASSER ATTACKS HEATH'S EAST OF SUEZ POLICY pAIRO, In I'nsidpnt >■ Nasser raiecd his opposition last night to the British (lovrrnment's policy ol maintaining a nuli t .1 1 strcMßce Basl afl Sue/, .md said Kgjrpt rrleeted categorically all British attempts to keep bases in the <;uif. Britain was resuming
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  • 487 1 Star of Temasek is new top national award SINGAPORE. Frl. The Smeap. n Oov< rnment tonight announced a new award :h. Bintan^ li masek 01 Stai ol Temast k which will be the R( publics hipneM nation,a aw.ud reserved lor memben of the Armed Forci and Police. The bad-c win
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  • 37 1 1 ONDOH ni Lard c*trmcton Drlrncp SrrrPtarv. left lipio by ?it today for talk. 1 on a (■urnmonwpalth dpfpnrp blu*- print foi the South-paM A:a 1 arpa Hr will am\p m Sins<tpore tomorrow. Renter
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 127 1 rKYO. l^ri lirrd 'I'rriL-kit \hdiil ■<rri\Pi| hrrr today for a unr-urrk \iml Mr irninrdi. trl\ ui-nt into iiiMitn in he tapntal Hotrl iftri hrinc crrrtrd hv the fafMMM Prime Minister Ki-.iUu s.iln and h i s I or ii-. n Minister Kiuhi
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  • 422 1  -  BLAIR JOHNSON By DLESSEY'S $73 million investmenl in Hie Republic will lurn the tide in Ihe electron ic*s imlus Current rears thai some manufactnren In the industry an exploiting cheap labour and will leave when rates become unattractive have been pushed aside. For Pleney'i entry
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  • 350 1 Malaysian navy to have its own base iron. Kridav. f |MII-. Royal Malaysian Nav> will be armed i with Kuided missiles before the end of the year. And il |>lans lo here its own naval base. This is part '>r an overall plan to arid more punch to Ihr navy,
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  • 35 1 MI 801 RNI lriniini wai demon Himeii with unokc bomb rminpa^pd tliroueli this dtj tin two houi mum (xiM office the Department of Larxiur and National Bervica 1 iiKln.uv iri rulll tiT Reuter
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 26 1 STOCKHOI M hn I M ;i\ H|)|Xlir.lPr Ii Ktaa'i HrM wnmnn \ll hi ;Slic first thiee wmnei nrciHined .1 pnr.-i in Sweden. 111
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  • 32 1 LONDON M \t: Anthony Darhar. Mmi^ipi for Bui d tn br oiricialh naßMil tomorrtMi .< Chancclkn .)t ihp Exchequer, pureacd MacLeod Who nifel ■-•inne>t>i> early this week. Reuter
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  • 35 1 1 ).-^K.\ I -i: vt< nt thunrifi.sloim m ciin|;anip(i by Imw lams hit lln.<. fin. lncludiiiK Mtr uf E\p<. Til tad ix-airu K...--t" tonißh' ii plunse BM .iOO.ood honip.v mio darkness
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  • 124 1 GENERAL RUNS INTO MORTAR ATTACK yiUi.OY Ii! rhe O hief <>t Stall ul tin British I K.ivi „,,,i lories, m.i mi- General WaJtef R Ilininas i.iiim imdi 1 Vlfti»m mortal attack "hiir visiting a south Vietnaaaese tin simport bmc Hijs A Kntish rmkutt] sp«ik" sship U%- -< losiml tins
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  • 12 1 BB I >xpk>de irie eail'. to an h: nan taid
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  • 21 1 A \SHI\( n,, irt merit today announce! trom th. Irai raw .ll w in th« Philippine*; to t
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  • 12 1 I till- r 1 ot <>. f AP.
    AP  -  12 words
  • 7 1 I 01 I II
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  • 27 1 ■iiniKA Frl National r Reginald (or a thn«o«cak tour ol Bouth-«aa! I Asian CO ..11 1 lev. InclUdll laysla ;i! d Slnoi tmnal Development
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  • 20 1 ill itlack moment) aftci net Mrphene ,11 .bout .hr rt «rh 01 his wife m a road accident.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 126 1 tt« FEELING is such that you want it H to last forever. buy a d'amond ring to symbolise this diayic rtx>ment m* J». m fUIQNC SHIN(;S VT jSfyi North 8..0«e Road Tel. ***** L andLAUS ARCADIA 217.tast Co**t R<Md. s>infl«por« Ttl: *****1 Certificate of origin will be issued A DIAMOND
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    • 220 1 //S^ GERMANY S I >w>^ BEST nbermain hadr Mark Gala Pf^j is a girl myix hkcyou.L i\ A Npoul Skin t. .iic ■-.■is, tin iittlc more. pit'tT. simply. If you know you ruvc 1 m-ii itivc sk 11 >'m know it need* v|niul tarn. 'jU knows tlut too. Hen arc
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  • 227 2  - That frozen 'bird' may soon cost 60 cents a Ib. more NANCY BYRAMJI H» (■IS(. \|NIKI 111 loi ll hIMIMH l\ es Will SIMIII have in paj more fur fro/m poultry if the i>ini js from Denmark or Holla mi I nun tiinioirou .in '.inti dumping*' dot) ol 81 i
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  • 3 2 n
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  • 6 2 .4 tier ii I oil
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  • 1543 2  - PLESSEY puts its money on SINGAPORE BLAIR JOHNSON: Singapore, BRITISH FIRM'S $75 MILLION STAKE IN THE FUTURE By Friday Jobs for 4,500 at the start DLKSSEY Hiis morning signed a $7.") million agreement with Dr. (ioh Ken^ Swee, Minister of Finance, for an electronics complex al (ihungi which will become
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  • 49 2 GtNOAPOM, Fri The> of Health is MM to nun .is.- thr 80 rents chargr at Government outpatient clinics to a dollar. A Ministry spokesman would only say that there uere "various reasons" for the increase. A statement would I be released soon, he added.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 164 2 SONY TC 20 M CASSETTE CORDER j*f^ C*7lT You ye hedrd car stereo before, when you hit a 'W V^ai OLCICU bump they jar, and you hear it. Not so the Sony SO QOOd it bGIOnQS in TC2 We gave the TC 20 the instaload system or v 'b r
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    • 39 2 DON'T BURN while having fun in the sun ..<&% gflHßs^Ss^BX at SBS under the sun. No 0 peeling, }ust a rich, smooth jßk^^QufltX I i^i^^L .^P^ Im* g^L^gW^ I^bbW^^ COPPERTONEct SOLE DISTRIBUTOR /^^i JACK CWA b CO MSGN BHO. MALAYSJA
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  • Article, Illustration
    195 3 LOOK, WHO'S ON THE FLOOR... Judo thrills for bi# crowd K\ I M \I Xl Kujiura may be down, hut he's by no means out. For it takes more than one throw to beat a judo champion particularly one from Japan, home of the sport. It happened on
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  • 35 3 Crackdown by police on -pirate' records SINO \PORI i-: down on locally i>p> phone wld< preted the have the nun -nrriproduced from two i><>unp m Hong ical record shop the prices Man half of the
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  • 7 3 ai 4 I
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  • 230 3 SINGAPORE. Friday 'im ICHERB today welcomed the Education Mini- stry's in w .sisu bonus scheme for completing In-service training courses, but most said the bonus provided "little Incentive and would make little difference." iinced In Parliament on Wedpokesman for the bonus Is hardly attractive when
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  • 91 3 THE GOOD AND BAD FROM THE WEST SINGAPORE. Kri Mod 'iiiimy la not aping the West But wearing shoulder lennih hair and bi^ badges la and to no pvrpo Thi wa the m< lrom inche Rahlm Isnak al the Wrcl founder's Day dinner of the Methodist Olrls' School Alumnae Association
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  • 27 3 l\(. \p. .M I'M A thlff Miatchrd a coki chain and locket, valued al 189 trrm Mi^ Ilm Kirn Kee. 28. at Pelambaiig Roed la
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  • 83 3 Overcrowded classrooms top NUT subject Kr ALA UMI'IR I on the rcrowded clai situation in Malaysian schools will hiahlight th« annual c Nai lon al Union of ichen in Jnhnre Bahru i idaj The union Is greatly cona mod about the ln< Ing numbpr of pupils en- tcrlng schools while
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  • 220 3 Abortion, secrecy top topics at doctors' meeting SINGAPORE. Friday 4HORTION and prolessional secrecy two controversial issues in medicine will be thf main topics Blngapore will briny; up for discussion at the fifth biennial Commonwealth Medical Association council meeting, to be held j both in Singapore and Kuala Lumpur next month.
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  • 113 3 CINOAPORE, Fn 111 Mlctael Kerr. QC. of London, was admitted in his absence to the Singapore Bat today in connection with a si. 5 million Admiralty suit to b" heard here in September. Tli" application wa made by Mr. MH Brash on his lit half
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  • 204 3  - Hungry tourists told: Sorry, we're too busy ARTHUR RICHARDS B, Fri. Several hungry tourists who went to Paya L^bar airporl restaurant for a meal night wore told that they would not be served. Some who stayed in their .seats for drinks were politely told to use the airport bar
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  • 50 3 SINGAPORE. Frl The rnronr>r todnv returned an open verdict on the death of coffinmxkor Bmt K.. < kelcton »a^ found in MacRitrhie foiest irsfrvf 10 months after he was reported missing from hoir.r 'I he «nu [ou '4 hv a ntmp nf rtiidentii from mr Ontvtntty of
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  • 11 3 SINGAPORE Fn Tlipit were 54 »rndentv. wmo «*noiis. vr>stf>rria\
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 9 3 ANY ENGINEER WHO FIGURES is in the Yellow Pages
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    • 468 3 ggggggggggHggggSS EvmWsHs J 3sl gSSB^gSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSBHBB^T^si Hr WBr gf^^ -i r I 4^7aA*^a^ The l' r S** st pharmaceutical industry in Asia and a leading producer of ■M Vit. C in the world. B*J THE WONDER TONIC WITH CANDY TASTE ■ftSJ Hicee premises you skin that stays healthy, sparkling ■K^fl Jnd
      468 words

  • 188 4 The day Mrs. Tan went to court— on Sunday SINGAPORE. Fri. P The date on the summons was rlcar enough May 31. 3o Tan Ah Bung made her way to court to appear on a charge of obstructing p trians with her tropical fish stall. Them wma only one slight
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  • 79 4 Case of the ex-teacher who turned thief SINGAPORE. Fri.— A ma;>day called for a probation report on exschool teacher Nirmal Singh. 22. found guilty of stealing i handbag at Beach Rond last October lold that Nlnna! stole the handbae from he JapWar Memorial at Beach arrested hv a I short
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  • 91 4 Death on road on eve of holiday SINGAPOiJE F:i. A milkvendur »ho ma to have .sailed to India for a holiday after 38 died yestercay Attn being injured in a road accident on the eve of his departure. Mr A. Ramayan. 49. was to hiive left with his wile and
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  • 79 4 SINGAPORE. hUi full dress rehearsal for the National Day parade will be held at the Padang on Sunday at 9 a.m. Armed Forces, police, uniformed youth. civilian and display group contingents will march through Bras Rasah Road. Vic- toria Street. Hill Street. New Bridge Road.
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  • 228 4  -  LIM SUAN KOOI By 1 Singapore, Friday JI'ST an ordinary pair of lovebird.s who cannot take their eyes off each other. That b what Nina Sorokina and Yuri VlaUimirov. the Bolshoi Ballet troupes Miungest stars, really are. The extraordinary thing is that although
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  • 217 4  -  LEE SU SAN 1 -I By SINGAPORE. Fri. A circular sent out by the Education Ministry a woek ago is causing confusion and dismay to parents H is issued 10 parents with children in Secondary Two asking them to decide ••r or not their child■uld be
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
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  • 291 5  -  MAUREEN PETERS By SIM.APORK. Fri— When I daughter-in-law turns out to be exactly a mother-in-law's cup of tea, it matters little whet her she is from Japan or Singapore. So Madam oshiko I'aka nashi matefullv accepts llir lovitiu cup of traditional Chinese
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  • 57 5 He blames it on the pep pills he took him that Mr Kin on May 7 whei 51, thrown a (I: le Times i him vitli a summons slip, but Lim tore it up. thrrw kway and began thrratrning h: I shall fix I shall B«< that you I,lm
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  • 34 5 Times Group collective pact signed SINGAPORE. Frt The Times Group in Singa- ;ipore Print::ion today collective Ud the certain beall she utot- e Group in SinuaThe new n for from August 1 i ijir
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  • 8 5 V -concert SINGAPORE. 11 liolri II v tomorrow
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  • 135 5 SINGAPORE Fri. The NTUC is to float a $7 million loan to financp Its $10 million proposed Workers 1 Transport Co-opera- vhlcn will bourn operatloni by dox' January. Moci ol the money will be raised from the rommercial sector and will yn
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  • 60 5 SWOAPORI l I Ilnee plilloso|)hv leruirf:^ m the Unlvci will .•-peak en the l.itr Sir Brit rand Russell a; a lymposluin I ed by the PhlkMophli al at the univrrsitv'; new h\ture theatre 3 t< metro* afternoon. They are the Hfad ot the Philosophy Department. Prof. R.
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  • 69 5 Six sites offered for local heliport SINGAPORE. 1-ri Hell Orient 'Pin Ltd.. the local firm winch intends to Btan an internal commercial helicopter senrtee, has cd >ix offers for heliport site- m>m various commercial tirms i Collyei Batler> Road. Orc-narri Road, I! Pulau A\cr Chaun. M' Bli Hell Orient >r
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  • 49 5 SINGAPORE Km Three «ere 1 exrludtnc t.iMN on the road last month. I 990 over the pre\iou- month. Other increases were; 4T"< motorcycles and scooters i total 102.178 > 340 (foods vehicles (total 32.426K 896 bicycles (total 36.783': seven trailers (total 203 i and five hue-
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  • 24 5 SINGAPORE. Fn Nil nn enl and the In partment w'lll jointly produce a lii-w biannual journal of Asiai. .Ed in noumed today.
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  • 24 5 SINGAPORE fii The Australian Army Band will ci\e nt the Botanic Gardens on Sunday from 8.13 pm. io 9.1 J pra.
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  • 367 5 Day wife trailed husband and showgirl to a hotel gINGAPORE. Fri. An English woman tiirnrd detective and twice trailed her husband when he went to a hot-M t3d ot X WOOUIU m Mrs. Patricia Wane, a 31--■■'ld Rraphir designer from London said: "I trailed my husband in my car to
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  • 104 5 YELLOW PHONE BOOTHS NOW CINGATOU, 1 ri. I.r-t it ua> \rllow .iniliul.itK es and now >«-ll<m Me•hOM Ihii.Ui-> an- <»n the M t'liC. Lm than two works ago, 10 Singapore Fire llrmurie ambulances wore paintrd yellow "to in. ike them more rr<ii^iii>.il>lc." The first Today, the first yellow telephone kiosk
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 54 5 n ANY BOOK DEALER WHO CAN READ YOU is in the Yellow Pages EASY WAY TO KILL ANTS, COCKROACHES recommend lhat you control t-.i.' /nrVAvn h e '■Bnlßl nu>dern waj I WfiliiJ imply -Roach ;o kill KILLi I cockroachi un m M jtr. w X^~ :ance Ids months On I
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    • 88 5 BUY NOW SHOP AT: 398, NORTH BR'DGE ROAD. 83, MIDDLE ROAD 488, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. 169, MIDDLE ROAD 545, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. 194, SOUTH BRIDGE ROAD 248, BAIESTiER ROAD. 301 SOUTH BRIDGE ROAD Last 2 Days Only! Canon '^■hßfc-***!^^^^^^^,-,,.^ y .?j*i^^ gn^r 11 —rat*-. I _MT' I -^m? ..JS nfer
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 197 5 Straits Times Crossword HE ggggT*~ IgnT^ HF^ gnV^ ggggf^~~ggnV 7 nH „noat-«kat Mis nsMMI T hirl „r 9. 18. Toadflmx Jor E«? .6. J, °n e of lhfm l rPrk n 12 Island mountain (4). U |lOt d t lrd t0 13 Z h^he h man learned? \ft thc«e who
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 164 6 Hennessy: the most successful "Yam Seng" ham I v The Spirit of Success V BBBK .^B B X* W Jbbl WFW bH bbV iv V^ j i'-<aSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBsVWBW M. /^S^ni^j^^^ Dance to the £T9l jSsJ^^^^ enchanting music of J^C^ 1 Saturday 25th. juiy at PALM COURT ELIZABETHAN GRILL from 8 p.m.
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    • 294 6 f£APALAC£mum KELON6 RESTAURANT (off Ponggol Point 1 1 m.s.) I'ROLDLY I >k l.SE\ I S Taiwan's Top Singer: Ikl MISS CHAO TV HNY W^| JfijT MISS LIU YUEN Af* BL The Nightingale ol JB±, 4k Jf tMiss JULIE FUNG at the mike nightly WE SERVE CHINESE LUNCH DAILY Delicious Economic
      294 words
    • 324 6 It's "NOW" time at the AMBASSADOR HOTEL NOW, our new wing comprising 96 luxuriously furnished, air-conditioned rooms is open. NOW, our Consulate Bar with its deep pile carper, and quiet but efficient service by our stylish waitresses is open. NOW, our new Envoy Travel Service is operating from our new
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    • 205 6 W Doirc cl Noir «fi T^ V^ FRENCH RESTAURANT M flk R&jr 1 k.m h^bbbbß^^. *^il W WHERE TWO C) WORLDS MEET... Cfc Dine and wine on superb French cuisine ,iZ *j} and dance to the romantic music of f MARIO Djanggerßali t£ tl Quartet A vocai st Doleres Undasan
      205 words

  • 390 7 Motor repair firms prepare for a boom SINGAPORE. Friday r |^l ll*. motor repair business can expect :i boon in the coming months because of the new annual inspection reauiremenl for ;.ll private cars owt 1(, years old. The requirement, effective from next January. is one of the many new
    390 words
  • 50 7 SINGAPORE. Frl Sir Hnnalc; Gould, president of the World Con federation of OruaniMttOfU "f the TeachmK Profeswill vpeak on th« ■pf th«- teai-liii.i! pwttMi—" »t the Coiifeirnre Hall <m Mond«v at 7 30 in Su Ronald and I.ady OouM will »rii\r '>n Sunday for four-da\ Ml
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  • 27 7 SINGAPORE Fri Thf MOMld •rmi-flnal.' nf the talentim»> for school* organised bjr th»> R'\- Town Old Boy« Av.'oclf.tlon will be held at the Conference Hall tomorrow
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  • 68 7 THE $3mil TRANSFER' OF TAXI LICENCES SINGAPORE. £> Prt Nontransferable taxi licences have changed hands Illegally lor more than $:i million. These v.<Te 11--c< nil's issued alter 1066 Lie i.-sued before 1966 are transferable It ;s understood that these iicniransierable licenses are sold at $7.(100 each while those transferable letc]
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  • 179 7 Taxi age limit poser for the Govt SIN(..\PORK. Kri owners In Sineapore have come up uilh a poser for the (iovernmrnt on the propoved sevenyear ase limit on thrir xehicles. I'he question: If taxi is certified ro;xluor'h\ h> the BcgMry <>f Vehicles at the end of the m-\ ihiiihl
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  • 41 7 Singapore!. Hinders »i»i nwnmttirti i the Singapore Girl Oui tttOß v ill attend U mond Jubilee International lo be held at Osaka in Japan from July 26 lo A The h^ latloi fI»K pre^en'aiioi: the rnnttnuent on Sunday.
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  • 40 7 UHOAPORI I: 1 rol'b^ri British t 1 > riuine»r Mr. Gill Thomson. 11, uolfl watc: 'annir.i: Road at 1 10 a m today. n> «ay bnsHd In n i r\e wtm hr trir« to resi-t Lbt
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 362 7 ORGANISATION I now showing—no f.« inf m ■I' om, 1.30. 4.00, 6.30 9. 1S m N.B E.tfO Show Tomorrow MSomB "Brothers S- riON) NOW SHOWING— No I M Luf" II om, 45. 4.00, 630 I 9.30 BJ Bj women COLOR°U 4-Throtrc M.dmqht Toniqhi: •I CAPITOL-LIDO-RtX-SKY I •APARTMtNT »or LADIES' 'AUCTION
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    • 341 7 V char'ty "f"lm"premier"e" 9T~~ m U Under the d.stmguished patronage of The Prcsidcnr ot the Republic of Singapore a Inche YUSOF BIN ISHAK Orgamittd ky UNIVERSITY of SINGAPORE STUDENTS' UNION U In Aid of SINGAPORE NATIONAL HEART ASSOCIATION J TAPITOL Thursday 6th Aug. 9.15pm "ADMISSION RATES: S3. $5, $10, $15
      341 words
    • 87 7 fO« DELICIOUS TIOCHIW FOOD LUCK HI ANG 1 RESTAURANT (AIRCONDITIONED: 291 -A NEW BRIDGE ROAD. S PORE-2 NEXT OOO" ORIENTAi CINEVA! r^_ i6th big day- ppLpcE^jfimqhb 1 Mg ~^mi p 5 3 30 7 1J *3 .rl**«Mf Iff TflSlff D I 30 3 45. 715 930 jßki **Tußwm VZmWrt special
      87 words
    • 75 7 ZUtrt art «^t Bjasjf on tfie T f banb Uingon v but there is r onlp one marstro J| r*- 1 r<--r;* Original f osirn »mokfhonsf lloitl. N Jfostrrs I LAST WEEK .Stadium Xinema* GAVWORLD -GEYUANG L««t 2 Dart' p.m. 2ND HOUSIFULL WIIK |M Can*tort Hanchona "SIVANTHA MANN" TONIGHT MIDNIGHT
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    • 81 7 RISJAORAMT CLOSED FOR DINNER TONIGHT TONIGHT MIDNIGHT' Undfrwotrr Film SHARK Biirt Reynolds Arthur Xi IT'S I SPOT-ON 1 ENTERTAINMENT AT THE spot-spotO RENAISSANCE staqnerinq word on the sound scene. Throbbmq with unleashed wildncss. Thrillmq passion. More than a sound, nn explosion of music. More than a show, a total experience.
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    • 117 7 A TOWERING ENTERTAINMENT! g^ ORCHARD Bverything that COMING excited 50 million I'*^! J^ readers is now -s>-- jm on the screen... f^^^r am! mure! '^s^^r^ m _9_eS^M>^'H| *SJj*Bk '^"■SB^P^BJKifI'SJHi b^F _j^4 *t w_ joumtiivmiittiMini 5|J THE ADVENTURERS CMARLCS AZNAVOUR ALAN BAOCL CtHDKI lUOIN THOMMV BCRGt. < DCUA BOCCAROO ERNEST BORCNINC
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  • 466 8 Raja: It will be much easier on us if... SINGAPORE. Friday fc No place for those out for quick kills 9 SINGAPORE'S foreign relations will be "much easier" it industrialists invest in other countries in the region, Foreign Affairs Minister, Mr. S. Rajaratnam, sakl tonight. a South-east Asia winch is
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  • 169 8 AT LEAST THINGS AREN'T SO BAD TODAY... yiIM.APOKK Fri. The »5 entrepreneur of old had been a much ahuveri person. I Ik liii-tian xriplurc linik "a -.our \ii-«" nf bankiTs uui regarded them as unwrUomi' BMSWT-cftUUlgen, (lid the cl.issjis. Fareiga Minister Mr. «h.- ».is drawlag this pi(tui>- of the
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  • 41 8 t-INTVAPOHF !'i! Thr ■tcond l.'^.uoo for four numoers and the addltionul number eOfTSCi tor ln-l night Tot<; draw number 58 70 lias b«en won by a person who h<uicht In- ticket lrnm a Toto anem lr RoM
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  • 118 8 SINGAPORE W The Conferpncf Hall will bo coraplet«l]i 'walled'" in with polythene tomorrow for the opening of ;i three-day exhibition of buildup materials At 3 p.m. the "wall will be ceremoniously slit by Mr. Tony QwUUanu, outgoing architecture lecturer in thp University of Slngapore, to
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  • 209 8 SINGAPORE. Friday 'IX) ha\f thr best police force in South-east Asia 1 kg not good enough, if Singaporean* are apathetic to the force, the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Culture. Mr. Fong Sip Clue said tonight. Hi speaking at the
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  • 390 8 SINGAPORE, Fri THE Singapore Employers Federation wants a s;iy in Ihe drafting of future laws con cerning eiiiployer-emplovce relations. SEF presideni Mr. J. n. H. Nell] tonight this would be "mutually advantageous." Addressing the f< di lion's annual dinner, he said
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  • 14 8 SINGAPORE. Fri Th« phase n[ i 1 nr\t w neither i>t whom
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 309 8 4* I ry*'^^B La^gate_ HHb^bV. Xt HV^ -^J I g[gW W *--*%J?WgBA •^C [aflgsffl '^«#»*>*- "^^W IftV^^Bi r^ I -^afel^gsl I 5j .> «fe^reigß I WL flT%\ 1 Ii <*H sw JE^W w*^ 'K IKIw B f* gfl IVP*^^pfl 9Ha s^P^la^^^gsv •^C 8 it You saw hpf with Elvis .Presley
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    • 121 8 Beslcuiranh... NITE-CLUB k presents I K^Lkv JgsJtkl I l^at^H La K B^^afla^gsU I m^kS&Mh 9 J^gh^^iMHl Bsm-»«-^B^***^BW^^'^'^ KALUNG PARK.SINGAPORE. t TEL *****1 THIATRI RESTAURANT NITE-CLUB CABARET ENTERPRISES Nightly present! Tht Ying-Ying Sisters Acrobotic Troup« from Taiwan Fabulous singers from Taiwan: 3 Miss Lee Lan Ying 4 Miss F«n Yee Local
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  • The Straits Times Saturday Forum
    • 208 9 Long wait for an ambulance THE other evenii. came across an old man from the nearby kamponn i n Bayan to make an C y ra ii from a public U phone box. I Oi the i how I could coi ambu :iould l waa told ti phom To contact
      208 words
    • 118 9 j-'LATHLR-br-dduu p«Ctioe.s by railway unlona In the U.S. tare brought down the PermCentral .md in the pa I many another American railway giant. The M.iiav.iM Railway mu>t be run on economic lines. Our country cannot allord to permit UonoJ railways to be 1 drain
      118 words
    • 95 9 THRKE months ago, my lather wa.s dismissed ironi c jmrnercial orlon without any explanation vi, He haa bPfn .serving lor .rs. Repeated attempts to ill provider.t lumi contribution I other credit* what nr.i.-t Victim Ol such Injustice do, to Ml U KIM I 1 (Mhol Prtallni
      95 words
    • 79 9 COME time ago it was announced that, to help 13 lower income groups to own houses, the Belangor State Development Corporation would offer flats in section 17. PetaUng Java lor sale to occupants I W>i and thi lion has fieflnit* 1 j whether
      79 words
    • 85 9 T'lOß] July 6> mlttee :omprising repi ;>ublic utility sup; minimum ol i the aubhc. luci In mam road* s an nc and tudicd by the committee In tho meantime, bow■ver, developm* nt :o on and the Singapore ri-lephnne Board had re:cived the approval (J
      85 words
    • 46 9 I N small petrol The v count is recorded the pump Income i accordingIncome tax tdded an Item irded rirav.. Alter Informing tho department, no amendment 'i made. The reply ment is i ble. I] wonder where m. recorded drawings' came from. PETROL MAN i alptaf
      46 words
    • 20 9 ptSIDENTS of QueensI V i., S;n!4apore, ma could be the area once or irgaret Dr:ve i;i (,i\ n/i Sim in
      20 words
    • 193 9 Hospital will give details on patient to a G.P. Till, subject ol "red d by a correspondent cS.T July 4) It Is unnecessary to ex- !iy it i.s imp<jrtant to keep in strict conndence what Is recorded between patient and doctor, the notes of 'ion and lnvestland why such record
      193 words
    • 150 9 Xiii-. Singapore Oorenkreply my letter ..tinple of a private doctor sends a case to a private pita! he i.s allowed to the hospital h re is no talk of I ise, alter all, t^H me from his There Is also no
      150 words
    • 37 9 THE Singapore telephone directory la rather BOOM U»e El MOM off and the pages net torn. It not fcX ble to have the n printed In ona with it^ own bind. the yellow binding? P LIM Singapore
      37 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 145 9 MfISP6RT for finest lawn care Easy itarting 25- more cutting power Permanently lubricated, double ball-bearing wheeli make pushing cHortleu. Ettra- large capacity catcher. 6 different cutting heights. Johnson Iron Horse 2-ttroke engine or Briggs Stratton 4 stroke engine. OUTBOARD MARINE (PTE) LTD. I NORTH BRIDGE ROAD SINGAPORfc I lEL *****
      145 words
    • 281 9 PESTABOIA MERDEKA KE-13 A SEE ASIA'S TOP IJ^WFOOTBAIL STARS H^H Ik /A See the best Asian footballers 4^ > w& vw^oMl IhV n actlon T °P narr >es from TT» mB Malaysia, Singapore, Hong /ft Wfl W'r' Kong, Indonesia, Republic /if pW^ 1 of hina Japan, Burma, J J Mw^^^^^^^
      281 words

  • 393 10 The iJn :ment h put under notice of what may happen if ai id to South Africa. The UN. Security ,1 has i ailed on all es to ban umonditionally, and without :is, all arms sales. The Council also condemned "violations" ol the embargo which lias been in
    393 words
  • 266 10 to Bangkok to solicit military aid, !i«- has returned to Phnom P« t>}i w ith no nioi c than verbal guarantees of support. Tin surprising. With one combat division committed in South Bffl and the rest of the military and security forces on a "general
    266 words
  • 229 10 i h .i^iu. ..i and Siru. will 1: m today's final clos- rcmonv the two taama will go to Lcndou for a siiort but well-dew nred rest In ion' n turninß horne not inciiu-rinK bsfOi parhaps, but deserving certainly of a "well done" welcome. The two teams were
    229 words
  • 746 10  -  JIM GIBBINS By KUALA LUMPUR ITS THE Taj Mahal of the train world the Kuala Lumpur railway station. "There isn't a station anywhere to touch it." pronounced Scotsman Mr. Adam Savior the other day. And Mr Saylor Is an expert on such
    746 words
  • Letters
    • 245 10 Vyi iii refi rence to tii*» insi traffic lights ai the Jalan Baniisar Jalan H result would be a pilp I jalan Which la a ni.i.i. r» „<i. Pesurohjaya ibu now proceeding actively with the ol roundabouts for turning traffic at
      245 words
    • 97 10 AS a follow-up to the letter by 'Doctor 1 R.T July 13> Id me say I think it Is lair for a eovernment to nrovide outscrvice to all citizens. Whether they arr desr ran afford tn nay for th< a rnvate practitioner if uu- material Provided one has the patience
      97 words
    • 79 10 CAD that Singapore's "Garden City" campaign should give rise to a dangerous disease in the form of haemorrhaglc fever. This was revealed recently by Dr. K. L. Chan, the Health Ministry's chief vector control officer. He quoted figures to prove his point 375 hospitalised cases of haemorrhagic fever in 1964.
      79 words
  • 1016 10  -  Cheah Boon Kheng School where 'tough' boys cry... By KUALA LUMPUR THE boy with the crew-cut had a thin red scar across his left cheek and a mischievous grin as he stood in the dock lacing the juvenile court magistrate. He pleaded guilty to a charge of
    1,016 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 21 10 .^aaaak^lrf Ji7at?;^aT/'^W)b!ialßaaaw OtWtSettS LIFE DEPARTMENT j4sS*a*at Gfif*t.,jGM\ Serving and MaM.*Mv» Protecting all, 50 years of service [j B 9 or Smo
      21 words
    • 73 10 Phillips Milk of Magnesia restores regularity... settles upset stomach afektaamammmmmafl _^gssMaaaw N Phillips Milk of Magnesia restores regularity, quickly settles upset stomach and provides safer, more complete relief than ordinary stomach remedies. Phillips Milk of Magnesia is recommended by doctors and has been used in hospitals all over the world
      73 words

    • 416 11 Nasser accepts U.S. peace formula CAIRO, Friday PRESIDENT Nasser said last night I accepted America's new formula i'or a Middle-East peace settlement a ceasefire lor at least <X) day-j and indirect talks between Israel and the Autbt-. But he laid down oik- Important condition: That Dr. Gunnar Jarring, U Thant's
      416 words
    • 45 11 HUNG KO.N«.. In Masseur lanu Mini Kin. IS. is iii hospital today nursins his hiuisis aftCf b<-iii: beaten up by a customer for allecedly gi\iii« hftss •t«io h.mi Maasagc lane had to be taken to the hospital in .in ambulance. Keuter.
      Reuter  -  45 words
    • 341 11 Trial of two Arab commandos opens in Athens »llU\s In. |h, <i<>\ eminent toclav proce.dcd «ith the trail ol t»» Aiali commandos. accuMd o| acts of Satotagc ..gainst Israel. deNl>ile pledst- to set them free in ,{0 days Ihe pledge was made on Wednesday to si \rali guerillas who hijacked
      AP  -  341 words
    • 75 11 Former mayor on extortion charge found guilty 'I'RLNTON New Jer.sry>. Fn. A Federal jury Ighl convicted former rk mayor Hugh Addonizlo on 64 extortion and conspUr I'd with dim were AUthuPhillp OotXlOO, lormcr City c ir.niteo Mafia figures Anthony ..n. n 64 (tort ing ITBM Ml tioo i.rm durinc Addonuios
      75 words
    • 46 11 Mirages to be returned PARIS. Km A French ni.u 1 i today ur ling 14 ilanai t.' Pro boucht in thr past fMI a\oid "a delicate situation :.d Sjrrta, the French Ministry of Doirncr and thr Foreign Office refused to comment on thr r> port.— Ul'l.
      46 words
    • 86 11 DANGEOK. Yrt Natal ollui.ils said 1 11 Wr<l ncsdav the (ciiitroN "topless woman'' on newi) isMird stamp is realIt a Buddhist monk, thus halting a crnuinG wa\e nl protests lln stamp ilrp rts Kinc Kainkhamhacnc, a great Kill.-, of (he Suhnthai
      86 words
    • 261 11 MANILA. Friday. J^ CONGRESSMAN said today ho had received testimony that a tyndicate operating here and in Hong Kong was responsible for "indecent love semes" in films shown in theatres and homes in the Philippines. Mr Jose Puyat Jr.. chairman Hi tlir House n ii.mii
      UPI  -  261 words
    • 14 11 PARIS Fn Seven hundred French K bn Oonie*. the nnn I Rru'rr.
      14 words
    • 299 11 HONOLULU. Fri. 11 The United States has agreed to strengthen South Korea's armed forces and defence Industries, before m wiring any sizeable reduction In American troop .strength in Korea But, it said yesterday that it would pro with some wit ncirawals thi.s year.
      299 words
    • 217 11 BONN. Friday THE West German Cabinet yesterday authorised Y ore! g n Minister Mr. Scheel to visit Moscow next week to negotiate a goodwill treaty. sued a declara! lon that the treaty could nol take' until ictory regulation of the .situation in
      217 words
    • 115 11 WELLINGTON, Kn— New ha> offered to .suonlv four liuht aircraft to Indonesia's main civil aviation flvniu school and a further four to a flying school In southern Thailand. New Zealand Prime Minister. Sir Keith H' lyoake. said in a ment released here
      115 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 200 11 When deliveries are your business k f ti i i-n i i ■^■TMr7MM^T*sTtff^7i?^s^s%£*^gKgigigUß i^g^R i W ndgf K7 *9k W""* t I fi i Jdgft' g^g^sH i J I "w^^B HrFSi^Hgt^ft \l^ I «%rdKg^gl iStt-Siv %x > "-?MW **y»** -»,.^|i-^^^^^.-.^"^33^i&jfoBBSs^ J IL^g^Lf ctSs^. v<"-^bm S "^S i JWtl^^. l^f^^^gP J^g^P^"^^gSv
      200 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous

      • 192 12 U.S. MODEL CRIME BILL IS PASSED BY SENATE WASHINGTON. Friday THE Senate yesterday passed a controversial crime bill which is expected to serve as a model for law-and-order legislation across the country. Th» ribed st and allows Judges to dered a danger to society !<>r up to 50 trial. and
        192 words
      • 39 12 Russia will win arms race: Laird w i» Melvin have United the cur il< worry hi < had hreat now. i lonKer th( n swiliKIng waj he "Wilt inu weaplo; wea- the r arm in tie United B c burden.
        39 words
    • 29 12 Kr. ;d K BTUC< the new I s gotiator at the Pans p. unloads h:- heavy n from iton with Ellsworth Bu leader*,
      29 words
    • 176 12 VV. German, Polish talks on text of treaty WARSAW, I-ri. West Qermany and Poland beuan ne- 1 gotiations here yesterday on the text of I Ity intended to formalise relations between the two coonwhlch have been > nemlea through long period* ol history. The Polish foreign Minister, Mr. Btanlslas JedrychowaU,
      176 words
    • 180 12 CAIGON, I'rl. Mr J David Brute. Itie Unit**] States new chief negotiator at the Paris pe.ui' l.ilks. hi rived here today to investi^atr the MB* siOilKy of new initiatives at the i<mlerfiice tal»le. Ohactrwi saul tin- kcj !<• .Mr. BruiTN rtsH in
      Reuter  -  180 words
    • 26 12 JAKARTA n ii 'in 1 itreboa rcglaa ol Wi»: I Air. will b« iroductioi rum 800 000 .o onr :i AP
      AP  -  26 words
    • 128 12 J^A i'AZ. BOLIVIA I Tw West Oermans tiuy.s captivity and th€ release by the Government of lv alleged political prisoners In exchange for their They turned up at the -:e of Teoponte from which they were kidnapped I early on Sunday by 30 guerillas,
      128 words
    • 36 12  -  youths by LOMDON. PM The BBC n».« been ;amm*d liter«llv Youth* hurled plKtu- nags -nerrv *n. Broadway to pio- by the BBC i n. Radiu Geronin Imm Monte Carlo. Tiip BBC denied imtng.
      36 words
    • 138 12 Rome team succeeds in extracting oxygen from moon rock ROME, Friday. UNIVERSITY of Rome research tram has succeeded in extracting oxygen from lunar rock. The head ol the train. preliminary studies showed ,i man could tract! from 44 pound rock. the small ck on whJ the rslty by I \eronautlcs
      138 words
    • 11 12 vi: Fr. i th»y Miri. R*ut»r
      11 words
    • 32 12 LONDON, frl. unemployment In Britain during the past month to the h: figure for July the Government announday. iinpniI tvlnw Of S 7r ni n
      32 words
    • 90 12 Man who dodged immigration for 24 hours can stay EUnXUBHBB I ONDON 1 I 9* law lords have ruled that an Indian who Britain from a fishing boat in 1967 can sta because he had avoided Immigration offl--4 hours. I miniSingh Bhagwiui. did. I conspir i had b. Novemb mciidcd
      90 words
    • 154 12 LONG BEACH 1-r! Mac- I DonneU Douglas Corporation rolled out Its new DC -10 tri Jrt yesterday n| a two-month march on Lockheed's Lioil plane American aviation's air- i bu> war v cc President Spiro Ag- i md California Governor Ronald Regan stood by
      154 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 27 12 igw iii .^l. **<^-T K°av^ mmSsBBSfL J!^KsWS li s^.r M Ax >^ >r/yTM 1 in kgMkgy L v* xf' JT^^^r gsv^gflßgflg^ s^K^a^gs^g^gp^vQr> djj Bl^Mss^agMfejßßgKSL A Hn r m
      27 words

    • 313 13 2,000 get set for Paris to Kabul motor rally pARIS. Fri. Some 2.000 young people from 16 nations will roar away from v Paris cinema on August 1 at tho start of a 10.000-mile motor rally to Afuhanistan. The t I iniMd by I-rrnch car manufacturer t-n and the petrol
      313 words
      • 583 13 Council calls for ban on arms to S. Africa NEW YORK. Fri. AFRICAN States were today preparing the second stage of a massive diplomatic offensive against South Africa at the United Nations, alter the Security Council last night called on all States to ban arms sales to the Pretoria Government
        Agencies  -  583 words
      • 328 13 WASHINGTON. Fri i DEPARTMENT of Justice analysis of the shooting incident in which four students were killed at Kent State University last ■ortedly sugthai it waa unsary tor National Guardsmen to have .it Hi,, students to protect themselves, narkof Ohio i officials. maintained after
        NYT  -  328 words
      • 114 13 Ni IQBK, i<(|rral agents 1-i^t nigiit ..nested the list Jif IS members <>f -»n eUr.-mist student or« >nisauon < n irs,..l h% thr- I >> <.o\ernmcnt with eoaapii v > i" i ""unit homhinßs in four clUw Irrested on i «treet here
        Reuter  -  114 words
      • 137 13 Wilson drops Stewart from top team I ONDON, Fri. Labour Party leader Harold Wilson tonight dropped former Foreign Secretary Mr. .Michael Stewart, t>3, from his top team of spokesmen chullengging the new Conservative Government in the House of Commons. Instead, rx -Defence Secretary Mr. Denis Hcalev hren eiven the
        Reuter  -  137 words
      • 123 13 Problem of man whose skin changed colour LONDON. Fri.— A Briton whose skin changed colour because of a kidney complaint claims he cannot lind a job— because he looks like a Pakistani. Georßf Tonk:n of Pool. whoat skin thaneed colour in 11, said today people had rolled him dirty wog-
        Reuter  -  123 words
    • ERUOPE
      • 299 13 Kekkonen calls for talks on security WASHINGTON, 1 TT Fri. President Urho Kekkonen of Finland called last night for a conference on European security. He said the continent remained the scene of the deadliest concentration of modern w.^aDons of mass destruction ever known in history. He made the Die* in
        AP  -  299 words
    • 124 13 -THORN l.nsland. Fri. 1 At 17, t.>ther t arver h.t> twice hetti iiltru Hist hilmi her wnldinj by twa liillrrent men The lirsl time >hf was left .tlmnst .tt thr hur« h (I.i.m IMher burned her wedding; drcs> Now the vriontl bridecrooin. ill >
      Reuter  -  124 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 194 13 im »l I !^IT> I SSSSMSSSSSSSSSSMSSSSMSaaiBSBaBII^^M« mi i Thp hifl nmil! iiiiuinyiiuii H B m I Hsss^sssss\ HI sdL^LfeHHLH sH W&tibtffe A Philips introduce Philips careful attention 24" Panorama Vision. to detail. Now Philips bring you their latest To Philips, quality is a tradition, advance in television technology: a Meticulous
      194 words

    • 437 14 Trading was suspended In Eupoc Pulp and Paper Industries shares yesterifternoon. The Committee ol Hi" Stork Kxcliange •ended the counrecelpt ot a letter said ti) have come from EuSecretary, yv. P. L. Chan. inform 'd the Stock Exchange that the Juroni Town Corpoled a writ lor the
      437 words
    • 691 14 BID AND OFFER PRICES OFFIIMALLr LISTED AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS IN THE SINGAPORE AND KUALA LUMPUR TRADING INDUSTRIALS UNIT IHUM4 Asia Unit Trust tMjnaxtn- pruts lor July 27) Mm mvi. rund 1.14 i.ik Hal K-roc i- und wn L.U4 Gnartirtd Unit Trusts B'rore GrovtLn Fund... >.U2 I.UJ
      691 words
    • 956 14 IJI SINES!) in jmU npuit.u u> tin Mncjpurr and Kuala Lumpui I lading rooms of the M.irk l\rlian(>' >esterda) with tin- number of shares traded ahovm m lu.i.k.i- in lots of 1. 1". ii lpl. otherwise specified. IMII -HUM I I vl.jO. Allied (hoc. >3i $2 78. Id
      956 words
    • 33 14 Straits Times INDICES My July J1 •Industrials: 130.5:! 131.85 'lvi- M.71 «9.» l •Properties: lnT.hl HUM:. Tins: i<9.83 89.85 > rubbers: II4JI HIM lire .til. i'li i, I",, •lire, tl, ifltiX-lim Dm. v* n«i=iuu
      33 words
    • 209 14 MARKET ENDS WEEK ON STEADY NOTE I^IIK Stock Kxchanice of Malaysia and Sinrapnrc esSSWsJ the week yrsterday on a steady note although the pace of trading «as slower. A fr.tture <>f the days trading MM the profit-taking noted in most of the newcomers Movements in other shares were narrow with
      209 words
    • 324 14 SEVERAL markets have consolidated encouragingly. After Wall Street's surge of 100 points from (he low of late May, Its setback this week is minimal. So t;tr. the setback Is little more than 10 points in the top-heavy average of older blue chips and only 5 points in
      324 words
    • 147 14 THE ■suMlsHlW of Banks in Mal.r.. announced A Local dollars to one unit A foreign currency. Sterling Pound Australian Dollar Npw Zealand I> iUr South Arabian U.S. Dollar Local dollar to luo units. n( foreign currency. I Ceylon Ruptei t)alil li Kicmer DtOUcbe Mark» Kreniii I Horn;
      147 words
      • 22 14 KIBBIR: 52 (dorm li «n a cent). TIN: 5635.75 (up 12.. cents). I viim.itcil nfTeriiiK '19H tons iduwn 15 tons).
        22 words
      • 156 14 ffHE Str.uU tin price in A Penang yesterday 12' a cents to $635.75 per picol on an offering estimated down 15 tons to 290 ton.s. The market was said to be very steady with support from United States and Japan. LONDON: Tin displayed a subdued tone
        156 words
      • 89 14 CHINESI PROOUCi (XCHANCt MNCAPORE NOON CLOSING Coconut Oil: bulk tM s«lleik drum ni CODta \!.\..r| (f.O D.I lOOM |U|V/ Au, IK Coal U3 B. Ptretß: Munlok « liyo l»ll*r«. SiMWrtk whitp SIB 7 wllm, %n^nnl Sarawak Mack JllJ', garbled I mnpono bl»i k JL'lJ'j Mllrn (all "MS*. NIU. AJ.TA
        89 words
      • 51 14 1- -a. KUOMii *us *u» 1 nnnon <, s il I Ni H **> M 3 H..'.,iknno S3 \7 sq /Htirh I Sr II I M H BVS9 ••'nor* (11 ,i P"r» i N( M imm m is ,i.,n.,,1' prr ounrc" 131 Loral rtpatart' prtcn m vinommrt
        51 words
      • 21 14 Mi'av-n ittr c9n' Mutual P»ptfmh#r »4» tin* ia UK. r»'rt sellers ap-t qjot•d at UN and »M* for Continent.
        21 words
      • 347 14 rE market ruled unchanced to slightly lower >t -terday morning. There was considerable activity m switching from August to further lorwards winch widened the discount fractionally and there was lair outright demand up to Jan March 1971 but further forwards weir quieter. Seller., of physicals were inclined to
        347 words
      • 306 14 HOPES ol an early settlcmint (if the UK duck strike at the start of the week generated shortcoverlng interest, say Green Collier Smgaporc rubber and proauce brokers. However, as these hopei proved prenwture kevela adjusted downward- ; continuously during the Week AUKUSt RSS One showed I KM!
        306 words
      • 112 14 r Vm London rubber market passed a quiet week, the only notable feature being modest toverine against the dork strike in spot and nearby landedv I xteiuled notice of the strike enabled most buyers to cover well in advance, hence activity in these positions at steadying prices
        Reuter  -  112 words
      • 140 14 THE Dunlop Finance NY 100 million mark 8 1 per cent 15--year loan, track d on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange on Thursday, is already oversubscribed, Deutsche Bank the underwriting consortium leader said In Frankfurt. Banks handling the Imt reported heavy demand lor the 98' per rent priced
        140 words
      • 252 14 TifEI.BOUnNE. Frl— The mar--ITi ket clo*d firmer ln all MCUoni on the Melbourne Stock Fxrhancf today, Hrme\Pr, most activity was confined to a fp\v selected mining and oil stocks. In the ■InSfS, Tasminex nan ln strong demand and the shares closed 65 cents better at $s.riO after sales at
        252 words
      • 37 14 imiw .him 8: 732 mfrl: i.dMMiN imii i m; iii Mil M (Thui I ceni tWi I i\ \\< i \i i IMI 98 (week ago); Kubbrrv 134 82 (1 134.73 Oil Inchntriab I (WeunesiUy>, :t.'!i h
        37 words
      • 143 14 HONG KONG. Frl— The market clooed for the week ln an active atmosphere. Prices were \ery firm earlier in the morning when further pains from yesterday were recorded. Today cloning prices in Hong the i bang* jf the previous day pr'crs. Amal. Rubtw MSI Bank of But Asia
        143 words
      • 28 14 Itt. ..chin*. m.,ktt .n v s. Dollar 150 for T.T. and 6US fur ca«h. sttrim, mi qoetad aad MM mi el «oM si 175.50.
        28 words
      • 273 14 YEW YORK. Thurs. The market moved sharply higher In dramatic news headlines during the session. Virtually all the first rally's sams were erased as the session wore on. A news report that President Nasser has accepted the D.S. peare plan for the Middle Fat spurred the second rally
        273 words
      • 140 14 nr'il»r in vrry U»d ov»rn,i:ht fall on Wl SlrMI. v bourne »r.^ Sv.ln.v nnd Kaffirs nin\'l ahrad v "I "<* mark.: aftvr an mmw start. mock> not including atamp duty «trc: CILTSOCCO Conaol 2'i-T, £27 l-iindinK i'.>~ War 3'i". Ot% IANKt standard A Chartered 3* 3 HuDgkoo* i> INSURANCt
        140 words

  • 103 15 THAI WHO ENTERED MALAYSIA ILLEGALLY FINED $500 DENANO, Fri. A Thai businessman was today fined a total 00, or four months jail In default, on two charges of entering Mala.. illy, Ahi; bin Jaw;i Yapon, 40. Ing to rt on July Inclie Abdui Shukor bin N him $:inu or No
    103 words
  • 6 15 HIT to
    6 words
  • 335 15  - Company boss gets divorce from ex-beauty queen wife T.F. HWANG By SINGAPORE, Fri. Company di- rector <)ng Hie Koan, 31, of Metro tment store, sued his wife, boutique owner and Former beauty queen Rosemary Ann Woodford, 2(3, for divorce today. Mr. Ong, who wu granted a decree nisi on the
    335 words
  • 427 15  - Studen t demos: Govt gives a warning CAROLE CHONG I By Kuala Lumpur, Fri fHE Government is likely to discontinue its "tolerant attitude'" towards student demonstrators because of the present stale of Emergency. '•Although no action had been taken against participants oi th<> two recent demonstrations here, the authorities are
    427 words
  • 32 15 KL'AM \N FH The Slate liihiima'icn Department Will hi 'ld. I (n.r.t course for 500 people including Stale men and youth leaders. al the Town Hail hire in Aug. 7.
    32 words
  • 21 15 PXNANQ l haapprori itribu- Me. 168 mnce The liiiuiry will Kinir :lio annu.i. I
    21 words
  • 188 15 Jail for man who sent bullets in extort note i/ v a l a Limn k. Fri. When .Air. C'heen Vue Kong of Pudu opened a letter on Dec. 3d last Iw found two live bullets and a letter demanding. i-,-,10 from him. He made S <iimpl.i int .it I
    188 words
  • 24 15 Xl 1 :.M F:. eminent will bu town ■round and nor project! here und r Second Mi estimated coal ot $i ■<
    24 words
  • 99 15 Sabah stops flying doctor service L-QTA KINABALU, Pli. The Government has discontinued its "fl doctor" service in the rural anas, the 6 Mi: Health. said todi This y health and have been bull area c nnmunl M>rk Improved. Lai! vernment spent |10 eal year there was no allocation lor
    99 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 309 15 t&lF**^) a s a Pilot in the SAF JKL—Vra, aBBT^* sfal among t^e pioneers in the Air Ddenre r urra /jf SAF oHefsyounq men who are p^ys^d i y <• a d t ij^BBH lh ch llen y* ths ei<cil g care(>r You V.M must be between W 1 and
      309 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 238 15 ON YOUR TV AND RADIO TODAY TV SINGAPURA II WM I. I I nn r>l Opening and Phantaman The cvt.o-p.. :25 Na> iIUU 1.50 Horizon E Struc- .i.i.nbo* 3.00 Amuthum Thenum: l|(| 4 35 HR PufnslufT lv Dragne: '70 56 1 he 6th report > mea 1970 'pt I>. II
      238 words
    • 701 15 TV MALAYSIA N| I VM)KK <IM KiuLi I iimpur and l>nang hannfl S; Ipoh and Malacca I lunn'l l| .Inhorr Rahru li.irnrl 3 laipint < luunrl Ij B.ilu I'jlial < lunnrl 1| kluant hannrl H. •> aa p.m. PrognSHM rasuvary; IJ3 a 27 The Sfcrnd Timi> Arourri. 504 Monsters from
      701 words
    • 113 15 HIGH TIDES TODAY: Sedlli Kechll JO4 It m. •«> 61t 217pm. (7 4ft 1 Singapore 307 am 1 8 2ft > :t 42 p m 1 7 nix I Pwt DtckII 50 am iBsfi 11 14 pin 10 Bft 1 Port Swettenham I SB. 1 15 2ft 1, 959 p
      113 words

  • 834 16 Value of gems put at '$200,000 to $300,000' DAY FIVE OF THE SON vs FATHER CIVIL ACTION AND COURT HEARS HOW FAMILY COLLECTION OF JEWELS WERE DIVIDED PENANG, Friday |l] LIONA] Soon t •ugh the v his ther was worth beoiil) and 1,000, h< considered mental value n financial, wanted
    834 words
  • 967 16 'I loved my son Sonny when he was about 15...' ■^^T^^li I. |I i* ■.I I *-J krosang consisted of three pieces. The centre-piece was the biggest. Judy Soon Choon Yook, 41. Mr. Soon's sister, told the court she went to England in 1949 to finish her schooling. She returned
    967 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 81 16 ENJOY THAT 'SATURDAY FEELING' EVERY DAY OF THE jflsk If tLIV Q/ "^■^busb^v^*l^^^A. Everyone fs glad ifs Saturday— a time to relax, a time when life seems better. And for some readers it's their only day with the Straits Times. Have they thought how much reading the Straits Times contributes
      81 words
    • 217 16 Cat 3100 Series high performance aw fi43r I b^Bb d^^l I -^^aasl i saaVil I d^aV B^v^^B^a^MsauM iastf IB^jS adBBI I'• lal r*I£r«BBBBHZar a B^bßV *_JB BY Jj^F^-CtJfc^^t^Baßßt CbT* i bL V |HHiaS/)V\t^H^S^ Jam 4 *!bhb^bV bm 'Caterpillar's 3100 series engines is a family occupies an area 36 ins by
      217 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1065 17 t^^^^Bni aßa^aaßMaflKa^^^a^^^^p^^p^R^^i^^^B^^l tIPbOL AND LIH[R UK CONTINLNIAL POUTS i. renana INCHISfS i In |>, i ul 1 HtISNUS |y|, J ihthybius i aui i lull 30 lvi 2 Erl u ,i, lt 5 »»l I Atf Aaf 11 r last, G. Atg Atg II km 11/11 lit 11 Al| 11
      1,065 words
    • 2379 17 -i VIA CASABLANCA DIRECT TO HAMBURG IN 33 PAYS. I LOADING FOR: SUMBAWA ll Pirt July 21 Illy 27 21 Illy 21/ 2 Cas<t.'<inca (27 daySl SONCKHLA Alf 27,21 Sipt 1/4 Auf 11/ 1 Rotterdam tmst*rdim* '35 (Jiyli Aniiterc (38 days) MACOAiAt Sept II 12 sept 11/14 sept IS/1) Osiu
      2,379 words
    • 1237 17 FORTNIGHTLY EXPRESS SERVICE OIRECT FROM EAST COAST U.S.A NewVom Penmi P. S'hjm Spore Kinfstod MIMNBN Si.ltl Aut I Aif I Aif 11 Ocl n TIIFUSIS Slilll Aaf 21 Aif 21 SUDAN Sail! lily Aaf 1) Sipt 1 Sept 3 «a* IB ULYSSES Sa.ll A*f 14 Sept 20 Sept 22 MANDALAY
      1,237 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 1030 18 I Yl™ 11^" kawasaki risen kaisha ltd. Westerr Australia Singapore/ Japan Service NajajMl Singapore rokUicrii/Naguya T'nama HoOa «elia Man' 77 lul, 2 Aig I Aai U An II Aug Bast Coast U.S.A. Straits Service ■M ■'> B»it Organs mc.sob Gaiveston Singapore •Cirla Man"! II Pt loly Xunna«a Man"! II JJ
      1,030 words
    • 885 18 USIRiLUN I Hit) 2UHNO SERVICES; f c>^m Singapore LiHiag tar-. CHAKDINAt 21 July 31 31 Jily 1, 2 Aaj S,d.. Auck. Bluff, lim, Uun., Lytt. Well. »roa Australia, Ne» 2calail* Singapere P. Sham Penang Loaliag tor: CARPENTARIAt 31/ 2 AH J' 4 Aig 5 A« Rangoon Calcutta. lANKURA *l 7
      885 words
      892 words
    • 723 18 SCINDIA LINES —PACIFIC NORTH WEST SERVICE— looding For: LOS ANGELES, SAN DIEGO. SAN FRANCISCO. TACOMA. VANCOUVER B.C p. S'fa"> SinpfOH L»»r •< •JALAMANf (MtiMn V 11 July 1 Aug 2 3 Aug 4^ 5 Aug ISe ■JALADHIR" 29 31 Aug 10 11 Aug Jl Aug 1 Sept Z7 sept IST
      723 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 741 19 Hyi7ffsfTrr^|W7r^ your &ns '"'LSrS^ii THROUGH OUR C.A.T.S. (9m»! ss&jzss^m^v^n**.^ s tl s mc r|e PHONE SPORE *****1 \OAT.S. FAITH METHODIST CHURCH OUCEnstown Bunda) Sutida) PRESBVTCRIAN I HUH. H SINGA 1 Peaani n.m. A tion All W*ltLIM CHURCH TONIGHT at T:SS •i. vi imm Who", How 1o K«ni( rotaj OBM WESLEY
      741 words
    • 724 19 HOUSING DEVELOPMENT BOARD. Snu..|>ote. invites appln ationa from Sing", 'or the following Senior Resettleor put, es: To supervise ton and ResettleAssistants: census taking: ■l t .1 of the Stat* I 'nachment (Ird nan. < iChapter Ma); witnessing iwyment to settlers and preparing monthly hv the Resettlement OfflCei g.talifiK- Espafieficei caml.ridne
      724 words
    • 720 19 WANTED Ha... oi Honours U to teach Maihematus Phva.s Ck*> io I pper Secondary Classes ef. loth August. IK7O. Pleaae apply with testimonial* to th* *ecretirv Hoard of Governors. St. John* In.'itution. Kuala Lumpur. WANTEO SECRETARY Sen or Cam hr.diie holder must he abti (a B) •ic-'hand. typing speeds expener.
      720 words
    • 733 19 ESTABLISHED FIRM of Advocate* i piicanta with aome exper.en. c won. be addressed in vvritimc to 80l B.T. s pore. SOME OUT DOOR SALES CIRLS In vented for selling */eU kno«n I r.. ■> for thosi "illing to work hard. CSMai Butterworth.' GET YOUR COMMERCIAL TRAININI from P...)as College
      733 words
    • 660 19 BUSY DOCTORS' CLINIC requires aaaiatanl nurae with r&p. 'ierne Chin. m returnable photo tc ■tn U TUTOR WANTED tur in. in Cliaatia*! Komi. :i time. lei in,,, ::-> Manasor, Republic STENOGRAPHER TYPIST CLERKS ■oakkeeptra, tnni'dii of Cklaeai tra to P.O. Bo* L'lK4 s pore 1. I EUROPEAN COMPANY EXPERIENCED
      660 words
    • 558 19 i LUXURY FURNISHED ROOMI to l< telephone available, d ati moderate \\orkinii trM preferref Phor 17 t pore. BEAUTIFUL TERRACE HOUSE I Jalan Giranc. Ntm furr -h an i r-arprt floonns orlth ir. nndltioner EXECUTIVE LEAVE HOUSE I furn -h.d l.nen mtv .nt. ava I, early Telethon.- Ifaer. i M9TTt
      558 words
    • 218 19 II INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT II COMPANY ie., st |M v in df I i- TO PURCHASE SEMI tIETACHrn > Shops wa.ited of. Otficc space vacant NICELY FURNISHEO and j at R. the i oi!b |f 1 IPOM aimlai. c api K.I. h OFFICE TO Ltt ->10 SO FT. OFFICE I OFFICE
      218 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 303 20 Tuition .1-1 i IALI/t II TUITION Buainess opportunities MALAYSIA BEAUTY SHOP I tv Found 1 Lost ALSATIAN 1)01. :f,i«i koura. Touts and Excursions NAM HO TRAVEL SERVICE Ltd ion 1 .S.A. \SI Crt.«s Streel SPECIAL CONCESSION FLICHT TO LONDON V/EEKLV DEPARTURE n (Macau i b Daya (Mncau)-BancKok i I'avi- Bans
      303 words
    • 478 20 Optic*! et hearing aide FOO YEW OPTICAL. 41 1 rat: TV Radio tales 6c services STOCK CLEARANCE SALES tM I I Kni I lore ad sti p. rEiiir.-usiON TELEVISION RENTALS H I. CAM »Kfrycn» A\e. Joo Chiat RoaO. Taman i'etalln« Jay*. I A Hutternorth REUIFFUSION REPAIRS ANY MAKE OF
      478 words
    • 920 20 10 PIECES FIRM f, O"'-. Ann« table fan »12<- each, tt p:e<e« complete fan» '.6 8B", unu«ed poor *3 each. 114. Carpmail Road. S pore Sat Sun before MARJORIES I WICCERY. 3Au Orchard Road 'Inrount aa aall irkja Bandeau*. Aluo availab'e rkaa DECORS BRICHTEN YOUR HOME: EASTERN UNITED TRADINC
      920 words
    • 1019 20 19U OPEL COMMODORE GI, onr owner rtmt-rlaM condition, radio and maov extra Ktaaw Pl road 110 immj 0.n.0. Tr. FORD FAIRMONT CRUI SOMATIC on. owner, fir.l laglatlMj A.ituM mile*. am ondltionrr. ouwHaal condition. Sl'i.asu/- 0.n.0. S iwre 7.MMI ofl houm iot.3 AUSTIN WESTMINSTER auto mat ic. ilimkl covrrv nr^ b
      1,019 words
    • 721 20 VOLKSWACCN 1969 mod. in uorkunop tested :t^'i aptuovaol caetM nf four I I"7U modil n<-( :tl oil.r price. Champion Hot I Ptt. Koart. S port 11. Trl: MC TO 10SI Dark Gri-.n. SI. Mm MTill 'Ht. ««1 «.«k lor Mr Irvine 19*9 RENAULT RlO txcellcnt condition *5.T.i0 0.n.0. Kinit I
      721 words
    • 602 20 an^^ M "^^^S SABAH (H)VKRNMENT VACANCY PW NOTKE NO. 120 70 Application? are invited from afalaysla i the followtig appointment with the Judicial Pabah: ia) roar: Chinese Encliih Interpreter ib) SALAKV S< ALK: Division 111. Scale D 2-4 iS^ltl x U :!B.S; 300. 315, 330 x2O 410. 4J x 20
      602 words
    • 506 20 CAREER OPPORTUNITIES IN GEOPHYSICAL SERVICE INTERNATIONAL GEOPHYSICAL SERVICE INTERNATIONAL is on advanced computer centre for the acquisition and interpretation of seismic data recorded m the searcn for oil in South East Asia. WE INVITE applicants for positions of Computer Operators vacant in our Company. THE MEN we are looking for
      506 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 544 21 (wieem|(Humj) SALES REPRESENTATIVE A new position of Sales Representative has been created in the Appliance Division of this vkell-known Singapore based company. The applicant, who vhould be in the agerange 25-35 ond o Singapore Citizen, will assiit the Sale Manager of the division in oil aspects of profitable A previous
      544 words
    • 848 21 !p|| HOUSINC DEVELOPMENT BOARD iPP SINCAPORE Applications are Invited lrom Singapore and Malaysian Citizens: (A) APPOINTMENT: I ASSISTANT CIVIL ENGINEERS Supernumerary) Dll IKS: 1u take charge of design and supervision of CiuJ Engineering works such as piling, earthwork, dredging, if ad. sewer and soil investigation, all in connection the
      848 words
    • 1008 21 FIRST-CLASS FINANCE CONTROLLER If you are a POUT-CLAM FINANCF MAN. how would you like to be the FINANCi: CONTROLLER of an International manufacturing group of companies which operates both In Sipkhpore and Malaysia' The salary and fringe benefits whirlwith this post amount to not less than $4,000 per month. I:
      1,008 words
    • 289 21 LARGE PALM OIL MILL IN SOUTH JOHORE •ni fh# following vacancies. Omy Vaiuy^an cil (A) ASSISTANT ENGINEER IB! TRAINEE ENGINEER (C) STEAM ENGINE DRIVERS (D) ASSISTANT CHARGEMAN CD FITTERS VI TURNER QUALIFICATIONS tor post (o) Mi' t of Competency trcm locol inboector of mac zte. for post b) 1 for
      289 words

    • 540 22 Raub can give punters good start VFLAYITHAM, who topped the jockeys' list with four winners at Penang, can keep up his good work by winning on KM.' in Kace 1 at Bukit Tiniah today. Triumphant in two of his last four starts, this speedy four-year-old looks a cut above his
      540 words
    • 43 22 KDON Prl i,.i-i I. ii I Mi I) K the N da run o\er sr ;r Girl "7-2 1 won tho fir>t pn/p of >."3 10S h\ tviiing MiJ R Htl d■ M'likliii. oy Uute-t«aai:cio ol a lengih.
      43 words
    • 152 22 KPMNI nil' < lIA i.'ii i'oimik i; \i B \Mf.i k U\Sa i' M B ll.ur 1 A I niilirtruir It.iuli li r«ln linn I'n-dii tiun C ontidrni c Aniliri Lm ■OTM LAO \i inns n ii\\\n Kacr 2 Mil..x..n Hh.ll Nuclei IWvic I i>l Lack limn. Navta i.aa
      152 words
    • 1023 22 GOING I OKK( AST; Yirldiug nrr*nnn 23 class 5 |v '^T^ (56.000 $4,200 fo winner) 1 I PREDICTION II ,i, e v 0 r ASIAN PRIDI ,HI m) T Mlltl I,,, B.|j lt) _j, A Itman |4 I w PAN RAJAH ..V c i l*,,i !i,»I:
      1,023 words
    • 120 22 Cum Laude goes well on yielding track TOP BETS Raub and Mastrcl Boy. BEST FORE CAST Movie Lad and Malayan Dawn in Race 2. i.m LAI nr: (Rod Daw kins a fancied runner In R at Bukil Tlinah morrow, showed Impressive form m a 3f trial in '61 i jsec
      120 words
    • 27 22 Stiff test for Nijinsky Ni|iii-U» 1 f •Mine lnni g Se» l 1 1 <i r N Inti inn//,, B ken Hogarth < pprlUna K < tl tan i
      27 words
    • 179 23 PHt >^; Amalatlon is makii In Its Suk;in {)roramme to a he wron| kirn, tl;' Vlce- I our lii- •Three n a Strs report of iur mist ica had new Inche lharud(i "I imn roto to lim and received a
      179 words
    • 40 23 NSW >RK l plßveci In the two tiKiior It National Iratui burch P I Carrin.a. \nu nran Lcafiie: California Angels 4 BnMon Red Sox 1, Baltimore Orioles f> K»n«,.-« Royals 4. Cleveland Inti-.-v rhlcac -s l.
      40 words
    • 269 23 1 111 I I II ithaa: Rt 2 hr*. 1 Jim Adler i Scoi i 2 Don Faircloth 2 1 Stephen (Tanzania) 6 W. Ar; BWIMMING Ml s l.MMini frer»t>l.' final: 1 G Windeatt fAuat) Ifi 23.82 crec. 2 M Tava.M-1 (Aiist> 16 34 4fi. 3 M. Treffers
      269 words
    • 462 23 EDINBURGH. Friday J^jOHINDER SINGH ot India looks get to be Aflfal*! only uold medal winner in the track and tield competition of this CoitiimmwcaKh dames here. Mohinder is In line to win the triple jump. K\ the end of the qualifying round competition, he
      462 words
    • 294 23 VEO CHEE BENG. A eldest son of former Singapore champion and Olympic swimmer Neo Chwee Kok. yesterday made an impressive debut in the Public Swimming Club's second championship at Van Kit Pool. Chee Beng won two events, clocking 48 5 for Under- 10 50m
      294 words
    • 913 23 ATHLETICS SECONDARY S< 1100 l s BOYS -A" 3000 m 1 .Serjit 2 S. Kaniui 3 SH. Alsagoff Triple Jump l T Alexander 2 L. Ganapathy 3 P. Chin 43ft 8' i BOYS -B" DtKIM 1 Chung Boon Hue 2 Nk Geok Eng 2 Ho lir. Metiß
      913 words
    • 331 23 The rain robs Kim Hua of a record UEAVY rain robbed Chew Kirn 11 Hua of Changkat hangi of a new meet girls 800 m "A" division record on the fifth day of the National Schools' athletic meet at Farrer Park yesterday. Kirn Hua. who clocked 2:24.4 sec to beat
      331 words
    • 312 23  -  JOE DORAI By T»HE International Body-Building Federation U not a professional body, its president, Mr. Ben Weider. declared yesterday. Mr. Weldi r was cumin entl n g on Singapore Amateur Body ini.ldlng Federation's disai the ataglng ol the IBBK Mr Asl it tl c National lM.iin
      312 words
    • 101 23 TAN TK< K Telok Kurau Primal f Bast showed promise of becomng an outstanding sprinter when lie won the Boys "A" 100 m and 20dm In record time He clocked 13 ,-t'i lor 100 m to i v; eight-tenths of a second off Sundram's 1969 record,
      101 words
    • 21 23 KUALA TRENGGANU. Pri Fathul Kanb of Singapore beat Trenßganu Malays 3-1 In a friendly soccer match here yesterday
      21 words
    • 100 23 ATHLETICS: National Secondary Schools meet c Karrer Park. 2.30). so* LR: FAS Youth Tournament: <Under-20i: Armed Forcrs "A" v Knights; Burnley v AJAS; Parrer United v MacPhersnn and Darul Allan v Telok Kurau tall male lies at Farrer Park at 4 pin. i. lndfr-18: Burnley United "A" v Kakl
      100 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 467 22 REGISTRATION OF CONTRACTORS Propo tomplex at Kal for M S Choi i < I Theatres Ltd. Contractoi ler for the works •o write to The Archly relevant com] trmation. (A) Air-Conditloning Installation trical Installatl (1 Plumbing lV Sanitary In.stallatiun ted applicants will hv invited to tender within the firsi week
      467 words
    • 744 22 SINC. \rORT PROrFRTT I 1.1 I lIOI.It I'K(»I'KKTIKS I'OK BALI \s ONI UNIT 1. Nos. M 2. IM ft 388 Orchard Road. Singapore. Comprised In Lots 11-31. 11-32 and 11-24 of Town Sub-di\:-m:i XXIV in 1.884 square feet. 1.874 and 1.871 square leet re.-|)ecti'. civ. 2. LOCALITY: Along O Road
      744 words
    • 742 22 IN THF MATTFR OF Till. OMPANIEB A( 1. 1965 AND IN THK MATTFR Of sii\kik\t im:rmagaa\ penoangkotan lai x dan darat (1989) sdn. bkriiad (In Members' Voluntary l.iquiilaticuil NOTICK IS HEKEBY OIVPN hat the Creditors of the above- miiipci Company, which is beintt I round up voluntarily are required in
      742 words
    • 13 22 ANY ABRASIVE DEALER WHO CAN SMOOTH IT OVER is in the Yellow Pages
      13 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 179 23 Rosewood Furniture INTERIOR DECORATION SINGAPORE HANDICRAFTS CENTRE SHOWROOM 4 nxiEY ROAD SINGAPORt-9 TEL ***** ***** „jM Ready mdde niade-to-O(der LgLgLgßß^* ---TißMaElaßlglaßßßßlaiaßl IS |MtJBMMB( p] ANTIQUE SCREENS FURNITURE S n M 5S JADE.IVORY CARVINGS S v] J*****22H585 LD! *?eipin9 store(*?te)ltcf. 9 I^jL j ORCHARD ROAO SPORE 9Te ***** ***** Bl in
      179 words
    • 348 23 NOTICE TO PARENTS AND STUDENTS Will your child quality for overseas study? PREMItR COLLEGE a A -^i -a ma itudv ensures o Overseas students with suitable <jualit,cat.on« ors '< compet,f,vene»j when enow being oeeepfea f<x courses leading to the tommeret eaom.nonon, |Mr>LOYM£NT I SECRETARIAL (GIRU ONLY. Premi f Cc|l€fl-
      348 words

  • Article, Illustration
    43 24 A Viet prisoner is taken in for questioning t WOUNDED Vletcong prisoner. hlindfoldod. is loci by a rope to ;i district headquarters ai Kompong Speu, Cambodia, for questioning. H< was captured at Srang, some 10 milei> oast of Speu. UPI photo.
    UPI  -  43 words
  • 185 24 Security row looms over gas bomb attack I ONDON. Fri. A major security row loomed here today fo'lowing a gas bomb attack on Members of Parliament in the House of Commons. IfPS were listening to a report from Mr. Anthony Barber, Minister in Charge of Common Market necotiation.s yesterday afternoon,
    185 words
  • 127 24 LONDON. Fri Maintenance of Britain's food supply is still the big imie of the national docks strike. in general, the supply situation is not yet serious, apart trom perishable food such as fruit, which is rce and more expensive. There has been little
    Reuter  -  127 words
  • 199 24  - After 8 years Sir Leslie fulfils a wish OW WEI MEI: By Singapore. Friday V^IH Leslie Munro, New Zealand Ml' and internationally known jurist, reached ;i \\\'j,\\ point l(»d;i\ in his present Singapore visit he met the Prime Minister Mr. Lee Kuan Yew. His wish t<> mccl the Prime Minister
    199 words
  • 47 24 SINGAPORE. Fr!. I president Pliev Yru K<>k. 36. W.i dlsrharced imm hospital today Mr Phev v. n.« admitted to Outram Roa.l General Hospital on Tuesday morniuc after bring Mushed on the rlcht cheek durUO attack on him by four times .nitride his Queeiistoun home
    47 words
  • 21 24 KINC.APOKF i *Cn today for throwing a ciL-a-rc'te hint at a bus River Valley Ronri on April 13.
    21 words
  • 109 24 S. Africa gets its first U-boat despite UN ban I ORIENT (France), Fr!.— J South Africa today took pos« Klon of It submarine built in PYanee HIM 13 hours after the UN. Security Council called cm all state, to bar lie "t arm to tl public unconditionally and without
    Reuter  -  109 words
  • 35 24 Probe into governor's ambush flew to ihr Ince "f Itiman in in i last iiiLiH I] ed and in- drtvei i !f(l A p BO\eii government oil euaid lenu I tut it ainhnshrv. «.-#n I
    35 words
  • 19 24 PARIS K. munf-er-e*pl rieht dajn ;<• FrHiiiT liw he immedintr ra all of the diplomat, namrr Hruter.
    19 words
  • 3 24 ARMUCATHEVAn Rlntapon
    3 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 357 24 |ft>* T- 111 lIC 111 Eii^ UIIHE A penthouse supper club with an j___r *i Mf Ba^sT fl by TinoGatchalian his orchestra ißMfaWi <^B?^Bi' with singer. Carmen. Entertain ilßW||^ \j*- ~*^m ment by the Rovitas. Thev 'i BL '\W J leave you breothless with laughter. /^^^^^XW Floorthow nightly at 10.30
      357 words
    • 179 24 Late CLASSIFIEDS 20 irard $?o no minimum) IMCC jgg THE LEADING COLLEGE OF POSTAL EDUCATION IN S. ASIA j: 'Establish, d 1959 C%, 1 FOH CHONG BUILDING, Second and Third Floor- V Johorc Bohru Tel: 2171 2006 t«X COURSES AVAILABLE FOR 1971 1972 EXAMINATIONS ff£ 1. HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATI 4.
      179 words
  • Page 24 Miscellaneous
    • 47 24 Weather outlook lITKAI BSD IW Tf GAPOBI noon I The i a.m. todl morrow over i r followine I v I' inane: temp« Ipoh. Kola rlluru and KuanUn: Kiial.t I iiiniuii r-.nuer* In the mid :< tui laU ftfi-TR! fair, r don 71 fine Hcime Brrliii i, If
      47 words