The Straits Times, 7 July 1970

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 24 1 III!! national Estd. ISIS The Straits Times i i i> \v ii i v 7, i9:o IS CENTS KPN 1511 M.( (D ftm 1501
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  • 635 1 Battle rages for siege town Rockets fired into houses to flush out Vietcong snipers PHNOM PENH. Monday CAMBODIAN soldiers ore flushing out with anti-tank rockets the battered town of Saang, 18 miles South-east of here. As Ihc troops moved l>;n k It) Hush <tiil snipers after ;i communist attack yesterday,
    635 words
  • 301 1 Tun: We can i get by without the twothirds Xi M\ It MIM H Mi.m Inn Abdul K.i/.U mi, n!i ,il thai ronsti lutional amendments an Itivt issues mil hu. P i>vicr 111 I nicnt despite the Goi ci n in' mi s lack oi tuoIhirdii mi. i |*rit) I
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  • 19 1 Hoi i the for thoug > row Of tithe -IniD ry "t rh, the 0l
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  • 7 1 I ONI pop after arise.
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  • 37 1 I ONDOM Mob 'I >>c MpanUh ■uthorttlr> derlxlon m burj Urn 'inn of 1««) Frtflav I'um'i rr»Rh In a rommun»: ■--in hU .'horkerl rtlatne^ in Britain a spokesman for D«n-Ali. the plant* V snici
    37 words
  • 34 1 in Chief Haim ««lri tooav Soviet inis^lle etfWl i ha\e filer; 'heir »l I«--iw Sne» C* pal rone anrt ih i- ivnugh' R>n six rtirwrtl] into th» figh'mt; Kript «cairift Israel.
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  • 89 1 Bs<>K N Three Sikhs \»rrr killed and 13 others seriously wounded when t'vo hand gre,irri :n the com pound ol a Sikh fmplr in V.ila town nrar thr Malay sian border. Puller sr. id Hie frei to the i-nmrtoiind I Crowd ol Sikh^ »ai
    Reuter  -  89 words
  • 158 1  - Soldier stabbed to death by thugs in Toa Payoh VICTOR NG By CING. APORE. Mnn A national scrvirrman. Chan Fan Chyc 20. was stahhPd to <ic;i'h aftrr hr whs chased by thugs at I orong :<. Toa Payoh. tonlKht. were with unhurt Chan believed to have sustained three stab wounds
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  • 261 1 lI'OII M.,M >onit t: lhi> niiniiin^ ■taCed I lont- two hour pmlr-, i^.ii>i--( polii r lie Irntinn •>! .i wiulh fitr HtgtSi m-i Trt nim irl ii 1 1 itirv \nil in Ihr prm ins shr dir« inmilv nut mi iihk h omt hrr <-;uim-
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  • 1 1
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  • 87 1  -  PHILIP KHOD Bs S[NGAPORE, A police ca Into two shoph ingoon Ro d ;<t tn. today. Madam Ng ,\.i> thn wn out Boor bedroom onto ram Road General H when? her condition ro|*>rlrri as quit* I i(- alMt inji first Boor ol bi 2
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  • 11 1 LONDON CnmtTi"' irtepencienrt t<. I -lanrls vV
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 27 1 A "Quick Shine" in Quick Time with |£-Poj AUTO POUSH and CUANC* aa\ s* i r~\ *T* T" HT* sf% 'TVT T m v y *;k-iss aft
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    • 71 1 IT^jl NEW FROM PHILIPS "THE MIGHTY MINI" This Is Mm MW r p? 90RL078. ■*»*> It's iust lour inchts high. It gives th« b .g. d«ar sound you exp«ct only from b ggtr IransKtors. And you get a lonvM pla^ng tim«. Because msiend of two p»" >T^t Once you hear
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  • 49 2 POLICE SEEK IDENTITY OF BODY IN SEA SiUce Identity l< composed two Southern day. spokesman said .i male, found Blakang Mati Brant. 15iiK i short* b I old and inrduim built was clad In Krt-n si ami black canvas .lit are aske I Inspector Yap Han of Marine po.
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  • 387 2 Set up trade centre call by UN man SINGAPORE. Monday UNITED NATIONS expert Mr Wilburt Feinberg, loda> suggested thai a National Trade Centre be sel up in Singapore to display and sell local v" l(Is |ll(l to advise Singaporeans <>n production mix I marketing techniques. Mr. Feinbrrg. 34, prorimM development
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  • 109 2 mOANM U All-Malaya MuaHn M; i»naiy s(i i :e t has supported the Muslim Religion? Council on the Ciovernment to I English-language b<K>k roiiMdeieri lnMiltliiK and blasphemous to«ara.« Islam The «i^-p«ge book railed The Ri>* of Islam. 1 published by Mai>h»ll Cavenril>h Book Inndon.
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  • 65 2 SINOAPORE Mod Visitlne scientist* have formed a fa\ourah!e Impression of the PnlWtaKy of Singapore Regional Marine Bnlogirol Centre, according to the Vice-Chancellor, Dr Toh Chin Chve. In thr unirrntty'l annual lepnrl fur 18«8- He s^id the centre Its mam .toh is to aori out plankton re<etved from oth«-r
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  • 33 2 SINGAPORE MOO Indonesian Embaw h»s »n--nounc*d th»t all Indonesian rill?»ns In Singnporp tad Soutnern Inland.* above must r»«i«*r them.«*l' e.- In the electroal lint for next year i general election.
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  • 253 2 TEn years jail for rape of step daughter SINGAPOBI Mon. Xhdul H.imiii bin Yusnf. .i!>. \v;iN j.iiled f«»r 1(( yean l>> the High ourt todaj f«»r raping his nine-year-old ■tev-danghter it their Jalan Sentnl none in Geylanf. Ahdiil 1 1.i id i<l. h lin is iiiii le^s. is serving ;i
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  • 44 2 SINGAPORE. Mon A p^vlr. mark th# of the Singapore office Paracha Textile Mills Ltd. of Karachi will br held at the Adelphi Hotel Inmo-rnw at 7 pm. The k Mloner for Pt k lauTU will be the guest of turn
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  • 13 2 I tochnicla unlritl rnsmpFrlng. hn> h»-<>n rlertpfi ('lmirman of I neiv.
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  • 38 2 toolhoy Steven Chin Kirn V in. 14. nf the Telecom* quarters b Chu K&ne Road was robbed nf his watch and a gold chain worth a totml of $123 by a man In Ellas Road yesterday.
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  • 110 2 SINGAPORE. Mnn Pnlirp arc lookln« driver of a lorry who did not tfter a collision with a motor wellM in Uppf i l.^har Road last night Thp motiir-cyc'is' Mr I '.m Kin; K»p. of I.:m Chuan Road who v i n nired la
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 160 2 Coarse Voice? Soothe it with V LA\I\ LF\V/Lyoiril like the taste^ m ff 1 1 ii i iMU ■im l i )n^ m\ l mlf liifv^^Xii^J^imUm^l^mJK^mm Polystyrene A .k^^^S^' 40*^r^J$L h \Panely y|l M j^ltf iLi ill i 1 11 1 1 1 i 1 1 irf > > £m*
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  • 279 3 My stern campus document calls for polls boycott L i m i i MPI B Moa ih< I in ii xiiv llt ma n.< is investirating thr rirculation of documents published bj wlf-styled •pn>i!ir^sj\,. itudenU lin iiiu u me n is Mini ban nrrs r.inuni; these ■ourcca have been
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  • 47 3 MIAMI BEACH. Mod Most Ol the Universe contestants were given the day off yesterday to relax. Miss Canada, Norma Joyce Hlckey (left) and Miss Malaysia, Josephine Wong, n lax by the pool. Thr n<w Miss Universe will bo selected on Saturday. UPI radio[jhoto
    UPI  -  47 words
  • 13 3 Xli will I nursday The nation will rnham
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  • 452 3 The rise of a regional economic force STORE NEW MOVE TO BOOST DEVELOPMENT SINGAPORE. Monday §INGAPORE"S new policy to promote A velopment in neighbouring countries, particularly Malaysia and Indonesia, has meant the emergence of a new economic force in the region. Dr. Augustine H.H. Tan, MP lor Whampoa. has termed
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 76 3 -,13-v V daM^ Maaaa) sjafßMSffaTHMW^ fl*W I j t I J r M wmmms»s«zz "B I j> a ry\ m TV/fl-IrN^-s* food, and does it in fractii time, I<P ITIG If IISCI It's more nour^hinc too. with n. M r y mins. proteii it, The new San\' nth only a
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    • 222 3 Nyal ASCORBIC ACID TABLETS f-v^ ASCOXSIC ACID. OR MB? k. VIIdMIK o ,b ONt OF fM^ -1 IHtMuM VIUI .iTiMINS. IS A REGULAR SUPPLY Of «aBH"" P "^^X*'t, IT IK TMt OIEI 15 toSIMIAt '"BJ^-^f^l FOR MAINTAINING JJ 'T rfii^ HULTH^ BuNtS SHIN Mil Ks^ffiZQDBJIPI anu body iissut il WW&ftSSSm
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  • 222 4 Council calls for full report on ragging L'I'ALA LUMPUR, Mon The council of the Serdang Coligriculture hns called for a full report on allegations of ragging of freshmen durorientation exorcises at the college last month. The council's chairman. Tan Sri Abdul Aziz bin Yeop. said he was awaiting a statement
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  • 58 4 Prof Fang made that speech at the forum SToBt Timr.s made at ::n yesterd j t BusiManag I Departin the re^m v WIOIILH.I) Konu. researcli direct'U ol nan of the forum on "The evolutioi. c Industrial and commercial oii;anifation and rr.anaf.tme!.t in i.he Republic. Dr. Lim Chnr.g yah. actli g
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  • 151 4 iSINGAPORE. Monday. \IR. Justice Kdlaspkaram today visited Jurong Brickworks lid. at 11 i milestone Jurong to Inspect a beavy machine subject of a n against th<> company. (rum an by Mr TS. Tan. fir the company. AmoiiK others wpre thp plaintiff, Mr Ong I form
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  • 275 4 Jabs for Primary One pupils in 1971 SINGAPORE, Monday ALL children seeking admission to Primary I next year will have to be immunised against small pox, diphtheria, tetanus and poliomyelitis. This is a new Health Ministry requirement to ensure a healthy and rugged primary school 1 population. Documentary evidence of
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  • 134 4 Labourers on way home attacked by thugs QINGAPORS, Mon Polit p are hunting for a taai that sl.ishrcl two lihniinis near the British Military llotpital in Alexandra I. ist niuht Ihe thiiKs pounced from behind on Im hi- Abu li.i bin M.ihmiHii! 1!). and I iii In s.iiii
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  • 88 4 Si\(;\roßK Mon The Finanrp innounced today that ,p samp- will rp- placi p imps lor ,tamp duty trum Septpmbrr The nr» (tamps, In $3. S2. $1. M 10c and or will go on sale »t all pon oflnes on Jul\ 15 Either revenue
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  • 111 4 r DAY'S ETV programme on Channel 8 :>n-8 10 ».m.. Lrcli.^h See 1 iBCtKII mariner. tM-tM, Health education iChine^-ei Sec 1 anri 'J immunity healih. qori-P^.S. Techniral drawing BM 3 and 4 Introrli.i 9. 4i -I lI. OS. Oeneral idenct Sec liuccta ii. i 1 1 I languafi
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  • 40 4 SINGAPORE Mon Tan k :>: labourer WM jailed for two veal* to'/>v for .teaiIng a me' >r c-cle bclircing to ::n Kirn Hoo from a side lane off Sved AM Road on Mnrrh 4 He had a previous conviction
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  • 141 4 SIMJAPOIU. Mon Ihe Ministry of Interior md Dpfencp today askpri wiung men of 10 and ihovp uhii not liaM* 1 for national MTTIM to voluntppr as part limp soldiprs. \n MID viatpmpnl -tid th it th- People's Dpfrnci I nrrp. \oluntppr arm of thr
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 177 4 h MIIO-TODAY TOMORROW ONLY! I B m .^Bai I^^BW..^BH B^^ a Ib a i«i. XdW^bhbSJbß V > I s Dv» to ,/fiy *jf sho«s daily Iff m& '^^Ba^^B^ 23tt a |f^ 615&91J I >r Don t Miss It X Battle. HTME ofßntain^-' b BHE2I a i mmm'ittUxwjC... -Pawisioir' lilyAmSlß 1070
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    • 15 4 Tada, 1 30-3 30-7 00 ft 930 pm SM, Sho Cher Q "5 BEAUTIFUL WITCHES"
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    • 249 4 NEXT [orchard i CHANGE! A .>()-\i';ir-oltl man. in ;i CMM M«C« birth. is awakened I>> breakthrough bnun operathM with the mind of :i baby sad the team of i man... SSfm i IIS HJ^S I Terence Stamp Robert Vaughn 'nssr^Bai change! SHOWN TO CAPACIIY HOUSES DURING 2 MIDNIGHT SHOWS ACCLAIM
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    • 380 4 iCATHAY ■i^rA-H^il-lfl NOW SHOWING 1 Daily 4 She. 1 00 3 45. 6JO t, 9 15 p.m OH! WHAT A IOVfIY WAI Johr. M A Poron, .-.I P NEXT CMAI THI MIND OF Ml iC Bumi^iAaPrtti NOW SHOWING' 11 am I 30, 4, ».3O t «.30p n "THE CASTLE OF
      380 words

  • 102 5 STORK. V MP from what 1- Usually ■^red a 'rural 8 draw n to Inefficient telephone «er Re] Mr. Hwang Soo Jin •lalan Kaym will ask the Communications Minister '.ng of the If he is aware a -'andard of phone lerrtcea in the
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  • 105 5 DSP NG NAMED NEW HEAD OF SIS SIM.M'OKI M..n Deputy .snpi Ng l.enc Una (above) has been appointed the new head of the ipecUl In\r-«tigations Section of the Criminal Invristication Department. Mr. \g. who formerl] officer in i barge of crime, Queenstown Division, Mimrd his new rititie* on Satunl.i
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  • 21 5 \PORE. Mop. Inche Wok, Minister for So--!11 attend b dinner ed by Ihe Assslonal Social at Seav'ew Hotel on
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  • 20 5 SINOAPORF Ifdn Motorl*e ,S\ipe Kul. 32. was killed when he collided head-on with a lorry In Sembawant; Road
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  • 512 5  - Story of an unmarried mother EDWARD LIU By CIXGAPORE, Mon The State < o roncr today told mi unmarried woman she had liiiiscd Hrdeath <>l her newl\born daughter, hut s;iid he would nol order her arrest. Mr. Liew Ngik Kee told Miss Chik Moon Yong, a 21 year -old seamst
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  • 226 5  - GENERATION GAP: HOW THE GOVT CAN HELP... Maureen Peter* B. SINGAPORE, Monday ('OVERNMENT programmes aimed at closing the 1 generation gap between parents and children can help solve the problems of youth today, according to Australian Minister Mr. L. A. Logan. tald the trouble! of young people all over the
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  • 79 5 S-^PORE. Mon. I i-stcirrv hirlding v. ntrp. emporium .n-.d Improvedhas been pro I i the Improw ila In ilk estate are in pro. .'nipnt 1 Board uad today. "Nothing has bppn finalised yet. "Tentatively, our plan Is to havr an block iplng i-pntre on
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  • 270 5 4 20-year-old dream will come true for a local financier with the building of an eating paradise in the form of a six-ston\v nh«y,s, tower at the junction of Clemenceau Avenue and 1 urt Canning Road. lie
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 33 5 f POWERFUL Icon denser^ motor! 1 /C Double mKjt^ Buy a lifetime of refreshing breeze '-^Sfcvtf 60 years of proven dependability s *.^j|^^^--from the world's leading and largest \\&£jj£W fan producer, f v
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    • 246 5 |j/ Compliments to \J Ik the Captain! ii jr With a swirl and a flourish, nnd a N/^ practised case >ou have to applaud, J >our tou r ncdos Hambe is served. I his I [Kw/ is one time iho Cuscaden Room Cap- \jffl Ilk tain and his crew yet
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  • 160 6 Bahasa ruling poses job problem for Tech students thr.: bf A Bar. rpcrultPd by Drpartmrnt. •i Terhnical S^r--4 -irlav thl<; situation w>ul<l i tin i" 'h fl next thrrp ypars b^causp sturipnts who rntrrprl thp colIpcp up tn nn w did not have r iliflcatlonn. In fair "This quallflratlnn for
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  • 295 6  - NO SNAGS AT THE BIG WAR GAMES K. MOHANAN By Xl \l II MIM K. Noa No ma tor v n c were experienced by th--p.irtii ipitint forces in five nation Bers.itu Padu exercise held List month Thus whs the prclimin.irv \erdict of thr tStl < ise planners and controllers,
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  • 51 6 IPOH Mon No SKIrtSS ha\f been r^cfived from »om> n to far to take part In the H.i Wmlk July -6 nrganl.<*d by the S'atp Votrth Council. wcrtury, Mr. A splv»thal as a •hr ouncil had decided Og date frnm 1 1 to July 18
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  • 27 6 TKNANt. M' I The Chi'f •r. Dr. Limn Chong Eu. will open a rifw science laborator> al tl* Han Chung High School on July 11.
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  • 225 6 S president Mr S:i'( hithanand han tori.v. rrnnhianded a counsel fo* not makini: sure hu witni were out of the courtroom whrn heanne was In nmti an armed robbrrv After tl :tion case thr !.i»vrr. Mr T. B. Chonc. said he had two witnesses
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  • 358 6 96 new firms get Govt's go-ahead THE Government approved a total of 96 new industries, both pioneer and non-pinnrer, with a total paid-up capital investment of more than $135 million during the second quarter of this year. These Industries, when In operation bjr nfcd would prnvidr employ) for nearly 16.nnn
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 137 6 FREE GIFTS FOR CANON PURCHASES FROM JULY Ist to AUGUST 15th Here's a spectacular offer for all photographic enthusiasts. Great new gifts from Canon from July 1 to August 15 when you purchase the following Canon products from your dealers:— MOne 14k Gold Cross Pen or one Canon Sport Glass
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 228 6 Mhtf Onp lift V. T. UfwrnUn f^W'** :!V <? "^Z r*li ?o'Ai I Y'THINK IT S PW*K YEAM, GET TH' n.IMB>NG 4Hffisl 1 l,y GAPFRY.' m n mrri W\Y\ ENOUGH NOW T'GHAB POLE AN' LES GO.' J livCSfiafl A I'M KIKJGOM ...TW' PLJkCE IS OFF SOME OF THEM .<_ _>
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  • 476 7 Baseballs may yet save Haiti 'PAPA DOC AND HIS NEW IMAGE By A Special Correspondent Port-au-Prince I KEEPING a the strange I ems to rule i) b c a n, ills may yet c Haiti. in the past couple Haiti hius the world's largest rxI i balls ma n y
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  • 261 7  -  LESLIE MURPHY IIL JiRTA, Mon. ist ration of i Lerday for Indonei pon< d enenext to iiclll to Census, too roup vote eethma mug armwill take I'Olilihe ■prawlini nation, from by count* It la 15 years since Indone> .nd only the nap tazard
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 282 7 WHAT IS ..p :^!^j&\ A 1 d NESCAFE IS COFFEE. ALL COFFEE. IJi^yjj^ Nescafe is alt coffee. First we make some I^MBjjjjajaßsj^Bßjßj^«H fresh black coffee. Boil it to the peak of SBpiW^ '''M^Smffi coffee flavour. Then we take the water "'JLll^^^^^ out very quickly to retain the full coffee -ji
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  • 126 8 100 arrive for conference on dredging SINGAPORE. M" n. About ion deteßa'p* from 20 count rips have arrived for "Wndron the third world dredging conference which starts on Wednesday. exacted to aiTl\e In the r.rvt two dR\» for the threediiv convention at the Singapore Cotlftrtnea HrII Tne organisers expect 400
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  • 289 8 $1.2 m medical benefit plan for aided school staff SINGAPORE, Mon. The Ministry of Education loda> announced aided school staff will be eligible for tlksame medical benefits ;is 'A tA eminent officers from Sept. 1. The .scheme is expretrd to cost the Government $1.2 million annually. The announcement was
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  • 192 8 Better oil used in war on mosquitoes, says Ministry Singapore. Mondaj r PHK M m i > Health today drnird that an in- ferior brand i)f oil was beine usrd to destroy mosquito larvae. Or K L ("han. the Minchief vector control r, said: "The oil is in kiperlor to
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  • 58 8 PUGILISTS TO SHOW SKILL iINOAPORK, Moo Pugilistic exponents will b« able to show their .-k. the SiiiK.ipnrf Nations Pn gilUtlc Federation's display in Oi-tober. Oiily nipmbers of j< tlons liitp will br allowed part The br>! performers will Asia tic champloi ted to be hcUl hi i They will be
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  • 101 8 SINOAPORF. IfOII entj American educationlsti are now. a' :ng .i inur-werk itnil i ar at the University «f to gain clearer p. rspectlve o( Bouth-eart Asian ruiture and contemporarj events I |,i at the D»Bxtramural Btudtaa, anabk II members of the Ameruai
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  • 73 8 Excise revenue is up by $21.5 m ..'.porf. Mod c »nd exclM rr\n\'if for the first. half of :hi.« vmi totnllfrt »HSan InCTMM of $21.--ov^r th# utme period la>( \ear. Tvtioir .in brnuuht In th» most rtTCBIM $35,731,000. compured vi it li $3n V 97 noo over thr <«me pi
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  • 48 8 BINQ \"OWK. Me ahornv announced todnv that fl< .vine pile drivf nppißting In f>l«t Juron«. nonh of Ana* Pu]«ii Benron, for a «wk >*-Binr:ng f"moiro« MaiiMn «r# »rtx-ivl tn f«k» r«r» »nen paailrg <hr ani to comply with authortMd I StxAJ* M th* alt*
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 202 8 1 H iMMMtaMpHiiMiM IB K »i« D 'WMnvnNBJ I- Hbt fl Sm -Sm EBB BJ ft a BHr^- "*lKfi Sft vBBa L /l V i B H Rk^r J bL J Bft JB K .^BBBI BBBk m^ i*m i* '-^^888 BBf '^BBBBfI Bf V y'£ B -AV^BJ i i Hv^
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    • 94 8 r x% now on MB MiTROM DEPARTMENT STORE tt vv a Stale Breath? ircsh-n it v. ilh v Lr\r\Lll\V/Lyou'll like theta«te> jjß^Jr J^ J*\^ fi\ Rv^^^dM DEPOSIT WITH AND EARN A GOOD INTEREST INCOME CDC has a paid up capital exceeding $1 2.000,000 borrowings are limited at all times SBS
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  • 296 9  - Two-way flow of big cash for projects SOH TIANG KENG By Singapore, Mon. gHi mone\ is c< nto Singapore and ;it Hit same time going out of the Republic as overseas investments. Ing two-way traffic*. While American, .Jap European investors are flocking I. going out to neiphboii; and know-how up
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  • 148 9 $20,000 haul by thieves in 'lucky raid' civ. \n*u\ Mon. Thieves (fo( with $20,000 worth of aluablea fi<> m i I <»ll\ cr (^ii.i\ dep irt mpiil store, In a fourth time luckj raid .it thr ireekend. Mr. K.un p hnganl lahnvpi nt haij Dc partmrnt Store returned to thr
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  • 14 9 from 'hp I n hpr^ mnn' I
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  • 5 9 He had j
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  • 38 9 SOfOAPOKJ pol '-parr 1 today told him found h«i the brother he his name had bppn ■•< .ir. but |oh three r broaking- r bcv friend hai been nupaet foul r
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  • 121 9 Mnn Thr Singapore Voeper Thomyrron eer> Ptr Ltd havp won a $:i million contrai build two sa-ft. supply vessels for thp K Oovprnment. II nounced hprp U The vessels to be ri. npxt March will b> to carry fuel, water, supplips and vehicle! U
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  • 176 9 REPORT AIRPORT CABBIES WHO RUN RACKET, SAYS REGISTRY CINGAPORE. Mon. Passengers duped by taxi driven charging high fares from Lebar airport were today asked to contact thr Registry of Vehicles with their complali Registry spokesman "If ;lipv do not give v- tt for Instance, thp number ol ihr taxi con
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  • 68 9 .MNOAPORE. Mon Rr storks of blood Mnod at 802 units today compared with 551 units laM week The mobile blood bank will be stattorrd nt the Jurong Town Corporation on Friday from 9.3n a.m. to 12.30 p.m. Mardonald House. Orchard Road, on Saturday from 9 am to
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 181 9 SOUNDS OF YOUNG i Endearing company of 40 A4»^f Enchanting songs 3^ "*W Exciting dances "^rp-fc^ Exotic pageantry L^li^A PRESENTED BY THE NATIONAL THEATRE TRUST IN Tl /i II !l j ASSOCIATION WITH GOODWOOD HOTELS CORPORATION I// ll''jL^yj| NATIONAL THEATRE I- {\< U I Tickets at 82, S3 SS, $6.
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  • The Straits Times Tuesday,july 7,1970.
    • 536 10 The week-end conli in Saigon of the six allied nations whose troops have been fighting on South Vietnam's side added no more to anyone's knowledge of the allies' immediate intention in Indo-China than did the Seato conference at Manila. This was not altogether unexpected for the Saigon
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    • 276 10 One in 70,000 is the ratio of dentists to population in Malaysia. The Government could do with the services of another 80 dentists on the present establishment but if a better ratio is to be achieved there is room for many more. The supply from the University of
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    • 194 10 Thf -..ckct in Singapore lih.-. t,iki n a dangerous turn. Once the exclusive 1 Dotorious big-time robbers and kidnappers, pistols arc now used by small-time gangs as well. The main cur this is that more guns are readily available in tin- underworld, '.'lie other reason is that
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  • Letters
    • 506 10 Tackling noise nuisance from aircraft HAVE been read'.ns ntrrest anc 1 approval your editorials ai d news items over the lav few months on the suoject vi noise abau>- be^n disappi ever, at seeing very little ar-out the problem posed by a.rcraft noise. To the many thousands of residents in
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  • 832 10  - When the war games were not exactly cricket P.C. Shivadas Umpiring at the Bersatu Padu exercise By WAR Games are rather like cricket. There are umpires and when someone is given out he stays out. Or at least he is supposed to. But there ends the similarity between the two,
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  • 798 10  - Prescriptions for 'race mania'— new laws and restrictions Lawrence Basapa By THE young man was overjoyed. It was his 18th birthday. And there it was, in the porch. Kis parents' gift. A gleaming Mini with all the racing modifications he'd dreamt of. Two months later exactly a year after passing
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 90 10 A Great Bank to do business with K3~- 'ill 1 1 I 1 1 1 d I Let Malayan Banking make life BBBMHyflßflfll eas c f° r you., .drop in and see us fW^^^B sijon there is a branch near you Ufk|LUyj MALAYAN BANKING BERHAD I |[l ,1 I Author
      90 words
    • 153 10 EcHOLACo Attache Cases EBB VJT s'M^^M Introducing NEW MODEL f /JM .-> M KN-308. Most sty fish Wfj,-, r l fashionable in design. Slide yM W f*m zLm^* fjM action automatic lock. A& M :Tt_ *M Leather-like surface. |?< stt %^r sV Are Moulded of Durable nb h. <V high-impact
      153 words

  • W(DR|_D NEWS
    • 450 11 PEKING, Monday QHINESE Premier Chou EnLai told Cambodia's drpos:ier last night that China would serve forever as the rear area in the communist war in Indo-China. He gave his pledge In a banquet held in Peking in honour of Cambodia's Prince Sihanouk, who
      450 words
    • 384 11 Allied nations conference calls for aid to Cambodia TTHE six-nation allied nations conference on 1 Indo-China hfwS called on "Free Nations" to examine what assistance they can give to meet Cambodia's requests for aid in fighting North Vietnamese troops. A seven-page communldue Issued after conierence «nded la^t night, and signed
      384 words
    • 253 11 SURVIVAL— THE FIRST ACID TEST FOR NIXON DOCTRINE CONTRARY to the M\on Doctrine of co-opera-tion, America's Southi- i-t \si,m illn-s are unlikely to come to one another's aid in .my situ.i tion the I 8. might deem an emergency. Time niac.t/inr s.iid >t-ster<l.iy Tile lirst and BCM test i»f the
      Reuter  -  253 words
    • 131 11 Warning against that arms sale deal ACCRA, \i A rp- sumption ol Bri';.-h arms aalea to Boutb Africa Misequencea for thp commfinwealth, Ghana's parlianu'inary opposition .said rdiy. A Btatemeni Uaued hex* by Dr. Oodfried igama, J Allall African Datlotu ti ire on "those governments which threaten by tliPir action* to
      131 words
    • 337 11 RAYMOND HITS BACK AT CRITICS OVER NEW BRITISH GAMING LAWS I ONDON. Moil. Sir iJ Stanley Ka>m»n<l. rial watthiloK of British gamine, rrplircl jp.lcul.n to erttica who regard tight nru l.iws mi tlulis and r.tsinos .is .in inwt.t tnin tn a l;lki'ii\n li\ Miii. uiklci vmiilil types O" the <<>ntr.ii>
      Reuter  -  337 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 160 11 Progress Motors (Pte) Limited*, o^* R oa d s,n g a P or c 9 r<* 2^ 1 SSl^v***^ in iimmjul'.'.'.! j v JfcMHBP /4R new Renault 12 t.l. t1 Im Ball I 1 And here's how it does it: A new Vr-I.AA.-I.kJV-/kJ controlled windshield washer. The contemporary design, with
      160 words

    • 86 12 Hunt on for Huk band that killed six troopers EHHESEEB IfANII A |TI battalion Of the Philipp. istabul- sent Tar(vince in down a Comm band ambushed a 13--p>vernment pat- killed six troop- with li command) 7(>n. Ber the H"k band was wound of tiie Huka Ltwin, a constabulary force Pfklm
      86 words
    • 76 12 ALL FEARED LOST IN RIVER TRAGEDY VI U DELHI >1"» A i.iuikli earrjrlag 1.'.0 pas.tengera ami«<> fertilixei capateed la KrLsblU Kiwi. South India yoitei day. Several w<-rr feared drowned. lln Pics., Ini-t of India -mi .ill r>" penwi .iini.inl tkc vessel lachidine aeveral uonun ami children, drowned. But i>l
      76 words
    • 26 12 DB m Men A »i!rt rlrphant ti»mplcd s M-J»>r-nld mothpr of femr to rinlh icr Ini.vbanri »l village In Ko7.hikode. Kfr«;« ]»-i nik-iit R»ul*r
      26 words
    • 158 12 75,000 pilgrims attend 'juggernaut' festival PL'RI. Mon More than 78.000 Hindu pilgrims thronged this east coast temple city today for the annual •"juggernaut" festival the ceremonial parading of the image of Lord Jafganath 'Lord of I the World) In a ma.s.slve wooden chariot More than 4.1)1)0 devotee.-: dragged t lie
      158 words
    • 275 12 CHAMPION BORESTHOSE BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE |\JKW YORK. Mon— lime 1' maia/inr has nominated Jarqurlinr Kennedy Ona•^^i^. Kkli.ikl Burton. EUaabeth Taylor, John l-rnai>n .in<l nkn Ono as amoni: Ihr world I champion "'puhlu' bans." It alM> nit- ill H'iif-1 I'lipc P.tul VI .is bring |>n I v tiresome to >«>m«- Italianv The
      275 words
    • 421 12 Common Market entry tough but possible BRITAIN'S opening shot in her negotiations for entry into thr Kuropean Common Market left' officials here in no doubt that the talks will be very tough but that agreement is possible. The position outlined by Britain's rhlef negotiator Anthony Barber at the formal openIng
      Reuter  -  421 words
    • 222 12 A Time-honoured tradition is at last broken YEW YORK. Mon. Time Mapa. breaki a long- siandinK tradition this week when its cultural criticism, the Times I and certain other stones will begin to carry by-lines regularly. The major editorial de- .nerd !n a ■1 .(i t'fio I by Timp mini
      222 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 263 12 Gan»tfe's kncurious DC-8s fry from Baas to Tokyo via Djakarta, Singapore, Bangkok and Hong Kong every Tuesday and Thursday of the week. And |Lav."i through Kuala Lumpur every Saturday, you can even stop over and go on a I Kf> CL s I We've taken some of the most shopping
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous

  • 2 13 WORLD NEWS
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  • Article, Illustration
    2 13 AP Radiophoto
    AP  -  2 words
  • 6 13 CRASH .JETS RKMATXS val I 10-
    6 words
  • 104 13 Public executions are going on in China: Hong Kong paper K.H 1 1 1 1 f. IB ll' new public i out ChJ on t-hit arr Ku: Til keep se<r> I I of killings b<^ Mirn t):Students s7/<>/ "Red leade: •nedly have bra KwaJifftuni? '4 bad hleh number Kong," the
    104 words
  • 25 13 .2 pound* h nn HKSI2.OOO of i <n said nn rr. H.imhov In poK.ors.s.'>n of Mi* gultcma waj »rr«»ted Re. »r
    25 words
  • 98 13 FACTORY BOMBED, THEN A 'WE DID IT' CALL MELBOURNE, M fire lit by petrol bombs early today oestroyed an i ring factory i ausing i than As2i» damThe fire wh:ch ItUted :•< mldnißht, left thr i ni McPhrrsons Ltd.. a .smouldering §h I venty minutes after tinfire began an anonymoua
    98 words
  • 137 13 Group aids husbands beat paying alimony SYDNEY Mun.— A divorce reform g-oup here claimin? that pre.ent law dlscrl- i minates unjustly against I husbands, has admitted that It has helped hundreds of m .lin'enance defaulters to lrue the country and .settle overwat. ipokeaauß for group ."■s>id there were several |M
    137 words
  • 251 13 Heavy rains cause death of 29 people in S. Korea CEOI L: At lea- 1 ;>M people ue r r killed. II missing and 14 iniurctl over the weekend in various ,v niciils hrnught about by hea\-\' rnins uhich battered the entire Korean peninsula. In addition. i,-l people were made
    251 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 29 13 0 Jf st* »Bj^^^ << y w *J "f^tlfl^l^fci Y^^^^jnf^ij^r^ni iff B^^^^^B'" t-^* ■v. fc,W fS\^ C^C^ "1' W%^aaaaaa^aaP^^^^ 's l^ MOTORS (PTE) LTD. 92 100 orchard Rodo, Sn 0
      29 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 127 13 Straits Times Crossword I Vim MM immoM bf )wrt- I Objwt* tv too^rh ot «M m terd 1 »6> kjn(< 1 19 k. Wr.-*r v tfivo liMHrn akoM M. Flier Is uri-imUy bram In ■rchuact «oc«Dnf iurToundln«» «»-4) I H wal? PdMJbJf Uie LTA-. tmmfi 1 SW.'S'.'a^ C -■S3nr-s-"SK .irg.,-
      127 words

    • 640 14 Malayan Containers contains more profits Mi iAN Containers group sales and prof:' p In the cied ?0 Profits at reol 11; to top er tux ol .>n moved up joOO.uou to reach a record 53 2 million. The result was achieved ac. re competition in home and export markets In
      640 words
    • 665 14 S. R'JhMr .4 UNIT TRUSTS (Mini rr prices lor July 7» 8por« Grcmm TVM4 L.03 107 Alia Unit T.u l Mai. Invt. Kutirt 1 16 l.'.'l Hal I 1 IM Sin. jpor. Unit Trutt 8«cond S;: fciiore 1.74 Stf ThiM Binfapor* 1 16 1.01 Th« Saving h ..nd
      665 words
    • 514 14 - DUSINBM l\ wn lii nil; 1 1 n TO Till BINGAPOEI \M> Xl M X II Mil I, IK XIMM. ROOMS OK IMI K I < HANGEr > r Kli.W Ml 1 11 IMI MMXIIi Of >H\Rl<« I RADII) «-|i, mN IN BRA( Xl 1 s I (l|
      514 words
    • 132 14 I'HI HIKI Oh MM.W'Old 1 \l IIIHKII \\\(ll MI I) nil FOLLOWING ill i: r III vi \kk\m.i KENT! iiik uiv 7 A M ON JULY Inner Roadl i m... I'acim Hinlana Mai i n»"* Hn... l-,.i» Kinu Hvr. Ywu tlalarto. Miroc Tloa. Hlnu i. JUahan. isi««
      132 words
    • 33 14 Straits Times INDICES July 3 July fi •InduMnalv 13SJ1 HUM ' 71.35 7156 •Properties: HIM VWSi tTtM -"•-■"> ■••M +J rubbers: 114.25 lll»3 Km. .-.11. liW>6 IDO f l>ec. 11, l!»ti8=101 Her •<>. 1962 11)0
      33 words
    • 313 14 ryHt si,,, k i ukaan of -1 MalajTatfa and Singapore enjojrd .i sir;icl> undrrt«n»" under the lead of Speculative i>-Miev yesteril.i\ in rally, must ihatw linishcd nn\i(|, partirtllaiiy in the industrial sector. HichliKhtinK the day s n id inc. A.iinomnto rose lo a new hich of
      313 words
    • 232 14 ELECTRICAL and Allied Industries trebled its pre-tax profit in the financial year ended March 1970. The pre-tax profit was $329,873 compared with $107,661 and shareholders recpive a maiden dividend of 15 per cent, free of tax. Depreciation Charges took $1f>8.752 against $127.65(1 last time. The dividend costs
      232 words
    • 478 14 I Ml Nlll KI\N(. TIN Dredging In the nine months ended December 1969 achieved pre-tax profits of £56,008 In the previous 12 months period the pre-tax profit was £100.558. Chairman Mr C.W. Tresise. in his annual report, reminds shareholders of his warning in the last report that results
      478 words
    • 94 14 THI ASSOCIATION Ot BANKS IN MALAYSIA SINGAPORE MADE THISI CHANCES IN ITS RATES fO FOLLOWING HATES ARE QUOTED TO UmlaO Slain Huvma I I SS O7M «.r.....,| (111 S. OMNI «»n 1 m S IK S' «»BM> rrn.i* nilla *»l»«a TT or OO .nay: SS 1 000 aq.nvalrnt
      94 words
      • 171 14 OPENING transactions on the rubber market yesterday were half ;i cenl lower be t/;nisr of worse than expected London advices. Thf markit pMWd a drear- of limited trading and lack of initiaA ten snurt-covennn ocfJen held the undertone ius? f >;irtv until the closing stages ot the morning
        171 words
      • 89 14 -MINIS! PHOOUrt lICHINGI SINCA>>ORI NOON CLOSING PRICIS PtR PICUL YESTERDAY Ckohbl O I hulk SM">'» MM Irum Ceo. Him (t o 0.1 ■"<»<• lunei Inn I K iom s^ h. '••»r Mniiii.k «h(te SIM.!'! iHlrn Sarawak tvnlra >1«)O «el»r» tpeclal vHI-r» (all >»6S M»\ \-l» t/Mi »»lleni (100% Co»»t
        89 words
      • 24 14 CLOSING PRICES July 6. RI'BBER: 53 A (down three-eighths ot a cent). TIN: 5b30.25 i)i mil 55.7.T) Kstimated offerIng 305 tons (up five tons).
        24 words
      • 49 14 r pHE Straits tin price in Penang yesterday plunged $5.75 to 5630.25 per picul on an offering estimated up five tons to 305 tons. The market was easier with no lead from London and smaller buying support at lower levels from the United States and Japan
        49 words
      • 50 14 f\S tht oltlrial Malayan w ihort term Money Market for the week ending July 4 the range of rail rates wai ai followi Bank Fl NDS 3T» per cent to 4 per rent. GENERAL FINDS: 3»; per cent to 5 per rent MOVEMENTS of fnnd» totalled 1206 million.
        50 words
      • 94 14 U.S. will not upset tin market: Khir MALAYSIA is confident the United States will not release any tin stockpile without considering the Intemta uf producing countries, the Commerce ana Industry Minister, Inche Mohamed Khir Johari. said in Ipoh on Sunday Hp told reporters alter opening Toyo Plastic; "If the United
        94 words
      • 65 14 SHIPMENT of Straits refined tin from Penang In June 1970. amounted to 7.4721 imm tons. accordIng to figures issued by the Straits Trading. Of the June exports the United States took 1.755 tons; Continent 2.112,: Canada 520; Japan 2.366; Pacific 250 4 India 130J S. America 216; Africa 65;
        65 words
      • 56 14 VuV* London Closed AV.S^ B»irut JS ftO »VSO Hong Koa* ST hi 47.72 ZunrJi ClOMd »S.SOB >S.4oi Part* Cle»»»«J SI 14 pore HI 37 23 (7 S4 'per* < II IV* Ml 140 00 (II F»[>"rt V"* to "on-atacllno inn IP I s '«r« net "UK'« <2<
        56 words
      • 404 14 BURMA Is mobilising some 1.000 tractors and thnr animal counterparts cattle and buffalors In an all-out effort to boost agricultural production this year. Agriculture officials are distributing high yielding seeds and seedlings and fertilisers, while finance expert.s are going direct to the peasants In
        404 words
      • 214 14 I Tl>« m«rk»t ,^-1 ».-h i-.ti.i--(inve-nmnii honr|« p.fH"t.rt Ih. ."'ira 'h fc'of ih» Small rln.«» tonk *omr :--J^« off th* top but turnover r»m^in» > r| Rood •hi» itrmmrtt from mnrkins down r«'«T 'han M Ing hr*n traded up to hish of U follow infj the quarterly renort
        214 words
      • 35 14 LONDOV. Mnn spot ?"«4 ti'iTimt Aur MM Sept. mid.. r>r±. 2O| <i. Oft n~ yn .Un. Murrh ?n-H Aprl i j, iB lO|d., M P" 2"lt e.l.f y I'i* 1<«1 Pfpt. 19-VIM, Tona: v.-t
        35 words
      • 30 14 i.t>nt c (4i «»ll<-r» <1444 i- (U For«»rr) buy»r« 3 montrta U4M (1404 (—MI fr- 1 ('145 i t«i. Turnovt* n m < rm. 540 tor. Ton.: »t»ajiT, (!•«<•«• In win
        30 words
    • 387 14 MELBOURNE. Mon.— Mining iTI shares ea-^ed ahuad of the Poseidon report on the Melbourne Stock Exchange today. A half-hearted rally took ■way issues of! the bottom, though most still finished a little below Fridays closing levels Oils appeared slightly stronger and Industrials were generally steady Trading was quiet throughout
      387 words
    • 116 14 r pODAT'B cloning pr'.r*» id Bod» Urn rbangea >n the Drevtoui day'a prlc«a *m«i Rurrx Bank of t«>t All* Bui 30.00 ?htna Light 32 "O "hina Provident -U Oalrj Farm MJt rar Ea»t inv*»L ■>r»«n Island 33.(«0 UK Thin* 16 VI UK Klwtrle UK Kowlooa Wharf :■>
      116 words
    • 34 14 ON Ma fraa uNitnit market 'n Hne« Kont y»..'.-<i«» o.». Oaiiar wai TjotM at 6.***** for T.T. and 067* for cmH. tterlina <iir,-«<i «t 14.10 &o4 •n« tmn tf .old it
      34 words

  • 76 15 THE BURGLAR OF ROYALTY ESCAPES FROM HOSPITAL WARD TB .'a'.ine his ::ci are on a hunt. bpon all pohce Guarded dmltted to March lon. He was rferlng During his by two p: the here "n 168, after pleariand 3i ner. Jnrth iii' ire Vpril 5, Gold key diao hter, and
    76 words
  • 5 15 34
    5 words
  • 5 15 I in rnbr.
    5 words
  • 29 15 NG. Mon.— A former mayor of Penan? and the Penan? r Party, Mr. I today acquitted. other offlci-' f displaying a Tanilleged to htva Icely to ihe
    29 words
  • 130 15 Officer killed in crash 2 others hurt BENI I. Mon. Three Army Sienals officers were involved in a i .ii i Ufa v huh killed one and sciiuuslv iniuird two at thr Hrnut liridue. Eta and I t /.nniii, Haii (roni i Kal<>\. rmitian. died mi the spot. while
    130 words
  • 21 15 Offl. n hrre are tv For men of Dicif- ly donation .if 30 pinu of bluod. m re-
    21 words
  • 36 15 Th>- nmimlttee members acquitted were: Ooi Thean Hock. L;m Chrnfj Kheng. Ylng, Gnh Sew? Khoon, Pr:is L:n. Vi np Suah Hwal. and Lpp Hoot One Thye urt tr» had th* DPP nainst
    36 words
  • 389 15 Shares case MP can now keep his seat KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. JHE High Court today reduced to $1,000 a lower court fine imposed on MP for Kuala Selangor, Raja Nong Chik bin Raja Ishak thus enabling him to retain his parliamentary seat. Raja Nong Chik. a director of Federal Paper
    389 words
  • 59 15 BAGAN SERAI. Mon. r constable / bin Mnhamrd Tahir. 38. «m v Injund whm lip hit tar cm which cnwtMd Into h poMe« road block ootaMta the police atatloa here lan night. Anotbfl r. -raped unhurt The iar prmcrding north ,'h inwiirflin'rly Rtnpped II
    59 words
  • 18 15 n. i i ha la in i"(i M nla h» crr.i^p more rmp!' vmen*..
    18 words
  • 24 15 JOHOKE BAHRU Mi i Over 8i bMB 1 by UM .nary Dpi the ittrt nt the rampaiei; aaain.'it a possible outbreak
    24 words
  • 6 15 KUAI V n hr-re
    6 words
  • 10 15 Ukll fi»hm"ngrf. '.an ir Telo* B»(ak r»ach i
    10 words
  • 193 15 Better polls turn-out of voters in Sarawak KI'CHING, Mon Sarawak, which has jusr had its first direct parliamentary and State elections, saw a better turn-out or voters than In West Malaysia. The Miprrvlsor of elec-t-.on.v Sarawak, Mr. Augustine Chong. said today that 78 9 per cent of the voters went
    193 words
  • 294 15  - Trip down memory lane for 20 Aussie war heroes R. CHANORAN B, SINGAPORE, In 1 journer alone :iif mrmori Lint- of a triumphant victor v and sad ret nllpctionv That's what a \i>it to South-east A>ia has hrru for a trou D of II Australians, two of thrm «<►- mrn.
    294 words
  • 6 15 Kr\iA M. fined $H"'
    6 words
  • 16 15 BL'Kir MI An ejl-comn cultural M h>-iri »t the Arumui;. i here on Friday
    16 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 138 15 TANDBERG NEW 6000X STEREO DECK SETS A BRILLIANT NEW STANDARD IN RECORDING CAPABILITY with UNIQUE CROSSFIELD DESIGN N«» you ton produce tfc* world i tlr.»« tap* recording! with rhu r»morli«bi« n*» inttrum«n« Iv*n at 3',, thit <olid «'ol«, J %ptr4 •Kk lurpanx th* 7 1 pirlornonct of our tap r«t*d
      138 words
    • 197 15 !Jj^ as a pilot in the SAF iwji*. ,?fflf I|| Be among the pioneers in the Air Defence Command. Th« lt*--r f |j SAF of ftri young men who are pr '.McaHy lit and intel geM ifttp\ y^lk th cn ltn 9* o< tPl txcitinq ac<d utisfying career. You j-
      197 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 827 15 On your TV and radio today TV MALAYSIA TV SINGAPURA MlttnllK OM KuiU LHM I'eiwiii- CHXNM.I limiirl Ipafc and Mal-tir* < liamicl Julio..- nix I'M 1({ an( j oem i 'M ftK IIM Halini li-innel 3, raipint,' < hanncl I; Batu l'»hat «i.wu Singapore thi* twK < I'.niiifl I:
      827 words

    • 397 16 UHK SW mis. she dnvi-s k and thinks nothing of taking a long ride on a mule in her 800-acrr estate in Jamaica. This may sound ordinary, hut when you learn that Mrs. Loll Lynn Hall is 67.
      397 words
    • 520 16 Now firms want charm courses for women employees PHIN up, spine straight, stomach in and hands relaxed by the side these an- just words you can pick up in hooks on depot linen! or Rood grooming But for 40 girls of the Malaysian Singapore Airline* thpst- are mnrp than words
      520 words
    • 193 16 A budget menu with cabbage rolls IN Sp.iln. as ,m\ where elsr. there ;ire many l>iidu»t stretcher flslm developed by ingenious housewives. This (|i>n rilli'il RolU. is often veiled at the family t.ihlr Imt i< •srldoni found in rrstmi ra nt> You need 12 kttsjl r.ihh.igr lr>i\os; 1 Jh.
      193 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 250 16 mt 4 v afl .'wrp^ ivrrUxi'mt'.nt: Bismag Expels Stomach' Wind' Relieves Indigestion Pain And Heartburn In Minutes I>i*mag in n triple action t*l>lct fr>rmula, made r«pcci.illv tn give J«iir<- rrlief from stomach wind, painful heartburn, uncomfortable ilintention and fullness after eatinj;. Moat indigestion distress is caused by wind.. .bubbles Kind
      250 words
    • 97 16 Advertisement The Secret of Lifetime Loveliness Natural skin neauty Is the right of every woman skin with a rich tropical ill that sustains moissoftens refines md Danishes ttny line? and wrinkles a Him of moist fill ot Ulan Is vital to every Kind Ol complexion as It nourishes <k!n tis-
      97 words

  • 55 17 NDay art show by Ministry, societies .APORE. Mon. k A National Day art. bition. •ho Ministry hr!d 15 to M< "'trial v a was he art nre^' Artists drat was held in i th Rinßatsnth anniversary *ar. exhibition will be hoped tha' It n a wider and stiß- that othrr
    55 words
  • 10 17 rnrmni jv fnr t volver nf nmmunl- < lantan
    10 words
  • 471 17 2 Thr Court of ump lawyers spp'tcine to havp the rr-<-ords of trial in civil •is amrnrird :hf» purpose of appral. Wee i ive the. amendment. efTer'eri or modified at "earliest, possible opp°rHe was delivering a reserved Judgment Appeal Court, explaining mi
    471 words
  • 277 17 SINGAPORE, Mon— To < 'iimm'-nmratp national srrv icr, inlrn dueed in IM»T, a vet of threp xprri;il stamps £<> on «ale mi National Daj, Tiic stamp*. IS rent*. 50 crnK .ml »l drpirt ,t *nMirr in a different traininc posture against i backdrop sf the
    277 words
  • 519 17 Rape case girl tells Why she gave in to officer 'HE THREATENED TO SHUT ME UP' SINGAPORE, Monday TEEXAGED girl told a court today she submitted to a Probationary Inspector because he threatened to shut her up in a iiiils' home if she resisted. Tho 18-year-old frlrl, rrfprreri to as
    519 words
  • 149 17 CXNOAPORE, Mon. Dr. Charles Toh Cnai Soci;i. vice-dean of the University of Singapore i Faculty of Medicine, suggested tonight that Sinaapore'.-> medical school should have its own unlvei Ital for the dual function oi sen-ice and education Hr .Vine on "Postgradu idles in m^d.i t
    149 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 52 17 n'fP CARBON PAPER ■Lfl 3DD3 Bf INTERPLASTIC SENSE (KPIB CROWN 1 %ste 3 jrjp 8 I The EXECUTIVE 3003 and PWQWI ■J^^HHI CROWN 2002 range of carbon \jy& I advantages at such realisticalL&uml ht&SMwA I tioners and bookstores. E PAPER PRODUCTS (MJBHD. 394. Kirn Chuan Road. Smgapors. 13. Tel. *****2
      52 words
    • 205 17 of the coveted Japanese Government 'Good Design' Award for 1969 *\|>" AND STILL CHAMPION! Still the only camera in the world with an electronic shutter that operates automatically at all shutter speeds, including intermediate ones, from 1/500 second to a full 30-seconds and longer. YASHICA ELECTRO 35 VSXM the world-famous
      205 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 357 18 IMNIVfKMIEI, itINuUNCrWsNTS. BKTMS. CIUI ICTIVITItS CONOOIINtIS Oi«IKS ["CICIM[NIS. I fUNtMLS C'tniNCt IN MIMOHHM M>»»I»«S. MISSIM. PI MONU. PP C MOUIEMS t MUNIOIIS. lilt: M.n.aiuti WO IBf 2* atrtt. >K» atOitiiaal UN I ot.ff ClmTriH a«y t rl,,f fa, .l, M,,.«,m $7 b-Jir 15 ..f«!. t«ci iM.tnul wit* St cetls Slfltti
      357 words
    • 650 18 ENGLISH SPEAKING live. in anian lor I vpeueme.l with wa.hlll.). must like i BukH Tunuoal Ro«.1. B'pora 11 Tuesday. Wedneeday NCEO ADY ADVERTISING targ full time part-time. Salary boarua plus tree air-In k'T t Hongkong after 1 years. Apply i>ersonally 18. George Lee Chambers -tenographer Singapore Cltlien with at least
      650 words
    • 889 18 EXPERIENCED SALFSMEN REOUIRED ler.. department I Mi,ilv IVix A647J ST FOREIGN MISSION r equlres shorthand tvpis" iviiti knowledge ol li'mh from 178-70 Apply Bo» A^472 S.I. WANTED SERVANT to live in. Ring s. i^ re BJ4BO between B P in. 4 WANTED AN EXPERIENCED M...V ilnver. Apply 409 River \alley
      889 words
    • 770 18 PLACE YOUR ADS. f^f^ THROUGH OUR C.A.T.S. @^S PHONE STORE *****1 \CJiXS^ SMALL EUROPEAN FAMILY requires I I romfortabla 2 .^-hedro.imr.l bungalow i lease. reasonPhone i p«)r» aMfliT Prinupali I -,SM«; spore SENIOR AMERICAN EXECUTIVE with groumls suitable lor entertaininci reply to PO Boi WANTED "Vo PURCHASE terrace low Price
      770 words
    • 780 18 J tOR RADIO T.V. COURSE apply at Institute ol I lestronics 1671 N.vv llii.l.j.- Road IS pore) Tel: NHlhl^ QUALIFIED TEACHER vv)ll teach I Inilisli at It.iihrstei ParK Tel. Spore 6481VV ORIVING TUITION li nourlv Rafflei Urlvlng trtrrmt. -5-4 A (Jolem«, r r g ,(,22 CHINESE BY NANYANC S.A. to
      780 words
    • 857 18 B DAYS IN TAIPEI end Hongkong mr 1 Si •>» I ir lu.ive board and lodging PriT- Travel Tel. f'pore *****1 INTER-ASIA TRAVELS sears left. 1 ■e» 77 lelok Avei Spore 70«h4 fvemngsi 44J41 1 ECONOMY WEEKLY FLIGHTS l-.ui.ioe. 1 national In.iK i>*wi." IM>S«iaIBTI 'I I Office equipment IM ORY
      857 words
    • 705 18 I»«.O AUSTIN MINI (.■•"•I < on," ,r 5.,, tvra Pi 100 r> nn. v Road IHI TOYOTA CROW* '-"""I"""' giKiH iv, rs beantlfu Mual .*****. 1H,7 MODEL «IMC» 1 I r.c'll'i" sssoo -v» ink 6 1 Spoie S HILLMAN MINX CONVERTIBLE I in) regkttered Dec dltlon tl Tim apl l>rkm«
      705 words
    • 459 18 XAWATONG KOSONG LEMBAGA BANDARAN, poki DM MON Permohonpn2 ada-lah di-jemput danpada Warßancsar' Malaysia untok mengiat lawmtan Kadet Monnvu BaiißUiiHii di-Lembaga Bandaran. Port Dtckno .ia«at*n lni tiada berpcnshen dan pemohona yant? berjaya di-kchendakl mencharum Kumpulan Wane Slnn»nan Pekerja dengan Lembt*a lnL Tancfs ii »3'4nn x $14 00 $352 00 $419 00
      459 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 875 19 CCSIiMNH. pen- It Pt Tidy July I C«i II lalay Clr 33 Illay Itly 111 July 11 Inly I Jdy 11 July 11 II July 11 July II July 14 luly 11/11 luly 11 July 14 luly 22 July .1 July 21 July 2) Jaly 26 2 Am 1 luiy
      875 words
    • 1157 19 H^MM»MB«M«**di»Rj^«<*fc«JfcJfcJtal a^aMaVaWaM^aH VIA CASABLANCA DIRECT Tt^ HAMBURG IN 33 DAYS. LOAOINI fOR. I BOGOTA* July 110 July 11 C 47 July 7 -<»'J SUMBAAt iui) il 2b luly 11 2e tti t a 0 «»j SONCKHIt Auf 21 21 Auf 27 ?l Ait Itl 1 •C.m 111 tanUttM. .1.
      1,157 words
    • 1108 19 Hvf^M [j^Bf '^mWW W mmmW kmmmW LmW «W "mm^mmmWm^Lr m^LmW EXrRtSS SERVICE TO LONDON iIVERPOOI t CONTINENTAL PORTS OEM A 1 I ITlkl I ocNALLIuIN t., 2s y. Aut M S'liifl MM IB Pt. Jul) I tl(t 4 j b^OMOND m i BENCLEUCH rWk, R-«... tin P P S tßti|
      1,108 words
    • 1108 19 fORTNIGHTU EXPRESS SERVICE OIRICI FROM EAST COAS' USA Se» Yon Dure LtOMEDON sum luly II July ll Ocl MEMNON Si, lei lu| 3 Aat 51 Ocl 2i TRIFUSIS Sa ill luly II Al| 23 t.r I Si, II luly 21 sni <>|l I Auf il Ntl I MUSSES MM
      1,108 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 753 20 VI KAWASAKI KBEN KAISIIA LTD. u.Mf-rn Australia Sinßnpore Japan Service July' II July 22 July 1 7m •«i «»i East Coast U.S.A. Straiia ServlM nn 21 Jar* 22 June 14 Joe* 25 lim 1) Aut Japan Persian Cull Service fen 1! t Adf NI, ►►v., I'reK, Kimi't. newie. I root
      753 words
    • 764 20 ■4^ B> i l AUSTRALIAN t NEW ZULAND SERVICES. naCiet lor: CHAKOINA' 24 25 July 2t 27 luly 21 2S July I efl Do*, l.m. Lytt. VM. UOjajJJ to- l :»RPEHTtRi»» n i t u i m 4 Aut ItNKURA 11 1 ll| 4 5 Auf < tut lAMORA" 21
      764 words
      823 words
      783 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 494 21 r— D Olivetti An Unusual Career Opportunity in a Fast Growing Organisation 'Olivetti, Europe's largest manufacturer of office machines seeks intelligent young men eager to make a career in sales within its fast-growing Singapore subsidiary company. We offer exceptional opportunities for every man to achieve his highest potential in earnings
      494 words
    • 733 21 TRANSPORT WORKSHOP SUPERINTENDENT An opportunity ex. ts tar ".uitobly quohfied Molaysi-an Citizens to apply for the abo^" Successful applicant will be required for supervision of a workshop carrying out repairs and maintenance to various types of motor transport units. Applicants must have completed on opproved full time course in Motor
      733 words
    • 876 21 NGEE ANN TECHNICAL COLLEGE Recruitment of Staff mi bo •re r*io« thf abp of h.s fnr appointment to the following post*: (A) Head. IVp«r'mer.t ol M^hnnirql rngineeririß 'Bi Penior Leettirer Lecturer/ AatMoal lecturer [DdHOMoI F J rVmrneiTe tnatnKtac DoportaMni or industrial Boctronkjo. ■OlOf) Sc»le« (OOBMMiotoMI F>>r CA) Hr^d of Dept
      876 words
    • 472 21 PRE TENDER NOTICE SINGAPURA DEVELOPMENTS PTE. LTD. GOLDEN MILE SHOPPING CENTRE SINGAPORE Application?, arp lnvitod from flrni tn Sincaprrr. wishing to tpnripr fnr the fnllnwlne a* the Onlden Milr Phnppinc Centre. Smear prising shops, offlro.s and flats: a> Supply of Licht Fittings [ItaOfMCtnt Incandrsrent I b> Sprinkler Fire Protection System.
      472 words

  • Obituary, Illustration
    33 22 In r\rr lining mrmni i,f Imh BSM llrnj «h<> liriuiipd ■<n J in: Omilt l,,, rrt adu ■Maeed M afee*i ">.r i,P Jr t.. nmm in\,n t mm an* ih.M,, n
    33 words
    • 407 22 CINGAPORE'S (ontinuont «»t 2I» competitors and seven officials the bigged 80 far for a Commonwealth (James left for Kdin'mii jh last mil; ln with the pledge to do their West. The contingent's Chef do Mission. Mr. Gnh Trek Phuaii. s;ud: "W« don't want to mislead
      407 words
    • 339 22 Cowdrey sets a Test scoring record LONDON. Mon. Colm Cowcirry .set ;i Tost cricket record todaj M he and Brian Luckhurst stewed England to within sight Of victory against the Kest of the World In the second Test at Trent Bridge. Nottingham. At the close Encland were 184 for two
      339 words
    • 72 22 Sum takes over rbri-de-miuior of me Malaysian rnntinnem tn the Commonwealth Oami>> hi Edinburgh, .-laitme on Mr !h. na la nimlilr la make the Ms bccauai hi< wife h«.< been taken il! 'lur RaraK pieslrient I I Olympic Co mII ol Malaysia :irt i.ver tiie Malavslait fI»K to Mr cmonv
      72 words
    • 92 22 r>i y c <> m MiMCA i k>n raiisefi an upvt m Hip Singapore Softball Association 1-eague Clas 5 One when they iiral SRC RunUn 3-1 at the Padanc on Sundnv TtMan sv no have previously last all their games ha\e Uittially put the Hunterx out
      92 words
    • 174 22 cim.apoke will bid to stage the Second Schools International Soccer Championships here next year, and also to fei it expanded to take in nther South East Asian countries SinuaporP s tparr HUM Rpr. Mr. SS. Dhillon will propot trnsr a< thr managers' mpptinjj of 'ho four
      174 words
    • 138 22 Thais say 'yes' to S'pore AAA Open IWAILAND la irw latp»t countx3 i" accept Bin- Invitation t" compete In thp Singapore Amatrur Athlrtic Association's Open Championships :.t r Park from August 14 to 17. Thailand has informed Mr Chin Lye Hong, a SAAA official, that a team of 10 athletes
      138 words
    • 142 22 DEFENSIVE mtoc bj Singapore Armed Forces fulloack Albel Singh at the pariang yesterday cos( his side a place in the SHA Senior knockout final ,pore Recreation Club scored a goal off it to beat Forces l-<* The mistake came three minutes after halftime. Albel
      142 words
    • 157 22 AHA TI RICK bj Bahan Trim enabled aupe to whip Hamilton f>-0 in a FAS League Division Thrw match at Fairer Pair L'fiin nave AUPE the lead In the tenth minute when he Mummed the ball to the corner of the net A mm■- (i
      157 words
    • 317 22  - Germany's top coach to train Singapore ERNEST FRIDA Rv SINGAPORE'S Asian 3 Games hoc key tram for Bangkok In December will undergo their final training stint under a West German coach. Thf\\ will be trained by Horat Wrm reputed to be niif of the best coachea in the world He
      317 words
    • 69 22 «rir insert nn Rundaj Ii niolnr rulljf fni Itif n( thf poHec and I" Sine ;i\Ma panaon ol laM Malax Man Rally ouaxerted thlr wlien thr*<">Ued pii7»<; lo three SAP teams The winner wrif ff lee .T^mev Choi.' Whee KhniG and William Cbow, and Soo
      69 words
    • 38 22 BRUNEI have Vttbi from the School", international inurnament.s viiiirh will besin at Merdeka Stadium on Friday The th)Cjr:-18 find Under- IS tniirnamerts. w .11 ii.w he competed amone team? from Thailand. Sircapnre atiri Mali
      38 words
    • 23 22 THE Ri»>ian< ;i:e CM for thr MaJaystan Open rhamplor^lup^ m Kuala I r >mi: t and other f^muri arr al^o expected.
      23 words
    • 219 22 DEFENDING champions Raffles Institution chalked up their third suef/ centre rugby win yesterday by beating Bt. Josephs institution 31-3 at Bras Basail Roiiri. i n rl nippy Raf- scored two fi\( trii a and dropped fjoal againsi ;i p«'naltv by s.ii They
      219 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 210 22 OMini -I I.Miv HI HH\l> V..1 II I 01 Ml 1 I INI. Mv i ai meet i i icsiS). Ol BOOKS Memt>erx of d from 'I»v* Inclusive for I 1 By Order of th- Board i .nil DaU v. 197H \iirn i MERLIN I i KM I I Rl
      210 words
    • 441 22 Mi I I SKI I. Mil! I 111 M I'll 111 I 111 >ll Mil I1 MM «H \I Ll IMI ES Mil -II FISH, iK Mi Ml I PR S^ PR s Ml I IMPOR I I l> MKi/l Ml Ms I or.-, im: i noKl It ll \m
      441 words
    • 597 22 I I MKM.A t'M.-MIOHA.N -IWIII MIAM Kr;.N> XI WN II MiKR i fend dl-pela«n kontrektora letnk ncr- ilaman vant tMMriaftar drnKMi. 1.1.N Im^ Ich 216 k H J^lan Cami, Port bwettenham 1 D(.kumcn3 dan perinchiani tender boleh di-dapati daripada Krtua Jurutera trfrkei la dengan menunmkKsu. .tfaran «a-banyak I n iga
      597 words
  • Page 22 Miscellaneous

    • Article, Illustration
      64 23 I OONSHUNG (No. 1j 8). ridden by Rod Dawklns, winning the King's Cup at Kuala Lumpur on Sunday in a desperate finish with Olympic Flame II (apprentice A. K. Cheam) and Need You Badly Lyle Harbndge), both horses nn the inside, hidden by Loonshiang. Fourth was Nichol Hill (Jim Johnson)
      64 words
    • 270 23  - Dawkins picked the right one this time EPSOM JEEP By ROD Dawkins was third time lucky when he chose to ride Loonshiang in the 534.000 Kind's up. the season's richest sprint, at Kuala Lumpur on Sunday. key to Ipoh trainer Riniu van Breukelen, had winning 'wo classics this year because
      270 words
    • 119 23 Gyr beats rivals in storming finish PARIS. Mon Tie French three-year-old lirr. runnerD the Epsom lierhv. jTMtcrday confirmed hi« form by coming frnm the back of the field to 1 sen>-a-ttonal win in the Grand Prix de salpt -Cloud, worth £47 000 to the winner. iden by the Australian joclcev
      Reuter  -  119 words
    • 26 23 TOKYO. <no< X- Nri.n n n\pr Amei bout In 'he 23-\rar-r a hard. M ter. ord. a 22-' ranked contender, undoub'erilv fir
      26 words
    • 132 23 Layer out again at golf tourney T'ROOX (Scotland Mon. Australian Rod leaver (above) deprived of his Wimbledon tennis title last week, suffered tnother di>appointmrnt here yesterday when he u:i-. iliMiii.ilified from the Scan Connery CI.VOOO pro-am K"lf tournament. Anirrican entertainer Ruddy Greet and Rriti»h t<ti>r Christopher l,ee uere also di^(|U.»lified
      132 words
    • 56 23 r.ARIS Mnn Mngens Pn 1 Dcnn.srk •.unnei o[ ilif ninth Mace nl v df Pnaoe, encUnt at ise. whru hu« !fam-ma!f. '.:guim AfOCtlßhO, :;.'d after flnish;ng "PgaiMj AfortlnbO md Prey, who fini.'-hed In 'he «mf time. ■iced first. Both clocked 7hr 44 14 0 for Mir
      56 words
    • 407 23 WEIGHTS for the rnr.wilo 806 St NDAY Land 710 Prnanc races Sweet Mflndy 806 K.u. 7iu fhl. J-PAUpnH- B °s 3 DIV 1- HV 4 1)1V 2— bf uua wt-t-iwciiu. wind 804 Monn.ikenaam «no 'me joker Dot) r.n Kindle 803 Kmtali buB Evermore 11 Bi/0 MXI BUJ
      407 words
    • 139 23 ZARLEY WINS CANADIAN OPEN LONDON (Ontario 1. Mon Kermit Zariey of the United States shot a flve-under-par 67 in yesterday* final round to win the Canadian Open golf championship and the U5525,000 first prize money It was the second tour victory for the 28-year-old Zariey. who rnce scrubbed floors In
      Reuter  -  139 words
    • 51 23 L/ONDON. Mon Abrrnan 1 -liter in -r British racing, has own at the I S'ud at Newmaritet at the age ol 24 Abernar.t won 14 Of Mi races and to the end of 1969 Ntri sired the winners of 962 r.ices in all parts of the
      51 words
    • 342 23 I ONDON, Mon. lj Keith Boyce. dashing West Indian allrounder, and 22-year-old spinner David Acfleld bowled Essex to an exciting win over Northamptonshire in the John Player Sunday league yesterday. Acfleld. d member of Britain's fencing team to the 1?68 Olympus, cut down
      Reuter  -  342 words
    • 544 23 Rindt beats sickness and rivals PARIS, Mon. Austrian Joohen Rindt raced to his third grand prix win of the season, overcoming car-sickness to take the French Grand Prix by a clear seven seconds at the Char.idt circuit at Clermont Ferrand yesterday. As race favour: "c Jackie Stewart of Scotland
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 13 23 ANY ADHESIVE DEALER WHO WILL STICK BY YOU is in the Yellow Pages
      13 words
    • 397 23 1 cry stamp has its own fascination, every stamp has its Cwva W//\i*l/1 Ci nmn DnnA<mih'nn lini-f stor\'. But if you wanted to know more than what a catalogue rICC—TTUnU OUUllJ) IVclUglllllUll V, IldlL could tell, you could never be sure of where 10 look. With the encyclopedia you will
      397 words

  • 321 24 250,000 youths take a 'trip' to the biff love-in VII \M Mi. n Nude teen ici-rs frolicked in a creek while others ni.ulr lo\e in Ihe uikkls (liirmu i urrkend BTg] P"P miisn sc\ .did drills iin iler Ihe scon hing sun. \lniilt 1 110 peopli- uere arrested .mil Miluntrer
    Reuter  -  321 words
  • 40 24 WEATHKR I Ultook '"I BOH i, M-iii.i rrom m. The outlooli 'a m today I in fi a r mite radius of the follow in.' ii><>h. mail il.i I nmpur. main- rcl in the Kota Rham. n
    40 words
  • 74 24 A SECTION of a ringing ri'iiri column estimated at 3,000 women and children who pushed aside military barriers in Belfast on Sunday and carried food into the Roman Catholic Falls Road area, littered with rulible from weekend rioting. Armed British troops watched silently as the women.
    AP  -  74 words
  • 240 24 BELFAST, Mea British tronp> who qurtleri last Friday Bight's riots here face today a flifferrnt kind of attack allrga ttSSM thai the v looted and ilamagrri private homes. Ihe charges wen made by MP Mr Gerry Kitt. nrhe represi-nts .is ,i l.ihour Republican
    240 words
  • 201 24  - Soviet NAVAL menace Sir Alec -by LONDON. Mon. The Soviet Unions modern submarine flept today numbered 350 against thp 200 submarines ownpd by Britain. Francp and the Unltpd Stales British Foreign Secretary Sir Alec DouglasHome s,ud today. ■pMktag in the (nreisii »f--fiilrs debate on the Queen I Speerh which opened
    Reuter  -  201 words
  • 31 24 ROM? MOB Ita!\ fourpaitv Cabinet trxiiv derided to because ol gr> internal rlisputf over the administration of italv\ n#» ly-formed region*. mliiiMc-s -aid on leaving Cabinet meeting —Rp>i>*-
    31 words
  • 35 24 COLOMBO Mi n fpvlors Mlntsti tt and Hlghwaya Mr Mantrlpali inyaJce today direned ihat the r i tfiiirering Consultail's Incorporated. ihr American nvolved Ir <hr Mahawell Rim-: i i nir. be terminated
    35 words
  • 129 24 OORT MORESBY Mon. I A major transfer of power from thp Austi nment to electi ci membera ol the PapuaNew Guinea How m tnblv was announced hv Australian Primp Minister John Gorton here tonight Thp new arrangements will like this Australlanadmnustpred territory well along the road
    129 words
  • 76 24 PROBE INTO PREACHING OF NEW RELIGION KOTA BHARU. Mm The Kelantiin State Council fur Islamic Affairs is investigating reports about the pi d1 a new religion in Pasir Puteh 26 milr- from here. This was stated today by tiio president of thr council. Tengku Abdul A«ll bin Mohammad Hsmish. ThP
    Bernama  -  76 words
  • 97 24 LONDON. Mon The Umdon Stock Fxchangp Council today lifted ttl bar o n dealing in shares of Investment Overseas Srrvicps iIOS-. The ban was imposed three weeks ago when the financial stability of lOS was believed by the markets to be uncprtain. Smcp
    97 words
  • 340 24  - Dilemma of family who spent 1 7 months in jail NELLIE HAR Ry SINGAPORE. Mon A WOMAN who claims that she and her four children have spenl 17 months in detention will know in six days 1 lime if she is lo be allowed •«> remain in Singapore. Trouble becan
    340 words
  • 185 24 Fraser: No second role for Aussies /'WRERRA, Mon. Britain's announced intention to maintain forces in the Singa-pore-Malaysia region made no difference to Australia's commitment. Defence Minister Malcolm Fraser gutd today. Bpe iking to 'h^ \\>-.t Australian Statp ;h<»ral Party. Mr i raser said th» return ol British influpncp and of
    185 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 65 24 Attention: Holders of Goodwood Group of Hotels' Credit Card Your credit card entitles you to sign at any of the following places: Goodwood Park Hotel/Hotel Malaysia Singapore/Ladyhill Hotel/ Ming Court Hotel/Singapore Lady floating restaurant/Minq Palace Restaurant/Marco Polo theatre nightclub. Vy mm [DIE WONG FAi lovely featured songbird of the Shin
      65 words
      164 words