The Straits Times, 2 July 1970

Total Pages: 26
1 26 The Straits Times
  • 26 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 200,000 The Straits Times Hifi Niitiiiiiiil NllWSjliljißr &UL 1845 THIRSDAY. JULY g, 1970 15 CENTS K.D.N. 431" y.C. (P) No. 1507
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  • 147 1 Key foreign policy talk by Nixon Wed. iJ Presideni Nixon prpparod for a unique live foreign policy intonight a.s administration official! Ed cautious hope thai North Vietnam his la peace in irrlved herr ente last thp n 'T. with thp and iri proclaiming military tl 1 H Air strikes i^ri
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  • 528 1  -  SINGAPORE. Wed Rv R. CHANDRAN: DEFENCE Minister Mr. Lim Kirn San announced today that Singapore is ready to contribute troops to a Commonwealth defence force. \l a parade l<» murk Armed Forces I );t\ ii Jalan Besar Stadium llns cNciiin^. Mr. Lim said: "We are
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  • 103 1 Britain to make statement today A I WII.V, Wed —Britain Will make its first policy statement on defence in South-east Asia following the Conservative Party s t lectuin to power at the Sea to meetinc opening here tomorrow Chief Kritish delegate. P irliamentary I'ndrrSerretarv for Foreign \fTairs Anthony Koyle. told
    Reuter  -  103 words
  • 82 1 Tengku returns to London STOCKHOLM Wed Tengku Abdul Rahman left for London today liter a four-day official vi^;i to Sweden during which it was decided thai Malaysian embassy would be established here Informed sources said I Malaysia la represented In Scandinai 1 ai presem by Iti ambassador in Ttie Hague
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  • 270 1 A PERIOD OF GREAT EXPANSION FOR NAVY IN 70s Xl MA LIMPIR, Wed For the Royal Malaysian Navy the seventies will be a period of expansion in manpower, sophisticated ships and equipment based mi the firm foundation that has been laid in the past few formative vearv Stating this here
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  • 40 1 HONG KONO. Wed —China and the Soviet Union •»!11 hold talks nest week on navigation along their common border river, last irai 'he MM of numerous liu-ident.v and i la thai. Peking Radio announced today Renter
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • 312 1  - Parliament's first task Kadir by KUALA LUMPUR. Wednesday /\NE of the first tasks nf Parliament \vhrn it is rrronvenrd will be- to approve amendments to the Constitution entrenching sensitive Issuei like Malay rights ;md the National Language and placing them beyond debate in the HoUM The Attorney <■ TSB Sri
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  • 30 1 .lAKARTA. Wad Thirty-tour Inrione-iar. communist prisoner* van released trxiav in Banrloenz a< p«'t of the Onvernment plan to free <ome 2".00fl non-mihtpnt comnmnlti thii vrar Renter
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 35 1 LOHDOM wrn MOan nnllinnairr Oeorue Drummond. rhar^erl with handling >tt.lrii traveller' cheques, was released on bail nf £5.000 today. He «ill appear in HUH asain on July 22 to face the charge AP
    AP  -  35 words
  • 73 1 nNOAPOM Wed A nightclub MWCUUvf and his IT-vcar-old riaiißhter were robbed nf over tMJM in eaah and '».liable 1 hv a minmin ond r complices tooav at the Outran Park complex Mi Neo Giian riioo 41 mana Bine director of the Golrien Reian Reftaurant and nightclub and
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  • 110 1 MELBOURNE. Worl Tradlna was brlpfly halted on the Melbourne Stock Exchange th 1 s morning when small group of demonstrator.* ulpd 'he publir gallery Flour Bnworka and "mono [Kilv money were thrown to 'he trading floor ■inri a small fire m IH ■ii the taller?
    Reuter  -  110 words
  • 203 1 ICC IN CAMBODIA: CANADA READY FOR TALKS /\TTAWA. Wed. Canada is willing to discuss with India and Poland the possible re-establishmeni ol t h c International Control Commission in Cambodia External Allan Minister Mj Mitel 1 U Bharp made this clear yesterday 11, dl cussions with the three na 'ion
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  • 425 1 Four Israeli jets shot down pAIRO, Wed. Egyptlan defences shot down two teraeli Phantoma and tvo Skyhawk lets last night, captui Ing three airmen In one of thp fiercesi air encounters along the Suea Canal For months. Tw< Fli.. In thi attacl null's wpst n[ Riit.-r Lake*. The Iwi
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 108 1 For Clear 0 Comfortable C S CHONG O. D. EVERBRIGHT OPTICAL CO. 19 CHULIA STREET. SINGAPORE I. Say 'Yes' to Esso Extra Motor Oil for Your Car. j *aep Why? vfs«^ j New Formula Esso Extra I Motor Oil prevents formation y of corrosive material. P V Tl? A Eases
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    • 93 1 |-f t fJ J INTRODUCES l»7->]af LATEST PERFECTION IN "Hi IIOW NOISEI v HIGH OUTPUT BfiSF C9O j 55 Jebsen JesserT 1 ■■•'ORt KUALA LUMPUT PRESTIGE AFTER SHAVE LOTION I 1 rr/u/ //<// ■awr'^^' I> Ja«BcL...?^ r k PrcMi<;r is not something you can buy... Prestige is something a man
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  • 37 2 Planter fined for job permit offence L 1 I'MIVR wed. A fined court i Kir. chlni co-owner <>f ■*p.4rl<>r! guilty !d tht ihargr Thr <m'(l I «'li thai iip criid rv nm-ri $.■> onn '•>r mv Mih>pqurnt off'ncf
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  • 14 2 \\k\ lli» >nkrr ■r.»v «f'*r lo«d--soo inni of palm oil far
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  • 131 2 SINGAPORE GOVT SCHOLARS IN BRITAIN GET A RAISE SINGAPORE. Wed. Singapore Government scholars studying in Britain are not too bothered over the rising cost of living there tor they have got their raise too. The Government has decided to pay 'hem increased I rates of maintenance allowance to counter the
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  • 30 2 IPOH \\f<! lh. Kheh Community Association he wt- Mandarin for n Thr<>s vi ill l>r Inaucur«'»>d >hp M^ntr: B ruddbi bm H. M.' [am, later this nv>nrh.
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  • 241 2 Batang Kali 'massacre' probe dropped LONDON. Wednesday INVESTIGATIONS into the alleged massacre oi 25 Chinese plantation workers by British troops in Batany Kali. Selangor, in 1948, have been dropped, the Daily Telegraph reported today. Agreement Th c newspaper's legal correspondent. Terence Shaw, said this had been dono with tht' agreement
    Reuter  -  241 words
  • 305 2 Hamzah calls for code of ethics for newsmen Kuala LUMPUR, Wednesday. A CODE of ft hies for journalists on news reporting, particularly on national problems, was suggested today by the Minister of Information and Broadcast ing. Dato Hannah. Thi> should be under- i taken by an < on or a
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  • 76 2 TALKS ON BERSATU PADU EXERCISE LI \I. A 1.1 AHM K. Wed The (;or \\>m Malay<>ia. Maior (.en Data Mnhamed Sany bin Alidul (■haffar above), will i onduct a di^i iissinn on the Beraata Padu exercise on Monday at the Ministry of I)efen<e The exercise which ended on June Mat
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  • 73 2 $22,000 opium seized from car pSIANO, Wei. Butte worth Custom.- I sr:/>>d ;jfi slabs of raw opium w>rth $22 000 from a car in a Tort Cotnm ferry at the Sulian Abdul Hali'm pier The CUftOMU part' waited In ambosh on board the ferry at alx>u* am When the dr:-.
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  • 37 2 SERKMBAN V All dlKrlc! i>flV''i< <■ U«i< in *-r »rre todkj oripled b> Dlflcers n( <hr National Ren r)fn»rtmrnT in Kuala Lumpur >>n hnw to dral noiriprs nf I r md»r ArtuV M
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  • 130 2 PPP man crosses over to the Alliance ipoh. Wed. rrP 1 assemblymen Thpan Moi Tuck. 46 iChemnr) crossed ever to the Alliance. He d i l: c 'iiferl am Ing 'he Alliance ne- can Mrvi the pe<.pif» better with tii' m ed thai the cc works for the bell the
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  • 47 2 Teacher found dead on railway track ll'i'H Wed Thf mantl of Mr Wong rh:n W^n 32. a UtThW I Primary fnunri on a railA (xilicr upokiM-man said ■i"d down by ''d a of clothes and a. nn»r n thf M mr Mr Wot) widow ins children. mapaetad
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  • 20 2 Xl lv Rotary tntaractan from si (in a c campaign n»\' a r«i.«# fund.s for 'he Malaysian R'rt
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 199 2 I special offer I WEEK j PORK LUNCHEON MEAT ZWAN 12 oz $0.75 BISCUIT BOURBON PEEK FREANS per pkt SI. OO CUTEX POLISH REMOVERS per bottle (small) 50.55 FRUIT COCKTAILS TOM PIPER 29 oz per tin SI. 15 CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP ROYCO per pkt $0.35 KLEENEX TISSUES 200 x 2
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    • 81 2 IT Over $1,000 worth II I I of prizes in four nlili great contests l/imif\n this week! K N 1 1\ Win Yourself a 111 111/1/ tape-recorder, cassette, I |P typewriter or watch! wm Plus ■TAMTDCTC FREE flower tUnILJIJ ST.CKERSM ft IK I rllil/ttt r l\ A \k\ A y^m
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  • 159 3 RETRENCHMENT SOON FOR ANOTHER 1,214 RAF WORKERS SIN<. \IM)KI Wed \n other 1. .'1 I KM riwlnn \snrkers almost .ill sin •ue. ms are to In 1 1 trenched during the »nnd phase of the redan.i pi i>ct.unnie. I hey will le.«\e in itaKgercd kitties between Ausust this >ear and
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  • 280 3  - Sea wreck survivors tell of terror S.F. YONG: Tough sailors prayed for mercy as storm struck By '\'\U% six survivors picked up after their coaster keel< d over in choppy seas yesterday morning 60 miles west of here, today spoke of their 10-minute battle against strong waves, pelting rain and
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  • 332 3 them up liny were taken U> Tanjong Karang. Harun and All s<jng said later wa> buileted so .severely thai they feared ••an evil .sp;rit had .struck It. Unknown to Ahmad and hi.s two colleagues, three other crew Sr.arrusuddin bin Abdulla!:.
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  • 72 3 Joint venture veneer factory to be set up luilOKl. BAURU M'luci proei Ml up ;U the Ran Mud. i oi Jutaore. ■cl l>kand;ir. >;url tm.iy. I between the Jap- ..i ci;.>h .hi limber Busmfss ed by the R.» Mods. :i .f the factiTy Tin Raja Muda told :ire thu. morn-
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  • 16 3 Payroll hunt goes on I' lice Uk $18.--(or the Adejphl Ished yea- I ii uilh the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 127 3 W**"^ UdfalltlVl /Ll LJirluL rLllihlllLlilL Now Dietheim introduces System 70 T A iige of office furniture with an the quality and elegance you d expect from 1 Hj '.ethelm plus new low prices' The answer computerisation' Production in our high-volume la ii now controlled by computer This means great new
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    • 299 3 /Veto Gernuzn foiicwery NOW you can treat HAEMORRHOIDS VARICOSE VEINS ORALLY SAFELY! I {ttO MISSY OINTMtN-<) CIRCANETTEN '-V is a newly discovered medicament t which contains '■.m nnii I /< PARAPHLEBON as the main agent. !?^sa;^^^^^gjy^ Paraphlebon acts exclu- "^'^W sively within the damaged 1 vein to treat varicose veins
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  • 275 4 Saw wife in bed with man 3 times, court told SINGAPORE, Wrrl. (l*t«( Uve'a traininu m.Klr him an luck twice to the Kene wrhere in fowid his nrife in bed with :«n--other m. in. tin- High oui t told tod. i> Mi Imi in it- I u.i n .<
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  • 221 4 Banker predicts big growth for S'pore SINGAPORE. Wftd aINGAPORE would benefit tremendously over the next decade \\iiii the rapid economic growth <>l South-easi Asia. The region's growth is more rapid than an\ other region in the world with the possible exception <>l Western Europe. stafemri 's were ■h" Geiipral
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 274 4 [OPEOW I 24 Fantastic WEEK! ni nrt tV ki.OW XHE CHOWOJ UONT Mlsi .T: that Jm hnf—fio their own Earth, it waa i oi the most incredible Adventure oJ ;ill tinn.'... From Thu Author 01 'BRIDGE ON THE RIVER KWAI"! J^R^R^Lm^^ V M^ ywFSrRANr^' \--\mlwiinwharrison ON STAGE TONIGHT AT
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    • 60 4 imH| CATHAY -OPENS TODAY! uM iT^rfv^a^aH^B^aKaaaa^a^ '~~~4JMk&& -T-^ C LD HAPPtN ANYVVHLRL... A YOUNG INNOCENT GIRL jf IN LOVE... A MAN ABOUT PJ» Wl y TOWN... A CRIME THAT &A *^ir> SHOOK LONDON '*%ac^^^^B **~V. >n<< v q dor.r-g plon tKot could mok« v Su9| "Ch —or d«st'cy tri*m both
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    • 330 4 iiimV-oi»i;Vs" VoiiVy 5 SHOWS DAILY: 11 am 130. 4 00. 630 9 15pm. *^sdSk^ sm»* QaVi^^a^l H r i 7+ /^f < r *Wt "Is that what marriage is You're the one who said bed K to you 7 *as 3no man's land 1 "Were not in love. We just
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    • 370 4 ORGANISATION I i^al'g'linTT^U.U.3 I OPCNS TODAY' i| 11 am, 1 30. 4.00, 6 30 THE HAPPY INOING I I «.-.\Mt n MMniyhl So.urn I of LIDO-CAPITOL-REX SKY B 1 HELLSATt I 1 9th SCREAMING OAY I 1 1 om, 1.45, 4 00. 6 >G 11 '-OODY SCKEAM OF DRACUIA LADUS
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 120 4 Today's ETV rB BTV proprammp nn Channel 8 mi— «.m.. Ocneral lewe See 2 Hnv. In Ins Kiow; «.r.n Ma, Mathematics 9.11.-.-9.?:.. KnclL-n second lan^iiaxe Ser l Too many chocolates. MS* H"is. Encllsh Se< 1 The ba'lad. 10.45-11.05. Er.zlhh second lanijuaße Sec 1 The drMnit lesson: 11. 20-11.40, Mathematics
      120 words

  • 170 5 A WIFE TELLS OF NIGHT SUE SPENT AT ROADSIDE SINGAPORE, Wed. Restaurant waitress Madam Koh 8w»• p told the Hiiih today that she and her four Children spent a whole ni-ht by the roadside after her md punched and tried to stab her with a out i ml 1 re
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  • 284 5 $20 million complex with everything shopper needs w.ii s!o million com plr\ In tatrr for all the needs of ;i shupprr is lirine limit in (>r«h.iril 1.'.i.m1 It will he irady h> Sr|iteml>fr next xear. .tiled the "Spefialisiv' Ontrr." the I. v|,,re> liuildint stands on Die sitr of the former
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  • 150 5 US educationist calls for more exchanges Wed. An exchange programme of school teachers and university lecturers should be set up between Singapore and the United States to fire the educationists a better inslght into the educational systems of the oiintiics was put forward today by the Director of the Interns
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  • 90 5 SINGAPORE. U.ri A mother's two-hour search for her six-year-old datißntpr last night endrd when the little girl was found drowned in the wrll of their bath-ho The girl Koti At. i laa, tiart mid her m<ithfr *h* was going to the bath-
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 183 5 PRESENTS MIKE MERLIN JILL WORLD PFNOWNED ILLUSIONISTS •Mk. !wa Wowwing audiences in U.S. (including Ed Sullivan Show) Europe, Asia, etc. with their fabulous 3 second Trunk Transportat.on Act! Season from Saturday Also performing: From Hongkong -singer saxophonist-organist Dorinda D'Celtics. And Singapore's very own hot pop group the X'quisites. Nightly 9
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    • 292 5 TRAVEL NOW -PAY LATER TOUR DEPARTURE AMOUNT DATE 9 Day NKG IKK 16th jul. Auq Srpt. <••<> 15 Do* BKK CHIENGMAI 19*ti Jul< tug Srpt SJ4O'--14 Day AUSTRALIA Sl.tJO'--6 Day Bali Monday S7OO I Wednesday *rr NMM 12 Day BKK HKG TPE Bth Auqu.t 1 SI I*o ?nd Octobrr For
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  • 139 6 Jewellery missing when gagged woman found dead SINGAPORE, Wed. .Jewellery worth >< was missing In a house where a 78-year-old woman was found gagged to death, a coroner heard today. two gold d to the dead woma Madan The dead woman, Madam Lim Ah Heng lived at Jalan Payoh Lai
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  • 16 6 SINGAPORE v. HI till ;..e nave bloo :i \ery xood turn-
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  • 199 6 More and more deposits with finance firms SINGAPORE. Wed. Reflecting the moderate boom conditions Singapore i.< now enjoying, nioif money has been deposited since the beginning of this yeai with finance companies. Official statistic! published today show thai from indivi It itutlODl rose from $3028 million January to $:m million.
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  • 345 6  -  TAN WANG JOO Ry SINGAPORE. Wed. 5 Singapore celebrated the 19th Colombo Plan Day tnda> pleased with the fact that it has become the third largesi donor member. This year the Republic is offei lining award In Ihe arum, fields ti Its fellow
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 83 6 NATIONAL THEATRE TO NIGHT 2nd July 8.30 p.m. -:s.oo ■o m. I j I aUjTm iiiii')i.4"i^ii »i; HsVr'n^Tfrml 7th JULY '70 I l|^g^^^jjp Wash IVlore^ ■Hi '///MiSm^^^^iV^Wims/L^ i 1 w l ''L^ilfJlm mfm &^k s^% MM 1 machines wash clothes til. B I hastier capacity 8 lbs. dry clothing M
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  • 76 7 Tengku: We are pawns in power game STOCKHOLM. Wednesday, v^ [ALL countries in South-oast Asia were be bullied by the great powers .a. Pi ime Minis- Elahman said last night. neni dinner In the Fnrrisrn Minlt>l a. four-day official visit lid the Indo-China conflict was etween thf> Eastern and Wrsti
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  • 65 7 A 'great success' for democracy uni Mini M, W f el. Irti^ku \h<lul Rahman >.iid ipsterriay. the recent eleetioM in Sahah .1 gre;it siiccess"' for num. i n lite Prime Minister «ld he i <>n>>i<lrrr(l thr results "a treat sin i Ibe IriiKkii has »rnt a c iin^r iliil.vlnrv
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  • 24 7 v v.xi. if the British trxiav PT»- ppthllnic J»y» .band Iti^ i to h^lp tlie p Mnbers. ftdmlnistmtrfa ns In
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  • 171 7 EN! MERATORS in Rabah micht have to deal with Iho problem >>f ■■disappearing villages" dunne the Id and nonulatirm xt month. Thr Deputy Commissionnsus in Sabah. Mr. Michael \V"tic. said that the first stain of the census, for two weeks from
    Bernama  -  171 words
  • 4 7 R?htv In
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  • 100 7 143 GO HOME AS RIVER LEVEL SUBSIDES j/LUANG Wed people \vh.. i their imn.i Mengkirnii Rlvei over a foot above 11 danger level yesterday, retun i their houses this mori The evacuees from Tau Sah new rUlace and Kampong Melayu had >pent the night at tlir. The OCPD here. DSP
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  • 45 7 MI'AR. Wrrt at ny servant! md men .art in a krvp-'t Wean" campaign led hv till irv. InrhP Abdul Rahman Ahmad the en'.mß r->- he gnup, »rmp<t brnom.«. rakr. 1 rhaneknls and and b ti ted on •he market area.
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  • 19 7 PKN UIQ ec R.iii Queen a mpp' on Pi r*>ach nn Sunday. have fnti>r«l fir rh» mm
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  • 146 7 Penang MCA leader dies of a stroke pENANG, Wed. 1 Pi nai MCA president Tan Sri Saw Seng Kcw dird suddenly at his Gurnry Drive home last nifjht. I fnrmfr Chlneae Cnambpr of Commerce, had c lapsed Into unLsness and died minutes. Up hnd rarltrr returned home after providing ortf
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  • 22 7 Seventy nn*>l iti full M.\wpll mivti' Maxwell :ihy. A -c\(»n UIC Ta nine in nruby K imun" ng.
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  • 32 7 MGR BTAB, Wed ThrPe armpd nif-n raided padi farmer H<">' bin Abd I hnrr.e in K^mpcnc Padang, Perl-";, tod*; vnke up his fam;iv. ar them of i shout
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 555 7 TH£*OPLOIS t^j^J^ YCl* MARKET Grant Advertising International Inc. ■-CDONALD HOUSE. ORCHARD ROAD. SiXGAPORE. 9 Talent makes us tick. If you've got it we d like to see you. We need in Singapore: Senior Account Executive He must have had a minimum of five years' experience controlling a group of accounts.
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
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  • 51 8 Mix-up in names of schools DAPORI W«d in ihe Uth Sunday Time*. "lie of Ihe »in- h! of Boole« <■ p«ratie was leporieri n hp from Anclo~Chn'.e«» -i tool Hr i- I pupil <>! Si Mm hael's ulipi nner. to a pupil of An-:lo-chinf-e School, n I Mlchael'i Srnool. The
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  • 74 8 MNGAPORE. Wed—Unemployed Sucha Singh. 39, wm tailed for three months today for ofTenn* a $3 bribe to ponMable Saleh Tambl Chek. 2.t M 'hat he would not im for having suspected 'ods. Hp wm iilso fined $.so or one week's Jail on another charge hf
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  • 27 8 \PORF \\>ri Some ;.MlO candidates iltUag for the Hftrtlral ir.u-]c examinattnni onduct< ndon Assnlatfri Biwrd of Royal School* Txlav «il| know heir result* in October
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  • 221 8 PC tells of night Inspector broke into a brothel SINGAPORE, Wednesday 4 POLICE officer told a packed court today how a man came to his office one afternoon and reported that one of his inspectors had raped his girl friend. Senior Inspector H.L. Miranda was testifying at the second day
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  • 156 8 Ashes of crash victim flown in SINCr\PORE. Wed The Colombo Plan scholarship student Ooh Seng Ouan 'above' now n Buddhist temple at Thomson Road. iwn trom iti Friday, three alter he oied in a ccideni in Sydney, where he waa studying airin hla Blair Plain home brother, Mr Goh Senc
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  • 180 8 rounds with h;n. man> at about 9 p.m. on Jan 8. PC Kamal said: 'We went to a few bars along Gcylang and Jon Cl rhpek the travel documents ol Malaysians who might be there. "Then »c wont to Yong Nam Hotel when w
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  • 219 8 Lee there to see scholars get their awards They look< yet slightly nei they sal in tl two rows of seats Istana Garden They were eight Presldi nl for this yea: men .inri tl their self coi ici not without re For a lai'L:' governm r i munity lea i
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 164 8 /^al *41 IQ7O K. a im i sy a i av^^^STl^^^ /t)#m more fie*) /fans l(7^\ H^^r^ /ecfacJrd/x ctf4ty^/»e/>A\\ iw ''MTwh. FARTICVLARS vscal prick sale price fvrihkr rfdvcf °Jj^^ PIZ/^mf'^^k 3i °P* r y t ff.SOperyd. P. BO per \mt^t 1/y /fa i J 6.inpcrpc. S.OOperpc. •-■ftrl I d*LXI laafci^r
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    • 16 8 t aaaa»— -^^^aaßßF 'f 'Br' a/ v Hf V mm Wxt- aCat aaaaaßaaaaaaaw aaaai jjQ V
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  • 628 9  - A town fights for survival CHEAH BOON KHENG By KUALA SELANGOR A:ugl what this pictureand historic town, standing on the bank ol a river tha urgently need i ■nomk- ci "rice'■l" district. town d tratlv* Bui ned. '.'.intoni; I nder, thpn that i ■y talk ot Struggle K. 8 and
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  • 228 9 BY A CORRESPONDENT I ONDON Twenty- five Chinese tomb figures, which would be worth about M.SIM). OOO if they were authentic, have \wv\\ exposed as twentieth century takes by scientists at Oxford. Ten are on show :n n ki ol \l?:.' exhibit. nn
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 82 9 Enjoy the taste oftmditiontoclay M Mall Export Rothni.uisdl tall M.ill No6s Pall Mall, Lundon. S.W.l B^ In 1S!K). Louis Rothman established the tradition ol excellence in the blending of fine cigarettes. Now \oii can i'iijo\ the t.i^tc ol llii^ tradition in Pall Mall Export, from Rothmans, Britain s largest exporters
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 77 9 Straits Times Crossword r^l~~^l~~l flf Hi ACI' ■r*ri\rm from \,*y rtM MM I. in th. ««1 gm tassMai 11 A era U rtfpi. rd In co»U 11 ni^m.\pn 1T Hnrv mqn hB money for «iunrt» ol Afr( -.exchan*- «««te. Ed t>. -mage Snlution "ill br published .^rorrt. t.imnrriiw VERTERDAT'H »"i
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  • The Straits Times Thursday, July 2, 1970.
    • 93 10 itional i ountry's 9 unD( cc and -third Infant ■vhich will In'l a An n in fnllitional ncillary srrsimilarly releai the navy increasingly ined men with two naval okli-r than defence foi this iru- differ- with n ordeal in mind. armed component in the Commonwealth defcontribution to regional
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    • 60 10 I in Mm Ministry 1 1 WHS will s in ament when Tii. \«.ho had I i fur the who her bi Pood i his this "i the rlarijans around. '1 >n of -dan Sin^n to the Foreign Ministry will keep the Sikhs happy. But how long tl
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    • 22 10 A o-in-I i I 1 ll attention nal 11 havr to a in ing films arc to t big beneficiary.
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  • 771 10  - SECRET REPORT HITS AT AMERICA IN EUROPE Clyde H. Farnsworth By BRUSSELS What amounts to a censure oi American corporate activity in Europe, one of the yet made by an official body, is contained in a secret report by the executive commission of the European Economic Community .in- .sump 'if
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  • Letters
    • 80 10 FOR the information of PprpiPXPd" 'ST 11 > It li completely untrue to say thai ployment B!U denies persons who !:.iv rv< d to obtain employment. I- .vppk.* ■t\ to MtOM who have cnmpl^t«-(i §en Th»r# are pr< v:«ion» in who have not completed sprvice to be
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    • 117 10 I AM Apprehensive about the bleak future of my Mm who Is In form five. Until last December he \v;is petting 60^ plus marks ia the Bali as a Kebai paper. This year, he is shocked "to lind that he is unable to score
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    • 115 10 I havi luring facta for ur Singapore rraric r "A.B whose letter <S.T. J'Jiu 23) was headed "Valuable Monument.-, at Ometeiv may t<e lost been made in the design of the. 1 park on the tit* of the cemetery for the retention of sosm "f the ■ON ornamental marble
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    • 67 10 '"IX) determine whether motor cars are fit or unfit to be on the roads by Imposing age limits on them, which may happen la Singapore Is utter nonsense The condition of any Of on tlie road ran be determined only by a thorough Inspection. A car ran be in Up-top
      67 words
  • 809 10  - Japan and its 'Seventy Problem' DAVID PERMAN SECURITY TREATY PROTESTS WERE 'JUST A SIDESHOW 9 By TOKYO Kt'iieral again* the Security treaty A nioro basic reason, though, is the fact that the Government and other right* ing parties In lit i are now feohnt; their way towards a new
    OFNS  -  809 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 20 10 I uMffi!gUiijiT_fl °xj :i j tnd by ou'^ly hand 1 1 in(« of ma<- 1. Tel: 9T431 Heng Kong (Qr»-
      20 words
    • 301 10 The term vintape jiwjih (Tw yearh/ grape harvest and also the wine produced from those grapes. i There is no mystery about h, apart jfmSQ that is, from the skill and judgement of the vigneron, sureh/ one of oar m^^% nwst ancient crafts and mysteries. 5/^L- n ranee in<^ the
      301 words

  • 410 11 i hi make lonal military Involvement in her nclng 1 the tte emphatically drnt Nixon that" it would, in future, ard Its constltut l< war. 1 v eh amendment aimed at In future by barring funds it vv I-. mii-i preted bj Milllf <
    Reuter  -  410 words
  • 224 11 ci wini; Mike Mansfield said jres -1 terdaj the \i\«»u %dmini«tration was reported to have ncreai '■ti the niiinhrr «f military attaches it the I S I mbassj In Pbn*m F''nh, «nd they imdii he operatiag ad risen to the Cambodian recime of
    224 words
  • 139 11 Employers offer a £20-a-week guarantee to idle dockers I ONDOM Wed In t.i avert .i nal (|ik-kn strl tened July 11. port employe :i- offered If here la no for them. Kant to ■tap up cli basic .'linn lust .iv.-! I .i veek \-i £20, although if ,i complicated .>
    139 words
  • 103 11 £40,000 GEMS GIFT TO PRINCESS? A DENIAL I ON DUN W< d man foi l exand i a gift ol pn 1--ri:-rd to het b\ .i Hong Kong »hlp .i\\i.>-i t w 000 Stockholm newspaper \fioiii)i;id( rep rday thai Ihe Pi received ft which rlaimi d wa> i I0.00U). from
    103 words
  • 174 11 We want real peace, not breathing space: Golda JERUSALEM da Mtir .<aui yesterdaj Israel wa .i real peace In ;t»tMiddle East tin. diret't negotiations and not a "breathint! space" until the decided on ;> war. Slif also revealed Isr.f! has been in eu .i ij leaders aim end ol the
    174 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 111 11 ''FREE™,* 1 c Fa S hioti c Duo t .iti-i, you ili) ntW 'No St No Shake '"♦^B^ i^^^aV IMII P" 1 1 <Ur u f™" b¥<7"-_ „->» I"• iticka coma I\/IAY kApTnD I PALt Ln AC m \0 ~sx- l \i IVIAA^V I r^V_/ I V_y I X 1,,
      111 words

    • 192 12 NOW MR HOGG BECOMES A LORD AGAIN I ONDON, Wed (Jinntin MeOarel ii"^c (abate) ■is vuui n in .is Lord Chancrllor of Krit.iin yesterday the first Itlni nun in Insloi (o give up one lordship and grt anolhrr. Mr siuned the roll .it (he House of Lords as I mil
      AP  -  192 words
    • 5 12 T'>N!Hi\" 1
      5 words
    • 226 12 Wild cat strikes threaten car trade LONDON. Wednesday 4 NEW wave of strikes today threatened the car industry here within hours of an ollicial disclosure that British sales of European and Japanese models have soared to an all-time record. The current threat to home production sterna from a three-week long
      226 words
    • 99 12 Bomb blast threat as Queen visits the campus COVENTRY, 'Aid Police i.n Warwick Univentty [or a thrrr-hour visit by Qi:crn Elizabeth yesterday after warninß thai a bomb had liron plantrd on the campua. An anoriyinoua trlrphone i-allrr Unsed off DOlic< about thr bomb but I st arch turned un notlnr.c
      AP  -  99 words
    • 4 12 •i ip
      4 words
    • 181 12 I A K R I A. Wed. Madame Ratna San Dewi, widow ol former P r esi dent Soekarno, said today [ndonestan authoritlea bad confiscated her pastport and airline tickets. i> "Tbe> ■aid rwfi'i) my p.i- -!>"■ -i; I fOf W('■l. Dui n. Ahmed,
      181 words
    • 158 12 MWM Wl.l \l lr.l>t I |i<-o|ilc have hren kilted Hit- p.isi iuo ninnllis iii ftabMai raafa ihiciiuinui the Tin lippiiirs polin- ii'|ioili-il t'xi.i I lir l.ilrst I. it ihlirs «rrr Mparted from ihp latoc to i.miK ni < tgayaa aad Is.thrl.i provinirs
      158 words
    • 297 12 New laws end Britain's golden age of gambling I ONDON, Wed. Brtt,an's golden aRe ol gaming has ended, and a boom in illicit back street betting may be one by-pro-duct. Under ne« fectlv* vesierday. the niim mbling clubi ca.sino.s permitted to "pc rate will fall from to Tbe reduction la
      297 words
    • 55 12 Diplomat Lea suspended from duty I^OMXJN. \V>d 1 diplomat Brl^n 1.r alleges hp- was kidnapped Uganda. In May. hai >n of rftgn .th OffK"* 4 tcirmrr Tlr* Kami Ir>nr|Mti l;cl nifht :i' Ann l»in; lurrd c PTPvldf!.' "(1 deni. Mylng h< dl Mr Ifa had <*tn kldl Thr inquiry which
      55 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 197 12 1 CYCLEMATIC REFRIGERATOR f 1 does it all for you automatically* ■5 JBgsaWsaW 1 acma cyckmaiic R«ft.^r*tut% P «»J L.J lliH/l/lUlli. iJLJlifyilllfm tumihn with Co.n.r tn Corn*, rli.qn 10, IS »-w „,nt» st<vaq» M>«« wtiirh tit into tnv r>f Wf lQ 1..1W Automatic CMrost Syttwn by ACMA CYCLtMATIC BaW Hnn
      197 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous

  • 306 13 Stop this crime against humanity, plea by OAS WASHINGTON, Wednesday I ganisation of American States (OAS) la condemned terrorism, political nj and i xtortion as crimes against and the principles of international assembly directed to work out methods of itlon, designed to block ting Latin American nations. I radiiiK adTOCttei
    306 words
  • 2 13 WORLD NEWS
    2 words
  • 43 13 Apollo 14 flight is put off now to next year w Bp tpollo S had :>>ned irr because of oxygen ip whPn Apol--13 \>. is more than the Apollo IT), too Fred W Haisc Jr., Sa getf Jr. her suppli- lunar •hr;r inch id
    43 words
  • 56 13 Abortion law takes effect NEW YORK. \V<ri The mofi liber?: n ihr UnlU B«'e.v. Into effect In Nrw day New York clt] 1 k municipal I i tbout ire expected p 111 i 'A K ..n. .uried minor, even without nt "1 'hoir pgr. Since there 11 encj requirement from
    56 words
  • 46 13 LBJ's former aide loses appeal \.-HIN(JP N Ac Thr US Cci. •»rdav '-nee a?ain upiieid the ronxiction ol 3io dv Baker. a;tic v ni President h Johaaofi f'luncl guiitv ;n l r>ftT ot larceny, income n inspiracy Oovernmen' rcl.erl on transcript! ot Inten .Tic-r him ap
    46 words
  • 21 13 CINCINNATI Wort A mntiinM" r. n she »ri .>f being h'T hu« iw*rth#ari »d on a dianrdei rharj"
    21 words
  • 79 13 POLICE BARRIER AROUND FBI HQ. |><>l 111 Ml fi.rni l>.r ••ler in front of tin- I HI headajMrtera m i \> York .<s^ of It. ill. in ilestf-nt;id<- liv i\ lag Italian Flagi mil ieering a\ the headquartfrs il ii riii Italian I nil> Da) ■>- inipiistiition
    79 words
  • 99 13 j ion to civilian airfrom terrorist attac rged on all ipenn the m. the Sl p ie OrICA 0 to tak^ measures wore I Protection MU Ol I I ADI M< I I MONTREAL. W*d clean' mail, cargo and tge i^n
    Reuter  -  99 words
  • 100 13 FRANCE TO PUNISH THE SKYJACKERS ilinn^l A«fnihh »^s |iii|.i\ fin»l »ppm\xl Id lan aimed at puni>nIng in hijackan, m.ik m- il the firxt I i 'innli lo tilo p| sim h |fti»l "lion. .(< i nrrlini: !■> .1 1 r h lit- viiiiii e« here I Ik- law pio\i<lr<i
    100 words
  • 110 13 I INDON. Wed \y.:r Voko Onn are the up w.i yesterday Ono Music Limited compan) > i';i.',ed. ha* rmed pr: publish Yoko't whicti were p 1 by Ape i';ns: an Beatle.s' master c Ap-^'.e PARIS: Two Frenchmen charged wll the transport ol
    110 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 19 13 ?4ffijßß@fMßBK^^Bra^^ -'ill ■'.'^E^Kjßl^'it TE^S!^s^Hß[E^^« I^A H^| s v*^ i^Sfi&i *tV- *.jB :^«fc^^. '■rMl*Mlll>iC*Wiii«Kil*lllltliiTillii^K#l>lnl»T:mßli».iyx-W' .iWlfii V -€■>> «2, f^**/ If zlflßßMßUlMlllPiliflßMlllMnßllHlMHl
      19 words

  • 7 14 BLAIR JOHNSON. City Editor
    7 words
  • 476 14 ith the .mi iffei out iur- thai tock Exwill to m and see fair play. ihareholders when the mandinu who sold shor th<would if men) gay. Profits Thf ited that last year's ented tig condl- In M 'A 1 1 1 •~zp<\ production capai Of Tuesday
    476 words
  • 224 14 did and (irrrn runts inn 'I*LLV LISTED »T THE CLOSE <"" DUtiNEii in tut smr.APone AND KUALA LUMPUR TRADINR D» 1►" lHlir.r aith rnnr f-ovtMfNTs in ISTIROAY wr lir INDUSTRIALS H STIRLINI. ..URRERs I I T( I unii rnuiTi <Man>licrr«' prir^t for d.. 1 Aik u..,i ttmm I.
    224 words
  • 219 14 Pi >l\l" is wii i;i nil: 1 1 11 11 in nil ki\c;apori (mi KI'AI.4 M Mil I! I i; \HIN(. LOOM- 111 I 111 *10l K l\ ■11 we.i 111 i:n\\ hmii 1 111 \i miw 1; iii *m \i;i I1; «l»l l> >HiH\ s l\ BR
    219 words
  • 36 14 him It •tadufctriab: ■M..HK 7lhT Properties: n i fin: M.M irtttn; 1 1 1 1 l)r, 1 Dec IMI July I I < JLffl I 1 Lit ■in. n 11 1 .1 I him lIMI
    36 words
  • 229 14 pQNDkTIONS rtnuined sjaietlj steady ssi th** Slink I M'h.mce nf mi ami Sincapnre yestrril.iv mi (he hulk of rounIciv 1 1 hi* volumr ul business was reriurcil In I.IIIIIooh units anil very much ronfinrri tit BPC f SjIbUTI issius \c.«in hiuhlichtins the day's Ii ulnr;
    229 words
  • 104 14 Further drop in tin 'I RAITB tm price In Penang yesterday dropped foi the third consecutive day. It tell $2 to S*i:iB per picul on an offering estimated up IS tons td 295 tons Influenced bj the London fail ol £9 the market was with nri'i buying support ai lower
    104 words
  • 28 14 IMORIIY \nilOLINUo' |*H| MINTS FOR JULY 2 OUT •i noAO' a. A M ON JULY I I irth POR, SWt.I.NMAM N v IM. «n.l D.I.
    28 words
  • 82 14 'Till Mal.vvim \|ini-i., linm. r h** li\rd thrw ratM fur •aU iilalini riittnim ilnlii-s fur id. Pr ii nit (mm In It I 1,, X Kuhhrr ">7 1 iml> i 111 i •>iii. i 1344 a ton rain oil 1715. ■"> tea r.ilm K. I- s| i
    82 words
  • 189 14 rpRADE sourcca In SinI re yesterday eontMined ;i Jakarta prpss report that Blni rubber importers have asked their Indi supplier: I i temporarily < up rubber dellvi Tins was due to lack i ill m.i i .<! and that itocki were satisfactory, the urcea said
    189 words
  • 409 14 rnWO leading Hour mUlen reported Buoyant profit yeg terday. United Malayan Flour Mills In a nalftlme statement presented shareholders with record lirst lialt profits while Puma. thi> Singaporebased Hour miller, presented it .s shareholders with another 10 per cent tax tree dividend, bringing the total paid
    409 words
  • 140 14 iui> 1 K I XXIX il iriiiun imc rithlh of rent 1. TIN: smx 'il»un s-.'.. I iiMi-rinc tons (up Ii tnnsi (i.^A release Intentions Uternoon tin beM iteadjf reflecting modes' buyins interest induced hv the earlier lower levels wi'h nine quarters reportuiK snail scale Conconsumer interest
    140 words
  • 17 14 and not K II ax reported liui an if IS pel tlif six months March
    17 words
    56 words
  • 187 14 r^ri 1. ti -'i by r Singapore mad< openli turnover resulted ii":i. lns> sol!: tin. short-Ci and coy< nna ol ph: tor easi European <ilions Muvi in. n! s vnn small, however, and the n went on to finish slightly 1 above the The moi Ding i
    187 words
    28 words
  • 9 14 I i Oil A'J|">' Mp>>mMl llli MllMt.
    9 words
  • 14 14 II l>. I 1 1> (Jl Lor«l pri'» in mnf«pm» p*r
    14 words
  • 375 14 INVESTORS 1 r ii tn four continents will join the World International Finance Corpora:h' to Bnance Africa's firat In.(i pulp ;md paper mill to be located iii Kenya, the IFC announced yesterday. riie i ss*j millioi mill. Mills eel near Broderlck Falls. i
    375 words
  • 43 14 I or i i», n- .!•>» n i.n .»llln«. II r.iLTcnr.ED •> TINS v I 1 RURHFIM I 'Jnd'n Hop* t MI*«INRS Inti PrraMcal Hi i I I BANK* I .Id ■< H INSURANCE V INDUSTRIALS i I i It < IU Tn lO| v
    43 words
  • 3 14 l«d. v
    3 words
  • 3 14 rr> .1..
    3 words
  • 65 14 I \ni|..i| I \plnra i kJ .i. the <ih«!<" Ir. mornlnß \or«r Mronst run M »(t*r peaking NtHkt I qntM and fin--1 I'l rr n t« Ir Mnhi d I miiniic market u< trlirctfil in n*ral« inrt^x ...Ui.l. ent« »hlt» Koatfc+ra r.inii, K INIIUSTHIALt H I I p
    65 words
  • 22 14 IM»\\ HIM I lIMMI\ IKH \u MM (TuMd«! I IN \M I M I IMI Rub rwrs IMh t 1n.)...),,
    22 words

  • 32 15 DIVORCE FOR MANAGER DESERTED BY WIFE nent d a iund rifd 'Jealous 1 Kong, •npanv was work. ii;ci left him ai iriron. Ta) ntt<»m!'' to r<«waa unronted, Shaw, represented illn Hlong. was
    32 words
  • 9 15 i no "rm in 967.
    9 words
  • 392 15 MILACCA, Wed. The Press «.i> ordered today nut to publish the names, addresses, occupations anil photographs of all the ttitnrssr* in a vice here. M.sisir.t- llikim Sinjh said: I want to sa\r .< 11 the witnesvps from any rmkirrassnient." He made thi- order after
    392 words
  • 510 15 Sandra was 'f ed up with life': Witness REPORTER. EDWARD LIU Cheong Nsek Keow told the court that Sandra wa> not angry but .surprised when she iound out that Mr. G"h was mam« d. Bhe .>a;d "Bandra told me Mr. Goh wanted to aivorce his wife and that *ne advised
    510 words
  • 247 15  - God's Gift frigate Hang Jabat gets new name RATAN SINGH B, KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. The Royal I Malaysian Navy's new frigate which is undergoing trials in Britain has had a change of name Formerly called Hang Jebat after the warrior 11 mow called ;he KD Rational (Ood'i Gift According to
    247 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 46 15 PACIFIC HOTEL V^-ty, JALAN IPOH. KUALA LUMPUR. ve»j» THE MOST ECONOMICAL h§l^ HOTEL FOR YOUR STAY IX KUALA LUMPUR. *a* PACIFIC HOTEL i 1. .-i with private bath tor rvlce led. iairsmd r ufc Wi a»war*i llM| 'I on mm iriN For Reservation: Ring 2 *****
      46 words
      146 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 201 15 On your TV and radio today TV MALAYSIA <>\l kiuli I umpur and IVm.ui,; (l> innel i w.h »nd M "lei b; Johore Ualnu h«nnrl Ij .nnrl 4; Batu I' I. inn. I Killing riiAnnW ftft >! es Box kite Kaper, 5.06 n» a ■nib:*. C 91 lfi Pole A"
      201 words
    • 458 15 TV SINGAPURA •> fifi VM. B ruai, 320 Another sonn. J uu UMtbar mrlod] I 3351t Happeiung ;r. S:n:.irx tf H ..s malinee Qup*n trom. the Chia 4 is; 6.05 Open) it Uld I>r. Wan, o 30 New* in bnet; 8.35 Debate in Eng'U-.i M New- to <":. -c 8-j;>
      458 words

  • 452 16  - Forget the plain colours, but look for striking prints Ong Kiat Beng MAINLY FOR WOMEN By I Ad. I Skin Radiance ami Sparkle Give your skin thrlove- drwirst bloom and i fairness by lightly pattinc over your face and neck with a pad soaked in beautifying lemon skin di r
    452 words
  • 330 16 OUT: The small handbags IN: tHE giant shapes HANDBAGS lor the comiiij; m an h>> hrinu in .i In iikl-mpw Inn 1 1 i a n t shapes, Wild rs t trends, rasfile nt4t leathers and east ides tit ii ing^s. Super suppli puiii Ins and s.ithels emphasise i >ii
    330 words
  • 197 16 DRIP-DRY I with matching virttfv hr.i'it:. v] broiderrd in Boral di In mutrd sii;irlf i on hlte. Available in fivr riiffrront .'.izps. wilts four. fight or 12 wrVlet Vr m able (jra.^.s Him Cl >th Mta, .S4m. x with applique Price: $22 SOUVENP an overseas friend: Batik table
    197 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 634 16 ■f 1 rp^t ii' t DOROTHY GRAY eye pasontials **T~» »\»s brj!. S«.*n mif oirls. Right througbTut magnetic r^^r total expression of a womon'i individual sould and beoury. The eytl moqnetire' Or ar» that they d"n t register ony impact VI? mo't»r of oHdmq intpre^t, der'h riven the most beautiful
      634 words
    • 84 16 AOvr»Tn« Siuuotht' Forehead LineKeep the torehfad beautifully smooth DV usl: 18 Ulan vltaltztna cream every nlßht Firmly coax the nourishment intn the skin from brow to hairline ov placltig th»- nneers if ooth nanrt» in the centre of the forehr>nrl and pulling ap.T-t In thi.\X\*- ricn Ular Is smoothed ai-rov*
      84 words
    • 87 16 rment Complexion Beauty L nicies." th» -i 1 namrd 2nd i'ntly n it g fccdi 1 in CEF I t •nury n yo 1 t hoir it. < n WEW ULTRA- SHEER the elegant makeup! jM jftetbk W" 1 sHk Atlr fo s»e rrie Avon Colow Chart fo choose rrt*
      87 words

  • 90 17 S'pore will have new $5 million science centre SINCiAPORK. W( <! Science Centre Board to be sPt up to p>tabli>h and maintain the Government.- new Seiener Centre. Under a BUI uhlrh liar! It* first raMtßf in Parliamfni !.w f"riOH\. ilif bo«rd will I <»lI|IT|W a <h<ti:nian. rte<hniiinnn and r*t\»e*n Mm
    90 words
  • 164 17 Parades, 'open house' at all camps SINGAPORE, Wednesday ARMED Forces Day Singapore's second began in the morning with muster |).h;hlcs ;il the Ministry of Interior and Deit me mm! ;it .ill the major SAF canu>s \ii mben of P the >;i- I'pin ither visitors. .111-' .ittrl IUIICI politely turn i
    Junid bin  -  164 words
  • 128 17 OINGAPOM i -1.,--k" fa] fill mi .1 uii-kd.M 1 •>»! in iiil nl r\ \rr\\rr mm of i hi- Slagapme Armrd I- <>i i \s > ouny»t» rs mi ii< ii larl] ih-.s. hi tin- Natloaal < .ulii Corpa r.innrri out In -HI rid
    128 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 141 17 SSS PTE.LTQ •.O'"H|Hl00t». The »Arrow->- i KENT COLLECTION Designed for the man who demonds the finest ~g in collorj ond euffl ond whose use of color dromoticolly enhances his appearance. Each shirt has colored buttons to match. Tapered for the custom-made look. Higher, fuller collars. STquare French cuffs or square
      141 words
    • 100 17 RED LION the still orange drink jiF-rp with the real M'^jf orange taste! Jp a NEW /A SETRON WD7O7-23" HAS BIG BRILLIANT PICTURE AND FOUR SIX- INCH J9k LIVING SOUND SPEAKERS A 3k A new dimension to provide optimum in sound reproduction. The 4 speakers system and Setron's brilliant 23"
      100 words

  • 411 18  - Taximen have trouble with women over fares LESLIE FONG B, THK 2(1 ccnl increase in l;i\i fare for I litlirsl mill- skilled another row :is il wcnl inlo force lo(|;i\. This ume the hag w.i- b"t w» "is t he aa driver.-, jnri the passengers, ipeclalljf 1 he women. Many
    411 words
  • 120 18 Man who shot a soldier he thought was a dog... SINGAPORE, Wed A £5 Special Constable who was on a vigil to trap :i chicken-poacher shot and wounded a mistaking i. Hashing his torch is, was that of in and not of a don Onlj after he tired Hip heard
    120 words
  • 252 18 mN^.XI'OKi:. Wed— A "midair" shopping complex, the firstever in Singapore is t«i he built over (ollver (Juay. "Hanging" lli'-fl above the road, it will span Clifford Pier and two multi-storey oflice-and-shoppinf blocks. I lir pier wiil be renovated to provide iKippini; facilities so that eventual!) there
    252 words
  • 114 18 $4,000 GRABBED FROM OFFICE BOY SINGAPORE, Wed An office buy has reporter! to police thai thief ypstei da\ matched the 14,000 he had cashed ai a bank for his firm Tnii Kit Wan, IT. of Roxy Kl-i-Tic Industries Pte iB> ltd. >.cfi he v.a- walkinu in R.i!ile> Place when mi
    114 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 121 18 high performance motor oil presents... C -TftfcvJ." ACHIEVEMENTS 1969" f A x7* mB 60 YEARS OF SPORTING HISTORY IN MOTOR CYCLE RACING, AIRCRAFT Wte^'nminWft nift nH^ development and allied sports and industries. Inn^W -iJS^KL *?a gnk J^%^'-^% r 4*~~ Here's an exciting fart filled book of interest to all. Glorious
      121 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 726 19 COMIKtNUI fp r. b'ruiri II Pirt I C(n 33 Tifay Jnly 3. 4 July S Gti 13 July S 3 >vii my 1/11 my ii July July II lily 11, U luy II Jnly 11 lul| 14 Jnly 15/W J«ly 13 Inly 14 July 22 Inly V .iiytt, i laj
      726 words
    • 2363 19 P^^^^^^ffy^T^^H^^^H i T^f^S^^^H C^LaM^ \T* I I r^X^J Ik L^i.^^nt" Jmm\ Vl* CASABLANCA DIRECT TO HAMBURG IN 33 DAY S^ LOADING FOR BOGOTAI July 7 I Illy 10 July 3/ 6 SUMBAWA Jnly 23 21 luly 27 21 lily m i n'Va'diyj) SONCKHU Auf 23 26 Au| 27 21 Anf
      2,363 words
    • 1219 19 FORTNIGHTLY EXPRESS SERVICE DIRECT FROM EAST COAS 1 U S.A JAPAN Stiltl In Pc-t July 1 Sept 7 LtOMEDON Sailei July II July IS Oc! I MEMNON Sailtl Alt 3 Alt 1 July 31 Oct 24 TREfUSIS Sails Illy II Ant 23 Aut 21 SUOAN Stilt inly 21 >tpt 3
      1,219 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 897 20 J j— fJJjMfMf^WJW»«JJfjBB>IBJ^pMBJJBJJB^pMM||JWi HHHaff 1 Yr^* »<AWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. Western Australia Singapore/ Japan Service 2 luly i 1« July It J»l| 22 July f «i»tVri lIW 2 tug I tug 12 »»l Cast Coast U.S.A. Straits Service Houston ti Tuli MlfU' 21 Jlly 27 luie 24 Jin 25 lull
      897 words
    • 866 20 lm! it «l".ii.alhn h Mrt illicit io<ci>it nr. CHAHOINAt 24 25 July V luly 21 21 Jlly MA IM Hit. o t n., urn. LyTU rteli. ma Australia Neoleaiail" Lialut tar. CARPENTARIA' 29 1 Auf 2 3 Aug 4 Auf RiapWß. CaicutU. BANKURA 31 3 Aug 4 3 Aug 6
      866 words
      863 words
      709 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 407 21 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Quolificotioni: Or Low OR A i r 1 r< Solory Fnnq* Bitnatirs SenpflTs Applicatient j'ory r«J, occomponipH jroph THE CONTROLLIR 'PERSONNEL) PC. Bex 729, r KUALA LUMPUR 770. SHIPPING NOTICES NEPTUNE drum lists iMliiil STEAMSHIP mv Ml.. N1 ZIBCON C»RPOEATIOW 8 ARRI>. 2* s "THOMABI \l KM I
      407 words
    • 1007 21 [TT^JTiCTyrTO^B^THTLACE YOUR ADS. V^-^ THROUGH OUR C.A.T.S. ®W/S fUNtmiS. C'EtIINCS, IN MIMO»I»M MIBJR.tCCS MISSINC Pt«SON«I PPC HfQUIEMS 1 dtUNIONS. lIIIIUWUII WWaa w.a.a I l c,,.,c,,».,..».,,,. t p.p.,, :i::z::z phone store ***** 1 \c-axs Acknowledgements AMILV OF LAW 1 ri mi 1 -i. .luring r.aih^ I ,IVI YOUR BELOSED JPENINC TODAY
      1,007 words
    • 276 21 IO Lll X.-..1 DfCORATf O 11 OErice space wanted WANTCO A I R( ONOI T lONED SHOP FRONT GROUND KOOR URGENTLY RIOUIItfO OFFICI I Codown space vacant BUKIT TIMAM ROAD I OAT OUA* .-,ih Ml I' (Ol I i>.'i» Factory space vacant faCTOK* OrFICI »PA< I pp.o. 4300 M miMil
      276 words
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 89 22 [ijw^w»pfj*^^^pji] For «ale ntw m Vehicles Cor sal* NG CAR TRADERS. 14 A I bCOD S I %> 100. <iK jkmai I VK TOR I*oo. on. II mlll-a. USED i ARs PROGRiss MOIORS DM P I AR DIVISION ORC HARD ROAD SINC.APORE 9 T*l PENTA Best for pleasure high speed
      89 words
    • 228 22 ihium >i •piirini s a v n v -.:m 4 4 Mil MOKttIS MINOR SALOON VOI KSWM.IN HOD I votvo < lAI i-QOD owner, •70 JANUARY J9IH CORTINA •-..1 -,o -.Niri Mm, Kith OOINC. HI At Am cortina c. T. hh i rondiuon. H«*l i.Hi-i COUNTRYMAN. > nt r.l-l 66U30.
      228 words
    • 269 22 CAREER OPPORTUNITIES FOR ELECTRONIC TECHNICIANS .-illtlCOind ot Ico t 2 yeors ix| YOU'LL FIND GROWTH THROUGH JOB INVOLVEMENT AT TEXAS INSTRUMENTS i tele* raffing ond Development Manngrr, P.O. Bex 2093, Singapore I. Texas Instruments SINGAPORE PTEi LIMITED CREDIT RETAIL OUTLET SALESMAN racancy for a man < I Job qualiflcatlona:— .ii
      269 words
    • 615 22 PROFESSIONAL SALESMEN IU are looking foi mori Chalfel „.ri:-,j >a>% career and beliexe tnat a man .should be remunerated ace -ning t'. nil own capabilities and in proven -.)>s rwulU, and »am to earn an unlimited Income In sahrv and sales comlon by maintenance chemical? for Industry, the I p«
      615 words
    • 634 22 ASSOCIATfOPIASTICSINDUSTRIESBfRHADASSOCIATEDPIASTICS 1 5E ASSOCIATED PLASTICS INDUSTRIES BERHAD S Al a result of the continuous expansion of the Associated x» Plastics Industries Group, the following vacancies b«Vt a i omii nwAwciAi comhouii 55 The Job To he fully responsible for th,> ndn. g; l-tratmn of thp Group; Branca £5 ca Ihe
      634 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 367 23 VALLENTINE, LAURIE DAVIES Consulting Civil Structural Engineers CHANGE OF ADDRESS The above Firm will move to their new office premises at the address given below:— No 468-6 D, jalan Ipoh. (Low Vat Building) Kuala Lumpur. Tel Nos: ***** ***** P.O. Box S-16, Sentul as from 10th July. 1970. NOTICE OF
      367 words
    • 1255 23 Leading manufacturer in Jurong Industrial Estate offers Distribution Rights for their products in local and Overseas Market: 1) Wearing -Apparel (Specialised Protection Clothing: Weather Jackets) 2) Blankets (Tcviron Polypropylene Synthetic Fibre) 3) Tablewares (Stainless Steel Cutlery) Prospective applicants wishing to represent the above manufacturer please apply stating: Brief history of
      1,255 words
    • 122 23 SIME DARBY MALAYSIA BERHAD NOTICE OF REMOVAL With effect from Ist July. 1970, the n»w address^ of our Seremban and Kuar.tan offices are:— SFRKMBAN 498, Jalan Temiang. Seremban. Necri Semhilan. Tel: No. 2533. KIANTAN 52, I'ninn Garden, Kuantan, Pahanc. NOTICES OF APPOINTMENT We are pleased to Inform the public the
      122 words
    • 148 23 NOTICE We take much pleasure in announcing that with from Ist Ju*,, 1970, the business of EULEY iMPKX) CORPORATION has bern converted Into limited company known as EULEY CORPORATION PTE. LIMITED We take this opportunity to thank all our customers and business associates for their past support and eagerly looking
      148 words

    • 417 24  -  LOH BOON TAN By 'I^HK .Minister for Social Affairs, Inche Othman Wok. today urped local businessmen to donate more money to the Sports Promotion Fund. He said that if each of the 5,000 members of the various Chambers of Commerce and the Singapore Manufacturers'
      417 words
    • 198 24 OEMBAWANG Shipyard scored a major upset in the Singapore Hockey Associations junior knockout competition when they beat Singapore Recreation Club 2-0 at the padang yesterday to enter the final. Shipyard, last year's league Div 3 winners, will now have to wait for some time before they
      198 words
    • 128 24 PHII It'll NKS the International Federation of Buri\ B:.!ilci- Invitation to COBnpHe Ui the 11- BB Mr Asia contest n Singapore do .lulv 25 at I.c National Thriii re The Inclusion <>f Phlllpptnei makes the loial number of partH Ipatlruj (OUntrtM to seven The Others «re Malaria. .Japan.
      128 words
    • 141 24 RI take on arch rivals Saints today OAKKI a Instil lUon last yeai prssalsr rucbj tchooL «ill take (in their arch rivals Bt. Andrews In the first of two matchei between them for the Ki»l Cup II RI pound today Raffles completed a strand slam last year by Winning ttM
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    • 21 24 SINGAPORE Runbv Union will hold it* annual meeting at the Singapore Cricket Club on July 2(1 at 5.30 p.m.
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    • 186 24 SINGAPORE Combined Schools' Games Week ha.s been given a tremen- dous by the agree- ment of nine countries to compete In tne first Asian Schools International Table Tennis championships The championships will be held from July 2ft la Auiius? 1 at the Gay World
      186 words
    • 66 24 mtanuD p.. t-uuttao baskeiball team w ill tour a Thailand Hoi.i: Kont! Japan South Korea anrl Talbasketbal 'earn ;<!ie>- the io|ol ih»i! unit<"..»rh Ho Vat) i players are nira trainim: hard Stadium under thiee ma.hes v< Hn Yap Choon and 1; Chiare tuallv m\ .if Ihm will be
      66 words
    • 336 24 Taylor and Gimeno clinch places in last four LONDO N. W.d. Britain's R lor and Andres Oimeno of Spam today clinched srmi-final places m thp Wimbledon Open tennis cha m p 1 1) nships here. Taylor, earlier ennquerrr of champion Rod Lavcr, took just 20 minutes to disDi American Clarlc
      336 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 1036 24 LABGI MININi. (OMPA.W PKRAK Kegu: .t- of Ist Uraae man with nil restrictions inpl) wilh reterence to P O l Kampar NOTtCEa v\u\\\ \K BLECTJUCITI SI III.V (OKroKATION lIS IK \< 1 IN II "7792 mviien. tor the supph and erection at thiee subin Kuebing ot the ;:ie equipment: Outdoor
      1,036 words
    • 788 24 PUBLIC ITILITILS BOARD.! SINGAPORE TENDERS IWIIII lIU'ARIMKM: 1 3rd Floor City Hall) tl) Supply ol 24' 18" diametei pipe- Tender deposit $500. Close at 2.15 p.m on 27.7.70 <2 Purchase of sciap i:id surplus materials. Tender deposit $500.- Close at 2 15 pm on 14.7.70 I KUtCTsUCITf DKPARTMKXT: ._>nri Floor.
      788 words
    • 31 24 Itch Germs Killed in 7 Minutes u»rm« Mn«. Hurnnmi, )i in>| traitn»i>t« k r»h»f r-rm nd l« Nixedtrm fi-m jour > h»mi«t tn<1ar Nixoderm S?:1v:] for Skin Troub/tj t rou k bl^
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  • Page 24 Miscellaneous
    • 109 24 RITtBY Schools national championships: Senior Raffle* •Xnorews (RI crd 5 p.m.), ACS v Victoria iWoodsville 5), NJC v St Josephs 1 NJC grd 5). Div 2 Duneam v f>itram iDnnearn grri 4. Queenntr.wn t t;->per Serangoon (Dunearn 5.15), Monks Hill v Whltler iQueenstown SI S 1 .Junior A BJI 18.15
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    • 292 25  - King's Cup scramble for lightweight jockeys EPSOM JEEP By THI be a <r-ramble for li{rhtwpjght Jockeys for the Kniu Kuala Lumpur on Sunday. of mdlrapp. .uablp 11 have been them f 7 7. Ap.v ip I for whom there will be no weight allowance* in this are not many keys
      292 words
    • 861 25 Etnaag on I \v- -r 7f; 6f or I Aka- ••Ml»B«tt«r Than PenI innon ■a v l 6f, Crilng II 7f i tarn If. > levelepment If. mine Sf. ('.old it ;f H':hl»nd Inn linpren--71 X!. Indian Patrol 7f 6f. .i iohnaia s'jf 6f. KampoiiK Melavu 5
      861 words
    • 225 25  -  YEO TOON |00 r From London. i Wednesday |HI International Badminton Federation yesterday voted to give umpires a stronger hand to fauit a player if the whole head of his racket is not 'discernible" below his whole hand when serving. Only the Philippines voter!
      225 words
    • 79 25 'T'HR AC' lll,; Pi I 'erriav rereued ihr.e cheqUN '<>tallinß 140.000 for !iie Olympic C of Malaysia The money i»l.| be v-> send lfi-nnn jent t, 'nr Common* ealth fiamea in Kdinburgh on July The chairman and manning director of dlvlan Berhad, Mr 1..m <~\\<*n
      79 words
    • 135 25 Gin Sooi elected council member Also rfjcrtPd was Eng- I lands proposal that the host nation should k'.vp a £250 guarantpp towards trtvPlliiiß exppnsps to visiting tpam* in Thomas Cup and Übpr Cup matchps. Slngaporp'j proposal for a triennial world'>nships which was studi- I pd by the nutgninx counril
      135 words
    • 269 25 Koe sees three factors in Brazil's success pRAFLS pprformance in the World Cup tournament shows that Asia has made good progress in soccer and can expect to do even better in the next few years, said Koe Kwe Teik. a member of the Fifa. referees' commit tee. who returned to
      269 words
    • 408 25 CURREY maintained their slender lead in th« English county cricket championship yesterday, but injury-hit Sussex took the honours in a drawn match brought to a premature close by bad light and rain. Aft«r a Burrey declaration, seeond-ln-the-tablr Sussex were left to score 269 in 210-mlns a
      408 words
    • 244 25 LONDON. Wed England go into the Second ericktt Teat agmmn 'he «tar-«tudded Rest of the World XI at Tren 1 Bridge here tomorrow ' to re.« ore their prtdt a Per 'he humilia".ns defeat by ,tn ;nnlng* and 80 run* in 'he Firit
      Reuter  -  244 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 71 25 Give the New Sheaffer 444 Trio ...and be remembered. Slim styling in rich brushed chrome, glides ink to paper with never a skip The pen comes with a new wrap-around or scratch. palladium silver point. Writes smoothly Want to b« remembered? With the and fills from ink bottle or with
      71 words
    • 91 25 A book of Decorating Ideas with a detailed analysis of colour, for colour appreciation lies -g at the heart of all H decorating. m\ .^f"^ flf"""' Ttatta^y f v ''ot ■Hll a^aß 13 *^^^E^^ r*k iiff^aJaWMa^B wJP^^^^ afl -fjpP" y Jtf^ftr _^^a^l^l r m>^a^La^B^B^aHli^iiß Kiflf^f^U^^ V^^l V> FULL COLOUR THROUGHOUT.
      91 words

  • 136 26 Your tea may cause cancer of the gullet: Expert iiiami. Wed I nin, which found in sorghum iinri certain French wines, maj cause cancer oi expert on tropi plants said h> terr. I'm of pi high i by 1 1 Study whosr fine: conclude a six-year study. said: Sorghum flour
    136 words
  • 68 26 FOR theso women members of tho Proplr's Dofonro Force, it was tho sway of Stotiini; submachine guns at thp hips as they march* pd past the Defence Minister. Mr. Lim Kirn San. at Jalan Besar Stadium last night. The 10 girls from the
    68 words
  • 179 26 SECURITY FORCES QUITE CAPABLE' OF COPING WITH REDS: ISMAIL KUALA LUMPUR. Wednesday THE Mimstfi of Homo Affairs, Tun (Dr.) Ismail. today asserted thai the security forces were "quite capable" of coping with any situation brought about by communist terrorists. —i He said the commui by their actions, had made It
    179 words
  • 21 26 LONDON Wed A |lXtf« 58-year-old Broadcaatmc monthIn prison for hoardli iptte-s to the RBC ovei the past two '.<■.,•- t'Pf
    21 words
  • 103 26 P\KIS. Wed A London uoman was hitch -hiking home today in borrowed rlolhes ailer lier hush. mil left her standing by the side of the road in only ■a brief bathing costume. The unman, idrnlifieil only is aged 21. told police >he
    Reuter  -  103 words
  • 78 26 Hijacked jets' tyres machine gunned RIO DF JANEIRO. Wed \:r force authorities today ordered a hijacked airliner to land at ihe international airport here and machine gunned Its tyres when it landed, airport sources Mid The sources said air forre authorities refused to negotiate with the IIUSMSWi Mill Inside. nded
    Reuter  -  78 words
  • 62 26 HOM. KOMO Weri PIN m the hold of the R.Ofin-ton Gieek U Hp:,t 1p- v ilderlng laic toniclit and lighten «<:e ordered to >ai' unlnadme her earaa of roal earh Thr Hi ol ronl from in northern China to Pakistan, returned line eailv today alter ti}f
    62 words
  • 197 26 K LUMPUR. Wed VISITING Australian M t>>r Air. Senator Tom Drake Brockman. d today thai the stationing ol eighi Mirage Jel flghter.- at Tengan base in Singap-ire was "in iio sense a in w decision Commeniinn on a report in today's strait- Times
    197 words
  • 384 26 Troops use teargas in new flare-up in Belfast BELFAST. Wednesday BRITISH troops used riot gas here parly today against Roman Catholic demonstrators hurling bottles and bricks at them in a new outbreak of violence. Iruekloads of arinv reinforcements rolled into Hit i uiiilm Road area of this i iot-battered city
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  • 23 26 TOKYO Weri Torrential rains tnrinv causer) Ifi Heaths. landslides and flooding in the areas east and wiuth of Tnlcvo tnda\ ITI
    23 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 79 26 Your home is incomplete without the necessaries and minimum luxuries OWN NOW PAY LATER [JflHB j%yW" LfcjJ Visit 'oLMINI ENTERPRISE to turn your house into a home, sweet home Call in and see the array of household appliances on display and take a bundle of |oy home under our Exclusive
      79 words
    • 197 26 Late CLASSIFIEDS 20 uord, S:0 00 Deaths MRS (U INC GUAN «>. nk A* I. iili 11.. k i' Ea rkwM r<h. rtangbon En X'"« kavlni H.V\ Jalan Pnrt Komi' K L. Mr t lufFiAH Ei rilapHaaa knpn-KKi in I I Aid I I ■!•< 1 7-7(! Hi miiflnm. nirllam
      197 words
  • Page 26 Miscellaneous
    • 99 26 Weather outlook WKAIHI-h MV i.VPOKi; today trom 6 am. to noon: Isolatcfi ibOSMfS. The oulli.ok trnni fi am today 10 6 am tomorrow over 2(i-mile n.diu^ of tiie followinu townt IN nan 1 OlaUd il ipoh. laolated ibowers ln the btU alterriKin otMrwiM fair, hmli l.umpur, th undei aim ma
      99 words