The Straits Times, 15 June 1970

Total Pages: 26
1 26 The Straits Times
  • 25 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 200.000 The Straits Tiemes Natiiiiiiil Nnws|)iiper Estd. 1845 MONDAY. JI'NE 15. 1970 15 CENTS K.D.N. 4517 M.C. (P) No. 1507
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  • 704 1 Viets cut capital's supplies of oil Vital town of Kompong Speu overwhelmed PHNOM PENH, Sunday A COMMUNIST regiment overwhelmed the provincial capital of Kompong Speu and a combined Cambodian and South Vietnamese force backed by artillery and fighterbombers battled today to retake the vital town. 30 miles from Phnom Penh.
    Reuter  -  704 words
  • 18 1 SANTIAGO Sun. An ear hquake shook two town* at the soiithern tip of Chile late fit.
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  • 159 1 Punchup after Powell speech row I HMIO.N, Sun. I iKhtinc I> broke out last night lirtween supporters and opponents of Conservative Party rebel Mr. Knnch Powell to mark the lirst in. i i<ir disturbance of Bri lain's (ieneral Klertion ampaicn Ten people were remmed from a packed hall in Birmingham
    Reuter  -  159 words
  • 187 1 6 EMPTY CANS FOUND BY POLICE SINGAPORE. Sun A group of about .\fl >ouths. som<- of Ih'in eirls. in in hi-il down I'pper Scransoiin Koad this mm to in; carrying banners and ved Rags. Soon after Ihey parsed the Sincanore Trartion Co bus terminus at the junction of \h
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  • 153 1 ADELAIDE. Sun An old hunter dying alonp With a shattprpri le«. scratched a last nMMMC on thp butt of Ma shotgun. (iiir! MVC D .til my lovp id everyone." wrote Mr. Douglas Stone, 61. n wa, the ttnnl entry in a 24-hour diary
    Reuter  -  153 words
  • 44 1 The charr«'«l STC hiis which sot ablaze ;il the junction of I pper Ser.inyoon and Ah Pin Road >«s--trrday. Barller a group of youths carrying Mass and banners stated a march down the road.
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  • 588 1 GOVERNMENT and rommando leaden t<» 1 day buckled down lo Ihe l;isk <>l restoring ;ilin to Jordan amid rumours off an attempted mutiny by a squadron r>pi>osr<] In tincciscliic agreement with I alestine guerilla forces. The mutiny reports bczan circulating in Middle capitals last
    Reuter  -  588 words
  • 19 1 V.OKLD Cl I" s.v.K I (extra Mm. <>■ In I M(\u n H —Peru I IB p rt
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 122 1 mm >o f lifl and lice cream 'You get what you payfar' It's a myth to think that good things come cheap especially ir the field of sound reproduction equipment. Good prr.plifiers. tuners, turntables, speakers, etc. are cosily, so don't be swayed by fanciful promises and prices when you re
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    • 41 1 1 A PATEK PHILIPPE i^ World's Finest /^pJL Hand Finished \^\V/ j Sin l|W 3^. »se«a r£td. Jeweller* m T^lm have an ice-cold today!;// Jk **wH ggv s v XJ^Kfi* gas E} *^pu!s Ihe fiarour where Ihe fun is. ..every lime!
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    • 133 2 Big build-up for South African navy: Botha CAPE TOWN. Sunday. IJEFENCE Minister Pietcr Botha has disclosed details of a hitr South African naval build-up, including a new submarine base at Simonstown near here. The submarine base would cost $22 million. Mr. Botha said, and a new maritime headquarters was being
      Reuter  -  133 words
    • 96 2 US flagship collides with destroyer NAPI.KS. Sun. The Uttle Rook, flagship of the U.S. Sixth I Fleet, collided with the Greek dc.-iroyi- 1/Tiiln in the Gulf of I.aion..i. south of Athens, yev tcrday during NATO damn patrol exarclMC. a sixth Fleet I tpokMßMn mlii riu- tarn <>i the us. enUMt
      Reuter  -  96 words
    • 118 2 PASSION BATTLE THEN MURDER -CHARGE NEW YORK. Sun A ZX-year-old man wt> tharewi witM murdor yesterday after a man was killed and five others wounded while trying to prevent rape in thr lullway of a I^iwer Kasst Si'ie tenement. Ihe man. Rok Beri>haj. iS. was also charged witii illegal possession
      AP  -  118 words
    • 329 2 NEW YORK. Sunday. PIVIL aviation official! from more than 100 countries begin a two-week special conference in Montreal on Tuesday to discuss how to beat the hijacker. The extraordinary session of the 119--member [nternationaJ Civil Aviation Organisation (1CAO)
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    • 191 2 Proposal for adequate security standards 130 cases u( hi.tacklng or other arts of armpd aggression against civil aircraft. The rountrips which called the meeting—Austria. Belgium Denmark. W»\<;t Germany. Finland, the Netherlands, Spam. Sweden B land and Britain ar* expected I i take a lead in z for an international agreement
      Reuter  -  191 words
    • 23 2 NEW DB HI S n tadi* nay »w*+ In |lM >p' p >in« iiansport ano r nnrrssinns for part i UPI.
      UPI  -  23 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 236 2 File and find instantly! Th^ GooVpj 4 Drawer W I J I Cabinet has been Z^L^m'W '< dp«;iqned for speed and |H| accuracy in filing. New automatic locking a device guarantees top security. f A £\/J%FfM/l/ (MALAYSIA) Sdn. Bhd.. r "r#"»y 106, Jin. Tuanku Abdul Rahman, jW J K.L. Tel:
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 26 2 THE GAMBOLS By Barry Appleby QWTeJi VUALfANUOUR LATEgI r T ,^l L f W /WIMPj-^ fZ LITTLP TOO~) ANOTUBR HAICMHOUR I (7.. MOf^T<sf^A~X^ peep speeT?) iClr^\
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    • 32 3 Kan ipart be petrol »;*tli>- hrvr «;-r ■up man I :n. made ft him. I bat i*>ini :he gun fel apart Hie ciinmai M and f.ed
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    • 21 3 Itc Armed ufs C( mmit:rp ii retiuesl |Q million In mptr i the financially Khe«l "P. AP.
      AP  -  21 words
    • 115 3 MARCOS DEPORTS 12 MORE CHINESE TO TAIPEH MANILA. Sun. Twelve Chinese. Including an accused leader ol the outlawed Communist Party iii the Philinnines. wew dcoorted to Taiaeh by air The Chinese, under rd from Immieration officials and police. Ii tt on Philippine Air Lines iliKht 400 at 10 13 a.m.
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    • 466 3 Algeria on frontline priorities for Arab nations ALGIERS. Sunday. has called on Arab countries to define a clear political line capable of mobilising all energies and a non-ambiguous military strategy in the face of Israel. These priority requirements should be met as soon as possible, an official communique published here
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    • 174 3 LORD OLIVIER, THE RELUCTANT PEER I ONDON. Sun. liaurenie ■L' Olivier (abave). Britain's first actor to br made a Lord, today likened his peerage to being Governor of California but said he almost turned it down. Lord Olivier. 63. met newsmen at the bar of theatre where he is starring
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    • 163 3 Shut-out Asians a scandal: Peer LONDON, Sun. Lord Fenner Brockway yes- terdav described as "an international .scandal" the plight of British Asians from East Africa j who have been refused entry to Britain. The left-wing Pe«r said a group of 19 I'ganda Asians refused admission at the British port of
      AP  -  163 words
    • 180 3 'Tough' Wilson praise from chief of TUC ONDON. Sun. As the presses rolled again after Britain's three-day newspaper strike Mr. Vie Feather, general secretary of the Trade Union Congress, paid tribute to the part the Prime Minister played In settling the dispute. Mr. Feather told a miners rally in North
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    • 230 3 Last parade by Guards before Queen E LONDON, Sunday. A sombre Queen Elizabeth watched the flag of the 328-year-old S^-ots Guards irooped for the last time yesterday in one of the world's most colourful military processions. It was tIM Qucci. i i>.:.cial birthday celebration, highlighted by the trooping of tin'
      UPI  -  230 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 415 3 AUSTRALIA'S FINEST CREW SOX... SO GOOD. THEY'RE VIRTUALLY 1^ CUSTOM-MADE FOR YOU lim£°& -a- yd at iettBr stores everywhere S T BULLWQRKBt tK.-k 3 turns kids into jL' powerful he-men" -^B I Jk At IS. J had a typical kid'; build: t.M. T Kit P Jk J0' t.-.J iMdiiy, 14}
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    • 300 3 t Ideal for growing A, Jf m children&tor m,#iou*uu b A b\es from ORANGE JUICE 2 weeks old COMPOUND Nyal Onnje Julct I* minufactured from tht ■LHLaWkiIMIIF "IHHH l uice of resh ran t es Wy^f,; J£ i3j formulated ipecifically as 4& v jm n supplement M»^^iHße»*Be^ ||^^^MHKy^^K as prescribed
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  • 213 4 While fire rages, next door shop looted By NG KUTTY: SINGAPORE. Sunday I OOTERS stole more than $2,000 worth of goods ironi an adjoining st;ill in Victoria Street while firemen were li^'itin^ a Maze ;ii the ChoD Enn Eat scooter-cum-ryre company tonight. They also escaped with another $200 from the
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  • 59 4 SINGAPORE. Sun Inch* Sldek Sanif was elected presli dent of the Singapore Malay Teachers' Union at its annual meeting today Other oflirlfL!* elected »ere Inche Zaksna Bashanb drputy president: Inche Shukor Suhaiml 1" xice-pre»ident; Che Aslah blntr Ibrahim, md vneppe^ldent: Incht Wan Husse'.n Zohrl -general: Inche
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  • 38 4 SINGAPORE lan Numbers picked In todays Toto draw No 47 70 were 49. 30. 43. 24 and 11. The additional number was 12. In the circle draw, the numbers drawn were 35. 12 and 16
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  • 30 4 SINGAPORE Sun Mr John C. Allen, president of Engineering Management Consultans, will speak at trie Lions Club of Singapore iHosti luncheon meeting at Ooodwod Park Hotel on Wednesday.
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  • 185 4 WATCHES WORTH $5,000 STOLEN FROM SHOP SINGAPORE. Sun A total of i;>o watthes worth 5.j.000 «err found stolen from thr Vonc Hln W.itih Co at President Shopping Centre in Si-r.niKoon K«ad whrn it I oprned for business yesterday j The front door of Ihr shop had been fored open. There
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  • 96 4 SINGAPRE, Sun A party of 18 Bri 1 1 h h exservicemen, who flew in from London last night, returned to Australia toTrie> are members ot the British Ex-acnrtatmsn Asiociatlon of Western Australia They have Just spent a six weeks vacation in Br.taii. Leader of
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  • 79 4 Party was 'a shining example CINOAPORE. Su: Dr Lf* Chin* Mf>n>; ParliamenUry Secretary (Koucfttkm) atlenci-d ehl)dr«ns party for various races today and de*cnb«<i It as "a shining example of a truly multi-racial gocletv" The oarty. lor 200 underprivileged children. wa» oigam-.-d by the Plngapcrc Kerala Asaoelatlor. at Pek Klo rommunlty
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  • 51 4 SINGAPORE. Sun Mr M. Swprdlow. tht? rlaltlaf Regional Adviser of International Labour Or?an nation, will -p_ak on Ni-v techniques In collective oargalnlng for mana^eim :<*.' at the Hotel Negara at 30 p.m on Saturday The talk hi orfftn ■•rt i the Buptrrlaory .md Management Training Assoelation of
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  • 186 4 Yugoslav mission here to develop local contacts SINGAPORE. Sun. A £5 high-powered Yugoslav delegation, in'iided by Mr. Milos Mime, vice-president of the Federal Assembly, arrived in Singapore tonight for a "parliamentarian visit." Mr Minic said: "Our delegation is the usual parliamentarian type. We shall stay in Singapore for a day
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 267 4 fnaftfiea vtllaQß k CUSCAOtN ROAO SINGAPORf 10. TU *****? H I Tht only ploct in Sinftport whtrt ytu can «n |O y the voritty Cultural $ho»i t&SSSXLOR of tht multi rocitl Socitty undtr Iht B 'lalj Niahtly Sho» Urnt: .'l^^j| T.&r* DRAUGHT BEER iSL-' V-^v^\^^ir ii vi called coolf ire
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    • 324 4 j 20 sets of Personna SHA h^ a R^ COMPLETE WITH PtRSONNA BLADES TO BE WON! In Paramount* "THE MOLLY MAGUIRES", Scan Conncry and Richard Harm spot thick moustaches to play their roles in th* Coal Mines ot Pennsylvania if ■JM 1870s. In fact, most coal miners wear thick n<ouitoches.
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    • 417 4 fc CATHAY gg| f^-' l| |-MH-li'l UTH DAY! i IK* I 30. 4, 630 t 910 »m. MGM I "FLAREUP Rra tVA Th« Woy To Lovr J jV ■-fTHirVf*"! 11 NOW iHOWINIV 1 II am. 1 jO, 4. 6 30 10 m LO\ Mfl IJTM DAY' Doily 4 Showt: 1
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  • 255 5 SINGAPORE. Sun THE Communications Minister, Mr. Yong \>uk I. in. today called for llu- develop men! <>r Singapore ;is the software centre ol South easl Asia. The Republic, with Its comparatively advanced commercial services, language facilities, and training programmes, would make an "ideal"
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  • 248 5 Factories not safe from fire will still get insurance SINGAPORE. Sunday INSURANCE companI ios will still underwrite buildings for fire risks although fireprevention and fire- i protection measures are lacking. A top Insurance source said tills in reply to the call by Mr Chan Beng, Parliamentary Secretary 'Social UTalrs), refuse
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  • 38 5 SINGAPORE. Sun Finalyear suidtnt Tan Kee H«a. 24. iiav oecn elected chairman of the Singapore Polytechnic Building Society. Other officials include Chan Kwong Hong, vice-chairman: Tan Chee Soon secretary and Leone Keen Sun. asst. secretary.
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  • 28 5 SINGAPORE. Sun The Department of Extra-mural Studies. University of Singapore, will conduct a course of M lectuiM on "An lr.troduction to literary criticism" from June 23.
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  • 279 5 By NANCY BYRAMJI SIM.APORK.. Sun Mil I. rung Chnu .'l. (left) is on the \\a> up in the academic' uorld. She ha* emerged from a non-mathematical ground in a Chinese >et'on(l.irv BSSMSjI to top a male dominated final year
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  • 59 5 Pope to meet bishops in Manila SINGAPORE. Sun Singapore will be represented at a bivhopV meeting, which will be attended by Pope Paul VI. in Manila in November. A Malaysian Catholic Newi report said the Pope would also visit Au*'ra!la The conference will include bishops from India. Ceylon. Taiwan. China.
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  • 66 5 SINGAPORE. Sun Mrs. Prem Bhatia. wife of the Indian Hlfjh Commissioner. and Mr*. Intirtd E Peicelhari'ig. wife of the Dutch Ambassador. \esterday presented a cheque for $9.i0 tn the Association for Retaiaed Children at u>. Tampine* Road home in aid of its building fund. Thr money
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  • 28 5 SINGAPORE Sun The German Emba>»\ here has j our.'. ted TO records comprising tlassical wnrlu by Beethoven. Mo/art and Schubert to the National Junior College
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  • 150 5 CJINGAPORK Sun All »5 male Singapore eitlwni born bctwerii Oct 1. and I), c 11, 1951 must turn up for National Service medical .-xamination at the Cen--1 tral Manpower Base. Kallaiig. from tomorrow to Sept. 4. The examination, including a written aptitude teat, will be conducted
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  • 96 5 SINGAPORE Sun. The now nth Magistrate'! Court at New Bridge Road will hear Biunmonaea from the various Government depa rt meats from July 7. Health summon* will be mentioned and heard nn Mondays »nd ITadnaxlaya: state land* and hawkem mimmonwi on Tuendty* On Thuradaya, Central Pro- vldent
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  • 39 5 SINGAPORE. Sun CMMI 1 labourer. Kad;r bin Sunai. 17. was put on a year's probation i for stealing five birds and their cages, together worth tIOO from Mr. Koh Choon Huat In Flower Road or. March 18.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 85 5 A ft-, 'rli'fn I I Uitfl' SPOT-ON i ENTERTAINMENT AT THE spot-spotO RENAISSANCE staggering word on the sound scene. Throbbing with unleashed wildness. Thrilling with gentle passion. More than a sound, an explosion of music. More than a show, a total experience Grab some happening moments of your own with
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  • 151 6 Woman held up by bogus census workers SINGAPORE, Sunday. DOLICE tod;n iuhisnl householders to check credentials <>l census enumeraton before allowing them into their homes. The advice came from police spokesman. Acting DSP Leslie Wong, after a housewife reported yesterday that three men, posing as census officials, held her up
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  • 25 6 BINGAPORF Sun P«»tor David Chan. 26. of the Eternal LUe BapU t Church In Kirn Keiit Rv.aii. «at ordained to the BaptiM MinliKiy today.
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  • 162 6 riFlash hurled man from his boat: I Witness SINGAPORE, Sun. thunderbolt struck fKherm.m Inche Nan bin Mohamed. 17. topplinc him from his sampan at Ponggol Point on May 25. a coroner was told. Boatman Inche Wahab bin S.wn.ii. M, said that he vi« Inrhe Nan, his friend for 20 years,
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  • 58 6 15 workers in ship escape fire SINGAPORE t-'in Plr« broke out. on board a freighter Which CM being cut up for scrap metal at Tanjong Rhu slipvay today. The fi:e. which Masted In the hatch of m.\. Slogan, was put, out by firemen n: 30 minutes. Damage to the ship
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  • 49 6 SINGAPORE. Sun. Profe.saor T K. Tar., protesiur of economics at Nanyatiß University, «ill speak on "The ro!e of Japan In the economy of Singapore." at a luncheon meeting of th* Lions Club of Siimapore East at the Automobile As.-oc!anon Restaurant. Ri\er Valley Road, on Tuesday.
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  • 209 6 ONLY the "older generation"' among school principals could not :»peak mop' than one language, according to heads of Integrated schools. They were commenting on a readers letter in the Straits Time-- which asked whether Singapore w;is ready for bilingualism in schools when monolingual principals could not speak to
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  • 335 6 SAMARITANS HANDLED 1,200 'SUICIDE' BIDS: TEILMANN SINGAPORE. Sun TMK anti-suicide Samaritans <>f Singapore i SOS i are doing a wonderful "team" job, rounder-director, Rev. (Dr.) GJ. Teilmann, s;iid lo(l;i\ I He said more 'ban I 200 ppople in need of help had I -hp sos emergency number. *****. since the
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  • 168 6 Diversion of traffic at MacPherson stretch SINGAPORE. Sun Th« Public Works Department Ik. announced a traffic diversion in MacPher.son Road between Jalan Muhibbah and Jalan Anggerek. to facilitate the laying ol two .ewer mains aiiniK the stretch. Conduction vork. which lia» bevun. is expected to take three till The southern
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  • 101 6 WORK HARD FOR PEACE, MP URGES SINGAPORE. bun Mr. IP lor KamX«( ur. tonipht urgea th» people to ttorlt harder if they wanted I cur* more peace and prosperity tor their chiloren •In order to achieve thK mm muM t iv t<? maintain continued unity amoi, 1 people of all
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 278 6 effective mi for 3 generations m M Bf v It's upaatting to b» trouMad by constipation, yat timpi* constipation v raally nothing wot* than a functional dst. rbinca. A diat that yfl II include* liquid* and ptanty of fresh Iruit and vagatablaa will h»ip j9 j to oor-act tha condition.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 129 6 Xihtf flop Bff .r. Unrwlin Uf I oOTTA FIND MYSELP KJ* «a^M V THIS AltsTT EXACTLY TH' I ...BUT THAT OUE C-'ER I\^ SPOT THAT MOROpr" ELSE/ -fAkfOXR Vil.jfc..iLA. KINP^ PLACE r HAP I THERE WOULD BE PtIVKT! I IH* k irtirtf Ht§ €hmwsUT o^miH PI-vour lanoincok Sam and J
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  • 249 7 21 NGI I l\i \\i sun The of hrfl-ih »airt loda; thr public should look on wixni as an c\pmplp of lv>« racial hummv was nrKiiscfi in the itata I frrl s.i proiirl t<i vpr ihr -till .mil slihlpdls f thi> m
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  • 13 7 U ÜB, Sun Ik, will open D Inier•»t 3 p m
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  • 3 7 AU
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  • 68 7 L Mid regarded 'h( -•h? R ri C hr commu d Mme.-' .^nd Stadium Dato sheikh Ahmad hpre. Thp Raia called OH P* nplf. par;;oularly parr: iraje their children I i\ By taking part ;n the mowm^Qt children would be traiji'd 1.-; only
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  • 322 7 S'pore to step up war on smoky vehicles MINISTRY WARNS OF TOLGHER LAWS SINGAPORE, Sunday J'HK Government will enforce more vigorous action over the next two months against ownen of vehicles which emit excessive smoke. This is because there has been little improvempnt since the major anti-poUution campaign was launched
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  • 129 7 TEAM TO QUERY FERRY USERS OUT I'KK WORTH. Sun. 0 Ifora 'han lno.OOd 01 thp Port romton terrieg plying dptwppn P p n a n K and Riitirrw'irth will op m■prvi^wPri nvr an 13-day ppnnd .starting tomorrow. Thp Intervtcwi are pan d[ a survey by a tram "I J 1
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  • 105 7 |OHORE BAHRU bull A $2.0 million low-nost housing protpr-t tp eater (W :lio.sp parninjr Ip.s than $300 a mnnih i bring uncWiakPn by thp ./ohorr ■tate Govprnmfn, The housins KBtaM roninrL 1 ing -\<n block' of flat* with tot<i of fi72 uniU
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  • 49 7 IPOH Sun A Irealc accident cost 12-year-old s choolboy Lav Yong Pale his life m Kamp»ng BorchAin new ullage here yesterday evening. He. was playing ■catch-me-lf-»cu-can" with friends «hen he backed uiU) a parked icoo'er The brake handle pierced the back of his nerk
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  • 35 7 nt'NGt'N sun Dm dmthet Officer her*. Wan Nik Isill nppn hvn CtViCM a jn# tomorrow ,'hf oiher on ,'iin' for rtOaitfa or Kam- hart Thr rnui ill bp conducted hv 'he information Department.
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  • 132 7 Mystery worm sets a poser to Brunei farmers DRUNEI TOWN, Sun. —An unidentified species of .caterpillar is causing a major problem to farmers here. Thr farmers, i-omplaln thrl it has attacked their bpan crops Trine Agricultural Dppartment has rushed spec; mens to the British Museum for identification The caterpillar rats
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  • 24 7 KtllM sun Mm h"» detained x rndn rollowini a v port hy a Ik-jmar-oU rook rhn 1 shp ms raped laat nlchi
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  • 207 7 |{UHIM. Sun— Pollint is reported to bf ro■ns on al a brisk pace at of thr polling ■stations uuii some recording o\er 90 per cent turn -out of voters The Supervisor of Klections. Sarawak. Mr Aueiistine (limit said tndav thai more
    Bernama  -  207 words
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    • 316 7 USS^GOOD^O^MALAvSIA ■^■^T > tilt k^^^Awm^r^^ '^■^■fl a > v S^^H .^^RB^M HBbL Jpri I tmM\ ■V I 1 w U-r^-M— ,Jt,^^T*^ J ■V A IL fiSB— 'v^ a^B^ar B B T B f B^^ B Mk Ji ■Hs^ntf*NEW SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS Instruments fof circular suturing of blood vessels. typ«s ASTs-4 ASTs-8.
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  • 167 8 PLEDGE OF AID TO SET UP JOURNALISM FACULTY IN VARSITY KUALA U-MPI'R. Sun. The director of the International Institute of Journalism in Berlin, Mr. Horst M. SchefTold, today promised aid in setting up a Faculty of Journalism in Malaysia. Speaking to newsmen at siiU.i ne airport before leaving for Hong
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  • 37 8 Kl'AI A LUMPL'R. Sin— The Minuter of National and Rural Development. Inche Atviui Ghafar Baha will open an exhibition riv Inche Jchsn Chan of Malacca at the Samm Art Oallery in ,la!an Ampang on l'u«a-
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  • 409 8 'Brave new world 9 role for the teachers PENANG, Sunday TEACHERS have a responsibility to the nation, but they also have an equally important commitment to the next generation who would form the nation, the Penang branch NUT chairman, Mr. Chan Chuck Hoi. said last night. "We do not want
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  • 155 8 Hamzah says Sarawak will get TV soon I/UCHING. Sun. Proposals have been made for the introduction of TV in Sarawak under the second Malaysia Plan. The Minister of Infortnation and Broadcasting. Dato Hamzah bin Dato Abu Samah. said today that several more regional radio stations would be built in Sarawax
    Bernama  -  155 words
  • 44 8 KUALA LUMPHR. Sun. j A team of officers from the i Department of Statistic* headed by the Chief Statistician. Mr. R. Chander. who Is also the Commissioner of Census, will •Ml penang tomorrow to train assistant commissiorers and district superintendent* of census.
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  • 23 8 ALOR STAR. Sun. The Sultan of Kedah w ill open a new Overseas Union Bank branch at Jalan Raja here tomorrow.
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  • 197 8 How to fight problem of drugs: By expert CINGAPORE, Sun. A U.N. expert said here today that greater emphasis on education and "•co-operative vigilance" among contries could help solve the problem of drugs. Dr. Olav Braendm. leader of a four-man L' N narcotics am, said the Immediate fear was that
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  • 28 8 PENANO. Sun. Building contractor FYvng Ah Ivmg, 43. today reportfd «hf loss of $116 worth of paint from a Northam Road house at 7.45 a_m. yesterday.
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  • 242 8 Padi planters in Kedah to get a better deal KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday. pADI farmers in Kedah will get a better deal with the help of Fama, the Agricultural Bank and the new Padi Cultivation Act. 1 The Mrntri Besar of Ke- dah. Dato Syed Ahmad 1 Shahabuddln. .said this tol
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  • 142 8 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. The Ministry of Foreien Affairs today denied that the Undersecretary to the Ministry. Inrhe Zain Azraal bin Zalnal Abidin. was in Phnom Penh undertaking an assessment of Cambodia for the threenation task force. A spokesman of the Min;>trv Mid
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  • 52 8 Drive against cancer KUANTAN Sun The Mentrl Besar of Pahang, Tan i 6n Yahaya, will launch a twoweek campaign and also open a three-da.y exhibition on the fight against cancer at the Town Hall tomorrow. The rampn. and exhibition *re being held to commemorate World Health Day. which fell on
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  • 27 8 Xl \H n The MM non tut i of the General HoapltaJ e\ ;i rr-c complc»ci two months, arid in« taothv 150 bedi presenl 300.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 320 8 The B^j mark of excellence is on the VIVASL9O beauty with comtort tor four. Come for a joyride. Find out what two-door motoring is gsally all about. Take off and feel the surging power of the 1159 c.c. engine. With crisrj all-synchro gear change. Neat 4-on-the-floor right to your hand.
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 33 8 Bugs Bunny by Ralph Heimdahl »V<sr PIZZA OF PIZZA NOT?/ HERE VA ARE, KIP, BJrl BTT^T WE'RE GONNA THIS AINTMUCH PJ2ZA ■O\V-\ L'SC fT "ID FEC BOTH OF W.j-^* WAj&^M H OU1? J
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  • 205 9 HOSTILE ATTITUDE TOWARDS SHOOTERS CAUSES CONCERN AI-OR STAR. Sal— The rt St.ito Sur(•en, Dr. k.irfiin hin >hiik<ir. today expiVMsd concern over the "hostile" attitutle of some riocou ners towards shooters In the rabies-infected (ii>-trirt r>f Kubang Pasu. "I have received compl.iinls from my staff (hit some owners have threatened them,"
    205 words
  • 19 9 PENANG ?'jn A 21-veir- ■'< rhonf Kjii Poey »a* <1r^»r~l in 'he »<*• iff B«tu J Ptrnngbl be*cl> ywtvdaf
    19 words
  • 451 9 Landing zone battle 4 win' for Gurkhas From K. MOHANAN MALAYSIAN troops went into action today when the 9th Rn Royal Malay Raiment hurled themselves at Gurkhas "enemy" forces in the five-nation Bersatu Padu cxci' The RMR were airlifted by RMAF Nuris and FAF hrliropters from thp Ruktt Bpsi minps
    451 words
  • 149 9 'Keep up i with changes in education' teachers told BATU PAHAT. Sun.— The Chiel Education Acivi.scr. Hun Haniaan bin Slu lkh lalnr. .s;iiri today that a eood teaciier wuuld always kMO in) with the latest dcvclooinents in educatiun. He .salt! then- WCM tea. litrs who only followed ITtiat th-v learnt
    149 words
  • 24 9 TEM'K AMBON Sun The fe»« nf s 1 An'honv. releat pt. An^honvj church here *tth pror»A.s:on tn th» rhirrh mmp"iind lav nijrit.
    24 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 36 9 for every 2 rolls of "Penguin" Erar.d or "Canary" Erand absorbent Cotton Wool, you get 1 iree. get .lie the last PC" Canary Bt BUY 2 AND GET 1 FREE! FOR SINGAPORE AND WEST MALAYSIA ONLY
      36 words
    • 257 9 TOO GOOI> to be a mv stereo But "IbN Car Stereo IS a <»r ster», «utornatr prograwi changing to make it THE Car th» lad that tit ail transistorised and produce! Stereo Wlh .t. you w^sh you could stay n t^» brilliant sound with true fide.ty may at hmet CBr
      257 words

  • The Straits Times Monday, June 15, 1970
    • 453 10 In three dnys Britain will go to int polls. During the next two days at the end of which all campaigning must cense electioneerng will touch the peak of *xritement with the two major contenders concentrating on influencing the ■.indended voters. But then umber cannot be very
      453 words
    • 336 10 itei national Rubber Study niate that ■;ply of natural rubb. r will be two per cent in al consumption tln.x year is probably no wider of the mark than such forecasts UBUall) aie. The likelihood is that pradvetfon Hlid demand will be closer in balance. Synthetic mb'he
      336 words
    • 154 10 After an encoura{(ini{ year the graph of tire damage in Singapore is beginning to rise, so are premiums, up tiow by 37 per i<*n' »n 1965. The losses suffered by industry through fires are minnr on prevention I>rs ro\> ;h«t many romrmnie* have to blame. A luirnbrr
      154 words
  • Letter
    • 451 10 Time to review automatic promotion policy r Tlih t:me is- now more than ripe for an evaluation of the eriectlveness ol Malaysia's education policy and the results achieved. The Government has been motivated to give each child an opportunity "1 primary education tor six years. The word free" Is in
      451 words
    • 259 10 What's wrong with men having long hair? IN banning long-haired periormer* TV Slnbu rrally K»>n» too lar OB tins hipp?' thing. We .should discourage our young from imitating the hippies of the Western world. But to do this must surely llrs: know what a hippy really is, and why »<>
      259 words
    • 147 10 I SHOULD like to reply to the letter by B. U 1 iS.T. May 16 1 about TV uroKranime.s in MncSDOM on Sunday evenlncs and audience researcii We hope that the ttleca«t ol series like 'Dr. Kildare'. Backuround". 'Manntx 1 and Four Of Hearts' on Chanm 1
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    • 134 10 N -service ALTHOUGH by law all HS.C. students in •Singapore are culled i:n for full-time national service on cotnoletlon of their studies neverthi some hiehlv extraordinary cases axe exempt d if not all of us are 'reauesteri' to nut national Interests before Individual Interest The general picture is that
      134 words
    • 101 10 TEARS among film audiences are not uncommon but trances? You report that many members of an audience went Into a trance during the screening of the Tamil devotional film "Thunaivan" over the spectacle of a fight between a peacock and a cobra Actually the transformation of
      101 words
    • 95 10 IVMLY .several L.ig lorr-.p.": carrying good.s between Juron^ and Singapore endanger the lives of >ther road users, this la espsciall]) so along Upper Aver Raiah Road and upw.irds, also along Telok BUngal-. and Pastr Panjang roads. One ottM .see.s huuc sjoodeti crates, timber ol planks and heavy bales
      95 words
    • 48 10 WITH reference to Dr. Tan Chep Khoon'a ••r. the Rest House. Kuala Trenguanu was In cted by the State FiiKinenr In March and HU defects were reported. Steps are bPing fnken to make good the def> ■Ail MOABIUMMM hln Ml Mill RAIS b.p. latts I sans Rerajaan, Trencrana
      48 words
  • 1278 10 Some of the qualities are in the red Britain's national newspaper strike has just ended leaving the Fleet Street crisis spiralling costs and lowering profits worse than ever. ANTHONY VICE, business news editor of The Times, London explains the financial situation. THE TOTAL turnover of Fleet
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 49 10 v Tai STRONGEST art LARGEST BANK YOU Cdfi be SUr6 Malaysia 3 pd Singapore »»f AUTHORISfO CAPITAL $1C0,000.000/--f paid 'CAPITA S 40.000.000/--fiPNfRA RfSfRVE AND APHOTIT LOSS BAIANCI OVfi J J9 OCO,O*O/TOTAL OVtR J 7t.000.000/--•aoup AMm ovii mi. 000. 000 SQUARE s£, DEAL [jgj with OVERSEA CHINESE BANKING CORPW. LTD.
      49 words
    • 217 10 4jy> FOBTUIVA yj^BJ ST. Jin. Brrangsn. nap ap ljr TrewhCT, inJUH LIUiLLi I KUALA LUMPUR'S V^l A MOST TALKKD^j»^5^# •HJa^^Lv^Ss ma i»*»:r\ %tio\ bbbP^Sjbw^^^bw ms9^ TfL 2 9i3Li t mT^T^ With up to 90 comfortable rooms a^achfd 1 W At BStansaH, fully ilr-cundltloned wiUi Inf Jr dividual control system, wall
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  • Business Times
    • 405 11  -  CHAN BONG SOO By Cl NGA I'O WHS timber export trade is facing n |)lr;ik future. Until March this the trade was udinc a boom. But developments have t;iken place which blacken the picture ping space al--Ihe main worry of i.mbrr pxrs has bocumo very
      405 words
    • 548 11 By LOH BOON TAN and CHUA SENG CHWEE I^HE recent bulk shipment of a huge consignment of urea to Jurong uharve.s may b c the beginning of Singapore becoming a major distribution centra for fertiliser* In this region The 17. HID totu Of HIM, a by-produci
      548 words
    • 65 11 Vwrroßa in sinu;i|" have Increased in about two and hall Mines In the last tivr y< ars Last y r i r 128.500 vi^it<ir> arrived i>\ ill Bea compared '<> 183.000 > fhl represent san annual average growth per cent Taken separatelj viattor> by air have
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    • 422 11  -  CROESUS By Grumman for East Camp RI MOl R l« rifr aWJOBg thr inmalfs of the West Camn in Selelar ihtt new neirhhours from America »ill soon be movinc into Ihr I >si Camp. I'hese nrulilmiirs. (he Story eoes are from i.riiiinii in Ureraft International, thr BOfosgaee people
      422 words
    • 322 11 SPORE BANK OPENS IN ALOR STAR f| VEHB K A 8 Union Bank opeiu its 34th branch at Alor star (oday. Hi.s Royal Highness, the Sultan of Kedah Ls t«> ofllclate at the opening etreoiony. l Ovesseaj Union u.»nk. winch aus founded in Singapore In 15M!». now has :i total
      322 words
    • 420 11  -  HENRY CHANG By \ioves to establlata A the titanium dioxide Industry In Malaysia appear to bave hit a temporary Mia^. Although iii Is the promise ol fMI million a year, not brick has >rt been laid. Know how. iii.- a icai 1 1 com
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 77 11 INSIDE Paßet KciM ha< ■rt 'ri n« Imixirtanie. i.mii kj ptaoesn n«r ■try; Pscton P"" Mr on Cnta!: Malav»ia'. People fan Bm^imp <- P»s» 12 [nmtiiiml beonO\ei ra- :i rr()n:!. (iiiniwin CommodlttM. vazr 13 Snbnh Ji»e< nil out foi l>»lm otl: .Joint tairoiventure: Nf« cargo »r--urf, Wwklv sh«re analvsl* Ana
      77 words
    • 118 11 Everybody knows that stomach discomfort comes after over-eating and drinking. You feel bad all over. Get instant relief with safe, fast DEXSAL from Drug Houses of Australia. New, sparkling Dexsal quickly relieves stomach upset, indigestion, heartburn, nausea and sick headache. f /^H^^B^pv f -*> lh-xsat is smr for the gSgW
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  • 483 12  - Paper gold has yet to show its importance LAWRENCE WEE By THE importance of Special Drawing Rights (SDRs)—better known as "paper gold" as one of the sources of International liquidity has yet to be demonstrated. But the establishment of this facility within the International Monetary Fund iIMF> at the beginning
    483 words
  • 213 12 II IS only a matter of time before Yen i>> rr\aluert claims the Mitsui Rank of Tokyo Thr bank which h»< Ju«t finished an rxtrnaivr .inrti nf thr q|ir«tinn of Japan'a rurrmn prohlrm* h*« ;iH>'h«h.<l a rrpnrt rntitled. "An upward revaluation nf Vrn and rttrft over
    213 words
  • 512 12 PEOPLE IN B USINESS J and J rUR Singapore dealers In German made vund and photographic equipment and electrical home appliances will leave at the end of the month for a three week tour of Europe. They are Messrs. T».t Thuan Boon, manager of Boon and (<> Ang Mia Yang,
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  • 329 12  -  MOK SIN PIN By THE Tancho Group Is pioneering a new and sophisticated industry hard chromium processing —In Singapore. The Group, in collaboration with one of Japan's largest chromium processing concerns, Kosai Chromium Factory, Kobe, has founded a company. Kosal Chromium works Factory. The first
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  • 518 12 Factory profile /IRTTTALL-HOPE (Ma--1 lavslai has a history of steady growth <lnce It began operating in Petaling Jaya In 1962 under the name of Crittall Manufacturing With a capital of 1350.000. the company started on* with a stafT if five who partly manufactured and partly assembled st a
    518 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 483 12 ■BB^Vl IbhW Hate The New Tiny Instant Brain!! W^ r ■7%'Yl Sma in e> Lij»r>tweight. Y«t it has big performance capabilities. f^ fsfcWJ 0% Its 10 key, 12 digit system allows you a wida range |W% I"H I*\ lof calculations including chain multiplication and fl I I IJ| II division
      483 words

    • 344 13 OVERSEAS MARKET REPORTS m»Mm)n k market was depressed in idle trading last v.. Incprtsinty on Wall M-gelv to d -i.timent dipped lower on the renewerl fall of Wall I, lack of investment men! due v the ii ew 1 p ;i|i c r I ri k c Ol the the
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    • 18 13 M t 6 (>»,>.;< rr,, J J. cath. »«»flini «r« o"oi».l m > 14 "ill mm<t
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    • 291 13 r pHE Singapore produce I market underwent another period of mixed 'r.idintr last week. Support overseas was Renerally poor and lacking in follow-' hrough. In the pepper 'h«* week started firm on local speculative support By mid-week prices of the various grades were taken up by about
      291 words
    • 18 13 M^idvxn "> n»' e»nl Inly Augu" v»«» ■OOtWl ill. 1 -'lion unit Auaiul S^ptrtnher 1 1 palH
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    • 304 13 fHE following company meetingi 1 are dueGoodwmid Park Hotrl (oxtraordinary veneral meeting): June, 11. 13 noon vikinc Room. Oood- wood Park Hotel. Scotu Road. Singapore Drvelopmrnt Bank ol Sin e apoie I td June 20. 10.30 a.m (W lncustiul fc Commercial Bank Building. 2 Shenton Way. pore.
      304 words
    • 440 13 INVESTMENT FOR BEGINNERS IT IS time we went 1 back to several of tho terms we have looked at in thr past and related them to present market conditions. Today thp market is near) and investment ,en liment appears to have sunk to an unreal low level. The flrat lesson
      440 words
    • 246 13 'I'lniilM, on the Stork X I vrhanti 1 of Malaysia and Singapore last week «.is noted only for its dullness A >lmrt burst of utivitv in the middle of the urrk .irese from unfoundrd rumour* and operators found little of interest to attract either hulls or bears. The
      246 words
    • 226 13 TEXTILE MILL STARTING IN. MALAYSIA IN 71 MALAYSIA'S largest Integrated textile mill, the $18-million India-Malaysia Textiles Berhad being built at Mak Mandin, la expected to start production by the middle of next year. This is about six months sooner than the original target to be operational in early 1972. The
      226 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 1061 13 111 I I wLm II **^H i^ H BSw>^ Invites applications from Malaysian Citizens for the position of ACCOUNTANT POSITION SPEC IFICATTON The Accountant U responsiblp tn thr Group Accountant and will take charge of our Accounts Department in our Petahnsr Jaya Office. He will have to organise and control
      1,061 words

  • 190 14 By ABHUR RICHARDS 4 SINGAPORE company and a British firm hop* 1 to set up a fartorr in thr Repuhlir to mannfacttirp food and drink flavours. It should b* rrariy to oppratp parly nrxt year Thp British firm Is Whitp. Tomkins and Couragp ißrieatoi from Surrrv. Mtfncc
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  • 455 14  -  IGNATIUS STEPHEN By SABAHS palm oil Industry la forKing ahead at full stpam while in neißhhourine Brunei palm oil plans still remain a pipe dream. Plantprs in Sabah report continued progress In the oil palm Industry. There wptp 6..VH1 acres In IPR3 with
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  • 11 14 r.>">. riMrtMf 18 7 r h R2, iti
    11 words
  • 87 14 4 Mi monthly cargo ser\ ice from fiermanr to Singapore will begin with the arrival of a vessel. Pando Point, on Aug. 28 The vessel, which loaves Hamburg on July 18, will arrive at Port Swettenham on Aug. 26 before coming to Singapore. Future sailing* will from
    87 words
  • 977 14 ».<= .enlce in rearierv th* BuMnew T<nw puhlivhe. meekly A rletalle<l analvMs "f wme «l«htv selectert *h»re< iracied on the Stock Exchange of M»lav«ia ard Singapore The vr«r> hlahf and |n,« are HM b-. the MIIIIM| rnent.. in pnre and turnover, with calculated dividend yield* and price
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  • 23 14 It HBI H TIN ,prr Ih' M" Mine S y, -|v in M ct«. II II «ctv ttttJH II ctv II
    23 words
  • 507 14 |<HI FOLLOWIMC. l« A HIT Of up to rmniv ionf i?. with rnMP»Ri«fn nr m' i»li» oh JON* AND JUNI 17 IHOWN IN HR*r«*Tt B. fttcui I M i.s.v NWI k.a.i i i-..., r Fur ij»<ir i M rur l.«<lv cR i- i nub :.i" fM c»h»i
    507 words
  • 86 14 < urtenl Harper (.illilUn iMrHi IP" Harper (.ilfiltan I rref I K leram hiunKn Mi mtit K. Tantnni Pan (■lencth I liuthnr < i.ipn. H> low-r l>rak Trima Talam Mm-« in Roh.n.'.n t,". r.f» R..hin«.n f, Prrt. rrtMr A Nmh 11% Male I patahlr lnn» II lime lime
    86 words
  • 6 14 I '•ntai« in Km <>!■ '< >
    6 words
  • 21 14 Hotel- Proo»'« I.n. I raMwri: 114 9i Inn* I Jiinr 111 J«n# II r*. p.. .Inn* 11 1
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 498 14 WHAT ABOUT A CAREER IN WaBBWa«BBBB»B»B™HBBB^BBlBBlB^B^IWa^W SGS SINGAPORE (PTE) LTD. REGISTRATION OF FEMALE FACTORY OPERATORS Interested applicants ore advised that the recruitment of new Operators ore now conducted at 19-A (Ist floor) Jalan Tenteram, a flatted factory in St. Michael's Estate Below is a plan of the location: KjrnJSSSi _j
      498 words
    • 646 14 PI s\ I V\ S\ I I.IIHKVN «;ft»H TANAS Mn.AVI (Th* Rnlihrr Rrvarrh ln««i«wte of Malarai POBT OF ASSISTANT MANAGRR AppUratloir are lnvlt«<l from i*ala^lan rltiren.« unrier the af« if 40 for the pn«t r»f As«l»t*nt VCanaeer R H.I. Experiment =ta'ton Sungel Bulnh. Bwlr <alary «11! he In 'he wale
      646 words

  • 283 15 Village riddle of the cries in the night From PAOMAN GOPAL KOI KIIXKI sun. aim cries nf tolonc tolAnc in the l.ilr hours of the night haive mysttatot] villagers in Pa sir I'i-k.ui. riverine k. i nip. m;; .ihoul four milr>« from here. When the h.ur rusine cries Here first
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  • 23 15 JAKARTA. Sun. RMAP Chief arded hisrhps-. order by (Wk. Pang- 11 -c of the The lex was reiati- n
    23 words
  • 218 15 Call for separate law faculty at varsity KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. Tod priority should be sriven to the .M'ttinf ud of a Faculty of Law of international dard. a member of the University Senate, Dato R PS. Ralasoona. said today. In a letter to the University Court, Dato Raia■OOrla. said several
    218 words
  • 30 15 lEI.UK ANSON Sun. M. Pwnchanathan. 57. a labourer. p>;ided nol guilty hove vr tultlng M Arumugi. a iarxiurer. with a knife on May 31. 1968. Ball wax allowed.
    30 words
  • 105 15 |£UALA LUMPUR. Sun. Loral artlxtes with long hair should not despair TV Malaysia Is not contemplating any ban on them. The Director of Programmes. Inche Murtadza i >-a!d TV Malaysia would not mind if the ltir.ti artlttci turned up w:th B^at'.e hair-rtii< for
    105 words
  • 344 15 Work-to-rule threat by staff of RRI KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday ]\EARLY 1.000 staff members of the Rubber Research Institute will boycott overtime and work strictly to office hours from July 15. They will also not Invite management officials to any staff functions and will decline to participate in any functions the
    344 words
  • 101 15 Call for mixed school sports RAJANO. Sun. School authorities were today ureed to organise more mixed-media SDorts meets < amone their puDils. For instance, a M^'.r.y School io:n hands with a Chine. 1 school to hold a sports meet for the-.r pupus. Assistant MUlUter «ith Special Functions Mr. I<ee
    101 words
  • 37 15 AI.OR STAR. Sun— The 14 people admitted to hospital with cholera mnre the outbreak on May 25. have heen discharged. Fourteen others who «evp rholero-turrirrs and S3 Miffering from diarrhoea have alao iieen di*rhdiHed
    37 words
  • 31 15 PENANO. Sun. More than 100 youthd took part in a Jayadlrl <sclf-hclpi project In TanJong Tokong htn todtv Armed with chtngkola. rakes and aiythM, they cleaned up the area.
    31 words
  • 172 15 Princess Josephine crowned Freshie Queen in Penang pCNANG, Sun \iva■lmis ItimKu Josephinr, lit. second dauKhtrr nr the V. mi, dl I'iituan Bp>.ir of Nfgri Semhilan, «.i^ 1 1 owned Frrshif Wm-< 11 )<)7o of the I ni\prvi;>- of Penaag at the freshmen > iun ball last Bight Tengku .IoM-phinp,
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 180 15 as a Pot n Be among the pioneers in the Air Defence Command. Tha SAF offers young men who are physically fit and intelligent JeJ^k the challenge of thu exciting and satisfying c«reer. You must be between 17 4 and 23 years of age with the School or General Certificate
      180 words
    • 258 15 Give your father something a Cxclualve) Importers: FOOD BEVERA6E WEIDER "SUPER 90" Protein Food Supplement Formula Comtai* So Drugs. wiioe* super *o protein roe.-' A ML, I A il mad* ip«iaM r »or »o«. Thu r-1 "^W aay«Bjf contomt the lonsui WEIDC* bat* 'TJ %M W#*"' ar«t..m wiih all 71
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  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 111 15 HIGH TIDES TODAY Sedili Kechil 6 S5 a.m. <54iti. 5.24 p.m. <6.5U>; Slni?iiporp 722 a.m. < 6.2 ft >. 727 t) m i 7.4 ft i Port Dirks"n 2 17 am 1 6.3 ft 3.02 p.m i 7.6 ft i; Port £vrt;enham 1 IS am '12 Ift'. 147 p.m '14
      111 words
    • 764 15 On your TV and radio today TV MALAYSIA NfTAVOKK (INK. KiuU I umpur and Penanx ('hannrl I: Ipoh and >UUrra < hannel 6; Jnhorp i; n.iii i li.uiiii'l I] laipini t hannrl 4; Batu Pahat lunnrl 7. Kliuiu < liuunl it. K S= I.M. PlOgnaUM summary. 600 Ne»». 6 17
      764 words
    • 198 15 TV SINGAPURA OUNMtt 5 3 00 PM OP" 1 1""d1 ""d General Hospital: 320 Health in the home Teeth 1 part. 1 and 2 Tamil repeat 1; 345 A diary of events in Singapore this 34« Ii h«Fr« m Suigapore Ttmi rfpeat; 405 Days ol our Lne>. 4.46 Close. 6
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  • 946 16  -  ALLINGTON KENNARD STUDIES IN THE SOtIAL HISTORY OF CHINA AND SOUTHEAST ASIA: E«soy* in Memory of Victor Purcell. Edited by Jerome Chen and Nicholas Tarling. (Cambridge University Press. 905.) By IN his 'Memoirs of a Malayan Official*' published a few months
    946 words
  • 184 16 Vietnam and the moods of war VIETNAM MAR SKET- < HES. By t harks Watrrhnuir. (Tuttlr. Tok>o. I Ss2i By N. S. MUTHANA HbROICS. tragedy and occasional ab*urdity are the rau materials of war artists But it takes a Charier* Watrrhnuv In rapture the real moods of uar Look at
    184 words
  • 260 16 Men who look for history below the seas Shipwrerk* and Arrhaeolor». H* tett* Thrnrkn">rtnn 'Tie to? Go!lanr», lonrton. 48s). By GERARD CORR IF It moves, spear It; M It dosent. put it o» the mantleplece nr rrrffc* table. This appear* to b« th« code of the modern or#aa plunderer the
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 240 16 V^g^gdky^^^^T *rr;. the worlds finest 5m and most famous h s)£\| motorcycle wiuS ond m °l )e d UNITED MOTOR WORKS (SPORE) PTE. LTD *^P 1 37, Orchard Rood, Sinqeper*. 1 14, ielot Tuanku Abrfui Rshmon, Ki'Ho Lumpur. #1 16, P» jnqm Rood, Penono, RENOLD CHAINS LIMITED It's a team-up
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    • 88 16 OUB OVERSEAS UNION BANK, LTD. have pleasure in announcing the official opening of their ALOR STAR BRANCH gtf*l«|p| OVOSa UNION RANK LTD. I Mp JRI t I i i i^g^g» |MMa' T l._ S-iwgW«ifgflCT I WM IHBS^ Hg^g^g^H 9KBlf*^^f i^w y at Jalan Raja, Alor Star by His Royal Highness
      88 words

    • 71 17 BEA pilots call off strike after pay boost LONDON. Sun A two-wefk go-slow by British Europmn Airway* pUota was called ufT vru'erdny aftrr afrnemen! on new pay «nd productivity deal. The nevi deal wi.l gftM ;he pUota a IS 5 per cent pay ;n--rn kM m return for a 10
      AP  -  71 words
    • 28 17 TOKYO, sun Toyota Mobir On of Japaji niuiuum-ed wterday it lim found its iipw automobiles to be defective and It wm recalling them lor correction. UPI.
      UPI  -  28 words
    • 170 17 North Koreans killed in clash at frontier SEOUL. Sunday 1"^VO North Koretni were klllrrt vrhen South 1 Korean troops >iashcd with a Rroup of Infiltrators In the central sector of the demilit*rised zonp last nieht. it was annotmced today. The '.nflltraturs IftlXWl by throwitiK handgren'adps. but after them were shot
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    • 50 17 pORMER Itrazilian army captain Of l.amarca, one of the 12 Biupecta named by the (lovernment on Saturday in the kidnapping of West German Ambassador Khrenfried Von Holleben. The Government annnunred it will release 40 political prisoners as ransom for the diplomat. Al' radiophoto.
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    • 245 17 Junta names the new President of Argentina BUENOS AIRES, Sunday. J^ little-known, army .Brigadier-General takes over as President of Argentina next Thursday but will share power with the commanders of the armed forces. Roberi Levlngston, su, was inted to the post last night by a three-man junta of Aiincd Forces
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    • 102 17 France, US space accord PARIS. Sun. France and the United States will put satellite tracking and guidance stations at each other's disposal under an agreement announced here yesterday. France*! National Space Centre <CNES> s.i id its agreement with the American National Aeronautics and Space Administration involved US Stations In Australia,
      Reuter  -  102 words
    • 45 17 HONO KONG. Sun en ponple executed by firing squad In a Chinese fishing of Macao, the Honf Kong Standard reportPd today. The newspaper said 12 of them w of ,pp fmm 1 and the othor two were >P.vmg for foreign countries. UPI.
      UPI  -  45 words
    • 215 17 Russians vote to pick Deputies JIfOSCOW. Sun— People 1 of the remote Soviet east today r?st ihrSr iinurs before Muscovites and other Russians .tuoke to go to the polls for the country's parliamentary (Supreme Soviet) elections Nearly 100 per cent of the 150 million registered ihi tor> are expected
      Reuter  -  215 words
    • 232 17 I/FY BISCAYNE (Florida), Sun. President Nixon yesterday appointed a nine-man commission to investigate campus unrest in the I'nited States and to report back to him by Oct. 1 with suggestions on howto solve university and college troubles. The panel nil) be headed liy Mr. William Scranton.
      Reuter  -  232 words
    • 247 17 Cambodia task force continues talks at the UN If N I TED NATIONS. Sun. The threeman delegation of the Jakarta conference continued Its exchange of views on how to restore peace in Cambodia with various United Nations groups over the weekend. Memaer.s of the team plan to confer tomorrow with
      247 words
    • 52 17 Minneapolis. iMinneeota). I Sun. Former Vice-President Hubert H Humphrey announced 1 here yesterday that he will be a candidate for the Senate in the forthcoming h '■tton. Mr. Humphre.-, 58. U seeking the neat now held hv Mr. Eu- Bcp.f McCarthy, who will not v.mii for
      Reuter  -  52 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 167 17 r~^*-*i s^ -dr^^^m Bom Wm Qctithat Jm^Bt Happy-Poliyely A \k feeling witKVJ^ sy ri ctant quap ilpWSfood idea thatsimade m aP At last someone has come up with TN^ a great new food idea Instant :jj^2*^ N '^^f^^^^L Quaker. It's made in an instant, ij^^ mmmmir^ Tastes good too. Now!
      167 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 652 18 !!sP^l>?nTy-KyCTynT?-^^ place your ads. Cfr^ I ICHKOajUOCIMfNTJ. <NNIV(ESaEIIS. IHNOUNCf MINIS lIHTHS CLUI aC!l»IIUI. CCNIMENCCS. IMIMJ (NtatlMtNTS THROUGH OUR C.A.T.S. I i^Z^^ PHONE STORE *****1 \j*AXSJ AeknawledgessaONts TNI FAMILIES ..I J a.. sai lla, Ok it.., n.,11 .in.... ■i H .il.n.lan. an.l aaaMafMt .ii.iiihj 1..,tn r*,r..- t si naib and lamlb
      652 words
    • 573 18 I A klaßlNk INISRNAIIONAL COM ha ...a. a .aa a >( tat tn. ai.ia la ...n* in Hjialia*. M>p!i. an, nit. itriuntn In t.t»,..« i ..itiati..., ii.-i itta rainaia.lai tif tki b'..w.|>nr a.t*"' taiai. at." a,. „rt,i..l R.plt tiviaa tai a i..i ..i«-, i. >..i A Mini I s p.Ht
      573 words
    • 659 18 At.oantan. v InpU.ina ami ■.■iti itn al.t ulisli 1 kMMBB App 1 oilkni a waak ».ltli full ua. initial* ar I ..Prllr. .al.. I 1.. M... A-lU'i4 I > 1. 1 APPLICANTS 1. U tn H.I >un.l., 1 loa. ....umai ...pi.. laaUaaoawki < i,i.i,ii. r nllk 111. 11 ai.|.! H
      659 words
    • 683 18 IP VACANCIES FOR 'II IMM ...,.t.i. ..p., 1.,r pt...,.1..l Ai'l'l Ainu, autum aa, p«aamaac« mi >>i 1 „1 i.-i ,11.11. 1,. Baa a. si, H.,»" AIMI4 sl" Sp.!,, I aaaa *.»*•> >4o loaalh 1 pan MM Ha'i A RaataaraM, SB 101 Hna.l S'pr.,,. 1.1 .411')>!.. .l ipanr
      683 words
    • 685 18 i. FURNISHED BEOROOMS »n« wMI ri I". mi Bon I I Swiabla ...llklllU .....1.1. „I,MI. His.. n H... ..i11.,. nl i.l 4.4 4.m s 2-SIOKEY BUNGALOW < I 1 ..v. BPr%aM 1 tnll. i.,rr,.1i... 1 1 11.1 l.lriiln.n, 4! IS II I'a-n r nnu Road. Hn.< M.lni I'-."; I. 1
      685 words
    • 638 18 I KUANTON OETACMEO SUNQALOW aav/f. rompl,t,ri raariv for ..rrupat'oa Prlca %?o non Rlna K..anta« Sli PENANG D STOREY. a,m. -rlr>tarkt4l 1,, i 4.10H" S.T P,nant NAMLY PLACE: s.m, |>„, n Hun .4^'.' \lt V« VACANT LAND at 1, M■, ru a .-t>, thr., Iddi.iiim ima Mt Houses and land wanted
      638 words
    • 647 18 TT/MaM* NIM servieea TV REPAIR SPECIAIISI IM> s «» Rina «T* iB pnrai i»'m RBOiapUSION HP a C«>N HIIWROOMk laman l.irnna OP TV SITS Cotimitnt), Aariai ...i.nw Uaaaa mmmm i v MHMM IMIII PO Hoi -..a tnrt 'imaa, iv ua. >,ont s.rvica all if> porai Musleal Instruistenls SHOWMAN. Haatman I'
      647 words
    • 594 18 IHI VAUXHALL^VICTJBR r n.r,mt>,r S' >< l ri. nnn T.I. s para m'ihw IMS OPEL RIKORO SPRINT IMa-Mtari plaaaa mtinn Mr pot, 4'<f.<l^•' IS«S AUSTIN HIALEY, tjp^r^ f- aoo 0r... onta'-t N'awnn' OfSALI BY TENDER 1»*« H Forfl A Saloon Vi«» kta Hr. a. •rt ai Pno»nl« Park Crnlart
      594 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 1135 19 r i:Vf»POCI »SD OtHfR t« CONTINENTAL POms <t Pininf li Pt June It GO U June It JUMI72I Jell 21 CH 15 June it Td'MON n... June 21 JLnr Jilt 23 1 Jal) J c laac2) Juii2S it%-7iil laae 21 MtNfIAUS Jvae2! Jul) I i-«hu. •> Jul< 7 Jll) I
      1,135 words
    • 1294 19 BKmT7~7T^ m^^ttWm^a?F t F S M^V^^^^^F^P^J}P*ffm^m^^^F B Y^ K E aß^S BS £^m9 a WI&mWmA Lrn^kaW wt2 Im\ pNj>kl am MI wC ajjw^fV' aB VIA CASABLANCA DIRECT T3 HAMBURG IN 33 DAYS. i- S'nai Penarg b nga(,un LOtDINC FOR. IOCOTti my 71 Ml) It Jal) i MamOt-rt/Bremen* iJ3 Oars). SUMIIItA
      1,294 words
    • 1331 19 fcKPRE^S SERVICt 10 LONOOh. LIVUPOUI t COWTINtNIAt POWI^. BENHOPE HI SI Sic«JD.'ia 5--" I RMt.rdaa Am IJ Jaac 11/tt la Pt/Jaai W Sulil Haiaovrr »aj W BENDORAN for Imjn sing.CA.-e t reiwi'i Haaevrf Mt) M Jum 2t 'I tinpaawa f. S'aaa Panaae C 9F SINGAPORE Ha«ie. A'aere. Hull. 6 "Ml
      1,331 words
    • 1322 19 FORTNIGHTLY EXPRESS SERVICE DIRECI FROM EAST COAST USA '.c» *o-» S'Dore P. S>a» Penang KiRfVUH KVOTI Sum Jaai 11 Juae IS Aef 71 JAPAN Sa.lel laai 71 Inly 1 lily 2 Sett 7 LAOMEDON Sails lari 13 Jaly Tt laly 71 Jal) 21 Oel I MEMNON SlllS JV4121 Alf 1
      1,322 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 1047 20 VI KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. Western Australia /Singapore /Japan Servlee Sinp^O"" rofcA^TH Naguva r'h»m> *oot grlgiun Man" JT Jim 4 lily 11 Jilj II Jilf 21 Jill Cast Coast U.S.A. Straits Servlee Ne« Bait. ClarlctM Orieani Houston Sauestoi S'Don Mara" 11 im Cuta Maiu Jl Mi, 1 till t Jill
      1,047 words
    • 917 20 "iV I k AUStRALIAW t Nt* 2tAIANO SERVICES: t< i P S'n«»p«i» LMlllg let: lAIREA Sailei Sailrt ll PHI Laut.. Auck.. Dun.. Lytt.. Wilt BOMBAIA I it luly ArJeL. Mel. CHAKOINAt 1 2 Aug 3, 4 Aig 9/1 Aag S»a., Bluff. Oun. lira, Lytt.. Well. frm Australia Ne* Jjeaiail" S."g«(.'e
      917 words
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 1086 21 PACIFIC Mao Zealand m,.1 «.>.>, Ill— I— narteaa mm« io« mai I IS f>"Vn Rt,«.l. Vingapoi' I a IOSOa 62 t'l M.lra T.I Kuala liimPHOTOCOrVINC PLAN PRIMTIMC I LAMINATING \I»M ..poi.ian ILiiLlim 40 MUa>_ a.nifHna f ~-n Mirn >.r %6 IV c k »'•> STr»»l Hinn- APICO SUr-IR ITAT
      1,086 words
    • 1070 21 \r veu must souANDin. •»•■< n» •h M I— Onn J.^»11«.. 3OA Souttl Hn.: w H. T1 LIM JOO CHIANO. a M.-nli llnl HUM 'aora. Haallii in nutn Inn ni inn Ladiea halrdressinc DON T lITILt FOR LISI «£M .on < nlin, ,«,,<\ v^1.,,," .-a' Pr~l€«»llt BiuM.nq S'por ttOBINSONS I
      1,070 words
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  • 332 22 JOHORE BAHRU. Sunday YHE clean wave is sweeping south and Johori 1 State is to get new anti-litter laws, similar to that of Kuala Lumpur, in its towns next month. The Mental Besar, Dato Haji Othman Saat announced the inception of the long-awaited laws.
    332 words
  • 137 22 MAN SET HIMSELF ABLAZE AS CROWD STOOD BY IPOH. Sun A poliie spokesman here today hit out at the lack of civic consciousness amoii", the Malaysian public. He was commenting on th,e death by fire of an Indian, identified only a.s Nolothamby. ased about 41). in Pu>ing. nine miles from
    137 words
  • 24 22 IPOH. Sun Lorry drhers Enc Hu.ili and Ong Kirn nc fined J?3O etch here 'exterdav for overloading ihelr lorries by four tons
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  • 190 22 Vacate market order to 35 'Ali Babas L' I A I. TBBNGGANI Sun Thirty fi\e "Ali Bub.i stall-holders in the Central Market here lia\r In m tolil by the Imui Hoard to'e the huilrtnu hv the end of the month. I hr president of the hoard, Inc In- Wan
    190 words
  • 111 22 Mr. Toh is new Ambassador to Seoul I/UALA LUMPUR. Sun. The Governmrnt today announced the appo'ntniriu vi Mr. Toh Choi Kcat. Drpuiy Permanent Secretary 'general alt'a:rsi to the Ministry (■I Foreign Affain. as the new Ambassador to Korea Mr Toh succeeds Inche Ha>him Sultan, who became the Malaysian Ambassador to
    111 words
  • 55 22 TELUK ANSON. Sun Police opposed bail when Tu*of aiuv Yaacob bin Mohamed. 19. unemployed, was charged here >eMerday with armed f*nff robbery Hr waa alleged, with two others, to have robbed Key Wan Seng of $300 while being armed »«li a knife at Batu tmpat. Jalan Bagan
    55 words
  • 35 22 Kf ANTAN. Sun. Pahajig had the lowest crime rate this year during the past week, the :?e of criminal iriMr. R hcrei tod»v 2 of mii'c.r \hn\& during thr Wftk Brrnama
    Bernama  -  35 words
  • 24 22 1 All'lM. fl Mr. DM. .<«s heen chairman snd Mr D he Govern men' Servan 1 00-opentto Thrift and Loan Soc.ety her*.
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
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    • 278 22 HOI SIM. DI.VEEOPMI.VI BOARD SHOPS TO I.XT Ten If; sic Invited for 7 shops and 1 mlniK home Hrndemeer Koad 'Kallang B»mii Nriijhbour- .ups at Kirn li.-n !<"».; 'X? Ttoog Baluu j:.,! 1 c-lg«-UXk at M<-1 I nig .Sueet Point Ho,k BlOCk 160). I Other Jiop pmataM are also available
      278 words
    • 232 22 TENDER NOTICE Tenders are invited for the folbwtag; C ()NS mi CHUN OK :Hr FOUNDATIONS FOR KQUIP- i MrM AND MACHINERY, I'AH i ITIONS ETC I ruder document* BfC obtainable trom the Dlrecl >i Mru: li Development Centre, Corporation Komi, Jurong lmm.-tiial EMate. jrimgHpoie A de|X).-:i of $50 lb) cio-.-<ii
      232 words
    • 283 22 I I Mil LETRIK NEGARA TAN AH Ml. LAY I (NATIONAL i:i.K( TRICTTI BOARD OK Tilt STATKS OK MALAYA) r.iettiun of IMKW TranaaiMtaa Line U> Bnin.ii,, MenUkab and Kaub M». 9147 r— dtti are iiuiied Irom reglsttnd eontneton Mt Hie. Lembaga Leirilt Ne^aia under Class B and above and
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  • Page 22 Miscellaneous
    • 180 22 Straits Times Crossword A( ROSS i Modern Mm« sdmti to a Doctor Ron.* fou-4 7 I. You and me In OaUtheMi. rillkiMi candidate <9). i,. ?saLE£~*&mi n I 5 T r h u ;*:r of 8 w tmHimm >n .rr^Tce ,r-^ 11. gomm.nusion from e*ch In round 4 17. OiiT
      180 words

    • 2330 23  -  EPSOM JEEP By Sctia 11, ridden by Moses I. pr, came with a tremendous finish to score a ■pectacnlar firstup win in the l.i^ 4, Div. 3, «f race at Bukit Timah yesterday. The leasi -!>a c k '^d horse in a lirld
      2,330 words
    • 210 23 THE Stipendiary Steward's report on vrsterdav's Sineapore races: Rare 1 Rulldorrr. who was I back in h:s Itall, lost ;rour.d when the gates opened Raub <Velui had to be severer near the 4 furloncs when he moved in iddenly onto Dust Fury lAsuwadn. H44-r I Milrl Mind
      210 words
    • 326 23 Le Chouan fancied to win Ascot Gold Cup ONDON, Sun. Most of Britain's top horses and a good sprinkling of 'raiders' from Ireland and France will battle for the prize money totalling well over £100,000 at the fourday Royal Ascot meeting starting on Tuesday. There will be a brpak with
      Reuter  -  326 words
    • 219 24 Man here for Bersatu Padu wins 'tour' Brian Tonn. :w. of RAF Changi, who came here to take part in the Bersatu Padu exercise, yesterday won the 100 kilometres Tour of Singapore for the Dunlop Trophy a record in 2hrs. 26:41.5 at Nicoll Highway. Second was former Seap Game- representative
      219 words
    • 173 24 Scrutton and Martens give SCC big win SINGAPORE Cricket >5 Club's allround suporiority enabled thrm to retain the Ghandi Cup for another year when they thrashed Indian Association by 139 runs in the two-day cricket match on the padang yesterday. The final scores: SCC 196-4 dpc and 113-5 dec; Indians
      173 words
    • 45 24 HUNTERS outplayed the Jaguars by 23-10 in Clasß One of the Singapore Softball Associations leaeue yesterday. Other rpsults Class 1: Kaglen 7 Cnltex Stars 3. Police 14 Telstiirs 4. Class 2 Davids Warrior* 25 NZRAF 9, Cla.v» 3 Rpd Sox 7 Comet* 14.
      45 words
    • 76 24 MOSES TAY of Sitiaw.m «tll Ip.i.. Malaydl ak«mst Singapore in ihf International ifiini Imaiili for the Gulllemard Cup to be plnved on July 4-"i in SuiK«porp Malaysia are thr ho.'rleis Mci SA A/man and Tan Sons Kean will play in the slnul(■^ The doubles uil! be
      76 words
    • 357 24  -  ERNEST FRIDA by SINGAPORE Amateur Athletic Associations Open championships at Farrer Park on August 1 1-17 will be the biggest and grandest to date. Some of Asia's leading athletes will assemble here for the Open. They will come from the Philippines. Ceylon. India. Indonesia
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    • 102 24 AJIT Singh, former Siatr cricketer anri hix-key Mar. is making wod pngMß in his new spoil aolf. Ajil won Keppel Clubs monthly "C" division medal lor the .second time in four months with 41 points. His Ki">s More of 81 reduced his handicap f^om 22 to 14
      102 words
    • 246 24 Rai wins title for second time SINGAPORE'S champion loni distance runner. Mahendra R Rai, won foi the tecond time the ten im section of the Police enm country champion**'- »t Thomson Rond yp.-ti rd:iv Rai. who docked »:MJ for the flve-anfi-a-half-mile C'Mirse WU tl'il iiivctl much competition as the
      246 words
    • 33 24 JOHORFS |l.j million IRhoie noli co ii n ■>' JaJaa Latrkln is p\)ie<tpci Ul be iradv b) Hip end of n<-\t >ear Karilitir-. include a chibhoure, s«immin« pool and eonvenlion hall
      33 words
    • 174 24 AN experimental Selan fjor sirif spraiiK a s::rpri>r with a 2-0 win over Perak in a Malaysia Cun Hoccer match at TPCA Stadium. Kuala Lumpur. >■«•<• orri a v The result has n<> Sparing on the North ?nne table rmk are already in the final.
      174 words
    • 199 24 THIS YEARS BP South Malaysian motor rally on July 4 and 5. which will start simultaneously in Singapore and Kuala Lum- pur. will tel an international flavour. Challenging the locals will be this year's top i Filipino rally team. Pocholo Ramirrs find
      199 words
    • Article, Illustration
      29 24 WIATAR Singh making his bid yesterday to qualify to represent Malaysia in the javelin at the Commonwealth Games. His throw ol 63.08 m was well below the required standard.
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    • 411 24 All the stars flop at trials MALAY ASIA may not be represented in athletics at tho Commonwealth Games in Edinburgh en July 16--25. ol th« 20 athletes from Sabah and West Malayala the cream of five earlier trials qualified In the MAAUs final triai Kampong P:indan, Kuala Lumpur, yesterday. However,
      411 words
    • 412 25 A blow for England: Banks is unwell LEON. Sunday. I NGLAND goalkeeper (iordon Ranks became unwell yesterday and is doubtful for today's World Cup quarter-final against West Germany, team manager Sir Alf Ramm\ said. Banks, who has played in all three World Cup matches in Mexico so far, went to
      412 words
    • 523 25 LONDON, Sun. Mm Blllle .lean King and Penrhes Burtknwirji snatched the Wightman Cup for the United SUte.s when they won the final double* match yesterday In the two-day encounter with Britain's tennix girls. Miss Bartkomcz. deputising for the injured American No. 1 Nancy
      523 words
    • 128 25 |\r.W VOKK. Sun.— < hi fheni of Tainan broke Ihe »omffl't world records (or 100 and 22ft ird* in Portland. Oregon, last night at th< Rom Imihl trark meet Mie nnn the 100 yard* In lOsrc. Mir had vliirwl the former world record
      Reuter  -  128 words
    • 255 25 Britain's relay team set world record EDINBURGH, Sun. British aimeles warmed up lor next month s Commonwealth Games when they set one woda record and a British all-comers' record at the International Game* here yesterday. Lillian Board. 400 metres Olympic silver medallist, Rosemary Stirling, Pat Lowe aticl Sheila Carey clipped
      Reuter  -  255 words
    • 54 25 BLACKPOOL. EngUnd. Sun. Schoolgirl DUnne LanMev clinched a certain place tn England* Commonwealth Games swimming team when I she .smashed tha British 320 \ard<. "omens butterfly record in Anal trials here vesterda\ Dark-hatred MUa Lanslev 17. clocked two minute* 31 6 seronds off the prfvin is rernrri
      54 words
    • 275 25 Le Mans track marshal killed I E MANS. Sun. A track marshal wu killed in the Le Man* 24 hour endurance race today when the works-eniered Ferrari driven by Belgian Jacky Ickx caught fire and crashed. •iier marshal was Injured but Ickx walked from thr wreck aDiv unhurt. lekx ni
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 440 23 The list of applications will open at 10.00 a.m. on Monday 15th June, 1970 GOVERNMENT OF MALAYSIA ISSUE OF $125,000,000 REGISTERED STOCK LOAN No. 1 of 1 970 52^ Per Annum Maturin? 15th July, 1913 6 Per Annum Maturing 15th July, 1975 Per Annum Maturing 15th July, 1980 64% Per
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 229 24 22+Zi£ m m < Introducing W the Ronson Escort 2000. Five years early. The new Ronson Escort 2000 represents a considerable advance in hairdryers. In fact it's five years ahead of its time. For instance, instead of the old 'Low, Medium, Hot' heat control, we put in a dial with
      229 words
    • 91 24 1 niFQF uicocl^ Genuine parts from Guthrie Waugh You inves;ed in Detroit Diesel. To protect your investment insiit on genuine replacement parts. From Guthrie Waugh's Parts and Service Divisions. We carry an extensive parts inventory to serve our Detroit Diesel customers throughout Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei. Call us. Singapore 662b55
      91 words
  • Page 24 Miscellaneous
    • 56 24 laCC— KAS Div 3A: Oean I Kaki Bukil K:i::<-i I'tri v Ak.i 1 tut Vi'j'.laiue>- v Bcdok V- I til Faner Pki; IYC v Bodca iSI Wlltru: Rd> ikm ki sha Wmtm knockout KhalH v IA iSeranKoon Rni NF.IBAI.I. SWNA Dp I Dviiamocv SRC (Vanity); Dn 3 S; v TTPH
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  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 448 25 Mizushima is the smallest developing nation on earth. If you clessify steelwork* like countries* w« forged ahead with Chiba: th« first integrated at 6300t'd capacity; Japan's largest continuous of 80kg hgh-tensile. easy-weldabte Meal Chiba is the world's most advanced nation. works built in post-war Japan. casting machine; 160-inch plate mill.
      448 words

  • 118 26 IVKATHtR OUtfM* !or SIN- <;APOISK '(.di,\ tiom fi a.m. to i. Kin: laol itad ahowm lin oiitlo ik lion: n; ;<i<lay to Ham ■omnium i,\ei a 2l>mil< rain.. 1 In liie Inlloving tOWna Prnang, loial ibOWWI tn eailv nun iimu OitMTWIM fair; Kuala l.umpur, MqwiQ thundei'-ioimv mci cdasiai
    118 words
  • 167 26 Conrad: A trip to Mars in 1.) years possible but... PITTSBtRCIH. Sun. Charles Conrad, one of four men who have walked on the moon, said yesterday that America had the technical ability to put a man on Mars in 15 yean. but the cost and other prioritie*i would prohibit it.
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  • Article, Illustration
    0 26
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  • 28 26 TOKYO. Sun. A 21-veai-old masseur irflMd with a knife attempted to hijack a crowned bus In N.ioetM: u>da\ hut «a.- o\erpowered l»y Hip diner Renter
    Reuter  -  28 words
  • 22 26 OSAKA. Sun Visitors to E\po "0 during the lust half of its 183-day period totalled about 27 million Reuter
    Reuter  -  22 words
  • 140 26 II O S C O W. Sun— The 1»1 two Soviet Soyuz-9 cosmonauts, both soccer fans, had part of their attention today focussed 00 the World Cup In Mexico as their spacecraft sped them hourly closer In a record endurance flight. Durum their second
    140 words
  • 193 26 SINGAPORE, Sunday THE driver of the Cortina on the right had :i miraculous escape when his car turned turtle in River Valley Road, off Oxley Rise, shortly after 10.38 tonight According to police, the driver, Mr. Chang Chua Chye. 33. of Havelock Road, was
    193 words
  • 68 26 LONDON. S<in Prince Charles neir to the British throne, came within ISO yards of n mid-air helicopter collision, a Buckingham Palace spokesman sild toda> The 21 -year-old Prince tv In an RAF helicopter during a tour of weMrm England last Friday when hw pilot spoued
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 32 26 GREAT YARMOUTH, Sun. Fi.Mifiman Fred Simons won't havr uouble setting bait for the nrst If* fiHVs While fi.shine fm stinn.p on Friday. he caught ;i <.«■» norm eight-and-a-half feet lniiii t'PI
    32 words
  • 26 26 AMSIKKDAM Sun Dutrli Mlnlftcr <>I Culturt, Recreation and Social Wrllarr Miss Mars* Kldnu* I*ll hv namda plane for a vorktnt "^< to indnnecla tn<l»v ITI
    26 words
  • 287 26 Two die in shooting incident at tin mine RAWANG. Sun. Two men were killed and one seriously injured in a shooting incident at a tin mine here on Friday night. The dead are a Gurkha watchman Baku' Bahadur 58, and Yap Choon Hing. 21, a pump attendant. The man seriously
    287 words
  • 45 26 SAIGON. Sun Buddhist women ami \euths carrying rtgna leaonn: AmertCUM «o hnmr jon.eo a tuneial procession I ci fn a 74-\ear-old monk who Immolated himself allegedly m the cause of peace. II was tlu MOBd anti-Ame-ncan demonstrauon here dnrint the weekend.
    45 words
  • 247 26 BRAZIL GETS SET TO FREE 40 IN EXCHANGE FOR ENVOY RIO ric JANEIRO, Sun. Th< Brazilian Government today finalised plans for free ng 4i> political prisoners l»j exchange fox the life of kidnapped West German Ambassador Dr Ehrenfi led von Holleben. Inform ri m it nil ment.< covld be complete
    247 words
  • 20 26 a. I SO NAKUTTYAMMA „,,lh»n .'I link niH THOMAIIA. PTREIRA X' Anil.- I DM V» R IHIIKIAPPAm p "I
    20 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 201 26 JiuttibfUtg There is a Ford with better durability than the car you are thinking of Advertise m#nl I I lie Sceni' l>> en I oi.l dlacb HAKBARKI-LA. I will bid <t i < >i ii <tdi< utt the I'ltiiul Suul.- artXMi tender music Will lon| be remembered reminiscently by Snu
      201 words
    • 97 26 Late CLASSIFIEDS 20 un-d. Si'O no minimum) Whitmont PP shirts never crease, never wrinkle. They keep fresh all day. Whitmont are so sure of the quality of their shirts, that they have guaranteed them in writing: never to wrinkle or crush; never to need Ironing; never to lose their sleeve
      97 words