The Straits Times, 9 April 1970

Total Pages: 22
1 22 The Straits Times
  • 27 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 200,000 The Straits Times Thß Niitimiiil fiiiws|iii[iiir I m.I 1845 THURSDAY. APRIL 9. 1970 15 CENTS K.D.N. 4517 M.C. (P) No. 1307
    27 words
  • 308 1 Manila quake death toll rises to 11 MVMI Wrd man ..nil .i unman died in tculaj after he m^ It i milled by crnwds that stampeded <>ut of rinrma dwtei •> aiajm earthquake jresterda] Tin- cle.ith toll h«i\* -tnuls at 11. A woman kilini bj a falllai tier in
    Agencies  -  308 words
  • 767 1  - A walkover for three PAP men CHEONG YIP SEN(.. VICTOR NG Only two candidates meet opposition By SINGAPORE. V'-rinesday 'REGRET' THAT ONLY TWO ARE CONTESTING WALKOVER victories put three of the fivo new People's Action Party men in Parliament today. Polling day for the other two by-elec-tions is April 18.
    ALI YUSOFF and HAN HAI FONG  -  767 words
  • 23 1 BANOKOK Wrd A h tend -v- ii"^ M ha hi thai prnwncwl rnurt for J •tripptaf hi* wif« in front «f
    23 words
  • 266 1 Hijackers' pistols, bombs were TOYS 'IXDKYO. Wod Jaj)a--1 neae police said today .ho samurai hijacker; commandocrrd the Japanese airliner last work with ai: arsenal of toys. Thf nine rpvolution;irv ■tudenUt »iin captured a Japan Airlines 'JAL' |d liner Wl h 138 people aboard apparently wer^ armed with harmlrs, horrK- a
    266 words
  • 38 1 KARACHI Wed The United Klngdom-Indte-PakMu Confeit in I me^ 111 inuciir hv 1 > ;>er cem tiom JuU I I "iinced Ihf t'tin: Miadc in nf« ut i r.uiL- p«r«Uoa«] uf th« IBM. Renter
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 34 1 RUENOS AJRES. Wed. Leaders ol Argentina* two million member Genfial Confedernlior. of Labour !i M night rolled Jor a nar.nnwirie ueiieral Mrlke or. April H i" p.ofrM tlie Government's economic policy." AP
    AP  -  34 words
  • 116 1 SniNl VMM A middle auiil o ma n startled renorters at Syd■CJ airport today when she undid her dress, li.nnl her hi ,i and invited one yoiini; new sman "Touch thrin and tell me which is the false one." 'I hi irrmrlrr
    116 words
  • 133 1 Blast in Expo city kills 90 OSAKA. Wrd. At Ir.tM 90 proplr «prf killed and !HI injurrd in a nrtta of ta> e\plo>ion> in this industrial city today, point reported. Polur nftiriah s.ud thenumber of xirtiniN wm fast rising Investigators attributed Ihbl.ists and fires to a leakate of gas at
    AP  -  133 words
  • 36 1 SAIGON. Wed An forre 852 b"mber< today a racked North Vietnamese positions threaleriing the Oreen Beret out-)H->t n f r«ak Semic m South Vietnam Central Highland*. military npnkesmiin said ITPI. |S» Rark Page i
    36 words
  • 29 1 SAIGON. Wed Cambodia hurl turned th» himrked Amerl ran miinlt|nn« «hip Columbia Eagle m,r In ih. V 8 GovernI merit. Phnnm Penh Radio 1 BOUBMd todaj AP.
    AP  -  29 words
  • 530 1 John Wayne makes it at last -and weeps! HOLLYWOOD. Wed Craggy old John Wayne finally made lt. He got a Hollywood Oscar and WEPT. Af'er bashing and brawlms hll way through more than 100 Hollywood dramas in over 30 years of stardom, he won the coveted best actor award last
    Reuter; AP  -  530 words
  • 73 1 'Israelis bomb school: 30 dead' C«airo. Wed 1 *> J jet killed 39 schoolchildren toda-. when they attacked a primary school In B iiid on Sharkia province, the Ministry of the Int said. A Mini-try source another person al>" d Bfihr El Bakr S<--50 milr- north oi hei> Mini<!i:<6 pupils
    73 words
  • 44 1 DAK- t£ANG: PXST < Xl (lAI. ST\ SM' lied defenders at Dak U.S. Spi< 1.11 V"ri amp "are past crucial i in nine iiy i siegr wlri h has cost Red attack Lt oi John 11 Green Bel said I*4 1 tTI Back 1'
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 109 1 for Clear Comfortable Consult: C. S. CHONG O. D. EVEKBRIGHT OPTICAL CO. 19. CHU..IA STREET. SINGAPORE I. V YES YES YES YES YES YES YES VPS YES YES YES YE% VfS YES V Say 'Yes' to Esso Extra Motor Oil for Your Car. J^Why? I y New formula Esso Extra
      109 words
    • 38 1 .u rv tree« 1>d K< miodv pi bl hup .ti leath: raar 9. MA.IOK 1,.11-Pd of ten Pfeft 9. 0 TKiHI" tardi <>n pn\"v Dnbcek Paga io. 0 ttl I ion »ecr*1 about ,h» Fill. Page 11.
      38 words
    • 91 1 I.TTJ J INTRODUCES l»7i^a LATEST PERFECTION IOW HOISE%m V 1 HIGH OUTPUT JESSEN JESSEN I.noooo'r K Lumpur l»ah '^r« ■w^Wßßmi^^^^^Mßßtti^^Bi ir linn' ir '''"fTflftliTuWMiiiii^^^B^^^i^^^^MßMftte'i" t ll ::V; 1 < AFTER SHAVE LOTION won h n rrcsti<;vis no( sonartbing you can buy... Prestige is something a man shows. The way people
      91 words

  • 98 2 Border troops alerted to intercept guerillas I \K \RJ A Wed. liulo nesian troopx alone Ihe uintle border v. itii .Sarawak were alerleil this week to inlcr<c|it a h. i ml of communist guerillas believed to be heading f<T West Kalimantan after brine mauled by forces Ant.iia ileus aeen<>
    AP  -  98 words
  • 42 2 KUANTAM, Wed. Tht QoV( Miiui'iit will rh land de•iiTnes in Uic next he Mrntrl B» YHhrtVH M 9< Bl V.<lr..y. t meeting o( I MUI ll.Hlls el!' tmenu :n id that 26.00(i o land wnuid be openetl up
    42 words
  • 116 2 MURDERED WOMAN WAS NOT HER DAUGHTER VINCiAPORE. Wed. Ma- dam Chan Swee Keng almost collapsed after visiting the General Hosplial mortuary this morning. But it \na.s through relief at Ing the murdered v. in. vi police had asked her to Identify was not her missing daughter. The 63-year-old Perak-born ■an
    116 words
  • 29 2 SI l IA. VAN Will Scholarship* induing $1300 will be iiven to 71 primary and aeenndpupila in the Dmreunion d:nM.gli School O'.d Pu ihich :u-i; uiatvenarj hel'' .'lit.
    29 words
  • 76 2 ANBK.KKA. Wed. The Australian Ambassador to Tokyo has denied Australian news reports that he said in it B*aeeek that Japan should re-arm and establish a military present <• in Asia. External Affairs Minister. Mr William Mi'Mahon said today. Mr. Mi.M.dHin BBM Amhas>ador dorrton Freeth his
    76 words
  • 661 2 CANBERRA, Wednesday 4 ISTKALIAN Oppo- sition leader Gounh Whitlam told the Federal Parliament yesterday that the Australian battalion in Singapore was "an irrelevancy to genuine regional co- operation Speaking in a major I Foreign Affairs de- bate he said there whs no prospect of
    UPI  -  661 words
  • 127 2 yM.APORr Wed The (li>P',iip bet wren the Airlines Employees Union ;ind .Vm.a\ sU-Slngacor? Alrltnr* in Kuala Lumpur n\er tne question of overtlmr payment for 1t vorken has been relrrrrrt to thp Mlm-trv of Labour sner>Dl.«cl(i»miu this, a spoKe«man of the airline here said thai
    127 words
  • 39 2 SITIWVAV Wrd (oiiimuui^l were found wrl'ten nn the w»ll« of several rlas-room> in Ihe'ish School in kftt Tawar. near here, thiv morninc Ihe si hnnl N <l« >rH fur the first tiim linlidMTs.
    39 words
  • 169 2 Detainee's wife fails in bid to see Shepherd BRUNEI TOWN. Wed. Ro<ray.ih Abdul Rahman, wife of detained rebel loader. Zaini Haji Ahmad, has failed in her bid to see the visiting British Minister .of State, I/)rd Shepherd, to free her husband. She has previously written in i.ord Shepherd say--1 ing
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 89 2 GOOD GOLDEN ANCHOR BEER quenches a thirst with gj|i cool, clear, /^j/^T <jS^L ie secret of Anchor's light, lively, less bitter taste is Afr^U v^^A In ttie ver y special hops that are used in the brewing. FTT^waWrt^ **^al And, of course, the fact that Anchor is a superb, golden
      89 words
    • 114 2 My goodness, it's not Fatty Fong, is it? Not "Fatty" Fong. Shirley Fong Tatt\" vanished into history some inches ago. Shirley Fong is her true slim self. Thanks to Hermesetas. Hermesetas is a sweet little thing yet no calories. Nothing fatty about it. You can't taste the difference in your
      114 words
  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 53 2 THE GAMBOLS By Barry Appleby S& mb gambol aouio just uavc toN [yOU TELL KIKI TUAT TLL 7M. < CLEAN lIP AMD \UER UP IH UALP AW HOC*? r \CU AMG f R3CTME/ -j Bwrrvj CsuvT) L 4T**\ /^TUAT'LL BeTN f^WEU. UEOE lAM ALIV. S*-^, S Te J CHANGED AND
      53 words

  • 216 3 Charlie See in Singapore on a girl hunt V> > APORE, Wed. Charlie See is in town. And that, girls, mea >et for a dream." re got the i£ Holl; unour lensmar. <;<>grapher a Long emal .ipher. ■>rted and :od more than c world's titled beauties in about a quarmlllion
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  • 22 3 KUAI ITnOgku Abdul in by Pu'.taka on Thr i ><i spon•orrd i ;n of the N s AwociaI
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  • 23 3 Tm tWMTmpii fnmi P«iißk"r Ulmnd vert fmrri $280 by the court tiTfflay wlien t.i»>y plOHdrri R gHinh. ng on March 24.
    23 words
  • 189 3 Lower voting age to 18 call by MAYC IPOH, Wednesday. A RESOLUTION calling on the Government to lower the voting age from 21 to 18 will be tabled at the general meeting of the Malaysian Association of Youth Clubs hrre next month. The of the as- sociat ion's Perak
    Bernama  -  189 words
  • 78 3 AMBUSH VICTIM TO FLY TO BRITAIN L'LAI A I.IMPUR. Wed. PC Osman bin Shanff who became paralysed after a gunshot injury in a communist ambush near Kroh two years ago, la to fly to Britain for treatment. tisei will be met from the Heroes rand. In the ambush, 16 members
    78 words
  • 49 3 KLANO. Wed A tawmill labourer. Bey Wanfc Chai, 23. was drowned after he fell into a r:\rr at I'.intia Maran near here today Police said he «'.lpped while planki in'o a ai a «awmlll Jetty about urn. Hte body wax recovered two i hours
    49 words
  • 32 3 RAt n WM Inchi Abdul Hanni i-in Haji Moh<tme<l has hxrn eh i I*4 praridMM of the Ranh LJofM C-ub with Mr Kr>nnpth md Dr. Chan Chi« Kon hs •Trnsutrr.
    32 words
  • 150 3 Rich Indians who drain away the nations wealth MDAR, Wed. The De- I put v chairman of the ia] Goodwill Council Mr. Blok Vev certain rich Indian! who .-end their money to [ndla and refuse to invest her> SpeakniK to members oi the Muar Goodwill Committee at the District.
    150 words
  • 106 3 DCNANG Wed The Pil[Timage Control Oflicr herr has received a cable advising that the Kuala Lumpur, scheduled to arrive here on April 12. li now due on April IS. Ihe venel will reach Port niham and Singa'l:iv late: On v and 15
    106 words
  • 350 3  -  R. CHANDRAN: By Singapore. Wed. ■JHE attitude of Britain, Australia and New Zealand to the five-nation exercise Bersatu Padu gives a vital clue as to the conditions under which they will intervene in an armed insurrection in the Malaysia-Singapore region. In the exercise it
    350 words
  • 87 3 ANOTHER DROP IN S'PORE BIRTHS SINGAPORE. Wed. The natural increase in the Republic's po p v lation, which now exceeds two million, has taken a further dip. according to figures for the first two months of this year. Official figures published today show that the natural increase of 2.896 had
    87 words
  • 23 3 BUKIT MERTAJAM. Wed The Assistant District Officer. Parit, Incne Othman bin Mohamed Noor has assumed duty as DLstrict Officer, Nibont Tebal.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 248 3 STOCK REDUCTION SALE DON'T Miss this OPPORTUNITYI Bl V Now a <\\K MONET lAOHS H»ST FLOOK Shirt Blnuui 43 Coll J.fO Only Boy. Oacfon Short. f 1.90 Up Jorit..* T-Sh.rtl T-* 1 S O.iO Up I Slmvm Sh.rlt 1.90 onltf (U.S.A.) -»•♦<> Up Corduroy J»»m S* SO Only taM To
      248 words
    • 407 3 Stamford Centre for executive and commercial training Applications arc invited from mitoblv qualified candidatat for admission to new tctiioni in the following tull-tima courses, commencing 20-4-70 and 18-S-70. 1. Private Secretary's Certificate 2. Company Secretaryship. 3. Professional Accountancy 4. LCC/Centre Diploma in Accounting 5. Diploma in Business Administration. Hottal Accommodation
      407 words

  • 422 4  -  YAP CHENG TONG ...AND THE 'BRAVE NEW WORLD' THEY LOOK FORWARD TO By (SINGAPORE, Wed. The Republic's leaders of tomorrow have once again proved their oratorical prowess. Sixteen students 12 at secondary level and four at university college level aired their views on vital issues facing the
    422 words
  • 68 4 Did you see hit-and-run accident? SINGAPORE Weri Pnlue are looking out for rai which sped nway after knorking down cyclist V Kandaxamy in SUat Road last night Kandaaamy. of the Port Authority quarters In Tanjong Pagar uas admittpri to hospital with HTtoUl I'" l^P^ E\f-'.vfnfvse, are asked to contact Inspector
    68 words
  • 41 4 SINGAPORE. Wed. Judging of over 2.00» entries of blaclc and white and colour prints for the 21st Singapore International Photo Salon will be held at the Odeon Theatre on Saturday from 2 p.m. and on Sunday from 10 a.m.
    41 words
  • 260 4 The last expat to leave the STB SINGAPORE. \\>d Mr. Norman SutcllfTe (above), the last expatriate with the Singapore Telephone Board, today desrribj ed the telephone sysI tern here as "one of the best in the world." He .said the STB was developing much faster than average and its rapid
    260 words
  • 96 4 SINGAPORE. Wed— The Majlis Ugama Islam Muslim Religious Council i will award 90 scholarships to Muslim studrnts at the University of Singapore and at Government and aided schools —HSC ievel— this month. The university scholarship- so of them will each be worth $1,000 and
    96 words
  • 300 4 How the UN is helping in S'pores development SINGAPORE, Wednesday J'HK United Nations Development Pro gramme is contributing ;i tola! of $7 million this year towards the development of Singapore, including Ihr provision of technical and other expert services. In one of Its latest projects, the UN is providing the
    300 words
  • 25 4 SINOAPORE. Wed— A toUl of 129.710 was ral.«ed from an auction of 64 confiscated cart this morning' Price* ranted from $110 to $2,225
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  • 75 4 SIV.XPORR. Wrrt The first hatch of Sinicapnrr .Maritime Command midshipmen sent nvr»r«ras for traininr will receive their commissions at the Conference Hall on Friday at 5.30 p.m. They will receive their swords and 2nd IJeutenant commission certificates from the Defence Minister. Mr Kirn San
    75 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 265 4 3rd ENTERTAINING WEEK! «te AT THE ORCHARD Peter O'Toole Petulo Clark 7Q MM Sir Michael Redgrave MGM Pet Clark sings oil nev» tongi including "London ii London", "You And I". "Schooldays", "And The Sky Smiled" THEY'RE PAINTiNG THE TOWN RED for the 3RD BIG WEEK at the CATHAY CINEMA Due
      265 words
    • 17 4 t»**y: I.JO-J 10-7 00 t 30» Dovid Chiano Ti Lung LI Ching "H»»« S«*r<l. Will Tr«».C (Mondorin-ColOf «<*>•)
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      136 words
    • 508 4 ■~1~1 "ii kjriiim Optm Today' Pirate Note Timei I 10.45 am, 115. 3 45, 6 30 t 9 1} WALT DISNEY P.r "SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON John M.IX in Technicolor Soturdoy Mr Steve v^o mmn "THf Rtivtus 3rd BIG WEEK I No Tree List DAILY 4 SHOWS 11 a.m.. 2 JO.
      508 words

  • 127 5 Eight-lane traffic behind Golden Mile SINGAPORE, Wed While work is racing on along the Golden Mile f. outing Nicoll Highway, plans are underway to convert the present four-lane stretch ot Beach Road into a gleaming, eight-is ne dual carriage* a > Work on the project, to bp undoriak^n by the
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  • 17 5 Tbi d tbt 1 preterit a oncert OrTheane at 6.30 p m. on Knday.
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  • 485 5  -  LESLIE FONG: Draft to be presented to Cabinet By Singapore, Wed. A DRAFT of a new Banking Bill seeking numerous changes in banking practices and .i general modernisation of banking l;i\\s is expected lo be presented shortly to Ihe :il)incl.
    485 words
  • 223 5 Doivt-pay order to bank leads to lawsuit SINGAPORE. Wed. Poultry dealer Teh Ihye Guan issued a 55.000 cheque to businessman Lee Yeo f Koon to buy chickens When he found that tie fowls could not be delivered, he told the bank to stop payment of the cheque. which was dated
    223 words
  • 24 5 M'OHK. Wed The Children's Aid Soiieiy ha^ shifted fiom liv lotnlm-on Road premiMs to r"Ki Clemenn Road. The telephone MMhtr l» 6K5758
    24 words
  • 221 5  - New HDB flats 'a threat to private developers' F ROZARIO BINGAFOUE. Wed. Real-estate developers today warned that (he flow of capital investment into the industry would he halted if the (iovernment decided to compete with them in providing housing for the middle income group in Singapore. They were < ommrntinc
    221 words
  • 59 5 HMOAMMI \V«I -Thf Junior Chmnbei of Singapore will .tend a 21-mrmhrr team to the 1970 Junior Chamber International Am»ii Regional Confeiniif SI FiiKiioka. Japan, fiom April 13 to IK Ihr ilrlefiaiioi.. led by Jayi-ee«' fl: h \rt .i.cii. \!i Tan Sek Yam 111 leave lomormw The
    59 words
  • 299 5 SINGAPORE. Wed. trade unions which i represent the 19.0(K) daily rated employees In the Oovernment Public UtilillCi Board and Housing Board today urged the set- t i uk up without delay of a committee of inquiry into the public daily-rated .structure. The unions MgfMted
    299 words
  • 278 5 $million U.S. barite ore mill for Jurong SINGAPORE. Wed. A big American industrial flrm is building a million-dollar barite ore grinding mill in Jurong to serve the expanding oil drilling industry in the Pte East. The mill, .set up by the newly-formed IMC Drilling Mud i Singapore) Pte Ltd.. a
    278 words
  • 87 5 40 pairs of iron' hands in action gnaoukfQM w«< ionv pllgllt»t^ will Ki^e a «)-minute <ienuin-ratl(!i >'f the Nam Wah pugltlttK an of >elf-defeiue at the YMCA in Palmer Road at 1.4$ ,i m on Satuida> 1 «-ii b\ Mi Sim Ml H'>. chief inMM.rtci of :he a.-'-Ofin-tion'.s p
    87 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 409 5 GIRLS ARE ATTRACTED TO MEN WHO LOOK FIT! How do you rate 7 4rfn^ Broad shoulders S «flfe D Rippling bicaps V D Muscular chast J f \3k G Vigorous look {***^T\ W D Trim waistline D Powerful legs "*UKKO* Here's exciting news for m«i tvtry- m tK. where who
      409 words
    • 249 5 g\ Don't be caught wto ano^ cr if. stomach Fam CllluLlA I antacids 1- V_3g>^M SH \WDO^^J aVtijjJ I H^ anti-ulcer VASHK A Llectronic exposure control is here. And the only 3bmm SLR camera with throthe-lens expo* sure that has it is Yashica'i new TL fclectro-X. It's the easiest way
      249 words

  • 228 6 Night-duty pay for Biv. 4 staff to continue SINGAPORE. Wed. The night-duty allowance for division four government employees should continue, with certain exceptions until a general revision for this category. This ruling waa mad" by the President of the Indui trial Arbitration .ft. Mr Tan Bo.m Chiang in an award
    228 words
  • 25 6 $1 20,000 lift SINGAPORE We (i Reno\-»-tion «ork on the I ElizabPtn Wain i- Bom; r.n It will take three months and co»t $120 000
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 212 6 (W<: -Jttt BB*^' **"^'^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^_^_^^^^^H^H |^9pF "TUj l blbs^." 4bs^bsssssLJ_. «*^BB^"^ 2%t* ?y-^ B^t^k BY BBBv^^^^^^^^^^Bß^T V t V jY* >^>v l^^^^^^^l B^^ BBBT IBBF B^H 1 Iml |M "^R \\y H^^^^^B V/jfl bbbW BBBWiTiTMri'^^HK flpj 887 BBB^^^^B^BH BBB*^ £^BBBJ BL aBJ *****8 A 1 I i I i I fll
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 37 6 ituff.% Hunntf Ufi Italph Ut'imtiahl \*<- i VttT 1 HEY, SYLVESTER, HAVE Ya\ N A IIRAMIKJTDA^ ...BU^AS USUAL, MY AGILE BRAIN lt ll z7Jrli&\ FiMSWEP ELVE(?S "KEEP FOMENT; I J BIT OP A SPACE 1 SOLVED JTi J
      37 words

  • 67 7 TREE FALLS ON FOUR CARS i <■ I PORE, Wed. Mrnnt uinds swept throuch >incapore laj and knocked flown a tree at Henderson lit. The tree fell on four car- in the car park of the Housing Board estate. But three cars escaped damage under the leaves and branches. A
    67 words
  • 29 7 intpr- un--ign allowIng loiiid who Ipr.or^ri ilil« r;;le. enforced All (tCM »re helr.c taken down. and sltmd D be put up I
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  • 152 7 C \rr>KK Wrrl More I than SOO ririreatr* from nvpr 4S countriPs will take part In the third world drpdging ennferpnep Wodcon '7(1 In Singapore from July fi to in. Some 3.i trchnlral papers will br presented. The venue is thr Singapore Conl' re an exhibition of
    152 words
  • 193 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed Till. Elections Commission has said it can no longer guarantee thai ballot boxes and ballot papers used in last \<';u'x ejections in Sabah and Sarawak arc slili intact. it wms therefore decided to lr^;it all rotes cast in
    193 words
  • 237 7 SINGAPORE. Wed Bl -IM ssM One Sam Bach ioi«i i i "iirt !><ij thai hr ,iv r'-pi>rtin£ an rxlmlinn hid tn the pnlur «hrn hr heard that a man had bfen killed at hi>. far- tnrv. ii. i.rt the <iitr.ii pallea xl.Umii) and
    237 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 177 7 I w t* Qsr\ I •INTRICATELY DESIGNED I rl^?y§ells •MAJESTIC AND SOPHISTICATED E^X^sfir IDEAL FOR MODERN HOMES. j RESTAURANTS, NITE-CLUBS. N0177 HOTELS. BARS, ETC. f NOUS N *&r#mm* .^KF)!*?^ no.i<2B N0142A I^^SaMS. »»,dO'fica» Factory Office Factory: Jurong. ~f~2~T_ k^^-^r- -"^KST^ (Hongkong- Kowtoon) Spore 22. Tel: *****6-7 T""^~-' m *V-1 4^K£O
      177 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 153 7 ifit'/i irtirpj It if 4lt r 4m*niltl fOW, NICE? BCAUTIPUI-'N I [THESE BITSOFMANOMAOEI f Bkl/"! AUn rvivcuc'i dpoik I mandckafted cuff I perfecttoi cost y^^^cnuLHuu. OMrtBC UAirtiu" UH«! -9UPERB? J YOU Si. SCO A PAIR. WANT \bn<>r tiff 1/ M l f OUP. CHILE IS PPvO- I^NAMELW TM' LOVE PO'CLEAN^)
      153 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 532 8 There is reason why the Chinese Prime Minister, Mr. Chou En-lai's recently concluded three-day visit to North Korea did not get as wide a coverage in the world press as it deserved. It came hard on the heels of the hijacking of the Japanese airliner to
      532 words
    • 316 8 vVhii' d that Lord i.i pherd's visit to Brunei <>t substantially advanced the constitutional talks with Britain, there is still room for compromise if only Brunei will reconcile itself to thi .-ion not to maintain pertnanont military pri senrc in South' after the end <>f m The
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    • 121 8 Malaysian Government's decision to levy a penal tax 'on the motor asi art of nt i>f the i industry. It is officially fore■ult of irs at ir and motor vehicle parts will biBHnuJ Malaysian factories. If this target is achieved, it will mean Malaysia will make a
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  • 442 8  - Le Duan may be new boss in Hanoi LAJOS LEDERER By LONDON HIGHLY placed sources in Eastern Europe say that Le Duan 62-year-old First Secretary of the communistparty in North Vietnam has been nominated as Ho Chi Minh's successor after prolonged power struggle in Hanoi. His nomination is expected to
    OFNS  -  442 words
  • 1053 8  -  WILLIAM CAMPBELL Singapore studies development of airports BY SINGAPORE But from Changi or Pay a LebarV A BIG question mark hangs over the future of Paya Lebar, Singapore's main international airport. State and City Planning has caLled for an early Government decision in principle to
    1,053 words
    • 154 8 'I'HE Redhill Estate has improved tremendously. Gone are the days of the slums. The land, formerly an old Chinese cemetery, has been levelled to give way to the development of housing ites, which are increasing rapidly. As a resident of dlntrict 3, I
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    • 164 8 STEPS TO DEAL WITH POLLUTION 1 REFER to the letter by Mr. Walter Foo on the need for an antiuollution campaign <S.T. Feb. 28). We are aware of the dangers that can be posed by water and air pollution and Dositlve sterjs to deal with them have been initiated. A
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    • 50 8 I REFER to the letter from LC. of Singapore 9 IST March 26i. The S i n K a pore Telephone Board wishes to state that the overseas call service is operated by the Telecommunications Department. Robinson Road. Singapore. 1. A.Y.K. LORE General Manarer Singapore Telephone Board. SlnwMW*
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    • 185 8 OFFICIAL BOOKS NOW ON SALE I REFER to a complaint by 'Engineer' (ST. Marrh 28 1 regarding difficulties In obtaining Malaysian Government publication. The Factories and Machinery Regulations to the Machinery Act 64/87 were not available for some time as these were only gazetted in 1970. There are right sets
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 71 8 i I r -WOMMMMMMMMaM I 1 m) IUL Th Renowned j<eel liou) mjw mim M Style* Cat to th* LotMt Foih.on. Hm»4 TUiMi. tnt Workmonihip Also Importer* Exporter* ot High Clois Woritsdi I Woollen* Suit Length* ot World RenowMd Braid* FIRTEX OORMEIIL HUNT WINTERBOTHIM WAIN SHIEL BLOREX. Make Ideal Gift*
      71 words
    • 160 8 1 BAN* IMBMaI LIMITED COPY SERVICE WH^g YOU WATT SINGAPORE Multi -Storey Car Park 5963 Cecil Street **7aOSS KUALAIUMPUR PtNANG MALACCA •W** BvgmOCIC Bwguat A* Ufe 135 Jalan luanku Abdul 2nd Ftoor, *)-D jttm\ I jum RahmarvKiiatalumpj* 36, Beach Sto* Malacca TH' 5655 Tel. ***** 3 f^nang. TW: 2645b !55tJ
      160 words

    • 442 9 Jury frees Ted of blame in Mary Jo's death EDGARTOWN (Mass). Wednesday A (tRAND Jury yesterday finally removed the throat of criminal prosecution against Senator Edward Kennedy for responsibility in the death of Man.' Jo Kopechnr. I The lengthy, tortuotn •gal proceedings that began fu»r the body Of Mis* iopechne.
      Reuter  -  442 words
    • 207 9 SVETLANA WEDS ARCHITECT IN SECRET CEREMONY PHOENIX (Arizona), Wed. Svetlana Alliluyeva, youn&est daughter of Soviet dictator Josef Stalin, and architect Wiliiam Wesley Peters were married yesterday In a secret ceremony. The weddine. attended only hv a few friends and associates was conducted at Tahesin West, the residence of Mrs Frank
      207 words
    • 221 9 RANCHER'S SON ESCORTS ANNE TO THE BALL MELBOURNE, Wed. Princess Anne danced In a rock group last nicht, partnered by the handsome son of a Victorian rancher with whom she has been linked romantically by Australian newspapers. Prince Charles and Princess Anne escorted by 21--year-old Stewart McGrecor went to the
      UPI  -  221 words
    • 253 9 Springfield (Masvi Wednesday. A FORMER Army helicopter pilot has charged that an Army major kilirri S3 unarmed mm. women and children as they ran acroM an npon field in a 1967 incident in thr Central Highlands nf South Vietnam. The pilot, former WO David
      253 words
    • 101 9 MEASLES MAY GROUND APOLLO-13 (Un KBNNBDT, W*4 Saturdav'v \pol ln-13 launch was put in ienpardv early today when further mediral ttsts revealed that one of the astronauts n\.\\ come down with (■•• llKMsles. Space Aeein v dintoi^ said tests on astronaut Thomas Mattinclv showed nn anti-bodies in his blood strer.m.
      Reuter  -  101 words
    • 55 9 BOMBAY Wad Roirsn Ththohc rhurrh authnritio, i»eamnmi on thr Hinriu->t\-p nmi lii on Saturday "f a Sp.H.i-h .leMin p; ipsi in BnK.'n. VUw ml V<\ in ni.H--ikil Ami' P rrj II at th> vlln Anrthri m iU Hr iihi! n qiMatad hut no< received ftermimitm finm
      55 words
    • 238 9 Israel ready for talks says Golda IBRUBAI KM, Wed, Israel Primf Minister, Mrs. (iolda m. ir, mid here i;ust moiu that if President Nasser worr to suggest meeting ••\v would agree U> It Immediately, even it ii were secret." Ml s licit B|>OkC 111 ttM KPtleral debate in !hr Knruct
      238 words
    • 235 9 WASHINGTON. Wednesday PRESIDENT Nixon will an--1 nounce a decision this month on the next U.S. troop In Vietnam, the White Honso said today. ';i!pmpnt by Presiden- Ronald ZiP?lPr :nd 'hP bPli' f hpre 'hat lixoi s seei I >'hing Bouth-east A>ia till procrammp of regular
      Reuter  -  235 words
    • 231 9 Fleet St newsmen vote to boycott Springboks tour JONDON. Wed The J Mmeti branch 01 the 23.00u-membtr NatiooaJ Union of Journali.sts Uut nUthi decided by one vote to nipiiort a move to boytott ;ill rcDortine (>: the Sotitn African cricket lour line thia .summer. 'Un. declatoo vu titken <v ;i
      Reuter  -  231 words
    • 203 9 Healey warns Well use nuclear weapons I ondon. Wed. i- tain's n < Minister, Mr. Uenls Healey, warned night that We tern Europe would n t any Kussi.ti. coir tional attack with the early use of nuclear weapons. He said there waa no DOM nf delenciine EurOM asainal .m all-out
      Reuter  -  203 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements

    • 213 10 Allegations of torture made at Greek plot trial 4THENS. Wed. F 1 n a I defence pleas in the Greek plot trial yesterday brought allegations of torture and a bitter attack by an economics professor on the Government's conduct of national affair*. The prosecutor Is expected to sum up his
      Reuter  -  213 words
    • 39 10 K \\>d The Italian Prime Minister Mr Mariano Rimini pledged ■.fsierday that bit 1' .i!!on ({overn'i;:lri take strouc action on two lasOM new to he I»--lisn political seme; Envlrnnmei.ial pollution and drug abuse by young people.
      39 words
    • EUROPE
      • 541 10 Embassy officials keep tight guard on Dubcek ANKARA, Wednesday IjWBASSI offldalfl last nij;ht maintalned a tight guard on Alexander Daketk, lechostovakia Ambawadoi to Turkey. Hut Eastern diplomats denied reports tin- former insi p.irty secretary uuiiiii he raeaOad to Pr;i«ue aad tried for l'is part in the Communist Reform mo\ nnrnt.
        Reuter  -  541 words
    • ASIA
      • 345 10 Sihanouk backs movement for people's democracy DRINCE Norodom Sihanouk Mid today he Is ft ■fellow traveller" In a movement to turn I Cambodia Into a "pooplp\ rim, North'.v official iirw> igencj publish**! the full text ol i Cambodian peopU by ihe'.r dpi' BtaM MM H obtained •he •kI fi
        345 words
      • 43 10 U 'KM, vveu A nr* nrnke out aboard the 7 401-ton Greek c«ru<. ship Stylianoa Rrstif, in a dock here today klilini: one Npanew worker •nri Injuring thw ■saen mrludinit a (tre#k crewman. Uhm«*»]im« Harime Hatry Industrie* Mid. AP,
        AP  -  43 words
      • 79 10 North Viets snub Perot again VIENTIANK W.-d. Mr. H Ross Perot, the TMcM businessman. was analn rebuffed by communial re- presentatives hen- .i-.s'er-dav m his campaign to represent the itrmilitary prisoners in the Vietnam war. A« they did on Monday, officials st thS North Vlr>ti «iiif^ saabassi \\*xr rr:\.~«l i<>
        79 words
      • 159 10 CAMBODIA CALLS IN AIR SUPPORT AT BORDER IMINOM PKNH, Wed Camlmdian Government latcta tailed in air support during heavy dehtmt with Nietnamrsc rummunisi lories in the strategic "<>rd«T province ■if Sxct Kienc in the past Iho da y a, military «<>ur<rs sin! today. The source* said that thr village of
        Reuter  -  159 words
      • 308 10 Chou gets Kirn to join China in opposing US-Japan tie-up -TOKYO. Wool. Th« 1 Chinese Prime Minister, Mr. Chou En-Lai, returned to Peking yesterday after a three-day visit to North Korea aimed I at creating a united i front against the new I Japanese American partnership in Asia. Radio Peking
        308 words
      • Article, Illustration
        48 10 CAMBODIAN troops in armoured ivrs and trucks moving along Route One near Svay Rieng towards the \'it'trianicse border on Tuesday, about '20 miles from the Vietnam-Cambodia border. Cambodian airborne and infantry troops were rushed into the area to push back intruding Vietcong and North Vietnamese troops. AP photo.
        AP  -  48 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 234 10 Philips invented cassettes. r0 am OT ..^1 It takes a Philips Cassette Recorder to make them sound the way they should. Philips invented cassettes. They know more about them than anyone else in the world. Take the basic cassette. It started as an idea. Philips made it a reality The
      234 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 219 10 Straits Times Crossword Ai koss ft When naahsn i.<\ t>«rk in 1. OrmMun for miinler i«>. Lammermulr an' Ar%\\. !> Mousi»\ir Pecksniff? <S> 7 Killed vilh Miiwanntlonal «a--9 Brtanl«h riay for a Jf«t«h sManeS); bit still hungry >5i cSTe'Tn! -Kubl" Khan p^ 12 £f^S 'fEZZF a masmmnn on thu g£l
      219 words

      • 366 11 Out: A two-and-a-half ton secret about F-11l WASHINGTON, Wednesday A ONGRESSIONAL subcommittee wa.s told yesterday that General Dynamics Corporation kept secret for several months the fact its controversial F-11l fighter-bomber was heavily overweight and also rejected tests showing the aircraft had no major flight problems. Mr. K>:th Dental, a naval
        Reuter  -  366 words
      • 234 11 MANSFIELD PREDICTS TIE IN SENATE VOTE ON CARSWELL ISHINGTON, Wed. Senate Democratic leader Mike Mansfield s.ud list night volinc could tie on President Nixon s Supreme Court nomination of Judge II innlil C.irvwell. Out* otiii- of today's Senate voting was rlouded yesterdaj by late switches Been certain to drastii.illv
        234 words
      • 16 11 The -\v Jr., of 102 op dp■:r io prehad l>*n :8 UPI
        UPI  -  16 words
      • 60 11 WASmNGTON, Wed. A Federal judge ruled last night Ul« I'riiieiisional Air Con ra orsanln*tinn had in fact cal><l a itxike and he found the nrganUation guilt y of eh.l contempt. US District Judge C'Tg* ft howtver, ripi'ictintt on penalties un'ii next Saturday and he »p--oealPd meanwhile
        AP  -  60 words
    • Article, Illustration
      4 11 Th« F 111 fighter-bomber
      4 words
      • 139 11 MOVE TO BRING IN MERCY KILLINGS LAW FAILS I ONDON. Wed. An J attempt to brin^ In a new law allowing voluntary mercy killings in Britain failed in Parliament yesterday. -->n.sor. Labo r member Dr. HuKh Gray, suggested that 111. elderly p.i should be able to decide Whtther or not
        139 words
      • 121 11 CT HKUKR, J°rsev. Wed. Am the •r-old Rmier correspondent kept under house arrest in Peking for 26 months, has married six month.s after ni.s release. Mr Grrv mained London *ch-x>l teacher Shirley McGuinn. 32. in a quiet ceremuny :n s: Ovens parish church in
        Reuter  -  121 words
      • 32 11 I).i!i«lf1 Cngcßti. Archbishop at York, will Mil Awlrt.Ha fur tht 200 th anmversan cplebration nf Cuptmn Cnnln voyam of ituawwi, i in ehncti liiformution offi(p iaM loda) ap.
        32 words
    • 251 11 LONDON, Wed ANEW wave of trnsion in Northern Ireland brought a pledge from Prime Minister Harold Wilson yesterday that British troops will stay there as long as needed to maintain order. In recent days there have been fresh communal clashes
      251 words
    • 38 11 LONDON. Wed. The British Hovercraft Corimratton. rnonror drvrloper of the «lr- euahidn mtuefcn, mmounc d it mould cJom une of it* two BtaaufaeUirlaf BBUMI »n<l reducr tU forrp because of a lack of or-
      38 words
    • 212 11 Asahi develops facsimile 'double' printing device TOKYO. Wed. A.sahi Shimbun. a li acting Japanese newspaper i.emonstiated today a home facsimile newspaper receiver wjilch prints both sides of a sheet simultaneously. Mr. Keztchl Hasegawa. the newspaper's managlnK editor said it was the world's first home facsimile receiving equipment capable of simultaneous
      212 words
      • 221 11 TED GETS HOSPITAL BILL FOR HAVING A BABY piIOENIX. i Arizona. Wed. led KanmaroaU, si, eiUurtLi local lio>p.tal recently tor treatment of pnemnuula bui. according to his bill, suheiud cumpiUMtions. KazunarutfU said thai in addition to charge^ tur trektmaut of the chest aniui-ii. he also billed for the use
        221 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 329 11 Now we go home twice a week X** n( we>c ovc t0 ta cc ou w us c now y rom 9 Singapore every Tuesday and Saturday. Our flights to home arc the fastest ewer— just one stop at Bombay, and y^ then on to Rome and the rest of
      329 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 622 12 CAREER OPPORTUNITIES FOR PROFESSIONALS GSI is an advanced computer center tor the acquisition and interpretation of seismic data recorded in the search for oil in South East Asia. We are looking for mature personnel with initiative, to work in our computer center. Applicants must have an honours degree in science
      622 words
    • 466 12 CAREER OPPORTUNITIES IN GEOPHYSICAL SERVICE INTERNATIONAL GSI is engaged in the acquisition and digital computer interpretation of seismic data recorded in the search for oil in South East Asia. We invite applications for the following vacancies: 1. FILM TECHNICIAN Candidates should possess good School Certificate results, preferably with a credit
      466 words
    • 706 12 BIASISWA KERAJAAN WOOD PKKAK TAHI N l»70 Km siiv Diploma I'rilanuii HI MakUb Pertanian, Serdang. Permohonan ada-lah di-pelawa "lanpada Anak2 Melayu Perak dan Warganegara Malaysia bangsa Melayu uniok kurnlaan blaslswa Keisjaan Negen, Peiak bag! menglkuti Kursus Diploma Pertanian diMaktab Pertanian Malaya. Serdang untok Tahun Pengajian 1970/1971 2. Mereka2 yang berkenaan
      706 words
    • 640 12 BIASISWA KERAJAAN NK.IKI PERAK TAHUN 1970— KURSUS DIPLOMA DI-MAKTAB TEKMK, KUALA LUMPUR Lembagft Amanah Kumpulan Wans Penna.imn Tinggi I Anak2 Melavu. Peiak ada-lah i rr.empelßws) peimohon«n2 daripada Anak2 Melayu yang menjaril wargiinegara Pei.sekutuan untok kur--1 su.«2 Diploma rialam mata2 pelai Jaran sapertl berikjUt dl-bawah ml i di-Maklah Tekjilk. Kuala
      640 words
    • 527 12 TOPPAN PRINTING CO. (S) PTE. LTD. Application! hit MvtMd Bum suitably qualified persons n"' «rvn-« the H«r ill for Ihe MlJovung ponitions:A PERSONNEL HrHOK Pic(ernbly with academic or professional q Wide experience In industrial relations, personnel artm: iv I and naming required. H \< <M I npgiee or diploma in
      527 words
    • 300 12 MALAT.»N Rt BIUK MND BOARD I Rrbolarshlp* Io the CnUrgr of Agriculture, Srrdang. Applications for Malayan Rubber Funrr Board Scholarships tenable at ihe College of Agriculture, Serdanc. beeinnlne in ihs 1970 71 session are Invited from students who have been offered admission to the College. Appll- cants must be Malaysian
      300 words

  • 11 13 Mr the Sultan Abdul to T nf Sekni 11.
    11 words
  • 90 13 NO WORD FROM THAIS ON BORDER HQ STRENGTH L'UALA LUMPUR. v Wed. Malaysia Js awaiting word from the Thai Government on the number of tfflcers to bo for the procommand Iquartera in South Liana. la on mcd S bin the <!■:•■! would streamniirned operations the border com>.i!d Maj-Gen. Sat y
    90 words
  • 426 13  - Barred six protest: We're not hippies DAVID GAN: Singapore, By Wednesday J^ GROUP of six Canadian, American and British travellers now stranded in Singapore today claimed that they had boon refused entry by the immigration authorities. They had arrived yesterday evening from Tanjong Pinang In the Rhio Islands, in a
    426 words
  • 133 13 First time lucky, but not second time CINCiAPOBK, Wed. A «uh i onlr.ii tor today told his Miirknwites hou lurkv he <in hine>r All ScuiK' D.iv. Hr »a> in Johnre. auay from his granite quarry worksite in M.uulji ahe i> several tons of rocks hurtled down the hill into the
    133 words
  • 7 13 TtM en aptlM Yung di-
    7 words
  • 56 13 Motor-cyclists killed SEREMBAN Wed M" Goh Tut Seong. 25. mas kil.ed st the 3«th milr Lobak' rhina-i mggi roaa wnen h* co I Udrd with a miluary tru.-k \rvterdav pvennu Annthrr ■tOtOrqrclM ChoPg Sens; t-pus 2fi oi Pftahng Jaya l r h«>spit;il her,' nfter hr rn.lifipd with .1 ian
    56 words
  • 18 13 JOHORE BAHHU. Wed i The SnuLh Johore Bu^ Company hw begun night mtmcw to POQIIAO. 1
    18 words
  • 498 13  - Eva Bartok (in S'pore) still will not name the father of her love-child SHEN SWEE YONG: i B Singapore. Wed. MOTHER and dauKhter strolled into the lobby of the Goodwood Park Hotel today unrecognised. "I prefer it this way." laid Eva Bartok. the Hollywood "old girl who years back kept
    498 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 59 13 3 An elegant and complete set 111 combining a coff** grinder, a liquidiser, a cheese grater 1 and a fruit squeezer. Useful sqL >\ L_J^B jMB IfrtnLuni' WET DRY SANDBLASTING srtciAusr painting and lining of stfilpipi. jmipj hulls, TANKS A PILIS. FLAMESPRAYIO ZINC COATINGS, CONCMTI OUNITINd CLYDE INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD.,
      59 words
    • 71 13 Who won the Saloon Car Race at the Selangor Grand Prix, BatuTiga? Albert Boon -■■^^S^^Jdrmng an Alfy Romeo GTA) His tyres? Goodyear ,yP*s y*>JOT /^jff^Bji' Goodyear's racing experience is built Into I*l Va wl l tWM±\^ the tyres l^ at you dnve on> t0 9 ive easier Kj^W^iiraf/aw'^^^m smoother cornering
      71 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 937 13 On your TV and Radio TV SINGAPURA TV MALAYSIA lIIWMI PRIMiK,*MMI. QKBI KinJa Lumpur. I'fnanj hannel 5: Ipi.h. Mil...* 6; Johore lUhru J; Tal^n. I; Halu 300 I>nv o f M nin t antl G r 3 2(J Anolh p^hat wiv« tTi r 11l 1111 l TlllThflf imiltlW 9
      937 words

    • 516 14 Designer is all set to show the long, slim look as the wheel of fashion turns The elongated line \yllll.l'. most women are playing the "wail and see" same as fashion |Min<liis in l\iris. Rome, IxMidou and New Vorfc are trying their best to popularise the long look, a Singapore
      516 words
    • 436 14 Different hair textures need expert cut and styling I^VERY head of hair curly, straight, line. J kinky has Its own problems. But .solving these problems bring reality to that old crowning glory' cliche. The secret is in knowing your own hair, and doing what s best for it. Here s
      436 words
    • 102 14 ijiii iiiks should not try to chip sick marriages, says a woman college professor. Dr. Kleanore B. l.uikey, MIMM »t the I'niversity of (nnectirut and head of the department of child development and family reaction*, told n croup of doctors in New York recently that mar- riage
      102 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 293 14 AdvertlMment Skin Radiance and Sparkle Glvp your skln the love- dewiest bloom and v lightly pattinß your face and neck with a p;id soaked In hpautifylng lemon skln 'Mier. Nothing Is more successful In stimulating the circulation and ling a fresh healthy lit to the skln. The cleansing, toning properties
      293 words
    • 659 14 Advertisement H. I havr always had a In thp mpantimp. there pretty reasonable com- I* no use to sit and brood plexion. but lately I find over them. There s a lif» that my face feels very to be lived and fun tn b« tirht. wrinkles form easily had and
      659 words

  • 121 15 Draw up code of ethics for teachers: Panel LLAI.A LUMPUR. VVfd. A code of ethics for teachers l ed here panel of tnposlum .status of r..»de by Mr. am, a law;>jrTPd by <j r the i. Llm, al- J. P. Doii Hie mad bin president Teachers. using th« Malaysia on
    Bernama  -  121 words
  • 36 15 KL delegate to open London conference •OS Wed. M"re delegate! from 11 co\i 'ip vestprn and .Japan and Mala .■■-day con- Rubber In tranng" which •> ImBclenca here. on of pre- be :he Kirn Chu.g. nner :or
    36 words
  • 14 15 wed A i cycle 1 M reim In Prangm Road here yetterday.
    14 words
  • 306 15 S'pore likely to switch to metric system SINGAPORE, Wednesday. JIIK days are near when Singapore beauty ens will have vital statistics like -90. But they will not be inches. When Singapore goes "metric," as experts say it must, feminine figures will be measured in centimetres, food in kilos and beer
    306 words
  • 182 15 Two jailed for entering Singapore illegally CINGAPORE. Wed. An illegal immigrant from Indonesia was Jailed for four morths and another from West Malaysia for two weeks today. In f third ca>e a woman who stayed on after her viidi pass expired was fined a month's Jail. AH bin Ahmad. 17.
    182 words
  • 71 15 Sixteen for work study seminar SINGAPORE Wed 8.1--t«en dPlegattA trom Com»-on-wfnlth countrif* including M»--vUI attend a fcominar on le Background. Probl*ma »nd nai Devrlrpment of Study and Rtlated Technique*' t<< be hfld htrt frooi 8 The w.ninar i«. organiMd b~ the Institute "f Work Btud> l^actmonpr* in Britain. I tpnrt
    71 words
  • 23 15 PENANG Woe. Rp| Crc\^ will It. ld it* flag da\.s The orgai;: 'nday ■'I more funds before b
    23 words
  • 7 15 \\<<] U sm picciwi I nionn
    7 words
  • 19 15 HoustwUt bo arimi'tfd M »ithI :ft hfr house on r <-l 'ii Or 1 ;n>-d $30 hrr»
    19 words
  • 185 15 L MPUR. Wel. tell to it* lowest level ;n four jreun when it producttoi accirdniK to the lateil D»--i partment of Milieu The closure of 16 mines In the country was hi Id to be responsible for the sharp decline. According to Hie 'hey
    185 words
  • 181 15  - Private secretary Linda turns down film role as 007 girl OW WEI MEI: By Singapore, Wednesday MISS I.INDA oil a priv.ite secretary from Hunt Kong, will quite coolly turn down a hie IBM part in a turning Shaw >p> -thriller. Somrthint t<> make other nine-to-five offite girls gasp "ilh disbelief,
    181 words
  • 117 15 20 CREW OF STRICKEN FREIGHTER RESCUED lIONG KONG. Wed.— 11 The 20-man crew of a Panama nian freighter were picked up safely yesterday after the ships master had radioed that it, wa.s in difficulties about 175 miles south of here. The freighter, the 917--ton Borneo Baru. was reported lo be
    Reuter  -  117 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 73 15 ANY TAXI COMPANY THAT WILL PICK YOU UP is in the Yellow Pages Of THETELEPHt'».t DIRHIOHY Eczema Itch Killed In 7 Minutes ■Ma has nearly SO million where sfrmi >lbl« Itchlnf, l>.linir, Burn-■,-worin. J-rorlaili. I'implei, Foot Itch and Ordinary lr»attl i»ry r»ll«f b«do kill :h« «<-ira i r 1
      73 words
    • 701 15 CORRIGENDUM In the full page advertisement which appeared on Page 4 in the Straits Times of 7 April. 1970 the positions of Datsun Cars were given incorrectly. This resulted from incorrect data given the booklet issued in conjunction with the Selangor Grand Prix from which we extracted m formation on
      701 words

  • 14 16 MR AND MRS l.ailmfi PAMIIVoF THE LATE Mr. <• nd ftienda THE FAMILY OF
    14 words
  • 19 16 57.11.7S 17.ii.7J It,. liner »l I oill«e .apma enn f"t ar.M.lulelv no "and relaxing. il ma*- .1 Salon
    19 words
  • 18 16 OATIN RAJASOORIA P J.K IHr.l s 4 „n is a blank beyond an all lien.
    18 words
    10 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 173 16 M(NTS ANNIVERSaIIIES. INNOUNCEMCNTS lIBTHS ClUt ICTIVIIIES. CONOOIENCES DEATHS INCaCEHIsIs '.S GUfETINC 1 it MEMOKUM Mia«|»cES MISSINC PE«SON«I PPC IiOUISMS t KEUNIONS «ll« Mm, mum t2t Or .1 BBraa, rict lllilillil milt SI N All Other Clan, (if d t»f rtitpraf nn Migipujn $7 St.tir IS vttr.i. tick ilittiißil wns SO
      173 words
    • 553 16 s aj I pal lull a raHiulreit A0PI» reotitred. to Ove Aruo and >. .vMI-C. C lemenceau Avenue, s-nganore. Q. WANTED SALESMEN irs to i.i., mote ttaiilding Send hill detallß tv I t,l SOS. Al-xanrtu GENTLEMAN OR LADY TEACMEfVS urgentb »>nir,i to, Arta. Math-- I i s,, onrtaiN. ti leading
      553 words
    • 753 16 .HAMPION MOIORS s,,,,jaoora> li« nose with s V.I. 01 1.V.1 tram. i.i „...1 appiv 11. serv Manager v\ I eng K- SHIPPING CLERK. Kuala l.umpur mi ,ir- .1 iiplicatiuiis from vnv .o*-t ini' r-.t snipping ami <>en.-tai il.tks lo till one va<nncy immeKrplv with full 11. Mils Di on .mn
      753 words
    • 905 16 PLACE YOUR ADS. Ctv^^ THROUGH OUR C.A.T.S. l«^»i PHONE STORE *****1 {CJiXSj wvww^^. tee*** SI 400 lurnisn-,1 dolilhill SI.4UU liirntshe.!. srrni-.telactieil district 10 li...vhi-il Itiinnal.ivv district 9. David Sun- \ state Agenls Tr-I: IS'piirel 74^JS *****/770'0l COQ OOR INN kl Hrooße ttoa.i K.vinnq fmlal insirm 15. Hororlt ait. n. sphere.
      905 words
    • 846 16 Education Il4i.ikke«-umg. Atiountinsl. Chinese Language Nctiool. 17-4. D> It. .a. t !> ix. i- I OIPLOMAk v-. .1..11, -mini ii I Hallerv K.ih.i >|...i. ii. inaiMDUt ih-i m Hum TV RADIO SERVICING COURSE 111. i, n,. 1l tiainlng metliii.l lll. in *-'t"fi.ts ra.lios li. II appl.iali.n.s (I I I inpp
      846 words
    • 939 16 Business opportunities LOCAL LIGHT INDUSTRIALIST •»<■ < ..1..,,, 1 in mail „nr«,it'l baton 1.4 ii Pimm K'atora itttl i 'P. .im. ni INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATION I opening .n...- in Singapore Mildxia lutorg invite enciult irs tor Up I', ..riis i. rj n.i K this M< ,'> >. I v p,
      939 words
    • 812 16 ATLANTIC AQUARIUM glvea <S% als,, ■ITCH lire ever» omcliaaa S' poprl GARRARD ATSO TURMTABLS rumnl.i. $'l fair If I oral .^stage ■..-is tl Imperial I lei SI .> ll lei ,1961 IAROE PACKING CASt rarpaoer linen ,n n.ioil i.n.iilion. hire 21 6 t>? V B" by 4- 7". View at
      812 words
    • 536 16 HIGH CLASS -'.vlie apar' nallf vh \o.,< .n-.-.,ts N,,. and oatel 1.1. s-rxir. sLOANE COUHI HOTEL 17 Hal. nil. ml Rottd, ..ft ■■•■n i<- I i i longhatn att i.d I m-st i I. i p*varrte Where to stay (M'sta) SHAH S MOTEL iumri.,ii» bedroom* Hill, n: „11..1 Kritk M-'aU'"
      536 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1019 17 TO LIVtBPUOI AND QThfR y> CONTINtNTAL PORTS. CALCHAS Rni ATRtUS P| An '.i Api 11 pnoMtmus v t(I ia AUTOIYCUS «p, IS ;.p, I) ARI II II HfCTO» I) I Api 11 ?2 Apr 21 MYRMIDON At, 21 Api 22 Api 2} I Ma, 2 'CRSfUS A|. 22 Api 2S
      1,019 words
    • 1222 17 gsJ Scanserviceiy A&AEJLANCA DIRECT TO HAMBURG IN 33 DAYS LOADING FOR CEYLON ARI Urn A|i 27 21 ARI lil 1 >< Uar» ■Irittmani Arp'.ienKin" ijidayi, SIENA May 2J 2t May 27 2t> May 21/ > '<iuerp ,jJj oiys) Oslo (41 dayb) 'oOCOIA lull '3 2k ium 27 21 ium?!;) r,o:
      1,222 words
    • 1311 17 EXPRESS SERVICE TO IQNDON. LIVERPOOL t CONTINENTAL PORTS Dturint for r M BENCLOE i Cln 31 THay BENMHOR r B n V'm Paam C'moi-ii Jum 11 Apt 17 20 Api 21 22 Api 21 24 P S>il» BENfDIN H»vll. A •••B R -.r M'bJ<| Apr 15 20 Apr 21 1
      1,311 words
    • 1273 17 fORTNICHTLY EXPRESS DIRECT FROP/ E COAST US A X DAYS FROM NEW YORH TRIFUSIS SlilU Ipr -7 ipr 5 <m' I 500 AN Si. lei Apr II Apr 20 Api 22 IMC 24 ULYSSES Sailei Miy 7 May v w»NRALAY Ipr 12 Ma/ II May 20 Miy 22 JHy
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 1128 18 Vr— ''"'""KAWASAKI KISKN KAISMA LTD. Western Australia Singapore/ Japan Service Rne,i.»! Mara" 21 Apr 4 Ma, II Mai I? Mat Mat S.tden M"""' iS Hluae 14 lane MMM I East Coast U.S.A. Straits Sarvle* •Kntluwa Man" 1I laa It lar I) Jaa 30 lan 4 rel b M JO M,,
      1,128 words
    • 851 18 tUiiTRAH'.IAN StRVICt. IB Nl. InliU a t'bv't luliof tar: CMAKLA II 71 Apr Ii 31 Apr 1/4 Mat «uc> ■:,ti 6.1*. Uurp. Imam 1.11.. irVoll irtm austiaha Nr» (tium "Maul lta«m« tti CARPFNTAPIA Sailed Sailed la Pen utta TAIREA May II 11 May 12 May j ■•tjjtnf Lh-'ia taicutl*. CHILKA
      851 words
    • 883 18 W NEPTUNE ORIENI IINES ITD. U.K.— EUROPE SERVICI LCADING FOR LONDON. H BURG, R DAM HAVRE. A'WERP. BREM SiMaPvie P S" f «n. I*BMM Arr,>ti NLFTJNI AOUAMARINt ?S Api/3 Mat 4/ I Ma, 1/ I Mat L"BtK ,Ui HOu't (7£ R'o.m [10 61. Havre (1 >/(>). A mem '15 6i
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    • 557 19 BID AND OFFER PRICES OFFICIALLY LISTED AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS IN THE SINGAPORE AND KUALA LUMPUR TRADING BRACKETS YESTERDAY WERE INDUSTRIAL* B. S. i i iimm. him s; induatmn unproved while the rasi stead j MO> I A< MNf SUM K> Haw Par i3lB.oi'D Federal t able*
      557 words
    • 743 19 I>l SIM l\ A\|) mo| I I Ii TO 111 l SINGAPORE \M> Xl »l II MPI R IK \l»l\(. Km MS ill I 111 Nin, K I IMM, I STEBDAj 111 l li ■MU M MBI K 111 n I B U>l I) slums IN HKM h.
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    • 133 19 IHK RANK Orga: tion Group announce a profit before taxation for the 28 weeks ended Jan. 10, of £14,569,000 compared with (£11.679.000) for 28 weeks ended Jan. 11, 1069, and £23.603.000 for 52 weeks ended June 28. 1969. Tax takes £6.947.000 compared with 000 and f;
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      • 227 19 CHINA lias reduced her rommrrcf I h Communist countries and now does nor trading mostly with developed capitalist countries, thr Economic Commission for and thr Far r (Erafo) said in a survey released yesterday. Agpncy reports from the United Nations, quoting the survey, added
        227 words
      • 100 19 TIN: The fourth International tin agreement will bp flraftrri at, a conference nf the worlds maior pr^riiirpr and consumer countries' to be held in Geneva from this Monday. ThP now acreement will r<*placp thp existing one. drawn up in 1965 and dup to pxpire In June IIPXt tt from the
        100 words
      • 57 19 TVRKS: The Firestone Tire and Rubber Company has developed a iipw manufacturing nrocpss that may soon allow tyrr* f n anp°ar ni pvory colour of the rainbow, reports frnm Philadelphia Whllp mass production "f the tyres in psyehede lie patterns Is still several yars off. th» company expects 'o havp
        57 words
    • 36 19 Straits Times INDICES Apr. 7 Apr. S Industrials: 144.12 144.7S 1 Hotels: M Ml 73.73 ProprrUr*: IMJt IMJI Tin*. 911.111 90.42,. 115.23 115.34 i>it .in, moo urn. i»^r. .ti. i<»6« ina. IN, 29, 1982 1110.
      36 words
    • 276 19 Sentiment a little better in market '|'K\IHN<. on thr Stork 1 rvchanje of .Malaysia and Sinxaporr yesterday consolidated the previous .1 i v upward trend. Most of thr tains were confined to the industrial section, particularly in thr lover priced counters Ihr \olumr of tradinc houevrr, rrmainrd small and. to
      276 words
    • 83 19 'T'HF Malay-un Minister of 1 Finance hai fixed the* rate* for ralmlatinc customs dtitle* for the period from Xpi I to Apr. 15. KuhiM-r SI 1 rrnti a In. (opra $56" a ton r.lm Oil $69K a ton Palm Kernel* Mn.VM a ton I he rate* of dutie>
      83 words
    • 415 19 I.ONDON. Wed The market *M dull in the absence nf buvinE. Rnd persistent f>mall selling. nl- I t'" an attempt at a rally wax' m late dealings Ihe loithcnmniK Budget and fit eater London council elections ("i. tinned to dominate sentiment. while the overnight extension of i 'the
      415 words
    • 779 19 IF Investors feel that there ls no life left ln plantation shares then they should take a look at the latest results from Kempas (Malaya). The second largest plantation company, after Dunlop. It has made a creditable showing in its last financial year and its
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    • 418 19 SANYO Industries Malaysia ln its prospectus last August said it hoped to produre $7 million worth of goods in 1969. If it met this target there must be an enormous stockpile in the company's warehouse for Him totalled only $2.8 million during 1969 and
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    • 65 19 rpHE AmortaMon at Ranks In A Malaysia Singapore made theae changes ln its rates to i merchant* yesterday (the following rates are quoted to the equl- valent of 100 units of foreign currency p Selling TT or Olt read.T: Unit M-tar Mark* $84.7150: Hnlland Guilders k85U9()O; Swim Franr*
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    • 333 19 MELBOURNE. Wed. ILf rNINO shares took further big losses on the Melbourne Stork Exchange today as they followed Poseidon down. Poseidon fell to it« lowest level Mnre it first hit $100 on December 17. On the opening of trading Poseidon lell wctim to a wave, ■>: selling and
      333 words
    • 72 19 DOW JONES: 785 57 (week •go), 791.18 (Monday), 791.64 (Tuesday). LONDON DOLLAR PRRMH'M: J7'i to 17. j per cent (Tuesday). 27 >% to 27 per cent Monday i FINANCIAL TIMER: Tim: 63 40 (week ago i. 64.05 i Monday 64.22 (Tuesday; Knbberi: 139.24 i week ago), 142 60
      72 words
    • 35 19 ON ih» fraa mMnn markat in Hon( Kong U.S. «allar »v tio-m M <H»7S for T.T. anil 0?«7"i fnr •••H ttarltof w«* n<x**A «t it.M and m nn x im it ai.36.
      35 words
      • 24 19 April 8. RIRBrR: 58. cents (down a quarter of a cent TIN: jiKH7.2S (up 12* cent?.). Estimated «>n>rini 305 tons (up ."> tons).
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      • 203 19 -JiHKRE was a further rim of 121 cents in 'h» Straits tin pric y«»st*»rrlav to $697. 12J on an oip estimated up 5 Urns tp 305 Mam support mv ed trim the U.S.A coupled With some Japanese buvmg. I.ONOOV: Tin on IniKrlay opened hialirr reflactl
        203 words
      • 285 19 Rubber price eases rE technical altuatlon in the April posit, weighed heavily on the Rubber Market ye.terd<v during the morning as some circulating tenders became distressed. One cent was removed frmn nearby levels although the further wards were progressively less affected. :ie situation became resolved toward morning close, the market
        285 words
      • 101 19 rnUNSM PradiM-e rxrhant**, Singapore, norm rlnatnc Brarws per picul iMtfriiir. < oronnt oil: bulk $J» sWanrs, drum $«1 V Copra: Mixed (fob.) looa* UmJ Apr Uk Cont. $3(1 B. Pepper: Muntok white $140 i»Uers. Sarawak white 8137H aeltora, special Sarawak blark $105 aeUorm, garbled Lampong black $IT2>4 sellers
        101 words
      • 29 19 In T^ndnn on Tuwfer ir*» ntm of Malayan I par nttt few .tun. c If rr K »m ,-mml *tl3 r*r t™ MHan My w 23 Miter*.
        29 words

    • 368 20  - Give chance to horses with long losing runs... EPSOM JEEP says ]yf ANY years ago, the turf club used to run the Corn and Hay Stakes a sort of consolation race for horses which had not won over a certain period. It might be a good idea for present-day rlub
      368 words
    • 106 20 MOSCOW PRESENT CASE FOR 76 GAMES Mtmomm, w^d a powerful tram „f So\ irt lin\pinmrnl ministers and hemrt» nl orKanisatmns yr»Irrdar presented Mowii'i <■••>' at Ihe \enue for the 1976 Ohmpir Games. They laNHai that Mmroi already hax thp facilities, in rludinr the ll>l.ooQ-*eat l.enin Stadium and the I'alare of
      106 words
      • 362 20 \V H I L E the Bh| Orand Prix muid be callea a success fiom the racing (xint of weu. I think I write tor the majority of the p,i\ \hn went Ui Upper Ibowoa Road with p\l>ei tattOM tt a tmil.uig weekend
        362 words
    • 113 20 VJIX teams »;,i take part in ;he first interstate women 'a hockey championship at the NS CUB padang in Seremban from today to Sunday. They are Sabah. Penang. Perak. Sel?ngor. Malacca and Negri R- mbilati. Fixture..' Tod»v 715 am- Se- langor v Negri: Perak v Penang.
      113 words
    • 285 20 Japan win Asian title VAGOYA, Wrd. Japan beat South Korea 5-0 to win th» Asian men's table tennis championship for the sixth successive year here today. The Koreans, however, beat Japan 3-2 for the women's title their third victory In the current championships. South Korea beat Indonr.sia 3-2 for tne
      285 words
    • 824 20 A TOTAL of 33R horses have i\ been entered for the Kuala Lumpur races on April 18 11 25 and 26. They comprise PI In Class 3. 75 In Class 4 and 72 In Class 6. There will be seven races on the first and third days
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 727 20 MAKTAB TKKMK KIALA LUMPCB Xl KM I lIU'I OBU HM.I TAHI N IKMIAH 1970 IS7I Permohonan ada-lah dl-pelaw» i ia.<«k ka-MakUb Teknlk monc :lci,ii kur*us2 Diploma yan« r«gl tahun akademlk ***** c akan bermula darl 6hb Julat. l»70 D Keturntaraan A van Hi Kejiinaaii Jcnten lll> Kejuruteraati I«trtk iKuaaai »r>
      727 words
    • 321 20 MAKTAtt TKKNIK Xl AI A LLMPI R KI KS( S PKRMILAAS BAGI TAIII N IL.MIAH 1970 1971 ivimuliutian ada-lah dl-pelawa km Kuraut I'ermulaan dl-MaKlab Teknlk selr.nia nui tahun bagl tahun llmiah 1970/ 1971 yang ukan bermula daripada •hb. juial. I»7U. .ul*ao ada-lah ba«rt peni.iiti.ij yatiK Iklak inemiMnyal kelayakan yatig chukup
      321 words
    • 745 20 intHM.v KEMAJUAN TANAH PFRSFKI'TIAN KENYATAAN TAWARAN BK. NO. 21 70 TKNDKR KOR TRANSPORTING OF PALLETISED kikkik AND KIKKIK LATEX ETC. Separate tenders are In- 1 vited from established Road Haulage Contractors for the i I following works: ia> Transporting of Palletised Rubber from FLDA's SMR Rubber 1 Processing Factory. Bllut
      745 words
    • 689 20 PTMRI KITMII TAWARAN J.K.R. JOHOR Tawaran daripada Pembor>>ne2 yang berdaftar diJ.K.R. dl-dalam Kelas 'D" i Kepaia: I Pechahan Kepaia: Hi akan di-tmma di-Pejabat Jurutera Negerl. Jabatan Kerja Raya. Johor hingga jam 2.15 petang pada: 15hb. April 1970 untok PEMBENAAN JAMBATAN KONKERET B E RTU-| LANG LALU ATAS DIANTARA JALAN KEBUN
      689 words
    • 676 20 PFMBKRITAHr TAWARAN JKR JOHOR Tawaran daripada Pemborong2 yaim berdaftar dlJ.K.R. dl-dalam K^las D' dan ka-atas 'Kpl: ll* akan di- i terlma di-Pejabat Jurutera Negeri. JKR. Johor. Johor Bahru. "lingga jam 2.30 petang pada 25hb. April 1970. untok MEMBENA PEJABAT POS SERTA RUMAH KEDIAMAN DI-PARIT RAJA. BATU PAHAT. JOHOR. S»'cala butir2
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    • 594 21  -  PETERS PHILIP By INTERNATIONAL Cheah I K:n, Teck ypstprdav ran thp fastest 4nnm by a KChoolt K"n when he dock*"! a record 52 XC P.-itrirk's School «lap. ChPah a mpmbPr of ihP gold medal winnlnc Singapore 4 x 400 m tpam at 'he Soap Gamps, also
      594 words
    • 498 21  -  JOE DORAi By Malaysia Singapore Air!in» "A" 3, Jurong Shipyard 2; Malaysia Singapore Airlines "B" 2, Borneo Group 1; Olivetti 1, Metal Box 0; Amintasco 2, Fraser and Neave 0. rbiOAiNLibZ, only stt l nut a hundie oi energy, yesierday played a hero's game to take Malaysia-Singapore
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    • 115 21 /va. vimii,yx s tricky pitch- ir.R enabled Rnngonn Rnart Secondary School t/> beat Rafflet Girls Secondary School 7-1 for the uinlor girU league title .n the Schools National Softball Championship at the padang j»»sterday. Vlmihn'- spins macle it dirflctill for the Rallies batter- la sonre and they were
      115 words
    • 441 21  -  GODFREY ROBERT By SVM] Matmoon Bakar had h*r srhnnl records RaJaJetchml ndary U at I'hletlr the school ground v i. ml hot t prpd ird of ida for th*> 400 itirt- Bhp :art to fli :inri her final yard K idpvi. ■■innnew
      441 words
    • 204 21  - Hard night for Thong Keng KHO MAN POH By I I?OR 30 minutes last night F Air Transport Workers SATWU > stuck like a leech on former champions Thon? Kenp. and their spirited fight attracted a big crowd it the People's Association. Bui in the last quarter Thong Kenu 'brains".
      204 words
    • 406 21  -  TONY FRANCIS By l/'UALA LUMPUR schools last night swept both the Malaysian Schools Under-20 badminton titles when St. John's Institution won the King's Cup for boys and Convent. Sentul won the Queen'i Cup for girls at Kuala Trengganu St. John's beat Sultan Abdul Hamid College
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 254 21 What's inThe Game? Man and his Sport, that is what The Game is all about. The sports, the events, the winners and the losers, the records, the failures the Challenge. Famous teams, famous mm* 3,528 fact-packed pages incidents, the triumphs and |r\O UIIDD i™ n^n _i c failures of famous
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  • Page 21 Miscellaneous
    • 78 21 MMIIIKS BJ "iiiiir FAR Ur Dtv s iii- SHC pwn 'P«fl»"s'. Chln».«f Alh Alr\xnrtm. Race Courw '"*j: "k 2< Vigilante. Kg Kipnr v Rh,»h Xl <x »Wl* psa i Manta?] utd all at FarWrmen Rrhools v Changl lfr Pk Rail k Cun BOD Point. Polk* v Plywood Co; Civilian- v
      78 words

  • 81 22 P KUALA LUMPUR. Wed Young Malaysian dot repay their debt U veferably In thr It Ihi day by Dr I on at the meCical i-minar for 200 pie- 1. at the University of Malaya. He s-ald 'Medical education 1« becoming mere costly. The young
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  • 17 22 VIENIIWh A. (I Minis'' Pliouma pro•nv negotia- fire thai halt M chi Minh
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  • 104 22 KEY TEST FOR WILSON TODAY LONDON. Wed. Local Government elections started in earnest yesterday In Encland and Wales with observers believing that a trong Labour showini! will convince Prime Minister Harold Wilson to call an early general election. Voters in 10 ol Dm 45 English and W>l!«h countited yes'erday The
    Reuter  -  104 words
  • 51 22 TOKYO. Wen So-, let Deputy Premier Vladimir Novikov today told Prime Minister Eisaku Sato that the Soviet Union noon will all :in of the Japanese flsheimer. now In Soviet custody Mr Nmlkov paid a brief call on the Japanese Premier v \li Sato's official rrsidence.
    UPI  -  51 words
  • 101 22 Ruling sought on Marcos' power to order arrests MANILA. Wed The Supreme Court has been asked to rule whether President Marcos had the power to order the arrest of iw< Chinese newspaper executives before the actual court proceedings Tht request was made by the dt fence counsel for the two
    Reuter  -  101 words
  • 18 22 I Weil Ahoii' l.Mmo ix>ri BOattSMB went hnik to work vfl*trrciay -liter p twnNf Rruter
    Reuter  -  18 words
  • 246 22 GUATEMALA CITY. Wednesday SEVERAL people were under interrogation here today after a massive crackdown by troops and police searching for the leftwing rebel killers of 'est German Ambassador Karl von Spreti. •They arc being questioned now but this Is all we can say
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  • 28 22 KARACHI Wed Pi nice Bernhard nt Hie Net hii land t arrived heie today from Dacca for an overnight stop on his »ay to Baghdad Reuter
    Reuter  -  28 words
  • 375 22 15 killed as fivestorey flats collapse SEOUL. Wednesday THE death 101 l rose lo 15 as rescue workers round ri^lil more bodies Hiis afternoon in the debris of a five storey apartment build inn collapsed here early l<><l;i\. About 12 hours- after ».he mishap, rescuers had dug out 37
    Reuter  -  375 words
  • 58 22 3 London dailies up prices LONDON. Wed— Three of Britain's national daily newspapers announced toria> they would hike their prices \sithin a week. They are the Sun. Mirror and Daily LxDress. All three go up to Id Mr. Hugh udlipp. chairman of the Inter national Publishing Cor poration said the
    58 words
  • 154 22 Ice block kills six Everest guides KATMANDU. Wed. In the worst disaster ever to occur on Mount Everest. six Nepalese sherpa guide! belonging to the Japs skiing expedition wire bwied alive on Stmd.iy ■hell .1 huge bluck Ol ice fell on them. An official message received here today said two
    AP  -  154 words
  • 206 22 BRUNEI TOWN. Wed rE Anglo-Brunei talks to map out Brunei's future ended today on a note of mystery. The talks had been going on at the Ist ana here between the Sultan and the British Minister of State. Lord Shepherd, since the weekend.
    206 words
  • 250 22 800 HANOI TROOPS KILLED IN SIX DAYS OF ACTION SAMSON, Wed South Vietnamese Rangers and Special Knrre* have killed 800 North Vietnamese M>ldiers in six days of continuous action round Dak Scans Special Forces camp near the Cambodian border. D.ik Seine, five miles from the Laotian border. ha 1 been
    Reuter  -  250 words
  • 156 22 A.J. DAVID MMMM ~»,w~ I Swrabw H. 1.0 so,, 4 IS-0 < DTttat lomrt 224. Rbi| 5°4 1 "i«7o S b n so INNASAMM* „> \l. I M< Ipnh. PMM-d in K I 4. Jalm \n.i 5,,,<. Xl .1 Out i ...u „t iAt artckftoMl nn-i hiittm ..I
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 55 22 PLAY IT M^ COOL 3m BY THE PAGODA POOL Who wants to be shut up all the time? if you're an outdoor typo vho likes the sun (or the stars), sip a drink, take a snack, take a swim, among flowers and palms at the Pagoda Pool. Ming Court Hotel,
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    • 243 22 Late CLASSIFIEDS 20nords$20 00 rr.inimum' [BYCORRESPONDEIVICE tf| CAMBRIDGE m$M CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL lEs'obl.>-»d .n!960 171 -C. Bcncoolan Street. Singapore 7. P.O. Box 1936. S pera-Tal *****. ***** Or Hock Ym Hin Building. S. J«l»n Ah Fook, Johor* Bahru P O. Box 104. Johora Bahru -Tel: 3958 HOME-STUDY COURSES 1970/71 (IN ALL
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  • Page 22 Miscellaneous
    • 67 22 The weather Singapore 88-74 F BkflajßM X.L 91-76 F overran Taipeh 74-60 F fine Seoul -9-37 F fair Tokyd 67-4PF fine Bangkok 9S-77F cloudy Jakarta »1-«1F Hon-: KOD( TS-SSF rloudy Naha 71-H2F i loudv Saii'im 81F cloudy Honolulu ~i'<F clear London i4-3OF -..nn\ i'2-37F overca. 1 New York R3-41F
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