The Straits Times, 5 April 1970

Total Pages: 23
1 23 The Straits Times
  • 18 1 The Sunday Times No. 1775 20 CENTS SUNDAY. APRIL 5, 1970 SINGAPORE EDITION Largest sales in Si. Asia
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  • 194 1 TOKYO, Sat. The hijacked Japanese plane that flew to Pyongyang yesterday with three crewmen and ;i Japanese official as hostages i<«>k off for 'ionic tonight. Ear Her, Pyongyang Radio said the Japan Air Lines Boeing 727, hijacked by nine armed Japanese students over
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  • 22 1 Orr- X hl> itn-o navp i loca i i ' iniral he hie of the eni uter.
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  • 34 1 PRAGUE Sat Twentvthree mlne.-s weie killed when gas explosion ripped tnrough a roal pil in Noithern Czerlwlovakia early today. U was anlunincfd here Three men were Mill mtsMiiK Reiner
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  • 39 1 MANII A Snl Six i«Kiie.* h»ve been found and five people «re mifcMni! from ferry Iha' Mnk yesterday after collision with ugboit In the Pa»lg I River here, pollr-e nald today I Fourteen people wer« rewued.
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  • 594 1  - Doctor in car boot robbery drama STEVEN TAN GANG HELD AND $18,800 RECOVERED By KUALA LUMPUR. Sat FOUR youths armed with pistols this morning seized a doctor, locked him up in the boot of his Volvo car, then used the vehicle for a $21,740 payroll grab at Hotel Merlin. Bui
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  • 236 1  - S'pore troops move into Johore for war exercise R. CHANDRAN By SINGAPORE, Saturday NINE hundred officers and men of the sth 1 Battalion. Singapore Infantry Regiment, cross into Johore tomorrow morning for the first time since separation to take part in the Qve-natlon military exercise "Bersatu Padu The Defrnre Mini
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  • 76 1 DEATH STAB AFTER A QUARREL SINGAPORE. Bat Na( scr\ icenian Tan K ill Suo IK. MM -l.ibhrd to death tonight if let a light in North Rridgr Ro.ul near the Odean the.itrr Tan had rnme out of the theatre after a show with thrr<- inrnils uhm they hail .in argument
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  • Article, Illustration
    90 1 SINGAHMKS, I A sunrin shop proprietor, llu Kent ('hone. '8 Mrai <« rd in the Ninth Ma rixtratc's fimrl to- i day with the miiirirr if .i six wmi ilii girl Ho is .tllco (I t •> ti a r cauvfd Ike death of Low (•eok
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  • 248 1 KANIiAR, S:ilunl;iv 62-YEAH-OLI) Farmer, Leong N«;ii. and three of his sons war killed yesterday when lightning struck ;i shed in which they hud sought shelter from ;i storm. Two other sons. Chan Yoke. 37. and Ah Kow, 28, and two of their workers.
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  • 237 1  - GUNMAN FIRES AT WOMAN CHASING AFTER HIM PHILIP KHOO B, SINGAPORE, Sat A gunman fired a shot at a woman chasing him after he and two accomplices had held up a watch shop owner in "alan Sayur. Geylang. yesterday. The -hot however writ w;de and the three rnhben ex-aped on
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  • 20 1 I KOM tatfaj the trlephone number of ihi ■"•trnts I im<-s Press «t Times House. Sint.ipurn, is .!7(MI11.
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  • 48 1 SI HANOI K I'HilKI OKUKRKI) I'HNOM PI NH Sal Thr Cambodian lm\ ernmrnt today said the nations state-owned m trrprisrs served as a "personal cash of deposed Prini't- .Norodom Nih.uioiik and said an inM'stit.ition is brine held to Hnd nut how much nmnev has di« appeared IPI.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 141 1 iKhs bright light low light front light backlight rctlectedlight J*^ nevv OLYMPUS 35 SP ■sees' it as it is Remember the old rule about making sure the sun is behind you belor* you take picture l forget it. The new OLYMPUS 35SP dual light metering tystem accurately measures the light
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    • 153 1 PARKER I ...fine jewellery that writes |11 PARKER 71 llrgjntlv catted from gold j I *nd silver, designed for personalised vvnlI ing with sculptured grip and adjustable II point. The Pjiker 7~> is crafted in solid ster--1 Img silver, 14k gold-nil and vermeil (J goldI silver blend.) Matching ball pens
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    • 17 1 Fi mo ENGAGEMENT RINGS by U.S. de SILYA SONS, Jewellers 25, Raffles Place, Singapore- 1. Tel: *****
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  • 195 2 MANSON ORDERED AN EIGHTH MURDER, COURT IS TOLD L- < lELES, Sat.— les Manson, 35. d with the muractress Sharon id six others. irders for an •v killing, the irt wu told today. made •rial of Robert member of iciic hippy cult the Manson fac •nrture!Unman. 34. •nuslcian. Tlie prosei-utlon
    Reuter  -  195 words
  • 23 2 HANOOON. Sat. Ptokis\mba.v.«a<lor to Burma. Mr. Hassan Imam. died at Rangoon General Hcspital of a cerebra; hemeorrhage yesterday evening A.r\
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  • 227 2 I OS ANGELES. Bat J Howard HUKhcs, who became onr of America's two richest men when he Mid I Trans World Airlines j in 1966. today nought his way back into the I airline business Mr HUKhe^ sold TWA UM I der
    Reuter  -  227 words
  • 519 2 VIENTIANE: I r- Saturday WORTH VIETNAMESE troops moving under cover of neavy rain that prevented Allied air strikes overran a Government position two miles west of the base at Sam Thong, well informed sources said today. Communist lnfantrymeo struck at the position overnight, field
    Reuter; UPI  -  519 words
  • 59 2 SYPNr.Y CtUt] juatice< of 15 A.>ian RMBtrati rued t.iday lo atend the Fourtn Asian Judicial Cunference sinning in CtnUerri <m Mfnday Au> t»M» II arum hof' Ui thr conference tor the nr»t time The n*e- day c-onferen. The right.» <if ItM pert and 'hr tctUHd
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  • 48 2 JAKARTA *>' The In.lonrsian Cmtrftl BHnk I prnded Hip Ind< n' lan Bank From <-.' ai .:m Ktli ll laiiuir in romplv Kith I'nu.a Uoai I bank ypokFxman said ll«l»V Over 100 private omlcii ana II ((■irinn bnnk.< i»kp pxri in elmnng opera' lon .n JakariH Renter
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 83 2 GEDIZ QUAKE DEATH TOLL RISES TO 1,089 ANKARA, teal 1 Dree more bodies wore pulled mil "t a ruinod hotel in the went en Turkish town of Gedl/ ypstrrriav raising to 1.089 the official death toll ..ike which struck last Saturday. Thr Houtlnt Ministry announced here that more than 8.2U0
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  • 193 2 FAKE HOLY MAN ON A KISSING RITUAL Ip UhKABAK. .sal A man r tailing to he a lljniln rlivinr rec-ontl) k:s«>rd til Ihe men and v. vrn (ir\ iiee<> «ho umr lum in a Miuth Indi hi lohii for h week. :i \UM M part of a ritual, ihr Andhra
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  • 54 2 SYDNEY Sat An American suiKfnn tell 10 his death early today from the I6h floor nf hu, Sydney Howl Pniire who «xc in\eatigating <rud ihr surgeon wM Dr Robert Kamixh. 61. »ho arrived from the U.S yeglerday to at-ranK* a mettinf in Sydney for the American
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 39 2 WASHINGTON i?a' Chid., of Mtatton of United Slates rmba>.siea In thr Nf«r East and Bout>, A»t» will meet in Trher»n or. April 30 for a two-day .(.nferenre the US State tv partirent announced yesterday M 1
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  • 251 2 BELFAST. Sat. i J 'pWO explosions rocked I Belfast early todsy while shoot to kill" orders Lamed to British troops kept the streets tree of rioters for the first time since Easter A bomb ripped through inior's store in Belfast's
    AP  -  251 words
  • 235 2 Pullout of US troops expected to continue WASHINGTON, Saturday. PRESIDENT Nixon is expected to announce later this month further withdrawals of U.S. troops from Vietnam despite uncertainty pospd by recent developments in Laos and Cambodia Indications are that Ameman forces vuli continue to be Dulled out nt the ratf of
    UPI  -  235 words
  • 156 2 Shock for man and woman who went to bed LOS ANGELES. Sat. A young woman responded to passionate advances from a man who Jumped Into her bed unth they discovered he was not the husband and she was not his girl friend, a court In Redwood City was told Thp
    Reuter  -  156 words
    • 107 2 40 DIE IN BLAST ABOARD BRAZILIAN TANKER UfcLEN (Brazil). Sat. The Brazilian Air Force reported yesteraay that more than 40 people died in an txploil v n aboard a Brazilian tanker, the Botemar I. on Thursday. 6 werr injured. The Air Force said the tvnker was on the I' mi
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    • 81 2 JAHAKIA. a'jki) people, iinmuiiii: »wVBi 00--\rr *****1*111 •iiiiii.»'i have turn aiifMtu n> puiice in KrawiUK, n. >.t M miles eawtl oi n. ou lurji-.', of invoiv.ynenl in suindliiu several million> of imviiu nifiit tunas all"tatfd\ to rice laiiiico. lilt- oinu.ial \ut;ii.i >ews .-ifc<nc> rx^ported today. Police said -umc ol
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    • 52 2 NEW YORK: Threw children died yesterday and two tinmen were injured in a tire whan swept through a New York; tn>> ment apartment. The children. Norton Townes. 7, and his brothCfS, TbaoUs, 4. and Christopher, 2 died in the fire which broke out while their mother Lorna. was out >hoppiog.
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    • 44 2 S A N I O DOMINGO. (Dominican Rrpuiiln-i: K group of stone throw int >outh.i attacked the American consulate building: yesterday. National policemen dispersed the youth.-, with submachine burst in the air and tear gas. Nobody was injured in the building, ronsulale officials said.
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    • 53 2 PER I*H Two four-year-old usrls Cynthia Bolton and her Dariene were burned to d ath when thp parkpd car in which thpy wpre playing caught fire at Brook'ou pn milea from here. Police .said today that ■°rdav «a.< caused either by a;i el( short circuit or by the two uirLs
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    • 47 2 CHICAGO: Umu International, (he Murld'a largest srrvir r »luh organization, announced yesterday it has -<-t up a branch club in Jakarta The oeu cluh *ai orcanised by Mr James Mil.arrlir. I ion 's srerftary in *ii*tralii It is sponM»red h\ the rrntral I. ions (Tub in S>dney.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 146 2 Ib> d»i Lib) 2 tiiqt>ts ->er jKi /t^fcSS |Ka*JH w«ik London f^aSH via Moscow. t^aStl 13 flitjht? tvery week to London via Mid East and Bfli(#ittp«r vve«k to Tokyo Europe. 7 flights r>»» via Banqk3t and Hooq week London- N*"a Kong .\^.Vj Yor k j^f^** "1* 2 flights S v
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    • 545 2 Asthma Mucus Dissolved in 1 Day Sm.--.lh. ,1:..,.v»rv „f MKNUACO with A.thma H«l lout 40 lb« m hv- «(«mon. ph> .Irian it in n.i lonftr wt>i(ht. auffrrrd rnuchinit chokln« n»r»miar> lot anynn. to >ufr.r from and utranrlina; r y nl c ht— rouldr. c SfSl%^f llilf niHnfAittaai. »l*?.i.-.ip». to 4,.
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  • 868 3  - So easy to get back into step in Civvy Street LOH BOON TAN AFTER TWO YEARS OF TOUGHENING UP... Former N-service men have edge on others BY OEXAWI ABU, a sturdj porter in a leading hotel; Lai Yeow Kluicn, ;i waiter; and Kirn Huat, ;i clerk; Tun (.'boon Seng, an
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  • 606 3 By A SPECIAL WRITER 'THERE'S a part of 1 his vehicle that the Malaysian taxi driver rpgarris as untouchable thr passenger door handle Or as th( of Comn Inche Klv.r Joharl. pu's It thp other day: Fun'pp the driver will r>ptv, They
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  • 66 3 'RENT-A-CAR AT AIRPORT SINGAPORE, Sat. Paya Lebar airport will have its Bnt self-drive car service for tourists lext week The si-rvlce -from 10 a.m. to in p m —will be operated by Herts Rent-a-Car Inter- national. which recently concluded an agreement with the Department of Civil Avlatmn For a start,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 102 3 AMAZING ASTRO-JET CONVERTS AIR INTO DYNAMIC X EtECTRONIC J •">••" tu '"P #l POWfR JVT. ASTUO-JET CONVERTER ta I ,l,, hr our „.r h aul and petrol b.lls Gi»«s tmooth «n«in< idlina. with precision piiton-dnvina power Prolong cnaine lite by reducing carbon tludo,e formation Give* Mojo*, falter ttartinq with powerful
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    • 1317 3 YOU TOO CAN SUCCEED! "YOU PASS YOUR EXAM FIRST TIME— or I go on helping you until you do pass" My promise to every Bennett Airmail College student is backed by long, successful experience of a famous British college which offers personal tuition by post. Thousands of students hava passed
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  • 340 4  - Death toll goes up despite 'wear crash helmet' law LESL E FONG By SINGAPORE, Saturday THE Dumber <>l motorcyclists and scooter isb killed on the road has risen even after crash helmets became a "must" for "L" riders from Feb. 1. The average monthly death toll for 1969 was about
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  • 418 4 The swinging sisters HOME IS WHERE THE CIRCUS GOES LIVING like any ordinary girl in the security of a permanent home is just a dream for these four sisters. They know no other life than the one they are leading now. For them, home is where the circus goes. They
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 128 4 Ollt tOddY! sn da my mourns |p^ comics too! Bfl B\ it's in colour WEEKEND WT~ There's something >~^^ Free with the for the whole family ~^^tffl^^^^ Sunday Mail Ns \v Mmm m Uk Here's a bright new way to liven up /^^H r^k T^r.S. your weekend. It's a colour-full
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  • 1478 5  -  LAWRENCE BASAPA The Inside •tory by Each group had its own arbitration court governed by a 'White Fan' NEXT WEEK: THE EARLY DAYS OF VICE IN SINGAPORE ASIDE from fh« family, the secret society must be the oldest private human grouping in
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 15 5 Fight Backache And rheumatism (TSTEX m;i»i MUafr jr O u or 8010 tec* I* vur&nuad.
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    • 153 5 The world's most talked-about s 4 hostesses now v fly the PIA 4U Pearl Route" p» j t SDacea WVf Bangkok A J #Manila #lbkyo (two Boeing flights a week) A fast comfortable Boeing leaves Osccs every Wednesday and Saturday at 0825 hours reaching Tokyo at 2200 hours with stops
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  • 229 6 I/UALA LUMPUR, Sat. —A former personnel officer at the Sentul Railway Workshop told the Sessions Court here this morning of the day he dialled the telephone number of a "dispensary" printed on sick chits submitted to him and found himself talking to someone
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  • 393 6  - 'I shall continue to take part in politics' says a retiring woman MP TAN WEE LIAN By I N G A PORE, Sat. Madam Chan Choy Siong, Singapore's last woman MP who stepped down last Tuesday to pave the way for 'new blood." will continue to participate actively in politics.
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  • 713 6 A special Sunday Times survey shows By OUR REPORTERS ]£UALA LUMPUR, Sat. Young people in Malaysia are not going to pot despite widespread rumours that more university and secondary school students are taking to ganja. This is the opinion of most of the
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  • 90 6 Nantah team for talks with Prof. Hamzah PENANG. Sat. An academic mission from the Nanyang University, headed by their Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Rayson Wong, will meet the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Penang. Prof Hamzah Sendut. to exchange ideas and discuss matter> of academic lntere>t npxt meek. The Nanyang mission, an
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 290 6 &me a*y *vy you can brtamiefo M FURTHER REDUCTIONS f T JPfc DON'T DALLY... JUST HURRY ON IN IN ALL DEPARTMENTS j jai>/Vj| AND MAKE YOUR SELECTIONS! noreTGla^rSSr S.P^QB XSgjl I<S M^KA>\\ BeSk^tF u?lsTiJ A Rri.f« NOW ftw ft JiS iSJ« ener 9 oz. Glasses U P $1 25 NOW
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  • 462 7  - Now court calls for a probe after 19,000 iorkers lose laims FRANCIS ROZARIO By SINGAPORE, Ssit The In dustrial Arbitration Court Ulda>' called lor an iiiiincdilc in < 1 1 1 i I• v into the terms and work in^ conditions of the llumo daily-rated workers of the io\ ernmeiil.
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  • 121 7 HOSPITALITY WITH THE PROFESSIONAL TOUCH IT'S no easy task to be hospit- able to foreign delegates at any Interim filial gathering. r.ui lor these two girls, life won't be too difficult when they ft about their job of serving delegates at the Pata conference .it Auckland next week. lor both
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  • 148 7 Questions on jobs and 'Johns' in census SINGAPORE. Sat Questions ranging from formal education and employment to bathinK and toilet facilities will be a-Kcd in the bisj NUUI to br conducted m S pore beginning from June 1. Hiui-fbold.s will aIM) be asktd about availability of dome-tic facilities Mich .i-
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  • 24 7 SINGAPORE Sid The monthly changing of Hh 2iiaitl reirnidiiv mil or heir, at <lie Isiana main gate »t 5.30 p.m. tomorrow
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  • 130 7 SIMiAPORK. Sat. Six >ou Ins tied up a m hooleirl and her hrothrr with thin wirr in thrir Strathmorr Avenue home yesterday ;ind escape<l with IBS in c.ish and property. Chant Was (hum. IC Ml with her younger hrothrr whrn two armed Miullis walked in throuch the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 170 7 a more rastiionable decor tor your home 0& <*< U EQUIPMENT riOEVC'.SH«LBC»D'S'SC»'C>- 1. Cj C»K.CS CELAH.CS '.GAPCW. 3r«.JW« Q^ Introducing the sheerest, most delicate *11 makeup textures ever perfected: f Tfc New Ultima II i O1 ITI 1 T*4° Collection of \J\JVXV.\XI.\j with every revlon S~\ I'IRCII\SI 01 MOOR I
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    • 330 7 r SHELL v .^^sl per Vd&* Usual price $3.25 each Our special price $2.25 each! With every purchase of $10 Supershell you get a coupon entitling you to buy TWO Pyrex' plates at a saving of $1 per plate! With every purchase of one cylinder of Shellane you get two
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  • 419 8  - Kian Chin helps prove a point as he talks his way to the top prize— in perfect Mandarin Shen Swee Yong By SINOAVOKB. Sat. Mis face and hands in a lit of expression, little Hwang hian Chin of AngloChinese Junior School told .MID school children today the story of how
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  • 345 8  - EAGLES STRIKE -AND CRASH GOES THE FEAR BARRIER R. CHANORAN By SINGAPORE. Sat. IKT Eagles «»l Ibc Singapore Armed Forces Unshed across the blue skies solo today :i Iheir first ever public demonstration. And down below on the grounds of the Flying Training School at Tengah air base, a host
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  • 203 8 SINGAPORE. Sat. The short fuses of locally -made flrecrakers caused a carpenter's fatal injuries in a room on Chap 1 Goh Meh. a coroner heard today Intpriur designer i.urn BhlM Kliuan. 34, .said 'The fuses were so short tJiat the Orchid-brand CtmcIrari
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  • 87 8 SINOAPORF .^at Police today appeals ••> nMHorMa in «\<>id the following ,oads during tlie mnn'h-l<ing ChIIMM Chene BeiiK festival Which begins tori Aoxm Road: I .mule Road: Kheam Hock Road: Upper Thonison Road between Braddell Ctrcut and Auk Mall Kio VilUve up to Hie mile
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  • 48 8 SINGAPORE Bat. Prime MiniMrr Mr Let K'ihti Yrw «a-s (tue.-t of honour al !hr .scmbaunnK Shipy.ud Enu 1 Union dinner I The duiiur al Nhvm: wa.s helrt 'ii etMntf t lip lirst ■nalveraary ol th« Untaa More th«n 500 employees attended the function
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  • 29 8 SINGAPORE Sat Fire thl» afternoon de»tro\«i the kltrhen of t furniture shop «nd tlt« back portion of a »iorf In B»rantoon Road. No on* wm injured.
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  • 227 8 60 cracker workers jam court to hear summons SINGAPORE, Sat. Aliout till women employees of the Korwin's Fireworks, the sole cracker manufacturers here, turned up at the ninth maßistrate's court today to listen to I summons charge against their employer Ne Kne Chung Later, when the case waa transferred to
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  • 56 8 CDfOAPOItI c still required fi lmpon and exi>oit of birds, meat and meal, i the Primary Production Department here mic. The Depai" lartfy* reports which ed that there WM no i.eed for such i>ermits. M that all Mil b lmp'rt and expoit must still permits from tiip
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  • 38 8 U'ORE. Sat I'<-«1--dent r>! UM R Tromoti<"> Ccrpormtton, M Oh PomMk \vi,i arrive iir Kuala I lamps! three-d;i Duniii: his stay. Mr will cdacuH tradr pnblci other n merchants mid Korean tra dais here.
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  • 43 8 >APO I Montfort Secor.dnr S will perfon:. Reservoir Pi. 5.30 p.m to H to p The People s A n band »ill n Band'a Hill > 8 pjn. ana the Police bHiut at Hon< Lim Green Park 6 pm.
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  • 26 8 SINGAPORE. Sat The Sin- uapore Armed Force* will hold ■ps around fSenang and Sultan Shoal from l p.m. tomorrow to noon on Monday.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 216 8 BIG CASH JACKPOTS EVERY THURSDAY SUNDAY DRAW NO: 27/70 (5-4-70) IST GROUP $140,000 TO WINNERS WITH i NUMBERS CORRECT \J U II U IT (> H I I to 11 am Coupons accepted will be vohd tor the afternoon draw >W flfift X* Another unique collection of J*^^^ Antique Telephones
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    • 59 8 < fly Buo- 6 uO Ltd SUPERMARKET SPECIAL OFFER Starts Today DELICIOUS BARBECUED PORK i $8.00 Ib. in a beautiful plastic container $9.00 a kati in a paper box 20% Discount A Free Address Book THIS OFFER IS GOOD FOR 2 WEEKS ONLY (sth to 18th April 1970) Factory at
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  • 292 9 I SINGAPORE. Sat. Till. Director of Ilic General Slafl of the Singapore Armed Forces, Brigadier 'I ..I.I). (;iin|i bell, described 100 women volunteer soldiers of Ihc People's Defence For ccs toda> ;is a "iu'w breed <»r
    WAN SENG YIP  -  292 words
  • 67 9 sinicapor»» food and fun loune people »prf out today In held Mmnltanmusly in vb: All thief tppnrtrri vnv good ough peihap- UtC spastic Chi!' Wonderland Fair drew the number Ivm m ~ri'iidan en diiLs' '1' up tali and !«isr tunM f« ItMdj children and vh'Kil
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  • 175 9 Rahim: Raise new non-superstitious generation uINfiAPORE. Sat. Thr Minister of Statr for Foreign A Mairs. Inche Rahim ishak. tonight oilled on tho proplo to raise a generation of Singaporeans capable <>f thinking clearly and making maximum contribution to society without being hampered by superstitious beliefs. Singapore, he said, could not.
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  • 156 9 SINGAPORE STOP FOR FLYING PRINCE SI N<i AFOKK. Sat Prince K<-tnh.inl of the Netherlands, piloting his Ko* il FitkkiT m fle w mm Singapore today for an overnight itaj Thr MmmH -Hum Prlnrr" MHM a guirl rrrr|»tMin. Thrir Has nu ird rarprt rrirmonv as thr I'rinrr (onmhl or qurrn Juliana
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  • 362 9 NEW $10 mil HOLDING COMPANY IS LAUNCHED SINGAPORE. Sat i NEW industrial liokiing company with an authorised capital of $10 million h \b been formed here to lake purl in joint ventures. Tliis was announced b\ the president of the Indian Chamber of I'oninierce, Mr. I D.I). Sachdev, at its
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 177 9 Dynamic Sight and Sound v j. vT•'• -y .il ?V a-<u^ m^ I »*^*J Vf a over brilliance that is kept sharp by a >» A*"-.' *<* .v, jf t^ 4^fljr A*^ loudspeakers deliver great, life-like sound. 4 m < v Li *t T" 1 *4^ These and every other
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  • 245 10 OPINION Sunday, April 5, 1970 DRUGS: AN ALL-OUT CAMPAIGN 'iiHK startling i 1 Uon that a brilliant ■tudent six iistmctions in his Cambridge School Certificate) waa forced to drop out in hi.s third jrtar at the university due to drug addiction should he i-nough to make the authoritiei on both
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  • 4 10 TALKING POINT j'-nius A
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  • 1156 10  - ECAFE and the quest for social justice FELIX ABISHEGANADEN FINDING SOLUTIONS TO BURNING ISSUES THAT STYMIE DEVELOPMENT IN ASIA EH EMM. His Ik. mi Malaysia and Singapore will he in Bangkok nexl week taking another lu<>k ;ii Ihe Asian social situation. The occasion: The twentysixth session of ECAFE. Their attention
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  • 797 10  - Is Mao making use of Sihanouk as a pawn in the power game STANLEY KARNOW By Hong Kong. Sat. PRINCE Noroloin Si h i milk's plan to mobilise a "Nutional L i We r:« t i 0 B Army" announced from Peking <>n Monday, suggests thai he has accepted Chinese
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 52 10 KT I li'S not- going ...he could wriggte ihrovaA your ability -to pfT)| *> be easy for ihe fax reqUUinms like c^rru on -the good IkogggWaggjggl you, iakmg m electric eel 7 Bui work, while ne's over -the reins we've every confidence... Jw*y... Th*t wgk+ be difficult, you need
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  • 862 11 BARRING bad weather, the houses should be ready in three weeks. Those who wrotp to People and Problems complaining about the delay in completion of their houses ai Taman Serf B I tine (In Selangor) have these aasur1n a repp a m;!r irnm Bant town
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  • 66 11 STUDENTS SOCIETY TO DISCUSS 'SPLIT' ORDER LONDON, Sat.— The Malaytsian-Singa-pore Law Students' Society will meet ncxi Saturday dtcide its stand on the Malaysian Students Department's "split"' order which becomes effective i'rom May 1. in decla tion to the dnV that dual nationality in B md Eire must tx Malaysian in
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  • 114 11 SCHOOLBOY EMERGES HERO IN DROWNING DRAMA k.YAGAR, Sat.— A 15 -year-old si hoolboy, Asmi bin Yahaya, was the hero in I drowning drama near his kampon? yesterday. In response to an alarm that a youth. \mi;i bin Mnli. inn (1 Nixir, was missing in the Kayang River. Asmi rushed to
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  • 64 11 I him I MM l«'l Ulin RtX. SKY and KOXI ."en Knluht (Ma: n I I Honor of .1 081 Hi OKU v I IL, (.KAMI. tM I I s> an I HOOVES: luii^p Kaun B*J i Hindu: < n:t>BOTAI Mill M\ < Mil \t "i:i
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  • 95 11 IPOH. Sal The newest night spot in ipoh that is drawing large crowds daily is. strangely enough, not a restau>r one *.itn a Hour show. I Tambuh. about aix in 1' v .ne m Dowllng centre built into a limestone cave. Though the pools and bowling
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  • 410 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat A LABOURER who threatened to cut ott a woman's breasts if she failed to pay him SI. OOO was today jailed for three years for extortion. The senior Sessions Court president. Mr. James Loh. told Chong Hoong
    410 words
  • 26 11 The priif <i! tin m Penan," yesterday rose by II 50 •o 1687.63} on An offtrlni eatimatexi up M wen to 110 toe*
    26 words
  • 231 11 Court told of how man was killed by propellor I/UALA LUMPUR. Sat. —An RMAF pilot officer told a coroner's court here today how he saw a marshaller meet his death when he rail into the propellor of a stationary piane. "I was sitting next to the taxi-way waiting for my
    231 words
  • 65 11 PENANC. 1 Almashtioor I.ilnmic Skhmil here has t i>'u<iMVv in the Malay medium. Xlm IVhz Sheikh Hussein Bak»r Rafri nptaaWd tiKiny that the ne» policy was aimed at encouraging mure pupiK to .study Bjlii; i Alt.^ceihPr 200 .students art taking the advantage of this
    65 words
  • 31 11 KULTM Bat A 18-year-old Rirl from Pfiniig baa rfporifd to 'hr r> '.ice here th<t &he ruri been rnped by a married nun Irrnn Pcnanc Police are investigjtnu
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 513 11 VANTO ACADEMY H.S.C. CLASSES t (1) Full Time H.S.C. Classes in the day session. (2) Part Time H.S.C. Classes in the evenings. (3) One Year intensive course for H.S.C. in the evenings (4) One Year intensive course for M.C.E. in the evenings. P.O. Box 22,. Pctaling Jaya. Tel: *****1 *****
      513 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 222 11 ACROSS: 2 Bay of light (1); DOWN: 1. Follow alt#r (•>; r*t ]nnse (I); 9. Contradict 2 Chairs 3. Take to pieces 10 Qo forward (7i; 11. t4 1 4. Suspenders i6> S. Curves Relish '5' 13. Planets (I); 16. <4>; 6. Encounters <s>; 7. 111Permiu <4>: 17. Affirmative <3>;
      222 words

  • 650 12  - A $30 m plan for expansion of airports HARJAGDISH SINGH By Kuala Lumpur, Sat. MALAYSIA will spend more than $30 million in the next few years for improvement of civil aviation services to prepare its airports for the arrival of the Jumbos. Most of the money will go towards modernisms:
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  • 207 12 KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday. yHE subversive slogans painted on the walls of a school in Tanjong Tualang must have been ''the work of outsiders," the Minister of Education, Dato Abdul Rahman Ya'akub, said today. I' \s most unlikely that primary school children eouM have pa.nted
    207 words
  • 109 12 Suet Lin's success story in Fanfare %V o N 8 Suet Mn (•(Ixnri i> shin nit r\.impi«- of the rm.iin ip.itcil Malaysian mis-. At 20. >hr is the principal nf thr exclushr Srlanjor Academy of I. ,11. I Although her lovr for h.illi i almost cost her a formal rdu
    109 words
  • 240 12 Now Kuala Lumpur bans those pop songs If U ALA LUMPUR Sal Two p Puff the Magic Drat!"" and Happiness Is a Warm Gun ha\>' bcin banned In the country, tr><- y try ol Home Allair.s confirmed today The permanent Secretary to the Ministry, Sheikh Abdullah bin Sheikh Abu Bakar.
    Bernama  -  240 words
  • 43 12 BONN. S.i |(-n tli died in a [ire dfhbrr- irtrd at a (ana :n Eutin by unknown umMl who p«urrd petvni ny tIU Police vi;.l rUinagp in the flrr vrMPrdu'. w.i.v (\M.rrutr(l lit 5(i(iOOO mark/. $400.000 1.
    43 words
  • 48 12 AMMAN la \iHb guerilla* ficlceted an l>iar]i urmv camp in ihr Cm. an Hflght.s on Thursday nigh! and causfrt hfmv cn.suaiUe> Al Fatah. thr of the gufr...» orgam»atlon.- .sai<i v.-*lrirlav Fwe attoar ajßarHla groupa said :hrir RUa«n EUM 11 lanaU .soidifr* n thi» JaHhW AP.
    AP  -  48 words
  • 41 12 BLTTERWORrH, Sat. A shop assistant. Lim Wan Sena. 35. was lined $200 in the mag.strate's court today when h« pleaded guilty to running an illegal characters lottery »t Telok Ayer Tawar on Nov. I last year.
    41 words
  • 124 12 k ''ALA 1 UMPUR. Sat. MSA Is to hold a competition for the design of a mural painting In August. to adorn the entrance lobby ol its building in Singapore. MSA's properties and facilities manager. Mr. T. K. Kingston. said all entries w mid
    124 words
  • 181 12 SINGAPORE, Sat. The Sunday Times has received another «a-Jr f..- m. inn SB7G for the 100 "forgotten ones" of Dragon Lotus Hill in Wood I uids hrin--ing their fund to 51.529. Latest donation* came from the principal staff and pimils of the drvlanc McthodM Girla School
    181 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 358 12 ft (SERVICE IN EDUCATION) Institute of Home Education I SETS THE PACE.... With more and more students joining IHE. WHY? Because they have seen and now knov/ that I H E courses are the best in circulation. Presented in plain, simple and understandable language, they make the study of subjects
      358 words
    • 40 12 NON-CATHOLIC Friends, LEARN at HOME about the CATHOLIC CHURCH BY MAIL NO COST NO OBLIGATION Fill in and mail to Rl.( 24. Nas-sim Road, Singapore 19. Name Addre» MEN WOMEN feel Young again on lift if rou Want t #"i
      40 words

  • 532 13  -  T.F. HWANG By (SINGAPORE, Sat Four gunmen were on their way by car l<> n>l» the Lavender Street branch of Hong Leonfl Finance Ltd H when tlicv were in\<>l\ed in .1 shooting incident in Slimbawa Road, Ihe High Court heard I<ml;iv.
    532 words
  • 196 13 SYDNEY. Saturday THE Malaysian High Commissioner to Australia. Dato Donald Stephens, believes relations between Malaysia and Singapore today have been better" and that the two countries will merge again. SpeakinK tn Sydnpv a< a dinner (if the Australia-n-Singapore Association. Dato Stephens "I think It 15
    196 words
  • 36 13 SINGAPORE. 8«» Pollrr I<>rt«v ideiitiflea Uir \»ciii-n who died in hoxpltul vevterday Met an arciurnt «i th* jumtloi' of Whltlrv Rnail Diinearn Road as U>k Chin Hah. 44. a wmahenroaHUi tlvtag ai Ltraaj Oevlanc
    36 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 403 13 ■l:IH:n:l«nWBW 11TH POPULAR DAY! TODAY 4 SHOWS Show Start, 10 30 om, 1 45, SIS 8 30 pm. CHIPS' Starts 10 4* am 2 01. 5 33 ft 41 pm GOOOBYf. MR. CHIPS ark School extro NOW SHOWING' 10 45 om, 1 15. 3 45 6 30 4 9 15
      403 words
    • 327 13 I mini- opens" today"?-" Htar» m Jeff learned the hard way... when you double- a cross thr Mob, your life expectancy was Zero! \j^M^T^^% COLOR rK^* 1 om WARNER BROS.-SEVEN ARTS Wi?. starring ALAIN DELON and MIREILLE DARC SCHOOL CHILDREN $1 to ANY SEAT at ALL SHOWS DURING ENTIRE SEASON!
      327 words
    • 136 13 Vfl^* Arden'j Consultant v ■JLI V\ here to give you individual advice \V JfcJ on the perfect make-up for you. If V\ you have any questions <>r problems Jrl about your own beauty routine, ihe /fy will be delighted M bivc you Ajy even help. Book your jzSt \^sv appointment
      136 words
      238 words

  • Article, Illustration
    261 14 i^^^^^^^Ha BACK AGAIN WITH LOTS MORE •LAUGHS tjVLMGOEES with long memories will remember "Swiss I tmilv Kobinson" as an old Him tin. uuli the synopsis makes no mention of this fact. and would have us believe that this is an entirely new movie. Hciuever, much of thr scenes
    261 words
  • 436 14 'IK)NIGHT. "Cla.ssitiil Symphony" has its first performance at 8.30 at the Singapore Conference Hall. This is a concert present ed by 'Mr National p Company of the National Theatre Trust .mfi teatum the Singapore National Orchestra under the baton of Maestro Shalom RonlyShaloni Ronlj Hikhs Is the
    436 words
  • 258 14 r pHEY named rose aftpr her in Netherlands. A crowd of 40.000 ppople jammpd into a stadium in Norway for a glimpse of her. Quepn Elizabeth Bhook her hand. Princess Annr chatted with her. and Lord Snowdon took her picture. Four portraits of her hang In the
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 191 14 BEDOK REST HOUSE THE POPULAR RENDEZVOUS for your family friends Top in Leisure Gourmet Pleasure Scrumptious Sea-food fresh from the ,V,/ Tastefully cooked for your pampered ap/wlitc within digestible prices Our Specialities: CHILLIt CRABS STEAMED PRAWNS ir STEAM-BOAT Telephone *****6 for Table Reservations. Last Day! The Great Royal Circus of
      191 words
      195 words

    • 674 15 IT DOES NOT PAY II 111 I II 1 O.\<. mecls a >ini«.i|iore girl who haw modfllcd for I iiro|i« *s lop faslii«»n houses, and discovers... WHEN A GIRL MUST LIVE OFF BOYFRIEND, SAVINGS OR MONEY FROM HOME' IT WAS seven years :ij^' thai we had morning coffee t<> gethcr
      674 words
    • 136 15 rpHERE'S at least one -I- Malaysian man who is glad the longer skirt is making a comeback He Mr Robert Yo n K manager of Sabah's 1,000--nparl farm near thr island of Bohay Dulonij till rf:ibon i.s purely comIn ;i recent interview, he noted
      136 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 115 15 CONQUERED CHRONIC GASTRITIS or DuOd6 r O> rreuing Prtnure, Fuilieu or 'Wind" Vpetitt or Hea-- our GASTRIC SPECIFIC POWDER which rtmeves tt>i ocidcty for temporory harmful SODA o- oil. ediote fed Obtainable from Sole A<j<*nt Hock Hin Medical Hall The Herbalist 4»A. «inn Kumba"9, Taipinf. Prrak Phone 2170 >O Bon
      115 words
    • 82 15 Pr 1 Am I old enough to use Tampax tampons? 2 Are Tampax tampons safe to use t 3 How often do I need to change how 4. Is it all right to bathe during my period? 1 a'P •ason 'vjldn t swim during 5 How about disposal f 6
      82 words
    • 83 15 HOLEPROOF AUSTRALIAS FINEST STOCKINGS AND PANTY HOSE... SO GOOD. THEY'RE VIRTUALLY CUSTOM-MADE FOR YOU. JACKSON'S MALAYA BERHAD Singapore K Lumpur Penang Ipoh Malacca- 1 lll nifln and you -the perfect match Triumph's Poesie Stretch Fi with soft fibre filled cups covered in pretty lac*. The extra comfort of snugly fitting
      83 words

  • 528 16 Adriana waited 67 years for Octavio to marry her rpOHAY It's all about mans feats. with world records on marriaKe, fate-slapping and Ijinß on a bed of nail*: '■(JEST ENi record :s n between Guillen. 82. and Adriana Martinez. 82. Th»- look the plui '"li in
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 448 16 BY P.I.H. NAYLOR~[ 21 Jan TM Rt I April II May You might H.T, windfall Vr.u drag MCrtU into the early In week If so. you'll probop*n this week and dUcover toly sp»rd it mhfr on mmf new out, do vi what hav t*en R oln(t on be.-iind course of
      448 words
    • 313 16 TH£ CISCO KW, S^mr WUd Wist rc^ouviic g E OR N (wOeOPV^) S(N6IN<S C&N&O// EVEKyBOPy/^N^ MUCH TH/fTHC HIREPA J .^tffli^B^^ iPN^ t \\3mdf^\ I M iII i"^ *»^f I VtXTP BCTTER^ I I A^y /AMI6O HAS ALREACV SA\EP I E ISEWHEZE... I ff\>i£,AUV SOME EXCfTE^EfJT N V. BELIEVE IT.'V YOUR
      313 words

    • 428 17 Progress made in cancer research slow but sure... Till. Increasing disillusionment during recent years among both the lav public .uid the scientists In the absence of an immediate hreeak-through in either the treatment or prevention of cancer has tended to lead to excessive pessimism. This attitude probahl> results from the
      428 words
    • 644 17  -  Ravi Krishnan By lALAYSIA'S EALTH lANDARDS IGH, SAYS REGION'S CHIEF World Health Day, on Tuesday, marks the anniversary of the coming info force of the Constitution of WHO. The theme for this year is "Early detection of cancer saves lives." THE World Health Organisation considers
      644 words
    • 662 17  -  Alan Da Silva By THE World Health O r g a n i satlon (WHO) and the Malaysian Government's Joint School Health Programme Committee are workIng closely in their attempt to improve health service programmes in schools. Formed in 1967. this 20-member committee
      662 words
    • 551 18 Unit planned to raise standard of industrial health AIR pollution Is the most significant health hazard of any urban community, and Singapore is no exception. The problem is fairly new to Singapore, but the World Health Organisation has pondrred over it for many years in other parts of the world.
      551 words
    • 451 18 Curbing dangers through campaigns and education... Hi helping to curb dangers through systematic campaig is and education. The anti-litter and mosquito campaigns are Just the beginning. Health Ministry officials believe these campaigns have greatly reduced the potential of several diseases, including dysentery and malaria. >rding to a Health Ministry source,
      451 words
    • 524 19  -  M. G. Candau By Dr. Director General of WHO pANCER claims Steady toll of human lives V all over the world and in many countries it ..nd only to diseases of the heart and artelB a cause ol death It Is also a disease
      524 words
    • 704 19  - The dangerous stains of blood-red pan... F. J. TOMICHE By PAR EL Street, in the centre of Bombay. lies quietly under a scorching sun. its pavements spattered with bloodred stains Every few feet reddish brown stains ippear. They seem mute testimony of a bitter street clash or a horrid crime;
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 514 17 A Sl/yVL LITHE FIGURE Y( jLI I AMAZING METHOD FROM ENGLAND... W HELPS TO CREATE A LOVELIER YOU! NO DIETS NO DRUGS NO EXERCISE! The jecrct method that has helped mcc v hun a million women sray tlim is now ovailoble in this country. Women in England, France, and U.SA.
      514 words
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 30 18 Don't be SHADOW W of your V usual self... tm EAT what I you liko Iflthen mtoDonni THE UNIVERSAL TONIC ■,AL will «liminatt «ll it n G NICOLICH, i -i
      30 words
    • 187 18 Headline News 1 I 1962: AND IN 1969 THEY SAID I I IT AGAIN: I 1 1--" Better methods of diagnosis One out I U to detect heart W«pliints/ f 200 I x™":ri"£«s rinS'pore 1 I Vgo'^secr may I I our weight^^^ .jMprj si p^ vei^. J JlfCre. s" 1^"^
      187 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 191 19 HEALTH CARE WORLD WIDE H«r« l whin Vi-Daylin-M comet in. Abbot! v multi»i»«min and Mineral! hot tuch a deliciout fottc thot e»«n the molt M "j^J%B*^J^Bj^JBWggl' preoccupied or children »ill retpond to hn moth»r call =2^U"^^^SF7^^^ It i Vi-Davlin time". > atBBSsB^VjBK *m I Vr^^Vtt^S^Bl he's heard the call for
      191 words
    • 45 19 best from j New Zealand**. i /U M Singapore Q S r EMsm f ERNIE AF j£ N'EWZEALANDDAIRYSUPPLIES'S) LTD., "^MT 128 BUKITTIMAH ROAD. SINGAPORE 21 -TEL *****2-*****1 vmG&* n oV **WT' PRODUCTS Uf> »*L!ES <SfNGAPO'» t W w Bi B» jlMfc/* *1" <»«Th> 4t
      45 words

  • 572 20  -  ERNEST FRIDA By Singapore. Sat. |J< )\V did Singapore's Mike Heathcote survive the 140 m.p.h. crash which turned his powerful. i laming Brabham into a heap of scrap metal In an Interview yesterday. Mike, a tough but quiet-spoken Royal Marine Commando officer, relived the
    572 words
  • 15 20 IN CHERISHCO MEMORY or 1.4*4. Time will paaa ny tha eorro* aawar i-
    15 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    22 20 De?ar papa, you I* ft v nuddenlr on 5-4-fil. Our heart* whe. In tout memory. Wife and children. S. SABARATNAM
    22 words
  • 331 20 WORLD CUP REFS TO BE GIVEN WIDER POWERS XHE president of Fifa the world's soccrr governing body, warned officials yesterday to make it very clear to their players that no indiscipline would br permitted in this year's world soccer cup in Mexico. In a formal meeting with Brazilian officials, referees
    AP  -  331 words
  • 70 20 Xta* MMtMI mt»Tiia;.oiinl .^vi minting nie«?t bfiween Anglo- p Srh<>»l. I p<>li and three ned universities frnm nrt »ill be hfld at :he ACS pool. ipoh. on April 11-12. The thrpp univprmtHH* ar»* rhulalongkorn. K«*t.»art and Urn PhyMcal and Political Univ^rony. The flrm meet wm
    70 words
  • 45 20 Han Chiang High Srhool be- *me Ornup D champions in the FVnang Schools under-18 »occer ccimpptnion whon thfy beat Trrhnical In^tittitf 4-1 at Batu lam hang Ijinr OthPr restiit. 1 I'ndrr-lf R».|a Tin fd» Tan.innf Bungah 3 Indn-lt rranrU light wo 8t Xavier'K.
    45 words
  • 32 20 Charm* Wan Hee> won flva i rvrnl* ilOOm. 200 m. 400 m. RiiOm and Javrllm to bexoma champlnn athlrlr at th« FUia, P«>rpmpiian Racond^f iQtrU) I Bchoat r&aat »t lpoh.
    32 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 453 20 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. ANNIVf.RS»RItS ANNOUNCEMENh. BIRTHS, CLUB ACTIVITIES CONDOLENCES, OEATHS EN6ACfMENTS. FUNERALS. GREETINGS' IN MEMORIAM. MARRIAGES MISSING' ppc- mwm 4 Rite: Minimum S?l'- ftr 70 wards, each additional word (1.00. An Otlur Classified Afrtrtiscmtnts Minimym $7 50 fir '5 words uck additional word SI tuts. Siadiy Times Boi Semti' rtirie JI.H. RELIGIOUS
      453 words
    • 544 20 TUITION: e>n->r PamhrHra fEn« h Pnmar% "1 iKßaited Math*): Qual: I '<! Kxpenenre<l tearnera: Rajil CmMini Road S poie. St RITARIAL COURII POM CIRLS: Rapid six Montha Couraa Apr;!' afortvnc Af:frnoonI tar early i-ir. 211 D Chanil P.oaul I. Kaffiea Plaea SHORTHAND: Theory Sp^ed M) ISO. anytin ..f Co»'-»e:
      544 words
    • 254 20 j lAitf CLASSIFIEDS 20 words $20 i minimum) BIRTH KHOO: To Till— MM »-.d 'huol 'm at Out Laell i Tv Thanka to doctor and mv.m- faff ENGAGEMENT t\nrl Khnr. r 1 Mf Mr*. KhOO Brio I^Onk on 4 i To ftipiog. DEATHS MtMH LEMIS nelo-ed nrnthe-r of Maid*. Nora
      254 words
    • 350 20 I AIR-INDIA Revised Schedules We now fly through Singapore WESTBOUND j on Wednesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays— EASTHOUND on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays. I From Kuala Lumpur WESTBOUND on Thundays EASTBOUND on Fridays. C Vontact your Trurrl Aiirtit or Air-India for revised timings Gr y V«X»>X«»^llrX#y< f%#a»V »X4>/Ci i\ll/niiO/n\o/i \(lAu».o^ iXrati^
      350 words

  • 1954 21 Pretty rides 4 winners in a row to take lead Newcombe and Nowrooz complete doubles at Ipoh PHAMPION jockey (ilynn Pretty won four races in a row at Ipoh yesterday. Starting from the fourth Pretty won on Temerloh 11, N'ewcMl ibe, Spring (iidw and N"«t<>(>/ Spring Glow, a four-year-"Ul Irish
    1,954 words
  • 117 21 Royal Pahang A' w'.l', meet re A in the tinal of the Burma-Malaya Cup polo trurnamfnt at Penang today. Royal Pahang. with a 4-1 lead after twr chukkas. scored three more goals yesterday to beat Selangor A 1 7-1. Tengku Mahknta scored twice In the third chukka
    117 words
  • 18 21 KM'ANO Dtotrtri Baiketball oft'rial.v President Chens R<M ..errei^rv Toh Ah Jt>; ueasuret Low Tin Teck. I
    18 words
  • 228 21 Tote Board to import 20 mares for the stud farm The Totalisator Board will import 20 mares from Australia and New Zealand for the National stud farm, which is now ready to start breeding Malaysian racehorses. This was announced by Board chairman Mr. Yeoh Cheang Lee. who w;th other board
    228 words
  • 76 21 cnaar, s.-. a* m Moot*. Australia kr.i.»Ti ch«moir>n jOCfeay, today announced his retirement at ins age of 46. Moore, who won the 1967 Ow lish Derb>- on Royal Ph r> <ne of his mam «MtMH w»s. has been nd:ng for 33 } He made !n.« suiprl^e nruncement At
    76 words
  • 38 21 MANII A. Sat took a v inning 3-0 in their Davis Cup etu ti# aga-.nit the Philippines \< lien Dirk Crraly and AUmn stun* beu: tddie Cnu Alexander Marcial 6-3. C 4, 6-4 in tha. f.rst doubles.
    38 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 429 21 SfMt as a pilot officer in the SAF [M JOIN NOW! "y^ I Be among the pioneers in the Air Defence fe**^ Command. The SAF offers young men j^Zlm who are physically fit and intelligent the V challenge of this exciting and satisfying i» jr^^ 23 years of age with
      429 words
  • Page 21 Miscellaneous
    • 919 21 TV and RADIO TV MALAYSIA TV SINGAPURA I'KIM.KVMMI OKI K»la I irnipur. IVnjnf liannel S. (lIWSKLS Ipoh M*U..a ti; MM Bahm 4. 1 aipint H«lu 1.h.l 7; 10 05 M "P" l Summary and Ski;.: Kan«»£iP» .>,„„„ surnm-n. IM The Andy J uLT'liM'^i^J!!^ 1 S■'-"K S^ 2Z: VL A^r J
      919 words

  • 783 22  -  EPSOM JEEP says TOP UPS: NataraJ (Race 1). First Honour 'Race 4t and Gin Kuril my Racp 8> BfiST FORFXAST: First Honour a:id Sprrrhmaker (Rare 4). piRST HONOUR, a beaten favourite last week, can make amends today in Race 1 at Ipoh. Although
    783 words
  • 233 22 Strong Penang squad for junior swim IJENANG. who won the team championship last year, are again sending a strong contingent to the Malaysian junior swimming meet at Weld Pooij Kuala Lumpur, on Apr. 17-19. The contingent of 46 boys and girls will Include top school stars Alfred de Bruyne. his
    233 words
  • 57 22 The Fer-k Amateur F A I t?. 114 ..'.st year because of poor gatef. the annual meeting ;it th» Ipoh Club today (10 30 ami will be MM r 'ei Poh Hwu r».vs the loss would hi\e been more without gen>mus donations from supporters towards the rests
    57 words
  • 39 22 THE Per.i* FA trying to get an Indonesian coach Aullah Unai. an international p.ayer. The PFA have a.skcd the Indonesian PA to help them to engage the services of A.llah f 1 »ix nil DttM
    39 words
  • 26 22 Trengganu AAA offlcMl: President l r ngku I.ela Sejara: \icr-pre*idonts Mohamrd Amin Abdullah and Dr Ahmad ral in M. Emmanuel, treasurer Abdui Aziz M^naf.
    26 words
  • 17 22 LONDON. Brt, K:rkdale won the Liverp<x)l Spring Cup handicap run over lOf and 170- rday.
    17 words
  • 199 22 TAIPEI. Sat. Taiwan's Chang Chung Fa stretched his lead to five strokes in the second round of the US$l2,OOO Taiwan Open today. Strong cross-winds wrought havoc with scores and only four golfers broke «the 54-hole tournaeventh leg of the lrcult. s brothered by
    Reuter  -  199 words
  • 118 22 Palmer, Aaron share the lead GREENSBORO 1 North Caro- Una 1. Arnold Palmer and Tommy Aaron blasted seven-undcr-par 64s to share the flrn round iead in the tain-delayed Greater Greensboro open yesterday. De^p.'. the blist/nng p-ice f\er 'hi 7 034-yd Sedgehe.d Country Club course th»t .'ci Si-m Sneads opening
    118 words
  • 101 22 rpHE Malaysian School Sports A Council will Invite Singapore. Indonesia. Tuailand and Brunei to take part In junior International meets at football and athletics The dates and venues have yet to be fixed but both meet* pre likrh to be held during the second term holidays
    101 words
  • 69 22 The firth Md<>M*n Ueyball championship will tic at the Khai Mum S'.triium. Benlonu. Ten states will be competing for the Ling Chee Menu Trophy for men and the Di'.u Ling Heng Biew Trophy (or women The three slates nut competing are Sabah. Kedah and Johore
    69 words
  • 1125 22 GOING FORECAST: (iimd jfTTm 2 0 CLASS 4 DIVISION 2— 9F li'iHTUI ($6 000 $4,200 to the winner) Mlil.llll a (Goodmam Daniels 7 DO (dri -111 'Nctow 3 Rl'BVEYOB a (Khoo and Leongi J Donnellv 6 R 13 i I < liiam 7 ri sivl.xi a (Sultan of
    1,125 words
  • 160 22 I mm JEEP M.I. BOY I'UINTtR Rare I n\T\R\i li.uia Mirvetnr M R\ VOK NaUraJ I If urrltr CUI HA.NA MtaraJ >ur\r \iir Karr I HONOIR Kakatniiin Firrt>reak I IICIHRI AK Kakamion Mortn\d£el WARM M.ASON K ik inimn Stormvofel Itac, 3 K)lt YOl ONLY I'JMr Bugak Kl \l
    160 words
  • 112 22 7 PRISONS STARS IN PENANG SQUAD •T^HE tJk '1 Pen have chosen 23 players [01 'lujtmt'l Maiaycia Cup squad. TTiey include seven player* fri-m Prisons, the FAM Cup holder. 1 Cheah Peng Chean. Bur h. in Mat Itm, H Abdullah, oluharuddin Abdullah. Khahl Hpshim. Sy d Ahmad and Ali Bakar.
    112 words
  • 94 22 Malaysian Open -for pros also r THI? years Majajpgiaa lawn tennla championships »t Ku.iia Lumpur on sept 10-13 optn to professionals and LTAM aecrctary V RaJaxaU BW iid: "This is the flvM tim» we are throwing our champimv Mm open to professionals but who want U> dc. the tame with
    94 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 367 22 DIRECTOR OF FINANCE Applications are invited for this top position in MSA's senior management team. The company MSA is a rapidly expanding airlin« serving key cities of the Orient ond Australio as well as 33 points in East and West Malaysia Annual turnover currently exceeds $150 M The position The
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  • Page 22 Miscellaneous
    • 21 22 in iiMMiiiii^^^^j^Y^^^B^T^i^^HTS^^^^L^lW^^tSj^^^CTC^B **********1111 11 1^ pk^A COW JEQUCWT;Y, YOU StOry m MAKE CONTACT WITM l*^r 1 *l rUtM Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllinilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll \B^C> lIIMIIIUIIHMIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIr
      21 words

  • 597 23 wsmm BUT PERRY GETS A TOUCH FIGHT FROM SONNY SOH ALBERT POON of Hong Koaff, in an Alfa Romeo (iTA, led from sart to finish to win the Saloon cars event over 30 laps (ahout 63 miles) at liatu Tina circuit yesterday, the opening day of
    597 words
  • 456 23 Dora cuts 9 sec off Angelina's record riIHIRTFEN records. werr net X In 31 campeted events, at •ne c'hiiif.p buimining Clubs Novice* at -arnup meet at Am!vr Ruad ut one W< fxpected better Tin r\rnt which Ml UM l>igge&: cut «hs the 50m (i i igli; and unaor 10 LHira
    456 words
  • 271 23 KEPPEL, SICC CLASH IN KEY TIE DEFENDING chami Keppel Club and Sin(japcrp land Country Club, the two rivals for this «olf championship. I will cla-li la a k^y match at Bukit Course fjday. year Ki-ppel beat SICC 4-2 at Bukit Course and drew 3-3 at Bukit Chermin Thl« year
    271 words
  • 52 23 I IYER POOL. Srt.— Tonwetght Ga» Trip, ridden b\ Irish jockey Pal Teafle. ixwMed to an easy victory in the (ameri Orand National steeplechase here today. Gay Tup finrhtd full of runnliu; k. beat Vi Iture by 'n lengths, with Mis Hunter half a length
    52 words
  • 135 23 TAN AIK 111 MUM) ic.ii Vcv* Chcai Mm' IS-t, 15-7 in ihr MalajralMi I'hom.ts (up truls .it Ma--1 ice i l.t >.t nii;ht Aik llu:<ne h.i> mil fully extended as CtMSf H'><- «.is errutir with his smash and took only 31 minutes lo win
    135 words
  • 148 23 Three-team success I^AKI BUKIT and Pemuda Glair., favourites for the Singapore Ama'c.r Sepak Takraw Youth dMUßplonanip. have nil their three teams in the las*. 16 after yesterday programme Results; Gentle 'B bt Bawean Putra B 15-3 15-3: Chestnut Rangers C wo. Radin Mas ronimiiTv Centre 'B; Pemuda Olam A' bt
    148 words
  • 347 23 FA Cup finalists show top form LONDON'. Sat PA Cup finalists. Chelsea and Leeds, showed lop form today In the League. Leeds beat Burnley 2 1 and Chelsea won 1-0 at home to Tottenham Hotspur. 1 Ni.i.isii niv. OM Arsenal 2 West Ham 1 Chelsea 1 Tottenham n Coventry 0
    347 words
  • 215 23 Ocean bank their hopes on off-form Nathan OCEAN SPORTS (LIB banked their hnpe« heavily on centreforward V.K. Nathan yesterday and this cost them a 1-0 defeat by RAF Selection in their FAS Div. One match at Jalan Besar. The former Singapore sprinter and a top Div. One player wa-; ofT
    215 words
  • 21 23 Wa!es bed PrMMI INI after leading rt-3 hi ihe ti: I half in the five nations Rupb\ championship day.
    21 words
  • 242 23  -  KHO MAN POH By DEFENDING champions Toto Reds were easy winners against Changl Point in the women's section of the Basketball As- sociatlon of Singapore's annual championship at the Peoples Association last night. Thpy won by 73-28. Toto's success was sparked by their top
    242 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 132 23 put the world's £*®j®k stations y fingertips A remarkable innovation from NATIONAL Panasonic this solid state, de-luxe portable radio R-2SOOB puts a uhole new world of listening pleasure at your finger tips. T)w SATtONAL R-***** offers super -sensitive reception on 5 bands AfW SV, f l/SW2/SW3/SW4. Big 2-watt power output
      132 words
  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 107 23 Mil m Keppel v SlCC iB: Chtrmin*. •«<i( IK f- *s Div I: F»thul Kanb v Tplok Kurau S.30. R. Navy v Hamilton 7.30 *both matches Jn. Besan. CnCKBT: Senior tourney: Army RAF Sele.tar. SCC v SRC IA v RAF Changl. CSC v Police SCRC v RAF Tengah. ATHLFTHS: SAAA
      107 words