The Straits Times, 29 January 1970

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 28 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 200,000 The Straits Times The Niitinniil Niiwsiiiipiir Estd. 1845 v THURSDAY. JANUARY 29. 1970 if 13 CENTS K.D.N. 4517 M.t. (P) No. 1507
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  • 362 1  - Drama of 18 saved from sea ordeal CLEMENT MESENAS Picked up after 4 days adrift By SINGAPORE. Wednesday EIGHTEEN Indonesians one a 20-year-old woman drifted helplessly in the Java Sea for four days before being picked up by a passing oil tanker bound for Singapore. They managed to keep afloat
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  • 148 1 Israeli jets bomb camp six miles from Cairo FTCL \\l\ Wed. Israeli 1 'i-ls today mud < their Insist liiimbint raid to < aim sim c thr Ni\ Da) attaekinc an army .imp iinK si\ miles soiith of the Kcyptian capital a military spokesman saul here. Ihe raid. Ihi
    Reuter  -  148 words
  • 40 1 WASHINOTON. Wed The U.S. Ail Four t'Kla\ fly--1 mii relief equi|,mrnt and >upplles > to Nigeria, to help Alleviate MifI lerinj! alter thr mil war The sir torcr iilaiv. 21 flights over tin ne\t nine
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  • 21 1 KOBE We<! Ten people died in tue today at a match factory in western Japan, police reported. LM
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  • 224 1 New Aussie wonder share sets pace on exchange SYDNEY. Wed AlMtr.tiia's M«wl wonder ibare. Ta.-minex again M-t the pact- on thr Sydney Stock Exi'tiiinge today despite dampening *tatementa aboai its reported niekei -trike in w«Urn Australia The shares, valued at than Ast> last *et k. closed at As 42 tonight
    Reuter  -  224 words
  • 282 1  -  CHAN BENG SOON By AI-OK STAR. Wed «r\ Five fishermen who jumped overboard when then trawler sank after a collision with another \essi-| on Pulau Pava yesterday. were rescued after nearly two hours in the water. They were found hv a lishiiit boa I
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  • 265 1  - Frogman drowns in double murder pool STEPHEN BOEY: By IPOH. Wednesday A MARINE police Frogman died in ;i mining pool near Bidor this afternoon while helping in iu\csli^;ilions into ;i case ol double murder. Police withheld his name until relai living in another State, arc Informed. The diver, a corporal,
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  • 91 1 London fog diverts jumbo jet FKANKH Rl Wed A Pan Xmerican jumlxi jet flying from New York and ni\erted from London to Kr.inkfurt bec.uistof fof. landed here at K til .ihi iinl.i\ London's Heathrow an port closed overnight when foe till isi hiliu to M > inls The giant
    Reuter  -  91 words
  • 24 1 NFW YORK Wed Police Mid ihe\ Mire ;eo linef school chllcnei. MM In a sectlo: heroin. The »?re 13 and 15 AP
    AP  -  24 words
  • 23 1 \k\v Dei in I Rwdouin and Queen Fabiola of Belitiuni armed he:e :xla'- 1 a aint-da) Mate vlatl to India. UPI
    UPI  -  23 words
  • 64 1 KUALA LUMPUR Wed A senior officer of the Legal Department has been suspended from duty fol lowing investigations Into his conduct by the AntiCorruptton Agency An ACA officer oecimea to MMM on the case, i-ayinx \V«r [or an official announcement The head of the agenry
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  • 52 1 NEW DELHI Wed. Police squad* patrolled Bhilai in central India today lollowir.j communal riots ye- lei day in uhirli five people were killed A ban en itathenni:* of more than four people »hj c lamped on the sjee!-maiui!acturme town for a week and 11 people were
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 31 1 BANGKOK Wed Thai police have banned tirecrmckers and dragon and lion danc-.« during Nr\v Year iflebrations. There »r«- more than three million Chinese in Thailand. Reutei
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 34 1 VIENNA W>d Deputy ministers o( the s*\m W<ir>«w Pact states enr'ed a two-day meeting In Soda capital of Bulgaria todnv which centred on prepar»ui>n< for the proposed ruropean ■CMritJ conference. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 354 1 Rubber leaps to a new high SINGAPORE. Wed, While rubber bounced to a new high of 7^ cents a lr>. today for February first Krade a jump of ljj cents tin i in c dropped again $673.50 a ;j ie v 1 to Wtei in. the rubber :a'-d llirt Tn.
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  • 14 1 2 KILLED IN RAIL CRASn JOHANNI SBI'BG, Wed.--n kilioc n smashti I
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 36 1 ~£or Clear Comfortable Consult- C. S. CHONG O. D. EVERBRIGHT OPTICAL CO. 19 CHULIA STREET SINGAPORE 1. Which cooking fuel is fast, clean, economical, dependable and comes to you in a blue cylinder? Essogas A v(£sso)
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    • 62 1 World News I UK TO l\( I \l MINI SI MMI1 l'\(.l 11 Ml DIMS (>\ K A M P A I PA(.K 11 I III V II WITH -Kill I TALKS: PA(.I IS IKK I- I) O M I K.HI IK KSCAPKS PA(iK U Kit MIT'S TOP MAX OIK
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    • 110 1 THORENS First Electronic Turntable TD-125 "The Real Rolls- Royce"amongst Tronscnption Turniabl* JEBSEN JESSEN Siiqapnrr K lymiui l»h Beck's is the impression-making At/Lll^^^Q beer For the man who knows t^^^J|QSflEJB tne 9°od things in life. Little V- i IS\ *JR things like the specialities of Jj l^jP' German beer, for instance.
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  • 156 2 Three days left to renew work permits 1/ U A L A LUMPUR. Wed. Non-citi-zens, holding threemonth work permits and who are entitled i to have them renew- cd. were reminded to- day that they have only until Saturday to do so. In a statement the Com nnssioner for Employment.
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  • 59 2 £ANADIAN Prime Minister. Mr. Pierre Trudeau. will visit Malaysia m*4 Singapore in May. it was officially announced both in Kuala Lumpur and Singapore yesterday. Mr. Trudeau will stop over in Kuala Lumpur and Singapore on his way to Tokyo for a five-day tour of |apan
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  • 89 2 CO-OP BAxNK GETS $500,000 DEPOSIT lOHOKE BAHHU. Wed in. Mentri Bosar. Dat'i Majl Uihtnan ».i at today handed ovi-r a IMb.HW etwqiM as the Btate Cii\ eminent s fixed depo.-ii investment in Bank Kerjasama «M> Belli.. (I The cheque was given to the co-operative bank's manaumK director. Inche Al U
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  • 46 2 $500 fine and tax doubled HNO4NM. Wt(l A i-i ci.^r I'mii rat nn*d i.-iiHi ij> i i court Mfi..-. 1.1 r\.idiin; 5931 IN %i 187 lie I lion. lurm ia.<t fMf Lee who pleaded gu It] a mwnnn i 'vi;' ordnvd fv.idffl ts < vfn*.\
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  • 31 2 mmm wh r« iku Aikiu. |HH She) 16 Ifee Sultan <<f S.-iang. r air \rd h^rf today lor a: WmLiivi o> Ips<* at orange in Western New South W.;>*
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  • 293 2  - Gerakan chief: NCC session fruitful PHILIP MATHEWS: ISSUES DISCUSSED INTELLIGENTLY By Kuala Lumpur, Wednesday (^ERAKAN Ra'ayat Malaysia chairman Dr. Svcd Hussein Alatas. today described as "fruitful" the inaugural two-day session of the National Consultative Council. "Issues are being Intelligently dismissed and I am satisfied with the progress," be >aid at
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  • 79 2 Man with dud fifties sought SINGAPORE. Wed Poec .ire lookini for a man who tried to pas> on rfeit $50 Malaysian in the Beach ,\rt a earlier thtl week. A shopkeeper t<ild he >aw the man bundle of Sin notei In his wallet when he U out to pay bill.v
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  • 31 2 PETALING JAVA. Wed Thi Menlri Be»ar of Selauic>r. I';.ln Haji Harun bin H..JI -v 111 open tne Medxn t nl Section U here ai 7 JO pn. on Saturday.
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  • 259 2 MORK newipapeti today commented an Mr !e> Yew's offer t.f Singapore citizenship to skilled workers from Hong Kong and elsewhere "The Biiiß.<|x>n Government has said that it welcomes Hong Kong's >killed workers to livp there permanently, the right-wing i HONG
    UPI  -  259 words
  • Article, Illustration
    21 2 Prmang Museum .tnd in Fe!> 21 tn 2.1 mtivum will open rarlirr and clow later on ail three day*.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 247 2 Mi Norddeutscher Lloyd 19 Hamburg-Amerika Linie N»^ Cargo ve^**l< fullv-airronditioned between Europe and the Far East At'ro' tiv# r. t) voOOOfntool 'ores yet iciKuriout f ro% f Mina S<naapora Hengkonf Manila Japan Taiwan Honaken« Manila Smaapor* HOMEWARD Sinfapara Part SwcHcnham Ppnang Ganaa ManallUt Antwerp Rottfrtfam Brcmarkavrn Sinqaparf Honfkenf, Japan Hamburf
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • 458 3  - Timbermen appeal to Govt on FEFC rates ANTHONY By NG: Kuala Lumpur, Wednesday IiIALAYSIAN timbei ITI exporters are to appeal to the Government to persuade the Far Eastern Freight Conference (FEFC) to lower its shipping rates. The Federation of Malaya Timber Exporters' Association today said that the high rates charged
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  • 60 3 Eleven to lead census KOALA LLMIHR. wed. Millar sute Oovernm<rr bfjn appointed Drpuly Onm;--. of QMMM lo lake charge oJ the nation-wide population and i' n.->u-- opfTT*hM M i Stale The ceivhus. t<> be taken In 1 Junr and Juiv. will be the ftm ;n We>t Malaysia .-.ince 1957. The
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  • 171 3 Experts from 10 nations agree to form society PENANG. Wed. Eneineers. architects and public health officials from 10 Asian countries, including Malaysia, have acreed to form a regional society to exchange views on the environmental sciences. They reached this decision at a six-day water suddlv and sanitation seminar whkh ended
    Bernama  -  171 words
  • 114 3 IX)KYO. Wed Japans Nissan Motor Company and British Leyland Motor Corporation are planning mutual co-ope-ration in third countries :n an apparent challenge to U.S. car manufactures. tan spokesman toii.iv named Australia. Now Zealand. Malaysia. Chile and Portugal a> among the markets the re
    Reuter  -  114 words
  • 75 3 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. Hawkers have been forbidden this year to sell Chinese New Year goods In the Jalan Petaling and Leboh Foch area here. The Federal Capital Commission announced today that sites for petty traders would be provided at the car parks
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  • 72 3 K\\(.\K Wrcl A I h.n farmer. Knieng hdin lollß It, VM slldt l;tsl nijht by gunman i ti-t .i> lir was entering hi> rfi trr'i hcirm- at Kainpims Padanc Patani, fl\e miles from here. rmriis v; t s slrurk on the facr by a liullet. He was
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  • 78 3 CHOLERA HITS TRADERS' PLANS UKI Ml TOWN. Wed Brunei Town merchants uho have imported large quantities of seasonal \rt;e tables and fruit from Singapore and Hone Kong arr wondering what to do with them. As a result of the i-holrra outbreak in the district. they are unable to distribute their
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  • 31 3 PENANO. Wed. Two Baliic Pulau fishermfii. Thor Ch'.n Kee and Lock Lam Tlonfj. yesterday reported to police the loks of their outboard motors from the beach at Titi Acheh.
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  • 162 3 Malaysia names envo y to Manila OALA LUMPUR, Wed. Inche Hashim bin Sultan, now Ambassador in South Korea, has been named Ambassador to the Philippines. His appointment was an- nounced by the Govern- ment today. Inche Hashim. who has been in the foreign service for 12 years was posted to
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 119 3 r* My goodness, its not Fatty Tan, is it? "1 ai!\" lan. Patrick Tan. ""I alt> vanished into history some inches and pounds ayo. Patrick I an is his true slim self. I hanks t>> I leramccu Hermcsctas is tweet little thinu >et no calorics. Nothing f a 1 1
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    • 442 3 BRANCH MANAGER required for KUCHING Tke COLD STORAGE 6ROUP OF COMPANIES requires i BRANCH MANAGER for their KUCHING Branch. THE JOB The Branch controls sales of Ice, Ice Cream, ReHqeroted Foods, Pharmaceuticals and Agency Food lines At the Dresent time the business is mainly confined to Kuching and its environs,
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  • 924 4  -  MAGDALENE LUM By KTALA LUM- PUR, Wed. A schoolgirl broke down ;iikl wcpl uncontrollably in the High Court 1 today when she testified ;il her parents* divorce case hearing. "I love both my parents veiy much and I do not want them
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  • 94 4 SINGAPORE Wed. <.on- /.iso Billy Kamson. on the arm at Nanyanc Theatre in Yuk Tons Aw mi. on Nov. I. r Hi mm in court on an amended charce of out- raginc her modesty. g Mr Francis Piliai v ioijiinH. asked thr mi-
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 350 4 E Yi'iio -VipeVs" YodaYi" i SHOWS DAILY AT 11 a.m., 1.45, 4.00, 6.30 9.15 p.m. "IXOTIC... ELEGENT... Francoise Sagan's 'ale of the wealthy lover, the mistress and the younger man. Catherine Deneuve is very much alive as the girl who tries to live for love before finally choosing, instead, t»
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    • 108 4 liy %el amigo 3"^- |nite clubi^ (THE SWING lEST NITE SPOT IN TOWN fl BOOKINGS NOW OPEN FOR THE CHINESE NEW YEAR'S EVE NITE BALL fSSSi fflilA' FABIE 7 d v>^ •.ot u t "^^BLm AV> the RerneHes Family Show Also appearinf the Modern Notes V >\^ with Tammy Wenf.
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    • 348 4 fa_op_EQhr j| W^k OPENS TODAY! I m K JkmK DAILY 5 SHOWS: I •"*!l!Sfev When lHt UH from m m 1 iIb^TI "The Good, The Bad- ilwL And The IJ^y" I yRHKv SMILES... riBH^OTWIk HESOUTTOKILL! > BJ P*Sj.*ußb^^ HJ^JiHl— Jl T fik TERENCE HILL brock peters kevin McCarthy I Dim
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    • 553 4 m J'l^^'i ■»i=ii r^=TSgWBI-l Op<.is Today 1 30, 4, 6 30, 9. 1S "THE MINI-SKIRT MOB" Jrrc" v ate ON STAGE TONIGHT at 91 5 pm BJ "PINK RIBBONS FASHIONS' BJBJ I I I I 118 BIIM m OPENS TODAY 111 11 am. If JO 4. t3O 9 IS pm.
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 155 4 TODAY'S ETV PROGRAMME 'pODAY'S ETV pro- 1*.5« p.m. Health edun iMa■l grammes on channel 8: s* 0 l Hn(i 3 and 7.50 ».ra 8.10 a-m.. O«ncral 1.15 p.m.— 1.15 p.m.. Geograsctence. Sec 2; Chemicals from phy (Ch >. Sec. I: Latitude and the roots, 8.30 8.50. Mat he- longitude. 1.50
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  • 230 5 GETTING A TASTE OF LIFE— IN A TRAM MELBOURNE. Wed. I 1 oim;apore stu- dents Kuldip Singh and Johnny Tan Soo Ilovk are spending their summer vacation in Mrlbournr workini; M the trams earning money an d seeini: life from a new aii};le. I hi> .up amonu ncirlv 'i'tii WtrWM
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  • 242 5 Fewer deaths soon with helmet rule: Safety chief SINGAPORE, Wednesday. Till" National Safety First Council chairman, Mr Milton Tan, today predicted a drop in road ;l(';i(lis from two winder crashes from Sunday when all riders are compelled by law to wear crash helmets. He said last year's figures showed that
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  • 54 5 SINGAPORE WM 111. muilic ,-ection oi ;iir NftUeaaJ re Club will present its tnv public porforn. cal Bonanza"— at the V Theatre on Peb 22 al 8 p.m Chairman of the Mition. Mr Nr Bo On. better k'tovn ai> "The Oreat Wong. \ul) v trate trick*
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  • 135 5 General Relief Fund now at $129,500 SINGAPORE Wed Hip Social Welfare Department has received $129.--542.71 lur the General Relief Fund, set up after the December floods. I .u»->t uor.ations ;irc lioni Mr. N. GovliiuiiMimx MP for Teluk Blaimuli i collection received at UM HO Seminar". $167 2."i. PSU tngaii Queen.s
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  • 36 5 SINGAPORE. Wed. Mr. Paul Y.J. Chu. a member of the Science Council of Singapore, hah been uppolnlod a member of the Public Service Commi--Mr. Chu l.v an electrical engineer trained In Shanghai
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  • 22 5 SINGAPORE. Wed The Commerzbank Akttengeatllscbaft one of Oeimanv blv three bank.-- todH.v o|M>i.e<l IU SjouthenM Asian repi«beiuuti\e» ufflce here today.
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  • 273 5 Reporter on story gets his cars mixed up KUALA LUMPUR, Wed.— A car mixup early yesterday morning caused some moments of panic to a journalist and a senior police officer. The mix-up occurred when China Pro.v, reporter K.H. Chan djove off in the black Morri.s Minor belonging to Deputy Supt.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 113 5 MF'^Ki Hnltnl bI CREATES ANOTHER PFIRST^ Model MA 260 is a NEWB-Trock car stereo carfric/ge player with built-in STEREO RECORDING SYSTEM Its easily detachable brackets Vv ma^ e H ''ctea/ for your car SEE IT FOR YOURSELF SOON i/% ,i| il "7 ASIA. RADlO(S'pore) PTE. LTD. ASIA RADIO (Aft!) SDN.BHD.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 191 6 Golden Mile Shopping Centre is the prestigious multi-million dollar shopping and commercial complex set within 2 minutes drive to the city centre. Overlooking the sea, this new complex is unrivalled in design and accommodation. Many people have joined in the race to own flats or to establish shops, offices and
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  • Article, Illustration
    265 7 A thorn that's not going to be nettled by roses SINGAPORE. Wed. He's the proverbial thorn among the roses this brave British farmer. Mr. E. Johnson, who has ventured forth wi-h IS women to see the East. He was Mm Bulling broadly tuday in Sinuupore, the Brat
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  • 14 7 Ihr MP hoid Ins v f .id of Friday from next I
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  • 146 7 Tikam men who prey on school children SINGAPORt:. Wed. Opera' ::ii: a "tlkam tikam" ■tall might seem a very minor offence uut a lot of •olchlldren have falk :i victims oi this game, a court prosecutor said today. Sen, or Inspector Othman Amblar was pressing for a ..uanist a hawker.
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  • 58 7 SINGAfUKF Wed IMP rdl■l Si! I Dr i In 8.-. membeiv not to be influenced by -l. comins c modi ci<\ "Every year we haw wrwrd .nil ill Dtl into llir COUII--(i wan mo: :<il ii H S;!!««l>irc- und able. nctety v.i
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  • 158 7 TRICK-SHOT GOLFER IN THE ROUGH UP IN THE AIR CIN<; AI'OKI Wed. I or Mck \ colfcr. Paul Hahn. Hi. situation up in the air off I'nrtuguevp Timor more anxious than any he had encountered on the green anyuhrre. There hr w:is at the controls of his tiny Artec
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  • 83 7 WINGAPORF Wed The four-man trade mission from Mauritius today railed on the Minister lor Foreign Affairs and Labour. Mi S Rajaratnam. at his office m City Hall They also had preliminary talks with representatives of the business community Officials o! the Tourist Promotion Board The
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  • 241 7 Youth fined $3,000 for causing road death SINGAPORE. Wed yAl* JIN KIAT \\;is lined $3,000 or ;i year's j;iil today for causing the death <>l 71--year-old man l>\ negligent driving near Times House on Dei. 'JN l;isl year. Yap, 19. was ftlao disqualified from driving for live years. He was
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 190 7 Jt|B(l*! i—rv_ri_ji_iL-J~l T way sound system I ■^■^(^{■^[■■■^■■■■^■■■■^■■■■■B muvistom v speakers I Sole Agents Service Station: I ponD > N^~t U6O3iS lpo-> Oi/ ***** N>git MM J W K. i- Day ***** N'9M «9j-'1 •^•r.n, a,, 2J«»0 Nfl 229?* For the first time a Chinese Newlbir offer by ORLANE Jean
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 153 7 IKrk 1 retry 1 h-*i.r <..n,IH YOUR CRiP. WMERE I s **^Lp*™± NEVER GO I IS &A. CX STWAIOWT AHEAD. VERA? Ji TUffNeD m^t"~ TMEReT/ <IpOPEVE«_I_--l p OPEVE«_l_---Lii Ahm*r jf w /%i i np Jf/K*H WHOM.VI/^ W E£N T^ ir r > < P<-"O\l /^THATWASTME ■^.MAVAHAX?) 'tSS. 00^ 0 MO»»AMP
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  • 172 8 SINGAPORE, Wednesday. f V\\\. I iiiversity «»i Singapore Students' In ion today supported the Governincnt's move l<> c;ill ii|> for lull-time national service students who have finished their H.S.C. The union said the earlier call-up would enable the students later on to do their
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  • 52 8 Big sports centre for Nanyang i i.MORE. Wed. A $700.--000-sports complex, to include Kymnattuin and an Olympio m/p s<AimmiiiK-pool. will be built later 11: the year m Nnnyai-.g Dnlveratty, The complex «ill also lncnrpornte sports lirld and a:i eight-lane bitumen athletic track. Puncis ai-e expecied to be allocated by
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  • 29 8 SfNOAPOftS Wed The Parliamentaiy Secretary to tile of Labour. Mr. Sla Knh Rut. will preaeni certificate tr> eet Crora the v Technical Centre here on Monday.
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  • 17 8 IE Wed BC Kuans of Orchard Hotel has been elerted prendei. Si.-.eapore Hotels and Resuu:cnn
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  • 178 8 Accused: Friend did killing alone SINGAPORE. Wed. S. Muniyandi, 18. accused of killing his friend's mistress, today put all the blame on his friend. But he did not deny a prosecution suggestion that he carried the woman's legs while his friend. Palanisamy. cut her throat. Muniyandi. making his delence in
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  • 23 8 SINGAPORE. Wed T«o book !:^t> "Careers for young people and "Sporti for younj people' —have been luued by the National Library.
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  • 86 8 FjiIVE Inu reels of paper each urishiiiK half a ton thundered clou n from a lorry tun. ii <K .i motor<>ilisl in Outran! Ku.iil yesierilay. But luckily for him he CM.tpnl Mil hunt injury e\en tln>ugli one of the recta came close enoU{h to brush
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  • 116 8 $3m parts centre set up in Jurong SINGAPORE. Wed. An American heavy machinery firm has >tarted a $3 million Far But pan.. distribution centre In Slngapure. The centre i> one of three opened by the Allih-Chal-mers Group to complete tta world link-up of distribution point.s. j The plan!, mi .i
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  • 200 8 Executives on joint-venture mission SINGAPORE. Wod. Nine top executives of American engineering companies are hero to explore the possibility of joint ventures with local industrial firms. Amo:i(f them are experts in air nri water po control, and an specialise in designing hospitals and factor. Expertise Said the lmdor of the
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  • 37 8 SINGAPORE Wad. Tw» thousand uncerpnvi egrd and hnndicappwi chiic'Tfr. v ill attend a special mfitin-c of th» "Holiday on Ice" jlO on Satur- < n brao Fraser and ■ihe of Singapore and bingapon Wen.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 150 8 iS^it VSJy^'T' T^*^3^j^^^^. Ib^"^^^^^bl a^B^B^a^B^B^al s^~ f m C V£^^k) a^a^a^^^^a^asl la^r-~^ ~^l j^4Er HHL \^O^. ~Jy *itk/ ■1 1 I x f^. /AK*m<' aj^^a^aV .^a^R^aH Wf #//i \Cf f^Kmi K. nSra^aV^^^ i SlW^^Kkm (r^ [fc--- \^A -'mm /£fl IhBHbI 111^^ Kaf lli tht r l »-'"t« r wi or
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous

  • 630 9 We have history on our side: The oppressed have always outnumbered the oppressors EARLY each morning in Oakland, San FranChicago and other cities across the land, cadres of the Black Panther party take up the humdrum chores of revolution. "li v skrvk breaktast and propaganda to school children THE* COLLECT
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  • 808 9  - The road to revolution. RICHARD HARWOOD by Cleaver. u> in exile Ui Algeria to avoid prosecution fur parole violation The party chairman, Bobby aea.<. iias been sentenced to four yeais> In prLson tor contempt ot a Federal Court and awaits trial in New Haven for allegedly ordering the murder ot
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 215 9 ■■^■■■■Hil I A Hungry Hair B Xrjc_ m A tingl* hungry h»ir magnified undef t r^Sli?^ m microscope. The sutlac* is covered with K !>'''""> ol i,gly barbs and this roughness ''sf2ifeV J >.-..■. the ndiural sheen of the rmr and Hair Gets Hungry Yes hair really does get hungry.
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    • 46 9 ON THIS SPECIAL TWIN PACK You get tremendous value for your money: you save one whole dollar when you buy two packs of Fab large in a special twin pack. Save now and see for yourself how i 1 Fab washes in Extra Whiteness Extra Brightness
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  • 614 10 The Straits Times Thursday, January 29, 1970 GETTING SET FOR THE MILLION Singapore hopes to attract in the mid-seventies a million tourists a year. It sounds an impossible, indeed a fantastic figure. But the experts base their prediction on three years of rewarding effort by the Tourist Promotion Board, the
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  • 416 10 Though the upheaval threatened last month by the expiry of "non-p able" work permits a; ed to have been averted by the National Operations Council's last-minute decision that the permits could be renewed, related problems persist in lesser but still worrying form. In particular, the
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    • 172 10 UNDER the headline "Shock; Pay up Demand" the Straits Times reported on Tuesday, Jan. 27, that the Ministry of Education had sent back-dated water and light bills to some of Its IV workers with an order to pay up Immediately. The Ministry of Education would
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    • 167 10 I REFER to Josephine Rotter's letter (B.T. Jan. 13) "Long. Long Walt at the Post Office" and regret that she suffered Inconvenience and delay at the Post Office. Jalan Othman. Petallnu Java. Investigations reveal that she called at the Post Office between 11 a.m. and 1
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    • 58 10 rE Canning Gardens and Ipoh Gardens which are adjacent to one another make up a large satellite. The population, and size of thLs residential area, and distance from the nearest post office fully Justify the setting up of a post office In this area. Perhaps the Post-Master-General would
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  • Article, Illustration
    1243 10  -  SHIVADAS By Malacca Malaysians move in to Terendak Camp as the last 400 British troops prepare to make their final exit ONLY about 400 Comm o nwealth troops, mostly British, are left at Terendak Camp and in just two months even they will be gone. So far under
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  • 418 10  -  MAX WILDE By GENEVA: When an American writes 1-10-70 he means the 10th day of January. 1970: but an Englishman or a Frenchman would read as the first day of October. 1970. To try to diminish the inconvenience and trouble misinterpretations can cause the International
    418 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 58 10 I] J f(/L Thm Renowned K6GI flOU) CUSTOM TWLORS Style* Cat to the Ut«t Fertile**. Hen 4 TeHeoetf. tert WorkmaniWe Alto Importer* Exporter* Htf* Clm Went** 4 Weellem Suit Length* •f World RenowMd Bratdt FINTEX OQRMEUIL HUNT WINTERBOTHAM WAIN SHIEL GLOREX. Make Ideal Gifts for All Occtuion*. 11, Chulia Strf.t,
      58 words
    • 177 10 B Living stereo in your car Th« rich »ound ol a full orrhMtu Is brought to you by th» magrH*c«nt Toshiba car tl«r«o. Th» all aMCM «ohd stat* KT-82C ha» 8 track* and 4 Channels and is racked into a II j*h front, vibration Ire* padded leathar finis* easing, designed
      177 words

    • 432 11 With reports from Reuter, AP, UPI, The New York Times, Melbourne Herald, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post WASHINGTON. Wednesday BRITISH Premier Mr. Wilson reviewed Nigerian relief and other world problems with President Nixon today and then iiscussed with U.S. officials effects of Washington's deflationary
      Reuter  -  432 words
    • 212 11 Children in mass at lack on Catholic school in Jakarta I A K A R T A. Wed. security forces have arre.Ued eight school chilcren following a mass attack on a Catholic school in the fashionable suburb of Kcbajoran |The Jakarta MlUtar mand -sa.d thi were arreMed by troops and
      AP  -  212 words
    • World round-up
      • 104 11 6 ,000 TEACHERS GO OUT ON STRIKE IN BRITAIN LONDON. Wed. More than 6.000 teachers, complaining they were under-puid and over-w o r k e d, walked out of their classrooms today in Britain's bissest-ever school strike. intend to stav nut for the next eight day*. brinftins education to a
        Reuter  -  104 words
      • 15 11 .I\K\IMA: Ifce (.ovrrnmitii baa Im.iiipiI .1 nuniher of foniKn >e\ films follovvine puliln criticism. Reuter.
        Reuter  -  15 words
      • 23 11 JliiDMI: Saudi Arabian has supplied Its Aircraft with religious records for the pilgrln. The remrd.s replace thp popular music available to passengers. Reuter
        Reuter  -  23 words
      • 43 11 FREETOWN: Sierra Leone has declared three Britons and two Lebanese prohibited Immigrants and has given thorn 48 hours to leave the country. The Britons am employees of the Sierra I.eone Selection Trust, which wtl robbed of £4.500.0011 worth of diamonds last November. Reuter.
        Reuter  -  43 words
      • 32 11 LONDON: A turliaiinrd poHeemaa baa gone on duty proliiiblv fur the flisl limr in Kril:iin PC Barbam sin^h JakraL 41. i Kenya >«»rn Sikh is patroDlni thr working rlass But Knd. Rcutpr
        32 words
      • 16 11 RLRNE: Former Czechoslovak Deputy Prime Minister Ota Slk has uked for political asvlum In Switzerland UPI
        UPI  -  16 words
      • 47 11 M DELHI: Police stiii. hi- patrolled Khilai in Central India tod.ty following rommunal riots yesterday in «hi<h five people uere killed A li.m on tatherings of more thin four people II •■I imped on the itoel m.inur.uturine town lor a Meek and :{l people were arrested. Reuter.
        Reuter  -  47 words
    • 37 11 SYDNEY. Wed A north mall train tumped the Harks a^ II sped Into Sydney at 50 miles an hour early today. A man was killed and 15 were injured They were to hospital.
      37 words
    • 427 11  -  HARRY MILLER From London. Wed WILL Mi Wilsons talks with President Nixon produce something more than just useful philosophic r\umination of world problems and possible solutions'' The question items from Mr Wilson's first major speech in New York last night
      427 words
    • 151 11 LONDON, Wed. A big droD in the number ol coloured immigrants coming to Britain was reported to Parliament last nicht. In the first 11 months of last year. 34.390 Commonwealth citizens settled in Britain compared with 53.069 for thr whole of 1968. Mr. Merlvn
      Reuter  -  151 words
    • 31 11 UNITED NATIONS Wed. The security Council meru in urgent se.sMon today ai the request of Afro-Asim* countries concerned at South Africa's non-complianre with UN resolution* on South-west Africa Reuter.
      Reuter  -  31 words
    • 74 11 HONG KONG. Wed— The Government today froze rents in the crowded, booming British colony The move followed widespread complaints f'om apartment dwellers whose rents have been drastically I Increased. Rent increases have even forced some small firms out of business The freeze a stopgap measure
      Reuter  -  74 words
    • 157 11 A burning, looting rampage by Pakistan mobs KARACHI, Wed.— St-el-helmeted police yesterday failed to stop violence from spreading oat ol troubled Hyderabad Into outlying town* mobs raced from t newspaper office to 1 movie houses and shops. looting and burning. Polio fired t«ar lai and charged with steel- tipped bamboos
      UPI  -  157 words
    • 198 11 Cruelty to royals? Charles says: I agree rONOON, Wr.i if Xusiralia starts s ciety for thr Prevention nf n eltv to Reyalty, Pnncr Charles will back it all the win I his was his reply list ni;hl to Austr.ili.m (riticisni that (he mmint t»<>month royal tour of Aus .i
      Reuter  -  198 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 165 11 Quality electric kettle for today's modern kitchen, it I fIHHHH|HHft ear Brand brings quality into the kitchen with a superbly finished, long lasting kettle. Available in three sizes, L^^IJJIIyIJa 460r 8 pint capacity. Bear Brand kettles feature a first X"^ class United Kingdom-made heat'ng element. And a /^^T special automatic
      165 words

      • 220 12 LONDON, Wed. I ON DON. Wed. ire o] Hj- >■.. merge early next :-:ey policy versary of rty, diI said ye.stit Secrein, and one :nen in the Minh er:i de- I lnI said. :i marks the 40th try of the founda- the Indo-Chinese Party at
        UPI  -  220 words
      • 376 12 PARIS, Wednesday \OKTII VIKTNAMS ehiei negotiator, Mr Xuan 'limy said yesterday that there would be no early private talks with American diplomats to get the Vietnam peace talks started. Hanoi was prepared for an eventual collapse of the t.ilks. Me made it plain
        376 words
    • 506 12 Yanks find a big arms cache near Saigon CAIGON. Wed.—Ame- rican troops ha\e discovered a large weapons and ammunition cache in Tay Minh province to the northwest of Saigon, a U.S. spokesman said today. The cache, weighing more than lour tons. Included 250.000 small -arms rounds, 63 rockets, «8 individual
      AP  -  506 words
      • 327 12 MANILA, Wednesday CTUDENT leaders 13 from colleges and universities decided yesterday to stage demonstrations against "police brutality" during Mondays rioting. Head of the National Union of Student* of the Philippines. Mr. Edgar Jopson. said students would stage demonstrations at the presidential palace from Friday.
        Reuter; AP  -  327 words
      • 205 12 American co-ed abducted by jilted boy friend MANILA, Wed pretty W-\ ear-old American co-ed was kidnapped at gunpoint last night by her jilted Filipino boy friend after he shot up the dormitory of an exclusive Roman Catholic girN school in Quezon (ity. Police said other student* at Maryknoll Ollere dormitory
        205 words
    • TAIWAN
      • 489 12 Freedom fighter escapes from Nationalists NEW YORK, Wad ]>EN(i Ming-mill, a prominent member Of Hit Taiwan Independence Movement who had been living under house arn-M in Taipeh, has escaped from the island. The Taiwan Independence Movement holds that the island should be Governed by the Taiwanese, descendants of early immigrants
        489 words
      • 200 12 CUM ktIOI.M. Ued. Professor Pen* Mint mm. (7. of Taiprh Iniversin has arrive* in Stockholm and hi- asked for political asxlum Professor Pent s.iiil In an Interview with the Sotrkholm daily K\er»ka Dagbladet that hr had been under police Miprrvision sinrr IMK.i when he
        AP  -  200 words
      • 93 12 ALGIERS. Wed. Algeria and Libya have agreed on the need to Increase the price of their oil. a joint communique said herday. The communique published at the end of talks In Tripoli between an Algerian delegation and Lint. Abdullah Mehelshl. Libyan Economy and Industry
        93 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 118 12 htftV IJMM^HMHMMa^. kf dHgfgH gift fl I I B I fessi M ssfl J bsbiH It never turns its back on you. TV sets don't look so good from the back. So we made sure this one Wilt never turn its back on you. It revolves on its m ivel
      118 words

    • EUROPE
      • 502 13 Top Brandt man off to Moscow BON N. Wed. Chancellor Willy Brandt announced today that he was sending his closest personal adviser to Moscow and West Germany's most senior diplomat to Warsaw to conduct negotiations on proposed renunciation of force MR. EGON BAIIR, State Secretary in Mr. Brandts office, leaves
        Reuter  -  502 words
      • 492 13 BONN. Wednesday \IANY West German Ti Indus tries are churning out goods to meet the extraordinary demands of foreign and dom< consumers in what continues to be called fhe country's super boom. For Germans it a of the tin. The pressure ol factory
        492 words
      • 299 13 LONDON. Wed I IPANKBE and West GerJ man shipyard.- turned out more tonnage .<r before, according to official statistics Issued here today. And lor Japun which has already cornered about one-third of the world shipbuilding market future prospects are even better. Records
        299 words
      • 307 13 Arab anger at Nixon arms pledge BEIRUT. Wed PRESIDENT Nixon's promise to supply Israel with more arms if necessary has aroused a wave of indignation in the Arab world. The President niadt the promise in a letter to an emergency meeting of the United States Jewish Ork a n i
        307 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 125 13 She's been told that :i& oWISS -1 mmf^L w._. Ladies Watches w** f m fl are shock-proof, anti-magnetic, guaranteed 2 years, dependable... f does she remember, M does she care?... i^Br ik V m Ist %jh^ 4 '\M^^^T wKt^al *^B^ M She chose TITUS because she loved the styles I
      125 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 694 14 GUTHRIE WAUGH (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD. Invites applications for the following vacancies A. INTERNAL AUDIT CLERK GRADE I Applicants should be In the early twenties, holding Cambridge School Certificate and are studying or prepared to study for a suitable professional qualifications (A.S.A.. A.C.C.A., 1.C.W.A., ets.i Experience as Audit and or Internal
      694 words
    • 660 14 WELL KNOWN ESTABLISHMENT HAS THE FOLLOWING VACANCIES A TECHNICAL ASSISTANT B. T.V. RADIO MECHANICS C SERVICE SPARE PART CLERKS Qualifications: A A Singapore citizen with driving licence capable of supervising radio workshop Familiar with valve and transistorised circuits and the use and maintenance of measuring instruments B Experienced and independent
      660 words
    • 711 14 SHARIKAT ÜBIYU MALAYSIA BERHAD Applico'ions ore invited trom suitably qualified Maloysion citizen tor the post of: ADMINISTRATOR Applicants must posses o degree trom recognised universities, preferably in Commerce, and snould hove a minimum of three yeors experience in Industrial Administration work. Proficiency in Mclay Languoge is essentiol. Successful applicant must
      711 words
    • 841 14 TEND I 15 sth Singapore Grand Prix TENDERS are Imited for the following: (al Thr supply on birr, delivery, erertinn. maintenance and *üb*rqurnt removal of .ham link fencing lixrd to angle irons. (bl The nupplv on hlrr. delivery, erection, maintenance and subsequent irmoval •>' barbrd-wirr feniinj fixrd to angle irons.
      841 words
    • 553 14 IN 111 l UK. II COURT IN malAya n mi ar CIVIL sin NO. >« Of i!'6> B«tween 1. Tan Pole (I'ohi Chok. 2 One 1 both el N" I -'lan ra*ar. Batu palial runtiffa And 1. Sieh Tat Hal, 2. Pens Wai 3. Tee Teck San. 4. Chen Soo
      553 words

  • 204 15 TWO BEN LINE SHIPS CRASH OFF PULAU ANGSA p O R T SWETTEN--1 HAM, Wed. Two Ben Line cargo steamers limped into the Deep Water Point yesterday with severe damage after they had collided into each other oft* Pulau, about 20 miles from here. The full extent of the
    204 words
  • 172 15 I/LANG, Wed. The Sultan of Selangor today criticised certain officials of the State Religious Department I for "outrageous" behaviour. He ya!d he had been informed that religious i officers were Indulging in i "mud-slinging activities" and boycottin one another in the department. had apparently led
    172 words
  • 263 15  - Better rail engines soon to cut costs ALIAS RAHIM By KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. MALAYAN Railway will have added power for increased haulage capacity at reduced costs with the introduction of 25 diesel-electric locomotives it has ordered from a British firm. Each new locomotive Is capable of hauling 1.000 tons compared
    263 words
  • 39 15 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. The Chief of General staff, Lt -Gen. Unt-ku Nasaruddln bin Ungku Mohamed. will visit th» Royal Military College In Sungel Besl on Friday. He will attend Friday prayers at the college mosque.
    39 words
  • 24 15 .--INGAPORE. Wod. A lorry attendant. Tan Gcolc Chan. 36. Nl ve.-terday when he if. i from his lorry in Boon Lay
    24 words
  • 77 15 M \i\l\d a splash on the fashion scene is model Safiah MrQuistan with the •wet look. the latest in-gear to hit town The two-piece culotte outfit in cold consists of permanently pleated flares and a ruffled blouse made from tri-mcetate material. v ili. ill showed off the creation
    77 words
  • 57 15 J^UALA LUMPUR. Wed. Malaysia and Hungary today came to terms on an agreement to promote direct trade. The Permanent Secretary to the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, haja Tail Sri Mohar. said: "We have come to terms over the agreement The agreement will be signed on Monday
    57 words
  • 350 15  - MALAYSIA'S DARING WOMEN SPIES BY AN AUTHOR LIM SUAN KOOI By KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. Adventurotw British author Noei Barber, bacK here to write a book or the Malayan Emergency, today paid tribute to women who Infiltrated com munist ranks to gain vital information for the authorities. Mr. Barber worked on
    350 words
  • 99 15 MCA sends out goodwill 'envoys' Xl ALA 1.1 MPI R. Wed. MCA hcadquarli-rs Jius sent out "I'irmmissiionrrs" to the east <■ >.i-<t of Wrst Mal.ivsi.i to help organise multi-racial goodwill parties during Chinese New car. This is in response to the c.ill made by the party president. Tun Tan Siew
    99 words
  • 51 15 KUAI.A LUMPUR, Wed. The Vice-Chancellor of the Unlvrrsitv ol Unfku II Bangkok this evening to attend a conference of economic exprrts beginning tomorrow. About 30 economists will attend the three-day nonference. which Li organised by Ecafe to enable them to exchange views on regional economic
    51 words
  • 180 15 $4.6mi1. loans to two timber companies L'UALA LUMPUR, JV wed. Malaysian Indus trial Develop- meat Finance Berhad lias given two loans totalling $4.6 million to two companies to set up integrated wood complexes in West Malaysia. The companies are Olympic Plywood and Timber Product's Berhad and Camel Wood Industries Berhad.
    180 words
  • 24 15 SINGAPORE. Wed. Domestic servant Chan Saw Yong. 30. from V. v lined $250 in a mart today for rntennK i!A.y OB ■■■car.
    24 words
  • 22 15 KIAI A U Ml'l H. \\>d. fnht soi/rd 90 pacm in a r.r.d on a dm ;n Jalan Pudu here.
    22 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 869 15 TV SINGAPURA TV MALAYSIA PROGRAMME ONE: KiuU Lumpur and fttmng CHANNEL 5 Channel 5; Ipoh and Malacca Johore Bahra U t AA VM. Opening, and Morning Star; 3.20 Another Song Taipin* 4; Ratu PaJiat 7; Kluanc J#wv Ano:her Mekxly (English— 3.35 lf« Happening 3.00 FJ- P^Vwnme lummaxy 3.06 MHajtlan
      869 words

  • 118 16 Dead: The woman who 'offended spirits' SI N GAPORE. Wed. Hotuewlfe Nee KwaJ have "offended some evil iptl found dead in a disused well on Jan. :i. a eoroqer heard today. Her body was found floating in the well near her I.orong Bajah home, inner father-in-law and her Mill They
    118 words
  • 82 16 2 escape from Gurney School MALACCA, Wrcl Two 11 boys from the Henry (iurnt-N School here H caprcl yesterday. They are Sani Inn Sulei mm. 17. of Siinjei I)u--siin. lanionc Malini. and .l.ini.iluddin Alias Ismail bin Ahmad. It of Ragin Trap Sahak Kernam. They were sent to Ihe school Tor
    82 words
  • 28 16 KANGAR. Wed A Jiandi craft exhibition will be hi-ld at ■air youth multi-purpose fiimp.ex tomorrow to milk 't* official opening bjr Tun Abdul Raak.
    28 words
  • 324 16 SINGAPORE. Wed 4 LAWYER today told Rotarians how they could AVOID heavy estate duties. For avoidance, he said, was not the same as evasion. 'Whereas the law will permit avoidance provided measures adopted arc within the law. it will brook DO
    324 words
  • 44 16 SINGAPORE Wed. The Shell Group ol companies has purctaMd a third 184-1 1 supply \r.-se\ lor ofl-.shore oil drilling operation.* The vessel, the Ivmujan. n< built by Vor.per Ttiornycroft Uniteers Pte Ltd «nd launched at Tanjong Rhu thU wrelc
    44 words
  • 29 16 SINGAPORE. Wed. A vudow with nine children. Ku* Chievi l.ian. 36. WM fined $500 or three months' jail today for .v. living on an illegal numbers lottery.
    29 words
  • 434 16 Lower spot tin prices likely £62 drop in 36 hours on London mart LONDON, Wednesday CASH tin prices might continue to fall, wiping out part of the premium on spot tin compared with the threemonths' price, a broker here said yesterday. He said that most of the ipeculatlve element Influencing
    AP  -  434 words
  • 43 16 KUALA LUMPUR Wed The Malaysian Government today presented more than 1.000 mado-ln-M vials of leprosy curing injections to Australia. The presentation was made by the Minister of Health. Tan Sri Sardon to the Australian High Comrm.-sioner Mr. J Ft. Rowland
    43 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 280 16 Straits Times Crossword Nil lil IE iW^ I »i Rds« tn under-dog <»>. i r Thert| nothing loose about Wednesday 432 this grammatical form! (Si. 4. Compulsion to r*«d about Act 7. Disregard for metrical com--10 it i. poMtlon In Old English (7). I. Go and ask for one t«>.
      280 words

  • 416 17  -  ONG KIAT BENG BY THIS is what divides the girls from the boys... A new look hair to match the maxi hemline should not find it an effort to distin- tfuish tijenixlvcs from the unvmore. Not with the new liuirstvks Ihal make girls look like girls. This
    416 words
  • 305 17 It's family life the old folks miss most BOREDOM to not unknown to the old p«m> plr at the St. John's Homr for the Affd In Slngaporr. On the other hand, they ne\rr let it ft thrm down. St. John's is cosj and 1 cheerful. But like old folk everywhere
    305 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 186 17 jaflteenrules the underworld wk For Ihe b<?aiitiful look with a beautiful fit-Jan-I.aro padded bra by Jantzen! Everything you want in a bra: that's what Jan-Lace gives you! A lovely bra that happens to be very functional too, Jan-Lace is a true stretch bra, with elasticized shoulder straps and round-the-body spandex
      186 words
    • 469 17 EAU DE COLCXiNE ujl|RS^j| BOURJOIS .a... HIC Enquiries: I HAGEMEYER TRADING CO. LTD. Singapore Kuala Lumpur. Perumg. Ipoh. Malacca. Cohore Bahru. .Kola Bahni.Kui.hmg. v ~>~ Itch Germs Killed in 7 Minutes Tour «ktn has nearlr (0 million tlnv leimi and por*a whin prmi Hl<J# and cauae terrible ltchln«, Crackln«, Sciema.
      469 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 333 18 iCMOWUOCEMENTS «NNI¥t«S»«ltS sNNOUNCEMCNTS SIITHS CLUS ACTIVITIES. CONMiENCES. OUIMS. ENCsCEMENTf. I ruNE*US CHETINCS. IN MEMOHItM. MtMlttES MISSING »E«SON»l. M.C.. UtUIEMS t DEUNIONS. •Hi Misisusi Ml ftr It asjßL tics lilitnul wirt (IN A:i Oturr Ciiivtn t»tiii»itiii MM »l ftr IS «tr«». tatl iHilnul wtri M etttj Strut! Tiati Iv Stmet csirn
      333 words
    • 437 18 REAU THE SENIOR API *>...:ir.eiiis WC SUPPLY amahs cooky dnveis. •t» etc K:n» 36J46'.'. WANTCU Ml iBJ S I ,i» Bo S tood urov ■)t>eii!u» lor business at. I .I 1 .ains please apply Dersonatly lo uho hi Club, ML Joo Chial Koad. IS. telepbooo 4'J7I.M. tro.-D WELL ESTABLISHED
      437 words
    • 847 18 COUPLE COMBINATION LOOK MAID to start al Veai t.xielleni salary for right people. Appointments Tele. (Spore) 641U7i, I I p.m. only TWO INTELLIGENT VOUNC MEN a.m oi ii, and initiative Iv learn new :ir prenrred. Call IM. Moulmeln Road. S pore for interviews Today 10 a.m. 1 p.m. VACANCIES FOR
      847 words
    • 1645 18 PLACE YOUR ADS. ferY^ THROUGH OUR C.A.T.S. W^« PHONE STORE *****1 \CJiXSj FUI'HIMMLI) APAHIMENI BBsUMM 10. *j uediuorr.s. bathrooms, study. .t Hir* ondittoii, i s large nviog/ollnisitf area. Private Kinder,. Uc-nt SI. SOO,'-. U>ok lease pretencd Hnont ooic 'JOI4I. Mrs lan DISTRICT 10: Fuiiy furnished sUssIM stoi. v ;<- Bed
      1,645 words
    • 829 18 MATHEMATICS— LADY GRADUATE Primary Secondary Statistics j moderate fees— &S333l (Singapore). i BEAUTY CULTURE. MAIRUHES- SING Courses irrencn style) r,v louim i KK-rk. medically trained and quanntA Beauty hpeciahst with IflJ years trout- cal experience, recently nark Irom ao,oini)ents ate accepted now t.nquirics: n i^,u:m Klßrl HBJBHaS ssMTS imohi j:1
      829 words
    • 749 18 195S HILLMAN STATION WAGON. I usi overhaul. Best offer seturrd. View 9-B Lorong Sang KSBBMI, IR'porel. 18S7 FOHO CONSUL rxc'llent linen Sl.*"Oo'- 0.n.0. Williamson. «v Ij.lan ReaUa, 8 pcre 16 or Phone tsl MORRIS OXFORD lste 1964 Bingalore reglslrted one o nrr acl'dent lre« nosl can fully used In to«n
      749 words
    • 556 18 AT YOU! SERVICE 1 Mot.on smith > "J B'Pora I ivhu can ma I. copies of FAIHLAUV SOCIAL fcSCOBT offer* •eet finsarore X44IS. rTARIAL OFFICE SERVICES pro^ transenbint irv secretarial loachinea spore. HEAI« t-KOBLEMS .an-eondllcin-K ,t at.,| ru«!.,l ;,.i;nl-«ork (relrmera- ur) sty I al modemi* price Contm-i Ueaaara, tlecon 'n-lerna-ionai
      556 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 898 19 WmWLWmWLWILWLJLWLWLWLWL^LWLWLi 1 lIVtlfOQl AND OTHER UU CONIINENIAL PORTS a, C[,> ..........a laW I t»■ 1 X us 6 5S FM 2 Z FM 1/4 ;-r N f J O 11 Ftt 14 FM II 21 rM n »*NNHUS f 21 rt fl* 21/ 1 Mm I IM 27 Mir I
      898 words
    • 1238 19 W 9 I f l *J^f^J' I JLmmJmfj/imJm^UL^mK^^^-^' f Scanservicey EXPRESS SAILINGS TO MEDITERRANEAN THE CONTINENT/ SCANWNAVIA r tOll ItMA Sarllf SailM C 47 Fet I Mat. »"i IM nturt Vaimo. CoptnMttn, Gburt SIENA FM It 11 FM Ull Fei Ull C't>l|«ca, 1 1.«. H'rjurj Ijsn G'b.rg. Uifui. Cwenbitr* ATUtHiA
      1,238 words
    • 1237 19 EXPRESS SERVICE 10 IQNOON. LIVt-Rr-00l It CONTINENUI PORTS BENVALLA ~E7 K Siri|ipoii Pt. S >.im FM 14 nriimiuirr liver-oni Mar 11 BENRINNES fegy g-» i>r-- P 1 ITtfti P>nin| HimOuri Apr S Fit 4 7 FM 1,11 FM 11/11 Siniipsn P. S>ii' Pen.m lENNEVIS London, Hull. G'tsautt. R aim. H
      1,237 words
    • 1142 19 FOtTNICMTir EXPRESS DIRECT FROM t CCAST UJ li O'TS FROM NEW TOR* "■•J7TT7 r •T^~'^T7 KIOTO Fel 11 Alt I JAPAN FM 17 Air )4 LAOMEMN sails Im II Mai 7 Mir II Mir v May I TELFMACNUS Sllll FM 11 Mil 2t Mar 7) Mar 2S Mtf TRIFUSIS s
      1,142 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 1095 20 \T~ KAWASAKI KISKN KAISUA LTD. Western Australia Sinf>aporc Japan Sepvice Haaiark Mar. S la* I Ftl 11 Fat 17 FM 22 Ftl Itltiitra Mam MM S Mai 12 Mai It Mai Jl Mai East Coast U.S.A. Straits Service "K.n,U»i Mara' IC laa It lan If laa 2) Jaa 31 laa
      1,095 words
    • 872 20 z to* v AUSTRALASIAN SERVICE: !< Aastralia Nt* Ztalaal: P. S ham S'rgaixjTf. Laaliaf tar: INCLETON 11/11 FM Frtraaotll tJelaidt Mr!9'jrr> SyOntt PURNEA IS Mar 7121 Mar 22 24 Mar Br^D^e. RaMaX. Ounce, n. Lytt.. rVail Frata Australia Ntm {talaal Ptn.,nt iaa*iaf Mn IIMORA II 14 Ftl 15 II ftl
      872 words
    • 987 20 lUry neptune orient'lines ltd" g vfaSE^. (licirpinted ii the Republic if Siß(iitre) a a ICB Bijldii(, Griinil Flur. 2 SkiiUi Way— Tel: *****37. a LOADING FOR LONDON. H BURG R DAM. HAVRE, A'WERP. BREM Penani Arrrm. M* 31 14 2 Mar NEPTUNE IOPAI HO 2! Jaa II Jan 2 Fel
      987 words
    • 716 20 VESSEL FOR SALE Damaged motor-tanker HIKARI MARU 1003 DWT lying in Singapore Harbour laid-up anchorage available for sale as is whore she is. Apply New Oriental Navigation Co. Ltd.. 144 C Robinson Road. Singapore 1. Phone *****/ *****. ANNUAL HOLIDAYS PRINTERS CONVERTERS (PTE) LTD. »ill hr clnvrfl from Ith— lith
      716 words

  • Times City Desk
      • 295 21 rpHE Straits tin price was again easier In Penang yesterday with a further drop of $4.37" to $669.12' 2 on an offering estimated down 20 tons to 300 tons Demand at lower levels came mostly from the U.S.A. with some Japanese support. LONDON: Tin on
        295 words
      • 87 21 psra. naan claaini priaai air mul yt.t.rclay. Cacaiuit OH: nu:k SM| aclltra. drum 57 •<■:'. n Capra Mixed iron.) looae Jan./ ■'on:. »1l» R. Papptr K *|4» anim, BaiatMk wh.ta iIKJt •rilrri Sarawak Milan. Garbled Lampoog Sl72* aellen <all M% M.w, AST A Sl»7| aallara (100% Caff'aa: AP
        87 words
    • 23 21 Jan. 28 RLBBER: 72 cents (up 1- a cents). TIN: $669.12 i (down $4.37',). Estimated offering 300 tons (down 20 tons).
      23 words
    • 274 21 Rubber over 72 cents /CONDITIONS were very \j thin and the rubber market yesterday fluctuated narrowly. The steadier trend of the past few days, however, continued aided by forward enquiries. The morning session finished steady quiet. West Malaysia December exports of 119.4 H ton? were announced in the afternoon and
      274 words
    • 29 21 In London on iuosday tti« price of M«la>an 5 per cent April May elf U.K. wm quoted at £108' 2 per ton telltrf and June £108 sellers.
      29 words
    • 289 21 WITH operators still awaiting fresh inducements to deal, conditions took a lethargic turn on the stock Exchance of SingaporeMalaysia yesterday. In Industrials, tbe trend wns hardly discernible. If anything, prices in the majority of counters were moving aideways. There appeared to be sustained following to the better
      289 words
    • 38 21 Straits Times INDICES Jan. It, Jan. 2H Industrial*: M7.WI 147.M 1 Hotels: 7«IS U Proprrtin: i 124.M tTin.: 94.38 <M.!e TsKuhh«rs: lli.ii 112.25 n.( M, i ''in. inn ■IIK. 31. 196R 100 t Dec. 29, »9«2 B IO«
      38 words
    • 84 21 NEWS IN BRIEF Kamunting tin is payIng an interim 10 per cent isame). payable on March 17. For the last two financial years the total distribution was 30 per cent. Kulim Rubber lias improved lo 3s. id. in London in response to favourable comment, says the Daily Telegraph. It also
      84 words
    • 74 21 I'Hf Malaysian Minister of 1 F'inanea has Axed thrne rates fur calculating custom* autle* far the period from Jan. 28 to rrb. 4. Rubber 89' i eenU a Ib. Copra ti'Z a ton Palm Oil SSM a ton Palm Krrnrl* 5363.25 a ton The rates of duties payable
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    • 171 21 THI PORT OP SINGAPORE AUTMO--1 RITV ANNOUNCED THI FOLLOWING BERTHINC ARRANGEMINTi FOR JAM 39. OUT: DJallluhui I Umrvieva Lykw 10/11. Billnon IM«, Prmdrni Hoover 10, Kir Lancelot I*. Kvo»o Mini 23, Romn Maertk I7'?t, Manila Maru 31 32 N.ptuna 1 opai 3.1 :14. dlntrrkcrk 35,36.
      171 words
    • 643 21 No bonanza" for investors in printing YET another record profit has been achieved by Straits Times Press. But for the capital involved the return is not very glamorous claims chairman Mr. A. C. Simmons. With a vast reorganisation under way the group has managed to Improve pre-tax profits by 12
      643 words
    • 308 21 AUSTRALIAN MARKET REPORT MELBOURNE. Wed rPASMINEX led a strong mlnii.g market on the Melbourne Slock Excbaince today. After celling at $7a in early trading laimmex lost ground In the afemnon and clotted at 840 (or a 827.20 rise on the day The share eased a< profittaker* moved In and following
      308 words
    • 69 21 DOW JONES: 777 86 (wc«k (ajoi. 7AI.U (Tuesday. 763 M (Wednesday). LONDON miiHH PRRMIIM: 37', to 3"'i per cent i Wednesday 37' i to 38 (Tuesday i FINANCIAL TIMES: Tina: 75 73 (week ago, 73.04 < Tuesday) 72 40 (Wednesday); Rubber*: 146.94 (week ago). 150. 30 (TiiMdayi. 149
      69 words
    • 61 21 THI Aiiniatian af ■aflka In Malar-•la-Sinsapara n.«da thna ehans<S la tta Tim to marrhaata rHtrrdif Tha following rate* art quoted to tIM tO'ilvalmt of 100 umta of forcics curisasy, Salltng TT a* SD r«»«»i Oautaaha Markt WUMM; Hallaml Ouilitart IU.1200: l«in Franaa (TI.HOSO: Btl inn Prantt M 23V):
      61 words
    • 35 21 ON taa frta •■•rianaa markat 1b Robs Koai »aatar4aT ta* U.S. Otttmr *v quotMl at A.OSTS for T.T. SMI 5.04 for aaah. «t«rltnt QUMKI at 1«.4S a«4 •mUMM f*M at 2»S »2».
      35 words
    • 292 21 S~HARES in a relatively unknown Australian mining company nave rocketed during the last two days after reports that it had made a massive nickel strike. Shares in the company, Tasminex. soared yesterday to AS7S almost A 571.70 up on last week's close, but later closed
      Reuter  -  292 words
    • 297 21 LONDON. Wed Australian* were attain the most acme sector of thr market. Trading wax less hectic than yesterday however, as caution mas «hown following presa comment on yesterday s statement by the TM minex chairman and the ge<ii'>Klsis \< i .li to be dissociated Wtttl bla remarks Tasminex
      297 words
    • 59 21 1 LOKDON Wed Spot J4Sd., March 24 7 »d.. April 25..; 25 5 16d April June 25 Sept. 25 7 16d Oct Dec Jan March 2S 5 1 rid Ajrll June 255 16d. Jut] Sept 25« d Ort Dec. 25 4 d.. Jan March April June 2.S »d lit.
      59 words
    • 35 21 LONDON. Wod Spot £l«0S 1 £S7'. aeller* £1810 r -HJS.. Forward buyera CU4a aellers £1549 cm .<4rttlßßr!it HIM i tl". Tumovpr a m 304 SBBW, pm 1M ton* Tonsi Fitm, iPn.-es in metric ton*.
      35 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 490 21 TRONOH MINES LIMITED urporated la Ei.gtandt I an ln;ii'.in Diudena ul'4|a ixt Miar* Ljrasla ia London on 241 b M<tnii 1970 to al! n DM Rcßi.>trr on 11th March. IS7O im-ludliig li'.<ncterees ct tranMm ludgcd up o 3 p.m on 27th February r UM Company's financial yrir x ember 1969
      490 words

    • 362 22  -  EPSOM JEEP By QNASSIS did a splendid trial in soft going at Bukit Timah yesterday. Ridden by apprentice Velu, Onassis went belter than stablemate Camaru over 3f in 38 4/ssec. Kudadin ijolmnv Nelson i went easily over 3f in 40. Better Than < George
      362 words
    • 1157 22 TWENTY horses have 1 been entered for the Tengkus Gold Cup at the Kuala Lumpur meeting on Feb. 7. 8. 14 and 15. The race, first classic of the season will be run over lOf on Keb 15. The Cup entries are Aero-i-IMi't Cliai Kian. CryhUil
      1,157 words
    • 195 22 \f I \MI Wed. In a mlni--ITI skirl. Barbara Jo Kubini legs look jum fine, hut on a horse her knee* gi\e lirr trouble. This haa forced the (irl jnrke> into early retirement. The pretty brunette »aid her knees ha\r been weak
      195 words
    • 251 22 Young 'rebel 9 Benaud gets the boot! From JACK FINGLETON CYDNEY, Wed— John 13 Benaud m*y never go on tv lead Australia is famous brother Kichie did, but there was stark cricket tragedy in his sacking us captain of New South Wales. ai; became he darrd to flout a ruling
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 1042 22 MINISTRY OF DEFENCE TKNDKRS Tenders are invited from reputable marine contractors (or the on or «h transport between Huiterwonh. Henani;. and Pulau Buian and Pulau Sung Song. I »n «*a Roini! vf.saels are nec«».sarv to provide the following HTTIOt a. A veuel capable of carrying II [wsiteneers and 3 ion*
      1,042 words
    • 710 22 KENYATAAN TAWARAN JhK PAHANG Tawaran- daripada pemborong- yang berdaftar diJ.K.R Pahang Kelas E k<iata.s di-bawah Kepala 1 dan 4 Pechahan Kepala 3 8 <Kerja akan di-terlma diPeiabat Jurutera Negeri, JKR.. Pahang. Kuantan hingga pukui 8 00. Petang pada 26hb. Feb. 1970. Lntok: SUPPLY AND CONSTRUTION OF PUMP PIT. INTAKE EXTENSION.
      710 words
    • 706 22 KENYATAAN TAWARAN J.K.R. JENGKA PAHANG (Tawaran sa-mula) i Tawarani daripada pemborong2 yang berdaftar didalam JKR Kelas EX" sampai "D" di-bawah Kepala IV Pechahan Kepala 8 ia& o> akan di-terima di-Ibu Pejabat Jabatan Kerja Raya. Kuala Lumpur hingga pukul 12.00 Tengahari pada 9.2.1970 untok, "Laying of 8" and under diameter Reticulation
      706 words
    • 186 22 Trust Farley's to make your baby strong! FARLENE FARLEY S MILK FOOD the complete high gives him a protein baby food wonderful start :<'ne is one-quarter 1" protein, that la a bealthjr •mount C.D and I Vitamins A. R.C.ind D.imhi. I tropfaluium. carlio!.-. icaiOOUnt flat*. It ia a well farify^rarypoo'i
      186 words

    • 346 23  - Chee Keong decides to turn pro TONY FRANCIS By MALAYSIA soccer goalkeeper Chow Chee Keong, 21, has turned professional. He will play for Jardine, a Hong Kong First Division club, for a monthly salary of HK52,500 (about $1,300). The terms of the contract include a job in the import department
      346 words
    • 163 23 AC S 6 MES 1 4 HATTRICK by cenxx trc-forward David Low sparked a 6-1 victory for Anglo-Chinese School in the Ipoh schools' under-20 hockey competition for the Morelra Shield at Avenue yesterday David >cored all his goals half. Centreoo Kuan Shy n
      163 words
    • 214 23 DROPPED: 3 STARS FOR GAME AGAINST CZECHS I N T ER NATIONALS Quah Kirn Bwee, Kirn Hiak and Majid AnrT have been drop- ped from the Singapore Selection sia> Lv meet Bratislava of Czechoslovakia in a soccer match at Jalan Besar Stadium on I Sunday. I They weie not Included
      214 words
    • 56 23 wad au>tnlla'a i t»7o Daw.s cup iram will conipiLsr. Dick Crealy. M. Ray Kiiflrl.s. 21, Alan Stone. 24, and John Alexander. 18. The team, to be captained by former Davis Cup .star and Wimbledon cli.impiun Nealc FYa.M-r. vU leave w\l montli DO) to mpct South
      56 words
    • 123 23 Pat: Special request from Korea SOUTH K.irca ha\e (j cU thc.r .swimmuiK cimmpatsTHiUpi Inim Feb. 18 t:ll M.i:iii L'O in a bid to get Sui.nimeri to partlcpate M :i!.i: v W'».m .Sul KUI >.nd it lu.s not been decided whether to take part dr>p:ie the ih.inut of d«te> I lie
      123 words
    • 60 23 CAPE TOWN Wed Th« South African Government has refused a visa application by American Negro tennl* pla>er Arthur A.she to play In the South African Open In March He »11l however, be allowed to play In South Africa as a member of a Davis Cup team.
      60 words
    • 201 23  -  JOE DORAI By I7OUR clubs in the Singapore Business Houses Div 1 soccer competition yesterday refused to piay tn^ir matches in protest against alleged bias shown by the organisers. In a joint statement, the secretaries o! the four clubs. A. Kurian of MSA. R. Milson
      201 words
    • 67 23 ONUON. Wed. Denmark and lut land urre lied 2-2 after the timt da>N pl;n in tlinr Thomas lup Kuropran runr tftni-linal at Blarkburn last nifht. Drnni.irk inrlvrd a .( «hrn Krland k»ps. srirn timrs \M I n«l»M,| champion. 1o«t 15-17. 10-15 to Paul Wlirtnall. But Svrn
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 273 23 a more tasbiionable decor for your home ft ICELEBRITY EQUIPMENT tf OEvONSkW. hC*D-S*I0»i>O»1€ >• C$ CA9LES CeLABttS».O*PO«t ••li VV« 2t3fi Advertisement TORMENTING RECTAL ITCH STOPPED IN MINUTES Science Finds New Healing Substance That Promptly Stops Itching and Pain of Piles NEW YORK. NV— (Special) improvement' was reported One of the
      273 words
    • 364 23 r^'Jelectrical products are known and appreciated everywhere PI I»nl I !~l f UD If 1 p|th2J| A*|'*-. -V -OBODmm I 1 (7=fl DCOD a3 a O p— "0 0 -DDQG' .-0- HPrt MEM electrical accessories comprise full ranges of surface and flush mounting switches and ring circuit accessories (socket outlets
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  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 125 23 BAUMINTUN Kluaiu Malays inter-tram: Chrmara v Pancha Seni (Diamond JubssM hßlli IKXKKY S'porr Uiv. 1: Army v Prisons; DW. 2: SCC v Schools; Div. 3: Schools v BCRC. Carnival: Ipoh schools lourneys (CAS «rd 2.50 p.m.i. S'cor Div. 1: TPCA v RRI 'Princes Rd>: Div. t: Kllat v PoMce (Pantali
      125 words

  • 441 24 Parties hail joint plea by Tengku, Razak KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. OHDINAKY working people throughout Iho country today joined hands with i>o litical |Kirtit's, tr;ulc unions and other organisations in welcoming the joint plea by Tengku Alxlul Rahman and Tun Alxlul M;i/;ik yesterday for "fresh thinking" in Malaysian politics. The' joint
    441 words
  • 23 24 SAIUON. Wed President Nguyen Van Tlueu has denied Prime Minister Trail Thien Khiem will be replaced and the Cabinet reshuffled. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  23 words
  • 90 24 BARCELONA (Spain). Wed.— Mrs. Muriel McKay, the mi.'Miiß wife of a News of the World executive, may now be in Barcelona, the newspaper Dlarlo de Barcelona, bald yesterday. The paper 'aid a woman with the exact ph\Mcal charactertsiK ol Mrs McKay was seen ix
    90 words
  • 67 24 ITS BATH TIME FOR ORPHANS OF BIAFRA DELIEF workers bathing Biafran babies at a disused hospital at Port Harcourt. Nigeria. Thousands of emaciated Biairan babies were standing around and waiting to be bathed and fed. Some couldn't even do that. They Just huddled in the mud. near deaths door. Many
    UPI  -  67 words
  • 156 24 'Send in blank forms' Lubis tells voters JAKARTA. Wednesday. AWARD-WINNING author and Journalist Mochtar Lubis urged Indonesian voters to poll blank forms in next years scheduled general elections in protest against the Government's ban on the formation of new political parties Mr. I.ubis. speaking at a st-minar last night, aid
    AP  -  156 words
  • 160 24 Typhoid liner: Airlift for 140 VANCOUVER. Wed A total of 140 passengers from the typhoid hlt British liner Oronr. arc to be .lirlilled today to Australia and New Zealand. A P and O .spokesman .said the passengers, tirst to leave the liner since .she went into voluntary iiuarantine two weeks
    Reuter  -  160 words
  • 55 24 CANBERRA Wed Former Fxternal Allans, Minister. Mr Qordon Freeth. has been appointed Australia's amba&sadur to Japan. It was announced today. Sir James Pllmsoll. at present secretary of the Department of External Affairs, becomes ambassador to Washington, replacing Sir Keith Waller. who takes Sir James' position In
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 533 24 ALL PRAISE AND A SPECIAL HONOUR FOR WILSON WASHINGTON. Wednesday pRKSIQENT Nixon I heaped praiac on Britain and the Prime Minister. Mr Hi rnld Wilson. ;it White House dinner .il uhuh both li-.iders emphasised thr cIOM ;ind friendly relations bituirn their two countries. Mr Nixon said .Mr. Wilson i<-pi<-srntr«l a
    Reuter  -  533 words
  • 43 24 JAKARTA. Wed Qum» Juliana of the Netherlands may visit Indonesia lr March, according to official sourrei her* today The visit by the Dutch Quean will be thr MrM since IndooMta won Us Independent* from th» Netherlands 25 ye?.rs ago. Reuter
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 48 24 J M D SILVA V ch*l Mini 'athf of At. !.oi m Vnra cl. Rrrdanc Bahru pa«»d I N VrMukad Tnvandrum T. M A O A M MARIAMANICKAM nothrr-.n-law of T SamMait pauW t*tv p#^ 'rora Kan ly l*n«. Ipoh for TambuD 1 1970. 3 30 p.m
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 115 24 DONALD MOORE CONCERTS presents the great WARSA W NATIONAL PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA conductors Witold ROWICKI Andrzej MARKWOSKI 1 02 players programmes include Tehoikov* 1 'Mia Concerto in D Major V Symphony in f Minor Beethoven V Symphony in C Minor Dvorok "From the New World' NATIONAL THEATRE sth. 6th. 7th March.
      115 words
    • 65 24 hate CLASSIFIEDS 20 uords $20 QQ "zir.imum) A set of drums four guitars, singer o* piano right here and now in a three inch box XIITACHI 622\ m New tone, new volume, new M M clarity Irom the most power- tfSPStI i lul little music box ever sold. JnHfM IBHKT
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  • Page 24 Miscellaneous
    • 36 24 Yesterday's weather Singapore 89-74 F thunderstorm K L. 65-58 F ralry h k 48-30K mumj Tokyo Bb-72F cloudy Seoul 46-27 F paitly cloudy Manila »1-1 fair Jakarta 9t-B.»F clear Taipeh M rainy B»n K ki)k cloudy
      36 words