The Straits Times, 28 January 1970

Total Pages: 26
1 26 The Straits Times
  • 28 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 200.000 The Straits Times Jltf Niitiiiiiiil Hi)ws|)ii|ißr I stri. 1845 WEDNESDAY. JAM ARY 28. 1970 15 CENTS K.U.N. 4517 M.C. (P) No. 1507
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  • 580 1 Clampdown on illegal entries Heavier penalties for traffickers, too SINGAPORE. Tuesday HARSHER deterrents were imposed by the Government today to reduce the growing flow of illegal immigrants into Singapore. On conviction, llu-v now hue a maximum line ol $4,001) in year's jail, or both. I'm traffickers of these iflMiiigrants, llumaximum
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  • 207 1 $75,000 radios, stereos seized in raids Xl ALA U MFWat. lues Ofliccrs of the Miti t'oriuptuin AgeBCJ seized nuire thaa Si." wurth •tf radios. recorri-pl.i><-i--ampttflen and othrr rlrc trimu etiuipnienl in r.iids <in twe shops and two houses here aad la Petallag fajra tedlajr. ih< soods iit allegad la ha\c
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  • 94 1 NOW SUPER MACHINE TO DETECT DISEASES LONDON fUN A iniifhiw Which can de tect di easr In i na'ir ovon b*f<>n- ho re ili>e- lip ll ill hu boon i rdorod by ih' Ministry of Health TTip machine, on ibow .r a medical exhibition tirre todai can uialyM tno blood
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  • 56 1 WA8KINOTON Tuw President Nixon welcumcd BMi'.^h Prune- Muu>tri Himlri Wilon lei Uie Wlme Hou«e kx.;i\. -a\ nit; \V> arc MgatlHl IM beniK ei a uitbi ticiil i^ poolMl The Pvf-iclmt -aict t liat \1i WllMM had COtM in Wa>luii||ioii for a IHrtW uf «orld pnMHH as nil
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  • 44 1 hone. BONO I- Premier CbOtl En-lsi today mwlml North Vlataan ninljH -.-«iim to lih.h Ngo Thuyen thr New Clui!;i Nf«s Aiiency -aid Mi Chou had a \er\ cordial and friendly talk with tlie Ambassador, the agency said Renter
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • 29 1 SAIGON TllW A Vietcoi k minr planted on a Mekonn Delta Road bIM up I *»n y ani killed in eIvUkUM and wounded »lx tcxla\. Reul«r.
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  • 64 1 0 MILSUM GETS l?\( KIM> ON M(;i KM PACK II (\IRO FEELS no i Bit 1 \I II UK \K P\(.K M g) Till Ol 1 iiii.i v r.v iiiwom IV\(.K 12 VII IS SI (Xl I (Ol P PLAN PA(iE 12 0 I'\Kl M .KSIIII' I OH
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  • 74 1 No bail again for secrets case MP 1 QHDON I Ma WUiiam Uurii the i .i:*<iit MP i with puaUl information of ih.f in >■ I.uWi ll ni- ;in:il .itnnin to obiain ball A Loiidon niHi-iin-tr ordrred O«rn «8 cm bark 10 p'l-oti 11 l it 1 1 nutliri appeuwMi
    Reuter  -  74 words
  • 32 1 s.MilliN I up- liner Hi. hi i.ri U 8 Marine are to Irave SouU. Vtatnua durtns Urn ■,ir\t fhr dav^ n b*^:. tlinit phtn "1 Hir Anifncan troop «rtthdi»w«li Remei
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  • 87 1 Meos go on the offensive BANCiKOK. Tiles Pro communist Men tribesmen in north-W( Thailand have «on< v offensive since i governm, r< .tn pushed through their lucrative opluni fields near the Burnn s t b ncl( r last month official iid t< da] The tribesmen ambushed a police patrol In
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  • 31 1 QBNEVA 1 C ■M .it Oanevi Alfporl rueu a br load ll h: Al pluiir io.ik. t..i Ir' OovenuMlt ani'.ouncrcl»\ Tht r<! of aircrali -pare p«n« Reuiri
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  • 43 1 ICUBI hi h London th«y carrtw h new S\ve<lisii-dr\rlope<l meUwd of abortion by Injacttoa Di S M Karnn and I>' Q M FiWue. mU thai tlie In of liicmua! i ontaloMl ctlve fluid n. .<!»•■- w»» ■tmple, "life »»<i rffrc-uxr Al'
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  • 423 1 KUALA LUMPUR. Tuesday ThM.KI Abdul Rahman and Tun Abdul Kazak today madr a joint plra to all Malaysians to "think afresh and construct a political framrwork ba>rd on an unshakrablr and sound foundation. They called for a MM to br charted and pursued with
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  • 548 1 'Water will cost more' warning SINGAPORE. Tuesday UWTKH will ctisl ini'K in future. "Thai is Ihe price we have !<> pa> for n< »t i;i\i i 14, unnecessary hostages l<> fortune." Ihe Finance Minister, Dr. Uoh Kcng Swee, told Parliaiiienl l<>«l;i\. Dr. Ooh, speak;. in the debate <>: new levy
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  • 8 1 and van. co Ur~m AP
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 79 1 |a*estH \*fc visually LRI V>/ co-ordinated I 1/ Golf Clubs f If NAHAR CO. in the world Jini.No^B-^Ro^, SPALoIy/G The Bank for AllBig and Small 50LID AS A ROCK OVERSEA-CHINESE BANKING CORPN., LTD. the STRONCEST and LARCEST BANK in MALAYSIA and SINGAPORE AUTHORISED CAPITAL: 5 1 00,000,000/PAID UP CAPITAL: S
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    • 48 1 PRACTICAL GIFT tor New Home CHOOSE A FANCY" WA°LL° CLOCK A'curot* Durable -ny" >^ '-y" Mad* by We»la have an ice-cold todau! n BM aY v,_ S^/^ggflP* yVgff> .j .T >* -S?^aW>^^ y^ /jbt m JsillbW aaVaV aa\ aT *b. JvtUst Kit^ JW uls lhe Harour where the fun is...everytime!
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  • 129 2 The Tengku opens NCC's first meeting I session the lirst mcclin. of the National ConMiltati\e Council undei lr h lirl" <nsn|P "f ln<l Director of Oper.itions and l)eput> Prime Minister Inn Abdul K.i/.ik. in the Senate Chamber of Parliament lloiim yesterila> I'eneku Abdul who is sutTerinj from .i le»
    Lim Yaw Chong  -  129 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 39 2 Congratulations to ALLIS'CHALMERS international A ili k^r I on the completion of their Jurong facility !^^HR' from their distributors JP*\ llRHlf/^ GUTHRIE WAUGH BERHAD 1 GUTHRIE WAUGH (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD. aluschalmeTs I I GUTHRIE WAUGH (MALAYSIA) SDN. BHD. I
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  • 215 3 Anti-air pollution talks in Kuala Lumpur KUALA LUMPUR. Tues.— Ten experts from the American Consultant Engineers' Council, who have been here since last Saturday, have held talks with the Government on anti-DOl-lution measures. The leader of the mKsiun. Mr Felix Anderson. >aid ioday; "Malaysian leaders whom we met yesterday <
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  • 31 3 JACQI'ES ESTEREL prp>pni> maxl-skllta for "him" and "hrr" in natural I hi> >how.iig :n Parti y >'»Tday. Not« 'h'buckskins, "telescopic" ileevea and gallon hat>. UFI radiopic.
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  • 48 3 MM K \NM)\ I lies Mevah binte Isnuil 17. a hous'-uife. who obtained hit on a friend's motor rvcle. iniurrd when she fell while grt'inu down from the m.uhinr in Suncai M.inik Iload here fcalertfaj She riinl shortlr after admission to
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  • 121 3 MURDER: POLICE OFFER $2,000 REWARD I/lALA I.I.MPIK. Taea.— Polit-f have ofTercd a reward of >Ml;il» for information l?adins to thr OTMI of those invohed in the murder of rr vt< proprirtor Ch -y < how Hun in Jal;tn Si kolah here iMfl night. He is b lieveH to have brert
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  • 44 3 SINGAPORE. TtHB. A prdeN'.rian. A. Karvupiah Sellan. 47. of Hukit Tiniah Avenue, died on the spot after he was knocked down by a car m Jalan Anak Bukit at 8.35 pin. yesterday. There were 53 other trHfflc accidenUs, four ol them serious.
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  • 72 3 Kakyat men charged KUANTAN. Tucs. Three Party Rakvat .supporters have been charged m the lladstrate'a court here under the Public Order iPrCMnrAttOB) Ordinance Mohamed lhinafiah bin Othman. 22. Rahman bin MUM. 24. and Yeow They Loy, 19. were arrested on Jan 19. Thcv are alleced to have distributed copies of
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  • 121 3 Throe extra flights to Australia to meet demand SINGAPORE lues T».. ol the five major airline.s operating on the Sin-gapore-Australia run have laid an three extra llight.s to cope with the present peak period <>t travellers going "Down Under." msa tmt m exirH tiiaiit .tui(i:iy from Sioeatxire to BfdDC] BMMM
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  • 32 3 SUNGEI PATANI, Tu*s. Eighty-onp-yenr-«.i(i Mm Ah Nene. former oook to thr malaria] speciallm sir Malcolm Wataoa. dint in ii<*i> Sunday from injuries mi when m knocked down by a motorcyclist.
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  • 22 3 PENANO Tuft. A •earn of J8 community dr\eiopment officials lioni Thailand will trrive here on Pridaj lor a MKXiat vlaltt
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  • 328 3 'Face up to the threat' call to HK bosses HONG KONG. Tuesday I*WO British-owned newspapers today urged the utfony'l employers to face up to the threat posed by Singapore's new bid to attract skilled industrial workers from nearby countries. Both thp South China Morning Post and its sister paper, the
    Reuter  -  328 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 97 3 Say Canon \^Jk NOT CHEESE JH New tat Jm^e+W&9 Hji* 5 '"X When you want a perfect picture of your family, your friends, yourself, this New Year, atMl I I b CANON not cheese. ir-M. m ft' 1 guaranteed to get you a good shot. 3V/^fliaKvl CANON has a whole
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    • 363 3 Just Published! JBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB^HUak. k. KaQ Available from all bookshops at $2.90 l^ia^»BBBp« QAO/ SURE OF OU/o A TOP PASS The Stamford College Way HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE LOWER CERTIFICATE OF EDUCATION SCHOOL CERTIFICATE /M.C.E./G.CE. QUALIFYING TEST You II be 80"', sure of a top pms in examinations the Ittn ford CoNlQja
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  • 195 4 'Action' threat by STC workers SINGAPORE, Tues.— The 3.000 strong Singapore Traction Company Employees' Union is threatening to take industrial action against the management. The union alleges failure to reciprocate union co-operation and refusal to hold grievance committee meetings An extraordinary general meeting of the union will be asked to
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  • 25 4 fcINGAPORE. Tues A new family planning clinic has been opened at the premiss <>f the Family Planning nnl Population Board in Duneir'n Road
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  • 234 4 Too much fuss and bother is bad for subnormal child SINGAPORE, Tues. Excessive parental I care and concern is bad for the subnormal child, and it can undo all that has been learned in school. I This was the warning given today by a visiting Australian expert on the education
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  • 318 4 Committee for industrial training launched SINGAPORE, Tuesday. A COMMITTEE comprising businessmen, siirntisls ami university (lons to organise industrial training and orientation lor undergraduates and technicians was inaugurated today. Tin- it-man central organising committee for industrial orientation lor technicians ami university undergraduates is headed by Mr. Wee Cho Yaw. president of
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  • 72 4 BLAKANG MATI RESORT PLANNER SIN(,APOKI lue^ The Sin*ap<irr {io\ rrnment has arquired the Mflku of a tnp Hawaiin landsi.ipe .irchilert to help develop the Pulau Rhi kang Mati lourist r<-s»rt Mr Raxmond K (am (above), who is already in Sinitapori-. h.i> ilone similar «ork in Iran. Auvtralia. Pucrtn Kko <BJ
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  • 66 4 SINGAPORE. Tues. The crew and port clearance Sections of the Marine Department will close on Feb 6 for Chinese New Year «nri open from 10.00 a.m. to 11.00 a.m. on Feb. 7 I Staff of the Imports and Exports Office will be on duty in the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 316 4 f CATHAY: OPENS TOMORROW! I Brother Against Brother...Yet They Fought Side By Side! iiotMlW/rti :iyje<ifvngosf|j|L^ This In the day we pay them back! COLUWBU PICTURES presents a W m ttRIESRSCWHER production M 1 j^l JIVAIDERS techmicolor- > TELLY GEORGE ARLENE JANET SAVALAS MAHARIS DAHL LANDGARDI odeon >*k OPENS TOMORROW!' 1
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    • 146 4 k/ Did you ever taste lii a Sarawak Pancake? m/ 7 You should. It makes us hungry just to write about them. Here's the recipe: hK. sometime between midnight and mid- Jh ihf night, any day of the week, make \fl \X your way to the NEW CUSCADEN M\\ W\m
      146 words
    • 78 4 S""this man 7s"a™ professional gun! :i HE SELLS DEAIH TO J THE HIGHESI BIDDER!; iciimij:M<ii/ 21HZ! Air-tonditioned Today 1.00, 415 A 100 p.m. Slofnng Chnt Eaitwood 4 Fronco N»ro in "tm fi»H»l Doltar. plus "MtiMiff F»r A G«»«H»ht.c NfXT CHANGE "JUDO I KARATI" (Both in Colorscope with English Chinese Subtitles!
      78 words
    • 206 4 LI IIO OPENS TOMORROW! m v "Fraocoise Sagu's tale of the wealthy lover, the mistress ami the B younger man. Catherine Deaeuve is very amch alive as the girl who B tries to live for love before fiaally choosiitf instead, to be a love a obj#rl NEW YORK TIMES f
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    • 416 4 OI&ANISATION LAST DAY' 11 am. 1 30. 4 00, 630& 9 1 5 "THt RAIN PEOPLt a OPENS TOMORROW La Chamadc" HtARTBIAT NOW SHOWING— No Frtc Lilt 1 1 1 o m 1 30. 400, 6 4s. I 930 'KING Of KINGS' MondO'in m SCOPE i COLOR. NEXT CHANGt' ■m
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 123 4 TODAY'S ETV PROGRAMME TODAY'S ETV pro- i 12-60 Enuiiah 2nd Language gramme for schools on *e...i a vuiu* k. «>n«-S^T'-NuVteSv mi' frotn th* rate;" 150 210 830 850 Englt.«.h 2-id L«n«u- Jl* lh t f S T C \,V N jTs «5,"« Ye«rmatioii. estimation 9.45 300 320 Health Edun. 10.05
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    • 138 5 SI NGA P O RK. Tucv There has been no evidence that companies minagini chit funds in Sins.ipore linvr been defrauding the public. Fln.iiiiT Minister Dr. (ioh tmm told Parliament today. He said some of them achieved substantial turnovers, and provided useful lines of credit Dr.
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    • 1403 5 The big plan to boost tourist trade SINGAPORE. Tues 'Souvenir coffins on sale in my area' GPECIAL efforts which the Governmenl has mounted to draw more tourists to Singapore, and lengthen their sLiy here were disclosed by the Minister For Finance, Dr. Goh Keng Swee, in Parliament today. Moving the
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    • 103 6 Deathfall from the 13th floor SINGAPORE. Toes Mi d man a puzzled man j when his v.i:appeared". Only in the morali hr had l<Mt her mitsidp thnr Qu« nt Housing Board ho>pital foi up on her a.->thma His wife. Madam Lew been NUfTeriuß from the complaint fur ma Attrr a
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    • 231 6 TOO EARLY TO SEE EFFECT OF U.S. POLICY CHANGES SINGAPORE. Tu«* CINGAPORi:. Tues. I Minister of State for the Foreign Affairs Ministr\. Inche Kahim Isliak, told Parliament that it »as too early to i predict how American policy ehaagca involving VietMUß mimilil affect Singapore. Singapore's security and fanlgn policies
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    • 560 6 departure from convention. Mr Barker >aid previous Speakers had been chosen from the legal profession because a great deal of the ritua! elated with the office had a "Judicial flavour." In electing Prof Yeoh. the House had not been swayed wholly
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    • 39 6 SINOAF-u: TS» proviaing lor UM Of P:r«l--den'.lal Coui. •«sit«trd am»ndir.fius to Parliament i Star.mng O: Today Parliament adopted a motion a^kinc UM S:a:icing Orders Committee to report on suitable am< ess»rv, and t" tber nmrnaiht of \oenence.
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    • 28 6 KINGAPORK. I Wl Th« D«--m Kin :<y that ice v.rre keepii.e a sharp loolc-ou: for r at vartoua «>re t* stamp out i. us anti-social actl-
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    • 253 7 Private surveyors to take over in the private sector GOfGAPOBE, Tues. The Ciovernment i» planning to set up a Land Surveyors Board to control licensed surveyors in the private sector. The Land Surveyors Bill had its second reading in Parliament today, and was later sent to the Select Committee. Law
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    • 136 7 SINGAPORE. Tuesday 'pHE Minister tor Law and National Develop- meat. Mr. E.W. Barker, today disclosed that the Housing Board would build a new industrial estate on a 68-acre sitt» at Upper Thomson Road to resettle small industries uprooted by urban renewal. The estate, to be completed
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    • 48 7 MNGAJ'ORE. Tues—Parliament today pa.^ed the Biils of Exrhanur i Amendment > 14; 11. which will make Saturday a busi- lor Singapore and other piwullfd I The Bill was taken throuen '1 ".taKes by Mr Tanir See Chim. i ntarv Secretary tn the F.nanre Ministry
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    • 129 7 SINGAPORE, lues I in. line Minister Dr. (.tih Keaf Bwee Md P»rliatnent today there all understandiim between certain large linns and the (iovernment anil iis> hoards nut In "" another's skill ed workers. lie warned that If organisations persisted in crimpinc. there
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    • 537 7 Laws made tighter to control firms that manufacture in S'pore SINGAPORE. Tu.s Till*! Government is la impose sterner fines to make more effective l;i\\s to control manufacturing companies in the Republic. The new penalties are contained m \\\v Control and Manufacture (Amendment) Bill, whirh \\;is passed by Parliament today. Taking
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    • 75 7 SINOAPORE. Tue«. The Minister (or Law and National Development. Mr EW Barker today Mild his ministry had cleared 174 warehouses under the urban renewal programme up to the end of last vfhi Replying in Parliament to Mr. Low Yong Nguan. MP for Crawford, he
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 231 5 HO"YYYY"Y^OiI HM4KIND the SCENE 1 You re not in if you are out of Shindig. Psychedelic 3S fjjjg art is now! Its extravaganza. A cataclysm ot beat I A spe;tacle of syncopated vibrations and hypnotic t*t* rhythm by the King- *J^M yjjg^ «sd ''Shers and the big- ftL-lvAm. sound Imperials.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 389 6 TELL YOUR HUSBAND WHY You want a washing machine... and why it's got to be a HOOVER Tell him not to think of the price of a Hoover as the price of one machine, but as the price of up to ten years' washing for the family. Tell him that
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    • 21 6 L^^^a^Lv^^y V^^^a^L.^^# V^^^H.^^./ V^^^Lm.^^^L^^^nm.^^y V^^.^am.^^yv^^^nm.^^J^.^^^nm.^^y L^^^Lm.^^ JL^^^^am.^^ Jv^^.^Bm.^^ 7*^ GOODWOOD SHOPPING CENTRE in air-conditioned comfort V-x '£a¥ 7iT -?li jTX£ 71"
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 70 7 w mii nUli SPECIAL SEASONAL OFFER Jv^r^/^J^-^ B 9 NeW HamPer> SJA.' (W)^^^^^ Butane Gas Lighter, Key Chain. X^^rn^^^^ yVv 1 Calendar, plus Special cash discount /l^/L^pCX J f" VAy for the purchase of any L—^y/ SETRON 19" 20" 23" 25" TV sets Afe^j^^^S^V^' Seasonal Offer Extended to 4-2- IK
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    • 96 7 I One unbreakable.airtight I I multi-purpose tumbler with 1 every purchase of M $10 Supershell J£ i* SHELL stations now! while stocks last Am WmWSokm^mWißKmm. jkv"'. imwM Nil W ■BflV'^' *y Wllff L Ate- <^? Model K77ET 7 8 cv. (t. I' f Tl IL Other Models fron 4 f
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  • 240 8 Muda flow put off for 3 weeks 4 LOR STAR. Tues. Padi planters who recently asked for a postponement of the start of Irrigation from the $228 million Muda irrigation project have been given three weeks" grace. "They will now have up to Feb. 15 to complete .harvesting their main
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  • 60 8 KUALA IfMPI'R Tues. Malaysia and Japan will sign an agreement for the avoidance Of double taxation at Wl<-ma Putra at 3 p m. on Friday The Deputy Prime Minister, Tun Abdul Razak. tn hi* capscity as Minister of Finance, will sign lor Malaysia while the Japane^
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  • 167 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Tum. THE Government la to encourage the cultivation of nutmegs, cashew Butt, cloves and rftrus fruits with generous subsidies. About $60,000 has been set a»ide for cashew nuts. $30.- j 000 for cloves and nutmegs and $9«.0OO for citrus. The Minister of
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  • 267 8 Monday signing likely for trade pact 'ONLY TECHNICAL POINTS LEFT KUALA LUMPUR. Tuesday. MALAYSIA and Hungary have almost "come to terms" in their negotiations on a bilateral trade agreement. "We will sign the Agreement on Monday If everything rocs according to plan," the Permanent Secretary to the Ministry of Commerce
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  • 110 8 GOODWILL FUNCTIONS NEED APPROVAL PENANG, Tue.s.-All goodw 1 1 1 gatherings in Penang nut In future have pproral df the Chief MlnUter to prevent undesirable elementi from exploiting the word goodwill, it wa.s disclosed h< re today. The exec >ry of the State Goodwill Council, Inche Abdul Rahim bin Hajl
    Bernama  -  110 words
  • 142 8 A Feb. 15 deadline for Jalan Kenanga squatters KIALA LIMPIR. Tues. —The Federal Capital Commission announced today that the squatter area in Jalan Krnanea will he cleared on I «■!> IS. I in- MM K Itounded by Shau. J;il.m Loke Yru falsa Pent and the railway line. I
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  • 78 8 Funeral of Minister's mother KUALA LUMPUR. Tue». "rtie Prime Minbtor. Trngku Abdul Rahman. was among •eve'al hundred YIP». B relative* and friends who paid last respects I Madam Wor.g Bloi.g Hung. mother of thr MinL*-'*! Punctlooi Mr Kbmm ii. who died at her Jalan K"n-iv home here on Saturday She
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  • 39 8 IPOH. Tues. Four offlc*r« amd 50 other ranks of the 12 Bn Royal Malay Regiment today donated a pint of blood each to the blood bank at the Medical Centre In the camp tn Batu Oajah.
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  • 218 8 l/LANG. Tues. Police fired a warning shot today, forcing a thief to abandon eight TV picture tubes minutes after they were stolen from a lorry. After throwing away thg tubes, worth about $2,CK)O. he sped off in a car and escaped.
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  • 64 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. The Chief of Staff. British Far East Command. MaJ -Gen. Howard Dopson. today called on the Chief of General Staff, Lt Gen. Unsku Nasaruddin. He also called on the Chief of Air Staff, Air Commodore Bulaiman bin Bujalc. the Chief of Naval staff. Commodora
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 294 8 THE SMART NEW LOOK OF GLO-WEAVE A\ SEASONS <±»p SHIRTS looks good longer with the new, miracle 'Float Clean' process! Fantastic new 'Float Clean' now makes shirt-washing so much easier. Spots and stains simply float away in the wash. Ends all the hard scrubbing that takes years off any shirt.
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    • 142 8 EASTERN TRADE GAZETTE will feature a special report on the Tanglin Club Incident in Its forthcoming Issue of this week. On Sale Tomorrow Order your copy from your newsagent or writ* directly to:The Circulation Dept., Eastern Trade Gazetta, Thomson Road. P.O. Box 21, Singapore 20. The Natiumcr ciwuao veriioo ©t
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 62 8 s^7W l CRYSTAL? TVMJ.TWREE.. 1/ ~W )T? KVpi) V^ 1 WAS CXTTRUNNIMC VO?N /^aaaaa^v C^) I /^a^aWTJal NOBOC3V CAN V but vrxypFiT^ i Aal la^v^r ll A WmJ I V RUN Goo lf I &UT YOU FELL y \jM W^^fti I f jfl EffVVa^. \SWAMP MUO. La^aaV f^Laa! Hal A
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  • 1122 9  -  WILLIAM CAMPBELL by Last of two articles Singapore THE sky's the limit, it is said with the current building trend in land-short Singapore to go higher. But while this may be true of commercial development, it La less so with bousing, particularly
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 211 9 I tm* 1 11 Pilill »'(llie Jill's got a headache Takes a painkiller liv( j,. c i s very weak IbV >>■ V' I gcV BSBr M J^ s —^^BßST^^^ r \j -^Ba I I I [Pain tone! Full of energy! -rK I Julie's got a headache Takes Yeast Vite
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 240 9 Straits Times Crossword 4i HOSs i "Ixkh inibrHcinK v"» and r»ii'ing ralumnv 1 She is bMUtteM hi »i)»ui g s<unr oihrr i,l comBUH'I hid: nun: 0(1 < >. pUu.inn ol he»l <"< 5. Uocir.e-.'. is brgiiiiuiiK lo MNM Pf.lit ni«ti mwu a well-known a mile (7> v: «i-^ aitm
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  • The Straits Times
    • 433 10 Family planning authorin Malaysia and Soagavho are alarmed over ■fiti-pill campainn ob- should uo over to The pill is most popular and elS contraceptive. tin y planning hoards of ountrieg have always awnre of tlie danger of effects, and m then the pill is preacribnder medical supervision.
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    • 289 10 group of American ra who discussed Pollution control with membecs of the Economic PlanKns Unit in Kuala Lum- rdaj an not ;'H a subject new to :.i. The scale of pollution is not as hideous as in ttdustria] regtona of States b;;t it is ;>rrant not
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    • 149 10 Young fruit tn I notion as tne v dub has in a lonj. 1 time, bringni ,i ly together K«*n- 11l- national insubuiban standards Bui will it i on? Though tin .sm;iK I fruit plucked out a comn m the market And thif v. i!l remain offers moit n
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  • 1022 10  -  TUN ABDUL RAZAK By Text of speeches delivered of yesterday s inaugural meeting of the National Consulta tive Council. AS Director <>f O pera lions and chairman ol this council, I should like to welcome you to this merting and to thank you for
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  • 901 10  -  Tengku Abdul Rahman By KUALA LUMPUR. Tuesday I AM happy \h- here to address the opening session of Ihe National Consultative Council. The membership of this Council is a very representative one. consisting <<> i1 is of people from political parties, the professions, religious groups and
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 26 10 s5*J Bw^Bjaaav^^^-^gSy owem RsP^ Fu "V Automttte 'OiyDm Cai«nd«r SjSt/ Oiei»lition o( 21.600 *¥Vrt»m«nd Watar Frmmtn V^^V «m« pm hour t*> to 70 mtttm (230 ft)
      26 words
    • 185 10 BsVaaMrHrW^Battfj stomac>l gas can WSMmmmmM^A Jj \*c trapped m a MBR- Jr cause painful W^r ~.S pressure and awW Ti* ZT •i fullness. It may F^ cause acid contents to 'back up' into esophagus uith resulting H\ heartburn and discomfort. SsSav jSk li PLO-GEL's £^9^^a^___^aaßßvl silicone B^^^S^ESSff '^efrothicant' ■EHEaaaaS^Sa M
      185 words

    • 650 11 Wilson gets Alec's backing on Biaf ra LONDON. Tuesday BRITAIN must recognise that the Federal Nigerian rnmeni had the responsibility for handling the aftermath of the civil war, Parliament was told yesterday. Mr. Maurice Foley, Prime Minister Wilson's aide specialising In African altairs. save this reminder to the House of
      Reuter  -  650 words
    • 152 11 WASHINGTON, Turs. The Kxport- Import yesterday annnunced the establishment of a new ii in irthd ->i\r guarantee programme to I B and furrisn companies lcasin» IS equipment abroad. Inder the programme thr hank v ill provide comprehensive guarantee coverage hoth commercial
      152 words
    • 279 11 THE sound of exploding Orecnu ow just an echo in Bong Kong and even the echo la dying fa-si. Firecracker, were banned in 1967 to preven: leftist rioters from using them to make bombs. Peace and prosperity have returned but the Government has
      279 words
    • 468 11  - Cairo feels hot breath of war... RAYMOND ANDERSON From YORK "MMES SERVICE f'AIRO, Tues. War has come to the gateways of this crowded and turbulent city, with Israeli fighter bombers screaming low over targets a.s dose as nine miles away. But the four million Calrenes Been as serrne as the
      468 words
    • 454 11 |\'EW YORK, Tues. 11 UN Secretary General U Thant, who holds what his predecessors called the world s most impossible Job, is again the 1 storm centre of criticism for failing to go to Biafra while he WM in Nigeria last
      UPI  -  454 words
    • 171 11 Rioting students set fire to hotels and cinemas I/AKACIiI. lues. Three hotels and two cinemas were set on firr and I", people were injured today .is s tiide it i demonstrators rampaged throußh Hyderabad, North of here, accordinc to reliable sources. Thr sources said the students also burned six cars,
      171 words
    • 26 11 MEXICO r l I V. I Twenty people were killed lay when a piano carrying > n *idrntMl i/andid,iU mpr'gt craslied near V'-ra I
      26 words
    • Wold round-up
      • 141 11 JAGGER FINED FOR HAVING DRUGS LONDON, Tuesday \IICK JAGGER, lead singer of the Rolling Stones pop group, was fined £200 today lor possessing drugs. A similar c li a r v t against his torn. friend. Mariani^ Falthfull. wa.s dismissed. It was Jagger'.conviction for a drut?s Offence. In 1967 he
        AP  -  141 words
      • 39 11 LONDON: I he Kiitish Strrl (uriioration has m nounrrd pi K c iinrr.iv- averaein« 10 per r«l on .ill virci delivered fr*sa tads i The extra n vena* is expected to iilm f about v: 100 milli >n Rrutcr.
        39 words
      • 19 11 TOKYO: A DC-8 J.ip.m Airline s U.<& left on a teat M via S.i ■he nrst non-con commercial er.
        19 words
      • 29 11 Ml I Itoi RNI police i Umjxil oif Britain's i when pollci wfn on his trail la.->t year Thi follows .1 I land Yard ci> >d corrupt poi proiec-
        29 words
      • 29 11 F A H 1 S. l»<, r'lorr peopl* huvr committi'l MieMe by firr. brin;in^ tlie total of self mm mI i lions to s -veil in 10 il.n Renter
        Reuter  -  29 words
      • 3 11 lie Enclave AP
        AP  -  3 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 35 11 BAM K COMMERZBANK AKTIfcNCESELLSCH-A T DUESSELDORF FRANKFURT HAMBURG Is Pleased to Announce the Opening of its Representative Office for South East Asia Located at: Suite 401-402, Hotel Malaysia, Tanglin Circus, Singapore-10. Telephone: *****1 cxL 401/402
      35 words

      • 434 12 Problem of Viet refugees again in Thailand BANGKOK. Tuesday JHAILAND will withdraw its troops from South Vietnam if the South Vietnamese Government forma a coalition with the communists, the Prime Minister, Field Marshal Tun Thanom Kittikachorn. said today. He was commenting on reports from Saigon which
        434 words
      • 238 12 Marcos accuses infiltrators and agitators of starting riot MANILA, Tues. President .Marcos today accused "infiltrators and agitators" of Uniting a two-hour riot that left -lores injured and threatened the >aletv of the President and his wife. Mr. Marcos, in a state-merit, accepted student claims that they were not to blame
        AP  -  238 words
      • 730 12  -  ARTHUR DOMMEN From SAIGON. Tuesday THE Allies havr acquired at least portion* of a directive outlining communist plans for a coup d'etat to establish a Coalition Government in Saiixm. The plan, which apparen'ly relies heavily tlmultaneoui local seiiures ol power
        730 words
    • INDIA
      • 471 12 REPUBLIC DAY PASSES OFF WITH MINOR TROUBLES NEW DELHI. Tuesday Minor disturbance* occurred in towns in Punjab and Madhya Pradesh States as India celeoraied its 20th Republic Day yesterday, but monies passed oil smoothly In New Delhi and State capitals. Sikh demonstrators disrupted official celebrations In some Punjab town, demanding
        471 words
      • 435 12 BANGKOK. Tuesday "pHAILAMts HrM Parlia ment in 10 years ii> pears to have cot thr country in its worst tin taiißle in memory. Parliament, uhiih re iiiiiMiicil >fstt-rday. is nearly lour months oxerdue appro miii; the national liinUri As a result thr
        435 words
    • EUROPE
      • 258 13 NEW YORK. Tuesday BRITISH Premier Mr. Harold Wilson today proposed a new kind of partnership between Britain and the U.S. aimed at resolving social and human problems in the *****. Recalling that the phrase "special relationship" was often used to summarise Anglo-American affairs. Mr Wilson said
        Reuter  -  258 words
      • 538 13 LONDON. Tuesday piMMI NINISTU Harold Wilson xwll seek as siiraiues Imm President Nixon that he will act lo h ill .i threatened husi nes s r i(essi,in m I( y m led s,Ule~ infoimeil -•nines s.n,| m ln I Ills ».is hkel\ lo be
        538 words
      • 153 13 £66 million bid for chemicals group by Burmah I ONDON. Toes, In A move to get a bigger stake in the chemicals Maiket. EbiUln'l Burmah Oil Co.. today made a £66 million bid tor Laporte InduMi.l an old bllahed chemlcali group. During the put tw<. Burmah ha-, by acqulMn diversified
        Reuter  -  153 words
      • 31 13 I\ I I'll! Tup.-, A lam i 111 !c I ll now In efPbrmoaa'a two lament Krelunvr of ihr Oarrl»on Cnmmnndi "winter alert. it »m announced today. AT.
        31 words
      • 227 13 WASHINGTON. Tues US. labour unions apiv to Mr. Wilson today to negotiate In limitation on textile export* from Hong Konu to the United St. I Kong sweauhopi Imp ;obs," n adp.iper.s in VK'.ster and mg. timeo 1 to cide with bis Kong ii tun
        AP  -  227 words
      • 118 13 NIXON'S BID TO EXTEND A-PACT WASHINGTON. Tues. President Nixon today asked ton tress to agree to a five-year extension lo 1974 of a section in the I'.S.-D.K. atontir energy pact which covers the exchange of nuclear <■■ n ponents between the two countries. The old section expired in December. I
        Reuter  -  118 words
      • 312 13 BRITONS HIT BY U.S. RECESSION YEW YORK. Tues. 11 The muc hpublicised brain drain from Britain has come to an abrupt •stop due to a recession in the United States. NOW hundreds of Britons who gave ud tobs in England In re.sponso to offers of higher
        312 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 59 12 CHINESE NEW YEAR MONEY-SAVING OFFER FREE! 12oz.TINOF^ INSTANT FULLCREAM MILK POWDER ubv j^* Kill ,^*^^*T H^ «=BS=£^^^ C U TIM YOU BUY To every housewife who's wise with her money F&N gives you the rich, dairy-fresh Instantly Instant Full Cream Milk Powder at the right price. Your family deserves the
      59 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 103 13 4v^sBb> cati %fEnT V HJAfc refreshing m 15 Iwl AW* New Year LJlin f I%^l Carlsberg JJL £$J| 1 TißwtjM BaV.' j^Hßßaaß f*«^> fflfl Y^^^^O^W >""'* TS^3j^aWMWawMaW^a^^a^a^a^^aßßa^a^wK^PßEM^a^a^t^a^MgL afl^a^a^Bß^^aW^*'JHsr^' wl •^Py^K.'.gjF* fJMIB^ WW^BMB>'WP^Ki^BT 'P^F^BHl Mßv»'l^T^^BWtM\TWwlJTT»WHWlM^B^BWi^By^Tfflfr Xv*» 'Ifekfr X^ b^b^^^Sl^bm^^^b^b^bw ■^KS^^B^SSKt^^^^^^^^K^^^^^t^^K^K^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^K^^^^^^^^^^^K^^^^E^Kß^Si^nßßibisßA '.■■>* s< bW .^BP^ i^' ab HE/ s» IHbT -i, 7*ik
      103 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1331 14 JAWATAIS KERAJAAN Permohonan'J ada-lah dl-pela»s ...mpada Wl Malaysia untok mengisi jawatar.2 berikut:— I AKAI NI VN BI lOK BIKKK' \KM \I \S I>\l lAX PKKKAh \> BEBEK iHahasian 111. tetap -rpencheni di-Kpim-ntertar GMI I Katan II: $20Ux14-L'7O Tmgkatan I: $296* 14-394. IMOK: Bagi iantekan teru: melebehl S9 tahun; Bekat Tentera;
      1,331 words
    • 769 14 SINGAPORE POLYTECHNIC SCHOOL OF INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY Applications are invited trom suijjblv aualifiea persxjnt for the following ooits in the School of Industrial Technology A) WORKSHOP/LABORATORY STEWARDS (i) Department of Electrical Engineering b Electronic* Experience in the maintenance and repair cf Electrical Machinery and/or electronic eauipment essential Familiarity with the instrumentation
      769 words
    • 694 14 M invites applications for the position of EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT 'SALES PROMOTION) QUALIFICATIONS: Considerable experience in soles promotion at a senior level preferably in a travel organiza tion. Must be creative and have initiative and organizing ability. Preference will be given to candidates who, in addition to the requirements stated above,
      694 words
      600 words

  • 150 15 When a hippie called Flower to court- CINUAPORE, Tues. -lx-footer Colin P'lower, 21, In hlpplestyle clothes shouted Whose laws are these, yours or mine?'- in court today when he was charged with assault on two counts and being a nuisance In his When the prosecutor. Inspector Cheng Poh. ordered Flower
    150 words
  • 27 15 KI'ALA LUMPUR. Tues. t a typewriter and Oculattng machines vglued nO from an offu-e ln in* Lea Tan Llan B'.aiding ln Jalan Mountb»tt«n here yesterday.
    27 words
  • 228 15 Now S'pore civil servants can retire after 15 years' service SINGAPORE. Tues. Parliament today gave < ivil srr\antN wiUi more tlvin II years' service the Hunt to retire, if there is "tTiii.ll consent with pension and without stigma. 1 he Pensions {Amendment) Hill passed today provides new grounds lor retirement
    228 words
  • 324 15 WIFE WHO AGREED TO 'SHARE' HUSBAND: I WAS HAPPY KUALA LUMPUR. Tuesday. 4 WIFE told the High Court today that she was happy with an arrangement to share her husband v.ith another woman. "After T agreed to allow him to have Madam Yip Sau Kiim as his mistress, the three
    324 words
  • 38 15 cink Oni Juan rang, fiied ln rlv thus ■VI RIMIUI t«'> hOCTi CM f°'-IwMi-oa In T*nJ«H T<>Koad ii,. driver ul Ux ea PHghtr m Driver pub»e rei«R A Al Huilriloiih, *a* « I injured.
    38 words
  • 123 15 Tiiki.i »oin{'n teacken <l:rd .md another »ai ■-I i i'iu»iy iniurrd when this car collided with a l<>rry at Urn iiin Kuala I unipur Rawaai road fcstenbi] Picture thorn ihe p«ilite iciiiu\iiiK .i \i(lini from the wrecked I iat K.'WI 'Ihe dead were:
    123 words
  • Article, Illustration
    36 15 KUAI A LI MPUK 1 The Sultan of Selangor will l-.e RMAF here on The Kuler. »ho i< the Honorary Group Captain o? the RMAF. will be accompanied by the Tensku Ampuan.
    36 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 224 15 C i/ FOR THE BEST SBjP^> gK^J^ BARGAINS! B«5B SUPASAVE CENTRE sag U.S>.Flbr«fll«iM»»r,»li. TO Ct rAR A $1.50 pW yd. SrtfcUMiSwelTrayi. $1126. Now at HALF PRICE St«*D«h«L $14.75 Now *t HALF PRICE [g •*i«« Sho«wrC«p». $ioa Now «t HALF PRICE IT] Le»ther Shoe*. TO CLEAR AT $9.90 Kitchen Cutlery Sets
      224 words
    • 145 15 4' h J8 JiMM v «J| .H K A t > f i i i w^M ms 9 r—^i— I -^-m, KMIMI «.^«««.«l#— Ml. JOIIM IMU W "v M c«^~ cim M v 1 j tSmm Th« Air Dtfanc* Commmd o« m« p\ eate W nd me further aettiit on
      145 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 528 15 ON YOUR TV AND RADIO TODAY TV MALAYSIA I'K(X.K \.MMI OMtl Kuala l.umpui and r.n^n( (haiiml Ipoh and Mjlacra 6. Jolioie Babru 3; Taiping I; batu Plfeal 7: kluanf c *n I'M. Procramme .>«unimarv; 6.45 News in Bahama Malayi u rt g.OO Present*— The Best Doggone Dog In tlic World.
      528 words
    • 244 15 TV SINGAPURA II VNNIX 5 S00•' M cc Moon ißht b ifn«do (Man- >wv clai.n Put 1); Mi Woman* World >Chim&ej. 400 Uiarv of EvrriUs in Smgapore Thl» Week tChinesej, 4.06 Bear- HUI; 450 Clone. i> n't O|)cning summary and Arthur; 6.30 News :n Brief Eim- !ieh'. 6.40 Run Pnr
      244 words

  • 646 16  - Storekeeper: I was ordered to check on those pipes LUI THAI HENG By Kuala Lumpur. Frl. \PWD storekeeper told the First Sessions Court here today that in April 1967 he was instructed to inspect 26 asbestos cement pipes which were later handed over to the Anti-Cor-ruption Agency. He also identified
    646 words
  • 69 16 $80 fine for gaming house offence anson. t«m. a lioUie«llr. Urn Boh Tmii. 54. who pleaded guilty to permitting her MM in J.ilan Pa&ar to be ii.-iii a.- common g.tnung house, was lined $80 y^trrday Thr court v,m> told that fifilH women wore arrested fur playine cards in Lim's
    69 words
  • 150 16 MALACCA, Tues. Police Uave launched operations to ensure that tin Statp will be crimefree during Chinese New Year. Malacca's CID chief. Depu'y dupt. Hajl Shamsuddin bin Mohamed Jai. said today that the operation would be mounted in three phases before, during and after the
    150 words
  • 153 16 SINOAPORE. Tues The Strain Tiiiien li»s received two donations for Tan Bee Bee cit 1 iimut. Hie eldest ol five orphaned children who last their widowed mother in the i (ffv flood. They runic ti *m 'Anonymous' Kuala Lumpur $350 and Mr Francis Ong
    153 words
  • 70 16 RAILWAY ORDERS $21 MIL LOCOMOTIVES L'L'ALA 1.1 MPI K lues The Natajraa ■■Imj ha> ordered !.'> main-line diesel lettric locoirotives from the British Electric- AEI Traction Co. The order the fourth of it- kind awarded hv Ma I.ivmh to the British company— is worth more than S'M million. The Ministry
    70 words
  • 38 16 .-SINGAPORE. Tues Thieves go: away with $1,275 when they broke into the Ginivv Coffee House in thr Intorn.ttional Build;:. i: Orchard Road, on Sunday night. I got in through the gla.ta window of the
    38 words
  • 100 16 Burmese airline may fly to KL PENANU, Turs. The Union of Burma Airways may tak» advantage of MalavMa's open air po--1 licy to start flights be- tween Rangoon and this country ■We would like to start flichto ar, soon as possible." Lt M Mating Mating Nvunt. chairman of the airwa\s.
    100 words
  • 31 16 KUALA LUMPUR, rues. I trail all H.^li CommiAMr J. R. Rowland, will open an art exhibition b a: Bembilan'a too v.>ng at the samai Gallery hrre on Feb. 18.
    31 words
  • 181 16 TAPPER OFFERED GIRL A DOLLAR AFTER RAPING HER I/UANTAN. Tues. A 17-year-old tapper, Mahut bin Munan, i ill < -red a dollar to an 11 -year-old schoolgirl liter n rapt d her, the High Court was told tociay. Thp «irl. whose name was v,:' iitv.ri LSed th» money and told
    181 words
  • 48 16 IPOH. Tues. A cobbler llak i citizenship certificate i years ago. wa^> bound $300 fOf i :i" y r n being rcciTdrd. He pleaded |U mitttnt the offence in the office of th< Registrar of Citizenship in Ipor on Dec. 11.
    48 words
  • 55 16 MUAR. Tues Alliano* councillors and senior .-:al" of the Town Council cave a farewell party to Its president, Dato Ibrahim bin Abdul The eounclU n also welcomed Us new president, Inche Mohamed Euof bin Abdul Rahman, who Is District Officer here. Dato Ibrahim has taken over
    55 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 153 16 Sft l^""^; KONG :^W CHOY PYRAMID I land kerchiefs of 11 nest quality mw lOC Ml Cl t Eeit *o#"ts. F ecnfl E''o«m A Finch (F E Lto S^gtccrt, j* V-f^p-f •"fl Pt^rs P: ft ll COVBpijrOUR BLEMISIpS AWAY... and achieve a completely Natural look with fiB^^^WATERPROOF COSMETICS z^l^ZlZ^ Japanese
      153 words
    • 83 16 gGSk In Rome ■-^B^HM-i'^v the man iJfflF*^ 111 who has it W s 1/ \t A iiymanontheViaVeneio.ltal.ant '"tv\-l) V I kno thoroughly masculine wlvsky \-J »V I Label" for its crisp, (.lean <mooV^bV^Bß Bw White Label' I JV^I^BAsIbV«B HVik^^BV That's the reason why men Jt _iir^*^^^^W^'fl v»odd all over the
      83 words

  • 324 17  - Mormons are under attack by; people and churches KHOO CHENG KIM By RING A PORE, Tues. The Mormons, ;< Christian sect of American origin now active in Singapore, have met with opposition from the pub- \\c\\ ;is other churches. The sect, first introduced here in March 1968. is strongly criticised
    324 words
  • 169 17 Mauritius team arrives to seek S'pore aid SINGAPORE, Tuesday FOUR-MAN mission front Mauritius ar- rived tonight to seek technical assistance J *istrial zone on their Mr. Guy Marchand. Mauritius Minister of Commerce and Industry, said: "We are grateful to your Government for giving us the opportunity U visit you Industrial
    169 words
  • 77 17 Charge against student is reduced SINGAPORE. Tut* -After > prosecution witness guve evidence In court today, a charge of causing death by dangerous a-rain&t student Yap Jin Kiat. 19. was reduced to one of causing death by negligent original charge alleged that Tay Hal Poh. 74. who wu g River
    77 words
  • 48 17 SINGAPORE, TaW. Road o:it«ide Anderson Secondary Schuol will be roved to all traffic on Feb 1 from I p.m in 4 p.m. •>> enable a!. 1. erheed pedes': IMartM aie a^kfd to slowdown when .c road and to follow road sign* and traffic police lnstr.
    48 words
  • 27 17 APORE Tiiev The High Court today c.illeri for the I iniyandt 18 accused i>l murdering m.friend > mi ue>> Neela The t»o-riay trial co: in.
    27 words
  • 71 17 lu.v— lhe duan duan shipping company mm fined >">ou late] for failing to pay ovrr 513.000 in emplo>*i-s' contributions to the Central Provident Fund. The firm's secretary. Mr. Tan Kong Eng alias hi in Chuw Yong, pleaded guilty on his tom|uni 1 In h.ilf tv .">0 summonses of
    71 words
  • 250 17 My dying mother told me father stabbed her: Son SINGAPORE. Tues. Criminal law detainee Ho Soh Har, 23, told a court today that as his injured mother lay dying in his arms nine years years ago. she said his father had stabbed her. Soh Har was giving evidence at a
    250 words
  • 110 17 SINGAPORE. Tues.— The f Education today >aid uiily two of Its division four officer.; had been told to pay backdatrd wdU-r and Ught charges. The arrears amounted to $447 71 to 1968> and 196« i. They air being repaid in monih-.-trv was i>! ■.:>■ informed
    110 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 31 17 JOIN THE MGS CONTEST "^^2S Men's Cosmetics I M 100 Sett Valuable MGS Cosmetics To Be WON Visit Shiseido Cosmetics Counters for Free Entry Forms WLW? £M ir%W jVr-^^il^A in town!
      31 words
    • 366 17 f"Now I can wear today's 'figure conscious' Fashions" said Mrs. Yew delightedly 0. BEFORE J.D.F.S. AFTER J.D.F.S. This is Mrs. Yew, \j J^^H Herr you see aged 30, as she V^"-*^! Yew with one J^^ was before she mm of Jcanr.e Drey; s _jjt^k enrolled at the *f interoat onally
      366 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
      34 words

  • 102 18 LEADING GERMAN BANK OPENS BRANCH IN STORE SINGAPORE. Tues. One of the three biggest I bank.s In Germany the Commerzbank Aktienge>ell.schaft will oi>' Soutl.-ea.-a A.Man offlcfl here tomorrow. Ttie managing director of the bank. Mr Robert Dhom. who flew In today for the opening, .^aid the office wu the second
    102 words
  • 103 18 SOMI brought little boys along to help carry their gifts home. But this old lady, bent with age. had no one to help. She was one of more than 6.000 elderly, needy men and women who thronged the (Ireat World
    HAN HAI FONG  -  103 words
  • 139 18 S'pore training for Hong Kong teachers SINGAPORE, Tuesday. ||ONG KONG'S English-language teachers, who have been ffoing i<» Britain, foi Further training will be coming l<> Singupon instead. This was If tfd by a top Hong Kong education official on his return to the British colony after a visit to Kuala
    139 words
  • 69 18 Pugilist to perform at premiere SINGAPORE. Tues The Delence Minister. Mr. Lim Kirn Sdii. uill attend a premiere of the film "South-cast Asia Pugilistic Festival 1369' a' Mir Metmpole Theatre tomorrow at 9 p.m It is in aid of the Slngapoic National PUfUtMk Federation's bulldnm tin id Kwan Tak Hunt,
    69 words
  • 37 18 BINOAPORE, Tues. The Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Health. Mr. Chor Yeok Eng, will witness the swearing-in ceremony of Singapore Chinese Physicians' Association officials at Hokklen Huay Kuan on Thursday at 7.30 p.m.
    37 words
  • 40 18 SINGAPORE. Tues The president »r the Singapore Paedl»tnr Society. Dr. Loh Tee Pun. will speak on •'lnnocent rardiar murmurs diagnosis and significance." at the Outran) Road General Hospital pathology lecture theatre on I Friday at 8.15 pm. I
    40 words
  • 51 18 SINCAPORE. Tues Th« will en.. .(ire worker* when Us new furniture In JuroiiK is completed ai the end of the year which now emand rudtogram en» I Anno: .i -.erkend dinner the irann t hoped to produce soon S> 1 of television receivers a
    51 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 954 19 LO UVERPOOL ANO OTHER ii rD-riu,.,, UION TAIIHYRIUS llPtTlMf ANTENOR "«Pt Ftl 1 FN 2 lUION 1»« M FH 1 MtKELAUS >- ft J FN 1/ till FN 2/ I MICHAON rli f* jI S(N II F»a 11 IN II II IL'FNPR 'S 21 rM n JJ f» Frt «/1
      954 words
    • 2476 19 i> Ai i /ifif^ 7T7TT7TT^S,^rS i^ i 7Tr^.-IMM-^-B Scanservicey EXPRESS SAILINGS TO MEDITERRANEAN THE CONTINENT/ SCANDINAVIA 4 I p i'ljm »o« BOMA Sailtl ll Pirt 21 lan 21/1 G-. RTMn o<-.. Ouig Ell. 41 V.. -v. CCPtr-igtn. G'bvig SIENA FN 11.11 FN 14/lt »ta turn O.m. H'bulg. Oil*. ATUTHU FN
      2,476 words
    • 1218 19 FORTWItMTLT EXPRESS OIRtCT FIBM E COAST lIS.I-)) OATS FROM NEW TORI! VBTO Fel tl Apr B JAPAN Ftl II All >4 IAOMEBOR) SIMS laa Ii Mir Mar II Mir 12 May I TELEMACNUS Sails FN 11 Mar 21 Mir 71 Mar 25 May 74 TREFUIIf fails FN 21 Api 4
      1,218 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 769 20 Western Australia/Singapore/Japan Service ■tfr=TI "TS"Tirf5 East Coast U.S.A. Straits Service «%as a 3 S If 5 FS Hf .VS Japan Hongkong -West Africa Service i,.,.,. •"C K*»S > v > WS I2>Mjr Japan India/Pakistan Persian Gulf Service Kilmi tit V |j5£i 5 UN Japan Sabah/Sarawak, W. Australia Service s«raikm K
      769 words
    • 816 20 ■*iJt ii il c ADSHALtSItN StIVICt To tuslraha New Zralaul P»nar» P S hair S 'lAfti't LMflUg lit: INtLEION II 11 FM fr-mantle. *d»Uide. MNBourPt, Sirflory PURNIA H Ma. 21 21 Mar 22,24 Mar BnOar.e Auc... Dt-nedm. Lytl.. •MM IKtraiia Nt« IralaM r lial.Bl IK: BtMORt II 14 FM IS
      816 words
    • 842 20 \xir7 NEPTUNE ORIENt'IINES LTD. (liciraaritei ia tie Republic if Siaf jbbm) bj ■1\ ICB Blildllt btH FlMf> 2 S MtM Wai Tel: mail LOADING FOR LONDON. HBURG. RDAM, HAVRE, A'WERP, BREM ■j Pen^ng trrntj. Cli n 14 2 Mari NEPTUNE lOPAI ETO 21 IM Jl la. 2IM 1, 4FM Hunting
      842 words
      703 words

  • Times City Desk
      • 261 21 THE Straits tin price In Penang yesterday dropped by $11,874 to 5673.5U which was the lowest price since midOctober. More ore la coming on to the market before the Chinese New Year holiday. The only support reported not to be very strong. was
        261 words
      • 73 21 i -HINE3I Praduca Eicrtania, Singa- »art, naan closing •m-.ti Mr aicul raattrday. Cacanut Oil: bulk JsBi tcKrra. drum 157» .Ultra. Cavra: UUMi <r.00.) ioo«« Jan./ i K »a»»tr: MjDiok Sarawak «h,ia ji«.i •armMa;: aicpons nr.'J «-:ier> A' LW) Cofftt. P i ;.i, n. SV6 ir era. I f^.h,
        73 words
      • 27 21 Jan. .'7 KI'KBKR: 70; cents (up a quarter of a cent). TIN: 5673.50 (down S11.87!). I Miniated (ifTering 3 'o tons i dun n23 tons).
        27 words
      • 244 21 Rubber opens static riiHE rubber market yesX terday spent another quiet morning with levels ruling at those of Monday's until towards noon when some Increased stale bull selling came In to depress It. Covering and some new buying later returned the market to higher levels. Turnover was confined to No.
        244 words
      • 23 21 i London on rnunday tne btttC ii? Ma!;i\a!i j pc: c»nt 1..' D K »a> quoted •t £108.. p*. '.-ii seilen.
        23 words
    • 223 21 Mart move towards firmer tone INDUSTRIALS openrd quirtly on the Stock hxi'hangc of SingaporeMalayala yesterday, with operators showing little inclination to deal. Later In the morning, buyerit started moving in antl prim staged a ralta I he ftr riiiiu ii saw further buying at levels slightly above the previous day's
      223 words
    • 36 21 Straits Times INDICES Jan. N Jan. 1? Indu-lriab: ltt.71 1 17.90 H.ilrlv :.V81, Proprrllrv; ItSJI I 9M t Tint: S.'-.'K »4 !»> iSRubbrr: tUJU IUJI Dm. Ml Km lire. It, MM 10" Drt 29. 1<»«! Ill*
      36 words
    • 156 21 NEWS IN BRIEF BRITISH PKTROLLL.M the second largest company in the UK has applied for listing on the New York Stock Exchange Trading is expected to start by the end of March. Present holders of American Depository Receipts representing deposited ordinary .stock ol BP. which at present can only be
      156 words
    • 701 21 BID AND OFFER PRICES OFFICIALLY LISTEU AT THE CLOSI OF BUSINESS IN THE SINCATORI AND KUALA LUMPUR TRADING INDUSTRIALS i HMM TUM: IndaatrUU Improved while rfH *t*a>v. MOST A( Tl\r >l«l< K> F .in l.»dv: tmjtm M»l.i«m* Wuod M 11..v. I'ar 1 i Ml Pua Hrodm In S<
      701 words
    • 899 21 BISINKSS |N ami I.IIOUI II) Id Till: SINOAPOSf \M> KUALA 1 1 Mil 1: IKADIN(. KOOM.N Ol Mil Mill K r\<H\M,l Wllll 111 l Nl MKI.R Ol- SHARKS II: Mill> SHOWN IN HRA( KI I IN 10l I Ol I .nun I NLESS 11 1 ill i:\m-i sl'KllltD.
      899 words
    • 203 21 THI PORT OF lIICAPOIIL AO'MU. I niTV ANNOUNtfO THE FOLLOWINC BIRTHING ARRANOfMINTI FOR JAN. 31. OUT: YHniahiKo alaru .1 4 lraui;uii II 14, straxt Chatiam '.'7 Olenlyon II M Hatma rttl 4>. Mfino Mam M 1 .net ivtauni; N.U. I IN: i> r.-n.rt I I
      203 words
    • 439 21 Profits show through in tin mining i YER HIT AM and Tronoh Mines have Rood news for shareholders. The first with its interim statement, the second with its preliminary Roth COtnjMUlleß present the results of better tin metal prices and set the tone for the industry In 1970. Only last
      439 words
    • 323 21 AUSTRALIAN MARKET REPORT MELBOURNE, mat OKI rise* by launinri a:": laotmel MliifraK fcr the mmmi m«rke.t> back 1 1. on Hie Melbourne Stock Fxth tcxla\ :n i I.! tfatttnt am U«*uHl) ed ahenu to hi' a peak of s: 8 i •ii the ea:l\ alten:iK»ii «h^re^ -lipped back tligbtl;
      323 words
    • 71 21 IHJU JONKS: 776 U7 (rteek acoi 775.54 i Monday i. ',«BaB iTutwdturi iiindon nun >i; I'KK- ■>! 1 1 M 11 M ix-r tent Mondaj i per riNANCIAL TIMEHi Tln«: 76 50 i week ago) 73 35 (Man. nmday); Rubber*: 14>).4H meek Hk'm. U iMotiriavi 150 90
      71 words
    • 101 21 TMI Aitociatian at Rank, in Malay 1 Ha ttwtßpan -ii. m.i.m of aaM Mil of rnrrixii Onitaal MMMI Huymc II < airman Ol p,,,,, rr^li nill«. S3 WM trad< nilli lallin* TT ar 0D rurt, Canada; H,n i airman "li H MM; ihi t <t. 13 777 hHII.
      101 words
    • 20 21 ~<iurday law U Uanar caMi. Itarlma KM VaaaM >' M«» uo I ant tatl af t«ld at BM.aVt,
      20 words
    • 345 21 4 RECORD crop M N a r 1) o r v v h (F.M.S.) Rubber Kstiitc enabled tlie group to pay shareholder* ;i IL' ppr cent dividend for the year ended June \W9 against A per cent previously Almost 12 million lb. of rubber was produced
      345 words
    • 75 21 hu plan.- to let v lent bank:: poration in Thailand with the Bangkok Bank The new bar.k. to he called Bangkok Securities or Bangkok Investment Bank, will have an initial capital a 5 million The pi bank is Intended derwrite new shan ed by local compa MALAYA 1..
      75 words
    • 258 21 LONDON. I .<■- AiiMiHlltn tpacuiaUve awlninn i*iamr actlv* xiiam on v.\r London mai I hmniz the viatpirrm hv Ta 1 ttainaaa Hint tbt <■ompany hud dlrtroverad nickel hi lv Mount Venn claims m Wwtcrn Australia M were quit Vail Sl: eet di>«ppe«rr<l and BMMI aarlj lussn «*re in
      258 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 355 21 jm FEDSEA LINE i'i'lbbW HDIRAL SOUIM lAST AilA LINI DItUCT iIRVICI T east Canada the great lakes loadin« For MONTREAL. TORONTO HAMILTON. ASHIABULA. TOLEDO DETROIT A MILWAUKEE s>ii:"- p i 9"-i"> MaMfaM laiwH ««io"» Lilt ?Mil 1 Mil 3 5 Mai i Mar II >•' U ft a|i HItKiNC LOTTE
      355 words

  • 9 22 WIFE OF LATI S. UUMVU •(tea rm| their
    9 words
    25 words
  • 5 22 L IIMON t I
    5 words
    7 words
  • 7 22 YOJTH FOR HRIJI 1.70 lhutt-
    7 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 252 22 JJriim.M^fcfrl PLACE YOUR ADS. [frfc. w\^ t w&8»SlTJ8& mm I THROUGH OUR C.A.T.S. ■2$£* •at. U,.m.m VM ttf 21 ■•lit •»> i«.l,«,l ml V N D U 0 ki P C'PflDF *}fiT}1 1 V CATS I »n o., ci.i.,».< »«..,i,»....t. m,^^ im (w n *«u i««.«..mi w t»» t.««. »w
      252 words
    • 464 22 WANTED METAL MHI1MER1 dooi Only tho«e 1 asara MALI CENERAL CLIRKS and lr*4. Apply l .,ir. A r. MITt CLUB It opm* t iaho\« I p m WILL ESTABLISHED 11... for arm ■WBB8OT aril »i.d P»«I a -<i irtuttacm i i ,<ji. I i«j: LARCE ILli TRli.AL riRM OEC AKI
      464 words
    • 765 22 BUNGALOW!. HOUSE* AMO FLATS availahlt. Rent S4.SM OMM 8iaim Mon Kea.'t MODERN 1 REUROOMEO IUNMLOW IHMg l:ukit TiinKUMl Road «or I'nn' mil only. T*I: port ***** DISTRICT 10 JIIDHOOMID ■•ml- detach***! a arrurulea un- j *7<<n lurninhm SMI I -I pan 112(77 FURNISHED FLAT 3 b»droom« •ndablt U.TO rtisinct i.V
      765 words
    • 718 22 MODERN UAllUt HOUSE, front- 'imavi-tn* ire*, j I'ntoned :i MnMM IB.4M lM n all modern»ni" iri s pore m»i:-:> am. i BAMBOO CROVE PARK Modern «hophou.<ea »ith a-room llat» upst«:t« oil Bukit l\m^n Rokd w m irwhind lurv i tui •air snophouxei Ml '"hi up«arda H»t i, Lama ikDCeaiiir
      718 words
    • 749 22 DIPLOMA! Ask MU1IUO dm. Ill l-i i:nwd s pore lo make wm«rtntlv la>tin« cocm of ineae vaiiiawr SENIOR CAMBRIDGE: Uauu Heaini BcIcm*, Prman Vi, s< III Knuhih. Ion Raja Cuiltt. lo sun ol tin <■•«• Rasiataf no--' •Haga, niD Chanfl Roan muou l4t"«M*). »HOR1HANIJ TYPEWRITING BOOKKEEPING. L.'.irn iron) experl cnoj
      749 words
    • 1033 22 I TOURS AND EXCURSIONS WIIKIND fOORI K/llDKtfl;! P U.cksoo. r" H.H C/Hignlanaa Nabii lours, U porr *****/tfMUJ. IAVI M',--Weekly chartered «!g»H» Kurou*, Londoti. Nabll Toun. Upon TO [unOPI AUSTRALIA. TAIWAN HONGKONG JAPAN 1IIMRTURE1 WIIKLV Malaya Tout < d»>» IN HJI J I'.anxkok I'd .mmai •> day« $JWJ/- <i..>- s.v>",
      1,033 words
    • 788 22 i»fs triumph t«u, i»m p '"$°5?' I9f 1 A 1100. VOtkawagen, 1962 F/6OOD. Hil'min 8 Minx. T Herald Convertible, M Mini S Wagon. 1960 F AnKlla. A '4O 16 Kankoon Road. 8 por« 2SN1 Tack rluat Co. 1»»7 FORD CORTINA GT. 2 o»nera. ?porrj tirermk wheel. Radio Automatic fall, fitted
      788 words
    • 430 22 MISCELLANEOUS Douia ■-'SOT-' 8por«. ATOM SPRAY PAINTING Repaira RefriKf ratora at customer nome. iei> .Spore. 2«M2. CENERAL VPAIHTIN0 Ho u;r Mir Refrigerator* utomer houm. Kuonc CMMt IBm, 348: > 8-por«. TALL EUROPEAN BACHELOR EXECUTIVE »rrk< educated to Bo* A rr fwHERE TO STAY(M'SIA) and tor "i-im.e.. K>r r M tr».tion
      430 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 264 23 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The Chairman and Board of Directors of Gemini's Travel Service thank the President of the Associated Indian Chambers of Commerce Dato S. 0. K. Ubaidullah for officiating the opening of their Branch at Arcade No. 3, Federal Hotel, Kuala Lumpur on Friday 23.1.70 and all friends and business associates
      264 words
    • 383 23 KENYATAAN TAWARAN IBl -PEJABAT J.K.R." Tawaiai; <i;iripnua PemboKii. u-j y.mi; berdalUr di-J.K.R. dalam Kelas C dan ka-atas ■4 Subhead 9 ibi Soil I Sur\ey akan m-terlma dl-Peja-b«t Ppnvarah Kerja Raya. NeCpriL! Tauah Melayu, Ibu PejaMt, JKR. Jalan Maxwell. Kuala Lumpur. hnieua pulcul 12.00 tci^ali hart. 2rthb Februarl. 1970. UNTOK:- SUBSURFACE
      383 words
    • 869 23 JABATAN PARIT DAN TAL1AYER SARAWAK TENDER NOTICE Tenders are Imited for the supply and delivery o.' three i3i sets of Diesel Driven Pumps for the Baniing Iiiitsai nip Scheme. Sarawak, each having a capacity of 12 cusfis i4488 gpm> against maximum static head of 26 feet. Pull particulars can be
      869 words
    • 498 23 J.K.R. JKNOKA PAHANG Tawaran? danpada pembornnir.2 j yang berdaliar di-dalam J.K.R. kelas EX *ampai D dl-bawah f X-- 7^. M.2^ ~> Kepala IV dan Kchahan KfpnU X^OtIS^TCLttILCLtIOTiS 8 iikan di-terlma di-Ibu Pejabat *O vTf «0 .iHbatan Ker a Raya. Jalan Maxuell Kuala I.nnipur hinKKa pukul i 12.00 Tengahan pada 9
      498 words

    • 293 24 Aurora and Silberblitz in fast trial By EPSOM JEEP s^u lii Kl'.l 1 1 (late Vice Tir and Aurora II (late Gold Lyn). two newcomers in trainer Eddie van Breukelen's stables at Tpoh showed impressive form at Bukil Timah yesterday. Tho pair matched strides in R smart 3f trial in
      293 words
    • 306 24 ABOUT 120 bond have been imported since the MRA lifted the ban on importation m September last year and there are 778 horses in training, according to the latest classification list. Aawag a batch ol 29 new horses registered U»t week Ufrlormed Nt« Zealand bred >tay»»r.
      306 words
    • 81 24 Vain' s future in doubt MEI^BOLRNE. ruM The future of champion threeV -mi Mill in di not tollowing a leg injury .-ullfred during gallops n[ E)k»<im tract win i raCM v.. n n partnership '.'h his brothers Fred and Georpe. h;i.s den i Uwt V.iin had broken i He MM)
      81 words
    • 288 24  -  P. DE SOUZA By r»OACHING centrps for *> ittlilcte.s ;< re beinc set up throughout Kuala Lumpur as part ol early preparations .or the Asian Games to be held at Bangkok in December. Each training clinic will have its own soectallst coaches to
      288 words
    • 143 24 PLAN TO BEAT RACECOURSE NOBBLERS IOMOOM, lues tieht Jim M-s are bring uru:RCti ri-Kiilaily n> .in, sit} vets here in a plau to beat tne i.u-ecour>e nnlihW-rv Britain's Horserace Brttinc le\> Hoard is fMianciiif the scheme .v (.lasgow I ni\> \et c r i narySchool The 'mtinea pig" IMTSM
      143 words
    • 168 24 ("APE TOWN. Tues. South Africa beat Australu by 170 runs in the First Test here today to score their first Test victory on the picturesque Newlancis ground for 60 years Final score*: South Africa 382 and 122. \us tr.ilia !t>4 and .180 Despite by lan
      168 words
    • 73 24 AIMKMU M> INNS lovarnlght i Bi-s> li'iv ;t>w Procter 83 .-taikpolr c Barlow i:dard ro hxpprll b Cheveiier 13 Wj I'.rrv i I nine b Pnx IC out -t Shrahan b Seymour Tabrr low Procter la Mallrtt c P Pollock b ProttK McKr'<rie <.■ P Po.lutlc b Che\elier
      73 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 479 24 ENGINEERS WANTED ob'iihed engineering firm ho^ vocarxies for the following dosts: ELECTRONIC SALES ENGINEER Dta/M holder or equivalent, mmirrHjrr 3 veors working experience in communications ana c measurements, titld and experience odvontog*out. PROCESS CONTROL SALES ENGINEER Degree hoder in El«ctTicol or Chemicol Engineering or equivalent, minimum 3 years working
      479 words
    • 497 24 mm PrMBKRITAHI TAWARAN JKR. JOHOR. Tawaran daripada Prmborong2 yang berdaftar diJ K.R di-dalam Kelas D dan ka-atas iKpl lit akan ditcnnia rii-Pcjabat JURUTERA NEGERI. JKR JOHOR. JOHOR BAHRU hingga jam 2.30 pptang pada 4hb. Februiiri. 1070 untok:MEMBENA SATU BLOK DUA TINGKAT UNTOK DUA UAKMAL SAIN. EMPAT BILEK DARJAH DAN PERPUSTAKAAN.
      497 words
    • 468 24 IN THE HIGH COURT IN MALAYA AT KUALA LUMPUR COMPANIES WINDING-UP NO: 2 OF 1970 In thr Matter of I mini A»ia liitrotninii Berhad. And In Ihe Matter ol the < ompanie* Act I '">.'• AIMI KIISf.MfcNT OF PETITION NOTICE hi heiroy given that a pennon lur tne winuing-Up ol
      468 words

    • 418 25 We have a good team to defend Cup— Cheah I ill. Thomas (up trainees are shaping up v<i> well at the trials in Alor Star. Penanf and I poll and with determination Malaysia should retain the (up for long time to come, the chairman of the Badminton Association of Malaysia
      418 words
    • 161 25 JANSENITEB o IJOLICE shocked last alor Division hockey triple champions Jansenites with this upset victory In i ipore HA match ;tt Thomson Road yesterday. I:r>'. Mli li .1 48? li minute goal through cut- ■.rev. back 'ho Janwit h vigour d virt Police's »cc
      161 words
      • 10 25 WORI l» ui I II KHI ICHT in Rcf
        10 words
      • 27 25 i'>i i: m vi II iB« I (M.1.1l Ulv l: Man- Id. 3 Leeds Utd. 2; Div. 3 Orient 3 Bury 0; Itochciale 0 Bournemouth 1.
        27 words
      • 44 25 \l I KALIAN OPKN (SvdMcni singles final A i M H Ctml) i Au-t tingles M Court (Ausl I W K Mchille 6-3. 6-1 double* nn«l M Court and ,i DaMon (Au li M k till* and K. Kranuct.l (Autlj 6-1, 6-3.
        44 words
    • 325 25  - Chee Keong returns home with pro offers MANSOOR RAHMAN By MALAYSIA'S top soccer goalkeeper Chow Chee Keonv;. who played three matches In the Hong Kong League tins month, returned to Kuala Lumpur yesv. it li offers of employment and professional contracts in Hong Kong. I: and playing contract* were made
      325 words
    • 682 25  -  CONRAD NG By IBF decide next week yEW Cheng Hoc and Punch Gunalan, the injured Thumas Cup trainees, will Leave Penang General Hospital on Saturday. They will go home Cheng Hoe to Kuala Lumpur and Gunalan to Klang for a short rest and will resume
      Reuter  -  682 words
    • 88 25 XAN YEE KHAN of Perak, m one of the leadinc doubles players in the world, was pronounced fit by his doctor in Ipoh yesterday. Tec Khan, who was injured in a fall during the Seap Games in Rangoon laat month, has been restIng and did not
      88 words
    • 137 25 Perak will field a 'new look' team UERAK will have a "new look" team In the FAM Cup and Mi ysla Cup tournaments this year, the president of the Perak AFA. Mr. Teoh Chye Hln. said in Ipoh, yesterday. "Our team will comprise mainly >. uih.s da" in,m Hie Burnley
      137 words
    • 36 25 RANGMtS 2 YOt'THS I Butterwortli Hangers and Georgetown TWrttM played .t draw despite extra time in thi.s quarter-final of thr Junior Cup soccer tourney at cnv Stadium yesterday. The replay wiii be on Saturday.
      36 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 51 25 NOW ALLIS-CHALMERS SERVE SOUTH EAST ASIA FROM SINGAPORE A MBS 1 1 nVsnnn«BmYJ^nM E ■I nY S bk=^H nW^H H H^ni n^B n^Bn^Bn^nSaßHßsaHn>«ff !*n bk^^H bY m sa r^H ■■BBBWsWBBPBBBBBnnMB' ■■■^^■ms Is^t^^H I MBaSasV^^'^L ■^■^■^^BB^^sssssnsdni ?^Sr^sV>^^HßHl^a^n^n^B^B^HßVßsli^HsinS9s^B9"s^BHS A ALLIS-CHALMERS JOi PARTS TRAINING CENTRE N0.15,L1U FANG ROAD JURONG INDUSTRIAL ESTATE SINGAPORE, 22
      51 words
  • Page 25 Miscellaneous
    • 37 25 HOI hi V S pore l).> I School* (Bale^icr iJd>: )CRC BMHA; Armed v PWD ipadangi. nil. I: CSC v sembawanit Slilp\ard icr Rd> Carnival: l|Xili tourney!) iCAS grd' RUGBY lnrnill>: BCC v K. Bnsinssts i Spore
      37 words

  • 32 26 PHILIPPINES students lurk anus and advance an i policeman during riots that erupted following the State <>i the Nation address lo Congress by Presi lent Marcos. AP radiophoto.
    AP  -  32 words
  • 225 26 'Trouble in Punjab if Sant dies' warning NEW DELHI. Tuesday. rpHE Punjab Chief Minister. Mr. Gurnam Singh, A today warned the Indian Government that there would be serious touble in the Punjab if they allowed Sikh religious loader Sant Fateh Singh to burn himself to de ith for the sake
    Reuter  -  225 words
  • 54 26 CALCUTTA. TUM Police firwi iohi to rii^pei.-e lam punters who tried to invade the member- enclosure at Calcutta raeacouna aaMafdaj after an 83-to-oni outsider won the third rare. lluee turf club officials were injured. Police m rested 33 people. MM the remaining four race- on the
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 14 26 JAKAKIA ii— l.r DtrecMr Widikdo. would not i iuture to iter
    14 words
  • 36 26 Singapore a.- <t -hower KL !>0-":H- >h*lul.v Tokyo 49-311 clear Seoul tf-STT paiilj cluiur. Taipeh ;:-:.P) cloudy Jakait^ sti-8 h dear H. Kon« 03-^81 fine B«ni!ltok !)l-?3F cloud.v Naha 69-iii'l cloudy Manila A0-66K Mi
    36 words
  • 353 26 HONG KONG. Tui-saay. HONG KONG'S third stock exchange, the International Stock Exchange, plans to tradt In South-east Asian stocks as well as stocks listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and the Far Stock Exchange. Mr. K H. Hwang,
    353 words
  • 40 26 TOK^ ruling paftj iui:;.\ zn\e the Government the tio-ahead to >Uiii the nuclear non-prolifera-tion treaty mid Jap.n: ture will probably be adcicd to Die aucumenl In the next few week^. ir.iormed sources said ye.steida> Reuter
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • 24 26 SAPPORO. Tuev Se\pn of 11 :r.iner>- ti.iuped in a coal mine pit i live-in neai Mere »-»rly today were rescued tomtit Reuter
    Reuter  -  24 words
  • 29 26 BRUNEI TOWN Ti.. fUrttMr cholera case:, have been detei'ed in the pa.M 48 houra, Dato Dr. P. I Pranks. Ihe Director of Medical Service.-., >md kaat night
    29 words
  • 170 26 Nuclear tests led to deaths of 500,000 infants LONDON. Twos. Nuclear weapons testIng has led to the tha ol a halt-mil-lion Infanta In the [ted States and Britain, an American pnysldSi >aid yesterday. jji Bme I J SU rnglass. Professor Di Rad the University ol Pittsburgh, »ald radlo(alloui trom nnd<
    UPI  -  170 words
  • 19 26 DAVID SAMUEL f ptaM took piac* MR LIONEL. DUMONT. M I ■■■•'l. paia*4 •■>«<• I«\M Tv (t 4 30
    19 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 105 26 Perfection in ||i|j|g^ with ffifiyiyj^ffif^ >! I] I ARABELLA/STEREO A Masterpiece of Electronic engineering, design reproduction. It has 2 x2O Watts cutout, 4 Wave-Bands viz. BC, FM, 2 x SW, AFC AM noKe filter, 8 special matched ipeoker',, 4-specd DUAL Record Changer *ith Diomond Stylus, ond mony other electronic features
      105 words
    • 145 26 Late CLASSIFIEDS tO words $20.00 minimum §■^■1 SEE Tit CAPSULE AT MATSUSHITA PWIION NATIONAL The NATIONAL Cassette Recorder RQ-209S has an easy All-Push-Button System with automatic recording level control tliat ensures perfect recording. Comes with smart pencil-type microphone with remote control switch. Operates on batteries or household current. tmoSe who
      145 words