The Straits Times, 25 January 1970

Total Pages: 31
1 31 The Straits Times
  • 17 1 The Straits Times No. 1765 SUNDAY, JAM ARY 25. 1970 20 CENTS KDN 4523 MC (P) 1508
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  • 354 1  - Action plan to speed up investment ANTHONY NG By ITUALA LUMPUR, Sat. A na-**-tional action plan to speed up the rate of private investments in manufacturing, tourism and the oil industry has been put into operation by the Capital Investment Committee. ot all Federal and :imem departments, statutory- bodies and
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  • 307 1  - Can you beat this... 5 sets of identical twins in same Standard Two HARJAGDISH SINGH: B, KUALA LUMPUR, Sat 'pllis is no illusion. They an doubles all five srtN of eightyear old identical twins. And th<-> an- all studyi i>c in the same school. s. inn- class standard two at
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  • 566 1  - FOR ALL A TIGHTER CALL-UP LA W CHEONG YIP SENG By SINGAPORE, Saturday A MORE rigid enforcement of the conscription policy was announced by the Government today. All 18-year-olds liable for national service will now find it harder to get deferment. Further studies will no longer be an automatic excuse
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  • 94 1 WHAT will life be like in the *****-.' In 1959. man had MX ventured beyond the earth'.s atmosphere. Within a decade. h<' wa.s walking on the moon quarter of a million miies away, and talking to us. Now. will man make contact with other be- !i,!..-
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  • 119 1 Guthries to invest Sloom in Malaysia KUALA LUMPUR. Sat. The Outlines Corporation Ltd. will Invest SlOO million in Malaysia during the noxt 10 years, its Chairman. Sir Eric Griffiths-Jones, said today He told a press conference here that the money would be u>ed to expand and improve the gi rubber
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  • 91 1 RAJA: THE OLD DAYS ARE OVER SINGAPORE Old money lcr mone; are over. both .socially and politically tonight, and Pot S Rajaratnam he old da\ i thought only of making money foi selves type of 1^ men are a danger to our progri "Today's bus-.: must be more and politically
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  • 34 1 m \s| Kill s v 111 XI l»raH. s»t. *n r\|il«sit< s-ladrn lru< k hlrw up linr ti>«U» killinj II »nd wc.uiuliru up h> H iM-«i|ilr. Ihr 101 l ciiuld b.- Injhrr IT
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 72 1 JtIUItKI f|( MEN Js^T i SIGN OF QUALITY AND TECHNICAL ADVANCEMENT IgJNivico N^^P^ VICTOR COMMNY OF JANN.ITD. A smart solid state stereo portable with twin detachable speakers STP-808 C (MW/SWI/SW-') all transistor portable stereo radio plionograph. 11 transistors, .*^^fl diodes, AC /DC (*> x UMI batteries) Output power: SB* H
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    • 66 1 LATEST CREATIONS... Cum Contemporary Design and Precision... Created especially for you! multi-coloured j*. r *acaaa^^^»Jj^f dials Red. M Blue. White, rM^^^^^K3k» Green. Brown jf^H^| ftlß^ and Purple. [j^^t^m^^^^k Singapore $84.00 JtGEß^.Mrt West Malaysia $91 00 W/^^ *m tffitßr Penmg 586.00 J| VIQ j^^^ J^ 25 Jewel* PAGOL WORLD FAMOUS SWISS
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    • 14 1 ENGAGEMENT RINGS h U. SUVA SONS, Jewellers 25, Roftlet Place, Singapore-1. Tel: *****.
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  • 178 2 WOMEN CANT BE ORDAINED AS PRIESTS' VATICAN CITY. Sat The Vatican da:ly nc*»pap?rs yes t c r day published an article ing tha: women could nut be ordained as Catholic prleMs The article said the main reason was that priests arr "other Chrlsts" and Christ wax a man. It obviously
    AP  -  178 words
  • 95 2 CALL-GIRLS WHO ARE HAPPILY MARRIED WOMEN \\INMPK,. s.,t M,..t <»f Hip prnstitutrs workniK hen- arc happily married suburban huusrwives helping out «ith the f.imilv hudget This is reported hy Prof. William Mori lsori. he.ttl of the I ni\rr:it> of Wlliniprj; So.iolouy Department, who is ,induitnit. B mx for-l Ira KcsjMich.
    Reuter  -  95 words
  • 16 2 WASHINGTON, Sat The United I rd a low-yield undercround I gruund yesterday. h
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  • 445 2 TEL AVIV. Sat. JSRALL visU-iday ended its occupation of Egypt's strategic Shadwan Island after killing at least 70 Egyptians, capturing 62 and removing an important radar station and other military equipment, military spokesmen said here. Th« helicopter- borne nva .-ion -if the Gulf of land, which
    AP  -  445 words
  • 125 2 lAKARTA. Sat. President Suharto's military government today faced a mounting political crisis with news that k'udent demonstrations over pi iir increases have spread from the ttfMtt <>t Jakaita to other major Indonesian rltles t'ri'ss reports said sturlfiits in at least three other Indonesian
    Reuter  -  125 words
  • 171 2 Wide support for Nixon doctrine in Asia, says Agnew WASHINGTON. Saturday. yiCE-PRESIDENT Soiro Agncw yesterday give the National Security Council first-hand account of his recent Asian tour on which ho said he found wide support for President Nixon's Asian doctrine. Mr. Agnew said on his return from the 11 -country
    Reuter  -  171 words
  • 36 2 WARSAW, Sat. A French tcniriM guide. Oerard Cichy. 51. «ss sentenced to 12 \ears In (jiivm \est*rda\ on liiarues of .-•pvuii; lor the Ajmrteu mtrlllneiice srction of Nato. the new* nßrncy PAP reported Reuter.
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 451 2 jtt I^F^^ .--■>—^^—- ~mm~. Wi itfd B^ "!9 L«! BBgliJ g«k "^^■^bw™^^^^^^! fT^% f■■ ill til if ill/K-'i *™^^Hr=? I I tl Bui' White Horse separates the men from the boys. But not from the girls.) A perfect blend, mellowed by the gentle hand of time to the softness of
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    • 81 2 Congratulations to the Government people of India on their Republic Day. STRAITS SHIP-CHANDLERS •nd tfc«ir Atteciot* concern STRAITS SHIP SERVICES (PTE) LTD 24, Winchester Houm, Singapore Suppliers »o:- INDIAN NAVAL SHIPS SHIPPING CORP. OF INDIA LTD JAYANTI SHIPPING CO. LTD MOGUL LINI LTD., SCINDIA STIAM NAVIGATION CO LTD GRIAT lASTIRN
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  • 304 3  - Singapore's Mr Flats Builder has a shack for an office CHEONG YIP CHONG. By Singapore, Sat. yHE man who has built more low-cost public flats in Singapore than anyone rise has a shack for an office. Inside, there is a telephone, a couple of desks, some well-worn chairs, and a
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  • 121 3 FISHERMAN CHOKES TO DEATH AFTER SWALLOWING FISH TANJONG KARANG. Sat. a fisherman w■ i chuked to death when he aiviueiiUj swauouril v fish he had just caught with his bare hands. The mishap occurred on Thursday afternoon while Mohamed Anilm. 25. was tuning to ditch in padl Hi (i at
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  • 326 3  - Doctors: Alcohol with durians not dangerous JACKIE SAM B, SINGAPORE. Sat JUST how dangerous is that peg or two after a hearty meal of delicious durians? Completely harmless If we go by a recent experiment by the Faculty of Medicine. The experiment was carried out with mice. The pielinr.nary report
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  • 30 3 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat. Thf annual general mating of the Selangor Consumer*. Association tix< cl r tomorrow at the Royal Srlangor Golf Club here has been postponed to Feb 15.
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  • 126 3 RRUNEI TOWN. Sat An emergency alrUft from Malaysia. Singapore and Australia has rushed enoiißh cholera vaccine tn ward ofT the cholera epidemic raging In parts of the State. A total or 160.0C0 units of vaccine arrived yesterday and have been sent by the
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  • 357 3 LEFT SCHOOL AT 15 TO WORK FOR CONTRACTOR FATHER.... the Job brought satisfying returns. Soon, he struck out on his own with a small subcontractor's office. For 10 years, until the Housing Development B launcned Its maulve housing prgruinmes In liioO, Mr. Chng built private houses. It was a modest
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 290 3 YOU TOO CAN SUCCEED! "YOU PASS YOUR EXAM FIRST TIME— or I go on helping you until you do pass" My promti* to every Bennett Airmail College ttudent is bickeo" by long,«ucce»t«ul experience of a famous British college which offers personal tuition by post Thousands of students have patted their
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  • Around the courts in Malaysia Singapore...1
    • 370 4 SINGAPORE. Saturday rOMPANY owner Chong Poh Wah. 45, was jailed for three years today for retaining $210.--000 which was stolen from the Taman Jurong branch of the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank. He was jailed for another three years for conspiring with five
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    • 153 4 MAN GETS 9 MONTHS' JAIL FOR CHEATING WOMAN CINOAPORE. Sat Kwan Llan Choon. 34. who took $4.00U from a housewife to buy her some quick profit shares from the Merlin and Royal hotels, was today Jailed for nine months. Kwan pleaded guilty to two charges of cheating Madam Kwok Kon
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    • 128 4 Fined $300 for giving two-dollar bribe SINGAPORE, Sat A twodollar bribe led to the aire.M of Dirati' taxi-driver Chew Chec Wall. 35. on April 8 last year a court heard today. Chew who at first denied a chame of corruptly offerlne traffic policeman Masood bin Hail Jals $2. changed his
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    • 141 4 DENANQ Sat -A man charged with robbing a rofTeesiali owner of $110 In CM!) and jewellery was acquitted and discharged today when the complainant said he could not say if the accused wa.-, the •<ame man he had picked out at an identification parade. Low Kok
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    • 36 4 I'AKIT BINTAR. Sat A« unemployed youth Subruu*mam N ••ncr»d t#B stolen c(H-imuU> a; the railway .ore. Nadenon. 20. pleaded BulltT. had •nuts with him at about 4 p.m. on j^n. 5
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    • 54 4 ORIK t<H' s;\ rubber t»|>. perh. one of them a \M»m»n. were »rre«ted by the police for Breaking the curfew at 3.45 am. yesterday. They were cycling to their •»U«e 15 minutes before the 3 »m. to 4 a.m. curfew was lifted when a police
      Bernama  -  54 words
    • 151 4 I'ANJONG MALIM. Sat. A game ranger. Mohumed Saad bin I.sniuil. 24. was acquitted by the Sessions Ccurt here today on a charge of accepting a $15 bribe from a bird and animal dejler. Kootaf. Yun. Mohamed Saad. who ma defended by Mr. G. T.
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    • 425 4 Moneylenders firm loses claim against merchant SINGAPORE, Sat MONEYLENDERS cannot BUC their debtors on promissory notes if the notes do not contain full terms of the loan transactions, the Third Civil District Judge, Mr. Tan Hoay Djin, held today. Such notes the jiuUe observed. an- unenl abie under the Moneylenders
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 587 4 IfTTHE WORLD OF POSTAL EDUCATION TRAIN YOU FOR ATOP JOB BRANCHESTHROUGHOUTTHEWORLD S*^ t L~~^^->w Graat Britain Zambia Maal Baß 'a^BaV Canada Tanzania r Jl Uraal Malawi aT.v 1 tff^ *33 afaV Smgapora Labanon _S s jjM Baiß&^^^^Bn Hong Kong Malta .VaßaLafc J^bl BaK TI Thailand Italy f& VXnC^ M India
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    • 89 4 Getting Up Nights Makes Men Feel OTd Before Their Time Nothln* can make you f*cl ao eld. tired, ana drpreeaed alaeS t n Li n "*y "*c»u»a of G.ttfn, Up Aa?a?ltw".** rl J' ni> r «'"a. ItchlnS Aelelty. And If your back irhu ml«n Fail,, lß "nu'eufd JJK
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  • 547 5  -  GERRY OE SILVA. By Singapore, Sat. I HKi:i. top executives of Asia Feed Mills Ltd. were charged in a magistrate's court today with failing to publish the company's paid-up capital in its chairman's report. The chairman, Mr. R. G. Brigg*. 50.
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  • 364 5 Court president and counsel visit Hume factory in PJ KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. The nior Sessions Court p resi (1 en t. Mr. James Loh, visited the Ilume Industries factory in IVtaling Jaya today and saw th<- manufacture and quality control of asbestos cen ent pipes. Counsel His visit was in
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  • Article, Illustration
    172 5 Before >ou uk.c ihc Stage b> storm, sou'll ha\e u> learn lo be an actress. I hat's common sense. It also stands to reason that becoming a mature and graceful uoman vmII be easier it you learn certain things bow, like proper posture, speech anu manners. There are some other
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  • 173 5 DEAF MUTE GETS TWO YEARS FOR STEALING $8 |£UALA LUMPUR. Sat. A 23 year old deaf mute with ll previous convictions was sentenced to two years jail In a magistrate's court here today for housebreaking and stealing $8 on Dec 30 last year. The magistrate. Che Zaltoon binte Dato Othman
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  • 69 5 SINGAPORE Sat.—Krtsh-na.-amy s o Nadfson. 20. \\<us tailed for nine months today in the fifth district cour tfor attempted extortion. Arumugan Sindaya. 18, wa.s cleared of the the charge because of insufficient evidence. KrUhnasamy had tried to tort 1300 from a Publtc Health Department labourer
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  • 67 5 klano. sat. Chan Kok Ming. :10. was charged in tho .sessions court. hen today with attempt Ing to rob a woman, Kan Kirn Llan of $1,000 Chan, who pleaded not guilty. Is alleged to have used a pistol to demand the money from Kan at her home
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 310 5 ■fe Aw kW Aw^m kv M M^^^^ffA V Aw mfcA T- A\ iX y A 4M corou*^ V jT>_ fe J^S^Sh^^^ flilrl at Dewanßahasa Building nil 28th January to Ist February TO fy\ j 4pm to 9pm NATIONAL EXHIBIT '70 wOl be wpmtd by Yang Mulia Puan Sharif ah Roa'ziah
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 280 6 Tomorrow The Daily DC9 Singapore Djakarta 11 111 J"** I Fly the daily DC9 on Garuda's sleek new service between Singapore, Djakarta and return. See for yourself what comfort means DC9 style. Room to stretch your legs. The quietness of engines at the rear, and a welcome truly Indonesian in
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  • 277 7 Two years jail for CBT case woman SINGAPORE. Sat. A policeman's wife, Sharipah Zaubyah binte Said Othman, was jailed for a tot.i. ol two years today for criminal breach of tru of jewellery worth SlO.BBO She pleaded multy to throe charges relating to jewellery worth SlO.OBO belonging to Buang binte
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  • 244 7 SINGAPORE, Saturday TWO young robbers u<>i away with over $18,000 in a liKlilniiii; roadside snatch in Imisy Chulia Street jusi before noon loday. Before their victims a man and fl woman cashier from a nearby emporium could recover their wiK the youths sped
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  • 133 7 IN A WORLD AT WAR SINGAPORE. Sat— The visiting leader of a religious organisation. Maulana P. P. Yusof Koya Thangal < above >, today .strc.vscd the role of religion in bringing about social discipline. The 41 -year-old Maulana. founder of the 20.000-stront; Reffayi Ratheeb Association of
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  • 21 7 SINGAPOHK -The Buklt rnmmittop ;ind community n liter will dUtributi Chine.-' ixjv to rwtdenU receiving .-cxial welmunity I
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  • 26 7 SINGAPORE 8 fhrimit K mji cil auction. brmU Qm openine nl thru ni v pmnlMt tinn nr-. nn( nn t today, as pi-p\iou.-!v .■-•atPd.
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  • 178 7 Fruits of his harvest... SINGAPORE. Sat. Talented ►3 local artist. Seah Kirn Joo. 30. has recently completed a sevenpanel batik mural for the Asia Room of the Frankfurt Development Bank so far his biggest overseas commission which will bring him $24,000. Describing the 15 feet by six-and-a-half feet painting. Mr.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 117 7 SELETARIS goes Avith the good things in life Just as you cn oy good food, >ou too will enjoy Scletaris the mineral spa water which contains no sugar, helps indigestion and cleanses the palate. lor >ears it has hcen enjoyed for the pleasure it fives and the benefits it bestows.
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    • 102 7 A SANYO TRANSISTOR RADIO MODEL 6C-337 fc€* F=^ wmm <SZ^^^^^ P BUY ANY SANYO REFRIGERATOR OR T.V. (excluding portable 10 T.V.) from November 15th 1969 till the 7th. February, 1970 and receive absolutely free an attractive pocket size AM transistor radio (Model No. 6C-337) jq~— -1 Modal SR-IS7D Model SR
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  • 353 8 Better life round the corner for people of S'pore MP's STRESS NEED FOR LOYAL ARMY SINGAPORE. Saturday SINGAPORE'S national senrice programme is of national importance l>oth collectively ;md individually. This \\;is the theme of speeches l>\ Hirer Members <>l Parliamral ;ii send oil parties lor national s c r v
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  • 240 8 VERY RARE MUSICAL EXPERIENCE AT VIC SINGAPORE. Sat—Toijl night's recital at the Victoria Theatre must have been a rare musical experience to many who heard the counter-tenor Tay Cheng Jim In an exacting programme of music drawn mainly from 17th and 18th century composers. Tay Cheng Jim left Singapore to
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  • 153 8 'ONLY SIX IN 100 CALLED UP FOUND UNFIT' SINGAPORE. Sat. Only six per cent of youths called up for national service in Singapore have been found medically unfit. This figure was ghra »y Defence Minister Mr. Lim Kirn San today when he announced a stricter deferment policy. All the unfit
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  • 179 8 Cash loans to farms affected by floods SINGAPORE. Sal The Government will distribute cash loans to licensed livestock farmers alTected by the recent flood>. at various relief centre-. beginning on Monday. All these farmer^ who have registered at the Primary Production flood relief centres and who are eligible for loans,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 212 8 /> Our Special Kind of Food and A Cosy Atmosphere Drop In At: "^idß^^^ I>V f I "b^l^W^^^^^W b^b^ a^P b^P^^ 1 327-A, OUTRAM PARK Ist Floor, Block 24. Tel: 9X162 (OppoMte Gaacnl Hospital) SinUiipore-3. I JOIN IN A NEW AND HEALTHY OUTDOOR SPORT CRAB TRAPPING at I SINGAPORE ISLAND
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    • 325 8 BEDOK REST HOUSE THE POPULAR RENDEZVOUS for your family friends Top in Leisure Gourmet Pleasure Scrumptious Sea-food fresh from the Sea Tastefully cooked for your pampered appetite within digestible prices Our Specialities: if CHILLIE CRABS STEAMED PRAWNS if STEAM -BOAT Teleohone *****6 for Table Reservations. mAAEb'* ißi?* M^H^T ..^^b^b^^^b— 4*''^b^b^b^bt^^^^^^^b^bl
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  • 200 9 Call for 'board' in place of police censor SINGAPORE, Sat. The president of the University of Singapore Society, Mr. Geoffrey Abisheganaden, spoke out tonight against the censorship of drama productions by the police. At the society's annual dinner, he called for the setting up of a board "or for some
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  • 66 9 Aussie minister for S'pore SINGAPORE Sat The Australian Army Minister. Mr. Andrew B. Peacock, will through SingHpore tomorrow on hi* way to Saigon. He will be back here nr\t Saturday for a fi\e-day vimi during whuh he will viMt Par East Land Force.-- headquarters in Tang::n and meet Australian
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  • 47 9 SINGAPORE. Sat. A labourer. Kadir Pacha. 20. of I Jalan Übi died in hospiui last i night shortly a(t«r he was found with head injuries in Kolam Ayer Lane. Police recovered two wooden poles from the scene. Police hu classified the case as murder.
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  • 369 9 A $15 M BOOST FOR INDUSTRY IN SINGAPORE THE WORLD BANK'S TWO CONDITIONS FOR DRAWING UPON LOAN... SINGAPORE, Saturday •JMIK $1.") million World B;mk loan to the Devekmmenl Bank of Singapore is to Ik* exclusively used to finance the imported "components*' of manufacturing industries. This is one of the main
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  • 119 9 SINGAPORE, Sat. Factory worker Lee Ec Hiang's habit of digging her ear caused her death. coroner heard toda>. She died from tetanu* last Dec. 'la after being admitted to with ear infection. Her mother. .Madam Tan Seok limn, said Lee. 19. had
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  • 136 9 ROBBERS GET $32,000 FROM GOLD SAFE SINGAPORE. Sat— Four men. one armed with a knife, robbed a Oeylang goldsmiths' workshop of $32,000 in gold and cash last night. An employee unwittingly admitted the men through the premises front door, thinking they were potential clients. Once inside, the armed robber held
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  • 70 9 SINGAPORE S»t Singapore Armed Fcrcrs will conduct exercise* In the Mnndai' MaiMhnK »rea trom 8 am nn Monday to 8 a m next Saturday and in' the Sungci Pandan area from t a.m. on Monday to 12 midntcnt on Friday. Demolition work will he carried out «t
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 150 9 Special J|S v^ninGSG New Year "**>w offer at W v A bouncing ball jumping with joy \\^^^a* Jl^l JUMPBALL SFj? Now to February 20th MPH Distributors Sdn. Bhd^^^^^ *"V- n 77 STAMFORD ROAD. SINGAPORE. fs\ m Ml I lIH I ll mm~^^M [$145.000 1 TO WINNtRS WITH I NUMBERS COMtCT
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    • 64 9 RID LION You now get three cakes of Palmolive soap, 4£££ in green, pink or white, for only 90C. <3§r^ This special offer on Palmolive soap SfrtC" fA is available at your store now. Rush over today. Buy the special pack QSgjj of Palmolive soap and save money! fc. m
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  • 374 10 SUNDAY. January 25. 1970. A MOST TIMELY DECISION THE Singapore Gov- ernment's decision to step up specialist allowances for its medical and dental officers is most timely, coming as it does when morale in the service is low and fears ot a further brain dram mounting. The Increased allowances to
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  • 1222 10  - Bank Negara forecasts an increase in incomes as economy bounces ANTHONY NG By KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. The Malaysian economy, stimulated by the very favourable performance In the export sector and a speedy recovery In production after the disturbances, continued to expand at a tremendous rate. According to Bank Negara's economic
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  • 930 10  -  HARRISON E. SALISBURY BY THE WAR MIGHT LAST 100 YEARS THE HIGHWAY north of Ulan Bator, the capital of Mongolia. runs in almost a straight line towards the Russian frontier. 250 miles distant It is a macadam road, and when I first
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  • 491 10 When 125 m people were told to stop boozing HOW heavy a drinker are you? A pini beer a day perta maybe the occa ional nip of gin? What the answer, you would probably deny bell compulsive drinker and insist that. U cessary, you can take it or leave it.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements

  • 1199 11  -  BLAIR JOHNSON By I: Singapore, Sat jy|Y word is my bond describes the integrity of stockbrokers. It is not a meaningless phrase but embodies the trust in the men who founded the first Stock Exchange in London in the 18th century and
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  • 241 11 Man (minus arm) tells of parang attack on four A LOR STAR. Sat. A paai planter today recalled in the Hi^n Court here how a man armea with a parang nacked aim ana three oaiers, mchialng his Infant si rand-daughter, in their house in December 1968. As a r»\sult ol
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  • Article, Illustration
    23 11 Tin ii purr in Prnang MBSSMBJ (oil M.121 to $8M.87i prr ptml offering ecttsoated up 10 tor.* to 290 luiu
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 147 11 -iaN-r- a'^SbssT saw viv wl <^ m^r?^j aW 1 i i Yes, he is a happy man. He consulted us last year. Now he's enjoying tax relief on premiums paid on his Great Eastern Life policy. We advised him of the benefits of a Great Eastern Life policy and that
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    • 464 11 Foot Itch Cause Killed in 4 Days Pain and Itching s~ Stopped in W^ J 7 Minutes ,3^^-' jfl badly that "<.y nrar'y St*S T"U rrazv? Iw :h« akin on \<>ur tv*l crack and Infn tl«na. aa writ aa Rlniwnrm. S, l.f^l? Art tli»r<- Mliit>Ta h«l»fn It a.op« tho Itrh
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 388 11 ACKOM; l Venture >4i liulun-d pSMM 4 li fil another |)lai r- >'.)*. .i C»llif<1i»l African cattle Hy <6>. ,71; aEIU dnwi »S»: 7. Mate 10. Throb (9>; H PISCISUi .srnsrlp^ .4>; 8 Fish i3>; 8 Mnnes 1 4 > 12 Fireaun mis-iIP rnnviimr :i II Btltp*' kttrbMM M Slander
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  • 992 12  - MORALISING JUDGE HAD A SECRET GIRL FRIEND Edgar Lustgarten By HK pressed the bell of the flat in Queen Anne's Mansions. A tall, spare man with sandy hair and angular gnet. Thoujrh it wax evening and rather chilly, he wore no orcrc— t For he himself had a flat in
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  • 649 12 There was only one fact he didn't confide to his mistress been absurdly generous with "loans" to Importunate acquaintance True he had ftamb!< n unsuccessfully on the Stock Exchange but mostly in an attempt to re.sture his dwindling capital 3ut why ni it dwindHnR? Where had oil capital gone' There
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 235 12 mummy's machine. It's a perfect little sewing machine that's ideal tor every young girl who's i BY learning to sew. The smooth, efficient |j| M lock-st.tch action is modelled on tea- I^**' iaaaW tures that have made the Singer 1J S' name famous. f^ and it's FREE *%go> with every
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  • 244 13 CONFUSING YOYO HEM WAR 'pHE past week we've been receiving Dtwi of the latest fashion trends started in Europe. And quite honestly. I'm confused by it all. The first despatch from Ronu- where the ■prlng and summer collections were shown last week said. "Designers .showed long skirt and suits
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  • 417 13 LOOK-ALIKE UNISEX NOT FOR THE VERY YOUNG I«i.-.ia«: 1 l M y i yj Judith yong I WF. lI.W'K hccii hearing so much of Unit His ciikl lltis stuff which we have termed Unisex. This week's focus is on this theme on \\\c His-and-Hers look, but
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 331 13 Advertisement End Face Spots The quickest and easiest way to remedy skin blemishes and pimples is to dab them over with lemon Delph skin freshener. Mild antiseptics to(ether with the natural lemon toning in Delph freshener soon dry up conditions that can lead to poor sallow skin and acne. You
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    • 43 13 Of course several Kellogg's ready-to-cat cereals are "Sweet Treats" by themselves, already flavored and sweetened. Eaten as a snack they prove pleasurable eating with good grain nourishment. Here are Kellogg's packaged "Sweet Treats". FROSTIES HONEY SMACKS RICICLES COCOA KRISPIES SUGAR POPS FROOT LOOPS
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    • 809 13 Advertisement Make Your Complexion Lovelier Day by Day ALL you really need to bring out a wondcrlul. youthful bloom on your skin is the resolution to nurture and protect it every day of your life. Try some of these suggestions and incorporate them in your regular skinimproving programme to achieve
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  • 84 14 111.-, radiant bride knows how to keep her man happy just feed him. The former Miss Yoiig Mum Kuen Is seen performing her first duty for her husband. Mr. (hen Shoo Sung, at their wedding in I'etaliiiK Java on Saturday. The bride is the
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  • 276 14 'Threat to ban the Labour Party no great surprise' PENANG, Saturday. THE chairman of the working committee of the 1 Laboitr Party of Malaya, Mr. Lim Kean Siew, said today that the Government's threat to ban the (tarty must be viewed with the utmov {•em by all who wanted to
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  • 120 14 Join the vigilantes' call to youths I/ANKAK, Sat. The Raja of Perils has called on youths in his State to come torvard and join the Vigilante Corps. '■'liie unit' baU come lor you to tbam youi loyalty to the country bj serving in the Vigilante Corpa during tim prt'st'iu emergency,"
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  • 46 14 I'E.nanu aatl thfi elation oi Nrun Sombilan anj Maiacia Hf-Mdent^ :mii Ins .sol up MX dniskn.s lo plan Us Hctlviiies for tin- year The divisions schol;iishlp.v ciMiperatives. publicity. cultural. fuiu l -raLsinc were tamed a' a pipft n» in Bunrr-
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  • 64 14 rW.IONO MAI.IM l»»( M-lMMjlbny. M Muinjin. IS riira last tiiHht m tli' hosplUl li (> re from Injuries »u«l alned In a nn't'-r „.,,t at the .SBth Mile Ipoh- Kuala Lumpur road on Thursday. He waa travelling from his homo in Trolak toSuntekal witli his Biaiidlatlu-r.
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  • 135 14 Travellers not guaranteed seats on trains KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday. |F YOU are a train traveller, there is no guarantee you will get a seat no matter what class you travel except on express railcars where seats are numbered. You aJso travel at your own risk; Malayan Railway makes no bones
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  • 50 14 BATU PAHAT GETS ITS FIRST BEAUTICIAN BATI PAIIAT. Sit Batu Pahat first beauty thcrapi>t and .onMiltant. Jacqueleen Chew (ahovei. h.i-, rrturnnl here after her training in London. Daughter of laesl huMnf^m.m, Mr (hew Mah S»«-e. Jacquelern had hi-r training ;it the I^-ichner Creative Studios and the London Academy of Modelling.
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  • 76 14 "For instance, if a third class passenger cannot find a seat, hr can sit in any class until a scat is found for him This is at the discretion of the conductor. "If all seats are occupied, then it is iust too bad for thr Dassenecr without a seat."
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  • 24 14 PENANG 3«t Ml) dftit> >>f HM 1 W I'rra* Monal (lavs will makr an r\-ru-M.Mi la Pulau Rimau and Pulau Jfrejßk unnorn.w
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  • 108 14 |>ENANO. Sat— A labourer. 1 Omar bin Pawanchik. 22. was today fined $tO. or 10 days" jaii when he pleaded tv a charge of having .05 oz. Of Indian hemp yesterday. It Supt. Pal Singh, prosecuting, said i policeman on beat duiy alonn
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  • 35 14 !he Huiimah 'ii na.s been prt-jii.icnt of th* Sungn B,i!:k Pulaiu b- lute. Che S«i.niah b;nte Yahaya < vice-preM- riah b.n 1 Atdal \nd Che Sal,inte Moh.imed Saman :rcr) have also been elected.
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 407 14 P.M.U opens up a budget treat A can opener is nothing to be ashamed of when what you're opening is Because p.m.u is budget priced and it's delicious nourishing food from Australia. Try PMU Tomato Soup, or any of their other tasty soups and meals. 1 wi 1L Goon.
      407 words
    • 228 14 Order Dairy fresh MASTERS MILK in Tetra Pak ...taste that cream! I WiMMrafaat I Naflanal AMknMaa Yen can tf*4 aaaaaaP aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal What i* HOMOGENISED milk? A short tima ago apacial procatr Mattara Dairy now uaa IMa »>•* it was ditcovarcd that toma paoplt, particularly procaaa which not only brtaka down
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  • 36 15 AUSTRALIA'S NATIONAL A SUNDAY TIMES FEATURE Mclbeurnt'i lkyline n»i of kH alongside the Yarro River. Capital city of the State of Victoria ortd second largest Australian city, Melbourne is a city of 2.3 millio n people.
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  • 649 15 I^KADK ;iml coniinercial lies between Singapore and Malaysia ;iikl Australia arc strengthening every year and the trend seems certain to accelerate. All three countries are experiencing periods <>l rapid economic growth and diversification and are sharing some of Hit' problems common to industrialisation of small
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  • 455 15 JOINT VENTURE IN AIR SERVICE OPERATION AN Australian company in the lace ol intense international competition has been selected by the Singapore Government to join it in a Joint venture air service operation The company is Hawker de Havilland (Australia) Pty Ltd and the Singapore company Singapore General Aviation Services
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  • 954 15 World-wide fame (for country's wines MENTION wine and most peojjle's thoughts turn to France, Italy and Spain. In recent years, however, Australian wines have achieved a high quality image throughout the world not as pale imitations of better known European varieties, but in their own right as distinct types fit
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 49 15 You're smart when you buy AUSTRALIAN BUTTER fey Food value is just one advantage the other is the distinctive flavour of these two quality butters. And you put more pleasure mto eating more goodness into your daily food. Fitzpatrick's Food Supplies (Far East) Ltd. I ,300 Orchard Road, Singapore
      49 words
    • 207 15 ■I^^^BjyfißAJOiic ii MKB BnBL^^NGLETO'NAIIJNtv jKmM How not to get lost doing business in Australia For years, the Bank of New South Wales Each year thousands of oversea companies through our International Division has been ask for our help. helping Australian businessmen with information Australia is a big country. You could
      207 words

    • 931 16 A STRONGLY established chemicals industry in Australia, with output ranging from top quality industrial products to modern Pharmaceuticals and drugs, continues to win both attention and buyers from many world areas. In South-East Asia, particularly, the competitively priced Australian products linked to Australia's nearness as a
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    • 1165 17 Country pushes ahead with 'giant' projects AUSTRALIA owes its discovery to scientific curiosity. In 1770 Captain James Cook put Australia on the map during an expedition in the South Seas to study the transit of the planet Venus across the of the sun. Today the Great South Land is repaying
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    • 589 18 Singapore third largest consumer of Aussie apples SINCE ttM tirst small fruit trees wci<- planted in Australia 180 years ago, Australia has created a thriving fruit industry with an annual income of about $340 million. Apples and pears form a sizable portion of th:s product* n, and one of tile
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    • 1046 19 Building industry active as never before ALONG with Singapore and Indeed with many areas of the world. Australia over the last few decades has found its building industry active as never before. In Australia over this period a number of factors combined to bring about immense changes in building construction
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    • 534 20 Meat earns country more than $962 mil. a year... MBA'J production, mainly from the northern grazing areas, is Australia's third largest export industry, earning more than $962 million a year on overseas markets. Research, pasture improvement and better processing methods have maintained for Australia a well-earned reputation for consistently high
      534 words
    • 1528 21 Nations industrial activity growing rapidly AUSTRAL lA'S emergence as a rapidly developing industrial nation follows tho country's earlier international reputation as principally a primary producer. As a measure of the true role played today by the country's manufacturing industries, Australia's 62.953 factories in 1967,68 had a total value of production
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    • 1214 22 Country is becoming important food source AUSTRALIA is already one of the great primary producing and trading nations of the world. But as the years go by she is steadily becoming an even more important source for food for the world's rapidly increasing population. This position has not been easily
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    • 132 22 Singaporeans mil be able to see for themselves Ihe very urea I rartaty of Australian faatfa and winrs „t an Australian Paatf Keslival btginninc today a( Kit/patritk Su permarket in Orrhard Road. Canned and processed roods of all kinds meats, delectable cheeses. Jams, fruits, sauces and condiments will
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 277 16 do Igo to I4v CiiGt S *&> t; store for fsSsLffe butter? i/y^ Not me. I buy S.C.S. and /t hJ Magnolia at any good 1^ store just like you can. m*^, More people buy S.C.S. and Magnolia because it 4 *%~2 "S has the true flavour of top-quality creamy
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 350 17 VIDOR THF A Breat N ewcastle i ndustrial company nt that is becoming as well Known overseas ni|CTp/\| lAM as it is in Australia. Vidor Engineering "W I ItHLIHH specialises in the manufacture of PfIIMPAN V Boilers PresSLjre Vessels, Shell and Tub* wUHir Hn I Exchangers, Air-cooled Exchangers, Iff ITU
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 400 18 MANUFACTURER OF MODELLING CLAY SEEKS DISTRIBUTOR NEWBOUND CO. LTD., COLLECE CAMERON STS, BALMAIN 2041. SYDNEY, NSW. AUSTRALIA. NOW! The New Tangy Flavour of Savoury Cream Between Crackers Vl \aWT WaWaWSWWJI *r 1^ y The new cracker sandwich that's tangy \j^^^^ and light for between drinks and parties. Brockhoff Savoury Sandwich
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    • 208 18 -HAVE YOU TASTEDAUSTRALIA'S TOP SELLING JAM WITH THE REAL FRUIT FLAVOUR Deliriously Appetizing because only the choicest j B^kfajT fruit of the crops are selected to go into health- ct{ SWESr-* giving Balgay Jams. Jjfcg| KalfUWy Boisoy Jorm come in ho.-dy 24 oi (gfcSw I eons and cofcr for oil
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 119 19 Select Australia's Finest Wines SEPPELTS and make friendsmt Scppelts wines arc among the finest of fine Australian winex grown in the sunniest and most fertile vineyards in Australia. Ilach of Seppelfs seven vineyards is renowned tor the particular wine it produces— the port, sherries and brandies from South Australia, the
      119 words
    • 359 19 White Wings Cake MixesAustralia's leading brand Why do Australian women prefer \it£>w[ White Wings Cake Mixes? For the same IBTT'Wf flnmT wn, reasons that you will. The beautiful lfl W* itHLUP TELLOIYI home-made flavour and texture. The CAKE mix enormous range of varieties. A «^^fcff^o^^ delicious result every time. White
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 275 20 <^KMPB{HMB||H QUEENSLAND INSURANCE Company Limited ASSETS EXCEED $200,000,000. •RANCH OFFICL3 IN STORE, WEST MALAYSIA BORNEO. Every year the demand for paper methods. A.P.M., Australian Paper year Products include unbleaphed and paperboards increases as Manufacturers Ltd., is the leading and bleached packaging papers, manufacturers prodoc* more pro- papermaker in the southern
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    • 269 20 Never before a range of industrial general-purpose hand-operated portable fire extinguishers so FAST! SURE! SAFE! SWORDSMAN First with the revolutionary fire-fighting agent BCF (BromochJorodifluoromethane) AVAILABLE IN BFC is the remarkable oew PTCirgtii3t>. ?rb 3ib 6ib412 ib ant thdt puts out any tire io seconds capacities inflammable liquids, electiica) fires, ail
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 196 21 •3^ m You can't mask the natural of BUTTER No other spread is so completely digested for health and energy as good natural Rivermede butter. Make your food better with the golden goodness of Australian Butter every day. Refrigerating Company (Pty.) Ltd. 200 Cantonment Road, Singapore lm|lorlere Exporters SA 10-50
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 314 22 HHHfIjH|HHJHHHj| APPLIED CHEMICALS Applied Chemicals rm ets a most extensive range of industrial chemical compounds wenng the following general fields. 1 Industrial Chemicals degreasing, decarbonising, rust removal, etc. 2 Cleaning compounds for hotels and catering machine dishwashing, floor and carpet cleaning, etc. 3 Water treatments for algae and scale control.
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 420 23 ILJ^" 1 1««U AHp.O J#| HOD nil CNNE9 NfWTHI RSTIBI ALLTHESE FABULOUS INJ] FESTIVAL SPECIALS ON SALE TOMORROW .ij l|taHMtdMM BbKk^Z^^^F^^^*^^ *^^M^B^HBp|B^n^l BB^B^^V^P Biscuits 9 Varieties Recipe Cake Mixes I Pure Australian Butter Cordials Pears Apricots per pkt. /V^ per pkt. 85^ per lb $1.10 I per $1.00 per^an 95^
      420 words

  • 678 24 Cheque for $450 on the way to widow who waited H years If you havr a crnuinr problem, write to PKOPLK and I' HO 15 I I MS. The Sunday Times. Kirn Seng Road. Singapore UKOI'LK and r PROBLE M S starts off this week with good
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
  • Page 24 Miscellaneous
    • 817 24 BY P.I.H. NAYLOR CAPRICORN <Dec 21 T»i ri« n n ,u o, Jan. I9i Mounting ex mJv v P 21 T declde l0 take U P penses may cause ln»ii X ?2! 0Ur P restl e is ei 'her on Wednesday or v for a dav or L v™ high
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  • 1038 25 EMPHASIS ON PROMOTING CO-OPERATION CO 0 P E R A T 1 O N between India and Singapore in the commercial, economic and technical fields was further strengthened during the past year. While there was an increase in two-way trade, the
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  • 254 25 MESSAGE FROM MR. PKIM BH.VTIA. UK. II COMMISSIONER KOR INDIA IN SINGAPORE. It Is my privilege as High Commissioner for India in Singapore tv greet Indian nationals in this country on the occasion of our Republic Day. I would also like to use this opportunity of
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  • 140 25 MESSAGE FROM MR K C. NAIR. HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR INDIA IN KIALA LIMPIR. I am happy to have this opportunity to address readers of the Sunday Times on the orcasion of India's Republic Day This is the 20th anniversary of our Republic and this special
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  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 72 25 GREE TINGS on the occasion of the Republic Day of India from: BANK OF INDIA INDIAN BANK INDIAN OVERSEAS BANK UNITED COMMERCIAL BANK (Banks of the people for the people) Z- ~ZZ Congra tv la tions and Best Wishes to the GOVERNMENT PEOPLE of the REPUBLIC OF INDIA on the
      72 words
    • 43 25 Godrej range* I rV*l f >yGodr»j. GODREJ FOR ALL STEEL FABRICATION MJrf&lH/M (MALAYSIA) Sdn. Bhd Congratulations and Best Wishes TO THE GOVERNMENT AND PEOPLES OF INDIA ON THE OCCASION OF THEIR 20th ANNIVERSARY No. 1 STORE. 93. J.l.n Tuanku Abdul, Ku.l. Lumpur.
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  • 700 26 COUNTRY GOES THROUGH ERA OF ATOMIC POWER ATOMIC power started flowing intermittently in the states of Maharashtra and Gujarat on April 1. 1969 from the largest atomic power plant in Asia Tarapur. One of the most advanced ventures in the country, the 380 MW Tarapur Atomic Power Station, situated about
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  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 286 26 I""""" 11 HNnmiHIHIIIIIIIIIII I IHIIIIIIIIIIIIIU Congratulations and Best Wishes to the GOVERNMENT PEOPLE OF INDIA on their REPUBLIC DAY z I I From:- ORIENTAL FIRE AND CENERAL I INSURANCE CO., LTD. 66 B, The Arcade, Singapore 1, Tel: *****/2 Ooty xxEtS IT 'Ihcrc is a slice of old England right
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    • 203 26 Cong ratu lations and Best Wishes to the GOVERNMENT AND PEOPLE OF INDIA on the occasion of their Republic Day hrmm:NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO., LTD. Bank of China Building. Battery Road. Spore 1. 122/124 Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman. K. Lumpur. 64-66 Jalan Yang Kalsom, Ipoh. 25-B Beach Street. Penang. -iiiiiiiiiiiiiitimiHiMmMiuimiumiiitimmimiiiimiiiimiMiiHiiiiiiui
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  • 953 27  - SHE ATE GARLIC BEFORE A KISS... CLIVE HIRSCHORN by ...SAYS THE NEW JAMES BOND GEORGE LAZENBY, the new Jama Bond in On her Majesty's Secret Service, is ;i genial, easy-going, and immensely likeable young man from Australia, who jusl recently, has been having a pretty rough time from the Press.
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  • 303 27 I DID NOT DO IT ON PURPOSE, SAYS MISS RIGG ORITISH actress Diana Rigg was quick to reply, purely and simply to put on record what she thought ol George Laze by's feelings about her. The 30-year-old actress said: "I have resisted up to wr i involving myself In this
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  • 453 27 Hallelujah will highlight a night of music ON SATURDAY and Sunday at the Singapore Conlerence I Hall the National Theatre Trust is presenting another concert by l ik Singapore National Orchestra together with the National Theatre Choir. Two highlight's of this concert will be the choir singing And the Glory
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  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 181 27 SUPERMARKET AND SHOPPING CENTRE ORCHARD ROAD fijPlgfl 9am j TODAYS BONUS SPECIALS! i CONDENSED MILK FESTIVAL 14oz .38 FRUIT COCKTAIL FESTIVAL 29 oz 1.20 PLUS ALL 15 FRIDAY BIG SAVINGS! Or do you mean pornographic? A good reference book will explain the difference. And there are hundreds of reference books
      181 words
    • 79 27 ALXXY PET! LAST DAY: 3- 1 p.m. South East Ana Film Co presents NAGESH SOWKAR JANAKI "EDHIR NEECHAL" |A Tomil Bo« OH'c* Hit Which Vusf Be Sfen By Everyon*) CASH BOOK NOW No Fre« List Tomorrow 'lILIS TERTAWA' (Indo.) TODAY I lam "THE iIG BLACKOUT" Color Scope in'H'H.'mifl r'T* Air-conditioned
      79 words
    • 104 27 ;lK VathlyJ "oVe "n "s"to" da y TH: l\ [DIBLE f AND A LONE WOMAN J ON A MISSION OF NO RETURN! I Bar Fnuß $Mikk I Production M mmwMMu. *vrJl^^tfm Hum: Hut 'nflwjf a with them rode death and revenie I r Sue Lyon Pernell Roberts //j^v JUUAN MATEOS
      104 words
    • 594 27 aff liir-VJaaaiiiM OPENS TODAY! Horn, 1.30, 4.00. 6.30 4 30 im a four rode oot^ a NOW SHOWING! Todoy 3 Show. Horn. 1 30, 4 00. «30 It «lJpf«" THE APRIL FOOLS color p aW.I.U-U'^-lU|P ,'OW SHOWING! 11am 1 30. 4.00. 6 30 L 9 20pm J FANTASTIC SUPIRMIS" 1
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  • 313 28 MALAYSIAN Prisons have set their hearts on winning the PAM (up in their first attempt and are training hard to achieve this. Twenty-one players, from whom the filial tram will be picked, have been transferred to Pulau Jerejak, a little Island on the east
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  • 200 28  -  JOE DORAI By SINGAPORE 8 FAM Cup squad have ■"moved <tut" of Jalan Hcsar Stadium to do tht'ir training tlMy will train at thi Training College ground at Pat* I Road. After this they will work Mil M HMM of the really bad grounds. •The
    200 words
  • 51 28 OMPHi I Hur,gar an first divlgten MK-cPr tpam. will play two matrhe* in Malaysia next month against «n PAM Selection Mrie at the Merdeka Stadium on Peb 6 and at Ipoh's Perak Stadium on Feb 8 The dati-A. l*>wever have to be confirmed by thr Hungarian EmhAssy h
    51 words
  • 395 28 Ralston wins record 93-game match CYDNEY, Sat. American professional Dennis Ralston beat Australian John Newcombe after the longest top class tennis match ever played In Australia at the Australian Ope :i championships here today. Ralston won thp marathon 93-game cjuarterflnal 19-17. 20-18, 4-6. 6-3 In 4hr 41mins. Ralston had l«*d
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  • 175 28 STARTING times for the golf match between Keppel Club and RAP Tengan at Bukit Chermin. Singapore, today: 8 h in A UaiCOUn ami S Wee v W.iK.nx)ti and R"t>cr;.v 8.06 D. Milne and H. Perry v Upstone Hiii Kvniirz. 812 Ttoh Klkii n Kfah and Ang Soon
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  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 730 28 j JCMtOn'UDCEMENTS. ANNI tRSARUS ANNOUNCEMtNTS. BIRTHS CUB ACTIVITIES. CONOOIENCES OEAIHS ENGAGEMENTS. FUNERALS GREFTINGS IN MEMORIAM. MARRUCES M INS PERSONAL. P.p.c, RCQUIEMS I REUNIONS. Lite: Mimmuni J7fl or jo woris taci .ilidomi word 0( AM Otter ClassiliH Advtr'.r.enifnts Mimmum V 50 for 15 weris tick 9dEitisnil word 50 cents SiMif Tines
      730 words
    • 692 28 Japan will send more coaches JAPAN will send six Judo exjXTi.s and three gymnasta to Malaysia In March mr .i two-year (•■•aohing engagement. The new batch will bring to 24 the number of Japanese instructors coaching in Malaysia under their Overseas Co-opera-tion Volunteers scheme. There are at present 15 coaches
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    • 39 28 Malacca Cold Storage Supermarket and Snack Bar now opens to 10.00 p.m. Sundays and everyday. Shop in comfort with the family easy parking. Sundays with good food and a cool drink in the Snack Bar. Take the whole family.
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    • 460 28 INTERNAL AUDIT CLERK THE I .C.I. (iROI'P OF COMPANIES lnvltM applications from Malaysian Citizens for the above position. The .successful candidate, besides meeting our minimum requirements below, must be prepun ci to travel. Minimum Hequißcmente 1. A Grade I School Certificate with credit. iii llathraa 2. Two v-fars auditing accounting
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  • Page 28 Miscellaneous
    • 106 28 Th 6 coin test s ri > o"*'Ma a**.^.*! ■•m*. !Ss!x aPTwC^tW EaaHa^ML?^ -j&LfSM 1 S Wm 9 nHar^aT* -<^E^LW W >^ i y bW^ TH«;VOU-- m, i\ L^ntr^kEaatßßßa. .afl R^^st t ohhinc '3S Jp^ Al s-jy r.o:i» W Jkl l*CKS»i'.i p.»:e LJssJ^^ N^^^S sf/wc Eaaap^Em V T i^lfi*f f
      106 words

  • 2283 29  -  EPSOM JEEP By Fantastic— by three lengths rIA f»i FtM)l Ist Na H74 2nd No. ISMM II 3rd r>... ltilv".:! j. :>bl Starter?. (SIM each): Nik 1.-.9HH4 *****5 1601X1 *****2 *****2 1.»9(i4» li. Consolation pri/iv 1 5 live r»chi: \..v IMt74 1H.",;il Hill 17 li <i|:;, 1.M4H8
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  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 688 29 t tP BBi aMI. t \<L .^^^•^^^^^^^^aT ara\ mm I JBH .BE BBT VF*f V 'i I aa bp ar J AW# j y t w mt\ r* l i aa* mw f «v fM ff aaw *Jl w» m' I'mm wJKi Mir Bar r 1 J IB M W
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  • Page 29 Miscellaneous
    • 819 29 L TV and RADIO TV SINGAPURA TV MALAYSIA lIIAWLI I I*KO<.K\MMr DM. KuaU I umpur and Triune i n />' \m skippv the Bu^h Kangaiuo. 10 35 The DOCtOta and < hannei ;>: Ipoli and Mala..* h Juliorr ISalu v 3; 1U UO tha Nanea; n PeaU p i«aae»t); 12
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  • 693 30 EPSOM JEEP says: Zinnia Fair should beat a Class 2 field including the useful Interest gUMMEI FUN in Kate 2 looks the best bet at Bukit Timah today. Thi Ho fourold ran LmpresUme out over 6f at Penang last month when ho ftnishb to stable:irk. Hp
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  • 89 30 Warnings and then oranges for Little ROME, Sat. Some 15,000 Italians booed, jeered and pelted the ring with oranges when U.S. world Junior middleweight champion Freddie Little was disqualified here last night in a non-title boxing match and lost to countryman Eddie Pace. The two boxers gave an Indifferent display
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  • 1952 30 GOING I OKECAST: (iood ffJ -M9M 45 CLASS 5 DIVISION 1 6F ■fin^ll '56.500 S4 550 to the winner) i -i\\i<)'; [T> Teh 3 RV (dc < huah 1 HOME l<)\\\ II h -!oh 5 812 (dc -2 Podinore 13 -\l \ll s\N(.h\ (I Bn ;s,>ni owner
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  • 196 30 i num ii i t \u. boy I'UINTLU HI II' Kill' \C \M\U\ Urn i 'T klsl 2S Um M M I'M Mxoplc -I mmii: n\ iMua NXH Rare t 'P 1 1 Bjx I :>»m Kr.l unl Surrfnd loniuir Huntrr I'HIIRI. HOlSt I>\K1I.> KAITH Kirr 3 >»Jrl»n* 1'irlurf
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  • 190 30 Confirmed: Bo is 'Monte' winner MONTE CARLO, Sat. Swede Bo Waldegaard was officially announced winner of the 1970 Monte Carlo Rally yesterday and a Ger-man-style beer "festival" was arranged to celpbrate the record third consecutive win of the Stuttgart-based Porsche team. The Porsche drivers who finished the rally in first,
    Reuter  -  190 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 375 30 ITALY ITALY ITALY ITALY g?^ Mf c Get your furnitur* jL. X rr^BK^. 1^ New ideas, latest w I QjES^MfW i£dP desi 9 ns for 197 -1 i«BRi)>I > -v Open from 8.30 a.m. eW* t0 8 3Op m daily X (IncludinoSyndjpy) or 0 Offal i i[ i^rn !JN\ usT
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  • 55 31 stitutlon. Raffles Institution, K.ik: Buktt, Otn Li kfonki Hill at.d Monfort 1 lor the quarter-finals the tirtt national schools >irie «<>ccer champion--1 :rpr Park yesterday. The quarter-finals to be I rnday at 3.00 p.m. at •■aion are: Monks Raffle*. Mont fort v St. -:ley v Oftn
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  • 177 31 Six new marks at Under 12 swim CiA it-cords were set me buigapoie Liiucr-ii: ag«j kwlmuuug tucet uv .i.nucr tvOftu yvi ci cut) Xbi recotun weie in the 50lii Daurw. i«»;u 101 U-y by Cai\in Choug »CL- Mill Uir. b-y, Joanne Etotewelj ■ecsj bow Dutientj 11-12 by Elaine tins •to*
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  • 185 31 KYLON S.C. i I'ORT AUTHORITY /'EYLON Sports Club opened their campaign in the Singapore Div. 1 hockey competition 3-0 win over Port Authority at Balestier Road yesterday. Port Aut horny, who had only nun- mon throughout wcrp novpr able to m-t past ;i
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  • 249 31 YEW CHENG HOE withdrew from his match against Tan Aik Along in the Thomas Cup trials at Penang last night. Cheng Hoe was unable to play because of his blistered feet, a result of his slogginc match against Abdul Rahman Mohamed on Friday night when he lost
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  • 218 31 STORE YOUTHS 1 ALOR <. \J Ml 2 THE Singapore Youth soccer team, who are 1 Koinfj to Manila in April for the Asian tournament, had a useful workout against the visiting Alor Gajah District side although beaten 2-1 ftt Jalan Bosar Stadium yesterday. The visitors Included
    218 words
  • 93 31 WINOAPORt Fire Bn«..Ue trou h r-it.ii 5-0 vi Un. 2 Bceac imtrii raxrec Pm* ve-iiTd.,-. In I 0M fi I In Bn*a..e DpMWI bi U*e luih nunuti' tbraugts outsideriKhi Mohammea Movn. vr.h a 15-yard dru? The tiremen continued the a'-tark. and goab by Mohammed M' e.i
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  • 23 31 The Pi l Bel Bporu Council •111 bold UK inicrsciiooi badmlaton touriM 1 1 wucf n s C';ii) on Frh 9-H.
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  • 48 31 Detenu. tu TPCA moved ir.ii ilir tmt-flnaJi nl ti.e peniini! Victory t'ui> romiietiiion with jm mm win r\tr RAF Prnuiß «t the I v SUdlun jrwterday. TPCA wh-i led 1-0 m thr first half Hand throiik;li Kuppun. Pang MMg Hork ,nd Pinnim (1 1 \irmen
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  • 140 31 Suharto gets report on walkout JAKARTA, Sat. President Suharto today heard a detailed report on Indonesia's walkout from the Thomas Cup Asian Zone semi final Against Thailand in Bangkok last week. The report wa.s given by the Indonesian Ambassador to Thailand. Maj Gen. Darsono. who latr-r told reporters: "I reported
    Reuter  -  140 words
  • 58 31 L. P Lav returned a nett 69 to win the Singapore Island Club's bogey medsl on coi. back from S. Okujo at the Island Course yesterday. The first nine ballsweep went to P. Osberg and W Wood who both returned a nett 33 and S. Okujo
    58 words
  • 21 31 c. WOIIB warn Un Mm Und CoJiHrv Clubs "B" Modal Ix^pv tonipriition on a counw« back from D. Sng.
    21 words
  • 173 31 SOITH AFRICA bT INN- 38.' \l MX \l I 1-r INN-i»irr-night 108-6 1 I \WKY b P. Pollock 2 STM KPOI.I Barlow b Proctor 19 II %rri I l i Che\ahcr h. P. Pirn. 0 \l ri It- i Irwne b I P P 73 Xl III" 1 11
    173 words
  • 184 31 CAPE TOWN. Saturday SOUTH AFRICA, after dismissing Australia lor 164 this morning, were 179 for six in their second innings, giving them a 397 run lead overall, at the close on the third day of the first cricket Test here today. South
    184 words
  • 188 31 I ON DON Bat 1 j iied am.r Hid M md L c 1 their :d Ri.und c capi urth Division G iwn, wtrt in no mood charit their lowly-rated opponrnt.f.A. (ir i m 1 11 koi m> Blackpool j CharUon Park
    188 words
  • 4 31 •.iRVA J
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  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 205 31 W V a i a 1 < Meister control panel for easy Magic Line device focusI aJi^-^i J ing and professional sliding controls for tone, volume and brightness. This 23" TV Model TS-390MG is equipped with Magic Line device, an exclusive NATIONAL feature. Just press a button and a white
      205 words
    • 4 31 Lav CLASSIFIEDS 20u-ordiS.-OQQ nun <
      4 words
  • Page 31 Miscellaneous
    • 104 31 H()< Xl V Sjor Div. t: Ulu Lani(iit v SSU "A" (Kajmig'. Ui\. I: Klang Sikhs v TV (Klarm 1 Ipoh nrhooU carnival (Anderson Sch grd 830 a in l mk<ER S'porr MhooU 7 -a -side tourney (RI grd 3 p.m i. IENNIS S'for Club toarnry iKI, Padang 030 a.m.).
      104 words
    • 192 31 BOXING HOCKEY INTI.R-SCHOI. 'P Bunlar>: nil ii i;\\i k.iii iHlrahl- o>3 b.i.ui Sent 2 uciimdu.l ii. ijpni kod a sec 1 I SOC'C'FR I IM( KIT VOKIII I'MIXK Senior vit i\i. i s,i,, w k i,,urnr> -P Buutan: SHEFFIELD >Hii i D 'Syd- Uekol«ti Panylima Bt o.uit. m MTI New
      192 words