The Straits Times, 21 January 1970

Total Pages: 28
1 28 The Straits Times
  • 25 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 200,000 The Niitii The Straits Times tsU>- 1845 WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 31. 1970 15 CENTS K.D.N. 4517 M.I. (P) No 1.-.U7
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  • 304 1 SINGAPORE. Tues. The Finance Minister, Dr. Goh Keng Swee, today expressed the hope that British public opinion would realise the "great opportunities" awaiting British trade and investment in Southeast Asia. For. he said, it would be "a pity"
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  • 495 1 Easy does it, says Suharto Those student demands JAKARTA, Tuesday PRESIDENT Suharto today ordered his Cabinet to take an obliging attitude towards student demonstrations demanding a reduction in fuel prices and action against corruption. information Minister Mr. Budiardju told newsmen after v Cabinet meeting thai the demonstrations, which started last
    UPI  -  495 words
  • 269 1 $42,000 haul by thieves By YAP CHENG TONG SINGAPORE. Tuesday UORK Ili-in .Sl2.(MH)ini;isli and jewellery \\;is slolen in two i;iids In Ilik-xcs early yesterday. In the theft, watch and Jewellery worth more than $26,000 were stolen from Vashis department store, off Raffles Place In the other, thieves got away
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  • 56 1 BERKELEY, lues. lhe I niversily of California rrmrilnl .i major earthquake, which it tifM multl rausr severe clam mi if it struck in a populated arr.t lln tremor was recorded m sterday and centred MM miles to the south-\M-st. or somewhere in the s.c nth Pacific. It
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  • 69 1 SAIGON. Tues. I.iein -Gen. Ngujen Huu Co. a former South Vieti Deputy Premier and War and Defence Minister, returned here today from three yean virtual exile in Hong Kong to attend his daughter's wedding Oei.. Co. 44. was ousted from his pN>U in January 1967
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • 50 1 TEL AVIV. Tues Arab guerillas, firing Katyusha rockets from Jordanian territory. Mielled the Sedom pola-sh works near the Dead Sea for the second consecutive day early today. An Israeli military spokesman said there were no casualties or damage and iMaeli forces returnI ad tht fire— R«utcr.
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  • 84 1 Thailand to relax visa ruling BANGKOK. Tues.-The Thai Government will allow noiiAmencan foreigner* to visit Thailand up to 72 hours without vit-a instead of for the present limit of 48 hours, according to Col. Prayoon Sal-Arm, chief of the immigration division. Col. Prayuon told reporter.* yesterday that the 72-hour stay
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  • 283 1  - Fairbanks Jr. flies into Singapore on a dream visit PHILIP KHOO: <y I.N his tlllir. hr ch.irnied a mil linn hearts but tod.i> there v M neither fanfare nor cheering croud to welcome him at thr airport. Instead, only a small group of hn-i ness associates were there to urlcornr
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  • 89 1 MANILA. Tues Defeated opposition party candidate Senator Sergio Osmena Jr has called for the election of President Marcos, to be declared null and void. Mr Marcos was returned for an unprecedented second term last November Mr. Osmena filed a petition rday with the
    Reuter  -  89 words
  • 47 1 World News ibu Irlktsael scramble tm food (picture t: P;|RP f'KA( I quirt In Nigeria. -.i% I ih.tnt: Pare 13 SPY -SHOP lawyer (li<-- IVise II .n mp raeal a rh;irge: Page I I CONOBBBB >ri t« defy Ni\im: P;ur IS JUMBO en opens today. Pane IS
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  • 79 1 Vietcong kill top US army officer CAIGON. Tuea A Vietcong sharpshooter killed a highranking American army officer while he was flying In an wrration helicopter, the us Command announced today. Col John M Je "i o- .land. aa artllli i immander. 1 was shot dear! by rifle tire as he
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 58 1 ciubs by /rlaconeooz r^Vi^K^' w ■stockistsVSjyX "3. North Brid«« CoW N^=*^ \\\Wi S.n 9 *o ra T*1: ***** I GET SET FOR THE CHINESE NEW YEAR VISIT THE HOUSE OF TUNG Shop now and have the satisfaction of getting everything in your shopping list. IL CK.TANG(S)PTE.LTD. fcajalL-. 310 ORCHARD ROAD.
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    • 66 1 PRACTICAL GIFT for a New Home CHOOSE 'i FANCY WALL CLOCK Accurote t Durable H Full ranqc *n x^^^^^^Sß^^J^^^P^ J Sprc»*»t'«»i uric* ei^dry tonic... the one that only F&N knows <h^^ how to make. m««S Gives a gin or a ■ka^aw vodka-base drink that extra tang, extra exuberance, and what
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  • 160 2 Don't be sceptical of Brunei people's wishes, Britain told OKUNEI TOWN, TUCS. The Brunei People's Independence Front today called on Britain not to act In an irresponsible manner towards Brunei. The call waa made by Iti aatntllj gninuel. Inche Abdul lat is liamld. In a ■tatemeni following a party meeting.
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  • 39 2 KUI IM Tuaa. The Crnfral OovemaaaM sprm (1.345u0n on uurr irrigation proirr;- f. Krdah la«t \rai "AbOM 3 0(10 arrr* of padl land Itli doublr-cnipplnit «111 hrnrJii the Distrtct Offner. B>aal Ahri shuhabuddin. Ml(t Mhv
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  • 16 2 PENANU I M I W» TwCA -n Nmfi"' m Qntn Lant li t Fr»n«iv
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  • 88 2 A BIG LETDOWN FOR THE MINI IN THE 70s FROM DIOR AHH. let <1o«n imi from thr \inr!d nf fislnim in Inn ilnn from thr Dior Mai Matth <ollr< tions dirK uill ha\r to hr pi. -p. n.,1 |<i I. t ihiir niilliN ■town :\t Irast inthrs if thry mmmi
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  • 90 2 Visas an about-turn by Aussie Immigration CANBERRA, Tue*. Au«to !'iur M who want to tr.i.ii a.s iN>mmerclal pDott with a p flying academy In Victoria. ImmiKration Mlnbtar, Mr Phillip Lynch, explaining In a Ftaiemriii :lir ir\rr*al "1 Ml ■tund lo I'M <• t) c msh, shk; thr tectatofi had r»*nlt»d
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  • 293 2  - The gold market brings in big deals too YEO TOON JOO: EXPERT'S TOP MARKS TO SINGAPORE B> Singapore, Tuesday ("'OLD is bringing in more than money tor Singapore it is enhancing the Republic'l position as a financial and industrial centre. With the setting up nine months ago or tne Singapore
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  • 55 2 MAI pure H kli CamßiUkli n Mr. Baker .»ir,\ed i U»> :<>r 1 1 1-> :.r.-i ortUiM. I thr StHtr Accompan:r» by hi- :fr. hr M Da'.u Han Tnhb bin Karim. and tbe O H.i Mi k bin Y.ixf *bo entitrtaißcd thrm 1.. .am ii Ilu to
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  • 23 2 PEN AM. v-rnor, Tun Svrd sin. Knbah win opan the Uom (in.ii D— trtd 308. convention here on April 35
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  • 109 2 BRITAIN DENIES BORDER DEFENCE PACT lONOON, Tue-. Th« i British ovr m mrnt last right denied a >ucsr>tion that it had arrangements Ailh Mal.osia to defend the^ lK>r<frr frum attack by communist guerillas. Mr. Kvan l.u;ird. Foreign and ii in ni ii nwea 1 th nder-Srcrctar>'. told Parliament thr
    Reuter  -  109 words
  • 168 2 Prof. Yeoh likely to act as Speaker CINGAPORE Parliament Is likely to name one of its members to take the Speaker's chair when it meets next Tuesday. The former Sneaker. Mr. Punch Coomaraswamv. left the Republic last wpek to take ip his new oost aj Singapore's High CummiiMimer at New
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  • 58 2 KLAI A I l.MI'l K. Tun Benjainin CastUlo. 30. ni Jalan uieaded »^Ui.v in the B ;lr t to cheating Mohamed Hussein at MalH\Mii Mansion ol $110 I ».irth or spurts go«,ds by a-ivlnar him a false On Jat. 12 h- u»vr Mohamed a rhwjue
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 392 2 Relax and see it all on a fabulous I y Four Winds Tour y 4daytourSssBo^ BdaytourSs72s* Takf a Fo« Winds Tom lo «n,l and tVI rvfrything von want atjMMarowßfM iiaawriai aaaleajeyiag the beauty ami ratMncc MuqM lo BaU fata <>nr or two sight--.•>nr\ atul w<.mlrr i! the tcmplw and
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • 238 3  -  JERRY FRANCIS: By WORLD LINK-UP WITH SATELLITE NETWORK IN MARCH Kuantan, Tuesday MALAYSIA will plug herself into the space communications network at the end of March when the $6.6 million satellite transmitting station at Beserah, eight miles from here, is completed. If the Ministry
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  • 181 3 No doubt now bad reception is fault of TV set I^UALA LUMPUR. Tues. Bad reception on television sets is the fault of the receivers not the transmitting equipment the Broadcasting Department's Director of Engineering. Mr. Kirpal Singh, said today. This has been established beyond doubt," he added. rhls fault has
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  • 18 3 $1 ,436 raid oroka b.iii 26. Ui Raha: |bt and •:e pins did $720 ».urth of n. .!ery.
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  • 51 3 [TLUK ANSON, Tuea. I*n Hon Ting. 37. of Sungei Sumun, near here, pleaded not Ruiity in the magistrates court yesterday to a charge of rrI'pivmu 102 sacks of ropra valued at $4,500 believed to bo .stolen. Bail uas granted and the M postponed to March 13 for
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  • 43 3 IPOH. Tues. The Peralt Red Cross Societv will hold dance at the St. John Ambulance Hull here on Jan. 31 to •.els lot its emergency ii d r»-.i«.i Ml The dance I: i<rtog held under the patronage o'. uu Sultan.
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  • 149 3 COMMITTEE TO REVIEW HISTORY RESEARCH Xl A I A I I M P I R, I un». A committee Kis hern sol up by Uie .Ministry of ,>uth, Culture and Sport to 10-ordin.ite research into .Malaysia's history Annnumini; this at a Press conference today, the Avsi.stant Minister, I ntku Mohsein.
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  • 228 3 BRUNEI TOWN, Tuesday. CHOLERA has broken out In the Brunel-Muara district, the Director of Medical Services Dato (Dr.) P. I. Franks, said today. So far .seven cases have I been admitted to the J Brunei General Hospital. They are from various I kampongs In the
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  • 101 3 JOHORE BAHRU, Tues Police are stepping up the hunt for copper wire thieves who have stolen about $3,600 worth of It this month. The OCCI here. Asst. Commissioner A. Nicholas, today appealed to the public to give Information on the thefts and disposal
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  • 323 3  - MALAYSIAN MODEL GAIK KIM GETS RAVE NOTICES ON LONDON MISSION AOELE KOH By I ONDON, Tues.—Win- some, shy, delicate, bewitching the British Press is running out of adjectives to describe a Malaysian model, Ong Gaik Kirn, currentyly here on a business visit. In happy desperation, the Cherry Marchall agency sighs:
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  • 99 3 A common excise Act for all this year I^UALA LUMPUR. Tue&. Common excise laws are to be introduced this year for both East and West Malaysia. II.L-. Is harmonise the system instead, of. having difltf nnt legislation f(« Sabah. Sarawak and West Malaysia, the C -mrol-ler-Oneral o( Customs, Wan H.mizah
    Bernama  -  99 words
  • 182 3 Company starts shares plan for —staff CINGAPORE, Tues. Caterpillar Par East Ltd. has begun a stock purchase plan for nearly 90 Singapore employees at Its parts-distribution centre In Jurong. Employees can now contribute voluntarily from two to six per cent of their wages to buy shares In the parent company.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 331 3 QAO/ SURE OF O V/o A TOP PASS The Stamford College Way HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE LOWER CERTIFICATE OF EDUCATION SCHOOL CERTIFICATE /M.C.E./G.CE. QUALIFYING TEST You'll b* 80°. iv of lop pat* in examination* th« Sttnford College way. because ONLY Stamford College g:ves you these unique advantages in home study courses!
      331 words
    • 201 3 GUARDS toiletries for men Pre-Shave, After- Slia\c, L^^^^ Shaving Soap, Hair Cream, > I f^^^"***^. Shampoo, Talc and Jjrf vl^l Deodorant Stick firTlfrfll^' POTTEII&MOOIiE of London. AvaUable from E.C.DeWitt ck Co.Lti and all leading stores in Singapore and lalaysia The new 'Float Clean'process is a revelation. The shirt is a
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  • 224 4 27 of 28 urban renewal sites already taken up SINGAPORE. Tues. Twenty-seven of the 28 sites offered under the first and second sales of urban renewal sites for private development have been taken up. The projects being built on them which are steadily transforming the Singapore skyline and landscape generate
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  • 59 4 BINOAPORE. Tue«. The acting MlnlsUr for Culture. Mr. Wee Toon Boon will open an exhibition of contemporary Australian art at the Australian High Commission on Friday. Mr. Jamet Molllaon. exhibitions officer In the Australian Prime Minister's Department. will give a public lecture on AubtraUan art at
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  • 199 4 Minister lauds work of the Salvation Army SINGAPORE. Tues. The Minister of Social Affairs, Inche Othman Wok, today praised the Salvation Army for facing the challenge of nationbuilding in its own and "by no means insignificant" way. He was speaking after laying the foundation stone of the new Salvation Army
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  • 73 4 Traffic clamp in Tank Road for festival BTNOAPORE. Tue«. Only buses will be allowed to enter Tank Road from 7 a m to midnight on Thalpuaam day i Thursday). Vehicles travelling along Ri\er Valley Road from Kirn Seng Road »ill nut be permitted to turn left Into Tank Road. Tho*e
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  • 326 4 $190,000 land deal case appeal allowed SINGAPORE, Tuesday. A LAND-OWNER today won, on appeal, the retention of <i $1(KM) "consideration** payment of ;i $1!H),(M)() deal that subsequently fell A civil district coin I had previously ordered Mr. Oei H;m Beng to return the money to Hock Tiling Hen* and Co.
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  • 22 4 BINGAPORE. Tue«. Thi itiike by 130 workers at John Vhlte Footwear factory waa ailed off toda> following Labiur Ministry Intervention.
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  • 149 4 Women and girls pack no- jury trial SINGAPORE. Turn, Singaporr's first murder trial without a Jury today drew packed crowds when the hearing resumed before Mr. Justice Winslow (presiding) and Mr. Justice C hoor Snu-h in the High Court. The public gallery wa filled mainly uith women in the morninr
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 154 4 Yido Vopk'vJ VoiiW" S SHOWS DAILY AT 11 0.m., 1.45, 4.00. 6.30 9.15 p.m. I AM CURIOUS j 1 LIDO They flew in without a chance... JJ i Next Change and came out covered with glory! i DAVID McCALLU_M 22*~ m METROPOLE HOLLYWOOD VENUS L rt "YioV" 0 IN MANDARIN
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    • 115 4 Claymore Drive, Singapore 9. lelephone: *****. LAST WEEK ONLY chopstick sisters The captivating sisters from Hong Kong's entertainment scent who enchanted Asians and Australians alike with their charm, talents and showmanship. The Chopstick Sisters, Sandra and Amina. have been brought here specially to entertain our guests with their dazzling array
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    • 225 4 HU)| jef A Man And A Woman Caught J^k Society! I IBy I Jack Lemmon and Catherine Deneuve J > are "The April Fools" §j Ai-o stamng IVlrr Ljwford. lack Wfston. MvTna Lov and Charles Bovrr pj dXi Technicolor* A Cinema Center Films Presentation /fi\ *-2r A National General Pictures
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    • 557 4 —Irl«T-l.-li^f^ai-l».-»> 1 BW-1-1 J><HiW LAST DAY! "THI ITALIAN JOB- l» OS m m Michati Corn. Po»«<« m A Poromount PictuM Dlttrlbutad by CnWnn B) OPtNS TOMOHWym l» Culw BT "Mich*^ Kohlhooi" Cotumbi* Dovid Worror Anno Kahna BJ ■i-y^*=r-Yanrrn"'^ LAST 2 DAYS! Mo Fr*a U»! 3 Showi: 100, 4.4» LI 1
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 70 4 TODAYS ETV PROGRAMME Today's ETV programme on channel 8: 7.50-8 10 a.m. Mathematics 6ec 1 "The LaiißuaKe of Mathematics 8 30-8 50 English 2nd Language Sec 2— "The Lion Dance". 9.05-9.25 Mathematics Sec. 2 "Great Mathematicians" 9 45-10 05 National Language lElem.i MembeU Beiah DlKedai 10.45-11.05 General Science Sec I—
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    • 78 4 English 2nd Language Sec. 1 "Meet the Ongs 1.15-1 35 General Sclenre Sec 2— "Chemicals in Life.' l 50-2 10 Mathematics Sec. 1— The Language of Mathematics." 2.25-2 45 Eiiglisli 2nd Language Sec. 2 "The Lion Dance." 3.00-3.20 Health Edur. lEng i Sec 1 and 2— "Food and Health." 4
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  • 215 5 Kampong Bharu blaze makes 85 homeless I/t ALA LI MPLR, Tues lire destroyed three wooden huiiTi in .l.ihm II mi/ ih in Kamponi Bahru here this afternoon, making 85 proplr. Including 50 children, Damage was estimated at $100,000. Only one of the victims. Corporal Rahman bin was slichtlj
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  • 214 5 Organise New Year parties for Malays, Tan tells MCA Youth KUALA LUMPUR. Tuesday. ILfCA national president. Tun Tan Siew Sin, to--1 1 ail its State, divisional and ward branches to organise Chinese New Year goodwill parties for non-Chinese friends, particularly Malays. He said the festival would I good opportunity to
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  • 147 5 GOVT HAS PLAN TO CONTROL DISASTERS: MINISTER lOHORE B A H K U. J Tues. The Oovaenl has prepared a long-term pton to control and prevent with Uw hri;j ol modern technolojiy any unexpected disaster! such as flooding. The Minister ol Welfare Services. Tan Sri Fatimah Hashim bald this here
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  • 29 5 PBtANO l-'- rhi i Party Rakjrat. I All. will leave for r,h (or an ■ißht-month study tour During the trea.-urer. T.che Omar Noordin will act
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  • 38 5 KUALA LUMPUR. lutb. Aodul Rahman v ill I cxxiwill vusit I aim on rbundaj and KnUay. Ifr will attend a Stale OpeCuniniiurp mcci goodwill gmtheringa. am the youth land scheme in Bukit Goh.
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  • 82 5 Bumiputra company names five directors L'UALA LL'.MFUR. Tues. IV Th<- National Trading Corporation announced names Ol us board Ol five diiectors. They ai'- Inche Mohamed Raslan ißank Ha mlputrai. inche Abdullah bin Ayub iTreasuryi. Dalo Mohamed Sham&uddin bin Mnhamed Va'acob Muslim Pilgrims Management and Fund Board*. Inche Osman Ahmad <
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  • 190 5 AfrORMKR teacher With 13 previo'K convictions waa lalled l >' ear for theft Of ->■ cheaue book. "Your offence* are not ed to penam but ranne over wide Held Inche M<>hamed Nizar bin Idn> told Abdullah bm Hamid. 29 Chief In.-p.
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  • 180 5 UENANG. Tues.—Par--1 ents of blind children were urged today to come forward and seek help from the proper authorities •'We want to know about these children so that we can give them the assistance they need." Mr. R.A. Babonau. rcg'-onal director ol the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 102 5 Marco Polo knew a thing or two. "~> V Marco Polo knew about the good with pretty girls and cheerful com. life and how to live it. He believed panions. Marco Polo was a swinger, that a man enjoyed good food and He loved swinging surroundings drink more, if he
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  • 336 6 Treasury case: Two police officers charged KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. TWO police officers, Inspector Loh Kwang Siang, 41. and Chief inspector T. M. Rajagopal. *i 6. were charged in the Sessions Court here today in connection with the $207,630 Treasury corruption case. M. Chandrasekaraa, 26. a checking clerk In the Treasury,
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  • 125 6 6,000 TO GET NEW YEAR 'ANG POWS' FROM SHAW CINUAFORE. TttM Some 6.000 poor «"d *»B l d people here and n> MMttjrata VtU receive Ciunesc New Vcar aiig p.jws" and gills norn the tjhaw F'uunciatiun nexi fucatiay. tacli will get live kalis vl rite, a Kali of .sugar, a
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  • 33 6 KUALA LLMPUR. Tuts r*«nty-«ven Thai com;' ir\r;opment offlc'.aK »nJ uorkr« who arr on tno-\\<rk our or Malaysia «err brirfrd n (M act-up and workiT'w oT th* National Operations oom nut today
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  • 99 6 Showroom cars subject to new duty KUALA LLMPUR. Tucs Locally as*enib't-ci can in thr showrooms, which had not been registered before Budget day. 'AiU also tf subject to the 23 per cent excise duty announced last week. i Ooaaptrotti > I vs..n Hani/..;. Haji Mohumcd aid today arr«! cf men'.s
    Bernama  -  99 words
  • 236 6  - Pistol taken from gunman belonged to workshop owner RUDY BE.LTRAN B. KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. The polict have traced the owner of a pistol a Beretta which waj seized from a gunman In Klang last Friday. The gun belonged to Mr. I Yoong Wan Hoi. 49. proprietor of Kian Yit Engineering
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  • 115 6 Sl.\(i.\PORK. lues A bMMMife. Nn, Joan Bursnoll 17, ni found dca«l in the ii.iih at her hunir in Namly Dri\r this afternoon. Mrs Kursnoll. who was clad I in her underwear, was the wife of Mr. .Mm William Bursnoll. a quantit.T Miriruir at the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 155 6 Bisquit Brandy gives you much more for your moneys worth and a choice of gifts tool g You have a choice of this diitinctiwt And if you preftr iomtthinj to idorn I W| tJ| presentation pack with 8 piects of your showcase these miniatures will I j«>Jl [m'(',''^B JfMk ML
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 110 6 Oor ff f/ i.r. mmwmHm \&!£Mm 4 £,'QJ&> L Kr^fff^SlS^S}^ i I J" B7 **ONDBJFUI.I I SEE v>VMkT > V A> Jfiy^l/tL^^^/Aaour i OOf ooo«> told me tmat 1 wmcr rr was... an- ,1 i mean'/ um^il V^J *oi» of you. 1 __i w£sr) ABOUT MY Houoaconr...- cvsrv worp of
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  • 335 7 SINGAPORE, rues -The Republic's armed forces were told today that they had a key role to play in the nations economic security. Without their presence. foreign investors would write off Singapore us an attractive investment /one. Dr. Wong Lin Ken, historian and former Singapore
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  • 104 7 He hit PC who asked him for his IC SINGAPORE. Tues—lcewater seller Khoo Keh Soong. 17. was fined $400 ur two months' jail today (or assaulting a police constable. Ho ni a 12-month conditional discharge (or abuitn? the policeman. Constable S. Ramtias. Constable Ramdas toici the court that he
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  • 43 7 SINGAPORE. Tucs. The Lady. Puan Noor Alshaii. will the Singapore Red Old Peoples Club Chinese New Year party at Red Cross House. Penaiig Lane, on Thursday at 5 p.m. She will present gifts to members of the club.
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  • 189 7 A $730,000 loan from DBS for Danish firm SINGAPORE, Tuesday. Till! Development Hank of Singapore Ikis given a Danish firm a $790,000 loan to set 1 1 1 ;i veneer factory in Singapore, it was revealed here today. Mr. Neil Rombaut. managing director of Bork Singapore (Pte.) Ltd. told a
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  • 219 7 Theft from car: Three held after arrest of one man SINGAPORE. Tues. A labourers arrest led to the capture of his two accomplices and the man who accepted the property they sto' a court heard yesterday. Chua Bock Seng. 17. Tan Leng Chur 16. and Bay Bong Keon;; 17. all
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  • 41 7 SINGAPORE. Tuev Cirli Bee Pek. SI, a private In il:e Singapore Maritime Commaud. and Tan Bock Kirn. 'JO. were each fined $7.> totiaj (cm puuc-l Ing Royal Naval rating Lit.) Choo Pah of HMS Tenor at Collyer Quay yesierdav
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  • 185 7 SIM.APOKI. Tues. The Industrial Arbitration Court today confirmed the right of the Ford Motor Company's management to offset employees' gratuity benefits with the higher rates of Central Provident Kiind contributions. In a referee decision, the court ruled that gratuity benefits for the. Ford workers should
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  • 48 7 BDUOAPOKE. Turv 1 tic 1 8- man c"eleß»tl<pii :i n Japanese Teachers- Union today visited various educational in■tttutlons and held tiiM- .Mlon* with teachriV Mim They »err »I<cj ||i« i by the Singapore Teacher* 1 Untcm and the Chinese lenchers Union They lea\e tomoiro*
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  • 121 7 'Come home quick' appeal to wife of trader SIM.APORK. I lie, Housewife Iris ChfW f'hjr Xto (left), mis«int sin<-«- list October, was today urged hv her family to "come home quickly. Her husband. Mr. Roman Hene Aw trader, c.ime to Timr* House and asked for help in (racing his
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 114 7 Morris Mini Mk II is a definite, dedicated, down-to-earth money box. On wheels. A real fuel miser in the 40 miles a gallon category. A certain blue-chip investment, with a high resale value. A mean money saver, spending less of your money on maintenance, insurance, and road tax. All this
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  • 156 8 Traders to confer on mission to UK SINGAPORE. Tucs. --The Chinese Chambt-r of Commerce will meet soon to consider an invitation by Mr. Roy Mason, president of the British Board of Trade, to send a iriw mission to Britain The invitation, with an offer to handle all arrangements was made
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  • 124 8 SAF exercises in Mandai and the Islands SINGAPORE. Tues The Singapore Armed Force« v ill I'onducl exercises at Mandal forest resene tomorrow from 8 a.m. to 7 a.m. the next day. At Eng Khong Park e>taie. the SAF will hold exercises tomorrow and Knday frum 1.30 p.m. to 5.30 pin
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  • 39 8 SNIOAPORE. Tues Member* of the People's Association have been told to plan programmes "that will attract participation and weed out boredom." by putting more emphasis on ait and culture because of growing appreciation In thoae fields
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  • 218 8 Xl ALA LLMPIR. lues. I in long and the short cif it is that both Bill Davis and Linda llammrrbrrk arc JO-yrar-<ild student*, on thrir fi i vt trip to the rxotic Orient And likr thrir It-year-old frirndv I -I Nelson and Cindy Sowlrs. the
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  • 42 8 SINGAPORE Tutf The British High Commissioner. Sir Arthui elf la Marc, and Mi wife will hold a charity musical concatt a i their Eden Hall home In Nt**tm Road on Feb. 2 and 3 Those Interested should telephone *****2
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  • 183 8 Murder charge onman who thought gangsters were after him SINGAPORE. Tuesday. A MAGISTRATES court today committed Foo Sung Hin for trial in the High Court on a murder charge two years after Woodbridge Hospital doctors declared him mentally ill. Dr. Chew Sek Kee. of the hospital, told the Ninth Magistrate's
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  • 40 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. Malaysia and Poland are to initial a trade agreement tomorrow to piowde each other most favoured nation" treatment Officials from both countries met here for more than two houn today to discuss the agreement
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  • 111 8 SINGAPORE. Tucs. Tay Bok Chuan, 29. was fined $500 or two month's Jail today for aitIng a.s a bookmaker agent at the Singapore Turf Club last montl. Senior Inspector Chmn Beng Hooi. prosecutiiis said a police officer watched Tay at the ia.e course
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 240 8 *r**4fL Jt V 1 I iIuPM MMllliiilMMß MAKING tie SCENE i t^! You're not in if you are out of Shindig. Psychedelic H.ut is now! It's extravaganza. A cataclysm of beat. «EiS A spectacle ot synropdted vibrations and hypi otic l^% of. rhythm by the Kit g- l£l2 F^_^k fishers
      240 words
    • 203 8 TAKE THE fllßStilP TO OR FROM EUROPE WmIHII llii,,- 4 W ii| BB^ aW If you are thinking of flying— consider this: A great white liner sails between Australia and England via the Cape at least once a month. Each way. So you could enjoy that journey. You could enjoy
      203 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 199 8 Straits Times Crossword hjp Hn Hf* |Hp* LflF HT ILHF I A( ROSS S. It sound.* and sounds signi--10. The planet of nuclear tiuacy .''-.unn.r. mum: dodgy? 11 .'nVui!? htt U <U nt Something II That. that, in Poland i. Jg o hwUe 4 aj 13. Wager, without the odd
      199 words

  • 207 9 A $4mil expansion plan for Vosper shipyard- g»GAPORE. Tues.uniteers are to spend more than $4 mC L 1 Sf sin g th eir shipbuilding ar .d repairng farilities at Tan.long Rhu. The expansion, which will eludes the manufacture < l l marine engines new item of production in h, n
    207 words
  • 169 9 Three-way link-up for two towns pleted early next year, would provide a direct link from Queenstown and Jalan Buklt Merah to Telok Blangah New Town, the harbour areas and the city centre. It will be a dual carriageway of two lanes each, 5.700 ft. long with concrete drains and culverts
    169 words
  • 272 9 $4m for 3 new roads in Singapore SINGAPORE, Tuesday A $1 MILLION six-lane arterial road linking Queenstown and Hong Bahni with Telok Blangah New Town is now bi'inn built Later this year, two other main roads will be built at a total cost of $3 million. These too will link
    272 words
  • 164 9 No one helped girl when man attacked with a changkol SINGAPORE Tues.— A 17--year-old factory worker said in court today that no one came to her aid when a man described as a mental case attacked her with a chanukol Fhua Lai Seng. 57 who remained silent when his defence
    164 words
  • 232 9 SINGAPORE. Tues. A pedestrian's watch and spectacles were found inside a car with which he was involved in a fatal accident near Times House on Dec. 28 last year, a court heard today. Yap Jin Kiat, a 19--year-old student. was charred with causing
    232 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 74 9 MORRIS CHALFEN presents ANNIVERSARY *^W SPECTACULAR! rd. m INTERNATIONAL M STARS \t M GREAT FAMILY EXCITEMENT! A U, LAUGHTER! F THRILLS! M 1/ BEAUTY! jT GAY WORLD STADIUM Nightly 8.00 did. Sat. t Sun. Matinees 3.30 p.m Fri. to Sun -$3/ ti $12/ Mon to Thurv -Reduced Rates Spcnol Concessions
      74 words
    • 432 9 f Flying Eagle I V i SHIRTS I A DE-LUXE I LEADER IN 1 FASHION 1 GENTS IDEAL SHIRT NAI NAI CO 12. NORTH ttRIOGE ROAO, SINGAPORE TEL M 022 J6TTJ TEll YOUR WIFE WHY You think a HOOVER washing machine gives her the best value. As a man. you'd
      432 words

  • 205 10 SINGAPORE. Tues. The National Trades I iiion Congress has launched its modernisation drive at ground level. Some 120 officials from affiliate unions who will spearhead the campaign were addressed by NTIC adviser Mr. C. V. Devan Nair yesterday. They were
    205 words
  • 311 10 $84,000 cheque poser: Should one assume it is forged? SINGAPORE. Tuesday CHOI LD a person given a cheque for $84,000 be expected to assume that it is forged? No. said defence counsel Mr. S.S. Lee yeste-day at the trial of fruit seller Lim Yong Huat. 37. LAm is charged with
    311 words
  • 85 10 Off to Aussie land in a canoe for 2 ernfOAPORR. tjm. mm Zealand sailor John Do fd. My and an Amerlr&n travel) r. Boat Vogen. 26, today puUed oat at Singapore harbour In thflr "Baa Kiwi 2" a Qerama-< irtgrni canoe bouDd for Oar* Toril in Australia. The two. who
    85 words
  • 55 10 BINOAPORK. Tl.«a. Tb» assistant general manager o:' AM New Zealand. Mr IV II r«nto«v. today aald the Tour) ft PronmOon Board tv doing in «xo«Uan* Job. 'The miitfrtal th; board itndi out for dstrtbuticn throughout our netwo -k Is cxci lient." he aaM before 1U« departure ift«r
    55 words
  • 87 10 SINGAPORE. Tuei. Nanyant University Is negotiating with the University of Keele In Britain for four professors. They are Prof. L.L. Oemmtl. a bloloeM; Prof. S. Mortlrreer a chemist; Prof. SH Beaver geography specialist; and Prof David Tawney, an education specialist Keele is one of four
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 232 10 Just met those two old bats Joanne and Cleo at DONALD MOORE GALLERIES My dear, never expected to see them at a SALE I mean to say, Tanglin Area rounds and all that jazz. Still, in between stuffing themselves with all that food and drink I suppose they have to
      232 words
    • 55 10 SELETARIS goes with the 1 good things in life Just as >ou enjoy go id food.' you tro will enjoy Seletaris the mineral sf a water which contains no sugar.' helps indigestion and cleanse* the paiatc. For years it has been enjoyed for the pleasure it gvvts and the benefits
      55 words

  • Article, Illustration
    866 11  -  FRANK HAWKINS by Nations biggest stumbling block, says Indira NEW DELHI. Tuesday fHE cable from New Orleans for Ram Chundur, a Kanpur businessman was a cause for grief. His wife had died there while visiting their hildivn and he was needed. But any hope of attending her
    AP  -  866 words
  • 732 11  -  COLIN LEGUM: Nairobi By ryilt Kenya Gnuern■l ment's Litest decision to deny trading licence;* to about 1 nun non-citi/fn Asians, mostly British subjects, is bound to increase the pressure^ on the British Government to re-examine Hi policy ol admitting only 1,500 Asians
    OFNS  -  732 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 150 11 Joe's got a headache Takes a painkiller R t f In S one t IPh in pone! Full of pnpr*'v 'i9ss?nu You really feel great after taking Yeast-Vite. YEAST-VITE IS THE ONLY PAIN-KILLER THAT CONTAINS VITAMINS. So while it is quickly soothing away the pain, it is also building up
      150 words

  • The Straits Times Wednesday. January 21, 1870.
    • 613 12 Whether the resumption of discussions on the am>>rial level between Washington and Peking makes Warsaw a highly ac lsitive enclave on the Riao-Ruwian border is open ;o argument. But it is improbable that I 'eking would esponded so ostentatiously to President Nixon's hints and
      613 words
    • 437 12 In ten d;iy;' tune 2,759 :iitii will march out National Development Youth oip.s camp at Dusun .-.idr Kuala Lum.ilt«r four months of ng and hard work Kit. disciplined and. it is haped, imbued with high ideals, will be given jobs where previously they were ..loyed and
      437 words
  • 392 12 Sabah goes all out to break into Asia's tourist industry K(TI A RI.NARAI I Tiie. Sabah is develaaing its natural heanty spots. advertiaiag for Japanese upeakinc reirptiii ii i I ■> and aendinc officials to international tourt«tn leminars in a bid to break into A I a'a liii r iln
    Reuter  -  392 words
  • 515 12 I AM .surprised *hy a 1 truly brilliant out ptx^r Perak schoolboy who did so well In year s I.ii examination was not aw*rdeci a .sciiolarKii.p to further his stud t ev In-lead, an appeal to the pablic
    515 words
  • 100 12 I \ST year -ny wn was J in Secondary One in une of KiiiKapore's (■itvernment chwils lie wax in the afternoon se«sion and in the morning he had to attend another school which has a in Iniicil workshop. To my surprise this is not
    100 words
  • 1012 12  - Planters— and the winds of change P.C. SHIVADAS EUROPEAN ORGANISATION TURNED MALAYSIAN CELEBRATES 50th YEAR By THE Incorporated Society of Planters a European organisation become Malaysian has just celebrated its golden anniversary, showing no sign of having outlived its usefulness. It has come through •Tying times the depression after the
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 30 12 ENtRRr\VNFi JPV^f «J» Lnuphara I /^■K PUT V*r»odyna ,L!?J A^JW' n*y* i.mdyn. S /Xai PIMI Lmdyna Ul 411.00 (yWW MMSV Umdvna IV iJ7»M (j C«t <aw«aa« a»««.a T.M.A. (PTE) LIT).,
      30 words
    • 221 12 'Miraclejflj|^ f^t££ a^F^^ V y 7 development, tk /^"MIRACLE r Y '■%'*f\i& t- DOT" contain* *^r" Silicone the T V finest chemical *g^ for polishing your glasses. "MIRACLE DOT" cleans eyeglasses in a wink. Just press it over both sides of the lens and wipe. and the lens stays crystal
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    • 604 13 Peace, quiet in Nigeria, says U Thant THANT, arriving here from Lagos for talks with President Pompidou, said yesterday there was peace and quiet in the areas which had been affected by the Nigerian conflict. U Thant flew to Paris after conferring with Federal leader Muj-Gcn. Yakubu Gowon at the
      604 words
    • 53 13 NAHA lOWilldU,. niSi Japanese workers .slaved away [mm work today on the Meond day ol Itete livr-u.iv to protSM nwM dismia■all of employees at American'Hiy bases and Infill nn Okinawa. sjrvcral i>f the 22.000 members ol the All-Oki-MilitJiy Workers Union iZengaknro) did not report
      53 words
    • 18 13 Federal soldiers distributing food to Ibo tribesmen at a refuse camp. AP radiophoto.
      AP  -  18 words
    • 186 13 Plea by Gowon's former fiancee I ON DON. Tuc*. A dramatic appeal lo Ihr Nigerian trader, (ienrral Yakubu (■iiunn. li.i* brrn m.iilr by his formrr Hani-re a Kiafran jirl studying in Britain She sent a cahlr hrsKing him t<> allow mercy flights from Britain to help starving Biafr:uis. Thr girl.
      186 words
    • 314 13 MASSIVE B-52 RAIDS ON CAMBODIA BORDER REDS 6 A IOO X, Tues. American B-52 bonibi r.s have launched massive raids on guerilla positions in the Mekong Delta close to the Cambodian border, a US. military spokesman said today. The giant bomoers Hew six missions, four ye>terday and two this morning,
      314 words
    • 248 13 PRESIDENT Nixun today ordered that Jeeps and portable hospitals be sent to Africa to help in relief in the war-shattered territory of Eastern Nigeria. In resDonse to an olfer by Mr. Nixon the Niut-i ian Qovernmeni asked for the equipment. White House Press
      248 words
    • 204 13 Troops, planes help islands hit by cyclone UKISBANE. Tues. Troops and air force planes were sent today to help relief efforts at luxury island resorts on the Great Barrier Reef. battered by up to 30in. of rain and !»0 nnle-aii hour winds from cyclonr Ada. Police reported two people killed
      204 words
    • 27 13 BRISBANE Tues Flood«aters half a mil* wide .surged Into MacKav yc&terday after a cyclone devastated parts of north-ea.M Auttralitt. killing at leaM two people.
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  • 386 13 My Lai: Caliey faces a new charge fO R T BENNINU, 1 (Georgia), Tutb. Lieut William Calley, who will ask the army today to dismiss charges that be murdered 109 south Vietnamese civilians, yesterday lost his plea for dismissal of another murder charge. Calley's lawyer. Mr George Latttmer, nsked trial
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 70 13 BETTER THAN EVER! Four illuminated tape track indicators Selector cartridges inserted^V V L m here. Also plays I Volume Control pmmbhs/ g«OTM "TEN" FM and BAL" J FM STEREO Radio Cartridges Ton* Control SSIIBiIMIHSIMIiiMI^MiMIMHBIIiIIMMBMIIIBINM RSS9B AMATEUR PHOTO STORES LTD. KCIpIKI 109. North Bridge Road. Singapore. Tel *****/***** llvlltjjll AMATEUR PHOTO
      70 words

  • 326 14 Spyswop fix U.S. lawyer dies, 53 WORLD NEWS CASE OF DOWNED U-2 PILOT vhv york. Tuet.A^ Mr. James Donovan, the lawyer who arranged the Francis Gary Powers-Rudolph Abel spyswop and the release of more than 11.000 Cubans and Americans held i" Cuba after the Bay of Pins invasion, died here
    UP  -  326 words
  • 230 14 |{i Xl in Tues Kast German leader Walter I Ihrirht emphasised yegterd.iv that West Berlin did not belong to West German? and nr\er would. He avoided further comment at an Kast Berlin news ronferenre on the isolated < ity. despite communist protest* eonrerninc
    AP  -  230 words
  • 572 14 When an MP faces a charge EUROPE NOTHING shakes politics like scandal; nothing hurts more than the sight of a man, respected and honoured by colleagues, caught suddenly in a situation that seems incomprehensible. So at Westminster, even before knowledge of the facts. there will be a reflex mood of
    572 words
  • 175 14 Gangland leader appeals against sentence PARIS. Tues. Leading underworld fiftirr Bar thrlenu "Memr fiuerini today appealed to the Supreme Court against a prison sentenrr mpo>ed on him in connection with the murder «f a >I^r»nllr> thief in tM?. (•uirini'it brother Pa»ral. and two other mm al»o appealed against 15-yrar
    Reuter  -  175 words
  • 52 14 LIII.E 'Francn. Turn. A high school student poured petrol orer If and .-ft himself aiißiit here today, Urn ond ii<.-r of s>rl[-:ainv>la'. ion in Lille in four d«y.s Police reported that the .-tudrnt whofe idrntity wh.- not immrdiairly known. rushed to hoopitiil vi a serious
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 106 14 MUNICH. Tues. The Munich firm of Mes-Nfrsshmitt-B o c 1 k o wBiohm Aircraft Co. today denied that It was interested In purchasing Beagle Aircraft Ltd. of Britain. "We are not Interested In acaulring the British firm Beagle." a company spokesman said here. He also denied
    106 words
  • 490 14 LONDON. Tuesday THE two Frenchmen who run Crockfords Britain's best-known gambling club, offered to quit last night after the Gaming Board decided to close the club's naming tables. But only if they were given the right price. "If it Is because we are
    490 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 182 14 The dynamic duo ofthe'7o's I y^**"*^t_ L VIL Hi S" o 1 Vl Fiat 124 Special Fiat 124 1438 cc. 70 b.h.p. (net) 1197 cc. 60 b.h.p. (net) New performance levels, new personality Performance as before, personality as before The 124 Special is a special version of the 124 All
      182 words

  • 546 15 Congress all set to defy Nixon over spending THE AMERICAS £ONGRESS reconvened yesterday prepared to defy President Nixoii over the crucial issue of inflation and domestic spending. Democrats in Congress confident of maintaining their majority in an election year, prepared to force through demands for greater spending on health and
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  • 338 15 WORLD NEWS ROBERT BUCKHORN REPORTS OS THEDAWNOF A NEW ERA WASHI NGTON, Tucs. A revolution in aircraft design shuped something liko a pregnant whalu takes to the skies in regular commercial service tomorrow. Its the Boeing-747, the first of the jumbo Jetliner. If its hackers are right; It will bring
    338 words
  • 444 15 rHt: IS. Food and Drue Administration today advised doctors to make their patients fully aware of the risks involved with oral contraceptives. The FDA also announced new federally required p/ickage labelling that Mrmethens previous warnings about a link hetuern all oral contraceptives and
    Reuter; AP  -  444 words
  • Article, Illustration
    361 15 AN AGE OF PROMISE-OR A HOST OF PROBLEMS? The seats are wider and are arranged nine abreast divided by two aisles. The price tag to the airlines for all this comfort: US$2O million. But if the credit side of the B-747 la Impressive. i's detractors claim the
    361 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 231 15 lvli^fit nff ftlTOft rWQT*^ **********1; __^^a^BtiHHaflai JaMatfaflafl Lj^ A Le^a^P^^^ _JB^ r^ 1 i Kg* V"^H B^B^atfa^BVa^B^. Mmeets the 660--the paperwork optimist Here's what happens! Copying worries are over. Once and for all. The Rank Xerox 660 Copier/ Duplicator sees to that. More important, it's a fast desk-top Copier/ Duplicator
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 721 16 /^Tg|\ PUBLIC UTILITIES BOARD Application* kit niwtrd leT llio following pobli- 111 the Public Online* Board. Singapore:II I IKK 111 HI PUM.MKNT Illil I Mil !Y Ol Il(I U. PMlr l'an.iang and Julung Power Stattona '$670-1145 basic 1 Passed the Giaduitc Examination ol thr Institution ol Fire Enginocrs with 6
      721 words
    • 562 16 LEMBAGA PEMASARAN PERTANIAN PERSEKUTUAN (Federal Agricultural Marketing Authority] MALAYSIA 1. Applications are invited from Malaysian citizen* lor the follow in? appointments i A) AGRICULTURAL ECONOMIST Salary: $800 x 40 1.000/ scale: 1.050 x 50 SI.jOO (all Inclusive i plus housing allowance Minimum Honours Degree in quallflca- Economic.--. Cointions: merce. Agricultural
      562 words
    • 350 16 ment rates) anC housiriK allowance Minimum U) 17 to 27 years ouaUfica- of age. tions: (U) MCE or SC Entrance Examination— thorthand 80 w.p.m.. and tranbcribinß at minimum speed of 25 w.p.m. on the typewriter with not more than 4% of erron (G) (LERU'AL OFFICER (TIME9CALE) Salary: $140 x 8-156
      350 words
    • 832 16 SABAH GOVERNMENT VACANCY PSC NOTICE NO. If/ 70 Applications are Invited from i Mnlayslan Citizens for the following appointment with the Agticu!--1 ture Department: (a) POST: Animal Husbandry Officer. Ib) SALARY SCALE: Division I. Scale A 1 $78(1 x M--870. 930 x 30 1050. 1085 X 35--1260. 1300 x 40-
      832 words
    • 788 16 IN I m HIGH COURT IN MALAYA AT KL'ALA LL'MPUR COMPANIES WINDING-UP NO: I OK 1970 In the Matter ot Central Lorry Service Construction Sdn. Bbd. And In tnr Matter or the Companies Act. 1965. ADYLKTISEMENT OF PETITION NOTICE is hereby given that a pennon tor the Windlng-Up of the
      788 words
    • 702 16 (Bahagian Krmajuan Ladani Perusahaan). RE-TENIJER NOTICE I (ontrart No. PKNS KP/*ON--62 69. Tenders are Invited from Eartnworks contractors for: "Execution and compleUon of Earthworks for Tremelbyr Estate and Pandamaran Industrial Area." This earthworks contrttt involves movintt of more than 1. million cv. yds. of earth. Tender documents will be issued
      702 words
    • 625 16 TENDER NOTICE TENDER FOR AIR CONDITIONING AND VENTILATION BQUIPMEN r FOR PATHOLOGY AND PHYSIOLOGY LABOR A TORIES FOR FACULTI OF MEDICINE. UNIVKRSITY OF MALAY A. KI'ALA I.UMPIR. Tenders are Invited from P.W .~>- Registered Contractors for the Supply and Installation of Alr-condl-tloning and Ventilation Equipi ment for the Pathology ani
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  • 1 17 t
    1 words
  • 252 17 Straits Times Annual wins high praise- SINGAPORE. Tues The Straits Times Annual 1970 has won nlßh praise from a British printing journal with international circulation. The Printing World headlined lta comment* on the Straits Time* Annual •Quality printing from Singapore" in it* midJanuary lsaue. which arrived here today It aald
    252 words
  • 93 17 31 bus workers appeal for i e-employment KANOAR Tuei. Thirty-one inrmfr dxi\prs and conductors or the Prrl,* Mara dud h*\e appealed to the board o/ erector* of :he Perlia Malay rran>port Co. to re-empioy th^m They »ere given 14 days' d*miua. notice effective from Dec. 31. following the company s
    93 words
  • 39 17 PEN AN O 1 „f- Hie Mihool i* ororgajiiiing a »orkshop un whooi library uigaiiusation •nd administration 1 r o m Thuradav to Saturda\ »t ;li^ «rhool library. The oattVM will be conductrd by Dr. fiu!h Fov
    39 words
  • 1150 17  - $200,000 bail for Mahesan but he goes back to prison MAGDALENE LUM: Kuala By Lumpur, Tuesday fHE Federal Court today granted T. Maliesan. former secretary of the Malaysian Government Officers Cooperative Housing Society. bail of $200,000 pending judgment on his appeal. Granting ban, the Federal Court ot Appeal rescinded a
    1,150 words
  • 78 17 SINGAPORE. Tues. Lee $5,000 ;n a game of "Fan Thlam Puah. 56. detain- Tan" in Kuala Lumpur beed by police on a Kuala tween Sept. 9 and Sept. 11. Lumpur arrest warrant. last year, appeared In court today on He was put In
    78 words
  • 209 17  - Five men held in estate payroll robbery CHAN BENG SOON by ALOK bIAK. Tues. Kulim police last ni^nt arre.siea rive su&pects ana recovered an 3>B,o(Jd payroll a lev hours alter an estate assistant inaiiatxex ai.d a watchman had been robbed. Also found was a doubleban, iicu siijiiuii repotit-d lo have
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
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    • 241 17 |E^Kfl|pHßHMnMl(ejpß|^Ll Ji be trapped in a I ■Ml WKff^m^Go&\ j& m S |s 'i mass I BBaR BPrrWPriaiila Jo/ bubbles that I g^gtaE^r^^HH^^ *> ->r caus p* 1 1 1 a ~Zs pressure and m Mr 'f 1^ fullness. It may I Wwf l m^* Zm cause acid contents to
      241 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 288 17 ON YOUR TV AND RADIO TODAY TV MALAYSIA ('({(M.KAMMI UM h.u.0.. I uiiipur 411U fenan, lunnrl :>; lim.l. and MaUi ca Jultorr Bahru 3; la H>| nj I; tutu I'abal 7; Klujn S 540 M 1>: mary 543 New.- mha bm Maiay--600 Walt Dianey Presents: Daniel B«. n.- Th-r Varrior'l
      288 words
    • 121 17 1 00 m iiiiin u<kt< i 3° Tlie New* 1.40 Sh*r. Market Report 145 Tiffln Date 2.00 Close Down 500 The Ne»« 5 10 Ex'ra^ '.s From lne Editorials 61 S PngrMMM Summary 5:8 Mus < ii Medle» 530 Fresh Fmtn n.e Pai rr 600 Wednesday V»"i r v C
      121 words
    • 499 17 TV SINGAPURA 3 00 M Huu* Matinee Nam Hie diai g Hung iManamin-Hokkien. Pan 1), Ma ff ruiirt v rid CttiiuMi. 4.u0 Diary of E\tni, in b...g.uoii lu.o Wt,k ■Cnmejei, 4.U5 Scanetl Hill; 4 55 Clote 6 05 l 'l* m ruoknary and Arthur 6.30 Ne»s in Bnel (Gngl^h>.
      499 words
    • 174 17 H\NM 1. NGAPURA b (HI Ne ore> P" 01^ A" nouneement 6.10 Mi,*! cai Merry-00-Ruund 6.45 3h»r Market Report 700 Ne« h 7.1 What Others Say 7.30 Men O Brass 800 Prom Our Sports Desk 815 Kiwi Music Maker ISO EMI News 9.00 Watch Thoae Words 930 T.B. it New
      174 words

    • 155 18 STB score another fine victory STB 3 POLICE "B" 1 C\NGAPORE Telephone J Boara gained aaother impressive victory in the Singapore Government Services Div. 1 soccer competition at Farrer Park yesterday. Police out up a tough fight all the way but STB kept a tight grip on the match and
      155 words
    • 197 18  -  MANSOOR RAHMAN By THE F.A. of Malaysia have offered a dollar-for-dollar contribution toward the cosi of the Selangor team's air passige to Teheran for the Asian Champion Clubs Cup tournament in April. The oiler was in response to an appeal by the
      197 words
    • 48 18 Mrs f Wilkii* Mrs. R. Throne won the Singapore laland Country Club women's annual grfenaome* stroke play with 89 nett yesterday. Runners-up were Mrs P. Rae and Mrs M Younu with 70 nett on rountrMclt from Mrs S. Bhutla and Mrs D.N Ngo.
      48 words
    • 132 18 Singapore FA suspend 8 Div 2 players 'THE FA. of Singapore have suspended eight Dlv. 2 players for misconduct in League matches last September. The suspensions range from two to six months Among those suspended are two from Kolam Ayer SC. John Wee and Ooh Sulh Kee. and one from
      132 words
    • 213 18 Prepare now Bindon CINGAPORE must begin preparations now for the next Asian rugby championship in Hong Kong in 1972. SRU president Denis Bindon said yesterday. i Mr. Bindon. who accompanied the Singapore team to Bangkok for the recent Asian tournament, said Singapore managed to finish fourth with the help of
      213 words
    • 99 18 CINGAPOKE. Thailand. Indo- neaia »nu The Phmpp.n.s will be invitea tor two lnwrnutiunrfi .soccer competition* to he organised by the Schools Sports Council of Malaysia m Ju:> The competitions will be for boy& under-18 and under-16 Malaysia's team* will be selected after tournaments to be held
      99 words
    • 224 18 This was also the day when the England players were Introduced to World Cup Winston, their bulldog mascot, seen here in the arms of Geoff Hurst. England, under Ramsty won the World Cup In 1966 and everyone felt pretty smart about It. 80 it would
      224 words
    • 71 18 Tl'l A 1 KXMHI KKS Delendmg ihampiona TPCA entered the quarter nnala of ihr Victory Cup aoccer competition when they beat Ramblera in a replay at City Stadium yesterday. The first match ended in a 1-1 draw. Ramblers had their chancaa but their forwards shot poorly Centre
      71 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 361 18 I Free searc^li for products I starts with only 2 minutes of your time I Two minutes is the short time it will take you to write to us I on ltturhead or to fill in the space below and mail this iorm to us. When we receive it.
      361 words
    • 18 18 SUCH A itiif UiniFPi I 111 ■"%< t\ RHP SUCH GOOD VALUE .w« y from horn, .lw«,, carry n.
      18 words

  • 467 19  -  CHEONG YIP SENG: SINGAPORE. Tu«s Bi JT took just a few days over a year to build Unilever's $4 million Singapore factory, it was disclosed today. For I'nilever. an AngloDutch combine with 43 <imp. imes in more than 38 countries, it is a speed record. The factory's chairman.
    467 words
  • 48 19 SINGAPORE, i-ues. The Air Ministry Local Staff Union has set up a $4,000 scholarship fund lor members' children. The scholarships ar« for two-year Higher School Certificate course i s42o a yean, and the Polytechnic Industrial technician certificate court* ((330 first year. $220 lecondj.
    48 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 205 19 RED LION the still i^^s^b^ I I^kP Malaysia's Premier Hotel Jb 1 I feu 1 .-«^BBBB^^^P^^^^ C > < ~^Mor ~~Kbb(6^lL Federal Hotel Kuala Lumpur 21 STOREY NEW EXTENSION 450 luxurious rooms, wall tc wall carpets. fully air-conditioned, with push-button control panel. Mi Unlqu* Faaturta CORAL B»f (und*tM« aimospraiai REVOLVING
      205 words
    • 60 19 I 3mW!!mmWKBBB&: mTu M I mf •jflß»» U *«h. ''tfeis. bbbbbbbbV H bbbbbbH ,®timW^%xi£> laßßVia^Bßi 7* B bbbbbbbbbl M I m WWAmWL M BBBBBBBBbI i bbbbbbbbbl MbbbbbbV Isf 1 4 ''^ilftiiß^i- aafl J»B% l l^k>A%^ r r _AB i<M M^aaßaMi a y* i^b\Vlw *^Li r QHW^ J »<iS»'*f* —^^Bßß» ■t
      60 words

  • 436 20 no difficulty being at the top of the form. "Since then, standards In this school have got higher," he said. He singled out mathematics taught him In Raffles' Institution as the one subject which stood him well In
    436 words
  • 158 20 TEACHERS' PROBLEM AND MYSTERY SOLVED SINCiAPOKK. Tups The nri-Miii ni of Singapore IVarherN Union. Inche Ahriul Karim bin Bacoo, today cleared up a "mystifyine passace in the editorial of the latest iixue of the STI winr Trachers' I nrum Amonc other thincs. the pavsaer called for a new deal
    158 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 236 20 start the new year with a resolution to have a shapelier figure Aft v yj $JP Join the I t\ w% w% rt Contouring WM%^ Programme visits you can lose or SufejStS*; g a n inches on these b^Ml 6 vital areas HKbLT* &}^-mg 1. 1" from or on Shoulders
      236 words
    • 63 20 Tfc|^^^_ pP km You now get three cakes of Palmolive soap, Jo^ fc^ in green, pink or white, for only 90C. This special offer on Palmolive soap "*^s mfjt is available at your store now. tß^^^^ -^r Rush over today. Buy the special pack Sjjjj* of Palmolive soap and save
      63 words
  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 49 20 Bvfi Hunny By Ralph Heimdahl CHISELIN' BUM^/ ORDERS A &LASS ~L **-<> O"— KPf-F^Vtwl O' WATER, TWEN S W >i^7 3&£ EATS /My CATSUP Jvc^*\ wtTrt MEAT ON /lfy CRAC<EI?S ('i SAY, GUVNOR! I HESITATE TO COMPLAIN, r-^ SIRE, BUT THESE CRACKERS COULO BE A BIT C£fSPe*.'J MAYBE HE'sS liLl
      49 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 957 21 TO limrOOl AND OTNER v h COHTINtNTAL r.TPOcius mm vmm Be..- U< i 0 tSwuffn 2T%m l B T j" IM ii aM mi 114 '2£m» c j^V. 'f,;", """>" u an y *tm I mm 5?- M frt J f j iryiim F< 11 WnL f HI 14/H S,
      957 words
    • 2301 21 W\ i iMT^i iil} Li L l f^W. k i/ iI f jut "v:ii EXWtSS SERVICE (0 UINOOW, UVHPOOL t CONTIIKNUI POUIS BtNMAtUnUI «,.:«r P ji.XE'n m'smi RCUDCAfII duikcuui fm ItMW m v Sirppofl P S'M* >"trir| Himourl MM I 1M 71 2> S>n|a|Of| P. S'tlim l"l««n« (WALLA unowi. Hiimuil
      2,301 words
    • 1277 21 fORTNIINTLT EIPRESS OIRECT FROM E COAST USA- IS LAVS FROM NEW TOW TFLAVON Ma V, Mar J4 KYOTO Fen 14 \*< I JAPAN Fel 17 Fel 21 Fll 72 Apr 14 lAOMEOON Suli iaa II Mar Mar I Mar 12 Ma* I TELEMACMUS Saili Fel 11 Mar 21 Mar II
      1,277 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 1108 22 Yr KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. Western Austpalia/S»nnapor«(J«p«n SarvJca lit Sircjcure roktaicni/Niggri r'r:ami «u>« iitiaan wan' 21 lai 1 fm ii fm is fm a East Coast U.S.A. Straits Sarvica ti Ye"* Bd it cr>*M':*j!uf* N.Uricafib Houstun tidivisluo i p^rt i*ftn>n| '•uiikaoa Man' II lan It Jan 19 Jan 27 Jai
      1,108 words
    • 881 22 AUSTRALASIAN SERVICt: 1. Ayjtralia New Penang S'nam Sirgapurt lialiig tit: BARPETA 21/24 Fil 25 21 Fit 27/ 1 Mir Auckland. Ounidin. lytt.. rVellmrt*. Fhp Australia Near leilaM. Singapore r a ,*> Henanr. Liairtg tn BABPCTA CM. 4f 24/25 Jai 2t/27 In Rangoon. CKittagong. Calcutta. SAMURA in Ftl 11/11 FM
      881 words
    • 1013 22 \xir7 neptune orient"limes ltd" 6 j^^. (ißCtrßßnted ii tit Republic if Siiiaptrt) a\' ICB IBildiif. GrßHtf Flw, 2 SltttM War— Tel: *3«3-7. m LOADING FOR LONDON, H BURG. R'DAM, HAVRE, A'WERP, BREM. S-n|dic;i P. S nam Pen<ng Amm. (London i Mai) NEPTUNE TOPAZ 2121 JM 31 Jll 2 fel 1/
      1,013 words
    • 613 22 $cindia(?^Jiin!Es —PACIFIC NORTH~WEST SERVICE— atWUavntvtgnC wS ssa "ws ss ,1. Ct.SS V.LOON «SS.~«. .«O««O«"»" STRAITS/EAST CANADA GREAT LAKES SERVICE »-iKss,,'^i'A.ff^;? i «r-""- 7K i M 1' 2 Mr </ 5 Mb* ■in ir kill i y Z^ CLASS SALOON PASSENGER ACCOMMODATION AVA.LABLI. from: POWELL RIVER. BC. sin£ c v
      613 words

  • Times City Desk
      • 262 23 11H£ Straits tin price fell $8.25 to $893.25 in Penang yesterday on an offering estimated down 10 tons to 280 tons. Demand at the lower level.-, was mainly from the U.S.A. In London on Monday afternoon the price of 3 months buyers fell £17. LONDON:
        262 words
      • 96 23 HINCSf. Prafluca Cictianaa >n,i para, naan alatlns pricat par piaul iiiindir. Cacanut Oil: Bulk 157» ae.itra. arum Capra: 1I:IM Ifoh.) lOOU ju./ r«b IK Con-.. Pappcr: Muntok hu« S17?« aellcn, Sarawak white SITS aellars. apaelal s»r»wak black 1130 ssllaiaj, carMed Ijimpoof black PM te.i'm tail M% NLM i
        96 words
    • 288 23 Rubber opens firm riiHE rubber market yet>M. terday. firmed up soon after an Improved opening following better than expected London advices and short-covering before a reserve ot sellers. After some Dri*k exchanges, the gain Mtf pan d and the market quet pned. R.S.S. No. 1 lor North Ameuca for nearby
      288 words
    • 21 23 Jan. -:n Xl KKI-.K: :i»* cent umhangedl TIN: 8693.1 ft (duwn SB.'*s) Kstimated utienng ZW tuns (dorm 10 tons)
      21 words
    • 421 23 IMI.KtSI w as still con lined to selective counters in .i cener<ill* steady market testerdav Federal Paper continued to behave nullishl.v on urgent short-coverme <ir inn ii (I following further curbing measure* imposed n> brokers. Dealings were ronrined to ready basis only, and among sonic brokers fresh
      421 words
    • 235 23 NEWS IN BRIEF SL'NGEI TIKANG Rubber has presented its ac- counts for the year e.ided March 1969 in a split form The accounts ,ii Sungei show a loss tor the year ot 534U.37U whilt the accounts of >üb>idlary (aiaoc sold to International Property Development > C 1 c c ly
      235 words
    • 791 23 BIU ANO OfFlll fRICt* K»-H CIALLV LlillU AT TMC CLOit OF BUkINEXt IN THE SiNCAPOMt WITH PRICE KOveMiMTi IN •RACKET* VEJTERDAY WIRE iKOUtTRIAL* a Ai MA «;.lv ijaaa u< IJi i -■■!'> B»n l.«) I>S I Bornm I 7- 17. W) tk. ■mi I.M cd (uaca.) Ctmc i
      791 words
    • 1089 23 ULSINL>> LN AM» KiniKi id TO ihi »I\(.\PUKK ASH Xl AI.A I I Mil R THAI) l\(> ItUOMS OK Tilt STUCK KXt'amANGI lIMIKDAV WITH I 111 M vim i: ill SHARKS IK Mil II >lIOU\ IN BRA(MKTI l\ LOTS oi I.IHHj I M.I SI OTHtRUISK. n|| n INUIISTRIALb
      1,089 words
    • 22 23 in London on Monday the pnc« !t tv n Per cent Mav/Juni K Quowd unchanged •t CIOI dw ton Mllen.
      22 words
    • 1087 23 r rHE present furore A over Federal Paper is doing more to damage the reputation of the Stock Exchange than any of the recent criticism of its dealing methods Members of the Stock Exchange of Singapore and Malaysia have become 1 >eked in a battle
      1,087 words
    • 194 23 I>OW IOStS: ,'Hi.' ,«ri<l at;iii 782 60 iFndavi 7;hu7 Mimday minikin mil I m; VHt MUM: 31 to SIS per cml iMonoavi 114 to 13 ocr c^nl iPndßj i IN \N( l\l llMI.S; Una: 7ii .<!) i week aKoi, TtZt <Fndayi 7K.50 iMondHvi; Rnbkrn: 145.11 i«f>f>k ago i.
      194 words
    • 31 23 ON the teat 'iirnni' mariiti in Mona Baaa ■*•>••*' 1 oaiiar tta» qiimrd T -T. «ji<i IM?I for aain Itarlms -1 it la.tS aaa ana taa4 al |aM at
      31 words
    • 120 23 I'Mt PORI Of MNCAPORt, aulmu RITT ANNOUNCED THE FOLLOW FOR JAN II OUT Raj B I I »r> i a I and l)ra K oa I'fai l Ml v LVIH I v •.:i :t v.. Mi.'i. .:ih t Patkltaaj w i Una i.«* l SHIPS
      120 words
    • 334 23 U)NIH)N IMI 'Mir ma'kr! mined !o»rr on Hie Wa!'. Strrei (Imp Hurt Ifarfaj turn w 1 on.inn uli the posslbllit) »1 V S ififlion Buvns »)>!*«! al thf lowei \r\+ ;n .Hir tradlnf ..n\r\r:. and .viine tiaill" MN |»'fn n: :'.aii.ed. lowHiu-. ihr eloaa, thr nnancial Times index
      334 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 297 23 MAJOR AMERICAN CAR MANUFACTURER intends to expand its operations in Malaysia and Singapore and requires an experienced and aggressive organisation to market its popular line of cars. Firms interested in this profitable opportunity please write details ol present operations care of Mr. A. J. Dcherty, Commercial Center, P.O. Box 637.
      297 words

  • 1 24
    1 words
  • 1 24
    1 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 249 24 1 HM-.i i iT«assa" l B 1 THROUGH OUR C.A.T.S. •>s£• t ..^^.l phone store *****1 [gaxs^ 001 lo X' I 10c. |i,-ren 1 1 7" hrothei 10 aufl COH EE: 1..1.11 a v Mr. ami M- and Mra Ke Tian S«" on 21 1 7n FITZCERALD OE SOUZA
      249 words
    • 624 24 -i ha leading raoti \r and drill- ..1 la i'-o« I ..I." I.T. i'Oie wanted b) liaaaimii •v. aaa*v.h.i.r liili\,rv Clerk and Huijerviaoi. preferably iiuitor avaatai and anle to dme car. Bj Baa v.t;v *.i CHINESE MALE and I" i.r.l IO l'< 'II S.noi Cambridge lIMMII Ilir.r t,...d Hppiv ilh
      624 words
    • 880 24 HOLLAND ROAD OIST lv line »4illl ext. lisas m. koc 3 BEOROOM FURNISHED IKt.i.liid KuniiJlovi. Kuioi HUU/pm at nth mile Uukit Tiniah. Icl PSU43O s pore. FURNISHED BUNCALOW KVailanie inmiediali I i in. Apply i 10 a.m 10 o '.one Spore 11 UNFURNISHED FLAT M B rrank.i V in., I
      880 words
    • 792 24 BAMBOO GROVE PARK aloderli "Ho|.liou>ea >• ith 3-rooin flat! upataira nit i'.ukit I imah Road V in.i. (behind BT»Piaa<] lacioryi lor aalt aepaxately. Bhopliouaci s,;uiiiK) upward! Klat: 111 MS upward!. I.o*ll arrangeable MBM cxi. »U7. KATONC SEAVIIW PALACE PHASE II a-atorcy aemi-detached no A MBM Coaal Koad Bha» Villa. Kxeellent
      792 words
    • 799 24 MATHEMATICS ELSMSNTARV AO OITIONAL. .-ul).,> UL-iural P» expaHaaaaa' Uaihcin.<ttca Oraduaie. 8 uore 3MM FOR 0000 RESULTS m Kngltan' Matliematica ReglMtcl nitb r. Clian Tuition Centre. HSS, CHangi Koad. s pore Tel: MUM. RADIO TV SERVICINC COURSES New claaaca Hart immediately. l.di.iun electron Institute. Ml r.'nd Kloori Jalan BaaM <H), TIL.
      799 words
    • 1072 24 f OX HiTT" Haul! mlw »cLMiftlvt tad lor rental Rates S'.'O.UU. ys, MO MS uu a daily. Tel: Spore *-MIJ. rw4l6 JWIKWi Joaeph Oar Rental FURNITURE ADRIAN Lav. ruruiluie ol diatinctiun SM Kivei Valley Koad Biu*upure. MH«. LUXURIOUSLY OESICNEU ATTRACTIVELY priced cue turniture for hotelß'home L«e Wan v CavenaKb Rood
      1,072 words
    • 546 24 FREE CIFTI: tor every yurclm.-e <* Kefn<eiatoi T.V trade-in aiceniea i t'aay payment La«vrem:e Trading. J34 Victoria street Tel is pore i MMI 810 DISCOUNT Jackie* nhoei. The amarteat. moat ■■ompetitivr range of ladiea fooi» Open on Sunday!. '0 Orchard Road. Spore ENCVLOPAEOIA BRITTANNICA 14th edition IKI7 J4 \V condition.
      546 words
    • 305 24 „,'\aii Kiel Garden. ~li iTßßfal Phonr M*i PHOTOCOPYING PtAN PRINTING 1 t Singapore r.l. .•< 1 SECRETARIAL. nCl üb "pier l 2Sm«»x.u SHOPPINB GUIDE famous MMTMUM _«2J I I 3; Arcade 1>! MAKE YOUR CHOICE FOR A LIFE TIME "JVn f.r d^e Road Spore DRESSINC UP FOR a M>SlßlJSßßhlighl it
      305 words
  • 34 24 TAV CAN TIN I'noo. B^ "uo. aoa-la-iaw. l^oas Luea Kit. n^isliiit»-innn Ink >#v and Lllv. at.d 4 grandchildren to <vi Coaci far Mt V'ernon Crematorium. '"•<iu*">t no wreath! I 1 VJ --on Hoapital
    34 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 567 25 OFFICE GODOWN SPACE An Overseas Trading Organisation wishes to purchase or rent on long term basis approx. 8000 sq. ft. Office Accommodation and 25 ***** sq. ft. Codown space Western part of Singapore Town area preferred. Purchase of suitable land for the erection of such facilities may also be considered.
      567 words
    • 490 25 NOTICE AS SOLICITOR for RUP LAL of No. 35 Sumbawa Road, Singapore and NIRMAL TEJ SINGH CHOPRA of No. 101 Jalan Betla. Singapore. I HEREBY GIVE YOU NOTICE that the business of a Wholesale and Retail, Export <k Import of Sporting Goods, General Merchandise Textiles, watches and General Agencies, heretofore
      490 words
    • 688 25 PEMBERITAHU TAWAftAN JABATAN PERTAMAN NEGEHI, TRENGGANU Tawaran Membekal dan Menyampaikan Baja2 Tawaran aria-lan dl-pelawa untok membeknl dan menyampaikan baja2 saperti di-bawah inl:<a) Baja Kelapa (bi Baja Buali.'an (c) Baja Sayor2an id) Baja Jambu Golok iei Baya I'rea (Coated i (ii Gr o u nd Magnesium Limestone 2. Tawarnn hendak-lah dl-maso-kan
      688 words
    • 357 25 KERAJAAN MALAYSIA BiaaUwa Pemekuluan 1970 ontok Kursus di Indonesia Permohonun2 ada-lah dl-jemput daripada Warganegara Mnlaysia ha«i Biasi.NWH Persekutuan kaInclonr.sia umok menKikuti kur>Ub2 saperti di-bawah Uil: <:i> PerubaUn; (b) Pergigian; (c) Farmasl; (d) Kejuruteraan: Mekanikv Elektnk A Laut. tej Pertanlan; if i Penkanan; (g> Krhaiwanan; Fizilc. (h> Sains: Kimia Blokimia,
      357 words
    • 813 25 SABAH GOVERNMENT VACANCIES IS( NOTICE NO. 5 70. (f) TKK.MS Applications are Invited Trom The |h>m is permanent and Malaysian Citizens domiciled In pensionable. Successful candiMH for the follofing appoint- dates who are Malaysian Ciiiment with the Co-operative Deve- zens and donuci lopment:— t>e appointed en proba- POST: u n
      813 words
    • 141 25 I MVERSITT HOSPITAL MKDH'AI. OKHCFR.I Applications are Invited from Malaysian i iti/«n- ,r appointment h- MEDICAL Omcni In th« Urmersi'y Hospital for th« proposed Medical s'prvice £chem« fnr staff of the Unlversl* Hospital. Applicants must b»> registered Medical Pr»clltn>nerv Salary Scale $832 M > HV 982 x 34 1254 Basic
      141 words

    • 446 26  -  EPSOM JEEP I By IV, a Class 5 sprinter, showed good form in a trial with stablemates Pride and Love and Freehold Land at Bukit Timah yesterday. Ridden by Laurie Johnson, Actor won the trial easily, running the last 3f In
      446 words
    • 250 26 Newcomers impress on track I\EWCOiAERS Tudor Light and Amusement IV, M both in Class 2, showed sparkling form In workouts at Bukit Timah yesterday. Tudor Light, with Nawarl Ali up. ran 3f *n 37. Amusement IV < apprentice Wadi Ahmad* was paced by Lain Lmja <appentice Sairi SuJimam in a
      250 words
    • 169 26 Wi i I.IM.I'OV Toes. M.U>s,..ii Prime Mm i.trr. lentku Abdul Rahman was among many •vermta bitten rcpraeenlei at Ihr hr»t day ot Ike New Zealand yearling sales at Trrnlham near here tod»> An agent for the Tengku paid NZSS.M* for a bay roll M the
      Reuter  -  169 words
    • 69 26 MONTE CARLO. Tue*.— West German Porsche* stormed into ail early lead in the Monte Carlo Rally today aa first results begun tillering back to rally headquarters here. Last years winner Swedish farmer Bo Waldegaard, the top works Porsche driver, was three seconds ahead of another
      69 words
    • 73 26 Martin praises course t'ORMKH Kuala Lumpur trainer Jimmy Martin and his wife are In Singapore on holiday, reports Lfsom i m v Jimmy. viho has been training in Sydney since he left Malaysia five years ago. visited the Buklt Tlmah course yesterday morning. He was Impressed by the new layout
      73 words
    • 151 26 BRISTOL, Tue«. Vandals raided the Gloucester County cricket ground here last night, pouring weedkiller on the pitch and painting anti-apar-theid -.louans on the wall* The vandals daubed "Apartheid out" and "Boles out" around the ground where the South Africans are due to play during their
      151 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 498 26 IN THE lIM.H (('CRT IN MALAYA AT Xl AI.A I.IMPIR COMPANIES WINDING-LP NO fi OK 1970 In the Matter of Central Lorry Serrloc Co. Sdn. Khd. And In the Matter of the Companies Act, 1965. ADvticiiM ■mm or PETITION NOTICE is hereby Riven that petition for the Wlndlng-Up ol the
      498 words
    • 209 26 LEMBAGA KF.MAJt'A.N TANAH PERSEKI'TUAN KK.NVATAAN TAWARAN BK. NO. 3/70 TENDER FOR THE FABRICATION. ERECTION AND COMPLETION OF 1.500 TON PALM OIL STORAGE TANK AT FLDAs SG. DUSUN PALM nil Mill Tenders are Invited from experienced Contractors for the Fabrication, Erection and Completion of one unit of 1.500 ton Palm Oil
      209 words
    • 254 26 KENTATAAN TAWARAN JKR PAHANG Tawaran2 darlpada pemborongV yang berdaftar di-bawah Kepala II Pechahan 1 dan 2 dl-dalam JKR. Kelas C, D dan E akan diterlma dl-pejabat Jurutera Negerl. J.K.R., Pahang, Kuantan hlngga pukol 3.00 petang pada 29hb. January. 1970 UNTOK: MEMBENA DAN MENYIAPKAN SA-BAHAGIAN (BLOCK) BANGUNAN DUA TINGKAT MENGANDONGI TIGA
      254 words
    • 32 26 lons COD LIVER OIL CAPSULES for the energy to live well! t^ '^r tw I 9 4 r BS WF M *^.^^ftl t M^\^t%^Maf 9 M "^2^^^K\ V Agenta: THE BORNEO COMPANY
      32 words

    • 412 27  - Swimming definitely out— OCM LAN PEREIRA SEAP GAMES HOCKEY BADMINTON By is definitely out of the programme for the sixth Seap Games in Kuala Lumpur next year. This was oonlirmed by the Olympic Council of Malaysia at an executive committee meeting at Stadium Negara yesterday. According to OCM vice-president Khaw
      412 words
    • 208 27 Kilat are lucky to gain full points KILAT 2 BUNOA RAYA 1 DEFENDING champions Kilat Club managed to win ihis Selangor hockey league Div. 1. opening match at Pantai yesterday. Bunua Rava Die early <\\eiianßes and uuened scoring from a >hort corner in the thira minute. shot taken by
      208 words
    • 85 27 I'l WAS dack to the "id I rules, aini( in the hockey leaaoo wblcb has just begun. The International Hockey Federation have told the Malaysian Hockey Federation to drop the experimental rui<-.s introduced last All the old rulea apply again except that for the long
      85 words
    • 43 27 KRtIS 1 I'f.NANti 0 Old Frees Association, cooUndrrs for the Prnann Div. 1 Hockry League tnlo stored their third straight win »hen they edged Prnang Sport.s ciab at Western Ro«d vrstrrdav Freea not their goal thmunh Shaarl Che in th-
      43 words
    • 167 27 R.\PTI.ES Inrtltulton "A and B it »nis entered tha i.ials in tiie SUigapor* City District secondary schools Junior .i\-.>-*:'i< iiockiy coi».petlilon yesterday. They llnUlied on top m both groups and their kemi- final opponents will I* St Joseph* It:>tltuUun "B" and "A" team* rt
      167 words
    • 102 27 INDONESIA WANT TO CONTINUE CUP TIE JAKARTA. Tues The Indonesian Badminton Federation said today they wanted to resume the abandoned Thomas Cup m. tch with Thailand in a neutral country. Last week In Bangkok Indonesian player Muljadi stunned otf the court in a singles match after complaining about bad line
      Reuter  -  102 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 52 27 I YOUR ORDER FORM Pleas order for me copies of Malaysia Year Book! I jq Name I The Circulation Manager. The Straits Times Press (M) Ltd 31 Jalan Riong. Kuala Lumpur. Maaress f m^ I 390 Kirn Seng Rd Singapore. 9. I&/ I ITj&&*t£*B2Stf Om > enclose postal order/money order
      52 words
    • 507 27 RESULTS OF THE AUSTIN MINI CONTEST (Held in conjunction with the scrtcning or "The Itolion Job Federated Motors (Ptc) Ltd are plca««d to announce that the following have been awarded prisas for their winning •ntries in the Austin Mini Contest held recently in conjunction with tha screening of "Th« Italian
      507 words
  • Page 27 Miscellaneous
    • 170 27 CRICKET TOl R match (Port ClUarte'.hi Ea.stem Province 263 and 245-« (In (O. Pulluck 10t. D. Bigg* 100 n.u. AU6irull<ns 197-4 dec and 70-3 tW Lawry 43 no i HOCKEY rrv%N<; Div. 2: RAF 1 Burm>:.i ii. 1 SOCCER PONGGOI. HP I irw.l I'g Mal'.mi Edmunds 6 Lima Belt* tax
      170 words

  • 210 28 Man who kept himself alive on toothpaste in desert A DELAIDE, Tues. A 42 year old man said today he kept himself alive by rating toothpaste and drinking water from his vehicle's radiator while stranded for two days in searing heat in a desolate retiion. Mr. Jack Skinner. :i bulldozer
    Reuter  -  210 words
  • 31 28 BRIDGETOWN i Barbados* Tues. The centre of Bridgetown was like a battlefield today after the second big lire In six weeks gutted a whole city block night. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 39 28 TOKYO. Tues.— Japan had a record surplus of U552,270 million In her balance of International payments last year, the Finance Ministry announced today. This was more than double the 1968 surplus of US$l,lO2 million. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • 448 28 US and China end a 2-year talks deadlock THE United States ;nul China kxfcn ended ;i two year diplomatic deadlock when IS. ambassador Mr. Walter Sloessel entered the Chinese embassy here for the 135 th ambassadorial meeting between the two countries. Their envoys last met in full-scale talks in January
    Reuter; UPI  -  448 words
  • 349 28 BACK PAGE SPORT Impressive win by Omar at T-Cup trials ftMAR MANAP of Johoresc ored an impreartvj vTis fl 15-3 victory over Ng Boon tsee 01 reras in 'the'Thomls Cu y p badminton trials whu-h began last night at Alor Stars Dato Syed Omar Stadium. Boon Bor. belter known as
    349 words
  • 53 28 INDON MARINES HOLD BACK PROTESTING STUDENTS INDONESIAN marines holding back students demonstrating outside the Ministry of Finance in Jakarta last Saturday. The students were demon* strating .iftiinsl the increased fuel prices, imposed recently by the government, and corruption. The placard says: "Forgive us. are not currying out your job
    53 words
  • 89 28 No comment Piruz MALAYSIA'S Thomas (tip coach Abdullah Virui. »h« wa« prrsrnt at thr rup-ti* brt»c«-n Thdiland anil Indonesia at Bangkok last Wit, <1r .lined to main- any n>mi-rrit mi Indonesia's walkout. I'iru/. «lio ainvril m \lor Star yistrrda> I'M thr I huma« up trials, said would nut in.iki an>
    89 words
  • 29 28 rOAPORE Hockey Aamjchw tiun ufficiab President E.W. Barke'-. vice-president P.M. Pe-inefathei Yor*i-;, ill. treasurer K.s. sithami><«rai i Umpires Board Is Maiuani. independent memTirucheh.iraven. V. Rawood.
    29 words
  • 39 28 MRS. JN. FERNANOO (Florr Oenera. on Turn huiband n-la«v ra-ln-lav> and 23 trat.d cnlldrn 13 Road, Kmoi al ?00 p.m II i n (B< W "f Frace Chum TarOons Ka'un; Road and Uiuce (I Chuk Cbu Kane
    39 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 144 28 IT IS THE that count OVER 150,000 SUCCESSES RAPID RESULTS COLLEGE OF LONDOK for rapid resucfe e "ts n mo* L.jt E>p«rt air-mail pottal tuition tor. Law LL Bar Secretary. >hi» (CIS, C. ot Si. Accountancy (A.C.C.A., I.C.W.A. A. 1. A.), Banking ilnstirutc ot Bankers > Insurance 1C.1.1.' 1 Book-keeping
      144 words
    • 58 28 the handsome ftivnituve SHARP i^3fs \mM (k 1 MODEL 23G^S^| I wav sound system I c_.-VC> O speakers I Muvtsroß Sol* Agents Service Station: SINGAPORE: ROXY (SPORE) PTE LTD MALAYSIA: ROXY (M'SIA) SDN. BHD. S aora Day *****6 Night 360 135 Ipoh Day 7M74 N,gM 72,74 1 K. L Day
      58 words
  • Page 28 Miscellaneous
    • 42 28 Yesterday's weather Singaoure B<i-7^F sunny Tok\o 46-28 F Seoul 1!8- 9V lair Kuala Lumpur 91-71 F •unny Bantjkolc 86-68 F fair Jakarta 91-81 F v Bong Kong i9-49F clouciy Naha 57-50 F cloudT Manila BJ-70F cloudy Late CLASSIFIEDS 20 uords $20.00 'minimum)
      42 words