The Straits Times, 16 January 1970

Total Pages: 28
1 28 The Straits Times
  • 26 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 200,000 The Straits Times llrc Niiws|iii|ißr Estd. 1845 FRIDAY, JANUARY 16. 1970 If CENTS K.D.N. 4517 M.C. (P) No. 1507
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  • 309 1 The new Malaysian taxes at a glance BKANDV AMI \VHISK\ up II per quart bottle: rum and sin. up 7."> cents prr quart bottle. Also increases in nines. >.nnsu nil other alcoholic be\orages (excluding beer md stout). DRIVING LICENCES: Ip from SIO to S2O a ve;tr. KO\D lAX: Ip t«o
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  • 772 1  - A 'one less for the road' budget ANTHONY NG: KUALA Razak puts up the price of driving and drinking KB Development estimates: Page Two Defence estimates: Page Three By LUMPUR. Thursday BOOZE, cars, road tax and driving licences are among a number of luxury items which will cost more under
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  • 478 1  - Where most of the money will come from TONY K-CRMON: By KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. r PHE bulk of Malaysia's revenue this year is txA pected to come from import duties, excise and income tax. This is expected to net 51. 244. 9 million or more than half of the estimated
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  • 33 1 LONDON. Thui> The International Tin Council meetnm Ith dacUton vi (ontmue lor (uithei six-week ijenod tlir present rwtrletton o;i the priir leMiainiiiK optraUoni of I lie bufler stock manager. Reu'er.
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 97 1 V\\( ()l VI R. Thurs. A British luxury llnrr has heen delayed here Indefinitely following the dis <o\rry of '10 suspected typhoid casts among her crew. Si\ crew members of the P and O liner Oronsar had already been confirmed a* typhoid rase* i and
    Reuter  -  97 words
  • 362 1 HONG KONG. Thursday. (iHINA will have .1 ballistic missile with a 'i.OOO--mile range and capable of carrying a nuclear warhead operational within a year or 15 months, a former top U.S. military commander in the Pa--1 cific said today. Retired Lieut -Gen tor
    UPI  -  362 words
  • 44 1 .IAKAH I A emnifiil ha 1 trained tunbr rcvloiu worth UBtlS3 mtUton in i i(])nni Invcatmtnt to 51 forelcn iloniiten t.i m- mi tar. It tßßOunead today. 'Inr-c atrreornents co\rr al-nio-t srven million (ie< rain-fomt. mainly in liuioiieMan I Al 1
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  • 42 1 saioon. Than •ooU) Virtnaiiiosf uolue today broke up a peace meeting 111 a tpmple at which militant BuddhiM Mv- dent*- accused American ana South Korean troops of tramp- ling on Vietnamese traditions" I and demai.ded their complete i 1 withdrawal.
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  • 216 1 SINGAPORE, Thursday Till! Singapore Government lias oflered new concessions exclusively lo M;il;i\si;m investors. Under the scheme, a Malaysian need pay a deposit of only $125,000 hall the normal rate for industrial investment, and he and h\l family will be allowed to reside in Singapore permanently After
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  • 12 1 en mil i»k Invasion. h»« been .ittec tlif Foreign Off!
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  • 32 1 MR' McfcAY HElirvF» Ml RDIBIt London. Bn- §mH land lard dlscl<>»' 1 a new '•••■1 Id r anrr d <t« »i Muriel %T Hit tH |y detecllvr* llkelr mur PI
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 50 1 /DiamondN^few [Engagement] with our Experts' Research, \\v Created this Novelty >\ hich I > pit ies a Distinguished person with TREMENDOUS SUCCESS FULL OF VIGOUR It's a Pride to Own and a Pleasure to Give an ENIC AR, During the Greeting Season. Fixed one Price Vwlf*J^ Mm f^ I Li
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    • 147 1 f^L BEST IN FASHION abermain Registered Trade Mark World news Its BLACKMAIL, s\^s >i iok r\».r IX no REVENGI on IBOS s\\v GO WON: PAGE It PORTUGAL HI Nils O.I I K \V I M\MI in l'\<.( 19 RI/AKRK MD\\r ft Ol PAGE Ml W^^^^^^ TS-39OWC 23iNCh Be up-to-oate H
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  • 167 2 Brunei Army to get armoured cars and Armalites BKI ND TOWN. Thurs.— The Brunei Army is to be equipped with armoured cars and Armalite rifles to give It more punch The type »f Arm.ilite rifles the Slate is interested in i> tlie AK-18. a more advanced version of the MM
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  • 23 2 ■NT. Ttan More pedesne* will be *ci up .n ill' c.-y ares* i-«"n. the h;«-r. Supt Jai«!udin hai H* K.ts~im wild.
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  • 646 2 THE BUDGET: FOCUS ON DEVELOPMENT KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday I pi IK Federal Government will spend $961.2 million on development this year an increase of SI 16.2 million ovt i last year's revised estimates. Of the total. $802.5 million is estimated
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  • 402 2 Tin: Support for slow stockpile releases A GRADUAL and well-timed release of tin by the United States from its GSA stockpile will help to < the present world shortage of the metal and prevent the price from soaring "too dangerousl} high." The ftaatttani Minister of I Cimmerre riiid Inci Inche
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  • 44 2 TANAH RATA. Thurn waiter in the Pratt pr* Smoke Lee Ah Chov. 31. to Tapa.i hwpital «r> wounds in the ttoH 15 believed he »u*ralnM the »c ■;>\(\* in < fight in the holH r have dei nun and recovered ft knilr
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 252 2 The facts about nutrition everyone should ki^wfi Your problems v -\X~JL v*^ J You f»el tlr»d. Irritable. You cannot C JT^' 1 concentrate. You look washed out '-x?!t """S^B JsL't^^^s/fcZYoj fefl nervous. You go from bad .v^'x'i^Ma^liPV. tJaKjPPPW^^-:::-':-Proviton-a new hlgn Protein Vitamin Hajraww- m> ""TSSSSBMMat^^^^^^^^^g~^ yeast food supplement produced f'om
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • 720 3 Security bill gets biggest slice -$BO3 mil THE BUDGET: FOCUS ON DEFENCE SPENDING KUALA LUMPUR. Thursday MALAYSIA'S defence and internal security will cost 5803.2 million this year This is L's per cent ot the $3,243 million budget estimates announced today by the Director nt Operations and Finance Minister. Tun Abdul
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  • 135 3 FILICC today warned villagers alone the I'.ihang River against possible floods us rescue team* Kii.tinurd their fruitless search tor the bodies of five people missine in the Jerteh River in Resut TrrngKanu, yesterday. Already 117 people were evacuated to hieher ground uhen the water le- KUALA LUMPUR.
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  • 207 3 Thug who demanded 'ang pow' gets a beating JOHORE BAHRU. Tliurs.— A youiiK n»m in lankee saio go* a oeduug inMcau uf the jiua he aenianded a.-. 'ii.g pow" from the manager of a snin factory here. The man was handed over to trie police yesterday aft«r the manager of
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  • 72 3 JOHORE BAHRU. Thurs Mrntri B>:-..n Urflo H*ji utlinmn Sadt. i idhl warned squatters thai they would be pi iv routed :f they were caught •elltng land illprhllv. Speaking at the opening of Kampong Dato Hajl Othman here, he said the Government had a list of people
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  • 28 3 P(IRT SWTTTENHAM Thur» Eight-vfar-old Tan Bee Chtn dird of severe burns after p.avii v kfrtv-rnr soaked rag uhirh cHiicir fire in his home line yefclerd.iy
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  • 26 3 KLANG Thun Le« Soon Ann. 25. unemployed, diad of auaperttd poisoning In Ma homat in Kapax near heir, yesterdajk Maj lOUi DiAJ at HalSBWa%
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 327 3 FOR THE BEAUT FUL r LUrLL. Berlei has an enormous range of undercover fca\m fashions for the latest look. Bras to flatter the lowest necklines, foundation garments to shape you and sheer body-suits to er.iiar.ce "See-through" Fashions Pll Look soft, natural and feminine in Ber!e< VBfi and you're all set
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  • 229 4 Nantah exchange with UK varsities begins SINGAPORE. Thurs. Nanyanß University has launched Its exchange programme of professors and students British Universities. The 3rlttah universities in the scheme are those of Warwick. Sussex. Kceie and Edinburgh. A Nantah spokesman said today: "This is the first time we have entered into such
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  • 32 4 SINi.APORK. Thur*. The number* pirked in tonight's Toto draw BMTC 41,. 31. )>. and 44. The additional number wa* 3. In the circles draw. 33, 44 and V* were picked.
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  • 52 4 SINGAPORE. Thurs -Fancy fish exports for last year are expected to reach the S5 million mark The Primary Production bulletin said exports for the first ten month* of 1969 totalled J4 2 million. In 1967 and 1968 the totals were f 2 0 million and $3
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  • 168 4 Ball game row that ended in death SINGAPORE, Thursday. MOTOR LAUNCH ittendanl Ong Say Keong, l!». hit ;t youth with a broomstick and broke his skull during a row at a basketball Kwiie* a District Court was 'ohl today The victim, Kuah Chye Hock, 15, died in hospital. Ong was
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  • 106 4 DBS gets $27m credit from France SINGAPORE, Thurs. The Development Bank of Singapore recently concluded an agreemenl with two large French hanks, setting up credits totalling $27£ million. Last month. Bank Natlonale de Paris provided $5.5 million credit for the DBS. The latest credit comes from Ban'que de L'lndochlne a
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  • 64 4 Send artistes to Russia, urges envoy SINGAPORE. Thurs Tne Rut.'ian Ambassador, Mr. Iha Ivanouch Safronov, today said he hoped Singapore would send singer*, musicians and dancers to perform In the Soviet Union. Speaking at the Rotary luncheon at the Hollandsche Club, he said' "My country certainly Intends «endl:ie more choreographic
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  • 36 4 SINGAPORE, Thurs The Social Affairs Minister. Mr. Othman Wok. will lay the foundation stone lor the Salvation Army Boys' Home at the 11th mile Upper Changl Road at 5 30 p m on Jan. 30.
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  • 124 4 SINGAPORE Thurs.-The Singapore Hotels and Restaurants Association Is holding an art competition to boost Singapore's Image at the Pacific Area Travel Association conference in Auckland in April. The competition Is open to all Singapore citizens Entries may be Mibmitted from March 12 to 18
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  • 67 4 UN group may open special sections SINOAPORE. Thur* Th« United Nations Association Singapore, will set up special Malay. Chinese and Tamil sections If membership Increases The association, formed in October last year, now has over 80 members. Membership forms are available from Mr. Vernon E. Perreau. c o Shell House.
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  • 53 4 SINGAPORE, Thurm. Some 37 directors of the Pacific Area Travel Association will meet at the Singapore Turf Club tomorrow to discuss preparations for the annual Pata conference In Auckland in April. Tonight they were given a dinner by the rhurman of the Tourist Promotion Board Tan
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  • 37 4 SINOAPORE. Thurs. The Chief Justice. Mr. Justice Wee Chong Jin, today reserved judgment In a civil claim against the Oovernmr-nt for over $100 orm damages in an aeeinent which crippled Nf Keng Yeow. 36. I
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  • 83 4 SI\(iAPORE, Thurs. Midshipman I mi Kh llnrk of th< Sincaporr Armi'd Forrrs has topprd Ihr IMS shore-traininK coursr at thp HMNZS Tam.iki in Auckland. He Hraa Ihr hrst all-round midshipman and scored Ihr hiehrst accrpgate in the examinations. Graduation He w;«> presented with prizes
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 241 4 SPEEDING INTO ITS ■2nd FANTASTIC WEEK!: /\rkl?/\lj DAILY 5 SHOWS AT fl \JmJMU\jr% Ham.. 1.30, 4.00, 6.30 9.30 p.m. 111 IKIII lll'IIKl Limited Season Oriy Don't Miss It This Time! W^BBBB^fci^^ ■The 110m. p.h. Incredible ?^^^9|l I IW. Car Chase! T «tf ■Bfl^i^J'^ .EUB^r ".THE ITALIAN JOB" fc q> <
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    • 267 4 Vtat e'opens today"," 5 *V£ I 9 Bbbb^ BBBBBBBBBBBm^BBBaBBB Jwni 4 J B^BBBt "^^6. J^ V k.' 9 MI B BbUI B^a^T^ VbBBBb! BBBBBbP^^BW 4aMß^^. M^L. I* k «I^H HBBBBBBBBBBBttb^ODIrI jflf^^tTCM IP'^^^ *—£j^^^R^^^^M jUpTblb^b^ vLbbw v wSt wJM hour xsuigide patrol!; starring Gordon MITCHELL Pierre RICHARD In Scope-Color B J
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    • 487 4 I M* ORGANISjJION 23rd Day 1 Hurry! Sec It Niw' j Dim to tilm i length —4 ihowi daily H am. 2 30, 6 IS. 9. 1S 1 NO INCREASE in TRICES' JAMES BOND Of "On Har Maictty't S«cr*t S«r»ita" M George l.azanby i D.ono Hiog J Ponov ,s ">
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  • 348 5 Language centre building fund now at 531 5,000 SINGAPORE. Thurs. With a 51 5.000 donation from the Straits Times Press (Malaya) Ltd.. the Regional English Language Centre building fund now stands at $314,850. This amount has passed the halfway mark of the fund committee's Immediate targe* of $600,000. which will
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  • 46 5 SINGAPORF. Tbm 'lauman Pann Kirn Cheans. who found ud rriuined Hie passport of American tOUTM Ml Milan Cukout. received a "thank yo'.i letter and MtM •ortl) S.'O yenerdav ticm Mr. Culcovic. They weir Mil to Ml Pangs Orove by an American Embp.-sy CM
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  • 23 5 SINGAPORE, Ihurs The German Bn'h RoMati under couclnrtor Mr. Helmut Win«cbannami will perform at the Victoria Theatre at 8.30 p.m. tommorow.
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  • Article, Illustration
    11 5 0) Strait* Time* picture by MAX KIAN SENG
    MAX KIAN SENG  -  11 words
  • 138 5 SINGAPORF.. Thurv Police have arrested two teenage gangs one involved in a series of armed robberies and the other connected with a spate of car tape-record-er thefts. Three teena«erv believed to have carried nut II armed robberies in ijueensloun in the last 18
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  • 309 5 $500 fine for illegal flight SINGAPORE, Thur«. sot up his base of operaUotu here because he ha» the ureuest regard for Singapore." Counsel .said Ma client had later applied for a permit for using his aircraft for charter and had been granted one. He said Gewald's offence resulted more from
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  • 36 5 SINGAPORE Thurs. Unemployed Rhiiill bin Ahmad. 22. »a: tilvcr. a Mn -month conti;ttonai oiNcharge today for cheating a bus conductor of 10 cents in Napltr Rond yesterday by pretending he had a freetravel pass.
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  • 245 5  - Jurong's going like a bomb, says British trade chief I OW WEI MEI By SINGAPORE. Thurs. *3 Wonderful. .exploding like a bomb. This was the reaction today from Mr. Roy Mason, president of the British Board of Trade, to the industrial dynamo that Is .1 v r o n c
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 314 5 GOLDEN PHOENIX J0 Chinese Rrstaurant /|OM Fir delicious Szechuan and Peking %F style dishes. Nightly music by the |V ft New Art Orchestra with w Taiwan Songstress Chi Loh Ping at the mike. 1 MADAM OKO fl Japanese Restaurant For genuine Kyoto delicacies. rtj tempura sukiyaki. etc. prepared \0 Japanese
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    • 253 5 /HOTELJ^^^ presents f y f the I r chopstick sisters fhe captivating sisters trom Hong Kong s entertainment scene who ench.mteo Asians ana Australians alike ■ryith their charm, talents and showmanship. The Chopstick Sisters. Sandra ana Amina. have Deen brought here specially to entertain our guests with their dazzling array
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  • 233 6 Perak police step up the campaign TPOH. I hurs Police hen have stepped up ttieir (■■inp.iisn isunst e.tnja smoker ;iiid "pusher!." of UK (true. An<l. t■> prr\ent -ihool rhiltlrrn from taking to drug, the police .irr m.iintainin? cl<i«.e li.uvou trick xhool .iiithorities A> rrMilt of an intrn«<i\r easßpaifa launched two
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  • 25 6 HNGAPORfc. lliur? Un- k. if rek is found dead lunging trail behind a house in Dux--1 n Hili yesierday. Police uspfct (oul play.
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  • 60 6 I til UK ANSUN Uiur* ih.r\c tarcai open locken car p<iiicd in X.: stiff: last nigh. *nd atosi << iteno up* re- corued «onh $200. Thf car o«i'*r. Mr. Low Hong It. district manager of the smgfr Sf ing I Machine Co discovered the I theft
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  • 479 6  - Council hears an addict's confession MICHAEL FOONG: OUR TOWN GOING TO POT, WARNS UNDERWOOD K. Kangsar Thur» TAPE- RECORDED confession of a boy who became deranged after smoking ganja was produced at a meeting of the Town Council here today. It was evidence collected by Dato (Dr.) S. Underwood (Alliance)
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  • 7 6 SABAK BDRNAM 1 hurt. herr
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  • 83 6 KUALA LUMPLR. Thu:> The Government has approved pioneer status for another 10 industries and their products, the Minister of Commerce and Industry. Inche Mohamed Khlr Jo han. announced today. Thu l< tlit fu»: aiuup it ndu»tn»s to he gi\rn poneer eighth s indfi tiu
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  • 45 6 ■INOAPORE. Tiiu!> lime thai »1 at Slngapurr durine the ftr>t ircording to the T Promotl Board'a monthly re port In Novrmbpr therr vsrr^ 39.065 'Tit InctCMe over the -amp period the previous year. T la an all-tlmp high lur any month
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 315 6 wr JgMislft. "%>». 'i^nggJtigM Av^gK*v9 jrigggiggggg^^K^.MadH JggggggggLJa^glllll F^ gfttKil^gll ggV "•^ggPflgl W^^^r J^^^^^^^^^^^^KSl^^^^^^^^^^^KK^^^^^^ 0 g««««««L^ V^yHH .gggP^Svt&l '^gl gff^^i BgH ggggUggLa^Lfl gggggggK^ 7 a^BgH^Zy Sw& JCt im Ms'm Www _^gggggggggggfgggggggggggggg^gggggKgj(gggggggggggggf J HggK" Mm J^F aUßgfiiß A r a f *<$■%§ m -^^flbesigsSa gsSK B^Bf M -*,JP i vggT gggfl ggggk
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 248 6 Straits Times Crossword sH ArßOAft T. Caught up hr TtMno ■na^n 1. Thi» foreign eaf rrverwid inspector 1 •crow motors a\— poitv ,7. How young man fOUo— I. OoUega or surcen- 1 »7>. advice and berotnw Va«U)a>i< I. Dcathshead on top of th« 4 port -o' 1J If n*i«t I'H
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  • 1057 7  -  CHIA POTEIK: Singapore. Thur». By PRESIDENT of the British Board of Tr&de, Mr. Roy Mason, promised today that he would do everything possible to encourage more British businessmen to come and see what Singapore had to offer Rl a market and a location for
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  • 52 7 Tan to visit Malacca MU.Arc.V Ihur.s Inn r, M:ni-:fr with Snei :ul Function* will »rv:ve nOfTOW !<>'. two-day j meet ins eomtttnam He w:!1 meet thrill a; Kandang community hall tomorrow night and .v Buku Biuang and Tmionu Kiing on Saturday afternoon On Sunday h» will !inf c losfd-<ioor meeting
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  • 55 7 SINGAPORE Huns Four urn. «l ttaHP lobbed a ttaopkeeper "f $500 and good* valued .<: J4OO am is, Paya Lcbar shop lust night.. The men in their early <ved Pang Chone -hop in Lorons Buang Kcjk nn the pretext of iv profluced daggers and rxn-.acked
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  • 28 7 .M J «JHt; Ili;ii.v Major A H<ish:ni of tin Singapore Armed Forcr* left rrc-Fntly fur attend year-long military eounc »t 't\r Indonesian sull College ai Bandoeng.
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  • 113 7 TAKEN TO COURT FOR THEFT 8 YEARS LATER KUALA UMPIR. Thur. A man was brought to the magistrate' court here today on a charge of stealing $25 worth of lea leaves eight years ago. Tai took Sane. M\ pleaded guilty to stealing the tea leaves from a provision shop in
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  • 42 7 \PORE Thurs. A Clift, Mohammrd Noir miiv 20. died after hr \irli h enr at the junrEh-: Ooaa Road and Cfylon R' ;irt Niior 1.1 Jaian SJarl*. was not I a n-Ash helmet Th» drii(»r Chevi Pung SJm 30 unhurt.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 120 7 LUCAS ALTERNATORS It X Lightweight compact [I v^PljiV, I ffl automotive alternators i^' I v/ere pioneered by )i >^ a I c—Jj-Jla ucas anc toda y tfe y Bm 'SF l ESrjfem^M are ritandarcJ equipment 'im^^r/r on >1 models of British //\vt^/ and Continental cars. Lucas \4J \iy Alternators ensure
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    • 144 7 SSI y I'm in good shape and so is my IaNSyS Water: a^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^Lv ii^ia^ia^ia^Bt t^px You can make ice with it. You can make steam with it. a^at i You can make rust with it. You can forget it. If you have an air-cooled Volkswagen r '""ifi ***'<■»» A a«BB|
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  • 297 8  - Doctors back call for hospital in Jurong L BASAPA By (JINGAPORE. Thurs. —Singapore industrialists" call to the Government to build a hospital in Jurong Town received full support from the medical profession today. The call latest development in the two-year-old Industrial health movemen' was welcomed by doctors who said a
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  • 117 8 SINGAPORE Thurs. Thr Singapore Traction Company is studying an allegation by the STC Employes' Union that an executive was involved m a member's resignation imm the union. The general innr.aper. Mr OH L. Poulier. *aid the company was not ready to make a
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  • 173 8 WtIKNCE fiction storirs 1 may circulate in abundance but it's not cvrr\day one get* a chance to glimpse a piece of a moon. That* why thor boy* are looking m intently at the Nino million moonrock on display at the National Museum.
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  • 16 8 SINGAPORE. Thurs. Mr. Tsn Hoav Oie hH.-> been elected preMdem of the Bins' Briuadr
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 276 8 If you were negotiating here tomorrow *&&s%*■ Wm *&m -J&&!&k u^flo* BM^w99b^BbL "sKHLii^B)»'£9 you'd wear aßolex 1 When a Summit Conference is held at V ,^*L***i Geneva's Palais des Nations, the best V >S %J watch in the world is there. W A»' You can recognise its classic shape, V
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    • 217 8 Some said we would never get this lawn-mower fisffigg) off the ground! we did and "1 we call it ■Fh/mn (hap .v^a^^h M& r S~ "V >- «V V The double-action lawn-mower that' I IUCIIO 09 IL V^WJVO art othtr mowers >t»' to Vr»o that i FLYMO' This 't»olut onaf^
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 54 8 Bagi Hunny 1U Ralph Hcimduhl /i SPOT I'kP PETUNIA r I I SUE WAS AWFUL MAP PEEKIN' OUT TH' j^M lAT ME BECAUSE li^ V WINDOW! o -*f kaa FORSOT HER SS. |j u^i OO YOU THINK I 10^8'*™°^^/ f= PETUNIA, I BROUGHT I [^B^^^ff (STILL So«t A >rCXJ SOMB
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  • 425 9 Wife caused me great anxiety, fear for her life: Director COURT TOLD OF INSULTS, EMBARRASSMENT SINGAPORE, Thursday. COMPANY director Shaw Vee Meng told the High Court today how his wife succeeded in her ruse to cause him great anxiety and unnecessary fear for her life. Mr. Shaw said in his
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  • 108 9 MSA RESUME MID-DAY FLIGHT TO IPOH K I AI.A UMI'IR. Thurv— M.i1.0m., Miiy.ipore \irlin<'N resumed their mid-day flights tl.rnuuii Ipoh from Loda> follow in:; iiiiiiutiius rriiui'slv I hry suspended this flight when the domestic timetable revised on Nov. I.V Ipoh will now be served by MSA'I I okker-Friendship* thrice
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  • 32 9 Ki_ \l A 1.1 MI'UK Thur» Ihe Minister ol Health I :i will open Problems of rural health in Mai* ftfedlcal Rf search here at 9 a.m on Jan 24
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  • 51 9 BUTIEHWORTH. Thurs A Ma:.i.v>ian student Mr. K Llneanath. who majored in Bahx«a Indonesia fur his BA degree at Auckland Univrr.sity In New Znland hu arm •warded a srhularctiip to study for hut MA in the game uniMcattjr Mr Unganath *i.l now ttudy Maiiaarin for hla
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  • 422 9 She would nag me far into the night' "Last Febru»r>' wer» at tlif Supper Club <■ nightclub) 1 was to have a dance «i:h the Kuest-ot -honour "But my wife did not permit this I had to leave the p.irty and take her home This caused me great embarrassment Ste
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  • 117 9 Press body adopts $200,000 training plan KU\LA LUMPUR, Thurs. —A 12-DOint trainine DroKramme costinn about $200,000 was aooroved by the eeneral council of the South-east Asian Press Centre at its meeting here tcday. The council also announced the apoointment of a lortner features editor of the London Times. Mr Anthony
    Bernama  -  117 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 125 9 /^•r^ Quality Hydraulic $&Pw} Presses And Air C 'AisL Compressor Units l«^^^~^^^ff^^ The new Sigurd Stenhoj Hydraulic m Presses will solve all your pressing iJVj problems. They bend, straighten, =s*aj -^Kp P unch mount and dismount \A I fjSRjF bearings, insert and remove v *jm bushings and liners precisely and
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    • 199 9 ENGLISH LAVENDER fresh fragrance fa anytime <*x anywhere f ferfume in 4 sizes w If V' .^a^B^fl&Bßß^ A 9"^S* *^B^ kf -^^^^ta^. I If by Potter Moore of London"™^^"* m \J^ Available from E.C.De Witt Co.Ltd. and all leading stores in Singapore and Malaysia ST* GOOD GOLDEN ANCHOR BEER quenches
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  • 152 10 Shock for wife at pasar malam SINGAPORE. Thurs. A husband was walking hand-in-hand with a young girl along some pasar malam stalls when his wife spotted him. But when the wife.' Elsie Cher, questioned him on his return, he flew Into a rage and left her .some days later. During
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  • 63 10 SINOAPORE TMn The French Emba^-.v. the Singapoie Film Society and the Alliance Fraii raise will joint. v present a weeklong French n):n le>uval from Feb M The revival, featuring seven of the finest French films produced in the last few year*. »i!l be. at the
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  • 127 10 SINGAPORE, Thurs. A Japanese engineer working on a Jurong power station project, Hlroshi Iwasakl. 35, was found dead in the station compound at 8.30 p.m. yesterday. Police have not established the cause of death, but they do not suspect foul play. Today Mr. S Tsugo.
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  • 37 10 SINGAPORE. Thurs The Muslim Religious Council now controls the registration of coti\r:ls to !>:im under the Mux- lim Marriages and Divorce Rules, 1968 The HmMml »a\ formerly performed by the All-Malaya Muslim Mi.vionarv Society.
    37 words
  • 168 10 IN lIKK .1.i% the was i d.ishint; cirdr type With m.«n> a >oung in.iii fjwnitm on her. Now in old age. she's been abandoned Sad enojeh. But that's not the point 'with business executive Mr. R. J. Davids This blue Citiorn saloon happens to have been
    168 words
  • 262 10  - An Aussie 'ice girt called Miss Hamid SOH TIANG KENG By §1 \(i A I 1 OB I!. Tluirs. You've beard <>l ihc American uiliiss c-mi Hot 1 ALI Mi Graw. Tonight I met an Australian ballet dancer called Deby HAM ID. Deby, 17, Is the youngest member of the
    VOW YUN WOH  -  262 words
  • 103 10 SINOAPORE. Thurs. Wong Wen Slu. 30. charged with the murder of a Japanese engineer's w:fe. failed to appear in court today She ffM iihospital The proxiutor. Senior Ins- pecior Chia Cheng Poll told the Ninth Magistrates Court that in ward 48 of
    103 words
  • 147 10 SINOAPORE. Thurs. —Some 100 residents of luxury flats In Clemenceau ivenue are protesting against the condition of the lifts and surrounding area. "Disgusting Mid disgraceful" was how one resident described the surroundings today The rrsid«"nts held a meeting r.t a nearby laid and decided on
    147 words
  • 19 10 SINOAPORE. Thur* Mr. Ngo Pitt Cheong has been elected chairman if tne Singapore Importers and Exporters Association.
    19 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 178 10 HTZWTRKKS 1 SUPERMARKET For Personal Shoppers from today for ONE FULL WEEK i w VanHouten I Evaporated Milk Chocolate Blocks 100 gr. A+%A 14 oz 3as^ Per blk. I fcfr^^ P er can Sugar Garden Peas I Rich HI Ch-dda- Oieete $1.20 p" ta I 50^ I $1.20 ■>" inn
      178 words
    • 309 10 ESOTERICA taaziog freai Acts To Oar if) Blemish^* a^. .V Stubborn out.ard p.mpki and bloeahcoat. cautea by »eathtr and nealeat. reipeni' ta<r t-oftneo clean ye tKeea tkm cmdrtiex' ohere other creeie he»e fe led. WKyf Becauta leatenea if not a cover up. not a mere tarfaaa frealment, but medicated. It*
      309 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 210 10 Mrh tw,,ry fg v g hfittor f.ou/./ fveRA AUJ>IO CAUiD, WIOWLvi [WHAT* HIS ME MAS NOl f TLAT NIGHT OUTUSPBI 111 mkT\ EXCITED. ASKCO FORVOU. I STUOIO ,ij PMONE IN I I '■xVmMT ,T. VOIJ S»F» Hi VU L WOULDN'T LEAVE WORO,. iMUMBeRTAV 15 STUDIO.I L W^V^HtO TEi^^R »^Vi mivc
      210 words

  • 242 11 Her new customer was her husband's 'other wife' SINGAPORE, Thurs. k H.ur-stylist Lai Siew Siow lound out about her husband's other wife" in a chance conversation with a new customer. The 'other wife" was the customer, the High Court was told yesterday. Lui. a former circus star, successfully sued her
    242 words
  • 250 11 Jamil urges moderation to overcome racial differences DEASON, tolerance, modefX ration this is the formula that will help transcend racial and political differences In a ''volatile" society like Malaysia. The opposite (if virtue> ctremism Ii the cause of tragic events like those ol May. And the older generation as
    250 words
  • 240 11 C'wealth summit to be held in S'pore? LONDON. Thursday |)KIMI Minister. Mr Ha I rold Wilson, has called for a summit conference of Commonwealth States to he held in New Delhi or Singapore next summer, official sources reported last nieht But the project appears to he runniiiK into dill) cullies
    240 words
  • 140 11 Danger reports put women off Pill IOHORL BAHRU, f Thurs The number of acci ptor.s for family planking pills ...i. ..')>. ..._.i urop oi..i-e in. wi u t spread. puwiiclty uver me fill a..U UuOillOOSlS. since i c reports, a Dttb. .y i CM MHMB«I 1 1 "ill the ci.iv>
    140 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 77 11 ■MatosßßM^^attJ^M^M^^..^^^-.^-^^^.^,. L^LY^ WfrMi^ >> ,v^ [Ass* Ila 0 am Laf f fll S BaY V I sa^a^a^a^a^a^a^a^a^a^a^a^a^a^a^a^a^Bßßß^Bßßav V^ JwJLt I ft aatv J nP St o'.h B aV'aa nMk**t w^^ w L T HC- jl jLC#rsc separates the men from the boys(But not from the girls.) A perfect blend, mellowed
      77 words
    • 51 11 ON THIS SPECIAL TWIN PACK You get tremendous value for your money: you save one whole dollar when you buy two packs of Fab large in a special twin pack. Save now and see for yourself how ■■HBiM a«^^^^^^^^Mßßja%al BLfea^l^aHallaSaw^^^^ia^^^^P''li^fla^a^Maflaa« r '^jaj^S aJa^^^^^aW P/Jp Fab washes in Extra Whiteness Extra
      51 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 196 11 ON YOUR TV AND RADIO TODAY TV MALAYSIA I'K(I(,RAMMI. ONK: Kuala l.umpur and I'nianI li.innrl 5; Ipoh and Malacca 6; lotion- Bahru S; Taipinc 4; lUlu Pahat 7; hliiang 9. •> QQ I' >l. I'rogramme -urmnary. 3.05 Intusaii. 330 Annif Odklcy Thunder Hill; 400 Thf Alaskans— Rememb r tlir Maine.
      196 words
    • 678 11 TV SINGAPURA CHAN ML •J QQ P.M. Mirnjig Star: Mi W man.* World tEngUh). 350 of EvenUs in Singapore Thu> Wick (fcnguah); 3.33 Ita Hap.M-mng in'. 4.00 ftCVltlt Hill. 4JO 5.55 Luclt >' D| P- B 30 Nru< < :n B| U' English 1 640 Spell* Parade.
      678 words

  • 3Bie Straits lijiirs Friday. January IH. 1970
    • 677 12 aysia's new budgi a* bruising a> expected, the Eul approaon as fidei and the problems fined as ti.xinn as we wire warned they would in-. If the Government can ordinary budgetary expenditure this \.;ir to the 32 million now estil then certainly all should
      677 words
    • 277 12 Sinj well and Uuiy ruling the crest ol an American uveetsaent boon. ■t 14 lllrll lj> IOM ftwanran invasion ik almoat Urn word, will billion-dollar enjoj Tlie new [01 the GovernmentShipping Ljik\ the buililinj} of (.-011--unin r thipa, the metal EabrK.i(ti(n: and t rikiiuci ing in-
      277 words
  • 4323 12 True we have problems but .vhich country is tree Uom them It is. however, important to learn from the past and loo* to the future with greater hope, sense of discipline and determination to ex ploit our vast potential tor greater wealth and a more equitable distnn ot
    4,323 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 25 12 9///<? tfewc/ftnq.... ||r ft? a fUfcl S fci t^aTj) ."*r rtfr 8M 1— •£•>"*»- ~dZ&r^ G.MDE SILVA JEWELLERS S. M<> »»U.«t. li<»U» rtou. hi|l|ni. t. Tilt
      25 words
    • 94 12 Off to see new places IsawHtdar*^* BsamLa^aißißmmsßaiiiiaM i BBBIBB* ■AZW^mM.iL Mm I BBS -^^i LsV^SBBt I saWJvliP^^^^BSßr r K She's not just a lucky girl, she's one with foresight Regular savings have built up an account that will pay for her overseas holiday. You too need an account with a
      94 words

  • Business Times
    • 645 13  -  BLAIR JOHNSON. City Editor By THE 1970 Malaysian Budget is aimed at Increasing private investment. When Tun Razak presented his first Budget Address yesterday his opening remarks led one .to believe that revenue collecting measures might fall on the country's growing industrial and commercial sector. But
      645 words
    • 457 13  -  ARUN SENKUTTUVAN By THE Singapore Tourist Promotion Boird is to start two sample surveys next month aimed at finding ways and means of attracting more tourists to the island The fir^t one is design eel to find Ottt wlr; through air pa do not
      457 words
    • 164 13 SINGAPORE ROOM EXPLOSION HMM hotrls will add a fuithrr »c«rri.itr |,1M rnotin durinf Ittl to kfta| Mm llnrmbfr UHt total up tn 13.6X4. 1 iii-h or r\|iumliiu. but Irss than I. in roonn rach. Ki«>ni\ oprn by Dtcmwr Completion Date 1969 H:<> 1971 Apollu Dec '7» 354 Srp '69
      164 words
    • 345 13  -  CROESUS By HEIGHT OF LUXURY I NOmi that Mr. Hon Sui Sen. Chairman of the Development Bank of Singapore, has chosen not to reply to the very long, but well-argued letter which mi published in the Eastern Sun three months ago. suggesting that his proposed 50--storey building
      345 words
    • 587 13 THE age of contain- erisation has hit the shores of Singapore. But before we all become familiar wth the huge metal boxes delivered to factory or warehouse on a door-to-door basis, a new tiny box will appear on the scene Singapore's growing container port will
      587 words
    • 129 13 SINGAPORE has been 0 chosen as the base for a $51 million oil exploration programme "IT the Sumatran > And this is only the start. says chairman Mr Kenneth McMahon of Kenneth McMahon and Partners. Australian mineral and oil consultants, with (dices in all the
      129 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 69 13 INSIDE I .uiHM I Mutr lor L.t-t Coast, shop Centre, Krupp Depot, Wen in Ku^incvv, Page It Share Market Keport Page 15 it Commodity Report, Lumber Development Page lb WESTBANK WESTBANK WESTBANK WESTBANK WESTBANK WESTBANK WESTBANK WESTBANK WESTBANK SHIPYARD PRIVATE LIMITED SiM*WAY MS MA OMinATIOX *450 teet lon& tt4 teet
      69 words
    • 95 13 Owing to our rapid expansion FONG Ml\4. manufacturers of Bund aluminium household Utensil anil TineSt Quality enamel-ware, will be setting up 1 tub aluminium aluminium rolling mill In May V^u to p aluminium aluminium sheets and circles foi and enamel household products This r^! mB mill is ful| y assisted
      95 words

  • 869 14  -  DICK WILSON By. TWO officers of the Malaysian Industrial Estates Sendirian Berhad (MIEI.) are currently in Pahang investigating the alienation terms for a ten-acre site in Padang Lallang. '''his follows the Industrial demand survey carried out in the Kuantan area by MIEL and the Malaysian
    869 words
  • Article, Illustration
    138 14 rIS 1* what Supreme llous the new $15 million shopping crnlrr coins up in Penang Road. Sineaporr. will look like. When completed at the end of the year, it will compri>r a ha>ement bar. ground floor cofTee bouse, three floors of shops, a restaurant and discothequr (fourth floor),
    138 words
  • 96 14 TWO German com- panic» Kriedr. Krupp of Baatfl and Its local representative C. Melchers. are to establish in Singapore a spare parts complex for tin can making machinery The centre will »erve not onh Singapore and Malaysia but also the whole South East Asian i region Krupp
    96 words
  • Men in business
    • Article, Illustration
      60 14 Mr. phi'a soN(i cm, aged B, has been appointed a .shipping executivf Operations Department, with East Asiatic Mr. Phua Joined the Company two years ago as a trainee executive Before being appointed to his prevsent post, Mr. Phua was sent by his company for training overseas >HU> Mr
      60 words
    • Article, Illustration
      141 14 MAY BAKER MX. no T<>< K s OO\ h.iN Ixtii ;ip|Mnntefl to take over as manager of I the Singapore Office of May Baker. Mr Yeo. who U a pharmacist. graduated from the University of Singapore. joined the Company in 1966. In 1968 Mr. Yeo spent 6 months in Europe
      141 words
    • 69 14 MR. KRANZ KOTH. Vkt President of Swis-sair, left for home i last week after opening the three-week long Swi.v Food Festival at Hotel Malaysia He flew in from Bangkok to attend the inaugural reception at the hoUM'* Rajah Room. Over 200 guest*, including members of th« business community attended.
      69 words
    • Article, Illustration
      64 14 BAI'A Shoe Klang. recently promoted rhre« members of its staff in Kluhk. two to managerial positions and one to a supervisory position. They are MR. w. ANN POM Mid MR "I W All CHOO who were promoted to Wholesale Super l n t c ndent and Superintendent of Accounts
      64 words
    • 69 14 MALAYSIA Tile, currently preparing to go into trial production next month, hopes to achieve full production in AdHl The company's team of Italian engineers are now in Singapore finalising preparations Its tochnicnl supervisor, MR P SCHRKIM.R. MSr. one of the key engineers of Soriria Impianti Termoelettrict Industriali 'S.A.R
      69 words
    • 79 14 MR. M.J. OBR and MR 1L COATKS have been appointed to the board of The Guthne Corporation Mr. Gent is managing director of Guthne Estates and chairman of the Kumpuian Guthne Sdn. Bhd which control the Group's rubber, oil palm and tea estates in Malaysia, and Mr Coate.s is
      79 words
    • 44 14 Mr. nmci hkaliv has been appointed Deputy Managing Direc- tor of Selco (Slngaport) the local civil englneerinf shipbuilding and salvage firm. He laier served with the Colonial Engineering Srrvier in Uganda and later with the Malaysian Government in Perak from 1959 to 1963
      44 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 108 14 THE CASSETTE brings HITACHI tothetop HERE'STHE SWINGER! /JtiJi MM jJm^sxss^A HANDY POP UP CAS- iiiSlSlls^liiil^iii^llSZlZiiia»\ SETTE THAT'S SO EASY TO OPERATE W JWf J) with top quality WSjjmKtm^SSmmSSm i RESULTS I BHijlijHH Hitachi TRQ22O SEIH W Solid State Portable Cassette u*iy H I TA HHI <— IS \*siW MT^L^^o m
      108 words

  • Times City Desk
    • 139 15 AUSTRALIAN MARKET REPORT MELBOURNE, Thurs. loday'a cloalng prices In Australian doUara and crntt witn Wednesday's INDUSTRIAL* 1.12s i i»d a. Ind. 2.2U1 L7U» 1.71,1 .utiacco -l.Jbi .1..,,) 18.VU8 (1t,..., i 6.UUU) 1.121 < I.ISS) 4 4 OJI i'unlop i.yi i i.54,) -at 4.» i t ji Hrrald 3.4.1 J.4J, Hooker
      139 words
    • 291 15 j Mt Aiiaciatton at aanki In Malay. In iv rataa (o wcrtli&ott To* tol|a|«rin« ratw are quoted to iqunalent of ooc unit of foreiKO L.ndon Sttrlins P.U.Hi. BuflnC oLi J?.3ijuo. Se;,in< I r or OD ready: I AuMrahan Dallart: Buying TT I K'OO. Stlllng Tl or OU N.w
      291 words
    • 66 15 DOW JOKES: 801.81 uc«k rSt.Ol riuesday). "8* J6 Wrcinefdayi. I •iMliin HOLLAR PKI >ll I M: XVi to 3JH per cent 'Wednesday). 32 to 32';, per cci t I l\ IM, TIMES: Tins: -\eek ago). 71.79 (Tues--7398 (Wednesday); !!uht>ri>: 139.28 (week njto). 143.48 (Ttioday). U4.09 (WedOUa: 312.90 (week
      66 words
    • 398 15 The market .4:tcrnoon. aftei i ProlH-taker.s mov*d in on the unchanged bank alt decision, and a late shake-out rattan* had a further unr- fleet. the Financial limes index was down 4.0 at 419.4, iftei an earlier rise of 0.2. Hans were sharply lower, Profit-taking. and talk of "cash
      398 words
    • 221 15 TUU. Stuck Lxchanec ul 1 Malaysia and Singapore yesterday was quiet, with most operators displaying lev> inclination to deal in anticipation of the Malaysian Budget which was to be presented in the afternoon. Afternoon dealings reflected an easier trend in the industrial section with many
      221 words
    • 40 15 Straits Times INDICES Jan. 14 Jan. 15 Industrial*: 148.fl 148.93 1 Hotels: 75.24 75.33 rroprrtlu: 126.t5 15C.55 T Tins: 93.J1 »3.91 robber*: IU.SI 1 11. 78 Dec. 30. 1966 IN. 'Dec. 31. 1968 IN. t Dec. 29. 1962 b 100.
      40 words
      913 words
      1,217 words
    • 28 15 Hong Kong rates "l'mi|i huimi ib uuoi Kui.i w.tndnv it,. U.S. Oallai ■n (I nwjii rot T.T. m« SUrlm* »aa quulol M It.ts ul •nt lasl H sal* «< .■«>•<*.
      28 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 892 15 THE COLD STORAGE GROUP OF COMPANIES moves into the '70's Expansion in local manufacturing, export development and marketing development supported by strong financial resources and sound management arc the basis for the Croup's plans for the 1970s Our forward plans call for additional Malaysian and Singapore executive involvement over a
      892 words

    • 26 16 In London on Thursday the price of Malayan 5 per cent May /June c.i f. U.K. was quoted unchanged ut £108 per ton sellers.
      26 words
    • 103 16 /-MINIS! Prtduet liahanit, linga- nort nain clatin* »nttt Mr picul yaattrday. Cacanut ail: bulk *:>M aelleri, drum IC>9i trllera. Casra: Mixed ifob.) looat J««./ PK K Oont B. NWTI Muntok white »l«Zt adler» Sarawak vMt* *l*<> ad'era, aprcul Sarawak Wai k }l3:t atlltra. carbM Lamport* black *I<H> ctllera
      103 words
    • 48 16 'THE manager of the Tin A Buffer Stock mjM 80s kin«r tons of tin metal In tht second quarter of 1969. The ITC chairman announred that on September 30, 19fifl holdings totalled 7.645 long tons. This compares with 8.4.J0 lonu tons on June 30. 1969.
      48 words
    • 235 16  - New Johore timber complex CHAN BONG SOO By A NEWLY INCORPORATED Malaysian company, Overseas Lumber is to undertake the deve--1 op men t of an integrated timber industry in the state of Johore. With a paid-up capital of S6 million, the company plans initially tn establish a factory complex for
      235 words
  • 139 16 A TIN market expert has predicted that the price of tin may rise above its present high level this year, but believe.-, there will probably be a surplus in two to three years time. Mr. B.C. Engel manager of the Strait., Trading Co. in Penang.
    139 words
  • 235 16 rpHE Straits tin price in Penang yesterday fell by $2.50 per picul to $703.75 on an offering estimated up 5 tons to 290 tons. Demand at lower levels was reported from the U.S.A. with some Japanese buying. LONDON: Tin on
    235 words
  • 22 16 Jan. 18. RIBBKR: Ml cents (down half a rent). TIN: $703.75 (dowa HII). Istimatrd offering 29* tons (up 5 tons).
    22 words
  • 321 16 riIHE Rubber Market ye>--1 terday opened steadier following Wednesday's after-hours rise, and better London advices. Thereafter, the market was uncertain and quiet awaiting news of the Malaysian budget. There was continued Interest for No. 4 R.S.S. for the U.S.A. and covering orders in No. 1
    321 words
  • 273 16 •j-H« PORT OF UNOrilßl AUFOLLOWING lI RTHINC AHRANCS MINT* Fan JAM M OUT: Kf./.n Mar, J4 Nirtilrru Mam 1». Kin*!.* no Ma'ru SunnT Pnnrcu -■*•< n I. Stiuniifi Maru irollootd h> Priam) 34/ M Maoitnlav <4. Caataaf Oii»ntai Ami|« 47. B dor N.W.I, Bhu •nd
    273 words
  • 122 16 GITHRIE Corporation has maintained Its Interim dividend at 5 per rent. Profits of the group for 1949 are reported to show a considerable improvement over 1968. giving a modest Increase in earnings per share i n capital as increased by the acquisition of James Templeton The new sub.-Jdtary
    122 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 836 16 OPPORTUNITIES INTERNATIONAL ELECTRONICS COMPANY Our corrpom, o 'coder In the field ot electronics and communications, is launching on aggressive expansion progromme in Singapore and other countries of the Far East. The following ate typicol opportunities which ore currently open: GENERAL MANAGEMENT An executive who ha? demonstrated by past success thot
      836 words
    • 529 16 URGENTLY WANTED Required immeaiately after Chineie New Year tor project outside Singapore: 7 PIPELINE FOREMEN 24 CODED WELDERS 7 CRANE /JCB OPERATORS 1 JCB OPERATOR 7 PIPE FITTERS 1 ELECTRICIAN Applications must be Singapore citizens or hold valid international passpa/t. SALARY: Foreman $540/- per month basic Others $360/- per month
      529 words
    • 357 16 "..the sky's the 0 limit" Jr Mr. John Lawry YOU probably haven't met me yet, but I hope that what I am going to tell you will change that. I am looking for several really keen, intelligent young men in Singapore and Malaysia, who want to make selling their career.
      357 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 85 17 DIESEL FUEL INJECTION PUMPS Keep the heart of your sr\i^ vehicle humming. Specify fiQ] I I replacement pumps <r^il2 ui^H I r~ f manufacturer of fuel ftl injection equipment tlli tor diesel cn fl rm 'iL^^S^d CHJAUTY AND SERVICE GO BEHIND THE BRAND XL T I k m J SINGAPORE:
      85 words
    • 8 17 TV and radio programmes in Page 11 today
      8 words
    • 182 17 NEW SiOO CAMERA! DEVELOPS ITS OWN COLOUR PHOTOS (Finished colour prints in seconds.) OUI a 1 .^a^^^^^aY^Ml HI ill VAjA^WKiVI IF Ami IH^HH y 1 a^B -*^fiaw K "^E^ J m| m &V7J The first Polaroid Colour Pack Camera (No developing tanks or liquids. Ycu do was sold in France
      182 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 128 17 SWIMMING TIMES TOItAl Srdlll Kwhll 322 am 1 7.3ft >. 5 38 p m «6.6ft Sit.gapoi'r 4 51 am 1 8.2ft i. 6.20 p m. 1 8.8ft i; Port Dickson 12 3* am iTfi'li. 12.44 pm. i S «f t Port Swettenhim 1122 am I niKhR 6.29 am lltti IH
      128 words

    • 488 18 WASHINGTON, Thursday REPUBLICAN Senatoi George Aiken urged President Nixon today to resist what he called "international blackmail" by South Vietnamese leaders seeking to slow U.S. troop withdrawals. He said: "South Vietnam u threatening to buckle under to communist aggression unless US troope stay in Vietnam as
      Reuter; UPI  -  488 words
    • 154 18 Nixon orders big cuts in Budget WASHINGTON, Thurs TT President Nixon has ordered substantial additional cuts in the l''7l U.S. Budget to help counter the trend of rising prices, the White House announced today. Department heads were told to trim back their previously approved Budget figures White House spokesman Mr.
      Reuter  -  154 words
    • 22 18 MANILA Thur* Foreien Baentary mt Romuio i today that the Philippines \,as reshapme iti Traditionally pro- West and anti-communist policy.
      22 words
    • 69 18 BOMN iiu*i Chance ior * Brundt ye Urday off red to iiegctiau i)uu-<ik^ii .moii jtreemeni »itli cummuiiisl cut Oerniany and prumu>ed tv submil urupusala Miurtly tv l'r.m» Minister Mr Willi Sluph in E««t Berlin In hi.- rirM state ol thp nation report to the Bundestag iLowtr Hou*e»
      Reuter  -  69 words
    • 157 18 S^AIOON. Thura. tight- 1 ing continued today .•> lay Mnb Province wheie Id gut'rilla- were k.llt-d attacking a fue support bas<> live nuies trom the Cambodian border A U.S. military spokesman said that the base came OndCi Kttaek early thimorning and received about 100 rounds Of
      Reuter  -  157 words
    • 206 18 Hanoi acting like a barbarian says Rogers WASHINGTON, Thurs Secretary of State Mr. William Rogers today accused the North Vietnamese of behaving like barbarians lor refusing to <j;ive out information, even names, ot US prisoners in their hands. Mr Roger.s said: "Every effort run been made by the wives the
      206 words
    • 267 19 BRITAIN'S OVERSEAS TRADE FOR DECEMBER BREAKS EVEN I ONDON. Thurs. lRj Britain's overseas trade broke exactly even last month— the first time since last July it has not shown a surplus. The difference between overseas buying and selling after taking into account the value of shipping and insurance was zero
      267 words
    • 57 19 About-face on Kenya girl year-old A.Man g:r! from Kenya who was earlier this week turn:n Bnt.i::i will now d« ill Md to stay :i itM ratonta, The Kirl. Maniula Modha. arrived here on J»n 7 seeking to become student. She was sent back to Kenya ;«u dan ago because she
      Reuter  -  57 words
    • 355 19 No revenge on Ibos— Gowon (JEN. GO WON, the Federal Nigerian leader, promised the world today that there would be no persecution of the Ibo tribesmen who rebelled and formed the secessionist State of Biafra. He also said Nigeria had enough relief supplies and needed no foreign "blood money". Thousands
      355 words
    • 451 19 PORTUGAL DENIAL DEEPENS OJUKWU MYSTERY JHE myjtery about Gen. Ojukwu deepened again last night when the Foreign Ministry denied that the Biafran leader was in Portugal. A spokesman said: "After careful investigation we can .say that Gen. Ojukwu has not been and is not here. No official statement Is planned
      Reuter; AP  -  451 words
    • 30 19 JERUSAU'*!. Thurs. Pour Arab wometi v ho admitted send* ing gifts oi poisoned cakes and »hl*ks to Arabs they suspected of collaborat'ng with the laraelj vara jailed odaj.
      30 words
    • 54 19 NEWARK Ihur. Barb r Anthony Attrition was burned to deulli in i »ht i) a rear ty:<- exploded, ruptured the petrol tank and >et tire to the vrli He UH.S HMkjg up W.i Ms rr,ir v. h-i i |n an ice-fllied ru: Reut r GEM
      54 words
    • 227 19 MANILA, Thursdar THKKK youths sentenced to d.c (or the abduction .i iKi rape of a well-known local film star three years ago Mere today condemned to die in the elect* le chair a m-i miii linn They
      227 words
    • 144 20 The Pill may cause breast cancer: Expert WASHINGTON, Thurs A medical expert told a Congressional sub-committee today that oral contraceptives could produce breast cancer in women. Dr Hugh Davis a gynaecologist at John* Hopkins University, .said prolonged use of birth control pills could cause Irreversible changes in the metabolic .structure
      144 words
    • 318 20 A 81/AKKK Arabfinanced plot to kidnap four London Jews, freeze them in rrates and fly them, still frozen, to Jordan was alleged yesterday by a witness at a court in Brit-knell. Id ii. ild llamian. 111. MM giving evidence against a former British Army i-.ip-tain accused
      318 words
    • 224 20 Brown has chat, dines with 'lovey' Mrs. Meir JERUSALEM. Thurs. Neanng the end of a personal Middle East peace mission, Britain* Mr. George Brown above i took the hand of Premier Golda Meir last night and called her "lovey" The deputy leader of the Labour Party emerged with the 72-year-old
      UPI  -  224 words
    • 57 20 VATICAN CITY, Thurs. Popf Paui today called on Or strong and loyal to the Churcn and warned against trying to adapi it to the fashion* of Mv modern world Addressing pilu: Peter i basilica, be urged Catho.ibundon feelings of uncertaimv and assured them that th*
      Reuter  -  57 words
    • 38 20 ROUGE i Prance i Thurs Thieves w»o stole a safe from a mining ot!\ce here are in for an unpf'-easan' surprise if the? try to or vi it with Wow lamp It contains 500 detonators.— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  38 words
    • 470 20 JERUSALEM. Thursday ISRAELI Foreign Alinisier, Mr. Aboa tban, said last luunt that by agreeing to sell 5u Mirage Jets to Libya, France was helping the Soviet Union undermine any chance for peace in tut- Middle East In .t discussion of motions tor a
      UPI  -  470 words
    • 59 20 LONDON. Thurs. Britain s 300 000 nurses ti day at ci pted a ma:i.i J2 per cci but tlv t».)-year period as jiiginally suggested The Dams' rise was one ol three major industrial agreements reached today, the oth<rs being a pay rise for eta supply
      Reuter  -  59 words
    • 66 20 vsHINOTON Thurs Staff Sgt David MUchrli w.i.s today ordered to .stand .rial" martial (in a charge ol assaiil' uitli intent to commit murder bjr -hooting at ,m elght- inn in The alleged My Lai village massacre. Thi* new charge in addition to an
      Reuter  -  66 words
    • 36 20 LONG BEACH. Thurs F-'iir 'tudrnts MN arrested at the Slate Coliese yesterday during a sit-in protest against the suspension of two professors who used nude models to le«ch a class In sociology. U PI
      36 words
    • 143 20 'THE nerve drug L-Dopa gave a 60-year-old man the sexual appetite, of a man of 20 and helped a paralysed man of 70 enjoy Intercourse three times a day a Georgetown University doctor said yesterday. Dr. William O'Malley described L-Dopa's aphrodisiac qualities as doctors
      Reuter  -  143 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 139 18 j| flop JL\\m SIW Enter Hie Great SKY RAY II Competition MANY MANY PRIZES MUST BE WON including 8 SANYO ELECTRIC CARS 16 RATEIGH^BiCYCLES" 120 SPACE HOPPERS yf Ij^^^^^ KODAK I INSTAMATIC ISA and many other Consolation Prizes of Transistor Radios and Space Toys HURRY Get your Sky Ray II
      139 words
    • 55 18 BIGGER, BRIGHTER-HOW 32 PAGES/ ft J_~" i iSK v i Im >v i \-*J* K^ m L ■k^^*^*****^^^ au Get all this in this week's great edition of your favourite weekly |i|! Hollywood's Most Promising Newcomers jß^^PMlK^r^^Br TV: Guitars Galore I Newsmakers: The Beatles, Petuta Clark, as Rom ,n<j juiiei
      55 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 234 19 Attractive Gifts For The 3 Chinese New Year S3 I? C3 71 T C\* I M I\eW btyle Decoration £2 ca jr *^«t vS V Head Off it. CO f*> 207. L«m 4 (Ilk it To* Payeh 3>£ Xn Sina«a«r* 12. Til: SI 11*0. C3 C5 ir.Rch 6f».cc Xm 3&"
      234 words
    • 196 19 1 m H^^^k -^A-jf^affl bß^bV^lb^bWj^H v r^W Kb PI Eil I H b^l ■aSjat vn9 BPhmh ftfl iffl^^ SbW^ L Seven days to explore one of the world's most beautiful and exciting cities. Seven days to bargain-hunt in bustling back alleys, charming arcades and luxurious department stores (everything in Hong
      196 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 360 20 Quality electric kettle for today's modern kitchen. 4B B^ Bear Brand brings quality into the kitchen with a superbly finished, long lasting kettle. Available in three sizes, l^ia^ljlj^ijj 4. 6or 8 pint capacity, Bear Brand kettles leature a first class United Kingdom-made heating element. And a /^Ty special automatic cut-off
      360 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 1136 21 HM|i_U^^QAiiK^^J 10 LIVUPOOI ANO o'Hil U> CQWTINtNTAI PQPTS IMITfS M i(i) CtllU'. CM 15 111 17 JM 1| It "IROCIUS CM 31 In 17 111 II 21 Hi 22 mTHTBIUS in 21 lir 22 In 2] 1 Fll 1 ;»lON IM ll in 25 Jm 21/1? •NTENOR Jin iJ Ftl
      1,136 words
    • 1287 21 Scanservicey EXPRESS SAIUHQt TO MEBITERRAHEAH THE CONTIWEWT/ BC*\WaiHwVlJ\ r i, mj jjaajj n FOP. lUM Sum Si lit (31-31/ImII C Diinca, Roam. H'bui| Oslo. G'tu's. Anhus. Coper.nastn. IOMA Jii 22 24 111 2V21 Jm 27/1 G"ua. Roam. Hours. Milmo. Ccper-istn. G burf SIEHA Frt 1113 Ftl 14 11 Fll If
      1,287 words
    • 1050 21 M^B^i^^^^Bß^^aaßßßfaajiißaßMPjaiMßMßajHipaiMp^aaaMMj EXPRESS SERVICt 10 LONDON LIVERPOOL t CONIINENUI fHWIS BENMACDHUI Z i fiftSa 6*ft .«Tt 1 /2 b Bft BENREOCH tm t Sirgjpori P S'nin. Pman| Hamfrurs Mw 2 jm »i/n S'n|iDor» P. S'tinn PaiMM BENVALLA lenoon. Himturi HI 4 INRINNES I pnoi R'diri. H*y.|. Mbro Frt 1/ I Fll
      1,050 words
    • 1219 21 FORTNItHTLT EXPWSS OIRECT FROM t. CIASI USA. -IS OUTS FROM NEW TORP. "™^~~^™~~^~~~^™~^lT7iT if"^^T r Tr!™~^^rlr^™™K.r'i^c'i MENDALAT til 44 Mil I HUMM In l| in 25 Mi; 24 KYOTO Frt It i|r I lAPAN uill IM I) Frt II Frt 21 Frt 21 Ap. 21 LAOMIDON Sails If 21 Mat
      1,219 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 1110 22 VI KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. Western Australia/Sinß«por«/J«pt»n Service Singapore fokkiicrtr Nigoya T'ltami fVoOI niiuni Mara- 2J im J fm ii fm is fm is fm West Coast U.S.A. Straits Service Hi,' Charleston N Orl?a-s Houston Gilveiton S'pcr* PbRBBJ "«Mika«a Mam" II .'an II Jan 19 lan 27 Jan' II Jan
      1,110 words
    • 921 22 AUSTRALASIAN SERVICt Pe.uii *f. b p n<m s LUliaj IU lankura 11/tt iM Adeia at, Mcieoumc. Sydney. SARPETA 21/24 lei 25 2» fll II i «ai 4 U c ani Dunedm Lytt.. Vi«llrn|tua fria listrahi, Niw IiiImI: Sntapo'C P. S ham Penan, lialnt llr lARPETA II 21 Jai 22 2]
      921 words
    • 1005 22 I*£O NEPTUNE ORIENT LINES LTD. a lß^^_ (licirpifitu 1 ii the Reivilic if Sißfiiire) B a ICI liilsißf, CriMf Flur. 2 Sieitii Wi«-Til: H3C33 7. a LOADING FOR LONDON, H'BURG, R DAM. HAVRE. A'WERP. BREM Smjipore P. S'r.'m Per^r| Arrnis (Lorior 1 Mar: NEPTUNE TOPAZ 2131 Jaa 1 1 fM
      1,005 words
      678 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 663 23 FOR SALE DISTRICT 9: 370,000 sq. ft Extremely valuable Freehold Vacani Lpnd HILLTOP SITE within miles liom Genera] Po»l Office EASY ACCESS Planking main road VERY HIGH DENSITY SI IIAMLI-: FOR DEVELOPMENI <»l luxury flats, slio|)|)inj4 centre, office buildings, hotels, first-class housing estate. Enquiries to Box A 5722 S.T. Spore.
      663 words
    • 1207 23 MQI ORS LICENSING BOARD SINGAPORF XOTK I Ol (.1 Nr.RAL IK 'Evsim; BESMON A General Ucensinif Session of the Liquors Licen<uiK Board toi sini;.i;x)ie will be held in i:ie OOttTt of the Distuct Judge and First Ma«i^t!ate In the Cnminal District A Magistrates Courts Building South Budge Road. Singapore on
      1,207 words
    • 715 23 I I MK\(. IM Ml I I II DAN PINYATI AN TAN AH NK.ARA Permohonan2 aria-lull di-priMwa dan Warga Negara Malaysia bag) memenohl lawatanJ l PI.MFRKKSA KIRAJ PENYEI.IA dan 3. KERANI di-Lembaga. tnl Tangga (iaji: 1 13MX20-380 400x28-700 2. $296x14-422 3 $140x8-ln6 '.'30x15-260 300 X li--420 455x15-535 f laun Aara
      715 words
    • 637 23 BIRNA.MA VACANCIES Application* are invited in-m M»lajwan mum* tor Hie lo.iuwing DoatttoM:iai SulvEdit. r» tb> Rr>p.>rt^i!> ie» Cadet Be)>irter» id) Ajwwtant Librarian for hi and ihi not exc»«iing 45 rear* for »ci It to J5 year* Por id i lg to 2S y^ars rXI'H'ItMF Far _MMMN Candidates miut havr nufflcient
      637 words
    • 811 23 COMMONWEALTH DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION GROUP AGRICULTURAL ADVISER The Cnmmonv.e:ilth lh vclopn rnt Corr>ira!ion arts a« Manaßine Afjantg ol tht GaUOerooill I>' velopm«»nt Corporation whlrh bu :>r>«ut 59.000 H planted to mx mamr tropical eropt, Including ninr m nibb* r estates 1 27.001) tent) and HKD oil palm ••state? i22.00fi acres i
      811 words

  • 23 24 DEATHS MR YUEN SZE WOH M l.m v K«ok M Vaami '.' rail Mr*. 1., m I Ham. I I TO i I
    23 words
  • 1068 24 IN MEMORIAM IN LOVINC MEMORY .nildren IN EVER LOVINC MEMORY or ihnfl Itpartad aa IN LnviNC MEMORY Mr A.C. •< Dearly i« w:fr ih EVER LOVINC isMfßarj of Mrs i l.ran •nd and ter and faster growth of our national economy a growth on which depends both our progress and
    1,068 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 236 24 g^T^*IIJrTH..WnCT YOUR ADS jQwjT tmu mtSSu l MermSTn «^iV/ii mi ""»m'.Vi h THROUGH OUR C.A.T.S. ...r,,, M :i M ::ir.m";r,. phone spore *****1 \am/ ANNOUNCEMENTS i OLO RAFFLESIAN* <f I'm. IVIM Kaffm i-rlcjr* OWINC TO UNrOREIEEN CM' (UMjtances. tn< ramil) I ninnilly dlnnri FOR "CLAMOUR CLUB" Mrrnhrrln' I'Kim all drrsa
      236 words
    • 523 24 t^r -.1 i n prr •onkl particulars tßucßtlaa rxprnencr 'rd K(,I A^r.^l > I Singapore. FORD MOTOR COMPANY requires METAL FINISHERS, SPRAY PAINTERS and CINERAL ASSEMBLERS (TRIM, or Kg automotive axrmhly plant in -nan. A minimum »age or hour mil he paid to Mrjul X. matters, )«ui lor Spray
      523 words
    • 753 24 ..kinc Kuropian j .t.-n-< >Ma hmm Usstaaas lad u<mi 0.-ht-s an itfvaataa* »*r*» UCM, f ii- j n,> inrdidl vvittiin nor m«l compxnv -irn.t*. Ma Bl v I'.piy with reference* to Boa A.x.V I K 1.. APPLICANTS r.iu vi 1.. In .Nurn-i.-tv im Vacancies arr ri-qut->'.<i r in eni lo«c
      753 words
    • 865 24 WANIIU 'Oil ARMY OFFICtH* HIM.-.!- i- uiri.Micd 1 nljin.sncd II Wan. !.,-»>., J Manias Adv. 11. c Kent I Urv* iMirtiiulars and Kent requirad to ft, Ban t..|< t;.ik,i 1 .111-11 s pore- i FOREICN BANK OFFICER requires! .1. 1 i,.d '.iii.-drtached Hit ■inni rr- dent. Hi an-a renal up
      865 words
    • 767 24 OFFICE SPACE VACANT FOR h Illume company import cxi office apace in aan Seran.oon Rood Tel: B'*an MMt MMI READY FOR IMMEDIATE OCCUPATION DISTRICT 11 Km Class Modern OlTur m-s.s viiound Kiuur. Kimt and ■MMsi Floor in multiples of t.'.'.ii 1.140 s.rt lon CW «sll-to-nall arprting. entrai air-conditioning Teak Ply
      767 words
    • 835 24 L.C.C. MICMtn ACCOUNTING— I DueMion Papers and Model An.-«eri Etgftl different papera i Autumn IWkS/ Spring lnt>V». Autor Walte* l.ron£ Leuurer. Nsw Ann T» >■!<■! Celine. I itm itn .x ii >iul MtM^m; on!v *.Vt>n |io«ttree rioir.> i.i latasrlt) Corporat on. UOC7 Bemn Road. S port. DIPLOMA IN INTERIOR
      835 words
    • 1008 24 DATSUN IN7 very good condition orlzional mileage, tyres after a p.m. S«SS4». Juatlne -'3 Zion Cloae. Spore. I 1«U MCB 53.500 IM7 Tnnmvn •pit fire H.irdtop. many extras M.TI 0.n.0 I. .i. s pore. MC MIDCET I»iJ modr! U '"»i ono Conuct Nf Kam I I Thonx. Tel Ipoh *****
      1,008 words
    • 565 24 MISCELLANEOUS EATON 3PRAV PAINTINC reirigeratoi at custotnei s tiouse. lei: I CENERAL SPRAY PAINTir. house. K :ong (Joey i CENERAL SPRAY PAINTINI. -•toiner lore LET PROFESSOR pronii ns, Pbona SELLINC YOUR PROOUITS N Pbona MARRIACE HAPPINESS -Chooa« IWili I'.oo.ii 12-A. Khcn* Cli I SmitHPOre teicphori' oaa puatasa. AT YOUt SERVICE
      565 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 828 25 r B TOWN KOAKDS ENACTMENT (F.M.S. CAP 137) NOTM I. I NUEB SBCfiOM 137 NOl XI. IB HEREBY GIVEN that it Is proposed under section 144 of the Town Boards Enactment (F.M.S. Cap. 137) to amend the Ipoh Approved Town Plan No. B 3 published a.s Notification No. 2846 In
      828 words
    • 713 25 Jl RONG TOWM CORPORATION TENDER NOTICE rt Tenders are Invitod by the Ju- rong To»n Corpoiation, Taman i .luiong S. Singapore, 32, for the F lolloping worics:- P (A^ THK PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF UNITS OF TERRACE FACTORY BUILDINGS ALONG QUALITY ROAD. JURONO TOWN r Shim round: 21.1.70 at in 00
      713 words
    • 780 25 TKNnBB NOTICB THK PORT OK SIN(,APORE AUTHORITY EAST LAfiOON DEVELOPMENT TriMli-r For the Supply MB* Delivery of Sramleiu and Submrrt'd Arc Wrlded Line Pipes and Hartfed tnd Sterl >alvr« and tlanir. fur Furl Oil and Marine Diesel Oil al Kaat l.ajoon The Port of Singapore Authority )r Mte* tenders (or
      780 words
    • 226 25 Cuticura TALC KEEPS YOU SILKY COOL IN WARM WEATHER H^% The new large pack holds enough Cuticura talcum powder for the whole. ■ffiiw3W»?s family. It's mildly medicated i\ to protect sensitive skin, aW«^tTwHI <**»** For Baby: Keeps baby After Bath: As an absorb- After Shaving: Removtsj fresh, sweet and safe
      226 words

    • 176 26 Call for central coaching centre A CENTRAL coaching centre should be set up In Malaysia to give proper training to sportsmen, the secretary to the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport. Suleiman ftlohamed Amln said In Kuala Lumpur yesterday b a centre, full Li illl .ndard of vpor' '>c drawn
      Bernama  -  176 words
    • 8 26 J. round \frican fa
      8 words
    • 50 26 UACK at the wheel for the first time since his race crash in the United State.v Britain's former world champion Graham Hill leaves Unlversltj College Hospital in London alter having crutches fitted last week. He said he determined to return to racing. A.t*. picture.
      50 words
    • 237 26 STARTING m.s [OT Xl Club'i women's "tx-n golf competition on Sunday: B. )I Scarlett (35' P. m <30 > B. I> I<- 30>: 8.07 7. MacLachian <36.. 1 36', J. S:ni (30i; 111 M. Tbo 18>. J I ittle .7.. Ml Bri' X:'. n: .8'
      237 words
    • 8 26 will take kiul Rahn a- AIOT
      8 words
    • 346 26  -  EPSOM JEEP By PHARAOHS AMBITION, a Class 6 sprinter, did the best gallop at Ipoh yesterday morniae. Ridden by Hassan Ahmat. seven-year-old Pharaohs Ambition sprinted stylishly over 3f in 38 4/5 sec in soft goinn. Good form Kingsei. who has not been able to win
      346 words
    • 1300 26 rngSB 2.15 CLASS 6 DIVISION 3 6F KhUSlaUl S4 500 S3. 150 to the winner) 1 20:i7 MOONRAKKR a n Breukelen RS Breukelen 7 9 0 cdd 7i Mamat 1 lltoul'tR a i.IM lewis. RS Breukelen 6 SO <dd -7> SoaMi 9 3 ***** THt: TEXAN a
      1,300 words
    • 1242 26 t 2.15 CLASS 3 DIVISION 2 1 0F CQSJBH S7 000 S4 900 to the winner) 1 ***** PINK ROM a (MMU J Donnelly 5 90 idd 11 1 F L*» in 9SJIK El. U>TO a (Yupin. Tulloh i 813 idd 14i Podmorr 2 3 8344..
      1,242 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 42 26 Special Made of Super quality Corning heatproof glass with every 10 oz. Maxwell House Coffee. Ideal for use with electric or gas cookers. Limited supply-get yours now! Available in Singapore, West and East Malaysia >- t±* F Bk^Jbß ST &wE I -7 W
      42 words

    • 202 27  -  PETER DE SOUZA By CV( LE-POLU a sport which the Olympic I ouncll of Malosia plans to popularise, it quite exciting. Two levins Selannor Polo and Riding Club ivces showed this in a Hemnn-tr^-iiini match iv KuaU Lumpur >rsterday. I'Umiic four to a
      202 words
    • 44 27 COUNCIL 3 GI'RKHAS S City Counc.l H!,cl Gurkli»» drew th:s Dtv 1 league hockey match at Dalo Kxamat ycsierday. Gurkhas lfd 2-1 at half tlm* »itti goal.s and Premchandra. Waagda ed their tli'.rd ran. Anwar K»zal dr»n scored fur C;ty Com
      44 words
    • 53 27 Winning start for OXA O.W I c<H M 11. 0 Oid Xavuian Asaix.atiun "A" top contender* iur D.\. hotkey m<>de a good, star: when they beai C/> Council, Buiiga lanjong 4-0 in tiieir opening natch Ht LJ.r. i Krama:, r Vincent. a .id scored two soaia I Old Xaverta&B who
      53 words
    • 54 27 POBI VU IMH IN B.C. 1 U moved in'" Urn Jun;or Cup soccer ijmi :i He.reation Club at ti. cum yes J-o lead in ttw ■if and then brat off a ned i»llj by the IRC In the second half. niuß.ni uored *> th goal* he
      54 words
    • 408 27 y( )l K Selangor knockout soccer first round matches in Kuala Lumpur yesterday produced a glut of 31 goals. Dynamo* thrashed Tornados 6-1, RMAF beat Rome 6-3. Young Spurs beat Cheng Wan 6-3 and Pantai Youngsters beat Pelupor 4-2. Unpredictable Dynamo* were struggling against
      408 words
    • 148 27 VIGILANTES FIGHT BACK FOR FINE WIN v. corps a WOII l> FORCES 2 \HOILANTE Corps came back strongly In the second half to scoie three goals for a convincing win over Singapore Armed Ftorces In this Oovernmmt Services league soccer match at Fairer Park yesterday. I:, -lde-left C. Marlmuthu opened
      148 words
    • 25 27 PARIS. Thurs Ameucan decathlon world record holder Bill Toomey was yesterday named the world's top athlete In lMt by Athletics Magazine of France.
      25 words
    • 136 27 All Blues Cup resumes tomorrow T*HE rugby competition 1 for the 36-year-old All Blues Cup resumes this weekend In Seremban birthplace of Asian rugby In Malaysia after an eight-year break. Four teams have entered for the competition organised by the Negrl Sembllan Recreation Club at the Station Padang In
      136 words
    • Untitled
      • 16 27 INTERNATIONAL Tourn«T Bombay Indian Dark Blue* 2 Belgium' 0. Indian Light Blues 2 .Jaimii 1
        16 words
      • 13 27 RUGBY UNION TOl K match 'i.imenck Iri»h Republic Mui»t«r 9 South Africans 25
        13 words
      • 75 27 SOCCER KIROPKAN Fair* »up Ir4 rd 2nd let: Southampton 1 Newcastle 1 <agg 1-1, Newcastle »on on auay to*\>; Dunfermline 3 Anderleclit. Belgium 2 »gl 3-3. Anderlecht won on a»av goali. 3rd rd lit leg: FC K»rt Ztlaa Jen«. E. Germany 1 Doaan V Hungmy 0. Barcelona 1 Inter
        75 words
      • 22 27 INDIAN championship <Ctlcuitai. Men's singles q-ftnalt: A. Mrtreveh iUSSR' bt A Amritraj 6-1. 2-«. >-«• MUr» bt 8. Menon 7-». 6-i. :-5.
        22 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 149 27 flflHHHß^^^^^^ vHfHßT^fl^ SB^BJBJIP^BAjH ■■g^^"^ Jk^ W m w^^ w Xir-i B^B*^^^ JL" wkjßl^H F jrfl f^\V^ j \.*ltm?<. mm /^vi I Iv. > lim. m BVJk V M if \rnnL. la it s^^^ if' iP^blk iH b V^^^W m V>^ B^fc**" W% Biß^lb^bl i^B^S WQ K bIIIBmP i ..n^v w
      149 words
    • 266 27 NEWSLENOERLINE A.R A CAR AIRCONDITIONERS GIVE TOTAL DRIVING ENJOYMENT! B^t bW^^ Only A.R.A. oHer th« slenderest, most compact styling to suit any type of car. They have tht most advanced cooling system for modern driving comfort. Quitt, efficient and reliable. For full motoring comfort, fit ari A. R.A. Slenderline Aircondittoner
      266 words
  • Page 27 Miscellaneous
    • 45 27 ggil Tengku Abdul fUhm.»n Cup competition (Alor S:ar>. 800 r.K S'tor M l'»P rrpli^: XL Sharpeea v Broadrick <Cher*» Rdi. Spore BH Ifajue: BP v Netherlands Bank ißaShUw RU' Aminiasco v F.nMrrn A«enri« 'N Valley Rd.. Metal Bob v MAA "B" iO«y- j i Mat).
      45 words

  • 71 28 STUDENTS HALT JAKARTA TRAFFIC lAKARTA. Thurs. -About I 200 secondary school Students halted traffic in central Jakarta today to plaster private cars with notice.-, condemning recent big Government Increases in the prices of nd petrol. me (1 a drawing of an army officer -ting a rich civiliar party of ki>r
    71 words
  • 72 28 'l'( Abdul Ka--1 zak takes a sip of u.itrr h.ilf u.i\ through iiis hour-lone Budcet speech yesterday. Then came the bad news his taxation plans for this year. On his right are the Minister of National and Rural Develop in. 'it I ii i h
    72 words
  • 22 28 ROME. Thurs. Italian traffic wax thrown into chaos today when 87.000 transport, workers went on stawered stoppaees across the country.
    22 words
  • 33 28 •iAWALPINUI. ThUTS. -Pnncr K.i run Asa Khan, accompanifd by his English bride. Puncei-s Sallma sinned fmm Teheran today on a lour -day vtMt at the mutation of President Yahya Khan —UPI.
    UPI  -  33 words
  • 49 28 Gen. Ne Win in Delhi NEW DELHI. Thun Burmese Revolutionary Council, Chairman. Gen N> Win. and Madame Ne Win arrival liere today on a one-wci-k imi Pnirr Mm v: Mi- Indira Gundhi. and President V V. Gin were UdSOg digiiitan<*& who tireetet the Bunnrsc leader at the airport I'PI
    49 words
  • 56 28 SAIGON Thins Private Peter Denzil Allen was sentenced to hard labour for life b> crneral court martial in Vung Tan today lor the murder of an Au.-t i aliaii army lieutenant. Allen lip. was ordered to be discharged from the army. The finding and sentence are
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 184 28 AMERICAN delegate Philip Habib today marked the 50th meeting of the Vietnam peace talks with one of the toughest American statements since the negotlatkma started almost a year ago. H. described the North Vietnamese and Vletcong position at the talks with sue)) terms a- one-sided distorted,
    Reuter  -  184 words
  • 205 28 A big and noisy protest welcome for Agnew AUCKLAND. Thurs. Police fouiiht with anti American demonstrators ou t side a hotel here aj U.S. Vice President Spiro Agnew drove up to the entrance today. Several demon were dragged to polke vans and 12 wen reported arrest et! About 500 demonstrators
    Reuter  -  205 words
  • 44 28 US$2.5m loan for Jakarta JAKARTA. Thurs. Belgium today give Indonesia a I million credit repayable in 20 years at an Interest of two per cent. An agreement was Mgned by Belgian ForUßr Trade Minister. Mr. Henri Payat. and Foieign MiniMer. Mr Adam Malik Reuter.
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • 81 28 LAGOS. Thur^ Ma-jor-General Philip Efflong. new head of the defeated donlst declared today he acepted the federal structure of Nigeria. "The Republic of Blalr.i > exi>t." i;e -aid ■atement here General FlTiong, who flow here today to join the Biafran armistice team meeting federal Uader.v
    Reuter  -  81 words
  • 297 28 S'pore shock South Koreans BANGKOK. Thurs. Singapore upset south Korea by two soals. live tries and r onr penalty goals to ny goal, one try and )iip penalty goal In the )nal round-robin game >f the second Asian -ugby tournament her* Singapore led 17-3 at haiftime. ,;> ire and South
    Reuter  -  297 words
  • 20 28 'PHE Singaporr Div I l!O.ltey match between Coribtnad School* ana Police schrdulM for yesterday at Thomsor Riad »as postponed
    20 words
    5 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
      197 words
    • 167 28 Late CLASSIFI fl)S~l 20 uord% $20 00 mn-muTTM m l^fcw^ custom made ■&>* socks? HOLEPNOOF walk and cew un feel ao good. kM* *o right on you it's as if exti and every pat- wer« \Cft \6* rr ade *P*c**y for you To your <wn particular tMte The yy A^'fl
      167 words
  • Page 28 Miscellaneous
    • 37 28 Yesterday's weather Singapore 84-7 IK cloud; K Lumpur 85-74F partly cloudy Manila 89-68F cloudy Hong Kong 62-57F cloudy Taipeh 59-52F cloudy Toltvo 39-J8F cloudy Jakarta Hd-SSF clear Bangkok <M-7:?r fair Seoul 16-5 F fair Naha 59-54F showers
      37 words