The Straits Times, 8 January 1970

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
  • 26 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 200,000 The Straits Times Tlifi Niiliiiiiiil Nnw,s|iii|if!r Estd. 1845 THURSDAY. JANUARY 8. I*7o. 15 CENTS K.D.N. 4517 M.C. (P) No. 1507
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  • 477 1  - gives Agnew a big hello TONY HERMON: Tight security at Subang airport Rv KUALA LUMPUR. Wednesday VICE PRESIDENT Spiro Agncw flew in tonight under one of the tighten? ever security nets for o v.Mting YIP. Ihr gleaming I V \n Korce B< Vir Foi i p Two I, cat t
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  • 137 1 Reds and police say it in verse BANGKOK 'A>d Thai poiie. and enmrntinls' EUPrilia.s have e\( Npw Year zrpptinp* in nrac dMlartni 'heir mv tual dpstrp to destroy each other. A pollre spokesman told reportcn jreaterday thai thr police reretved the followinc pnern In iTMting from thp iuhlllm: Whrn vnu
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  • 33 1 TWICEWEEKLY BUSINESS TIMES BISIMSS lime>. Ihe four pjg» lal ■'nd Imsmess section of the Str nt Times bet oinrv .t l«ice a ueek fr.tlnrr from tomorrow M.tke Mire you irl yniir cop\
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  • 33 1 New guide to the WINNERS I'M! IHTO rarlm season nprn>> Ipoh on S.iturfl.M A nru nrf rarH rum form iiiirie 1o niakr it eaxier for toii to pick the uin nrrs. appears lomor
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  • 22 1 TOKYO Wed Prime ehai». of F.ncland will vUtt lapun for fhe optenins of F\pn 7fl in O'-nka on Marrh an.
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  • 104 1 lONDON. Wrri Thr S"--j vipi Union, pushing: a rtPW naval build-up m thP stratpfttc Mediterranean, hns assembled thprp a total of about in ship* m far the Itronti*s< Rural an naval rt ;in(T Ihr 10(57 I -i-.mii war. defence aid toda\ i ThF -izn.-
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  • 154 1 20,000 hunt missing wife 1 ONDON. Wort J London's police today mounted ntip of thr most Intensive hunts for a Intensive person ever soon In Britain. Metropolitan Police Cnmner Sir John Waldron ordered l-nndon's 2n.nnß poliremen tn comb every piece ol waste land and derelict property In 'hp Rnn mile
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  • 38 1 AVIV. M l-l^rll warpl»np« miripd K^yptian mtlitarv t»n:Pi« 70 mile^ m.<id» Kcvpt inrij' nn I«r»»ii «Tti »mn aiinoiinrrd Thf -pokpsman -mid million if tIM Nilf n.''a and nbniitj^kilr of Ciirp "»»rr afl^^F R' 1
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  • 487 1 Floods again: Police boats stand by at Kota Tinggi MIHORI KUIKI Wrd. FtTC pnlirr bo;its are standing bj ,t1 K;«mponc SemanjC;« in the Kot.« TiiiCL'i district In Tc.uliness to p\;icu^tr Hir people should <he flood watrrs continue in rise. Koiir Rmal M.ilav R»timrnl Im.ils hsif tIM con)- to the hampnnc
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  • 111 1  - MSA flies to London in April PHILIP KHOO Pv SINGAPORE Malaysia Sing Mrllnea ''til nicht.> to Lotidoi April cicht months ahead n[ srhPdulp N egotist Inn* ■>' to eh. for the initial >■> rian for rh< are toil Her* w;th Ihr MBA IT* F-K^-tern Orpi n 1 ia r ch;pf
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  • 28 1 PLOT It) fcUl DATAN Tl I AVIV. Wed Arab* irifl I It] "11 lrt> <>f pl<>t tin t< •asslnitr Israeli D M M"Nh<- I i n
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 118 1 •^wjjtm fljft^n Lens it now available ;^»IiI*p|HOTOGRAY HMtn Mikr ynui ippointmrsl KiMi PHDinr.RiY *UTOM*T'C UNn m\\ |«rkM npnvuir t« ,unl<eht to j GREY COLOUR •nn cleat *{im nttm 01 alter sunset DAH SIN OPTICAL HOUSE tiril nnnr nDrflN tHUIRE IrkphQuc ***** At Chase, Service means a lot That's why we
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    • 138 1 I.fIJJ iNTnnouCES l»71^1J UTEST pepfecTlON in gqma>. r IIOW NOISE" i, JHIGH OUTPUT rso JEBSEN J^S E N ~£9^- Ik tl .1 WWW EXPO7O, a tour of Japan, Hong Kong and Taipei. From only 551,950. as part of the fabulous Cathay Pacific "Expo 70 Tour". First, from Singapore to wonderful
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    • 350 2 AND 239 ENEMY ARE KILLED IN ONE DAY SAIGON, Wednesday A MERICAN troops killed 238 North Vietnamese and Vietcong yesterday in some of the heaviest tighting since tne guerilla winter -campaign started in early November, a U.S. military spokesman said. American losses in a series of
      Reuter  -  350 words
    • 161 2 ANTI-WAR GROUP PLAN A THREE-DAY FAST IN APRIL WASHINGTON. WPfi. Tho Vlettuun moratorium rommittro announced ypstrrday it will organise a three-day fast in April, to 'culminate in nntion-wirto rallies on April IS the final day for Americans to ftle their income tax returns. The committee. which .sporusored nation w.oe war
      Reuter  -  161 words
    • 41 2 PARIS. Werl A rlnemo manager In Reinr rnrthea^t Prnnre l« siilnc FV«rirh pnp r-ineer .Johnny Hallvdav (or soon trunks mhrnit $2.600 1 for "rxcltlnc" his fans Into the »e«t» of hK miriilonum Hi a eonrert in December lin; Reuter
      Reuter  -  41 words
    • 155 2 3 moonmen grounded for rule violations |'»l >|()\ U,,j -Ihrrr Apollo Mireaaati la iiiflmc Aim Rr,m (thiuri. the fourth man on Ihr moon. hj\r km croundrrl for flyin* mlr violations. Naaa mlm i<> flay Th- othrrs arr W iltrr I unn inch, m md Joseph Kerwia Thfv haxr hrrn forhnl
      Reuter  -  155 words
    • 40 2 HWH YORK Wrrt The deN amba.s.virlnr.< n( the U.S.. V. t B n »nri Fianre yr; 'erriay heiri their flr.«' me "thr Mirirlie Ea«t rrHL's (tinre The resumption nf the fonrprnirr ronsuJUtton enrly in De~ eeitih. r Renter
      Reuter  -  40 words
    • 134 2 SAIGON PORT IDLE AS WORKERS STRIKE CAIOON, Wed. Saigon port lay ldlo today as thousands of workers staged a 24-hour strike In support of demands for a public bus service in the rapr Only -a-ptp band Khj worken I loadrd m:uneri In porVietnam c took pflpo. 'h:. morning A '-.psman
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    • 208 2 Brown is hopeful after meetings with Nasser WF.IRUT. Wed. For- mer British Foreign Secretary. Mr Qcorge Brown, ficw here tcrday from Cairo on the next stage of a Middle East tour and told Journalist more optimistic the situation than he had been a few months auo Asked if hr thouch*
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    • 17 2 Mil Wed. Dr A: 'o a fornir firsi Afro-Asian i mi 'i m« ■•nd mi*
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    • 66 3 I) Ml' >\li > \\rd —IHnklo.uU of \fri< .ins ordfrril In \<a\ t ih.ini b\ the (iovornnii'til li'-.i,| for Niurria aftrr thr (,o\ irnmrnt h.ul rf.nki'il cloun M Ihrir Innsf .ilir-n Alxillt '.'.IIIIII.IMMI ppupli- m.iinh s ni .t I I tr.idcrv miners and farm
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    • 56 3 I Wod. I [ter a I Mi Dli tlgator of the a all in Hr tnlrf rronfrr^- "I am here and 1 donl iirciid to leave I don t kiinw what ;hr commotion The report brcan aft< r n uTinrton. i teard
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    • 248 3 Tate murder: Hippie girl Linda whispers 'not guilty' IOS ANGELES. Wed lj Mrs. Linda Kaxibian. 2<J. a memkx r of the "Maaon hippie comunp," yesterday pleaded not guilty to charges of murdering film actress Sharon Tatr and six others last August. Un>ian liilxivei. who ll leven inn t hi
      Reuter  -  248 words
    • 252 3 JERUSALEM, Wednesday. ISRAKL has shot down 7H Arab pianos since the .Junr IW7 war, Drtonc-( Minister, Grri Moshe Dayan, told Parhamt^nt y< sterday Sixty-two were hm-itrht down on the Egyptian front and 14 on the front between Israel and Syria Ttv Minister, who
      Reuter  -  252 words
    • 35 3 I ICAN Cl IV. W'd MindMtnt) IB \hr AmTiijn^v Bu it h» i>rr>mu>''s not <.. wrttp or »peak about hd e\t»pn'nrf>.«. F- "IB of Vienna Mitd 'hu>. m iat«TVl*« n.
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    • 59 3 MANILA. Wort. I--11 *hirts trr i|sf> lr» ,«d»frltsr mnnv thints in the Ptiilipninps „.t,i (MMll M I 1 rtttla and pnlihral ran,i .i But yesterday* I ntrvsriteri i-.inip I" I PI'» h( .rii,.i ittrri wpjrint a hhir I shirt «Hh «h tf IrHprtns which laid Am i ran
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    • 143 3 Chinese, Russian clash at North Vietnam party RJBf I)FI. II I. Wed Chinese Charie rl Affaires Then Chan- > n ni clashed uilh Soviet Ambassador Nikolai Pegov last iMi-iuim at a North Vietnamese reception for .i visiiinu National Liberation I- 1 1 n i dele miti<oi Mr. Pei;o\ orTrre«l Ne
      Reuter  -  143 words
    • 42 3 TOKYO, W«4 A:i American freighter today rwcuwl 22 »ur\Hor» from 'he lirwtlan tanker BJifla P but rerxu'ed ihat th» laptain and »1\ other rrpn dl»<1 ■\Urn the anker broke ip :i the jiormv Paritir tiflfl mile south-east n[ Tokyo Beutfr
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    • 56 3 lONUON. W>.l Almost l. mi 000 children looked foiward t.i 'ii nnexpe<Mi'd two-week va■in; Mondnv teachen anni'.;nced > si I ike (or nune BMSMI The >lrik' *wasa| c:mir af'ei Hie union reierted a »ratm remat offend by the OOTW lireewt a|i|iolnte<l Riirnhani cummltier Ihe uninti also rrfused
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1102 2 MSA announces new revised domestic flights. Additional flights between Penang-lpoK-Kuala Lumpur effective 15 January I his timetable provides a quick reference of MS V< ///u d domestic flights for w est Malaysia only. A/ 'I J Jl' J i I check with your travel agent or an\ MSA otVicc. DEPART
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    • 53 2 Land of the Long White Cloud r 8a8.., ...jßku %_w9 New ZUaJards magnifitcnt mixture of pnmoal bc.iinv and proud people has produced a unique national character, at once paternalistic and pioneering. Five color with pictures of this beautiful land ONE OF THE MANY ARTICLES IN THE JANUARY READER S DIGEST
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 52 2 THE GAMBOLS by Barry Appleby {mr gambol! uovj exciting^ Avc ueabd CO mucu) S rYE eeew /SV/a//5 ro about you voue J l MggT VPU T— I OXWJZ. AOILITV ANDJ r\ /--x "77 (&£ALLV? <jwfr>4»'.ygtf Ay. /all rue g«?ls TtLLN /Imcluoing^ (ME THAT YOU UAVe J A U/ipp J SJvewTUiNGy
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 528 3 GIVING AWAY MY MASTERPIECE +/f I\THE CATCH? nor at 1 it ~31. IT JK sr Lm^ jßrßsa v iih. Mr s|i.iki-|> I iteranllcrit^pe i< lolling rJ^S?^^S^KrjH^^^^ mmmm^^^^^^^^ m^— for p>' V jfkw pif%p<isii j, kUpalß A i o«) lo wrote presented in a ramr« f.hnrlt^ nil'kpns' V value/ Wldl Its
      528 words
    • 557 3 It's not just a clean professional outside. Find out what it's got inside! i-~ i wo I .f- ITZ >~ c "rr 1 *****0 imm Select the best looking tapp n order you can find. Thp>n look for the highest technical specification available'in that pt ir r. ran^jrThen listen. And
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  • 330 4 SMA warns of brain drain from medical service SINGAPORE. Wednesday UNDIGNIFIED Irealmenl And the Finance Ministry's lightfisted policies may drive more lop brains <>ul <>l the Government medical service. Lml yeaVa exodua .saw three heads of units (one professor and two grade "E's), a consultant physician, numerous senior registrars and
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  • 97 4 SINGAPORE Wed. A priest. Narayanan Unnithan. wa.s jaileci for five months today when he pleaded nillty to cauMng irtevuus hurt to coffeeassistant Martha MuthU In Wee Nam Road on Dec. 24. l»G8. :i rii live inluiic- m a:.d body. Hr s. ,o l,«r
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  • 19 4 SINGAPORE, Wed Fire out ai Ja>kle s Bowl. •moon piii->pntnnic iiarhme The nrt wa.s ca i Ircutt.
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  • 288 4 Tories will boost investment here if in power: Heath SINGAPORE, Wed. Britain will initiate steps to increase investment in Singapore and Malaysia should the Conservatives come to power. This assurance wa.s given today by Opposition leader Mr Edward Heath tipped to become the next British Prime Minuter If the Conservatives
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  • 78 4 55,000 robbery by thin wire gangsters HINCrAPORE Wer! Five men armed with p«i«ng« robbed iin e>rtri(«: ucuxis shop in Margaret Drue at almost ISjMI of equipment lait ninht The men in then twri.uev nish«d into tlie Modern Elkim'nu Biterpnac. a ne» 1 y -openert >hop :n the Qtieenv«i«n area )IM
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  • 37 4 SIN(,APORE. Wed. In todays Straits Time* report of the Singapore Sweep draw. M.TB'Xi'i was wrongly listed among thr numbers drawn for the $1,000 pri/e Thr correct mini her is 243ftM)8. Thr rrror is rrgrrtted.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 246 4 I CATHAY:" opens today! DAI I A 5 SHOWS: Ham, 1.30, 4.00, 6.30 Ac lUtpM "More and than TOM JONES j PLAYBOY 4iraS^i The Bost Comedy iPtM* SU U NOAY *TIMfS. pj si«ln| il Bfithpf? v N -HNS OPENS TOMORROW! "l RACK BY OVERWHELMING DEMAND!!! THE INCREDIBLE ODEON CAR CHASE
      246 words
    • 90 4 irnn.n.-im'/ y A,, (undif.on.d Today 3 Stiswi Onl, 1 00 4 IS II 00, r. <»r .o GRAND MIX" M&v Ojlonon-f wirh Owwm Sur>» Arrow lilablnrimcnt a* Mou.rhold <pc NEW OCEAN Tel: *****5 Air-condition.d S.«la» TODAY ONLY AT 2 30, Ml Ml ■m. i-.m l "LET'S If HAPPY TONIGHT' Loit
      90 words
    • 61 4 la7ilii!»i-I I ST Mr: 115 3.38 715 I 130 PM. B J 0EH313 LAST DAY: 1.30-4.M-7.00 t9 30 P.M. B UlM7.|il.'|t| LAST DAY: Ul- 3.45 -7.15 §30 P.M tafurday At Thaatrat: "lOV|, ORFAM, HATT ContenaM Cmo. a norr. MalßiyaiEi m^ k ticluiiytly rctarv«4 tot a private recaption tenifkt, Bth
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    • 237 4 3rd ■World Wide WEEK I BREAKING RECORDS HERE, THERE EVERYWHERE! Jamrs Bond 007 continues to astound /^K global audiences with the car -chase 1 ski chase i. toboggan chase"^ T*^jjW WE TO FILM'S LENGTH J^^H. h^^Sk 4 SHOWS DAILY AT f^Sf^^ Ni Military cncissin w- H^ Nt Ult price' J
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    • 398 4 m ORftANISATION l^l'M'r- 11 1 m 3rd RfCORD WttK-No free Lut! Dv« to »llm» length 4 ihowj daily 11 am. 2 30, 6.15, 9.1J NO INCREASf m PRICfS! JAVFS BOND 00/ "On H«r M«iet<y'i Secret Service" I George Lozenby Diona Rigq .color (UA) g. No Molr-Price' No Military Concc<%ion' Cain
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  • 214 5 Gardens chalk up record sales of $33,000 SINGAPORE, Wed.— 1 ReHe<ting the n«ll»| popularity pianti and orchids for home and oflii.-. ♦he Botanic Gardens netted a record sales nue of over "••> In liMix. R'Mr-nup fruin the s.ilr ef plants atottr itnnixii times rrum l'n,; H lo ««4. v^i.i the
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  • 303 5 Government now offers luxury bungalows to the public V.(MM) houses IMiasi'd out SINGAPORE, Wednesday THE GOVERNMENT is stepping in to meet thp growing demand for luxurious bnngalows by lop flight executives of nrwlv-csla- blishcil industries. For a start. 17 spacious I bungalows in the affluent residential arras of Mount 1
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  • 43 5 RINOAPORX W«.i The Pinneer Inn wuiH Empl(ivee»' Union has toimeri a liranih »t •ed Motors Ltd. In Jurons. Of tin 4lK> mirkrr^ US WMi on Mi.ihi;.\ in ,n the nnioi- 14 «rie Ki'icriM. and a few »e-e .v|M.ilt
    43 words
  • 430 5  - Taxing the middle-class and a billion-dollar bonanza SOH TIANG KENG By SINGAPORE Wednesday TOTAL taxes collected by the Singapore (imernment now ;jl $400 million r 4 year— will hit Ihe billion mark in seven years This projection of the Republic's revenue potential was j^i n ct» Insi nishi In Mr.
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  • 40 5 SINGAPORE. Wml 'I lie vr '..i Jvmng, Mi Hn Kah l^ons. «l!l rtUMM thr =»c«r-ine-ln reremonv of Ih» first '•ornmitte* n( the Binnpore Fish Merrhxnts Federation a< ''iront F'«h Port jnrl \l«rk»t on Snturdav at 7 in pm.
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  • 87 5 Port workers plan early elections BINOAPOMt, MM Hrn r«rHak»r rommlttM of Oir Pintap^rr Port Wnr)t^ r rnion |n ;iann:i.g enrlv gltctkwil port of a bif ir-'imaiii-iiiinn plan Ihe p!«r!^ri ]rßflfr^hi[) at 3li w»s icpliirccl by Ihr U-n-nn 1 cnteinkn rnmrnlltf foUowlltf InrpxttcnUor by the Pmctlrps liiT't: i HurfßH Twcnty-ctchl of
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  • 32 5 PlV(if P'"-w w>d The Bt net port Arm»^ Forr»« v, 'II conduct an exrrclae »t th» MsnHai forp«t rMerv* from i in pm limnrrm r/^ c n m on Pa>iirn»\
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  • 198 5 cj UAPORK Whl. A ixiki hrp conataMc mM a macisiriitp's rouri today that whfn hp arnvfri at the ncpnf of a fight he HI sfvtral p*>r,p|r tryltiK in hold uti tn man Wielding a bloodstained ax*. Conxtable Charan Singh fj 'hp man v.xs stronf
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  • 265 5 The Star's bright symbol: Lee Kuan L-Yew From ALAN KHOO HON(i KONG, Wed.— Thp aftprnnnn newspaper Thr Star today described Mr. Lee Kuan Yew as "a man who symbolises the flßhtinß spirit of emerging npw Asia." He Is a man "who seeks only a chance to pull ni* own city
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 102 5 S) the Q) Inn place fS Some samp^s from the m-jnu. I B j Iced Vichyssoise 1-50 m Sirloin Steak Tyrolienne 6 00 m I^^ Prawn BrochetteWaikiki 550 W Chocolate Mousse "1-50 J Ravioli au Grat in 4-00 M M Clam Chowder 1-50 m A full range of snacks plus
      102 words
    • 360 5 complexion means health NSv W CTTICEE^ >^ t~)\if Largest pharmaceutical %i a A*° <> > industry in Islet. THE WONDER TONIC WITH CANDY TASTE H I i^\i *hin t r 'flt iMyS h^rt't^j, perilling «nr| h• Ois> Mh'*t of i d*^\* oi VX) fiQ v't*jfi"n C* I V.t.nm.n C. M
      360 words

  • 226 6 KUALA LUMPUR. W«d 4 TREASURY clerk was tedaj charge*] in the Sessions Court here <>n two counts of Cheating the Treasury «»f |29?J3t. h;in(lr..>4 k;ir.iii. M, "f Tliamliv Mulullah. (h.irgrd iindrr ihr Prrv.iitnui of < <irrii|iti<m \it is aliefjed ">
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  • 14 6 li.', i lie cvnernor. Tun hranrh i.fflfi aura m.i»vi* on X: riaj
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  • 10 6 BMBAM Wed B..n^ p $38U :ianii' r taut
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  • 49 6 Reversing van kills boy IPOH. \V'e<i A •wo-year-oid boy Ra/ian Shah was k:lleo by a van which was reversing In the c<<nipound '>: ii.s houve in Dairy lerdaj evening. The tun li«d Ml > ga<i cvln.arr to ihr bin Ol rrltorii p«tri n th* Abdul <i Ml in "he
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  • 468 6  - Exim eases dollar aid for investments ANTHONY NG Clearing the way for US entry By Kuala Lumpur, Wed. JHE United Statet Export Import Bank (Exim) has liberalised its financial assistance programmes to enable American industrialists to take part in development projects in Malaysia, Singapore and other competitive markets in the
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  • 42 6 MENANG Wed PollCf nr* mv- i n anpmp'M rsp* on a fl Kir! he ilrt'i m >th« about 2n •nf.rffi th» girl w,*h nve r<sw^fti Hp took h"r 'o a ri'." »-d hll TnknnK wh»ri> be alipffpfilv molf.Mfd
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  • 125 6 BRUNEI ARMY TO PROYK: WE'RE TINY BUT TOUGH By IGNATIUS STEPHEN BRUNEI TOWN, W>d. a tnili- be hri'd hew tin^ thut Brunei's UHiO-man Army is tiny but tough. Lt, Col. John Simpson, the pominandiiig oftlcpr, ■aid r exerclw would be more difficult than ■< prov* s l h-> men >
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  • 21 6 Office boy accused of murder of wife M |T| Ta: Pei |< riay with murdering hI < .m P"h V tin h« 11
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  • 7 6 I H
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  • 2 6
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 161 6 l^iTaaaaaaPlggM ggggm^gW »Bggaß Iggggggggggaaaaaaaaaaaaaaß kH aaaaaß tt, a^aV ib^h^bJhl^h^hl b^h^HhV I 'aM 1 bib(bibibibibibibibibibibibibV Ih^hh aaaaißißißißißißißißißißiß^H^H £tf^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^alaaißißißißl m* flMa> I 'JJ* ;TP *^H m Hr* ar^^aliß^a^a^a^a^a^Hiß^a^a^aH^a^aai I V Si f^iyjl *V «VH^ Bfl P V IB V *^B jjfl wßft mrm^Jfll BW*^™^Ti lß J^^^^^^^BHH iIiImIH a^aV *ai IffßrWißPTtT""^ i— M
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
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  • 220 7  -  CHUA SENG CHWEE B. II M.f an rmrrtency, and a loral MITI ft <MB [I 111' .1 Id rlrlivrr a "h;irM from hrr mother Thr urcfnl rrqursl v .i > m.uliulini Ihr lln<-h !>• n* irn\ cd in i pin c.»rr\ m^ .1 1
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  • 64 7 Housewife slashed by neighbour SIM, M'Olll,. \\r,|i|,-s,h\ < >\||M. VINT nl litiniHii <\< i. -1.-i Ithrown into her flal got .1 housewife a sickle slash on Ihr wrist, .1 district court In 11 1 i |(mI iilt> mid for K im;.d flat. S rd dirt Bnd Quarrel In and uck
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  • 4 7 The
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  • 61 7 Saigon seeks aid from Spore SINO APORK W«d. gon hopn Bit will help In Tr»m:!v planning training. I VlctnamrM iir.Wh Minls- said !irr^ i< Dv rl Ms rountrj would •< Icon ince from Bini rork problem 'hr thou ,)i< made honv I ir." !v firi.: Dr Tn;. two-day vl n
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  • 23 7 One month for punching a constable *i\f.\r<>uy Wed i" H»k < mf.ii'h >lt in Uppei Bcranfaoii time -"it to d ami I then ittemptt
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  • 168 7  - -Over: The long 'stripless' nights YEO TOON JOO Pv SIM.APOKK. \\>d—Sintipor. ni-iii, lui.s have MM «ut i»f i monthlons spell of ••striplev, 4 nirhls Kra.sou: All sr\ killnis fi-strillg f;imr weir hunk ed up M far in .idv.ime for the fe«.ti\e MMM Siiuiporrs nitht sp«t> were r audit «ith
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  • 319 7 S'pore population density now one of highest in the world SINGAPORE. Wed. I^l IK population density in Singapore pef square mile has increased l>\ aboul 3/.5 per cenl over the p;<si II years, yivni'. it one o| Ihe liri;li(->i urban area population densities. The density \yr sriuaro inilp «a- 5.441
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  • 27 7 Singapore, wed Timber piles h»vr be«n driven at -h« «ldes of ihr naiisarmnai pa"vaee under the temporary ortdc* nver Suncei .''irone '■hipper' «ere wurneri today
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 158 7 Hong Kong 7days,s9ls Seven days to explore one of the world's most beautiful and exciting cities. Seven days to bargain-hunt in bustliny back alleys, charming arcades and luxurious department stores (everything in Hong Kong is cheaper than what you're used to). We'll give you the Seven days for just S
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 78 7 Straits Times Crossword ■i' fjfl^ft «Sr* .4 M HO ■•'"II (Ifi)fiMi l>«Hi|)ir v r •in i ion foi hi it a- Trilby miclM ;ifi Pm irn idlf auo n^ariir ■nd riKht in tli< I > u ,l| l.r Jill ai< ii.miii 1. 1" IFSTKRDAVS ROI I IM>\ m -1 1
      78 words

  • 194 8 Prison and rotan for two on robbing spree SINGAPORE. Wed ■5 Two men behind a recent series of armed robberies were jailed today and ordered to be ean'?ri. A district court sentenced Saidi bin Ahmad. 26. to -ix years jail and >i.\ strokes of the rotan and I Jambari bin
    194 words
  • 55 8 Police hold man after appeal SINGAIORK \V.<l Police have detained a man In connection with two recent armed robberies Involving more thnn 148 bOe c property. He himself up at the Cetitral (mine station this morr.iiiK. att»r a police appeal for Hif'irmHtton nn hi« uherr- .-(i la be respons.ble foi
    55 words
  • 695 8  -  OW WEI MEI Judge reiterates warning against rape ttl KG A l >( >!^ Ahvi bin Miiso.l. 34, was sen tcmed to life im prison men I and 1 (> strokes of the rotan lodav Tor raping ;< vnuiiff Bri tis I)
    695 words
  • 81 8 Jurong plant case: 3 freed SIXGAPOPK. Weo Lee Hua Tan Bon Cbtr and Lim C'hlr. Ch-*ee were acquitted and ri: houl their defence benu eai:«l tfKlnv of being members ol an unl»»;.l h-^emhlv M Tm:i :n Juront; la Mai eh The trial ol -i\ Ittmi ed w; adioumed to 'otnorrov
    81 words
  • 100 8 CiIKOAPOWt Wed. A O father of three «.i^ jailed tor a year today after he pleaded guilty to cheating the manager nf a music t'rm by Issuing a i $2,373 dud cheque un Oct x The court was told tl. Ik
    100 words
  • 236 8  - Watch kept on 'Hippieland' for dope ring R CHANDRAN B, SINGAPORE. Wed tl| BTOMB tecrri a»i'nt> are kccpiai t -»iarp Inok-oul <>fi >nu.M."r< Hippnlaiid which bl mti-.h<<n>miriL inmncl the rr.l-li^lit it t off .lal.ui Kr *.il Kiaxtn: Ucports thai Kancslers and petty trader>> are rioin. a thriving buMne*N peddling
    236 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 248 8 YOU TOO CAN HAVE THAT HEALTHY HAIR— If] I y Jfi I >K. i life. tii KESAVARDHINI READYMIX SHAMPOO ST. THOMAS SCHOOL 7, Mar Thoma Road, oft Sr. Michael's Road, Singapore 12. Tel: ***** B^| jta^ansH a^-^ a^aaa^aa^^ ■wWBeW i JP^^^F ¥*<tt3!R-'jj£f J *a*^ a^saaa> (^^^K FEW MORE VACANCIES. ENROL
      248 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
      111 words

  • 956 9  - WANTED: Jobs for 300 million in next 10 years ERIC WIGHAM PILOT PROJECT SETS NEW GOALS b> Ai national ts in trai fields, led tman, Pn seers, will armth for meni in the ipmni of aid to backv Tlu ture in the World Employment imme, which rnatlonal lon set on
    956 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 327 9 r- 1 -ii Pain »one Jill's got a headache Takes a painkiller Bllt fppls very weak <\ f\ Julie's not a headache Takes Yeast Vite B j ee i s great? You really feel great after taking Yeast- V.te. YEAST -VITE IS THE ONLY PAIN-KILLER THAT CONTAINS VITAMINS. So while
      327 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 390 10 Ai' lndone*w the long haul ■> Irom prun. eed even in such unlikel) news itema as thi doubling of prices. Six months jo' al Suharto would not have had the couraco. The increase will help finance development in Weat irian and also unit the
      390 words
    • 113 10 The crime ratu tell in ■•;gor and Ptnang last year and there is every have a two and much crime is a product of 1 the hope run 1 at has born ang had 16 n ;hrft>--12 ;md motorcycle the!' to Th distorted, ot course, >eian- toll.
      113 words
    • 132 10 aro D r is of first importIn the hi. in the proopment implementation is nition that innovation on tl. of the development inplementon ia vital if devl ieaL" In every day '.ish, if th under I told and taiißht, tbi limple ;md obvioui i*rt I the tann-
      132 words
  • 657 10  - Running AWAY from it all in Zanzibar JIM HOAGIAND WHERE THE ACTION IS ZERO By P)ARKS SALAAM. Wed Penny i«t a pretty, highspirited cirl 01 10 Mhu has run ;i»jv from the island of Zanzibar tn Tanzania > mainland. Shr hopes to run inn. h farther. "Befete the rrxolution on
    657 words
  • 872 10  - Those empty low-cost homes P.C. SHIVADAS Silent, empty they are scattered in their hundreds all over the country by KUALA LUMPUR. Wtd HU N DREDS of Government loweost houses in West Malaysia built under a crash programme that began two years ago are lying vacant. Drive anywhere in tho country
    872 words
    • 154 10 IN REPLY U> "DUetUU tter. 'S.r Dec 20. the mutilation of an cyclopaedia), 1 wtah to that then .t;> nn waya of dealing w partially objectionable publication. One is to detain the publication under section :11 or ban it under Section he Undesirable Publ;cat:.,'.., V 1967:
      154 words
    • 129 10 |jay in M.a daj r>ut tr.e arrv cidenu. me the authorities look a iterner »lew and dealt efTecth nig wi even paaalng da/ and timber lorry ir n who flo-.n trafllr rulei aiui regul:»--->!«-ar to be above 1 S» Idon are t hoy booked fjr speeding
      129 words
    • 115 10 ('ONCERNINU thf b.ood bank proo.orn I ha\e b^en a regular donor hold- •> P 1.1 have rarely had any i to u.s<- it as niy company provides me with all the facilities accorded by the privilege card However, recently 1 had to take my son. who la only
      115 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 68 10 H r> w a» m mm i H r\ r\ ]y IC/L Ihe R enowned KeGl nOKJ CUSTOM TAILORS Styles Cut to Also Importers Ex port era M ,h Clou Wonted! 4 Wooll.n. I Suit Lengths f ot World Renowned Brandt FINTEX OORMEUIL f HUNT WINTERBOTHAM WAIN SHIEL GLOREX. Make
      68 words
    • 113 10 J MEGA CHEMICALS BERHAD Are Pleased to Announce the Appointment of GETZ BROS CO., INC. as Sole Selling Agent for the Following Mega Products MEGATOX PESTOFF KLEENAIRE TELESPRAY IN West Malaysia HU <.l I RKON A U IM <.| 1/ BKOS A< <> IM Lot IR JaUn i: B Ban
      113 words

  • 336 11  - Fisherman shot in clash with police CHEAH SEONG PAIK By Wednesday I\ FISHERMAN iied in th( i evai liospital here today from a #unshot wound iullowmg a clash between a fleet of fishing boats and a marine launch. The incident occurred in the sea off Sungel Udang. about en miles
    336 words
  • 148 11 Flurry... then relief over utilities bill y\t, \ro k i Wt4 Hundreds „i s,,i. poir h— win i were iii i ftarrj diinnr the md nhm thr> received theii monthly atilitiea lull I- or th«-\ inii'i.-nterl to thrre limi'v uli.u Ilni it •1 1 n i 1 1 1 >
    148 words
  • 7 11 ft' Singapore I TOMORROW
    7 words
  • 152 11 Ballet star rings down curtain on dancing career CINGAPORE, Wed. Sin--13 gapore balk-t star and choreographer Francis Yeoh. who has performed on the London stage with such greats as Margot Fonteyn and Rudolf Nureyev. has rung down the curtain on his dancing career. He decided 10 develop mid his
    152 words
  • 43 11 BDIOAPOM Wr<l The Hlph Court today conimirted 'v ho stabbed man to rtetth 'he a':e of 14 to the >r ttnleuct Ij»k now 1». pleadwl euiitv ti> fataiiv *,s Lft A- Tf^ 18. In .lalan Alxagoff on Ot.
    43 words
  • 131 11 Singapore, West Malaysia to have separate dioceses CIM.APOKL. Wed. Anglican dioctse in SiUj.a^o.l- .in. i .oalaysia will be (inidt-n into thr diocese of West Malaysia and the diotese of Sineapuie i rum April The present iiMtMJI Bishop, the Xt Key (hiu Ban It. will roniinue aa Bishop of thr Singapore
    131 words
  • 21 11 SEREMBAN W>rt r«r owners, thrpp In Rahai.g and one in TririrtME h^ cur*, ndtoa 'ip* recorders Moien laxt :ught
    21 words
  • 83 11 SINGAPORE Wed. Captain John Perera of M»lay.s;a Air Charter irlay the a:rcra:t Whlcb he piloted from Medan Into Paya Lebar airport yesterday "did riot cra«h-iand." He said th»- ir.rcraft belonged to SabartK Ilr Char' I lay.Ma Air Cha: 1 reported. Cap:. Perera added:
    83 words
  • 101 11 Two lawyers in CPIB complaint SINGAPORE Wed T w o Singapore lawyers may soon be called before the Advocates and Solicitors Society to answer allegations of professional misconduct. a eoapUlnt acalast them ha.s been lodged by the Corrupt Practicej Investigation Bureau. Th<> complaint, sent in recently. Is the id from
    101 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 131 11 9255«9 i i\AB 1 KaW^^l Q M.KOJ P^^H SIGN OF QUALITY T^ AND TECHNICAL ADVANCEMENT j r-j 4. company Of iapm. tTo" .',/fr^ m A splendid creation by NIVICO .the 10A-351 I \A^^)|/BBi A>s-y 'fl is a smart, sleek portable radio with big set I W.ft luxury and performance Its
      131 words
    • 95 11 Be smart, take home Wincarnis! Take a bottle of rich, fuH-bodied Wincarnis tonic wine home with you today. Wincarnis is a real tonic, blended from choice wines with the famous Wincarnis tonic ingredients. Treat your wife see how she enjoys it, see how quickly it makes a new woman of
      95 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 580 11 I^P'MBBK'BWiBrfiIW TV SINGAPURA AA P.M. Oprn.nß .md Moriui.c S'«r: 3 L'fi AmMMI SonK Inothei Mroiy ,En K .1. 340 Ifi H ippeii:r(t r. wre i Chinese i: 3.58 Housewive* Matinee Q \p ;hbnur< 'Part 2 of a Mandarin HoKlcien tiim: 5.15 I fi 0t OpeninK and Petrr Polumus Shrm 630
      580 words

    • 679 12  -  CHRISTOPHER LOW PICTURES BY Puay Yong just couldn't get used to the idea of sitting next to a stranger l OOKING very pretty in her hri^lit rod and while gingham uniform, fi\c year-old Low I'ikin Vong walked inltt the flassrooin timidly clutching lice st'hoolbag and making sure
      679 words
    • 210 12 r pOMATO triiwrr^ Faced with c<*ttint tlirii prodiut te> srneerj stands in a firm, red. nut overly ripe (onri'tion will welcome this research nport rr«im Ammi.i »^mv llnl |>r A Konn khiiri tii i. of \ntlh f wtum ITalvcfvit] la thr ttitttM »f hcht
      210 words
    • 105 12 1 JOI l| RN p wtcr n.'.'dl"l only a g ■nt I r mtlnj irll i, n»p or d«'trrzriit tMI I |ood rniins and a -oti ninbiriE li an old tint -ppclal metal ixillsh i^ dpd !"n rpmovr nut from ihp cornrrs o| muffin *i I '•ale 1
      105 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 169 12 Skin Bra lit j From Spe< ial LemoM Your sfcin will be fairer, ■momhrr, morp perfectly toned and cleansed, when BM the natural conditioning properties of a upecial beauty lemon that melts out plugged pore* and establishes a nuetextured beauty. Lemon IV]ph freshener bleach. a rwsv jrellowneM of the hands
      169 words
    • 312 12 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■I DOROTHY GRAY I i SIFT i GfILQRE t 'ELATION 5 i MAKE-UP COLLECTION- T7^ i, J_J lhn M»y we suj tor you that you get youi resolution oft to a i special Npw Itu otters. Cift Number 1 f REE i -r v mm m For pmMHi Difiltry £rji
      312 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 759 13 REOOI «N0 01HH m CQNTINE nni-iji. Tt »«F ritaaeim l] <•» rriAM B J J li "J" i« JI Jy < I" 13 lai 14 IIITHVIIIK <li HI IS isiiAwi IJ(I JB 2* IBP4UA faiiLfiß ii* 29 i nUK t,_ m"??au» f mm I II Ftl 13 Frl II
      759 words
    • 1126 13 ScanserviceV EXPRESS SAUINGS TO MEOITEMANEM THE CONTINENT/ SCANDINAVIA I FOR lEIRA Ita 11 ill 12 13 111 14/11 v, tjlancj "(n, H'C.'t Bm, < >jr("jv. Copenhaieii OMA la« 212* lan 27/21 laa 21 I 0 R'dam. H Durg. Malm::. Ccoentiaien. G'bur| SIEN* Ftl II 13 Fit 14 II Ftl II
      1,126 words
    • 1069 13 EXPRESS StKVICt 10 LUNBUN, UHHPUui CONIINENIAL KOIIIS nrtii, 11/-1.1 foi ixeipao. r«l II BENALLIGIN h,**,., sum ii pt Tin, im i/ii M l ou f BtNHOPE f fm n k I -in »tnin» r ■,«.■>, Mn 1 Illln I IM 11/11 im 14 Is MimtH.,-| Mar II MMMjMj Urn, MMMM
      1,069 words
    • 1051 13 fQRTNUMTLT UPRtSS Ol>lol MOM t COASI .n > 3> OArS FROM NEW TORH MANIALAT lit 13 111 It ".< I ULAMUN 1.1. Mil 24 KTOTO FM I Fel 1 ril I Apt I lAPAN Saill IM 11 Ftl II Ftl n FM n Air 21 LAOMEOON Sails iit 21 Mai
      1,051 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 867 14 *3wBM wl yV—*" "KAWASAKI KISKN KAISMA LTD. Western Australia Singapore Japan Service Kooa ■MMMM ton 21 l>* J Fra II Fel 15 Fel 'I Ml Japan «i Hongkong Wen Africa Service -»i Uira it T'C 4 laa 27 lan I Fa» Fel II Nl Japan India Pakistan Persian Cull Service
      867 words
    • 827 14 iHtmiMi icnici ii lutnlta n.« tiaitMli P. Sham SintiDure Lajliaf lar luni 'a Part 111 laa 11 11 I.R fmtnilr. Dajßl *uck BANHUIU till l«a Mlllil M I M v,ne,. Fr«a Suslrn.i Nt» lnli*4 Parana laa«.n( lar «»RP;TI 14 71 llf 17 11 lia I* li lia DAMORt 31. 3
      827 words
    • 834 14 \^T7 NEPTUNE ORIENT LINES LTD. j (Incorporated ii the Republic if Siß'Jtire) rj ICB Buildiif. Griiiid Fliir, 7 Shtitw Wiy-Teh M 3633-7. a fjMMMMIIIMMMMMMMMMMMMMMRIM" LOADING FOR LONDON, H BURG, ROAM, HAVRE. A'WERP, BREM. I P. Slum Arn.eJ: 4 Fel) NEPTUNE AOUAM«RINt IR Par' II Fal 13 Ftll II Fra II
      834 words
    • 584 14 NOTICE OF INSPECTION OF ASSESSMENT LIST in, public v bcrny Dottflcd thai th« R< (or 1970 haa nwi upptovfrt by the Lembag*. Bandi Priallnc Jmyt anri la npon In Inaptetton bj IMUlbi piers of aI! rateal boundnn of the I.rmbau^ Bandatan Peulll IIT-pw-t LtM Peullnc Jaya Jalan Yon .-honk i:■
      584 words

  • Times City Desk
    • 163 15 STARLITI (IRA.MX leportecl ia. s month a protr ol $25.] i« In Its tloni dt became a public company last April. Is to make for-two par. The Was made after "riding hours on the in«e bui rumcorrect i hare price to earlier The Issue will raise
      163 words
    • 11 15 In th» tl rert IK -a« qiioied 0B a»U-
      11 words
    • 612 15 4 CCOUNTS from riivrdoff Singapura Building Society throw little light on profitability since it becam< parate business. W Ith only tw o months behind it Since shareholders in Malaya Borneo Building Soci c t y were given the chance to take a slake by way of tights
      612 words
    • 78 15 liuu KINKS: 784 «a .week atto>. R11. 31 Monday i. W3 6 (Tuesria\ LONDON DOLLAR PR» MILM: :M to 34. per cent <Tuesday. 34-. to H\ i>er cent 'Mmirtav PtKANCIAL TUBS: Ttnv f?8 22 «erk ago. 68 fi.f .\lonfJay), t.R !>0 .Tueidav. R«hbrr»: 131 ni «eek ago. 137
      78 words
    • 49 15 Thl A.iat.«t.»n at Rankt ,n Mala, •nr 'olln'» nl a-r qin>f»l M Un.lart »l«l«« »U> at TT I airmail on SI (MT.%; 9" i. Tr.» f«!i<#- n; ra-^n »r# <i a-*i •h. oiu M »l Of 10" un la of fr>r..«r Mi. a. Mall.nn r.n.M... total Prarwt
      49 words
    • 20 15 1 »rr\ KB* Bawan i 1 1"" 1 T T <M M ra.K Ittil.nt 4 4» «t
      20 words
    • 224 15 MXI.BOURNE W»<l nl n and Minrral Kxploratmn T was the aUur perlornif. M unevrn miniiiK murlcFl, firming S2 9(1 lo $8 50 Sipu\ rjM altrartrd aticntion i and nainrd $1 to 14.20. PcMridon elided Slo .stronger at (2M while (ireal Hnulder ert«»o up 21 renl.v l«1«v <
      224 words
    • 235 15 Trading in market still quiet 'illl eMcf trend appar--1 ent ill trading on the Stork K.xrhange of Mi I.umj xnd Singapore continues While blue chip and better clax» ■ham hold their nun other counters are meetIng A disiirv t lark of in terest. Kven rei-ent >peculative cMlim »re finding lm\n>
      235 words
    • 35 15 Straits Times INDICES Jan. C Jan. 7 Indii.l.iilM IM HI 14X.U Hotel* TfcJJ **>..'.! Properties: 155.14 1 \IM Tln«: M.ll »411 I rubbers; IILM lll.R^ Drr. Vl. IiHU IM. llr.. 11, I1S» IM l>er. (Ml l"0.
      35 words
    • 552 15 nin and orp«R pricii offi 1^ CIALLV LIKTtO »T TMI ILOSI ANP KU*L* LUMPUPI TP.AUIM-. Wei* m'o v K i mi m ti in I <I»IN<, I lINJ.S; A'! WMO«T M ntl Mill K> rail I ,ri< IKM I, f»rlrr»l Paprr M «<mwl W«SI *lr»n II »i <iki
      552 words
    • 803 15 BtrSINEM W INI mrum Ml in lHr >l\<i%r«lßl \MI Xl kUI II MIM K TRAIt ISC. KOOM> <l» IHK Mill K KM H.\N«.I M KII»V WITH I I IK \l Mltl.K Ol >M »Kr> IKllilli MltlttN IN BKA< K KTH IN LOTS OP l.iMin UNLKSa •II HI KHI-I
      803 words
    • 198 15 'I-Ht POUT Of tINfiAPOHt AUTHO I HITV ANNOUNCID TNI FOLLOW ING BgRTMING ARUAMCBMmNTI FOR JANUARY 1: OUT: PrlmorJ. 3 i. AMI ■fililH Ann. II IfttaM 1" 'I 13 M rn«an«lfr 15 1«. In «n Mini lft. atraal s-nic«i-<>'' I Miaaki Hani «i rtn. K. Ttr
      198 words
    • 63 15 T'HF Malaysian >t ni itrr nt Flnanrr h»« fi- ei th"» rate* for '»l.tilalin» i u<tnm> riutie* for the penvi from .lan. 8 to .Un. 1 1. Ruhhr h~. N il« < H> < opra ton Pulm Oil a Inn Palm Krrnrl. Thf iat^« of diiliM patahle Ruhher
      63 words
      • 129 15 'pHK 8 >r:co pa!n--1 cd further In P*»nar,g yesterday to sfifip 87 > per pirul on an offei mated down 5 tons io 2^) toils The main local demand from Europe coupled with some buying. I iiMkin lln nn 1 M w»< »»!i
        129 words
      • 106 15 Rubber opens irregular DISAPPOINTING Loi M made marKo' vpv-.rriav and durand J a in; .i <»(1 to -:.>;rn-wa.-r! m iremeni f mark-<>» Physicals vr» ;>a*; >ivi in the anc •.1 »t I! V jn.l MI; I nnnn ringing pme» in rrnt» p»t B b l prort., I Int. 1 R.S.S
        IPS  -  106 words
      • 18 15 J-MINUr NUMII a,-,,. »«f« ntiA* rUnni pr.rat p. ».ll.r<4»v CWMWt a.l < Ca»r« IMtttn r T*i# tnr»
        18 words
      • 24 15 L.i n 7 111 MM R ,rn»* ulnun 1 1 cmlv i i i mm n I RtlmatNl nfTrr Innv ulimn ."> tol
        24 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 116 15 ri m k i iii 1 1 ii s BOABD SINGAPORE II KIIM. I'DW IK I I lOV \(,l II gapore nni rnndlUon" at ihe Boil- r.iea' li -r mm■- ..lion of founholler* I main H rte rhimney. j-rtlhrr Item .ipment M 'Mpment i»nki a dUli] f in 2 s
      116 words
    • 140 15 I-em itiO lipir .!>"n Tein Hrh Vm Itcn Is ilisri 'n:n [tin et.ll- eri re lUbmll ;heir «p- Ela :he riep«.vi' 3 bonx Maaujtactunpn may <.r more than one Hem deposit to termer vhsll be iirampm ieo h: cheque mon»v ia\a>ile (JtllltlM pore.' Tender dOCUIII nni\ he '.vsued I to
      140 words
    • 500 15 I I HtH R NOIK I renders »nr raauMtCd I" i »ppro\ed tlmiier Mpftalstl or -h mlller« for r.ellven «t either «h*rf Singapore or at B«'an l«l»nd. Rikii Ar. niDel»Jo. Inn..--ne-.ll! 11 m:!et from Sintapnie hr Pehrmrr l.i'h 1P1" of Ihf following. lUM Linear fee 1 U 111 sn.n»Ki VI
      500 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 178 16 I'Ui* IPf.tUlliM INNIVf ISaRII S INNOIINCtUE Nil IIfITHS CLUI ICTIVITIU CONDOIINCES lIITNS FNCICEMFNTt lit. WSMBB MV- >••«<! MM aMitiaail' »»n tl SS liilttm, r ».< i»«rt,;ranali MaMM tl far IS »ar«l. iKt BBM M «tali llfntl liawl In J«n.« ckarft tl N ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Ml A.l. 'it nuin of UM
      178 words
    • 362 16 vr.HOOL ROOK SUPPLIERS «antfd nt» rail p»r- a. Ko«d S WANTED LAUNI.H ATTENDANT. M»l"> Kn»l.«n 'ii partirulara lo I'O. Kom WORKSHOP FOREMAN FOR OIL PALM ESTATI 4i,|. to i-imliin afUMBBi with nl hculrra. .r.^irx-n and fair.M plßßt. .-laff appointm.nt -tnd ...Mi'. p#rMina of prnv.o fxp.rirm. i*rd api'.v Appiuatior ..miUP
      362 words
    • 584 16 WANTED EXPtniENCEII 'Jlt.Ni > inun rr turn* h[. i ■> .th »^H ail ill aaaad mv*kaM tv *lIHI I I s pora CAREIR OPPORTUNITY .rrvr < M in lifr and laaarßl .m. i ii.\ hi ÜBarlMW nrr.«.aiv. iraininc proi Bad klNtaraaata aaa Ba kffkniM Appli Hu> .l>. I I |Htr-
      584 words
    • 1343 16 PLACE YOUR ADS. ttrfß THROUGH OUR C.A.T.S. PHONE STORE *****1 \£A*sJ .i »iiiif v f»<i"at^ low 4 1 m .k K'lhtt I imnh !'...<. I i.ii.i.. i. -.^«a> Hjh t>«l hy 1 1 1 -.i ■if riomi>i d» h\ rr\ Ins priC4 :n*ia Im-nti liwm« i-ir. im \<i\ Omupmt— Mian
      1,343 words
    • 659 16 ItCRCTARIAL COURII FOR CIRLa I Rapid Im Montin Couraa Raciaitr f •arly: Raja 1 Co!!a|*. 21 U> Cbangi I Road (4«7««»l. RarTl»a Plara MMMI I pora TENOfIRAPHV 1 O.iarant^d Rapid h-nm K.« at*f "rll: Ra: ?l»l> Chanail Ko«d Ml-.R-S). Raja a. RafTl»« I'la.r IMMBJ B*MH ir.> aVriaraaaa Rvaiiiai iPrlaaarj ->
      659 words
    • 401 16 WHITI BULL TERRIER Snapiv t.ia.k •>. ...1 atoa llramt laatJf raw r'uirMTfuTE FOR ILti;ANT 1 '■in. > Ka ii. bTats/yachtFfor sale JOHNSON l-lfc. HIM M P. ir Praaa v pen MACHINERY, PLANT FOR SALE 7 UNIT SECONDHAND VA I U V A ORS 11,. ia aeraa>. VEHICLES FOR SUE
      401 words
      197 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 471 17 APPOINTMENTS BERJAYA KAWAT SDN. BKD. "nM^IT ln Ut d fr m F>d n<l Cl ns Wllh the following •ru and experience to fill ex-.sting esacuUve MM .MM, l| nODm A MIME or eculvalent with •-graduate Industrial experience or a first Mechanical Engineering with at least 5 years poutrial experience: 11
      471 words
    • 373 17 I (A) WARDKN (Bl SKNIOR GARDKM R (C) (iARDINKR (rl;ulv-r;itc(li i he Jurong Town Oorporatlon require* ..uified candidates lor the posts. Ml VK\ v( xi i IA) $285 X A2O 33h 3R5 x A 21 1 .Sn.i 560 x A 25 6fiO 750 x A 35 890 (OoMoUdatad). Entry
      373 words
    • 617 17 BIASISWA PKRMASISWA NEGEBI Ml \M.(iK I Mil N 1970 Permohonan2 aua-lah dl-Jemput rianparia semua anak2 Melayu samanrla mereka menjadl raayat Dull Yanc Maha Muha Sultan Selangor Htau TIDAK, dan anaK2 hiiknn Melayu yang hanya menjrdi raayat Dull Yang Maha Mv la Sultan Selangor pada lahlr-nva untok kurniaan biasiswa drrmasi.v «a
      617 words
    • 563 17 HOUSING DEVELOPMENT BOARD SINGAPORE Applications are invited from Singapore and Malaysian :ens:IPPyI.NTMF.NT: \ssiST.ANT ARC HITKCTS >l llrv To a.ssLst in the design and planning of large scale low cast housing projects and central area redevelopment. .Jl \I.IH< ATIONS: A R.1.8.A. or University Degree or Diploma in Architecture recngmsed by the
      563 words
    • 466 17 sinnal Diploma 1n Electrlral Enuineennn Preference tn applicant* with experience in electrical installation* to multistorey housing and office building. Graduates of the Singapore Polytechnic, if .selected, may have to undergo a pupiilipe period of 3 >par.s During the pupillage p»nod. thr candidate will be paid mnnth> xalanr of $7.50; 8800
      466 words
    • 445 17 (tsso) ESSO STANDARD MALAYA BERHAD INTERESTED IN THE WORLD S FASTEST EXPANDINC TECHNOLOCY? Join the Esso team's newly established OPERATIONS RESEARCH Section. We need highly motivated management candidates with the following qualifications: B.Sc. degree Preference will be given to tho>.# with experience in Operations Research or thos« with a M.Sc.
      445 words

    • 271 18 HSTKMIA.N John uv I- a m e<• ho n sends Mas;i)i i k a "T'ightinc" Harari;i out of the rinj; with ■Mashing lefts in their world featherweight fight In Tokyo on Tuesri.iv nisjht Vuk Pope, thp Amen ran rpfpree rWtniißl 'he pursuing I'.tmechon
      AP  -  271 words
    • 248 18  - First Honour shows vast improvement EPSOM JEEP PIRSTHONOUR, an English four-yew-old bj Proud Chief tain, strode oui m p in a two-round workout a; [poh yesterday morning Hv was ridden by Rod Dawkins. improved irwnendo his n<\ whrn he finished fourth ma p -print at Bukit Timah i>< pnsii. a
      248 words
    • 23 18 l-'irst Honour oppprplalf Opposii Kins s H"|ir ru.iK flrawl < RncH t vps J\ rhprkmatr Pink R«sp M il vim in
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    • 60 18 I >NDON Wtd In.- iBtCT--1 >n I ftinis Km' i anon j.iißßrstori thai the I U hn.driv m| Cup. U« thr qupstiun <>f thp tmtrj "f south Alrto »nd Baatl R^jy ..r BrUaM. »*ct>("•ip nations, -.■r! vpsirrrl;) Afr;ra anrt RIMdMM ruvp miri-M fol thr aunn»m 7,onp
      60 words
    • 136 18 IUEW YORK. Wed. Ca ssi Iks Clay is io "IpII ill" In his RUtoMovraphjr which hr v writing In collaboration with Richard Durham, the Negro Journalist and playwright i ;up<;>. c nfomice at Which he arcrnlfd WO.Ooo cheque ti tin payment for his
      136 words
    • 55 18 •JEW YORK Wrd At H >ii f nri '.-'prd^y r»rltpd a po*m hr had madr 'in ir thp >raai h» ft^r frsiipr tr» (frr»fl k; Jot H« ns that r-fri' oM -mrkmi p!a;n«l "So 1 vrote a pofin Abmit him 1' goai likf this And •i
      55 words
    • 15 18 fteh' he- i ird«n h»>t> on F»h ]fi i thi n k He
      15 words
    • 95 18 LONDON DM I motoi -radm <h he -> > le-tMn? UM LPttU i "am 'o dri' e tor I prf 'I*' 1 Hill linsf lec> »rrf bHdlv broken whpn hi* rr eia heri in the 08 Cit»n<H Pn\ last O-.>-rwr w Mtlini: m a wheelchair hen he
      95 words
    • 97 18 I ON T The P pappr today -upported no r n j thp South African rnrkpt tour of Britain Hr -;u-s that thp flr romp of th aparrhrirl soh-pd b; round t h p r-nnfpfprirp the Exi :n an pdll '< Ins -But foi
      97 words
    • 21 18 >neli 104 W Lawrj s^ not lunrh In Kastprn Tr;i: Innlnga total of in spmnd d >lav rrn riav
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 438 18 SALES TRAINEES An mal company manufacturing and •ng well-known brand product in Malaysia in- jtn --<;>tably qualified young Malaysians to apply for the pc Trainees. Qualitic^tion^ required are: University dperpp or equivalent. Malawan citizenship Ability to communicate effectively in Bahasa Malaysia and English essential and knowledge of other languages an
      438 words
    • 771 18 TKNDFR NOTICF, ITPI.T OF WOODWORK I Wl MMI I FOX fiO\ I.KNMI "SK (IVIHRV «i( HOMI Jabatan Ptlajaran, Sabah Mm i Oepartment. Sahahl Tnden are invited (or 'he «upplv "f Woodwork Equipment to three Government ?erond-trr Srhools A lull li?t "t ttie i' rk Equipment for thp Oi^ernnient Secondary Bchooli
      771 words
    • 516 18 KFNVATAAN TAWARAN JKR. WOKSHOP PKRSF.KI TI'AN BtKALAN BARANG PFNGANTIAN (SPARK PARTS). Tawaran yang bPrmPtrl ada-laii rll-pelawa sa-hfngga 12 00 tengah ban 4hb Pphruan 197n oleh Juru(era Jentpra Pensua'-a JKR Wokshop Pprsekutuan. Jalan Chera.v Kuala Lumpur, untok memtvkalkan pprlcara2 vanz tei--ebut rii-bawah unlok tpmpoh 1.3.1970 hlngga 2R 2.1911. 1. Austin/Morns Spare
      516 words

    • 270 19 (IOLF comedian Paul Hahn saw no humour in the Customs formalities he had to go through at Subang airport he flew in from Penang clay morning. Hahn and his son. Paul Jr.. obi M-ip Customs check when they landed in their Twin > rho from Penang,
      270 words
    • 281 19  - Chee Keong in HK jolt for FAM MANSOOR RAHMAN By ('HOW CHEE KEONG. Malaysia's first choice international soccer goalkeeper, is playing in the Honu Kong league. Reports of this ramr as a surprise to F.A. of ila officials. •This la shockinc If indeed true, it is against Fifa regulations." said
      281 words
    • 82 19 Police 'yes' to FAM Cup MALAYSIAN Pnl'ee have i. repted the f <>f MatayaU'a invitation to rnmpete ill the FAM Cup rompetiUon which beeins nr\t month Another Kovernment Af partment Prisonv. aerepl ed the I UH*e invitation a fortnight .ico. Thr <>f Prlm»n« «iifl Police in Ibr I \">l fun
      82 words
    • 46 19 tUii IP Ml I MXM.i I Gay h\irci:•ram and thnr snnd moves a S2-34 lead at h.iifIn :hr .-econd half m^rr confident while I fumhlrri with th« hai! many gnata fcnred with 22 pM neat Pol ire 87-M il'er 44-37 a" half-limp
      46 words
    • 210 19  -  KHO MAN POH By SIME DARBY 4 BORNIO CROUP 3 COLD STORACt 2 CUTHRII WAUCH I THE Singapore Business Houses Football 1 i tterday with an upset win by Sime er former champions Borneo Group In nior Division match at Farrcr Park. Darby shot
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    • 20 19 Taiwan s basketball rham- liour Bureau, wored their tenti: heat a P^nanc Frlectinn 84-M it tIM •n.loot sUiiiura on
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    • 89 19 food I Mm ITIOOn BprrUl|t|»s iNrMlei P «nn the Betobfm BuMnewi Leat-ue Dl» 3 rham-pion-hip when they beat Rimltg iSimr r>arhv. at the PoMali lon rjiih ciound In Jviala LumpUJ yr-t«i(Uy There was r.o store at halfnrm Wonc To«mi Bay, captain Pood Specialities their nnst goal
      89 words
    • 87 19 POM till YOITH .1 fFIHREf, coals In exkra time. 1 c.i\o Pi-><-tals victory over Pennnc Youths In <h* first .i n' Mir Junior «'np soccer romnetltlon CH> Ktadlii! The teams drew 2-2 In thf first ma'rb. Youth! led 3-2 at half-time lioAfd hrttr Ing nouer
      87 words
    • 100 19 By lAN PEREIRA MALAYSIAS S,\lomi»n E»m«nm. t\f> lv riowppd "Mr. AsU 1!>«9 returned by air to Kuala Lumpur '<*> a hero r welcome yesterday»nto. 2B prison warden »t Kurhlng. won the title in the Colombo conteM In which 33 body-buildrrs from six rolintrles competed At Subang
      100 words
    • 82 19 Carlisle advance to fourth round i v rt Flrsi Division Not OUt of the ip last night. beating them 2-1 In a third round replay. Non League club? Hilling don and Sutton. battling fourth round tie League played a draw in their :hird round tie. n the eighth minute with
      82 words
    • 15 19 h»re. Chang* 36-: -,rhind on 14R 176, Pot nd Mercedes Phlllp7TT
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    • 13 19 R- Tnnnced r tnen and a in a friendly the Ringappif
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    • 239 19 TOUGH FIRST HURDLE FOR MALAYSIA By SARAVANAMUTTU MALAYSIA have a 50--50 chanre nf reaching the final of the Asian rugby tournament which begins in Bangkok on Saturday. This was the opinion or Peter Dowse, coach of the Malaysian team, which left Subang by air for Thailand yesterday. Dowse said that
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    • 200 19 KAKHI 3 AUBT. KK(iIMK\T 10 i> o y a L Australian 1V Regiment Qualified for the semi-finals of the Army Cup ru championship wnen they beat Farelf by two goals to a penalty .li tneir at Tanglin Singapore, relay. The Australians. who arr in
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    • 7 19 P.< iMBAV Wed B
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 163 19 The world's most talked-about^ hostesses now P\' J fly the PIA iV I "Pearl Route" r j I if w A J, > Manila If Tokyo (two Boeing flights a week) t-^ Ss^fc_ J 3&<T^^O-^^'^ KARACHI VHANILA S ANGKOR^ A fait comfortable Boeing leaves Dacca •very Wednesday and Saturday at
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  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 49 19 «.<•! I 1 xinhiilon by Trhl Hshn (Kiikit Course. S'p°re ll K\^M llt Ml MSA < up: RAF v Police 1 7 30 1. Siglap v Mrriß Kee (I, both matches at ><m t.R S'»or Dlv. li Hong Chin v Tornados 1 Jalan Prnanj Junior (nn ill Dsine<r<. sr B«haotadlum,
      49 words

  • 50 20 BRITISH O D lJ;ir.••aclei Mr. Edward Heath chattini h Blnlapore Prln Mr. I.pp Kuan Ypw at Cll f Hall yesterday. Ml Heath niPt other prnniPtit mlnis:id (ifflcials. He flew In from Kuala Lumpur on Tup>dav night. Hp leavei home today Times re (See Pate Kouri
    50 words
  • 426 20 'Malaysia and Singapore should welcome Heath plans' LONDON. Wednesday THF Financial Timrs ;^iri today that ConUve Party lender Edward Heath's affirm;iiion yesterday of hit party's plan* retain a Rriii-h military prmence In thp Far Fast tf they come to priwer will have bppn watoome to the Governments ol Singapore and
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  • 5 20 Mr he Repuhhr frum
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  • 27 20 WASH by me Na,.i:c. Lung Institute, vdic »ere sllll tK.n >ihi:p and. althouch ille, «ere rnmplicateri h\ the problem o! lmmunologiral rejectioi. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • 94 20 COMING- A STEAK MADE FROM SOYA BEAN OXHJKD. Wed S-^nK>. and bacon madf rron aova bran and cotton I will be available m an alternative for th' thlnga In the 70a, a nutr.--.' Xpert aaid today And these could well Ijp followed by bread madp .Hid fWi trom groundnuts, Dr.
    94 words
  • 301 20  - Three Japanese children hold clue to death of their mother CLEMENT MESENAS Rv Wednesday SINGAPORE r PHREF young .Tapn- iir.sp chilrirrn hold the cluf to thr violrnt death of their mothrr. Agoko Watanabe, 33. betw—n flve mid nine, thfy are btiltw b»» 'ho only v, their mother'i <i>-.rh last nmht
    301 words
  • 35 20 trip ANr.v i n headed the li 10 nor^i rlrev>*ri ->men p;i.fkoell In hl<. 10th annual U* Mr rit romment*d alvmt Qiiren Fhral^'r-, F- er-.thing fashion i^ in with thr Queen tTI
    35 words
  • 49 20 STDTKHOI M Weri rrew member*, three nf them »r e». ied when a Fpanish tei airliner rra.'heri into n Swdi>h 'r.'esl durtni thr alie: takinc off with one enaine out of order The plane was Ml lt« way to Zurich for repairs Rente:.
    49 words
  • 46 20 U>NIM>N\ Wo- M irM of the BfMlri f. left toria> for a 12-riav M-:' to Bnntri —n A^ia. I ma (.i «.\.-'s. i Ma apIKiintment H* amve- at Banekok tnmorrM '>nrt Ihlpi It aatM on to Manila Singapore and Kuala -Reiilr:
    46 words
  • 37 20 NORWAY WVri The water froze in Hell today The trmpeiat lire fell lo 21C below Zero i minus fiF' Hell kl a small nidii^nal rommunlty easi c>( the <u> f>( Trondhemi IPI
    37 words
  • 35 20 imk haoi k w.. i ih.i h •strologlsl Mark) <1r Sari* to h»s predicted a krt <>: t>ari nf«> tof loin iii|)|«i! bj a i>>no-R uv^in 11 nuclm inn on t tie moon AP.
    AP  -  35 words
  • 292 20 London Wad. Aii ■gain uvcTKbadowcd ihc re i of Urn market. Norseman Uold and OoM and Mtnerali Bxp peculailva buj W« I m Han Nk >.• i wm I pile a cumpaji) denial ■> nu kci inn Ninth Dafcorah wai Miorpl) ktvai on Urn chalrman'i I i:iu
    292 words
  • 64 20 LONDON. W.d Spot n h -i. n 7 »d March MWd April J4'.d. April June 24, d Julj Sept J4 1 1 lHd. Ort Der im »<i Jan Maxell J4 s i«d Apul June 24'jd. Ju'y .Sern ->4 7 16) 4 lfid Jan \':il(h L' 4 ii April -Tin.,
    64 words
  • 36 20 »)N Wr.l 5,.. i teller* ci«n < <:, ward buyers Clfin; r f7i, Milan •:i«n« C 7, Betttenmnt i -riK' Turnovar am Mi ton.^ P m |7li ton-- Tnue |m easier. irinsin; prue-. in metnr Inn i
    36 words
  • 147 20 HOHG KONO, Wrd Thp British M nf rvirnrp for Administration. Mr Roy Hattenley, today reiterated that Britain wo\ild br ablr t<i >md troops to Smith past Asia from Europe quickly after Itl pullout from the rrcion :n 1971. \\> maintain our capability to come
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  • 5 20 ARTHUR LIANC SIHf. Mill
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 72 20 DX* "^7 I HsaH^llaClakaßßßßV M "^S IbHHbbblbbbbbtl > '-sssl aßaaßMßß^^Baa^f^^^* I Lbv^bbbl Stop right into tho yo;ir 2000 A.D. .my niyht from J I J Rj'vo on to tlu.' sounds of the Pitiful Souls who g I I make the scone :it 10, ;icconip;imed by a space age ■bbbb^Pbbbbß light
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  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 30 20 The weather Magaawi Ift-73P clmid> BaJiKkok !>(i--.^F .-loud* K LumiHir BT-74F Minn> Houk KOO| tail Tai|>cli 68-S4F [all Beoul 14-211 tall Tokyo 141 N.iin clcai Jakarta M-SSI Manila M-79F !hh
      30 words