The Straits Times, 7 January 1970

Total Pages: 22
1 22 The Straits Times
  • 26 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 200,000 The Straits Times The National iwspaper Ksld. IMS WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 7, 1970 15 CENTS K.D.N. 4317 M.C (P) No. 1507
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  • 594 1  -  ALBERT RAMALINGAM 3,500 guard on Agnew By KUALA LUMPUR. Tuesday Agnew's slip KATMANO rr Prridrnt Agnew made a -lip iv r< when telling Prime Minis) r Kirtl Nld form plans tun hold.s lor In pen d lo nr-n "II should ho N'r-jnl DARK SI IT I.S.
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  • 230 1 penang, Tuesday nENANG police are Investigating a repori by millionaire landed proprietor Mr Ixih Boon Sirw thai hr had shot a vogrtabip fanner In selfdefence during an argument this afternoon. The Farmer, Mr ciions Cher Chook. 62. It is stated quattcd on .i buildins
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  • 4 1 Kirln
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  • 48 1 KUALA 11 MPI R. Tups. Thr condition nf thr di-Fi'itiian A(*mg, \<hn m i.iki-n ill ninr il»v- .tt<) improxrd srcatlv. the Primp Alini>-t-r'N Drp.irtrm-nt d.i\ llr «.«s < on\ rtlpscint. thr st.ilpinrnt .iridrrl. .inri hid horn %4r\m4 not to rxrrt him-iH or tr r*cpivp visitors.
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  • 42 1 \l< .(IN I i:r Ihr BoMtll Vlciiuun CanfMtmtfcxi <>t La* hour lias railed for a 24-houi general -Hike :n thp Saison area toman demand* for a public I im tin r\ Strike^ are lMcaal In wmrtlaM Vietnam Renter
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 37 1 MICHIGAN TW rietrinuiiffi gunm*n wearing Mcl ma-k- hauled nfl N ivcs of miv. nn'ir iluv i ton fr*im ih* bancnwnl i moiKl I ir" 'i '■> non fni'i it- final ri>M?l<" i :»n. DPI
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  • 267 1 10,488 work permits get a new lease KUALA LUMPUR. Tuesday Till-, work permits of 10,488 non-citizena have been renewed, the Commissionei of Employment, Inche Abdul Kadir bin Talib, announced lodav. Of the 134.263 perm 8.677 lor two years. 12,251 oiv x months and 46.659 three months. O! thf H' 488
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  • 112 1 HONG KONG VARSITY TO HONOUR LEE HONGKONG. lurv I be I nli emit j "i ii"n Kons \\ill innlri thr\ dr^irr of 1i... tin ill I ,piv nn Sili-.ipni Prime Mlll^lil. Mr. l.rr Ku in \t it m .is anniiuniPd (*da) Mi i• i i iii i i-it Horn
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  • 16 1 BRK K h wine liurled bricki mil M R lhr«U«h llt\ [v,! to Affbanii
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 48 1 PRACTICAL GIFI tor a Kew Home CHOOSE A FANCY WALL CLOCK IHMM ft Du.obl. tCHUN V CHONG tf °7 > 3411 (Watch ft Clock lOT*I have an ice-cold (go*) If/ today! t.' M| nil. /^mm wk m\ mm r* Sw put* the flavour where the fun is. ..every time.'
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    • 190 2 Soviet fleet heads for the Med LONDON. Tuesday DUSSIA, in an apparent new Middle East crisis naval build-up, has moved its powerful helicoptercarrying cruiser Moskva and other warships into the Mediterranean, defence sources reported The cruiser Is one of Russia's most modern warships, equipped with missiles and capable of carrying
      UPI  -  190 words
    • 89 2 Rebels kill 8, injure 17 at sports meet UANCiOON. Tue* tijht proper were killed and 17 others wounrird «hrti rebeL> hurled a errn.tdr and opened firr at an Indeprndrnre Day sports mret in ishin. 500 miles from hrrr. The official news ngency »f Burma said those kill rd included Col.
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    • 156 2 11 Marines die in morning Vietcong attack CAIGON. Tues- Viet*^cong guerillas killed 11 American Marines and wounded 59 in an assault early today on a camp in northern Quang Nam Province, a U.S. spokesman reported. The guerillas broke through the camps detPiisivp perimeter yndpr eovtl nf a 200-round mortar bombardment
      Reuter  -  156 words
    • 33 2 TEL AVIV. Tues At Ifast nin» Egypt Mn MMMndni Wttt Willed tn an abortivo overmsh' rMd on Israeli pokitinn. 1 I ;h» Su« ran^i. ■Ullary ."pokeMrun m\(\ here today Rtutcr.
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    • 300 2 - GAZA. Tues. Four Arab guerillas killed in a short gun battle before dawn yesterday were later identified as commanders in the Popu•ir Front for the I tberation of Palesti n c Organisation, official Israeli sources said here. 8;x 1.-raeli soldiers were
      Reuter  -  300 words
    • 165 2 US ready to resume ambassadorial talks with Peking WASHINGTON. Tuesday THE United States la ready to resume hi ambassadorial taiks in Warsaw with China this month in the Chinese Embassy if 50 stipulated v soon as Peking and Wash! reach aßieement on date Official i urrp.v making ihi> n l
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    • 34 2 SYDNEY Tups. LondonSvdn'v Air r*cr morr thai-. As7o 200 wen prewntad a"- a ifrpmnn'. :n Sjnn»v 'iidini for the cr« planes a long and hazardous r'.rt. B:l ended at Bar-
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    • 343 3 AVALANCHE FROM BURST DAM HITS TOWN KILLING 36 |{i i n»>> iiri s, rues, Thirtym\ people died and Bore arc missing, feared dead, In an .i\.i lanche i mini and water that swept through Mendoza Cltj In tin- Andean Foothills. Scores more were Injured and nt hois made homeless when
      Reuter  -  343 words
    • 83 3 v:<> Dl fANDRO nntled -.ft hero ,i man p* d.iv. •x i i iman pen at ni Sunday and took d the word to neighbours La ihe Mlbui ban slum, who I'd wil h hand even horse-drawn wagonj in <mitv on tood household >> <>
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    • 212 3 PARIS. Tuesday hof* vrs- po.ircd iv coun I ted "i 1 murder "r irdei siclo he In h Rpnp Mond epson ol the main dgure In the trial. Mondokml. stabbed through the hpart. la believed the victim of i execution. When he
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    • 40 3 ANKARA I :r. Mor» than 1 lie Armr^ I ilu bmsm mm* \*r\cnt& Mellon nf thr tc hundred! itudenu ?nri th» im. i I o..ikc<: hi ihr nnlvenKj c»wpm <t d:lfrrent :oc»ii(ia>< »rot,nd UM rit> ap
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    • 16 3 ri „l mil thnniKhn Thf i*9*v«(k strike U 'vHlO.0O(> rhildrrn I IT
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    • 346 3 Ted gives an 'I'm all done' testimony AS INQUEST ON MARY JO OPENS IN STRICT SECRECY... GIRLS WHO WERE AT THE PARTY EDGARTOWN (Massachussetts). Tuesday. gENATOR Edward Kennedy sport nearly two hours testifyin. terday at the inquest on Mary Jo Knpochne. the 28-yrar-old secretary who died in his car last
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 176 2 V? ffgly 325^^^^^21ra MRriri N.I -v*smi Panaiiol FanadDl m Most car dealers have a pretty good deal going for you these days. Ours is better. V?^^f hisH!~!H B^BP^fV^^^PJ^^BF fl ß^ftjKi^tf R lain For two reasons. First, we've •^^BHBBBPPBBBiiI^^^ with speeds up to 86 m. ph. Syr>dropped the downpayment on chromesh
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 31 2 THE GAMBOLS By Barry Applsby /G4V*]i| j^J (TUAT \UALLEtJ /^C*N /'tj» owe wrrw roc K. 1 1 -r-^ 90CRCT CO^WMTTMBNTi (MD MOW I CAHTj V-wn.L.l put mv!!^ pino rr *J I
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 109 3 WOnLD LEADER Year after year, world sales of Rothmans King Size p record their undisputed leadership. I i 1969 again sees Rothmans the world's largest selling S *?WM col vfi* M I most wanted King Size Virginia by far. MSBm w/^^^^^^^^ L^tofa- r J$ Rothmans extra length, finer filter, and
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  • 596 4 Court's NO to request that seeks a change SINGAPORE. Tues pout COMPANIES whidi applied to the Industrial Arbitration Couri for an interpretation of an award p>t instead, today, mi interpretation of their application. Their application would have mean! changing a live per cent retirement benefit to one ot" 10 per
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  • 100 4 SINGAPORE. Tups. -Yap K«ui| Aho admitted stealing four cars "fii\ .i.w-.d a magistrate fur leiiuiuv on the BTOUndi he had two wives and nine children. He added: I will turn o\rr a nrw 10-f i( 1 kpi chanre But Hip Ninth
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 276 4 I WIN TWO BIG I I CASH JACKPOTS— I I THURSDAYS SUNDAYS I Ist. Group i $125,000 TO WINNERS WITH 5 NUMBERS CORRECT W ENTRY 1 ■■■:&:'<s,■' BtSfBM FOR 3 CIRCLES j-Vf |1 CORRECT rt FOR DRAW NO: 3/70 (8-1-70) to be held at Kedilfusion Auditorium TOMORROW At H p.m.
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    • 322 4 4-Theatre Simultaneous Opening Today! Majestic Odeon-Katong Ruby I Silver City 100. 3.30, 100, 3 30, 1.00, 3 30, J Ol 3 ,J 0 7 00, 9.30pm II 7.00 ft t.ilam. i TOO, 9IS I. 730 ft 9 30 p.m. g AN ACTION PACKED STORY OF A FEUD BETWEEN B TWO
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    • 458 4 IJCATHAY m •■i=!rr.vm=T.mi-iiE LAST DAY! 11 am, 1 30. 4. 6.30 9.30 p.m. SNOW WHITt AND TMI SIVtN DWARFS' A Full Length Cartoon in > rucclor I TOv6R"OW CoUi LOCK UP YOUR DAUGMTIBS OviK [■i M:r-i i'PcwMi, lIM DAY' 3 jHOW- A 200. 530 I 145 pm. DOLLY" STARTS 2
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  • 333 5 Latest donations to the National Defence Fund SINGAPORE. Tues. j The National Defence Func has received donano^ totalling $23. 381.40 bringing the lund to 5d.75a.4a3. 10. Latest SMMUom iamc from: Sea View Hoiel Lid. ilO.000; ;Snifc.»porc Shell Stan Co-opera-tne Thrilt and Lo.m tkxlety Ltd. $2,000; Singapore A.ssociatu n ot Imorporalri.
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  • 68 5 Cheshire Home to hold jumble sale oINGAi'OHE. lU(.s. The Cheshire Heine will iiold v juiii- .it ilip Queenilcwi; Comincj;\\eallh Uiimv ai 10 a.m. Un Jan. 31. Anyone who lias •jumble' can send 11 to Mis. D. Murpln. '.>" i o. n Sincßpore Clie-hire Hume. Nicoll Drive. Telok Paku or
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  • 39 5 I iOAJ ORI liv I lie PI till II I«-HI Mil- A.S-11-l ill nrpSIUM I piann i inn ,it the Cultural Centre In Auawt to mark thr i lie hmli dI thr Cieinmn enrnpowr Lud*ii van Beethoven.
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  • 130 5 WHEY all ha\e one thins in common they love the navy. Today and tomorrow they will fly to Britain to achieve their dream of hecominic naval officers. They uill spend two years at Dartmouth Naval College as officer cadets of Sinjapores infant navy. Straits Times picture
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  • 152 5 SINGAPORE. Tues. A tour-day seminar on work study will begin here on May 4 fOf manin t'i< private and public sectOrganised by the Instlt Work S'ndy Prac ■i. MWSP' tin s-mlnar will be attended by delegated rrom Bri i ii:i HoM-: Kong Zealand
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  • 204 5 Family planning target exceeded in 1968 SINGAPORE. Tues. The Singapore Family Planning and Population Board has reported that the target of 35.000 new family planning acceptors for 1968 was exceeded The target was achieved just before the end ol that year. At year I end. a total of 35.;t38 women
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  • 521 5  -  CHEONG YIP SENG By gl N G A PORK, lues. Tourism experti l o <i a y shruKoed off I h<* U.S. decision to (ill <»til Singapore as an R-and-B centre ;is something of "little consequence.* 1 Though it means the flow of millions
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 321 5 illlllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll^ \fc *r r XZ/<7 THE GOURMETS PARADISE ROUGE ET NOIR FRENCH RESTAURANT LUNCH TIME SPECIALITIES ONLY 56.00 PER PERSON EVERY WEDNESDAY Succulent Roost Fillet ot Beet on the Wogon prepared by Our Chet trom Bellevue Palace Hotel, Switzerland. EVERY SATURDAY Delicious Javanese Ri|sttafcl served with Indonesian Sambals and Condiments.
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    • 191 5 LOOKING FOR A SHOP? CONTACT GOIOEN MILE SHOPPING CENTRE DEVELOPERS SINGAPURA DEVELOPMENTS <PTE> LTD 204-205 SHAW HOJSC C^, :"APO »jAL XA Ttt KAK. AUTOMATIC SELF-ADHESIVE PRICING MACHINE >^ aPrints prices on self- Jf& s j AivJ odhes.velobels. >«\ Prints clean. clear. if\C^*r'^**B I prices every time. '^v-i^ light wcght. e
      191 words

  • 208 6 S'pore trade scores record in 11 months SIN. .MM )K I Tues. Singapore's external trade for the first 11 months of last year reaci. ed a record S9.!)?8.8 million compared with 58.205.!) million over the same period in 1968. Figures published by the Department of Statistics today, providing a comparison
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  • 105 6 Big welcome planned for Thai Governor I/ANGAR. Tues. The Kuala Perils goodwill committee plans to give a rousing welcome to the Thai Governor of Setol. Mr. Cham Pancharon, when he pays an official visit to the State on Jan. 17 and 18. The committee yr.sterdur ihTil ,i 23-nKin reception <ominitte'
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  • 252 6  - Ministry's DON'Ts in classroom fashions LIM SUAN KOOI By Kuala Lumpur, Tuesday THE swinging school teacher will soon havr to Leave her fashionable micro-minis. siT-throughs and plunging necklines at home. All teacners in Malaysia's 6,600 schools were today informed of a Ministry of Education circular to principal* listing the DONTs
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  • 501 6  - Human factor blamed for rice shortfall SIEW CHING CHERD TANJONG KARANG PUZZLi: By Kuala Lumpur. Tuesday YIELD from the yadi 1 double cropping •eheme at Tunjong Karang in Belangor was far short of thp tar»et. though all the infra .structure and Facilities for the scheme had been provided. Why^ It
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  • 29 6 KUAI.A t I'MPI'R lup«. [kebana UtUraattoaal »tll hold ;i luncheon at 1 club m 1 Trnekii Ani|)\i;in ul Si I will be the guest of hot)
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 295 6 p......... :*::>:•: H^^| *_SP^^^ *Bt ■l w ___*^-___r > fl v-____-I _L______iHßßnl_»4aL 'i*i^^ *SjtL I l____-^«r____« 'An cxcitmq. compulnvcly rcodoble and bril- m Itantly platted novel— NEW YORK TIMES. litcroture' TIMt. ' unforqcttoble mt bM mtilif M S2 70 piec»— NEW STATESMAN. X w NOW ON SALE AT YOUR LOCAL
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    • 18 6 ions COD LIVER OIL CAPSULES for the energy to live well! v II IE BOKNEK I >\ll > y
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  • 559 7 'National service keeping youths off drugs' SINGAPORE, Tuesday fHERE an few "■pnl resorts" in Singapore, according to the ustoms and Excise Department. In its 19G8 review, i•■pa 1 1 in i nt said there had beet) onal reports of nightclubs and private haunts catering
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  • 80 7 SINGAPORE Ti«> Hi. concessionary i 'J.i per cent which 'lie Government recently an nounced for owncr-occu- Housing Board will not apply unthe Comptroller la that the owner him** If Is occupying the This condition !> laid flown in the Prnpertv Tax Order which has been ■:ted
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  • 286 7 Coconuts led to axe slaying, court told SINGAPORE. Tues. *3 A man splitting coconuts chased away his nine year old neighbour. Balakrishna. when the boy tried to pick the husks, a court heard today. The boy returned later uith his mother and uncle. S. X.< I i.i pp.i n The
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 65 7 RED LION the still igjp^ orange drink with the real M ss orange taste! M> M Malaysia's Premier Hotel m w IE 1 f X a i^a^k* *m mm ■i«i* r *Ti ■Sklflßußs4yV j 1 Federal Hotel Kuala Lumpur 21 STOREY NEW EXTENSION 450 luxurious rooms, wall to wall carpets.
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    • 518 7 Did you ever taste \m Ik a Sarawak Pancake? §y 7 You should. It makes us hungry just to write about them. Here's the recipe: I Ihv sometime between midnight and mid- \>f| kf night, any day of the week, make /m\\ [V your way to the NEW CIiSCADhN jM\\
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 277 7 Straits Times Crossword \l KOS> Fifiiih within •8 o -in. i 1- R<»l>bit hunter does k iimiblr the Crm.n; it will no t<, Wllp >nd mo hpr L ttren(f 4l mani*d 10 Wort n Mimip «t Coveni 14 Cultund torn ■woMrtwi en is. dntne unalvvl.s i lin Ml Olllllfl S;ir<l
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  • 176 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Tu«s '|*HE $5 million Hall of 1 Justice which will boon all the court> In the Federal capital la to bo sited at Court Hill The hall will be built this year after allocation for the
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  • 266 8  - Go-ahead sought to open 'mini' casinos ALIAS RAHIM COMPANY APPLIES FOR MONOPOLY RIGHTS 3y Kuala Lumpur, Tuesday PUBLIC company with 50 per cent sharps ior bumiputras is to set up at least three ■mini" casinos in Kuala Lumpur, Petaling Java and Klang. With an initial capital of $500,000. the company
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  • 88 8 Malay firm to mine tin in Batu Gajah JPOH. Tues— A Malay company has been 'mini to mine tin on a o-operative basi.s in the Rendanc Sawah area of I ilu (..uah. The Sharikat Rendanc Sawah will start operations on 150 a< res of land (his month. Its <
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  • 228 8 Spiralling rents driving capital out of HK? UONG KONG. Tues Many small Hong Kong industries are forced to ■rek avenues in Singapore and Malaysia h\ spirallingrents and labour costs here, a Hone Kong newspaper reported today I'he Knclish-laneuaue Hone Kone Standard said that in the past month at least a
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  • 24 8 KANGAR Tilt* The Malay Teaelw operative Thrift and »i!l hold \'y annual meetinif h- the<r W bchooi at 8 Jan 23
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  • 118 8 SHIPWRECK CREW WILL BE HOME SOON CINGAPORE. Tues. The 11 Singapore crew members ot the freighter Fortune Trader which went aground in southern Japan on Sunday are to be brought home within the next lew days. A spokesman of Far c irporatton, the ahlp local auent.s, today report ed that
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  • 54 8 KANGAR TUN Th* PerlW'- and Malay Chambers mmerr arr 'n.ntlv sponinna [onan on iv- held at the Hokkim .1. here al 4 p.m. on Thursd..v S;ifakt>rs »ill Include th« Tan Sr: SheikU •.i.m.d. 9m OCPD. !»;)Uiy Supt Mohamed Ji-mil llaa»an. ano IBM Food C Trngku
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 440 8 J jdKlfl v B. _^B B^a^am^a^fiH Ilk aViil& fl >y<4 Ha^a\H I' St"Ufi •Wr?, IS £*<* i l's»^^ j White Horse separates the men from the boys- But not from the girls.) A perfect blend, mellowed by the gentle hand of time to the softness of a summer breeze. nnllt
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 133 8 Oop Bit/ V.T. Miami in mi, oooooor* thought) rviE,s<xiß HieMNess...^- well, yes, x suppose niver minp, V^"~^< vbh,mxi iojow™" r'P TRY AWkMPLE OP WE'RE ALVVATS StAP SHALL SO OfslLY I PONT J JU«T AIVK USf TH' ITW DHr*, MOMTH THAT ASTROLOGY TO RECEIVE THO6E /WE START JUST KNOW WHAT TH*
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  • 385 9  -  OW WEI MEI B. SINGAPORE, Tuesday. WOMAN whose husband lefi home in 1946 continued lo help him in his work for many yc;ns because she "Mill loved him." (he I ligh Court heard today. Elizabeth Gertrude Jay. .S3. said she had hoped her husband. George
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  • 23 9 MNGAPORF I The ie< ently^pMMd Ci>ii«u»ution Amendmeti' Act ai.d the Supreme Court ol Judicature Act will come into operation on Friday
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  • 103 9 SINGAPORE. Tuesday. DISTRICT court yesterday sentenced a Public Works Department overseer to three years" jail for cheating on overtime pay claims. On Saturday. Your Ban Leong. 34. pleaded guilty to 12 charges of corruption at thr PWD's Alexandra kwraue sub-store from February 1968 to
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  • 272 9 Kinabalu climb was 'as easy as walking' f I IMIJIMi .Mount kinahalu has pr<»M>d a completely "fun" experience for Miss Doris Too, 2:\ and Mr. Dominic Kao. 18 (above i. Doris, a primary schoolteacher, and Dominic a student who has just taken his Cambridge examinations, said the (limb had done
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  • 60 9 SINGAPORE. lupv A ni"thpi "I jailed for a <lav and fined ».SOO »«da\ !«r ■hopllfting. Ooh Ah Yuan. :i.V oleaded Kinltv l<> taking $13.50 worth of children's clothe* from the Eastern Emporium in High .st:rr' v^virrday. Sh* .said in tr.Uication that her husband was
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  • 41 9 SINGAPORE. Tues There were IK4 tradr unions with a tola! membership of nearly 130.000 in Singapore al the end of fell No'emhei. according to the lalesi Labom Ministry report Over .'D.OiKi <if thr iiinnri mrmt»r< MM women.
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  • 137 9 Call for a scenic roadway down Bedok I SINGAPORE. Turs The Automobile Association today called on city planners to develop the reclaimed East Coast area "with grace and practicality." "Thorp Is a grrat opportunity for our planners to desiKu one of the finest and most beautiful roadways in the world
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  • 46 9 SINGAPORE Tu^ PdMH I «rf looking lor the -iwner white parrot found :n the cv.-- toms quartors m Cantonment Road lour days ago Tlie ownt-i -hould con tail Inspector imam Singh at the I Central p°H< c station Mcl 730tl rvt .'O4.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 21 9 Only 50 Shopping weeks to Christmas so don't miss the SALE at DONALD MOORE GALLERIES Open today until 1 0 p.m.
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    • 196 9 Life is so much easier with Plan- As -You Please charting! You've got some pi inn Some of them peculiar to your own line of business. And complicated... too many papwa in too many files! Get your planning out of these Mm ;ind up on the wall where it can
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  • The Straits Times
    • 440 10 in Vietnam next month, over which the bargaining has begun, will be mine than ordinarily important aa .i guide, to the a going. Two Hanoi took ad--1 the truce to build i,|> an offensive which brought r, mists ictorj than they had ever been. They will
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    • 317 10 Thi tourist industry ■■.in in Singapore inmoved by the oaw ition of the American "R md H" programme triainly bluffing .i bit. hi v .!~> tmllioii ■erioua nutter. Bi t then. SuiKap</i<- all llong, ever since the holi\a\ programme was launch•d. has pretended that the toldien from
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    • 150 10 OP IUM DECLINE Thi rl ol the ms and Xx- )i partment n-iuuls tile further decline "f the opium Addiction is almost entirely confined to elderly people and even the entrepot traffii Malaysia's and Singapore*! miafortune tn lie between the prinetopium and maumera) is not what The report that, contrarj
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  • 521 10  - Public row blows up over the Gandhi statue Adrienne Farrell by NEW DH.HI, Tues Public cunliovers\ has blown up here over a proposal to ercci a in i- ivr slitue i)l "«'aI iii. (iandhi mi the i nMitv pedestal previoisIv nicupied by ;t statue of hi:i» <;iori;e The site, near
    Reuter  -  521 words
  • 846 10 spiro Goodwill trip a chance to show his diplomatic skill MR. SPIRO AGNEW. VicePresident of the United States, who will begin his visit to Malaysia and Singapore today has a reputation as a man who opens his mouth only to put his loot in it. This is not entirely unfair
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  • ( LETTERS )
    • 488 10 I have recently received numeroui querfc those parts of my paper published In the Dec :tl ;he Straits Time*, and I feel obliged to clarify certain p<> I should jjo;nt out that the sublect ol my paper [or the Guru Asia Convention, .t^ assigned to
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    • 82 10 A WORD of appnciation tor the pual office that delivered a lett< r to me from Finland In the middle ol tin- ChrUtmu and New Year mail merelj addreued to "Roger Wells. Kuala Lumpur. Malesia Thi.s service at such a dimcult lime, when they are tin doubt
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    • 75 10 JN IMS, nhen cholera hit Sincapoir. mass mi muni -.ii ion against i-holrra ».is i irrircl out and for sfveral years there were no rhnler.i Matt I .t-l year there were Ihree outbreaks, nnluith slandinc efforts to keep Singapore rlean should not the health authorities consider honstin
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 89 10 HOHNER MELODIC AS ,Y^i MAOI IN CIRMANY Li^r < irrs. Hohner Melodicas ore now used in Schools everywhere, 5 models ovailoble Iw Melodic* Sopran* 2 chromatic octaves, from I E m.ddle C upward 420 00 I W* Mclodico Alt* 2 chromatic octaves, from F I middle C upwa'ds 52J.00 IwMrlodic*
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    • 175 10 THIS IS THE SYMBOL OF THE GOLDEN MILE SHOPPING CENTRE tLOPERS SINGAPURA DEVELOPMENTS 'PTEI LTD f~ YOUR WAY TO SUCCESS through /)(>/»■<• \mj\ <ours Thf S,r»v>l of A ah s b ejO Mii^cvslul cvpcricn^. of: Asmh-. Cert. orp. \cc(v V.) Insi „M A \\.,rks \uls. (|.f vi Asmh-. Intnl. \icls.
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  • 772 11  - Riot over Mao's portrait at ship's party CHUA SENG CHWEE By Singapore, Tuesday RIOT broke nut on a Singaporere g l s t(i v d ship when an officer took down a portrait of Mao Tse-tung while the ship was at Chittagong in. East Pakistan. Capt. Roger Gilkens, 36. Belgian
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  • 232 11 BRITISH NAVY TO CONTINUE VISITS AFTER PULLOUT By AYLSHA HARBEN pENANG, Tues. British Navy ships will continue to visit Malaysia after the troops pullout in 1971. as frequently as they do now. This m .stated here today by Rear Admiral T. T. Lewln. .second-in-command far East Fl<>et. who pa.d a
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  • 118 11 Man loses appeal against death sentence KUALA I.UMPI'R. Tues. The Federal Court today di.smi.sved an appeal by Dollah bin Barker against conviction and death sen- murder irrncrd by tilt M«. i High Court un Aub Jnr murdi rinn ■< coffee xhopkeeper. Chen Km Eik m' Ixn'ong Khng Bitted the ofience
    118 words
  • 32 11 KOI A KINABM V I ur.s A H-man n. :i team .eel hy Brie (i>-n M*hn th^ ft h Malaysian Infantry Bn- lod.iy lor .i twop. ill II 111,! I:
    32 words
  • 144 11 Piper aircraft crash-lands with burst tyre CINfiAPORE. Tues. J Malaysia Air Charter Piper Aztec aircraft rraxh-lmd'-d at P;iva I.ebar ah port yotenl.iv Its pilot. pt. J nil Prreira. and lw« pa- i ers «frc rescued seconds after the plane came to an abrupt slop on the runw ay The twin-cnuined
    144 words
  • 302 11  - Three US firms offer to manufacture in Malaysia ANTHONY NG: Kuala By Lumpur, Tues. THREE American companies have offered to manufacture their products in Malaysia either through Investing In joint venture* or through 11 sing arrangements The local :'i/.f!l machines, materials handling equipment and modular housing and fn tl terns
    302 words
  • 32 11 Kill A KINABA! i-.-ib.h ate now th« i-r 01 the tort, Incha Amiruddin KaharudCUn. said today. All the ihopi vim ted during j Bra nut.
    32 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 200 11 7^"™"^' ttluitfi\h mmtt H Mf^^^V^B /o> ta. i».. v ikml v y cm*it full*/*! I v' ftrimre ami I ■Mr J B lm "< <■«»<• I *Kr«ll«lllU I »«rt>li<.'r.»«(»t j£Kk 'il A PIO-CTV WM >) I I fnimn u* > -**rn i rrii'r HrmrtU mt j^S^B RM/rv.'u* «t«»i acvl. tnetmt
      200 words
      31 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 116 11 HIGH TIDES TOOAY: Sedlil Kechll 708 n.m. 7 2 ft>. 10 35 p.m. <8.8 Hi Sinßaixire 938 a.m. (9.7 If. 11.48 pm. 1 8 9 fti; Port DtßfetM 605 am 9.3 It. BJ2 pm is It i Port Swottenham 4.39 I m '15 2 lt 541 p.m. '14 7 ft)
      116 words
    • 928 11 TV SINGAPURA lIXNNkI. 5 300 Hou«ewive» Matlnre CKxxl Neighbours <M»i--dann,Holclcien Part l> 335 Womans World (Chinesei. 405 Dimy of E\rnit, in Singapore Thus V\ < iChlncspi. 408 Scarlet! Hill; 4 55 Close. (i.OO t> P enin <f »"<* Arthur: 630 Nevi.s In Brief 'Ent 6 40 Run For Your Life
      928 words

  • 181 12 Accused missing in Turf Club rob case SINGAPORE. Tues. Chong Fai Soo one of two persons charged with robbery on the second floor of the public gallery at thr Singapore Turf Club failed to turn up in court when his case came for hearing today. When Chong's bailor told the
    181 words
  • 35 12 BWOAPOR] Boards Msla\. Chine** and EiiKiish iclementar) lo Manriiiic :li:ff Mill heuin or. \lu:«:,<\ pin Tlie board will Mudeni .s< inKii fraan t bjn to a pm. on Thuntday pn<i I
    35 words
  • 334 12 SINGAPORE. Tuesdny IIX "iron curtain" rtMTTC broke down (his afternoon when the :\2 Russian artistes of the tamed Leningrad State IJallet turned the a t io n a I Theatre hoardroom into a babble chamber. I
    334 words
  • 75 12 2 months jail for absentee serviceman SINGAPORE Tuev National wrvtceman Tan Seng. 'M. wa.s Jailed tor tuo months today lor absenting bimwU from training a year ago The court v a> 'old that Tan s> membri .if the Vicilan'e I did not turn I imuiDic between Auk 8 and Nt
    75 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 173 12 Investing WestAustcalia Secure your future for when you retire by investing in Western Australia F. R. Oakley and Associates. West Australia's fastest 1l growing 'eal estate company are offer- ing a large range of building blocks V\in the hills around Perth. These blocks 11 are i acre in size and
      173 words
    • 88 12 n THE NATIONAL THEATRE TRUST ln •ssotntion with GOSCONCERT MOSCOW LENINGRAD H^^W^^ BAU.EIM mBUP iK. v Me [ggggggF w I y^A 3 Performances National Theatre Different programme <■ ich nißht. Thursday Bth Jan. _o Friday 9th Jan. 8 30 pm Saturday 10th Jan. n| g nt| y TitkeH: IS, $5.
      88 words

  • 126 13 Sis-in-law told of the other woman S.PORE. Tues A housewife told the High Court today that shf discovered her husband living with another woman from a member of his own family. Chow Wai Jin. petitioning for divorce from Tang Ah Kow. a Port Authority cargo supervisor. said Tang's sister-ln law
    126 words
  • 50 13 SINGAPORE. TUM. The Customs and Excise Deptrtment •0 in revenue 00 more than in 1968. and $11,098,000 more ■.mate for the year The ney spinner was petroleum, which broucht In $64,269,000 compared to 1968. tobacco i $62,390.--..Quor iSoO. 146.000 >, sugar i.OOOi. and
    50 words
  • 243 13 *****33 wins $400,000 prize in S'pore Sweep SINGAPORE. Tues. Ticket No. *****33 won the first prize of $400,000 1n the Singapore Sweep conducted by Singapore l'ools (IMe) ltd. at the Cultural Centre tonight. The other results were: S NI) (Sl.'iO.O(H)): *****95. r II I R I) (S;:>.000>: 5 .TACKPOI XUMKM
    243 words
  • 368 13  -  DAVID GAN By I N GAPORE, I lies. Police have smashed a i;;m^ of Rimed rob hers believed responsible for two holdups involving more than $4.S.(il»i) iii cash and property in the lust '1\ months. Four of the gang were arrested by police in the
    368 words
  • 97 13 Charged with $46,000 armed robberies SINGAPORE Tues Abdul H. mid bin J«b-»r. :to claimed trial in the Fifth DtKrtCt C'niri wdav on three charges of armed robber> knvolrt&f of S4i hi He tl accpse<l <>'. rabMnf P M Kuthuleen of lIT.OOO at Winchester House. Collyer Quay, on Get 7. ii.'
    97 words
  • 142 13 SINGAPORE, Tuesday. y. PEE KEE, 2(J. w;.s ji.ik'd for five years today when he \\;is Found guilty on three charges, including one for unlawful possession of ;i firearm. The other riiarKf- t-'"i--cernefl hi.s unlawful po.s.•sPvslnp (ii ammunition and a forged identitycard. Senior Inspector Olhman
    142 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 169 13 SELETARIS goes Avith the good things in life Just as you enjoy good food, you too will enjoy Seletaris the mineral spa vs.itcr which contains no suyar. helps indigestion and cleansd the palate. lor yean it has been enjoyed for ihe pleasure it gi\es and the benefits it bestows. gg.
      169 words
    • 141 13 JBIX Buk These are only a few examples. Come see many ■P THE jllSSi SHOP .':.j John Little's Building JtM A. ••'"•I Special Sr <a]| i '1: I'sual Price Price j f V Ladies Bri Nylon J f •'■•'•■'•I::.: Jumpers Assorted \^A Colour Sizes 1 2- 1 (i. $14.05 $11.50
      141 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 15 13 The weather loudy clear H 6S-S2F 23-5 F partly cloudy loudjr fair N'Hha 63- sunny
      15 words
    • 39 13 Bagl Hunny By Ralph HcimdHhl 1/ SYLVESTER'S C?«lVltsJ' MV IT'S NOON. 1 I m CUSTOMERS AWAY, AM' DWVIN' /W*T AT LEAST M^ WACKY WITH THAT RACKET. I^—- I'LL HAVE p peace... rr« nX; -^p rWONCSEPRJL! II ?J.. /i(WQ)f2f2\2, O^O
      39 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 278 14 ICHN-'WUOtEMENIS lIMIMII. tNNOUNCEMINIS. MITM, CUI ACTIVITIES. CINOCM.ENCIS SI.TNS. ENtttIMINTS. I FUKEMIS (HftTIMtS IN MCMOIItM M»t«|»CCS MISSINC MISONAI. t PC. (EIUIEHS S P.EUHIONS I lite M.t.siisi in far 71 wtrtfs CKfe illititatl wtrtl SI.S9 All Otl*e r Clitlitirl Atvlrt.ltsif ßtl. M.t.BtSl J/ M Ist 15 wstjl, tKI llS. t. till wfS
      278 words
    • 472 14 -ue ia a 0, lien .'.v". WANTCU EXPERIENCED MIDWIFE lor Miit.-rn.ty Clinic. Retired also may apply Hex AMIS K.L. WANTEO PART TIME TEACHERS Bhortaaad, Account aubjaau. Apply Uox B 1 I pore WANTED IMMEDIATELY a pharl.ri.t resume of I 10 Kn.\ .\:Mi.l4 I T K I. EXPERIENCED h.-malr try, vvi'h
      472 words
    • 764 14 IH.V .s M.l .1:11. ih roil, lll. lie i|i» i-i Febntarj or aftei CkiaaM Naa Vc.r loi Austra.iKti family TancUli Raa4 area, i.-i (aTßaraj Mrs ooh ."-■..1 ffi.e'. SALESMEN REQUIREO lot crafts. lewellerj Etta. SinnaiKiie Abie to apeak fluent Bngllan and few Chinese dialed.s Full |«nti ""1 phon, 11,011 reiiirni.hle
      764 words
    • 955 14 PLACE YOUR ADS. f^rYh^. THROUGH OUR C.A.T.S. [®v^® PHONE SPORE *****1 \£^E?J YOUNG MAN REQUIRED lv I" r Klu.-ncy in main Chinese dialects and Malay imperative, Training rill 1..- atvaa to Box a.Viki -.1 aiagapore. REQUIRED MARINE PAINTS SALES i< piesenlutive. Nationality Btnaapere ettlsaa Must possess am ■sj i.i
      955 words
    • 1014 14 WANTED HOMES Mats 'ill. Write Phone IS (Realty I Co. .11-A. Koad. B'pore 11 r.i SIMM .■•.14•.•7^. AMERICAN EXECUTIVE reouirei j inn. -ned accommodation ifood lo ■ii SI.OOU JI..VNI Tel: B'pon :.r.'«27. AMERICAN DANISH EXECUTIVEI re.|ulre houses and flats Rent JH..U $L'.4(Hl'timi s Housing l)epartment B'pore
      1,014 words
    • 840 14 TUITION CIVEN lo Primary stu- j 8881 l by experienced tutor. Moderate fees inquiries M-O. Changl Road. Spore LAMBERTS DRIVINC SCHOOL Dual-controlled Morns nsm Homiv It/-. HI Balmoral Road Spore lei .v."«l>4 502 M. WANTEO Chinese IsniiUSKe tutor well v. rsed in BBaTtMB to teach Mandarin 10 Secondary Knur student.
      840 words
    • 744 14 JANUARY SESSIONS: Shortrand. Typ««rltinf. Bookkeeping. Malay Shorthand. Secondary bsaJtaß/Ualßl BIC n Middle Road Spore .'ll-1 TYPEWRITING! SHORTHAND BOOKKEEPINC KlK|Uln C^ommprcis l 1 nsT n ti t I MhiK'H. i f Road .opposite l>> Ih.alrei :Hiil4 1.T.8. 7-A. I'aya Lebar Road Hie>lat.i li. i i non |k. re 44(1M17 SHORTHAND BEGINNERS
      744 words
    • 239 14 [ty/radio Tales i service"] HISETA PROMPT in*] IV REOIFFUSION TELEVISION RENTALS H p CASH t»H<>\% ROOM! Clem-, I also K.iala Lumpur > l|a,n. I'.n. REOIFFUSION REPAIRS ANY MAKI OF TV SETS -«l*™ Communal > Closed -round Mujic Installation HEjKI .'soil P.O. Box 6()> 8 pora PETS FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL
      239 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 985 15 I" LIVERPOOL AMD OTHER UK. CON ■.LtTONEUS OoeSWe Sam r. b'han, HEIEUS IRM/JMII lai 12 10UUS FATROCLUS Slit LhSa^i R.if'r. ,1 n ...2, Fell I fHJ MtCHaoH ..Fee t Fel II I.SON frt ft* ELFENW H»tt.... F.I 11 F,l ,1 F,| IS/ fti ANUS M Mm 7/11 in M MO"uV
      985 words
    • 1159 15 a f J -vV-BL s liLJ l) A V |P i*BTpTTIT~rrSE*X!iM Scanservicey EXPWtSS HUUN6S TO MEDITEKBANEtW THE CONTINENT/ SCAHDHUVU lEII* IM 11/11 IM IY/'iJ IM U/'it tt MUm H Oki|. USIu G'rju-g. Airnus. Cuoennj K :i BOM A la* 21 It Im 27/21 IH 21/ 2 beriua A'tterp, R'dim Hburt
      1,159 words
    • 1231 15 tXPRESS SERVICE 10 tONBON, UVUIPOUI A. CONIINENIAL KOtlV DCk.l A I I I/-11.1 Far Loersool Frt 13 BENALLIGIN y*^ J "s'liU* I* PVJIt I JM*"*!/!! M broiajh Mw 11 BENHOPE r L H^- ;«ji b.niaouit 9 Ski* •'eainf G'moutr) Mar 4 lil ia. I IM 11/11 AM 14/11 H,X, Mcl
      1,231 words
    • 1231 15 FORTNIOimr EXPRESS DIBtCI FROM E. COAST Ili) 3i LIATS FROM Httt tUKR "^^^^""""^"""""^"^fT^Or?™ I p -""""^enTnl^^ K-gito* MINDALAT in V la* 1* Mai t TELAMON In- II laa 2S Mar 14 KYOTO Ft* I FH 7 fe» a la I lAPAN Smi IM 11 Fa* 11 ret 11 Fa* 11
      1,231 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1043 16 YT-^ >— w^KA\VASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. Western Australaa;Sinß«pore/ Japan Sttrvto* •>d>:ni'Na|cya Y'hama HoO« "Dt**Mrk Maru 29 la* 3 Fel I) Ft* IS Ftl M tit Japan tSt Honekone West Africa Itrvitt I iiiD tc Malam ugos F*lajM "Oilina Maru' 11 Ore 4 lan 27 la* t Fat 5 Ftl II
      1,043 words
    • 929 16 BRITISH INDIA SI mmnm co no AUSTRALIA/NEM lIRLRNB SERVICt INDIA PARISIAN AND fA* tASI SIRVICtS T*. Nto Italaat Na|a*a>li*am aal Mafias m, MaY O*ai«.a iftt. «tn. Am wuw w/'JF?,',' u'T* JTu. fenana i- snam Sini.nui* SIRONANA 1/11 Ftl II FM 12 IN -UNA I I*, l/ll la. It/Q 1,. *J
      929 words
    • 926 16 ■^Z NEPTUNE ORIENT LINES LTD a t^ar^^t. (Incorporated n tie Reputlic if Sinfipirc) B a\\"" ICB Bmldmi, Graißd Flßir. 2 Skeßtiß Wajr— Til: M 3633 7. a LOADING FOR LONDON, H'BURG. R DAM. HAVRE. A'WERP. BREM. ■c P S'rtam Penans, Arrnii: llondon 4 FH) NEPTUNE AQUAMARINE la Part 1/ I
      926 words
      605 words

  • Times City Desk
    • 104 17 i K A R T A. Stateowned Pertamina Oil signed an agreement with Ihe American Stanvac group yesterday to buy equipment worth U554.75 million. Lt. General Ibm wu ilgned fur Pertamina \uiile Mr. i.E Waiiact signed for Stan c agreement c waa graoted new exploration areas in South
      104 words
    • 68 17 now ii.m x, week iFriUavi 811 ai .i\ i. LONDON Im.iim; VHt Mil M: J4 i u> :n p«-' i Monday; 34.. to 36 pel cent UN I U I|\<l s lfl •> I M T3 ihnda\ >. Kuhhrn. 130.64 <»eek ami i 133. "n ihrida\ I *****
      68 words
    • 62 17 IHC A««oeiation at Banki m Malay. i tv thr •it of one unit of tor) Uni'aO ttattt: Huv:ns Tl I l< MM Sfllms TT or OD riady: uh.mi. Canad.' airmail M l4a bllla. Sailing TT •> OO rtadv; Thr In mr SBOMM 'o unin of forniui twitl Fr«r.
      62 words
    • 17 17 Oriff rieliJUji market in Hunt U 3 Dallar T.T. and ci>h. Si.riiti^ and
      17 words
    • 753 17 vyiiAl is in store tor Malayan Tobacco In 1970? To my mind the past growth rate can be maintained In the short term but it could slow down in the years ahead, particularly if either Government uses the company's product. U most nations
      753 words
    • 300 17 AUSTRALIAN MARKET —REPORT— MELBOURNE. TVM MINING and ou siitrts recoverea ln late trading after protil taking hit the market In lne morning session on the Melbourne Stock Exchange today. The market was unable to maintain yesterday's buoyant tone' and many rerent favourites lell bark Selected stocks. Httrncted .stronx support, including
      300 words
      733 words
    • 296 17 rADINO on the Slock l.\chaii(e (tf mi and Sint.ipurr yesterday was slucrish. The whole tone of the market took i downturn and investors found little of interest. Kvrn blue chip and better class shares found little favour. Despite indications that market reactions would push prices up in
      296 words
    • 36 17 Straits Times INDICES Jan. Jan. C Industnals; Hi I.' lIX LI •HoUls: 1 Tfi"! Properties. ltt.ll ItS.M Tin- »l i: J rubbers 111 l IILJI :u. I'll, i. Mm. M. < :i. rihx Km Her. I'll,: lll«.
      36 words
      736 words
    • 77 17 |"ME PORI M RITV ANNOUNCED IHt FOtI.OX in: berthing arranckment* FOR JAN 7: OUT Kaati n \i v II 111 Hn.uK. Mai i U nn.i M4MJ 111 11. i. II k IN \i 1.,.- IS/14 Ml. Is IBM a <•••« Naraxar <,i. ii. i.i
      77 words
      • 211 17 riK Btralts tin price 1 PenaiiK yesterday was Increased by 87} cents per picul to $697,124 on an oftering estimated up by 20 Mam support was reported irom The l'S.\ some additional buying from J LONDON Tin n Monday muinuiK tv leatured by the esiablisliment
        211 words
      • 190 17 Trade buying interest rE Rubber Murkei N-rday opi tied steadily following t than «»xp<MM«'d London ad-vK-f.s and was taken I cents tor January on iwrroai inort-coTerlng and some trade buying Intel At this k*Ve] the market wa.s toppj and eased sUghtly and thereafter trading Lzed CoveruiK ol January eommltmenti continued.
        190 words
      • 28 17 MINCJ£ r.ortucr C I part, naan clsiipb pricti ptr (iciM rMtarday ml C*pra M ">»o«i C«ll«f I Sinnp.rt D.r.m.l Oil MillcrtAliaciatior i Smgapart Capra AwaUMMM •nctt
        28 words
      • 18 17 In London on Monday the Ma\ .lull" ill IK \»n- iiuutni unchanged al UOB yv: V
        18 words
      • 23 17 tin i. KIKItI II 71| c«nl> (lip i rills lIN up K7> nllls I stini.ttctl oiTcnns 593 l«»n> (up St l>m>
        23 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 305 17 yu~ FLOTTA LAURO tIIIVINC OIICCT F*OM THIEST! ItUT IWM ioonNti »o» MHM «u«u» »oiis«oiifc-»aiku>i f'tflani <r y«M 3 Otite e*n|»u» w*rn» lung aairnHC»so Miie« im M O ia» *t» OIIECI SAILINGS 10 NAPLES, VENICI/lIIISU OPI 6thO» bion- P. i'ndtt "tiam Mm ERICi >* 1.11 Frt UW*IS al TOUR OISPOSaI ro*
      305 words
    • 604 17 NO IKI In the matin "t 1 lir < umpanirs Act. IMI ■MM that Mr. Jaw and Tee Jane Is no longer ln our em- In the matter nl ploy anu bl therefore not author- KWONG SING l.(K)N(. lsed to 1 1 an>art any business »hal- PRI\ATI. I I Ml
      604 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 981 18 FCC OFFCRO BMIBMI piunnWlaa paialag m Fi FOR RkNOVATION JtHVIU .nil 188 uuhli-rn de MtntUM aoorlae a «mll i >i mure dflail- pin,,, mm oaaaeM Mr Ckaa* •II W- H. ..c-li Rrt S porr 7 SHOPPING GUIDE IF YOU MUST 3QUANDEH vMKflv ii Li. Oiiii Ji-wf lir«. '.'iiß k South
      981 words
    • 725 18 BY ORDER OK THI PORT OtSINGAPORE AITHORin Al TIO.N SALK OK INCLAI.MED CARGO comprising: Teak .scantlings, building malertak, provisions, spare parts anil mal food, tyres and tube.s. chemi(ais lertillzeis. empty ba«!> books and advertising material. pai"ts and oil. ilquor. rubber, cigarettes. 1 medicine.-, textiles, cotton, paper -hoes, sundries, etc. to
      725 words
    • 790 18 IN THE HIGH COLRT IN MALAYA AT PENANCi COMPANIES (WINDINC-l PI NO. of In.- i In Ihe matter of Ihe Companies Act In.". And In Ihe matter of International Investments Md. NOTICE is hereby uiven that a petition for the wlnding-up of the abovenamed Company by the High Court at
      790 words
    • 811 18 I I MliM. l.i I XIX NEOARA TANAH MKLAYU i (NATIONAL ELKCTRICITV BOARD OF THE STATES OK MALAYA) si i'im.v in rown ik\n> FOKMKKS A CONTKOI. KQl'll'Ml N itu: MDIOLEMBU AND SENAWANC INDUSTRIAL ■STATI BUMTATWNB TKNUKR NO. SS.'II Tenders an invited M ihe .supply and dolivery C.I.P Port Swatunhiim States
      811 words
    • 639 18 AUSTRALIA DKPART.MKM OF PI'BLIC WORKS. NSW The follcwuiK dredges are oflerrd for sale: Antheon: Twin .screw sior a\\* trailing suction hopper dredge bunt in 18H8 and moderni.sed 1907. capacity 5760 cv ft Juno: Single Screw bow well bucket dredger built in 1915 Ureou'inOepth 36ft. Dredging gea. BOBttioned amid.ship. driven ny
      639 words
    • 307 18 PASOKAN POMS HLIAN POLIS Dl-U..JA MALAYSIA VLV KINTA. IPOH KfcNYATAAN TAWARW Tawaran danpada BhMlk>H dan Ormna peisaoian•an ada-lah di-pelawa olon KOma.idcr. Berlged Utara. Pa.wkan Pon.s Hutan. Ulu Klnta. Ipoli unu>k> MEMUNGUI MEMBUANO SAMPAH DI-KEMP PASOKAN POLIS HUTAN. ULU KiNTA. IPOH BAGI TEMPOH 1.2 .1370 HINGGA 31.1.1971 Butlr2 lanjut dan
      307 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 583 19 JOIN THE MALAYSIAN ARMED FORCES MEDICAL AND I DENTAL OFFICERS APPLICATIONS are mv.ted from medical and rfenta practitioners registered ,n the Medical and Registers respectively of Malaya for appolnt•nent to *hort service commissions tor 3 4 or 5 years in the Armed Fo-cos Medxal and Dental Serv.ces Applications must be
      583 words
    • 527 19 (cSSvO) ESSO STANDARD MALAYA BERHAD INTERESTED IN THE WORLDS FASTEST EXPANDINC TECHNOLOGY? Join the Esso team's newly established OPERATIONS RESEARCH Section. We need highly motivated management candidates with the following qualifications: B.Sc. degree Preference will be given to those with experience m Operations Research or those with a MSc (Operations
      527 words
    • 704 19 SALES REPRESENTATIVE FEMALE required for leoding International airline. Age 25 —35 veors. Minimum 3 yeors experience in travel industry including reservation*, fores ticketing routing. Must hove public speaking ability, experience and knowledge ot essential Chines* dialects plus English. Minmum »ducotion School Certificate. Starting Salary between $580 to $685 p«r month
      704 words
    • 675 19 PUBLIC UTILITIES BOARD Appllcatlcru are invited for the I following posts in the Public Utilities Board. Singapore: W.ATKK DKPAKTMKNT: MM H \M( \l. M UNTI N W< I SIPKKVISOR ($535-740 Basic i -Singapore Polytechnic Technician Diploma in Mechanical 2ngineenng or equivalent OK Certificate of Competency as 2nd Grade Engineer (I.C.E.
      675 words
    • 396 19 BIASISUA DKRMASISWA NEOhRI SI I \.\(.OR TAHLN 1970 Permohonan2 ada-Uh dl-Jemput darlpada semua anak2 Melsvu samanda mereka menjadi raajat Dull Yang Maha Mulia Sultan atau TIDAK. dan anuici bukan Melayu yang hanva menjadi raa\at Dull Vans Mana Mulia Sultan Selangor pada lahir-nva untok kurniaan oiasuwa dermasls- »a bagl pengajian^ tingfrl
      396 words

    • 413 20  -  PETER DE SOUZA RUGBY NOTES hv VEOH Cheariu Swi. 1 the Selangor rugby rpferet. came in for some criticism for hb handling Of thr Malaya Cup final bftwepn Belangor and Btagi pore In Kuala Lumpur last Saturday. Mr Yroh did a lair job In the
      413 words
    • 333 20  - Splendid trial by Tulloh's horses EPSOM JEEP By MORE THAN ten inches oi rain in the last two days caused the Ipoh racecourse to be closed to track work yesterday morning. However, the course dried up quickly under a scorching sun and when the horses were taken out for work
      333 words
    • 117 20 COW AND GATE CRASH PUTS MOORE IN HOSPITAL s; Il»N I V I uev (•roue Moorf. Ausli ilia s lop ioikr\. WM in ho>pit il toilav alter I lus>lf unohins cow and a line Miiiire uhn B*l > IMtl ■ill llwfBM) in Knelanil and l-rancr. w.jn oprra ted on for
      Reuter  -  117 words
    • 90 20 MSA's hopes fade with a second defeat MSA suffered their Mirr<-.*i\r defeat ;n the MBA MS* tc krep MBA'* hope* The -VmMSA natch ()ii>r tIM fl t\r\r\ninn th^n IOHr point.- either «aj ha.f timr MSA |M* On rf-umption MSA n doub.ed their efTorts but Asia's dffrnce »t'x>d nim while their
      90 words
    • 100 20 TOE UN Mai I Mei- boure. Edmrd W. B*-.-:. hu appealed to the Ol\nip'.< Council of Malay, la to tupport Melbourne^ bid tni the 1974 Commonwealth Gamrs. The appeal letter was handed over by Grah.«m Stehn of Qantai 'o OCM exetulM rotary V Rauratnam at Stadium Nfgara Books
      100 words
    • 38 20 1 tir Japatwat (?vnirir ;\m- O!i in 1)| |ti m „n f\hlKu«la l.'in. Fell 3 The \rnu" hai not t»r-n I vrd T)\r Ifain h I t unipiir i:l lw par' ol their tour "f ill -'ii
      38 words
    • 195 20 Famechonretains his world title TOKYO. TUM. World feathprwnght champion Johnny Famp^hon of Australia retained hia title tonight with a stunning 14th round Kiiorkout against Fiehtms Harada <>t Japan. Altrr rerp'.vine h punishment from N KKsatvt Hararia Fame rhon strark hark with a vengeance in the 14th ronnri. He battered Harada
      Reuter  -  195 words
    • 217 20  -  Yong Sek Fatt KED 2 POULTRYMEN 0 h. i/inta Eiprtnrji Dtftribtttton, the Ipoh i i champions, completed a double at Stadium Prink yrstrrrlny when they beat Poultry Dealers Association tor thr Benlor knockout title. This was the flr>' RDY Cup the competition oegan tn 1947.
      217 words
    • 149 20 Easy fourth round Cup match for Leeds I ONDON, Tues. English LeagUi lv champions Leeds United, the P. A. Cup and European Cup tavouritcs. will have non-League oppoBltlon in the fourth round ol the F.A. Cup on Jan. 24. Leed.-.. currentlj rated th< tram In Europ* v■ to uH'Pi either
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 284 20 The new 'Float Clean'process is a revelation. Jhe shirt is a revolution. Its name is Glo-weave, 'Float Clean', a new phenomenal process |r^|CkKr^O T 1/^l^o I International keep II I LV^I I lOIUv^I \d\ its new look longer. D'rt and stains just float away in the wash. Ends all the
      284 words
    • 129 20 1b the student who wants to succeed in his studies To succeed in your studies you need thn right books. MPH has them. The most comprehens've selection in Singapore. All the set books for school and umvers And m?ny more too for keen st de ts v. no want added
      129 words

    • 278 21  - I aimto make good says Aik Mong LAN PEREIRA By TAN Aik Mong got x down to strenuous training within two hours of his arrival from Penally at ihc Ihoma.i Cup training camp in Kuala Lumpur flay. Aik Monu. the Penanx ringlet and double.-* chamwho will hf 20 m April.
      278 words
    • 373 21  -  ERNEST FRIDA By JHE VISITING Australian Old Collegians played bright, entertaining cricket in beating Singapore Joint Services Invitation XI at Tanglin yesterday. The visitors won the one-day mate!) by seren wickets. After dismissing the Invitation side for 100 runs, the Collegians easily reached tiip.r tarvf
      373 words
    • 58 21 SINOAPORI Combined •o hr 'he Buki! n 27 road will begin in :h» m;rt<l> ol onth i :vx-ke» /ie on .t,.n 24 Distrtrt champiomhip* in tlie •t < l*n 26 nattooaj ihimpionships oommenca on M'irh 6. Th» thud -f ronl| .il'ho-.isii <W to I natable
      58 words
    • 58 21 MANII A Tuaj U' n K\a rhai.g of 'vmndT-pur 7< •■i tak» a Bve-atrott lead v tip i :vnin« lotim! <>i th» Pliiliij.;)rn wmen go t I >urat ihe Manila Oolf Club rour-r I ;pfl [or ,c<V"nri i)i-«i r >n i?> •>n Yl Wall 19SC
      58 words
    • 24 21 1 o\DON Tue» JJt* H<m n^ Fnelish Firot DM■oeecr <-lnb vnterday p. -ri f.i i M from jihpffl'id w«dns«diy. f« i Reiitor
      24 words
    • 26 21 PRETIOHIA TUH. North I Transvaal were S4-S jgan.'t th» Aiistrslian tounne tr»m »l lunrh '>n the flr»( daji if their Uvw-459 i ■•■p today
      26 words
      • 45 21 Mil i liiin KHItXD '«vdn v Nr v Soulh W.iir Quwnaiimd by I wkti nsw 432 ani IW-S 'A Turner 56. R. Colin.' :ifi> cjucpi'.M.inri 263 and i ?05 'S nimble 90. McLean I 71 R Dunonn S2 K U'Keett 474 I) Oillev 3-71 >
        45 words
      • 7 21 II »lUX CUP 'Pen.inu' M..1 M
        7 words
    • 49 21 Abnut 70 entriM have b»en rtctlvd f^r Fingßporr Island Cnutn Cltthi i«imm:ng gala on tan 16 There »ili be 41 evenU dl- ,<\h\ mi" *r\*n grmip* ri»r-H iinrier-fi. under-8. und»r--10 undrr-13 under- M •oid un-drr-17 There «lllal-nbe diving MMptttttOM tir the diftrr^n' age groups
      49 words
    • 46 21 Aisorutlon Butternorth hr\6 Penang Sport* Club, to a 1-1 draw in t)iv 1 m«tcta »t Wwtsni Road Prnang. yeMerdav PtC led 1-0 in the tir.M half i Koal by D Arnold Tan Kheng Hoe equaii>»eJ for IA .1111« 1 1«- .-re ii'id lihU.
      46 words
    • 128 21 JANSENITES. the S;nsaIi >i< !i >ckey rluh who fx.sted illegally lor nine years, yesterday I to put t ings right. Player-onirlal Richard Gome* called M the Registrar of Societies to hand in the dubs application for registration Jansemte.v who had competed In Singapore tournaments
      128 words
    • 260 21  - Toss of coin makes Esmanto 'Mr —Asia' M. RAHMAN By CALOMAN Esmantn. who won tin- Mr. Asia 1969 title in Colombo last wNk, will be given a welcome when hr returns to Kuala Lumpur this afternoon. E.xmant«> will he reccivi-d »1 Subang .iirp<>rt by M Abu Bakar Mdiamed. tluli— <>i
      260 words
    • 298 21 Hahn and son make 'em laugh AMERICAN Paul Harm, golf's great trick shot artist, comedian and instructor added another group of admirers to his world list at an exhibition at PWMUaf'i Batu ttantong course yesterday. D. 51. and hl.v 2H-vear-old son. Paul Jr who flew Penam iron private plan" it
      298 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 97 21 H&mosoll *£J* M* A COMPLETELY /Z?SW J BFEAKTHFOJGH l\ f" HAEMORRHOIDS I Good news for piles sufferers. A completely new therapy against haemorrhoids that acts quickly and >^fioW e'fecwely to relieve pain and shrink /^WI haemorrhoids. f VH Each easy-to-take capsule contains *Vaj( r^2 nqred'ents VITAMIN PUTIN. NEUZYM. VITAMIN XV
      97 words
    • 97 21 Supply boats on the spot in South East Asia (osa) Offshore Supply Association (South East Asia) Pte. Ltd. Available 2nd half of January 1970 One 170 ft: 2000 HP OFFSHORE SUPPLY VESSEL. twin screws, anchor handling equipment having a bollard pull of 26 tons. One 167 ft; 3000 HP OFFSHORE
      97 words
  • Page 21 Miscellaneous
    • 120 21 BX>K!TBAI.I. Tour l>n«ih B" iBporr p«d«m malrh Pfnang Young Onr» .SlS> Kaalun* Pnr' a ««m \.m sp«rr rh l»«--iHatl HP 830 p.BI i |M: Outhri* Wmifh v C*H y\*-\ «up Army v A.-i.< 7 .10 Stnrage iO»r' a rii'- Bimf D»rpnii VSA v n v Pornrna. «x BC v matebfi
      120 words

  • 280 22 KUALA TRENGGANU, Tuesday I'lll new List nil; lit rehoarded the I ssn ilrilltns -hip Di-coverer II a h'n h lhe\ li.ul ili.m--(lmied alter >he was rocked h\ I blast of gal struck during; drilling Seveatj people on aoard le.i|)«-d to s.uetv when the
    280 words
  • 353 22  - Mr. Heath talks of his plans for leftover troops TONY HERMON 3y I^l ALA I.IMIM K. Tues.— British forces UTI behind in this area l)\ nt i< l 1 *>7 will he adapted For a five power Commonwealth Force should the Conservatives regain power, the i>:nl>s leader, Mr. Edward Heath,
    353 words
  • 84 22 Kl'Ai f. I.UMKI 1 in In thr Tanah Menh district ill K- l ci all oin ut w.-ter le in .ill traffic In Ni lemMt n. In the Jclebu < i i > 1 1 1 1 1 ,i.i!' ol the i<:nd lalan Kampona China
    84 words
  • 35 22 JACKSONVILLE .Florida. Tue.«> A man attempting t" hijack a Delta Airlines DC!) •>. a« rieri tfKla\ when i he pilot revened his engine landing here, tnrouinii the man nil ealame. alrlsMs ■pohsciMii Miid
    35 words
  • 6 22 KlttuHl Itlrrf ■it i:o.fl
    6 words
    6 words
  • 293 22 I ONDON lim i :i<- imuk.-i 11-;nlfli |O I i it- l>-i fill .iliiTlm Chancellor <■! rhequer'i latemenl IndiraUni tuld be no relaxation ol the ■queen cauned tome heMlancj bui Uttle ellln Buyei i am* In ai the !uu»T level!, ;md price* i. ill. i ill! the button;
    293 words
  • 62 22 LONDON. Turs Sprit L' 4 ,tl M B. Feb. 24 .d March .'.So \pnl 25 \d April June 2.V ri July S«pt. :>;>'. d Oct Dec J.i .d Jan. March 25' ,d. Apnl June MM July Sepl 25 1 lfid O<t d Jm March 24 18 mci M B.
    62 words
  • 35 22 LONDON TMI S|VI C 1605 ellrrs '.IKO7 I yn: wmri luyeiA Cl«on c:i ClfiOl i n>. Sftllrmrnl ri«(V.' Tuvnmei it in 100 tons, pm IW Inn' Tnr#> \>r- Iteedj rin'int pncea In mfnt ton.
    35 words
  • 67 22 66 Sarawak Reds killed last year KI7CUNG, lues a total of gg cummunist terrorist- were killed by seen i it. forces in S.irm ik l.,^t \r,n Another ."i were captm ed and Ihe surrendered. This ».i» disclosed here iiiiia\ h\ (he chairman nf thr Sarawak Slate operationv committee. Inche ll.
    67 words
  • 33 22 MOMGOMEFY 1 Ml -Two NagtWM «frf riMM and kiilcr. clurini: pattCC CItSM heir last nulit i:trr offtc>r« -am mi« them vrttn.s firr to a ladio station and a More AP
    AP  -  33 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 279 22 'Miracle Dot' r>% Md*k*~% Inr 4t>*\*> cry v?y I ctoOv' o <"\ A truly j miraculou* j development, S.A "MIRACLE j^k DOT" contains Silicone the _^d*^J finest chemical for polishing your glasses. "MIRACLE DOT" cleans eyeglasses in a ivink. Just press it over both sides of the lens ami nipc.
      279 words
    • 2 22 Late CLASSIFIEDS
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