The Straits Times, 5 January 1970

Total Pages: 22
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 26 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 200,000 The Straits Times F.std. 1845 MONDAY, JANUARY 5. 1970. 15 CENTS K.D.N. 4517 M.C. (P) No. 1507 TIIB Niitiiiiiiil ftajiiiiior
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  • 491 1 Union man among 13 held in swoop Kajang estate lessee denies communist camp charge KUALA LUMPUR. Sunday THE former secretarygeneral of the de-regis-tered Malayan Estate Workers' Union, Lim )00, was among the 13 people picked up by the Special Branch in the secret communist camp at Kajang, it was learnt
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  • 531 1 Tun: No need to be alarmed over the pullout KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. There need not be undup ronrrrn ovpr the British pullout. Tun Abdul Razak said today. unrips mii*t be able to stand "n their own fppt." he said in a review of the security situation. The Director ol Operand
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  • 145 1 Thai Reds call for overthrow of Govt H»»\(, KOMI. Sim Ihe communist "Voit'i- of 1 1* im ••pic ol Thailand K.(ilf hat i .Hied on people in I h.tilaml t" permdl in efforts In iMrrlhrii« the Ih.ii dovernli'iiil Hiiv M-. ir quoi n tin- Neu China iiiw s agent >
    Reuter  -  145 words
  • 110 1 tAIGON, Sun A mod North Vietnamese army soldier recently decided to abandon sartorial rloirance In the face of American firepower American troops of the Fourth Mm -inn w< Mttine on a hiH»"p In the Central Highlands vrh^n they m Worth Vietnamese soldiers on the
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  • Article, Illustration
    462 1 Bring her back WHAT DO YOU WANT? IS IT MONEY? I MUST HAVE PROOF SHE IS SAFE' -PLEA BY PUBLISHER LONDON. Sunday 4 II A(.(• A HI) I.UOkl.Mi newspaper publisher, acting against the advice of his doctor, appealed through the press yesterday t<»i the return <>f Ins w ife, missing
    Reuter; UPI  -  462 words
  • 171 1 HEAVY FIGHTING FLARES IN VIETNAM tJAIGON. Sun. Allied and communist troops pn gaged In the heaviest fighting since the start of a "winterspring" campaign by North Vietnamese and Vletcong units two months ago. military spokesmen reported today. The communists shelled and attacked Allied outposts near Danang and mortared two northern
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  • 23 1 VERCriXI 'Itih Bui a car plunged mo i fun" cesgion her» tod? 10 people and killing f< ur of them.
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  • 179 1 Agnew's pledge to S-E Asia I>ANGK<)K. Sun. n Vicr resident Splro Aciip-v pledged today thai there would be no l< us. commitments to Thailand and otlier Southpast Asian nations thrpatpriPd hy roramunist aptprpsston. "Hp trongly s---rr-p<-j that thprr will bp nn rhar Amerk-an pollc nlni of U.B mpnt.s to Tbailan«l
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  • 15 1 NED i by E)f7pI aircraft i tb« ElKantar.t melon, military said here. Betitrr
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 42 1 &BPPPPPPPPPPPPPP&&B&& s Diamonds Diamonds Diamonds Love Engagement- Marriage I CHION6 SHINE Mfg. JewellersLTß.l i and (branch office) IU'S ARCADIA 217.1A5T COAST ROAD KATONG SINGAPORE S MPMMMMPMfiMMMMMMMMMMM SheElfox Kills Insects INSTANTLY Emm ■q""! A K^ AS YOU SPRAY AND g^Jjt*' FOR HOURS AFTERWARDS
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    • 16 1 of have an ice^ f» todaii! C^g*jfJ ril s (flr flat our whvrv thp fun is~evcrjitme?
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    • 39 2 ROME. Sun Mrs Vllma Quennl. a recently widowed •voman of 57 in Prdenone. doused her clothes w;ih petrol \»sterday and burned herself to death Police said she had been riceplv dejected since her husband > death UPI.
      UPI  -  39 words
    • 234 2 Refugees crowd Owerri as war hots up OWERRI, Sunday. REFUGEES streamed into this Biafran provisional capital yesterday as Federal forces kept up the pressure in war zones a few miles to the south. Supplies of some types of food were running short, with the price of the staple Karri a
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    • 156 2 OAKLAND aliforni.i). Sun. Homicide investigator* have colour films of the fatal stahhint of an IK-year-old youth at last month's K'lllme Stones rock festival at Mtamont rare track but haxr been unahlr to make an arrrst. Sheriff Frank M.ulie.ui inilicilrcl that the film sucgrstni
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    • 128 2 ROULETTE A WHEEL OF FORTUNE FOR MAN WITH A SYSTEM DOME. Sun. One of the world's most successful r o v lette players visited the San Remo Casino yesterday with his lawyer U) demand the return of his membership card withdrawn after the casino decided he was winning too much.
      Reuter  -  128 words
    • 42 2 Indian- Yugoslav joint venture NEW DEI.HI Sun India »nd Yugoslavia have aimwd to m-operate In the manufacture of tractor', agricultural lmple- m^nt.< and In shtpouhcTrm India will provide technical assistance lr. netting up an I aluminium industry in Yuro- i *lavla Reuter
      Reuter  -  42 words
    • 190 2 KINSHASA. Sun A British hovercraft arrived here Jndav at the end of a 5.000-mile lournev through Africa which act a world distance'record for hover- craft. The trans-African hovrrcraft expedition began 83 ci'iv.s ago S:. Lmu.v Sene«al. The battered, dust-cover-ed SR-Nft cralt was cheered by a
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    • 208 2 Captured radar unit new to the West r.l. AVIV, Sun. A former chief of Israeli military Intel iigence said last night that Is. racli commandos had captured from Egypt a romnli Soviet-built radar station of a type never before seen Itv experts in the West Brig.-Cien. Haim Herzog. now a
      Reuter; AP  -  208 words
    • 53 2 roWMWV S.n A Roya! cvyl'in Navy f-igatr is takin* emergency f'VKi iiiippl:e« •ho rinnd-raiagi^i south of Otyton. became ail roads and bridge* Ironi here to 'he M'lrth are out due to flood damage. pa'r> boats are also heading south towing flins:e.s fur mJcup and relief
      AP  -  53 words
    • 31 2 HONG KONO. Bun The Laotian Patriotic Armed Force* and people shot down or damaged 20« US aircraft In Laos last year, the New China News Agency reported today. Reuter
      Reuter  -  31 words
    • 70 2 Her para jump to death YEW YORK. Sun A rl. making her firs' iree-fah parajump, plunged to ncr death rvr; Benning. Sally Kiefer. daughter of 1. and Mrs. FredrirJc of Columbus, was makinj the jump with *h» Ft. Bf-nn'.nK Sports Parachute dub. She apparently blackPd ,d. as a r< to
      AP  -  70 words
    • 17 2 ir>N: On-, frnmer.t hs>« r*' ttM meteorologu HMnn to order th* wen corrputer from Am#nr»
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    • 268 3 Now major row boils over Curry and Chips... HE VIEW TV SERIES' CALL LONDON, Sun. A British trado union chief today asked the Race Relations Hoard to look into a recent television s, "Curry and Chips." Clive Jenkins, Joint secretary of the Association ol Scientific, Technical and Managerial Staffs, has
      Reuter  -  268 words
    • 20 3 COPBNHAOBN Bun rulit of a fiR-memher pnlmrnl a-\ium In sßft- oi Vtalrrof. Sweden polir* said laM night. R»'l'ri
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    • 189 3 VATICAN < ITY, Sun. Ponr Paul said th«■MM media uere "imDerceptililv conditioning and lonstraining persi.nal freedom." He toM an audience of It ill. in Catholic I'nivervit\ craduatf-s that freedom was the absence of direction tram outside. •\»\i have done well to extrml miit iniinir\
      Reuter  -  189 words
    • 52 3 H< i\N West < harder suarri'; \»^< r.icht crawled unrie: harbpd wire »o •me nn the Ma of the border, his foot torn of! by mlti^ The 17-vpar-'ild K^-t Ocnnail youth iv now out of and restms in hospital Ing tbt anip'itanon ol his right leg
      Reuter  -  52 words
    • 115 3 I ITTLE Mark Hue Williams was given a small holding of cheap shares as a christening present. That was a year a^o and Mark's parents thought it a bit Ol a joke thai his grandfather, Mr. George Clover, a stockbroker, had not been
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    • 38 3 One of the 'hree run by 3.280 ft. to 8.200 ft 1071. Th-' airs> »rl nan tw runw > .i(\ t and 13.320 ft. rMpectl runway will he read; by the end of next March.
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    • 211 3 SAIGON. Sunday A VIED ONG mortar bombardment two |-i iL' i aii p* eaily todaj killed 11 South namese Civilians ,md wound* fi -i<> others. The attack (amp during a sudden upsurge Of Vletcong activity In South Vietnam'! northern provlncet. About M trmrtar
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    • 41 3 MM Bo: RN« trali^n poliie air ichoiit thr t!i !"t OfMl Fir.blvr Ron. Id Thpv b- licvp Bibb 1 mieht h.^r ion fir fl^misp to hi- >eth -n'feird In a cut .midpnt before h» flfd Mi Ortnber
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    • 220 3 Armyteam in My Lai for massacre probe CAIGON. Sun. A J high-rankinp U.S. Army Investigating team landed at My Lar yesterday to conduct an on-the-spot survey of the tiny hamlet where American soldiers ;ire alleged to have massacred Vietnamese peasants. military sjyikp.sman today the team, led by I I Oen.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 344 2 CONGRATULATIONS AND BEST WISHES to The People and Government of THE UNION OF BURMA for Everlasting Peace and Prosperity On Ihe Occasion of thrir TVentTßecond Independence Anniversary from CHIP SENG CO., (PTE.) LTD. WEE 6l CO., (PTE.) LTD. ENROL NOW for OVERSEAS SCHOOL CERTIFICATE (ARTS) 1970 EXAMINATIONS Classes starting in
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    • 145 2 Do you suffer from oily skin? Oilyskin isa common condition that frequently leads to the development of blackheads and pimples, which if left untreated, can cause permanent scars. Doctors recommend regular washing with amazing pHisoHex -the deeppenetrating skin cleanser that dissolves excess oil, removes hidden dirt, cleanses and protects your
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 104 3 WORLD LEADER World's largest selling i:f! jt" Year after year, world sales of Rothmans King Size Jk y&> record their undisputed leadership. ''i9HR g h--1969 again sees Rothmans the world's largest selling A .0- _^s^Ii^BBBB! ?***^^KK^^^ jf M I most wanted King Size Virginia by far. \Jj^jMßtM l^kte^ f^ »f^
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  • 86 4 U.S. metal stamp factory SOK3MPORM, 9m An Ameri( -nil melai fabrlcatmc plant is pliiniunK to set up a factory ;n Singapore. The Nainnal Machinery Ex--1 rhaiiKe Inc ol New V rk. j throuuh the SliiKapore Invent- ment centre ther». has written to local entreprenuers InvHing them to participate H a
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  • 25 4 SINGAPORE. Bun. There will be balloting for Pa<ar Malam pitches at 10 am tomorrow ai the Hnukers Branen Public Health Division. .Scott.s Road.
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  • 367 4 SINGAPORE. Sun \SOI VEMR of the days when the heavy gun* of coastal artillery protected the sea approaches of Singapore \iill hi- handed (nor tv Singapore authorities hv thi Koyal Army Ordnance Corps tomorrow. IM) are two !).2-in< h shells.
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  • 170 4 SINGAPORE, Sunday THE National Safety First Council has called for a new yardstick to determine the reportab:iity of occupational accidei In Its latest bulleim on occupational safety, the I council >. t :c! "If there la a ■jrttcn whoreby all Industrial miurics are tr.-.itpd within
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  • 113 4 Socialist G.O.M. in S'pore SINGAPORE. Sun. Mr. Alfred Nau i above i. 62. th* "Grand Old Man" of German democratic socialists, is In Singapore to preside over the weeklong Friedrich Eberr Foundation conference s'artlng tomorrow. |Mr Nhii who flew In yestprriny is treasurer of the rattni West German Bo- Demoeratle
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  • 36 4 Sun An •mendment to the Lrw.l OovIntegral .on Ordinance has been Inlrodurwi in Pbtllim^nt to rouble Oovrrnment m I>+< for t^e rrmo\al oJ 't**Titr »n<i trade il and for the amount of water used.
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  • 42 4 SINGAPORE. Sun A Singapore Traction Company bus r.tuch: [irp in Victoria Street tonight after short circuit in the onTine It MM put <uit In n lew minutes by the fire brlgatfl TIM only !\vo nn«vn«erB in the bua ifely
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  • 31 4 SINGAPORE Sun Mr Harold Hammprmin nraaident o( Allifri Builders Corporation and an r>xp*rt in urban reiifval will vi*n Singapore latrr thus month dunne a fact-flndir.g tour of 18 fourtrif*.
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  • 142 4 More girls needed to be 'petticoat' cops SINGAPORE. Sun. The Singapore Police Force ha.s decided to expand its women police unit after recruitment had stopped for almost two years. The women's unit, formed 20 years ago. reached its full complement of 245 officers and rank and tile in 1968. Today,
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  • 85 4 Man with a woman's IC fined SINGAPORE BUB Lv La'Chi alia* Loh Yip Chap v.** fired »200 or one mon day for n.«in« forger; identity-card He plfad" 1 Lu. 59 produced the "id cavd at a regutratir renire at Upper Bulcit Timnh Rr-»d on S*p- 1«. 1966 and registered for
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  • 49 4 SINGAPORE. Sun The Toto numbers drawn toriay »ere 36 8. 41. 33- with the addinumber 9 In thr dr»'» thr thrre number.-, picked ■\c,-f The luck\ draw number* dra» I r prize 3K'BBl. Il prl/e p:>;;t Third ?«484* Fclurt^ JSiino Fifth prize J33T. Sixth pnz» 252
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  • 84 4 SINGAPORE. Sun Industrialist* from India are tn\r*u--4 jcint vtn- ture projects in tl.e Republic, rangmc from te.\iile>. cl,enucats I and stec! to food J-oi thr projwta they are prrpared lo Mtppi) iinance. knuv now and ma< I A huge nianuiaeiunne com- I plex
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 279 4 WOW nVh DAYl'woV/i'dRCH ARD Oai.y 3 Shywy 200 5.30 &3 H p.m. COL LV starts: 2.18. 5.48 d.3J,m. SATURDAY, SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS EXTRA SHOW AT 10 4S a m B Adm SI SO. S} 50 5-4 00 Advontc Co<S Bookings Only. No Free Lilt! FsThool SI SO TO ANY SEAT
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    • 19 4 NEW OCEAN Tei 448«45 Air-conditioned' iielaa Today at 110 715 4 9 13 aw "THI MYSTERIOUS SISTERS'" (Cont Coiortcope
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    • 215 4 r ll i ■•■■■•••hiih THE EASY EFFECTIVE WAY TO STREAMLINE YOUR WAISTLINE N0*.... y0u cm DrauMy yn Uf figure n I ?WILTKIMMKB' privacy ot yet/ r Dcdmom. In jus 1 Bb^bk -tJP"«ijßfc duly, you piea:anii y TWIST off qjckly. Wnsr i-.iy unwanted tat md "ir I. M* from hips, ftjist
      215 words
    • 555 4 [■I:IH:M:IT3cW[.Il n 19TM OAV DAILY 3 SHO 2.00. S 30 I. 545 pm. DOLIY STARTS 2 It. 5 41 I °03 p m Sot,irdoy» Sundoi I m Adm II 50, S3 SO t M MttLO 001 1 MM Color h H*(" IOW! BJ So'u'doyi Su'-30.< 4 Me i V ii-i
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  • 317 5 SINGAPORE. Sun 1 vopiiu el had lovt l.ieir troiiN'rs on the wav to tli<- <■ 'lil' ii I <>tuv Thrre others i><>i i trunks. Anothrr lonkrd INM a I. I .i i k -hiilnl .mil .md inn had Hi hut fnritot his shirt and trousers.
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  • 27 5 KUALA I'MrVH sun Th* frvmer Thi^; Cto>^rninfn' Tfnsku T»n Mohamad been T^ngku Bfsar Burhiinudri'.n hM t*rn api j diraetoi f mical Comp»nj of Mt Barbad
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 51 5 r^SSS all iifCnl EV y f.^H Will Iri I White Horse separates the men from the boys. But not from the girls.) A perfect blend, mellowed by the gentle hand of time to the softness of a summer breeze. V'Hlll HOR.jfc M I H nil!.)* I ii.^ory-. ;^<»., -tnwsir. i\f4ia^i»)
      51 words
    • 281 5 SUPERMARKET AND SHOPPING CENTRE ORCHARD ROAD MONDAY to THURSDAY WHITE COD FILLETS Danish ib 1.10 PORK (HIPOLATA SAUSAGES by s.&k. Ib 1.35 CHEESE gouda GRAPEFRUIT Jaffa a «.r 1.00 PET FOOD sprats weetmeet No. i 16 oi .65 FRUIT NECTARS c.&B. peach, pear, apricot 12 oz .45 GROUND WHITE PPPK
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  • 504 6 12 GOVT BUNGALOWS MAY GO PORT DICKSON. Sun. JWELVE of the 13 State Government holiday bungalows in this seaside resort may be demolished to make room for expansion of tourism. Some 61 these wooden bungftlows, constructed more than 40 pew ago, are on
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  • 168 6 'Co-operate with army to suppress the Reds' call l/ANGAR. Sun. —The senior army commanding officer in Kodah and Perlis. Lt.-Col. Mohamed YusofT bin Din, yesterday called on p* ooie 1i v along the MalaysianThai border to give their fullest co-opera-tion to the army to suppress the communist terrorists. 1 mv
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  • 164 6 PENANG Sunday TTIK f.rnk.ii. MP for Uato Mi. D.imil. ln(l.i> uru«-d t h<dinrrnniinl tv NMI tlii- work l» lin it hi ill lhos r rlicihlr lur Malay"lt i> not the public I fault the i it i/.-n-li p •Mil I is un.ihlr tv
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 126 6 i JS9m TB isP^ .^B^aiaK^Bflr-*' JT I M fl H ■■mil M' H^^^ afl ■Btf^ »^^^^^^aw^ j j ittak T^l BSfc^BT— i Man-on-the-spot in Hong Kong. Looking East for new business? He can help you find it Need plant sites in the Argentine? See our man in Buenos Aires. From
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 224 6 f O»f» it if I iff i ml in K^7 BUSINESS. EM? WBA,IV "l OH. MOT POM ON \wi IVALUCC II s 11~ KOO«! BVHT*" m(\—^ I fitAP TSBB >OU TrtO JIK OMOUNP, >OUR PLAMTOVRV II( BY "TW* > COO«*E, 11%. MOW'N'MORS/^ I AtmM 1 >our firr highness our J
      224 words

  • 274 7 Need for foreign language service at S'pore airport CINCiAPORE. Sun. w Singapore airport should nave a foreign lan hrlp tourists who do not speak English or any ol the loral lan- inlay by public I 'i U>tu niiifi r lonian Airways, London, Mr. ronj CockUn. before he left for after
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  • 10 7 New AC A head in v.-,- bin ha* ai- i
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  • 2 7
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  • 16 7 north 4 to'al -1 MBO < I Kong last *3«0 Kalimuthu $130
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  • 12 7 KOTA KINAH.M SUB Morn- In;ti.anri ofl Bernaau
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  • 21 7 VKU K ANSON Sun I'ht Sardon toapltal hfre tomorrow mnrmnz and in the e\enins .iO 00<i children's in IrK'h
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  • 139 7 CINGAPORI «un A by the Straits .re I Relief fund Th< at HH. »tuu Amer; SmgaMOO Thrpf c> tali'.ne $730 I ri M ved tin Madan i idivel v rhr deal th righ' I Har- OXC <UK UKI n ItAUi D. -ill i ill W
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  • 266 7 Japanese business men study report SPARE PARTS VENTURE IN MALAYSIA? Mr Mxrdn sairi this was because of an acute shortace of labour in Japan and of rising labour costs. Is becoming more difficult to find labour for Mich industries in Japan and we are lockine to the South-east Asian countries
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  • 131 7 MCA PLANS TALKS ON NEW PARTY DOCUMENT KIM I I MPIK Sun Thr MCA Bl prrp.tnn: for Ha eeatnl crnrr^l •aarasMj t«> di<.»-u»s thr nru p.ulv <iin>tilulion'» BBjSMCC said to di\ Ih.u no il.ilr h.iil I liern fi\rd hut thr mrrtni[ iisii.illv takes placr r.trl> in Ihr Ihr
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  • 197 7 Singapore export drive moving into top gear CINGAPORE. Sun. The republics export drive is moving Into top sear, the Singapore Manufacturers Association reported today. In Itl 196P review, it said: "Exports of Singapore manufactured Roods have significantly increased. ■\Ve have MiccesMiilly '.n--rreiised our exports to Australia. South Vietnam, and the
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  • 59 7 L'ANGAR. Sun. Th<« Chlel Education Offi-i-pr. Inche Idris bin Haji Tain wul oonTtM .!1K thl.< W«»Pk "f prtncipa^s. h^aclm and senior tochers In sr-ovrtAry schools tO d>cuaa the poor performance <-r Urn State* schools in ih>- reeeni LCI examinatlon. li. osm of h«.h »nd Nanonal
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 79 7 Hv V C—^ Bf I WB 4 5 uf' Jsl Bui feels very wouk You really feel great after taking Yeast-Vite. YEAST-VITE IS THE ONLY PAIN-KILLER THAT CONTAINS VITAMINS. So while it is quickly soothing away the pain, it is also buiidmg up your strength. So when the pains gone
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 232 7 Straits Times Crossword MBGM 8 DSV MSM familiar to tia\rll«n I tinn ilOi in irr.nno I*l I 2 g,,,^, I1W) raitfll c'lii.t. li--10 fi.mmon |okr». »«i*-spli:<inc mm rrtntrlvr to help |T-4| (•I IS. Sh»:n*n up and 'akr r»p»nlnf 11 Hl« nrlpw might l-.*\r berti "> H«mp»hli»! ilOi pntcUcc "<■ Wnno
      232 words

  • The Straits Times Monday, January 5, 1970
    • 557 8 An astonishing ihHiige has come over MfJlaysia'a National Emergency R*UH Fund in th<> six In mid-November Tun Tan Siew Sin, the fund chair* rnwn, issued a statement saying that $82t;,(Hto had been spent helpinß victims M.iv disturbances. =.nd that another SZSQ/MM had be^n til aside, for
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    • 406 8 Discussion of the SmoTuasian border problem, interrupted in mid-Decem-ber when Mr. Kua flew to Moscow, is likely to be resumed within a few days obviously in the expectation of better pro- The experts believe that Mr. Kuznetsov has returned with fresh instructions. Since there would not be much
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  • 713 8  -  PETER JACKSON Pressure from the Left She may hold elections this year in a bid to solve the political crisis Ry New Delhi, Sunday INDIANS fear they may face the prospect of political turbulence such as the country has never known before as Prime Minister Mrs.
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    • 245 8 /\NCE again IB .mud robbery has necn committed In S.ngapore resulting in the some S2.>o 000. Revolvers were v.sea. and a "stolen car No single gang robbers more man a stolen vehicle If this Is denied to them, here would be very few robberies
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    • 124 8 I REFER to your recent editorial on the Brunei talks in London, and in particular the comment that the Brunei People s Independent Party Is minus leadership. We do not attempt to hide the fact that wr have had resignations by members lrom top posts,
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    • 102 8 DESPITF the ami-litter laws the Lake Garaens are littered with wrappings of all sizes and colour.- all along the road, especially around the children's playground. Obviously this U thrown around in the evening, as la evident by the "dirty look" in the morning. Places like the Lake Gardens
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    • 102 8 IT d well and |OOtf thai the Malaysian Government encourages co-ope-ratlrea to be formed but the Minister has failed to observe the present inefficiency ol some we have. Whenever the has to make payment.s to its members there ll al ways red tape treatment )Ost M we h^d In
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    • 152 8 RttLRLMh b murir to letters liy Su.japorr iisulrnts on thr problem of tiatlir cuntrstlon >( Thomson Ruad and Ippn I hiinisiiii Km. id The P\M> has In h.uul plant to widen I Imm son .<nd I'PPer I hums mi Roads. Work hn»eve< •an only «.mn
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  • 511 8  - The Nigerian war rages on without any prospects of peace BERNARD MELUNSKY B> LONDON, Sun. Nieeria fares a new yrar of lighting and starvation .is its ,tl nmiith Icinj: (Mil r.ues nil without prospects peace Marc than I »ii million people BMj\ ll.l\( (lied trom hunger in Ihe
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 65 8 OVERSEA CHINESE BANKING CORPN. LTD. the STRONGEST and LARGEST BANK in MALAYSIA and SINCAPORE AUTHOftISID CAPITAL: 5100.000.000 fc PAID UP capital s 40,000.m0/--r t!H •!!ti f^i TOTAI O»t» 7«,000.000 'S^ Wt 'tf# fin RfSOURCIS O««t 57*4,000.000,--9; Sj :■:> The Bank fir All Bif and Small Blf r iRANCMIS TMROUOMOUT 'Sj
      65 words
    • 154 8 Seagram's V.O. Canadian. Order it instead of your usual Whisky. Just once. And you'll he back fur mr.rr. Why? Because nnvopf who appreciates line wftjsjrj cert.iinJ> appreciates a smooth drink. S agram*! > h just that. It's so smooth, in fact, that in America more people pecfer \.O. than bjbj
      154 words

  • 132 9 SEARCH STEPPED UP FOR THAI TRA WLER PIRATES A LOR STAR, Sun. Royal Malaysian N ivy and M.i: Po 11. 111- I h :n ritorlal waters otr Perils for four Thai pli who escaped with a 111 trawler hlng (tear :od at SB.OOO "d to •■■.man The ptratrv three .ntori-ppt-rawler
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  • 206 9 December rainfall sets intensity record in S'pore OINGAMMU, Sun— Rainfall durine three days last month which brou<ht severe floods chalked up three records the hichest rainfall intensity ever recorded for periods up to -'t. IK and 7.' hours In addition, the month, uith total riinf.ill (l f h:uu his the
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  • 36 9 KUCHINQ Anak Ppnc: the Mlnti mer.KKumah ••rpi Mpnra! :n M:p IC TbM DlShr Ls DOli'vfd to hav< been Sh»> will bf bunPd or. TupfJ.iy She four son* and 19 grea: Rrandchildren.
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  • 9 9 'n8 at companies n i .nds.
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  • 240 9 Worker is New Year's first murder victim SINGAPORE. Sunday THE New Year claimed its tir^t murder victim when a man was stabbed to deatn in Tiong Bahru late last night. Police, who acted after a call from an unidentified person, found Wong Sam Kow. 21. seated on a stool On
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  • 124 9 March date for national goodwill council I^UALA LUMPUR. Sun. The PrimMinister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, will announce the composition of the National Goodwill Council probably by early March Wan S:dek bin Ha.v Wan Rahman executive serre- the rminoi said I > thai trie Tengku would *<> clay goodwill 4 East Malaysia
    124 words
  • 234 9 Fortnightly trips to East Malaysia by vice girls CIM.AFOKJ Sun Jet->et lacal vis* khK arc hum l i> hi i; in .It^selton. Kota Kin.t b.ilu ,iiul KuriiuiK i<» pjy thi'ii trade. 1 llr >p«-n<l a lull 'nighl 1 1 Umm i>liipflv and thru return lor .mother (un wrein ■liiisinos
    234 words
  • 15 9 KUALA I.LMPL-R. Sun. A man. Ahdul R h.n Muhamed. 31. was found hang'-.-:
    15 words
  • 201 9 MBs to hold special meeting on land matters KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. —A special meeting of Mentrls IV b«j and Chief Ministers is tn be railed by the Minister of National and Rural Dcvi lopimnt. Inche Ghai it Baba. to clear the wav for more effective expeditious land administration. if Cihßfar
    Bernama  -  201 words
  • 36 9 .JOHORE BAHRC. 6ur Idri< bin Harun »as ch^ryed In the High Court here io•h ;hp murder of Abdul Ham;d bin 9 Kuala Mayang Estate in Mer.Mnc '-n par Hearing was fixed lor M^rch 22.
    36 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 4 9 (frill*! /^B-> t fwiStfS^
      4 words
    • 218 9 VANTO ACADEMY PETALING JAVA ADpUcatiom are inr.ted trom elldble candidate* for admission tn the toilowing Courses:H S C l'hixse waiting tor the SC/MC.E examination resulu and iho. wh< passed S C/M.C.E in 1963 with Grade 1 or Grade II ma? apply PKI\Alt SKRtTARfS CI.RTIHCATE Girls who are awaiting the results
      218 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 37 9 YOUR SWIMMING TIMES n n.i r- 9.04 pm 4 m im. 1108 p.m. 11 rOMORROW I pal. (O.J ft); I:. 4.32 pm. '13 7 ft); Pfr.arg ll 53 *.m. >6.2 ft), i 30 p.m. 18 fu.
      37 words
    • 694 9 TV SINGAPURA < lIWM I 2QQ P.M. Openlnf arnouncemei:!.- and Miinlin Mar; 320 c mini »orld iTaaUl); 3 r ).-> a <i.i:\ p«irp -nis «pf< i raaii i IM it ■U>; 4 15 Srarlftt Hlli Second Bi fi 00 OP"" 11 announefment* and MolMb 630 Np«« in briof: 635 I
      694 words

    • 357 10  -  GRAHAM LORD A TALENT TO AMUSE. By Sheridon Morley Hnncmonn 63t.) B, VOFL COWARD ha* always had an awesome H vitality. Before ht- was 18 he had acted in several plays in the West End and on tour and a play of his own had
      357 words
    • 644 10  -  Irving Wallace. THE WRITING OF ONE NOVEL, By (New English Library, tfg.) reviews by: PETER GROSVENOR A BOOK ABOUT A BOOK y[\\. IRWING Wallace, chunky, pipe-puffing American of .">."{. is one <>l Ilic livo i iclicsl writers in Ihc world. The man soils
      644 words
    • 221 10 I 111 VOKMW Dill (.1 111 I.IMIRK K HOOK ißli.ii Vim tlial HBtSIBSJ Hal- mntl 4^ iflmmon In print on Ihr tontiir. thr SJMVM -tH BMrMIT llnr Mm \rA\r d.Mihi II »fim »f riBM I hrard a good m unr. at hratd am at all in f.i.
      221 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 137 10 T^^dMssvJli^Bß^aw i*-* ffiS I BBi EHBBBBBB^BBsflBBBa^BB»VBBBBBBBBBBBtBBB0^^BBl tsSB&.-.^E motorcycle i ond moped P yM chains V^ '^0&r UNITIO MOIOII «l)kHi bPUHt Hit LID 1* Prengift Koad Poieng itrsoin ch»iv< iiMiTira HP mil WM m muT* c DIVER'S DELIGHT C c Push (Instant) Date Change System. _^ss^s^:>v 40 metre perfect 4P2r^M~-&foiL. I
      137 words
    • 66 10 THE CASSETTE brings HITACHI to the top HERE'STHE SWINGER! JE9 [V HANDY POP UP CAS- SETTE THAT'S SO 4^^/S ■""^^^^^""'""'"lStV EASY TO OPERATE [,M Mm TO) WITH TOP QUALITY I^MMEBBimBgMM^MMMMMWB results m mmmmMMMm Hitachi TR0220 W Solid State Portable Cassette V J T W^^m JLa I m I distributors illLiiaJ
      66 words

  • 124 11 Malaysia, Sudan to start student exchange scheme Xl A I. A I.I.'MPUR, Bun. Malaysia and the Sudan are to ihen their cultural relations by M''ting up a student exchange programme. The Sudanese AtubasSaved 1 Abdoun, day that lie had already in the mat•or. Thr response ln>m fie has ">d and
    124 words
  • 115 11 K V C H I N G Sun. A •;bli;tv report on the dredginz of Kurhing. S!bu and Miri px.rt.s :.s beina studied by ti.p Aunralian mcnl a euttcr-ractloß dredge. >!i $1 mlii;nn. will be given by th« Australian Oovernment under the Colombo Plan
    Bernama  -  115 words
  • 43 11 KOTA BHARU Sun. Cv»- toms officn-.s. with the uti*•ance of the police, yejterdiy adrn with RO pic-uU of wbacco leaf worth md $*****. .11 linn Thr lyl;r\o<i to ii.t\f brfn through Pwem 'he i y.-.t peop.e I hi\« b«en de-alned.
    43 words
  • 283 11 Warning against 'sowing seeds on concrete' AN UNWISE POLICY, SAYS THAI EXPERT KUALA LUMPUR. Sunday. 'ST developing countries are "sowing ds on a concrete floor" in their hurry to develop, a Thai expert Mr. Mechai Viravaidya, said here today. Speaking on his arrival to attend thp fifth International Seminar on
    283 words
  • 33 11 PEN ANO Sun. Two N« Kok KhLiii and Lmi Fin Juat. pleaded guilty it. briikng into Hrigir Ut| 170 in ca.-.h if (Irlrrrfcl 'o 16 pendint protMtioaarj r
    33 words
  • 186 11 Computer age reaching the rubber factories |^1 MA 1.1 MPI R. Sun The a«e nf cnmpuli i is rr irhint the ruhber factorie>. says an article in the l.iteM issup of thr Journal of thr Rubber Research Institute. Onlprinc and drlivpry datps will be more precise and closer and crpater
    Bernama  -  186 words
  • 5 11 Sultan's sisters head honours list
    5 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 245 11 VaremoTd TABLETS the EFFECTIVE ORAL treatment tor PILES (Haemorrhoids) i VAREMOID tablets is «n»v/ c just swallow during or after meals. VAREMOID issocompleteI. It been clinically and tested all over the world v. ith remarkable success, in be taken by all age group even during pregnancy. VAREMOID contains the
      245 words
    • 358 11 ATTENTION: WORKING GIRLS! A trained Private Secretary holding the LCC Certificate is indispensable to company management. An Executive Secretary performs a key role in high level decision making, a vital link within the top management team. She actively participates in the work of the senior manager to whom she is
      358 words

  • 19 12 THE FAMILY I Mr. On>i Snv Ra lULII ANIi Mt<i *rir«i 1- inn nn<l h*Mrt- —i\ wuih^ri for
    19 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 486 12 •ONOWLfDCEMENTS, aNNIVOSaIIIS, tNNOUNCEMENTS. IHTHS. CLUI tCTIVITIES. CONISIENCES, IEtTNS. ENOtCMENTS, rUNEKLS, (KETINCS, IN MEMOIIIM. M.MI.CCS MISSINC efHSOMJL, Tt C f EtUIEMS I REUNIONS. •jt< Miaiaaa \l% Ml 21 >««, eacl MaWMM »ir» SIN .11 em>r C'n. Miiiaum "SI Ur is wifts, ikl MM MMi Morals. Struts In StfYici ciarfi ttM
      486 words
    • 640 12 WANTED IMMEDIATELY a pharal drtailnian PIMH apply X.1.. j hi e, imm- 'i m Ira ill rlitni Apply I.T. I pore. WANTED EXPERIENCED BOOK IK7O. COMPETENT STENO-TYPIIT n due employment. Apply to Rox A">4 s T s pj particular, and mired. aaalatan! wit* kno'vie.itr „t h pplna for a wall
      640 words
    • 694 12 WOOD WORKING AND UPHOLSTERY Appi.nti.e, required. Male/ i.-mal.-. PrrfcraM] raaMlßl n Semha■an i; and Thor n.on i■ a >" I"' 1 d*v Apply -vith photosraph monr.turnahl.i stating .•d'irational quailR..< v ,t<; S.I s pore KEEN ENERCETIC AND PER SONARLE BstaMMß or BaM IX reqiired for a hard but .xtremmv well
      694 words
    • 1583 12 PLACE YOUR ADS. ttrrt^ THROUGH OUR C.A.T.S. PHONE STORE *****1 \CJLXSj RESISTANT WELDINO EOUIPMINT I. .ton lr,i enertelic man in atai are ,uppller, of equipment arid require aotnehodv to Singapore and Malay, ia. An intereat ing Joh which i*v, very well. Apply ■Mai t«, Box >MM ST. S |<irr WORLD
      1,583 words
    • 716 12 AVAILABLE FURNISHED OPPICI roorr, tab)* iparn taltpnoat Including Secreurl*! »*nle«(. Rent moderata Tel 6 pore 238 M FIRIT CLASI FULLY AIR. CONDITIONED OFFICE fPACE APPROXIMATELY IWO SO. FT., NORTH RRIDRI ROAD vailahle for immediate occupation. Pleaae apply BOX AMSS I.T. lINCAPORI. GODOWrT SPACE WANTED ESTABLISHED EUROPEAN COM. PANV r.Tlir. Store
      716 words
    • 518 12 OIPLOMAI A.i» Motioo smito io Batttry Road c port to make permau> •otly laatlni copiea of idea* »aniani» locument, MATHEMATir.S: ELEMENTARY Additional. Suhaidlarj. Pure, applied. rhemntry «ith practical, Kega School HBMJ Spora. ENGLISH MATHI CLASSES: Momiv. atartiDa Jaauan early Raja College Changi Road i4i<7eA»i Spore. ITENOGRAPHY: 'iuaranteed Kap.d i'ou«e Claaaaa
      518 words
    • 453 12 BOATS/YACHTS FOR SALE^ OAV UNO 14 FOOT ikl-boa* rnntl 41 h p. KvlnrtKl* Peie^l-'r Eire; ft rcn.l t.on. Thone Wpore .la.V^. 17 1 TEAK HALF iA H I >i th n i p. Mercury I Control Steering *e,.M), lei ONE ITEEL \ESSEL length l«| it nreadrn 2". <mi draft 10
      453 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 1176 13 TO (IVERPOOI >N0 OTHER \i K CONTINENIAI PORT Dj« S 00-e SIH! P i tl-'ONEUS mp 3b Tim j, a sTI Hi 12 NELfUS p,, 1,, 1 IM 11 Jai 14 jai 15/11 OOIIUS ,1 j,, n j,, v,, ?2£i U 1 tea 11 Hi II 1111 15 21 111
      1,176 words
    • 1204 13 i1 I MJ i 1 1 U 'J IkYmM H! ll M^rM ScanserviceV EXPRESS SAILINGS TO MEDITERRANEAN THE CONTINENT/ SCANDINAVIA t-ym mm aappppi roseira m iii> ut 14 15 in tll CD tea. meat, mtuii, osiu fi'eu'g. Aartiui. Cuptnntiti 10MA im 21/21 111 27/21 lit Hi 4 1, .p tca
      1,204 words
    • 1212 13 A**\^-~ -"^iapaßiß^^B fcXPR[S!> StHVICt 10 IONBON, UVtRfOUL t tOWIINLNIAL PORIS. BENSTAC ymm M traPJMN P.rtM r-wan, H>ml)ul fi -3 TMll BENALUGIN Z» SriUtvil •♦hoi >'tmnp Mlroujr Mtr 13 Slilll UPt/JMI 111 111 aintaoort P S'Ktm "unit BISHUPI iotn, nun. Uffluuin. H Oui| ll Pt ill I 111 112 111 13,14
      1,212 words
    • 1221 13 'ORTNICKTLT EXPRESS OIRECT FROM E COAST USA 15 JI*S tRQM Hi* "jt» MANOAIAT 111 1? nn 1| Uf I HLAMCN v ln 25 Mir 21 KYOTO FM 4 Ftl I lit I Apr I JAPAN Still lat 11 Ftl II Frl 21 Fet 21 Apr 21 lAOMEDON Slit*. 11l 21
      1,221 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1035 14 -11 1— KAWASAKI KISEN KAISIIA LTD. Western Australia Singapore /Japan Service rokki -jnya I'lam* hodi tr-iffi. Maru" '0 Die laa 14 lai II Jaa n ua 'TllßkatH Mm" 71 im l in il Fek urn M Fia Japan «c Hongkong Wast Africa Service ■PMJ rrn.n 'Oil, ma Maru K Die
      1,035 words
    • 910 14 BRITISH INDIA ""'M 1 1 "i™ lUSTRAUA NEM 2EAIAND SERVICE INDIA PAKISTAN AND FAR EASt SERVICES Ti New ?ialiil 'I: Nafaiattiiaa Ml Malrai ,ir: rre... MM lh.. Mm.. Am 4JULj( .iT?,'.' 'a'!,". tTZ Penani P Sham Smj-w. SIROHANA 1/11 Flk 11 Fek 12 Fek lUNA ti I »M l/tl UR
      910 words
    • 887 14 \*~Sr7 NEPTUNE ORIENt'IINES LTd" Hl^paj^ (Incorporated in the Republic if Siitfipire) a B ICB Builomi, Groyni Flur, 2 Shenton War-Tel: *****3 7. B LOADING FOR LONDON, H BURG, R DAM, HAVRE, A'WERP. BREM P. S 'urn Arrival: ula 41 nt NEPTUNF. AQUAMARINE II Pert 1/ 7 Im (HiOjrt II Fek
      887 words
    • 649 14 scindial^T Junes ■—PACIFIC NORTH WEST SERVICE— J LOADING FOR LO> ANGELES. SAN DIEGO, SAN fRANCISCO, OAKLANO. PORTLAND TACOMA LONGVIEW VANCOUVER. BC. •IALARAMTA" l/ll lai 1112 laa 13 15 lan ■IALARAIAN" 14 IS lek 11 II Irk 18 21 fek la Mar •JALARAShMI" 24 25 Mar 2t 21 Mar 21 II
      649 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 709 15 onlinurd from I'ase IS) 'OH comfort »nd qultt ita? vmt IS Arnl.rr Koad If I. i s* AT YOUR SERVICE 'SSXSJ?. m/u 1 MUItL AMBASkAUOM M Mrlt! corviM. DUPLICATING, or inn •■•••front, wall 3Uc. luimiar Bouk Company, 871, lo wa sarpaUaji, air-condiuoowi riti B I port. room». iinmr f;»'-
      709 words
    • 949 15 t^^^^^^***^^* J j l^^*^^* lM^^ M^MMM^^MMM^SM| MINISTRY OF KDI CATION SINGAPORE A^M^^ 1111 ASSOCIATED BOARD OK Bp THE ROYAL SCHOOLS OF mi sk v* written examinations 1970 Tsir viipth ui.h vk» The bove x mln t 'on« will be THK NORIH BOKM'.U hel( j ln Singapore on Saturday TIMBERS BF.RHAD
      949 words
    • 622 15 r HHBgap Bppßßja pa b bhb| Sb9£S BEECHAM (MALAYSIA) SDN. BHD. has two voncancies Accounts Department for 1 SENIOR ACCOUNTS CLERK QUALIFICATIONS: Senior Cambridge ond London Chamber of Commerce Higher. EXPERIENCE; Minimum of 5 yeors accounting experience in a Commercial Company. Capable of preparing Balance Sheets without supervision. SALARY: $475
      622 words
    • 515 15 THE PORT OF SINGAPORE AUTHORITY VACANCY FOR FKMALE STENOGRAPHER Applications aie Invited from suitably qualified Singapore Citl- tens lor appointment to the of Slenoiiiaplier in the Secretariat of the Authority HI mm ATIONS: Cambridge School Certificate Grace 1 or II «ulh < redit v. Ki.i; or an equivalent qualification.
      515 words
    • 814 15 THE PORT OF SINGAPORE AUTHORITY TKMPOKAKV VI'I'OIN I\U NT Or IMHVHU IMMTANY -l RTETINOI Qualification* and Kxprrienre: 1. Mu.«i be Singapore, Ma laysian Citizen. 2. A minimum of 8 years experience in hyrlrneraphir HrHf work and setling-dut (or maritime riyii et.emeerinß «t ruction. PiKWJWInn nf Technician IliplnniH iSurveyinS' Ol Singapore
      814 words

    • 381 16 I ONDON, Sun. League leaders Everton and Fairs Cup holders New- ra-stlr were Among the casualties In the Encllsh F.A. Cup third round yesterday. Amonix other surprises wore the defeats of First Division Clubs Sunderland and West Ham by Second Division opponents. Kundrrlaiid I<>M
      381 words
    • 62 16 NEW DELHI Run Alexander Metrevell o( the Soviet Union today won thf menu single* title at the Asian lawn tennis championships here, brushing aside a late challenge from India s top-ranked PremJlt Lall The top-seeded Russian Justlned his seedltic In the championships her* a<, h» regained
      Reuter  -  62 words
    • 269 16 FA «I I' Hii koi MB Arsenal 1 Blackpool 1 Aston Villa 1 Charltnn 1 irn n S\>inri">i 4 Boltnn 1 Watford 2 Bradford C. 3 Tottenham 2 Burnlrv 3 Wolies 0 rhei.»ra 3 Birmingham 0 rhesrrr 2 Bristol C. 1 C Palare 2 Walrall 0 Ollllngham 1
      269 words
    • 676 16 m if i. r «m Luton 2:1 1 i 7 3 42 17 33 Dnent 25 11 10 4 32 20 32 Bradford C 23 13 5 5 30 20 11 Rochdale 24 13 4 7 46 33 30 Barr.slfy 25 11 8 rt 3i> ja M rorquav
      676 words
    • 267 16  -  MANSOOR RAHMAN By XHERE will be ten teams atrain tor the Malaya Cup rup^er tournament nex' son. The 28 Commonwealth Brigade, who inriiratod they have played thrir last season, have told the Malaysian Rugby Union they will play ai: The new season,
      267 words
    • 64 16 Dato David Ling -Fang Sung, d.p.m.p.. Chairman of Malayan Flour Mills Berhad and of Talping Textiles Sdn. Berhad, passed away In Hong Kong. Deeply mourned by wife, Datin Dora, sons, David Yee-Lun and Jerry Yee-Ven and daughters-in-law, Barbara and Katherine. Funeral to be held In Hong Kong on Monday,
      64 words
    • 95 16 SI dish plav»rs rratheir •ivvts eontalnlnß lemnn "and nih*r meful arUf'lr soccer \l^\trn 111 -I'inf Tram ma-iaeer Orvar Bergrrark ronretveri the IdM I to Julie trainer of Swedl«!i »lon rhih Aa!vidab»rE loured Mrvn tualh impossible !"r team oflicials to rontarl the player* riurme a match out there
      Reuter  -  95 words
    • 33 16 Pom sinea >. ..f Mi* Aftan *m«-«ur Bndjr-bulMtng F r '!"j :or mcc'ne held They *rr Chan rh^» vice p.ur >n R'»m o. on S>aa vice-president Soh Oman Swee and Anthony C
      33 words
    • 21 16 all of Urn Shxting A.wfl«!Mn r*T Funa I^ik N»m. BC •cc lon Ml I.mi Kmg W.<h. Lftrrr r M'
      21 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 592 16 TRAVEL AGENCY MANAGER THAILAND The Anrj'o-Thoi Commercial Co. Ltd., a member or the Anglo-Thoi Group of Componies, situotpd in Bangkok Is lookon experienced mon to manage their new Trove' Department Condidotei who must be fully conversant with oil otpects Of the Trovel indu>-trv, rftOuM have held o Senior petition in
      592 words
    • 1020 16 PORT AUTHORITY OF THAILAND KLOMiTOI HARROI R KXTrASION FAST Ql AY NOTIFICATION OF IMI PREQI AI.IFIC ATION OF TF.NPFRFRS The Port Authority of Thailand will rail for Tenders fnr th» construction of the Fa.M Qna\ nf the KlnnEtnl Harbour at Bangkok. Thal'and and other tsriH In connection therewith. \m ition
      1,020 words

    • 123 17 Fam to NZ: Come at your own expense THE FA of Malaysia have rejected New Zealand's request to defray half their air Lo this year's Merdoka tournament, should they be invited. In a Inter to the New Zealand b'.A, KAM secreKwok Kin Kens .said: •The air and from New Zealand
      123 words
    • 75 17 1 roi IST John Gonrt--1 in the < üb's scramble i v|.eit>. j n d Johni 2 John \mice»: 1 I I 2 1/Hii BenK Hue 3 W J »arr: I Aafove BlmMO 3 Ted J< h r\ 2 John O I IJM..U plU' t»O |api
      75 words
    • 72 17 BOMBAY, Sun An India :ion. Dark Blue*, scored all unimpressive 6-0 win over Argen'ii Japan Ik at Hi iiana 2-1 In the .iiwnuiK matches of the sr\en-nation hockey tournament erday. Dark Blues, wi'h six Olympic ."m able to blend into a cohesive squad agalnat one of the
      Reuter  -  72 words
    • 54 17 Tanjone Bunpah Raneers moved into the scml-ftnaN of the Victory Cup soccer competition when they beat Ramblers "B 4-1 at the City SU- i tiiiim. Penang yesterday Rancery. who led 2-1 at half-time, scored through Mohamed Zubir. Omar Bakar. Jo- hail and Rahlm Ahmad I .vj B
      54 words
    • 251 17  - Ya'acob quits training camp IAN PEREIRA By yA'ACOB HARUN, the former Selangor champion, has quit the Thomas Cup training camp in Kuala Lumpur. This was disclosed yesterday by Cheah Mah Sun, the camp manager. He declined to disclose the reason for Ya'acobs decision to quit train- ing. Ya'acob. 27. the
      251 words
    • 142 17 Dato Sung owned the biggest string of horses By EPSOM JEEP DATO DAVID L.F. Sunc who d rd in Hone Konr on Friday, owned the bikl r v t strine of racehorses in Malaysia and Singapore. He had about 40 horses, most of th. m trained at Ipoh by Rinus
      142 words
    • 264 17 Hahn to show bag of tricks IJITTING spectacular 11 shots with a club which has a flexible -rubber shaft. .using an extra long swiveljointed club to drive a ball 200 yards with one leg resting on a stool. Impossible, you say? Wait till you see American Paul Hahn. the world's
      264 words
    • 224 17  -  PETER de SOUZA By CABAH have been invited by the Malaysian Crickft Association to take part in the inter-state competition. If Sabah accept, this will he tho first time at. Malaysia team are participating They will automaticallyenter the semi-finals and meet the champions of the north and
      224 words
    • 79 17 LONDCiN. Sun. England 1 crlckter.- are o\en»helmlngiy in faxour H next summer's planned tour by the Sou'h African cricket team the Professional Cricketers' Association »«id j-esterday Association prenden' Jack I Bannmter said one third of his 300 members had afl (kl «OMi to support the
      79 words
    • 61 17 Gim Hock topscores MBfßpan s« imrnma club ■nmmg Club 10-8 in a friendly waterpolo m.Mi at Tanjong Rhu yef.rer(iJV. Ttua Gim Hock topiicored for 1 .<^r vith five goals Other "< .v nrer^ were Tan H»a 1-uclc (I), D.virl I :m (2> and Robert I 1 Khoo for !r>SC. Tan
      61 words
    • 160 17 'TffE Ppralc Turf Club SporU Clubs team No 3 became the first holders of the Raja Muda (if Per.ik Cup in the Noith Malayan 001 l Association m competition at Penang yesterday. The team registered a score of 219 made up of a 73 from
      160 words
    • 483 17 SINHAPORE Inland Country Club Vlce-Captaln'x team ]pd by .1 van de Velde retained the Klshl Cup played at the Bnkit Course yesterday. De Velde 's beat the Captain i Team led by H. M. D>ne by j 12'; points to 7>. The Captains Team Included
      483 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 109 17 CIH SCHOOL OF COMMERCE HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE Starting on sth January. 1970 Full time morning classes (ARTS SCIENCE* 8.00 a.m. T.OO p.m. One -year intensive course (ARTS) 7.15 p.m.— 9.15 p.m. Single subjects (ARTS SCIENCE) Students prepared for the 1970/71 Examinations. For details apply: CITY SCHOOL OF COMMERCE, DEPT. OF
      109 words
      440 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 178 17 CRICKET f 1 1. 1 11 1 i1 > SHIIUI M M<"]huuiiK. South Austral:* 141 and 54-1, Vicuna 215 (i ITaUoa 50. G. Chappfil 3-40. T Jmnfr 3-46 1. At sjdn'j. Queensland 283. &>uth Wa.cs 324-7 <B Fr.tnM, A Steele 119 n.o i. Rl (iBY UNION TOl'R Match London i
      178 words

  • 159 18 All set for today's opening of 13-nation seminar KUALA I.I'MPUR, Run. All is set for 35 ri<Hocatos from la conn trios to begin their discussions on thp human communication factor in development at the tilth International seminar national development here tomorrow. I l;i Tun Abdul i: pen the PlKhl day
    159 words
  • 66 18 IK IS in I \I large I.iiikliiii ulli« <• wear protec I hi- face ■asks in an effort to e\.ulr lln influen/a rpidrnin sweeping major British Im. .Many hikk|ii< iK In Rritain sent nut desper.itf "Help us' pleas to thr pulilic l.i^t Monday as
    66 words
  • 359 18 Briton is overall winner in big air race SYDNEY, Sunday KMI'I'ISH 1 1 i < I Australian pilots were declared today provisional winners of Ihe first six place* in the 12,000 mile London 10-Sydney air race. Tho overall winner was W..1. Bright of Rritain. (lying a Britten-Norman islander. He won
    359 words
  • 111 18 Warning of new H-bomb danger 1) A IM S. Sun A lop Preach Military expert has w arneil of the pus sihility of ,i revolutionary hydrogen bomb, cheap Munch for many countries to build and vastly increasing (he risk of nuclear war. (Jen. Kernand GaSjsMea, Director of (he Institute of
    Reuter  -  111 words
  • 41 18 Limon was there CMKPBOI'HIi BUB Admiirdfcal ii<" o ft th» eunbomt affair, waa her* thf nl?h* the -'ipp^d rjul and h»»d«'J waa ronflrmed today Thr port'l Grand H"-r tirmofi reports that th»> harbour unobserved about 3 am. nn rhrtslma« n»v AP
    AP  -  41 words
    11 words
  • 221 18 HAVANA, Sunday A BRAZILIAN CaravHlf JK. the first plane to be hijaokPd In 1970. today faced new trouble starting Its engines after Its marathon flight round Latin America The plane set up a world record for the longest lusting hijack over 40 hours
    Reuter  -  221 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 314 18 To the student who wants to succeed in his studies To succeed in your studies you need the right books. MPH has them. The most comprehensive selert< n in Singapore. All the set books for school and university. And nuny more too, for keen students who want ad led information
      314 words
    • 149 18 Late CLASSIFIEDS |20 :iP r tis S- :um> Modobil The Capsule against rromarure old-age complaints for the recovery of efficiency anJ increase of vitality The capsule which keops you young Try it yourself! Take a treatment course one capsule daily Now available from your Dispensary Pharmacy! A DIEDENHOFEN -W. GERMANY
      149 words
  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 27 18 Trie weather K7-74F Uunulrrstorm M;. R:f-72F ckHKlj X..1.X T«-«F ftnr ,:ta n:f-B'2F rlmr 18-7 F B»ni;k>k 91-M?F fair 'IDrnii 39-34 F rloiidv Ku:ilr\ I.umpui 89-72 F thmiflr'r>|oim
      27 words

  • Business Times
      14 words
    • 287 1  -  ARUN SENKUTTUVAN By WITHIN nine months of it tablishmpnt. Singapore's Bold ma has developed, "by International standards, into a substantial mnrkrt m Its own f its own ht." Though no figures of the turnover are n pub! eminent ofncl owth has been much bt than
      287 words
    • 156 1 'I" 1 111 turnover <>n 1 thr Slim k I ckaagc <>f NalaytU and Sinc.tporr |few h\ :;i pii icni lasi rear to rr.wh s] i i: million. Ihe i li.irt shows monthly \oI ii m nf shairs transacted The d.irk bar in the chart aaleall represents
      156 words
    • 503 1  -  TSAI TAN and MOK SIN PIN By II ;iet flatted factory in theKallanK [ndustriaJ Basin. Sinorkers arp boms trained to assemble computer nicks which lally moot even NASA specifications. with extremely nimhie fincer.-. te finrr than hair wires and other minutiae into the stacks.
      503 words
      • 137 1 OILMEN ONLY THE 'mostly Ameriian* oilmen who are exploring the Southeast Asian continental shelf ■K a notoriously uregarins hired. If Mm want to pick up the latest gossip about strikes and rigs and eushers. the new win? of the < i«ii. >il Park Hotel in Singapore will be the place
        137 words
      • 121 1 NO MORE R R BIT if (he mini' n irr iiiniin: in. the soldier* ;irr staying ;iw.n 1 hr.ti that American troop*, h.ive MMd. as from Ne« Vrar> l>:«y. to MM to Sine.iporr for rrst and rerreation. Nnhody likes to a«9 much about it. hut thr lox*. of this part
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      • 101 1 FRENCH CREDIT BINQUE Nationale de Paris' offer of a ten million franc (SM mil lion) revolving credit line to Sineapore reminded me that a similar gesture was m.iuV by the French In in the middle of IMI for an amount ten times bigger. I understand that Malaysian importers have
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    • 932 1  -  BLAIR JOHNSON By City Editor ROOMING bustling industry is the key to 1970. Prires on the Stock Exchange are depressed, but as news of better profits and greater prospects shows up during the year investors will be shaken from their lethargy. I would hazard a
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    • Page 1 Advertisements
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      • 25 1 Inside Ifluita'i Tin Market. Prnfllr: Fra^er and Nea\e, Men in Buoinr** P:«er II M.irkPt Rrpnrt. Anahvjs rase 111 9 OmmmMHj Report> Srarrh for Timhir
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      • 218 1 This coupon can save you over $250 on a new 3M Dry Photo Copier It's not often that an improved machine costs less than Its predecessor but 3M have done it. Our previous comparable dry copier cost 81 250 (***** in West Malaysra). Our new Model 251 costs only 8990
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    • 1253 2 By A CORRESPONDENT MALAYSIA has ail established and rienced tin smelting industry which for decades has enhanced the export value of the domestic product. The industry has become part of the familiar and accepted scene and its performance in smelting and market inn hunt tonnages
      1,253 words
    • Men in business
      • 58 2 MR ANTHONX II HOK LKNO ha- i» ph appointed Market inu Supervisor :or Dow Chrmical In Malaysia Mr Lee will be Bible for the supervision of an expanding Dow marketing force in Malaysia which v. II the company distributors in sellinp Its range of agricultural chemicals, and will
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      • 55 2 MR K MIIVSAH Chairman <<i Tokio Marine <Sc tire Inaurance Co on» of the largest Insurance companies in Japan, arrived \eterda.s for a tWO-d I During his si;.y ne called on the company's general agents. O Avurance Corpn Ltd to business operation and find out the surrey
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      • 67 2 WIMK Darby Holdings L'd announce that MR. L R. PATTIKstiN has been appointed a Managing Director of the company with effect from January 1. The Board of Slme Darby Holdings is now constituted as follows: Messrs. D. w. risiiiß. Chairman and Managing, K. RMEDLEY, Managing. D. J. KING
        67 words
      • 65 2 MR JOHN (II \N«i IHII N I \l I Kiißincrr nil Department William Jacks le<t\c. thla week for Holland European countrli nine months famillariM tloa and training tnur of several factories In the sroup of coniDuiing his tour, M; Chaag wii be '.>r the la' ipmeni In the field
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      • 59 2 fFHE Churtered Bank has appointed a local citizen to the senior post iif Assistant Accountant for the first time He Is MR. T\N HI THIAN, 3i< who joined the Bank 20 year Mr Tan was educated at the Anglo Chinese School in Singapore The banji :>lm> announc ed 'in
        59 words
      • 92 2 'pHF Malayan 1 and Ciei.oral Under'Pte> Ltd. have announceed tha' General Manage) MR. I) A. KEIGHLEY has br>en appointed a Dirertor of the company. Mr. Keighley. who has 20 years Insurance experience, has been General Manager since November 19M, The company, which is a wholly owned subsidiary of Motor
        92 words
    • 55 2 T»HE M. V Wing LMMaf, a 300 ton self-pro-pelled oil tanker til recently built and launched by Cathay ShipbuildinK of Sinpapore Built for a local oil company, the tanker is sailing for Kuchlnt; to there The vessel is .specially dosiened with a vrry shallow draft to allow
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    • 408 2 Fraser Neave SHARE PROFILE FjMIASKK \«a\( is Ihr holding company <>f number of subsidiaries whirh riornin.ite the aerated and soil drink market in Malaysia anrl Sinxapore. Thr company also has .i .IS per crnt interest in .Malayan Breurriev lh< nnl\ brewer hratSWSg »n both *ides of thr auscw.iy A ."j0
      408 words
    • 105 2 Assembly to start at Caterpillar (v\TEKPiI I'.il Fai will components w< •d five li :.s .ii .J v pan ol the nraTi fir.- 1 fi\ programme v Wrf: ipactty by lno.ofti si, r .it a cost of $s m Th" I bi; t Mr Treapart fi emblv work <" ri
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    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 226 2 ♦''*aar aflgl Hal Si Hi i X^t" V S fSf BBHB aHBa BBBH b I BBBBbVw BBBH W 'y^ BBBM BBbI 8888 JP" aft. bVA bbbbbbbbbbbW Wai bbb* Wm m, «r It^jMi Ik <>■■ bbwW j& Five times a week to Tokyo r*\ and on to Hawaii, M©/^ California and
        226 words
      • 100 2 =^5 /s^alcn *£6cclicnict €c^ Cla. TOKYO JAPAN St 6*o Tranmtorlicd fith Finder' Icha Sound Skiaptr Fcho Sounder?. I vJjjmJ'i' Direcdtn Finders. B«'*lf I Loun Receivers. Fascimite Receivers, [tc. sf# S«le Service Agfirts (ai Smcapar* r-"!--!--! ASSOCIATED TECHNICAL SERVICES I, (PTE) LTD. -hmk T ZM 4- IS Amkcr Mantiont. Orchard Raad,
        100 words
    • 159 3 I i iNDON— Markets ended II >n a high note. LrUfgipU FCC the 400 Uu m.incial isti ...1 Ordinary index prices in the lays of !h< year in ECxchanse push- The Oral of UiTO saw the up ririy through I :iid*>x dosing 413. a rise of Christmas
      159 words
    • 323 3 pHANGE for changes sake was not the reason for mv article ■ii tui -.mi; practices of dealers mi the Stock Kxchange oi Malaysia and Singapore last week. I felt my criticism to he mild, or at least meant it so Mv b»sie attack was directed igsUosi
      323 words
    • 234 3 JURONG Shipyard is expected to :rotn Bye to ten per rent on Jill sales of Fiat englnea for ships plying I East Follow; tig an recently concluded with j the company luu been nsed t> repair all ships with their ellgn it is .»;.-o authoi
      234 words
    • 450 3 Aea ween- »d on Mill (•'•.ins prior meant Ihe pru r aI which the U-l reported tranviiiiM.ii »p fiUaj w»» done The tecnnrl rnlumn r>»« th' mnwmrnt mik r the week before Ditidenrl rleld thr rrn«<. rlividerul per •h.irr divided h\ the market prirr Price K»rnlnt< rstni
      450 words
      UP  -  158 words
    • 59 3 jMI a. .HI naiiy i a a .,a,t<l tranaattlsni in Ml* triAlni mm if Hit lt»c« liehania folio*. n by tha par. i«:w« in braakatt. l>rc. /v 1 Mil' iuki i«« .13 p. r cart) Mi 1.1*7 •""< (41 23 p»r c»r.t> 31. SfcVnnfl ili;| Mr cam). Jan.
      59 words
    • 52 3 InduMrMlv 1 Hotrlv Prnpertlrv: liny ruhhrrs: M 8.38 i:h«4 n:t h3 111.14 Dae. :s'i l>rr .11 Jan. I Jmn. I 148 8« 140.12 77 86 77 rf« 1298 i ***** N N »3UI ***** ***** D*\ If). 19M JW>. 1 D« 31 lPfig 100. t Om-. 29.
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    • 18 3 taMnrnl |MTabk .Inn 10 Total for Ihr >r«r Total l"r prrtinuv \r»r 33 68% r Interim
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    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 665 3 LVSIEVERT/j MECHANICAL ENGINEER for their foctory in Jurong Appliconts should hove:QUALIFICATIONS: University degree in Mechomeol Engineering or its equivalent or Diploma in Mechanicol Engineering with ot least 3 to 5 years of work experience in a mechanical workshop or factory. Ability to converge in Chinese dialects essential. Knowledge of Molay
        665 words
      • 359 3 ELECTRONIC ENGINEER SINGAPORE ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING (PRIVATE) LIMITED invites applications from pcrtont with profc»«ional qualification* in the electronic or telecommunication* fields to |om their senior staff at a technical/commercial representative. He will be responsible for the development of customer relotion* associated with the company's business of providing a techmcolly cempctent servicing
        359 words
      • 745 4  -  JUAN L. MERCADO Qv AN intense search for new timberresourres has boen launched in an Asia where swift population growth and industrailisation will triple the wood product demand within 15 years An Asian Development Bank survey of the forest Industry in 19 countries also notes another
        745 words
      • 170 4  - Local Rubber Mart watches U.K.'s switch to metric TSAI TAN By_ riT. Malaysian Rubber Exchange and the Rubber Association of Singapore are studying thr implications of Iyindon's Rubber Trade Association switching fo the metric system m 1970 for their dealingsAn RAS source said .Singapore rubber dealers would have "to more
        170 words
      • 417 4 America is still main buyer for Straits tin THE Straits tin price in Prnane on Saturday fell 51. 25 to 5697.25 per picul on an offering estimated up 15 tons to 295 tons Mam demand was from the I with small Indian interest Thp net loss in price on balance
        417 words
      • 26 4 RUBBER AND TIN CLOSING PRICES HI HIM K I r\ P»r |h Drr -1 K h ;■> nn SKVI I Jan. 1. 1- ;n\ rlv 3- HTSM
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      • 89 4 'Happy price medium' r rHK oiH){()iii K prrsident ■1 of the North Malayan n Plantei Mr Soon Bun, said the current price oi natural rubhrr botli prod i-iui-Stl!) He added that with the present there was aNo i.. i ■.-,\r nf ■ynthetlca taking the market. "Synthetic rubbi only ivi^r .i
        89 words
      • 22 4 In i London on Friday the prlr« of Mala>i June c I.! rK wan q, k changed at £10g p,
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      • 3 4
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    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 595 4 RUBBER PRODUCTS (SINGAPORE) PTE. LIMITED A. PRIMARY PROCESSING /MIXING FOREMAN B. SHIFT SUPERVISOR C. FITTER 'BOILERMAN D. PRESS OPERATORS E. TRAINEE OPERATORS (MALE /FEMALE) Pr»i,r»nr, will ho g.\»" to coririidof"". ith good working Irrv^lrHge in the ruhb*r manufacturing ip M,nn< wh.rh ihouM irw 1 •■"> -tnk'n no^rortt, 7 .i phrtoorapht
        595 words
      • 245 4 JUBONG TOWN CORPORATION Application^ ate Invited for the poM of House Servant in the .luronß Girl I Residence. Juron* i Town Corporation. Ql Al.ltK ATIONS ■■Mm Citizen with wnikins,< *\p<-:icnce in a Olrto' Hostei knowledge of lansuaces spoken 1 In Sntiapore. and must he will- i i ing lo live
        245 words
      • 641 4 I.KMBAGA PKRAMHANfi KKMAROA KF.BANGSAAN. MALAYSIA Appllrntlorn »re Invited from sultubly qnalirted Miilavsian CHI- >ens for the follovilng appointment* j Ir. the National Family Plannlns Board. MalavMa: 1. TRAINKD MRS! lIFMAI.FI Sftlan Srale: *2"7 x 12-^fil FfT. B»r' x 12-409 iplil.« COLA.) QnaliflraHon«: ia> Malaysia Certificate of Fduratlon or Equivalent: •b
        641 words
      • 207 4 (issg) Our expanding activities in Singapore have created several openings for managerial positions in our Financial Services Department. These positions offer broad and challenging opportunities to university groduates or candidates holding qualifications such os A.S.A., C.A., A.C.C.A., and who ore self motivated, creative problem solvers who can communicate effectively. Positions
        207 words