The Straits Times, 4 January 1970

Total Pages: 22
1 22 The Straits Times
  • 20 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES latyeAt In No. 17 to SUNDAY, JAM ARY 4, 1970 20 CENTS KDN 431.1 MC (P) ISOR
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  • 335 1 SINGAPORE. Sat Till. British and ictnam pulloul will figure prominently in talks which Singapore and Malaysian leaders will have n< i \t week with British opposition leader Mr. Edward Heath and American Vice-Presiden! Spiro Agnew. Mr. Heath will discuM his party's proposal for
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  • 537 1 NO TRUCK WITH THAI BORDER TERRORISTS KUALA LUMPUR. Saturday THE 1 3 Kojang communist's found in a secret camp near here during a predawn police raid on New Year's eve have no link with the communist terrorists operating on the Malaysian-Thai border. Their <<>ui;ul
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  • 135 1 $51m SPENT ON JOINT BALI PROJECTS SIXCiAPORE. Saturday FIFTY-ONE million dollars h;is already liccn siiciil Im develop Bali as a lourisl rcsdil ;i join! Singapore-Indonesian project In \\(m» more visitors In I >< > 1 1 1 countries. Thll m disclosed tonighi by General H. tlamsjah. <hr Indonesian ,iv of
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  • 95 1 PARIS. Sat Thr flow ol French arms and spareparts to Israel quietly resumed after Mr Pompidou hecamr Preident has been firmly ■hill off because nl the gunboat affair BOUICM >:«ifl I i" 1; Ambassador Mr Walter ii\in>t thta frow Forelin Mini.ster Mr. Maurice Schumann. DellverlM
    AP  -  95 words
  • 23 1 JAKARTA, ft Mvu- mmuniai pi fawwri hd\f been released ill ka.-t Java. I An., i N« Agency leporied i today —Renter
    Reuter  -  23 words
  • 262 1 Xl M A lIMI'IK. Millionaire inriiisti i.iiist and racehorse imiifr, D.ito l);ivi«l I. P. Suns;, dirtl of I heart attack in ■one Koni lust nlfht. Ho was «4. II i- *ur\ nMI by hiv •rife. I*it in it'i.i Mm; .mil i\\n siiliv. D.MXI
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  • 28 1 v ■nuio Roy. minor mm m- il it InttUtu on niitinc i- rl.nh run. n ■ifl olllover v.»iitue in r.. iv. nv mi AP.
    AP  -  28 words
  • 65 1 IS red l.ipe lack of inform. 1 1 icm M iiist a loinmiini' i lion* sap holdin; noii op in \«nr eflortv |H *.»|v r i prolilrm" Writr t" Teoole and Ciohlrms, r o thr d,i\ limes Kirn Sent Road Singapore >%. it's a nr\\ column «hcrr
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  • 29 1 AID FOR CEYLON FLOOD VICTIMS i 34 supplies Include of skimi milk -hall r>>! i New Zeala d t n i by ilrline In M\l LUMFI I ol •;niRahman
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  • 37 1 Latest VIETS HIT U.S. PLANE lA|GO> >»t (ommunW Ctinnrr-. uuirlr thr drmilii M „,i I I -potter pIMH l nioil*r li^itj"'**- into a jinrtn itm* n t I hrlou Ihr hn. in \n" man m.lil> I II
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 49 1 JUDGE WISELY! Cm.) J I y° u want ,f w V i— II J\ ADC All ITT <^A\ ABSOLUTE SAFETY for '-1 YOUR MONEY The Bank for All Big and Small SHAREHOLDERS FUNDS INCLUDING PROFIT t LOSS BALANCE over MjJfMjXjWjXjlj "^^Ba^^lß^B^ia^B^B^aWa^BW^gMa^B^ga^lß^a^Bß^gß^i^V^iaß^^aVgl BrJnfh^^ it^rour-hct.t S.njaporr. Malays jind South Fj^t Ami
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    • 110 1 E Portrait of eight chairs The other seven 7 We broke them up and threw them out... You see in designing a new model we test very carefully for balance, for comfort, for strength. And if something doesn't please us, out it goes! We make another. Until finally we have
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    • 9 1 Ofympic THE WORIO'S FINES! ifBRT.'S^ .irWElillff FOR MEN I|.
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  • Foreign News
    • 417 2 TEL AVIV, Sat ISRAELI commandos captured a Russian-built radar station in a raid into Egypt and flew the entire installation back to Israel, sources here said yesterday. The commandos' trophy weighed wren tons and was .said to have ooal about £416.000 <$3 million). It was
      Reuter  -  417 words
    • 263 2 Murders, rapes, armed robberies on increase in Washington WASHINGTON. Saturday. jyjL'RDERS, rapes and armed robberies reached all-time hiyhs in VVasnington last year despite President Nixon's campaign promises to make the capital a model of law and order in the cities. Unofficial police reports made available yesterday indicated that there were
      Reuter; UPI  -  263 words
    • 201 2 Now the F-111s are grounded indefinitely WASHINGTON. Sat TT All r-111 aircraft, including Australian 24 F-llls have been grounu«d Indefinitely, an air ;r;rce >poke>man said last mgnt. The V -Ills w»re temporarily grounded 0B Dec. 22 following the crash of an F-lllA during a rocket-firing run earlier in the day
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    • 77 2 Third stock exchange for Hong Kong HONO KONO Sat A group of Chinese bankers s -ixmsorlng a third Stock Exchange for Hong Kong, according to a spokesman ior the group. The new Exchange. International Stock Exchange <HKi Limited has already received governmen; apmoval but .n> date mi oi en fixed
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    • 67 2 COLOMBO. M At lea.«t 26 peraoßi «f killed and n rrndered h"m».e i in Ul flnodx t« a«eep Oejrl n ln n 10 jrtmn, acoordtai I pact mßi i. nguirs g^\f t( >•: 35 -lr»d Ri-iv;.. Crv.o'.i Ail F I anrt heltcoptert ■►^rr ri: food and
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    • 38 2 CANBERRA BM tin»ns fx ■.■>«■( t Australia's population tn p»v ;hr 125 million nmk in 'he next few »reiu> H os r.'t;mrt'.ed in trr at 12 371.600. an of 272..500 over the year— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  38 words
    • 34 2 paioon but Gener*: Crelghton W Auram*. comm»ndrr of Amrrirun force* ir. iwn Irlt Urn U>Vj'i Third FY.d The SS-vrßr-".<l corriminrter bud bei»r. in tM beiptta! unrr ,«M Sunday with pneumonia AP
      AP  -  34 words
    • 82 2 ACTRESS SHARON ANGERS A CITY Sioi x cm (lowa I. .sat Film aitiess Shamn Mrrcll has retri\e(l threatenine phone calls after iln- h id said on 4 television show that >r\ films wrre popular here, her father said tod. it Sharon's father. Mr Oarrell Forsomr. said his wifp hart become
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    • 24 2 I vount ercuple and .*;x children n.> terday hen RamM nrtpt their nid Urm home in rural Wilton
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    • 227 2 LIMA. Saturday ABOUT a score of policemen, helpless despite their machineeuns, this morninn watched a hijacked Brazilian airliner leave for Cuba after it spent almost 27 hours on the ground h*»re for replacement of defective generator. The jet plane, a
      227 words
    • 106 2 NEW WILSON POLL STRATEGY lONDON. Sat Britain 1 j move to loosen The financial itrlnga on foreign travel mevi'ahh *een here as par? of Prime Minister Harold Wllaoa'i Mrategy for the next general election As political observers see It, the decision to nr«cp lie unpopulu limit U the first In
      Reuter  -  106 words
    • 210 2 NILA. Saturday. 4 17-YEAR-OLD girl is reported to have made the blind -see and the '-rippled walk in the village of Simanor in Naawan town. Southern Philippines, thp Philippine News Benrlce said today. PNS quoted the Mayor of Naawan hat the faith heale; Viinia
      210 words
    • 129 2 |{R:i> iTtawrtal Jark .sealc a vount .inimal imer unn has >pent the l.t>i lnrtnuht in a case uitli hvr i < "riilev h.ul hi s hand hitton h> (in*- nf the mancater* tnnicht li feeding lime in the <aie when the
      Reuter  -  129 words
    • 5 2 oit'aM*
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 229 2 Ooty Jtlclo IX dawned you. There i> a slice of old England right on your door^^op. Tea and muffins. Roaring log fires. Flowery glades and bubbling brooks. Hunting, boating and fi hing: golf and the races. Phis fascinating lutlc town nestles among gentle hills, and its market bustles with lift
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  • 555 3  - Banned: T-dances in S'pore nightclubs OW WEI MEI: Singapore. By Sat lICENCES Cor T-dances field on Sunday afternoons by some nightclubs have been withdrawn by the Commissioner of Police. Tomorrow will be the first Sunday that these dances will not be held And the young patrons mostly teenagers are dismayed.
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  • 143 3 8-NATION SEMINAR ON WORK STUDY SINGAPORE. Sat An la to be held h< to promote productivity science. Tin we. k minar d by the Institute ol Work Study Practitioners, a Commonwealth organisation which has 15 000 mem It i.-> .scheduled to start on 2 and will bi tended by a
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  • 238 3 Girl found in hotel allowed to go home after training By ANNA GOH PENANG. Saturday. 15- YEAR-OLD yirl who wu* found in a Butterworth hold with a thug was today allowed td uo home alter more than lour months' stay in an institution here. officer Mr Chong Pens Khoon lold
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  • 42 3 Si Niihi i' \i am a■■ verj sud. in r ot tli Con vi nt Ho v In:.ur. JttUl m Aha s- H ha- i) i-n .i pointed Sh ii l.i in i Asian to hold tb
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  • 25 3 KIAI.A LUMPUK. Sal A i Rajagopal. w.'.s found hanging from a beam in Of or Club lavatciy 'irncKin Police 00 ton p■"
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  • 59 3 QINGAfQME. *«t n nrdt-r prnhibitinis thr entry into Sin^aporr <ir <><ii <ihre Him. tf MsKl si in M.iv I!»(i7. his h«»n I revoked by tiie MWMM for Off once Mr Inn Kirn S..H In .1 nolhiT order, thr Mi 11 ist,-. iirnhihits per in iiuiitiv the
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  • 356 3 Violet (My! How things have changed) back after 27 years SINGAPORE, Sat Mrs. Violet Collins leit for Australia 27 years ago. just before Singapore fell to the Japanese. Now she is back again, longing to see all her relatives and friends. When her plane from Sydney landed, there was a
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 65 3 In TWO HOURS' I can prove you can have a Super-Power MEMORY new automatic memory a v ■e^.ncj them only o^ce the I y *~3 *'l^*^ yean lo' f^ffffV/ v ■•<••! otriv f«! Eftt i lokes these «^M MS I BBM /<■■ Sprinachorm 4. Co Floor ICO. PO K^A ?'•>••-
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    • 325 3 QUAUFYIHI FOR PROMOTION THROUGH WHJIJ SPECIALISED TRAINING IN MANAGEMENT SUBJECTS Learn at home to improve \onr position and to earn what >ou are reali> worth. ICS home~stud) courses have helped thousands of ambitious men to achieve promotion and better pa>. Moderate tees .ill book--supplied. Take the first step NOW and
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 965 4 One to the terms of ere- Speichim will under- including adapting the details o' equipment dit (French loan). Nam take surveys in the process to the technical fabrication engineermmmm Fatt Engineering is technical, economic and and economic condi- ing and procurement. Al%l Ifll mm 111 l II l/OI A A|t||
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  • NEWS
    • 428 5  -  MAGDALENE LUM By j^UALA LUMPUR, Sat. Bank is exploding into exciting new dimensions in tne *****. Suddenly, batik bedspreads, batik curtains, batik uphol- batik rims, batik tablecloths and batik head-rests arc here. You name it. batik has it! Tlv unfolded 70 at Mara'a
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    • 61 5 I'E.NANti S.r Pou. ■want* f 1 I>n1 >n the in t on in.- Mrtbdaj ha a Inn hPun to be hold ii lie Bong I.U Sell ki, lomoii o» Tin l!Ur:i- v\ DOnoOr are Mr d '.ip Incbe Oeaai and iik nr i>.n Ahmad
      61 words
    • 51 5 Chief of Staff's 3-day tour KUALA i.umpur ajal Hrn Chief of Uie General Staf. ItCien Duokn Na/.nrU'ldln bin liiiuku Mohammed "11l make thrrr-duv i.'-lt to military units in Perak Kedah and Perils from Monday Oen Nazaruddln will also attend a meeting of thr Border Operations Committee at Kangar on Wt
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    • 30 5 TELUK ANSON. Sat.— Wong I Hoong 5! a rubber whiif out work'ns in tl (.n Jonc tv-..iii in Chu; Chak new vUlagi ci. No loul play v mi>,)ectprt
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    • 20 5 imi iiialti i |i;l "i '*<■• r.mi: \r.-lrrria\ [eU I 569" r»unutt<l up 15 tons to 295 teat.
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    • 293 5 Emergency and Relief Funds to be merged KUALA LUMPUR. Sat THE National Emergency Relief Fund and the National Disaster Relief Fund are to merge, the Minister with Special Functions. Tun Tan Siew Sin said today. Tun Tan. who is chairman of the National Emergency Relief Fund, said the Joint fund
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    • 435 6 DEAD:Baby who was taken to see three doctors SINGAPORE, Sat. One-year-old Yeo Boon Huay died from internal bleeding after a week's fever and treatment from three different doctors, a coroner heard today. Assistant pathologist Dr. Chao Tzee Cheng said when he found sallcylates In her blood and urine, he contacted
      435 words
    • 46 6 SINOAPORE. Sat The S«D thf ProfMneers Bill invltM re- pifsentation* from the public. winch ahouM b» submitted not lati r Hi. in Fob 7. I l ■to establish a onsrlnrers board. Ri pn latlou should be ad- to ihe Clerk of Parlia-
      46 words
    • 163 6 SIM.APORI.. Sat A >i\ -foot p.vthun a character in a scene in the SI. 000.000 spy him ■Wits Iml brin shut mi location in Sincaporr upset production last ueek :ind delayed final shootinc for a week. Midway throuch the scene it did not lust develop
      163 words
    • 503 6  - Row over the role of a lawyer in bank union JOSEPH YEO I •LEGAL ADVISER ACTING FOR OPPOSITION FACTION' CHARGE By •SINGAPORE, Sat A lawyer, Mr. .1. Jeyaretnam, Ikis become Ihe cenliiil figure of ;i new row in the .'UM)O member Singapore Bunk Employees' Union. Union members employed in three
      503 words
    • 135 7 8IN(. IPOMC \i. port MtWKtgill WMJU of settine up a shore-based miiiii-iis Ir.unins school in Singapore is expected to be submitted to (iov eminent some tune thi- year Working on (lie report la .i seven man coniniittre headed by the Deputy Dire. tor
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    • 119 7 SINGAPORE, Saturday i PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT over seer falsely inserted overtime ren in paysheets amounting l<> nM>re I nan */..">()<) over ;i |i< rind of 12 months, ;i district courl heard today. Tong Bui I <-f.iiK. 'M. today pleaded uuiltv in the Fourth Di-tnct Chum
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    • 94 7 Two national servicemen charged with desertion Q I NO API 'UK. B»l PWO ll.' k ■mi ri in the i tßistratr'a court rtlon Kin i-mii. iv charged with unlawfully abwntlnK limi•'ll from 1 1 mi mi i Ht the Bukii darj Bchi ol [ram March t<> D* II tlkt 00
      94 words
    • 39 7 BntOAPORI SHt Yuen I'nng Clivr. 23 m l.uled lor t»o \> bMng an ml i' mai ol wrtotItl South Bruliir Road 00 N far* in ,i p. n mi nllPlllilS 1 1 1 •it (unction
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    • 215 7 SINGAPORE, Sat. The 50th batch <>( Singapore seamen graduated today in ;t simple ceremony held one mile out ;i'« sea. The 30 trainees had for three months lived on board their training ship, the TS Singapore, learning the ropes of deck
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    • 30 7 MNGAPOHE Sat The mitten examinations til the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Miulr will be held on \U:ch .seventh-Day AdveniiV candidates will lake ineirs h 6
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    • 156 7 Boy hauled out of canal and arrested SINGAPORE. Sat. A teenager was hauled out of a Dunman Road canal early this morning after a hectic chase by the police. It all began when a police radio car spotted two youths behaving suspiciously on a scooter in Old Airport Road shortly
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    • 89 7 Macapagal at girls' home, HDB estates UNOAPOIII s.<t Former Philippines Pipsirient Mafapagal mdav \i-lier ihr Toa Pavnh Qtrti Hi rue rfiii. toured Housing Board estates Durini; his 4.i-mljiule vL>ll to ihe home hr >a> accompanied 1 b\ the Director ol Boetal Welfaie. Mr lee Bpiu Guan. Mr »lvi is
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    • 254 8  -  R. CHANDRAN By SINGAPORE. Saturday Til 10 Chan lainih of Singapore believes in (loiiij; limits together even when it comes lo kicks and punches. For ;ill of them, Dr. Chan Suan Tong, Mrs. Chan, Edward, 15,
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    • 29 8 SINGAPom I hi iii' nt haj cum pmnerr i ndt up to M iiiiir «nd mki ihp nth'i In nmke rurpet j backing rloth of. nil types.
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    • 112 8 Why Singapore is right for Swiss food fair SINGAPORE Sat. Hotel Malaysia and Bwis« will Jointly organise a 6wiss Pood i Fr.stival starting on Jan. 10 Over five tons ol Bwi«.s in. and food, including 4.050 rx.i--tl<-.s oi wine. 500 bottles of beer «00 lb o! cheete. 330 lb. of
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    • 127 8 SINGAPORE Saturday THREE armed youths look away ncarh $l.<soo < ;ish and personal articles from a Pa.VH Lebar shop yesterday after I > 1 1 1 ii up the employees and a customer with linn wire. The robber-,, armed with r rs. billet into ttv
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    • 30 8 MNOAPOKK s..' Hniitf Kang'a popular Chops tick Bitten .1 \pr«*inir leva tint parlorma regularly mi Mtvtalan will .iitiv on Miiiui.iy for a ttin»-w«l stmt ,n ;t koeml hotel.
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    • 233 9 Why dark red envelopes might not be delivered Sat Dark rrd envelope! Used for Chinese New )Tear greeting cards havt been classified "c m b a r rasslng postal articles" by the Post office. The Postmaster- General Mr M Bala Subran nm. said these "embar- po Utl articles" liable to
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    • 113 9 Guests who left with the host's watches SINGATOBI -i hro Muiihv Invited io a \r\\ \<-.\r p.irt\ nihh»'«l Iheir hnvt of two v»ri>tuitrhiv the Thud DiKtrut (milt heard UMlay. Senior Inspector K Harcus. preseeutini taid loh \in Ir< k r,| S. ii See Kimii Unth is, wen invited to the
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    • 151 9 Price tags for koay teow stalls too KUALA LUMPUR. Sat. Even Icoay teow stalls mighi soon have to display price tags, the Deputy Controller of the Supply Commodities Division. Nik Mohamed Salleh bin Nik Mat. said today. N:k Ball* ii made t Mis innouncement a:tcr !eadng fiv<- enl niriry and
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    • 12 9 BINOAPORB Sal ih< I :in at I fi lim tnniDlTou.
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    • 95 9 2INGAPORB, Sat. Na--1 tional 8( trapore will the n. 12. D ■illr.uens rp- :on irest iiel Identityniutii I In)' Bott) lulluw- >n A|inl 1 :< (Jan 12 1. Ajjrii 4 6 Iprtl 7 h ji, ti 14 I. April 1(1 1J April (3 15 iJh; 16
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    • 229 9  -  SHEN SWEE YONG By i rpllK entire batch "I univer>ilv ilnpl 1 at Riffle* Hill thought of thru Hall Master. Mr lion Vimi: Sen ,i> i r«*al swpll gnjr" a fpllow who sharoil all their gwd .'mi limc> for ninr loiib>. So when
      MK Xl SENG  -  229 words
      • 202 10 yisrrs by the British Opposition leader and American tins week set the and new !Clr. red month by .TapCrown Prince Akihtto and Prm ;ko. Mr Heath who known to n botli itdei of the < flies In on day to discuss de- on rd with a
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      • 53 10 itton mr the Blind rt programme to lh( ilghtk id get some <>i Into on Qon-proflt i centre Ind this may I must br in i regi iii-d. eptance <>f ibihtv to lety. n< Sillcured been poor md, not beei the foi tin Blind la In the
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    • 1322 10  - The coming war between Russia China Harrison E. Salisbury Mongolia holds the centre role In the unfolding conflict by PULITZER PRIZE WINNER AND ONE OF THE MOST EXPERT COMMENTATORS ON THE COMMUNIST WORLD. Till-; road to Kara Korum lies across the opm steppe. From whatever direction you approach the broad
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    • LETTER
      • 489 10 Wh beg your Indulgence to make some comments on two articles that ap- in the Sunday Times (Doc 21). Firstly, we havi exception tO the pro- -en to the every ofwith the ii. and drive left the service nil own clinic such p< cumaranceti" (In Signing
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    • 553 10  - S'PORE-INDON BUSINESS IS BOOMING AGAIN ISA ISMAIL by JAKARTA DI'SINKSS is booming again between Indonesia and Singapore. Following a decade of confrontation and follow-up reverberations, trade across the southern Malacca Straits has surpassed previous levels and continues to climb. Neither government reveals official figures, but private estimates place Slngap ore
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    • 310 11  -  CHIA POTEK: Singapore increases land survey fees Ry Singapore, Sat. HOUSE owning will beexpensive with the Latest increase in land suiv from 17 times under the new iid down by the Fees (Si. > irder 1970 For 101 ■J.uiiii sq. it. th mes from
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    • Article, Illustration
      9 11 Try and do a better job of It. Sonny
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    • 16 11 TV TEAM FROM TOKYO IN PENANG ir country TeleI reMr Su/uki >a:d the Thailand. Blngado a
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    • 89 11 50 with LCE wanted as security guards KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday. i SECURITY organisation here want* to tnplOJ abOUl sil youths with Lower Certii lion qualiflcattoi curity guards Applicant muM be phj slcally (It .u,d ku clean record, the manag--j;recior vi Saleguard.s Sdn Berhad. Inche Abdul Shatter bin Abdul R.thim. .-aid
      89 words
    • 23 11 ING M be d: t bnng j-.fd in Kuala Lumpur ov thf president ot thi M I H I ookn k-
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    • 22 11 KIWI LI MIM R. Sal airl. Zaiton lioni hi': Hpi Irmiie II 0 BI d B
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    • 145 11 CONFRONT ISSUES CALMLY, UNIONS TOLD I mm Kiresut, Mr kium) Kaj th« intfr- i t tie nartered Bank hen toaay ii we arc to iui^un and ronj union muM bi- prepared to confront lsiue* calmly sanely and objectively." rie 'old niemb- I I dartHank bralicti ol t!i» i.ii (jnton Bank
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    • 180 11 DTAND by mrls. If k you mi.ssed our Mlm Panfan Cootesi entry form last week, thorn's another in the next Issue of PANFABE, on sale on Friday. Sn here's a not In chance You could be the lucky iiirl to w:n a hoi:
      180 words
    • 61 11 300 YOUTHS APPLY FOR COURSE Pk\ ma v.tiKiiiuh .11', I ii in nore Him iwn i n .uly rPiii>Natlonal ii !>• m.. ir oorpt Oen .n uu-un IA aawbllc am tbaai l" 11 and neaoben ol Mori h Prodlatrtet will '.akc leadcrablp eouna m Kppml» Batai I I he ButtPivujr'h
      61 words
    • 238 11 76 foreign firms keen to import Malaysian goods I^UALA LUMPUR. Sat. A total of 76 foreign firms 40 of them from the United States have shown interest in importing a wide range of Malaysian products. The lirm.s i avc wiitton U> the Associated Chinese Chambers, ot Commerce. its commercial secretary
      Bernama  -  238 words
    • 152 11 Seminar on progress opens today l/UAI.A LUMPUR, Sat. Ihe human communication (actot in development will be the main theme al tomorrow'! Hfth International Seminar on development at the Dcwan Tengku Abdul Rah man here. Organised by the Malavs..»n Centre lor Development Studies, the 10-day seminar will be attended by 13
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    • 201 11 SINGAPORE Saturday A YOUTH who re- fused to register for National Service after completing a seven-month prison term, was Jailed for live months today. i hoon Bent. 18. c une out ol lall In June it did
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    • 10 11 i \iimm; •rill •■<i store, it tni recently,
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    • 44 11 KUALA I I Ml 1 H B«1 Hw Chad M 1 thrat BMOtIM by ,i niitglxcoutf ban oi not Iran a ahopp t Woofl •> gullm tin ni«pin'\ frun Mi.-- I Ml'l htir.db'g OP I re hen n Aw. 9
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    • 41 11 TAN.JONO MALIM. Sat. ScH>n AI. a tupper ot Sungei Merbnu F.vtate. was sentenrpd to a day s ;all and flnr or a »eek.« ImprtaatUMant by the Btnafcnu Coun here today fliiht kalis -if that valued at $5
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 129 5 PAKISTAN INDIA CEYLON THAILAND MALAYSIA SINGAPORE Never too early, nor too late, Air Ceylon rHUMDAY DAY or oraaATWM FRIDAY T ri( jent arrivals and departures are timed NIMI R Al yii entirely lor the convenience of passengers. Enjoy traditional Ceylonese hospitality. m 1930 A. /SINGAPORH^No. am Visit Ceylon on your
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    • 114 5 NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT FINANCE CORPORATION LTD., congratulates SPEICHIM, PARIS on its establishment of a Malaysian Company, SPEICHIM MALAYSIA SDN. BERHAD Speichim is playing an active role in Malaysia's progress with the supply and installation of a palm oil mill to serve an ultimate acreage of 33,500 acres of the Trengganu Oil
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 425 6 K i (SERVICE IN EDUCATION) Introducing Institute of Home Education The new way to Examination success The Institute of Home Education has been organised by well known educationists to provide postal education of a SUPERIOR QUALITY specially geared to the requirements of students in. Singapore and Malaysia. Board of Studies
      425 words
    • 125 6 tf i <Jntfitation f\ yo^" Arden's Consultant is -I VJ\ here lo give you individual advice "I n-j V\ on tl:c perfect make-up for you. If V\ n r problems I VV about your own bcautv routine, bhe /<■>/ will be delighted to Rive you J^j every help. Book your
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 116 7 111! DONALD MOORE GALLERIES 18 open all dag today m CHRISTMAS AND j§ NEW YEAR SPECIAL DRAWS M 4TH DEC. 1969 TO 4TH JAN. 1970 WIN TWO BIG CASH JACKPOTS EVERY THURSDAY SUNDAY! FOR DRAW NO: Z/7O (4-1-70) m s ion nnfl]^ 20 000 I ~m I/I $350 lIUU.UUU ric
      116 words
    • 105 7 RED LION the still fiPfr orange drink with the real H^w orange taste! im< M •'■'*'-'**^s^— *^s_ ?**>- Tf^^^^^^^---.^. gggggj SSfr" '■**"'"**«"***-^»?v??^^3Bflß^ggggg^B \iiSr mA 1 null SPECIAL SEASONAL W |FE,|_,. JijbvA J^Sj^^ B 9 New Year Ham P er> n/^ (\aj m^F (wl^'V---VC^ Butane Gas Lighter, Key Chain, —^^S*T|^^/^\ J^T\
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 317 8 r* l^^^^T j|>*-^*aajj[^a^e^y -^^9 IBEDOK REST HOUSE* THE POPULAR RENDEZVOUS for your family friends Top in Leisure Gcurmet Pleasure Scrumptious Sea-food fresh from the Sen Tastefully cooked for your /)(/;;;/><•/<•./ <//>/><■/ He within digestible prices Our Specialities: CHILLIE CRABS STEAMED PRAWNS STEAM -BOAT Telephone *****6 for Table Reservations. For Our
      317 words
    • 34 8 KtLOHGIAUHO'[ irapmn. tnyu\ lea un-hit Kink. (arnrv aU >n idral >i>ol (or r»laxa< •rufmxl ru inmr to Taiiho aaaaarMa ur tr. mi TAIiHO LTD. 2L am« taaaeaaaa i>4« s>or* T«l. *****/21*2} AUrr Ollm Hn.
      34 words
    • 347 8 1 TONITE f I CHARITY BUFFET J at Hotel Negara poolside and roofgarden t 1970 FASHION SHOW BY V TREND BOUTIQUE, m MODELS BY MICHELLE L L COMPERE MIKE ELLERY 2 TIME 7.00 P.M. 11. 00 P.M. L Held in aid of the Red Cross Crippled 5 Childrer. s Jiome,
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 102 9 mK^ na n^sn^s^h\ A SANYO TRANSISTOR RADIO P BUY ANY SANYO REFRIGERATOR OR T.V. (excluding portable 10" TV.) from November 15th 1969 till the 7th. February, 1970 and receive absolutely free an attractive pocket size AM transistor radio (Model No. 6C-337) Modal SR-'S7D Mod«l SR-IS6ED nc/- c c Please produce
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 4 10 take the time] SEIKO
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    • 126 10 WF JH iflBW. BBSr FLY CSA TWICE WEEKLY OK wing* will jet you in comfort to London v r Progue Departing Singapore WEDNESDAYS 8 30 p.m. Bombay Teheran Athens Prague London SATURDAYS 10.20 p m Bombay Athens Prague With connections to ail cities in Europe BBBSjBsfIBRI nKrSnM7 London Ltt^^lHl air
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 491 11 Congratulations and very best wishes to SPEICHIM MALAYSIA SDN. BHD. on the occasion of the opening of their office in Kuala Lumpur today ***MBjs> MJH IBB^aaM v 7 SBBBBBBBBBBBBsI Tranaportation ol 114 ft long stabilizer TrUMportatlon oj SO too ferm^n'or W( ire fully equipped With a lull range Ol mobile
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous

  • For women
    • 687 12 A SECRETARY ON HOW TO TALK AND TALK BACK i CONSIDER a secretary to be jus! .i mtchine," s;iid the man with ;i stick pin in his tie. "Why doesn't hf> over say thank you or please? asked a secretary in frosted hair. "Why can t she take care of
      687 words
    • 631 12 A STYLISH NEW YEAR W M^-^^__^__»^^HMHp^HHH|MMHIIMWM| i^^^^n^^^^^^H^^^^^NJ THIS new year holds promises of many things bright ;m<l beautiful For most o? us. Hot me, I have decided l<» pursue Hum nloiij; ;i simple trail- by standardising my wardrobe. I wili limit the styles of'my clothes to those which will remain
      631 words
    • 153 12 Note how danger stalks the maxi wearers ('AN the maxicoat be dangerous Yes. insists Mrs. Marjorle May of the Greater New York Safety Council, who also lit ids them graceless and unsanitary. Danger, lurks inside and out for maxicoat according to Who cited the following possibilities in 'h< la'e^t Women
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
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    • 87 12 Advertisement For Your Most liraiililul Wars Ihe woman in ncr mid thirties starts on the most important age of beauty the time of her greatest accomplishments Now the complexion needs the added benefit of a rich tropical ■Ota< oil to beautify the skin tissue and banish tiny lines and wrinkles
      87 words
    • 214 12 I de( et d Ma Fe: 2 v PARFUMS ROCHAS HOW 53.791 TESTS PROVED YOU CAN GET RID OF PIMPLES QUICKEST. SIMPLEST WAV TO BANISH YOUR PIMPLES COMPLETELY Don < let o pimplr loci ruin voui romance, tociol lit* wtul complaint with thr simplest, •o«i*sl. quickest acting pimple rcmt'dy ot
      214 words

  • Sunday Serial
    • 2526 13 OMAR SHARIF AND WOMEN 1 can tell a lot about her just by holding hands' QMAR SHARIF and W MICHAEL CAINE. The two great international heartthrobs. But as different as satin and sandpaper. Location work, on "A Last Valley" brousht Caine and Sharif together in a remote Austrian mountain villoge.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 257 13 NUT SQUARES and H ct'ps KELLOGG S CORN FLAKES 1\ cup* KELLOGGS RICE °/£S 7 cup flaked coconut D Salted peanuts ream i cup Light corn syrup i cup sugar MLTHOD Ins Corn Fl«kps, Rirr Krispirs. coconut and Com; ,rup «"d sugar in mcdiiin-' Cook o\( r It 1o 240°
      257 words
    • 389 13 I K g^P^H BBSnBsSSasV^BSBVV^BBBHBBBB^BBBBBBBBBE asVasSniMalvSlMßM R^/ \jr~ aw n *<*%#! Hall B J W^^ rfaaaK^aßi X BBBBBBBBBBSBWV gsW^^fcJ tv**>o «VSo o^So oAo or^o oAo t>Ao o^>o oc^o oAoo^Vjc S3 T 'PI 55 ?5 W Helena Rubinstein 65 63 Chief Educationalist g For South-East Asia g Miss Irene O'Shea e»y f**)
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  • Special feature
    • 598 14  - Furniture thajpnn make you feij| like coming home... Jenny Lee By. Tha Wdr(Kini la the area of the home to which most attention must be paid. You look lor comfort, for colours and an atmosphere which Will make you feel warm and 00*7 Fur lin.s too. you have mi fear
      598 words
    • HOME DECORATING A Sunday Times Feature
      • 735 14 The art of making visual poetry out of driftwood INHERE can be visual 1 poetry in driftwood decoration if you know the art of how to treat and transform the material. Here we have Mr. WllUan I :m an Au>trallantraniPfl interior ripcnratitr and de>iKii'T to j.we fon some expert advice
        735 words
    • 475 15  - No sweat and no strain with latest paints JENNY LEE By PERHAPS the most notable silent revolution that has swept many households so swift and silent that many households are not aware of it —is brought about by paints. i'uints now come in such a riot of colours that they
      475 words
    • 49 15 MINU style turniture which was Introduced duriiiK the Mini? Dynasty gaining popularity among householders here The furniture is manulactured by a local company Bltd Is noted for its licit] Of lines and ■s beinn durable, the furniture has a touch of elegance and dignity.
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    • 290 15 THE advent of airconditioning has made sliding glass doors and windows a practical architectural refinement for homes in Singapore and Malaysia. Now a home owner can make use of vast areas of glass without fear of turning his living-room or bedroom into a veritabi" fauna
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 203 14 W*i \Ji m j "j«ejT ~^^ti &^m M^^mtm. self-adhesive GI KOIOM carpet-tiles Clkalon aa I Jdhes;ve Carpet-Tiles have stood tht test in thousands of homes, c'fices. schools, hotels, etc. This success is due to many factors: Laying is no problem The professional man saves time and the layman may do
      203 words
    • 282 14 from STEP INTO OUR MODERN SHOWROOMS AND THE ENTIRE WORLD OF CARPETS AND FURNISHING MATERIALS IS AT YOUR DISPOSALI WE OFFER THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPREHENSIVE SELECTION OF: BROADLOOM CARPETS In Wltton, Axminmr and Tufted: 14 Diffarant qualities 76 Rich luxurious colours Eminently suitable for all formi of contract work
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 349 15 ft 4 I m «^^|fl i aflUsl I Emme Lee Carves Carpets With c-ire and skill she hand cuts the embossed pattern into beaum tiful Tin Ping carpets, made now in Singapore. Today a small car■^^>^r Pet to grace a tastelul home; tomorrow a huge creation for one our new
      349 words
    • 257 15 Decorate Your Home This Season With LEE WAH CANE FURNITURE ■^BKii^BBBBSiBBBBS^BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB^BIiB^BBBBBB^BBBBBBBBBF 'V* ftWsri JHtE jJr^SSsI A Wide Range of Lounge, Dining and Bedroom Sets or Cocktail Bar For Your Selections OUR SPECIALITY! Knock-Down Cane Furniture for Easy Exportation 9, CAVENAGHROAD, SPORE 9 TELEPHONE ***** Contoct: RICHARD T. F. LEE w
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 449 16 fflKWffll r J ALL. I COULD /Jh k M p^^ TVUNK ASOUT WAS wMJLLJLJLJ&kM v chic c^ J!oC^^\^^ TiIE BQSN LOSERTn Tl^'^Dpy..^ II Qfo[A«wO 1 I Mill llrr I h=J W^j^ r 55 1 N (AKKJUCKLCHEAPfj I C M^'sGOl^g'to jcvL^' <^^? f- 3AtL^ rT|s OfTPI&UPCR REACWgP F^/h6 6ATTEP OUT Of
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  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 1381 17 1 BY P.I.H. NAYLOR~| <'APRirORN Dec 21 TAIRIS (April 21 for you. You make new h-! ;Ji' T hls shou;d May 2Ol; You lhin friends and follow up an oe a good week for mak- seriously about travel. ,*nd Interesting introduction 11. g mends You 11 have you might actually
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    • 407 18 TRUTH BECOMES STRANGER THAN FICTION WHEN... THERE is something breathtaking about THE FICTION MAKERS. It is ;i symphony of suspi'iisr. I s;il through one hour and 4.*> minutes <>l actionpacked drania and came to the conclusion that Fans of The S;iiul will find
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    • 267 18 QN IHIKHUAY and Saturday thus week the Leningrad StMte Ballet .< programmi-.s at the 're will :>e ldenticaJ Ibe tir.s- pan Features Act II of TcnalkOTikyi Swan Laki and the n ihe m.Ls..~t al 1 In- duet from Ciusellf b] Ad.ii "Oolla", a durt from Bolovre> sedoy.s "Tana
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
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    • 82 18 THE THEATRE NEW OCEAN T.I *****5 Air-conditionrd Siglap Todov at 2 10. 7 IS I 9 >p O" Ling \rVr»r "THC RING NG SWORO(Mond C^lorscopr) [Eng Chir Tomorrow "Th« Myttcrtoui Sittcn" Storr Fong Po Po Today: 1 JO-J 30-7 00 1 9 30pm Fang Yin Wong Hiieh "DEADLY TRIANGLE" Vand
      82 words
    • 55 18 5 SHOWS TODAY 12TH ENCHANTING DAY! I \-Ji\liW *****1 liIM.MiI.MiI v,T.V:oVm 330 "toilS 3 "STS3" I g«at \A; t %aVP uVJ^ifl wS£ ■tiuuNT y%w I a crowds daily ■■■jiiinflHarMiMii.r METROPULE riuLLYWOOO VENUS J, no" 'V th f U s h ft Chines* bubMlci ff ciiiiibil'**^ 4^ A- A ctt<in p
      55 words
    • 439 18 J■ i K OI^ANISATION I 11th RECORD DAY No Ficr Lul Out 10 >nm length -4 shoot B doily lion 2.30. 6 15. sli m NO INCREASE in PRICES' ■a i AMES BCNO 'JO' "On Her Moicitr't t«r<t lenlas* 1 B| George Luzenby Diono Rigg No Half-Price! No Military NOW
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    • 108 19 Premjit v Alex in Asian final >7EW DELHI. Sst. H Top-seeded Alex Metrevelli of the Soviet Union beat India s rpigniriK champion. Jaideep Mukrriea. 6-3. 6-4. 6-2 here today to reach the final of the Asian lawn tennir championships. Indian Premiit Lall, who beat Teimuraz Kakuliya of the Soviet Union
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    • 43 19 Ti.'.'-EFKA.'X Par.gers adTT var.c v (0 .he guaiterOf the Vlni,.:' Cup .soc-eer competition whm ttsty '*At Recreation Club "S 1-1 at Urn .idlum. Pen^tig yesterday I Bakar and William Cox .scored lor Rangers while MRC'a goal came from Noordiu Ohau.
      43 words
    • 44 19 P«u Wtef Hi.nv won Ki-|ipel C!'.ib's sold medal for 1070 im'i: prdaj Hunnerup >*. Wtß| Hi ni to won tne b.illsweep for tl nut I Vslbrru an-1 R WilMin Ued fur th- .-n .nd n'.nr. earh Ith n> tl U
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    • 186 19 Aik Huang to join squad on Jan 23 XAN AIK HUANG, the Malaysian No 1, will join the Thomas Cup training squad at Penang on Jan 2.1 Aik Huang, a final year science student at the University of Malaya, is now sitting for his examination. He was excused from centralist
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    • 334 19 LONDON. Sat a NTI- apartheid campaigner! yesterday ac- cuaed a member ol the South African Ruufoy Union team of assaulttnf a "peaceful demonstrator" OUtSlde the train's hotel in Bi'is!<>.. retarjr of the StwP the 70 Tour" i gram to Corrle Boraman. i c sprli huks' t c
      334 words
    • 128 19 I ONDON. Sat -Arsenal. the Innlish First Division soccer club, yesterday sianed l!»-year-old winger Peter Marinello for a fee of about t'fO.OOO. Marinello. an nulst.ind ing >on he prospect, joins the London club from Scottish side Hibernian. The signing ended d.i\x of specul.ttinn and nn»trt about the
      Reuter  -  128 words
    • 103 19 WELLINGTON, Sat. New Zealander Grame Lawrence roared to v.>toi in Ihe lir.-i of the 'l.i man championship in. lot racing wrlei ai K< yin toda) tiltiu Max Stewart and Frank Mailch grabbed second and third places in the testing 75--mllo <i:io-kmi event. Mike Goth of t
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    • 36 19 \rn.MU .11 |oUi i P.. .1 Hrtlin In ivn.inu on TutKtay "Mil anplanr. a P;per AItCC. Hr will play an exhibit ion '.i und at the pt>nang Tiir' Club OOM i he .--iimH afternoon.
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    • 188 19 Trevino sues firm for US$5OO,OOO \EW YORK, Sat. American golfer Lee Tre--11 vino has filed a US$5OO,OOO suit against an Ohio firm which he said misrepresented itself when it signed him to a contract. suit on Wednesriav .11 the Trevino. who filed the District Cour. in Ei I Texas, is
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    • 89 19 Young pro takes a shock lead hi i iNt; 1 1 -n 8 it N'» «Ac the furpn-f leader in the NZ to UOn ma Hasten ko.I '.■mrn^mfnt at i The JJ-jre«r-old Piim»r. i itc foi mly ten montha, putted Impreaaivelv to return a ire-undrr-p ir Fur playen ren
      Reuter  -  89 words
    • 28 19 Thr A m d B hoafv gclf rnmpetitions a' Swit'apor»'> Buki; and Island >ch'dulfd for day hay* b»en r>o«tnonfd till 1 and Jsn 24 tVJBpi M\f ly
      28 words
    • 239 19 S'pore colts' too good for Cobra STORK I'NDER-23 12 t'ORRA XV RASTER and fitter Singapore Under--23 beat a Cobra Invitation XV by three tries and a penally to a try at the Kyala Lumpur Padaii" yesterday. Tlie fcliiujpiireans dominated the line-outs and had a marked territorial aavamavje throughout tne game
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    • 710 20  - Rinus has Trump Card, C-in-C for early success EPSOM JEEP By [POH trainer Kinus van Breukelen looks set for another successful season. Me has several classy newcomers in his stables and at least two of them. Commander -in Chief and Trump Card, could win next time out. Commandcr-in-Chief. a six-yoar-old
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    • 22 20 JOHANNESBURG. Sat Tht from a 3-1 dtl arrniHi here II tfrica In a thrpe-month th lustraT er.
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    • 142 20 MCC told they can't play Uganda I ONDON. Bat MCC wrrr L told bf tlir Ea>t Alt. can Crickei Conferenr* yesterday thai Una iio' plaj n the lir-' M-h^dulfd match >if thnr i"ur i| !..t Africa «nd thr Fax K.i^;. They were due to pi throe-day match against HssaiS IB
      Reuter  -  142 words
    • 221 20 SUPREME <> N I I <^ DENCE and Wansi Season (Sonny Ng) did ;i splendid tr: Ipoh yesterday mornBreaking into i aallop from thr halfmile, they ran Uft 3f in 37 1 5 StC. The going was yielding. Ku.iii iNiiirr strode out
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    • 37 20 r rHF cum basketball champions, th» lung I'wrt ('mm two matches ;l t'rr..'; Indoor stadium at 8.30 p m I «ta. who h tlonalA. have already visited H'htk and Singapore wlpning their matches
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    • 600 21 Selangor's Cup in a tough, tense final SELANGOR 12 STORE 6— by Peter de Souza gELANGOS'i tremendous fighting spirit earned them a deserving victory in a tense Malaya (up rugby final at Rifle Range Road. Kuala Lumpur, yesterday. Watched by a crowd of 3.500, among vnom was the Deputy Prime
      Snnng Hmi Slii  -  600 words
    • 114 21  -  FRANCIS BOEY By MIKE HAILWOOD, the British world champion motor-cyclist who has switched over to cars, has been invited to compete in the Singapore Qrand Pnx to be held on Mar 26-29 at the Sembawang Cm-ait. T. ii of of Social he invitation to Hailwond throui DC
      114 words
    • 72 21 hHMH C HIM.Sr 1 rFRAK (HIM-I PERAK Chn.f«f had an fasy passage into the' MCFA <\;p final, taking 3-n lrari ■h^ linmf ifsm -rt.rTj h 1 Ah <-rii»v Th*> rUlton Ir-d 1-n a* halltmif with a 41M mlnut* «oa! ing Bwmi Y»u Then cami two eoal-. in
      72 words
    • 27 21 -AnifrlHii Olympic <*imm«s Don fchollander and Su? Oniuirk ted t" tha Heim« Hull if Kame !<>r iWlmißtn and dlrrv it was announced >cMcr tuv t:pl
      27 words
    • 233 21 ORDNANCE DEPOT 12 s( 8 4 RTKONG second halt rally by Base Ordnance Depot enabled them to beat ick c t Club by tnree tries and a dropped goal to a goal and a try in a friendly rugger match a; the Singapore
      233 words
    • 259 22 Mrs. McKay kidnap: Waiter is charged lON DON Bat. A J w alter appeared In court here today over an attempt to extori £500 ransom for Mrs. Muriel McKay, missing wik of ;i London newspaper execul ivr. William Alexander P-'at. 1 las remanded In ens i tody on ■> charge
      259 words
    • 31 22 tftp»l A «r-l'ff ■-ov.mhi r.HiH uoNi-. MHO l n iupri«H. i 0 i< Tir MRS 001 KINC LOK I I MRS LIOW CHIN PINC IBM X— H" II 0 in
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    • 4 22 IN FVtPLASIIM <
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    • 250 22 Son-in-law knew Mat Kilau's secret 12 years ago 1/ I AN I AN. E 1% Mat Siani Kilau the legendary Malay warrior revealed his secret to hi- so:i-i::-la .v 12 years ago I (i IJf the :.-ai-I.ivk. Inche Abu Bakar bin .12 .i bulldozer d'-.ver .it the Pay a I.i
      250 words
    • 132 22 Bad weather hoids up air race SYDNKY Bat tiniie ;o frustrate the climax lie London-to-Sydney n:r race and sp r tei ai c dow SUI vi' i over the Griffith checxsome 4<*ii mlleji soul .■-west of hei t when ice can rej ime More than Sp Sydneybound tin AdPi...
      Reuter  -  132 words
    • 39 22 T.MPINC; Ami Three mtmbwi df me i lure liavf brrn npiviu TMf on Urn Mcidrk;. UCMortal Libraiy loi .v are Inch* MokhUr bin Hrn Abdul Manap Mr Bm« Chin Hln and Inche Zalnal fc.n Mat
      39 words
    • 305 22 Fighting increases after holiday truce in Vietnam CAIOON, sat The U.S. command tuciay reported the heayiest American i asualtiea In one buttle tor seven weeka and the tn.-t inU in the cuMiiiiitari/.fci /one tor nearly three months as ti^htuiii Increaaed after, holiday ceasefl A spokesman said American Infantry lost Myen
      305 words
    • 32 22 TAirr. tilt rhm ■MB "1 the Tai;Council i:lie<l N; :n Mahmood lvi lnk\ nilpix' taree-momhv ■ovemment With him in- the Dtatrt omen Ban U ii bin Abdul Kail
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    • 7 22 J.UI I<> Mmii■-
      7 words
    • 113 22 KUANTAN. S TTHF Temeil..|i bruise a rttal link between the Iki .Hid West t«asta is to he improved in .til effort lo the ItIMIIK The Mrnlri I' Pi h .in;. I in Sri II H V.i h\.» bin Moliintnieri Seh. ..i.l this here t«aa)
      113 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 577 19 »'<NOWUO6f MINTS .NNIVUSIRIIS JJ I«TW. CIUI JCI'VITIfS CONOOUNCIS. Of.IHS NCaSEMtNTS fUNERUS GREETINGS IN M'MORUM MtRRItGES MISSING. SSS& Pfc 9ult Rite lisima- S?« f»r 2B wwlj. tack .iittiisil wsri Si 16 Other ClassiliH tJttrlistannts Mismaai V SO fsr 15 wmk, tack sMititaal wars' SO ciatt. Sst<.» Tmes Bei Strxcs iiarti il
      577 words
    • 279 19 1 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES START A IMAI.L i SMtanUi LM Hold, ilea kw< I ~iTr\UTTcIUTURE HOLDERS Or I IWMI H I I Him „tUf t. an Brata Bi-anty .-ullur, an.l H. i Etaaa—S* aixi <-h,nr« Trl XXX AMY WEE'S MMMM B»« -:l\ I'ullurr v !hrra;h> M(t i Ma a/r'*tnal»l Ball ISItM
      279 words
    • 412 19 ELECTRICAL CHARGEMEN THJ (HIMKAI. COMPANY OF MALAYSIA Rt.RHAD. a member of tho I C I Group oi Companies, requln two Eli "^arßPmen for its Fprtllirfr aid Ch'.irme Plants at Padang Jaw ;t npar Klang Minimum requirement.' <1) Malaysian Ci!i?»nshlp. i2> Two yoars' experience mi operation and maintenance of Dectrlcal L-irpment
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 398 20 nnli# j!^&l "■■if r^Ss STAMFORD W B^^^B I W^^ M^^ EOUCATIONAI WIDEST COVERAGE .1 rf^ OF LOCAL EXAMINATIONS^. .1 rllt Maaijl aaaaaaV n^SBISI "^B«»»a" aoßßßav .^.hool C E. l^*" Malaysia Ccrtiticaic ol ■O" 1^ C 1 I tt ILK >J" G.C.E. 0 A' Lo, the Ur.iversity of London I B
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  • Page 20 Miscellaneous

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 194 21 join hands with Garuda in a new fast way to Bali V* V '^^|d^X w 4|M|Hh^riß^ The delights of Bali are only three flying hours away from Singapore on a big reliable Garuda DC 8 jet Once you're aboard it's just like being in Indonesia. Hospitality to travellers is a
      194 words
  • Page 21 Miscellaneous
    • 77 21 lIIKKM > IMLK.N \iltlN VI. K•• <- lIIIK MUCH iDtBIUcIM) Mi Ko 0 EftOLMN M< 3 <U»*») RAF 2 .pn hi I W(, li, > i 1 m \rr\n erah o Pumn WtLLESLEI mi i un*\ 3 Ourkha Bnjtneer 2 ir II i PB r,.in 7 Pnir D I Check
      77 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 101 22 Late CLASSIFIEDS 20 uordi 120 /minimum) :E TXE CAPSH.E »T MaTagWTA HyillflW /y^ NATIONAL I fSS The 12" F -30A W offe rs J-—^^^^^ you a host of wonderful /tr^S^w/ features, unheard r^"^z!*'^ss^£f s' of in other fans of J similar sue and i^^^^^^ m price metal blades, J ~mj^^^^
      101 words