The Straits Times, 3 January 1970

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
  • 27 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 200,000 The Straits Times. Ilifi Niitimiiil NRWspnpiir Estd. 1845 SATURDAY. JAM ARV 3. 1970. U CENTS K.D.N. 4517 M.C. (P) No. 1507
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  • 81 1 Three more Indon generals face arrest JAKARTA. Friday toI within th« >ho will be nrxt to T l p:iper c: ll D. ■id Brlg.Gen S. No comment 'I he I not comment on f he which chief under rl' The p Snan 1 and Mvi I* added that the s
    Reuter  -  81 words
  • 273 1  - Union graft JACKIE SAM: Leaders involved in four-figure deals r -> SINGAPORE. Friday INVESTIGATIONS into corruption is thrcotening to topple the leadership of one of Singapore's biggest trade unions. Four-figure transactions and i $20,U0U "'^ili" share in ;t n<w I'ompany all in\dl\inu lop leaders •>! Ihe union are believed I-.
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  • 340 1 Razak calls for review of report on teachers KUALA LUMPUR, Friday Tl Abdul Razak today asked the Royal ommissinn <>n Teaching Services in West Malaysia to reconsider the recommenda limis contained in its 236-page report sub milled last March. The commission, headed to Justice Dato Abdul Aziz, had whittled down
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  • 107 1 IWIS IS Hajjah Wan nnt hintr Toßrndah. said to he 1 1 R vearv nlri A resident of Ramponc Kednndnng near Pulau Tawar in Jerantut. shr identified Mil Siam a* Mai Kilau. Ihr rrhrl leader who foutht the British at
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  • 143 1 U.S. WILL HOMOUR DEFENCE PLEDGE: AGNEW TAIPKH. Kri D 8 VIM President Spirn Aenew -aid here today 'hat America VOQld honour her defenre commltmen''tn Nationally China and its nther Allies in F i Ml :;.<•'*. VI- ureeted by Vic -President C K Y*>n when he arrived here from SaiK"ti on
    Reuter  -  143 words
  • 52 1 Nf\V YORK Fn Ed«*!fl Falk. Ihf first pervon tn mediia; hiator)' to recene a heart and dnuhlr lung transplant died here eativ today Mr Kalk a 43-vear-olri rhronir emph' sfma suflerer re<enrr| i thr new organ* in an nperalion i uei fui ltd on Chn 'trim Day
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 80 1 Truce violations— just like Christmas BAIGON, Kri. New Year truces called hv both sidrs 1 in the Vietnam war expired today, and in American spokesman <-;iid the Vietcnnr broke Saieon's ceasefire exactly the vame number of times as durine the C'hristma- st.ind-^o«n last week The eurrilUs imtnted 111 itlacks, :,8
    Reuter  -  80 words
  • 71 1 ADELAIDE P r I Cipt Wiiliam .1 Bright. of Fngland was confirm eri today as the winner of the London-to-Ade-U:de leg of the LondonSydney air race Bright. 4fi. who new his i.snmph 10 >eater Brit-ten-Norman Islander with fellow Briton Frank Buxton 45. had an elapsed time of
    AP  -  71 words
  • 63 1 Tan Sri Tan admitted to hospital KI.THINO. Kri Thr >ecre-urv-BfnFml if 'he Alliance FUrn I'an Sn T H Inn nnvion a vim! <n Sarn«ak. «as arinr'trd in h<>.spi'al today Informed source* «aid he would he hcwptlalused lor nr>rr than threr wee|c.« Tan Sri Tan felt unurll this nioitiina xnti a*
    Bernama  -  63 words
  • 24 1 MOSCOW F>-: PirM npputv Foreign Minister Mr ten arrived in Peking toresume rninlel SovtM rhineise h-irder talk*. Tan »aid lodsv AP
    AP  -  24 words
  • 37 1 MANHATTAN BKACH i(»!t--fornin' Prl A 3»i-foot cabin crm.^pi- carryini ihipr artm 11 children on nolidav ouUUf n>ert'irnfri unrl broke apart nfTihiT» veattrda) leavm. per-on rtrnuned «ix missing and presumed drouned an'I in ho»pit«l AP.
    AP  -  37 words
  • 142 1 Kidnap wife: Now a murder threat I ONDON, i An anonymous murder threat toda Scotland Yard a duo in the inn,' Mrs. Muriel McKay, vanished wife of a British newspapei ecutlvt). The thr<- ter handeri at the oil a suburban m i n'irth I/uidon it said Mr would be killed
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  • 15 1 i; wni i) M iuur vii- an- Bra mm >uj a hi Rrutrr.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 48 1 timekeeping fp A MMWI PRKCISION Ml H^ KM WATCH Pt Al FR J»P s aV xi with W«^^ When you give Brand s Essence of Chicken in 6* or 12-bottle gift packs, yotn sses a wealth of good wishes. Brands Essenc* of Chicken means h strength and stamina
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    • 76 1 m««t tht distinguished f TZZ3 OB!*g/T PGF> Anitocrtt MX X wood* design combination 4 s£ "^^s^^s. B«t*«*n mtximum 1 1 V^, W ESS&2SCSb^v ■M H N If .I I'M i MODEL. 59 CT3OB i lIERAo W TELEVISIONS fill! AUTOMATIC IT'S THE PRIDE OF HOLLAND AND MILLIONS OF OWNERS THE WORLD
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    • 511 2 SAIGON, Friday. A SPECIAL 1 > trniv tram iavestigaUai the alleged M] l..ii Baas■acrc yesterday Hen vnx UM r.w.d h.unli-t .Hid in ter\ic\\rd live villager* and i»i> south Vietnamese \!imn laterareten i s iiiiiiii.iidl statement toda) -».uil Oir iiv man commission
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    • 271 2 Dudley: I quit politics in five years CEYLON PREMIER'S FIRM DECISION COLOMBO. Friday. DREMIER Dudley Scnanayakr has expressed him firm decision to step down from office and active politics alter his next liveyear parliamentary term. In a ions New Yoar Interview with the leading English paper, the Daily Newt, hr
      Reuter; UPI  -  271 words
    • 49 2 PK«i7.ZAVII.I E Pi. T^ie Congo republic th» nneHnw FYrnrr. f" re-styled Itself the Popular Republic nf :hf Conco It ndopteo a red flag with hammer «nri sickle In the centre *nri two green p»!m» »urmounted by a yellow «t»r In the upprr Irft .irr>-
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    • 117 2 TRIVANORUM. Fr; Anew i rrform arr cam* 1 into ton I ith Indian of Kerala yesterday Ling thousands of farmer.- 'Hp nwrr land which they had previously reritori ;rnm wralthv landlord.Under the Bill enactrd by (v mraun i -nmrnt. land fmm trn^nt-farmprs
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    • 52 2 JAKARTA, rri President Vuhartn b*~, ItMM martial law in Centra' Java imposed four year* ago >• the time of the abortive coup according to a palace spokesman today. Inder a presidential decree martial law «a* lifted yesterday on the grounds that the security situation in the province
      Reuter  -  52 words
    • 15 3 Strip game on TV nets HK$1,350 for charity UOM, KONG >r. Ker and i in-mto
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    • 99 3 'Decadent' miniskirt wins the day in Tanzania J)AR ES SALAAM. Fri. Miniskirts i the day iti ov< r the campaign launched one to eliminatp them as a decadenl invention of thf West Thp cnmpaimi launched by thp rulitiK Alrirai. •i 'Tami' i League— knowi IM Klernamed "Op< i ■h >."
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    • 305 3 V\LL ISQIIRY O\ TWO SI'SPKSDED FRENCH GENERALS PARIS. Friday i.' E yesterd asked I--i,i! I id recall Admiral Moi imon, hei Paris-! .inns buyer in Europe. over the Cherbourg gunboats The five fast patroj craft dropped anchor m Haifa on Wedces(iay after a
      Reuter  -  305 words
    • 30 3 Swallowed by a sewer BOBTI m A policeman mjurpd jraaterday •vhrr, hf tucked bak b) Urn drait :n tnnt M ttmi I fract'in Aiui lrj InjUliM. »('rr -y imrn AY
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    • 285 3 Hirohito in bullet proof glass cage receives banzais yOKYO. Fri.— Emperor Hirohito stood behind bullet proof glass today for the first time in his life to rerpive New Year banzais from thousands of Japanese on Hie grounds Of the 17th century Imperial Palace. Metropolitan and Imperial Police enforced unusual n*itj
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    • 29 3 LONDON Pi r. .11l kIM|UMI that ho had saved bli \u!e« B hrmr U» I time I.rf«son U-year-otd »"l k baton mi an i Pi
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    • 25 3 RAM of hrr i her first »uch op*ra( v n 21 month* i 'hr tnrth of her tilth .-on UFI
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    • 53 3 Hi iMH V> t". lirr ■IV invrsticntlne thr tßyvtCTtotlS death* of li memben <>t a family of pilei mi"- vrMprrlm at Bnirdt a Hindu holj pl.tre 210 miles from here. Thf dead. ac«l I vs wotc f^;in'i in ■< mom tb*y had rrnt»d They
      AP  -  53 words
    • 106 3 Tra vel restrictions on Britons lifted j I ONIV)N, Fri— Thr (.>••- i ItUßMrt vr.stprdav lifted mi rastrtcttcma on travel ahrnad. pndp irs of rp- div iii.firr Mr ,-iniitv nromuntnc un announced thai all Biitoiii >in i 3 o a Der.icn r>er trin for tra< outside the r .s *rea.
      UPI  -  106 words
    • 131 3 Flu death toll rises to 700 in Britain I OMON, Kri Xrarly 700 ppople died of flu and iU roiisfqurnj'Ps clurinE the urek uhich ended on Dec IS. it was aiiniiumnl l.ivt nitht. Itipartmrnt of 11... 1 th spokr>man >.iid that '!l proplr dnil in the compar.ihle ueek of INS.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 66 2 m B II I I I ilk W* 9F i W wF vP r a^a^Emt/ V W^K I1 1 9 i^EJHIKVV>'**- I It's a more satisfying world with Benson Hedges Benson I ledges King Size. Big on taste satisfaction. Long on smooth satisfaction. With a special filter to let all
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 323 3 UIIJJOXSOI kll< ill \s\i 1 1» A Xl tIO llOOh! INDISPENSABLE in every kitchen -the REMO hood Do away with odour, smoll. fume. dampness, greasy vapour... Remo absorbs them all and turns your kitchen into a place of pleasant cooking. Comes in white enamelled stoel casing, electrically operated. comprising a
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  • 293 4  -  CHEONG YIP SENG Govt closes 2nd Arbitration Court By gINGAPORE, Fri The (iovernmeni today closed down the Second Industrial Arbitration Court. The reason: 'Things are quiet*' <>n (he labour front. It had been operating sine.' 1962 at the Central Provident Fund building in Palmer
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  • 193 4 Ex-president Macapagal flies in SINGAPORE. Friday pORMER Philippines President Macapagal lo(I;i\ s;ihl Asean should develop military interest ;is an "ultimate concept* 1 for greater unity among member countries. Mr. MacapM*! mM: "1 p think thla ll a worthy con- i ."•ideratlon It la difficult to foresee the tlmp element, i
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  • 43 4 SINGAPOHK f The Singapore Tsckwon-da r\a tlon «11l hold ft via'ilni; lor 2(10 YMCA mrmbriA Si ihr YMCA aiiriitorlum in OrrhMid Road at 2.30 p m tomoiHiu On the >ame day ilif Jiimue will hold iraaV ins lor its urkwnn-do memhers.
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  • 103 4 TOO TIRED TO TRAIN' MAN GETS 2 MONTHS SINt.APOKK. Krl Tsn Chin Kirk. in. a national srr\ i< who ah>rntrd liiiiimK from thr Kirn Srnc 'l'r<hni<al School \igil.intr Corps Ontrr. today plradrd in rourt that "it was too tirine for him to turn up for training" aftrr his work
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  • 138 4 Alice's party for charity SINGAPORE Fri. Exb<;i\ii\ fjurPn Miss AJICC Wmin v back from banking >tiidip> for a holiday inrt one big fltntf f"r a good causp. Slip will throw a pool.^ldr buftp' party m Hn'^i n> cara on Sunday to rai-p |i for the Rpfi Cr CripplPd Chlldrea'i H
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  • 45 4 ■tKOAPOM hi Seven lenders *<:<• 1W04«a4 conatruetloti oi 'he nndMSTownd en: p«ik si Andrew <i tatlifriml. but none «uv mirpied. »<rord!ni{ to the Goverr.nient (5»/eitr Plans (or the $2 5 Million pmk big enouth for 2 m «<-ie uppiovpd In Imlc 19r<|.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 319 4 WOW "WOW! WOW! 17th DAY! ORCHARD; I TODAY TOMORROW 4 SHOWS AT a 10.45 a.m., 2.00. 5.30 8.45 p.m. B 'DOLLY STARTS: 1 1.03 a.m. 2 18. 548 903 p.m. Advonc* Co.h Bookmas Otllr No fr«€ LiM B School Concr.i.on il SO TO ANY SIAT AT -l 0 4Som. 200
      319 words
    • 64 4 sinGQpura INtEJ^CSmNENTAI in town (nttrtainment by Thilmo Qutioda fc 4 lador 1 JO-J 10-7.00 1 9JO p m TMI SINGING ISCORT" Tonight at "THI J SMILCS" Mui'd Colurscope). row of II 15 om ■Torot Bulba" Criorscon<-). NEW OCEAN Tel: *****5 Air conditioned Siqlop Todo, at 2 JO. Ml 1
      64 words
    • 172 4 B 4 SHOWS TODAY- 11th BIG DAY' I iZMtMm LtfilßT-VIJ lilM.riiHi] 1 I 5 J 30 1 10 4 00 1 ]0 3 4S B 7. 15-* )0 p.m. 7 00 9 JO p m 7 1 5 30 p m a Tomorrow «.tr« 1 I 00 am Miming Shopj
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    • 442 4 ■I) CATHAY 11TH BIG DAY' 11 am 1 30, 4 00. 6.30 1 9JO KILL THEM ALL AND COMI BACK ALONE TON I' -KINGS OF BLADt AND SWORD' g TOMORROW AT 900 A M. a THE EARLY BIRD SHOW internal M i»y-^Bi r > YaTTr*- >> Til B 11TH ENCHANTING
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  • 660 5  -  CHEONG YIP SENG By Staff problem still unsolved SINGAPORE, Fri. The unsolved staff shortage proDiem, i-oupled with a mounting jvorfe load, i s g olnß m;)kr me administration of justice ;i 'lillicull one"" this year, the I'icl Justice said l<><l.i\ Opening the legal year
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  • 198 5 British Minister visits 'guerilla den' (JINGAPORE. Fri The British Minister of Offence for Administration. Mr. Roy Hatterslry today visitrd Britain's Jungle Warfare School In Kota Tinggi He flew by helicopter from Sinttaixirc. kceomp by ;hp Commander of Fai Ka>l Land force*. Lt. >• nrrnl Sir Peter Hunt The schooi'i CDmmaiHUtit.
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  • 61 5 S1N(1 \POftI l-i. Mi Xli mint, i lee turn in lite Depart ni'-n ill Building »n< Managrmrnl in. i II ipon «hi conduct 13 toetiur ...nix- nn PttnelptM "f builder* quanttttaa" Fran im 12 a\ 7:m ii m in Mir Rdumtion black "i thr üßlvendiy '1
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  • 23 5 SINGAPORE, Fri. There were traffic tecMenta, spvcm serious, on New's Da] jrerteNay. But no death. Sevenlrm people were injured.
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  • 190 5 Blueprint for new campus to be ready this year SINGAPORE, Fri. The architectural plan for the new $150 million I niversitv of Singapore complex \a so up (hi Kent Ridge in Pasir I'anjang is c\pect«'d to be drawn up by the second half of this year. This w;in disi li»ed
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  • 29 5 BtNOAPOMI Fii Hindu firxutcps "1 l.nrrl Awappan i;!, h"lri a thicp-rtay congregation li"m Jnn 12 ti> celebrate M.<hc Tfovinrlaa*my Piliai k urn Mandapan in Barium m R
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  • 16 5 SINOAPORE l-"i. i Bet < "' B.uik.v iiw hianrli HI Nr\» fur ba-iin v today.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 189 5 f£AfiALAC£mum KtLUNG RESTAURANT (off Ponggol Point II m. s.') g^g^ PROUDLY PRESENTS Nnhtinijlt »f tx. popui., i,n;., M M Llu vutN I I Plus Miss ZAINAB HURI occompomed by SEA PALACE QUINTET. SPECIAL LUNCHEON MUSIC ON SUNDAY It jAfak Also Featuring... B THE DEATH DEFYING '*T FANTASTIC SHOW by THE
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    • 272 5 CITY SCHOOL OF COMMERCE HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE Starting on sth January, 1970 Full time morning classes (ARTS 6- SCIENCE) 8.00 am 1.00 p.m. One -year intensive course (ARTS) 7.15 p.m. —9.15 p.m. Single subjects (ARTS SCIENCE) Students prepared for the 1970/71 Examinations. For details apply: CITY SCHOOL OF COMMERCE. DEPT
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  • 211 6 The most deadly slip of all at home SINGAPORE. Friday V ARIA half <>\ nil accidental home (lc;illis in Singu|M)i*c result fivm falls. S'ext <>n the ■"killer" list is electrocution. VccorxliiiK i" Ihe National Safet> Kirsl Council New Year bulletin, falls ;nv I>> far Hie must common hazard for (lal
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  • 52 6 SINOAPOM rri The promad* ■imply unpreaalon P v nia- who can ..'r ihr Ircmel chHii'-'f- tlmt have taken plm c r>d Jurong We *eie onr) talkmir alxMii m in Mi Indian He jnined An-liuiia .*v.e In l»r!2 to t«ke up trie al nenu m Mma, East Afihh
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  • 185 6 Rearing crocs for profit? You need a licence SDfOAPORK, Fri. The Primary Production Department today reminded people engaged in any of the following farming activities on a commercial basis, full-time or parttime, other than as a hobby, that they require licences Poultry rearing Including ii quails 1 pig rearing, vegetable
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  • 226 6 Ending of drug curbs 'a bonus for all' SINGAPORE. Frl /H)VERNMENTS removal ol all quota rettric- tions mi the import of Pharmaceuticals from this month was greeted today as a "welcome and long overdue step by members of the medical and pharmaceutical professions. Said iry of the Singapore Medical AModaturn.
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  • 51 6 opn attnv i" n -^d by n n j..lHn r in nhfn hr rri .^id SI M) a dA\ by the owner of liv lAPOM PI I.lm M'llK lh v.- gl\f>n .< alx-month conditional dLsehtone t.KIHV when he pleaded Binltv mntim tlkan nicMm 1 in thr
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  • 384 6  -  Sh«n Swe« Yong -\1 SINGAPORE. Kri. A 3 penchant for paintins -ii'd .i son who's ,i painter. To hiMiMuifr Vlrs Mjrionr Sharland thi« cninmnn cift (lr<irr\>'d a oimmoii sho\« So U p.initiii^'s in oil and primer*! ink urn! up the «.ills of tin- British
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 94 6 V vtaiiisss^ iw^" '•^C^^Bfcsß '^^^BsP V S# J^fKM^BHb*' '^U^^^^ *^VK^BSSSSSsB ■V^^^ssssss! BB^i^ .'rffr^ r^ > jiisHL. v Btt^\ "Jfr "**i^i .'fc. 'h^ t v, WP^'-' #V^ r >vw -w %M ■aHssW__ K «^BSsV^Ti^^^^^^BSSSSH L "»^^^k '•fc'" '^sssL A 'Dream-Boat' of your own with ideas for brighter living? Find it in
      94 words
    • 171 6 ENROL NOW for OVERSEAS SCHOOL CERTIFICATE (ARTS) 1970 EXAMINATIONS Classes starting in March 1970 Full time morning Classes 8.00 am 100pm Special tuition in Smqle Subjects Starting on January sth 1970 OSC./CCE English Language. Elementary Maths. Additional Maths (Pre U I Subsidiary Level). Health Science. Q.T. SEC 111 FORM IV
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 282 6 Straits Times Crossword M MM C She launched lut in the 1 Kmu Dk> Or«tia- tanner lending libr»r> IS). with hen iv eras) or did he 7 Compiirt^on for tM Inn doot have 14 iin«n 3. Si. (Tl a One of 3J .as the hymn says. Vegetable vwth 11 «ug
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  • 121 7 'Vietnam war can end in couple of years if..: vL A LUMPUR. Fri, The war in nam would end in a couple of year.-, 1: China and Russia did ise their support to the Vietcong. ihi(. e South Vietnamese Congressmen said here last night id now. we arr the war
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  • 26 7 Malaysia invited to water seminar L I L'MPUR. Fri. en In- 1 nation and and p ru In n Jan. 19. n and at of Com-
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  • 18 7 An lMand- and population Mr. Thi: rw>cln will tak" about the nn mllar
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  • 442 7  - Manicka's plans to make Malayan Railway profitable YAP KIM ONN MORNING RAILCAR SERVICE SOON By I^I'ALA LUMPUR, Fn. The acting Minister of Transport. Mr. V. Manickavasagam, today outlined plans to make Malayan Railway economically successful. touring the Railway C c n t r a 1 workshops in Sentul. the Minister
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  • 151 7 Highway robbers stop lorry and take $10,000 RUTTERWORTH. Friday. TWO armed mm today mtrrccptrd a lorry at 1 Permatang Sintok Road, about seven ntUea irom here, and robbed the driver of $10,000 whuh he had jiutt cashed from a bank. Th f dl Weng, had earlier delivered about n tons
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  • 28 7 PENANCi. Tt\ Thr Prnans branch of th~ Heltrf AandattOfl ha-, 'llorHtfd •r di.stiibutinn to children tiers for thr pi.rrhaxe of :<xtb<rf>k., when irttrHi rr-i,|v>ii •in Mnnr"av
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  • 66 7 Stayed out and caught out KTA! A LUMPUR Fri A ni resident A Ar<*i»MBSjr, 2". Wit sen rnrrr] the Biiwlnni Oouri <iav for faiiinK to Tintify the pnhep of his uherran lavr fnunri tun miloi away from hi* home by a poUce terßeant a' 9.20 n m when hr
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  • 53 7 KtAI A 1 L'MPI'R Fr; R Kn-hnnn 38 unrmployrr charerri in the md'sistmtp'ji ier« today «ith ;tPiiiins nn MG 1300 tporta rar brlong- '<■.'.<■ Fatt )<r it from JaUn Unjreratty ty:wrn 10 en n m tm Due. 20 »nd 1 i m 'hr n^xt rl.iy Hp
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  • 104 7 IV U ALA I.UMPUR. Kri. I up Minister <>l EducaUon, Dalo Hajl Abdul Rahman bin Ya'kub. is in make turprlae viafti to national-type English secondary .schools af'rr they re-open on Monday His aim Is to have "a closer look" at how the national M ■.ication
    Bernama  -  104 words
  • 84 7 ■MANILA, Fri.— Thr PhiliuDinps is ron- < ir«-ri that its claim to Sitiah i* "not inromP«1IM« with the ohi»>(ii\rs of A^ean." the Port ign Offlca *aid in vfar-pnrl rcrtorl. 11 V J'rrsirtmt Mino, h;i> v.iid. rtitantl •■on11k tv su«h a<> the Sa- h.ih
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  • 107 7 NO PENANG GIRLS FOR BEAUTY CONTEST PIMAMG, Kri Ihr Prnang Tiuirist duides' A»stH'iatinn today expressed disapnintment nvrr thf lack of rut hii-i.iMii hy Penang eirK to participate in thr MRm I nurism Malay-ia rnntrst on March lA. The contest is lieing supervised for the first time h v the (to\ernnient
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 63 7 THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS THE MANAGEMENT OF PERAK CARBIDE CORP. BERHAD OFFER THEIR MOST GRATEFUL THANKS TO THE MENTRI BESAR OF PERAK for graciously laying the foundation jtonc OF PERAK CARBIDE CORPORATION BHD at TAIPINC All Diplomatic Corps.. Government officials, guests, friends, agents and well wishers are also thanked for
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    • 277 7 IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT THE 2nd ASAHI PENTAX WORLD PHOTO contest mm IS NOW^S I Jr^i l\l Wl I—l Here's the chance that is every photographer's dream! Prove your photographic skill and you could win one of the 15 GRAND PRIZES 10-Day Tour of Japan including visit to Expo 70, Osaka. All
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  • 120 8 CINOATOKr' Ptl An mi- proved ftoniis Mlieinr and j additional {nnue benefits for 2 000 «nplo]rea* will be announced a' Ju Bhlpjrard'i [ourth innoi at tlie Peojir I AaaOdaU an Jan. 17 at 7 30 pm Mr K Sakurai. the general manager »r,6 Mr i^iw
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  • 22 8 >RE. I Hi ."in- latmn will I {••Ichra^r v.v 10th ann»' ulth taMf *\\A daiuc hi Tropicana on Jan 16.
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  • 249 8 SINGAPORE. Fri. \IISS Tan Thiew w *Hwang, who lust three members of her family in Ihe Dec. X) Moods, to tlav received $!),2(K) Ironi Ihf General Relief Fund. The presentation was made by tho Minister for Social Affairs. Inche Othnian Wok. M;:.*
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  • 270 8 Relief Fund at $103,000 SINGAFOM. l^i l>«« n.ilions l«> Ikfl <•'" araJ RcHcf Mai Ji10.:.7K8 I h\% I- ITlAdr U|> Ml >(,(.. '.tin (..|<-d h> thr Swul Wil (i> 11. |..ittimn( ami Vi'.l I miiMi! hv thr Mrail» Tim<s. |jitr»l donation-. rrr.i\rH hv Ike todtJ Wrlfarr Krp.n Imrnl tuUlk-d
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  • 11 8 Year's jail for breaking parole Ah K.i tn> Ahmad ihr;< i!
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  • 9 8 brroi h 12 40
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  • 6 8 nponct Amwr
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 272 8 Lm^Cat* -fil #*^!j *m jJaaaaa! T^j&mm^j*, i Jw 'Ja^BaaaaBBBaMBBiBB If VITAMIN F. PREPARATION >\^^B W/ keeps you young healthy >N»sJs2r^^^ anc^ vital I k relieves fdtigue and promotes extra encigy and now vitality. improves biood circulation t ind rtvil oui system s%j. v n liavei mvi i I < paii
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 34 8 IHrt. 1 1 Kit- if iilf 1 hfMfr (mtfuiti VOU. SPARKLE. MIS %M >- Jr^^T _^~II^ -t^at* thnir tt, f 1/ O' OI ATM. VA ftTU^ID^jjl AOXILI ARV/' ■KIilV AsmoLoev stupf.. business: iJkiS Nl^I_^_-^/ ctT»Sj^5-A2"^f^
      34 words

  • 291 9  - The old 'rebel' visits grave of mother SAAD HASHIM: Hy Jerantut, Friday MAT SIAM. the man who claims to be Mat Kilau, Pahang's legendary leader who fought the British from 1891 to' 1895, today visited tne grave of the old warrior's mothei The grave is about sf)o yards from the
    Othman Yakob  -  291 words
  • 12 9 KANO/ this c 10 Thr E ;.l br Koran
    12 words
  • 185 9 P and O comes to the end of the line riDIOAPOBE, Kri. The C> ret ula r P and O pasMBgei >rr\ i( <• hrtwrrn Kurnpr anil thr Far I .i^t which has hren in operation for thr p.i*l 1. 11 years will come to an end next wrrk. I'he
    185 words
  • 16 9 PBM ■< > PI M- Wtm« 'i prr- o! thr P(fl.inB Mr Cheah ij a.s irea«urcr.
    16 words
  • 150 9 L LUMPUR, I-ri A iod Samaritan" who oiTrred to help a Canadian student turned out to be a ratf's court here wai told today. KG Baghrjr. a 41-year-old driver, pi < >rr Armour Singh, prosecuting told tho that a: 4 pm. on Dec
    150 words
  • 102 9 Students' council sacks its officers SINGAPORE, Frl. The Students' Council of the University of Singapore has sacked its executive committee elected early but year. TtM decision was 'iker. a» ;ui extraordinary council iu> eUofl on Dee 30. a ni'w eommlttM has been elected headed by \ir. Dunn-; Juhk-.v v president.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
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    • 18 9 When a man n is successful, J8 his brandy 0k The Spirit of Success 7T E i^V^a^a^HaJa^H 1^
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous

  • The Straits Times.
    • 523 10 questionable i at in the National Family Planning Board's annual repoit (not 'hat wo m;:m- which are) is thai in women have largtfamilies. More than half the women between mere ltv< lirty per cent have had eight or more. Even aher the toll of child igi
      523 words
    • 259 10 N rb!e in Kui>la Lumpi.r yes■>r> low n the '6. 'lK> r.on-rtnewablr" ■huh pvpired on Wednesday In renewed Council*! renced a fort- > Time has beer, too ibort fi worker eligihle for renewal (be-:-.pplipd for titi/enship in proper time) to xtensJon. And it is not clear what s
      259 words
    • 171 10 The University of Singapore* e\tr3-murol studies dfsartment, a strong six•oM, has filkd a «ap vih its perplfxity of courses- -this year there will be 54 of th<tm on subjects ranging from computer s' .jdio« to the Mcprrcia'ion painting. But the larger Rap remains. Both ..;ap'irf inn M;
      171 words
  • Article, Illustration
    1161 10  -  ALLINGTON KENNARD by Kuala Lumpur, Friday SEVENTY-FIVE years ago the embers of the Pahang revolt were smothered in the jungles of Ulu Kelantan. The last of the rebels, fewer than a dozen men, escaped capture at the mouth of the Pertang River only by a matter of hours.
    1,161 words
  • 501 10  -  MIGUEL MARABUT By MANILA, FRIDAY 'THE Philippines, fared with U acute dollar shortage, has adopted austerity measures to bolster Its low foreign exchange reserves And President Marcos, recently elected to an unprecedented second trrm. has warned the country's 37 million people
    501 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 41 10 All over the World Millions of /^s«*^\V SArABI People Wear SAFARI Style i/r \l Shoe... Now Available In Malaysia If Brunei with 12 Different Leathers Colours. I F.rst m Fashion JSPWm^SEimi*^ HIGH QUALITY SHOt J Sole Distributors: P.O. Box 1169. PENANG.
      41 words
    • 179 10 HERTFORD .MANSION '"^■ffSS-BBSBBBB-BBB*PV-^-S.^BIBBBSBBBBB^BSBB%B^^B^B%fIO^ v '■siisiin fssVsW M ii HI B Hf r t rl J^ CONSTRUCTION WORK IN PROGRESS !»«X*l r NM I HERTFORD wunifcf— MANSION "»p'«"«» "ifK. approval v 0 C 72, S9 dated o<v*laptrV U«MkMi ,X No 115 •Xt trt t r t f v N.*»0 mt Z
      179 words

  • 139 11 New head of S 'pores Internal Security Dept. SINGAPORE, Fri. J Singapore's Internal Security Department is now headed by a non-serving police officer. Mi. Tun Boon Tan 10, formtrly roller nf Immlgra fice from Mr. P« nnefarher about !hree months ago. Mr. Pennefathcr, 47. an i'oiirp Commissioner In his last
    139 words
  • 6 11 I rippe'l
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  • 60 11 AIOR STAR Fr) Members of the !=ta> Opera Mons Committee wl|] make surprt&e checks on depart nents In the next few da\> The Mei.*-: B»sar. Dato Syed shahno.-i'r I jld a P I toe..;" Uin: In 0.,..' complaints s .<ua. relo the
    60 words
  • 58 11 KDALA LUMPUR Fri. A third session* court ni.< opened here today to deal wit 1 criminal cases. sitting a* it-- Br»l prrsidrnt wan Inrhe Mohamwl Karri! bin Awann. a former Senior AsilstHiit Retd.strar Ino'ie Kamll. vlin has oeei. In tlie leeal servlr c for tv/o yeaiv was
    58 words
  • 350 11 5,000 jobs going in rubber, oil palm, tea estates RESULT OF WORK PERMIT EXERCISE KUALA LUMPUR, Friday MORE than 5,000 jobs are going vacant on rubber, oil palm and tea estates as a result of the work permit exercise. Employment officers here haw been asked by estate managers to help
    350 words
  • 110 11 FOUND: A $1,200 CAMERA LOST ON TRAIN DHTIIRWORTH, Fri.— ii Pi.lice ha\e recovered .(»0 ramera renortcd missinfi last week by \n •\rrcrican Peace Corps volunteei ttachinc in Ind«in< >-i.i. l/luin Baker L«mb.«rd rept.rted he lost the caMMCa 'in the nieht of Her. ?6 \»hile travellinc on .i i\an K.iilwav
    110 words
  • 149 11  - Singapore Airport vigil to foil smuggling of drugs ARTHUR RICHARDS B, tINGAPORE, Fri. Airport Customs and postal orli have intensified their vigil for drug trafficking by post. Thti follows a Sydney rtpon that drup dealen in Penang. Kuala Lumpur and Singapore were sending dope to Australia by mail. All letters
    149 words
  • 171 11 DATIN SALMAH OFF TO STUDY HOTEL MANAGEMENT Xl AI.A 1.1 >l PUR. I H Dalin salmali ahn\ei. wifr of >> langor's Mrntri li<sar IMto Han ll.irun Ma Hail Idris mil take up a two >f.n hntrl m. 111. n.l mini and eatcrtaf course at the Dccttea Irtsti lute in SuitrrrUnd
    171 words
  • 29 11 KCALA yesiprdav to .iltcnc. arms dni. ruur.<-e in Bi. Th«- tlirfp arc WO bin Mnhampd s.i.a ot HQ Garrison. WO V from -rje cge
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  • 13 11 JAKARTA PTI C *.-cunU visitor from fcingaporo loi
    13 words
  • 8 11 KUALA LUMPUR, Ptt. Hall Prrxpfi: ■Aflfare
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 123 11 VANTO ACADEMY PETALING JAVA At.p^i::- llble candidate? the tOllOwtna Courst II S.C. I'hose I B C./M.C.L examaiat.oi. results and tlso.. who passed S.C./M.C.E tn 1968 mih Grade I or Grade II may apply l'Kl\ All BI CM I IKY*, < I Kill l( AIL ire awaiting th. >t the S.C/
      123 words
    • 213 11 it Stomach I "I gat can be I B^'^^a^Lrke^eVtf^S.V^^—^ tra^ ed m a I B^tfP^^vPHVMjPlMMMClJ^^Bl^F^^"^ 7 sluggish mess I JV j/ °f bubbles that jr cau^>e tnxinjul I m^SfjT pressure and I WUM£ r~~ #JW —*^fulln,- s s It may '•ause I jr— yM acid contents to 'back up' into
      213 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 96 11 HIGH TIDES IOUAV: brdill Kechll 401 am <7.2 ft). «35 p.m «rt.3ft > Singapore kJI »m (3 lft', 7.24 pin (Mft); P"rt Dlck--1 M a m «!t 147 pm (Sflto Port Swettenham 0 li 4 Bin. 1 13.2 ft I. 12.54 pm. Ul3fti: Penang 1M am (6.3 ft), »H pm
      96 words
    • 886 11 TV SINGAPURA CIIVNM.I. j 12 55 rM o i"" n;n lld t*pntle Bpii- H>onilrfn<l Boomerang; 1 20 Star tOCOtf- West Bi mwirh Aibiun Slirrflf.d Wednetdai 210 Inba Neram 'repeat': 3.10 Whicker* World H'v They Filmed th»> Grand Prix. 4.00 What.- My Line? 4 25 Sl:1 >■*■<' Tll e Se»--The Worid
      886 words

  • The Straits Times Saturday Forum
    • 308 12 LIKE your correspondent "Student" who unite about Malay courses and recognition, there was no M r.E.. when I completed rm sr t ondarv edurntidii. I ar>!>e^red for mv OSC in 1994 and was unable U> sit the .Malay paper as a second language
      308 words
    • 54 12 VISITING the zoo at Johore Bahru for the first time. 1 was saddened by the poor condition of thr majority of animals. Many of them apnear to be in need of veterinary attention. With more carp and attention the zoo could bp made into a Rood tourist
      54 words
    • 264 12 Doctors who employ quacks in their clinics THE outgoing president of the Medical and Dental Practitioners Society is to br congratulated tor h:s sugfce.M.ons on prevent lilt quacks in the medical field Irom endangeiing me health of society. However he snouid have extended the criticism to colleagues who employ quacks
      264 words
    • 197 12 TIMF KutlHUitlei are to bf prai>ed fn r tnp ttmi tlie.v ar«> taking to m---ifply on roads But tnp blame does not lie with motorists alone iid be a B r<-at help ;f Mniif apparetr ft«j or rulea wptp irnplempn-fd headlights and rearlights on bicycle*. bolky
      197 words
    • 174 12 QNK of the heller prorrammes on TV re crntly has heen "The Life and Times of l.nni Mounthatten" on Tuesday e\eninrs lluwfvfr. apparently TV Smeapur.i does not sh.irr this opinion. After heine shown continuously for six weeks there was no programme on Der. 9.
      174 words
    • 151 12 AFTER reading the two article* about myself n in the Straits Timr-s i was appalled at tha ROM mi.sunderstanainjj over the stuLemenus I am reported to hava mane I did not speak Of Singapore men bring "dull" laid ••uninteresting", i said thtt "som« of
      151 words
    • 237 12 REFER tc thr letter by "A Parent" (ST. Dpc 13) unrirr the heading "Thrpr-month for jabs' and would like to clarify thr position. As a special scrvu t I tudrnts Ir. Primary One Of Khootol three mob;ie vaccination tean.organised to attend to all primary
      237 words
    • 51 12 OTTERS ha v p been Li vritten nhoti* the lone :i tax re; in Income partment In lanuarj >'d for Form M minders •*d a form in September. 1960 I rp'urned the form In October i960, asking for artvice and and have not heard since K G
      51 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 208 12 2/ £k >^sir r Mft fo iH lA. v w/ J^^Ts^ssWsls^My -L m J> o I Champagne every time? I It doesn't always have to be champagne! A And even the finest lady's auto- mechanism and 'Fast Beat 1 movement. Perhaps you are attracted by the d> malic need not
      208 words
    • 205 12 Advr r t X-rays on Indigestion An X-ray experiment earned out by an eminent radiologist will interest every sufferer frort indigestion and similar stomacr disorders. A patient suffering from aeu's indigestion was X-rayed first before, and then two hours attrr, a meal. The second X-ray plfte showed that the stomach
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 807 13 10 IIVtRPOUL ANti JlMlk UK i istih tJMINENIAt^ORIi mV-ifstheus Tt ShS«m» 11,I 1 !i 1" It's iih 2/ > r»CM U COMIMNItL »ORIS ikiON »*'iaM7 i. (JUll Her, Kor, ?'Vanoi» «gm v s M .1 Mw i. an kI r< > r t > R W t MA,,» Au&ya.iy^.gM^;. 1
      807 words
    • 1187 13 Lv m i M jJmmß*w T/ M M r~* mh. M rmk I «^7 *w*w Mil «T M mWMmWJp»mI ScanserviceV EXPWMS SRUIWaS TO MEDITEBIIRWIftII TMt COWTHHWT/ tMrWHAVU i'vrr, -inonj .nnnaiiuit rB" >EIRA im 11/1> ill 14. is im l/ll CD. ..a #'t»m. H'»ui|. Uilo G'ou'i. Aartij]. CotiirmiKe^ iOMA la* aWM
      1,187 words
    • 1129 13 MMMMMMMV. ,£_MMMW 'W EXPRESS SERVICE 10 LONOQN, LIVERPOOL H CONTINENTAL PORTS BENSTAC f« wiMun m MMM if. yru« cm,., Mamoufj Ft! I llPirtJiaJ BENALLIGIN SingiDon P. S'iii* »tmn| !iS!l?^^ Cam Mua> G "XX""- ««J«I IM 1/ I lia SEI im 11/14 BINKIOCH Lor.OM, Hamouri ua 21,21 ■fS!>??f froooi Htu.f umt
      1,129 words
    • 1101 13 Mpfflß^Tn^B^nr'BHn^nrs >ORTNISHUT fXPRESS OIBECI HOM t COASI USA ii OATS FROM NO. TOPI MANOALAY Ha Ti TfLAMON 11a II la* Mai 24 KYOTO F-l 4 Frt 7 Fel I Aar I JAPAN Sam IM i> Frt II fe% l\ Fel 2) lat n LAOMEBON Snls laa !i Mar I Mir
      1,101 words

  • 40 14 In hriebv given Him the Mißaßement I Vinrrnt Yonf Show Kai and Ifla Macdrlpna Cheong Mvi Llan has this day by mutual cotuent been dissolved. Dated this 2nd day of Jamißry, 197n. InctOt Yonu' 8hO« Kai I: Matdelena Chn
    40 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 988 14 yr-* Kawasaki kiskx kaisha ltd. Western Australia Sinßapore Japan Servic* ■HMtiani Man" Die i Jan 14 Jan I Jan 22 111 "Dumm Man" 21 M J FH ■HI n ft Japan «c Honßkong West Africa Service "0<« •t»i Mam' 16 Dtt 4 Jat 2? Lan 1 Fel 1 Frl II
      988 words
    • 904 14 BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LTD. AUSTRALIA NEW ZEALAND SERVICI INDIA. "AKISTAN AND FAR EASI SERVICES. Tl Nf« Ziilih. Tl: Natapattinin all Malrai lit: tr».. Omtlii. Lftt., Well.. IKI 6'ngapore V. i'rum ftnmii _Z, RAJULA It II Jai 22 Jai 23 Jan Penant P S ham Sm|alK)r f S ROHAN4
      904 words
    • 935 14 i^^z NEPTUNE OR|ENT UNES LTD 1 (Incorporated ii the Republic of Siß(apore) a ICB Buildißt. Grond Floor. 2 Shcnton Way-Tel: *****3 7. a LOADING FOR LONDON. H BURG, ROAM, HAVRE, A'WERP, BREM P. b ham Arrnes. Cdt 4t 1 t« •tPiUM («u'.l. 1 A"Nl CIO 4 Jai J/ I Jai
      935 words
    • 738 14 BKKOH HOLDINGS LIMITKI) X l 881 K ISIA II K)K Mil (Imorporaled In England) Eichty Five acres of old Rubber NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN t 'ZaS^SSISSi that a Second Interim Dividend ol 1()Wn o(Tetpd for sa)( cems per .hare less 40' Imonu Qr th( Tax 1"",, rl ndl c h
      738 words

  • Article, Illustration
    36 15 In I vri lovinj Mrmntv ol TAN AH Him k lili M tiidajr, a year »ti>. i» Rivl in Trace. Gonr Kuir\fi. Imi nol Korgnttrn. will Alwayl i.<- Il.inrmb.ii-H by Loving Witr .ml hildrrn.
    36 words
  • Times City Desk
    • 212 15 IN the disrupted period Mnce before the holliljhT Market lest fell and t+ien ced quite a strong rally which took current month back to 7<t cents once more, states R.C.B Co. Ltd. in thoir wecklv review The lowest and highest for the period u> and
      212 words
    • 405 15 Interim from Pan Malaysia Cement ■JALF-TIME profits 11 it Pan Malaysia Cement Works look dismal on paper but the downturn, explains chairman. Tan Sri Low Vat. is due to accounting proceednoi to the lower level of sales on the cement front. The group's tyre manufacturing plant ha.s however set the
      405 words
    • 83 15 OOW JONtS 7!M 15 (week 194 B 8 i Tuesday i. 800 3B iWeam IOMXIN I'OM Mi IKI MUM .t. to JB', per cent iWedne.sda\ > to 38 >? percent (Tuesday). I is \ni i\i MMls Tin.: .wpc-ii ago) MJI (Tuesday i IST y3 (Wednebchu Rubber*: 130
      83 words
    • 247 15 BKKOH HOLDINGS is paying a second interim dividend of 1.63 d. per share, making the total dividend paid to date for l(»6(t 2 88d No dividend v. i lor 1968 due to the reorganlsatton of the group t.KANI \I)MKIISIN(. [nternattonal Ineorporatiai set up two new offices
      247 words
    • 141 15 JITRA Rubber will Invest in a number of British shares to build a buffer against possible fluctuations in the share value of its plantation holdings. However, the company will continue for the present to concentrate investments in plantation companies, the chairman. Mr E Hadsley-Chaplin, said in
      141 words
    • 284 15 rwas a joort start to 1970 In the Stock txchangr of Malaysia and Singapore yeftterday. The market saw little aclivitj but counters stood on their merits and >pei'tilative counters took their place. Holiday malaise could have been expected to depress dealings but trading m firm. Predictions
      284 words
    • 37 15 I»m-. 31 Jan. I Industrial. 11* KH Ut4l I Batata: ::.xn rtJM Propertied: ttMI 1 > Tin* MM t grubber*: 111 U 111 I Oec M, ntifi I' 1 lire. ;i. IMI Itn. Dec .">. IMI !<>•.
      37 words
    • 754 15 IV O C A A L H L D V us'tVp aTth. c°loV. or auaiNCit in imi siNCAPORt AND KUALA LUMPUR TRAOINC BOOMJ Of THI STOCK IKCHANCI WITH MII.I MOVIMINTI IH BBACKCTt ytITIBOAY WINE: (LOMM, KINtS: All sections rlot-ed •cadiei MOST A»1IW ST<KKS frdrral P«l-n ljki y 4
      754 words
      896 words
    • 119 15 I RITV ANNOUNCED TNI FOLLOW lOH JAN. 3. OUT: ihn-t.i M:ifr»k I :>. Kurtko'iim I•, Railnor»»iir» IJ 14 Hun;koiu Ainbrr IK K.nrju It. 8-ir Aniurin 31 3'.\ Mm Pallet rdana 4? 43 and Glemarn i IN: Sin^»r>."' rriumpn i l.natfin I V Clvlonr i
      119 words
      • 117 15 rFHE Strait tin price in 1 Penans yesterday fell 6J cents to 5698 50 per picul on an offering estimated up 5 tons to 280 tons. Demand was mainly from the U.S.A IONDON: Tin on Wedne.sdaf was ste«aily held refle< tiilnx at Penans;. M^me oveniichl
        117 words
      • 255 15 DESPITE lower opening quotations, the Rubber Market yesterday wa.s very steady In Hie early it Sellers were reserved and bids had increased to 70 cents tn fore first bu A ruck and then the market advanced further. Tl.e buying was mainly ol a speculative nature and there
        255 words
      • 40 15 /'HINESC Praifucf Eichania. Si"ga« aar. naan claaini * car pieul raatttday Cacanui a.i. b Ik HO iflifra. < rr Capra M:,. R«ra»ak black JM.'t Milan. MrMM l.impoac lltTi .M.V\ Rohintn i S.nsa»art C*canut OH rr't" l.r« a-.oa»
        40 words
      • 24 15 In London on Wrdnr.-dav the price of Malayan o iv: Mil June ril UK »«s quoted unchanged at £108 pei tun tellers
        24 words
    • 21 15 .Im. 2 RIBRIK cnti iui> srxpn-eiehth-. of .< ri-nt lIS 5«98.50 (down tti rrntsi Estimated ofTrrins !K« lons (up ."> liiriM
      21 words
    • 44 15 TMI »HM.«ti«n a' Bank! in MjUy rgiliv«lrnl of orf un I ul I" Unitad Stalaa: Ku. I la lallini TT ar 01) taariy I Oval sm.n. IT ar 0O raady llruUrhr M HallarH Cuildari HrM Francn Princ, Iti Danith K Nl.wr;.!.. Xl
      44 words
    • 16 15 Oita» aithan«« U i, Oam. XO4IT- <o ca%n ana l-'l al f
      16 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 165 15 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF THANKS The Management of FOUR SEAS COMMUNICATIONS BANK LTD. Wish to thank all their Customers Friends for their bouquets, messages etc., and kind attendance at the official opening <>/ their A't'U' Bridie Road Branch at 35-41. NEW BRIDGE ROAD. SINGAPORE. ON 2ND JANUARY, 1970 1 h MX KEM.UIAN
      165 words
    • 249 15 (>l IK I \F. NOTM E PROPOSAL TO CHANS! SHIPS NAME 1 We. Express Nawiration i Private) It a od-B. Bob i Quay Sinus i ore :,e:el)\ Kive notue that in qoence ot our purchase of the vessel m KONUI we have applied to I the Reuislrar Ol Singapore Ships.
      249 words
    • 311 15 N(»TICE MX\ Ml DAI LIMITKI) Incorporated under The Settlements Ordinance No lio i Companies CertifKate> No.- U6i. IM IJM, IM, IJIB I, 1«». 1448 lbO» 2432 lor II Eleven Thousand One huncreci Ac Twenty -five p of $2 00 each, fully pmld. In name „f Mi Urn Jew Oiiu. have
      311 words

    3 words
  • 1 16 <
    1 words
  • 9 16 I' 1 K KcMd. M H •'.•h mile
    9 words
    7 words
  • 26 16 ARY A I HUIILH mi I rim; roil wokship isT I HURCH OHM T«l. 1 IMOOIST CHURCH. r -I MUNCH mni;a I II IV
    26 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 93 16 UN mtMHII «NNOUNC(M[NTJ. IItTNS. CLUS UTIVIIIfS. CONDOUNCIS. OfUKJ [NCtCf MENtt, IUNtRUS KDtUINCS IN' MtMORItM. MUlllCfS. KISSINC. r(«SON»L. fT X KOUIIMS 1 lEUNIONS. Ml Miami* S2I Iti tails, rack MM wan Ji M MmtisfMli Miaiaaa M ta( 15 war<! f ill iM.l.aajl »♦<« 5« jtali !,hi lv StniCt CS»«I» JI.M.
      93 words
    • 320 16 ||au l'h..M.11. r J p 11. AMAH r«qulr«>l 1 1 WANTED YOUNG LAOY ri-nn. Mr«. Choo. .n»r 2pm A 'NAL OROAMZATIO-. r»Tlir«« 1. GENERAL CLERK A lni»r M Tmra. MaaaMwi >'" n»Wi «< ">"' a» onr Mb E«P"if"t«: an *mahii«h*"i flrn othtri: am I ENGINEERING FOREMEN Ait: M vmm ai"'
      320 words
    • 553 16 WANTED EXPERIENCED SALtSHOUSIKEECCR LIVE IN rhiMr-n >: i.MixiiiiHifiv i-'iMi monthly, CIV, fowl. Writ* Hvx AMSB GIRL mi Rria supply ••ntro Snh-t-iit «pph< 'rwi'v fm lri«inic tHr pIMHM number if BYattaMi M )'.<■ Box .h..p RfeMtOtl of N»» Soon arm D.T.C. TRAINED nnnrilrr. tar>l» Iraipplv in Cum Krxr Prknlah R*nrl»n lni£'rl«
      553 words
    • 1455 16 PLACE YOUR ADS. THROUGH OUR C.A.T.S. PHONE STORE *****1 \aAJ.S.j [accommodation wanted I den's co i.-.|inir buncalewi fi«t» mili tent In irt.-ntlv .'nivi*d .-»p<u-H-.LMIV BUNGALOW HOUSE. BBU lor K't K.i.i »l.rt<»p. In nil rtiatriria ,*****. COUP-E REQUIRES unfiiilii«h«l rui 'I--" KwalltJ Kmi > •<«■ i: in. pan MIW WANTED
      1,455 words
    • 643 16 CORRESPONDENCE A fttPOMT- I WRITINfI: rVmrmntfMl F"iv» Motith» Rapid foiira*. R.gtitrr parly: Ra)a a I A tMORTMANOOVPItT: 7:< Ing llluk>. .1" akwpm. anytlm*. SIC TB Mi>i>ii. Road viim isiwh. Kull lUm I'^-Urm-raity MM (morrmiiv aftrrmiun) port lim> lavfflnc mml ofl<-r«d i>y *in«apoi. j •Ma lahoraiory MHUM Oitatanrf.nj !»«•> H X.C./A.
      643 words
    • 576 16 PEST CONTROL ■from ghoull** and |M «ti-a "I-onii lnu'ty r>aiati«a "And Uiino tnat •homp" 10 tn» 11H.BI "Ovid Uiiitl prwitvt ua." Smiiii pmti THOMAS COWAN i. 'an also n* tht »n«>»« 10 n»ir »ra»eiTRY CALLING M 7421 in any PKBT CONTROL ■ftaafMaWUl Kllr SINGAPORE PUT F«ll 0 I m* •»p«r'«
      576 words
    • 245 16 JO". DISCOUNT BandMua (ft M vehicTesTor sale ***** i-tei as (600 DOWN PAYMENT a K.i., IMIUMPH HERALII FORD CONSUL HI LUX' C}rf> Wllll O-iaxi Illl 1*63 TRIUMPH HERAI D 1061 RENAULT DAUPHIMf KMVV 7l»' I nS7 FORD rcini iI Loonl »R(rf) I>OWN PAYMFMT 1»6» VIVA SLOT LPHVH SH LATE US?
      245 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 140 17 'RMiapHßMßl||||B VEHICLES WANTED 1 mc ti MO TI. TO STEAMBATHS, MASSAGE ETC. I LEMINCO Hteambath ,v Oapwiti ai your HOMI iaana«« SALON (ATALINA (AIRCONUI- moal up-ti> Men > Uriiartmerjt MISCELLANEOUS (l A L SPR AY P A I N T I NU repHii i.Momer pore. II YOUR SERVICE" H.WOK 5
      140 words
    • 1102 17 invitss applications for the pos tions of TECHNICAL SERVICES ENGINEER QUALIFICATIONS Candidates must possess a decree or professional diploma in Aeronautical or Mechanical Engineering from a recognized University or Institute. Aeronautical experience is desirable. DUTIES Connected with repair and development of aircraft structure and cabin interior c" defect monitoring and
      1,102 words
    • 80 17 Refinery Technologists SHELL' "have vacancies m their Port Dickson Refinery for graduates, preferably with Honours degrees in: Chemical Engineering Applied Chemistry Chemistry or Physics from recognised universities. The positions offer good career prospects to suitable candidates interested in adaption their academic knowledge to an industrial situation. Ccndidates must be citizens
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    • 197 18 By EPSOM JEEP J UK NATIONAL MID is nearly ready. The stallioi s and brood morel now .^laiil-Mi ;ii Ipoh will be &pn soon. Probably npxt month. according to Dick Couehlan. thi erak Turl Club The -stud is situated near TaiiJong Raninutan. ten miles
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    • 251 18 t;vi rv i«wir With Hip Ml' I Hi. .11 1 in I.l' 4 m nh g<>idir iv Arcruni. M«nnt r«t«>»»n. late •iv Pir 1 .1.1 OWI JenKatani 'e,. f."er« < t.ihi. 1 n ISMbn 1 IfM i.\ Tudnt Mm .<rch .fiv (loss Three I Kentiui.
      251 words
    • 4 18 IM
      4 words
    • 469 18 A TOTAL ol 221) liavi- been entered loi the i|x<ii meeting un Jan 10 11. 17 U Tin" hnr.M >. comprising IM in Clau 3 31 In Cljuti 9 ami 75 In Ctau art- l.\»s 3 (IH( Mr or 9f: t>: m lot Alwayi Thei
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 549 18 TRAVEL AGENCY MANAGER THAILAND The Ang'o-Thai Commercial Co. Ltd., a member ot the Anglo-Thoi Group of Companies, situated In Boogkok Is lookler an experienced man to monoot their new Travel Department. Candidates who mu-,t he fully conversant with oil afreet* ot the Travel inH I hove held O Senior poMti'n
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    • 628 18 NOTICF. OK EXHI MATION AMI XI XI XI \l Notice us hereriv given that the ne sravaa will be exhumed tr"m the Rnman Ci Cemetprv in Jalan I^ikr Yew and renurien at the Roman Catholir Cemetery in Jalan Cheru XI. on the datr* shown -uMinst the rp^lwctlve Gra\e Number* of
      628 words
    • 650 18 JIRON(> TOWN CORPORATION TENDER NOTICE Tenders are invited by the Jurong Town Corporation. Tainan Juronc t, Singapore. 22 for the following works: (A) PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF rNTKP NATIONAL ROAD CAR PARK AND ANCILLARY WORKS FOR THK srORiS COMPIFX. JURONG TOWN Showrnunrl: fil 7n at 10 00 am Mccl at (nntra'-ts
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  • Page 18 Miscellaneous

    • 130 19 IJ.WGKOK. Fri. -Malaysia and Singapore have been drawn In different groups in seven-nation Asian by championship here starting on Jan 10. Malaysia are in Group A Thailand. Honn and Ceylon. Singapore are up B with Japan and \orea. I ipore will play
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    • 22 19 MELF N»w •"i's touring rnck't ngHnn •o Viri had knock' I-3O fii t B nns#M no. Thomson 2-44 >.— R'utrr.
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    • 84 19 SELANGOR: Ahmad Mahmud: Adrian de Sllva. Ow Koon Chal. Bill BailUe. Hugh Forbe.s Brian Peatana. Aziz Ismail; Ritchie Wood. Hashlm Mohamed. Frank Gosling. Bala Kandiah. Tim Shee>»an. Ng Peng Kong. Tim Bagot <capOee Boon K^e. Reserves: Jimmy Yong, Adnan Ma'arof. Ibrahim Bucu. sINCiAPORK: YeoPeng \bdul Kadir. Gordon Nicholson.
      84 words
    • 201 19 lfl-J 1 -22 Sjor bt S|v.rr .VS. 1923 IVr»k nt Nrgi i 3-0. IP2« Spore v S'sor no match igrnunci unplayable); 1 biti «i|Mirr W B'fOT 30-13: 1921 i IR-3. 1921 IV. <k M Nran 13-0. 1928 s>,rr be Prrak 11-fi. 192» Servire* nr Perak 5-0. 1930 Or
      201 words
    • 423 19  - S'pore v S'gor Cup tussle looks touch-and-go PETER DE SOUZA By |()I)AYs 40th Malaya Cup Rugby Final at Rifle Range Koad, Kuala Lumpur (kickoff at 5 p.m.) looks a touch-and-go affair between Selangor and Singapore. Singapore, whose Impressive record In the South Zone included a fine win over defending champions
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    • 279 19 By |OE DORAI INTERNATIONALS and senior players havp becMi barrpd from tho Singapore Business Houses League, soccer competition whlrh starts on Wednesday. This la one of three conditions laid down by the FA. of Singapore before the Businexs HOOMI Footha,l Club could rrMim*' their three competitions after
      279 words
    • 101 19 Britain's golfing beauties warned I ONDON. Fri Six of Britain's top women K«i|fers were warned they could lose their imititir status if they aii-rpted pri/e money in beauty contests I'he «ii nine from the Royal and Ancient (iolf Club. th«- ruling body of British coif, applie* to British champion
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    • 97 19 I (>SIV>N. FT. Georae Be^t, Manchester Tnited and Nor'hern Ireland winger who »a* European Footballer of the Teat 1988 has hern KU^penried for 28 nri ftr.f(\ £100. the English FA annor.'icfd !<iriav R. m r'r>orte<l for an innden' during the semi-final rx-:»rrn Manchrster Titv ant; Manchester United
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    • 205 19 Glasgow giants set for big clash LONDON, Frt.- Cr;tlr Rati h rr<! Glisenw s soccer RianU rtirrprtly on tOD of the Scottish First Division set the tcene for their League clasn In Glascow today with victories In yesterday's proeramme. Fnrnifr Enrnpean chrmpions Celtic beat Clyde 2-0 to maintain their two-point
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    • 140 19 MCC wait for Uganda reply LONDON. Ftl.-The MCC ."still do nnt know if the first match on their cricket tour of Ea.M Africa ard Asia. aßainst Uganda this month, will be played A spokesman said here yesterday -hey wrr* await Ine word from thp East African Cr:-ke» ron.Vrrnco whether they
      140 words
    • 58 19 IfOOM aritiapartheio S' p tIM Committee •heir appr.i to '.he MCC I cci me planned •< ur i B MXt >umm. r by a South African encket team Th* call foilnued New Ye^r speech by 'Viuth Afr.can Prime r John Vi rj-Tr :n which he
      58 words
    • 24 19 a c ndran in Mi :n |i rtl f enabled City v.^ng Sports r:uh 1-0 :n D.vinatch at Wmt/ma Road Ptnaai ttt(ui4tf
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    • 71 19 CITY rnnnrll Rerreatlop CM fl'lallfled for the «emlflnal^ Of the Virtnrv Tjp sorrer coinpetltlon «hir 'hey beat Cl inpve Wanderers 3-n the Cl\ Stadium, Penang. yecterd»v City OouncU. mho dfwlnatrd ex:hanaex throughout the game. took a 1-0 !ead in the flr*t half. srorlns through left
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    • 33 19 BANGKOK F-.i TWO 'he SmaaP'T* 1 WoB«n'a h^ikrthaii 'eim muted GP Young 57-25 hrre ;.!<-• msht Tliey led 26-13 at haKtime Toto captain Mm Sonm See \**[i ;rT-p| 24 n^lnK AP.
      AP  -  33 words
    • 99 19 ABOL'T .SO h'Tlcy coaches lr"tn c .nrv. and echonls in PeraK tuiiirri up al the. AJiderfcon Sx hou! m tpoll ye*lerday only la frf< r disappointment. They had cume lor a lourh ndurtrd by I'h. h Abdul Ohajfor Khan bul ne did noi turn up Perak
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    • 369 19 STAHTINCi tlmM f"r the ipore Nlani Country flubs Captain'i tram veriua Vlw-c*ptaln'i ti'.im match for thf» Klshi Cup at thp Bukit CborM i<>morrov: i>i 1 1 i ;i m H OyM iRi and S Naeae 1 10) v J. v»n dr Velflr ifi' and N HaMgawi
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    • 297 19 Krautzun says it again: I'm keen By TONY FRANCIS THE F.A. of Malaysia j may engage a foreign coach this year. Eckhard Krautzun. the West German coach recommended by Dettmar Cramer, has finaily replied to the FAM. Krautrun. who had accepted the FAM s offer of a coaching job early
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    • 47 19 >n. m. au#Ron C'UrK' h ■ri runtime remrd? fr"m mono metn miss nrv years rommon-vfaTh Games in Edinnurgh ar 1972 Olvmpu- Gxmf mv.-' make athletics a comparative!; rnn.>idera";in to my caret* Clarke iaccountancv bUSUMM n Mi inri <n trw > rilreetnn of ttro rnrnpan-
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 69 19 I ENHANCE THE BEAUTYofyour \HOME JCELEBRITY Whbelectrica*. 111 DEVONSH'RC PCAO SINGAPORE 9« CABLE S-XEWBCE SINGAPORE'- T EL *****, *****4. •r L c \s^^*l^^^ SAKURA COLORS A/ :VL) For Every Cent VY lJ Spend For Painting ar.6 Drawing Materials /%»>sr Where a Taste for J Art is Traditional Ask fwthe SAKURA
      69 words
    • 51 19 The Best Sunday reading in Sunday Mail read:- womenx I and DREAMS *Why they are more J /j*^*^W prone to nightmares y than men also:The SKINHEAD LOOK The latest women's hairstyle PLUS features on art, the home and hobbies. the theatre, Senior Appointments page and eight pages of comics in
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  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 39 19 IvWU- aMw* «"P "'MI. '> p n i Prlen4l: iirr-23 XV .1 I>. N-lli m s' Kl. taanng lOCCCK— MCrA < up »-fin»l Kwlali Pnl (AM RM F' fdiiim 51 Tenanj V»rt«rj fun: Muslim Rr B 1 Wat«Tfull Runerrn (City S'adium.
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  • 76 20 Ink \i i I mUitn tolirt t areaBOB! (lining .1 m-.ikli of Ihc Church of iht llol> S.ptili hre ••hurllv aftet .i v r <• ri il i .is Ihi on n Mstcril,i> killlai .in Irab I n (1 wounilin); five athen. 1 ii urrn:iil<'. which
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  • 15 20 TOi :>e the I New I II Japan AP
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  • 8 20 doli htKhenl O-tobrr l^fiß. the fk.»mHeutrr.
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  • 362 20 Nasser: Arabs preparing for showdown KHARTOUM. Friday PRESIDENT Nasser said hero today that thr Arabs arr preparing a showdown war against Israi'l. with 500.0(10 men already at thr front and a force of one mutton in the making. AddrPuln* a wildly Cheering rally of 80.000 people in the course of
    362 words
  • 401 20 LONDON. Kn Tlie market ■mad u\pi- k. broad front TtM end uf the UK liavfl ir.tiictiijir ii an Indication that t in :cli»\ed, ar.d 111 all x-c lot I ol UM market Toward* the < lost thf PI nmrx wns up M al 413.0 ■MM ;ii;«ii< v am!
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  • 303 20  - Police get three 'directors' in reshuffle at the top RUDY BELTRAN By KI'AI.A UMPIR. Kri. Three senior Assistant Commissioners of Police were today appointed "Directors" uith the rank of Ac-tint l>epul\ Commissioners of Police in a major reshullle al the police headquarters in I a lan BhilT here. They are:
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  • 33 20 BTDNSY Km Amateur nuineinloci-i Pat Mnvlan. no has rt :".t number* In Onernment lotteries fw (tour \rar*. rlmn) thai 234 is the iuf kie«t "nmhination. Hiv work c»rd number: 234.
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  • 28 20 COLOMBO. V-- H..11--fommlwioned »n m Frhrua: ,cid thrrr Miffinrti 12 «h. t<> chHi^' <■>>.•■ Eli.'-heth Ceylon H .d .if th<" menl ■>[ Pi i Dudley
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  • 21 20 WASHIM.ION !:i The »n--nnunccd U daj it tat U*i ion pltiricnrv psi-x-ir A V overrun the Diane AP.
    AP  -  21 words
  • 203 20 Riddle of the 18 'missing' air race stragglers SINGAPORE. Fn Thr whrrrabout of 18 stragglers in tli London Syrinry alt race for whom officials hrrr h bren waiting are unknown. The local officials none of thr ehrckpi alone tho 12.000 milp rou*«> had reported Ping thp,«> aircraft Nor havr any
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 63 20 I Where the really I I good times are! I \|^a wl i^H >£"' i. I B mm Be ■\l«T^%/\/ fabulous music from The Pitiful llwWl Souls at Singapore's ne\A'»st, greatest W I I experiotheque. You'll flip over Barbarella's space-age mmmJ^LWm d tor 24 slide projectors, Bar Service, Soul Birds,
      63 words
    • 233 20 Late CLASSIFIEDS^ MCC (Malaysia's College of Postal Education) ibiished: 19'j9) Foh Chonß Building (2nd and 3rd Floors). Johore Bahru. Tel: 2171 2008 PREPARE EARLY FOR 1970/1971 EXAMINATIONS WE GIVE TUITION FOR THE FOLLOWING EXAMINATIONS AND SUBJECTS Higher School Certified: Querying T f< 7~ r-rnrrol Toi le Popei I and II
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  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 36 20 The weather I Singapore 8«-74F ninny K I.rtmpur 90-72 F snnnv Jakartd SS-84F rlenr Baticknk 32-ti.^F (an ci>«l Hbna Kont 89-KnF nne Manila RR-fi!>F aunny Taipei T7-fiSF fair Seoul 3>;-:«f rtoudy Tokyo 4i-:f.F cloudy 72-filF nne
      36 words