The Straits Times, 1 January 1970

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
  • 25 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 200,000 Thfi Niitiiinul Hbwsphpbp The Straits Times Estd. 1845 THI RSDAV, JAM ARY I, 1970. 15 CENTS M.C. (P) 1507
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  • 544 1 A 'think afresh year says Tun j KUALA LUMPUR. Wednesday MALAYSIANS should think afresh, as they enter the new era, on how to create a new way of life, a new destiny, for themselves., the Director of Operations, Tun Abdul Razak, said in a New Year message to the nation.
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  • 121 1 Marcos gives his all to the nation MANILA. «erl. Presidrnt MsTCM Uh n»um Fd Iml.n he «.<s (imiie away all hii bmtM< it Maaaaataan to the Filipino people ezmaplc oi mU <inn.ii and ■elf-sacriSxe. I he Previrlcnl s <)ii n ranie one <\a\ after he took Ins o.i t h
    Reuter  -  121 words
  • 80 1 Rubber hits 70 cents CINOAPORS, Wed Rubber made rhP 7" here tndav. but only for a brief period. China took no rubber today and In the afternoon the market hart a undecided look er. January trade buyers r!o^M at eenta wtaleri cent above The 7n rent level ti reachr<\
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  • 14 1 HAIFA. W»t. The ISrSCH it'B in i nil' (Srr r«e I
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  • 168 1 Tengku: We are ready to review treaty 111 \\r,\ lencku Abdul Rahman «aid tndav thii Malaysia MM ir.idy to rr negotiate the \iil;|.iM lUyan Deftnre 'I rraty. The Prime Minister was inmmniiinc on .< ttata MM b\ the British Minister of |>«-fi n< r for \d nnnistr.ition. Mr K"> II
    Bernama  -  168 words
  • 46 1 KHAI.A I.fMPCR Wed. Sl\ aimed pnatps robbed two fishermen of their fishing nr.< and gear allied at »fi 290 abou' si\ mile* off the roast of Pantai Jiutra. yesterday A police spnke.sman Mid '<xi:)v nne of the pirate* waa armed with a carbine
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  • 33 1 KUAI.A M'MITH W.i PnMre h»re raided a .'h<'|i m Jal&n Mj :'l India off Jalan <• n> n tndav and seized 117 packets of gania A man vu detuned for questioning
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  • 28 1 •1 1 VN Train roobers iHe 81 bags of nei B.:' -h lifcunal couu north CCI 750 in tr»n«i* frr«n the Roya M.n' to bank her*
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  • 44 1 CYDNEY. Wed. The world's wonder share of 1969. Poseidon Nickel, smashed the AS2OO barrier today. At the official close the share (available at 80 (-ruts a few months ago) stood at As2l2. up $42 on the previous days trading. 15).
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  • 46 1 JAKARTA \\>d Former President Soekarnos fifth wife Yurilte Sanger. 27 hay nmrrifri a banker Anrti Babe, of Macassar South Celebe.i I jot h divorce from mi former husband early this ycir and mi !>■ c 1 11 nrd B^hr thr former air Ifuter
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  • 337 1 Lee: 70s will be better than 60s SINGAPORE. Wednesday MR. Lee Kuan Yew confidently predicted today that the 70s would be better than the 60s provided the people of Singapore did not become complacent. In his New War message, the Prime Minister said: "We enter thr l!»7(is with confidence. As
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  • 245 1 Uproar in the House as madame goes for her gun SAIGON. Wednesday. MADAME Kleu Mone Thu. a glamorous and hotblooded Opposition member, erabborj at a revolver today as pandemonium broke out in the National Assembly. Madame Thu. 28. became su incensed during a rie- al^zeri i>r" b) thr<*e fellow Deputies
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  • 474 1 Queen honours Lee with exclusive award LONDON I|, v rs. SI B L'.itxin Pi h'i.ui comes an honor tr\ Companion of Honour <n Quern Kh/alieUi s New Year honour*. Hat published hcrr to' This e\<luM\e ord*r consist! of trip Barerpun jnd IB nifmbrrs, •norarv members. It is tutiiprred lor i
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  • 27 1 \MV I S PLI i TO ASIA I Wed. DJ. it nt A,n>ew mad* r today rni>d Statw k to Its commitment* to Asian nation.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 100 1 *\r Clear Comfortable jlfjf-,- r -»nsult: C. S. CHONG O D EVERBRIGHT OPTICAL CO. 19. CHULIA STREET. SINGAPORE 1 Say 'Yes' to Esso Extra Motor Oil for Your Car. New Formula Esso Extra I Motor Oil prevents formation j of corrosive material. E EXTRA Eases the strain of cold starts,
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    • 11 1 The Straits Times wishes all its readers a Happy New Year
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    • 55 1 THOREN^ First Electronic Turntoble TD-125 "The Real Rolli-Royce H amongst Transcription Turntable JIEBSEN JESSEN Smgoport K Lumaur Ipoh 35^ 1 anannW Jm 1 costless wjiW AHTfSEPTIC HAND CLEANS^ Sivadftgj costs abon: ha I nb'asive so^n- 0. 100 gallon 'with it- wistp-o'oo' rii n-o*t advan JH ingrained fti work and v.
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    • 153 2 SOPHIA AND HUSBAND RICHEST ROMANS po.MK. Wed. Actress Sophia Loren ami her producrr husband Carlo Ponti are the richest Ramans, thr city t.ix office said yesterday. Rut it said the couple challenged thr assessment. The tax office published ;«n annual list of its estimates of citizens' rarntncs and taxes they
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    • 25 2 DAR ES SALAAM. Whl Oil flow rnurnnl mtarday along th* TnnCTnta-Amhu rir»ltn» «htrh attarked nn ChrUtma* n»v a rrltnblr source vald hfrf
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    • 260 2 CAIRO, Wednesday THE Arab Summit conference in Rabat was not a complete failure, Egypt's official spokesman said here today. President Nasser who walked out of a key session had preferred realism to empty communiques, Dr. Esmat Abdcl Mecuid told reporters. •It la a fact that the
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    • 87 2 Lower taxes for Americans next year WASHINGTON Wed President Nixon torlay sinned a controversial tax reform bill ensuring lower taxes for most American* next vrar. Mr Nixon hurt earlier threatened to veto the BUI on the grounds ttiwr changes Introdurfd by Congreu cutting revenue tnd lncrM.«lne Pfder»l upending— made It
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    • 53 2 NFW YOPK Wrd Th» Dmly Newn. Amenta I larufrt '■irrulatlcn nf»fp«p»r. has t.idrfv r;< v«1 i>ii< Sunday ed.imn for N*-w V^rk •vA Xl .«iihurt» by f:\» rent* to Vs CPU 1 A notice »»ld th# nleher ro«t o: t,f«<pn-.' :!if reo.Min (nr r«l«lnc ihe pn<-» of
      AP  -  53 words
    • 24 2 WASHINGTON Wrd Pre.'irtent Nixnn today *mn< > fl th« U8M9.6441 m:i loil df(enr» hill, lnriuding fund* for m;li•arv proruremen* km^ theVwtnain »»r Reu-rr.
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    • 112 2 CONVICTED rapists I. (a have Clifton Pnrrt KBteaced t» death In Nan h walked nul rrrr from .< i.iil m N>u I M Monday after m.nnnu rm v laagei .mv other prisoners in I B hi">lor\ Thp two
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    • 369 2 WASHINGTON. Wed r THE I n t p rnational Monetary Fund last nlpht announcrri details of a planned share-out of U557,600 million in Increased quotas for all but one of it,s nations. to match the growth of the world economy. Taiwan alnne received
      UP  -  369 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 196 2 TIME FOR A jiCIV THE \J INTERNATIONAL GOLD MEDAL LAGER BEER ENJOYED IN OVER 50 COUNTRIES THROUGHOUT THE WORLD I BEER 1 j^\ *&m<z3& IN BOTTLES, CANS AND ON DRAUGHT Most car dealers have a pretty good deal going for you these days. Ours is better. For two reasons. First,
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • 533 3  - anddagger men who pulled off that missile boat job JOHN VINOCUR OF AP BY STORY PIECED TOGETHER rHERBU! Wed. When Haim Shahat left his apartment at HO, Rue Assclin. on Christmas Eve, his duffelbag over his shoulder, he had to pass in front of the door of Ins d staus
    UPI  -  533 words
  • 143 3 A new Mao purge in China, says Tass MOSCOW. 1 ried article criti- Ing lp;*riorder talks started on Oct. 20 i that a purcp taking nlarp Chinese Communist Party and being filled with npw members who had .shown unquestionins: loyalty to Mao ng. It also maintained tiiat I 't mu
    AP  -  143 words
  • 185 3 Focus on Saigon's girls of -sin C\M.OV Wr.l -Ihrrr Atr iksjof 1 1 <•<> iii :>iMi.onn \ir(niinrs,. unnirn Uvißg a.s BvostMaiteit, bar girls and "I> v rta "f Ametii .< it Gls' who will (i ell,- .in iinenipli>>nienl problem in pn~lw.ii Viet* n mi ujra .> report limklajg liexniul
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  • 13 3 LONDON Wed hfn anH lin tjr Council Thr ;r,|lar-Hf-uipr.
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  • 195 3 APPROVAL FOR BOEING 747 FLIGHTS SEATTLE, Wednesday. 'J'HK world's largeti commercial jetliner, the Boeing 747, was yesterday qivrn full passenger flight approval by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Thl> clears th<' wav fur Pan American World Airto brgin thr flr>t flights with the 362-pas->fiiKrr plane, possibly In January Full fllßht
    UP  -  195 words
  • 41 3 lUAN (PuwrUi Rir.n. \r<\ Olllat-cnmprwn 1 Pablo >iv^ri\r(t i,i.-. 93iri birthlay nn Mo'.irinv In fxctllf-nt leatth tptrltj h* in- lived n Piiritr. Run for the paal II rears "f Mi W yaai wife tnm lis native Spam UPI
    UPI  -  41 words
  • 89 3 Woman spy gets death sentence BAGHDAD. Wed. The Iraqi revolutionary tribunal has sentenced to death in alwnla the first Iraqi woman to be convicted ot ■pying TMrMea i.iiht bswsjbi »^rr I mtnwi in tiKir hi>iiu- convicted peupis four Qhrlatlaau and M MusInns run.-: appcaf bsfoTS tli^ ruiirt wlthtn m\ awtha.
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  • 76 3 AIIANTA. Wed The rontmverstal n<>minaiu>n of former I I Rii*k M pnrfe—oc of '.ntrrn»tion»; nlvrrallT of Of-orgis ■ii approved by thf «tittr> board of \c\ i The Mi ra to 4 <>D|«i.viti.ii rinanl tltajl riislikr of Mr. Ru>k.v in MM matins nvltirluitf thp nmri'Mgp
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  • 136 3 NAIROBI. Wad 4 battle, retarded by J\ military observ i Un most decisive in i montn-old It*J \.ar. 'j pnw rasing south-***! of (i. ii 1 1 i k. vu. in p. Christmas broad<aH thp Federal off*»r i tn Pertenib^r bat .i- beaten Jn all sectors
    AP  -  136 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 66 3 CITY SCHOOL OF COMMERCE HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE Starting on sth January, 1970 Full time morning classes (ARTS SCIENCE) 8.00 am 100 p'm One -year intensive course (ARTS) 7.15 p.m. 915 p.m. Single subjects (ARTS SCIENCE) Students prepared for the 1970/71 Examinations. For details apply: CITY SCHOOL OF COMMERCE. DEPT OF
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    • 217 3 TRAVEL AUSTASIA TO AUSTRALIA M.V. AUSTRALASIA SUPERIOR ONE CUSS TO FREMANTU Ii MALAYSIA IST t TOURIST CLASS TO SYDNEY I MELBOURNE VIA PORT MORESBY Offer Economicol Travel, Superb Cuisine, Courteous Service, Spacious Lounges, Bars etc. To Moke Your Voyage To Australia A Memorable One. Fares Soiling Schedules On Application To
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 201 4 i Stop the Search! the Smooth Silent One is Here Smooth lines ano smooth power moves ing crankshaft that shuts out vibrations. the search, this is the smooth siler the Corona MXII ahead of its class. Take The MXII has a single overhead camshaft This is the MXII formula a
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  • 235 5 Five -ton Alvis goes rock 'n' roll in top gear I UM SOME A I via the > ••|»rl\ is" Mrnt rix k N" rolling in Sinuapori- tod.i\. I'p. flown, .iiul across I In f'andan s hills, dales, .mil marshes in that order that is 1 hen a -I.") m.p.h.
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  • 156 5 $16.7 mil deficit Budget for Sabah ROTA KINABAI.U. WpH The Sabah State Oporations Commlttff h;i.s approved a tntal ordinary expenditure including contributions to the Do\rlnpmcnt Fund, of SlfiP.7 million for :.r\t In a statement today, the ft ate Ciruernment said the r'^nur for next year was <teri at $i.s.i million.
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  • 329 5 Aziz proposes setting up of a varsity for S-E Asia KUALA LUMPUR. Wed THE Vicc-ChanceUor of the University of Malaya Prnfrssor Uneku Aziz, today propovi the letting up of a regional university for Southeast Asia. The Institution would fur clal economic, liolnglcaJ ;ind cultural of thp rrBlon. Thf unlvenilty tin
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  • 76 5 Johore Govt budgets for $4.60 m surplus IUHOKK BAHKI Wtd johore Government Is buucettmu lor a record 1.831 next Brsar Da»«> -in Sa al. said day. Mtlmated i m of y2" 16 Billion HJ projacti Hn n OthniHr additional land rexrnue '.r *il 'he d»v<r the ftr*l Mal«var on he
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  • 16 5 [pv mv Wed Ch«rle~ Ro(hairman '<( m» and depart"lin 5l!l«* "till Mala>a. till hfrt
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  • 49 5 TAM'INO Weci. Ihe Town Oouacll L" to launch a keep the town' ilenn campaign from Jan. 22. Its chairman Inche M' h-wred n it.< mf-nthly meetIciß yesterday that about 3 ono h*nri-hill» h«d been riis'ributrd ui'fruii! people Kp k»ep the town i I. <n
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  • 15 5 eoaduet*d ti tin Oovenuntnt H ban !cr three day* beginning en Jan I.
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  • 218 5 Judge to smiling fatal crash driver: You're a menace SINGAPORE. Wed. A lorry-driver whn smiled while a dlstnrt court today heard how he killed child in a traffic accident wa-s told by the judge that he was a ".street menace." The Second Criminal District Judße, Mr. Donald Yeo Heck Chwee.
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  • 52 5 BRt'NEI IX)WN INd Th» I Br in< i and h.^ rrturned tndav fiom talka in I' 'iid. in on hi* un.•uir. The DwJlaa »"d hi« t»«m had 1 onrioi, ninrr th^n a mi.!, -I, ,i^ to iwrMuri* th» I ;n Brunei aft«t IH7I Th arc to
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 136 5 AJI-HO-ffiOT(r I SECOND SUPER 1 OFFER IS HEBE Ist DECEMBER 1969 -31st JANUARY 1970. DUTCH BABY MILK 1 Creamy, delicious Dutch Baby ,5 Condensed Milk in exchange for AJINOMOTO Super Seasoning empty packets. *vJ When you exchange your AJlftOMOTO' empty packets for Dutch Baby Milk, look for the label on
      136 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 232 5 Straits Times Crossword 818 HaY Hal afaflaflaMaf aH WtM ~Hi A< itnss companion? i 7». I. Lay* >7i i ae»ajl «ith<i>it plrlni on». i l 10. Bound Urn aource? l». O«u*mallj taken mif in KHinr. (J-J-l), 11. Heart w "i' P"t tli*t flow n without rirlav (S, I). n ree>«nla-
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  • 360 6 SINGAPORE, Wad. MADAM Doraisamy. IS, and her nine alert bright-eyed children live in a tiny tworoom wuodrn shack in a kampong. She cannot afford to pay the rent this month. She said her hiish.ind wrnt iiway t»o vr.tiv .i^o when
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  • 27 6 MNOAPOKK W«d lorry dn\er Nir I O^ok Hoh was fined |14M Ml Ihe dHtta 01 n IMOUH b) :.cii]i-fiit driving not Kmiuiiilint: to May 18.
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  • 418 6 Shipping man in Queen's honours list SINGAPORE. Wed Tttnc Singapore dvUIUM are in Queen Elizabeths New Year honours lUt They are Mr J A Wilde. «3. managing director of Vo.--yi r Thornycrof! Unite*: i Ltd Mi IIM Burkhill. .11. until recently Director hi tin Botjinc (iarden> and Mr W D
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 242 6 All previous 007 first week box-office records smashed! ACCLAIMED BY ONE AND ALL AS THE BEST BOND YET! ■No military concession w^MBBm MB^^^^9 No kilt price: No free list 1 JrS^KS^r I GEORGE LAZENBY- DIANA RIGG -TELLY SAVALAS mmmm TECHNICOLOR" PANAVISION* United Artists I AIM! Ol -OPENS TODAY! 11 am.
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    • 15 6 I "W'' m t!^^BBBBBBB^a^aV t aT^Z^Hi B— -M I I Hbw^^” -4aal ffS In f
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    • 140 6 I V7owVwOW!"wOW!"i"sth" DAY!* ftDPUADn. TOOAY i SHOWS 1045 2 53 1 845 pm UtlUnMnU. DOLLY" STARTS: ll 03 p.m. H a Adm SI 50 S2 50 &54 00 Advonce Cath Bookmqt Only No Free Lltt' a EVERYBODY'S SAYING DOLLYS A DARLING! SO WILL YOU!!! n M i* m«t a
      140 words
    • 587 6 •liiw teas]: >»■■■■ .y-n^HILLr 9th OAY P No free Li»t' B |1 am. I 30, 4.00. 6.30. 9 JO pm a Wolt» I "SNCW WHITE AND THI SIVtN DWARFS" a A FuM-langf* Corloor. In Tt:hniCOlor DAY NITE Co 1 LOCK UP 'OUR DAUGHTERS _lil |aH F^ <-ncWL.I1 1 IStr
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  • 428 7 SINGAPORE, Wed. Singapore's most Important t.»sk in khe 70s. according to trade unionist Mr. CV. Derail Nab (above), is the preservation of its multi-racial values and w.\\ of iit>. in i New \<-.n Menage Kiel. i > he v.i,,
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  • 505 7 Formula of success for the 70s: Raja MORE NEW YEAR MESSAGES Quote by Mr. RAJA RATNAM: There is much in the fixties which will cnoble us to meet the challenges of the seventies with fortitude and hopeful expectation. There is nothing in it we need be ashomed of. CIXGAPORE, Wed.
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  • 238 7 Toh: Into the 70s without let-up... SINGAPORE. Wf-cl. k Singapon not n<irri tf> rrlax in tho 1970s just because the trmpo of r-rono-mlc growth ha.s quick- Teh s in Year m< rod) military expenditure In Singapore rire hli<'d to R ceni Of our ONP nnd tiirrr are Mill 17.700 prvemployed
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 401 7 ■|s^ iaMBV i HV n«s-aa ORIENT (PTE) LIMITED (i—'r*™^ l i ore) I 1 11 31 Ml Ul 1 I M D n M^ Ul^H:h£,« kKIAWMFUR I I II HI 111 111 I I L« Rubbtr Building US H^gn Strttt p Et ?A NG Phpne «<» 7 JL JsLUnVUs^aJ J4l-AVi«or.i
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
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  • 353 8  - Consensus on School Cert switch: Move in right direction YAP CHENG TONG B» DINGAPOBB, \V«-d. Educatois and paronts toda> welcomed dox <i iinicnt plans to replace th<- ambridge and Ministry of Kducation school certiiuato examinations with a common examination in 1971. I In- consensus were that it was "a movr
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  • 175 8 OIMiAPOKE W. ,i i rii i w,.i tie a 'ii Sliuap<ir< mil D.iv '-Aicp the dally average iViih this soborinf! remind N I nal Safety Mr \r* Tear watch i> warning to I Council chairman Mr mhfan aid rp tr.i 29
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  • 124 8 Economic planner leaves Govt for private sector SINGAPORE Wed. One of the G' ment'.s top economic planners Mr. Llm Ho Hap ibove haa reigned ai Direct Technical Education In the Education Mini try Porn iv.i ;.ipme:.-. Bonrci Penang-born Mi Lun M will lake a pmt B ihc pn\a-e ve<-ior. Mi
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  • 292 8 Vision of the seventies for blind people in Singapore CINGAPORE, Wed. A better life awaits Wind people in Singapore in the 70s. riic\ will be able Io: s ni)V Hf the Unireralt] ol Singapore and other Instltu t ions of hißlirr and apecialised loanuim; WORK m a "blind" factory to
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  • 3 8 $10,000 sift •he
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 103 8 Jftfli a^v^^^^aV a^aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaßiaaaißavaaaaaaaaaaal ffl 43kV 9 .j^PL *S4aT j^H TOSHIBA wishes all their friends and customers •< > N a very Happy and Prosperous New \ear. SP 1 -^i\ TmF. V&'l 'Z&j-iK tMMIMW if A X^'^ißßßrL wwu if *T '< I I i t^HBI .^^gilii^^''*^ I IA iBnC j h
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
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  • 1066 9 Mr Big baron who in law unto himself FAST CARS AND A PENCHANT FOR LIVING IT UP Dateline: JAKARTA Sutowo seems to get a completely free hand from his old army crony Suharto A STORM is brewing in Indonesia over the activities oi Lieut, (ien. lbnu Sutowo the nations sell-styled
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 242 9 l '''^m»£w****^ «m^b^^^^^^L-^w* Afc«Jnmmmm^"fl^^ 9 -^^^nmmtfll 9IH sir .^AV t^ nVm^nmiH ~-y>^ B^giF -~?"***3 y 9 La J^-- g*^^ r t j 1 aaa^^^ >^^> P **f ati m^gP CmS mm wm I m^aJr :M^ 3 p" v M MMgjs^a%(9BgVaV in Malaysia use 'SM'^tTi Forklitts! /I ss r r s
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  • 503 10 INTO THE SEVENTIES EVEN RUBBER The Straits Times Thursday. January 1, 1970 th>r is on Urn »ack rority barrier for ttie trned -N.rts and it they are limb if n>'! ;iore is within sight of dial toke-off, the twoten nk «md oetary r und hM .'I ar <^nr! There may
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  • 308 10 fp.mihes rf the I ir Slngopote on C'hD?y tin! over the year I 300 Oth^T sm. 1> Httis. And it is no consc.k.'inn to ihe families cf the 3i)o that the down !os' i-i ■<: W is still far too teralK of "o often set :s
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  • 1226 10  -  AS THE BUREAUCRATS MOVE IN FORCE INTO THE COMPLEX WORLD OF BIG BUSINESS... THE WORRYING QUESTION- WILL the Singapmo Governnit nl entei pripla; Fair in ompeting for busInesa writh the private sector? This i.s the question that many buaini men in Singapore are ponderhiK.
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  • f LETTtRS™^ )
    • 233 10 rE Commissioner of Inland Revenue In his reply to YC.L on taxation is nut waffling away True, the owner-occu-piers of residential property have been circu- irlai c the effect that notwithstanding the upward icvaluaUon 'in my case nearly three times of
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    • 95 10 WHAT l.s the doe-.d.nK factor covering Income tax payments wh.ihe: In monthly in.stalmenu or one payment? I applied for in.Malment payments of income tax, but was refused apparently at 'he Whin nl an ofliclal In the department Bu; I know many wh-i pay :n mun'hly iastalDo I have
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    • 64 10 •the liiniiter oi Com-ineix-e and Industry recently sa:d tliat there was no actual shortage of steel bars and that local production could satisfy local demand. However, those In the ouildliiß Industry find that not only are the recent tremendous increases in the price of steel bars be loj
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    • 192 10 WHIN Mr Castej sa^ that the home-ouner will have "naved" 53.240 by not h.iv mt to pay full rates on the increased value of his property, what he really means is that the home-owner ha« been spared $3,240 a year for the
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 51 10 I] The Renowned Keel now cusToii t ilom Styles Cut to Alao Importer* Exporter* Htfh CW« WtntWi WmIIwm 5ui7 Lengths tf World Rtnowned Brandt FIRTEX OORMEOIL HIIMT A WINTERBOTHAM WAIN SHIEL GLORCX. Make Ideal Gifts for AH Occasions. 1\, Chullo StrMt, »(i»«opot. 1 T.I 924)1, Hongkong Bro«cM. MttSMuSWtM9v*'SM^SMti SM ■SMS'ttBMWMMHHM
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    • 7 10 t ..Ullilal it f*»*i naUav I §SANYO
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  • 92 11 Trials fixed for 89 railway workers KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. Dates covering nearly seven months have been allotted for the trials 01 89 Railway employees charged under the Prevention of Corruption act. They will be tried sepaBrit trial will begin ind the tact on The 89 are allrgrd to -^d. with
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  • 380 11  - Mat, the rebel warrior, keeps a man in suspense JERRY FRANCIS c, KUANTAN. Wednesday. yHE ro-appcaranco of an old man at his kampong ii Pulau Tawar near Jerantut more than 70 years and his claim that he is the Legendary rebel leader. Ahu Kilau, epl at least one man in
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  • 52 11 Greetings to King from Germany KUALA I.UMPUR W>d. Pre*idetr Qualai h deral Repub many today .-i m N- \> U i; Afloat. in hi« cablt. h' the oe Year the Oermar Peopl- a h.-iopv future of the May the li snd .'Urrr^ful i cmmtrv r.iid niav •hf established friendship
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  • 32 11 lAPOM Wftl -An in- month .limg two motor i Klwmu. 1 »ho an: hli h •nd H r .iri n«i I arrested at L<v rong Lading Kechil.
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  • 355 11 London to Spore jumbo jet charter flights in 1971 SINGAPORE. Wed. Caledonian Airways will introduce the first Jumbo jet charter flight service between London and Singapore in 1971. Disclosing this today. Mr. Lan Hltchle. executive sales director of the airline, .said the luxury class service was designed to meet the
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  • 86 11 Three DAP Leaders acquitted in Malacca 1 \|Al ACCA. Wed A DAP MP and two State A>s*>mblymen were .«> by the magis'r Mi here today on chargi -s nl O% part in an un prm nali ii i on Hay 11. lor 8..n IB M nun Michael Khonj c Bi
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  • 131 11 350 people have asked for Samaritans help QINUAPOBE. Wed. nt.irit.ins of Singapore (MM) rrteneil i.tlN for help from mure th.m :;.')ll proplr »inte the >l.nt of thrir round thr lim < .utli-« v i ii ri r telephone mt\ ii t »n llc< 1 lh<' service for ilim our.tged.
    131 words
  • 275 11 Former judge gets CBE in British New Year honours KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. A former Judge in East, Malaysia and a retired company chairman here havo b^en awarded the Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE) in the British New Year honours list released today. They are Mr. Edward
    275 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 120 11 VANTO ACADEMY PETALING JAVA I arc '.nv:ted from eligible candlda:e» HS( H| i 8( U.C.I pxamln.i <ho pas>Pd bi'. M.C.E. in 19WJ > II may apply. I'RM ITI -I < »:i I \K\ s < I Hill H \lr are awaiting thp results of the v I thOM vba p
      120 words
    • 29 11 ON SCHOOL SHOES 17th DEC. 1969 -4 th. JAN. 1970 JUMPfR aWIAKENa aiWkK «ACA TITNACIB TOM JUMMII aNCAMtKa BADMINTON MASTf Tlf NAGCft TOM ftof] tNg^l r^P /<s2r <Z? fUUct
      29 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 627 11 TV SINGAPURA UMVNEL i 8.50 AM: Opening and Wotidv Wood pec leer— Crow Crary; 915 R<imp- a Musical Prognaoaaa \9Jtt Ounamoka ">S Thr Mat) ti U.i- Quern Iff 1 1 35 V>l < ■(■-..cirrti s rhrntmat Paity irepea' 1. 12 35 Sprrdworld S«bnnir 1987; l.iiO Dame: Bonne .i M N
      627 words
    • 279 11 .nrt 84* Share Marlte 1 RerifMT 1 00 T N>>.- 7 ;'i 20(>O S-op Pot» 30 1 e>- 915 Herirn: Rr- le» »30 1 f s :0.00 Thr Strode Vf!)•■.lre^ 10 15 TToubadnui.- boy 11 00 T S Si" II 15 1 v\ B»JOO 1 D<wn J MIHM) MISMI I
      279 words

    • Article, Illustration
      196 12 Briefly I F WELLED tl frames ar«' the latest thine for the unncin who has everything else. < hrNti.m Dior does them in diamonds, sapphires, amethysts and ruhi-s for SHH.OOn. The priic includes pl.un or prescription lenses. Similar models with fake jewels are lii.i \i> njra Itel the J first
      196 words
    • 455 12 25-year-old French hairstylist Marc Larrieu arrived in Singapore recently he in for a surprise... He Found many girls still sporting bouffant hair-dos. "This la most unflattering and definitely out of date." said Mr Larrleu
      455 words
    • 458 12 ADVICE TO PARENTS: HOW TO SPAN THE GENERATION GAP VfOTHERR and fax"* thers who make nasty faces and sounds of disgust every time a teenager goes into a trance 0%-er rock music are helping to widen the communication gap. D;tto for parents w!io iv. What do you want to know
      458 words
    • 306 12 Getting rid of the memories after the party's over SITDDBNI V all the parties are over. All you have left to keep going are black rings, puffy eyes, and a few ex'ra bulges to show that you have eaten and red a linle ion much. Win New Year upon
      306 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 267 12 Attviti;>tm«n» Lemons For Beauty To keep your skin clear and fair you need the natural cleansing and bleaching tonic of lemons. a .-hemist for a bottle of lemon Delph. the latest t\pe skin freshener used by beautiful women throughout the world. Lemon Delph makes the complexion, neck and shoulders fair
      267 words
    • 108 12 Aove'fi^Tien' i For Vuur Most Beautiful Years The woman in her mid thirties starts on the mo.-t important age of beaut.-' the time of her greatest accomplishments Now the complexion ne^ds the added benefit of si rich tropical moist oil to beautify the skin tissue and banish tiny lines and
      108 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 728 13 10 U»tlfOQ t thtl 01m, v C; *14^^^^^^^^^^^^ •tttorM tu !hi.i M MI ..p,, ooiiu" 11* Ts I.IUCIUb "I it* 14 It \lttr m :::ga SS gg zh tJAI li-.tinoil .T 'M 1/ S KSS. fist." j v,.. FHOM U > CONIIF.tNItL "BUS OOIIU!. U w NeMJ -SIU. IMJMMN MM*»
      728 words
    • 907 13 Scanservicey tXPRtSS SMItNOS TO MEDITERRANEAN THE CONTINENT/ SCANMNAVIA MMM '0» ■ON(RHL« Snltt Sliltl lUIN I mo* ..ft, kout,. 0 IWaaj, CoDinni|in. 6' ur| Id** IM l|.l> l»* 14,11 IM 1/11 CD UI ■> -■»—> H'tlull. 0110 GO.. 'I. «l"ji CoM--.«*"i 40M* im 13/21 im 27 It IM 71/. 6RMO *».-D.
      907 words
    • 1168 13 EXPRESS StBVICt. 10 LOWDON, IUtRPOOI t COWIIWENTAI PORTS BtNjl AC fm iua-ur ftl i MMM fcfMß finini Minitwi Ft* BENALLIGIN jgS t< ntiou't P I turn "mint U'brouih Mat 17 llPtrt,l.«4 IM S/l IM 6/16 Sni|iortt P. SKim »*«ii«« BtNMOPI loon, hum, Gmouin. H'ftuil In 5/ I l.« 111 im
      1,168 words
    • 775 13 IDTNISRTIT EXPRESS OIIICI FROM I COiSl U S.A. U O«TS MOM NEW roil. nj"""™ <.-s«t.<i VINO4I4T It* Im 11 Mir UUMON In II In 25 Mar 24 KftTt m Fel 7 Frl I «M I I»P»N Sllll ll* IJ ftl II FM il ftl 23 111 M lIIMEHN Slill 111
      775 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 768 14 Vr— KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. Western Australia, Singapore/ Japan Servica Kobe ■MaMB Mirii 31 Ore t Jai 12 Jan 14 Jal 21 lai jai 3 Fel Frl 12 Fel 21 F t Japan «S« NongkonK West Africa Servica f tn*r "O'liiii Maru ii nee i Hi If Hi 1 Fel
      768 words
    • 829 14 BRITISH INDIA steam navigation co. ud tUStlllll NEW ICtltNO SERVICI INOI* HKISUN tNO FAB EISI SERVICES Ti: Ne« 2eilm. 1»- Ni(«iaiiiii« ail Malm pan fre«.. Oneln Lytt Will., tick s.njapore P. S'tiam NMaj BtlUlA It 21 Jai n Jai 21 Jai Smjapore siIBDMAM* 111 Fel 11 Fel 12 Hi JUNA
      829 words
    • 882 14 ■^Z N£PTUNE ORIENT LINES LTD* B (ißcirßtnteß' M tie RBtßllic if Sißfittrß) a B ll ICB Buildiit. CrBHl Fltar. 2 SUwtii Wiy-Til: J***** 7. a LOADING FOR LONDON, HBURG, R DAM, HAVRE, A WERP BREM. t, I MM i'T.jr.j trrnii: 6H 41 3 Fit) Niri"N[ »OU«M»IINt ETO 4IM i, i
      882 words
    • 561 14 Till- BANKRITKY MALACCA MINMM'XM.T ORDINANCE MTBi i <>•: (CHAPTEK 11) IST HALT-Y1 Nonci or nm manrnoa ownen oi pywy j notice h,. i nm ton la UM urMiermention< luniclual om.p Malacca, in th* Oflitial AASigl XV MHW. Court Bulldln.. Sin- .bj B-nk.-,i,,U-v No. "»f"' -»>e Ann...l Value. 170 69 Willmni
      561 words

  • Obituary, Illustration
    38 15 In errr loiirif mrroor; ol MARY ITA YAP darlint mother, and affectionate rrandmothrr. left u» to-day a year a|to. to rest in praee, gone forever, will alwajK be cberitbed In lo\ing children, grandchildren, and treat grandchildren.
    38 words
  • 3 15
    3 words
  • 144 15 AIR. NELSON LANKITI age, secretary and manager of A. R. M. Mwshm and Company. Colombo, shipping agents and purchase brokers for the Ceylon Government, is in Singapore now for negotiations with flour millers and cement companies. Ceylon plans to buy from thr world
    144 words
  • 116 15 'Pill fmlmiing arr the average >intaporr rubber and tin prices smcr IVM: RLBBI.R UN (perlb.l (perplrull 108.18 its. 53««.34 1951 !69.V.ctN. N.Y>6.«l 10->: 96.07 et». SISfI.OK 17.44 eta. s l°:.t S7.Meta. 1355.51 IMS 144. Meti ti ItM 96.76 cts. S:;87.IIP» 1951 8R.75 ct«. 5373.19 ro* s?.fi9.i9 IN.-.n
    116 words
  • 503 15 Wonder stock Poseidon past $200 barrier THE cables from x Australia yesterday read like a fairy story. Poseidon on the Sydney and Melbourne Stock Exchanges wts said to have topped the As2oo barrier Investors prepared to stake the company at these prices will h* waiting well into the sevenUes before
    503 words
  • 68 15 UOW JONtS: 783.79 i«ttk ago i. 782.37 i Monday i. 794 88 (Tuesday i. LONDON DOLLAR MEMII'M: 38 to 38", per cent (Tuesoayi. 3b', to 37 per cent (Monday). FINANCIAL TIMi:S: Tins.: 68.02 "week aiioi. 67.73 (Mondavi. b 8.22 iTue&davi; Rubbrrs: 130.4U iweek afro). 130.64 Monday i. 131.0!
    68 words
  • 84 15 I'HI Allocution at Ban*, in Malay. 1 aia-tin|tp*ra made tnne SfcßßMi equivalent bl uue unit of (oreiso Unitad Malta, Iftaytßf 11 S3 (HWo a rmail Ol) Hill. 1 »fl d a 52.*7&0 credit billa. 52.96.50 trade bllla The tollowint: ratea are quoted to the equivalent of lixi umta
    84 words
  • 37 15 ON tna fraa eiehante market ID Hoot Koas yeaie-d-» 'he U.S. Dallai wax quota*] at 6.07 for T.T. and b >•■> (or aaaja, Starling »»a quoted at 14.4S and oo> taal af gald Bt .'-I
    37 words
  • 274 15 AUSTRALIAN MARKET REPORT MELBOURNE Wed. A RISE of 542 by PnMidon dominated tradinc on the Melbourne Stock Exchange today The shares dosed at 5212 after reaching a peak of $215 in a burst of year-end support. Poieidon'« advance brought many of the speculative miners hack Into favour although most heavyweights
    274 words
  • 54 15 tfENG CHAN EngineerIng has appointed Mr Kokl Vesuna. as shipyard superintendent, and Mr Douglas Phillip, as commercial manager Both Mr. Vesuna and Mr. Phillip are well- known personalities in the local shipping circle with vast experience In the field. Their services will be invaluable to the expanding
    54 words
  • 316 15 BUSINESS was better than might have been expected in the two hours the Stock Exchange of Malaysia and Singapore was open on the last day of 1969. Trading conditions were quietly steady with the exception of a f*w speculative situations but prices were mostly unchanged
    316 words
  • 35 15 Straits Times INDICES Drc. 30 I)n 31 "InduMrlalv |4aUl 14R.8S 'Hotrlv 76.91 77 .86 •Properties: l'S.ja 120.85 tTins: 93.99 13.99 •s rubbers: 111.34 111.34 30. 1966 inn. 'l>rc. 31. 19«8 10(1. 'lire. 29. 1962 1(10.
    35 words
    957 words
    703 words
  • 220 15 Imi pout or sinoafoms AUTHORITY ANNOUNCED TNI FOLLOWrOR JAN I OUT: Dolma 1,2. Manoioeverett 8/4. .-Moloa Maru 1. Aiumt C*aarec 10/11. Mrn*>tbeiu 13/14, **in«rao« Maru IV. \n«rliii« U/tl Kimani* tS/M Kun«K n M Kanto Maru (tollo»ed by B»n--aila) n/M. Panto Uulf :ii/M, aouiKhia 44. Statt
    220 words
    • 66 15 T«HE Malaysian NMaMr of Finance hn fixed thrw rate« for raltuUtin;- customs dutie* for th" period from .lan. 1 to Jan. I. Rubbrr MM crnls a Ib. t opra ton Palm Oil a ton Palm Krrnel* BU&2I tnn The rate* of duties paTabla arc Rubbrr a Ih. (Total
      66 words
    • 179 15 Tin up by 12½ rE Straits tin price yesterday was up modestly by 12j cents to $699 I an offering estimated up S tons to 300 tons. Main demand at slightly higher levels was re| from Europe The market is closed today for the New Year holiday. LONDON: Tin on
      179 words
    • 186 15 rFHERiiht,. A Q day i Londi .-i gressod further on nenrout short -covering a Conditions were mon active •haii of late and pro:":!-'»kln(r at the higher levels was well absorbed. some ennuines for Aplocet^er wuh cowalin enquirien in sheets fa -c rontributed to the steaav trend. The
      186 words
    • 4 15 a I
      4 words
  • 13 15 Rl (up one cent) TIN: Mm 12" > oe. ited offe ii
    13 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 268 15 NOTICE In view of continuing increase In the cost of materials. We. the Manufacturer.', rrtrret to announce that with effect from Ist January 1970, the prices of our Metal Container* will be Increased in order to cover the r Co>t of Production. The new price levels will be as follows:—
      268 words
    • 199 15 NOTICE OF REMOVAL win oe moving tneir office to ju'ong industridi J^ Utate M trom lit January. I^7o. 7^: Ih« new address is 19, TRACTOR ROAD, JURONG TOWN. S PORE 22. TELEPHONE: *****2. NOTICE TOWN BOARDS ENACTMENT, (NO. 118) NOTH I LMJKR SI (TION IJ7 No; icr is hereby (turn
      199 words
    • 174 15 TI.NDKR NOTICE Tender* are Invited for the supply of Treated Timber and other materials for Low Com Houses st the following places: Pahang 5» units Peiak 62 units Jolioi 23 units Newer i Sembllan 4! units SeUngor 69 units 250 units Dmffinw snd specifications may be obtained at the Jabatan
      174 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 215 16 PTOT?TnT^J!!L.HI PLACE YOUR ADS. /_jwg\ f£=Er'- =t THROUGH OUR C.A.T.S. I all 0t»» eii»if,, t »«tfrt,,f. t .t; m.i.a.a Vit laf \j wt.H, net Htitnajl awl Hxntl. Stmli T.attt lai ttrtict ctifft ,t.M PHONE 0 PORt ODOO I I FTc KNOWLEDGEMENTS j CEMENTS vt rt nrtn ianv i-rr w .h
      215 words
    • 407 16 IIIAINI.C FOIIEMAN WANTII, WANTED CHARMING 1 p.m 1 I 7u Tl i MITII I I WANTED CRAOUATI TIAt; HERS .in;. M, ApDl) Urn. Ul 1 All. TATIVES i..|itrd D» m-andlni imj mi' rirn.r. Bo» ASill'i fi.T K.L. SALESMAN raadtni dunrtl—tot of j handlinj •<i>iinmrn t Bivtial »rr' •"•mtrd in a
      407 words
    • 746 16 I ii'l I'll ni rli ENC.LISH SPEAK- n.i. aali .1 iho i. iv» al i. „i\ i|.|i .i i I m.i i.-i.|.|'iv. Ai.piy i.. i ..i,;i:i> i u.-r lv i' 47 Jalaa k..>,i i para, LARGE PAINT M ANUF ACTU RE II IN PETALINC JAVA Kr,j.iir> a MMa Rr|.rr>rntal|\r to
      746 words
    • 581 16 HOUSES/LAND WANTED UItCENTLV WANTLIi I ii t in. Mill I i i Hi imi ,».ii Road i.. i ii 138.U06 H A|s ill i-iik Conlact CJI. On Ob I-a Craaa sim.l I !•"■> I' tiTitToiT" I'rim.irv Srinnrlnrv Iv .-x|irrtrnrrd udv .Vonki Tri raen MMT. ASIA DRIVING SCMOOL. Mnrria lihmi dual
      581 words
    • 629 16 PETS FOR SALE WONUEIirUL NEW YIAR l>ir-' "hi Mii.iiliiir Inn,: h.'llr nl.itr Mnl .|,i. Irl |l 1M.1.-I :.<444. ALASTIAN MALI ri. .llrnl whi.i, tea KHh i i' i".' i""" a r Mace aaa- iaa. IMPORTED POMERANIANS. COLLIES. I! ...In..' I' km..-.-. Hull Irr rarra, na mm ■<■-■ haata. A Jaian
      629 words
    • 701 16 j VEHICLES WANTED MOB QT T»rrfrrablv rnif n«n»r. Con larl l.iirv riKK.n S i«ir» NH J VW IMO, MM or Kiat I UKIR, KM plan ..mi:.. I 1.m.:. I'hnr.r j Si, s |«nr Tim.i./ ilurtiiK office hwira. MAHTIHA SALON lIA j UHda HiKiiv Maaaaaa/Baai ih Uaal'a naiiaivin.K »7u*l
      701 words
    • 217 16 Wishing all our Clients Friends a N^ yew Year of W Happiness Prosperity from MEW CENTURY REALTY TRADING CO. Reol Estate Agency Management 15? SERANGOON ROAD, SINGAPORE. f(»/'i,V»^ IV.V^.X><>#.i'»,(»'nV\O»«.v\(^^<>1 V.V^.X><>#.i'»,(»'nV\O»«.v\(^^<>- r <^'^<» /< nf ~ST THOMAS SCHOOL 7, Mar Thorno Rood, off St. Michocl't Rood, Singoporr 12. Tel: ***** IQ^M^^^|
      217 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 551 17 JAWATAN2 KOSONG KERAJAAN MALAYSIA onan2 ada-lah di-pela»a Wnrga-nesara Malaysia anglal jawatanS bri PI noiom. ii >i KOtUAkA II RWI IMM, BANDAR DAN KAMPONG ■xvpeneheni di-Jaba- hang Bandar dan Kam- '■Ml 11 .iki2i $6t>2x34-»:f4 i MOK: Tidak lebeh KM WAX DAN il \l A.MAN: 1 <a> Lulus PcAkhlr Town Planning di-ikuti
      551 words
    • 872 17 punyal salah satu darlpada berlii Diploma Kejuruteraan dart Maktab Teknik, Kuala Lumpur atau kelulus»n2 lain yang dlakui sataraf dengan-nya serta 7 lahun pengalaman mengajar salrpas mendapat Diploma; ATAU (in Latenan Perguruan Teknik dan Sljll Akhlr "City Guilds' oalam mata pelajaran yang berseria 7 tahun pengalaman mrngajar; ATAU i lll i
      872 words
    • 955 17 I bersharah yang di-akul; (Ml Sa- pern yang di-.sharatlcan pada A I •Mil), mil Sapertl yang di-sha-ißtkan pada A I lauili); ATAU <'ii GuruJ Latehan Kelas Normal Maktab iSekolan Inggerui Guru 2 Latehan Maktab ' Sendirn \aiig mempunyai 5 tahun pengaiitman mengajar yang di-akui &a- telah lamat latehan serta menyempurnakan
      955 words
    • 657 17 AUDIT ASSISTANTS Turquand, Youngs Co. have immediate vacancies for Audit Assistants in their Sarawak Offices. Candidates must have had adequate experience in a professional office and should be in possession of one of the following qualifications: C.P.A.(M)., A.C.A., A.A.C.C.A., A.A.S.A. Preference will be given to Malaysian citizens and attractive salaries
      657 words
    • 532 17 AGENCY ANNOUNCEMENT (carlo erba CARLO ERBA S.P.A., MILANO. ITALY have pleasure in appointing UNITED ITALIAN TRADINC CORPN. (PTE.) LTD., 29 A Hongkong Street, P. 0. Box 2536, Singapore. Cable: "UNITALY" Tel: *****, *****. ***** Branch Office: 46, Jalan Yahya Aldatar. Johore Bahru, johore. to be their SOLE ACENTS for Singapore.
      532 words

    • 614 18  -  ERNEST FRIDA By Kunalan earns Asian rating gFNGAPORE sport has recorded another year of many fine achievements and some disappointment. Most satisfying were the brilliant performances of the swimmers and athlPtrs at th^ Fiftn Beap Games at Rangoon, Where Singapore took
      614 words
    • 637 18 KATONG OCEAN -'Horse of the Year' By EPSOM JEEP r |"HE "Old Brigade dominated th c classics lasl year. \l\ choicr 0] ■Horse nf the Vcir" is Lucky Stable? i -year-old k\k»m. 04 i \s 'llir UIVy U'-ldinz by Data out ol ne was t he top winner of the
      637 words
    • 691 18  - REVIEWS Seap '100' mark a milestone for Malaysia MANSOOR RAHMAN By "THE Fifth Seap Games at Rangoon marked t 1 milestone for Malaysia in international sport It brought the gold tally past the century mark. Malaysia won lfi gold medais at Rangoon lor I of 103. Overall performance fell below
      691 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 523 18 s IHMPULAN GUTHRIE SENDIRIAN BERHAD Requires ENGINEER FOR RESPONSIBLE POST AS COMMISSIONING ENGINEFR Qualification* Malaysian Male aged 2b 30. possessing Honours Decree In Flertrlcal or Mechanical Engineering from a recognised Unlvendty. Experience: At leuM two years technical experience; preferabh in lnstallatl»n. romnrssloning and malntenanre of mechanical and electrical equlpmen Remuneration
      523 words

    7 words
  • 302 19 Airmen hold up Hong Chin HONC CHIN 1 RMAF 1- by Chua Huck Ckeng J|O\(i CHIN, challengers for the Selangor First Division soccer title, plodded for a point from their match against the Airmen :*i Chens Road, Kuala Lumpur, yesterday. ne>pite the setback, they ;ie second to Dynamos in the
    302 words
  • 187 19 Tornados saved by late goal TORNADOS 4 OIL PAL.M 4 'TORNADOS and Oil A Palm shared an pi«ht-Koal thriller in their Selaneor Div. 1 soccer match at Princes Road. Kuala Lumpur, yesterday. Toniados ifrt 3-1 aftpr L'S minutfs. Oil Palm hit bark to lrad 4-3 by thP ISRth minutp A
    187 words
  • 93 19 IWK \lil>> n FULLBACK B. WUm*i the h»-:o In Tankardx humping 11 r, nd I ank 'Af Koaljs ann Ivo pCBI 1 »hfn :ie ctM viM 1■ >: tx 'h pr:,'c through a peri a. -y hy W »nd leri 21-0 a 1 thr intrr\rf. riiro
    93 words
  • 261 19  -  PETER DE SOUZA By UGH FORBES, the Relancor veteran centre--11 three, will extend his record to six Malaya Cup rugby final appearanres when he turns out against Smeapore at, Rifle Ranee Road, Kuala Lumpur, on Saturday. It will also pmbabiv b#> nil Iml match m
    261 words
  • 64 19 TVt I I \>IKI IKS I Penang rhampion.* TPT\ ■were held to a draw hv l< ,nihler* A' !n the flif' r^unri o< the Victory Cup noc-er cnrrpetlUaa a'" City S'adium yesterriav M S Mantam s*\f TffCA 'lie lead early in the g,*me hut Pathlnathan equalised
    64 words
  • 140 19 IMtl I.IKIMI.N 4 Ml ML lI' ALII I 2 PERAK Pou.Uy DeaieM A*snf.*iion qiuiuied lor the tui»» ol vie wnn r knockout coaptUtloa on the Municipal Padang in Ipoli y.Merrl..}. FWUIIJ— II ''>«d BMW "I the ,nii B I hoi pan Imm k.cnoH In li.c sixth D
    140 words
  • 30 19 Kedah will meet Per«k In Ml-finnl Of thr M"' fa Intar-etatc mmp'titinn at Alnr Star on daPenang 7-1 and H. 10-1 In the opening tie* on Sunday.
    30 words
  • 142 19 Stage set for Ellis, Frazier TVEW YORK. Wed. A 15- round henvyv eight title bnu' between J"e rraiier and Jimmy Bill If f«>r Madi>i'n Square Garden here on Feb. 16. The r!\als vzn^d for the lynit on Monday snrt Nevada bookmaker* promptly made Fra?;er a favourlT The winner will become
    142 words
  • 226 19 HEATH IS LIKELY WINNER ON HANDICAP II OBART, Wed. Morning Cloud, skippered by British Opposition ConservaI tive Party leader Edward Heath, seems the likely winner on handicap in the 25th annual Sydney to Hobart yacht rare The 34-fofit sloop will hay« to face protests lodged by other yachts yet to
    Reuter  -  226 words
  • 44 19 Rlnceppre Mularn will not compete In Malaysia > Sultans' Gold Cup ooccer competition. BMFA «ecretarv Fultlman O«--min »ald yesterday. A proposal for an annual •Singapore Malaya v M»l»v«ian Malavn »ene* t^ being considered PMFA will meet tomorrow 10 riiscuM the movr
    44 words
  • 279 19 Malaysian women third in Asian rankings MALAYSIA rank third behind South Korea and Japan, in Asian women's table tennis. Singapore are .six mrding to the rankn Issued by the Table Tennl* Federation of Asia. In the BMn'i T.<m rank'nu>. Singapore are eighth and Malaysia ninth. The individual lanklnc tUta are
    Reuter  -  279 words
  • 3 19
    3 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 166 19 RENOLD LIMITED \V.^^^J L .it-r Compact, totally snclosed unit* •1 I*l /ff\ Ili -><^^" s v" v the compiet« answer for reliabl* f^C 111 IrUUf V*f^ SS low speed pnm«ry driv»i I lT«»jM| l? 1 1 Versatile in application for either U floor, wall or ceiling mounting 1 1 nd
      166 words
    • 50 19 NOTICE OF REMOVAL PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT AS FROM Ist. JANUARY 1970, WE WILL BE LOCATED AT No. 9. Jalan Satu, Sungei Besi Road, Kuala Lumpur. Tel: *****3 *****4 *****5 *****6 *****7 Cable Address: Southneer?. P.O. Box 425 South Engineers Sdn. Berhad Jalan Satu. Off Jalan Sungei Besi, Kuala Lumpur
      50 words

  • 75 20 Trapped 473 ft. up tower /iNE of two window- cleaners *ho w.T, trapped for two hours sjsj Mondny ,>t the top of the 473ff.-tall Simpson's Tower in Toronto. Canada. «>s lor a lcds;c after being hauled to si'-'v i^bovc). At top fight, rescuer Harry Harrison c ~ibs h.'ck to the
    AP  -  75 words
  • 244 20 JAKARTA. Wed A i.i \i>ino Indonesian jotirnalisi today m cused Preside ni Suhartos nts 'if bniiK corrupt and warned that n< xt Jf( U he would publish their ii Moehtar Lubta, M say award-winning author who was jailed hy Dr. Soekarno
    AP  -  244 words
  • 23 20 Tokyo WM lYimo i predicted lornn aid pn Kramnn- «UI double and rearh the L'Sia billon mark b\ 1875— XJVL
    23 words
  • 379 20 NEW LAND RATES DATE IS PUT OFF KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. THE National Operation! Council has ruled that the new land rates which take effect from tomorrow should be shelved for the time being. In some cases, the new ratrs show a rise of about 3.000 per rent on dwelling as
    379 words
  • 59 20 HIS THIRD AND LAST STUNT CYDNET. Wt-ti l»iif Phillip driham \nr\ jiiniprd from the ."Mi. hi: h bridge spanning the Mm i iinitiiil.ic Kitri near (.rillilh. Nf« South Wales And twice the year idd local football <hampion elm r^cd frtim thr .'iftdeep wal«-isti> (idlect bets from onlookers. But the third
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 63 20 PFNANG. Wed. A i nandmotOCl nnd a mother at the aid of the i j>olice lo trace two ml i Klrls. Ah Kf*. 66. if Ii Lam n I thai h'-r gi.incidaucht«r l.rl. llo\«. I irlt b beinc I d for gning out frequently TWh Klv.'n. c.;
    63 words
  • 54 20 PENANG. Wed- Time men f.Ui Ilk'i MOBMB I iii a magistrates court to i li. r fc ..s or bi iking tli,- 3 din ,i curli'w. I i ri ami unc man wrre i I.x h 'I he ottMf WO:n .-hi<l she »ai kioklns] lor ba
    54 words
  • 36 20 MOSCOW Wed A group of 0 Ethiopian ituwnta him allied rtof rnllpae'.iM at home occupied thrir eovntryl emtor more than three hours today, fmashitm portraits o( H;ulf SclasMe mid up nawspapi R
    36 words
  • 287 20 Kidnap wife phones 'grey Hillman' clue I ON DON. Wed. The Ij family Ol Mrs. Muriel McKay, missing wife of an Australian newspaper ex ecu Lire, i» Here .sin- telephoned I hem with 8 tWOword due to her dlaappearaiice. Amid a Rtrean of hoas calls yi ..t.iu.iy. one was fi
    287 words
  • 45 20 IPOH. Wed A party of 21 nirnilw!.- i-: 'he Pr^k Chini > Chamber of C<>mmrrop »i:i vLsit Expo '70 In Osaka :n April They leave on April 15 for the 23-day bWteaw-cUB> plra-sure (our. whuh will include vlalU to HniiK Kong and
    45 words
  • 12 20 lonv y»f kino lai on t"r*matoriiit «t J p m on
    12 words
  • 15 20 BAIOON, Wed I Cretfhton \v Abrmn i ran miliUrv col monl«. at. today.
    15 words
  • 82 20 CHILD PRODIGY, 2, TO GET MUSIC TRAINING MADRAS Wed T! Mad- rs announced a monthly allowance lor three years for the proper n tra.:. child. >aid to Im- a musical pi Mr V U. Swam: of the Acaden BMMM, loM ttM expert committee of the ac.i that the child.
    82 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 22 20 /on. '10, TA*aJL acJieL o.L&y*t frWL •JUL »f iZ **y tOM lf Auu ty+v* ,J axt b*jJt. toJLKU, aJUU /JJO UUO I
      22 words
    • 6 20 Late CLASSIFIEDS] 20 words 129 (minimum)
      6 words
    • 72 20 ENROL NOW for OVERSEAS SCHOOL CERTIFICATE (ARTS) 1970 EXAMINATIONS Classes starting in March 1970 Full time morning Classes 8.00 a.m.- 1.00 p.m. Special tuition in Sinale Subjects Starting on January sth 1970 OS.C./C.C.E English Languaq^ Elementary Maths, Additional Moths (Pre U I Subsidiary Level). Health Science. QT. SEC 111 FORM
      72 words