The Straits Times, 24 November 1969

Total Pages: 24
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 21 1 The Straits Times Ik Niitiniiiil Hl!WX|lll|ll!l' t*td IMS MONDAY. MtM.MBrK 24. 1969 15 CENTS K.U.N. SIM M (P) So 07M 1
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  • 452 1 Guerilla ambush on Americans follows heavy losses by communist force SAIGON. Sunday FIGHTING has flared in the north of the country where Vietcong guerillas ambushed an American force and South Vietnamese troops inflicted heavy losses on a guerilla force in a nearby action. Troopi nl the
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  • 194 1 Thanat: Pacific, Asian nations should unite Bt.NGKOK smii l.irritn Hlaiatci lvii Ih.n.t his < I V<l u,r «<-lnl.«riH amiini \»,.n and P.i 1(11 nuntrir^ in ••pe »ilh Ihr «lth<lr.ta<l from thr H- told a lei lure audience •r.lrnl.ti Ihut »u< h M»IMafMi u'xild [inn a Ntentva cmup »i
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  • 230 1 Lodge spurned our peace moves: Hanoi YEW YORK Sun a1 Mrs Xuan Thuy. North Vietnam s deleaiatr to the Parlx peare ulks. today wu reported as saying that Hano. was and had boen ready at any time *o nu-ot the US in pr.vate talks aimed at ending the war Mr
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  • 25 1 if.IMBATORr Sun The *r rm\ err. merit <■ <■ n to red tape i Ml •■.lrt»t> mil i to promote futrr I AF j
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  • 124 1 >'l'l DM South VletI nan. tun MlHtarr police today quizzed nembr« of th« Uan N: -I, B. the dM'h of 22-rear- J blown up by a handtT'nade while -If. p About 700 member^ nl the aattalxn. due t<, renext 12-miinth Vie' were -<*w T
    Reuter  -  124 words
  • 135 1 BW.KOh Nun —Thai farce* ba\e killed «irn bandit* and up lured 233 otheM in a month-long campaign In the three prrduminanll> Muslim -populated pr<>\in<rs on the Malaysian border. ProMnrlal Police < ommi^ioner. <im Prakar h iiniilhh.iinl said llr iuhl reporter* that liovernment
    Reuter  -  135 words
  • 74 1 U.S. PLATOON COMMANDER WHO FACES A CHARGE OF MASSACRE WASHINGTON Sun The U S Army uxii\ acknowledged (hat a--100 South Vietnamese might have been ma American troops attacked the vl! Uge o? Song My la-t year It a! Ueul WUllam Ca;i<-y Jr Miair.i the piati-in commander i<f Urn company whirl-.
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  • 40 1 Srw YORK bam uoaucd the t* i baitc rhemicd >'. ban tlan» U>e New York Tlm«« repiTt»d In a front pate ai paper vairt rxprrimer' «a« m'-ied out more thai H Mrhnol headed br Dr Johnathan Bark*
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  • 46 1 HOUSTON BUI T':night aboara <he -ueedinc Hurtling e^er Men 1 back tf»»rtl> earth aod I i tpuuhdown at 3o<o GMT tomorro« in 'Mr Pa' l!u Or< navy rcmmarOerv C'tiark Conrad. Richarc! I Alan Bran >eem«d to be on i holiday LPI
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  • 21 1 UKARTA Hun Oanirta rr.n» a«MM rourtt i Inonnewan inwri^t i i»nd <A B»U the onlT Mop.— Mawar I
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  • 70 1 Meo fort falls to Thais I>\M.KDK sun. Tnment ■rfrrl liv Th;u army f- t bombrrs csj tountainmthoid of pronun ■on ficial gouroci salrt prop p.ane« had pound' rebe Tr I i>« ,:.n > > r*■nun- dreel itrong who dragged awggr Ihelr dea m the hold wh'.cn ft fleri-e ba
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  • 20 1 mm sjllid N PABtX) CTTT Pbillppiorkl. W— Klbi p«*. pi* klllM live injured leepney bit ai train \r
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 43 1 fWwlllJo WHOLLY OWNED BUILDING LAU S ARCADIA W, £AST COaST ROAO CMAPtL ClOS€ *»TONG,SINGA^OHe )5 T.I J9«67 mERANO oiim Heya ITALIAN PIZZA SPECIALITIES Ist. FLOOR. TEL. *****1 HBTICMfcO Shopping centre Ar ■■•PORLS EAST COAST Sanyo suggests that you buy theworld-Transworld! V fa SANYO
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    • 28 1 <«•? GEORG JENSEN DANISH CUTLERY ol STERLING SILVER ftft«J> 3f S**a £tdI lit/ Clam Jin*n have an ice-cold todau!/ msrJrm v /m/m i^,M' 3^the flarour whetv the fun is...en'ryfime.'
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  • 116 2 Vain bid to kill his daughters and himself by fire FOREIGN NEWS DESK iOI-LAIUh. San. A 39A >ear-«M nun lirr4*d hi* t»»o small Aaiuhtrn into his M ix.ur-d r>e tr«l over it. srt it .ili.-ht and leapt inside, police here said today The man and his daurliUr*. aced five and
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  • 258 2 Horror arms for Britain LONDON. Sunday AMERICAN' chemical and biological Wfapons aiv bring buiit for uso by Britisl a US. Professoi ti Biology charged today Professor Mathew Meselson. Professor of Bloluk.v at H.. University, told an internal: conference on chemical and biological warfare that the two c tries were co-operatine
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  • 131 2 African student kidnapped by white agents I ONIXJN \n A.T.caii Lond'>:i •aid yesterday UMI agents oi Soutn and Kn aesia kidnapped Nov 3. drugged him and pui him in a coffin Samuel Uaong Mid the *Tf -»:ter tape recording* and MMJMMIti the Union Academ. ell for African Studir* planned
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  • 45 2 SYDNEY Sun Indian v coitapMd >r»if:d»v iunc a*m »orw nt- of r.a;jt *S nourt and ii.ri. n A doctor *!iu rumistu 37--r«r-oU Aa.r «h. underwrnt Uk ordr, uort ne nredrd vaj rest rtir pmMM rrcord c*. held by an lrishnun r.
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  • 119 2 ><\N IHH.iI Mm Ru>f>ian >p« >lnp his been uprralinc off thr coast of Southern ilifonu^ vjner \o». 5, I' S N.n > uiunn rrportrd jeslrrdaj Thr "xmrl inlrllurn. r rathrrlnc ship San Ml til <pparrnll< niomtorinf rlertronic sitniU from thr Faritu missilr rangr <ifT
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 385 2 There arc BOOKS ANO BOOKS ON ASTROLOGY HOROSCOPES by the thousands... to hut arc utiwtw j| ZJP M' p t^LI 'I MM Vfb I mm^mV S^j Kjme Mr ■Jv «m1 NEW STAR DISTRIBUTORS CO., PO Box 3269 S ogop. re 1 Tel *****5 Sol« Agents for Singapore Maloysio Ad|ocent T«rriron««.
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  • 71 3 Indira's backers pick new head of Congress NEW DELHI, Sunday fHK special n All-lnd... .summoned i>\ Pi irnt Minister Mrs Indira Met day lambi unai on. Mr B MJalliiK- for authoritarian and dictatorial Mr B ,n: tv m w:;: i < new nre. Par-v mi Decision a full ded by
    AP  -  71 words
  • 149 3 Kenyatta President for second time unopposed N- \IKORI Sun I I krnt.itta »jn >.-lrc 4i> rlr< Ircl umippovril Ihr sn i. ml imir i» Tre- irtent n| Km» < His hj> Ihr Mile nil. .hi (or Ihr p»t| nf I M lU m..1, Ihr ■••r tin ii,.ri» Mr
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  • 131 3 Galbraith: Nixon's silent majority does not exist UILVERSUM iHol- land). Sun The silent majority w h 1 r h President NtSOO sav> supports his Vietnam policies du< Lot rxi>t. form er US. Ambassador to India. Mr John Kenneth Galhraith. said yesterday Mr Ualbralth now a proat Hanard Onld a Dutch
    UPI  -  131 words
  • 340 3 WASHINGTON. Sun LD State* Army :nVMtlfSton ronoed:r.g •ha- B<iu»h <gers mtgh' have died a* 'he hands of Amer.rati troopl pre.ssed ahead w:h their broad fneri the MaAsacr* M the .iame vme he Defence Department i *-.'id r.wimer.' ''liimw Defence M try
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  • 113 3 Stravinsky sues son-in-law for manuscripts LOS ANOEI.iJi Sun Curiip.M-r Igor Btra■rnua* vkoriw included thf famm Firebird Suite. v >u:nu I in-law and a lawyer for the return or his manu«rr:pt> which cover a halfrentury of mu^ S'ravlnikv «aid in the milt fllxl on Pr.dar -.ha" hr i«\r -he nunusenpu to
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  • 15 3 '"MR"' sun AY. T»niT «>rv* th» por 1 win' Ih»r» no u*ai- AP
    AP  -  15 words
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    • 231 3 some people are not satisfied with jost an ordinary tape recorder 4408 FULL STEREO TAPE RECORDER =^SLL There is, nowadays, a great difference in buyers of tape recorders. The beginners may want an "easy" model. The advanced amateurs want a variety of features. The true hobbyists, the sound-engineers at heart,
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    • 287 3 -gjk m j^,__M m tfl H m SUPERMARKET AND SHOPPING CENTRE ORCHARD ROAD MONDAY to THURSDAY RPH QHFFT\ cotton wh,t E t 9O 108 Mth 5.85 DliV OHLLIJ p«st E l colours 70 100 e ath 4.50 APPLES CANADIAN 4 for .95 PRUNES DEL MONTE Boz .85 PORKBURGERS b y
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  • 185 4 SIXOAPORK. Sunday MR .Tuhn Pettit, 77. is a friendly American. For rotrtng unbatvwioc of goodwill from California and Hawaii ami itnafrtl enough one whe doesn't like cocktail parties I .-pread goodwill by fo•(i me* 1 the man in the Ntree' hr >ald lota
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  • 27 4 nli-allun« Suk 1 in «HI«IaM the Mali •her* a v aJHti uabe built tomorrow Tend*: I .TtrucOon r ...ion ctoart at ooaa
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  • 64 4 ■MM! s.: boat »o» to tram okMM p*optr from dltroMnt countrKa I* artistlr modltOM. iUrt*r for Cultun Mr Wor loon Boon. *ald \e«tetd«« Ana photograph other hr I <at -prakiiif I uer.inf of I •tat AM*. >:'iokii> photo(raphlr rxhiMtloi. irw Polvl!f d «urn rt Mbit ton w-ofc*
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  • 166 4 When half a ship is better that none... SINGAPORE. Sun —Half a >hip in belter than mine With thl« In mind, a l»w«if ramtanr Smll I l»yd Mew up part of a c'»uno>d Cireek vei%el. N holjs rxaniuv. And loved the rr>t to <<lnca pore Kor two week!* the -trrn
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  • 197 4 Take up yachting urges Dr. Goh SINGAPORE Sun The Minuter lor Pitwace. Dr Goh Kmg S*"" 1 .raged Sm.»p»r*»: t«lcr up yacntin« m plea>un»ble healthy ana •n of rwr-ation .klitc the i»ponin« Mai ii, Juronf. h« B \t\r production ot thought to mr *»•> the uu' yarhuns »••< reaU«m m
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  • 37 4 SINOAPORr »un Tho ■rtuwltoa HWM Mr Ont |g Punt Boon pmrnted cradm- iriraie- tr^ over 100 rhlldren '>! the Tflok A\ebranrh k ttuterta rier. ve«i«rdai He ;«i'i entertained to mtica and dance* by the rhlld- > I
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  • 42 4 To to results ■M \[*<JHK Sun The 't n imbrr' p« kf»l m lodar'i U <MH) T**o la»«pi>t rtra* tttr 44 n II »nA M The artdi- iiorial nußibei 3" In th« nrrle- dra«. 34. 2^ and 27 »crt I ;m ked
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  • 20 4 -INOAPORr Run Ih» mobtlf iimnunivattaii team »il! tm Kampont Bucto ram- muntlv rctiirc tonorrow Irom I to 11 noon
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 237 4 Benson Hedges^ present! Brenda _o_\ bbt^^ in personf M Direct from vl!!b^--H America! Sensational! >231 Exciting! j Captivating! <jg%[ Miss Dynamite 'CTKBSI The World's No.l ttWSsSSfi .Female Vocalist f» 4 also featuring^ 4^6i\ f The Casuals L aaaaBBBT One Night Only-Dec. 2nd Th- National TtmmU* at 800 c »n ihonal
      237 words
    • 38 4 1 iSperial j I mZ^l^bbbbbbl -9 3 Bv'^B aßr J^^Hl f V'l f-^'' SJaBBaW 2 SHOWS A NIGHT WITH COMPLETELY DIFFERENT PROGRAMMES! ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦t U-^j as cool a*-|2*P»JtmTM VARIOUS BY I -x colours DRAGON CX). METROr»OLE HOLLYWOOD VENUS > AVAIIANT*
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    • 18 4 iTß'iq;iml Jit!'. 4 A« M»«l»l«> l < M.w tkawtoa I 14} 4M. IMtl 10 ,m TM| C«AZT WOIIO C«I|MII
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    • 403 4 iH |H -(IS!) a^aa^S^ aW^H I *>^HP^ aaaJD^wß ]y tcomoaiic immwii AwP^-W i 4k awß^aSk ATar y (X VN TOKIAL Ml Mi iK I M I M»LI T He an- «ovt«.i> I BEf y, ia mi i> am M Fashion Show By -ff^. KATIANA TSE fj BATIK 70 Ctufltli Mat«
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    • 251 4 CATHAY jl atJ-ifflllTMll** a h. Iff ll if i-gnrl'l MOW SHOWIMfc |l l» CHAI II THI IONftOMI g a -•>,►. I I >K. »OOH o-,l t«. ||]l-Ii'UHBII f B I, lA*T D»' II \M •»0 N.P.. NOW SHOWIN6' M I a MAO MAO MAO l««O«0 a r Tti rs «
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  • 388 5 Shaw Foundation's luxury s26m office block SINGAPORE Sunday VIM Mil I KIN luxiirt iflii c him h is to he huilt next to Mi.iw Houston .< pieie of I m d whuh h is lieen donated h< Shm Hi-iihers 1., the Mi.m I ounil.ilioii I' slorr* hmlilint
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  • 10 5 TUN: SEATO INTEREST IS HEARTENING Tha!- would h tn Ma:..
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  • 24 5 <• i M •> "i I I at trtr K«mt»ng Maktm M-w>ue T «rvl I M I Lirn 'he --i»e»< m hr
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  • 98 5 MCA Sun Municipal OimmlMlo. D«I Uato Tan Chen Swre. appealed t« supp>>r'thc 8«<-u' m tn male i-AT'% Inter:. Bout Jamboree a »ucc*a« ,m f 150.000 la nerded t.i rover !hi the jamboree > and running expenses 1 •o Tan who i« finance committee chair
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  • 268 5 6,300 new cars yearly in S'pore for past decade SINGAPORE, Sunday. yHK number of cars hen has h«-«n ir. ing at the rate of 6.300 a yiai during the past decade At the end of last year then- were 121.102 rars on the road compared with 57.894 In 1859. a<
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  • 20 5 ■v.hh mm n« aj n» been pc: irnner 'lr o»nntl frnoi fn»r m S.naT»P"f' M <1»r IVfenre M
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 73 5 HEAR THE GOSPEL PREACHED IN WORDS DUB MUSIC BY THE CELEBRATED I EVANGELISTIC TEAM I FROM THE PHILIPPINES -AL HAU >4kflßf ADMISSION FREE J^JMlk AIL ARE WELCOME a--.- a» tt» »ct.<ji«l««aia e**"^c«« «ne« tt a> tsa mro* wcMwaa "<a»r TV ...«<»i Ak»»'«^ T00.,. Ka coneanmi'M o" ,n|M -»t»" l««a»r ot
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    • 151 5 WEIDER QUICK-MATE PLAN Nn matter ho* «klnny y° u r y° u can weight fa«t hy using 3i^i«^PP this SENSATIONAL J|^^2 QUICK WATE "LAN a M Naina Moh.m.« A C. O'»~o.< S»«t, 4 «Oa)d 1 ripßi <80 Smgor Ma. ..11 l.t.r.»M. A C. in Sngooo'f 4-H930 K T M.««. I
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 50 5 Buqm Bunny by Ralph Helmdahl i BJ&S, I WANT TO cVET PtTjN.A SAYS VJ OJT OF BSP; r— S VAAOTTASTAY J IN BED ONE A I more Ce\v: i run. so9w. v\ kisjow it i 1.1 C CEBO'. X BOBIN', BUT I j!/^-. S 2 Tary TO \ll P- £MTT*TAIN
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  • 177 6 Talentime Leena to sing with top stars in Hong Kong SINGAPORE. Sun. UhlillMM l.l.nume l^i uinner Leen.i iJm 17. will ...hi sharr r^u.l billing with >.Mith rjsi %oj lop hinese film Aim siaging »iars she will leaxe for Hang Kong net! month lo sing with lop sUrs in thr iolon»s
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  • 81 6 Jewellery found in home: Girl held SINGAPORE, Sun. A 17-year-old mald- servant was arrested a! tor police found Jewellery worth more than $1,300 In her Sernbawanp Road home yesterday. The *rrtat M made ihiee hours after the girl's employer. Mr Blonf 8«ow Keiic. 36 .in 111 traffic control officer found
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  • 61 6 SINOAPORK A nf i) -dwicnni ratfto trlfpnonr. •aid to liatr i»ngr c*(Mbi» t Southraat Aau rrgmo v ill or .n 'rodutni u> Uw SnniDoir M i Haiaratan markrt.s am »f« Arcordmc u> iv Bii'.iah <n br ur*d .n mobue roiM and U luitablr for uar It.
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  • 48 6 KANGAR bun f^ today wtrned Urmrra that firm ariion would b* taken acainat aojr one of th«n uaiag tractora Or other Biachnery mlthout a Wmm > -uch machinery mint bt r^«Vtrfd »tth th* In/r' of MMot Vi OCVD. Orputr Sup: M^hatned J«mU •in tUatan. aa.u
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  • 237 6 Search for staff by National Varsity DRIVE TO FILL 20 VACANCIES KUALA LUMPUR. Sunday I"HE .National UniwiMty has begun a recruitment dnw to till more than -0 vacancies lur academic and administrative stafT. its Registrar, Inche Abdullah Sallen. said toda> The poVt.s. which had been widely advertised, include that of
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  • 237 6 Contract business hits on hard times in Brunei BRIM I TOWN >nn onlrartor* have hit on hard llmrt and are goinc hroke The wain NMM r Ihr Midden in. r«4»e in the tost •<< Nuil. lmt materuU mil ihr *top pacr of Riunri limrrn The>rlt\ Brunei contractor! are
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  • 119 6 'WHY THE MAY TROUBLES DID SOT AFFECT PENANG' P. affe< minded peopw Imbued the with i wll! and mutual tru Deputy ~ter. Inch- tapha H U tod sider thahad all past b- >>t as f ai he t^ild -f or. <•. umj at .1 bufli I organised c guodmi: c
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  • 76 6 KUALA LUMPUR Sun A B'a:< Li.-- pc«jject to develop At .lidu- >.npered l l'he Sta't- \y\> not proect ur. tevelopment Offlc-er Irii'.ie Sulalman bin Oman \atd to- 'We are trj H -ng alterna 1 heras or Seiayang where (ur Kuala Lumpur squatters in genera
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 209 6 Ask yourself a question. What do you j really want j in a car Big and pretty, but fragile? High revving, high powered engine, with a short life? A gasoline bill, that you prefer not to notice? When you I want to sell, rust showing through from the inside? Resale
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    • 109 6 FREE MAKE UP l.tkc a lesson in beauty from our Londo i trained Consultant. Come and have your own, personal, make-up lesson You win not b* part of a pubi.e dow I Id* Eli/aoern Arfen r mtU uton «*tft yo>. «ues(«B rou M*t and le»'- frm j- ..per* (•no a
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  • 40 7  - 'Regional post-grad studies will beat the brain drain' MAGDALENE LUM B. L ILA LIMPIR. Chaju Ban. Dr Cha »nd rer>re»r -vrr rould. be ef f.elr; nf engineer. ne r<JuATT a. recional n rntgrnmnu re »iih I •r'f J .*rd "f
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  • 6 7 K
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  • 322 7 She's Aussie slogan for tip -top health SINGAPORE. Sunday F -»OR three and a hilf \»M> she -I i- rd and »liik i c d in a »c pn»"ner of i >«he .i i -larrT r\rri I'riiti rf IT hone' nm.ininc in Jakarta hen ihr >lr hrnke ■>ut Hrr lin-i>.<n<t
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  • 193 7 i'ENANG Su; I ha« been lndlffprent to r.ployment to ex-Servirr- i Ex-«.*>r\i I itlon 'it lid I Th« Mr x>r: v at* m I I •r-fZA-a Warrior.- D«jr ri.^»»»t' ijr cali^d on Malayand cm•i*n* to rx Serwcrmrn Mr Trh -art 'ha' :n >*r«» *rrr rxand
    Bernama  -  193 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 175 7 ANGLO-FRENCH TRAVEL BALI f^w~ r«w Mn^. a a».-,. SS7IB ANGKOR -Sssoo r EXPO' 7O —im* >^ o*> S$V 7O3 -^o»« **l»«s > NDIA. NEPAI* KASHMIR ••<.*•*. SPECIAL ATTRACTION Tutie yo»K T*T«*y on a Red C»o Too' M C*»i«wi«» A->ahor (Betoyt)Sss3ooO*B»i.(6d«^«)Ss"4ooo Inctusn* O» fK*t elms hofl-H Group Itww SmgapfK^ 2:^ A
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  • 242 8 New law planned for tourist industry: Khir KUALA LUMPUR. Sunday yHfc Govt-rnmeni is considrnng compre-h«-ns>iv«' lejjislatiun to cover all aspects <>; th<- tourist industi>. i ais«- stanclaids and ktn-p tourists iiappy. it \*.a> statt-d ".(day iWattMl *ill ai>o cov«»r tlu- r«-«istration Of tour optT.ttors to maintain the standard* ol 10
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  • 60 8 KUALA LUMPUR Sun 1Pj :nlM»*«» have been ienvs Ural S a: '.mber i t.mber producu h. re i. The director of I Kwok On aald M .nd^nl* and rtui >~d for I* vi trva luid'.ng per and n of •■.mb*r <md
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  • 115 8 Location of secret radio stays a secret L \LA Ll' Sun Th«K round radio which I broadta-stn.i; on the Malaysian and Singapore Prime Minis still an rrt Radio Malaysia's amines rontrolluche Hashim an. said today r Radio Malaysia U ii]\e«tlf« *d d!» iunr*r« Mv» he *a!d. Itir »tation broadca*;* In
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  • 22 8 •<> I Hum tot pan a: d 1 DO* «iU) Th»r food* from M«-»m H SquarV
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  • 110 8 Lim: Great need to show love to one another P( N\N<. san. There «a« a great nred fur Mteraai •<• »h«» if c t« inK uue aa»tber. Ibe I lurf MiiuUer. I>r In. < h.M C Ml. «*U» t«HI4» »|wihin t at the re< rp t...n h, the Mkh ram
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  • 127 8 Information vans to explain 'keep the city clean' laws i/UALA LUMPUR. Sun. Intormation n»partment van.s will b»sent out tomorrow to advise the public on the new anti-Utter lawv a Municipality spokesman said today. The Baarntial Mix' oi ataaactajaJ Tdinance. KeOrral C»DIU, Re«ulaUona IM9 uhirh will come lnu> forre from Dec
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 207 8 fl HaaßaC^3^Ba»^L«^! 4^\* *t«ki^^_^ "'X»V# PHILCO is now instantly available whenever you want it. Demand for this supreme ■ir-epditioner has expanded our network and I icihties throuchpK Singapore .md \1 Faysia h\ our job now to keep ■bt suppl> up to the ever increasing demand. Philco Acs n 5-YI \R
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 163 8 ff/«*fy O<tp Hi/ I.l. II nml in fc/*^7 wcawf ja&ctk. wo »sah isr' ««o :rs »fa what v. :p v iv yea.- o*< ujciwc* v*t aorr ■«l rAAM*S IN ORSUMI^N'. xOTMiNii n !>•<> MUTKB »*jr hMCKUZ.*. C3U.& BE I IK*& ANCTWEt* srKP TIU. X-X twoubae: >^ A^ I t»ll HXiy
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  • 70 9 a who i;xff:rts view §INGAPURL, bun and I i i wk. adder: a srrrat I Of hn rnvironmrnt will broad •<■ in WHO In "arlT IW7 Hr aim* to rind out •r different ro int.^r rrvion Atr n tim- n I th» arrrirur imhi Piot. Yankaiirr rr.
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  • 19 9 Perak development projects to meet farmers' needs IPOH, Sunday. 1 ordinif tn ■nme for AUtmiitm r but 'he
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  • 11 9 Management courses for Ipoh executives IPOH. Ipch ■lantgr- Dfv 1 1
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  • 127 9 Last of Haji Kampong squatters cleared r\iriN«. Son Th» Inn rrmainiDf <^u«l Irr hut> id Ihr Hah Hjiii pane irri hnr «rrr dr inoli»hrd vrslrrdji jftct a inn from Ihr ItKtrul Offi.f b> ri(hi (xiliirmcn nrdrrrd Ihr "MUMnh to taratc Ihrm Ihr Mtutllrr* «rrr »n»Mii «h<i *rrr iturd with ant
    127 words
  • 75 9 Dr. Lim: New parking plan a success pENANG. Frl The 1 Chi^f Minister. Dr Uai Chong Eii. has d that thr parking a'.tenda: 'cm. Introduced In ppimiiß nearly two months a?o. had proved efleiflvr "Motor«>t< have r^«pi.i. irt: A' il. trxl 'firm-r Af- m hr inld hi- I' Dr i
    75 words
  • 5 9
    5 words
  • Article, Illustration
    3 9 MKN MMI M
    3 words
  • 4 9 RJ..S B-
    4 words
  • 272 9 v 'lN<.»roKf Vun -A S4- »m i>ld \u>lralijn «onjn Mr« Margarrt Krntlri— 111 hr a (rjnrl Ri'ithri nr\l \r drirrminrd lo win thr ncUnd Australia RP sit rai r ohiih hrgm* in I 'union tin l>n IT Mr* Krntlrt
    272 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 35 9 mm-'m my aBfIMMMMMM al^al^aW _^at^aH al^al^B^k. PPIMP two great tastes ■HHhHBJ Rich Virginia Filter in the Red pack fc Cool Clean Menthol in the Green park KING SIZI FILTf T.PPtO MBaßßHMaMßßl^ a^ aaaMß^ aMa||aaH «j«
      35 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 103 9 Straits Times Crossword ~^^l"~"~^^^^~^^B»™^~~^^^l~"^^l~~"~^^i"~" lilnM < bntn.-a n'amCv .ddlort -l—l I IHI. rf .-.n^tnmt for i -t i«lt »nfl M <x« 5 II lm fnr tnrKrii d«». 4 v > »»TT «..lulM.n will kr hMhM lw«m S*>rt TI T s I i'AXM.KST' ,v^rt B|p ,p g REA s s|.V| SlfSlif?"
      103 words

  • The Straits Times Monday, November 24, 1969
    • 317 10 I has set -i;ii for n Hia- suggest Uxre is Th -inghold Ui U v, i| ■.M has > hkrl) tn i 1 hu h lending <ii-iii4ndliiK Amu '.^n 11 > (ram I their < iiiwlnli TVic Ik fl< >t d by rt- .iiiv mv c
      317 words
    • 165 10 1..t ti.... I In pv* > >g j" l I .llfi 4t •ui read ngi i: .1 iiHinin^ »iii|< op- miiop H b-rti 1 *.««i u.i rctipmt. ">e«t I training ■•> P'"" r a H to jlio- n mute inhjl cunlin i> It Itiiitfili Ihiu>» 30 per
      165 words
  • 541 10 Saigon guessing game MARK PKANKL4ND WHES WILL AMERICAS TROOPS LEAVE? T"HE most popular guessing game U. Saigon these da called Whi!. will the American troops lea Vi.e-Prriidfi: 1 I all oJ Amend combat vk.ll h4ve left by the end nf next 'par and ,ng support unit* maybe by Uie end
    541 words
  • 853 10  - A new force emerges in the Arab world A SPECIAL WRITER by An AI-Fatah boy commando (one oC thousands) brandishes a submachine gun during training in the desert outside Amman in Jori dan tmmm taM <i* n the Irudrr of \l I .lull tlif Urgrst md most powrrlul ul Uir
    853 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 41 10 You can be sure mursn m mm* nt »i,TMO«i»ll) (,»HUi u< tiMeee.eee/ r I »»io ue C*»(T»l t —HUM/ A6INIIAI lISIIVI AM* ••OH! 4 IOU U.ihCl o.*. MHttM iwVM t ueaeeee CHI JARF e?»!iVaci» tr*4ee«^e*/ DEAL /J\ OVERSEA-CHINESE BASKING CORPN. LTD.
      41 words
    • 191 10 Of WAH NUAT (PRIVATE) LIMITED I<iK«>i •*>«!• S. f'«i.'u4« DR. CHOU SIP KING p*r4»ri«Mlf ♦*>• •Mt«i«l »»««ii>f i»r»m»f>y o* ihru #f*.i» Alto all •'M*4i •"< gut. k«i.i Att«.«tt> IK«ir foe 4 »il ltd keulu*lt •»< MMk •l>«»4««^» •i Hrn OH.rxi Om"'«i Ct«*m«K, mi laaaswi IM N«**«k«r I*st AUSTRALIA IN FULLY
      191 words

  • 162 11 BRI M I lOWN Sun Brunei hj» doubled Ma rite mrtiir Ihe Male Dlti.rr Mr h(. Milrl <li»i lovioj lhi\ Mill ii« l.imi ru 1 lad >' I M aSVH dowhlt the acreage in I**T Hill rtst tesvtge: ala* vhnwrd a rem irk
    162 words
  • 35 11  - THREE S'PORE TRAINEES WHO FARED A WRITE... TIM TREE ,T, S Three .rraduatwi radar •v.irKiiiK k:.o» I an. w J \Ddul I 1 k sn S 1 Strong arctnts A I Malayalaa $25h for power
    35 words
  • 222 11 Priority to Sg. Way scheme GOVT HOUnVG CO-OP TO ■STRENGTHEN POSITION' KUALA LUMPUR Sun H E iativc 3 LidaU at. a strengthen its ing new The >-hair society's boitrd rtirrctors. Tan sn >f 'tiam'-ri hin B irtiß- •ihc 900-unit Kanipciie Tengku athtt :i. Sni.grl Way would "o be '■oinpletfd Some
    222 words
  • 219 11 US expert urges closer ties among consumers KU ALA LUMPUR. Sim An American •xpert oil consumer aflairi. Dr. Colston E. Warn*-, tod.iy urged consumer associations to establish closer ties so that they could on ha nee their s^trtlvt- through tho •x- hangc of Meas. ex-jH-rlence and p.:b!lcations H>- spratm* 'o
    219 words
  • 105 11 \*IAR Sun seven lo»*-ru.->t iMuatM M'lifOfi coatine o\er %b ir.llion have been rompletrii in Johore uiul«i 'hr < i iilral Oovernmn i jeramuif launched iait year. Till* was disclosed by the liairman of the Johore Loml Oovemment and Housing Committee lnrhe Mohamed Ya**.n bin Dsto
    105 words
  • 68 11 51. 2 mil to give Orang Asli a better deal KUALA LLMPI H A number Of prO hrlp Orai.- Aslj Ilie\ inrnt »pokrMti.. A.d today 'hat a Urang >. The Cci (Of the ;.i Fi\t -(llMMltree agl make per^mi.' .t ''if.: areas." he hive :n K<lanlan and four s to
    68 words
  • 8 11 AIOR I m.
    8 words
  • 3 11 -nof
    3 words
  • 45 11 Entry into RMC Boys' Wing by invitation only now KU AL A II MPI'R. i ill be wiU /'/< ft mice he glA I January be heio < (pan- S2a«.«i fir a lib: c «rm<e our* •hsn »S -ie country < i i a gnat 4~ I added
    45 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 44 11 CHANGE OVER TO Steel Furnitures FOR YOUR OFFICE. FACTORY AND HOME aVaHBHaHI kaaal^ B^aH ■^ga^L^gaw --»il or more details contact MMf nearest dealers or I TECK CHIANG MANUFACTORY LTD I N 1 m.lh\su n I ■•J-l Pd>d Leb^rßodd SirigdpoiL' 14 If! 88-4 jl J
      44 words
    • 249 11 FLOAT A FLY HOLIDAY TO HONG KONG GO BY SEA RETURN BY AIR ss CHITRAL M 4 000 >«itr ».f Depeeting B ENANG 23 Dec 1969 SINGAPORE 25 Dec 1969 Arrmn« HONG KONG 29 Dec 1969 PIIJT CLASS ACCOMMODATION AVAILASLI Saacial Wa/ Air licuri>aa •«•> I Icaitaoy ClaM S*»aa»art/Hanak9*f/Siiafaaar* to«
      249 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 22 11 SWIMMING TIMES rnt>%i 'H" 1 i» n.B: >43 1 m U ItM Ii 1 I P. rt n *an 70* i? ft.
      22 words
    • 579 11 TV SINGAPURA lIIWMI. 5 00 r M OfM i.g si.nouarsair kj m M s-.r 1 M I, 00 v (Juiei floaee mr Woman s 7 «0 Neva c I P. 9 00° <1 'f. ggaMsk suit* n.ppri. >.« m BOT* riiaj :«*i X j Adieiiturr* in i..:aoj« —H <: UduaU.
      579 words

  • 148 12 tIIKI 111 IMMI K K« Bnl I I RIM I XX«. .re n» our v irlr i Ku! Kriti^h nun inlol Ken '..r »ur\ nul in •h' Mi'■ > in untie II i\a% ■t •<}•. h Pri ik in t :hr \u«lrr he li..h 1.. Kuxla
    148 words
  • 102 12  -  FELIX ABISHEGANADEN B, Jl ea\r honv »-Pt K M I N II INK Willll It ON M( KM K> limmv B'H ford \«M*riate<4 Puhli.hnt H..u»e New llrlhl I r-»der ird dfvote« Rrpubltr. India and Au« tral'.a A vetrran rf porter 'he chairman of the
    102 words
  • 93 12 >l MBCAH I harle* liter <\\ II Ml. n UK i rlls |i a novel ath>ul !<«•■ •■frdi middle itnl humiiMiual inrb.i» uho wurk (nil In. l.«;'lhrr \r{ 11 Miul.i(rs 1 1. h« n.mplrtel> inoffrn^nr Mr H»er h.«^ .ilrrad« «nllrn i Mjt«r««liil pla* of Ihr -I
    93 words
  • 479 12  - THE SIXTEEN ELITE FROM THE WEST TO CHINA [aLLINGTON KENNARD THE CHINA HELPERS: Western Adrwers in China 1620-1960. By Jonathan Sptncc. (The aMbf Head. 1">-.) I k*,i*w4 ky: Till! .n!\ Ml V. .<'l vmlumx vilil it-is. v linl.ii s Mid MinilisK 1 1 idii the West w lii i hrl|>
    479 words
  • 30 12  -  ANTHONY HERS I! T. Sometxxiv h«i In rnftthff UK Bl MMll.intrr ll.ivir% Mi» M.'»«-r M« and li Himhri ,»I<T B- It K»eler I I Hi
    30 words
  • 13 12 more 'Ma: n tend nod -i m* 1
    13 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 242 12 LOOK GREAT! FEEL GREAT! t4 M WEAR J^^K UNDERWEAR W V Hb To fee': rfgß Bvtf i x ft *^SBLaA «aj^B^BH LV I A A 9 ATHLETIC SINGLET P BW^^fc v iD*dCOtt( I yS^^^^^^A V'S i^rptic i' r ang)lon(Brwgai F I i y^\ i i* 1 i per f,t am'
      242 words
    • 108 12 HHHHjjH^^^^H A COMPLETE. INSTANT HISTORY B OF MAN'S Jm greatest ADVENTUREJ 'ii 1 1 ,1 T 11 aY B^B^B^B^B^B^B^BVa^BVB^Ba^BBB^B^B^BQ l^b bhbV I P ho:o B r *P r wef ttktr. <> Eia^B h sfl I k I l>or K b¥^ I p< ncnes. bound T X^m.:- 4J* I in handsome
      108 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 606 13 tt.i i j ci.iiaiaiii >c>is ta II TMM BM 15 I ta,; k.: Bis E,i sr:: icita Me n Me 1) i aa I 4 ttatutaittaiiata It ua I B eaava. (win .at i aa t a m aa a at s .m t la i| in ii i| m
      606 words
    • 2141 13 W f o*W^ f 1 1 U -J k y FM H U I 1 PmVt&M Scanservicey iuHkm iuumM n mmnwmmum /im tmmmm inwßtiß it Pan a aat' n.'a Ma'a 1 u-m t itn traMt ta ii ftiaW kjffjj t**aaau ta a a ta n a ta it i t^2
      2,141 words
    • 947 13 l^.w WORLDWIDE CARRIERS LTD. I tIA/^B ># L# AwtKUrt Nr« Oraram Cha-Mrtraaj, l^^n^td N«w Yard. N*w Latttta* I t»h» acoatiHtj caraa far aH>«r Gwlt arttf I Arlaat.t a*m. taaKCt ta inducaajtaiitl laaaaat it taa. lajai I Ptaaa) tiMMIM n il Me il a Mt mcalistlr «c co.. Ltd. S pert)
      947 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 953 14 Vr l K\\\ AS VKI aaffaW KAISHA LTD. Waatara Australia Uaia»ir* Jaa«» ■arvtaa MMt TTMO* MM I* HI ta« U M* MM* MM* Japan Honghom Wmi Alrlaa ItrviM MM* WH, uaaj intn ai-. iaa ii km ii im i 4 im a h* ant Japan India rahlstan Paralan Calf tarvlaa
      953 words
    • 933 14 BRITISH INDIA MTIM It aaWi J*«ilT»a fM hit UMitlt It lata**tl MM m .P«n n Vn H^t -SN. S^M- >WU.. -Mg St. SB IMWI 1 IHt I IHi lii Ht V tl Mat*M riaa *la niuai I •«•>■• »m» Pimaj I Caiami 1, 1 i Ht Irta iMt I«M*
      933 words
    • 898 14 |^T7 NEPTUNE ORIENT'UNES ItV B lSaßßtik- (laiwairitH a ttt 't Va|a|atl) aj B Id IliMial. Sf*^ f J "n-'H I LOADING FOR LONDON H RURG. R'DAM. HAVRE A WIRP IREM J "IMf* P I'M PMtH t II lit atfiual HKta i"" UMI I* Ht r ii. atPTuai iNtauai un Im
      898 words
    • 615 14 SCINDIA^ LINES —PACIFIC NORTHWEST SERVICE— vOADIN« »0t iCS AWfcllli >»n OU6O >»N «*»NI.ISCO OAKWA"" POITLANO T»CO»* .OMtvilw v.nCOuH' IUMTaI »i.:.'**m I I RM •Aaaa ii i> hi !> M *m I* li Ht »M U S /EAST CANADA/ATLANTIC GULP SERviCI ■irgii »tm> lMtw»Mi l'M»« BMM »—n»— I «m»m »tr». miHil
      615 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 530 15 Es^^^^ffl^Sfl Liv liy(M^9j^J mSM KITTALLHOPK S|\C\PORE LTD. Manufacturers of steel aluminium and reinforced P V C windows and doors, adjustable louvres and architectural pressed metal products have vacancies for i TRAINEE TECHNICAL REPRESENTATIVE 1 A TRAINEE DRAUGHTSMAN rSTIM iTOR Starting salaries would be between $300 it %<oo a month for
      530 words
    • 786 15 JOIN THE ROYAL MALAYSIAN NAVY AS NAVAL OFFICERS IN TIE TECHNICAL AND SEAMAN BRANCH Ttaa Royal Matayrtan Nav> oB*ri you a »«U.»hUa tmrmi Opparupuua» ar« aJ>uod»nt In Urn N«tj tat train Utf carrwd out v. MaJajaa «od Oataaai 1 a Ql ATION SEAMAN BSAKtB) As appUcaoi bum aa-« UM fojovmc
      786 words
    • 864 15 RMMMM KIKMUN BABAR (."URSMIM SfA tf ßl j- tifirst PIRAk TAJUN IBM Latnbaaa Aaiaoa') Kianpulan WOTtCV NO. IM/tS Want BMalawa r. irai Pera« RaplliaMiiai are muted from .Buun MelaMii meir.pelawa MbHt^m, ctOMSW for the followjjWM ii darlpads B«ikan „,u uu, s., mXt > the PuWk Metanj tc»< laenjaril Dull
      864 words
    • 576 15 SALE •t *NMlt and Equipment from Mud* Rr»er Pr«MK», Main Canals, ci A lor Star. 1 No. Cat D6C S3 A 1 No. Cat D4D LGP 67A, wit* winch 3 Naa. InyarMttl Rand DRC 365 Compressor 3 Nos. Mcrcedci Bcni Rrti Pump 2,000 gol mm. 4 Nos. 4" Atolanto Pumps,
      576 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 146 16 Pf^yiJ^IjTTyTTTTTTnTtnJwHBII PLACE YOUR ADS. T«^WWMarTk5 THROUGH OUR C.A.T.S. l^l -a— V* taMr«M. M I- Bt DUnUC QPfaRF f ITt M r,«'>«n».a M p.i4NiM» M «>»i.<«iiNi»*><^i'« rHUWL o rune ooooi i yt*4t*ju«»y M«B^^^BBMBBBMBBBMBBBMBBBMBBBfMBaBMBMM ACINOMLEDEEMENTS I I Of LATI 1 a M "r a i PAMILV SP LATI n M.H.I aa« ar
      146 words
    • 139 16 OVEISEAS LEAVE AN lUIAL *raa H. ftallt -imi 1 ■j t J SITUAIIOIS VACANT |R* txaMi.. I WANIIU LMINItI CINIRAL MATMI HINIII r«M i nil MANTIO Cl« «»tIIU ONI BAU KIPRItINTAIIVIt I a T ANT a ~>t al ak •■".'III aaiianilt PSB I OIT I Llaa raajuiraal a> a MM
      139 words
    • 305 16 tiTl lacialll Apotiraiia auauM) IlM> l> ID PIMALI TTPIIT uAV« I Baiara Bjaaa aaaartfiaaal aaß aa.iiil» at n* Aaatrafcw anal nrtipamt Maavaaaaa aa»i ..munrrattaa praaMMHAW a par* MIIM|iaa CITIItNI •ra a.a MMM timih a* w. tt*.ftai *n Kwaia Lumaui ana apat 1 T i aa*ala far imi ajaaaM ta
      305 words
    • 421 16 INTIBNATIONAL CBIMITIC PIMM I naalial l*ar.. «i -»>r» twt *a a» I 4 rrumai.l. pkatMrapa. aa aaa AMM BT p«n far am- itwua* mi anaa>*i > MUM (jaa aa. aoa-4 1f.4 «4<ina Kix4H Apa > ptaotaa'ipi. .tai.aa a«r •uar.tMat or.. aaa raa*r^tx* la Taa Nn Ba. k Kaaia i
      421 words
    • 626 16 ruatniMao obubli iidimi t-. nnr BBIM Kll'tl A 1 ami Bnakfatt ar*attaaa«w IBAUCBBn 1 atcna i*» MMj 't,V«'t. aaaaa.r naariaa ItU TWOITORIT TIBBACI MBUII U»n.*r „,.f,..r...k«a I— *'a 1 taaVaaaaaa. 1 ta»t*ia T»i a pan Ma. LwiyaißWiLv pußNitMin Da lartaaa tiuMalatri flat, aI "*>4 *naa*rt ak Uraakaaaair R4 1-44
      626 words
    • 473 16 tuT «r>fia ateuatt attTßicT Staat* at«r*7 taali mil aaa -i*A aa"»ra»a»a I M» I ft taa nan Raa. inn Aawttp tn4 la»aalP»aail Ctaaaaf M Tfca ink aanaa p*av: 1 a par* 1 mini 1 a naa ia. raaa fwta apatain •»i Bukt< T aa Raaa a aa a aa in
      473 words
    • 455 16 thiCl IaTIIIITIB ka aMaaaltaa •*~A,~rt at Baajaaa Kimi ~-a 4 a.*»>* ti 88l kaaa Itaa'na'-traaa. Plaaaa raaiart aara liaai babio t» aaavicnaa r« 4a. *vaaaaa 'taaa 1 1 atl in BY aaraa ia»*a< fartna a»a btkta fr*-»i *< ajr^ai* Raa4 atagapara EIICATIII ICHMI CIBT. r»»ai-a I'• •ra aapiataa taaaraiar-T pa
      455 words
    • 207 16 ACIMT Paa Or*" 1 r-.*a»> A raaar ItaaßMßa ft»r Ait aaa tleajata tri k| ICONOMT TBUR 10 luaurl AUITRAIia laiajaa rniitucni. UIPARTORIt lallaLl 1.1,1 Tatar 7 MM loin umii, ia aaa. tt aait IHI kMa t II Banaa.a a aara v,\ lan CMaann t am I l«« CM P P
      207 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 112 17 SA E I «ULT f natr k i C J LTU R t •HSSA.E ETC. •At t Dtaanam law Aa* o»« MM ilnni. I MISCEUIIEIOS «f TOUTM to «4*tn*a. I PwaajrM n««ii.«t»««i T-iN3LATiQH SERVICE Till SEMMCE M» ruuM/BM* i'Hh ia M<«l I rau pl*n» umi < 1 1> lOumii AMHOUWCEMEWT
      112 words
    • 182 17 SIIPPINu CUIIE n'xiTtmi .r t«rt nww<» at* **a»a>l. at Ui <n UIFT MIR A (iIFT hf tt <**"lai| rrmm Tm ».n« OaMaamaa Lgaiga in tarnnc a> alaa* of 4 imm narw ia<i» «r» mat «tMt. n aval lIESSES/IRESSMiIiIC lAIIES HKIMtESSIIIQ HutHwavt aa an, i>ai.aa tmemt naaiaa laaal Miua M BM
      182 words
    • 388 17 jßßßßßjtaVSßJ^HHH^H^^p^^^^^^^R^^^^P^W^H If^SHßßßUaßSmmmmlßmmmmmmmUvßßmmmßßmmmhßmmi MU.4l\> TIN HKMM.INU I I v| Hi Incorporated In Cnaiandi E VC> HXXEBT OtVKM tha: at tlw fcjrttn i—ma Annual Matting us ha n«M on 23rd day of Daaamoer m* the Dtrecturt will recommend the pa\ I merit al a final dividend of Bd par abart byas Inrnan
      388 words
    • 543 17 i sum mißM\> bank I IMIIM. l»<«ra»f«trai m Urn Rrpaibtir uf Mn|tair« i KI(,l-lllilU Of U< t I (IB BamWmc < < hylta »lrrat «a*sapara. NOTICE IS HEKKBY UIVKN tha: an EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL Mi PI INO uf thr members of thr oanpai.y wlil be held a- Itl Bi-«rd R»«n uo
      543 words
    • 263 17 NOIU t I lAN hOON OIM aJao Knoan a* 8 O TAN mub to lateral cttaci- i and aaaodaMattel I aw*e raaksnec f 'or\ni|> Of 1 MaJaraa Bottmu Ptoanr. Cornorauai. Ud as from. Mth Jua» IMS and 2 San HoMb Ud augapor* S. Baa Drvelopmarjt Co. 'Slncaporci Ltd 4 Ban
      263 words
    • 150 17 sol riURN MAI W TIN niiTr»r.i>r. i.imttm> i Incorporate in "^tlt*^' ffOTTCC IS HEREBY QXTKS that at Ult loctbeaaaiiaf Annual Ovnanl MmlM to b* held or. 23rd dar of Dn-rmbtr. I*6* the Dlrartan mrlll ratiua—iiid air pa\m»nt of a final dl^Maad of v 3d per fharr laam incomt tax at
      150 words
    • 178 17 The Board of Directors Management of AMERICAN MARINE (S) PTE. LTD. wish to thank the Honourable DR COH KENC SWEE Minister for Finance for officiating at the Opening of their Jurong factory on 23rd November. 1969 and to all their friends Cr business associates for the bouquets, messages and kind
      178 words

  • 88 18 MALAYSIA maintained their challrntte (or the tra Cup roIJ championship here >f by redunnw thp Philippines lrad Irom six strokes third round Th< the de matrur ended tajred with >n Ma shared id w:'h p l.tJidintf p'.aiin-r--and 50.,- ■us ar.d I eadin* 'he PhiI -."d
    88 words
  • 5 18 ■t M I
    5 words
  • 115 18 I hS Rm--1 HVilaon I3> »n« hit r Xi ii binvii Dhai UM Bah hrr Cup ♦h n«vt K'PPrl Clvii >*rclte i' Buklt C!iermii> Singapore ye» ttraav Sandoaham <22 'Are 8 1 were runncn up rrn a rounttMck D»i '14 1 and
    115 words
  • 783 18  -  EPSOM JEEP •y Ipoh double takes his score to 86 fHAMPION jockey Glynn Pretty tame within sight of Colin Tulloh's record at Ipoh yesterday He rode two winners. p'rlUishanc and Hich Chaparral, late BU darra. The double took Pr? taUy thU season lo M win net*
    783 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 123 18 Three, colour prints for the price of one: I _Jf^^^- 1 !f *N W l^a^afe Tri. i p<>nt it MMI Tha tyto ima<iar art '-ta. Agfacolor Tri print If you're a cassette or "pak" film user, you won't find better value than this fabulous new offer. Starting today, Agfa
      123 words
  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 62 18 EHHIIZIDIS H BOXING HIIKIII m.«tll»»-llM lltK r- holder, k. d UM Roaricucn llrh rrt t Xl( Xl I -111 II II I n -lIILI II Aae- IJ7 »ni 3t4V« i J D Ctiari .315 ki <.»n i \m\ till K MX Ii M lond' 8 Af. learn I M,l I
      62 words
    • 29 18 IKII Mil t Uj' Jobi r* lad v II NM> BitUIMI ..•««>, hKb dnn Mr. k mngif* R U\er .Aa- t>\ »-4 81 f f. .I. MIW Ard r rU
      29 words

    • 124 19 Everton stay 5 points ahead JDON, Sun. Everton stayed five poii.ts in En Division socrer ><\sterda\ by •w 1 1 Manchester beaten only one. nr-w 1-1 i club rhal- continued their im- tm -v dr.iwlnc I I .i» .y S ran and moved in 1 Chelsea ha*« dropt»-d only two
      124 words
    • 26 19 '.he Sprtntboks mho pmduced t^M•lr be tt m, jo far to win 33-4 TT»« wor»- Ir.cidrnu mrir in 'lAanda and u-rrtco *h*rr -rvrral
      26 words
    • 227 19 I IR- I lIIV|S|O\ 1 Man City 1 T 0 2 Woh«i 1 1 LlTerpoc! 1 M .«m 1 1 3 I(>.». h 3 -n 2 ►J 0 3 Derby 0 M i I'MI ril\ IMMS 1 Ml!!>ll 0 J Brtitol C 3 I Oxford 0 2 Preston
      227 words
    • 24 19 |JOH:\ Vderkoom of IV a:id for UttM idang scored a shock 14 >ver lhlimr«pit h> Wan Set>c
      24 words
    • 76 19 Italy into the last 16 Rmi ,-f c 3 md IB Ea*t riidrtf in a arm Bandro Uau»> An«rlo DomrnfhirU i ntwu uj.. isr mm rt of about »2 000 «ieh«l thr nwirh tin: ''in-mir of to atfrtnu H») i »K--tory pgaitwos in qj«.:f-. mg P W D
      76 words
    • 706 19 i ii:» i division >■ w i> i i pi 3 2 43 1» 35 M 1 40 II 30 .0 a 3 37 23 20 :o 4 31 <a 2« 8 ;o 3 aa :o sa a 31 so m 71 a t 4 30 14 JS
      706 words
    • 375 19  -  ERNEST FRIDA KHO MAN POH B. and But SOSC have yet to raise their share of $160,000 Seap Games bill SHORTS associations v ith teams in the Singapore contingent to next month's Seap Games at Rang oon have paid up their share of one-third of the costs
      375 words
    • 176 19 ii \i i> m«i FAR EAST An Purer played f«at and rn'er' runbv undrr Ideal condittoaa to bra: Royal Mali yuan Air Porce by two loalv I and a penalty U> '.*o tnai and a dropped gu*> O!d Airpurt Rraul. Kuala Luaipur. ywterdar Bu'
      176 words
    • 150 19 Kilat in Nava final ITILAT and Selangor RC yesterday entered the Navaratnam Shield .ncket final. joint rhampiona .r. beat r Club by eight w-.ckels In their .*ia Lumpur, yesterday BeUngor Club, who batted" runs In 1M mlnutr^ K V:Jayan led the assault witft began their lnnir.B^ after :unch passed their
      150 words
    • 14 19 a the [p .ctl CtlMXDaide 3-6 .ii a fiiend.y toccn
      14 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 162 19 Most car dealers have a pretty good deal going for you these days. Ours is better. ssw s^ssm^.^>»* B^^Etf For two reasons. First, we've tOKk with speeds up to 86m ph. Syndropped the downpayment on chromesh on all four gears. Plus our Renault 10 to just $980 00. luxury seating
      162 words

  • 293 20 Xl I IMIM H. Sunday t i \t\ir old w.ili liiii.m ol Ilii 1 Sli;t\\ Uiollh-in OrgiinisatitMi. l.i/.il R.ilimi.hi. 1 1 i pre lIMMIitMMI C»l Ik ill- mlilidl <Hi |i hl.iv And it liapprnrd night when he and h" r watr hniai.. M«<-ra Ahmad.
    293 words
  • 15 20 i E n» to a ■woe I Picture by OTHMAN YAACOB
    OTHMAN YAACOB  -  15 words
  • 157 20 INDIRA'S PLEDGE TO SPEED UP SOCIALIST PROGRESS NEW DELHI Sun 1 Indira 'ledeed to «:>r<-d up th' proerpss ka India. Tlie Prime Minister made the o>edge at 'h' n eluding se-ssoi nf -de I her ers Mr> Oandhls pi.'ige app.iren'ly aim'rt '^i r younger *rctor of the i oeei. .•rt'lcL-ilng
    UPI  -  157 words
  • 103 20 Jallbreu to free leader foiled BKIRIT Sun tl member- L'-i'":ie-e Sal pr: ar. a party leader life .-.entenre »a? qi;:< <ly rerap»i;red The funmen dr"\e In ir-. to the prwin In Be:rn' broke in and !'»rmer Am A«ad afer ex|tnc i» I and wiund'.ng if them. A wad h;«d
    103 words
  • 10 20 SINOAI riie W»ll« ZJl^.i lomorro* N IS pm
    10 words
  • 158 20 Ml \R Sun More than mho lishermen alone Ihe west iimM of Johore lod.i> roncralu Uteri Ihe ( (.ox rrnmrnl over the capture ■>f li\r irmnl Indonesian pirntes on Iml.n The pirates armed with a sten-cun and a riflr. were detained by a
    158 words
  • 226 20 A threeprong threat on the border KUALA I.rMIM It. SumUn 'Till-; namnuiiiil torrotUti ;il<»mk Ihc Maja> si;ui rii;ii border have been divided Inio ilnce regunente, rach aperatmn in i>nii cular in south Thailand. DiselMlriK this today. th<- new Oen< raJ Commandinu in Chief. West Mala) lirnoral Dat<> x< reclmenti III!
    226 words
  • 51 20 Iv Thr> -ommandos wew killed when a 30-ltronf the ■vei Canal rover of fog i I trrday ar.d ambushed trol. ooldleri were ried A n. Fin c»n I por- Mar batter 'he tfs'.<rn bai.f I b 'a«- Red i <p at :-ea: port d|
    51 words
  • 37 20 DANCIKi >K B held to a 1-1 draw t>\ in a Group of «hf K. here totuch* r They di i with ttie 77- riKht xlammp': land li Piaved '.'PI
    37 words
  • 4 20 i; K
    4 words
  • 3 20 ioto» MOW
    3 words
  • 2 20 r«»ifa«l
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 32 20 H/,^ «C^ INTRODUCTION TO M CARPETS NOVEMBER Ist-30th 1969 SPECIAL 10°o DISCOUNT Welcome to All >. ■>■> y Rising Arts Krafts pie limited i<*A* ntx. ♦im^mao o^ Hm.l^4 Lo<kJ*L X/^oUc ArK^y clvue», //Cc'n ■•Co
      32 words
    • 64 20 Y'hat* CLASSIFIEDS IMBSL-M a better cognac taste like To know. \ou Imvc to !«Mik for tlio one ngnK tattled" in the liomc ol luttcr hrvMliea The «>nc Enc luundv tliat ha- l)ccn in.itiirttl tested 'iiil l)lrndcd in tl dc s tmnav, iina 1798 lOtoid Fhc diHcrence bct«o hiul othei brandn
      64 words
  • Page 20 Miscellaneous

  • Business Times
    • 379 1  -  DICK WILSON. B- FINANCIAL EDITOR A Hungry 'S per l i>\ard» nerd 1 *hn »h»> ■i>mr.« t!f ■■p« t r«'u>n we \rar« .*re«a'r m.!i be «rm a <•■ I .per\.sr<l r thr •TV ll .p 'h Prices ■"•i an- I i :i raw n M »JP
      379 words
    • 270 1  - Labour turnover big headache for employers Arun Sonkuttuvan COME roncern is bring expressed by Siiib.i- pore Industrial miplovers over mst.ui- >> where tho rate i>f r of labo' betomn.R t<«i high for comfort rejv -iluh mon'h Trii.s ia "1 'he Kmpic'.<"> I ration to un(l'r'i»» a rtain thr i and
      270 words
    • 306 1  -  CROESUS By OVCROOtNC IT? Ihe \meru.<n pre«s ha* Keen most laudalnr« annul Singapore e< ono mil prngrrs* lalelt I >M.k maganne rievrihes the Krpuhli. as on .he mi la Koomini "a Japan-in-*****1 l I tlirr Ihr Wall Street Jour nal. utilise correspondent William II Hartley wa* in io«n
      306 words
    • 101 1 LOCALS IN CHARGE Korelgn miti.iled m t-rprises nlten mnipljin f»..ut Ihe dirTiiulties ..f M il.t\>uiiisation or Sin g^poream^alifin The olhrr cl.i> I went to »IM| Ihr (h. mi. il urn P.iim of M.iU\si.i plant hi-\niia K.i 1 11 lisa and fuun.l that although this is nni el ih> largrsi frr
      101 words
    • 276 1 tn.le his been mm i slea tt ll > in tilur lot West M.1.t.-i. .lid smcu poie ilurini the past two >• Ihe trudr donr hf Ihrsr l«<> u.lh ,<ll itlhrr i o||iittlr» I c r\i lull lilt II ni' >' r<>»- the < .in»e« i> l.ul
      276 words
    • 32 1  -  ANTHONY NG I UTOODCN Malaysia rl<-:a! Industrial 1 v' SI >0 prr n proI Bent .s r K'.v r in do- niatr<l h year. I I aivxit
      32 words
    • 73 1  -  CHAN BONG SOO B> and HENRY CHANG q'Hr mtiK 'hf hi itory of Hour •ii a period able tiabtlM rx>tn cc an hree I husbandry Quota Our •hr ban I our prr The In mark) I howevi i mar- -eannf an I Freight miller
      73 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 86 1 INSIDE ak s, ,r. ■i, i< Inmr I *port« irmenls Mil Motor Parti I P»ge II 0 v, it \»»i> rage 111 a) I- v. lin Mntpiii lump Tagr IV g^K^t y**ss?*^ attain' So more I A uinimg-on to adtust ti 'i^^^bajr^ V '>< mr utttch'. Just 1 mm^Ba '^^B^V
      86 words
    • 125 1 aY« gro^thof 1 4.1! I 0. U. B. is L \j m\ founded on 7*\ f&L f"""! Service by people like these. Olt B staff is specialised team each member of it is deeply involved in giving our customers a specialised bankir-.g service It i> this courteous, personal attention frcm
      125 words

  • 322 2  - S'pore spec frames find markets abroad ALLAN CHAN v. CINUAPuKfcs five mmnmtmeUtrtn <<f >»rlf franr rtiidiuK RCOvyianct loi 'Mir produrt M •> ii 0 a i V '6. 1 II K. IJBJ manufacturer c in IM6 and airead ■biished in Ma.H Indone.ii. Iha i 1 Nona Kunc Japan iom>
    322 words
  • 452 2 SHARE PROFILE IN the light ol the outers* 1 nf V.itmnal Iron and StrH Mills Itd of Singapore, it was decided to set up m similar pioneer industrial i"irn|ilr\ in Mala)si.i .md Steal Her Ii Ml was <un\rrted into I puMn <<>mptii\ on \pril .'M I fawata
    452 words
  • 101 2  -  CHIN CHENG MEI c \IAIAYSIAS niot<»r Is atxuit td liter Its phase of deve.npnieiit rli lh«- loctU manufacturt ut compOllflit p.i Skiiied labour I In il.e C> ■as* n ■ci v i 1 I. til A Ol'.\ g i»or»- than 1 i-oti pn»Pie I
    101 words
  • 186 2  -  SUMONO MUSTOFFA By JilK.irt i M'MAT ;i: v Indonesia i m i ountrlea in order to \ze f the rountry OT IU MMAIC ally, and at the MBM tirrif b* a».M,r«"d of Eftlinj: tht-ir money back 1 pr>'dominant question in 'he head* of «.»\».n rre>
    186 words
  • 38 2 INDONESI'S FOREIGN DEBTS HP I* lv»» l»*» rrimi|Ml plu> inlrrnl in I I ißillMni I ni.n. l\l l'"in |M lUI> IM trumrr MM \dfovUM* irrhntlvtaku (...nun. H.ll^nrf ]T Britain Hunt*r< II Raninli Pfiki.ui. M I hin i« Olhrr.
    38 words
  • 235 2 HUMC MR 1A1 KHtMi si \Unat»Hume't Stefi DlrlMon is lni a survey of the East and Orurml market. He il*r> making on-the -pp> obaenratlom ol progre-^ on the I u«ak« Water Supply Prn;ec: f'>r which liume ha> •.upplifd J15* million wnrth of steel Before leaving for
    235 words
  • 22 2  - Garment maker helps S'pore industry MOK SIN PIN B. y Hong Kong g Turnover i» force i The *> ;n the I larg>
    22 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 114 2 'HSaarL a^a^r 1 I as^ 13^*'" .a^a^aT j^LI Bff a» M 4 b^bV. I Iff s" -''B^bW THIS Mfl V KfARIY A SUCCESSFUL INDUSTRMtIST Vet tens at wmnt < of mwrv M. had ••t.ff,fftft% Plant worth H- „rt,M worker, comawuMiM <Wnt™^T CALL SOUTH l»ITISH-TMfV SPfCUUSE IN INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE THE SOUTH
      114 words

  • 630 3  -  GEOFFREY BOLAND r* I Market Correspondent V nt an the Exchain .sitiga- iMlt with ,)r, .:de r i est wgi mainnflned tv the two last t Haw Par BroInternatioi.rti uf the turnover which totalled M limited Rally in the nt- I -:Rht 'he Untied er
    630 words
  • 664 3 u>»».- mi. r«cuia:lf •♦a* X.: atari K. ana Bluyapott Milt Imiai prta* win lh» pi i" at «hi. h tb«- laM >*perle« I'iixjruMi tfi««< aa« 4»nr I fee wf«»d •lama give, the a»a«r • ttmm the arafc balaie l>l<i<t'iul T»M Ihe (rau 4l>Mtrn4J Ml ■urkrl prirt
    664 words
  • 50 3 FORTHCOMING MEETINGS M .ll I IH .«.ut. and rpur n Road < >lt flop I 111 t norm H <■: Scott/ I o M »l»d i 4 Jalan Ami A i Hi .i '-ompanv oOc« -r- Ipon turning llhd Dec (I JJ i.pur M Hh.l f I d Trearhar i
    50 words
  • 5 3 o HIM
    5 words
  • 209 3 I Ml lOUOOINC II A LltT OF 1 nrvillO tU«T*TI«M| < nuNTIRt MOT iN'tuDID IN TNI »*>ovr •••••Tin ran tmi artaa PUKI aovOl'iM ■*((■> nil a 'in>>>mie« o' kit I'lll tSV M »D ••> >t IHOWH ••<C>|T| I M I I* 1 M > M I *n
    209 words
  • 25 3 li. Londoc: <m. Pnoa> tha price Mala Tar 5 pc: |W Marcr. I.' 0 K quoted unchanged at (101 1 MUert per ion
    25 words
  • 48 3 ••rlßr Milk Urn Jack* I H»rb«ur t KinM' ililKin lin Milarma nMli TialMr m i" M 10 I Dk 22 J«n It W-. Otr II IS'« D*c f M. d«c n io-. D«C 31 N% Dtc 16 lm»run TT T*i rxraipt :f 1» M 35". MWft
    48 words
  • 42 3 tiirfu. trial. Tina t ivhkrrt. 14»« MM »:o; M 14«7J i .'«<>« MIS 14J«1 I«*t1 \*ilS "oo :t.M IT! it ***** 12" 3J n;i U22> 112 I» ***** O«c M. !M« '.00 1 D»r J! IM« t D«c IM2 100
    42 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 591 3 COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE MALAYA Aaattaauana ara inrttad froaa wutabh ouallflac ritia*n« b».o» ymn tit ace on lat Jai .ar> ;»:o tor Ui» foiiomng poau lai Uatsrae Aaat. L*rlar*r AfrwaNaual tuaawilia farai Manat-aaaaal <bi Uertarrr Aaai. LaMarat %grwallarbi I vlraMan ici Lartanrr UcUrtr Afmaltaral 7aa«a>t .ni lalaaxatacT d l«mr. AaM Lactarer.
      591 words
    • 359 3 EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT A •>o»t o >a i •xon» »or a «3'f. ajp«i i, o<l- r-*t n»ed rv-l n«x»,^o-v \>«v> 9 .lej-ee h trHnbvi'a* ..K j<»» O W^' t Ond tK« Cude ooVr<. feataj oA a «i I T»e ,cb P'Oioecti »«i j-i.O' AppLcatwat r 't-\ ao*<l »'-ri .1 2 Ttta
      359 words

  • 21 4 'pill -»rk 4ji|. total a, !«•<■• imii «r tkr oimk Ivhini' l"lln««< b< »*tr»nlai»« IP hrarkrtt I i avaraga mm
    21 words
  • 356 4  -  ANTHONY NG P» MALAYSIA U prodiKtioii Mill bf given a tremeiidous booat «i" roui. 111 > -it inudorn dr^dß** rttttllH more than SlO million cnm<s mi stream b\ tmii] 1»71 Hi »ill r>e Mi» rire.ige in be bull' in Ma Al Tin Drefl ■per?t. j, '!v
    356 words
  • 41 4  - Rubber output is up by 16 per cent CHIN CHENG MAI NATTRM M \"ar ha- I 4 fft ar wi< a laii<lMie rubt r>ne-mllllon 'on 'arget far the nm year» earlior '•t her ma'"r (•.utilriet .in the rhl'f r i Increased
    41 words
  • 32 4 Straits tin price last week made bigger gain bcin work tin currr: whole w.-»k i MIMMIN I Demand h«>ur» deaiinc-il-«i up 5M ni« >o>> M *ai r viii I n founded Optimi
    32 words
    7 words
  • 39 4 rt h will Hong Konfl pr.oev fr m Uip bank ha^ The index BJHM the Hang Ben« index would I other intert»«»*<i part!** i general Id' 1 movement.«. on liM ."ge seng Batik I
    39 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 344 4 wxzizi^wmnfitmmT^^M BIASISWA OF.RMASISWA KERAJAAN NEGERI PERAK t Mil N NM l»Mhai» inf»i Karaaasa RgBBBBfBI -«ng aakarang permohona; danpada r.nan A«• Fti aMliuan iinuk gaattel Pepeieksaan atjil Majuva3 ka«t pengajian -.a .am laia.a IMa dao oirmpuntai keluluu mr.g naik oi-Ca- a Malat- > till LamDndge F»ngllllHia BiaM«m. Muba Paduka 8n Deraaawwra
      344 words
      502 words
    • 148 4 TRAINEE SUPERVISORS i Persons bet\A'een the ape of 25 and 38 having a sound basic education, some experience m retail selling and a strong desire to ad^^i^ce to senior supervisory and managerial positions are required for the above posts RETAIL SALES TRAINEES Persons with H S C qualifications or •Tl
      148 words