The Straits Times, 25 October 1969

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 28 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 175,000 The Straits Times The National Newspaper Estd. 1845 SATIRHAY. OCTOBER 25. 1969 15 CENTS K.D.N 3104 t M C (P) No 0123
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  • 493 1 Jobs: A reprieve for aliens if... Malaysians to get first preference KUALA LUMPUR, Friday ALIENS will be allowed to work in jobs refused by Malaysians. This assurance was given tonight by the Minister of Home Affairs, Tun (Dr.) Ismail. In an Interview with Bernama, lit- s;iid: •The first tiling I
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  • 361 1 GOVT. TO ACQUIRE 470 ACRES OF LAND TO RESETTLE FARMERS SINGAPORE. Friday 'PHE Government is to acquire 470 acres of 1 private land In the Lim Chu Kanj? area and convert it into a huge central farm for displaced farmers rhtl unique plan l.s for resettling bona fide farm- 11
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  • 95 1 First-ever 'Australian exercise' (CANBERRA. Fri The j Royal Australian Navy will hold Its firs' Vustrallan exercise' in Hip IndKin Ocean next 11 tho first of a ser- exerdw i designed to show thai Anstr.ili.i is not abdicating (he Indian Ocean to the Defence Minister Allen Palrhall said yesterday the
    Reuter  -  95 words
  • 109 1 Marxistled Kerala Govt resigns YEW DELHI. Fri. The 31 -month-old communist led Govniont In southern Kerala State resigned today in the wake of corruption char-Res against it. Mr. E M S Namb'xidir.pad subnltted h. m to tho G»voni(ir In Tnvandrum wltl Miur ho suffered i dra- moiy Abandoned nvestnjatl"!! COTii
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  • 71 1 WASHINCITON hi Amhii riiplomatu Muroai ««j thnt Pif^ldrnt Nixon and Ptcaidenl Nnuvrn Van Thi«-u htw rea ched an nnrtfi landing nn the iimciable Inr Amcrtcan withdi-aw«l.» Irom Vietnam Wlnlp Mip reaultl '>( ;lir private understanding could aol i* reported thli time, :hr aourcca -«Xi President Thteu had
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  • 41 1 SAIGON Pll A on which 36 South Vietrunne^f dratt dodgers were arrested lour was heading loi Hon;; Kong Ii hud linallv be<-ii Kipiililieri .1- ihr Panama-reKMered R .Marina Original rrpmt' -aid ihr -liii) »a- liuiii SniKapore R. air:
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  • 13 1 TAIPEH Kil Pfi mplta income In Taiwan reached USS237 last year.
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  • 13 1 IWA Bet i!lpc md iMiir iihuii lie Canadian #tcort-dekUu>er Koetenay. Reuttr.
    Reuter  -  13 words
  • 53 1 .SAN FRANCISCO Fri At Ir.i I twe— Riid po>slbly three dm n plunxed lo their tießth Horn •In Golden Calf Bnil.r fmUt* ri.i-. A li mil) man I.< apprehended The loin UtuakUM> m h oiip-d»v record fa ihr Bndef tsmoat for Xl mnipein rtIWS it »»>
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  • 340 1  -  LUI THAI HENG By IT I ALA LUMPUR, IVi Four thugs. lw<> armed with pislols. held up ;i g<> I (Is mit h from IJultci worth and his assistant near Gmnhrir this morning and got away with gold OHMinfills
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  • 97 1 rptL AVIV. Fri. X Israeli uarplanes i hl.tstrd I ;»i) military I targets at (he southern i ml of thr dull of Sun early today, an Israel military spokesman announced. The i.iid on military positions in the Ras Buffer area began at 7 a.m I
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  • 944 1 Tourism: Goh's forecast and warning SINGAPORE. Krkfaj MOMH than million tourists three times the present number will Hock to Sin gapore l>\ 1975. But even this will not till naif tlu- hotel capacity now being built. The forecast and warning came tonight from the Finance Minister. Dr. Goh Kensj Bwee,
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  • 185 1 Soviets call for drastic cuts ILfOSCOW. Fri— The iTI Soviets toda\ sued a decree calling for drastic cuts In the size and cost of the country's huge industrial management structure. The decree, published in all of the major newspapers today, demanded that the cost of supporting management be cut by
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  • 35 1 EGYPTIAN RAID I Kl. A\IV. Iri Rgyptsaa pianrs attaefceel l<-rarli forces at Kom.tnl in inn thr- n Sinai tixl.o. wmi nil nit II soldiers. ■alHtarj spokesman announced here lodav Router (See this pasei.
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    • 67 1 meet the distinguished JF «^i*!^^»^Sv ma iront ••>» D*rt«ct s^ a»iio» cumsination I povv»r and V*. p.r jpfttllng lccv cy 1 uJsaaßßßsi-^ .^BafiSsVW 1 Big Strong Friend y The Chartered Bank. Big-with fifty-five branches in Singapore, Malaysia and Brunei. Strong-with more than one hundred years' experience. Friendly-to make your banking
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    • 91 2 VlClOftlA Br-.'-T. CViumb'.a Tr: The world i *econd m"»: populu* nation wnu'.d be compltttlv a«!f-4ufficiMlt by IMO Indift's top dtirctte to the Colombo Plan Cin.'erenre here predicted ye.uert.av AT. Btmawale «a:d thai th* ao-called green revolution la agriculture had advanced India in the atage whe
      UPI  -  91 words
    • 22 2 MAMI A Pri -About 1 «00 leoerx demonsfatert duuide 'he Pretidential Palace ye.«'.erd^v atainM an nrder trar.<rernng their leproairium —Reuter
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    • 304 2 LEBANON CRISIS GROWS WORSE "DETRUT. Fri. Preu sident Charles Hclo v of Lebanon warned his people last night that troops and tanks were massing across the Syrian border. In a m.-ssage 10 President Noureddin Atassi of Syria broadca>t by Beirut Radio. Prf>idpnt Helou expre^ed
      Reuter; AP  -  304 words
    • 73 2 LUSAKA. tt\ —A Zambion Foreign Ministry ipi Iceunan i'<m<inned tiMI a meeting bet«ren Zambu lan/Ama and (vmrnumv Chm» l:.<d bren proposed lor Lusaka on 11 Informed source* in Dare.s sjn.anni aaid that the Lusaka meeting \<»* expected to give the ofTliia, to-Bhend .iir the 1
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    • 237 2 INDONS SWAMPED BY OIL, TIMBER APPLICATIONS VICTORIA (British Columbia). Friday. TNTDONESIA is treading cautiously through a forest of contracts for oil and timber rights which it hopes may lead to the economic breakthrough the country needs. Mr. Abdoel Hamld. head of the Indonesian delegation to the Colombo Plan conference here,
      Reuter  -  237 words
    • 53 2 PARIS Pri th» I Briir»:uin»l. Scientific and Cultural Orsuiisation announce that its architrrtuii' pme— awarded thw vf»r for the firv time— «nuld so to Mr..*ur> Moro. a Tokyo .-u:dMi? Moro. of n'uMi D won :hf US$3,OOO priz» m a oimpriiiinn for arrhitecrur* 6tudrnt.< trom all o\pf
      Reuter  -  53 words
    • 23 2 Lisbon. Fn The Portuguese. Oovernmenr ha# asked :e«m p| ohsev\er» from the International BocUllM OrE'i;iMtion to leave Portugal unuiimediate.y. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  23 words
    • 151 3 The first colony on moon by turn of century forecast AMSTERDAM. Fri. An American space offlclaJ foi terday that the first oarlli colony on the moon and a permanent base on Mars would be established by thr> turn of t lie century, enabling astronauts to launch flights to plant farther
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    • 152 3 U553,750 1 award for man who missed flight— MANILA, K>-i. A i-'i'rt I\n lines. i PAL) to pay i>.»oo pesos iss.:.;:>oi in d.ini.iufs to a I ilipino new -in. in «hn missed A Ilichl due to an error in his ticket. Lasan /.uluela. special <nri i-spmicleni of Philippine \r«\ Service,
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    • 17 3 RANTIAOO Fi. Il.r rhi- lift. npobed hi w ter a tank low i mnied lot
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    • 127 3 NEW YORK. Frt ha- rmasment charge against a frop-lance photographer who took pictures of Mrs Jacqueline Ona>sis was dlsmissed yesterday. Judge Bernard Mo'dow. after hearing the testimony ol two Secret Bervlc* agent*, threw the case out say- ing that the prostcutlOO h.Ki l.iilea to piese.n
      Reuter  -  127 words
    • 115 3 DIPLOMAT MONGI SLIM DIES TTUNIS. Frt. Mr Monjl Slim, the first African to become President of ttM IN. General Assembly, tiled here last night aged 61. lo^f friend of President Hab.b Bourguiba. h>> vai Foreiiiii Secretary and Minister of Justice. Mr, Slim was associated wi'h tho UN since Tun;sis'.* lndenendence
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    • 310 3 WASH TON, Fri. TELEVISION entertainer Art Linkletter, whose daughter committed suicide three weeks ago alter taking LSD, told President Nixon and congressional leaders yesterday that hit pop records convey hidden messages telling teenagers to take drugs. "Every Rock-n-Roll radio station is sending out, 18
      Reuter  -  310 words
    • 129 3 NEW YORK M What .uid or thr largest merger iii thr history ol American mmo\pd .-iep closer to iui:.;mcn; yatutday kiUouing a F' Courr rejection ot •i Oovrrnmrnt Httempt to block munutloaal Telephunr and Ficgrapb ('otii|i.iii\ xcquisi■:'>n of two major corporatlan Hmtfi.rd Pire lnMii<tqcr>
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    • 66 3 BONN FH An 18-year-'•'A [„,i Crman tloated on an ai r ■attltji MfOM Lucbeci Bay to West Germany ye«ter<lav. The young man set out rwi h^ inflated mattress from the Mecklenburg co«»t in heavy log .it 5 p.m. tu Tuesday and paddled for more than IS hour.s
      AP  -  66 words
    • 40 3 PARIS. Pn The Government lua given the go ahearl for construction of nn «xtr» three production models or the supersonic »irI.ner Concorde Tnis means that at least >ix n-iidurrion models of the »u--liner will be built Reuier
      Reuter  -  40 words
    • 19 3 LONDON. Fn— Britain to rt>.n cjrctUMM an urUflelal »wf*tfner, m fnod and drink Irom Ji.n. I.— AP.
      AP  -  19 words
    • 127 3 Record $3,150,000 paid for diamond YEW YORK. Prl. A diamond ring was sold for a world record ot U551,050,000 at an auction here yesterday and act- ress Elizabeth Taylor was reported to have just missed adding It to her col- i lection. Bidders saying they re- l presented actor Richard
      Reuter  -  127 words
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    • 62 2 Cou^hSijrup Kcl'tvvt your baby'i ccught, b'tain ng when baby hat cold. B^-/1 kill ''??*l' O cu*mH "■"'•^■•*< i 4 ~~r deaf: •CHIKI I.WIKIBlj; tARPHWEa v ««r« so coiai ot nat- .iinlewi (or vo'ir lif* tiroa pan to, 1,., TIIHII MIARJ EARPHONt CO. PT». LIU. MIX 44. 144 Pitt tt
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 128 3 Or M J^^^^Hk The ORIS Pendant f this Christinas f| H for those who prefer a different kind of watch > Who said you should wear your watch ttfi wristwise? Why not add originality to elegance? ORIS watches for ladies are classic emblems of good taste. Styled in a variety
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    • 188 3 [gFARFJSA Professional The All New Portable Electronic Organ Th# Forfita P'o*e\<i'«rtal orgo*' H th* mg^t glanxroui portaol* t>tc"a">c argon vi the woria. Tr*# Fortitc Pr">f*s%ional i^ on in.jnn it ftxj* cor^^'^ai p«r*wmonc»i :.t Thr !*v*i »tn oilor,\ri^ .t'^o' 'rv PlonnM occor«r>g to lh« m«t d\orc»d t*ch"iQu«». Th# Imtfir nchn#ii of
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  • 233 4 Flood-hit Bungsar area people go back home KUALA LUMPUR, Friday I'WO thousand people in the Bungsar arra. who had to evacuate during yesterdays downpour, returned to their homes this morning. Until this evening, however, several houses were inaccessible by road because the water level was about four feet. Total damage
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  • 125 4 Hunt for man after sex assault on girl of 5 SINGAPORE. Fri— Police are looking for a man afler .t fi\ girl \rxn iIK j~- i ill !ri l 111 an unctimpieteit kHM (he 4? mile Kukit Imi ill Road last night. The girl w:is seen by her ntnther
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  • 40 4 PENANG Kri The D»y rr| ulcti will hold a cradii.ttl-.n rt:nner at the Jade r>. H v M.mciarin. at 730 p.m. nn Nov. 14 Thf Mini^'T of Bduratior. Da 1 H..i Ahdui Rahman bin Ya'nlcub. Is rxpri :k1
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  • 26 4 KUCHINO. m— A $***** primary »choo; built with Federal Government aid has been opened Kamponj T»«n-Murud along Kurhmg-Serian Road In the Tirst UivtoUin.- -Bernama.
    Bernama  -  26 words
  • 158 4 \IALACCA, Fri. V. Kunasegaran, 19, unemployed, was sentenced to 15 months' jail and thrp<- strokes of the rotan by the S' moils Court today for robbery. He pleaded guilty to rob- o:ng M Samy. 17. of his watch In a back lane off
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  • 110 4 SI \< MMtKI Iri The jungle flghterx of No 15 (Field i Sqimlrnn RAF Regiment will rrturn to Britain in <\w|y Uecrmbir. They will take home with them presrrved Miakes. scorpions, renlipede* and leeches encountered "iirint; their HI year* Mrvke with the Far East
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  • 244 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. T"HE Government has x approved an applnati m by .tn American company to build a herbii-ide plant here. The Monsant.i Corp will put up the factory on a four-acre lite la PetaMng Jaya. It w.ll b<> completed by the middle
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 170 4 for you j^NEW..WIJH SOFT IMPRESSIONS El P^^^flP«a KSi 12 Dr Luxe Vj^i'T^Jf^Hh FEMININL TOWELS ONE SARIDON KILLS PAIN IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT THE 2nd ASAHI PENTAX WORLD PHOTO contest mm IS NOWCTS OPEN! j Here's the chance that is every photographer's dream! Prove your photographic skill and you could win one of
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    • 95 4 Strengthen your child's health with Kalzana D Kalzana D is pure calcium fortified with Vitamin D. It gives vitality to your T k, v-d^ body cells, increases resistance against disease, improves the condition of hfi am^ m^Si\ your blood and skin and strengthens *>»]* ni! I the growing bones and
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  • 264 5 NUT plea to Govt: Lift that gag on Professor Alatas pENANG. Fri. The Penan» NUT has made a last minute appeal to the National Operations Council to let Professor S y e d Hussein Alatas. chairman of th<> Qerakan Ra'ayat M■l■y s i a, speak at their Teachers" Day symposium
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  • 370 5 20-DAY TRIAL ENDS IN UNANIMOUS ACQUITTAL IPOH, FRIDAY A CONFECTION. ER, La Pit alias Koay Leong Pch, 38, was today acquitted by the High Court here oi murdering three people by arson. A seven-man jury took 48 mlnutea to rcturn a unanimous verdict
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  • 80 5 l/l ALA I UMPOB. I- ri A total of $1 2 million Li in .iik >ppnt to improv*' Koala Trrniicanu air- rii.iu.i- to operate undor all weather conditions, thr acting ol Tranaport, Mr V M ;i:ckavasagani -,i;d today .it pn.uiTss waa I; unpnt
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  • 48 5 KICKING frl A 246 ft over 'In 1 tuiiK^i Xi built h> vil v. n nf Urn Ik.v bren opmad by thr r>puty Ctile: Mlnlttrr. Aiian? dv] H..l)ini TbC buds'- Ijnili with $4 00U K.-llip > bat BBd K i !>'.;>■ n| :-.i i If. in MM
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  • 48 5 \i nX n\h Kn ■mm Hi inch ullkcvs last I Iglit laulcd i .^qu<<ltrr hut in Beherani Kereta A|» and sci/oi! .i r i^-tol 4i (I IgtM niunds ol niini'i. iMnn A «i.S-yr:u -old '.unrd The pistol and ..mmufition i! ft m.Mdr h i)M.-k<t
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  • 33 5 KUALA I.UMPUK Fri.— 1110 Man-in i.i Health, ran Sri Sardon. will pay hi> 1 1 1 oinCial ws:t to WC Gmcrnnirnt pharmaceuttraj laboratorm end itan m Pataitnf j^>.i vii i UMda)
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  • 30 5 MUAK Hi Thmi.-anu.- or pMpil Ijmvrrl till r.UM In Wttr MM tin i<n«-lnntr pertonii.iiKr nf the Rlvil Mh'mvm.mi Police Band ai the town council piUanß here yesterday.
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  • 103 5 C'wealth air exercise 'a thumping success' CINUAPORi:. Fri. A thiunpiiu success" was how the RAF today described the four-day Commonwealth air exercise at Asahan Range. 300 miles from Malacca. An RAF spokesman said: "When Operation Caltrop ended yesterday more than 1:n strikes had in-, n made by Tebuan>. Hunters. Mir.iues
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  • 17 5 1H Prl. Tlir Kin-.! V( utli Movemiu big w.iiit .11 Deepa- i. y i(, pnmot*
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  • 129 5 Hollywood firm to shoot film on Malaysia pENANG, Frl. A J team of photographers and technicians from a Hollywood company. Travel Eight Inc.. will arrive next week to film tourist spots and cultural dances here. The company has been eommlsatoned by the DeD.! it mem of Tour. sin :.> undertake
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 17 5 TWKKS South Engineers So\ Behhao Master Hahasa Malaysia read BERITA HARIAN alala- i i MaiaMMl Laaeansi <mii»
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    • 178 5 n j^ -1^ 1/f 'JaaHaKßr^ Uta4f ''^W^fa^aat &F f «i fi^j? l laVMi&^^C l.a.a^a^sr^i^i^i^H.^i^L^L^L^H saBL :^N^^^k9a^i^^^^^^ a A^|^lltfi^i^H aaHßaaaE^^^r^W iZ^Bßaaßti I^9 saKaaf^fl aa^ and the difference goes deep. Pure filigrain paper plus the original priceless blend that John Perilly used when he Maaaaaaaaat hand-made his cigarettes for the carriage trade
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  • 281 6  - Illegal liquor and smokes at port FRANCIS ROZARIO: By SINGAPORE. Friday Till customs harbour division has hunched l>i# crackdown on illegal trafficking of duty-free liquor and cigarettes on Singapore's waterfront In ;i series of surprise checks over tin* last few days on foreign freighters, cusloins officers caught crew members who
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  • 194 6 $1. 5 m drug haul in ship from S'pore CINGAPORE, Fri.— (ianja worth $1.5 million seized in ll.iinlitim yesterday might have been put aboard an Indian ship in international waters after leaving Singapore. West German police found 560 Ib. of pressed hashish, in 20 sacks, in thr freighter whose last
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  • 252 6 NPC asks UN for training equipment and exnerts SINGAPORE, Fri. The National Productivity Centre has asked the United Nations Development Programme for experts and training equipment. The requests, submitted In April, will br discussed by the UNDP in January, the NPC's actiiiK director, Mr. Lee Our Pong, said today Mr.
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  • 133 6 SINGAPORE. Fri. Police want to contact tne owners of three gold chains recovered after the arrest of two men last week. The men *re believed to lia\e snatched the chains in the two months The) iimkl a stolen motorcycle Pour MMtch
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 283 6 PAGI ORCHARD AT NORMAL PRICES! < COMING 1 NO FREE LIST BOOK EARLY' II only one English kin g^^_----<^J|[l\ SCHOOL COhCESSION: [m] SI. OO TO ANY SEAT AT DAY SHOWS i A touching love story i with the touch of now. J i cathay I jitefe 1; NOW SHOWING! I
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    • 553 6 1 ~i I I Jill J-TLLII.I.K i t*T,iltF Ti ■CTri Lail a NOW SHOWING! I Ham. 130, 4. 30. ♦30 p m Columb.c s "MOOII SHOP" Anouk Aimcc "|B TONIGHT Midnight! Cokx I 1 Phil Silver, "F«N*w That Camel" Ronk Orgomyjiion P,. F«1 »K» 1 m^mM I Todor A» If,
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  • 244 7 Fleeing 'overload' driver runs down inspector SINGAPORE, Fri. The driver of an overloaded lorry knocked down i traffic police inspector when tho officer tried to him. the First District Court heard today. Chew Kit Bt'-. 2G. pleaded Kiulty to voluntarily caus Ing liurt to In.-p<-ctcir Woni liong Meng Ms was
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  • 43 7 BINOAFOMI Km Police to Iran tin ol .i CMneat, aued bl (ound I i nifhl Thr man. HI 4m tal «ay tlun-built tali !I «eariii« a while vhut k trooMn Rflalhes m IrieiuS .should Yap o{ the M irtM
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  • 61 7 SINGAPORE I'll The South-east Asian Mnnstii- ol Kclm;iHon Council .Seameo al Centre tor Ediivutiun in Sctenii and MathemHilr m I will conduct tiainlti': prtnSTl siieiu-e and mathMnaUci .«imultaueouslv next April Thta was nnnounced In a communique Issued today at the end ul a fnur-dav RsMSJB -tetrinn roinintttef
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  • 496 7 How S'pore can show the way for others SINGAPORE Fr. gINGAPOBK «;in sel the pace for other lounii i-s ;is ;i "politically virile and dynamic democratic" State l>\ "sbeei Force of example/ 1 I none M;iliim lsh;ik. Minister of State For Foreign Affairs, said tonight. The Republic was a ■■microcosm
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  • 301 7 OINUAI'ORK. Fri. Australian newspaper cartoonist Tony K.i l 1 (seen on the left on a roaddivider in Scotts Ko.kl went on a six-hour sketching spree today in preparation for a series of drawings for newspapers back home. Mr. Rafty stood at road
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 277 7 r j LNgtv* VI I K B i v 'I i jii 4B p I 1 1 By£ lyi 'I^i iTA's^^" r' V i '.T v 'J t wiß rsl4o,ooo] Lsmlm mm FREE^| B'T^H fc ESmH K3R3OHCUS I 4* CORRECT FOR DRAW NO: 56 26.10.69 "1 All TOTO Booths and
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    • 60 7 saucy dancer \r LILLY SONC from I KOREA --._4p EXO T|C DANCES 1 i^- f f., at tlu mike: M «>' mWI TK ?</ SHIRLEY lEE I LXTtNSION TO 2 AM IHJ IDEAL MiTE SPOT FoF PARTIES ORTEGA "plus I 1 AND ENTERTAINING FRIENDS Sjx j 9^^^Luft|T^^^oU*l2l^gcls^gsg<KaJ^^g^Hgclg^k^B^B Sup/t.i /JO p
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    • 151 7 li '^ff WHEN ONLY THE BEST WILL DO!!! The BALDWIN formerly known at BURNS NEW ELECTRIC GUITARS VOX AMPLIFIERS AS USED EXCLUSIVELY BY THE SHAOOWS. AND MANY OTHER WOULD TOP a sTnov n o 0 x 'music corpn. 7: 7S Cecil Strc.i. Singapore. Tel: 777 «0 C. NANG HONG I
      151 words
    • 218 7 I PRINCESS S ANNA V 5< I LOUISE i AT THE RtSTAURANT Iggfß* V> ift (COVER CHARGE $3 -> •i\ AND THE -A I TO I f (NO COVER CHARGE) Iy\ ALLURING BEWITCHING' d "^Bk V' Princets Anno Louise J &f^ «it> Dine and Dance ■■^^E* i»V Italian Mood in
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  • 247 8 SINGAPORE, Fri •pHE rural folk must change t.ieir traditional habits of hygiene anc sanitation to get rid of mosquitoes, the Minister for Health, Mr. Chua Sian Chin, said today. Speaking after an anttmosqulto campaign Inspection tour of several farms and fishing ponds In P-ya
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  • 27 8 SINOAPOHE Fri The Urban and Rural Services Committee mill visit Pulau Übin ami Pulau Tekon:: tomorrow to look into requests for urban and rural .service-
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  • 12 8 SINGAPORE. M. There were 33 traffic accident-., two serious, yesterday.
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  • 170 8 Flowers in schools and blooms of pride: Ghazali SINGAPORE, Fri. -Schools are now "so different" because of the flowers and plants in and around them, the Political Secretary to the Ministry of Education, Inehe IMb*. nied (ihatali bin Ismail, observed toda>. He was speaking at the prize-giving of the second
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  • 379 8  -  MAUREEN PETERS: By SINGAPORE. Friday J GINdAI'OMK may soon become the centre for the South-east Asian recording industry it all goes well with current plans to boost disc cutting contracts. A 25-member Cambodian group will arrive in three months'
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  • 27 8 SINOAPORK. Fti Th» University of Singapore Science faculty all) hoM an optn day" tomorrow rrom 10 a.m.- to t pm. I.i commemorate the lJOth anniversary.
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  • 185 8 HAPPINESS POP STAR CALLED MISS VIVI T«IIK world is full of huppHess for Indonesia's top jrl pop singer Miss "Su-eet Sixteen" Vivi Sumunti »bovo) Vivi. who has »idr ryrs ."•nil I 'vinsdrre --uilf is the first Indonesian u oni in sinscr t" irrixt'or »*ecordins session^ at Kinetrx. uhicb has secured
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 100 8 am Mb b^b\^b^^b^^^^*^^^b^^^b^^bß laV .^^L A ,^^E33 A IH^< £f I/} 1 1 vn^Haml»«. .11 /if A v VBK££^kii^^^k^k^kV^m^m\ b^hV if If S^^S.^x l *v .^fj^y •mUmm.'' &T^ J Krai HAIR DRYER EH Ml After your next shampoo, use the NA TIONAL Hair Dryer. discover huw X'A TIONAL 's mill
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    • 222 8 <— The Naviiimcr civilian \rr-ion oi tiic Custn, .i. The Naviiimrr b i or.linan »jt K ><r Ie by the great Swia Spc isis, BREIT. UNG of i It it i pertecil) norm >\ primjrv hinctioai (U. II I I •he time in hours, minutfi and scumds). But it al«
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 29 8 Bugs Bunny By Ralph Hdmdahl ")fi!*l'( Ht>t[ ELMK I| I'M TWAINIMft V i'.\\ MW- CAKJ T SLBIP MIM TO SLEEP,/ NOT x<£aDo wl lllif re 0o& ~X sosina
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  • 184 9 WARRANT OUT FOR FORMER DIRECTOR sJIN(.\P«»Kh I rl a The Huh imrt todtef ordered the Imm "i ■> u.m.inl "I irir^l .m.iin-1 r\-( onip.iny ilni'i tin i bonus Chen < hi Wcj la h.inkrupli <MI Mis (jlMk ISn Sre for Ihe < Ansltnee, who Miimht thr nnlrr. described Chen .i>
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  • 1480 9  - Mother of three loses claim against director CHEONG YIP SENG WEE TELLS OF HIS GAY LIFE WITH DANCE PARTNER RACHEL REPORTER: SINGAPORE. Friday UACHEL LEE'S claim for maintenance from company director Wee Aik Leng was dismissed today. After a two-day hearing, magistrate Mr. Michael Khoo ruled that Wee was incapable
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 120 9 Unmatched for Quality Design i- X^AMSW 2 BAND *T ALL TRANSISTOR f PERSONAL RADIO Eiceplienally Low Price w m T M ytf I T JaV|^B MW J m^^^t mA C^m^k m leinte Bor ontoono or«J y J I my I^__JkW >''Q telescopic a'ltenno |^^P^ assures high sensitivity (a^^^^ o good
      120 words
    • 136 9 W^k /W People who want Vivas young, sporty shape, but pfele* j2 m m mWf^fm^iMt^t w h lout doors now h<v the Wllh Four b 9 M%».» W "^aF H^aP^HaL opening doors But two door people are still close to Viva's heart So all you have to do is choose.
      136 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 227 9 Straits Times Crossword A< Kliss 7. Niie dlKpositmn In nnrkei of 1. I.tst returned e«OtalBI trial g M,ai, s v, nci a rise? <4-6> '8' 12 Well's pre'ty upset In Ihe 5. Premise* to put clotl.en pmiti is 1 1 aboard. <6> ja b (> i, attempt* to Kei round
      227 words

  • 264 10  -  ARTHUR RICHARDS By SMGAPOBE, Fri. Three new shades of The Shadows one of Britain's top instrumental groups arrested the attention of fans at Pava I.ebar airport this morning. The first, a MAI I Kr LOOK. Thr four srrm mure xiphislu-atrd. more
    264 words
  • 502 10  - Court told of gang slangs SHEN SWEE YONG By SINGAPORE, Friday FORMER member of the "24" gang today briefed a court on gangland jargon al Hie continued tiinl of five youths, accused of rioting against police officers during an ambush ;il ;i Tanjong Him coffeeshop in July. The gang slangs
    502 words
  • 133 10 $349,000 swindle: Police seek two men SINGAPORE. Fri. Police are looking for two men they believe can assist them in investigations into the swindle of 5349.698 from a local bank. I'olirr named them as Kan K ii lime. 27. a Canton- «*">*■ and Hrw Koon Fonj. a Khek A Singapore
    133 words
  • 227 10 SINGAPORE, Fri. The Government 1 has brought consultant from the United States on a threemonth task to boost the tourist trade He It Mr. Royal W Ryan. I who lias be*>n connected with the tourist Industry In Npw York for 22 years Today he
    227 words
  • 29 10 SINGAPORE Fri Six models will take part in t»o fashion ■b m* at St Mlciiael Shop in John Littles Building tomorrow »i in am and 3 pm.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 445 10 with Reader's Digest qRJ W lldi LpfeVvHßtwJtsMYVl'MS Lw sbIsZKl iill 4 GOOD REASONS FOR FRJ7T7 J7D I? V*O T T ORDERING DIGEST GIFT rU£l IVJLJ subscriptions NOW: and for your recipient the world-wide, worldfamous Gift Service of Reader'? Divert 2. W (.in is a— in, m. I „i, Gift thai
      445 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 83 10 BBBBBBBBBBBBB^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^r I MEV! THE NEWSBOY I |fIU AfW IJO\iV I T4U 1 P^^E f ANO TW.S ONE'^SO-S: I STRIP. [3^' HA '^'M m^rii^^ «ra»fMsaa. i!s c T OMt M.LEY BROU&HT CtJNTIkIN SEEDS \TO BE EXACT /luvxwii^ ircAvo --\.^T*i3" »^CTOS Of ITTO A REPORT FRO' BACK FROM OUR OR SC3MctS.NG?V rJl_^f^V^toSi^
      83 words

  • 474 11  - A British art invasion of Japan MARK FRANKLAND by Tokyo NOTHING has shown up the wealth and potential ot the Japanese market quiet so dramatically as the recent invasion of Tokyo by a score of London art dealers during the "British Week" that has just ended here. Rich Japanese already
    474 words
  • 897 11  -  PAT WARD-THOMAS Hagen's confidence amounted to a magnificent impudence by of The Guardian, London THE death of Walter Hagen, aged 76, in Traverse City. Michigan, y awa-. kens a host ot memories. He was at once the supreme professional golfer of the years between the First and
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 47 11 This is the paint that lasts and lasts and lasts nS^S^SS 9 SUPER [SNOWCEM] Snowcem comes in 21 pastel shades and white. Available throughout Malaysia and Singapore. SNOWCEM another good product from Blue Circle Cement Paints (Spore) Pte. Ltd. 4, Kwong Mm Road, Jurong Industrial Estate. SJNGAPORE22
      47 words
    • 64 11 and covers ONE SQUARE FOOT for only 3 cents At 3 cents per sq. ft. in 2 coats it costs only $120.00 to Snowcem an average two storey bungalow. Snowcem's fine powder mixes easily with water. More economical you only make up what you use. Snowcem dries to a tough,
      64 words

  • The Straits Times Saturday, October 25, 1969
    • 565 12 It w?s no coincidence that the new look into the glob;.! strategy of malaria eradication ihoula be presented and discussed in Malaysia tli"' firs( country to exploit Sir Ronald Rosa' epocfamakin^ dUs 1 one ol the regional directors o f the World Health Orjjanisn in a
      565 words
    • 412 12 Nearly nul!:on iii revenue in LMB, against adaiinistrative costs totalling < \'-l million, finds Brunei's i aaamy in (ar bealthier (i possibli not so kmg aj>o, when oil Belda \\< re lading Offshore strikes have act the record ri^ht. however, production has never !>' en betta r, and
      412 words
  • 964 12  - Modernising Malaysia's care of the mentally ill P.C. SHIVADAS NEW RULES FOR CRIMINAL CASES SENT TO HOSPITALS. NEW PRESSURES WITH SOCIAL CHANGES AND INDUSTRY by KUALA LUMPUR IN any list of priorities in developing countries, it is more than likely that mental health facilities will be at the bottom or
    964 words
  • 612 12  -  PETER DEELEY by IN the tiny "fairy 1 tale principality of Andorra sandwiched between France and Spain in the Pyreness mountains one of the most bizarre murder trials in modern history has just been played out behind closed doors. The facts of the case
    612 words
  • 432 12  - The bitterest polls fight in Philippines RAMSAY WILLIAMS: by Manila DEMOCRACY In action i.s a pretty alarming sight in the Philippines these days. Pro s i dential and Con g r essional elections are not due until November 11, but blood has been s>hed already. In Hocos Sur. President Ferdinand
    OFNS  -  432 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 22 12 PTTT3 INTRODUCES ITirlgJ LATEST PERFECTION IN I*&SS2sJ fIS |IOW NDISEv Ihigh output BASF c^K^t^C9o 1 1 JEBSEN JSSSEN Singopore Kuolo Lumpur Ipoh
      22 words
    • 91 12 Fusan Fishing Net Manufacturing Berhad Malaysia's only Fishing Net Manufacturer producing 'LIGHTHOUSE' FISHING NETS Congratulations to our Sole Agent Nam Lee Sdn. Berhad 3 JalanTengah, Klang. Tel *****. on the occasion of their official opening to-day FUSAN FISHING NET MANUF.BHD. North Klang Strait Industrial Area.P. Swettenham. Te1. 6033 Cable Address."FUSANET"
      91 words

  • 128 13 'Guides in a special position to create understanding' ITUALA LUMPUR. Fri. 1V Girl Outdea art 1 teclal position to create mutual underand trust among the races. Toh I aha, wife of the Prime Minister and Director Of Operations, said today. who ie C'r.rl Ou:dP.->' kina at •h«> annual •rnmfnt •hr<T
    128 words
  • 44 13 PORT SWETTENHAM rr. ifeelVel Molt 24 t.n lued at S7 noo from .i ihtp moored at the deep wator point herf yc.-terday. Thf ingo;s were among I.'JUO stored in the Ea.stern Maid. They belong to Oriental Tin Smelting at Batu Tlga
    44 words
  • 77 13 Population of Brunei soars steeply BRUNEI TOWN. PM. Brunei's iMipulatinn M>a red dramatically last .tccord'ne to figures released tnd.iv The population ro»e to l"ii.«<»'J ru mid-year compared to 1.i0.000 the previous year. The rise is muinlv due to imniicralion over tiir past yean, According to a population report, the
    77 words
  • 22 13 I'F.NAM. y Peng Uttj tl i n;. Ant.-smuKg::- D.^ i. h...- b<T!i f :..n red to c '"nr- Ckpi n"
    22 words
  • 357 13 Towkay's son murdered after chase by two cars SINGER FRIEND ON 'DANGER LIST' SINGAPORE. Fri FORMER soldier seaman was murdered early this morning after his car was cornered by a group of armed thugs in two cars near the junction of Bras Basah Road and North Bridge Road. Police Identified
    357 words
  • 63 13 -SINCiAPOKE. Pri. The coroner. Mr l.iew Ngik Kee tiKl.iv recorded «n open verdu t on Chn Fun Pixineg. 42. whose txidy was found on the BfCSSJsV tl< v >-. o.i.i oiiv of Selegie on Oct. 11. Mr. Uew said: "There si no evidence that Chen
    63 words
  • 142 13 Brunei's record $191.7 mil revenue in 1968— ORUNEI TOWN. Fri. Brunei earned a record $i 91.713.538 in revenue last year, according to its annual report released here today. The total represented an increase of $49,477,387 over the previous year's figure. The Increase was mainly due to payment of income tax
    142 words
  • 106 13 l»l s \N(. Fri. PoUre are investigatinf a report that MO.nno worth of new Malaysian currency notes him vanished from the local branch of Bank Megara. The bank manager Syed /,. 1 Khntkhl Shaha buddin. imported the loi>s rrntfrdmy. An assistant caxhirr.
    106 words
  • 93 13 Mr Tan, Malacca rubber magnate, dies MALACCA Fr. Malacca rubber m<tgn.<tr Mr. Tan Koh Poll, proprietor of Hiap Hoe Ltd and f;«ther of fnrmr Ali. a ice Ml' for Malacca*r. Mr. Tan Kee Oak. died H h;.- liome n Kampong Huh. yesterday He »ai 93 Mr. Tan came to
    93 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 186 13 SHEER FLATTERY jped plunge bra. Beautifully *s^3S^g3Sjjß PbA d hn.t. With Fibre-fill cups \iT i jnd liglith utid;rwired to support V>^^a«^aßflK^^ *^^Ht K Stvlc 6l<o gay Slant' pantee girdle. Step t j#ijB v us liplit-weiglit brief pantee and go Jw/^fJP kg front panels giving the merest "*v> gefitry-hoUm touch. In
      186 words
    • 145 13 Free AgfacolorCNS with your print order: ...and you'll keep on getting one roll*free with every Agfacolor CNS order you place! Yes. it ij an ama/ing offer As you are using Agfacolor CNS, wed like you to keep on using this supeib film with tha double-mask" that gives you natural, brilliant
      145 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 100 13 HIGH TIDES loi>\^ SciiCi Ker-htl 847 lin t Tf 10 10 |i m i" RH I 101' B am < N 3ft I 1 OR pin iS.Jii i Por- D'.ikiii IHiHI i K35 pm itJk(t); pott Suettmliain 521 ii m i lfißlt as pm U5 311.: 12 07 am <8
      100 words
    • 966 13 TV MALAYSIA (HWNM.S: KuaU l.umpur and Ithjih li-i. and HafcMCa fi; Joh»rr liahru A III; Taipinf 4: Batu Va\i*l I. Klujiii IE I'M. I'rogrammi Summon 247 Toto ii»ul'..v 307 Docu- mri.' M l Ran Jnd Plnn<-t>. 339 Prature :n Tlvinder in the Sun. S Atom Ant t'p in the Air
      966 words

    • 106 14 NO HELP FOR LOCAL MARKET GROWERS A SHORT while ago heavy import duties were imposed on certain good.s to help local industry because it was contended they either were b<~:ii!{ manufactured here, or could and should be manufactured in Malaysia. Why does not this apply to vegetables imported Into Malaysia?
      106 words
    • 31 14 IT li difficult to accept the cleanliness csjbvnaiun In Singapore v.ith the Wonyed ar.mis. overurown gnus and litter opposite Jalan Eunos police barracks. These drains are rarely attended to. RESIDENT Sinuapiirr
      31 words
    • 426 14 A new look at research on the oil palm THE recent correspondence between H.F.0.8.T. and the chairman of the Incorporated Society of Planters has evoked a great deal of interest in all connected with the oil palm. Up to 1942, local research work in oil palms was practically entirely in
      426 words
    • 186 14 t*OR Singapore to have •T a Rafiies International Centre will surely be a Rreat asset but its procosed sitine tills me with dismay. Skyscraper blocks of flats, air-conditloncd supermarkets etc. are a great advar:ace for th« inhabitants of a place but hardly likely to lurci the
      186 words
    • 205 14 AS Americans who are Impartial observers of the local scene, wf are appalled at the prupo.H to replace the lovely and historic old buildings In the Bra.s Basah Road area with a duplication of Rockefeller Centre in New York City. Tourists, the bulk of whom
      205 words
    • 55 14 1 AM a P.E t«acher tn a rural lower secondary school In Ohenor. Temerloh. Pahang My problem tn the buffaloes grazing In a unlenced school compound and what they lrave when the puplLs cotnr out next morning lor P E There must be Mime solution to al! this. W.O.W.A.
      55 words
    • 438 14 IT was with a great deal of regret and disappointment that I read your report of my talk on vocational guidance lo the Kuala Lumpur Rotary Club Rather than advocating the clos;iik down of the Selangor Vocational Guidance Council I have alway.s encouraged and
      438 words
    • 261 14 Subang golf: A matter of many promises PERHAPS this letter should have gone to me secretary 01 tne Suuan<z National Ooii Ciub. but as there are several aundred people probably as perplexed as I am a public airing could be useful. A vcar ago I joined the club, partly on
      261 words
    • 58 14 THE keep Singapore clean campaign is admirable but there are rertain government departments settine a bad example. I refer tc Lorong Enaku Aman. v here there are rows of refuse bin^. installed b\ the PUB., containing overflowinc garbage, exposed to the elements where removal of rubbish is done
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 125 14 why pay F When LITTLE'S Cod Liver Oil Emulsion can supply you and your family with all the vital nutriments for a more healthy and invigorating life. LITTLE'S Emulsion is packed with nature's richest source of vitamins A 4 D that build strong bones, powerful muscles, and connective tissues. Pay
      125 words
    • 117 14 EXCLUSIVE CHEAP 2nd ANNIVERSARY SALE DRASTIC REDUCTIONS II PRICES OVER EXTENSIVE RAISE OF QUALITY SUITING MATERIALS! OOR'T MISS THIS ONCE-IH-A- YEAR GENUINE OFFER SPECIAL:- English ICI Materials: Ttrykne Silk Wool TcryUn* Mohair Taryknt Wor.t.d 100', All Wool C.lhm.r. Town W«r<i«j 3^- German Materials: Tr«»ir. Vir fl in Wool DwUn Wool
      117 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 205 15 I sNlvr»S.«ltS. MMMMMMH. lI»TMS. CIUI ACTIVITIEC CONOOKNCfS, Df«THS. tNCsClsltdTS, rMHeW: MtITINeS |N MEMODItM. MlMltcrs. MISSINC PEPSONAL. P.M UtOUItMS i REL'NIONS. Ml Misiaum S2S tsr :0 BMM, sMI idilissil sjfi SI SC '.n«t.rM»Ft.n tsa ivi sc fir >s mat, mi ,u.u..,i win si ttsit. strt.ti l.ati in Strtiet ts.m »t.M. ACKNOWLEDGLMEHTS
      205 words
    • 145 15 Ml I U t w.-.., •m. *l OlAr.tH M[tl,H<. .OR WORSHIP IK IK FREE PUBLIC LEIIUHt TO MSMEf i oc f.aa. WISMA THEATHt uito aartaasH, >, ajs. "1,1,1 AIMIUHAL AHVA SAMAJ SINCAI'ORE \.,1.. WI.LIY METHODIST CHURCH BE Road, .-.i -apor. «or- hi iii a i.,.i.i in. BBaa 1 1| taal
      145 words
    • 808 15 EO mi HuHwirc Uaaa Training SJ*M Mnlv |i K. Kllirv A Associatea. •Mi Baa 'Umi. S'lorc I. .01 YOUR COMMERCIAL TRAINING ti.n Raja's OSaMajK, We retromr.ind uu: Mtaaraaal for Jobs. Kor ."7.,--. WANTCD APPLICANTS 'n till i«r ,l|'l It ttl'll hntok-riph (non-rt'liirn ihlri to 1h»- Advertiser PO. Box 162 K
      808 words
    • 993 15 SALES REPRESENTATIVES roqulrI'd for the State of Hi'lanfor. Rial XL »v,:i from M.oo a.m. to 3.00 p.m. for rer«on«i interview or writ* to PO. Box 2174. Kuala Lumnur. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS require Arcounia Clerk kno« i.-iiu* of Chines* pi l.r.ihle ll»> TypiM antf Private r». Apply full details to P.O. Bo<
      993 words
    • 1071 15 AMERICAN DESIRES management Rerrcsentatlva poaltlon la Singapore area. Have caplui to Invest. Box A 4133 S.T. S pore. EUROPEAN MALAYSIAN CITIZEN! •rrka position (0 aaywhere harboui drodglni: reriarnation, tin dredijlng. alta tupvrvialoa. Labour manaireroent. fluent Malay good referencea Boa A 4040 8 T fpore. ACCOMMOIATION VACANT ROOM! TO LIT Call
      1,071 words
    • 879 15 MUST BILL. Flat Eastern Mun*io< Block B, SUJ Floor. Seaview. cool. Party fuinianed, with grilia. Beat offer aecure. Tel: (Spore) i>«.'6»'i 400 OHIAT GARDEN PHASE II n tow Dotvn-payment you can owa a frrehold modern 2 atorey terrace house uitn large balcoaiea, ft rooma. I halia, turfed garden completed with
      879 words
    • 628 15 TV/RADIO SALES t SERVICE"] HISETA Prompt a Reliable T.V. Serviie Moderate ihargea. King (S'poro MM FEDERAL TV SERVICE repair all br«nda. Chartia moderata. Ring (g poro ■MM T.V. repair SPECIALIST nay. Night ■Sa'llll. R.nn STC (Spore 497UR anytime. RIOIFPUIION TELEVISION RENTALS B.K CASH Complete range to auil neryoaa eIHOWROUsIs Clemeiiceau
      628 words
      825 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 93 16 Gef more SUPERZOOMING power from SUPERSHELL V "'mU now powerFULL with PLATFORMATE Platformate is the end result of a power process known as platforminq 11 191 11 SUPER U S S H n E 9 LL h Now O This "rzoomf b Sted th 6 PUr6 P W6r f K^^
      93 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1138 17 .:IPQOI tNO OTH{° U CONTIHENTtL PORTS ill's P. S ram Pemni la Pt Nn 1 Nw i CM IS Ml M Ml 2? 21 Oct 21 Nn 1 ni. Nn I ni. m Ne. 12 rCIiS in ii Nn 11 »»t 14/11 Itl 12 Nl. IS Nl. It'll Nit It
      1,138 words
    • 1161 17 Scanservice y tXMMt S»limt» Tt MIWTEMaMHiMI/Tllt COWT»iIEiIT/»0>NPIII>VI» P. Sum Perm| Sirjjp,.!! It*. ItSIS isPt'Mtn Mt 21/11 Ml 21' Genoa. f«»r C Rut,, m Dui| AiiKus. Malmo. C »a|i«. G s»i| SUIAN Nn 11.11 Nit 14/1* Nn It/is Cnianca. Rdam M'6ur t G'bura. Aimus C'hjien. Oslo SUMIAWA Mt 2111 NM H'JI
      1,161 words
    • 1251 17 EXPRESS SERVICE TO UNION, LIVERPOOL t CONTINENTAL PORTS. BENKITLAN IT, I S.V/Mtlt M'il'N Oetl?fl H BENVENUE Mb g| Sinoco'r P. S'Kam Pensni I'trouft Im I Oct 30 2 hn J t DM ll I $ir|aporf P. S'Mm P«nan| lENIOMINI Unooii. Haa«ur| Nei 1/ S ■ENMNOI I Hull, G>outh. H'bui| Nit
      1,251 words
    • 1056 17 I^^ WORLDWIDE CARRiEtt LTD. I tlA*T^» or: Lo A "9 clei < New Orleans, Okorletton, New York New London. (also accepting cargo for other Gulf and I Atlantic ports, subject to inducement) Spore P. Sham t ing !La Grande Abcto In Pt./25 Oct 26/27 Oct Omits A M nta> McALISTEB
      1,056 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 911 18 Y\ KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. Western Australia Singapore Japan Service 'trifita Mail' It oci a xi. I] M Ml ,t ni. Japan tk Hon«kon« West Africa Service la* ttsm > S»tit« Mm i ni. it on <> ore M On .a On N "tt Japan /India 'Pakistan Persian Cull Service
      911 words
    • 908 18 USKtUt NEK (HLIHO StIVICI iNDIt PIIISMN «ND IU UP l»»ICt> It- Nauwtliua nl Mjlras It! Ml* UtltND S'puf 5 turn >iiwi ««iui» ni> I Nn I Me nn tact Ontfia int.. tftn M/Ult 21/ 1 Ok 1 i« I On RAJOL* 21/2 C Otc Oet II Ok Penan ytum ltd*
      908 words
    • 950 18 "neptune orienVunes "ltd" UtiSi^ Htwioralei in the NepoßHc il Sintapin a a iCB SuiKmt. Graand float 2 Skeitn War— Tel: *****3/ g LOADING FOR LONDON. M BURG R DAM HAVRE. A'WERP. BREM. lin||jpi,i» M. b h<n *•>•■] »m»eii (Mjtiuri 24 *ac> NEPIUNI <lICON IS/21 NM 21 23 N» 2]/!) Mi
      950 words
    • 758 18 JO SELANGOR IN THE HIGH COIRT IN PUBLIC NOTICE MALAYA AT MLAR CIVIL SUIT NO 9 OF 1967 The Public i.-> hereby notified that the Timber Bridge No. todurtruu Commercial 20 lat the 19th Mile Kajang insurance. Co. lut Serdang road would be closed ••"And to traffic between the hour*
      758 words

  • 27 19 RUBBER AND TIN CLOSING PRICES Oct. 24. RLBHKR PRICE: (Mi vents (down II cents). TIN PRICE: 5«43.874 (down $1.62 1 Kslimatrd olTcrinc MO tons (down 10 tons).
    27 words
  • 327 19 Active trading on Rubber Market THRADINO. tor the most 1 part, was active during the week state II CB Co Lid. in their current Rubber Market Report. The effect ol the shot In the arm that the market received la:,t week from Kuala Lumpur weakened and along with ;t did
    327 words
  • 346 19 M'bourne prices fall back AIfcLBOUHNK. hn |>HICK& tell back under pressure of profit -talcing and In a pre-election lull nn the Melbourne Stock ExchaiiKi- falls outnumbered M to >4 ;i; ii. r minlne and f)il sectltin Nonu-rnan dioppeo $1.50 ol reeni Bum 10 close at Sl4 but Rakrnsthoi|M- firmed Hi
    346 words
  • 23 19 lii Uhiouii in niursOßV MaM-. ;u. I p-i cent 'ii UK Kcbiums /Mauil in oulk quotamiii was micliaiiged at 187 .-ellen
    23 words
  • 306 19 Straits tin falls by $1.62½ after current rise THE StraiUs tin price in PenaiiK yesterday after Us recent rise fell by SI »2> per picul to 5643.871 on an offering estimated down 10 ton.s to 280 tons Demand wa.s mainly reported from European countries LONDON: Tin MM sleadiK maintained on
    306 words
  • 236 19 VOVEMBfK lir.t c rade rubber f.«.b. buyrn clused al 5 p.m in Slnsapnrr and Kuala|iin vrslerda? al £6 cenl» per Ih dimn 1\ crnls nn Thutsdav's ilmint leveL The lone m. steadiri K AS and M.R.C. rknine pm rs I in 1. in. per
    236 words
  • 703 19 mo and orFtn prich oi-fi l CIALLY UST£D AT TNI rL0»I OF OUSINESS IN THE SINOAPORE AND KUALA LUMPUR TnAlllrC WITH PRICI MOVIMINTS IN IKOUiTNIALI a. t. ACM A 1. -It CHI Brn I 7!" lunrn.i Hornco I.XI I a '•.inn i i.n i i*' <: Riicar* tj»
    703 words
  • 936 19 T»HE murkct continu--1 ed steady on the Stock Exchange of Malaysia and Singapore yesterday in the genera) body of industrial shares Once again the turnover was confined to a limited number of shares which were selected largely by speculators. Some new ones attracted this interest,
    936 words
  • 100 19 j »t POIII Of MNCACORE AUTHO■L, I ANNOUNCED FOLLOWFOR OCT RT "s INC R A lilM NT UT 1 I'l. Kin.ihalu »n.i IN: Ru i *:r"" 0 s N iN oi;T THE 2 oAu I'MHI. U Uu* Nk., taa. W«M Kirn. Ooutea Ki-rkyr.. L. (iramli A
    100 words
  • 28 19 THi tWMMI .1 M „..y. Onit'M m 11*1 TT on Stun. II Ob .cd» C M Mt.> Hii.i.i .n Xi .1 .1 iMtdnh Kionr. i>iunt,i
    28 words
  • 1306 19 BISINI->> IN \nii i;i imii. 1 KD T<l Till «INO*PO4U \ND K1'%1.4 I.IXIMK TK\l> INC. R(M>MS (ir lin STO( K EXCOANOC VKSTr-KDAV WITH THf NiMl-.ii: Of SII\IU* 11. Mil li SHOWN IN Hi: M kj:ts in lots ok i.«un. 1 n I.KSS OTHKKWISI NI'MIHM> IWWWHHH \(M\ (2) si
    1,306 words
  • 40 19 STOCK INDICES «»cl !1 Industrulk: I'l 11.1. Mt I 11.. 1. I- 78.(1 7S.K? l-i.-li. if.. 131. 1S 131 US Tim: MJI *».HS Srubbrn UMJU UMM Urr 3U. I96ti III) Dec. 01. 196X inn t Dee IS l»«« l«
    40 words
  • 85 19 /■HINE»E Prortuc. lllMllll, !■>«•■ V- n.r> ni«i •'•tin:: pric»« (Mr oicii' HlHifaj Caonul (Ml k <■■:• ..1/..5 •Irinn ■Ml -.'II, r« Capri* Mrvii .1 1 POM >"'. No. UK Oonllimi txn b Proof. mw*. ynr-.v> k rhltl .1 ItT* ---11. r- 1 irMi l^.ini-<.n t i>i... 1. <:'ici
    85 words
  • 20 19 KWII "v.-t.^.l US Dollar >*;.- .imii.-.i ii I"■ T „i.i '"..IT:, loi «••> Sl.Hini HI" ">■> MM Utl koM tl
    20 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 438 19 ii PROPOSAL TO CHANGE A :H\ (il\fN SHIP'S XMI Fai EaM InveMmenl I I Ihi ama hPieb\ Mcr tlmt in col sequence of I iTtag pm chased the under meni we have applied tc Re trai ol Singapore Ships ol the Merchant shippn.^ Oram. uice (CliHpler 207) <t of the
      438 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 258 20 |jl|iji. 3 ji nntinued from l'a;r l.">) Qv CHICLES FOR SALE IK2 CORTINA, modified I. oi«n> II _i,. il on. 1 H S iK.n tundit. i,»v, paint nf S port ONE 1464 FORD >'.>..! lot Sou Intinal OUNLOP ALLOT WHEELS ■I. Irw k. Ij i.s n MARCH lot. Vildi 8
      258 words
    • 503 20 i 1167 VOLKSWAGEN IEOOT onr IV tow H Moii.u,.l Roid v uo- m LANCIA FLAMINIA 1.4 Illrr niai't «iloon litft.l (ir«t r<ci«t<-red IK*4 r, MH.arfr .liiooo condition Pll« S4..M> TH: H»l-4» sport MERCEDES 300 AUTOMATIC. Ko.n nnd limumni-r paid till Dei .mhi r. I tir.-i-n L*af Oro\c. nwrr 10.
      503 words
    • 689 20 ABLOV TOP SECURITY 10. k. gurt ufcimum protection to homes, officea/ Tel (Sw,,n M4UI3 1K.L.1 NIC* vnth bookcake. alias, reading i I*l Phone iSporei MM GENERAL tLI.TBM m CU. FT. i. dooi fiee-er. refrigerator pre«ntl> «tot» ll,'-.. |M ullrr inurn Kin. i lore MM" Mra Chan COOO SECONDHAND AMPLIFIER* iirutn*
      689 words
    • 548 20 I DIAS CONTRACTORS (jfnctat rvno\dtiunj P ntrln* mo'-dif minoi 'enin. Phone 18 poto 20aMRCFRICf RATORs AIRCONUIIIOH INI. Repair/p-tintnork Uu Home onrractor S Dorr L'uO&s Prompt «er INTERNATIONAL TOURIST SIN ladies lo entertain. 17TA Seran.uoo Road Tel a pore 3Mt>3. FAIRLADY SOCIAL ISCORT oiler. thuty attractite ladle* entertain you MM Moi.on
      548 words
    • 865 20 SIML DARBY HOLDINGS I I Ml I I l> I (Incorporated in England) NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that the Twelfth Annual General I 1 Meeting ol Members will be held I at Crosby House. 71 Robm*oii Road. Singapore, on Friday, 21st November. 1969. at 12 noon, tor the following purposes
      865 words
    • 633 20 TRACTORS MALAYSIA BtRHAD I < Incorporated in West Malaysia i NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Ordinary Annual General I Meeting of Members will be held at the registered office of the j Company. 54. Jalsn Ampang. I Kuala Lumpur, on Tuesday. 18th November. 1969. at 12 noon for the
      633 words
    • 551 20 KENYATAAN TAWARAN J.K.R. KEDAH Tawaran2 darlpada Pemborong2 yang berdallar dl-J.K.R.. dl-kela-"D (Kepala II Pechahan Kepaln 2> dan ka-atas akan ciiterima di-Pejabat Jurutera Negeri. Kedah. J.K.R.. Alor Setai hlnci'a Jam pukol 3.00 petang pada Bhb. Novembor. 1969 untok: "Membina Dan Menyiapkan Sa-Belok Dua Tlngkat Bangunan. Bilek Darjah. Kanteen. Telaga. Padang Permainan.
      551 words
    • 591 20 TENDER NOTICE DEPARTMENT OK AGRICULTURE JOHORE Tenders will be leccived at th« 1 Office ol the SUte Agricultural Offlcer. Johorc. Johore Bahvu un to 12.00 noon of the 13th No- vember 1969 for the supply of (for I the year 1970 lira) FERTILISERS (b) SUPPLY OF RATIONS TO RURAL AGRICULTURAL
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 833 21 [F^^^^l^^^^^ii^p^^^pi^pt|ptgpbjfPjpjpilgp»J^j[^jJj CAREER OPPORTUNITIES FOR PROFESSIONALS We are looking for well qualified, mature d experienced personnel with drive who contribute to the Company's rapid expansion programme and continuous .vth. vVe offer career opportunities for Profesionals with degrees diplomas in Arts. :ience. Costing, Cost and Works, Engineering and Industrial Management in the
      833 words
    • 906 21 IMVERSITY OF MALAYA INIVbRSITY HOSPITAL FAULTY OF MEUKINE UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA Applications arc Invited for the Applications are invited fron; posts listed below: Malaysian Cititens for the poM. of A. Lecturer* Assistant Lecturers HOSPITAL ENGINEER. Candltn the following disciplines: date must be a Corporate Member ot the Institution of Engineer?
      906 words
    • 543 21 CAREER OPPORTUNITIES FOR SCIENCE GRADUATES We ore engaged in the acquisition, digital computer interpretation of seismic data recorded in th« search for oil in South East Asia. We are looking for science graduates maionng in Mathematics, Physics and/or Geology to train as GEOPHYSICAL ENGINEERS in our Advanced Digital Mop Centre
      543 words

    • 280 22  -  TONY FRANCIS By INDONESIAN ace Hcngky Iriau an. favourite in the Grand Prix International at the Batu Tijja circuit tomorrow, is determined to win rain or shine. I am confident of winning, especially with this new car." said Hengky. who will dine the
      280 words
    • 686 22 Rodney will drive Poon's car in the saloons race Tlckot.s a« S.S for grand.stand seat.<;. $4 at Rothman- cornor. S2 M.lo HIO and $1 tor the enclosures arp fv.i.l.ibif Jt Wpld Superm.irkp' Thrilty Superma- y;rt Srlangor Club and I I .-'rles. ariu begin ek this morning ion Compulsory tice \v:ll
      686 words
    • 152 22 GAIK BEE FIGHTS BACK TO BEAT ROSALIND By OH KEE TIANC tK)RMER Malaysian 1 champion Khaw Gaik Bee yesterday continued her successful comeback In the Seap Games women's badminton trials at Han Chiang indoor stadium, Penang. Determined to make the team for thp Seap Game.s at Bangkok in December. Ga;k
      152 words
    • 91 22 PETER Wide of the Aston Recreation Club won the Singapore three-ball billiards championship for the second vcui iii Mecaaatoß ai 'he Slni:apoie BjacNaMMl Club last night. In thrilling final Wide, a mechanical engineer bent nccountant Teo Slew Ban Ol the Chinese Swminnii' i tub 441-400 when play
      91 words
    • 76 22 Mm smok snu. 34 Urn Banv.ik rtntlra badmnuun rhaini).,:i vi- ii'hn joined the Malaysian Thomas Cup training -<i;i.iti In Kuala Uunmir Tin> brings ihr total niimbrr ol tratneei .t eawp to H. Othen .up yen Cbaog h>ic Let rhemg Ng Boon Bit. Lan Vi c
      76 words
    • 114 22 THE Ungapan Rugby Union ha\e Klacted 25 players to undarsa tnUatna foe ihe taternalional inairh against Malay■ti on Nd' I a< ilit Partar.s a:id the Ktoad A Ua champ Mi.-hip in Bnngkok In Januaiy. They are: Teo of 29 Commando. Kadlr i Police i. Koh \tm\ ThoiK
      114 words
    • 178 22 It's Howe Liang the coach —not Goh yAN HOWE LIANG. 1 and not Goh Tiang Siong, would t;o to the Rangoon Soap Gumc.s as coach of the Singapore welghtlifting team, Soh Ghee Soon, president of the Sinuapore Ainat c v r WelgbtUftlng Federation, said yesterday. "I have made cnijtuncs and
      178 words
    • 205 22 See Foo beats Enjoyment in trial By EPSOM JEEP OEE I"O() did a spark- Jiiis gallop with Knl'iynient 111 at Bukil Timah yesterday morning. Giving Enioment 111 a ll .star!. See fV :0 finished two length! In front. They ran 31 :n 4(1 2 i :n yielding going. Pinksun went
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 529 22 IOUN IKMKIIS I I Ml N I (I MS AP 1:17) »<H it I IKM l: M< I lON S». Xl \M \S KIH\ <(M N< II E.4TI \»-l >*\|| M N(»l II I Notice v hereby gnen tIM proprated to a-iupt (at Ma assessment purposes for 1970 the valuations
      529 words
    • 422 22 ihk (ompaniks ACT, i«m: notk k io cumon io SI H.MIT IHI IK CLAIMS Re: Pearuton Knlerprioe* Limited In torn pa met Winding up No. 3 of WHERKAS the ebove compariT Is wound up pursuant to an Order Of Court rimed the 10th day ol October. l'i«9 AND WHEREAS by
      422 words
    • 108 22 /fl\ /remTngton\ I P s%a H Available at Authorized Remington Gun Dealers: in Singapore Malaysia HO HOCK ANN CO., (PTE) LTD. 261-265. BEACH ROAD. S PORt 7. TEL: *****-***** 12th ANNIVERSARY SALE now on r J. AT tttS'WEKG HENG ffifisSK^ (CONTLMPORARY FURNISHERS) _^V--_J_ 71/ Vicforio Street, Singapore, on English. China,
      108 words
  • Page 22 Miscellaneous
    • 165 22 MALAVBtAH «.<»\ I. KB H IS \K.\l\ M. IN Kl. lUriaUn \l< k k.. suiiiuni 1u.1.i ua i i;.iiii.niiiiHi Pen.i 4. 8*po» v Aiiiud totem isba Bail. 530 p.m > Hot'ke> i'li.ik. v Trent 'uu iPrtnceftt'd J. 30.. neb i n iPontrti .i.O'. vnnien— S*|wr v Penanu ilTinre.s Rti. b.Qi
      165 words
    • 78 22 Serdan B v Klaag liß.ra i S I'll lli^l > 1 1: B'aare Div. Ii '..:ni- i Stable Bon lOeyiang. t.lOl l'rnaii( Div. Ptnt Com-n..--iim Poatalf i8.18>: Burnlej Ci\-* trin! i 4.0. txii li niiit.hi.s ■I cry siaiium'. SUOOTtNO Mb n.iiu n.ii bmH: Bkaet (Subaflg. 2.N) S'p»-re K\ meet: Centre
      78 words

    • 235 23  -  MANSOOR RAHMAN By I I I 111 FA. of Malaysia have told Bulgarian coach Dimitar Grigorov to come to Malaysia at the end of the year. 'We are satisfied with the present arrangements and we will not be needing Grigorov till January. FAM assistant secretary
      235 words
    • 124 23 S. KOREA PLAN PARK CUP SERIES IN 1971 2EOUL, Fri. South Korea are planmuu an annual Chung-HC( Park Cup soccer tour- nt. the Korean r-i<utbaii Association aid yesterday. -Xun Oh. an n m»/:i >man >aic mx Ibt So'ith L.^.>: AxUn 111 be :n\itcd to inaucural irrics m .*rnl 1971 This
      Reuter  -  124 words
    • 157 23 ITRISHNAN Gopalan IV i> Singapore's brightest gold medal prospect in the Rangoon Seap Games boxing event, according to coach Nee Roath Virabhak. "There wi.l not be mui-h comprtltlun in Kn bnan'i cla.-s 'Kghtiihuu.freight 1 and with hb. experience and currr.,i form I p:rk him
      157 words
    • 649 23 THE biennial home-and- away golf match o*tween Singapore Island Count rv Club and Royal S'Uiißor Golf Club will be p^\>d at the Island club's r.fw course Today and tomorrow. SICC. beat f n 47-23 In thrlr away match In April. are confident ol
      649 words
    • Article, Illustration
      45 23 Lee loses title LEE Won Suk of South Korea (left) throws a left hook at Takao Sakurai of Japan during their Orient bantamweight light at Tokyo on Thursday night. Sakurai won on points over 12 rounds to take the title from Lee— AP radio pic.
      AP  -  45 words
    • 161 23 THE WOMEN FA. of Singapore plan to stage an 1 Asian Tournament, next August on the linos of the remit European championship in j*hich 47 teams took part. H «tf Kong Malaysia. T iiwan Indonesia and Thailand are th«- countries •So WFAS Intend t" ;nvtte.
      161 words
    • 55 23 The district mar.ager Of Scandinavian Airlines System M«gne Ounnar»on yeaterday pre.vr.ied 200 Thai silk ties to the FA. of Malaysia on behnif ol Thai International Thov will bo distributed to officials and player« taking part .n th^ mcrdelta «ocrer tournament. Michfa: Ding manager of Wah Tr»\e:
      55 words
      • 25 23 m\i \< II \<,l X: MCRf 2 Po,.r^ 1 Xl I>AH Lfa«ur (8« Pafani' C'K Indlan> 3 Kuhin 0 IRII.NDLY iPPi.anj': PSC 3 MWPT 0
        25 words
      • 50 23 TAlPlNfj M»-a-»ldr nn*l: Priton* "A' 13pt« '3 |o»j a curiieri Ihri«\«n Youthi 4 SMIH MIIMI) tun I iTc M*]tmi Esciit Ksr 3 RuniMl« 2 RLANC lin Umbm: n»to H»m/ali 8fc School !> Currv Wand 4 lOHORi (.n't MntMt >- fin«l« Bar- PWP. 4 Pn«m 3 jb Town Council 4
        50 words
    • 565 23  - Trevino hits out at the crowd JACK FINGLETON From Sydney, Fri. DETER Thomson and Guy Wolstenholme retained their positions at the head of the Australian Open alter the second round at Royal Sydney Hose Bay but they were Joined today Dy Bruro Devlin. Thomson and Wolstenhoimc shot 71 as they
      565 words
    • 113 23 PELE IS TWO NEARER —1,000 BRASILIA. Fri Pele. the King of Soccer 1 came two goals nearer hls 1 000 mark when his team Santos boat Cuntlba 3-1 In thr Sliver Cup Championships on Wednesday. Pele and Santo> reckon this takev the tally to 995 goals, but o'her sources makr
      Reuter  -  113 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 132 23 Etfl KUAIA LUMPURS IUP m- 1 NEWEST HOTEL hm f\ m I lull 5 v *fj«y air conditioned *waKto waH carpeting *24 hour courteous service *central antenna with plug in TV. *3-charmel music Ar»dK> system **uroown rpstanrant *most n'Oderndetot twriannebar P |«.ctron.t touch button elevators spacious car park *eof tee
      132 words
    • 185 23 ti&mtf* MmTsmffj^mmSsLZZm flm AJBbR f WmW 0y l£m^^£Bms Mm lim gBL W*~ f^mv^m^mmmWWM > WmM Urn am 9 SmamM f m mmmaHic M l^^l Iriui" i im mmWm<i i•r fl BuH^Sttl BiH w ir V y^Jmm W m lA f f> J&4?mWR B? t: <&>7* ™^MBy*-jHI W llm mmmT <
      185 words

  • 49 24 I'HE ollicial North Vietnam news agency released this picture and supplied a caption :g that the girls are members of a Liberation Army women's artillery unit in act! on in South Vietnam's Tay Ninh province. The girls are using a n ortar. IP I. picture
    49 words
  • 210 24 $475,000 LOANS SWINDLE: PROBE BY POLICE SINGAPORE. Fnday DOLICE are probing an alleged $475,000 loans swindle by a businessman after i report by an accoiu. 1 The accountant >ald that he had loaned <he money over .i period of month-. tnd later found cheated after 'he b man had siven
    210 words
  • 158 24 Striking wives take a cue from Lysistrata f ONDON. Fri. -Wives v of striking coal miners at Wakefleld today took a cue from the formidable ancient Greek matron Lysistrata and refused to do their housework until their husbands go back to their Jobs A spokeswoman said that at least 70
    Reuter  -  158 words
  • 428 24 lON DON. F:l Thf HIM i ended the account on a dull note Current labour dispute*, the Wet German mark revaluation qur-':on and UK domestic economic policy kepi buyers Irom the maikei Tow rcis the dose, the Financial Time index was off 1.3 at 3rt" 9 alter an
    428 words
  • 262 24 Palestinian guerillas grab refugee centre in Lebanon BKIRIT. Friday PALESTINIAN commandos took over a refugee quarter in this tense city today and told security forces to keep out. Thr movr came as Ltli.miiii > main cities and towns, inclml i nt It. ii ni lay •imii'i nrfi-u in what finild
    Reuter; AP  -  262 words
  • 137 24 WHY MAN WANTED TWO WIVES CINO.»PORE. Fn A manned man told a diitnct court j today that he named .mother 'lie beiau-r uli his three children b\ hl^ «lfe were dumb N^ Chran Cher 4.', who wa.s Jailed lor two months for falsely declaring himscK A bachelor j *o that
    137 words
  • 244 24 Pakistan struggle against Kiwi spin KARACHI. Fri—Pakistan struggled to 199 for nine on a wicket already taking sharp spin on the opening day of the first cricket Test against New Zealand here today. The New Zealand bowlers tolling in sweltering heat, made the ball turn and lift alarmingly, especially after
    244 words
  • 59 24 /■"OLOMBO. Fri A stolid 49 b\ Doug Walte:s helped the in tourlnn cricketers.score 175-9 on the first ri A their three-day ma-ch against the All-Ceylon XI here toda-. But the da* belonged to Ct\ lon bowlers Chanmugam and Shabandu vho sent down 50 overs and claimed
    59 words
  • 22 24 Barbara Stump won the Keppel Club LOV medal on a louni back from Muriel Malcolm yeste:da\ Both had m
    22 words
  • 6 24 Bun*;."*! H»>*i 30 on tncn-e
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 171 24 Stuck for what to do and whirr to do "^f No M\ it this werkond? It's all right here iK| dressed-up fun or casual cavorting It VH J/mm l 1 Dine in styiv at the Hotel Malaysia i^^V^ A JWaW/H Rajah Room or in the enchanting Jalt&P; f{n\ law/ II
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  • Page 24 Miscellaneous
    • 37 24 The weather Siridauoir 0-74 F Manila 9H-70F" (air Hens K'mij .0-7' F fa;r Taip«-: B'.'->iBP fair T«kvo 68-oTF t N..|ih S4-7JP B<iiiski^ 89-77 f inuciv S«>u! 7ii-:,:»F CloudT K l.unipur 84-72 F Dartly i loudv I :Hinr
      37 words