The Straits Times, 18 October 1969

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 27 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 175,000 The Straits Times The National Newspaper l-std. IX4:i SATIRDAY. OCTOBER 18. 1969 15 CENTS K.D.N 5104 1 M.C. (P) No. 0723
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  • 367 1  - $400 mil 'battle' for the 'heart' YEO TOON JOO Raffles Centre: Big bid expected By SINGAPORE. Friday A BATTLE of financial giants is expected when the Govern ment throws open contracts to build the proposed Raffles International Centre. The stakes over $400 million. Wai tine to coiite in is an
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  • 506 1 42 new factories planned for next two years SINGAPORE I ri. Ihir In n neu iaituriev prn.ihciiu ii'Kii ■•"'I be%et j^.-^. I! (or processinj rubber. atosUc* mil l]i th. i gSSflla, and I* lor miacellaiteoaK cstemiral product iri pi inneil for re over tin- Bexi two v. Ihr ■>lini-t"i lor
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  • 211 1 METRES AND KILOS FROM NEXT JANUARY KOALA I.UMPUR. Fri. Malaysia la eapected to gwltcb to t h c international metric system in weighta and measures nt-xt January The Permanent Secretary Ol the Ministry ol Coinim rce and Industry Raja Tan Sri Mohar bin Raja Ba dlo/aman viid today the legislation
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  • 49 1 lONUUN lii 1I" HO t ul Common^ today api" ,:.itr .v !i-n Bill. Hi \.>ice la« il! eoass Into operation ).<u I ItTl Tlir (ontroveisial mea-uio. which establtshes the principle ol divorce b> conaani pa ed II ftauU paillamentaiy hurJle with h.udlv b Mhimixr Reulrr
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  • 90 1 CHANDIGARH. Fn AbOUt 60.000 Punjabis, most <'f them turbaned Sikhs, today began t nwrct) on Hii- city in support >>i their demands tor its mchiakm m Punjab Btat< Tr'Hip- and armed police are -i mdlni by In ca < ot rouble ciiandiKarh i- adinliu
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  • 339 1 Vietnam: Four to one in favour of Nixon WASHINGTON, Friday (WHI.KS miii to fin- While House on the anti-wur moratorium art Four to <>n<- in l;i\<»r.i (>r Presidenl Nixon's Vietnam policy, il was announced today. The White House spokesman. Mr. Ronald Zlegler, said that of the cables sorted so far
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  • 194 1 Soviet 'spy' vessel ablaze SAIGON H South i c n in i i coastal patrol boat tired on a Russian spy ship lntrudiuit Into territorial water.- today and set it on tire South Vietnamese military ■ourcjga said The sources said the Soviet spy ship was within South Vietnam s V2mile
    Reuter  -  194 words
  • 23 1 manii in Mantis i 12.0 M puWi. -<hi«>l ir.uhn"'l I |l 1 V ,;ii» 000 tiiiln' mii UIIV l.'iniU-il vacation AP
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  • 273 1 Soyuz-7 makes soft landing in Kazakhstan MOSCOW. Friday Till! Soviet Union's Soyuz-7 spacecraft today soft-landed in the central Asian republic of Kazakhstan, il \\;is officially announced. The three cosmonauts aboard wuc s;iid to be reeling fine. Il w;is the second of three manned Sovirl crafl which Iki\p been making a
    Reuter  -  273 words
  • 78 1 £25,000 PRIZE FOR DEAD WOMAN LKIt tmOKTII (hnsl.ind*. Kri A *H\ old prnsionrr. .Mrs. Btkal Bf.ile. won v;:."».00O hrrr in a »talc-run lotler> the day after buried tier husband Walter. 77. .md si\ children frared la-«i week's priz:- would br Illtl away in death duties Kilt uood news i
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  • 34 1 PBNANO. l-n A JB-\*ar-old naa ii't»rk«l hh father and I itufr today nith a ■Mit plantation m Ba ..:i Ajar Buti*runiti> !he man a fontifr tiltal. ■..inrd by ih» police
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  • 41 1 FRANCO RISSIAN MOON PROJII I MOSCOW. Kri— France and So\iet I nion agreed lod:i\ to iom in attempt to put laser reflector on moon ne\t \ear as part of wide-ransing trehnical and economic co-opera-tion between the t»o miiiilrir- Rruter.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 65 1 ~^Hg|g^^ggk gk abermain Remitertd Trade Mark LATEST CREATIONS... Cum Contemporary Design and Precision... Created especially for you! With or~' multi-coloured .^gfc^^S^g^^^* dials- -Red, 4^MggfTH&L Blue. White. fMm^MmMjW^ J£ Greeti. Brown f jgb^H g^P^ and Purple. flgggggg^^iggl ggß^^^gggfe vio W^^t^K^P^r Smgapce $84 00 West Malaysia S9 lOO Vjw^^SjJ^^ Pemng 586.00 "S^tf^
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    • 14 2 Inttraalor.«l Labnjr OrganiM ;..i)Orr Japa:DH >i:: take mri t«f
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    • 85 2 LIBYAN LEADER WARNS BRITAIN AND U.S. ON BASES (WIRO. Fri. Libya's leader ester Britain and tne United states a warning that they would soon be expected in abandon their In the country. according \u the Mid- News Muammai t onarj Command which K.:.n Idl p 1. *as Quoted I to
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    • 417 2 WASHINGTON. Friday THE United States yesterday rejected a communist proposal that it begin private peace talks with the Yietcong. White House spokesman Air. Ronald Ziegler told a news conference that the U.S. would not hold discussions from which South Vietnam was excluded. Hanoi und
      Reuter  -  417 words
    • 22 2 NEW DELHI Frl. 1 northManlpui haa been put under direct Delhi ii ment Pre.-,:d--. 1 |n [Blind suspend! province
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    • 10 2 lAKARIA ti Ir.r Qo*. haa ufcicicd I
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    • 128 2 LAIRD: WE PLAN TO LEAVE RESIDUAL FORCE \y4SHIM.IOY rn.-I.S. l>efen<e Srcrrtary Mr. Melwn |..iird >aid >e\teriaj that the I nited Blalaa I I 1 1 1 t- 1 tit le.i\r a reetdual font in Vietnam .tftrr thr uar. Spraklnc to reporters at the I. r,t Mr. l.aird ackiiotvlril^eil that sunie
      Reuter  -  128 words
    • 77 2 I \K\ltl I In I, p., MM ili'-.;nii> have bees .uniserl of ateaUni ir^u'iis nf nr» batla prtnta ob sh..w in Hotel Indonesia. Mi Mirmih.irclw. i man of Hie Hdlik \i'< U MtrlaUon. told a Prey* iinii-rriur nn MTc4aeaia) (hat lilt- .l.t|janr»r «rre ■eea t.ikmx <ir
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    • 336 2 /YTTAWA. Fri. The Canadian Immigration Department has rejected a coinplaint by the Labour Party of Honn Konjj that applications lor Canadian visas by Chinese are beinK turned down without any reasons tiiven. The complaint wa- included in a petition .sent la-' month to Primp
      Reuter  -  336 words
    • 32 2 ROVE Pri The I Nfions Food ar.d Orßaataatioß hat ce<.<irc. »yrid food proKiamrr.e < .on for emer.,' nrrtii \r\ 19b9 »oaia be c from LS»10 n-.Ollon to USIJn .TlUion —Reuui
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    • 109 3 PUERNAVACA, Fri. woo i worth heiress Barbara Hutton has been unsuccessful hi freezing a loint Swiss haute account which she held with her most recent husband. V 1 etn a m ese Prince Raymond Kaoul Doan Vlnn According to spokesman through whli lilrd
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    • 4 3
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    • 105 3 TROOPS DODGE SNIPERS' BULLETS DEITISH troops Brawl .is sinpiis hullits lly In Belfast* I' Shankill toad .him ibe solciirrs used tr.n^.i> in breah ap aavrj moh- of I'loti-i.tiKs ,h .i a tlag \rtn> out! I he .iriiix h.ul inovi',l in iftrr ;i nuht of loleni c h hi> h h
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    • 8 3 <i>S Kn l- It
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    • 16 3 (i'lNTi KONO K I >•- > \:<-tln> d\v. in.! \o.i\e during in- "incubation \trn> o
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    • 286 3 Aussies to raise Colombo Plan aid VICTORIA (B. Columbia). Friday .ounts said that their country planned to increase its contribution to the Colombo Plan by at least 10 to 15 per cent nexi yeai Australia la the third Commonwealth donor to the organisation to go on record as planning increases
      AP  -  286 words
    • 232 3 Nobel medicine prize goes to American trio STOCKHOLM. Fri Three American .scientists wen- award «d the Nobel prize lor Medicine today for discoveries winch laid the foundations of modern molecular biology. Proi Max Delbruck. Dr. Allied Hershcy and Prof Balvadoc Luria were honoured for cootrlbwtiona In the field of molecular
      Reuter  -  232 words
    • 59 3 LONDON. FTI.-Brit.iin la clearly on the road to i i-onomlc recovery and to a con>iaerablc about-turn In Ii a fmtnniw Chancellor >f 'hi 1-xcliequer Roy Jenkins -aid last night Britain waa dearly head ing for a £900 miHimi bal ance ol pajnvnti aurplus in 1970, but
      Reuter  -  59 words
    • 170 3 I ONDON. Kri The Ptr.sjs j Council, watchdog of I the nrw.spaper lnI du>try. today censured the News of the World for tfrifiUfiTH the n-.emolr.s of I former goodtlme girl CbrisUne Keeler The council ruled that the newspaper 1 tetialUation liad unjuMly
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    • 145 3 Law reform for lovers who won't take plunge I ONDON. Kri. British men who tharni girls into >.i\ins >rs o marri.iKf. then cry off .is the ucdilini; i:;i> approaches will hair IMagl t-asiir if a report published on c<lne.Ml.i\ tonit-s into lane. for i hi- ii poll proposes tin abolition
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 110 2 C"^^^ OPEN DAILY FOR BOOKINGS r^ UNTIL 6-OOp.m. (SUNDAY OPENS AS USUAL) '£l£ gg. H 60LDHZLL MANSIONS m^* a JERVOIS ROAD 4-STOREY FUTS 3-STOREY SHOPS AND FLATS jjdSSLr Situated in a choice residential area within V Quiet and peaceful locality and yet is only 2 miles from town. "^&r <^
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 153 3 f The world's best selling record changer S?J!" AUTOMATIC/MANUAL LULU HI-FI TURNTABLE It's Elegant w The Only Automatic Turntable that can It S lnt©lliQ©nt tr<Jck every record at tne 15 Vertical Stylus Tracking Angle during manual or Its Unequalled automatic P ia V Vertical stylus tracking adjustment for f-our speed
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    • 199 3 12th ANNIVERSARY SALE NOW ON I 3t» II fiSffiWENG HENG BBHlgffl (CONTEMPORARY FURNISHERS) ■BBHI ■_JIL I 71, Victoria Street, Singapore. Oft E»«lr(V Chi»«, Ct*cfco«lov«kKiii carp** A ntq\ W,d» ran^c or U.S.A.. U.K.. Dutch I Conhncntol Upholttery Fabrici. Drapery Fabrics, Furniture, Bediprtodt. Camrl-tkin PouHt, cushion covers, etc. Interior Spr.nq and Foam
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  • 166 4 Car gives away man who paid with forged fifties PBNANO, Fri. Two i or n v d Singapore fifties were traced to a motorist through his car. the Sessions court was told today. Chan Kh< ng. wai lalled for tv... reara on each ot two ehargea of knowingly posaeartm
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  • 225 4 First joint exercise for RMAF Tebuans 3 rmaf fighter pilots will have their i joint eierclse with British. Australian and New Zealand airnv d im-a* week. i iic wcercUe w >taued over the A>ahan Range iboul in ni:le.v Inland Malacca town. RMAF Tebuaru •;>tpr> .:i >*r:<e and Forward a.r control
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  • 110 4 Change-over to Sunday holiday soon in Perlis L \\C. AH i i i. s ..l)-cr\»' S.niday as ii.stfad o! K. d "!he H'i'.o Government ii...- agri >it to tblj beeau c It will ban Sat.-." the Mentrl R« -ar. I..ti Brl Kh>!kh Mm .id. mid today. tl v '■<»■''■ le
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  • 54 4 MALACCA, Krl A v»n druer. Taiib bin Haji Hamsah tv killed in a ro«d np»r Sprlt»ii! !0 milp« Irom hpu 0B Wpdnsrday n 4fl \\:i« h in«»rngpr lit a taxi «liiiti (u.i.c'Pd uirh a *taaon»ry *ch»'l b earnrlng S9 children Tlip uu dmpr. l;m Chena Ho
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  • 39 4 PENA.NG. m Fifty ofllrci, and mer. of ihe ÜBn M»lay-iar. Inf«rf- Bng«d» Bitu Üban. rpsterriay don«rpd a oi UpOd P I Di f— nang h'.ixxi b*rlt Thf\ rtn i led by Li. Itr».u>d bin larut.
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  • 337 4  - Singapore ideal centre for big oil hunt-visitor Arthur Richards By gINGAPURE. Fri. Singapore can become the centre of oil exploration in the seas around South-east Asia. Ti i.s i> the view of the o! Per* lamina 'an IndoacaUa Government -owitcI oil COOIMn) I Hii" (Irn Ib- in Butowo. who
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  • 233 4 Not Govt aim to cripple MTUC: Minister LI ILA LVMTI K Hi Ine Minister of l.iliour. Mr V Mani> inda> ieM could ii-it undrrsl.uid uh> ti.idr union Iradrrv anu-rd Inr (■■■\riniiiriit of At li in|itin» to i ripplr liir Milt lie -aid the < .<>\rrnniriuintrntion of separalmc thr Ctirpais
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  • 14 4 Xl \".lt fl UK n.siv \n ov) hfllf\fQ 0 il-lf I r
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 190 4 »A > A"ji T A"A r A.wj I y4W A ~AWAT*I WISH Ha^g^g^Hl »»o V^ ■MMSMgjgflgH I I^HIgW t a' ~*w~ CORAL 11 811 p0l !r 'p^'j* 1 8 l i Today's most Q distinguished name in speaker systems! Must be heard to M s s Z' i^- believe! p*«O.O«
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    • 175 4 Trail blazer ——I lllilllllillllliHililll ll!l!!l!!lllll!!l!:i!l!! c Mm 9000 MILES IN TWO WEEKS This VW Kombi carried a TV crew and gear on a 4 way trip to film a documentary of the Vientiane-Singapore Asian Highway Rally. First of all up and back to find best filming spots, then up agam
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  • 138 5 Southern Islands hunt for gang of robbers SINGAPORE, Fri. I Marino police are on the hunt for a gang of robbers who prey on fishermen in waters near th e Southern Islands. tollowi several rep ru from local Oanermen 01 armed men nibbing tliem 01 bl ment over the last
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  • 17 5 Education body to meet SINGAPORE PYI 7ht m Oct. 21 Thr rMmmi'Vc \»;ll di.«c^..s» p intmrni 'an.
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  • 9 5 ■>:■: I tnre at Butter* :r. on 5
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  • 6 5 K fnrss Ciub I
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  • 5 5 H r Ju*-
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  • 3 5 SINOAP
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  • 138 5 On first day on the job, youth falls to death SIM. \roitl 11— <.hafTar hin Ahmad. 15, of l»hon- Itahrn. fell to his death on Ins first cU.v at wink on a Kcdhill i-in-StnwtfaM site, a ninmrrs inurt beard ladaj *>iili-<ontra<tor l.ou GsjSJll < aye saM in- esßptoyeil (.h.ill.u when
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  • 9 5 •«n by a I number
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  • 30 5 SINOAPORF Fri Ang h!" hemp yesterday Hf ipc e:\nl r.-.p wound* mn.l «a, admitiPd '.o hospital A man has bppn arrpsttd and a 1 tap-r found.
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  • 90 5 Bl KIT NEBTAJAM. I n Thr Mmi«.lrr of l.ilm .1 lion O.ito Mmliil It.lhnl.ln bin iVakab, vticl lipip today niorr Importance would i>r sivpn to li.ih.isa> via "I nrli^h Hill only lie an important subject J" s t .i« Mirnrr and
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  • 37 5 PORT DICKSON Kr! A Mohammad Ismail red In Iron' <>( the now power Mat:on here this morning whrn his motor-cycle collided with an (1 cir [small was taken to QOtplUl. His machine was burnt out
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  • 318 5  - Malaysia and Indonesia agree on seabed split TONY HERMON Ry KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. Mal;i' and Indonesia have I divided tin; Straits of Malacca seabed equally between them. This is the result of an agreement which will be signed In Jakarta next monih defining the bound ;iry linos of the con-
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  • 109 5 SIR OMAR WARNS BRUNEI'S STUDENT AGITATORS gRUNEI TOWN, m I Pormrr Sultan Omar All Salfuddln last night warned that the Government would not tolerate student unrest. He said that although he abdicated two year.x ago. his main preoccupation was the State's security and stability. He was speaking at the opening
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 51 5 article of the month start of a beautiful friendship It bejjins the moment you ease into a pair of these fine shoes. You feel a special kind of comfort that instantly makes friends and keeps them! Plus styling with dash, distinction and good taste. In black or brown leather. Sizes:
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    • 261 5 ■Ki«i>iint.fiK«,iMH t ..umwmi »^»ti»«t«i»H im,ntnw»Hinmiiiminir< {exclusive CHEAP I 2nd ANNIVERSARY SALE DRASTIC REDUCTIONS IN PRICES OVER EXTENSIVE RANGE OF QUALITY SUITING MATERIALS! DON'T MISS THIS ONCE-IN-A-YEAR GENUINE OFFER! SPECIAL:--)f English ICI Materials: Teryitne Silk Wool Ttrylenc Mohair if Tcryten* Wontttf 100' All Wool Coihmcr* Town. Wonted German Materials: Treviro Virgin
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 47 5 Bugs Bunny by Ralph HeimdaM f B^SS, TV\ IiOVE; WAS I ll WT HIM T 1 BED AS' L CICESO ANY TROUBLE M I WAVEM'T MEARO A SOUNO J f\f VA'uL GIVE ME MV DOUSh) I I E39 I I'LL BE ON MV WAV.', V 1 |^Hs}
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  • 45 6 SINGAPORE Fri —A •po_e»m_n for the Sin Nam Huit Sawmill Company In Woodland-, which lost MO.OOO worth of timber In a fire on Wednesday, today said the fire tv eau-ed by a clgairtie butt, and not a -mouldering Mw-diul heap a.i report**;
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  • 358 6 Govt to get fair fight say the insurers SINGAPORE, Fri. SINGAPORE insurmu-e oompanicf welcom--0 (>( w ith resciv.ilions news that tin(lovorniucnt plans to enter the underwriting business. General IXftioil from insurance linns Io todav'a Straits Times report of the impend ing formation of a $."> million Slate insurance corporation was:
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  • 136 6 Inspector: How we ambushed a known gunman SINGAPORE, Fri—Police Inspector Joseph Chia told a preliminary inquiry today how be ;imbushed "a known gunman" in a kMicklanc off Johorc Road. Witb two other detectives he hid in the on July l'>. to wait for :n---ear-old T;ing Khoon Poh Hr said:
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  • 24 6 fINOAPOH K I--120 Engltuli primary arhio will tt_ke pnrt In etna) compc'i the Singapore Chi L_n_l,_ce Traihn Veung Chin* ocn.* at tomonow
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  • 133 6 SINGAPORE. Fri Threr factors make fur .success In Singapore AccordIng to the Minister for Communications. Mr Yong Nyuk Lin. these are: CORRECT leadership of those In government, business and the labour movement BOLDNKBB and imagination In thinking up policies; and CARI Xl I. implei at
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 277 6 m m University of Singapore Historical Society J I I^Fa GRAND MIM hRcMIEHE \5©57 LNDER TH[ DISTING'JiSHtD PATRONAGt Or IHt X^/ MINUTER fur SOCIAL AFFAIRS, INCHE OTHMAN WOK In aid of Historical Society Study Fund at 1.1 DO on Monday 20th Oct. it 8.45 pm The FA« EAST AIR FOUCI
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    • 207 6 Jbt^-^^u^^_____i^__^B > c ;"""'.idV. v c 'o^-° n __i _I_B ___i 1 r.w ardlng p ,.C. W^ f Bf.y. A 24 jSUi [^^BBa^J^^p^~^_ < 4 TO __l^ IW^^ Oil ji4*S\&y^~*w »i«s sksion*^ V/Cfi LU* f Yll T«STUTM«S I V *<yb*^ »w^_i^_li «B«ißtstii^ J 1 fvT H A\^__l^___Lv THE FfSTS INFESTED
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    • 127 6 SEX PILLS SCANDAL and it's h in Singapore ■■I thr Sunday Mail tomorrow _J I- J .1L Tal MW_r cTih.n:_nl_,'. lair Day: 141, 4 00, 7.00 9 10 pS.diay Jorrot in CARUT ON DOCTOR Tomorrow 1 JO. 400. t Tortari Fmdi A Son 'Tartan M« Mofr 1 ;mCm To»io>r at
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    • 654 6 ORGANISATION BU —~—l I U J |»_P _o~i- n i-iei MOW IHOWIMC Ho- 1.4», 4.M. A.JO k »,i 'j"jj*lir» Buset ~i4i Oa«-t Nood Poiomav or Kouo'l" m Ttmi fi«ST TiMD m Cciot a ml at aM *JJ|J r f^J j ""dKSid"^ PAJAMAS! 1 Mch_»l ffo-rw. Loufrct W.v«' >T; k ?r'BATTU
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 45 6 TODAYS ETV TODAYS ETV pnKramme lot m.\ioo1s on 8: S.1S-I3* m.m.. Ki Language Sec II New Ptano"; ».M-!>.10. E;g. i 2nd Languatsr 8c. I Picnic ».30-SM. Ouldanre 'From Rl?he> iCh i 8rc II Internal 1011a 1 I 11. IS. VocatloriH ■Krom Ran* la Uchei
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  • 158 7 National Museum shows the killer hornets SINGAPORE, Fri.— An exhibit on Singapore hornets is displayed at the National Museum compound daily from 8 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. It will be on display for a month until Nov. 8 and is In to public inquiries following two ca>i\s of death
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  • 105 7 SI\(\P«»KK. Iri Betp.lf srlhaik- in «rri.iin cuiintrii". Western••t\lc parliament. <r\ ilr■aermc] eaa -<till flourish in Ma, Mr. l.fslrr fajrsoa, an \ipiitii.iii ( law rxperl said He HU him i \rr that rertata mmiifit atimiv wen nicdril (o suit 111: 1 -.lli-rial conditions in Asian
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  • 317 7  - 'Stop those rich draft dodgers from leaving' CHEONG YIP SENG By SINGAPORE, Friday |m lk rich imist never be allowed to escape national service by going abroad. This attack on student drafl dodgers came today from history don and Ml\ Professor Wong Lin Ken. ;is Singapore called up lour new
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  • 63 7 SINGAPORE Frt There »ill he poor prrsMire or a rut in the water supply tomoirnw from 9 im. to 2 lira in all (ac'one* xlonii K«n zoom Rn«d Soon I** Road. Kwoiik Mm Road. Enterprise Road and Wan Lee Road Thomson Road, between house* HM
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 341 7 T^LY n ITALY ITALY ITALY ITALY ■HbTbW^' Con|uncfion Wlth "P -I VfeWMaPiv >TALY FURNITURE co H t r •,, From JO' 1 Oct. to 9th Nov.) < > plT^^j. 8 p.m. Op.nin, Sund.,, *^*T BEDROOM— Itoly 250 H P'j— II JI I '-J DESIGN. (Teak plywood). > J i-rir^^^ I'
      341 words
    • 168 7 IwS if 1 IT ul X 4 ■MB 'i^mm i i Ml i i ■S8 PlflllPill'B *4 f i j a^HB V I I I 7 fl $135,000 1 (•100,000 *S3&OOO Icwl) '01WM WW T H »WWW < O*W«CT ,Uj Aim^£^^*m^ mm tir.r. ilk, > ▼^i -^gfc- ■^*Wbr^t?*tt*flHi^^gW C* KT^*t>'m/
      168 words
    • 112 7 P «■'>■ KCONGtS'IN: I M Positive relief from coughing Nyal 'Decongtstant Cough Eimr a:m eftective cough suppressing and decongestue activity contains 12 active ingredients to give positi.e relief from coughing. Breathe freer rest easier, day and night Special ageadjusted dosage forms for children and babies. A.o.lobN tram >oui Chimiil KYCKUSHIhKA
      112 words
    • 551 7 an bb era sra aa ara aa sib gib esj ara sib ara aa ara aa are; ara ara ara era aa i ßosewood Furniture! Dt MADE m MADE- TO -ORDER)- Compr*h«ns.v9 Ctrlificat* of Of gm S port l G] j*-- I SINGAPORE HANDICRAFTS CENTRE J 81>Y^ f 5-.''.J)j MO*IOO«
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  • 101 8 DEATHFALL AMERICAN WOMAN CREMATED SINGAPORE. Iri.— The body or Mrs Ruth Wrllins the American tourist who fell to her death from Ihi uncompleted 15th Him. i of Hotel Equatorial shortly after midnight yesterday ml cremated this morning. Her husband, florid:) dentist I)r Howard Wellinv lelt fur home thi* afternoon with
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  • 24 8 SINOAPORE. in The Bulgarian ■::,r.r ml lon today \i-itfd i he Port Authority. A scheduled visit to Juroim was ra needed
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  • 158 8 SINGAPORE, Friday ONE qut of every five houses cheeked last week was found to be breeding mosquitoes. Out of 6.432 houses inspected by the Ministry of Health, 1.382 were found to have such breeding places. These breeding places were mainly drains. discarded tins
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  • 101 8 IT'S BNOUGfI to make even the hungriest man lose his appetite, seeing a cobra coiled ready to strike on the dining table. But far from frightening anybody away, this one carried off second prize in a recent cookery competition. For the
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  • 535 8  - No-licence loan, so mortgage is void T.F. HWANG By SINGAPORE, Friday TIIK High (nurt today <»;i\c judgment :i^:iinst A. Vijjevacone, ;i retired courl inlerpreter, in ;i civil action over a house in Telok Kitrau mortgaged to him two years ago. Mr. G. Raman, who appeared for the mortgagor and plaintiff.
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  • 180 8 SINGAPORE. Krl— Wh-n detectives and a Reserve I'nit officer broke into a flat In Toa Payoh estate, the; found four people and an automatic pistol with 150 rounds of ammunii'on. a court heard today. I aim- a nreliminary Inquiry in the Ninth Magistrate's
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 258 8 mKw t. m f\. J 1 a i mm iflflHflflf W^MsMstsM \sh vSSlSmil^S^^^Trr^iSS^^^^ See how it lives up to its name! jjt/ %S^ TwLsfi 9b^flEl9!i»-^3sVsBBIBBB^IiSaBBBm Bmli -^jffi B^BmM^slbm I ■■■■■jy^^^wpppßmh I IwHhßbW 1 SBteJMfc««(fla**uJßffci*| 9^9 9 k- ii^j u;*iMßi,i «^*^*i- fl^B 'bb fl^flp^^^a^flißfl^fl^P^^flll^y^ ESCORT SUPER SUPER PERFORMANCE: Ford's lively, de-
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  • 837 9  - Calling a halt to food wastage in the world UVEDALE TRISTRAM by LONDON How the FAO is co-ordinating work that is saving land threatened by erosion, and putting vegetation in other land already desert AT least one fifth Of \nv food produ--1 in the world is destroyed by pests. In
    837 words
  • 207 9 I) lie of Brimodern ja:Ls in fx- Drlng tech- the ir 1 m the a 40-hour, -,ide union ;-:.ll<'d lob.s. tut lor Bu' the locked up in cell.s at The nent :.s do.ser v. .rid. a ring more responsibility and theli own Workshop
    207 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 344 9 Strengthen you r child's health <<&££> > Jk with KalzaiidlJ PtSfcjT-^IP Kalzana D is pure calcium fortified with Vitamin D. It gives vitality \c» your !>• body cells, increases resistance against hteT* JJL disease, improves the condition of ft Bsn***BYs»\ your blood and skin and strengthens '•>!• |]f ~W the
      344 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 255 9 Straits Times Crossword m ko^s iosj pnmtfun m UM rangi 9 4 i i nu£? MlitJ gYp m bark 8 F f'" Q r ln a Irv maintain. JJ u up rlßht on lh failinit o"«'i of endurance M CmmmM »»h movin« I! In ..rf» a quartri 8f <'"■ lamilv
      255 words

  • 218 10 Wife knifed by her husband at shrine SINGAPORE. Fri. A woman. «5 stabbed In the abdomen with a knife pulled it out herself and staggered alont: > lone'.y footpar 1 for half-a-mile before rollapslng, the Tenth Maglttratri Court heard today. Llm Kirn Rong testified at the trial (rf her husband
    218 words
  • 191 10  -  MAUREEN PETERS By SHE is a beauty graduate, and she has just learnt the 1 Oil I tricks to help any girl face the world with confidence. But beware! This sweet young thing 19-year-old salesgirl Miss Patricia
    191 words
  • 94 10 SINGAPORE. Frl. The shipbuilding and shiprepairing industry la nowone of Singapore s major industries, ace.-rdlnit to Mr. J A Wilde, prestdent „i the Singapore Association of Shipbuilders and Repairers In i foreword to ihf I of shipbuilders »nd Shi|)icp«lr--»i<l In many c»i the worlds
    94 words
  • 209 10 Wok: The 'model citizen' in Red Cross work INGAPORE, Fri. Singapore citizens who devote time and energy to Red Cross work are setting an example of "model citizenship," according to the Social Affairs Minister. Inche Othman Wok. c said their "gMri dedication in service and discipline augured well for the
    209 words
  • 57 10 .-INC.APOKE. Ml Tiof Charlotte Auirbaih. Srottami lendint authority In mut;!if>i:. it th<- <«1 itncth t.-in.ii.iU dilieiencps n iiniiMduali »»d animal!' will ritup tomorrow (mm Kuala Lumpur lot a one-»erk visit !T0! Auerbach will led me ai the University •>> Singapore, nfi-n and tl-.e Teachers' Trsilniiv; Ooßtg*
    57 words
  • 32 10 SINGAPORE. Fn The Blngaporc Chinese Riy»lctan»" AssOCtoUon ill .elebrate itJ 23rd annlve.iai-. and lh<- (Cond „< it eeond branch piiul 'Mtli nmner a: l).c ChllM* Chamber of CulllllWCl aiu'.ltorlum on Oct 2"
    32 words
  • 25 10 SINGAPORE Frl The Old Slulaplans Assorlalton will hold a dinner »nd dance »t the Mand:irin Room on Nov 1 at 730 1> m
    25 words
  • 197 10 fiINGAPORE. Fn Sin- ga|)ore s leading social workers today called tot Cl >ser study of I plan for .i el.anty [x»r, ;i;m.'d at over- coming problem. lacing fund raisers The social workers were commenting >>n a suggestion by Mr. Ec Peng I.lang. president oi
    197 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 9 10 nothing tastes like7-Up but Seven-Up! the real thirst quencher
      9 words
    • 335 10 I I I\t it f/ «H i iii ij I 1 ■MBiHH.lKta^NßVal.«laVa>>^Bl^U 9 C ySSt&I No w everybody can afford home JHBSe movies! The new KODAK lISISTAiBBuB MATIC M 24 Movie Carrara lets you keep your memories alive in glorious B a color. This fine new low priced KODAK 5
      335 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 99 10 Mrk Trarfi Hy 1 hvslvr Uoultl BBFaMLaaaMaaaMaaaaaaaaE*] P^ U^JDfeR WICW F'w'HAJ DcT^^F^-NO 1 V£S, NO \\Q PORES' r^ES TWE WAND PRINTS ON "H MAGNIFICATION. LIZZ. 1 YOU M PORES I PORES^V^ Q pf^j^^t THE SOUP TUREEN ARE L_ HAND SI^JJ I NOTiCEr^/^Ba^^^J yS^l^^V LEFT MAMO IS NORMAL I V^^V^ a9^«a^R
      99 words

  • 307 11 KUALA LUMPUR. I. Friday '|'HK InspectorGeneral ot Police, Tun S:i Mohanud Salleh bin Ismail. has called on the people nut to rock the Malaysian boat of racial harmony and tolerance "The sliiihti'.st rock 01 buffeting by the waves ot uncontrolled
    307 words
  • 67 11 J^OIA KINAKAII In ustonis oiTicei wiaed fi Ih of •pitim worth <: i i.IMMI. (rcim Ihe I ">l"ll 1,,n! Kunak when il herthed here yesterday from Singapore The opium, io packet*. waa louiiti with other uimmls market) "medicine in a cabin occupied In
    67 words
  • 169 11 DEFENCE TO GET TOP PRIORITY IN NEXT BUDGET: TUN IPOH. Friday. I\EFENCE will bo given top priority in the 17 national bud«et now being prepared by the Treasury for next year. Tun Abdul Razak said today. Tun Abdul Ra/ak said that the budget would be submitted to the National Operations
    169 words
  • 70 11 I^UALA iX'MPLR. Fri A live-man team ot ihe UiuverMty <>t Malaya Council la to meet the Government in a bid to re-opm negotiations with the academic stall on revised P-'v lit The secretary of the Academic Stf'T A--o'-in" n Dr K K Nair. said ihat In
    70 words
  • 77 11 Big rush is on to become citizens L"l AI.A 1.1 MIM X, Krl. The l»i^ rush is on tor lili/enship papers M louinc ■)<•' introduction of work permits. Hundreds are aveatag up every say al the Bagia tralinn tllli <■ in Pcl.iliim .laya from .is carl\ jv .ill a.m. At
    77 words
  • 224 11  - Earlier flights to Malacca worry travel agencies A. Sripathy By 1 YJ ALACCA. Fri. Travel agencies here arc perturbed over M&A'l plans for earlier morning Bights from Singapore to Malacca from Nov. lo. At pn-fnt the morning rilfht irom Singapore n i m. ThK la to »e (i 1<j I
    224 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 91 11 CfflLlCT-gf-ji ZI ZZ ZZ Z2 ZIZZI ZI mt <^^^_ mtm >■■■ «m w*i i "^«i i^»" ■"■Cj kSS^^fmm^ id F*"^*""" 1 ZI ZZ ZZ ZI ZZ HI ZZ ZZ H ~-^aJj^j. ■■yr^grtiß $fes s t»5 f==* r wr^T^^^Skw^ m* v/ ail ■,y^*'^sr a^ **1$& gglggk awJ^^Biiiß r gggW gggggggggggggga^ggv i1
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
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  • The Straits Times
    • 606 12 Full participation by private < -nterprise in the SinyHlovernroent'a urban re-di vilopaient programme hi I b" < n illipuailbll as lon^ hs th tenants of prcinix s subject to r i-nt control have lii in able to hold the owner to ransom. Solution baa net been eaey, but
      606 words
    • 476 12 Though huge land schonirs for I'hliang Tencnara and Johora have received Ear more advance publicity, an unsung project for the east I oast of Salinl) could tun out tc br Malaysia's grand <iev( lopmrnt theme for the ■evt nttae So far it is just a mutter
      476 words
  • Letters
    • 187 12 ON Oct. 11, you published a letter from a writer who enquired when the Central Provident Fund Board would extend the facility enabling members of the Fund to use their savings for the purchase of Housing and Development Board flats to the purchase of
      187 words
    • 91 12 rE new Town Council Chairman am: District Oilicer, Lower Perak, Inche M Taib bin Ali. is d 'jiu.d iob cleaning up thr town which is gradually looking clean and healthy after more than IS ft an Two more t.i>k- i lor the "mayor" to tackle. 'Io i
      91 words
    • 58 12 IRFfER i ISM lnqulrj '8T Oct lii rrgaiding excessive gas charges Wo regret that it Is impossible to Investigate this matter wthout the writer's a d d r e s v g account number If he would to ;is the necessary Investigation can b* 1 carried out am; kin
      58 words
    • 95 12 I HAVE had to trave. short d:-tancrs. too for for walking, in the noon dny sun whrre no buses run Twice I rang up for a taxi Each line I wa.s asked the destination and I soon as I mentioned It thr was "Sorry, too
      95 words
    • 61 12 \N acquaintance born fcfal !l has lived In Singapore tor many years h.t^ recently been re'renched by the British ForceHe now line!;- that he Is unable to obtain employment as he cannot be C >:ii" a I../• n Ol either State l> it noi time that the
      61 words
    • 87 12 WATER supplies In the railway and high level areai in Puiau Seb.tng urea of Tarn pin were cut olf on SindHy Od I I I no known rea-«on People from thesa arras were w'.'huut water lor three days Thrre wa.s no attempt to warn of the
      87 words
  • 563 12  -  BARRY TURNER by LONDON EDUCATION Is now the second bigKest item of Government expenditure in Britain. At £2,000 million, the annual bill for teaching the country's youth is exceeded only by the cost of social security. Defence is third on the list in the national
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  • 985 12  -  BILL CAMPBELL EASIER FOR TAX PAYERS WHILE PLUGGING LEGAL LOOPHOLES FOR COMPANIES by SINGAPORE THE present basis of assessment of Singapore taxpayers is to be greatly simplified from next year. It is intended to repeal the provisions in the income tax laws relating to
    985 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 39 12 $$ssssssssssssssssssssss <* mh*c> w Sa\c G be Safe BBBsP^ 4A Jg Insure &he Insured j* (A Life Insurance Policies providing tf> j£ Savings Protection for all j* to Big or Small. </» W I I*2o. fi ,01 THIA^T ASIA 0| $$ssssssssssssssssssss.ssssssssss
      39 words
    • 227 12 Institute of Business Administration MANAGEMENT DIPLOMA Mtny executive* with their eyet on top management poiiitions are peeking qualifications throuirh the examination* of the Auitralian Institute of BttSiawa Administration. Sim-p it* formation in l!*ii.t, the I.X.A. has ii.oived wide recognition throughout SouthKaxt Ania a training ground for tomorrow's business leaders. Since
      227 words

  • 97 13 L \i I i Mi-i k Fri. Thr newly-formed National Cnunril for Islamic Affairs. West Malaysia, will determine (he start and end of the faslin* month from this year. It will take over the work from thr Keeper of the Ruler's Seal. Its
    Bernama  -  97 words
  • 96 13 Cleaning the mess after the floods Road works to he m^—mnaKjmi^m^a^^ 1 j 1 1 1 completed by end K\ LUMPUR. Fri retted thi inction ■11 Ma'arol .1. nr .1 ilverl not I 50 P»-r ture ailllon-dollar scheme, r the bu:id Drain floodn will drain irom Lhe hU behind Jaian
    96 words
  • 13 13 Drive against sex peps A inspector I ot!l r Mr oolalp I incria
    13 words
  • 12 13 .ofc.1 1'AIANI. m Ml I 'he the Rotarv lent Rotary
    12 words
  • 60 13 PKNANO, Fri The CalhoIfc hivhups of Malayan and Singapore haw drcldfd to apply to Mir Con^regaHo^ lor thr Pronacatlnn of the tailh lo Mibvtltulr Friday for as the weakly iaj of vorship in Siiitrs whrrr Sunday iv ol. served i Motklnc dny. Thb prlvilrge. If
    60 words
  • 488 13 IPOH. Friday elements posed the biggest threat to the country, the acting Prime Minister and Director of Operations, Tun Abdul Razak, said today. He was addressing a parade of 3.054 recruits to the newly -raised battalions at the Police Field Force Training School. Tanjung Rambutan. He
    488 words
  • 28 13 SINGAPORE. Fri. Thirty ol the 312 who lo*t their i on Ort. d with thr Lrfh--10 111 mpl>i:t exA It* ,r«n>. n
    28 words
  • 193 13 $30 mil. boost in S'pore exports to Australia SINGAPORE, Fri. Exports to Australia from Singapore have shot up by nearly 50 per cent from $74.19 million in 1967--68 to $105 million in 1968-69. At the same time. S;ii2apore la buying more trom Australia— s2l6 million m 1968-69 compared with 5197.5
    193 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 91 13 MITSUBISHI DAIYA PACKAGED AIRCONDITIONERS MITSUBISHI HEAVY INOUSTRIIS LTD "h^a^^^^^^^^ Air cooled or water coolsd Greater efficiency with lower running costs. Ideal for every application, trom small areas to zoning an entire building. Mitsubishi Daiya packajed airconditioners are available up to 100 hp. unit; and are fully guaranteed by the traditional
      91 words
    • 158 13 free Mm^ Agf acolor CNS with your print order: and you'll keep on getting one roll* free with every Agf acolor CNS order you place! Vaa Ml 5 mi amazing aftari a, sou m v i |<« CNS. «m d Mm you 10 kaap oh mini supeiu him with the
      158 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 930 13 TV SINGAPURA (lIAVNtL 3 19 XC PM. Spacf Kidfttw. 1.15 Star Soccer ChfL^a nrjßtal Palact: 200 CeMlr Brn. 230 Inoa Neraai m iiqulUj campatgn; 320 all docußMßtarj WhaWvai Hipprnrd i<> Royalty? 4id Phaatamaii ih. m.ha Pc;<il X (U) nilHaporf V.i:ii Fost;\n. Mii-^ir ami U..iur rc|«-»t > IMTbt VocU \\> 1
      930 words
    • 79 13 SWIMMING TIMES toihy: Mm KKMI 1.11 am (?.f 1 <fi3 f: Singapore 4 12 am '6» !!> L'3I rin, ft 10 53 am. <6.7 tl», 1107 p f^nhum 9 13 «m 12.3 !l>. 10.48 pm ISJ ft». I'u.i,^ S67 a BO '68 r>. 7*2 pm '5.5 i: liiMiillliiiu B 143
      79 words

  • Saturday FORUM
    • 344 14 "THE intake process Into the MSC i.s much too .slow la It not the case thai Uip MGB l« WMchlm hard an>l last lor reciu:ts? Vet when this ■well-re.sptcted Government -service receives the numerous applications tor iobs there ki .so much «e--lay in setting
      344 words
    • 43 14 1WE rr.scrvolr Us hardly a stone's throw away from Sekolah Sultan Man.sor Shah. Tampin vot all the taps In tho .school have run <My for thr ono month Thr school ha-i more tlirui !'()i) pupil* NOI A DKUP Tampln
      43 words
    • 159 14 A crash hat with every m-cycle? IN the Straits* 'O<-* 8 1 there was the .story of an ex-school boy who suffered seven damage In a road acc.iieni ai rr.uit ol which h« Will be a spastic for tha ol nil The judge said: "All thai I would
      159 words
    • 97 14 THE Minister of Education in a recent speech 1 said that schools with names of foreign personalities should try to adopt new local names. I would suggest that the local names should oe names of deceased patriots. fs Malaysia Is a very ,oung nation
      97 words
    • 50 14 IREhER to th( lelti-r ST. Oct. Hi "Crime and Violence at> TV. (art lor children' by "Worried ol S:neanor#\ I would like to draw narticular attention to the Droernmmes. which d<'plct real-looking cruelty or that show instances Of low standards of social and human relationships pkti:r tail Sebastian Kuala Lumpur
      50 words
    • 40 14 Mfc Khoo Chfow Hin'i ttatetnent thai msa charg* for an air waybill ■IIOWI h" dof» not rrali-e that It Is a ]rm\\ docunv ut rrrognNed by lATA (Internationa] Air Transpun Association >. U contl money to print Mit-h docoMata. 'OMMONSENSK Pfnans
      40 words
    • 339 14 Land for public and private housing 1 REFER to your report .ST. Oct 11 > headed Wh.- mjv.ns ui> .-hould not neat: moving out The WOOfl WM -m excerpt from a resume of proceeding* at tnc So m: nar on the Planning Development of new urban centres organised by 'he
      339 words
    • 255 14 Johore's Lido, where the seats are clean (REFER to the complaint by 'Disgusted' ST. Oct 4> I behev* he does not know where Lido Beach is situated Tins beach. a popular picnic amongst local residents and Singaporeans. is situated at the 3rd mile-stone along Jalan Scudai. The Town Council.
      255 words
    • 58 14 I :.ecessary for the principal to allow study leave to those students who are for their Overseas School Certlncate. By this time of the year, 'he syllabua will have been completed and matter of revision I i :!:<. can go alone by thenwelvei >.i.-.; dayi before the
      58 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 146 14 ijoiie* i m STAR LOW St;; *^^Bß tool hhi'usii Ml B^HBBa^^sastfßfßa f V Jrju^?^jfi^Q^^|9Mß*JHß^^B9B^a^aK i.^j O STAR LOI\I HAS BEEN SCItNTIFICAUY TESTED TO WITHSTAND UP TO 4,000 RRUSH SOLE AGENTS: H.BERSU G, CO. tPTE.J LTD., 13B 15B,ROBINSON ROAD, SIIMG APO RE,I, TEL: *****,*****,*****. I i The TV for Viewers I
      146 words
    • 128 14 "x f \f<* 1 ""^N fifate V ii v J rt J «He» v_y difference is in the making... ...and you can afford the Difference from Diethelm The chair on the left is a copy of our Group 900 furniture. It costs only $60.00 less than the real thing. The
      128 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 894 15 u 4NB OIHUi m tB.IINENUI KUiHi Ocl 21 Oct Tl OCt 2J,'l Nil BCI 1. Oci It Oci 21. 21 Oci 21 Nn i I Nn I Nn 11l r. n tILIUS M ■.HSIS 1 2" b Mf U »>t i suauS L 3 i^JRSL"* H 11 tJ »n i.,Ji
      894 words
    • 1148 15 Scanservice V EXPIESS SAILINGS TO MEDITERRANEAN/ THE CONTINENT/SCANDINAVIA "Vint FOR" ITUTHIA Bel 112? Bet 21 C M "Ocl IB C »imc., rim. Hturt. on* COu'g Aarnu, Maimo C n»pf» BASBA Bet 2124 OCt 2S'2» Oct 2)/ I Gen. a. A ».-,rj Rum H'tNMi A^rhu< Maimo. C'riagtn o nu*g SIJOAN
      1,148 words
    • 1191 15 EXPRESS SERVICE TO LONDON. IIfERPOOI t CONTINENTAL PORTS BEHOORAN E, Zli ..ngarjoit P. Sham Ptl..n| nt li/ij r UI/ITI a»1 Hat V ft} 9t% Sirgjpua P. S'nam Pr>ntnt Hantjurg Ott IS Ocl 24 21 Ocl 17/* l Ocl 18 Ji S.nfaport P S nan Penjcig BENVENUE I'HOOI, firm. H tu.g,
      1,191 words
    • 1178 15 I^*. WORLDWIDE CARRIERS LTD. I^|A^W For Los Angeles, New Orleonv Charleston, l^^rl^f New York, New London. J (atse accepting cargo for other Gulf and Atlantic ports, subject to inducement) Spore P. S'hom Penang La Grand* Abet* In Pi ,24 Oct 25/26 Oct 27 Oct A M ni>: McALISTER 6c CO.,
      1,178 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 791 16 JIM J jg.j JJ^ J/JJ//JJ I **^**KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. w astern Australia Sinicapore/ Japan Sarvioa t,l .r.. MM Bfi|.nai Mam Oci Na. UMI M Na. 1 J|( Japan HoncKonn W M MMM Sarvica CM tO c.t. UMH "I"' S»ri»a Mi/> H M On M lit OK Japan India Pakistan/
      791 words
    • 787 16 (I Nmitttiaw >al MMtH ia Him ItaiiND Spcrr Slum "Mia 4IIUI* I. I Nl. 111. I r., m^ m« urn. m mm* m Ig2| p. m... «iS7B -SiiTS ../j."- "IT" TiCTSs CHMtOP»»» II Pirt rt/J1 0«» horn Nt* <iu>no luriNumn //il ii/ii mi. ii »a. HiNULt' II U M. M/It
      787 words
    • 729 16 I'^r' "neptune orienVlines ltd. licwiititei m tie Kenllic it SmtaH"' ■CB Dtillmt Crouno Horn 2 Shentao «»-11l SI3U3-< fl LOADING FOR LONDON M BURG. R DAM. HAVRE. AWERP. BREM. l>i.|ll»'t arum »mm Drrnis. ■.HdiC-il M IMC, NtPIUNt lIHCOIi <un<jofi M lie: *j lit N«vn < Uai t (London tl Mil
      729 words
    • 778 16 AMALi.AMATKD MALAY ESTATES LIMITED (In Voluntary Liquidation) NOTICE OF FINAL MEETING. NOTICE is hereby given (puruant to Section 272 i2> of the Companies Act. 1965>. that a 3eneial Meeting of the Member.' >f the abovenamed Company will x held at the office of the liqul- iators 6th Floor. Mercantile Ban*
      778 words
    • 403 16 PKNAN(i PORT COMMISSION NOTU E TO TRADERS DELIVERY SERVICE ItMl MJIHWO GODOW.NS Early In February this year, tho Commission advised consignees that all Its Penang godowns would be open lor delivery without brrak from 730 a m to 6.00 p.m daily, exrept Sunday* and public holidays, lr order "to prevent.
      403 words

  • 317 17 Straits tin price up by $2.12½ in Penang rE Straits tin price In Penang yesterday rose $2,124 'o $642.12} per picul on an ottering estimated up 10 tons to 285 tons Fair demand was reported from Europe coupled small Japanese orders. LONDON: Tin on Thursday displayed a firmer tone
    317 words
  • 56 17 tssSsHay. i. •<•".. I sill hulk UOt «»n»r« drum < as< MIU4I ifoni iom Oct. P»pi. < i •m»ra. tp»c al a. ii ti .'i wHara. <ar"ix> v JUifl itll«ri (ll«J^ m CUM: AP I (OB 110* *f -rt H< I f.o r. »I".' (rnrra Siruaa.rt Cacwiiit
    56 words
  • 25 17 Unit •icnanc marwt ,r. Hun< Kons K•' rdai U» U.S. D.llar lot T.V •aaa. liarlms !'■<■•• iai 14 -•f ml .1 <«m m !..>.
    25 words
  • 36 17 RUBBER AND TIN CLOSING PRICES Ort 17. n i.r.i i. I'lii I ?1| (cuts 'up thrrr -eighths of a cent) TIN PRICI IMSLItI i up si IS| renlM. I olimaleri oMirinc -X.'i •MM (up Hi Inns).
    36 words
    763 words
  • 1204 17 VTHILE the general tone of the market was quiet yesterday on the Stock Exchange of Malaysia and Singapore there was bullish interest in selected Industrial counters Federal Paper was again a feature with prices moving within narrow limits around Thursday's levels. Business was done down
    1,204 words
  • 1166 17 BDHKBM IN AM) liiriiKi I.U TO III! SINGAPORE ANl> KIAI.A I I MII I: IRAUIN(i Kilii.MS Ol THK ST»KK I.X CHANCE lISTIIIAV Will! Till Nl MBrR OF SMARtS TRAIIHI MII)»N IN Hi: Xl I <• IN lviOr I.imiii I Mh« OIHf.RWISr SPt( lllll> INDtsrKMIs Brn and to i2i
    1,166 words
  • 33 17 STOCK INDICES Oel. 16 Oct. I? IndnolrULi 114.42 IS3.!>< Hatch: B«.Xt M.71 PropcrUaa: 13«.1* lJ4.att fllsM. tM> rubkern: 112.41 111.41 l>ec. n«, IM6 I* o Itec 31. IS6I I"" lire. 19, IMS 100.
    33 words
  • 97 17 THE atltcialian at aa»k» ,i, IMB 1 lia-lHiiiaairi in...t. m«t« cn.<n(M in il« raMl M MKicuatita yoKlday itnr following nut art quoted to tnr rq iivmenl ol onr unit 01 fOKKD cur r«ncv) Canada: Buying TT U bZou. airman OO ».»0»0: *n d it. BJW credit Ml!- B.nM
    97 words
  • 23 17 In London on TTiursdny M»iRVKn 5 per cent ril UK February March In Bulk quotation «ai eUU unchanged at 187 seller*.
    23 words
  • 370 17 Rubber Board action highlights A GENERALLY quiet week's trading was highlighted by the decision by the Malayan Rubber Fund Board to once more exert their influence In order to support declining price* and tc "offset depressive elements" as the market neared the decisive level ol 70 cents for current month,
    370 words
  • 276 17 1 -I'ME PORT OF SINIiAPORS AUTHO- '< I RITV ANNOUNCCO THE FOLLOWFOR OCT IS. Kiuhi 11. Tsmnfukyjin Maru Kxoiui Maru tn 11 Ruo K^n^ No I. II ib H.ino Maru It. Bouan Mam 21 32. ■attaf -3. Rajan UrooKe Sr.ko Maru Heitandrr .13 M, rsaaas aMstM
    276 words
  • 319 17 M 'bourne finishes week strongly MELBOURNE. Frt 'THE Melbourne mining ami nil market ended the week on a <Iio'ib note with rise* outnumoeimii falls 1114 to 38 Pmeidon reached yi'J Out cropped rms 10 $28 with laftl minute tali M i!o-uig. tn sr.ow a rise on the i:a\ of M60
    319 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 546 17 Rubber makes another further small gain Mn r *potr and Kuala l.umpai MUM rg ■a thrrr-r!«htti/ ofT c^l 'In RA s r M.RF.. noon clinlru I tairvljv's Invini Wrtl pner. in rrnl» per Ib. ynlrrday: Ihp lonr nt quirt. Buyers Sellers per b )f ,.,rd. y f llit rag* «*fc
      546 words

  • 48 18 B»( FAMILY Si !tlr MM Ml. U«n mZihuii hank a I i»Uli\m. fn«n.l--•i.iSi.-.i condolmcn »». .eroln mffi,.'. M.n.innct* and .«llislan,r W 111 II Q J AMCUS tUt Ml ""1 M" rt Plin.rn !h:i!ik pTtsata, friend* a»d fa>v. •..r iMlanrt at- ..:d i-ontrihulloni for roimrnM i MM <g
    48 words
  • 91 18 t;S RACHEL NATHAN. IM«t raj P e«>-.fuii» iMi)i» M motnrr of Mi Maume. .Mi dauieten Uorottiy. M »:rMndinotriri ol IvOI v MAS FOO TSOON Til ht« -'0 a««v ■W" iui> on n»mnd cm* tnr« «M roll Mine. Mrs. ,^j **n« Kn.wn -nd Mr. Loll xjon Wi. ir«i t-iinfiai at
    91 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 420 18 MM Miumh Ml;- fw 21 »«<>. i«» J«iti«»»l ■•'< J'M M.1.«.« $T.M ll> 15 ww«», t:c> 1H.1.1M1 <■♦« M ctnti. T..M in Stn.ct cliritjVW^ annolwcTmehts ,g| n\.on 1U»O SunCSSI ET lEAUTE for >u~ir >?-.kf Ruafettti ffi notredu. inK and ph\»to-thrr«- w r > < to data \SI ort i
      420 words
    • 780 18 CHINESE FAMILY requirei lerMinl .in. preferably Hokkien LUe-in cook Kl. WONTED CRADUATES Aril I T -|*f*" Hlatory Rcien.e lOlfmn \pply Convent School Teluk Annn I'rrak befoi. 3.11 CHRISTMAS CARDS MANUFAC ruRIR require. WMMMM «w--fflUCBa M *tr alwve IS *rue 133 Movilnen Road. B>ore rxPCRi'.Ni Eli CAR DRIVIR with I
      780 words
    • 755 18 TRANS MEOITiRRANtAN AIR W*TI the m-cargo airlio* announcea n openlns for sra or salsa rtprcitiii»i,ii Salary very attractive cnminen*urate «ith experience ability. InteieMed [>lea»e call Tel: iHporel ...I for appointment kxpenence in a:r-carKo essential STENOGRAPHER. Minimum sfualltV «t.or.« Senior Cjmt>r,d*e Orade II »itb credit id tDitliin. Shorthand iuu p.m.. tvpr»nting
      755 words
    • 1048 18 HOLLAND ROAD Dlttrlet H tpacloui 2-Mor*y aerai-dttarhtd oungalo" four bedroomt immediate occupation 1490. Tel: (Sport) 666*71. 1 SICLAP PIAIN, Frankel KatKte 4he<lroomed detached bunualow. Immediate Occupation. T«l: (8 POM) S»i!!UU between 8 9 a.m. FRONT ROOM to let. «*O/- unlurmined IS2A. Joo Cniat Place. Sport. For Chinete Coupltt only 00—
      1,048 words
    • 715 18 WILL COHtIOIR PBortßim id i <Jt»tncU <». 10- >S l» **>■ i«> Price range 130.000— tlKi.uuu. c mh I give detailed particulars Boi aomm S.T. 8 port OFFICE SPACE VACANT CONCRETE BUILOINC unri> piiraie apply Bo> A«w&0 s av»or». UNITED BUILUINf. laiao luanku Ahdui Kanmu fcaceiieDt office apace.. ■no room
      715 words
    • 676 18 FURNITURf CAN! rurniturt. Different deaigna for hire, ap. Chong Kail Co 5157 Balmier Rd. S port ■VJ294. LOST 1 BROWN POODLE PUPPY Daman «ara He^hta ar«« 10 »e*k* od ■<it* af rs to 'Brownie Hi*nd*ouif f** ward IHephone .•»i)-87» XL PEST CONTKOL KEEP SINCAPORE PUT f Hit Can u> uit
      676 words
    • 1002 18 I m sale A SET OF Bix Herman midl cryiUl itgbtlngt for tale 54.00U,- o n.o. King 4»7:m c 8 pore). U" SHARP T.V. ilidim door cabinet model 23R L>?3 one year oil S4SO Tel: ***** B'port. BEOROOM FURNITURE. l>ar, n S pore 4814 TV. ONI YEAR OLD Sharp 1»"
      1,002 words
    • 730 18 IF YOU WANT 10 mi> or MM >our* "ng 8 pore 3*13.1 "V^ooa ■h< Claaalflad Advert"™"" T'^pno"* i WViA i< SiSSmmm us. «o.j vhlte On am. to p Muamrll Hill Braddrll He.Khti 8 port. U mBm AR.ANI cc. ""jACOAR "I" AIRCOHOIT.ON.NO und.-rtak*n with Call guarantee. ><*■ laloo J»" n
      730 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 418 19 >T YOUJTSEIYICE KtnUK. a FHUIOLOrt sIHVILk. «a. la- Kioo. m .r«aa*l to im from Juron* or r,..d wc Cnauir.ea- M Mf4, S pora. Dl«s CONTRACTORS l)rn.ral rrno- I < i'..aor rttana Phona ikporai ;uij». 'AIRLAUt SOCIAL tSIORI vlli«ra Kdita wtm.n >oj ...b Mtrtat Smxawoia mi:, MMVATI INVISTICATION AUtNCt V.» lnvcatj«auun
      418 words
    • 748 19 [_IJST»I7iiT t BAR i SAI ANO ORINK in quifi -n<i nom«i> itmomwara Man Rraiaumnt •Ur m Ptmi.d Roiai ;i B«nroei«ii »tr..l >MW Ttla 39*r« ?I<3» LUNCH oinnsr at uraioc MMSM Krxaurani 181. MlDdlr Koaa nranca '.'SI ltnjcDt Kalon| Koad t>ior«> i»iKiout HoFfkonii total Cklricn ahark'a tins ■Innm orava* n*»P curd
      748 words
    • 656 19 WEARNE BROTHERS (M) SDN. BHD. P.O. BOX SI KUALA IIMPII! require SERVICE MANAGER Malaysian citizens over 30 years of age. H.B.C. plus Motor Industry or Engineering qualification Having served an Apprenticeship or similar course, preferably with an Overseas Motor Vehicle Manufacturer Considerable experience in Service Management <;OMMLIU;IAL >EHICLE SALES MANAGER
      656 words
    • 590 19 UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA Application* are Invltrd from Malayan rttitena (or tbe poita of:— (I) sf mi ik PIUHMM I lit M I 111 Ml- I Qualification.; Candidate: should have (I) an Honours De?rr* or Diploma In Pharmacy recosnlzed by the Pharmacy Board. Malaya: (U) completed the Ktatmory period
      590 words
    • 680 19 velopment of the Nur.-lng Service of the Ho«pltal (11) Responaible lor: planning, budget formulation, execution and control of the Nursln j Senior Programme Mtiit provide dlrrrtlon to Matron* and Hurting complement of "03 persons 1 4) MATRON Candidates mutt b registered with lh" Nursing Board. Malaysia, ard muM have had
      680 words
    • 507 19 CROUP PERSOnnEL mnnnGER A major British Croup with a total employee strength of over 1.500 requires a Personnel Manager with direct responsibility to the Board of I Directors. c The successful candidate will take I immediate control of an existing I Personnel Department and having I familiarized h.mself with the
      507 words

  • 71 20 IN MEMORIAM- 100th DAY MRS ANNIE ONG TENG KIM NEE ANNIE OOI GIN BEE Departed 11/69 Barn 157 22 Sa<;iv mlv*d bv all your loved OHM in Ipoh, Kuali Lumpur Singapore. and Melbourne. "As memory MUM t-hr pa^t above and beyond all the transitory pleasurp.i of life there leap foniarcl
    71 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 360 20 fffi SENIOR iofßl REPRESENTATIVE A Senior Representative is required by the Advertisement Deportment in Singapore to sell advertisements in The Stroits Times Group's newspaper*. Applicants should hove the following qualifications: i) At leost three years experience in field selling. ii) Age 25 35 years, iii) Singapore citizenship. ir) A high
      360 words
    • 903 20 I I'NITKD ASBFSTOS CEMENT BKRHAD (Incorporated in Malaysia). n i i I It I CONVENING THE ANXfAL GENERAL MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tha' Ihe Sixth Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held at the registered office ol the company, Bth floor. Kwons Yik Building. Kuala Lumpur or.
      903 words
    • 749 20 STATE OF SABAH GOVERNMENT TENDERS (PWD) Tenders are Invited for the supply and delivery of Bitumen i 80 100: Details as follows:— (a) Bulk healed Bitumen: 80. i 100. I (ii For the period Ist Janary 1970 to 31st Decem- ber 1970 on Kota Kinabalu Airport Development Worksites. (11) For
      749 words
    • 276 20 NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEJI that with effect from 15th October 1969 Mr. Tan Ouan Hoof ha ?eased to be In the employment of Mi.. soon Finance Lid. and is no longer authorised to transact business or to leceive monies on behalf .if Mmsoon Finance Ltd. of 93. Rahang Road.
      276 words
    • 207 20 JABATAN PERUBATAN DAN KESIHATAN NEGERI JOHOR. Tenders are Invited from esti abllshed firms for the followm* •>ei ices supplies lor Ihe year 1970. 1. Stitching of Uniforms. j 2. Domestic requiMtes 3. Electrical Items. 4. CMoth materials for Leper Camp. 5. Teuile materials— e.g. ftonckok hitam; socks; raincoat: etc.. 6.
      207 words
    • 163 20 FOR SALE 63 foot motor cruiser excellent condition regularly sen-iced and sloped 3 x 100 HP Perkins Die,el triple screw 10 12 *™<* inspection and trial invited pleasure or crew boat. Written enquiries only w 69 Choon Ouan Street. Singapore 2 Price over $60,000/-. interested partiea Uiu price range need
      163 words

    • 195 21  - Ghani steps in as coach M. RAHMAN Mystery of the missing Bulgarian stays unsolved, so... By I. (ihani, the former Malaysia captain, has been appointed coach of the national soccer team. ;11 take charge Of f he 'rain's training today 12 days la begin their defence of the Merdeka Cup.
      195 words
    • 10 21 i ::inipion»hip« h» siu«»in on Oct 11-Nov 2
      10 words
    • 45 21 CINOAPOM i tetma i>r»- m M ne> t week plan i» CainhodiMi ;f»vur Uglen .\»b.i A: J.tian Hr*Hr 8 M 1 :tn n-n ihf senior >■ mm On w* iheir in .rtl wrh» Cai i !i« < ■> x
      45 words
    • 48 21 Derby's John O'Hare (Ittt) appears to have the ball well cornered until Chelsea's John Dempsey grabs him by the collarbone. Behind them is Marvin HInUM) ot Chelsea. This English DtV. 1 soccer match at Stamtord Bridnc London, ended in a 2-2 draw P. A. picture.
      48 words
    • 158 21 4THLETICR rham- pions of the past and other sports personalltlea yesterday attended the fuiieral of Ruth Myrtle Feireira. who died trom brain haemorrhage al the Singapore Oe neral Hospital on Thursday. Ruth, who i it Baturaaj and rtiwi days later without retaining consciousras a natural athlete
      158 words
    • 55 21 v. I 11 .i' BK4 :<i .r^.. Aj>:»n qi.^ l«c- l> tit Hr M t)-. Chm.g iB6O duel LIIM 'B.B> and 13 mm the r\u«.» *t Jackit* i N > ''.tr. Of ■tx men and Ihrss uim.rn :nr the A-.*-: naa [it Hon| M
      55 words
    • 276 21 Mets win World Series an Impossible dream' comes true YEW YORK. Fri Ilif New York Mets yesterday completed the "impossible dream." coming from behii.d to boat the Baltimore Orioles 5-: i and win the baseball World Series by four games to one. Left bander Jrrry Koaraum p.u-hp.l a flvr -hitter
      276 words
    • 135 21 Johore polo team back out lOHORE. holders -A the Myra Cup, Johore Cup and Jumabboy Cup, have withdrawn from the Malaysian Polo Association tournament which began at. Thomson Road, Singapore, yesterday. Thi-. lrit only Sin«atvire. Seiancor and Pahan« to contrst thf throe troohles. No rea.sci was ?iver tot Johorr'i withdrawal,
      135 words
    • 74 21 PERAK Cmn»«* Am«*»Uf Drim»;r A>,w,ria?!on brat KiUt 5-2 In a Di\ 1 >vi» unrcrr match a' biadium Prink In Ipiih ve-tM-dt* PCADA ltd 2-1 at haif-timr lii .iiuthfr Dlv. 1 nm'.i'h. P*rak CRC held Ki"'« Indian in "i a 1-1 d!*» on IIM Abdul Jalll grour.d
      74 words
    • 51 21 BAIMIINTO.N (ji)\ r SEBVH I 1 q tmAl. ij B«nru seh HOC M V Xl I) Ml IWWI i m.-ok.- 3 BMB X: n. :><•*• o Ibrahim School RUGBY I HI»M)I V 'J. Bf hoir G<n' 3»r\:c»» soccm MM \l >l \n G«tl lanrtMi 'K K» 3 Tr»:
      51 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 134 21 P&H BUILD TO MEET TODAY'S RIGID PRODUCTION DEMANDS! i mf\ »i I L^-l I WgwJy* jflft m W M > CRANE, CLAMSHELL, DRAGLINE, HOE Mr. I.W Lav, F>T 14l JSSpSTimI /£^r United Engineers (S) Pte. Ltd. are pleased to /MJ aye supplied Messrs. Sum Cheong Piling Ltd. k£g with two
      134 words

    • 135 22 Sea Bird II filly sold for $235,000 LONDO.s. Fn. A handMMM bay filly by Sea U. '»c briliiiUit I.iuj Bpaoa De.b.. Mid Fnx ac i'Arc de Tr.umplte wlnn< i. (etched 81JK»u lulnt-u i about $235.u00> at the Hougnton yearLng -a. i ;it N< 'A market yes>- [m thf 1
      135 words
    • 34 22 SYONK7. Frl The 22--year-old lUlbon Emprnr »!"> raced »ueee§ifullj in England »nd F.anre. iiip.l at a .v.ud In Bronc N>« South Wale<- thl» »eck He VM by ll* Arc de TTtomphe Uje-
      34 words
    • 527 22  -  EPSOM JEEP By (ODE 111 is napped to win Race 6 at Penang today. 'lhe four year old Port Vista gelding finished third to Decumen over 71 last weeK, after making most oi the running. The shorter trip will suit him. Manhattan 11. who
      527 words
    • Article, Illustration
      1110 22 GOING FORECAST: Yieldinf to soft 2.30 CLASS 6 DIVISION 2 1 HIM BRUiHl EYES IV a (August > Rod«fM 80 (Fl Podm«r» 1 2 IMtl SHYKEE I8h|twi SainMirl fi 8 12 iFl j ***** Aim charger icK ut^ gM (W| Nfkon I 3U37 BETTER LH K a rPK
      1,110 words
    • 177 22 TOP TIPS. Honey Dra: 'Race B'raHs Code 111 ißacp 6> and i BfltCt 'Rarp 7). BI.M KOKIIAVI: Con lit and T.rn Kow 'Race 7). I I'SOM JIM' \LL BOV I-OIMKK Karr i KKKiH'l Eat! KONIG" I in. ihi'.'i Hri(ht t.yn i i .1 ii i Vi»U I l> m»
      177 words
    • 127 22 INTSMSI (Mai Shtarl up' g.iii.pca •ttsaeUvely over 31 in 42 on th* bit »t Prnan? yesterday. The going '< wa* eoft Kudadin 'A Ra»' beat WodonM I Ricky Kingston > In jt trial tn 38 Is. Picture Uoiue HI (George Pudmorei -ho«ed «ood na when
      127 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 269 22 These famous London ■£7 Courses will teach tlta a* c YOU to become an ACCOUNTANT I it's a fine job with high O pay and bright prospects jgL^.^, Ivery Business ne,ds an A-xountant or a ktJZ j££*,«2; book-keeper. This is why the tinned man, w ro n Kit ..-.M-re in
      269 words
    • 151 22 Now you ■an aohr« "TOfGB" Math problenu with the sp'-ed and accuracy of rompui n« machine! Yes. within hours you ran becomi a '•Wizard of M.itiiv even thoagh jrour knowledge of ariihm.uic maj br vr: v little \V th "Z-s Matii-' ability you will surprise your friend* rour colleague*, your
      151 words

    • 153 23 Varsity outclass the champs I MM KSITY 2 A 0 M\ERSm of Malaya outclassed defending th;»nipions TPCA in the Selangor Senior Knockout bockey final at the Kuala Lumpur Padang yeateriay. it stamp ot authority •in iatt'd terms from the start with speed ttick work. 1 v the 17th mmuie and
      153 words
    • 63 23 r .gr-\ tell 1 Ed«»rd Cher'.'cn i. M tort r.*\: sM»on The Singapore Comb.r.m Sporti Cxmr.rr h*-.« e,-ur»d thp .«»r\,cf» of Cher:- aontti 1 rk J' r lilt .Sinp.,xTe RaiJov friir Ffhr-uiry ne*t pjt on •rdgraniTie »n-*nf»d b- the 'sm»n of h» SCBSC
      63 words
    • 36 23 1 1-run win by Joint Services Hi >NG K Vii ft gap r r.em cr.-tf -nvr. wor'o ta ~r j Hens ••n l.^re teom •* r in-.b:n*rt .*»r\-.-^> :8" uiri S3 H-ing Kor| C >mii n'C.
      36 words
    • 47 23 NJEIBOURNt Fr. Caaar c..*n Oeur^e Kn- > piaca behind B ml ii-rt .> br> I I n :..r AJ2O.OOu tourr.imer.'. C.Jb Knud" n. on 13ft »a* a ;r ner tbrea KR I .r\ v H sufcree Cinchum of l■.i. mi Bnief A j^tr* n Re iter
      47 words
    • 263 23 Star keep Mori Cup in battle of penalties STAR 16 V.I. 6 A BRILLIANT recovery is the second half euaoiea .stouthearted Sckolah Tuanku Abdul Rahman beat Victoria Institution by two goals and two penalties to two penalties in the Malaysia;) schools rugby final to retain the Mori Cup at the
      263 words
    • 537 23  - Armed Forces will put up tough fight Peter de Souza "THE Perak Malaysian Armed Forces clash at Rifle Range Road. Kuala Lumpur is the main drawcard today when four Malaya Cup rugby matches will be played Perak the current leaden :n the North Zone »-rh full P'i:nts from two matches
      537 words
    • 19 23 Soon Chlrg reUlr.ed the. Singapore vm:r. basKfr.*:: tttle »hfn thfv nut TouttM K -JiR at KalUnf.
      19 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 329 23 HP 122 WITH BUILT-IN FM MULTIPLEX THE ■Mm A H^A H| HI H^ Son\'s HP-122 tops the popularity parade, The amplifier tu< built-in jacks for the ''^H m JIC? hI m m anci hrea^ s throu gh tne P n^ c barrier' addition of a tape deck and headphones. j
      329 words
  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 197 23 HI <>RT Milit Cup nii.m I p :i. C 'xt&rU Forcea North v Ptnang (RUKKT MB. *hiHd ■RAAP |rd. Buttervorth > N'.rth Mala v South Malsyi Kfdah v f|of 'A Star. 'rhfrai" Rd XL 10 am. AniMd Rmi Ptrtt iR «.ovt. *rr\ier*. Ptrak v K*Jali Rancr Ro. KL>. Johore J'
      197 words

  • 182 24 NO. they're not law .1 crow il holding I -leep-oui they're ui>t SiMgaporr »ar*ltj chappie* (trlas their night ueai and their spirits an Urini Minil von it u.i- at the late show at
    182 words
  • 345 24 Infiltrate bid by Reds on border: Razak ALSO STAR. Friday r PHE Director of Operations Tun Abdul Razak. 1 said today that the communist terrorists along the Malaysian-Thai border were not only intensifying their activities. but also making ittempta to Infiltrate Into Malaysian territory We have made a number 01
    345 words
  • 41 24 SYDNEY. Frl The Australian Labour Party's proporal for Joint operation or defence equipment with New Zealand. MalayMa. Singapore and IndnOMla m i a "pipe dieam." the Mim-trr i for Deleiu-e. Mr. Allen Fall hall said today Renter
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 49 24 SYDNEY. Kil .Striking ptlOtl f lulu Australia s inlrmatlonal airline QuttM returned lo vorfe ..t mldnlghl last nl^hi lolkrwing u'4-hour itiipi«.uc The i):loi> wnM on >trlke in .•uiiiii.i what they lermml .in undue delay In nuiHto. ikjii^ (oi nf« rage >i> i ri< i Hrtitri
    49 words
  • 114 24 Row over court bid to gag Press \UKI.AIDK Kri The South Australian supn-nie Court has ordered that the namr of in MP faeini; charges of ilri\ins while afieiteil by alcohol «>r flmus should not In- published before his amgtrtrate's court 1 1 ill on Nov I. Federal Sections are due
    Reuter  -  114 words
  • 133 24 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri.— A two-month old smuggling racket involving transistor radios worth thousands of dollars has been exposed with the arrest of a man by Customs officials. He wa> picked up after he hid collected his 14th consignment ■>! translator radios from Singapore last
    133 words
  • 35 24 AHMtUABAD i India i. Kri Two men «<r<- killed when an •'\plosioi: biMUd Hie roof olt a here uxlay Otilrwi] Mild ihe suspected (xploslxe* «ere belrn; made In the house Reuter
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 304 24 LONDON. PM Thr market was steady with a llrm undertone. i but lack ol buying IntCTMt tailed to mo\e prices trom the initial marklnc up Towards the close the FT Index was up 2 6 at 385 :i after earlier rises or 2 4 moon, and 2.8 110.30>
    304 words
  • 68 24 LONDON. Frl Spot 267»d. N B. Nov. J6"«d N B. Dec. 26.d Jan. It'id. N B. Jan. Mar 2J'.d. April June .'V.d. Jjl\ Sept 25d.. Oct Dec. 247»d N B. Jan. Mar. ;24 id. N B. April June J4 .d N B. July Sept 24' .d N B. Oit.
    68 words
  • 31 24 LONDON. Fn Spot IISOI i-t-£lt. <ellrrs £1502 lunchgd >. Forward buyers tH36'.- <unriif.d> selki.s EI4S7 (unchgd). Settleiiii-nt £1499 i -£li Turntixrr am 14.i tons pm lO.i inns Tone: Vtij steady I
    31 words
  • 121 24 SINGAPORE. Fn The O Minister for Bctencc and Technology and VlceC'luincellor "f the L'niver>itv of Singapore. Dr Toh Chin Chye, leaves (of London tomorrow on .1 ttro-week tour ol Briti>h univorMtio and engineering research establishments h-^ will be gnesl of the Council. Ho was
    121 words
  • 15 24 S R PETER 1 THOMAS J S C I 1 ret and tntn. a
    15 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 53 24 rieffe i d peileut *r4 W)Wfl^^Ei jb" •■■"'■■jiß^iiiß and durability. aasiam int-rc ib d cuntempordry or trjilitionai tsDiline I icil to :>uit your every Idsl'.ion need. And what s more. mVn Esbiline tdbnes you Knov«i von 1 Ha ho, 4» UJLf <~» $jU L+xA, H>^a^L, of il^ .LJU' HotU. H***.
      53 words
      275 words
  • Page 24 Miscellaneous
    • 33 24 The weather Mm:lli. I Shixapoir yo-'J.'iF overcast KimKi umipui 87-;:jk nmny. ratpi 88-tJKi- lab Hone Konu 84-7J?" i-loiidy. Seoul SI-46F tan Bangkok iC-TTF cloudy. N»ha 84-1 F Tokyo 7P-64F 1. k-. M-aw iie«i
      33 words