The Straits Times, 31 May 1969

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 28 1 tVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 175 T OOO The Straits Times The nations! Newspaper tstd. 1845 SATURDAY, MAY 31. 1969 15 CENTS K.11.N. 3104 M.C. (P) No. 0723
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  • 244 1  -  By ANTHONY NG I^l A!. A LUMPUR, Fri. I.c.hlcin of Hie Malaysian Chinese Association will i lift t soon to rt'CoiisidiT their decision not to participate in the Cabinet and St alt Executive Councils. me party's secretary-general, Mr. Kam Woon Wah, today firmed
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  • 771 1 Security comes first, says Tun Curfew cut if there is further improvement KUALA LUMPUR, Friday THE curfew in the Kuala Lumpur police district may be relaxed "a little more" if the situation improves in the next few days, the Deputy Prime Minister and Director of Operations, Tun Abdul Razak, said
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  • 466 1 Back to school again in Kuala Lumpur KUALA IX MPi R. M —L'pper secondary i lasses from form three and abotc here and In I'i-t.ilnu Java will reopen on Monday. Classrv however, will I>< conducted only for four- and a half hours from 7.30 a.m. until noon. This decision wa>
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  • 78 1 POLICE FEAR FOR ENOCH'S LIFE LONDON. Fri Plans for right-wing MP Enoch Powell i above> to open a clay-pigeon shooting contest in Oldham. Lancashire, were cancelled yesterday because police feared he might be shot at. Police advised the organisers of the contest to cancel Mr Powell's appearance oecause 80 to
    Reuter  -  78 words
  • 51 1 COPENHAGEN Fri An attractive young woman *aUrd I nude aernss the floor of the Coj penhagen stock exchange durI Ing busy trading yesterday. The scene was filmed by iwo youni: men »hu VtaSJpM the girl in a cape »s she cUM "'.t Then they vanished.
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  • 29 1 Jakarta gets assurance JAKARTA. Fri. Austriilt through Its ambassador here. 1 today, assured Indonesia that there were no training camps In Papua -New Guinea for Wsrt Irian refugees. Renter
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  • 82 1 MANILA. Fri Mayor Antcnlo Villegas has ordered an invest igation oi complaints that firemen refused to train hqtci on burning buildings unless paid by the occupants, duriim a lire on Tuesday that made more than 750 families homeless About 10 million pesos ($7 3
    Reuter  -  82 words
  • 125 1 Don't use force, Russia urges UNITED NATIONS, Fri. Russia lias proposed m the Four" talks thai the Arab States and Israel pledge in a Middle i- ement to ••retrain from tbd threat or use of Dlplon porting added puty Mr. Jacob A Malik "iici' (i the pmplan th.v would ::irm
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  • 20 1 BRITISH PLP.I CIRRALT** GIBKA] rAI irt-i t.nn form ill' «>ure<l i>' 'i'l<- urntnU of an mttrallj Rtutrr
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  • 163 1 Thai paras join war against I the Jewel BANGKOK, Fridaj THAI paratroo|>s liavc been rushed l<> rcinforoe a government force in Ban l';i \\';ii, ■bout 2.*)() miles north <»l here, where communist guerillas are gathering to launch an attack. fnm reports here utkl that the Thai air force had also
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  • 66 1 LOS ANGELES. Fri. H.ppies are trying to gain 800 the tmall beach town of Sand City in California and set up the first hippie government in the United States Once in office, the hippies plan to send a rovk bsuui through the .streets every Sunday, halt
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  • 60 1 OTTAWA. K n -Two Canadian air force mm were killed when two OF- 101 Voodoo Je» fighter* collided In the air over Denman Island. 100 miles north of Victoria. The Jets, each with two-man crews, smashed Into each other while carrying out rmitlnr manoeuvres The othfr
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 35 1 CHANEL r*n s JUDGE WISELY! &2rtf ABSOLUTE Hl'aE SAFETYfor SSH{^--H YOUR MONEY The Bank for All Big and Small SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS INCLUDING PROFIT A LOSS BALANCE over •ranchtt throughout Singapore, Malaysia and South-East Asia l
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    • 111 1 nbermain Rrt.MtrrJ Trade Mbrl Be the one to show your friends just what they're missing .it. m Jml^'^f 1f m Jt -/T^" j I This after dinner liqueur will make every simple snack into a Roman banquet. It's smooth. Its rich and rewarding ;ust like any good liqueur. But only
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  • 233 2 Between Japan and Taiwan— a fabulous oil find? WASHINGTON, Friday. J Korea and Taiwan are almost sitting on top of what could be one of the most prolific oil reserves in the world, the U.S. Navy rep lay. The U.S. Naval Ocean nographie Office said the oil reserves may be
    UPI  -  233 words
  • 94 2 Killed— by her fidgety fingers I ONI ON, Irl Mrs June Houm- had habit cf st rapine i i c< i <»r loos^ paint fiom the walls of hrr home uith tincern.iils nt it killed her, the Bettering coroner ruled today. I'hr coroner s.iid inlikrl> as it misht >c. m
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  • 19 2 MANII A. Ramos, •natic Merit. A nt frlfnrih lf r». ir ni rho Ph »t»
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  • 100 2 BKATI.K John I.ciiiion. his wife Voko Ono and step-daughter K>oko pictured at their bed-in for world peace in a Montreal hotel. I.ennon believes peace i« a product that can be Mild like soap or refrirrratorv In SYDNEY, the Australian Broadcasting Commie-ion and radio ■tatteai
    AP  -  100 words
  • 38 2 WHKX people e«t drunk they may damage the exhibits, Anyway, the museum is too wonderful to be turned into a ißtktfll lounge. by CalUarDlaa Teni|>erante I'nion. ii|>|h»iiiK a plan to terrt drink- a< Lai Aneeics Art Museum
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  • 19 2 MONROVIA Fri 280 prrt im'i n inert 'l (or diRRins for diamond* in Liberia without licences. AP
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  • 152 2 ALA": UA. Cal I Fri. A MARINE Corps mechanic with DO known flying experience stclt a military helicopter for a joy-ride over the San Francisco Bay area, then flipped It while landing L-Cpl Allen J liar mon. 21. walked away from the damaged helicopter on
    AP  -  152 words
  • 108 2 Rocky's Quito visit sparks violent street battles (kUIIO. Prt. Angry stu- denus and workers fought troops and police here last night, burning cars and hurling atone* and home-made incendiary bombs !n a violent anti-US demonstration Sh' •> wrrr firfd .is troopi and police tnpf. break up the rirmonMration.s at t>ir:r
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  • 32 2 COLOMBO. Fri A lunill cultural Maoclation the Annaniala: 1.-., i TaaUl Mttnarani— ha.s urged a oubli. i> Tatnii-ianKUxgr films, which it < :aim>> itvt full <>f ■tndec€-nt %nd undesirable vim.-.'— Router
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 199 2 THAI PLAN 12 RESTRICT JOBS GOING TO ALIENS BANGKOK, Fri. The Fonign Minister. T>m lHanai Khoman saM vesterda\ his Ministry had submitted to the Cabinet a proposal to re.strict iliens from coming to work in Thailand. The Cabinet parsed the proposal to the Interior Ministry for fuither considfration. Tun Thant
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  • 37 2 HONG K<»\(i X: than ii qiinrf I rrfted jroungsten in i most popuiuus province ol Siechwiin t\*\r sc:\ed in :hc comtrysitfc slaoc thr h> cinning of thLv j. r China nrw* asrnrr lfoortwl tnrinv.
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  • 79 2 Boutique opens with an undress parade I ONDON, Fri. A J new boutiquo opened in Carnab) k yesterday with .six ni the w Indow wearing items from .stock, a hat. sung] I handbag and notn* inu else. A crowd v ith noses pressed agali M the window, until thr i
    Reuter  -  79 words
  • 67 2 ONDON. Fri. —An at'img brunette stopped the traffic In central Lond v by taking a stroll in mi «hlne completely naked. A: cars slowed to halt shocked onlookers punned tilt police An office worker. Jennifer Clarke, said: "Everybody was beln« terribly British and ulued to the pavement
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  • 72 2 J).\H KS SALAAM. FTL Linda Blanturri. a BBC reporter covering the Tanganyika African National Union's conference, had to lower the hemline of her miniskirt to .i cii knee-hngth on Wednesday. Shp was called to order by repr sen the party's youth organisation, the Green Guards, and
    UPI  -  72 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 327 2 HF?!fH Torn it off Ml' 1 jil to see the difference jm Then you'll discover the beautiful things Sanyo's new Television Nippon Series will do for your II l| M home. Whether its graceful sliding doors are opened J^^^m\\ I 23"K7L 11 «1 or closed, Model 23-K7L's, 23-K66S and 19-K3L
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  • 135 3 Flying man inventor dies on his day of triumph :i.\ FALLS, A Fri. The inventor of the rocket flying *udthe day the development of his new jet belt was announced. Mr. Wondell Mooro. 51. who invented thr belt In 1961, died in Yo uD| -s town. New York The belt
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  • 430 3 SEOUL, Friday. PRESIDENT Nguyen Van Thieu today flatly rejected any possibility of a coalition government with the Communists in South Vietnam, either to organise an election or after peace. Ho said this a\ a Press conference here a few hours
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  • 96 3 I ONDON. Fri Mrs. Joy l.uckham of Littlehampton was mildly amused when her five-year-old son Roy complained that i mining up■tain made him rattle. She «as mildly surprised when he refused his favourite orange jelly, explaining hi s works would set rusty. She was
    AP  -  96 words
  • 39 3 MANILA. Fri I has broken out on iMands in the Sulu Group in the southern Philippines, an Arnud Fortes ip tounaa saio 1 vc- He .said D and 2.0001bs of medicine would be airlifted there— Reuter.
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  • 25 3 SOFIA. Fri Scune 935 exhibitors from 84 countries will display their stamp collections at th/ nine-day work! philatelic exhibition opening here tomorrow. Reuter.
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  • 158 3 Shock-proof man sentenced to die in electric chair i iouston. Prl. Twcej 11 Virgil Whan. 32. who says he is immune to ehitriclty. wa* sentenced to die in the electric chair on Wednesday. Whan MM convicted In boptember 196T ol the slaying ol a taxi dnv i It was during
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 339 3 FOR BUSY MEN I IIE 2 Minute Contest WILKINSON SWORD BLADES M 1 THOUSANDS i«fe lOF DOLLARS %M W M worth o( prizes «P| Guaranteed 675 winners Hk Spend 2 minutes, or much less. _^Hn SHHWB I *nd win yourself a mahjong tet. Of a nandsome Tltus m an's watch.
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    • 8 3 0 MOON PHOTOS I SPECIAL PU»» M, 15
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    • 165 3 SUPER 104 sets ASA Speed, controls exposure vß^^amW width of the film... gives 50S larger picture size than Regular Bfilm. Other features include indicator lor lighting, end of film and power of battery. ELMO THE FINEST CINE EQUIPMENT YOU CAN BUY i ip 7 MUST FOR CAR OWMERS™^!?^^^ <utt dwn
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  • 139 4 gINCiAPORE, Fri. A new consciousness to beautify the environment is developing in the Republic Mr. Lain Hin Chenji of the Parks ;md Recreation division said tonight. He said this new consciousness was developing in both the private and public sectors. In the public sector, this had led to
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  • 175 4 Republic winning more friends: Rahim SINGAPORE. Frl. Slnuapore's proven political and economic stability is winning her more friends each month. This was stated today by the Minister of State for Foreign Affairs. Inche Rahim Ishak. when he returned home from Bangkok after a 2<-(Jav tour of the Republic's four overseas
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  • 298 4  -  OW WEI MEI By SINGAPORE. Friday THE end of togetherness for the Ho twins lies simply In a crewcut. The new haircut which Ful Chan has been sporting for the last six weeks not only now tells them apart, but keeps them that way. For Ful
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  • 52 4 SINGAPORE. FTi. Mrs. Wang Chen Hslu Chin has bpf-n elected president of the Library Association of Singapore with Mrs Jenny N«h> as vice-pre.sident. Other officials are: Secretary. Mr. Llm Hong Too; treasurer. Mr. Cheong Kwsl Liew. Committee: Mrs. Hodulß Anuar. Mrs. Pprbv Hoclv-tHdt. Miss AlitP Slow and Mrs.
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  • 34 4 SINGAPORE. Prl-Mrs Jek Yuen Thong, wife of the Minister for Culture, will open the New Town Primary School fun fair at the >( hool grounds In Commonwealth Drive at iO a.m. tomorrow
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 265 4 NOW! farm-fresh milk L anywhere a%\ EVER READY MILK Imported pure farm-fresh milk from England. Stays fresh for months without refrigeration. Full of vitamins, minerals, proteins and butterfats. Full goodness for all the family. Obtainable from all leading grocers. Distributors: Hak Huat Co., 62 Rochore Road, Singapore. Barkath Stores, 212
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    • 473 4 [CAgwg Now Show, no/ 1 30. 4, t> 0 1" THE FIXER NOW SHOWING No Free I 10 4S. 1 15. 3 41 1 00, J.4S 6 30 4 9. 15 pm 630 I 9 "MACKENNA S GOLD ODEON 'ONIGMT MIT.' "BANDIDOS' *f-* y ->aHFrTTT Now Showing: 11.1 30, 4,
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  • 110 5 SI\(.\PORE. Fri Singapore's I'irst Lady. Puan Noor Aishah. will open the IN9 combined welfare ser\iies exhihi tion and sale of work .it the Victoria Memorial Hall tomorrow at 10..50 a.m. Some 43 organisations. welfare and voluntary bodies affiliated to HiSingapore Council
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  • 378 5 DOCTORS IN GOVT SERVICE HAVE DOUBLED: CHUA SINGAPORE, Fri.— ll was nol often realised thai doctors in Government service bad nearly doubled during the past 10 years, Ihe Health Minister, Mr. Chua Sian Chin, said last night. The Minister, who was speaking at the 10th anniversary dinner and dance of
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  • 63 5 Today's ETV programme Today's educational TV programme on Channel 8 Is as f ollow.s 8.10 a.m. -B. SO a.m. English second language. Sec. 11. The Library. 8.50-9.10. English second language. Sec. I. Happy Birthdiiy. •♦.30-9.50. Vocational guidance. Sec. 11. How to choose your career; 10.15-10.35. English literature. Sec. 11. Words
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  • 119 5 SINGAPORE. Frl. Singapore's Youth Orchestra will have Its first opportunity of a public performance under the baton of an internationally famous conductor on Monday. The orchestra will be among the four sections of the "Festive Concert" to be presented by the National Theatre Company on
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  • 46 5 SINOAPORE. Frl. Dr. O.C. Leow. deputy president of the Singapore Red Cross Society and chairman of the blood donation campaign committee, will draw the 75 lucky numbers for blood donors at Red Cross House In Penang Lane a; 11 am on Sunday.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 299 5 ®l|e ®ochpit SINGAPORE TEL ***** l_J w bbbbbbbl C fY[omont* c\ 4BF««t t«M«f«riMaV A recipe: A sprinkle of toft romantic music A pinth of laughter A glass of martinee Lots of quiet and prn a<\ r. oil 14 il/i i ho ice luismrKarar^ot* Rmirfcui|(nonn« Krrn«h Onion Sou|> iK|inll<- «f N-allop
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    • 185 5 GREAT* WALL* BRAND SPRING BEDS and MATTRESSES FASHIONABLE and COOLING KSS^BfeSSj^^B^^J^^fiflM Lw^ I A L. li^aV^^^aii *y 9 *^^bbi b^F at b^bl "Fine and top quality b^^^^^^^ BSpecialise and experience sincel9sO A ffr^ "Use exclusive Snow White Saizal Sheet %M of best quality f, A Monufacfuredby \/Jy GREAT WALL INDUSTRIES
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    • 215 5 tat mi 7'^^^m^i W f sinoapura INTER.-CONTINENTAL.«.... |g PRESENTING A NEW DINING AND DANCING EXPERIENCE 3? Pz \alH^B^r X v* vC^ W*mW i-V 1 it Mft: mTmA*^ lalß^Mß. AJ^BBSEa^E?^ I maw 1 bbi •J^Jt I Laav L. iV^rßpl '^■■■■H fl APPEARING NIGHIIV-NO COVER CHARGE i#Ent.s=i <£A^UAC£jiiteciub KELONG RESTAURANT (off Ponggol
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  • 152 6 A course to teach servants to do a better job PENANG, Fri.— Houst wives in need oi domestic help will soon be able to employ specially-trained girls who have undergone a course in household management at the YWCA here. The course started today at the assoication's premises in Peel Avenue.
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  • 38 6 PENANO. Fn AbdulUh rtin Che Pale 25. pleader in a magistrates tnurt today :o a charge of stealing rive trawler nets belongmw Karupiah. at Batu Ferruiehi. on the night of May 28 Sen•ence wa* postponed
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  • 18 6 SINOAPORE. Fn There ■vere 83 road accidents here during the oast 24 hours Pour were serious
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  • Article, Illustration
    375 6  -  HO SAI KONG By Kuala Lumpur, Friday thanks to peacemaker major who brought calm to Kepong MORE than 100.000 people m Kepong. about eight miles from here, have lived through the disturbances without witnessing a single incident. And all thanks go to Major Bustami bin Haji Shabarnl. a
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  • 91 6 Anonymous donor gives $103 to heart girl PENANG. FTt— Another anonymous donor today gave $103 to a fund to send Penang's eight -year-old heart |irl Teoh Ah 81m, to Singapore for urgent treatment. Thi.s «M th«- tnlrd anonymous donation received at the Straus Time.-, offlrp here. A Ku;iU Lumpur well-wisher
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  • 57 6 Brunei Regt's birthday BRUNEI TOWN. Prl The Royal Brunei Malay Regiment celebrates Its eighth birthday tomorrow with a march through the town and a fly-past of 1U air wing. Later the day. demonstrations. Including a gymnastics display, will be given in a city park and ships of the regiment will
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 44 6 KUALA LUMPUR. Prl. Three lawyers were admitted to the Bar by Mr. Justice Raja Azlan Shah in the High Court today. They are Mr. Ho Klan Ping. Mr Des Raj and Mr. Lian Chee Seng, a former school teacher.
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  • 46 6 SINGAPORE. Fri. Neo Kee Hiap. 28. and Per Par l<eong. 30. were miled for one year each yesterday after being found guilty of attempting to steal h car in Sims Avenue on I May 12. 1967. Ball was allowed pending appeal.
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  • 91 6 PENANO. Frl. Because of the curfew, srvrral event* scheduled to be held here have been postponed. They includeTHE "SING-OIT MISK \l fixed for May 16 and 17. postponed to June 6 (at 6 p.m.) and June 7 (7 p.m.) at the Methodist Oirls'
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  • 39 6 SINOAPOK3, rt. Twelve Middle East travel agents, including Jordan's former Minister for Transport and Tourism, Mr. MohammxJ Toukan. flew In last nigln tor an overnight stopover on their way home from a study tour of Australia.
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  • 25 6 IPOH. Fri. An artist. Mr. N(t Tok Ming, reported lo the police yesterday that bli motorcycle «M stolen from Jalan Yang Kalsom. here.
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  • 53 6 BRUNEI TOWN, Fri. Two legislative councillors here last night accused the Government of suppressing the growth of democracy In Brunei by not including political leaders In coming talks between the Sultan and the British Government. Pengiran Mohammed Yusof and Inche Zainal bin Puteh made the charge In a
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 243 6 Japanese to spend USssom to exploit Sabah copper TOKYO. Friday. JAPAN plans to invest about US$5O million in a project to exploit copper mines at Mamut in Sabah, a semi-official Japanese mining firm announced here. The Overseas Mineral Resources Development Co. said the Sabah mines were expected to produce 45.000
    Reuter  -  243 words
  • 45 6 PENANO. Prl. The Marine mrnt has laid a buoy, pointed w.'.h blarlc. white and red horizontal bands, close by the wreck of the Aston beacoa I In the Pen;iP«s harbour. Mariners are warned that vaI derwater obstruction* exist la thu vicinity.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 169 6 I IvVV -w\lbi \1 1 #i%9' yes y° v TO IOKyO s Rush.... and not-so-rush It's not often an airline offers such an understanding choice. But PAL understand, so now the choice is yours. Mondays we can speed you from Singapore to Tokyo with only 40 minutes stopover in Manila.
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    • 102 6 41* 2id reprint of LUCKY ON SALE NOW LUC KVS HANDBOOK 0* MUtTMfNOTTED j3^ DECORATIVE OESIGH9 AS A CROCHET ETC |jk} AVAILABLE AT'au BOOK «WOM> Relieve i Constipation quickly safely with Pinkettes You can't be at your beat for work or play if Constipation is making you feel irritable and
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  • 177 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Friday J^KADERS of three Opposition parties today welcomed the formation of the National Goodwill Committee headed by Tengku Abdul Rahman. Yesterday the Prime Minister announced at a Joint meeting of State Operations Committee representatives and the NOC that the National Goodwill Committee
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  • 172 7 MIDF CHIEF: INVESTORS HAVE NOT LOST FAITH KUALA LUMPUR. Friday. HE financing of industrial projects has not been affected by the recent disturbances, the general manager of the Malaysian Industrial Development Finance Ltd., Mr. H. F. G. Leembruggen, said today. Hp said 'his when he handed a loan offer to
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  • 72 7 Terrorists burn down Thai camp UANC.KOK. Fri Alwiut 40 Communist terrorist* ve>terd.i\ burned '•'own a military \olunteer ramp in (he district of Pattalung. about 100 miles north of thr IhaiMalaysian border, according to a report rrachme here toil.i> The terrorists flefi uith \2 sub-machine guns and two field radios. The
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  • 49 7 KUALA LUMPUR, PTI '1 he in institute of Architect! will hod week-long exhibition OB Yin;,- H' nir .imi Yrnir i lie Stadium Ncgara here from June 23 Dunns the uerk there will be film ihowi public ronißM «nd seirinars. dinner Hiifl en: a solf i
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  • 15 7 KUALA I.UMPUR. Fri. Ihe Knn.p'.ne Cochrane goodtee will hold a rniMi here »t
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  • 95 7 w LA LUMPUR hr\. ilon to tourrrom friendly countries i week without a visa has been :.ded because ol the Emei ;in of the Ministry of Foreign id today. The su-pensKin took effect from May 20. The spokesman was com- niciuing on a report from
    Bernama  -  95 words
  • 86 7 $6,500 award for loss of half an inch IPOH hn A Kipper. Mohamrd Ail- bhi Oman 25 was »w«i(lcd HMC general ci; mm ii. .i i-dtisent jiiclßment In Mi .in Ahmad In the Hißh Court hrre lodftj The jiirtite made the a nurd ißHlnsi Cheah Client sianit 40. a buildlnu
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  • 123 7 Co-operate with the authorities, Dato Harun urges 1/UAI.A LUMPUR. FTI. l% The Ifentlt Besar, Da to Harun bin Haji Idri\ tnci.iy ftfftln appealed to the public lo co-operate with I the authorities to peace. Hi- kIM reminded the peoplp rot to listen to nunour-mongei*. Dato Harun made the call
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  • 83 7 POLICE AND MILITARY IN BIG WALK TOMORROW Cim.xpoki-; Fri— The lir>t annual policrrtiilit.i r> bi K walk Mill be helil lu-rr on Sunday morniiif About l.tlNt nii-nihrrs of four associations Mill take part. They arr thr Singapore Armed FWCCI >p«rls Association. Police Nport* \sn(h i.ilum sprc .(I Constabalarj sports .md
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  • 30 7 SINOAPORE I Jurnng Shipyard C which m n' profit nf $33,000 in > Tin .inmial n ii Ij runs cal 1 1 .in.- 1 1 md .-inn*.-
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  • 49 7 Lawyer faces three charges IPOH. Fri A law--1 yer. Soo Wai b>un, 29. pleaded not sr.ilty in the BtaB i o n a Couri here today to three chances ol abetting perjury "which was not commit He was allowed bail. •-i Chin Kam Beln>ld Street here, on April 22.
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  • 16 7 I b In Vunc (hung I J SfvMUIl J I ufk Hihpii
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 299 7 I I took my Mini to the races... I "I put in 40 miles of petrol after all that's only engine gives you enough space for 4 people, yet a gallon for my Austin Mini. Parked quickly too— a car that only takes up 45.8 sq. feet of road. my
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
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  • 163 8 Children help pack up clothes for riot victims KUALA LUMPUR. Friday y volunteers help to stack up a mountain of clothes at tie Red Cross relief control centre at the Selangor Badminton Hall in Kampong Attap. Kuala Lumpur, yesterday. They were school children from the neighbourhood who, having nothing to
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  • 145 8 MELBOURNE. Fri. Australia i.s expected to announce within the next few days that it has agreed to virtually all Malayrecent requests for arms. The d>'f :uv correspondent ol the Melbourne Ag<v reporting this today, that Government officials had advised a Ing yesterday of Cabinet Ministers to
    Reuter  -  145 words
  • 53 8 Swoop on gang hide-outs \l OK M \IJ. Fri Polite, in a >erie> of dawn r.«iils mi hidr ouU in Alor Star, Suncri Pat.iiu and Kulim. to<la> detained a total of 24 people Mxpeeted of brine se»-ret society members. No IneMettta have been reported in Kedah and PerlK in the
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  • 86 8 WINGAPORK. Fri. The Gnvprnment-ov' Neptune Orient Line's tint ship \S due in Sinuanore in a fortnight A former West freighter, she ha.s been renamed Neptune Topaz. The 9 7L'3-ton vessel is now dry- in Karachi, where the purchase was made. Tic i
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  • 17 8 U Mil, F:: H (i I' .md H<-.. K. U. ■r. »ho h« retii H
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 194 8 iJIBmIII nlyfrom rj^^^^^^ B^^^^^^b lbe rom the open reel t0 the cartrid 9 e and i? J fl^^S from any sources of sound. The 8- track ste- H*^ 1 reo cartriC '9 e taoe reorder contains One (IT- k^^^S Micron Inch Gap Head, which makes possi■JM f§> c c ru
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    • 204 8 S^drwtmtM\immm world famous cross- field Wjl HEAD FOR REMARKABLE RECOgl|; iHlj RDING CAPACITY. -^gr-rhßk^, a Mm High-fidelity recording can be made even .y# *|K||j|||^3 at the extremely low speed of 15/16 ips. ggSSUjkA^^Jng This is made possible by the CRCSSFIELD head, developed by Akai, providing a real "breakthrough" in tape
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  • 191 9 Alor Star declared cholera infected area A LOR STAR, Fri. Alor Star and all i r rounding areas in Kota Star district been declared a choh area a o man, a y In ight miles from I: The victim, a 32-year-old padl planttr. was taken to the General Hospital here
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  • 39 9 KUALA KANGsAR. Prl. bta Tengku i.iinal. 27 u.t^ charged in the ite'a cnurt lifre todny, ander the Public Ordi-r Pi atiun Ordinance, wttn uMne hreateninn language likely t< 4 the peace Wednesday. Bail was allowed.
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  • 384 9 Man back from Moscow tells of a new airline SINGAPORE. Friday J^ NEW airline Orient Air Transport (Malaysia) Sendirian Berhad (OAT) has been registered in Kuala Lumpur. Its general manager. Inche Kamarulzaman Kip Bahadun, said here yesterday OAT planned to operate three routesXl \IA LI MPI R to London via
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  • 145 9 SINGAPORE. Fri. The i Tourist Association today supported the Rotary Club's appeal to the International A r Transport Association to relax its rules .so thr.t free mercy flights con j be offered to deserving patients here and in other parts of the world.
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  • 88 9 UNIVERSITY STUDENTS' PAPER BANKRUPT' SINGAPORE. Prl. The Singapore UndorKrad weekly paper of the University of Singapore Students' Union has declared itself bankrupt. An article published in Us latest issue said: "With the publication ol this Issue, the editorial joard of the Singapore Undergrad hereby declares it- self bankrupt. "We shall,
    88 words
  • 72 9  -  RANGERS BY PENANG. Fr:. There will he the traditional toast with the "tuak 1 when the Ist Bn. Malaysia Rangers celebrate Gawai Day a national day for Sarawakians on Sunday. The festival, marking the end of the harvesting »f.iwin. will be celebrated simultaneously at four centres by
    72 words
  • 125 9 Lording it over the airport at Subang, Cleo the counter cat KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. QLEOPATRA the cat is far gone in the family way. But that does not prevent her from hopping on to the information counter at Subang airport to watch the crowds go by. "Al l she does
    125 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
      193 words
    • 393 9 I\ APOLLO 10 \l ...9.4 MILES TO THE MOON IN JUNE 2, 1969 ISSUE U NOW ON SALE! Distributors.' C. R. Dasaratha raj ltd. Singapore Kuala Lumpur Ipoh Penang. Study at Home and Pass Successful Postal Tuition tor CAMMUDGI SCHOOL ant HIGHKR SCHOOL CERTIFICATES in a very wide variety of
      393 words

  • 355 10 Buddhists throng S'pore's 300 temples SINGAPORE, Friday 'FHOISANDS of Buddhists here today thronged the 300 temples scattered all over the island to celebrate Ves;ik Day. Victoria Theatre was packed to capacity as hundreds turned out amidst pouring rain for thr Singapore Buddhists joint Vesak celebration this afternoon. Addressing them, the
    355 words
  • 194 10 HDB's $IMIL 18-STOREY SHOP COMPLEX SINGAPORE, Friday A THREE-LEVEL shopping complex and shops with living quarters are among the principal features of a, $1 million 18-storey building which the Housing and Development Board is building on a site opposite its 20-storey Selegie Flats. An urban renewal project, this block will
    194 words
  • 151 10 SINGAPORE. Fri. Wellknown Singapore ballet dancer, Yeo SionK Leng < above t. returned home yesterday after five years* study of the art In Germany. Yeo. known on the stage as Yang Yee. went to the Folkwang School in Essen in 1964 on
    151 words
  • 69 10 SINGAPORE. Fri. More than $16,000 was raised at a charity art display held by the British High Commission at Eden Hall recently. More than 1.000 people visited the one-day exhibition of over 400 works by professional and amateur artist."; A spokesman for the commission said
    69 words
  • 73 10 SINGArORE. Fri. Madam Cheons; See (above), 60, was admitted to the Woodbridge Hospital on May 27. A while later <<hf disappeared with her belonKings and has not been traced since. Her friends, who made a fruitless search of the Yio Chu Kane area after her
    73 words
  • 56 10 SINGAPORE. Fri. The theme for this year s 'Corpus Christi" celebrations of the Catholic Church here is "Love of neighbour and nation." chosen to coincide with the Republic's 150 th anniversary celebrations. The mammoth celebrations will take place at 6 pm. on June 8, at St. Josephs
    56 words
  • 140 10 i^INGAPORE. Fri. The $200,000 workshop of the Singapore After-Care nation for discharged prisonen la nearing completion, but a parcel of land and another $100,000 are required before it is ready lor use. The vocational training centre as It is called will train discharged prisoners in carpentry,
    140 words
  • 204 10 OPERA WRITTEN BY A POLICE OFFICER QJINGAPORE, Fri Cantonese written by a i lice officer to light the impoi of national here will be the National r on Bund It will be pi Chu tion. lhe K K<>>> Is d'ina: In cceds ol I National I-und. Lead roh Called "The
    204 words
  • 24 10 SINGAPORE finals on "Interna lona: ing." organised b Club of the National Ju: lege. will be held I auditorium at 2.30 row.
    24 words
  • 27 10 SINGAPORE. Fri The nvrt Toto draw will be held at TV Slngapura on Sunday at 523 p.m. It will be telecast "lhe" over Channel 5.
    27 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 243 10 f^ ■■■nwHfi f p^^^ ft M m^%\ W B i' miL I Group 200 Italia Lounge Suite combines our Group 200 Italia Dining Suite a Diethelm exclutypical high regard for cratnrnanihip with the very srve. Brilliant, dateless design combines with high latest in manufacturing techniques. Wide, comfort quality materials to
      243 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 87 10 Hirk Tracy By < h<>st<>r t.nuhl I 'votir WORffVABOUT^B rSOMCBOOY HAD BETTER >| IN ('ROUTINE'" f WHERE'S MY DAOOvF' P^|?^ I woffßV j^ 001 HIM! > MAGNETIC^ they FLY til \hn<>r Uy 1/ lapp <*<^21&*€fflfcA40Mey/sm'Mpor\fHZs/AH HAD NONE, X I LKTTER FO VO'.? COULDN'T 1H ALL *Zlh£zJ£ J NEVAH "WIND TO
      87 words

  • 452 11  - After 24 years, a father is reunited with son he gave away ARTHUR RICHARDS By Singapore. Friday A FATHER broke down yesterday as he stared into the face of a son he had not seen for 21 \cars. warmly embraced him and welcomed him back into the family. "Its the
    452 words
  • 103 11 Police to recruit another group of PCs -I KIAI.A I.IMPIR. Fri The Royal Malaysia Police will recrui'i another group of police constalilrs from among the S7,fM unsuccessful applicants >>r the recruiti ne exercise in .1 .< n v i r A statement from pnlirr headquarters here today s.i ni ihe
    103 words
  • 27 11 SIIIAWAN. Fri M SubramaniHn. Hul) and P. Munysamy, wore fined S2O each by the niHgiM rates court yesterday for operating r^iiio sets »ih<nit a licence.
    27 words
  • 105 11 Malaysian picked for youth work in Australia DRISBANE, Fri A Malaysian. Mr. Kg Kian Seng has selected to work with the Rural Youth Organisation in Australia. Mr N Kraciu.iit ol Ol Mun Auricultural CiiiU'H". Q-. :.ui(i. will be the flrti to work on a full-t un«- basis with th( His
    105 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 34 11 Perfection King size perfect ion^Jf^^^ costs a little more $1.10 for 20 If they were ordinary cigarettes theyd cost an ordinary price. But these are Player's Periectos-the finest cigarettes you can buy. Specially imported.
      34 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 200 11 Straits Times Crossword A (ROSS 7. By putting up tUh. gels cen- Bi-d back bone lound by loch to collect m jarful .ult Moor had altered l8 p 4 unlshment 10 sHs? 1 ,r° wouwnt iom satf ssj^&mi 11- ptrt? BtaU neri Uk# n. Honest ur hu change u> U.
      200 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 461 12 candidates in Francos presidential elections but it can hardly be doubted that the main SB) the interim President Alain Poher and Georges PomMi, all the enigmatic for being nerged as a i quite •^able strength. So Pompidou has had to intensify his radio and the lead which opinion
      461 words
    • 445 12 Inche (Jhi.far Baba, the Minister ol Lands done well minr Immediate attention. There are two problems fan particular to be solved and their ild lead to immediate BMSShre investment and the possibility of new industries. The first is the award of petroleum ecting leases for the Malaysian side
      445 words
  • Letters
    • 405 12 J REFER to the letter by Bewildered' (ST May lv. In September 1967 from candidates promoted substantive principals of primary schools, various candidate* were informed that they hac not been successful in their applications for promotion to posts of prini.-. primary schools but i-l
      405 words
    • 37 12 The MCA in government MALAYSIA can ill afford to lose the dediatton and services of Tun Tan Siew Sin at the Treasury. This does not mean tin.t all his policies 'even though finally approved by the Cabinet)
      37 words
    • 160 12 Noise from the shops I REFER to "Owner-Te-nant's" letter iS.T. May 17 1 to which I subscribe fully. However. whilst it. would be difficult to control the thousand sources of noise in a. city, such as ours. I feel that in particular, the roadside record shop> could come under stricter
      160 words
    • 122 12 ['RBAN renewal projects will soon put hundreds of motorists who work in the Collyer Quay-Robinson Road area in a dilemma. That la because the season car parks at Shenton Way will have to give way to urban renewal projects sometime In July. The multi-storey
      122 words
    • 71 12 ALL true Malaysians are n grateful to "Bapa Malaysia" Tengku Abdul Rahman in particular and Government in general for the effective action so quickly taken to .stop the madness of some irresponsible bad elements At thi.s time of national crisis it i.s the duty of all Malaysians to extend
      71 words
    • 167 12 DERM IT me to a word 1 ot praise for the superb way in which the XL. General Hospital wa.s run during tne emergency. Tne hospital was eul oft and was entirely on its own for the first few I was vl.slting a friend tn
      167 words
    • 102 12 J WAS intrigued by your report on Saturday about the withdrawal of •he IOQa notes bearing a picture ot a fcfaaa] warrior In Tanganika. The Ma.sal warrior never did wear a loin cloth, but a blanket draped about his shoulders Ainu like a cape about hi> body. His
      102 words
  • 1130 12  - Modern dress now for natural rubber HIGH MABBETT by KUALA LUMPUR Synthetic seeks a partnership, a fantastic leap in latex production, more new presentations, a bigger smallholder share in top grades THE natural rubber industry, plunged into a welter of technological change, is altering so rapidly these days that one
    1,130 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
      16 words
    • 231 12 1^ 1 "i>J aa*V iJ^W^STeHri^^Bafp^T^vr^ On Sale At 51.40 Each SIX NEW TITLES -JUST ARRIVED! v laant 14 MY OT tNO I IS COCKUILS TNI NOMt It* tUIOC. ii. mow to stm Bill ■17 HOW 10 TIM BETU* PNOTOCDI'MS. ii. hcitins atau tuouNi ihi wono. Also Available In The Same
      231 words

  • 79 13  - Govt no' to call for longer curfew break ALIAS RAHIM 8y L'LALA LUMPUK. IV i ie Government has rejected by business here for a relaxation of tew. Com- M. J this town h <j'. Commerce ry, Inche Mo•amed Khir Johart. nave been the curfew .rther practicable idded. Assurance Buyoog, wno
    79 words
  • 105 13 LI M II MPI R 1 n I he S.ilKinal Lnion of I r.u hers today called on members to hold r\tr.t i luaCa for their pupils to help them catch up with I heir studies. M.tkin= the mM, the deputy secretary -jeneral of
    105 words
  • 115 13 Professor to give talk on poetry at varsity SINGAPORE. Frl. Prof. William J. Smith, consultant in poetry to the Library of Congress in Washington, will .^oeak on "Children and poetry for parents. teachers and librarians" in Hip new lecture theatre No 2. Uni- >{ Singapore, on June 6 at 8
    115 words
  • 45 13 SINOAPORE. Frl. The Singapore Art Socletv will hold the 12th open-air art exhibition at Elizabeth Walk on Sunday. This Is one of the series of exhibition* organised In rotation by various art organisations I here in association with the National Theatre Trust
    45 words
  • 38 13 MhKIAJAM. Fri. I. lew Ch<» 11 Kee a 78-\ ear-old inmute of the Home for the li'Uiul d' nound in thr comrMUßd ot the home P '.ice do not sii-s- I pect foul play.
    38 words
  • 94 13 SINGAPORE STORM HAVOC SINGAPORE. Fri TWO huge tries fell in the Scotts Road area this afternoon during a freak thunderstorm. No one was hurt. The first tree was uprooted. It smashed into a taxi and a van parked beside a motor workshop near Newton Circus. No one was in them.
    94 words
  • 133 13 RTS to sponsor another mass wedding ceremony SINGAPORE. Fri. 0 Radio and Television Singapura will .sponsor another masa wedding. The first which will be telecast tomorrow at 2.3U p.m. had such a good response that RTS ha*, decided to stage a second one, this time on a bigger scale. Mr.
    133 words
  • 17 13 IPOH. Fn An unidentified man w.i.s Joluicl hanced fium a rubber tree near Kampar yej>terday
    17 words
  • 69 13 JAKARTA. Fri— Smallholders' rubber estates in North Sumatra are >n desperate need of lehabilitation. uccordint to an Indonesian agricultural The Director for Smallholders Kstatcs told Antara in Meilan otates in North Sumatra, were in a state ol neglect. Production may hava to stop
    69 words
  • 161 13 Thomson holds talks with Tun Razak L'-UALA LUMPUR. IV Fri. The New Zealand Minister of Defence, Mr. David Thomson, today had private discussions with the Deputy Prime Minister and Director 01 Operations. Tun Abdul Razak. Mr Thomson arrived earlier a* the RMAF base i after visiting Nc-w Zealand troopa at
    161 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 58 13 Sthe elegant watch for Milady it's swiss from MILUS SWISS PRIDE -WORLD SERVICE We are open all day today until 10 p.m. and all day tomorrow until 7 p.m. DONALD MOORE GALLERIES Liat Towers. Orchard Road. Singapore Don't Burn|^j while having f un W^^^ in the sun TA\W^ OsecOPPERTONE *\*\U
      58 words
    • 259 13 NOW DEPARTING GOLDEN TOURS OF EUROPE 1969 SPEND 26 INTEREST-PACKED DAYS TOURING ITALY, FRANCE, ENGLAND, HOLLAND, GERMANY, SWITZERLAND, LIECHTENSTEIN AND AUSTRIA FOR ONLY M/ 553,773- you've always longed to take a Roman Holiday, shop in gay Pans, see Westminster Abbey and the discotheques in Swinging London, gather tulips from Amsterdam,
      259 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 727 13 TV MALAYSIA CHANNELS: KuaU l.umpur I 610 WMttUng Champion. 1 and PrnariK 5; Ipoh and 655 Ijv I: Rid RMUIU Malaria 6: Taiping 4: It.ilu 700 N !<) Pahat 7 Kluanc 9. Development in Perspet- tnc 735 Ma<i M.vlis 8.00 'I 00 PM f ri ritll I>l N- Tin. 810
      727 words
    • 101 13 HIGH TIDES TODAY: Sedlll Kechll 10.03 a.m. (7.jft>, 8.10 pm. (6.5 ft >; Singapore 11.02 am. <B.2ft>. 10.17 pm. »9 2fti; Port Dickson 802 a m 1 7.9 f t». 6.37 pm (9.81ti; Port Swettenham 449 am (14 7fti 505 pm. 1 16 2ft i; Penang 12.13 pm. (9ft 1.
      101 words

  • 387 14 Pinpointed site for first lunar landing HOUSTON SPACE CENTRE, Texas, Friday THE Space Agency released yesterday a second batch of breathtaking pictures taken by the Apollo 10 astronauts. The most important ones showing the approach to the site for man's first landing on the lunar surface in July were said
    Agencies  -  387 words
  • Article, Illustration
    35 14 THIS picture of the earth rising over the moon was taken from the Apollo 10 spacecraft while in lunar orbit. It was among the second batch of photographs released on Thursday. AP RADIO PICTURE
    AP  -  35 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 64 14 (^ftf/ SYMBOLOFOUAUTY Pomade.^^gjS^fc, v v^Qh #^v3H^^H I 7ft Until/ A 111 H /mycream ininuriu «^F >■ MAKES A MAN LOOK SMARTER M Tancho AMI) AilflDC J^EP M TIQUE ■POMADE" MYCREAM J^bl Iv II b jjjl .^B H SOLE AGENT IN MALAYSIA SINGAPORE aiIDHPAAPIII jm m HOLDEN TRADING CO., LTD. r^l^t^k^^bl
      64 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 41 14 Bnnnff Hy Ralph Hvimdahl /BWiNLG TWE NEWSPAPER i I 'WWDoYIHAOA^ HOw\ if 'J trirc^ I LUCE TO WCAD WITH I YOU BAD NtGMT— I ABOUT SOME /TW ELSE WHILST J mv bweakfast: "J I expect I dicjmt wblp Mjrvp v^^-f 7
      41 words

  • 51 15 Moon mountains a close-up shot taken from the Snoopy module BREATHTAKING VIEWS BROUGHT BACK FOR MOONSCAPE STUDY 'PHIS photograph, A taken from the lunar excursion module nick named Snoopy, shows mountain ridges on the moon's surface. At right centre is a peak rising out of a giant crater. AP radio
    AP  -  51 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 189 15 T7»- ami M> II M I ©I II f II JJBUIM i television in its class M 5052-23 Acclaimed as modern and dynamic this beautiful model put it years ahead of the others. All control panel knobs are in the front with Setron's exclusive easy-to-read automatic elevator channel selectors. Located
      189 words
    • 306 15 OVERfcUU 0k GASH PRIZES WORTH $19,000.00 TO BE WON IN THE DUTCH BABY FAMILY COMPETITION KmvlK W*JL mt^ y± ICrandd* My* ' to biat I Daidy MM 'Di.:^ Bacy a I Muwm/ MM 'Bacauaa c' tht I Dutch Baby for bringing out th» I ■'•t-r*!« MMMi < -dt-i«d I Ml
      306 words

    10 words
  • 25 16 MR. JOHN PMUN |.»-«i.i away Cburcu. Ipoti. MR. HRUCC LHEAM ftt Cncam puMd away oo 2»AM >•■■■■ and 2 i I Knun i' M Cbcrma
    25 words
  • 16 16 MM OH, TERESA KAY CHEANU. Kunssr— May. memory of our adored mot: and always.
    16 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 403 16 I sONOwUDCCMENTS INNI vtIS.II S sNNOUNCtMf NTS lIRTHS. CIUI ACTIVITIES. CSNBStINUS ICsTMS. INCsCIMCNTS, I full. US. tKETIXCS IN MIMOIUM MIMiaCCS. MISSIVE. PCISONU. r»C, KSUIEMS I ICUNIONS lilt Misisiiii* (21 far 21 ••Us. »K« iMitisul wtrl SI M I 111 Stiff CUr.,**. Ifrtrt is— U MwMMsl $7 51 IK 15 »trls.
      403 words
    • 390 16 QUAKER MEETING lor worship II Kiorn One. Trinity Mount Sophia. KnquirM* Mire hour*: UMbOl or SS3M7 v#tner times CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY la.M a.m. ttrdneaday mrrtinc T.3U aides testimonies of I*. Christian Silence. ARVA SAMAJ Singapore Vedic SatK> am. Havan. IVvo- IVurourse. Pre»I'rssumal Ms Variety ian SCIENCE Kunday ill am., tcsti-
      390 words
    • 860 16 WANTEO JUNIOR STENOGRAPHER pref-rahly wltb M»me working knowledge. Plmse apply with photo*™ ph i non-returnable) P.O. No 44. MacPberaon. Rd. Post office. Spore. JOB SEEKERS. Do not amd original. be lost Aak Motion Smith 18, Bsttery Road. S pore to makr top quality photocopie* while you wait. MITSUI CONSTRUCTION CO.
      860 words
    • 1017 16 FURNISHED ROOM. La* of all amenltle*. Lovely surrounding, suitable single couple. Tel: 46U30 (Spore). ROOM OUIET LOCALITY Chine** slngl* only. 77 Jalan Dusun entry via Jalan rH)H*V !*»<■. FURNISHEO ROOM tor single IftW Amber Ko;i<l Kose Garden. opposite Katonic Od<on I pore IS. PLEASANT TWO-BEDROOM FLAT District Xl %AM unfurnished.
      1,017 words
    • 766 16 OFFICE SPACE WANTEP| WANTIO IMMEDIATELY or July 1069 Office aajMi n central location. Tel: *****7. P por*. TUITION ENGLISH: SECONOARV nd PreIniversity Claases. Tel. Spore MUM PIANO LESSON— hy experienced qualified oversea trained teacher. All Uradea. Tel. (S'porr TAMIL FOR SCHOOL CERTIFICATE and HSC hy experienced graduate. 467 Clemenceau Avenue.
      766 words
    • 682 16 PHILATELY U.K. P.O.C. 1.7.69. Heven Bhllilngs each. Send British Postal Order to M. Rogers, 7.1 High Street. Pewvey. Wiltshire. England, with full particular*. WANTED WANTIO SHOT CUN 12, More Automatic or Semi- Automatic, Air Rifle too Further detaila telephone Singapore MM, WANTED OINERATOR. preferably good secondhand, for amall hotel, large
      682 words
    • 727 16 PETS WANTED r SMIPPARD PUPPY MALI well fl breed. Contact John Tay Tel. *****0 after 7 p.m. contact 461)641 S'por*. r BOATS/YACHTS FOR SALE I i i I 22FT. CABIN CRUISER "l'.eUy" 40 h.p. Curtains Cushions etc. (Spore) ***** Ex. 706 Ongs Boatel, Paslr Panjang. MACHINERY, PUNT FOR SALE USED
      727 words
    • 531 16 MINI COOPER S 127S C.C. 19M lark II C.R. Uearbox downtoa conerslon anare* Including 544 Camshaft )unlop Racing Tyres $7. I'M)/- on.o. liiik Turner Ofnc. MM! Home *****2 I'pore. 1963 Chrysler Valiant, green, H*cker ndlo. very «ood condition, carefully naintained throuEho'it 000 >aint»ork. bodywork, deal *erv!crman exiort A !uperb bargain.
      531 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1108 17 -v im jimiun continental pans M U f b Ham "ene"i CM IS TMaf JMt 1, 1 C«a S Jbm 1 Jim 1 Jim 1 Jim I JaM 7/11 luae 12 i bimml ...Jmi ii jmi 11 Jmi 14, il IBM II JIM 14 JMatS/11 MM 21 >« IMt 11
      1,108 words
    • 1367 17 Scanservice V EXPRESS SAILINBS TO MEDITERRANEAN/TNE CONTINENT/SCANDINAVIA P S "im P>n|-.g s.niap.r. FOR: TRICOLOR Slilie SatlH C 11 14 2 ocnoa, Antwtrp. «'OM, Hauig Ajrhui. Malmo. C'rtage*.. 6'burg Kill MBMI4 1I IBM 11/11 IBM 11/21 Casablanca. Ro"eraam, H buig. Gothinburg, Oslo, CoMnntftn StNJAN MM 2) 2) IMI 21/21 MMM. I
      1,367 words
    • 1194 17 EXPRESS SERVICE TO LONDON, LIVERPOOL t CONTINENTAL PORTS btnVENUE G'moutn Jal) 11 CITY OF CHESTER v, Sincipuit P. S htm| A-!»tri Jur) 11 lift, JMt 1 B'enen lai) .c^ u Singjpoie f b rum PtjaaßJ ((NNIANI ipooi. N'tui|. Mtito C I May 2 Jaat 1, I Ilia fl !!5i
      1,194 words
    • 1279 17 I^pw WORLDWIDE CARRIERS LTD. I f^ljl/™ 4m Lot Angclei, New Orif on«, CKorleiton. I JwVtV^ Ntw York. New London. l^^^^^ajm (oho accepting cargo »or other Gult and Atlantic port*, subject to inducement) S'pora P. Shorn Pfnong A VESSEL 5/ 7 June 8/ 9 June 10/11 June CENTRAL TRUST 28/30 June
      1,279 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 1145 18 "Kawasaki kisfn kaisha ltd., Waeutn Aaitnlla a»*i«ap«M/ Japan *r*i— Fr..-^tuj fripaj--- TH^ateai 'Xifara »i«a laaa NJaaa IMf 14 Mf II tatf WMf W«Mt Alrtea Singapore /J»»4mii SaMnrla* Anton I tftoort Naomi Rom -UMM Ham l/iOaa* 21 iTjaa* llary' I lal» 11 laly -Tnai Mara 113 laly II Jaly I Aat
      1,145 words
    • 981 18 Wa9 iCY II B^y 4^| BR l aV^ l taaiT^ak^Bal AUSTtAtiA NEW ZEALANB SERVICt INIU PARISIAN AMI FAR EASI SERVICES TI: AUITRAUA NEM ZEALAND la: Nttaflttraaa tt Mj*rai. S ppr«o r P. S'^j-" Ppn^rj far Im, Aat I Oni. Lftt. RAiir.A 11 II Juai IT Juai IS Jan >«,«., P
      981 words
    • 783 18 SCINDIAI %^T KLINES PACIFIC NORTH "WEST SERVICE— LOADING 'OR: LOS ANGCLES SAN FRANCISCO, PORTLAND, LONCVIEW, SEATTLE. TaCOMA. VANCOUVER ■C. Prrani P S'Mn Singiporr Lot An||.ai JUIMNT* 24 2i Jaai 2) JI Jib* 11/ I M hi 21 Jal) JaLaMU 24/2S Jalf 27 It Jui, 21/91 Jal, M JAUONII 24,25 «ut
      783 words
    • 735 18 BUILDING SOCIETY Of MALAYA LIMITED i lncorporated in Ihr Republic of Singapore) NOTICE IS HEREBY (HVBN that the Twenty-seventh Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders of this Company will be held at the Board Room of the Overseas-Chinese Banking Corporation Limited (kindly lent for the purposet. China Building. Chulia Street.
      735 words

  • 333 19 Thursday's rally continues in M'bourne MELBOURNE. Fn. V'EaTERDAY s rally continued on 1 the Melbourne Stock Exchange today although the rising note which was carried over this tnormnx from yesterday slackened during trading. lit the mining and oil section, rises exceeded tails by two to one with market leaders Western
    333 words
  • 12 19 rnui, singapura froduc* Market waa closed ¥«et«rd»> Midi BJmbß Oe*
    12 words
  • 18 19 in London on Wednesday Malayan 5 per cent c.l.f. UK July August It bulk was unquoted
    18 words
  • 25 19 RUBBER AND TIN CLOSING PRICES KLBBtK PRICE: 684 nnts (up three-eighths of a cent). TIN PKKt $62».12i (unchanged). Dstimated offering 279 tons (up 10 tons).
    25 words
  • 267 19 Rubber continues downward trend rh Rubber Market continued on the downward trend during the past week and reached a low of 67j cents for June state IKB. i C«. Ltd in their current review Traffic was hampered by the Whitesun holiday In London and a lack ot tradIng Interest resulted
    267 words
  • 39 19 O> v irat aicnanga market us Hong Kirn.: veitcrdaji ID* U.S. Dollar quotrd ai 6. 1075 for T.T. am! 4 iikjii for MM. liariinc wa* quoted ai 14.60 ana ene taal al tain at Sit. so.
    39 words
  • 539 19 lyiTH the Singapore trading room of the Stock Exchange of Malaysia and Singapore closed yesterday for the Wesak Day holiday, Kuala Lumpur operated alone, business being restricted to 24 hours only due to the continuing curfew. The market was quiet with very little inclination
    539 words
  • 273 19 Straits tin price is unchanged on Penang Market rpHE Straiu tin price la L Penang yebtrrd unchanged at $620 I an offcrlnK < >!lmated up 10 tons to 270 tons Main Interest was reported from Europe and the United States. In London on Thu the future buy up ten shilling
    273 words
  • 129 19 It Nf Hrtt grade- rubber I awb. buyers closed *t 12 noon la Kuala l.umpui yesterday at «his cenl> f>n Ib. up HUM EeflHlii of a rent un Fkantlojr'l closing l«\eL The lone «is \rr> <<ui< i but steady. K s. MJLB. < losing pneca
    129 words
  • 93 19 OUT Autoiycua lIS, 1» TolaMo S/2- n T 3i <- ses '•t/»». Ltunoan Tarn bom lv 41 Ui.%anima Mam vms. taquilino 44 tone JiaoK 4». Pacific A.liance 4«' end Petaling N.w. «/S. IMI Pando Head a/4. Anc»!e«e s Etko Man 18. Rajab Braoka 21/ M. 6Bun.ei Maru
    93 words
  • 78 19 r rn» Atieelatlen of Binli, ln Malay. ia-Sinfapere mad* tbrae cnact^a la lie nt« to mercbanta rea'erdn* lib* following r»tea Mi quoted to i.-ie equivalent of oca unit of for«i<n eurr«nc»>. U.I. Deliarai Hiring IT S3 040)1. airmail OO $3.0250; BO d/at UMM credit bUia. $2.9600 trad* bliij;
    78 words
  • 223 19 MOVEMENTS OF kHARE PRICfi» BASED ON A COMPARISON OF LAST SALES IN THE SINGAPORE ANO KUALA LUMPUR TRADING ROOMS OF THE STOCK INDUSTRIALS: Bomee Barrtad luurh.). C. Smart (-4 ienu», C.C.M. i• 1 Mat), C A C (—1 •ME), D.B.S. tun'h >. Dunlap i 2 crn'Ki. Eita
    223 words
  • 127 19 lON DON Asiatic Rubber j and Produce Co's crops of palm produce should increase threefold to more than 30.000 tons by 1970, the Chairman. Mr John Sands said The average yield would be near to the two ton per acre mark, he said In his annual report. "The
    127 words
  • 119 19 q\H£ Chairman ot Kuala 1 Lumpur Properties Bhd.. Dato Teh Hong Plow, described in hi.-, statement the year ended October 31. 1968 as a difficult one mainly due to the delay ol the approval tor plans tor the Setapak Gombak housing scheme. The group s prunt tor the
    119 words
  • 88 19 details lor merging the Standard and Chartered banks Into Britain's biggest overseas banking group will not be known for about three months, it was learned ln London Meanwhile, merchant bank financial advisers to the two banks are valuing assets prior to the formation of a Joint holding company
    88 words
  • 41 19 AMPAT Tin Dredging announced a final of 2*. per share making 2s 6d for 1968 (3.v> The dividend Is payable on July 3 Pre-tax profit ll 191.420 (£210.488) Tax takes £88.500 (£108,000) Profit after tax Is £132.--621 (£115.362)
    41 words
  • 42 19 rNS were generally firmer In London on Thursday with Am pat featuring sixpence up at 8s 6d following Its results Other gainers included Pengkalen and Sungel Best but Gopeng lost ground Rubbers were Idle, with prices showing little change
    42 words
    385 words
  • 37 19 May 29 May 30 •IndmtrUls: 159.Z3 159.50 IHotela: 87.25 87.09 •Propertle* 1.>3.66 152.54 I 1:1. 83.90 83.90 t$ rubbers: 109.66 109.64 •Dec. :<o. 1966 Imi 'Dec. 31, 1968 m 10«. Urr 29. 1962 as 100
    37 words
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 537 19 JABATAN KERJA RAYA SABAH MMUM- TAW AKAN Tawaran daripada PemborongS afur dl-J.K.R. dl-dalam Kelas 'A' akan dl-terima dl-Ibu Prjabat. Jabatan Kerja Rava Kota Kinabalu. Babah. hlngga 3-ikul 1000 pagl pada 16hb Jun L 969 untok: MEMBENA DAN MENYIAPKAN PEJABAT BAHARU J.K.R.. KOTA KD4ABALU* SABAH Segala butlr2 boler. dl-dapatl dl--naaa kerja
      537 words
    • 107 19 KENYATAAN TAWARAN J.K.R. Tawaxan daripada PemboronE2 yang berdatiar dl-J K.R Kelas C, BX. B A dan ke-atas akan dl-t*nma dl-Pejabat Jurutera Negert, Jabatan Kerja Raya, Johoc Bahru hir.gca pukol 230 petang pada 14.6.69 Cntok: MFMBENA SEKOLAH ME'IAH RENDAH. KEBANGSAAN. LABIS. 3EQAMAT. Segala butirJ boleh dl-dapatl dlrr.asa kerja dl-Pejabat Jurutera Kerja.
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 1010 20 53^H^H5J HESSES/HESSMUIIt RtADY TO WEAN Mothrr r. nard Ko*d. I WHERE TQ~STAY(M'SI<O on« 4 »nh r»«t«ur«nt 1 .r rrwrvaiion WHERE TO EAT (M'SIA) IHAHI CAP! Ol PIfJAY lAt V M Cl«a» ■< a H«r Show alurl »M I t I There to stay (run) 1 MANY ROOMS »\»!ll>r.l» $4 «b©v».
      1,010 words
    • 703 20 AUCTION SALE BY ORDER OP THE OFFICIAL MALAYSIA ON JOhORE BAHRU BANKRUPTCY NO 23 OF 1968 RE MD. NASIR BIN HJ. MAR7.I XI. All that piece of land containing an area of Oa 1r.6 7p > 1J 714 so, ft i or thereabouts comprised m Malay Grant No 2153 j
      703 words
    • 577 20 TENDER NOTICE GOVERNMENT OF PENANG MALAYSIA KNANO STATE WATER M HI Ml RIVER Ml I»A WATER SIHIMI CONTRACT NO. 1 I •I 111 AMI DELIVERY OF ram piri i AND SPECIALS Tenders are Invited from suitably experienced manufai tuiers !mni member countries of the Asian Development Bank for the Mipply
      577 words
    • 702 20 CAISSON PILING LIMITED QUALIFIED CIVIL ENGINEER REQUIRED We are speri.»liv( contractors rl<iline with a wide rti\rrsity of a(ti\itie>, inducting large diameter bored piling, diaphragm walling, thrift boring, soft ground tunnelling .md soil investigation. We arr looking for nn adaptable and capable young engineer who is kren to develop his career
      702 words
    • 320 20 DIETHELM X CO.. LTD. have a vacancy at their rapidly expanding aluminium fabricating plant at Petaling Jaya for a DESIGN ENGINEER al attractive terms and good prospects for the right man. Responsibilities The selected candidate will he in charge of all design work involving aluminium and stainlr-s steel products. Qualifications:
      320 words

    • 298 21 i INDIANAPOLIS, Fri. A. J. FOYT Jr. (pictured above) is the favourite in the Indianapolis 500, the worlds richest motor race, today Foyt. who won the coveted pole position with the fastest qualifying average of 170.568 mph in his Coyote-Ford, could become
      Reuter  -  298 words
    • 284 21 ONDON, Fri. Newcastle United took a major step towards succeeding English League rivals Leeds as Inter-Cities Fairs Cup soccer champions when they beat Ujpest Dozsa of Hungary 3-0 in the first-leg of the final at Newcastle yesterday. After a scoreless firsthalf, defender Bob Moncur set the
      Reuter  -  284 words
    • 108 21 ONDON. Fri. The PooU 1 Promoter Association have announced changes in their treble chanre point* system in a bid to provide more big-money priw. From the next British soccer season, the points system will be: 3 for a drawn match in nhich goal« are scored: 3 for
      108 words
    • 37 21 SEOUL. Fri. World Cup »occ«r Group 15 elimination matches comprising Australia, Japan, Rhodesia, and South Korea have been rescheduled to take place here from Oct. 10 to j 34 it waa announced here yea- Urdav
      37 words
    • 117 21 'Sober fans only for Rangers ground (GLASGOW, Fri. Supporters of Glasgow Rangers. the Scottish First Division football club, will be refused admission if they are under the influence of drink or are seen to be carrying liquor. This is one of the provisions in an eight-point plan to beat hooliganism,
      Reuter  -  117 words
    • 157 21 Rousing welcome home for Milan MILAN, Kri.— About 2.000 delirious fans gave A. C. Milan ft deafening welcome when they returned here from Madrid after winning the European Cup flna; against AJax of Amsterdam in Madrid on Wednesday. The players were nearly j swept away by the shrieking crowds as
      Reuter  -  157 words
    • 50 21 SEOUL, ?T1. 8outh Korea will offer to host the TOih International Oiympic Committee OongrrM In 1971 in Seoul Key-Young Chang. South Korean member of the IOC. said thU ytat«rday when he left for Tokyo on hlg way to Warsaw for the 68th IOC Con«re«» which b*«ina next week.
      50 words
    • 340 21 DARIS. Fri. Third--1 ranked Australian Dick Crealy caused the first shock of the French international tennis championships when he led world No. 1 Rod Layer by two sets to one before rain halted their second-round match here yesterday. Crealy, a 24-year-olri Sydney student, led his fellowAustralian
      340 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 600 21 TWA GTORS MALAYSIA BERHAD PARTS MANAGER VialScluon^ C c SBfUl appllcaQt *W the foUowin, (1) At leaal 5 years experience In a larwe 2SSSS2S; 1 ot "KhrtSudii^ En*£i n> ■t b a!U C cve 1 is n(ile corres P° ndence Independentl; «4) Ability m staff euperrlslon. Sab" I*1 1611 ta
      600 words
    • 731 21 HOUSING k DEVELOPMENT BOARD SINGAPORE Application* at* Invited frorr. Singapore arci Malaysian sens:APPOINTMENT: (A; ARCHITECT PI AVNEM Urban Renewal Depl (B) ASSISTANT ARCHITECTS Uroan Renewal Dept fC) ASSIBTANT ARCHITECTS Building Eept. in l If For t.A i and iß>: To produce design* on Urban ■ral Bchemes. New Towns lg estates
      731 words
    • 670 21 ■HaißHal MINISTRY OF EDUCATION SINGAPORE NATIONAL LANG TAGS riTBLIC EXAMINATIONS AI (.IST 1»«9 The August National L*nguar« Examinations are open to civil tenants and members of th» public. Candidates sponsored by the Public Services Commission will register In accordance with procedures and on dates given by the Permanent Examinations Board
      670 words

    • 260 22  - Go back to zones bid by Malacca KARTAR SINGH By \IALACCA have proposed to the Malaysian Hockey Federation that the Razak Cup interstate competition should be reverted to the interzone basis instead an "annual carnival" at one venue as at present. Although this years "carnival" has been arranged to be
      260 words
    • 101 22 Kiwi XV plan to tour Spore Malaysia By P» T» R sol ANEW Zealand I rjgby union team are planning to >^isit Singapore and Malaysia during their summer holidays la December. This was disclosed ye>terday by Tom Hodge, press attache at the New Zealand High Commission In Kuala Lumpur. Mr.
      101 words
    • 12 22 ngapnre Dlv 1 KM mx-rhes were washed t br rain.
      12 words
    • 28 22 l!i" F..\ hold an extl general meeting a: the Prime Minister's ofllce in Kuala Lumpur on June 15 a 10 am.. foUowed by a council mee'.ng
      28 words
    • 19 22 The key FederaMnn I'mp.r.* Board wU] hold a ;\»o-day seminar for umpire* on Ift-M at Kuala Lumpur.
      19 words
    • 345 22 Local yachtsmen fail in opening events By FRANCIS BOEY j OCAL yachtsmen fared badly on the first day of the Singapore open GPI4 (general purposes) championship at Sungei Pandan yesterday. Their boats capsized In a tropical squall during the second race. However, they managed to right their boats and finish
      345 words
    • 95 22 I^annan Anmuna «<i '.lie >rmor inner In Uv in? race OTgaillMd by the Mmc-pher-^n CHlreiw' O I Committee in Singapore ye^terdav He covered 10 irule< In lhr 10 46 0. Sciond A. Khali •nd third R Ra;on Other results: Junior lertlon j IP Sengol 2
      95 words
    • 44 22 a SMILING Bert Yancey holds the champlon- ship trophy after his victory in the Atlanta golf classic on Sunday. The American beat Bruce Devlin of Australia at the 2nd hole in a sudden-death playoff for first prize of US$23,--000. UPI picture.
      UPI  -  44 words
    • 121 22 Taiwan still 3 up on Japan SEOUL, rri —Taiwan maintained their threestroke lead over Japan at the end of the second round of tl:» Asian amateur golf tean? championship here today. Taiwan and Japan hoth had scores of 221 today and finished with tworound totals of 447 and 450 respectively.
      121 words
    • 51 22 The Necr: Sembilan Schools Sports Council have cancelled all district athletic meets The serene an District interschool table tennis tournament will be held at KGV School this weekend. It has not been decided yet whether to hold the Combined Schools athletic championships on July 4-5 as
      51 words
    • 16 22 The Perak AAA officials -■tminations scheduled for tomorrow at looh have been postponed indefinitely.
      16 words
    • 299 22 Mei Lin continues sweep gCHOOLGIRL international Ong Mci Lin continued her domination in the Pevak swimming championships which ended yesterday at the Kinta pool, Ipoh. Mci L.M. who won seven events On the first day. again iwcp <rd by winning all five women's events yesterday, rihe also broke three records
      299 words
    • 153 22 By ERNEST 1 KID lANSENITES are bid- ding for a hattrick in Singapore hockey when they meet Armed Forces in the Senior Knockout final at the SCC Padang today. Janscnltes have already Won the League Div I and sl.\-a-slde titles and are determined to emulate
      153 words
    • 144 22 THE Penang Amateur I tion yesterday named 38 ball players 19 men and 19 women for eenti;.hsed tra-.n- i :ng :n preoaration for tii t.onal championships at Lumpur in Ausu>:. They ,<:e Men; L.;u Huai) %otHk, Ho Tait Shin. Kyk K.i.n kueu H<.>n Kneng. Ng Kuon
      144 words
    • 59 22 A total of 18 broken at the St Michael's Innitution. Ipoh. athletic championships >e.steraay. Two of the Ml mar* w>.. m the mtei'ichoo! n Mflay College K 4x400m in J 41 7 am. under- 15 4xloom in 50.0 Champion athletes were K'ioo Teng Beng Div. I),
      59 words
    • 42 22 HONG KONG. Frl Th« Hong Kong Lawr, Tennis A.s-v^ nation have deuded to invite and Singapore lo comp« t<> in thfir gr»:scourt hampionships besjnninj on S»pt 27 Other countries o be .ivited are: Australia. Japan. South Korea Indonesia and tin lippines
      42 words
    • 494 22 'THE dc Bruyne A brothers, lan and Alfred, and their sister Jean won another five events to take their overall tally to 13 victories in the Penang schools swimming championships which ended yesterday. Lan won both Class 2 events 100 m backstroke and 200 m medley—
      494 words
    • 164 22 BASKETBALL DINDINGS INTCR-SCHOOI iSttiawani: Nan Hwa bt SMR Aver Tawar 38-32: ACS bt SRS Rruas 48 39 CRICKET TOIR MATCH (Sheffleldi: York> 181-4 dec (B Clo>.r 51 .1 Hampshire 43.) W Indians 25-0 INGUSH COUNTIES; At Kidderminster: 1. Worcs 119 and 37-2. Sussex 103 'N. Gifford 7-40). At Manchester.
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 128 22 Flying north? Take the first flight with us any morning and B^J leave the crowd-and bustle way of travelling to others! We Mlßaß jet you north as early as 8.00 am. Your choice to Hong Our new jet-Set timetable Kong and Tokyo via Kuala Lumpur 3 times a week via
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  • Page 22 Miscellaneous
    • 139 22 WIU-tIKS spore allmeet Farrer Pk, 2 pin St. Xavifrh lastitutloni (hanipion.'-hipi (City Stadiun^ Penang. 2.15 p.m.". CRICKET Spore Dit. X; PARC v SRC; Schools v CSC; RAP Tengah v RAP Changi; RAP Seletar v YMCA. Netrt league: NS Club v King Georg* V Sch. (NSC grd. Serembam > UNG Kluarm
      139 words

    • 441 23  -  EPSOM JEEP -i MALAYAN DAWN in Race 3 looks the best bet at Ipoh today. Hp beat a Div. 2 field -if. at Pfnang this With fi-lb less higher division he Id follow up. Warm Season, who also Penang In the top fancied again. However,
      441 words
    • 285 23 LEASER HILL 11. late x Gurkha, galloped like a winner in soft going at Ipoh yesterday morning. Ridden by Glynn Pretty, the flve-year-old grey ran 3f In 39 4/ssec In a trial with stablfmate Raub. Fraser Hill was atrldlng out strongly all the way.
      285 words
    • 124 23 i raOM Jit r \i i. inn HOINTI.R IM» 1 01-1N Tor* HrUtr luck 1080 \tng Choy Oialn VONG CHOT Toro Oivin ;»re PBIN4 I I KMI l Mind In Hand onirarl <>MH\',T GtWMt I'rmrp s Knife r. SQI'IRE l-nur Wishni Hand In Hand ;»rf M\l I>\WN Warm Srason
      124 words
    • Article, Illustration
      966 23 GOING Yielding to soft 1.30 CLASS 6 DIVISION 3 JlinTMl i 54,500) SJF local lockeys only 1 0300 v \lt K BCOI I a (Miihabathl West 12 812 »Rao 7 2 OM7S VONG < HOY a iO Breukelem RS Breuk 7 8 I. Soaldl 10 1 ***** TORO
      966 words
    • 22 23 Prince's Knife Race 2 1 Malayan Dawn i ßace 3' BEST FORECAST Prince's Knife and Hand In Hand (Race 2)
      22 words
    • 93 23 Famechon has jaw fracture trainer MELBOURNE. Frl. Johnny Famechon. Australia s world featherweight boxinß champion ha» a jaw fracture and cannot fight again before July 24. The injury wa.s liltrlMti In a cable sent by Famecnon s trainer-manager Ambrose Palmer, to the general manager of stadiums Ltd R. Lean, who
      Reuter  -  93 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 251 23 Ei Ipnd f 2s days > nclus|ve T uß UH U I b FOR $3,850.00 ONLY This is our third successive year in organising fabulous holiday tours to Europe. Our first party of 18 persons left for Europe on 21st May 1969. The second party covering Northern Europe Scandinavia will
      251 words

  • 74 24 APOLLO 10 oblique view of This necker crater. This picture shows terrain features typical of the northeastern Ontral Bay and the highlancb along toe margin of Central Bay. Beyond the highlands, the smooth door of slit' Sc;i of Vapours extends l<> miles from
    AP  -  74 words
  • 254 24 Moscow bids with giant trade show for Malaysian market KUALA LUMPUR. Friday 4 RUSSIAN indus- trial and trade exhibition will be hold here In September—the first major move to introduce Soviet goods in the Malaysian market. The director of the exhibition, Mr. D. V. Beklcshov said that the threeweek fair
    254 words
  • 17 24 TOKVIi old Jap.. globe In Kiapliei in In i New V' hi.d H
    17 words
  • 6 24 OUAME KIM HOCK II i
    6 words
  • 6 24 IN LOVING MEMORY of
    6 words
  • 172 24 WEST BERLIN, ptl Pioneer heart surgeon Christian Barnard today defended the action of London doctor* who switched off a machine keeping a girl's heart beating before the organ was used in Britain's latest heart transplant operation The South Atruan surgeon entered the controversy over the
    172 words
  • 436 24 LONDON. Frt The market drifted lower today on lack ol Interest. Bu-mess continued very quiet, uuh the recent spate of ttxed intere.,t issues mid the general tik hi ness of munev making for an \fi-al] lack of fund.v Towards the close, the Financial Tunes Index was 2 0
    436 words
  • 84 24 Youth Week: An appeal to firms SINGAPORE. Fri. The Junior Chamber of Singapore has appealed to commercial and industrial organisations here to help make "Youth Week in Commerce and Industry 1969" a big success. A spokesman for the Chamber said the emphasis this year m on blue-col-lar jobs in the
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
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