The Straits Times, 25 May 1969

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
  • 17 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES in No. 1732 SUNDAY, MAY 25, 1969 20 CENTS KDN 4071 MC (P) 0724
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  • 109 1 Tin mines to give $195,000 IPOH. Sat Mining companies have pledged a total of $195,000 to National Relief Fund. European managed and in mines which are members of the States a Chamber ol Mine>. which has Its head office in Ipoh. will contribute $12R erncd are •■red in several Their
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  • 418 1 Instant aid' plan by relief fund KUALA LUMPUR. Sat 'FHE working commitA tee of the National Relief Fund has decided to give immediate assistance to certain categories of people affected by the disturbances. include stallholders, Milchildren. occupierowners and applicants for low-cost hou.s.: 'The eomrnittee Is planning or two long-term projects,
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  • 785 1  - Oil search boosts the boom in shipping industries CHIA POTEIK By SINGAPORE THE Minister for Finance, Dr. Coh Keng Swee, tonight said that the shipbuilding and repairing industry which serves offshore oil prospecting operations can expect business to go on for at least seven years even if not a drop
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  • 105 1 Curfew now relaxed further Xl \l U MPI X, Sat. The National Operations Council today heard reports of "considerable improvement" in the security situation and agreed to a further relaxation of curfew hours. The Ops Council was also told that general economic activity was progressing "very well." More public transport
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  • 612 1 Apollo on way back to earth UOUSTON, Sat. 11 The Apollo 10 spacecraft today blasted out of moon orbit, and mission commander Thomas Stafford radioed: "We are returning to earth." Stafford told mission control here the spacecraft* main engine fired spot -on for the planned two minutes and 44 leconds.
    Reuter  -  612 words
  • 37 1 RANGOON. Sat —Six people were killed yesterday when a United Burma Airways Dakota exploded M it came in to land at Lashii) alxjut 600 mile.s north* east of here, according to reports reaching Rangoon tonight.
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  • 157 1 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat. rpHE newspaper cen■i- sorship regulations gazetted by the Malaysian Government this week will not be implemented unless it is absolutely necessary, the Permanent Secretary to the Ministry of Homo Affairs. Sheikh Abdullah bin Sheikh Abu Bi.kar. confirmed, today. "The regulations were prepared
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  • 210 1 IJO.Mi KONG, Sat.— Chinese Communist banks here have been buying Singapore and Malaysian dollars, apparently to remit it to the Bank of China In Singapore. The hank was fined sI.'H.DIMI last Brack for failing to maintain enough liquid assets for a period of 128
    AP  -  210 words
  • 87 1 I was never under arrest, says DAP leader L' UAI. A LUMPUR, IV Sat. DAP secre-tary-general Mr (ioh Hock Quan today dismissed as "highly Irresponsible" ours that he had been detalm the u.i:,y v .a and my I He said the <■ old him he should didi: dded Welcomed ible."
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  • 226 1 Test batsman Milburn loses left eye in crash LONDON. Sat Milburn. today |i i riously iujurecl in a >\u d man al th< where the I batsman .i four-vehicle pile-up said is removed ition thi.s The accident hapi I on a country road Northampton. hi.^ own car, wa lision with
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  • 39 1 Latest 380 KILLED IN 24 HOURS s\|(,C>\. s.,| I !>.» tiles and .i srnrv c,l terrd skium-lir* ltar»«lhout sniilh ntn.un < l.iimril tin lues «if al ICMI !»«ftll Virtnamesr .mil VtetMWl In '>' liasl M hmnv niilitii -I mm heir >.ml t'«l ■>*
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 99 1 *\s) '3jj and SUPER 104 Im Now. a Super 8 movie camera v^bVs^b^b^lh with professional features which \^li^^^lfc can be operated even by beginners. V^H^^^A Loading tne camera is simple, vH VI snap the cartridge in and shoot. y^Bi^^^Bi The E L MO Super 104 automatically Ml sets ASA Speed,
      99 words
    • 66 1 s>^^ i' sWt iMs^l^H Ik^ I'ltm The $330/Liv ing room Group 200 Italia combines expert craftsmanship with latest manufacturing methods. Handsome, well-finished furniture by Diethelm. A settee, a coffee table, a side table and two easychairs all for $330.00! And, matching extra pieces are available too! Visit your Diethelm showroom
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    • 17 1 MEN'S JEWELLERY Always look for <****" Otympic MADE IN FRANCL' to avoid M imitation Trad* Enquiries Phone: *****
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  • NEWS
    • 894 2  - Razak: Vital this doesn't happen again... OH KEE TIANG THE TUN PAYS FLYING VISIT TO PENANG By PENANG, Saturday THIS WILL AFFECT NIGHT LIFE. BUT THAT'S A VERY SMALL PRICE TO PAY Abdul Kazak said here today that it was important not only to bring the country back to normal
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    • 141 2 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat Motorists going to work, or shopping, were today urged to "share the car" with friend* going the same way. iThla. the police here said today, would solve the problem of traffic jams here and in Petallng Jaya during off-curfew hours.
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    • 47 2 PENANG. Sat. A 15-year-old boy today pleaded guilty in the juvenile court to a chante of itf Win three cockatou.s valued at SI 10 tvlunßinn to Lo Kocng I.icw. i n Solok Mas. Green Lane on May 2. Sentence whs deferred to June 7.
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    • 100 2 IPOH. Sat— The Mentri Besar. Datn Haji Ahmad Said, will make a three-day tour of several districts in Perak t*xinninf on Monday. He will be accompanied by thr State Secretary. Inthe Abdul Aziz bin Ismail. They will have riiscuwions with dixtrirt operations committees and
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    • 313 3 GOODWILL TEAM SECRETARY ZAHARAH IS ONE OF PENANGS FIRST WOMAN VIGILANTES PENANG. Saturday JTYLRY night this week a convent teacher one of Ponang's lirst woman Vigilantes has been reporting lor duty with the corps of tne Guan Joo Seng Garden housing estate in Green Lane. "1 am glad to be
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    • 22 3 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat. Refugees of the rlou were i)-hour proRramni' the Technics] College here on ..< pro.;nc un [anjula Joseph
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    • 113 3 MORE THAN 1,000 REGISTER FOR VIGILANTE CORPS Ul KIT MERTAJA.M. Sat. —More than 1.000 people have registered for the Vigilante Corps. Describing the response ms "spontaneous." the District Officer. Raja Ahmad Baharuddin Shah, said the corp, <nuld look ;ifter people in their own neighbourhoods. "It can later take over the
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    • 39 3 SINGAPORE. Sat. A former airport police constable. Teo Kal Teng. 23. was fined $1,000 today when he was convicted by a district court v! fatally injuring a motoi Pu Ah Tong. 19. in a traffic accident.
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    • 22 3 price in Penang (ail nta i-> $615 124 on n olla ii mated duv n 25 tool 10 MS
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    • 249 3 WORLD AIRLINES RESUME THEIR FLIGHTS TO SUBANG KUALA LUMPUR. Saturday. A LL international flights to and from Kuala Lumpur were resumed today, an MSA spokesman said There were 44 Mgl arrivals and dtpartures at Sut;.. ini-lwciod :;4 by MSA. lour bj Qantax. and two each by BOAC, B A:r m.
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    • 228 3 A Temerloh teacher gives her salary to Relief Fund I/UALA LUMPUR. Sat. IV A further $8,826 vu received today for the National Relief Fund, set up to aid victims, of the riots. They came from: Anonymous Si' Cpl Prrbble $5. Steen SrhPsted and PmUmu K.L. SI. OOO. Mr I. in
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    • 133 3 SINGAPORE. Sat. The st-West Centre in Hawnii ami the Singapore Family Planning and PomiLation Board urn jointly i lournallati' workshop on population infcrnntion here ne v t mo->tb Thr work-hop, to be held at the Conlerence Hall from June 9 to 13. will brinp together
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    • 313 3  - Investors may shun Malaysia, warns Ghafar A. SRIPATHY r Malacca. Sat. I'HE Minister of National and Rural Development, Inche Abdul Ghafar Baba, warned today that investors would think twice before putting their money in Malaysia if there was a recurrence of the riots. He was addressing members of goodwill committees
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      • 342 4 JORDAN GIRL AMONG THREE HELD BY DANES FOR PLOT TO MURDER BEN-GURION pOP E N H A G E N. Sat.— Danish police have confirmed that a Jordanian girl, an Iraqi and a Swede now in custody here are suspected of having plotted to assassinate former Israeli Prime Minister David
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      • 329 4 Why we must stay in Seato: Freeth DANOKOK. Sat. v The South East Aski Treaty Organisation has met the threat of Communist subversion in the region reasonably well and Australia must continue to support it. This was stated by the Australian Minister of External Affairs. Mr. Gordon Freeth, here today.
        Reuter  -  329 words
      • 175 4 NIGHTCLUB GIRL ARRESTED AFTER GUNFIGHT MANILA. Sat. Police arrested seven suspected members of a notorious killer gang, including a 21--year-old nightclub hostess, after a 30-mlnute gunbattle in a rlcefleld 90 miles north of Manila yesterday. No one was reported wounded In the gunfight and police closed in on the suspects
        UPI  -  175 words
      • 342 4 Tanks rout raiding Ho troops in day long battle SAIGON, Saturday FAST reaction by I.S. tanks turned n North Vietnamese attack against a government outpost into a rout ."m miles north of Saigon, a military spokesman s;iid today. In the day-long battle, the Communists lost 53 dead The militiamen manning
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      • 192 4 Thuy goes home 'routine talks' PARIS, Sat. North Vietnamese Foreign Minister Xuan Thuy, chief of the Hanoi delegation to the Vietnam peace talks, will fly back to Hanoi today a delegation spokesman announced yesterday. The spokesman said Mr. Thuy was returning via Moscow for "a routine visit for consultations" on
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      • 309 5 'HE'S AFRAID OF HIS WIFE' STUDENT SHOUTS AT PHILIP EDINBURGH, Saturday pRINCE Philip told an audience of rowdy stuileiils ;,t Edinburgh University to "grow up ;iik1 slitil up." Aa chancellor or Kdmburgh University, Prince Philip w,!^ presiding. a question and DiTicid With fiOO .students on the universlty'i affairs. Several studenU
        UPI  -  309 words
      • 84 5 LONDON. Sot— The largest Meel-UMntf. firm in Britain, which kmt Ita own domestic steel making plant in 1967 when the Labottl Government nationalised the industry, is to build a massue steel plant in Australia In paunershlp with the Broken Hill Proprietary <BHP>. QllMt Keen and Nettlefolds
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      • 36 5 Successful Red missile tests MOSCOW, sat —The Soviet Union announced yeMerdav it has ■imwfllllj completed" a month of missile te.sts that saw giant rockets thundering across Siberia to a Pacific Ocean splashdown 5.000 miles awav UPI.
        UPI  -  36 words
      • 56 5 INDONESIA: A NEW DAWN In the ASIA MAGAZINE next week: THE DAWN OF A NEW DAY IN INDONESIA brings you a report in depth of the realistic technocracy that has replaced Soekarno's extravagant rhetoric; MEMORABLE MENUS FROM THE LAND OF THE MOGULS is the first in a series of great
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      • 307 5 MYSTERY OF THE RED MARSHAL'S VISIT PRAGUE, Sat. —Soviet Marsha] Ivan Yakubovsky, Commander-In-Chlef of the Warsaw Pact Forces, has arrived In Prague, announced the Czechoslovak news agency Ceteka last night. But the purpose of his visit wa.s not mentioned. The V -v be here to rye current statf and troop
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      • 430 5 12-nation aid club votes $3,300 m for India PARIS, Sat. The Aid-India Consortium inct here yes tcrdav and set an overall target of $3,300 million in development ;issisi iiiur to ln<li;i For the current fisc:il year The consort ium. «roupIng 12 nations md <haired by the World Bank decided that
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    • 77 6 Xl MPUR, Sat.— \d ot 283 people made homeless durine the here, were tOd.i i IOW-l-OBt .lan PekiliA iid tocople had the flats. •<H) hnd so fa/ reals at the .inese Asnd the durree da vs. 's apply mplicattoi.. quiihtied for the flats
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    • 99 6 \I\KKI\«.I has not Mopped talented 21 -year-old Julia Kinc trifht) from continuinn with the dance She is pi« turret in nnr of the rolrs shr will dance at I urt irs.m Colorado. ISA. in the olorado Ballet Company s profliirlion of I,e* Svlphides and The Kirebird
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    • 345 6 PENANG. Saturday. \IK Justice H. S. Ong today :>u,l;u< Bted heavier penalties for pawnbrokers who "disregard their responsibilities or yield to their own i d." "At present, the penalty agalnsi them Is negligible," he said in unnullinjj ouri ordpr returning tour stolen rtngs
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    • 80 6 PENANO. Sat. Catholic churches in the diocese of Pfnang have been a.slced not to hoid the annual Corpus Christi proMMtaa on June 8 because of the miergency Ihc ranrcliation was ordered by the Bishop of Penang. Msgr Gregory Yong. who has asked churches to offe' instead
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    • 58 6 PENANO. Bat Kuek Chin Keat pleaded not guilty In a maxl*trat«'ft court today to a charge of being a member of an unlawful assembly. Kuek. It win alleged wkk port of an assembly consisting of another man. Cheah Ocok Poh. and three other* still at large, at
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    • 51 6 PENANO. Sat. A man haa been detained by the police after 54.000 in forged Singapore currency vu found on him. The man. aged about 30. waa walking along Teik Soon R<»<d when he was accosted by the police On searching him they found 92 counterfeit $50
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    • 36 6 PENANO. Sat Mohamed Nnr bin Oman, 28. today pleaded not guilty to a charge of st«tUlng a car belonging to an architect. Johnny Heah Bock Aim. from Blot Boat ea Java. It.
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    • 88 6 Police hunt two who fled into jungle \l4iit STAR. Sat. Police t«d.i\ mounted a hig hunt for two men believed to he armed uith pittnls in the jungle near K.iki Bukit. The two men had flrd from a taxi in which they were travelling yesterday. It was stopped hv a
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    • 33 6 RINOAPORK Sat. Police today found the body of man. Tan Chp*. 52 .\;ns in front of a block of nv>- :n M.»::ar Road. They be.if\e he fei. Ironi th« aixtli floor
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    • 174 6 Two men detained after four-mile chase drama CINGAPORE. Sat. A four-mile chase along a country road ended in a kampong yesterday after noon with the police detaining two men following an attempted robbery. The Incident began when a bill collector. .Mr. Scow Boon S^ng. called at a shop in Ponggol
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    • 57 6 IPOH Sat Hajjah Allah bint* Ha.v Mohamed Nor. 94. a widow, one of the oldest re*>iden'.s in Peirtk and mother of 1 Inche Dahan All of the Strait* Times editorial department in Kuaia Lumpur, died at her home m Kampong Sengat near here la.«t n
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    • 254 6 Time to mend broken fences: Negri Mentri (jEREMBAN. 8?t. Th» o Mentri Besar. Inch* Man.sor bin Othman, today called on the people to forget the rece; turbances and re- forge the bonds of inter-racial friendship. He said that while the military and police reitored law and order, it waj up
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    • 33 6 SINGAPORE. Sar more than 1.700 nair.<s of undischarget bankruots in Singapore, covering the 21 yean from 1947 to 1»«8. ha* been p 4 in the latest Issue of the Government Gazette.
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    • 189 7 Painter Fantze's world of fantasy B'M'APORE.Sat.— 1 the pasl one "i Indonesian Minus, artisl has roaming the of Singapore nnding beauh where I«\\ can sec any. book in I. Fantze has i vivid imf nil of and excitement." the 38-year-old artist or his favourite the Hill Street f under which
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    • 30 7 ION: Britain yesterday ■•pan US$l96 million million) to the InternaMonetaT Fund as its f talma I an the million ($4,200 million) 1965. the Trem- unced. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  30 words
    • 370 7  - Rugger man's flying tackle earns police award FRANCIS ROZARIO By SINGAPORE, Sat Three youths, who specialised in pouncing on I\isir I\mj;m^ housewives during the day :ni(| robbing them, were not so lucky Ihe third time around when they forced their way into Mrs. Allaykutty George's flat on Feb. 24 this
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    • 243 7 Singapore varsity supplementary exam results SINGAPORE, Sat. The University of Singapore today announced the results of the combined first sessional (supplementary) examination for the degrees of Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Social Science, and the final part I and II (supplementary) examination for the degree of Bachelor of Pharmacy.
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    • 80 7 SINGAPORE Sat— The National Theatre Trust will organise a "Festive Concert at the Conference Hall on June 2 and 3 The concert will feature thr Singapore National Orchestra and the National Theatre Company Choir with the Sinuuiwrc Youth Orchestra and the Young Musicians' Society
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    • 63 7 C«?!HERRA Shi A isti alias 24 F-11IC pin rait will not be operational the new year, the Minister for Defenre. Mr. Allen Fail hall, indicate today. Mr Fairhall denied suftKestions that the Australian Government was delaying. takin« delivery of the planes before the Fednal election
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    • 173 7 FATHER VERY SICK WORRYING OVER MISSING DAUGHTER SINGAPORE. Sat. Waitress Choong Pui Lian, 19 i above t. went to work three months ago and vanished. Since then her parents, relatives and friends have carried out a fruitless search. Now her worried father. Mr. Choong Loke Khim of Strathmore Avenue, is
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    • 64 7 Medicine man makes tour SINGAPORE. Sat. The "Brand old man nf pharmaceutical products in Japan. Mi Tnyoji Naito. 82. will arrive tomorrow to survey the market here and to consider settiMj up a factory. Currently on a survey tour of Bouth m■» A.sian countries. Mr. N.i it!) is the chairman
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    • 105 7 SAFEGUARDS TO BOOST PROFITS Sat. The Safety- First -ForFactories message f-om yesterday's industrial seminar at Mobil Refinery Aill bo ronveyrd to all firms I in Singapore A sub-committee of the National Safety First Council which organised -.he seminar will discuss on Thursday how best to get the message through :ind
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    • 196 8 QINGAPORE, Sat. The Minister for Finance, Dr. (ioh Keng; Swee, gave in assurance to Malaysian engineers recruited by industries in Singapore that they would be allowed to "freely come into Singapore and be given permanent residence il they wan! it." He was speaking tonight
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    • 242 8 Pugilist meet a huge success says Sim SINGAPORE, Sat. THK week-long South-East Asia Pugilistic Invitation Championships, which drew large crowds ;it the Gay World Stadium, \\;is described ;ts ;i "In:; success* 1 by Ihe chairman of the working committee, Mr. Sim Boon 1 1 Peng, tonight. HC .said that this
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    • 100 8 OUR CADETS SHOW FUTURE'S IN GOOD HANDS SINGAPORE, Sat A demonstration of discipline dedication and devotion to duty. That was how Dr Lee Chlaw Meng. Parliamentary Secretary to the Education Ministry, described the National Cadet Corps (Bukit Timah District* parade at the Police Training School today. About 1.200 boys and
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    • 76 8 SINGAPORE. Sat The working committee of the proposed Singapore Society has been asked to make minor amendments to Its constitution and arrange for a general meeting next month. This was yesterday decided at the National Museum a' a meeting sponsored by the Singapore Institute of
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    • 262 8 LIGHTNING STRUCK WORKER AS HE HELPED FRIEND SINGAPORE, Sat— Ahmad bin Awang, 2M, an odd-job worker, was struck lightning while helping his boatman friend moor his motor launch at (he Pulau I'bin jetty. It happened on April 24 while Ahmad was dropping anchor as the boat came up to the
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    • 27 8 TELUK ANSON. Shi Tha Perak St. John Ambulance Brigade first aid and nursing competition, scheduled to be held here on June 1. haj> been cancelled
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    • 305 8 It's true— money once did grow on trees SINGAPORE, Sat.— Money docs nol grow on trees. Hut if you had been in Kclantan lun^ ago, you would have seen the nearest thing to money growing on trees. In fact you would have seen a money tree. Not of bark and
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    • 69 8 Youths detained in barber shop IPOH. Sat— Police raided a barber's shop operated by women In Jalan Yang Kalsom here today and arrested two youths said to have been involved In two recent robberies. They found the two in a room upstairs. Later, acting on Information, police went to Put>lug,
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    • 24 8 SINGAPORE, Sat. The Woodland community centre will hold a Joint celebration, commemorating Singapore's 150 th anniversary and the centre's sixth anniversary, on Wednesday.
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    • 33 8 PENANO. S*t. The Brown Garden Goodwill Committee will be holding a 'Goodwill Night" dance In aid of Its welfare fund at the Old Frees' Association at 3 p.m. on June 3.
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    • 223 8 Thieves break into airport shop CINGAPORE, Sat.— Thieves broke info Boon and Co. in the transit loungi the Paya Lebar aii port a protei place and stol< about $7,000 north of watches early to day. They entered the shop through a 2i ft. by lifthole cut In the ceiling. But
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    • 46 8 Khir will lead delegation KUALA LUMPUR. S«t— Th* Minister of Commerce and Industry. Inche Mohamed Khir Johan. will lead the Malayalaui delegation to the Asian and Pacific Council I ASPAC > meeting to be held In Japan from June 9. The meeting will last a wNk. Bernama.
      Bernama  -  46 words
    • 570 9  -  KHOO CHENG KIM By SINGAPORE, Sat.— Two Mala) boss l<«»k Ihcii proud places ;iinon^ Nanyang University graduates ;il ;i convocation ceremony held for the lirsi time in the iK'wk completed university auditorium. .Tamali bin Satong of Sarawak and Abdul Hamid bin
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    • 176 9 DOLLAH'S DOLLAR OR A TALE OF CENTS AND ACCENTS SINGAPORE. Sat One simply has to get used to different accents If one Is to survive in a multi-racial ■octety these day> at i least that's what American 1 tourist William Kelly and taxi driver Abdullah bin Samat learnt today. Kelly,
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    • 31 9 SINGAPORE. Sat lii, lor of the University v! Singapore. Dr. Toh chin Chye. will hold a tea paity lor 200 frcshies at Eusoff College at 430 p.m on Tuesday.
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    • 61 9 SINGAPORE. Sat. Children all dressed up as their favourite story book characters will take part in the National Library's costume competition to be held in mid-June The competition is in conjunction with the Festival of Books from June 14 to 20 organised by the National Book Development
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    • 30 9 SINGAPORE. Sat —Singapore student Tan Boon Hong. 23. hngi actuated as an eiec lical engineer after four year-- pait-tlm»-study at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology in Australia
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    • 18 9 SINGAPORE. Sat-The next Toto draw will be held at TV Singapore- .studios at 3.1s Pm. tomorrow
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    • 212 9 Girl tells court of night she saw a man by her bed SINGAPORE, Saturday 1/ VKAROLI) girl toM ;i court today how she fell someone touching her body while she \\;is sleeping one night lust January N'eci Mm Huay was giving evidence at thi Tenth trate Court against her chiei
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    • 118 9 Sardon and team tour cholera kampongs KOTA BHARU. Sat —The Minister of Health. Tan Sri Sardon bin Haji Jubir arrived here today for a day's on-the-spot study of the anti-cholera measures carried out in thr State He was accompanied by the Director of Medical Services. Tan Sri iDr> Mohamed Dm
      118 words
    • 71 9 SINGAPORE. Sat Singapore's student "whiz kids" will go Into action when the ninth annual Safety First quiz for schools is held in June and July The heats In the Shellspon.sored contest will be held at the Shell Theatrette at 2 p.m. from June 23
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    • 48 9 SINGAPORE. Sat A 12--week course in piHtticttl photography for beginners, organised by the Adult Edm-utum Board. will start on June 6 at the Cultural Centre. The fee lor the << la be held in English every Friday imm 5.30 pm to 7 p.m.. is SlO.
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    • 173 9 SINGAPORE. Sat rpHE Singapore Manufac•l turers' Association today "wholeheartedly welcomed" the offer of the University of Singapore's engineering expertise and facilities to industry and statutory bodies. The Association's Chair--1 man. Mr. T. L. Whang, said: ••It's a good thing that there is this direct and close
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 197 2 ii aaiat Flying north? Take the first flight with us any morning and aß^^J leave the crowd-and-bustle way of travelling to others! We §Ha^B jet you north as early as 8.00 am. Your choice to Hong JHfl^B Our new jet -set timetable Kong and Tokyo via Kuala Lumpur 3 times
      197 words
    • 217 2 buerlecithin rapidly restores Vitalityeveryday in everyday buiilecithin a complex effect: Supports end strengthen* the nwnous system Increases the functional efficiency ot all the impoi* tant organs Stimulates cellular metabolism and ventilation Lower* the cholesterol lave! of the blood Promotes the rapid recovery of exhausted muscles CM lUER CHEM PH»RM FtIRIR
      217 words

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 154 3 vv^ AKBAR RESTAURANT (Opp. MARA 81dg..) CA^lvlXv M «d an Tuanku. K. Lumpur. Tel: ***** Ml-: NT KEDICTIONS: GOOD NEWS! r are pleased to inform our patrons, guests and the public that after a month long research in our cuisine we are able to slash down prfteca from 10 to
      154 words
    • 458 3 wine dine on board the dance to the exciting sound of "THE SANDBOYS" IP T f lunch, dinner supper fabulous eastern continental food free transportation from Clifford pier by luxury launches for reservation call at 5.1.T0. office at Clifford pier tel. *****-***** New HERNIA CONTROL! Th« lotut scientific odvance in
      458 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 397 4 l^g^ Hs^ r 17"^*^ IW m 4 Enjoy a fabulous flight to a fabulous city EAST, EUROPE and U.K., offering an inaboard a swift comfortable PIA Boeing jet. teresting choice of stopovers for passengers Convenient late afternoon departures every journeying at leisure. With such excellent Thursday and Saturday at 18
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 248 4 ACROSS: 1. Assail (7); S. DOWN; 1. Spring forth (3): SXaff 1 i? l^^^: Cltab t5): 3 u ck <7 > cess (5); 13. Liquid (5); 15. Recede (3); 5. Courtyard (5); Soil (4); 17. Fallacy (5); 19. 6. Nuts itii; 7. Serpent (7); 8. Vegetable (s>; 21. Mulcted (s>;
      248 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 376 5 Adrertitement NOW! 30 DAYS OF DRIVING ON A SINGLE TANK OF GAS Ya«. aravrn at Indlanapoln pr«»«n in the same trst laborateritt <•<) •> f onl. G»nerol Mot on and Chryslrr proven by tht wcrld 1 mattar »iial Uir<« af car you awn yn con now pil* up 100 milas
      376 words
    • 421 5 ■SiBBaBBBBaWSV^BBBB mmtmnl Nasal It LOMBARD BANKING LOMBARD IUSTRAUA i iMrrra Hi>r<- .onK. I I frrsx>l. LOMBARD M >N /I AI \M) fiK-k'.' v i irch, i»*miiion DwMdin, Matlerton, ln\ercn (ill, ?i\mtT\{on Sr.r»* I()MK\KI) KWK IKIIAM) »r> LOMBARD BACKING CYPRUS :»lUI> LOMBARD BANKINGJERSEI I.OMK\KI) »\\k ISLE OF >HN I IMIH l>
      421 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 232 6 On your way you csliv SPtH sec K^/ff Moscow SorFree i^Bßsfl^* vH| I* bs^SHb^bE HMu WM W •"^bsJ bsßbV afl Bs^Bs^B^aV^Bs^akw i^bsii>^bs^bs^^^^^lbs^B^bi^bs^b^bsl with Air India. And Intourist 4 I i can throw in <ftfmns& a guided tour If of the Kremlin %s£t§& as well! s^^W^ Air-India fly through Moscow to
      232 words
    • 150 6 ■Bjli "^B ffl B^P "> m. A. mi L i^y^ifck **Wjfl£ from Great Eastern Life Over 60 years of continuous ••rvic* GREAT BONUS AGAIN from Great Eastern Life ANNUAL BONUS $3600 PfR THOUSAND PIUS 25*. MATURITY BONUS ON T MOST PtANS MAKING A TOTAL OF $45 00 PfR THOUSAND SUM
      150 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 44 7 rjT cPjd| v /"I&k LUCKY ROOM Ajir%«?i RKTAURANT (PTE) LTD. iulibj -I 3rd 4th Floor Palace Theatre, Katong, V i(j£\ /J E«st Coatt Road, Singapore 15. <^g|^ Tel: *****4 4*0918. Delicious Chinese Cuisine Served Dancing Nightly In Nite Club Snacks Available In Coffee House
      44 words
    • 195 7 ™JH^Ji Produced in modern factories, using For names and addresses of suppliers skilled techniques, Australian products of Australian products contact the offer consistent quality at competitive Australian Trade Commissioner at: prices. That's why they're in keen de- Australian High commission. g^™J mand in markets all over the world s^ng^^re^T^.fseT^'. or
      195 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 157 8 3 EXTRA SPECIAL FOR TODAY ONLY Vyr L ex T flying chicken SWALLOW THIGHS Round Casserole Agar Agar >Kh 2 pkt*. Iw Mr Ib. Midland Vienna Sausages 16 oz. per can SI. OO Khor Jin Ai Chilli Sauce 12-oz. bottle 70c. Bowyer's Skinless Pork Sausages 8-oz. pkt. 85c. Avoset Whipping
      157 words
    • 159 8 W m Lv\3 tI ■MMnH^jjl Jr'^Jß JP^^e newest of j |Xv make-ups Destination: Moon. Mm Beyond 2001 Vtriattea AltogMlW 88 r»» powdw. foundation Crew^ Astro-gtrls evwywher. lipstick ty.-cosmetic colons I L a ,unth I i n n 9 g P,d? W Sh i «ldo B^ty Demonstrator nearest you. Ind *L
      159 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 31 9 Tostv Umptina,, fonfoliiina Our special succulent SPRING CHICKEN Try it today' Take one home or ord«i It for lunch o- -Inner at Lfl TERRACE A Orchard Road. Singapore Airconditionrd Tat: 3607*9.
      31 words
    • 212 9 "look- Si* v gotthHS Now, at your store, you get a bar of New Green Palmolive soap, worth 35<fc, absolutely FREE when you buy a large-size tube of Colgate Dental Cream. 1 30 This special offer is CDI L I SSS strictly limited, so buy m^^'m^ Zk2& Colgate Dental Cream
      212 words

  • Leader Page
    • 12 10 Hjman kind can bear very little reality. T. S. Eliot.
      12 words
    • 405 10 Sunday. May 25. 1969 WATCHWORD MUST BE RENEWAL rpHKO wounds A and the scars. Kuala Lumpu: i smile the world; a smile to show that the iaa been survived. The problems that brought the II ilaydao Federal Capital to disaster have not been d —but at least now there Is
      405 words
    • 558 10  - RUSSIA versus CHINA STEWART STEVEN By CHINA now believea that her real enemy is not the traditional Communist bogey, the United States, but the mother of Communism, the Soviet Union This is shown by su tar unpublished extracts of a speech given to the ninth congress of the Chinese Communist
      558 words
    • 810 10  -  WANG LAO WU By PART FOUR -WHAT SHARES HOCK SENG BUYS WITH HIS $37,000... THF Sunday Times series— "You And Your ."Money" based on actual case histories (though the names are fictitious) that tells you what ordinary people have done with a little bit
      810 words
    • 24 10 AN ALARMING PROPHECY OF A HOLOCAUST LIN PIAO: "Our faith is so strong, it will snuff out even the mushroom cloud of atomic war."
      24 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 342 10 r7?TTTr7TTT?T7r7^iTrKI .s :»iij j ITK CIUB NCtS Of»tHS TINGS IN MitfORUM MARRIACES MISSINC PCISONAI PPC. RIQUIEMS t lIUNIONS ti\t M.mmint S?0 I* ?l wsrtt. tick iM'titnii mtit N. 11l Other Classified tintflistwuti Mim-a- V bO tir 15 wtris. nek riditioMi wtri M ceits. SiiiiH Times In S»r»ici ekirte Si N
      342 words
    • 1 10 h
      1 words
    • 217 10 YOUR WAY TO SUCCESS through home study courses Th« School of Accountancy r-~ Business Studies, with 60 years. *~^r~~~-~-^_ successful fxpencno', offers you S- v-_ Courses for the examinations of: _^_T tyty* A Assoc. Cert. Corp. Accts.(M \C.K.) Im /T Inst. Coiit Works Arcts. (LCH A.) Assoc. Intnl. Accts. (A.1.A.)
      217 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 27 10 PAH hut, qvrtlencf,? lime wade a ctauatic ...ty imply Jvc fccitf dol*q r profitability. cost s. .jmh qMtf.&9, goto? cmnfiMHg _iS«tlUMl_aiUMtiiaM__— —W> llt VIHIKfI §,i l«r •iwi>__——i
      27 words

  • 294 11  - National Iron maintains its trading profit level GEOFFREY BOLAND By Singapore, Saturday yi 111 management of National lion and Steel Mills Ltd. views the coining year with optimism. Thlnual report for 1968 by the chairman. Mr. Hon Sui Sen. profit been mainnroflt at 9M02 Into account I -idiary company v
    294 words
  • 102 11 DECAUSF you will find out (in the May 23 issue on sale now, price 30 cents): WHAT Mia Farrow, the 'Peyton Place' girl, is doing in a refrigerator. WHO is the man greeting Sakura at her 21st birthday party. WHO is the first
    102 words
  • 491 11 Death crash bus driver escapes with fine on appeal SINGAPORE, Saturday AN Appeal Court today set aside ;t district judge's order jailing bus driver Lira Chin Poh for a year and banning him Iron) driving all classes of vehicles for five years. Lim, driving a Green Bus, was involved In
    491 words
  • 34 11 SINGAPOHE. Sal -Mr R F Worswlck Bourne School. Gillman Barracks, w ill talk on Edinburgh* ne m the weekly Club luncheon, to be Hi 08, Adelphi Hotel, al pin uu day
    34 words
  • 31 11 MNGAK)HI I he :'>n«r Sir Arthur v- la Mar« will i ll marine equipment to the Scin« of Nautical Studies at the Polytechnic S p.m. on Thui ida
    31 words
  • 26 11 Stiait.-. tin price In Pei.ang yesterday ru.>* 12.» cents to SHlj r.' i ncr ptcul on an ..Heiini: estimated uuun 2b 2t>s tons
    26 words
  • 40 11 SINOAPORE, Sat. The Singapore Infantry Regiment band will pity at the MacRitchie Reservoir Park at 5 p.m tomorrow; the police band will pertorm at Katong Park; the Ist Royai Infantry Regiment New Zealand band at the Botanic wardens
    40 words
  • 34 11 SINGAPOHfc. Sat The Slnxapoir Institute of Internatlonul Aflatis wiil nold a meeting u> dtamiH 'Malaysia* election*, and after" at the Hollands lie Club at 22. Cainden Park, al 8 p m on Tuesday.
    34 words
  • 104 11 MSA STAFF DID A WONDERFUL JOB, SAYS BOSS CRAIG BRUNEI TOWN. Sat.— Mr. John Craig, the managing director of MalaysiaSingapore Airlines, today paid tribute to MSA stall m Malaysia and Singapore tor keeping the airlines services fully operational throughout the recent disturbances in West Malaysia. He told reporters: "I am
    104 words
  • 297 11 WHEN DOES A PRISONER GET INTO THE STAR CLASS A NEPHEW ot mine who has just received a jail sentence has been listed as a Star Cla*s prisoner at the Central Training Prison In Taiplng Can you tell me the significance ul this listing? WUKKIKI) first offenders and other prisoners
    297 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 78 11 daily f j**£k fct Every day from m \L Singapore a mighty Qantas V-Jet ply takes off tor London via Europe. Every day. Like today. CU\RITJkS SEE VOLiK TRAVEt AGENT OB QANTAS R*AS BASAH ROAD TEL: *****1. KUAL/- LUMPUR BUi '3ANG T£L ***** OR THFI? ILIS AGENTS MSA SINGAPORf TEL
      78 words
    • 394 11 QUALIFY IM FOR PROMOTION THROUGH W Wtfl SPECIALIZED TRAINING IN MANAGEMENT AND TECHNICAL SUBJECTS Learn at home to improve your position and to earn what you are really worth. ICS home-study courses ha\c helped thousands of ambitious men to achieve promotion and better pay. Moderate fees all books supplied. Take
      394 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 107 11 ,'iMuiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiJgJam I Playing with car* t^*. J—^ ft i» ,/^f Tllf V Aft I —-^'"'TOU *H WISt TO PIUSI wmumm \*^Fl bb 4^ *4* vmn ir>T ui'urA II JOMN. IT IS A V(RY GTBAWGf I J^fc B»S a ▲I H p|g (dfjQ ON YOUR I I Rf m brunu/kj Tn
      107 words

  • For Women
    • Article, Illustration
      705 12 PICKING THE BEST IS NOT AS EASY A TASK AS IT MAY SEEM iudith vong On the right are three well-known Singapore personalities who have judged many beauty contests in their time. Top picture shows Mrs. Amy Wee a beauty expert Centre is Mr. Raymon Huang, chairman
      705 words
    • 559 12 I UNCH will consist of new, delicious and exquisite citrus recipes and this footnote on the invitation to a mid -day meal aroused my curiosity. It was a luncheon to meet the Sunklst Growers' of California's director of consumer service. Mrs. Barbara Robinson
      559 words
    • 128 13 U'VEN minor decisions like what to wear on the head can bother the bride. To give her a head-start into what is new in bridal head-dresses something all the guests will look up at I rounded up three specially charming pieces. Of course, there is
      128 words
    • 728 13  - Mass weddings: Is it really cheaper by the dozen? SHEN SWEE YONG WHEN THE BIG DAY COMES ALONG. A PAGE FOR BRIDES TO BE -BY IT LOOKS like most of the 20 bri(les-;in(l-grooms-to-be hiking part in the Mass Wedding oi" tjic Year are not exactly playing it right. Purpose Number
      728 words
    • 179 13 NEWLY-WEDS Invariably find tlwinsrhts knee-drep in a IHukc of beautifully -wrapjied Rifts all of which must be acknowledged. And sending all those "Thank You" notes can be a problem, as brides who havr had the experience will tell mi" But it should be simple If
      179 words
    • 237 13 A husband and the young girl... I RECENTLY discovered that my husband had fallen in love with a yoing girl who thinks there is nothing wrong about going out with a married man. I talked to the girl, but she will not see scn.-^e. What shall I do? DORKKN Try
      237 words
    • 17 13 WHAT'S your problem? Write to: Miv Jane Lrr. The Sunday Times. Timrs Houtr. River Valley Road, Singapore
      17 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 950 12 Advertisement IJeauty Digest For a Lovelier Skin t •xguiMic sKln is an asset every woman can have whatever her age tf she devotes lew attention to it each day Try some of uggestlons to prove to yourthat, though a lovely, fine-textured complexmetimes dom. It Is far more frequently !.d throuKh
      950 words
    • 191 12 I m^/F matdenrorms 'Medley' 0 ....THE NEW SWEET N LACY BRA WITH ADJUSTABLE STRAPS THAT STRETCH! Leave it to Maidenform to dream up a bra that fills out your feminine contours in the prettiest way possible! Keeps you feeling free and easy all day long no matter how active you
      191 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 134 13 GOING TO HONGKONG ON BUSINESS POHRSA GREAT IDEA How about scheduling your trip so you have four relaxing, care-free days on board Cathay or Chitral? Arrive relaxed and fresh to do business then fly back. Or try it this way. Fly to Hong Kong, then sail Cathay or Ch'tral back.
      134 words
    • 813 13 Advertisement TORMENTING RECTAL ITCH STOPPED IN MINUTES Science Finds New Healing Substance That Promptly Stops Itching and Pain of Piles 1 1 NEW YORK, N.Y.— (Special) One of the most common afflictions is a condition known as tching piles". It is mott embarrassing for the victim, during the day and
      813 words

    • 875 14 by a STAFF WRITER kJINGAPORE'S telecommunications industry will gH a massive "shol in tlu* arm* 1 Inter (his year when a (iovenimcni owned companj starts operations. It will then In- able to play unique role not only in the Republic bul also
      875 words
    • 594 14 T HE world's lonKest microwave telecommunications link consisting of 59 repeater stations is now being built across Australia. The 1440--mile chain, consisting of 59 repeater stations, has presented unique construction and operating difficulties which have required ingenuity and special skills to overcome.
      594 words
    • 377 14 T HE history of the International Telecommunication Union is in fact the history of the remarkable development of the practical application of telecommunications. It is the story of the effort of international co-operation first made by 20 states and now
      377 words
    • 1040 15  -  Staff Writer By Singapore win Iruh ciiicr the space age nexl year when its $v million earth satellite station is completed, for the Republic will move to the forefront <>f international Communications. It will be able to communicate with
      1,040 words
    • 95 15 ■A. SYDNEY company has developed an instrument for accurately measuring and recording loadings on telephone trunk lines. The meter Is of considerable importance in planning the progressive expansion of .switching plant and outside lino plant in telephone trunk systems, enabling capital expenditure to be made in
      95 words
    • 297 15 A new all-trans-istor VHF radio telephone, ideal for mobile and point-to-point operations where high quality "instant" communication is required. Is being marketed by an Australian organisation. The unit offers big advantages In performance, reliability, size and economy over many conventional "hybrid" (transis-tor-valve i units, the
      297 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 141 14 PHILIPS ppmuNicnioN V''3 '•"'■•"SB* ~"«]m hTV" 1 1 K^kSESBJI fißJßJ^to ■tl^B^K sfP— TELEPHONY Trunk-Main and Rural exchanges Private Automatic Branch exchanges Series telephone installations Chief-Secretary combinations House telephone installations Hotel communication systems TELEGRAPHY Switching equipment for transit centres Automatic Error Correction (ARQ) TRANSMISSION Telephone and Telegraph transmission on O/W lines-cables
      141 words
    • 63 14 PYE, award winner for export achievements, today leads in /S /X the field of m \y te ecommun catlons with the manufacture of: W m Mobile Radiotelephones E^vt^j Portable Radiotelephones iHHs^H Fixed Station Radiotelephones THE QUEEN'S AWARD TO INDUSTRY Radio Link Equipment Antennas and Associated Equipment Ancillary and Miscellaneous Equipment
      63 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 188 15 looking t— A j/ trouble... llS: II J sKc^Bbl KHb J l^ guarantee you quality 1 hese men have one job to look for trouble! They look into every little detail because they are concerned solely with the quality control of our cables The machine operators, chargehands. foremen and
      188 words
    • 192 15 MODERN EFFICIENT COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT FROM Al PHONE PAGING SYSTEM INTERCOMS Telephone type timulfo•u'toble ror office, home, school or foctorv. MUTUAL svsti M f p## Hand talkina cnoblrt you fo omwr fmm a tfiifance and fo folk while you work. You need net MASTER-SELEC TIVK SYSTEM Thera ar« many tyitenx to
      192 words

  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 1453 16 STAR of £^k the WEEK \f^ 0; the Week" today is Miss > g Singapore student) born in May, 19i2. Dos I MMM lou niiii-h of ou'll probable put thii Inhlr in the first few nrnnths to a hou^e or into soroethinj •f your birthday >ear. If you that beautifies
      1,453 words
    • 126 16 ~WB™iKa~l 1 1 1LJL1@|3 I ni_i^SU ipl i j#~kl..}. 1 6 11 I^, 11 ITc^ /'-AN' MOW PART TWO O' "i ZZZ^5''SlIl n_> I WHEN A KINGAROO /^-vOof^ 'f/ff^^^S L__/^ AND DO YOU I DUM'T t^storv o- KiMO T Ritch-s its POUL. J)h .viy ff/>^\ IBm» KNOW WANT STUBBORMOVSKV C
      126 words

  • Cinema
    • 357 17 ARTHUR RICHARDS sees the new films \SY film that oilers Omar Sharif or Gregory Peck as the lead has dealt itself a winning hand to start with. "MAC KENN AS GOUT* stars both these screen giants and the result
      357 words
    • 166 17 If takes the Grand Prize at Cannes CANNES. Sat— lt war revolution all the way as the awards were handed out at the Cannes Film Festival last night. Britain's "If walked oft with the Grand International Prize. The film, directed by Lindsay Anderson, ends with the schoolboy heroes machinegunning down
      166 words
    • 313 17 The shock tactics of brilliant Godard rE Sinxaporr Film Society's May nfrenne. uhich Mill hi- m ri-rmne at the Cultural Centre in Canning Rim- today, is "WKEK-END" .1, -n i,i, Godard's "latest diatribe aeainst the bourgeois world". Director (iodard. perhaps contemporary cinema's most controversial figure, portrays modern society as a
      313 words
    • 252 17 THE THEATRE rE Singapore Musical Society is holding its annual music competition from May 28 to 30 at the Cultural Centre Theatre. Mr. Leonard Blake, an examiner of the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music, will be the adjudicator Prizes for the competition, which Includes Western Singing ar<d
      252 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 474 17 NOW SHOWING' Todoy S Show, 11 om, 30. 4,«J0 »lSpm "With Six You Get Eggroll" £ITH Rrle<uen i NO<V jHOwING! 11 om, 1 30,4 00.6 30 •30pm LIE in MGMi Bleed Of Fu Manchu" LAST 2 DAYS 1 II om, 1.30. 4, 1 00, 330 •30 4 9 ISpm 64S
      474 words
    • 257 17 CATHAY-COMING! Meet HL bw VmtV im^B I > tm^mWWM He enjoys midnight snacks, girls, expensive cigars, girls, fancy manicures, girls. What he enjoys most are Dinmonos for brerkfrst THE ROBBERY THAT SHOOK ROYALTY! MAreELLO MASTROiANNI RITATUSHINGHAM- MMUMOS FOR BRERKFMT Thisis& THE FIXER VWibJ ey dccusec m i I'm 9" TFey
      257 words
    • 10 17 DIAMOND (Airconditioned) VMMTI 1 30- J-i.lo>m. Jayashankar Joyololitho in "MUTHUCHIPPI"
      10 words
    • 165 17 SUPERMARKET AND SHOPPING CENTRE ORCHARD ROAD HIIIB R V f Th 's is the last day of nvillty our FRIDAY SPECIALS ■■■818 M J \V\ /®N LIDU CHAKGE Linda Christian, Peter Alexander, Scilla Gabel, 1 Renato Salvatori, Jackie Lane The Playboy Girls STATION HOTEL KEPPEL ROAD S PORE-2 Tel: *****1
      165 words

  • Sport
    • 111 18 Darul back in title picture on 4-1 win DARUL \HAH. the cham l< onifd tnd R.N. for this ipore ie Div. Om chamship when they 1 at r Park yesterday. The l 'P to table today's Wan- whether iiion. ■i to\rmed I .1 not irul Allah 'Her rt the I
      111 words
    • 401 18 Aussie soccer results SYDNEY. Sat. Australian NM\ Ml 1 N i«mbiDii 2 Adamstown 3 W Wallsend O W»ston nsvn s Dm RAAF Meicweather lait.and 1 s>dnry DIV 1: Concordia O Guildford O; E Side 4 Riverside 5: Lidcombe 3 BUrktuwn 4. s sydney 1 Belmore 3; Thistle ti I.anecover 3;
      401 words
    • 25 18 LOS ANGELS Sat Ruben Olivares <if Mexico knocked out Takao Sakural of Japan in tne *i\th round of a bantamweight fight here la«t night
      25 words
    • 207 18 JOHN MARTEN'S. the SCC's Singapore allrounder, took 6-12 oil live overs to dismiss his former club. SRC. for 66 in the Padaw Shield cricket mate!) yesterday. BOC n-plied with 128 for iiitu to be 68 rtUM ahead a' sk( l Inns h re i 10. Jeremiah
      207 words
    • Article, Illustration
      1179 18 GOING FORECAST: Soft. RACE 1 2.0 amateur Class 5 2f (catthweights 12.0) 1 0 KOLKt.I tSpore Polo Club) ■t- 10-1!) penalty K. Jumabho; 8 2 010 Bl.l'K JtAXS (Spore Polo Club) -t- 81b penalty A. Jumabbov 11 3 ***** SAKIM.t (Spore Polo Club) 8-lb penalty Keadhead 3
      1,179 words
    • 644 18  - Mast re l Boy looks best bet of the day EPSOM JEEP By \IASTREL BOY in Race 7 is the best bet in today's Bukit Timah mixed card of professional and amateur events. The four- year -old was a smart winner in Class 4 at Penang last month when he
      UPI  -  644 words
    • 38 18 1 GREY GRENADIER Sarlmo 2 TRIUMPH Joy Spinner 3 BUKIT BENDERA Norvic 4 WINDFALL Timah Api 5 GRENADIER Film Goer 6 WINGATE Storyteller 7 MASTREL BOY Art Nouveau 8 THE VIKING Dark Romance Best bet: Mattrcl Boy
      38 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 215 18 New technology of Correspondence Education -Stamford College diagnostic testing and teaching produces amazing results. Many students secure H.S.C. in six months! Phenomenal 1968/1969 examination i^fM^L STAMFORD COLLEGE S3 I argest correspondence college in this region Commended as a model by educators and colombo-plan experts Pioneers in the technology of correspondence
      215 words
    • 172 18 MR. PHILIP LEE KHENG LING age 81 years, passed away peacefully on the 23-5-1969 at Mount Alvernia Hospital, leaving behind his dearly beloved wife, 5 Sons:- Joseph Lee Kolc Han Lee Kok Liang Lee Kok Khuang Lee Kok Hin Lee Kok Ming 3 Daughters:- Anne Lee Mary Lee Theresa Lee
      172 words
  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 34 18 Sports diary Mill f 111 R !>• re AAA KM Xl I r.«daiu -liield: I A v Schools Padang. 11 *im iii: pan !»■> l lie boys -nrlrr30'. P.iThlll Kanb '7 30; I i)i i nwf»lth
      34 words
    • 391 18 TV SINGAPURA II AN NIX 5 10 A M Programme Summary; 10.05 Carol Burnett Show; 10.55 The Nurses They Are As Uon! 11.45 Halsman Keluarga: MM pm. Mr. Ed The Horse Wilbur The 1J.45 Slcippy The Bush .■o Tara II; 110 Pro■ramme Summary; 1 15 li lah Batlasa Kebangsaan. 12b
      391 words
    • 362 18 TV and Radio Breakfast Bulletin: 7.30 ftuer--74a Musical Merry Go Round; 8.00 T.S. A: News; 8.10 I 845 EM I N 9.50 Natioi al Lang 955 Sunday Dan 10 Oo Jet Speed Rei-o'ids: 1030 I Road: 10.45 Poll I Foot Gann 1 J o>i PM Your Record Lunchi time I
      362 words

  • 104 19 Malaysia to pick Test side soon \|AL/»YSIAN Cricket iT Asi'xiation secretary Ptter Selvanayagam si-id in Kuala Lumpur he did not expect any problem for the Malaysian team to travel to Singapore for the first Test match on June 26 28. h« situation mproved enough we the sldf and 1 prcctlce.s'
    104 words
  • 20 19 MADAM WONG LOH BE M paue<i i betiinj «w fattf n »w Jarrt t cranlr li>«« Corttat i'nnanona Bible
    20 words
  • 394 19  -  MANSOOR RAHMAN By fRENGGANU are renewing their demand to be declared FAM Cup joint champions with Selangor. Bakar Daud, Trengganu's coach and spokesman, said in a telephone interview yesterday: "We don't want this matter prolonged. We want to be declared joint champions with
    394 words
  • 488 19 (^RACE FUNG set three recordi at the Singapore Chinese Swimming Club age-group meet at Amber Road yesterday. Boys 10-11 year* 50m frwsio- I M. Chan 2 J. Lock 3 V. Lee 33.5 1 record); 50an brrmitstroke: 1 S Sng I M. Chan 3 Tze Heow
    488 words
  • 138 19 J.R.S KIRKHAM. tormer Sln(Cipore cricket allrounder. beat Ong Chfw Bee. former Singapore Tennis champion, at Urn 19th In the quarterfiniil.- Of thi SICC annual (toll championship over the Island course yesterday Knkliani will meet Lauw V* ig Choon at 8 05 thia mornins In the semi-linals. Lauw
    138 words
  • 596 19 LONDON. Sat. r rHE West Indian cricketers crashed to the first defeat of their tour of England yesterday when they lost their three day match against Northamptonshire by 65 runs at Northampton The tourists, chasing a target of 300 In their second innings, were all out for
    596 words
  • 551 19  -  ERNEST FRIDA By VOR Azahar Hamid, Singapore's high Jump champion, was adjudged the best performer at the Singapore Armed Forces athletic meet at Farrer Park yesterday. Nor won the award for his winning jump of 6ft 5 1 /2 in a new meet record.
    551 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 368 19 I Late CLASSIFIEDS j M '•> H.- KM Sno I tone .IB on 22 V6W. and a.aff. 11. rrnant. '»M 1 »ra anil Ttan fho a Ti» vB. on 2« 9 <;ratff 11 and staff ct r.-aslet y COM KANC: Wee Ruat c 1 to I^ay Yons Mr*. Kane Glm
      368 words
    • 552 19 _s^a^^^^^^Bt3isi^i]ißiitsststiEssi^ftvi^Bi^si^i)^iSi^i^iMiig^i^jiiß fIT For quick promotion, better pay, and t£L career you could put your heart into CHOOSE ONE OF 1 I THESE CAREER-BOOKS 1 WHAT SUBJECT s. or i a INTERESTS YOU? New Opportunities. Security. Confidence and a much higher standard of technical iiiummaum tn a Television living. These are
      552 words
  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 45 19 HHHimmillllll JCT^^s^EeßEt3^^l\ »1 H Eef^^fSjEt^^Cy^""""""""" 11 5 WBtCn yOUr elbOW v.r.,,, l, to Rf ii Or*vlnit P««l •M*EE«M U»m SMn., R.rrl.. =w ac?»iss.a.'S J *^W^~ IM A <^ B>I A JEEeWLUE*MiiaE4la*Ja^pei V* :/h V »i»«CTiY AfTM Pin n t*/ ÜB^2±J ■^Beß eveV **<'' Zi YW t^H|A
      45 words

  • 36 20 LAGOS Sat —An unidentified plane, presumed to be Bufran. attacked Port Hai court, damaging a Soviet -built MIG jet tighter and killing a number of Federal .soldiers. informed sourcea said yesterday.
    36 words
  • 68 20 TIIKSK moon craters were seen by television viewers on carth in colour on Wednesday night as Apollo 10 spacecraft orbited the moon. 1 Hunt Commander Stafford said the craft was flying upside down and (coins: forward at this time and identification of the craters was difficult.
    AP  -  68 words
  • 71 20 JAKARTA. Sat —The Indonesian Navy has completed Ita year-long operation to clear Tjilatjap Haiixnir on the .south toast of Central Java of about .iU skeleton. 1 of Japanese ihlpi which sank during World War II Captain Piadono, head of the clearing operation, said TJilatjap Harbour
    UPI  -  71 words
  • 117 20 BOBBIES: NOW A VOTE FOR HANGING LONDON Sat. Britain* Police federation, the hobbies' trade union, today urged the Government to brine back hanging for murder. More than 1.000 delegates at the annual conference voted almost unanimously for rr-introduction of capital punishment. Britain abolished the death-penalty three years ago for an
    Reuter  -  117 words
  • 25 20 YOKOSUKA. Sat The U.S. nuclear-powered submarine Sxvordflsh arrived at Yokosuka near Tokyo today for a rot and supply sojourn of about 10 days.
    25 words
  • 17 20 IPOH. Sat Three curfewbieakns were lined between $20 and $50 here today. They pleaded guilty.
    17 words
  • 209 20 Offending pages go up in bonfire at Subang Airport KUALA LUMPUF B "Offei on the disturb ried in thl izine and view went up li fire tod;i This wa> carried out j the distributor bang Airport !>• fore magazines were for distribution. A spokesman for the d butors of Time
    209 words
  • 232 20 RAJA: IDEAS THAT BIND THE C 'WEALTH TOGETHER SINGAPORE. Sat. The Foreign Minister, Mr. S. tonight spoke of tht survival in Singapore of the ideas which bind the Commonwealth together even if th« Commonwealth were to cease to exist next year. These ideas must be kept alive, he said,
    232 words
  • 48 20 JAKARI A loneMa may oi tlon Urge- by ha tons ni v BumintrawUa r General of I he A predicted tec Dr G i expected rce production fnr '969 Is 11 million the Ooveimier.t eailier set a tanat ol 10.1 million torn. I'PI
    48 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 90 20 <§* CLEANS Dt I tKm ™#%W I tKm NEW NATIONAL WASHING MACHINE N 5500 iff %l?s *i I ik^J.."' ;i^ I /I This is the all new model from NATIONAL. Washing has never been so fast, so easy, so clean. You just set the dial. The N-5500 has an extra
      90 words