The Straits Times, 24 May 1969

Total Pages: 18
1 18 The Straits Times
  • 24 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 175,000 The Straits Times Ksltl. 184.» SATURDAY, MAY 24. 1969 JL 15 CENTS K.D.N. 3104 M.C. (P) No. 0723
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  • 546 1 'We must continue to be vigilant all the time' KUALA LUMPUR, Friday TUN ABDUL RAZAK urged the public tonight- not to believe in "idle speculation" that conditions in the country are already back to normal. "It is not so yet. There's slill ;i
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  • 500 1 reported missing by relatives KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. More than 150 people were reported missing by relatives and friends who called at the Mi.s.sinn Persons Bureau today. A large, anxious crowd turned up at the Ministry ol Education, where the bureau has set up its uflice. to report relatives or friends
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  • 274 1 150 i A longer curfew break in capital STRAITS TIMES REPORTERS KUALA LUMPUR, Friday 'JMIK nn lew break in the Kuala Lumpur police district will he extended For an hour tomorrow up l<> 3 p.m. It starts it -6.30 a.m. The curlew break in the Pftalins Java police district will
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  • 66 1 '1,000 dead in cyclone' report HYIHKABU) Kri. Nearly 1.000 prople are feared dead after the worst c\clone for 'JO years stormed across the South Indian state of Andhra from the Bay of Bengal this week Officials here put the death toll at «18. but said that rescue parties were still
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  • 45 1 NEW DELHI. Fm U.S. Secretary of SUte William P. Rovers «rri\ ed here today tor 24-hour visit ciwrini; which he will dlscuv. with Premier Mrs. Indira Gandhi and other officials efforts to settle the Vietnam conflict as well as bilateral relations. UPI.
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  • 30 1 KUCHING. Fri. Five people were killed when a PWD lorry plunged Into a ravine at the 18th mile. Mui-Bintulu road in Sarawak Fourth Division, It was reported today.
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  • 87 1 CAPE TOWN. Fri. Professor Chris Barnard, pioneer heart transplant sursron. «;is today sued for divorce. Supreme Court judge today ordered Prof. Barnard t<» restore conjugal rithts to his wife Aletta Gertruida by July 2» or show a use by July :'.O why a decree
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  • 942 1 All safe after passing 8 miles from moon HOUSTON, Friday ASTRONAUTS Tom Stafford ami Kugene Oman were safely back with the Apollo Hi spaceship loday after exploring closer to Hie moon than man has ever been before. Their perilous trip in the fragile lunar module, nicknamed Snoopy, look them to
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  • 93 1 BLAIBERG DISCHARGED FROM HOSPITAL (V\PE TOWN Iri l>r. Philip Blaiberg. the world's longevt mii rhrtol heart transplant patient. left (ironti Mhiutr Hospital a week after his r< admission. Dr. Blaiberx. whn eel.brates his Nth birth<la> tomorrow, lilt the hospital after nrftMi satislnil Ihciihi-hrs his Meant attack! "i
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  • 141 1 Reds rush $25 m to Bank of China lIONO KONG, Fri, 11 Peking has ordered communist Cti i n rse banks here to give unlimited support to the Bank of China in Singapore to make sure it survives its :it crisis. The English l.uriper, the 81 me thi> today said
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  • 35 1 DBI'NEI ATl.*' IN vl.. f WASHINGTON Drunken >rrgrant who took Hercules ("-HO tr< p..ri pteat nn solo flicht Id his wife It "> vflnia by rmdtoUlf plane that tar I ■m.»k* it home RriiW
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 92 1 gyßotnry UEN V»H VWTCH 06ALER KtiHtfjiM Sanyo suggests that you buy theworld-Transworld! The rjdu) that's nude i! nude i<> take you pbecs while you til comforuH) at home. Ilic s.iii\u rransworM (Model IMI-Ms| it finely si> led m leatherette and rich chi witch and listen to oat of ihrac U4,
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    • 63 1 P 5 3 p4MAY|969/T(j|{ ■^Mational NBV/SpijptlP '^^^^B_^_z^^_l_^_^ MECCA MODEL IVI-6S Car stereo cartridge player attractive ,m<J compact in desitj' offers full fidelity stereophonic reproduction with REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM plays on 4 8 Track Cartridge UL- 1 -fj Q i t-j'T.m M £-j Two 12cm RD. Y^-ll Stereo Speakers ;^^jl)-==_=^ available
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    • 13 1 S# GARY J^J 'r 0 DEL_ lDvn*toTV*Ltd. Ko. tm «Rt»or. siscvrom. til 7J24T.
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    • 129 2 Judge: That 'get out' order not valid CI YDNET, m—A drpor- Kin order acainM .1 Horn Kunc Chinese who I .'.<HM> to marr\ an Australian eirl was overruled in the High Court hrre limUn hunt Sun Ng, —>, was ordered to be deported mi l>r<. M on the
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    • 46 2 The :i\ni(f In the U P ;i t»! MM M month, due he higher -ie and *er\i Department repoiieri In l»rlce index has rtaen at an annual r«te of T I I ble period I mid I"^ i he department *aid
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    • 231 2 LOS ANGELES, Friday AIT'NIK Sirhan younger I*l brother of the eondi inned assassin of Robrrt Kennedy. nas thank Senator Bdward Kf-nnedv for his effort to save Sirhan Sirhan from the death pcThe 21-year-old Munir wrote: "How ran words tell you what we Your letter was good
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    • 270 2 Saigon, US differences at Paris peace talks MIXON'S PROPOSALS ATTACKED PARIS. Friday. r |"HE United States and South Vietnam today differed clearly in their estimates of the other sides position as Vietnam peace negotiators probed the prospects foi a settlement. Hanoi and the Vietconp's National Liberation Front attarked President Nixon's
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    • 340 2 BAM.KOK Kri. Foreign Ministers of the seven nations fighting in Vietnam today suggested that the proposal to withdraw foreign traops from South Vietnam should be extended to include Laos .ml Cambodia as well. In i communique issued at the end of one-day
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    • 164 2 LODGE; BASIS NOW EXISTS FOR DISCUSSIONS OF KEY ISSUES ing obstacles I settlement through "unacceptable and unreasonable demands He charged that they did not really want a solution ba.sed on national union, and intended to excludp from South Vietnamese political life all but a small mincritv Mr. Lam conceded only
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    • 128 2 CANBERRA. Fri. Mr. Gough Whltlam. the Labour Opposition leader, said last night that Australia should be seen as an ally of the United Slates and never as til agent In the Pacific or South-East Asia. He told Parliament that I! Australia was looked on merely
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    • 310 3 G WSERVATIVE M.P. told the Commons today that a future Conservative Government would try to expand the Gurkha Brigade in the British Army to 10.000. The M.P.. Mr. James Srott-Hopkins, had mi:- an adjournment debate on the position following the Government decision
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    • 272 3 LONDON. Friday A PANEL of drug experts today warned doctors that a type of birth pill taken by one in every 20 women users of oral contraceptives here is less effective than other kinds. The officially-sponsored Committee <>n Satety
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    • 59 3 So the Masai gives way DAR-ES-SALAAM. Fli Tanzanlan 100 .shilling notes depict iiiK a Masai warrior in his triiriitlnnal lmnrloth are to be withdrawn following complaints about the propriety of the picture. Krom July 8. the old note will be replaced by a new one v. ith a picture of
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    • 123 3 Electrosleep machine is so relaxing 'PHlv M« m.uiiiiir tailed ihr Somiior described .i> an electronic nl.i\rr .uul sleep in-dui-rr demonstrated I t uerk by it> manufacturers. Ewctra Health M.v nines Ltd of Birmingham. The portable machine is powered by two ninevolt batteries, and is linked to the user through
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    • 190 3 I ONDON Fri. Like J sugar in your tea or cottee? Weil doiri nave it. a surgeon said today. unie.v> you want to run the risk of diabetes, obesity, coronary thrombosis. tooth decay, varicose veins, peptic ulcers and oiiier degenerative diseases. Dire consequences
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    • 87 3 Just fancy that LONDON. Fri. Mantovani. the conductor known for sentimental string melodies, says he owes his continued success to the Beatles. The 64-year-old- musician, speaking at an awards lunch for Britain s pop music industry, declared: "I owe my continued success to the Beatles and the other groups. Tiie>
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    • 190 3 Chataway runs away with landslide by-election victory I ONDON, Fri. Olympic athlete Christopher Chataway scored a runaway win today when the Conservatives retained the Chichester seat in a parliamentary byelection. The red-haired Chataway, now 37. once held the world record over 5.000 metres and his duels with soviet long-distance champion
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    • 22 3 Dl'Bl IN Fn PrrMdcnt i He V.i.n.i el:--Mihed Irelsncl s I8;li Parliament a:id set Junr 18 lor general rlwtions L'PI.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 251 2 TRANS-ASIAN EXPRESS Now direct Daylight flights from Kuala Lumpur new york LONDON 0 COPENHAGEN yT N W TASHKENT •BANGKOK k LUM«>UA S4NGAPORE Leave Kuala Lumpur 8.45 a.m. any Sunday be in London 8.25 p.m. the same day Now SAS Trans-Asian Express flies direct from Kuala Lumpur I I ».n I
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    • 171 2 GsughStjrup Rtliatts your baby's coughs, colds and hoarscnest, nalpt whooping cough and difficult brtathmg when baby hat a cold. JSAfflTrini Cough St|rapJl 3 miiki.i'w I < i .^w i O nj*..H I M I q mi id"^ LkJ EASY WAY TO KILL ANTS, COCKROACHES A Scientist* iecomiriend that you control
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 262 3 raHIH iM^^a^SiSai SIUASON PNI THE DEPENDABLE SWISS TIMEPIECE IRp\» BTTRBCTIUE Idjllte^i RUGGED I II l[v' s/M BCCURHTE IP^flHni l*V -i.e-cit SPORT com* In H^gSHS^g^B^Lai BS^SSaMaTai staal. Hf»a>«i»^a»«4*l»^*il^ I .|9|l 'acat*. rasas and W H l^Prii X.'ll I ■■v^PWI -r-% a>xl MSamMeO m ou' HI aaa aaa»K SaaaaaßaTl BE rjii»futii gmVvlfc
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    • 267 3 Institute of Bwfciof A if iwhiiftnrtaiM MANAGEMKNT DIPLOMA Kf any eTfcntrvcß wMi ftclr crw ra top MMaj^ meat position* tn tektnt «joaJificatioa« tfaratajk the examinauoos of the Aastraiiaa latoum eat Busmeaa AdnuoiUratioav Since it> forma bofi an 19$), (be IRA hrn petawed wide recognition tbrooghovt Soutta-Ea«t Am aa a ti
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  • 40 4 SINGAPORE. PYI The Singapore Chamber Ensemble, under conductor Paul Abisheganaden. will present a choral orchestral concert of classical music on Sunday at 8 p.m. at the auditorium of the South-east Asia Union Collece. Woodlelgh Close. Admission Is free.
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  • 479 4 A call for top safety steps at the factories SINGAPORE, Fri.— Singapore cannot afford to allow subsafety working conditions to prevail alter billions of dollars Dave been poured into industrial investment to maintain and enhance the living standards. The Parliamentary Secretary to the Education Ministry, Dr. Lee Chiau Meng, said
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  • 242 4 MOSCOW VISIT FOR YONG ON SOVIET INVITATION SINGAPORE. Friday rE Minister for Communications, Mr. Yong Nyuk Lin will visit Moscow on the invitation of the USSR* Ministry of Civil Aviation. The Soviet Deputy Minister of Civil Aviation. Mr. N. P Bykov. disclosed this today before he left by air for
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  • 160 4 SINGAPORE. Fri. Posm- as People's Action Party officials setting up a new branch, two tricksters duped thr residents of a kampong into "Joining up" as party members, a magistrate's court was told today. In less than two months. 78 of them were
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  • 391 4 LONDON. Ftl The market 1 was dull today British funds attracted fairly persistent selling ahead of the long weekend, while equities drifted lower on lack of buying Interest. Towards the close, the Financial Times index was 8 down at 411.9 Cloaing middle prices of selected stocks not including
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 203 4 enjoy the best curry tiffin you ye ever hacLat the ■Ipi I QUARTERDECK POOL I (i^V Cuscaclen House MM ittWINOW SHOWHG! p 4Mf E 630 915pm 645 I 930 p.m. A Beautiful Temptress The Beginning Of A Wild Affair- Then DUtAMOUNT PICTURiS pretentt I MICHAEL YORK IB T> -JEREMY KEMP
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    • 70 4 Today: 1 30-3.30-7 00 «.3O p.m Pater Chen Ho i T,no Chin Fti "DIVORCE. HONGKONG STYLE" [Vandorm Colorseopa). Tonight Mid nlta: "Killan Fiva" (Mond -Colortcopa). Tomorrow M.15 an. "Ra««" (Color). :r: Aircondrtionad TODAY: 145, 4 00, 7.00 t ♦30 p.m. "THE IRON FIDDLE" Vonc Colorscop* with English Subtitcj. TONIGHT 2nd
      70 words
    • 91 4 J r* "V HMy I|^l|s^Bb)ll *1 /^asJite- Where the name speaks for itself Our speciality is air flown steak You'll like us for the food -You II get U/KCaimM Rd .Corner Cairnhill/Orchard Rd .Spore 9. Tel ***** Opao:Mon-Fri 12-3p m.; 6pm- 11 30pm. Oom on. Sunday. Sal 12-3 p.m. spjn.-lgp.m.
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    • 347 4 IJIIO A < AI'ITOL-BY PUBLIC DEMAND! TONIGHT MIDNIGHT -No Free List jmA MX m aaiaai afsnsißT^aV ajsw a it APa\ f 111b* M^btl»«lbT^ ißAaf"^^!! \^Br^HH L '^i \^»b^ d^iw *J I I A SHAW PRODUCTION in SHAWSCOPE COLOR" starring CHENG PEI-PEI and LO LIEH rWANOARIK WITH SUPERIMPOSED ENC 1 -i
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    • 522 4 i omNisATioN I r^~~~ i f^M*aT*aLi! fiTiw pj NOW SHOWING' I 11am. 145, 4 00. 6 10 4 «1S "LOVES OF GAL'/ I I I NOW SHOWING Horn, 1.30, 4.00. 6.4S 4 J. I tang Yin i Cl Hon n "Diary Of A Lady K I (A SHAvV I Wondor
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  • 170 5 SINGAPORE. Fri When i British seaman Barry i was nsked to pay his $1 taxi fare he punched the driver and stole the taxi. But he did not get far. ttv prosecutor. ASP P Mahadevan. told the Third District Court today. While
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  • 86 5 SINGAPORE r: 18' h Signal Regiment annual fun lair In aid of Singapore charities will be held tomorrow at the Dover stadium from ,'J p m. to Bpm Th»re will be numerous food, drink and amu.M-meni stalls, children's film shows. r.dr.s and elecUic cars Between
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  • 376 5 'GREATER SCOPE FOR YOUNG DOCTORS 9 CALL SINGAPORE, Fri. The Government should create more posts for specialists in the medical service to provide more scope for young Singaporeans who qualify ;is doctors. The president of the Singapore Medical Association, Dr. Phoon Wai Onn. said this today while commenting on a
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  • 276 5 SINGAPORE. Friday EXPERTISE and lacilities in the engineering faculty of thr University of Singapore will be made available to industry and statutory bodies requirine advice on special problems, the Minister tor Science .md Technology, Dr. Toh Chin Chye, said tonight. Sp<-akir.« at
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  • 90 5 -Police want to contact this man DINGAPOSE, Fri. Police want to contact Ong Kiang Kek (above) of Balestier Road, who they believe will be able to assist them with their investigations into a murder at Sutnbawa Road on Tuesday, in which a motorcyclist was shot dead after an argument by
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  • 45 5 SINGAPORE ril Mi JDH Netll. acting General Manager of the Fraser and Neave Group, will describe his experiences in China before the Communist take-over .v t lie luncheon meet inn oi the Singapore V s Men s Clul) ai the Viking Room tomorrow
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 125 5 "When You Care Enough To Send The Very Best" Greeting Cards On Insist on HALLMARK CARDS! Also available are varieties of colourful and decora- tivc PARTY GOODS, GIFT WRAPS, CANDLES j STATIONARY to suit all occasions at our HALL- I MARK RETAIL CENTRES:— HALLMARK CARDS CENTRE LAU'S ARCADIA (Katong) ROBINSON
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    • 40 5 FOR BANDS DANCERS COMPERES ETC CONTACT:SINGAPORE ENTERTAINERS' ORGANISATION NEWTON P 0 BOX 44 I'POM It. PHONES: 5M062 24 km. tarvicc ***** Andrews MUM Promottrt of all typei et (kewi Sponsor* of Foreign and Local Groupt and Artittet. L JAMAICA M
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  • 116 6 'NANTAH WEEK' OPENS AT CAMPUS SINGAPORE. Krl Nan tah Week" tn cele hrair the 13th anniversary <>f Nanyang Unlvrr,tid the 150 th annl- ol the fniinciniK <>f Singapore was opened c remony by Vice Chancellor fUyson Iluann at the Jtirong CMBpu.N thi.s morning. Held unnuallv. the week 1«. rieM-tier! mHk-
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  • 36 6 SINOAPORE. Fri About SO bnbie* will take part in the Baby Show nrganl>rd by the Joo Sen* community centre management committee at the centre in Upper Al milled Road on Sunday at 9 am
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  • 23 6 SINGAPORE Fil The annual meeting of the Singapore Mu>hm League will be held tomorrow at 7 p.m. at 16 Market Street
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  • 390 6 SEAMES MEMBERS HAPPY OVER DECISION SINGAPORE. Friday SINGAPORE*! derision to build "International House." part of .1 Hi -storey complex here planned for the regional En jf lis h language centre of the Southfast Asian Ministers Education Secretariat, has been warmly accepted by all members of SEAMIS. Tim
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  • 88 6 SINGAPORE. Friday 'PHE finals of the week-long South-east Asian A pugilism rontest at the Gay World, organised jointly by the People's Association and the Singapore National Pugilistic Federation, will be held ,™v« tomorrow night. The deadl; combat contest ha- so far thrilled capacity crowds each night.
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  • 72 6 SINOAPORE. Fri. A coin exhibition showing the currency history of Singapore since her founding- has been organised by the National Museum at the National Library tenure hall from Monday to June 8 II will be ojjenrri by M Ccmceicao. chairman of ihe National Museum Board, on
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  • 91 6 SINGAPORE. Fri.— Seah Oek Hiang. 2fl above 1. left her Buklt Arann home last Saturday. Baying she was Rolng to vi.sit her uncle in Kock Road. She did not return homo Today, her worried father. Mr. Beah Tee Tee. walked Into Timei House to appeal
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  • 51 6 HNQAPORI Kn The Indian ship Vuhva Slmbha la due Iwe "n Sunday on her maifiin voyag' ii;a to the pel:Thp 13.737-ton ship delivered 01 laat wert will pick 110 atx'iut 1500 ton* of rubber. ••ofTer oottoa KHimcnts and other general caree hr:e bound for the United
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  • 234 6 340,000 tourists this year: -Board SINGAPORE. Fri— The Tourist Promotion Board expects I4MOO tourists in Singapore this year, or 4M»imi more than List \< v This forecast is in the an nual report of the hoird released today, and whnh showed hijh grouth ratrs in trafflc from Austrah 1. Indonesia
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  • 148 6 WO POWER TO ACQUIT' SAYS THE JUDGE SINGAPORE. Frl Mr Justice Win.slow today said that a magistrate had no Jurisdiction to grant a discharge amounting to an acquit ml on a charge which should only be tried by a district court. He agreed with lawyer Mr. David Marshal made at
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 323 6 GOrtfWi KlffliX! .'.'.'.'.v.'/.'.'MrtHMS ENTER THE KLEENEX POP STAH GAME Bo lor prizes worth $3,500 and gel pop star Colour Photos FREE! Now every box of Kleenex contains a FREE colour photo of your favourite Pop Star 36 different photographs in all*. Collect the whole set and qualify to win 150
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
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  • 85 7 Students lend a helping hand at K.L. relief centre CTUDENT volunteers at the Relief Control Centre at Sekolah Hishamuddin in Kuala Lumpur helping to pack rice, sugar, flour and other essential food for riot victims. They are from the University of Malaya, the Technical Teachers Training College, Language Institute, Mara
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  • 146 7 Welcome move by Tengku, says paper fftm in 1 111 1 rf.— Tmcka Abdul Rahman 'Im made Ihc fir>t con>tr\i< tivr m«\c to rrs<il\ei's tronltlfs in weariaf thr participation af Ihr MCA in the Nation al ()ppration> Council ;md hLs nrw <.o\rrn merit." thr Hindustan Times s.iifi toda> The
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  • 35 7 KTAI.A LUMPUR, SI Marys Anglican 1 here will M iniiiiliin on Whll Sunn.communion will he MM 1 a m and nutg at ft am Th# Tamil sen Ire mill be 9.30 a m
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  • 183 7 Malaysia's arms request: Urgent study by Britain LONDON, Friday. r |"HK Defence Department is urgently considering a detailed list of military equipment sought by Malaysia for three new infantry battalions, official sources said yester- day. Tlir list is believed to Include such standard Infantry weapons as rilles. marhlneguns, mortars and
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  • 39 7 SINGAPORE. Fri v.tmp« Vk.W go on I day, July 20. to comnwnorate mpleuon or the ]0(;000'h unit of pubiir housing i and Deve.opmeni Board. The commemor,. will be in 25-cent and 50-crn: denominations.
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  • 102 7 Girl: I was sold to massage parlour KUANTAN Fri A 16---<>ld Rirl from Jakarta today told the magistrate's court here that she was sold to a mattage parlour. The giri. Lee K:m Yee acid of being an illegal immigrant, said she was lured by a man with pmnnsrs oi tinp.oyment
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  • 39 7 MALACCA. Fri. All secondary schools in .Malacca will re-npen on Monday, but afternoon schools will have shorter sessions, etasteg at I pm. The date for the re-openinic of primary schools in the State will be announced later.
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  • 22 7 PENANG, Fri. Muslims nbhinK to make the Mecca pUgrimage next year are asked to register at District Offices before July
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 122 7 Advertisement X-rays on Indigestion An X-ray experiment carried out by an eminent radiologist will Interest every sufferer from Indigestion and similar stomach disorders. A patient suffering from acuta Indigestion was X-rayed first before, and then two hours after, meal. The second X-ray plat* showed that the stomach was distended by
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    • 123 7 Holden Premier Holden Premier stands out among armrests. Superbly upholstered in other Holdens. Four headlamps, set cloth and morrokide. Three engines to in a splendid grille. Narrowband choose from 126 HP, 145 HP or whitewall tyres. Gleaming metallic the new 5,000 cc. 210 HP VB. Also colours. And a new
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 224 7 Straits Times Crossword vu )M 14. The rhOJ-en In Sinn' 1 Th«i 7. Ktxar a. phoM 1* <») rholre! >9. If cateti earort 15. Fellow take? one i»m letter I. Mm of action concealed 4 16 and In Prnnce It revive* romiS) poner (9) 10 Wild b«*r cau-hen bird before
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  • 7 8 Saturday, afaj Jl. 1969
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  • 427 8 The c naiUee oi the National Relief Fund, when it in Kuala Lumpur this morn is to if the natuip ami si al<- of the prob- The issmedlate n*eds of re- in the federal capital sra being met by voluntary org*i)i-. particular hich has been doing magnificent work,
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  • 302 8 There i^n be no doubt about uhat Rhodesia's pronew constitution i Smith himself has described il as sounding the "death knell principle ot najorit) the entire purpose ot Mr. Wilsons ncßotiHtums with the Rh<" leaders has been to ensure majontv African rule any possibility of a Settlement. hitherto
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  • 235 8 Loi d 'ice-chair-man of London's Royal Club, is some■w hat easily shocked. He has d that women are ;han men. ays known this, aiid so have a few ■Ma the unbiHst (I and intelligent male driver. There are not many of them Loic) C'lusham lias lurii
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  • 1254 8  - New factory site rises in the heart of Singapore William Campbell by SINGAPORE ROADS AND MULTI-STOREY FLATS TO COMPLETE A VAST SCHEME CLOSE to the heart ot Singapore on n c w 1 y reclaimed land within Kallang Basin, a major industrial estate for labour-intensive industries is springing u|>. Scores
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  • 487 8  -  JOHN NEWELL by 4 TEAM of American scientists, led by Professor Melvin Calvin of California University, have taken to pieces a meteorite which came to earttt in Mexico and have been looking at it under a microscope, searching for traces of the remains of
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    • 127 8 I REFER to the report 1 of the addre&s *h;cr, I gave to the Ro *\y Club of Singapore VVe>: on Thursday which U re ported in your is.vje o. May 23 and wujio bo pratelul v you vn;;d permit me to take Wmopportunity to mau- a
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 114 8 LEVER BROTHERS (M) SDN. BHD. AND ASSOCIATE COMPANIES Those employees who have not yet reported for duties are requested to do so on Monday 26th May, 1969. gaVffsj yu^^M^M&gsfiJiy TjK^rTtjWlgi^jtT^.^gggggggggggggggggt iVTE Tl.lL ftUT* VI >^^^KSseBSBBBBBBBr^« ;^i*V* fl| Wr«f^v S% v -*>? a^r JKB% l^Bß> BBSS. «BBbC teßft^Btf* ■t"*^^tO^V-' -#y? ;<'^Bl*.
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  • 230 9 SINGAPORE. Fri. —A "peace-maker' In a marital dispute was today cited by the husband as the co-res-pondent in a divorce suit at the High Court. Chung Ming, a designer at T< Singapura. did not dispute an allegation that he had also
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  • 94 9 Rats ruin 1 5 acres of rice crop in Sabah JyOTA KINABAM Kri Rite farmers at Kota Belud. 50 miles from here, are facing a plague of rats which have so far destroyed 1") acres of maturinu crops, according to nfli<i.«ls ■l himli hildren and noni iitin I workers are
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  • 44 9 SINGAPORE Fri. The Speaker. Mr. Punch Coomara>wamy tonight opened the three:i«apore Hindu-s' religious and cultural seminar at the Govindasamy PUlal Kal:vaaa in Race Course Road. There will be a series of public lectures tomorrow and on Sunday afternoon and evening.
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  • 380 9 Apollo 10 module spotted? Puzzle of flash in sky By ARTHUR RICHARDS SINGAPORE, Frl. Airport control tower personnel were puzzled over a flash and a strange streak of light which they saw near the moon at about 1.44 this morning. B t alter putting their heads together, they worked out
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  • 81 9 SINGAPORE. Ftl Keith Frank Connet. 16. who admitted stealing 50 tents from his mother purse wlitn he appeared in a magistrates court a fortnight ago. has withdrawn his plea. Probation Officer Robert Cheliisii told the court today: "The boy. in his confusion, did not
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  • 56 9 ALOR STAR. Fri. 1m ntj girls (rum Kedah and Perils ha\c entered for the MLss Kedah-Perli* beauty contrst io be held m a coronation ball in 'he Foochow Association, here, on Tue*U;iv niaht. TIM winners will repntMtt the two sutes in tlir Mkai M»--:<\.'-.,(-international 1969 national fln.i!
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  • 41 9 SINGAPORE. Fii. Miss Betty Lav. aasiiUnt Director of Research in the Tourist Promotion Board, will talk on Tourism in Singapore" to the Sinsa Coros of the St. John Ambulance Brigade at Stamford Girls' School at 2 pm. on Sunday
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  • 27 9 SINOAPORE. Frl The Minister for Sort*! Affairs. Indie Othman Wok will introduce a NatlonM Sports Promotion Board Bill »t the next ailUni of Parliament
    27 words
  • 364 9 'Stay on in Govt' call to Tun Tan 'MCA WILL REGAIN SUPPORT JHE Negeri Sembilan MCA today pledged its faith and confidence in the leadership of Tun Tan Siew Sin and called on him to continue to participate in the Government •for the sake of the Chinese in the country."
    364 words
  • 175 9 SINGAPORE. Frl. Police are InveMJsa'ing the sale of forged two-dollar admUsslon tickets for the Chinese pugilistic show row on at the Gay World stadium Scores of people with forged tickets tried to gain admission to la.-a night's show. Some of them had
    175 words
  • 57 9 SINGAPORE, Fri The University of Sing-more Law Society will hold a public forum on the controversial "Presidential Council on Monday at 7.30 p.m. in the un: new Lecture Theatrr tfi 4 The SDeakers are Dr. Thio Su Mien. Mr. David ftUnhall. Mr M.P.D Naur. Mr. Gcr*!d D
    57 words
  • 78 9 ITI'ALA LI.MPIR. PH. S\. Overseas telegrams handled by the Telecom, munication.s Depart m> nt doubled during the past week, the director of the department Mr. (hew Kam Pok. said here toil.iv .Most of them were from peoplr overseas .lIIMOUS to llll(i UUt If their
    78 words
  • 214 9 Time and Newsweek banned for riot reports I^UALA LUMPUR, Fri.— This week* issues of two American news magazines. Time and Newsweek, have been banned. But they will be allowed to c rculatp if iheir "offensive" reports o n th« disturbances in Kuala Lumpur art "removed." The Permanent Secretary to the
    214 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 147 9 Have fun with YAMAHA NEWEST BOAT the TRI-12 Deluxe Take a look at YAMAHA'S latest production tht TRI-12 Deluxe. It's large and roomy enough to accommodate the entire family. You can sit back and enjoy your vacation to the fullest. The TRI-12 Deluxe is perfect for water ski-ing and cruising.
      147 words
    • 149 9 jßßHwnWni SEE THE LARGE SELECTION ml OF HOME FURNISHINGS ijffM A AT ROBINSON'S tffypS SPECIAL OFFER 4l^L DISCOUNT jlvfS UPTO 50Z m'lmßol BIG VALUES IN ALL f &4F^M*k CURTAIN AND vllfefc-' |Im. UPHOISTERY FABR| cs €W :8i RAYON REGENCY BROCADE 48" width k'^H^'^^J m Dfoad or narrow stripes. NOW $3.25.
      149 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 848 9 TV MALAYSIA CnANNSLS: Kuala. Lumpur 7AA Ham :n Bigliih 710 and Henang 5; Ipoh and Ma >vv Bella Bergeralt Mam Ucca C; Taiptau 4; Batu 735 The Many Love* of Dobie Pahat Kluang 9. Gillis Where 800 News In 3 P.M. Proeramme summary. Mandarin, 'Ihcres a Will- 810 301 Cartoon
      848 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1189 10 ADVERTISEMENT SA.S.A.R. INAUGURATION —ANOTHER MILESTONE IN THE WMm JH Wtk Mt IL life PROGRESS OF SINGAPORE'S SHIPBUILDING AND v, c p,.,^,,, vicn,*.. s«crc»-r y m M K.K. China Tom Meloy Chio Sw«« Whyt W ■■■i REPAIR INDUSTRY. Mmufcr tor Finance r UtiULf I BBBBBVBB^ BBBBBBB j B B^ B^^BaB^BBaa *****88^
      1,189 words

  • 225 11 Rotary Club gives $3,000 to Relief Fund L'VALA LUMPUR, 1V Fri. The largest single donation of $3,000 to the National Relief Fund today came from the Charity Foundation of the Kuala Lumpur Rotary ib. The rherjup the Straits Time* oflfi.e hrrr by the club't t president, Mr. R ChaJ raises
    225 words
  • 148 11 FIGURE IT OUT FOR YOURSELF DEWI IS A LOVELY 85-60-86 CINGAPORK, Fri— Pencils md out. men. Delectable Dewi D.imai.niti ialio\ei has a problem for you to solve. Not that Dew isn't a smart -ill in her own right. She spe.iks h<r native Indonesian. English. Dutch. a little French, and
    148 words
  • 253 11 SINGAPORE, Friday TTHE State Coroner today recorded a finding of "death by misadventure" at the inquest on a two-month-old baby girl who died of suffocation In a maternity hime. The baby, Deborah Monica was found dead in her cot,
    253 words
  • 30 11 TAIPINO Fri TM annual dinner and dancr of the Perak Amatrur Athletic Association scheduled to bf heid at the Tdwb H«U hc:r tomorrow night hai been postponed.
    30 words
  • 436 11 SINGAPORE, Fri. CAREER MASTERS NOT DOING JOBS PROPERLY, HE SAYS fllE Vice-Chancellor of the University of Singapore, Dr. Toh Chin Chye, said today that he was astounded to see the same deluge of applications for the medical course in spite of considerable
    436 words
  • 86 11 SYDNEY. Pri— Former Royal Australian Navy Lieut. David Bourn ha* been convicted of fraudulently misappropriating A 517.700 in Singapore. Bow en. 32. »a* remanded until (or MBUaec after a Quarter Sessions uiiy here recommended leniency Mr. W.H Denton. prosecuting, said Bowen misapplied the
    Reuter  -  86 words
  • 83 11 Coast road extension opens to traffic pENANG. Fri. -The New Gurney Drive extension, Including the city's biggest roundabout, was opened to traffic today. The $180,000 extension now completes the coastal drive which stretches for over a mile from the end of Pangkor Road to the new circus. The City Council
    83 words
  • 29 11 SINGAPORE. Fri Mr G. Lewis, an instructor of Airuuilc Services Ltd.. difd here yesterday. A funeral service wa» held this afternoon at RAF Seletar'g Church of England.
    29 words
  • 133 11 Qantas to resume services through capital— SINGAPORE. Fri Another international airline, Qantas Airways, today announced resumption of scheduled services through Kuala Lumpur. But the first two flirhts from Sydney to London and from London to Sydney will not pass through Kuala Lumpur until tomorrow night. BOAC resumed flights to the
    133 words
  • 34 11 SINGAPORE. Fri The 1 Tamil Youth Club will hold a '•Cultural Nlte" variety show j to celebrate the 150 th anniversary of Singapore at the National Theatre next Thursday at 8 pm.
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  • 167 11 80 stabs kill London man with a tale in tattoos T ON DON. Fri.— Murder squad detectives are hunting th» killer of a bizarrelytattooed man found with £0 stab wounds in a woodland beauty spot. The knife-flashed body, clad only In a pair of black briets. wns tattooed from head
    Reuter  -  167 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 81 11 PROTECT YOURSELF from that^SOßE THROAT, COLD and FLU ..Strepsils ANTISEPTIC LOZENGES Only Strepii/i contain DybenoJ a new ontluptic developed in t».e laboratories of Boots Pure Drug Company. the mouth and speedily relieve mouth and throat infections. StrepSllS are designed to dissolve slowly in the mouth and to exert a prolonged
      81 words
    • 164 11 fjft \CONVALESCING? triS^ remember your j|W \IITA THE Imk mm TT Tv/r-r-fcr/r" l^ |J|l The vil.imi' Cir VITAPLUS helps in V 1 J. AJYLJ..N »v* the absorption and utilization of iron T7 I TVT"DTr^TJT7''IV < «R B for the man f acture of new red JLIX rllV^rliljJJ blood cells vital
      164 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 45 11 Bugs Bunny By Ralph Heimdahl BULLY— I V£A|si\ YEAH? C'VONI BUTCH IH*/EJ VWHATI» \6PSAK UP! J SOMETWIKJS J _\-'T?_^ T\~\r v^ c^-^y v /I WAS 3UPPO6E£>\ <<^i IP VER AftLET'\ (to plsh you, Bu r( -£4 <*f VJLOST MV NERVEiy (J^QA I AM,YA BETTER J
      45 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 773 12 MMJMMJMJ M^MMJ aCMOWIESCfNINTS MMMJHMKI INN6UNCEMCNTS. IItTNS. MM KTIVITKS C(N*«.ENC(S. MM, (NCtCIMINTS. I FUNOUS (mTINCS IN MEMOHItM. MIIUKIS MISSiNC FIISONH. RFC lEEUIEMS 1 REUNIONS. Halt Misiaiu*) %7% tsr 2t *W(I. Hit >«rt.isal awl tl M ill Otaer Clm.M* i»»trtntsnsn M.siaxai ST.St l»f IS W*r6l. ucl aMiliMUl m*ft J* itatt. Straits Tints
      773 words
    • 985 12 A CO CO OAR, Ri Middle Road. Kngllsh speaking waitresses. Kood lodging provided. pore. WANTED CAR WASHERS urgently I Please call at Bolwm Serve* Station, '17. t 1 per Rukit Timah Road. m.«.) Btaoaaavi SHIPPING COMPANY requirea 1 experienced Bhipping Clerk Apply stating experience to Box A 4410 8.1.
      985 words
    • 958 12 A LEADING DISTRIBUTOR i beavy earth moving plant equipment lequlrea add tic 'ecn: sales represent.! tivea to service clienta spar* parts re, in mis type of equipment. CandidHtes should i tbia neid. Applications from Smg»pore Cltltan* only and tr.i ■uccetstui appliesnt can expect to reii'K a nigh rimnni ration Appiv
      958 words
    • 922 12 7 STORSY BIMI DETAOMBO fuinsaiow at Ban Guan Park off Holland Road. Terrain and parquet floor .ng. Price 545.000. 0.n.0. Contact Lav Tel: Spore MM. DISTRICT 10. Clevated Site, beautiful .'-storey. 3-bedroom. semld^lached house, servant room. 3-bath-room, several extra and addition. 7 ?UU <K7.(HX) ono. Property Sales A Isaiiij syiio«
      922 words
    • 695 12 TOURS AND EXCURSIONS i MALAYA HILL RESORTS Sdavs Elf Monday. Six Islands $6/-. Kola Tintk-i 30 3. 16. OxJey Travel s pore *****. The BKBT lime to visit BALI is Nuiv. INDU-IDUAL to-irs GROI'P touis II June, mid J.ilv 11 Aug. 1 v s>.ul Ou inand cancss. 2 meals and
      695 words
    • 1026 12 CALL AT FLOURISH Hair Wig Products 19 John Uttle a Building. Raffles Place. Spore. Tel: M 2692 for your 100', i<uman Hair. Wigs, \Mglet. PaatldMl, Hair Piece, PonyUlU Switch k Kail. EVERYONE KNOWS BY NOW that or*, are specialists lv Room airconditioners and for prompt aft*r sales services On display
      1,026 words
    • 1017 12 IMS AUSTIN MINI MK2 «»ne own*r excc:ient (-(ndition SI TAi* v n.o. with r,e Ring (Spore) oll»6ti aft. i <■ 1967 MERCEDEB IINI MO. very good conlition Highest offer secures Loron< 33. OeyU'pore 1»fc» BMW. oeLS. on* owner tiptop condition C In- May I»TO. K Tax— Oct.. 1V69 $ISOO o
      1,017 words
    • 480 12 CIVS HER A T.IFT le» llcrv .4 LADIES HAIRDRESSING FARIDA S COIFTURE D ART JEANS NEW SALON Road. I DRESSES/DRESSMAKING HOUSE OP FASHION cick. Nataea i I b por*. "wTerTToTtayimsia) SHAH'S MOTEL rooms fully x laurant anrl bar or reservation 1 ""where to eat (M'si/o SHAH'S CAFE OE PECJAY M
      480 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 1059 13 »--ojJ inaßß^l^Q^^pßMaßHvpljjßßjal Tt IKERPQOt AND OTHER U K CONTINENTAL PORTS m> i PS ham Penang "1001, taHwt UPtTrtay May 2j IDiiASTUS U M JJ/JI 1"I^"" S May 21 May 21 May II J AUTOMiani. J )u«e 11 J.M 14 JMt U2l JBM 22 *„.J JMt 14 ?YiiJ»t )1 n *nhj
      1,059 words
    • 1334 13 J^^^^^^^^J Scanservice V EXPRESS SAILINGS TO MEDITERRANEAN/ THE CONTINENT/SCANDINAVIA P Shim Ptnang Sngtp^re FOR: TRICOLOR May 27/21 May 24/21 May 21/ 1 Her a. Anturtrp, R sam. H'burg. Aarhus, Malmo, C'hagen, G turg •EIRA JMM 14/11 Jbm 17/11 Jmm 11/21 Casablanca. Rotterdam. H buig Gott'enbuig, Oslo. Coptnhagtr. SWAN JMt 25
      1,334 words
    • 1194 13 EXPRESS SERVICE TO LONDON, LIVERPOOL CONTINENTAL PORTS BENKITLAN ObnJJVtJIAaAn Rolttnam Illy 11 SmtjDi.. P. snim Ptrmg C'n.outh II G 47 Tttay Hamburg lily 14 BENVENUE tm m m G "Mitti My 11 >ir|aoc f b njm P«ning Hamburi Jill 2i Mn 21 31 M.y ,1/ 4 IMI 1/ S
      1,194 words
    • 1310 13 I^rjw WORLDWIDE CARRIERS LTD. I For: Lot Angelet, New Orlc«m», Chorlctton. iWlrV^ptl New York. Niw London. l^^^^^^tjjjV (alto accepting cargo tor other Gult ond Atlantic ports, tubject to inducement Spore P. b'hom Penong A VESSEL 29/31 Moy 1/ 3 June 4/ 5 Jun.CENTRAL TRUST 10/12 Jum 13/14 June IS/16 June
      1,310 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1118 14 yt-^'^KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. Western Australia Sioaapor* Japan Service mm Mtn" II Mi, J Jm. iijmi 14 Jim II Jmi Went Afanna/ Singapore Japan Service t SinfiDO'i NifoTi Thama ami "I*khi NiT 4 IJsm IS2JJMI 4 Jlly J Jll, I Jil, Japan West Alriea Service N*ejkcr| to* to Lift Lent.
      1,118 words
    • 911 14 •USIRAIIANEW ttlitlll SttVlCt maiA P«tlS1AII »NU tAI (ASI MMU 10 AUSIIAIIA NEK (EALUNB U »l|l»-l,ui aM Mllrn Spore P. Sl«am H»nai»| ur, MB. BBBV Oim im.. «M RAJUU Sa.let ll Pirt 2? Ma, Pinan, P. Sham Sm« 11 mm n/t2 urn 13/u jm. mmtm Ti MNMB 1 I "icaiu CARPENTARIA
      911 words
      790 words
    • 634 14 STATEMENT ISSUED BY THE CHARTERED BANK In riew of certain utatcmrnt* whuh havr brrn putili^lird rrrmtly and which includr reference* to The (hartered Bank which m»» n* mrMeadinf, The hartered Bunk takrs this opportunity to r.talr that it has always enjo>rd correct and tond rrlatiorn with thr Kank of China.
      634 words

  • 28 15 RUBBER AND TIN CLOSING PRICES May 23 RIBBIR PRICK: KBJ rents (down five-eighths Of a ir-nt TIN PRICL: $615 (unchanged). I ttimatcd offering 380 tons (up 29 tons).
    28 words
  • 249 15 II M flrtt grade rubber f.o.b. buyers closed at S p.m. In Singapore yesterday at 68\ rents per lb. down ftoe-elghtha. of a cent on Thursday's closing level. The tone was qalet. R AS. and M.K.E. closing prices in ecnts per lb. yesterday. Buyers Sellers
    249 words
  • 302 15 Rubber Market sharply down rpHE gradual return to JL normality of the situation In West Malaysia had the equivalent effect on trading and the price level state H.C.B. Co. Ltd. In their current Rubber Market review. The subsidence of incidents In Kuala Lumpur over the week-end and partial lifting of
    302 words
  • 319 15 Easier after slight rally MELBOURNE. Prl. TLfININO and oil shares oonXT tinued to drift downward* on the Melbourne Stock Exchange today. Falls outnumbered rise! ;hree to one continuing the easing trend which followed a shori lived rally at the beginning of the week. Trading wax neaviest In Westerr Mining. The
    319 words
  • 423 15 Bio ano opfbh pricii orn CIALLV LISTED AT TMt CLOU OF BUSINESS IN THI SINGAPORE TRADING ROOM OF THI ITOCK IXCHANOI VHTIROAY WINS I INDUSTRIALS ACMA 1.97 2.01 Brn Co 2.10 1.14 Bornao Barbad I.TS Boi ttud 2.00 ram*! Plywood 3?■ C. «uxar» cd C. a. Holdlnn
    423 words
  • 1424 15 \IOVIMINTSOP SHARB PRICES BASED ON A COMPARISON OF LAST SALES IN THE SINCAPORE ANO KUALA TtRDAV WERE: INDUSTRIALS: ACMA I ft aaata), Ban A ca. ft crnia), Barnaa Bartiad I 1 rcnli. Bauttaad (—lO cenui. Carnal k crntil, C. lull" H rrntn. C.C.M. i crntai,
    1,424 words
  • 36 15 ON tb« Irta mhangi markat in Roan Kong rm>nln tha U.S. Dailar quoted at «.luil) lor T.T. and 0912.1 for «aih. Ktrrllnf waa qiio'wi at 14.44 UKI •na taal at laid at 323.76.
    36 words
    1,017 words
  • 37 15 STOCK INDICES Ma; :t May 23 Industrial: 11..V8S 159.H5 •Hi.t.i- X8.15 86.81 Properties: 154.23 153.33 t Tins: 83.M tn.»O 1 rubbers: 10R.34 1U9.4S Dec. 30, 1*66 100. 1 li.. .11, 1)168 Urn Drr. 29, 1962 a 18$.
    37 words
  • 23 15 In London on Thursday Malayan s per cent r.lj U K June July In bulk was quot** unchanged at £70 teller*.
    23 words
  • 356 15 Steady demand keeps tin price static rl Si piles y«s>terday w.i^ unchanged at $615 per picul on an olTerli,g estimated up 20 tons to 280 ton v Good all-round support Including IS. interest wm reported on a stead? market. In London Ol Thursday afternoon the future ers' price wh.- down
    356 words
  • 205 15 TMI PORT OF SINGAPORE AIJTMI. 1 PIITV ANNOUNCED TMI FOLLOW. IMG HIRTHINC ARRA4Gt M t N I FOR HAY 24. OUT- Hi.. Jalazad is. Klntafl Mir-. Koamonft I .r I'rociun d Pankulan 47. A iby N.W. 2 3 an.i Hi a U M.W. 3 4 IN: Knurl
    205 words
  • 84 15 para, na in doling pricaa par pioul raster**! Cmooui a I: bulk US aallara, drum Wit «ell. r* Capra: M led if.ob.) looaa Mar/ June tnCiODBI Ml R Ptpptr: Ihintok *UU < Sarawak vhlta *i:.i Lampong I v. SII7J NM.WI. ArTA acllcra (10 NLW I Caflaa: tf t
    84 words
  • 88 15 I ala-tingaaara Mil '<"••■ aBMfjM In Ita rataa to mti itha following M.« uitha tquivtltiii of ona un.t of torclcn Umtad MatMi Buying IT airmail OD S3 O?.1O; 90 d it. $2 M!W> irfdit bills. »'-'**OO trad.- bills. Sailing TT ar OD raai, The following Mlaa are <iuo'-<1
    88 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 504 15 Th. "ANTHIESHTY CIRI- I MONY" of th. late Mr. E. Vijayartdron wilt be held on Monday, 26th May, 1969 from 00 to 11.00 a.m. at Chan«i l«ach, followed by the "Horn* Ceremony" at Krishnan Temple, Waterloo Street, Singapore. Lunch will be served from 12 00 to 2.00 p.m. BANCI'NAN BEKAS
      504 words

    • 686 16  -  ERNEST FRIDA By CKKJIT SINGH, 15, of Dunearn Technical School, confirmed himself as Singapore's most promising distance runner when he completed his expected treble in the **W division 1,501 metres of the Bukit Timah district schools athletic meet yesterday. Serjil clocked ;i splendid 4 rain.
      686 words
    • 300 16 \jorf than li.ouu boys and girls, representing 49 A secondary schools, will take part in the Katonti and City districts athletic championships beginning on Monday. The Katoag meet will be held at Slglap Secondary School ground on Monday and Wednesday, at the Peoples Association Kal!ing,
      300 words
    • 48 16 THE HAGUE. Fn England l'nder-23 soccer ie;im npenea their three-matrh tout H Europe with a 2-1 defeat by Holland at Deventer kM nithf A 35th minute kou! b\ Manchester L'r.'ted lomarri Bn.tii Kidci vu England's only reward from a night ol ioil.— Renter
      Reuter  -  48 words
    • 41 16 The .swimminn j championship* will \>e >„ the Chinese Swimming Club on Tuesday. Ttrandsj and Friday, (Uurtug at L' p.m. each day The waterpolo lournamenl has bej:iin and tlie final will lie played on Monday ai 330 p.m.
      41 words
    • 24 16 Chong Peng Wah has won the golf gold medal of Sungei P;«tani for 1968 He won from other competition w.nneis last ve;ir
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    • 26 16 The Pcrak AAA's examination for officials will be held al the Anderson School. Ipoh. on June 1 from 9 a.m. to 10 30.
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    • 27 16 The tliird meet in tlie Ro\al Peralc Motor Club's Air champioi!.ship has been postponed till June J9 at the Brash I Road polo ground In Ipoh.
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    • 118 16 By PETER DE SOLZA MALAYSIA will play host to Singapore. Thailand and Indonesia in an International Games for schoolboys and eirls in August. Ton Boon llu.ih secretary of thr Malaysian Schools Sports Council, said Singapore had already confirmed their participation and replies were expected
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    • 60 16 The Olympir Council of Malaysia have reininaed the National Shooting As-soclalion. the Amateur Swimming Union and the Judo Federation to submit as soon as possible their qualifying standards for the fifth Seap Games at Rangoon iDee 6-13 1. So far only the Amateur Athletic Union and the
      60 words
    • 34 16 The MacPherson Estate Owner-Residents 1 Association will hold a walking race on Aug 24 1 7 a.m. i to celebrate National Day and the 130 th anniversary of the founding of Singapore.
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    • 52 16 LONDON. Frl-BriUtn gH n rL*. 2 J Md oorv *r Ireland br winning both single? on tht openrnu day of their DrnvU Cup European Zone second round U* rdav Graham Stiiwell beat Pet»r Jackson ii-2. 6-2. 6-1 and Mark 6-°2 X 6^ at MlChBel H
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 686 16 HAGEMEYER TRADING CO (SINGAPORE] SON BERHAD REQUIRES A MAKE-UP SUPERVISOR tUiUFICITIONS t EIPtRIENCI least 3 years eittntict n ctsMitic sales McMM| leiMKtritiia wtrk m s«pemsir» cajiciti The siccessfd cMMatt Mist km a wart stfkisticattl iiae.ace mi prtfttti ta irttrfa titHSin tramai m Earate. UHCUACES fiveacy i* Eaflisk. writtH i»i spakH.
      686 words
    • 691 16 THE PORT OF SINGAPORE AUTHORITY v I l o K A S S I ST A N I A« Ol lAN I (PI.NSION ABLE APPOINTMENT I Qualifications Experience: 1 Must be Singapore Matay.i Citizen 2. Qualifications recognised by the Singapore Society of untants lor membership a.s roistered ac< ounianiy 3.
      691 words
    • 801 16 MENTAKAB RUBBER COMPANY (MALAYA) BERHAD (Incorporated in Malaysia) NOTICE IS HEREBY Gl that the Tenth Annual Geneial MeetlllK of MENTAKAB RUBBEIi COMPANY < MALAYA i BERHAU will be held at the Registered Office of the Company, No. 70 Jalan Ampanc. Kuaia Lumpui on Friday 20'h June. IM9. at L' :-io
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 80 16 THE SPORTS DIARY ATHLETICS— Armed Forces Friendly. Unlv.r.H •o, charnptonshlp. Farrer Par, p«re J^SSU&BSL CRICKET -Pad.n, Shield: BWIMM i\T^u?^SCC v SRC (Padane 2 pm a K e-?rouD mVeT BC SOCCEB-Spore Di». 1: RAP 2 30. P Ct (Amb Rd. Changl v Hot-1 Spura (Jn. Be- <.c»I.F Common- nu sar 5
      80 words

    • 58 17 Yam punches clear to foil Quah y.\M GURUNG, the >t. .lohn'« jfoalkeepi'r. punoht's the ball away from the hi ad ot Raff Uvs' centre-for-ward Quah Kirn Soag in the Singapore schools >occer final at Jalan Besar Stadium on Thursday. Raflfles won the match 1 I with a penalty goal in
      58 words
    • 253 17  - Art Nouveau shines By EPSOM JEEP NOUVEAU did a sparklino; gallop despite heavy sroin; at Bukit Timah yesterday morning. The English coll ran 3f ki 41 I/.") on the hit. With a lightweight of 7.11 in the 5.15 race tomorrow. Art Xouveau must have a good chance. In his las!
      253 words
    • 357 17 LONDON. Friday THE West Indian cricketers face an uphill task 1 i avoid the first defeat of their England tour against Northamptonshire at Northampton. The West Indians end- wl the second day of the three-day match 296 runs behind. belr.R 3-1 In their second Innings
      Reuter  -  357 words
    • 65 17 Out— fancied England I BERLIN. Fri East Oermsnya Youth football■terday scored t\ overwhelming 4-0 victory over the fancied English team to win Group B of the European FB. International football tournament. FB"-t Germany will now meet id in the semi-finals tomorrow. Scotland held Yugoslavia to a l-l draw to finish
      65 words
    • 30 17 AMBTERDAM. Fri. Australian Rod Layer. flumped to a sl.ock 6-2. 6-2 defeat by Andres Olmeno of Spain In the first round of ihe professional tennis tournament here.
      30 words
    • 21 17 Malaysia will not send a iram to the Asian cycling championships at Seoul from May 30 to .line 10
      21 words
    • 286 17 Violence may lead to ban on Scots I ONDON, Fri. The crowd violence at Wednesday night's Inter Cities Fairs Cup match at Newcastle between Newcastle United and Glasgow Rangers could result in Scottish clubs being barred from playing in Europe, a Flfa official said. Harry Cavan. a Flfa vicepresident who
      Reuter  -  286 words
    • 69 17 rPHE Malacca Cricket Attoclatlon plan to hold a six-a-side tournament for school! in the coming season. Secretary Yap Tee Loy said a life member. Joglnder Singh had agreed to donate a challenge trophy for the tournament Only tour teams have entered for this year's Shepperd Trophy imerclub
      69 words
    • 29 17 ATHENS Fri Britain and Australia entered the semifinal.* of the women* Federation Cup tennis championship here Australia beat France 3-0, and Britain beat West Germany
      29 words
    • 56 17 ANKARA, Fri. Derek Clay- ton. Australia's crack marathon runner, predicted in a newspaper Interview here that he would be the first man to run the marathon in under two noun Clayton. 26. who ha« the world* fastest marathon time of Jhr. 8:36 4. won the Ankara
      Reuter  -  56 words
    • 153 17 MSA to fly 3 Asians to NSW Open \IALAYSIA SlngaiTl pore Airlines have offered to fly three Asian golfers to Sydney to compete in the New South Wales Open championship next February. They havp also agreed to provide a trophy lor a hole-ln-one. This was confirmed In Singapore yrstprday by
      153 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 59 17 I -Ok AfJP RUN FARfHe* sJL^r -rHAM normal, it isW \l) TT KtC£:96AitY HO CBSATe \V V If exfßVk &ACKGPIN FOR BAIL STOPPAGE ON aWf^H' .-waa/ 7xy ro siA/fer JCLW 11 mßm >re: 3Ai-t ji£AA#.v Jt Jll l^^m /r &OWAS Aaeuprs.y, '> v W**«W m/rJm LWni, MAX/A& k/eg" re l^^m
      59 words
    • 207 17 SINGAPORE TURF CLUB COMBINED AMATEUR AND PROFESSIONAL MEETIMO SUNDAY, 25TH MAY 1969 ProtessiDnal Rices for Class 3 over 6 Furlongs Amateur Races including: HURDLE RACE LADIES RACE JACK AND JILL STAKES All Totes will operate as usual. Unlimited Sweep Tickets now on sale for the 7th June will be drawn
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  • 38 18 THK LUNAR MODULE, nicknamed Snoopy, seen on television. This picture was taken from Apollo 10 as astronauts Stafford and Cernan were moving away for their closer look at the moon. UPI radiopicture.
    UPI  -  38 words
  • 227 18 Goodwill men reduce tension in danger zones KUALA LI'.MPIR. Pit A goodwill committee working behind thr scenes sincr Tuesday has reduced tension in the "danger zones" of thr Federal capital KampoivK Bahru and Chow Kit Road. Today, they were congratulated for their "k<micl work" by the Minister of National Development.
    227 words
  • 34 18 SINGAPORE. Krl An r hibltion. hhowniK hie in the Commonwealth countries, will I* held by the Commonwealth Bociety of Singapore at the Pol\ technic !rom 10 a to 4.30 p.m. tomorrow and Sum.
    34 words
  • 234 18 An urgent speed-up in the purchase of arms By PHILIP MATHEWS: KUALA LUMPUR. Fri MALAYSIA is speeding ti|> Ihe purchasi »f arms because <>t the "present situation,** the l)c|)iil\ Prime Minister and Director of Operations, Tun Abdul Razak, s;iid today. Speakin'; to reporters after the daily n of the National
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  • 114 18 480 HELD IN BIG SWOOP ON RIOT CAMPUS EOS ANGELLS. Pri. 1 Bayonrt waving tion;il Ouardunen and police la.-t night sui i rti and detained 480 dcmonstraton In thr first mass arrest alnci j bnikt out in Be: California 1 ii<- arrests can chanting demon I defied a ban on
    Reuter  -  114 words
  • 39 18 TAN KCNG KWI I i way paacrfull) brhlnd 4 >onn Oiuon lion*. Choon Chyr. Choon Hit, i hoon daucht.r- ID-law. 3 aona-ln-la». Llm Tow S. nu, M. IMmnry. •li-lnldr. n or scrolls hv im to any ■■hantahlr emanlMtiooa
    39 words
  • 64 18 .SINGAPORE. Fri. Military exercises will be earned out at the following arras: Marsil•>m 8 a.m. to 11.59 p.m. on M«J SI), Blalcans Mali cfroni 8 a.m. on May XI to 11 59 p.m. on May 28 >. and Tuas i from 6 ■i m May 27 to
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  • 34 18 SINGAPORE. Fri Helpers are badly needed to sell feathers on the streets for the Singapore Cheshire Home's annual Red Feather Day on June 21 They can contact Mrs. R ChandranDudley. tel. *****
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  • 95 18 Chinese brush painting by an Aussie wife SINGAPORE. Fri. i The artist wife of an AusI tralian diplomat here. Mrs. Brigit Fenneuy. was the only to have a Chinese brush painting selected for hanging In the Singapore Art Society's exhibition which opened at the Victoria Memorial Hall yesterday. The
    95 words
  • 45 18 SINGAPORE. Fri— The head of Hie Soviet Department of Foreign Ministry i South-eastern Asian countries i, Mr. M.S. KaplUa will arrive here tomorrow from Kuala Lumpur as guest of the Soviet Embassy here. Mr. Kapltsa will be here for three daw
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 3 18 Late CLASSIFIEDS 20:i-c-dsS.
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