The Straits Times, 23 May 1969

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 24 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 175,000 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 FRIDAY. MAY 23, 1969 if U CENTS K.D.N. 3104 M.C. (P) No. 0723
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  • 544 1 Capital curfew break same as day before STRAITS TIMES REPORTERS UV A L A LUMPUR, Thurs. There will Ik no change in the curfew break here and in Petuling .lava lor tomorrow, hut Penang will enjoy ;i Further two hours relaxation. In the Kuala Lumpur poll t, tho curfew will
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  • 612 1 Guilty will pay, says Ismail 'We can't afford not to punish them' KUALA LUMPUR. Thursday POLITICIANS arrested in connection with the current disturbances "will be brought to book." The Minister of Home Affairs, Tun (Dr.) Ismail bin Dato Abdul Rthman, said this today in an interview with Bernama news agency.
    Bernama  -  612 words
  • 94 1 Police seize Time, Newsweek KUALA I.IMPIR. Thurs. Copies of two American weeklies Time and \ci\iurek containine reports on the recent disturbances here were sized by police at Mih. m_ Airport today. The local distributor of the two weeklies was told by police that if the reports were not considered "offensive"
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  • 25 1 BEIRUT. Than. Iraq h«« recalled its »mbas~Hdor to Pakistan because of The Pakistani .support to Iran" over the Shatt Al-Aiiil) tllspule UPI
    UPI  -  25 words
  • 31 1 BEI.IiRADE. riiui.s Ihr Him consultative meeting for thr IcinK-awailril Mimmil "f nonnUigned nattom will br held in Bi iur.icir at tin- beginning of July, thr Government announciii ve.stei'day. —UPI.
    UPI  -  31 words
  • 459 1 NOW THE DARING SWOOP TO 10 MILES OF the MOON HOUSTON, Thursday ASTRONAUTS Thomas Stafford and Eugene Cernan started their final preparations today Tor the most dangerous space operation ever tried <li\in^ to within 10 miles of the moon. Mission control radioed the pop tune "The > Yer tv
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  • 92 1 Mrs. Meir: I'm ready to meet Nasser even in Cairo Tel aviv. Than. Mrv Golda Mrir. the Israeli Prime Minister, said in an interview published here today that she would be prepared to meet President Nasser of Egypt anywhere, even Cairo, to talk peace. "If the time comes that I
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  • 46 1 STOCKHOLM. Thur* —Three i. ins of poison was lound In an uiiKiiarded scrap yard on the outskirts of the city, health authorities reported The poison identified sodium cyanide, had been in the \ard for two yean before It was found. UPI
    UPI  -  46 words
  • 29 1 LONDON Than The Foirun Office disclosed today that has a^ked Britain and Australia to supply military equipment for three new Infantry battalions. AP. (See Pnse Sevriii
    AP  -  29 words
  • 348 1 rfHE National Relief A Fund today received a further $7,000 while several .states have announced their decision to form committees to help collect donations. The total is now 5T45.000. which will be distributed to victims of the riots in Selangor and other state*
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  • 238 1 National Ops Council bans ALL party journals KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. All publications of political parties were canned today by the National Operations Council. This follows the call by the Prime Minister yesterday to "stop all political talk" for a speedy return to normalcy i Todays council d< was announced in
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  • 138 1 Sharp rise in US war dead BAIGON, Th American war sharply last from 184 to 430 aa North Vietnamese and Vietcong stepped up their war to mark the birthday ol President Ho Chi Minh. The U.S. 1 "i--mand today said 2.185 Americans were wounded I.ICH <>f them seriously during thr
    Reuter  -  138 words
  • 35 1 APOLLO GO-AB«4» HOUSTON. T%un. Apollo 16 »ltr««««U Thrnnil Stafford i Eucenr Orn*n were tod»r tivrn •co-ahemet to —V nit thrir lunar moriale fW to within ia rqile* of sarfacr Renter. this P«"
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 110 1 THE g£^. FLYING SUP^yy G c DeSilva Bros., ~^^^^y Singapore. Tel :***** TECHNOLOGICAL BREAKTHROIIGH^^ This SHIKO HI-BEAT is the first high frequency watch in the world with day and date. ill normal I'tcquency movement do not keep ate time t tic accuracy vwiei with the positiona of the Hie high
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    • 37 1 HjgwHirtioml Nrjv/spapßr Push a button. le asurevj^ button the focus s I i Cabin made Slide Screening a pleasure to operate, or to view. Ask for the Cabin Automat at photographic stores. CABIN AUTOMAT SLIDE PROJECTOR fjjipj
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    • 4 1 Dbermain Rrgistered Trtidr Mark
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    • 135 2 Lan Smith presses on for an apartheid set-up v Thurs.— r lan Smith's Rhodesia Front party mounting an intensive campaign to win public backing for the government's new apartheid style constitution. s for the month- ••re unveiled by the Iron- a lew hours publication of the controversial constitution, which is
      Reuter  -  135 words
    • 226 2 Higher rates hit CDC plans abroad LONDON, Thursday THE COMMONWEALTH Development Corporation complained today that the increased interest il h;is to pay for Government loans made it almost impossible to undertake new oveneas projects profitably. It urged the Government to give urgent consideration to the problem. Id its annual report
      Reuter  -  226 words
    • 136 2 New pledge to keep stability in Asia for world peace rKYO. Thurs. West German Chancellor Dr. Kurt George Kiesln^er flew home last night -ifter a four-day state visit in which Japan ant West Germany pledged afesh to contribute politically and economically to the stability of Asia The pledge was cut
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    • Article, Illustration
      229 2 pleads for Sirhan's L- life I OS ANGELES, Thurs. —A death row cell in notorious San Quentin Jail today awaited Sirhan Sirhan, convicted murderer of Senator Robert Kennedy, despite a clemency appeal from his victim's brother. Judge Herbert Walker yesterday ordered Sirhan. 25, to join 78 other men awaiting
      Reuter  -  229 words
    • 76 2 PICTURE BY ASSOCIATED PfcCSS John ii-n\o\ and Ma wife Voku (Inn ■real to London Airport t<> niei-t Yokn's (l.lllghier. K>>oko I i > fa r ol ld K y yoko hid hern in America with her father, Him producer Anthony Cox
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    • 179 2 Ii'ASHINGTON. Thurs President Nixon yesterI day named Judge Warren Earl Burger of the U.S. Court of Appeals in Washington to Niicreed the retiring Earl Warren as Chief Justice. Judge Burger, a Conservative Republican la 61 years old. His nomination is subieci to Senate confirm- atlon.
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    • 697 3 HOUSTON, Thurs. A two m;in ■couting p .i r t y swoops to within :><i.i><r<> feel of the moon tonight in a perilous dress re hearsal of America's plans for ;i luikit conquest. One tiny rault aboard the ugly nwit-like moonship
      Reuter  -  697 words
    • 88 3 Rail explosion a sabotage by Naga rebels GAUHA'i 1. I hurs Officials said tonight an explosion which killed four passengers and injurea 12 on a train near here early today apparently ■M an act of sabotage. The train was on the NorthEast Frontier railway about 42 miles from Oauhatl, In
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    • 79 3 NEW DELHI Il.ur.s. A menibrr <.: r three-man Opposition Jan Sanjih Pany deputation, which mci the Prime Minister. Mi.- Indira Gandhi, today (latmed that 23.000 people had died ol lamme in Raiaxtlian State. North India, this year Mr. Biiairon Singh Shekhawat. leader of the right-wlnf party
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    • 46 3 DUBLIN. i lush Republic! Thurs. Irish voters will elect a new Parliament for the Republic on June 18. it was announced here at midnight last night. Acting on the adsice of Prime Minister Jack Lynch, President De Valeia has dissolved Parliament.
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    • 43 3 JAKARTA, Thurs.—Lieutenant Irawan. the pilot of the Indonesian Navy pUne which crashed un Tuesday with the Australian Naval Attache Captain John Lovell. on board, was posthumously prnmoici to the rank of captain and gi\en a hero's funeral in Jakarta today
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    • 37 3 TOKYO. Thurs -The Foreiim Minister. Prince Norodom Phurixsara of Cambodia, left today for an official visit of Moscow after a two-day stop-over here. 0 The Gambolt have been held over because of pressure of spact.
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    • 211 14 PART OF SYNDICATE THAT OPERATED IN S.-E. ASIA broken TOKYO. Thurs. Three Italians, l>clieved to Ik 1 part of a swindling syndicate operating in Southeast Asia, were arrested j cstenlay in Western Japan, police revealed today. They were charged with talking unsuspecting Japanese into buying cheap suiting
      UPI  -  211 words
    • 133 14 Magsaysay walks out on —Marcos- MANILA, Thurs. Senator Genaro saysay, youn^t-r brother of the lav Pl.ilippines President Ramon Magsaysay. has formally switched his allegiance to the Opposition Liberal Party. The Senator said he believed other members of the ruling Nacionalista Party would follow him to form a united Opposition to
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    • 155 14 WHY NEW YORK IS LIKE THE LONDON OF KING CHARLES XTEW YORK, Thurs 11 Broadway's fascination with unfettered sex on stj*ce was comKinihlp to ihe days of rventoralion England, the US show business weekly Variety said. Under a frnnt pnep headline "N V leelt c"lng sex happy." Variety said the
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    • 66 14 RANGOON. Thurs Rightwing rebels removed the hearts and livers of seven of their victims durinK a recent attack on a village in Wakema Township, about 40 miles southwest of Rangoon, according to press reports. The rebels also looted cash and Jewellery wcrth £200 i $1,440) and
      Reuter  -  66 words
    • 60 14 JAKARTA, Thurs.— A criminal court in Bodnov.oso. East Java, has sentenced a 14-year-old boy to 13 years m jail. Indonesia's Anlara News Agency has reported. The boy. named Titus, was found guilty of murdering the owner of a chemist's .shop year. The motive
      Reuter  -  60 words
    • 388 14 Massive gas attack by helicopter Guardsmen BERKELEY, Thurs. A NATIONAL Guard helicopter spearheaded a massive gas attack on the University of California campus on Tuesday, scattering regular students and remnants of some 3,000 demonstrators who had taken part in an earlier illegal rally. The brown military helicopter swept low over
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    • 152 14 TAIPEH, Thursday MONK than 1.500 Chinese intellectuals un--1 dergoing reform through labour in Kwangtung Province killed 90 communist troops in a revolt las! month. Nationalist China's Central News Agency reported today. Quoting intelligence sources in Taipeh. it said the young political prisoners clashed
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    • 168 3 -First MiGs downed by Mid-East missile "DEIRUT. Thurs. Is- rael sent a motorised unit into Jordan yesterday and a spokesman in Amman claimed that Arab forces had beaten back an armoured attack across the ceasefire lines in an area south of the Dead Sea. The raid came on a day
      Reuter  -  168 words
    • 522 15 NEW YORK. Thursday fHE National Liberation Front will not demand a GO per cent representation in any coalition government in South Vietnam, Madame Nguyen Thi Binh, deputy leader of the Vietcong delegation to the Paris peace talks, saiii on a television programme shown
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    • 106 15 Sema: 555 Nagas had army training in China NEW DELHI. Thurs. Nagaland Chief Minister Hokblie Sema disclosed yesterday only 555 Naga rebels went to Communist China for military training, the Press Trust of India reported. PTI said Sema made the statement to correct earlier Government reports tnat more than 2.000
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    • 268 15 500 NORTH VIETNAMESE DIE IN HAMBURGER HILL BATTLE ON LAOS BORDER SAIGON. Thursday THE death toll of North Vietna on Hamburger Hill two mile? from the Laos border has risen to about 500 with the discovery of more bodies, a US spokesman ;aid. Bodies of 34 more North Vietnamese were
      Reuter  -  268 words
    • 251 15 TERROR RAMPAGE BY GUNMEN IN JEEPS MANILA, Thurs. Armed men riding in six jeeps went on a terror rampage last night in Angeles City just outside the bis U.S. Clark Air Base, shooting up a police outpost, a fire station and several bars and nightclubs. At least four people were
      UPI  -  251 words
    • 335 15 Irians will vote by 'musjawarah' system Til E HAG U X, Tlmrs. I) v I c h Foreign Minister, Dr. Joseph Luns said here yesterday Holland had stressed to Indonesia thai acceptance ot the forthcoming act of free choice in West Irian would depend on its credibility Dr. Luns was
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 129 2 f^BN lijM B^E jf^Hf I wi iimD PROGrRrLSS BBb^L^b^b^b^l 1 A <BA blv^^^^^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^bß ■MaJW-fJJSr flr 'Iff" I has moved from the Vacuum Tube B^||^^^m^H to the Transistor to the tiny dot of an b^^^ B^Bl^^^H||H^H SLT 'Chip' Transistor. mmmmmJm^BSIBKBKB^ Three generations of computer technology Vacuum Tube array, Transistor Card and
      129 words

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 175 3 W WKmmmmmm\^-'' **^PPWPf|fP^^^| |n| MARY QUANT STARKERS an all-in-one semi-transparent fluid make-up dries almost matt It is a very light make-up that allows the natural bloom of i I' /~\^B the skin to show through m w M Contains a moisturiser and a chemical-balancer to care for 1. afl y°
      175 words
    • 270 3 '■"i" .--p-* '"v" 1 i' Mm JBl L^Ba^kßi SaaW^ m Lmmtar* mtmt, Cantm Smti, Uamm\ Jfc LOMBARD BANKING J, fe SobsMitrr and \ss<Hi^ir Hunks jnd t-inaarr Houeea: U' LOMBAKI) \l SIR ALIA tj IIMIIM) i Canberra. Vuney. Mi 'ruiuinc. SJoljuic. Kcrlh. Bridal*** 51 B Hobart. V»tJM(, \tollongong, Liverpool, Cjeclong 1
      270 words

  • 296 4 By ARUN SENKUTTUVAN g I AIM) RE, Thurs. Three "four-digit* 1 lottery operators who conspired to corrupt ;> Criminal Investigation Department officer, were each lined $;>,ooo or 18 months' jail today. The key prosecution witness James Ang Boon Bee told the Third
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  • 391 4  - Day a teacher trapped wife with an adman T. F. HWANG By gINGAPORE, Thurs. Advertising executive, Peter Ho Kok Seng was in ;i room ;it Branksome Hoa (I boarding house with his office typist, a married woman, when her husband with several others, "surprised" them, the High Court was told
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  • 154 4 Today* educational TV programme on Channel 8 is as follows: 7.54 «-m. 8.10 a.m.. English second language. Sec. 11, The Lady In the Moon; 8.30-8.50, Mathematics. Sec. 1: Translation, rotation, reflection and enlargement; 9.05-9.25. Health Edun. (Tamil). Sees. I and II: Environment and Health (1); 9.45-11.05,
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  • 29 4 SINGAPORE. Thurs—Nanyang University will hold "An Evening of Music. Dance and Drama' at Kb auditorium at 8 p.m. on Saturday as part of the Nantah Week celebrations.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 493 4 *^LLI*A A r^7t OPENS TODAY! :_SS_y*»:l «.m»be > 2 00, 6 4 9.00pm _tw__k fc-»«»» m-BMi^B^Hb—Mb^^^B^^BV a_B» J BftMi __m_ <W CINEMASCC I rlt dLUI l¥l,A A IUV-NK^-HOVV *L NO FREE LIST OPENS TODAY! fXCj >% i Plus TOMORROW M'NITE T J sfe\^">Z4 ''THE STUPID a SWORDSMAN" ,£ZZ In SCOPE
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    • 30 4 tTn'l^Ha-L'J OulTo wn Airconditioned TODAY: 145. 4.00, 7.00 t 9 30 p-,. "THE IRON FIDDLE" (Mond Colorscop* with English Subt.tliis TOMORROW 2nd MIDMIGHT Wang Fei Hong Against King (Contonaia).
      30 words
    • 138 4 W Ocean Park Hotel 7,~ W y moonshine J ■■■blb^b^HbSbl NITE -CLUB The Cathay Hotel"*— I BjV •Singapore (ineatentertainmant randaivou* M imtaly la m sat ait 2» m. iTal ***** kok har, v» I §i^^%i^^B tritd rnar j.y^^.w rj \o K^j^r^^^VV>^3B wonderful '^Sfiifc^^' it j L m Chines* rf^~iMZ^ H
      138 words
    • 330 4 jCATHAft j H'l'N'li'LßUmi I HOWING' II o" k 30 9 30 r ITke Bloro Of Fu Monchu ■SNAKE GIK I^dVUJBWA^VUI NOW SHOEING' 11 am, 1 30. 4 1 00. s 6 30 IS pm 64S 1 9.30 p- "THE STRANGE AFFAIR r^^^^^^^P^B^^^^"^Bßßj^^^B^r^»^M NOW SHOWING Daily 4 Shot.)' I 30, 4
      330 words

  • 169 5 Surveyor fails in appeal against Chief Justice's ruling CINiiAPORE, Thurs. The Federal Court !o<l;i\ dismissed with costs .hi appeal by the Chief Building Surveyor against Ihe derision of Ihe Chief Justice. Mr. Justice Wee Chong .lin. in connection with ;i Market Street building, occupied l>\ Makhanlall and Co', I. id.
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  • 105 5 Highwayman who held up a bicyclist SINGAPORE. Thurs When "highwayman" Loi Chee Hoi gtaged a hold-up, hit victim was a tishball seller on a bicycle. Lot stepped into the road, and halted n.-hball Lim Chew Sons Then !:i emptied hi- pockets of $22. a wrlstwatcn and a hchter bcture. searching
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  • 144 5 SINGAPORE. Thurs. Eighty-four students from the four language streams, including three Chinese and one Indian student, received their bursary certificates from Syed \li Redh.i Xlsagoff. chairman of the Prophet Muhamad's Birth riav Scholarship Fund Board, at a presentation ceremony last light. I lir «rrc
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  • 192 5 DR. KOH DIES AFTER LONG ILLNESS SINGAPORE. TbUTI Dr. Koh Son Tlan. 30. i above died at Out ram Road General Hospital last night after a nine-month Illness. Dr. Koh. who was on the staff of the hospital, leaves a husband. Mr. Peter Low. who la manager of Paya Lebar
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  • 214 5 Impeach witness bid in assault trial SINGAPORE. Thurs.— A defence lawyer asked a district court today to impeach the credit of a Radio Division police sergeant Hiving evidence in an assault case against petrol kiosk proprietor Tan Chong Check. Tan denied voluntarily causing grievous hurt to I ancelot William Taylor.
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  • 28 5 SINGAPORE Thurs The Ministry oi Cullun uill enr> free Film ahowi tomorrow msht Ht 730 pan Beransoaa viIhrc ;<ii<l the Pum Mm School. Van Kit Village
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  • 146 5 EIGHT EXPERTS AT FACULTY OF ENGINEERING SINGAPORE. Thurs.— The beginning of the academic year next week at the University of Singapore will see an international staff teaching at the new Faculty of Engineering They arc eight visiting experts from the United States. Japan. Canada and Australia. Some oi the teaching
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 123 5 Ib avoid engine breakdowns look out for these signs Get to the causes of engine breakdowns before they get to your engine. Get Castrol XL Multigrade total protection. Casirol XL Multigrade contains Liquid Tungsten* to minimize friction and all but eliminate engine wear. It's stable as protective after two months
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    • 226 5 SUPERMARKET AND SHOPPING CENTRE ORCHARD ROAD TODAY, SATURDAY €t SUMM>AY BOVRIL New Formula Full of Goodness Boi 2.80 HONEY Golden Glory In re-usable mug with handle PATE Pork, Liver, Mushroom Spread Danish Plumrose .50 MOTHAKS English Keep moths away 12 in packet .48 FRANKFURTERS SKINLESS American style 12oi 1.50 HAM
      226 words

  • 117 6 US$8.8m loan for Malaysia's school expansion WASHINGTON. Thurs.— The World Bank has announced a US$B.B million loan to Malaysia for a school construction and expansion programme to provide 10.900 new student places. The loan will be tor 25 years. Including a 10-year grace period, with Interest of 6J pen Equipment
    Reuter  -  117 words
  • 49 6 Speech training course PENANG. Thur>. The Penang I elation will hold a speech t ruining clasa >r t iking tlir guide training cuur.v at the association preniL-es at 8 ai: Sunday Tin.* v ill be followed by a round-thr-island bu. Crf the lecture* in the course have been postponed.
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  • 91 6 Thief caught in curfew DENANO. Thurs— A man who stole a $15 watch from a hotel in Macall>ter Road early this morning was arrested one-and-a-half hours later for breaking the curfew, a maglstrate'.-, court was told today. A. Rajaratnam, 29. pleaded guilty to stealing the watch belonging to is. Bukumar
    91 words
  • 23 6 KANGAR Thur.<— The Perils ranch of rhf National l'n;"n f Teachers has postponed infinitely in annual meeting lieduled for Saturdnv
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  • 67 6 KANGAR. Thurs A Thai farmer. Nenke Liang. 46, died in his wife's arm.s last night after he had been shot by an unknown gunman at Kampong Padang Patani, In Sematang. four miles from here. His wife was in the kitchen when Liang cried out that he
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  • 302 6 Relief Fund committee meets KUALA LUMPUR. Thursday. yHE working committee of the National Relief Fund is conducting a survey to find out the immediate needs of those affected by the riots, the Chief Justice, Tan Sri H. T. Ong. said today. Tan Sri Justice
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  • 26 6 IPOH. Thurs. The visit to Ipoh of the Japane.M- Ambassador to M.i aysia. Mr. Taisaku Kujinia. and his wife schedu.ed for today wa» cancelled
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  • 147 6 I ONDON. Thurs. The L Bultan of Selangor leit here today for a threeweek private tour of Belgium. France and Spa.n. The 43-year-old Sultan has been in constant touch with the developments in his State by telephone with the Mentrl Be.sar. Dato Harun bin
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  • 149 6 Curfew breaker accused of having two guns and ammo I^l ALA LUMPUR, Thurs. A youth was charged in the magistrate's court today with possessing a shotgun, a pistol and 44 rounds of shotgun ammunition and breaking the curfew in Petaling Jaya No plea wa.s recorded and Osman bin Ja'afar. tt,
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  • 31 6 PENANG Thurs -Ahmad bin Hail Abdul Glufar. 66. was killed this morning when his bicycle wu invoked in a collision with a car a: the Kelawel Road-Cantonment. Road junction
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  • 163 6 Robbery youth has jail sentence quashed DENANG, Thurs. A youth, convicted In a lower court of robbery, had his threeyear Jail term quashed in the High Court today when he accepted an offer of a Job from Mr. Justice H.S. Ong. Cheah Kirn Lai. 20 had earlier pleaded guilty to
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  • 30 6 JOHORE BAHRU. Thurs The Custom* and Excise Department here will be closed on May 28. Prophet Mohamed s birthday, and on June 4. the Yung Ul-Per-tuan Agong's birthday.
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  • 182 6 Sultan puts off London trip to wait for heir By IGNATIUS STEPHEN BRUNEI TOWN. Thurs. The Sultan of Brunei has put off a proposed trip to London scheduled start today. No official reason hu been given for thf ponement. but It is under stood It is becausp Raja IftCli II
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 188 6 ft**** mm\me^~~ ~A Sanyo's Latest Refrigerator sB! JSBP^ I»^\ and stm have plenty on hand for r^ |W|l fe|^r|§« 1 J unexpected guests. BMSj^SS^BfSf^S^Bfj*^ I 1 t~ 1 I s^^^^^*^^*^™ h f s JlfaEp AH you do Is press a button. Once. jjPf H I Then amazing new Model SR-156ED
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
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  • 157 7 FROM SECTION 17. FOOD. CLOTHING AND PLENTY OF GOODWILL TOO 'PAKI.M. t.h.inl Bf« of the I.' hour rt' of thr rurfrvs i'l PfU him 1.0.i ih«*N«- rrvitlrnts of Section 17 «.illr< tnl hunilrrcK or items of (lothiiu i nil other (lon.itioti* yextrril.iy 'or riot ictinis Ihr collectors of .ill r.ico
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  • 189 7 Aussies may agree to arms aid request CANBERRA. ThuTsday. yHE Australian Cabinet is expected to agree to supply Malaysia with urgently needed defence supplies to help establish new armed forces units. The extent to which Malaysia's "shopping ■an be met will depend on the availability f supplies in Australia and
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  • 156 7 ONLY 100 APPLY TO GO TO INDONESIA FOR STUDIES I/UALA LUMPUR. Thurs. Only about 100 Malaysian students have applied to fjo for further studies in Indonesia. A >poke.-mai, of the Mln ol Education, wh<t his today, added in dectolon had been made by the Government on any form of aid
    Bernama  -  156 words
  • 90 7 |> irs. Sue Ui C1 today hifat! .i; order The 1 nirollor of luimigrat:oii. Inche Ghani Yusoff, told •he court So<> lii'odcd hta pan m :;t becaase he wa. inder 21 When he went to the 1m- .iimn Ofl~< to apply tur a pa.v-.puit he
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  • 10 7 mniidav run t>> because ol tlie •meraeiuv
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 241 7 V t ifltTfi tar v^rtr A.^x BbHjp 'SKek BBfli B> i*™& -i \■>\ HHp mk i w. This much engine wear turns a great performer into a has-been. Metal, like this, worn from your car's has been developed and why it's so jobs nearly as soon, engine can cost you
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  • 300 8 PAIRED AND POISED FOR THOSE YEN SPENDERS CINGAPORE, Thurs. The loinisl industry in Singapore now has ;i husband-and-wife team :m»l the lirsl Japanesespeaking guides to help Japanese tour isls spend their yen. The couple who made this "double first" Is Mr. and Mrs Chia Alk 800. He is a journalist
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  • 26 8 SINGAPORE Thurs. The new dormitory at the St. John's Home lor the Aged will be opened on May 27 at 4 30 pm
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  • 98 8 Baby strangled by gold chain SI\GA P O R I Thurs.— A baby girl was strangled by the gold chain round her neck after she fell from her sarong cradle last month, a corner's court heard today. Ten month old Tan Win Lin was left sleeping in her cradle while
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  • 99 8 Body to preserve old buildings SINGAPORE. Thurs A civic body, the "Singapore Society" will be formed to stimulate public interest in the Republic's cultural heritage. The society will pit records and buildings and initiate research, evaluation, documentation, publication, collection, display and restoration of items of historical Interest. The society will
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  • 402 8 LONDON. Thurs A modest > ■■imint of end-account selling balanced by bear covering muat for a steadier on the market Towards the close, the Financial Times index was 2.1 up at 4198 BinlsJi funds held basically steady Leading Industrials were narrow lv Irregular. Closing middle prices of
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  • 577 8 SINGAPORE. Thur« TIM-! Minister for Foreign Affairs ;m<l Labour. Mr. S. Rajaratnam, tonighl s;ii(l them w;is nothing wrong in Ihe accumulation <»f wealth, hut the question \\;is how this wealth is s|K'iil ;iikl to whal purpose. Mr. Rajaratnam. who was speaking at
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  • Article, Illustration
    4 8 Mr. and Mrs. CHIA
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 252 8 FITZMTRICKS SUPERMARKET jForftrsonal Shoppers from today for ONE FULL WEEK J Hs4^aV iflsst ■8 K S ■^^'Jlfc BBS 4Jok jJHt M :^HavffiK m M jflH vT K I English PYREX 3 Dishes 1-pt. Round "Matchmaker" -i c n7 1-pt. Round "Harvest" o-u*t. 1 Souffle Dish c *fl t\^\ each $9QC
      252 words
    • 197 8 Wincarnis tonic wineyour drink for life! I T»ke bottie home todaf Miracle Cushion Holds Folse Qfjtefr Jeelh^g^F finni pa Infill 6umi 'MiMftMili '».imr Comfort and relief for denture sufferers I Snug Denture Cushions are a soft plastic lining that gets nd of the annoyance of loos*, badly -fitting false teeth.
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 70 8 IHrk I rtsrtf Ihf ih*>*U*r Liuihl B^*^**""^"""^ fIS THIS THE ATTORN EV^I HUH' WEU_,COULD ME BE rwEM_» WAPPV L.ITTL f I YOU ASKED FOR.MAAM? THE JANITOR.OR MAYBE lit \bn<>r By AI I app MD'^M.I BOT-??- AW BIM -TO'A NICKEL. SHE SAYS j. > KNOY/S i I YORE PWI-y HIUD 1
      70 words

  • 791 9 Larger slice of 'bigger profit cake' pledge by bosses REWARDS OF SELF-GENERATING INDUSTRIAL BASE JHE Singapore Employers Federation today assured workers that they would get a larger slice of a "bigger profit cake" once the Republic's industrial base became self-generat-ing. "This is a prospect to which workers can look forward
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  • 180 9 Priority for emergency; Chong Eu I) JANG, Thurs— The 1 Chief Minister, Dr. Lim Chong Eu, said today that priority must be Riven to resolving the present state of emergency. Addressing heads ol Federal departments In Penang. Dr. Lim said It was necessary to restore law and order so that
    180 words
  • 57 9 PENANG. Thurs— Wong Ah B.i M, today maintained his plea of "not guilty" to a charge •if knowingly living in part on the immoral earnings nf a woman. Chin Mun Keow. betApnl and OctotM r last charged under the Women and GirlsProtection Ordinance, had hi* Si 000
    57 words
  • 45 9 IPOH. Thun.. The Malayan Mining Bnplorws A •nnoiation *.J1 hold Its annual meetu. f *< its premises in Post Office Roao he~e on Monday. The State*, ol Malaya Chamber of Mines will hold its annual meeting at the same premise* the following day
    45 words
  • 57 9 SINGAPORE. Thurs. Vong Nyen Vul. a sub-accountant In the Chung rciilaw Bank, was charged in a magistrate's court today on three counts of criminal breach of trust Involving $180,790. Yonz Mged to have commlttrj the offence Involving cheques, dated between June 1, i»65 and Ma»
    57 words
  • 118 9 USsl. 7sm pledge for English language centre BANGKOK. Thurs.— lnlted States Secretary of State Mr. William Kogers today signed an agreement pledging 1551.75 million for an English I in.:u.igr centre in Singapore The money will go towards the cost of constructini; a building to house thr centre, which is one
    Reuter  -  118 words
  • 98 9 'Chance Reds have waited f or DANGKOK Thurs.— Com mU ii ist.s in Malaysia may tak« advantage Ol disturbed conditions there and slip into southern Thai provinces on the Malaysian oorder. Lieut. Gen Prakharn Chatnilbandtvi, provincial Police Commissioner, said this today. He told reporters that the tense situation in Malaysia
    Reuter  -  98 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 64 9 The difference between King size and Perfect King size? 10 cents. ■i ■■v 19 Bw < s Em i 1 I IgS W£so9m Cr-^C^ l t T <^~v^ Kw I thßy were ardinar y cigarettes theytl ~'Ja \Z~^t£l~~s J I cost an ordinary price. But these are Bflfll^fl ri I
      64 words

  • 93 10 From TIM TREE CYDNEY. Than. MonK. j which have to make ciUlicult decisions can get ulcers. An American psychiatrist. Dr. Robert T. Rubin, told this to M 0 p.-vchia-trists irom M countries. including Malaysia and Singapore. Dr. Rubin that In one experiment a noxious
    93 words
  • Article, Illustration
    87 10 i BABY snoozes while his mother (nor in picture) worries about the 101 different problems which arise when home and property are lost. Operations to rehabilitate riot victims at the refugee centres in Kuala Lumpur Merdeka Stadium, Stadium Ncgara and the Chinwoo Stadium are well underway. Teams of
    87 words
  • 246 10 J^LALA UMPIK. Thurs. A centre has l>ren *rt up under the .luiPK-es of the Ked t'ro>s to provide entertainment for refu-fci-rs in school* and stadiums. The convenors Mr Donald Davies and Mr. Louis Le\i, said that they were planning to stage
    246 words
  • 74 10 Deserted teacher gets divorce SINGAPORE. Thurs. The Chief Justice, Mr. Justice Wee Chong Jin. today granted a divorce petition by a Singapore teacher. Puay Hong. 26, wife of a public officer in Penang, on the ground of de- •ertion. Her husband, Khoo Heng Choon. of Penang, did not iontpM
    74 words
  • 50 10 PENANO. Thurs. A party of 35 tourists 30 girls and live men arrived here from Manila today. Most of them are college undprKraduates on a study-cum-pleasure trip, but they have had to content themselves with sightseeing in the day only because of the curfew.
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  • 115 10 DENANG, Thurs—Twentyfour participants from the Philippines, South Vietnam, Thailand. Indonesia. Singapore and Malaysia will attend a course on "Biological Sciences Curriculum Study Adaptation" which starts at the Malayan Teachers College at 930 a.m. tomorrow. It will be opened by the Chief Education Adviser.
    115 words
  • 482 10 Better bus services likely today By CHIN CHENG MEI: Kuala Lumpur, Thursday yHE overall transport situation has further improved, the Minister of Labour and acting Minister of Transport, Mr. V. Manickavasagam, said today. More road, rail and air transport services have now resumed In addition to those which renewed their
    482 words
  • 46 10 KUALA LUMPUR, Thur* The Minister for Natmnal <n.i Rural Development, liiche (jhatar bin B.iba wii, tout areas lure from 10 an. row. Hp wiij be Hccompanled by the Minuter of Agriculture operatives H., Tun Tan Slew Sin and Mr. Khaw Kai Boh.
    46 words
  • 25 10 PONTIAN. Thurs. Fr»« chest X-ray< wi!l be itlvcn i» the public for two days beginning on Saturday at the <Ut> trtct hospital hexi.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 192 10 n Jim HHLm 1 Jar fe. > ?v Balk M üßk. ■Bw^^H BSK^^flß^B^BH A vH H^k f C 'SB^visS .a^B^B ■^"BIBp -^SrV viE B^feaßkw J^^w^9"^BM^f BHB^B^B^V s>* V^iJ 'TjJß^BHß^^^^aß^BHl 55^*1^ tbSw** -t^ V^cpHßbVbk^^^ iJ-flttT "Vf '*!^Btßtmwt. A^H B^HSki^^^Z^"lßSß^B^B^B^B^B^B^Blß^BS f flß'>r \Mmmm B^BB^^ *4hßv r" Si 't+ B^bVb^^ svAt* C^^^Omm B^B^B^^
      192 words

  • 488 11  -  ROBERT S. ELEGANT !>y SINKIANG in far northwest China has been a cauldron of violence and intrigue and a constant worry to Peking, 1.500 miles away, throughout this century. But rarely has Sinkiang worried Peking more than it does
    488 words
  • 220 11 XHE National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children is asking family doctors, paediatricians and social workers to keep an eye open for parents who may be liable to injure their babies. A year ago the society Xt up the Battered Child
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  • 681 11 SINKIANG, CHINA'S CAULDRON OF TROUBLE Projected links to th* Trans-Siberian Railroad were left uncompleted because of deteriorating Moscow-Peking relations. The diversity of terrain mountains, deserts, oases and small fertile basins— is matched by the racial diversity of a largely nomadic, pastoral population. Chief among them— perhaps 70 per cent are
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 214 11 CLOVER PARK JALAN PEMIMPIN -OFF 44 M.S. UPPER THOMSON ROAD. SINSAPORE. I OWNERSHIP (Opposite little sisters of the poor) mmmmmm (PHASE I) 2 STOREY TERRACE HOUSE 529.500 Upwards 2 STOREY SEMI-DETACHED BUNGALOWS (ALL SOLD OUT) TITLE DEEDS' Freehold tree from cncumbroncn en completion and bonding o»«r et houses. I OP
      214 words
    • 162 11 and you can afford to be with Diethelm! Ignore the traffic noise. You're above it all because your bedroom suite i Diethelm's exciting Group 300. But the price of Group 300 is way down lo.v. In fact, this luxurious bed costs about the same as one you'd buy at your
      162 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 587 12 rir MidayMl pitss are being gum the Ministry of Home Affairs in one of the first regulations imposed by the Director of Operations under the Emergency Ordinance M ill come into force the Minister says they will. It would be unrealistic to expect that no date w ill
      587 words
    • 322 12 Nothing that has been said in tin- coninu.u,' sued by ti oreign lion is getti with the proln. own internal reform The Ministers pp>|. \tn i aaed empru.Ms on polit om:<- ami counter-Insur-gency 1 1 offer no clue to how this is to be achi the
      322 words
  • Letters
    • 1104 12 JHE fateful decision of the Central Working Committee of the Malaysian Chinese Association to renounce responsibility in the Cabinet is unfortunate, unnecessary and, if I may be frank, unwise. Subsequent to the decision, however, three senior leaders of the MCA 'have
      1,104 words
  • 905 12  - Spy plane why Nixon changed his mind JOE HAGCERTY from NEW YORK PR E S I DENT Nixon's first impulse was to call for a retaliatory air strike after the North Koreang shot down an unarmed American r e c o n n a i s sance plane on April
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 35 12 1 1 c Unsurpassed l 'Dcsigns&'Craftsmanshtp < I Dealers m Dumnndl StJr Sapphire* O»jlf laWtl Ale>«ndri«ei EmeraUt < CefWyea ■i«e Sjpphirei c «tc. G.M.De SILVA .ILHL LLLRS I i *jomn LrrTirs building. RAf fles plau singatow i.m:7tx*.
      35 words
    • 125 12 BRITISH ROPES mffi THE RIGHT ROPE FOR EVERY JOB /lifl'ilfiiia rs ra e C^ es '9 n t Quality British flffiif rli opes indispensable for use on Tln fill n dredges, cranes, excavators, llllflll 111 hoists sn 'PS. lifting slings, etc. yf llfl Uml The perfect rope for better service
      125 words

  • 146 13 P ETALING JAVA FACTORIES BACK PRODUCTION By TEO EE SIM j) PALING JAY A, x Thurs.— The sweetsounds heard in ing Jay a today were 01 cogs and conveyor belts a.s the •omnced production. B turn-out the 20 Uctorie.-, iday was nearly production -.s wai only because a large
    146 words
  • 157 13 Photo of Chinese girl a heartburn to Aussie families 8v TIM TREt OYDNEY. Thurs. A 10 snapshot of. a pretty Chinese girl who is supposed to be a member of a lonely hearts" club is causing heartburn in several Sydney families. The photograph has been .sent to married nun, who
    157 words
  • 27 13 Keong I pleaded guiliy 10 a charge of po.s.-p*-:i .4 a typewriter winch was believed to have bee:i iiulen or lrauduirntly obUtined Sen'tiKe was po.»tponed.
    27 words
  • 98 13 k LUMPUR, Thim. Three more cases nf cholera have been reported in Kekintan, bringing the total to Jj. The Ministry of Health. dl>cld- iday. said that to date. 280.000 people or two-thlnb of the population had been inuculaled. itlon has also been tarried
    98 words
  • 35 13 KANGAR. Tlian Itulie Moh.iiiird Idrus bin Zuinuddin h.i> been transferred to Trengttanu to take clvirgt ul Pin there He hat been succeeded here by Inrh( Fad/iluh bin Haji Shafie Kedah.
    35 words
  • 24 13 KANOAR. Thurs.— The IVrlis Rrd Cio&s Society lih.s Beatponed Hi annual purade .-ilirduled I<t Snturdav at tlif Srkolah Merengah byed Ha^mn here.
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  • 525 13 The jury system and the in-the-str eet SINGAPORE, Thursday. THE question to be asked when discussing the merits and demerits of the jury system was whether or not it would help make for a more independent judiciary. The president of the Bar Council and the Singapore Advocates and Solicitors Society
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  • 159 13 BOAC resumes normal services to Kuala Lumpur SINGAPORE. Thurs.— BOAC has resumed normal services to the Malaysian capital, in view of the continued Improvement of the situation there. The first flißht. BA 719. left for London via Kuala Lumpur this rveninc Malaysia Sin; a pore Airlines also has resumed normal
    159 words
  • 91 13 18 mischief makers arrested in Trengganu KUALA TRENGGANU. Thurs. Police here have arrested 18 mischief makers since the disturbances broke out in Kuala Lumpur. Disclosing tilts today, a polite spokesman said they were arrested in connection with 38 cases of attempted arson on vehicles, shops ar.d houses and assault. All
    91 words
  • 35 13 SUNGEI PATANI. Thurs. Mr. Loh Chow Seng has been appointed Drainage and Irrigation Engineer Central Kedah. ln place of Mr. H<>h Cheong Seng who has been transferred to the research station at Ampang.
    35 words
  • 99 13 Xl ALA LI'MPL'R, Thurs.— Tun Tan Slew Sin said today that "only the Alliance" can mimt.tin i racial harmony in Malaysia because no other party is broadly accept- able to its major communities. He was clarifying report which nuotril him as saying that the
    99 words
  • 44 13 PENANG Thurs. The Girl 1 Guides' Association here Will 1 present a musical. "Merry Mnod." I at the St. George's OirLs" School hall on Junt 28 at 8 p.m. The proceeds will go to the Guides' Staic headquarters fund.
    44 words
  • 263 13 Wife who just could not believe her man would slap her... CINGAPORE, Thurs.— 3 Nurse Juliana Chia told the Hieh Court today she thought it incredible that her husband should slap her for a "trivial remark which she made about some members of his family. Mrs. Chia. then staying with
    263 words
  • 29 13 KUALA I.I'MPL'R, Tliurs. Tlif food and fan f;tir scheduled to be held at the Methi>dist Tamil Church. Sentul. on May 31 has been postponed to July 26.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 103 13 Don't Buri#§| while having fun -*^£^^J^ in the sun />lAK\\\ useCOPPERTONE* LOTION "SHADE -OIL All Coppertone products contain Homomenthyl Salicylate the most effective sunscreentng ingredient available and Lanolin to keep your skin soft ami smooth COPPERTONE Lotion A non-oily lotion that does jjF not leave a greasy film on the
      103 words
    • 195 13 IM -M l/jJ B QUALITY /t jM^SM J& PRODUCTS \Mfm Best Value JffiT\ '2> For Your Money f<f^*?> REDUCED PRICES AUSTRALIAN "HUTTON'S" Pork Chipolatas $1.55 per Ib. Pork Sausage $1.25 Beef Sausage $1.15 Veal MiMte Steak $2.85 N.Z. 'TIKI" Bacon Bones $0.80 per Ib. BEN'S Hamburger Patties $0.80 per pkt.
      195 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 799 13 riHKHHß9Bßtal^B^^^Mßfe^B^hl TV MALAYSIA 3.00 I"-" ir»iuM ran. j m U^ v ::<H BimariK Ha- 7.00 News ln B>«l»&h; 7.10 div; 3.25 Petticoat Junction— Tllf Profe.ssionaU ii.m R^bi>'rv bulling. 7.35 tak Merdu: 350 Vana Pup: 415 The 8 Nfw u > ManU.nin 810 Ttkt Tluce Hollywood Pallet; 900 New* in the
      799 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 293 14 Mercedes-Benz backs up its reputation with a dynamic new servicing complex in Singapore The most advanced and efficient service centre in the region This dynamic new service ana parts centre is staffed by factory j i ■■"^<—^g^-_-~ < naf j^gp^* trained technicians using only MERCEDES-BENZ authorised tools 4 and employing
      293 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 236 14 Straits Times Crossword At ROSS 7 Stood on a table catching i. One of Pewters regiment as dragonnies drawn by Homer? i4-4> A wedding In Hollywood? <«. 5. I' s not on the menu (or a 6l start! (3.3). la Possibly eloped In net-la** 8. Short time flies (8). t6
      236 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 221 15 4,193,616 reasons to buy from the world's most complete line of farm tractors and equipment Only "International Harvester" has been able fo manufactured and serviced in a way that has will recommend the model you can use most sell more than 4,000,000 farm tractors since kept a world of customers
      221 words

  • 184 16 Visit to Japan for sales' conference MR. J.S. Tay and Mr. L.K. Nr of Tithes Dental Photo Supply Ltd., visited Japan recently at the invitation of Yashica International Corp. to attend sales and advertising conference at their head-office in Tokyo. Mr. Tay, who ls advertising and sales promotion manager lor
    184 words
  • 76 16 Hume Industries will supply over $800,000 worth of steel pipes to the Kallang Basin Sewerage Scheme. The project is being undertaken by the PWD Sewerage Department. The sulphate resisting cement lined .'tee! pipes ■will be manufactured at the Hume plant In Buklt Timah. They are specially
    76 words
  • 41 16 Since early May. Singer Sewing Machine Company in Singapore has launched .i new concept in customer service Th" Singer •'White Van" has been visiting housing estates to provide on-the-spot repair service for their >ewing machines, refrigerators and fans
    41 words
  • 341 16  -  BY ALLAN CHAN TAIWAN, ;i lc:iding world producer of plywood and veneer, is turning lo Malaysia and Indonesia lor its timber, said Mr. Peter ('hang, the new oflicial Taiwan trade representative in Singapore. Mr. Chanp, who with six home-based staff set
    341 words
  • 140 16 Chief Executive at Zurich meeting CLINTON ROTHMANS of Pall Mall (Malaysia) was represented by Mr. J. E. D. Clinton. Chief Executive, at the RothMi.niv Group Conference in Zurich. Switzerland, this month. Mr. Clinton Mfl Kuala Lumpur i.i vt month for a business tour of the U.K. and Europe, culminating
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  • 110 16 A SINGAPORE office and ser- vice centre for Dupont lighters will be set up soon. This was announced by Mr. K.C. Liu. managing director of Casey Co. Ltd Hong Kongbased agents of Dupont Lighters. Mr. Liv visited Singapore accompanied by Mr. Y. H. Rouleau,
    110 words
  • 75 16 Mr Richard Ryan, president of Bubble-Up International. California. America, visited Singapore recently In the course of a six-week world business tour. He met his companys local bottlers and distributors. Amoy Canning Corporation (S) Ltd. and discussed plans for further booMing the sale of the soft
    75 words
  • 139 16 Technical man for West Malaysia EMBECON Pty Ltd. havf appointed Mr. Thomas Lee Technical Representative covering West Malaysia. Mr. Lee Ls a graduate in Science from the University of Malaya. Previously sales executive for building materials with Sime Darby Malaysia Ltd.. Mr. Lee will work from Slme Darby's offices In
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  • 95 16 MISS Janet Lee, Art Director of Sharikat Union Commercial Art and Advertising, Kuala Lumpur, left for London recently for a three month study of the latest developments in the field of advertising and graphic design in Britain. Miss Lee Is a graduate of the South
    95 words
  • Article, Illustration
    152 16 SINGAPORE is unr of the foremost markets in the Far Kast for Campari's aperitif. People here are becoming more and more sophisticated and demand has been increasing continuously, said Dr. Aldo D Bergomi. export manager of Da vide CampariMilann. SPA. Italy. "This trend is expected to continue in the very
    152 words
  • 116 16 MR. Cheong Seng Hock, Project Manager, Union Carbide Singapore (Pte) Ltd., left last week for the United States for further technical training. His visit to the United States is connected with the Corporation's manufacturing diversification programme. Union Carbide plans to establish manufacturing facilities in the Jurong
    116 words
  • 197 16 PRODUCTION from Australia's first nickei mine will quadruple by early 1970. The mine, which officially opened in September 1967 is at Kambalda. Western Australia, about 4r miles south of Kalgoorlie and 400 miles east of Perth. Its site covers some 350 square miles on the western
    197 words
  • 104 16 A DIRECTOR of one at the worlds largest machinery manufacturing concerns, Mr. Anton Kleinhenz. said Singapore is well on the way to become the leader in South East Asia's printing industry. His company, Der Maschinen fabrik AugsburgNurnberg. which employs 35.000 workers, was listed by Fortune Magazine
    104 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 182 16 i a Berkel. If you've got trungs^^^H N> M*)i|hed, \i' i -f'O'.jld meet the rest of my elm Co. Limited -our Tho Berkpl family onsists of a wide range of W wpig k n solve all your weighing J problems. We can handle any weighing job- from 1/16 A o.\
      182 words
    • 135 16 In shirts, as in everything dse, you get what you pay for. j i*xZ M$J The British Van Heusen Company Ltd. Taunton, Somerset England. X— LIMITED COPY SERVICE WHILE YOU WATT IPOH Bangunan As-a Life,lst Floor. 458 Hale Street. Tel: 4313 KUALA LUMPUR SINGAPORE PfcNANG Bangunan OwTek. Multi- Storey Car
      135 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1120 17 mEEBBSMO »l»P»0l AND OTHIR U K CONIINENTAI PORTS Sails P Sham Penana Cat 11 May 25 May 21 21 ANCNiSES May 21 luae I laac 1 jaae I jaae 7 11 JaM 11 aunvEDON iua? 11 lum 11 JaM 14 li Juae 11 iuat 14 JaM 15 21 jaat 22
      1,120 words
    • 2417 17 mnn^w^ffT^ffiWAijnhM ScanserviceV EXPRESS SAILINGS TO MEDITERRANEAN/ THE CONTINENT/SCANDINAVIA S nan "en.r.i b ngap^xt f OR: SASRA Sailta* la Pt May J3 Saiitt C'bianca. MiMMu, k aam. Htvig C'burg, Oslo. Aarten. C'hafta TRICOLOR May 1711 May 24 2* May 21/ 1 Genoi. Antirtrp. R dam. H'burg. Airhut, Malmo. C'hagen. G'bu-| BEIRA
      2,417 words
    • 1265 17 t— -w WORLDWIDE CARRIERS LTD. I^^lA^i for: Lot Anaulai, New Orleans, CSorleston I _t_ s*_V New York. New London. I^^^^^^ (aha accepting cargo tor other Gulr oni Atlantic ports, tubiact to inducement Spore P. S'hom Penong A VESSEL 29/31 May 1/ 3 June 4/ S June CENTRAL TRUST 10/i2Jiana 13/14Jtja«
      1,265 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 1150 18 I "^^^KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. Waatartt Au«F»»IlAi/«l«iMP4»»«'''«P»«» >•'*«•• (remtntl* Smgapo-a ra«Uictii/I«*|or* Tlimm KaM MtajaKHra "May 1 haw I *JM IMM IB MM •Vast *lrica/Sln«ap4»ra/ J»P*n tarvlaa Angal* Sintapor* Nifoya I'htmt R*d* laa.i.taa Man 4 i Jaat a/V Jaat 4 Mil IBM MM Japan Warn AlHaa Ibtvlbb ttajajaij lOll 'tO LIIOS
      1,150 words
    • 925 18 AUSTRALIA NEft UAiANt >E«»ICl MM -4»ISIAIl MM 'AH kM >««'«» 10: AUSTRALIA NE* fEALaNO 'a Nataiartiaaß aai Maarat •-'HOif P SlaT Pfn<n| >*■ Iris tact Onae Hit Men RAJUU 2»■ 24 May 25 May Ptnan, P. Sham I** JUL M bahora mmmm wu>m. mmmm Ig CHCUIU CARPENTARIA ,A, 4/5
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  • 28 19 RUBBER AND TIN CLOSING PRICES May 22. RUBBER PRICE: 69 cents (down a quarter cent). TIN PRICE: 5615 (down li Mate). Kstimatrd ofTrrinc JtiO tons (down II t»n>>>.
    28 words
  • 329 19 Narrow moves in light trading MELBOURNE. Thurs |L| ININOS and Oils, were steadi- er today. Generally alUiouph falls exceeded rls»*. price movement* mere small and trade ltgh: Sramandrr Mining, which ha> wolfram ai.d copper pro&pecls in North Eastern Tasmania, joined the list. Us lo cent .\hare.< came nn at 37
    329 words
  • 278 19 'PHI PORT OP tINOAPORI AUTHO 1 RITV ANNOUNCIO TMI FOLLOW INT. BIRTHING ARMNCIMINTI FOR MAY 23. OUT: Alrmanma 1 2. s»tia Budhi s Bfr^.n Maru «/7. HimfJl Mart A l«hio Maru 1" M. Mumbtn 13 M. Pando Coy* li 1«. Ja.axad IV t:\mr Pr*cloua inargai 21 n.
    278 words
  • 39 19 r"\N th« frs* *>*hang* marktt in >' Honi Koni; vrmrrdnv ihr U.S. lollar wag tioiml at 6.1U50 (or T.I. md (.'<.' 1 lor «ath. MwIUUJ waa quiit p<l at 14 VI and ma taal *f laid at M
    39 words
  • 368 19 Straits tin drops slightly on Penang Market T»HL Straits tin price 1 dropped slightly by 12$ cents on the Penang market yesterday to $615 on an offering estimated down 15 tons to 260 ton.v Support at lower level* came from the U.S.A. and Japan LONDON: Tin on Wednesday opened modestly
    368 words
  • 242 19 II NE tint trade rubber fob buyers closed at 5 p.m. In I ngapore yesterday at 69 cents per Ib down a quarter cent on Wednesday's c losing level. The tone was dull. RA..S. and M.R.E. closing price* in cents per Ib. yesterday. Buyers
    242 words
    434 words
  • 716 19 AFTER an erratic opening yesterday industrial prices in the Singapore trading room of the Stock Exchange of Malaysia and Singapore had by afternoon a very steady look about them There was more support and more shortcovering which helped the price improvement which started on
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  • 71 19 THE Straits Trading Co. announced in London a final dividend ol 15 cents plus bonus of five cents making 35 cents for 1968 <same) payable on June 24 The net profit Is $7,547.--000 '$7,285.0001 aft. tax of $5,709,000 ($9,343.00(11 and transfer to re-t-rve of $1,591,000 ($4,989,000) Last year's
    71 words
  • 57 19 THE Directors oi Mai Containers Berhaci that subject to completion of audit, the consolidated profit attributable to the group for the year ended March 31 was $2,527,000 utter providing $2,003,000 for taxation and after allowing tor $1,622,000 lor depredation of fixed assets A dividend ol 20 per etat
    57 words
  • 54 19 rpkONOH Mines Ltd group J- profit before tax for 1968 was iJ440.;i15 against £514.362 in 1967. said Chairman Mr. NX KinkeadVveekes. at annual n. in London Although net consolidated profit available tor appropriation was lower at £294.7)0 (£432.879). the board felt justified In miintalning the dividend at
    54 words
  • 170 19 rpHE shares in London on 1 Wednesday met small selling and recorded a number of losses ranging to around la the biggest lall uf Is. 6d. was sustained by Berjur.tai. but Hong Kong British tin and Geevor were all Is.— or more lower Smaller falls were
    170 words
  • 92 19 *>r.<t us C.chart,*, (in,. x -> Hi n»»n «Mlm| arlctl a«r »Uul y*»t*rday Ctiinut oil: bulk 149 «!l»ra. drum SAM Milan. Caara Mix»<l 1f.0.b.) loot* Maf lunr t'K Com Ml R Pfpotr: Muntok akjll Sarawak H«. k JS.S atllara, l-unpuni Mark |i)a Mlltn NLW), A»TA 1130 MUcn HOO-fc
    92 words
    305 words
  • 1005 19 DUSINUM rRAMtACTUJ IHK UNGAPOBC IKAIi MO KIHI.M (tl nil SIUIK KXCHANUfe VI>II.KD.%\ WITH THE M.nniK nl BHAatCS IKADI.D MIOU S IN HI! Xl I S IN LOTS OF 1 .*****1. LNLfcS.S OTHERWIsK -I lilUMi INDISIKIALS v .1 (1) 51. 98, ilj $195. (1) $1.97 Ui HJI; ocn and
    1,005 words
  • 39 19 STOCK INDICES May tl May H Industrials: 16U.54 i«2.Bb Mi. 1 N 86.36 88.15 Properties 152.92 134.23 t Mat] 83.HU 83.9U S rubbers: 109.18 109.31 Dec. 30, 196t 100. 1 Dec. 31. 1968 100. t Dec. 29. IMi 100.
    39 words
  • 90 19 THI Aw.cittitn af B«nkt in Maiay--1 Mitiniitiii mad* thri-c ihinirs MjatvaJtal of or* unit of foreign currrn<y>. Unit** MMaai Buying TT 13.0400. airmail OO 53.0250: BO 4 at $2 86.V) credit bull U'.WOO trad* Bill*: ••Hint TT *r OD rtadr ttjttl Th» following rain arc quotm to the
    90 words
  • 24 19 In London on Wedne&day Malayan 5 per rent c l.f U K June July in bulk was quoted unchanged at £70 sellers.
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 1025 19 GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE I <>< \l. (.OVKRNMEN'T INTEGRATION ORDIN M 1« OF IMJI MIM I mler (lection 19 (It) WHEREAS nr of the *ur>-*e<-t!on<. ■1 1 and >n 19 of the local O Integration '•.nafter re- inance") the Max de- Private 1. Wnlvkrl Road from Jalan Rian<
      1,025 words
    • 50 19 When eating becomes a problem... consult our 'Bars Restaurants' columns. Lots of businessmen and executives refer to thtm. A daily announcement in our Classified columns pays for itself many times over. You can place the announcement by calling at your nearest classified agent, or by dialling ***** (Spore) ***** (K.L.)
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 497 20 p->-_P|P|MM|M| |pHpHBapBn|BHM ICRNOWLCgCEMENIS ANNIVERSARIES. ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHS CLUB ACTIVITI! CONOOIENCES OEATHS EMGAGEMENTS FUNERALS CREETINCS. IN MEMORIAM MARRIAGES. MISSINfi. PERSONAL P PC REQUIEMS I REUNIONS. Rate: Minimum $20/ tor 20 mil. each a.ditunal wiri SI. OO er Ciassitieg Aivtrtisementr Minimum $7.50 for 15 wifss. each aMitiinal word 50 cents. Straits Times Boi
      497 words
    • 782 20 WANTED EXPERIENCED SUPERVISOR nsialli- n r\ Must tleid. Appiv ST I pore. WANTED FEMALE SHOP ASSISTANT edae Bookrea. r.n- etui nable .[K»re. riMALE RECEPTIONIST require* An hltecta olli.e >:tn n-rri photoxrapn. i m»- aa.ary reo. MMI s T. 8 |«ra. OUALIFIEO CHILDREN S LIBRAH. LAN «antrd. OMSaBe d. aree and
      782 words
    • 901 20 SINCAPORE POLYTECHNIC ApplKV tion« are un 'eri lor tn. po-t al ■nnponirt t IMMM pn>aes« xl I, a.«t a Grade I Cambndre m Chinese KitiMil <'- and should he a'.le to take shnrthan.l I tt lihi v^ p m and transcribe at j I taaiaafee mi«t i^ Bfßßapal •I, ami
      901 words
    • 789 20 D I S T I.ICTS 4. i Apartmenta rooms. Parquet Flea i Otalea Bert icea Tel iH i*ire, MITT 4. BAMBOO CROVE PARK Modern »cmi deia. h>4 '.'storey Kun- Jalan Batu Nilam (near Kvereadv haioivi 4-riedrooni> aeivant room. living A dining rooms nr.oaaK tiooi n_v BMM siirrouni nits Ready houses
      789 words
    • 780 20 11(1 IXAMINATIONI— speciaI preparation lor Cambndgt and Entrance i-.n.:ii»n— Mathematica. Ambltioua lu(Jm 1 only. i:.r.»: t>:por«i 4'.»41J.. AtlA ORIVINC SCHOOL M,., r DuHi-i'Oniroi nuuiiv I'>,-. Guaranteed m ti On-naid Road. Spore Phunt PlITf. PIANO TUITION and theory «t tutors hou«e Tan^lm inn IM ptr montii. riox MM I I
      780 words
    • 915 20 FOR SAU" NEW SEWINC MACHINES S6S.OU upvtaida Call at Honii Huat Store. StY s pore 12. AUTOMATIC ICE EJECTOR tray central Rrtritcrattoo. Tel: 'Muoiri 4435U/JSft?S. NEW SHIPMENT Pianos Bernstein .mil Kn miHiin Ji" ntuved. Rohen Piano Co. '-77 Ta'ijonK Katons Road til. (Sporei 4H6'i7l. RENOVATION SALE Krautitv raw BBSw «un
      915 words
    • 658 20 OWNER LEAVING. Immarulate .onditicn. Volvo/Cortina 'S7. S4L'A t pp«r Seraneoon Road iPaya Lebar Junctloa) No dealers. I*« 4 AUSTIN CAMBHIOCE. White ioour excellent condition one o«ner. Contact T Orange Orove Koad. 8 pore 3503 i. FOR SALE, one uaed BWMBI Wfchon in very nood (ondmon. t-oi inspeitioo. pleaac tall at
      658 words
    • 236 20 (~WHEI£ TO STAY(M'SIA) SHAH'S MOTEL Mart rooma tully air-conditioned ith rrataurant and rar (acllltlea. For reaerv.ition 1 Ifl "WHERE TO EAT (M'SIA) SHAHS CAFE DE PEEJAT VI p in. n: I WHERE TO STAY (Spore) YORK HOTEL SCOTTS ROAD 11.111-ll lo II CITY CUEST HOUSE SLOANE COURT HOTEL 1 HOTEL
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 533 21 ELECTRICAL ENGINEER < andidates applvinp for this position must have the folWiwi...>. a) Graduau Mrr.-bervhip of the Institution of Electrical Engineers. b) Four >e*r^ industrial :^p*rier.ce in 1..T. and HT. systems up to 6.6 XV n, >r. project work and construction of industrial plant.-.. c) Singapore citixenship. Salary will
      533 words
    • 338 21 CHALLENGING OPPORTUNITIES BATA SINGAPORE invitei application* from ambitious and dynamic young men who are not afraid of hard work and sometime* long hours to ba trained as supervisors in the following section:— <o> SALES (b) PRODUCTION (c) SUPPLY (d) ACCOUNTS Only these who ara willing to aicrt themselves to make
      338 words
    • 514 21 STATE OF SARAWAK Applications are invited (or the following posi;Ass^tant Conservator of Forests (2 vacancies;. Department. Salary— DiviMim I. Scale A ($750 1420 i. Point of entry depending on educational qualifications and previous relevant experience. Candidates must be male, not lejw than 25 and not more than 45 years
      514 words
    • 460 21 KEDAH KENYATAAN TAWARAN J.K.R. Tawaran daripada pemborong2 yang berdaftar dl-J K.R.. dl-dalam kelas D dan ka-atas i Kepala II, Pechahan Kepala I) akan -dl- terlma dl-pejabsu Jurutera Negerl. Kedal.. JKR Alor Btar hingga Jam pukol 3 00 peiang pada 3hb.. June. 1969:— UNTOK MEMBINA SA-BVAH BENGKAL PERUSAHAAN SENI DAN KANTIN
      460 words
    • 321 21 PENANG PORT COMMISSION TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT BIRTHDAY OF II M THE TANG DI-PERTI'AN AGONG 4TH JI'NE IN* I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN I that ships will be worked on the above holiday. Orders lor lighter* and other service* of the Commi.vMon must be furnished to the Traffic Manager's Office before 400
      321 words
    • 312 21 DALAM MAHKAMAH TINGGI TANAH MELAYU DlJOHORE BAHRU DALAM PKRKARA BANKRAP NO. 10. «9. Per: N.R. Krlshnan, Jabatan Kerja Raya. Johore Bahru. Tarikh Perentah Penarlma ft Penghukoman U.4.W. Tarikh Perantah Peiuadbiran Terus 10.569. Tarikh dan tempat Meshuarfct Pertama sl-piutane 2.6.69 Jam 10 30 pagl di-Pejabat MuflU. Johore Bahru. Tarikh Pemereksaan Terbuka
      312 words
    • 315 21 TAWARAN KENYATAAI JJUL Ta«aran daripada PrnsbawnsJ yang berdaltar di-J XI; EX. E Ac D dan ke-atas akan di- lenma di-Pejnbat Junrera K«rja. Jabatan Kerja Rayn. Segatnat hinmra pukol 230 peung aada 7 rt 69 OK: MEMBENA 3 811 EX OARJAH. SETOR. KANTIN DAN TANDAS DI-SEKOLAH KERAXQSAAN, BATU ANAM. SBQAi MAT.
      315 words

  • 504 22  -  EPSOM JEEP By Scratching! CCRATCHINGS and order of running for the 13 profe-Monal-amateur mixed meeting at Bukit Timah on Sunday: RA« E ONE 2 0 amateur Claaa 5 catchwetghts 2f scurry. RA( I TWO 1M amateur Classes 2. 3 and 4 ha m neap— 6 -.-I
    504 words
  • 732 22 U'lH.HI* tor all seven races at Ipoh on Saturday. May 31: Cl. 5. Div. 4— 6 F. ilmorwin ».00 Oku Okay ».OO Sunsnot 8.11 Kingford B.UB Autre Dor 8.06 Maranevt 8.04 < aramoor 8.02 Bukit Srrok 8.01 I ion Hi 8.01 Spring lanry 7.12 Scorpio II 7.09 Kintv
    732 words
  • 837 22 ON THE US CIRCUIT... NEW YORK. Thurs THE lyoy United States professional golf tour coulf* rightly be billed as "the Year of the Newcomers." The emergence of relatively unknown players into the golfing headlines is an almost weekly occurrence along the tournament trial. The
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 1476 22 JURONG TOWN CORPORATION TENDER NOTICE Tenders are Invited by the Jurong Town Corporation. Taman Juronu I, Singapore. T2 for: CONSTRUCTION AND COMPLBTIOM OF PROPOSED RESTAURANT FOR LIOHT REFPEt-HMENT.S ANU ANCILLARY WORKS IN JURONG BIRD PARK. JL'RONO TOWN Show round:— MUI Mxv. 1969 at 10.00 am. Meet at Jurong Town Corporation
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    • 279 23  -  CONRAD NC By THE Singapore Amateur Swimming Association are bidding for the services of Don Talbot, Australia's former Olympic champion and now one of the top coaches in his country. Sasa president Ken Meyer said yesterday: "I have been empowered by my committee to
      279 words
    • 253 23 Newcastle cuptie win ends in riot LONDON. Thurs—Newcastle won through to the final of the lnteriitie* Fairs Cup last night amid riots and fighting among fans who invadrd the pitch during the hnmr side's 2-0 \>• tory over Glasgow Rangers. I ucntj-two people w*rc Injured, police with dogs had to
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    • 135 23 Raffles win schools' replay RAFFLES Institution beat St. John's Comprehensive School by a penalty goal to win the Singapore National Schools soccer final replay at Jalan Besar Btadlum yesterday. Dominating the attack from the start Raffles' winning goal came in the 20th minute, scored from the spot by lnslde-rlght Kumar.
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    • 22 23 BASLE. Thum. Slovan Bratislava beat PC Barcelona 3-2 In the final of the European Cup Winner*' Cup here last night.
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    • 25 23 ESSEN Thurs— Wert Germany crushed the amateur Cyprus team 12-0 In Group 7 of the World Cup qualifying aoccer competition here last night.
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    • 65 23 CINOAPORE Police trounced 13 the visiting West Auatrallan University soccer team 6-1 In a friendly match at Thomson Road yesterday. Police led 4-0 at halftlme with goals by Robin Chan. Ismail Kuttv. Osman B&haron and Wllf Skinner. The Australians scored through Magulre shortly after the Interval. Skinner
      65 words
    • 48 23 AARON TOOKES, first blind boy ever to compete with boys with normal vision in the Class C triple Jump event leaps 48ft o^'in to take fifth place in the Atlanta track meet, Georgia, on Sunday He represented the Georgia Academy for the Blind.— AP radiopic
      AP  -  48 words
    • 278 23 Northants start well, then slide f ONDON, Thurs. Grayson Shillingford, 24-year-old West Indian fast bowler, shot out five Northamptonshut batsmen for einht runs in 13 balls at Northampton yesterday Northamptonshire appeared headed for a blj flr^t innings score on the opening day of the threeday match with 183-2 on the
      Reuter  -  278 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 260 23 ■>■■■■■. bHH^^ .^bHH *E iHllw^^ JE JBB v *^b^y^^ 7 y.itww» -'wy fir \l\ If you're familiar with Toyota quality only from having seen ii*^*^^ or driven one of the smaller models, you've got a treat in store. The 1 500 cc Toyota Corona jpmmmmmammKKKJiiiKßmßmHKmK^aKammmm^mi^m^^mL'&L .jffjl Here's luxury in all
      260 words

  • 91 24 AFTER THE BREAK. ITS ON WITH THE REGISTRATION FOR FRESHMEN AT UNIVERSITY 4 uroup ol ar student* (Wing In their registration forms at ihe University of Malaya's Dewan Chancellor Thr registration of freshmen, vhlcfa began on May 13 and was interrupted by the disturbances In Selangor, was resumed yesterday. About
    91 words
  • 139 24 Aussie TUC backs the strikes MELBOURNE. Thurs. The powerful Australian Council of Trade I nions today threw its Height behind a wa\i--3f strikes which have (rippled the country in the last week. It announced it would meet the Federal do\ernment on Monday to seek thr repeal of thr penal clauses
    Reuter  -  139 words
  • 137 24 Caught: A cop accused of 23 rapes ST. LOl IS. Thurs. A 2.j-ycar-old politcman has born charged here with bring thr rapist "ho left jeering notes Mgnrd "The Phantom" at the stene of more than 10 attacks on nomrn *incr Feb. 10. Patrolman Milton Brookings, married with one child, was
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  • 89 24 THREE-DAY ASEAN TALKS IN INDONESIA JAKARTA. Thurs. A three-day conference of the secretary-generals of Am an will be held at Tjipajung. about 100 miles south of he-re, from May 29. A Foreign Office spokesman, who disclosed this today, said the oliiclals would discuss relations between Asean and the Economic Commission
    Reuter  -  89 words
  • 63 24 CANBERRA. Thurs. The Australian Government has offered AS2.VOOO towards I of a propo-sed England-Australia air race, Prime Minister Mr John Oorton announced todhy The race, planned lor \ht r- A of the year will commemora'* the .VHh" anniversary of the fim England-Australia flic!.' by Capt.
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 8 24 A R I A n MTHAR SINGH
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  • 151 24 MANILA, Thurs. More than 40 warships representing six Seato nations gathered in Manila Bay today for the 36th Seato defence exercise, code-named Sea Spirit. The ships, from the navies of Australia. Britain. Niw Zealand, the Philippines. Thailand and '.he United States, will form a
    Reuter  -  151 words
  • 79 24 rKYO. Thurs. Ambassador Ichiro Kawasaki, recalled from his Argentine post for writing undiplomatic things about Japan, won't be fired. He wants to quit, the Foreign Ministry's chief spokesman said today. Mr. Kawasaki returned from Argentina last night. He wah recalled for his criticism of
    UPI  -  79 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 195 24 NEW $100 CAMERA DEVELOPS ITS OWN COLOUR PHOTOS (Finished colour prints in seconds.) -___^HefJHkSeMePAgfl^^ l^^t^B i'^jf' L«t aB -'■■<■ e^T^Bm^ 1 lb£ Km wKZ Mm. f ufl 7^a*i a■• JSSA ■■a ~°*4lflMk -v |0 3^ ~^m I L- SCL jj3J]!2223sbiß The first Polaroid Colour Pack Camera (No developing tanks or
      195 words
    • 256 24 Late CLASSIFIEDS 20 liO'ti S.'H o', Incredible! H.S.C. with Six months study! Hundreds of Stamford College students have done it already— WHY NOT YOU! The unique Stamford College system of total learning through DIAGNOSTIC TESTING AND TEACHING can increase every students study power and success potential. It produces amazing results.
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