The Straits Times, 22 May 1969

Total Pages: 18
1 18 The Straits Times
  • 30 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 175,000 ThR Niitiiiiiiil ftapapur The Straits Times PJP O. s i a^aWa^BaWaWaWl EsTd7lB4s THURSDAY, MAY Ti, 1969 13 CENTS K.D.N. 3104 M.C. (P) No. 0723
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  • 390 1 Relief fund nears threequarter million dollar —mark— KI'AF-A LIMPL'R, 1V Wed. About $138,000 was received today by Hie National Relief Fund For victims <>l the rioh in Kuala Lumpur and other areas, bringing total donations so far to 38,000. A working committee of the fund was formed today under the
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  • 137 1  - Share mart recovers GEOFFREY BOLAND By SINGAPORE, Wed. A considerable improvement in industrial share prices look them up today from the low point reached when the stock exchange doted last night, and sentiment was described as ''distinctly better." Out Of I total of 19 industrial shares dealt in, 48 were
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  • 242 1 Danger day today for Apollo team HOUSTON. Wed. Tomorrow will be Amrrica'i busiest and most dangerous day in spare. Astronauts Thomas St.ifford. Kugenr Oman and John Young will awake at UM GMT Before they sleep again the) plan to give the moon landrr its second manned test. practise with loniiiiunii
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  • 1000 1 Curfew relaxation in 'danger zones' KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday THE cur'ew will be lifted for 12 hours from 6.30 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. in Petaling Jaya tomorrow, but in the Kuala Lumpur district, the curfew free period will be only from 6.30 a.m. to 2
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  • 69 1 Selangor curfew breaks K I AL A Ll'MPl'R. Wrd. Thr cuifrw relaxation hour* in Srlan(or tomorrow: 0 Kuala Lumpur polirr district 6.30 a.m. to I p.m. Ivulii'K Jaya polirr district— 6.3o a.m. to 6.30 p.m. K.i |ani X.l h an c and Kuala Kubu polio,l,stride 3 a.m. to 6.30 p.m.
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  • 48 1 LONDON. Wed Stvei.U hundred Indian aim Pakistani Immlgranta— mostly women md children flooded Into London's Ht'.i'.hiuw airport in special flights yesterday Officials sold they apparently were trying to eet in undei UM deadline before tighter immigration controls become effective In about a month.— UPl.
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  • 44 1 UNITED NATIONS (New I York). Wed Cambodia yest*r- day informed the UN. Security Council that It* forces had last week captured [our Thai military infiltrators and 12 civilians who were planning to form a "Free Khmer Oovern- mem" "ii Cambodian territory. —Reuter.
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • 54 1 HONG KONG. Wed. Peking has sent abroad another ambassador, after bringing home all her top envoys during the cultural revolution. An announcement today said Mr Huang Chen, Ambassador to France, flew back to Paris yesterday Last week Peking sent off Mr Keng Plao. AmbasI
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 100 1 Clearing house ban on Bank of China IJIN'GAPORE. We The Bank of China was suspended lr<>m the clearing house today. And tomorrow, a I other commercial ba the Republic will i allowed to >ci <i cl direct to the bank cheques m :n«'lit oUtt id I ci• i v i
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  • 41 1 MID EA*T r\ LONDON, W«* T«i \\i\ reported ltr%r day destroyed tfe dine Egyptian while C nr<> claliiic driven hack tt ->pa Israeli planes. 1 added that Israel ed column attackU b.w in Jorda Amman claimed I repelled column
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  • 362 1 KUALA LUMPI'R, Wednesday po\YKK enabling the Government to examine publication mallei- before tlu\ arc printed was gazetted tonight. The regulation! the •Mentis) 'Newspapers and other Publications Regulations. 1969— a150 empowers the Postmas-ter-General or any officer authorised by him to examine all postal packets. Those failing to
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 36 1 for Clear 0 Comfortable Consult C.S. CHONG O.D.p EVERBRIGHT OPTICAL CO. 1 1 9. Chulin Street. Smgapore-1. This morning 105,000 families cooked breakfast with fast, clean, economical Essogas Did you? a AtV Co modem-cook with vUSSOi
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    • 105 1 THORENS "THE KOU.S-K(»( AMONGST TKANSCKII'I l<»\ I I KN I AIM I S TO-124 JEBSEN JESSEN (S) PTE. LTD. A Give way to his HI When you give a Prestige product, you're giving way to his wishes. Hs'll appreciate your taste in German craftsmanship. He'll feel your presence every time
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    • 835 2 Watch for Apollo 10 near moon early tomorrow WASHINGTON. Wed JIM-; Apollo 10 spacecraft may be visible- even lo the unaided eye ;is it nears ;iiid circle's the moon, the National Geographic Society reported. Sky watchers should scan the south-western skies near the constellation Gemini, the society's announcement said. The
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    • 212 2 SIR KAMISES LONDON TRIP SPARKS A ROW SIVA (Fiji), Wed —A British Broadcasting Corporation report that FIJI < hi. i Minister Ratu Sir Kamise Mara s \isit lo l.ninliiM would imluilr run stitutional talks a row between <io\crn-mi-iit and Opposition Members In Kiji's legislature yesterday. The (•<i\ ernnnrit spokesman. Mr.
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    • 219 2 'Impeach Marcos' move by Congressman MANILA. Wednesday 4 FILIPINO Congressman Ikis (kiiumled thai President Marcos be impeached l<>t alleged criminal acts, violations 01 the constitution ;ni(l bribery. The Philippine House ol Representatives' Minority Leader. Ju.stlnlano S Montano sought the Impeachment In a resolution filed la.^t night with House Secretary Inocencto
      Reuter  -  219 words
    • 104 2 INDIA PLANS FOR A BUMPER HARVEST NEW DELHI. Wed. —The Government yesterday set Ita food production target lor the coming year at 105 million tons to sufficiently meet the nations needs Agricultural commissioners from all over the country planned the food production programme a t rt conference here which ended
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    • 51 2 TAIPEH. Wed— Wang ChlhYuan. formerly the Rev Longinu.v Wans, became the flr«t Chine>e Catholic priest to leave the church to marry. Wan*. 39. quit the priesthood last July with permission from the Vatican He was married to a teacher. Pan Chu Tleh, at a civil
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    • 43 2 MOSCOW. Wed. Shiralt Mislimov. a Soviet farmer who works dally in his orchard today celebrated his Ifi4th birthclay. Tans news K encv reported He is one of the 183 very old people In the hlithland Lerlk district of Aeerbaijan. Renter
      Reuter  -  43 words
    • 31 2 HONO KONG. W^d-Slx rffußee famtlir- of 34 per*on«. who escaped from Cnmmunbt Chlnn Ust weekend on a fishing Junk. h«ve b**n permitted to stay in the Colony.- UPI.
      UPI  -  31 words
    • 431 3 Poher prepares to meet the angry Gaullists PARIS. Wednesday INTERIM President Alain Poher today prepared tor a Cabinet meeting of hostile (iaullist Ministers with the same deliberate calm which has made him a surprisingly strong favourite in France's presidential election campaign. In a race whteh has turned Into a two-man
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    • 100 3 AN ELECTRIC HEART MOTHER HAS A BOY I'PPSALA. 'Sw<-dt n\ \\>d. A Swedish woman with a battery-supported heart gave birth to a boy Academic relay. Kn 21, born with a heart too slowly, has lived with a so-called Pacemaker implanted in her body for six years. A hospital spokesman said
      UPI  -  100 words
    • 21 3 TAII'I ;i Ing hiv teeth on April L' 4 I: travelled through his digestive system in 20 days. UPI
      UPI  -  21 words
    • 215 3 Exit in a temper the dry dancer HONG KONG. Wed "My dame is religious." Gratap Pawar said. "I will not dance if people are ratine and drinking to make fun of mr and insult my religion." With thrse words. Pawar M.ilkrd out of a rehearsal and tnii the management of
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    • 50 3 BOGOTA. Wed A Colombian jetliner with 59 people aboard was hijacked yesterday by lour armed men and diverted at gunpoint to Cuba It landed in Havana just alter noon. It was the 26th hijacking or the \ear and tiie 10th of a Latin American aircraft UPI.
      UPI  -  50 words
    • 198 3 KREMLIN: MAO PLAYING INTO HANDS OF DARK IMPERIALISM MOSCOW. Wed. President Podgorny of Russia yesterday accused China of playing into the hands of the dark forces of Imperialism and reaction by trying to split the world Communist movement. Mr. Podgorny was speak--11,14 in the Mongolian capilai oi L'iau Btftor where
      Reuter  -  198 words
    • 406 3 Two points Thieu will want Nixon to explain SAIGON, Wednesday gOI'TII Vietnam's official armed forces daily Hen Tuyen (Frontier) said today that President Nguyen Van Thieu will seek clarification from President Nixon on two main proposals of his eight-point peace plan when they meet it a summit meeting next month.
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    • 58 3 Textile nations get 90-day warning WASHINGTON. Wed.—Secre- Utry of Commerce Maurice Stan* yesterday gave major textile-exporting nations 90 days to take steps to place voluntary restraints on their shipments to the U.S. market. He warned that unless this was done the Nixon Administration would probably not be able to stop
      Reuter  -  58 words
    • 239 3 Barbara's Bill or bust, warns Wilson LONDON, Wed. Prime Minister Mr. Harold Wilson said last ni<<lit that he w;is prepared to stake the life of the (iovernincnt on his Bill to curb wildcat strikes. He told a television interviewer that the life of the country was at stake on all
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    • 221 16 This thing called love -by 'Agitator' MOSCOW, U cd. Extra-marital sex is not immoral if it is based on mutual affection and sincerity, a monthly publication of the Soviet Central Committee said yesterday. In any case, sex in a communist sc eiety is pure because the "rotten" principle of private
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    • 109 16 'Republic' now call by rebel Smith SALISBURY, Wed. Rebel Prime Minister lan Smith of Rhodesia said last night all hope had gone for a negotiated settlement of Rhodesia's independence dispute with Britain, and recommended that the breakaway colony should become a republic. Blaming an "intractable" Britain for dashing hopes ot
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    • 547 16 0 Srjto hat a new definition, according to Ccn. Carlos Romulo Foreign Secretary of the Philippines. He told dinner guests last night that Seato meant: S Stop, E £«t«rnal. A Aggression. T Today, O or Else. Lt.-Cen. |csu* Vargas. Secretary-Ceneral of Seato and former
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    • 393 16 Grateful? Not me, says freed Communist leader SYDNEY, Wednesday SCOTTISH Don Q tralia't first general ing a fiery Irish comm nun have heart condit The communist trade unionist wasn't grateful. "1 want to know more about this payment before I say anything." grunted 63-year-old Clarence (Clarrle) Lyell O'Shea. Maoist leader
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    • 60 16 JAKARTA, Wed —The Indonesian Govern metit has approved the construction of 38 crumb rubber mills In a drive to Improve the quality of Indonesian rubber exports, the Cabinet announced yesterday. The mills will be built n Sumatra (J?), Kalimantan MO) and West Java. Twenty wl'l
      UPI  -  60 words
    • 44 16 WASHINGTON. Wed— Prom July 1 all cigarette commercials on American television must be accompanied by a warning that smoking can kill The ruling, announced jresierday. Is the toughest yet In effort* to discourage smoking Is the Unlteu Stales— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  44 words
    • 68 16 PRETOHIA. Wed totally blind patit 1 partial sigli: in one 1 1 another first -t.ei operation 111 a South African hos| The cornea op* 1 anon on a male patient at HF. Venvoerd Ho.-oltal here Involved p! 1 plasiic mil in hit right eye and
      Reuter  -  68 words
    • 33 16 RIO DE JANEIRO. Wed A taxi-driver was found shot dead at the wheel of his cab here. Now the cab-owner has been fined US$l6 the taxi was In a no-parking son*. Router.
      Reuter  -  33 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 118 2 (P6j musfc... unique talent to put more special features dr cassette recorders. They are compact and j ?^<o<§X!s^>^3§s^V§l eaSy t0 operate Equipped with automatic SHt^^J pop-up system and high-sensitivity microphones with remote controls. NATIONAL continues I y^/^L t0 give yOU more f° r y° ur money. That's why the afl
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 60 3 When baby coughs give it De Witt's Baby Cough Syrup \r 1 < I Babies love De Witt's sweet soothing syrup. It is specially made to stop baby's cough immediately, so that baby can sleep quietly all through the night. ko^£e II I I^^^mblh[ 1 1 I Made for children
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    • 12 3 0 The Gambols have been Held over because of pressure of space.
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    • 317 3 NOW! farm-fresh milk L anytimeanywhere ilSk\ EVER READY MILK Imported pure farm-fresh milk from England. Stays fresh for months without refrigeration. Full of vitamins, minerals, proteins and butterfats. Full goodness for all the family. Obtainable from all leading grocers. Distributors: Hak Huat Co., 62 Rochore Road, Singapore. Barkath Stores, 212
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  • 155 4 Today's ETV programme Todays Educational TV on Channel 8 is as lollous: 7.50-B.IU am Mathematics Sec. 1 Translation, rotation, reflection and enlargement: 8.30-8.50 Oeneral Science Sec. II Experiments w:th Electrii city: 9.05-9.25 Engiur: Sec. I The Crocodile Farm. 9.45-10.05, English 2nd Language Sec. I The Jungle Boy: 10.45-11.03 English Literature
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  • 47 4 .~r-GAPORE. Wed Mrs. Dorothy Hon was elected president of the Singapore Inner Wheel Club recently Other executive con.mlttee members are: vice-president. Mrs. Amina Jumabhoy, secretary. Mrs Jean Blvth. treasurer. Mrs Mal&ie Lee. asst. secretary, Mrs. Owen 1 Gaskell and overseas correspon- dent. Mrs. Jean Fernando.
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  • 426 4  - Chap ji ki chief suicide to evade police question PETER TEO: By SINGAPORE, Wed THli promoter of* n "chap ji ki" syndicate hanged himself in his prison cell before police could question him, coroner's court beard loday. Lee Ah Tuck, Sf». described also as a financier of secret societies, was
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  • 261 4 Death threat by fan to keep star off screen OINGAPORE, Wed. Teenager Thamby Durai wrote a letter threatening a theatre manager with death if he screened a film starring Indian movie- idol, M. G. Ramachandran. !The threat came because Dural was a fan of another Indian star. Sivagl Ganesan, a
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 190 4 [fbORCHAR^ OPENS TODAY! \V& (SUNDAY EXTRA SHOW AT 11.00 A.M.) A DELIGHTFUL LOOK I AT WHAT HAPPENS WHEN PARENTS DECIDE TO GET MARRIED! s**3 and Si fi^^pi.V^Mßi a_Jp jBaW I^SbbbbbbVbbt PAT CARROLL BARBARA HERSHEY (A CBS Release) 111 odeon I OPENS TODAY! B^^SbVDSEIIIEHbbbbb ]1 am '-30, 4 00, 6.30 9.30
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    • 236 4 I I S Show? daily —No Free Lilt! ■LaflfaßbfJ flt tt I Horn, 1.4J, 4.00, 6.30 1 9.13 I |TV M U 'flißF'^flYi Zj 'UKBBBBBBB j*T^BBBb)bBBBBb1 I IMBK^BtLoflßfl I jr\ I BBbWa^^^ &>bvV \m 4' >M mßbm < J Hbb M/M0 h tIl i Til 17 I revoutiox LI\M mm
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    • 420 4 I ORGANISATION > I I OPENS TODAY itfo F :t L« 11 am. 1 45, 4.00, h 10 <g "LOVES OF GALiA starr OPCNS TOOAY II am. I 30, 4 00. 64S I Fc- r "Diory Of A Lod» k 1 (A SHAW PR I Mondann m By Ov«rwhclmpq D
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  • 156 5 Still no bus service between S'pore and KL VJINGAPORE, Wed. Although the situation In the Malaysian capital has improved, there la still no bus service between Singaand Kuala Lumpur. )O. IS tot operating ;u» re Kular morning and aftt-r-Duoti service*, althouKh a lei t Singapore at 8 tonight and will
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  • 16 5 ii-wh un a tioose»;fe today fined I ia court foi 46 .0 Ot hi*
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  • 24 5 EMBAN Wr-a All schools in Negn bembilan will b* re-opened too will iollow the the aft-rnoon ud it 4 Dm
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  • 160 5 Police seize murder car CIM.M'OKI. «<•(! Pnlue tonieht n.iml th<> uere on the ir.iil "I four liimkllums" nnr of whom Lit .ill* -h"t i motor M llvl 111 SllllllMU.l Kll.ld in the Beach Koad .nr.i >r>t«rd.«j after an arsunient I he Mtlag Polite Secretary. l>rput> Supt H L Boude«yn. dewrlbrd
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  • 46 5 Tokyo interest in Sarawak's quicksilver lOKYO \\>d Thr Mining Ind I nclatton uaouaoed v mil s*itd :i mines The UUMXIDCfInenI said th« tfani would be made up ol renun itflnlni Co Hukushin Mining Co and Yamato Quicksilver The team will undertake a ..i sui\e> In
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  • 117 5 [POH rhe 8 hamber ol M regret that representation.- to the .ment for the aboll•he tin proOti tax Ml G. E I :ns report to be tabled at the annual meetIns here on Tuesday .says: ii at a time when the price of
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  • 449 5  - Around-the-world conman caught at last in Cairo ARTHUR RICHARDS: STOLEN MSA TICKETS AND A 7-MONTH HUNT By Singapore, Wed. SEVEX-month hunt for an international conman who stole two blank air tickets from an MSA counter in Kuala Lumpur has ended with his arrest in Cairo. The man. a Canadiftn la
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 72 5 «<■ APPOINTMENT T3 1 'HE O.FE'I A.f R£O CwNnLLUMitLB Dunhill King Size Filter s ■BrfffPW Cm gg* g» jifi 'i=ssii>^ v^^gfl HI gg> W 4.' rn"i/<~ gBPBMHiHHHHMVgpiHHMHgf^P'^^' Created by Master \T of the House of Dunhill ...superbly contained in a distinctive claret and gold box. The House of Dunhill wishes
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 72 5 M*mus Itunnti tty Htalph ff< „,-.hil, /IV EX-A-S'ED W <EEP WCMN' BUT, S.RE, I'VE FROM CA*S*y\3yW OR. VA DON'T BEEN ON MY -S 6 SS, P^^tk. get PA'Oly FtqT POR MOUC?Si G^'VSOI?... .VAHflr y PONTT YOu hAv£ V MA^ I R I ST y r> A LESS 7 X^ B
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  • 43 6 What Dr Tan said about the Ops Council KMPUR, o] the Malriled I the oni i NOW md D;recTun AoDecloration for ■ie Council i the uld retun i ince Gov- do our 1 md order Is untry will i> In d abroad
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  • 94 6 J»l Wed The ( dn\ rrniniii I ins isked the Pni.i nt (■iixcrniut-nt t« postpone Ilir fir^t mrrlinc «f the tte \sspnilih The re.ison Is that dur mr thr presrnt rnit-r--urnry all meetings of State Aaaratbliea have in HMSMBdM The st. »te Government ?i in
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  • 277 6  - Her biggest moment, but it's just another chore for Tan Sri Fatimah TEO EE SIM: By Kuala Lumpur. Wed. L\)K Tan Sri Fatl nmh. national president of Kaum Ibu and tiic National Council of Women, the crown liiii touch has come with her appoint mem a.s the country's first woman
    Soong Hon Sin  -  277 words
  • 59 6 Lectures again at varsity on Monday J^l \l..\ UMPIR, Wrd Keeistration for all first yrar stuilrnts in the I imorvity „f Malaya will tfsumrd from Thursday, thr Vice-Chan-ccllor. Professor I'ngku Aziz, nnnnuncrd today. LsctMW for first year siui nils will begin on Monday "First year students who are unable to
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  • 278 6 Wo co-operation' charge IPOH. Wednesday fHE Democratic Action Party and the People's Progressive Party today criticised the Gerakan Rakyat Malaysia for not cooperating with them in forming a coalition government in Perak In order to show its stand against the Gerakan. the DAP plans
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  • 58 6 Penang the first? 111 KIT MIR I A.IAM. Weil Tlir Chief Minister. Or. (hone Ku. hM today Penane micht hr the hrst Statr in the country to lift the uri.-u nim plrtrly "That is. if thr proplr continurrt to cn-opri atr fully with the < ,m rriimi-ni. 'hr
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  • 94 6 Simon (the salesman) Templar to visit Singapore SINGAPORE. Wed. The Saint will be In Singapore next for a very down-to-earth purpose. He nont other than Roger M win) plays the d< Simon Templar in the IV series "The Saint." He will be here to rromote a new line ol llshmen's
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  • 22 6 KUAI.A I UMPUR V. Mr R N M« nounced today that Uu clatton'a am. riuled for Satu.riii ■xiMpnned lndefin.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 103 6 Need a gift for a family of]']? i^^^S Sanyo Cool Cooking'%.f^ the perfect answer 1 -s of rice y "^^jfc>v 1 T i r c of the kids 1 n keep ;t burning by keep P"^—si| on. I v~~nj I V israßssd vM^-~-JssßflßW. EC 83 Live Better with SANYO EC-73
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 83 6 Mhy Onp §ty f\ r. g— iff II MKrk Trmmw tt n ihvstvr Ttutit WERE OVERHEaS7n~I I™ c l-^^^^R "THEY JPJ YOUR CC^" l^- we're) S |^'T°iT7» COft:^s AIR CARS A SQUAOPOL I r*^^^^*^^^ FOR f IGO(NG BYE-BYE./ 1 2--'\ I ~—^—^Sj| Li I Abnor By At L a pp
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  • 542 7 Nose was broken by punch claim Petrol kiosk proprietor denies causing grave hurt to business executive By ARUN SENKUTTUVAN: SINGAPORE, Wednesday TA N CHONG x CHAKE alias Tan don}; (heck, proprietor of the petrol kiosk at Lornie Road, today denied in court that he had voluntarily caused grievous hurt to
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  • 243 7 Panties in rape case fail to find owner SINGAPORE, Wednesday A WOMAN peered at a pair of panties for l."> seconds in :i Singapore court today but could not say if they belonged l<> her. It happened when the n, only nanv I ting. 26, was U ing against Lim
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  • 75 7 Two goodwill shows by Perth band SINGAPORE, Wed. A 56-piece band from the Sublaco Citadel of the Salvation Army in Perth. West Australia, will arrive on Friday for a five-day goodwill visit. The hand will present a "Musical Festival" at the Cultural Centre. Canning Rise, on Saturday at "30 pm.
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  • 41 7 RAPORE. wed. A •e\en-we*K (ours* in 'Social graces and personal charm" conducted by Mrs Amy Wee, will begin »t i he Cultural Centre on June 9 The fee for the course organised by the Adult Education Board. U 115.
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  • 197 7 Only 10 per cent of educated are regular blood donors SINGAPORE. Wed. —The chairman of the Singapore Red Cross Society, I Dr. W. R. Rasanayagam. today said that only 10 per Of Singapore's edu- cated population employed In Government departments and business houses were regular blood donors. Speaking at the
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  • 80 7 Time service riddle at airport SING A POR t;. Wed O-i'mliiis were at, work at Singapore airport today, when the Telephone Boards time announcing service came blasting through the public address system Scores ot passengerslook- ed up in surprise as they heaid: •Time announcing service by courtesy of the Singapore
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  • 119 7 How the Dayaks have helped understand it SINGAPORE. Wed. The Sea Dayaks ol Sarawak to-called "primitive people"- had helped world psychiatrists to a better understanding of a problem prevalent In modern society anxiety. A Malaysian doctor. Dr. K. Schmidt said this at a recent psychiatrists' symposium in Melbourne. Contrasting
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  • 195 7 Youth told: Lucky you don't go to gallows gIXGAPORB, Wed. l)a\id Thomas "I was drunk at the lime," was jailed for two years today. And he was lucky not to have been hanged, the judge said in passing sentence. For Thomas' victim died three days after th> bing incident. The
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 83 7 Pfej^| i w having R^fw weight Must you eat PLAIN BOILED FOOD.... MeaI after Meal or TASTELESS GRILL.... Day after Day SOLVE TH15....8Y COOKING WITH liquid vegetable oil PACKED BY KWANG JOO SENG (M) PTE. LTD. UNDER THEIR FAMOUS "^T^^ /^"freiT^v cock BRAND kSk h. JB^BBBBT M II /IV I
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  • The Straits Times
    • 407 8 One of tlie most impreaaive Bights Kuala Lumpur offers the pile of donated clothing at every litre and the diligent vohsatarj work it for distribution But such is the deaMlkd, ith BO niany to return aoBM whether thrmagh fear, through curfews oi their honvs no longer «\is(
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    • 562 8 Among Vietnam priorities an Bgreomont between Saigon and Washington has been anything leas than compelling for both ments Now that Ittive negotiations seem a aba f than they the eiuht-point and ten-point peace proon and the ng, an agreesneal has both urgent and ...1. Unhappily it does
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  • 1313 8  - Will the French vote for modernisation? JOHN ARDAGH by PARIS Only by solving pressing domestic problems can France remain stable and strong FKKNCH public life has failed to move with the times or adapt to France's modern destiny. I'rgent reforms are needed in France if the nation is to be
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  • 742 8  -  MERVYN DE SI LVA I)N CEYLON'S PREMIER GETS A NEW IMAGE THE recent decision of the Ceylonese Tamil Federal Party to end its four-year alliance with the governing United National Party (UNP) was not enough to .shake the new mood of optimism which has seised UNP
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 58 8 kpo I hnii) Th R nowned JjCCI lIWU/ CUSTOM TAILORS Style* Cut to Ski Utaal HeaWaMb H«n< VeSaaaaV Bmi w o .i»i«,hi) Also Importer* Exporter* o> H>«* CI«M W.r.t.dt 1 W..M.K. Suit Length* •f World ReHOwnis" Braadt FINTEX DORMEUIL HUNT WINTERIOTNAM WAIN SHIEL 6LOREX. Make Ideal Gift* for All Occation*.
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    • 124 8 TECHNICAL PERFECTION IN TELEVISION by Q |5 Mearl CAB WET <wra •!>«.«« I f qu pp«4 with latest H iptrt I I pultibulton CMmit! <t «ctorj for 6 Mltioni I VMF or iiMF rui|i. Ai -rportjnt I I -i full; trinslttorirtd tor mimuM I r»i.jbility »n« perfectly tnirf p^Urt.
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  • 190 9  -  K. MOHANAN: By Kuala Lumpur, Wednesday 'FENGKU Abdul Rahman appealed to politicians today to stop "all political talk'" as this mi vital to bring about normalcy. The Prime Minister ni speaking to newsmen after a meeting with the United Chambers of Commerce
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  • 17 9 KLAI mvKuonr- Mr. K C N arrive Mr N nama i
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  • 44 9 Wanted— Old clothes KUALA I.L'MPL'R Wed i s from Petaling Scout Dt&trlct are K«ing r ound houses IB Pelaling Java collecting old clothes for not v Those who have any clothes they »i>h to give away should contact Miss T Ponnlah at Tel. *****
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  • 66 9 MP pays 'curfew' fines I. I \l.\ 1.1 MPI R Wed Ncwly-eteeted MP Mr nth l>( k (hye today pud fines totalling v.'tm for lit (urfru brCAfccM frrai his Bintang constituent y. Nl i Veoh m amnnt the ni.m\ penplr who rilled the courtroom at Court Hill here, where
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  • 175 9 The count at Sungei Siput: Election Supervisor explains IPOH. Wed. The Perak Supervisor of Elections. Mr. Lee Kok Cheng, today clarified what actually took place during the counting of votes in the Sungei Siput parliamentary constituency on polling day Tun V T. Bambanthan. the Minister of Works. Posts and Telecommunications,
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  • 52 9 SI.MiAPORI-.. \\>d. A lonMßnment of 1.00» rases ol t■onden^ed milk donated h> the Singapore Indian Chamber of Commerce for the riot refuteea left by rail tonieht for Kuala l.umnur. A sookesman for the Malaysian Huh Commission said more «ifts of food were received today from Malaysian families
    52 words
  • 188 9 Beautician gets a divorce on crosspetition for adultery SINGAPORE. Wed. A beautician who was sued for divorce was today granted a decree nisi by the High Court on her own cross-petition. Mrs T. D. M. V. Podt had charged that her husband, whom the married at the Registry, here more
    188 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 334 9 FOR BUSY MEN ttlß 2 Minute Contest WILKINSON SWORD BLADES M 1 THOUSANDS l^fc IOF DOLLARS mJt wm M worth of prizes 1 \L^kW Guaranteed 675 winners Spend 2 minutes, or much less. ar| d w n yourself a mahjong set. a MBwHpMpMffWli l W*^ Or a handsome Titus man's
      334 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 659 9 TV MALAYSIA RADIO SINGAPURA CHANNELS Kaafla LauaaHN .once KM n»x o.avv sre nrr unchtime T.Lvtemnß 200 The »nd Prim.. l|»ili and a if" e lt>lcfc Image O( Dorinda 230 Prom MaUrra 1,,1m.r Kaln,, I rJielL-h 710 Mnil'M WiiT^nr* Broadv .ay 3.00 Omen Hour «nd lv rai| H Pa '.00 f"
      659 words

    • 190 10 The 'fresh water' treatment for problem skin DO you have an oily or problem skin? If this is the case, then it is essential that you take immediate steps to set things right, according to Miss Elfy Fielding, an international beauty expert who was in Singapore recently. Miss Fielding, representing
      190 words
    • 63 10 PA PA IN is an emytne obtained from the Juice of unrip*- papaya*, has the ability to soften meat tissues. Its use in meat trndrri.srr* is ap pro\pd by the expert*. The papain in the earrfully formulated product* is harmless to thr human body, and the trnderKinc
      63 words
    • 201 10 PROBLEMS with lumpy gravy? Mix a little salt with flour to prevent the lumps from forming. When using a gelatin mould, rub a small amount of cooking oil or mayonnaise on the inside. The set gelatin will remove easily. Rub a bit of butter inside the bottle cap
      201 words
    • 200 10 rE best things in life are free and often, beautiful. Take this unusual piece of driftwood for instance. It did not fail to catch the eye of T kebana exponent, Mrs. Elsie Lee Slew Chrng who finds time to comb the Singapore beaches for nature's unwanted leftovers.
      200 words
    • 277 10 Borneo painter Lulu loves work when she's unhappy jy|()MENTS of utter desolation have lx>en for Borneo artist Lulu Ong, moments most self-rewarding. A batik-painler who is in Singapore to seek recognition for her work, she s;iid: "I paint best when I feel unhappy or fnistrated." Once a teacher in Kuching,
      277 words
    • 54 10 QRCANZA rates as one of the most popular materials for evening wear especially when it comes to wearing a dress that must look delicately feminine. Here is an evening dress which is designed to highlight the multicoloured embroidery which decorates the white organza. The dress, called
      54 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 492 10 maidenfbrm's Dreamliner 9 Naturally shaped with fiberfill, new Dreamliner bra is "just like you only more so." Light, soft, outrageously pretty. With lace tricot flowers adorning the cups and bank, Lycra stretch across the sides and back, and adjustable straps that stretch to fit every figure. In Black, White, Blue
      492 words
    • 164 10 DfiSP^ alk *^«fl w. s^~^^^^\ i li j fell ffds&b* REMEMBER YOUR •mjrT^r/if^X- I J A ViTAPLUS with its rich vitamin C VTEAJYLLN I content generally operates as an T?IVTD TPTTCHi all Wk anti-stress factor, enabling the body _HjJN Jir 1 1 *Hhj I J fiS t0 -idap' itself better
      164 words

  • 276 11  - Guiding world cash to flow into S'pore CHIA POTEIK By SINGAPORE, Wed The First National (ity Bank in Singapore luis published ;i 58-page to investors around the world on the conditions and incentives in the Republic ntine the SineaDore ntlng the Singapore ■nent Gu'de inference today, the t Mr R.
    276 words
  • 47 11 OIMiAPORE. Wed. A van driver, Koh Ah Lay. 23, was killed and three other men seriously injured when their van collided with a lorry at New dementi Road yesterday. Eye-witnesses are asked to contact the Traffic Accidents branch at Sepoy Lines.
    47 words
  • 106 11 Children's costume: A new date SINGAPORE. Wed. The closing date for entries for the Children's Costume Competition and Parade, organised by the National Library, haa been extended to Saturday. The competition, open to all childn n of kindergarten and primary school age. is part ol the ■Festival ol Books 1969"
    106 words
  • 49 11 Birth control— by Indian don SINGAPORE. Wed—Professor M.R.N. Prasad of the Department of Zoology of the University of Delhi will talk on the «cientlflc basis of the control of human reproduction at the Postgraduate Lecture Room, Faculty of Medicine. University of Singapore. Bepoy Lines, on Friday at 5 pm
    49 words
  • 45 11 SINGAPORE. Wed The tor the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals will hold a flag day on June 28 to raise funds for its attlMnes It mil also hold a sale of work exhlbi- the Victoria Memorial Hall on May 31
    45 words
  • 140 11 GOLF, DINNER AND DISPLAY TO MARK 2 BIG DAYS SINGAPORE, Wed. The Commonwealth Society of Singapore will celebrate the Commonwealth l);iv ;in<l llu> 150 th anniversary of Singapore on Saturday :>"<l fiunday. wui.s will be •teed" jii match be•ined Commonwealth High Commls«ens and the Singapore Society at Island Country Club
    140 words
  • 222 11 Star jump by a film star SINGAPORE. Wed This violent leap by famed Horn; Kong film star. Kw a n luck Hcng. better known as "WflMg Fe i HonK isn't just a put-up show for another film shot He Mas demonstr.itinc .in aspect of the lethal art of pugilism before
    222 words
  • 148 11 1,400 freshies enrol at Varsity SINGAPORE Wed.— The University of Singapore's new batch of 1,400 students began signing the enrolment registi n today. As c.en btudent si ii i >. be *a.s (Ivan copy •it a welcoming .^p by the Vlc< incellor, Dr. Toll Chin Chye, in which the .student
    148 words
  • 142 11 Disused car rape case man is freed gINGAPORE, Wed A rape trial ;it the Ilii-h Couii ended today alter [he prosecution decided not to proceed further with the case against :i naval recruit. Lock Siew Kern, 22. The DPP. Inche Ibrahim bin Burhan. said thl had received Instructlo this during
    142 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 72 11 f o c y*****^^^^^^^^^'** 11 ticket. l 1^ For more details of As your travel agent will tell you, we rather BOACs services, consult your BOAC Appointed specialise in choice. VCIO or 707, day or night Travel Agent. BOAC gives you more choice- to serve you best ALL OVER THE
      72 words

  • 16 12 MR LIM BOON GHEE and tam:iy Ml :n and BBBaai I JtSMißi H >.r e
    16 words
  • 46 12 Jam** Ni Koom. Malaysia Restaurant I auaed to friends and rela' All instruction, lor ENGAGEMENT MARRIACt ANNOUNCEMENTS must include: ADl>P.fcSSfc.» Or BOIH PAi'.llt^ r I C NO AND WHO MAI Bh A .r.KIIID -Ir PROFESSIONAL BEAUTY CUL TUBE .i. 1 methods. out spteial 3-* eeks
    46 words
  • 12 12 VI ARUMUCAM I wily on M. P. K. NAIR rwho rend.
    12 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 410 12 tß^^sßßMJasss^^^MMyasjj^^^^^BSßß^^sß^^as^^^BßM^^a^^BssyasrJßTaM^ssaMJ I ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ANNIVERSARIES ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHS CLUB ACTIVITIES CONDOLENCES DEATHS ENGAGEMENTS FUNERALS GREETINGS IN MCMORIAM. MARRIAGES. MISSING. PERSONAL P PC REQUIEMS I REUNIONS. Rate: Minimum 520/ tor 20 wirtfs. each additional word SI. OO AH Other Classified Advertisements Minimum 57 58 far IS wards, each additional word 50 cent;. Straits
      410 words
    • 835 12 ENGINEER REQUIRED >..tkei dr.-dtier. Applicants ijuallned in tne operation ol Bt.ilem ard steam, reciprocating engine. Appl cants must oe a Singapore P.esidtnt in Singapore. Apply Bjmaa Post oilce, Spoi. STENOGRAPHERS SECRETARIES retiuired for Immediate employment by tatablifthed progressive company. ihsrthand spaad e» 100 w.» m and typing speed ef
      835 words
    • 936 12 SPACIOUS BEDROOM bathroom attached Cookn< racllltica Working I .ul auuM couplr 112-1 Moulmein I Road S lore View rvtnini;. I LUXURY FULLY FURNISHEO flats nditionen at (8 pot. *30. AVAILABLE TO SUBLET Irave flat va at Hilltops ClrcM urto -Mil/- 1 111. IN. Spore •.«-.'>. n Rodick. FURNISHEO BUNGALOW Bt
      936 words
    • 741 12 t i ~Eiy"c<.THii i DIPLOMAS Aaß Motion Srr.itb \3 tttsvy Ku.m. s pore to make pcranrntly lastinic copies of tbrse iluahlc documents. I i ULLTIME PRIVATE SECRETARIAL COURSE I ANO ARTTIMi (AFTERNOON) STENOTYPIST CERTIFICATE COURSE COMMENCE 2nd JUNE IMS TAMFORD CENTRE FOR EXEUUIVE AND COMMERCIAL TRAINING i >i>» Himmiuo in
      741 words
    • 861 12 MUIM. CHBONS KOON BBNU CO. LTD. will aril bar Publlo Auction it their Saleroom No. 10. Ctiulia •trtet. B'pcre. oo Friday. 23rd U»y IM9. at 10.00 a.m. Kurnltur*. K«riiterator. Bathroom Scales. Suitcaaes. Sas-Llahlrra. Tape-Recorders, Kxpo-iure-M<-iers. Etc. EVERYONE KNOWS BY NOW mat ir« in specialists in Room ainorKliloners. and lor prompt
      861 words
    • 670 12 WHEIE TO SUYWSH) IHAH'I MOTEL luxurious bedroom.a fully r-cim<lit:or.-d oitta r«a--1 taurant and bar fa<ll:ti«i. Kor restr- < vat ion phone K.L. .VIIB3 t. WHERE TO EAtTmSIA) SHAM'S CAFC OI P[EJ»< Show start t.M l> n nuiitly. WHERE TO STAY (Spore) j YORK HOTEL ICOTTS ROAD I Cats* tiuitablr iMiraucnt/
      670 words
    • 351 12 KKNVM TAWABAM IKK PAIANG T»u uran darlpMla Pem--2 btrdaftar di-J.K.K.. E K. E dan D di-bawah Kepala IV Pechahan Kepala 8 akan dl-terima di Jurutera Negeri, JKR.. Pahang. Kuantan hlngga pukul 3.00 petang pads Jun. 1969 ontok:— Tlic Laying Jolntiniz v! 8" diameter I mama and ancillary worki from
      351 words
    • 97 12 KENYAIA :\N J.K.R. PAHANG I'awaianj j i herdatur ci-.ik: ke-aia.s Krpula I akan Pejabat Ju: »n sa-hli tag pacla JJ:. ■MBMBSKAL U AN UK QUARK Y BA 1 1 JALAN JERAM JEHAMLI I'HCi Xi K I I I ZI WTKI v\(lllt fir: Olish a< vnti.'fi :en« on tfia latSl requrttia
      97 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 1145 13 IU LIVtRPOQL ANB OTHER v CONTINENTAL PORTS rr"-i Mm "«mj i aneicTiic M May 2S/2I («i 11 May May 21 21 T r u V!^ s "«> »••> »«ay 20 1 taa a jum i lum JMI I jmi 1/1 1 imi II AUTOMIDON ...Jim II IMI 11 'IM 14
      1,145 words
    • 1312 13 WULU^^LUMMMiM^jiuIJ/k Scanservice V EXPRESS SAILINGS TO MEDITERRANEAN/ THE CONTINENT/SCANDINAVIA P Snam Penani Smgapur* FOR: OASRA Sailel II Pt/ May 21 Sulil CD dnca, Bilbao. H dam, H'burg. G burg, Oslo. Aarhus. C'nagM TRICOLOR Miy 25 2; May 21/21 May N/ I m Ant»erp. P. dim. h tug. Aaiiui. Malmu. C'hagen,
      1,312 words
    • 1148 13 EXPRESS SERVICE TO LONDON, LIVERPOOL t CONTINENTAL PORTS nPNtnvti (jI im* 11 Irmjbm p e ,M-,g hams U Im* 21 ti Part Talay bewviti am ton l>n >>lT BENKITLAN Rettimaa Jily 11 G'mouth Jily IS S'r.|at"e P *im P»njng NamOuri Jlly 22 E4) May 21 May 24,27 May 21 21
      1,148 words
    • 1297 13 f«w WORLDWIDE CARRIERS LTD. I For: Lot Angeles, New Orleans, Charleston. kO^Btal New York Ncv London (also accepting cargo for other Gol* and Atlontic ports, subject to inducement) Spore P. Song ong A VESSIL 29/31 Moy 27/2o May 25/26 Mov CENTRAL TRUST 10/ 13/MJunc IS/16Ju«r KUPRES 5/ 7 July 8/
      1,297 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1140 14 Y»r—* I~*^*^1 ~*^*^K AW ASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. Western Australia /Singapore' Japan Service S r 'g-*D Yo"*> C^' NdgOy* V^aHsl ROf Mar. 25 May I imi A Jim I Imi 13 im. West ACrieaf Singapore /Japan Service c Na|oy» Yhwma HoOe ■LMitiMi Mara 1/ JJum 25 21 jmi 4 J.ty
      1,140 words
    • 918 14 AUSIRALIA NH» IEAtANI SERVICt INOIA PAKISIAN AND »AR taSI UlV'ltb 10: AUSIRALIA NE* lI ALAND 'I: Naf alattiiaa Malraj Span P S'Mm Penani PBI Ins a»c«. O.if irtt. «11l RAIULA I. Pirt 24 May 25 Ma) Pmani P S ham Soon Wul imora itmZ aVMMMi Ir 0N IIWI 1 CUCUIU
      918 words
      794 words
    • 1040 14 THE PUBLIC INSURANCE TOWN BOARDS ENACTMENT, COMPANY LIMITED (NO. 118) i Incorporated in Singapore I \oiHI IMHK BCCTIOM 137 NO IK E Ol MI.KTINC. No NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Ad'a-lah a.-ber.u.m that the Eighteenth Annual ,-1^1,,,,, 117 blll Genual Meeting of The Public m B J«™ "ppZ n^urance Company
      1,040 words

  • 238 15 TINE first trade rubber r.o.b. 1 buyers closed al 5 pJB. In Singapore vr>trrday at 69', rent* down a quarter cent on Tuesday's dosing Irvel. The tone was quiet. HAS. and M.X fc. rioting price* in rente per Ib. yesterday. Buyers Seller.' Int. 1 R
    238 words
  • 27 15 RUBBER AND TIN CLOSING PRICES May 21. Rl BBrK PRICE: 69} cents (down a quarter cent). TIN MUCE: 5615.12J 124). Estimated offering 275 tons (up 5 tons).
    27 words
  • 272 15 Minerals continue downward movement MELBOURNE. Wed. fllL and mining shar?.*. cony tlnued their downward movement today, with falls outnumbering n>es five to one. Wrstrrn Mining sank to $10 but rallied to steady on thedaj at $10.20: Hamneraley was down 20 cents to $10.50. Qumisland Minis weakened further, closing 30
    272 words
  • 36 15 ON tha Iraa aiahanga markat tn Rons Kong yeaterday tha U.S. Oallar qun'ed at 8.1090 for T.T. aril *****0 for aaah. merling wan quoted at 14.47 ajM ana taal at «old at 323.
    36 words
  • 313 15 Straits tin price up by over three dollars in Penang rERE was a rise of $3.12J to $615.12 i Per plcul In the Btralts tin price In Penang yesterday on an ottering estimated up 5 tons to 275 tons. Better support was reported particularly from Europe. In London on Tuesday
    313 words
  • 245 15 'I'HI 'OUT OF lINCAPORI AUTHO 1 HITY ANNOUNCIO TNI FOLLOW INC BIRTHINQ AKRANCIMINTI FOR MAY M. OUT: Srtiat.udhi 5. Hkokan* Mart. •/T, l.aomrdun s 9. Bingo Mara lv Angelina 21 22. Kunak M/ML S«laji. Man, 42 43 and Pinva 44. IN: Hikokane alaru ifoilo»ad h» Bergen Maruj
    245 words
  • 119 15 "HI Aaiaciatian ar tiki in MalayIn Ita ratea to merchanta yeaierday 1 the follow irk ralea are quoted to the equivalent of one unit of foreign currencyv. US. Dalian: Buylnx IT sa.O4.iHi airmail Ol) *1 niwi: 90 dat $2.0660 rredtt bills. $2 9600 trade bills: Selllns TT or
    119 words
    417 words
  • 473 15 rwas still a cautious buyers market with restricted trading in the Singapore Trading Room of the Stock Exchange of Malaysia and Singapore but prices showed a distinct improvement with most counters showing gains. Singapore Is still operating alone with the Kuala Lumpur trading room
    473 words
  • 90 15 rERE are many i "should fall, yet they remain obstinately stab! tively high U. The Financial r l "In the opinion of some experienced so market is cow i» pinned mainly b., consideration:-. '•Becau>o trr stab:, sterling is still under 'I cloud. diftV :'-portedly financing forward ments of
    90 words
  • 40 15 HIGHLANDS and Lowlands Para Riiober "C" announce a final dividm.d of 2id per i making a total 1 >r 1%3 ol five pence <4i pence,, payable on July Pre-tax profits an to J11.742.358 (£1.507 Tax takes (£572.168 i.
    40 words
  • 178 15 THE pro.^pecti lor 196 a are much brighter. Malakull Rubber E Chairman Mr. G.R Rop*>rCaldbeck said in h:.-> .m--nual report. "A marked upsurge in world demand lor a rubber has provided a needed stimulus price in the immedia: look for produi-r further brightened by the recent decision
    178 words
  • 123 15 THE tin share market was idle in London on Tuesday. Berjuntai suffered a small fall, but London Tin was a shade firmer Southern Kinta wa.s unaffected by its profit figures. Rubbers held quietly steady with Interest at a low level. Guthrie and Plantation Holdings recorded trifling
    123 words
  • 88 15 s'MINESE Prsdusa E.chinjta Sin**- »*rt. now lldint pneaa par pletil yaitsrday. Coconut •Hi hulk «i-i ■>■ >ra, drum C«»ra: M.»«l if oh.) lorn* Mars ill B. Pappar Munlok irt Sarawak »h ti 1128 Mlltn darmwak hU.-k jOTi MUm, rnril"! Ijimi^ni: i. 1130 wllcn (all fi«~AfTA $130 >•>" (100%
    88 words
    284 words
  • 133 15 MR. D. W. Plnder. chairman of Kuchai Tin (1967> Bhd.. said in his statement for 1968 that the company's net profit alter the deduction of expenditure was $467,468. Total dividend of 20 cents per stock unit will absorb 90 per cent of the net profit. "This Is in
    133 words
    1,102 words
  • 37 15 STOCK INDICES May 20 M»>:1 Industries: IMLM 160.54 1 11..1. Is 82.23 86.36 Properties: 150.86 15i.« lin y H3.SU 83.90 tS rubbers: 109.26 109.18 Dec. 30. 1966 10D. DM, 31. 1968 100. t Dec. 29. 1962 luu.
    37 words
  • 22 15 In London on Tuesday Malay in 8 per cent c.l.f. U.K. June-July tn bulk was quoted unchanged at £70 sellert.
    22 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1276 15 GOODWOOD PARK HOTEL LIMITED (Incorporated in thr Republic ot Singapore) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that cl.iMirp of the Transfer Books of the Company has been extended from 19th May. 1969 to 2nd June. 1969. A First and Final Dividend of ne Tax in res- nanclal year ended ember, 19H8 If
      1,276 words
    • 50 15 When eating becomes a problem... consult our 'Bors Restaurants' columns. Lots of businessmen and executives refer Id them. A daily announcement in our Classified columns pays for itself mony times over. You can place the announcement by calling at your nearest classified agent, or by dialling ***** (Spore) ***** (K.L.)
      50 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 843 16 ■P«Tt,, SINGAPORE TELEPHONE BOARD Singapore Cltuen.i with suitable qualifications are linlted to (a) IMBORUmi V"IM»\TB Ik) Vl>l I I M HM( Al. ASSISTANTS •NMMU <^ km i ks (4; nasßatlC* Business AtlmlnI Him ill J ol Singapore or any 1 b. iii« 111 lrinoniiiiuiiiL-ations Engineering lrom Pohiechnlc or Its equ:valent
      843 words
    • 821 16 FAIRCHILD SINGAPORE PTE. LTD. A SUBSIDIARY OF FAIRCHILD CAMERA AND INSTRUMENT CORPORATION is looking for a PURCHASING OFFICER whose duties would consist of shipping receiving, familiarity with local vendors/ terms and experience in electronics/electrical mechanical parts are advantageous. Applicants should prelerahlv be a member/associate member of the Institute of Purchasing
      821 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 239 16 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS by a visionary' (T) 1. Bound to arrange barking 7 Wears all the quern doaa. for the main feature possibly y6». Sitting where M get tbe 8 Elating strains' (8. shade? (61. n H rd thing to be dathanaat Thought over Glde novel the ay? way
      239 words

    5 words
  • 244 17  -  LAN PEREIRA By MAN] JEGATHESAN pledged to contribute all his knowledge as a doctor and as a runner of 11 years of international experience towards the improvement of athletics in Malaysia. t Malaysia's champion r until his retirement after Mexico City Olympics last has been
    244 words
  • 239 17  -  EPSOM JEEP By AUSTRALIAN Glynn Pretty is way ahead with 29 winners in the jockeys' table. He topped the list with the Bukit Timah meeting which end- nday Trcvena ha.s moved d spot with 18 one ahead ot Rod till the toe key to
    239 words
  • 154 17 ABDULLAH AND PAT VOW SCORE DOUBLES i BDULLAH DAHAhI bcored a double in the Straits Times. Singapore, badminton championships He won the singles title beating Yatiman Hamid 18-16, 15-9 and partnered Tan Bak Choon to victory In the doubles, beatniK DuviU Oan and JeOrey Llm 15-9. 18-15 Patricia Vow also
    154 words
  • 26 17 William See met 73 > won Urn Cameron Highlands monthly gulf medal I R Fergu&on uiri 75 no crunt buck i "ah ruDmr un
    26 words
  • 303 17 n p-tt I in US lor tbe ban li. ;ip rarps at the "ional-amateur mlxmertini at Bukit Uah on Sunday: it« i niv 1 6F 1 re»B 9.00 trr VI 8.13 >k> B.IJ 8.09 I I ltn\ 8.118 I limr II 11. K.O.i iltr B.OS Irt 8.11? ii
    303 words
  • 512 17 School athletes were in Ihe limelight yesterday, winning five events on the fourth (hiv of the liukit Timah District Schools championship! :il Chinese High School The American School winners were Lee Root in the A Division 400 metres final with a time of 51.4
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  • 48 17 The Singapore Cricket Association Selection to meet Combined Schools In a one-day match on the Padar.j on May 25: Maurice de Vaz i captain > K Moorthy. Sivamayam. B. Chua. Ishuarlal M Kumar. M Rashld. S. Param. S Vollbhoy. K Devan and Ylm Chee Penß
    48 words
  • 91 17 LONDON. Wed. The cricket match between Gloucestershire and the West Indian tourists at Bristol yesterday was abandoned as a draw because of rain In any case a draw was Inevitable as the county still needed 139 runs to win with only half an hour's
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  • 44 17 MADRAS. Wed. The New Zealand cricket team are expected to arrive In Bombay on Sept. 14 for a tour of India Sri Raman, secretary of the Board of Control for Cricket In India, said the Itinerary hpd not yet been decided
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  • 218 17  - SCA name 17 for training for the Ist Test ENEST FRIDA By E THE Singapore Cricket Association have named 17 players for training in preparation for the first Test match against Malaysia on the Singapore Padang on June 26-28. In the initial stage of training the players will report every
    218 words
  • 112 17 Yap: Good response niLLY Yap. the Malaysian No. 2 tennis player, said th« response to the Selangor LTAt eflort.s to take the game to th« distilcts "most encouraging." Yap. who recently gave a weeks coining to pupils of the Sek«'lah Abdul Aziz In Kuala belabor, said In his report:
    112 words
  • 132 17  -  MANSOOR RAHMAN B, r rHE Malay.siun team 1 for the fourth Asian amateur golf team championship In Seoul trom May 29 to June 1 will leave Kuala Lumpur as scheduled on Saturday. The team comprising Jalal Deran. Danvls Deran. Choo Kwan Choong
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 72 17 igji^^^H from EDITORIAL Dept. FANFARE m fjH mA Make the swinging scene each M week with Fanfare don't M^Wi M^ be left out get your Wa^tfi^ \J*** c °py- 0N SALE NOw: \^J "^s^ 'TV Bride Of The Year* Contest $k n^^r^i^ f^ •tv coo rcuiB ci x •i* y
      72 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous

  • 520 18  -  MAGDALENE TUN TAN IS TOLD OF CURFEW PROBLEMS AT MEETING By LUM: KUALA LUMPUR. Wednesday Tl N Tan Sicw Sin today assured robber producers, traders and exporters thai it was the Government's intention to remove ;ill restrictions and restore the country's economy to
    520 words
  • 34 18 NUREMBERG. Wed— A man here burned hiniMll to death by pouruiK petrol over his car. .shutting himself Inside, and then striking h n: s.iul gave no motive lor hit, suicide.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 56 18 JAKARTA. Wed -The Indonesian Government ia planning to rehabilitate rubber and palm oil plantations in north Sumatra with a US$l6 n.illion i about $48 million i credit Irom the World Bai.k Information Mini t«r Budlardjo .sal<l the eo\ eminent hope." to boost export! to ii. ore
    UPI  -  56 words
  • 77 18 B\V(.KOK \\vi\. The MinMtrial ouiwil .if Se.ito (<i(l.i\ wrlconifd the decision of Australia and New Zealand to maintain ♦or, is in Malaysia .mil Sincaaore. It said <nu •••>- contribution in the security of the area. I h i ouncil. which end its two-day
    Reuter  -  77 words
  • 350 18 LONDON. Wed- Closing middle prices of -selected stocks not including stamp duty were: RUBBER LONDON. Wed— Spot 24 a s <! June 24 7 I6d.. July 20' d Auk' 24 9 16d., July Sept. 24 9 16d Oct. Dec. 24 Jan March 24 7 16d.. April June 24
    350 words
  • 168 18 'Malaysian capital rush to Hong Kong' reports refuted HONG KONG. Wed Iteporls that from Malaysia arai hind the current rttk market boom here arc diM minted by mpimlblc sources Local aw— reports had linked funds with the record business exchanee done on Unstuck vfstrrda> An exchange spokesman said
    168 words
  • 39 18 SINGAPORE. Wed Shortwave radio listeners may lollow the flight "1 Apollo- 10 to the moon over the Voice of Amenta tomorrow between 3.30 p.m. and 630 pm. or. the 16. '9, 25 and :il metre bancK
    39 words
  • 169 18 COMMITTEE SET UP TO STRENGTHEN MASS MEDIA KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. Ways of '•strengthening and reorganising" the information services and the mass media will be considered by a committee appointed by the National Operations Council. A directive to form this 1 committee was issued by NCX Director Tun Abdul Razak today,
    169 words
  • 58 18 LONDON. Wed. Tile British (h>\ eminent is urgently and sympathetically considering a request from Malaysia for new military equipment to strengthen its army, official sources reported today The nquest uas recei\ed this ireafc. Informants said first indications suggested that Malaysia was askinc for
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  • 71 18 Australia's information chief dies SINGAPOI A scheduled vj ;>or» of the director ol trallan Intormation Service. Mr. Kevin Murphy, has been called off following his death In Canberra after a heart attack. Mr. Murphy. 56. was planning to fly to Singapore in the course of an Asian tour when he
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  • 45 18 INTTED NATIONS .New York i. Wed The Social Committee of the ON. Eci and Social Council ECOSOCi today decided to convene uin of the Comn.: on Narcotic Drugs earl year to attempt some form of control on hallucinatory cirußi such as LSD Rail
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  • 13 18 OR KOM (OH TIAN. >d 'lUll'.V ■iiniiaiKM. r.. non Cl la ■ami
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