The Straits Times, 20 May 1969

Total Pages: 18
1 18 The Straits Times
  • 25 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 175,000 The Straits Times If!B Niitimiii! Newspapor |hstd. 1845 TUESDAY, MAY 20. 1969 15 CENTS M.l. (P) 8723 KPN 40.U
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  • 346 1 J^LALA LtJMPUB, Mon. —The National Relief Fund started by the Straits Times Group rc(ol»ed first day donations totalling neari* today. Ike Lee Foundation sent a cheque for 5250.0G0, while Tan Sri Runme Shaw, chairman uf thr Shaw Foundation, donated $100,600. The Straits Times Press (M) Berhad
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  • 772 1 Curfew off till 2 p.m. today STRAITS TIMES REPORTERS: Kuala Lumpur. Monday THE curfew here and in Petaling Jaya will be relaxed another two hours tomorrow from 6.30 a.m. to 2 p.m. and buses will be back on the roads. And. in view of the all-round improvement in the situation,
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  • 373 1  - ALL down on stock mart GEOFFREY BOLAND B> SINGAPORE. Mon.— Prices on the Singapore trading room of the Stock Exchanut'. operating alone, registered oxtensive losses today, the first day of business since the Malaysian riots began. Out of the 63 counters traded in the industrial, hotel, oil palm, property and
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  • 68 1 HONG KONG. Moll Mr ntinhj Kainow. Hone KougItaseti corre.spor.dent ol the Washington Pom. said today he had bfni retused entry into 'I halland. He m lived m Bangkok list nu in to report the Seato ntnlsterlal niPetiiiK He had to continue on the --;imr Slight to
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  • 30 1 penano Mii rhi Penani Woak celebratloni committee baa cancelled ttu anayaJ Botrrr and ftts. proceMlon ncheduled to iw he i n Its] :(<) bM bom o! ihe prrv.iiling conditions.
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  • 108 1 I^LAL.A LI MPI R. Mon. Only a few people <a>hed cheques or withdrew money when commercial hanks here and in Petaling Jaya opened for two-antl a half hours today. The hanks were reopened for the lirst time since the curfew was imposed last
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  • 627 1  -  K. Mohanan Philip Mathews By and |(UALA LUMPUR, Mon. A relaxed Tengku Abdul Rahman expressed the hope today that the National Operations Council would quickly restore peace. He emerged snnlhm trom the Tower Block of Parliament House, where the council held its first
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  • 61 1 CDfGAPORC Mon The lir>t load of food relief parrels for Wrst Mala> m.i left In rail for Kuala Lumpur loilicht. The parcels air part of a consignment of foul worth BMCtM uhich the (" Chanihrr of Commerce is don.ilinc to the Mala>si.m (.ivernmenl for distribution to families
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  • 477 1 Apollo-10 beams colour TV pictures of earth (1 \IM hi N\l l»\ Mini \poll<> II liuitleil .iw.iv from the v»f«M> of thr earth last nieht Ml lonrl> minion to skim u\er thr craters »f the moon. "We'll on thr •raj ciiicd ir.ilt toniniandrr Ihom.iv Stafford. :',K. .is hr ;ind
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  • 30 1 AfOLLO ALL SYSTEMS WORKING WELL HOISION. Mon—Apollo astronauts, streaking tbrouch space on their way to moon, reported all systems on spacecraft still working excellently. Reuter. (See tnis page)
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 38 1 fin 111 TUoSEWMO KNOW BUY ,pv NATIONAL jKS p Has iti lea *Pottrr cord if automatically trtitd. I Of «u»t It y^i cltarly indicated, y J I A) >*j/ 4d|u»i<bi« floor nollll With *Remott control twitch. E3QSD ulf
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    • 114 1 H CROCKETT JONES NORTHAMPTON ENGLAND MAKE THE BEST >^^ WJ SHOES WJ IWV J W f (t iff What's the right move here? Some people might say black Q to Q 6 But the real answer is "Ask JACKS about it." JACKS are importers, exporters, general agents, engineering consultants, and
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  • 221 2 6 KILLED IN CARGO PLANE CRASH: 8 LOST IN TRIPLE MID-AIR COLLISION SAIGON. Monday J^ I.S. Air Force cargo plane caught fire in flight and crashed, killing all six men aboard, according to military spokesmen here today. The pl.t nr. a Cltl Provider, plunged to
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  • 213 2 Mercy deaths approved by majority LONDON. Monday JUST <>\cr half 1 hi> people interviewed in a British survey agreed with mercy killing, it wiis announced here today. Mass Observation Ltd.. who carried out the survey. found 31 per cent of people interviewed would condonrmercy killing, another 19 j per cent
    Reuter  -  213 words
  • 72 2 TOKYO. Mon Mr N I gorny. President of the Presidium of the Supreme Sowet of the USSR, left Pyongyang today by a special plane after a six-day official visit U> North Korea, acrordlng to the Communist Korean Central News Agency iKCNA' Mr Pixlgorny arrived in the
    Reuter  -  72 words
  • 59 2 TOKYO Mon Chrysler Corporation has signed joint venture agreement with Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Co In a business tie-up aimed at pu.sliln* the Government to permit foreign participation In the Jap- j anese automobile industry The Japanese Government at present doea not allow Americnn and other
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 58 2 SEOUL. Mon.-The first cul- I tuial seminar of the Asian and I Pacific Council (ASPAC) open- j ed here today with 18 representatives Horn the nine mem- I ber nations attending Represented at tbt .seminar held at the Walker Hill resort were Australia Taiwan Japan. South Korea. Malaysia
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  • 128 2 PLANNED: A BRIDGE TO BYPASS THE SUEZ nrvEL AVIV. Mon Israel I la actively considering the e.stabhshment of a 'land bridge" bypassing the Buez Canal, to transport goods from the Mediterranean to the Red Soa. Good* would be unloaded at I-rael's Mediterranean port of A.shdod and taken overland to the
    Reuter  -  128 words
  • 71 2 LONDON. Mon Fifteen British Aviation unions have notified Aristotle Onassis that all Olympic Airways planes will boycotted In Britain Horn tomorrow if he does not agree to an immediate wage settlement with Olympic employees In Greece The threat followed a decision by the joint Civil Aviation
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 408 2 Pompidou bid to catch up with Poher pAHIS. .Mon. The French president tial campaign Unlay entered Ihe crucial fortnight before lir^lround voting with (Kiullisi d corgi s Pompidou searching for ways lo catch up with the Favourite inU'lim President Alain Poher. The public opinion polls give M. Pompidou a slight
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 139 2 H V^i aY j*Jam, Jwk ~Mj F*\<l«fcfc J h^ "^'^'fiH Set! Bh and you can afford it too ...with Diethelm First-class comfort. Luxurious lounging. Just like living aboard a prestige passenger liner. You cruise comfortably along on Diethelm Group 900 lounge furniture the elegant lounge furniture yet lasting and practical.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • 228 3 UN man says no more trouble in Irian JAKARTA, M<»n. United Nations Wist Irian representative Mr. Ortiz Sanz returned from an investigation tour of trouble spots in the remote territory toil i\ and s:ii(l he mw no cause for alarm in thr future. Bolivian diplomat. charged with observing the c
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  • 193 3 LITTLE LION OR LUCKY THIRTEEN vl .i 1 Miiontn-iilil. \n.t t oli.i ii K.trahash pup. is gunk to prick up his ears uh«n he Bean strange footsteps. Kut had he remained in Turkey he would haw- had no ears by MUM. It is a custom there to remove the ears
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  • 49 3 VAI.LEJO. (California i. Mr.n. The US Navy lv ieflc;*ted the nuclear MMMnM L'ss Oulttaro which inexplicably sank at *he Mare iMand naval shipyard here last week. The new. US S.SO-milUon submarine, bubbled to the yesterday afternoon nJter hinij under 34 feet of water for three days.
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  • 188 3 India and Russia to exploit Cambay oil wealth y:\Y DELHI, Mon. Indi;i Ikis agreed to collaborate with the Soviet Export Agency Technoexport in offshore drilling for oil in the (iuif of Cambay, north of Bombay, the Puss Trust of lndi;i reported. I India's Oil and National Gas Commission intends to
    Reuter  -  188 words
  • 31 3 CALCUTTA MOB) c> miners were killed ami thrpr seriously injured when the n thfl A.satiM.l district 1 Bene.ii etl yc-trrrUy. nrrnrding t<> (.fflrial reports reaching here today. Reuter
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  • 300 3 Rogers: Vietnam peace up to Hanoi BANdKOK, Monday JHE U.S. Secretary of State, Mr. William Rogers, arrived in Bangkok today to attend the two-day Seato council meeting starting tomorrow. 1 Mr. Roger--, who flew In from Saigon where he had completed a four-day visit to South Vietnam, will also attend
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  • 89 3 WHY THE NUNCIO SAID: I WONT DANCE London, lioa.— A certain well-known public figure recently attended a diplomatic function in London and became increasingly drunk as the evening progressed, the London Evening Standard said last Thursday. The man eventually approached a dazzling creature dressed in scarlet and asked for a
    UPI  -  89 words
  • 73 3 TOKYO. Mon.— Japans sake brewers aie studying a plan to produce "aged" .sake so that it> taste could be kept unchanged lor a longer period. The plan calls lor preserving higher quality sake between three and five years under a fixed temperature. The taste of
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  • 69 3 MUKRURUNDI (New -South Wale&i. Mon.— St Chri.siophcr the patron .-anil of travellers. ls benm blamed tor a runaway tm :luit roared tliroufsh tlie niKin street of trus countiy town at 50 When the driver finally Drought the car to a slop he tound a St.
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  • 224 3 LONDON SIKH FINED FOR BREACH OF PROMISE lONDON. Mon. A High j Court judge today orelc r< el 25-year-old Gurmit Singh Ghana to pay £700 damages for failing to keep a profnlM to go through a valid English marriage ceremony with his Sikh bride. But Mr. Justice Cooke commented: "I
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 545 3 YOUR WAY TO SUCCESS through home study courses Th« School of Accountancy r~~-—--_^_^ Business Studies, with 60 years. ■uccessf ul experience, offers you fr 1 0/ 1 "^^k Courses for the examinations of: V^h H\y !m AuocGert Corp. Accts. (k.C.C. A.) WM S r O Inst. Cost Works Accts. (IX.
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  • 262 4  - Smarten up or you'll be banned by Govt. MAUREEN PETERS: By SINGAPORE, Monday gMARTKN up or you may be turned away when you visit Government officers on business. That's the warning to employees of private business firms that has gone out from the Finance Ministry to the Joint Chambers of
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  • 299 4 SINGAPORE, Monday J^ LAWYER t<xlay suggested that his client, a Higher School Certificate student injured in a road accident was entitled to an award of more than $2501,000 to compensate for loss of future earnings. "But that does not Imply that we are
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  • 130 4 THAT $5M FUNFAIR READY AHEAD OF SCHEDULE SINGAPORE. Mon. The Republic's first full-scale amusement park being built at Kallang may be ready before Its originally scheduled completion date. July 1. The five-acre park, featuring some of the latest "fun machine," will cost its owners, Singapore Wonderland Amusements (Pte.) Ltd., about
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  • 49 4 SINGAPORE. Mon. Th« Adult Education Board will conduct a 12-week course in Chinese brush painting from June 1 at Its headquarters In Calmhlll Road. The course, to be conducted In English, will be held from 10 a.m. to 12 noon on Sundays The fee Is $20.
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  • 31 4 SINGAPORE. Mon. The Singapore Paedlatrtc Society will hold a clinical meeting on Friday at 8.15 p.m. at the Pathology Lecture Theatre with Professor Wong Hoc It Boon as chairman.
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  • 392 4 'A jungle of errors': Marshall objects to charge (SINGAPORE, Mon.— Defence counsel for four men. accused of trying to corrupt a Criminal Investigation Department officer, todaj objected in the Third District Court to the way they were charged. The accused are Loh Chin Thlam alias Panjang. Tan Glok Hee alias
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  • 84 4 SINOAPORE, Mon. Mr. Gordon Yorke has been appointed the Singapore manager of Qanta.s airline. He was assistant manager In the Philippines for over three years. He joined Qanta.s in 1951 as a pilot and .switched to the commercial fide 14 years later. Mr. Peter Lo from
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  • 297 4 IZVESTIA ASKS TO STATION CORRESPONDENT IN SINGAPORE SINGAPORE, Mon. j The Russian newspaper I/vestia 1 wants to station a i correspondent here subject to the approval of the Singapore Government The man chosen is Mr. Youri Popov, who flew in last night with 25 other I Russians on the Aeroflot
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 221 4 ♦it h:ti WWI t sinGopura <!S* I\'TtIVCOVri\E\TALsMOHCMA«»OHOAO. V r&o f jGn 3 TEL:MO4I Sophisticated of^endezvous j& ;'J\bJXW LOUNGE^ RAYA LOUNGE now fL MBk r***; fhas a new look, a new if Vvl|iH| Bj^M. |f^ bar, a fw personality. t T|f Secluded, intimate. T^^^^^S^BjdHt Elegant, but inexpensive. \\TTTt "p^^^rSr* A discreet
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    • 17 4 Aircondirion«d TODAY: 1.45, 4.00, 7 00 t 9.10 p.m. "THE IRON FIDDLE" (Mand.) Colortcopa with EnoHth Subtitlat.
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    • 507 4 ;or^isatio7; LAST 2 DAYS" Ham, 1.43, «.GO, 6. J0 S 1 Elizabeth "SECRET CEREMONY Bj Robert M OPENS THURSDAY "LOVES OF viALI/ (I Storr.nq V NOW SHOWING' 11 am, 1.30, 4.00, 6 45 John Wayne, Kath Jim Hutton "Mcllli.iht. Ponavisien NEXT OAFang Y,n 1 C "Diary Of A Lot, (A
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 143 4 TODAY'S ETV PROGRAMME »T<ODAYg educational TV pro- gramme on Channel 8 Is a* follows: A.M. National Language Elementary. Baslkal Baharu; 8.30-8.30 Health Edun (Tamil) Sec. I <fe n Environment Health. 9.05-9.25 Genera! Science Sec. I Air and Life; 9.45-10.05 Mathematics Sec II Introduction to trigonometry: 10.45-11.05 English Sec. I
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  • 42 5 M n The M I I'heduled mr Junr 14-15. has. r ri indrfimtfiy R«l!v m Watkinn •id up r.e.< c.rt'pv would be annunced before the give competitors time o prepare idinu Highway Rally winner Joe Uinlo. ha\e beer, received
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  • 121 5 S'pore food gift: The first nine wagonloads leave SINGAPORE, Monday THE tirst liulk load of food parcels For stranded Families in Wesl Malaysian towns under (in tew Iclt l>\ rail for Kuala Lumpur iomgiu. rmrt of a the Malallstrlbutlon hit by the di.>--(1 In fami!-. for .i dis- 3 00D
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  • 63 5 DESAI SOON TO MAKE 3-DAY VISIT TO SPORE V^I.N(.\POKK Mon— ln- ilia s Deputy Premier Mr Mora.ii Des.ti. flrw in l.i^t ni«ht rnrnute to Sydney for a private vi>lt. He told reportrr» at the airport that In would be returnins here on I private \i*it (in SI He will
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  • 62 5 Understanding electricity courses APORE Mon Three ived by .it Education Board will t- Ho S»ee School, on May 31 are a :re-.\eek MUM on safe f-e of Daetridtr. a Maintenance and Re|M>ir of Household Appliance".' and a l'J-week on Understanding and Maintenance of Electric Mot oil The fee*, for
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  • 28 5 SINGAPORE. Mon —No fatal road accident", were reported in Singapore yeMerdfu Tbnr mn 47 accidents, incluriinv; mx serious oqm— rnmphiativei\ «rii below :he daily .lvrrase
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  • 372 5 Agreed: No halt in piling by bank until the trial SINGAPORE, Mon. Mr. Justice Chua today made no order on a High Courf motion in building <-;ise ;it;;iiiisl llie I nilrd Malayan Banking Corporalion Li I. The bank is represented by Mr lit. Francis. QC. of London. Originally he motion
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  • 57 5 SINGAPORE MOO Ml Chia Kirn Watt has been elected president of the Government Pen>ioners Aaaodatkm, mtn Mr. Goh Meng Cheh as vice- presiOther official* aie Mr J.C. Sliome. secretary. Mr Kiong TiHii Hoe trea-urer Committee Mes«rs S.A.S Johary 00l Teng Lai R A Mltchfll. Chan Heng Joo.
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  • 46 5 .APORE M. n Ihe Singdoore Antl-Tubcuuli'.-i- I :> giving iiee X-ray» to resMenU of Commnn wealth Drive and Tangim Halt Road traa tiKiay until June 2 between 'i in *nd 9 pm > except Satur- in'jays and p'.bli< holi- the Communi'v Hall. 46-1 in Tanflin Halt
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  • 172 5 BABY GIRL FOUND DEAD IN MATERNITY HOME COT SINGAPORE. M«m A two-month-oM bauy ulrl died Of sutlocatum with her fact 1 down on the mattress of the cot in a private maternity home a Coroner's Court heard todnv Deborah Monica Feirao wa> found dead <>n M:«r 11 at about 6
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  • 114 5 SINGAPORE Mon Mr. Urn Kirn Hlan has been elected pie-i--dent ot the Singapore Bank Employee* Union, and Mr. Wung K«'k Clieong. vice-preMden: OthPi omcUls ate Mi Teck Hock. McreUry; Mi De.n» Paul Goir..'- assistant secretary; (I Wan Sun. tm y,: Tm Tblaa .s«» assistant utum
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  • 40 5 SINGAPORE. Men A man Tok Boon Liat. who appeareo dre.ssea 'ti a yellow mtart-attrl wax fined *3.S by the Ninth Magi.-tiate Court today when he admitted :<> charge of solicitink Bugi^ Sireet \e-teiciav He had a previous conviction
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  • 75 5 SINGAPORE. Mon. The Singapore Institute of Management will conduct a course. "Launching a sales campaign." at the conference room of the Singapore Employers Federation. Amber Mansion! in Orchard R,,ad h.rween 9 am. and 1 p.m on May 26. 27 and 29 Thr course, meant :<>r marketing executives who
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  • 63 5 SINGAPORE. Mon When Ma Ye* Kong. 34. was asked lo get into a police patrol car for possessing a foui-riigtt lottery ticket yesterday, he tried to bribe OorpOTM K.-.-.MHI M>>bUMd Amin with $20 Today he was flned »500 m the Ninth Magistrate's Court when he admitted
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  • 414 5 American presence measure of Seato security SINGAPORE Monday II" Ihe security <>| South-Kast Asi;i is to l>c maintained Ihen Seato must not break up. The V".v Zealand Prune MinUter. Mr Keith Ht.l-stres-sed tin- today beicrc iMTtni in attend the Seato Council m o eiin» in Bangkok. Tin- MCUTIty could best
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  • 415 5 LONDON. Mon The market was slightly higher today but well below best after earlier gmins were pared on lack of follow through Towards the close, the Financial Times index was 2 8 up at 433.7, after being five points up at 10.30. Despite the recent upturn, the general
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 32 5 Late CLASSIFIEDS 1 20 no r d^ S2O 00 mmr'numA 4 49 ■.i ..EWELLERY Cl^ LATEST DESIGNS •I 'iyMU"o.'l WMklMyl9 00AM to 6 00PM SanUya 9 00A M 10 1 30 P.M.
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    • 145 5 m .j m hi 7 i -rM^h REMEMBER YOUR 'TT-TTT' A I lil£j *f** iMtm VITAPLUS not only replaces the V ITAMIN a V^a AIM supply of vitamin C lost in perspiraTTiTVTTDT/^TTTTiiV^ IjRM tion during sporting activities JiiXM n, II jHTi I Jra9& 'B (especially in the tropics) it also
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  • 190 6 Perak MB thanks people for their goodwill, help- IPOH, Mon. The Mentri Besar. Dato Haji Ahmad Said, today thanked the people for their co-opera-tion and goodwill throughout the period which necessitated a curfew in many parts of the State He stressed that the curfew imposed on Tuesday night was a
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  • 33 6 PENAM. M Thirty i Ik Pulau «ri'. .ipfk (ciur^e at the I Kun i k Bulcit M Tli^y wrrr KbCduled their coarM <mi Ma] paatpnoed rr<Uy bOCAUM of ihr
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  • 101 6 Butterworth to accept cargo for Swettenham I) \\G. Mon. The l'( nang Port Comm;.sioii today ottered sh;p^ calling here the use of tin Butterworth dwp-wati-r wharves to dtscharge cargo for Port Swettenham. which is partiaily under curlew T ..--iied a statement >ayInu that approval has been k.v< m by tOe
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  • 39 6 IJ* 'H MOB I>i Fi«>n>: Wen.: Sum ha.v lifrn re-rlPctrd :i! of thr Prrak Shootli itlon. 11l Yoe Pook an<i Mr 1-tiii 1 e-pi-p.- dent*. Mr Chai K.n Ron tary hihl Mr. I ..n U-» n Hik-Ic
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  • 286 6 I'HK Health Ministry to- day confirmed three new cases of cholera in a family living in the Redhill area. They are a fivr-year-old Chinese child, his brother. a«ed threr. and their mother. 2ri They ha\e hern isolated .is tnnl.u ts and have hern <stahlished
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  • 372 6 Ministry of Health sets up National Operations Council TO CO-ORDINATE NEEDS OF HOSPITALS KUALA LUMPUR, Mon I*HE Ministry of Health today set up iti own National Operations Council at tht General Hospital. The council, manned round the clock, will co-ordinate the food, transport and other requirements of hospitals in the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 288 6 THORENR First Electronic Turntable TD-125 "The Real Rolls-Royce "amongst Transcription Turntables Tlnnaw TD 123 Trantcnptio* tarnloMa wrtk trontittor governed ■ywctwoweut mator previdat aatrcmely lew rumbl* l*v«l. IlaaHaai* Sa«a4 Satactw it-33-43 RPM Pyawwaalty balanced 7'i tk. 12" ditcoit tumtobl* quorantea* law wow flutter value!. ln»a«cke ble aitk-up mounting board* tor
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
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  • 225 7 Three new cholera cases: Mother and children SINGAPORE, Monday ■JMIK Hc;il!li Ministry today confirmed three new cases of cholera In a family living in the Kedliill area. They are a mother, aged 26. and her two children, five and three years old. They have txen isolated a.s contacts "and have
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  • 24 7 SINGAPOR! <- W. :igam. chairman of the. committee of the Singapore Red Crov address the weekly luncheon of the Rotary Club on lav.
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  • 215 7 LIAN ANN WINS SINGAPORE CHESS TOURNEY SINGAPORE. Mon. The Singapore Chess Championship ended last night with Tan LJa.'i Ann taking the first place by the comfortable margin of two points. He built up a commanding lead la the first half of the tournament and content alter that to take the
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  • 41 7 SINGAPORE. Mon— The acting Minister of Culture, Mr. Wee Toon Boon, will officiate at a farewell party for meir the South-East Asia Puyilimr Invitation Championship on Sunday at 7.30 p.m. Nt thr Yeun? Chin? School Hall in Club Street
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  • 122 7 KIDNAP HEARING POSTPONED: COUNSEL ILL Ml\(.\P(tKK. Mon Hearth ing of a kidnap charge was postponed today because tminsfl for the defence rat in. The case, in uhich Sebastian \iiUiony Samy. 2'J. denies kidnapping a dot-tor's son. will now be heard on AURUst If. The boy. Leonard Thean See Yin. four,
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  • 175 7 It was the nurses who gave all that blood SINGAPORE, Mon. Singapore nurses, midwives and Ministry t of Health staff contributed the bulk of I blood donations last i week. They donated 527 out of 830 units of blood to the I Singapore Blood Bank. Their big donation was part
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  • 169 7 SINGAPORE. Mon. Three more United i Nations experts have arrived to advise the Ministry of Education on technical education. They are Mr. D.E. Graves, an Australian manpower planner, Mr. Henk Pootjes, a Dutch engineer, and Mr. Alexander Dyankov, Bulgarian technical educator. They will work
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  • 105 7 Crack— and a ruler hit that naughty hand SINGAPORE, Mou. Toto coupon seller Chong Eng i .18, was alarmed wh< hand snaked (h: the booth opening touched her i magistrate's court told today. Sm Mi force on her In Ttong Bahru on Thursday Inspector K<>!: itiim. told that Sim. unemployed,
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  • 17 7 OAPORE lAmandment > B i be inimd'Ked in Paills:: Its next Kitting ruesda< M»v 30. iW
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 189 7 ~I I -^1 z* v BJb ~->s-, •\w>vv\vv»-* ■rflT m '"s. fr iI^BBIBBBjBWB^BWBWIBJF^ fflflßflff Ji irjK *&*m HsV If. ■|La^,^ i"" l '^^!^^^Ssi^^g*"^j^^jpjMMMjMjßßßßMßs»"" B '^'^^~^T 3rBJP Bisk m lt^m^^^^^^&P »Tvaßg h!^S^ I^ mm^^^^^^^^^^Zi m^^^^^^KKK&UNfi "■M^T" Vjßi JVHVJB W M A Without increasing it by as Us. A VBBBRB7 A BM
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 280 7 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS 4. Navy athlete? (6, 4>. 1. lam a swine to hava no thHTt In what happen. In the f, 00 8 lnto the «>«P <?>. pawnshop (13L 7 Nov el character In the rteld I. Mary came down In th. Pen- f co™- that U? (7.
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  • The Straits Times
    • 529 8 A cation of the etirfew in the Kedt ral capital and Sclanyor is ihe news that matters. Ip to last night been no serious •indent. Kuala Lumpur is ;ad improvement that can h. I now that the police and the army have full control will be the beat
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    • 447 8 TL. list of offences that hi'\f been proven ngapore branch of the Bank ot China is an lmpres<it all the things a bank should not be. It failed to maintain funds at anil beyond the level prtSCribed by the law. It refused to co operate with
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  • 749 8  -  DAN MORGAN by BONN I"HK foxiest fox in the Uir So former 1 French President de (..tulle recently described West (iermany's Chancellor Kurt (irorg Kiesinger. who last week ino\«-d his foxiness by confounding the odds and successfully opposing a revaluation of his country's currency.
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  • 540 8  -  ROBERT H. ESTABROOK by United Nations SOVIET attitudes to- ward future United Nations peacekeeping operations are comini: much closer to those of the United States and other non-Com-munist bloc countries, in the view of informed diplomats. In particular the Russians have expressed veiled Interest in
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  • 885 8  - How goodwill has stayed on in Penang KHOR CHEANG KEE by PENANG. Mon Tension has left the state, rumours no longer fly. schools have reopened, there is no shortage of food, the two rrain races have no reason to be on anything but good terms and countless incidents demonstrate this
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 26 8 for gifts souvenirs get genuine l^T SelangM* IVuiir ill I®! M,J Selangor Rewter .s ■■•IKL. ABOUI RAHMAN tf f 1M »»>A S«ab *OAD S'NGAPORtK T. KX):44
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    • 280 8 LEARN ARABIC BY RADIO The U.A.R. Broadcasting from Cairo bro;. Arabic lessons by Radio, within the English programme Deamed to Singapore on a short wave of Ms. B. 16.74 ***** K Cs. Cairo Summer Time From 16,50 To 17,10 Cairn Time 15,50 16,10 O.M.T. 13.50 14,10 Singapore Standard Time 21,20
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  • Article, Illustration
    104 9 JHREE friends a Chinese, an Indian and a Malay find time to share a joke, despite tne rush to buy food in a market in Petaling Jaya when the curfew was lifted for five and a half hours yesterday morning. Shops and markets throughout the Federal Capital and
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  • 212 9  - Only one rice and veg meal yesterday for refugees K. MOHANAN; By Kuala LurriDur, Mon rpHE 3.000 refugees from the six-day riots here and in Petaling Jaya housed at Merdeka Stadium may soon have to live on rice porridge only. They had to be content a plate of rice
    212 words
  • 80 9 WINGAPORr. Mon —Mr Lee Kuan Yew. who Is now In Tokyo meeting Japanese industrial leaders, is expected back tomorrow afternoon. Mr. Lee left here Just over a month ago for Europe. Britain and the I I Huring his three-week to Britain. the Prime
    80 words
  • 57 9 Goodwill letters airdropped IPOH. Mon. About 125 000 copies of appeal letters signed by members of the State Goodwill Committee were airdropped by an RMAF plane over various cji.stncts in Perak today. The Mentri Besar and chairman of tne committee. Dato Haji Ahmad, said that another 75.000 copies were distributed
    57 words
  • 22 9 IPOH Ml n 1 lie tir-t academic *es.sion of the Untku Omar Polytechnic dur to begin today, ha* been po-tponcd.
    22 words
  • 171 9 IPOH. Monday r rHE PPF may seek a court oraer for a recount of votes cast in the Bungd Sip v t parliamentary constituency. The scat waa won ny the Alliance Minister of Works. Posts and Telecommunications. Tun V. T. Pambanthan. who
    171 words
  • 19 9 .lAX a Kundur n A police announcemei I ihe v» lake ident meat ion tign UPI
    UPI  -  19 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 150 9 jL 3^ IBi I '^jppgjfflj Train for tomorrow's world in Radio and Television at The Pembridge College of Electronics. The ntxt full time 16 month College Diploma Course which gives o thorough fundomen'ol training for rodio ond television engineers, starts on 3rd Sept. 1969. The Course includes theortticol ond practicol
      150 words
    • 85 9 k daily Every day from Singapore a mighty Qantas V-Jet takes off for Australia (twice on Friday). Every day. Like today. QJkNTAS SEE YOUR TRAVEL AGENT OR OANTAS. SINGAPORE RAFFLES HOTEL. 86 BRAS BASAH ROAO. TEL *****1 KUALA LUMPUR —A.I A. BUILDING, JALAN AMPANG. TEL. ***** OR THEIR GENERAL SALES
      85 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 707 9 TV MALAYSIA CHANNELS: Kuala Lumpur Branv and Cecil CArtortn: and IVtuun- 5; Ip»t< and Ma- |J| I lie LOM Rangrr. 7 News buii 6: Johore Balnu 3 and in ESißiili 710 The Outdoor 10: Taiping 4; Batu l>ahat 1. Man 735 H.i.vai: CalUt: 8 Kluanc 9. Nrv.- in Mnndann. 8
      707 words

  • 243 10 QLAYING th« trouMr %am» in faahton n not meant for th« ov«r-25* who want tc look glamorous at party rime Teenagers. too, a-e playing it cool by stepping out m pants that amphasise tha charm of youth. For it is the young that
    243 words
  • 68 10 MR. Oscar Goldberg, a shoe salesman married 42 years, has eaten breakfast downtown, in St. Louis every weekday for most of the 42. "I don't like to eat first thing in the morning," he explained. Mr. Goldberg starts the day with a cup of coffee with his wife
    68 words
  • 240 10 HERES an idea that would be suitable for a small room, or to fit in the corner of a large, multi-purpose room. Three shelves fill one end of the room, but the bottom shelf continues on around the corner where it becomes
    240 words
  • 517 10 GIVE THAT ORANGE SPARKLE TO THIRST QUENCHERS ORANGES have never been known to be exciting to the palate, especially to children who pre/er a sweeter non-acldlc taste. But nature In her own way has made this fruit one of the most nutritious containing no less than 75 milligrams of vitamin
    517 words
  • 352 10  - NEW VALUES FOR AN OLD ART Moliie Ang by ABSTRACT symbol Isms have invaded the secluded sphere of the Indonesian cottage indust > batik printing. The symbols edine big. bold and brazen "an artistic flow that Is becoming but not quite accepted by the Indonesians," said Mrs. Carola Tan Mun
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 165 10 Non-Stop You. On the move. The coo.est. the most confident. Sure and secure every day of the month. Tampax tampons worn internally make the difference. Free you from the monthly pin. pad. belt routine with all its inconveniences ard discomfort. Free you to do what you want to do. wear
      165 words
    • 494 10 ESOTERICA Jmazing frrniolrlsTi Hear I|i UliMimfiiV ■■■"■V Stubborn outward pim p w« »m 4 Maak> h«odf, coa»«< by w«oit>»r a>4 mglia^ rupond tod. Eioitnca clean lti» thin condition! "kin otlMr limn hay* failed. Why? BxaaM 1 Hrn not a covtr-up, not a m»r« sarfsa* •leatment. but medicated lit i»ai Iran
      494 words

  • 124 11 OOME ol the "SOS"' k siens scrawled on pieces of plank and nailed to posts beside the rail track near Jalan Maxwell roundabout in Kuala Lumpur yesterday. They up by families seeking :ood, medical attention or other assistance. Most of the slgna caught
    TAN HONG KLAN  -  124 words
  • 137 11 ■TV ALA TBOIGGAIVU, Mon Policp today Invoked the Police Act IMI which makes Catherines of more than two people unlawful. The nfTem-e carries fine of not more than $500 or not more than six month- i. til I he iiuiii.iliiiii (if
    137 words
  • 50 11 JAKARTA. Mon. About 1.000 Malaysian students will arrive In Indonesia this year for further studies, a spokesman for the ASHorlatlon of Malaysian Students In Indonesia has Mid He said the Malaysian Government, had agreed In principle to help supply bonks arid equipment and boarding facilities R«-uter.
    50 words
  • 160 11 ENOUGH RICE TO FEED 9m PEOPLE SAYS GHAFAR KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. fHE Minister without Portfolio. Senator Abdul Ghafar Baba. said today there were enough stocks of food in the country. Theiv is enough rice now to feed nine million people, he told a meeting of chairmen of Ro')dw:ll committees at
    160 words
  • 51 11 AI<OR STAR M'n A hniww:te imported tuday th*t she uhs raped in blukar in Sungri Kob. Ncir Kullm, iwtiriln Shr toid ponce ;.h* was drvin( pMil at thp bark of her house wlirn a mnn armed «ith a Icnif* drage^d her h milr auay imo biukai and aMaulfd
    51 words
  • 142 11 SINGAPORE. Mon Malaysia Singapore Airlines has offered to airlift 22.0001h. of sup plies to Kuala Lumpur for riot victims. The goods, valued at over SlO.OOO. are a sift from the Singapore Red Crnvs Society to (he Malaysia* Government. An official of
    142 words
  • 56 11 IPOH. Mon. Porty curfew breakers were fln?d from »70 to $80 each In two magistrates' courts here today. They pleaded guilty. In Taiplng. 31 others who also pleaded «uilty. were nned from $25 to S5O each. Nine of them went to tail for a week when they
    56 words
  • 42 11 IPOH m. n Relief supplies, i md other i are bring distributed in the Sit:a- in. Trluk Anson and Tanjong me hit by lbs iT.r BUppilM wiir contributed by community loaders, govern■eat Kryant! mfrchants. clubs. ■sudaUons and inciivid
    42 words
  • 44 11 KTANTAN. Mon Th« president of the Sessions Court. Inche Abu Manxor bin All. has oeen appointed the Deputy Public Prosecutor. Penang. from June 1. He i* Ul be succeedpd by Inche Ahmad Sairuz bin Dato Shielt Halm; from Johore Bahru.
    44 words
  • 204 11 Malaysian students start relief fund for riot victims MELBOURNE. Mon.— A-bout 120 Asian students attended a mert i n k by Xit 1 Malaysia Singapore Students Association yesterday to discuss the race riots in Kuala Lumpur. The meeting was attended by Malay. Chinese and Indian students from Malaysia. The students
    Reuter  -  204 words
  • 99 11 JOHORE BAHRU. Mon Police stations in Johore have started to register youths for the auxiliary police force. The response ha.s been described as "very good." More goodwill committees have been formed in the State with every district, local council, mukim and karr.pong now ha\;ng
    99 words
  • 203 11 Our troops not likely to be involved Freeth CINGAPORE. Mon.— Australian troop* stationed in Malaysia would not be involved in the current disturbances "ii n there Is some element of external inspired subversion," the Foreimi Minister. Mr. Gordon Freeth. said here last night. Howrver. he add»»cl. It wa.s ullkrly that
    203 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 75 11 Johnson's Baby Soap worth 25 C baby soap 4 with every I Shorthead 1 toothbrush! jjjM Right now your shopkeeper |pTH will give you a cake of Johnson's Baby Soap, worth 255, FREE with every Tek Shorthead toothbrush you buy. This great FREE offer is available for a short period
      75 words
    • 124 11 CHART A LOCALE FLY THERE BY CAL o sum »*w A veteran air traveller was very much impressed by the smoothness of China Airlines* flight. If he had known /^v most of CAL pilots have records as glorious ;is Frank \hk t Savage he would not have been surprised at
      124 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 79 11 Bugs Bunny By Ralph Heimdahl f A CAft <flMstftf\[ < zUXI\ I DON'T MAVE A SPLASMCOX siJ «i' I '»2I^TWIN6jJ PRESSIN 1 ROOAxBUT AAEi CAN DO-IT-%fi^V 1 d THERE'S NOBOOY IN y you dwv my/ ywrswS?!: I th- joint n \r V CLOTMES/ y LAUNWsY uSNH RISMT J jj x
      79 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1084 12 d w A^BmT^kT^ I J %maw l\^l I* JH B»» i 9*v I ssV^l ACKNOrVUDGEMfNTS ANNIVERSARIES ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHS :iUB ACTIVITIES CONDOLENCES. DEATHS ENGAGEMENTS FUNERALS GREETINGS IN MEMORIAM. MARRIAGES. MISSING. PERSONAL. PPC. REQUIEMS t REUNIONS. Rate: Mimmum S2O/ fir 20 win's, eich .dditunil word $1.00 All Other Classified Advertisements: Minimum $7.50
      1,084 words
    • 842 12 WELL FURNISHEO I ..licx.m flats '.'-A Jalar Chum Aik Co (5 I*re> 14 SERANCOON CAROEN ESTATE IV Jalan Pachen. s por. Z-atarajr lattaaa ■■■L'-O unfurnished Sl'3U/-. SCMBAWANC HILLS ESTATE I errace Hous.- lully furnished Call I Jalan s.-mbawang Hills Katate. itlon S pore. ST. THOMAS WALK furniihert flat. ■<
      842 words
    • 714 12 SIEW LIM PARK storrv modern 1...1 rooms and I bathrooms at Sic« Lim Purk. Btdok Road. Available for sale i at prue Sso.imu.oo upwards. Area approxlmatrly 6.DOU aq.. ft. Interested please rSM (Spore i 83U34 Kxt. »0«. AIRVIEW TOWER: Hi'ir Valley Road St Ihomas Walk V '.'99 yeara lease. Already
      714 words
    • 790 12 HOLIDAYS KILONC TALIMO, Knjoy swimminc fishing picnics. I Ikmri, nuinc, sea-food, ci. and see fish-trapping. Tel: iSpore. MM 2M3a Tanho Ltd. I'nd floor A..i Insurant c Building. OFFICE EOuTp^ENT WE UNDERTAKE spray-painting of your old Steel OCBet Equipment and I Machines at very reasonable price i Ring (B'porei VJIJS 747
      790 words
    • 874 12 LA.TC BB AUBTIH Mar* U 1000«| One nwne.-. tew mrfteaa;*. Uwnrntl rondr mi ***** ono Ml 4MIUO (S porei. RECISTCRCO Itas IHTHM SB> cnl.n' condition, <m» owner. Taxed. Insured. I If." !"(> B Semmoon Kd. -IUO4 S pore. I«SS VOLKSWACEN Ith Radio new 1•• fl. r 11 IMI o n.O.
      874 words
    • 428 12 f LADIES HAIRPRESSIN6 WMV CO 10 town lor It hairdo? Consul' I Bemiti-Wavei Salon for ir Saurian ku IS I'nonc Ii SM I fw he rTToTt a iTirsi TT\ SHAH'S MOTIL I .\urious bedroom" lullv mr-rorulitioni.l with re?vat ion phorn K I WHERE TO EAT (M'SIA) SHAMS CAFC OC PISJAY
      428 words
    • 116 12 THE STRAITS TRADING COMPANY UMtTCO llm in pmali-il in Hints NOT ICE IS HI that the Am of The S Limited .in I will lei ment o $1 unit i year ended le.-.s In n on 24th June AND BY (..IYI tpt ol from 1 1 both (i paratiui ihr
      116 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 1196 13 10 LIVERPOOL AND OTHER UK, CONTINENTAL PORTS ~~"^""™^^"~"TT?T!""rt sans <• S'nam *enwt A»mTus *22K -H PATROCLUS iKtrpoot. Gttt| May 21 May 2S May 21 21 May 21 Ma, 21 MayN 1 JaM 4 ANCHISIS Imrpc, May 21 Ule 1 I laic 1 Jail I jmi 7 tl iim U AUTOMEDON
      1,196 words
    • 1286 13 MuulJkillu^^iM^ijl^l Scanservice V EXPRESS SAILINGS TO MEDITERRANEAN/ THE CONTINENT/SCANDINAVIA P. Sham Pining Singapori fOR: BASRA It Part May 21 52 Sailed C'blanca, Bilbao. R'flam, HDorg. 6 bug, Oslo. Aarhus. C"agen. TRICOLOR May 2S/2I Mar 21/21 Mil M' 1 Genoa. Antaerp, I) dam. M burg. 1 Aarfius, Ma, mo. C'tugen, G'burg
      1,286 words
    • 1137 13 EXPRESS SERVICE TO LONDON, LIVERPOOL I CONTINENTAL PORTS. Drurnvti 101 London laaa II BENLOYAL imgapon P S '■am Penang hambk.r| tail May 21 21 BENKITLAN ilaj'ii 23 Mt| u'v May^lSt hamootg Jaly 22 CITY M CHESTER H3... L'don. A i,p, m^^Vm 1 BtNVENUE Huil. G mouth, Hampurg May 2% H
      1,137 words
    • 1280 13 f— iw WORLDWIDE CARRIERS LTD. l^r ■jki^S For: Los Angeles, New Orlcont, Charleston, I ew V°'^' ew London. (olio accepting cargo tor ether Gulf and Atlantic ports, subject to inducement) Spore P. Sham jog A VESSEL 29/31 May 27/28 May 2S/26 Mo» CENTRAL TRUST 10/12 June 13/14Junc IS/16Joo. KUPRES 5/
      1,280 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1107 14 KISEN KAISHA LTD. Western Australia /Singapor*/ Japan Sarvls* i SingdP' y-i-i ■NillMt Mara' 2S May I IMt I Jim IJM* I) jmi Wast Afriaa/Singapera/ Japan Sarvlaa MBM "imiiMl Mini 4 I JMI 2) 27 Jim 4 Jily 3 J.I) I III! Japan Wast Africa Smrvl— i intito ii|o« Lmn "Ttiat
      1,107 words
    • 886 14 •USIIALII N(W /tAiANO SEHVICI IXOIA PAKISTAN AN* tk* tAbl li««<l(> 10 AUSIRALIA NEW <Ul«hD II NKHittiat* Ml Mairit S'pori P. Shim Pemnf P» Ins.. ««n. Our ITtt.. Win RAWLA II Pirl 24 Miy 25 May P.Shan, S'pori WUL VHkmt 17jMt n M kVMMI U/I4JMt IS/IIIM. "IC«TI». imi i/it., nnll
      886 words
    • 836 14 scindiai r£T Junes —PACIFIC NORTH WEST SERVICE^ LOADING FOR. LOi ANGELES, SAN FRANCISCO, PORTLAND. LONGVIEW, SEATTLE, TACOMA, VANCOUVER B C P'-ij Lc: »n|ii«s JALADNtDATI 21 24 Miy 1J Juit JALAKANTA 7* 25 June 27 21 Juki !i <l»i) it till JALAKALt 2« 25 July il 21 July 21 31 Illy
      836 words
      741 words

  • 25 15 RUBBER AND TIN CLOSING PRICES May 19. RI'BRKK PRICE: b9i rents (down a cent). TIN PRICE: $612 (onchanced). Estimated offering 350 tons (down 100 tons).
    25 words
  • 280 15 Minings and oils firm again MELBOURNE, Mon. \IININO and oil shares firmed again, with rise* outnumbering falls by ihree to one. Loloma put on 20 rents at $5 20 and Great Boulder and North KalftvU was up 70 cents to $7.70. Western Mining: put on 15 cents at $10.60 after
    280 words
  • 39 15 ON th* fr*a sithania markat n Hung Kong yeaterday the U.I. D*llar waa quotad at 6 10 for T.T. and 6 OSSO for tain. Sttmni waa quorrd at 14.50 aad •n* U.I af s*>d at 222.50.
    39 words
  • 254 15 Tin Market remains steady on demand from U.K. <pHE Straits tin mar- ket in Penang when it re opened yesterday was unchanged at $612 per picul on an offering estimated at 250 tons. A steady undertone was reported with buying mainly from the U.K. Normal daily markets are expected from
    254 words
  • 243 15 JUNE flrst trade rubber f.o.b. buyers closed at 5 p.m. in Singapore vetlrrdav at «9'» rents per Ib. down a cent on Friday's rlaainf level. The tone was quiet and slifhllT kteadier. R..VS. and M.R.L. closing price* in cents per Ib. \rsterdj>. Buyer* Sellers
    243 words
  • 98 15 per*, neen cloimi pnee* per picul yeelerday. Cecenut ell: nulk S4St "filer*, drum |S1 aellere Cepra: Mixed if 0.0.) looee May/ June UK/Coat. (31 B. Pepper: Muntok white fll'Tl if Her*. Sarawak arMM (111 aellrr*. apectal Sarawak hlack S97| aellera. garbled Lampoot nurk d'Jii *tiier* >aii 86% NL.W).
    98 words
  • 137 15 TMt Auaaiatian of Bank! in Malay lia lirj»p»r« made the** chance* la IU rmtei to m«rchanta on Satupiay <th« followinc raiw «r* quoted to th« equivalent of on* unit of foreign currency). United ttattti Buying ft 13 U4». airmail OO ».tor?4; »U d,at. »^.V'7S credit billa. *2 Mb-i
    137 words
  • 670 15 WHEN the Singapore trading room of the Stock Exchange of Malaysia and Singapore resumed operations yesterday for the first time since last Tuesday the reaction was not as sharp at first as had been anticipated in many quarters. However late In tradIng a weight
    670 words
  • 38 15 PRMISSION tn dpal In and the quotation on the London Stock Excl for Bangawan ordinary and preferred shares was temporarily suspended tmm Friday at tin requeel of the company, pending publication of particulars of it* re-organlsation.
    38 words
  • 77 15 PLANTATION 1 Holding* JT :-ald that following diseusstons with direci. Cornercroft Ltd It ha elded not to proceed with making an offer for lu-rcrult. Plantation added that under Its policy of dl Ing of Ita leal product iv# areas in Malaya, cuntrarts have recently either concluded or have
    77 words
  • 227 15 THE Financial Timei commenting on disturbances In Malaysia *ays "Most company chairmen are maintaining an unruffled facade although many stress the dimcultiea of communicating with their representatives In the Providing unrest blows tjulckly stoppage reported in Selangor need not be serious and profits almost certainly will not be
    227 words
  • 200 15 'PHt POUT OF SINGAPORI «UIHI|. 1 NITV ANNOUNCIO THI FOLLOWINC BERTHING ARRANGIMINTI FOR MAY 20. OUT: Btlgorod I 'nr»trnv>icy Brngmlrn is is. Clenearn IS. Ptrpka Ten Doomknart Koudrkrra 11 .12. Tarantu S3 M, Trxaro UtaV hur;h 42 4.1. I>J»t.j.r»na ta, Brnratna 46. Clara Uaenk 47, i:n:i« Kartika
    200 words
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    928 words
  • 37 15 STOCK INDICES Mit 13 May 19 Indußtrtals: 170.49 162.13 1 HoteU: 11.45 ttM Properties: 159.41 ISUI rTlns: 83.90 83.90 fS rubbers: 109.58 10ir.26 Dec. 30, 1966 lot). 1 Dec. 31. 1968 100. t Dec. 29. 1962 100.
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 921 15 1 MAJLIS PERBANDARAN IPOH Tf M>tß NOTK FOR MAJOR WORKS ABOVE S&.OOU Tenders are Invited from registered Class C and above contractors for the Supply laying by approved Mechanical Spreader of Premixed Bttumlniaed Macadam Surfacing of Roads In li-oh Municipal Area for the year 1969. '^Full particulars are obtainable from
      921 words
    • 337 15 NOTICES JABATAN KERJA RAYA PERAK KENYATA'AN TAWARAN Tawaran2 akan dl-terlma dlPejabat Jurutera Negert, JJE.R., Perak. Ipoh blngga Jam 300 petang pada 23hb. Mel. 1969 darlpada Pemoorong2 JKR yang berdaftar Kelas C Kepala n. K KechU 2; Kelas2 D 1 can *E' dl-bawab Kepala2 I dan II CNTOK: PEMBENAAN SA-BUAH PEJABAT
      337 words

    • 348 16  -  EPSOM JEEP By A mixed meet for first time tfIYE HORSES, all last-start winners, were ordered by the Stewards to be withdrawn from their engagements on the last two days of the Bukit Timah meeting which ended on Sunday. The were Impact, Olympic Flame 11, Ming
      348 words
    • 141 16 PARIS. Mon.— Prince Regent, a major French hope for the English and French Derby*, beat England* Caliban by a head yesterday to win the £44.--250 Prix Lupin. Prince Regent, by Ritfht Rcyal-Noduleuse. won the lOjf race by a head ln the field ol eight. Third was Belbury
      141 words
    • 209 16 THE Stipendiary Steward's report on the Bukit Timah races on Sunday: RACE 1 Apprentice Velu. rider of Correct Time, was severely reprimanded for permitting his mount to move In making the turn at the 4f and cause Tinggi llarapan 111 to be
      209 words
    • 1048 16 TWO previous winners Viva Ipoh (1967) and Cassini Park (last year) are among 22 top class stayers entered for the Perak Derby to be run over 12f. at Ipoh on June 8. Also entered Is November Sun. twice winner of the Singapore Derby. The Derby
      1,048 words
    • 278 16 LONLX)N. Mon The weather played havoc with the day's cricket yet ayain yesterday, and play was possible in only four County League uames. games. Chasing a 147-run tarnot, Glamorgan owed th wicket victory over Hampshire 10 a bree/y third wicket stand ot 61
      Reuter  -  278 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 402 16 LINDETEVES-JACOBERG i F.E.) PTE. LTD. for the p<i<t of MARKETING EXECUTIVES r ring Division for the following:— department: -pecial Strel and finished steel products. >odworking, plywood machinery and dry kilns. Mrtalworking. industrial production machinery. 4. Marine Engineering, boatbuilding. Technical product*. 6. Sanitary ware and building materials, job specification: To MBtSt
      402 words
    • 716 16 SEMBAWANG SHIPYARD (PRIVATE) LIMITED Application are invited from suitably qualllled candidates loi the posu of: (a) COST ACCOUNTANT The Jub: The uiccetsiul candidate will be required to bt In charge of a large department handling the daily co&tlng ol Labour, Material and Overheads An ability to liaise with production and
      716 words

  • 234 17 Angry Carlos wins 200 m V YORK. Mon. 11 American Olympic star John Carlos was the outstanding performer In the Martin Luther King Freedom Games at Villanova. Pennsylvania, yesterday. He won the 200 metres in nd anchored the San Jose State squad to victory in the 4 x 100 metres
    234 words
  • 37 17 Kluanß Garrison n-1 in a mkcct match in aid of -kha Welfare Fund lit :h* Kluang padanß on Sunday. In a Kiuang league Div One Taw* beat defending i-hampions Gurkha Englnrers i-2
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  • 83 17 Ho Ho Cup: It's up to Malaysia HONG KONG, Mon. Hong Kong Chinese soccer officials decided to let MalayMa decide whether they would still hold wars Hd Ho Cup soccer match in Ipoh on July 19. "II Malaysia consider the conditions suitable for the game we will certainly go ahead
    Reuter  -  83 words
  • 322 17  - Women 's soccer is catching on JOE DORAI II v y«OCCER la catching on fast among women, judging from the response to the Singapore Women Football Association's Pesta Sukan championship to be staged in August. All right teams Invited to the tournament from Aug. 11 to 16 have accepted and
    322 words
  • 25 17 lengKti Puan Habsah "-"I hold their Lhli tv sportt uo 'he Rptidency Road GirU Si-nuoi <t 3 pm on Friday as iled
    25 words
  • 624 17  - Serjit clips chunks off record ERNEST FRIDA By gERJIT Singh of Dunearn Technical, Singapore's most promising distance runner, clipped a massive 22.1 sec off Mi/ra Namazie's record for the .'{,ooo metres with a time of *> :1 7. 1 sec on the second day of the Bukit Timah District school
    624 words
  • 132 17 £500 'ok' for NZ tour of India >TEW DELHI, Mon.— The Indian Govprnment has approved £500 in foreign exchange for a short tour of India by the New Zealand cricket team in August and September this year. Finance Ministry officials said today The New Ztalanders will play three live-day Te^t
    Reuter  -  132 words
  • 55 17 PORT WORTH. Mon Gardner Dickinson shot a aiming four-under-par 66 for a 278 aggregate to win the U6525.0(10 first priue In the Colonial invitation golf tournament here yesterday. He won by one stroke from Oary Player Third was Don January on 280. with Jack Nickla us and
    55 words
  • 26 17 .JAKAKTA Mon Indonesia will send a team to Kuala Lumpur for the Asian Studenu swimming championships in August Antara news agency reported today Reuter
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • 158 17 I ON DON, Mon. Leading League and Cup eoalsoorers after the completion of the English soccer programme were: I>IV 1- Jimmy Greaves 'Tottenham) 36. Geof! Hurst (West Ham) 31: Joe Rovlp -Everton) 29: Jeff A* tie i Wes» Brom 26. Hugh Curran (Wolves)
    158 words
  • 338 17 Hill plays it cool to a fifth triumph MONTE CARLO. Monday ORITAIN'S World champion Graham Hill yes- terday brought off one of the most remarkable coups IE motor racing history by winning the Monaco Grand Prix for the fifth time in seven years. No diiver has ever belore won five
    338 words
  • 131 17 t>ARIb. Mon —World pion Giacomo ftfttnt of Itaiy. led Irom start to BnM) in the 500 c.c. French Motorcycle Grand Prix at Le Mum yesterday to win at an average •peed of 120.8 kph In driving ram. \Wiich cut down speed, he beat the other four top
    Reuter  -  131 words
  • 290 17 ALL-THE-WAY BY POON AND GERMAN world championship The stanftniijs after yesterday: 1 Jackie Stewart i Britain > It I' 1 Graham Hill .BrlUln. 15; 1 Bruce McLaren (NZ) 10; Hulme iNZi 8: 5 Jo Sifleil i Switzerland i 7; 6 Piers Courage •Bi itan. ri. 7 Jean Pierre dra-ice.
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 152 17 Advertisement What Hospitals prescribe for Indigestion Writing recently on the subject o* indigestion, a famous doctor stated "Of the thousands of gallons of medicine handed out at— Hospital, the record is still held by Sodium Bicarbonate". In other words, an alkaline prescription based on Sodium Bicarbonate is still widely favoured
      152 words
    • 453 17 ENCYCLOPAEDIA JmM!kmMX*MJ*M Britannica '^mhjwmwwnTiwifim What does it mean to own Britannica? It means \l|llf/ G you have in your own home, always at your fingertips the world's greatest \Muf Jjf treasure house of knowledge, equivalent in scope to 1,000 volumes. wy*«!*». D you have ten years membership of the Britannica
      453 words

  • 444 18  -  LIM THOW BOON: MINISTER QUERIED ABOUT DETENTION OF MPs By Kuala Lumpur, Monday THE Minister of Home Altar*, Tun (Dr.) Ismail bin Dato Abdul Rahman, refused to confirm or deny today that MPs and Assemblymen had been arrested and detained following the riots. •\V(
    444 words
  • 43 18 TOKYO Mini Singapore s Prime MinUtei Mr. Lee Kuan Te^v. Hni\ed b«« tod« 3 I ■opover on liis wav DOOM .p United States He has no ol final enKa^c; Tlip Prime Minister to Qii afternoon. Reute;- i see Fa>;e Nine)
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 86 18 AtHOK MMATANI, 10. of 14. BnMdrlek Road. Singapore, pasted i»av suddenly on is w. at Ml Alvrrnia Hoipltal. A p**l loan for grandfather, parent* relative* and friends. The lord called him in the bloom of youth. MRS ELIZABETH MUTHU, 74 wife of I b Muthii in Tu»ta| Hospital Icaviox
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  • 30 18 MANILA. Mon. President hai proclaimed a state i«f calamity In Catboloean town in the .southern Philippines a f;re list Friday left almost hall the population Reater.
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  • 50 18 CAPE TOWN. Mon The condition of Dr. Philip Blaiberg. the worlds longest surviving heart transplant patient. U much improved. a Groote Schuur hospital bulletin said today It added that the 59-year-old former dentist, suffering from exhaustion, was alert after n good night ana tv eating well. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  50 words
  • 41 18 LOS ANGELES Mon The bodies of four scouts and their leader who disappeared on a ski hike in a blizzard on Feb n were found in a mountain gorge where they had wandered apart and frozen to death. LPI
    41 words
  • 224 18 Move by unions to cripple Aussie economy MELBOURNE 1 hard line uni Clarence O'Sh in a jail hospib here today, leaders thro Australia movi halt sectioi. nations econo his behalf. Mr. o 6 the Viet Union. v..c definite term la >1 wi i-inu to give < a Federal Indu Inquiry
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