The Straits Times, 14 May 1969

Total Pages: 22
1 22 The Straits Times
  • 26 1 'AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 175,000 The Straits Times Ihfl Niitiiiiiiil Newspaper td. 1845 WEDNESDAY. MAY 14. 1969 15 CENTS K.D.N. 3104 M.C. (P) No. 0723
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  • 727 1 J^l ALA LUMPUR, Tues. Tengku Abdul Kahman tonight declared a state of emergency in Sclangor following clashes between groups of j ouths o\er a wide area of the Federal capital and Petaling Jaya. Several peaple were kitted and scores injured many seriously. Curfews were tbe
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  • 240 1 Don't get excited, urges Tengku Xi \i iimim i; lues \lxlul K.i hm ,tn (lew hack limn Kt-iluh today .md urged Ihe people "nut t<> •j.vt excited" ever tie \lli. mi r setback in Ihf clettion. Hi.- Prime Mill istcr continued In- would (.ill .i < a bine
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  • 554 1  -  LIM THOW BOON 'Chinese don't want us to represent them' By KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday THE Malaysian Chinese Association today decided to pull out of the Government because of the setback the party suffered in the week-end elections. The MCA, however, will remain in the Alliance
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  • 248 1 VIETS SHELL 40 VIETNAM TARGETS SAIGON. Tues. Vletcong and North Vietnamese shellod 40 targets in South Vietnam last night and early today including the main runway at Saigon's Tan Son Nhut airport. Military spoke.Miian said that live civilian rrnrrhant ships came under fire on the canal networks around Saigon yesterday,
    Reuter  -  248 words
  • 401 1  - Cordial ties with Central Govt our first aim: Dr. Lim OH KEE TIANG By PENANG, Tues. One of the first aims of the new Gerakan State Government will be to establish cordial and good relationship with the Central Government, Dr. Lim Chong Eu, the Chief Minister, said today. "As we
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  • 74 1 NEW DELHI Tues— Mr V K Krishna Menon, the volatile i former Defence Minister who sank into political oblivion two years ago, was overwhelmingly elected to t'ne Indian Parliament 1 today boosting the morale of the iefilst forces In the country. The "3-year-old Mr Menon. who
    AP  -  74 words
  • 53 1 CAPE TOWN. Turn Dr. Philip Blathers, the world's loimfM -surviving heart transplant patient, has been ordered to take a week's rest :.t home .v ad because his, activities hay» exhausted him. The Sfl-year-olri reined dMtI IM rerelved his new heart on I Jan 2
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  • 237 1 GERAKAX TO BE NEUTRAL IN SELANGOR, PERAK KUALA LUMPUR. Tuesday r |MIK secretary-general of the Gerakan Ra'ayai Malaysia, Dr. Tan Chee Khoon, today appealed to the people to remain calm. lie stressed thai his party had decided to remain neutral and nol form
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  • 33 1 POLICE OPEN FIRE 3 AM. S*«*rity forces opened Bw croup* of »rmed yo«»ha in Gomhak and Chow ftlt arras of Kn%la l.umpur. Police me B.irnmc that curfew tv br hh«t
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 15 1 nahars for RnipPW < t Jk t a rV j -^■^BdTZlZaißßa^Bß*^^ r'nCjffli v"3 a^aW V_^ aHi
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    • 56 1 I'MMaWS Sale I wT s ervi ituSSaul I WOT Bridge I Rwd. ELECTION ;r'Z Q •?T'_ ft dßaaaaa^^^ aaaE^daafifidSt Hat Why extra dry? To add that extra tang, extra exuberance to a gin, or vodka-base drink. You'll taste the difference immediately. ..and then you'll know why we made it extra
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    • 220 2 U.S. plea to Japan: 'Relax investment controls' 'FOKYO. Tups. The 1 visiting U.S. Secretary of Commerce. Mr. Maurice Stans. today made a strong plea for relaxation of Japans investment controls. Addressing the American Chamber of Commerce In .Taoan. he said: "We hope the doors of Investment oDDortunlty which we nold
      Reuter  -  220 words
    • 122 2 I)l/RH.\M. Tues. Pop singer Subramoney Anandhan. a South Afr: can Indian, and a white girl werr piven a ninemonth suspended tall sentence for contravening 'he Immorality act. The act foan.s sexual intercourse between white* and nonwhites. A police detective told a court
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    • 48 2 BANOKOK. Turn. Three villagers were killed when they were caught in tbt crossfire between thr ooiice and two bandit.* near the Burmese border, police reported today The gur battle took place inside hou*e where the bandits were hiding durine a rHlgli'in Buddhist <«remony Reutei
      Reuter  -  48 words
    • 299 2 IT WILL ADD FUEL TO FIRE, DA VAN TOLD r»AIRO, Tues. The Eyptian newspaper Ai Ahram warned Israel today that reprisals would only increase the Arabs' determination to liberate their occupied lands. It said in an editorial: "The enemy has tried the method of revenge before, in more than one
      Reuter  -  299 words
    • 65 2 CLEVELAND. (Oh:<-'. Tues —A 37-year-old Negro. Fred Evans, was today sentenced to die in the electric chr.r a'»r being found guilty of klllli people three of then; men during racial disorders here last July An all-white lury of men v men and five men
      Reuter  -  65 words
    • 66 2 HONG KONO Tues BOAC lia* UUMUBced rrdurpd fares (or some air traveller* bet«e«ri Britain and Hoiib Kong The ne>v lare<. mote thsn per cent lower than Iht normal fare between Hona Kong and london -K ill be avail ible 'o relatives of Hong Kon: r« (the
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    • 80 2 NEW DELHI TUM A Sherpa guide «ho .sunived the avalanche winch killed B*l American.-, and two other Sherpa.s on Mount Dhaul»g:: today that the American* !intl ignored hii> warninn asamM rlimbina on the day of the accident The PrehS uf Indi* quoted the Sherpa. Phu Dorje.
      Reuter  -  80 words
    • 114 2 J'HIS could he the fashionable way to travel from London to Brighton this >umr\>er Sinre Rill Mrl.eod. a market man from Kulham. London, announced lot month that he wax going to do the journey this way. the idea hits shown every sign of ratchinc
      Mirrorpic  -  114 words
    • 211 2 APFTROU tanker hit a car. tipped over and burst into flames In heavy midday traffic in Flint. Michigan, yesterday, killing flve people, and Injuring two people. The flve killed were rharred beyond recognition, as was one if the Injured. The driver of another truck went
      AP  -  211 words
    • 48 2 MANILA. Tues A guest displeased with the music tos&ed a hand grenade on the dance floor during a wedding reception in the village of Maplas in ihe n^rthprn Philippines, police reported today. Two people were killed and 11 others ln<ured in tin Mon. UPI.
      UPI  -  48 words
    • 34 2 HONO KONO. Tuee The Hong Kong Government «iil it»f HK$l O.OOO towards the co«t for extensions to International House at the University of Melbourne In Australia, a «u\eminent spokesman *aid.— AP.
      AP  -  34 words
    • 32 2 CAPE KENNEDY (Florid*). Turn. The Apollo in countdown starts at mldnlfth' tonight V all goes well. thr*« aatronaut* will he launched on a trail-blaclng moon orbit next Sunday AP
      AP  -  32 words
    • 304 3 Wilson puts off Curb Strike Bill a month LONDON. Tuesday. yHE Labour Government last night forestalled a collision with its most powerful backers, the trade unions, by delaying presentation of its controversial anti-strike laws. After nearly three hours of tough talking with the 40 Trades Union Congress leaders. Prime Minister
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    • 132 3 DAKIS designer Jacques Kstrrrl armed in Britain rnrntly uitb Mime irie.ts of dicssini; Iwys And fiirK that are. it the least. di>turbins His Itirl model looked like .i iml his |>oy model MM l'k«- .1 rill. too. What Mr. Ksterel wanted
      Mirrorpic  -  132 words
    • 10 3 I.Ali' r <it r of nmando n.«mrd
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    • 39 3 ACCRA. Tues— Gbe-le-of Gli.' 1 the G ment AHJOO' m e of ex- Nkiun.ah. a I :d today. Inquiry into ;rumah I Gbed'niah "from c a &5 000 in ml newly £8.000 in 1960
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    • 45 3 Petition for a newsman LONDON. Tues A petition calling for immediate Government action to obtain the release of Anthony Grey. Reuters correspondent under boOM rrest In Peking, has been t !ur delivery to the Vor- 'lice. A total of S3 rr!..tne* of G etttlon —UPI.
      UPI  -  45 words
    • 29 3 WASHING lON Tups— The' White Hou>e has announced i no the Richard ;*ble. r t ion. It« purp nr-hidp thr building r enliai Libraxy IW MuMiuu.— AP.
      AP  -  29 words
    • 410 3 Kiesinger facing quiz on mark decision DONN. Tues. The West German Goveminent today faces parliamentary q v c s tioning on what steps it intends taking to back up its refund to revalue the mark upwards. The Opposition Free. Democrats, who were firmly in favour of revaluation, have sub:nitted an
      Reuter  -  410 words
    • 37 3 NEW DEI HI. Tuiv- Fi<* people. lncluairiK two children. «c.c crushed to death vr>stfrauy In Luclcnow. capital ni ft tar Pradesh, when cale winds accompanied by heavy rain destroyed several building j. UPI.
      UPI  -  37 words
    • 24 3 VIENTIANE, Tues—Pathet Lao troops In ambush nit civilian pickup truck wltn a 57mm rocket yesterday, killing two people and Injuring thre*. -AP.
      AP  -  24 words
    • 260 3 KENNEDY MURDER CORONER CHALLENGES HIS DISMISSAL LOS ANGELES, Tues. Nearly 200 Japanese-Anvru-an-N turned out at a hearing yesterday to lend support to a Japane.-e-born coroner who was fired after allegedly commenting on Senator Robrrt Kennedys shooting -I'm going to be ramoui i hope ho ih Dr. Thomas Noguchi. fired a.s
      Reuter  -  260 words
    • 272 3 A FRXM blonde American in a pinK and white trouser .suit shed a few yesterday and then mm sail to try to set a yachting record for crossing the Pacific. In a pink and white yacht named Bea Sharo 11. Mrs. Sharon Sites Adams, a
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    • 22 3 TOKYO. Tues— A weak tremor jolted Tok>o around 333 am. today, but there were no Immediate reports of damage or
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    • 190 3 Advance royalties report denial by Mailer YEW YORK. Tues. 11 Norman Mailer has denied a newspaper report that a book he has not yet written, about an event that has not yet happened, has already collected close to one million dollars in advance royalties. The New York Times quoted Mailers
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 192 2 Graham Hill The World Champion proved this r is the best motor oil for your car t JfriA i The two greatest world motor racing events fl^ in 1968 were won on Shell! Graham Hill, winner of W. the World Racing Championship event won on the new Shell Super Motor
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 307 3 wine dine on board the dance to the exciting sound of "THE SANDBOYS" I pap* lunch, dinner supper fabulous eastern continental food free transportation from Clifford pier by luxury launches for reservation call at 5.1.T.0. office at Clifford pier tel. *****-***** v fXAMINATIONS 1969/70 Cjp ENSURE SUCCESS THROUGH THI jftf^b*
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  • 333 4  -  GERARD DE SILVA By SINGAPORE. Tuesday A WOMAN told the Ninth Magistrate's Court today thai she stopped screaming for help when lour robbers punched her, and pointed a revolver at her temple. Mrs. Yeo Swee Luan, 40, a cashier at
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  • 141 4 Property tax man on corruption charge SINGAPORE. Tues. A temporary clerical assistant attached to the house re-numbering section of the Property Tax Division was charged in court today with attempting to corruptly obtain $50 from a landlord. The landlord, Quek Kian Chuan told the court that the accused, Ahmad Kasslm
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  • 148 4 rpODAY'S educational TV ■1. programme on Channel 8 is as follows: 7.50-B.l* a.m.. General science, Sec II: Magnetism: 8.30-8.50, English literature. Sec II The Barretts of Wunpole Street (Part 2); 9.05-9.25, Mathematics. Sec. I: Algebra and Life. 9.45-1U.05. English second language. Sec. 11. At the Restaurant: 10.45-11.05.
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  • 75 4 SINGAPORE. Tues— Private candidates wishing to take the August National Language examinations will have to register personally ai the examinations section of the Education Ministry between May 19 and June 6. Late entries will be accepted from June 16 20 but an additional fee of $10 will
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  • 36 4 SINOAPORE. Tues Inche Mohamed Yatlm bin Dohon has been elected president of the Singapore Interpreter*' Union. Other officials are: Mr. Lee Slong Olap, secretary, Mr. Ng Pook Seng, treasurer, and Mr. P. Athlsdam, assistant secretary.
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  • 36 4 SINOAPORE, Tues. Miss Physique 1960, Miss Hilary Margaret Shutt, is a student and not a school teacher as published in the Straits Times today. We regret any inconvenience or embarrassment caused to her.
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  • 29 4 BINOAPORE. Tue«— About So military personnel will conduct street clearing exercises on Friday between 3 and 6 »jn. In Coleman Street, Stamford Road and Bra* Baa&h Road.
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  • 57 4 SINGAPORE. Tuev Blasting operations to deepen the sea floor in Selat Damar Laut and off berths three, four and five of the Port of Singapore Authority have started. The PSA has advised ail vessels to keep rlear of the blasting area, where red flags will be
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  • 72 4 SINGAPORE. Tups Doris models a .Maglia suimsuit la towelling made from Bri-nylnn. while Eva-Lotta wears a jump suit of the same material with a matching bikini beneath. Swinging sportswear like this from Australia will be modelled tomorrow at the' Preview of Australian Fashions and Textiles
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  • 136 4 Throwing cigarette butts on the street: $25 fine SINGAPORE. Tues. The Magistrates Court today imposed fines totalling $205 on litterbugs. They included a roadside barber who let cut hair fall on the road. The barber, Hassan bin Satlm, 37, who ran a shop along Tiong Bahru Road. wa.-, fined
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  • 40 4 SINGAPORE, Tues The Royal Air Force. Changl. has presented a silver cup to the Hun Yeang community centre to be used a.v a trophy for the winner of the centres annual 10-mile big walk competition
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 262 4 VOTED!. ..The S T Bath Scene Ever Filmed! Now All Singapore Is 100°o For RAQUEL WELCH! |„jj!i|H Se#? her performing the If 1 1 i| m\ most talked about ,J|J l|l daring Shower scene I -^rffKll 1 5 times daily at the 'I >jk 1 ODEON lldn^i* HURRY! HURRY! HURRY!
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    • 217 4 KELON6 RESTAURANT (off Porrrol Point 1 1 m.s.) THE NITE-CLUB WITH A DIFFERENCE Nightly Presents ALICE KOH. VIOLET TING MIMI accompanied by SEA PALACE QUINTET Extension to 2 a.m. on Saturdays eve of Holidays. FREE LAUNCH SERVICE FIVE MINUTES BOAT RIDE SPACIOUS CAR PARKS (NO COVER CHARGE) For Table Reservations
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    • 106 4 LIDO Out of tbiir ucrtt ceremony I NEXT CHANGE 118 ...C»ME THEIR SECRET SIN! 1 41 KDM| :;iSF JHcyi 8 iftr ■rB a^kasW H fj L^^^^^^Ma^r w 3^^ P 1 ELIZABETH TAYLOR MIA FARROW |ej "SECRET CEREMONY" H NCOLO p alllV-SHV.KOW \\J^* OPENS TODAY CHCNG CMUIN 4 WONG FU ZONO
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    • 536 4 ■liißl^ > NOW SHOWING! 11 am, 1.45, 4 00, t!o| M f P in "SATAN IK V 5 NO I El.wnfi T '->«■* J •SfCRIT CIRf MOM i I Robert Mitchum LM-M 14th SCARE rite 11am. 1.43. 4 00, 6.30 I Jo 1 Christopher I> <t "Dracult Hat J RlMn
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  • 45 5 Now 30 cholera cases confirmed in Kelantan k [ARU, T>i' Ivvelve i (>ll pecta ha the M dlcal bringing month. 'rmed r Itaff from Perak Inoculations i rieck--0(100(1 p< :!ated. -rateful for the given public nri neni dp I canHe a the pa.«t > SU&I f
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  • 15 5 S' udies and I l !>i rMMCk and b. the post as
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  • 69 5 Top Iranian honour for Ghazali KUALA LUMPUR. Tues.— The Permanent Secretary to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Tan Sri Mohamed G.hazali Shane, was today awarded the decoration of First Class Homayun by Iran. The award is in recognition of his •'meritorious service to the cause of goodwill between Iran anci
    Bernama  -  69 words
  • 35 5 KfAI.A MMPI'K I"ur.v I The Australian Trade ConunuiItan will hold a display nf Australiwn huilduiK materials and hand tools at lt.s di>plav centre Baneunan MIPP. Jalan Am--1 pang, tvvm May 30 to 24.
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  • 346 5 SINGAPORE. Tun LX)UR hundred nurses switched roles today to show how easy it la to make the medicine go down. St'.il in tho;r white uniforms, tiie girls turned •patients' and instead of taking gave blood. Their example was prompted by remarks
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  • 128 5 Police hold 25 in anti-secret society raid I/lALA LIMPIR, Tur» A police party from the Anti-Secret Society branch raided Kampong Brunei, off Jalan Puriu, hrrr la>t night and detained 25 youth* .susprct- < il of irrniMsiiu the area. Seven of them were released after questioning today and the re>t held
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  • 23 5 KLTALA LUMPUR Tuts. A British forestry pxper: Mr David Vauchan Jenkins, hu I bw. appointed Assistant Conservator of Fore.'ts in Sabah
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 120 5 Cqffcc/jousc 1/ I ours a day. Whether you come lIM ;or full-course meal or just like to H||\l i linger for coffee and conversation, you i v\\ tfl <7ef a warm welcome. Because l| at the Coffee House, we have a lot of 11 (r^% Cuscaden House Mkm HOTELWISE, WE'VE
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    • 229 5 %F eliinigo F THE SWINGIEST NITE SPOT IN TOWN 1 profits tiitcly Direct fmm Australia's famn is Whisky A-(,O-GO Site Club THE 'GABRIEL JOANNA" SHOW y (Two lovely SAinsnß Clicks flr4 in a non-stop rc\>ue) f plus A-GO-GO do I^^^ tions in a specially designed U^A Also ujtpcan W I
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  • 199 6  - Campus do's and don'ts: Girls should lead, says Diana AYESHA HARBEN By Xl ALA LIMPI R. Tues It is the girls who should set the standard of behaviour in a campus ■ocieiy. This opinion was expressed here today hy one of the "new arrivals" at the I niversi»y of Malaya
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  • 122 6 Certified Public Accountants: Exam results SINGAPORE Tues The 14ri.iv ...ii Association of cerufleld Public Accountants jjax announced the results of examination* held last. December. The following candidates have pa.vsed the Final Part 1 Mohammed b. Abdullah. 1.<,: Stung Dutt, Tal Kocm Hoong. Lee Ah Cheiw Venlcitexuaran o A. V. Sankar.
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  • 72 6 Police recover body of man from sea SINGAPORE. Tues. Police yesterday recovered the body of a man. found floating in the sea off Pmlt Panjang power station. The man was sf:. 6in. tail und wore black trousers ■■MUM of the advanced state of decomposition it iv not possible to determine
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  • 204 6 FROM LOVE AFFAIR: TWO JAILED FOR FATAL STABBING KUALA LUMPUR, Tues I The trouble started with a love affair between j 23-year-old Wan Abdul Ghani b:n Jabar and 14--year-old Zainon binte Bud.n. In the High Court today two relatives of the gin, Muhammi'd Abdul Ghani bin and Man b-n
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  • 22 6 KUALA I.t'MPUR. Mon The Dlrecior-Gener»l of Taiwan Gmernment Information Office. Mr. Jamrs Wei. arrived here lodnv for a three-day visit.
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  • 40 6 KfALA LUMPUR. Tv«« Thf> Sfianjor ConsUfr.»»r» clatton will donate fo-.r I «r boxea to the Comml*«:oner of the Federal Capital In hi* nf. (Ice hrro on May 23 for Installation In the) children* p.njground In th* Lak* Garden*.
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  • 246 6 Jail gate entries: Half a sheet missing KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. IJALF a sheet of paper, containing enti movements at the Seremban Prison, is missing, the Sessions Court here was today. This was stated by Inche Hashim Majid, DPP, when he tendered a pile of papers as an exhibit in the
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  • 36 6 KUALA LUMPUR. Tue*-. The Minister Bduoatton, Inrh« Mi'hamod Khir Joh»-.. will lead the Mftlay*l«a J gat lon in Th« Asian Ph.- Coiuir-tl iA»p«c) n-.p«tlnf to M hrld In Japan fr. m Jvw* 9.
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  • 56 6 IPOH, TuM.--Th# Ipoh Mun:cipel Council Uto drcide. at tta next monthlr meeting, who .should pay 'hr» cost of removing •iection postorn Following the 1964 election, the politirnl jpartint agreed to xhar* the bob) of cleaning up. Municipal labourer* rl«aned up th* mem but none of
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  • 22 6 KUALA LUMPTTR. TtkM. Th* Malaysian Ir.ititoU et Architect* will hold an •xhft*tlon at K«ff»r« Iwra Jun* JJ to 29
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  • 109 6 KOTA BHAKI*. The Mentri HKelanUn. Date Haj| \lr»hamed Asri bin lian Mv da. Hii tod i\ he will form th»- new St.itt- (,m--ernment <» n Thursday. Dato Asri. who k national cli.iirni.iu u| ti,« P.MIP. mi t p.ut\ oiii! iMI today and disouss.-d
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  • 218 6 THE Singapore ship Marielisa -subject of a $247,364 claim in an Admiralty .suit— was arrested here last night on a warrant of the High Court. The arrest followed writs taken out by the law firm of Murphy and Dunbar. The
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 374 6 L STRIKE IT RICH in the great new OVALTINE life/ Contest MUST BE WON 1 s te $6 r ooo 2 ?r d ze $3,000 3 Kize $1 ,000 PLUS -100 CONSOLATION PRIZES OF $50 ALL YOU HAVE TO DO: Using your skill and judgement, place the 8 photographs which
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
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  • 82 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday JHE national chairman of the MCA, Tun Tan Siew Sin, flanked by Tan Sri (Dr.) Lim Swee Aun (left) and Mr. Khaw Kai Boh, reading the statement announcing the MCA pullout from the Government. The MCA fielded
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  • 43 7 PENANG. Tues. A 17-ypar-old girl. 00l Slew Tin. was remanded in custody for a week after being charged in a magistrate's court today with the murder of Ka.ssim bin Omar, In I»erak Road, on the night of Apr;l 24.
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  • 119 7 40 jets in mock Battle of Singapore SINGAPORE, Tues. More than 40 RAF and RAAF jets took part In a three-hour air dciencp exercise over Singapore this morning. Canberra bombers. Hunter ground attack fighters Mlrag' teon played the part of attackers while Lightnings. Miragea and gunners of th« 63 Light
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  • 38 7 SINGAPORE. Tues. Urn Chon Bock. 20. a member of the vißil.inte corps, attached to the HUI stop: police Dost, was Jailed iiree months for failing m turn ud for tramIng bftutpn Jan 6 and April 2B.
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  • 124 7 Six months jail for man who threw loot away tLXGAPORK. Tuei—Kmsein bin Mohamed, 28. was jailed for six months by a district court today for snatching a bag containing over $2,000 which a girl was taking to a bank. Christine Kg. an accounts clerk of the Jurong Shipyard Co-operative Society
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  • 52 7 KTTALA LUMPCR, Tues. The Chief of the General Staff On. Tan Sri Abdul riamld bin Bidin. will review a pusing-out parade for 245 recruita at the Recruiting Centre. Port Dickson at 9 am on Saturday. He will ai^o dl«tribut* prizes to the best recruit and
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  • 107 7 4 INDONS JAILED FOR ILLEGAL ENTRY SINGAPORE, Tues. Four Indor.' were jailed today by a magistrate's court for entering Singapore illegally. Mohamed Artf bin Mohamed Zain, alias Maarip bin MaklLsin. 30, who had a previous conviction fur a similar offence, was jailed for six months. Man.sor bin Ismail, 22. and
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 248 7 I I took my Mini to a party... I fi^^ ""1- SsS^ s!^^^^BHBllßß^^ "We were a foursome and we were out to celebrate, ideas used in the Austin Mini. There's the transverse H^HHBHM^^^Hmmhw Smart thing to take an Austin Mini when you're engine which means that more of the car
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 269 7 Straits Times Crossword A <K«>^ beach UCt? V «>. ll They're put to work br turf* I I td (U). f fr "nxtoiit 13. Olrl »Hh home In Ir»l«nd M nJ m land-surveyor* (•>. going to the Ean '»>. SO. Dropped everything In qu»g- i«. Advantage gained by puni*imlre 6l
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  • 140 8 YOl are not going round the bend. The 80-ft long concrete beam is. Rut you are forgiven if you think the elongated block does not know if it is coming or going. Yes. it la a lone, long way to Saigon via the Jurone uhanes even
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  • 252 8 A dancer's break with tradition for life on stage SINGAPORE. Tues. Indian classical dancer Jaya.shrte i abovo i has chosen a path which few Indian girls have dared to take she has preferred limelight on the stage to a domesticated or academic career. The 20-year-old partner of the famous dancer
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  • 64 8 SINGAPORE. Tues. The University of Singapore today said no one had yet been officially appointed to succeed Prof. Tow Siang H»a. who resigned as head of the department of obstetrics und gynaecology. It was referring to a report In today's Strait.s Times which said a
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  • 24 8 SINGAPORE. Tues. The National Library's mobile library will be stationed at Tainan Jurong community centre tomorrow from 3 pm. to 4.30 p.m.
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  • 22 8 SINGAPORE, Tues— A local law graduate, Mr. Chum Boon Keng, has joined the Legal Aid Bureau as an assistant director.
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  • 376 8 'Medical skills should meet people's needs' SINGAPORE, Tues. Professor R.H. Andrew, the director of the World Health Organisation's "travelling seminar" on medical education currently held here, lodav spoke of the need for relevance of medical education programmes to meet community health needs. At the first session of the four-day seminar
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  • 91 8 SINGAPORE, Tues. The Japanese Embassy. In co-opera-tion with the Japan Club, will hold a bazaar in aid of chanties at the club premises In Buklt Timah Road on Saturday from 3 p in. to 6 p.m. A highlight will be the selling of a new $8,595 Uatsun 1300
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  • 229 8 SINCJAPORE, Tues. The pride of placr at the Frrnrh Watch Day held at the Golden Lotus K<»>m today was an atit<qur time-piece described H "the most complicated watch in the world." Insured for $3 million it is notably the most expensive as Mell. The
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  • 145 8 TWO societies engaged in the fight against the two most dreaded diseases in the Republic tuberculosis and cancer today came under the same roof at the Singapore Anti-Tuberculo-sis premises in Shenton Way. This was made possible SINGAPORE, Turn. by Sata handing over two of
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  • 137 8 HOUSING LAW: FIRM ON SUMMONS CHARGE SINGAPORE Mr. Chla K mananin'4 din Poarlsun ESnti Ltd., a linn of hou developers, in the Fourth b; Court today on ;i mons charge of failing to comply wit): ing regulations. Chia. who clam Is alleged to publish advert i «n at least one
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  • 120 8 STORE AT WORK PHOTO SHOW SINGAPORE. Tues. An exhibition ol photograph! depicting Singaporeans at work and play will be the contribution or three British Service.^ secondary schools to the Republic.. 150 th anniversary It la open so parents, stall membt: ot th» Royal Air Force Changl Grairmar School. RAI'
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  • 29 8 SINGAPORE. Tue«. Th* Ttce-chancellor of Nan>»nf University. Dr Rayson 1. Huang will declare opi university art society s eNhlbltion on Thursday p.m. at the Victoria Memorial Hall
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 214 8 Kodak mWrnyZ -mmwKk Tm^AmtW PRICES SINGAPORE S24 75 PENANG) $25 50 -MALAYSIA S3O Catch the action ■when it happens Click and you've got it! With a KODAK INSTAMATIC Camera, you're always feady for the action. Drop in a handy Kodak film cartridge, aim and click! Be where the action is
      214 words
    • 97 8 Please contact oor appointed servicing dealers. OUHDETEVES-JACOBEI6 SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUH IPOH PENANG KOTA KINABALU SANDAHAK Advertisement A Beautiful Smooth Neck Nignu> aoururung i« essent'a] to t.' it Is to rect nt it.- full share ot admiration for smooth tirni Im mo a lovely milk\ spienduui Hold voui hnt;cr> rlat together
      97 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 40 8 I i'l lbn<>r By Ai i np§ OUR. DEMANDS t DAT S NICE > stoosjts -only /^-fcor dat dontt mean we > ARE ALL 0 T r °«J U.LL .<**>*£ vousT-^ I WRITTEN m^L7~ J \T77 mU A^C» J rrt f) I ts|v^-.
      40 words

  • 778 9 MO S C OW'S advances in the strange courtship of Chiang Kai-shek have been moved from this antiMaoist bastion of Taiwan to Tokyo. One says "antiMaoist" today Instead of "antl-Communlst" because the Chinese Nationalists have not only quietly discarded all anti-Soviet sentiment
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  • 466 9 by A SPECIAL REPORTER Washington rpHE retirement of baseball's superhero Mickey Mantle will go down as one of the most candid In sporting histoiy. '"I j ust can't hit any more and there's just no use trying," Mantle explained without emotion as he
    466 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 29 9 M |I s^ IwQ 9fl| -2T ;h I ■•■^M H r i sw Lm i^* sim is« Is^li i <■* _-*Spf*« m^^^ xc pore v^ o c ..JU^sJ SBJfeBBBBBBBBBBBBJB^BBBBBBBBBBBBJBBBBBBBBJBBBBBBBSBBBJBBBBBBBBBBJBJB^BSJBJBSSB^SS^^^^^HH^B^^HH |I
      29 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 590 10 C' few in Kuala Lumpur. imposed last night, is a sharp reminder of peril and danger. The alternative to an alliance of Malaysian communities is communal i c been reaaaa to remember than now. in the aftermath of an on. But is it Last night's tumult denies it.
      590 words
    • 243 10 Some familiar ground is likely to be covered by v seminar on technical education being held in Singapore under the sponsorship of the South- East Asian Ministers of Educatia retanat. The intentions are laudable and are perfectly in accord with the latest trends in favour of a technical
      243 words
    • 183 10 Another controversy over Britain s immigration policies is building up as a result of a proposed amendment making entry certificates for dependants mandatory. So far the would-be immigrant has had the choice of applying for a certificate to the British representative in his home country or of
      183 words
  • 526 10 What other Malaysian newspapers had to say by A STAFF WRITER KUALA LUMPUR, Tu«s rE po s t-mortcm conducted by lialayalan Press on the results of Saturday's elections varied trom expressions of confidence In the democratic system to the •"shockiim performance of the Alliance. The Strait-
    Sin Chew Jit Poh  -  526 words
    • 236 10 I REFER to the letter by 1 K M. Medora i».T. April 25). The imposition of full Immigration control at both ends of the Causeway means that about 20.000 persons passing through the Woodlands checkpoint each day must comply with the current Immigration laws A certain amount
      236 words
    • 23 10 KUALA TRENGGANU gets t '.salty' water supply. For how long must this go on before the water engineer does .something? SALTLI) Kuala Treniftnu
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  • 1295 10  - U.S. firms sense an, electronics boom in Singapore WILLIAM CAMPBELL FIVE MAKERS SET UP FACTORIES TO TAP A GROWING MARKET uy SINGAPORE COMPETING United States electronics mafacturers are setting the pace in the development of a rapidgrowth electronics industry in Singapore. Five U.S. electronics corporations seeking stable low-w ages areas
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 55 10 FIMC EiectrtC Instrumentt World Famous Amplifiers TOe to note fmT nrtflvt to <x-to.e tonal quolit. unparolltled Clorttv 9m4 reoo*Mit«e Dmi u«>mi lust 6o Sh,.m««H S2ITS M ■•] *I*M M •.dm.*.. 114 MM Twin ■•«rrfc 117)5 Super lexrk tiMIN Vifcrelui }I*)5M PrmcM.a ••»•<» S »*7 w mmm tCo •>««""» +*—»d). T.
      55 words
    • 91 10 iSs^JTYPEWRITFR FOR INCREASED TYPING EFFICIENCY Godre| Typ^rl t ,r prov.dw. .mon, o th «r n0,,,,, f MUr lnt.rchin XM |,|||ty ol etffltJSi of diff.rtnt wldthl. i ip»ced typlnj key to f ly« o/tomot/c <««Kjbl»-«p^|nf, Instant, llafjl Is.Si abutation dSSltaea from .Ith.r d. of chokt of tlfht different t yp *-1
      91 words

  • 344 11 Lee and Nixon in hourplus talks Yew yesterday spent more than one hour at the Wnite use discussing defence questions and world problems with President ton. In me unusually long meeting in the dent's oilice the Singapore Prime r had an opportunity to learn it hand the President's latest King
    AP  -  344 words
  • 73 11 A dying girl's plea for postcards L MA II MPI R. Tues. A little Belgian girl il>int from leuk.ieiuia is appealing for postcards from around the world. She is Catrrina die and her address is Villejuis Hospital. Paris. France The BO\» uhidi i!, sending this SOS around the world v
    73 words
  • 28 11 KUANTAN ■00 reward for ;hr arrest and conuction of the person 1 r the nun month Tlie dhril ...> beri at the kloak with serious head
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  • 226 11  - Sarawak crucial to Alliance chances of getting two-thirds majority PC. SHIVADAS By KUCHING. Wed.—Sarawak will now be crucial to the Alliance chances of getting a two-thirds majority In Parliament. Sarawak United Peoples Party leader, Mr. Our Kec Hui, said lu^t night. When Opposition parties net In Kuala Lumpur before the
    226 words
  • 33 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Men -Mr. K S. Kun ha.s been elected bre■tdtot uf the i'elalliig Barat Welfare A.v>ociatit ■> with Dr N N. Sabapathy as vice-president and Mr. V. Ganescn as secretary.
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  • 39 11 Youth bound over KUALa LUMPUR. Tue*. A 17-year-<.ld boy wba charged in the maTif rates court today with .•■te.ilinK .-<uf;ar cane worth 40 cent.s from the Serdang Agricultural College He pleaded guilty and wa* bound over for t>ix months.
    39 words
  • 261 11 5p.c. rebate scrapped: So return air fares to Europe or US to cost more CINUAPORE, Tues. You will t.uw have to pay more if you want to travel on a return air ticket from Singapore to Europe or America, or the other way around. This is because the usual fl»»
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  • 48 11 KCALA LUMPUR. Tuei. Popular Indian musician Srimatlu Salem Jayalakshml will glva a recita a* thr Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka here at 8 p.m. to> morrow. Prmeeds from the show will go to Fund, the Sri llaha Mariamman Temple Fund and the Hindu Education B»Uawment Fund.
    48 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 129 11 I; 1 Castrol lasts longer J from here to here. And your engine lasts longer too. Castrol XL Multigrade contains Liquid Tungsten* one of tha toughest metals known, completely liquefied, and blended wit tha oil to minimize friction and all but eliminate engine wear. Castrol XL Multigrade it designed for
      129 words
    • 184 11 AIR SEA to HONG KONG and JAPAN Go by air and return by s.s. CHITRAL U4.COC tent fully o.r-condit.on.J) Departing YOKOHAMA 28 May 1969 KOBE 30 May 1969 For HONG KONG 3 6 Jun 1969 Arriving SINGAPORE 10 Jun 1969 P. SHAM 13 Jun 1969 PENANG 14 Jun 1969 FIRST
      184 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 728 11 TV MALAYSIA CBANNbXI Ku*i» i.umi»ir. 700 N Itftoh; 7in TriMnj Ipoh. Mtlaru 6; M»ja !»h TV. 735 The Mm Mara 3. in falpißg New S.<muiai I'he Biacit 4. H.uu l-jhAt hlii-iiif Tide Ninias. 800 N< cIS I'M. Proci .tmme Mini- M.u.Jaiin. 810 Sa.oma. 835 n.,:\ ft 50 Hews out- Tlie
      728 words
    • 99 11 THE TIDES TODAY: Sedill Kechll 857 am i».slti 7.49 p.m. •S.lfH; Singapore 9 51 am. <Bti) 9.45 pm. (8.31H: Port Dtckson 518 am i74lti 434 pm. (Wt); Port Swettenham 4.25 a.m. «13 Btti; 438 pm. 15 sft i Penang 1135 -.m. (8 lft i 11.37 p.m. f»f i > TOMORROW:
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  • 0 12
    0 words
    • 144 12 Rolex Sales and Service Centre is extended rTtfiE Borneo Company. X local sole agents for Rolex watches, are sparing no efforts in providing better and more up-to-date services to their many customers, both locally and from abroad. The company recently renovated and expanded their showroom, sales and service centre at
      144 words
    • 64 12 According to statistics Just released, a new record of 268.231 motor vehicle registrations was set ln Japan during March 1969. This represented an increase of 15.2 per cent over the corresponding month of 1968. Passenger and commercial vehicles from the Toyota range accounted for more than 95.000 or
      64 words
    • 284 12  -  MOK SIN PIN By SINGAPORE sa\vmillers will do everything within their means to better the efficiency of the local timber industry. Fully aware of the Importance the Industry is contributing towards the Republic's foreign exchange revenue, local sawmillers will explore every possible
      284 words
    • 179 12 NCR name local man as Marketing Director MR. F. G. ROTHWELL, Managing Director of The National Cash Register Company (Singapore) Sdn Berhad has announced the appointment of Mr. H. X Yeo as Director of Marketing Singapore. All NCR Marketing Divisions, including Technical Service and the Data Processing Centre will be
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    • 101 12 The makers ot Beetenter gin the only gin distillers ever to have received the Queen's An-un to Industry have won the coveted award for the second time Phf urm Janipf. Burrough t.imilrfi li;i> nrokfn many export record.- in the past and last veal tjecanip me compßnv
      101 words
    • 86 12 Mr. Tan Seng Kee, AsslsUtni Company Secretary of Malayan Tobacco Company Berhad !eft May 4 for the U.K. to visit the British- American Tobacco Co. Ltd. the largest group of tobacco manufacturers In ttie world. In keeping with Malaydn Tobacco Company's policy of training and
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    • 38 12 Mr. Loh Your Lim. director of Marweld Engineers (Pte> Ltd left Singapore last week for Europe and Russia. During his month's stay abroad. Mr Loh will visit hus ("mpany's many principals there tor discussions
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    • 196 12 HUNDREDS of small arms ln Malaysia are damaged every year because their owners tend to be negligent and because of inadequate servicing facilities. "There is nobody around to give pxpprt advice to these Kun-ovyiers and no one qualified enough to repair the weapons," said Inche
      196 words
    • 96 12 TECHNICAL MANAGER GOES TO EUROPE MR. Saw Ewe Seng, Technical Service Manager of the Blue Circle Group of Companies in Malaysia and Singapore has left lor the United Kingdom and Europe. He will attend the International on Pre< crete to be held in Amsterdam thus month Durng his European
      96 words
    • 111 12 Four diesel engines for Malayan Railways rIR 50-ton dlevel lr»M—Mwi 'one of which is HM .thove) have been completed h» Hitachi, ltd of for de)iver> to the .Malayan Railway. The locorixithi's, nf the ■G-MBB hydraulic ter- que converter type, will be used to move freight irs Hid passenger train-*
      111 words
    • 25 12 Mr J Managi be le.i take up .i n Holland. »h polntpc i den H d a c>-<: t dustry on a
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 502 12 HAS I i HYTHi\<, See f ne colour and excitement ot France. Holland, Denmark, Sweden, Spain and many other European countries by luxury coach. Modern coaches offer luxury travel in comfort plus a real opportunity to see Europe at scenic level. TravTTthis way is fun and it's economical, too. All
      502 words
    • 124 12 Greatest Sound fin hh Value fl^^^B n Solid state Stereo. OTTO is the n,imo for the Sanyo series of H*aS/s^E^M^^E solid state stereo components. WLJm ISSSHHS ;1 OTTO/1 is the Top model ir> flHQ^^lH this series. It combines latest rr— v^^ solid state audio technology \l with convenient three^jnit *A
      124 words

  • 146 13 RMN gives big welcome to Thai admiral S\PORL. Tues. The Ruyal Malaysian Navy today gave an impressive welcome to Admiral Charoon Charlermtiarana, the Commander- InChief of the Royal Thai Navy, who is now on visit to Malaysia. He was greeted by a picked naval honour guard, a l"-gun salute and
    146 words
  • 22 13 TAIPINO. Tues— A 17->e:ir-Id Klrl. R. Kumart. died k Hospital here ol ecled acid poisoning two hours ft*r admission yesterday.
    22 words
  • 79 13 Three more Caribou aircraft due in July I/UALA LUMPUR. Tues.- Three more Canadian Caribou aircraft are due here In the first week of July. Three RMAK officers Pilot Officers Ong Hock Chye. Abdul Rjrnli and Ng Sek Kce will leave for Canada at the end uf this month to help
    79 words
  • 51 13 in I ur.v The Sitia- d .ributed apples to about j.OOO school children and pa.ii Mir Sungei Wangi group and Lumut district hosTh s »<•» part of a consignment of 200 crate* of apple* tent by t:,e Kalamunda Rotary Club in West Australia, to tht Ipoh
    51 words
  • 72 13 i.NGAPORE, Tues— A two-year-old boy. Glynn Leonard Massan. died after being found unconscious on the floor of his Chip Bee Garden* home by his mother last pek Near him was a crochet needle which w as inserted into an electrical socket in the
    72 words
  • 291 13 Change in medical teaching needed, says Toh I SINCAPORE. Tv««. fHE Minister for Science and Technology, Dr. Teh Chin Chye, said today that there was a need to modify concepts of clinical medical education hero. This was necessary in order to cut down duplication of effort and to bring about
    291 words
  • 192 13  - Cinnamon's the name, playing with fire is her game ARTHUR RICHARDS I By ER name is Cinnamor. Blaise n and she plays with lite every day. Yes. ftre-eating Is her profession, and she has been doin? this on stage for the past five years. "I guess I will have to
    192 words
  • 51 13 SINGAPORE. Tues I rig left Singapore this mornini tat Trcnggunu to drill ai. (or Esso which was w ted a 28.000-square mile concession t" prospect lur oil. The rig belonging to an American firm arrived here mi Friday after completing an eh re proiect off New
    51 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 140 13 J[ People can sit in the back seat of a Toyota Corolla 1100. gH That's more than can be said for more cars in its class. 3p And at IOOKm/h most competitors would be using more fuel. The others would be straining. Hi Big oar ttyle ond comfort combined with
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 687 14 sCmOwIISSHHIITS »t.NIV[»<«»IFJ. »»I»tU»lCtlil£alJ. MM, ClUt KTI»ITIf? CtNBOUNCES. OIaTNS [NCICIMtNTS. I fl)Kt«»lS MCEIIUCS IN MfMOKItM M.MIUfS MIJJJIW. P(»SSN»L. PPC. IEIUIENS I tEUNIBM. «lt< MiSitiaa j:: far M wtfii, «Xt HsitittJl «trl SI SS all Otter Clm.«H afrtrtmawm Mit.Btai 17 M far IS .tftt. ml JM.l.ttil atfs It ttatj. liWI |W
      687 words
    • 959 14 CIRLS ••> Aork on monthly pay plua commissions. For In'.erview pbont M 5019. i FEMALE DANCERS age abovt Call personally at 24R Kirn I pore 3. for Interview between 7 p m. to 9 p.m. EARN INCOME OF $1,000 PLUB I A MONTH? l| Be a fun-umt a* part-time representativt
      959 words
    • 1037 14 i SHORTHAND TYPIST (FEMALE) required to work in aa astate office near Port Dicksoe. Proficiency In National and Rnghsb languages esacntial Apply Box A» ST.. K.L. APPLICATIONS are invited from il.n.c to be established. Applications, stating qualifications and experience. are to reach Belangor Tung Shin Hospital. 102, Jtlan Pudu. Kuala
      1,037 words
    • 1099 14 MECH: ELECT- ENOINtIR. Ist I Grade Certlft. Steam, oil. electrical. Fret July for relieving or chort term Contrat Box A22VI S.T.. K.L. ACCOMMODATION VACANT 7 ROOMS. Terrace house, 118-B. Lorong 29. Geylsnk for r, nt (s7u.oo> or sale Phone 49.V12S 8 pore. H.AT EASTERN MANSIONS, 1 Dlst: 13. Eoq: Aik
      1,099 words
    • 936 14 MUIT lELL DIITRICT 13 Three Redroomed Oround Floor Flat. Raal Ratate Agents And lnveatmenl Company 53 Tbe Arcade Spore *****/ MM TANAH MERAH KECHIL ROAD: 2-storev. 3-bedroom detached house. All bathrooms nttiched. parquet terrazo flooring 195.000/- Property Salta 4 Service Agency iSporei *****". 7 ITOREV SEMI-DETACHED nunt:alow at .No. b'i.
      936 words
    • 794 14 PAH YOUR EXAMINATION tht eaay, quick and economical way. Obtain the world-famoua R.R.C. airmail postal tuition In Law, Secretaryship, Accountancy, Insurance, Banking and for School Certificate. Qualifying Teat. L.C.C. etc. Write: Area Career Adviser, IVpt. TF 1. Tbe Rapid Results Collect P.O. Box 3173. Singapore. INTERNATIONAL TRAININC CINIRI Singapore's Elite
      794 words
    • 973 14 NEW lEWINC MACHINE! I6S 00 Upwards. Call at FfonK Huat more. 3s« Balestier Road. S6SSB. 8 port 12. 20 DIICOUNT cm tHjl buman hsir witta. tundraux. wlnlrts. et Marjories. 2tW. (.in bard Road. 8 pore REFRICERATOR, PMILCO' U cv ft., porcelain interior. Small up- n*ht freezer, aa new, $275/-. Telephone
      973 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1221 15 ILMaI Baaaaaaal lUIRPOOL »H0 CTMII 'I CONTINENTS PORTS -f i P Sham Penang tM 11 May 11 Miy II 17 May T. May 17 May 11 22 Miy 21 ml -r Miy II Miy 17 .....1, Ml > 21 M 2 > M »> J4 1 JaM 2 ADRASTUS ff
      1,221 words
    • 1336 15 ■mT^^kjuLaßßK x «M Scanservice V EXPRESS SAILINGS TO MEDITERRANEAN/THE CONTINENT/SCANDINAVIA P ■am Penan f Singapore FOR: BASIA Il Part/11 Mar 11/1) Mar 11/20 CC'anca. Bilbao. H'daai. H'»ur|, G burg. G<lo. Aarhus, C'hagia. TRICOLOI Mar 252) Mat 20.21 Mar 10/ I Genoa, Antnerp. R'dani. H'bur|. Aarhu?. Malmo. C'hagea. G'burg OEIIA im
      1,336 words
    • 1187 15 EXPRESS SERVICE TO LONDON, LIVERPOOt t CONTINENTAL PORTS. CITY OF CHESTER SM. 3 4 Tim May 27, 10 May IT/ 1 Brtmin n BENLOYAL eomkm mm Bremen Jaai 25 Smiioon a Pming Hamburg JaM V Ml| 21 21 Sngacc* P Sham Kenang BENtiaAN fon. Roan. GtnuMtn. H'tmrp Ml| 21 21
      1,187 words
    • 1312 15 f—w WORLDWIDE CARRIERS LTD. l^r »j|j^^ For: Lot Angeles, New Orleans, Charleston. I N w York> N w London (alia accepting cargo for othar Gult and Atlantic ports, (MDMCt to inducemanti Spore P. Shorn Penong A VESSEL 24/2* lay 21/23 May 1 9/20 May CENTRAL TRUST 10/12 Juna 13/MJtine IS/UJana
      1,312 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1174 16 '^^^'VaWASAKJ KISEN KAISHA LTD. WaKon Australia Sin gapor* Japan Sarvlca Frtnwit't S import YMkaicr)i/Nl|oya Y'hama Roat ■iPMujajj Mara" 21 Mty mil 1 1 hi I Jim llJrr* Wan Alriaa' Sin gaper a Japan Sarvlaa it Smaaport »u|n»i V hawi KMt lIHWM DM i HIM 25 27 JMt 4 Jlly Jltly
      1,174 words
    • 966 16 AUSTIAIIA NfM a»l»N0 StRVICt INBIA PARISIAN (NO »AP MM bfR»H.tS 10 AUSTRALIA N(W tIALANO ll N»(apatMaa t*t Matrat Pen«r>f tm: Brn.. >XI., BtM. Iftt.. Will RAJULA II 21 Mat 14 Mat IS **1 Penani P. Sham IMB «««>•* "'UIRR* 17 J.« HIM. ■AMtRA 11. 12 Jut 1)14 JMt IS, U
      966 words
      790 words
    • 766 16 NOTICE CHANGE OF TELEPHONE NUMBER The Public is hereby notified that our NEW Telephone Number is: *****1 (5 LINES) SANYO MALAYSIA LTD., 50, South Bridge Read, Singapore MORE NOTICES IN PA6ES 17. It i 19 SCINDIA|JfrI J LINES I -—PACIFIC NORTH WEST SERVICE— Ji LOADING FOR LOS ANGELIS, SAN FRANCISCO
      766 words

  • 511 17 .ected alalayoian industrial yields la b" I May 8: Companies located in Malajsia for taxation purposes. Average (rrorw dividend yield 5 7 per cent (5.8 per cent" Average gruat earnings yield 8 7 per cent (8.6 per tenu t ompaniN located in Singapore for taxation purposes. Average
    511 words
  • 29 17 RUBBER AND TIN CLOSING PRICES May 13. KlllHrß PRICE: 6*l rents (up 4 quarter of a rent). TIN PRICE: $610.75 <up 53.:.) 1. Kstimated offering 265 tons (up 10).
    29 words
  • 328 17 Melbourne Exchange has narrow movements MELBOURNE. Tues. I^AI.I-S again outnumbered rise in the Mining and Oil sretion although movement* generally ight. Ml. ha went to a peak of S9 98 before prolu-takers Mild it d(i\*n to *»78 lot a luih on Hie day of 12 cents. Vurenaland Mine* was marked
    328 words
  • 285 17 'I'ME PORT OF SINGAPORE AUTMO--1 RITV ANNOUNCED THE FOLLOWINC BERTHING ARRANGEMENTS FOR MAY 14. OUT: Civ or Chcatrr 3/4. Jan Matt-jko follow rd bf Htriat Maulhaen> 15 16. f uuko Maxu M. fcutjan Uaa aUtrak (followed by 9rh>k«rk> 31 32. Mombaaa. Maru 4» 41. Hot Onn 47
    285 words
  • 23 17 In London on Monday Malayan 5 per cent c l.f U.K. June July In bulk was quoted unchanged at £70 sellers.
    23 words
  • 38 17 fvN Uia fraa aiahanit markat in Bong Kong yaaterday the U.S. Dallar «n quoted at b. 1150 for T.T. and 6.1025 for cath. attrlln, >n quoted at 14.37 aid ana taal at ialrj at 323.375.
    38 words
  • 350 17 Straits tin price jumps by nearly four dollars r FHE Straits tin price In A Penang ye.sterday rose sharply by $3.75 to $601.75 per plcul on an offering estimated up 10 tons to 266 tons. Strong support was reported from Europe and South America. By contrast the I-ondon forward buyers'
    350 words
  • 250 17 ]tf AY flr*| rrade rubber fob. bu»rr» ckrard at 5 p.m. in Singapore and Kuala Umpui yrsterday at 68* i rrnU per Ib. up a quarter of a rent on Monday's rloking lr\rl. I hi- lone »jn stead;, quiet. R.A.S. and M.B.E. closing price* in cents
    250 words
  • 526 17 VJTOCK EXChANCI OF MALAYSIA AND SINGAPORE 810 AND I PPM PRICES OFFICIALLY LItTBO M THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS. B. N.A 1.11 B«D A Co. 3.39 2 29 Borneo B<rb«d 1.53 I.SS Bomtead 2.12 Camel Plywood I.M 1.44 C. Rufart 4 SO cd C.C.M. oMi l.»& l.B« C. C
    526 words
  • 53 17 THE Chairman of Tholech Berhad Mr. Koo Khoon Meng reports 1968 was the company's first year of active trading and despite the sharp drop In the price of palm oil. which recovered slightly towards the end of the year, the company was able to make a satisfactory
    53 words
  • 672 17 again prevailed on the Stock Exchange of Malaysia and Singapore yesterday. Buying was not particularly strong while selling was mainly of the forced or hedge variety. Investors were still cautious following Saturday's Malaysian elections making their assessments and weighing up the imponderables before deciding
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  • 95 17 KAMPONG Lanjut Tin Dredging Berhad has declared a 20 per cent dividend for the year ended March 31. 1969 payable on June 18. No further dividend will be recommended for the year. Prior to the conversion of capital to Malaysian currency an Interim of Is. 3d. was
    95 words
  • 33 17 RL.MBIA Rubbt-r C>. announces a dividend of five per cent for 1968 <L' 4 per cent), payable on June 26 The profit Is £19,059 (£13.558) before tax of £8.200 (£776)
    33 words
  • 98 17 Lendu pays more LENDU Rubber Estates announce a dividend ol 11 p^r cent for 1968 1 3 cent > payable om Jum The profit I <£s<m> before tax uf £10.894 (£722) DOW JONES: 858 95 (week ago!. ***** (Friday), 957 86 (Monda\ 1 LONDON DOLLAR I'KK MUM: 54* to j4
    98 words
  • 98 17 /MINiSI P'tduta EiMtin.t, para, naan claims peic«« ptr pitul yatttiday. Cacanul ail: Dulk *4«| acllrm. dr.--i $51 asHSM Ctara- Mixtd (fo.h) tooaa M*>/ June I K C-ont. ».ll B. Papa.r: Muntok »bile SI. Sarawak «mt« $l_.i arlltra. apccitl Sara-v.ik black *97» Mlleri Lampong hlack $I?U Milan MLW) AST
    98 words
  • 115 17 '■'HI AtiMiatitn el UanHi in Malay la-tinftaMra marte t f*r in It* rates to rnerrhunta vrt>lollowinn rain* art nuot.n iv U>« equivalent of on* unit of ron .11 sstrsssyi US. Oallara: Buyinu I airmail ou II rrrdit Mil*, UBJS trait* mm: (tiling TT at OO rtad» vi QTO
    115 words
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 637 17 LEMBAGA LETRIK NEGARA TANAH MELAYU 1 he National Electricity Board ol the SUtca of Malaya l»OKr DICK.SON POVVtB STATION FIKST EXTENSION CHIMNEY CONTRACT N0.1901'5 Applications are invited from suitably experienced firms wishing to tender (or the conUruction of m 300 feet high reinforced c«a- -< trie chimney of approved draifn
      637 words

  • Obituary, Illustration
    51 18 In Mini. i, v nl our belovrd reßeogmc, thr Utr MR. qi I k 4 HENG Hot K drp.rted •>n the 4lh Ma) int.!). Our ciin-rlnl-nrrs rsLmlrd to hi* bi-rravrd famil> and thosr t losrl> av<orialrd with him. liw<itrd h\ ||M Mlfl of thr HuuMng llr\i'lii|inu lit B.i.i
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 2032 18 l________j__LliMdKijg^^ MALAYAN FLOUR MILLS BERHAD vnvn r. or k\\i \i OCK-_U_ Ml MING OTICE IS KEREBV GIVEN that j_ if Ninth Amntl Geneml Meet- J; ik of Malayan Hour Mills Berrrad ill be held n the Board ol aiay.sian Industrial Development inance Berhau. 4di Hu»t BanßUan MIDK. 117 Jalan AinDang
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    • 402 18 NOTICE P This Is to notify clients I that the firm "Maritime Sur- ..\(ir> Co will continue to perate as heretofore and that we have Do connections vith any organisations In i Singapore having a similar 1 name. F; X V ACHUTHAN g (Sole Proprietor) si MARITIME SURVEYORS CO, JJ
      402 words
    • 742 18 •ERSATUAN MAHASISWA2 UNIVERSITI MALAYA il MMRSITY OK MALAYA b STI DENTS* LXIOS) rENDER FOR CANTEEN NO. 2 d I TENDERS ARE INVITED ROM INTERESTED PERSONS p >r the operation of all Canteen > ervices for Canteen No 2 In :he tudenus' Union House at the Ur.l--rsitv of Malaya lor the
      742 words
    • 587 18 PEMBERITAHf TAWARAN J.K.R. SELANOOR. Tawaran2 daripada Pern- orong2 yang berdaftar dlK.R Kelaj, E 1 'D' fc 'C 1 KP I 2 >ahaja akan di-terima l-Pejabat Jurutera Kerja. KR., Kuala Langat. Telok )atok hingga pukul 3.00 j clang pada 16 5.1969 UNTOK. MEMBENA DAN MENYIAPKAN SABUAH RUMAH KERAJAAN KELAS 'D' UNTOK
      587 words
    • 462 18 KENYATAAN TAWARAN J.K.R. PAHANG Ta*aran2 danpada Pen lerdaftar di-JKR. Kelas "P" dan te-iUs dl-ba«ah kepala 11. P. Kepala: II akan di-i-rlma diPejabat Juruteia Npgen. Pahang. Kuantan >a-hiiiBga jam. 3 00. PetaiiK pada 23hb. Mei. 1969: •MEMBENA DAN MEN YAPKAN SA-BUAH RUMAH 11MPANOAN UNTOK PPHANIJ DI-PASIK BANG. KUALA TKMBW.IWO, JERANTUT. PHG
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 663 19 J JURONG TOWM CORPORATION L^^J SINGAPORE SENIOR APPOINTMENTS Applications are invited for the following posU In the ■oration:X M\II IS(.IMKRS Wl \IIFK \TION- iJiPT^.T r ProfMßin n«' Diploma In Civil Enaineerlng from a local institution or recognised foreign University IK ill* The appointees will have the opportunity of ensaglng them.xelve*
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    • 554 19 AIR-INDIA REQUIRES I. SECRETARY II n the Acciunts SectiM in in all inchnnt s-ilary grade if 5J225 19 434 25 584 QJALIFICATIOMS: Senier Cambridge with LCC. Minimum Ml year's experience. Most be a Singapere Citizen. 11. JUNIOR SALES REPRESENTATIVE in aa all-inclusive salary gran if ***** 31 809. QUALIFICATIONS: Sealer
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    • 832 19 I 1 invites applications from suitably qualified Malaysian citizens for posts of ENGINEERING APPRENTICES Candidates must: 1 13c between the ages of 16 —18 years. (2) Possess a minimum educational qualification 1 of L.C.E. with credits in General Science and Mathematics or its equivalent. (.'>*) Have good general knowledge and
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    • 638 19 FEDERAL TEACHING SCHOLARSHIPS FOR DIPLOMA IN EDUCATION 1969/1970 SESSION IMVKRSITY OF MALAYA, KUALA I.VMPIR Applications are invited from Federal Citizens for the awards of Federal Teaching Scholarships tenable at the University of Malaya. Kuala Lumpur, tor the oneyear lull-time of Diploma in Education for 1969 1970 session. The value
      638 words
    • 199 19 UNIVERSITY OF SINCAPORE ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS Applications are In' red jmft suitably quallfled penntis foCajKl pointment to the following poSC: 1 M TIKKSHIPS OK \>v|v|. ANT LBCTtJMRHirs L\ ANATOMY, requiring academic quilifu 1 ference to those with Ing experience in A and a knowledge o( the anatomical techniques. (2) LtCTIRESHIP OR
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    • 219 20  -  EPSOM JEEP By DEBONAIR did a brilliant trial in heavy going at Bukit Timah yesterday morning. Riaden by Garnet Bougoure, Debonair beat Festival of Kerry (Rod Dawkins up) by a neck in a half-mile gallop In 53, the last 3f In 39. However. Festival of Kerry
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    • 101 20 IJfOR the nrst time shooter* from India ill compete Singapore, in a five-nation meet, trom Aug 11 to 4llg 17. to be held in conjunction with Pest a Sukan. Slneapore Rifle Association president Funft Lok Nain vald Indonesia. Thailand and MMaysU have clso agreed to lake
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    • 45 20 The newly-formed Kelantan Table Tennis Association plan to hold the first state ch»mpionihips at Kota Bharu on June 6 Officials: President Kua Kirn Him: vice-president Tengku Baharuddin secretary Tiack I eons: a-vastant secretary Chua Hock Lim; treasurer Wong Jong Kiow
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    • 254 20 Carew hits unbeaten century v Varsities LONDON. Tues. An unbeaten century by opening batsman Joey Carew was the only bright spot for the West Indian cricket team on the final day of their match against Oxford and Cambridge Universities combined. The match at Oxford was abandoned as a draw Rain
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    • 167 20 Bu l fie ld 'capped' for Selangor ALEX DELILKAN will lead a strong Selangor side against Kedah in the seasons first inter- state cricket match at the Kuala Lumpur Padang this weekend. In the team are nine players who have represented Malaysia. Selanitor CA. vke-pre-Rtdent, Dr. V. Vaithynathan. said yesterday,
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    • 37 20 Th»> P^nan" CyclisU Axmv ciation will hold a SO-tnilr road ra^e from Birch Road at Gurnrv Drive on Sunday Rt 7.30 .m. The race will be nin in thrp* Kw'lonn for »choolboyt. Juniors »nd Mnlors.
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    • 104 20 MELBOURNE. Tue«.— Wirld featherweleht champion Johnny Fair.echon o< a would defend hi? title against Masahiko -Fightlnß" Harada of Japan on Ju y 26 in Sydney. R. Lean, the general manager of Stadiums Limited, said here last nlpht he had clinched the match in a telephone call to
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    • 27 20 >s;\'acca Government Services Sportx ">>um-il orficials: President Hajl War« Salaidin b. Wiin Tsmail: vlce-pres»d»nt.« Vlnr«nt Lai and Dr. OS Dhiliur «ecn»tary O Rengaaamy; trea»ur«r Georg* Tap.
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    • 223 20 By MANSOOR RAHMAN A SABAH schoolboy will represent Malaysia in A the first Asian junior boxing championships in Tokyo on Sept. 13-16. He i> Pr K 18 the holder oi tne national flyweight r.'le. which he Kuchlng last year. Malaysian Amateur Box Ing Association secretary
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    • 81 20 STOCKHOLM 1 Justice Miniver Herman Kirns wid he would shoi'ly Introduce parliamentary l< profes-siimal boxing in Sweden. Mr. Kling tuid PaxlUmCOt'l legal committee, which must approve the text of the Bill. that it .should conform will: the recommrnd.i! i.^ns made by the five-nation Nordic
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    • 39 20 Malaysia will send a 'earn to the thud Aaten cycline elwm- pionshinf at Seoul from May 30 ro June 10. The number Of cyclists will depend on the funds available, ■•-«id Malaystin CyclLst.s Federation m Kirn
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
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  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 74 20 -n/A//t/& </*>/*&* Acr/oA/ 9tari"ino a kduhp \vrrw a eAey 6.WIN& JNJI/U IUB BOW MU6>CL.Eir PMB£R UP KewCts &COZ\N<a POTENTIAL,. PROPBZ wARM-OP fr e&ZeHTIAi, M AVOIDING Plii-l-f-V 1- 6*M!fNTS OS. ieNPON6>, 9UX IT <bHOUtf? TAKg Pl-AC£ BtFOKtg^*^^ THg ROUNP- /Te/C/e ■f&**/rr/A/& a s/aGis /^XQ^^ f/fis'r j- $w/a/& AC/-U0 &*C*r L3tfk^^\ AM?
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    • 255 21  - 150 for Seap —Wok ERNEST FRIDA By JHE Singapore Olympic and Sports Council aim to send a team of 150 competitors and officials to the Seap Games in Rangoon in December. This was announced by SOSC president Othman Wok yesterday when he launched a drive for funds lor the Singapore
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    • 34 21 D (1 re.:rs under the which 1. •■cord of ned on ;nv.<lid nnine of ihf mi nth (in n. hurdle* a 100 ..iid i-l c to be puihta during the mn, RrutT.
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    • 703 21 WTNTA Electrical Dis*v tribution chalked up their sixth victory in seven outings by beating Poultry Deaiers ft-0 in the Ipoh district league Div. l soccer match at Jalan Abdul Jalil, yesterday. The match was played at a pace and miiiv.ay through the nr.<t
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    • Article, Illustration
      66 21 yHE goal that saved Puchong Rangers from defeat by Selangor Club In the FAS League Open division on the Kuala Lumpur padang yesterday. The ball is trickling into the goal after centrehalf -Tony O'Brian had tapped the ball bacK only to see that goalkeeper David Sayers was not in position
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    • 83 21 'THREE Singapore cyclists »ili compete for the first UMH tn the Fourth Asian champ:in>hips in Seoul from May 30 to June 8. They are Artif Haahim. Roland urn and Abdul Latif Anat Zain Anff. 23. won a silver and a bronze at the last Seap Game*
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    • 645 21 BADMINTON PENAN'G SCHOOLS bins mi-dfr-1^ riagta lit rd: Goh bt Ch;iHh li-3. H>r See terry Chltty 15-10, 15Abciul Rahim bt KhilM Abdullah 18-13. 18-15; Tan H bt Itm Sianc Chee i 8-15. 1 ,mcd L\e 1 5-3. I Scans bt t Chin TMk 15-5 1 M '.vnv Hoong Lim
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    • 150 21 DATFLES Institution's 1V second team won the Singapore Combined Schools seven-a-side rugger chamDionship beating ftaffles "A" by 18 points (three goals and a try) to eight (one goal and a try) at Kallang yesterday. The first half was a touch-and-go affair with the teams
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    • 64 21 SYDNKY. Turn. The Australian Cricket Board of C«ntrol has agreed to amend financial term* submitted by the Indian Board (or the Australian tour of India next seaaon. The secretary of the Australian Board. Mr. A. Barnes, said the terms provide lor a total match guarantee payment
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    • 215 21 United ready to face Milan f ONDOtf, Tues. Manchester United face their European Cup second leg semifinal tie with A C. Milan here on Thursday in better heart after the brilliant return to form of England star Bobby Charlton and the recovery of injured players. Heartened by Charlton i dazzling
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 63 21 ATTENTION Principals and Teachers STANDARD FOUR OBJECTIVE TEST SAMPLE PAPERS In Arithmetic. Science, t.nelish Language, National Language, History. Geography. JUST OUT BOOKS K»K BTANDABO 1 IVK SIX ON THE ABOVE SUBJECTS ALSO AVAILABLE Pruc: Std IV K0 ctv per copy. St.l A. \l s| 00 pet copy Enquiries VeJcoOM m
      63 words
    • 138 21 There's a new sign in your sky Northwest Orient has a new corporate symbol. Northwest Orient has the fastest one plane serSign of a proud past which includes over 21 vice from Hong Kong to Seattle and New York, years of Orient service. Sign of a soaring future— One airline
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  • Page 21 Miscellaneous
    • 132 21 BADMINTON Spore You'b championships (SBA Hall p.m.). HOCKEY Malacca k.o. tournrr: Alor Oajah v Medicals (Malacca Club grd>. Ipob Div. Z: Fpri Kepayang v LttsalUani>. Brewstcr v Police FF (both tames at Padangi. BOCCEB B'for Premier Division: Umno v Starlite iJn Cherasi. BCRC v TPCA (Jn Ovirneyi, Police v Malays
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  • 64 22 MCA leaders 'are men of courage' Tun TUN ABDUL RAZAK resting ;it his home in Kiuihi Lumpur yesterday after learning ;ilx>ut the MCA decision to withdraw from the Government lie told reporters who called on him ;it Sri Tainan: "I salute them as men of principle and courage. This is
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  • 151 22 Dining room strike at the Commons I ONDON, lues. The House uf Commons, soon to debate a now Industrial Relations Bill, had a 45--minute strike in its own dining room last night between Hi" soun and the roast beef. Hungry MP's were seen munching furiously at crackers while waiting for
    Reuter  -  151 words
  • 45 22 kolai A SUaye\, 58. lank:. serve officer in the Central Air Defence headquarters, died after loiL- Ilium, the Detence Ministry newspaper I'ra&naya Z\ezda, nld today. He was the 13 th General to have died in a little over three weeks— UPl
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  • 30 22 WASHINGTON. Tues. The White House announced yesterday that President Nixon would buy at U*****,000 home for use a.s a summer White House In San Clemente, California.
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  • 94 22 LONDON Tu.-s. A Clunesc kitrhen hand, uho M»rak» (inl\ Ivc M>il of tagflsh, puacd hi* iirivinc test on Sunday tliankto an instructor uho learned < hinesc to help him Chan Shun. tan nnl> viv "Yes \.i and "Oh. My God in rn?li*h
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  • 210 22 Australia does not envisage facing war alone: Lynch BRISBANE, Tues. Australia did not envisage having to face revolutionary warfare in Asia without allies. Army Minister, Mr. Philip Lynch, said here. Outlining the essentials of Australia's future defence position. Mr. Lynch said Australia's major and abiding concern would be South-east Asia.
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  • 95 22 £59 million British trade deficit I ONDON. Tues.— An v all-time record bill for imports pushed Britain's trade into 159 million deficit in April, the Government announced today. Imports rose to £673 million compared with £665 million in March the joint previous highest month. Exports and reexports fell ill million
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  • 49 22 SINGAPORE. Tues—Malay-sia-Singapore Airlines' domestic flights to West Malaysia tomorrow will be as scheduled. Its last flight to Kuala Lumpur today departed at 10 p.m. with 15 passengers on board. The Fokkcr Friendship aircraft returned to Singapore «t 12.55 a.m. with three passengers.
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  • 353 22 LONDON. Tucv The ni.-ket was sharply lower today. Towards the clo.>e the FT index was 16.8 down .at 422.7 alter being 11.1 I down at 10.30 this morning. Fears of a further credit .squeeze and uncertainty on the domestic economic and political front made for
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  • 76 22 LONDON, Tues. Spot 24* id. June 24'» d., July 24 a »d.. Aug. 24 3 id.. July Sept. 24 3 »d.. Oct. Dec. 24 a ,d.. Jan. Mar. 24 5 16d.. April June 24' 4 d. July Sept. 24 3 16d Oct. Dec. 24 3 16d.. Jan. March 24',
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  • 33 22 LONDON. Tut.*.— Buyers £1420 <+£9>. sellers £1421 i £Bt. Forward buyers £1426 < EB .i sellers £1427 <-£9i. Settlement £1419 (+£6 >. Turnover a.m. 270 tons, i p.m. 40 tons. Tone: Steady but quiet.
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  • 68 22 BANGKOK. Tut*. A 16--year-old bride m central NakbOO Sawan committed .suicide when her brldgeroom failed to appear at the wedding ceremony, press reports -aid. Miss Somchit Poonphum locked herself in her room and took Insecticide when. On the wedding day. the bridegroom said
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  • 30 22 LONDON. ported to<;a\ I i Home Becrei han lii B Inner Cabinet This In Labour < strusclf came niter Mi I ed a monmiL' i ters a!
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  • 25 22 MOSCOW today launched their fli lite for unmanned n the M maximum me! re mum of i!M ttlometi miles).— UPl.
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  • 9 22 MANILA v.Ui i hlghva
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  • 36 22 SARAVANAMUTTHI. Road K L... at i MR THAM CMC! SANG or llth May 1048 it 8l» J vi 14.:. n. from 41J-A PUAN SRI CJNN LAV TEIK n». I Prkrlil,i” ,n tt ntnnilav M'h V
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
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