The Straits Times, 12 May 1969

Total Pages: 22
1 22 The Straits Times
  • 25 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 175,000 The Straits Times 111 Kiiiiiiiiii! Nfewspuper Kstd. IK4J MONDAY. MAY 12. 1969 15 CENTS M.C. (P) 0723 KDN 4031
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  • 48 1 The State contests: Who's in control where PENANG: Gerakan K.t .i>.it Malaysia with a majority of eight KIi.WTW: PMIP also with a majority of eight. PKRAK: PPP in position to form coalition Government. BBLANGOB: Dead lock between the Alliance and the Opposition. IMF BEST: The Alliance retains control.
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  • 33 1 r.M Sun. Israel today < -:.ibiished ma tic relations at il was olHil- morning toe .n Singapore tint of an trade mis- n ippointed rrn -•-man said.
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  • 32 1 itn an me .<nd dm tun and nursn ties report a hut a hi aith :<»ak would m aa those >f thr epidemic that swept ■a inter.— Rcutcr
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  • Article, Illustration
    17 1 Tun Tan Tun Sambanthan Or. Lim Chong Eu Mr. Goh Hock Guan Dr. Chen Man Hin
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  • Article, Illustration
    14 1 Inche Senu Tan Sri {Or) Lim Or. Ng Kam Poh Tan Sri Wong
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  • 685 1 KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday THE sailing boat symbol of the Alliance was buffeted as it had never before yesterday but proved its seaworthiness. At the end of the count for the 103 contested Parliamentary seats this morning, the Alliance was assured of another five years
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  • 213 1 Kazak to leaders of the Opposition: Let's work together |>KKAN. Sun. The Deputy Prime Minister, Tun Abdul Kazak. appealed today to Opposition leaders to work together with the ruling party for the good of the country. He said: "I would have wished for a trigger Alliance majority because our nation
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  • 63 1 MANILA. Sun. President Marcos today sent a congratulatory cable to the Malaysian Prime Minister, Tcngku Abdul Rahman, after the ruling Alliance Party won the general election, although with a reduced majority. The message read: "My cordial felicitations on the victory achieved by your party
    AP  -  63 words
  • 152 1 WASHINGTON, Sunday. [i|R. Lee Kuan Yew. who arrived here today on his way home from a visit to Britain, is expected to have a meeting early next week with President Nixon. The Singapore Prime Minister will be particularly Interested to hear the President's
    Reuter; AP  -  152 words
  • 30 1 MOSCOW Sim. Four Nazi collaborators have been sentenced to death by unnu squad for participating in the u.irumt massacre of 6.000 Ftusthe newspaper Trud reported today UPI.
    UPI  -  30 words
  • 98 1 Woman dies as Viet cart blows up CAIOON, Sun. Three Vietcong wheeled ,i cart full or explosives up to a police station today and then escaped in hail of bullets before it biew up, killing a uum.ui and injuring _'"> people. Three hours latof .t terrorist tmmmi a grenade al
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  • 306 1 Saigon ready for secret talks PARIS, Sun. Sal- gon's chief negotiator Mr. Pham Dang Lam said here today that he was ready to begin secret talks with the Vietcong if it really wished to enter into substantive talks. Mr. Lam, who arrived here today from 8 after consultation* hia government.
    Reuter  -  306 words
  • 22 1 i MO I Hi I I «l>.. .tril lost iti r l.i W in Mill letfaj I f ,l. B*«4
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 180 1 CHIONGSHING house of Dmmonos FWUJIESS ffl**Atih SPRRKLERS KMJS N WITH LTMOST DWITH GUARANTEE MPO. JIWELLim LTOL DIAMONO IMKKTII ANO EXFCXTI* 654. NO«TM HUOGt KOAO. SNGA»O« Z TEI ****** ***** *****7 ■RANCH LAIA ARCADIA HCAIONGI 'The FM Special Whilevst y hHBMat d'«» well in in FM ndio. a <ilt•.jiftoc dc*s betttr
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    • 69 1 Parliament State Alliance 76 167 PMIP 12 40 DAP 13 31 Gerakan 8 26 PPP 4 12 Party Rakyat 3 Ind. 3 UMCO Parliamentary seats still to be decided 24 in Sarawak, six in Sabah and one in Malacca. State elections also have still to be held in Sarawak. Therefc
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    • 269 2 BONN. Sunday. £HANCELLOR Kiosingcr yesterday cancelled his weekend holiday to keep in close touch wit ii intensive economic talks here following the West German Cabinet's decision not to increase the value ol the mark. Although Mr. Conrad Ahlers. the deputy government
      Reuter  -  269 words
    • 160 2 MERANO ■North Italy). A Sun AH tyled "She-Pope' who cia'.med that she warded Off the end of the world last March with her prayers, d'>d near here yesterday. StalTler 70, had ■red around her a small see! which believed she had
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    • 122 2 I os ANGELRS, *un. converted World War II B-M horn her. testing secret electronic equipment fur the arniv, crashed into tuo apartment buildings near I. os Aiigelev airport \c^terdav killing its four crew and injurine a young girl. The plane swerved to avoid tun nearby
      Reuter  -  122 words
    • 49 2 SRINAGAR i Kashmiri. Sun. The e\ncualion of 5.000 people from four vfitagM about 12 miles from here, which are sraduall' sinking following heavy snow and ram last month, is being considered by Hip authnr'tir.v The >ame ar« was devastat- by an earthquake I, i ago. Reut«r.
      Reuter  -  49 words
    • 144 2 'HELP US RESTORE STABILITY" PLEA BY WEBSTER C*T JOHN S. Sun— Anguillan leader Mr. Ronald •Vebster (above) tailed on Commonwealth Caribbean covernmtntv to help find a solution to his island's two-year rebellion against St. Kitt-. "I don't expect them to do murh", he said. "But if we can get them
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    • 160 2 Dying girl saved by liver swap from 551b. pig /\SAKA, Sun. A 16--v year-old factory worker has been living with a pi}:'s liver transplanted into her stomach slnct Jan. 12. it was reported today The Yomiuri newspaper said Dr Fumio Murakami and his 19 colleagues of Osaka University's Medical
      UPI  -  160 words
    • 29 2 LISBON. Sun— Dlsfiid. dent> last night decldtd to bovrott tie spring examinations at Colmbra University, shu: I by the Government becaiif-^ of agitation on the campus \P
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    • 278 2 Jordan, Israel forces battle north of the Dead Sea LONDON, Sunday. JORDAN reported a 35-minute battle with Israeli forces yesterday that included use of tanks, mortar and machine guns in the area of the Abdullah Bridge one mile north of the Dead Sea. A Jordanian mmmuniqu.' Issued in Amman said
      UPI  -  278 words
    • 210 3 NATIONAL COUNCIL (HITS GOVTSPONSORED ADVISORY BODIES 1 tional Council for Civil Liberties announced today it is withdrawing its active participation from governmentsponsored immigration advisory bodies as a eminent policy. decision follows a statement ::mrnt th to propose an amendment to the Immigration Appeals Bill making entry
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    • 75 3 •IHOLM Sun. A mcd: should m» a median i re- r a welllie had medium" steak was I ba d" niece of and the dentist left without psying the bill— 77 Sweden crovni <USsls>. The nex* day ho sent 54 crowrs for the Taw material" but
      AP  -  75 words
    • 121 3 RAF Harrier blasts off to set record TIIK Royal Ai r Fortes super spectacular began in .i cloud of dense black dust as the Harrier bl.istp,| off from SI Panrr;i.s, London, cheered by hundreds of peoule on nru'by balconies and rooftops. Squadron Leader Tom Leek > Thompson «a^ airborne only
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    • 218 3 NEW YORK. Sunday. A WORLD cruise by a modern Noahs Ark is being planned for November, 1970 "to show all of God's people to each other and create, contain and maintain international peace," a cable from Sydney announced yesterday. The cable wa.s sisned by
      UPI  -  218 words
    • 46 3 IX>NDON. Sun Bricklayer rood h.t.-- .v|)ent £600 < $4.410 1 in the .six keeping h.s csneer-strieken cieht-\i .dive with special tnfecttom Mr W, i aid >« I kn"\v lot of money but it worth 11 We're tremendously fond of the cat '—Router.
      Reuter  -  46 words
    • 27 3 SEOUL Sun —AU S. All Force F 4 Phantom jet crashed into the sea off South Korea* eoswt '.h-s aiternoon American military officials reported. UP!
      UP  -  27 words
    • 106 3 JAKARTA. Sun The Government will carry out the act of free choice In West Irian from July 10 to Aug. 5. it was announced today. The announcement followed a government statement lhat the act would be held as pianned despite the
      Reuter  -  106 words
    • 80 3 NEW YORK. Sun. A private noßfftnF yesterday paid U5532,000 a probable world auction record. lor a 30 in. high porcelain horse irom the Tung dynasty. The horse a glazed terra ,-otla burial IsfUn VM mane some time between 700 and 750 A.D. Because of its
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    • 70 3 TANUIPR Sun. Woolworth heiress. fiarbara Hutton, published a It' notice yesterday confirming that she is seeking eat divorce from her .seventh husband. Laotian Prince Raymond Doan Vmh Ch.inipas.sak Mis.- Hut ion, 56. met Prince Champassak in Tangier in 1963 and marr. -d him
      AP  -  70 words
    • 221 3 Warsaw Pact: Greater say for all members BUDAPEST, Sun.— The Warsaw Pact coun--1 tries have decided to form a defence ministers' committee and will permit each member nation to name a deputy commander to the alliance's military forces, Hungary's Defence Minister said yesterday. Col-Gen. Lajos Czinege disclosed some of the
      UPI  -  221 words
    • 42 3 DUBU 1 Sun. Former President de Gaulle began a months vacation in a thirdrate hotel on Ireland's southwest coast yesterday. He took ovei the 11 -room Heron Cove Hotel. None of the rooms has a ( bathroom.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 52 2 d m i V m* Zj ANCHOR Pilsener BEER Is best Its brewed better... it tastes better... and it has 3 top international awards for excellence to prove it! LONDON, ENGLAND, LONDON, ENGLAND /NIJRNBERG, GERMANY So why pay more for less than the best? Enjoy the golden goodness of ANCHOR
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    • 96 2 My goodness, it's not Fatty Tan, is it? Not Tatty* 1 lan. Patrick Tan. "hatt\" vanished into bistOT) some inches and pounds ago. Patrick Pan is his true slim self (hanks to Hcrnicseuv Hcrmcseta.s is a sweet little thing \et no calorics Nothing fatty about it You can't taste ihe
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 202 3 NEW $100 CAMERA DEVELOPS ITS OWN COLOUR PHOTOS (Finished colour prints in seconds.) 4&a <fl LV^C Ssv« ft^tHb^Bw flsv fa I m Ai sW^—^ a# -m WT"*4F iJ Iii BWW1 3JIA »fIS The first Polaroid Colour Pack Camera was sold (No developing tanks or liquids. You do not in France
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    • 353 3 EPlKOTE 'flooring' HARDER WEARING, ANTI-CORROSIVE. The floors of industrial plants, food processing plants, breweries and abattoirs are subject to constant corrosive action by acids and alkalis, animal products, steel-wheeled trolleys, and regular scrubbing with steam and scouring agents. Conventional surfaem soon corrode and break up under such conditions Protect them
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  • 157 4 Craig to meet MSA Pilot Assn. officials SINGAPORE. Sun. The iw rriHn.icnig director of Ml-l.i.vMa-sing;i|>ore Airline. Mr. Pavid L Craig will shortly meet officials of the MalaysiaSingapore Airline Pilots Association over the dismissal of tnree MSA pilots. urline'a public relations Mis* Mary Bob, said this to clarify .i 'report in
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  • 118 4 SINGAPORE. Sun. The Ministry of Interior and Defence is looking for materia' on the police force and the volunteer forces fi r Its exhibition to be held in July to mark the 150 th anniversary of Singapore They Include old photographs, i:ems of
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  • 36 4 SINGAPORE. Sun— A senior lecturer in surgery, Mr. James Frazer from the Edinburgh University, will give a talk on "Cryo Surgery at the Orthopaedic lPcture hall of the General Hospital at 4.30 pjn. tomorrow
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  • 317 4 A police reshuffle to boost manpower SINGAPORE, Sunday TIIH Singapore Police Force is now undergoing a re-organisation to strengthen the manpower of its nine divisions. This re-organisation started on May 1 with the Reserve Unit and will be completed by June. I tore May 1. there t hree bases at
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  • 218 4 SINGAPORE. Sun. A "master plan" for beach development is now ready and private developers are likely to be invited soon to build chalets, restaurants and hotels. The plan is now being costed and getting its finishing touches. While this Is brlnr done, the Government
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  • 82 4 SINGAPORE. Sun An alert detective arrested three youths, who robbed a European man In Bernam Street early this morning. The man. name mas not disclosed by police, was sleeping on the five-foot-way when he was robbed. The youths took a watch worth $130 and $30
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  • 25 4 SINGAPORE. Sun —The following numbers were drawn In this weeks Toto draw. 28. 19. 35. 2 and 41. The supplementary number was 44.
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  • 226 4 SINGAPORE, Sunday MOST of the accidents that occur in Singapore are man-made, and it is vital therefore that the people have a knowledge of first aid, the Hpaith Minister. Mr. Chua Sian Chin, said today. He was speaking at the 18th annual first aid competition
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  • 229 4 SINGAPORE. Sun. Although it is clear that Tan Lian Ann will win the Singapore clu\ss championship comfortably as he leads by point.s with only four more rounds to go, the light for the second place promises to be a close thing. Oey has
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  • 202 4 SINGAPORE. Sun. In a Rossini Centennial Concert, the Singapore National Orchestra under Its guest conductor, Shalom Ronly-Rilclts. gave an evenins of music by Rossini, Vivaldi, Moz*»r» and three Chinese pieces. The concert was a resounding success considering that the orchestra was founded less than a year
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 191 4 lhiVoVeVs'tomo'rrow! SEDUCER BY DAY!... BLOOD DRINKER BY NIGHT! I i^i^r^^ jOi^^B^. \JrjH i^i^A s^^^^F* LH^ LIB d^^V mm t 2B|r mr^S wL Wm£— mm j^L^lfc B 1 MAGDA KONOPKA JULIO PENA in COLOR I I HEX TODAY TOMORROW ONLY! I He undauntedly (ought to avenge the humiliation suffered by his
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    • 19 4 TODAY 3 SHOWS: 3 -c 9 p.m Na Free List Children (5 et». To All Seati Distributed by Cathay.
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    • 234 4 ORCHARD: opens tomorrow! Uapid-fire action iri s; bt TONY ANTHONY DAN VAPIS See RAQUEI WELCH performing the S T open air bath scene ever screened BEFORE SHE j I'ljijll I TURNS OFF THE SHOWER! I HURRY! HURRY! |Jlll,»|l Don't Miss It! I !.jCii| a ODEON I A 841 i 12th
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    • 551 4 ORGANISATION .1 '^■***W«li llaTllfJ I LAST DAY' -11 am. 1 45, 400 6JO I •I] a Mag SATANiK 12th SCAfU -it i *Y< 11 am, 1 4J, 4 00, 630 ft 0 Oracvla H O Risen From The Grave' _i_ aaa -JlZi^t t n' M y TODAY I TOMORROW 0
      551 words

  • 219 5 Two-time loser Verappan scores a double triumph I^l ALA I I MPI K. Sun —Mr V Veerappan i»b»vf lunnrr BtMHsIM Front >il> uin, «ai> uuc Urlratrtl uhrii be nought rr-tievtion in his old Sebrrant S<latau ronatitueaiv in i:«o4 and ISMi.i. votrrd a double triumph vi thr (.nakan Und>lu)( in i'rn.tiig
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  • 17 5 TEL; Sun. Chief i!i Foo from Ipoh I. H*a. mor In.i i .large of Pecrft
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  • 24 5 TELUK ANSON. Sun. Mr. Daljit Singh Giil interpreter in the magistrates court, hue has l*cn transroned to the Sessions f'otirt in M..lana.
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  • 312 5  - Don't use Senate as a way out for the defeated, Alliance warned PHILIP MATHEWS AFTER THE PEOPLE'S VERDICT... SPOTLIGHT ON OPPOSITION MEN WHO CAUGHT THE TIDE TO VICTORY Kuala Lumpur, Sunday By yHE Opposition will not tolerate any attempt by the Alliance to appoint defeated politicians as Ministers through the
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  • 212 5 MALACCA, Sun. The over- helming victory of the DAP parliamentary and state candidates in Malacca and elsewhere was a "victory for the concept and ideals of a Malaysian MalayMa," the organising secretary, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, said today. Mr. Lim was
    212 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 71 5 p. »opo NTMENT TO UL» n/i :\,TY THE OUEEM tuf>»><»i cf ;MCKt»s (»eouiiiTEB ALfHLO ..In!.* UMITtO Dunhill King Size Filter 91 B h9 nvaDßiiHfH IB iiM^^S^JBMBIBi /^^^^M^r Created by Master \T of the House of Dunhill ...superbly contained in a distinctive claret and gold box. The House of Dunhill wishes
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 255 5 Straits Times Crossword A( B(i>s artfat, It < n»w to us though A. Simple hostel with »cry llctt* l period .IS. money hold, love-in (f). i. Fragr«nt and luxurious Be sharp: -mith your old •'•commodaUnn? >3. 2. 5). round bit of ornament c«. Check with the firm <6i M Got
      255 words

  • 2132 6 TUC I/PI/ A Alliance, DAP Hr LIT Democratic Action Party, 1 iifc l%to PM IP Pan Malayan Islamic Party: CRM Cerakan Ra'ayat Malaysia; PPP People's Progressive Party: I Independent; PR Party Rakyat; SUPP Sarawak United Peo pies Party: SNAP Sarawak National Party; SCA Sarawak Chinese Association; PB Party
    2,132 words
  • 2220 6 JOHORE \> I I! IMI \>t 1 u -a Inn llj. Nau.iui >.ikrom bin 1 778 -li.irudin bin Kip it I'MJ^' 1 IR'J 5-76 809 B\M»\i: MAMAKANI «'hua Sunn Lim (A) Mm.. s,, nl 1,, x KIKH> CiIUII I •>» .D\P. 1,771 Spoiit
    2,220 words

  • 3894 7 if FROM PAGE 6 MALACCA th>e Hint IMP) 2 881 Im Kirn mm 1,454 I^>» K>e thji 10 07 i M*j. 427 SpoUt votes: 180 i KOI lIMOK Bernard Ma Maria (DAP. 4.394 Chmuui Seth «A i 1 781 trie Ihr^-ir* 774 2.633 Spoilt 275 km DTAKA
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  • 270 7 THE 'GIANT KILLERS' WHO DEFEATED THREE CABINET MINISTERS By WONG PUAN WAH KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. Gerakan "giant killer" Mr. Ng Hoe Hun. who soundly defeated the Minister of Commerce and Industry and deputy president of the MCA, Tan Sri (Dr.) Lim Swee Aim, is an engineer and farmer. He defeated
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  • 208 7  - Drastic fall in majority j for Ministers K. Mohanan By KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. Eight Cabinet Ministers who were 1 returned with thumping majorities in the 1964 election had their leads drastically slashed when results were announced this morning. Tengku Abdul Rahman, who trounced his PMIP opponent with a majority of
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 215 7 LOW-PRICED ECONOMY EDITION The highly successful New English Workbooks ore now available in an economy edition CONTENTS RE MAIN THE SAME. NEW ENGLISH WORKBOOKS The New English Workbooks are a series of ten carefully graded English Workbooks which provide a primary course covering oil aspects of English language work, including
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  • Article, Illustration
    84 8 Quote IT IS essential that communal feelings generated during the campaign should be damped down because this is one thing the nation cannot afford. The success of parties which played on communalism during the campaign may be significant, but we hope that these tactics will be discontinued now flfc that
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  • 1148 8 HOW THEY VOTED A STATE- BY-STATE ROUNDUP ALL but two results of the voting yesterday were received in the capital by midmorning today. A State-by-State report follows PKRI.IS: Thp Alliance retained this State with an 11-1 majority the same as in 1964
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 285 8 aSANKOLINEJ^ C. F. SHARP CO. (M) PTE. LTD. take great pleasure in announcing their appointment as general agents for Singapore and Malaysia for THE SANKO ASIA LINE, LTD. M.V. KYUSEI MARU the first vessel of this New Line arrives Singapore 15th May 7969 on her maiden voyage. SINGAPORE: TEL *****/7
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
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  • 64 9 PS ING, Sun. The I»\P srored a 100 per cent victory in Penan*. "We put up four candidates three for the State and the other for Parliament and all were returned," said Mr. Ycap (.him (iuan. the Penan? branch chairman. "This
    64 words
  • 950 9 latan, but wai defeated in the Kenuunan P:«riurm 1 1 lokhtar bin Ahmad of the Alliiince. M \1 I 1 c, Tun Tan Slew Sin. saic 1 thai although the Alliance would form the tie\'. Government the result of the election ma disappointing for
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 35 9 Bugs Bunny By Ralph He im da hi W A ST P"-_\ A Vs DOS'.N^ >A EAT SOCCER J lsA3>'C-3 J CCE^O. I PNAG2AB T-A.T J I F'X W r-<\V\A\sAPNS- RO-LES \^y LUNCH IP WMMTIN'
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  • The Straits Times
    • 737 10 "n»p Alliance Government Is back in power. With ten seats in Sabah. where Alliance candidates were returned unopposed, it has a parliamentary majority whatever happens in the staggered elections in East Malaysia. But the loss of tventy-tuo Wesi Malaysian •fats, and a less than fifty per cent share
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    • 318 10 Washington and Saigon h lad cautiously to ten-point Some of the points c clarification, others are uii.uLcpt.ibk- as they bile > ct others offer the baM.s for further talks. The allied response has preferred to assume that certain elements of the plan are negotiable. In doing ao
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  • The morning after in three West Coast States
    • 803 10  - Getting to grips with the problems KHOR CHEANG KEE PENANG By THE Chief Minister designate of Penang had just got up from one hours sleep when I spoke to him this morning. "How does it feel like to be the next CM. 7 I really don*t know." said the Ciciakans
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    • 555 10  -  HENRY PAUL, by OPPOSITION political parties tn Perak have won enough of the 40 seats In the Legislative Assembly to form the State Government. The Alliance have won 19 seats, the People's Progressive Party 12. Democratic Action Party six, Gerakan two and PMIP one.
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    • 570 10  -  CHEAH BOON KHENG by Kuala Lumpui SELANGOR JHE strong performance of the Opposition parties in the State and parliamentary elections in Selangor was totally unexpected. It shook not only the Alliance, but the Opposition parties as well. Alliance calculations had pointed to their securing all
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 55 10 BANK WITH j^^j^\ O\ ERSEA-CHINESE 4(&* BANKING GORPN. LTD. V lj ITROH«I»T •«< LARSfST lANK Vejjl Or IN MALAYSIA ANO J PORI >S AUTHORISED CAPITAL: PAIS UP CAPITAL: S ;:,I>M,N*/SAFETY FIRST! mg^mgm an. iiO.GR Ci Policy. TOTAL O»e» Ti.9—,—t/' Because it is the bent in TOTAL toou(ICM the end. I^t
      55 words
    • 182 10 Why 100 Pipers? can tune yourself to the finest/ V Scotch strains. i^Jbtit— iJfc\ A perfect pitch f il of Highland y^ Seagram wouldn't settle for less. |(|T||>| mum—* EnclutiT* Imjerl.n FOOD 4 lEVIRA6I iPRIVATI) LIMITIO. Advertisement In TWO HOURS* I can prove you can have a Super Power MEMORY!
      182 words

  • 217 11 ranuidaic among the Opposition. ■i Interview. Dato Harun. \\h.> was returned In h s w>nstltu -icy 1 «<« n.e peo ile m-.. lmbiiUmed dewlon tliry have •.aJten ag.iinal the Alliance. "The Goverrment will not be ;,ble now to accomplish all .t.s i>;sr:s for the progress
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  • 80 11 Two caught tampering with phone booths OINGAPOKK. Sun.— Two men were arrested early this mornin; after they were seen stealinc c<iin~ from a phone booth in Tanflin Halt Road T".vo off-duty policemen saw the men tampering with a telephone booth One was arrested immediately but the olher ran away only
    80 words
  • 47 11 LfML r. Bub The anmia! I.iiniut I wili be hclci m Auijuii 1 1 coincide with :he ithoo; tiolidu>-b. Raja br. bin Raja Abclul Hamid. adrlaet to the ornament; committee said here tr<lay frouewli from the carnival to flnancr v.eifare pro--1 the Dm.:.:
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  • 128 11 K.L mail train delayed near S'pore SINGAPORE. Sun. The morning mall train from Kuala Lumpur was slightly delayed when seven latex wagons were derailed a short distance from the Singapore railway station early this morning. No one was injured. Latex from two taiiK.s leaked on to the tracks. Th« remaining
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  • 42 11 SINGAPORE. Sun Six hurt*. red and nine more new car* red last month bringing tne total number of ar.- on Singapore roads Then was also an increase of 741 moinr-cytles and scooters bunging the total tv 92.638.
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  • 31 11 KLAI.A LUMPUR. Sun. The U.S Government has mv.V i'd Malaysians to take part in an Aluminium technology and prouuct.- ixhinition and seminar in Bangkok :rom June 2 to 6.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 30 11 Ustnbutor: VkJ^ „■—■^TUT 5 TAN CHONG SONS MOTOR CO. (S) PTE. LTD. lfcJfiSflßa«s"jJl 29. Rochore Canal Road. Singapore. Tel: *****-9 t^^ OMiir: Chung Shan Motor (Pte.) Ltd. Singapore. >J^| k^B
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    • 212 11 HEAR THE KINSFOLK M '^^^Sfjiak AT THE C^ GRADY WILSON ffif-FOLLOW-UP RALLY NATIONAL THEATRE SINGAPORE O\H,III AT 7.IWVM. Dr. Mooneyhsm, l^-lly Grabun Associate will ■ddrcM the menUy. AIR SEA to HONG KONG and JAPAN Go by air and return by s.s. CHITRAL (14, C00 tons fully air-conditioned) Deporting YOKOHAMA 28
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 889 11 TV SINGAPURA 1 mwmi 5 I Adventures in Parndise The <J P.M. Mnrnine Stir; 320 Pretender: 1125 Close. Health in the Hume lin CHANNEL 8 »lgltah<: 3.35 Be Our Guesi 7RA AM. 530 I'M. ETI V <ln Chinese >; 3.50 House and for School; Flyni« Home (in Tannl>: 4.05 Dmry
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  • 247 12 THE 30.000 padl farmers In North Kedah and Central and South Perils who will be taking part In double cropping under phase one of the Muda irrigation project early next year will be supplied with free high-yielding selected padi seeds. Each farmer will receive
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  • 36 12 MUDA RIVER SCHEME A Straits Times Feature The Prime Minuter, Tcngku Abdul Rahman, who will today perform the ceremony to dote the valve of the Pedu Dam to initiate impounding of water into the Pedu retervoir.
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  • 114 12 THE Prime Minister. Tengku Abdul Rahman, will perform the dosing the valve ceremony at the Pedu Sam at 11.30 a.m. today. The official programme is .is follows: 11.00 a.ns Arrival of guests. 11.30 a m— I'rngku Abdul Rahman arrives, and ceremony begins. Speech by Director of Drainage
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  • 1146 12  -  Chan Bang Soon By KEDAH's $228 million Muda irrigation project Malaysia's biggest irrigation scheme will play a major role in the nations economic growth. This project will provide adequate irrigation water for the cultivation of two crops of padi yearly over 261,500 acres
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 47 12 GOVERNMENT OF MALAYSIA WK^^^^^m^B^ DRAINAGE AND IRRIGATION DIVISION ™D*«^».»,,i»,.». ul »i«-; DET QETDlfaftlD m nB.OE.nf7U 111 BRI^^jHH.Hk HI HLaEbw W t 1 'r fIF THF iH imagi wmmsJM MUDA DAM View of right bonk and spillway section from downstream. KAJIMA CONSTRUCTION CO., LTD. TAISEI CONSTRUCTION CO., LTD.
      47 words

  • 777 13  - - Gunn Chit Thye By A PADI field fiafa indigenous to Thailand is now the subject of a scries of experiments being conducted by the Fisheries Research Institute at (ilugor. The tests, with various types of insecticides used by Malaysian farmers in
    777 words
  • 303 13  -  Chan Beng Soon By ALOR STAR'S tidal barrage now under construction across Sungei Kedah, half a mile downstream of Alor Star town will, among things, help to improve the town's drainage and sewerage systems. Costing $4.7 million, it la part of the reticulation system of
    303 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 116 13 Heartiest Congratulations THE MALAYSIAN GOVERNMENT on the occasion of the 'closing the Valve ceremony" of the Muda River Scheme from: LIM KAR BEE Building Contractor, Kinta Court, Farquhar Street, Penang. Tel: *****. We are proud to announce that we have been awarded Contract No. 30. Pendang South Systems, Kedah. SENTAB
      116 words
      140 words

  • 454 14 PROM Europa Publl- cations. London, comes a new annual reference book The Far East and Australasia 1969, a survey and directory of Asia and the Pacific Over fifty articles provide a systematic survey of the countries of South Asia. South-East Asia. East Asia.
    454 words
  • 1051 14  - Overture to the tragedy of the Titanic ALLINGTON KENNARD BY FROM the crow's nest of the Titanic, as she raced at over twenty two knots towards the Atlantic icepack, the two look out men peered across a calm black sea. They had been warned to keep a sharp watch for
    1,051 words
  • 161 14 TUN PERAK. By Haji Mubin Sheppard (Longmans. Malaysia). By Lilian Tan rE heroic figure of Hang Tuah overshadows the fame of others, even Tun Perak. described In the Malay Annals as one of the three greatest administrators of his generation. Mubln Sheppard's historical novel follows very
    161 words
  • 227 14  -  ADEL KOII Bt Girls at Play. By PauJ Theroux. (Bodley Head. 255.). rpHREE women living 1 together In a girls, school in East Alrica. where the only men are two gibbering oafs, are bound to turn queer or worse. The three have neither love nor understanding
    227 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 304 14 ij moped H k^^j^^^y I |a s- 1 1 RENOLD I fcp^^ Me world's finest 1 jflKSs* and most famous Wm^X motorcycle \mV'sQh and moped W W chains V UNa E D 9 MOTOR~«ORKS (SPORE) PIE. LTD 137, Orchard Road. Si-ftr*. r 114. Jalon Tuanku Abdul Rahman. Kuala Lumpur. 114
      304 words
    • 220 14 UlWi^S H^k a^ifl lIP I Chartered or Special Flights te Europe or the Orieat Tl LONDON. PARIS, AMSTERDAM. COPENHAGEN. ETC FARE: $850/ $950/ $1,250/ 51.400/ WEEKLY MONTHLY DEPARTURES. PLUS THE CHEAPEST EVER ALL INCLUSIVE TOUR Of EUROPE ONLY $2,500/- 30/7. HißfkMf Kewleen (Mxm) 8 Days $745/-. Heftfkeng (Macau) Bangkok 8
      220 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1045 15 'i AND OTHER U> CONIINENTAL PORTS r M>n iron Mils r b nan "tutM la Pt Ttliy May 11 Aw I. f,,. Ml, Uj, ,j 17 M May 14 May II May 17 II Mty 22 Miy 11 May 17 Miy Mi, ?J m,, 4 l 9-,, May 24 21
      1,045 words
    • 1282 15 Scanservice V EXPRESS SrIUNM TO MEDITERRANEAN/ THE CONTINENT/SCANDINAVIA P Sham Pemni SmgiDori FaT •»SIA May 11/11 May ill) May lIH C'blanca. Bilbao. K dan, H'biui, IBItBLOB May 21,27 May 21 IS May SB/ I Gtnoi I A»twtrp Al r«am. h"''", Aa'hus. Malmo, C 'higen, G'bug BEIRA IMt 14/11 IMt 17/11
      1,282 words
    • 1209 15 EXPRESS SERVICE TO LONDON, LIVERPOOL t CONTINENTAL PORTS. CITY OF CHESTER SJ J Smtapors P. Sham Per Antwtrp July 21 I. I/May 14 May Hay 11/ 1 lrtme BENLOYAL For London jNt W Bremen Imi 25 Smgaoori P Shim Pming Himtwr| JMt 27 May 21/21 Singapon P S>im Prntnf l\l
      1,209 words
    • 1288 15 f—^ WORLDWIDE CARRIERS LTD. l^r|A^V ff. Lot Angelts, Ntw Orleans, Charkiten, t^fw^ Ntw York, Ntw London. I^^^^^^"B| (aita accepting cargo for otKtr Gulf and Atlantic pom, iub|tct to tnducamant) S'f>ore P. Shen Penong A VESSEL 17/19 May 20/21 May 22/23 May CENTRAL TRUST 10/12 Junt 13/14 Junt 15/UJuna KUPRES 3/
      1,288 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 970 16 Vr— KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. Waitaro Australia Singapore) Japaa »arvl 99 F-emaatla 5 ,-,,<pora rot>aicfii 'Na|oya V hama Koba "Nallaal Mara" 21 May 1 Jaaa I Jaaa I Jaaa 11 Jaaa Wast Africa Sinßapor*/ Japan Sarvla* Aneaia S n|aaera Fia|o*a Y'hama K^fct •laaoaaaa Mara" 1/ 2 Jaaa 21 22 Jaaa
      970 words
    • 874 16 AUSTRALIA NEW ZEALAND SERVICE INDIA. PAKISTAN AND FAB EAST SERVICES. 10: AUSTRALIA. NEW lEALANO la: Nateaattiaaa an! Malrai S core P. Sham Prnani Far: Bns Aact.. Baas. l»tt.. Will. RAJULA II 21 Ma; 24 Mai 25 Mar Penani P. Sham Spore MJUI >— lAMORA 11 12 Jbm 11/14 Jaaa 15
      874 words
    • 763 16 M Br->^ A *^LaiMlflJaraZ ffar w i*i'3BL^-—^ JjJ M^ J a M^"*^^ t^~*/ PACIFIC LINE CALIFORNIA PACIFIC NORTH WEST EXPRESS Latdma ror: LOS ANGELES. SAN FRANCISCO. OAKLAND. TACOMA. SEATTLE VANCOUVER B.C. VISNVA SHOBA U2l Ma, 21,22 Maf 2) 75 Ma, 15 JBaa II laac SO WtSl HENUAI Ib U .iim
      763 words
    • 775 16 H *)^f l^a^p/ V 'W'V Dp j V tpTprJl »J Ik I .4 B fAST PASSENGER SERVICC i| Nail M V. AMBULBMBB MM Sultl II 12 May 11 May II May PASSAGE BOOKINGS IXTERNAIIONAI lELEK CORPUM*T|6n UUIUa PARIWISATI NASIINAI Tel H123. Milt, M2SB4 1 (J2U2. H Telepkeat: 2S7BS General Agents:
      775 words

  • 67 17 Mat i. Ma; May 7. May S. May 9. Industriala: 170.84 171.19 ***** 171.91 172.12 I Hotels 92.51 93 2» 93 13 93 01 93.:'« Propertlea; 181.79 161.79 161.71 162.4> IS2 7(. r Tins: 84 27 84 29 P3 92 83 92 13.92 i rubbers: 109.96 109.96
    67 words
  • 807 17 Straits tin price drops sharply by nearly four dollars liHE Straits tin price re- acted sharply m Penang on Saturday falling by $387} per picul to $609.12} after the drop of £11 per ton In the three months forward buyers' price In London on Friday afternoon. Local support at lower
    807 words
  • 36 17 RUBBER AND TIN CLOSING PRICES KIBBIII TIN iperlb) (perpiculi May 5. C 9« eU. >607.00 69 1 eta. S6O 7. 00 7. 69! cts. $609.00 S. 6»l rU. $61 I.M 9. 69! cts. 5615.00 10. 5609.121
    36 words
  • 24 17 In 1 "inlon on Friday Malayan > n»r rrnl c i f UK. June July in wilt mas. quoied unchanged at C7O sellers.
    24 words
  • 41 17 r\S the fraa a«ahanga market tn 1 Hone Knni on Patnrila» the US. Jallar »n quoted at 1. 1278 for T.T. .nd 6.11 for aaah. Starling «>a quotad at 14.70 ana Kia laal af (aid at 324. M).
    41 words
  • 240 17 FORTHCOMING MEETINGS r pHE tullowins company meetinns are due: Kempaa iMi Bhd.: (extra-ordi-nary meeting) today. 12.30 p.m. at 54 Jalan Anipani; Kuala I.umpur Rt. Panjonc ltd.: May 13. 11 45 am. at b Queen .Street. London EC 4 taao Standard Ml Bhd: May 11, 12 n.Hin at 2 Jslan Ampang
    240 words
  • 690 17 TMI 'OLLOWINC IS A COMPLETt 1 LIST OF niviun «UOTATIONS FOR THI WIIK UOIO FRIOAY MAY tlerling Commodity S/10 >d (•■flM ba| «UMB«F) INDUSTRIALS B ACMA J 24 Alex Brick* Bfn Co 2.25 Bra RU Borneo Rerhard 1M 1 Bousttid 2)2 7 14 QUMI Pl» wood 2.62 2
    690 words
  • 924 17 QUIETER conditions were experienced on the Stock Exchange of Malaysia and Singapore last week and though it was a full trading week the turnover as reported done through the two trading rooms was well below recent averages. However, although the market was restricted in its
    924 words
    467 words
  • 32 17 rpHE wrrk's daily totil drl*T«4 Iranurlinns in thr tradinc rooms of thr Mm k I. m lunge followed by their percentage* in brackets were. May 5. per 7. R«1
    32 words
  • 1087 17 tni wiik i business on the :tock exchange was a* PtUtWi INDUSTRIALS: ALMA S. I tv 12.17 to t3.1l <o 13.31; Ban A 80. IXII to ■Jl H <-■ M 10 El M 'o 12. '.'ft: limn Barnad ll.Bt 10 11 M M 1 1 Carnal Plyaiaaal 13.43
    1,087 words
  • 92 17 Current Date Total f.,r 1..(al for payment payable lt\r <rar prrwmn rear «.IH.C. 4-; (4'i B> .tune 27 k H. (Wlfillan 2U'r May 29 K. Iron 12' 7 r n TP Goodwood Park 15% May 24 15', H. Sinrapura IO*S <V u B) .lurit fi Glrnealy June 2
    92 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1122 17 IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE THE LONDON ASIATIC REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE RUBBER AND PRODUCE Ml No. Um Between COMPANY, LIMITED. Ofjl S^ i '-ffiSSS. OT 1C "naf S dl ?S BY o, G^ N r "nu«a Plaintiff. r nt (J-M Unjte{j KlnRdom lnco f And Tax at the standard
      1,122 words
    • 87 17 TENDERS IM MXI Xl I XIII TAWARAN J.K.R. SELANGOR Tawaran2 darlpada Per- borong2 yang berdaftar dl- J J.K.R Kelas 'E 1 'D' KP 111 j dan t? KP IV 1 akan di- I terima di-Pejabat Jurutera Kerja. JKR.. Kuala Langat. J Telok Datok hingga pukul < 300 petang pada 16.5.1969
      87 words

  • 31 18 MR K KANOIAH. M I IWI Mtitvtn Railwavt. II Jaitn riuirajan M la at ,nd rel* mvi» of icn«oieoce. and wr»»tni ■a^ Ik) fun-rai o< Mn ah Kandiah oo hilt.
    31 words
  • 17 18 aoaa bswmm *.rro '■harm a.hoo iiHirae Uoram. goaas II «eewra« dtraatittrt nooa ft.mentt n» ■tltlmea't per
    17 words
  • 15 18 .rt nr Oardcr. aMBU M 13 I.S) II i Ikmi lo M. oieatna. Dtmi
    15 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 633 18 BWj^^^P^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^j^^^^^jj^C^^^l^^B I l^^^^^jL^ k^^^£ m J^±^ m t Jß^L^A^m^m^L^^^^A^^L^L^*^L~+^^^^^* a^^^*'^^ iraaiawiiacttilat' laaiXKllll 5 aMNIOHCIkHIitS IHtNS. CIUI »Ctl»ITIIS CONISitNCES ICttMS (NCICiMtX!? I I mmmmH. «IM-« fr C IfIUIC-S I llUhllKi lilt MMBM Ull.ll "*r«« »««il.t*«l »*r« Bl I 111 Mttr sMMMJ ar.irt.e-.tti MMM V5l !*r U .^*l IKI l.***l M ce.H
      633 words
    • 892 18 VOUNC MEM h .an M earn IIS" to L |Sll ter week while learning new Mou'mem Road today Mtw**n II am 4 pm. imm.diate ttart. LINOTYPE (OR INTBRTYPB) OPERATORS ana COMPOSITORS are required by ITRAITI TIMES PRESI IN KUALA LUMPUR. would he giv*a applicant* v. 11b txi Mars dtaending tn
      892 words
    • 1069 18 WANTED FOR DIPLOMATIC Mil lION |al hxpe.ier. M S- rrt.rv hi Imswal faElita TrMirß. shta i.abd.e lepend.n'ly. and Ibl I'tit-lintr altiat ratary. Plsaai «ipiv with r.ui dfijiia to Rox A4ITI IT.. Kingaporr AN INOUITRIAL COMPANY n Mingapcre lequirea an Audit I ■I with at ieaat two PSBM .a perienct in
      1,069 words
    • 992 18 IMI DETACHED S RBBMS at TI. I MS. MELOOIEI CAROEN. Jalan Tebrau. ho'itta 4 t.droom* un'wrniahed ni.nert Hi.kih Ltd. fl Bencoolen hn.rt Singapore Ttla. HIM 31SS7 i h r* lIRVICE APARTMENTS l.xilrv furmane<i M'ly equipped two aircondit. nued t>ertrooin« lerma IlLOqUa I BUM r ip »ir-ooodi-•ici.ed T'enltiiiiiar flat now availanie
      992 words
    • 770 18 OFFICE SPACE VACANT f j AIRCONDITIONEO OFFICES at Mil Stamford Kn.ri tn.m in* iipwina* 1 immeu...' .iti.paiioo. tor I ci <■ 3*«4). „•> porei. "Sim!" WANTED ORCHARD ROAD. Tunnlln or my 1 Area, if poatir.,. ith parking faciii- I tit* Box MSM 8 T Siogapor*. "TodowiTsTace vacant r.ODOwN AVAILABLE
      770 words
    • 792 18 STRUCTURAL BNO IN B E RIN 0 j from experienced t.ngih-er of I fa)a College to he lurt of aucreta. I f-om Raja a: iS'poret S^.SK. S44ORTHAND TVPEWRITINO "OOKKEEPINC: Learn fiom experl-; ■need tearhera of Raja a Cole«» BESSaai anvt:me Regiater ean> tajt iS por-. 4X7««« r PRIVATE lICRETARIBS rat
      792 words
    • 709 18 FOR SALE AUTOMATIC ICE EJECTOR tray valiable Cnrre' Refrigeration. Ttl: B port i 4425*1 .'.W» ABLOV HICH lECURITV LOCKI olvc all locking proo.eint. atrong SHSMS, highly plcking-ren.t.nt. ltl. s porei M 4015 for demon*Uatloa. RENOVATION SALE Baautify your home with attrar- \t A modern i.ght Btilnss. tjhailty rrod a at
      709 words
    • 531 18 VICKY'S "ICURAMA SALON Maaaas* Bt*am >.»ih. M pwi^irt 101 B) Tanslia Road. Singapore *****5. .BANS AIR-CONOITIOHEO lALOM Maiueiitea Mat-^rt tt«amhatl« Hit- age Facial Manlrur*. liming w-at Tanglln Road Siogapor* Ml 100. lALON CATALIHA Maitage Tiaairal Bath rBSBJI. Hairdrttwiag Bt»»aV ncaiion. »Min|. Tiotrng. M. Ve«mire Buat Treatment e»r roe IvMie* and
      531 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 688 19 |WpB|pBBB si bL^bV-^J^^bl I L^^J •^^^•^s^aH 11^ I lla^ Mt IB ll NOTICE a! Contractors registered 1 Class 'C and above are i Alteration I ;i-al Installation lo New General,) Kuala Lumpur. Tender document.lian Haji rtusua Lumpur on pay- tender deposit cf $150 will be refundable nderers who have
      688 words
    • 609 19 MAJLIS AMANAH RA'AYAT (MARA) KENYATAAN TAWARAN JuaUn Bas2 Jenis Fargo Tauaran ada-lah di-tenma sa hlngua uni 1200 tengah hari pada han sablu 24hb Mei. 1989 Pengarah. Bahagian Kenoeraan MARA Tingkat 4. 232 Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman Kuala Lumpur kerana penjualan sa-buah leni.s Fargo K e3OO muatan 29 penumpang -V
      609 words
    • 968 19 M MM PUBLIC UTILITIES BOARD SINGAPORE App.ications are Invited (lor the cable to such lniUUafollowlng posts. The commencing tlons; basic salary ottered for posU (A), M -r^-,.^ -i r) vino (Bi. {C, and (O) will be depend- {i> ucen-e^oTmotm- cars end upon applicants qualifications llcence for motor carl and experience
      968 words
    • 573 19 PLANNING OFFICER A wpII established manufacturing firm in Petaling Jaya ha* vacancy lor a Planning Officer. Qualifications: Graduates ln; 1> Work Study, or ll> Production Engineering, or 111) Mechanical Engineering. Members or the Institute of Work Study Practitioners and Institution of Works Managers will also be considered. Holders of Higher
      573 words
    • 520 19 THE GUTHRIE WAUGH ORGANISATION Invites applications for the following post In its General Engineering Division: ASSISTANT MARKETING MANAGER JOB SPECIFICATIONS: 1. To provide specialist Ma/me TtcHnlcai support to Marketing Manager and' train field staff in product knowledge and marketing. 2. To assist in determination and implementation of marketing policy. 3.
      520 words

  • 2065 20  -  EPSOM JEEP TIMESPORT- 1 RACING By y.I.P. 11, ridden by apprentice T. S. Chiam. scored a smashing victory in yielding going at Bukit Timah yesterday. V.I.P. beat a Class 2 top division field over 8f by eight lengths. Noble Jones. Glynn Pretty uo. won
    2,065 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 731 20 SALES AND MARKETING EXECUTIVE lord Miu.ipoir h.i> an open in* lor 4 high calibre mararlint man in Iht-ir viles otiicr. lju.ditu .ilionv sniK.iporr citizen preferablj over 30 rears of ace. An inquiring mind coupled with th* ability to •aptOM M*M clrarly and convincingly in English. >ii m r prrMoui rxprnrncr
      731 words
    • 836 20 IN THE HIGH COURT IN MALAYA AT KOTA BHARU OKM.INMIM. SI MMO > Ml 86 (>»' 1963 Between Malayan Banking Limited \ppli<-ant And > Wan MuMitDha bin Hhu Ai! Respondent FM R>lA\l to the Order of the High Court in Mt liva at Kota Bharu made on the 20ih day
      836 words
    • 787 20 CHUNG KHIAW BANK, LTD. NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders of this Company will be held at Its -'ered office. No 59 Robinson Road. Singapore, on Friday. 6th June. 1969 at 1130 am. for the purpose of considering and If thought fit pas-stng
      787 words
  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 119 20 MM CB S'cor GDBH DiT. 1: KU;tt v Prmters (Brickfield* >. Telecoms Linatex iB. I Mrrcuntile Bank v RRI (Jn Imbn Police v Univcrsitv iP:tntd Valley). MCIS v Sentul Work.*; (Sentul P.isan. RRC Seniul v Municipal it v On Ipoh i. Ipoh l)i\ i v Telecoms iJn A. Jalili. Printers
      119 words

    • 271 21  -  M. T. LINGAM By Negri Sembilan 0 Selangor 1 V'EGRI Sembilan put up a great fight to hold starstudded Selangor to a single goal in their Malaysia Cup south zone soccer match at the Station Padang, in Seremban, last night. Negris man-of-the-match was
      Christopher Loh  -  271 words
    • 312 21  -  lOE DORAI By bottom-of-the-table Bakat Bahru. winning their Div. l clash 5-2 at Jalan Besar Stadium. Highlight of the match was a hattrick by centreforward Othman Baharom which gave Police their 3-0 halftime lead. Othman made it 4-0 shortly after ha'ftime before Bakat hit oa.k with
      312 words
    • 70 21 Civilians beat Services on first innings <n a Malacca Cricket Associations annual match at the Malacca Club ground yesterday. Civilians, who bundled out Ihe Servicemen (or 66 run* in the first inn:n. :34 ant. then di.smis.sed eight of their opponents for 121 by the close.
      70 words
    • 30 21 PARIS. Sun. Strel *afrty barriers coeting about US»l"50 000 will be put ud on both sldr.s of the Le Mans track's 31-rwle xiraight where racing> too 200mph
      30 words
    • 185 21 '|'HE South Johore Rugby 1 Kootbail Ciub will organise more matches and tournaments lor the benem oi .tstan ptayera and school-le-ivers in th« coming season. For a start three series of matches have been planned. In the first aeries, the South Johore XV will play
      185 words
    • 55 21 SINGAPORE'S imernaliii •>«! athlete, A. SadJ'vapan. »el two new murks during QH m the Mln stry o! Interior anu Defence athletic meet at Faner I Park yesterday. Sadavapan won his 400 m hurdlrs heat In 57.2 and 'he800m heat in 2 0 2.9. The fliul -vk
      55 words
    • 36 21 POONA. Sun. India took 3-0 winning lead over Japan in the Davu> Cup zone ■nal here today when Prem.iit Lall and Jaideep Mukarica beat KoJI Watan»be and Junto Kdwamuie 6-3. 13-11. 7-9. 6-4.
      36 words
    • 62 21 M. Raman (Swifts) won the PeraJc Central Zone cross-coun-try race race over 3.1 miles at lpoh yesterday. He covered the distance in 19:10.0. Mthmud Alt i Swifts > was second and Rajamanlckim (Anderson School) was third Mohamed Shalrll Sharuddin won the Juniors' 1.8-ml!e race in II
      62 words
    • 202 21 JOHORE kept themselves In the fldht for South zone honours In the Malaysia Cup soccer competition when they won their return match by 2-1 against Malacca at Kubu Stadium yesterday. Johore. second three points behind defending champions Selans?or, produced a match-winner yesterday in se:ond-half replacement
      202 words
    • 352 21 j- LONDON. Sun. England 4, Scotland 1 CNGLAND produced a display betiltin^ World r Cup champions to crush Scotland 4-1 hert last night to retain the British soccer cham- pionship Geoff Hurst and Martin Peters, who scored all England's goal* in the 1965 world Cup
      352 words
    • 93 21 JOSEPH Mauni won the Everbright Weightliftlng and Bodybuilding Association's Mr. Physique. 1969. title at the Singapore National Theatre on Saturday night. Choo Toh Seng was runnerup and Sai-m Sany was third. Other results: Mr. hverbrifhl Scan Cheng 2 Maskam Mualim. 3 Ong Teck Kwan. Junior
      93 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 124 21 Advert i.temrnt X-rays on Indigestion An X-ray experiment carried out by an eminent radiologist will Interest every tufferer from Indigestion and similar stomach atisorders. A patient suffering from acute Indigestion was X-rayed first before, and then two hours after, meal. The second X-ray plate showed that the stomach was distended
      124 words
    • 218 21 Flying north? Take the first flight with us any morning and leave the crowd- and-bustle way of travelling to othersl We I^BSj* jet you north as early as 8.00 am. Your choice :to Hong JHH'v Olimew jet- Set timetable Kong and Tokyo via Kuala Lumpur 3 times a week via
      218 words
  • Page 21 Miscellaneous
    • 153 21 RCJOaII I NiON Wallsend 0 New Lamiit i) v>I)NM lit Grade: Ea-t- 1; W Wallstnd 3 Adanistonf SI George 0. Sydnry l. nsw Fed. Dlv. 1: Apia 3 011 E Sui'urgs 3: Gordon 24 Budapest 0; Auburn 0 CanterN suburbs j; NSW University I bury 2; Pragur 0 Hellenic 1.
      153 words

  • 153 22 Wilson in showdown meeting with TUC leaders f ONDON. Sun.— kJ Prime Minister Mr. Wilson today prepared for a showdown with Britain's trade union leader* over his governments controversial plan to impose penalties for wildcat strikes. W;;h Productivity II ter Mrs. Barrjara Castle, who prepared the Bill, the Prime Minister
    153 words
  • 23 22 IN EVER LOVING MEMORY or Mr Mn Thambmh. Ipoh eallml io NM on r, l'.ts anrt raajwcnrcly Though (toDe not •attottao
    23 words
  • 56 22 DROF. Syed Hussein Alatas, president of the Gerakan Ra'ayat Malaysia, being chaired by Dr. Lim Chong Eu, vice-president (left), and other party supporters after the party's landslide victory in the Penang state elections. On the extreme left is Mrs. Alatas. Prof. Alatas did not
    56 words
  • 55 22 i< iKYO, sun Three F-86-F iilers of thr air defence force, flying In fore d were today feared to huvr crashed into a mountain in western Japan. A defence agency announcement said that the wreckage of one of the aircraft had been sighted and
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 38 22 TAMANO. 'Jimaiv. Sun station nation pMuiged into the sea today lioni a (erry boat pulling into a pier, killing its four pnssrnjrer.v This was the second ferry accident within a ut'ck in Japan. AP.
    AP  -  38 words
  • 194 22 MOSCOW. Sun. Russia has ***** n'izens auod 100 and over. M'x'-ow Radio sad today Router cent from 111 1964 .standIng. The PMIP increased its percentage by 9.8 per cent— from 14.5 to 24.3 per cent. The DAP had 125 per cent, the Gerakan 8.4 per cent, while the
    194 words
  • 89 22 IPOH, Sun. Police fired tear gas at a crowd of more than 500 In front of St. Michael's Institution at 1.30 a.m. today. Thr school ni the counting MOtn for the Menglembu Parliamentary constituency where Dato 8. P SPenivasagam <PPP> stood against Mr.
    Bernama  -  89 words
  • 560 22 Rivals Shahrin and Kirn reach quarter finals CHAMPION Shahrin O»- man and his No. 1 rival T. S. Kiin, reached the quarter final of the Singapore hardcourt tennis championships at the Tanglin Club yesterday. Shahrin beat Rarnli Ali 6-2. 6-2 and Kirn was in on walkover. Cambodian international Hv Ny
    560 words
  • 145 22 J M. DOYLE dearly lovrd father of Natalie Vanar and fathrr-m-law of trie !at« Dr S A Vanar. peacefully ami in V:nKland 10 «9 Deeply "■""I by wife. 1 Bonn. 2 daughtert-ln-law. 3 grand ch!l<V«n K. SINNADUHAI i i Pensioner Kallway-Sentul panned away •uddenly Kather of Vondwiran RathMy-CMK
    145 words
  • 332 22  -  ERXEST FRIDA By ROYAL NAVY scored a shock 4b-run victory over the leaders SRC in the Singapore senior cricket tournament at the Padang yester- day. This was SRC'*> second defeat. They lost to RAF Changi by six wickets last Sunday. SCC. who drew with
    332 words
  • 232 22 I^HE Stonor Shield cricket match between TPCA and Recrio was abandoned after one hours play yesterday. This was because of the poor condition of the wic- ket at the Police Depot ground. Gurney Road. Kuala Lumpur. TPCA medium -paced bowlers S. Ramanthan. M. Devaraj and Felix Perera
    232 words
  • 238 22 JAN Priddle ot Selangor Club heads the batting averages with a remarkable 206 from three innings in the Selangor Cricket Association's Stonor Shield competition. The Australian has hit 72. 52 not out and 82 not out for Selangor Club. His unbeaten 82 was against holders Kllat. Selangor
    238 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
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