The Straits Times, 8 May 1969

Total Pages: 22
1 22 The Straits Times
  • 24 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 175,000 The Straits Times FIR Naiimiiil I-.std. 1843 THI'RSD.AY. MAY 8. 15 CENTS K.D.N. .1104 M.C. (P) No. 072S
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  • 674 1 Jamal calls on Rajaratnam after trip to see P. M. SINGAPORE. Wednesday THE Malaysian High Commissioner, Tan Sri Jamal bin Abdul Latiff, called today on Singapore's Foreign Minister, Mr. S. Rajarafnam, and handed over Tengku Abdul Rahman's reply to the Singapore Government's Note protesting against "unjust
    Reuter  -  674 words
  • 95 1 A new bid to oust Wilson LONDON W>d. Dissident Labour Mrmbrrs of Parliament circulated a motion yesterday i.illine for a vote of n«>--i nnfidencr in Prime Minister Harold Wilson. Political soimes s:iid there was i i\<\\ mo\rmrnt afoot hv rebel Labour MP* to force the resignation of the Prime Minister.
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  • 41 1 WASHINGTON. Wed. The US. Navy today announced that Cmdr. Lloyd M Bucher. skipper of the Piieblo. has been assigned to the Naval Pusixraduate School which prepares officers for futuir senior posts in management. Reuter. iSee Page 3i.
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 29 1 TOKYO. Wed— lndian Prime r Indira Oandhl will mi Japan for six days, from June 23 to 28 as state guest, Koxernment sources disclosed todn v
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  • 182 1 Thailand Reds building training camps: Official BANGKOK, Wed. D Communists have established training camps In north, northeast and southern Thailand. The deputy secretary-itenr-ral of the National Development Board. Mr Cham r a s Chayapon^, who said this today, added that the Communists in southern Thailand had many jungle camps In
    Reuter  -  182 words
  • 30 1 BANGKOK. Wed Thailand and Cambodia are likely to rt- sume diplomatic relations .soon. Air Chief Mara h a 1 Dawee Chulasapva told a news confe--1 rence today. UPI.
    UPI  -  30 words
  • 48 1 LONDON. W«d An ovirr.lght express train from London to Aberdeen jumped the rails at Morpcth. Northumberland, today, killing seven passengers and Injuring 101. Most of the passengers were asleep when the train's 11 coaches left the rmls and crashed down an embankment. Rcutcr.
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  • 51 1 89 majority again, Tengku predicts AIX)R STAR. Wed. Tensku Abdul Rahman today predicted that the Alliance would win the parliamentary General Klection in West Malaysia hv the same majority 89 as in the 1!»H1 election. "With a hit of luck, we may even win one or tun more seats." he
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  • 127 1 LEE TO HAVE TALKS WITH NIXON IONDON. Wed. Mr 4 Lee Kuan Yew is expected to have talks with President Richard Nixon during his visit to Washington. starting this weekend Mr. Lee, who la ing at Cambridge University plans to return tij London on Friday and is likely to have
    Reuter  -  127 words
  • 48 1 WASHINGTON. Wed .—Presldent Nixon yesterday announced a USs2. .~>no million programme designed to eradicate hunger in the United States "That hunger and malnutrition should persist In a land such as ours is embarrassing and intolerable." he said in t special message to Congress.
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  • 154 1 BEIRUT. Wed. THE mountain village of Hasbaya in South Lebanon is virtually under siege by some 2,000 Syrianbacked Arab guerillas, government sources reported today. Lebanese troops in the area, close by the Israeli border, have been fighti series of eir^ menu with the guerilla., over
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  • 176 1 Equal pay from August RAZAK'S GOOD NEWS FOR WOMEN WORKERS KUALA KRAI (Kclantan). Wed. TUN Abdul H;i/.;ik announced here today ihal the Government had decided to implement equal pay for women from Aug 1. The Deputy Prime Minister made t lit* announcement ;il a rally here. 'The implementation will initially
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  • 100 1 Bonn stops forward dollar swaps IjiRANKFURT. \Wd. The man Central Bank today su.s.xM.dcd all forward dollar swap transactions in an attempt tc restrict culation con: with a revaluation of the mark. reported i: B;uik was abour in feverish rondltl erlbed by (If ale: than International n. crisis 'ONE WAY' The
    Reuter  -  100 words
  • 26 1 LIM FUNERA ki\m ii mrt irnnn «f Laticiir P*>t? Pr 1 poll! for uf Incus •B< I l>v polU <>n I la iii<
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 31 1 For Clear Comfortable Consult C.S. CHONG O.D, EVERBRIGHT OPTICAL CO. 19. Chulia Street, Singapore-I. This morning 105,000 families cooked breakfast with fast, clean, economical Essogas Did you? a Comodent'cookwith XVEsSOj casN—
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    • 70 1 THOREISiq "THE ROLUS-ROYC I. AMONGST TKANSCRIPTION rURNTA TD-124 (SERIES II) A JEBSEN JESSEN (S) PTE. LTD. The baby soft suit of armour New Infa-care protects even the most Nfew sensitive skin from j£ infection, rashes, blemishes and all skin complaints. jfl| In fa care m&ZJM PERFECT FOR WOMEN OF ALL
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    • 192 2 Mr. Nixon accepts invitation to visit Australia 1% \MIIM.IOV Wed President Nixon toI'ptni Prime Mm Mr John (.orlnni Invil ition to \u> ti.ili.i I In- in it .i lion M ni.wlr l>> the Australian it the st.irt of talks uith Mr. .\i\on U lh«' White llou->e. (I He for
      Reuter  -  192 words
    • 374 2 NEW YORK, Wednesday THE smallest competitor in the trans Atlantic air Tina the chimp, clocked in here yesterday with a time of 9 hours and 52 minut Old Tina a African chlmpatuM and
      AP  -  374 words
    • 59 2 JAKARTA Wwi. P Suhartn w:i: visit the ymr at the mutation ol the UJB, Government. tiu Secretary Ma' -Orn A .s.i;d today. Sources *;e.d tliHt thi dent ;t;»o miijin \i>.'. Australia. Malaysia Thailand ;md the Philippine.^ No daU>> liHVc bci'ii the visit* The punier postponed
      Reuter  -  59 words
    • 204 2 Rogers to make 'on the spot" assessment of war in Vietnam WASHINGTON. Wed. SECRETARY ol State Mr. William Rogers will make an on the spot assessment of the war in Vietnam next week, the State Department announced. The vusit will be part of a previously announced 17-day a tour, including
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    • 112 2 J^i lI \M \\,d -Extremist Pi itestant leadrr. the Re\. Lan wa^ released from lail yesterday under government anneitt] and inum--diatelx declared his Intention t» continue fa Catholic crasadc He md his thief aide, Majw Hon iid Bunting, were among |:;it peanle who heue fitted from
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    • 13 2 'F ast-in' now 16.000 Mlchlg .si uden' :.ind.s lc>r famine-plagued people c( B.
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    • 229 3 LONDON. W«d. '.SL:H\ ATI YES inflicted more defeats on Labour Party in British municipal elec- ilts today that produced a surprise Scottish nationalists. Ned their grip on town councils at the expense of Labour including Prime Minister Wilson's own parliament, ituency. But
      Reuter  -  229 words
    • 547 3 SPY SHIP CAPTAIN SATISFIED CORONADO (Cal). Wed /'OMMANDER Lloyd Bucher. captain of the reconna ship Pueblo, yesterday expressed lor his next assignment, following the Navy's decision not to take disciplinary action against any of the ships personnel. "H--the final outcome ai looking forward to his
      Reuter  -  547 words
    • 23 3 NEW DELHI Wed Nine people wpre killed and 34 Injured when the roo! tobacco grading hall, near here collapsed yesterday. UPI.
      UPI  -  23 words
    • 182 13 lONDON, Wed. News week Magazine will pay Associated Newspapers Ltd., publishers of the Daily Mail, more than V 23.000 damages for libel, a London High Court heard. Sir Peter Rawkn>on. attorney for Associated Newspapers, told Justice Gilbert Paul his clients had brought
      Daily Mail  -  182 words
    • 61 13 An airport g invasion of f thfm been up earth mounds on thr grass landing .striD wirh civil airport and presenting a h.i. .raft Group Captain Ronald Courti Irport manager. ,s a terday that part oi tile airfield had already been put out of
      Reuter  -  61 words
    • 173 13 ASTRONAUT BORMAN QUITS FOR SPACE AGENCY JOB HOUSTON. Wed—Apollo--8 astronaut Frank Borman (above), commander of mankind's first trip around the moon, has left corps of astronauts. H<» will become an official In the space agency's programme to develop orbiting space stations, said a spokesman at the Houston Space Centre. Yesterday
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    • 256 13 Sacked army cook wins three-year battle for $300,000 pension DALLAS. Wednesday, A 65-YEAR-OLD retired cook who had Just won a US $100,000 battle with the U.S. Army told of his plans: 'I'm going to pay my debts first and take care of my grandchildren." Mr Joseph Flynn. who was dlschar?ed
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    • 34 13 SAIGON Wtd. A U.B. Army "Chinook" transport helicopter packed with South Vieticd at Phouc oa J4 men and injuring 35 i worst helicopter accident ol the war. la.iurt" lor Urn
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    • 291 13 Racket in fake British passports and work permits LONDON. Wednesday. J^ORD Stonham. the Home Office Minister of State, said last nignt that a highly organised racket had sprung up in some Commonwealth nations to forge passports, entry and work permits for wouldbe immigrants to Britain and their dependants. There are
      Reuter  -  291 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 177 2 King of the B| W^--\ i^flH^v Holden Kingswood Shames the other I I mKfjfi beasts Sleek, powerful. Sample Kingswood > I K ■■■H on the move. Rides and handles dramatically I W I l^n^n^i^lV better than ever before. And for good reasons I Jf »™B two mcnes W| der track,
      177 words
    • 118 2 Advc Lemoni For Beauty To Id -kin clear and nerd the natu and blea< I of lemons. Ask you:- chemist for a bottle of lemon Dclph. skin freshener used by beautiful women throughout the world Lemon Delph "mplexion. ar.d shoulders f;iir and lovely rhiecred pores, closes them to a beautifully
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 47 3 Qom EDITORIAL Dept. FANFARE Groovy fare for the 'in 1 crowd don't be left out get your copy I ON SALE NOW Malaysia's Swinging Prince 4-f^tjWnl New Instant TV Charts l"**^^ Place' Contest C~ 1 Golden Girl At Home l|^ World Hit Parades More Colour Comics ■BkJ
      47 words
    • 444 3 HOW to INCREASE YOUR -Jh" HEIGHT! v^.»* Sensational Results ol New y^W'i \\~S\\ HEIGHT INCREASE TREAIMtNT fSLf I s 111' 11 Vl>u own ni>|| < "ls no ousBir>ielo \^A* ',1 A I neiani by a Simole 'i^^K ■aaW^ I 're ar n0 drllts J [J J, 'it orcier: there la
      444 words

  • 50 4 SINOAPORE. Wed The dean of the Law Faculty of Singapore University. Dr. Thlo Su Mien, will talk on "Some comments on the proposed Presidential Council of Singapore" at an International Vs Men's Club lunch In the Viking Room at 1 15 p.m on Saturday
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  • 371 4 SINGAPORE. Wed. AN exposition to highlight "the remarkable achievements md ptugre&s in transport and communications in Singapore in the 150 years of its existence" will be held at the old Kallang Airport from Aug. 1 to '21. Details of the exposition— to be called
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  • 215 4 Aussie firm plans joint venture operation SINGAPORE. Wed. Two rival Australian businessmen visiting Singapore for the Australian building materials and hand tools display are in agreement on one pointthat the Republic's booming construction industry offers vast potential for a wide range of new and Improved building techniques and materials. Both
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  • 37 4 SINOAPORE. Wed. Mr. R If. Ar blaster will talk on ihe 1 Asian Highway" at the weekly luncheon of Rotary Club of Singapore- West, to be held at the Hollandsche Club at 1245 p.m. tomorrow.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 368 4 4-THLAIRt SIMULj ANtOUb OFhNINC iODAIf! GALA {MAJESTIC; RUBY ;Cdeon-KATONG ;1 »0 1 IS. t 1.00, J.JO. I 00, J JO. j 1 00, 3 30, 700 t.iS. /00 ft *.Ma«( 7 *****5pm 700 ft ♦IS ■>.•>. Free List) A Passionate Story of A Nan With Two Loves! JB> WHEI BBEAMS
      368 words
    • 170 4 3' a |lil-|J|J LJI I T »<s 4 2» 'H'H.UfclJ ,i,,i Air conditioned Today: 1 4S, 4.00, 7.00 ft 930 ».m "THE HERO OF THE HEROES" Vonj 1 Colorscope with English Subtitles. «V AA .L^^HaMo«fOM mmuvatioms mi*m ■lII Ik tm T»^nvi ll il^l»i'Ji3Tßj a^ CHOUCHOU I ij <Si rr, *V
      170 words
    • 361 4 a^ ™P WW V*?*'*^' al SMASHING ALL r^Alflt* l A Box-Office RECORDS JL^T "&0^ I I OUT OF YOU FOR A Aj!L. 9 L f s st,° t I 2nd WEEK! v y^x I CAPITOL I O DON'T *SK THOSE WHO HIVE SEEN IT *Bfc THEY'RE PROBIBLY SC»REO SPEECHLESS! M
      361 words
    • 420 4 I ORGANISATION LAST OAY— 0 FR£E LIST 11 am. 1 45, 4 00. 6 JO "THE FLYING DAGt, aj ft OPENS S| Rod 2nd WEE* a. 11 am, 1.45. 4 00, 6 jO Lee "Droeula Moi ■j Riicn From The In By Overwhelming Demand' Capitol ft Lido M B Chang
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 100 4 Today's ETV programme r DAY'S Educational TV on Channel 8 Is as follows: 7.50 a.m. -S. ln a.m.. Mathematics. Sec I: Ratio, proportion and variation un; 8.30-8.50, General science. Sec. II: Bases and Salts. 9.05-9.35. English Sec. I: Wood; 9.45-10.05. English .M-cond language. Sec. I: The Train Set; 10.45-11.05, English
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    • 48 4 Train Set; 1.50-2.10, National language elementary: Dl-Tema-sha Hart Lahlr; 2.25-2.45 English literature. Bee. II The Barretts of Wlmpole Street cPart 1 3-3.20, English second language. Bee. II: The Fishing Trip: 4-1 :n, English. Sec I: Wood; 4.35-4.55, General science, S«>c. I: Pressure; 5.10-5.30. Mathematics. Sec. II: Triangles ill>.
      48 words

  • 218 5 25 fatal road accidents in April SLNGAFORI U< Turnty-iiw peuplr died in r. m < ittfn >> in t.ipnn- last inon'h rive ■■rt thin in April last year. Pedestrians arrounf-ed for U ieatki acearAlaf monihh statistics re■.l by the police t« il.o Ibe oili<rs w«-re four motor* \< le
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  • 164 5 SINGAPO 1 Once in Lian Ann is proving thai he is Singaplayer for by two i] Chess round he Oey Liang ■(i for the 1 had a age from the I Oey to put up defence over 56 core is 6
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  • 144 5 SINGAPORE. Wednesday rpHE Colombo Plans third colloquium on intraA regional technician training today discussed the seven papers tabled over the last two days. The 44 delegate, trom thp 18 member countries, and other delegales, hud the afternoon The .»<• stall was closed
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  • 38 5 5 INOAPORE Two young Australian actor... .~rry Underwood and Chris Wlnza.. will put on a two-man show at the .-*uge Club. Fort Canning. on May 12. The pair are touring Soiith-M-t Asia and the African continent
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  • 27 5 SINGAPORE. Wed. The Singapore Cardiac Society will hold a clinical meeting and rase demonstrations at the pathology lecture theatre at 8 15 pm, on May
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  • 42 5 BINGAPOBI Wed. Al«»ut »0 military personnel will (oiuliiit i-xercKrs in the Chanci area tomorrow fi.mi pni t<. It p.m. Bbnk> and thundrrflashrs will he usrd A -similar exrrri«* will br conducted in the •ame an.i on May IS.
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  • 586 5  -  CHIA POTEIK Stress on technical skill, Toh tells freshies By SINGAPORE. Wednesday -i THK Minister for Science and Technology, Dr. Toh Chin Chve, told i..") 00 Singapore Polytechnic freshmen today thai the Inline augured well for those studying technical skills. He said: "So long
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  • 97 5 Gift boxes from the Red Cross SINGAPORE. Wod. Bone 80 families who ere regular recipients uf foodstuffs from the Singapore Red Cross Society w<re today given extra rationand a special gift box lor children as part of tie Mnietvs anniversary ce'e- brat ions. The gift boxes, fr-m America, contained amorig
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  • 112 5 SINGAPORE. Wed. The Theatre World Association will present a play "The World of Suzle Wong.*' at tlio Victoria Theatre from May 15 to 17. It will have a cast of over 50. drawn frorr local residents as well
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 65 5 t AIR 1 I CONDITIONING I or any other servicing, )ffl' 1^ purchasing, /£<3V^/f^ or renting Uu+nJ problems? M Busy people find the answers Fast in the Yellow Pages of the Singapore Telephone Directory! So easy to use So close at hand 24 Hours A Day Everyday! Published by Gtntral
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    • 278 5 SINGAPORE POLYTECHNIC STUDENTS' UNION presents "How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying" A Charity Film Show in aul ol The Spastic Children's Association of Spore. The Spore. Association for Retarded Children To be shown at Orchard Theatre on 24th May, 1969 at 9.30 a.m. Tickets: SI 00, $2.00 (circle
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  • 127 6 French, Japanese combine to start oil hunt KO T A KINABALU. Wed— French and Japanese oil interests are to launch a joint exploration off the coast of north-east Sabah. It was announced here today. nip Sumitomo Group and Teikoku Oil Company of Japan have signed a letter or JMteiit with
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  • 168 6 Four thugs stage car crash, then grab $13,000 payroll lOHORK B.MIKI Wed Four robbery one armed with a pistol. escaped with a $13,000 p.i> roll after staging a collision between their and that of the victims at the 10th mile Johore Bahru -Masai road jesterday. Ihe manager of Bukit
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  • 160 6 The idealhusband who was deserted by wife SINGAPORE, Wed. The High Court today heard how the marriage of a man, said by his counsel to be striving to be an Ideal husband failed from want of response from his wife. Low Poh Choon, a textile salesman said in his divorce
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  • 31 6 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed The Selangor Mentri Be.sar. Dalo Hajl Harun bin Hail Ictn.v will open a past office at Pantal Bahru Kuala Lumpur, on Friday at 400 p.m.
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  • 336 6 DIVORCE AFTER 25 YEARS SINGAPORE. Wednesday I J^ MOTHER of six who married during the war was today granted a divorce by the High Court on the grounds of her husband's adultery. Mrs. Joan Alicia Taye testified that it was
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  • 52 6 SINGAPORE. Wed Errand boy Hadelan bin Baharun. 23, was today jailed (or one year for trying to caah a forged cheque at the Chartered Bank last Dec. 23. He pleuueci guil'v Hadelan haa forged the signature of Mr. D. I. Stewart of American President Lines where
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  • 65 6 IPOH. Wed The Municipal Couik'l and the Perak Town Board. Town Council and Municipal Employees Union have reached anreement on ihe Interim award tor the industrial and manual grr.Vip workers. Under this agreement. th» 1.340 labourers of the council will receive 1151.000 in arrears, and a special
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  • 168 6 LET S NOT SEE EACH OTHER AGAIN FOR 10 YEARS, HE SAID... SINGAPORE. Wed.— When Tan Soon Hock, a building subcontractor, drove his wlte out of the house he told her: "Let's not see each other again for 10 years." Today 10 years after their separation he was sued In
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  • 39 6 MALACCA. Wed. Tt» Malar. Boost rv«jnr'J will hold a pop n u^.r competition next month to rals« none? -neral fuid. Pop music groups In ng part should (tirtMt the council g*cr?t*ry. fiitrlH clobe on Ma; 20
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  • 244 6 JOHORE BAHRU, Wed A BUS ticket inspector, A charged with having a part in the Great Treasury I Robbery here, was acquitted by the Sessions Court today without his defence being called. Ungku Zahar Othman. 30. of the Alec Bus
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  • Page 6 Advertisements

  • 108 7 Eastman and Hamxah review parade at gift ceremony 'J \u>tr.tli an Mi R h Commissioner. Mr. A. J. EHtau, an. l the Assistant Minister of Home Aff .nr>. Inrhe bin Dato Abu Naniah r.virmm i military parade at the KAAF B.ise in Butterworth on I'ueMlu} 1 n w.i* the
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  • 360 7  -  JUDITH YONG By Singapore. Wed lEKICAN oil tycoon. Dr. Wendell Phillips, is so impressed with investment opportunities in Singapore that he hopes to come back next month to hold extensive discussions. He told a Press conference in his hotel suite this morning:
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  • 105 7 Temple loses its 'miracle' idol ORUN'EI TOWN, Wed. A "miracle' 1 idol has disappeared from the Chinese temple at Muara. 20 miles from here The temple caretaker, Mr Teo Wui Chui. 60. said today: "It just vanished one night last week. Perhaps it was stolon, but I do not know
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  • 66 7 'APORE. Wed. Three men pleaded not guilty In a court today to a rharge of bribing Probationary tor Yee Siew l/>on as an inducement not to raid a gambling den in Tapah Street. Fui. alias Man Chal. r<xik Kuan, and Chia I «n wore alleeed
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  • 48 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed Drui;.- »nd hoaplUl supplies $178.118— a Rift from for Malaysia will arrive in Singapore on Sunnd will be distributed to the Orani! AaU nogplUJ In Gombak, the district hospital in Suncei Patani. and the neum«urßical unit at the General Hospital here.
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  • 100 7 Aussie to head SouthEast Asian institute SINGAPORE. Wed Frufessor J. D. Legge pr University n Melbourne. ha> been appo.r.ied director nl the Insi South- h< He will succeed the pre ■ent director. P: Harry J. Bendu. :n August. Professor Beiula. w! the first director of the inmtuie when it
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  • 138 7 SINGAPORE. Wed A 339-ton Japanese trawl- er and a British freighter of more than 10.000 tons collided in international waters off Horsburgh Lighthouse early today. No one was Injured and damage to both vessels was described as '•minor." The trawler Kotoshlro Maru No.
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  • 56 7 Alliance symbol set on fire MI.XR Wed.— A Rroup of about 40 youths last nght >et fire to the s.iilm^ boat symbol of the Alliance Party, erected near the bridge here. After they left, bystanders helped to put out the fire. Later the youths ru.i ched through the town tor
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  • 147 7 2,500 hotel rooms in capital by 1972 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. More than 2,500 hotel -ooms art expected to be available in Kuala Lumpur by 1972 the year of the Pata (Pacific Area Travel Association) conference in Penan*; The figure was contained in a report adopted today by the accommodation sub-committee
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 73 7 at Rome, Beirut, Zurich, Hyl! ifc sery i ce anc a worldwide For more details of As your travel agent will tell you, we rather BOAC's services, consult your BOAC Appointed specialise in choice. VCIO or 707, day or night Travel Agent. BOAC gives you more choice-to serve you best
      73 words

  • 148 8 SINGAPORE, Wedneaby THE Chief Justice, Mr. Justice Wee Cbong Jin, today granted an order for the sJe by private treaty of a Norwegian freighter, S i Express for $;>:MMMM). order from a motion by Mr. T. H A. Pott.-, representing two Norwegian
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  • 66 8 SINGAPORE. Wed— The Singapore Cancer Society will continue to help the Impoverished families of cancer suflen r> as long as It has. the mian^ to do so. This pledge was nlven today by the .society's chairman. Mr. Richard K. M. Eu. when he accepted a cheque
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  • 58 8 SINGAPORE. Wed The Department Extramural Studies at Singapore will hold a 10-lecture course on "Methods In :urvey research", beginning tomorrow from 7.30 p.m to t pni in room E of the Administration building in the campus. The fee is $20. Further details are available from the
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  • 178 8 TWO FROM SAME ROAD IN SPORE GET AUSSIE DEGREES SINGAPORE. Wed. Two buy- who live In the same road In Slngajxire graduated at universities In Au.-tralia la>t month. They are Yeo Poh ink and Chng Peng Soon of Tiverton Lane, who received their Bachelor degrees from University and the
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  • 31 8 SINGAPORE. Wed. liie Interact Club of the Natloim' Junior College will hold an "International Understanding" oratorical contest in the college at Linden Drive at 2.30 p.m. oi May 10
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  • 120 8 A clerk steals $25,000 engine SINGAPORE. Wed A delivery clerk. I. Santhamoorthy. stole a $25,000 tlicsel tractor engine from the Port of Singapore Authority and sold it the HUSK day for $2,000. a magistrate's court heard today. Santhamoorthy adm'tted the theft from Godown 23 of the PSA and removing it
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  • 107 8 Two aspirants for the 'Miss Singapore 9 title rpIILSK two ionte«.tants 1 for the Miss Republic of Singapore 1!»69 title are Miss Karen Marlene Nelson (left) and Miss sluii)> hua Kirn I.ian. Karen, a 21-.vear-ohl liuiui- consultant and Shirley. a 2"i-year-old dressmaker, uill take part in the semi-finals at the
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  • 223 8  -  IVY SIOW B> i: SINGAPORE. Wednesdd COMETHINCi was missing from th. familiar green tie traditionally worn b men Instead, the freshmen of tl Polytechnic wore dark ties at th. eeremonv at the Conference Hall I Chairman of the freshmt tion committee. Air. I Fee
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  • 39 8 THE SOUND OF MUSIC AT PASIR LABA SINGAPORL. v. gaporp N tra will .-liter' servicem< n Laba Camp t< night. There wli: from Uie Singapore Chinese Or tional The.. The concert is a series of 12 to the orchestra.
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  • 80 8 Officials of the SNAS SINGAPORE WV Dr W. Rlntoul has ben; e.~-'--dm: of the Singapore Nation*] Academy of Science. Other officials axe: V:c president, Dr. D. S Johnson, secretary. Mrs. May Chew Orr»lc Berig; treasurer, Mrs. Tor.g Hf Keone: and coundl Mr. Eric R. AJfred, Ml Slew Poh. Dr. Aw
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 386 8 W9WM BGO BEOLAB 5000 SERIES Wsl THE M <>S T ADVANCED HI-FI l&lS] EQUIPMENT EVER BUILT FOR BmJ THE HOME BtOLAB SOOO BEOMASTER 5000 BEOLAB SOX ompdfi*-. It ho» power permitting re. scge without slightest disi cu'iprrhensiv* number ot input i ntroli, ond proviiion tor i>rol louasor.- Wpe controls in
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 181 8 I Onp tiff V. T. fJtrmtim -J \OU*U. BUY THAT'S MINO Nt>V LOOK./^ H I _J*VH HEARD B4OL> -I -^«J -MC OOTT KNOW^A /I OOOJi% A WWAT SAiE.'l lOk-VO.I-y POOfUB- CXJT OF >T3U» rM GC UN, CVEMYTMIKJG.-/^ «SJUrW tA~~ Vot>in«A£T?w sajo! J\ A^_ _X to bust \ou wa-rr he only
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  • 448 9  - BETTING ON DROPS OF BEER, OR EATING A CAR JOHN COURT by IN a recent American court case a judpe was startled wnen an accused man admitted that he had red £1,791 on the 11 ol a race ben two beetles. The n went on to adn. that he had
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  • 434 9  -  PETER GREGSON by_ UNDER a redbrick Victorianstyle clock tower at the edge of Hong Kong's glittering harbour Is the start of one of the world's great train journi With luck, a lot of visas and even more patience, today's hardy traveller can still
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  • 1396 9  -  JOE MORRIS JR ANOTHER ADOLPH TO WORRY VOTERS by Bonn WHEN national c tion time rolls around next Sept. 28, the big question in the minds of many West German voters will not be the fate of the major parties. All of them the Christian
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 90 9 Is^B POWER FOR ■JH RjlP^ 4B\ PLEASURE fes^L^B^B^B^r JhIB^L^K^SL L^L^L^L. -3* LflaWf^L^B Hi B^B^B^BkVH^B^B^K B^k\ I POWER FOR SO HH We can't afford to let you down that's why 1^ §W. j LPm v<M, every EVEREADY battery is guaranteed Eveready U£^l| ft^3 batteries have the POWER FOR LIFE in so
      90 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 639 10 The effect of the Labour Front boycott is the major imponderable in Saturday's poll. 1 h>-re is no reliable guide, and it is not even possible lo refer back with certainty to the 1964 elections, in wWdi the labour Party of Malaya vote was an unknown part of
      639 words
    • 498 10 It m b« at, unusual experu.ue tor Washington to be told by Hanoi that the United States is cle-escalat-ing in Vietnam. The State Department has v.iselv withheld comment unt.l the implications of this strange ploy have been sorted out. It there has been any official decision
      498 words
  • 1282 10  - In Kelantan the ra'ayat keeps his secret SAMAD ISMAIL Suddenly candidates are not sure b, KOTA BHARU. Wed FIRM forecasts of the chances oi the parties Lore arc subject to imponderables which cannot be explained away by graphs, charts or the crowds that turn up at rallies or the posters
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  • 988 10  -  JOE HAGGERTY by New York MORE than 100 suicide prevention centres have sprung up across the United States In an attempt to cut the American suicide rate. Last year close to 50.000 Americans took their own lives, making suicide the fourth most frequent cause
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 48 10 •KPm linn) The Renowned U IV CUSTOM TAILORS Styles Cut to MM Latnf FatlM*M Maud T«t««r*4 W«rkm«ii»l>.p Also Importer* Exporter* Suit Length* •f World Rimwmi Iraiit FINTEX DORMEUIL HUNT WINTERIOTNAM WAIN SNIEL GLOREX. Make Ideal Gift* for All Occasions. 11. CkylM »t»»«t, li«f ■1 T»l: *****. rti«|lim (tranch
      48 words
    • 189 10 'Jg> FRANCE AND THE I. FRENCH FRANC K AFTER 0E GAULLE V IN MAY 12, 1969 ISSUE ON SALE NOW! Distributor s: C. R. Dasaratha raj ltd. Singapore Kuala Lumpur IpoS Pcnarg. PORTABLE CALCULATING MACHINE $29/- ONLY Aoos, m subtracts! y^ a 9"t9mm^^_ 7^>?l MULTIFLIIS up to 7 V /XvT
      189 words

  • 146 11 Police 'no' to request to bury shot man on polls day KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. Police toicd down Im Ah lather of the mail shot dead in Kepong on Sunday, to bury his polling "day, Baturda tn uqto hold the luneMr. Urn was also told the funeral procesPa s s
    146 words
  • 427 11 BANK OF CHTNA FACES BANKING LAW CHARGE SINGAPORE. Wodnesday fHE Bank of China was today charged in a magistrate's court with failure to hold a legally-prescribed minimum of its funds in the bank. Nobody from the bank was present to answer
    427 words
  • 31 11 SINGAPORE, Andre Sellie. the .a Singapoi' and Consul in Biun.' NO *i>)K>inicd vie tlrs Ambassador to Singa I :ved ;n various c.< is::iv..i. Par. i Greece UM
    31 words
  • 76 11 SINGAPORE. Wed. Mr. FN. Ken 1 lias been elected president of 'he Association of Accredited Advertisina Agenu Others officials urc prr.-ident. Mr. W.J. Wood: Tick Hai: treasurer. Mr. Lee Fon^ Yuen; committee members: Mr. E.B. Campbell. Mr A.B. Green. Mr. Steward Leone. Mr. Kenneth Read. Mr. Yeoh
    76 words
  • 48 11 SINGAPORE Wed. Two Olßcon anu two cadets from the biiKapor*" An Training Corps returned tTOIB New Zealand totto* a two-week trailing chidd. I nty are Pilot Offlcer O. L. Balakrtahnan. Flight Lieut. F. J DBase Flight Sgt. Hoo Len Yuh and Air Cadet Lawrenct Sim.
    48 words
  • 161 11 Tengku and Asri to take oath today -but not on Koran I(OTA BHARU. Wed 1V Tomorrow has been fixed for the oathtaking ceremony by Tengku Abdul Rahman and the PMIP chief, Dato Asri. THK KNCMKU will (wear at a mu.-cjue in Alur Star. DATO ASRI w,il take his oath in
    161 words
  • 77 11 I'hNANG Ued. A clerk at police headquarters here, Ng Choon Cliyo. 45. today pleaded not guniy in ihe sessions Court tv having alttred a cheque for $36,602.94: drawn oa Bank Negara. Nr was alleged to have committed the ofTence "wilfully and v lth intent
    77 words
  • 246 11 ALLIANCE: THE ONLY OBSTACLE TO TIES WITH MAO KUALA 1.1 MPI'R. Wed. Opposi tion charges that ."Malaysia's anti-Com-munist posture prevented dip 1 o inatic relations with China were dismissed by AM iance headquarters here today. It said in a statement that Malaysia was prepared to he friends and co-exist wi(h
    246 words
  • 229 11 827 civilian workers quit British Services in three months SINGAPORE. Wed. A TOTAL of 827 civilian employees left the British Services during the first three months of this year, but only 160 were actual redundai According to official statistics released today by the Far East Command Headquarters. 462 civilians came
    229 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 106 11 KUBOTfI MARINE DIESEL EIMQIIME .VfU-«*OWN fO» OVFR '0 Y£*«S PERFOR" gKf available. 4HP. 6Hp q^ \tfSk*& jt SOON CHEONG LIMITED ONE YEAR GUARANTEE. vqnv Bunn^L, while having fun in the suiif\^\ use COPPERTONE LOTION. SHADE-OIL Ah IVVV All Coppertone products contain Homomenthyl raltcylatc the meat ef fectiie sunscreening ingredient aiailable
      106 words
    • 76 11 fk DOROTHY GRAY jtf* \A Y. NtWYORK LONDON PARIS L^^^^*^ BEAUTY BAR AT W EVERBREEN BEAUTY CENTRE 0 t Zrfm 83-C TAY BUAN GUAN SHOPPING CENTRE vQIJ QjgL 10th. MAY to 20th. MAY 1969 (f/H (/Y) Learn more about skin-care Kg;--- rf§L U^j and make-up from our ▼r^ usyi fT^n
      76 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 589 11 ON YOUR TV AND RADIO TODAY TV MALAYSIA (ll\\Ml>: Ku-iU l.umpur. ;n T rt mil; 6.10 Wild Cargo: Priuiii; 5: Ipoh. >I i!ar<;i 6; 6.35 Science for Sixth Form* .lohorr U.i m v S. 10: I'aipint 001 l Muvrinrnt I; Bjlu r..liai kluunj 9. Neus m English: 710 ?hh PM
      589 words
    • 190 11 TV SINGAPURA CHANNtL 5 Ati I.M. Morning Star: 325 Us Happening n Singapore English 1. 3.40 House and Home 1 Malay >: Ml A Diary of Evenus in Singapore This Week (Malay 1; 325 Health In The Home (Chines^p 4.05 Housewives Matinee The Lover Girl tHokk.m. Pun 2>; 4.55 Close
      190 words
    • 94 11 d.irin Feature Film The Spring Song: 12 U0 (Sow tH.\NNLI. 8 "J ISA A.M. 5.30 p.m. ETV for Scnoois; 6.00 Dr. Who; 6.30 Addam* Fan Feud in The Addanu> h 6.55 Belujar-lah Bah:>s.i Kebangsaan ( 1 7.00 Tamil; 7.15 What Otht--1 Tamil 1 7.35 English for Everyone (Malay). 7 50
      94 words

  • 142 12 PJ FLOOD VICTIMS SEEK HELP FROM MENTRI KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. About 100 residents in Jalan Selangor and Jalan Padang in Petaling -ked the Belangor Mentri Beto look into the flooding of their hon In a letter they said that d been done by Town Board or the Development Corporation although
    142 words
  • 137 12 MANILA, Wed— A Philipk pine Muslim youth organisation, known as the Grern Guards, has been identified as a Malaysiasupported movement working for the secession of the southern island of Mindanao, according to reliable sources. The sources quoted an intelligence report submitted to the Government
    Reuter  -  137 words
  • 21 12 Padang S'pore air link JAKARTA Wed Garuda direct flight between reliant W< re in AucuM. Antara news agency retried today— Rtutcr
    21 words
  • 772 12 Eight years' jail, rotan for sex case medium HE EXPLOITED FEARS OF GIRL'S PARENTS— DPP PENANG, Wednesday A TEMPLE medium who sexually assaulted a 15 year old schoolgirl twice within an hour, on the pretext of "curing" her, was sentenced today to eight years' jail, plus six strokes of the
    772 words
  • 49 12 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. The Malaysian Red Cross Society tomorrow will Join 111 other national Red Cross Societies throughout the world to ivmmemorate World Red Crou Day. The day marks the b'.rthd«y of Jran-Henry Dunant who founded the soci«y The society also celebrates its 50th anniversary.
    49 words
  • 126 12 Higher suicide rate among Chinese, Indians KUALA LUMPUR. Wed.— lndians and Chinese in West Ma laysia havo a highei suicidal tendency Of com:]; tempted 1963 a diana re\ of the Medic. 1 1 JoUl Malaya, published today age gi jut of 11 to prone to rommit suicide The review gave
    126 words
  • 32 12 PENANG. K>rg M.ilcan will n the take-ove pong land b;» In a 'he v lagp '.eadri would "gr i prevent th« a being turned inu> buelni o area.
    32 words
  • 14 12 KUALA ILMTR Customs gallons uf In a raid In «e;ondarr .iuneip
    14 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 158 12 <Isj&fr REMEMBER YOUR 1-T-rmA -njrT-^T-7/"^^ \m Growing children need the vitamin VITAMIN iVi i m C m VITAPLUS to bu.ld sturdy •CrKT'DT/'^TT-rTlV'* Is! n bones and muscles, well -formed XLjIM rtlL/rIILU teeth and strong gums, a healthy TTTTi a T mrr JH B bkm and 9 ood eyesight. In most
      158 words
    • 32 12 Gunfire, gangsters, karate killers, cops... she battles them alLbut why is TINA CHIN FEI so cupid shy? Find the answer in Mays exciting issue of Ijj|9|fJPllj) on S3^ e now 'SLIM W
      32 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 1232 13 STUDY ENGINEERING BRITISH EXAMINATIONS Young men with high ambition, determination and perseverence. can qualify themselves as Engineers in ont of the following branches of Engineering: (i) Electrical Engineering (ii) Structural Engineering (in) Automobile Engineering QUALIFICATION FOR ADMISSION: A pass in Senior Cambridge. Malaysian Certificate of Education, or an equivalent examination.
      1,232 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 249 13 Straits Times Crossword At BOSS 6 Inferior bank in London <9> 8. «r« le.therwork Totni 7 J" lnd "fleeted godmended'' (9) o.e»» <o> 10. B)me noteworthy theatre la '""f*** 1 of Kent' (S) plant (6. 9). 11 Quarrel about publicity- ftvta, a crowd that's a bore 1 i 7) standing
      249 words

    • 544 14 Feminine facts about pants on Italian fashion scene QLACKS in their many different moods and interpretations rsiga supreme in women's fashions. The newest pants are flared ;i| the bottom, with lour pressed stitch-edg-ed teams. A A report from Italy says that generally, however, punts are straight with a slightly lowered
      544 words
    • 115 14 S y HOUSEHOLD HINTS IF a room Is broken up by too many doors, windows and beams, try painting everything Including woodwork the same colour, for a unified look. Another way to minimise defects Is to cover walls and celling in a small allover patterned wallpaper. Be sure to shrink
      115 words
    • 184 14 TEENAGERS, here s your chance to see what is ahead of you in the gay world ol fashion. Then- will be a fashion show of teen styles In knitwear and 12 girls from three secondary schools will turn n to show off 36 out
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 201 14 EVENING HAIR-DOS IN FULL i; IHI CURLS AND WAVES Dry Skin D the harsh m-ea- •""^gfeLT^TN >\ P ay M\ of moist oils quicker than Ms- "^k 1 t 1 m thr oil ducts of the I A A^ffk. wi J 1 ran replace it. the dan- I llt^ I
      201 words
    • 305 14 AcvertUement How Much Do You Hate Your Wrinkles? Enough to invest a very small sum in a bottle of hope called 2nd Debut? '< Do it this very day. Pro- mise yourself a twice daily i ritual with 2nd Debut, the liquid miracle that contains the W< i .baden Discovery.
      305 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1186 15 12J_»1RPOOL AND QtMH U COHIINLMAL PORIS Ppoee "am Pening «LJ.«* li Pt Ma, I til 13 TMJf Ma, II! Ma, 11 lN Mi, 12 Mi, H Ml, 15 17 May 14 May II Ma, 17 21 Maf 22 PRIAM Ujy )g M jy iJI*" 1 «l —1 Ma, 1 MM
      1,186 words
    • 1336 15 WE^^^^UddAlLMkUU^Ki Scanservice V EXPRESS SAILINGS TO MEDITERRANEAN/ THE CONTINENT/SCANDINAVIA P Shim Penarg FOR: BASRA Ml, 14 II Ml, 17 II Me, 11/21 Cb'a-.i P'lbio. R'Sam. H'burg, G burg, Oslo. Aarhus. C'higcn. TRICOLOR Ma, 25 27 Ml, 21 21 Ma, IS/ 2 Genoa, Antwerp. R'dam, H'burg. Aarhus, Milnto. C'hagen, G'burg. 1
      1,336 words
    • 1136 15 9IHHHBHB9 KpvmbjpplK EXPRESS SERVICE TO LONDON, LIVERPOOL t CONTINENTAL PORTS. DtNAHKLL Bremen Juit 27 BENATTOW inppon P. Sham Penang Bremen JaM 10 II Pt Ml, I May 18/1 B Hamburg M, I S.ngipcn P. Sham RBRBB] ENREOCH lumiiM. Bremek, HieAurg. M'bro. G'mouth C 11 TiM, :|T, aF l'don, A
      1,136 words
    • 1218 15 WORLDWIDE CARRIERS LTD. l^Tmak^V For: Lo* Angclet, New Orleons, Charleston. I N w York N<w London i^^^^^^^a* (also accepting cargo tor other Gull ond Atlantic ports, tubject to inducement) Spore P. S'hom Penang k VESSEL 17/19 May 20/21 Moy 22/23 May ;ENTRAL TRUST 10/12J U na 13/14Ju»a '5/]4J-»* WPHES 5/
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1139 16 Y^ KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTDw Wumtmm Australia Slagapor« Japan Isrvlas Frcmantlp Smnpori TokkaicKi /Naßoya Y'aaM Kooi li«>h Mar»" SaiM JarMtStsltt H Maf 17 May II May Wbm Atrioa tin gapor*/ Japan Scrvtaa A-foa Sin|ppor* Na|ora T'hama met •LM.SOM DM" 1/ 2JatM 2122 1m MJMM IM 4 M, Japan Wast Alrtaa
      1,139 words
    • 924 16 •.USTRtIIA NEW ZEAUNB SERVICE I INDIA PAKISTAN AND FM EAST SEIVICIt 10 AUSTRALIA. NEW lEALANB Tl: Nafipattiua »p MMrll P»n^n| fir: Brit., ARCH.. Imi iytt «iU RAJUIA ll'}} Mi, ]4 May JS May P.n,n, P.SIM S'po.l MJUU s?*" Ulm> UMBRA 11 t]J M bVmMB .S/IJI-P y%y W ff r S»
      924 words
    • 816 16 FAST PASSENGER SERVICE Smaafari be a*> S<*| <l ri »> M V. IMIULOMBO MM 1 I Ml) 11 12 Miy IJ Ma) It Ml) PASSAGE BOOKINGS INTEBNtTIBNU IELl« Co*»u"«Tiun uUlltt flllwlStli NASIBMAI Tel UI7I. M3il. M2M4 t Nl44] ll tlllpMM li'li General Agents: PELNI-LINES Singapore. Tel: *****1 (4 lines) REGULAR
      816 words
    • 829 16 NOTICL MIN NGAI KNITTING FACTORY (MALAYA) SDN. BERHAD Application has been made to the Directors of the abovenamed Company to laaus to Messis Lim Seng Huat i Malaya) Sendlrian Berhad a duplicate certiflcate for 100 (hare* of SlOOOO each upon the statement that the original Certiflcate No 24 has been
      829 words
    • 190 16 NOIH I It) O\*li 1 1 in i I \i i;<> iim» m*. PEGASO WO*. 1 t,S Outwuirl AKK I) S Rt irgo a:r hrreby notitled that all goo ihe exception o' cargo I rerside delivery has been Sffl were landed Into the Po:' of Singapore lutbority Oodown Noa. 33
      190 words

  • 304 17 Oils, mines ease on Melbourne Exchange MELBOURNE. Wed filL and mining shares eased w today and tails outnumbereo three to one. Ml Isa moved up two cent* on the day at $8 88. The company s report that It expects to become the world I largest producer of lead
    304 words
  • 69 17 frit: Malaysian Minister of Finance has flxrd these rates for calculating customs duties for the period from May g to May 14. Kubbrr (Iff crnts a lb. opra 5496 a ton Palm Oil 5440 a ton Palm Kernels (364.50 tun The rates of duties payable are: Rubber rts
    69 words
  • 121 17 1 >iaUntaiMK irMda tbtae changaa In tla Hjaj tv merchants yralcrday ithf follow inf ratra ar* quoted to the equivalent of one unit of foreign currency i. United Stale*: Kuying TT *:i (KKHi: OO 53.03.V>. 90 d crrdit bn:«. S2.b7UO trade bula. tailing TT ar OO ready: S3.ii^»u
    121 words
  • 27 17 RUBBER AND TIN CLOSING PRICES May 7. RIBBKK PRICK: 691 rents (down vne-eifhtb of a cent). TIN PRICE: 5609 (up Kslimated offprint; 255 tons (down 5 tons).
    27 words
  • 236 17 V|A% first (rade rubber f.o.b. A buirn closed at 5 p.m. In Singapore and Kuala Lumpur >ott! day at 69 S crnts per lb. down onc-rigbth of a cent on Tuesday's < loMng Irvrl. The tone was easier. K.A.S. and M.X.1., cloaing prices in cents per
    236 words
  • 218 17 THE PORT OF sINCAPORE AUTMU--1 RITV ANNOUNCED THE MINTS FOR MAY H OUT: DJatlsmrl 1. I. Vlsh' 1 Maru a. Call Myrmidun Xl 11. Diom.d II 11. Mrkatani "I -1 Coiiu> Satu '.'4. Bamora 44 and 1 horsorlcnt < IN: Atlantic Knrdom 12. V»im» Maru Spaamtkcrk Jan
    218 words
  • 101 17 /■MINE** Produce,,. ln|l p«ra. naan dating awiaaa »ar ouul yastarday. Caianul ail: r>ulk >4S| acllrra. arum *..i stum. Caawa: Mixrd (r.0.D.) ioom May/ Jan.- IK Com. t:<l li. Ptpawr: Muri(ok what Si:-7| arl'tra. Saiavik vhite BUB arllcra. np«clal Sarawak hinrk Sl>7i arllera. garbled LampoDg Mast ttS SStttM
    101 words
  • 353 17 Straits tin price improves by two dollars in Penang THE Straits tin price lm- proved by $2 In Penang yesterday to $609 per plcul on an offering estimated down five tons to 255 tons. This was more or less in line with the gain of £3} per ton in the
    353 words
  • 182 17 rE following dividends are expected this month and In June: The nature of the dividend and the date of last year's announcement are in brackets INDUSTRIALS: Pan Malayan Finance toverdue) (interim 2.3.68). National Iron (overdue) (one payment 26.4.68), Harper GilMlan lone payment 2 5.68), Straits Tradinc i final
    182 words
  • 21 17 In London on Tuesday Malayan 5 per cent c.l.f. U.K. June July In bulk was quoted at £70 sellers
    21 words
  • 569 17 C TOCK EXCHANGE OP MALAYSIA AND SINGAPORE SID AND OFFER PRICES OFFICIALLY LISTED AT THI CLOSE OF BUSINESS. INDUSTRIALS UNIT TRUSTS ( P,1... f. r May 7). Klr«t Malayan 3.16 Second Malayan 228 Third Malayan 1.3 V so Til* Commarce Ind. 1.11 i 21 The ttavfng Kund... 1.30
    569 words
  • 1278 17 IIALAYSIAN election week still saw quiet conditions on the Stock Exchange yesterday and a light turnover But the market was very steady with some firm spots. Fresh buyers were out in the market and there was also some special situation buyIng, as in the
    1,278 words
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  • 37 17 STOCK INDICES May 1. May 7. Industrial*: 171.19 171.66 1 Hotels; 93.Z9 93.13 Propritirs: 161.79 161.71 liny 84.39 83.92 t rubbers: 1U9.96 1U8.76 Dr. 30. 1966 100. 1 Urr. 31, 1968 liU. t Drc. 29, 1962 100.
    37 words
  • 36 17 ON thf fraa tiehingi mirkil in Hnm Kon« vralcrday tb* U.S. Dcllar <iuoti-d lit O9STS for T.T. aad •.JIM for aaih. Starling wu quo'r<l at 14.70 and oat Uel of gold at 323.13.
    36 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 652 17 SELANCOR PLANTATIONS COMPANY BERHAD E IS HEREBY GIVEN I Thirty Seventh Annual Orneral Meeting of the Share- holders In Selangor PUuiiationt i .mpany Berhad 111 be held at Office of the Com- Bungsar EMate. Kuala 1 at 11 00 o clock In the i n Thursday the 29th May. 1969.
      652 words
    • 232 17 TENDERS J.K.R. KIALA TRENGGANU PEMBERITAHU TAWARAN Tawaran2 ada-lah dl-Jemput oanpada l'emoooron({2 yang berdaftar dengan J.K R. Trenggsuiu di-dalam Kelas: EX E' D' di-bawah Kepala II: Kepaia Kecliil akan di-terlma dlPejabat Jurutera. Kerja Kanan. JKR., Kuala Trengganu. TrengWiu hlng^a pukol 3.00 pet»tig pada 14.5.1968. Untok:— MEMBENA DAN MENYIAPKAN SA-BUAH XXI.INIK RUMAH
      232 words

  • 19 18 MRS. LAJ KENC XII lAb-Kee) ie eavaa M. MRS. STELLA VINIINI ,IJ. .S'edl..d away SWEE BtE AYE -pnj.
    19 words
  • 11 18 REV. E J. PONNIAH departed on fe an.l children
    11 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 312 18 BaM M.a.aisa %:t tsr 21 BfJBS, >Xt BMaaBBSI BBM il M I ■"iisHli M.s.asai 17 Mln 15 »sf«s. Mat »e«.t.»a»l w»r« il ttstl. Sti.rtl Ti»«s Ssi Sirnct t*ttf V ACKNOWLLDbEMENTS »L CLUB f R A r >sr wno lur iv Kastrr i Mr sun •■•<nk all icnaaart n 'Heir ~AHNOIJiICEpIEKTS
      312 words
    • 520 18 ENCLISH SPEAKING WAITRESSES Changi IT. l>l: 4C OUALIFICt) COMMERI.IAL AbAUE- phone nos to Bui WANTED GIRLS to Juin a d.nre re Ksperieact aol accaaaan *PPiy ■ion- returnable l I to Pox A4I4S S.T. B'poie. UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL UMIVBRS.TV Of MALAYA (Mis ara invited from i laa for the poat of AM)
      520 words
    • 624 18 ACO GO BAR :~D M 'I.lle Koal »!inird Km good inrome food lodginK .owrtfl Apply personally Tel: B'pore REOUIRED IMMEDIATELY )ll iciaduaie Hi teach BaMaaßM it Pre-U v .me taachera at I level Apply 8t Patrick's ata it, TWO WATCHMEN rasjßataß, nour« y. SITU/- p.m. I ii txperteno nMBs Himi
      624 words
    • 714 18 TICHNICIANS maUINID t>J Wfll••ml'l.shad company. miccm'lul applteants must mastrr ■Bglsßs <nt hi Haul two GkJM M rxrvrl•ll d ip rapalrtaf amplifiera, radio* lap* i»- to I- lingual bti Xi x All.:" si »'|.or» uitft EXTRA INCOME ABOUT SSOO I aaaatk .n l>r mm.-.! i>arl time or full n.l women to
      714 words
    • 862 18 SITUATIONS WANTED READ THE SENIOR APPOINTMENT» i ..«oi in I tit Sunday Mail HUNT i SECRETARIAL al en in aad ii' t»-7..i AUSTRALIAN QUALIFIED I Phone WAs.'A ..v pol. SURVEYOR CEOLOCIST iKnmn..r Nnrai) k» po.Mlion in Thailand/ .-outht««t Ana Ac>- 2',. Knu«< rr. n B, German. Kngltah. Please »r.ti J.
      862 words
    • 737 18 SHOPS WANTEI HALF PORTION SHOP warred along' ..r io»met:cs. Hhonc (S (.on i M»:;i>vJ Miss Song EDUCATION PASS VOUII EXAMINATIONS: r..,iA lor ■•■JI 1 CamhridKe. Primary Six. Set. 1 HI Details from Raja s: (8 non STRUCTURAL ENCINEERINU. l.rain from ex|«-rii-ni ed Knklneei ol Raja s Cam— to he sure
      737 words
    • 670 18 AGENTS WANTEt BROKERS SPECIALISING In al' plcise write to Box AJ-T1 K.L. WHY NOT BECOME an A^ent loi Christmas Cards. Birtri.l W.ll Cards, Christmas Dcci stmionary and Baakßl WHICH ha« h. Ul theae hikhly iaaSßßl produ. Ed to srll kt prices wMcB defy eaatpatltlaa ai d our Acent maximum i
      670 words
    • 387 18 I IVIRVONK KNOWS BY NOW era tioner m> avatlanle ALL AT FLOURISH I "TeTiTles Tor sale VOLVO '22» SM jsarvi'e ■satiaa. I»SS UK CCRTINA CT »hif 15C Balmoral P.«rk, S ior- 10. IM FORD ICPHVR 4 <aloon. wmta with h.ue inter or. new -^tlenr w uora) t>lU4>.l. IMbO CHRYSIER VA-lANT.
      387 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 847 19 CLASSIFIED ADS. WHERE TO STAY (Sport) MANY ROOMS VACANT %•> ahoy*. i K lower Oar dm Rnthoua*. Ml Mann* Parad* Tel: iUpcni LLOYD MOUSE MOTtL Alr-rontfl-'or mommy, Lioyd Koad SLOANE COURT MOTtL I s«4r««BS cagim Orchard Balmoral Road. por* I «i MOTEL AMBASSADOR 46 Mfyrr facing MH-fronr to »»ll mrtwtlnK
      847 words
    • 360 19 FOUR SEAS COMMUNICATIONS BANK LIMITED SINGAPORE LOSS OF FIXED DEPOSIT KM EIPT Application haa been made to this bank to Issue to Lo Liang Oak and Lo Liang Chin of Singapore a duplicate fixed deposit receipt for $12,837 50 upon the statement that the original fixed deposit, Receipt No. *****
      360 words
    • 1144 19 s^r^^sls^i^^^^s^^^^s^si^^^^^s^^^s^l^^^^s^sß^^^^s^^^sT^^s^sl^^^s^i^^s^^s^L^^^s^si^^^R? '^^Hl^Sift I SECURICOR (S) PTE. LIMITED 540, Upper East Coast Rd., Singapore, 16. Arc you looking for a job with a challenge, commercial security is continually expanding. Static Guords able to speak and write English ere required. Interesting work as Radio Patrol Men, Dog Handlers, Armoured Car Personnel, Despatch
      1,144 words
    • 536 19 ASSISTANT PUBLIC AFFAIRS MANAGER An International (Ml mnpany with rapidly growing investment in Singapore ha> a varanry for an executive in its puhlir affairs department to provide staff MsMaSMS in thiv field tn its group of companies based here. Applicants should be in the age group 28 years with an
      536 words

    • 36 20 AHMAD Khamil the ERC goalkeeper, makes a flyitm save durti days S. Premier League soccer match agalnai SCRC at the Kuala Lumpur Padang. SCRC won :i-U. Timesplc by Ntj En Khean.
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    • 234 20  -  MANSOOR RAHMAN »> THE F.A. of Malaysia will send three coaches for 1 the first Asian coaching school in Tokyo from July 15 to Sept. 15. The school will be organised 0y tne KA of Japan iialf of the A-.. m Football Confederation The
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    • 223 20 TPCA hit ten goals off Starlite 1P( A 10 M AKI.IIh 1 INBLAIKN b-arlm- cama cropper at PTUM Roau. Kuaia I.ampui. v.iieitUw bomc "'j" l produced a tti.-sjoal peiionnance in a r A ol tst'langor Premier League maicti .visterday Italian nisidf-right M;>rio de Siotaiiu scored live and intcfnational :eepec Chow
      223 words
    • 230 20 SCOTLAND FIGHT BACK TO HOLD IRELAND GLASGOW. Wed. Scotland, a goal down at halftime. forced all draw with Ireland here last night in the third match of the home international championship series. Alrx McMordi** scored after 11 minute* 10 give Ireland the lead In the first halt, durum which the
      230 words
    • 466 20 BADMINTON mil SCHOOLS Ontral lndei-15 il]xihi Bu>%" kinglm qii.u irr-linaK 7ong Konv; Wih bt Chan Wan Sj-oikj 15-8. 15-13; Lim Chun Kirn bt Law Son Chin 15-8. 17-16. Lam Prim Onn bt Inn Huns Fill 14-17. 15-10. 15-12. Tail Chew i Hunt? 15-11. 15-2 Bo\s' d<>uhlr-> quarterfinals Lnn Chun
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    • 185 20  - Follow my advice Wok urges ERNEST RIDA SEND CHAMPION CLUBS TO MAJOR MEETS By IXC HE Uthman Wok. the Minister in charge of sport in Singapore, j esterday urged controlling bodies for team games to seriously consider his suggestion: Send champion clubs to reit the Republic in international competitions. if
      185 words
    • 100 20 J and J put Khalsa in last 4 KliuKi I Mgn.iK I) J/HALSA yesterday reached the .semi-i:nals in the Singapore Senior Knockout v tournam* nt, U to the splendid partn. of Jacwant Singh and Jayandran. The two Khalsa stars did all the scoring in their 3-0 win over 19th Signals
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    • 12 20 l'> I.i Ml 1c i. Choong Ah Kow; traai Klioo.
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    • 239 20 KILAT and TPCA. the two top dubs m Sell hockey, will renew rivalry in the SHA's Knockt c-omDetition this month. Kilat teams in the Li ilready mm it;. and Second Division and .ire determined to make •■ble. Shepherd son. convenor, said. "With a
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    • 47 20 Sabah expert to eomi in R../.ik cup lnt< r-ccimpi-titKin no\t -lan Hockey Federation secretary O Vljaj I hr \v.i> t .Id I 1 tWi H A mciti.iiv B K Bhetktl All. Now. former Olympu star, la shortly leaving •:i to coach there.
      47 words
    • 35 20 Uknr were awarded a w.ilkover when their upponrii Club, armed too late for their Near! Junior League match at Seremban y-' The teams then played' a friendly and N. 6. Club won 3-0.
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 314 20 UNDANG2 LEMBAGA BANDARAN (NO. 118) wons ni bau vi SJHSfI is?BMHM .11 dan- 69. Bllangan ButlrS to Lea'it bag: Chong H«a. Jalan Kapor dan Lot 501 t Barmng «lapa yang terbablt Anchang in: miv 1 1 sebut di-a;a--Yang Di- Bandaran. Kluanz mrngenal pelari Bertarlkh 7hb April. IMB (OTHMAN BIN A
      314 words
    • 298 20 TOWN BOARDS ENACTMENT. (NO. 118) no I■< 1 t mii k ISltlM No Ada-lah dl-Denianu ui-bawah Pelan dan Kanau. teUh d;-seoiakan .■am talap;.: waktu t»-inpoh U« 1 bulan muiai liarl 131 ib Macs I Barang siapa vane ada berkrnaan aengan Pelan Peiaiichai.^ iDtax kapada In hereby given uno>i .37 ol
      298 words
    • 339 20 PEMBERiTAHU TAWARAN J.K.R. raa danpada Pemboronsi 'Electrical Contractors 1 dan keata.^ yang berdafIrmbawa Letrik axan dl-terlma dl-Pejabat PenoKerja Haya. Jabaa Bahaglan Kerjai an Bersenjata. Ibu Pejabat. Jalan Maxwell. Kuala Lumpur. ■a jam 12 00 tengah han l.>hb Mci 1969 MM leal Installation for the DC A Building, KMA F. Baae.
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  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 108 20 StH I IK I't-rung Uiv. 1: Tg. Bunga Rii ngevs v CHy Council (City Stadium. 515> Ipoh Ui\. I: Tamil Youngrten Clitnv; w.ih .Jn A. Jalili. PWD v Feden.l DID iCoronaiion Brdi. Uiv. J: PCADA B" V Pic Ad\enturers «L Coronation gnii laiiiini: Div. I: Kllat Club v CKC "A"
      108 words

    • 49 21 Success at last for Geoghegan after 15 years TRALIAN I co twoghcgan (right), winner of the Japanese Grand Prix at th« Fuji Spe- rcult on Saturday, with runner-up Roly Levis of New Zealand. It was Geogl. ::st major success overseas after 15 years of race driving. AP. radio picture
      AP  -  49 words
    • 181 21  -  EPSOM JEEP By] TOONSHIANG, a last-start winner over bf at Kuala Lumpur, galloped well on yood going at Bukit Timah yesterday morning: when he did 3f in 40 l/ssec accompanied by stablemate The Samaritan. ralian joi-key Garnet Boagoure kept Loonshiang. an Irish-bred four-year-old, on the bit
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    • 133 21 Piggott's appeal against French ban fails |>ARIS Wrd. The French Jockey Ciub rday upheld the .six-day suspension Im- d un hngli-sh champion jockty Lotir PlkIjy the Longchanip Bunday tor obstruction at the I the trench 1,000 CiulnA three-man pam-i, headed by t JC president Marcel BmttWf. rejected an appeal by
      Reuter  -  133 words
    • 25 21 -A- Cum Dividend Festival of Kerry Loonshiang •k Touch Never Regret II •k Ness Lane Ninja Onassis •k P.itsohn Phar Pal
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    • 12 21 .lAKAKIA. Wrd man Or Sudir- lid i crisLs
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    • 156 21 Cricket pact by Negri, Malacca MALACCA and Negrl Sem- bilan cricket associations have joined forces in a b.'d to inject greater Interest in the game in the two states. They have agreed to run a joint o mpetttion tor clubs In both states. Malacca C.A secretary Yap Tee Loy said:
      156 words
    • 140 21 YEW DELHI, Wed. The Indian Governmen has approved the Australian cricket tour o India this year with five Tests and five firstclass matches, according to cricket sources here rdav. An official announcement is expected later. The sources said the Fin Mire Ministry had sough
      Reuter  -  140 words
    • 16 21 sport* Council oflicials: President Khor. En* Choon; secretary Chin Yik Krun: treasurer Chan K-k Ter-
      16 words
    • 91 21 LONDON. Wed A warn ol clergymen, captained by the Anglican Bishop of Colchester are to play a police team In a soccer match The bishop, the Reverend Cixile S4 is raisin* muney 10 buy a tractor tor Tanzania He said: "I wanted Nomeihini' to bring In the
      91 words
    • 191 21 I ON DON, Wed. The proposal to li ive South Africa excluded from the Davis Cup lawn tennis competition, which was to have been put by Poland and Hungary at the annual meeting of the Davis Cup nations in London in July, does not
      Reuter  -  191 words
    • 84 21 U t wIU Sfinbi.nn H ..-.(v \-.M-,:.t ri Learup .t niban pad.vii; Both train- finished level with 12 poi..' I-inal positions; i. i n Rangers =>ollce Nkht 3urkha -evlon 'I n H 7 1 7 7 7 I 3 3 3 1 1 0 II I 3
      84 words
    • 26 21 LONDON Wed— Alan Rudkin will dffMid his British and Commnnwealth bantamweight boxing titles again.'t Scotsman Even Armstrong at Belle Vu#, Manchester, on June 9.
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 180 21 8.6 inches hig^h 24,810 miles wide Think of this If you tune your '< m*^^\ Ili NATIONAL tonight to the Voice of America. >','*'■''■',- 1 1 1* chances are there'll be thousands of others in a 1 t hundred countries doing the same thing But don't '•■'■>'•''"' fW Mr feel
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  • Page 21 Miscellaneous
    • 43 21 BUGS BUNNY By Ralph Heimdahl Iyer shower smouldwopkl 'i'll check V OKW NOAI^LfAERI IT TO MAKE>/ DONT /^Tm U isr roucw a£ "*mm v hand me\^» j I WUNN'NiG... IS J V ATWVELi j .(Ml |I» TMESmOVv'EI? < V<s!/ 7 Jl- OPEWATING i^S<r/i" (U
      43 words

  • 37 22 INDIANA State policemen squirt the chemical mace at students outside the Purdue University administration building on Tuesday. The students were trying to prevent the police from closing the buildin? s doors AP radiophoto.
    AP  -  37 words
  • 121 22 Xl \1 I I Mil R. Wed. I wi, rafehetl armed uith ptstota lieiri travelling goldsmith from Buttf ru )rth and rubbed him ut S2 0M worth ol jcuellrry tlu^ afternoon. Ilir\ icinril Ml Chin Ww B| v c(i to a stop at the
    121 words
  • 6 22 WAR. thr Sou.
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  • 22 22 LONDON. Kdwa.d ot lhe Co. servailve provincial dii I York-hire Pom. died v. :ere today after a brain :liage. AP.
    AP  -  22 words
  • 70 22 SAIGON. Wed. Four of South Vietnam's main political today agreed on a name for their propu— d rulli'fr alliance Social Dei noc vatic NattcmMtt Front. Members of the new antieommuntoi Front whi'h will be I formally Inaugurated m May 29 by Pre-ident Nguyen Van Thieu »re;
    70 words
  • 121 22 BIG FOUR HOLD 7th ROUND OF TALKS UNITED NATIONS. W«A —The chief UN. delegates of the United States. Russia. Britain and France held their seventh round of talk.s OB the Middle East problem yesterday and agreed to meet again next Tuesday. A spokesman .-aid that. In the meantime, a working
    Reuter  -  121 words
  • 146 22 DANCiKOK. Wed.— A Thai Governmont committee which investigated the shooting of «i Thai Qshlng trawler by a Malaysian patrol boat on April 25 found that the incident occurred while the trawler was violating Malaysian territorial waters. The committees report, released today, said the
    Reuter  -  146 words
  • 52 22 LUTON. Wed. Six ma.-*ed robbers, armed with axe handles and r sawed-ofT shoimiu. sto<e a £50.000 payroll at a Uclory here yesterdhj The robbers, who entered the factory a few minutes after an armoured car delivered the payroll, ixat up three men and a woman who resisted
    AP  -  52 words
  • 52 22 AMMAN Wed. Kinn Hussrm ot Jdidiin returned to Amman Uxlay after a one-day vi.sit to Saudi Arabia during which hr liHfl talk.s >itli Kin? Feis:il on the Middle East aMI The visit lullowrd •< similar onr to tlic United Arab Republic uhrn Kinn Hussfin conlrrrnl with
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 415 22 'ON. Wed The market tv dull today. An absence of buyers and some small «ellinu had a depressing eUeet on equities, while Britktl KimcK suflerel a sharp .set- i biu-k on the cuimr.ued currency '.ntles. Towards the clo.-e. the Financial Tlinev index was 7 1
    415 words
  • 133 22 It's all over: So An-An will say bye-bye to Chi-Chi LONDON. ttl llu Kd^si.m p. ind. i \n \n uill ii-turn t(i Moscovv mi M.i> .'I havine fail'd ti> mate uith (ln-( hi at London /<><> An-An arrived in London l.isl Auyu>t. Despite the application of hormones he ilrclim-rl to
    Reuter  -  133 words
  • 23 22 DH.'U W«l members ol h «reddli eluding a woman and \\\o ciilldren, ptrlihtd tai i near Poona m I 1M
    23 words
  • 248 22 Malik: More trouble likely in West Irian JAKARTA. Wed. J Indonesian V Minister Mr. Adam Malik today predicted more trouble In West Irian until the act of tree choice to decide the territory's future is completed in August "i think tboM who disagree with the act will exploit the pn
    248 words
  • 15 22 K upland ck i c co-ahead iodists i in the Stale church .\v
    15 words
  • 65 22 Peacemen hold talks with Saigon leaders SAIGON, Wed Lawn deputy America] gotiator at tiif i peace talks, v. Up a 10-day lam: I I Vietnam today With meetings with iHe President and President. lulu i pi (in Batui M r V. by Mr i Bui.. gad I i hour met
    65 words
  • 6 22 r. lANARDHANAM <>• MUNI&AMY. n n
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  • 6 22 IN !Vtn LOVINC MKMOI <
    6 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 71 22 WORLD WIDE SW- RECEPTION with jyj] J5 GLOBETRAVELERJff with ivift-ih A-C*V2 loudiptakers IS Wavebands including FM. 26 Solid-State devices including 4 Mesa transistors. 3 Watts push-pull output and many other exclusive electronic features. 4SPPPI77H|P9% RENOWNED FOR QUALITY IN M^timmmmih^ MORE THAN 12 countries. Sole A-cis (cr Singapore. Sojtriern East M.i
      71 words
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