The Straits Times, 7 May 1969

Total Pages: 18
1 18 The Straits Times
  • 27 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 175,000 The Straits Times Hill National Hiiw.spaper Is Id. 1845 WEDNESDAY, MAI 7, 1969 15 CENTS K.D.N. 3104 M.C. (P) No. 0723
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  • 616 1 S'pore denies polls 'aid 9 charges Malaysian envoy called up and handed protest Note SINGAPORE, Tuesday THE Singapore Government has sent a protest to the Malaysian Government about the spate of allegations by Federal Ministers that it has been interfering in the internal affairs of Malaysia. A Note was handed
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  • 408 1 Air race man tells of a touch of S'pore magic L— A Navy pilot •iccl yesl he had magical power acquirod in Singapore— Conjure up a tailwind as he made his bid by jetliner In the Daily Mail trans Atlantic air him conniaglc. raander Bill Martin a black hood over
    Reuter  -  408 words
  • 46 1 MANILA Tue* A <■ ment Hint rawf n today r»enled charfM that the Philippines ment was financing independfn" politicians The chnrge.s have no basis in fact said ih.~ assistant pie- preai iecretarjp Mr Jacobo c\:i\v. coaunentmg on a rrpcrl in the Sabah I
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  • 19 1 VATICAN CITY. Tues Secretary General U Thant called at th* Vatican for a private audience ■;-i:ter.
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  • 162 1 GIRL FOUND ALIVE IN GRAV E AFTER TWO DAYS... Karachi. Tuesday 4 GIRL aj>ed 1 wo-and-a-half years was disinA terred from her grave In Karachi yesterday after 50 hours and found to be alive and suckIng her thumb. Tin- child's mother. HaJran. told newsmen that the child was buried following
    AP  -  162 words
  • 55 1 \tW IJKI HI lues A yuuiinpr brother <>( tlie l«ie President Zakli Huaain, who c»mo lrom K trachl to attend uneral. >ut- hean attack today and w...^ .Kirn.' i o in h tioapltaL A hiK-piui ipokeaaiaii described th> condition d Or M.ihmud Huaaln ai Mttefactory and
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  • 40 1 PUVA. lues. A 40-year-old American bUIUWIIHn. honry-nio-mmg in FIJI with tail bride. wm drownad m ;i kifoon .it Yunirt Isliiiul 90 mite* north- i UTM (ll hl-lr H»> wai Jamei MaclerllnePhoealx. Arlaona. a ntative lor AnWist Amines, upi
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  • 49 1 PRAGUE. Tues Demonstrators and police dashed in the western Czechoslovakia n town of Pilsen yesterday during celebrations marking the 24th anniversary of a citizens' uprising against the Nazi occupation, police reported today. A police report said the police "used legal means against the provocateurs." Reuter.
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 36 1 JAKARTA. Tues A prosecutor has Asked a military tribunal in Bandoeng city to impose (he death penalty on Col. Sun»rdjono. mi ait fotca officer ■rru^ed of viippovtinjr the now oii']«*td Indonesian Communist Party. A*.
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  • 41 1 JAKARTA, Tues officials at Jakarta harbour found 540 ptatoll Blaring from a cargo ship carrying light arms from the Indonesian armed services the official armed forces dally reported today The ship arrived here last week TPI
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  • 100 1 pA 'GLAD TO BE HOME AGAIN' SMILE BY QUEEN RADIANT >mile from the R.i.U PrrmaiMiri a\l— I, Mi her return to Kuala I ii inpii r M-stt-nl.i* with the Yang di-Pertuan \i;iuu after .i state \ivit to South Korea and a four-day holiday in lions ho nt The Queen was
    Soong lion Sin SEE REPORT IN BACK PAGE  -  100 words
  • 38 1 SAIGON. lues The U.S. Command today announced the two more American hell- j copters shot down by communist ground fire, raising to 2.597 the number of helicopters lost to all causes in the Vietnam war. AP.
    AP  -  38 words
  • 611 1 Revolt in West Irian JAKARTA, Tuesday yyi-;.ST IRIAN tribesmen have revolted ;i<;;iiiis| Hie Indonesian (iovernnienl and have blockaded live airfields in Hie Ibrnier Dutch territory, an official s|M)kesman announced -it the Foreign Office line loday. The West Irian an airs chief, Dr. Sudjarwo, added that 500 |>aratroons had been dropped
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  • 98 1 HO.NVi KONG. Tues. Radio Moscow tonicht bitterly attacked Mao Tse-tunu. accusing him of Blaafhtertag thousands of people, including many Communists In a (hincx -languaee broadcast monitored hcrr. thr radio said: "Man's road to «.««irr pimer i« nnr Mtained with fresh blood of thousands of real communists, his
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  • 18 1 pindi i a Government one o! month populi t r Prrsident Avnb Xl »t
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  • 22 1 NOBTI 'km BLI I I Ineem Inl tn<l> new Majoi i liv hr-i. i < i irk aiiiii'iniM.i ajaai «itn Krultr
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 222 1 S^'^V^ ->^ECT,ON >V >^ IN CLUBS. NAHAR&CO.>^ BALLS. BAGB RTH BRIDCE ROAD. SINGAPORE 6 YOU GET VALUE FOR MONEY AT OUR BARGAIN COUNTER V -i- I- :jJ sj: >;: LADIES HauMcear m ,j M 1 from $1.7J from $JOO from .»Sctt. TJhirt from $1.10 Handbaa. Nyler,' from 0 T Shlrf
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    • 37 1 VHHLHLf M Sale |B|~\ Service Ni. 62 V jo*l Siuth I Riid. ELECTION SPSS, i have an ice-cold todaii!(/ li ■He b^Lv t M am r= N puts the flavour where I the fun is... every time! >
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    • 251 2 Riddle of Red admission of de-escalation by the U.S. AMERICANS LOOK FOR CLUKS WASHINGTON, Tu—. y LN officials yesterday a Nor t h misn that W :iad d< am war ■it clues coi; c Paris 1 1 ks. rth Premier later by ladio and picked up by government monl.'■re.
      Reuter  -  251 words
    • 52 2 CODT i Wyoming* T>irs A M.\-ye«r-old bo\ «v killed inviantlv vrstrrdny when he c limbed Inio an autom.i'ir divrr and shut the door, turning the machine «>n Thr boy I reo'het Mr* I>lmmv Dnen\ had Mrpp«d o.' of thr riMim iuM minute* brlme thr aii'Kieiu
      AP  -  52 words
    • 170 2 I>\i;i> Toes. M.kl.hii \-u\<n iin Btek, < P ll l Vietf Mace negotiator, retw— 4 ft% itnni a Hysterioas tn ssmn i<» South i«'t n.iin. <>pjrkinK h*pn MM;r in the <»m--mutiM position it thy prace t.ilk^ tiid mtnmmm at I Kourget \irp«»it that
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    • 131 2 }JO.\<. KON(; Tupv A I "Id iiiiim- to break the St. vcar-old ilin^ inciiopolv of uoin c n ni«'nib«"r> of H!>ng Kmi; lull met rrxiuniliiie ,!<• yesterday. I he < innniitlec of thi- i.adir> Recreatlui (lull rated H
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    • 104 2 Baby Grumpling safe with his saviour (JRUMPLINO. the balo monkey has nood M>n for clinging on to RSPCA girl Ineke Fran r.< She helped to tare his life. y<>r O r v m p 1 1 n g was almost dead when he arrived at London's Heathrow Airport nearly two
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    • 47 2 AT least thc\ „r e honest. v hit Ii is more than can he said for Ihr claims iimi.illv put out by candidates by '-'■J-vcar-okl Mrs Christine Hedge, youngest candidate In Ingham'i municipal elections, who has in- lud« d her vita] in her election manifesto.
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    • 167 2 LOS ANGELES. Tues Thomas Bradley. a Metro, is leadinc .ne Los Angeles mayoral race by a large margin, according to a public opinion poll last night The poll, which earlier predicted Mr Bradley's win In last month's primary election for the mayors office, said
      Reuter  -  167 words
    • 188 2 WASHINGTON, Tues. TT —The Australian Prime Minister. Mr. John Gorton. said yesterday he hoped to discuss with Pre-: m the general problem of vorld security, particularly affect* Australia'a interests in South Asia. Mr. Gorton, arrivn.i id he hoped i" jel
      Reuter  -  188 words
    • 19 2 MIAMI TuM. A National ne 727 with 7J 'It nieht in the 16'h n American atr-
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    • 171 3 Labour row as health charges go up LONDON, lues BriI .ilxiiir (,o\ eruaeat List night .m--n..un,,.,i ient m rrrasr i n ehartca lor f.*ls«- t»rth .iiki laectaelc l«-ns,s lin r tnp \.,tj,, n Health ■*< tone, .mil immrril.itp|\ set ofl .1 llr» rou Hithin the I iln.ur r.utv ii Serricca
      Reuter  -  171 words
    • 69 3 QUEEN E, PHILIP ON VISIT TO AUSTRIA NNA. Tues Queen ibeth waa greeted by g crowd! when she arrived here by a.r j day at the start of a six-day sit to Austria. Trie Queen, accompanied by Prince Philip, received a 21-gun tain Queen Elizabeth is the Ant British sovereign
      Reuter  -  69 words
    • 221 3 LEBANESE SOLDIER KILLED BY ARAB COMMANDOS BEIRUT. Tuesday i BAN] -E soldier died yesterday after being :nt by machinegun fire in an incident involving an Arab commando organisation, a military spokesman said here last night am > which came und< achlnegun I raving 'own of In the chest and died
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    • 63 3 \I.W YORK, Tups. -Novelist Norman Mailer :dav awarded a >h&re of the 1%9 Pulitzer Prize is liction. I lie t Columbia :o admiimtcr tin- for bfa "Annie Night." a rirM I giant IJelence De•ii 1 l-t <r driniiu.*awaN with Dubos. "So Hum.<n
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    • 54 3 1-ONbON. Tues. Lord Sinclair of CliW and lord Crowther rallied tue of Lords in detenu- ot the sixpence and ■iment motion to do awnj wen ihe coin. •Oh, jollj sixpence. Jolly. vpei. chanted the who battled ni the Cin\ernnien'.- pl^t. U d>> with i puanl->|nl|in l
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    • 19 3 mi i :G\Ri run Gm supreme commander in Europe, today hr.ndrfl OOHMMBd of ■uc lo Gen. Andrew Guudpibter.
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    • 422 3 LEFTISTS IN DISARRAY PARIS, Tuesday CENTRIST CANDIDATE MIND NOT MADE UP THE French Communist Party yesterday picked 72-year-old Senator Jacques Duclos as its presidential candidate after the breakdown of efforts to forge a united leftwing front against Gaullist Georges Pompidou. The party's central
      Reuter  -  422 words
    • 150 3 Onassis forbids his heir to wed Fiona YEW YORK. Turs. 11 Greek multi-mil-lionaire Aristotle Onassis has forbidden his 21-year-old son and heir, Alexander, to marry Baroness Fiona Thyseen, 36, Time magazine reported yesterday. The weekly news magazine said here at a birthday party for Alexander near Athens, he asked his
      AP  -  150 words
    • 104 3 1,500 storm varsity for protest sit-in MKI.BOI RNK. Tues. About 1.500 stormed the administrating building at >l<>n.i-h I'niversity here today to state a sit-in in protest against penalties for draft evasion. Shouting "We want in." some students hanged on looked doors and windows while others scaled the building's walls witti
      Reuter  -  104 words
    • 267 3 L^LORENCE, Tues. r Sir Osbert Sitwell. the British poet and novelist, has died at his home near here, aged 76. A member of a famous literary family. Sir Osbert died on Sunday night at the Castello di Montegufonl at Montagnana. where be
      Reuter  -  267 words
    • 84 3 A voice out of the blue said: Hello, love... rRQUAY. Tues.—Housewife Ellen Colclough, 27. was dusting her new record player when it said: "Hello love, I spent the afternoon pruning the oak tree." She called Post Office engineers to her home in I this south-west England I town to check
      Reuter  -  84 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 154 2 •Tjj People con sit in the back seat of a Toyota Corolla 1 100. fcj That's more than can be said for more cars in its class. M And at 100 Km h most competitors would be using more fuel. IkS The others would be straining. Big car style and
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 48 3 PAIN NTHE JOINTS? Or stiffness on the shoulders. Juvela Vitamin E Preparation relieves muscular pains promptly. Makes a new person out of you with txtra ze:;t tor living. I dfmwJm j Eisai Co.. Ltd. tTuveloL K—ps you young, htslthy and vitai I Scia TONG ENG MEDICAL TRADING CO.
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    • 226 3 wine dine on board the dance to the exciting sound of "THE SANDBOYS" lunch, dinner supper fabulous eastern continental food free transportation from Clifford pier by luxury launches for reservation call at S IT.O. office at Clifford pier tel. *****-***** El BtOE'i: HAS 1\ IHYTUIXV See the colour and excitement
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
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  • 380 4 Murder case: TV watcher tells of 'help' cry SINGAPORE. Tv««. AN aircraft loader, Halipah bin Ali, was watching television when he heard a cry for help from outside. He told :i preliminary inquiry today that he was in time to see a man fall after being hit on the head
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  • 187 4 GHAZALI TO OPEN $1 MILLION SCHOOL SINGAPORE. Tues. The million-dollar Mount Vemon Secondary School, one of 16 new schools which provide both academic and technical education, will be officially opened by the Political Secretary to the Ministry of Education. Inche Mohamad Ghazall bin Ismail, on Friday The main block of
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  • 122 4 SINGAPORE. Tues. The Port of Singapore Authority today consented In the High Court to Judgment for $8,820 damages and costs In an accident suit by Mr. H. C. Abbott. 51, an executive officer with the British army. Mr. Justice Kul&sekaram was
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  • 167 4 SINGAPORE. Tups. They are travelling at their own expense and their destination la Inddiip.sia. Their tour the country then u<> home and lobby lor financial aid lor the Indonesia n Rod Cl They are 30 Australian Red Cro.vs workers who
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  • 55 4 SINGAPORE. Tues.— The First Lady, Puan Noor Alshah. will open the Junior Red Cross art, and handicraft exhibition and sale of work at the Red Cross House In Penang Lane, at 10 a.m. on Saturday. The function is to commemorate Singapore's 150 th anniversary
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  • 48 4 BINOAPORE. Tues. Mr. J L.M Gome, personnel manager of Mansfield and Co. will talk on "The Duke of Edinburgh's third Commonwealth study conference" at a luncheon meetlne of the Lions Club of Singapore i Host i in the Viking Room at 12.45 p.m. tomorrow.
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  • 28 4 SINGAPORE. Tues. The Singapore Association for the Deaf will hold a Flag Day on Saturday to raise funds for its proposed vocational training centre and workshop.
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  • 159 4 rpODAY'S educational TV 1 programme on Channel 8 is as follows: 7.50 a.m. -9.10 a.m.. General science, Sec. II: Baser, and Salts; ft.3U-B.stt. English literature. Sec. II: The Barretts of Wimpole Street. Part I: 9.05-9.25, Mathematics. Sec 1 Ratio, proportion and variation (11); 9.45-10.05, English second language.
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  • 207 4 FAMILY OF 2 CAN GET AN HDB FLAT SINGAPORE. Tuesday basic qualifica- tions for a Housing and Development Board flat have been relaxed to permit a family of two to apply for a flat. The board's chief architect Mr Teh Cheang Wan, today said this h vi been done since
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  • 72 4 Toto prize raised to $70,000 SIM.APOKt:. Tu.s. Singapore Pools (Private) Ltd. today announced that the first prize for Sunday's draw will be $70,000. There were no first or wennd prize winners in the second and last of the Special Labour Day Toto draws held last Sunday. Those with four numbers
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  • 25 4 SINGAPORE. Tues.— The Singapore Photographic Trade Association will hold Its anniml dinner at the Chinese Chamber of Commewe on Friday at 8 p.m.
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  • 129 4 SINGAPORE, Tuesday EVDR the time, the Port of Singapore Author rity was not on holiday on Labour Day (May 1 > and more than G. 390 tons of cargo were cleared This was In accordance with Its recent decision to abolish the two port
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  • 140 4 No bus fare, absent from training SINGAPORE. I tional Serviceman Kho.i chyc Teck. 21, admitted deserting ba.sir training for 51 days and told th« Seventh trate's Court today I wa.s unemployed and had no bus fan- to take m<- to the training school The prosecutor. Inspector i Sineh. said that
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  • 160 4 SINGAPORE. Tues. Police believe that the killing of a 21-year-old chicken-rice seller in Tronoh Road last night had secret society links Tan Tong Hood of Idrls Road was with two friends when they were attacked by a group of 10 youths, armed
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  • 81 4 SINGAPORE. Tues Mr Ec Peng Liang has been elected president of the board of manaKemei.; of the Singapore Council ol Social Services Vice-pre-sident.s aie Mr Goh Sin Tub and Mr Harry L Wee Other officials are: Secretary, I Mr. S.R Nathan: treasurer. Mr. Mr. Ceri: V R
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  • 80 4 SINGAPORE. Tues. A w urld renowned India virtuoso, Gopikri.shDJ (md bla dancers who include the leading female performer Jayashree. win give a one-night recital of classical, folk and oriental dances at the National Theatre ot; May 17. The performance, sponsored by the National Theatre Trust. U part
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 320 4 Rosemary's baby is due TOMORROW! CATHAT PALACE The must tormenting experience for a mother during confinement and birth! Mia Farrow •f TVs PEYTON PLACE" is Risemary The Mother whi HJH£I mf is iiing ti have a fcaby. J wW tsaDy m jonn fc«yi>^ IJ -jl «.,Umn« Ruth VMk^iPK Sidney Blackmer
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    • 101 4 Appearing NITELV at Ocean Park Hotel fiVwIMMilrHfV aBBaBBBBBWJMrri-CLueßai EXCLUSIVE. NEW DANCE SPOT Tti: *****1 and Cathay Hotel Singapores^* Jmest entertainment rendezvous TEL ***** Tr#uh+d6»s with LynaMMrwr and BLACK JACKS The Fishermen t M Ocean 4 plus t Jink* Purple Today: 1 303 30 700 9.30 p.m. Robert M.rchum Peter Folk
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    • 75 4 "a "combinatloV of" "talents" m ROBERT WISE: "Sound of Music". "West Side Story" m ROD STEICER: Best Actor Academy Award Winner v m for "In The Heat Of The Night" JOHN PHILLIP LAW: "Barbarella". "Death Rides a Horse" m I if\/\ *<Z^& I BBy^ H a^r *VL •ar WhJ I
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    • 409 4 I New Sho-inq' II am, 1 30, 4. 1 Jo 4CO .30 A 930 pm iNo Free l'<* 100 RIFLtS SEASON EXTENDED! For A Lunitod Prriod DnU 3 SHOWS 1 45, SIS ft •30 pm Including Beit Picture! Lionel ••QIIVER" Boris ULIWtn A C School Con, ANY LAST DAY' 11
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  • 263 5  - Rockfall rescue bid halted: Hope given up for two LEE TOO SAN fl> IPOH. Tues. Work on rescuing two of three men buried in a cave oil the Kuala Kan^sar road by a rockfall last Wednesday was finally halted late yesterdc; •upi Mohamed Hamff bin Oinar said today "There •>
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  • 95 5 200 tons of cargo salvaged from ship oINGAPORL Tuc--3 Divers from a salvage firm Selco. have recovered about 200 tons of carno ihr Kuala Kangsar, which sank in the outer r (in March 19. The 489-ton vessel with 584 tons ol cargo mysteriously keeled over as she was steaming out
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  • 34 5 A lima d bin Hassan. 30 v^.s iai!ed for three for rn'.ermg a hou.-e n v. „d yesttrday «:id stealing $15 worth of beverages. Atimad. who has nine prr\i<>us conviction*, plead- B
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  • 408 5 Teacher gets court's consent to wed his ex-pupil gEREMBAN, Tues. The High Court today allowed a 20-year-old girl to marry her former teacher a Scotsman despite strong objections by her parents. Nr Kok Heong, who will be 21 next April, met Michael Walford Mr- I Naunhton. 26. in December 1966
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  • 56 5 KUALA I.LMPUR. TIMS The president uf tie Pelaling Java Rotary Club. Mr Ray Hardle.vv ha. hri n r.f.led to represent the cluij at the Rotary Internationa I cunvent ion to be held in Honolulu from M Mr. Hardless. who will be accompanied by h.s wife will
    Bernama  -  56 words
  • 44 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Tue«.— A constable of High Street police gtaciun, Rad/uan bin Ahmad. 33. was h-iiced in the BMtoM Court i "day with (raudulently using f.\e medicai n rtificatea which he knew were forged between April 13 and July 15 la<.i year
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  • 254 5 Armed pirates rob fisherman of his nets and boat MUAR. Tuesday. CIVE armed pirates last night robbed a Malayr sian fisherman of his boat, nets and provisions I worth a total of $5,000 in international waters seven miles off Parit Jawa. I The pirates, armed with pistols and rifles, intercepted
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  • 33 5 SINOAPOHE Tups. Paul Raymund Morgan. 19. CM lined $35 in .1 nagiatrate'i court when hi admitted brruvtns indfcfn'iy in Burls Strpft yr*trr- K a% uQ hit ptou and under***!.
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  • 98 5 $7,000 GRAB BY GANG SINGAPORE. Tues Five robbers, two of them armed with revolvers, held up three employees of the Hong Leong Finance Company in Lavender Street yesterday, and escaped with $7,000. The robbers walked in at 3 15 p.m. while the cashier. Miss Boey Woon Chin, and two employees
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  • 54 5 SINGAPORE Tue,s. The Singapore Polytechnic Students' Union will hold an orientation ceremony for more than 1.300 nrw students tomorrow at the Singapore Conference Hall. The ceremony will include «peeche> by Dr Toh Chin Chjre. chH'rnmn ol thr polytechnics board of go\ cnmiv anil Cuptdin A. 11.
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  • 110 5 CINGAPORE. Tues.— Police have recovered the body of Koh choon Uat. 22, an employee of Times Printers, who drowned on Sunday while swimming off Changl. He waa the third man to drown at the beach on the tame day. The budlea of
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  • 803 5 Rape case medium: Girl refused to leave my bed PENANG, Tuesday A i L.i\ifL.tL. medium cnargea wun raping a 10--year-old girl twice within an hour, said in defence today that it was the girl who had made advances to him. "She lay down on my camp bed and refused to
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 90 5 •^•^-^aaw^aa? KELONG RESTAURANT (off Ponggol Point 11 m.».) THE NITE-CLUB WITH A DIFFERENCE Nightly Presents ALICE KOH. VIOLET TING MIMI accompanied by SEA PALACE QUINTET Extension to 2 a.m. on Saturdays eve of H>lidiys. FREE LAUNCH SERVICE FIVE MINUTES BOAT RIDE SPACIOUS CAR PARKS (NO COVER CHARGE) For Tahie Reservations
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    • 451 5 PRIVATE SECRETARIAL! COURSE FOR GIRLS Why go abroad? Singapore today offers facilities at its most modern Business College comparable to the best in the developed countries, for sophisticated training for Private Secretaries staff with overseas experience, located in the fully airconditioned. luxurious MSA Building in the heart of the business
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 256 5 Straits Times Crossword HI Hfl IH^ aVfIHHP BV^ aW* aVJ ACBOftS 6. Picture noining In a box O> 7. Competent ~mar Id urai-** EIfULLTw Sl^* _i-_- IKM PnWtURI 111/. 8. The pomt to la.t month on* 18 """S^' m d hit back (7). me ns 10. Concerning a mmi having
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  • 42 6 SINGAPORE. Tues Free X-rays (or residents nt C innuuiwealth Avenue and Stirling Road will be given by Sata at No. 489. Stirling Road. Block 49, from 5.30 till 9 p.m. from Thui sday to May 18. excluding weekends.
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  • 35 6 SINGAPORE. Tues— The Minister for Heaith, Mr. Chua Sian Chin and Mrs. Chua will attend the St. John Ambular.ce 18th annual first aid competition at Its headquarters In Beach Road, on Sunday.
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  • 344 6 'Teaching factory' proposed at C-Plan meet SINGAPORE, Tuesday PROPOSAL to establish teaching factories !o meet the skill requirement of industry was made today at the Colombo Plan Bureau's third discussion session on intra regional technician framing. These factories, said Mr. Lim Ho Hup. Singapore's Director of Technical Education, would complement
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  • 118 6 DISPLAY OF AUSTRALIAN BUILDING MATERIALS SINGAPORE. Tues. A display of Australian building materials and hand tools opened tonight at the Australian Trade Commissioner's display rooms In Clemenccau Avenue. At a reception before the openIng. Mr. H.C. Sargent, the Australian Trade Commissioner here, said Australia like Singapore was in the midst
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  • 130 6 VOSPER MAN NAMED CHIEF OF SASR SINGAPORE. Tues. Mr. J.A. Wilde, managing director of Vosper Thornycroft Uniteers Ltd has been reelected president oi the Singapore Association of Shipbuilders and Repairers. Messrs. Tom McLay. managing director of Keppel Shipyard Pt«. Ltd. and K.K. Ching, managing director of Kwong Soon Engineering Co
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  • 70 6 Youths tried to extort $2 from vagrant SINGAPORE TU« Thiee youth!> today set fire to a vagrant's blanket after unsuccessfully trying to extort $2 from him In New Market Road Tort Sin Heni; ran but the youths caught up with him and threatened htm with an ice pick. Just then
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  • 75 6 SINGAPORE, Tues. Some .mi student* from Singapore University will attend a live-day work (imp at Sembawang. to improve three roads in the area. An oprning rrrcmonjr, to be iltnulid by thr MP foi Srmbawang, Mr. Tronic Kn« Siting. will br held at 2.30 p.m. on Sunday
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  • 131 6 SINGAPORE. Tues Dr. Wendell Phillips above), the American oil concessionaire reputed to be worth $360 million (Singapore money i. is spending a few days In Singapore prior to a business visit to Indone la Dr. Philips, 47. who is i well-known adventurer and
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  • 104 6 A big road widening project in Paya Lebar SIM.APOKi:. Tuo Almost half a million square feet of land in Pava I.ilmi will bo acquired by the (iovernincnt for a bit; roariuiden i ni; pro i it there The project is part of a Sl",' million road improvement programme to be
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  • 84 6 Serangoon Road bridge to be dismantled SINGAPORE. Tues Engineers from the Singapore Armed Forces will dismantle the Bailey bridge which spans Serangoon Road (2\ miles), on Thursday frorr. 1 a.m. to 4 ajn. During this period, vehicles travelling from Upper Serangoon Road to the city will be diverted Into Aljunied
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  • 69 6 SINGAPORE, Tues. Some major works by the famous Italian composer Ro.vslni will be performed by the 47-strong Singapore National Orchestra on Sunday and Monday. The orchestra is giving the "Rossini Centennial Concert" at the Singapore Conference Hall. both performances to start at 8.30 p.m. It will be
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  • 103 6 S'pore invited to travel project course in Hawaii S~INUAPORE. TU« Siny.' invited •(> send didate to attend a travel industry m mont project to be held in Hawaii from Sept. 14. to D»m\ 6. The course Is being organised by the Institute for Technical Interchange o: the Centre for Cultural
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  • 44 6 SINGAPORK I Fulton, vice-chairman of the Inter- 1 1 Council, will Ki\e a public lecture on Recent Innovations in tertiary cdi lv the United Kinudom." at new lecture theatre *v o University of Singapore campus, at 5.30 p.m. on Thurstfr"
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  • 172 6 SINGAPORE. Tuesda: AN elaborate programme has been drawn up to celebrate the fifth Nurses" \\V. k from May 12-18 this year The annul coinciding with the birthday of Florence Nightingale, the founder of modern nursing is aimed at focussing public attention on the "dedicated
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  • 201 6 S'pore Sweep results: *****26 wins $400,000 SINGAPORE. Tim The fouitli draw of the Singapore Sweep organised Singapore Pools (Pte) Ltd.. mi held at the World st. i (Hum this evening, with the first prize of S4<Hi.oyo retol to ket No 2094<»iH The full reslill- II follows: I lEBT ($490 *****26
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 211 6 SHE'S HERE! Nip gr Max Factor's top make-up Artiste from Australia Patricia Moore, now in Singapore and Malaysia, direct from her highly successful Max Factor demonstration tour in Hong Kong. Get really professional make-up advice at: Cold Storage Supermarket— Singapore —May 8-10 Robinson's— Kuala Lumpur— May 12-14 Hong Kong Shoe
      211 words
    • 127 6 Advertisement Keej) a Firm Chinline End wrinkle drynew and sagging muscles caused by a lack of natural protpctive oils and diminished muscle tone t>y treating your chinline to a regular massape with vitalizing cream. Before retiring massage Ulan vitalizing night cream well into your chinline moving from the cleft in
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 43 6 wi Aim*? n,, ,1/ v w DONT V' E YSO THAT A II VOWWXOMETO A j.-sr*:'S RB J%&'*^> Q^OVEff) OOME S- ALL IT \S.fJ I I UM.rT BUT IS NO WAV f TRUE. -~s v.<vTi^«; tj B_\ EAR.'.' BALL.T 2 1 t 1^
      43 words

  • 1501 7  -  RALPH BROOM To newspapers In Rio de Janerio the gravelly voice of The Red Rose Is the tip-off to each new exploit by the self-styled Murder Squadron. It tells where the bodies of the latest vit tims ran be found. ONE POLICEMAN'S DEATH SPARKED AN
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  • 711 7  -  MARK FRANKLAND by WITH Americas role f f in South-east Asia now at a critical stage there could well be a good deal of wild talk heard about Laos In the coming months. If an eventual compromise of some sort ends the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 138 7 4 Milkmaid IJSMH^V Mini-packs t9^^GKi Nescafe i^SH r&k <*** I*.- i H J&* NjSSlif k-. "ISSN Buy one 4 oz. jar of Nescafe and get Nescafe is real coffee. four new Mini packs FREE. Nescafe has the fragrance of real coffee Buy a second 4 oz. jar, and a third,
      138 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 340 8 •-•st in the 1 Tse- have fallen i His hum. as s< ihment others have suffered Ha raaaaina Paris no h member of the me mix* is with an inner core her. r ap-jwm-ntlv n the n. en able to !>• liao Tseuing. though th' .1 entrench*
      340 words
    • 294 8 matter which not conform with the Indonesian Govei nment'i ow n ideas of the referendum which is i uture icribad as "delii-ai' illy in .if rebellion, h growing <.:.: Indonesian officials and the representative of the United Nations fol n. Mr. Oiti/- iat the situation is
      294 words
    • 236 8 Therr I. from World Health Organisation utficiaU foi Malaysia'a malaria eradication campaign, Brunei hopes b«' a dl malaria that this j ill not in tba last year) pert* to v. ipc '.'.>! I No-ooe oougn .i tnalaj la-free date for V. .ad it may weJL Prondosham, in
      236 words
  • 463 8  -  JOE HAGGERTY assassins? by NEW YORK 4 RE the pressures of living in big cities so great that the millions of Americans who live in them are being tinned into potential assassins? That is the theory advanced by a psychologist who is an expert on
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  • Letters
    • 136 8 DEFERENCE is made to the ietter by "Kedai Batu" iST. April 4> and the writer la advi.sed that th? one-way system along Jalan Batu ha.s been implemented after careful eonMderatinn and ll working satisfactorily. The reversal ol one-w:iy flow of traffic along Jalan Batu In the
      136 words
    • 43 8 rE suggestion by A R. G DRose 'B.T. April 3> that applicants for a driver's licence should be examined by a RDvornment doctor Is noted Taxi drivers are presently medically examined once every three year.\ mm KUAN MING Ac Registrar of Vehicles Singapore
      43 words
  • 1430 8  - The question Smark of elutong KHOR CHEANG KEE b> PENANG 'I believe the Alliance will win at least 1 7 Ol the 24 seats and retain control in Penang. The Chief Minister, Tan Sri Wong Pow Nee The Cerakan will take the State outright. It will capture moie than 13
    1,430 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 71 8 B§§^ THEI969MANrSVVOTCH It's not man-made Seiko makes it by i automation. A fine preciaioo watch 1 comparable In quality to conventional f watches costing twice as much. II *^JaxS\ I Thi th '"od*" 1 w *y t0 l!*ls=J 1 watch: pay o ily for the timeptecai 1 and not Uie
      71 words
    • 73 8 jfadk China f&nnuiig ftst M*«f K«*f't Le*4lftfl EnffUali [felly ~i ■Pma, OftDERS MAY K PLACED WMI Haawcaw 4V Swm Malaysia) L**\, 74 Orchard Ro«d. Singapore 9, Tel: Met! >« Battary Road. Singapore 1, Te(: ***** Aifaort teak SteN, Paya I.ebar Airport. Singapore 1% Tal: ***** Y. >s*amaniy fir Ce., 181
      73 words

  • 126 9 Peking should change hostile policy first, says Kh? IHJKIT MERTAJAM, Tues. The Minister of Education, Inche Mohamed Khir Johari, last nigh: plained why Malaysia could not recognise Communist China. rally at B ne u:iRed h .subrce of >v. the Labour the election "Drobabl i fr.mi Red China." led: "The I
    126 words
  • 102 9 MAN ESCORTED BACK TO PACE $36,500 CHARGE A PUR. Tues. boon d back to B today to face a chargr of cheating the lice Contingent of 536 An application was madi by Chlel Mm Poh Soon, pro ing. here, for an order for police to escort Ng back •spector Urn
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  • 48 9 CANBERRA Turn I tie Supplies and Transport. Brigadier G.KI; will viMt Singapore Malaysia .md South Vii-nnm frum May 11 to 21 .<n oflWol announcement in Malay>ia. he -a ill dUcuaa of cumnmn .vervi«e tnwitu lie Malaysian Army's Durttoi- of Supplies and TTansrx^-t. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 254 9 VOTE ALLIANCE FOR A KELANTAN JENGKA TRIANGLE' KOTA BHARU. Tuesday A MASSIVE land development scheme on the scale of the Jengka Triangle project in Pahang will be opened in Ulu Kelantan if tin people elect the Alliance to rule the State Tun Abdul
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  • 149 9 Tengku to Asri: Take the oath before polling day KUALA PfcRLIS. Tuts Teii^ku Abdul Rahman today sent a telegram to the Mentri Besar ot Kclantun. Da to Asrl bin Haji Muda. asking him tv swear by the Koran, before polling day. tnat tm PMIP did not receive foreign aid. "I
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  • 93 9 Police warn of forged fifties in Penang |>I.V\M. lin-s. N lice todaj advised people tv beware of forc-»-d >.">tl BmHH notrs rtpoilril to lir in tiriul.i tii>n here. |\\(i siirh notes wore dixo^erecl vesteril.n The r.ishirr of Bank Mr Yap Laaag Tarn reportril tci polite that he found one
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  • 49 9 P E N A N G The State I.wmic Rr.igous Council. h»> rngrt.-id national and International K.i v.i 11 reading ehampioi H 1 bin Abdul lUhl—n 1 riduct a Koran rasdlag a urse in major rrliinouj- Khoola In all five dtetrlcta 111 Prnang beguinlng nrxt month.
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  • 20 9 SINGAPORE Tuei A wom.-n. Woe Teik l/>ng L'B. fell 1 her drath from Selegie Hou.v early this morninf.
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  • 237 9 Fraud case executive is jailed for six months SINGAPORE. Tues. Ex- insurance executive Dau Sze Cha, wlio cheated his company of over a quarter of ;i million dollars. \va.s today jailed for six months. He was also fined $5,000. D..-trlct judge Mr. Donald Yeo Hock Chwee. passing sentence. df\>cribed It
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  • 45 9 SINGAPORE. Tuca There were 24.628 Vtaiton lo Singuixiie in March 30 por cent ukii'.i.m- oM> March figuip of ***** Including vUitors «rbo ate in cltiaena »c» onlyi and ottatn im have embarked f: Malayyian port, the Mguie stands at 31 479
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  • 97 9 JOB NO. 4 FOR STORE ENVOY SINGAPORE. Tue*. Mr. Lee Khoon Choy (above), the only Singapore diplomat who at present holds three ambassadorial posts, has been given a fourth. His appointment as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Yugoslavia was announced today. At the moment, Mr. Lee is Singapore's Ambassador Extraordinary
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  • 48 9 PENANO. luc-.v 8..1j-cs born at the Maternity H here on World Rod Cross Day May 8 will be presented with gifts by the Prnung branch of the Mulaysian Red C'roe* Society. The baby bora will w Prnanc I ttea Cru>s baby ol 1969
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  • 21 9 PENANCi Git .it today with the murder Baiik Pm 28 He vaa remanded in cu-tody fur a
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  • 258 9 ORUNEI TOWN. Tuei. 13 The Legislative Council today passed a Bill tv bring the fctate s oil mining laws In line wilh those of Middle East countries. The State Financial Officer. Dato John Lee. told the Council that the Bill amended the
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 118 9 When Rothmans chose Ford for their new fleet of vehicles, they had good reason t0... all their previous fleets. Rothmans operates one of the largest all-Ford for their first fleet— some fleets of vehicles in Southeast Asia. time ago now. And now that they've Which means they insist on getting
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 733 9 ON YOUR TV AND RADIO TODAY TV MALAYSIA TV SINGAPURA CHANNELS KuaU l.uHipur. 700 N< n K>: "10 (HWML 5 915 What Others Say (Eng--2r «-r- lissLX f -is 3.00 f j %iss^asi J«horr Bahru 3. 10; Taiping Bag: 800 News in Mandarin; P^ iI, Hmw AnvSoctial Privilege or Ad--4;
      733 words

    • 270 10 Lighter pleasure boats are now an industry SINGAPORE'S success in the ship-build-ing industry has opened another avenue in the nautical field. After breaking-through In the larger steel barges and vessels sphere, new companies are now being established to go Into production of lighter and more sophisticated pleasure boats including cus-tom-built
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    • 102 10 GBC-AEI Singapore j Private Ltd has been awarded contract to Install a central air-condltlon-Ing system in the People's Park Shopping and Residential Complex In Singapore. The GEC-AEI air-condltlonlng engineer. Mr Foo Kong Dear, sail that this is one of the largest shopping centre air-con-ditioning systems In Singapore to
      102 words
    • 279 10 TMIK recent visit of a row-member mission from Western America's wood moulding Mid millwork industries will prove a great Imxhi to Singapore's and Malaysia's timber trade. "With the establishment of direct contact we intend to make follow-up efforts to exploit the
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    • 76 10 On-the-spot survey The vice-president of Armour Pharmaceutical International. Mr. J. Uibernau. recently visited the Singapore-Malaysia market. He m»t dealers, made on-the-spot surveys of the market and discussed plans for furthering sales of his company's products to pharmacies and dimes in the region. Mr Olbernau said he aaw good prospects for
      76 words
    • 169 10 Spicers send 2 overseas jni i.u^ (Export j Ltd., O the international paper aim priming equipment Mippiiri >. nave miii two more staff for overseas training. l ii«->i- are .ur. Lcong Wai lokr, senior mechanic in Fenang, and Mr. l.tij Ah Hon. worfcMinp met ii. mn in Singapore. inejr left
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    • 104 10 The SM (Minnesota Mlnln* and Manufacturing) Co. of St. Paul. Minnesota, America, has Introduced Into the Singapore market a line of microfilm systems which It claims provide the perfect solution to paperwork problems. Formal presentation of the line was made to Government officials and business men recently at
      104 words
    • 150 10 ry. general manager of the National Export I r.iding Corporation (NKTKACOK) of the Philippines. Mr. Jovito A. Kivi-ra, is expected to arri\e in Singapore tomorrow to study trading potentialities between the two countries. During his .stay in Singapore, Mr. Kivera will meet and discuss with
      150 words
    • 247 10 MALAYSIA Is to go Into the sheetglasa manufa*. turinp; business In Joint venture with Japanese participation. The Japanese participants are the Nippon Sheetglasi Ltd., in conjunction with Toyo Menka Kaisha, who will hold 49 per cent, with the Malaysian partner, well known industrialist Mr.
      247 words
    • 78 10 Factory ready soon 'THE Governing Director 0t Barkath E Abubacker Penax.t- that \!i PeU 11, Ma- Hud- manufactuifr of to Uriah--'' pla g of a local worth iMak Buildinir of Urn commenced and i 1 production will begin beiore the end of the year. Mr Aspmall also Penani; where P
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 158 10 Cm Berkel. If you've got trungs^^^H be weighed, you should meet the rest of my family. Just contact Diethelm Co. Limited our agents. The Berkel family consists of a wide range of V weighing equipment which lan solve all your weighing j problems. We can handle any weighing job- from
      158 words
    • 171 10 now completely revised I THE STRAITS TIMES DIRECTORY OF I I MALAYSIA AND SINGAPORE 1008 1 ThlQ ie +hf> nn\\i 400 page Alphabetical Classified Direcinis is xne oniy au in or- tory contajnjng mer 40t000 9ntrie5 itatlVe and COmprehenSlVe 800 pages listing companies, their Exereference work available, a D nd
      171 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 988 11 IB LIVERPOBL ANB OTHER U CONIIMtNIAL PORIS s jjU p Sham Ptnang M ii Bi'stli -I .8 j.. Mill? Mi, v Mi, IS 21 Mai 22 PR AM I Mil It Mi| II I rent Mai 21 Mat 22 Mt| 21' l NNM 2 P.TROCLUS "ai 21 Mai 27, 28
      988 words
    • 797 11 E*****E***** Scanservice V iXi>RESS SAILINGS 10 MEPtTERRANEHH/THE CONTINENT/SCMDIrtAVI* *«B -VA "Sw. -wa IMIMfM .-"/ll JM.IB/2, Ca-BJa^^.^Hby,.. «M» M M n> f g,'^ K'-c^'t",-. Wi utivmt from »cAmm»vu/u.K/m comtihent and meditemimiean Pcnang P. Shaw iRWi !2KnV:::::::::::::::::"::":"":::::"":: «i» si; I? Bl TONSRERC iy. a a BUSUAKU na?" w r twmn Agents: The
      797 words
    • 2082 11 EXPHESS SERVICE T I LOHDQN, LIVERPOOL t COWTINENUL MWIS for Hurt ItM 14 BENARKLE gsii r! ri .pun pu 9 84DVMATTAIV For Live-pool IMt 12 BEMAIIVW Ro'.terrjim Im. 28 Sinnoor. P. Sl«am Penini Biem»n Imi M S.ngapon f Mjmb)j(| Smgiport P. S'hia Pining BENREBCN lonoun. Bremen, Haaßurg, M'bro. O'moutn t.
      2,082 words
    • 679 11 tMn WORLDWIDE CARRIERS LTD. l^^^^^Bt For: Lot Ani«lei, New Orleeni. Cr,arlc»»on. lIVVJ New York. New London. V^^^^^bV (also «cceptir.9 corgo tor other Gulf ond Atlantic ports, subject to inducement) S'DOre P S'hom f>nang VESSEL 15/17 M-y 18/19 May M/Sl** vi?.™"::::: WVS WSS Ag.nt,= McALISTER 6e CO., LTD. Carriers cotion ti
      679 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1119 12 BpV AiV^. ili^B^^pppppp^ppp^B^^ppla Vl" 11 KAWASAKI KJSEN .LAISHA LTD. Wimrn Australia Singapore Japan Scrvlo* Frenuntll "i"|ipo'i YakkliclH 'Nifoyi V'nini KoOl ■■U**m Man- SnlM I Mry Jarnj II May 17 May 21 May Wmat Alrtaa; Sin gaper* Japan Servlo* A-ic a Sifipon Nifoyl V'himi ROM -Haulm mm- t/IJM HMim» MUM Italy
      1,119 words
    • 923 12 |pVBHHfIftHbMHHriLrJLpppPPPPPP^PHMHIiPPPPPPP IB JBPPP«HHHBiPPa^B^B AUSTRALIA NIW ZEALAND SERVICE I INOIA. PAKISTAN AND FAR EAST SERVICES TO: AUSTRALIA. NEW ZEALAND. Tl: Nafapattnap Ml Malrai. S po'e P. S'tam Prnani Far: Brit.. AacK laae lytt., Wall. RAJUU II 23 Miy 14 May 25 May Ml. S-OO.R JUL IIUM 17< M iamoia ,112 J.M
      923 words
      792 words
    • 742 12 SMALL CAR6O VESSELS FOR SALE Two Shell Iyp<- Stcpl \cvscK wilh <\irc<i Capacit) IM tons dr.uiuricht, (.i;i 1 m available lor inline (ll.ite iMaitV Other iletaiN: Built l!»i:» LaatM m», l.rnith OA: UK I' Sp.fd Max. llMd Breadth 11 4 Main tneinc: Tolar Atlas Diesel SiiiEl.- Si rew. For
      742 words

  • 555 13 I" iected Malaysian industrial yields Is based on last smles of May 2: Companies located in M*U\»ia for taxation purposes. Average (rnms dividend yield 4.C per cent (4 8 per cent) Average grass earnings "yield 8.3 per cent (8.3 per cent) *P. Price; *D.T. l>,»idrnd Yield ifrov.
    555 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    33 13 v| HARLOTTE (ENID) RODRIGIES Departed 7-5-68. A tender thought. A silent tear, A constant wish that you are with a*. Sadly mimed by Moved Husband, Sons. Daufh trr«. Son-in-law and Grandchildren.
    33 words
  • 327 13 Mineral falls outnumber rises MELBOURNE. Tuea. 1%/TINING and Oil shares weaITJI icened although the Investment section was steady, market leader BHP recovering 15 cents lo $16 75 Pall.s in the mining and on section outnumbered rises by three to nir MrtaN Kxplorution last a furllier 30 ontl to $6.90 a
    327 words
  • 218 13 TMI PORT OF (INCAPORI «U--1 THORITV ANNOUNCID IMS FOLLOWINC BERTHING ARRANGE MINT! FOR MAY 7. OUT: .x.-iurvu Mirj ft. 11/14. CardiKanabtr* Id. Mekaunl— Ol 21/22. Kairyu Maru I lurptiyi II 3S/36. AndrzeJ Btr i< "i* 3». Hesaenitein 42 43. Benhlant 44. Baal N.W. 1/2 and Peuhnf
    218 words
  • 96 13 I'HINEiE Produce Exchange, tinga- pore, noon doting prieoe par pieui yesterday. Coconut oil: hulk (40 aelltra. druii (SI I tellen Copra: Mixed 1f.0.b.) looaa Mn/ Jur: 1 K/Cont V^l B. Pepper: Muntok white (1271 ae.'<era. ■aim j whitr mi nellcra. special Sarawak black »97» aellera, (arnica Lamponc black
    96 words
  • 123 13 TMI Asaaciatian ol ainm m Malay- iia Smtapara nude theM channel In IU rales lo merchants ytaurday (thf followinc rates are quoted to thr rnulvalfn' of one unit of foreign currency). Un.ttd Stattt: Kuyinit TT *:t.(I4YA airmail OD (3 0325: 90 d'at. 12 S7TS crrdit hilla. $2.9075 truttr
    123 words
  • 19 13 In London on Monday Malayan 5 per cent elf tj K. June July In bulk wu unquoted.
    19 words
  • 336 13 All-round support keeps tin price steady STRAITS tin was unchanged at 5607 per picul in Penang yesterday on an offering estimated down 5 tons to 260 tons. In London overnight the forward buyers' price fell £7 per ton. Locally there was good all-round demand especially from the U.S.A. LONDON: Tin
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  • 248 13 flnt fradr rubber f.o.b. buyers closed at a p.m. in Singapore and Kuala l.umpu. yeaterday at 69Vi centa per Ib. up a quarter of a cent on Monday's i lnsin« level. The tone was Very quiet. K.A.S. and M.R.E. doting prices in cents per Ib.
    248 words
  • 588 13 STOCK EXCHANGE OF MALAYSIA AND SINGAPORE BID AND OF FIR PRICES OFFICIALLY LISTED AT TMI CLOSE OF BUSINESS. INDUSTRIALS a. s. ACMA 2.16 2 17 Bfd A Co 2.19 2.24 Borneo Btrhad 1.88 Bouatrad 2.1* Cimr! Plv«ood 7.44 2.50 C. Sugar* 4 4* C.C.M orda 201 2.03 C.
    588 words
  • 556 13 ma AS expected the turnover on the Stock Exchange of Malaysia and Singapore yesterday continued to show some contraction as the Malaysian election day drew nearer. However, there was some new speculative buying and as a result prices showed a definite improvement over those ruling
    556 words
  • 126 13 SO a^ to complete tht purchase by Singapore Land of city centre properties the company will shortly require fund addition to tho^e already held. A statement says the directors were considering the possibility -if a further Isaac of .-hares, and they have now decided to to
    126 words
  • 61 13 SHIPMENTS of Stra fined tin from Pi in April totalled 5.707 loug tons, according to Tie Straits Trading Compan Of this above tot U.S. took 2.360 tons. C >ntinent 1.310. Canada 143. Japan 1.164, Pant: India 34. S. Ameri Africa 10. Australasia 18, and Middle East 8
    61 words
  • 195 13 IN his statement for 1968, the chairman of ACMA Electrical Industries Ltd Mr. Leo Ker>g Tuan. the company made ti?factory" net profit of $205,187 after providing for depreciation and promotion and reproduction expenses. "In order to provn; the continued growt. the company, your directors do not propose to
    195 words
  • 27 13 CICELY Rub! announced a dividend of 4 1 16 per cent in r< of the year ended March 31. (2 7 9 per cent).
    27 words
  • 114 13 TIN shares in London on Monday drifted lower In I quiet trading. lasuM to ease Included Sungei Besi. Kamuntlng, British Tin and Gopeng. Rubbers were mixed. Gainers Included Buklt Mertajam and Buklt Sembawang while among Issues to "all were Golden Hope, Guthrle and LondonSumatra. DOW JONES: 925
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    1,099 words
  • 35 13 STOCK INDICES May. 5. May. Industrial*: 17U.K4 171.19 111., i. i- 92.51 93.29 Properties: 161.79 161.79 riM 84.27 84.'!9 tt rubber*: 109.96 109.96 Drc. M. 1:»66 I<M). I>rc. 31, 1968 IUU. lire. 1962 a 10U.
    35 words
  • 40 13 /"V.N tr.* Iraa aiehangt marktt In Hon« yr Mat fmimtay th» us. Oaiiar wan q'intrd at S in for T.T. and «.0«SO for eath. St. rum „.101*4 »t 14 4» and mm u*i of gold ai m
    40 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 322 13 NOTICE l<> \WIOM IT MAT CONCERN—; We hereby notify that Mr. Albert Llm Slew Pook ha» ceased employment In our company with •m 19th April, 1969. and .<• 1* unauthorised to transact on our behalf. ANGUS ROBERTSON (PUBLISHERS! PTY. LTD. 65-71 Hlzh Street. Singapore, 6. SHIPPING NOTICES "STATE OF BIHAR"
      322 words
    • 29 13 RUBBER AND TIN CLOSING PRICES May 6. Xl BRER PRICE: 69) cents (up a quarter of a cent). TIN PRICE: 5607 (unchanged). ■■>linntrci offering 2KO tons (down 5 tons).
      29 words

  • 35 14 MRS RAJAMONBY DEVASAKAYAM Max Uevasakayarr |..tste was called n Bombay MR LIM KIOK CHAV passed awa« I S7A Old ii 2uo p.m JOSEPH SIM PENG HONG passed »ed 6(i i p.m ta Cko> ■cry.
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 597 14 U WVU UN >W 1 »VN j UM J 'TTTTI sONOWLISCIMENTJ sN»IVf«?««l(S >NNOUI*C(MtNTS BIRTHS. CLUI ACTIVMIiS CONOOIENCES DEITNS (fttaCEMINTS. I rUNEIsIS CSECTIMCS IN MEMMIaM HilliiCI 1 MISSINC. PISStNtI PfC. lEIUIEMS I DfUNIONS ■ill M,s. si. S2S ft 71 BBJfIS, IK* >Miti*Ul w*f« 11 M 111 Otkrr C n;.i.n sfrirtistaeatt Mmsnai
      597 words
    • 840 14 11l an., .Nutnifl tors. Or ih>ird Koad' WILL ESTABLISHED cosmeiK •■4 remai* sales supervisor. Apply with eomplet« Penan < lUCAR INDUSTRY OP SINOAPORE LTD. .ioi...ns lor poets ol ELECTRICAL INSTRUMENTATION TECHNICIANS and other TECHNICIANS ■UU rc> uradk OHSv OnlT persons with sppropiste q isnti--nd some rears of expeneno need apply
      840 words
    • 950 14 i copies ticm Certificates and t. «tl- naaiala, come to Metropolitan Bunding ■awrm, in Medeiros H street or 5b Peck Scab stieei. r| B pee Tel 7:i4Jl. WANTEU o|>ean r Kirm „n DfTice Assistant for their fit. I'epartinent. Applliat.ts must tie i.ale .K. A^e t.e,,h> .11 W., iking exI kno«
      950 words
    • 1067 14 RENT OR SALE firnished 3 tMdroom riat at Far East Mansion. Kin Yam Koad s< Phone a'oora it. J2. THOMSON CARDEN I ..lurry s:rv corner t. asfl and I small i irsa garden siwce Ring Spore SERANI OON PARK— D 3 m»i sq ft.. D-hedrooms. |KM 'kmi sterlinii Real Ksuie
      1,067 words
    • 876 14 BECINNERS and all stages shortband, typewriting. bookkeeping. Malay, rrench. Commercial Correspon■eaea, Shorthand «peed ■Vl-I.'SO. Regent commeniai laatltaM iaK Kast Coast Road (Wonde. land 'nd floor) 4401 8U Spore CITY SCHOOL OF COMMERCE CROUP DIPLOMA IN HIGHER ACCOUNTINC ACCOUNTINGS COMMERCE a FINANCE, ECONOMICS. In preparation (or Spring 1970 Exam. A seaaaal
      876 words
    • 901 14 TV/RADIO SALES t SERVICE MUITA Piompt Reiuble T.V. i Service Moderate charges. Riug Spore I tiJ3*. REOIFFUSION lELEVISION RENTALS B.P. CA6B Compieia range to suit averyon* bbo« rooms Clemer.ceau Aye. Joo Chiat Road Taman Jui oni RtUIfTUSION RKPAIKS AMI MAJCxV Or T.V. »KTB Hhone MM Mi Bingapor« Coramuoal Aerial Syntema
      901 words
    • 888 14 I»S7 LATI OtC. Korrt ral.wi SOU. Onr owner. Oood condition. Conta« Urn Phone '.'IS«9 Spore. REG. OCT. ISSS Volkswa*rn Coa< n. i condition HiKheat offer eecurr* Tfl (Bporci Mfi' LATI Itfl VOLKSWAGEN 1305 insured Ouui.«-i i'.-h'j H **i Telephone Gallardo (Spore) ***** (Ofßiri and 66AU1.1 inome). MOTORISTS BEWARI! A dirty
      888 words
    • 499 14 o LADIES HAIRDRESSIN6 POSAN SALON DE BEAUT. •i m Kc.Hd Daily a.m. pJss, except rrmm. FARIDA'S COIFFURE D ART Colour-Tinting Manicure Tc: JEAN'S NEW SALON- Pm«h wave ■lOM Shampoo-set Waxing. Tanglla Koad fllai VICKY'S FICURAMA SALON. Hall colouring. hlea(hing hishlmhts fa n. mani.ure pedicure, r. flous hair Bust firm n.-
      499 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 831 15 IN THE MATTER OF 1-HE COMPANIES ACT. 19«7 AND IN THE MATTER OF CHAN YUEN CHEONG LIMITED poraui In Singapore) At an Extrao-dlnary General Members of Chan »il. duly conened and held at 147-B South iridge Road. Singapore, on Monlay the Mh May. 1969, the foilown| Special Resolution was duly
      831 words
    • 307 15 NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY OrVHBN that I. TAN PENG CHIANO of i No. 1 Jalan Serene, Singapore have asplied for a raising of status i!"in fublic House Second Class to Public House First Class (Extended > i Tourist Hotel > licence in respact ol p.-emi.*s No. 447 A Upper •ast
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    • 530 15 I GLENEALY PLANTATIONS MALAYA (BERHAD) (Incorporated In the States of Malaya) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Directors have declared an Interim Dividend of 5 cents per $1 stock unit less Income tax at 1 40% per cent for the year ending 30th June ls>69, payable to stockholders whose names
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    • 561 15 PENANG PORT COMMISSION TENDER NOTICE TENDERS are Invited for the supply of one (1> unit Mobile Tower Crane. Tender forms, conditions of tender and specifications are obtainable on application to the Secretary. Tenders will close at noon on 30th May. 1969. The Commission does not bind itself to accept the
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    • 805 15 STATE OF BRUNEI I M WIIIS IN THE tDI CATION DEPARTMENT Applications are invited to fill the following vacancies in the Education Department, Brunei. (a) ASSISTANT INSTRUCTORS FOR ENGINEERING TRADE SCHOOL. XI AI.A BEI.AIT. Assistant Instructors tc commence duties the Ist January, 1970 in the following trades (English Medium). Sheotmetal
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    • 874 15 ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE INSURANCE SALES INSPECTORS In view of constant expansion of our Marketing Depmtmmt, we now require thr vi\icr« nf mmp Insurance Sale* ln«p«-tor» ta Kuala Lumpur, Alor Star. Malacca and Penang. Successful applicants must have the following qualification*. 1. Must be rraidenls of the sUtr* mentioned above and
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  • 154 16 Singapore women rush to join Volunteer Corps SINGAPORE. Tues. There's sometning: about a soldierjudging by the number of Singapore women who want to join the People's Defenre Force (Women's) Volunteer Corps. A Ministry of Defence spokesman .said today that several hundred applications had been received in answer to a call
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  • 85 16 SINGAPORE. Tues. A writ claiming $14 429 from the Safety Insurance Co. Ltd. of Kuala Lumpur was taken out in the High Court here today It was taken on behalf of a local stamp dealer. S. Murugayya Pillai, by his rs, Murphy
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  • 223 16 RUBBER RECOVERY: BOUQUET FOR TUN TAN'S FORESIGHT ALOR STAR. Tuesday. r rHE Minister -of Local Government and Housing. Mr. Khaw Kai Boh. today attributed the "amazing recovery" in the price of rubber to the foresight of the Finance Minister, Tun Tan Slew Pointing out that within the period of one
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  • 63 16 MALACCA. Tues.— A woman. .Ice Lian. 50 was found dead in her home at Mat-hap Bahru 15 miles from here yesterday inorninK A man has been detained A police spokesman said today thai injuries found on her indicated that she had been assaulted. The woman,
    63 words
  • 427 16 yHE Australian Government today presented 13 anti-aircraft guns for use by Malaysian defence forces. The guns, with their associated equipment, were handed over by the Australian High Commissioner to Malaysia, Mr. A. J. Eastman, to the Assisant Minister of Home Affairs. Inche
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  • 247 16 S'PORE POLY'S FIRST GIRL ELECTRICAL ENGINEER VIM.APORE. Tues. lwenty-year-olu Jens (iarbo (above is the first Kill to graduate from Singapore Polytechnic as an electrical engineer with a first -cla>«> honours decree from the I niverMt> of Singapore. As both of her parents are scholars, one would have thought that she
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  • 343 16 j— SINGAPORE. Turn. A JAPANESE delegate to the current Colombo Plan Discussion Assembly here Mr Hirwhi Ogasawara. today called for greater participation In a technical student exchange programme This i.s the Interntional Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience (lAESTE).
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  • 241 16 Govt depts' handling of money: 'Much to be desired' BRUNEI TOWN. Tues. A coun cillor charged today thai this oil-rich State's handling of money left much to be desired. INCHB KAINAL ABIDIN IM I KM .Kuala Brian i told thp 1 icll of two instances where government departments had toft
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  • 32 16 Indonesian police patrols have captured live vex-^is in the Malacca Straits allegedly attemp:. snuggle rubber, copra and o'hw products to Malaysia ami pore Antara news agency reported today— Rsuter.
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 463 16 HOTELS LICENSING REGULATIONS 1956 Of h in Lalra. befors the sth day of Juns. 1969 Dated the 2nd day of May. IM9 LOOANATHAN M CO.. !IIAM BWII KIAT also known as CHIA.M BWEE KEAT Mo Slngapor*. TENDER NOTICE MARINE DEPARTMENT SABAH The Marine Dep* .1. dirtel It. The requlre- t\
      463 words
    • 597 16 PEMBERITAHU TAWARAN JKR. PAHANG TIMOR KUANTAN lyang i- Pfjaba* JKK I Krp«.a i\ i:| 1 t>' »*»i. ai-:*nm» k Ne^ert. pukul Priatig pada 15-5-19f.9 (.r.STKUCTION OF MXKO hOAl) ANU HAKDSIANDI.NO AT ARMY PLKX KUA-. Srnala buUr2 boleh dl-dapatl dl- di-Pejabat Jurutera Pahang. Kuantan dan t Krrja Kanan. JKR Pahang Timor,
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
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  • 39 17 Quick look just to make sure IOCKEY Gcott Lewis turns) round at the finishing post to make sure he had won the 2.000 Gui neas on Right Tack. H had no need nht Tack was a clear-cut lrn»ths winner.
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  • 645 17  - Youngsters impress in gallops EPSOM JEEP By FESTIVAL Of Kerry and Phar Pal, two oungsters who showed promise in their last outings, can win at the Bukit Timah meeting which opens on iturday. Both appeared much improved in gallops yesterday morn ing. The going was good. Festival Of Kerry, wlto
    645 words
  • 31 17 LISBON Tuc.s. Spain 3-o winning l*>nd over in their n^, European Zoni tpnnis tic hrip. jTMterdajr, hen M*nu> lid Manual Oran: Frnnk .mcl n 6-3 ■■< fi-4 >n th<
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  • 353 17 STIPE'S REPORT THE Stipendiary Ste--1 ward.; report on the Penanp races over the weekend»\ll KDAI Kace I: Little Irinrm i K Duling lh». i -i Grei n II i fniir M'Uhea D After if the aim of v overI BoaJdii oo-rk-DOMt whs refunded F««i \\i-hr>. who
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  • 166 17 I ONDON. Tues.— The match between the touring West Indian cricketers and Worcestershire ended in a draw yesterday when bad light cut short the final days play here. Heavy clouds over the ground ruined any hope of an exciting finish to the
    Reuter  -  166 words
  • 51 17 LONDON. Tue*. Police cleared the Worcestershire cricket (round yesterday after an inonymoui phone caller claimed three bombs had hern planted at the ground. All buildings were cleared during the lunch interval and plater* had to leave the dining ro<> m while a search wn BsasV, Nothing «i«
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  • 208 17 'THE Malay.Man Cricket A»--1 latmn s re\ised fixture liM for 1869 I ndr r 23 Ma> 25: North aon ii tna i K.ddii ai p»n.iiic Pcrak v Baausfßi ai lpuii '«uinrr.s to nurt in .sciiu-iinals i>n Junr 22' South zone Malacca v Jnhore at Malacca. Pahang
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  • 360 17 KOXIN*. 1 1 son \n Him it titi.i. ■:i Joaaelln iFri bt Brrtmi (Hi n-f Bth rd BAftHtNtOM I font rOOVB: Mea'a rtaapca ;uu 10-b Ij-3 Heng ot Lim Kirn aenn li-8 4-15 15-10. P Aj-ig bt Watt Kirn Pun 15 S '5-11. Yew Mong Song M H Atlß
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  • 210 17  -  JOE DORAI By countries all over the world which are not in the finals. Supp'.ah a very good fullback In his playing days, became a referee in 1953. He qualfled as an International referee in 1966 THE F.A. of Singapore have been asked to nominate
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  • 104 17 ffONG CHIN, showing greater enter prise in attack, beat Starlight 4-1 in an FA o( Sclangnr League Div i match at Pudu Road yesterday A gift goal started Hong Chin on a rampage and Yap Nan Hong and Lai Kok Kirn put them thiee up at
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  • 201 17 Leicester win to keep their hopes alive LONDON. Tues. Relegatton threatened Leicester City kept their hopes alive for another season ot First Division football when they beat Sun denand 21 at home last night. Beaten finalists In the English FA Cup. 1 ter now need three points from their remaining
    Reuter  -  201 words
  • 181 17 Hassall's 'yes' to coach job... lIAROLD HassiiU. who guided the Malaysian tram to victory in the Merdeka tournament last year, has agreed to coach the toam -again for this year's tournament from Ails. 1 to 18. This "va.s annuuncrd br Hip FA. of Malaysia >• day The English coach Is
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  • 24 17 Su.san Blight. 5 yesterday qunllfled fur the Singapore ASA cold award in j-ersonal survival the younsest swirrmer from KAF Tenitah to achieve it
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 128 17 Sanyo Secret Service G-2316 This black attache case contains a hhhlb and a stereo fILMHB. Open it, set the two lids a few feet apart (they have the loudspeakers built in), and put on your favorite record. The turntable flMslH all kinds: 33, 45, and 78 rpm. Or switch and
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  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 89 17 IQCTBI s'joi Prrmirr RR] I Kllat ilpoh Hd> Ipoh I-ratur: (Jmno v PolU-e lOuruev Dhr.2: Printer* Rd SCRC v ERC KL n A Jalil> KED "B" Ipoh FaojiiL-'. TPCA Starlite Y i Coronation ( Rd'. KL Gurribon v |txl»; l»i\ Tamil Younesten Ne« BUur (Rttli Range Hdi. SIA v Malays
      89 words

  • 42 18 Le General relaxes in the park pENERAL Charles De Gaulle and his wife Yvonne taking a walk in a park near his country home In Colom-bry-les-deux-Eiilisis. The General moved out of the Elysee Palace on April 27 when he resigned as President.
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  • 48 18 Member of Parliament lor Alexandra Dr. Wong Lin Ken. will officiate at the opening of the area s community centre, and present ciedential cards to members of the areas citizens con■ultatlve i-ommittee and management committee at Mcl Ling Street, at 8 p m on Saturday.
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  • 114 18 Ho troops invade US camp near Cambodia CAMP CAROLYN (S. Vietnam). Tue«. North Vietnamese troops gained a foothold in this American jungle camp today and fought at pointhlank range with its defenders before being thrust out. leaving behind 121 dead. Their attack. two hours after midnight, followed a 15- minute
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  • 211 18 A big welcome home for the King, Queen rUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Hundreds packed the visitors' gallery at Subang Airport today to welcome home the Yang di Pertuan Agong and the Raja Prrmaisuri ARong from their state visit to South Korea. Leading th» welcoming party wat the Chief Secretary to the
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  • 51 18 TOKYO. Tues. The Japanese Seamen's Union strike. In its fourth day today, has tied up a total of 134 ocean-going ships at Japanese ports, a union spokesman said. The 49.000-member union started a one- week strike last Saturday in support of demands for a wage Increase.
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 58 18 CAPE. TOWN. Turn. Dr Philip Blaiberg. the worlds longest-living heart transplant patient went back to work as a dentist briefly today he ex- tracted two of his wife's teeth. It was the first time he had held forceps In his hand since crippling thrombosis forced
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  • 24 18 SINGAPORE Vlce-p:r ham LRev. i) Will s| of the Crady Wil.-on Crusade at the National' Theatre at 7.30 pn. tlon.
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  • 410 18 LONDON. Tues. The market u;i^ very quiet today with equities slight Iv ea.sier on balance. Dealers attributed recent Inactivity to general uncertainty on the domestic economic front. Towards the close, the Fnandal Times index was 1.0 down at 454.0. Closing middle prices of selected stocks
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  • 18 18 MR*. C. P FERNANDEZ oh llw< Tapah. MRS DOROTHY MINA GLADYS SMAHON i l.oioni: Ch'i Kirn* il:
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  • 13 18 IN LOVINO MEMORY Ot !h»t you »«n h»r«. hdr loved onta.
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 19 18 G A B I There are also other CABIN j slide projectors available in various price classes, f n
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    • 240 18 I Late CLASSIFIEDS 20 W DARLO I FOR THE AMBITIOUS STUDENTS Cambridge CORRESPONDENCE HSCHOOL HOME- STUDY COURSES IN ALL SUBJECTS FOR:— HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE QUALIFYING TEST ■MMI P-P«r. economic, History, Geography. Fo Priv f Condidot.i including LCI. Art. Dirinify Malay (Paper 1), Maths, Pur. *•''"'«> Inglith, Moths., Notional Language. Moths,
      240 words