The Straits Times, 10 March 1969

Total Pages: 22
1 22 The Straits Times
  • 26 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 175,000 [he Niiliiiiiiil Hi: The Straits Times Xstd. 1845 .MONDAY. MARCH 10. 1969 15 CENTS K.D.N. 3104 M.C. (P) No. 0723
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  • 582 1 Nasser orders blackout After 5-hour artillery duel across the Suez Canal... CAIRO, Sunday BLACKOUT restrictions went into force throughout Egypt today as the government swiftly tightened security precautions after the fiercest gun battle with Israeli forces across the Suez Canal in several months. I lie l)l.n koul was announced here
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  • 155 1 SINGAPORE. Sunday \IR. LEE KUAN YEW tonight assured Tenf'Tl ku Abdul Rahman that all Malaysian skilled workers could stay in Singapore and gel work permits, as in the case of the dockyard at Naval Base. Mi Lac gave this suraoee at dinner itivea at Sri
    155 words
  • 216 1 HOUSTON. Sunday AMERICA'S three Apollo I astronauts were spending their seventh day in space today testing a navigation system to be used by future i. "in voyagers Hit Tin Junii s Me- Divilt, v tvid Srott and Russell Schwelckul turned in lir
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  • 122 1 Dr. Seda: Bali project going smoothly' (JINGAPORE, Sun. 1^ The Singapore-Indo-nesia project to develop B:ili whs proceeding snoot hly. This wai said here today by Dr r'rai; Beda, li.Uonesla's Minister tor Communications. The new airfield In Ball would be ready to in commercial aircraft In August A meeting ol technical
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  • 57 1 MELBOfKNK. Sun „:i i c h I n a beauty queen Mi i.: 1 We was tonight crowned 'in n ol the Pacific In tin Mi Ibourna Moonba Festival Ml W( who Is study111■_■ at 1 Blv mi University and majoring in plant igy. won over
    AP  -  57 words
  • 42 1 Nl-V. DI.I HI BUB F"IU peoh .md > u.nueci in ■< priiis festival 1 1 oh ..t frtempura in Waal A clv i :v\\ |i">l)lc. And in in iy Chanin rnafjOT* \u r.p >,rt I on On, Reutn
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  • 176 1 Kremlin on point of declaring Mao No. 1 enemy AIOSCOW. Sun. RusiTl sia and Communist China appeared today to be hoading for the most serious crisis m their relations since their ideological split came into the open almost 10 years ago All signs here were that Kremlin was determined to
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  • 111 1 Crash... now she is growing a beard ROME. Sun Biim.i < mi is seeking damaurs .uainst (he drive) nf a tar which kmirkcd her down ber.uiNC she claims she is shun mi; sisns of turnini; into a man. I lir !8-viar old unman was knui krd down in I
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  • 207 1  - Growing cult of wifeswapping Australia TIM TRl.'^ From (JYDNEY. Sun. Wel- fare authorities are concerned at the Increase m wife-swap-ping In Australia and they want suggi stions how to curb the growing cult. Mr J P Australia's chiel Becrea:id Mini Police, who lia.s made i survey of Uie said "Legislation
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  • 44 1 HMOM I'KNH n n don Sihanouk Mid he wimkl In-' [OW i »pturi d ■hi i: ttu k) i ■hoi dnwn iim-1 Casabodlan teriiMv in Fro. 13. if President penonaUjr mti h I Ii lendlv message requ then ii i(.(-r I'F'l
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  • 52 1 School, hospital hit in Viet attack OAKiON. S in. lei <:.■-' I ;l!;tS shelled more than 35 military Installat and towns throughout h Vietnam parly tting a school and a US naval hOSpital. i i.iys WOUNDED d In and the i Lai .ii.d Cam- \> rted t battl' imunist utie:
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  • 18 1 14 KILLED is I I 181 >nrteen i" "i'lf killed nnd 36 hiiN i I PI
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 12 1 'KshUp'eir-^ with iybjii FROM Mobil Dealers al or AT Mobil STATIONS NOW
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    • 78 1 PATEK PHILIPPE GENEVE rHOSf WHO INSIST ON >" >^S. PRECISION... f \~y\ THE ULTIMATE f->^ C J \j4 s<. vS.m* £*j. ?r^^"wiTHSEVES l J C ONTENTS 12 iMf -^^J LIGHT COMPACT QUICK TO CHILL More 7-Up in a small space. Easy to carry, easy to store and ready to open
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    • 48 2 Liz in hospital -it's NOT cancer LI(>IJ.V\V(K)I). Sun. abcth Taj lor (above), who Is In have >.■ tot spinal c:n.. vi non llnsMt Use pr irtfl Mexico, Kirhard Out §oom w.-h<>r»- been a ■ had re being cer •.•stun:: 'aid .shi -A.i nimiiig of irhen her ro ed two
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    • 3 2 !.'■<• mmiiut-
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    • 428 2 Labour move to call on Gorton to resign BIG STORM OVER THE HOFFMAN AFFAIR SYDNEY, Sunday .^r STR A i.ian Prime Minister, John Gorton already facing a snowballing political .storm over thr ■'Hoffman spy affair" Will be called on to resign by Tin- Federal Labour I Opposition when Parliament resumes
      428 words
    • 183 2 FALLING TOPS' STOPPED THE LADYBIRDS MEXICO CITY, sun ITI Ike I..KlyS>ir»ls. .i topless musical uroup from San Francisco, wrre told l>v Mcxinn authority yesterday pu* °n their tops and bo home "We had contract for si\ \serks and all of a Miilih-n ur don t have .ill) «nrk any nmrf
      183 words
    • 22 2 i wuftalan « Wtt* li'unii (lent se\er«l ln.'tis »fMf UMy »it» hurled by an nvßiaiiohp new Oi>pd«; \.:,>r re.v.r: rpt
      22 words
    • 361 2 Lawyer wins fight for US billions MANILA. Sunday AN American lawyer in the Philippines has won the first round in a historic legal case wnich could affect more than half a billion dollars worth of American investment* in this country. William Quasha. .'6, "I White Plain*, Npw York, loughi i
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    • 4 3 DPI
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    • 295 3 THE FRANC FRANCE FACES ANOTHER WEEK OF PRESSURE |»M:i^ SUII I, ruth Mii.ii.t.w aulli.inles »ere preparini to tat-p a second ie»ttn| week :>t >»<•, ul.itnr ui.--.suir as.inivi (he fi im v.ited i.\ leaeral sink«»rt lor> sdii.ii letuaaaa mounted a 1 row ing number of union bran < hfs rallied
      295 words
    • 337 3 DANANG. Sunday IT.S. DKFK.XCK Secretary Mr. Melvin Land ;aid tuday that the Unid States might have to increase its Vietnam war budget. Speaking at a brlel Press conferi ace at tins northern mlllta ry base, where he arrived this morning, Mr. Laird said
      Reuter; UPI  -  337 words
    • 171 3 TOULOUSL. Sunday. TESI pilot Andre Turcat took the Anfto-French 1 supersonic airliner Concorde up lor its second test flight yesterday and for the first time, partially raised Its revolutionary droup-nose and retracted the undercarriage. 111. plant 'I makers tli* r^mii Siiu Aviation company and the
      Reuter  -  171 words
    • 70 3 MEXICO CITY. Sun p i .1:111 tractors .m ,1 naiies today dragged re an unidentlned 7UU. monster washed up on the beach eartter this week at the Unit of Mexico town Of Tecolutla. iBMd ro.istai roadi flocked t" vu* Speculation "*rr nnn-stfr continued with theoriei
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    • 11 3 hum; Kong Bun "i-» .rday routed 6CK) birOa. UPI.
      UPI  -  11 words
    • 175 3 Deformed boy: Parents sue drug firm IJHILADLLPHIA. Sun. Medical experts Horn the United States. Europe and Canada will be called to testily at the lirst American civil suit seeking damages in the birth 01 a thalidomide child. Mr and Mr.->. Tliomai Dlxon l);.ui.iii.(i (if filel the suit vii behalt
      UPI  -  175 words
    • 33 3 I Two uteous:r. h Mlinio Sin rait SC 'rod two airborne t«rspts in a t< Mir N.n v.s Pl;orni\ and its mttiilt control :hr Huirhr^ Aircraf*. t". mpany annnuiu-rd. AP.
      AP  -  33 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 225 2 Ig^g^g^gw^^^^^^gW llfj^BJ Jm*^ ggggggKsb^gfl wonos wK^^K^j^s?^^g^ggtt W— ■Sawil Qiitninnesi BgfHi watch? W/B\ I fJnlKm Nearly every watch is claiming how thin it is. Not us. We're solid. Substantial. Big, x "~~'^^^^~J^T'_? I I rTffP i/fal JgV an<^ brawny. And proud of it. Inside the Rado New Green Horse is a
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 166 3 [JVIARK ECj «4 MARK IV >£f v OUTCOOLS '>• THEM ALL! 1^" mmr 1 t^ I*'*1 rr^a^M 1 .V l&^T^TSssa '■■assT' j^S CZ] ---a ==^r^ 1 WE HAVE A SUPERBLY DESIGNED MARK IV UNIT NOT ONLY FOR MERCEDES BENZ BUT FOR ALMOST ANY CAR t_Q Q^ LQ i-t^J MARK IV
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    • 337 3 YARMHA'HopW I '^^bbbY^^bOllt m^ AbsbV* /vfr *m iSY nni^l- STARTING fROW 15TH FEBRUARY UP TO ISTM MAY 1969. n 0 HHIsLB all Y*m*lw Mr' ■we buy.t.H,. YAMAHA lIBRtGLASS BOAT 13 PRIZf S) All you have IO do is to in' M r-| Kin BFSB^I^P>SS o( i'-'U""' 2ND. HHIZB Go
      337 words

  • 261 4 SINGAPORE. Sun AHMI.I) ilin^s today murdered ;i young mechanic in Jurong and shattered a mother's dream to see Her eldesl son married. The mechanic. Koh Ah Bee. 22. was stabbed to death during lunrhtime outside his place of work, the Camel Plywood Corporation Ltd.
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  • 137 4 SUiOAPORE Bun. The ncjr "i Singapore ivorki ; impres ed one ol tni ii". I powi it;., leaders ut We Germany U>Mr Heinz K:;i hn, Prime Mini ■> 1 ol tl North-Rhine We tpha Mr K •id he found the houalnij programme and ion at the
    137 words
  • 78 4 SINGAPORE Pun A man f BMay Air Marahal M B Cti«TiM»aal. 11. is !>'ii •■Hi. rrow A.s goneral manager at Air India hr will come buainess cor. -ill lons an.l plan strategy to raptor) Urn airline m-rrcet Ihr Air Marahal ton* i>\or tl. i) A.i
    78 words
  • 26 4 *I\«;\I'«)KI Sun. Ihe f.illoHinc niiinliiis «rrr drawn al Ind.i* s I nli> <lr.i» 3. 38. IS. IK. n. Mid the additional number 23.
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  • 365 4 SINGAPORE. Sun. I > DESIGN S:ngapura. a company formed to en- courage craft Industries In the Republi has carried out extensive experimental work In the Held of fabric weaving and has launched It. 'kheraone c silk' on the local market •..ed today by Mr Moore,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 221 4 ODEON OPENS THURSDAY! PALACE They cut off his tongue and named him "SILENCE" Their mistake was not killing him -«jjgk^^^^ From the Fame(l 20th Century Foi ggagfl ggt| Director of Presents P^^^gW COFFIN FOR A jMggb gflßiHat Jgß^aV HtrjU ft K IN lASTM4NCOLOK flßiVr J»N LOUIS TRINTIGNANT in the most
      221 words
    • 93 4 ♦*.S%V.S'.V.V.W.".'.V.V.V.V.VoV.V.'.V.V.V.V.V.V^ I- (Congratulations to \l I MING PALACE RESTAURANT CLEMENCEAU AVENUE on the occasion of their j: Opening today i From HOCK TONG BEE LTD., J 144. ROCHORE ROAD. SPORE. ■j (Suppliers of their liquor requirements) ♦W.WA I .V.V.V.V.VASV.W. I M'AWA\WW. t Mi i:i<i;<iiJiii^;iiiivi:iii»hßl7rnai:M;»:i»i;<iiii.ffl 2ndSMfISH WHK #J I > 'A'l
      93 words
    • 359 4 Positively LASf "7 DAYS (1969 Carnival Trade Fair 6* Japanese Circus) B I at GREAT WORLD AMUSEMENT PARK BOXING! £^S Glob' of -JW J g| I death > _*i- a»^-" •ALL JAPANESE CIRCUS I Say onara Performances at Concession Prices J Daily al 6 45 b 9.30 pm Saturday b
      359 words
    • 480 4 Mt^ttTMrMJaVrnTZ-sl LAST DAY 1 1 30. 4 00, 1 30, 4 00, 630 Ii P- '6 45 9. J0 pm THE YOUNG, THE EVIL AM) THE SAVAGE' (Th* Orchard: Tomorrow 4 Wta. Orl y TINDIR SCOUNDRtL Orchard: We la. r.l 1 pm ROMIO ft IULIIT" Oiiv a tin 9 STUDfNTS
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  • 240 5 Plan to develop Blakang Mati scrapped SINGAPORE, Sunday. pLANS to turn Blakang Mati into an industrial complex complete with deepwater berths have been scrapped, it was learnt here today. Heavy shipping traffic along the island's is believed to he onr of the mam reasons for the Governments decision. In 1%«
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  • 138 5 A 'Mermaid' contest for Shaw's film PI S Mill Mls> Mermaid" lieauty tontest in which contestant* will have to bikinis will In- held on the he.tch nt a se.isidc huns.ilov\ at ttie Ittk mile 15. ilii I et r mc M i al 10 .i m. on Iri d.i»
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  • 42 5 V. \*HINGTON. Sun The president of the Naturtl Rubber Bureau here. Mr H C Burbee. 64 will retire on April 1 alter 40 years' service In the rubber Industry The bureau is unit of the Malayan Rubber Fund Board
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  • 115 5 Public warned of fake Mara men KUALA LUMPUR. Frl. Confidence tricksters posing as Mara officials are cheating innocent kampong folk by Baying they can get them assia tance from Mara. The "coo-men" olfer ti'eir services i < ■> i a fee the M.staiit to the Chairman of MARA Data MusUptu
    115 words
  • 74 5 IPOH BNB Dl I li" J X:.K p > r and aulln i Ul R>ve a lecture on :hr rhythm incthixi of birth cunirui at the m.un Convrn' ha.i in Bremster Road herr tomurrm al 63u ajn, Hp and nil doctor v :!r. both ol ttlmni arp
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  • 27 5 IPOH. Sun liir Ch:ef Educatton Offlcer. Datu Idns mn Bmjee. w ill open a six-day mathematics i "aching course for primary teachers here on Tuesday.
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  • 29 5 KUAI.A IXMPI H Sun. Ihe Mm;. tt i! Maeatioa, Ini he Moh.imed Khir Johari. will open the Cluras Riiad School here on March 26 at 5 pm.
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  • 108 5 'PELUK ANSON, Sun. Scores ul people who called at the Town Council office here yesterday to pay their "bills were told to come back on Tuesday bei its cash register machine had broken down. Payment* lor water, congervancy and assessment b;ll> were not accepted
    108 words
  • 253 5 IPOH. Sunday l^Wt) Malaysian youths received their religious habit as Brothers Of Mercy Horn the Bishop cif Penang. liagr. Gregory Yang, who presided al a "clothing ceremony" day. Tin ar» h. and Brotl er 1. Boi De Cruz, ih. former pupils ut the
    253 words
  • 182 5 -Jaycettes in the Junior Chamber? Debate now on CINGATOBB. Sun I hrre ma\ s i he ••Jaycettes' (lady members cif the Junior (ham her of Commerce) in Singapore. I In question of admitting women as full members, on equal term> with the men. into the chamber is Ihi in: hotly
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  • 34 5 KLAI A I I Ml R H.i H R Childn 4MO in I run ir. developmenl t Abdul .nil 1964 and the second at llir t Centre. P< Kiang.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 226 5 FEDERAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Aciiiu- urn •(> th^ fuliowlng iimience on juiir Mm open i lo all (COOOI leaver*. l HOTOa I I UKQ t oi KM Duration: 3 years Entrance (jialitlcatton: Komi V and above. HOTOI n n^ l* lAN t Ol it :.te (|iialiH(.'Htlon: in and above
      226 words
    • 184 5 ||-i. and throughout Mil I I FLY PIA FROM BANGKOK TO I I EUROPE, THE MIDDLE EAST AND AFRICA B H Every Thursday and Saturday at 17.00 hours PIA no extra fare in fabled Kathmandu and many other B B Boeing 707s depart from Bangkok's Don Muang exciting cities en-route
      184 words
    • 95 5 My goodness it's not Fatty Fong, is it? Nol "I .i 1 t Shirley Fong I all inished into Imtor. some .tiLhes ai;i> Sliulc. I ong is her true slim self I hanks to I Icrmcsetas is a sweet little iliing set nil «.jluries Nothing fatl> ah' mi! taste
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 67 5 HHH^^BF~PEMAiJKA«Lf A HOY COULD 'OU~^^^^^^^^ m iau. Right, but j photdgraph it's not 'how.' I KAYMO V UTTERLY CfIBkTURKS GENRE MEN I IT'S I ENN»S. BY (IMPOSSIBLE EXTIMCT FOR I 'HfIWMUPf? "^C fOd A. SMASH EXOJJ6VE.A -*7 \f VVt THINK RJGHT OUT Of ANY /\.^rOU MUST K *iOO AN INCH
      67 words

  • 370 6 869 PLANTS IN 10 YEARS S'NGAPORE. Sunday gINGAPORE. has achieved a "great leap forward" in its industrialisation program nu-. These wire only jol factories in Sinuapore 10 years ago. Tin se were mostly confined to those wltn built-in advantages located dose to the market,
    370 words
  • 199 6 NATIONAL VARSITY REPORT TO BE DISCUSSED j£l .U\ II MPI K. sun A lo.~) p.iKf report on the netting up m in.National i nivenitj uill be itscMseel .it .1 aaj lone meeting ni Ibc Na Dnivenitj ..u Errss on M.irch IS, The Minister <«f EdacaUon, Inrh- MohaiiK.l Khir Johari
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  • 85 6 CYED Badaruddin and his bride, Tengku Mudxiah. stepping down from the bersanding dais lor their wedding reception at Istana Munarah in Seremban on Saturday night. Syed Badaruddin, a trainee executive with Fraser and Neave, Kuala Lumpur, is the second son of the
    Tan Hong Kuan  -  85 words
  • 150 6 KUCHING. Sunday COOT rot disease that attacks pepper vines hu made its appearance again in Sarawak. But there i.s little fear of a major flare-up like the la.Nt one 10 years auo because the rainy MMOn it now over. The disease i> caused by a fungus
    150 words
  • 47 6 SINGAPORE. Sun. Tt» number ul work p rmit holders v uingapote at the end i.f JanuaiT this year was 38.711. an-'Tding '.o the Labour Department. During January 109 applications were dealt with Of the!<« 74 were approved five cancelled and the remaining 30 rejected
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 221 6 'Wff- mmmm^> n sSSS^lS^m FOR THF FIR S T TIMFI INSTANT INSTANTLY INSTANT INSTAffIJ" M^jiAVLCijii' m (Jt^N) I THAT REALLY DOES DISSOLV£ llHlliifl'lllll 1 1111 i ii H| 'MSTANTLY INSTANT MW *^OlAl>i A FULL-CREAM MILK POWDER Jfi T^TTT T 4 A I Hi N beatin 9 No frothing No separating.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 68 6 IHr A 1 rnr-tf JVff lW«f rr #,<»•*/«/ BW ri CAN UNDERSTANoT^n X SE^'Oes. O^oov. 1 AM Fow.SwuCKS. WE DO ma^) rvol^up^l^ST^^ M fi^ C rrEST^2^. E 1 SO MUCH PRETTIER twan toootweotwer I^^J^^^^^T MAKING AN HONEST P ALL TME FINALISTS. WAV jrfll\ V OPFiCES ARE TOTwe ricmt I MISTAKE
      68 words

  • 101 7 One killed, 3 hurt in clash between rival villages FELUK LNSON was killed iiid three others injurusly, In a ■i.tsu iii tween two groups ol pad! planters from v kampong In the S v n Ma.nk-Labu a and the 1 a Kampong Kuala S ingaj Manik Mohamcd I lo 'he
    101 words
  • 40 7 Community service by children Pupils the Da to Ahmad ol here, headed iv trifir headmaster, Inrhe Ab\txiul H«quM, two helped to r.ear the mmunitjr Laha. m form ad 10 t^a--7 30 a.m. ng by H I their own hooi pro-
    40 words
  • 101 7 IPOH. Sun— Two of the passengeri travelling in a Chine.-c newspaper van were killed and four others injured when It was involved In a collision with a lorry here today. The accident occurred about 3 50 am. five znilei north of
    101 words
  • 391 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday THE Umno, MCA and MIC have submitted more than 4.000 names to the Alliance Central Working Committee for selection •is candidates in the May general elections. The com ml I le( > I'Xpected ''i :iiff' ■ir.v month to sel< ct
    391 words
  • 35 7 TAIPING. Sun Application- ha the 200 tow-cod hMMH in .Ihlmii Pukiil: Assnni bf accepted In/m tbli week. rhOM slMMiii; within a Mnpemiir radtui <>r Talptnf *rr oiii Kiblr tn appl]
    35 words
  • 250 7 Khir hits out at 'false propaganda' by the PMIP IPOH. Sun Kalsr propaganda' spread by ihe f.»lll* against tbr (>o\ 11 nniriit is responsible for many Ma. ays, •'specially those in the 1111.1 i areas, not m-imlhu Unit children for second.ll v I'ducation. The M'nister of Kducation. Inche Mohumed Khir
    250 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 84 7 /JBk WT- > k a^^BaV^Br s fi/./f, )t \\\\tt Ul 1 i ,r- -aaaia— fci^,^^ V Get the 3 way Power Boost. Octane power, to give you maximum cruising speeds, better mileage. Cleaning power, from an unique detergent action that gives your engine longer life, keeps it running smoothly, efficiently.
      84 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 180 7 Straits Times Crossword v futtm rmikl pt*T L B-in* Into app^m"'-' Ab| o pRY )n f] T powid o' undcu** notpo povviblv '7> a> *?f*.w-l f> roir>r«J «t> »no g offl tr»cle«m»n about tongu* nuif M Prov«l«i 1«M« of I*** IS. Bo Mr D.nn replaced UM ':;r BC<K 18. SST
      180 words

  • 1726 8 KUALA LUMPUR. SunThe tollowing candidates have passed the University of Malaya's first year examination held m January for the Bachelor of Arts deurer A. iiamld bin Bakar. A Manl. Ab Hamid bin Besih. Abd Rahlm bin Selamat Ab Rahmon bin Ahmad. Abas bin
    1,726 words
  • 1099 8 r THX ..'.*mg 1. 1 tne I.l*l Year h*an 10c km utgree a\ b«cAelor ol v n. ...u» neiu 111 Jauuar) Abdui Aj.o v. A1.11..U Abdui A. 0 hj. A»an». \u.. 0 HuAsin. Abdul A/.u o. iniAlum. Abdu! Halim j. H. Muhnuain A.Kiui Haniu v Abdul
    1,099 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 345 8 Bifeßßba^Bm^flMVj^BvJV'-? ■SjgqSjMg^^^^B^M^B'^^^^BLtJjßßtS^flyKQ^wLtTßipMMnß^Btt ff B^K m B^B^B^BBP^^^^^BUr^ lH^i^Tr^mm^Fr^^^^to^^K^v^ftXmWwCi^UrTwfK^^KT I ~aBT m HbE i -^^ty .^viaffß^^B^Shi i^^B g^w^viSHMßit^Bw! Tim I B^MHB?^^j^BHp^ jßßßJßl^^^B^gMg^ ]By rSp^^vf^-^&Br^'^außW' IL^_^Bm f g^^f[al^^PPPitfC^ i^SiUß^B^P^Sß^^^^^^ l pßffr^S^WCjSß^al^B^P 'KffjßlF f CM I f\j Q jsj MLpNQpfTKTO^BBM. F 'r*tS£l^Bi bB&^^HBW 'rl' /C C>V j*^£s&gPfSts(iBJHEr£n^BßB£§w'Mt. P'oud to have this well F jJb^^^^^JW'BhH
      345 words

  • 1715 9  -  OSMAN SIKU by Director of Tourism, Malaysia in a letter commenting on a Straits Times article 'Malaysia's chance to put on a good show' IT is very miIportant that all those who are interested in the development of the tourist industry in Malaysia should
    1,715 words
  • 524 9 by A Special Reporter NCW VOHA SHE is just what you would expect In a career uirl who hud worked her way into the executive suite She is courteously attentive yet aloof, her RtOOCnlnff and dre.s.s is underplayed perfection and sh< has figure Together with her
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 281 9 a^ai JsaVaW '.yt':From Singapore to Switzerland by SWISSAIR April 2nd Wait for Swissair's New Service direct from S'ng.ipore beginning April 2nd l< youru planning a trip to Euro; or countries in between, were worth waitmc; for Frori Singapore to Switzerland every Wednesday Contact your travel agent or CZIAfICSCS /V 11"^
      281 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 574 10 Devaluau >v >t tiie Eranc, whuh would mwn further Strain «>n sterling and the dollar, is possible within a week but unlikely. Devaluation ithin a month or two is rioth oosiible and likely. Much depends on this weeks confrontation lietween French labo'ir and de On ille. The
      574 words
    • 449 10 veioyincnt imp Usa number of inadequacies Kit none perhaps so mm mu.ib as an inability 10 conußUnicate, The new techniques and attitudes that are basic to regional or national growth remain un- Li i>le unless thty can be ell i ctively ommunicHte<l At a different level
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  • 638 10  - Everything but an electronic housemaid JOE HAGGERTY From N«w York UXPERTd predict Ij that etoctronlc wizardry which will include just about everything but a robot maid will almost completely tra n I form life for the American tlOUWWifc by the end of the century. Cooking, dishwashing, cleaning. scrubbing, dusting and
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  • Article, Illustration
    23 10 South Vietnam's President Major General Nguyen Van Thle« fc Resumption of bombing is not essential from a purely military point of view"
    23 words
  • 1105 10  -  DAVID HOFFMAN by of The Washington Post SAIGON -wr would like tv set- thorn continue their offensive," said Pres, Ngu- I yen Van Thieu. Then he grinned, and added affably, "it kivos U s the opportunity to kill more of them." South Vietnamese generals,
    1,105 words
    • 269 10 IVITH reference lo Mr. Lawrence Teo's letter iST. March .S' I wish to make some additional point... regarding the Issuing o[ travel documents to stateless persons. Until as late as IMI Singapore Immigration Dept. ha> been issuing certificates <>i identity U> persons who were Kate
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    • 94 10 A few years back the Government called upon commercial firms and government departments tc fill thfir v.v ..lines threufjh the Labour Exchanue ana those w ho wishea to seek er.iployment had to register themselves at the Bearcat Labour Exchange Mv friends and I had to wait five
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 14 10 JUUUL lIIOCLI fk& WISOLUTE SArTTT t\JgC/ for TOUR HONET l M ''"'""t^iiW ""over"'"' ■»¥#nri«iTitiTiiß
      14 words
    • 119 10 Why K)0 Pipers? Because starting with the finest l Scots craftsmanship and heritage. „'^jfL we've smoothed and mellowed this whisky to a high ncte of flavor. Try it. M J Join the chorus. f^ v -^gggggk^^k. siswi^wswr^^fl v Asm Jll Seagram wouldn't settle for (ess. F»clu»lve Ifnporttrt FOOD 4 BLVLRAGL
      119 words

  • 202 11  - That shy sideward click which gives Mr. Lukis such kicks i JUDITH YONG: B-, Singapore, Sunday 1 <\\ visitor to gapore prefers looking at th< gapoi with hiss camera in a novel way sideways. 'tired Bri- lieutenant commander, Mr Eric Lukis, 66 and he d ivith a speview- H< said
    202 words
  • 17 11 Urnn Bo- ii Sri Y..IIY* b n Mohamed Beh. i HiililMiuis b<Kii.nU)K n Wrdnridav
    17 words
  • 29 11 TAIPD4O .^nn. Alxmt 300 vomfn fr-im the Kaum Ibu Hiid he Women:- Institute attended i onr-il.iv civlet course orgnnis•tl by the Information DepurtW Hcikkirn A lere yesterday.
    29 words
  • 28 11 KLALA I L AH" R Cu!<inrl Aiiffln bin whu bM beta ■<■>- ntoa Uif ne» i .■ninmri'lmK !!'.i r r ul the Arnn I iieiltfl RPHI.-iriit
    28 words
  • 175 11 LDA plans to form youth work brigade to take on contract jobs KUALA LUMPUR. Sun I I proposal to niobi- youths l mes into a work brigade to underontracl work. r iiua c Sport. I Ing .i pi s iie mob;li>ed r id work •Our lopmrnt division KoUating with th'
    Bernama  -  175 words
  • 276 11 Water rationing in Brunei because of low rainfall i BRUNEI TOWN. Sun. Water rationing has been imposed here because of abnormally low rainfall since tne beginning 01 ihe year. There «iv iiinv b* 12 hours ni suppi? each day until turther notice Rationing ha.> also been Imposed in Tutong district
    276 words
  • 201 11 SCA concerned over advertising gimmicks IfUALA LUMPUR. Sun. Concern over "the growing volume of irresponsible, false and misleading advertising" is expressed in the annual report of the Selangor Consumers' Association. The rtftoti said tlie association was watching drvi!npniMi!> closely to prepare the necessary countermeasures. "The S.C A. is also councerned
    Bernama  -  201 words
  • 50 11 JOHORE BAHRU Sun. -The Menin Be.sar or Johore Ditto Haji Othman Saat. *U| open a two-day Jayadin exhibition at Kampong Mel.iyu Majldee on L w f rtn«sdaj The exhibition »11l depu-: tht urugrew attained by JohgM Bahru glatrlet in drveUipment protect* and m induatnal dtvt- tjgjgMg*
    50 words
  • 228 11 Ghazali: East Malaysia's biggest padi scheme to be opened THE Federal and State Government! are to exploit the 350-mile Kinabatangan River to open up East Malaysia's largest padi scheme, which covers 250,000 acres. This was announced here last night by the Minister ol Agriculture and Co-opera-lives. Haji Ifohamed Crhazali bin
    228 words
  • 71 11 1/UALA LUMPUR. Sun. Malaysian educationists will meet lure ;.rxt month to discuss problems ol na tional edu c a t ion and changes to suit the needs of the countryParents and all ttMM interested are Invited to the meeting the third all- an congremi ol tht teaching profession
    71 words
  • 28 11 SINGAPORE Sun. A 16--31 m Eu Tow. died km after he -am knocked dun by mntor-cyclt at the lunctlun W Chang! Road and Jalau w.ikaff.
    28 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 353 11 QUALIFY inf FOR PROMOTION THROUGH Itff SPECIALIZED TRAINING IN MANAGEMENT AND TECHNICAL SUBJECTS learn at home to improve your position and to earn what you are really worth. ICS home-study courses have helped thousands of ambitious men to achieve promotion and better pay. Moderate fees— all books supplied. Take the
      353 words
    • 208 11 s^Op7 wash away aJw^i u o'y \yM K^, with loif 7- 12 Ibt a »»«k br u»"i| Carolina i!immm| toap da'ljr without otti«r MMM Simply rjb O'olma O'tr your ikin. in place o' O'6'Ktry to ft lojp It II nonjrtajjr. aajajM off eavl/ and do«i not uam To ul« Carol^a.
      208 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 779 11 TV MALAYSIA < HWl.l.v Kuala l.umpur TTMbM Ifl rrinid«d. 7 Ne»» and tVnong h, Ipnh and Ma- In Engllkh 7.10 Scopr. 735 Al L.ici Ji.liorr lUliru 3 and ;'4h gtlOW; 8 Nf.v.s IV: laipiiu 4, B»tu I' 7 in Mandarin. 810 and Kluan« 'J. KiM. 82b My Melndy. 8.40
      779 words

  • 831 12 The Habsburg monarchy and after THE HAMBURG EMPIRE 171)0-1918 by C. A. Macartney. (Weidenfeld and Nicolson 6 gn) ...,.w. 0 EDWARD CRANKSHAW piFTY YEARS have gone by since the death <>1 the Habsbui'K I'"--piro. Those 51) years nave brou^hl jii in Gnitv <»l woe i<> Ihe various peoples who composed
    831 words
  • 317 12 'pHL wildest dreams ot Kew are the facts of Katmandu, wrote Sahib Kiplin». who never got quite that far. Nepal's capital la today on the tourist trail, although Ihe urisi still ha- to make a determined Wort to get there it la not the sort
    317 words
  • 224 12 SOU. ON ICE. By Eld ridgr Cleaver (Cape 3"» i /\VER the past tew years Eldridee Cleaver has emereed as the most articulate and charismatic of the young black leaders In America Pursuit by the State Police and his recent disappearance have further enriched the revolutionary
    224 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 430 12 Men who lead the field in Golf wear ROLEX watches -W A* 79m, w mt mm i^** flat** iW^HV ■KdtsflsuHr JsV a y3L~A mmL flßft.f' l^ 4tfssßV-%L ub Jl f/l l^^^M^E 4b*±. Jmy. < «li^^ sM jB» fc -T' v^ Ijm 4 a L^r mm* "^^mmmm^St **mm 9 WfV mL.
      430 words

  • 302 13 British Army will hand over to the Singapore Government a 55.5 million "supersecondary school"' in 1971. The education pattern at this school St. Johns in Dover Road is soTomprehensivr that it has been described as superior to the best secondary schools
    302 words
  • 16 13 worth *45.0u0 b] Penan :.i. bu.iuuv-. admine n eight engineering and u:ie ..■.are.
    16 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 125 13 HITACHI DELI VERS ▼Ti^ The Worlci 's Tallest Elevator Tower. i^^^K Housing 4 Elevators I Ujif n\. that Go 300 Meters a Minute. JTm iflk It's another experiment /ml V Y^ in better living by Hitachi. imwfs I SB U Hitachi products are busy delivering people, power and goods all
      125 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 28 13 Ml 44Wc V -.^o^S ''TOO W REUX'ED < JIBC^J '^O DO^LAPt.'.' I :_.ah&-) (fHOOO. 1 l'lredrat) -(be ast- <VjA 1/ s >r-7~Z WHICH h /,\3it£X r i"?', ■A. ,<^m^
      28 words

  • 9 14 CRAT£FUL TMANKi Also 10 loumn Host Ml. Mrs
    9 words
  • 1 14
    1 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 418 14 ■■■■MIBjJVaHHBVMBaBBjBBjBBa-j aa M a rsMnaiilneiulMt' lf.Nl KfßslßltS IkNOUMCIMINTS BIHIMS CLUI KTIVITKS. CONBOtfNCIS. DUTHS. Ekt«CIMIH!S »,\t M.8.8.11 »2I lar JO wtfs-S. cert «Mit.»Ml Mri ti M I 111 MM Clamf.rl iBM Mit lit li BSBtV fie. iKU.mI »ir« il leati Tints In|t V*■ l^^^^^^^^^^—^^—— mm All irANNOUNCEMENT* mull
      418 words
    • 758 14 Ktouintu i srast r siHt.isßao t-i. c^pahle ot a,orkiag independaaut I M"dsc <.t Fir. inn, >od dri»- m an advantsae I.DOII Ko> A2lu>A I RESIDENT ENCINEER ..-quired for omplex. KxperlI inks •-oential. \per enie and •xpaclad. IS Box A 6017 8.1.. CENERAL SALESMAN REQUIRIO v well estar.lll.hrd Company. Only 1
      758 words
    • 910 14 i ENGINEERING FIRM I ppumtments tAi Two senior Ueaigner -Draughtsmen. (Ui Two lunlor R trsuaManwa. App.icants to ne con- nrral ateemork In mulii-xtorey build- 2! nzs. Startlnx salary will ne commen- nl urate with experience and cat.ability. nl kpply to Box ftSMJ I Spore .s J. Oußsny requires cosmetu-s ■ii
      910 words
    • 845 14 LEAVE MOUSI J-Ktorey detachad ith a .arga «arden. Residential area ii »o«n. Vrry reasonable rent. ■I spoil nttsS2l I a.m.— U.UO ion. EAST COAST ROAD: section com Mai two int. rliickini! rooms baib 'randnh. common a. room $120/--wcious. trangu.l. central. PO. Box 1.'.% S l»ore. CAIRNHILL MANSIONS luliy irnlsheC llat
      845 words
    • 963 14 With 57.750/- Down-Payment you I ran own a freanold. modern .'storey terrace house witb unique front aod rear balaomea rooma 3 nalla turted garden. completed wltfi aluminium main door at Joo Cnlat flare Prompt delivery Conflict Lucky Realty Co.. Ltd So scutn Bridge Road. (In floor) M pore Tal 7&4M/U.
      963 words
    • 853 14 I TOURS AND EXCURSIONS"! S3 MALAYA HILL Kraorta 5-dajr tour JJj 174/ Malaya 7-<tayi VtUi- Sunday/ „r stondaf. Oxlay Travel. B' pora *****. NANOAS KNOW THI ORIENI COI Hi ml as Cierre Blessam Ton' af Japan. Hans Kans. Taiwan. Deaartin. Ml IS. si, jsu lai Taura al Camkadiai April i:
      853 words
    • 719 14 JIID OUALITT fomitura eompn» lounse settee and chmira .">«•• nit üblaa. dlnln* tablaa aad cbaira. Iting tablei. tallbo» at cuphoardt. jkcaaea. All maj be TVtwaO dally i«een a.m and b p.m at vvoot too Park <o« Karrer Koadi VEHICLES FOR SUE 19*3 JAGUAR It's IPS*. Drft-ciaaa ndit.on-*4...i»> Call Tel: i
      719 words
    • 468 14 South Bn.lge Koad. S pora. WNEIE TO STAY (SPORE) CITY CUEST HOUSE I j .y oo^ raWB? tor MoatWT. Tcliphsm I*!"* tv Stevens Road <rsaM|. m d.M! C mont C n l Ty. MSaSWWII """""JJ Service Apartmenln Ny aD<l gi SLOANk COUMI «OtU "i> Mdroom. «nt..h» iseMJ- I %°JSS3 ra?«2.
      468 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 830 15 10 Li.EnpQQL AND QtHER UK LONIINENIAL PORtS UC ON oZTZZr id,,, P.rtM -rn,n, tITTBNIUS "l"«''i» I PMU.UUS SS ,5 Salu M 1121 M M TUI CMC l J "Pljf 1 m ISllVi Mar 21 Mir 24 Mar 25/ 1 Apr 2 _,Vtn« s M 21 A|i I M <
      830 words
    • 1242 15 Scanservice V EXPRESS SAILINGS TO MEDITERRANEAN/ THE CONTINENT/SCANDINAVIA r. i r.irn Karung imgatuie ran ASMARA Aar 14,11 Apt 17/11 Art 11/21 CasaOlanca. HotieiOim, M burl, Copenrijgin, Oslo. Gothenbirg. AtulHlA Apr 2S/2) .ar 21,21 Apr 2 Antwerp. RotterOarn. Hamburg Airtius. Gothenburg. C" iger ASIA Mai 14/ It Ma, 17/11 Mi, 11/11
      1,242 words
    • 1164 15 EXPRESS SERVICt TO LONDON, LIVERPOOL t CONTINENTAL PORTS BENHOPE *mm* *r mmmm mm m Jgf n SS BENMACDHUI i»«« Singapore P. S hara fnang Ro'-errJim Ma, 11 Mar 14/11 Mar 17/21 Mar 21/ B RRtMfl Ma, IS Singapore P. Sham Pinint lENVRACKIE Lonoon, Hamourg Mar 21 22 lENAVON Hjil, G'moulh.
      1,164 words
    • 1226 15 f—ow WORLDWIDE CARRIERS LTD. |W^«^^ For: Lot Angela, New Orlconv Charlctton, I Wj'Y a 4 a > New York, New London. I^^^^^^^aT4 lolio occcptmg cargo for other Gult ond Atlantic Pfnong RAMA JAYANTI* 25/27 Mor 28/30 Mor 31 Mar A VISSIL 10/12 Apr 7/ 9 Apr 5/ 6 Apr Alto
      1,226 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1000 16 y( KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. Wmnmrn Australia Sittßapor*' Japan Sarvioa Frerance Sirjiccn Y»kUichi/Ni|oy* Y'tiana taoa MjMJ Hart' il I viai <•■ 11 Mr 12 m II Mr Wast Africa /Singapore /Japan Sarvlea njapoia Naiovi T'lunuj Rom iMMMAa Mad 1 Omts 21,22 Mar N Mil tl Mm a*j Japan South 6»
      1,000 words
    • 877 16 tUSTRAHA Nt* /(ALAND MMM INDIA PADISIAM AND HI MM MMMM 10 AUSTRALIA M> iIALAUB m: MM. MM. INun. IM. mm IMJU' H Part 14 Mai isVar RAIUIA Jl/ J A|i t A|l r <| Pinant 9. S'lui* S'lert lAIUIA 24 21 A*i N A|i i Mat OaiU Nataaattiiia* ■OMIALA 11
      877 words
      732 words
    • 746 16 SCINDIA 'STo.a LINES PACIFIC NORTH WEST SERVICE i lu Ml It" I? Mir II U »»ar 20 22 Ma- »jr i"S, ■•:E:::::::::: K8 R8 ZtZ S3 U.S. EAST CANADA/GREAT LAKES SERVICE »»jB-sgr— -SB HmW*^^li I r/SJFLH hl/Af£S I ■MMI THt EAST ASIATIC COMPANY Ltd Incorporated m Denmark MMMI EXPRESS SAILINGS
      746 words

  • 69 17 Industrials: Hotels; l"'ii|H Itlfs I HIV S nihhrr*: Mar. 3 166 jn IOO.M 83 2« 109.06 Mar. 4 Mar. 5 Mar. < ***** 165.52 166 84 99.30 9H 72 172.38 172 39 172 III! k:s 28 83.28 8:1 LM 109.02 109 16 109-':! I)<H\ 30, 1066 180.
    69 words
  • 92 17 <■" Sugar* Hii tin- only. Hum.- iin f M ll.itikillK V 1.88.5. VI. ahli-v -hell nrdv ft. Harden |M) kliilin MilitMi .■tut Tin >llll|ii|i I st.lliI Ml Am.Uic Kub. l\i inp.i^ 1, II lO< lti'o a r 80' 10% 111. f payablp the vrar Apr. II Apr.
    92 words
  • 741 17 Straits tin price up by $5.37 1 on balance last week 'pHE Straits tin price In PonanK on Saturday morning tell by 51.75 to $595. 37 i on an offering estimated down five tons to 235 tons. Support at lower levels with main buying orders from Use US and Japan
    741 words
  • 114 17 frit tollowlng company meitlnK* are due: M. Crmrnl Bhd. March 14. 12 noon at company office. Rnmah Hurimau 4GB Jalan Ipoli. Kuala Lumpur IHinlup MSIBB| April 15. 12 n.«in it Bastion House. Jalan KoU. Malacca. Krmpas (Ml Bhii (extraoniniaiy meeting) March 19. 330 pin at 54 Jalan Ampang.
    114 words
  • 29 17 RUBBER AND TIN CLOSING PRICES I|HT II).) lar. 3. 6H', eta. 67 rtv. bX rl%. »i 7(1 i 70'jcu. Iprr pit ul) $.-,»0.« «V.| ,IH $:,94.:.ti ».i»7.l!' $J9:..37'
    29 words
  • 624 17 THE FOILOWINC IS A COMPLtIi LlaT OF REVISED QUOTATIONS MAR. I, INDUSTRIALS m. AI'MA M«i-Brlcki Nt,n t, Co I** *-44 It. n Mi "M Hmn.o tirrhad I.M I- 1 IMMM i.a «i m ortt •■»> C.O.M .M. Mtai .V 7.% I |i II I 77 I 71 3
    624 words
  • 1061 17 '■''HE main question on the Stock Exchange of Malaysia and Singapore now Is whether the long awaited turn In the market has at last arrived. Judging by the behaviour of the market on Thursday and the follow up on Friday this may well
    1,061 words
  • 391 17 jOVEMENTS OF SHARE PARISON OF LAST SALES IN LUMPUR TRAOINC ROOMS OF FEB. 28 ANU MARCH 7. INDUSTRIALS: ACMA I I I Bin and Ca. I+4 1 Ban Rights 1 .J MBta Barnta CC M. arrt«. .niai. CI. Holrlirut (+S rrnlai, Ut<tlapma>it Bank 1 I iinii, Dunla*
    391 words
  • 731 17 1 MI itoVk* ixcma'nui* »Ta» 'a» FOLLOWS: INDUSTRIALS ALMA HA l» i I Iv •I (I; Ben A Co i- ii. la ii R 4< xr; Ben Hl> i 10 7.) Ban.aa B-tlwn II la -I It |I.M Ii 11 Bautlead UI! lo C tuta>t WI to M
    731 words
  • 21 17 London on Thursday Malayan 5 per cent c.l.f. U.K. June July In bulk was quoted at £76 per ton.
    21 words
  • 37 17 /\N tha tilt ■■ch>n t mlrkll in Hunt Km,* M tß| "rta» lh« 111. Oallat .1 I.T. an. l I i to) cath. tarltni <|unif<l at MM and I Ml M KM tt IXI.
    37 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 619 17 KELAB LUMBA KUDA PERAK PERAK TURF CLUB IM AKt II AI'KIL MtniM. 1969 "f"n Si! svllltl>^ mmuAMcuim Him. l,)l MN X^ 3«TII MARCH l»t» i.. i r... >AllKI 111 Al-1111. 1969 IMIKIH DAI BtTNDAI bill AI'KIL 1969 UUUSSION In till KUI lOIRSK n BAUCIS ONLY .~a","^ Ueu Bwet pb ale
      619 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 432 18 iwWipnfimnß MAJLIS DAERAH SELATAN. SEBERANG PERAI \i.i..i_. lkut> II HI K>» B\M.I N \N ..inpada 35 tahun. 1.n.--ermaaok Flaun HI dan Dauo Ruuiali meugikut kadar2 I tiiißkatan gaji berK«ntapada kelsyaksn nan pengalaman Ela '.;:i pn•ksn a;-ba\ai menun.t Perentah Am Kfpta. a »r»n Seberang Laut. dan .i. Rekabentok Bangunan. Mafctab
      432 words
    • 725 18 Appl" .iti.'ns Atr invilrd limn MiiUbU qualified MaU;*iaD iliinu for thr following posls 1) LECTURERS (4 vacancies) llrjirr in hnginrrring I .Met lixnit .il In. in a iriuitnisrd Ini «rr*ilT. < o-oprmlr mrmbri o( Ihr Insiuuii of ln;imfn Malaya, ni n( Mr<hanir^l I ntmrrrs UJL Trarhinc rxpmrnir an Agr
      725 words
    • 482 18 ASSOCIATED MOTOR INDUSTRIES (PRIVATE) LIMITED ACCOUNTANTS >I()TOK CAB ASSF.MBI.Y PLANT NNGAPOBI As psrt of its expansion promammo. t hr Company looking for thrfp qualitied Management Accountants to fill vacancies which h.ive rrcciHly brrn created in the Finance Department Applicants ibould bo Singapore citizens ;uni be membei of A.S.A. or its
      482 words
    • 787 18 ESTABLISHED LOCAL COMPANY has an immediate vacancy in Kiml.i Lumpur for PROOF READER Appttcanu *HM be Mala>M.u, I nof J Cambridge School Certificate or egiinaltnl and not less than i» '"'ptonclencv In En K nnd Malay Is ew,:U:.l be Kiven to those who have previous experience m piool reading
      787 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 615 19 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BOARD Applications arc i:-.\! <<tr the followi:.. Board: A IK HMi m HBBISTAMI (WOODWOKKING] Qualification: K urr (aj Tachatdan Diploma Hciders in Mechanical Encineertng f:i>m sin- -techn'.c experleoca m og (acton. or cb) M-,»* possess a •pore Vocatl In^ltu'e Advanced Craft :lraie In Woodcrafl nr equivalent with
      615 words
    • 685 19 ANTON ENTERPRISES CO. (PTE) LTD., 4-C, Raffles Place, Singapore have picture in announcing the appointment of vox; mix a co., 17, Senji Poh Lane, Singapore 3. as thur suit --.ißents in Urn Republic of Singapore with effect from Ist .March, l%» for the following products:1. "Anton" Liquid Bleach 8. "Anton"
      685 words
    • 766 19 j NOTICES IPOH POLYTECHNIC APri.K A TIO\ FOX ADMISSION IN THK ***** 7U KSSIOM Application. 1 are Invited from candidates desiring to pursue course of nudy In the Ipdi poly- I technlc. Full-time LUUim at Itudj are provided at technician level In (-nftlneerlng and commercial studies. The courses available In
      766 words
    • 469 19 NOTICES I THE WILKINSON PROCESS RUBBER CO. BERHAD (Incc.porated In Malaysia) WOTICI IS Hr.REBV OIVFN that thp Thlrty-BevenUi Annual Oenen.l MeeUng ol THK wn KINFOV PROCESS Rt'BBEK COMPANY BEHHAD. will be hfid at the Registered Office of tlie Company No "n. Jalan Ampai, i mpur. on Ma ay. 3i*t March,
      469 words
    • 107 19 TENDERS PRETENDER NOTICE ILKCTKICAI. INSTALLATIONS lOR PHASE II SFw GENERAL lIO>PITAL. K.I. NEB lUa.lilainl ci.ts-s A' E!p<-vi-<-al Contractors datlrous to lender lor t!ie abme Electrical In I tlooi ;ire Invited to ttglmVU la s-rlttng with ihe Electrical I (■ultant^ M I Thoniiis Anderson P;irtners. Fook Chum Mansion, I3tta Floor. Jalan
      107 words
    • 55 19 IRY If you live in the Alnr St ;r area, you arp invited to test drive the new Renault 16, without obligation. Ring Mr. Cheam Soon Ghee of Ban a t Tel: 353 to arrange a suitable time for you to try this new champion D [MA 1 1 IT
      55 words

    • 398 20  -  MANSOOR RAHMAN and E. FRIDA By r |H)MI() Kamata of .l.i p in won the Singapore Open zo I f chftiupionship in a three-way suddendeath playoff at the Bukit ourse esterday. Th. tournament wont into extra time for the third time In four years when Kamata. D;ivid Graham
      398 words
    • 483 20 IW-T. ta J< It. W 68. 711 1 34-34 »J l>. ( i A) 7S. <;■-'. 69 fi'.t (34-3S); WiiMrnliolmr ißn 71, 6<) 68. to 1 3*- 34 1 Kaaaata won on thr 'Inl hnlr in sudden-death pl.twifT IS Pi 71 6'J. 71. 72 '37-35 i 1«« Hmi
      483 words
    • 80 20 Pakistan slam Malaysia 8-nil LAHORE. Sun. I'aan, the Olympic champions, slammed Malaysia 8-0 in their opening match in hockey tournament h< i tc i clay. The P.i inls scored in I I a; halftlmi and f.pppd holes through s;an defence th< d mi the match In a brief I half
      80 words
    • 8 20 Yee K.Y
      8 words
    • 7 20 y B «t Runner- 1
      7 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 614 20 r SHERIFF'S SALE tun iiu, it COi BT oi mi ki ii hi i: or sinc.mori:. I^l Wll ul v|\(. Xl'iiki in (he Cauaa of NO 121 of 196g n of iMt, 1 llu (hrn h>. in. I mi, Hunt To. I -o I- »i.k Km in. H. \\<ill|C tin(
      614 words
    • 482 20 NOTICES j INTERRUPTION OF WATER i SUPPLY J.K.R. NOTICE TO WATER CONSUMERS IN KUALA LUMPUR AREA. Due to eaaentlal vorki to be carded out by th* Nation Board thr Bukit Nanaa Water I reatmi nl Pi. mi will he »hul down :i"ni 8 m to 1 p.m. on 13th March
      482 words
    • 749 20 I TfcNDtKS STATE OF SABAH-MALAYSIA II 111 It WORKS UEPARIMFNT TENDER NOTICE Cnmpetmve Mwlail art in\!t«l from iFß.^ieifii National KleetrtCity Bc.R.rl H I' W I) Saljan Lleciriral C'nniractois of C\a>- A or CkM 1 for thr Elrciical Installations the bt.lldiim> in Phaaa 1 of h m a Married i. <'"iii,>>\
      749 words
    • 306 20 BUSINESSMEN b^t J YOU HAVE ONLY 19 DAYS LEFT !,J Put the Yellow Pages to work for you. and get effective I I Btfvai tiling for your business 24 hours a day, every I ■jJi single day of the year. With fu;i circulation to every I N telci)ho.iu subscriber, you
      306 words

    • 252 21 J ONDON, Sun. Mansfield, shock fifth-round conquerors of West Ham, failed to reproduce their riant-killing form yesterday and were beaten 1-0 In Leicester in their i.\ Cup quarter-final. A i rowd of 23,500 which spilled on to the I'iPlri .it our Stage of thrilling gaum 58th-mlnute hoadrcl
      Reuter  -  252 words
    • 215 21 i < i r t|i ik 1 1 r i in w I U Lo; ratsi i>i\ i^wiN "i i QPN Btokt l Lei 1 I'vrrton POSII'ONED Arsrnal 1 "I < UNli I)l\ 1-|O\ Blrmini;: 'alaie Blackburn 1 Mull I I harlton l trllsh Fulham 1 Won iIU
      215 words
    • 741 21 HKM l)l\ IM<»\ r ii i i i 4 M 27 4i Arsfnal 30 17 8 5 4 18 42 32 14 8 10 57 41 36 V" Ham 30 11 1 i I I I 10 11 10 .4 11 39 43 2S 31 in 7 14 4>
      741 words
    • 104 21 81.1 GRADE, Sun. Dk r K. "mil. i. wurlri ucsl time for 800 BMtIW on nn indiKjr track When ho won the tinal <il the e\iiit m luiiii 46Asec at the Buropemn Indoor Games hen yesterday Fmmm. 22. won by half a .second from Poland's H?nnryk
      104 words
    • 14 21 HOKTO Bun H "ns K. iik 24-22 in rugby tournament here ■m.ay
      14 words
    • 447 21 I ONDON, Sun.— J Wales .scored a convincing 24-11 victory over Ireland in a rugged international Rim by Union match at Cardiff yesterday. The defeat ended Irrland"s hopes of winning the triple crown and made Walei favourite! to regain the live-nation championship The Wcl>li. who have already
      447 words
    • 19 21 »i a. i X.»M Nag.ue>- M j < i S A I J .J Mrs. J. men H. N
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 370 21 Executive luxury Race bred performance Like no other car at its price mW I II I by ■■■^v^v^v: i Ford NR^^^iiiKL^il sßm fl BHI m^m mi Ili ill IM /fl jpyjUf^^^^Pß^JßL V aB Jmtliii 1 1 im /iH The 1600E proves, once and for all, that it's possible to build
      370 words

    • 2107 22  -  EPSOM JEEP I Spore Derby encore by Australian gelding and Bougoure IT'S November Sun again in the Singapore Derby! seven-year-old Australian gelding. with Garnet Bou^ourc astride, yesterds finance ot his brilliant win last year In the SJo.OOO Bukit Timah claf ten Nn\ ember sun came t lop
      2,107 words
    • 49 22 .1 hi is» i-i INIH 17.741 !nd i n*>rt.ii sr.'ii ;ird IMlff vl 111., HIM ■acht: ii.:«u 163.13K \iitti Him 1«317« i.t: i ib.M.'u i:i;»o I 1 nil f«,ln IM4SI lO*TI I7«'«i ih;;»" I7MII ItJV'l 1.-.6131 1*7755 ItltCS 17U41 < \l! I'M I/I Ti.krt No. ih«7:.
      49 words
    • 57 22 Royal Phluhc "A" \u,n the Burma-llalaya cvii »lim tliey boat their "B 1 team Uiandirn|) by 4-3J in the polo final at Penanu yesterday. Sclangcir A" won tlic Oreenlackct.s run inn Penang "A" (handicap \< by 2-1. selaiißor "B" i handicap won flir Hr.ili Swee Lee
      57 words
    • 91 22 ()NLY one of the eight w horses put up for auction by Mai Pen Rai Stable at Bukit Timah yesterday wa.s sold. Treble J wont lur 526.000 to Goldmine Stable. It was the hi?he>t price paid for a horse auctioned In Singapore and Malaysia. The
      91 words
    • 256 22 iHMV batsman John Wassung hit a century on the opening day <>! the Singapore cricket season at Nee Soon yesterday Waftsunfj ioi in I2»i With 14 fo in .uxl ;i six raabled Army to d< ■i 233-4 it F^ \l- B< W
      256 words
    • 25 22 p K F.A. of 1. I at i I>;\. I mab pat RAF srict^r 4-2 and Daral Allah tx K.n-.h 3-LV
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    • 104 22 Red Cap in goal made Zul laugh FORCES 1 S COR 4— by Norman Siebel \f.\l AVSIAN Armed Forces were not. only well 'br.tun by Selangor In their FAM C final yesterday, they hardly deserve another chance to hold a big match on their ground. It mi hkr a enc
      104 words
    • 99 22  - Fastest lap time by Bond him 1 1: \m i> nof ■> r.K«- Hi i. I' V. l.ltl ll ll' f «.m.iji> A 8 -V r I I T f (.in,,., ii I MLi 3 O 'I l.v.up <.n>op B: 1 I; lOfi <..ilU|l I i Ii ITF. v
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  • 5 22 r Hid «M
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 74 22 TEKTRONIX INC. of Beaverton, Oregon, U.S.A. TEKTRONIX LTD. of Guersney Island and their Subsidiary TELEQUIPMENT LTD. of London All three are Committed to Progress in Waveform Measurement This is a TELEQUIPMENT Oscilloscope for EDUCATION /^^~^s^ It is Economical, Functional, Accurate, I'^MiQ^ Dependable and easy to operate <)?WTr J Several Models
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  • Page 22 Miscellaneous
    • 86 22 BADMINTON JOHOKI M BOOU inlrr regiun iKhMW I <nrN undri Soutti bt North 3-2. M Central 3-2; bt Nnr'.h 3-2. SOCCr.R STICWF^ lIMIS Intrr l>rpt (XL): M K :n 3 AdTENNIS HI.AH COT final iPfnm»«: FCRC A" b- PCRC B 5-0 VOLLEYBALL PFRAK M HOOI.S KO I Ipoh' I'ndrr-20
      86 words