The Straits Times, 25 February 1969

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 27 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 175,000 "7; The Straits Times Nation I si, i 1845 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25. 1969 15 CENTS K.D.N. 3104 M.C. <P) No. 0723
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  • 143 1 Nixon plans wide talks with Russia BRUSSELS, Mon. President Nixon d today the United States would in dv- and with proper preparation enter into negotiations with the Soviet Union on a wide range of Issu Iged In a .speech council NATO AL negotiations directly affect in;,' the in- the Western
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  • 488 1 Tit-f or-tat attack on Arab guerilla bases TEL AVIV, Monday ISRAELI planes thundered into Syria to bomb Arab guerilla bases today ond clashed with fighters of the Syrian air force. The Israeli planes launched their attack on two places north-west of Damascus hi Hanune and
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  • 546 1 IPOH, Mondny TIIKI.I. young robbers, Iwo of I hen i armed wiili pistols, were put lv flighl this morning when ilk\ iiicd Ik rob Mr. rlioo Swee Voong, ■>'.•. .1 businessman, in his house. They left ;i trail of blood in their escape one
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  • 193 1 ANGLO-FRENCH ROW: DENIAL IN PARIS PARIS, Monday Till] French Foreign Ministry today denied thai tin* British version of President De <i:nillr's plans lor Kurope had received official approval. The Foreign ministry l.ssued the denial in an official prew .statement. It is the first time It ta publicly stepped in to
    Reuter  -  193 words
  • 55 1 Singapore airport sets a record SINGAPORE, lion Sinunpore airport has loin- ed the "millionaire's club" < ii. Internationa] clvU aviation L.v-t year, a record I.OSIJT) passengers passed through the airport. This i* the first time the number DM exceeded the million mark This represents a 13 per cent increase over
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  • 126 1 LAHORE. Mon. Pakistani troops armed with rifles invaded the cricket pitch when police and spectator* clashed durini; the first Test match between England and Pakistan today. Actinc England captain Tom GmiMJ led his team from the field as sections of the croud pelted police
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  • 266 1 (lANBBBKA, M""i The tiM- power talks on Malaysian sins.»p«rr defence af lei i'**l »ili mi» hihrld in C.inhtrr.t on June 1!) ami .'<). tinPrime Minister Mr John (.orton .< mmm Hi rd liiin.h 1 Mr MM i > 1 month in
    Reuter  -  266 words
  • 62 1 Rubber price I hits 71ic mark SINGAPORE, Mon. o The rublx r price continued Its rise today anci with a fur--1 l 8 March t buyers at 71 1 8 a b highest since Jan. 6, 191 I The to if TURNOVER P"::cd in fom ptemb»T and (>■'■ ward posti
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  • 15 1 NIXON I LONIX Ids' dm: N air fr .1 1 1 1 1
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 67 1 MITSUBISHI A REFRIGERATORS FANS RADIO TELEVISION »*\nn (mis mi itib> t o no. ■r'l NATIONAL TOASTER NT-106N a^W IN HEAVY CHROME FINISH AUTOMATICALLY POPS UP HOT CRISPY TOAST Push the lever down In a few socoids the toast m the exact shade required pops up automatically ■r J I Hi
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    • 39 1 f|| CROCKETT JONES NORTHAMPTON ENGLAND by AQCOCK SHIPLEY The world's most versatile milling machine that no engineering workshop can afford to be without. Additional heads may be fitted for high speed milling, shaping and slotting. ASK «<^W> ABOUT IT
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    • 177 2 EX-KING SAUD DIES IN GREECE AGED 67 AMI NS. .Mon 1 Kit j Saud of Saudi Arabia 'lied of heart attack i ear here yes terday afternoon at the atre of b 7. l..i>i nr.lit Miiiiiias mmi Ixrs of his rrtinue in \icil .imiiiui Ihe former mon.ircli's Imm.'v :is
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    • 89 2 \JR 7 Bill TTO. former Voreisn Minister, released after three month-. Irani house .irre«tt. in ike-s a sestme of break*"' ili.un tn the uelconiint crnu il .it i s n oiimenl station. During his triiim- ph;mt P r neec c s sjr,n through
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    • 109 2 Put off by snake that won't budge From TIM TREE OYDNIY, Mod Rulan at. the vlUage pub m remote Avadale, Queensland, walked a mile to the publiclavatory because its only one was occupied for 19 days by tilt. lon«, deadly snake. Landlord. Mr Ron d ■in sell, put As3o on
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    • 58 2 fAIKn M n h were drowne I In urK dlaatUn on the Rner N t A rim ;n Dppei •lxty-twc people who been attending a funeral ru.shed to txniti a snui. .s..:;mg boat to take :hem a. r>«* Iho river Th< Niatl q\ilckly *ank and
      Reuter  -  58 words
    • 117 2 WASHINGTON, Mon onner president Dwight Elsenhower underwent surgery here to relieve a serious intestinal blockage. There was no immediate report on the progress ol the operation, carried out late at night b\- a team of specialists at Washington's \V:iltcr Reed army hospital The 78-year-old World
      Reuter  -  117 words
    • 283 2 Russians suggest a Berlin deal to Kiesinger STUTTGART, Monday. THE soviet Union yesterday suggested a deal t« enable West Berhhcrs to visit relatives In the Communist half of the city if Bonn railed off the planned presidential election in West Berlin on March 5. p. i wes .lyreement b n
      Reuter  -  283 words
    • 161 2 TXIPKH M»n Thirty cvprrts from nine \si.m and I'liifu cocininrs oprned t i lks here taste} "ii tin- seltin K up of a f«K)<l and fertiliser Iccknj( ;i| rrntre >lr K I l.i. Taiwaa'i Minist.r o( gtlllil Xff.urs who prrsidt-d o\rr the
      AP  -  161 words
    • 41 2 MAM I. A M n. -tiu peiiple. :n< ,'l.nK tuo pclice agenu-. a ere killed by a group of .in, -i beiieved lo hr Huk rttoetl dunn« the part four d n riac pr< r > uurthem Ph Hfxrrr.
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    • 95 2 Monarchy will die out here: Whitlam MEI.BOrHNK M n A, 1V tr»ll» Is movinit towards n pr*» .«ldenti»l tyttMß MmlUr to :ha» of West Germany or India Mr. Oough Whitlam leader of th« Federal Labour Opposition Party 6.i i .vev.f-rday. Mr WlUtlam. speaking In a Melbourne television Inten-lew said he
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    • 19 2 HONG KONG. Mon A 30mlnute fire mrept through rhlrkfn hfff ve»terd»T premsfurely rotating 1 4u« ohtekw*.— luuur.
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    • 203 3 Plan by Peking to make Macao a major port UONG KONG, Mon. 11 A plan to build a brid»r linking Macao with the nearby Island t-f Talpa was b> secretly linunced by China in a bid to abandon ibr..^ Kong as tho major handler of Chinese exports, a pro-Nationalist newspaper
      Reuter  -  203 words
    • 390 3 Viets unleash new rocket attacks SAIGON. Monday. fIUERILLA troops reported to have suffered 487 killed In their attacks yesterday unleased a fresh wave of rockets and mortars on U.S. installations across the country last night, a military spokesman said today. But first reports showed the attacks were on a .smaller
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    • 50 3 CHICAUO. A! n l-'"ur .I.^- n. n 1'..1i:.<! re remo\ed tn a Shu Francisco biiund a:rlinei at OHaie totematloiul airport jretterday Wc.iuff 'hr crew fearOne of the (our vax round to be carry r.c calibre volver. r Til One of the ni'n wa* later re eased lil
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    • 103 3 I/INGSTON. Mon. A novel puna baa been d :n a court here concerning the gan.a plant, known outside the west lisd:<^ as marijuana. A n...n Purged ■Jim i VmtiH( il acquitted when planU There mere n;<> and ipecia «'t the plant. Mi M S
      Reuter  -  103 words
    • 43 3 NEW ORLEANS NV.n f Ne-A Or>Hn.s ve»terdav reMioied IHMIIUIi tIM port to do ra I'n.teci states on Dec 20 4 m,o <i krrs r«turne<l :o Their |oIM »'.'*t n Th IS Other jxif fr >m M^ine to Ot Re-.i'er
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    • 20 3 OACHAII i Ind.a >. Mon An earthquaKe rocked Guahatl town m A>.«m (or about 30 seconds ear v Uidav.
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    • 359 3 TROOPS OPEN FIRE ON CROWD AGAIN IN E. PAKISTAN DACCA. Monday 'rROOPS fired on a crowd, after their truck waa stoned in the East Pakistan capital yesterday and injured five people. The crowd formed from people on their way home after a meeting addres.--ed by Sheikh Mujibur Rehman. leader of
      Reuter  -  359 words
    • 140 3 CUNDUtLAND, Man. J The illicit love lives of merchant seamen here h.ivr l uuulcreil since a slippery co it of paint was ipplieil to the dockyard h.iII The suilors kni-w they < mild not take their girl friends throush the dockyard gate*
      Reuter  -  140 words
    • 80 3 Qu een of show biz meets other royalty /•IN*. IK ROGLBB iMh l»o more ro>al admirers to her litt of t.imuus fans. Prin^•e^^ Margaret and Lord mh>«cliiii were at the theatre Ki»al. Drury l^ue. London la->t week lo >ec the ,'i7 -year-old ■tai ilaniiiiK her through tharity prr\iew »>f
      Mirrorpic  -  80 words
    • 56 3 TOKYO. Mon. About 40.000 trade unionists, some accompanied by their wives and children, demonstrated here yesterday agalnsi rising commodity prices. The pctMrt »•»••> P*rt of .nused br :e union group. Sohyo- «ncl dubb*d Commoc I 1- M.<v D.»y The pretwten marrhed through W orderly
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    • 40 3 NEW DELHI MM.- Ind.a »nd Indunr.-i.t ban agreed u> cornmod:'. DU nn tf». pfprxr At;ii copra. Press rtI*>r:- :.i;d l.ire tod.iy follow.n« ;ie talk> between Indone.-... t n Foreign Minister. Mr. Adam M,iUk. and Indian I leaders
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    • 304 3 PARIS. Monday AIR. Chrlslo pher Soames. the British Ambassador to France, returned to Pans late last night alter a day of urgent consultations in London with Prime Minister, Mr. Haroid Wilson, and Foreign Secretary. Mr. Michael Stewart, on the current A n
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    • 152 3 Australia: No 'world power' thoughts says Freeth MELBOURNE, Mon. The Minister for External Allans. Mr. Gordon Freeth yesterday said that Australia should have no thoughts about behaviim like a world power. ••We should nut so throwing our weight ab-mt or telling the world how to behave." he Mid on Melbourne
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    • 23 3 JAKARTA. Mon Eight h.c. o been arrt.-; ■rt in connection with .j'.ing of goods from Sin» am agency 1 reported today.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 242 2 SHARP TELEVISION beautifully made outside inside Outside, on ultra modern, space oge Elevofor Inside, it is the world's only television equipped Chonnel scole with pilotl.ght indicotor with "NUVISTOR" space electron tube eithonces the slim tuning ponel. SHARP it expertly which reproduces vivid crafted furniture styled for exclusive and sharp images,
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 49 2 THE C3AMBOL« *~*-<4e^ MUCki WE'VE- CLfcAMCDA r OB OO YOU TUMK •UO V up rue kitocn wcu.7 tto oooq* would) R£ «*JNT IT MOW j^ S•* WTTte?^ /TUtH ITS AfiRECP TMM x*-^. we kmt it ysuo*/ < (f^_J V -COME OH LifS GCT J \£f¥ s*- '^s. HL? f\'mtOO>>
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 101 3 Varemoid TABLETS Hie EFFECTIVE ORAL treatment for PILES (Haemorrhoids) VAREMOiD tablets iseasv to take just swallow during or after meals. VAREMOID is so completely safe. It has been clinically proven and tested all over the world with remarkable success. It can be taken by all age group even during pregnancy.
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    • 142 3 The U.S.A. We give it to you EMty straight. SHHHHHH^B^^ We take you straight across the Pacific by the shortest route. ■gBBgMMMsWF^y We're the straightest. We're the fastest From Malaysia, there are irequent flights v\ hi( h connect at Hong Kong with our dairy \///HttttKSm nonstop to Tokyo. We're the
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  • 503 4  - While two fought robbers, crowd filched $10 notes T.F. HWANG By SINGAPORE. Mon JYSTAN DERS swooped when a bag containing thousands of dollars burst open during a pay-roll robbery but not to help to catch the thieves. Instead, they helped themselves to the bills, which were scattered in all directions
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  • 24 4 hINOAPOM Mon nif rure Surßiral s<>cipiy «ill t* 30:h aclentiflc mti irlinaali tnmorrim at 8 15 p m the Patholicy Lecture The-
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  • 149 4 $45,000 paid in contract suit SINGAPORE. Mon. A breach of contract suit Involving the construction of the "Talk of the Town" building In High Street i was settled for $43,000 j and costs on the high- er scale before Mr. Justice Chua today. The plaintiffs were Kwong Cheong Loonn Ltd..
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  • 238 4 By R CHANDRAN SINGAPORE, Mon. As a "Red Cap" Cpl. Jane Hamilton. 23, of the Brl- tlsh Royal Military Police Is trained to meet any .situation at any lime and any place. She Is nevf r flustired not eve n. a^
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  • 139 4 TKJIMY 8 x Channel 81- ax follows 7.50 a.m. -ft. I" a.m.: National lane :*e* (Elemi Rearing Fl.-1.. 8..1U-8.5U. Health Edun. (Eng i Sec 1 and J: Personal hygiene; ».05-9.2.», Oeneral science. Sec 1 The structure of matter; 9.45--10.0 S. Mathematics See 2 Variables and relations: 10.45-11.05,
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  • 54 4 SINGAPORE Mon A 12--man cultural-religious delegation from India sponsored by the Asian Federation for Economic and Cultural Understanding, will perform the Ramlla drama based on "Ram Charlt Manasa' In Hindustani at the GoUndasamy Pillay Kalyana Mandapam in Race Course Road tomorrow and Wednesday from 8 i)
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  • 36 4 SINGAPORE. Mon Sprciali«t on penal policy. Prof. R. W Drinkwatrr ill give a public lecture on 'Social work and m>cul policy tomorrow at 7.30 pm. at the new lecture theatre 4. University ol SlMKapcrr
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  • 35 4 SINGAPORE. Mon. Seven community centres in the Tampines constituency will hold a carnival to raise funds for their activities at 10 m.s. h.uiei Koad from 2 till 10 p.m. from Friri.iy through Sunday.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 212 4 f^oncHAßn' I lOMORROW ONLY! i MM I SSJ '30. 400. 630* 915 PM. OtN'T GAMBLE AND TAKE CHANCES!!! "his Thriller Is A Sure Winner With Action, Girls And Thrills J" v TECHNISCOFf HOW TO WIN A BILLION AND GETAWAY WITH IT STARRING RAY DANTON GIANNA SERRA ft GALA Vo A
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    • 63 4 MOONLIGHT VENETIAN BLINDS MOONLIGHT ALUMINIUM AWNING; DURABLE FAST -COLOUR ECONOMICAL EASY TO MAINTAIN INSTANT 'ERVICE U.S MATERIALS Coniuli ipcciolm 14 nan «p«r.«n<r« MOONLIGHT COMPANY »06 Laron« i. Talok Kurau Scare If. Tel: 4tJ6J« *****1 All condition. d TODAY: 1.45. 4, 7 A 9 30 p Chan Poo Choo Lvi
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    • 268 4 i cnrrccQSHOP i An Co.W Shop -hec J m..1, .nd J> jS tojfv inockj ore terved in air conditioned comfort y Of on tht tun shoded if r'oci ov rlookmq o delightful Z^ iwimming pool in garden >urroundin«t. Open everyday until 2 a.m. fnG^o C^P c^o C2^£> <s^e> in I
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    • 458 4 CATHArjj if llilfA JH~ fi'T'f LA-.T 2 DAYS' I i om, 1.30. 4 00, 6 30 9 30 pm Fox s "LADY IN CEMENT' binouo Raq^.^ > PonoVroon Col Oc»"s "Tht Adventures Of Bullwhip GriMm I IN TOD/.r I TOMORROW ONLY 1 1.30, 4 00, 700 t 9 IS pm.
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  • 280 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Monday 'j'lli Minister of Ettaca ticni laehc Rtotaaaaed Kliir .I'ih.iri. todaj called on thr ■ewly-reeruited Indonesian leathers In help u it 1 1 1 1 thr standard of s, irnee and nulhrmatirs in .Malay-medium sellouts He spr.ikme at the urientation
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  • 495 5 THE WIFE WHO RECEIVED ONLY 20c A DAY i "KOAY TEOW" (nee noodles) manufacturer was today ordered to pay $60 a month to his wife who said she received an allowance ot only HO cents a day througnout her six Mars' marriage. Lim Ulan Ha. 20 sue fully claimed ni
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  • 147 5 tINGAPOKE:. Mon The J Sultau of Selangor and Tengku Ampoan ipent a quiet day here sight-see-ing today aa they waited tor the iich will take them on a 10-montli inur o! Kurrpe and the The royal couple, who arrived here i>y train "i. Saturday
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  • 164 5 80 pupils hit by scabies back at school IPOH. Mon. Eighty scabies-hit pupils of the Sekolah Tuanku Abdul Rahman here, a secondary residential school for boys, returned to their classrooms to resume their interrupted studies. They had been quarantined in one of the dormitories for a fortnight to ensure that
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  • 32 5 KUALA I,UMPUK. Mon The Miniiter ut Lands .iiiii Mine. Uulu H.rl Abdul K..Uni.m bin V.i akub led for I Kuching thia niurning lof a i'iir-.M-rk tuui' oX balawaii. I BcinaUlA.
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  • 469 5 Detainee's lawyer: The judge erred KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. THE onus ii on the Minister of Home Affairs to satisfy the court that the detention oi Karam Singh is legal, Dato David Marshall told the Federal Court today. Appealing against the High Courts dismissal of the application for Karam Singh's release.
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  • 230 5 'Onus on Minister, not Karam Singh' Minister of Home Affairs snowed tnat tne Government could noi make up lt.s mind a U< whether to detain Karam Singh under any one of the four alternatives He described it as bring )ttft I'ko the Japanese in the Second World War who instead
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  • 42 5 SINOAi'ORE M<>n. More than 1.600 tOUriatl I I r id P ;md O luxury ship Oriana tooiorio". n^ i. Tlu- i£ th( 42 000-tui: \e>.vis meant \v\.t,;t la siiuagapore am. >\\e \s ihc laigcat pasicnurr .ship tfl I
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  • 161 5 ITLALA II MPI It. Mon. —A 28-member delegation from Sweden is here in the course of a tour to collect material on the main religious movements of the world. "We have chosen Malaysia as part of our study as it is the place where
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  • 150 5 (SINGAPORE. Mon. Trauedv looms large for the second Ume in the life of Madam Tan Ah Seen, mot her ol .six young children and I Ing her .seventh later this year. Madam iin i a domeatlc h< Ip ai r<! 12 in order
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 216 5 ESOTERICA 4mazinif (ream k\s To Clear Ip lllriiii.Nlii's' Stukoom outward pimples and blockh«o<i caused by weather ani ncolcct. ha»a faikd. Why? Bccousa tsotenca is not a M*«t-up, nof a mere turtoc* tra«tme»t, bur medicated. Itl rpedicot>an peiwtralci detp to work around. mulat*d »or jpecifit action by a truttwarthv S4-ycar-old laboratar>.
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    • 130 5 V So--, lo* Do-.v. reaturing Many Top Artistes f< s£&&?* > Presented by nsj* > SINGAPORE POOLS Jp^v Proceeds to the SPORTS PROMOTION FUND. Hi Wcog Chin Yuet Tickets o<oiiobla ot: C.X.Tang, Cold Storage. Robinsons, National Theatre, World Book Co Popular Book Co., Peoples Book Co. |SPP| Last 3 days
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous

  • 397 6 'Upper crust' homes found to be mosquito breeding places SINGAPORE. Monday AI<».QIIT<> breeding piMCI have been found at hundreds of houses in select t's tates. where some of Singapore's "upper crust" li\ A Health Ministry stiliin ill lod.i\ mkl Ba .i result of numerous complaints from people in
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  • 32 6 SINGAPORE Mon The Imports and Exports Office, the Controller of Supplies Office and all sections <>; thr Marine IJepartment will be closed on Thursday because of Harl Ha. a H.i I
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  • 23 6 S'ORK Mon. The Christ Methodist Church will present The Ten Commandmenu. at the Palace Theatre, Kit'ng on Thursday at 9 am
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  • 22 6 SINCiAPORE. Mfm. There will be CMMH New Year and H.n: Hi-. < II the Jiki Senn couimunity centre Wedne.siliy at 730 pm
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  • 23 6 SINGAPORE. Mon. Han K.ija llaji In Sin R .ip«re uill fall on Thursday, which Mill he a public holiday.
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  • 238 6 ENJOYING a Joke beforp dinner are ifmm left) General Sir Michael Carver. the outgoing Commander-ln-Chief of the British Far East Command the Prime Minister. Mr. Lee Kuan Yew and the Finance Minister. Dr. Ooh Keng Swee. Mr Lee hosted the dinner at Sri Temaask
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  • 127 6 A GRANDFATHER. 55- bin Ha)l Mohamcd (above) yesterday received a champion trophy at a medal presentation ceremony for rocular blood doi ors at the Conference H He was cm t the three men who received the male champion trophy for giving 5o donation
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  • 47 6 «INGAPOI?E MOB The National Theatre Trust will pre.sent a reclla! by Austrian opera alniter Tatjana Arsema at the Victoria Theatre on Thursday at 83n p m Tickets priced at $3. 12 and tl are obtainable from Robinsons. C.X Tang and Cold Storage
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  • 298 6  - Auti-burglar electrified fence kills boy, court told CLEMENT MESENAS: By SINGAPORE. Monday WOUKSHOP proprietor installed an alarm system after his workshop had been burgled twice in three months. There were no more thefts but, six months later, a boy was electrocuted on the workshop fence where the alarm system had
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  • 196 6 b) the 1 01 Kee. whjf he did i c!unb i knew ned the pi<>iirn told the court that me alarm was by tlif Nam Seng Electrical Co He said he received a rein its proprietor. Fonc Nam Sfne which sold
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  • 153 6 Lord Howick confers with Mr. Lee SINGAFOBE, M"ii Lord llr.wirk ol Gl ntl.i chairman "f the (Hmmonwciilth l»e\el»pment Corporation v liii h haa interests amountinx to tiver > ill million in Singapore tod.o I |in his three-day visit hy paying a rourtrsy call on Prime Minister !.<■<■ Ku.m 'Ntvi Here
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  • 138 6 SIN(i\PORE. MOl the final examinal the rii iree ol Biwith honours at the Unlre, while six others nave won a econd batch of degree I- ir»l <Uss hnnnuis; Lee CbM Second class honours (upper division f.tsh Ll KWODg, Leonard Che:..; Tve I/>ke.
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  • 99 6 SINGAPORE, I*on. 1 A COMMODITY exhibition organised by the import r- and exporter's of tin Democratic People* Republic of Korea will open here tomorrow at the Shenton Way exhibition site of the Light Industries Services. This in the first trade exhibition to be held in Singapore by
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 231 6 OAnras Jkl *tl)l l hnHnl&t THE NEW WAY TO MORE SPEED, MORE SPACE, BIGGER SAVINGS V-Jet Express More cargo, bigger cargo Direct to London overnight There's no quicker way to get your air cargo to London than by Qantas V-Jet Express. And cargo that leaves Sigapore on the V-Jet Express
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 69 6 Aitof, Onp Bw VT Hmwmnm SCSrS. IKj^L lAai E IBE PRETTY WBPK 1 SCJSrT£ I '^m^CSjU jMA^>)a^aSls2a \EVEWTS?/ OLO STUFFY KIND OP DiSCCVEBINtG VOF TRWjXJ^Cr TT^XCT Dirk trnry gg^ o^,^ o mmmi L^S^EBrS^S S?S^^^^)- gS^B^ U S^SA<XJ D^E<l^ U% Abnvr gg y /f# iapp I TH 1 RIGHT TO PUFFAWM
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  • 159 7 Teachers to be trained abroad on conducting exams ITU ALA LUMPUR Mon. Mo: chers and officials Will broad this for training as examiners, the Penna Secretary to the Ministry of Education, Tan Sri Byed Zahlruddin bin Syod H said today. Bpeaklng at the of a two-day CO! of examination rifn,
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  • 271 7 AGENCY PROBE AFTER DAP SENDS LETTER |^l \l II MPIR. Mon The Anti-(»rrtiption Agency is invr.stißatinc •vi illc^.ition by thf Deniocr.itit lion Party of <livrrep;i niics in thp .illnration of sites for haukrrs at Jalan PrtaI'tie h«rr diirine the prrrhineae Neu Year sales pi'i iocl letler by the H\P or
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  • 13 7 PI i; m n M Hi n. Mion. Mr. kid today.
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  • 7 7 a dinnri Road preniMi ndav.
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  • 77 7 I LUMPUR v 1: lon is to build a (750,000 MMA Hou 01 its building lommittee. Dr. Piu.- Mart.::. ~ald tod "It w. the na- courtrV- medical pi kid "It will be primarily promote medical It >i science! In Ma:.d the othef ob-
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  • 304 7 RETIREMENT PUT OFF KUALA LUMPUR, Monday THK new President of the Devvan Xi gara, Tan Sri Huji Aloha mod Noah bin Omar, today took over his post with "sonic regret" because he could now no longer Intervene during question time, stand on points of order
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 121 7 Embassy FILTER VIRGINIA*^ f |Af wtav» >i;^* t^HBaVAaSStt By ■Ha* _>^a*i^B I Mr JBm > -WF*K. oHt Pißlfafli i" j£"" f tor a S2B* ■^■^■^■^■^■^■^■^■^■^■^■^■^■■■^■■■^■^■^■^■^■^■^L^B^B^p jt>-|ajK 4B i jft^r A^u*' J| J JC d^^. I Ibl|JC^JJ>^ ■BkT > Hr B (^BK. S BBBaL .^^W BBB^^ I*^ jflalal BBMaflßr BflW fIa^BBIBiH^BBa^^BBMBB
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 221 7 Straits Times Crossword MMM 6 g>SWf 14 ii:HV*r» for HKliel x Bus tht Blblf •«>• 7 «^*n depir'ed with CoowrTi rhe pl»c for a London t Pa d terfiper! •o«pit«l <«i. U 2 l U (tova. 14 2* down. h»» r,.-.r MM lh«t the eloeta nllmb er o( wpperM* lO>
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  • She Straits Times
    • 505 8 'lin report i i ■tons from the Univenitj of Malaya, prepared by Mr Justice Thii Si i afohanw d in after .4 months of lnvesti^-i""" and analysis reatona .> at aai )l< pei s,)ei.i\ !ii ;lie pmblem. Tin Academic Bud tation wheae cries ai aiaraa wti largely
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    • 394 8 Kepoi Is even in the oilman Hanoi newspaper Nhan Dwii ■if the week-end BiiTrhf Bfl American bases and scores ol South Vietnamese towns coniirm the changed pattern of the war in the last lev. months. The ViatoOßg have lost much of their sling, the ot major Communist
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    • 162 8 Tii< i is m > t great At „i mine th> National Library in Singapore c m '1" t<> check vandalisn than the checks Inch Mis. Hedwig Anuar. the library's director, has Introduced, plus the encouragement <<f photocopying service foi c ">k borrowers who may otherwise mv.
      162 words
  • Letters
    • 262 8 I was interested to read the article "Land■canng Malaysia s Ancient History" In th c sir^.ts lniie.s of February 14. a Mi Balleh, now ors.Mtjiis JVMIM i>efeilioail. BfwPUMM 11l c lurVaMMMi ot a National hum several yean «a«i out i midWfstand nothing nas come ot
      262 words
    • 134 8 |'Ht S l'C has been ai 1 hxated the most crowded routes from Toa Payoh t<i the town area but has maintained a very inadequate service. The problems of the residents who have to use the routes 30. .'<B and II are uettinu worse every week as new
      134 words
  • 688 8  -  CHRISTINE DOYLE by LONDON 11 HEN the young motor cyclist takfs his problems of adolescence onto the road he acts out his fantasies and reaentment to parental arid Judicial authority "in a massive way," often with disastrous consequences. The truth ol tills tairly ramtliur Matrttaa
    688 words
  • 1540 8 EDWARD HEATH talks to DAVID FAIRHALL the Guardian. London BRITAIN'S abandonment of her role East of Suez is considered by the Government to be the strength of its present defence policy reducing the budget and allowing Britain to exert more influence in Europe and admitted to
    1,540 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 18 8 for gifts souvenirs get genuine i^T N'li'iiuoi* IV'Wh'i* /|l\ Scltiniior IVwlcr '*m IFBAR «O»D SMGAKftf M W *<IU4
      18 words
    • 98 8 •The Metropolitan College offers you the benefits of fifty-six years accumulated experience in postal training together with a Guarantee of Coaching until Successful. 330,000 EXAM SUCCESSES testify to the true effectiveness of Home Study Courses expertly prepared for professional exams. Accountancy.Costing.Secretaryship.Law. Banking. Marketing. Export. Management. Also G.C.E. (0 a A
      98 words

  • 545 9 Negligent officer loses his command Court told why navy ship ran aground Singapore. Monday Lieutenant Mohamed Zawawi bin Adam. 25,- of the Royal Malaysian Navy, whose patrol boat ran aground in I Malaysia last year, was today relieved of his command for neqli",ence. The court martial, at which he pleaded
    545 words
  • 98 9 KUAL.A LUMPUR, The viaitine French mission today rn^t Tengku Abdul Rahman at the Residency but received no indicatior of the Government's intention to buy Mirage irt fiehters. The Vnembrrs of the mission had tea with the Twieku. Their leader. Gen- i pm! Y\rs Ezano
    98 words
  • 228 9 Expertise to help make S'pore SE Asia's electronic centre SINGAPORE. Mon. The world wide Philips Organisation will provide the expertise to help make Singapore the commercial electronic and engineering service centre' in South-East Asia. Thii ssnnrsnm was given today by Mr aj.w. Van A(jt. chairman of Philips 1 Industries Ltd.,
    228 words
  • 31 9 KUALA KANOC \R, M Mi H. Jeyaratnam. \rterinary officer. Kuali k mr and i'iu Perak in.'- resuznrd to take up another inn! reded by Mr V ;jubiHm.<n!.im.
    31 words
  • 30 9 PENANG Mi.n c.i.s Uiim 14 I Mran 12 .Hid /.«:i 11 i K in reading i a H a M Ltlon of Han K-\.. Hi L V>a
    30 words
  • 226 9 A SQUAW,BUT NO SQUARE CINGAPOU, M»n M.ire.iret Ree4ei in.iv be ,i xju.iu hut slir is ii-rt.iiiilv mi squ.<rr. for al S3 ">lie been three \ears i nicht i lull vtripper. And " i> more, tinlittle hi-inkee Mooil -lull inhi-rited Irmn ht-r Jtr.tndl .i Ui.r is well ni.nlr vs P
    226 words
  • 347 9 Motor rally entries: I'm disappointed, says Sardoa KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. THE Minister of Transport. Tan Sri Sardon, said today that he was disappointed over the small number of Malaysians entering lor the Asian Hiehwav Motor Rally to be neld in April. Bo far. only 12 pcopii from Malaysia had indicated
    347 words
  • 21 9 M- M. :i i. Pi I br.«n On ■a Melt; M-*ri h 1 f '1.-- NursM Ed a. Piind.
    21 words
  • 334 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. J£YERY potential investor should get clearance from the Ministry of Commerce and Industry before setting up factories in Malaysia. This warninn wa.s Issued luclay oy the Minister of Commerce and Industry. Tan Sri (Dr) Lim Swee Aun. when he opened
    334 words
  • 99 9 American honour for Dr Pillay PHILADELPHIA, Mon Dato «Dr. i R P. Pillay, a senior consul: ant at the Kuala Lumpur General Hospital, has oten elected a Fellow of the American College of Physicians. He is the first Malaysian to be conferred the award. Dr. Plllav wa.- elected a Fellow
    99 words
  • 137 9 Two Indian Navy frigates in for visit pORT SWETTENHAM. Mon. Two Indian Navy training frigates. th» Cauvery and the Tir, arrived here this morning with about 500 officers and men o:i a four-day visit. On arrival. their Commanding Officers. Comrianclrrs P .1 Barn in aiif. K. Ri&hi paid rourtesy cal'.s
    137 words
  • 35 9 Orug offence -iINUAr'OKi ldul Himir 1 MB M h N >or was Jailed for four mor.ths today when he admit ed having ft .iftnp or th 50 ceits a; K.imp«'ng Kapor Ruad on Dee. 12.
    35 words
  • 34 9 Kl'AI A ir.MPUI-. Mon The MTI'C will shov a film on the American labour rrovemr'nt called 'Our Inheri-a; »t Bingunan Buroh 'M"LC r•.r»^d- qunrtrrxi In PeUliLj Jay* at 1 6.30 p.m. tomorrow.
    34 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 90 9 PORTABLE CALCULATING MACHINE $29/ ONLY V JSftf 2 c" ""!*«>» P p fo'd»ci.of> ADOS. SUBTRACTS. Bt^' MULTIPLIES up to 7 it' Fin9#rfipl op«r- i 1 lilt' 1 J| at.on Automodc clear- WmjtmVt*' t i'l in, tvMtm timpl* A I ErfuJaiJ ra<v t 0 operate Guoe- I >> Q ontrrd
      90 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 656 9 ON YOUR TV AND RADIO TODAY TV MALAYSIA RADIO MALAYSIA CHANNELS: Kuala l.ur- Npms in EnKit>h. 710 Ann* pur. Prnan S; Ip..h and lukai Nation*], <s»r^r. I N tlonal LM>BU««e PSM, K.uan r 9 d-ru.: 8,0 F,,ur Fr.r^ 835 gLfg r 9 f™' The "Us^'io Cecil: 835 The Lone
      656 words

  • 155 10 II7EIGHT red;nTf by far :.'.> popular sut women. 1 1 B.iruaru Premo. a nui She said: "Many people ask why tad tell them, berau diets are >hort ti rm. The dieters only think of getting weight oil don't think i I eating habit>. II unu.sual to find
    155 words
  • 329 10 Trousers show the way with a dash of flattery WHEN trousers became big news in women's fashions a few years ago, the experts predicted: "This won't last. It's another fad that is sure to die down soon." Their predictions were wrong. The trouser suit trend continued. And, new, the trouser
    329 words
  • 309 10 \l.\\l-1.1 N<iTII (ostimirs which were ;i hit in Singapore Mi years ;in<> N\ill be revived when me Stage Club presents its production (>l Somerset Nfaugiuiin's "The Letter" a murder case said lo have taken place in Johore Bahru in tin- earh
    309 words
  • 253 10 A WOMAN without A sparkle is like flat champagne. The best cosmetics in the world will not make her look attractive if she does not feel 100 per cent alive and have enough energy, mental aa well as physical, to her through the day.
    253 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 115 10 PUN n'C CIDCT A MAJOR EVENT UHILU 0 Nliol IN EDUCATIONAL PUBLISHING encyclopaediaJ------- BRILLIANTLY w.^^^JS' 2 l fiSi»^&?"*^gfc-^ II I i inn a T" fr\ i *«r?*o|^^^^**' .^^^*^i^^s3Hßfciis^^ssSg^i^^fc. I I I bJ I Ul j Ij gig^gk t .H _jBL. g^i^r •^■^■^■^■^^^grjg^g^^K^fli*^^^^B 5.000 SPLENDID FULL-COLOUR ILLUSTRATIONS. AQ|J PLENTY OF MAKE
      115 words
    • 503 10 Advertisement §ome questions often asked about internal ,9a nit art/ protection (t. (nn iinninrrinl uirlt use Tmmpmx iiiii>t><>i>*? I. Ol Umponn w< b y married 01 active the mosl enthusl ol Tampaa tamp int<-rn even when In tii' (J. (nil I hnlhr uhilr v taring Tmmpmx tmmpom? A. Absoiuti vrrs
      503 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1088 11 10 IUmPQOI ANO QTHH U H CONTINENTAL FORTS """Tui^Tori Mils P. Slum Ktnang NEIEUS .■■■cooi. Belfast la Pt Tain S'RPEOON la n Mir 1 Mar 2 GK 13 Ftl 2i Fel 27 21 P*»«HUS CM 27 Mar I LYCAON Mar I BOIIUS isgo« Mar 1 Mar I Mar 111 Mar
      1,088 words
    • 2581 11 aMW aW af L m m I J I J mk. Tar iflafiS Hr fkm mm t i ff P I THE E A Cz/Aafsl aaTaaaaaaal T ML EAST ASIATIC COMPANY Ud Incorporated in Denmark aaaaaaTJal EXPRESS SAILINGS TO 6ENOA/NORTK CONTINENT, SCANDINAVIA im Perang Spore li^noa RdaTi H'bjrg Aarhus C'htger
      2,581 words
    • 1217 11 f— .w WORLDWIDE CARRIERS LTD. I^IBJ^ Far: Lot Angel**, New Orltant, Charlciten, I N w N w London. (alto accepting cargo ror other Gulf and Atlantic ports, lubiect to induccmant' S'pom P. Sham Penong JAG RAHAT 17/20 Mar 15/16 Mar 13/14 Mat A VESSEL 10/12 Apr 7/ 9 Apr 5/
      1,217 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1137 12 VI 'KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. i Western Australia Singapore /Japan Service S-'Hfapwi MMM "Mioya f'tiima n-«i Mmlta Mars" II 21 Mar 4Aar.J»rM| n tpr 12 ta. It t|i West Africa /Singapore /Japan Service Angola S rjipo't Nifova -Y'ltama Ku*t -I**M«liai Mara- Oaiti 21 22 Mir M Mai 11 Mai I
      1,137 words
    • 856 12 lUSmill* NEM lEtltNO SERVICE INOIt. PtRISIIN 4NO Ftl t»SI StßyiCtS 10 tUSTDILIA. MCW ZEALtNO li Nafiiiltiaaa aaa Mitni Far: t»e».. Lytt.. Out. wall. I oorr S>-» p<»i«« DtlULf l) Mir 14 Mir IS Mai Ptnani P. Sham S'Dora RtiULt li S lir tar I t|r CHUDINAJ 17/11 All 11. 21
      856 words
    • 862 12 [■aJyßwiia<»wfl6yU ntoGUssnrc management organisation ECONOMIST lor kry position I'rrifiiin r will be givm to .iiidiil.ilrs with a Haehrlor of Kconomics dr;rrr majorine in Kusinrss Administration with a minimum working experience of 3 >ears. Apply to P.O. Box 890, K.L. BINGAPOM KR SOCIr.TV Invilrs applications fiiini dm tin-, with mir to
      862 words
    • 607 12 APPOINTMENTS Interested in a career in Office Equipment Sales or Service? If so, don't be left behind rush your applications with recent photographs for any of the followinn vacancies and you may be fortunate to join our growing team of specialists. SALES SPECIALISTS Three younj? go-ahead yet conscientious men will
      607 words

  • 29 13 RUBBER AND TIN CLOSING PRICES Feb. 24. Xl BBF.R PRICK: :i« tents (up one and onerixhth rents). UN PRICK: 5597 (up S2). Kstimatrd nfTrrliU 225 Inns (up 5 tons).
    29 words
  • 205 13 Minings are easier in Melbourne MFI BOI'RNE. Mon \|OSr MlnniK Issues easexi iT slightly with moves ranging from 10 to 20 cents i)ld Mines had out-standing ualn of 80 cents to $10. Mary Kalhrlren was oflered 40 cents lower at $9.60. Oils based with OH Search down 10 cents at
    205 words
  • 183 13 1 I HE PORT OF tINGAPORE AUTHU 1 RITV ANNOUNCED THE FOLLOW 'OR FCU 2-. OUT: MfaaM J« oyion lO'li. M..r>. 1« Mrtt'.- L'l 21 iprmt n r I umril.i' 44, Oriana 44 45 ood»\»-r\ onlt 4« and Comya»» Batu N A J 3. IH. cnarlott* Macnoi
    183 words
  • 100 13 I ML Ai.ocul.on m Dank in Malay. n iv- nllai to mm h.inti on Haturdav Itb. toilo*ir« r:it.-» an yuot>>d to tni--q.iivalrnt of ooc unit of foreign racyl. U S Dollar. Kuym.. TT W.'MiS hi. «.i 0TT»; M d M am i n i<tij:> tradr MHai ••limit .mrl.jn
    100 words
  • 34 13 ON tht frii uichania mark*! in H..-. KOSI i'-!«i1»y lh« U Ocllar «a< ■■■I ISTI T.T. .41.rt rJ.imj.S ior caih bt.rnn. Mat 14 ->:i ant aaw i i tail a' «oli
    34 words
  • 287 13 Strong tone on Straits tin mart THE Straits tin mar--1 ket tone in Pcnang was strong yesterday. The price moved up S2 to $597 per picul. Good all round support was reported. LOCAL KIBBKR MART: The upward tri'nd continued during the morniiui mi a fresh wave of shortcovi rii'.R and
    287 words
  • 244 13 A I \l!( II HIM tuUr iiilmmi l.ob i>A Ipumi- 1. tl at j p.m. in Maaapam 'nd Kuali I unipui fMt«rda> at >!!■ vrnt.s p«r Ib. up l'» rent* on lrid.i> s i luoini Irtrl. This «a» thr> -t prior sinrr
    244 words
  • 547 13 THE (LOU OF BUtINCSI ACMA 2AO lt»n Co 2.47 Ben Rt» «0 Uornco Bcrhad I.S* llonlfild C. tvigura 4Sb C.C.M orrti Ml C 8. Holdinff 8.74 !i H S 1.7« Uumop Ml Mil Smrlt 8.00 K A I Mt Ka*o ord» 3-02 Kupoc 2.0K Kiiziwtrlclii LM k n
    547 words
  • 1152 13 OF SHARE PRICIS RASEO ON A KUALA LUMPUR TRADING ROOMS OF THE STOCK EXINDUSTRIALS ACMA :i Boutttad I I n'<. C. Sutart C.C M. C S Maici.nm I caaU 0.8 I Dunlop ecfli ■I Eiia Ordt i eanta,, I.ipoc aaai fan i .n i
    1,152 words
  • 85 13 f-HINESE Ptoduct lic'p.n... |n|l- port, naan elatim prlcti p»r pl*ul rt.t.rd.y Coconut oil: hum »4Wt NMn, drum Capra Mlxad if.or.i looaa ITab./ Mnr IK 0081 Ml B Ptpp.r MuntuK white fii;« atllara. Sarawak white *iii :i»r». ipacn «r«»«k Muck »•>! aaUrra. «»rt>i«i Uiiiri-onn Mack jys MtMn lall <M*.
    85 words
  • 59 13 i\\ th. ..tin ill Milivjn Short v iniM Mmhi Market for tk« »rfk rnrird S.ilurd<\ Feb. 2! ranjr of rail M|M itiis as fnUnwc: BWK t I Mis t „r r rl nt to 1 i pi i crnt. 1.1 MIDI II \lls J», p, r cfll to
    59 words
  • 1136 13 BUMHaWI IN \M) ItM'(IKIll) 11) Mil SINGAPOBI XM> Xl \l II MPI l< IK\IIIN«. KOOM* Ol lilt n|d»k EXI llWdl II »ll l(l»\\ WITH I TH' N| MHIK Or SH \KI 8 TKMU l» SHOWN IN BH\( Kl-.l s IN I (MS OK 1.000 INI rss iilllll-WIM M'MlMin
    1,136 words
  • 34 13 STOCK INDICES Krh 'I Krb 2\ •Indu-trutM Iti'i.u: lSfi.'.'ti •llotrla: 100.45 IIMI.UI) Tupullai i:r>.os i::si In tS.ll 83.15 r$ tuhbrn. IDX.I!) l»:ni •»er. JO IHii6 100. 'Uer 31. 1"M,8 100. Dec. 29. IMI 100
    34 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 608 13 til sf <t( O-WILHELMSI I INI M/S "MINIKOI" POSTGRADUATE vov. m SCHOLARSHIPS arrimii nnoapou IN SOUTHEAST ASIAN ON 212.69 STUDIES A General Survey of all car?o jiwi/iw (il^harfted dunaKed by the above tenable In the USA. »m! leadve«*el will be held «t PSA. ROdown Nos. 15 16 from 830 am.
      608 words

  • 33 14 THE FAMILY Or MR C. R. »»M. thank ta kindly nei«a- 1 durua* ment. THE TAMILY OF -.iff Ol Ihom.on Hi 1 i-.H K< II anc J f'rl»nrt« 1. Bif* n d
    33 words
  • 75 14 LADVHILL HO' c fold Md 1:0.,. PARENTS OF PUPILS Ol U K I Of the II a.m. j J SLIMMING AND SPOTREDUCINO, Kactllenr ms.mnee for apotnduclag snd for poat-naraj treatnienf to ntrengthen th. HbrlnraiofU rn'is.ies to resaia uw eld ngur. No ■treneous exen isea. Knr, ilrltt LAUtat «ler».
    75 words
  • 64 14 MADAM LIM KIM CHOO. mother of Mrs Tbjp i Chow ia«od away j r~r.~ rtega imtcs »7 Jalan laa I i.m. .'J 2 n MR W H R MONERAIINCNE Of atpßaf m""l away paacefu at Sam. on i'4.j.mi >c from M Assam laip ng at S pm. on CABLE
    64 words
  • 19 14 IN Evrn LOVING MEMORY Sol Kor<Ol'eti. fm meraberrd rli Her H isriar.d. On idrea and Uoih'i ;:.l^w.
    19 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 963 14 lie M.B.smai S2I Iff 21 ••Hi f Jts Ktil.isil «trl ti N v ,1 v i, r „,1, ml ,v, tl .i, .111 ti ttiti Struts Tiejei lv StnKt taarM $1 SS I in Q!»" C I' tlil^^taiMti^ M.s.siliai I"" »•'■>■"*" WANTEO DRIVER t" l>^e i'.inam Htrrrt. off lanior. Pagar
      963 words
    • 542 14 LARCI ESTABLISHED MOTOR FIRM requires J Account Clerk. <s ho must be Singapore CtttstM .m,l an tn Itou'esKion of at least an Intermediate I. c C Ortlßi ati In Boo* kei ni n» S.T. s pore. v Only thoaiajaaaajMlw im Buck v s s qalvalenl m-i-.i .v I BtartlM -"'••■rv
      542 words
    • 945 14 ACCOHMOBATIOW WANTEI S F EUROPEAN COUPLE t«0 grown n h ..lien desire leave flat. :in April. a Ihni M June Phone aiUbSA pore. carl HbUSINC acincv urgenUj c ■•■I aj Hats p ,i su U 18, il Coi •■■> II «>rei >. i IMMEDIATE OCCUPATION r.n« li.m K.UI bedlci'Nl r>"
      945 words
    • 870 14 run comtiMONOiNCi count** i 'oor Studtnts. Apply P.O. Box So*. S :.u DIPLOMA* Ask Motion Sm'.th 13 iaitfry Road. 8 por« to mm p»r- v <CCRE r*BI*L COURtI 'OH I llrla: 811 Months Rapid Coursr fart) lUJ« s Cdler*. ItlU 'liiin^l 1'.n.i.l (M?IM>. RaflMa I'iaiej por». CROUP TUITIOM I'll
      870 words
    • 638 14 FLEM.NCO IT.AMBATM MAS- H,U» e ~\c. arr,gras«^ nr:;irra,E JEANS A eOMOIT t 'P" f t tn tA jl;jr (S POr BM. raiSal lr ttm > I Roa. Steiapor. racial ...s-front. »ail riatlai -v-B Tan»nn Koad Singapore uaM rarpetinn, air-condltloned i4lllo j room. Slnl I I Teneral SPRAY nu PA,NT,Nc n
      638 words

  • 277 15  -  E. FRIDA By BEN ARDA, the first i Asian winner of the Singapore O pen golf championship in 1967. is to have another crack at the title. He is among the seven I entries from the Philippine! for the Singapore tournament at Bukit course from
    277 words
  • 51 15 The Malaysian squad for the All-England badminton champmnshlps In London on Mar. 19-22 will leave Kuala Lumpur by plane this afternoon The players are Tan Atk Huang Tan Alk Motig. Rosa- llnd Slngha Ang and Syh la Ng 1 heir expenses are being met by Malayan Tobacco
    51 words
  • 60 15 HiiiaiK lun Knshnan. India s N'j. 1 tennis player, ai'nvfd ill Suban* yesterday tnoinmg. ahead o! the ulner n-.(m>cis vi the team to piav n tin- Dm; Cup Eastern Zone Section B lie at KuaU Lumpur pariang on March 1-3 An:.nri Amirthara], Shlv Mi'-rx and Uaurav Misra with
    60 words
  • 29 15 NEW YORK. Mon Girl jockey Barbara Jo Rubin rode her first «inner in the United States yesterday hen f.he scored on < ohealan at Char'r.stoun Weal VirtinU
    29 words
  • 248 15  -  EPSOM JEEP By AFTER Chai Kian's smashing double at Kuala Lumpur, turf clubs may well scrap the present system of publishing classic weights in advance with stipulated penalties for a win or a place or no penlaty at all. Singapore Turt
    248 words
  • 80 15 MALAYSIA will met I Auntra Ua, thr Ulympic (.imn to champions Pakiitan, in an internal, o Lumpur on Mtrch j. Arrangements for the match were made nn Stturdav in telephone call from the Australian HA in Melbourne to MHF vlce-preoident Aiii Durairatnam In Malacca. The Australian
    80 words
  • 165 15 pRKKFT Lahore, Mon: \j Pakistan were 131-4 lflt row behind at tea on the final day of the First Test against England here England declared when their second lnnlng« total reached ?25-» Keith Fletcher who rescued the Hide after the first 'ie wicket* had fallen for M.
    165 words
  • 946 15 W EIGHTH fi.r all right ram at 1...«n Timab on Saturday: CL. 1 DIV. 2— BF Summrr Hair 9.n0 Sir W.ili. r 8.12 Treble J 8 1! Mrlody Road 8.1 1 Olympic Torch 8.11 olombo Court 8.10 Entertainment VII 8.10 Peak of Perfection II 8 "9 Kara S.O« Bandit
    946 words
  • 205 15  -  LAN PEREIRA By tEVEN Inter-state quadrangular league tournaments have been arranged In the Malaysian Hnckpv ITprlpration's fnrwiira-lookino Hrnfframnic i or the new year. Pcnang will stage the first of th? tournaments at City stadium on March 21 Introducing the new season. MHK secretary G Vijayanathan
    205 words
  • 127 15 - MEXICO CITY. Mon -Mexico's Ef^en Alncran" to: res lifted tne wurld boxing flvweißht title from Chartchal Chlonol of Thailand w'im the referee stopped their scheduled IS-round champlonsinp oout here after eight routuis The 2t>-year-uld That his lett eve closed and banly swollen wept as le'eree
    Reuter  -  127 words
  • 120 15 Asian body supports S'pore bid By Francis Boey tOLKILi-N triu countr:ea 1 .-upp.irlec a prop.«»l u\ SniK'-Pi'ic to I)JJ a .rid :i.|Jl Mj.ll. pi oa MMS. .ini.ual general A.-, in B.tdr.imlon Cuiif.eaer.iuun, the 14 coun- ;o i>ut forward tiie proposal iit ai proral by liie Internationa] Badminton Confederation *nnut-i
    120 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1287 15 KILLINGHALL TIN LIMITED CHAM.! lit ItIMiUM 1O MM U M v The Special Resolution effecting JL lfl lt '-hangKs to the les of Assr.clatiun was duly P"»<1 at the Extraordinary Oeneral Meeting held today. DIKEC toratk Mr A O OlenlJter CBE. MIMM. arJ Mr J. T. Chappel. CBK. MIMM
      1,287 words
    • 756 15 TENDERS PUBLIC UTILITIES BOARD. SINGAPORE TENDERS IH IBM ITV DFPARTMENT: Room No 232 2nd Floor. Cltj Hall< (a i Supply of 301) Lengths Galvanised Steel Cable Trays. Tender Deposit Hurt Cloat at 215 p.m on 43 69 (b> Supply of One Ammeter lender Deposit $100 Clow at 2 is pm.
      756 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 15 15 I|lM 4^al >(,( C LK— l>aU> l-eong Trophy: Kll't v PCADA A 1 (Jn A. Jsllli
      15 words
    • 125 15 BADMINTON 3 L. PERAK CHAMPIONSHIPS 12 s '.ngam 3J. S. SiniT Ansoni: Mrns doubles 3rd B am 28 J'Hin^er 4-22 > Club id Yeop Razali and Yunus men by Rahman, bt Drnnl Abdull-i' GOLF Kamaruddln Ahmad 15-8 4-15. m b r'M Kha^r ra r a l ~ras A 5 2
      125 words

    • 407 16 LONDON. Mon The market m»de a firm start to the New Ac- j count Persistent 'mall buying pushed leading equities up over a broad front, and towards the the F.T. Index was 4.6 up at 474.4 Leading indu.-.lriak to «how gains Included Beecham. Unilever
      407 words
    • 90 16 >*I.\t p-irtieipatinc In the Qur( n ol the Pacific queM to be held in Melbourne from Feb. 26 to March 11 stop over at Kemajoran airport en route to the contest. They are (from left): IdSI Emma Ruth Guio i Philippine?, 1 Miss Keeratapan Pungbarani
      UPI  -  90 words
    • 227 16 Briton's car chase after robbers SINGAPORE. Mon British >>rr\ iieman (ii-nfTrev Howard Kan isn't the t>pe of mm who jives up easily. t\«n when it comes to raUliine a woulri-br robber. He was ril.iMiii, at his Pasir PanjanE Hill flat at about I p.m. today uhrn he heard a neighbour.
      227 words
    • 220 16 PAWNBROKER IS SHOT IN HOLDUP SINGAPORE, Monday 'TWO robbers armed with revolvers sh«»l the manager of an Upper Paya Lebar Road pawnshop twice in the Hirst during a hold-up this morning. One of the bullets hit him just above the heart. I without wamlnc one of the robber> shot at
      220 words
    • 60 16 T. PONNUTHURAI M Account* Pftion. i tion Company, paxrrt n»,v ,c-, Tullv (n I' I I) I: mm HrranKOon Uardrm lei i> n, MRS lEOW >0H MOON M CMS P■ r. H fully at 1 1 l.avin. m Aii in roe* i nil crar.<i and mat srand i Cort*jt»
      60 words
    • 169 16 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. Tengku Abdul Rahman said today Malaysia wa.s thrpatpned by evil forces which did not believe in religion. Speaking to 28 Swedish re'ip i -u-i i-'ioii'-* w <ai!ed on him. he said: "1 think all those who believe in God should come together
      169 words
    • 97 16 CANBERRA. Mon Australia win continue to accept commitment to the defenc* ol Malaysia alter Britain Withdraws In 19; 1 Prime Minister John Oortoa Is r.MXVU-d. I" a -na.ior sutenieni to t!ir AwttraMtn Parllnmer.t lomoiu.w night, to the Mime kind of rrlmlon.ship In which Britain is
      Reuter  -  97 words
    • 99 16 SINGAPORE. Mom—Torrential rain lashed the Island this afternoon. flooding several areas, and many people wondered: "Is thl> the long awaited North-east Monsoon?" But a spokesman of the meteorological station said 'NoHe explained that the downpour. 0.24 in. In one-and-a-half hours, was not associated
      99 words
    • 354 16 Ky: If shelling goes on, we'll bomb L North SAKiON, Monduv yiCK-PRESIDKXT Tun Nguyen (;.<»' Ky s;iid today In 1 would rccoiiinu ml v resumption of the IxMiibinK North Vietnam if t (iiniiiiinist shelling of South Vietnam's cities continued. In an airport press conference, the ViceProsidrnt said thr bombing could
      Reuter; AP  -  354 words
    • 85 16 Combined clubs hand Yanmar 4-1 beating SINGAPORE. M"! Th« combined Falhul Kanb dubs played brilliant luotball to ■iamYanmai team 4-1 al Jalan half-tin minutr I made mi :ini p i Kinbinrd 111 rough h« Thr ..ikeepfrom unid. I I lut a (lose shot temii n«f lltd on \ljunld range K»:..
      85 words
    • 8 16 Jet with 32 crashes I All marAfstfrn KorD
      8 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 25 16 20 words S2O 00 (minimum^ io ANNA, wife of l.t Anthony Chi*, I Awunta Hnspnal. at 0001 houra KM. 24 IMS twin glrli All wrll
      25 words
    • 125 16 IT IS THE that count OVER 130 000 SUCCESSES RAPID RESULTS COLLEGE OF LONDON ioi- rapid resucfe ship C.1.5., C of S. 1 Accountancy ACC*. I C w'.A., A I A.I, Inttitufc of Book kreper* and Rc'otcd Opto Procc^'.inq London GCE. HS C. School Ccrl.Scolc, Quohtying Ttst. LCC. etc Send
      125 words