The Straits Times, 24 February 1969

Total Pages: 18
1 18 The Straits Times
  • 24 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 175,000 The Straits Times National tstd. 1845 MONDAY I KBiUARY 24, 1969 15 CENTS K.O.N. 3104 M.t. No. 07^3
    24 words
  • 340 1 Nixon: Why I am making Europe trip U'ASHIN'GTON. Sun. fT —President Nixon let! Today for a fivenation tour of Western Europe, clouded by a diplomatic row over reported French gestions for reshaping the future of the Continent. NLnn said before his persona! jet left nearb> Andrews Air Force B.: 1
    Reuter  -  340 words
  • 556 1 A Vietcong blitz on 50 targets Opening round to new general offensive? SAIGON. Sunday Boeing out of control but lands safely LOKDOK, Sun. A (Janta- Boeinu WJI airliner toiay dived out ol control near Bahrain but landed safely on the island uitli .1 number of injured passengers. The airliner, flight
    556 words
  • 257 1 BANGKOK, Sunday rjliN. Pntpas Cliariufathien, Thailand's mililary strongman for the p;isl six years, is likely to lake over Hit* Defence Ministry in the new Cabinet to be named by Premier Thanom Kittikachorn. according to reports l<> (l;i\. The reports said the
    Reuter; UPI  -  257 words
  • 60 1 uacca. sun. Pakistan's formei Foreign Minister. Mr ZuUkar All Bhutto, .said today he would step down as a candidate for ilir Presidency if Opposition partial could agree on h candidate for East Pakistan He said lie would dmdr Whether to meet President Ayub after talks wlih
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  • 67 1 SAN FRANCKICO. Sun. It MM llle Is one big yawn for Mis Claudia Melton. who Maitrd yawning laM Monday but at the rate ol three or lour tBBKt i minute and has not stopped since Her doctor. Dr Rodolpho On den. said It was caused by
    UPI  -  67 words
  • 41 1 WOLLONQONO. Sun. A magistrate here has ordered thai a 4i-vear-old chemist, sued b\ his wife for maintenance. must pay her one Australian cent uerklv the lowest such ay .1 el made In a New South Wales court Router
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 33 1 GENEVA. Sun Red Cross relief planes made II rMffhta to Blafra last niuhl id ilir MsjBJMI operation sinre the nightly airlift »n^ resumed three weeks ago after nearly a months break.
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  • 689 1 k.VMIWK. Sunday I^oi'M members of a Family rather, m<>llur. llu-ir iikutkml sod and n young schoolboy were killed lasl nighl when lire gutted ;i U»v :i ii«l shot' shop in Ihe middle of ;i row of shophouses in Jalan I < 1 1 is
    689 words
  • 100 1 MOSCOW. Sun. Soviet him m.ik. I-- .in preparing to do a movie on the life of the late So virt c(»monaut Yuri Gscarin. tin- world's first man in spare. Tm said today that the Him will be entitled "Where the legend starts." The
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  • 6 1 lot B. r pi
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 51 1 Fresh Up WITH ,/mUJ)I ®J PAGOL WORLD FAMOUS SWISS WATCH New Creations from Switzerland With multi-coloured dials Red. -^55^5^^**m Blue, White, Green, Brown ~~2^ and Purple. ~?r Choose the malt I with your jdivuritc 0> iiiUlJTlil^tOi vVSji.'^S^ FIXED PRICES^ "VIO"' 25 JEWELS r---~^__ »I Automatic Singapwe $84.00 Calendar WtitMivrai 591.00
      51 words
    • 89 1 I I PATEK PHILIPPE rtfV* World's finest A'\\ Hand Finished V r \4 Watch 1 Six l t s^. t J. Jewellml I WITH SEVENS I ft Al j^l l| XtK t ,T. T ilKt^/l C ONTtNTS 12 lW* fl^^ LIGHT COMPACT QUICK TO CHILL More 7-Up in a small
      89 words

  • 223 2 AWHIKD-l, OOKI N(. bird flew into London on Thursday all frathers and beady eyes and she couldn't look more surprised or surprising if she had just landed from outer spare. It was Phyllis Oilier. doing anything for a IaMB Pin His is one
    223 words
  • 45 2 [RO, Sun. foreign part in a IUJ .ithern jual to t h C'p.-npi. 'ted ti p .'ided pst.: of .md manwould be ne^di-d if II li p<j>>iblp to 1 m itretcn nt from thf Gr^ai B.: 'r :.jhp .south to Sue/.
    45 words
  • 141 2 Eruption leaves research station in ruins |> UN T A ARENAS, [Chile), Bun. Britain's John BtnOC r»'.si ai'ch station was In rums to) lowing a volcanic eruption yesterday which turned Ihe Antarctic island of Deception Into an inferno. The five-man team irom the base are safely aboard the British
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  • 429 2 STRICTER PRECAUTIONS LONDON, Sunday in scv- era] countries have taken stricter security precautions following recent hijackings and terrorist attacks on airliners but most of them refuse to reveal what these piecautions are. In TEL AVIV, .special precautions to protect Israeli airlin ens and other target!
    Reuter  -  429 words
  • 101 2 JBI SAI.I M Nun —Life ,ip|n 1 1 ill in tm. il today in the Arab section here in spite of a rail for Israel's moves li unite the |W« sectors of the city. Shops were open and pupils attended <
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 165 2 NowgetSUPERZOOM from Super shell. More power, more miles per gallon. Supcrshdl >i'>;, contains I'latformati and D.A.I, to help your car rngine run better. Miles better. Super zooms better! f'hltjtmnate In Shtll's ////;v refimrus. gasolim molt cults art "n shaped" into Plat formate a fud that burns with more energy V
      165 words
  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • 206 3 BONN TO MOSCOW: WE HAVE RIGHT TO HOLD ELECTION ]K)NN. Sun. West Germany told the let Union yesterday that the Federal Republic had a ri«ht to elect its President in west Berlin and that such a procedure would not -disturb or harm anyone." r Kurt Georg mdrd ov< g tnyon
    Reuter  -  206 words
  • 148 3 Transplant patient gets an outing |l»l'i day afte- his l>*s operation, the pitirnt takes sniff at ilie open nr 1 his is, Pip the < orji. pictured in the UN of .in nurse, K.ithryn (■ardincr. in London last week. «e«-k. a veterin ,ir> surgeon performed a operation
    Mirrorpic  -  148 words
  • 35 3 GLASGOW. Sun Bu» fcannn a.v-aultv from halted the elty'i 6no t>:i<r% (hi !or the second sueI .slit. men ;:n|>osrd their curfew ::ing schrdulr.s <m Fririay Dductor Tom tabbed on S.ruiflay.
    35 words
  • 37 3 I<>NlX>.s Suv A .H-iiool- .ii ,c'rv u.i.k today inund the bcxly of a b.iby girl with thr !'.p»cl Iras and ;irms cut ofJ and ipwkcd <>fT a mus>m murder hunt. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 37 3 ROME Sun. Thr rector nf Rome University yesterday Maneci cleciaration luimally ilo*in<» 11 oirupied lacuitie.-- in(ictinitoiv v thr campus wa< enpocri 'th Hniillll and studrnt damomtraUoai were repiir'rd from Milan and Cagaari. Reutor.
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 33 3 HONO KONO. Sun. Mr. Percy Cradock. thr outgoing British Chaise d'Allaire* in Pekmz. lait night Irft her? for London on leavr after his tour of duty in the Chinese capital. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 132 3 SAN JUAN. Sun.— Tourists i and snuvoiur hunter.** arc ransacking prehistoric cemetery unearthed by twu local university professors In the foothill* of ihe Andes in tins West Argentine province. Professors Pablo Sacchero and Mariano Oamber told rrp irters here last night thai t ho t«.inb
    Reuter  -  132 words
  • Article, Illustration
    279 3 4, 3, 2, 1 COUNTDOWN BEGINS FOR LAUNCHING OF 10-DAY APOLLO 9 SPACE MISSION (JAPE KENNEDY, Sun. The countdown for the launching of Apollo 9 during which America's moon landing craft will be flown in earth orbit began here today. The 10-day Apollo 9 mission. dress rehearsal for a moon
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  • 265 3 NEW DELHI. Sunday. Ul!. Adam Malik. Indonesian Foreign Minister, and Mr. Dincsh Sinj:h. his Indian counterpart, yesterday ended talks here on strongthenIng relations between the two countries. A lotnt communique is expected when Mr. Malik leaves for a visit to Pakistan. An Indian spokesman
    Reuter  -  265 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 267 3 I annual stock taki ns jM MUST BE CUAtZED INOONniAM BATIK SAKONOB J', ydi I 42" S* JO ear m. MMJkN BRASS MINI MUKKA fIPU $1 JO »«ch KASMMIR WALNVT WOOD HAND MAD[ CIGARETTE BOXES tin B" B- V 50 n* ▼AttOUS KASMMim rrOMBB lA*Jlih<ll BJJO p°« MHtn rrom m
      267 words
    • 176 3 WALAVALKARS The Great Royal Circus of Endia The biggest Circus show on World Tour for Seven Years Likok Garden, Jalan Pahang, K.L. On MONDAI -'itli I.h i,'i the Shows «iil mat t.OO Mi(l n.m Till IR MAJESTIES THE n\(, Hl-PKHII \N A(.OM, \M» Hi; RAJA PIKMAISIKI AGONG HAVI KINDLY CONSENTED
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  • 327 4 SINGAPORE, Sun. TIIKKH will be accelerated Japanese in vestment and technical assistance to Sin gapore within the next lew years. The Japanese Ambassador to Singapore Mr. K. Yoshida said today that this increased 11 be in the form of: participation will be TKN new joint
    327 words
  • 221 4 SINGAPORE. Sunday 4 LEADING Singapore industrialist. Mr Onj? Len« Chnan, said today that the Republic's Industries von id soon require the services or skilled product designers and production engineers given the present rate of expansion. In an interview with the r Times, Mr Ong said
    221 words
  • 120 4 Three road deaths on motorcycles SINGAPORE. Sun Three l*ople were killed In separate road accidents In Singapore during the L>4 hours The first accident occurred ye.steriiay and the victim. Pan« Ah Yuen. 17. a motorcyclist died In the General Hospital after a collision with an oncoming Land Row At
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  • 354 4 Bid to confuse' charge by teachers union SINGAPORE. Sun. The Singapor Teachers Union, in abatement today, charged that "our national newspapers are lunhlightine tho statements of dissident officials of the STU in a bid to confuse and whip up splits and controversies between teachers, and thus weaken the teachers organisations."
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  • 133 4 SINGAPORE. Sun To d mark the 150 th Anniversary of the founding of Singapore, some 30 Women Sub-Committees of the People's Association, led by the MP for Delta. Madam Chan Choy Slong. will be organising a Cake-making Exhibition on Mar 28 and 29 at the Victoria Memorial Hall.
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  • 181 4 Rest for a frogman Lifter tough job— A ROYAL NAVY frofman takes a well-earned rest after he and a numbrr of other naval divers had completed the difficult t.i-k of recovering the damaged Singapore Pulau Bukom telephone submarine cable •hi Friday. Thr $1211,00(1 Singapore Telrphonr Board cable «everrd by an
    181 words
  • 201 4 SINGAPORE. -Sim Lord Horwtek, chairman ol the Commonwealth Development Corporation. tl»-w In today lor talks with Singapore leaders and planners on tht Dody's 'active" participation In the island's future development Lord Horwick. whohe corporation has more than S3U million Infested In Singapore, will meet
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 182 4 1 Boom V OX7CL (ARK HOTEL J« T i LYN SHARON L presenting tier 5. :nisticated Magic jlso appearing D!A CRAY I fhe Seductive Dancer From Vienna r nONS ***** fy Cjpper Theatre 3. I f W m I r FENG r lodtes SL r A GO-GO GRAY T IARON
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    • 2 4 5R aE
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    • 97 4 RESERVATIONS TEL: 362-<33-6 A bevy of beautiful Parisienne Girls! aw **^^^^^bY h V MORENO >A. Exotic Dancer ww x> 'wt &Pantomui(^^ m£* GIANNI CASCIANO WflnMrJ c GLI ALFIERI "ITALY'S TOP GROUP LTONY MIJARES O F THE YEAR I F RISCTHII NICHTLY AT THE |H» orcharipJ OPENS TOMORROW! A THRILLER PACKED
      97 words
    • 554 4 •shaws: OrKnnimil Inn I^H'Jfc'JuiimßTl JI3 11th ACTION-PACKED DAY! Nor* Tim« No tr«t lut a ir4J.m, 1 JO, 4, 64S 9 10 •wil i iom^ olV|l s drigaDl- _1 A NOW SHOWING No frtr lltt m m I lam. 130 4.00. 64$ 930 a Hroduclii" "KaLEHS i m l '-tor. ~M
      554 words

  • 338 5  - THE CASE OF THE MAN WHO SNIFFED FOR ORCHIDS JUDITH YONG By SINGAPORE, Sunday. IT was a TV scene come to life. There was Perry Mason snooping around the underbush. stopping now and again to sniff at a flower. Or was it Chief Ironside, that stubborn, crippled detective of the
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  • 126 5 7 cleared of illegal mining charge BRfKS. Sun Seven men. chargad v.r.h illegal uffshuir mtnlii olf the Dindiug* cou>t at Telok Akuan on D«- 4. were acqulUed hi Urn nufiatrate hen d Friday. hen the chatgs againct ibsa i drawn. Withdi i'\:ni! the chart*, the Deputy Public Prosecutor. Perak Ifr
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  • 49 5 12-lecture course SINGAPORE Sun -The Department of Extn-Mural Studies UM University of Singapore new 12-lecturr couixon Pswholoey and Life" on March 5. Inmi 730 p.m. to 9 p.m Conducted In Mr FY. Long. •Iv nuns will be held in thr new Lecturr Theatre Two at the Bukit Tmiili campua.
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  • 51 5 KUALA I.UMPUR. Sun POW oncers ot Hi- National Dtctiicltj Bo.irti Mi. Loong Sow ToonK. Mi 1 toni YOB* Km Mr R Rajaffopaj «n<l I rl <> Mokht«r i m Tall I*.1 N ti.r.i-. lot Britain for a i»m asnnth ttutfr tojsi at tlir invitition- ol the British
    51 words
  • 685 5 TWO PAPERS AT SEMINAR SINGAPORE. Sunday r rHE shortcomings of A university and college libraries in Maiiivsia and what must be done to remedy the Situation formed the main topics of papers presented by two Malaysian deWRfttCfl to the joint seminar organised by the Library
    685 words
  • 342 5 Choice real estate for S'pore when the British leave SINGAPORE. Sun. Valuable real cst ale on the western fringe ot the island will be handed over to the Singapore Government ;tt the end ot 1971 when the British Army pulls out completely. 'I in- l 40C acn km i the
    342 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 271 5 start the new year with a resolution to be slim, trim and lovelier j^^*^ Join the \S Joanne Drew aB ,We guarantee in 16 j visits you will lose /3J V I inches off these 6 k 3x j 1 vital areas. 1. Reduce Shoulders 1" C^\ 2. 1" from
      271 words
    • 54 5 KAO-V ,(3) SHAMPOO gives your hair that extta Softness BBBBsfl BBBBBBBs! P^BBF m 4slssk «^ssssss!>. _Ijssssssssssssb Ja^atißsssssssssssssssssssssßß^BSsssssi^^^ Bk I I aiv BBBBBaT x. v^^F^^G I 4^ rV 1 I f^sl Bsss^aV^ Vl B-^HsWiWa^r ~»3^^o£2*< lßlßl^^l Vv^Mbt Z_^BSB^a^V/s>Jri«BBL. bHbbW Rai ICTP^H Bmrjd mlsjßwM Tradmq Sdn Berhdd JbjSP^ (Alt* Mm *fI«M, for
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous

  • 381 6 Five firms apply to develop Lido beach SUCCESSFUL BIDDER TO BE NAMED SOON, MENTRI TELLS ASSEMBLY LMYE companiei have applied to the Johore Government to develop tne Lido beach two miles from here into a recreational and tourist resort. "The Government Is jM.M-essing the applications and hopes to announce the
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  • 215 6 DEMOB MALA YSIANS MAY GET LAND IN FLDA SCHEMES Malaysians In the British Army in Singapore 1 who are to be demobbed may be given land by the Federal Land Development Authority. An FLDA spokesman sa-d today that It would d" lti brvt to accommodate them if they applied. 1:
    Bernama  -  215 words
  • 139 6 A PETITION by 6uo tap- pcrs of Bukit DinginK I at Karak »,i--handrd to Tun Abdul Razak ben tins afternoon srrklng his Intervention In thr sale of i hf estate Thr petition was handed to the Deputy Prlmr Minister at the Mentrl Brsar's residence
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  • 178 6 |T »M IHi; Walk >>r>s ion lor croun-up.s but Uirri'-in'ar-nlil »pi tator Nnola "Kicky") N>il«"n just had to join in thr lun Thr <masi«n ni Ih Damanvir.i mno rli\i>inn s Ric Walk hrld at thr Kinrii i amp vrouml at thr VI
    178 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 246 6 g|gS i^gi V gfl^^te^k. §H gw m gV Bk j* mi ji S V gM. m 3 v gg^^ fl VI Success-through hard work and SANATOGEN n, l^ffigSSg Even the most intelligent student has to put f*j-E m years of hard work to achieve success and \jif %k during these
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
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  • 1610 7  - LSE How it all began IVAN YATES I by IT WAS ONE MAN'S VISION. IN THE 1930S A HAVEN OF GOOD CONDUCT. NOW A BYWORD FOR DISORDER. IN recent months the London School of Economics has become, like Berk( or Nanterre. a byword for disorder. The college, which was founded
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  • 396 7 by A SPECIAL REPORTER 4LL over the world a wedding, whether In a great religious edifice, a dusty office or a home. Is an occasion for best clothes, solemn ceremony and lots of dignity. But there arc always couples who want and get —an
    FWF  -  396 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 178 7 \#u^^_-___r^^_^sL STEP RIGHT UP to ESSOGAS COOKING from only $2445. HURRY! CARMVAL SALE MUST eXBSE OS FEBRUARY XStkt Now you can buy the cooker of your choice r "> and a complete Essogas system with FREE f*^ installation from as little as 5 24-4 5. llf ted Sosteprightup to your
      178 words

  • Wat Straits Simps
    • 653 8 President Nixon's Et ropeon tour cnrrns- either at very much the right moment, or the wrong. It touka alsaoal a Matter si taste, Soviet war gamfs in East Germany, the FiPinii rtft With the Western European Union, the whispered rumoui de Gaulle's proposals for the dissolution ol
      653 words
    • 438 8 I'm Mdt'iit Ayub Kuan's announcement that h»- has mnde a "linal ami irrevocable decision not to stand for ro-ele-ction next year should take the heat out of political agitation in Pakistan, although it may be some time befon law and order are complcti ]y n-sioi cd. (Violence
      438 words
  • 974 8  - Commandos who 'fight' for the homeless in Britain BARRIE BRETLAND by LONDON THE scone: The Battle of Britain lighter base, North Weald. Essex. 20 miles north of London. At every gate soldiers stand guard. On roads leading to the drome policemen keep watch, their eyes straining to pierce the early
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  • 876 8 by A Staff Writer KUALA LUMPUR THERE are various reasons why Malaysian farmers have not modernised their methods but none more important, surely, than their lack of credit. Almost any agricultural improvement needs investment, but the smallholder has nowhere to turn, for money, in
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  • Letters
    • 175 8 117ITH reference to the ft eaitonal of ST. Feb. 15 on Too Many Doctors?", the Singapore Medical Association lully supports the view tnat the problem of doctor requirement should be more 1 .ill y analysed and all lUs Implications tackled At the moment, the obvious fa< t
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    • 180 8 I REFER to the letter written by Ruth Warner i ST. Feb. 13i. The National Library k> aware of the defacing' of books by its readers as well as other acts of vandalism. It is not possible to check all books at the time they are borrowed
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 58 8 OVERSEA-CHINESE BANKING CORPN. LTD. tin STRONGEST art LARGEST BANK MALAYSIA art SINGAPORE AUTHOR ISrr. CAHTAI SIM.OM.M*/. capita!: s «o ooo.nee PROFIT LOSS 1,1 M lALANCI O«.r S J1,000,0««/. I I <tn I MM -11l I I^3 TOTAL 3 Th. Unk for All-lif «n4 Sm.U 1 'j {2Pi," lIHOAPOM. MALAYIIA SOUTH
      58 words
    • 72 8 JrA\^r mli m/>£\> Jfc G&k\ll ill I *i!w 1 ill O(* a 0 k :fM 4S 111 gasigligßSlllili-il^^^^^^Bk _^_W ■■MR.' Huffy Sole Agents Service Centre for Singapore, Penang East Malaysia Brunei LAP HENG CO LTD 3G. Third Floor. Oow Houm.l4o Robinson Road. Singapore 1 T.I ****** S^r' S JA% e
      72 words

  • 215 9 Kelantan's three nightclubs face threat of closure VOTA BHARU. Sun. Kelantan's three nightclubs face the threat of closure because of the State Executive Councils decision not to renew their licences. The managements uf the three nightclub* the Prince. Suria and A:rP° rt wen officially notified of the dc. on Feb.
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  • 181 9 ARO OF FLOORING MEN-IN MORE THAN ONE WAY UNCiAI'UKL, sun LaWMßjaj J.ip.iiitMb—ty, ■^l.^^ rv.i/uku K.i veda Z\. has Isaka that will iloor asi| man. But Nhe preier* floorint Ilii-ni iiiintner .i> i pieter karate." >mv.i hi tkti Mnist, .i u-u hour-, .tthr ll>uu into Miis.ipurr tv liain local jirK in
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  • 84 9 <L U.A LLMi'LR bun. The Po;. Prime Minister. Mr Knee today presented Malayui i I'mmeiiiir.i iiiccid^ :o V Sikh cor.muni: half of Trnyku Abdul Ralimai at the Sikh temp.c ;n Sentul. Before nt&uan, Mr Yap fittj- ■> for then :iu dueiptiiM In itaeti wfrvices to
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  • 38 9 KOALA I LMPLR BUI) Certi- been delayed txall] for ih» time A kesman lor Mir E\.i- led to urtvt from Ens;.' ToMday nmhi. The re- lit! wen YchT mi Feb 17 *nd .<• «<-ikend
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  • 380 9  -  FRANCIS R'JZARIO BOARD DECIDES TO RENT THEM OUT AT 'ECONOMIC RENTS' By CINGAPUHE. Sun. About 200 senior and junior officers of the Public Utilities Board have been given notices to vacate the Board's bungalows and flats they now occupy. The quit
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  • 236 9 KU A L A LUMPUR. Sun. Two Opposition parties the Democratic Action Forty and the Oentkan ha uyat Malaysia today signed a formal agreement i.ot to light eacn other in the Renem] election. It was signed by the sec-retary-general nf the D \H. Mr
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  • 405 9 Written Highway Code tests for Spore as from April CINGAPORE. Sun. Highway Codi tests for driving licences In Singapore will be conducted in writing as from April. But oral tests will i tinue as an for tho.sp who prefer .t This wa.s on? of the measures announced tonight by the
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 98 9 Quality Goods by MARES &SEENCER of England BUY HIGH QUALITY FASHIOXWEAR AT BUDGET PRICES j JHo^^^4Br'^gslMißS^i L*_ I k"■ j^^^* p^||w *<«ft^f-^ *.^s^ St. Michael clothes are smart and j^H/ fll hardwearmg. Marks and Spencer iMHh employ technical specialists to make I|B^ twv, sure that St. Michael clothes wear MWtL
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    • 176 9 AIR SEA TO AUSTRALIA Go by air and return by s.s. CHUSAN (24.000 ten fully air-cenditiontdi Deporting SYDNEY 20 Mar 1969 Calls DARWIN 25 Mar 1969 Arriving SINGAPORE 29 Mar 1969 FIRST AND TOURIST CLASS ACCOMMODATION AVAILABU For..: FIRST CLASS from SOS holr-rtru~ TOURIST CLASS from $510 (hatf-ratum) Apply to
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 719 9 ON YOUR TV AND RADIO TODAY TV MALAYSIA RADIO MALAYSIA CHANNELS: Kuala I umpur ->i. |Upi ro Nowhere. 7 New* N tlamml short.,... a Nfw 6 Regional News and l-enang I; lp«h and IkkM In Bag*; 710 BcOpr; 7.33 M it 6i %h n M J,Z tHuA*: 655 Share Markrl
      719 words

  • Straits Times Book Page
    • 419 10  - THE BIOGRAPHY OF A GREAT SHOE KING WALTER WARWICK By ENTREPRENEUR EXTRAORDINARY: The Bio graphy of Tomas Bata. By Anthony Cekota. (Edi zioni Internazionali Sociali. Rome). MR. Cekota himself earned his first bread as a shoe factory worker, and in his 45 years with the Bata organization was a foreman
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    • 98 10 NOT many prince come eommunlsts. Princess Sophy Dolgorouky who did land now Is Sofka Skipwith' clearly was born to be unconventional. Her mother In the still palmy days of the Court of St Petersburg actually wantj ed to study medicine But it was the Nasls who
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    • 1197 10 Grandest moment of the largest of empires VIUiIKN Queen Victoria drove to her jubilee service at St. Paul's, the Daily Mail proclaimed in the devoutest of cross-heads that the mother of the Empire had gone to do homage to the One Being More Majestic Than She. In I<S!>7 the British
      Frith the largest of Empires at its grandest moment honourable and shoddy full of vigour and pride and unpunctured self-esteem ruled by dedicated servants and an occasional rogue  -  1,197 words
    • 278 10  -  STEPHEN VAI GHAN By THE NORTH WEST FRONTIER OF ROME by David Divine M.. Donald 50s) MR. DIVINE, the Defence Correspondent of the Sunday Times, nas no time for the generally sanctioned proposition that the Roman occupation of Britain was a success. Militarily, and
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    • 76 10 MACMILLAN have published by Louis Simpson. Professor In the Department of English University of California. An Introduction to Poetry. This book combines an anthology of poetry— from Chaucer to Thorn Ounn, via all the major names In English-American poetry— with an outstanding and comprehensive glossary of
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    • 190 10 IN'TKOIH lIO\ TO Til E <<> OPKRATIVE MOVEMENT K^ N Kulara.jah (Malaysian ("n nper iti\e I'miting Press Society. S3.M) B\ !>\\ll> n/j MALAYSIA has over three thousand co-operative .;h a total membershii) ot half a ml The tiuures arc impp but I f the cooperative movement riy
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 175 10 Now available- latest 15th edition A/HIGhEST^ //jIiWEST TALLESTv //fastest, Ir— smallest //Trkhest^ oldest TA HEAVIEST^^LONGEStY\X I HOTTEST vT^| DEEPEST LARGEST I LOUDEST I MOSTESH^^ V extremes in, on and beyond the earth 1 1 \I r f I ■#*ww Tr- 7 t>/ Whether the discussion concerns iQXa wO& HH^ I
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    • 250 10 Advertisement s Tormenting Rectal Itch Stopped in Minutes SCIENCE FINDS NEW HEALING SUBSTANCE THAT PROMPTLY STOPS ITCHING AND PAIN OF PILES One of the most common afflictions is a condition known as "itching piles". It is most embarassing for the victim during the day and especially aggravating at night N»
      250 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 801 11 1 teSNOWLIOCEMINTS. •"1"JI» E»S»«IHS. tNNOuNCEMINTS. BIRTHS. CIUH ACTIVITIES CONOOIENCES. OEITNJ ENtICIMENTS. fUHEIHS. CiEETINtS. IN aKMOIUM -lIIHIH MISSINC PEHSONU »»C DESUIEMS t HEUHIONS. «»lt Mia.raiia jjs lar 2| »t,ti Jc a i<i,t,isil not) ji M I »Hot»er Cunihn t«yertmim»n MLnjufa ji mj f*r 15 want, tut iMiliiail aatl H eian Struts
      801 words
    • 1009 11 WANTED COLLEOI TRAINED or Uraduatr Teacher* to tea<h Mathe rnce and English. Apply to Kinj; Kdward VII Secondary School Taiplng. INTERIOR DECORATOR REOUIR EO as ronaul'anl to superior estahliah nient. academic qualifications rlen-e preferred. Detalla with parti- ■ulara to Box A..741 (I, B'pore. XPIRIINCID SALIIMAN with hrense Apply with lull
      1,009 words
    • 941 11 SERANGOON CAROIN PARK lurnisned Tel. L»i."4!< I BUNCALOWS. HOUSIS and flata available. Rent ».I<x>--s:.Vk>. Rin« 8 pore EMMS Slang Moh Realty. NEAR ifNNETT ESTATE market. ;i bedroom 2-atorev terrace. Partly furnished. 8»*« Tel. (8 porei 7434S RENT SALE new single storey Kungalow n Seavie« PaaMt, Turf »n1 Roof Uarden. Tel.
      941 words
    • 941 11 FACTORY SITE FOR SALE SINGAPORE 1 Near the Harbour nolldly conatructed reinforced concrete three-itorey office hutlriinK »'im Kodo»n. with roof garden overlooking th* city. Approximately k.OUO aq. ft. freehold land Attract!*! facade »lth two road frontage* Kxcellenl condition »ith goodi and paaaenger lift* to all floora. Uflae la aircondition*d. Low
      941 words
    • 839 11 TUITION PIANO LESSONS at pupila' home. Prepar* for examr. Reasonable feea. Ring (Bporei *****1. TUITION ENGLISH, LATIN, 1 Ma'hematic*. Special Engliah for a.x P»i* *****. 8 pored. MATHS ADDITIONAL riemenUrv All >erondaries. hv experienced Math* Graduate. Tel. (S porei *****. DUTCH ORISSMAKING 14 montha couraei. t nique Profeaaional Acade- mic
      839 words
    • 883 11 FOR HIRE =B j 8 IS" TV for rent 113 p.m. lnclud- ing antenna. Public Electrtr Co. 33«. Balaatier Road. R pore 5(119 ******. REFRICERATORS tO P.M. Electric Cookera S3.'- am. Rlnaln Fridge Rentala 4<t. Wlnchoter Houae. j B Telephone iK porei *****. WANTED WANTED old fartorv Vuilding I matariala
      883 words
    • 707 11 MILLMAN IMf> Van IM7. Juat laured and taxed. Prlc* 13.3(i0 ono ontart ?7«. Ijlender St.. Bnore 2!>M 7 AUSTIN 1100 cne month old atlll jnnlnc in. Ring (8 pore) 8U278, I Ine till noon RENAULT OAUPHINI excellent I andnion IBSU fI.OOU ono 36P. PactS Manalona. River Valley Cloa*, Insaporc l>.
      707 words
    • 388 11 PROFESSIONAL MAN cc •eek stacsra trlenda. r.eaae apply PO. Ismail Roar) 8 porr 2 GENERAL SPRAY PAINTINO retair Refritrrstcr, Alr-romlition at customer a bou*e. Telephone 3210*. rORS spray plaatic palotiof at cualomiri oouse. ouamotMd oo* rear. Ccl i>4«71.» spore. LONG ANO EVERLASTING '---It throuKh I K P.C. ercloee return poatase
      388 words

  • 238 12 BOTTLES, MATCHSTICKS AND RAGS-THESE ARE THE MATERIALS FOR GORDON'S SHIPS 'PHE dying, art of building models of ships in bottles is very much alive in the cabin of Radio Officer Gordon Chapman. For 15 years, Mr. Chapman, a first radio officer on board P and O Orient Lines luxury ship.
    238 words
  • 43 12 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. Naraun: Singh 49 wn sentenced to six months' ia:l in s magistrate yesterday for causing liurt to PC Fritani Siiikli ov stabbing him with a penknife In Jalan Foch. here, on Sept 11. last year
    43 words
  • 154 12 DAP: Build overhead bridges near schools PI \N(.. sun. The PenaiiK I t.u.« branch of the Democratic Action Party jre<iteiila> called on the State t.ovcinment to lunlil overhead bridges mluhiK for children v Ik. to enwi roads iininu tiling i.n aD -u lirlctit on I ticl.i in which
    154 words
  • 287 12 Game of 'stolen kisses' behind the wife's back... KOTA KINABALU, Sun. A MARRIED and a young domestic help played a game of "Stolen kisses" and embraces every time the wife's back was turned, the High Court here was told on Friday. A lawyer. Mr. Chong Thain Vim. made the
    287 words
  • 107 12 PARIT BUNTAR. Sun. Twenty-n ln c passengers, including eiuht women, were injured when the bus they were travelling In overturned along the Butterworth I p o h trunk road a mile north of here about 1.30 a.m. today. They were returning to
    107 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 55 12 ~^wlw»^#vfcwi 3 1 KpJPi^'^ffiivtfjj 1 1" 0 TV* TKr^Zd&f**' *^^^^j»8l I I ii I I kTsr J 'Vt't^SSSmßrTi I 1.1 I I jEK&xg -i^S w^r 1 ija^aH|WXßaps> I 11 1 1 < 1 !Xy m&ffi^ 3wa war t jjEvjMMjfflßffiM a /All w c \rs WtSBBK wCjf^-^nXlesi ***Sy jr ,\rAt I
      55 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 205 12 Straits Times Crossword AC'BORR g Get» over advemtllPt? (1), 1. Mean* to take a braath ol bailors find girl holding op fr»>h air i Si. ror r' I. Lot* o( notes on the counter? grounds froir. pott >fi. 'Id. S. Miking nol*«. being lively? 1J Heirn wt on taking »lp.
      205 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 859 13 TO LIVERPOOL AND OTHER U I JUS^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ NEIEUI HOaNJ f. S ham Penang ill" J.wSj l^Gl y«°« »«t_2/ Mai I lisas- Sbj sr,s pig Mil 21 Mir 22 Mai 23 1 Apr 2 milioß B 8 a l iivC fc .E»^ ZA i!I,J!i SSa« ft« /?i PERSE JS 21 "I
      859 words
    • 1201 13 ■n^^2S^H3|^Es3 I TH£ E A G///I/£S_J ■fjRaTM THE EAST ASIATIC COMPANY Ltd Incorporatad m Oanmark ■>■! EXPRESS SAILINGS TO GENOA NORTH CONTINENT/SCANDINAVIA P. Sham Penang Voor* i Genoa N'darn H'Durg Aarhus Cnaiti SUMItWA a) Suit* la Pirt. 2( muil Api J Apr F Apt II Api I MMM C) Apr
      1,201 words
    • 1207 13 OPtESS SERVICE [Q LONDON LIVtRPOOL t CON I IHHWIAI »0»IS 1 BEN ALLIGIN Jj; 2 2 Singapun c- mm -n.m Rc:t»rd»m Apr 21 l« PI Ftl 27 Frt 21 1 M'br^gl. Mi*, BENWYVIS for lorfjnn MM 21 Jiigapuri P. Snam Pining g mouth Apr II M 3 Himturg Apr 17
      1,207 words
    • 1207 13 t— s WORLDWIDE CARRIERS LTD. I^|«^^s or: Lol Angelei, New Orlcont, Chorlcsfon, I N York, New London. T (alto accepting cargo tor other Gulf and Atlantic ports, wbiect to inducement) Spore P. Sham Penang JAG RAHAT 1/10 Mar 4/ 7 Mar II 3 Mar A VESSIL 10/12 Apr 7/ 9
      1,207 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1137 14 Vr—^~ *KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. l Western Australia, Singapore Japan Service f'emj-Vi Sintapori roniiiicrii/Niioyi fluma How ■MMM MM* il 21 Mw lajß/MI 11 «fr »»< West \£rica Singapore Japan Service Anroii Maaaori Nafova Tiiama a»oi •MMM Man" Omti 21 22 Mai II Mai 11 Mai tat Japan South «k West
      1,137 words
    • 840 14 tMTtM.II new pTJUH MUM i India PMMMaI mo Ml t»si MMM 10 IUSTRtLIk. NEM ZULtND Ni(j|ittiHa |M Minis m, urn.. mmje rp-^ V f>tnini P. SU* Soon l»IUl» H S »ar t >|r I »l■mmm »it m mm «ir MiU u l tl 'M j Cllli liair. 0 MNCOON C
      840 words
      798 words
    • 916 14 n<:T KKNYVIWN IWWKAN LUil J X.X A report wa< m.ulr that a Tawjrail i Hemlangkok Bank Ltd Cheque No borong J J'aniJ berdallar dl--***** Uaied ljj un i^ ued by n..x j a |j ata Kerja Raya di-dalam ient; Slant; Tracline Co in favour i K c KcDala 2
      916 words

  • 22 15 Current Date Total for Total for payment pavablr the year previous i: PaUlinx Rub. 20- b Mar 28 M% 20",
    22 words
  • 60 15 Industrial*: M 1-1. I'ropertira: t Tins: rubbers: Ffb. 17. Ifb l< Ffb. 19. Frb. 20. I■ h i 186 84 167.27 1«6 62 100.89 100 73 100 45 179 85 180 44 179 15 8311 830; 8315 107 79 107 79 108 19 Dec 30. 19f1<5 100.
    60 words
  • 886 15 Straits tin price makes net gain of $9.87.1 rIE Straits tin price in Penang on Saturday morning rose another dollar to $595 per plcul on an offering estimated up five tons to 220 tons. Good support from the United States coupled with some Indian buying was reported In London on
    886 words
  • 25 15 r THE lollowmg company meeting U due: Pan Malaysia Induttrlea: F-u 28. 230 pm at Company office. JaJan Papan. Jurong Industrial Estate Singapore
    25 words
  • 37 15 i.N tn» fr<i lunmi, muMI r. Hon« Kcim oo ttatumav mr us O«llat wt« TJOlr-1 103TS T.T. »o<l SbOMM ror uM. lll'lmt WM qiotw) m 14. M <IMI !••< oi cjio ii 1 1.1 t76
    37 words
  • 26 15 RUBBER AND TIN CLOSING PRICES KimiiK ri.\ iper Ib.) (perplcal). Feb. 17. 1« I*. 86. cU. >•■•■ «.;■>', 20. rU. J.VU.IM) •i 10 rU vi mi M. *.",MV(in
    26 words
  • 1492 15 AS was to be expected last week turnover on the Stock Exchange of Malaysia and Singapore showed a considerable reduction In volume to 4,642.500 units valued at $7.--807.559 due to the long Chinese New Year holiday shutdown. The market was closed on Monday and
    1,492 words
  • 17 15 In London on FriCiv MiUtm S per cent c If. UK In bulk was unquoted.
    17 words
  • 828 15 THE WEEK'S 111 MNESh ON I THE STOCK EXCHANGE WAS AS FOLLOWS: IN'DISTRIALA- ACMA $2.44 to 52 4.t Bornro SI 93 in SI 9C to $191 to SI 89: C. Smart S4 c 8 to S4 7U to $4 64. C.C.M. SI M to SI 93 to
    828 words
  • 635 15 I Ml riiLLIIWINI. It A COMPlltl I LIST OF nIVISIO QUOTATION* fib. ?i TENDERS ItatlK Corp I Itt Tractor iM) -<V 4«l I I A C «H» I B, or<1« 3.70 I td Holding* I»o Venter J j io WcarnM 2.1K 2 V\ Virleo (M) Jt.UU Wlikiiiran 2.!>»
    635 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 866 15 PEMBERITAHU KERAJAAN NEGERI PERAK MMCaMMOANI I'liii MAHAn Ml RAH KILAT PermohonanJ ada-lah dl-iemput dHrtpada Ra'ayal Nt;en Wirp Negara Malaysia untok membrll j in ansoran Rumari2 Murah Kcrajaan Nojcn vaij^ .v--karang n.i >« di-bena di-tem-pata rang tersebi't di-b»wan mi Borant: dt.dapall dei an rf.Ri HI MA lil-Peia-bat2 Daerah yni-.g tersebut dibawah
      866 words
    • 61 15 NOTICES Straits Transportation (Pte) Limited NOTICE OF REMOVAL Please note that with effect from 24th February, 19W) our new Oflice Address will be 2. SHENTON WAY, (INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL BANK BUILDINC). 2nd FLOOR. ROOM NOS. 215 TO 21S. P. O. BOX 2572, SINGAPORE, 1. TELEPHONE NOS ttfifftl/t Our Travel Division's OHiie
      61 words

    • 1676 16 Chai Kian's triumph in Gold Cup ble' (JHEXS Stable's Chai Kian carried topweight of 9.2 to an easy victory in the Tengku's Gold (un, the first classic of the season, at Kuala Lumpur yesterday. Jockey Les Coles sent the strapping fiveyear old Australian gelding into the lead 3f from home
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 699 16 S mmmmmlßßßmm Interested in a career in Office Equipment Sales or Service? If so. don't he left behind rn»h vnur applications with recent phntotraphs for any of the following v.iranries and you may he fortunate to join oar growing team of specialist*. Ml H SPK( lAI.ISTS Three young go-ahead yet
      699 words
    • 729 16 APPOINTMENTS THE PORT OF SINGAPORE AUTHORITY ASSISTANT STAFF OFFICEK. APPLICATIONS are Invited ■turn suitably qualified Singapore Citizens for the above pensionable tppointment in the StaS Department: Qualiflratlona Experience: 1. t'niversi-T Degree or Diploma In Social Studies or •qulva- lent. 2. At least S years" relevant working experience. 3 Preferably above
      729 words
    • 737 16 NOTICES I ESTATE HOSPITAL ASSISTANTS EXAMINATION APRIL, 1969 The next exa miration fur Estnte Hospital Assistants lor Grades One. T»o and Three will be held at Talpine Kuala I iimput and Jrhore Bahru on the lnllovilng d« Monday 21st and > Written Tuesday 22nd AprHi Examination Monday 28th 1 Tuesdnv
      737 words
    • 705 16 TENDERS H.M. NAVAL BASE, SISC.AroRK 27 iimiik r.M 1 os|\<, NOON. FRIDAT. Mil MAIM H. I"'.' 1 TENDERS »re invited for the purdttM of surplus stores iniludiHK machinery and sparrs. asbeM<« ark lanrirover. c«ipe |s batteries. clothing hihi haadg«ar. mm ue»r. liosrs ni:>orlng gear, furniture, tubing, biiux ulars, money sales,
      705 words
    • 99 16 My goodness, it's not Fatty Tan, is it? N"t m\" lan Patrick lan. "I atty" vanished into histon some inches tnd pounds a"o. Patrick I an is his true slim self. I hanks to I lermcsetas. Hcrmesetas is a sweet little thing >et no calorics. Nothing fatty about it. You
      99 words

    • 60 17 iy| HANDRAN (left), the Selangor and Malaysia centre-half, has been named "Footballer of the Year. 1968" for the second successive >ear by the F.A. of Malaysia council in Kuala Lumpur yesterday. He will be nominated for the National "Sportsman of the Year" award. Chandran was \i<-e-rant;iin of
      60 words
    • 395 17  - Krautzun yes' to offer by FAM TONY FRANCIS By German Kckhard Krautzun has accepted the F.A. of Malaysia's offer of a coaching job but he will not be able to start work until after April "because of commitments in the I'nited States." This was announced by FAM secretary Kwok Kin
      395 words
    • 71 17 Ireland move closer to title LONDON". Sun. Iro.d maintained their untM cord this season with ;i -cling 16-0 victory over Scotland in the International Rujiby championship match at Murrayfleld, Edinburgh, yesterday. Having previously Frai. need only to draw Waiw at Cardiff on March 8 to 'sko at lea 1951. England
      71 words
    • 65 17 N. RAMAVVMY or Npcrl S^mhi)a:i won tIM ■tan AAL' i p'.onsiup^ a' Beren H» i miles and i t In 34:3! 3 olaimuthu of Johore and third T. Blythe of Malacca M. Ramnsamy of s. won the ju:nor event o\er fne miiev and "00-yds in 28 37 >..
      65 words
    • 341 17 LONDON. Sun. I EEDS chances of winning the English First L Division BOCCer championship soared yesterday when their nearest rivals. Liverpool, dropped a point at West Ham. Lopd>. whosp Kamc wi'h Sheffield V. wa.> among 38 calk-d oil in EngUnd and Scotland beca:-" two po'.'U
      341 words
    • 69 17 Li i > thTd day o: Te>; match here. led by 97 or half then vron<i tl for onl; 68 runs. and Kno:t. who made 30. doublet LM In a iixth were 174-7 uher play ended 20 minutes c rr.\ fail inij light. The> led
      69 words
    • 182 17 TWICE a goal down. Armed Forces fought Off a late second-half challenge to beat Johore 3-2 in their second round KAM Cup competition match at Rllle Range Ruad. Kuala Lumpur, ■day. 1' Armed Purees ■harpahootei n-.aiir gallant return to the team after a
      182 words
    • 126 17 DLSlNt^s HOUSES FA triple cbajßploni Hotel si eapura. made .n '!ir FAS Icacuc «hen they 4-2 at Jalan I iav. Hotel Bin| ipui ire "he mily r mmi »im to have roMKinded to the PAS call to government 'in'l business frmse* mpete in Division
      126 words
    • 79 17 Ong leads SB A again rIE M.n Mr QBf l'.<ne B n «as rc-electe<l pri U.e meeting jay Othr-- r pritfaVnta T.ii H' I) Xl b| dial w riiru s^nj II A. I .ante. H C Bnj H :i Kiat. U R. Ocnwntttce mrmb*-.-s P I, in B<« n I
      79 words
    • 54 17 India.- Da\is Cup team to meet Malaysia in an E.i.stern Eom Sei-tmn-B m.ttch at the Kuala Lumpur Padang «n Mar. 1-3 arr rxpoctrd to arrive at Subanii Airport at 10 35 tonight The Indian M;uacl compru-r niwanaHiin KrLshnan 'capUuii. .n.ind Amirilnr.. Mtara. B P Warn
      54 words
    • 29 17 Tlie Mb .ivMan Amateur Ba-skptball Association yesterday n.iraori T.n ("Imon Seong (ioh Cho..ii Gre of Neer: Srmh;^n their miin and woman Players of thr Year. 1968" respectively.
      29 words
    • 1044 17 Chest fid 29 8 9 12 29 3« 25 Petrrbnro 29 612 11 37 38 24 Notts C 29 7 9 U 31 45 23 TOffc 26 6 10 10 26 44 22 Giimsby SO r > 9 15 35 50 21 Exeter I'M 6 8 14 36 47
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 90 17 CHONC LEE LEONG SENG CO., LTD. Sole Agents.* YANMAR DIESEL ENGINES, SINGAPORE MALAYSIA take great pleasure in Welcor to SINGAPORE THE YANMAR FOOTBALL CHAMPION TEAM who will be playing exhibition mc*rhes c: SINGAPORE ARMED FGRCES/hTTHUL KARIB On 24th February 1969. at 7.00 p.m. at Jalan Besar Stadium The rugged strength
      90 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous

  • 407 18 'GUARD AGAINST PARTY RAKYAT'S POLICY OF GRABBING THE PROPERTY OF OTHERS' T*! Ahtlul Razak loday warned rural youths to be on guard againsl the Party Rakyal which was trying l<» win them over h\ s;<\in,!; they could ijH rich quick l>y
    407 words
  • 151 18 Thailand's 'yes' to trawler committee hailed KOTA BHARU Sun.— The Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Haji Ghazali Jaui. said here today ho was happy that the Thai Government had agreed in principle to his suggestion to set up a joint committee to curb illegal trawling by Thai fishermen in Malaysian
    151 words
  • 38 18 Tills radiophoto carried the caption trom Hanoi ;is follows: "What ;i joy to dance with Uncle Mo. The children were i;illin?4 on Hit- President, bringing him Tel greetings and presents." I'lM picture.
    38 words
  • 305 18 BRUNEI GOVT MEN TOLD: STOP SPREE IN SINGAPORE BRUNEI TOWN. Sun IJKI \KI (i\il servants were today asked not to swinging in Singapore :M Government expense. circular has been Issued by the State Secretariat laying down strict conditions on all Brunei Governm< nt officers ho "go to or pass through
    305 words
  • 32 18 LATE CLASSIFIEDS 20 words $20,00 (minimum) DEATH v 1 heal 1 0.1; Loads* ngapan Cuki iuay H M i m M1 Si lor Kmial Mli'liacl < nrt iheD to Cboa Chu Kan« Ltni.iny.
    32 words
  • 258 18 PENGIRAN di-Ga-dong, the second most senior Palace Minister, died after a short illness at the General Hospital here yesterday. He was 79. He was buried with full Royal honours here today. A member ot the Privy Council and the
    258 words
  • 137 18 29 tons of blank coins for S'pore SINGAPORE. Sun. The Australian mint will supply Singapore with another 29 tons of blank tencent coins next month. The Australian Information Bervlce said this today when they announced that threr stuff memt*Ts v: the Singapore Mint including an engineer will Iphw lor Canberra
    137 words
  • 98 18 Landslide kills five in house ROME, "miii li\c people wen killed and three injured i). s landslide that rncalfed .1 house in Leeee leitaj Two inon- people «ero reported asbstag, heileved (le.til. under the flt'hris I .truis vi. crashed <i">mi tli< Mcuite Sin M.irtino at .1 height ol about .'till)
    Reuter  -  98 words
  • 13 18 PER 1 11 1 Will, work \w, a jail term Remei
    13 words
  • 145 18 Ike now down with acute intestinal trouble WASHINGTON, Sun. Former President Eisenhower, recovering after B series of hear) attacks, was today reported suffering from an acute Intestinal obstruction. Doctor:- at Washing! Walter H<r<\ h 78-year-old ex-Pre-sident began showing sign .ii trouble during the la I 24 h bu' that his
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  • 24 18 British t: in| I pnviijir much .is on :ncir return tb( ndinuvian AirI Inter- B. No; mat: Snics
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 144 18 HANDS OFF!... It's The Fully Automatic Record Player And Changer BJ^^ With The Exclusive 15° Vertical Tracking Angle Adjustment That Places It Ahead Of All Automatic Turntable On The Market. Viscosity-cushioned lowering device tor single play and changer operation. Anriskoting correction tor differing stylus radii as well as tor wet
      144 words