The Straits Times, 21 February 1969

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
  • 20 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 175,000 The Straits Times iUWSBBRP 1845 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY H, 1%9 15 (EMS K.D.N. 3104 M.C.
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  • 716 1 Britain: Good progress in plans after pull-out JOXDON. Thurs. Britain has mude ■pood progress" in planning with her •Allies new arrangements to maintain .stability alter her military pull-out m the Government said In its annual de- White Paper today. rlthdrawal ••< ad Miio.jthly Paper >uid. B>' thi \pril more B
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  • 563 1 'Our right to arm ourselves'— Tun Jet fighter deal f urroms^^^ ,/**>*•—^ Romulo tells of 'profound concern' is Malaysia's \j^^^^ Yesterday he.idlme own business— of no concern to Philippines ALOR STAR, Thursday MALAYSIA S intention to purchase jet fighters from Britain or France was entirely her own business and was
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  • 225 1 fA P E KENNEDY. Thurs.— The launch dress rehearsal tor the Apollo 9 mission next week, during which the moon landing craft will be flown in earth orbit, was successfully completed here today. Astronauts James McDivttt. 39. David Scott. 36. and RusaeU Bchweickhart. M, went through mock launch drill in
    Reuter  -  225 words
  • 55 1 SYDNEY Thin CiMoms offlcen and potioa today .-.n/pd three iviundh ol brli<\rd in have bMll muggled tram «f p— in dawn raid en a 1» him 1 In n T«o men Md two uumrn onated. The hashlah was Mi i to be worth ulxuit £3.200
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 193 1 Passenger who killed commando an Israeli official ZURICH, Thursday THK passenger who shot and killed one of the Aral) gunmen who lired mi an Israeli airliner here on Tuesday nighl was an Israeli Government official, police said here last nighl. The Investigating Judge named the man as Mordechal Rachamln. 22.
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  • 281 1 A MISUNDERSTAND- ING has been created over TeiiKku Abdul Rahman's statement on the future of Brunei alter the British withdrawal which the Prime Minister refei red to at Morib on Sunday, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said last night. Clarifying the Tengku's
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  • 66 1 Fourparty polls pact soon IT UA 1 Mi'i'R, posltloi part i s have come standing about the 1 al Election ;;i West Mill Party, tl R M I) pact In •\t the 8 i December, the DAP Lnn Kit lost to Mr. light CONCENTRATE The G' >■ A Oerakan D
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  • 3 1 D
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 68 1 ||ikROLEX /-^K the IB V^yTITONI ultra-thin watch m Ref 514 H The TITONI ultra-thin watch with the ruggedness of a Sports watch is suitableforanyoccasion. In the day, it's an elegant time-piece for business. On the Sporting field, it withstands the most rugged sporting activity. In the evening, it is a
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    • 85 1 [SHARP THE ONLY TV EQUIPPED WITH Lsilioß, II t&Ssi I SAFETY FIRST! is 0.C.8.C.'s Policy. Because it is the best in the end. Let it be your policy too! BANK WITH OVERSEA-CHINESE BANKING CORPN. LTD. THE STRONGEST AND LARGEST BANK IN MALAYSIA SINGAPORE. Authorised Capital $100 000.000/Paid Up Capital 40.000.000/Ceneral
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    • 376 2 iieut. Stephen Harris of the U.S. spyship Pueblo yesterday admitted violating the Navy Code of Ethics several times but blamed confusion about the ship's status for his violations. officer in ■!ie Intellii sh;ps research oefore five adm the Pupbln v >p./urt' h\ N(
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    • 39 2 On stage— the $850 slap RoMF 1: UTS Si.mpmg mi hart -i <■ Hem h fmr of irr 1 about <85Ourrfu Piuai'.rh •uad Bern I 1 deliberately hei Ihr eovfl h;m guilty nf ranrtrw ua> oreiAMii'iited iniunr« Rev-
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    • 145 2 Two Indon Reds killed in raid on hideout JAKAKIA, Inurs Indo 1M51..11 i.ouijs weir t»day ri'P»ii.u 10 nave Si. >>shfu „.1 uniili Xl w..1l 1 hme.iul. kiii lilt IA (I > ■>..llilt. l !lsls. 11. .11 President Mihailos liunic mii.ike 01 rvr.nusuk in cntral Java. Local r<P>.i<'i> who had
      Reuter  -  145 words
    • 371 2 LONCON. Thursday DRITAIN j s pressing for a speed-up in Bi« Four talks on the Middle hast crisis in the wake of the Arab attack on an Israeli airliner at Zurich, responsible British sources said. The Government is seeking to tret the talks started
      Reuter; UPI  -  371 words
    • 222 2 I ON DON. Thurs. A British surgeons complaint that many immigrant doctors arc unfli to work in hospitals without supervision caused a stir In British medical circles today. The surgeon made his charge in a letter to a patient who said he had
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    • 181 2 REIRIT. Ihury 1, w stated its seionii wave of mass executions within a month toriu;. Baghdad Kadio re part said several soldiers and riviiiansi were hanged or shut at dawn .iftrr conviction on charge* of »p\ini for Israel. The Radio did not specity exactly
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 258 2 JM wl Bn bki^bW m'Vl H a»\^L^ ■->■ mm n I »uf»j JJ^V^/^'aßKß^ft^^B^F^B^BaW^BaßEfP^ f x* y 7£\ r<vj j^fefl^^^L -^a^a^B^a^^Hßr^^^H^^^ v *231 %t¥t Does the 1100 cc car you're thinking of buying have all these excellent features that are standard in the Toyota Corolla? Each item listed below is a
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • 214 3 A CROWD OF 20,000 FIBRE-GLASS PEOPLE THi: film M;rlpt calls for I i as 4 of thousands to p.., k the >t.inds of London s White < it> atedium during the m.iki believe international atblrti(x match. But as e\ery film producer knows croud k< rnes co.>t
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  • 207 3 pORMEK Soviet Promii r od that of thi lice, it w; Fischer. Mi" I ol cbiel ior H jreai a Western aipiomat b quettlon* < voiced the claim irom Mr KhruMichi-v v.hi!e he was still in power. During a session of heavy vodka arinklng.
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  • 101 3 BUDAPEST. Thur.s. A 3.;-yoar-Jld Hungarian woman sold her 12-year-old Oaughter to her own lover a court was told today. The court sentenced the mother, idemili'd on:y by her initials. B. Hiirt her 60-year-o.d ;,,\cr each ICC the virtue of a U- sirl." Ttm
    AP  -  101 words
  • 30 3 Kin DE" JANEIRO. Thure. Institute million cups of :i 2.i different countries ttoi i here. .'imed at I tlir true quail irs of roffee.— Rcuter.
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 35 3 MANILA. Thurs. Two people died and 1.000 were lrn hunifie^ in fire that wiped MM all houses in a mi. .ill li.-hing town in Cebu Cttjr, in the Southern Philippines, yesterday. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 19 3 BONN. Thurs. The Germ.uv Cabinet today ti\ed Sept. 28 tlu year's generii election*, Government announcement, said. Reutr:-.
    Reuter  -  19 words
  • 206 3 8 women too many: Man shot 8 times by wife ORLANDO (Florida). Tiuirs. A woman who testified that she shot her husband eiaht times '-one for each of his girlfriend*" —was today found guilty of murder. Roberta Lucas 43 displayed no emotion a.-, the verfUct was returned, but her daughter.
    AP  -  206 words
  • 52 3 JOHANNESBURG I -iui- A DUMIVt polite hunt wua underway ~<Av> for vie father of live children who d»ecj in gruesome ma:<s murder. in. charred bodies <if the five children ■gad :our n-.unth* to were disco\ried by their "niotnn \wim shi hone yaiUrdiij alter the nitslu with
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  • 245 3 BORDEAUX, Tliun,. A group of women i.niji (tied to lynch the mother of two children shot dead by their fatiier on Monday after i. nine-day police siege during which he tried to barter the children's lives lor the mother's. Shouting "let's lynch her," and
    Reuter  -  245 words
  • 307 3 PRESIDENT Ayub Khan was under strong pressure to drop secession charges against an East Pakistan Opposition leader today as the death 101 l from anti-Gcvernment riots reached at least 75. Troops shot dead eight demonstrators yesterday as unrest reached a new peak in
    Reuter  -  307 words
  • 62 3 MUNICH. Thins. A n.ilced nun roauiea the s:reeLs of Munich lust night and attemptrd to assault at least six women, police suld today. Passers-by seized the 26-year-old n in while he was drugging a girl of the same age into a dimly-lit courtyard and held
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 34 3 PARIS Ttaun. Prim* Minuter Mr Maurice Couve de Murvilc bM chuscn Apiii 27 as the dHte for Prance's referendum on MMtt and ipgional irform l Government > poke* nun aUd here today —Reuter.
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 257 3 Sect prays to put off end of world predicted today BOLZANO, (North Italy). Thurs. Members of a sect are gathered in a wooden hut in the mountains near here, praying that the end of the j world will be post- j poned for a month j until March 20. Their
    Reuter  -  257 words
  • 70 3 MOSCOW. Thur< -Bread and othei evsviitia; supplies have I been MrlUtril 10 sjc\:ci B>a< k and C.spian S«-a ports battered by h htm .ncs Ui recMi a 1 corduig to unallicial reports lii ii Ihe hurricanes, xihich been •ffecUni ■•'.<>• arc* of the Western Soviet
    Reuter  -  70 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 87 3 PORTABLE CALCULATING MACHINE $29/ ONLY Ixftnlsui German l«^ H^i Jm »o n "*"mo»i W V oduct.on "^■••■r* M>f~ ADOS, SUBTRACTS, It- MULTIPLIIS up to 1 <jt,l,£ TJ 1 difitl. Fmq«r»ipi ope- |W| ,f'f in, B»— *■>!?* I 'iiiij onlccd completely re- O^^^^^^^^H^^^^^^^B WrJ lioblt i miltoKr proof. A V*WfirW,\3 WW
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    • 272 3 I--'- N <—Wp S/' •/A > j^&' HI M JJ f SOOTHING RELIEF FOR STRAINED EYES Reading, working, television-viewing, and "fun in the sun" often result in I burning, itching, bloodshot eyes. Just C\ HL||ssMM| a two^lrop bath of gentle Eye-M0 #^Z (1) floats away irritation due to sun glare,
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  • 207 4 SINGAPORE Thursday DENTISTS from the United Stales, Canada, Thailand, (long Kong, Malaysia ;m<l other countries are to attend tlio first dental congress organised by the Singapore Dental Association in co-operation wilh the Health Ministry. It will be held on April 4-0. during the Dental Health
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  • 143 4 An airborne show of electronic items SINGAPORE. Thurs. An exhibition of American electronic instruments. i which Is being ilown round the world in 110 days, is due to open next week at the Singapore Airport. This airborne exhibition Is the late.-t Innovation of HewlPtt-Packard Co. of California, a major manu--1
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  • 104 4 SINGAPORE. Thurs The Ceylon Tamils' Association will hold a celebration on Saturday i at 5.30 p.m. In honour of ThtruI valluvar. a Tamil poet of ani clent times wt.o wrote the fa- mous work "Thlru Rural." There will be a violin recital by Mr Vidhwan A
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  • 29 4 SINGAPORE. Thurs The Singapore Aimed Forces Training Institute will hold military i -rrcises In Tuus. Juron^. Lovang and Chua Chu Kane tomorrow from Bam to .i pm
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  • 180 4 Safina welcomes the First Lady SINGAPORE. Thurs. "Happy New Year. Che Puan MR Aishah." With this greeting fl\e-year-old Safina Srlamat welcomed Singapore's First Lady to HER party and that of other Matejr, Indian, and Chinese children to celebrate the Chinese New Year this afternoon. The party at FusofT Colleee ■BJ
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  • 67 4 Schools debate on abortion to be telecast SINGAPORE Ihurs. The (H Andrtv'i Bclk»i and Br.Hty SecunfJary School ipeak U Kir minds on \t- Rbortloa durinK debate to ho teleca.v: !hi> «f*k-*nd. The mo.ion for the' tu.^l srm;of Televtaton Singapura.s drhate (or English schools U "ThHt Bbi>rtion b* lrifaiised." It wiii
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  • 166 4 SINGAPORE. Thurs Some ion membrrs of the Library Associations of Singapore and Malaysia will be attending a seminar at the University of Singapoic on Saturday and Sunday to i he library needs ot thf next decade. Organised jointly by the Libi.ii Association of Singapore
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  • 137 4 Todays educational television programme for .schools on channel 8 la as follows 7iO a.m.. English second languaKe. Sec J 8.30-H.50, Mathemalics. Sec 1: Directed numbers iU; 9.05-9.::>. Health Edu (Mali, Sec. 1 and 2: Environment and health 'in. 9.15-10.05, General science. Sec I: Density: 1» 45-11.05, Enelish
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 4 4 "ocoverc^ xc \.2B7^; e;(M23
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    • 115 4 TAI THEAN KEW CIRCUS KALLAN& PARK OLD AIRPORT Sin«opor« Ti»<>iy J Sho»> "ri. Sit t Sun.) 101 pm. 7.00 pm 1 130 p m i »«IS«WTING TO THI PUBLIC A SMASHING THRILL-PACKED SHOW BIC-rs' OTTTER BP.IGHTIR < NEW ACTS, NEW THRILLS ."H.rq Act by A Group Ot Wcll-TrointH Chmwrf^ llrahantt,
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    • 507 4 M KilVI ALL SHOWS NO FREE L!bT Cofb r ->~V.i<n Orlv' Mil Elm a l fl f j. rv G < EATHER SAGA OF THE WILDEST, I '^^?£?l%tf I TOUGHEST FIGHTING MEN OF WORLD WAR R! KS At lAUO D ?:Sr^" r 4eV;r.v»"'::- kXiL. MMMmMiMi&IwMJ \rrrt™ E^^^P^^BB^HCa>aM^H^^ Ra m B
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  • 126 5 Paralysed by a mosquito bite: Hans being sent home v Than. a Germ n globetrotter Hans Josef Haas. 26 w intlysed by a mosq,,ito bile last •■ill be sent nome for further treatment next week. ea la the <i ht-rp for ei«hl monttu. ■4 a pore on ng to ratch
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  • 20 5 Let i «:th attempting and caus- to him in Durham Es- rrmandrd in committed the
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  • 27 5 PKNANO. Thar.-. Four n.i robbod a .-!i";> aatl Lum K»: ot $50 and a ««h WRIIa he »a n»llcing an': Pitt StiT"t on Tueada]
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  • 371 5 Planting a third crop a matter of urgency' RAZAK: WE HAVE BEEN DEPENDING ON RUBBER AND OIL PALM ALOR STAR, Th v r s Tun Abdul Razak said here today he would ask the Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute to consider as a matter of urgency the question of
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  • 118 5 SINGAPORE. Thursday. pVERYBODY except three youths in the dock smiled when seven husked oooonutl were brought as exhibits into the Seventh Magistrate's court yesterday. The proweutlofi said I Ra'ii-.ih. 21, Sa- Tahyi 23 UNI Abdul Rani bin HUM, IT. were imukM .stealiiiß
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  • 72 5 SINGAPORE. Thuls. On« of In cnduclors. Mr. 511.1.' ni Ro*il RUtllb, Ls cuming lion next nujnth to help 6in^.ip n > ne\» ly-f ornied uttkmml .-vn.phuny orcheitra. He r tteM munlhk. Mr. Rikli.s' v; :t is one of thr tfforU to ppinutr in bin«i«i.d bnel
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  • 77 5 SINGAPORE. Thi;r* Sin-:apor? is to produce Us OWn MrtlM f< r in about .i year s time. l .-i.<- 'mr fr\rr \.u(iiie DO! r*;n« Ml up .it Uir I'l.u.aiv Pi'.xluciion I). p.n:mrni"- veterinary laboratory i ol rt|ii.pnifnl for this un.; $200 000 A M'
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  • 45 5 SINOAPORE. Thurs. T«n K.n. RwMf 35 lined $600 or -i\ months jiiil vrstrrclay ,:in:iru eau l' b .-v J.i.i ti! II n in.:- ii Road c 111 i*n< driving c.n j.m 7 ni fri n lyprv of \";. toi 'hnr VI
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  • 50 5 PENANG, Thuis. About "»04 p< ns valued at s;iMI0() ha\p bPCM re- inn led nn., in- fiom t In- Church Street Rodown of .laiksnn'v fit) I. til Thr loss »a* (Hoovered by thr itorekeepcr. Mr Yroh K:im (hnn«. whrn hr opened thr >tore room s^fe ye>terdav niorninc
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 137 5 W "a**- Initeclubl" THE SWINGINCIKT NITI S*OT IN TOWN 1 presents niitly THE INTERNATIONALLY KNOWN f <&. "Walker|f v %&J Hill fji'l^fJM Honey Show" featuring 6 lo»*lv luscious girls from Korea in non-stop smgmf *n4 dancing act. ving Philippines' Roy Fobie the Kin J A Indonesia Aido tHe Hit Tc,
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    • 276 5 Cold Storage Supermarket and Shopping Centre p"«i SbS> y I rf I 'f F*. 3^ K TODAY, SATURDAY. SUNDAY and TUESDAY |3g^. FOR PERSONAL SHOPPERS ONLY TOMATO SOUP Baxters isi oz .65 g§j BACK BACON lean danish ib 2. 10 ij& ts£ SQEZY for washincup economy ea 1.75 s| TOILET
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous

  • 175 6 Indonesia: Include us in Asian Highway project IAKARI.V Thurs— lndo nesi.i h.i> asked to be included in the Asian Highway Project so that travellers riming from Istanbul to Singapore Mill hr able to i-ontinue their Journey KCfSM J.n.i Reportinc Hi* to a Cabinet meeting yesterday, tfie Communications Minister. Mr. I
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  • 381 6 The Indonesian loader, who was on his way from Jakarta to India and Pakistan for talks with leaders of those countries, did not meet reporters. First time This was the first time that Mr Malik talked to a Singapore Government leader since the antiSingapore riots
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  • 226 6 Cleared: Half backlog of mining leases, permits IPOH. Thurs A total of 2.700 applirai tions for tin prospecting permits and 550 for mining were disposed of in Perak last year. The State Commissioner of Lands and Mines. Inche Zakaria bin Sulong. said today that a further 3.n00 prospecting applications and
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  • 103 6 I*. I \l U MFM R lhur«.. (,rrman fi.shini; »xpprt. C'apt Vrit7 Ifftn, arri\fd heir tndav to advisr M il.iv^ fishermen on latest trawling methods. He will lra\e for Pcnanc after a few days here. In Penanr he w ill first >tart Mipervkint
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 420 6 When there's a car as quiet and comfortable as Colt, who needs to shout? From the time you turn the ignition key, aerodynamic design for superb stability tioned reduces wind noise. The seats you'll be impressed by the quiet, smooth at all speeds. But quietness and comfort are soft, yet
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 205 6 S*iaits Times Crossword At Boss I. IK IkH Trt( f m I. WaxiUng pruteoilvp covertr^ f** for <^ v round about t*u*** i 7) 14. Btopottatr oo ptwt of t> data It. Old ci number In tabular oo Urn rtvar (4 6) form (7 is Cmr. ma«s-prod*io«d. 11 Oamif numbfrj
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  • 265 7 k 1 Xl \l-IMPI K. Ihurv b 33 US .1,, '••n«l«'«ncis ■faliu.l Ihe Prnant Stale f l 1 li.t v accreted 'I" norlhrr,, .....s t (>f ['"""<•■ WHlrslry hv Hie ro. eilniK 1 thr >ea 'he i.(s t MI M rs
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  • 11 7 I MPIR 1 Peiiai ai Bet unl 9
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  • 263 7 Beef cattle industryu has bright future says expert KUALA LUMPUR. Thursday. THE beef cattle Industry ha.s a bnuht iuture In Malaysia, according 10 Mr. Walter Stephens (above), a representative of an American cattle brppciintr nmanisutinn uiH'uius vi naiu-->ui.iuii Mr Btephens, who b director of public relatli the Santa Oertrudl.-- Breed■n
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  • 47 7 HulOH singa- mrmbrr 2j->i.u-u.d t ooly unf jump rfl n>> (it fur ;n 'he IB Ml a n.u>c> n hL- rigbt aim its he Int the rdgt o: th. target area. Tf.ini in h e J Loblonc! in thr Rru-
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  • 12 7 BINOAPORI O«n 8» <.<-...': ny r n s^-ui- <;.• i tow <■! I
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  • 184 7 IOE ULETT. a War J rant Officer in thr RAAF who died last year, wa.s *o unlike the traditional WO. that the RAF men who •worked with him at the Air Defence centre in Penang decided to present
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  • 132 7 Hunt for gunman who fired shots at PC I/UANTAN. Thurs.-- Police have mounted a hunt lor a Rang Bter believed to be the Rimman who flred four shots at a constable from a car at Kampong Bharu Kerdau on the Temerlob JerantUt Road on Tuesday night. ;i. M-..pi-d .iiit'i the
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  • 336 7 Suff ian tells of the gap that causes the brain drain HE URGES BETTER COMMUNICATION BETWEEN DONS AND COUNCIL By LUI THAI HENG; Kuala Lumpur, Thursday DETTEK communication between the L' aive rt i t y Council and the academic start' will help stop the brain drain in the University
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  • 18 7 Ht 1 IERWOKIH I Inn.- brukr mo »ho i he:r |bt 'Mcl t.Hjk $365 i.«.-h SOU linn-
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  • 66 7 Wife who could. neither cook nor wash fJIM.APORE. I When cami nlclan Ting Tii Loong married, in expected h ble to do tin household 'hi i cooking and wi i and ins.. m| that ploy in ulri no .< i \.iii' and the in oi desertion To question* by
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 220 7 Miracle Cushion Holds K false Of ML T66TH v^Sk I, Sort ••Hfhik»a«*Mi Infill Gumi ••••MMMtIVWaf Comfort and relief for d«ntur« sufferers I Snug Denture Cushions ■ra a snft plastic lining that gets annoyance of loos*, badly -fitting falsa teeth. Snug eases sore irritated gums due to loose dentures. Easily fitted,
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    • 104 7 Selamat! HARI RAYA HAJI to all our Muslim Friends For Personal Shoppers from today for ONE FULL WEEK Baked Beans Spaghetti 16-az. More for your money 10-oz. 2 Cans for s#^ 6 Bottles for tj f I i W Jmr/}j?~ mm JmW with 1-ib. Sugar The Lot Detergent Powder 20-oz.
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
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  • 491 8  - Manager took $188,000 says doctor GLRARD OE SILVA EMBEZZLEMENT CASE SINGAPORE. Thur» B> A PRIVATE practitioner, Dr. William Oh toM ;t district couil today thai after llu manager of his general merchants lirni h:»< niis;ip|ii(i|>i ialcd more than $ISX.<hmi. <>nl\ $.*>(> in coins recovered. Ho was testifying at ♦ho
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  • 149 8 $100,000 top prize and 404 free gifts too SIM.XPOKh. Ihurs. siiit.ilMin- Pools HiI til toil.iv aiinoiinced that tin > hail paid out more than siXKOOO in pri/e nioiie\ in the first two ChincM- New Year Toto A spokesman il>— iiitnil 1 1 < dr.i«s as "a bit success." In
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  • 142 8 PRISON FOR MAN WITH MESSAGE ON HIS ARM SINGAPORE. Thurs A M var "Irt ynuth. Ang EiU StiiK. was fined $500 or lour months' jail today when he admitted having a j secret society message tattooed on his right arm. The charge said Ang was "found to have writings relating
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  • 147 8 Republic's GNP in 1968 up by 7.7 pc >[SH YORK. Thurv I Singapore's attelerated parr of indu>triali*atinn. •>pt-;irhi' idi ft by entwine < iinunitDiint nn llir part of \m«ri(.in manufacturers, contributed to tin--7 7 prr cent srouth »f thr (irosv National Prodiitt in I'iiiK to ,ippm\i m;itiK U551,283 niillion. ,i<i
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  • 310 8 A GRAND-SCALE cultural show featuring an unusual mixture of local classical talent will be staged :<t th»- National Theatre on April 24 and 25. It will ho RTB Enterprises' contribution to the Republic's iiith annlvrr.sary celebrations. A RTS npokcanan MM today: "1 Mere will b»ehotrs,
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  • 16 8 SINGAPORE. Thuri. The Singapore Children* Society will hold lt.s annual Flag Day on Saturday
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  • 92 8 IJIMIfIfOMI. Tliurv j O A civic or ex ion to help commemorate the 150 th anniversary of sin capore will hr launched I at the public inretinc at the historic Armenian Church in Hill Street tomorrow. Historians. architects and many others are expected to
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  • 38 8 SINGAPORE. Thurs The political M.rrtary to the Ministry of Education. Inch* Mohamed Ghazali bin Ismail, will declare open on Saturday at 10 m a twoday fun fair organised by the Macphrrson Primary School advisory committee.
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  • 523 8  - LOVE STORY OF FAMED BRITISH AUTHOR NOEL BARBER C.K. LEE: SINGAPORE Thurs By LIFE with Tltina"— six years of uninterrupted domestic bliss— by Noel Barber epitomised the colourful life of the famed and popular British Journalist and author, who is now on a visit to Singapore. 'Tins simple story a
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 162 8 only BOAC can offer you 10 flights 'weekly to Europe from Singapore just name the day Monday 8A793 VCIO leaves 8.00 a.m. Monday 8A713 707 leaves 9.10 p.m. Tuesday 8A789 VCIO leaves 8.00 a.m. Tuesday 8A715 707 leaves 8.35 p.m. Wednesday 8A797 VCIO leaves 7.30 p.m. Thursday 8A719 707 leaves
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    • 42 8 4 SKiN PROBLEM— ROUGH AND DRY? Juvela Vttamin E preparation improves and conditions your skin, giving you a beautiful and healthy complexion Juvela keeps you young and vital Keeps you young, healthy and vital I Sole Agent TONG ING MEDICAL TRADING CO.
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 37 8 m \bn.>. ttfg a§ f \\r\ o.r\>jll^ /^o.notcherlv-nioTamwawt^ I/then i T sartinlv klorw-^r»ifv-iTTA MO BOY" I mcRFHOOSIWK /TDUVEIW J uvt J UVE N iJSßsS^r^lltir m > NO KAOrtI s V SMORTASt.'.' WE DOGPATCH S > MEXT SBE RLSPECTARL^ %Vr^^J
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  • 1502 9  -  HENRY BRANDON by of the Sunday Times. Londo.i Clark Clifford was a hawk when h(^ took on his job as Defence retary. Soon he was faced with the need to follow his better judgment and risk the anger of his boss.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 412 9 WHEN YOU'RE AN i *^"*2S^l^gl l^^^^^Sf g^B >W l^^^r jf^w* B^^b! B\^^^~ 3uisW Bf M F!sf-si?e fits th« pnrkr»t easily. nU x^*^Bk JB Old Spice hair cream, y^~ scented with brisk, bracing W'^^k aroma provides a natural sheen, flrocms without showing. kI *^I"^^ Jfr moisturises scalp to overcome B dryness
      412 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 635 10 Th. Abdul Rahman College will hold its first classes on Monday in an atmosphere purged of the tensions and suspicions which swuled around the project when it was first mooted seven months ago. It is now clear that the college will not be run to serve one community
      635 words
    • 416 10 Latest Qgurai <>f Singapore's agricultural production ;im i if interest not only b< c i ol tho record .ii.VTIX) outpui that has been achieved but because they are a reminder that th. farm sector of the imioinv is a lively and prosperous One. Concern with industrialisation
      416 words
  • Letters
    • 221 10 Enchanting, clean, but the bus service \V'E have jiist returned T from a round-the-world tour which took us over nine months six of which we spent in the fair Island or Singapore at our daughter's house We are writing to tell you how much we have enjoyed being In Singapore.
      221 words
    • 248 10 I L'EFEK to the letter 1 in -T. H Koh" iS T. Jan. At expressing concern over the future pr i>pecu of locally-train-ed oificers holding foreign- going master's cctUMcates a.> a result of Govenuxwnt'i decision to waive th>^ provision requiring Singapore ships to be manned by vfficen bokUng
      248 words
    • 195 10 I REFER to the com--1 plaint by Mr. EH. (S. T. Jan. 7>. Sluggish Service There are one postmaster md two clerks working at the counter positions and internal sections of the Tanah Rata Post Office from 7 30 a.m. to 6.30 p.m.
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  • 1084 10  - Singapore's fishing trade becomes an industry BILL CAMPBELL ENCOURAGING FISHERMEN TO MOVE OUT FROM INSHORE WATERS INTO THE HIGH SEAS by SINGAPORE SINGAPORE marine fisheries experts are confident that the islands lagging fishing industry will pick up last with the opening of the new fishing port at Jurong. A build-up
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  • 681 10  -  JOE HAGGERTY by NEW YORK THE man already responsible for a highly significant achievement In aviation. has now rome up with another. It is a revolutionary new wiiiß aimed at increasing the speed of airliners by about one hundred miles an hour. Fourteen years ago
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1 10 n^^^^^F"^i
      1 words
    • 68 10 UPSET STOMACH GET IMMEDIATE RELIEF WITH PHILLIPS TABLETS Too much food, too much drink, too much smoking upsets your stomach. Gives you that sour, run-down leeling. For on-the-spot relief, chew a lew Phillips Tablets. Phillips Tablets go to work instantly, effectively. More effectively than any other stomach remedy you know,
      68 words

  • 434 11 Navy plans for greater strike force under way THANABALASINGAM AIMS TO HAVE MODERN, EFFECTIVE SHIPS pLANS to itrengthen the Malayi'an Navy by equipping it with modern and effective ships are underway. •Tile Navy Will be so equlpi>ed that an] aggressor wL'l flmi r .i lorce to recKOn with." the Chief
    Bernama  -  434 words
  • 93 11 $20,000 awards offer fINCi.M'ORE Illiir~ The Prophet IfMhaaUßad I Birthday Memon«: Beholan>hlp Fund Board is wltrnng $20 400 .until of scholarships to university and vc"ndar> school studrnt* this Students of all racm may aplnnq .is thfT are Sin?i.pnro citi/env They must also be students from the University i rjniventty nf
    93 words
  • 19 11 KIXIM. Thjri.— The State G'H-frnmrnt haa allocated $36,000 foe a nr« ond bridgr at Krlang Sa^jo.
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  • 137 11 Malay journalists ball 1 will' he held :\l the Grill Room of Aiielphi Hole! on March 39. Among the special guests will he three Ministers, all former lournalists. They are the Minister for Koreign Affairs. Mr. S. Rajaratnam. the Minister for Social Affairs. Inche Othman
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  • 133 11 MURDER CHARGE WIFE ATTENDS HUSBAND'S FUNERAL IPOH. Thurs. A woman who WM charted with murdering her husband on New Year's Day was allowed to attend his funeral here today. Scow Poll Chin. 3r>. > above i. followed the pro on of her nusband Tan Kow Nfee, 41. m a
    133 words
  • 106 11 Nanyang group on tour of Taiwan, HK and Bangkok vJINGAPORfc:. Ihur*. A 20-membvr group from the biology department ol NanyaiiK University ielt today on a tour »i universities in Taiwan. Hong Kong and Bangkok. I During their three-\»eeK tour of campuses, research ccntre.s and other institutes they v ill hear
    106 words
  • 82 11 SINGAPORE. Tliui'i. ExShaw actrc.v Norma binte Abdullah, charged with cri- minal breach o( trust of a i Pont...<- iar ninli $7,175. had her trial postponed today because the court wns not i free Nnrma was alleged to have violated a hire purchase agreement signed
    82 words
  • 39 11 Singapore. Thun. a coroner's court t.>Uay ncordea h misadventure linding mi Labourer Low Tok alias How All Tok 60. who leu Iran bunt In I the Outer Ro«u* hMt Nov. 1 Hk> I body »a& not recovered.
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  • 112 11 POLICE PROBE $32,000 BANK LOSS Xl ALA LI MPI R. Ttiurs. Police are investigating the disappearance of $32,560 from the Over-sea-Chinese Banking Corporation head office in Jalan Mountbatten here. A police spokesman said today that II cheques were reporVed stolen by three current accounts holders and it was probable these
    112 words
  • 28 11 IPOH. Thui.v Thr Chinese Ri.uurunt Employers q i:i mo\e into its new $***** premises in Clarr Sreet to coincide with its 81s; anniversary on Saturday
    28 words
  • 231 11 A record number apply for trade courses in S'pore CINGAPORE. Thurs A record number of students had applied for the 44 trade courses offered by the Government's three vocation al institutes and four industrial training centres when enrolment closed at 4 p.m. yesterday. More than students are estimated to
    231 words
  • 158 11 KIALA LI MPL R Thurs. Federal Police headquarters today warned people to stop firing crackers. I he nan on cracker firing lifted for two days from Miiixl.t because of the Ckteosc New Year celebrations was reimposrd ye-lci d.i\ However.
    158 words
  • 50 11 RAF w A Huttun. •ill hand mcr a pl.uiue to in* I .n .ipiv. t vcled the RAP Iq here •c :1 C".J..rd. d tIM fuel v.-rd hv holiintrj irom Flai? day KUA! A I MPLR Ihurs. The Pan i bi! Mini ginm.ic on Saturday.
    50 words
  • 166 11 CINGAPORE. Thurs. A Si;, million warehouse built by one of the world's largest for tilizer companies —the International Minerals and Chemical Corpora tion (IMC) of the U.S. --will be officially opened by the chairman of the Jurong Town Corporation. Mr. Woon Wah
    166 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 74 11 TRIO «rfe«Vj7?l3 P'»ceof HILTON" -^^ffof!mf*sMl*w**^ all chromtd Ballptn fr»t 'm\^^m^ oever ypu r choi*on toba/ |H^#**^^^ v^Mokpr during thu Special /V Ka^^^PM* J* j«^C^\O"e r period only. K *sSv~ Obtainable jrvm tht /_^%4»>^ >^^^^V\AAAA\IvX^ following distributors: N^V Vvy>i\ MALAYA %m:r ™^L mm- l r hffi- ftgfc j^jk so..a^,. OFFICE DEVELOPMENT
      74 words
    • 155 11 3E LOMBARD BAMKING HI LONDON I I Subsidian and Associate Banks and Finance Houses* I 1 LOMBARD AUSTRALIA B UMIIEK I Adelaide. Bntbane. Canberra, Hohart. 1 iverpool, MelboaaaS) I Newcuile. Perth, Sydncx. 1 i>«ii»ulle, Wollonaoog 1 1 LOMBARD NEW ZEALAND I I LIMIII 1) Auckland. Wellington. < hriMchuah Ha nilion,
      155 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 789 11 TV MALAYSIA < HWNH.S Kuala Ijim- KC£ Pr«rammr Summary, p.n .inj IMiinj 5; Ipoh g N Ws ln T m |i alO .ml hjljii.l S Inhorr Dak'an Toto The Orrat. I 1 and ID: Taipin I: 7 N'»r in English: 710 Arena Batu I'.ihal and hlu»n; 8. Sukui. 735 Irama
      789 words

  • 200 12 Local men get top positions in IBM IN accordance with IBM World Trade Corporation's policy to promote local people to top positions. Mr. S. H. Oh. General Manager of IBM World Trade Corporation Singapore and Malaysia, announces the promotion of Mr George Pasqual to Customer Engineering Manager and Mr. Vernon
    200 words
  • 72 12 Mr F.iuico Strmno has returned to Hon.' Koiitf a-\-ia Regional Manager for Alitalia Ml Struno has ueen »nn Alitalia for 14 yeai and for the ■>. i« «;,s ba^ed at the Head Office in em V'assetuer Sales Before tins, he was Omieral In Philadelphia Bar.gM ..:i« Kong.
    72 words
  • 235 12 Price rise indicates tight supply THE recent increase in the world market price of primary aluminium from 25.5 US cents to 26.5 US cents is an indication of an increasingly tight metal supply situation in an industry which has been burdened for a long time with the problems of over-capacity
    235 words
  • 159 12 MR. JOHN BROURKK the MMM mariKtlni cxeiutive of Britain 1 Urgcst electronic Instrument company, Marconi Instrument! I'd. ka on two month.- tour during which hr Is visiting Singapore India. Hong KonK Au.-tialia. New Zealand. South Africa. Kenya and Spain to diacOM marketing and commercial quot-n.s with
    159 words
  • 81 12 The Far Eastern FrWht Conference meeting In London derided against a general Increase In F.-ut bound and Westbound freight rates for the time being They recognise, however, that Meac'.liv increasing operating costs must sooner or later compel some upward revision of rates Rates betmeen Europe and the
    81 words
  • 529 12 THE Asian Development 15;mk baa approved I loan of rss2.S million to the Government of Malaysia to finance the foreign exchange outlay" on the Hist two stages of two palm oil mills of the Federal Land Development Authority (FLDA) in the
    529 words
  • 235 12 rfE opening for business of Lav's Arcadia (pictured above t on March Z will be further evidence of the gradual transformation Of once East Coast Road into a busy business area. The fully airconditioned building will house thirty businesses offerinK a wide range of
    235 words
  • 189 12 nr&ms.sswvuß today. The Increasingly complex administrative operations of business and government, the Increase in labour cost and the scarcity of trained office workers. have contributed to the growth, said Mr. Herbert K. Rothschild, president of APECO International. Illinois. U.S.A. Mr. Rothschild, was in Singapore recently for discussions
    189 words
  • 42 12 Thp I Te^nfnrm Factory. USA Mr. Mort<« Skiaie' ViMU'ii Singapore recently Durirur his Rtay In Singapore. Mr Sloate had diacusalOM with Mr B H Mriwani. managing dl-ic-tor of International Corporation Ltd on *a\v promotion and future expansion In this r«-
    42 words
  • 159 12 MADAM Cheong Ah Lov of Jalan Merpatl. Singapore, last week became the tirst insurance policyholder to benefit from a new Insurance service provided j by Asia Life Assurance So- en-tv Ltd Mr l.irry Loh. the unit manager of Home Service department, presented a checiue tor $2.27
    159 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 233 12 Wincarnis tonic wineyour drink for life! Mi Be •mart, ask for Wincarmt. the rich, tonic /fi^js2S§ffi?V wine with the wonderful taste and the M V^Z~ •—^Sr powerful W ncarnn tonic ingredients. You'll enjoy Wincarnis, and it will give you new life, new strength and energy, will help you H make
      233 words
    • 201 12 NEW WAY DOWN UlONfi COMESUP FEB. 23 Th« great white liner Iberia. 30,000 tons of pure holiday sails for Sydney from Singapore on February 23. This is not a regular Europe/Australia run. This is part cf a Sydney/Sydney pleasure cruise. And if you've ever been with Australians on holiday, you
      201 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 928 13 N L iilS W* Sails Pbnam Ptiunt i ::::.aj B 1 M Mm 71 Mm 12 Mar 11 1 Air t i"H fU s s B st •i^ 3 v Apt 21 Apr 22 Apr 21/ 1 Mai 2 MICNION -Air 22 Apr 21 Apr 17 It Mir 1 Mif
      928 words
    • 1273 13 taßv ml m $mt I 1 I r//£LHkI//V£S J ■aa-ra THE EAST ASIATIC COMPANY Ltd Incorporated m Denmark tSVJH EXPMU SAILINGS TO GENOA NORTH CONTINENT, SCANDINAVIA f. S'tam Penang $'por* benoi K'dam H'burt Aarhus C'naiw L.V H'■ irt :i 21 a M M MBAWA 8) I* Part 22 Fll 21/18
      1,273 words
    • 1191 13 aWaT^^^a^^^a^^^^aWa^H^l^^t^^^^^a^J mW9M I alkSC«(ißaHDaaalaC3S3aCa99QUaa^Skit<9 EXPKtSS StIIVICt 10 LONDON, IiVLRPOOt CONIINtNUI fBUS nrw ti r inw For Livtrpool Apr 1 imupor. p. mm 'inMi* JJ li GB..M/FM2I FM 24 IT F.B 11/ I BENWYVIS For I ond on Mir 21 imgiport p. s nan Pm*| G fioutn Apr 11 Mm 3
      1,191 words
    • 1197 13 t— .w WORLDWIDE CARRIERS LTD. l^rmA^V For: Lot Angeles, New Orlconv Charlcstoi. I lOnV^fl New York. New London. I^^^^^^^ (ake accepting corjo for other Gulf and Atlartic I port*, iwbicct to inducement) Spore P. S'hom Penfrvi LA GRANDE ABITO G.I 0-1 1/22 Feb 23/24 Fob Orm.i JAG RAHAT 8/10 Mar
      1,197 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1135 14 •AGE 14 1 "^KAWASAKI KISEN K AISH A LTD. Western Australia i Slntmpor* i Jmpmn S«rvl«« Fnmintli Smppjrt TokkaiCln/MlfOYa Y'him FUIM S«tatt Man 11/21 Mat 4Apr'liraai 11 Aar T2 Apr Ma| West Africa /Singapore /Japan Servlaa) I a Sngapon Ntfoya t'hitra Rorx -TMatSIIIU Mirj MM 21 II Mil II MM
      1,135 words
    • 818 14 AUSTRALIA NEW ZEALANO SERVICE INOIA. PAKISTAN ANO FtR EASI SERVICES 10 AUSTRALIA. NEW lEALANB It: Nagapittixaa all Malfas Ftl: A«t».. Ljtt.. Otat. Will. S pore P. SKarr Ptnang RAIUIA- Sutra la Ptrt 21 Frt Ptnmi P. S'haiii Sport RAIULA' I/1J Mm 14 Mai IS Mn CHAXDINAt 17/IIARI 11/21 Apr 21/24
      818 words
      831 words
    • 784 14 THE PATALING RUBBER M MK hael Ll( Jte Hrn hM FSTATES LIMIIED .reMgnfd from this Company •nrj notipf is HEREBY GIVEN authorised to transac' business on cent .less United Klngoom Income All makers^re. wu > ri t ztfgszr& a tirs& «r£ oumpcrt of ended 31st October, 1968. making our Engineering!
      784 words

  • 510 15 T".. 1 llil OI "ft*" 1 >*s«f n uiaustnai yields v I I). 14 tompanies located m Malaysia (or Uxalion purooses. X c urias c:;\mena &8 per criu (5 8 per cer-t •riung.s yield 9." prr cent <9 3 pel cent] < ••mpamei. looted in Sintapore I."
    510 words
  • 177 15 Mining shares are firmer MELBOURNE. Thurs. \IININGS were firmer with most i.-.Mie.s .stumiiiK tiKxlest gams Kndnranrr made, 30 cents at $7 30 Otiier move.s ranked 10 to cent.'' Oils wcie leady Industrinls' ealns outnunbered falls. SlaHr Walker gamed 20 OtntS at $8 20 and BHP ro*e 15 rents to $1830
    177 words
  • 273 15 RITV ANNOUNCfI) THE FOLLOW FOR rCB Hi OUT LMH I i vrntaur i Ktrntor \o.i« tt Ravrmtio U <nrt Kola r..V> Jell) IN: <i .rtrun ti..kk» I J. I Irr, hi I TSSSMIIIII I V.itna Sid<lhi h v. I- Tanrtjun: ><>i>i M:n;Ko. .i ,j OoHaa Sptini 33
    273 words
  • 101 15 CHIHUI Preduce ficnan.*. |mil. pare, naen aleaina ericee pir anui yatlerday. Caaanut nulk IU eeilera. drum .cm Ceaia: Mum ((oo.) tooaa tao./ M»r. IK'Cont. $31 B. Pepper: Muitok white 111?| m Sarawak »hi*c SMO arllrra, »i'«iai Sarawak black »>•» MM nrnird ijii: lot w blatu IM aclirra (all
    101 words
  • 107 15 in it» ram to tnrrrhania v»»t»rday «'h» follow mc r«'*a ar* quotii to th» fqu.Mlern of ont unit of lorn«ti currency*. UmlMl (tain. Huyin* IT ».i ihim, alrmHll OD <.'-•". w it/»t tV.K7.VI credit mil*. H MOO <r.i«r hUil. itiiini tt «f oo t««dr: <:i wrmi CinarH Huyim
    107 words
  • 30 15 RUBBER AND TIN CLOSING PRICES Feb. 20. HIHIIIK Hill I (.61 cents (down a quarter of a cent). TIN PRICE: 5594 (up S-U7W. Kstimated ufTering 230 tons (up 10 tons).
    30 words
  • 394 15 Further rise of over $4 in Penang tin price rE Straits tin price In Penang yesterday rose another $4 .374 to $594 per picul on an ottering estimated up in tons to 230 tons.. Fairly strong orders were reported from Europe and the United States. In London on Wednesday altcmoon
    394 words
  • 235 15 MARCH flr»t rraale rubber f.o.b. bu>rr< clmwd at 5 p.m. in Mngaporr and Kuala l.uirptJr r»»Irrday at i centi prr Ib. dawn a quarter a cent en Wedne»da»'« rloalng levrl Thr tone wan quirt. R.A.S. and M.R.E. cMmlng prtrr» in cml« prr Ib. re»terda>. Buvert Seller*
    235 words
  • 16 15 in London on Wednvdxv Malßvan 5 per cent c.l.f UK In bills was unquoted
    16 words
  • 16 15 THI Fraa dehanie Mi'Mt in Hons 1 Kons cloaatf Taatardaj. It raoptna today.
    16 words
  • 504 15 WITH the member firms all fully operational again yesterday, the Stock Exchange of Malaysia and Singapore rapidly gained momentum and turnover was back to normal after the Chinese New Year holidays. The market opened steady, but prottt-taK-inp; came out in the speculative stocks and resulted
    504 words
  • 267 15 OF SHARE PRICES PORC AND KUALA LUMPUR TRAOINC ROOMS OF THE WIRE: INDUSTRIALS: ACMA I I C Sugars IMMfc. >. 0.0.m! .iin.h C.S. Malf)in,t i saa)ta>, nn s i i aati i, D<miap i cmts), E>ia Ordt. (I MSU). Eupac i I MaW, f. A H. Gamman
    267 words
  • 90 15 Million profit TiHfc dlrecton ol the Annlii Thai Corporatkni Ltd. announced thai thp ui.,iiiriitod profit ol the unwp fur the ball year to S^pi 30. IMS. before tlon, v. :i E 196 200) Mir ihe vi .ir to Man 1 1968 the proMi mi £90t.--m An interim dividend 11 por
    90 words
  • 97 15 'pHh mvi itor Chr 1 Newsletti i vestor ~li(iiild now in Ini careful k> k it ins tax situation If he has cushloi short-term and lonu term tains he I for pruning op] al'houKh this does i i i mean cutting out loss-ma ken merely for the >akp
    97 words
  • 63 15 COMMENTING on tn. v> Rudolf Wolff, the London dealers d>agrre with the general bullish sentiment and think the tradIng range .should be £1.390 to t: 1.380 becalm rl^r would product fur a liftlna of ITC q Also production li the quotas, ban cirated a udderabli if metal overhangine
    63 words
  • 83 15 REI'TERS commodity Index rose 2:i pc Wednesday lo f>:M 6 the best level lor ovpi 1« The highest point touched by the index, winch baa ha ol 10 tember 18 1931. was riunng the height of tlu K war commodity boom 63H7 In 1951 The previous peak
    83 words
  • 111 15 DKSPITK the flrmr f the mrtnl pnep t-n shares recorded a lengthy Ist of fall.- In London on Wednesday. Tehiriv tared worst with a Is. loss, and falls of hnlf that amount were made by Malayan. Berjuntal. Siam and Ampat Geevor did well on the encouraging
    111 words
  • 1100 15 Oi -im -> is \mi i.i rut; i i i, TO THK MNGAaHMU \M> Xl MX It MCI K II! MUM. KIMIMo Ot rHr MIMh IX II \M.I I I I I I \\l I II IHI M Mill i; in *ii\i;iI KAItl l» »Hn\\ N IS BM
    1,100 words
  • 39 15 nn Irh. II Irb in InrHi.l'tjN: I K 1fi7."»7 1 aMotoi looni i..i. I Prnprrtir*: 17».(t.-, Idfl.ll fTin». 53.11 K3.H3 t rubhrr*; 107 79 107.79 Itrr. M, lAKK lUD. 1 Her. .11 I<MiX Dill. t 11., :<t 111,. 110.
    39 words
  • 534 15 IXCMANCI Or MALAVSI AND UNCAPOnt BID AND OFPEN ■ftlCSt OFFICIALLY LISTSD Al tHI CLOU OF BUSINESS. a. MMM 2.43 <« tan Co 2.40 i ail tarnro B»rMnl IP" l.»l tountrari 2.23 2.30 ttugau 4.70 ;.C.M urda 1.'.'4 I M 1 8. Holdings 8.74 -i >.B 8 l.xi 1
    534 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 686 15 #THE BANKRUPTCY ORDINANCE (CHAPTER 11) NOTKE OF RECEIVING ORDERS TAKE NOTICE that Receiving Orders were on the 24th tc 31st niDniur TfiiL-Ki January. 1969 and 7th February. II KUNIj lUWN 1969 made against the following CORPORATION I*™ 0 1" nd nr nrmvILMUtK NOTICt Bankruptcy No: lender, are invited by the
      686 words
    • 157 15 TENDERS TENDER lenders will be recei\ed In the Mi-.ii.sii of the Interior Si Defence. Pearl's Hill. Singapore 2. foi the under-mentioned iltm up to 12.00 Noon oo 3.3.69 Fresb and dry ration A tender deposit ol $100'- lor the ab»\e lender !.■> required, payable 10 the Shroff. MID.. Centra: Police
      157 words
    • 66 15 warn Nmta IHM.k ajtoi 930.82 (TueadajT), 925 10 iWednesrfßvi O w nov nniu" f*r.. MM M: to Wednesday >. 51 to s\ i»r rent (Tuesday) AVKKAGH; riM rinanrial Timr»: Tin«: It If .week hbo. 18 98 i Tuesday i. 78 02 iWerliieß^ day; Rubbern: IM3J aao' ISO 55 iTuesriav' iWednesday.;
      66 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 612 16 iCrHOWIfOCfMFNIS ANNIVERSARIES AHNOUHCFMFN'S BIRTHS CIUB ACTIVITIES CONDOLENCES DEATHS ENGAGEMENTS FUNERALS GREETINGS IN MEMORIAM. MARRIAGE MISSING. PERSONAL. PPC. REQUIEMS REUNIONS. Rate Minimum S2O/ fr 20 wmls. each additional word SI 00 II Otner Classified *d*ertisements Minimum 57.58 fir 15 wirds. each additunal word SO cents. Straits Times Bn service charge $1
      612 words
    • 884 16 lyplat Apply l'i.-t uffi.r Boa Mt. Singapore with w..ntr,| y. ile aaaV9 required. BtaVp I aapait ii'i.fD only aoa A."M!M> 5.1.. pata FRENCH OFFICC srrklng HI Lingual ngllrt Sevrrtarv Wnit with ii Box 31 Klllinty Koaa 1 iii s port. VACANCIES POR LADY ESCORTS tag is. in Apply giving full
      884 words
    • 842 16 iirnhe s lot vaiant-ies aie rcqueated ..ot to em iaae oriKinal copiea of I. ti- i.i .rials oi referent r* with tbrlr apiii, utions. No ieap«inslhility .-an BB .cepted foi their >osa. WANTED Two rvllahlr and n,. "i-rtrt i,. .Kik after four .-oinpHny housed PiafsJiaal) "i«»f n\iriK around Cornwall Uardena/Belmont
      842 words
    • 762 16 nun tbed ii) him i t«o awraaatltanaad fetjejeaama u^rklv terms illy air.l P. ntkouai .f. now avail. aMt ■naalini Hauat nxiev k... I.i is niKi area. attrai K:ir.i'-n D SMal 11 l«o AC hclrnoms atlarh cd. Pnr.riled A C alhstM. Sjwrioii. sittlnKloum toinmi: covered norm. l.e.lroom* one ne.lroom •'ttmitroom t
      762 words
    • 790 16 WATTEN CSTATI 2/3 Storey tiungmlowa, semi-detached terrace housea. Liumrloua apartments, 4t m.a. Miin.arn Rind (opposite Buklt Tlmah Raaa, ralaias High Sihooli Freehold i.ii.i. artistic design. retaimag aur- nding trees flood-free hilltop -;r jurrtrna a minute dri\e tv ...Ixblr LJrtnc- I .Si Adv I'.rmii 143 Completion U-U-M l.urkv R.«lty Co.. Ltd..
      790 words
    • 818 16 I SPECIAL TREATMENTS THI FOOT CLINIC," 319-J. Hn.i Valley Road. Kor appointments i pmbbs rIDK MM iSnisapoicj. [F/RADiirSALES I SERVICE HISCTA r'rompt Reliablt TV se.vice Mudnate cbargea. Rlni s iwr< T.V RCPAIR SPCCIALIST -MI(Ol aarrlet King 81C (Sport mi time SIS-- »in VCAR. TV oiaintenanci contract or sell your oi<l
      818 words
    • 1035 16 f DRESSES/DRESSMAKIHG^] MAM V. t *e D l "uAr e b iy" 0 cT'S MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, rrl' T "v.: h ri "KZ" Singapore .Alrneid. .tr«, Ra.le. 11H Kil WOt (ERTirICATI KXAMINATION [~udTes hairdressing IKNCE Nmn Candidates UMM nairatue man.< Entries lor Science Subjects at i oav noon Beauty s»ioo
      1,035 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1338 17 LEADING TOURIST HOTEL CALDBEc7mACGREGOrTcq7ITd7 1 requires i—k Ho Coinpanv. part ot a large international croup, encaged in PERSONNE OFFICER 4 h ed" in aDd sil Trade> ba a vmc nr> for an I 1 Mair Age: 25 35 veart The MmM applicant will have not lew than three years Edura'.on:
      1,338 words
    • 483 17 SHELL offer career opportunities for graduates in their Supply and Distribution organization, where the work involves planning the future distribution facilities required to meet a constantly expanding demand for oil products throughout South East Asia, the programming of existing oil supplies, the operation of oil installations, the local distribution of
      483 words
    • 602 17 ELECTRONICS CAREER ill INSTITUTE OF ELECTRONIC PRACTICES 58-A. I I TV :< SERAMiOON KtIAII SI.\Ui%I>OKi:. 13. TEL. *****0. ARTISANS, MECHANICS, TECHNICIANS If you are frnvtr.itrd «itb your present knnwledje in I lertronica, enrol at the above Institute for a proper courtte of training. I iiicihni'iit tin MSJTMs in Kadm and
      602 words

    • 357 18  -  EPSOM JEEP By rjARNET Bougoure, who has made a quick recovery from his recent illness, will ride Yangtze Kiang in the Tcngku's Gold Cup at Kuala Lumpur on Sunday. BoußOuro. I am told. h;is bren working the bone 11 Ipoh this week. Yangtze Kian? and
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 553 18 SHARIKAT ÜBIYU MALAYSIA P.W.D. SINGAPORE BERHAD (MARA) I Tender* are United rrom PWD Registered Contractor* for the •TARi II iTU'KM Ai FACTORY fni"., mlnir .nrks WATFR Mmi SI HI ME ■following worn 1 Mii.plT and installation ol (OVIRACT NO. 5 Trifiie light Control, al (OSMKIi riOV ol North Buona VteU
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    • 828 18 I NOTICES IN THK MATTER OF THE COMPANIES ACT. 19IS AND IN THI Mtlllll OF ASHOK ENTERPRISE (MALAYA) SENDIRIAN BERHAD (In Voluntary Liquidation) ADVERTISFMENT FUR CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEKEBY GIVEN that the creditors of the above named Company, which Is being wound up voluntarily are required on or before the
      828 words
    • 802 18 I TENDERS 1 HOUSING DEVELOPMENT BOARD Separate tenders are invitert for im one or all o( :he following.— I l.l> REPAIRS A: REUECOKATION :o 18 Block.- nl 7-Sloiey. 6 Blocks ol 3-Sloicy and 12 Blocks of 3-Sloiey Flats at Kalian* Lstate. Contracts I. II VI .Total 1.626 UniUP i 2)
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  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 2249 18 XL RUNNERS TOMORROW ££#»> ??nri aw a niv 5 moo* dlsi.rt ii.kkur i iMTCi ■^VffVn 3U CLASi HUIV 3 j Donnelly 6 R2 (S|| -lla^an 3 ■Alaj&aHJHI I 56.000 1 6F ?2 WO IVVOMRK II a i Cynosure i \V>st'B 711 liumphrir% 7 imovM ißh«k> H«ldle -i 0 0 'Xnuair
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  • 385 19 Selangor dim Mitsubishi glitter SELANCOR 0 MITSUBISHI 0 A SCORELESS draw was a poor reward for Belangor's domination of their match against Mitsubishi FC of Japan at the Merdeka Stadium last night. Bflniisor had the Japanpsr tn trouble (or fuujr 75 minutes of or.' play flit not mouuli to
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  • 84 19 DALI Omar, the Armed Forces striker, returns to lead the i.: lack against Johore In the FAM Cup second round match at R:fle Range Road. Kuala Lumpur, on Sunday. MaJ R Supplah. the Forces team manager, said Dall was "very fit despite a long lay-off. In the
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  • 256 19 Tengku to lead side in Walker Cup golf MALAYSIAN P r 1 m t IT Minister Tengku Abdul Rahman and Singapore's Chief Justice Mr. Wee Chong Jin will lead teams in a golf match rwTwecn the Oxford and Cambridge Soc;*>t:es of W«'st Malaysia and Singapore a' the RSGC courM\ Kuala
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  • 262 19  -  JOE DORAI ■> FIVE teams will make their First Division soccer debut in the F.A. of Singapore League which begins tomorrow. Among them are Junior A A Tampenls Rovers, and Bakat Baru, the three top teams in the Second Division last year. Juniors and Tampenls
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  • 1474 19  - Aussies are OK Sobers must get a new team rFrom |ACK FINCLETON From gYDNEY, Thurs. A few hundred spectators who were charged full admission got only 43 minutes of play today as the final three West Indian wickets added 49 runs. Seymour Nurse added 37 to his overnight century before
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  • 560 19  - Boon Bee praises his new partner M. RAHMAN 15\ |\O(JBLB8 ace Ng Boon Bee of Perak was full of praise for his new partner, P. Gunalan of Negn Sembilan, when the Malaysian team returned yesterday from the Asian badminton rhampionships at Manila. Boon Bee teamed up with Gunalan when his
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  • 52 19 JAKARTA. Thurs. Rudy Hartono of Indonesia mil dafend his sineles title in tht .v:-Ki.Rland baamlnton championships In London next month. O'her Indonesian players leav. Ing fnr London on Mar. 10 will include Asian singles champion Muljadl, national champion Darmadi and All-England women's doubles title holders Retno Kuitljah
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 164 19 IllflllP 111 UIIADO Located in Ideal Surroundings ■■■■■IV I llttH uBt one mile rom tfie centre of town, off Jalan Ismail School. HFRF'S Phase lin Progress lILIIL U Ten units have been completed and sold, a further liniin fill AAI AT 24 units are scheduled for completion by June 1969.
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  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 210 19 BADMINTON Lower Perak .(is tiSAS) hall. T Ansoni. K\»Ki:TBALL Malacca In-ter-team championships (Seng Cheoni; court*). lIDIKtY Perak rchools in-ler-zor.e tourney ilpoh Uunidpal padang. SMt and Anderson School grounds. 2.45 pm.i. S'«or Div. I: Combined Police v Bunk.i Rn\a (Police Depnti; Div. 2: B'gor Club i TPCA 'XL papadang'; Kilat v
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  • 50 20 SINGAPORE. Thuis The British High Commission in Singapore will move house next momli from the Maritime Building at Collyer Quay to Phoenix Park In Tan«lui Road. j Its new premises lei. *****11 will open on Mar. 3. The Information section vlll continue at Clifford House. Collyer Quay
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  • 229 20 Germany's tycoon of sex stimuli products is fined FLENSBURG. Thurs. Beate Uhse. commonly referred to as Germany's "first sex millionairess" appealed yesterday against her first conviction for retailing items for lascivious use. MI&.S [MM dented that Mjme of tht product* she .->clls are too .-.Umulating fur normal women. The district
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  • 354 20 BANKER IS ELECTED PRESIDENT OF CHINESE CHAMBER SINGAPORE. Thurs.— Banker-industrial-ist Mr. Wee Cho Yaw was today elected president of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce after another strong contender. Mr. Lim Kee Ming, withdrew from the race. Mr. Wee received the backing of 40 of the 47 members of the management
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  • 42 20 SINGAPORE. Iliur.v The G.m X..15 brne School srouls will hold v ChkJMM Mt« Year party for pal if tits of the St A' Mlv-kui Hospital lor Children a; the hospital's fourth flour at 2 p m on Saturday.
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  • 128 20 PERTH. Thurs. A youDi university student trapped under a fall Ml <l.i\ was decapitated i'\ a mechanical shovel being used In a desperate effort to uncover him. Ronald Johnson. 19. a Iteolocy student working for a tile manufacturer during the university vacation. Mas testing soil
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  • 81 20 LONDON. Thurs British Industrialists were today cheered by the news that Industrial production rose by 4.6 per cent last year. Government figures indicate that the Increase was encouraged by growing export orders following the November 1967 sterling devaluation. Further encouragum news la
    Reuter  -  81 words
  • 56 20 SINGAPORE Thui.v File tonight lUstloyrd two attap in Upper Serangoun R' '1 Sixteen people from two families wcrr m<de homeless. No one waj> injured The fire was belie\eil to have started from the Kitchen of one of the houses. It had already etiKulted the two
    56 words
  • 329 20 LONDON, Thurs— The market closed dull, showing widespread losses. Conditions were Quiet ahead of the ICI results but the figures, when published, brought out small persistent selling with the P.T. Index towards the close 72 down at 472 0. Leading industrials fell back over broad Iront. ICI moved
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  • 72 20 LONDON. Thurs— Bpot S3 7 id March 23 7 ,d April 23 7 »d.. May 23 15 16d.. April June 23 15 16d July Sept 23 9 16d Oct. Dec 23.d Jan. Mar. 82 15 18d. April' June 22 3 lKd July Sept 22 11 16 d. Oct Dec
    72 words
  • 32 20 LONDON. Thurs —Buyers £1378 (—£7', i. sellers £1379 i— £7). Forward buyers, £1382 i— £4). sellers £1383 i— £4i. Settlement £1386', < £'j>. Turnover a.m. 355 tons p.m. 980 tons. Tone: Easier
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  • 295 20 Lady Vi, wise and witty host to the famous dies, 81- LONDON, Thurs. Lady Violet Benham Carter, wit. politician and leading controversialist for half a century, died last night. She was 81. She was the daughter of a Liberal Party Prime Minister during World War One. and throughout her life
    Reuter  -  295 words
  • 164 20 SINGAPORE, Thurs. —Israel will boost local exports when its biggest departn: Store In Tel Aviv promotes a widf ran I Singapore-made goods at the first-ever exhibition of Asian products In the country. And 11 the local w.ires catch on, Singapore will havr a
    164 words
  • 88 20 Petroleum case: Firm faces a charge SINGAPORE. 1:. o Standard Limned faced a suinn. for ilawxil] abettli driver to tiw! gallons of petroleum In Kallanf Road on Dec. 24 .t a licence from the Chief Fire Officer The company «a> alleged :o have abef.eil Lai V.ek W. representative ol Lim
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  • 46 20 JAKARTA. rh«U ■i-old over ;i:nl television >cts of 1'! i.t But ;r ma lime It import dut) to 2uo per cert. kesinan tan had been lifted beia.^-e ma incluaiiiK many foreign bn inesamen would e.\cl»MiL-e accounts abuiati into Indi Reuter
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
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    • 22 20 gflSff J|| Bsk tH K^^^ llH' y fll 'Q* 4a\\' >'Jy *B 8 A qm«/ turtle tro< lll> fn ll on l
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