The Straits Times, 19 February 1969

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 22 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 175,000 Hale The Straits Times I M.I. 1845 WEDNESDAY. FEBKI'ARY If). 1969 15 CENTS M.C. (P) 07^3
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  • 265 1 WASHINGTON, Tues —A surprise meeting between President Nixon and the Soviet Ambassador has raised hopes of highlevel eftorts to avert :i threatening confrontation over Berlin. The White described yesterday's hourMr Nixon and Amba.sadnr Anatoly Dobrynln a> "very con- fanning specu- that the
    Reuter  -  265 words
  • 39 1 ENGiEWOon Nr* Jemy, Ties Dustman Albeit Sliuhr\ 31. \\a* doing his round «hen a p.y-irry archer shot him In thr 1-hcW Be <-ri»sed nls »sMilmit hut had to give up dut to lorn of blood. lUut«r. 1
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  • 443 1 Curfew in two cities as death toll rises to 50 KARACHI. Tuesday TROOPS stood by today for more clashes between supporters and opponents of President Ayub Khan's regime after fresh violence here that left at least four dead and raised the death toll to 50 since
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  • 78 1 Just fancy that IONDOX. Tues. Capd tain Mont\ Mnir is a kind -In .11 1 I m;in He wouldn't even hurt a mouse. So lie pulled up his Hritann a irlinrr as it »aa a' out to take off when he spottrd a mouse running over the runu.iv. That
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  • 311 1 BRUNEI TOWN. Tuesday. THE British High Commissioner here, Mr. A. R. Adair. said today Brunei's conditions did not indicate that there would be a revolt in the state soon. He was commenting on Tengku Abdul Rahman's statement tmying Brunei could [ace an Internal
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  • 34 1 SSOUI I'uo- Drrn .snnw <nd a MUBuid ludajr hampered March >.i)ri. it ;nn tor 10 Kmean ruaikeni frired killed in an u.ilan ho un thr rujged easi od>t mount., n Sor.ik. --Reuter.
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  • 203 1 U.S. SEEKS BIG 4 SUPPORT FOR JARRING LONDON. Tuesday. THE United States last night was reported seeking a Big Four declaration of support for the Middle East peace mission oi United Nations envoy Gunnar Jarring. Ru.-sla at the .same pa.s.sed to the British Government certain clarifications of Itl five-phase programme
    AP  -  203 words
  • 123 1 DARIS. Tue.- A French delegation is expected to leave here later thll VMk for Kuala L'impiir lor further dlicusstoni '.ii the >;tle ol k; Mirage m lighten to Malaysia, official sources ■aid today The dele.; tion will be led by Cien Yvej Fz
    Reuter  -  123 words
  • 182 1 New i ear delays news of missing yachts HONG KOXG. Tues. Hone Kong authorises expect it may be several days before they havr word from Chinese •llitials about the fate of three yachts which have been nm.sint since Sunday and are believed in Chinese hands. With China and the Colony
    Reuter  -  182 words
  • 28 1 LUSAKA TOM.— A mob nf a Iv Hi! K0 ihoWtlai ycullh r.uMi through Ujm ItTWU hrir today I manhandling mtni-cklrted Kirn and tluhuig iheir hem*.— AP.
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  • 145 1 Indonesia to sterilise three million mothers JAKARTA. Tues In- donesia plans to stcniisc three million fertile mothers during Its five-year devoloj)ment plan starting In April, according to the chairman ol the National Family Planning Institute. The chaiiman. nin Rachn*.an Mansjur, -a:ci this whei gioiial auiii west J.i-. i ntly, t
    Reuter  -  145 words
  • 31 1 JAKAR!\ lues A m.m rushed from hi- cut: tlic weekend i -:.z for help :u PM all the nei^hbotii- l.iii T!k ni »nd :hr an i
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  • 34 1 JAK \l' •SftdaU In the Central J of Priii: ngan i »arn«d m«rn in ifn:u pickrxxlo th«r. \r\ Ih'kj';::: h.i\c I*pinced MMS pukp«Kk>-t.s in Urn »rea— Rcutor r
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  • 113 1 Dawee due for border talks BANGKOK, Tues. Deputy I> Minister, Air Chief Marshal Dawee will Lead a Thai delega tion of 18 officials to the Malaysian Thai general border committee meeting in Kuala Lumpur on ■i 15 and l'J. Marshal Dawee I that the i would discus* .m p roved
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  • 11 1 K M I .i I In o ip W
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 26 1 ,#f% HAHAR&CO>S«^ BALLS BAGS 113. NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. SINGAPORE I Exquisite in Design Superior in Quality Accurate in Timekeeping (^T If ON I Space 2tai- swiss
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    • 49 1 Sale I "uT I i£| Service ELECTION SfSm/i jA Jn MS* o^ Why extra dry? To add that extra tang, extra exuberance to a gin, or vodka-base drink. You'll taste the difleicrce immedic > telv...and then you'll Know why we made it extra ary. Fg n extra dry tonic water
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    • 206 2 The list of prostitutes that aroused wife's suspicions INDON, ruea J Robert Green's list of prostitutes aroused I I »usplclon. Mi Green, <i;d not tell 1-. why he had briefe H rcr- thai the be- circulated to by hi* supi ttlons foi I M Cumi >a:d today septed the
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    • 198 2 Selassie's plea to Britain: Get Smith to free Sithole 4 DDIS ABABA. Tuos. Emperoc Halle Selassle appealed to Britain yesterday to so cun tite Immediate release of the Rev. Slthote. He also offered Rev. Sttholi reiuge in Ethiopia. Opening the 12th ordinarj Di the Council MinUti is oi the Organ!
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    • 37 2 ATHENS rue* st»te« oActally reaomad null:»ry md In Gr^'-'' yertwaaj a* ,n Amrrirnn rarfo \r**r\ unl'iad<"ri flxr FlO4 y::irflf;htrr :rt aircraft The plan (or tin l< .1. lit k r»n: th»' AP
      AP  -  37 words
    • 579 2 DISPUTE MAY DEVELOP INTO A MAJOR CRISIS PRANCE'S fix partners in the Western European Union (WEU) have derided to K<> ahead with a meet ing of the organisation here tomorrow despite a French refusal to attend. informed sources said today. Th< source*
      Reuter  -  579 words
    • 134 2 DACHSHUND HANS' BEST FRIKND IS A MAN II is jenrr.illv held that a dot i* man* best friend Hut there is one dog uhi>H* hest friend in a Urn- is a ri I r special doc he Is probably the longest surviving paraplegic iliie in the uorld McaMt nf
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    • 159 2 Britain rejects Smith's new proposals LONDON. Tuesday. the British Oorernment yesterday rej Khodeaian Premier lan Smiths n. v km tutional proposals tor Rhodesia but hit the r open lor further talks to break the deadlo k In the three-year Independence dUpuw Oovernmeni \i r.>trr Mr V i t '1(1 .|Ui
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    • 67 2 LONDON. lue» Angry MP« todnv urged the British O'vernmrni to press harrirr for the rrli>..vf R rll ',.r otirrespontlont Anthony Grey •nd mhfr Briti.n* 'detained In rhtna Fnrrlgn Sp<rrtary Mr. Ml- I rliii! Bt^«f»rl assurpd them Britain «hs keeping up iU prnir.-t.v to Chirm hut lointerl
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    • 37 2 LONDON, Ims A HemBrandt portrait of an old man wearing bla^k and two other pa.nting.s weir 'inlrn from an »rt exlvbliinn in PnrtMtinutri diinnir 'he night Police Mid th«t the paint ma* valued »t «I<W.OM.
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    • 163 2 I OITOKITOK J (Kenya). Tuea. Eiuht young blind Africans attempting to climb Mount Kilimanjaro, East Africa s tilgheal peak. reached about 10.000 f( el on the first day ol their climb, according to reports reaching tho Outward Bou n d Mountain School
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    • 178 2 I'll ring the bell of peace every day— Thant \M\ YORK. nies UN Sei'retary-(i« I' Tlkii.i :v to ring a be.l lur pi d.iv before he corns* t.i h;* olflce Ho Made the promt* Mr Chi >m Nakas--.<i*H. furnier Mayor f& the City of UwaUm.i vha pntcntei r ihant with
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    • 91 2 NEW YEAR WITH MAO IN MIND UONQ KONU rues. Peking's cttlieni red the start 01 New Year yesterday cleaning streets and prop ing c h a l r m a n M s thoughts. Radio reported today The Communist authorities in China, in Uim with its nolicy ot BbollsJ old
      Reuter  -  91 words
    • 342 3 Our only terms to halt the war Lam PARIS, Tuesday gOUTH VIETNAM'S chief delegate to the Paris peace talks said last night there could be no ceasefire in the war without a complete North Vietnamese withdrawal from the south. In an interview,. Mr. Pham Dang Lam. a former Foreign Minister,
      Reuter  -  342 words
    • 170 3 Libel damages for James Bond' LONDON. Tues.— Film Actor Scan Oonnery ed uned lib'-i damaga and ajjolugies Horn a. f r v n c h newspaper whn h tuggested he was no longer tit to play the part ol James Bond. Mr. Connery. now filming In Italy, sued the publishers
      Reuter  -  170 words
    • 39 3 TAJPEH. lius An Oruguana Aouiaii has become IM .r.^ii ;iiember o; UM Kuomintan^ ti'nr i Eiu.i i, .)i> iidi ii Chuni Chan Cohege in M-m- in-uiuie er Dr sun loundrr U* Republic oi AP
      AP  -  39 words
    • 86 3 Apeing the artists I MIU I g ni'uht «liviEree .is In ulni h m lioul of (i.ititiim tin- unrks of rl in thr picture by lumps a I Dudley /00. WorcrNtershire. I ncl.iiiu liriont l.xpressionism" Surrealism? or may be ihimpanzeei>m? Km (hey do accept that behind the colourful ciautis of
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    • 168 3 INDONESIAN hoops munlst plot in Masolu, central M newspaper Suiuh Marh II said Communist .suspects had been arre.sted at Amahai. district comman- Tanckert was quoted B iiat interrogation or the suspects proved that they had held a meeting Conimui Manal I m In
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    • 18 3 California undei Biii Intro 6u<-Td in d.3 ■(•-Kpapi b inf tui'h •ivtr'.iAlni. neuter.
      Reuter  -  18 words
    • 35 3 n-.e llution nsui.itiuns ii...^ dru.eia iif D '.iiOJt prool I underwater ml «pii blow-out mi J.m 28 mi f s ipf :i(- nc^r SKtltn 8.. Calll ni... Kruter. JOHANNESBURG. Tu*S. I
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    • 80 3 t.ONDON Tups Bri'^ln w.<tr ti curb un arms salts t.i the M:m<l> Ea>t. Foreign Secretary Mr. Mu-hael Stewart •rrdav. But he refused to say whether the Government would go throuuh with the sale of centurion tanks to Israel Mr. Stewart's statement. In answer to
      AP  -  80 words
    • 232 3 •THIRTEEN Africans died and more than 180 were Injured today when a crowded passenger train ran into a wall of fire spread over 800 yards of track by tlu.u ands of gallons of burning petrol a railway wfaHutnm thai ;i petrol truck ihnnted on :ic-r;
      Reuter  -  232 words
    • 157 3 CALL FOR CHANGE POPE HITS OUT VATICAN CITY. Tuesday. poPE Paul today attacked suggestions that Catholic priests should have jobs, wear ordinary clothes, so to public entertainments, join in politics or social schemes or even Ret married. The desire to become part of society was basic ally good but could
      Reuter  -  157 words
    • 61 3 LONDON hiM Dr Horace King Spi..».r ol the ot vi i day launched ■in txpected lo .-.use at £1 million (or inilnflnj tUts, :m-.mi-inj fr.n.N Sinatra. BHihv* Julie Andir my Davt" Ji Diunnr \n.vour and bhiriey Ba^e- hat I a.ii\cd fees la protlucr
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    • 44 3 JAKARTA ,rs Ihe Indoni'M.m Goirrnment will s'.iclc to Us dec-lawn to hold ■men! •lecttoai beiore July 1, 1971. aciurding to Justice Minuter Unu.r Senoadjl. He told reporters aft«r talks with President Suharto veswrdoy that early prepara- tions for ihe polling had
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    • 82 3 ATHLETE CYCLES NON-STOP FOR 100 HOURS DAKAR. Tues World track cycling endurance champion Syed Mohamed Newad has cycled non-stop for 100 hours, eating, wash in*. shaving and changing his clothes on his bicycle. Newad. an Indan who set up a six-day non-slop cycling track record In Addis Ababa three years
      Reuter  -  82 words
    • 22 3 DAR-ES-SALAAM Tuf- Tanzaniau police .said yesterday they had interrupted a bomb .sent to another leader of the Mozambique liberation Front.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 103 2 59BSS P r °duced in modern factories, using For names and addresses of suppliers ■^^SIH skilled techniques, Australian products of Australian products contact the s^^^^™ offer consistent quality at competitive Australian Trade Commissioner at: B^g^^^^™ prices. That's why they're in keen de- Australian Hiph commission. ■MBjajjjjk i ii 11. i
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    • 85 2 Advertisement A Beautiful Smooth Neck Nightly nourishing Is essential to the neck if it is to receive its ful; share of admiration for smooth, firm hne.s and a lovely, milky .sphndour Hold your angers rtat together and circle rich Ulan vitah?inß night cream gently into t!i> skin, starting at the
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 32 2 TUE CSAM9OLS "-> (O\O T«£ rLUMBEE 1 I 7. CO/VIE 7DO4V f f CanO Ut*, COMIU& BACK J If (?S) ANP*«AID M TUE MtAU^ I k ■TIM* PQMT TUgN ON lUt^ yiF) ft
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 266 3 THE ONLY LUXURY CRUISES IN SINGAPORE FOR THE TOURIST! FOR THE SINGAPOREAN! DAILY hours 4 'j pm. from Clilloru 1 DAILY 3 hours Southern Islands Foui Speclall r Clubs. Associations and I parties at ;>pe< Educat ona thi harbour. southern he Juroni? Indu at very W1.1.K1.V (i hours Plcfki- :i
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  • 245 4 S'pore farms 1968 output worth $284 m HIGHEST EVER PRODUCTION SINGAPORE, Tues.—Agricultural production in the Republic last year hit ;i record $284,40.">.7<11r'. According to the Primary Production Department, vegetable production amounted tn 40,200 tons, with a retail price value of $13,604,700. Production was only enough to meet half the consumption.
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  • 52 4 General Paper course SINGAPORE. Tues. The University of Singapore Extramural Studies Department will conduct a 12-lecture course on "English Comprehension" specially cic-icned for private candidates mhimk for the Oeneral Paper, berninilne on Feb. 25 The course, to If held In Room E. ground floor. Administration Building. Univenity of Singapore, will
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  • 55 4 SINGAPORE. Tues— Mr. Khoo Hln Hlong has been elected President of the Law Alumni Singapore The other officials are: Mr. Kumar Lai. vice- president: Mr. Richard R Magnus, secretan Mr Woo Tchl Chu. assistant secretary; Mlm Arfat Latiff treasurer. Mr. Btephen Leone Keng Thai and Mr Tommy
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  • 274 4 SINGAPORE. Tuesday 4 PANEL of Singapore doctors— both from Gov- ernment services and private practice will take the real life role of Dr Ben Casey in a new series of locally produced television programmes annod at educating housewives on "health in the The production
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  • 25 4 SINGAPORE. Tues The Singapore Infantry Regiment band will perform at the Kampong Chantek Bahru community centre tomorrow from 7 pm to 8 p.m.
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  • 276 4 OINGAPORE. Tues. o Captain In command this Is the goal for Mr. P. J. Thomas, 28, and Mr. Koh Thong Hat, 25, when they sit for their Master's certificate at the Marine Department on March 3. The Master's certificate Is the highest award of the Singapore
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  • 38 4 SINOAPORE. Tues— Mr. Juitlce Halm H. Conn Justice of the Supreme Court of Israel, will talk on "Israel today" at the Rotary Club of Singapore weekly luncheon meeting at Hollandsche Club In Camden Park on Thursday.
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  • 82 4 A PLAY BY TWO NANYANG LECTURERS L_ SIMiAPORfc. lues. Two Nanyang niversity lecturers. Robert Lynn .md su\in Chan, from Us language centre will produce Thornton Wilder > play "Our Town' at the Victoria Theatre on March 8 and 9. Staged by the Nanyang Players, the play devoid of any scenery
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  • 52 4 SINOAPORE. Tues The j Director of the World Health Organisations Immunology Re- search and Training Centre here, Dr DS Nelson, will Kive a course of fl\e lectures on current concepts in lmmui.'>lu^y on Mar. 11. 13. 18. 20 and 25 at the postgraduate lecture room of the
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  • 43 4 SINGAPORE. Tues —The Sin- i gapore branch of the Institute of Work S.udy Practitioners has organised a talk on "Training within industry for supervisors" at the lecture roum. Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Hill Street at 530 pm on Feu 23.
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  • 37 4 SINGAPORE. Tue». The Singapore Government Technical Services Union will hold its annual dance at the Victoria Memorial Hall on March 1. Proceeds will be used for the professional advancement of Government technicians.
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  • 142 4 Today's Educational TV on Channel 8 Is as follows: 7.50 a a.m.. Oeneral science. Sec. 2: and photography: R. 30-8.50, Oeography (Ch.), Sec. 1: Pressure and winds: 9.05-9.25, Mathematics, Sec. 1: Directed numS-rs (I): 9.45-10.05. English second language. Sec. 2: Why?: 10.45-11.05. National language (Elem): Becoming
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  • 393 4 Teachers Union executives in a quandary SINGAPORE Teachers Union executives are in a quandary over the central council's refusal to approve the union's monthly accounts for October, November and December of last year This followed the unauthorised expenditure of $5,322 last November for the printing of a brochure on the
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  • 281 4 Survey on effects of urban renewal on traders SINGAPORE, flam A survey t» ;is*rss the effects of urban renewal on traders If to be undertaken in August. Target for the investigation is the old People's Park market and food stalls that ha\e been moved into :>. new building in Park
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  • 86 4 SINGAPORE. Tuev— The following :.O pi Ize-u inning ticket numbers Mere drawn from I- Hi 3 15 for the lucky linnois draw of the Singapore Blond Tr.msfuMon Ser\ice: U*****. *****3. 000.M3. OOUhT.'. OOUllti. 000<f?.i. *****1 OOOltui. 000?!l.1. 000!)8.-,. 001:5.58. *****). 0010.VI *****.1 MtiW. *****0. *****.;. OOOI.Vi oun
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 244 4 HOTELWISE, WE'VE A HEAD FOR HEIGHTS... THE HEIGHT OF COMFORT AND THE HEIGHT OF ECONOMY So when yoj're stopping in S.ngipore. be hotel wise. Book in at the Lion City Hotel. It's all airconditioned. Evary bedroom hns a lj\ sh bathroom attached. >v There are phones, sound systems, wall- to-wall
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    • 148 4 W B^Bwsts^?T^B^l\ b^bk^Hb^t^L^B 1 siNGJPOOf SWEirt AUNTS WM B Mr Ton Wh Fang tMm H 31 E Cs-ft'.dt* Rood. S-n«opof« H HT S!IJJ mM M Hud CHuna (j Co jH 1 11. M.dd>« Road. S.ngapeft. 7. Mr Ng Lang Km Ct BJ| Mr Goh G*Ok Kwm, H| c o Ng
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    • 216 4 NOW SHOWING SIMULTANEOUSLY AT GALA PALACE CATHAY CATHAY SINGAPORE SINGAPORE K L Ipoh I 10. 4 00. 1 30, 400 100 3IS 12 45 100 *4S t J 44S t tlO «10 4 9 15 tlO 900 pm CASK BOOKINGS ONLT-N* Frt« List I No Free Lot' MR. UGLY IS
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    • 497 4 NOW SHOWING No itit Lut' I 1 30, 4 00, 630 9IS p m •aronn vI s '5 CARD STUD Deon Mortm in Teen- color Od< n Cathay Orchard Pjiacr I Special Morn IRON BONtS v »-itti English I no Lmjii'ionnnj I2fh DaK.Mu ilAll Nofr.cList I jm 2.1 S ill
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  • 281 5 Dynamic growth -and action by Govt KUALA LUMPUR. Tuesday. 'I' Government will have to evolve a more selective so* of criteria to direct investments into fields which promise dynamic growth prospects. So says a UN survey of the country's export possibilities, conducted Jointly by the UN Conf erer re on
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  • 139 5 Now Malik confirms Government stand on joint spelling JAKARTA, Tues. Foreign Minister Mr Adam Malik said today that there were no problems about the introduction of thf 1 controversial Indoneslan Malaysian spelling system and confirmed that the Government had dPcldrd In principle to adopt it. Antar'i re- Mr M.i!..-. n;?ki:ii;
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  • 55 5 PtNANG lues StudenU. of tne Malaysian Nation..; Laa> ?jai?p ixjciely at the University ot Adelaide were Miffed by the G<"orgetown OCPD. Supt. S. T. Nayasariurai yehierday on the work of the police fence. Thr LToup. representing a rj ot Aastralian t-n--cirty v.ric taicn round the mit
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  • 73 5 SINGAPORE Tv« The Commander. Fur E«st Flee' Yirp WI) O Brim la to \:-it three poll.- in EmH M«i»yna Hr arriifs In KUChll M\li I'll 1-1.(1 i\ lf»\eK lor Brunei He Will be in Labuan on Feb 23 and at Ko;a Kinabalu from Frb £4
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  • 30 5 SINOAPORfc I- H..i-l.<nd-Aiiiericn luxury linrr. Rut:erd»m will arrive her* nn MMrch witn ovrr 700 PH^rnger.v The 38K4-S-' n \e^.-rl flngship of liX" l^ne her n:nt rc;.nd-thf-age
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  • 31 5 KLAI A LL'MPLR luoa I'-.r Sultan of Selangor and the I Imgku Ampuan will attend Sa-tn.-iir Nignt to be held at i Anzka,sapun here tomorrow at I 8 .n..
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  • 111 5 Mystery of black ship off Ponggol t l M, APORE, 3 to I'onggol beach are puzzled by the :v ol a black ihlp anchored 200 yards from the .shore > ,i:id which v. to know anythtnf about. The '.ship, about 5.000 UKII, t-pli cabina and deck art charred tigna ol
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  • 277 5 LMMA hopes to put an sUL***£isn rl KUALA LUMPUR> TuM ti -I* and put tlinn on the open market instead. "Wholesale dealings in intend monopolize the fish should be done on sale of nsh the open market and not "It only wants to
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  • 148 5 SINGAPORE. Tuesday 'IHE biography ot Prime Minister Lee Kuan Vow hv A\c\ Joscy will be read b\ the Germans in the Oennan language soon.' n ol the book i (i i to C m.p.i It by German pu Horn r i .in mnounced this during
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  • 280 5 Trawlers believed responsible for turtle deaths iRE than 100 turtles arc believed to have died ol sullocation over the past three months as a result of getting caught in trawler lib.n ig nets. The Pahang TounM Promotion Officer. Che Yang binte Dahar:. who disc'.o.-ed thu today, said "The department has
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  • 123 5 SINGAPORE, Tues. J An expert In Biblt stud> and well-known theologian and university professor flew in tonight from Madras to Inaugurate special three year campaign of BiblereadinK and study in Singapore and Malaysia. The Ri R<*v. Stephen Neill. who has lectured at Oxford and Camb:
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 117 5 mF t I i JhL^l VaaaaTHaaaLßa^BJaaaaaaaJLaaaJaaaaaalßa^Baaa^tfiaaaaalK W 1 ,T|iW JlP^^W9^BE J^ X6 V a^aaaWß I i K 1 ■fl I i>Js3f?W?SW!^^H K 2aik^a^U)>JMßßßßMirfßßr Btartaißr aCdflal 'T Law 3a> 3^ motel BaaaSHIHjJBIH SUMGAPQQg 2 Presents *BBaaf^ Tlr 'T a. I* -*r r^Bßk^ f k4k J *> Ixv I BBBBBBkJ 1 4
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 294 5 Straits Times Crossword At ROHa I A Mtti lurtff tall* for muatr 1. Appropriate to remot* Bc<x- ti»h place ,6). r. jaMhal. char-ft of v.* rrench bar <5i 1 VlßttOf embracing or backing g Going abroad, got In a a »ni(jer g> mirf— got in a meah 1 10 >
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  • 194 6 PENANO, Tues.— The 5,000-member National Trade Union of Government Medical and Health Employrt\s has decided to issue an ultimatum to tho Government to settle their outstanding claims within three weeks or lace serious consequences." The decision was taken by the union's executive
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  • 33 6 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. Thieves stole a Flat R5O (BT 6352) belonging tn la^-yrr. Mr Albert Llan Shoon Pont;, parked near the Federal cinema In .lalxn Ra a Laut her* last night.
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  • 399 6 BOOST RICE INDUSTRY TO TOP THREE CALL fJUN Abdul Razak will launch National Rice Year on March 1 during a visit to the padi-growing Krian District in Perak. The campaign will attempt to boost the rice industry to one of the three main industries In
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  • 334 6 PARTICIPANTS in the First Asian Highway Motor Rally have been urged to drive with court r>y and re.sp ir.Nibllity. especially in traffic and In or n<\«r built-up areas, and not to drive beyond the capablliij i heir vehicles or themselvPs. The rail;',
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  • 227 6 No warning on 'retire at 55' move charge by union 'JEREMBAN. Tues. The Overseas Com monwealth Forces i Employees Union has accused its employers of reducing the retiring age from 60 to 55 without prior warning or publicity." In a statement, its president. Inche Salleh Kassim. complained thai Hip British
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  • 28 6 LUMUT Tueii Mr lim Choo Bo PWD engineer. ha» been «n»l erred to Ku»ntan and h* 1 been Mjcre»<led by Mr. Llm Boon Chan Irom Ipoh.
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  • 119 6 I POM Tur- It wa> a disappointing Chinese New Year for three families Their homes were broken ln'o yesterday and a total of $821 stolen. Lav Kok Kheong. a clerk, and his wife left early In the morning to visit friends and relatives. On
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  • 213 6 LAST CRUISE FOR THE COMMODORE SINGAPOM, Tu«-s Like the ancient inarinii. (<• iimiidorr Hobart j. hi man. skipper <»l the 20.01M1-ton President leveland. has been on the huh -fa> for a lone, lone time more than half a century in fact But. he is never aione for he has been
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  • 37 6 KIAI.A LUMPUR TIMW r r.d'd a shop near Bttm Cavra Iml night »nd det&inad dim mm (or playing poker They aIM seized spv«»l dnara chips and, $530 on the pok« i table
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 347 6 pneuww Britannica U ENCYaOPAEDIA BRITANNICA ■MbSmbv The Product and Possession of the World Britannica is called others were strongly influenced by teachers who had practically the product and the possession of the world. For two centuries been brought up on Encyciopeadia Britannica. its contributors have been the world's foremost authorities
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 133 6 *"*>ti Onp Itff V.T. tftmmttm WT~i^ONIF MAN RULfc IS A J l^ I TOOK OPPCBS FTK3M I ,Vft.S <■£> RET-TiTnZ""^^^ 1 4^' RE MV WM DICTATORSHIP. THEN WBCK, \TH QUKN.TVT GRAND SLAV > AN IF T HAP ANY OH. MO uUEST.' 2g9H£Vjl r\ VM»SNT A DICTATOR? I N0... I WIZS«,
      133 words

  • 349 7 The rooster wins Round One SINGAPORE. Tuesday. fHE rooster went througn the Hist 48 hours of the New Year unscathed. There wenno road deaths, no fires, no serious crime and no fire-cracker incidents. Even the rains kept away to make it the happiest trouble-free Chinese Now Year Singapore has ever
    349 words
  • 99 7 lOHORE BAHRI. Tues The Mentrl Besar. Dato Ha:: Othman Sa today he doubted the sue- the united Opposition being planned to meet the Alliance in the general »n. He iflt that e.teh of The n DHi-.iPs IndividuaUaUc, mould camtr.-' tin 11 their r
    99 words
  • 37 7 KtJA'. A I IMPLH I The P i.iuncn If publicity -lining finrti next nmnth in preparation I [I will aI«J 1 m for us Th* ductffl I K r Malacca for the •mith
    37 words
  • 183 7 I/I'CHING. lues Data* the people make belter use of Mara bus serxices in >.ir;« the> may be withdraw 11 Mara s <lirr< tnr of transport. Int'he Vohamnl Ka/ali bin Ri il in. saiil heti- late] Hr said this before Ifturtl nit
    183 words
  • 20 7 ELI K ANSOK Inc-he 1 Mnhamed (1 Lumpur ha> lal n renrrmrn after 33 ytM*' gmrrnnitn
    20 words
  • 33 7 PBM U«O, Turf TIM Pio\uicf Wellesle) Parcnt-Taacbar (Irrlilwt t u-.ut the )i Education Mala] -tudfriv «ho failed m obtain B paaaai in thrir LCE vrar to b* piumoted tv Form IV
    33 words
  • 33 7 KI'M.A 1 I'MPIR lurs. Tha ■Maabentilp <>f the *pir.Mi»i icKtneratinn mmrm-i, n NU- ..\>... hai mrrea.sed by almost .v. titan to Mil ».mc the M«h..'u.h. M1 hi 1 V \*d .'fliirmb i
    33 words
  • 369 7 I ANDLORDS of 550 acres in the Pay a Lebar district of Singapore today won a Privy Council appeal against possession of the property and rental profits. The appt'.il UOM In in action bruutiht In the Iliuh Court 1 1 Singapore by
    Reuter  -  369 words
  • 112 7 THESE youngsters were almost helpless with laughter as watched the slapstick antics <>t the clowns at the Royal Circus ol India yesterday. They were among crowd of children and adults who decided to spend part of their Chinese New Year holiday around the circus ring.
    112 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 207 7 ■m >v" H -fy guicfafu^ VHIh DHa v^a^a^HßHHHiHa^ajß^B^B^Bn Ij' ■b A^k. I > aVW a^H I ■m C*» Kj| m II K^-^^^iMaM A "^^B r What a world the Saint lives in! 7 M& ast moving, elegant, stylish, and Jft& >(fl mL on so beautifully timed the world of v*-*-
      207 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 48 7 Bugs Bunny By Ralph Heimdahl I PAC< ~^CSe Gv\OCEwES m YOU i INI OATS BA6. CAWA/VINQ Cl A BOuG-~ E*A— T.VO Or T«EM ,9 TOO l\/\ J LL PAC< T LOO<S kMMI ytKtVJA/rSD E'A N ii <s YOU O\E SAS VA OOT I. fl 1 one sas:^<jC "«s
      48 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 571 8 1). spite a Tet oeaae-flrt North Vietnamew brcea attenipt"<i U< storm an American inn p. preeiuaabl) i" dlaccuni Ameiican report thai ti.' 1 military ahuattoß in the South is uridei control However, in doing m they neve i iwiflimeil »>nc ol the main points which Mr. LodKf hits
      571 words
    • 480 8 A good ninny nit hs tor "mimic no opuatimi in South and Sauth-Eaat Asia conceptually Eai Man grandiose than tin Colombo Plan. have gone tii" rounds in recent years. It cannot !>< said of any of Ixa, bowivcr, thai they have > <-t Iructifii-d or produced a
      480 words
  • 1692 8 MENTARY elections will be held probably in .June They can ha idly be held any earlier. The Dewan Raayat. which has already held its last meeting (it can of course be called into session again) will stand automatically adjourned at the end of
    1,692 words
  • 540 8  - Saying goodbye to the Widows and Orphans CHKMI BOON KIIKNG Us \o our will mourn the Government'! t/Mowi and orphans scheme, which the Cabinet decidod last week to wind up. It long ago outlived its usefulness. Though membership la said to be comoulsory for all public .servants who by religion
    540 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 65 8 MOMNPP M«h» I|V^ I 111 1.. l\ r wrrld lonwut MofPrecision Made I lli»\ <H» »h* top -►•.ct> all Ho*n«r prom »O tCrriOU*. mail >. S«ln«>i: D. .c.M t 4.M iwtt -..ft T.«.f tl*.M MM ■•n MJ SO m«« mm j m ;i«cr.ira Mop Oth«r mod«ii arc tIMOt
      65 words
    • 146 8 INGLOCONTINENTAL SCHOOL OF ENGLISH BOURNEMOUTH Leading Language School Teaching at all levels Reengnlsed as efficient by the Ministry of Education In Fng'.and Official examination centre for the University of Cambridge and the London Chamber of Commerce riM< ATIONAI. HOLIDAY I'Ol RSES IN LONDON CHfcLSFA COLLEGE. FAWCETT COLLEGE. OXFORD Every month
      146 words

  • 268 9 THE body „f Dr. Zainal Ahidin bin Sarih, 34. a lecturer at the I niver sity of>a here, was found washed ashore at Chenerini: six miles from Kuala I rcnti;. inu, at 10 last nicht Ur / a bachelor, unit to I ieni;i;anu
    268 words
  • 253 9 Robbers grab $500 ang pows from nine children KUALA LUMPUR. Tues— Nine children lost their "anf pows" amounting to §500 when four urmod robbers raided their home in Jalan Serai, off Jalan Klann. here last night. The trams also »natrhtd away their gold chalna and tsold bracelets valued at $700.
    253 words
  • 80 9 PORT DICKSON Tues. A t» o-d»y programme has been drawn up to celebrate thr 3ftth anniversary of the Royal Malay Regiment here beginning from March I. fhe proKramme Include* *pei lal pra>er» at the mihu:--graveyard at 730 am to he followed by a laving of wrea'li ceremony
    80 words
  • 453 9 We'll co-operate in the sale of rubber estates TAKEOVER FIRM'S FLEDGE TO GOVT From MICHAEL FOONG LONDON. TH«IJ rONDON, Tuts. International Securities Ltd. which wants to buy over the estates of Plantation Holdings in Malaysia, will, ii it succeeds, be prepared to co-operate with the Malaysian Government when it comes
    453 words
  • 34 9 I'KI M IMi .IAYA Tues lhf f*i inn Mtalster 'i'ensku Atxiul win maugura'e tlv Hißh Speed Te«t n in D Berhad »l Jalan Tandanc here on Thursday at S3O pm
    34 words
  • 178 9 finds a mess in Brunei Radio Dept BRUNEI TOWN. Tues. The Brunei Broadcasting and Information Department's radio hire-pur-' account, offering radios to kampong folk on the "nerei never." is in a mess. Thli dUcloMd m the report of the Public Accounts Committee, now ix fure the Legislative c<mnThe account .show
    178 words
  • 144 9 I/UALA LUMPUR, T.. The Swedi>h Interna- Uunal Development Authority has allocated $1.2 million thi.s year as aid to the National Planning Board, a communication expert with the authontv, Mr Biorh BernadMon said today. He added Malavv.a was one of two countries in Asia
    144 words
  • 108 9 KUALA LI'MPI'R. Tues. The Indonesian has applied for 18 acres of land at *he diplon'.itu enclave which occupies HI acres of hilly land near Kenny Hill here. A spokesman for the Ministry of I. anils and Mines said tod.i\ "We are still considering
    108 words
  • 279 9 Talks soon on RussiaMalaysia air agreement UUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Negotiations are expected to begin soon for an air .services agreement between Malaysia and the Soviet Union. The dep i'\ I'crft.iry (Civil Aviation and Meteo. a. Berrlcesi to the Ministry of Transport, Mr. Saw i:d tooay that the negotiations would i
    279 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
      41 words
    • 93 9 P&O TO AUSTRALIA s.s. IBERIA (30.000 ten* hill* •ircenditioiMd a*abili M 4) Departing SINGAPORE 23 Feb 1969 Arriving SYDNEY 14 Mar 1969 •■o Hofi 9 kon« Manila and Oorwin n«n tourist class accommodation availabli <F«r*t FIRST CLASS Sm,opor«/Svdnc, trom $1919 and TOURIST CLASS trom $1051) Apply re your Travel Agcntt.
      93 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 763 9 ON YOUR TV AND RADIO TODAY TV MALAYSIA RADIO MALAYSIA Malacca. S: Bahru. 3 1i,.,,,n. 834 The Nc* Va»e Swvice Tl 1J» 1 >■'<•. I.JO The News; 140 Tamil 610 Prlnrc Planet— 914 The inxiblnhon ««J metre*. gramme Nummary. SlB I Planet of Terror. 638 Watch —Olno: 943 Hindi
      763 words

  • 177 10 Here to promote sales of mining equipment AtR. J.A. Smith, a sei** nior executive with the Australian manufacturing flrm of Vickors Ruwolt. was in West Malaysia last week to promote sales of mining equipment, including pumps. On arrival In I poll OH F p b. 12. he had talk.-> with
    177 words
  • 92 10 MltJiul OSK. Lines will rejume their monthly service to We.-t African ports commencing In March The first \e>sel scheduled to call at Singapore is the Honolulu Maru *****. DWT on March 12 Port* of call will be Lv nda, Matadi. Douala. La?o« Anapa Lome Tern*. Takoradi Abidjan.
    92 words
    4 words
  • 104 10 Elected member of PATA Board AT the meeting of the Pacific Area Travel Association (PATA) recently held in Bangkok, Mr. R. N. Kaul, Deputy Commercial Director of AirIndia, was elected a member of PATA's KAUL Board of Directors and also unanimously elect- I ed President of PATA's newly-formed India Chapter.
    104 words
  • 209 10 /\NE of the longest serving officers m Hume Industries \J Malaya Blid.. who Joined the company as a ■Ofka clerk 2J years aK<> ha> bren appointed factory manager of the company's concrete products plant at old Klang Road. Kuala Lumpur He Ix Mr J S
    209 words
  • 90 10 MR. O O. Campbell Mas recenUy been appointed Area Manager (or Singapore. MalavMs Brunei and IndoreMa by Su^air A native ol Greenuck Mr Campbell In 194" 10mecj Thomas Cook ana bon in London and In 1948 p(."ited to South Alik-k He Intel lomed Babena Belelan Au lines
    90 words
  • 261 10  - High quality of S'pore food impresses World CHAN BONG SOO By TllK growing emphasis placed on food production has sparked off a general increase in the export of processed and manufactured food from Singapore. This was stated by Mr. H.M Sithawalla. the acting director of the Light Industries Services of
    261 words
  • 157 10 DIRECTORS HERE ON VISIT OOMCW WHIULAN* TWO directors of a world famous »porting .uiuiv manufacturer, Slazenxers. visited Singapore last week to begin their sales promoting tour of the Far East. They were Mr. R.W. Boomer. international sales ihrr-i tor of Slazengrrs England, and Mr Harold Chilians, director of Slaiengers Far
    157 words
  • 100 10 Appointed to managerial rank Mr Jonepn Chla Yak Boon. 37. attached 1 1 the Accounting Department Caltex Oil Malaysia Ltd recently promoted to managerial rank Mr. Chla joined the then Caltex China Ltd In 1964 as a Junior i lerk In Singapore In July 1963. he rose to the rank
    100 words
  • 228 10 Messrs. .lohn Haglcy (left above) and Brian Hoyle (right) with their creative team havr set up a new consultancy service in International Building. Singapore. Their servi'.e. geared for advertising promotion and publishing in its many forms is already retained they statr by many intern. iti'innl and
    228 words
  • 193 10 THE president ot cue ot the worlds leading real estate consultants, management and finance companies, Mr VVUie F.L Tattle ot Collins Tuttle Co. Inc. New York, will u»- vliltlng Singapore and Kuala Lumpur soon. Mr. Tuu.c. who v.. accompanied by hi ciate Mr Herbert Papock, win
    193 words
  • 98 10 A tamihar shipping line la Straus ports and Singapore las: »efK celebrated iv centenary of the owning flrm. Feinley and Eifer of Oslo A recaption whs held on board the Nu'ifWh ship F>rnbroolc whuh «as In Hie Sir.c»pwe MTt .<> mark the occasion Nttp :efr f<ir
    98 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 401 10 Enjoy life! Join the happy active r"---~ IZH— -^^fc people who enjoy good health I and general well-being. Pinkettes K3 provide a gentle laxative action p2*l| I^l to ensure the 'regularity' that is *j. mt d SI essential to a healthy, active life. S)c> j ]j W M For those
      401 words
    • 204 10 Advertisement Free The 2-Minute Search It can help >ou fiiul the product:* you wort through New York State's product locating service. Juat take two mm j nformation -t^uonery: t hr prod vis yo ml io find, wan h., uhflhrr >o I want 1 i h i OMMttn I Mot, w«
      204 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 895 11 10 lIVERP3OI ANO QINER 11.. /Co7tm!e7ullH*llU^^^^^^^^^^^^ list? SiSSEF 8 8 s J frt /2> rr;r%rr; 0 B i :"v.v.v2ri! :r;. 4 -y 8 PELEUS Li.e.pocl, Dublin Mil 21 Mar 22 Mai 21/ i An I •WR. t::!r:. G !10 -::::::::::M::ii IT 2 2 J" gau. r^rti-vSrsa a*.*;. 1 4
      895 words
    • 1151 11 \r//£\\ AC//AafS_| •M***ToTß THE EAST ASIATIC COMPANY Ltd Ineorperaled m Denmark ajfaffpffH EXPRESS SAILINGS TO GENOA/NORTH CONTINENT/SCANDINAVIA V r">n-:f Sikui lif.'ioJ K'flam M Lu'ij As'tluS C'TlJlOn EIRA' I) liti, 21 FM 21/22 MM 24 Mai 1) Mtl 11 An I SuMutwa ii im it 22 rM 21/2* Mar2l An S
      1,151 words
    • 1081 11 EXPRESS SERVICE 10 LONDON, LIVERPOOL I CONtINENItL PORIS btnAHlI h.«Di-| Mm SO Ainpiru.ip f him H.njsa llCinPn An 3 nruittfrtu M Livtrpnui A|i J BENALLIGIN »i-«--p An An 21 S"|«"> S'lllie Ptn«|| HimKurl l|l II Fit 20/2) Ftl 24/21 Fit 71 1 M MMtV m S.niapuri p. 3 mm •ema|
      1,081 words
    • 1177 11 W WORLDWIDE CARRIERS LTD. IVIA^V for: Lot Angelct, No» Orlcam, Chorleiton. 1 New York. New London. (olfo accepting carcjo foi other Gulf and Atlantic portt, tubicct fc inducement i pete P. b ham LA GRANDE ABETO In Port/21 reb 22/23 Feb Orrnti JAG RAHAT 4/ 7 Mti I J Mot
      1,177 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1140 12 y\~*^™"~ KAWASAKI RISEN KAISHA LTD. Waatern Australia Sincapora Japan Sarvlw Fiemantie Smispori TokUiclii/N>gotl t'himi AoM -Saelli Miri" 11/21 Mil 4 Apr Jirilt 11 Apr U Api 1* tpi West Africa Sincapore Japan Servtea I Ar|CH Si"|ipiit| NI|OTI T'himi AoM -liaiesliai Mam" aaiti 21/22 Ma H Mat II Mai it* Japan
      1,140 words
    • 697 12 I mmm\m^mm*%*Wmmm%%m*w*m*m+m*mmmmmmmmm^^m*Wßlk^Em*\mmmmmm\ SB/ (^(^Pklßß^^BT BBH aBBaH BBbS laW I. MptMtul M« MUM KMICI <NSit PMtttM mi, MM lUMIMI 10: tUSIttIIA. NEW U»Lt.N| la NinpilMaa all Mural fan tact.. irtL. o»ai. (Halt. Vmn """t Ptiuif Sails 21 fel 21 Fel 72 FH ferine P. S'llaja Span I»)Ul»- 111 Mil 14 Mil
      697 words
    • 763 12 PACIFIC LINE CALIFORNIA PACIFIC NORTH WEST EXPRESS Loodmg lor LOS ANGtLES, SAN FRANLISCO. OAKLAND TACOMA SEATTLE VANCOUVER eC ft-trf P.ifa~ S 'li'.-t i_»i«r'»- S. Friicsco VISNVt SIOOMI la Pt Sis Tii-i* 21 22 Fel It Mar II Mai SO MTSOP.I II 17 Mil 11,11 Mil 11/22 Mil li «|l II
      763 words
    • 946 12 NOTICE KERETAPI TANAH MELAYU NOTICE l.s hereby given that KENYATAAN TAWARAN2 AajtaUDU: Misses Anne Mosber- Uwaran2 >'« n 13 1 .-.g'^*£ 0 U £S. gen. Florence Yeo Luan Eng, memblna 20 xl 2 Jtox^OU ChrUUna Lim Choon Lye. Tan vert dl-Port Sw te "f»" Gim Wall. Mylence Loi Chwee tion.
      946 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 1620 13 mSSfmTzm activities condolences, deaths engagements fUNERALS. GREETINGS. IN MEMORIAM MARRIAGES MISSING. PERSONAL. P.P.C, REQUIEMS I REUNIONS Rite: Minimum $20/ fir 20 words, additional woid $1.00 i AH Other Classified Ad.ertisements: Minimum $7.50 for 15 words, each additional word 50 cents. Struts Times Boi service charse $1.00. 1 ACKNQrVLEDGEMENTS MRS.
      1,620 words
    • 857 13 BEOOK GARDEN' 1 ■MTU astn* detacosd rrsdy hmiKalow off BaMB RaM IOBBTasI Urdok Hu>» and r, r Mhooli Lease WV year> I «:u.litKi ikj. Interestsd ring is uorei MBM rat. WrU mshr<t residence un M.MMJ sq 11 Dlitrlr-t II Renl 13.0UU sale <!50.iJ00.- Kxullent SaOUtMa tor entertaining. Write ru Boa
      857 words
    • 860 13 I (1) PIHANO MAAOTAI tONGMLAB rnlneae Hsaj Year tour on tne IStr 1 n Krhruary. 1M<1« ny nua at SIM/ j l>rr penon m:i inrlmivei. lit Bana Iknk'Honn Kon» Taipei- Japan rnur on 'lie sth to 20th April. 1960 at J1.7V1/ it i»n n tail inclusive). <s> Phut Harmkok Cniengtnal
      860 words
    • 740 13 VICKY'S PIOURAMA SALOON H Massage Btramr>ath M ptdnurr lull raacfla Raßt, BBsaaaari bMMb, MODERN MAMACE tWEOItr Mamii utMmham. »7A. Vi. lorn SI Corn*r Bra? Knsab Road. Ttl 24V8S dally (8 pore i. JIANI AIR. CONDITIONED SALOK Maancuara Manx-lira ntramr»iih Mat uir Farml Man curr hHirruil n« rsilian 2VU Innnlin Koad
      740 words
      925 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1010 14 &^^ggftV_J Hw^fl l| I mitfa^^a^iiiia^H^BiiiH ■a^L^HtfW LVaai «^HH Singapore Glass Manufacturers Company Ltd. Singapore (ilass M.mufatt irers- Company Limited invites applications from Singapore citi/cns for the Inllovvine positions: A. INDUSTRIAL ENGINEER Qualifications: Work Study Certificate or equivalent plus several years practical experience in the appli- .ition of Work Study. Tertiary
      1,010 words
    • 980 14 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BOARD Applications are imitrtl for the |ml of Cost Accountant in the Hoard: <H.\LIHC.\TIONS: .Must have: (i) An Accounting Degree or Diploma from the Singapore Polytechnic or recognised Institute and must be an Associate Member of the Institute of Costs and Works Accountant or equivalent. and (ii) At
      980 words
    • 685 14 JAWATAN KOSONG KERAJAAN NEGERI PAHANG I Permohonan2 acia-lnh dt-pelawa daripada Ra aval Negeri Pr.hang atau Warea Ncgara Persekutuan dan caripada Petcawal2 Kerajaan yani! >eaaiiK bcrkhidma*. bagi memenohl iavvatan2 yam; kul(ll K \l)l 1 RMAXTI) TEK- I MX dl-da)am Jabatan Pc- I ranchans Bandar dan Kain- I pong Neucri Pahang. Ba-
      685 words
    • 609 14 FENDERS JABATAN KERJA RAYA PERAK KENYATAAN TAWARAN Tawaran danpada pcinboron^J ia:iK bercialtar densan J K.R. jenls rela., C ka-atai (.Supplies) 'armja btrkniala II Kepola KechU B 3k»n cii-tti 1 1 ai-Peiab.<t Jurulera Negeri. Jab;... 1 Keija Rava. Feralc Ipoh 1 1 -ul 3.00 petans pafia 14 3 19C9 UNTOK SUPPLY
      609 words

    • 243 15 CYDXEY Tues. -Australia's prodigious run--5 collector Doug Walters sent Cricket statlstiirrylng for their record books m tho Fifth Bydney Cricket Ground today. Eflß Wi it Indians :.d Austra- d by :i4O on 'he were 239-3 In k to be .n-ad with two remaining than
      243 words
    • 52 15 AHORE. TUM. The MCC touring cricket team today extra Test natch ana.n>t Pak. A.^ the tour cannot be exten-ri-.idy ar- 1 Karachi. :id the Dacca match will each rkira'mn. i cci itinerary for .i. i Mkl hi the 21 24 F:i^ f i 28 Mar 3
      52 words
    • 256 15 Zainal: I was upset By LEE FOO SAN iy\RWIS Deran of Perak re- falned the North Malay- c hampionship yeshen he beat Zainal r\birtin YusofT of Selanßor two up in tho nnal at Tiger Lane. Ipoh. r the match. Zainal walki imut shaking hands rwU. he rompla'ned that h* (1
      256 words
    • 154 15 Al STKAI.IA 1-t Inn- Kl9 INDUS IST INNS. iSundajr 233-71 Frederlcka c Taber b Connolly 39 Carew c Taber b Freeman *i 4 Kanhai c Taber b Connolly 44 Soben c Taber b Connolly 1J Butcher c Sheahan b McKenzie l.lovd b McKenile »3 Nurie c Btatkpole b Connolly
      154 words
    • 90 15 rO members of tl c Malavslan Davis Cup team, Mo-e« Tay and S. A Marted trainitiK ye«-ierriay at the Selangor Golf Club In rvermnifon for the yone tie against India, schedtiled to be played at the Selaneor Club linrn March 1. BlUv Yap and Rahman
      90 words
    • 213 15 Morgan twins in first I row LI in l other Inr ttatf i.'-c« :i:ron- The 21-year old wingers normally afi t"hev did n<>' sec eye-' 1 'ye on the controversy which en- Tottcaba* Houjbhi lv i-i dra« »g«inii Queen .s Park Rangers :^.in who pi iy« tot Rin- Jt»n.v Ohavv
      213 words
    • 125 15 LIONEL Jayatilaka retained hi.< singies title in the Malavnan Indo-revloneae tennis tournampnt |MtUday when he beat K. Dh;irn, nam 2-6 6-2. 8-6 in the final at the TPCA. Kuala Lumpur. Vie Nayagam and Dhirmaratnam retained their men's double* title ith a 6-4. 6-8. 7-5 win o\er Cvtil
      125 words
    • 19 15 Malek Hill m> re- .if the Malacca v at the an- Id at the Milko.a ciub pavilion.
      19 words
    • 1977 15  -  EPSOM JEEP By (JHfcNS Stable's Chai Kian carried topweight of 9.0 to a fluent win in the Gold Cup "Trial" the Class 1 top division 9f race at Kuala Lumpur yesterday. Chai Kian, ridden by Los Coles, went to the front
      1,977 words
    • 20 15 The closing date i I enrfai for the Singapore Fockey Association knockout rompetlt.oa ha* been extended to Feb. 2t
      20 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 326 15 I was hoping you'd call, Son/ A^ You're looking we11 JSsfWLQV fa a k Ps mfi&Jm a». ia» jm^ ajawv*msp| "^i waXlafl aaaaaV \j 'j V^^^ "Ca aaaaaCT*^ I'^ J ymgfmm to the affectionate goodbyes. It won't be long before private subscribers like these will be able to enjoy videophone,
      326 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 85 15 QQl^y Q El.Mr iPI i in I os LAOABTOH OPEN HltlllSll II MOK \VH.--1 R I)r TIK I London I V Andrei M Vironzo Argentina i 274 2 L nutptd D. R»"n 15 rd* for M.«rv 'US) 277. :i R Gnn- t.ilr calei Columbia 279 snrr'i'R BOXING s<nii\K i li.lll
      85 words

  • 273 16 Thanom in talks with key men to form Govt BANGKOK. Tues. Prime Minister Field Marshal Thanom Kittikachorn will discuss the formation of a new government with key ministers this evening after the weekly Cabinet met Ing. Deputy Uolti. Air duel Marshal Dawec Chullaoapya. tolri reporter; that Thanom would consult
    273 words
  • 102 16 |^UALA LUMPUR, Tues. The United Chambers of Commerce of Malaysia has been Invited to send a trade delegation to Bulgaria, a spokesman for the chambers said here today. The matter will be discussed during the next meeting of the chambers on March 6. Bulgaria's commercial counsellor
    102 words
  • 31 16 JAKARTA Tue* tion iium lodoncsiui id the l.sbe h«-id pur. it v totiiiy F(jr*ign M:liLvtfr. Mr Adam lid IM Oovernment muuld send trnii'. but no offlcia: delegates. AP.
    AP  -  31 words
  • 374 16 STORM OVER POLICE ACTION ON SIEGE HOUSE U.MCI» lurs A stoiui of protest over ihe handling vi a ii.iic il..> iieje ol a lonely l.irruiiouse near tionleaux mounted here today us people asked: How could it have happened? Newspapers unanimous- i oikU iiiiied the decision to send police in haii-tiack
    374 words
  • 220 16 I/INGSLEY Martin was ■"■one of the great crusading editors of the century. An uncompromising moralist and bitter fo? of colonialism, he wa.s editor of the British left-wins wetkly. the New Statesman, from 1930 to Iti* Under hi diiTi.n it.s m-fliieiH-i» extended through*
    220 words
  • 138 16 FIGURING IT OUT— AT SUBANG NOTWNG Mill keep a unmans mind nil 'it t figure not even Raping passrrs-hv as this picture takrn at Subang airport »!.o\n. Some of the women were there \e«tcrdav as part of thHr Chinisf >»» Year holiday proKramme to see the international flights coming and
    138 words
  • 478 16 'Viets violated the Tet truce 196 times' AN American military spokesman today claimed that Vietcong guerilla violated the 24-hour Tet ceasefire 196 times, but killed only eight U.S. soldiers. He admitted, bowever, that only 84 ol the 196 inCidtnt.s Involved casualties. The guerillas are obsenrIhk a week-long pan in bovtUlUes
    UPI  -  478 words
  • 214 16 T'AIRO. Tue.s Foreign ixperts who are to survey the .southern end of the s>uez Cunai to sep v 14 trapped ship.- can be moved out an due in Catn m Thursday, informed sources .s.i id today. The sources said i threeman i cam Is expected to be
    Reuter  -  214 words
  • 68 16 LONG BEACH TtM A -ycarof an appall ul lie.n tertl.iy IMI HSSIMni to < US N.nv »»vr laboratory on in. floor off the'inu.u Berry I <;.,mion an rlnj tron;cs engin «f irum N«vy\ mine dtfeae* laboratory. I was in one of five Mhm m
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 111 16 MANILA. Tues Quezon City police have proved that miniskirts do not contribute to crimes against women, the Evening News said totfay. The newspaper MM th.i! the police chief of the city had gathered statistics showing a decrease In the number of crimes women
    Reuter  -  111 words
  • 29 16 MKARIA rues. Ind n I pßtrola firift'.fa 19 people Bangka UkM wrek when they ;i-.--trmptpd :•> MMttlC 1.670 kili>■rassa < n nut ul Hie country. Antara &atd. AP.
    AP  -  29 words
  • 36 16 PETAI ING .JAVA luts Po .:> i.l urg^iiiLse v Ch.«p -iv ii, m Triuku Cli.-ni i ..ii M IT h 1 lunds (or .".liipnuni.^ ot BMdical tußpllßi irrnii California lor tue A-Miiiu Hnsp;:..i here.
    36 words
  • 31 16 Mil CHEAM KIM MU»T <n IS >>ifj|i lh' Kirn Ln(. K in Hol> Kam K 4 1 .u«ntfr"-m-:«w »j«r HI 4 p m un It 2 M lor I'tvrat 'eireier\
    31 words
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