The Straits Times, 14 February 1969

Total Pages: 28
1 28 The Straits Times
  • 26 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 175,000 The Straits Times national Estd. 1845 FRIDAY. I tBRI AKY 14, 1969 13 CENTS K.D.N. 3104 M.C. (P) No. 0*23
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  • 589 1  - Package offer for air defence MARGARET WEE Tengku gets new British proposal By KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. Britain has mode a twostep proposal to help Malaysia build up its air force capability by 1971. I Ills is in ;nis\\el tO Tengku Abdul Uahman*s offer lo liii\ l>i iiisn jmiip jet Harrier
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  • Article, Illustration
    11 1 Hri tain's jet fighter that can take off vertically
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  • 96 1 CHEERFUL NEWS FOR BRITONS LONDON. Thurs January was Britain's best overseas trading month since July VMti. atcording to dovernment statistics anniiiiiu I'd today. The d<ii< it shrank fro m DecemlnTs Hit million to ElO million. In July ISB7, a surplus of E I million uas recorded. Kxports in Jan- uary
    Reuter  -  96 words
  • 177 1 Singapore alert against vandals SINGAPORE. Thursday A l>l<> poliic alert is nil .ij;;ijiis| pus siblc ;h K ol umlal ism In (liincsc mill die school sliultnls in the in'\l ICw d;i\s The whole force is on standby following Intelligence reports that the students may bo noinu on rampage during tho
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  • 47 1 PIINO.M PENH. Thurs. An American Ll9 plane WM clow ii liy Cambodian lirr yesterday and tin pilot captured, the Khmer Prey. Agency reported today. The agency viid the pl:ine fell annul a mile inside Cambodian territory In the province of Svajr Rieng AP.
    AP  -  47 words
  • 55 1 Voice box swop success GHENT (Belgium). Thurs. Jean Bapt; te Borreman.s. the Belgian policeman who underwent the worlds iir>t larynx transplant, lias regained the use of his voice, the hospital said today. A bulletin said the 62-year-old patient, operated on last Monday, had "regained two main functions voice and respiration—through
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 54 1 BTDNR rkatl svcliiry Dally Mirror <(ilumnisi Jim I McDdimall says Mr < \p,rts tn I \wn an As2(lo UOO kXUtJ »r\t I VO.II Me I). uk.Mll hrothrr. Dudlrr, I won thr A 5200.000 Bjrdncy i)i>tih Moils' lottery Arawa t<>il»v l.a.M \r*\ Mi Mvlri Mm. .'"tin Mivw won
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  • 125 1 LONDON. Thursday. pOLICE in Bournemouth are trying to identify a young woman who apparently died twice. Twice her heartbeat and breathing were restored. and early today ih« wai unconscious and cn'ically 111 The woman, in her early twenties booked Into a holiday Hat In the
    Reuter  -  125 words
  • 409 1 Cronyism charge against Gorton by Whitlam CANBERRA. Thurs Labour Opposition leader Gough VYhitlam today Utterly accused Prime Minister John O'Ttmi of "cronyism" and personal government In hta apDointmenti tic desrrlbi i il mem ;t Mr Gordon Kreeih. the i.ew MlnUti r lor external Afain v "the elevation ol a ctony
    Reuter  -  409 words
  • 91 1 Lock-up escape: Three captured KUALA II MPI It Than ThKC of nine lm\s hho cm .ip«-il from the puller lurk-up In Sun^ii Br>i List nit; 111 were recaptured (In- mornfiu police spokesman aaM t<>■BJ tliit the nine mule a break for freedom after pushiiiß .i police s«-ntr> The sentry had
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  • 23 1 KUALA I I Ml'l Anuci.-' low fd mdrimitily .iitri a sitting I'ii. rugued .tn<i will nn af:.T Utc Oenersl E.>
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  • 111 1 |>.\RIS. Thurs. Th« Vletcong today detnanded the unconditional withdrawal of American and other allied t roops io m South Vietnam for the first time at the Paris peace talks. Mr Trim But) K the linn H-oi.t. said the time had c L' S. "must answer
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 72 1 GEMS OF THE ORIENT i\ fp> g± W II Sta B'-e Call s*pph,re S^ £yEMERALD AND RUBY C DE SUVA BROS. MANUFACTURING JfWELURS. J. ».l»le. Hoc*. i,n 9apon TIL: 7725*. PRESENT HER 1 GIFT-SHE HIS BEEN LONGIN6 FOR an Enicar jewellery watch irss^ss not only makes her Ink mlre ele
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    • 86 1 M V GERMANYS IN FASHION S abermain A..,./,.. H...4 STOP PRESS 1 1 1 R\\\ ILTOfD r I NATIONAL HRIR DRESSER Find your hair hard to manage f^~ \i£& Keep it in place,neat and well groomed f 7 all day with the NATIONAL Hair Dresser. Styles your hair the way
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    • 139 2 JAL SCORES A FIRST IN MOSCOW TO TOKYO ROUTE TOKYO. Thurs. Japan Alrhii's (JALI today became the Brtt lorelK" auttK rlsed to iiy th.-uans-Slberlan MoscowTokyo rout- Independently with the of a JapanSoviet agreement here. The agreement was signed by Ruaala'a Civil AviaMlnlster, Mr. Yevgeny Loglnov. a n d Japanese Transport
      Reuter  -  139 words
    • 428 2 Thanom victorious— but is short of an absolute majority GOVT PARTY TAKES 75 SEATS IN THAI ELECTIONS Secret hoard I'.XKIS 1;: I UmIKT 82-yenr-olri penMonerdiNOivered his »ife» ,«]>• afer ;;<r death at 83 a cache of 60.000 franc* i about 036.0001 in their hnune. Reuter. THK Government'! Thai United People'i
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    • 167 2 Popularity of off-beat sects worries Indon authorities J\K\RTA. Ihrrs— Oil IcllgiSW ><■< t> including one which rr quires its IMtowen t" iaj their pr.i.M-T-s in ihr nude h.tve I n d i> n aiithiiritir* ncir Jakarta •rarried. Antara new* acern v s il tnd.o th it tt now three
      Reuter  -  167 words
    • 18 2 r Thru a B Pan. And i.d chert dc.'iv.v ittetapu to rev.vr Rnrrr
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    • 111 2 DARIS. Thurs Mnkes yesterday hit a unde range of French Industry as unrest Witt) the Government >immcred In the country's factories and unlver^itii'.v The strikes most of them short and symb. vet* part ii( a nation-wide "•Action Day 1 called by the Communist -led Confederation
      Reuter  -  111 words
    • 143 3 Muslim divorce poser for judge in Britain I ONDOM, Ihuis A High Court im»n Is "•'•int. takti la iacidc if the fries »M M»>iim nirthod nf divnrcint; a \«ifp by sayinc "I ilivorce you" thrrf time> Ls Irgjl in Britain. Indian-born Mrs ftjmln Qurr.shi challengrd hrr husband's right In the
      Reuter  -  143 words
    • 28 3 ATHENS 'I id tor t« '.\\t clmrrh n Kolync h:ui. Cretr. yesterday hr'.o. ■a:: „!1v li in'.dtd bi:<lr Nik: Txannaki «a«. in a neuhjouiuii. \llla, rhinrh
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    • 178 3 r«RDING (West GerFj many). Thurs. Two Luftwaffe transport planes crashed at opposite ends of West Germany yesterday, killing 13 people in the country's worst military air disaster for five years. A twin-engined Frenchbuilt Noratlas crashed In a snowstorm soon after takpoff from
      Reuter  -  178 words
    • 42 3 JAKAKIA. Tliur.s A Oo\rrn thp emba>'ies of rriuin Com i:.iii<^ 111 J.ikHrta o helping .spread Comm ol the Attorney uMicp. Mr. .nt the au'.horitie liacl confiscated the brochure nunlat bulle' tns sen ian Com ate me emtxisstes.
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    • 184 3 EAST BERLIN. Thurs. Eiist Germany yesterday formally called on the United States. Britain and France to prevent West Germany holding Its presidential elections in West Berlin. The East Grrm:m nows agency ADM t»M thai luAta on similar Una wen dolivnrvd ti>
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    • 213 3 SALISBURY, Thursday. RHODKSIAN rebel premier lan Smith last night announced plans for a referendum in May on a new constitution which it was believed would bring in a form of the South African style apartheid in Rhodesia. He siikt the new constitution was
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    • 158 3 NOW NO CHANCE TO END ROW WITH BRITAIN dropped in favour of a single-stage plan. Political sources said the new constitution was believed to provide (or a provincial system ot government ming tl government system it (•r.iv rootl level In Alr; ari'y-i a-s the foundation To political observer* here, the
      Reuter  -  158 words
    • 237 14 'YOU BRITISH SWINE' AND OTHER CURSES WHEN VON AMSBERG LOST HIS BALL BRIT ISH newsmen said Dutch Crown Princess Beatrix's Ger-man-born husband. Claus von Amsberg (above) cursed them yesterday when he lost his ball and temper during a game of golf here. '.i rotte n British ■wine," the reporters quoted
      UPI  -  237 words
    • 106 14 MAYOR LINDSAY BOOED BY NEW YORKERS fl^»t VOKK, Ttaurs. .now -weary New Vork-i-rs jeered Mayor John Mndsa> on an inspection tour of badly Minted bicm amid a Knitting choru.t of romplaints that City Hall vaa Kiiiilj of neglect in reniovinc snow from the reason's worst storm. An unrxpectcd blaiit
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    • 257 14 SENATOR ISSUES CHALLENGE TO MARCOS MANILA, Tnureday. CENATOR Benigno S. Aquino, Jr., has resigned from the Central Luzon Study Commission because President Marcos called him "a congenital liar." The Senator incurred the Presidents anger on Monday •Then he criticised construction of a
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    • 81 14 'Down to the level of market place .Mined to :.a:nf'-callliig •uid !us br</ dency down 1 j tnp level ot the n^.arkf-t pi had di.-pu:ed the legal winch he had raised. The Senators eharf?P» arc Dow btMii; gated by the Senate Blue R:bbon Commlti Senator Aquino said the mv« xould
      Reuter  -  81 words
    • 19 14 W Turs. Tn« Atomic EnerKy Commi-iMon conducted an underground nuclear UN of low yield today Reutfr
      Reuter  -  19 words
    • 101 14 Drowned— a dolphin DCENOS AIRKS. rhurv Tragedy struck a trained dolphin act wln-n une of its star, four yearold Ronzo. became entangled under water and (iriiuned after thrillins an audience with spectacular leaps. Bonzo failed to surface after a jump here last nitht despite repeated 1 call* from a fearful
      Reuter  -  101 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 322 2 "i* ij WARMTH AND SOOTHING FRESHNESS •■om«s naturally and in<ta»lan#ouily In an ICNIS horn* Ttirr* if an ICNIS uater hmattr, tailor made to mtrt all your reattlntnenti So u.4ty don't you \*m your local ICNIS tuppller today? loull be %o glad you did IGNIS water heater 0^ South EMStMrns Son
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 195 3 Wmcarnis tonic wineyour drink for life! ji DBiVINCARNb V TONIC \\l\f Take t bott.'e hone today Th» N^viilmrr ci ilin \rrsion ct K. h-cniprjpK. Thr Nanriiimcr is an extraordinary »^t. h created ht the jjrcj- HREIT. LING ol (•< -w. b i% pert' i' :i in its primj:\^ioiii (.r.
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    • 306 3 wr* GRAND GALA OPENING *m at 7.30 p.m. on FRIDAY 14th. Feb. 1969 on World Tour for Seven Years THE GREAT ROYAL CIRCUS of INDIA A HI (.1. CIBCI'S IMI WITH Ml NDK'.MS <>l MIIMIIi \K lln IS. SMARI SKIM. GIRLB, I».\KI HI.VIL VOI \(i KONn AND MMI KOI S
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  • 163 4 A $15,000 WATCH THEFT CASE S^INCIAPORE, Thurs. A watchman awoke one morning last May to discover that $15,000 worth of watches had been stolen from the Sil■v al Ltd. The Jaga. Wairam Sinuh. who had worked in years in Amu Insurance building today said in court he and another watchman,
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  • 616 4 SINGAPORE. Thur«. THE University of Singapore today anDounced thr successful candidates for the linal professtonal part l pxamination for the deprees of Bachelor of Burgery in forensic medicine, pathology and social medicine and public health. They are: i mn Ai Yoke Hub. Jimmy Btv.g Klan Siew,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 554 4 ■as HURRY! HURRY! BOOK NOW! NO FREE LIST! LA Vi I OL Special One-Day 5-Show Premiere TOMORROW 1 1 am, 1 45, 4 00, 6.30 9.30 p.m. "BEST AMtRiCAN MOVIE MAKING 9 ■OF THE YEAR" TIME Magazine JHmA H CLinT EaSTWOOD m'cooGarrs BLUft SUSAN CUWK DON SFROUD TISHA STERLING BETTY
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    • 286 4 I jS^^^^L^^^BS ■^B^Bjßflflßy^B»^Blfcj3»Mi»P^ I B^ B^ 1 l l ir|l l l|ri 1 B^Vj^^taTr^P I J'f Co~e ax •-«< -jioo-t I L JVdaiian^Bß i 1 1 t BH By JiTarPWlB I II 'II >^»d '9»r**» 7 I ■^Bx^^L9PNrTnr4^7Yr'VV'V^T^^B^a! II Vi Goh G H i*'wi'*wflWMlP^^ ]l CO Na Norn Tny«. git
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    • 227 4 Siew Bee takes to the Bishop TEN- YEAR-OLD" Tan Sieu Bee, who has been in and out of St. Andrew's Minion Hospital for children *inte she was born, took an in>tant liking to "firandpa" Bishop John Wilson, 71, when he visited the hospital yesterday. The former Bishop of Singapore, now
      227 words
    • 502 4 ilrnn'i i i i i i :sHAWt- Or|(i«nl»atlon OPENS TOOAY No Fr«c lilt' S Showi Doily Note Time-.! 1045 am, 131, 4, 645 910 m m New Year Attroctvjn' NO INCREASE in PRICES 1 g B The DtVIL i BRIGAOf a H t S Ot Copltol I Lido- No
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  • 141 5 SINGAPORE, Thur.s. President Tnsol bin Ishak today awarded the Insignia of the Order of St John to eiuht lon«--timo members ol the St. John Ambulance Brigade, at «i. investiture at the Beach Roaa headquarters. They are St Mv I mi.sMonrr Dr K L Loh. Area Superintendent
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  • 27 5 SINGAPORE. Tlnirs The MaU.YMaii Cultural and Entertainment Trust will hold a dinner and dance (.'...1.. 1U1! at the Golden Lolu.s. Hotel Malaysia on Feb 22
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  • 36 5 SINGAPORF. Thur.s. Thr Acrobatic Troupe of Hong Kong will perform at the Rational Theatre ftom Feb 18 to S3 The proceeas of the first night will go towards the National Defence Fund.
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  • 328 5  - A 'battle royal' by PDF units for historic trophies R CHANDRAN By SINGAPORE. Thur.v A quiet ••battle royal" Is I on amung the various units ol th<- SinKpore Peopli Defence rorce tor sllTei trophli i some <il wliich dale back to bclore the First World War. The trophic- include many
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  • 217 5 SI\(.APOK»:. Thurs. The National Book l>< liipnii-ni Council of Sinuipore is orv.inisinc a Festival of Books from June I I Mi in conjunction with thr l.Mlth anniverBarj i rl< In itinns of thr foundinn of modern Sinuaporr. Thr <nuncil prrMdrnt. Mr. \I v 4
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 305 5 I Cljc grunbel £oom i PARK HOT L L F! presents f% JUNE WALLACE F£ The "Sophisficoted Lody" ttom Europe L£ dancei for you. Ti '1 LYN SHARON Illusionist Eitroordinare J RESERVATIONS: ***** JT TONIGHT VALENTINE'S TREAT 1% MANGO ALLA CARA MIA FILET MIGNONS VALENTINE P*" BUTTERED NOODLES L^ J
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    • 201 5 THE GRANDEST CHINESE NEW YEAR SHOW EVER TO BE STAGED IN SINGAPORE at GAY WORLD STADIUM From 17 2 69 to 21 2 69 -Time: 745 p.m Tickets at S6 54 $2.50 and SI 50 EXTRA MATINEES: 17 263 18 269 at 200 p.m .Jj 2nd NIGHT SUN Sjt/+t W
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    • 214 5 I NEXT shQw i ii fflpr"**/ A MUSIC BY fj^^BpF M THE SKY SOUNDS 1 BB^BBBB RESERVATIONS TEL: 362i3:- -6 YeV c Duet in B/thym 'Mic civr Internationally i& VIV^ JftAt famed Television Partnei and Recording star V Thrilliag REBECCA PAN V™y GIANNI CASCIANOV H^ C\ c GLI ALFIERI J|
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 411 6 THE CYCLE CARRIAGE CO. (INDUSTRIES) PTE. LTD. this week celebrates another major milestone Jkj^te 8 molor •> care. 1 1 it- car n poputc7f/^ ni6 7 Singapore assembly of the 2000 th STSnJS, Xi»s j t-i controls exercised :»f xlprCiKlPS-riPilfZ h/KWIi&PV C/IY Uie plant which are in ivic/llul^ uvu*, pussviigLi
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    • 183 6 diiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii miiitiiiimiiiiiiiiiiimnmiiiiHiiiMu Dunlop is proud to be the Supplier of Tyres ond L.P. Adhesive* to Mercedes Bent. E Locally manufactured Dunlop tyres and E tubes have been accepted by Mercedes, Germany, as original equipment for this E internationally famous motor-car since 1964. Dunlop Malaysian Industries Berhad, 1 247, Alexandra Road.
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    • 169 6 Comaililaiion&BeAWdies 1 °CYCLE&CARRIAGE COX Industries) PTE. LTD. ciiihecxKasßncftfMr2Uoo\laixdes-Baiz bam ihni {MixliKUori liiK' YOU CAN PUN WIH WMSM Bridgestone makes tyre« for avery type of '..A BS^nfl truck and bus Imaginable. Even for highly iIKIUEMEEL^W spvcialieed vehicles, a wide range of tyre sizes j end tread designs mre available. |f j
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  • 168 7  - Champ donor Alice tells her secret of keeping healthy JUDITH YONG By Singapore Thursday VINL.APORLK v in a v luod donor, All I L Llvei oi otaen g hale and i. Bahi\. ere >>'"■ her i.itnir ana iau dauchti been ill dur- od tivn.sfu sure I'm woii all th*>
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  • 35 7  -  MAX KIAN SENG PICTURE BY \fore. Thmv Dr Umberto Agnelli, chairman •3 Oru^po Allan [nternai onalei ol Italy la duo to arrlre li«-:e oa Mon-one-day < :,.m:pd tav hla executive manas^r. Dr O
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  • 118 7 Sultan to open Jaycee intensive care ward JOIIORI I'.MIKI Thurs. Ilir Sultan of Johorr w ill oprn ihr IItMM J.iyrres intrn>i\r i .irr u.ird .il the ( Hospital hrrr on Krli. 12With its opening, thr Johorr K.ihru drneral Hospital uill hi- thr first hospital in thr country to havr a
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  • 414 7  - S'pores new doctors worry about jobs OW WEI MEI By glNGAPORE. Thurs.— With 99 young men and women graduating last week from the University of Singapore as doctors 62 of them Singapore citizens the big question is: Can all 62 of them (the others are Malaysians) be taken into government
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 245 7 SE^SS&u JSIBSit HtkJA3^tlr£^ g Cold Storage Supermarket fi P and Shopping Centre mmi m t«igS> TODAY. SATURDAY. SUNDAY and TUESDAY ■jSt FOR PERSONAL SHOPPERS ONLY f^^f CDCEI FINE ITALIAN CLASS PITCHER when youWiuy X* rKCt! CAMUS GRAND V.S.O.P. COGNAC E BEEF SAUSAGES fresh s&k lb l-lOg| SS TISSUES FACIAL THE
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 79 7 On/* It 1.7. Ham lin mow **xrr it. Foorv? th 1 thought is i think its cmoi. hi £iitiki\ I yOU INTERESTtD IN A REPUGNANT' MY TIME WE THRFW I BOYS. fc, V f'Wt-T'] BiiNCW OF AMA.TEIJRS V BRAIN IT NLWBS OUT TM' BUMS' LET'S 1$ T T"\ rs> rj»
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  • 172 8 Cambodia: Regional defence viable but... SINGAPORE. Thurs J Cambodia's Foreign Minister. Mr. J.A. Norodom Phurissara. todav spoke of possible regional defence arrangement in the future among his country. Singapore. Malaysia. Indonesia and other South-east Asian countries ••Such .1 region*] arrange? itiont K v:.iblo. But for the time being. I don't
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  • 147 8 E7TALA 11 MPI K. Thurs. T«i> iv men were ■saaag ix i>> > i>i<- flown tn Bangkok by MSA for (he recent P.»< 'lie Area Travel Assdii.tlion (Fate) conference. Ihe Minister of Commerce and liklus|i> I<n Sri (Dr. i Swee Ami. told
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  • 1331 8 Step by step, how kidnap millionaire was ransomed BROTHER: $600,000 DEMAND SETTLED FOR SUNGEI PATANI. Thursday TIIL da\ alter bungci fatani Billionaire-miner and planter Chua Sip Mong was kidnapped by an aimed four-man gang, his brother received an anonymous telephone call demanding a ransom of $600,001). a preliminary inquiry was
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  • 111 8 KUALA LUMPL'R. Thwrs. I one coming hero from Singapore must posgeM valid anti-chuir-ra inoculaliun certiiicai fs, the Ministry of Health announced today. In :i M ci'mrtit for;,tm.v w«i because BlngaPorp had teen ga Chok ra infected im It drew attention to the ca--e
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  • 14 8 Kt/Ai LVMI'L'R. I .r.- i U o \-r--i on hi» return I
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 111 8 mciciicicin i^** IMF y" /I A^r There really is something magical about the flavour of Del (M 9^i J\ Monte Tomato Catsup. It starts with plump, sun-ripened \U ji tomatoes.w>Then a touch of the choicest secret spices. vy @A\ f% And it comes to you with an exquisite zesty taste,
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    • 54 8 Supermarket and Shopping Centre Wishing all cur Patrons and Friends A Happy and Prosperous Sew Year Chinese New Year Shopping Hours:"T.', 4 5 t ,h l r E E B B BOOam t d V2 OOp TUE. 18th FEB. do WED. 19th FEB. Business As Usual SPECIAL OFFER Cooked Ham-Sliced
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  • 5 9 ft
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  • 527 9 Passed: Bill to set up bank to aid farm development BID T 0 BOOST AGRICULTURE KUALA LUMPUR, Thurv JHE Dewan Ha- today passeil a Rill to get up Malaysia's first agricultural bank to farmers raise their level of income. Its aims are PROMOTI tound Itural developMalaysia; < <• ORDINATE and
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  • 70 9 Lawyer's wife admitted to the Bar BINGAPOR« rhun lon l •"if' 1 of Mr Tin Kirn idmitted to the Bar ny Mr Ju.sticr Kulasekanm In the High Court nrday. F'.rmerly "I the Income 1, v Department, >-he »a.s a lav Biiiduiitp of the University i pore. Admitted :>f"r her today
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  • 85 9 Tengku's comments on students in Taipeh 'based on fact' TAIPEH, Thursday. THE Malaysian Consul here. Mr. Khor Eng Hee 1 sud today that Tengku Abdul Rahman had based on facta his statement last week that Mal^sian students In Taiwan were forced to swear "nee to the Nationalist Chinese Government. Mr
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  • 37 9 KUANTAN Thurs Pahang> I>ci?al Adviser. Uiche Abdullah bin Ohaiali. »tll oe tranMered to Ipoh •>- t tie nwt president of thr .se.sMnn^ court i>e >ucc-ede<i ''i.-re oy Iliche Anuar b.n 7->mal Abdr.l. mldnl <'l :h'
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  • 35 9 PENANU Ihun C«atom« Uatl .'Boolb nf ;.n on Irom >an:pan vi the harbour early this ni.irnirtK. On soeini! t!io «pproach ol a i ■>: bi)at. t\M< men tlrd lii'in :!ie ,-anipan
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  • 39 9 JOHORE BAHRL' Thurs. More than 300 people Including political and conununitv .eadert lia\t> been invitrtl 'o IN !>■•'' v Bt the hOUM i>f 'ho Dutrict Officer. Inrhr Abd'il Rahman Umui'Kil to mark the end irtt* Week herp.
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  • 38 9 PENANO Thurs Thr mot to of about 2.200 returning here Iron. Jeut.ah on rch OB Hip 1»"" LumpuT 1 batch -I 1 00 1 I 'xi turt) on the Aiikliun. the next bw.
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  • 91 9 S-Week ceremony 'live' on TV and radio KfALA LIMPLIC, Thurs. Television Malaysia and Radio Malaysia uill give "live" coverage of the Closing i-errmonv of llie National Solidarity Week at Stadium Nagara tomorrow night Telc\ isiiiii Ma l.i > -i.i v. ill cover the event Irom 8.10 p.m. \<< Ii p•"
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  • 126 9 SI N G APORE, Thurs. Shoemakers here haw protested against a proposal by the British arm of John White to set up a shoe factory here. lh. Shoemakers atlon has sought the In lp ol the Chinese Chamber Commerce in presenting their views tv the proper author A
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  • 214 9 SINGAPORE. Thur* An RAF Hercules transport plane took oil trom Changl today to drop food supplies to a group of Americans manning the US space taU Ulte tracking station on a tiny remote island In the Indian Ocean. The J.iilio-mlle mercy mission was in response
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  • 137 9 Eartha Kitt to sing in S'pore SINGAPORE. Thurs American negro singer Eartha Km has been booked for appear, at ihe National Theatre and at an tiotel here n f> xt month. She la f!«e here on March 3. and win perform at the theatre on March 6 and 7. On
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  • 136 9 Ministry scraps idea of name tags for nurses JOHORE BAHRU. Thins. The acting Minister of Health, Dato Gallic Gilong. suiti today his Ministry bad decided to drop the idea of name tutis on nurses' uniforms. D was made following protests by hospital staff, especially nurses. Dato Gilong said thl* alter
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 417 9 NOW! for the first time a health essence made from deer VITADEER You'll grow stronger, brigh- rous. This special fitness slows ing from lack of sleep. It helps ter, more alive with Vitadeer. down the process of ageing babies to grow healthier and Because only Vitadeer is and is obtained
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous

  • 140 10 A Taiwan beauty is 'strong girl' in show SINGAPORE. Thurs. Parked into the 120-lb. five-foot tall frame of Hal Ken Mci la a bundle d1 muM-lp.v Today, la a poika-dot ireas with frills flounclnß around the low neckline and cufls, a hoadful of curls and high-heeled shoes, sihe hardly presented
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  • 185 10 S'POREMOSCOW AIR ACCORD SINGAPORE. Thur« RUSSIA'S Minister for <i\il Aviation, Mr. I-;. F. Loginov, lU-w in here lonighi to sign ;m agreement which will open up direct air roulc from Singapore t<» Moscow. Mr. Loi»inov- the first Soviet Minister to visit Singapore since its independence will sian the air pact
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  • 43 10 SINGAPORE Thurs. An uramatlonal pianUt. Mr. Ancor Fcldes. will perform at the Vlctorla Theatre on Mar. 4 Tickets for the concert, prp->e:.-ed by the mngapore Mv ical Society, are available at the usual booking centres at $8. %i and $2
    43 words
  • 176 10 Reshuffle in police courts SINGAPORE. Tiutrs. In a major reshuffle li injure courts, two magL Lrates. Mr Bi-ey Kun Hon.; and Mr. Anwurul Hnque bin Manlr Uddln. Invn bfon promoted M distrk-t judge Mr Boev. formerly 1 1 Ninth Magistrates Court, will br .sitting hi the Fourth Criminal District and
    176 words
  • 278 10  -  JOE YEO By SINGAPORE. Thurt, 'PHERE is strong speculation that either Mr. Wco Cho Yaw or Mr. Llm Ree Ming, both banker industrialists and vice-presidents of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce, will become the No. 1 man in the chamber for
    278 words
  • 262 10 committee thi.-e reprei*iUtnj Uie trade .unoc tat toil* tor whlctl 10 .-c .i "ated and the oUMt tn< elected trom II riu> i-iimnii.nitie* The three new i:artei>. ChM Hun* Mi Leoiin feet- .tnU Mi La, C1.... Clnn The other fue Mr Wliriik la.
    262 words
  • 117 10 SINGAPORE Thurv Malta is offering its first -1 hni 11 -lup to Singapore i t-n.i id. at < 1 1 1 1 1 the Royal University or Malta College of Arts. Science and Technology under the Commonwealth Siholarshin and Fellowship Plan. The scholarship will
    117 words
  • 238 10 SINGAPORE, Iliurs. I Hpm- rhllilren txpe(t:uitlv watrhlnc the sal.iv iii •n mrrt sbmbi istk hlMi wli» u-n- treated t-> .1 Chinese Now Yrar party at the Sp.istic Children's t'rnire hv th.- Au-tr;<li;in I'M Sien.ils >quaclr:<n jflir- IJ Willi tllim ..rr tlicsquadron's afllcer riimmandiiiK. >!a.|nr Pclrr Murr.i>
    238 words
  • 162 10 SING IPORI I I'urs. A hlc-ltnic Britisli puhlish.r Mr \i iiold Qiick, f)i\^ in here toniuht lor a tun-uci-k riaM to sinii\ tin- nuirket i• i rMnnw magaiinet in SinKapoiiMr Qnk k. c\c< uli\ c ih.iirnian of (hi- International Publishing orporntimi I Imited'a
    162 words
  • 137 10 O Then vi;l tx- .3 ime show., foi lan.. the IMB-69 pn/. Alter five a audiiioninjj the RTS's threi ol 12 winiif from thre< Ll c proKrammc to be televised at 9 p.m. the mv worth $8 reniiy b««n bout enlr pn^ran
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 243 10 Some said we would never get this lawn-mower (saSaS) off the ground! we did and we call it Flymqu. The double -action lawn-mower that I lO3TS 3S it CUtS re other mowers fear to* treaa 1 ng No A-eel marks, no heavy pulling l"ai sfi ir*MO! Tr>is revolutionary put' ng
      243 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 33 10 tiff \l 1 €ipp /O*4P*-WC QOTTA AINT GOKJG^*!" 7 utvr rst it W\ BEGin MUTTIM' I J y^ 1 CK V AATp A^* lk.l^#" >* «^«a» I f IV^ V .^v^^a^^gggggl E'VEFW^M IN r^
      33 words

  • 1748 11 D WHERE THE AMERICANS AND RUSSIANS SEPARATE In his four earlier articles in the str ai ts Times, President Johnson dealt with the Vietnam war, the threat to South-East Asia and the War on Poverty in the U.S. Today, •n the concluding article, he talks of freedom,
    1,748 words
  • 351 11 by A SCIENCE REPORTER If ANY scientists, rea?i ferrlng to the enormous cost of the Apollo 8 astronauts will not be able to say the same of the Apollo 11 fliuht when. It is planned, two as tronaut.s will land on the moon
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  • Page 11 Advertisements

  • The Straits Times
    • 680 12 1 ai cat-i nd- mouse o\ negotiations on hii A I in, Mirages ;mfl Hai which, it is t" be hoped, will turn out tv be imaginAl si. ike an the stability of ii region hich, even alter 1971, i.mnot lail to enRage Britain's concern, and a commercial
      680 words
    • 415 12 Hopes 'il .hi early breakthrough m Paris after Mr. Nixon's arrival at the White House an beginning lo fade. None of Mr. Nixor.'s options has yet made an pp< arance and although the initial bo; her over tables and proceaures lias been got out of the way
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  • 1052 12  - Landscaping Malaysia's ancient history Cheah Boon Kheng by KUALA LUMPUR THE TOURISM POTENTIAL WILL BE ENORMOUS MALAYSIAN archaeologist's hope to turn about 30 Kedah sites into a "historical park" containing ruins and relics of Indian civilisation in this country more than 1 ,000 years ago. Among the sites is Sungei
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  • 428 12  - THE MUDA SCHEME WILL UPSET HARVEST MIGRATION HUGH M ABBETT I)N Alor Star rill Mu d.i River •I ir r i eat ion scheme over the next couple of years is likely to put an end to seasonal migrations by workers between Kelantan, south Thailand and Kedah. Ihe Kedah padi
    428 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 37 12 i »■*•< 1 7 c lhsurpassed c Dcsigns& J Cra/ismanship j Driltr in D,in.o«dt Stjr lapplaVat Or»h i Rubiti Alei*^»i»«« I"»»f»M» Cit» S*p»Kir»t c «U.. G.MDE SILVA [JEWELLERS I A S JOHN LITTLFS BUILO'NG RAfaES PLACE SINGAPORE VTEl:?«104
      37 words
    • 150 12 MCBiOK V.LLA BEOONG S «tSl".t T*^-' SUNGEI PATANI I »«1»1 "-I I J with NEW |2lij I K 1 flash guns available mecablitz Just Arrived! mecablitz 185 with electronic eye and computer A fs t; OBT S BLt T U "*D'*G PHOTO STORM JEBSEN JESSEN LTD. SINGAPORE 3 f
      150 words

  • 104 13 SINGAPORE. Thurs. i \I KY miiliiri>l (lrra,|s dri\«-r hut thi^ time thr m.m at the the man at tin- front win ii von hur in xn ft. length of von-rete piling to mo\r from n:ic spot t» iinother it ivnt the >amr as ilrlurruiK
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  • 24 13 Kedah student's success PATAN] AW P ,n I. Weng, w.h. of tlie .ii am kcu i nee it He will Dow at Mai c.
    24 words
  • 89 13 A rubber first: Production exceeds million tons 1/ U ALA LUMPUR. 1V Th Rubber production In West Malaysia last year exceeded Uh 1 millionton mark for the first time in the history of Industry. ii r. tal output for the- year wmi < retac of 12.5 per cent over the
    89 words
  • 96 13 3rd Thai trawler held in Malaysia UUAL A LUMPUR. Thurs Another Thai trawler was intercepttd In Malaysian territorial waters otr Kuala Marang on the east roast of West Malaysia last evening. A Ifinlftry of Delmce it«t«n«M amid ixiay that itie trawkr *a.> later boarded lrom the RMN patrol craft KD.
    96 words
  • 135 13 SINGAPORE. Thursday. I AWYER Eugene Horace D'Netto was today granted a decree nisi in the High Court dissolving his 25-year-old London marriage. The petition was allowed an the grounii that Mr. D'Netto and bit wife, formerely Kathleen Hat field, had been living apart from each other
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  • 95 13 ARMED THUGS ROB YOUTH OF HIS CAR Xl ALA LLMPI'R, Thurs. Hirer men last iii«iit hcld-up a -<>-veai uid youth and his sister behind the Pavilion cinema and rotihed them <i( then Hat 124 car. Tie robber*. armed With il:<rcrv siirpris il Sia li M Ho. k as he got
    95 words
  • 52 13 PENANO Thurs Tha Penar.jt of the Muslim Walfan OrganUatton ii Malay* Ma plans 10 produce a book oil tiie Muaamed'b mi :ration iHyrah to raiaa lunus for welfare ser\lce». The book 15 expected to be ready dli Itlfl lIM month of "Muliarram" i Muslim New
    52 words
  • 188 13 Two con men held for selling 'magic stones' UENANU, Thurs. Police have arrested two confidence tricksters reported to have sold "manic stones' to the public The inspect*- v.-ie picked up a! a ChulU Street coflfr thop yeaterday Atu moon Bitet a motordealer. Mr O"i Hock L>e. 24. had reported that
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  • 182 13 PAGE IS Man bids to end life with broken blade in court KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. A man tried to swallow a Jagged piece of razor blade "to end it all' when he appeared in the Sessions Court here today charged with possessing a dagger. But just before he could put
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  • 19 13 IPOH. Thurs— The Perak Ohln ;ation paint if $40,000 hoii dl n.<:ed far lovarda the renovation fund
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  • 20 13 3LTTERWOR7 fl. Thurs th Club "ley w. l'old a Ihree-dav drama com■jrch 21. at th( School in P*G.i:
    20 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 100 13 rTSSS ZiZ'.l'. .^VHZ'.'".: ImH HBb lM) 1 to have installed our trunk unit DENSO car air-conditioner in the 2,000 th Mercedes-Benz Saloon assembled in Singapore. Denso the high quality car air-conditioner, has been specially designed for the discriminating Mercedes-Benz owner. This complete unit has been tailored to fit your Mercedes
      100 words
    • 276 13 ii .^L^bb^bi^Hbi^biWbW B I Umbm* Nemtr. QhM WJ 9E LOMBARD BANKING Sabsidiarr aid Associate Banks and Finance Hetaeat 1 1 LOMBARD ALSTRALU M M UMITBO H2| Adelaide. Brtibane. Canberra. Hobart. Liverpool. MelhoMaat H I Nt«ca«le, Penh. S\dnev. lo»m\ille. Wollongoof 1 1 LOMBARD N EW ZEALAND 9 I.'MITBO E Auckland. Wellington.
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 747 13 TV MALAYSIA I hannel* Kuala l.umpur n. I "0 NtU in Tamil. i-' I; ip«ii. Mm li i- KlUn of liihorr lUhru 3. 10 Taiping 4. Batu -t'.ili.M Minus ft 7 01) Bnt' 1 1 10 3 00 P Wi; .imm A.c. MUIl 7 3j man 1.91 I Iran.* Mi..u.
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 36 14 BBBBBbV» ■^'""M 4F 1 i^i^^r^ s^bbV'l^bt I%9>Hb^bP^Bb PjPjbßt **Tt^B^^^ VBy *^«B^»^^^^^^^^ (||^V, j 7 Swi L »-V/^^y^^ j^^^^^K V^^H^JMM j^f^^ J^i^Br9*K3^B^Bßßißi bCb^W^^BL BjlV-f UK .sflli B^BBB^BB B^BIB^B. Man-size flavour... man-size satisfaction. IMPORTED FRESH FROM THE U.S.A.
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 196 14 Straits Times Crossword b^B I|HT |Hf~ IF* H ACROSS 0 fTfe umf 7i 7. Br*mt. to be like swallowing tf Anvanres madi out of proflw. soft (run (1) Klven sufficient re»son it. Bob looked dlspleaxrd «nd ft*\t a harangue |t). 15 Rude »s a Cnwe* yachum»« 10 Granule embrares student
      196 words

  • 294 15 'Expats who are not security threat can't be expelled' KU A I. A II.MPUK. Thurs. The Government cannot ask British expatriates with red identity cards to leave Malay sia without proof of then- threat to thr security ot the coun try. the Dewan Ra' ay at was told today. Winding
    294 words
  • 119 15 Robbery: 3 'Samurai Gang' youths plead guilty Xl AI.A LI MIM K. Tlmis. Three youths of the "Samurai dans" tud;iy I'll-. uli (I k u i l l > in the Session* nurt Ik rol>liii)s MmmMl, Til Sin Kirn. ol cigarette* worth Si 10. Lre Su-e < liov. IX. hiu
    119 words
  • 42 15 i'ENANO. Thurs Chinr.-e nienibc:i of the Kamjx ng S^lut Ward iSungel Pui.iikm Bix)d»i.l committee »iii intertain tlirlr Malay and li. :i aguf;. :>t a "Kun« Hff F. Chov dinner nr\! Tur«dajr rlir O premises in Jeiutong Road
    42 words
  • 34 15 i Thurs I Tan Teik W> 23 nnd Hhual- T»u. 22. today p.oidrd not guilty to ibanM i I staling 1 :r»m the chopsitric Hotel Aniba>-rtCior. n is al rci
    34 words
  • 30 15 WORE Tlr; InU'-nc.'ian Airways din m i ■..■.ii mii| Met) an from Baluid*v flight." a Btt .ii \Vedne>clay» and .ur fligiit includes .i burl Mup-o\cr at
    30 words
  • 51 15 JOHURE BAHKU Thurt. Mr R Kuniw ii hud been elected 'ireMdent ol the Johor* Bar j-oncii a i lift annual meeting Here with Mr Ong Ban Chai. »itii -tary u:licr comnutlM members are Mr C Pi»ramj"thy. Mr. Looi Ah l*i. Mr. Pete* Willianu> and Mr. S K
    51 words
  • 376 15  - Whoosh! 1,900 mile dry run in 31 hours CHIA POTEIK THAI TEAM TESTS ASIAN HIGHWAY By SINGAPORE, Thursday. A DRY run along the now 1.900-mile Asian Highway from Vientiane to Singapore the route of a motor rally in April has shown that this journey can be easily covered in 31
    376 words
  • 234 15 Director of Education need not be Sabahan, say teachers L'OTA KINABALU Thurs. The Sabah Govcrnmen' Teachers' Union today dl>;»«rpfil witli the Sabah ChliMM Chamber of Commerre that the post of the Director of Education. SaMkb, should be iield by a Sabahan. This was stat-d by the president of tft union
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  • 103 15 SINGAPORE. Thurs. —The i Far East. -m Freight Conference today promised speedy .shipment ol Malaysian and Singapore sawn limber to Fran :e. It has arranged for a West German vessel, the ».000-ton Ansg,irltor. to arrive were on Mar 15 and also to pick ip
    Reuter  -  103 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 70 15 SMCIAi CHINESE NEW YEAR DISCOUNT on ALL ITEMS LAST TWO DAYS Handwoven Silk Stoles, Sarees, Raw Silks, Dress Materials, Shirts, Ties, Towels, Bedspreads, Rugs, Carpets, Household Linen etc. HURRY! SHOP NOW AND SAVE ON A FABULOUS RANCE OF ITEMS AT (SPONSORED BY THE GOVT. OF INDIA) SINGAPORE: 43, John Little's
      70 words
    • 448 15 Does a woman work for jr 2cents an hour? Wf She does if she still washes her laundry by hand. I i i£L\ Figure it out: the electricity to run a modern f I ■mT Sanyo washing machine costs less than 2 i fojT cents per hour. That's how much
      448 words

  • 105 16 Woolworth executive returns WOOL WOP THS c Malaysia I Berhaci and Krzpaiii k i Food Supplie* 'Par Ka have announced ihe re-appoint-ment of Mr K T U»vn M General Manager Mr Dwmt previotMlj i I this poMUon for Hlnntft '.*n yrarn bo'.Aeeti LHluljrr 1964 and Augu.'t 19C6 vihrii he rrlurnfd
    105 words
  • 78 16 Mr M.< M.i. h lim Opihthl Ml '^'-r o[ Hunir Ind;is:i...s (Par EasH ltd tkM Uit fa» Melbourix* I"t (limusmoua a.:li tne parent compuny Mr Pam who Will ne awnv tor one week, will als» m^Kr on-the-spot observations and study the opera", ions of the Hunie plant;
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  • 225 16  -  HUEN PENG KONG By INSULATORS made locally from phislic that are not only withstanding heat, but arc also impermeable to water, are now on sale in Malaysia for the first time. The first to make use of this product, known as Megafoam is the Kaying
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  • 216 16 World-wide chief calls on Cabinet Minister 11IIK Vice-President and Deputy Chief Kxerutive of the world-wide Philips organisation nf Holland Mr. A A. Van Riensdijk last week railed on the Minister of nmnrrcr and Industry. Tan Sri l>r. Swff Ann .it Parliament House. Ku il.i I unipur. Mr Van Kicmsdi.ik
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  • 318 16 'pHE bold industry boom In UUl region oflers great potentialities for modern interior wall partition systems Demand for more public area.-, such as conference and convention facilities In hotels throughout the world has become more pronounced in recent years and his company's systems have resolved
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  • 163 16 IN the wake Of a very successful canned-pineapple give-away promotion last year. Mobil stations wll! b«[aunehlnf I similar pineapple campaign this week As In the last promotion free tins of Oolrlplne pineapples will be nlven away free to motorists who purchase fuel at Mobil stations Aalde trom its
    163 words
  • 142 16 A GIANT and novel international trade agreement was announced last month by Air France United Air Lines and Globalmart International Inc. Christened "M Lafayette." the operation provides yet another examplt of promoting trade mi a giant scale between n< Ignbourlng countrii or continents. Sales Mission
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 318 16 rafßav* Go elegant w 7^/ in Glo Weave's r II j 4 seasons Iff 1 1 f ff f l-Seasons by Glo-Weave worn by ,jfl w§ men ready to make their move anywhere, ps^ jmJ^K 9 any time. ready for any exploit in mind Ij'^ J -pj m looking immaculate
      318 words
    • 88 16 B^» i^^Bß L^bV afl b^t 4 /^ajJ B^^ J^^' <i^_'*.','!'.'.'>'.'-v*^B B^Br^ Jjßr D IbW^b-'-' Bdhw Btt^BL* S mSfmtmtinnrm r?|il HsBBB IH Hi l ■^-^jJf!M«iMag^g*y**B)f*^»'— m.s. "KUALA LUMPUR"" ***** TONS Departs SINCAPORE 9th May 1969 Arrives PORT MORESBY 19th May 1969 Arrives SYDNEY 25th May 1969 Arrives AUCKLAND 30th May 1969
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 866 17 If LIVI°POIU ANO OTHER U K CI am li PI Fll ib p'.sAFioER j; f«» nm fh 21 (AirtDON fcl». 11 Fll 15 -el Ib Fll 21 M 2? 1 MM 1 ptrphus f» mm LTCAIN N-LENUS hi..- M »M M/11 ItS.LAUS ■•■"LSiI X"l'l 4 li/2 \*l\[ Ma, 21 Mi,
      866 words
    • 2596 17 W££iS£*SRMMES2iM I TM£ E A Zl/M£S J ■bbbbbl THE EAST ASIATIC COMPANY Ltd Incorporated in Denmark EXPRESS SAILINGS TO GENOA/NORTH CONTINENT/SCANDINAVIA P $'tiai|. fei'ini S'goft |MH M'rJaai H'Durg AjunuS C'IBEW BEIRAt a Fit 11,21 Fll 21/22 Mm 24 Mir 22 Mir 11 Apr I SUMBAftA a) rH 21 21 eat
      2,596 words
    • 1247 17 t^pw WORLDWIDE CARRIERS LTD. If tilfj for Lcs An 9 clc New Orlcont, Charleston, liaW^M New Y rk New London |^^^^^^**1 (oho accepting cargo »or other Gulf and Atkntie I ports, subject to inducement) Spore P. Shorn Penong LA GRANDE ABETO 18/21 Feb 22/23 feb Omit* JAG RAHAT 8/10 Mor
      1,247 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 1106 18 pvibku VI KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. W ester r Australia Slngapora, Japan Servloa> Fftf^sntlt Sir (SDOf 9 Tokk)ictli Nisoyj f 'fiiffii itoM leifiaa Mar*" II 21 Fel iMn luiaai 11 Mm 12 Mai II MM West Atric. Singapore Jppin Servie* Anfoli ItRMMN Na|uya T'h<mt «uC. -Iwaetiiaa Mara' Oaiti 21/22 Mai
      1,106 words
    • 786 18 1 4Uilß Bta /tALANO HMMM 1 INDIA •MMtM 4ND rAR tASI btHnltlS .0: AUSIRAL.A. m 21ALAN0 "I"'"'— i'puie Stum frnim fan A*».. Lilt.. Oh*. Well RAIUiA- IS/21 ft* 21 Fit 22 FM RAJULA' l/tl Mai 14 Mar IS Ma Penani P. S'Kiin S'sort RAJULA 11/ S Art I A*i 1
      786 words
    • 794 18 g |-a.^y£.*f l "**a^ *Jl fßljMh^^B fc~~ aa».aW -^a^aLl 1 PACIFIC LINE CALIFORNIA/ PACIFIC NORTH WECT EXPRESS Loading for: LOS ANGUES, SAN FRANCISCO. OAKLAND. TACOMA. SEATTLE. VANCOUVER bC VISNVA SIODHI l*Pl/IS'tl 15/11 Fel 17 21 Fel tl Mir 11 Mar SO MYSORE 11/1) Mai II 111 Mai 21 il Mai
      794 words
    • 839 18 LICENCES FOR SUPPLY OF SHERIFFS SALE ELECTRICITY in iiii iiu.ii COCBI M the Notice is hereby given that the ia.l'l Bl i< "I aWOAtfOBaV National Electricity Board of the I States of Mala} a will consider IN Till (\iSI <" applications for Public Licences lo Suit No Vll: o f
      839 words

  • 27 19 RUBBER AND TIN CLOSING PRICES Feb. 13. Kl HUH! PKiCE: rents (up half a MBt). TIN PRICE: $582 (up S.'l. Kslimatrd nlTprinK 230 tons (up 20 tons).
    27 words
  • 223 19 Narrow moves in minings \f IN V|( J*' i«"un narrowly AT v:ih ii' Huns ranrtta rrarh .MrUls. Drat Ustfld lo- daj opened at 50 CCOU MOl lo H7 rents and cl^ed at fi2 renly Hampton Arras made 4(1 Ss.Bii and SoulhUnri M j cenl 1 hotter at »3.50 gid.
    223 words
  • 271 19 I Ml PORI Of lIN(,tPUHI «v OUT: Mar r-. > Martaa Munii ii it !--n».»io 47 and irmclr N.WJ IN' »«U Maru 1/1, BagMMM > Iwaamro Marti A*«m.< Man F'rnniivi-n }t lajailUJl »»rk 33 14 I^irlr- P*r'i 41' 41. Ch.iw Din.k M Mi'rin Ir Ml 4« Sho«»,
    271 words
  • 116 19 ■r."1I AMoeiation af lanti m Ma- laytia-ftingapiri mj»de theae tjuofni to thi* *«i'it\«i»nl of on* US Oallara: fctiylni I! ta.IMUU airmail nn M.O3M wo A »2 »7.V> I rrMlt r.lla "•'l' milt: I alllin, TT ar 01' HU| t.l "7<iu. Canadian D.11.n Huvinc H I 12 ■..v.'V airmail
    116 words
  • 34 19 ON tht fraa HthlntP market Honk- Knnt VMtrrrlav tn» U.S. DMIlr ><■ fi'JOlK) at «II T.T. and IHTS for aam tttfhnt •>«■ numm ii 14 .A3 aim rmt taal af 1*1(1 at 312.
    34 words
  • 388 19 Tin price up $2 on strong support THE Straits tin pcln rose J2 to J582 per picul on an "llei-inK estimated up 20 torn to ZM tons. Strong support was reported fri)m Japan and Kuii pa In London on Wednesday afternoon the 3 months for ward buyer's price rose £5
    388 words
  • 235 19 A]MM H liiM pa* rubbei J fii h butrrk rlmrd >t ft p m Id Singapore and KuaU Lumpui ;.iMrrd»> at C.I cml- per Ib up half a cent on Wednesday'! luting Irvrl. Tbr tonr m» quirt X.A .•>. and M.K.r.. rlnMni prlr«a in
    235 words
  • 93 19 net Eitnania. am. (■M't. nion sKtlng Kirn DM »l«u. .'iiiiii Cattnut Mil hum »MI Mlltrt drum tMI MIMM. C*«r>: Mi>m if.ohl ioom r«l»./ M.r I.K,|-.,n( «31» B. Ptpptr: MuntOk whllf tIUH <niin >«>>'« HIU Hl>n, 'PWial *»r***k niMck $»7» xll«rs. ttr»M4 iM-.Himii klaak tot «.,t. mi M-W i
    93 words
  • 17 19 In London on Wnnrtdn Malayan 9 per cent rlf U.K. In bulk Jun« »>< unquoted. I
    17 words
  • 816 19 »T«HE Stock Exchange *of Malaysia and Singapore yesterday opened firm but in later trading dipped sharply on profittaking Tbereafterwanta the market steadied, but had rather a mixed look about it towards the close. Turnover was largely confined to selected counters. The feature ot the day was
    816 words
  • 32 19 MALAYAN Rubber! Loan and .ißency Corporation announce an lu'erim cent (same) for year to June 30, l?»6<* Payment will be made on April 2 to shareholders re-Rl.-iend on March 10.
    32 words
  • 82 19 MINERAL SecurUJi tralia Ltd. has aciunred 40 per cent oi Aberfoylt Ltd. tht Melbourne-based tin and Wolf ram mlnet The iiiik between the two companies will |l»e Min'-ral Securities Its lirst direct interest in mining operation and provide the Aber(oyle Group with an opportunity to reduce its heavy
    82 words
  • 134 19 premium moves up THL London Investment dollar premium moved about 1, per cent higher ■id Wednesday to 52 Following i.iiriv strom b i North American do,:ar wcurltli itated. Some North American companies have recently declared scrip Issues whlcn n.ivr -ifen J.;ri. In both Europe and the LX it Montrc have
    134 words
  • 66 19 THL General iS-.Admini.->t ration has temporarily suap< uded the -.piltd ruober to (riivernment asencies and lo 011 Government contract a G in WashinEtnn Saie^ to thn eownwfcial market hart previously been D.itred rhi spokesman tru iuspension wa> mad* pendinj} ;m analysis 01 the G.SA warehouse and shipplnK
    66 words
  • 175 19 THE London I'm share mark-'t on Wednesday had tjuitul) wtlMtactory i(;i\ .uid compared with I'rai v(,)C^ mmrki t trend. wa> .me of the brißhtri nectlmu Malayan dia ot>t wniie rronoh beiirfittfd from the 1968 prufl Others Ui iboi 1 dun In S'luthtrn and Sunßei Be■l Movi menu
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 816 19 THI MATTER oi Ml-\MI^ X 1565 AND M Mil. MM UK D* MOVIELAND THEATRE (PENANC) SDN. BERHAD (In Voluntary Liquidation i NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN i that the creditor? of the abovr I Cnmpanv. which Is being wound 1 up voluntarily, are required on m l»f"re 1« May IM|| tr,
      816 words
    • 105 19 NOTICES NOTICE The public are. Informed that all Roads Lanes. Bridle paths etc. built on and maintained b? SOUTH MALAYA PINEAPPLE OROVERB CO LTD.. on all lands alienated to them in the Districts of Kluanit. Batu Pahat and P .ntian will be rinsed to all traffic on 16th February. IMS
      105 words
  • 1057 19 Bl >IM ss i\ \mi i;i nu; I I n TO TH» MM.AMIKr \M> kl \l II Mil I; IK MUM. KiniM* Ot IMI >lIX K I ll \m.i \i i i.n w MUM Mil M Mltl It i>l >H \Kr> IKtlilli SHOWN IN BK\tkt.l> IN l()l« Or
    1,057 words
  • 37 19 STOCK INDICES rrh H rrn 1.1 Inilu-li lalv li.i, ii Ihk hu •Hni.u i <; inn-is I'li.prrli. IitLSI KH.'.t r$M K3.1! «3.i| tsrubbrr>. MIJI Mt.Tl l>rr. in. MM 1«». IBS*. 31. 1968 s I*V l»rc. 29. 1962 1""
    37 words
  • 546 19 VIVLP> K X IMAHIiI DP M«t»T|l« ANO SINOAPORI 810 AND Of FIH PRICES OFFICIALLY LilTlli AT IHI CLO%I INDUSTNIALS a. ACM* i.*.i 2.44 K*o Co 2.30 i all Borti-o Barhait I.W IM Hou»i»«i1 2.2*1 2.311 C. (<inr< 4. At 4.70 C.C.U ordi l.»l l.v< r. Hoi'lirm 6.7U 5.76
    546 words

  • 24 20 snd hrlp Ol thnr THE FAMILY OF the isle Mr. Te» Malacca thank reiaCtrcta tor their assiataae*. r0nd0.1..11 ion-, loan Of their rocent
    24 words
  • 68 20 HEW WOON POH »anrd on UM aaat Natj v«r rhov DANIEL LLURDS' PUPPET Shows .Kikint ofßce«. LADYHILL HOTEL f'offeeshop aervea at). lw>iled egc (Orango Orovt Road) KATONG FLOWER SHOP mini r. of > low an for your rir |Bia .•pIH-nr S |orr MTStS. SLIMMING ANO SPOTREDUCING. retultt with new
    68 words
  • 29 20 TAY SIONC CUAN Him ti passed ti,, behind wife. ii'.rn 1 adopted dtusb?r :n ,a«. 1 daushter-lnlaw and alldrat Cortree leaves IM at P to on 15 2
    29 words
  • 23 20 NO WINC KEUNG In r\tr loviag n ruiaaed by I WE THINK of you in sierra and BaßtJ but what it
    23 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 519 20 I KnhOVUIOUMINU *NNIVCaS*RI(S. INNOUNCIMINTS SltlHS CLUS aCTIVITItS CONOOUMCIS DEMNS INtWIMtNtS. I FUNCMIS CDCCIINCS. IN MIMOHIsM Mt>s,iC!S MISSINC. PIISBNU. PP C KaUICMS 1 •CUNIONS. •jtc M,s, miiis Wl fsr 21 Banks racl iMitnail alrl (IN I at, oil.,- ciiuifiH >.»tn.»..fsu BJWfIM 51 IB) 15 *u*l. tuk BaaWSB. -ft SI SBBaV llruls
      519 words
    • 873 20 v II WANTED EXPERIENCED TYPIST md tialesman for Matrnnery Tool Hudwar. Salary slu* de. rnt Apply P.O. Bnx MM* S poir. W»HTID qu.ilifir.i non (tadmte teaihrr to tea. h Ait Mu*n ISeiondaty S.hool level. Please apply Principal BL, Andrtw a School. Sport 1.1. WANTED BAR WAITRESSES la to! 2B years
      873 words
    • 967 20 A LEAOINC PRINTING ANO Prool -houl.l ha\e a BBS*) aSSt ..I llu' Kn^ll"h Iki I'ertltltatt. Ate thovt KU 11. u-iied. Silary will te in ti SI'DO x M .41) p.m. with x starting l I. n r 11. i^n.l on merit. In addition, an annum tionu.. will lie pmd. Please
      967 words
    • 1427 20 AIOA STREET, aeml-detarbert nun •ajaaa—jjaj^ pjajaart instant irleal Home Low Hnre rfllirlTlflll LvalbsMt. Tel (8 pore) ;Muoti LDULAIIUN l I FRANKEL ESTATE S.-torev Hun rRII CO RRESPONUENCE COURSES JSR j- "t— rm m 'enc KONG PABM, .OtT^Tat, J™*™™,*™™, nSSI £r SiTSsJII? I SALE RENT FULLY FURNISHEO h ■IC7BSIMdIt detached i.iim...i..>
      1,427 words
    • 853 20 TUNERS. AMPLIFIERS. TURNTABLES, tapertetfcs rei orders. loud IBM UalqaH flense lOnsult lat 18, DSWBB Übaut. spore PETS FOR SALE M X.A I noculatec ilti *t.n» <t.m--.1«-<1 .Nt Nfee K 1. I HEALTHY BIC BONE I'up pin tnftif irninii 1 I V l.itrnn*; I'ii*' I^. oft Paan I AYAM DOC
      853 words
    • 447 20 DOMESTIC DEEPFREEZE from 1 1 ru. It i «'h.-«t or Ipritht available at Btnaapon „,i Bulldlnt. Teltphone •.l.- '.T PRICE Kedui tion on all RAO Ra- noids. Mono *nd titn'O. Ciune earl? lvi vuui Ltd. I. Ontiird Koad. S|>.rr I».UOi.SU p.m. iBSBSSVa tluu briJayt. »0O hurry now rat fat ot
      447 words
    • 330 20 HOTEL AMBASSADOR. nt wail 1 paw *****1 M HOTEL SAVOY I«B »ri.pI taa S4o. "RESTAURANT t BAR~| OUIET ATMOSPHERE PLEASANT, tveains j Fresh pldwers SAY II I SH l WuV ratt Cboav' SAY KONC MEE ratt (hoy wit* r Shop. ■Nat e»■o accompany your PEMBERITAHU TAWARAN J.K.R. MELAKA Ta\»:i:.':.
      330 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 765 21 ©Singapore Glass Manufacturers Company Ltd. invlt^ n^n°7 <<lavN Man f: »i«'"-« > r'' Company Limited nlouino V i. a OIIS fr m sl "B a P«re citiien^ for the loiioHing positions. A. INDUSTRIAL ENGINEtK Qualifications: Work Study Certificate or equivalent plus several years practical experience in the applitauon of Work
      765 words
    • 643 21 PUBLIC APPOINTMENT PUBLIC UTILITIES BOARD JURONG POWER STATION, SINGAPORE Applications are lmlted for the following temporary appointments for the construction of Jurong Pm\er Station for the I'ublic Utilities Board. Singapore. The salaries oflercd will be depennent u;K>n the applicants' qualifications and experienre. (1) ASSISTANT FNGINEER (MFCHAMCAL): Qualification!: ia 1 Mi:st
      643 words
    • 821 21 NOTICES IN THE HIGH COURT IN MALAYA AT KUALA LUMPUR COMTAMF.S (WINDING-UP) NO: 1 OF 1969 In the matter of (be Companies Act. 1965 t And t In the matter ol Loh Institute I! itu Road) \i Ltd. ADVERTISEMENT OF PETITIONNOTICE is hereby Kiven that r petition for the windmg-up
      821 words
    • 452 21 TENDERS KENYATAAN TAWARAN Tawaran adalah dl-pelawa intok membell bar.vii: burok. entern2 dan sebagal-nva Mihlngga )Ukul 12.011 tengah harl 20 2 69. 3arang2 lni boleh dl-llhat di-Fusal Vrtanlan Aver Hitam. Kluang >ada waktu a3O p:un l»:nei.;i :J eivnli harl Tawar.m hendnklal 11-niPtrlkaii dan di-buat dalam I «nang yang tertentti yang boleh
      452 words
    • 386 21 TENDERS C.S.O. TENDER NOTICE The fUlowlng tenders are lnvltet! by the Chief Supplies Officer. Central Supplies Orlioe. K.tiidang Ker. ban, Singapore 8. and close at 12 noon on 26 2.69. 1. Processing and Printing ol TV Films Z. Rattan Core and Cane 3. Stencil Paper 4. Dihtemner 5. Rope, Manila
      386 words
    • 336 21 TENDERS TENDER PENANG PORT COMMISSION PRINTINC. HOI STATIONERY. TENDERS will be received in I the Ministry of the Interior Ue- TENDERS are lnv»«d for print* I fence. Pearl's Uill. Sin'spore 2. Ing and stationery requirements to for the under-mentioned Item up the Cc.nirnis.sicm for 1969. to 12.00 Noon on 15.3.69:-
      336 words

    • 249 22  - Royal Meadow steps out in fine style EPSOM JEEP --By 1 fENGKU'S Gold Cup entry Royal Meadow II did a good trial at Kuala Lumpur yesterday morning. Ridden by Subian Dalwee, Royal Meadow wound up a tworound workout with a half-mile sprint in 53 2/5 sec (3f in 39 3/5).
      249 words
    • 2539 22 MONDAY mrrrs^im 25 CLASS 5 division 4 llliiStißß i 35 .000 1 7F local jockeys only I oiiTm' H. < ll> Pinkie Te li I M < h "»h (Hiiut. iirk.ll I EYES IV a cAimiMi Hodiifi*- 6 9 0 l»l *S»mrT 2 I *****
      2,539 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 711 22 SINGAPORE POLYTECHNIC Applications for Admission In tbe 1969 N tmtkm Appllca'.t.ii^ are Invited from 1 candidates di rtM a I course :e SinnHi'ore I either full-time, p..::-'ime relea.-.e. are pro' nl( lan level 111 EiiKineeiins. A:, hitecture, BuUdini: and Nautical Studies. courses available In the 1969-1970 academic session are:—
      711 words
    • 723 22 HOUSING DEVELOPMENT BOARD r Mdan are Invited fot any one or all ol Ihe lol■! 11) BANTTABT A: WAIER IN- 1 \1 i lON U PDUI Blocfc. ol 11-6torej l-K.K.m Improved Flat* (Total 1.H48 DatUl JuroiiK Ne« rnwn. Ne.Kli l»uih.H)d I— Conn-act XII. (J) UtECTIOM ft COMI'I.ETTON ol One Blivlc
      723 words
      31 words

    • 89 23 Getalong does a stylish gallop from Page 22 39 Pan l(.iwh. WiiiiAreu did Ml Law (H V Itlrt Kny :nr Ahmad i They n J5. lit Im N ,rl All 31 in 43. II i did 3f in hanea '"irrr rlui .If In 41 2 5. 1 o«i 44. r.m
      89 words
    • 47 23 M>\^ Ili't 3. Midas Kami... IM K.«<e It I >l)\\ Race 1 Rare 2: Haifa; K,tee I: enger li. It ace 8: Ipoh meeting naating :>■ >n M.v' Apr. 5 and 6 to: 4 and 6 3 slf I 1 6f and 6f. Class 6 s>f Entries
      47 words
    • 16 23 Jan II make a to Malacca. They or.s on Sunday, a Malac\i ..n Monday
      16 words
    • 7 23 K :a!a Lumpur matt at 10
      7 words
    • 23 23 The FAM C;p rrp'.av between :md Porak vill be It Kangar tomorrow i 5.15 pmi. crew J-2 at Ipoh on Sun-
      23 words
    • 257 23 WICKET HOLDS KEY TO FIFTH TEST SYDNEY. Thum The vital Fifth Te«t bin-. en Au.^tralia and the Weal lnilifv h e Sydney Cricket Ground to- morruw. Ll up us mod unpredictable International crickei clash in Australia for a Urn& tinif. has beon drrni'lied bj nine inches o( n Saturday
      Reuter  -  257 words
    • 351 23  -  MANSOOR RAHMAN By 'fHL AAU have set the toughest-ever standards for Malaysian athletes to reach to qualify for the Fifth Seap Games at Rangoon late this year. In 14 of the events, qualifiers will have to beat existing national records. These are the men's 10.000
      351 words
    • 193 23 More marks by Roy and Lee Choo rpEENAGKI) MUm stars Roy Chan and Te»i Ur I „i\ conUnuad their as-.-iiult en lecord.s with ne« Btrkl tli. Sximmins Cluii. dOCMt 2 18 4 to slash Oil Ms own under- 14 2Mb lifestyle record while Lee Chi i; set a new mark
      193 words
    • 230 23 BADMINTON B. HR IK >< BOOU I I AnMB): final* Ko\» undn :n ACS Kirn; ;..tN undrr-^0: ACS Kan»>itr 3 mun 2 i/mmim. ctr [Hit. b: Ai DINDINGfI *< lI'MH I M\ M N .ii H\u bt ACS HOCKEY Hiwn.w MUM Kl.' t Pih in P ilir 0 NEGRI
      230 words
    • 135 23 BURMA WANT HOCKEY IN SEAP GAMES PROGRAMME By I. KM SI KKIUA HOCKEY may b* Int'ludcd in the Se:ip (i.tii)fs programme for the first time. Burma, thr ho«U for thr fifth Garni* to be held at IU»K<xin thU year, arr leeklnf support from Sintapore and M*la>sia tor the inrlutinn of
      135 words
    • 60 23 TIP AAM» 600-mi:« Malay&ian Motor Rally »U1 be m on Mar 15-16 Entrlei clo*t on Feb 21 Comp»titorii will Mart from Prtallng Java at 7 pm. on Mar II rtm- tton --h Bt Frmbllan Pal-.ans and Prrak ar.d finish at Prtaling Java around noon on Mar
      60 words
    • 170 23 Aik Mong takes champ to 3 sets MANILA, Thurs. Dini'.sh Khanna of India beat Tan Alk Mohr (above) of Malaysia today to advance to the men's singles semi-nnals in the Asian badminton championships here. Khanna. the title holder, fought back from a set down to win 12-15. 18-15. 18-15. Sangob
      170 words
    • 206 23 LONDON Thurs Cup hold- I en> We.«t Broniiirh and favounte.s Everton. who met in lav. year*! IMML both Rained victories in the fifth round of the F A. Cup ;»*t rught. West Brorawich beat Arsenal 1-0 and Ever'on won by similar score agaJrut Third Dt\i- s.on
      206 words
    • 279 23  - S'pore plan under-23 soccer meet JOE DORAI By COUR Asian countries, including Malaysia, will be invited to compete in an under-23 soccer championship sponsored by the Football Association of Singapore at Jalan Besar Stadium In AllgUSt Th< championship. flr>t of its kind to bp staged In South-East Asia, will b«>
      279 words
    • 223 23 Japanese 'Invasion' starts tomorrow 4 JAPANESE soccer lnv»- X, bn.Kapoie and Ml■a. inn- several pla>en \wio helped J^pun win tin Ohmpic tournament bronze medal at Mexico City in Oc ober. beguii th.s week. K:ck-uif in the foui-matcb programme will be at Jalan BeMir stadium on Saturday at 81i pm when
      223 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 423 23 The idea in action. It couldn't be simpler. Rink Xerox have f»nu»tic collection of penny-pinching ide« v *a^^^B '$0! o i^V m z W m Hi I f rr if il n»i hi unite "ijjl* 1 *1 J* Tk 1 Look at this penny-pinching idea from Rank Xerox It may
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  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 22 23 num Bukit TUnah DWriri i Hill K».V-ILnnmn Shield: Police Depot v Negri (Ournejr Rri KI. 5 m.>. <.<•!► Kodah rl<v*d ch»ml)ionih:p >S; ft
      22 words

  • 50 24 CMOKE hangs over J U.S. Marine 105 mm howitzers as they pour artillery fire into the Ashau Valley, five miles from the Laotian border in support of about 5,000 allied troops. The allied troops jumped into Ashau in an operation named "Dewcy Canyor:." UPI radiophoto.
    UPI  -  50 words
  • 26 24 ONC HUN KWANC LIM J00 BENT. IravlDi: wif« On <:nvr H Urt flawhi.t. I Hortc RlUt aaiuni.' PUMHl ISJT.W. II I: I on. Bain C»nlon.
    26 words
  • 88 24 LONDON. Thurs—Britons drank 1.131 million gallons Ol beer la the highest peacetime total lor about :>0 years The chairman ol the Brewers' Bodety, Mr. DP. Croaaman. said today tlie Inerea c over lutii was 27 million gallons, 'represetitliiß an extra dozen ajMBM
    88 words
  • 266 24 l ONDON I marfctt i clo-ed iUghtly liMiiPi IHo initial K. Jan- vary Ura* maintained, and near the Anal i^ll the FT index wai up 2 i U) 4'M I. Leading Indtutrlali .■..veil. I lundi ended \ei\ am (jolu !ihh «cip quiet. Closing Mini. i-leited H uu I'ldnm
    266 words
  • 65 24 LONDON. Thurs—Spot 22s.d.. Maun 23 id.. April 32 id.. May 21 13 16d April June 22 13 lKd., July Sept 22 1116 d., Oct Dec. 22 -d Jan March 224 d April/ June 22"» d.. July Sept HI 16d.. Oct D<"<' 22' id. Jun Mares) 223 16<i April June
    65 words
  • 32 24 LONDON. Tl'.u:- Buyers £1377 i £1> sellers £1378 lUiuliKCi). Forward buyers £1376' i it- I sellers £U77 (-£2). Settlement £1383 I £9). Turnover a.m. 530 tons. p.m. 40 tons. Tone: Quiet.
    32 words
  • 292 24 Indonesia may postpone joint spelling system JAKARTA. Thurs. The Government today appeared to be abiding by demands for the postponement of the introduction of the new IndonesianMalaysian joint spelling system Education Minister Mr Ma -hull told reporters i thai th <• Government would not force the i" troductlon ol the
    Reuter  -  292 words
  • 462 24 Hopes in London that firms will heed Lee's call LONDON, Thursday HOPE uas expressed in the lluus«" "I (ominous last night that British lirnis would follow up Uie call of Singapore Premier Mr. LM Kuan Yew for more British investment in the Republic. Mrs. <i«>neth l»unwoodv. Parliam«\ Seereiary al the
    462 words
  • 5 24 afrcwl
    5 words
  • 7 24 ki ai i n
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
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    • 85 24 This Chinese __^r A New Year r^?^ Q AVOID fP HANGOVERS >#Xi L TAKE GURONSAN The Clucoronic Acid in CURONSAN has a detoxicative effect on alcohol in the blood and is therefore ideal for the treatment of hangovers. CURONSAN also regulates and promotes the action of vitamins. Available in tablets
      85 words

  • 452 25 Prospects of closer ties with Japan Envoy Em (HI Japanese Ambassador to *iiiKapiire. Mr. K. Voshida, has Pjf d ««i Ms Governments determination to intensify its C o<>|)er.tti..n- with the Republic for mutual benefit He regarded the establishment of the Prototype 1 reduction and Training entre as one of the
    452 words
  • 514 25  - Technical centre to aid engineering, metal industries Soh Tiang Keng DR. GOH FOR OPENING CEREMONY TODAY By HKill produttivity and technolu^ical progress are the twin objectives of the Prototype Production and Training Centre which will be opened this afternoon by the Finance Minister, Dr. (loh Kenjr Swee. The Governments of
    514 words
  • 42 25 A |jp;incsc expert. Mr. K AkjoKi. on right, imtructs a student in liol md die dvMKning »t the Prototype Production jnd Tr nnm S Centre. The t(rvic«i or 12 technical cipctti jra provided by Hi* Jtpjnaia C*v«rani«nt.
    42 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 65 25 CONG R A TULA TIONS AM) BEST WISHES TO THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BOARD on the occasion of the official opening of THEIR PROTOTYPE PRODUCTION AND TRAINING CENTRE. V VS m M g^gß bbL N %J I .a- '<-, »^g« 1 nw'tJJ HB *Slglgßßßß> I jgagUy^sSJ 4""' 9bt\-rm,^B^F£3t£iL From: SOON HIN
      65 words
      124 words

  • 78 26 Above: View of the Economic Development Board* River Valley complex in which the Prototype Production and Training Centre is located. The centre was set up to give engineering services and to provide production training. Left: Teachers undergoing training in turning and fitting in the new
    78 words
  • 665 26 Latest machines ensure skill and efficiency UP-TO-DATE machinery and equipment to ensure lii^h efficient*}! and Mipenor production know how have been install t'<i in (Ik- Prototype Production and Training Centre. It is partitioned into sections, Tins centra has two design sections These are thp tool and die desiyn and machine
    665 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 238 26 Congratulations to THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BOARD on the official opening of their PROTOTYPE PRODUCTION TRAINING CENTRE BY THE HON. DR. GOH KENG SWEE. from:— MR. TAY SENG CHUAN CELBUILDINGS LTD., CELCUTTERS LTD., Plot 29, Tallin H ilt Close. Singapore 3. KIAN LAM COMPANY 134 Amoy Street. Singapore I. Fel: *****.
      238 words
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  • 39 27 A machine shop expert, on right, instructs I a worker on the use of a horizontal boring machine. Courses at the Prototype Production and Training Centre prepare trainees for the age of technology.
    39 words
  • 340 27 gpi COURSES conducted at the Prototype Production and Training Centre prepare trained foi tbc age oi science and technology. it provider training under actual product.on condition.- for technicians, vocational institute graduates, vocational and school leavers and skilled workers from industries The centra conducts full-time
    340 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 134 27 Congratulations to THE E.D.8.0n the official opening of PROTOTYPE PRODUCTION AND TRAINING CENTRE deckel! jArS D S S PRECISION MACHINE TOOLS BACKED BY OVER 60 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE Universal Engraving Copy Milling Machine v hß^ SS vt S \s m 1Ol SCeA^ts, C.MELCHERS CO. ENG.NEER.NG SINGAPOKt KUALA LUMPUR NATIONAL BOLTS
      134 words
    • 198 27 Congratulations to The Economic Development Board on the official opening of their Prototype Production Training Centre at River Valley Road, Singapore by the Hon. Minister for Finance Dr. Goh Keng Swee. A Mitsubishi Shoji Kaisha, Ltd., Incorporated in Jci .o'' Singapore Branch: NANYANG BUILDING. 63, Robin n Road, Singapore I.
      198 words

  • 341 28 THE machinery ot the Engineering Industries Development Agency la geared to v irdj achieving modernisation and technological pro The Prototype Production and Training Centre is set up within this agency of the Economic Development Board Established in April lust year, the agency is
    341 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 254 28 Congratulations it Best Wishes tv ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BOARD vii the occasion <<i the official opeuim their PROTOTYPE PRODUCTION TRAINING CENTRE From BRITISH THOHNTOR LTD. MANCHESTER ENGLAND. Manufacturers of Thornton Slid? Rule. Drawing Instruments, Equipment Educational Furniture. ,\< d Th TAN KWANG SENG <Sc CO., 504 Kong Hco Bldo, Gccrcc Sttect.
      254 words
    • 91 28 In o n corroding 'W~-, i Jft unpliitic i cfl PkC |A_^ T^^l ill lL piptifiiriNss V"2 Congratulations to ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BOARD on the official opening, oj their Prototype Production Training Centre From: fTtHllui^ SfKISUI MALAYSIA COHP*NT UNITED |>USTKSJ »■«»>» «.>.. .i. v,«,.,,. t M t tt. «»o«. Trough. Fens.
      91 words
    • 331 28 Congratulations Or Best Wishes to THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BOARD on the occasion of the officiol opening of their PROTOTYPE PRODUCTION TRAINING CENTRE LIFE RECORD INDUSTRIES (Private) LTD. Lot 8, Lorong Tukong Lima, Jurong Industrial Estate, Singapore. Tel: *****/ z:iiiiiiiic]iiiiiiiiiiiic]iiiiiiiiiiiic]iiiiiiiiiiiic]iiMiiiiiiiic]Miii.iiiiiic:iiiiiiiiiiiic]iiiiMie j| Congratulations Best Wi I ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BOARD j on the
      331 words