The Straits Times, 12 February 1969

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 25 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 175,000 The Straits Times 111 fmssm Estd. 1845 WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 12. 1969 15 CENTS K.O.N. 3104 M.C. (P) No. 0723
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  • 271 1 THAI POLLS Govt party leads after early shocks BANGKOK. Tuet rpHE Government United Thai People's Party has overtaken the Opposition Democrat Party in the general election. The Opposition had scored a laiid.->lidi' victory in Bangkok and nuighbourrhonburl. result* from outlying province, trickled Into Bangkok, ollicial reports snki ve:i people three
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  • 339 1 Police fire on attackers BOMBAY, Tuesday POLICE opened fire when they were attacked by a mob in central Bombay today as violence erupted again after three days of bloody riots in which 37 people have died. Large areas of the tense city are under curfew for the third day because
    Reuter  -  339 words
  • 498 1  - Chap-ji-ki ring graft probe in Spore ABUL FAZIL: By SINGAPORE Tuesday SEVERAL polirr officers are under investigation by the Corrupt Practices Investigations Bureau for allegitl involvement in the imilli million dollar cnap-ji-ki lolUmy This follows a bi<^ crackdown on the racket two months ago resulting in the arrest of 14
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  • 254 1 INDIRA'S PARTY TAKES EARLY POLLS LEAD NEW DELHI. Tuesday PRIME Minister Indira's Congress Party was leading in India's most populous Uttar Pradesh State as the second days counting began today in the four-state elections. It won 130 ul 260 seats declared lor the 425Bi< mber State A>>embly The landlord dominated
    Agencies  -  254 words
  • 61 1 TAIPEH. Tues. The Foreign Ministry today denied a chant made by Tengku Abdul Rahman that Malaysian student v In Taiwan were main' to swear i loyalty to the Chiang Kal-sl-Vk Government. A Foreign Ministry spokesman made this denial when asked to comment on the Prime Minister's chLirge
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 113 1 'I'lli hu« I battleship New Jersey blasted Vietcong bunkers for the first time in a month, sending smoke .mil debris 1.000 feet into the air. a I.S. Navy spokesman said today. The .Vi.OOt-ton vessel, frrsh from a trip to Japan, obliterated a Eiierill.i position 1!) miles south
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  • 69 1 Two Reds killed on border 4 I.OK Sl\K. Tues Thai polite *hot dead tun < ommunKt terrorists in the near Wen. on th- Kelantan Thai border, yesterday. A report inn* here today said a Thai police p.iri\ encountered the croup of bandits while patrollinc in the area, and
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  • 72 1 SAN BRUNO i California >. Ti^ Three passengers were killed and at 18 Injured yaaiardaj when a 50 f; length of pipe «is accidentally rammed through a crowded train going to San Francisco The 81n. diameter pipe hit the double-decker train just behind
    AP  -  72 words
  • 38 1 SINOAPORE. TUM —Full diplomatic relations at rmba>M Irvrl will br rstal>:>hed tomorrow beHwn Turkey and Smgapoie. The flr>,t Turkish Ambassador to Singapore will be Mr Hayri Anil, who is pre.semly Turkey! Ambassador to Thailand.
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  • 48 1 AUCKLAND. Tues. A man who has had hiccoughs for more than two weeks advertised for a cure In a newspaper today and was deluged with telephone calls. Now he Just wants to be left alone "to suffer In peace His name Mr. APC Hicks Reuter.
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 33 1 MANILA. Tues A two--12-natlon conference of the Council of Governors of Central Banks from South-east Asia, New Zealand and Australia ended todnv The delegate* dlscuswri economic conditions in their countries.
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  • 187 1 Police: Take a closer look at your fifties 1/ UA L A LUMPUR. 1Y Tues. Police here today warned the public to "take ;t closer look" at their Singapore $50 notes. RKASOV: A forged note was detected yesterday by one of the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation officials here. it
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  • 51 1 MNGAPORh Tuei I he Vim Mil today announced :hr formation al Cadrt Corpa— ai graUon of a: my. air and police cade: The Ed*i. llnister. Mr Oi.k Pang Boun will be »ible for the corpi l Defeiue Minister Mi Lin Kirn San will be itaponitbla lor
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  • 272 1 Tariq Ali: I may go back f ONDON. T U Pakistani student loader Tariq Ali said last nighi he would seriously consider returning home and risk a Jail sent I Invited by fell< dents. lowed i Rawalpii student leadei him tv return to i and loin theli movemi WORTH RISK
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  • 6 1 inpr with and Rfutrr
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 95 1 WWBUBTWM Sale -J "1 1 I l\ Service fu^BcHONG I VaS BrlllSe g?l g7#»*riaf%Bsl S'W* ELEWTIwN Tel: *****/2. 1 (mSn) I ONE ATTRACTIVE 1 GOLD RIMMED GLASS 1 FREEIW WITH EVERY CASE OF /JLUBCiSBMjt I Orange f nn rr Crush y* ORANGE L i)s£^2<* CRUSH WTTWrffTm lion 3TOnaaWg ST|LL o
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    • 466 2 Europe arms race can increase war risk: Healey r pHK Defence Minister. Mr. Denis Healey, warned last night that an individual arms race by countries of Europt I would massively increase the chances of war with the Soviet Union. Answering question* an a BBC television news programme, the H: :^ter
      Reuter  -  466 words
    • 252 2 'Man attacked girl, 7, in hateful crime of lust'— court told STAFFORD (England). Tuesday. AN engineer, arrested after Britain's bl«gestever manhunt, was tried yesterday for the sex-murder of a seven-year-old girl. Tlie prosecution said Raymond Leslie MorTls 29. killed Christine Darby, whose b<>dy was found dumped in a pine forest
      Reuter  -  252 words
    • 71 2 MOSCOW. Tue« —Hungarian Communist Party leader Janot Kadar yesterday ended a fourcav vtnit to the Soviet Union that Included meetings with Soviet party chief Leonid Brethnev and Premier Alexel Koavgln A \aguel> -worded Taw report laeued after Mr. Kadar departure said he and the Soviet leaders
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    • 187 2 Borman ill, may have to fly home yilK lUI.IK I lies American .islron.iut Fraak R»rnian i:il>ovei. taken ill uith a stomach upset mi his arri\al here. MM last nu-ht r\amine<i b» docto.s ir\m s to deridr uhrther he should rontinuc his htirnpean loui o r fl> back to the I
      Reuter  -  187 words
    • 41 2 HAI IK».X r.,i Turs A mother and a* children rtifd »hrn their hnme :n .--üburban Sp:vflrld vfJtPTday De«d an M" U DrysdtV 29. and h<r children rangint n s^e fr .m one to nine \e»rs AP
      AP  -  41 words
    • 325 2 OTTAWA, Tups. External Affaln Minister, Mr. Mitchell Sharp, said yesterday he had Instructed his Embassy in Stockholm to launch negotiations towards an exchange of diplomats with Communist China. •'Our Embassy In Btocki- bppn instruct Pd to Be' In touch w:th th«
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    • 160 3 NEW YORK, Tu«*day T«HIS picture of New x York's Second Avenue, near 45th Street, looking north, shows more pedestrians than cars an unusual scene after a blizzard had dumped about 15 inches of snow In a 28-hour period. Airports
      UPI  -  160 words
    • 116 3 JOSE SEEKS PROTECTION FROM HIS PET JAGUAR (\\R\( AS. Tues. Ani--111.11 loxer Jose Tover lih.s askril the police for protection. He s;i. I he feared a '■nil) jaguar which escaped its i,i;f was looking for him "to seek re\enqe. "It u.tnts to attack me li i-.iy-r I aii'i <'onr<l
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    • 28 3 MADRID Tues. Three worker? were killed and six seriously Injured when a tank of acetylene gas exploded at s shipbuilding plant In Bilbao yesterday— AP.
      AP  -  28 words
    • 194 3 'Xiii Smith and ministers' plot trial verdict today CALISBURY. Tue-s. C The six-day trial of the Rev. Ndatanlngi aoif. Rhodesiun African nationalist leader, for plottu.^ Urn Msasaination ot Premier lan Smith and two Caoinet ministers ended yesterday. Judgment will be given tomorrow. Branded by the prosecution as a liar and
      Reuter  -  194 words
    • 99 3 BOLOGNA T v An opponent of thr WanM Pact Invasion of Czectu Imukia was given a standim: ovation yesterday »v the Italian CommunM Party oontwai denwwlntti its dl.siipproMil of UM runts of last August Mr. Pioi;i> bigrao k tiery lefiwingri m the part] executive,
      Reuter  -  99 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 207 2 occtiAiotvf J^^tL FOOD COLOURS yf\/\ A j£k/ nßnp a iiv <oi e CONTROL :SW§W Now you can be sure of mixing the colour you want exactly FOR AGAR-AGAR,CAKES, CANDIES, COLOURED ICING, ALL OCCASIONS REQUIRING SAFE, EDIBLE BEAUTIFUL COLOURS. Sole Agents HOLLAND-ASIA TRADING CO. LTD., 127, Cecil Street, Singapore 1. maciicicin
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    • 165 2 With 6 4 12 volts electro -compressors marine units also available I AVAILABLE FROM W MoloylH Soyfk Auto C» lp.t. J*. H.d 53 B«lfi«id Str»»t i P "h. P»»ok. Ayf« AccoM»n*f TI,, tkttm—tin Houm J 1 £Z 'J.°~' lpoh P#fOk t 10 P^u Rood k L t M«1« y ..0
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 145 3 The U.S.A. We give it to you HJL straight BfpHBS |^B^r Ueta^ G y° u straight across the Pacific by the shortest route. We're the straightest. We're the fastest. ■mmmmP From Malaysia, there are frequent flights ,s>•■: which connect at Hong Kong with our daily ■HBKBHHv nonstop to Tokyo. We're
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    • 244 3 THE ONLY LUXURY CRUISES IN SINGAPORE FOR THE TOURSST! FOR THE SINGAPOREAN! HAH.V > hours Harbour Tour at ;>n m na 40u p.m. from Clifford I DAILY 3 hours S'HiUirrri I-.;.uiiiN 1 iur Speelallj arrai clubs, Assor (i parties at iml Educational Recursion* ol 'hp harbour, southern md ihc Juroiiß
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  • 94 4 Tourists can jet-hop to Bali from October CINGAPORr:. lues Singapore tourists t*M jet -bop to Bali in lev. than three hours from October this year. Using its new Boring ISI JeU. Malaysia-Singaporr Airlines will start direi t services to the famed "Isle of Gods" from that date. The Singapore-Bali flight,
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  • 50 4 SINGAPORE Tues. A fhemui trade mia&ion Irom India, repre.sfniing pharmaceuticala, ebSßSteal ard soap manufacturers. Will arrive here tomorrow lor a tliree-day viett They will look into UM :tiea of exporting more of their products to Sineapore and the se;ting up of .Mini venture* with .ocal bu&ine&smen.
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  • 444 4 CHECK ON 'PIRACY' OF LOCAL BOOKS AND PUBLICATIONS THE Copyright Bill 1969, to protect the works of Malay- i sian writers, composers and artists and to check ''piracy" of local books and publications, was passed in the Dewan Ra'ayat today. The Minister of I Commerce
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  • 188 4 Sabah a nature lover's paradise says UN expert KO T A KINABALU. Tues. Sabah was today described as a nature lover's tourist paradise. This ;i. M-ssment came from I a UN expm on tourism, I Dr. J.M. Torbar, who .spent three days her* i .-tudying the tourist potential. In an
    188 words
  • 42 4 SINGAPORE liifs Mr. Kce has beea rrpl»ce.ran. who Is now in the At-Icmey-Oeiieral'a nfflce. 38. the former Fourth District Judge, is no newcomer to th<* coroners court. H:? flnrt legal arirxnntmer.t was us an a*i sustant enron-r in 19«2.
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  • 857 4 CINGAPORE. Tues. The University of Singap<irr today announc-cj thp results i f the first, second and third year examinations fnr the degree of Bachelor <>{ Laws held h?re la.«t month The foltowing r»rdi.l i(c« have paved thr .irst >rar examination Abdul At\t bin Mohd Yatim.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 394 4 Widest range of cars of any make to be assembled in Malaysia I Five models and styles to choose from —one for every taste and budget I From its radiator grille to its 13cu. ft. boot, the Fiat 1 100R Voted "Car of the Year" the first year it was
      394 words

  • 284 5  - Police tell of fingerprint that could not be traced CLF.MENT MESENAS MURDER IN RED-LIGHT AREA By Tan King Moi operated In De»ker Read Singapore's notorious red-light area giving loans to gambles from a den. Last May. Tan, 52. was found stabbed to death there. A trail of blood led to
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  • 177 5 'Tengku does not doubt loyalty of Malaysian Indians' Xl M A II MPI K. Tues. Ten K ku Abdul Rahm.wi. din's not cluiibt the loyaltj <i| M^laysiins of Indian oii^in. his politi<il .md I'ress seerrtarj, Yap Chin Kwee, said today. Mr. Yap Chin Kwee. ment: " who are loyal
    Bernama  -  177 words
  • 27 5 SINOAPORB I Tinb^n on nracracken h;trd t'T Nn Year h iieen lifted for Man :i 3 Ch^p Chih Meh thr la] ol :hf Clnnc
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  • 214 5 Judgment put off in $36,500 insurance claim IPOH. Tues.— Mr. Jus- tlce Chang in the High Court here today rewired judgment on a $30,500 claim against the South British Insurance Company. Madam Sin Kek Yeow sued the company for the amount being damages aiiri costs awarded her in a civil
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  • 301 5 NINE IN FOOTBALL POOLS CASE ARE BOUND OVER IPOH. Tues. A woman and eight men, who pleaded guilty to summons charges of sending football pool entries abroad, were bound over in SlOO each for six months. No lunviction^ were recorded against them. "I feel It Is only fair that the
    301 words
  • 44 5 PI :.\\G Tiirv Tllf Pt- nanc TOCA iilv this ye.n Rul .iiiti ii.:: I taM UN i.lo ln>m the Organising Srcreury. Mr. Nsa Hock Bins. r o Penang PMCA. 211 M*rAltster Ro;,d. Penailß 'T"l. *****). Entries close on Mafth 10
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  • 12 5 i nw in <i. :nr bus
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  • 25 5 iron ni i M.-.s Wune Kiev LU and Mr i .lilrtl lh« h.iv beU-.'.r Mr JtMllcc C Dg in High Cnun to-
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 154 5 Allraelire, $H\ I n lodale A Subtly rfs Styled (\ajy Dresses Lfedf Bodyline fit and M W? imaginative detailing I JL» A Custom made dress ■■^_'K^ m even within 24 hourb^^T^^ Why not Lj n. make your next dress From j V^ l«.[s i a 1 SAKE ttllll J TJ
      154 words
    • 82 5 JASJENNESSY& SONS Read between the lines of this statement and you'll see HAVE THE LARGEST why Hennessy VSOP Reserve Cognac is the top-seller in Singapore OLDEST RESERVES and Malaysia: Because the Hennessys have more brandy aging OFAGED COGNAC in wood, they can put older brandy into every bottle. They do.
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
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  • 234 6  - A leader shot by ex-PC, court is told By LIM JIT MENG A COMMUNITY leader. Tan Teck Hock. told I preliminary inquiry today thai he drove to a friend's house, will) a luilk't in his Imhly. seconds idler being shot by ;i former police constable. Tan, who Is chairman of
    234 words
  • 272 6 centre In Jalan Eunos, with Kwpi "I notlcd thrrp nifii walking towards my car from Chan«J Road but Immediately altpr pas.^MM of them *udappeared bc.sidp me and a.skrd Wbal I was dvItU thCl< "I replied r Mat it »■».> mir nwn >fl«lr This asarp.-.sHr
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  • 28 6 BINOAPORE. Tues N»nyang University will present n eonrert by the Madrigal Sinners from the University of the Philippines tomorrow at S pm at UN university auditorium
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 288 6 singaporeVrmed "forces saddle club presents A GRAND FILM PREMIERE UNDER THF. DISTINGUISHED PATRONAGE OF THE MSTER FOR SOCIAL AFFAIRS. INCHE OTHMAN BIN WOK Bj in aid of the SPORTS PROMOTION FUND I At LIDO-TOMORROW 9.15 P.M. Admission Rates: Si. $5. $IO ft Donations CKT BBBttaa THICOHMANOtR H«omo,e a madman Of
      288 words
    • 194 6 Crackers: SPCA appeal BINGAFOBC TMa, lln |aaM| |at Prr\Piition or (rurlty to Animals tod.iy <tp|u-alrri to thr puhlir "to kcrp all inini.iN M far as possiblr indoors uhiNt Im "orks and crackan arr liritiß Irt off during thr hinesr Ni w 'Vcar irlclirations THE GRANDEST CHINESE NEW YEAR SHOW EVER
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    • 25 6 Air tond.i.ontd TOD-T 1.41, 4, A f.lO p.m iriong Kion ling F«no T.»r V»h. "TMI SWORDSMAN OF 'aIL SWORDSMfN" OS CotorKWH Wi'h tnol.vh S. .Hs
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    • 486 6 :shaw": aj Oranii •f.iM"" mTr-yi^roiD 1 Todo. Tomorrow On, 1 I I on. I 45, 4 Or, n M >. IS V -«r V "SYMPHONY (or o M*,i.Cßt'BJ Tomorro. M 9 ISp^ h Bof Ine Snort ProaMfrO* Fund Li SEASON FROM f RIO vY BJ The BCVKI FRICAV B| -va^^Hw—
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 151 6 Today's ETV programme Tuday's educHtmnHl TV on ChainiPl 8 a a g follows 7.J0 ».m.-8.10 a.m.. General wiener Ser 2: Reflection hi id relrucllon; 8.30-8.511. Geography (Ch >. See 1. Climate and temperature; 9.03-9.25. Mathematics. See 1: Geometrical patterns ».45-la.«s. English, second lanKiiafe. Sec. 2: The biscuit Jactory; 10.i.-.-ii.n.-,. Nutlonal
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  • 601 7  -  HERBERT TEO Sally Thomson died while riding pillion, court told By SINGAPORE, Tuesday. I OCAL pop singer Anura Simon, better known as Simon Junior, 21. appeared in court today on a fatal accident charge in volving I In- death of Sally t»ra> Thomson,
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  • 120 7 Cycle trade denies stockpiling SINGAPORE. Tue.v—Stngapon bicycle dealers today denied that they had at any time stockpiled imported bicycles. They were referring to a Straits Times report quoting a spokesman of Malaysia Asso. elated Industries Ltd—Singapore* only bicycle factor)— as savin: that dealers- stockpiles im hurting the local blcvcle Industry
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  • 115 7 SINGAPORE. Tue i gulcl- Uing sertudents. wi o c decide on course* ems. _'1-L'B. during hours, tie the three unmerce. I dividual advice to students i.'ivif. could be obtained fl im t!ir I depart tiii:it ur from .senior tafl members rVppUcatbMM lor ailini-lun
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  • 92 7 SINGAPORE. T.iev Two top Ameiuan bwumncc executives due here on Feb 19 are Mr. Ronald M Hubbs and Mr F. Arthin M;ive-. chairman and presideii respec. i\Hv n; AFIA one ol the largest worldwide insurance underHTlterv wiih oi>ein more tlian 80 countries Duriiii: their lour-dav
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  • 181 7 PREVENTIVE MEASURES AGAINST CHOLERA SIN(,APORK Tucs 715--year old labourer from I iwniln Mir:'t has died of (liolrr.i. the Hralth Ministry diM'loM'd today. Kut it added that thrre was no dancer of an epidemic spread of th. disease. I'hf death tin Sunday uas cmlv a east of a "sporadic niithri.ik and
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 156 7 HOTELWISE, WE'VE A HEAD FOR HEIGHTS... THE HEIGHT OF COMFORT AND THE HEIGHT OF ECONOMY yo-i're stopp r>q Book m M the Lion City Hotel. It's all Every bedroom has a lavsh bathroon- tttached. V^ There are phones, sound »y»t«m^. vdll- .> to-wall carpels, meticulous seivtce. b. t /HK..IA/ cocl<trt!
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    • 391 7 yv3^^^ i. (Him:si. m;\\ veak '^^^iJC W 3-* lnite club I w v THE SWINGINGIIST Mffi SPOT IN TOWN with 3 TOP SHOWBANOS from the PHILIPPINES RAY FABIE THE KINGSMF.N in NON STOP MUSIC from INDONESIA AIDA THE HIT-TOPPERS ±1 from SINGAPORE THE H.H. TANN ORCHESTRA tfillffet&* HiDH tut
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  • 118 8 I POII. lues nun 1 "paid" fur .i -lll.iiiii Mercede* Bens mini- bus wan .i li.uil: draft for -ii imiii wlinh ni later rl^honoured. police lure tad ay. Mr I. in. Ah Tee. DWMf of I 1 1 1 1 Kiolhris Co
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  • 21 8 I-... mil m Mi Chuna I I OoiMßia- Piliui bJi "i roilino inniiv iii.iuiii: on Feb ■>
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  • 359 8  - Brains trust to work for Penang progress OH KEE TIANG: By THK State Government today set up a brains trust" to advise planners of Penang'i future economic development. "We must marshal our efforts wisely," the Chief Minister, Tan Sri Wong Pow Nco, said at tin rust meeting of the State's
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  • 153 8 Aussie to advise Malaysia on trade U I \l 1,1 MIM It lues Mr. Kll Hm.s i.ilxkii. mi mi, hr.iU uf Ule k u^t .1 ii.i II IKM .imnu-* .niii-r ierrlca in C'anoerr.i. is here uith his w.fe lo takp up his I new pwl .is trade aovUei to the
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  • 21 8 SlN(i.\l-()Hh i Barepi '^-.r I rir tbc Rppublir ihe» indnv t'lul r-la> ;,:i i.. i inlnrauM
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  • 47 8 BUSOAH i'!f I inn Erx Zt 22 in< n T SI- BWBthl tnriajr '.i<T r Mini a hi ker Sob vYhk K'.'hii x.v>9 in a ill: in I 1 p *<- Straei v rrh h. ißoiher Mhn vk is irm«l »itli daggw
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  • 239 8 Car firm chief tells of happy ties with workers OINGAPORE, Tues. A happy lubourmanaßement relationship has enabled Cycle and Carriage Co. (Industries) Ltd. to roll out more cars from its assembly plant in Bukit Tiniah. 'Wo havr beaut II vi working arrangrment with the union," >a.rl thr firm chairman. Mr.
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  • 38 8 IPOH IMi oper lim Bn Kre 30 tt tht H f'-'iienrlrn' R^i 'i n\fr ir» R Slirrburn n•Ticrd him to tarn '^ii tv be roll •ti by rt'-r-lwrcp !rrm thr \r:nr Thr vntenr? candrmatkm
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  • 330 8 /'ERTAIN special features. associated with incpntivcs Smgaporr Is pjcoviding to develop Its economy, are contained in an agreement to avoid double taxation signed by Singapore and Australia in Can- ijerra today A Singapore Government statement said special treatment would be arTorded to
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 535 8 WT¥Ttf»lTiOH[Y? \bbß^^"^ 3 V»»Y ,^b»«^S^Bß> PRESSUtE CONI»OL^^t r^^B lET PRESTIGE' HELP TO PAY YOUR Flfct BILLS Sivc un CO t 1 ree quarters on your electricity or gas bill by using a PRESTioE pn ss.-e cooker. You cm cook so easily in less than a quitter of the usuil pots
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    • 153 8 Every modern home needs rancjo s^ svX Lines |V CL Th» Supai Modd, fm»st ol H,IH rang* of Rotan C>oth«i Lin«t. is available in four conv»ni»nt tun An • wind ng m*chamsm eMonl«s<lv itisn \h» immhigh .ntothdbcatj* Th« cat "foldiwty" handle inclu«>» a rotating grip lor kindness to wathday hand*.
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  • 119 9 f A chance to rub shoulders with the L VlPt— If UA L A LUMPUR. iV Tiics. a.ssuran 'ii today that there would be no distinction In treat -mem between VlPs and the nian-in-the-street attending the National Solidarity Week dinner at the Stadium Negara on Friday. Tlip chai r m
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  • 356 9 Flats collapse inquirey seeks public views THE Commission of Inquiry into the collapse of the four-storey building at Jalan Raja Laut today asked the public to submit memoranda recommending measures to avoid a recurrence of the tragedy. In a statement, the Comn said the memoranda could cover part or whu>
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  • 19 9 SINGAPOKr: I M The Dog Control l.nit la*t year de>: roved 16-451 strays. It licensed 20.072 d<x{-v
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  • 295 9 Why Govt intervened in Malayan Banking affairs Tun Tan THE Minister of Finance, Tun Tan Siew Sin, said today that the Government intervened in the I affairs of the Malayan Banking Berhad because it was essential that the bank's management continue to command public confidence. He added that he had
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  • 142 9 PACK UP AND TRAVEL TIP FROM CANADIAN UNDERGRAD SINGAPORE. Tues -Canadian undergrad Dan Ko. wel has this tip for jobless University of Singapore students pack your kit ba K and trek round the world. After stepping ashore \esterday from the P and O liner Arcadia, he said: "You will oe
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  • 30 9 ALOR SI AH. Tup; Inol Millie I;<i" 55 w:is fatnllv muirpri veMrTi'ay when shr «v kn'irkPri riimn hv nMtONcyclilt •t Bakfti Bit** ncxr th# O»n ml HonpitAl hrrr
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  • 421 9  - Swede strikes jackpot for Singapore R. CHANDRAN $200 MO, INVASION 9 BY EUROPE TYCOONS j B> gINGAPORE, Tues. European industrialists plan to open up about 50 factories, involving some $200 million, in Singapore within the next five years. The man who has struck this big industrial jackpot for Singapore, is
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  • 125 9 3 firms to do West Malaysia off-shore mining L'UALA LUMPUR Tues. Government has agreed to give off-shore mining riunfs to three companies In three zones in the west coast of West Malaysia, the Dewan Ra'ayat was 1 told today. The M nis?er of Lnnds .-nd Mm I! Abdul Rahmnn Ya'acrh
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 107 9 South Pacific Jade Natural Precious Stone Beautiful Colour See for yourself at all Jewellery Shops Singapore, West Malaysia Sabah "TSUI YUK" a Superb and Natural Precioul Stone with I rronilucency, great depth ot WJ^W^^j^ j colour and mony other distm juiihrd featurci. Itt precmon cut cabochoni in ovol. round, M
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    • 79 9 GUARANTEED MM EobV a] LK'i' *M am. /0M %> SHOCKPROOF -DUSTPROOF-WATERPROOF ANTI-MAGNETIC SHATTERPROOF GLASS UNOREAKARLE MAINSPRING More people buyTIMEX than any other watch in the world Know how many people buy TIMEX watches? 20,000,000 in 1968! Why? Because every TIMEX watch has a written unconditional guarantee-for a whole year. 75
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  • 286 10  -  OW WEI MEI A BOOST FOR STORE HIGHER TECHNICAL EDUCATION B, EXPERT TO SET UP POPULAR SCIENCE CENTRE SINGAPORE, Tues. Higher Uvhnic;il education in Singapore is to receive ;ni impetus of more than $1 1 million in Unesco aid to begin in January next year or earlier.
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  • 78 10 Places for 4,000 more pupils SINCiAPOHL. TllHk A ground-breaking rrrrmony for two schools in Toa nyob will bt- perlormed by tIM ar>a' lIP. Mr. Eric Cheong Yuen Cbee on Thursday at 4 p.m. To be completed More the end of the year. I P. >i Ching and Pi I Chun
    78 words
  • 160 10 Sim.U'oki tan. Tin- Superintt-ndt-nt-in-<hirf of the St John Ambul.tmr (Niirsmi;, Brigade, Marjacfe, »nn t«ss <■( Brecknock. tod:i> paid tribute to President Yu^of for his .i(ti\r interrst in thr organisation. She s.t,<l "The President lias (I., tie a lot fur us and we thank him lor l<s
    160 words
  • 273 10 SINGAPORE. Tues Preliminary work has begun on a new multi-million -dollar amusement centre on a 5A acre site at Kallang Park. This "fun wonderland" is due to open on July 1 to coincide with the grand celebrations of the 150 th anniversary of Singapore.
    273 words
  • 111 10 $175 FOR 'NEVER-LATE' WORKER SINGAPORE. Tue.s Factory worker. Madam Loh Teck Hour. 47. has Just added another year to her proud record of service with Union Carbide Singapore Ltd. in Bukit Timah. for the past eight .successive years, she ha.s never been late tor work not even a minute And
    111 words
  • 247 10 UK TRAVEL AGENTS ON STUDY TOUR SINGAPORE, Tues The travel-cons-cious British public are to be wooed into visiting Singapore although the distance might be too far for some of them. This Is the opinion of Coventry Street tr.iv 1 agent. Mis> Nicky MePherson I
    247 words
  • 79 10 MM.APOKr:. lues. Two people shared the tirst prise of SIOOOOO in the last T*te draw. Sincapure Tools announced today. l..«ih Mill Ret S.'iV.UOO lor getting five numbers r lit The second prize of 5 20.000 has also hern won by someone uith four plus
    79 words
  • 53 10 $250,000 building for PPD laboratory S. c diagnostic unit t'roductioi. ment'a veterli tor. hai moved it. 1 million doli tarn in Kamp iif I t Fo_>d and Agn licattd mi Mil M RVEI I d t.'Ul Ol .11 I,* 1 I XPCRIMI S I 8 anlmaj d:-ea-»« problem, m.d »l>\
    53 words
  • 43 10 SINGAPORE, rues Volunteers are needed to sum Rapore Children s Society on Feb. 22. Tho-" Interacted should contan Mi Franca Yap. lei ***** i after ofßce hotir^> or Mr. Bers ofßcea. Tel Sll^fi.' ibciweei; P am. and 4 3n v in >
    43 words
  • 15 10 SINCM :.i« is holdlarr.'.vnl from Feb 28 ny community cen'ies !r. the Hiea.
    15 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 163 10 only BOAC can offer you 10 flights 'weekly to Europe from Singapore just name the day Monday 8A793 VCIO leaves 8.00 a.m. Monday 8A713 707 leaves 9.10 p.m. Tuesday 8A789 VCIO leaves 8.00 a.m. Tuesday 8A715 707 leaves 8.35 p.m. Wednesday 8A797 VCIO leaves 7.30 p.m. Thursday 8A719 707 leaves
      163 words
    • 168 10 i^ Thf Naviiimer chriliaa xctmoo I i n ju; ihnind^rjph. Thr Navicimir n in f\'riordiujr> math CTtawd hv me SpeculMb, BKIIT--1 IVi 1- II I pfrtc»:;\ in .-.h in it* pmnjrv tiin.tions '.if. M R i the tune in hour» minutet and KiomK). B.' 1 i; ji>o bai 1
      168 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous

  • 1023 11  -  LYNDON JOHNSON D Day 3 of the story The biggest battle he fought outside Vietnam was inside America itself. ***** That one terrible word contains bo much that is wrong in our society tne hatred, the divisiveness, the prejudice, the cold indifference. And now another ugly word
    1,023 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 100 11 it's marvellous the difference Milo makes Champions choose Milo to give them vigorous health and boundless energy. To restore and sustain the stamina they need #^t^^ gggflgggA^ggggggggggggV^gg*^Jgw^'^L^k to compete in the most gruelling tests V M P^Mb cf strength, skill and speed. So give your ji gggJ»PP^^^^^ family champion treatment
      100 words

  • She Straits limes
    • 549 12 Mid-term elections in four I states are likely to I very much more than the relatively simple matter i inch party commands the greatest number of They are an embarrasaing inheritance from the general election in 1967 when i.'l \.'ars of uninterrupted power m finally in sis
      549 words
    • 459 12 i V lye Ye«ii heavy emphasis on agricultural development, about a quarter of total publu nvestßMoi being earmarked tor this tartar. This rrt ol resources allocation hat been followed ■i -ly in the first tin, wars ot the plan and is rnntliwari in this year's development i-Mirr.ates.
      459 words
  • 1481 12  - THE MUDA SCHEME THE engineers are moving out of Muda. One by one the Britons, the Japanese, the Swedes and the Australians who have been working on the biggest project Malaysia has ever seen are packing their bags and heading for home, their jobs completed. In a couple of months'
    1,481 words
  • Letters
    • 94 12 Military wastage at Port Dickson rHERE are two military camps behind Cape Rachado. occupying half a mile of priceless beach and 190 acres, worth at least $10 million. They contain no permanent buildings, only timber huts which could be moved elsewhere. This year large sums are to be spent huildinp
      94 words
    • 252 12 rE M'hijol terms this have b i c n changed bo that the :hird term will end on Nov. 13 Instead of the usual first week In December. Ibche Khir Johari said that thli change was made .so that teachers taking the B.C. or H.«C
      252 words
    • 108 12 A notice in the press recently stated that the roadway at the level crossing at 24*% milestone Alor Star/Sunget Patanl trunk road will be closed between 12 midnight and 6 a.m. on two occasions on Nov. 27 and 28 nights. Unless this notice is intended to
      108 words
  • 266 12 There are great hopes and also problems A report by two Japanese anthropologists en conditions in a Kedah kampong published recently In FAM.V.s Ri'vuw of Agricultural Economics, paints a still mure vivid picture of dJatnea: "The soil, which has a high humus contant, is of a black-grey colour and Is
    266 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 13 12 Kggji asanaP^^^ 71VtX^S_^| B 1 iaCmW/ IM HA J^^ Mm a J #sfl
      13 words
    • 72 12 i ewme New veaz f I BARGAINS t I LAST 1 FEW DAYS j^W JyW WSS' TROUSERS I SHORTS $2.80 $4.20 IMPORTED LADIES' PANTIES r« o ••SCOUNT ON ALL $1.50 $2.00 COPTICS AND Dresses, Blouses, Tops, perfumes Skirts, Lingerie, Pyjamas, „c p c. a,**) Etc, Etc ORN TODAY I EVERY
      72 words

  • 269 13  -  LEE FOO SAN: 'ILL SLASH YOUR BABY' THREAT By J^ YOUNG mother, playing with her 127-month-old son in an upstairs room of their bungalow in Tambun Drive here yesterday afternoon, was terrified into giving all tho $."5,460 cash and jewellery she had to a stranger.
    269 words
  • 156 13 SINGAPORE, Tues. One of the most famous moustaches in show business went for an airing alonu busy Orchard Road tod. The owner was trying to remai.i unrecognised as he ambled along sightseeing. Bui with a fa famous as Junmy Edwards' and a moustache
    156 words
  • 78 13 Work pass system to begin soon VVMUk 14 .MPIK. Turs The Minister of I..'!»onr Mr. V. Mann k natfam, told ihr tawaa I i .nil i.u1.1% the (.o\erninrnt would implrnxni thr uiirk permit >vstem mod for foreigners in Mal.iw.i In rrply to question h\ in ll.' liah
    78 words
  • 18 13 BINOAPORS. lues. Four valued at $800, were s'.o> i, :i n. godown ln Boat Qj.ij yesu-rday.
    18 words
  • 148 13 USs2.Bm Asian Bank loan for FLDA MANILA, Tues. The Asian Der- elopment Bank haa approved a US$2.B (sti.4) million loan to Malaysia to finance the foreign exchange outlay on the tirst two stages of two palm oil mills in Pahang. A bank announcement said tbc loan to the Federal Land
    Reuter  -  148 words
  • 118 13 PNANG. Tues. -A fiveman delegation irom the joint Chamu'.rs today told the StaU; Uiurmment of the anxiety of Penang traders over the dclav m implementing IU r mendations to improve trade with Irmi,i. The delegation, led by Mr. Sam Ah Chow, met the
    118 words
  • 27 13 PEN ASO I ne- The Assistant M'nMw of Culture. Youth and Sports Dato Engku Moliseln. will ,irri\e here on Feb. IB (or a twu-duy visit.
    27 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 111 13 Sz -^^J^L A la^feaßßHraK i 'cognac set' Specially for Chinese New Year Jules aJfflfßlii Robin present you with (Ma beeutiful decanter w*MJS&-*. and two Cognac glasses with -ivery purchase of 3PBfirgt''l the^r VS OP Cognac A handsome gift packed in rich v red velvet —at the usual price 4 jrfaa^B^B^a»»»Bfa»BW
      111 words
    • 185 13 aBBBBBBBBBBBBaH IbW JBL W 9^ BBBBBBb| Enfoy life 1 Join the happy active P s7^ -Zl— -bbbbb% people who enjoy gcod health j^ I and general well being. Pinkettes »r-J ya provide a gentle laxative action p^af &a to ensure the regularity that is w*i esiential to a healthy, active
      185 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 761 13 TV MALAYSIA (HWMLS Kuaia Luin- Fuolbail. 7.35 Thr Nrw p n» m a, ih and .S.imurai-The SiolPn Pace; ■a ■■»..< a, ju.iuir ..^n v S. a M Np«.s In Mandarin I*. ■•4MB] i. Balu ralMt oia £*xn Azman— Popular Klu-..i O.M.V g^y, 835 The 5.U0 FT •"<•"■» gliom and Mr*
      761 words

  • 180 14 General Manager appointed MR. JAMES PATON. M.8.E., left for England on his retirement, at the end of January, after serving over twenty years with James Warren Co. Ltd. In India. Pakistan and Malaysia. The last eight and a half years he was Director and General Manager of the company's branches
    180 words
  • 369 14  - Malaysia's first fully integrated sugar industry STEPHEN BOEY By rjl'LA Perak HIkI., ;i company fornMd lo develop Malaysia's firri fully integrated sugar industry, ironi cane cuKivatioo to the finished product ready lor the table is now in phase one of its tnree-phased |36 million development and production programme in ihe
    369 words
  • 179 14 MX IMU. I > MJtton (abmr ha> rect-nlls liitii .ipiimiilrcl regional muii.ici*! tir I I I in. .ii il<- Transport \rirn>). Sincaptirc <m the transl.i .if Mr (.illi.ri Sarly to *u«Ul:inil \>w Zenland Mr Sutton "in- has had IS years' experience with I'TA. was formerly Ihe
    179 words
  • 110 14 Another hotel project "put Imperial Holel Oroup la currently eiiKiKed In anolher $4.. million total project Tin Gn.up has recently founded mi associate company. Rfj.i.r; I'.ptel Ltd lo operate a tir>t claw hotel h rporatra la.M year with an authnriM-d capital of $5 million Etogcnc) Hnt»l ltd has Ihr development
    110 words
  • 375 14 'IMII Medical I- acuity of 1 the I'imcrsity of Singapore has taken deliver; of Siny. i pore's first KlecIron Microscope The new instrument, a moilel 11 -sS manufactured in J.c p. ui In the ciant electric company. Hitachi Ltd will proMtle HiI- acuity with a powerful
    375 words
  • 102 14 MX GEORGE CHUNO, r 'Lilei ot Oversf;i-A-.xuruiice. said he wa.s very ,i <-<i wi'h 'lie new bust- production in 1968. it was a record It rpacli.-d $12 million, compared with 19<; ing an Increa c ol 40 p< r err. Penang ana ntrifr branclip.-; all had contributed
    102 words
  • 25 14 A batch used I- d as p< livereci to thi Tran^poit I). Malay Kualm The vi bled BUI 1 r ltO .came
    25 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 378 14 South Chiaa fßjrmiiifl fust H»Ag Kong's Leading English Daily Newspaper ORDERS MAY BE PLACED WITH J*or»c«n fir Sons (Malaysia) Ltd., 74 Orchard Road. Singapore 9, Tel: ***** 18 Battery Road. Singapore 1. Tel: ***** Airport Book Stall, Pmm Lebar Airport, Singapore tt, Tel: ***** V. UtißlHiam Co., m-M. Jalan Kayu.
      378 words
    • 49 14 sß»^3»^L •sf-fW* 1 L^Lt *v iBB f W mm^ i J m^^^^^^~ L> l^^i \Mimwf *\m" tmittm W I;" HI I all' Bfl JlmSmm i^^^Eir^ Sly j^m\ I mmm^ km waiVa! JWMf Ask for the thoroughbred Scotch Sole DisUibuton lor Sa«|*poi« tad V a*| Malayaia Cold Storage (Malaysia) Ltd
      49 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 474 15 »«v«i I■ I taiCaJ Aaaa! ~i \M Irl-fiai H .v fUIIUHS. SUCtTINtS. IN MtMODItM. MtMltCfS. MISSINC. PIRSONSL, PP C. lIIUIEMS t HUNIINS. I »Jte Mis, mum Ms fit 21 owls, tick ilo.tiMjl otil J1 M I til Climtiet a«.tit.>rr».sti Mititiura sj si itr M ...a, I '^'■■^'^'■■■^■^BaaaaaaaaaaSjßaaaaaaaaxajafjßajaxa^ißaaßßaa, »'.*fj I«I
      474 words
    • 670 15 VOUNC EKCLISH SPEAKINC Ho*- Hit) Kr^tauiaut ror lease tall personally at 7» Kukit limah. NSBJ Steak House. v R I V c R CU M -Peon with hum mum ■m.i. an r.'iunrd Pi'Hse send aeasas uf testimonials and parsport photograph to PO Box: '.-vol. i it,,, VOUNC MEN. 1 S
      670 words
    • 989 15 B NCII ANN TECHNICAL COLLICI mutes applications tor the posts 01 <-lerk and typlat Knowledge of Chinese [inferred. Applications muat reacb tne Principal before 16th rabruary. l»«u APPLICANTS ARE INVITID 101 (2) Typist Genera I Clerk. (3) Accounts Clerk Pleaae apply with full parti eulart. aalarv expeited and one photograph
      989 words
    • 811 15 SALE RENT fULLY FURNISHtU nrdiuuma detached nungalovt on oi m.a. bukit T.mab Koad. Area n-ij*. Sir. Uui Mliv 18 pore) altei p. in EXECUTIVE TYPE Bungaloo Prankel tstate 3 oedrooma 2 oathrooma large hall, excellent entertainment 8.000 sq ft. Freehold StO.uoo 0.n.0 Phone Spore *****1. AN IDYLLIC SETTINC by
      811 words
    • 1009 15 SHOPS TO LET CROUNU FLOOR WO a., It. a Loronk Untverelty B. Petaling Jaya. Phont Mrs. Helen Tan Port Swelttnnam SlO.l. f ~~sTo7s wanted WANTID TO BUY RENT Shophoutt. Ii 3 nulls Hum K 1. Town. Apply ».th particulars to Kox AJJ7I 5.1.. 8 pore I tTition j M.S.L ukNbdsi
      1,009 words
    • 717 15 j FURNITURE ROSIWOOO FURNIIURB, Arl» anu Crafta Visit Singapore Woodcrait 110—112 Orchard Road. Singapore B. Tel V 4 741 ADRIAN'S for Cane rurnuure ot diatir.ction IZS River Valley Koad. Singapore aWTI CANI FURNITURE tpeclally for! hotela and home Lee v\ah V. Caveatgh Road S'porr mta. CANI FURNITURE Manufat turrd iKnock-downi
      717 words
    • 811 15 REC. ISSS MORRIS UM a th com prt-hensiv t: insurance and road tax II Barn M7SH) OPIL KAOITT 4- OR Salnna tWM net-. Ins rax J4 lii H i.. 4 I I'heraon Koad. (next BP. station). tiss F cortina. 0 KaaW V 411 lttßl K BunO 4». 2ion Road. B'
      811 words
    • 486 15 WHY P*r MORE- OUT nice are -apes- ft'lltlata Waikie T:llk:r> |„,m Ss.s Bnterßf •'> »s U i str.f' if part HAND IN SIX H- nt >oui- Itnela to your reta irr and aal a free tin at faoulotia He;n7. snip »n» fnvour. Au tor d' Inui H. n/ Sonia
      486 words

  • 97 16 /ENGAKUREN students attack riot police with iron pipes and staves on the roof of a Kwansei Ciakuin University building in Nishinomiya, Western Japan, on Monday. They held out against the police for 30 hours In their protest against the university's entrance examination. In
    97 words
  • 229 16 Parliament I to probe Budget leak mystery LONDON. Tuesday than divulut' hia :in'In Parliament last night hr euargfd that the proposed 11-man inquiry eont in.!;;',' >ix Labour". rr.t mtxT.-. would be miKht attcii:?' 1 i Rejection ■MTi!rto# ■ne on a So- •■haii :ic:r lirirtlnßs abr^d. duriiiK f">e I and
    229 words
  • 29 16 US $8,9990 mil. aid to India V to India !hr VM I ■:inounced Thr Includes U554.825 million wiTth of food grain and I minion in development loans- Reuier.
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 288 16 Straits Times Crosswords I I Bh IBj 1 Xffl IHp I BOM 11. rish Ellxs roukrd goes to 7. Against many groteaque Qu- doctor and writer .7.4). plays iSi 1S Was Quick to uke Nlrk <ap I. Some poetry about lat* *cc»n- SP: trie artist >9> 14 Wrinkles of u«e
      288 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1055 17 '0 uvEIPdOL IND OTHEP UK CONTINtNTIL POITS r/p&s, an I LOSSES lia 11 «J?JS" HPI/FMII t l .'*L. v F;> II Frl II 22 FM IS r.nSL »rl 11 »S 14 '"HJON FM 11 Fel II Ftl 12 1 MM 1 Ft* 22 Ft* IS Fll 11 21 s Frl
      1,055 words
    • 1127 17 I TH£ E A hl//V£S J aaaßaVJ THE. EAST ASIATIC COMPANY Lid Incorporated in Denmark EXPRESS SAILINGS TO GENOA/NORTH CONTINENT/SCANDINAVIA f. Sham Henang Sport ht<w» foam H'burg ««'Hus Cniiw Blllli ii FM 18/21 FM 12/21 Mar 24 Mar M Mm II An I SUMIAWA I) FM 21/21 FM 21/ Ii
      1,127 words
    • 1217 17 EXPRESS SERVICE TO LONDON, LIVERPOOL a CONTINENTAL PORTS BENVORLICH jj* g Simipori P S-ham PMBH »«*<"l ll PI F.I 1B F.i 17 1) BEN ARTY Im London Mirn Hitntwi Mar M Siniipon P Shim Pirunf Brtmtn Aar I 'M 17/ IB IntMn A*r II Sln|>(Kir| P. SIM Ptntat lENALLICIN i
      1,217 words
    • 1246 17 f— WORLDWIDE CARRIERS LTD. I lrlJI-^^ For. Los Angclet, Houston, New Orleans, Charleston. l^jn^f New York, New London. l^^^^^^"*l (olio acctpting cargo tor other Gult and Atlantic I ports, subject to inducement) S'pcre P Vhflin Fenong LA GRANDE AIETO 16/18 Feb 19/20 Feb Omit* JAG RAHAT 8/10 Mor 4/ 7
      1,246 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 1133 18 •^■■■M a^R>iaaaa«aBBBBBaBBBC VI KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. Western Australia/ Singapore/ Japan Service Frtmantlt Siniapon Yokkaicrit/Nagoya Y'hama Root "Itifiia Mart" 11 21 Frt 4 Mar/tenet 11 Mar 12 Mar II Mtr Won Africa i Singapore/ Japan Service A"gc'a S ngapca Mafoya T'hamj KoM "Tsantliaa Man- Oait> 21/22 Mai MMm II Mai
      1,133 words
    • 852 18 I^ >^ i^ ■aaßanaa_^—^ I HBBBBJBBB>BHMB>JPMMM^HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMHJHMMMMMajaBBMMMMMUHH MtlMUl HEW lUUHO StUVICI INOII PAKISTIN INO HI UH HMH 10: tUSTRIIi*. NEW HIIIKD It Nat»>" Mllris Fir. l»c» l»tt. D««t. Will Ptnani v.n Jn P (■>,,. <: M'UtV 15 21 Fft 21 FH 2J Ftl Perun| Pih^m stara Mnlk t/l) Mn ll Mir
      852 words
      801 words
    • 931 18 PENANG PORT COMMISSION TENDERS THAI II MI'W.IM.M. ROYAL AFJS fRAUAN thinrsr Nr» r*t lloll(ia% rnnr-t: Kth jnd IKth F.bruarv. I!)b9 AIK I OKI t NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN i,.,. ue s BlVtUd for till Lhat blup.s will be worked on the Ml p,,iv ci[ out thousand pound! above hollda><>. Order
      931 words

  • 369 19 'I" toUowlng UM ol selected Malaysian luuuhtnai yltlda it. n^piase K rr>«^ fiividenrt yield S per cfnt Kb p»r cent) lags virld »A per cent (8.9 per cent) M\ I'ricr; lit im.drnd Virld Urn. prt cnH; t» fart, ten \.rld ICrtjMl; -l( u mr < mfrr a.
    369 words
  • 27 19 RUBBER AND TIN CLOSING PRICES Ken 11 RIBBER PRICK: fi:«i rent* (down a quarter of a cent). TIN PRICK: $578.75 (unchanged). Kstimated nrTerlni 315 tons up tuns).
    27 words
  • 243 19 ptBRl AHV Iv-i (ride rubber 1 f.o.b. buyer* rinsed at "> p.m. in SiniKpore and Kuala I.umpur yenterday at fi^'^ cent» per 11. down a quarter nf a rent on Mondar'a closing level. The tone iri> quirt. R.A.R. and M.X.1.. >lo«lii( BMasS In cent* per
    243 words
  • 228 19 Mining shares ease in Melbourne MELBOLHNh lues \f ININU.- eased and most !•>«- ders nhoupd nv"lpi»te lobms New B.H. »«s down 40 cent* $1!> W Kmhiranrr. In m !»•<• rail 1 AnUJied II up at $8 50 arri da> lem at $7.10 Jn oil» Ampol F.spl dropped 25 cents al
    228 words
  • 313 19 I RITY ANNOUNCID THI MINTS FOR Fit 12 UT. Vimvi Mamin* S/1, Hrnvor lien V. II I*. Pruidrn' Hiding IK. Uku tUr; No. II IVMMW ?T L'« «JO« •unk.-r, Uk m M»la>it* Kortiin* ib anil smarted 47. IN: 100 la. kUtrak I 1 Nikkou Maru ft.
    313 words
  • 439 19 Tin price is static on firm all-round support THK straii.s tin price was X unchanged again ypslerday at $578.75 in Penaiiß on an offering estimated up 5 tons to 215 tons. The market was reported firm on good all-round support. In London on Monday afternoon the 3 months' forward buyers'
    439 words
  • 87 19 (•MINIS* PrMini t.rninil. finV- asajßM, nawl alanni iiiim Mr ■«ul yiatarday. IVi aMMM. aaavai m**-i n ou> mi/ Mai l K (i.m Ult B. Pap«*r: afuntnh varnita (115 aaMM, far»»*k <•>•■■ |I IS| •»u»ra. .i^i.a. »ar.«.« Mack «-T| »>Uara. «.r..,« Ijiih<iii» haik JD.'i ariirra tall w««v awia siuti
    87 words
  • 51 19 In London on Monday Malaran I per rent c f UK in blu« June wa» unquoted Hong Kong rates qN irir iraa aiahanaa markal in O a Oalla« ouoia'l «.lo T.T in-1 A UMI'S for iaih Starling qunirn *l 14 Vt aim ana taal at gam ai 111
    51 words
  • 529 19 V.TOCK tXCHANOI OP MALAyiia I AND IINO*K)«I KID AND OfHK PRICII OFFICIALLY LItTIO AT THE CLOU OF ■UtlNtlK ACM* l.\-/ 2.44 nointo Bfrn.rt I 11 Boii'»»1 2.34 ««l C. luatia < m C.f M oiilt I.M l.tO l\ I Huiriinga V.V, ».*A D.H 1.70 1.11 Dmuoi. «.M (.TI
    529 words
  • 1435 19 fHE SUn-k Exctiange of Malaysia and Singapore openpd easier yesterday on profit taking and some nervous liquidation with reluctant buyers about in the speculative stocks Later, however, encouraged by tho steadiness of the blue chips buyers came back Into the market more forcefully and
    1,435 words
  • 1200 19 DiaINCM IN AMI 1:1 I Ml: 1 I. r TO THK SINI.APDKK \M> Xl ALA 1.1 MFI R IKMHNi. KCIOM^ itt THI MIMK IN (ll\s..i M-ni:ir\, WITH rill Nl MHIIi <•! KHMtEM I KADI 11 SHOWN l\ HKA( KM >> IN LOTS O» I '"Hi I Nl.r v»
    1,200 words
  • 126 19 THI A»«iii>t..n a| n M lairiia-tmaaaara man* mtm rhan^** in r«(f.« to marcbanta yaatrrday i'h» (ollowing ratta ar« ti«im 1.1 ihr rqu^alcnl of ont unit of forrign t ajafajaaj Uii'lM ItatM: Kuvin* I aim. ail OD H I v" 1 -1 M.W779 rrMn 11. n>. StMS* trart. Naal
    126 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 291 19 ANNOUNCEMENT From Ist February 1969 M/s. A. Clouet Cr Co. (X.L) Sdn. Berhad Of Malaysia and M/s. A. Clouet Co. Pte. Ltd of Singapore are no longer Sole Agents for our TACAM' Louvre Windows and other j products. For further enquiries and orders please contact us at the following addresses:
      291 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 1068 20 151 H fc^^™^™J it ontiniird from I'agr IS) DRESSES/DRESSMAKING VOCUE PATTERNS UI I■" »M<il .1 Kimil IVI. I Don LADIES. l>o you know Mail BM ni ,lr»-- of your t»»lr Ht Ihr t» ot -Hiloiinn' si V»ihi VUfhl I I.rpartmrn- I TAILOmNS tO MANY PEOPLE IBajM SUII thinkini; of n.»K
      1,068 words
    • 775 20 MAJLIS BANDARAN TELUK ANSON PERMOHONAN2 ada-iah (11--i pelawa daripada Waißa Neuara Peisekuluan bngt memenrhi jana- I tan KETUA MERINYU KESIHATAN AWAM Pemohon'2 hendak-lah sampal hart jadi-nya yang ke-33 taliun. Taniw* RHJI: $652x24-700. dltamhah dengan elaun belanja hldup menttikut pembayaran Kerajaan. Mass Perchobaan: Satu tahun. Kelavakan: ROYAL SOCIETY OF HEALTH DIPLOMA
      775 words
    • 858 20 I'M IN I K B 160 1 3 PERBADANAN MEMAJUKAN IKTISAD NEGERJ TRENGGANU. KENYATAAN TAWARAN iMenm* di-Peiabat PerlwtUr.^n McnMiukan Iku.sdu ,-inu di-Bangunan Pejabat Setia U.saha Kerairtwn Kuaia Trengcanu lanlntfa pukul I3.<M tmnali hari. 20hi> Februari. 1969 daiipacla Pcml»ronif2 yiiim l>erpenßelHman dalam kerjaj ainKhaj Uenebaat untok menjalankai] ketjtl bagaimanit di-bawHli mi
      858 words
    • 697 20 BY ORDER OF THE COMPTROLLER OF PROPERTY TAX (Under Section 35 lit <b>— Property Tax Ordinance No. 72 of 1960). AUCTION SALE OF I.;md situate off Kampong Buels off Kalian* Road, area 2.722 square feet. Statutory Land Grant. To be held at Our sales-room No. 104 Maiket Street. on Friday.
      697 words
    • 712 20 NOTICE The public is hereby Informed thai Mr. Tai Chee Kum has ceased employment with us as from FebI bruary 4. 1969 and is therefore not authorised to conduct any business or collect any monies on our behalf as from "date thereof. TAN CHONO SONS MOTOR CO. ISDN) BHD., Kuala
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    • 675 20 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PENANG MALAYSIA INVITATION K»K I* ll6 QUALIFICATION Contractors are Invited to present their pw-qii«Jlflc*Uon urn umen'-i for parlk-tpal ion in the constxur--1 tion of the civil eiuineenns worns of the River Muria Water Scheme n Province Wellcsley. Penang Separate tender s will be invited after April 1969
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 1050 21 GROWTH OPPORTUNITIES ELECTRONICS MANUFACTURING An American firm who is a world leatlei in the elrrtromcN components field will soon be establishing, a new factory in the Toa Pavoh area. To staff his new facility, we must locate within the local community a group of experienced professional peopli- upon which we
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    • 299 21 STAR OF BRUNEI VACANCY FOR SENIOR LABORATORY TECHNICIAN APPLICATIONS are invited to fill a vacancy for Senior Laboratory Technician In the Public Works Department < Water Section*. Brunei Ml AI.IFICATIONS AND I \l I KlrM i Candidates must possess tbe OeneraJ Certificate of Edcatlon or Its equivalent and nave undergone
      299 words
    • 471 21 3g£ BE ELEGANT THIS CHINESE NEW YEAR^ and at all tlmes T wear a pair of. SUNGLASSES MODEURIGI AVAILABLE IN WHITE W!M 4PINKGOLDFILLED FRAMES KM LEADING OPTICIANS Have you been to THE GREATER EMPORIUM LTD. at Alexandra Road, Singapore 3 (Opposite 8.M.H.) CHINA PRODUCTS CENTRE There are many goods in
      471 words

    • 693 22  -  EPSOM JEEP liv JTX-JOCKEY Vincent Chong makes his debut as a trainer at the Kuala Lumpur meeting which begins on .Monday. ChoiiK has entered three horses, Pharoah's Ambit ion. Pleasant Vista and Surveyor, all owned by Kuala Lumpur surveyor Khoo Soo Guan. Pharoah's Ambition went
      693 words
    • 329 22 Sydney. Tues.—Brilliant Australian batsman Dour Walters m doubt for the vilal Knth Test against the West Indies following a la.ll at his home. Walters fell backwards down .-oim steps at his llat at Parramatta. an outrr suburb 01 Sydney, on Suiulav n.ght. He hurt
      Reuter  -  329 words
    • 112 22 SYDNEY. Tues. Rain washed oul a one-day match between the umrlng Went Indies cnoketers and a Northwest and Far Northwest XI at Ounnedali. 276 mUes north of here, lotfay. The towtatl drove from here to Ounnedali in can lan night after refusing to board a pi.
      112 words
    • 117 22 16 TEAMS IN CUP Q-FINALS DRAW LONIX)N Tur.- I an 'Hi' -n iKstinv 1■: UM EUigl- f Cap T I lt> tifth i.iun<! I tiUuy lur Hie tO CO •ie scheduled rotM I R..mes |aat Baturdajr "«re postponod beand ice. The dr.iw for the quartcrtx" pUved on Mxr 1: Man.'flrid
      117 words
    • 19 22 Amhonv rhong «on the ?t Francis biatltutton «nnual open fnv-in- eh pi>nship at the SFI Hj.ll. Malacca.
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    • 287 22  - No problem with visas for PI golfers Yong MAN SOUR KAHMAN Bj PHILIPPINE yolfers who are to compete in tht Malaysia Open In Kuala Lumpur next month should have no difficulty in getting visas to enter Malaysia Vnicent Yums. secretary of the Royal Belangor Golf f'hib and a member of
      287 words
    • 351 22 IITLE-holdor Jal a 1 Deran, will meet strong oppo.M'.ion In the three-day North Malaysian Golf ciuunpionship at the I Lane. Ipoh. course starting on Sunday. Among his rivals U Z;'i--1 il Abidin b Yum. it. the 1967 champion Other strong contender! are I Avyaroo.
      351 words
    • 65 22 Player stabbed to death Mexico cm ima An umdpntitif d spi i v^n "n 1 the Held durina a »occer match here on Sundaj and s abo f 0 cie.ili and i senousiv mounded two Then other spectators nushed In an d durine ttM bramble the killer «k-ap*d Police have
      65 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
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  • Page 22 Miscellaneous
    • 66 22 KHrk Irarif #f < hvstvr iinwid Y*€\>\- TAKE OPF ATIRM "NjBE TIMED POR "PLEASANT j I suNOfcv. I've reserved' rx^ z ?t!. WEATHeR P^a *5 -J^Br^^Mß^B^Esiß^a^^^^ y fc^ m^^^ m f^^^^ AT MV FACTORY, SUNDAV/1 AH! YOU PfROOT/ "~NO~"^^I THE TEMPERATURE WILL J OXERCIN CONTRARY >^ MAST' r TOVMHATTHC I
      66 words

    • 1000 23  - QUIT OR FIGHT ON? Olympic question for the small nations: JT is perhaps not at all surprising after the Olympics Gum at Mexico ity last October Malaysia will soon make a serious reassessment of thenattitude towards Olympic participation. Mr. Khaw Kai Boh\ s Chef-dc-Mis-sions report on the Mexican celebration
      AP  -  1,000 words
    • 165 23 BOXING BAM \M Ml lull I (London* Johnny Clark ißr< bt Olan C»rlo cent* iPn ref 6th rd CRICKET ISTtK-GOVT. UEPT. <Tan»h Rata): Pcrak Police bt NEB Jcr by 3 runs; Police 174 iKerpal 79. S. Kanagasinßim 45. Tanga\rlu 4-30 1. NEB 136 iP. V. Sinuam 47. Kerpal 3
      165 words
    • 116 23 TAN SRI Sheikh Ahmad the Besar I I -nrrrr >»:n for the "wonderful Improvement tk"v had made. Ppeaklne at n ltmrh pary p\rn by S mpn tn hono'.ir of the Perils Imai, Tan 6r! Sheikh Ahmad said: "Ten v- la \xere aorrer 'unknowns' They lo>-t
      116 words
    • 83 23 rpHE Singapore Chin Woo X Athletic AaaoetoUOß win ■*.ge a Variety show on Feb 19 In aid of the National Stadium Fund The show, under the patronage of the Mtnlst-r lor Social Affairs Inche Othman Wok will b« at the Badminton Stadium In Cuiliemard Road Ani"ti(j
      83 words
    • 146 23 LONDON. lues.— Ol>mpi< gold tnrdalUsl Joe Ueakin celebrated his 90th birthday recently with a brUk iun mrrou Tooting Bee ominnn In South London. Mr. Deakin. winner of tht three-mile team rare in the 1908 (i.imii-s in I iimliiti relumrd ttn »erkl> runs ilt'r a sit-nerk
      146 words
    • 130 23 SCC XI TO TRAVEL FOR M-CUP GAME rpHE Slnsapor* CrU ie'. Club'a X soccer team will travel to Bangkok to defend the 1 1 Cup again"! Royal Bangkok Sports Club on Sunday RCC won 9-1 In the Inaugural match In Slngapi :t la-t year for the trophy dor, red by
      130 words
    • 255 23 Boon Bee, Gunalan clear Ist round MANILA. Tues. Ng Boon Bre and P. Gunulan of Malaysia won their men's doubles first round match in the Asian badminton c h a m pionships hero last ni 1 pinej The i. li mad* a surpn.sf wlthtlniwal from tho double."; Indonesian offlclala said
      255 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 130 23 EXCELLENT COMBINATION!!! FRIGIKING and MAZDA 1500 or 1200 why?;? in FRIGIKING SPECIAL You retain the lockable glove compartment and the parcel shelf below. Nothing is lost Small but highly efficient compressor ond evaporator gives maximum cooling to match the New Mazdas and their excellent reputation Centrally installed Frigiking gives full
      130 words
    • 139 23 B Wa^ ?<£»/ H 1 Sa^lamL H a^^ OLk\ H \tV TrY,. v M I fW mm g- N What a world the Saint lives in! m_^^ i 1 ioH [r*^' '^wmSßk a re:s m elegant, with unusually attractive dialr. W j*r UilSf jfcjpt automatic watches, which includes the Seven
      139 words
  • Page 23 Miscellaneous

  • 18 24 Headmistress, Tamil Srhool. Kluang ay on 11 2 M Kun,:,il on 12. 2. W at 4 p.m.
    18 words
  • 456 24 Insurance for 150,000 employees Five-town coverage Aiom. than 150,--ooi) workers in Bye ma i<»r towns in Wesl Malaysia will hr the iirst to benefit from the employment injury insurdnce scheme provided under the Employees Social Security Bill. This was announced by the Minister of Labour, Mr. V. Ifanlckava.sauam, when he
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  • 216 24  - TRAVELLING HARD WAY— BY CHOICE R. CHANDRAN By SINGAPORE, Tuesday SPEEDY jots would have whisked them to their destinations within hours— and free of charge. But. member- of the British armed force, appear to have developed a pawkWl for travelling the rugged W.IY Within the next ten daw. four officers
    216 words
  • 112 24 MKI.BOI KNK. lues. The driver of tin- >\d-nry-to-Melbournr passrnftr express "Southern Aurora" ■i i of a heart attack before the train collided with a fr. i K ht train, an oflirial in\rs|i- it ion revealed Ninr people died in th< head-on
    112 words
  • 53 24 MADRAS Tues OlflM OJal binuli hM norn in the DM l.itini Nadu iMudrasi Stale Cio\rrnment. which Is headed by Mi Muthiivel Kurunamdhi Mr Karun.inidhi «v eietud Iradrr of 'hr ruling DiMMrU Munnetra Kazhagam iDMKi Part' i«o days ago In KUcces-i"n to Mr. C.N. Annadurai. who died
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 28 24 JAKARTA. Tues— Police have arrested several organisers of a Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca on charges of embezzling about L.SS2 million from the pllgnnu, It was announced.
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  • 147 24 Berlin blockade: Nixon backs challenge KEYBISCAYNE (Florida), Tues.—President Nixon gave his full support yesterday to a Blk Thrco declaration challenging East Germany's decision to impose travel restrictions on land routes to West Berlin. Presidential Press Secretary Mr. Ronald Zieg)Cf relayed Mr. Ktxoa'i reaction at a Press conference at the Florida
    147 words
  • 298 24 LONDON STOCKS, RUBBER and TIN LONDON. Tue.s. The market dosed on a hesitant note alter a iiuhily nrmer Mart. The F.T. Uidex towards the close was down 0 6 It 493 4. At 10.30 a.m. It had .shown a guln of 1.2. Leading Industrials were quietly mixed. British funds were
    298 words
  • 62 24 LONDON. Tues— Spot 22 7,1*1.. March 22',d.. April 22 9 16d., May 22l>»d., AprtlJune 22 sd. July Sept 22 -d, Oct Dec. 22 7 16d., Jan March 22:l«d April June 22 5 ltkl, July Sept 22',d. Oct Drc 22 3 16d Jan March 22'sd. April June T: 116 d
    62 words
  • 29 24 LONDON. Tues.—Buyers £1307'- £2'j 1. nrllttrs £1371 £2). Forward buyers £1369 I—f'i>.1—f'i>. sellers £1370 1-441), Settlement ***** 1 £1> Turnover am. 320 ton*, p.m. 140 tons Tone: Steady.
    29 words
  • 326 24 China's part detected in anti-Ayub riots DACCA. Tues The invisible but nevertheless apparent hand of oin miinist (Inn. i has b-.-cn detected in attempts to i out i no i mli (iovernnient unresl in Pakistan, diplomatic sources disclosed t<p(l.i\ Thr sources said thr (bin ese Com mini isls who havr
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  • 66 24 'CENTENARY' CARGO FOR AMERICA SINCiAHORE. Tue shipload "i ■•centenary" cargd Crora Singapore will leave ft r America inmnrrow aboard the Norwegian ship Pernbn The rimistnii timber, pepper and slupi>rd to Amciica since Sintk became Ijo The departure of the Fenibnnjk will tlao coincldt «ith tlie of t lie founding of
    66 words
  • 32 24 SLNGAPORE Tues A nine-lecture course on < 1 law. organised by the Unlvtr--1 tttf of Sini:.. m I I sMiriies department w'.ll h'u 24 at the new lectur* theatre No 3
    32 words
  • 146 24 SINGAPORE. Tue.v The Educntlon Hinttttf. Mr. 1 On!? Pang Boon, tonight .-a:d that Singaporeans In I'iuking back on their 150--jreai history should pick out the best feature* and pre.->erve them for the luture Speaking at the launching I of the book. 150
    146 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 86 24 Late CLASSIFIEDS 1 20 word 1 $20 00 POM VEOH: CHINC HOI. ><<.ond •or of in l.r.n Nn law and Blrw Lan. third daughter of Mr Mr.. Yroh Kh<nx n. mi ih< marrlatic rttntry. Trmrrlun on VITAMIN W\ Jt; IN SECONDS nil J^ M II I I THE
      86 words
    • 112 24 y^Sm—~ Now 's your chance to c CptCVN^ buy the best goods ranging from delicious foodstuffs to beautiful T furnishings for Ca^ J o Chinese New Year Z. M %J at GREAT SAVINGS. O ft C/flfl f Get your share of Robinson's "ang pow surprise" today! Look for the red
      112 words